#and oddly enough my last name is to do with keeping waters
dreams-in-daylight · 2 years
Love the concept of “call me by your name” when you’re into what names mean, and
Call me by your name (meaning beloved)
hits WAY different from
Call me by your name (meaning lake/pond)
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saetoru · 1 year
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sae doesn’t understand the purpose of holding hands. it’s a bit annoying to try and move around while you’re practically chained to someone else, it feels a bit odd to have someone’s hand lace with yours and keep it occupied, and it just draws this unwarranted attention that he doesn’t like.
he doesn’t hold hands, and you don’t seem to mind, so it’s never really been a concern of his.
not until today at least.
“are you nervous?” you ask, standing next to him as you stare out at the field. it’s a large stadium—there’s a bigger audience here than you’ve ever seen at any of the last few games you’ve been to.
it makes sense, you suppose. you’ve really only been to a handful of sae’s games—and even if you haven’t dated long, you’re well accustomed now to the occasional mic in your face as they as you how you feel about your boyfriend’s win. but now that he officially doesn’t play for a youth team anymore, now that he’s in the big shots with the adults, there’s bound to be more people, right? it makes you a bit nervous, all the eyes on you, but it doesn’t keep you from standing next to him as he waits with his team just minutes before starting the game.
sae only raises a brow at you, looks at you like you’ve grown two heads, “what do you take me for? they’re lucky to even play against me,” he mutters.
from a distance, you can hear a few amused chuckles and a few scoffs of disbelief from his older teammates. for the youngest on the team, sae has the largest presence. he’s already the talk of the hour—you can hear reporters buzzing for an interview and fans chanting his name already.
but he’s unbothered, sipping on his water bottle like it’s child’s play he’s preparing for.
“i know, baby,” you mumble, “you’ll crush them but…there’s just so many people,” you mumble. “what if you trip and fall? that’ll be so many people seeing.”
“i’m not gonna trip and fall,” he grumbles, lips twitching into a small frown that’s almost—almost—a pout, like the fact that you think he’d do something like that is an insult to his pride.
“oh my gosh,” you gasp, “i think someone just took a picture of us,” you ramble, not even paying attention to him. “what if i looked ugly?”
he wants to tell you there are a lot of people taking pictures, and that it’s a dumb thing to say—since when have you ever looked ugly? even your bad angles are better than the average person’s best, but before he can even say anything, your hand tightly grasps his.
he looks down, furrows his brows, opens his mouth to say something when you cut in.
“don’t be nervous, sae,” you babble away, “you got this, okay? there’s not even that many people here, they look like ants from down here anyway. you won’t even notice them.”
and then your hand squeezes his tightly, like it’s for reassurance, like it’s to tell him it’s okay, i’m here. except, he’s sure you’re doing it more for yourself than him—since he’s quite literally fine, quite literally standing here with as bored of an expression as always.
“i’m not nervous, idiot,” he mumbles.
and sae doesn’t like holding hands. your hands are a bit clammy and cold and they’re squeezing a bit too tight for his liking and he can’t move around as freely now. but your thumb is rubbing circles into the back of his hand and…it’s nice. for some reason, it’s kind of nice and he likes it.
he gives your hand an experimental squeeze, and when you squeeze right back, he finds that oddly enough, it’s kind of comforting to be able to communicate with you like this without actually saying words.
it’s okay. i’m here. you’ve got this. i’m not going anywhere. i’m proud of you. you’re all i need. you make me happiest. did you see that? i think that was another camera flash. i’m scared. i believe in you. it’s almost time for you to go. play your best. i love you.
i love you. i love you. i love you.
every tightening of your hand and every small squeeze tells him something that he finds he can understand for some reason—even without words. even without looking at your eyes or your face or seeing your expression. it’s so simple—so easy and…and he likes it.
why does he like it?
“good luck, baby,” you whisper, turning to face him, giving him a look that’s so nervous, yet so filled with conviction, he almost feels that to not play better than his best is of a disservice to you.
“thanks,” he murmurs, tugging you a bit closer by your hand. he finds that’s also a nice added perk of holding your hand—being able to pull your body impossibly closer whenever he wants. “but i won’t need it.”
“no,” you huff, rolling your eyes, “because you’re mister itoshi-sae-the-best-ever-who-never-gets-nervous. my bad.”
he huffs a small chuckle, gives your hand a squeeze and lets out a small sigh of content when he realizes the circles you’re rubbing over his knuckles have turned into hearts.
“don’t be nervous,” he says quietly, “‘s just us. everyone else’s background noise.”
“i know, but—”
“and don’t answer any reporters till i come back, okay? don’t need you having a breakdown on national television.”
“sae!” you whine, “that doesn’t help.”
“see you after my win,” he grins ever so slightly. it’s the biggest smile any of his teammates have ever seen from him—a few of them even gape in shock, but he pays no mind. he contemplates for a small moment before he decides—brings up your laced fingers and presses a small, short kiss to the back of your hand.
“see you after your win,” you agree, giving one more squeeze to his hand.
i love you.
he squeezes back. i love you too.
and then he’s off, and he almost hesitates before he lets his hand leave your grasp while he runs onto the field. he glances back at you, sees the way your hands are clutched tightly together to your chest as you stare at him with hope in your eyes and awe in your expression.
itoshi sae has never liked holding hands—but then your hands hold out his entire universe, and how could he not change his mind?
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hi everyone. pls take this very self indulgent and very me coded reader as they overthink sae’s entire game more than he even thinks about it 💀
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lyssaluvs · 5 months
Hi can you do a Percy Jackson x female reader.she is the daughter of Aphrodite
A little background Percy has this puppy love towards her.she has a fondness towards him but oddly enough even though she is the daughter of Aphrodite she comes off as cold.Ok so this takes place episode five of the series and they are arguing about who will sit in the golden chair.when he sits down and is turned into gold she tries her hardest to get him out.She has the talk with Hephaestus like how Annebeth did in the show.When Percy comes out of chair is was able to hear everything she ways saying.Figuring out she actually does really like him.
Trying Not to Love You - Percy Jackson
Summary: As above.
Warnings: Like one naughty word and a lil peck. Use of Y/n (Idk if that counts)
A/N: This is my first piece of writing so pls be nice, and pls leave feedback. Also, I know logically that they're like 12 and have probably known each other for like two weeks and therefore don’t actually love each other, but for the sake of the story, we're ignoring that. Also x2, I know Nickelback gets hate but they go hard and I'm DONE acting like they don't. (Listen to Trying Not to Love you, which is what this made me think of)
WC: 1.4k (I got carried away 😔)
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For a daughter of Aphrodite, I sure don’t seem like one. My siblings and I get along just fine, but no one can deny the differences between us. We differ in that where my siblings are outgoing, smiley, and warm, I happen to be more reserved, more introverted. Many suggest I’m colder than my siblings, but that’s not the case. I’m just wary, and if that presents as being cold, so be it. We share traits, of course. We’re kind, socially aware, and well… beautiful. And with that, often comes an onslaught of suitors. Sure, I had a few, but none that I ever felt drawn to. And none that stuck out quite like Percy Jackson did.
“He’s staring again.” My sister said as she nudged my side. I look up from my plate and meet his gaze. He sends a panicked smile before a blush spread across his cheeks and he quickly looks back down at his food.
“Poor thing looks like a kicked puppy, you should talk to him, put him out of his misery.” My sister continues. I hum and tilt my head before getting up to make my way toward the fire. I scrape the last of my brisket off my plate as I hear him approach.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi Percy.”
“It’s, uh, pretty warm out, huh. Not all that pleasant standing by the fire. Maybe we should, I dunno, go for a walk? By the lake maybe?” He presses his lips together and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Were his eyes always that pretty? No. Stop it.
“Sorry Percy, we’re having girls night in our cabin tonight, I can’t” I quickly explain. Sure, it’s not nice to lie, but it has to be done. What are my options? Keep saying no until he loses interest, or give in to the temptation, and eventually have to break his heart? He doesn’t deserve that. The former it is.
I quickly make my way back to my cabin, and into bed.  Not turning around to see that he does, in fact, look like a kicked puppy.
My head snaps up and I quickly glance around. What? Me?
“Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don’t want to hear more?” Chiron states apprehensively
Apparently not… I think to myself as Percy goes on a spiel about how he must choose those he trusts most. Why me?
Cold, wet, and coughing. That pretty much sums up my state right about now. Somehow, I had made it out of the water when I surely thought I was going to drown. Had that been Percy?
I fumble my way off the ground, taking Percy’s outstretched hand.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt?” He rushes out as he looks me up and down franticly.
“I’m fine, Percy. Thank you.”
“Yeah, no, of course. Sorry if I was too rough, I’m kinda making it up as I go along.”
I just smile as we direct our gaze to the grand, golden statue in front of us. There it was, the shield we’d almost drowned to get to our hands on.
“How are we supposed to get that thing down?”
I look between the statue and the chair that say at its feet. “These things are connected somehow. It’s a machine, but how do you start the machine?” I say as I scan the mechanism for any clues.
Percy seems to retreat into his mind for a moment before coming to a realisation. “It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn’t get up.”
Percy continued to explain, and it finally clicked. One of us has to sit in it. One of isn’t getting out of it.
“I’ll do it.” I say without thinking. I didn’t need to think about it, it was a no-brainer. Between the two of us, Percy needs to continue, and for some reason I don’t let myself delve into, I have no objections giving my life for his.
“What? Wait a minute!” He grabs my wrist to stop me from proceeding towards the chair.
“No, Percy. It’s me or you, and I’m not going to let it be you.”
“Y/n, no! I brought you on this quest because I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being by my side. I didn’t want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be.” He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his touch.
“Percy- “
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s ok. Even if you sit in the chair, the outcome would be the same. A piece of me would go with you, and I’d be no use to the quest. You’re strong. You don’t need me.”
He took a lunge and planted himself firmly in the chair. Molten gold crawled its way up his legs and I could hear cogs and wheels spinning within the machine. Oh gods, this is really happening.
“Percy, stand up! This isn’t funny, Percy, please!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/n. I’m ok.”
And just like that the gold had made its way across his face and it was done. He’d been turned into a statue, and it was my fault.
The shield dropped to floor with an echo, but I barely heard it. I need to fix this.
I made my way around to the back of the chair and dropped to my knees. I brushed my hands across the machine, praying to whoever would listen. Mum, please. Help me out here.
And just like that, a man had appeared at the platform above the statue.
“Hephaestus” I heard a small voice whisper, from nowhere, yet everywhere.
Thanks, Mum. I won’t let you down.
“Can I help you? Do you need some help finding your way out?” He played a melodic tune on his harmonica and a ladder appeared, leading up to the platform.
“I’m not leaving without him, Hephaestus. And if you’re not going to help me, can you please leave me alone so I can focus?”
“In spite of what you may have been told, I am not someone who can be pushed around.”
I let out a sigh and deflated my shoulders. Tears blurred my vision, but I pulled them back. Now isn’t the time, I need to focus.
“Hephaestus, please. I can’t do this without him, despite what he may think. I know you know how this feels. To love someone you know you can’t have. But you got another chance when the gods gave you my mother, I won’t be afforded such a luxury. My mother has been more than generous giving me someone like him, someone I don’t deserve. I won’t get that again. I’ll never find someone like him, never love someone like I love him. Please, Hephaestus, I’m begging. Let him go. Let me have him, let me love him.”
The man hung his head. I couldn’t tell if he was moved by what I had said, or if it just pissed him off. I just hope to the gods I wasn’t the latter. He turned his back and I mirrored him in hanging my head. I had failed.
Another note played from his harmonica and my ear perked up, along with my hope. I shot to my feet as I heard the gears in the chair start to move. Making my way around to the front of the chair, I saw him again. Those sea green, puppy dog eyes I had tried so hard not to love. He took a gasping breath as the last of the gold melted off of him.
He stood from the chair and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Without thinking, I let myself hug him back, indulging in his hold for once.
“I heard you.”
“I heard what you said when I was in the chair, Y/n.”
What??? Oh fuck…
He moved his hands from my shoulders to my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “I feel the same, you know I do. And I know you don’t want to let yourself feel that way, because you think you’ll break my heart, but I don’t care. Please, Y/n, let yourself love me. Gods know I let myself a long time ago.”
I stared into his eyes at a loss for words. I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.
“I’ll take that as-”
I just kissed him again.
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credit to @cafekitsune for the divider!!!
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bambiimutt · 8 months
hiii!!! Can you do masky as a father figure to edgy emo/scene teens? 👀
Father Figure Masky
Of course I can my love!! I actually haven’t thought of doing something like this so I’ll give it a shot!!
Not any tw’s if I missed any please let me know. Just some wholesome Tim! Lots of fluff!
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-I feel like he probably finds you in a Library. He doesn’t go often but when he usually spots you. you’re always reading a book or sometimes drawing. He never sees your parents so he assumes you must be old enough to be out on your own.
-he’s typically in there for.. well not really anything. To get away from the noise. From the typical people. He usually sits in a corner, book in hand slightly slouching in his chair, legs crossed over each other. His satchel usually sits beside the squeaky chair, occasionally he pops a pill, swallowing down water and going back to whatever he’s reading.
-you come in one afternoon, grabbing the book you’ve been reading the last couple of weeks and heading towards your spot. But when you arrive you’re met with a few teenagers from you school. “Shit.” You’re quick to turn on your heel before they see you and try to find some other quiet corner to sit in. And when you do someone else just so happens to be sitting there.
-you clear your throat. “Uhm..” Tim looks up from his book, eyebrow cocked. It’s you. “S-sorry. Uhm. Do you mind if I sit here. I won’t bother you or anything.” He’s silent for a moment, his fingers curling at the page before he closes the book. You’re quick to roll your eyes when you don’t get a response “hellooo?” You wave your book in his face before he speaks “g’ahead” he moves up slightly and watches you carefully. He takes note of your funky hair, how it isn’t natural. The piercings on your face and the clothes you wear.
- this is all where it kinda started. You’d start sitting with him whenever you knew he was there, he’d learn why you were always here, how your parents just never treated you the greatest and the only way to escape was to come to the library.
-you finally ask him one day why he takes so many pills, why he needs so much medication. And oddly enough he feels okay to open up to you about those things.
