#and something that would fit with the supposed M rating
magicstar16 · 1 year
High guardian spice rewrite: The Transgender scene
(Inside Caraway’s office, we Professor Caraway sitting at his desk, with Rosemary sitting across from him, looking slightly downtrodden)
Caraway: So, I heard you’ve been having some trouble in class?
Rosemary: Yeah… am I gonna get kicked out?
Caraway: No, of course not! It’s your first day, I wouldn’t kick someone out just because they’re struggling, what gave you that idea?
Rosemary:… The triad. Specifically the old one
Caraway: (Under his breath, slightly annoyed) oh, of course she did.
Rosemary: I mean, im supposed to be the Daughter of THE Lavender! If I can’t even pass where she excelled, then…
Caraway: Rosemary, look at me.
(Rosemary looks up at Caraway)
Caraway: You’re not perfect. And that’s okay.
Rosemary: but-
Caraway: Your mom wasn’t perfect either. Besides the bar isn’t as high as you think it is. Would you like to hear the story about how she almost accidentally killed me?
Rosemary: (Shocked, with her Pigtails puffing up in distress) She WHAT?!
Caraway: Don’t worry it’s not as bad as you think it is.
(Rosemary relaxes a little, but keeps her focus onto Caraway)
Caraway: Okay, so for context, do you know what “Transgender” means?
Rosemary: uhhhhh, I think I do? It’s where you feel like you’re the opposite gender your born with, right?
Caraway: that’s a basic way to put it yes.
Rosemary: But what does that have to do with my mom almost killing you?
Caraway: I’m getting to that. So here’s what happened…
(We fade into a flashback with Lavender and mid- transition Caraway, as High Guardian Academy students. caraway is looking over a long list of spells, almost all of them are crossed out).
Caraway: (Voiceover) It was when I was still transitioning, since this was before transformation magic started being applied for body modification and not shapeshifting.
(We see young Caraway casting some sort of spell near his chest, with Lavender watching intently. Caraway’s wand starts glowing. Lavender and caraway start looking hopeful)
Caraway: (voiceover) Lavender and I were trying to see if I could use a spell to get rid of my breasts.
(We see a burst of magic flame on the wand, Lavender and Caraway jump back and panic, while the wand spazzes out, shooting out sparks like an unstable sparkler).
Caraway: (Voiceover) However, nothing seemed to work.
(Young caraway gets up, frustratedly brushes himself off, and crosses out the last spell on the list. He sighs, Lavender goes over and puts her hand on his shoulder for comfort).
Caraway: (voiceover) I was so close to giving up, I thought the body I always wanted would always just be out of reach. That id have to stay in such uncomfortable skin forever.
(Lavender perks up. She grabs Caraway by the arm and excitedly drags him away from the magic materials)
Caraway: (Voiceover) but then your mom got an idea.
(We cut to young Caraway lying down half naked in a field, although he’s censored because showing a half naked 14 year old is creepy. He’s lying next to some bandages. We also see Lavender sharpening her sword, eager to carry out her plan.)
Caraway (Voiceover): She thought if Magic couldn’t help, then we’d have to get rid of my breasts “The old fashioned way”.
Rosemary: (Voiceover) I think I can see where this is going.
Caraway: (Voiceover) I could too.
(We see Lavender bend over Caraway, holding her sword slightly above him like a Limbo stick. Caraway looks at the sword, clearly wondering why he agreed to this).
Caraway: (Voiceover) Before I knew it, Lavender drew her sword and…
(We see Lavender Slash the sword, but the impact is blocked out by a black screen with a slash effect and a splash of blood, like something out of a horror movie).
(We then cut to Caraway’s POV. His vision is blurry He looks down, his chest is wrapped in bandages he looks up and we see him dazed)
Caraway: I woke up, bleeding, there was a pain in my chest, i thought for sure I was dead… until…
(We cut to Lavender. Standing in a victorious warrior pose. Cheering. In her hand, she’s holding young Caraway’s now removed tits. Lavender is holding them like the still beating heart of an enemy warrior).
Caraway: maybe it was because my mind was so hazy, but instead of getting angry at lavender at the fact that she could have killed me, I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene before me. She was holding my boobs as if they were the still beating heart of a freshly killed monster).
(Caraway starts laughing along with Lavender, although he starts losing consciousness quickly, Lavender rushes over to him, worried).
(We fade back to present day. Caraway still has an expression of wistful nostalgia on his face. Rosemary has a horror filled WTF expression on her face).
Caraway: I don’t remember much after that since I passed out, but you get my point.
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caelesjjk · 1 year
Wicked As They Come | myg
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⟶ title: Wicked As They Come
⟶ pairing: vampire!yoongi x reporter! f reader
⟶ genres/aus: supernatural au, vampire au, fake dating au, ceo au, romance, smut
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ wc: 10.7k
⟶ warnings: Yoongi is a bit mean but 😏, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, threats, dirty talk, mentions of blood, biting, blood drinking, blood play, a cheesy staircase scene, a shower scene, smut in the forms of: oral m & f receiving, unprotected sex, rough sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
⟶ summary: you’ve been undercover at one of Min Yoongi’s many hotels in the city for the past week. you’re there because of the rumors that have been spreading regarding his vampire employees feeding off of his human guests. what you don’t expect to happen is Min Yoongi discovering your true intentions in his hotel and offering you a very interesting ultimatum: pretend to date the vampire CEO to help appeal to his human guests, or quickly find out just what kind of monster he can really be.
⟶ authors note: I know you all must be so surprised to see me posting since it’s been literal months lol. This fic is part of the To Love A Monster collab that I’m hosting with a bunch of really amazing writers. Please check out their fics as well! I have to give some big shoutouts here: M @here2bbtstrash, thank you for betaing what was obviously a mess and assuring me that it wasn’t complete trash, I so appreciate your help. Also to sav @jeonjcngkook who read it before it was even done to also assure me I wasn’t writing junk. And then to jai @gimmethatagustd for making this amazing banner all those months ago when I thought I wouldn’t procrastinate and get this done sooner lol.
I hope you all enjoy this, it’s mostly porn lol.
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You have been sneaking around his hotel for a week trying to put any weight behind the rumors that were circulating.
Min Yoongi was a vampire and a very powerful one. He owns almost every luxury hotel within 500 miles of the city. He employs vampires and humans in his hotels and none of the humans you had been talking to seemed afraid to be here. So why are there rumors the vamps are feeding off humans in his hotels?
You have been unable to find any evidence of the unapproved blood drinking. There is, of course, plenty of approved blood drinking. Humans are paid handsomely to volunteer their blood to the vamps and Min Yoongi almost made a show of how much he paid them.
Your last night in the hotel is supposed to be spent at a masquerade party being held downstairs in the grand room, but ever curious you decided to take a small detour past the kitchens. 
The dress you are wearing was sent to your hotel room with a note that simply stated “can’t wait to finally meet you tonight when you're wearing this.”
At first, you thought it was possibly delivered to your room by mistake. But the dress was exactly your size and fit like it had been made for you. You didn’t have a no clue who would have sent it, but you weren’t the type to turn down expensive gifts.
While taking your last minute detour past the kitchens, you hear something around the corner that quickly catches your attention.
“I don’t want you to if it’s going to hurt, Jimin.” A female voice says in a hushed whisper.
“I would never hurt you, princess. It’s going to feel so good,” a man with silver hair and a ridiculously pretty smile says to the female as you slowly peek around the corner. One of his hands strokes her cheek while the other holds her body against his.
“Do you promise?” Her voice trembles slightly and you’re immediately afraid for her. 
“Of course.” He leans down to kiss her and she seems to melt into him.
There are two things you are absolutely sure about at this moment. 
This man named Jimin is a vampire.
This girl is human and being coerced into letting this vampire bite her even though she is obviously terrified.
You watch as the vampire hikes up the girl's skirt, hitching her leg over his hip. You hadn’t noticed that he had removed his cock from his pants until you saw him slip inside the girl in front of him. 
You can’t look away, but an even bigger part of you wants to see more. She moans his name and Jimin praises her for taking him so well.
Was this really what they had been talking about? Were they talking about fucking and not him drinking her blood?
But while you were distracted by the scene in front of you, watching tears roll down the girl's face when Jimin slammed her back to the wall, you hadn’t realized that someone else was watching you. A hand covers your mouth and an arm wraps around your waist and lifts you off the ground.
“You aren’t supposed to be down here,” a deep voice says against the shell of your ear. You try to scream to no avail, flailing your head around trying to hit them in the face, but they’re too quick.
You keep fighting against them, even as you feel a needle pierce the skin of your neck and a scream leave the mouth of that poor girl around the corner.
“Time to wake up.” You feel someone grip your face in their hand to keep your head up. Your mind feels like a fog has settled inside.
“You probably gave her too much, Namjoon,” a voice says.
“Impossible. I never miscalculate a dose.” 
“Would you two please shut the fuck up,” a deep grumbly voice says from a little further away. “Open your eyes, little monster.”
You force them to flutter open, trying to focus on what’s in front of you through your blurry vision. 
“Where…where am I?” You start to move your limbs; your legs move fine, but your arms are handcuffed behind the back of the chair you’re sitting in. “What the fuck?”
“We need to talk about why you’ve been snooping around my hotel for the past week. And I suggest you not lie to me or I’ll kill you now.” A man dressed in a very expensive suit comes around the front side of the desk he was sitting behind and leans against it.
“If you already know, what’s the point in me telling you anything?” Your vision clears more as you focus on his face: long black hair smoothed back off his forehead and eyes that could see through your soul.
“Humor me.” His voice is suddenly at your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Is this how you treat all of your guests? Cuffing them to chairs and letting your employees drink their blood even though they’re terrified?” You glare at him as you speak. It didn’t take you long to realize that this man is Min Yoongi.
He laughs before placing his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning down until his face is level with yours.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, little monster.” His voice is low and his smirk is maddening.
“I’m calling the cops as soon as I get the fuck out of here. This is kidnapping.” You struggle against the cuffs to no avail. Yoongi leans down closer, his nose coming down to skim your throat and cause your body to freeze.
“I can smell it on you…the fear. Your heart is pumping too hard. It’s fucking divine.” His tongue ghosts along your skin and no matter how hard you try not to react, goosebumps appear after you shiver. “Does that turn you on, little monster? Knowing I could kill you…bleed you dry on my tongue?”
It does. God it fucking does. It’s so fucked up, but pain…pushing limits…a little bit of fear…you fucking love it.
“No.” You seethe through clenched teeth.
“Liar.” His words are hot against your ear before his inhuman speed takes him back to the other side of his desk in an instant.
“Bastard.” You cross your legs tightly and slump against the chair.
“You have a choice to make, Ms. ______.” Yoongi sits down in his oversized leather chair and leans back with his eyes on you. “I’m in need of a partner. A human one. Someone to make appearances with me and make it look convincing. I need the humans to book my hotels more often. You can either help me do that or I can kill you.”
“Gee, so glad you’ve given me so many options here,” you scoff.
“What will it be then?” His hand cards through his long hair but his attention stays on you.
You realize that this may give you an extra in for your article. You could have insider information about what’s going on in these hotels if you agree. Maybe this isn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened.
“Fine. I agree.” You know the smile on your face probably isn’t as convincing as you want it to be.
“Meet me back here tomorrow night to sign the contract.” Yoongi nods towards the vampires who have been lingering near the door and one of them comes forward to undo your cuffs.
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“What the hell? You’ve got an entire clause in this thing that says I can’t write any piece of journalism regarding what I see and hear at any time while or after the contract is up? That’s bullshit!” You toss the thick packet of paper back onto his desk.
“I’ll compensate you for any money your magazine would pay you for the article you were going to write about me.” Yoongi says, as if he’s bored to death as he scrolls his phone.
��How much compensation are we talking about here? Because the magazine I’m working for pays pretty decently for pieces like…” Your sentence is cut off by the sound of your phone dinging on the table. You pick it up to see Min Yoongi has deposited $20,000 into your bank account. You choke, almost throwing your phone when you see the number. “You can’t be serious.”
“Now that your compensation is dealt with, is there anything else in the terms you want to discuss?” Namjoon says, steam practically pouring out of his ears. He turns to his boss next. “Or is there any more money you would like to just throw around?” 
You glare at Yoongi, his eyes never leaving you as you reach onto the table and pick the packet of papers back up. He smiles, poking the tip of his tongue against one of his fangs.
Flipping through the rest of the contract, it occurs to you that one thing was never mentioned throughout that ridiculously long document.
“There’s nothing about sex in here.” You skim through a few pages again and Namjoon nearly chokes.
“Should there be?” Yoongi says with amusement in his voice.
“I just assumed…” 
“If you want me to fuck you, little monster, we don’t need a contract for it. Just say that’s what you want.” He leans over the desk, his elbows resting on it.
“Obviously I don’t.” You cross your legs and pretend to look through the contract more.
“Get out,” Yoongi says, black eyes still staring at you.
“Excuse me?” You’re about to go off before he cuts you off.
“Not you.” He turns his eyes to Namjoon who was apparently pretending there was something more interesting on his phone. “You. Get out of my office.”
“Asshole,” Namjoon mumbles as he shoves his chair back and, quicker than any human ever could, rushes out of the door and leaves it slamming behind him.
“What is your problem? Why did you tell him to leave?” 
“My problem is that you’re lying to me. So I’ll give you one last chance to tell the truth. Do you want to be fucked?” He starts to loosen the tie around his neck while standing up slowly from his desk.
“Why do you assume that I want you to fuck me?” Your mouth feels dry as you grip the arms of your chair.
“Does your cunt usually get ridiculously wet when you don’t want to be fucked?” He stops in front of you, the silky black neck tie sliding between his long fingers.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“No? So if I got my fingers between your legs I wouldn’t find you dripping?”
“It wouldn’t be because of you.” You tighten your jaw and lift your nose slightly into the air in defiance. “Maybe I thought your lawyer was hot.” 
Yoongi has never looked more wicked than he does at this moment. It’s like any kind of mask he was wearing to hide the monster has slipped away, his eyes suddenly the color of blood and fangs elongated while he grips the arms of the chair you’re sitting in, crushing them in his hands. The suddenness of it all makes you yelp in surprise.
“Don’t forget who you’re talking to with that smart fucking mouth, little monster.” One of Yoongi’s hands lifts from the rubble of the chair arms so he can drag a finger up your chest. Even without his inhuman abilities, you know he can hear your heart.
You should be terrified. You are terrified. But you should be trying to get away. Fight him off of you. But you just want more. Want him to bend you over his desk and show you the monster he can truly be.
His wandering finger makes its way over your pulse thrumming in your neck, making him groan low and deep in his chest. But he doesn’t stop there; he keeps his torturously slow pace until the finger is resting on your chin just beneath your lips.
“Open,” he demands, the red of his eyes slowly retreating back to their normal dark color.
You decide not to argue this time, parting your lips just enough for him to slip his finger into the hot cavern of your mouth.
“Suck, little monster, like it’s my cock I know you’re dying to choke on.” He presses the long digit against your tongue, tilting his head to the side as he watches your lips wrap around his finger.
You suck gently at first, running your tongue along its length until you can taste the metal of the very expensive ring on his finger. You lift your eyes to meet his, desperate to see how it’s affecting him.
“You can do better, can’t you, beautiful?” His other hand cups your chin and tilts it up more before he pulls his finger from your mouth. “Well?”
You watch as he leans against his desk, spreading his legs slightly as he presses his palms to the top of the dark wood.
It only takes you a moment to realize what he’s suggesting, and then you’re sliding from the leather chair you’re sitting in down to your knees on the floor in front of him. You can tell he’s half hard already when you come face to face with his crotch.
“This doesn’t mean anything.” Your voice sounds strained and unfamiliar. Yoongi smirks, a small laugh slipping out.
“Don’t worry, little monster. Out there you can be my well put together princess. But here, you’re my whore.” He growls the last part, one of his fangs poking into his bottom lip as he watches you undo his belt and zipper.
You hate how hard your pussy clenches at his words. How much you’re craving exactly what you’re getting. It’s stupid. So, so stupid.
Running your hands up his thighs, you slip your fingers into the band of his underwear and pants, sliding them down to free his waiting cock. And of course it’s perfect. His cocky demeanor is well backed up by the size of the dick in your face alone. Your mouth waters.
“There will be plenty of time for you to gawk, but right now you should really start sucking.” His fingers lace into your hair and lightly grip at the back of your head. You roll your eyes at him, but take his cock into your hand anyways.
His skin is cool to the touch but still flushed as you stroke him. A hum of approval comes from above you. You look up again, taking him into your mouth and making sure to hold eye contact as you do.
Your tongue swirls around him while your head bobs slowly up and down his long shaft. His grip in your hair tightens each time you take him a little deeper into your throat.
“Good girl, fuck,” Yoongi groans, grabbing the bottom of his button up shirt and pulling it up to his chest so that he can see everything that you’re doing.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you let your throat relax and take him all the way down until your nose presses against his lower stomach. The groan you receive in return is nothing short of delicious.
“I could tell from the moment I saw you watching Jimin fuck that girl downstairs that you were going to be the sweetest little slut.” He grips your hair hard, making you yelp around his cock. “And I was so fucking right.” Yoongi uses your hair as leverage to start rocking his hips and fucking into your mouth.
This is exactly what you want. You want him to use you and say dirty things. Your pussy has been clenching around nothing and dripping all over your thighs the entire time. You open your mouth as wide as you can and let him corrupt your throat, holding on to the backs of his thighs for dear life.
“How badly do you want my cum, little monster?” His voice is breathy and full of lust.
Unable to answer him with your mouth occupied, you slide your hands up to his ass cheeks and dig your nails in, making him jolt further down your throat. God you want it so badly.
“Fuck, that’s so good. So fucking good.” Yoongi releases his grip on your hair and lets you bob your head up and down him again to finish him off. 
You bring a hand around to stroke him in tandem with your mouth, squeezing at the head on each upstroke. You watch above you as his head finally falls back with a loud moan, his hand on the back of your head to hold you down as he cums down your throat.
He didn’t have to hold you there, you were gladly going to take it all, but it’s obvious this vampire loves control. So you continue to suck softly until he’s finished and pulls his cock from your lips.
You take in a deep breath when he releases you, falling forward slightly but catching yourself on your hands.
“Let me see,” Yoongi grumbles.
“See what?” you say, out of breath. He doesn’t answer, simply grabs your chin and yanks you back up to look at him. 
“Open your mouth,” he demands and you obey. “Good girl. I like to see that it’s all been swallowed down your perfect throat.” He releases your chin, extending his hand for you to take to help you up.
As you stand on wobbly legs, you’re surprised by the sudden gentleness from the man who was fucking your throat raw just moments ago. Yoongi helps you straighten your clothes and then moves on to his own, fixing his pants back into place as if the whole thing hadn’t just happened.
“Are you going to put sex in the contract now?” you ask, genuinely curious. Yoongi laughs quietly as he rounds the other side of his desk.
“If you’d prefer it be in writing I can have Namjoon add it in.”
“That…might be best.” You don’t know why. Maybe to give yourself the illusion that this isn’t something you’re more than willing to do.
“As you wish.” He sits back in his chair and watches as you head for his door. “And little monster?”
“Yes?” You almost jump at the sound of his voice again.
“A member of my staff will be taking you shopping and helping you get settled into my penthouse in the next few days.” 
“Your penthouse? I don’t remember living together being in the contract.”
“We have to make this as believable as possible. And I want to keep you close.” He opens his laptop, ignoring the surprised look on your face.
“Possessive much?” You glare at him, arms crossing over your chest. He hums with a smirk.
“Only when it comes to things that are mine.” His words send a shiver down your spine, and in that moment you aren’t sure if it’s out of lust or fear.
You don’t respond further, slipping out of his office so that you can breathe again.
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“Was all of this truly necessary?” you ask.
“Yoongi said you were to get everything you wanted.” Jungkook shrugs his shoulders as he types into his phone.
Jungkook had come to your hotel room three days after you’d left Yoongi’s office. He’s apparently Yoongi’s assistant, and lucky for you, is much friendlier than his boss. He had other staff collect your things from your room and take them to Yoongi’s penthouse before rushing you out the door to shop.
“Yes, but you literally bought everything I even glanced at twice.” There are bags covering the entire floor of the elevator you’re riding up in, and the hotel attendants will be bringing tons more up from the car.
“Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy being the spoiled brat that you are for a few months,” Jungkook teases, making you roll your eyes with a laugh.
The elevator dings, signaling your arrival at the very top floor of the hotel. Your stomach twists as the thought of living here with Yoongi finally dawns on you. This is a ridiculous idea.
“Welcome home!” Jungkook shouts, scaring you for a moment. 
You step out into the entryway of the penthouse, immediately overwhelmed by the beautiful set up. The entire far wall is windows, of course: it wouldn’t be a penthouse without ceiling to floor windows. But the way the sun is setting outside is breathtaking to see from this high up.
You move a little further inside, taking in the black leather couches and oversized fireplace in the living room area. Fur carpets cover the dark wood floors and abstract pieces of art sit on almost every table. 
It’s an open concept, the kitchen taking up the other half of the first floor. Though you aren’t sure why a vampire would need a kitchen with their…special diet. It has lights that drop down low from the ceiling and a huge island with tons of seating. Does Min Yoongi enjoy entertaining guests? You can barely imagine it.
“Boss should be back soon. Want me to wait with you?” Jungkook says, still typing away into his phone. He’s rather sweet for a vampire.
“I’ll be fine, Jungkook.” You give him a small smile as you wrap your arms around yourself. “And thank you for today.”
“My pleasure. You’ve got my number, anything you need just give me a call.” He looks up at you, then inhumanly fast is out the door. How will you ever get used to that?
You decide to look a little closer at the kitchen, letting your fingertips ghost over the black marble countertops. Making your way to the fridge, you open its huge doors to find it fully stocked with food.
“What the fuck?” you mumble to yourself. Why did he need all of this food? 
Before you close the doors, a bottle of wine on the top shelf catches your eye and you grab it before spinning around to face the kitchen island and search for a corkscrew.
What you don’t expect to see is Min Yoongi standing on the other side of the island, watching you carefully.
“Holy shit!” you screech, your heart lurching in your chest. “Can you please make some noise when you enter a room? Jesus.”
“Making yourself at home, little monster?” He smirks, likely loving the fact that you almost had a heart attack.
“I was just looking around.” You sit the bottle of wine down and lean over the counter, resting your elbows on the marble. “Is that okay?” You know that your cleavage is pushed up by the way you're bent over and you definitely did it on purpose.
