#and know that if you have nowhere and no one else
You know, one thing I never get in DPxDC fics is when Danny finds out about Batman coming up with countermeasures against ghosts and becomes livid about it, going on the warpath against Batman to keep him from developing weapons that could be used against ghosts.
This kid has literally seen an alternate timeline where he destroyed the world. If you think he wouldn’t have schematics for ectoweapons and advice on how to counter him just in case on Batman’s desk as soon as he learns about Batman’s countermeasures, you’re lying to yourself. He’d be downright relieved to have someone else able to take him out if Dan ever happens again.
Also, imagine the look on Batman’s face when this new Meta he’s been researching just shows up out of nowhere in the batcave with a file going over his powers, weaknesses, schematics for weapons capable of hurting him, and his own contingency plans for if he turns evil, asking for advice on how to improve them.
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slutofpsh · 2 days
f1 racer | psh
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part two
pairings: park sunghoon
synopsis: f1 racer park sunghoon is the ace of their team until he got into a terrible accident causing of his sudden hiatus. the incident injured his shoulder and affected his mental health. you are hired by his mother to help him get through this tough times as you are one of the best psychiatrist in town. he hated the idea of being vulnerable so instinctively, he hates you. he hates how you try to get into his head for him to open up and he hates his parents for meddling with his life like he’s a kid. but he couldn’t deny that you are exceptionally beautiful and he can’t help his cock from twitching just by imagining pushing you down on your office table, fucking you deep and hard until you can’t think straight anymore.
wc: 15k
warnings: mdni. smut with slight plot, lots of dirty talking, degrading, corruption kink, p into v raw (please always use protection), dom sunghoon, slight rough sex, reader experiencing sexual harassment. IF YOU DON’T LIKE ANY OF THIS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SCROLL AWAY.
note: i have no right and enough knowledge with medical terms so disregard my claims as it came from my imagination to fit my plot. i’m new with writing smuts so please don’t give rude comments. i am still learning. also please send me asks and reblog my work. it will help a lot. thank you so much!
slutofpsh 2024 © all rights reserved.
After how Sunghoon dismissed you, you didn’t expect him to reach out first. You can still remember the bitter feeling that poisoned your whole system while you’re taking a bath that day. The pain between your legs was incomparable from how your heart was aching that time.
His cold tone and how he asked you to leave right after kept flashing back to your mind. It was such an awful experience. A part of you gets pissed at him for acting like a jerk after taking your v card, but you also know that maybe you caught him off-guard as well. Besides, it was your decision to give yourself to him that day.
It’s honestly making you feel frustrated. Were you crossing the line when you suddenly asked that question? Now you are certain that his ex-girlfriend has something to do with it. Your chest tightens just by thinking about it. He’s still very affected by her. There’s a big possibility that he still have feelings for her.
You threw your head back and stared at your ceiling. This isn’t how it suppose to be. You should be focusing on your work and not worrying about an F1 racer who probably don’t give a care about you.
The wall clock caught your eye and suddenly realized that it will soon be his session for today. Since its wednesday, he will be the one coming at your office. It makes you hopeful and you’re already rehearsing what to tell him the moment he walks in.
You wanted to apologize for suddenly dropping that question out of nowhere without even considering if he’s mentally prepared for it.
Your thoughts are interrupted when your phone chimed.
Sunghoon: I won’t be coming today.
Your mind went blank right after receiving that message. All the words you tried to compose and prepare the moment you come face to face with him became useless. You can’t help but to feel a little disappointed and upset about it. He’s obviously trying to avoid you and it hurts just by thinking about it.
The amount of efforts and time you exerted just to be close with him seems to be put into waste when he’s pushing you away like this.
Was it really about the professional reason why you’re hurting? Or was it your heart cracking because of him? Eitherway, you don’t like the feeling of it.
Since Sunghoon is the last patient scheduled for today, you informed your secretary that he’s not coming. Although a little confused, she asked if you need something else or if there’s any patients left that you’re expecting to arrive.
You told her that she can wrap up and go home early today as that’s what you’re about to do. This thing going on between you and the f1 racer sure is draining all of you. You just want to be inside a bathtub, soaked in hot water and having a bottle of wine.
Yeah, that’s right. That could totally help with your mood.
A knock from your office door snapped you back to reality. It slowly opened revealing Hana whose now flashing you a small smile. It didn’t slipped from your friend how you’ve been gloomy these days. She took notice how you’re not mentioning the famous f1 racer as well, assuming that he has something to do with your foul mood.
“Hi,” she greets and you tried so hard to flash her a smile.
“Hello. I thought your sessions are done already? What are you doing here?”
She pursed her lips and walked inside. “I was thinking if you’d want to spend time with me? Your secretary said you’re out early today.”
Your eyes almost watered because of what she said. Hana completely understands you despite your resistance of oversharing informations regarding Park Sunghoon. She understands how you're always been a little private with your personal life.
As a friend, all she can do for you is accompany you whenever you need someone to be there by your side.
The two of you planned to stay in her expensive crib that she’s very proud of. Actually, you really like her apartment since its very pretty and cozy. There’s some vibes in it that you cannot explain.
After stopping to get some snacks, you head over her place. She was continuously talking about this one hot client of her. Obviously, she likes him but gets defensive that she just really finds him hot.
“So...” your head snaps at her direction when she suddenly halt her words like as if she’s waiting for you to look.
You got lost in time and have no idea for how long have you two been sitting outside her balcony talking about random things.
“Hmm?” you hummed, asking her what she wants to say.
She bit her lower lip, contemplating whether to go for it or stop being nosy. After ending the debate with her inner self, she sighs heavily and sets down her glass of wine to fully focus on you.
“What’s up with the F1 racer? He skipped today. That’s new.” she finally dropped the bomb.
You were kind of expecting it, but to actually be asked about it still caught you dumbfounded. You don’t know the exact words to use in order to explain what happened on your last session.
Surely you cannot mention what the director did to you and you’re too embarrassed to tell her he just pop your cherry.
“Maybe he just don’t feel like seeing me today.” the pain in your eyes didn’t slip from her. Hana may not always hear you rant things towards her, but she knew whenever you’re not okay.
She pursed her lips and reaches for your free hand to hold it. “When did he ever feel that way? As far as I remember, Park Sunghoon is totally so into you.” and even winked at you to make you feel better or at least laugh.
“I think I made him mad.” tears fills your eyes to the brim that made her go slightly alarmed.
“Why? What happened?” she gently grabs the glass of wine from you to avoid spilling any of its content.
“I asked him about his ex and after that he started acting cold. Maybe...” your words halt and emotions oozes from your eyes. Hana can see how worried and scared you are by your own thoughts. She felt so bad.
“...maybe he still loves her? What about me, then? What am I to him, Hana?” and tears started to flow out from your eyes, your cries filled his balcony as she tugs you closer to her.
Hana never saw you like this. Crying over something. You always have a strong impression towards her. The type of person who handle things like a boss. Very workaholic and once you set your focus onto something, you will, in no doubt, get it.
And so to see you like this caught her off-guard. She doesn’t know what to do or how to properly comfort you, but of course she tried. She caress your arms as she embraces you, calming you down. She lets you have your moment to let it all out as she assumed you’ve been keeping it in.
“I t-think I fell in love with him, Hana. And I’m so scared because I’ve never felt this way and to think he still loves...” you couldn’t finish your own words as you started crying hard. Hana shakes her head side by side in disapproval, eyes starting to water as well.
“I’m sure he doesn’t love her anymore, y/n. Don’t think it that way, okay?” she cupped your face to make you look at her eyes.
“Just give him time to process his own emotions. He went over through hard times that makes it a little harder for him to decide about things, yeah? Maybe you just caught him off-guard as well.”
Your lips pursed into a pout and realized she had a point. Sunghoon’s going through something. Your priority should be to make him feel better and not confront him about his feelings for you.
You nodded your head and slowly rest your head at her shoulder, cuddling closer. She wraps her arms around your shoulder to pull you closer to her body. She sighs and you felt so much better letting your worries out. Like a big chunk of emotions been lifted off from your chest that made your breathing more stable, your way of thinking became much better as well.
Like what Hana said, you gave him time to settle his own thoughts. Thursday came and you didn’t bothered sending a text message for him as well. You tried hard to divert your attention towards some other things. Thankfully, you’ve managed to do that.
Friday came and you’re very much nervous to go on your day. It was suppose to be your day off from the hospital and Sunghoon’s the only client you have for the day but Hana called you early in the morning.
“Can you please take over my session this morning? It will be just quick I promise! It slipped off from my mind that I have that scheduled today and I already booked my flight to Hawaii.”
Your brows furrowed as you put your coffee to the machine, one hand resting at your hip.
“Hawaii? Suddenly? Why haven’t I heard about this plan?”
Of course you can fill her spot for today. You’ve done it for other people before, there’s no reason for you to decline her offer as well.
She giggles, “I didn’t invite you because I know you won’t come anyway since you’re saving up! This is so sudden too! My mom asked me to tag along their trip and since the director will be out of the country for almost two months, I figured I should go to a vacation as much as I can!”
This time you’re even more intrigued of what you heard. You leaned over the kitchen counter and lift your hand to nibble on your nails.
“T-The director will be gone for almost two months?” you asked, baffled.
“Yes! Haven’t you heard about it? Anyway, you should get more rest now that he’s not around! I know how much you want to earn more, but please have some fun as well. We’ll plan a trip for the two of us once I’m back!” she kept going on that slowly became muffled by your own thoughts.
The amount of relief that dawned you after hearing the news of the director being not around was being overwhelming for you. To think that you don’t have to feel anxious of bumping over that monster relieved you.
“I will buy you something from her as a thank you gift of taking over this client for me!” Hana snapped you back to reality.
You giggled and glanced over the machine when it made a sound, indicating that your coffee is now ready.
“Okay, have fun with your mom.” and then the two of you decided to end the call.
After you get ready for your day, you drove straight to the hospital and met with Hana’s client. Like she said it was just a short consultation and nothing heavy. An hour and a half passes by so fast. Your secretary ringed your intercom to let you know its over.
You guided the client out to the door and tell her she did well for today. She seemed very satisfied with your session and thanked you. A smile is what you responded her before bidding goodbyes with her.
Now, you started preparing yourself to leave and go straight to Sunghoon’s place. Your heart started thumping just by the thought of that man. He didn’t send any messages yet that tells you not to come so you’re somehow hoping he’s expecting to meet you today. I mean, he cannot avoid you forever right?
Eitherway, you already set your mind to go and check him yourself. You wanted to convince yourself that you just want to do your job properly, but you know that you’re doing that fot personal reasons. That you want to come and see him because you missed him so bad.
You heard your office door opens that slightly made you jolt. Thinking it was your secretary, you didn’t bother to look over and check. You just continued fixing your things so you can leave.
“You can leave after I finish here, (name). That’s the only client I’ll be meeting here on the office for today since I will go to the Parks to meet with Mr. Park Sunghoon.” you tried to inform her.
You heard the door closed so you assumed she’s inside. Finding it odd not receiving any responses from her, you decided to turn around to look and you almost drop your car keys at the sight of Park Sunghoon by the door.
He looked so good as usual. His slightly long hair brushed perfectly as he rocks his semi formal attire, one hand inside his pocket. He stares right at your eyes that made your knees instantly weak.
“M-Mr. Park.” you stutter.
He pursed his lips and sighs heavily. He may seem like he’s calm, but Sunghoon’s very nervous right now. He took all of his courage to come here and see you. He knew what he did last time was wrong and he can’t find the will to meet you. Not after treating you that bad. He figured you may hate him now. But damn, he misses you so much. He missed you so bad that he might go crazy if he didn’t come and see you.
He didn’t say anything and started walked towards your direction. You held on your table for support as you can feel your knees getting even weaker as he approach closer. Seeing him again after days of being away from each other just made it even more emotional.
“W-What are you doing here? I was just about to go and meet you—” your words cut as he clash his lips on your shaking lips. He placed his hands on your hips, making sure you won’t fell.
You moaned, eyes getting teary of being overwhelmed. You felt his kisses, his touch and his warmth.
After the heated kiss and when he realized you two needed air, he pulls away. He kept his eyes straight at yours, letting your foreheads touch each other.
“I’m sorry for how I acted the last time. It was such a jerk move.” he whispered sincerely that tugs your heart.
You pout and raised your arms to wrap it over his neck.
“It’s fine. I understand that maybe I went overboard. I shouldn’t have let my personal emotions take over me.”
He licked his lips, taking a short glance at your slightly swollen lips. He was tempted once again after having a taste of something he’s been craving for a while. He sighs, calming himself down. This isn’t about him.
“Let me make it up to you.” and he leans even closer, tugging your body closer to his. His lips dangerously inches away from yours.
A small smile spreads across your face.
“You don’t have to, Hoon.”
He leans and placed a peck on your lips. “I want to. Will you let me take you out on a date tonight?”
Your mouth gapped in surprise. “A date?” you repeat his words, bewildered.
He nods his head, trapping his lower lip over his teeth. Sunghoon pressed his body towards you that made you giggle.
“But we already skipped two of our sessions.” you reminded him. As expected, he seemed totally unbothered.
“Then this will be the third time.” he smirks and arched his brow. “Please?”
You stared straight to his eyes and eventually surrenders.
“Okay.” you agreed that made him smile wider.
“Thank you.” he says and leans for another kiss. You giggled returning his affection and letting yourself be drowned by his kisses. His hand playfully roams around your whole body like claiming his territory.
“I have something for you.” he mumbles after leaning away. You can see how his eyes are starting to be clouded by lust and longing.
It stirs excitement inside you. Just having him this close again and staring at you this way makes your core hot and wet. The way he affects you is crazy. Its even crazier because you know he’s the only one that can make you feel this way.
“What is it?”
A mischievous grin spread across his handsome face before he lets one of his hand go from your hips to slid inside his pocket. Your eyes looked curiously to what he’s trying to get.
He fished out something and you can see its color pink. Your brows furrowed in confusion as to what is that thing. It seems soft and like a toy. Your hand unclasped from him to try and hold the thing he was holding.
“What’s that?” you asked too innocently that made Sunghoon almost go feral. Just the genuine look of innocence in your eyes were enough to make him lose his mind. He thought that during the times he was with you and with all the things you two had done together, he might have corrupted you enough.
But it seems like he was wrong. He hasn’t corrupted you enough for you to know that what he’s holding right now is a small vibrator.
He gulped, trying to calm himself and his dick.
“A vibrator.” he announced that made you instantly blush.
“W-What...” you are unable to ask further question as he moved quickly to carry you and make you sit at your office table.
“Hoon, wait what are you gonna do?”
He smiles, “We’re going to have some fun, baby.” and he placed a kiss at your cheeks.
His hand reaches for your thighs and he spread it enough. You’re about to protest and ask more, but he quickly kisses you to distract you from what he’s about to do. His hand made its way inside your skirt and searches for your underwear.
You moaned and tried to pull away, but his lips just chases yours. He eventually managed to take off your underwear, his bare fingers touching your wet core.
“Ugh,” you moaned sensually.
“Already so wet for me?” he smirks so proudly that made you feel so flushed.
He raised his other hand that was holding the vibrator and placed it near your mouth.
“Coat it with your saliva, baby. So it will go in smoothly.” he instructed, eyes flickering with so much excitement.
You obliges and opens your mouth. Sunghoon stares as he dips the vibrator inside your mouth, your tongue twirling around to make sure every part is fully coated of your sweet saliva.
“Fuck, you look so hot.” he mumbles and pressed his lips at your cheeks before gently pulling it out from your lips, making an unintentional ‘plop’ sound.
Your heads stared down while he placed it at your entrance. It was wet and full of your juice already so it slid easier. You kind of felt the stretch but it was a good one. The kind you’ve missed for a while.
“How does that feel?” he asks carefully as he lifts his gaze to look at your half-lidded eyes.
You gulped, salivating a bit due to pleasure of having something inside you.
He nods and grabs this one small device. Your mind is pretty clouded and occupied by that small toy inside of you that you didn’t realized that in order for it to be called vibrator, it needs to vibrate. And that will only happen using that controller Sunghoon’s holding at the moment.
“Okay, let’s start it with the mildest intensity.” he says softly near your ears and pressed something.
You jolt at the sensation it was giving you, a hand grabbing him by his arm. “Oh my gosh,” you mumbled surprised.
He chuckles, “How does that feel, pretty? Much better?”
He leans his forehead to yours as you nod your head slowly. It was a foreign feeling, but it was good. Really really good.
“I think we can put it higher.” he didn’t even wait for what you’re opinion about it and raises the intensity making you open your mouth. Your eyes shut abruptly and the grip over his arms tightened.
“W-Wait, this is too much...” you mumbles feeling everything in you just vibrates and shaking along with this small device.
Your mind are slowly becoming blank and filled with nothing but lust. The vibration is so perfect and the way Sunghoon showers you with kisses makes it even better. He kisses, sucks your skin and sometimes bite you using his canine teeth, making sure he mark you pretty well.
“I’m c-coming,” your words snapped Sunghoon out from his trance as he pulls away and manipulated the controller to make it feel better for you.
As you came, your body loses it strength but thankfully Sunghoon was there to support you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He placed a kiss on your shoulder then at your temple, whispering praises.
“You did so well for me, baby.” he kisses you again at your lips then flashes you a sweet smile.
You smiled and leaned to give him a kiss too. You’re still high from your orgasm that you couldn’t say anything to him. After he pulls away, your eyes watch how he slid your underwear inside his pocket. His eyes are darted at yours when you lift your gaze up to look at him.
He smirks shamelessly, unbothered that he was caught red handed of pocketing your underwear without consent.
“Hey, I can’t go eat dinner without it.” you pout.
He chuckles, “Oh, you can do it. Besides you have that inside you to keep your cum inside.” he smirks that made your eyes grow big.
“What do you mean?”
He fixes your hair, “Am I going to have this inside me while we eat outside?”
He smirks, already giving you the answer.
“Yes. We’re going to have so much fun tonight.” and with that you are left with no choice but to go out on a date with a freaking vibrator inside of you.
You don’t know how exactly you look, but you bet it was awkward. The way you kept moving around, squirming out of discomfort is quite noticeable. You’re inside the elevator and thankfully it was just the two of you heading down at the underground parking lot of the hospital.
Sunghoon chuckles and held your hips tighter, holding your position.
“Stop moving around.”
You grunted, “It feels uncomfy. I feel like my cum will drip out from it.”
He leaned down, lips touching your ears as he whispers, “I bet not. Your pussy is so tight it left no gap for the vibrator.” his raspy voice rings through your ears that made you shiver.
When you arrived at the parking lot, Sunghoon guided you somewhere. It was a black rang rover and a man went out from it then wait patiently until you two came near the vehicle.
You gave him an awkward smile as you still feel bothered by that thing you’ve been keeping between your legs. He bows slightly.
“Let’s go to the restaurant.” Sunghoon says firmly and opened the door for you.
So this is his driver. You’ve been informed by his parents that ever since the incident, he refused to drive. Whenever he have to go see you at your office during wednesdays, he have his own driver to accompany him.
Sunghoon sat beside you and tugs you closer to him while his driver started driving. You felt conscious now that you have another person around you, but it doesn’t seem like the same way for him. Since his touches became more bold.
You gave him a warning look and held his wrist tightly to prevent his hand from entering your skirt completely. His hand was just chilling at your thigh a while ago, and now its slowly moving upwards.
“I just want to check if its still there.” he reasoned out with a grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Like it can get out by itself, huh? Of course its still there.” you tried hard to whisper so his driver won’t hear any of this wild things you two had been doing.
He pouts mockingly, “I want to check it myself.” and tugs his arm away to unclasp your hold before he dips his hand further inside your skirt.
You pressed your lips together to prevent any moans from coming out and just lets him do what he wants. This is why you think its dangerous for you to hang around Park Sunghoon often. Because you are too weak for him and you always ends up letting him have his way.
When his fingers touch your core, he graze it gently on your slit and smirk grew wider at the feeling of your cunt being filled. He pulls right after plopping his slightly wet digits inside his mouth to lick it clean. He does all of that while staring shamelessly to your eyes.
The drive towards the restaurant was surprisingly short or he just really kept you occupied the whole ride. It was a fine dinning and thankfully, you dressed pretty appropriately for its aura.
The two of you entered while holding each others hands. Just by the entrance, you can see heads whips towards your direction probably intrigued to see the famous F1 racer out in the open once again. Not to mention that he’s being accompanied by someone unfamiliar to the public.
It made you conscious and a little bit anxious. The feeling of the vibrator inside you isn’t helping as well. Sunghoon did turn it off as you begged him to as you get off from the vehicle. He said that he will allow it only because you behaved and asked nicely.
“Reservation under my name.” Sunghoon tugs you closer to him, hand resting over your waist.
Sunghoon hates the attention he’s having the moment he step foot inside this place, but he thinks he hates the attention that you are gathering even more. More than once he caught a male looking at you like a hungry animal. He fucking hates it. How dare them look at you for more than five seconds? You are his to look at, to admire, to kiss, to claim and to fuck.
“This way, Sir.” the waiter smiles and guidee you inside.
The whole ambiance of the place was romantic and classy. The type of restaurants you see in movies where the people dressed extra nicely to fit the vibe of the place. It was just perfect, if only that thing was not making you feel uncomfy.
Sunghoon beats the waiter to pull a chair for you and you smiled at him. He kissed your hand before sitting at the chair across. He smirks while watching you trying to get comfortable on your seat.
“You good, baby?” he asks meaningfully as the waiter comes back for the menu, handing one each to the two of you.
“Y-Yeah,” and glared at him slightly before trying to look over the food they’re serving.
You’re just in the middle of trying to find something you like to eat when you jolt in surprise. Your eyes instantly darted at Sunghoon, glaring at him. He’s eyes are fixed on the menu while a big evil grin occupies his sexy lips.
He just turned the vibrator on, catching you off-guard and jolt on your seat. The waiter took notice of your sudden discomfort.
“Are you okay, Ma’am?” he asked, very worried.
You flash him a quick smile and pursed your lips tightly right after as the intensity gets higher.
“I’m fine— Ugh,” you groaned and lowered your head in embarrassment. You pressed your legs together, but it just became more intense that way.