-I think he would feel some sort of comfort. He likes that your different then others. In a way you’re like him, but maybe not so violent. And he tries to keep that part of him away from you. He tries to just be the happy him, but it’s hard when he’s been out all night blacked out stalking innocent individuals.
-he ends up buying you some art supplies. He first took note of your artistic skills from the moment he seen you. He likes the weird things you draw, it almost eases his mind to know he’s not the only one with weird stupid scary thoughts.. though you are more of a edgy teenager.. he’s just not normal.
-your name in his phone is kiddo. He probably sends you stupid fucking memes he finds on the internet that he thinks are so Hilarious but they’re actually so fucking cringy.
-Calling him dad for the first time. Yeah it kinda just slips out and he’s shook. You think he’s angry, uncomfortable but he’s in pure SHOCK. Really? You look at him like that? That’s so… sweet. He cares for you deeply and wants to see you go far. So the fact that you see him like that.. damn you might have just wiggled right into his heart.
-it takes him some time getting used to it but at some point he fully allows you to call him dad. He’ll pick you up from school, he’s always the one to listen to you when it comes to bullies at school, he buys you lunch, makes sure you have school supplies that you need. You call him asking him to pick you up because you don’t wanna be there anymore? He’s on his way.
-“can you take me to the MCR comeback concert?”
“Fuck no.”
-Trust me he’d love to take you to those things but his money goes to his medications and his house, he’d rather have a roof over his head then be surrounding by teenagers crying and screaming. Butttt.. that doesn’t stop him from buying you things that you’re interested in. Band shirts, new hair dye, comics, etc.. he even goes out of his way to make sure you have new things, new phone.. whatever you want. I think he’s taking the dad role straight to the heart.. but it makes him happy.
-if you were ever in a situation to be put up for adoption. He’s 100% willing to adopt you. But if you’re old enough to be moved out, he’s got a bedroom all set up for you.
-he takes his road trips.. and fully takes pride on the fact that he listens to dad rock. He sings horribly to the music while you groan and plug your ears, and searching frantically for your headphones “dad please! Shut up!”
-he does let you play your music majority of the time though, and he actually doesn’t mind any of it. He thinks it’s pretty cool.
-“I bought hair dye..” you look at Tim and sway side to side, hands behind your back. He stares at you from the couch before shutting his eyes and sighing “alright, grab a plastic bag and get to the bathroom.” He always dyes your hair. And he’s always wrapping the damn plastic bag around your head too tight. “Gotta make sure that dye stays in there” and gives you the meanest dad back slap.
-if you ever graduate, he’s in the back of the stadium watching you proudly from afar. And of course he has gifts for you, what kind of father would he be if he hadn’t. Once you’re both in the car he’s got a small box and a large bag ready for you. Some new clothes, items and those damn concert tickets you always talk about.
-he’s a good papa. He’d never judge you for your interests nor what you looked like. He thinks you’re super bad ass and he’s proud to be such an important figure in your life.
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itaehynz · 2 months
three’s a (choi) charm! ˙ ⋆ . ˚ ☆
warnings: written and socmed. (written under cut!)
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2:50 A.M.
you have your airpods in, keeping all sound stored in your ears, away from the quietness of your shared home hoping to wake absolutely no one. your phone begins vibrating lowly, vibrations slightly awakening your senses.
incoming facetime call: yeonjun (tinder boy #3)
you gasp softly, getting up and walking out of your room quietly hoping not to wake yunjin.
you walk into the living room with quiet steps, seating yourself on the couch and answering the phone.
“helloooo,” yeonjun says shyly. you smile at his quiet yet warm voice, saying hi back.
“why are you so quiet?” he asks, raising his brow in curiosity. “why aren’t you?” you ask, he shrugs, flipping the camera over to who you’re assuming is his roommate, who’s on his pc playing whatever game.
“he doesn’t mind me being loud so,” he adds, smiling at you. you nod and hum at his response, silence filling the air. he clicks his tongue, “date with beomgyu tomorrow, correct?”
you roll your eyes playfully, already knowing what he’s getting at. “yes yeonjun, why?” he chuckles softly, shrugging his shoulders once more. “just curious, i would be the last person to know,” you scoff, “i personally think you’d be one of the first to know, actually.”
he laughs at your response, “why do you think that?” he asks, genuinely curious. you shrug, “well for one; he’s your cousin. two, you live together and three, oh this one is my favorite, you’re apparently competing for me? how’s that?” you respond, eyebrows furrowed.
he laughs once again, shaking his head at your words, “fair enough but all jokes aside, i did know, i just wanted to see what you’d say.” he smiles, blinking slowly. you roll your eyes at him and smile softly.
“you’re so stupid,” you say, making him laugh louder. you laugh along with him, his laugh being oddly contagious and comforting. “ah, really? would i be stupid for saying it’d be better for you to go out with me instead of gyu?” he questions cockily.
your eyes widen in surprise, caught slightly off guard. “i mean, it wouldn’t be stupid but it would be pretty rude of me to just bail on beomgyu after all this planning he’s done,” you reply, frowning at the thought of beomgyu’s reaction once he realizes you bailed on him for his cousin.
“y/n, i promise you, he literally wouldn’t mind, he’d be shocked that i was able to even persuade you and probably try harder next time, if he even gets a next time.” yeonjun says, exaggerating his words. you take his words into consideration, thinking hard on his suggestion.
“okay, what would we do though? like as a date,” you ask, intrigued. he seems to think on it for a few before coming to a decision, “there’s this place i go to, they offer couples dance lessons sooo if you’re interested, i can set an appointment for you and me? for 11 am tomorrow?” he asks with a large smile plastered on his face.
you scoff and smile, “we’re not a couple though,” he rolls his eyes, “not yet at least.” he says, making your smile widen. “look, i could schedule it and if you’re not up for it by 9:30 am, i’ll cancel it and you can go on your date with beomgyu, i guess. how’s that?” he suggests with the same smile that’s been on his face since the beginning.
you laugh quietly, “no need, i’d be happy to go. i just need to figure out how to tell beomgyu somehow…” to that, he rolls his eyes at the mention of his cousins name. “don’t tell him, we can do a hard launch kind of thing and tag each other on our posts, with a picture.”
you smile, shaking your head at him. “sounds good,” you say before getting up and walking to the bathroom. you sit your phone upright, hoping it stays. once it’s positioned correctly, you turn on the water, starting your skincare routine as yeonjun watches you in awe.
“are you getting ready for bed?” he asks softly, still looking at you. you nod, cleaning all product out of your eyes. he hums, eyes still locked on you. once your eyes are able to open, you catch him staring, “what’re you looking at?” you ask as he smiles.
“i’m obviously looking at you, y/n. you’re so pretty,” he says, catching you off guard once again. you feel your cheeks rising to a burning heat, but you continue to apply your skin serum with a gentle smile.
slowly but surely, your skincare routine is coming to an end. you wash your face with warm water and dry it thoroughly. you look away from your phone for a moment and look back to see yeonjun no longer surrounded by light, he’s now in the dark and laying down.
you begin turning off all lights and walking back into your room but not before shushing yeonjun. he nods and smiles, watching as you quietly step into your room and lay down in your bed, resting comfortably under the covers.
“do you wanna sleep on the phone? i’m not implying anything but i’m just asking,” he whispers. you only nod to that as you plug your charger into your phone. he smiles at you softly once again and you roll your eyes once more, “what’re you smiling at now?” you whisper.
he chuckles lowly, “it’ll always be you i’m smiling at, y/n.” you hide your smile and only show your eyes. his laugh increases in volume, never seeming to die down anytime soon.
you quickly snap a facetime photo of him, catching him off guard. “wait let me sit up and turn this light on, then you can retake it.” he says, reaching for his bedside light.
he lays back down and hides himself under his covers, showing nothing but his eyes. “mmkay, take it like this,” he says, smiling with his eyes. you smile gently as you take the picture. “i’m gonna go to sleep,” you say, eyes filled with tiredness. he hums and says, “me too, night night y/n!”
“night night, jun.”
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TAGLIST: @https-yeonjun, @sugaringgcaramel, @boba-beom, @ur-mother-realnotclickbait, @nan-lzzn, @txtbrainrot, @soobsfairy444, @wonunuwoo, @coconutjjun, @headlockimnida, @dinosluver, @gwookie, send an ask or shoot me a dm to be added! ^^
A/N: “little beomgyu and y/n moment before their date 🤭” YOU’VE ALL BEEN PRANKED!!!!!i’m such a silly goofy goober 😁
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klaprisun · 2 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley) (Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 3
After unpacking what I could (can't put anything anywhere since there are no drawers), I decided to splash some cold water on my face from the sink in the bathroom. I then take a good look at myself in the mirror right above the sink. I have slightly prominent eye bags and light freckles across my face. There is a pretty big scar on my right brow bone from when I tripped and gashed the side of my head on a marble countertop when I was 11. It was not a fun day.
I left the bathroom and noticed that by the door there were some yard and farm tools. An axe, hoe, scythe, and watering can. But there also seems to be a fishing rod, and oddly enough, a pickaxe along with the tools.
"Who keeps a pickaxe around?" I laugh as I pick it up and examine it. I set it back down and walk over to my bag. I grab out an old pair of overalls that surprisingly still fit, and a green, long sleeve shirt.
"I knew these overalls would come in handy one day. Take that mom."
I put my heavy duty boots on and grab the scythe sitting by the door. I fling open the door and make my way outside.
"Where do I even begin?" I say as I take in the mess of a field. I take a step off the porch and into the long grass and start cutting away the tall grass and unidentifiable leafy plants growing out of the ground.
"This is going to take forever," I huff as I swing the scythe into the tall grass. "Don't they have lawnmowers here?"
                                                   🌻 🌻 🌻
I feel my stomach start rumbling aggressively. I had slashed the last bit of grass and bent down for a breather. I straighten back up and admire the work I accomplished all in one day. The ground is finally visible and tillable for seeds.
"Planting seeds will definitely have to be a tomorrow job." I wipe the sweat from my forehead and walk back to the house.
I put the scythe back where I found it and decided to leave the farm to get some dinner. It is somewhere around 7 o'clock but I usually eat around 5. That explains why my stomach is losing its mind.
I begin my walk past the rundown bus that's along the short pathway into town. I decided to pick a handful of dandelions along the way. There were tons around but I picked the bunch that was the best looking. I stuff them into the pocket at the front of my overalls so the tops of them are peaking out like a small bouquet.
After walking into town, I give a few small nods to the townsfolk. I have my hands thrown casually into my overall pockets and a smile plastered on my face. I don't want to seem rude and unapproachable.
I entered the Stardrop Saloon with as much confidence as I could muster. The smile still spread across my face for the friendly appeal.
"Who do we have here?" An older lady in a tracksuit with short, curly, blonde hair shouts across the saloon. She seems absurdly drunk. "You look like a little troublemaker."
So much for the friendly appeal. How do I look like a troublemaker?
I take a glance around the Saloon before sitting down. Everybody has their eyes on me out of curiosity. I strut over the bar and take a seat somewhat near the track suit lady.
"Hey, kid. I'm just messin' with ya. The name's Pam. Don't be a jerk and we'll get along fine." The lady in the track suit says.
"Nice to meet you, Pam. The name's Danny," I introduce myself as kindly as possible.
"Well hello there! I'm Gus, chef and owner of the Stardrop Saloon. Welcome!" A man says from the other side of the counter. "You must be the granddaughter that came to town today. I have heard all about you from the townsfolk. Mayor Lewis has a set of loose lips. We don't get many new people here."
"Yeah that's me. Grandpa needs someone to take care of that ol' farm. He picked me to be that person I guess." I shrug and trace a finger along the grain of the wood countertop.
"You will love it here. I guarantee it! Everyone here is super friendly..." He kind of trails off and looks towards a group of young adults about my age in an arcade/lounge area. I follow his gaze and notice the group of 9 looking our way with very skeptical glares.
Even with us looking, minus a girl with the brightest, natural, orange bob I have seen, and a girl with glasses who seems to love purple, they didn't dare break their stares.
Actually, the girl across the arcade from the one with glasses seems to like purple just as much, maybe more since her hair is dyed purple.
But what catches my eye before I turn back to Gus, is a flash of bright blonde hair entering my view. She was late to looking over at me and had just poked her head around a burly, redhead jock she was sitting next to on a blue sofa. Her expression matched the rest of theirs, but with a bit more attitude.
Gus clears his throat and I snap out of my trance. I immediately put my attention back on Gus and continued our conversation.
"Yeah, they seem lovely. I love the sense of privacy here," I say sarcastically.
Gus lets out a booming, belly laugh and I couldn't help but chuckle as well. I turned my gaze slightly to see if the group stopped looking over, but unsurprisingly, they were still looking. If anything, Gus laughing just drew their attention back if they did turn away.
"What will you be having this fine night? We have the best beer and coffee around," Gus asks me.
"I think I will have some spaghetti if that's alright?" I reply
"Of course it's okay! Emily, make this young lady some spaghetti please!" He says to the blue haired girl behind him.
"Right away, Gus!" she replies back cheerfully.
"I will be back in a jiff with your spaghetti, why don't you go say hi to my sister and our friends over there? You seem about our age," Emily says to me before skipping into the back.
I look at Gus with wide eyes and make a face of uncertainty.
"You'll be fine. They are nice once you get to know 'em. Like I said, we haven't had anyone new here in a long time. Especially someone as young as you." Gus motions towards them as if encouraging me to go over to the arcade.
I stand up from the bar and start waltzing my way over, passing by a guy standing alone by the fireplace. I give him a friendly nod on my way by.
My footsteps seem to alert them all to look back over. I roll my sleeves up to try to cool myself down. It suddenly got really hot in here.
I throw my hands into my overall pockets and change my pace to a saunter when I get closer to the arcade. I am trying way too hard to be cool. I have never been so nervous to meet a group of people before. I am usually the outgoing one.
"Howdy," I mentally smack myself in the face. I'm already fitting the farmer stereotypes. "Emily told me I should come over here and meet you guys. My name is Danny"
"Ah, the new farmer we've all been expecting... and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation!" a guy with flawless hair announces as I approach. A few of them are hanging out right by the entrance of the arcade.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you," A girl with a dark orange braid says, "You picked a good time to move here... The spring is lovely. I'm Leah by the way."