“You’re welcome to look around.” He drums his long fingers against the countertop. “I’ve got nothing to hide from you.” You scoff.
“No bodies hidden in the closets? A coffin in your bedroom perhaps?” You reach up and carefully take a wine glass down from the rack hanging above the kitchen island.
“This isn’t the dark ages, little monster. The sun being a problem for vampires is something of the past.” He shrugs out of his suit jacket and drapes it over the chair next to him.
“It seems vampires evolve very quickly.” You say it casually, hoping he will spill information that most humans don’t know; information that you can use when you write an article exposing everything about them.
“Curious little thing, aren’t you?” He loosens his tie while slowly stalking towards you around the counter.
“It’s my job to be curious.” You try to pretend that him coming closer doesn’t affect you by pouring the wine into the glass you retrieved.
“Do you think you’re going to find a loophole in my contract? Something that would allow you to write your article? Foolish…” Yoongi wraps his tie around his palm and continues his slow movements towards you. Your stomach tightens, wondering when he’s going to get sick of you and kill you where you stand.
“We don’t need to talk about the article. It’s obviously not happening.” You take a drink, the sweet white liquid enticing your taste buds.
“Your heart gives you away.”
“What?” You’re taken aback by his words, taking them in a way he didn’t mean.
“It’s picked up speed. Almost a thrum. You’re lying…but that’s okay. You want to be brave, then go ahead. But I’m not your enemy, little monster.” He moves too quickly for a moment, coming too close all at once, causing you to drop your wine glass on the floor.
The glass shatters against the tile floor, the wine spreading out and filling into the space between the tiles. You don’t even think about your next move, bending down and immediately starting to pick up the shards of glass. 
“Sorry…” you start to say, nicking your palm on a piece of glass in your rush to scoop them up. “Fuck, that hurts. Could you hand me a rag?” You don’t look up at first, but when Yoongi doesn’t say anything, you get impatient. 
What you see is the monster you know you shouldn’t want so desperately.
His eyes are red and raging as he grips the counter top with one of his hands, the marble starting to crumble between his fingers.
“Get the fuck up.” Yoongi struggles but manages to get the words out between gritted teeth.
“What?” You scoot back across the floor, trying to put space between you. You watch as his hands shove into his hair, pulling at the long black strands as he makes pained groaning noises at the floor.
With that inhuman speed, Yoongi leans down and grabs your wrist, blood still leaking from the cut on your palm. The grip on your wrist is so hard you’re afraid he might break your bones.
“Yoongi, you’re hurting me. Let go,” you practically whimper as he drags you up from the floor and shoves you against the side of the island. “Stop. Please don’t…” 
You know that if he wanted to kill you, he would have by now. He could have drained you dry and no one would ever know to even look for you here. But the fear makes you feel alive. It makes your heart hammer and your pussy clench. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yoongi grabs your wrist again, making you yelp in surprise. He stares at it for a moment, intently watching your blood slide down your skin. He closes his eyes before making his final decision.
You decide to close your eyes too, not sure if you want to see what could happen next.
To your surprise, what you feel is the warm, wet muscle of his tongue licking along the inside of your wrist up to your palm. Your eyes shoot open immediately, meeting his ruby colored orbs.
“I want to kill you,” he whispers against the skin of your wrist, lapping at the blood once more.
“I know,” you whisper back.
“Why does that make your pussy wet, little monster?” He smiles wickedly before his lips attach to the cut on your palm, sucking gently. You can’t help the moan that slips past your lips as you watch your blood coat his mouth and run down his chin.
“I…I don’t know.” You reach out with your other hand to grab onto his shirt and anchor yourself to something.
“All of that insolence seems to disappear when your pussy is getting what it wants.” He licks one more long stripe up your wrist before he pulls away, his eyes in the beginning stages of returning to their normal dark.
“You haven’t given me anything that I want.” You yank your wrist out of his hold, rubbing at the bruise marks already appearing. Yoongi rolls his eyes, grasping your shoulders and turning you around to walk you towards the sink. He turns on the water and motions for you to put your hand underneath it.
You turn your back to him, washing your hand under the warm water until it seems to stop bleeding heavily. You start to reach for a towel before you feel his chest against your back, his arms suddenly caging you against the counter in front of the sink.
“Why don’t you tell me what it is you want then, hm?” His breath against your ear sends a shiver down your spine. “I can smell every bit of desire between your legs.” His knee comes up between your legs, making you brace yourself on the counter at the sudden pressure he’s putting against your pussy.
“Touch me…and don’t stop.” Your body shakes in anticipation. Yoongi chuckles in your ear, his tongue finding the lobe.
“You’ll take what I give you…and you’ll be fucking grateful.” His sharp fangs nip at your ear and cause your ass to press harder into his crotch. You don’t care what he wants to give you at this point, you’re too desperate.
“Please,” you whine.
“I’m feeling benevolent this evening…you sucked my cock so well the other day that I may even let you cum.” He presses his cock against your ass before pulling away from you all together.
“Asshole.” You scowl as you turn around to face him. Yoongi merely looks amused.
“I’m still hungry, little monster. Get on the counter.” He pats the marble top with his hand while he undoes the top few buttons of his shirt with the other.
“Are you always going to ask so many questions or are you just going to fucking listen?” He cards a hand through his long raven colored hair and sighs, drenched in annoyance.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, walking towards him where he stands by the kitchen island. Before you even have a chance to call him more names, he’s grabbing you by the hips and practically tossing you onto the counter. “Fuck, Yoongi, can you try not to break me?” 
“Where's the fun in that?” He smirks, coming to stand between your thighs, your face just above his from this height. “I think you may even beg me for it.” His voice is low, a rumble in his chest as he watches your face.
You want to reach up and push some of the stray hairs away from his face. But that would mean you have some kind of affection towards this vampire and you can’t let that happen. It’s almost painful to keep your hands at your sides.
“Get on with it then.” Your lips just barely ghost his when you speak, yet another thing you have to keep yourself from wanting.
Too quickly, your back is suddenly pressed against the cold marble countertop when Yoongi grabs your thighs and pulls your ass to the edge. You yelp when his lips press to the inside of your thigh. 
“Maybe the human men you’ve slept with like that smart mouth of yours, little monster.” He shoves your skirt up over your hips, long fingers immediately finding your slit over your panties. “But me? It makes me want to devour you.”
You moan and don’t hold back the sound, shivering when you feel his fangs pressing against your skin. He sucks a trail up your thigh, leaving small blossoms in his wake. When you feel his tongue languidly slide over the outside of your panties, you almost come undone right there.
“Please don’t tease me anymore. I’m so wet already.” He licks at you again before raising his head to look at you. 
“Be a good girl and take what I give you.” His hand reaches between your thighs and, with no effort at all, rips your underwear from your body in a single motion.
You don’t have time to be snarky again before his face is buried in your pussy. Your back arches off the counter, fingers gripping at the marble to no avail.
The long muscle of his tongue swirls around your clit before expertly diving back down inside you, licking up every bit of wetness that leaks from you. The world feels as if it’s tilting on its axis, that feeling of falling clouding your mind when you start to feel the urge to cum after such a short period of time.
“You’re going to give me at least three, so stop holding back and let me have what’s mine.” The rough grumble of his voice vibrates straight to your core as the pad of his thumb strokes your clit and his tongue disappears back inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you whine, chest heaving as your first orgasm wracks through you like a hurricane on a path of destruction with no end in sight.
“Your cum tastes almost as good as your blood, little monster. Again.” His long fingers slide inside you easily as your body shakes from being over-sensitive.
“Feels so good.” Your hands take on a mind of their own and make their way into the long, messy strands of his hair, gripping at the roots and pulling him closer.
“Greedy.” Yoongi sucks harshly on your clit, letting it pop from between his lips before he soothes it with his tongue.
“Asshole,” you moan, feeling your second orgasm hurtling towards you. Yoongi laughs quietly against the inside of your thigh.
“You like the pain. Stop pretending that you don’t.” He nips at your skin with his fangs, making you flinch. “You just gushed on my tongue.”
“I can’t go again, Yoongi. I need to stop.” You can feel sweat dripping from your forehead, your skin hot to the touch.
“You can and you will.” His arms wrap tightly around your thighs and yank you back to the edge of the counter, your sweaty skin squeaking across the surface.
Your body is telling you to scream. The pleasure and the discomfort are dancing a fine line and your head is absolutely swimming. You begin to think that you may not live through this when his mouth is back on your abused pussy.
Yoongi throws your legs over his shoulders and licks deeper than he had been before, the bottom half of his face drenched in everything leaking from you through the past two orgasms.
“Bite me,” you beg. You know if he bites you that it will intensify everything you feel, but also bring the possibility that the monster consuming your pussy kills you.
Yoongi practically rips himself from you, his breathing ragged and rushed.
“Don’t ask for things that you don’t understand.” His long fingers find your swollen clit while the other hand swipes across his mouth.
“Please…please I can’t cum again without it.” Tears start to slip down your face.
“I could kill you. It would be so fucking easy.” His eyes start to turn red, the crimson bleeding into his dark irises.
“It’s worth the risk, isn’t it? Please…” You’re so desperate you have no idea what you’re saying. Yoongi scoffs.
“You really are a little monster, aren’t you?” Yoongi smiles, his fangs elongating. Your heart beats so fast, somewhat with fear but mostly with the anticipation of what you’ll feel when he bites you.
In a flash, the vampire between legs is sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh. You gasp, all the air leaving your lungs as your eyes fly open, the light fixtures on the ceiling blurring. You grab at your breasts when a sudden flood of heat starts to spread through your entire body.
Your body jolts when Yoongi takes the first long drag of your blood into his mouth. He moans at the taste, his hands gripping your hips in a bruising hold. 
Another long pull of blood floods into his mouth and you start to see stars. Yoongi moves one hand back to your pussy, his fingers gathering wetness and spreading it up to your swollen clit. 
“Yoongi…” You’re so light headed you aren’t sure if you can keep your eyes open much longer. Yoongi rips his mouth from your thigh, his chest heaving, blood dripping off his chin and down his neck where it stains the white collar of his shirt.
“Good girl. You’re doing so well, baby.” He pushes you back further onto the counter before climbing onto it himself. 
You can feel the warmth of your blood coating your skin on your thigh, but the only other thing you’re desperately aware of is him. Him and the way he rips your dress off your body as if it wasn’t extremely expensive and brand new.
“I’m so close.” Everything between your legs aches but your greedy body still wants more.
“I’m going to keep you, little monster. You’re mine now.” He licks the inside of your thigh, dragging his tongue through the blood. “Say it.”
“Yours,” you sigh, his fingers gathering up the blood on your skin and spreading over one of your breasts.
“I’ll make you cum now, little monster. Good girls get what they need.” His sinful mouth attaches to your breast, licking and sucking the blood. 
You arch up from the counter top, pushing your breast further into his mouth and spreading your legs wider when his fingers make their way back inside you, petting your walls and stroking your g-spot until he’s making you cum again. 
Your cheeks are wet from tears and your body is weak from losing blood and orgasming a ridiculous amount of times. But somehow you manage to sit up on your elbows when Yoongi slides back off of the counter, wiping his mouth and licking his fingers clean of your juices and blood.
“You’re quite divine, even if you constantly test my patience.” He puts a hand out for you to take. When you do, he helps you down from the counter. “Let’s shower.”
“You want to shower with me?” Your legs wobble as you stand and Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“I need to make sure you don’t collapse while you’re in there. Don’t overthink it.” He looks around at the floor still covered in glass and the countertop covered in your blood. “I’ll have someone clean this up while we get you cleaned up.”
“Is it a normal occurrence for the cleaning staff to casually clean up blood?” You stumble a bit when you try to take a step. Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“So many questions.” 
“You could’ve picked any human to be your fake girlfriend, I’m sure there are plenty of them that wouldn’t ask questions.” You take another wobbly step. Yoongi sighs behind you, moving too fast for your eyes as he scoops you up into his arms. Your eyes have no time to adjust before you’re in the bathroom.
“Don’t make me regret that decision, little monster,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, carefully sitting you down onto a chaise lounge chair.
“Why is this here?” you ask, hands sliding over the soft material.
“Perhaps I’ll show you some time.” He smiles wickedly, turning away from you to turn on the water inside the giant shower. Water pours down like a waterfall from the ceiling.
You take a moment to appreciate the incredible shower before your eyes find Yoongi again, his fingers still stained with your blood nimbly beginning to unbutton his shirt and revealing the smooth planes of his chest and stomach. It’s the first time you’ve really had a moment to appreciate the details of his body.
Your eyes fall on the crotch of his pants, still tented and tight.
“Do you want me to…” you motion towards his obvious hard on.
“No. Not tonight.” He holds out his hand for yours again. “Come here.” You let him wrap his fingers around yours, helping you to your feet. He makes sure that you’re steady before walking you into the shower.
Yoongi stands back, watching you walk under the steaming waterfall and removing his pants as he does. He commits the shape of your body to memory, eager to continue defiling it every chance that he gets.
You don’t hear him approach, your skin merely explodes in goosebumps when the cool skin of his hands and arms wraps around your torso from behind you. His face finds the crook of your neck, lips seeking out your throat and up to your jaw. It’s surprisingly…soft.
“Does it hurt?” he murmurs against your ear, fingers ghosting at your lower stomach. Cool lips kiss your shoulder.
“Just sore.” You turn your head and meet his eyes when he lifts his head. “I’ll be fine.”
Looking at him in that moment makes you suddenly realize that you’ve never kissed Yoongi. Maybe he wants it that way. Kissing is intimate and this is supposed to be an arrangement with no feelings involved.
He looks at you a moment longer before he clears his throat, his arms leaving your body as he kneels down in front of you.
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widen.
“Relax, little monster. I’m going to make it better. Hold onto my shoulders.” He waits until you do as he asks before he carefully lifts your legs, turning your inner thigh towards his face. 
Blood still slowly seeps from the puncture wounds he left behind, bruises forming around them. Yoongi looks up to meet your eyes once more, holding them as he sticks out his tongue and presses it to your thigh, swiping up the blood before he drags it over the punctures. 
Shivering at the feeling, you watch as the bite marks seal themselves closed and the bruising quickly fades from your skin. It’s as if nothing had ever happened.
“That trick must get a lot of attention at parties.” You try to laugh at your own joke, but you’re honestly so taken aback by what just happened in front of you. Yoongi smiles, a real one that you aren’t sure you’ve seen until now.
“Vampire venom has healing properties. I’m not a fan of the idea of you being uncomfortable in any way.” He presses a kiss to your thigh, then stands from the shower floor.
He helps you wash your body and hair, rubbing your scalp and shoulders until you almost fall asleep standing up. 
“Come to bed.” You suddenly realize that you’re no longer in the shower, but in Yoongi’s bedroom, a fluffy black towel wrapped around your body.
“Why am I in your room?” you ask, confused.
“Because you’re sleeping in my bed. With me.” He throws back the comforter and pats the mattress. “In the bed, little monster.”
“Why am I sleeping in here? Surely you have spare rooms in this ridiculously big penthouse.” The idea of Yoongi wanting you to sleep in bed with him feels strange.
“Of course there are, but you’re staying in my room. Stop asking questions for the night, I beg you.” He rubs his temple as he walks towards his closet, reappearing a literal second later with sleep pants on. “Sleep in this if you want.” He tosses a tshirt towards you and you barely manage to catch it.
“But I don’t…” you start to protest again and Yoongi is suddenly in front of you, his hand covering your mouth. 
“I want you to sleep in here. You’re mine and that’s all the explanation I’ll be giving you. No. More. Questions.” When you nod in understanding, he slowly moves his hand down and holds your jaw. “Get into bed.”
You nod again and he releases you, walking around to the other side of the bed. Yoongi settles with his back against the headboard, watching as you drop your towel and slip on the T-shirt he had given you.
“Are all vampires as possessive as you?” You glare at him playfully as you climb into the bed.
“What did I just say about questions, _____?” He throws his hands up in the air.
“Fine. Goodnight.” You dramatically grab the comforter and pull it over you, turning to face away from him. You hear him laugh quietly before the bed shifts once more and sleep grabs hold of you faster than it ever has.
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Weeks go by.
The arrangement becomes easier and easier to do. 
Yoongi brings you to parties and meetings and formal dances, dressing you up in the most gorgeous and expensive outfits. He gets you anything that you want and all you have to do is talk about how amazing he is to all of his human investors and guests.
He keeps you close, doesn’t let you wander too far. His cool hand is always at the small of your back. 
The possessiveness is something you thought you would find annoying. He explained it’s just in a vampire's nature to be that way. But it’s easy to just let it happen when deep down, you love it.
God there really is something wrong with you.
Yoongi being possessive, however, is not the biggest problem you’ve had over the last few weeks. The problem is that he refuses to fuck you.
There’s plenty of other things to keep the edge off. Using his mouth to possess you in an entirely different way. He buries his face between your legs every chance that he gets. In his office…on top of his desk…in every dark corner he can find. You repay the favor when he lets you, letting him use your throat as his own personal fuck toy. But it isn’t enough, and he brushes you off every time you try to bring it up.
Tonight is an extremely important night. Yoongi is throwing a party to celebrate the grand opening of his newest hotel. There will be hundreds of people in attendance that need to be impressed. 
“Are you almost ready?” Yoongi’s deep voice startles you as you stand in front of the vanity mirror in his bathroom.
“Just finishing up.” You pop in your second very large emerald earring before picking up the matching necklace. It’s the heaviest piece of jewelry you’ve ever felt.
“Can I help with that?” He comes to stand behind you, holding out his hand for the necklace.
“Thanks.” You carefully place it in his palm and turn back to the mirror, watching his face intently.
“You understand how important this night is, don’t you?” His breath tickles the back of your neck as he speaks. “How badly I need it to go well?”
“I know.” His eyes meet yours in the mirror as he carefully brings the chain around your throat.
“Good girl.” His lips meet your shoulder, pressing a too-soft kiss to your already heated skin.
“You’re going to have to talk eventually.” Your eyes fall shut when his hands come around and cup your breasts from behind.
“I find it amusing that you think I owe you any kind of explanation for what I do or don’t do to you, little monster.” He pinches your nipples through the thin material of your dress, making you hiss through your teeth and lean further into him.
“Just tell me why you won’t fuck me, Yoongi. It’s been weeks.” You grind your ass against his growing erection.
“We’ll discuss this later. The car is waiting downstairs.” A scrape of his fangs across your shoulder before the feeling of his body against your back is gone.
“Asshole,” you grumble, straightening your dress and smoothing any hair that may have moved out of place. 
He waits for you at the top of the stairs, offering his hand to help you walk down them in your heels. You brush past him, taking on the challenge unassisted and making Yoongi scoff.
The universe has other plans for you though, not allowing you even a single moment of holding your head up high before you trip on the edge of one of the stairs. It happens so quickly that you don’t even have time to make a sound.
There are arms abruptly wrapped around you, too quick for your human eyes to make sense of. The next thing you know, your back is being shoved against the railing, bent, with a vampire looming over you, his nose pressing to yours while his lips ghost just above you.
“Do you have a death wish, little monster?” Yoongi whispers, his hold on you tightening.
“I’m sorry…that was so…” You can’t think straight, let alone comprehend what just happened.
“Stupid? Yes, so very stupid.” One of his hands leaves your back and makes its way into your hair, pulling the strands to make you look up at him. “Do not ever endanger yourself that way again. I can’t be around all the time to keep you alive.”
“Okay.” You nod, lips brushing his in the motion. You shudder at their cool sensation. But when you move to try and kiss him, he immediately pulls back.
“Come on. We’re late.” When he offers his hand this time, you take it, letting him usher you into the penthouse elevator and down to the lobby. His bodyguards get the two of you into the car in a blur.
Yoongi doesn’t say a word in the car. He doesn’t even look at you the entire way to the new hotel. It’s fucking infuriating.
Once inside the hotel, you immediately grab a glass of champagne off of a passing tray, downing it quickly before you feel the familiar pressure of Yoongi’s hand on your lower back.
“Easy, little monster,” he says lowly. You roll your eyes, plastering on a fake smile and joining him to talk to some very rich humans.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” A tall man in a pristine suit and glasses says when you join them. He is incredibly handsome.
“Taehyung, this is my girlfriend, Y\N. Y/N, Kim Taehyung. He’s giving me a hard time about investing in my hotels.” Yoongi’s fingers gently stroke your bare back exposed from your dress. 
“Girlfriend? A human?” Taehyung asks curiously.
“100% human,” you laugh, nervously gesturing towards yourself.
“Wouldn’t have imagined such a pairing. Especially for you, Yoongi.” Taehyung sips his whiskey, his eyes staying on you even as he speaks to Yoongi. You’re too busy trying to laugh at everything he says to notice the way Yoongi’s jaw tightens.
“Yes, well, sometimes humans can be rather surprising. Tolerable even.” Yoongi looks at Taehyung like he wants to drain him, while everyone else standing there laughs at what Yoongi has said.
“Indeed.” Taehyung sips his whiskey again. 
“We should make our rounds, baby.” Yoongi runs his finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to his. “Come,” he whispers, only loud enough for you to hear. You bite your bottom lip, nodding as you thread your fingers through his.
“I hope to see you again soon, _____,” Taehyung calls from behind the two of you. Yoongi starts to turn around but you pull him back.
“Don’t. He’s trying to get under your skin.” 
“I could snap his neck…sever his throat…” Yoongi loosens his tie a little, pulling your hand to continue walking towards the outdoor balcony.
“You need him, don’t you? Just think about that.” 
“He makes the best gambling games in the damn country, of course I need him.” He runs a hand through his long hair, the strands of it even longer now than they were when you had first met him all those weeks ago.
“So let it go,” you sigh, releasing his hand when the two of you are alone outside. “I don’t know why you care anyways.” 
“I didn’t say I cared.”
“You were acting like a jealous prick back there. Seems like you might care a little.” You fold your arms over your chest, cool night air chilling your skin.
“I don’t, you ridiculously infuriating woman,” he half-laughs, pressing his palms to the stone wall that overlooks the hotel courtyard.
“Yeah, well, I don’t care about you either.” You’re practically pouting but you don’t care.
He groans, his fingers cracking the stone beneath them. You want to close the distance between the two of you, touch his chin and make him look at you.
“Why is it so hard for you to say?” you ask quietly.
“We’re talking about feelings here, little monster. I don’t do feelings,” he lies. You roll your eyes.