“Are you sure? We can—”
“She said she’s fine.” Sunghoon’s strict tone interrups the waiter’s concerned remarks. You glanced at him and you can see him shooting glares at him.
You bit your lower lip and tried hard to control your body from shaking obviously. Its making your head fuzzy and the pleasure clouding your mind. Sunghoon clicks his tongue and proceeds on saying his order.
As he pressed the controlled on its max intensity, the satisfied grin spreads across his face seeing how you reacts. Just seeing how hard you try to control your expression and actions to not fully give into pleasure makes him slightly proud. He kind of wants you to make a mess tho, he’s not going to lie.
“I will order for her too. Is that all right, baby?” he even reaches for your hand that was resting by the table.
You nod your head eagerly, trying to focus on reaching yet another delicious orgasm. Right at this moment, you don’t care if the waiter notices how your legs are shaking or your face too flush from pleasure. All you can think of is to cum hard right there and then.
After the waiter gets your order, he excuses himself and informed you that your order will be ready after ten minutes. The moment he turns around to leave, your legs shakes reaching your climax.
Sunghoon smirks as he watch you slowly going back to your right mind space. With glares shooting straight at him you grit your teeth.
“Why w-would you do that?!”
He smirks, totally not regretful.
“I hate it when men flocks to impress you.”
You furrowed your brows hardly, still high from the orgasm you just had.
“He was just doing his job.”
He tilts his head, unimpressed. “Well I am just doing mine too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Marking what’s mine.” he said that seriously that it made you blush so hard.
Your heart thumped faster and harder that you almost got scared that it will come out from your ribcage. These are his actions that made you confuse if he have feelings for you or not. He’s not saying anything.
He asked something else afterwards to maybe ease the atmosphere. He’s still the Sunghoon who loves to tease you which somehow comforts you. Last time you’ve seen him, you asked him something personal and you got scared it made him cave in his shell once again.
Like what the waiter said, the food will be available after ten minutes. They served it and you two continued eating and talking. It was fun and you cannot believe you are having a date with Park Sunghoon.
You’re just worrying and overthinking about him last Wednesday night. You sure cannot predict what’s about to happen.
After your perfect meal, you’re trying to enjoy the dessert that he ordered for you when naughty Sunghoon once again tries to attack. Your head shakes side by side to stop him, but he was already grinning at you.
He pressed the controller making you jolt.
“H-Hoon,” you moaned.
“Yes, baby?” concern and teasing plays through his tone.
You pursed your lips. “Enough p-please.”
He pout his pinkish lips, “How can I stop when you look so good like that? Such a slut for me.” he says licking his lips while grinning widely.
The sensual look on your face and the way you fight it just so nobody notices turns him on. You’ve always been innocent in Sunghoon’s eyes. An angel. He’s like a very bad wolf trying to prey on you. To corrupt and make you his slut.
Sunghoon palms his dick as it slowly grow harder inside his trousers. He just couldn’t get enough of you.
“N-No...” you whimpered and lowered your head when he pressed it again to rise the intensity.
The pleasure is making you lose your mind. Sunghoon’s already lost his moments ago as he continue palming his erect friend down there.
“Just one more, baby. Cum for me one last time.” he says softly and you gulped.
The way he talks you through it is what’s dangerous. You can never say no to his sweet tone. It’s like it has its own way towards you that convinces and automatically hypnotize you to oblige to his words.
“B-But I c-can’t anymore.”
“Of course you can.” and he even reach for your hand to place a warm kiss on top of it.
He put it at max and you shut your eyes to prevent people from seeing how it rolled at the back of your head. Everything starts to be blurry and to spin.
“I-I’m close...” you mumbles, biting your lip hardly.
Sunghoon licks his lips, “That’s it...” he grabbed your hand and watch carefully while you surrendered yourself into pleasure.
“Hmph,” and another delicious orgasm unfolds.
“Let’s go,” Sunghoon stood up from his sit and approach you. He carefully helps you to stand up. Some customers looked at your direction, but you’re still too high from your previous climax to give care.
“Is she okay?” one waiter approaches after noticing that it seems like you are unwell.
“She’s fine. I just need to get her to the bathroom.” Sunghoon says and excused the both of you.
One waiter guides you two inside a bathroom. She asked if you needed anything more but Sunghoon dismissed her and told her that you just needed space to breath.
The moment she left, he went over the door and locked it. He pushed you over one of the counters, hold you by the hips and easily lifts you up. He made you sit down.
“W-What...” you licked your lips, unable to properly say anything.
He smirks, “You did so well for me, baby. So so good.” he mumbles and spreads your legs and placed a kiss at your forehead once.
His hand reaches for your core and carefully removes the vibrator inside.
“Ugh,” you moaned and groaned a bit at the feeling of that thing being removed from inside you.
Sunghoon take it to his lips and licked all of your juices out from it. It was so sweet, something he missed for days.
“Fuck, I need to have you. Right now.” he announced that made you flutter your eyes slightly open.
With the small gap, you saw him unzipping his pants that made your anticipation rise. Although totally worn out from the multiple orgasms he already gave you from that toy, the thought of having him for yourself excites you the most.
“P-Please.” you begged, gripping over his clothes.
“Please what, pretty?”
You lift your gaze and stared straight to his lustful eyes. It was dark and you can see how dangerous he is. The amount of lust he has for you was unmeasurable. Sunghoon never felt this way towards someone before.
“Please fuck me.”
Sunghoon’s eyes turned darker and dipped his head down to connect his hot lips on yours. He bit your lip to crack an entrance for his tongue to enter your delicious mouth. Your sweet taste overwhelms him and he started to get addicted.
He pressed his body towards you as he carefully pulls out his erect member. He strokes it a couple of times before placing it on your wet entrance. You whimper at the feeling of his hot dick grazing the line of your cunt.
It sent unexplainable pleasure that the two of you sure enjoys at the very moment. Something you two won’t get tired of.
“So fucking beautiful.” he mumbles on your lips and continues giving you messy kisses.
“So beautiful and only for me.” he growled as he slid his cock inside of you.
One hard thrust and he’s all in. Your eyes flutters open, mouth hanging open at the unexpected stretch. The vibrator and couple orgasms sure prepared you, but not enough to feel a slight sting. Sunghoon’s dick is so big for your small cunt.
“Fuck.” he cursed, feeling his dick suffocating inside of you.
“H-Hoon,” you whisper.
“I know baby. Hold on.” and he started to move, thrusting in and out of you. It was so good. The pleasure was too much.
He showed no mercy in using and abusing your pussy as he rutt his cock inside you so hard. He grunts and groaned at the pleasure of having your body this close. He glanced at your privates and just thought how they perfectly fit each other.
“You are mine. You hear me?” he grunts as he continued rocking harder. His thrusts became deeper and faster, fucking you into oblivion.
“Answer me!” he groaned and bit your shoulder when he received no response from you.
“Yes what?” he stared at you.
“Yes, I am yours.” you mumbled near his lips and he smiled widely before kissing you.
His hips started rutting even harder as both of your climax approaches. The two of you became a mess trying to catch that orgasm you’ve been yearning to have together. A couple of hard thrusts and dirty talking and you exploded first before him.
You throw your head back, eyes shut as you started to see stars fromtl too much pleasure. Sunghoon catches his breath and kissed your collarbones before slowly pulling out his member.
He watch how your mixed cum drips out from your hole. He smiles and use two of his fingers to push them back inside, making you jolt a little.
“Sorry, baby. I don’t want to waste it.”
The two of you tried to make yourself look much more presentable. You’ve been glaring at him through his reflection in the mirror in front of you and he’s been grinning all the time. He looked so hot and handsome, you hate it.
“You look so pretty.” he compliments.
Despite the blushing cheeks you rolled your eyes and twist to face him. You crossed your arms at him and stared. He smirks and put his hands inside his pockets.
“Don’t you think that was too much?” you fired him. He arched his brow, acting innocent about it.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
You clicked your tongue, “I bet they knew what was going on! Its so embarrassing.” you pout.
He chuckled and walks closer placing his large hands at your sides.
“I’m sure they don’t mind. Let’s go?”
“Where?” you looked at him with so much suspicion in your eyes.
“Why are you looking at me that way?”
“The last time you said that you led me here.”
He barked a laughter before kissing your cheeks once. He started guiding you out from that bathroom. Surprisingly, nobody took it as a big deal. Some of them looked genuinely worried of you, but once Sunghoon said that you’re just a little sick they let it go and wish you to feel well soon.
While he was paying for the your meals, you roamed your eyes around and by the entrance someone caught you attention. A familiar elegant girl walks inside with yet another familiar face.
They walked closer and when her eyes darted at your direction, it slightly grew.
“Sunghoon?” she calls softly.
Your head craned to look at Sunghoon and you saw how he stiffened. His hand halted from reaching over his black card he used to pay for their service.
He slowly turned to face the girl and the look on his face is not good. He jaw clenches as he looked at the two people standing a few feet away from you.
As you glance back at that girl, you realized she was the same girl you’ve seen at the elevator. The one who looked dreadful. The other one beside her is familiar as well. If you can remember it right, he’s one of Sunghoon’s team-mates.
“How have you been? I’ve been trying to call you, but they said you are refusing my calls.” she seemed agitated while Sunghoon remained his distant.
A little confused to what is happening, you took notice of his obvious discomfort by their presense. His body language is showing you that he doesn’t want to be here in front of them so you quickly stepped in.
“Hey, done paying?” you asked gently and grabbed his hand. It was cold, sweaty.
Their eyes then darted at your direction. The expression on that girl’s face drastically changed. Her eyes looked at you with so much judgement, raking it up and down.
Sunghoon finally took in a breath after feeling you beside him. He glances at you and seeing how you looked at him with so much care, calms him down. He nods and pursed his lips. You can still feel his hands shaking a little. He’s having a panic attack.
You faced them and smiled, “Hello, I’m y/n. I’m sorry, but Sunghoon and I have to go. I hope to see you guys around some other time.” and with that, you bowed politely before starting to guide him out.
Sunghoon manages to walk well, but you can still see that he’s in panic. When you arrived in front of his vehicle, his driver assisted you to get him inside. You asked him to give you two some space.
You cupped his face after giving him some water.
“Hey, calm down. Breath in,” you gently instructs and caress his arms. “breath out...”
He looked at your eyes and carefully follows them. He can feel his chest tightening for unknown reasons. His fist felt numb and her mind starts to lose focus. You, on the other hand understands that he’s having an anxiety. For what exact reason, you don’t know. But what you’re sure of is whoever those two are, they triggered something in him.
“Baby, I’m here. Just breath. I am here for you. Look at me.” you mumbles and held his hand to place it on your face.
He felt your warmth and his eyes slowly focused on you. He can now clearly see your beautiful face despite the slight darkness inside the vehicle. He felt his heart thumped faster, but this time in a different matter. You made him feel safe and calm.
“I’m s-sorry.” he whispers and your heart cracks at the sight of him.
It was almost like he’s not Sunghoon. He looked so fragile. A part of you felt relieved that he finally shown you this side of him, but your heart couldn’t take it.
You tugs him closer and he gave in. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzle closer, enjoying your warmth.
“She’s Natasha.” he mumbles.
Your brows furrowed and realized that he was probably referring to the girl from a while ago. You kept your mouth shut, doesn’t want to ask something that can ruin it again.
“My ex girlfriend.”
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You guided Sunghoon inside his house once you two arrived. After he revealed that it was his ex-girlfriend from that restaurant, you don’t know what to feel. Just by thinking of how he reacted, it made you feel things. It made you overthink once again.
“Y/n...” you snapped back to reality when you heard him call you softly.
You craned your head and looked at him laying on his bed. He’s looking at you with slight worry and fear.
“Please stay with me.”
He never, in the whole duration that you two had been in this set up, he had never asked you to stay. You felt your heart races, hope ignites inside your chest.
Slowly, you strut closer to his bed and he opens his blanket to then scooted away to give you enough space. When you lay down, he pulls you closer to cuddle you.
“Stay for tonight.” he begged.
You sighed and slid your arms over his waist after placing a kiss on his chest. “Okay.”
The two of you fell silent. You’re just caressing his back gently and you have no clue if he’s already asleep or what. All you can think of is how messed up it is to meet his ex girlfriend that way. You’re starting to overthink how he still feels for her or where you stand in his life at the moment.
“That night of the accident...” your hand halts from caressing his back and slowly you pulls away to look at him.
“You don’t have to if you aren’t ready yet.” you gave him an assuring smile.
He looked at you straight in your eyes and leans down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“I want to.” he says firmly.
You gave him a nod and rests your head on his chest once again. You gave him his time, doesn’t want to make him feel uncomfy and just take his precious time.
“On the night before I got into an accident, I planned to go to her place because I felt like I neglected her too much. I was having practice on consecutive days since the competition is near.” he says.
He took a long breath and tries to calm himself to go through the night he got into an accident once again.
“I went to her place and found her...” he gulps. You placed a kiss on his chest and caress his back gently. “I found her naked on top of my best friend.” he finally said it.
Your mouth gapped and slowly pulls away from hugging him. His breathing fasten and you raised your head to look at his eyes. It was brimming with tears and you felt like your heart teared off.
“I j-just can’t believe it. How can they do that to me? My girlfriend and my own best friend? That’s so fucked up.” a tear escapes his eyes as he clenched his jaw harder, trying to compose himself.
You cup his face and listened to him carefully.
“I stormed out from her apartment after cursing them out. I drove while still being so angry. The next thing I know, I was in the hospital.”
He pursed his lips together and stared at your eyes. Sunghoon didn’t hold back, he lets you see his vulnerability. He doesn’t know but if there’s someone he can show this side of him, he knew it was you.
“I refused to drive again because I feel like it was the start of how things got messy between all of us. She said I neglected her and all I can think of is that race. My best friend said I took away all the spotlight and left him out of it. He was pushed out of the picture and I am the only one people can see.” he stated, he looked so broken and betrayed.
You may not know a lot about these people, but what you heard from him was enough for you to feel a slight hatred towards them.
“Hey, listen to me.” you sniffed, tears pooling your eyes.
Your hands cupped his face and his hands slowly rested over your hips. His eyes stared at you, trying to listen like you said.
“The issue with your ex girlfriend, it was not right for her to make neglection as a reason to cheat on you. Yes, you might have your short comings as her boyfriend but I am pretty sure you two can solve that problem together by talking.” you carefully make him understand. He stays silent, hand slowly caressing your waist up and down.
“Your best friend,” you started and the picture of the two of them you saw from the internet months ago flashes back to your mind. They look so happy in that photo and yet who knew this could happen?
“You can never cure insecurity, baby. Even if you try to give him the time to shine, you can never fix his own issues for him. If he cannot be supportive of you, then he doesn’t deserve you.” you rest your forehead over his.
“Don’t blame yourself for something you don’t have control of. Even if you don’t neglect her, what assurance do you have that she will not do that to you? If its meant to happen, it will happen. Just like racing.” you smile gently at him, tears streaming down your pretty face.
Sunghoon raises one of his hand to wipe off those tears and kiss you once on the cheek.
“Racing and you are meant to be together. You shine differently behind those wheels and you love racing. Don’t let these people take away your dream.” and you sincerely told him.
Something tugs inside Sunghoon’s heart as he leans in to give you a slow heated kiss on the lips. That night, he couldn’t be more thankful that he have you beside him. You spent the whole time cuddling and enjoying each other’s warmth.
The next day, you left after giving him smooches. He refused on letting you go, but you told him you have an importang meeting for that day. He was a little sulky so you had to give him a head to boost his mood a little.
He walked you out and waves cutely, the firm disapproval of you leaving flashes across his handsome face. His bed hair and slightly crinkled white shirt just gave more vibe to you, making your stomach churns and wetting you down there.
Sunday came as well, Hana went back and you decided to spend it with her. Sunghoon kept on texting you. Thankfully he wasn’t that sulky about it.
“Doctor, that was your last patient.” your secretary announced after she knocks and opens the door to your office.
You smiled and told her she did well today. It’s monday already and you’re off to go see Sunghoon at his place for his session.
Speaking of which, your smile grew after seeing his caller i.d flashing through your phone.
“You’re at your office?” he asks.
“Uh-huh. Why? I’ll just fix my things and I’ll go straight to your place.” you informed him.
You can hear some muffled background sounds from the other line, like he’s walking or something.
“Nah, stay there. I’m almost at your floor.”
“Huh? What are you doing here?” you asked, confused.
“Picking you up. See you in a bit, baby.” and he ended the call.
You couldn’t help but to smile widely just by thinking he came here to fetch you. Not long after, a knock can be heard from your office door. With excited hops you went to open it for him. A big grin is what greets you.
“Baby!” you greeted cheerfully and threw yourself at him. It made Sunghoon giggle and press kisses on your lips right away.
One of his hand rests over your waist, the other one holding something. After being satisfied of the affections you shared with each other, you pulled away and stared at him.
“You didn’t have to come and pick me up, you know?” but the smile on your lips almost rips face.
“We’ll go out on dinner.” he says that made your brows arched. You’re about to say something when he beats you into talking.
“With my parents.” he added that made your face turn pale instantly.
You’ve seen Mrs. Park a couple of times throughout the process of your sessions with Sunghoon. She is nice, except that you still find her a little intimidating. His father tho, despite showing his trust on you that day they seek for your professional help, he intimidates everything in you.
“You okay, baby?” and he pulls you closer to him.
“I’m nervous. Why are we suddenly having dinner with them?” you asked a little warry.
He smiles and kissed your cheeks, finding you adorable like this. He placed the paperbag he’s been holding ever since he arrived. Your eyes darted at it with slight curiosity.
“You can wear this dress for tonight.”
While staring at his expressive eyes, you realized you’ve got no choice but to go with him. Thankfully, he did gave you enough time to get ready and make yourself look more presentable. You have no idea what’s the dinner for since Sunghoon didn’t quite made it clear.
After an hour or two, he guided you towards the elevator. His coat rests on your shoulder to keep you warm while you go down to where he parked.
“Where is your driver?” you asks, roaming your eyes around to search for his familiar range rover.
Instead, he guides you over into a red sports car. With hopeful eyes, you glanced silently at him. He smirks and opened the passenger seat to the two-seater vehicle.
“I’ll be driving us tonight, pretty.” he finally confirms and you couldn’t explain how happy you are at that moment.
He leans and kissed your shoulder before helping you to get inside. You took the time admiring the inside of his car. It was very beautiful. The kind of car you think that fits Sunghoon, the famous F1 racer. His range rover is not bad, but this one fits him even more.
“What?” he scoffed while starting the engine when he noticed how your stares lingers.
“Have I told you how sexy you are?”
He chuckled and smirked widely.
“Well, this sexy man will eat you later tonight.”
You blushed and quickly swat his arm quickly. “You always find a way to ruin the moment with your horniness.”
He laughed and leans to kiss you on your cheeks swiftly, “What can I say? I just couldn’t get enough of you.”
The ride was short and you can feel your whole system panicking the moment he handed his keys to the vallet. He offered his hand and you accepted it as he guided you inside. Just days ago, you were inside a fine diningr restaurant and now you are here once again. What’s even more thrilling is that his parents will join you.
The waiters greets you with full enthusiasm and helped you find your table. They informed the two of you that his parents were already there.
“Doctor (Surname).” his Mom flashes you a big smile the moment she sets eyes on you.
Compared to the last time you met them, their aura seems to be lighter. His Dad looked a little more friendlier. A small smile plays through his lips as he silently watch you two approach the table.
You bowed politely and accepted the sudden hug from his mother. She’s always nice, but never to this extent. It caught you off-guard.
Sunghoon pulls the chair for you and waits for you to have a seat before taking his.
“We already ordered our food! I hope you don’t mind, Doctor (surname).” she says with so much elegance.
You smiled, “Not at all. Apologies for being a little late.”
“Oh, no need! I mean we did arranged this dinner so suddenly.” she giggles.
You have no idea what she thinks about you and where you stand in her son’s life so you feel a little awkward. Despite the large leap between your relationship with Sunghoon, he didn’t confirmed anything yet.
You felt his arm resting at the rest of your chair. It caught his father’s eyes so you felt conscious and made sure not to lean back. His Mother was the one who carries the whole conversation. She seems excited and so you make sure you respond well to her.
“So Doctor (Surname)—”
“Y/n, Mom. Call her by her first name. You’re too formal.” Sunghoon interrupts her while the waiters starts to serve the food.
“Is it okay with you, dear?” she asks.
You eagerly nodded your head as you find it a little awkward to be called by your surname all the time.
“Please enjoy the meal, y/n.” Sunghoon’s father said that made you glance at his direction. You nodded and all of you started eating.
Sunghoon kept looking after you that even while his father and him discusses about something, he keeps on assisting you. You blush, feeling a little shy that his mother will soon take notice and ask what’s between the two of you.
“You’re probably wondering why we suddenly asked to have dinner with you.” she started after you finished the main meals and now at your desserts.
You nodded and patiently wait for what she’s about to say. She pursed her lips and you can see her eyes softening, slightly brimming with tears.
She reaches for your hand and the two male kept silent, watching the two of you. Sunghoon’s hands moves and rests at the small of your back, giving it subtle caress.
“We want to thank you for looking out for Sunghoon and for helping him. We really did the right choice of asking for your help.” she sincerely said.
You smiled, “It was my pleasure.”
She smiles, “When he told us that he wants to undergo surgery and to drive for (f1 team) once again we were so happy. We couldn’t thank you enough!”
Your mouth gapped at what you just heard. The shock on your face was too evident that his Mom looked at you with amusement.
“W-What?” you asked, totally confused.
“Wait, he didn’t told you?” his Mom asks.
You shook your head side to side and heard Sunghoon heaving a sigh from beside you. He pushed himself from resting at his chair.
“It was suppose to be a surprise for her, Mom.” he says that made you look at him with teary eyes.
“Surprise.” he smirks.
“Are you really...?”
He nods his head, staring at you with an unknown look on his face. His affection for you oozing that even his parents noticed it right away. They didn’t need to ask or for their son to confirm it. From just how he holds you and looks at you, they can tell that he’s very fond of you.