"I see we have the same style," I reply, gesturing to her hair and outfit. We are both wearing green with our hair done up in a braid. Except mine is disheveled and full of twigs and leaves.
Leah giggles. "I think you pull it off better than I do. The overalls make it so much better," she says, genuinely. If I was in the city, that would have been a sarcastic joke.
Leah gestures to the guy next to her. The one with the flawless hair who announced my approach.
"I'm Elliott... I live in the little cabin by the beach. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extends his hand towards me. We shake each other's hands in greeting. "Firm grip you've got there. I think you'll do great on the farm."
The girl with the bright orange bob, and the girl with glasses pipe up next.
"I'm Maru," The one with glasses says, "I've been looking forward to meeting you! You know, with a small town like this, a new face can really alter the community dynamic. It's exciting! This is Penny."
"Oh... Hello! I'm Penny..." the girl with the orange bob says shyly. She was unaware that Maru was going to put her on the spot like that.
"It's really nice to meet you guys," I tell them.
"I see you have a nice bouquet there in your pocket?" Maru points out.
"Ah right. I picked them on my way here," I pulled one out of the pocket and handed one to both Maru and Penny.
"Thanks," Maru politely takes the dandelion from my hand.
"Thank you!" Penny exclaims
I turn back to Elliot and Leah and hand them each a dandelion as well.
"I totally forgot these were in my pocket until Maru pointed it out. You guys want one?" I ask.
"No thank you. I am not a huge fan of dandelions." Elliot politely declines.
"This is a really nice gift! Thank you!" Leah says. "They aren't the prettiest flowers, but the leaves make a good salad."
I shove the rest of the dandelions back to the front pocket for the next few people I have yet to meet. Hopefully I have enough for all of them.
I walk over to the two boys playing pool in the centre of the room with the purple haired girl watching from the sidelines. They pause their game and look over at me when I approach. They exchange a glance between the three of them and decide to introduce themselves.
The blonde guy with a mullet decides to speak up first.
"Hey, I'm Sam. Good to meet you," he says as he extends his hand. I shake it politely and turn to the other two. He points to the girl with purple hair, "that's Abigail," then he points to the guy wearing all black sporting a gloomy expression, "and that's Sebastian."
"Yeah I thought I heard someone new was moving onto that old farm," Abigail begins, "It's kind of a shame, really. I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown fields by myself."
"Out of all the places you could have lived, you chose Pelican Town?" Sebastian questioned.
"I mean... free house and I get to live on my own..." I say unsurely, "Someone has to look after that old house."
"I accidentally brought some gifts if you guys want one." I reach into my pocket and try to hand them dandelions.
"You brought us presents? Thanks," Abigail says enthusiastically. I can already sense a weird dynamic from the three of them.
"Hmm... this is...interesting," Sam says.
Sebastian just takes one and doesn't say anything. I wasn't expecting much from him.
I decided to greet the final two on the couch before I returned to my seat at the bar. The burly, redhead jock and the girl with bright blonde hair that caught my eye. They are still sitting on the couch at the back. They seem awfully cozy together.
"Hey guys. Sorry to bother you two. Didn't want to leave ya out," I extend my hand as an invite for either one of them to take.
"Oh, hey. So you're the new guy, huh?" the jock asks as he leans forward on the couch to take my hand. I nod my head in response. "Cool. I'm Alex. I'll see you around." He gives me a nod and leans back on the couch. He puts his arms obnoxiously around the back of the couch and looks at the blonde next to him. I continue to hold out my hand for her.
"Oh... YOU'RE the new farmer girl?... I'm Haley," she takes a slight pause to look me up and down before continuing on, "Hmm... If it weren't for those horrendous clothes you might actually be pretty... Actually, nevermind."
I open my mouth to say something back in retaliation. I quickly decide against it and retract my hand.
Reaching into the front pocket of my overalls, I grab out some dandelions. Though, they don't seem like the kind of people to take one.
"Thanks!" Alex says, surprising me as he takes one.
"Ugh that's such a stupid gift," Haley says while crossing her arms. Her bright blue eyes flick up to look at me through her lashes. She radiates with sass and spoiled brat.
I watch her look me up and down again, but this time it doesn't feel judgy. I can't pin what that look was about but it made me feel weird. She must've also sensed the uncomfortable aura that has entered the room because she quickly looked at the wall next to her on the couch.
Taking that as a sign to leave, I nod my head in farewell to Alex. He nods his head back respectfully.
What a weird group of people, I say in my head as I walk back to the bar to get my spaghetti. As long as it felt like I was over there for, I was only there for about 30 minutes. Emily had just finished making the spaghetti when I got back.
I slump onto the bar stool and sigh as she slides the spaghetti in front of me.
"How'd it go? Were they friendly?" Emily laughs.
"Most of them. Except Haley. She's quite the feisty one."
"Yup. That's my sister for ya," she replies.
I stare at her in disbelief with a mouth full of spaghetti.
"THAT'S your sister?" I exclaim, "But you are so nice!"
"Yup. Polar opposites me and her. We get that alot."
I reach into my pocket and pull out Haley's dandelion she declined.
"This was supposed to be for Haley, but she clearly hates dandelions. I should have guessed.
"Thanks!" Emily smiles and takes it from my hand. She tucks it away into her pocket while walking away.
I look back at my food and continue to scarf it down. Slipping glances back over to the group here and there. 
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luffyvace · 6 months
A dog ace adopted headcanons??
idk what to title this
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random chaotic headcanons of ace having a dog that i thought of while brushing my teeth
ok so for context ace found this dog laying down—perfectly healthy and clean
he was just chillin
the whitebeard pirates were at a island at the time and the dog had no collar…
soo..he decided it was his!
but when he tried to get the dog to follow him he wouldn’t 😭
he tried everything from “who’s a good boy? wanna treat?” to “bad dog! let’s go now!”
apparently this was some sort of hood dog because he did not care
but ace was determined to have this dog
so eventually he ended up picking him up by the neck (if you don’t know dogs have extra skin around they’re neck that their moms grab them by and if you do it right it won’t hurt them)
and he took him back to ship
whitebeard didn’t mind the dog so he said ace could keep em
all the dog did was sleep and steal ace’s food anyway
yeah he didn’t eat ANY brand of dog food
he only stole what everyone else was eating
one day a group of wbp were eating when the dog jumped up on the table and started running and kicking they’re food around
oddly enough all the wbp still love the dog tho?
well i guess he is family now and no matter how annoying they are that’s how it works
whitebeard pirate? nahh whitebeard DOG.
ace would try to teach the dog tricks and even had marco help
but no matter what, the dog didn’t bother listening
he either just laid there or started licking/scratching himself
doing something random
he tried teaching him ‘up’ by grabbing his hands but the dog nibbled at him
not a detrimental bite
a nibble
one that said ‘back off’
the dog doesn’t hate ace—or anyone for that matter
he just don’t listen
bro does what he wants
once ace tried to get the dog to swim since he remembered dogs do the doggy paddle and wanted to see it in action
yeah no
each time he tried to set the dog in the water he TODDLERED him
and if you don’t know what that means it means he relaxed all the muscles in his body and put his weight down
so he couldn’t get the dog to swim in the end :(
i just realized i went all this time without mentioning the dog’s name
his name was blue
anyway one last thing
ace thought he’d know how to train him real well since he’d been fighting animals since his childhood
but the dog has proved dominance
poor ace
it’s ok the dog would defend ace in a serious fight
blue is still loyal he just has no care in the world 💗
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vader-anakin · 10 months
"A Place in My Heart" - Bucky Barnes x f! Reader
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Not me again trying some writing as I'm doing nothing this whole weekend hehe. I've been thinking about how Bucky would be such a fluff gentleman if he had a girlfriend or something, so I had in mind some romantic friend/boyfriend shot. Although he wants peace, being the Winter Soldier will somehow always put him and his love interest in danger.
(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/S) = Your surname
Word count: 995
Bucky was always alert in the midst of the chaos in which he still lived inside his mind, mainly because he couldn't – and no matter how hard he tried – get rid of the dark past. Every day the hard and cold nightmares of a parallel reality haunted him, waking him up scared and with a trembling body, sweaty and stiffened by the memories that still sounded vivid in his dreams. The last time he didn't feel a bit out of his mind was when he moved to the new apartment, where he saw that he would have peace, comfort and even a “hug” from the place that conveyed serenity and security. Since the post-mission against the Flag Smashers, Barnes hasn't had much time to go back to dealing with the past few years in a caring way, specially because he doesn't feel like talking openly about his Winter Soldier stint as a serial killer. The new Winter Soldier was considered more “beloved”, even if he still carried with him the marks of what he tried, for years, to erase from his memory. The man woke suddenly, metallic arm clenched into a tight fist as an automatic defense, irregular heart beats and trembling hands showing signs of yet another agonizing experience. Bucky felt sweat dripping from his spore and grabbed a bottle of water, wetting his parched, burning throat. (Y/N)'s head popped through the small gap in the bedroom door, the light from the hallway illuminating a bit of your body.  
"You alright? I heard you scream.” (Y/N) met Bucky a few months ago, when you first spoke with someone experienced and who knew the amazing Captain America. At the time, the two of you – oddly enough, and Barnes was never one to say so many words, besides always keeping a frown of distrust – got along well and you knew that silent side of him, and didn't blame him. The journalist published an article in which she reported the last interactions between James and Steve, before the Captain returned to time. When you met Sam, the friend tried, in a very discreet way, so that (Y/N) could pass on government information to them, and ended up becoming a great trusthful to them. That night, you were taking care of a project while waiting for Barnes to get back from another mission, which he didn't want to say what it was. 
“Shit, it never ends,” he growled as he set the bottle on top of the nightstand. "If I had a choice, I would have asked them to permanently erase my memory." He sounded disappointed, and even though he didn't see him so well in the dark, (Y/N) could see a look of pain. The woman entered the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, resting a hand on his shoulder. She was never invasive and always respected the soldier's space, even though there she saw a true and genuine friendship between the two, and that Bucky could trust you, despite keeping himself almost always closed.  
“James, you know you need to go back and keep seeing Christina. I get it, what you went through was something you can't shake off, but you have to stay sane to survive”, (Y/S) caught a glimpse of her friend nodding. Of course, he knew that, but he often ended up closing himself off from the world, especially from Sam Wilson, who he was always with. 
“I don't know what else I can do,” Barnes sighed, holding your hand, which was still resting on his shoulder. "I have nowhere to run". The man in front of you showed such fragility, you had practically never seen that about him. You knew about the nightmares, the flashes of memory, the memories that still roamed through his super-soldier body, but you didn't know how to deal with the moments when he struggled against all the trauma he had lived, trapped in his mind without being able to get rid of them. 
“Bucky,” you called him, gently cupping his chin so that he would look at you. The crack of light in the hallway showed a body tired of fighting so much against it all. "You've been through a lot so far, you deserve to live like a guy, who we all now consider a hero." He let out a nasal laugh. “You deserve that redemption, mainly because you recognize that now everything you do is for the good of people. Fuck what they think, fuck it. I know it still hurts to remember the death of Yori's son, but that wasn't you." He looked down resentfully. (Y/N)'s words, even if painful, were quite harmonious, and made him – somehow – less guilty about his personal issues.  
“Thank you, (Y/S). Seriously. I needed to hear this. I just hope I can go back to dreaming less about all this”, he said. “How about we go somewhere tomorrow, drink some beers or some coffee?”, Barnes questioned, a smirk formed on his lips and his face already looked more relieved. The journalist nodded and smiled at her friend, getting up from the bed to leave the room.  
"Try to sleep again, tomorrow will be a new day", (Y/S) stopped in the doorway to wish him good night, seeing that he was already getting ready to go to bed again. 
“Good night, (Y/S). While you're still here, go to sleep and finish your article tomorrow, otherwise I will kick you out in the middle of the night”, Bucky shot in a playful way. (Y/N) laughed at the way he spoke to her. You took the opportunity to spend the night at his house so you could settle the matter about John Walker, and – charmingly – he asked you not to come home late. Even though he exuded a "princey man", you knew James wasn't in the right frame of mind to get involved with anyone right now, and it wasn't something you were thinking about either, even though your relationship was one of extreme tenderness. 
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mmuschi · 8 months
Drowning in Blood and Booze
Pairing: Rolan/named Tav 3.504 words
Summary: Gale and Rolan set out on a mission to help their dear friend deal with her survivor's guilt, but seem to accidentally drag up a past she wanted to keep buried.
There will be multiple parts. I have no end in sight yet. I posted it on AO3 too
TW: Suicidal ideations, depression, alcoholism, and major spoilers
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The Elderbrain was dead. Baldur’s Gate was destroyed, yet now safe. Bethany’s friends had all gone their separate paths. Gale went back to Waterdeep. Karlach went to Avernus with Wyll. Laezel went to fight for her people. Who knows what Astarion decided to do. The only person she knew stayed in Baldur’s Gate was Shadowheart, though she was helping Isobel rebuild. 
Bethany was alone once again, not even the parasite in her brain to keep her company. Alcohol was the closest thing she had to company. Lucky for her, she had managed to snag a few too many bottles along her journey. 
The sunrise had never looked prettier. It had been a full day since the battle ended. Bethany sat on the docks, her legs dangling over the edge. She had on just a white blouse and black pants. She had taken off her boots and rolled up her pants so her toes dipped into the water. Her sleeves were rolled up unevenly. One arm was behind her, palm pressed into the dock as she leaned backwards into her arm. That sleeve was rolled up past her wrist. The other arm held her bottle of wine. That sleeve was rolled up past her elbow. Her black and red hair was pulled back just enough to keep it behind her half elven ears and out of her face. Her light blue eyes stayed fixed on the horizon. She could see the blood in the water still from where the Netherbrain fell in. She knew it was below the surface and dead, but she had been unable to look away for hours. There was a sinking feeling that maybe it would rise out of the water and all her sacrifices would have been for not.