“Fine. I’ll go see if Taehyung wants to spin me around the dance floor a few…” you start to say, heading towards the door. You’re cut off by Yoongi grabbing the back of your neck and spinning you back around to face him. Your body presses to his, molding to the shape.
“You. Are. Mine,” he practically growls, a deep snarl on his face as he tries to keep the monster at bay. 
But you aren’t afraid.
“Then act like it. Show me that you want me or let me walk away.” Your breaths come out rushed and uneven as the two of you stand there, nose to nose.
He thinks for a moment. Almost too long. But then he smirks, his grip on the back of your neck softening slightly. 
“You’re not getting away that easily, little monster.” And then his mouth is crashing against yours, consuming, devouring.
You’ve thought about what it would be like to kiss Yoongi for weeks. You knew that you shouldn’t, but that didn’t stop you from imagining what he tasted like or how his lips felt.
The way he kisses you now is so incredibly unexpected, you have to remind yourself what planet you’re on. 
It only takes a moment for you to respond, pulling him closer and molding your mouth to his, filling in the spaces with your tongues. It’s when your fingers find their way into his hair that you really begin to grasp that there’s no coming back from this. There’s no more pretending.
Your thoughts are shaken when his hands travel to the backs of your thighs, lifting you onto the stone wall of the balcony. You grip him tighter, afraid to look behind you and see the ground looming below.
“What’s wrong? You aren’t afraid of heights are you, little monster?” he teases, shoving himself between your legs and scooting you even closer to the edge of the wall.
“Anyone would be afraid of a two story drop.” You try to capture his lips again, anything to stop thinking about the possibility of falling, but he pulls back just enough to keep you wanting.
“As if I’d let you fall.” Yoongi whispers the words so quietly you barely hear them, his eyes staying on your lips.
“Maybe I already am.” You feel him stiffen, his body going rigid at your words.
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Stupid, stupid girl,” he sighs. “There’s too much good in you…too much humanity for you to be talking that way.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
He stares at you for what seems like hours, gauging what could really be going through that head of yours. Then he gently kisses you again, melting away any facade either of you were trying to keep playing.
“We’re leaving,” he says after a moment of soft kisses.
“But we just got here. What about all the schmoozing we need to be doing?” 
“Screw the schmoozing. I want to fuck you.” He takes one of your hands and brings it between your bodies, helping you to cup his hardening dick through his pants. “This is what you want, isn’t it, little monster? So desperate to be filled with cock.”
You whimper, licking the seam of his lips with your tongue as you palm his cock, thoughts of literally anyone who looks out the window seeing the two of you out here turning you on even more.
“Take me home, please.” You’re no longer above begging.
“I’m going to leave you in ruins.” Yoongi means for it to be a threat, something to deter you from wanting this, but it only makes you wetter. The thrill and the danger and the possibility of devastation that making this choice could cause only make you want it more.
Yoongi grabs your wrist, walking with determination until you’re back inside the party where Namjoon immediately sees the two of you making your way through the crowd.
“Yoongi, what the fuck? There’s people looking for you.” Namjoon steps in front of Yoongi but it doesn’t stop him from his mission to get to the front door.
“Tell them I’m sick.” Yoongi opens the door, presses a kiss to the top of your hand and guides you outside. You can’t help the ridiculous smile that finds its way onto your face.
“Vampires don’t get sick.” Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you really going to do this to me?”
“I’ll make it up to you.” Yoongi guides you down the front steps of the hotel, your eyes landing on Jungkook at the bottom, leaning against the car and playing a game on his phone.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook asks, panic crossing his usually soft features.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. We just need the car.” You pat his shoulder reassuringly while Yoongi opens the door for you to settle into the passenger seat. You’re about to grab your seatbelt when he leans down into the car and kisses you. “What was that for?”
“It may be the last bit of sweetness you get from me tonight. Enjoy it while you can.” His teeth nip at your bottom lip.
“Who said I enjoy sweetness?” You make sure he sees the way you make your dress ride up your thighs. Yoongi groans.
“Perfect little monster,” he coos, taking one last look at your exposed thighs before he shuts the car door. You watch as Yoongi brushes off Jungkook and Namjoon’s protests of him leaving this important party and gets into the driver's seat. 
His long fingers grip the steering wheel tightly as he immediately punches the gas. And while you’re not afraid of the vampire sitting next to you, his driving is an entirely different story.
Luckily the drive back to the main hotel is short and you find yourself pressed to the wall of the elevator before you can even think of scolding Yoongi for his driving.
“I’ve pictured thousands of ways I’ve wanted to fuck you.” He hikes your leg over his hip. “But this is going to be quick.”
The elevator dings for the penthouse floor and with his inhuman speed, Yoongi moves you into the entry way and through the apartment, his mouth devouring yours as he deposits you onto his bed.
“No foreplay. Please just fuck me.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he licks down the column of your throat.
“Are you ready for me already?” His breath tickles your skin.
“Yes.” You take his hand and move it between your legs, your dress bunching around your hips as you push it out of the way.
Yoongi takes your hint, his fingers delving into your underwear to find your soaking pussy. He groans, pushing his fingers inside to pet your walls.
“So you are.” He sits up on his knees between your legs, throwing his suit jacket off of his shoulders and tossing it across the room.
You sit up on your elbows, watching intently as he undoes the buttons of shirt and reveals the beautiful skin of his chest and stomach. The muscles are there, but he’s also unexpectedly soft as your fingers explore the planes.
You help him the rest of the way out of his shirt, leaning up further to kiss his chest. His hands grip your hair but he doesn’t move you away, letting you traverse his skin with your lips and tongue for a moment.
“Get this off of me.” You start to reach behind you for the zipper of the dress but Yoongi has other ideas.
He reaches down and grabs your hips, flipping your body over so that you’re on your stomach and face down on the bed.
“Allow me.” His mouth is on the exposed skin of your back, kissing a wet path down your spine as he unzips the dress. You can’t help the moan that escapes you, or the way your hips push back to try and find friction. “Greedy,” he mumbles against the small of your back.
“Please, Yoongi. Just hurry up.” You slide the sleeves off of your arms so that Yoongi can pull the dress the rest of the way off. It must’ve been expensive, but he still tosses it to the floor.
When you try to roll back over onto your back, he grabs your hips and holds you in place.
“No, I think I’ll have you just like this.” You hear him take off his belt and the mattress move slightly when he removes his pants. “Hold onto something, little monster.” 
There’s no time to protest; you barely have time to grab the comforter before he’s sheathing his cock inside you in one fluid motion. You fall forward on your elbows, your face meeting the bed as you cry out from the intrusion.
“Fuck…” you whine, tightening your hold on the comforter as he starts to rock his hips, burying himself to hilt each time he pumps back into you. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? So desperate for cock that you’d let a vampire defile you.” His hands hold so tightly to your hips that you know there will be bruises immediately. 
“Yes, I wanted it so bad.” You can feel drool begin to form at the corner of your mouth as he fucks you harder.
“Just remember, little monster, out there you’re the perfect princess for the public to see. But in here, in my bed, you’re my good little whore.” He thrusts particularly hard on the last word, shoving your top half flat against the bed when your arms give out.
“Yoongi…” It barely comes out a whisper, but you know he hears you.
“Come here,” he grunts, leaning over your body and wrapping his arms around your torso, pulling you up to press your back to his chest, his cock staying nestled inside you as he adjusts you the way he wants.
His thrusts stay deep, but slow down slightly. One hand grips your breast while the other spreads your legs wider over his lap.
“I’m going to cum…fuck I’m so close.” Your head flops back and rests on his shoulder, sweat coating your skin.
“You’re lucky that I want to feel this pretty pussy squeeze my cock, little monster. I’m going to let you cum.” Rough fingers find your clit, sloppy circles sending you into a frenzy as you chase your orgasm.
“Right there, yes yes, right there.” Your thighs start to shake as Yoongi pulls you down further on his cock, holding you there as you come apart, squeezing his cock just like he wanted.
“Good girl. Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” He swipes your hair away from your shoulder and suddenly sinks his fangs into your throat.
His bite only elongates your orgasm…it could have been two, maybe even three orgasms all chained together. Your sight blurs at the sheer force of the climax that rolls through you.
You’re barely coherent when you feel Yoongi release inside you, hot spurts filling you up and leaking down your thighs. He moans against your neck, taking two more long pulls of blood before he pulls off, hungrily licking at the trails of blood that trickle down your throat.
Your body is completely spent as Yoongi gently lowers you onto the bed, covering you with the comforter before he gets up off the bed. 
You watch with hooded eyes as he goes into his bathroom and comes back with a cloth to clean you up.
“Let me see the mess you made, baby.” He moves the covers off of your legs and cleans you up, making you whine at the contact of anything touching you there so soon. “Go to sleep.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” You snuggle deeper into the covers.
“We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.” You feel him join you in the bed. 
“Talk about what?” Your eyes are too heavy to stay open.
“The contract.” His cool body presses against your back and his arm falls over your waist. 
“What about it?” you mumble.
“The next phase of it, of course.” You feel his finger swipe at the blood still on your neck, popping it into his mouth.
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dancingbirdie · 9 months
Would you plz do a fic with Astarion when tav and the party looted a bunch of alcohol and take it back and drink it and celebrate at camp but tav gets a little drunk and astarion starts realising his feelings for them? 😳
I’d love astarion to take care of me after a few drinks 😂
Bless you anon, for gifting me this fic idea. It practically wrote itself and saved me from being bored all day at work. I hope you enjoy it!
A Night of Drinks and Realizations
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3,120
Warnings/Tags: Astarion x GN!Tav, minor act 1 spoilers, drinking, drunkenness, descriptions and references to Astarion's trauma/trauma responses, FLUFF! Non-sexual HEARTWARMING FLUFF!
Song Credit: The Galway Girl by Steve Earle (I do not own rights to the music, lyrics modified slightly to fit the fic)
Chultan Fireswill tasted exactly as its name suggested - like the last charcoaled bits remaining in a dying campfire. But, Tav had to admit, it got the job done. It was as strong as horse piss on a hot day. They were absolutely soused from just half a bottle. Although, to be fair, Tav hadn’t been a heavy drinker in their past life, before all this illithid tadpole business had come about. Now? Well, they supposed they had much more reason to imbibe. 
Tav sat around the campfire with most of the others, enjoying spoils from the goblin camp the party had handily defeated - mostly due to the help that Halsin and Lump the Enlightened’s group had provided. They had yet to make it back to the Emerald Grove as Halsin had requested. Utterly spent from the fighting and fleeing, Tav and the rest of the party had opted instead to rest for the night in the blighted village on the outskirts of the goblin camp. At least there were semi-usable beds in some of the abandoned buildings. 
Shortly after setting up camp, Gale had retired early, eager to continue reading some of the dusty tomes he’d been collecting throughout their journey. Astarion had slunk off in search of something to satiate his thirst, leaving the rest of the group in various states of relaxation around the fire. It was a quiet, peaceful evening. Everyone seemed to be deep in their own thoughts, ruminating.
That was until Tav hiccupped loudly, breaking the thoughtful silence that had overtaken the party. Karlach guffawed at the sound, smacking her hands on her thighs.
“Tav’s absolutely PISSED, look at them!” she managed between cackles. The other party members turned to observe them, curious. They had all been running about, fighting, nonstop for the past few days. No one in the party had ever been well and truly drunk in front of the others. There just hadn’t been the time, or the relative safety, to be inebriated.
Tav blinked blearily at Karlach across the bonfire, trying to focus. “‘M not,” they garbled. “‘M perffc-ly fine.”
“Chk. Your tolerance for this weak slop is an embarrassment,” Lae’zel spat from her seat next to Tav. “Give me that,” she said as she grabbed the bottle from their hand, upturning it and consuming the rest of the foul liquid in one go. 
Tav smiled amiably and patted her on the knee. “You’re *hiccup* lovely. I forgive you *hiccup* for takin’ my drink.”
Lae’zel stared at them, eyes widened to the size of saucers. Wyll, Shadowheart, and Karlach were nearly bursting at the seams to keep from laughing openly. 
“I do not require your forgiveness, ska’keth,” she snapped. 
Tav just giggle-hiccupped and smiled again. Looking to the rest of the party, they put a hand to their mouth and stage-whispered, “she’s a little grumpy, that one.”
At this, they all laughed uproariously. Lae’zel rolled her eyes, reaching for another bottle of alcohol piled near the rest of the camp supplies.
“YOU-GUYS,” Tav suddenly shouted in a slur, tottering over to snatch up a new bottle of Chultan Fireswill. “We should have a party. Like, right now, have a party.” 
“FUCK YES!” Karlach cheered, chucking an empty mead bottle onto the ground with a resounding crash. “I’m all in, baby,” she said, reaching for an unopened bottle of Ithbank.
“Here, here,” Shadowheart echoed, raising her own bottle. “We could do with a bit of levity and foolishness, I think. Does anyone play an instrument? Some music would be lovely.”
“It’s been a few years but I believe I can still pluck a few tunes on the lyre. Let me give it a go,” Wyll replied, rummaging through his pack supplies to retrieve the instrument. 
Moments later, he began plucking a jovial tune that had everyone besides Lae’zel tapping their feet and nodding to the music. After it finished, he continued with a dancing jig Tav was familiar with from the taverns in Waterdeep, although most of the footwork eluded them in their drunken state. 
“Where’s Gale and Astarion?” Tav shouted in a sing-song voice, twirling around in a laughable attempt at dancing. “Wake their asses up and tell them we’re having a party!” 
“No need for ass-waking, at least for me,” Gale called, joining the party from the direction of one of the abandoned houses. “No one can get an ounce of sleep with you lot frolicking around the fire.” 
“GALE!” Tav shrieked as they dance-skipped over to him, tripping slightly and smashing into his chest. “You made it!”
Chivalrous as ever, the wizard kindly grabbed Tav’s arms to keep them upright and restore some semblance of balance to their swaying form. “Quite literally impossible to miss it, Tav. Your voice carries extraordinarily well,” he replied, chuckling.
Tav gave him a rueful smile. “I drank, jus’ a lil’,” they explained. 
At this, his face broke into a wide grin. “I can certainly see that. Looks like I’ve got a lot of catching up to do if I'm to match the rest of you!” 
He guided Tav over to where Shadowheart was sitting, delicately perched on an old traveler’s trunk near the fire. “Perhaps stay here while I go peruse our stockpile.” 
Tav plopped down unceremoniously next to Shadowheart, who quirked a smile. “Enjoying ourselves are we?” she asked.
“Oh yes,” Tav sighed out. “Although it would be even better if Astarion joined us. Where IS he?” they asked, swiveling their head around the village square, hoping to spot his telltale white blonde locks. 
“I’m sure he’ll turn up eventually. Maybe he caught himself a big bear and is drinking it dry,” Shadowheart said teasingly.
Tav nodded seriously, “He deserves the biggest bear, ever,” they said, absolutely failing to notice the joke. 
Shadowheart scoffed. “Lovesick, little pup?” 
Tav giggled, abruptly hiccupped, and then giggled again at that. 
“He’s just beautiful,” they finally replied in a dreamy sort of voice. 
And then, “Inside and out,” they added, more softly.
Shadowheart threw her head back with a laugh. “Oh gods! You really are lovesick.”
Tav hummed happily. “I think I am, but - OH MY GODS!”
“What?” Shadowheart shouted, startled and peering about to assess the apparently impending danger. 
“I LOVE THIS SONG!” Tav shrieked, jumping to their feet and swaying about once more as Wyll began playing another lively tune. 
Confession utterly forgotten, they were lost to the strumming of the lyre, spinning like a top that might never stop. 
Astarion had not planned to eavesdrop on the conversation between Tav and Shadowheart as he made his way back toward the camp. Truly, he hadn’t. But, at the mention of his name from Tav, he couldn’t help but wonder what the conversation was about. 
Stepping quietly around the corner of the decrepit tavern, he paused to listen. His heightened senses easily picked up on their voices as clear as if he would be standing next to them. 
Tav had… feelings for him? Astarion didn’t know what to do with this information. Why were they admitting this so openly? And to a person they barely knew? Was this a ploy? Was Tav banking on him hearing this supposed confession and trying to lull him into some false sense of security? The paranoid part of his mind was absolutely convinced of it.
But no, surely that couldn’t be it, another more reasonable part of his brain asserted. Lost in his thoughts, he observed Tav whirling about the campfire with their bottle of booze spilling out. They accidentally doused Lae’zel with a spurt of liquid, causing the Githyanki to swear loudly and move to the other side of the campfire. 
Astarion huffed a laugh. No, Tav was… many things… but devious was not one of them. He had observed them enough throughout their travels the last few days and had come to the conclusion that Tav was as harmless as a week-old pup to those they liked and trusted. They were genuine, transparent, and… open… to his utter confusion. And, okay yes, his considerable annoyance. 
But Astarion was truly hard-pressed to remain annoyed at Tav for long. They were just so gods-damned pure. As pure as the sun’s rays. Being annoyed with them was like being annoyed at the sun for existing. It couldn’t help what it was. Tav couldn’t help who they were. It would be a mistake, a waste of time, to despise them for their nature. 
He envied them for that. But above all else, if he were being totally honest with himself, he craved their attention just as much as he relished the actual sunbeams he’d been able to feel on his skin for the first time in over 200 years. 
But still, Astarion had no idea how to process this revelation, that the-pure-sun-incarnate-Tav had love for him. Love. Not merely lust, desire, or attraction. Now those he was familiar with.  Those had been a currency he’d transacted on Cazador’s behalf for so many years. But love? Love was an unknown concept to him. It had never been something he’d tried to cultivate in the minds of his victims. Astarion wasn’t even sure he understood what love actually was.  
A series of loud bangs startled him from his circling thoughts. He looked up and chuckled at the sight he beheld.
Tav had found several scrolls of minor illusion in Gale’s packs and had begun to set off fireworks. Bright green, pink, and yellow sparks were careening into the sky, exploding into images of flowers and pixies to the utter delight of Tav. The rest of the party were loitering about, laughing at Tav as they clapped their hands in joy. 
Seeing as this would perhaps be the best time to integrate himself into the party, Astarion strolled toward the campfire. Grabbing a bottle of some cheap swill they’d looted, he took a seat beside Shadowheart and nodded in a cheers sort of motion to the cleric. She raised her bottle in acknowledgement. 
“Come to watch the wonder that is Tav utterly debauched?” she quipped.
“I must say, I rather like them like this, all uninhibited and bawdy” he replied, his eyes following Tav as they danced and gyrated their way over to Wyll, who was plucking out another familiar tavern tune.  
“Wyll, do you know the song ‘The Amphail Girl’?” Tav asked too loudly, hiccupping.
“I do, but gods Tav, I don’t know that I’ve ever tried playing it,” Will admitted.
“Okay, okay,” Tav sighed in a mock-morose tone, stopping Wyll from playing by placing a hand on the lyre strings. “Then you must pass the lyre my friend and be ready to take some *hiccup* notes.”
Wyll, ever the good sport of the group, obliged Tav’s demand and relinquished the instrument. 
Astarion chuckled. “Oh, dear. They’re not about to actually put on a performance, are they?” he asked in a somewhat-rhetorical question toward Shadowheart.
She chuckled. “It appears so. Liquid courage really does wonders, it seems.”
They both watched as Tav began plucking at the strings of the lyre until they stitched together the right tune. After a few beats of strumming, they began to sing.
“I took a stroll down the old long walk
Of the day I-ay-I-ay
I met a little girl and we stopped to talk
Of a fine soft day I-ay
And I ask you friends, what's a fella to do?
Because her hair was black and her eyes were blue
And I knew right then I been takin' a whirl
Down the Salthill Prom with an Amphail girl”
The entire party watched, enraptured, as Tav sang the lyrics in a beautiful, high tenor voice. Their hands never missed a chord, performing as though they knew the song by heart. 
“Did you cast Guidance on them?” Astarion whispered to Shadowheart, as Tav strummed the bridge of the song. 
“No, I haven’t touched my magic since this afternoon,” she replied. “This is all Tav. Shocking, considering how inebriated they are.”
It seemed the rest of the party members were in equal disbelief that their drunken compatriot could perform so flawlessly. Tav continued the song, smiling as they sang, eyes closed and blissfully unaware of the stares they had garnered. 
“We were halfway there when the rain came down
On the day I-ay-I-ay
She asked me up to her flat downtown
On a fine soft day I-ay
And I ask you friends, what's a fella to do?
Because her hair was black and her eyes were blue
So I took her hand, and I gave her a twirl
Oh, and I lost my heart to an Amphail Girl”
And the longer Tav sang, the longer Astarion realized there were cracks now forming in his long-held aloof façade. There they were, singing with their heart and soul, radiating unobtrusive joy. Astarion was enamored by Tav’s utter lack of pretense. He couldn’t take his eyes off them, even if he had wanted to.
“When I woke up I was all alone
With a broken heart and a ticket home
And I ask you now, tell me what would you do?
If her hair was black and her eyes were blue
'Cause I've travelled around, I've been all over this world
Boys, I've never seen nothin' like an Amphail girl”
Tav concluded the song with a final series of strums. They opened their eyes slowly and looked around curiously at the party, as though they had forgotten where they had been before the song began. Astarion thought they had an almost ethereal look in their eyes. Everyone had grown quiet, the meaningful pause leading them toward more introspective thoughts.
Of course, that was before Tav doubled over and hurled the contents of their stomach on the ground. In a blink, that otherworldly moment was gone, and the party members groaned at the mess of ick now puddling in the center of their circle. 
Tav wobbled on their feet, very nearly careening to the ground. 
Strong arms caught them about the waist before they collapsed. 
“Now, now darling, the fun is truly over, it seems. Let’s get you to bed, shall we?” Astarion coaxed, leading Tav toward the tavern. 
“You alright taking care of them, then?” Karlach called after him and Tav. 
“Yes, yes, I can keep the pup from choking on their vomit,” Astarion promised.
“And make sure they drink plenty of water!” Shadowheart added.
“Astarion?” Tav mumbled, seeming to finally come to, blinking up at the pale elf’s face. 
“Yes, darling, I’ve got you,” he murmured, an arm wrapped solidly around Tav’s waist. 
“Oh good. Did you get a beat grig bear? Oops,” Tav chuckled, grinning. “I meant a great… big… bear. Shadowheart *hiccup* said you would.”
Astarion didn’t have a bloody clue as to what Tav was talking about, but he nodded along, charmed by their innocent look of excitement.