“I’m so happy for you!” and you caged him with a tight embrace.
The dinner continued with a lighter atmosphere. You shared conversation with his Mom as she starts telling you stories about his childhood which you find really entertaining.
“Thank you for tonight.” you smiled widely at his Mother when its time to bid goodbye.
She pursed her lips and approaches for yet another warm hug. “Thank you for coming into our son’s life, y/n.” she whispers only for you to hear.
Your heart thumps and was unable to say anything else after she pulls away to give her son a hug this time. They waved and Sunghoon guides you towards his sports car.
“She likes you so much.” he says after putting his seatbelt on.
“Well your Mom is a sweetheart.”
He smiled agreeing. He started the engine and drove. You noticed that he its not the direction back to the hospital so you glanced at him.
“You aren’t taking me back to the hospital?”
He glanced at you, “Why? You left something?”
“My car is there.”
He kept his eyes at the road, “You’re going home with me tonight. You don’t need your car.”
You pursed your lips into a pout, “But I have work tomorrow.”
“We can ask someone to buy you work clothes and I can drive you to the hospital tomorrow since I also need to see the surgeon my Mom was talking about.”
Your eyes grew out of excitement.
“Okay, I can accompany you before I go to work.”
So it was final. The two of you made it to his place and decided to cuddle. Legs tangled with each other, your head laying over his chest as he hugs you close to his body. Sunghoon couldn’t ask for anything else. Just by having you like this while your hearts beats in sync with each other was enough.
The two of you spent the whole night just enjoying the warmth and comfort that escalates between you. It was a wholesome moment that probably will be cherished for as long as you can remember.
“Fucking fuck!” Sunghoon’s rasp voice moaned as he continued rutting deep and hard from behind you.
It was morning the next day and nothing’s better to start your day with a morning fuck. So here you are on your second orgasm for today, face pressed down on the pillow while he take you deliciously from behind. You can feel his length reaching all the right spot perfectly.
“H-Hoon, just like that!” you screamed.
“Pussy so tight for me. So good, so fucking good.” he leaned and bite on your skin before rocking even harder.
When you’re about to reach your climax, Sunghoon flips you around so you can face him. “I want to see your beautiful face while I cum deep inside you.” he groaned and once again find his pace.
You two were a moaning mess, desperately getting drowned by too much pleasures.
“P-Please, I'm cumming.” you mumbled, tears swells over your eyes.
He groped your chest and continued fucking you hard. Sunghoon licks his lips as he make sure he is hitting it deep and right. The amount of pleasure your pussy is giving him is out of this world. For him, nothing can match this. You are the only one.
“Cum with me, baby.” he demands that you completely obliges as eyes rolls back hardly after your release.
After a couple of thrust, Sunghoon shoots his hot seeds deep inside your womb, making sure he paints and claims you enough. He leans in while still giving you lazy thrusts and kissed you on your lips.
He plops beside you and you’re both trying to catch your breaths.
“We need to get ready.” you announced and sat up. His eyes follows you silently.
“Can’t we just go tomorrow instead?”
You shook your head in disapproval. “No. We have to do your sessions tomorrow so we have no time. Besides, you have to meet with your surgeon.”
After so many attempts of making him leave the bed and get ready, you finally succeeded. He drove you to the hospital.
“We’ll go to your surgeon first.” you left him with no choice.
Sunghoon silently follows, ignoring the eyes that obviously watches him after recognizing who he is. His tall figure, handsome face and the way he carries himself just catches attention easily.
“Excuse me, is doctor Kang available at the moment?” you ask the attendant nurse.
Her eyes lits up at the sight of you and smiles. “Yes, doctor.” she response.
“Great! May I ask what time is his appointment with Park Sunghoon?”
The nurses eyes brightens, “Mr. Park Sunghoon? Oh, Doctor Kang has been waiting for him for twenty minutes. His Mom already made the appointment last night.”
You smiled excitedly, “Thank you! I’m sorry for being late, we were caught on traffic. Can we go inside now?”
She nods and just informs Doctor Kang that his patient just arrived. You walked towards Sunghoon who have a placid expression on his face.
“Let’s go. I will walk you inside and I’ll go.”
“You’ll leave me there?” he asked with a tone of betrayal.
“I have work to do.”
“But I need you there.”
You sighed, “I’ll just meet with my client and then I will come back here. Okay?”
He still looked unsatisfied, but you pulled him towards the office of his surgeon. When you entered, his head lifts and eyes widen in surprise to see you. It didn’t slip from Sunghoon. The delightful look on his face the moment he saw you walking inside stirs something inside him.
He walks near you, back pressing on your back.
“Doctor (surname), what a surprise.” he greets and stood up from his table.
“Oh, I just accompanied Sunghoon here.” and now his eyes darted at his direction.
The doctor seem to be surprised again and quickly offered a hand. Didn’t want to be rude, Sunghoon tries to keep his cool and accepted it.
“Its such an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Park.” he says.
He gave him a short nod, looking a little snobby. Your lips lifts a bit, remembering how he’s just the same the first time you two had met.
“How’d you know him?” he curiously asked you.
You smiled, “I’m his psychiatrist,”
“And my girlfriend.” Sunghoon added that caught you off-guard, resting his hand over your waist.
The smile on his surgeon’s face fell, but he tries hard to pull it back.
“Oh, I s-see.” he awkwardly stated.
You blinked and with blushing cheeks, you realized it was your cue to leave them two alone.
“I’ll see you l-later?” you stuttered.
Sunghoon seemed unbothered and even pleaced a peck on your lips before finally letting you go. The whole time you’re walking towards your building, your mind was occupied. You cannot think of anything else but what Sunghoon just said.
Girlfriend? Did he really just said you are his girlfriend? Your stomach churns and heart hammered hardly inside your chest.
It took everything in you to shove that thought off of your mind in order to focus on your work. Your sessions went surprisingly well regardless of being a little distracted because of the F1 racer.
After your last session, you heard a knock from your door and Sunghoon went inside. You smiled while still writing something at your folder.
“So...” you started and tilts your head at him.
“Since when did I became your girlfriend?” your tone sounds teasing. He smirks and leans in to drop a peck on your lips.
“Since I asked you out on a date.”
You furrowed your brows, “The day we met after not seeing each other for days?” you tried confirming it to him.
He nodded his head innocently.
“I thought you already knew that we’re already dating since I asked you out.”
You blushed, “Do you even like me?”
He narrowed down his brows and stared right at your face. “No.” his quick answer shoots you straight to the chest. It was painful.
He grabs your hand and gently guides you to stand up only to tug you closer to him. He wraps his arms around your body.
“I love you.” the three words came out from him naturally that you’re completely dumbfounded.
You blinked, “A-Are you serious?”
Sunghoon chuckled, finding you adorable.
“I am crazy for you, y/n. In case you failed to notice.”
You smiled and tip-toed for a kiss on his lips. “I love you too.”
His cheeks perks up in so much satisfaction after hearing you utter those three words. You never knew that you two will end up in this situation. You were just overthinking about this and now it was settled. There’s nothing more you can ask and just enjoys being warmly wrapped between your boyfriend’s warmth.
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Almost two months had passed and you cannot be happier. It was well spent with Sunghoon as you two grew in love with each other. He was badly smitten over you as much as you are to him.
His surgery went well too and he’s now on his therapies for him to get back in the right shape. The doctor said once he's over with all of this, he’s good as new like before. He can go back on track and win races again.
“Come in!” your cheerful voice echoes inside your office after you heard a knock from your office door.
You’re done with your session today and just getting ready to leave. Sunghoon’s not responding from your text an hour ago so you assumed you won’t be meeting him again today. He’s been really busy with his therapies lately and you completely understand.
Right now, your top priority is for him to get better and nothing else.
“Miss me?”
Your hand halts from putting your things inside your bag. Shivers ran through your spine and cold sweats all over you. The familiar horrifying voice you almost forgot about rings inside your head, instantly triggering that traumatic experience you had.
Slowly, you turned around to face the person standing right by the door. The smile on his face terrified you.
“M-Mr. Cha.” you stuttered while looking at him with nothing but fear on your eyes.
“Nice to see you too, y/n.” he trailed his gaze from your face down to your body. And when you saw how he licked his lips as he does that disgusts the hell out of you.
“I see you’ve been prettier while I was gone.” he walks closer and you couldn’t even move a muscle. You are pierced right at your position, unable to even say anything.
You wanted to run as fast as you can, but your stupid feet just could not move. Like it was glued or something.
“How have you been?” his hand raised to touch your face and you moved away. He doesn’t seem to like what you did so he grabbed your hair.
“Being feisty, eh?” the sarcasm looms over his tone as he pulled your head backwards, he took his time admiring your beautiful face up close.
The director can’t remember the very first time he ever started to feel the attraction towards you. Maybe it was when his father introduced you to him as the newly hired psychologist for the hospital. He still remember how bragged that you’re one of the top students in your university and the hospital managed to pull you.
He couldn’t help but to agree. It was indeed a lucky thing they managed to have you.
“P-Please don’t do this...” your tears rolled down your cheeks and lips shakes in so much fear.
Just by thinking of going through the same process like before terrified you. But who you are kidding? You didn’t even know why you bother to plead when you knew very well he wouldn’t listen.
Mr. Cha smirks and started peppering you with kisses. You grunts and cried in resistance, but he’s just more powerul than you.
As tears silently rolled down your face while this man was assaulting you, Sunghoon flashes through you mind. How you wished he can be here to protect you and prevent this thing to happen. You should’ve had said to him what happened before.
That’s the thing. No matter how many times you try, you can’t. Fear and embarrassment takes over whenever you try to tell him about that day. You know he would understand, its just your own fear is hunting you.
On the other hand, Sunghoon’s all smiley while he parks his car at the underground parking lot of the hospital. He’s just in time to pick you up from your shift.
He felt bad that therapies had been taking all of his time and he couldn’t spend more time with his lovely girlfriend. Tomorrow, he’s off to leave the country for a week of seminar and therapy. It would be the last one before the doctors allowed him to go on full training.
He figures he can go see and spend the night with you before he leaves for a few days. He will miss you the most.
As the elevator tings at your floor, he steps outside and saw that the table of your secretary was vacant. Seems like she left already. He’s pretty sure you are still here since he didn’t receive any messages that you left your office.
When he stepped closer, he can hear muffled sound coming from inside. Things being moved and some grunts. He slowly pushed the door open and the flower he was holding fell to the cold floor.
His whole body felt numb and his ears ringed at the sight in front of him. He can feel his whole body feeling cold, mind going blank.
“What the fuck...” he said that made the man holding you moved away.
Your teary eyes grew and you quickly fixed yourself as Mr. Cha managed to push your skirt up until your waist. You still have your underwear on, but the scene itself was sensual enough for Sunghoon to react this way.
“H-Hoon...” you called softly and tried to stand up properly.
When he looked at you with the hint of betrayal flickering through his eyes, your heart drops. He misunderstood everything. He clenched his jaw and took a step backwards, shaking his head from side to side.
“N-No! It isn’t what you t-think—”
You squealed when he step forward and took a hold of Mr. Cha’s collar. With dark and dangerous eyes he glares right at him. He threw a punch with no hesitation.
“Fuck you!” he shouted.
You quickly went to stop him before he unwillingly damage his shoulder again. Thankfully, he did let you but your heart broke when he shoved your hold off from him. He glanced at you with cold eyes and left the room.
You got stoned in your position for a while before finally composing yourself. Without much thought inside your head, you grabbed your jacket and phone to come after Sunghoon. He was no longer in the elevator and so you headed down the parking lot hoping you can catch up on him.
“Sunghoon!” you called out and scurry over to his sports car. Surprisingly, nobody was there.
A part of you felt relieved that he didn’t go and drove away using his car while he’s feeling that way. You’re still very worried. You fished your phone from your pocket and dialled one of his friend’s number.
“Y/n?” his surprised tone greets you after answering your call.
“Jake! Is Sunghoon with you?”
“Huh? He just left to go see you. Is he not there yet?”
You bit your lower lip and another set of tears attempts to stream down your face. Just being reminded of how horrible and hurt he looked moments ago hunts you.
“W-We had a fight. Can you please call him? Please? I’m scared that he’ll get into another accident.”
You heard background noises from the other line and follows, “All right. Jay and I will look around for him. Don’t worry too much and be safe.” he says that send instant relief.
“Thank you.” and you crash down the pavement near his parked car.
It’s unbelievable how these things are happening to you right now. As far as you remember, you’ve never did anyone wrongly to the point for you to suffer this way. Nobody deserves to be assaulted and silenced that way. But you are scared. To think that you shouldn’t be the one to feel ashamed but still do is depressing.
As expected, he refused to see you. His friends did confirmed that they had found him somewhere and safely took him to his house. It was enough for you. The last thing you’d want is for him to get into trouble because of you.
You headed home as well, praying so bad that everything will be fine soon. You’ve been so happy with Sunghoon lately that you lost track of time. The director is back after being out of the country for a while. You’re a bit dumb to think that he will stop once he sees you’re already dating somebody.
The next day, you’re about to head over to Sunghoon’s house but to your dismay he’s off to do his last therapy. It slipped off your mind as well. Now, it made you feel bad even more. He might have went there to come see you since he will leave for a few days.
You planned to come after him, but it may be not the best choice. His mind is probably occupied and he needs time to collect his own thoughts. The best thing you can do right now is resign from your job and wait for him to come back. You can afford losing that big opportunity, but not Sunghoon. Not him.
On the other hand, Sunghoon’s on his second day out of the country. He still out of it. He’s body is here, but his mind is clearly left back at you. His heart too. He can still feel his chest tightening whenever he recalls how he sees another man touching and kissing you that way.
“That seminar is so boring!” his head craned over to one of his friend as he settles down beside him. He placed his food on the table and glanced at Sunghoon once.
“You’re too quiet these days, hyung. You missed Y/n noona that much?” he teased and even nudge him over the shoulder.
He ignored what he said and remained silent. He was right. Even after what he saw, he can’t deny that he’s been missing you so much.
“But you know Cha Jin? The director of that hospital she's working on?” he stated that made Sunghoon stops from fidgeting over his fingers.
Just by merely hearing that guy’s name sets fire inside him. It boils his blood that he wants to go straight to where he is and punch him nonstop until he passed out.
His friend seemed to not notice how his expression changed and just continued talking about this director.
“He used to be my cousin’s batchmate and he said that guy harassed a lot of girls before! He even mentioned if it wasn’t for his family’s money and power, he would have been already in jail.”
Sunghoon stunned at what he just heard. He suddenly got reminded of how he caught you and that guy that day. Him pressing himself over you while your eyes brim with tears.
Your eyes....
He cursed inwardly for not noticing it right away and for letting his emotions take over him completely.
He abruptly stood up from his seat that surprised even his friend. He looked at Sunghoon with confused eyes.
“I’ll go first.” he says and started pressing something over his phone.
“G-Go where? Hyung!” he slightly panic at the sight of the older one gathering some important things.
“Home. Tell Mr. Lim I left because of an emergency.”
Sunghoon didn't even let his friend to say anything else and just proceed on leaving that place. He put his phone over his ears and wait for the other person to answer the call.
“Yes, Mr. Park?”
“I want to file a case.” he says seriously, fist hardly clenched while talking to his lawyer.
He wants so bad to ruin Mr. Cha for doing that and he wants to punch himself for being too dumb to notice. Sunghoon asked for an immediate flight back home and tried to organize everything that will be needed.
The next day, you went over your office to gather some things. Honestly, you have no enough courage to go there. You knew you couldn't stand being in that room for long right after what he just did to you.
You hate it because you’ve put so much work and effort just for that place to feel cozy and safe. He just ruined all of it. He’s disgusting and a monster.
Just as you’re hurrying to put all the stuff you can fit inside the small box you brought, your door bursts open.
“Leaving without saying good bye?”
You whipped your head to face him with piercing eyes. Seeing him flashing a smile and having the face to be here after doing all of that to you is unbelievable. He has no shame at all.
“I’m quitting my job.”
He scoffed, “Really?” he laughed with no humor. He still scares you, but you need to be brave. You have to.
“Do you think another hospital will accept you if I spread rumor about you?” he slid his hand inside his pocket and tilts his head with a cocky smile.
You clenched your jaw and stared at him with so much hatred. He is powerful and wealthy. You knew he can ruin your life in a snap, mainly why you’re also too afraid to leave this place.
“You can’t do anything about it, y/n.” he smirks wickedly.
A tear fell from your eyes then it moves over to look at the unfamiliar person who suddenly walks inside. Your brows furrowed in confusion and so does Mr. Cha.
“But I can.” Sunghoon’s familiar voice made you roam your eyes around and you almost lost your balance when you saw him walking inside.
“What...” Mr. Cha is as confused as you are.
“Mr. Cha Jin we are asking you to come with us for interrogation about a case of harassment and rape.” a guy held him by his shoulder firmly and the other put his wrists together.
Sunghoon walks towards you and cupped your face, making you burst into tears even more.
“I’m sorry for being late, baby.” he mumbles and you just shook your head side to side.
“You’re just in time.”
He smiles and leaned down to give you a sweet kiss on your lips. He pulled away and both of you looked over Mr. Cha as he kept on resisting from the people whose guiding him outside.
“You can’t do this! You have no enough proof!” he said enraged and his eyes darted at your direction.
“Tell them, y/n! Tell them I am innocent! Do something! Defend your director!”
You can’t believe how he can say all those words towards you when he knew very well how guilty he is. Sunghoon tugs you closer, trapping your body using one of his arm.
He throw an envelope near Mr. Cha and his eyes dropped down to look at it.
“That’s her resignation letter.” Sunghoon said seriously.
Mr. Cha doesn’t look so happy about it and with gritted teeth he looked at the two of you.
“You can’t do this! You know what I can do to you, y/n!” he kept threatening you.
Sunghoon scoffed and tilts his head before placing a kiss on your forehead while still eyeing Mr. Cha. No fear can be seen over your boyfriend’s eyes.
“You messed with the wrong girl.”
He signalled the authorities to take him away already and you nuzzle over his chest as the commotion unfold. You have nothing in mind, but the thought of things being over.
“Wait.” you said when it finally hits you.
“Are you done with your therapy?” you looked at him with worried eyes.
Sunghoon smiled a little, “Not yet.”
“Then why are you here? You should be—” your words got cut off when he leans in and drop a kiss at your lips.
“I am here because my girlfriend needs me. I am a fool to leave you here alone that day.” guilt flashes through his eyes and you’re quick to comfort him.
“Don’t say that. The important thing is that you are here now.” and you wrapped your arms around his waist for a tight hug.
You two stayed that way before you decided to go home.
“Wait.” Sunghoon says and tugs your arm to pull you back.
Your body crashes on his and he looked at you with those hot eyes. With a little suspicion you stared at him.
He smirked as one of his hand slowly moves down your thighs. You blushed and roamed your eyes around to check if somebody is there.
“Let me fuck you here in your office one last time.” he whispered sexily as he swiftly switch your positions and pushed you over your office table.
“But what if someone sees us?”
He pushed your skirt up to reveal your underwear. Sunghoon curses at how hot you looked beneath him before he licked his lip.
“Then they will enjoy the show.” and with a big grin, he pushed your undies to the side then pulled out his erect cock.
He gave his palm a lick before aligning his hardened head on your wet core. You let out a small moan at the sensation of his dick touching your entrance.
“Nobody,” he grunts as he pushed it inside with no mercy making you yelped a little. “can every taste you this way. This is all mine. Mine.” he said firmly like a law nobody can disobey.
He started thrusting from behind you and you two are both a moaning mess. He made his hand roam your sexy back before reaching your hand to intertwin your fingers.
“I love you so much, baby.”
Your mouth hanged open, saliva dripping slightly out from it from too much pleasure as your boyfriend kept hitting the right spots.
“I l-love you, Hoon.”
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“You look lovely.” he doesn’t even need to utter those words towards you as his eyes are enough for you to know it.
The way Sunghoon stares at you with so much love and affection will always be your favorite thing. His thick brows making a straight line whenever he looks at you indicates how his worries disappears. His sexy eyes never leaving you and his lips lifting for a smile shows how badly smitten he is for you.
You smiled and leaned closer for one kiss as you don’t want your gloss to be smeared all over him if it was a long kiss. He tried to chaste after, not satisfied with the short affection. You’re quick to dismiss his attempt for another kiss.
You giggled, “Yes, later.”
He nods and placed a kiss at your shoulder before the two of you walks inside the venue. Tonight, his team gathered everyone for a small dinner party to welcome him back. His other team-mates and his coach are pretty much excited to have him back.
Of course, he asked you to be there. He wants you to be there for him.
“There he is! My man!” their coach cheers and eagerly approached Sunghoon as you two made an entrance.
His teammates didn’t waste time to come and greet him as well, delighted to see him around. You didn’t fail to catch their attention too as they kept eyeing you after greeting Hoon.
Your eyes catch a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend with Sunghoon’s ex best friend. They both stood from a distance unlike everybody else. She looked a little sad and whole regretful as she stare at your direction.
She couldn’t help but reminisce the times that it was her who he was holding.
“This is Doctor y/n (surname), my girlfriend.” he announced sounding so proud.
They all looked amused and even bickered around who can shake your hand first. You giggled finding it adorable and funny.
“You two look good together.” your heads whipped over to the side when two people approaches.
The taunting lingers over his tone as he smirks over Sunghoon, eyes flickering slight anger and disapproval to your boyfriend’s presence. Natasha stood close to him, her body language shows how uncomfy she is and how she refused to be in that situation.
A part of you felt bad for her, but you also know she kind of deserves it after what she did to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon didn’t show any sign of annoyance through his face, but instead pulled you closer to his side.
“Thanks. I can say the same thing to the two of you.” Sunghoon said with a playful smirk on his face as he stated those words with a meaningful tone.
Natasha looked so bothered about it and so does his best friend. He tries to hide it with a humorless laugh and clicked the side of his cheeks.
“Don’t you feel sorry for suddenly showing up like nothing happened?” he fired that made Sunghoon's smile fell.
His smirk grew wider at the reaction Sunghoon showed. He seems to be enjoying it and you hate it. So even before he can utter another word, you stepped in.