So from the hours leading up until dawn, and until hours after dawn, Bethany Byron sat on the docks. The only thing she felt she could do was drink until she had no idea what time it was.
“My my. You have really just perfected the look of a hero, haven’t you?” A familiar voice sounded behind Bethany. It just barely snapped her out of her haze. She blinked a few times at the horizon only to realize it was well past dawn now. The noises of the city had started to hum in the background once again. The sarcasm in the tone was all too familiar. The last time she saw him was just before the battle with the Netherbrain. 
“Can’t a hero drink to victory in peace?” Bethany replied, though her tone sounded as if she was not fully there. The amount of empty bottles next to her looked terrifying, but she was still just barely drunk. She kept her eyes on the horizon as she heard the footsteps come closer. She heard him move the empty bottles and sit down next to her. Of all the people to find her, she dreaded that it was him.
“Gale was looking for you this morning. Shadowheart too.” Rolan started, his tone oddly tentative. He was trying to start a conversation he did not feel comfortable having a conversation one of her companions should be having. He glanced at her for just a moment, just long enough to notice the way her jaw clenched at the mention of her companions. He turned his head to stare in the same direction as she was. “They looked through the taverns. They also walked through the streets for a few hours. I suppose it is a little terrifying when you decide to up and vanish.”
“I'm the hero, remember? I can handle myself.” Bethany’s voice sounded exhausted. She looked and sounded like she had not slept in days, which was probably the case. She finally tore her eyes away from the horizon as brought the bottle of wine to her lips and tilted her head back. After a few sips from the bottle, she let hand drop back into her lap. A few drops spilled onto her pants. Her eyes fluttered closed, but she kept her head tilted back.
“Without this? Or your armor?” Rolan replied. Bethany didn't have to open her eyes to see the raised eyebrow she knew he was giving her. She had intentionally left it at camp. The only response she was bothered to give him was a shrug of her shoulders. He let out a sigh and dropped her rapier in her lap. This was a weapon she held dear to her heart. She had it since the beginning of their journey. The only identifiable trait was the elven inscription along the blade. The blade was forged with silver instead of any other metal. It was expensive, but somehow near to her heart.  She almost felt relieved at the silence again, but the tension between them was heavy in the air. 
Either seconds or minutes passed, Bethany couldn’t tell which, before she finally opened her eyes and let her head tip to the side to look at him. He couldn't tell if her sluggish movements were from exhaustion, or the copious amount of alcohol she’s had. He was staring at the horizon she had been intently watching for hours. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, but said nothing and looked back to the horizon. Bethany let her gaze wander lazily over him. If he felt her gaze, he did not react. 
“Why isn’t Gale heading back to Waterdeep?” Bethany muttered softly as if it just clicked in her that Rolan told her Gale talked to him. Her eyebrows scrunched up slightly as she tried to think about it. Coming to her senses, she slowly began to strap her rapier to her waist. Rolan turned his head just enough to meet her gaze, only to give her a shrug.
“Maybe, if you get off your ass and come with me, he will tell you.” Rolan replied as if it was that simple. They held each other’s gazes for several more moments.
“No.” Bethany tore her gaze away from him and looked back at the water. Her voice was sharp, insistent. If she left, the Netherbrain might rise from the waters once more. The sacrifices she made would have been for nothing. Lives lost for nothing. Just the thought of it had her heart pounding. Her breathing became short bursts. It was all she could think about. She heard Rolan inhale slowly, and then exhale just as slowly. She knew he was trying his patience. She could feel his gaze burning holes through her. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides. This was nothing he would understand. The blood was her burden to carry alone. She was just grateful he was not one of the lives she lost.
“What in the hells will get you up then? I never thought of you as the type to wallow in self pity like this.” Rolan hissed out through his teeth. She could hear his tail aggressively thrash for a moment. Despite having nothing left in her to cease his annoyance, she didn't want him to leave. The thought of being forced to fight that… thing alone was enough to cause a shiver to run down her spine. She had to be ready when it rose again. 
“I really thought you’d enjoy seeing your Hero like this more.” Bethany looked over at him again. She looked him over before putting the bottle down next to her. She put her hand on the cobblestone between them and leaned in on it. He watched her carefully, debating on his response. She held his gaze, a small smirk forming on her face. 
“I have dreamed of doing many things to you, but watching you drink yourself to death was never one of them. This is rather pathetic.” Rolan replied in a blunt tone that made Bethany straighten up. That was clearly not the response she was hoping for or expecting. She had been insulted by him before, but this filled her with both anger and shock. 
“Excuse me?” Bethany was unable to keep the mix of anger and shock from her voice. The look on her face was one of offense. After everything she had done for him, for the city, this response from him hurt her. There was a familiar stabbing pain in her chest. It was something she had grown accustomed to feeling long before this journey began.
“You are excused. Now if you’ll excuse me, I don't have time to sit here and watch you drink yourself to death.” Rolan said in his snarky tone. He pushed himself back to his feet and brushed himself off. The dismissal of her emotions, her worry, had her mouth agape. That feeling of hurt turned to pounding throb. A chill passed through her chest.
“Right, because when you decided to try and drink yourself to death and I had to go save you from the shadows, that was okay. But,” Bethany pushed herself to her feet as she spoke. She seemed to have stood up too quickly, because she almost tipped sideways and fell into the water. Rolan, despite being upset with her, caught her arm before she fell in. There looked to be a hint of worry in his eyes, but it quickly faded. “I get a little bit upset because I have hundreds of people that I failed, and suddenly nobody gives a shit.” She took a step forward, jabbing her finger into his chest. Her body lurched forward and she stumbled into him. His hands went to her waist to keep her steady. She couldn't make out the look on his face as he stared down at her.
“I knew that would get you up. Let’s go.” Rolan had an edge of confidence to his voice. Bethany stared at him with wide eyes, unsure of what to make of what just happened. He made an attempt to turn her around to guide her away from the dock, but she took a step backwards. His hand trailed down her arm as she pulled from his grasp.
"Let's go? No, I am not pathetic! I did everything I could!" Bethany insisted, anger flashing in her eyes. Rolan winced, realizing his word choice did not have it's intended effect. 
"Everyone in this damned city knows that. You are the Hero of Baldur's Gate. Nobody wants to see you moping around the docks as if you want nothing more than to throw yourself in." Rolan replied, sounding more frustrated than he intended. Even he almost winced at his own tone. 
"So what if I decide to tie some rocks to my waist and throw myself in. I saved the city. It's over." Bethany snapped back. She took a step forward once again to jab at his chest. "I did my part. After the months I spend on that journey, I can finally make the choice to do whatever the hell I want." 
"And you are going to chose to kill yourself?" Rolan's tone was low, his anger overshadowing his worry until Bethany looked away. He let out a sigh, his hand going up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Being unable to respond, she just stood there, her arms dropping to her side. "So that was your plan." He said out loud, not needing a response. It was a statement, not a question.
"I don't fucking know. Regardless of what this stupid city thinks of me, I don't have all the answers. Maybe by now, I should. After all, I just saved not only Baldur's Gate, but also the world. I also killed a devil. And The Dead Three's chosen. And-" Bethany would have kept listing, but Rolan interrupted by clearing his throat. "Right. I should know what to do now, but I fucking dont. And I'm fucking scared ."
"Now we can actually get somewhere. I don't see how killing yourself was easier than that." Rolan huffed, his body subtly relaxing with relief. Bethany was quiet once again. He watched her with an indecipherable look on his face. He slowly reached his hand out and took her own. She did not fight or pull away. He tugged her closer to him, allowing her to simply lean against his chest. He wasn't sure of the words to use to help her, so he let her seek the comfort she needed. Her arms slid around his torso, pulling herself against his chest. He slowly wrapped his own arms around her to hold her close.
"I don't want anyone to have to save me." Bethany murmured into his chest. She nuzzled her face into his chest, avoiding pressing her face into the silver metal atop his shoulders. Her words made him chuckle, which in turn made her glare up at him.
"Now you know how I feel, Hero." Rolan replied, not even bothering to hide the amusement from his voice. Bethany rolled her eyes and looked away from him, though she did not pull away. She rested the side of her face against his chest, her hands gripping the back of his robes. Her face was red, every ounce of her and her pride despising looking so weak.
Bethany let her gaze strayed to the horizon once more. Fear gripped her heart as she stared at the bloodstained waters in the distance. Rolan could feel her hands grip the fabric of his robes tighter the longer she stayed quiet. 
“What if it’s not dead?” Bethany whispered softly, letting Rolan coax her into leaning against him. He looked in the same direction as her. His thumb hesitantly rubbed back and forth on her back. She could almost see it. The Netherbrain rising again. The people turning into Mind Flayers once more. The screaming echoed in her mind. It made her heart race; her breathing quicken. 
“It is. You did say you killed it after all, right, Hero? Well, not without my help of course.” Rolan said, which seemed to comfort her enough to pull away just enough for her to be able to walk next to him. His last comment seemed to cause a small smile to form on her face. She wrapped an arm draped across his shoulders as he led her away. He had one hand on her hip, holding her close to him, and the other holding her hand to keep her arm across his shoulders. While she was still able to walk almost just fine, she still accepted Rolan's help. She did not take her eyes off the water until it was completely out of sight. Her body seemed to relax as he led her up the hill and towards Sorcerous Sundries. 
"Where would I be without you." Bethany muttered sarcastically. Once she tore her gaze from the now distant docks, she turned her head towards him. He was looking ahead, though glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He had a slight look of pride about him from her words. The further he guided her from the docks, the more sluggish her movements became. With each step she took, her body reminded of her lack of sleep.
"Dead probably. Maybe suffering in some far off corner of the world?" Rolan replied before looking down at her. He kept holding her against him as he led her away, no matter how much he had to support her weight. The rest of the walk to his tower was quiet. Whether it was due to his unempathetic response or her exhaustion was unknown to him. Bethany seemed to have the near impossible task of keeping herself awake. 
When the two arrived, Rolan muttered a few words to magically unlock the front doors before pulling her inside. He only stopped to lock the door once inside again. He led her up the stairs to what she remembered as his old room. By the time the two got up the stairs, he was practically dragging her. She looked as if she was going to pass out right there. With much effort and many muttered curses, he got her into his old room and dropped her on the bed. Bethany managed to adjust herself, curling into a ball in the middle of the bed. 
Rolan watched her get comfortable on his bed. He very carefully reached around her waist and removed the rapier from her. He quietly put the weapon on the chest at the foot of the bed. He then pulled the blanket up and over Bethany's body. She had passed out almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. He watched her for a long while. She looked peaceful while she slept. She didn't look ready to fight anyone for looking at her, or her friends, wrong. She did not look like 'the Hero of Baldur's Gate'. She looked like any other half elf he would find in Faerûn. His hand lingered over her shoulder as he watched her, before he lightly brushed her red and black hair from her face. He eventually left her in the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. Now that she was safe, he was sure Gale would love to know she hasn't gotten herself in any real trouble. He made his way through the portal to the top of his tower where Gale was waiting. Before he said anything to Gale, he walked over to the chair of books Lorroakan had set up while he was still in charge. 
Gale was going through his collection of artifacts and spell books by the time Rolan arrived. He held the small artifacts in his hands, the smile on his face indicating he approved of them. While he did not need to consume the magic from any of them, he still appreciated them and enjoyed weighing in on their power. He did not look up from his exploration of what was only just recently Rolan’s until he heard him speak. 
"How in the hell did you deal with that for months ?" Rolan finally said in an exasperated tone. He ran his hands over his face, finally letting the drain from the conversation with Bethany show . He sunk down into his chair slowly. 
“A lot of distractions. Bethany never had something she didn’t have to fix, until now that is. You have my gratitude for collecting her. I doubt in her state she wants to be reminded of the horrors we faced by seeing me… or anyone else for that matter. ” Gale peered at Rolan from his spot by a bookshelf. His fingers delicately traced a few of the spines. It looked like he couldn’t tell which to put more effort into looking at: books or artifacts.
“Distractions? Are you telling me I have to find something for her to do... just for her to  not actively seek her own demise?” Rolan sounded somehow more frustrated than he was at the docks. Babysitting the Hero if Baldur’s Gate was not on his to do list, nor did he want it to be. His frustration was only met by Gale's chuckle. “And… you'd be surprised. The first thing she did ask about was you and Shadowheart.”
“While the sentiment is appreciated, it is unneeded. If she willingly decides to let you take care of her, you best be up to the task. She is quite the stubborn creature, is she not?” There was a caring sort of amusement to Gale’s tone. The months of traveling with Bethany had given him more insight on her than the others. She chased feigned passion in the same way as Astarion, and she even participated in it with him. While she had a difficult time understanding it, she was more than happy to explore the Weave with Gale. She never once judged Shadowheart for her choice in deities, though he knew she did not approve. She repeatedly trained with Laezel for fear her abilities in combat would not be up to the task. Though, the most intriguing way she passed her time was through her conversations with Wyll. She seemed to have a great deal to talk about with him, especially in regards to the higher society in Baldur's Gate.
“Ah yes, and I am the one ‘blessed’ with the role of caretaker then?” Rolan responded, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. While he cared for Bethany, he never signed up for babysitting her. He had Lia and Cal and they were enough of a handful as it was.
“Trust me, I know how much of a hassle she can be. Think of it as.. She doesn't feel the need to ‘mother hen’ you if you will. Now, you did not hear this from me, but I might have a faint idea on a… mission for her if you will. It could potentially distract her from the past few months.” Gale mused aloud, an idea forming in his head as he spoke.
It was lucky for both of them that a certain someone noticed her, even when she thought nobody was looking.
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meowcats734 · 8 months
[Soulmage] Vampire society have been loyal customers to a carpenter for years. He made the best coffins they have slept in for centuries, and never really got suspicious of so many wealthy people willing to pay for the same niche item. As he got old, the vampires tries to offer him immortality.
I knew the Grandmaster was hiding something when he ordered his second coffin of the month. I could understand why he'd ordered from Jiaola—if there was any carpenter in the Silent Peaks that you wanted working for you, it was one who'd built his own home from scratch—but the order itself was inexplicable. That, combined with the Grandmaster's tendency to inadvertently drop ancient secrets like so much candy, led me to believe that the Grandmaster wasn't what he appeared to be.