“We should drink to celebrate!” they said suddenly. 
Astarion well and truly laughed. “No, my dear, I think we’ve both done enough drinking for the night,” he responded. 
Tav sighed. “I suppose you could be right,” they grumbled.
The two fell into a companionable silence. Astarion carefully walked Tav up the steps of the tavern and guided them toward an old boarding room near the back. There was a bed there, mostly left untouched by grime and pests. In any case, it was a more favorable alternative to sleeping on the ground.
Gently, Astarion pushed Tav to sit down on the edge of the bed. Crouching to his knees, he began pulling their boots off their feet. Tav watched in a daze before lifting a hand to cup Astarion’s cheek. 
Concentrating on the laces of Tav’s boots, he hadn’t been expecting their touch. He jumped slightly in surprise. Casual touches were not something he was used to. 
At his response, Tav removed their hand from his skin but kept it floating there in the air, as if unsure what to do. 
“Sorry,” they murmured. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Astarion held their gaze, pondering them thoughtfully. After a moment, he took Tav’s hand and returned it to his cheek. 
“It’s all right,” he said quietly. “I’m beginning not to mind those touches from you.”
Tav gave him a sleepy smile. “Thank you, Astarion,” they whispered and began to slump over onto the bed. 
“No no, not yet you don’t,” Astarion said hastily, rising to his feet and walking over to fetch a carafe of water from his pack. 
“Here. Drink all of this,” he said, extending the bottle to Tav.
“I don’t want water,” they said, frowning. 
“Trust me, darling, you’ll thank me for it in the morning,” Astarion chuckled. 
Tav gave a sullen huff. “Fine, but only because you asked.”
They downed the carafe in a couple of drinks before collapsing back onto the bed. 
Satisfied that Tav wouldn’t perish from alcohol poisoning - at least not tonight - Astarion made to leave the room. A quiet voice gave him pause just as he was about to cross the threshold. 
“Could you stay with me, please?” Tav whispered, watching Astarion through half-closed eyes. 
Astarion balked inwardly. Staying in the same bed with Tav would mean something. To Tav. To him. Was he prepared for that? What would Tav expect from him then, in the days that followed? Was this a step toward some kind of commitment? Did he want that?
As the seconds ticked by, he watched Tav’s eyelids close completely. They may not have even been aware that they had uttered that request aloud. They certainly weren’t aware of the effect it had on Astarion. He could just as easily pretend not to have heard them and walk out the door, leaving things as they were between them now: a curious potential.
But watching Tav’s chest slowly rise and fall with peaceful breaths, Astarion felt that craving again. The desire to be in the warm sun. To be touched by the sun’s rays. 
Fears be damned, he thought. At least for tonight. He could have this moment, he reasoned. He could have this one night. 
And, climbing into bed next to Tav, a part of him thrilled at the way their body turned and curled into his. The complete and total trust they had in him, that he wouldn’t harm them. That he - Astarion - was a safe harbor in which they could rest. 
The realization was too much to take in. So foreign. His mind couldn’t make sense of it. 
But, as he lay there in the quiet, his hand gently brushing Tav’s locks back from their forehead, listening to their even breaths, Astarion knew one thing. Whatever this new feeling was that Tav was drawing out of him? He wanted more than just a few stolen moments of it.
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
congrats on 4k!!! it is very well deserved & i hope u reach another huge milestone 🫶🏾 for sleepover week i would just like to bring up husband joshua from sundress szn and ask what was their honeymoon like 👀
thank you so so much! omg husband joshua i'm beyond excited to visit him again
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~1.1k
Warnings: cockwarming, unprotected sex, marriage kink, petnames (honey, baby, wife, good girl), creampie
Reader Notes: has breasts and a vagina
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Joshua wakes before you, his face buried in your neck and his body wrapped around yours. The sound of crashing waves travels through the open windows, as does the full force of the sun. He blinks slowly, raising a hand against the bright light flooding the room and scrunching his face when he sees the time. It’s early still, and he has no idea why he’s not sleeping. He kept you up late last night, christening nearly every surface in the hotel suite before finally letting you pass out after round who knows what.
He’s exhausted, his body worn out from the sex and his mind worn out from the wedding, and he can definitely feel it. He feels something else though: heat. Settled deep in his stomach, burning him up from the inside out, getting worse and worse the longer you- 
Oh. That’s why he’s awake. You’re grinding into him, your wet cunt searing hot around his hard dick. He forgot he fell asleep inside you last night and his cock feels so sensitive, but your pussy is so fucking good, he never wants to leave. 
He wakes you with a pinch to your hip and a slight thrust, murmuring a hoarse, “Morning, wife,” into your neck as you stir. You stretch, pushing back into him before you even fully wake before sleepily mumbling, “Hi, husband.” 
“Mmmm, what are our plans for the day?” Joshua asks in between kisses and nibbles along your throat. He gently cups your jaw, his hand big enough to reach from ear to ear, and turns your face to the side so he has more room to work. You pretend to think, tapping your chin with a finger, sunlight reflecting off your ring, before pushing into him again and whispering, “This?” 
He laughs into your neck, thrusting back and feeling his cock twitch when you giggle, making your sinfully tight walls contract around him. His head drops to your shoulder as he shudders, swearing quietly into your skin before wrapping his arms around your waist and bucking his hips hard against yours. You’re so fucking hot and wet around him, still fit him so perfectly even after he’s been stretching you out all night, and he has the sudden urge to thank you. To kiss you and hold you and fuck you and love you forever. And now that you’re his wife(!), those are all things he can do. 
Joshua doesn’t think he’s ever felt so giddy while having sex before, but there’s a first time for everything and he loves having his firsts with you. He wishes all of them were, but he knows that all the rest will be, and that’s enough. He’s getting strangely emotional, somehow just now fully processing what yesterday meant. What it means. 
That you’re his and he’s yours forever, and everyone knows thanks to the rings on your fingers and your hyphenated last names. 
“Love you so much, honey,” Joshua groans, releasing your face and pleading roughly, “Kiss me, need you to-“
You turn as best you can, kissing him and swallowing his words with a whine of your own as he slides in and out of you. He’s getting so deep inside, his dick bottoming out and his hips touching yours with every thrust, but he wishes he could get deeper. He wishes he could make a home inside you and live there, though he supposes making a home with you is just as good, if not even better. 
He’s getting close and he can sense that you are too, pulls you that much tighter into his chest before sliding one hand down between your legs to get you there before he does. All it takes to push you over the edge are your clit under his thumb and some words of encouragement (“Is my wife gonna cum for me? C’mon, I know you can do it, baby.”). The clenching of your cunt and your sweet, sweet sounds are enough to push him over too, and as his hot cum paints your walls, the only thing he can do is hold on tight and moan, “Love you, love you, love you, love you,” into your open mouth. 
His eyes are closed but he can feel you clinging to his arms as you come down, breathily echoing his love you’s and intentionally clenching your inner muscles just to be a little evil. He fucks into you in retaliation and opens his eyes, realizing that… he’s still hard. 
Fuck, but he came so much, he thinks, then wonders if you’d be up for another round. You met his thrust just now, even braced your hands on the bed to do so, but he figures he should ask, just to be safe. 
“Wanna go again?” Joshua whispers, pulling back just far enough for his eyes to catch yours. They’re gleaming, and you’re smiling that happy little bitten back smile, and he is so in love. 
And so, so hard. 
You nod, whispering back, “Absolutely, I do,” before he can even tell you to use your words. You really are his good girl. 
“On your back? I wanna look at you,” he breathes, struggling to keep his hips from bucking into you without his permission. His impatient body can wait until his wife is situated. 
He loosens his hold on you to let you wiggle onto your back, gathering you back up in his arms as soon as you get comfortable on the duvet. Missionary may be seen as a boring position, but Joshua thinks it’s one of the most intimate ways you can be with someone. He’s face to face with you, chest to chest, and he can look right into your eyes like he always loves to do. This is how he first made love to you, and it only makes sense to make love to you like this on your first day as husband and wife. 
He waits for you to spread your legs for him, waits for you to grow impatient and wrap them around his waist so you can pull him into you, and only when you throw your head back and whine, “Joshua!” does he line up and slide home. The warm wetness that engulfs him is blinding, intoxicating, new and exciting even as he fucks you for the nth time, and he knows he’ll never get enough.
Good thing you married him, he thinks, thrusting just a bit harder, just a bit deeper, knowing that he never needs to get enough. 
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Find my masterlist here
Part 4
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Birthday Confession
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Best Friend!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | Bucky never really cared for his birthday, but he suddenly had a different outlook since you came into his life. As long as he can spend it with you—the sweet, soft-spoken neighbor he secretly harbors a major crush on— and his cat, Alpine, he's happy. However, when everything takes a turn this year, you're both turning it into a birthday he'll never forget.
RATING | Mature (M)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Friends to lovers trope, use of Y/N, alcohol consumption, Natasha and Tony are alive, mutual pining.
A/N | This story is written in honor of Bucky Barnes' birthday, which is the perfect opportunity for me to get into the swing of writing for him again! It's written for Bucky's Birthday Bash—hosted by @buckybarnesevents—and includes the prompts Post Endgame Bucky, Friends to Lovers, Reader, and Dancing. The story is not proofread, any and all mistakes are my own.
EVENTS Masterlist | @buckybarnesevents BABB061: March | 3AM Talks Masterlist | @anyfandomaubingo | Neighbor!Reader Masterlist | @anyfandomfluffbingo | Girl/Boy Next Door Masterlist | @fandombingo | "I don't know how to be in a relationship." / "Good, that makes two of us." Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | Best friends to lovers Masterlist | @sebastianstanbingo | Birthday Gifts
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | Header: Yours truly
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Bucky never particularly cared for his birthday, but that changed when he met you—the sweet, soft-spoken neighbor who moved in next to his apartment almost five years ago. He used to be a recluse, preferring the company of Alpine, his cat, but something about you made him want to open up and let you into his life.
Now that you had melted his heart and broken down the walls he had built, he found himself looking forward to seeing you. He even dared to say he looks forward to celebrating his birthday because he knows that you will make him the type of cupcake he loves.
It's just after dinner, and he finds himself on his couch, Alpine purring on his lap as he pets her and tells her about his evening plans.
"I'm going to the club later, can you believe it? I never would have even considered it a few years ago, but when Y/N asked me, I didn't even think twice about it," he says with a small smile, shaking his head gently at the thought of you asking him to the club a few weeks ago. He could not say no to you, especially with his major crush on you.
Alpine meows when she hears your name because when you and Bucky got to know each other, you have also fallen in love with her. She's the reason you two even met. The day you first moved in, Bucky went to check his mail on a beautiful summer evening, and Alpine escaped before he could stop her.
She wandered carelessly into your apartment with a loud meow, pulling your attention away from the box you were unpacking. A white, fluffy cat with the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen stood in front of you, and right behind her was the most beautiful, albeit broody-looking man you've ever seen.
"Alpine! What do you think you're doing wandering into this lady's apartment?!" he told the cat, and you couldn't help but chuckle as she meowed loudly when he picked her up.
"I'm sorry," he said, and you smiled warmly at him. Deep inside, you were enjoying the stark difference between the dark-haired, broad-shouldered man and the beautiful white cat in his arms, but they seemed to fit together perfectly as if they were made for one another.
"It's okay; I like cats, especially when they bring along men like you!" you said confidently, and Bucky couldn't help but blush deeply after your comment. Before you could introduce yourself, he turned around and quickly returned to his apartment; the mail he was supposed to pick up had been long forgotten. From that moment on, you were the topic of most thoughts.
Over time, Bucky has slowly accepted you into his life, and being with you has brightened some of the darkest moments of his life. After Steve returned to be with Peggy, Bucky struggled a lot. From horrible nightmares to sleepless nights, he has been through everything. But you always seem to bring a bit of lightness wherever you go, including in Bucky's life.
Nowadays, he is generally a lot happier, but it's even more noticeable when you're in his presence; he carries himself with more confidence. Instead of hiding away all the time, he doesn't mind being seen when you're by his side. You gave him back the self-confidence he'd lost all those years ago, and he will always be thankful for that.
Before he can think about all that too hard, though, he hears a knock on the door and tucks Alpine under his arm before he opens it. He can see you standing there through the peephole and quickly swings open the door to let you in.
You're standing in front of him in a tight, knee-length dress, black heels, and lipstick that perfectly matches the color of your dress. The rest of your makeup is light, and your hair is pulled into a bun with braids to complete your outfit. His gaze lowers to the cupcake in your hand, a candle burning.
"Happy birthday, Bucky! Make a wish!" you tell him in a cheerful voice. With a smirk, he leans down to blow out the candle on the cupcake you're holding, though he already knows what he'll wish for. Each year, he wishes for the same thing: that you become his. This year may be the year for it to come true.
"I got you something special for your birthday this year. It's not every day you turn 107 years old, after all," you tell him, and he can't help but laugh. The fact that he's this old has never bothered you, and he's thankful for that.
The first time you ran into him on his birthday and asked how he was, he couldn't help but tell you it was his birthday. He still remembers how your eyes widened at his words and how you showed up later that afternoon with a book you had recently read.
Your shared love for reading is one of many things you two have in common, so you have developed the tradition of buying books for special occasions. The moment he tore the paper away from the first book you ever gifted him, he knew he would love it no matter what because it came from you.
You found an extra special one this year, though, and you've been dying to see his reaction since you acquired it. It is wrapped in shiny, black wrapping paper with a gold ribbon.
With quick movements, he unwraps his present, and an almost pristine first edition of The Hobbit is lying in his hands. It is the same book he read when it first came out and one he never thought he would see again.
"Why don't you open it up?" you urge him, and he does. Inside are the words he never thought he would see again, and he can't help but get choked up at the sight of them.
'Happy Birthday, jerk' is scribbled at the front of the book, and Bucky knows instantly that it's the version Steve has worked hard to buy him. Tears gather in his eyes as his fingers glide over the words, and he feels deeply thankful for this present.
"W-where—How-?" is all he can manage to choke out before you step forward and wrap your arms around him. He melts into your touch as your cheek is pressed against his chest, and soft kisses are placed on your head as his way of saying thank you.
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes until you feel Alpine's soft fur against your bare legs, making you chuckle before releasing him and bending down to give her some love. Not long after, it's finally time to go to the club where you are supposed to meet the other Avengers, and Bucky calls the two of you a cab to take you there, saving you two the hassle of NYC parking.
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"Are you ready to go in, Doll?" Bucky asks after helping you out of the cab and paying the driver. You nod as you go into the club, which is still relatively empty. It's still early in the night as you go and find a booth, and the rest of the Avengers will join later. As you slide into it, you look around to observe the room, but your eye eventually falls on Bucky standing at the bar.
He looks back at you with a wink as he orders your drinks, even though he can't get drunk. Despite that, he still enjoys the taste of it, so he usually orders a beer or two. It doesn't take long for him to join you in your booth, sliding in so he's sitting right next to you, and your thighs are almost touching.
"Thank you for inviting me, Doll. These evenings are a lot more bearable now that you're with me," he says, and you give him a smile before taking a sip of your drink.
"I'm glad to hear that because I know they're a lot more bearable for me when you're here," you say, and he blushes under the scruff lining his cheeks. The pink tint has the butterflies in your stomach going wild, but most of the other Avengers are arriving before you can say anything else.
Tony arrives at your table first, closely followed by Natasha, Wanda, Sam, and Clint. The two of you slide out of the booth to greet everyone, and the three men go to sit on one side while you, Natasha, and Wanda sit on the other side. Luckily, you're still seated across from Bucky during all this.
The conversation during the night's first half is light and pleasant, but the more drinks flowing, the looser everyone becomes. Combined with the number of people slowly filling the club, the atmosphere is starting to get much more enjoyable. You're just about to take a sip of your third drink of the evening when Natasha and Wanda practically pull you out of the booth, begging you to dance with them.
"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" you tell them with a broad smile that doesn't go unnoticed by Bucky. Seeing you getting along so well with his friends fills him with happiness, and no one can wipe off the smile adorning his face. He also knows that if Steve were here with all of you, he would have loved you, too.
The entire time you're on the dancefloor, Bucky's eyes are glued to you. From the way your hips move effortlessly to the excitement on your face, and from the way the sweat drips down your neck and into the valley of your breasts to the way your dress seems to ride up just enough to show a bit more skin, he notices it all.
"Why don't you go over there and dance with her? It's almost creepy when you're staring at her, man!" Sam says with a push against his metal arm.
"I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine with Nat and Wanda over there," he says, looking at Sam grumpily. However, you seem to have gotten the same idea as you return to the booth.
"Dance with me, Bucky! C'mon!" you say, and of course, the man cannot say no to you. Bucky shoots Sam a dirty look before turning to you, sliding out of the booth, and taking your hand. The music has a nice thumping bass, and Bucky allows himself to get lost in it and in the moves your body makes.
While you were dancing side by side at first, it eventually migrated to the point where you're grinding against him, his bulge pressing against your ass while his fingers are digging into your hips. The tension between you two has been building for a long time, and relieving some of it right now feels good.
After dancing like this for a while, you turn to face Bucky, and he can see the way you're enjoying yourself. From the flush on your cheeks to the smile adorning your face, you're looking perfect, and Bucky has to stop himself from kissing you right now. It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but if he goes down that path with you, he wants to do it right.
"Shall we go outside for a moment?" you ask him, and he nods. You lead him out, the cool air feeling pleasant against your skin.
"Are you enjoying yourself tonight, Doll?" he asks you, though he already knows the answer. Clearly, you're enjoying yourself, but he still wants to hear you say it.
"I am, but there's a reason I asked you out here. Away from everyone else's ears," you tell him, his curiosity piqued. He raises a brow as he looks at you, your lip pulled between your teeth as you muster up the courage to finally tell him what's on your mind. You've gotten this far, so now you have to pull through.
"The past few years with you have been amazing, Bucky, but I have noticed that something... changed," you say after a short moment. As soon as those words leave your mouth, Bucky's brows furrow, but you're quick to ease the thoughts in his head.
"I mean to say I'm in love with you, Bucky. I'm not sure when or how it happened, but it has. I understand if you don't feel the same about me, but I've been thinking about this for almost a year now-" is all you get to say before he pulls you against his chest as he dips down to capture your lips with his.
It's a soft, sweet kiss that has you melting into his touch, and neither of you wants it to end. When the need for air eventually takes over your brain, you hesitantly pull away, though your foreheads are still connected as you gaze into Bucky's bright blue eyes.
"I'm in love with you too, Doll, but I have another confession. I don't know how to be in a relationship," he says softly, and you smile at his confession.
"Good, that makes two of us. But if you want to, I want to figure it out together. Something about being with you feels right, and I want to explore it with you if you're open to it," you say, and he nods.
"I'd love nothing more, Doll," he says before he leans down and kisses you again, your head tilting slightly to the side as he does. All four other Avengers are whooping in excitement as the two of you kiss, but you don't care. All you can think about is Bucky and how his lips feel on yours.
"Finally, it took you guys long enough!" Tony says before everyone congratulates the two of you. Before you go back inside, Bucky grabs his phone from his pocket, and when he notices the time, he can't help but smile.
"Y'know what, Doll, out of all the 3 AM talks we've shared over the years, this is my favorite," he says as he shows you the time. You have stayed up with him during his nightmares or sleepless nights countless times, but you cannot agree more. This one is definitely your favorite.
"Happy birthday, Bucky," you tell him before pulling him in for a last kiss. Afterward, you go back inside, and all of you dance until the sun rises again, and it's time to go home. Bucky may have celebrated many birthdays in his life, but not a single one will ever top this one. There's no greater gift than hearing you confess your love for him, after all.
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hauntedhokage · 7 months
birthday boy
Diavolo/F!MC (no y/n)
summary: Even on his birthday, Diavolo works himself to the point of stress. But that’s where you come in.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: explicit sexual content (minors/ageless blogs DNI), non explicit depiction of thigh riding, semi-public office sex, m!receiving oral, unprotected sex, reader wears Diavolo’s shirt and gets carried by Diavolo (but he’s like massive and a strong powerful demon so he’s one size fits all), Dia calls reader “princess”
note: this is also dedicated to the other birthday bitch @silverrings-n-prettythings, have some demon prince smut and your cake babes
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Waking up alone wasn’t abnormal, but usually the bed would be warm still and this morning it wasn’t- which constituted a major problem. Your auburn haired prince was not in bed, and based on how cold his side of the bed was you could tell that he had been out of bed for a while. That was, if he had even come to bed at all during the night. 
And today was his birthday, which was supposed to be a day for him to be celebrated and not drown himself in paperwork. He wouldn’t even enjoy the day if he was exhausted, and that’s the thought that has you sliding from the large bed in search of your sweet prince. 
You don’t have to look far; the door to his study is cracked open and soft music is coming from the room, telling you that he was definitely in there working, instead of anything truly fun. The sight of him hunched over the desk, pen furiously scribbling away in his notebook while surrounded by stacks of paper taller than you were, was pretty depressing. 
“Did you go to sleep at all, birthday boy?” you ask as you shut the door to his study behind you, bringing his attention up from the papers for only a moment to take you in before he’s looking back down.
“I got some rest.”
“A fifteen minute nap in your chair isn’t rest, Diavolo,” you argue, coming to stand behind his chair and placing your hands on his shoulders. They were so tense, you hate how much stress he carried at all times. He didn’t deserve that at all. “At this rate you’ll kill yourself before you fully take the throne.” 
“You sound like Barbatos, my love.”
“That’s how you know it’s a good point.” 
“Maybe so,” he murmurs around a sigh, looking up over his shoulder to see you looking down at him with a concerned frown. “I left you all alone in that big bed, I’m sorry.”
“You had a lot to do, I get it.” And you do, even if you will never fully understand the position he’s in. He’s doing this because he feels he has to, considering the massive shoes he has to fill, and you can respect the effort even if you don’t like it. “But you need to take a break, baby. I’m sure Barbatos is up, maybe he can fix you some tea. I’ll go-“
“No, please stay here with me. I’d like to make up for leaving you high and dry last night.” 
“You’re busy.”
“I need a break.” He counters while pulling you around to stand in front of him. You looked so cute in his nightshirt, better than he did in the silky garment, and he knew you weren’t wearing anything underneath by how your nipples poked through in the chilled air of his study. Another careful pull of your hand has you off balance enough that he could guide you to straddle his thigh easily, and the warmth of your arousal that he felt through his slacks makes him smile as you steady yourself using his shoulders. 