“Yes, my boyfriend does feel sorry.” you interrupted with a sweet voice and a playful expression on your face.
Everyone eyed you as you looked straight at his ex best friend’s face.
“The only thing he felt sorry about is that he left the team on your care.” you said that earned reactions from their teammates.
You pursed your lips into a pout, like you feel sorry. Like you feel so much pity.
“You didn’t even made it to the top five, right? What a shame.” you teased that clearly hit the spot as his smirk fell completely.
Sunghoon grinned and licked his lip before tilting his head over to the side, very impressed.
“But don’t worry guys. Sunghoon’s back to win you another trophy this season. I know he won’t disappoint us.” and you flash them all a very sweet smile.
And he really didn’t disappoint.
“For first place, champion for this season.” the announcer voice echoes to the whole place while you looked above during the podium ceremony.
Your eyes goes teary just watching Sunghoon smiling so widely while looking straight at you. His mother held your arm beside and got her widest smiles as well.
“Park Sunghoon!” everyone cheered so loudly after his name was called.
You screamed and clapped, admiring how he really shines. This is where he truly belongs, his natural habitat. He is meant for this. You pursed your lips, trying to hold back your tears.
He kissed the trophy while still looking straight to you. He mouthed ‘I love you’ and you responded, ‘I love you.’
Your heart races as the crowd cheers loudly for Park Sunghoon, the famouse ace racer of the team (f1 team) and also your boyfriend.
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@candewlsy @nyfwyeonjun @sunghoonizz @jaehyuniewifeu @imjakes-wifeofc1 @deobitifull @enhypens-hoe @yzzyhee @nyxtwixx @crimnalseung @vixensss @jjklvr9 @gonorrheaisme @lhspeachie @myboyfriendjungkook @capri-cuntz @brooklyninawhitemustang @woniebae @ma-riiii @tinie03 @seokseokjinkim @iheartjayke @hybeboyenthusisast @minniejenseo @shelovsme @sjakewrld @shawnyle @skzenhalove @crimnalseung @cloud-lyy @vixialuvs @mitmit01 @mintdsunoo @metkayinassss @dojaejunging @ahnneyong @denleave1088 @velvetkisscs @saanvilovessunghoon @ilymarkchan @realrintaro @acolytees @tanisha2060 @stuckonclouds @outroherrr @yunhoswrldddd @smpfrpshlhs @missychief1404 @riyuukii @jungwonieee
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coffe-and-tea-time · 2 days
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…we seem to have drifted from our original plans with this account-
I call dibs on the dilf then
No, back off, he's mine🤺
Word count: 1.6k (the very first long post) (subtle brag)
TW: hinted yandere behavior but soft since it's the introduction, monster/non-human, written in you/yours, don't expect it to make much sense it's a liminal space that we created with things that came along the way and a bit of the backrooms wiki, human! reader is confused but interested (willing? Mostly confused)
“ugh… What time is it?”
You go grab your phone, annoyed that your stomach managed to wake you up. Maybe you really do need to eat something before trying to go back to sleep, though it's too comfy being in the warmth of the blankets…  still, a loud grumble from your belly ruined your plans, with no other option left, you sight and reluctantly got out of bed with your phone in hand, however, as you were making your way to go to the kitchen, you heard the distinctive ping of your phone's notifications which made you turn around to see… you have your phone in hand, why is there a replica of your phone on your bed?
You get closer, thinking it's surely something else and your eyes deceived you because of the dim lighting, when you grab that second ‘phone’ you got even more confused, is a perfect replica of your own, you even compared them both side to side wondering if you finally went insane but you didn’t get enough time to question your sanity as you start to feel extremely dizzy, like everything around you is spinning around so damn fast you can't even tell if you were the one moving or see properly at all, you close your eyes in hopes that it will prevent you from getting nauseous.
"Why is feeling so fucking chilly?"
You said in a shiver as you feel yourself fall, this time you know you are really moving, why? Because your face hits the snowy ground… Snowy ground? 
You move yourself a little too fast for a person that just kissed the ground with so much force, all you can see around you is softly falling snow through what looks like a residential street. 
The night sky a little too black, there were no lights that you could clearly see from just a swift look around, no stars, and… no clouds, the sky was pitch black, yet the houses were illuminated with a slight glow from moonlight even as the moon was nowhere in sight. 
The place was eerie to say the least, the overwhelming quietness of it all almost a warning of danger. There were no sounds of people, no distant murmurs of far away conversation, no barks from pets, no chirping of shivering birds.
This place is nothing like any place you've ever been in but it still gives you a nostalgic feeling. 
What can you do to return to your home? 
You start walking, maybe you should knock on a house with the lights on? It can be dangerous but there aren't a lot of options, one thing is sure, when you return home, you're gonna go to the hospital for a check-up, mental or physical? You aren't sure yet.
You thoughts were stopped when you catch a silhouette not so far away, seems the darkness makes it hard to see properly, but it's seems like the shadow of a little girl making a snowman, the sight relieves you somewhat and you decide to approach, asking the little girl is far more secure that knocking on randoms doors.
"Excuse me, little miss! It seems like I got lost, is there an adult with you that can tell me which street this is?"
You said out loud, it seems like the little one hears you when she tilts her head a little and moves her arms around cutely, the girl seems eager for you to come closer although you can't really tell if she is looking at you or not, it's odd, even as you get closer, you still see a shadow more than a child.
And then, you feel a soft and cold touch on top of your head, the faint snowing plus the silence makes you feel like you could hear as the soft snowflakes fell around you, like your sense of hearing heightened from the sheer lack of any other sounds. 
That being said, you couldn't help but jump when the loud sound of the door opening abruptly met your ears and even more when you hear like somebody is running behind you, you quickly look back but all you can see is snow and darkness. 
You return your gaze to the child, and got even more taken aback to find a shadow shaped like a abnormally tall man with horns sticking out of the dark smoke that seems to shape his 'hair' in front of you, and in the blink of an eye, you were picked up by 'him', he ran faster that you ever thought was possible, before you can even breathe, you already were inside of a house still in the man's arms, his hands under your armpits cupping you up like a soggy cat.
You try not to panic, as you let your eyes inspect the place, only one thing is sure: if it is dangerous, it is better not to test his patience, horror movies taught you better than that.
You feel something really cold hugging your leg, you gaze slowly going downwards only to find what you think is the little girl you saw earlier… seems like your eyes didn’t trick you before, it is in fact, a silhouette, a pitch black outline of a child.
What in the world is going on?
Well, at least they seem to understand you, the little one let go of your leg and gestured, trying to explaining you everything with charades, you would find it very lovable and adorable in any other occasion; your focus on the kid quickly interrupted by the man's hold of you shifting, his hands coiling around you and pressing you to his chest in what felt like a hug, your feet don't even touch the ground, you can feel thought your pajamas the cold emanating from his.. body? Well, unlike his gastly looking hair, the rest of his body did feel more solid, seems like even shadows can have a sleeper build… 
Wait, what?
Before you can think of anything else, your stomach growls, right, you were about to fetch yourself some food before you ended up here, though, their reaction to the grumble of your stomach amused you, how the tiny blank eyes of the little girl widened, them both freezing in a second of shock before the man ran again with you in his arms.
You can sense the toddler running after you two as the man runs into what seems like a rather luxurious kitchen, your bare feet finally meet the rather warm floor again although you still don't have time to relax as the shadow man tries to hurriedly feed you a spoonful of baking powder.
“I’m sorry but I can’t eat that…”
You anxiously try to explain why you can’t just eat baking powder, hoping he didn’t take it the wrong way and lucky for you, he seems more concerned than anything, his.. mouth? twitches making more of a weary expression, at least you think so as he hurried to open all of the cabinets and even the fridge, letting you look through everything to search for something you could actually eat.
You sense a gentle tug on your pajama's shirt, when you look down, you were met with the little girl shyly offering you a fruit that you can actually eat, so you gladly accept it, you can’t help but find the shadow duo cute as they start cheering between themselves, seemingly celebrating that they found something that you can eat, you kind of want to take a photo but well, you don’t have your phone and probably if you had it, you would be calling for help rather than recording cute moments.
You start to relax on the chair as you eat, the adrenaline slowly wearing off of your body and with that comes the pain, right, you slammed on the ground a few minutes ago, you feel your body between a state of numbness and pain, you can't help but to winche because of that, which make the duo approach you again quickly.
“Sorry, i-is nothing, I just… need some sleep”
You come up with a quick excuse, even though they are weirdly kind and seems harmless, just in case, it's better to avoid mentioning any injury or damage since you still don't 100% trust how they'd react, you trust the outside even less though. Your mind plays back to that running you heard behind you before the shadowy man took you away, the memory still sending shivers down your spine. To escape from them without proper knowledge of how things work here sounds dumb.
As you were lost in thought, the tall man scooped you up once again, this time his cold touch felt gentler than before, you start to wonder if he sees you as a cat of some sort but there is no use in asking since these creatures don't seem like they know how to speak.
He walked you upstairs into what seemed like the master bedroom and gently tucked you into the bed with a soft pat on your head, you start to sense that these shadows love being affectionate, a little touchy feely; Maybe is the contrast of his cold body with your warmer human body, you can’t really blame him, the smoke that he has for hair seems really soft to the touch too…
For better or for worse, he stood up straight again and start checking the lock on the windows, making sure they were well covered, only opening the door to invite the child in, who quickly layed besides you handing you a little book, a bedtime story, with a smile, You find endearing the fact they so eagerly want to hear a story, but a chill runs to your spine when you hear the tall man locking the door and then laying down on the other side of the bed beside you.
The night ends up peacefully although the exhaustion wins over your sense of self preservation, you slowly drifting off to sleep after reading the story to the little girl.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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girlgenius1111 · 1 day
one of your girls part 2
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part 1 alexia x jenni x leila x reader. jenni and alexia try to share smut, 18+. part of the rush verse @vixwritesagain ... for context: Read Part One here Read Part Two here Read Part Three here Read Part Four here Read Part Five here Read Part Six here Read Part Seven here Read Part Eight here
----- “And I want you to be loud.” She stated, shifting her hips forward so the tip of the strap pressed against you. The heat of her thighs nudged up against your own. “Shouldn't be hard for you. Let Leila hear how well I fuck her whore.” 
You bit your lip, trying to stop the involuntary grind of your lower body. You and Alexia both turned your heads to look at the armchair across the room. Leila just grinned back at you. 
“Seems like she is your whore right now, Ale.” Leila said happily. 
Alexia took a moment to stare incredulously at your girlfriend. You dragged your nails over her abdomen, freezing when Alexia turned her attention back towards you. She caught your hand and pressed it down into the bed. 
“You are feeling like a brat today?” Alexia asked rhetorically. “Brats do not get to come.” 
Almost unconsciously, you looked in Jenni’s direction, taking in the slim lines of her while she perched on the spare bed. Alexia’s hand instantly gripped your jaw, forcing your focus back on her. Her expression had hardened and you felt a shiver run through you at the steel in her eyes. “You are not in charge. I am.” 
Jenni hummed, a small smile creeping into her expression. “Are you?” 
You were echoing Jenni before you could stop yourself.  “Are you, Ale?” 
You realised your mistake as soon as the words left your mouth. As soon as Alexia smirked down at you sadistically. “Puta.” 
“Fucking- Ale,” You gasped, feeling her hips push her cock into you all at once. You were sensitive, though still wet from before. Alexia set off at an unrelenting pace. 
“¿Qué fue eso?” Alexia grunted. “You have something to say?” 
She gripped your hips in her hands, holding you still as she fucked into you. The feeling had your fingers tangling in the bedsheets. You could feel every inch of her, never pulling out all the way before she pushed right back in. Alexia kept her thrusts sharp, forcing filthy sounds from your lungs with every jab. 
“¿Nada?” She taunted as your eyes squeezed shut. 
Your legs curved around her waist, tangling behind her bucking hips for just a second before Alexia pushed them off. 
There was no fight to be had when she pressed your knees back to your chest. “Hold.”
The part of her lips when you moved your hands to do as she asked made Jenni’s chuckle less embarrassing. 
Alexia’s eyes trailed downwards, slowing her hips until she could fully appreciate how you spread yourself for her. “Mira, Lei.” 
You didn’t have to look to know that you had Leila’s full attention already. Still, her voice was soothing. “Sí. She’s perfect for you, no? Give it to her harder, she can take it.” 
Alexia leaned down, digging both hands into the sheets by your head. She kept that distance when her eyes bore into your own. 
Your back arched at the fierceness of her first thrust, then the second and third in quick succession. With her weight rocking down, pushing your hips into the mattress with every pass, there was nowhere else to go. 
“Fuck!” You gasped as she filled you over and over. “Yes, Ale-”
You were distracted by Jenni kneeing her way onto the bed. Alexia held no such qualms, pounding inside until Jenni stroked over her shoulder. “Share.”
No warning when Alexia pushed back, pulling herself from your body and turning her focus to her girlfriend immediately. 
“Por detrás, pues.” She requested. Jenni didn’t remind her to speak English, and you wondered if it was because the comment was entirely for her and not you. The blonde waited until Jenni had easily flipped you over, onto your hands and knees, before she slid onto the bed near the headboard. It was difficult to resist the urge to drop down until your face hit the mattress, or at least onto your elbows, but you managed to stay upright even when Jenni yanked your hips back into hers. 
“Ojos aquí.” Alexia instructed suddenly. Rough hands cupped your jaw, tilting your face upwards. And while Alexia wanted your eyes on her, her attention was fixed on Leila. “¿Puedo follarle su garganta mientras Jenni se folle su coño?” 
Something about the question being directed at Leila, even as you were only a few inches from her, had your head leaning further into Alexia’s hands. Jenni chose that moment to enter you, pushing in at a much slower pace. Alexia’s thumbs rubbed small circles over your cheekbone as you let out a deep groan, your body pressing backwards for more.
Leila replied, sounding simply delighted. “Por supuesto. She likes to have things in her mouth. Don’t you, bebé?” 
Any reply you could have managed was cut off when Alexia guided her strap towards your open mouth. The sight in front of you was overwhelming, with Alexia’s muscular thighs tense as she kneeled on the bed. 
More gently than you were expecting, Alexia began to work her cock into your mouth. She and Jenni set a mind numbing rhythm. The striker behind you was going almost agonisingly slow, barely thrusting. She stuck to more of a deep grind, hardly pulling out l before her hips met your ass again. And while Jenni hit every spot inside of you that made your brain lose its ability to form words, Alexia demanded them.
“You like my cock in your mouth?” She asked, clearly expecting a response even as she inched herself further inside. 
“Uh huh,” you grunted, gazing up at her with wide, watery eyes. 
“Whose do you like better? Mine? Or Leila’s?” 
You would have smirked around her cock if you could have. As it were, you had to mumble around it. “Leila’s.” 
Alexia frowned, grabbing a fistful of your hair and tugging. She pushed her strap further into your mouth, grinding her hips to make the spit run down your chin. She fucked herself into you further until you couldn’t help but gag. 
“Try again.” She warned, pulling back so that the tip pressed to your lips every time Jenni filled you. The increase in speed from the striker, paired with the gentle pinch to your thigh, told you exactly what to say. 
“Jenni’s.” You coughed out to cover up the needy moan. Behind you, Jenni barked out a laugh. Leila tried to muffle her amusement, but Alexia’s tight fist in your hair told you that she’d been wholly unsuccessful. 
“Basta.” The midfielder pulled her strap from your mouth, before sliding off the bed. “My turn.” She said firmly. She only had eyes for you as her girlfriend slowed her delicious thrusts, giving you a smack on the ass before she pulled out. Alexia wasn’t being demanding in an attempt to wrestle control from her girlfriend. Her eagerness was fueled entirely by a desperate need for you. Now. 
“Puedes caminar?” Alexia asked roughly, wrapping an arm around your midsection and pulling you away from Jenni. You whined at the movement, clinging embarrassingly tightly to your captain. 
“English.” Jenni reminded her breathlessly, falling onto her back on the bed.
Alexia took you in for a moment before her upper lip twitched. “No importa.” 
With that, she half carried you over to the desk, wrenching the chair out of the way, and turning you around till you were sandwiched between the cool wood and her hot body. She leaned down to nip at your ear lobe, before she pressed one hand on your spine. 
“Bend over.” Alexia instructed, so quietly you were sure you were the only one in the room to hear it. You let the blonde push you down until you were laying flat on your stomach on the desk in front of you. The shock of the cold on your bare skin made you wince. 
Alexia palmed at your ass, squeezing hard. She landed a few spanks there in quick succession to draw sharp gasps. 
With your face pressed to the surface, you could see Leila. She was only a few feet away now, curled up on the chair. Being bent over the desk gave her a much better view. This, you were sure, was not accidental on Alexia’s part. 
Leila grinned when your gaze met hers, face scrunching adorably. You broke first, squeezing your eyes shut as Alexia ran her hand between your legs. Her fingers wet themselves before pressing inside. 
Leila hummed appreciatively at the sight so near to her. “Tell Ale how much you love her fingers, bebé.” 
The gentle kiss that was pressed in between your shoulder blades challenged the less than gentle crook of Alexia’s fingers inside your cunt, but you were growing used to the puzzle that Alexia became when she fucked you. 
“I love your fingers, Ale,” You repeated, brain too scrambled to do anything other than say exactly what Leila told you to. 
The blonde’s upper body pressed down until her mouth was practically touching your ear. “Then I’ll give you another.” 
With no further warning, she leaned up off you and withdrew her fingers enough to ease in a third. It wasn’t so much the stretch that had you moaning, but more so the knowledge that Alexia could feel how wet you were, how your pussy clenched and pulsed. Her fingers were large, but they were nowhere near the size of the strap you’d had inside of you before, and you were aching for more almost as soon as Alexia had added the third. 
“Ale,” you whined. “More, please.”
“More? You want more?” Alexia sneered. “Mi zorrita wants more?” 
“Sí,” you begged. If you were hoping that your use of Spanish would soften Alexia up, you were wrong. Her fingers slowed until every noise they made sliding into your centre was long, drawn out, and filthy. 
“Tell me.” 
“I want more!” Alexia landed a smack on your ass, one that had you gasping in surprise and lurching forwards. Squeezing your eyes shut, you managed the words you knew she was looking for.  “Your little slut wants more.” 
“Tan bueno,” the midfielder cooed. Alexia pulled out, her strap sliding in almost instantly, filling the void left by three of her fingers. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as dripping fingers dragged themselves along your back. 
The midfielder was only allowed a few minutes of peace to fuck you how she wanted with no interruptions. It was as if she knew the time was limited, and she made the most of it. She fucked you slow and deep at first, before her hips moved more shallowly. 
You weren’t sure of much, sprawled limply across the desk as Alexia manhandled you any way she wanted. All you knew was that you wanted this to last, and it wouldn’t if you didn’t last. Tightening every muscle in your body, from your legs to your shoulders, you gripped onto the edges of the desk until your knuckles turned white. Even still, you pushed your hips back into the warm body behind you as best you could. 
All three women were entranced by the sight of you taking it however your captain gave it to you. Leila must have decided, though, that she hadn’t bothered Alexia nearly enough. 
“She looks good on your cock, Ale. Does she feel good?” 
“Sí.” Alexia grunted. “Tu novia es una puta para mí, Lei. ” 
“She is, isn’t she?” Leila said dreamily. Your body reacted to your girlfriend’s comment, a shiver running down your spine. 
Alexia let out a frustrated noise this time, but she wasn’t giving up. Slowing her thrusts just enough for you to sigh in frustration, she slid her hand lower, tracing a finger lightly over the rim of your second hole before she paused. 
“Y ahora? What if I fuck her here?” 
“If you want.” Leila replied immediately. 
“No.” You reached back to nudge her hand away. “Only Leila there.” 
“Only Leila?” Alexia repeated, tugging you back onto her cock until she was as deep as could be. Her hand wound in your hair, pulling you to arch against her chest. You planted your palms against the desk, holding yourself up while her other hand groped at your chest. “Will you beg us to fill you up again?” 
This time you grinned. You could feel Jenni and Leila watching. While Alexia was new, they were familiar, and that familiarity made you bolder. “You want me to beg?” You murmured, stretching your neck back to eye her. 
Alexia thumbed over your nipple, pinching it to a hard peak until your brow furrowed and your hips ground back against her. “Sí. Beg for me.” 
“Make me. Before your girlfriend tells you it’s her turn. ” 
The disbelieving sound that left Alexia’s mouth told you just how much trouble you were in, but it didn’t matter. The curl of her lips was dangerous. It was the last thing you saw before she pressed you back against the wood. 
No sooner had your cheek pressed down that Alexia snapped her hips hard. The force of it shocked a gasp from you, but there was no time to catch another breath. With her hands holding you down, Alexia used her full strength to take you apart. 
The desk banged against the wall again and again, drowning out some of the needy sounds you were making.
“Leila, ¿la dejas hablarte como una mocosa?” Alexia forced out between thrusts. She could pretend to be unaffected all she wanted; the small inhale in between her words, a hair too quiet to be considered whimpers, gave her away. Gone was the precision from before. Her rhythm had lost its fluidity. Instead, Alexia rutted into you like an animal. 
“She is not talking to me like a brat. She is talking to you like one.” 
“Ale,” Jenni interrupted. “It is my turn.” 
“No.” Alexia grunted, moving her hands from your hips to your shoulders. With her new grip, she pulled you back on her cock, letting you feel the full length with every stroke. 
It was easy to ignore the way the desk dug uncomfortably into your skin when her hips bucked against your ass. The way her cock pressed in and out gave nothing else. No tingling brushes against your clit to get you there. Yet the speed, the fierceness of her thrusts, the sheer dominance in how she held you, all of it made your knees quiver. 
“Ale!” You cried, reaching back to palm at her thigh. It took less than two seconds for Alexia to catch your hand and pin it behind your back. “Holy fuck.” 
With every pass forcing pleasure, the noises Alexia pulled from you were filthy. It became harder and harder to watch Leila as your eyes rolled and fluttered shut. “Ale-”
“She’s going to come.” Your girlfriend practically sang from the corner. 
“Is she?” Alexia snapped before she folded your other arm behind your back too.  “You’re close?” 