And if he was concerned enough about who he really was to go to such great lengths to hide it, that meant it was a secret worth leverage.
A core part of me hated using a hidden part of a person's identity against them—but desperate times called for desperate measures. I had a goal to achieve and misdeeds to atone for, and I needed a favor or three in order to get it done.
So finding out what the Grandmaster was hiding—and hinting that I just might let it slip—seemed like the best place to start.
I didn't know the Grandmaster's name—nobody did—but he liked going by a pretentious stack of titles. Grandmaster Water Magic Lord Sage Unmatched Crusader Knight, if I remembered correctly. I just abbreviated it to GWMLSUCK, and later, just SUCK. He was a wizened old man, with a cloak of leather that looked old enough to have been made last century, but the SUCK had a surprisingly youthful smoothness to his skin, an uncannily fluid spring to his step. The sun had long since set, but the pale orbs of witchlight on the streets still provided ample illumination as the SUCK made his way to Jiaola's house.
I cast a shrinking spell on myself—nowadays, I had ample fuel for the one spell I knew—and sprinted up behind him as he knocked on Jiaola's door. Jiaola's sun-tanned, wrinkled face broke out into a wide grin as he welcomed the SUCK in.
"How's my oldest customer doing?" Jiaola asked. "You haven't aged a day since we've last met!"
"Yes, yes, well... you have," the SUCK muttered, a slight hint of unease in his expression. "Do you have the resting place I ordered?"
"Of course! Hand-carved and enchanted with the finest quality spells, just how you like it." Just how... he likes it? How many times had the SUCK ordered new coffins? Was he burying people in secret? "Come in, come in."
In my shrunken state, neither Jiaola nor the SUCK noticed me sneak into the carpenter's house. I felt a pang of guilt as I snuck in—Jiaola and I were on friendly terms, even after that whole business with the demon invasion, and it rankled me to be sneaking around his home like this.
But I'd hurt people worse before. At least this time, it was for a good cause.
Jiaola walked downstairs, and I swore under my breath. He was headed for the safe room—a solid wooden box enchanted with, among other things, passive magic dampers. If I spent too long in there without a protection amulet I didn't have, the shrinking spell keeping me hidden would break, and I'd be exposed for nothing.
Thankfully, the last time I'd been inside the safe room, a haughty, arrogant witch had pointed out how to disable it, and Jiaola hadn't updated the safe room since then. Whispering an apology to Jiaola, I snuck in on the SUCK's heels and crawled up the wall, snapping three nodes of memorabilia. The oddly calming, draining sensation on my soul abruptly ended, and I maintained my secrecy as I watched Jiaola show the SUCK to a coffin.
Reverently, the SUCK ran one hand over the smooth bloodwood coffin, inlaid with dragonscale and puffwool. "It's beautiful," the SUCK whispered. "She'll love it."
Jiaola laughed, a craftsman's pride gleaming in his eyes. "I may be getting old, but these hands still remember what it's like to shape wood."
The SUCK paused, lost in reverie for a long moment, then said, "I could fix that, you know."
"Hm?" Jiaola asked.
"Mortality." The SUCK took a step back from the coffin, turning to Jiaola. He took Jiaola's weathered, calloused hand, studying it. "These hands have seen a lifetime of craft. It will be a shame when you perish, and your soul is scattered into thoughtspace."
Another one of those bizarre secrets the SUCK seemed to leave behind him wherever he went. He was the only person I knew who would casually mention what happened after death—and that was exactly why I needed him. I focused on the conversation as Jiaola took his hand—politely but firmly—out of the SUCK's grip. "What do you mean by that?" Jiaola politely asked.
"I could make you immortal," the SUCK said. "I could make you one of us."
And the leathery cloak on the SUCK's back unfolded into bat's wings, and the vampire held out a hand to the old carpenter.
I guess my nickname for him was more accurate than I thought.
Jiaola gave the vampire a long, considering look.
Then he smiled and said, "No thanks."
The vampire blinked. "I—excuse me?"
"I said, no thanks." Jiaola patted the coffin lid. "I was born in the Redlands. Death is a part of who I am. I've made my peace with it. I'll die as nothing more than human, just like the rest of us."
The vampire spluttered. "I—but—you—"
"I make good coffins," he said, "and I know what it's like to have to hide who you are. My husband and I had to deal with that for our entire lives. So don't worry. Your secret's safe with me."
The vampire closed his eyes.
Then he folded up his wings, and he was once more nothing but a man wearing an oddly-shaped leather coat.
"Very well." He laughed. "I... to my surprise, I'm... not even angry. Simply... sad. I will miss you."
Jiaola gave the vampire a kind smile. "Don't you worry about me. I've still got some life left in me."
The vampire smiled, and despite the chill of the room, it somehow felt warm.
Then he tilted the coffin onto a wheeled dolly and began taking it out of the house.
I wished I could have left it at that. I really did.
But I had a question to ask. And now, I had the leverage to have it answered.
I scribbled a note on the floor and left it in a corner of Jiaola's room. If my gamble didn't pay off, I'd at least have a sliver of insurance.
As the vampire left the room and began walking down the street, I shadowed him until he passed through a quiet, empty street.
Then I broke the shrinking spell, expanding to my full size with a whoosh of displaced air. That nagging little whisper in my ear told me I was a horrible person for using his secrets against him like this, but it had to be done. The vampire spun around, startled, something... fluid... glistening at his fingertips.
"What are you—"
"I know what you are," I interrupted. "I know that you know things. And I've left notes in case I go missing, so killing or kidnapping me won't help you."
The vampire snarled, the fluid at his claws lengthening. "Then what do you want with me, mortal?"
"Answer me one question, and I will keep your secret forever."
"Then ask, insolent journeyman."
I took a deep breath, then said, "I know you know where souls go when they die. My question is: how can you bring one back?"
Soulmage is a serial written in response to writing prompts. Stick around for more episodes, or join my Discord to chat about it!
Table of Contents
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 months
The Difference Between Eurasian Magpies (aka corvid) & Australian Magpies (aka not corvid)
I keep seeing people very confidently call Australian Magpies corvids, or imply that they're the same species as Eurasian Magpies, using them interchangeably even when they seemingly know a lot about animals or birds, &, as someone who has accidentally gained a hyperfixation surrounding corvid magpies specifically over the last 4 or so years (iykyk), this bothers me. mostly because it's not hard to tell them apart. I do not claim to be an expert, but I know enough to tell the difference at a glance or by sound.
Starting off by comparing them side by side (Eurasian Magpie, specifically Black-Billed, on the left, Australian Magpie on the right) so you can see the difference:
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Quick differences:
Eurasian Magpies are iridescent (their feathers shine blue, purple, & green). Australian Magpies are solid black & white. As babies, Eurasian Magpies have adult colouration & Australian Magpies are more of a dark brown.
Eurasian Magpies have very long, diamond-shaped tails, about the same length as their body. Australian Magpies have shorter, rounded, fan-shaped tails.
Eurasian Magpies beaks are slimmer & recognizable as a typical corvid beak. Australian Magpies beaks are thicker & are partially white.
Eurasian Magpies have white on their chest, shoulders, & on their primaries. Australian Magpies have white on the back of the neck, coverts (non-flight arm feathers), tail, & sometimes the back.
Eurasian Magpies have black eyes as adults. Australian Magpies have brown/red eyes as adults.
The most effective way to tell what kind of bird you're looking at is your location. Are you in Australia? Then it's an Australian Magpie. Are you in Eurasia or North America? Then it's a Eurasian Magpie, baby!
Second most effective way (besides lookin) is their calls. Magpies sound like higher pitched crows. They can also mimic pretty well. (this magpie, Pie, was rescued as a baby & is unreleasable, kept by an experienced couple with access to veterinary care & socialization in Canada, the Black-billed Magpie's native habitat. All of their birds would have been euthanized if not taken in). More examples of magpie sounds & Pie talking.
Australian Magpies sound like this. Sorry, idk how to describe that. I saw someone comment they sound like a rusty gate & I think that's pretty accurate. They also sound more like songbirds.
Eurasian Magpies don't have a swooping season. You'll usually see them messing with other animals, like pulling tails & standing on other birds while they're flying. When they are seriously attacking something, they're usually mobbing, as corvids do.
Australian Magpies are pretty famous for their swooping. 'Nough said. Don't go near their nests.
Both species can be befriended & trained, but this can basically be said about any bird. These particular ones seem very suitable for this, though.
While both birds are considered highly intelligent, Eurasian Magpies are apart of Corvus, along with Crows, Ravens, Bluejays, & a bunch of other birds well known for their super high intelligence. They're the guys passing the mirror test & understanding water displacement & talking to you in an oddly human voice.
To be honest, I'm not sure how intelligent Australian Magpies are, as people tend to mix them up with Eurasian Magpies. What one does is attributed to the other so often I can't find sources that is specifically about one or the other on a quick search.
This is the thing that has been bothering me. They're very different, unique birds. I don't doubt Australian Magpie intelligence, but it would be neat for it to be easier to find sources that isn't just another author mistaking them for Eurasian Magpies.
Anyways, that's my quick (messy) guide to magpies! Just like the lovely mountain chicken, just because it's named that doesn't mean it is one. Australian Magpies are their own thing separate from corvids, & Eurasian Magpies are not just pests that exist to eat your crops, they are highly intelligent, social animals that have thrived despite everything. The coyotes of birds, if you will.
Oh, also, not getting into other magpies as that is a whole shitshow I don't wanna talk about. If you have 20 minutes, a quick runthrough of the entire crow family tree can be found here by Clint's Reptiles.
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bigg-city-riders-au · 3 months
Fatal Encounter
This is a crossover fic between my curse!au for tugs and the district!AU for Starlight Express. The reader can be bonded to any tug, or just a generic tug in general. You can find content on ny blog: @welcome-to-the-districts . Major TW for graphic violence, and death. This particular one shot is not for the faint of heart, as it is labelled mature for a reason. One-shot under the cut.
Summary: You have been sent out by Dusk to investigate the recent attacks on a ship, but something just isn’t adding up. Will you and the tug your bonded be able to figure it out? 
You, a Rider, have been sent out by none other than Dusk herself to scope out the area a good ways away from the port under the cover of darkness. Apparently, something has been attacking the ships. Dusk didn’t seem to concerned. However, the tug you are bonded to, who has insisted on being with you, wasn’t exactly sure about Dusk’s intentions. You have been trying to learn more about Dusk in general. So far, it isn’t exactly the best. She did the cast the curse and is responsible for so many deaths, yet she formed the Riders in an attempt to keep the curse in check. You’re not sure if she’s actually trying to make up for her mistake, or if she’s planning to use the Riders for her own ill will. It’s odd how she specifically chose you out of the other and more experienced Riders the moment the problem arose. However, oddly enough, the only attacks on the ships have been from the tugs themselves. Perhaps there’s a rogue tug on the lose? Regardless, you have to follow orders from the leader of the Riders.
The tug you are bonded to looks around and sniffs the air. They reach out to you through the bond. Their presence feeling like a warm comforting blanket around your mind.
I smell, see, nor feel nothing. Something isn’t right. I told you not to dig too deep. She’s not one to be trifled with and you know that. She’s dangerous and she knows it. She knows the power she holds and wields it like a weapon. Her name carries weight. One snap of her fingers and she could have Titan incinerate anyone within a split second if she wanted to. We have to be alert.. I have a bad feeling about this. They look down at you, baring a concerned expression on their face. You nod and make sure you check behind you and the tug you’re bonded to. Nothing.
You’re right. There have been no known reports yet.. unless, they went straight to Dusk instead of the media. Which wouldn’t surprise me. If a rogue tug is out and about then the Navy would have to go to the Riders. They know their weapons are pointless. Well, most of them. Missiles do damage.. but that’s besides the point. Yes, I might have dug a little too deep, but why would Dusk stab one of the Riders in the back? It’s her job to lead, to guide. I mean, sure, she’s done a lot of bad stuff, but she’s done a lot of good stuff too. If it weren’t for the curse being cast, you and I wouldn’t have been bonded. You look back at your tug. There’s a moment of silence, yet you can feel the tug’s unease.
That may be true, but she should’ve chosen someone more experienced than you and I to go out and do this. You barely even begun your training. She wouldn’t send you out here to investigate unless something is up. Something is wrong and I just know it. The tug replies. The tug goes silent as they look around. You sense an overwhelming wave of fear through the bond and you look out into the open ocean. The ocean is mostly still and quiet. The moonlight reflecting off it like a  massive moving mirror.
What is it? What do you sense? You ask as you draw your blade from it’s scabbard. The metal sparkles in the moonlight. 
There’s something beneath us. I felt a disturbance in the water. We are not alone. Be ready. The tug glances towards you as they pinpoint the general direction of where they last sensed it. There’s a few long agonizing minutes of silence and the tug you’re bonded to slowly relaxes.
False alarm. Must’ve been a large fish. The tug sighs in relief. It all happens. The coils of a gargantuan serpentine creature wraps around the tug and squeezes tightly. The coils are easily thicker than a redwood tree. There are purple stripes similar in appearance to lightning bolts running along the creatures spine, leading up to spined fins that are an absolutely stunning mix of blue, purple and black. Each fin has a series of white specks, as if they were stars in a stunning and colorful night sky. They glowed softly in the darkness. On the beast’s sides are large white glowing spots that run along it’s body. The purple underbelly of the beast seems to illuminate with a crackle of electricity. Electricity visible coursing up and down the beast’s long winding, and powerful body. You cannot see the head of the beast, giving you the horrifying realization that you’re only seeing a very small portion of the monster. Whatever this is massive. You and your tug don’t stand chance.
The tug you’re bonded to screeches in pain as the coils squeeze around them tightly. You had the right mind to wear rubber boots, or you would’ve been electrocuted as well, but that doesn’t spare you from the pain felt from the bond. You cry out as you feel the searing pain rip through your body as you shake uncontrollably. You feel as if your heart is about to burst from your chest from beating so rapidly and irregularly. You feel as if you can’t move, paralyzed by the feeling of the sheer agony your tug is feeling.