“I’d like for you to use me to get yourself off. I’m all yours.”
“I’m saving your cock for later, then. You can have your present later if right now is about me.”
“You’re the greatest gift I could ask for,” he whispers, smiling when you kiss him as your hips begin their slow work of riding his thigh. It would be a wonderful start to the day, but you were definitely going to find more time for him to get some breaks during the day. 
He doesn’t even make it to lunchtime before he’s dozing off. Not that anyone would say something bad about the future Demon King falling asleep during a class on curses, especially not on his birthday, but you certainly had plenty to say and intended to do so when he guided you into the Student Council chambers under the guise of needing to talk to you about "official business".
“You need to go home and rest, Diavolo.” Comes out of your mouth before he’s got the chance to say anything, and you watch as he slumps into the chair that was normally occupied by Lucifer during meetings. “You never fall asleep during class.”
“I was actually hoping you’d let me have you excused from the rest of your classes to help with some paperwork from the House of Lords.” That wasn’t what you wanted to hear, and the way you cross your arms over your chest makes him sigh tiredly while running a hand through his hair. “Please.”
“Can’t any of this wait until after the Devildom holiday that is Prince Diavolo’s birthday?”
“It’s not a holiday.”
“It is to me.” You hop onto the long table, your eyes fixed on his as he watches you. He was more interested in your skirt than your face, but you did tuck your panties behind the pocket square in his breast pocket before class started so you knew he was most interested in the fact that you weren’t wearing any underwear. “You should’ve just canceled classes, it’s not like you'll be awake for the rest of them, anyway.”
“We take a break now, you help me with these papers, and then during the last class hour I promise to take a nap.”
“Pinky promise?” Your extended hand curls so only your pinky finger is held in front of him, a playful grin on your face as he lets out a laugh of his own. The little things you brought to him from the human world never failed to amaze and amuse him, and pinky promises always brought some light to his day. “You can’t break a pinky promise.”
“I never would,” he assures, locking his pinky around your own and bringing your joined digits to his lips to kiss them. “May I ask why your panties were that wet, princess?”
“Was just thinking about you and how handsome you are and how I could reward you for all your hard work. It is your birthday, after all.”
“I have an idea, if you’re open to it here.” He’s palming himself through his trousers, the bulge there already prominent as he watches you watch him. “I’m already so hard it hurts.”
“And why, dear prince, is that the case?”
“You, my love. Only ever and always you.” He’s such a romantic, carefully helping you off of the table only to pout when you don’t follow his prompting to get onto his lap. That could wait, and you know that he knows what’s on your mind once you’re slowly lowering to your knees between his spread legs. “You spoil me.”
“It’s your day to be spoiled.” He undoes the fastenings of his pants for you, and you know your eyes light up when his erection springs to life once it's been freed from its confinements. The chamber doors don’t lock, which provides a bit of risk to the situation at hand but you also know that only two people would willingly walk into the Student Council chambers without there being a meeting called and both Lucifer would immediately turn around and leave at the sight of you leaving a trail of kisses along the cock of the Prince of the Devildom. Barbatos would handle whatever business needed handling, then leave with a pat to both your heads and reassurance that he’d keep everyone else out until you both were ready to be around others. 
You wish you could take a picture of how pretty Diavolo looks when you’re sucking him off. How he’d watch with adoration as you took every bit of him that you could into your mouth and throat, how he liked to look you in the eyes and tell you how wonderfully made for him that you were that you could take him so well with minimal struggle. How even when he was keeping your head down on his shaft until you needed him to let you up to breathe, the look on his face is one of pure adoration and reverence as he takes you in. 
“Please, I’d like to cum inside you. Let you carry me with you for the rest of the day, then after the party I can fill you again.”
“Are you going to come to bed tonight?” you ask, raising an eyebrow when he gives you a nervous smile. “I’m not going to let you fuck me after your birthday party if we’re not sleeping together tonight. And you deserve a full night of rest.”
What you get in return is his pinky extended towards you, and you lock yours around his as you stand. 
“I promise, my love, that I will come to bed tonight and sleep with you through the night. Not leaving until you do.” 
“Pinky promises hit a bit different with your dick out, prince charming.” He laughs, but still kisses your joined fingers when you lean in to do the same, his free hand coming to you back to push you into him. You’re grateful you opted for the skirt today instead of pants, allowing for no restriction to stop you from lining his tip up with your already dripping entrance. 
“You’re already so wet for me. Does sucking me off get you going that much?”
“You have no idea. You’re so fucking pretty, birthday boy,” you comment as you sink down onto his length, carefully nipping at his bottom lip when he grins at you. “My pretty prince.” 
“And you’re my beautiful princess, the sweetest girl in the three worlds.” You both release a mutual sigh of pleasured relief when you’re fully seated on his length. “Stay for a moment, please.”
“As long as you’d like.”
“I think I’ll take tomorrow off,” he murmurs, his thumb coming to rest on your clit and rubbing lazy circles that have your walls fluttering around him. “Keep you in bed with me all day, just like this. Maybe we can read a little, listen to some records, but this is what I know I need.”
“You.” The correction comes with a kiss, and you’re smiling against his lips as you start to ride him. Your pace is easy, slow and careful considering you have very little to worry about. Sound didn’t escape this room, so nobody would hear your prince when he started to get loud and come investigating. “Fuck, just you.”
Your hand finds itself on the back of his head, fingers interwoven in the soft auburn locks as he kisses along your jawline while your hips roll into his. And he’s talking, tired babbles whispering to you how much he loves you, how wonderful you are, how good you feel, how badly he can’t wait to do this all over again all day tomorrow until he has to stop. Your stamina wasn’t the same as his, considering your difference in biology, and that was something that he had to learn the hard way to keep in mind as he fucks you. 
“Fuck, princess,” he groans, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as the grip on your hips grew tighter. He’s no longer letting you simply ride him, now rocking his hips up into yours to meet your pace. “Gonna cum for me? Gonna cum so I can fill you with mine?”
You can only nod, your own hand tightening in his hair to keep him close while he fucks up into you. You can hear the chair’s groans of protest to the frantic movements happening, barely registering Diavolo’s desperate babbles into your skin, and you know that you’re talking but you can’t hear the words tumbling from your lips into his shoulder as the coil in your gut continues to tighten. 
“That’s it, princess. You can do it, please cum for me.” His mumbles into your neck only push you closer, your heart pounding and blood rushing through your ears the only thing that you could focus on as your legs tighten around his hips. You’re pressing your face into his neck when that coil finally snaps, your knees digging into his thighs as his hips still against yours and you feel the heat that came with Diavolo’s cum releasing inside you. 
“Feel better?” you ask once you’ve caught your breath, kissing his jaw before pulling back to steal a peck at his lips. The dazed look in his eyes tells you everything you need to know, followed by a soft purr when you carefully scratch at the back of his head. Your sweet prince needed this time to simply breathe, and you’re happy to provide that for him. 
“So much better.” Is all he says once he’s recovered, a dopey smile on his face before he kisses you. This kiss is just as sweet, but the laziness of it provides you with great pride in knowing that he was truly relaxed in this moment. There wasn’t a rush to give you what you were looking for before he could get back to his work, no desperate hunger fueled by distance or his need for distance so he could get work done in peace. It was just you and Diavolo, relaxed and satisfied together in this moment. “I really, really love you princess.”
“I love you, too. Now put your dick away, Diavolo,” you prompt, gently ruffling his hair as you remove yourself from him and the chair and straighten your skirt. “And get out of Lucifer’s chair before he learns that we fucked in his seat.”
“I’ll call Barbatos and ask him to bring us some lunch.”
“You’re the best. Now where can I help with this mountain of paperwork so you can shut your eyes for at least fifteen minutes?”
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the-little-ewok · 7 months
“permission to lean in?” “permission granted”, “with your lips on mine…”, and “you kissed me last night.” “and you didn’t stop me.” with Poe?
Poe Dameron x G!N reader
Rating : M
Wordcount : 1400
Warnings : Non descriptive sexual contact mentions, sort of enemies to lovers (but also sort of not?), mentions of marriage, a bunch of teasing and banter.
Summary : The morning after the night before has you giving Poe some choice feedback.
A/N : Sorry I kept this kinda short and sweet and I didn't include one of the prompts. It was difficult to fit in. And sorry it's taken me so long to finish it!
Un-beta'd. Sorry for any mistakes!!
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"You kissed me last night," Poe comments the moment he walks into the empty meeting room, unceremoniously throwing himself down in the chair beside you, scrambling to catch the cup of caf he upsets on the table in the process.
"And you didn't stop me," you reply with a sigh at his actions, mopping up the spillage as he gives you an apologetic look. Even as a General, Poe was still a disaster flyboy, though you don't know why you thought that would ever change.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to remind you about it so it was at the forefront of your mind," he grins, not missing a beat in the conversation despite the mess he's made. You roll your eyes, trying to ignore the heat that prickles the back of your neck at the memory of what followed that kiss, the one that had you both stumbling into a supply cupboard of all places. Yes you might have instigated the kiss, but Poe had taken it much further than you had intended at that moment.
"You're right, I did need a reminder because it was pretty forgettable," you shrug, as though there isn't molten lava flowing through your veins at the memory of his tongue between your teeth, his body pressed against yours, the sound of supplies clattering to the ground from the shelves with the force of his thrusts.
You don't look at him, but out of the corner of your eye you see Poe's eyebrows shoot up somewhere into his hairline, and you have to bite your tongue to stop your laughter. He recovers quickly, leaning back in his chair and attempting to look as nonchalant as possible.
"So you won't be wanting a repeat tonight then?" He asks casually, picking up his datapad and flicking through it as though he isn't subtly watching your reaction.
You shrug noncommittally, dragging out your consideration as you sip what's left of your caf.
"Hmm, I don't think I had plans tonight, but that said I'm sure I can find something better to do."
"Than me?" Poe scoffs, as though he can't possibly imagine you would want to spend a night anywhere else. He gives up the show of looking at his work, throwing the data pad back on the table and folding his arms. "Well I heard Retha is hosting a film night in the mess. I'd probably have more fun at that than with you anyway."
"Probably,” you shrug, “but you know you can't concentrate through an entire film.” You glance over at him, watching his eyebrows pull together in a frown. He knows you're telling the truth but he's spoiling to argue about it.
"How would you know? You fall asleep ten minutes in and then wake up for the end asking twenty questions about who people are,” he accuses in retaliation, meeting your gaze with a glare of his own.
You jump back in, ready to defend yourself because he knows the problem is him. How many times have you settled down in his bunk to watch something and ended up under him, above him, and well, a whole lot of other positions that did not in any way involve watching the film.
"That's a lie. You've hardly ever let me watch properly to know what's going on anyway!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks. You give him a pointed look of warning, wondering if he really wants you to bring up his handsy antics in front of the other resistance members who have started to file into the room. When he continues to glare at you you decide he clearly needs it spelling out.
“It means maybe I don't know what's going on because someone can't keep their di-” you cut off your hissed reply, temporarily putting your argument on hold as Poe is interrupted by one of his commanders. You offer up a small smile at the others who begin taking their places around the table, chattering softly between themselves.
When everyone seems otherwise distracted Poe rounds back on you, unable just to simply drop the topic.
"Okay, point taken, but I only interrupt the boring films," he concedes, folding his arms stubbornly. "And let's be fair you've never complained."
"Well there's never really anything to comment on, complaints or otherwise" you shrug, watching his mouth fall open that for a second time you've insulted what he considered his second best talent to flying. His eyes flash dangerously and you can't help squirming in your seat, a delicious tingling licking across your skin at the thought he may make you pay for that, one way or another.
Poe’s eyes narrow and he leans in close to you.
“Oh really? Not even that one time we-”
"Are you two done?" Finn interrupts, making both of you startle. You feel your cheeks heat with embarrassment, realising everyone at the table is now staring at the two of you. Sitting back you fold your arms, it's Poe’s fault. He started it.
You catch the tail end of Poe's grumbled comments to himself as he gets up to host the meeting, turning on the screens with a "forgettable…show you nothing to comment on."
You stay behind as everyone filters out, leaning against the edge of the table waiting for him.
"So," Poe asks coming to stand in front of you, placing his arms either side of you, caging you in place. "Forgettable? I doubt you would have married someone who left you with forgettable hmm… moments." He settles on with a grin.
You laugh, amused that he's still not over the fact you said that, even almost two hours later.
"I was caught up in the momentum of victory," you tease, enjoying the butterflies his closeness gives you, still basking in the joy of being newlyweds after the end of the war. "I was excited to marry the resistance poster boy. Who knew he'd become so predictably boring? I mean really Poe? A supply closet? You can do better than that."
He huffs in response, acting offended all over again.
"Oh so now I'm forgettable and boring? I really thought you were still hopelessly in love with me and enjoying every moment of christening our new base. I mean, you certainly seemed to be enjoying it, rather loudly if I remember correctly," he gives you a smug grin and a raise of his eyebrow. He knows full well how much you enjoyed it and yes, perhaps you had been just a little bit loud about it.
You shrug, still playing along.
“Oh baby, that was all show. I couldn't let you think you were disappointing. You are the big scary General after all,” you tease in a babyish tone.
Poe glares at you, stepping back and clasping his hands behind his back, looking every inch the leader he is. The look he gives you sends heat rushing through your veins. The game is wearing thin, his jaw is tense and his eyes are narrowed, waiting for your move. He wants to prove your comments are wrong, even though he already knows you are only teasing.
"I guess I've interpreted this situation completely incorrectly and you don't want to help your General check out all the rooms, including the supply closets?” He asks, unmoving.
You lick your lips, fixing him with a sultry gaze.
“Well, I might be convinced, if only so I can help improve your performance.”
"Well aren't you just so selfless?" He rolls his eyes but steps towards you anyway. "You know I was thinking we could see how this room fairs but I assume that's too predictably boring for you?"
"Well," you grin, "we don't have that much time and this room is conveniently empty."
Another step towards you, "You're sure you have nothing better to do?"
“I have a free five minutes. That's all you need right?” you shrug, making the pilot break all pretence and start laughing.
He grumbles something about cheek and insubordination but you’re too distracted with the way he lights up when he laughs to care about his insults. You’re struck once more with a wave of love, the same one that made you fall for him all that time ago. Stars you adore him, you want him, you need him.
"Permission to lean in?" You ask, curling your fingers into the collar of his shirt, pulling him against you as Poe takes your waist.
He pauses for a moment, making a show of considering your request before his expression finally softens. He leans in to whisper against your lips.
"Permission granted."
He makes sure what happens next is anything but forgettable.
Thanks for reading!
A/N : Please, please if you enjoyed this take the time to comment and reblog! Interaction is the only thing that keeps writers writing!
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sfehvn · 7 months
new religion part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7
A/N: Some more fluffy smut in this chapter. Enjoy! xx Rating: M (18+ minors DNI) Word count: 2,081 Characters: soft!ascended!Astarion x au!Tav
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  You had always admired how warm sun rays kissed your lover’s flesh, never to be marred by the harsh light. You had never given it a second thought before Astarion’s admission; now you often found yourself questioning if some ounce of you had known something was off about him. If you had simply repressed any thoughts that didn’t align with your ideation of him. It was always short-lived once his hand intertwined with your own, grounding you like a tether to the planet’s surface. “Made just for me. Every bit of you fits exquisitely. Wouldn’t you agree, darling?” Astarion would often tease just to see the red hugh that would grace your cheeks. Although he liked to see how nervous he made you, it was never contrary to the truth. How natural such things he would previously sneer in distaste for felt with you. It would seldom cease to blow his mind; the piece of divinity a heinous creature like himself had managed to secure. The gods must have had a hand at play the day his eyes fell upon you. Why? He wasn’t sure he’d ever know.
  Bloomridge Park was green as ever and you watched the inhabitants with a careful eye, resting against a pillow Astarion had been sure to pack for your first excursion out since you’d stumbled up to his front door after the passing of your father. Young couples chattered to themselves as they walked by, the occasional flaming fist clad in full armor, a mother and two young children following like ducklings. You hum absently, running your hand over the soft material of the blanket beneath you two. It was the first time you’d been able to think about anything other than your father’s passing in nearly a month.
  “Isn’t it odd?” Your eyes fluttered shut as you mused.
  “Hm? What’s that, dear?” Astarion looks up from the book he had been engrossed in.
  “All of these people. We don’t know the first thing about them. Yet, all of them live their own lives with struggles we’ll never know.” You open your eyes to look at him, taking note of the confusion on his face so you elaborate further. “I just mean it’s easy to see strangers in the street and take them for face value, I suppose. Do you ever think about that?”
  “No.” His brow creases, glancing over at the most recent passerby.
  He marks where he left off in his novel and sets it down beside him before he moves closer to you, snaking an arm around your waist and urging your head to rest on his chest instead of the pillow. “Not particularly. Where is this coming from?”
  “I was just curious, I guess. I think about it a lot. I wonder if people look at us and have the same perception.” As you speak, his fingers run through the silky strands of your hair, attentive to the way it shimmers at the prying light through the forested leaves of the tree above.
  “What matter would it serve if they did? If anything they see an extraordinarily gorgeous couple brilliantly in love. If they have any sense, at least.” His words prompt you to swat his chest disapprovingly; playfully.
  “You are missing my point.” You giggle and Astarion’s chest fills with an intense feeling of happiness. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the sound of your laugh through the troubles of the past month. “Did you ever look at me and see the sadness my heart holds? Do you think anyone else does?” 
  Astarion’s free hand comes up to cup your chin, his thumb stroking gentle circles against your jaw. “You are a light to all who are blessed enough to lay eyes upon you.” He asserts. You smile solemnly, hand coming to rest on his elbow. Welcoming lips meet his, a sweet kiss ghosted in their absence.
  You came to rest on a velvet chaise in the front room, holding an envelope between your fingertips. Your name was scrawled across the front in the familiar chicken scratch of your older brother’s handwriting. You swiftly opened it and were greeted with two pages of writing. Your younger sisters had been settling into their new home comfortably, much to your relief. You had felt a great sense of guilt lately for being so willing to hand them over to Alan upon his request. Your brother knew you better than anyone else and when you had fell apart after losing your father, it was unspoken that you were not ready to take on the role of mother to five young girls. Alan, however, had quite a few years on you and his wife was just as eager to take them on. Seeing the letter reassured that you had indeed made the right choice. They deserved more structure than you were able to provide, and according to Alan they were flourishing under their care. The knowledge felt like a weight off of your shoulders.
  “Your brother, dear?” Astarion asks as he enters the room, toweling droplets of water from his hair. You nod, as does he in response. “The girls are faring well, I presume?”
  “Very well it seems.” You hum, setting the letter aside so you can put your sole attention on the nude body of your lover before you. You reach out, beckoning him to take your hands. He places them into yours, pulling you up from the chaise. His head dips down until his lips find your neck, suckling gently at the sensitive skin. His hands move to the front of the silk robe that adorned your body, slowly working it down your arms until it fell from you in a graceful pile at your feet. You move your neck to the side to allow him more access, draping your arms around his neck. Convinced you would never tire of feeling Astarion’s body against your own, you let out a contented sigh followed shortly by a moan as you felt his fangs teasingly dance over your flesh.
  His hands move to grip the backs of your thighs, lifting you. He places you graciously on the nearby desk, as if you were more fragile than you actually were. You immediately feel hands trailing up the insides of your legs, spreading his fingers wide as he silently aided you in opening them for him. A faint whine leaves your throat once his digits are buried deep inside of you, his thumb stroking your clit softly but with purpose. Your head tilts in ecstasy and it urges him to your throat once more. How badly he wanted to taste your sweet lifeforce on his tongue, it was as if every part of your body sung for him. Self control he had no use for before you always took him by surprise. No matter how badly he craved to indulge in everything your body offered to him, he wouldn’t dare sink a fang into you without you urging him to.
  “I wanna know what it feels like.” You murmured. Astarion’s hand stills but remains in place between your thighs, lifting his head from his position in the crook of your neck. You look up at him from euphoric hooded eyes, a slight smile upturning the corner of your lips. “I mean if you want to. I-I just know you said that alone wouldn’t turn me.” You stuttered, a soft flush decorated your cheeks. “And I trust you.” You added sheepishly.
  He looks down at you curiously, an amused smile playing on his face at how nervous you came across in your revelation. “It wouldn’t.” His words were poised, yet he was nearly unable to quell the excitement buzzing within himself. He pondered whether he’d be able to show the same restraint in the moment. A little taste couldn’t hurt and he was well fed; now had to be as good a time as any. One of his hands come up to cradle the back of your head and his other arm braces your waist against him. He presses a tender kiss to your forehead before his mouth is resting over your jugular. Your heart flutters from the thrill, the anticipation. “You’re sure?”
  That was the only confirmation Astarion needed. He plants one final kiss to your neck before his fangs sink into your delicate flesh, the sweetness of your metallic blood pools in his mouth and he sucks eagerly, somehow managing to remember to treat you delicately through the rush of it all. It’s the sweetest thing he’s had the pleasure of tasting, even sweeter to feel your body relax against his own rather than fighting against him. He shifts his hand from your waist to guide his hard cock to your drenched mound, pressing into you slowly.
  The feeling is the closest he believes he’d ever get to religion, your body reacting ferverently to his every touch. He pumps in and out of your center, his mouth lapping up every ounce of blood that flows from your wound in tandem. Your pleasurable moans urge him on and he quickens his pace as your body goes limp from the bloodloss. Your hands lazily grasping his shoulders let him know you were still conscious and he removes himself from your neck before he’s beyond the point of no return. His hand reaches to apply pressure to the wound in an attempt to stop your blood from leaking any further. It coats his palm at the contact and he hungrily plants his lips to yours once again.
  The metallic taste of his tongue is off-putting for a moment, but quickly your mind is overtaken by the sensation of him filling you to the brim over and over again with deliberate thrusts. You feel reality drift away as your body shakes in euphoria, walls tightening around the length of his cock. You weren’t dying, but if you were, this would be the way you’d like to go. A celestial feeling of toeing the line between life and death, while the man you love fucks you to your heart’s content. The thought pushes you over the edge, his name leaving your lips in invocation. He follows suit. His seed drips as he pulls out of you, soon to be dripping down those thighs he loved so much. “I think I need to lie down.” You say weakly, your surroundings grow increasingly blurry as you look around the room.
  “Soon, my treasure.” He assures, calling for the maid that stood outside of the room. She entered and remained unfazed by the sight before her, instead waiting for instruction from her master. “Tend to Tav’s wound and help her into a fresh pair of night clothes.” 