“Yes!” You groaned. It was impossible to move much with your legs spread and your weight off balance. 
“You want to come on my cock?” 
A harsh sting across your ass cheek told you that whining into the desk wasn’t enough. “Yes. Fuck, Alexia!” 
Her hips stuttered a little as she shifted her weight. “Who?” 
“Ale!” You shuddered, dangerously close to the edge. “Alexia! Oh my god.”
A squeeze to your ass before she slowed to a gentle rock. 
Your stomach dropped, wrists twisting in her large hand to grab at her. “No. No, Ale please. I’m so close.”
“Begging now?” Jenni called from far behind. 
“Yes!” You hissed, trying to catch Alexia with your frantic gaze. With your body held down, you could only make out her figure in your peripheral vision. “Please don’t stop?” 
“But I’m tired.” Her Spanish lilt did little to cover the delight in her tone.
“No you’re not.” You squirmed desperately, feeling the pressure built up start to ebb away. “Alexia please.” 
“Please,” she mocked. The reprimand you expected to hear from Jenni to be nice never came, and you were sure it was because the striker was enjoying the show too much to complain on your behalf. “Please what?”
“Ale,” you whimpered, aware that you were only playing into what she was teasing you for, but unable to do anything else. “I need you.” 
“Mmm.” Alexia hummed. “Who do you need? Tell me again.” 
“You, Alexia, ple-” 
She picked up her pace, not as fast as before but just enough for your orgasm to begin to build again. She snapped her hips into you steadily, using her grip on your wrists as leverage to yank your body back in rhythm with her thrusts. 
“Does your girlfriend feel this good?” She probed after a few seconds, her words slightly breathless as she worked in and out of you. 
You couldn’t think through what the correct response would be. “Alexia, I-” 
“Do you wish it was her right now?” She growled as her hips rocked steadily. 
“Por qué?”
Groaning, you pressed your hips back to silently ask for more. With each thrust her cock hit every spot you needed it too, forcing tiny, involuntary whines. “Because you feel so good. You fuck me so good Ale.” 
“Tell her.” Alexia lilted close to your ear.
It took a second for your eyes to focus on Leila. She was close enough that you could see her tongue when she licked her lips before breaking out her sunshine smile. Leila held your gaze for just a second before tilting her chin up a fraction. 
“Lei, I’m gonna–” You panted out, shivering at the twisting pleasure of it all.  “She feels so fucking good, Lei. Her–” Alexia’s sharp thrust cut your thought in half. Suddenly there was only one thing on your mind.  “I-I wanna come, please let me come.” 
Leila shifted, tucking a leg underneath herself. The rapid dart of her eyes gave you another clue. 
“Alexia, please can I come?” Your words were muffled and pathetic against the wood, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care when her hips bounced against your ass. 
One hand pressed soothingly into your hair, surprisingly tender given the beat of her fucking. “Ah,” Alexia grunted, “You sound pretty when you beg for me.” 
Like a battery fizzling out, her thrusts lost all speed and power in an instant. Her grip tightened on your wrists.
“No! Alexia, please!” You gasped, wriggling your hips desperately. 
“Shh, zorrita.” You could feel the captain press all the way in, leaning over to drape the heat of herself along your back. 
“No! Please, god, I’m so close!” 
With her weight against you and her feet keeping yours spread, there was little you could do to hold on to the orgasm. Instead, you had to whine through the slow bleed as tingling pleasure gave way to aching arousal. 
Though her lips were kind on your shoulder blade, her victorious smile was anything but. Alexia spoke lowly, a quiet thing only aimed at you. “Since you like your girlfriend’s cock so much more, you can come on hers later.”
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cornsoupflavour · 24 hours
Sick Day (Twice NSFW Smut)
TWICE Momo Hirai x Manager!Male Reader
Tags: 3.8k words, wholesome, manager x idol, multiple creampies, power exchange, role switching, possible romance, caught in the act
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It was the day that the TWICE girls were supposed to visit an attraction together as part of a variety show, but your phone buzzed with a message from Jihyo, the leader of TWICE, the morning of the outing. Momo came down with a fever and was advised to rest. Being the group's manager, you acknowledged Jihyo's message and drove over to the hotel that they were staying in. Upon arriving, you climb the stairs, two steps at a time, to reach Momo's floor. With a deep breath, you knock on the door.
Momo opened the door, her dark, wavy hair cascading over her shoulders. She wore a white tee, sweatpants, and a pair of fuzzy socks. Her face is flushed and glistening with perspiration. A steaming cup of tea sits on the bedside table.
"Morning, Momo. Heard you're not feeling too good so I brought you some snacks, some hot beverage packets and a few other things. How are you feeling?" you asked, walking in and closing the door behind you.
"Oh, thank you... I'm really sorry for all this... I wish I could've gone with everyone."
"Hey, we don't ask to get sick... okay, maybe sometimes, but I know this isn't one of those times. So don't worry about it, it's no trouble at all. Trust me, alright? Let's get you all nice and well rested," you helped her to the bed, tucking her in while placing the back of your hand on her forehead to check her body temperature.
She frowned, her lips pouting a little as she spoke, "It's still pretty high, isn't it? I miss everyone already..."
"I'm sure they miss you too, but they'd want you to get better too. I'll make sure they take lots of pictures so you can have a feel of what it was like there. For now, just lay back on your pillow and I'll go make you some hot chocolate and something small to eat."
Momo nods, her eyes closing as she laid back. You set up a small table for her before heading to the kitchen, fixing her up a small meal along with a glass of warm water. You brought it over and placed it on the table with a bottle of vitamins. "Here you go, eat up, you need to eat if you wanna get better."
She sat up, and turned on the television to keep herself occupied as she ate. As she began eating, your eyes drifted to a stack of unread magazines. You picked one up and flipped through it, stopping at a page where Momo is being interviewed. She's smiling, her eyes bright, you can't help but feel bad for how she's feeling right now.
Momo looks away from the television, her gaze fixing on you, "Thank you. This is perfect."
"I'm glad you like it, when you're done, let me know. I'll come and clear the table for you and you can have your rest."
"Thank you again..." her voice damp and slightly hoarse as she leaned back from the table, allowing you to clear the dishes, "...I promise I'll make it up to you and everyone else next time." She sniffled, her nose red from her flu. You began clearing her table, bringing the dishes to the sink and washing them.
"What did I say? I told you not to worry about it. We all have our off days and it appears that today is yours. No shame in that, so just focus on getting better, alright?"
Momo smiled as she tucked herself further under the covers, her gaze momentarily locking with yours. You gave her a warm smile before planting yourself in the recliner, staying close by if she needed anything else. Slowly she drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, you groggily stretched your arms as your eyes peeled open, feeling stiff from your position in the recliner. "Oh, shit– I fell asleep–" You glanced over at Momo, now nowhere to be seen, and your heart skipped a beat. Panic surged through you, and you're about to call her name when you spotted a note on the bedside table.
Your breath hitched, and you let out a sigh of relief as you read the contents of the note.
I'm feeling a little better, so I thought I'd go to the pool to cool down. Please don't worry. I'll be back soon. Thank you for everything. –Momo
You gave your face a quick wash in the bathroom to freshen up before deciding to head down to the pool to find her. As you take a step out of the elevator and into the hotel lobby, you're greeted by the soothing sounds of water cascading from a nearby fountain. You walked towards the glass doors that lead to the outdoor pool area, the sun hitting your skin, and you squinted as you surveyed the area.
In the distance, you spot Momo, her curvy form in the pool, the water reflecting the rays of the evening sun, her hair spread out like a fan around her. She was backfloating in a soft pink bikini. That sure is one way to cool off from a fever. She had a pair of red–lensed clear sunglasses as she floated.
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You watched longingly as you slowly approached her, subtly admiring her figure. "Water's nice, huh? Enjoying the sun?" you asked, teasingly. She swam towards you upon hearing your voice, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she rested her arms and chin on the edge of the pool. "Hey, nice to see you're feeling better."
"Yeah, looks like I just needed some hot cocoa, a good rest and some care and concern from my favourite manager to help me feel better~"
"Yeah, yeah... you're my favourite too..."
"Huh? What was that?"
"I said you're all my favourites too," you answered, smirking a little.
You take a seat on a nearby poolside chair as you watch Momo try to get out. Your cheeks blush ever so slightly as you're presented with her assets, glistening from the water. Momo extended her hand out, requesting for you to pull her up, but upon grabbing her hand, she pulled you in, laughing excitedly.
Momo continued to giggle excitedly as you float next to her, splashing water at her. "You're so lucky I put my phone down before reaching out–"
After a little bit of playful splashing, you both climbed out of the pool. As you pulled yourself up, your suit and tie absolutely soaked, your gaze landed on Momo, her body glistening from the water, her assets shaking graciously with every movement. Your cheeks turned a soft red as you looked away, handing her a towel. She grabbed it and proceeded to wrap it around herself. "Much better, thank you. The water feels great, it helped cool my fever down. I'm feeling more refreshed now."
You nod, smiling, "That's great to hear. Now, let's get back to your room to get dried up. I'll  check your temperature again too, just to make sure."
Momo nodded, her eyes bright, "Alright, Mr. Manager~" she giggled, leaning into your side.
Before you both start walking, she shook her head, trying to get the excess water out of her  hair. As you watched, it felt as if the world disappeared and you were watching her in slow–motion.
"Shall we?" her voice snapped you back to reality. You blinked a few times, setting yourself back into the real world as you nodded, "Yeah, let's go."
As you walked, you threw on your own towel to cover your wet clothes. After a while, the two of you arrived back at the room. Upon entering, you head straight for the shower to get yourself out of your wet clothes. Once done, you threw on a bathrobe and stepped back out. Momo turned around, drying her hair with the towel.
She smiled as she walked towards you. You returned her smile, glad to see her in better spirits. "You can go and freshen up if you'd like, I'll go grab the thermometer."
"Thank you, thank you, but it's okay, I could stay like this for a while," her grateful smile tugging at your heartstrings as she stated, glancing down at herself in her pink bikini and towel. "Feels nice~"
"Alright then, at least go and dry your hair, don't want you getting sick again."
"Well, at least now if I do, I know you'll come and take care of me~" she teased before proceeding to dry her hair. You headed over to your bag and pulled out a thermometer for her to use. As she stuck the thermometer under her tongue, you placed the back of your hand on her forehead once more.
"Seems alright..."
She showed you the reading and it showed her temperature being back to normal. "Wow, looks like you're alright. I shall take my leave now, the girls should be back in a few more hours."
Momo fiddled with her towel, her gaze moving to the door, "Um, can you stay a bit longer? I'd feel more comfortable with you around, you know, just in case..." she trailed off, her voice a little shy.
You hummed, glancing back at her. "Of course, I could stay till the others get back. I'll just head to the mall downstairs to grab some new clothes. You wanna come with?"
She flashed a grateful smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it... Sure, just let me change into something less revealing. Wouldn't want to give fans a free show~" she added before grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom. After a while, she came out and followed you down to buy some clothes. About half an hour later, you're both back in the room.
You tossed your wet clothes into the wash, already changed into a fresh set of clothes. You took a seat next to Momo on the bed. "So, any plans on how you want to spend your 'sick leave'? Y'know, besides swimming in the pool. Or do you want to just relax and rest some more?"
Momo shrugs, her eyes drifting to the television, "I guess I'll just chill here and watch some TV... My phone's dead, so I'll be a little disconnected from the world today–" she smirked, "Not that I'm complaining," she added, her eyes meeting yours.
You chuckled, "Sounds like a plan. If you need anything, let me know."
Momo's eyes flicked back to the door, a sly smile tugging at her lips as she spoke, "Actually, there is something I need from you... I need to make sure you're not just a good manager, but a good friend as well."
Her smile grew as she stood up, swaying her hips a little as she came closer to you. Momo then straddled your lap, her body pressed against yours. She lifted her shirt to reveal her pink bikini top. She tilted her head, her hair cascading around her face, "Is there something I can get you in return, Mr. Manager? I know you like this top of mine~"
You stared, somewhat in disbelief, at the situation you're currently in. You felt a flush creep up your neck, and you gulped before responding, "Umm, I don't know, I'm not really in a position to ask for anything, but if you insist..."
Momo leaned in, her lips grazing your earlobe as she whispered, "Just be a good boy for me, and I'll make sure you won't regret it."
You nodded, a smirk appearing on your lips, along with a smug look. As she pulled back, her hands landed on your chest, gripping your shirt. She began to gently tug, her eyes locked onto yours. "You really are a good friend, aren't you?"
You responded with a flirtatious confidence, "Yes, I am~" you answered, knowing where this was headed. Momo then pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your bare chest. She trailed her fingers down your chest, her touch feather–light. You let out a soft hum at her touch. "Mmh, so strong..."
With her hands now on your abs, she leaned in, her lips just millimeters away from yours. Her breath was warm, her scent enveloping you. "Now, let's see if I can make you even stronger," she whispered, her lips brushing against yours. As she pulled back, her hands moved to the strings of her bikini top.
You grabbed her wrist, refusing to let her take the top off, "No. Leave it on... I like the way it looks on you..." She blinked with a mix of confusion and desire. She brought your hand to the center of her top, hooking your thumb on it as she slowly slipped it upwards, dragging the top with it.
"We could leave it like this, not on, not off~" she whispered, revealing her perky breasts, topped by dark pink nipples. Her eyes never strayed from yours, her mouth curving into a seductive smile.
You licked your lips, your hands reached out, tentatively, to cupping her breasts. She let out a soft, satisfied moan, arching into your touch. "Ungh, there you go, don't be shy."
You gave in, your hands massaging her breasts, kneading them, feeling her nipples harden beneath your fingers. Her nails dug into your shoulders as she leaned in, her lips capturing yours. She tasted sweet, her tongue dancing with yours as she gripped your hair, her hips rocking against yours.
Momo broke the kiss, her breaths shallow as she leaned back, a satisfied smirk on her lips. "I thought you could use a little distraction, Mr. Manager. You're doing well," she praised, her hand drifting down to the growing hardness between your legs.
You brought your lips to her neck, your head swam against it, planting kisses along her jawline. "Of course, you're my favourite distraction~ Don't tell the others I said that..." you joked but her touch and actions had you on edge. "You really are something aren't you, Momo?" 
You continued to kiss down her neck, your breath warm against her skin. Momo smirked, leaning in to nibble on your earlobe as she grazed your length through your pants.
You let out a soft whimper against her neck. You gripped her hips tightly, knowing this was crossing boundaries, but you couldn't resist her. "Mmff, Momo... So eager..."
Momo sat up, her eyes bright as she pulled down your pants, just enough to release your arousal. She licked her lips, her gaze never leaving yours, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'm just happy you're here for me."
You bit your lip, a smirk forming on the corners. Momo wiggled and shifted in your lap. She spread her legs slightly, inviting you to join her. You obliged, Momo's siren call was too strong. You raised her up slightly by her hips, lining her slit with the tip of your length.
Momo leaned forward as she lowered herself onto your member, her hands gripping your shoulders as she connected her lips with yours. As you entered her, a small moan leaked into your kiss. You slowly thrust up into her, her moans filling the room, as she set the pace.
You gripped her hips, your thrusts growing faster and more forceful. "Ahh, goddamn... you feel good, Momo," you panted, your voice rough. "You're so tight, so wet..."
Momo let out a soft, breathy moan, "Ooh, just like that... Nnngh~ You're not so bad, Mr. Manager."
You increased your pace, the sounds of slapping flesh filling the room with every thrust. You gripped her tighter, your lips pressing against her neck, your breath hot against her skin. "Mmh, you feel so good," you groaned, your grip tightening.
Momo's moans grew louder, her body arching towards yours as she grinded herself to meet your thrusts, her body quivering. "Ungh, yeah, don't stop, you're making me feel so good," she panted. The pleasure was building, each thrust bringing even louder moans to the pairing.
You slammed into her, gripping her hips, your thrusts growing more intense, the room filled with the sounds of flesh slapping together. Momo's moans grew louder, her head thrown back, her nails digging into your shoulders. "Mmf, yeah, Mr. Manager~ so good... I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," she cried out.
You let out a low growl, your thrusts getting harder, "Cum for me, Momo, cum on my cock. I bet you'll look so good while you do it," you encourage.
Momo's hips bucked against yours, her body shuddering as her climax took over, her pussy tightening around you. "Ahh, daddy, yesss, I'm cumming~" she screamed out, her body trembling, her release shaking her.
Your own climax was nearing, your thrusts frenzied, "Goddamn– you're so fucking good, Momo. Fuck, I'm gonna cum too–" you groaned, your release taking you over the edge, exploding deep inside her.
Momo leaned forward, her chest pressing against your own, her breathing quick and heavy. You both enjoyed the afterglow for a while, her body still quivering, her pussy milking you softly.
You leaned down, bringing her breast to your lips, your tongue swirling around her nipple, gently pulling on it with your teeth. "Mmh, you taste so fucking good..." your voice thick with satisfaction.
Momo let out a soft, contented sigh, "Thank you, daddy, that felt so good... I can't believe I'm calling you daddy, but it feels right~"
You chuckled, giving her a tender kiss on the lips, "Well, you're my favourite, so anything goes, right?"
Momo smiled, her body still clinging to your length, "Right... My favourite Mr. Manager~"
"But I'm not done. You think with a cock like yours that I'll just hope off after one ride? You're in for a real good time~ Let me give you a 'thank you' gift for being such a good manager for us~"
You smirked, "I'll do my best to keep up with you, Momo, don't worry."
Momo grinned, her hands guiding you to lay down on your back. She raised her ass and leaned forward, her breasts pressing against your chest. She wrapped her arms around your head, hugging you into her cleavage. "This is how a good manager should be, right here, in the cradle of his favourite Momo's tits," she purred.
You chuckled, your hands gripping her hips, "So bossy, Momo, but that's what I like about you."
Momo's eyes locked onto yours, a lustful intensity in her gaze that mirrored the hunger in her soul. Her hips shifted, ever so slightly, before she began to lower herself back onto you, her lips parting in a soft moan. Inch by agonizing inch, she descended, her wetness enveloping your hardness.
Your breath hitched, your fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as she sank upon you, her pussy tightening around your length. Her breasts squished against your face, swelling slightly with each tantalizing inch. Your eyes followed the descent, drinking in her sensuality, the way her nipples hardened, the way her throat arched, the way her lips quivered in a mixture of pleasure and exertion.
Once fully impaled, Momo traced a finger along your jawline, a wolfish grin curling her lips. She began to rise, her hips grinding against yours, the head of your cock dragging against her swollen folds. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, her moans adding to the crescendo of desire.
"Mmf, daddy– My Mr. Manager~" she panted, her eyes never leaving yours, "Make me feel good." The challenge hung between you, a promise of the submission she so eagerly gave.
You gripped her hips tighter, your own arousal building. "Just like that, Momo," you encouraged, your voice deep, hungry. "Give me everything you've got."
Momo's pace quickened, her breasts pressing onto your face, punctuating her movements. Her moans grew louder, her nails digging into your shoulders, her hips rolling, her body swimming against yours. The room trembled with the intensity of the rhythm.
She continued to grind herself onto you, going from quickly to slowly, her eyes locked on yours. Her body came down on your length, her pussy swallowing you whole. She rose and fell, her tits engulfed the bottom half of your face with every movement, her eyes never leaving yours. "Mmf, yeah, daddy, make me feel good," she moaned.
You gripped her hips, your body arching up to meet her, "Just like that, Momo... I'm all yours–" you encouraged her, your voice thick with lust.
Momo let out a soft, satisfied moan, "I'll show you just how you're all mine~ Don't you dare cum without my permission, Mr. Manager," she warned, her tone playful.
You chuckled, your hips bucking up to meet her, "I wouldn't dare, Momo... But when you do let me cum, it's going to be explosive– I will flood you–" you promised, the lust apparent in your voice.
Your grip on Momo tightened, your hips bucking, matching the pace as her body rocked against yours. Her moans grew louder, resonating in the room, filling it with the sounds of pleasure. "Ungh, Mr. Manager, you're getting me so close... I can't hold it," she panted, her voice thick with lust. "Mmf, daddy, you feel so good, I'm close... So close..."
You groaned, your body arching to meet her thrusts, your voice growing hoarse, "Let go for me, Momo, let your juices coat my cock," you encouraged her, feeling your own climax nearing. From beneath her soft yet firm breasts, you took her nipples into your mouth, sucking on them as her movements became more erratic.
Momo's body shuddered, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. "Ahh, Mr. Manager, I'm cumming~" she cried out, her pussy clenching around you, milking you with each spasm. Her moans echoed in the room as her release washed over her.
Feeling her orgasm, you too couldn't hold back, your release pulsing deep inside her. You let out a low growl, your hips bucking up one last time, "Fuck, Momo, that's it, cum for me," you groaned, your release flooding her depths.
Momo collapsed onto you, her body shuddering, her grip on you not letting go. She rested her head on your shoulder, her breathing heavy, "Wow, I don't think I've ever felt so good, that was intense... I think I should get sick more often... what do you think, Mr. Manager? Or do you prefer... daddy~?" she whispered, a satisfied and cheeky smile on her lips, her body still quivering from her climax.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her, your chest rising and falling in unison with hers, "Whichever you like better, Momo... But just wait until the next time, I have a feeling we'll be testing just how much we can handle," you teased, your voice laced with confidence and promise. You peaked from between her mounds and leaned up for a deep, passionate kiss. As Momo reciprocated, her body twitched at your slowly softening cock. Just as you both broke the kiss, a strand of saliva still connecting you two, the room door opened, to the excited chatter and banter from the other TWICE girls.
Both parties turned to look at one another, all their mouths agape.
"Hey, girls... back so soon...?"
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
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hqbaby · 2 days
sixteen — what happened
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.1k content. profanity, mentions of alcohol consumption, break up scene
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Satoru swears that he must’ve missed the signs. He was always so good at reading you, at figuring out your next move, at trying to piece together what the next step was for the two of you. He was always alert, always aware. So he doesn’t know how he missed the signs, how he couldn’t see what must’ve been happening right before his eyes.