You feel the tug desperately reaching out to you. The coils become tighter and it’s almost impossible for the tug to breathe. You feel the burning sensation in your lungs, desperate for air, yet the immense pressure from the creature’s powerful coils are far too much for your tug to handle.
Run! Run! Go get help! Find a ship and get to safety. Demder Rocks are not too far away. Go find Lillie, anyone to help you! The tug cries out before they finally withdraw from the bond, freeing you from the immense pain you have been feeling for what felt like an eternity. You gasp for air and nearly collapse, reminding yourself you’d be electrocuted if you so as much as even let another part of your body touch the tug you’re bonded to. You look towards the water and a sinking realization hits you. The moment you hit the water, you will be electrocuted as well. You are trapped with this beast. 
You reach out to your tug, but just before you could make contact, you felt a sharp pain in your head and you’re forced back into your mind as the mental barriers are raised once more. Your gaze shifts to the coils as you holds your head. The crackling of electricity has stopped and the coils loosen slightly. You try to reach out again, only to be remain trapped within the confines of your mind. The bond has been broken. Realization turns to sorrow and rage as you realize what had just happened. Your tug was no match for the beast. Your tug was dead. You let out a scream of rage as the coils disappear beneath the surface. In a blind fit of rage you clench your blade in your fist, cast a spell that would create a bubble of air around your head and dive headfirst into the dark cold waters of the ocean. The spell allowed you to look around under the water. Your surroundings are pitch black. 
You see a bright light ahead of you and you have to shield your eyes to keep yourself from being blinded by the light. Your eyes grow wide with fear as you finally see the face of the monster. It’s head is similar to that of a great and wily serpent. It’s jaws agape, showing off rows of sharp teeth similar to that of an angler fish. The light you’re seeing is coming from a bulb attached the beast’s head. It’s deep blue eyes glow softly in the dark water as it examines you. It has six limbs in total and is a beast of gargantuan proportions. It easily dwarfs Hercules and Titan combined, far larger than any other sea serpent you’ve seen. It’s claws are a sapphire blue and the webbing between each finger is the same colors as the spined fins along it’s spine. It’s tail ends with numerous spines, no doubt a deadly weapon. It’s purple draconian ears pin back slightly at the sight of you before it almost smiles at you, clearly amused by your bravery. 
You realize your mistake far too late as the beast charges. It all happens so fast. A flash of sharp teeth and then darkness. 
Dusk watches from Demder Rocks as she smirks. She knew Abyss would pull through. Sending the one Rider and tug who were a little too close to finding out just who she was to investigate a reported series of attacks when there was never truly public reports made. She didn’t expect it to work, but at least she has rid the Riders and tugs alike of a would be traitor. She already knows what story she would tell them. Most likely strayed too far, as she knew they were both in experienced. She watches as Abyss’ massive coils wrap around his kill before dragging it deep beneath the waves where he can feed in peace. 
She shakes her head and looks off towards the distance, towards Sodor. The magic buffers are a gateway, allowing anyone from any dimension to enter. In this case, the universe where giant humanoid machines born with a taste for blood and far more animalistic urges than the tugs have been mingling here and it didn't take her long to figure out they could shapeshift into monstrous beasts. Abyss, was an electric engine, a prototype. She recalled meeting him and decided to strike up an alliance. He notifies her when he’s around and she will send out anyone that may be getting too close to finding out who she is and what she’s capable of out in the open ocean so he may be able to feast at his leisure. She’s merely holding up part of the deal, now it’s Abyss’ turn to hold up his, to get rid of the evidence, to feed. With that, she calls for Titan through the bond. She needs to get back to the headquarters before she’s missed. She can’t let anyone get wind of just how she truly is. At least.. not yet.
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tainoidiot · 2 years
Hey! So I was wondering if you can do head cannons for the rogues ideal date or even better Batman getting in between the ideal date? Thanks! And by the way thanks for doing the Jervis headcanons! You write so well and it really made my night!! :))))
Stoppp I'm blushing.. keep going LMAOO. Sorry these are taking forever, I got work and now a fun sickness.
Rogues x Reader on their ideal date.. that gets rudely interrupted.
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Jervis Tetch
On date nights, this man's entire goal is to woo you.
I'm not kidding, he goes all out. Tonight would be even better however, and Jervis was sure to stand by that.
He had taken an entire 5-star restaurant hostsge for you both. They were all hypnotized anyway, no harm done! However, one was acting rather odd.. Probably nothing.
You were greeted with a patio dinner. Wooden arches above you covered in roses and fairy lights, lit candle in the middle of a round table, and a sever with a bottle of wine ready to serve you both.
If you don't drink, he quickly sends it back in exchange for a sparkling grape juice.
"Isn't it wonderful, my dearest? You and I.."
"And batman."
"Hm, yes- Wait whauh?"
Jervis turned around. Sure enough, the bat was walking toward him. "Jervis Tetch.. Civilian." The bat nodded to you.
"It is rude! To arrive uninvited! You! ANIMAL!" Jervis kicked and groaned as the bat picked him up and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of flour. Apparently that oddly acting employee wasn't under his hypnosis and called for the bat. Jervis really needs to fix that bug..
Most dates consist of bailing Jervis out from some crime he committed in the name of romance.
Johnathan Crane
Nervous. He just wants everything to be good enough for you.
His ideal date is a picnic on a warm night next to a pond. The two of you share a drink of your choice, little kissing, maybe more-
But gotham city doesn't really have ponds. The closest thing would be an overflowing sewer grate.
So he improvised. And eventually he found the perfect spot! All it took was a little fear toxin puffed in the faces of the people who lived in a mansion, locking them inside a basement and boom. All set!
Hey, he bought the drinks at least. Cut him some slack.
"You know, you keep me going. I hope this is adequate enough for you.. I'm sorry I can't do more."
Reassuring him that this was more than enough was fine, but how do you explain the large shadowy figure near the gate?
Your eyes kept darting back and forth from your lover and the figure. Eventually John got the idea.
"Crane." The voice growled.
Note to self. No more breaking and entering.
Edward Nygma
He placed riddles leading to a trail, hoping you'd find it fun at least.
From your house, a nearby Bodega, all the way to the subway. This is the last one, you're confident. Looking around, you see a large green questionmark next to a bench. Wedged in-between the seat and handle is a paper.
"This is not the end, if you're stuck here's some help." Written in purple gel pen.
"I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?" This stumped you even further.. the only thing you could think of was right under your nose.
"A map!" You immediately grabbed your phone and connected every place you had been. A large heart. You wanted to smile, but a large hand grabbed at your shoulder. "Going somewhere?" Ah shit. The questionmarks must've set off some citizens.
There goes yours and his plans for the evening.
Pamela Isley
She won't woo you with flowers, fake or real. However, that doesn't mean she can't be romantic.
Pamela took your hand, blindfolding you in the process. "You trust me, don't you my lily?" Her voice in your ear like the sweetest honey.
As you walk, you begin to smell certain things. Dirt, plants, floral scents.. wait a minute.
Taking the blindfold off, you're in a greenhouse! But wait, Pam doesn't have a personal greenhouse..
"So I may have taken hostage the Gotham City Conservatory for tonight. What? Do you expect anything less from me?"
You don't. Kind of why you love her.
She sits you in front of a Greek style fountain, the vines picking you both up to hang in the air as you sat.
You both talk and talk for hours on end, though it truly only feels like minutes. Your day, what you both want, the future. It's full of cuddling and kisses by the end.
However, Pam begins to pull away. You can see her looking around in annoyance. "We have a visitor.."
Yep. A large man in a batsuit. "Hello, batman" She waves, gently putting you back on the ground. "Let me deal with this, My Lily. I'll be right back."
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d4vynn · 2 years
Pale moonlight stretches far across the boundless landscape, enveloping the nation of freedom in its soft light. Under the moon's watchful gaze, Mondstadt falls into a serene silence. Foxes snuggle into each other in their den, and humans fall into their beds, holding each other at arms' length. For those haunted in the day, this silent night is their sole sanctum.
A lone figure stands a great distance from the silver-painted city, keen eyes watching the last remnants of light be snuffed out. Nothing but the whispering wind keeps them company amidst the tranquil darkness.
"I knew I'd find you here!"
Bright-eyed and clearly inebriated, the former-archon bounds up the path toward the great tree. In his hands, he holds a bottle of what you assume is wine. The glowing crystalfies- who were perched upon your shoulders- scatter the moment he plops down beside you.
The silence- no longer as comforting as it was two minutes before- seems to stretch on forever. Your fingers toy idly with the twig in your lap. There are no words exchanged between you both, and you finally register the sound of rushing water and crickets singing in the distance.
It's a moment of silence that allows your mind to wander once more. Of your sibling. Of your failed commission. Of missing gnoses and the harrowing sound of your name.
It wasn't until a finger prods at the space between your furrowed brows that you realize Venti has shuffled closer, now only a hairs' width away. You can smell the bitterness of wine on his lips, his green eyes staring into yours from beneath his fluttering lashes.
"Relax your face silly," he pushes the pad of his finger upwards, un-furrowing your brow. "My muse, what dares trouble you?" Venti asks, dropping his hands to cradle your cold cheeks. The tips of your noses touch, startling you slightly.
Your lip quivers, and as much as you hate to do so, you tear yourself away from Venti's soothing touch. It's as if he's stripped you bare, revealing all of your wounds, your fears, and your mistakes. If you run away now, would he give chase? You fear that you may end up sobbing in his arms.
He witnesses you break, sniffling and struggling desperately to blink away your falling crystalline tears. Venti's heart clenches at the sight and he moves without thinking, wrapping his arms around your shivering form.
"You're going to be okay, you've worked hard." He whispers, pressing gentle kisses against your tear-stained skin. Oddly enough, his reassuring words only cause you to cry more, weeping relentlessly against his clothes that are surely going to be snot-covered by the end of this.
Soft, lyre-strumming fingers card through your messy locks, undoing tangles, plucking out leaves and massaging your temple. It doesn't take long for your sobbing to cease into mere sniffles, yet you continue to hold onto him with a desperate grip.
"Hey, look at me." He taps your hot cheeks and smiles softly. "Even if this world turns its back on you, rest easy knowing that I'll be with you." With a hushed whisper and a silent kiss, Venti holds you tightly until the first rays of golden light spill over the hills.
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eddie-brii · 11 months
So here's the prologue for the OC story I've been working on for a bit now. I'm taking my time with this one. I really want her to feel like a character in the game so updates are going to be slow.
Charlie is also here so I've really made myself question my sanity. But, hey, it should be a fun experience.
In a small village in Iraq, May 29th, 2003.
The lights in the safe house were low, the sun setting while two people stared at one another trying keep there minds off just where they and the film crew reporting on the locals’ reaction and recovery from the war are. Two were sitting across from one another at a crate in the corner of their little safe haven, using it as a makeshift table. The gentleman with the glasses shuffled the cards while smoking a cigarette, taking his time while the female fidgeted. The rest of the members in their little group were already laying down or not interested in social interaction with the woman opposite to the dealer.
“Charlie, will you just deal the damn cards already?” She finally demanded after brushing her bangs to the side. He’d lost count of how many times the twenty six year old had done so within the last hour and if she wasn’t doing that, she was biting her cheek.
“Temper, temper. You’re oddly on edge, Bree, have been all day. Is there a reason?” Charlie asked as he finally began to pass the cards one by one between the two of them. He was used to the others mood changes at this point. He stared at the younger woman across from him, one of the most unusual he’d met from a recent failed folklore film project. Helltown, Ohio had popped up on his radar as a possible new idea to get his name out there. It had enough potential to draw him across the pond to the US, or so he thought.
Charlie had hoped, when he arrived in the northern area of the state, he’d be able to track information easily enough. But everywhere he went no one wanted to talk about a ghost town with a possible Native American curse on the land surrounding it, only the war going on overseas. Finally while in Cleveland, he’d gotten someone to point him to a lead that had him heading south. Apparently the mountains of Appalachia were known for their strange goings on and the people there were quite familiar with the unusual. It made sense someone would know something about his little curse. After even more searching, he was pointed to the woman across from him as a “folklore expert”. Charlie wasn’t sure what to expect to say the least at the first meeting, but, then again, he imagined if he’d known the other title he found out she had, he might have felt underwhelmed until he had gotten to know her. A Paramedic in a rural area was not the occupation he pictured, though being a member of an integral part of the community gave little indication as to what she was practicing in her free time. He really had no idea what he was getting into when he walked up to the fire station that day.
One year earlier.
Charlie was excited. He’d finally managed to find this expert the unofficial group leader he’d found recommended. The older woman had been insistent that, despite his disbelief, her contact would be the one to talk to. He was sure the Fire Chief of the department had been as confused as him when he called requesting to speak with one of his members, but he equally couldn’t bring himself to care as this was the first breakthrough in the last month. As soon as he arrived he was taken aback by the activity he was seeing. A fire engine, another large truck that looked to be a small commercial water tanker and ambulance were outside with multiple people moving about. It all looked like organized chaos, with crew members still in the pants of their fire gear, laying out hoses and washing said trucks. The smell that seemed to permeate the area made it obvious that a fire had occurred. The stench coming from the gear laying out was enough to make his head begin to throb slightly and if he didn’t already partake in cigarettes, he imagined he’d be fighting off a cough. Charlie finally managed to spot the man he was looking for, or more so heard him as he yelled for someone to “bring the hose to the dryer”. Charlie worked his way over to the Chief, thankfully without tripping over something being cleaned or bumping into someone.
“Good morning, Chief Stewart, a pleasure to finally meet you in person!”
“Good mornin’ Mr. Lonnit, happy to have you on station. My crew’s just got back from a structure fire so you’ll have to excuse the mess. Always seems to happen when we expect company.” Charlie paid little attention to the last comment, he was just thankful he could understand the man. The accent in the tri state area could be difficult for him depending on how thick it was, and how much slang the locals used. He still didn’t understand what the waitress meant by the pie being “so good your tongue will slap your brains out” when he had asked at that diner.
The man that greeted him was weathered, heavy set and around his height. He didn’t give much time for Charlie to continue assessing him or the scene in front of him before he spoke again.
“Ms. Williams is this way.” The Chief started towards the squad.