  “Yes, master.” The thrall responds, urgently rushing to your side and making quick work of bandaging your punctured neck. 
  You lay silently at Astarion’s side feeling much more balanced. The nightgown that hugged your body was no use in hiding the stickiness between your thighs, a welcome reminder of the passionate encounter you two had shared earlier in the evening. His fingertips massage your head, laced in your hair as your head rested on his shoulder. “I could stay like this forever.” You whisper for fear of breaking the comfortable moment. He smiles, turning his head to bury his nose into your hair.
  A fiery-haired woman watches on in admiration, her fingers twinging slightly to will away the viewing port that had been conjured before her. “Don’t you just love love?” She muses to the other two women at her side. Her face of unparalleled beauty, she grins widely.
  “It seems your plan is going accordingly, Sune. Although, do you truly believe them able to fulfill such a prophecy?” A darker haired woman asks.
  “Oh, Mystra.” Sune giggles. “Your doubt aside, I do. I’ve hardly had to meddle at all. All it took was for the vampire to get one good look at her. The rest is their doing.”
  “We are running out of time. I didn’t imagine it would be such a lengthy process. If we succeed, there will be no feat this archdevil can overcome.” A silver-haired woman addresses, eyeing the red-haired goddess carefully.
  “Love is a sacred state of being, Selûne. It will always take time. To my own surprise, these two were awfully susceptible to one another. We may even be ahead of schedule. Patience, ladies.” Sune hums and the other two have no choice but to oblige.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 3 months
Helllooooo!!! I hope you're having a good day!! 💕💜✨
Can I submit a prompt where Lloyd calls in his normally mousey assistant on one of her off days and is blown back by her casual attire? Maybe she's on her way out of hang with the girls and she's got her hottie/freekum dress/attire on.
Bonus if she is as completely I bothered as she normally is and even teases him a bit for his audacity 😈😈
I appreciate you're brain and the time you spend sharing it with us!! ☺️💕💜
Hi nonny!! So sorry this took so long, but here it is! And just as a warning, this one is a doozy and I will not be earning bonus points based on your ask.
Is getting negative points a thing?? (Because this thing went off the rails...)
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Title: Power Play: After Hours
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
Warnings: horrible boss Lloyd, pet name (Mouse), power imbalance, multiple threats of violence, non-con, forced oral sex (f receiving), slight dacryphilia, forced hand job (m receiving), dub-con p-in-v intercourse, vaginal creampie, forced oral sex (m receiving), oral creampie, dead dove: do not eat
A/N: I apologize to nonny who asked for something (I think) completely different. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers by: @saradika
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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You’re at home getting ready to go out with the girls. It has been ages since you had a free night to let your hair down. But tonight was the night. 
You made sure to ditch the wool sweaters, drab colors, and sensible shoes that you usually wear to work. Instead, you opt for a form-fitting pinstripe dress that ends just above your knee. Large hoop earrings push through your hair and demand attention. Your feet are covered in strappy heels that are cuter than they are comfortable.
But beauty is pain, no?
Just as you are exiting your apartment and entering your car, your phone buzzes. You pull your phone from your purse and growl at the text message from your boss.
Your boss, your reason for migraine medication, the bane of your existence. Lloyd Hansen. Getting an internship with Hansen Government Service was supposed to be a summer gig to help you pay for odds and ends during your last year at college. But no, you had to go ahead and impress the CEO with your problem-solving and the way you covered your former boss’ ass one too many times. 
And now here you are, the personal assistant to this deplorable caricature of a human being. Amazing vision and dental benefits aside, you were the glorified babysitter to a sociopath with an inferiority complex. But you keep your mouth shut and your head down because you know where your bread is buttered.
The text from Lloyd is still sitting in your inbox unread one minute later when your phone starts to ring. You were hoping he would think you were asleep or something, but you remember Lloyd doesn’t observe normal business hours. And he doesn’t give a shit if you have a day off either.
“Yes, Sir,” you answer with Lloyd’s preferred moniker.
“Why didn’t you answer my text?” he asks, his annoyed tone unmistakable.
“I apologize for not being available to you, Sir. What can I help you with?” you acknowledge, wanting him to get to his point of bothering you.
“Hmmm. I’m gonna ignore you being rudely polite. For now. Need you to get my dry cleaning, Mouse,” he advises, using that nickname that boils your blood.
“Sir. It’s almost 9 p.m. Are the dry cleaners still open?” you wonder aloud.
“I called them, and they agreed to re-open so that I could get my shirts. Wasn’t that nice of them? You don’t wanna keep that sweet old lady waiting this late at night, do you?” he persuades, a sinister chuckle sending a chill down your spine.
“I will pick up your shirts for you, Sir,” you question.
“Had to pull a late night at the office, but I’m leaving now. Meet me at my place, Mouse,” he replies.
“Yes, Sir,” you say, holding back the urge to scream in his ear and ending the call. 
By being at the office, he is within walking distance of the shop where his clothing is being held. 
Deep breaths. Don’t let him take your joy.
You pass your office building and veer into the small shopping center. Stepping into the shop, you realize you don’t have a ticket, but you also know that the place is staying open for only one reason.
“You here to pick up Hansen?” The old woman behind the counter smiles at you and you nod stepping over to her, “Very particular, that one. Don’t let him work you too hard, honey.” 
“Oh, thank you,” you greet, smiling when she handed over the hangers of shirts covered in plastic material, “May I just apologize for him keeping you open past your hours?”
Before you can apologize, the sweet woman comes around the counter and pats your hand.
“How long are you going to apologize for him? Just go home, honey. And good luck with that one,” she reasons, and she scoots you out of the store before you can tell her that you’re only his assistant, not his long-suffering wife.
You give up trying to explain yourself and turn around to get back in your car. With the shirts hung in the back seat, you speed until you get to Lloyd’s gated community. Pushing in the code to the outer gate, you squirm in your seat as the gate slowly opens.
Driving through streets with pretentious names, you end up at the cul-de-sac where his McMansion sits center-stage among the other Stepford homes. You park next to his vehicle in the spacious driveway, a BMW M8 Competition Convertible in Alpine White. Not a scratch on her sparkling surface.
You stuff down the urge to put a scratch on his car because he will notice it. He notices everything. And with the level of neat freak that he is, he probably would notice a single fingerprint on the car’s hood.
Walking up to the door, you see the Ring camera and press the doorbell. The porch light comes on and the door opens to reveal your boss talking on the phone with one earbud in his ear. He pauses and looks you up and down before letting you walk in around him.
“I’m gonna have to go, something just came up,” he purrs, adjusting himself in the two seconds you were looking away from him. He pulls out his earbud, ending the call and turning his attention to you, “Mouse, glad you could make it, but you didn’t have to dress up for me.”
“I didn’t. Here are your shirts. Can I help you with anything else, Sir?” you explain, holding his dry cleaning out so he can take them. 
Once he reaches out, he bypasses the shirts, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to him. “Maybe there is one thing you can do for me, Mouse. It is quite a big job though,” he dares, ghosting his thumb over your pulse point.
“Hmmm. Sir, I didn’t come all this way to do whatever it is you think you’re doing,” you warn, putting your hand on his chest to push him away as you feel his increased heart rate. 
His eyes are dark, with barely any blue left in the iris. You can almost feel how hungry he is for you.
“Well, I was gonna say I wouldn’t mind a blowjob from those perfect glossy lips. But I think I wanna hear your mouth moan for me while I eat that pretty pussy instead,” he admits, taking the shirts out of your hand before hoisting you over his shoulder.
“Sir! No! Put me down, you fucking psycho. What are you doing?” you demand, pounding your hands on his back and landing a harsh blow directly to his ass.
“Fuck, Mouse! Hands to yourself, or I won’t keep my hands to myself, ok?” he cautions, surprising you with a hard slap to your ass, “And you got that wrong anyway, I’m technically a sociopath, not a psychopath.”
You’re in a state of stunned silence as he walks up the grand staircase in the room and brings you into a bedroom down the hall. You don’t have time to wonder what all of the other rooms are used for as you are dumped on his bed. The silk sheets underneath you are comfortable, but they seem creepy once you think about being thrown down on top of them. Before you can scramble off of the bed, Lloyd grabs you by the hips and traps you under his weight. 
“Mouse, mouse, mouse. Why don’t you ever dress like this for me?” he breathes, his clothed erection nestled against your hip, “You wearing this for some asshole? Should call him up and tell him I got to you first.”
“Sir, please. I was just going to hang out with my girls. I promise I won’t say anything about this if you just let me go,” you whimper, your hands going to his chest again trying to push him away.
He grabs your wrists and pins them to the bed. His nose takes in your RiRi perfume as it glides along your neck. Kicking your legs open, he nestles himself in between so he can rock his hips into you. Feeling his hardening dick against your panties as your dress rides up, he groans as he feels the heat coming off of you.
“Kinda funny you want me to let you go. But I bet if I dipped a finger into that cute snatch I know you have, I would find a little honey pot full of delicious sweetness waiting for me. Shall I test that out?” he counters. Holding both wrists in one giant hand as he trails a hand down your body until it disappears between you.
You feel his bruising fingers pushing your panties out of the way to find his prize. His touch turns almost delicate as the tips of his fingers find your wet pussy; your body’s betrayal is evident in the puddle forming on your netherlips. The look in his eyes when he finds what he’s looking for is bordering on sheer joy.
“There it is, Mouse. Just like I knew it would be,” he beams, pulling two fingers coated in your essence to his mouth and sucking them clean, “Fuck. I knew it would be delicious. You’re gonna sit on my face and give me all your sweet cream.”
He rolls your body over so that you are straddling him. You debate trying to scramble off of him, but he pinches your thigh and brings you back to the task at hand. You crawl up his body and hover over his face until he locks his arms around your thighs and pulls you down over his eager mouth.
Looking down at him, he looks serene with his eyes closed as he goes to work on your sensitive folds. For a while, you feel nothing when he licks up your slit. Circling your nub with his tongue, he moans when your clit twitches. When kitten licks against your clit turn to sucking it into his mouth, you can’t restrain the urge to grab a handful of his hair.
If he wants to hear you moan pretty for him, he’s gonna need to do better than this. You grind your pussy into his tongue and sigh when he sticks his tongue directly into your hole. Fucking into you with his tongue is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
You tighten your fingers in his auburn hair, unable to hold back your orgasm for much longer. Visions of all the times he looked at you like you were a piece of meat flash before your eyes. The way all of his other assistants quit the job after short stints. And you just about gift-wrapped yourself for him tonight.
You should have never answered the phone. But it’s kind of hard to think about that now with the way your resolve is slowly slipping away. You feel the metaphorical rubber band being stretched to within an inch of its life. Until pop!
The wave of your climax washes over you like a warm blanket. Your keening whine is music to Lloyd’s ears as he holds you tighter when you try and extricate yourself from his grasp. He laps up everything you have to give him and makes obscene sucking and licking noises. Once he lets up on your pussy, he lets your weak body roll to the side on its own. You don’t notice you are crying until he licks away one tear.
He looks down at you as he wipes his mustache clean of your juices. “Every part of you tastes amazing, Mouse. Even your tears. Fuck, that’s so hot I got you crying for me,” he hums, wiping away your tears with a thumb as he lays next to your limp body.
You’re quiet as you lay in your boss’ bed, him having just defiled your body with his tongue. Not knowing what to think, your brain just replays everything trying to find where you went so wrong. Because not only was that an Earth-shattering orgasm but it was given to you by your boss. That kind of thing is frowned upon in most companies. But Lloyd is the CEO, are the rules different? You don’t have the time to keep thinking when Lloyd chimes in.
“Now, Mouse, I’m sure your brain is going a mile a minute. But let me make one thing clear: I am going to need you to come into work dressed just like this from now on. You wear something tight, something that shows off this body, something that I can pull up or down and fuck you in while we’re in the office,” he chuckles as you look over to him with tears in your eyes at your new fate, “We’ll put that into your contract. What do you think? From Personal Assistant to Fuck Toy. That’s a step up, huh?”
You say nothing, content to shed tears and wish that the Earth would open up and swallow you.
“Don’t be so gloomy. At least you got to come, unlike some of us. You can help me with that, can’t you Mouse?” he pleads, as if he didn’t just change your job title to fit your new duties. He unzips his pants, pulling out his thick length and reaching for your hand to wrap around it, “I won’t need much help. I could’ve blown in my pants like a fucking teenager when you came in my mouth.”
You wish his mouth would just fucking stop. You don’t need the commentary. You unenthusiastically jerk him off until he spills rope after rope of jizz painting your hand and his pants. At least he was right, he didn’t need much help. 
“Good fucking job, Mouse,” he gushes, throwing an arm over his brow as he catches his breath, “Can’t wait to take that cunt for a test drive but I can wait until my balls are not so fucking empty. Go clean yourself up in the bathroom.”
You rise and walk into the attached bathroom all without a single thought in your head. You use the toilet, wash your hands, and splash water on your face. You avoid the mirror like the plague.
Coming back to the bedroom, you are greeted by Lloyd lying on his side and crooking a finger at you. You swallow your spit and take a deep breath, moving to join him on the bed. 
Once there, you let him manhandle you in every position he wants. You close your eyes, wishing you were somewhere else. Until he has you on your back. He makes you stare into his eyes as he fucks you like the little puppet you are. When he takes you over the edge again, he doesn’t stop his onslaught until you beg him to stop.
But begging only drives him to go harder. Flesh slapping against flesh painfully until he pushes himself deep within you and stills. Every twitch and spurt felt inside of you like a slap to the face. You’re not on birth control and you fear asking if he is snipped but he speaks up before you can ask.
“I pay you enough to afford the morning-after pill, right?” he asks, his dick softening and sliding out of you.
Fucking asshole. The thought of murder crosses your mind more than once, but you know people might come looking for him. And the thought of having to trade in your freedom for a life behind bars makes you rethink killing this nutcase.
So, instead, you just say, “Yes, Sir.”
“Right. Good. Alright, well it’s not too late for you to go out with your friends. Don’t stay out too late, you have work in the morning. Bright and early, Mouse. I expect you to be there tomorrow,” he remarks, acting like he didn’t just use your body for his sick pleasure, “That means you’re good to go home now, Mouse. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He gets off you, climbing off the bed and adjusting himself, pulling you up and escorting you to the front door. He all but pushes you out of the door into the night, as if you were trash. When you get back inside your car, your phone has tons of messages from your friends wondering where you are.
You send a mass text that you weren’t feeling well, and you needed rest. It wasn’t entirely untrue anyway. You make it back home, shedding your clothes as you walk to your bedroom. You pull back the covers and wrap yourself in warmth, willing the events of the night to just go away. But they don’t go away.
The next morning, you shower and dress like Lloyd wants. The looks of your coworkers cause heat to rise to your face. You don’t usually get this type of attention. Or any attention when you think about it. 
When you get to Lloyd’s office, he is sitting behind his desk on a call, and he waves you over. You walk around his desk and see his pants are already unbuttoned and his half-chub is sticking out. You spare yourself the embarrassment of being asked and go right to work on him with your hands. Unsurprised when he puts a hand on the back of your head, you just lower yourself and take him in your mouth.
Little does he know; your head game is strong. And within about three minutes, you have him spasming down your throat. His softening cock is sensitive as you tease him by swirling your tongue around the head. He ends his phone call and holds your face in his hands.
“What’s my soul taste like, Mouse? I’m sure you sucked it right out,” he praises, his dazed eyes focusing on you while he catches his breath.
“If you had a soul, I’m sure it would taste as bitter as your cum,” you snap, uncaring of whether or not he was offended.
“Good point. Watch that pretty mouth, though. My precious feelings might get hurt. And then you might get hurt. So, play nice, Mouse,” he cautions, lightly clapping his hand against your cheek, just hard enough to jerk you out of misbehaving.
“Yes, Sir,” you sass, putting on a fake smile and Lloyd rolls his eyes, shooing you away.
You can do what he says, doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for him in the slightest. And isn’t that the best way to get back at him? Give him everything he wants but with no enthusiasm. Of course, you know this little plan of yours won’t last long. But when you’re faced with a demon like Lloyd Hansen, you’ll take any little victory you can. As few and far between as they may be.
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A/N: This got way out of hand. I don’t know what happened. Um, I’m not sorry though. Because I love this and if it ends up being just for me, then so be it.
**Tag List**
@peyton-warren @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily @titty-teetee @princessaxoxo @motivation-idontknowher @buckysteveloki-me @magnificentsaladllama @gyusbrownie @milknhonies @sultry-rachael @itsthestutterforme
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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goofyahhcats · 9 months
oogh no thoughts only wesker being surprisingly reassuring to his s/o when they feel like they aren't pretty/good enough for him.... ☹️☹️☹️ ugh idc if its out of character i want that man to comfort me !!!!
Feeling this at 10000000% Like yes, it is so OOC, but god damnit I want him to just hold me tight Includes hcs and mini fics for both STARS era and re5 Wesker : ) also yaay I love these types of requests keep em coming
Suprisingly Nice Wesker Hcs
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Rating: M (kissing, suggestive ending)
Warnings: very self-indulgent moment where reader is very overwhelmed and overstimulated (not in that way, horny bastard), no smut, suggestive ending, fluffy wesker (never thought those two words would go with one another in a sentence), Gn reader (reader has an outfit picked out for a gala, but the type is not mentioned, choose whatever you imagine)
Word count: 1k
- STARS Wesker would care. I said it. Hate me all you want. I think he does, he just wouldn’t voice it, like ever
- Firm believer in physical touch Wesker
- As much as he loves watching people fail, something in his heart twists when he sees you at your lowest. Especially when it comes to pleasing him. He wants you to succeed. Again, he just wouldn't say it
- Would only voice his feelings if he really truly believes in it, and if he can tell you're utterly distraught
You tilted your body left and right in the mirror. Shifting your hips slightly, raising your arms, doing a 180, and groaning.
Your outfit for the night, picked especially by Wesker, was supposed to be flattering. It was supposed to show you off as his pride and joy. But god, you hated it. The event was special, a gala with all of the upper Umbrella execs. Wesker had told you he needed you to look your best, which now worsened the feeling of failure in your stomach. You sighed, pulling at the fabric, twisting it, trying to get it to just look right. Nothing seemed to be working. You groaned, frustrated.
The whole event was getting to you, overwhelming every nerve ending in your body. Suddenly, the cloth felt too scratchy, and yet too soft at the same time. You wanted to rip it off and snuggle into it all at once. Your hands raced through your hair, as you inhaled and exhaled rapidly.
A firm hand rapped at the door.
“Dear, come out. We’re going to be late,” Wesker's voice shot straight through the wood of the door and into your heart. You looked at yourself in the mirror again, wringing your hands in frustration.
You pull open the door, met with the sight of Wesker in a dapper suit. He was adjusting his tie in a mirror. He turns to you, taking you in. Your eyes fill with tears, threatening to spill over. You don’t say a word, just gesture down at your body, and throw your hands in the air in anger.
He seems to understand, taking a step forward and caressing along your side, fingers catching on the fabric of your outfit. He hums deep in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from your side, “It just doesn’t fit right. I’m sorry, I know you wanted me to look my best tonight,” a shuddering inhale, “But I didn’t know what to do, I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Wesker tilts his head slightly, the hand not in your grasp comes up to your face and swipes away a single tear. A small smile tugs at his lips.
“You cannot disappoint me, dear,” he firmly grips your jaw, tilting it up towards him, “I think you look stunning,” It’s spoken low, almost rumbling over your skin, raising goosebumps.
Your eyes widen. Wesker was usually cold, stoic, and withdrawn. Never before had he voiced his praise of you in such a direct manner. Sure, you’ve received the occasional compliment, but nothing so straightforward.
You swallow heavily, sniffling and blinking a few times. You gently wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. He’s stiff and awkward, but after a moment, pats your back gently. His other hand rubs your shoulder for a second, but he quickly pulls away.
He instead rewards you with a heated kiss to the lips, something he was far more comfortable with.
It’s safe to say that you two are going to be late to the gala tonight.
In the same vein as the other Wesker request, I don't think re5 Wesker gives enough fucks. By then he is already evil and blah blah blah, The most you’re getting out of him is a “You look fine, quit whining.” (But like, that's hot so not complaining)
THEN AGAIN, I think if Wesker won, like he sends Uroboros into the atmosphere, infects everyone, yadda yadda. AND Uroboros accepted you, he's all praise. Everything for his new partner whom he gets to rule the world alongside.
Uroboros coursed through your veins. You shook, letting out an ear-piercing scream. Wesker watched on from the left, having just administered the virus to the two of you. Your hands twitch, and you could literally feel your body change. Strength shot through your veins, you leaned your head back and shrieked as the virus covered you, accepting you, powering you.
You looked down at your body, writing and shaking. Terrified at what you had become. Your body still looked the same, but you felt different. You felt disgusting. A filthy creature. No longer human. You felt all of your hopes and dreams crash around you. Would Wesker still love you? The virus had accepted you, but would he?
The latter chuckled, stalking over and offering you a hand. You accept, gingerly making your way to your feet. You refuse to look him in the eyes. Instead staring down at his hand that engulfed yours. 
“My dear,” Wesker purred, running a knuckle down your jawline, “Look at me,” his hand rested underneath your chin, forcing your face upwards and towards him. His red eyes bore into your identical ones.
Wesker smirks, “Ah, It appears Uroburos has accepted you,” his other hand finds its place on your waist. He holds you firmly, “My beautiful creation,” he muses, tearing away from your gaze to scan your lower body. He releases your chin, instead caressing over your hips, your chest, and your thighs. 
“Look at you,” he smirks, shaking his head, “Not a blemish to be seen. Gorgeous little thing, aren’t you?”
You look down at yourself in disgust, Wesker notices looking up at you, “Do you have a problem with your new self?” You sigh, nodding slightly.
“You are my creation. I produce only the highest quality beings. Uroboros has proved to me that you are above human. A God. One who will rule the new world at my side, how does that sound, my dear?” His hand finds your cheek, thumb running over the skin.
You feel your worries melt away, replaced by pure happiness. You nod, returning his smirk.
You both rule the world, together.
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saintgoths · 2 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛꜱ
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WORD COUNT - 2,413.
RATING - 18+. [slight angst, soft Levi, jealous Levi, m/f sex, riding levi].
[she also has other pairings thus the hashtags but its mainly levi x reader]. comments, liking, following and reblogging would be appreciated!