He remembers waking up the morning after one of Yuji’s infamous ragers, the ones that always sent people stumbling home at six in the morning, passing out in the classes that they were unlucky to have the next day. He remembers touching the space in his bed where you were supposed to be, eyes closed but certain that his fingers would eventually brush against the skin of your shoulder, the warmth of your neck.
He remembers opening his eyes then when all he was met with was the cold sheets of his bed. You had left your imprint on his mattress, but you were nowhere to be found.
He got out of bed, barely awake, but already intent on one goal: Finding you.
You couldn’t have wandered too far, but you weren’t in the bathroom down the hall—the one he shared with Yuta and Suguru—and you weren’t on the landing before the second floor, the one with a bay window that you often spent your time looking through with a cup of coffee in your hands.
Satoru nearly fell as he stumbled down the stairs, bare feet loud against the wooden steps. Where could you have gone? Where would he find you?
Eventually, he found his way to the dining room, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw you sitting at the table, eyes low as you nursed a glass of water in your hands.
He remembers how you looked at him then. Not with your usual bright smile. Not even your lazily hungover grin. You looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights, like you were somehow guilty of something he didn’t exactly know.
“Hey, princess,” he greeted, walking over to plant a kiss on your forehead. When his lips touched your skin, he noticed the way you flinched. It was small, a slight movement that could’ve been passed off as you simply moving against his touch. But he knew it was something else. He didn’t know how, but he could tell.
He pulled back, worry painted across his features. “You okay?”
You weren’t even looking at him, you had your eyes glued to the glass in your hands. You hummed, a strained sound, like you were trying to make it sound normal and you were failing horribly. “I’m good, ‘Toru,” you told him. “All good.”
He opened his mouth to ask you if you were sure. If you meant what you were saying. But he knew better than to question you.
You slipped out of your chair and started puttering about the kitchen, putting away bowls on the drying rack, placing slices of bread in the toaster, making a batch of fresh coffee. You were just trying to help out, you told him when he asked you why you were doing all that. Satoru couldn’t bring himself to press, to ask what was wrong, to ask why you were acting so strange.
When you left the house, you only gave him a peck on the cheek before you were rushing out the door. It was as if you couldn’t get out of there fast enough. You couldn’t stand to be around him any longer.
“She leave?” Naoya asked, stepping out of his bedroom. He yawned, stretching his arms behind his back as he did.
Satoru nodded, a frown on his lips. “Yeah,” he said. “She was… weird.”
His housemate chuckled. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” Satoru said, because he truly had no clue what that was all about. “It was like she was avoiding me the whole time.”
“Ah, well, she’s a girl,” Naoya told him. “Girls are weird sometimes.”
Satoru couldn’t seem to argue with him. As much as he wanted to, the whole interaction with you had rendered him depleted, unable to think about anything other than the fact that you had been so distant. So cold.
Naoya patted him on the back on his way to the kitchen. “She’ll come around,” he said. “You gonna eat this toast?”
Your boyfriend shook his head. “You can have it,” he murmured. “I’ll be in my room.”
“Okay, big guy,” his housemate said. As Satoru started up the stairs, Naoya called after him, peering up at him when he stopped in his tracks. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Maybe she just needs some space.”
Satoru nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe.”
The next few days didn’t prove to be any better. Satoru tried continuing the little routines the two of you had built in your time together. Picking you up from training. Meeting with after your classes. Having dinner on nights when the two of you were free.
Everything seemed normal on the surface. A happy girlfriend with her devoted boyfriend. You played the roles well, but that was all it felt like—roles that the two of you were fulfilling for no other rhyme or reason aside from the fact that you were supposed to be a couple.
The change had happened seemingly overnight. Before that morning in the kitchen, Satoru hadn’t noticed a change in your behavior. The two of you were fine. Perfect even.
At Yuji’s party just the night before, you had been your regular sparkling self. You filled the room with endless conversation, mindless drunken chatter. At some point, you had even looked up from a conversation with Suguru to smile at your boyfriend when you realized that he was looking at you.
Satoru realized that was the last time you smiled at him that way.
It had been building up when it finally happened. When you decided to put the final nail in the coffin.
“I don’t think this is working,” you told him that afternoon on the steps of the science building. “I think we should break up.”
Even then, Satoru found himself caught completely off-guard. He had seen this coming and yet that didn’t seem to be enough. Because he didn’t know why it had come in the first place, he had no clue.
“But why?” he asked. He tried to reach for your hand, but you were already stepping back, already pulling away. You wouldn’t even look him in the eye. “You can’t just do this to us.”
You gnawed at your lower lip, playing with the hem of your shirt as you continued to avoid his gaze. “It’s not working,” you told him again, like it was the only thing you knew to say. “You’ve felt it too, haven’t you?”
“Tell me why.”
“Satoru, I don’t want to hurt you.”
The sound he let out was the most desperate one he’d ever made in his life. It was somewhere between a wail and a gasp, somewhere between pain and shock. “You’re already hurting me,” he told you. “At least have the decency to tell me why.”
“Because,” you said uselessly. You finally found it in yourself to look up at him, to meet his eyes, all wet now with tears. “‘Toru, please don’t cry.”
“Then don’t break up with me,” he insisted. “Princess, baby, please.”
But you were resolved. He could tell from the way you looked at him, your eyes full of tears, but also full of certainty. This wasn’t something he could argue his way out of. He could never argue with you. It was a winless fight.
What you said before you left would haunt him for the time thereafter. It would leave him with so many questions. So much confusion. So many sleepless nights, just trying to figure out what you meant. What possessed you to say such a thing.
“Maybe the next one will be the one for you,” you told him, offering him a smile that he was certain that he would remember for the rest of his life. Your lips quivered as you gave him one last look, one last pitiful goodbye, before you left, completely slipping out of his life.
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She doesn’t know how to bring this up. It isn’t the kind of thing you can just casually mention in a conversation. Not the kind of thing you can just ask someone about without having to face the repercussions.
She’s spent the past few minutes trying to figure out what the right plan of action is. She gives up. Propriety be damned, she thinks as she marches over to the bed.
“Satoru, what is this?” Kimi asks, letting the thing fall from her hands and onto the duvet beside the spot where Satoru sits.
He put his towel down, caught in the middle of drying his hair. He raises his brow at her before looking down at the thing she’s just dropped. His eyes grow wide. Fuck.
“I, uh, that’s just—fuck—I don’t—why were you going through my things?”
Kimi frowns, crossing her arms over her chest. “I wasn’t going through your things,” she tells him. “I asked to borrow a shirt, remember? It was in your drawer.”
Satoru stares at the box on his bed. Small, just enough to fit in the palm of his hand, covered in the tell-tale velvet that these kinds of boxes come in. He doesn’t need to open it to know what’s inside. He already knows. It can only be one thing.
He offers his girlfriend a sheepish grin. “Right,” he says. “I did tell you to look in there.”
She looks at him expectantly. “So? Can you tell me what that is?”
Satoru picks the box up, holds it in his hand with a tenderness it doesn’t deserve. “Don’t make me say it.”
Kimi sighs and sits down on the bed beside him. She watches as he turns the box over, studying each of its edges, the groves at the spot where the box opens. She may not love Satoru, but she’s been around him enough to care about him. To not want him to hurt as badly as he does.
“Was that for her?” she asks.
He hums, unable to say the words out loud.
Kimi pulls her legs up on the bed and holds her knees to her chest, swaying side to side and allowing her shoulder to gently bump against his. “I know you don’t wanna talk about it,” she says. “But I think I deserve to know a few things. With me being your girlfriend and all.”
Satoru turns to look at her, smiling softly as he presses a kiss to her temple. “Yeah, I know,” he says. “What do you wanna know?”
“What happened to the two of you?”
“Damn, coming at me with the big guns, huh?”
She lets out a little laugh. “It’s really the only question I have.”
Satoru purses his lips and shrugs. “I don’t know,” he tells her. “I really don’t know.”
“Did you ask her?”
“I tried. When she ended things.”
Kimi stops swaying and reaches over to place a hand on Satoru’s thigh. “I’m sorry.”
His hand moves to cup hers. “Thanks.”
“What was she like before she broke up with you though?”
“What do you mean?”
“I dunno,” Kimi says, pulling her hand away and placing it on her lap. “It’s just that relationships don’t usually go from perfect to dead without something happening. Did you get in a fight?”
Satoru shakes his head. “No, not a fight,” he says. “But I did notice she was acting weird before that. I don’t know.” He looks at Kimi like a sad puppy, pouting. “You’re a girl, you probably have more insight than me. What do you think happened?”
“Well, I don’t know her that well,” Kimi says. “Or you for that matter. But…”
“When someone breaks up with you out of nowhere, there was probably a trigger,” she tells him. “Maybe she did something. Or maybe you did. Or maybe something happened in her life that had something to do with your relationship. Or maybe someone said something to her, got in her head, you know. Could be a bunch of things, but it was probably something.”
It’s not a lot, but hearing her say it just confirms what Satoru’s been thinking this whole time. Something must have happened for you to change so drastically, for you to want out of the relationship just like that.
He looks at the box in his hand. Inside is the ring that he—admittedly stupidly—picked out way before either of you were actually ready to get married. He had a lot of hope in the two of you, and he knows that for the longest time, you did too.
He doesn’t know what happened. He doesn’t know if he ever will.
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notes. needed to give my boy gojo some screen time 😌 we’re also getting closer and closer to what caused the break up and it’s getting more and more confusing 🫣
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Hello everyone!
So for once this isn't a request, but more something who was walking in my head rent free and I just had to write it.
I don't know a lot about motorcycle to be honest but i made some research, so if there is some incoherence, I'm sorry!
Also I start to translate the English in Spanish before stopping, because in the end almost everyone is supposed to talk in Spanish and I'm really bad at it (I only can command something to eat and drink).
Please let me know what you think about it and enjoy ♥
TW : Moto accident, Angst, Injuries and a little bit of autodestruction maybe.
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“Come on Cheetah, everyone’s waiting for you!”
You sigh softly, putting the picture you were looking at in your bag. It’s a picture of your ex-girlfriend and yourself, during your happy days. It’s been three months since the breakup and you are still mourning the end of your relationship like if it was the first hours. You still feel numb and if like someone is constantly crushing your heart in their iron grip. It’s not getting better, and it probably never will. Ona was, is, the love of your life and it’s just impossible for you to recover from it.
Falling for Ona was easy. You met her when you were both 20, even if you come from Palma de Mallorca and not Barcelona. You are a athlete too, so it wasn’t hard to cross her path at one of the Spanish awards. Patri Guijarro was there too and like you she comes from Mallorca, so she introduced you both and the rest is history.
When Ona moved to Manchester, you follow her. You find a team to train your motorcycle and your skills there. You were still young but promising on the circuit and you didn’t have trouble the find someone to help you getting better. And better you get. Just like Ona in Manchester United, you easily improve your skills and became one of the best in the world. Sure, you were sometimes away from home and Ona for your competitions, but everything was perfect.
When Ona came back to Barcelona, you flow back with her too. Some of your team came with you, some other didn’t but you can’t hold it against them. You find people to replace them and continue to race on the top of the leader boards.
The breakup didn’t come from nowhere, you can’t say that. You knew how much Ona was worried when you race, scared that you hurt yourself. You never had a big injury until now. But just after Christmas, you were implicated in an accident and Ona had trouble to concentrate in something else than that since that day.
It wasn’t your fault honestly; you just weren’t able to avoid the motorcycles already lying on the road. So, you made a gliding flight and had a concussion and a dislocated shoulder, nothing too serious. But Ona was in Barcelona while you were in Qatar, and it took almost two hours for you to be able to call her, even if you make everything possible to have your phone back.
That’s what pushed Ona to break up with you.
“I can’t keep focusing on your future death while I’m in training or supposed to be concentrated on something important, Y/N/N. I’m so sorry.” was what she told you.
Can you blame her? No. Did she told you it was because she doesn’t love you anymore? No. Did you try everything to make her change her mind? Yes. You even told her that you will stop your sport. But she’s not with you anymore and it hurt like hell.
“Hi Cheetah!” make one of your opponent when you arrive in the garage, where the motorcycles are stored.
“Hola” you mumble back.
Cheetah is your nickname, because of your speed and the feline way you stand on your bike. But it’s especially Ona’s favorite animal. You wonder if she’s still looking at your race sometimes. Probably not. You never asked Patri who became your friend with the years, the girl never talked about your breakup either. You like it that way.
One hour after, you are on your bike, ready to start your race. Your helmet is a notch off from what security recommends, but you prefer to wear it like that. Ona had forbidden you to do so and you had accepted her request without flinching. But Ona isn’t here anymore, and you have no one to care about.
Well, your brother who is in your team maybe. And probably your parents, but even if you love them, they aren’t Ona.
The qualifying rounds put you in fourth place at the start, but after a daring overtaking you manage to get gain the third place. The weather is great honestly, a little bit sunny maybe but it’s better than the rain. You are in Italy after all.
The fight for the second place is hard, your opponent always manages to stand in your way to keep you from reaching it. It starts to frustrate you, even if your team keeps telling you in the helmet to take no risks. You don’t listen to them, still being careful not to make faults though, you don’t want to have any penalty against you.
“Lenta, hermanita por favor!” (Slower, my little sister please!)
You hear your brother’s voice but don’t listen to him either. He will probably kill you for it after the race , but if you manage to get the second place, it’s worth it right? Winning is the only thing that you have left. The only thing that makes you feel a little alive.
That’s why you don’t hesitate to take other risks to get the second place. Plot twist, you shouldn’t have.
It’s the first time since you’re a teenager that you lose the control of your motorcycle, but it’s a strange feeling. You feel yourself flying and the helmet getting ripped off your head during the crash. After that it’s all black, you just have little moments of consciousness from time to time.
“No no no no no! ¡ Y/N No me hagas esto! Respira por favor!” (Don’t do that! Breath please!”)
That’s your brother voice. You don’t know where you are, you hear people screaming and probably running next to you. But you are too tired. Falling asleep now probably will help you feel better, right?
“Sigue luchando. Piensa en Ona." (Keep fighting. Think about Ona.)
Ona? You think about her every single second of the day. You are surprised by this statement, but it has the advantage to wake you up a little. Your brother usually never mention your ex-girlfriend, knowing how much the breakup is destroying you.
“Alright we take her to the ambulance, now!”
If you were able, you probably would have rolled your eyes because of the strength that this man screamed with. You are not even able to open your eyes though, and you hate the way you feel your body not responding to what you want. But your head hurt and soon you are asleep again.
The next time you are awake, it was way quiet. You hear your parents and your brother, but you have to make a big effort to understand what they are saying.
“She called her name several times in the ambulance, but she’s asleep since”
Well, that’s embarrassing. It’s useless to wonder which name you called, there only is one woman in your head after all.
“Did you call her?”
Your mother.
“No. Y/N would have probably hated me if I did.”
Is he right? Maybe. You’ll think about it later.
“She has the right to know how Y/N is.”
Point for your father.
“I’ll call Patri instead.”
Well, it’s probably better that way. Patri is one of your best friends and if Ona wants to have news of you, she will ask Patri. But once again, she probably has no interest about your health anymore.
You fall back asleep again soon after that.
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Patri’s face is white when she reaches the gym of FC Barcelona Femeni. It’s not Ona who realized it first, your ex-girlfriend is focused on her exercises next to Mariona.
“Patri you alright?” Pina asks, looking at her friend with worry.
Everyone raises their gaze on the girl, but she’s only looking at Ona. And Ona knows, right there. She gulps and stand up, her hand shaking.
“What happened?” Ona asks quietly.
But Patri takes her by the hand to take her out. She doesn’t want to explain to Ona what happened in front of the others. She doesn’t know how the younger one will react at the news, and she’s scared of her reaction to be honest. Every single person in the team know how much Ona is sad about your breakup, even if she’s the one who chose to have it that way.
“Y/N had an accident during the race” Patri starts, looking at Ona with attention. “I don’t know what her injuries are or anything else. But she has that awful crash, and they came with the ambulance and those kinds of white curtains.”
Ona knows what the curtains are for. It’s to protect the dignity of the runner in the case of a serious injury… or worse. Very worse. Her face passes from white to green.
“Is there a video from the crash?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to…”
But Ona doesn’t listen. Like you, she’s stubborn. She wants to know. She needs to know. She doesn’t know when the accident happened, but the video of it is easy to find on social media. She doesn’t react at all during several seconds and Patri wondered if Ona’s mind crashed, too.
“She loosened her helmet” Ona whispers at first.
“What?” Patri frowned.
“She loosened her helmet! She loosened her helmet and now she’s probably dead!”
Ona’s shouting and Patri prefer that, but it’s surprising. Ona isn’t the kind of girl who shout usually. She puts a comforting hand on Ona’s arm before talking.
“We don’t know that for now” she tries, with a comforting voice.
“Haven’t you seen the crash? Haven’t you seen of hard her head hit the ground? She didn’t move after that! At all!”
Patri doesn’t know what to answer at that. Ona’s right and she regrets to have inform her so soon, without having news of you. Or your brother, who had kind of a crush for Patri before realizing that she’s as gay as you are. You still tease him about it years later.
“I’ll try to call her brother, ok? But for now, let’s get out of here.”
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When you wake up next time, you have enough strength to be able to open your eyes. You don’t know what time it is, but the sun is shining behind almost closed blinds. There is someone on a chair next to you, but you are disappointed to realize that it’s only your brother. Not Ona.
“Hola” he whispers when he realizes that your awake.
You only answer with a grunt, unable to talk for now. You feel sleepy again, but you want to talk with him a little bit.
“We are at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?”
You close your eyes briefly to make him understand that you remember. Your throat feels too scratchy to talk for now. You’ll learn later that they have to intubate you to keep you alive.
“You’re lucky you’re alive, I’ll kill you a second time if you weren’t. They want to get you back in Barcelona tonight, are you okay with that?”
You don’t answer right away. Why can’t they keep you here?
“The team think it would be easier to be somewhere where they speak Spanish. And we will be closer to Mama and Papi.”
Your brother seems to understand your questions. It’s a great thing that you are both so close. You close your eyes again now and he nods before taking your hand in his. You don’t really care where you are taking care off after all.
“You can sleep now. You need to rest to get better, ok?”
You squeeze his finger softly before closing your eyes for good now, falling asleep again. You are still asleep during the transfer to Barcelona and when you wake up again you are in the Spanish’s city hospital.
Once again, it’s your brother who is here when you open your eyes. He changed his clothes but he’s still here, reading a newspaper with his feet on your bed.
“Don’t you have a house?” you groan.
He rolls his eyes after having looked at you for two seconds. Maybe to realize that he wasn’t dreaming. He threw carefully the journal next to you without putting his feet down, but everything is still blur.
“I can’t read it” you whisper.
“The Spanish’ motorcycle prodigy almost died in an awful crash yesterday. Her condition remains alarming” your brother read for you.
He’s angry. You don’t answer anything, what should you say anyway? You know that it’s your fault, if you were a little more careful nothing of that would have happened. You know too that you aren’t on the point to die, your brother wouldn’t have scolded you if that was the case.
“What are my injuries?” you ask without looking at him.
He sighs loudly before answering.
“You have broken ribs, a broken tibia, your cheekbone too, your elbow is in pieces, your shoulder has been dislocated again and you have a massive concussion. They thought that you have something broken in your spine, but it’s just a massive bruise. Oh, and you have other bruises almost on every part of your body, when it’s not burn because of the asphalt. They had to put stitches somewhere on your head and your brow bone too.”
you stay silence for several seconds, completely stunned. These are massive injuries, you know it. It will probably need a lot of time to heal all of them and that mean that you will miss the end of the championship. You were on the top 3, and it’s an awful disillusionment for you. You were already picturing yourself on the podium at the end of the season.
“How many time am I supposed to stay in bed? Before starting my rehab?”
He frowns softly, not expecting this question.
“They don’t know for now if you elbow will be well enough to start racing again”
“Of course it will be” you snort.
“No” your brother answer. “It’s serious, Y/N. You maybe won’t be able to drive a motorcycle again. On a circuit at least.”
“You don’t understand. I don’t have the choice. This is all I have left now.”
Your breakup was awful for you, but it was for your family too. You weren’t always careful with you, but Ona pushed you to be reasonable and stayed in the track. Now you don’t have anyone to hold you back. Ona was the only one you were listening. You don’t listen to anyone now. Only your Abuela when she when she emotional blackmails you. But your loved ones try not to use that card too much to not burn it.
“You have to stop that. You still have people who care for you. The Oldies do, I do, your friends do. I know that the breakup sucks, but you can’t play with your life like you do.”
“Piss off” is all you mumble back.
Because you know he’s right, but what are you supposed to do now that he’s here with you and you would give ten years of your life to swap him with Ona? He doesn’t answer anything, knowing that you’re out of arguments and that you know he’s right.
“Did she… Did she call you?”
“She didn’t have to” he answers after a moment of hesitation. “I called Patri as soon as we were in your hospital room in Italy.”
This hurt a little more, to be honest. You are not aware that Ona was with Patri every time she received a call or a message from your brother. You sight softly before closing your eyes. Your head starts to hurt like hell, which is probably normal for a concussion.
You wake up several hours later and you already know that it’s the night. There isn’t any noise coming from outside your room and no light from outside. But there is someone sitting on the chair next to you.
It’s seems almost impossible, but it’s definitively Ona. You are able to recognize her silhouette in the dark after all these years passed with her. Even if you haven’t seen her in the last three months.
“It’s worse than anything” she mumbles, looking somewhere near your broken leg.
“Not knowing how you are. I thought that break up with you will help me to stop worrying about your races, but it’s worse every time. I almost called you or messaged you before every race just to hear your voice, but I just couldn’t. And then I learned about your accident, and I have to live with the thought that you were dead for several hours.”
She raises her eyes on you, and you have trouble to support her gaze, even if you are in the dark.
“I’m sorry” you finally say.
She seems unconvinced and she has every right to be. She knows you, better than anyone.
“Well, I’m sorry that you were worried because of me. But as you see, I’m alive.”
She rolls her eyes and let her back go against the chair she is sitting on. You still feel strange, without knowing if it’s because of the drugs or because you are dreaming. You don’t have really anything to lose, so you ask.
“Is it real life?”