“I’m not sure as to what you’re wanting to speak with her about but if it’s related to Fire and EMS Bree is one of our best and brightest members. A damn good firefighter and passed her medic with flying colors. Recently graduated from college with her pre-med, one of the only reasons we haven’t made her an officer. We joke she’s our resident good luck charm.” The older man stated, dodging equipment and personnel left and right.
“What exactly do you mean by good luck charm?” Charlie asked as he avoided a ladder being moved.
“Pardon the language but when we deal with shit shows and she shows up things go much better.” Finally nearing the back of the ambulance where the doors were open, they heard sudden shouting from a firefighter heading in the same direction with a couple others close behind him.
“Hey, Bree, I have medical issue that needs taken care of! I got pain in a certain area, I think I need ya to take off my pants and feel around!” The man in question began to gesture to his crotch and the other two tried to hide their laughter behind their hands.
“Sorry, Benson, can’t do anything for small dick syndrome,” came a female voice from the back compartment in an unimpressed tone. Charlie noted little to no accent. Surprising.
“Burn!” exclamation the young man’s friends at the same time as they finally lost the battle to keep themselves quiet, laughing at Bensons expense.
The Chief and Charlie had turned the corner of the vehicle where he finally was able to see the person he assumed he was looking for. The woman in question had her neck bent over a book that she was writing in as she put away items, apparently not even considering the comment made by the young man worth her full attention. She had to bend slightly in the back of the ambulance, but Charlie guessed she was around five foot six with dark brown hair tied in a ponytail, strands of it had escaped to hang in wild curls around the sides of her face with the bangs that were already free. She was dressed in a t-shirt proudly displaying the department’s emblem with dark blue pants and boots. He couldn’t see much more from where he was standing, Chief Stewart interrupted his chain of thought before it could go farther or he could move closer.
“Benson! Stop harassing one of our only medics! We have company for God's sake!” At the Chief’s shouting, Benson at least had the decency to look embarrassed at his behavior in front of a member of the public.
“Sorry, Chief, I, um, just wanted to joke around with Bree.” From what Charlie could tell the firefighter was just a kid, couldn’t be more than twenty, the blush on his face from getting caught making him look even younger.
“Get back to work, and remember, she’s a firefighter as well, with more experience than you and someone who won’t hesitate to save your ass. In and outside of a fire, she deserves respect!” The Chief finished his reprimand, each of the three youths gave a “Yes, Chief” scattering at the dismissal before they got into more trouble. Charlie heard a sigh and the sound of booted steps making their way out of the truck.
“Chief, that last part wasn’t necessary. He’ll figure it out eventually but right now he’s a kid who just got his fire card. He’ll grow out of it. Squad’s back up to par by the way,” Bree stated as she climbed out the back doors. Finally getting a better look at her, Charlie observed dark brown eyes with gold flecks set in a rounded face. A lighter, peachy complexion with high cheekbones and button nose. Her build was…. feminine but solid? Charlie was slightly surprised seeing the muscle apparent in her arms, however, he realized she more than likely needed strength for her job over a concern for appearance. Not a model, but, not bad either. Along those arms were tattoos, intricate and elegant, that disappeared under the sleeves of her shirt. He didn’t recognize the symbols throughout the designs. He made a mental note to ask about them if she allowed an interview, but for now he needed to get her to talk to him.
“Thank you for taking care of it,” he continued after a quick inspection of the back before she closed the door. “And, Bree, I made a promise to your father to look after ya. That means making sure the new pups don’t think they can talk to you like that. Besides we do indeed have company.” He stepped to the side to reveal Charlie. “Bree, this is Mr. Charlie Lonnit. He’s the one who requested to speak with you specifically.” The Brit moved forward at the Chief’s prompt.
“I’ll let you get to it.” Chief Stewart left the both of them as he began to see to the other department members.
“A pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Williams. You came highly recommended as a expert of a project I’m working on.” He presented his hand to the younger woman, moving past the awkwardness after the Fire Chief had left. He noted the strength behind her handshake when she took it, confident and firm. She gave him a confused look, with eyebrows drawn together, at the mention of why he was there.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Lonnit. I’m not sure as to what I could be an expert in that would make a gentleman from the UK come all the way over here, but there’s a picnic table we can talk at beside the fire house away from the noise.”
“Please, lead the way, and call me Charlie.” he stated before he followed her over to the area in question. She hummed in response.
“Go ahead and call me Bree then. Not even the kids here call me Ms. Williams,” she called over her shoulder. The noise becoming distant as they passed the corner of the building. She sat down at the table and leaned forward, arms crossed still eyeing him, unsure as he sat across from her.
“I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. I’m afraid researching the film I would like to shoot has been difficult to say the least. You maybe my only lead so far beyond the history records I’ve been able to dig up,” he started hoping to put her at ease.
“I’m flattered, but again, I don’t know if I can actually help you.”
“I was assured you would be, by a source that seemed to know you fairly well,” he continued on. “You see, there’s an area north of here, in Summit county, that has a certain reputation that has caught my interest and I would like to look into putting together a film crew to shoot a documentary series about the location. I’m afraid it’s been hard to find anything besides public records. I was hoping you’d fill in the blanks, if not a possible interview.” He had had his head down throughout the rest of his explanation, trying to find his notepad and pen but her response finally caused him to look up.
“Fuck no! You’ll get yourself killed going up there.” She was looking at him incredulously, her arms uncrossing as her back straightened to full attention, a stark difference to the uncertainty he’d seen not moments ago. She looked around to make sure none of the other members had made their way even close to the table. She turned back to him finally as he swallowed the lump that was now in his throat, unsure of how to take her reaction.
“Who the hell gave you my name and in what context?” she leaned forward with a serious look directed at him. Charlie held up his hands in surrender, leaning back to try to diffuse the situation’s sudden tension, thoroughly confused at her behavior and feeling pinned under her glare.
“An older woman gave it to me, Mrs. Ria Cottrell. She assured me you were the person to talk to and assist me. That’s all she said,” he answered quickly. It seemed to make her loosen up but the strain remained in Bree’s shoulders as she gave him a hard stare before sighing, running her hand through the hair that had fallen from the tie holding it back. She took a moment to stare at the table afterwards, eyebrows drawn together again and hand now rubbing her forehead.
“What the fuck, Ria...” she muttered under her breath. She finally looked up at him, breaking the stillness.
“Alright, if she sent you here, then there’s a good reason. Unfortunately, this isn’t the place for what you want to ask. Are you opposed to meeting later at my home? I don’t want to risk others hearing any of this.” He quickly nodded, dropping his hands, confused but hopeful for answers.
“I have to let Chief know I’m leaving early. If you want to go grab anything you think you’ll need, go ahead and do so. I’m only answering these questions once. Plus I need to get the smell of smoke out of my clothes.” Bree stated getting up. She grabbed a small note pad from one of her side pockets and quickly wrote her address.
“Meet me there in two hours. Until then Mr. Lonnit.” Walking away he heard her yelling to Chief Stewart but quickly got up himself. Making a mental checklist of everything he needed while he walked to his car, his focus now on the woman that seemed to know a great deal more than what she initially let on.
Later he found himself knocking on the screen door of what he hoped was the right home, barking soon followed as he heard footsteps coming to the door. Bree was indeed the one who opened the door but she barely greeted him. She seemed preoccupied thanks to their earlier conversation. She had cleaned up well and he was slightly shocked to see her in a sundress with her hair down, curls on full display now, giving her a soft look that wasn’t present before.
“I’ll make some tea if you’d like to sit down,” she said leading him to a small sunroom with plants decorating the space and bookshelves filled with knick knacks and different volumes. A few he recognized and others he didn’t. Some of the titles made him raise his eyebrow questioningly. He’d have to add that to the list of inquiries. He moved to sit at the small table letting his eyes further take in the room. It felt warm and cozy, making him feel at ease despite his apprehension at the strange behavior of his hostess. Charlie was attempting to read more titles of what books he could see when the sounds of shouting and paws coming his way interrupted him.
“Jinx! Get back here!” was all the warning he had before his lap was filled with a very large K-9 attempting to lick him to death. He tired to put up some form of resistance but he was finding it futile.
“Get down! Now!” Finally the furry attacker calmed enough to allow Charlie to look at her, now sitting at his feet with a wagging tail and tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. A mutt, but obviously well taken care of and loved, if the friendliness and grooming were anything to go by.
His hostess appeared in the doorway, a little out of breath from what he guessed was a sudden chase. She straightened up after a moment of taking in her dog’s demeanor, a note of surprise in her expression before it softened.
“I’m sorry, normally she doesn’t bolt like that. At least she’s somewhat remembered her manners,” she stated with her hands on her hips, turning her gaze to the dog now looking back at her, tail still wagging.
“It’s quite alright. I’m not worse for wear, if you don’t count the hair,” he assured as he reached down to pet Jinx’s head, the pet leaning into his hand and enjoying the attention. The action caused Bree to pause. It seemed seeing how well he’d handled the sudden furry intrusion seemed to oddly confirm something to her, if her knowing smile was anything to go by.
“Since you seem to be handling her well, I’ll be right back with the tea.”
Bree disappeared momentarily coming back with a tray and tea service, surprising him. As he found it difficult to find a decent cuppa since he arrived in the US, he hoped it would have some caffeine to help with the headache he still had from the smell around the fire equipment but, from what he could determine, it was herbal. Still, hopefully a step up from the restaurants he had frequented recently. As she poured the tea he moved to pull out the note pad he had written all of his questions in. She offered him the first cup she filled along with moving a honey jar closer to him, an unspoken offer to sweeten his, if so desired. She finished pouring her cup before Bree herself sat down, taking the honey jar after he was done with it. Jinx now contently laying across her owners feet.
“So, if it’s alright with you I’d like to go ahead and start,” Charlie finally said after a he took the first sip. Admittedly the questions he had initially been planning to ask were already thrown out the window, changing when she reacted so bizarrely earlier. He felt he’d inadvertently stumbled onto something. He just needed her to clue him in as to what exactly it was.
“Certainly. I’m sure you have many questions, though I get the sense they may have changed direction.” Giving him a knowing look, she continued to sip her tea.
“Indeed. Now, I gather from our conversation earlier that you are very well informed of the sightings in the area of Boston, Ohio?”
“Yes, while I have not been there myself , we at one point had a similar, though smaller, issue of our own here.” At this admission, he was taken aback.
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“You really think that’s the only place that Natives possibly cursed?” She asked, giving a questing look over her tea cup. He’d heard of a few local legends but hadn’t found anything in recent records.
“You said “at one point,” are you implying you no longer have such issues?” This earned the reporter a smile.
“Yes, it’s been taken care of,” came Bree’s enigmatic reply.
Confusion flooded Charlie’s mind again. He was starting to think he’d leave with more questions than answers if this kept up. Apparently he had paused long enough it had given his hostess time to plan another proverbial bucket of water to drop on his head. The next words she spoke were with a smile and they sent his eyebrows to his hairline.
“By the way, how’s the headache?”
“I beg you’re pardon?” He didn’t think it was so obvious. He ran through his actions in the past few hours since they met and couldn’t find a single time that he’d done something to possibly indicate he’d even had one. He’d been too caught up in everything happening to pay it much mind and now that he thought of it, it was gone rather suddenly.
“You really have no idea who you talked to or who she sent you to, do you?” She leaned against the window sill beside her when she said this, the amusement at his expense obvious. He was trying to keep a poker face but knew he failed when she chuckled.
“Why do I feel it has something to do with the fact you have a book called The Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs?” he finally asked, nervously shifting his glasses. She smiled again, seeing his bewilderment and finally took pity on him. Leaning forward after setting her cup down, she gave him a thoughtful look before she spoke.
“Mr. Lonnit, how familiar are you with Witchcraft?”
He was pulled from his thoughts when said witch made a disgruntled noise as she looked at her hand. She hadn’t changed much in the last year, her hair growing a little longer and her starting into medicine. He was glad both of them kept up through phone calls and emails.
“Maybe I should have dealt the cards.” She was trying to distract from his question about her edginess. In her defense, the rest of his crew didn’t know the particulars of their meeting and beginning their unlikely friendship. She made it clear she wasn’t comfortable with her practices being common knowledge.
“No, I’m not going up against you when you’ve pulled your card tricks.” He groaned, remembering the amount of times he’d lost to her.
“I can’t help that I’m in Lady Luck’s good graces,” she said with a smug smile. He rolled his eyes at that. If that’s what she wanted to call her offerings to Fortuna, he wouldn’t argue. He just also wouldn’t let her shuffle. The goal was to get Bree to tell him what was bothering her, not lose most of the money he’d brought with him. He knew it was getting worse when she began to play with the medallion she wore. A family tradition she had explained, it was made of carved dark red wood, one side held the image of a roaring lion, the other a scorpion posed to strike. She usually left it under her shirt to keep wandering eyes away from it due it’s personal nature.
“In all seriousness, what’s bothering you? You’ve been short tempered all day. Poor Andrea was about ready to cry when you snapped at her over simply handing you dinner,” he pressed hoping to get to the heart of what was going on. After all, if Bree was on edge there was a reason.
“Maybe it has something to do with being several thousand miles from my home and dog?” she offered.
“Understandable but you know Jinx is well taken care of thanks to your mother. This isn’t your home sickness,” he stated with certainty.
“Stress from the fact that even though you hired me to be medic for the film crew, you’ve been pimping me out to most of the small villages that haven’t seen a doctor in who knows how long?” She shrugged her shoulders, a pointed look on her face as she leaned forward to rest her elbow on her knee.
“Although I wouldn’t use such a crass term, I’ll give you that one and I’m forever grateful you went through the extra training to do so.” He sighed as he leaned forward before he continued, lowering his voice. “You’re having another one of you’re feelings again, aren’t you? I’ve asked you to tell me about when they happen.”
At that his friend sighed and leaned back against the wall behind her. She didn’t know when she’d gotten so easy to read by the Brit, but here she was. She didn’t have to be happy about it though.
“I’ve just had a knot in my stomach for the past few hours. I know it’s not something I ate but I keep hoping it is.” Bree crossed her arms, rubbing them to try to sooth herself for the gods knew how manith time since the pit in her stomach stated growing.