SUMMARY - levi learns of the blackmail against you and decides to do something about it.
previous chapter - chapter five.
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Sometimes you had wondered if you were the most unhappiest girl in the world, destined to fall into society’s chain of what is supposed to be a woman. You had thought your title and connections were to aid you to allow you to be a bohemian, yet alas, men had controlled the world, and you were just a pawn.
Your family had invited the Ackermans to dinner, chiefly, Levi had thought it was best for everyone to get to know each other before the engagement party. You had sat beside Levi, arms low as you had avoided your brother’s look, hands under the table, one had wrapped around your main suitor’s paw, Levi, a keen man had noted the sick look you had attempt to hide, observant, the Ackerman glanced towards his suitress from time to time.
“[Y/N] would fit perfectly in our family,” Kenny smiled, prideful he had sent a charismatic wink towards your way, his brief motion had actually aided you to gain a pinch of confidence, and in response, you had gently smiled towards Levi’s uncle.
“I’m glad to hear that,” your mother smiled, excited that you were marrying into one of the most famous and influential families in du Aurous. Sometimes you could catch the excited bite lip your mother would pass onto your father, and as kickback, you’d scrunch your eyebrows. “Grateful to hear that my dear daughter has been able to gain a suitor like Mr. Ackerman.”
“Call me Levi,” your suitor said and content, your mother’s face brightened. With a quick look towards you, Levi returned his gaze towards your family. “She charmed me.”
Alert, Alan coughed. Annoyed, you had finally looked at your brother before you spoke. “Do you have a problem?” You kindly asked, your sweet tone laced with an underlying distaste.
With bare eyes, your brother clenched his jaw ere he shook his head. “No, no problem,” he said before he picked up his glass and took a sip before he reminded himself to sit up and raise his cuo as he stood up. “I send cheers for my dear sister and Mr. Ackerman,” Alan said, the atmosphere quiet and focused on your brother’s slight tipsy state, the warm candles placed carefully on the long table that had been covered by a fine white cloth made by the best silk, you had still wondered how it never caught on fire.
“I wish my sister, the best and safest life, and a happy future engagement,” Alan said and as he raised his glass higher, the rest clapped their hands together before they had cheered at his hasty speech.
Before you had stepped outside with Levi, your mother had encouraged you to take one of your shawls fore you stepped into the night cold. Levi had wanted to speak to you privately, in the gardens that he couldn’t help but admire, as his eyes had painted over the setting, you had looked up at the moon, bottom lip tucked behind your teeth as you had gently thought about your future and what was to come.
“If there’s something you want to say, you can tell me,” Levi proposed.
Lips tight, you had thought of what he had just said, you clenched your shawl between your fingers before you moved your face to view him. “I can tell something is bothering you, correction, has been bothering you,” he continued, eyes soft, less cold than they usually were when he spoke to other people.
“Does it have anything to do with what happened yesterday?” He questioned as he then turned his body to face you properly. “If it is, I apologise---”
“It isn’t what you said yesterday,” you eventually said with a sigh. Eyes shyly trained on him, you looked at your main suitor with sad eyes before you spoke. “I’m not sure if I am supposed to marry you.”
Confused, Levi made himself laugh. “After what you have done to make me your main suitor?” He asked, astonished at your indecisiveness.
Arms now crossed; you had forced yourself to pull back your tears that you had felt creeping behind your orbs. You had wanted to speak, so deeply, and keen to know what had made you like this, the Ackerman had brought himself closer to you. “[Y/N],” he softly called. “What made you change your mind?”
With your hands now on your hips, you breathed in deeply to encourage yourself. “I don’t think it’ll be safe for me to do it.”
Confused, Levi pulled his head to the side. “Just tell me.” He painfully encouraged, in distaste of the anticipation.
“I’m being threatened by Sir. Argent,” you had said. “He wants me to marry him and if I do not, he will expose me to the public,” you explained as you pushed the shawl closer to your neck, you looked at your main suitor with wet eyes. “About my time with other men, especially Eren Yeager, he wants me to call off the engagement, along with my brother he has told everything to.”
“My brother, Alan, he is forcing me to marry him.”
“Do not call off the engagement,” Levi said, his voice husk and serious, he looked at you, his once soft eyes, steel with gravity.
Unsure, you shook your head. “I’m not sure.”
“[Y/N], I’ll protect you, I promise,” Levi persuaded, hands on your shoulders, you had gently smiled at his comment. “Come back to my home with me,” he said. “Stay for a while.”
With a frown, you had looked down at the floor. “I don’t think my family will allow it.”
“Do I have to remind you that you’re a suitress?” Levi teasingly asked. “You can do whatever you want. Especially since you’re under my protection.”
With a laugh of relief, you pulled yourself to hug Levi, satisfied of by protection.
With the handle of a small bag within both of your hands, you had stood in front of the outside of the van Richesse manor, you had been surrounded by your family along with the Ackermans, it had been cold, Levi had offered to give his suit jacket to you but you had kindly rejected his attempt. So now, he had directed his attention towards your brother.
“She will be protected,” Levi carefully shared and as you could feel your brother share a look with you, you had awkwardly pulled your hands behind you.
“I hope the two of you will be talking about the engagement and the wedding,” your mother happily chimed and grateful for your mother’s warm presence, you bared your teeth.
“I promise that we will,” you reassured.
Hands clasped; your mother moved towards you. “Oh, that means I’ll have to come over soon, perhaps tomorrow! So Kuchel and I can help plan everything. You know how us mothers cannot be not excited when we our little ones are going tie the knot,” she shared happily, and as if her sentence had flipped a switch in everyone, the rest of the group invited themselves to speak. Levi who had been against the idea of being acknowledged as the “little one.”
As your personal coachman gathered you and Levi to the stagecoach, the both of you had shared your goodbyes before you had moved into the vehicle.
Most of the ride had been quiet, you had sat opposite each other; you who had enjoyed the night sky, and how big the moon had shone over the city, had felt Levi’s metal-like eyes steer into you, as if he had calculated how much your chest moved up and down in breaths and how much your eyelids had blinked. You had turned to him, curious to what was in his mind, he had looked beautiful, his greyish-blue eyes that usually bore into yours had appeared more inquisitive, thoughtful and curious.
His eyelashes had covered most of his eyes, and his usuall full lips were tight, as if he had prepared himself to ask a question that would move you uncomfortable. “You look like you want to say something,” you said and as he properly sat himself up, you spoke again. “Levi, is there something wrong?”
“You used to spend time with Eren Yeager?” He asked and awkward, you had moved your sight to your fingers ere you nodded. “And he had you after we danced at the Annual Ball?”
“Does it bother you?” You questioned. “I wasn’t even sure you were interested in me.”
Sour, Levi looked out of the carriage window.
“Eren and I do not speak any longer,” you softly explained. “We hadn’t, not for a long time.”
“That’s good to hear,” Levi muttered, and with his left hand clenched, he moved his hand towards his lap, unsure if he had wanted to speak any longer, you had pushed the back of your head against the seat and allowed yourself to enjoy the silence.
You had brought your legs close to your chest, comforted by the warm water that had been provided to you by one of the maids that worked in the Ackerman home; you had brought your chin to rest against your kneecaps and softly blew through your mouth as you gently traced your thoughts.
The maid had offered to help you bathe but you had wanted to be alone. Levi had been in his office and you had pampered yourself. You had speculated to what Levi and Kenny would do to protect you, two men who have never known you for a month doing their best to aid you, whereas your brother, who you have known your entire life had been ready to sell you to the bitter man just for the sake of reputation.
As you had comforted yourself in silence along with listening to the quiet splash of the movement of water, you had been aware that the door had creaked open, unmoved and keen that it had been Levi, you heard the way he had taken off his clothes and as you had opened your eyes, you greatly smiled. “Joining me?” You had asked and with a look of tease, the man had carefully moved towards you.
“Of course,” he confirmed and as you gently pushed yourself backwards to make more space, you trained your eyes on your main suitor who had made way to sit opposite you.
Of course, he’d look amazing wet, was what you had thought, he had such an intimidating stare, but the look he normally wore had always moved you into a lustful manner. You had watched how he damped his hair with his currently wet hands, Levi had used his digits to stroke through his straight raven locks, eyes keen on you, aware with the growing redness that spread in your cheeks.
“What are you going to do about Sir Argent?” You asked and as he pulled himself closer to you, you felt the pad of his thumb gently stroke your chin.
“Kenny and I will have it under control,” Levi responded, his voice soft and romantic but anxious, you had furrowed your eyebrows.
“You told Kenny everything?” You questioned.
“I told him of the things that mattered, not of what happened between you and Eren.”
Thankful, you had rested your face against his shoulder. “Thank you, Levi.”
“I want you to feel better,” he muttered and comforted, you had lifted your face to look at him to bring yourself to kiss him.
He had been accepting to your movement, his wet hand pressed against the back of your head as he gently embraced your lips. Softly, you had moaned, smoothly you had dragged yourself to properly sit on his lap and wrap your legs around his waist; Levi who had been quick with his movements had pushed his fingers between your thighs, his mouth had hastily moved up your neck while his lips sucked on your skin leaving his love against you body.
“You like that?” He whispered and responsive, you had nodded, eyes twisted shut you had aided yourself to rub your cunt against his fingers, figure tight as you could feel herself easily cum against his hands, embarrassed, you had pulled yourself back, your eyes doe as you could feel your body ached for more. “Don’t be embarrassed, I normally make you cum that fast.”
Humoured, you had wrapped both of your arms around his shoulders. “So arrogant,” you giggled fore you pressed your mouth against his lips. “Now make me cum again.”
“My pleasure,” he smirked as he smoothly pushed his cock inside of you, his girth had relaxed your body and in content, you had licked your lips as you could feel both of his hands move towards your hips, his arms had possessively folded around your figure and you could feel his warm chest press against yours.
You couldn’t help but moan loudly as he started to roll his body, and while the size of his shaft had stretched you inside, the man had begun to thrust his hips upwards, the length of his sex kissing the softness of your hearth, your hands moved to his shoulders as your moans attempted to keep up with his movements.
“Oh—Levi!” You whimpered as you had arched your back as reflex to the tip of his cock reaching to the depths of your cunt, moved, your eyes had watered. “So deep!” You breathlessly moaned. “Just like that, don’t stop---please!”
“Keep moaning for me,” he sighed, his hold tight as he continued to jerk his hips upwards. “So perfect,” he had moaned. “[Y/N], my [Y/N]!”  He moaned, the heat of his high had hastily made through his body but he had used his strength to hold back his climax. “Keep bouncing like that,” he encouraged.
“Yes! Yes!” You moaned fore, her nectar surged through your body, tired, you had rested your body against his, gratified with how he had resumed to use your body until he began to milk his ropes into you, his eyes heavy as he leaned back against his bath tub, using the time to catch his breath, you could feel the Ackerman pull himself out of you ere he commenced to stroke your hair before he started to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
“I’ll always protect you pretty bird,” he commented and content, you had smiled as you had tried your best to not fall asleep.
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deejadabbles · 7 months
Hiiii friend!! wanted to request a spooky prompt number 6 and 😈 with Fives please and thank you!!
Hello darling!! Thank you for sending this in, I was very inspired the moment I read it so I hope you enjoy this 🤩 This one also got a little ~heated~ since Fives had officially become one of my faves 😏
How to Summon A Demon Boyfriend (Demon!Fives x GN Reader)
Summary: There's no such thing as demons, they're just something to use for cheesy cautionary tales...Right? Rating: M (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1,813 Warnings: Crappy 'friends', small injury and mentions of blood, reader gets a big scare but it's fine in the end I promise, heavily suggestive content. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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You really needed to learn to say no sometimes.
Tonight was supposed to be the perfect chance to curl up on the couch in your favorite PJs and coziest blanket. Instead, you were freezing your ass off in a dark playground, pretending to summon a demon like some bored teenager. 
Cam and you weren’t even that close, just work buddies, but that little voice inside your head had been yelling too loud: 'he was really sweet and invited you! You have to go! It would be rude not to!' Now you were annoyed with every moment of this silly little seance.
“Alright, I think that should do it!” said the cute blonde girl, who you didn’t know before tonight. You didn’t know any of Cam’s friends, yet here you were with them. “I think it’s a good little summoning circle, if I do say so myself!” She beamed down at the chalk drawing she’d sketched onto the area usually reserved for hopscotch. 
Then another one of Cam’s friends, a young man with dark hair fit for a punk band, voiced your own thoughts, “This is stupid, what makes you think we can summon a demon from some random book you found in a second hand store?”
“Dude, I’m telling you, if anything’s the real deal, it’s this!” Cam insisted, cautiously taking the book from the blonde and flipping a page, “I mean, just look at this!” He tilted it towards you and the punk guy, “The ancient looking paper, the notes and stains- plus, the store owner said she got it from her friend when he died and that his family was into all kinds of strange occult shit.”
You would admit, it was a very convincing tome, even if the demon summoning was all fiction, the owner had put lots of work into its design. You reached out to touch the edge of the page, to see if it really did feel ancient, but just as you did Cam moved as well and a sharp pain seared through your finger tip.
With a loud hiss and a curse you pulled your hand back, clutching it close to your chest.
“Shit- sorry!” Cam said, “Paper cut?”
“Yeah,” you muttered, taking a tentative peak at the now throbbing finger. It was leaking red, the skin around it looking angry, and you noticed part of the offending page was now stained with your blood too. Well, at least it added to the book’s authentic aesthetic. 
“Wow, didn’t know we’d be making blood sacrifices tonight,” the blonde said with a laugh.
“Happy to contribute,” was your sarcastic reply as you tried to soothe the throbbing. “Next time I-”
“Uh, guys!” Cam’s eyes were wide as he looked down at the book, “The words are glowing!” Then he let out a high pitched yelp, and dropped the book as if it had burned him.
With a loud thud, it landed on the summoning circle and that’s when you saw that the curving calligraphy on the pages were indeed glowing! Not only that, but the moment it touched the chalked symbols, the ground below you started to rumble unlike any earthquake you had ever seen.
Cam and blondie yelped as they fell to the ground together, you not keeping your balance for much longer, and punk kid only staying upright when he threw himself on a picnic table.
“What the hell is happening?!” the girl yelled, pulling the hood of her jacket up as if that would shield her from the horrors unfolding.
“You’re the ones who wanted to summon a demon!” Punk shouted, looking pale and ready to hurl as the ground continued to shake.
Then, within the circle, the already cracked and worn cement split apart. Chunks of it flew as old compacted dirt from beneath surged to the surface, making way for something else.
It wasn’t a man- “man” didn’t begin to describe it. Clawed hands reached towards the sky, lifting above a head of dark curls that did little to hide two large horns. Dark skin around tight muscles that flexed as he rose up from the earth, a bare chest with marks that might have been tattoos, and a blue kilt of some sort that made room for a swaying tail.
Paralyzed on the ground as you were, all you could do was watch with wide eyes as the demon stretched, and let out a roar of a yawn as if waking from a deep sleep. Then his eyes flashed open, revealing deep brown irises rimmed in red.
He scanned them over your little petrified group and, for some reason, your stunned brain noticed the dumbest little detail. 'Oh, he has a number five tattooed on his forehead. Wonder what that means'.
That’s when the demon pulled his lips back in a dastardly grin, revealing large fangs surely made to rip apart human flesh.
“Run,” he growled.
Somebody screamed. Someone else cried some sort of plea. But you couldn’t say anything, all noise dying in your throat as you rolled over and tried to scramble to your feet. Just as you started to, someone (Cam?) knocked into you and sent you tumbling back to the dirt painfully. Footsteps thundered around you and, looking up, you realized that the other three were already disappearing into the darkness as they ran, leaving you behind.
“Wait-” the pleading call was lost in the wind, just as something behind you took a loud step closer.
Somehow your brain was going a mile a minute and not thinking anything at all as you became painfully aware of the large, looming presence closing in on you. Body unable to move from fear, all you could do was listen as the demon let out a low, deep chuckle.
“Some friends you have,” he purred. “Leaving you here.” Something brushed along your back. “All alone.” Leaves rustled as he knelt above you. “With me.” Hot breath fanned against your ear.
A noise very close to a squeal left you as a hand grabbed your shoulder and rolled you over onto your back. You were face to face with the demon now, his arms caging you in on either side, his face hovering over yours, and still sporting that hungry grin as his dark eyes looked you over slowly.
“P-please don’t kill me,” it came out as little more than a wheeze, but at least you managed to say something.
That’s when those brilliant eyes snapped back to yours. There was a heartbeat of silence in which you went through a thousand different ‘this is the end’ scenarios in your head-
But then, the demon threw his head back and laughed!
It wasn’t a sinister, cruel laugh either. Instead it was light and, dare you say, joyful. The kind of laugh a loved one would make after you mentioned some inside joke or another. His broad shoulders shook and that tail of his swished behind him in a way that reminded you of a cat ready to play.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he gasped between laughs, “I didn’t mean to scare you that bad!” He leaned back some then, as if to give you some air, though his arms were still on either side of you. “See, that’s just a little act I do to give you humans a scare.” This time, the grin he flashed was playful and a little lopsided. “You have to admit, you kind of deserve it for yanking me out of my cozy little dimension. It’s a little annoying when you don’t expect to be summoned.”
You opened your mouth, now stunned in a completely different way, but no sound was ready to come out yet, apparently.
That didn’t deter the demon, though, his eyes searched your face when he said, “Course, I did want to scare off the others. Groups are always more annoying, and I kinda liked the idea of having you to myself once I saw how cute you are.”
The unexpected statement caused you to come back down from your fearful high a little. You blinked a few times, then found it in yourself to look him in the eyes more directly. You managed to stutter out a “Wha-what?”
The demon laughed again, a shorter one this time, “Wow, I really must have done a number on you, I’m sorry, mesh’la.” He held up a hand, though the black claws at his fingertips almost made you flinch. “I swear, I’m not going to kill you. Even if I was that type of demon, there’s no challenge in killing humans,” he winked, “you’re too soft and supple.”
Heat took over your face and you weren’t sure if it was annoyance, embarrassment, or something else. Probably a cocktail of the three. After a deep, steadying breath, you finally managed to say something more than a strangled noise or single word.
“So, you’re some kind of good demon?”
He shrugged those naked, now very distracting, shoulders. “Something like that. Mostly, I’m just here to fulfill whatever contract you want from me.”
“Why me?”
The demon looked down at you with something…interesting in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite place even though his expression was still light. His hand slid down the ground beside your prone body, until it reached your wrist. He grasped it gently, lifting it to show off your still sore cut.
“Because your blood summoned me. You’re the one I’m bound to, sweetheart.”
Keeping his eyes on yours, he brought your finger to his mouth and closed his lips around the bleeding cut. You found yourself breathless again as a wet tongue ran over the little injury, soothing the ache in a way you didn’t expect.
He pulled your finger out of his mouth with a little pop, then turned that fang flashing smirk on you again. “See, you summoned me, now we make some sort of deal, a contract. You give me something and I give you something in return.” He placed your hand on his naked chest so he could pin his own by your head again. “Name’s Fives, by the way, and you are?”
After swallowing the sudden lump in your throat and not feeling any more calm after doing it, you introduced yourself in the firmest tone you could muster. The demon- Fives, repeated your name slowly, and you could see his tongue tasting every letter of it.
“Hm, I like that name,” he said and again, you caught a glimpse of the spade-tipped tail flicking at his back. 
You must have been more distracted by it than you realized, because he brushed the back of a claw down your cheek, before taking your chin in a firm grip to force your eyes back on his. When you did, his gaze seemed just a little darker.
“So, darling, what kind of deal do you want to make with me?”
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Cut the (Ghenea) crap
I have been anticipating since at least last Friday the very recent rumor overdrive about S and Mrs. Mădălina Ghenea, Romanian Horizontal Extraordinaire and I howled like a pack of hyenas in the dull silence of my flat.
Of all the rumors featuring S and divers representatives of the International Fitness Harem, this one stroke me as the most ridiculous ever. Downright scraping the bottom of the barrel, here, to be honest.
Now, as all of you know, I happen to be Romanian and if anything, you should at least grant me the benefit of a flawless knowledge of the terrain, so to speak. And as far as erotically ambitious Romanian chicks go, let's just say I am a sweet summer child, compared to this one.
Mădălina hails from Slatina, a small town in Oltenia, one of the most fascinating parts of the Romanian Southwest (I have a good quarter pint of Oltenian blood myself, so I think I know what the hell I am talking about: quick-witted, ambitious people, with a devastating, sarcastic sense of humor). She comes from virtually nothing: a working-class family of former farmers drawn to the nearest town by the quick and demented industrialization of the country during the Sixties, which is to say, the Lumpenproletariat our German friends can immediately relate to. But when you spend your childhood in the dull and poor anonymity of a non-descript block of flats (matchbox upon matchbox upon matchbox - think of it as a dignified favela of sorts), the only thing you want to do is to get the damn out of there, at all costs. Which, I have to say, she brilliantly and ruthlessly managed to, almost in record time. Granted, she is beautiful (to me, she is very cliché, but for any foreign male she is a Wanton Goddess of Sex, I suppose) and she does have the street smarts to safely get her through any urban jungle of this planet, too.
You can peruse her war credentials here, for a quick overview of the character, if you really, really, really need to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%83d%C4%83lina_Diana_Ghenea.
I will just add (and you will have to trust me on this one), a couple of things:
Cynically speaking, she could be a decently plausible beard for S. After all, she did beard for di Caprio (an info I just corroborated over the phone with a friend who is a cinema & TV journalist, back home). Problem is, a woman like this is way over budget. I am afraid The Boy doesn't qualify, bless his heart: too meh for her eclectic, but high-end tastes (local cardboard millionaires, Bulgarian tennis players of the light mafioso type, Philipp Plein, Italian TV beaux and yup, Gerard Butler - but it did not end amicably, enough said). You have to understand that woman saw it all and she won't settle for a pap walk in the pishing drizzle of GLA, or even NY. This one knows perfectly well diamonds are a girl's best friend. And if you doubt me, maybe you won't doubt her, when she declared three days ago for the Daily Fail something along these lines:
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[source, LOL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12681539/EDEN-CONFIDENTIAL-Sexiest-woman-world-Madalina-Ghenea-yearns-real-man-stealing-hearts-Leonardo-DiCaprio-Gerard-Butler-Michael-Fassbender.html]
Read my lips: not going to happen. Not in a million years, not even for the sake of the fucking Narrative. Not even on a desert island. Never. Nuh-oh. No way.