Ona looked at you with an obvious surprise on her beautiful face. God you missed her so damn much.
“What do you mean?”
“Is it real or am I dreaming?”
“Are you making the move where you ask me if I am an angel?”
You stupidly laugh before regretting it, your ribs protesting hardly. Ona seems alarmed when you groan in pain, putting your non-injured hand on it.
“I’m ok” you whisper, taking several small breaths, the big one would have been too hurtful.
“You are not” Ona mumbles.
She’s right.
“It’s less painful than the thought that I lost you.”
She sighs once again and looks at her fingers before shaking her head softly. You wanted to grab her hand, but she’s on your bad side and your arm is in that awful cast.
“Tell me what I have to do to have a second chance, Oni. I’ll do every single thing you’ll ask me. I swear. Please” you beg when she stays silence for several seconds.
“What if I ask you to stop your stupid moto?”
There is a challenge in her voice, and you know why. One time, she told you that she’s not even sure that if she asks you to choose between her and your sport, you’ll chose her. At that time, you didn’t know that she was serious, you thought that it was something she wasn’t thinking and said due to the fight. How wrong you were.
“I’ll do it” you answer without any doubt.
She seems surprised, looking at you with two big eyes. You have always loved Ona’s eyes, some people said that brown eyes are the most common and expressionless. They never have crossed Ona’s gaze.
“I saw what a life without you is Ona and I don’t want that life. I want you and if I have to stop my sport, I’ll do it if you still want me.”
She sighs and rubs her eyes. She seems tired to be honest, but maybe because it’s the middle of the night and that she’s supposed to be asleep right now.
“I didn’t break up with you because I don’t love you anymore. I still do and I think I will for all my life. I need you to be a part of my life too.”
Her words are melody in your ears, but you feel like there still is something else. Like if something was restraining her.
“But…?” you mumble, looking for her eyes.
“But I can’t continue like this. I thought you were dead.”
She’s crying now and your heart hurt like if someone just punch it. You move in the bed, trying desperately to touch her or anything to try to comfort her. Your ribs and your legs burn awfully, and you ignore your elbow hurting in protest.
“Ona I’m so sorry, I swear” you say, managing to take her hand in yours.
The position is awful, and you wonder briefly if you can throw up even if you haven’t eaten anything since almost two days.
“I didn’t think it will hurt you that way. Please don’t cry” you continue.
She shakes her head softly, kind of laughing between her tears.
“Why would you think that?”
“Because you left me. And you blocked me everywhere.”
That point hurts, too. You weren’t even able to look at her social media to have news of her, you were reduced to follow fan’s account of her.
“I just couldn’t live with you popping randomly on my timelines. It hurts too much every time.”
You nod and that the gesture who make your position too hurtful. You roll on your back, trying to hold your whine of pain. But Ona sees it anyway and frown almost instantly.
“Do you want me to call them to have more painkillers?”
“Are they ok with you being here? I don’t want them to make you leave” you admit with a law voice.
There is a beam of silence.
“I won’t leave your side” she says in a comforting voice.
You want to believe that she means it for like all your life. But having her tonight is what you have best for now. So, you nod, closing shortly your eyes when she rings the nurses. The door is open only a minute after and you open your eyes again when you hear Ona’s voice.
“I think she’s ready for more painkillers” the brunette says.
“I will give some to you” the nurse says to you before adding something in your intravenous. “What hurts?”
“Everything” you admit softly.
She nods and gives you a smile in sympathy. You look at her doing her things, missing Ona’s small winces at your admission. The nurse starts to talk again when she’s at the door, ready to leave.
“You will feel better like this. After that it will be great if you try to eat something. You will be sleepy for now though.”
Your eyes fly to Ona who is already looking at you. She said that she will stay by your side, but does she meant while you sleep too? She probably has training or somewhere to go. A match to play? You don’t know which day is it anymore, the painkillers are starting to kick already, making you confuse.
“Ona” you manage to say.
“Sleep, Hermosa. I’ll be here when you wake up, ok?”
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Two weeks after, you are finally leaving the hospital. You still have to leave in a wheelchair, much to your disappointment. But with almost half of your body injured, there is no way that you are able to walk with crutches.
The only positive thing is that the person who is pushing the wheelchair is Ona and that she managed to make it funny, sliding on it in the hospital’s floor. Your brother is following with your suitcases, smiling softly while watching both of you.
After learning that you will be alright, you parents went home in Mallorca two days before you were authorized to go home. They proposed to you to come back to Mallorca with them and you have to admit that you miss your island, but there is no way that you are somewhere Ona isn’t.
When you felt better, you had a very intense and long discussion about your relationship, both of your feelings, what you both expect from that said relationship and where you want it to go.
Ona is the one who will look after you on daily basis, but sometimes your brother will need to take you to your appointment when Ona is away or training. The end of the season is soon here, but there still is the Olympics this Summer so she has to prepare herself intensively.
Your girlfriend’s here, one month after, when you are in the doctor’s office for the worst moment of your professional life. Sitting next to you, she’s holding your hand when the doctor looks at you with an awful sorry face.
“I don’t know where to start” he begins, playing with the sheets on his desk.
“Just go straight into it, Doc” you sigh softly.
You know already that you will hate what is going to be say. Ona’s fingers stroking your hand help, but your heart is still beating faster than ever.
“You are making good progress, I saw that they removed your cast on your feet, but we are really concerned about your elbow. We don’t think it will be fit enough for you to be able to start motorcycle in a professional way anymore.”
You were waiting for it, but it’s still hurt to hear that. Motorcycle is the only thing you knew since you were a teenager, you never thought about doing anything else in your life. You swallow softly before passing a hand on your face. You did everything you can to be able to start again, followed every advice your team gave you. But it’s not enough.  
“I don’t know what to say” you finally mumble, looking at an imaginary point somewhere on the desk. “It’s all I know; I don't know how to do anything else.”
“I can pick you an appointment with our psychotherapist if you want to. It can help.”
“Can we leave? I’ll tell you if I want one”
For now, you just want to get out of this office and be able to breath some fresh air. Ona helps you to get up even if you don’t need help anymore. You suppose it’s a way to comfort you. You are glad for her. She doesn’t say anything while you are getting out of the building, but she doesn’t let your hand go when you lean against the railing once outside.
“What am I going to do, Ona?” you whisper softly.
She let go of your hand now, but it’s only to pass her arm around your waist and hold you close.
“Whatever you want mi Amor. It’s ok not to know now, but you still have a bunch of possibilities. We will figure it out together, yeah?”
She kisses your cheek, and you close your eyes, letting yourself being cuddle a little more. It’s not the same feeling that the one when you lost Ona. You know there is different exit doors, you just have to find the good one. Ona will be your light in the dark.
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Several weeks later, you are in France. Not for a race, but for playing the WAG for your girlfriend who is playing the final today. She introduces you to others girlfriends/wife of her teammates and you get along great with everyone. You watched every single game in the stadium, and you were able to see Ona several times in between. You missed her and she was worried sick to let you alone at home, but you are pretty fine.
You are famous in the world of sport so it’s not a surprise that you are not able to skip some interviews while going to the stand to attend the finale.
“Y/N” said one journalist when he puts her microphone under your mouth, with an awful French accent. “You announced your retirement sooner this month because of your massive injuries. How are you feeling?”
“I’m still sad about it, of course. It wasn’t my choice and I think it makes it harder but I didn’t have the choice. I’m sad not to be able to finish the championship this year, I was really well ranked, but you know…”
You shrug, thinking that’s between his accent and yours, people on social media will have a great fun.
“Do you think you will come back in the motorcycle world one day?”
“Not as a racer obviously, but why not. I still need to figure what to do with my life, but first I have to heal correctly.”
“Thanks for your answers” he smiles. “Do you have a favorite for today?”
“Spain, obviously” you smile back.
“Have you a favorite player?”
You almost roll your eyes at that. Your relationship with Ona is a common knowledge for everyone, you are not hiding yourself. You both weren’t as famous before and you were posting without really thinking about it.
“Oh, I don’t know… Number two is pretty great” you smirk, looking at the jersey you are wearing.
You hear someone giggle in the background, and you are pretty sure to recognize Irene’s wife waiting for you with Mateo. You soon say goodbye to the journalist to find your place in the stand. You are sitting next to Ona’s family obviously and your family made the travel too. They are sitting next to other Majorcans people, Cata’s family and Mariona’s brother and mother aren’t far away neither.
When Ona smiles at you during the national anthem after looking around to find you, you smile back and say “T’estimo” to her. You know that she can’t hear you, but she easily can read it on your lips.
You don’t know what the results of this game will be, like you don’t know what you will do in several months. But you know you will be fine, because you will be with her.
Ona is your forever and you don’t want another.
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veryberryjelly · 3 days
🍷 + Jason Todd + Standing next to you by Jungkook with fem!reader pls 🥺👉👈✨️
jason todd x reader
lyrics ; 'afterglow, leave ya body golden like the sun and moon'
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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a vacation was well needed for jason, and you were ecstatic that he was actually allowing you to take him out of the country for a few days.
it had taken you literally dragging him out of the house after he tried to 'run back to the office to check something' .
you knew if you let him back into his office he wouldn't leave again.
but once he was on the plane there was no turning back and he seemed to relax into his seat.
but the moment he seemed to truly let go was when you pulled up outside your temporary residence.
it was beautiful, a quaint villa in practically the middle of nowhere and yet only a short drive away from a grocery store that you had stopped by on the way up so you didnt have to leave the confines of the villa tomorrow.
you had researched this place a lot to make sure you could both be happy here.
it still had service so jason could get onto his laptop and check in at home if he wanted too, and it was so far from any other people that you didnt have to worry about anyone eyeing jason up while you lounged around the pool.
it may not seem like a massive issue but on every other vacation you'd been on with him, the minute his shirt was over his head, he had people eyeing him.
and when he pulled himself out of the pool you understood why and were glad your eyes were the only ones watching behind your sunglasses as drops of water dripped down his defined abdomen.
" seeing something you like, gorgeous ?" he teased as he padded across the warm stone floor to where you laid on your sun lounger.
before you could even formulate a response, you were distracted again by jason's strong form crawling over yours, a teasing smirk on his face as water dripped down onto your body, raising goosebumps on your skin.
he lifted one of his hands to move your sunglasses from your eyes to the top of your head so he could look into your eyes without the obstruction of tinted plastic.
" you know what you're doing, todd. good thing there's no one else around or i'd have to drop kick a couple girls " you joked, your arms lifting to drape over his shoulders, fingertips pushing through his wet hair.
" you know i've only got eyes for my baby " his voice dropped as his head lowered to press a featherlight kiss onto your lips, so light you questioned whether his lips even touched yours in the first place.
" i know, it's just other girls have eyes for you " you pushed yourself up into a sitting position on the lounger, watching as jason let himself fall onto your lap, turning so he could still look at you.
" don't care. only want you, angel " his words caused you to lean down and press a kiss onto his already slightly pink nose.
" love you too, handsome " you replied simply.
the rest of the day was spent lounging in the sun until it started to darken outside and you both showered and changed into something more comfortable for dinner.
dinner which consisted of a simple pasta eaten on the patio overlooking the sunset.
but all jason could seem to look at was you.
you could feel his eyes on you, and every time you looked over at him, his gaze remained fixed.
he didnt shy away.
he would simply offer you a smile and lift your locked hands to his lips to press a kiss to the back of your hand.
by the end of dinner, you had turned to face him, your legs up on his chair and his up on yours. and his eyes remained on you
" see something you like handsome ? " you teased, a smile worming its way onto your face.
" yeah, my gorgeous, gorgeous girl. you're freckles are coming out already, baby. caught the sun a little today "
he was right, while you lounged around today your cheeks had turned a light shade of pink that you noticed when you were washing your face after showering.
" so have you, jay. " you insisted as you stood and walked the few steps over to him, your legs straddling his as your hands cradled his face.
your forefinger dragged delicately over the redness of his face.
down the slope of his nose and across the apple of his cheeks.
" y'gonna let me put on some of my aloe cream on your face before we go to bed ?"
" you can do whatever you want to my face, sweetheart, as long as you still want to kiss it "
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hauntedhokage · 3 days
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kiss prompt: an unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it. from this list
word count: 600
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Public displays of affection weren’t really his thing, and they never had been. Rin liked to keep his personal life personal, reserving those special and more intimate moments with you for himself. The only exception was his family, but they also understood Rin’s preference for privacy so any evidence of those intimate moments was reserved for family photos on the wall and nowhere else. Part of that was to protect you from the public, despite your own instagram exposing just how sweet he was to you - gifts and at home movie dates, the way he’d snuggle with the cat on late start mornings, things like that.
There weren’t any real pieces of evidence online of him kissing you, though. His instagram was more on the artsy side, making sure to take pictures from his travels that you demanded when you couldn’t go with him. There were a few where you’re holding his hand on a table, or pictures of you in front of him admiring something - art galleries, sunsets, your cat. But in total there were two where he was actually showing some kind of affection that wasn’t simply you spending time with him or holding his hand: the first being an old picture of you kissing him at your first anniversary (a big deal because nobody thought you’d put up with him for even three months), the second being you standing beside him wearing his jersey, backs to the camera while he’s kissing you - and that was your engagement announcement. 
To him, that was enough, and you were fine with it too. 
Usually after big matches, Rin would point to where you were sitting - always the first seat by the stairs so it was easier for you to get out of there - as his own way of thanking you for being there with him in that moment. The normal cadence was that you’d use your field clearance after to be able to walk with him through the tunnel and bask in his excitement while he just liked having you close after those victories (sometimes to pull you into a corner so he could properly thank you). 
The last thing you’d ever expect is for him to push through the reporters trying to get a word from the captain, and his fellow teammates and coaches so he can get to you. You don’t know what to do when he calls out to you, hands cupping your cheeks as soon as he’s close enough to pull you into a kiss so passionate you’d only ever gotten behind closed doors. You don’t even know what to do at first, but your arms do find themselves around his neck after the moment of surprise. His face is hot and sweaty, but you wouldn’t have him any other way since his energy was contagious when he was like this. 
“Congrats, champ,” you whisper, smiling when he kisses you again with all of the cameras flashing around you both. “The people need you, Captain.”
“Yeah, but I needed my wife first. None of this happens without you.” 
A third kiss happens, this one interrupted by one of his teammates wrapping his arms around both of you and trying to steal cheek kisses from you both. The kiss is successful on your cheek, but you do have to distract a bit for the attempt on Rin to be successful, but he’s not upset by any means as he turns to the mass of journalists wanting his statement but he doesn’t let you leave his side. This was just as much your moment as it was his.
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sirenscriptures · 1 day
primarchs + fantasies (2)
anonymous asked: Can I like. Beg you to do another of the primarch fantasies. But including Angron and Peter Turbo. Don't care too much about who else you go for if you do it but please there's so little content for them 😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
notes: you ask and you shall receive my sweet anon <3 if you want more primarchs for this series of hcs do let me know!! i decided to include my fav emo ankle biting bat and pretty goth raven man along with your lovely choices. (mdni banner is by arlerts-angel!)
warnings: pretty much gender neutral ! reader. size difference. touch starved primarch time. possessiveness. some bondage. body worship mentioned. depictions of fear play + predator/prey + slight stalking on konrad’s part. the primarchs not knowing how to deal with intimate feelings (shocker!!)
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for one so cold such as perturabo, it’s a safe assumption that any type of fantasy—even if fleeting—is an utter waste of time. and to no one’s surprise, wasted time is one of his many irritants.
in general, primarchs aren’t recognized as being the greatest with intimacy, yet there are certainly ones who are better at handling it than others, and perturabo is not within that group, at least not yet. shall we say…he would be low-ranked on the intimacy scale compared to some of his brothers.
though, in his slow-building foundation of trust with you, various facets of the massive primarch began to reveal themselves.
it started small, really—fleeting thoughts in your absence of how you watched with a bright curiosity at how he spent so many hours repairing and creating countless devices at his workbench, looping even the smallest of interactions you were able to have in your limited time together within his head during his alone time, the feeling of your prolonged absence beginning to drive an even emptier pit within his chest that made it impossible to focus on anything…
at a certain point, the initial waves of these new urges made perturabo’s already thin patience begin to melt away completely, making him more prone to snapping at everyone around him, even toward you at times—which he of course would come to regret.
but other than his immense frustration due to his inability to recognize and fully confront his deeper desires, he would find himself giving into these “wastes of time” he’d resented so much before.
specifically, desires to explore every part of your delicate body. desires that made him, perturabo of all souls, yearn for physical contact from only you. even if it meant splaying you out on his workbench or hooking you into one of his large contraptions so you had nowhere to flee, he’d do it.
just envisioning how your fragile skin would be stained with marks from metal straps and contraptions digging into your soft flesh, how warm and tight you would be even with his thick cock barely inside of you, and how addictive your noises would be to him as he’d let himself finally have the privilege of getting completely lost in pleasure instead of his own monumental ego…it was enough to drive even someone as stone cold as him mad.
yet, there was more to these thoughts. perturabo had no interest in simply pleasuring you, or getting his pleasure from you. even though pleasure in this sense was fundamental, the aspect that enthralled him the most was being able to call you “his”. not that just your body was his, but that you belonged to him. and he had no means of forgetting to remind you. physically, emotionally, mentally, he wanted to let you know that you belonged to no one else but him.
the more he entertained these thoughts, the more he couldn’t even really recognize himself anymore. you had somehow managed to completely rewire his way of thinking. whether this was good or bad was to be determined…maybe after he did what he did best: putting his ideas into action.
although angron is one of the primarchs who struggles with intimacy the most, that doesn’t mean he is immune from having the same thoughts and desires as his brothers. the only thing that truly “prevents” these thoughts are—you guessed it—the nails.
due to the amount of pain he was in at almost every waking moment, angron had essentially written off any other feeling than his anger. after all, he had no choice. the way he was engineered made this unfortunate truth evermore present, especially when you started growing on him.
he couldn’t even fathom how it was possible that he’d started growing attached to you. of course he had care for certain folk around him, like his sons and certain siblings, of course. but when it came to you, it was completely different. not even the nails could drive hard enough into his brain tissue to convince him that it wasn’t. yet, any time he wished to explore the sensations you gave him, the anger would always wash over him even more than the last time.
anyone that even knew slightly of the primarch knew that his fury was unmatched. his rage boiled like no other, even out of the deepest pits of the immaterium; and the way he fought and shed others' blood displayed that clearly. and though his exterior would never let you know it, he did have the capacity to worry despite the pain.
the truth was that these desires were possibly even stronger than his own potent rage. but angron knew, with that same bitter taste in his mouth, that even if he were able to, letting himself release onto you would only end up hurting you; but more likely killing you. though he could be bloodthirsty and careless of the lives he tossed away, you were different to him than others. his trust was not easy to gain by just anybody, but your gentle nature and genuine kindness even despite his own temperament had gradually surrendered it to you.
though it’s immensely painful for him, sometimes he can’t help but to think of you. there are so many times where he craves the feeling of your bare skin against his. times where he can feel you in every aspect, from the taste of your lips to how it feels pushing inside you. the pain he’s so used to feeling doesn’t stop him from envisioning how hypnotizing you’d look pushing yourself down onto his shaft, head throwing back as your entire body trembled at the feeling of his length stretching you from the inside.
he knew it could never truly happen because of these feelings, but a part of him wanted so badly to feel you with his own hands. as battered and scarred as they were, you’d always looked so soft to him. the attraction angron had to you seemed to only fester when he had these thoughts, causing even more pain for him.
envisioning a position where he can have you in his possession and feel every single part of you without any pain feels like it could be the closest feeling to euphoria he could ever feel. even if it’s just a sliver of the sensation, the pain feels worth it in some form. even if you have to restrain him until he has fresh scars, it would all be worth it for you. at least, some part of him felt that.
corvus corax
like many of his brothers, corvus is extremely complicated. there are many cold and immovable aspects to his personality, yet there is still the glimmer of humanity in him. there are also aspects of vulnerability that you don’t get to see too often, at least as a human surrounded primarily by legionaries.
even as a human who never got much interaction with him, corvus knew there was something about you worth exploring. while it was never too common for primarchs to interact so personally with humans in or outside of their legions, he wasn’t the type to be concerned about any raised eyebrows or whispers.
the more alone time he spends with you, while limited at first, only makes this curiosity within him grow. every visit with you makes him want to know even more about you than the last, even when your conversations expand from only mere minutes to hours.
while it only seems like a harmless interest of his in the early stages, corvus slowly begins to realize just how much of an impact you leave on him, and it eats away at him in your absence. there is something desperate within him when thinking of you. it doesn’t make sense at first due to how new these sensations are to the primarch, but it comes together eventually.
maybe it was how deeply he’d gotten to know you that drew him closer. even just the sight of your face or sound of your voice could pull him from even the darkest of ruminations that plagued his mind so often. the first time he’d ever heard you sincerely smile and laugh without any worry of formality made something in him feel more alive than ever.
his thoughts of you were fond, but they had so much more depth now. because of you, his mind no longer felt so dark and clouded.
the desperation he felt for you was connected to the deep longing for your touch. though he could never let you know that, corvus still ached to feel you. his thoughts of you were full of admiration not only for your character and personality, but also for your body.
if he let himself slip too much into the thought, it would make him wonder what it would be like exploring your body. you were so delicate, so gentle that he’d have to almost “train” himself to handle you properly and with care. your body was so fascinating to him entirely. in his mind, there wasn’t any other way to make you know that than to worship it entirely.
so many thoughts and wonders of feeling you and noting which parts of you were most sensitive, so many visions of your back arching and body squirming, so many questions of whether you felt similar to him.
of course, he has to pull himself away from these thoughts, which is a battle against himself every time. though, there are still so many questions in his mind that remain. even when he’s gotten to know so much about you, there is always a deeper yearning in the raven guard primarch to display how much he desires you as a whole. for now, he can only hope that these fantasies don’t just exist as such forever.
konrad curze
curze is another one of those special cases, in that most if not all of his fantasies involve invoking fear in some way. yet, his fantasies about you are quite different from his fantasies of how he sheds others’ blood.
in true primarch nature, it takes him quite a while to properly acknowledge these thoughts and urges. having these types of feelings for a human was the last thing he’d ever expected in his lifetime. he never would have found his mind capable of ever having these feelings for really anyone.
for a being so centered on generating fear and violence wherever he is, it’s like the world he’d always known was shattering around him. the discovery of his feelings and desires for you feel like konrad’s biggest loss yet an amazing revelation at the exact same time.
before, you were such an insignificant face in his mind. just an innocent stranger, almost like the rest of them. almost. that was the part that had stuck out in his mind: you were clearly different in the way he’d spared you from death. yet, he never understood why.
these feelings are almost unbearable to him, like a sickness of some kind. it’s almost like feeling this way changes him physically in some form, because it seems to take a toll on his health and stature for a while. yet somehow, it feels good…and he doesn’t want the overwhelming sensations to stop.
though he manages to hide it from you when you’re present, it comes to a point where even the mere scent of you fires off a million of these sensations at once: head spinning, vision almost completely blurred, feelings of that same drunken sickness mixed with an intense, unquenchable thirst for more blinding all rational thoughts…
yet, it somehow only intensifies. he can’t help but think of how beautiful you’d look underneath him, eyes glassy with that familiar fear he’d evoked in so many. even if it’s only an image in his mind, konrad can feel how soft your lips are, how delicate your neck is with his massive hand engulfing it, and how desperately you writhe beneath his body, both in fear and arousal.
the mere thought of you eventually becomes insatiable to him. he needs to feel you, needs to be as close to you as he possibly can, even if that means lurking wherever you are. he really doesn’t care whether you see or not, though he has quite a talent for slipping right away from your vision before you can even turn your head.
it doesn’t matter how much he tries to fight the visions away. once his mind was set on you, an endless spiral drove deeper into his mind with each passing moment. even if he would never fully understand why he’d felt this way, or how this had ever come to be, konrad knew that there was far too much enjoyment to be had in this little game of chase with you to really care.
even if there was a very small part of him that did truly wonder of the deeper parts of yourself other than your mixed fear and interest within him, he’d never truly let that be known. at least, not in a direct way. but who knows? maybe one day you’d see that mask slip accidentally. but until then, he would still keep so many secrets from you, even in his own fantasies of you.
written by sirenscriptures. do not copy, repost, rewrite, translate, use, or post on to any other site.