“Do we need to move?” he asked concerned for the group as whole. He didn’t care if he seemed crazy for doing it but if Bree said to move, they moved. Her and Charlie had already discussed these feelings. They always seemed to happen before something hit. Last time she managed to help them avoid getting caught in a bombing by having Kevin, their driver, pull over for an extra few minutes to “stretch her legs.” It was getting to the point the others were noticing. Bree knew they were going to start asking questions soon, and honestly she was surprised they hadn’t already.
“No, I don’t get the feeling it’s something like that,” she said, not used to not being able to pick up what was wrong. She’d hoped that between her little ability and the good will they were building, they would be left alone, but now she was worried it wasn’t enough. She started fanning herself with her shirt, to try and get air flow to cool herself down, the medallion around her neck slipping back out of sight. She really hated the warm weather and even after the month they’d been here she still wasn’t used to it.
Charlie was looking at her again. It wasn’t the first time he felt guilty for calling her up when he was offered to do the job of reporting in the middle of this war. After she had answered all of his questions over the course of a few weeks, he had always gone back to her for advice and a read on things to ensure he wasn’t getting ready to make a mistake. That had been exactly why she was the first person that came to mind when the news outlet mentioned he’d need to make sure his crew had someone for first aid. What had surprised him was how quickly she agreed to it, but all Bree could offer was that something told her to come. At the end of the day, he’d take any help from whatever deities she had watching her back.
“Alright, then prepare for me to finally get my money back from last week.” Bringing them both back to the present.
“I’d like to see you try, Lonnit.” Bree finally pulled back from the wall behind her looking at her hand again to see what she could work with. Her friend won’t know what hit him.
After a few rounds, Charlie was staring at her incredulously.
“I thought you said it only worked if you shuffled the cards yourself?!” he said as she took the wad of cash off the table.
“Did I say that?” Bree was trying to look innocent but knew she was failing at his expression, so instead she opted for her best cheeky grin. All the other could to do was huff at her antics.
“This is normally the point in time I’d recommend strip poker but I love you too much as a brother to want to see you naked, even for comedic purposes.” She smiled as she heard him snort.
“And I, you a sister, but that still doesn’t make up for the alarmingly large amount of money you’ve manage to wring out of me since coming to Iraq.” At his statement she gave him another pointed look.
“Consider it payback for the last house call I had to make, that you insisted on, I might add!”
“In my defense, I had no idea that Badra and Mandali still had an active Republic Guard. You know that old man wouldn’t have gotten better without you.” He had a point. It still didn’t make having to be smuggled in and out of the city any better. There had honestly been a moment when she thought they would get caught but luck was on their side. They ran into two boys willing to help them, one only wanted cash, but the other honed in on her Mothman keychain. Apparently he had an interest in legends and mythology, to the point his degree would be related to it when he went to university overseas. It’d hurt to say goodbye to Monty but it meant their safe passage out of the city. They had stuck to small villages for a reason since then.
“In all seriousness, one of these days doing that is going to bite us in the ass. People are still hostile even with the fall of Saddam and you can bet the US military wouldn’t be happy with our little stunts either.” Bree was shaking her head when she thought about the trouble they’d be in if anyone outside the crew knew what they’d been up to. It was bad enough the locals were starting to purposely seek them out for assistance, and the network had to be getting suspicious of the medical supplies she was using. Thankfully she had taken the time to read into any local herbs but in the face of what the country was going through right now, no matter how much magic she worked, it would only go so far.
“Everything’s going to be alright, Bree, you’ll see.” Charlie reassured her before starting to yawn.
The sun had almost fully set now, with the approaching darkness they began to pack up the cards and hopefully settle in for the evening. Their nightly routine was stopped, though, when a knock came to the door. Kevin answered it leaving only a small crack, enough to hold a conversation with whomever was outside at this time of night. Bree’s stomach was doing flips and she was beginning to wonder what was going on the longer the two talked. She could understand only a little of what was being said, having no time to fully learn the language. Kevin finally moved aside to let the man through, dressed in the simple clothing of a shepherd.
“Bree, he says his mother is in bad shape, something about weakness and a bad stomachache for the past few days. They’re not far from us, an hour or so. You up to going tonight?” Kevin asked as he pulled away from the door.
“Is there anything else she’s suffering from? That could be a number of things.” She said already reaching for her packs. Her body oddly settled, not with a feeling of ease but finality. She heard him speaking with the man at the door again.
“You can’t avoid it or them, not anymore.” Came across her mind, sending a chill down her spine. She wasn’t sure who said it but they had never steered her wrong.
“No, nothing else. Sounds simple enough,” their driver answered, breaking her train of thought.
“Who do you want to go with you, Bree?” Charlie asked, he never let her leave by herself, but tonight was going to have to be different. If what they said was true, she wasn’t dragging anyone else into this.
“I think I’ll go on my own on this one. Something tells me I’ll be back before sunrise.” She moved to grab her canteen and put her ball cap on to make sure he didn’t see her face. She hated lying to him and tried to avoid it. She went to grab her kukri, a present from Charlie before they started the job. He thought she would enjoy the superstition related to the knife and wanted to make sure she had some protection when she came here with him. Securing the sheathe to her thigh, she may not be about to prevent whatever mess she was getting into, but she was not going unarmed.
“That’s… not like you, are you sure?” Charlie wasn’t convinced, the thought of her going alone making his own stomach twist.
“Yeah, it’ll be fine.” Finally looking up at him, she smiled to reassure him. “I’ll be back before you know it,” she said, walking towards the man who’d called on them.
“Bree, I don’t like this. I’m going with you” She stopped and turned to stared at him, something about it making the knot in his stomach worse, but for once, he would not be backing down. He wasn’t letting anything happen to her, not because of him. She sighed as she closed her eyes and shook her head at the expression on his face.
“Okay, but make it quick. I really do want to be back for breakfast.” She finally lamented. He went to grab everything he needed for the trip. It may be a quick one but he still would bring a camera just in case. After he grabbed everything, he turned to Kevin. He’d hoped they wouldn’t need them but he had at least had the foresight to make sure information was put together on everyone in the crew in case a missing person report needed to be sent. Thankfully they’d always been back by the time Bree figured on but this time something felt off, her behavior putting him on edge.
“If we’re not back by sunrise, send those packets into the US military.” Kevin nodded, looking unsure himself. Charlie turned to where Bree and the shepherd stood, motioning for the man to lead the way. The three stepped out of the safe house and turning down the street, slowly walking out of sight.
When six am rolled around everyone in the crew now had that same pit in their stomachs. There was no sign of Charlie or Bree. Kevin started heading as fast as he could to the closest US unit they knew of with the information packets in hand. He was silently cursing when he finally made it to the soldiers after an hour, something had gone horribly wrong.
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cockasinthebird · 2 years
So like I said earlier, I started writing the cyberpunk 2077 AU, and, well, here it is! 5 whole pages, not M nor E yet, but that will come, just you wait hehe ;)
The music of Afterlife beats like a heart, ironically enough, since the place used to be a morgue, the slaps now used as tables around the space, with a big, fancy bar in the middle. Oddly big for a morgue if you ask Billy, but he won't complain, got good booze, especially the Jackie Welles one, "with a splash of love" or some shit, whatever that is.
But tonight he's not here for the drinks or to watch the dancers in the water filled tubes, although he does give Claire a friendly nod as he passes by. No he's here to meet some fixer that gave him a short message asking to meet up and that was it.
"Come by Afterlife, got a job for you."
He's not even sure what they look like or where at the bar they'll be, so he's stuck wandering around in circles like some kind of lost gonk. 
And just as he grits his teeth with annoyance, ready to delta, someone approaches him.
"So you must be the merc everyone's always talking about. Even Rogue."
Billy turns around to face the prettiest fucker he's ever seen, slightly taller than himself, especially with that poofed up hair, and a pristine suit - awfully clean, like it hasn't ever seen a day of hard work before. Same goes for his clean skin, moles dotted across it as the only blemishes, no scars, no tech on him.
"Yeah, maybe so." He licks his lips that turn into a grin. "What's it to you?"
"Might be a lot, might be a little, really depends on you." The fixer smiles with a hand on his hip.
Billy gives him a quick scan, no affiliation. "Just give me the detes, don't got all night."
The brunette sucks his teeth and gives Billy a certain look from head to toe. "Shame you're in such a hurry… don't wanna get a drink, talk it over proper?"
"Why, you paying?" Billy crosses his arms but keeps his well amused smirk.
"Sure, first round's on me - last round? We'll see."
The merc very much enjoys the tone of his new fixer, and the way he near sensually watches him as they walk to the bar.
“A Johnny Silverhand, and…” The man in the snazzy suit looks to Billy as they order from Claire.
“A Jackie Welles.”
“Haven’t heard of that one before,” he admits and leans on his elbow on the countertop, whilst Claire quietly pours them their drinks.
“Yeah, well…” Billy avoids eye contact, looks away as he tries to forget Arasaka. “Trying to get it to catch on.”
They both bottom their glasses in one go, although he doesn’t miss how the fixer stares at him even when doing just that.
“You sure you don’t want a more… private setting?” he suggests and the other man huffs a laugh.
“Why, are we chooms all of a sudden? No I know you merc types well enough to want a more public scene, besides, this won’t take long.”
“Do I at least get a name?”
“Of who? Me or the client?” The brunette grins knowingly.
“Who do ya think?”
“Stephano Harrington, but you can call me Steve.” Steve extends his hand, and Billy shakes it firmly. “Manners, nice.”
“Yeah, well, my ma taught me right.”
“And your pa?”
Again Billy has nothing to say, nothing he wants to say at least. Spilling personal details to a stranger is a danger in Night City. “So what exactly does the client want from me?”
“It’s really very simple, there’s a van with some goods in it, and I need you to klep it for my client to an address that they have chosen for you two to meet at,”
“Nothing’s ever simple in NC, and this? Sounds too easy.”
“Well maybe I’m an easy guy, maybe I needed an easy merc, who’d take on an easy job.”
Billy can’t help but ponder if there’s a double entendre there or not, but there’ll be time to figure that out later, if the way this Steve Harrington looks at him has anything to say.
“Sure then, shoot me the detes and I’ll get to it.” Billy rises from his seat.
“You don’t want to know about the payment?”
Eyes bluer than the ocean ever was looks Steve up and down. “I’m sure a guy like you will pay more than what’s fair, and besides we’ll meet after - still owe you a last round.”
It was far too easy to find, down by the docks in Watson Northside, fresh off the boat. The workers there were easily paid off, something mr Harrington will have to reimburse of course, and the doors to the container creaked open like sesame. Inside he found a teal colored van, otherwise unmarked and would probably be a bit suspicious to drive around in, but hey, a job’s a job, and Billy is a professional, takes it all very seriously. He tries to be as non-lethal as possible when going anywhere in this city, but he won’t shy down from a brawl if need be; has helped the NCPD plenty of times with their psychos and gang bangers.
The ride is smooth, not a lot of hard work required, just from point a to b, Watson to some megabuilding in downtown city center. It isn’t till there’s a bump on the road and a few voices gasping behind him that he senses something is very very wrong.
He finds the closest alleyway to back into, parks there, then rushes behind to get a look at this precious cargo he’s transporting.
Seven women and two men all whine as the harsh daylight hits their eyes where they’ve gotten used to the darkness they’re caught in. 
“Oh shit.” Billy turns his back to them all, shoulders raised and tense, teeth gritting as he dials up Harrington.
“Billy,” he chimes as he picks up, “How’s it looking? Found the cargo alright?”
“Yeah I did, but you didn’t fucking tell me we were trafficking humans!”
“Oh look, a merc with a heart of gold, how quaint. So what does it matter? The client didn’t ask for a judge and jury for this job, they asked for someone to safely transport the goods.”
“This is not okay! Tell me who your client is and I’ll have a talk with them myself!”
“No that won’t do, but if you’re gonna be such a pussy about it, allow me to explain some, will you?”
Billy clenches his fists and turns to look at the very confused people who haven’t fled the scene yet for some reason. They’re not shackled or poorly dressed or anything, just… sitting there staring.
“Go on.”
“They’re fugitives.”
“Yeah, fleeing from bad pasts all across the country, trying to come into Night City in hopes of a brighter future, all that bs that the advertisements sell us.”
“Is that the truth?”
“We may not know each other very well, Billy, but trust me, I don’t lie.”
“Excuse me, sir?” a timid and gentle voice asks as one of the women approaches Billy. “Is this where we get off?” she asks as if she’s on the bus.
“N-no, we still have a bit to go, so just sit down again, yeah?” he tries to speak as kindly as possible. “Harrington, we’re not done yet.”
“I didn’t assume so.” And without a goodbye, Steve hangs up the phone.
Billy stamps in past the bouncer and up to where Steve is spending another night drinking his Johnny Silverhand alone at the bar, eyeing up every piece of meat around him.
“Hello Billy-”
“Why didn’t you just fucking tell me?!” The blonde flares his nostrils and scowls at the other.
“Would it have saved us any questions and time?” Harrington asks almost politely and swirls his drink around in the square glass.
And the way he asks takes Billy off guard, making him take a step back to consider his answer. “Probably… probably not.”
“Exactly, and it was a time sensitive job clearly, so I didn’t think it prudent for you to know every single detail in the moment. Would you have said yes, then?”
The blonde sits down and waves for Claire to pour him his usual. He has calmed down considerably and a drink would take off that final edge. “I’d like to think so, yeah, again given you’re telling the truth.”
“And would you have believed me that they were willing participants if you hadn’t seen it for yourself?”
“Then that’s that! Client was very happy, I’m happy, hopefully you’ll be happy with the payout.”
Just then, 2k eddies is transferred to Billy’s account, and he gapes. “Mr. Harrington, if you pay this well for something as simple as a transport op, this’ll be a very fruitful partnership.”
Billy gives a friendly slap to Steve’s back just as he takes a sip, making the finer man cough up a lung and spewing his drink all over the bar.
Claire pauses with her hands on her hips and a very displeased expression.
But Harrington still smiles all the same as usual, and turns to look Billy straight in the eye.
“Well Billy, I believe so too.”
Then he places his hand on Billy’s thigh.
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