At any rate, if God knows what sick plot twist happens, you'll learn it here first, probably: the Romanian gossip press would put to shame poor Deux Moi, with its needlessly chatty, exuberant, salaciously detailed style.
So I will say again here what I did say in a comment to an Anon who brought it up first @bat-cat-reader's :
TERMINAȚI CU TÂMPENIILE. Which is simply translated as CUT THE CRAP.
Of course.
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epinebleue · 6 months
for him (m) | 02
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after a year abroad, you think summer back home can’t get any better. then, a charming ginger boy catches your eye.
pairing: nakamoto yuta x reader (female)
genre: rich kids!au, fluff, angst, mature.
warnings: mention of low self-esteem and racism.
chapter index | previous chapter | next chapter
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Every summer, Jennifer’s parents spend two weeks in France to celebrate what they call their “annual honeymoon”.
Every summer, Jennifer throws a pool party while they’re away.
You’re supposed to be at her place at 10 AM to help her prep the space, but having stayed up late the night before, the annoying sound of the alarm does little to wake you up in the morning, Oliver doing so, instead.
You step into Jen’s patio exactly two hours later. She clicks her tongue at you, as if saying: “Finally!”.
Through the dark lenses of your sunglasses, you glance at her body as she approaches. The beautiful baby blue bikini she’s wearing fits her like a glove, as if it had been tailored with her in mind.
You’re used to feeling insecure whenever you’re around Jen. You know you shouldn’t, but you do.
It’s been this way since middle school, when one day the boys in your class rated the girls’ bodies from 1 to 10 on a piece of paper. You came second to last, while Jen’s name sat comfortably in first place.
“I know, I know.” You let out a sigh, allowing Jen to give you a tight hug. “I’m sorry.”
Johnny and Sooyoung wave at you from inside the pool and you wave back, walking to where the rest of your friends are. Wendy, who was sunbathing, sits beside you under the parasol. Victoria gets out of the pool and joins the group soon after.
Once settled on the lounger, you scan the space. Ten and Lucas are sitting on the edge of the pool with sunglasses on, swinging their legs in the water, immersed in what seems an intense conversation. Sooyoung and Johnny splash around as they try to drown each other, much to Yuta’s annoyance, who finds their game an obstacle to what he really wants: swim in peace.
Nothing seems out of the ordinary, but then, the switch in your mind flips: someone’s missing.
“Hey, where’s Chris?”
There’s a moment of silence where Wendy takes a sip of her lemonade, eye-siding Jen. “They argued yesterday.”
Your brunette friend looks away, missing your surprised expression. “Again?”
Chris’ parents are family friends, so you’ve known him for as far as you can remember. However, you had never interacted much until he became Jennifer’s first serious boyfriend.
Being an only child, Chris is expected to inherit his family’s wealth and business. If he’s famous for something, though, that’s his looks. You must admit he’s drop dead gorgeous. Of course, Jen wouldn’t settle for less.
Soon after they started dating, you realized that having a handsome partner had its drawbacks. Jennifer would whine in your group chat every week about how hard it was to stand girls checking him out, how some would go as far as to sneak papers with their phone numbers when she wasn’t looking.
Even if Chris politely rejected their approaches every time, Jennifer started to gradually get sick of the whole situation until, one day, it exploded.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“He’s a Greek statue come to life, Jen, of course he will be hit on!” Wendy says. “You’ve got to learn to cope.”
Jen rolls her eyes at Wendy’s words, a sign she’s getting angry.
“On what side are you on, exactly?”
“We aren’t picking sides.” You try to mediate, making a gesture to your blonde friend, asking for her sun cream. Having prepared your bag in a rush, you must’ve left yours at home. “I know it’s hard to watch people flirt with him all the time. But Wendy has a point, too. Being good-looking isn’t his fault, you know?”
You end your statement with a glance in Victoria’s direction, but the girl doesn’t say a word. She’s the type to not participate in debates like this.
“Exactly!” Wendy agrees, pointing at you. “Besides, he always rejects those advances. He would never hurt your feelings on purpose, Jen. He’s literally the sweetest boy I’ve ever met.”
“Talking about me, I see.”
You turn around to find Yuta standing behind you, soaked from head to toe. A water drop on the tip of his hair falls on his shoulder and you follow it as it slides down his chest and reaches his happy trail.
You fan yourself. Good thing it’s hot today. Otherwise, what would you blame the fire in your belly on? 
Jen chuckles as Yuta sits next to her, seeking protection from the aggressive sun. “Humble as always.”
“I thought I was the nicest boy you’ve ever met.” He shoves her with his shoulder, smiling. You’ve got the urge to look away. The fire in your belly is quickly replaced by an unsettling feeling you’re familiar with.
“After Chris.” Victoria finally speaks. “If that makes you feel better.”
“Not really, but I’ll get over it.” Yuta shrugs. “How come you’re still dry? It’s a pool party, ladies, come on!”
All your friends stand up, encouraged by his words and the terrible heat, and start walking to the pool. Except you. When Yuta notices, he gestures to you to join them.
“I’m not done.” You say, shaking the suncream bottle in the air.
“I’ll wait for you, then.”
“It’s fine.” He sits exactly where he was a few seconds ago. “Just go with the others.”
“Some more time in the shade never hurts.”
“So that’s why you’re here.” You find it hard to hide the disappointment in your tone. “You’ve fooled me. I thought you were a gentleman.”
Yuta leans back, his abs flexing as he speaks. He’s got such a tiny waist, adorned by a tattoo of a butterfly. You wonder if it carries any meaning.
“Oh, but I am.”
“I don’t believe it.” You finish extending the cream on your left arm. “You’ve hung around Ten for too long.”
“Other people’s personalities don’t change mine. I’m not Lucas.”
“Hey, don’t be mean to him.” You’re aware of the bad reputation that precedes Lucas. A drunk heart-to-heart conversation that happened before you went abroad helped you realize Lucas uses his behavior as a mask to hide his numerous insecurities. In a way, you can relate to that. Besides, being the youngest of five successful siblings makes him subject to his parents’ expectations, which tend to be unrealistic. And his brothers, far from supportive, are entitled assholes, straight-up bullies. No wonder he feels he has to act all tough to be taken seriously. “He’s a good kid.”
“Sorry, are we talking about the same person?” You’re about to defend Lucas again, but upon watching you struggle to apply the cream on your back, Yuta interrupts you before you can talk. “Do you need a hand?”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t think I’ll get sunburnt there, anyway.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
Yuta grabs the bottle and sits right behind you, deaf to your words. At his insistence, you reach for your hair with trembling hands. Before you can even move it aside, he does so, his fingers brushing your back in the process.
You hold your breath at the sound of the cream coming out of the bottle. And then, his hands are on you.
You think your heart will jump out of your mouth and start running around the patio.
His warm palms delicately rub the cream into your skin, and you hope he doesn’t notice the goosebumps that bloom when he reaches the small of your back.
God, you’re so touch-starved it’s embarrassing.
You wonder if you’re tripping when Yuta takes a little longer to massage your shoulders. Trying to focus on anything else, your eyes land on Jen, who has joined Lucas and Ten by the edge of the pool. The bikini lets her flat stomach on display. Unconsciously, you suck in yours. She places her hair behind her shoulders as she laughs at something that Ten says.
Even her laugh sounds beautiful, everything about her is!
That must be why Yuta likes her so much.
You stand up, getting as far away from his hands as possible.
“I think that will do.” You say, eyes fixed on the floor, aware of how much you’ve just embarrassed yourself. “Thank you.”
“Sure thing.” His tone remains normal, but if you had looked at him, you would’ve seen him frown at the sudden mood change. Yuta leaves the bottle on the chair and follows you to the pool.
“About time you stopped playing handsies back there.”
You simply lift your middle finger at Ten, quickly making your way towards the staircase, hoping the water will hide your body from the rest.
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It’s close to midnight and you’re on the verge of begging your parents to leave.
You’re celebrating the promotion of someone you don’t even know; drinking alcohol-free champagne, which you don’t even like that much; and bored Robinson Crusoe level.
Oliver and Noa left the moment they found their friends. Oli had invited you to join them, but you kindly refused, knowing that you would feel like a babysitter around his friends.
So, here you are, glued to your parents’ side, forced to listen to important conversations with important people, interested in neither.
Why have you been forced to come if your presence isn’t even going to be acknowledged? Your dad said it would be rude not to attend after a year abroad. What you understood was that they wanted to show you off, and the party seemed to be the perfect occasion.
You gulp the remains of your drink and leave the empty glass on the nearer table. You open your mouth, about to ask when you will be heading out when your dad’s name comes from the crowd.
“Jonathan!” He exclaims in surprise, shaking the hand of the man that appears in front of him. “Natalie! I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Well, we didn’t know you were coming!” Natalie, or what you call her out of respect, Mrs. Fulger, kisses your mother’s cheeks before addressing you. “You’re back from your trip! How was it, darling?”
You deliver a polite smile to the Fulgers, saying how the trip was “absolutely fantastic” and “a truly enriching experience.”
“You must be proud of her.” Mr. Fulger tells your parents, placing his big hand on his son’s shoulder. “Chris will take a gap year after graduating. One last taste of freedom before joining the company.”
The Fulger marriage laughs and your parents join them, and in less than a minute you’re back to being ignored, business taking over the conversation. You awkwardly stand beside your mom until you decide it’s enough.
“I’ll get something to drink.” You excuse yourself. “I’ll be back.”
“Chris will be enchanted to go with you.”
His father pushes him forward slightly. Chris gives you his signature charming smile before saying: “Of course.”
You make your way towards the bar immersed in an awkward silence. Of all people, you had to bump into him.
“Are you liking this party so far?” 
“I’m bored to death.”
“Me too.” You tap the bar counter with your long nails, laughing at his honest answer. “How’s life going?”
“Good, it’s good.” He looks around, playing with the glass he’s holding. “I’m in the training process to start working in my father’s company. He wants me to get familiar with the business and its processes before stepping in.”
There’s nothing worse than inheriting a position in a family business, but that’s just your opinion.
“You must be excited.”
“I am, yeah.” Chris nods, taking a sip of his drink. Even if you’re both trying hard to ignore the elephant in the room, Chris gives in first. “Have you talked to Jennifer, by the way?”
“She’s my best friend, Chris.”
He gives you a half-smile, only realizing now how stupid his question must’ve sounded.
“She won’t return my calls or my texts. She has blocked me on every social media, she doesn’t even want to see me! I don’t know where we stand right now.”
You’re not sure of what to answer, afraid you may say the wrong thing. One thing you know, though, is that even if you’ll always be loyal to Jen, you must admit she’s handling this whole thing terribly wrong.
“I’m sure it sucks.”
Chris genuinely laughs for the first time tonight.
“Yeah, a little.” You laugh at his irony-filled tone, too, and the atmosphere feels much lighter now. “Relationships are so fucking complicated. Don’t ever get into one.”
“I’ll be fine.” You say, taking a sip of the drink the waiter has just served you. “It’s not like there’s a long line of men dying to date me.”
“Now, that’s surprising.” 
Much to your delight, he’s too invested in his problem to notice how the blood has rushed to your cheeks.
A certain someone comes to your mind and with him a question you’re dying to ask.
“Please, don’t take this the wrong way.” Chris straightens his back, shoving a hand into the pocket of his suit pants, nodding. “Have you and Jen argued due to a… third person?”
It’s just like when people yell at a character to not go into the room where the killer awaits. But it’s just you in the cinema, screaming at yourself to stop talking.
“Of course not! What the fuck?” Chris’ blue eyes open wide in shock as he reaches for his phone. “Did she tell you that? Does she think I’m cheating?”
“No, Chris.” You place a hand on his arm in an attempt to stop him from texting Jen, who will murder you if she finds out you have planted a new suspicion in Chris’ mind. “God, I’m so stupid, I’m sorry. It was just a question! I swear-”
You aren’t sure if you should celebrate or bury a hole in the floor and hide when Yuta appears out of thin air, his eyes falling on Chris’ arm, where your hand is. You quickly move it away, which is exactly what is needed to make everything look suspicious.
“Hi.” Chris greets, not interested in Yuta’s presence at all. His head is elsewhere now that you’ve completely fucked up. “I’m leaving, I need to call her.”
Chris disappears in the crowd before you have the chance to say goodbye, leaving you behind with Yuta, who raises an eyebrow at you.
“Um, what was that?”
Whatever he’s insinuating offends you terribly. Do you look like the type to steal your best friends’ guys?
“That was nothing.” You snap. “He’s Jen’s boyfriend.”
“It’s a rough patch, they’ll end up getting back together.”
“Hopefully, they won't.” Your heart drops at his remark, but Yuta’s too busy looking in the direction Chris has disappeared, resting an elbow on the bar. “I hate that guy.”
Chris has always seemed kind and very down to earth. You wonder what could he have possibly done to gain Yuta’s resentment. To that question, you’ve got a theory. And you’d hate being right.
“I think he’s nice.”
“Oh, you think he’s nice?” Yuta snorts at your words. “You don’t know him that well at all, then.”
Yuta glances around the room, which allows you to scan him for a while. He looks really handsome in a suit. He reminds you of those vintage Hollywood stars.
“Why do you hate Chris? Is it because you like Jennifer?”
The question shocks you both. Again, you’re alone in the cinema begging yourself to just shut the fuck up.
“What?” He lets out a laugh of disbelief. “What does Jen have to do with anything?”
“I don’t know...”
“Oh, you do know. What have you seen that made you think that?”
Congratulations! You’ve just dug your own grave.
“Nothing in particular.” You answer, shrugging. “You seem to get along really well, now you hate her boyfriend...”
“First of all, I don’t like Chris because he’s a racist piece of shit. And I get along really well with Johnny, too. Do you think I want to fuck him, too?”
You can feel the color draining from your face.
“I don’t know what you like.”
If there’s something you’ve learned about Yuta, it’s that he’s the straightforward type. He’s unbothered and an expert when it comes to turning around the conversation to make it beneficial for him. He’s something like a mastermind, you’d say.
“Do you like me?”
“What?!” You shriek, trying to hide your shaky voice with a laugh. “Absolutely not.”
“Why then would you ask me about Jen?” Yuta presses, tilting his head to the side. “Are you jealous?”
“I’m not! I was just curious!”
“You’re full of shit.” You’d be lying if you said you don’t find his smirk insanely attractive. “Just so you know, I wouldn’t mind. I would be very glad, actually.”
It’s at this point that your head starts spinning.
You see, you have never been confident. Out of the friend group, you’ve always been the shiest one. You don’t smile in pictures because you think your smile is ugly, and you don’t wear tight clothes because you hate your body.
You have had a single relationship in your life, at sixteen, and it crushed your self-esteem even further. A promise to yourself was made after that: no one would put you through that hell again.
Is that what Yuta is playing at? Making you believe he likes you just to laugh in your face once you take the bait?
He had seemed genuine when he defended you the night you met. Had it just been to give a good first impression?
You hold your purse tight, hold your head high.
“I hope the rest of your night goes well, Yuta.”
And you walk away with your dignity intact.
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No reposting or translations allowed.
© epinebleue 2023
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ficfinder-general · 7 months
I'm new to Codywan. Doyou have a list of Must Reads or Fandom Classics or anything like that? (Bonus points for longfic!)
Funnily enough, I'm not sure I'm an expert on Fandom Classics, but I do think that the long Clone Wars rewrites/fix-its are a perfect way to start! (And then you can move on to shorter fics and crazy AUs haha) So these are all longer, and can be fit into TCW continuity, even if they diverge at some point because the writers can't help themselves and will fix canon (as they should).
{recs under the cut, please mind the tags listed on ao3}
in our hearts some ancient song by whimsicalimages (@keensers)- Fives discovers the chips, he's on the run and gambles his life on the assumption that there's something going on between Cody and his general, so they would help him. Some amazing lore in this fic. 40k words
Golden Shield of Brightness by NerJetii (@nerjetii)- Soulmate AU, your soulmates' (romantic and platonic) names are written on your wrists. "Only" 15k, but I would recommend it even if you're not a fan of soulmate AUs (=they don't fall into each other's arms just because they're soulmates). Focuses on Obi-Wan, mostly, but we also learn a bit about how the Kaminoans treated the clones.
I am teaching myself how to be free by tattooedgreenhouse (@gershwyndl) - this might be THE Clone Wars rewrite for me because the author has taken upon themselves to literally retell the whole series from Cody's AND Obi-Wan's POV. It's ambitious, I'm pretty sure it's technically canon compliant, but we do get our happy ending. Appropriately, it's 113k long.
i'll orbit your flickering star by sunskippa (@sunskippa) - Also a Clone Wars rewrite (by this I mean that it goes through the events of the series from Cody's POV), also canon compliant, 78k words. Might be my favourite ending in the genre, beautiful. I don't even know how to sell this, but it's a must-read imo
|to failure sweet victor| by littlekaracan (@cillyscribbles)- 20k words. In case you've read all those rewrites and you just want to skip to the part where Cody leaves the Empire and they find each other again on Tatooine *with a twist*
you read my mind, I'll read yours series by sospes - This is very much canon divergent. Starts off as a mission fic, Cody and Obi-Wan discover an artefact that creates a Force-bond between them. Misunderstandings ensue. Look at the tags/ratings, some of the works later on are spicier/angstier. But you could also read the first one and call it a day if those aren't your jam. (The whole thing is 166k long at the moment.)
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene (@birdiedoessw) - an outsider POV (Rex's) on Cody's and Obi-Wan's relationship. With the extra twist that they can't stand each other at the beginning of the war. This is something I would've loved to read when I was getting into codywan, it's a great way to start. (25k words)
shoulder the sky series by Night Fury (@shootingstarpilot) - Last but not least, an ongoing series (all but two works are finished, more than 200k words atm). You'll have to "get through" the first work to read the more codywan-focused fics (and I don't mean this in a bad way because the story is a m a z i n g. Just so you know.) To be honest, I think it might be a bit confusing to read at the moment because as far as I can see a work was removed from the series, but it's still up? I'm not sure what happened there, but I suppose you could simply read all the author's works in chronological order :D This series is pretty much Obi-Wan AND clone troopers focused and relies a lot on the Jedi Apprentice series (which isn't canon anymore) but you're gonna be fine if you haven't read it.
(If anyone reads this, please feel free to add your own suggestions!)
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I definitely think there are people who use those "diverse reading challenges" to show off, but I also think you can have a truly genuine desire to diversify your reading habits, and challenges can be a good way to incentive yourself to do that and keep track of it. And I'm not sure there's a go-to standard for who is "tryhard" beyond if they act cringey and show-offy about it on social media. I was going to say something like "do they genuinely seem like they're trying to branch out, or just reading the same things as they usually do but with a black lead" - but honestly, I want the people who are "just reading YA" or "just reading romance" or whatever to read more diversely, too. Like for romance readers specifically: Read more romance with COC or written by POC, read more M/M and/or F/F if you primarily read het, read more stuff written by people from outside of North America and Western Europe, etc. And if you primarily read serious "classic" literature, try reading one from Africa beyond the lit-class staples like Things Fall Apart rather than another white British author, just to give an example. I think everyone should do more of that. I think those can all come from a genuine desire to try new things, not just show off to your followers about how open-minded you are.
Actually, I think the big way to tell if someone's being "tryhard" is, yes, their reaction on social media, but particularly how they talk about the book when they're done. The one big Tell I see on Goodreads about people who want to be seen as "reading diversely" but don't really appreciate diversity is when they read a book about, say, Muslim characters and then leave a 2-star reviewing whining that they didn't like that the book expected them to know 101-level things about Islam like what Ramadan or the hajj is. (Or alternately, are mad that it DID explain that stuff "too much," oblivious to the fact that in Christian-majority cultures, that's a publisher expectation that you do that with any other religion, because of ignorant readers who will whine if you don't spend a paragraph teaching them what Ramadan is because apparently these supposed "diverse readers" can't be assed to learn literally anything about the best-known Muslim holiday.) I saw someone complain on Tumblr about Goodreads reviewers getting mad at all the "Jewish stuff they were expected to know" to read Naomi Novik's Spinning Silver, and this person was like "I'm a goy and I understood all of it because it's stuff you would know just from having seen Fiddler on the Roof. If all the Judaism you need to know for a book is stuff that you can get from watching Fiddler on the Roof, then maybe the issue is not the book, it's you for not having such basic information about a major world religion and then reading a book about it."
Or as another example, when people complain about how the particular set of lingo this person who is oppressed in a way you are not used to describe their oppression is not the exact thing that Twitter discourse has told you is "correct" to use or that it is offensive. When they get mad that a book where a black person is talking about their life experience with police brutality has "too many descriptions of violence" and "I'm rating this lower because it might be triggering." (In general, when people seem to conflate "this triggered me" with the kind of "productive discomfort" that relatively privileged people NEED to confront in fiction about marginalizations they don't experience in order to grow as humans. But also it's just like... there are some topics where it would be doing readers a disservice not to describe them graphically. Not everything can be communicated in a way that would earn a G rating on AO3. That might mean the book is inaccessible to you, but that's on you to deal with, not on the author to censor themselves.) Or when they, as in the American Fiction example, expect it to fit some stereotypical ideas of "authenticity" and are mad that this POC or LGBTQ+ or disabled person's lives are more like their own rather than feeling like a museum exhibit about an exotic Other culture.
To me, "tryhard" is when you don't actually value diversity FOR diversity. If you're going to read diverse media, you can't get mad when it actually is diverse. If you want to read about stuff about/from other cultures and identities, then a) you need to be okay with being challenged, b) you need to not expect the author to hold your privileged hand all the time. You can look up unfamiliar words like "hajj" or "Purim." It's 2024. You have a tiny computer in your hand that is several times more powerful than the big computers that put astronauts on the moon. You can use it to go to Wikipedia when you see a word you don't understand, it's not that hard! Expecting authors from other cultures and identities to patiently explain every aspect of that to you like an elementary school teacher is the ultimate sign of entitlement and privilege, especially if you're reading, say, a book by a Congolese author about the Congo, not one that they wrote specifically for Western audiences!
When people make a big show of reading "diversely" but then seem to be upset that those books are actually, you know, DIVERSE, that's a big flashing sign that it's performative tryhard nonsense to me.
It's pretty sad when we'll go google some xianxia thing to watch The Untamed, but we can't manage to look at a ten thousand times more commonplace wikipedia article on a major world religion.
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