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What is Toxic Spirituality?
Spirituality is the practice of getting to know yourself better on a deeper level and learning about the world around you.
While this can provide physical, mental, and emotional health benefits, it can also take a turn for the worse. Sometimes spirituality can push harmful messages, toxic positivity, judgment, gaslighting, and cultish behavior.
Nine Toxic Spirituality Habits
1.   Spiritual Bypassing and Toxic Positivity
Spiritual bypassing is when you use spiritual concepts to avoid certain emotions or situations in your life. 
Toxic positivity is when you believe you need to be always positive to gain proper manifestation of your desires.
Suppressing emotions can lead to a buildup of unprocessed thoughts dependent on circumstances, and eventually you will mentally implode.
2.   Spiritual Narcissism
Spiritual narcissism is the belief that your spirituality makes you better than others. It’s the Us vs. Them mentality.  
The stronger your ego identifies with a specific belief the more difficult it will be to see any issues.
3.   Idolizing Spiritual Teachers 
The best teachers are the ones that help connect you to your inner self. Their goal is to act as a guide more so rather than be the ultimate truth. 
The trouble idolizing spiritual mentors is that there will be a point you’re going to disagree, and it will cause cognitive dissonance if you see them for more than they are.
4.   Superstitions and Attachment 
If you heavily rely on spiritual practices, items, and rituals to exist in the world and become solely dependent about superstitious beliefs linked to any of them, you are diminishing yourself.
You don’t need crystals to protect yourself.
You don’t need the wand to draw energy.
You don’t need the cauldron to burn incense or make potions. Although, even I can admit having one makes things more interesting.
5.   Hyper Discipline
I see this a lot. There are those that talk about the importance of discipline in spirituality. Likewise, I see others talk up the importance of flexibility.
Spirituality is a personal experience. If disciplined daily practices or rigid rituals work for you, then great, but if it feels forced reconsider things.
6.   Lack of Discernment
Not every spiritual practice will be right for you. Not everything will resonate. Not every metaphysical concept will ring truth. That’s good. It’s healthy to ask questions and think for yourself.
If you accept without question, you’re allowing yourself to be programmed by external forces becoming conditioned.
7.   Clinging to Truth
What’s true for you may not be true for someone else, and what was true for you last year may no longer be true for you today. 
Our beliefs can change over time as we learn and experience different facets to spirituality. Fighting for the word of truth or standing behind a specific religion promoting acts of war is an act of blasphemy. In that regard, belief and religious culture do not always coincide.
8.   Emotional Hypochondria
It’s possible to become attached to your own healing, making you feel the need to become a better, and better version of yourself.
Always overanalyzing everything will lead to an emotional burnout, and you will be hyper aware of every single feeling.  You will become self-depreciating, and you will be running in a circle like a silly hamster in its wheel going nowhere.
9.   Manic Manifesting
Shut up about manifestation.  I’m tired. It’s everywhere.  Constantly visualizing your desires, parroting affirmations, and trying to control every single frequency makes it feel manic.
Thinking on what you don’t have will make you see less of what you do have, and it is like beating yourself up mentally every day for those things you do not have.
Thinking on it without action is an obsession. The secret was a fun concept for a book, but unless you put it into actual action. There will be no change, Laws of physics, every action has a reaction. Because thinking is more like potential energy, but that still needs an activator. No one is going to miraculously fix things for you. You can do worksheets on what you want every day for the rest of your life, but at the end of your life you will have nothing you want except a pile of worksheets with your hopes and dreams that never happened.        
Diminishing Toxic Spirituality
If you’ve been participating in toxic spirituality, own it and grow from it. Be mindful of your intentions, ask questions, and navigate your experiences.
When something isn’t working you will know it, when you realize that something is wrong, it may have already set you back. When something keeps replaying in your mind, maybe that’s an area to work on. Or delve deeper, but with an analytical mind, rather than one that accepts everything. It’s like eating at a buffet. You can see the chicken is green, you can smell its rancid. But the person with you says it’s good. Are you going to take that at face value and trust them, or make your own choice?
Correct motivations for spirituality, belonging to a group is great. They help people feel connected, and it gives joy to be able to connect. While it is not for everyone, some people see the appeal in it, but as a result can become absorbed into the group and lose their individuality. Their need to be accepted can drive them to poor decision making, at the expense of their autonomy due to peer pressure.
Some go into practice to fuel their ego or have something unique and quirky to talk about. If it’s a fad, it probably isn’t the best idea. If you must run around yelling to your bullies at school, I'm a witch I will curse you. That is likely not the right reason to delve into a spiritual journey. While it may be doing it for your own sense of internal control over an aspect of your life, the journey becomes more about what you have against others, rather than delving within yourself and finding yourself.
Money, Power, Quick fixes. Spirituality and religions offer seemingly quick results with fake promises. Love spells, Churches, Community support. While in theory sounds too good to believe. Often the promises made by various people, groups, and sectors of religion can be very appealing; at times it is used for the profit of the people providing the services.
You would be surprised how many people offer snake oil, or a djinn in a ring for money. To give you all you want. If you are looking for your life to magically be alright, please remember this isn’t a modern fairytale.
Happy endings happen in movies because they can’t fit it all into an 80-minute run. There's character development, there’s ups downs, trials and moments of success and happiness. Without those moments, we don’t really discover who we are. We are more of a hollow once off character in a movie playing a role. We do not find us; we do not create... an Us in such a short time.
It’s best to be yourself, and not part of some collective.
The spiritual journey is yours so do it for yourself.
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infiniteko · 23 hours
Hi what was your life journey like before & after nd? why/how did you come across it in the first place and what changed after it clicked if anything? no one on nd tumblr talks about their everyday life growth journey they just repeat " " . i asked someone this question and they told me they werent on a growth journey and it makes no sense to ask someone who isnt "suffering" or dealing with whatever advice on how to stop if they dont know what its like.
The reason why no one is talking about their "personal experience" Is because once you wake up, you understand that there is no person, and there is no past experience, only the "effect" of a past or person and even that is not what it seems to actually be in reality. It's not about growing, it's about Knowing. So, everything someone might say about what was "before AV" is not what actually what was/is.
Another reason people don't talk about it is because it's not about that. It's about Knowing yourself and once you know your own Being, you know everything else because there is nothing else other than the "indescribable" that you have to notice by yourself. That's where the focus is, it's not a "before and after"-thing.
My friends who have accounts here too, and the other Admins of this account we all agree on the same thing. If we all talked about our before and afters like we have been asked about 1 million times people will treat something that is a hint to yourself as a method to get something from it or to change something but it's nowhere near the core message. In order to swim, you have to know how it works. In order to fly a plane, you have to know how it works.
In order to operate your phone, you have to know how it works. Those are just very loose examples, it doesn't mean that in order to change XYZ you have to know yourself. Once you know yourself, you know that in reality, deep down, nothing changes because nothing is there. There is nothing solid that is changing. Would you call a dream solid?
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okeiglxg · 2 days
5 fanfics about JLA meeting the BatFam with plus one Day 2
Just Here For The Popcorn by Lumeleo
-dick grayson/wally west (bg relationship barry allen/ iris West)
- 1,696 words , 1 chapter
Summary- Some members of the Justice League are worried that Batman might not be able to handle Gotham alone. Batman makes a point of showing them that he is not, in fact, alone. Of course he has to do this in the most dramatic way possible.
Barry's just here for the popcorn. https://archiveofourown.org/works/55824742
google search: are bats mammals? by graveltotempo
-no ships
- 3,255 words, 1 chapter
- batkids de-aged
Summary- Clark liked to think that years of being a superhero and being part of the Justice League had prepared him for everything.
What else could the world throw at him that he hadn’t seen before?
Well, apparently the world could throw Batman walking in with a child in arms, a huge purse on his shoulder, and a gaggle of children chatting and following quick behind him.
Your obligatory 'the batkids get de-aged' fic.
Batman or Batdad? By flowers_must_rot
-clark kent/bruce wayne
- 7,733 words, 7 chapters
Summary- Batman isn't always great at turning off the Batdad, when he's with the JL. This is just a little collection of that.
Terribly Terrific by orphan_account
-no ships
-8,647 words, 6 chapters
Summary- Hood get's captured by the League while Batman's off-world. what's the worst that can happen?
familiarity by redsray (reigned)
-Jason Todd/ Roy Harper, Dick Grayson/Wally west, Tim Drake/ Kon-El (conner kent)
-12,550 words, 1 chapter
Summary- Roy (5:59pm): JAY
Roy (6:00pm): ?????
The reply came just a minute later, Roy sparing one glance to the chatting Justice League before looking back down.
Jay (6:01pm): Nah
Jay (6:01pm): Was I supposed to?
Jay (6:02pm): Also, that’s not a dinner dish. Try again, Ed Sheeran
Or: How Wally West, Roy Harper, and Kon-El Kent remembered that not everyone just knows the Batfam.
Or or: Three times the Justice League needed Batman but conveniently couldn’t get a hold of him. Good thing he has trained bat associates! Wait, what?
Plus one
That One's Jason, Right? By batsandthebirds
-No ships
- 11,325 words, 4 chapters
-Dick and Jason get De-aged
Summary- The girl and magic staff were nowhere to be seen, instead a fine layer of blue, shimmering dust covered the ground. In the center, where Red Hood and Nightwing should have been, was what looked like a pile of yellow and black fabric until it started shifting and moving, revealing itself to be two human forms.
Tim stopped dead in his tracks, nearly slipping in the dust, causing Robin — who was apparently right behind him — to crash into his back.
Robin mumbled a few curse words directed at him, but stopped short when he saw what was in front of them.
It was two young boys, both with messy black hair, both covered in a fine layer of glittering blue dust, and both wearing the old Robin costume. It was Dick's design, the brighter one, closer in color to what the Flying Graysons had worn, and with a startling lack of pants. But it was the one that Jason had worn too.
Or, Dick and Jason get de-aged by some magic, assumptions are made, and those assumptions are very, very wrong.
That's all! Please like the post for more recommendations
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koolades-world · 1 day
Congrats on 2k!
Could you maybe do prompt number seven with Belphie, but instead he's the one wearing MC's shirt rather than MC being the one wearing his? (I know people always assume MC's smaller than all of them, but just let me have this 😞🙏 /hj)
I mean, I don't really know what the prompt could indicate, so I thought I should clarify
thank you! yes of course i can!
since i got two asmo ones for this prompt too, i almost spun one to be asmo wearing mcs shirt, but then i saw this request! you read my mind haha
i'm glad this prompt is well liked because it's gotta be one of my favorites
not sure what my upcoming posting schedule will be either because i just downloaded wuthering waves and my man's (jiyan) banner is about to go away since i didn't start on launch. he goes away in three days. i must have him.
enjoy <3
prompt 7 w/ Belphie
Another day was finally over. It’d been fun, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t long. You had a day out with friends from breakfast, to a movie, then to someone else’s house where you spent the rest of your day hanging out. You hadn’t spent much time with them recently, and you felt as if was much needed catch up time. But, you couldn’t deny how tired you were now that the adrenaline had died down.
You were eager to get home and rest. But, the lounging clothing you’d laid out on your bed was missing. Well, half missing. The pants were exactly where’d you left them, but your shirt was nowhere to be seen. So the hunt for it began. Usually, you’d let it go but it was your last lounge shirt and considering you were currently waiting in the line to do your laundry, you didn’t have a choice.
You started in Mammon’s room. He wasn’t there, so you searched all the usual places he would hide things he snatched from you. While you were searching, he walked in on you rifling through his closet. Once you told him, he vehimently denied, but did suggest you text the group chat asking if anyone else had seen it. You thought it was a pretty good idea, but wanted to check a few more places first, in case it was in plain sight.
Next, you made your way to Levi’s room. It probably wasn’t in there, but if you wanted to ask him, you’d have to go in person. He was too busy playing his games to answer any text messages. After giving the secret knock and password, he opened the door for you. He was happy to see you and asked if you were up to play something with him tonight. However, once you informed him of your situation, he told you he hadn’t seen it, which you kind figured. Both of you knew he hadn’t left his room today. With that, you told him you would love to do something with him later, but you had to continue your search.
You decided to check one more place before you sent out the text. You knew Beel would be in his room because you’d arrived home at around the same time as you and he’d told you he’d be there after his shower. You made sure to knock, and after he opened the door, you asked if he’d seen your shirt. Unfortunately, he says he hadn’t and asked if he could help in any way. You thanked him for his kind offer, and just asked him to keep an eye out for it. With that information, you left and went back to your room.
Since it was your last resort, you sent a message to the group chat, simply asking if anyone had seen it. Everyone reponsed pretty quickly, save for Levi and Belphie. You’d already talked with Levi, and you knew he hadn’t seen it. Belphie, however, you hadn’t seen. He must’ve been asleep somewhere. Not in his own bed, at least. Since you didn’t have anything to wear, you decided to get something small to eat while you mulled over what to do. You could always borrow something from one of the brothers, but you were a little afraid you’d start a war if the other brothers found out you picked someone else. But, you weren’t about to wear any of your any day clothes to bed.
As you grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and settled in a seat at the kitchen island to think about your next move, Belphie walked in. He had his cow pillow as usual and a blanket that had been a gift from his twin draped around his shoulders. “Mc. You’re back.” He sat next to you and set his head on your shoulder.
“Hey, Belphie. How was your day?” He looked very comfortable, and the way he dragged himself to your side basically answered the question.
“I had a great nap outside today. Beel went out for a hike and carried me on his back. We spent some time at the top of nice hill in some shade. It was great,” he sleepily recalled.
“Glad to hear you had a good day. My day wasn’t nearly as relaxed, but I still enjoyed it.” You unclipped the bag of chips and began munching.
“I was just about to ask how that went.” He looked intrigued at what you were eating, so you turned the bag around so he could see the label.
“Yeah, it was super fun. I won’t like though, I’m tired and I’m not even sure I can stay awake for dinner.” Belphie reached around you to grab a chip. When he did so though, you got a better glimpse at what he was wearing. He had on some slouchy, comfy looking pajama pants, and an awfully familiar shirt. Just the one you’d been searching for. “Belphie, is that my shirt?” You struggled to contain your giggles. You couldn’t believe he’d just had it all along.
“It’s very soft. And I missed you. So I just borrowed it,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“You’re adorable, you know that?” You gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head, much to his delight.
“So, if I borrow your things more often, I get more kisses?” He gazed up at you mischievously.
“As long as you promise to return them. I do need that back today though. Any other time I wouldn’t care, but that’s my last shirt.” With your statement, he shrugged the blanket off his shoulders and moved to remove the shirt. Slightly alarmed, you placed your hands on his shoulders to stop him. “Not right here!” He chuckled at your exclamation.
“Well, you didn’t specify.” He was such a little shit and he knew it. But, he also knew he could get away with it.
“If you’re so eager to take it off, let’s go to my room or something.” It was your turn to laugh.
“What are we waiting for them?” With the most energy you’d seen out of him in the past week, he grabbed your hand and effectively dragged you after him. You had a soft spot for him, and you both knew that. You loved this cheeky, mischievous demon with all your heart. He loved you back to. He always looked at you with a caring, soft gaze that was reserved for you and you alone. How lucky were the both of you.
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melodic-haze · 1 day
Hi there!
I'm the one who started the tall reader ;D
And I'm so fucking proud of it 😂
But I got a sudden thought and I needed to share it with you...
Reader with a tongue piercing? I honestly have nothing else to say.. I was about to sleep and this came out of nowhere so yeah... If you want to write about it I will be here to read it 👀
Also can I give myself an emoji? Like 🗡️ anon maybe?
YOU STARTED AN ENTIRE SIZE KINK REVOLUTION DAWG HELLO 😭 tbh good on you we gotta spread the agenda 🫶
READER WITH A TONGUE PIERCING THOUGH JESUS CHRIST I MIGHT GO NUTS??? Personally I wouldn't have a tongue piercing but that's just bc I'm a scared bitch and I'm not out the house yet BUT oh mh godddddUGH 😩
Showing it to your girl with a crinkle in your eyes bc from the looks of the blush on her cheeks, you KNOW she finds it hot as hell. First person that came to mind was Serval cuz you didn't specify who with ahahahahahaha imagine having her sit on your face, her thighs on the sides of her head as you eat her out (let's pretend that this isn't a safety hazard bc this is fanfic world!!!! I can do whatever the fuck I want thank yew) GOD if she didn't have a tongue piercing then this would've been what convinces her to get one ☺️
AND OFC YOU CAN BE 🗡 ANON!!! WELCOME TO THE ANON FANDOM❗️❗️❗️❗️ Couldn't write ab it fully bc reqs are closed rn but ☺️☺️☺️ if you ask when my reqs are open then perhaps ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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humblemooncat · 1 day
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Since I have the whole place plotted out for Eros, practically, I decided to make the residents of the Burrows that Eros works with (and probably has a relationship with tbh). Mainly for gpose reasons down the line.
So, I present to you:
The men of The Burrows' gay branch
*Dumps a box of gay bunnies below the cut* Happy Pride!
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First off is Kestrel, a Hannish rava who came to the Shroud on business one day, and just never left. A former member of Troupe Falsiam, he decided to break off and settle into the city a while. Ever a wanderer at heart, but considering how many different folk blow through with the wind, he was content with setting roots.
After his final solo performance, Heimir approached him with an offer to join them in his establishment, and he happily agreed.
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Next we have Lucius, or Luci for short.
Not much is known about his past, and he prefers it that way. As far as he knows, he was always a resident of the Shroud.
Cloudlike in appearance, and just as soft in personality. He's a cuddler for sure, and delights in any affection he can get. He also tends to follow Yuki around like a lost puppy when he's not seeing a client.
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Up next we have Brann; Born and raised in Dalmasca, he took to the ways of the pugilist like a fish to water, developing a distinct tremor sense to make up for his blindness. There he trained and honed his mind and body. That is, until the Imperial occupation.
Forced to flee from home, he spent much time as a wandering bodyguard before he found a home in the Burrows. Here, he laid down his arms and found a bit of rest, though still takes them up for the boys should the need arise. Thus did Heimir name him a bouncer/bodyguard as well.
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And then there's Oberon...
You've already met my Void denizen, but to add on to that; Oberon found his way to the Source by way of a natural void gate out in the middle of nowhere. From there he roamed, taking on the visage of a viera after seeing one as his first encounter with a native of the Source.
So long did he wander, that he eventually came upon a settlement in the Shroud, and made his way to the outskirts of Gridania not long after. It was there that Heimir hired him on, and he found it was much easier to exchange aether through sex than to try taking it by force.
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Next up is Yuki, a Hingan-born veena who was slated to become a priest, but ran away from his sacred duty to find the quickest boat anywhere else. If the Kami had plans for him, it was not there at that shrine. Why else would they have let his heart leap out of his chest in protest?
And so he took the first boat to Eorzea he could charter, and never looked back.
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Then there's my favorite himbo, Jasper.
He is- was an aspiring Black Mage from Tural, but after an accident totally not of his own making he now spends his time lavishly in Eorzea.
If asked about the burns on his leftmost torso and arm, he'll change the subject as fast as possible. Almost as if he's hiding something.
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Next we have Kieran, born and raised in the jungle of Golmore, and an ex Warder.
He was exiled one day for reasons he's chosen not to elaborate on, and had to start a whole new life. Thus, he decided to wander as far west as he could, crossing over into Eorzea and on to the Shroud, where he met Heimir and started his life in the Burrows.
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And last but not least, the troublemaking fortuneteller, Asra.
Honestly speaking, he's where he's meant to be with the insatiable libido he has...
That said, he started out as an astrologist in Sharlayan, but tucked himself away on the first boat to Eorzea as soon as he realized the city of Knowledge just wasn't his style.
Eventually he made his way to Gridania, and while his fortunetelling gig went okay, it was Heimir approaching him that allowed him to thrive in a place that fully caters to his needs.
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Enjoy the overflowing box of new bunnies. I've been meaning to make them for a bit now, since Eros and Heimir aren't the only residents of the place they call home. <3
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