#and i chose it for today cos we had such an 'us' day today that it feels rather fitting
silhouettecrow · 6 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 341
Adjective: Sprightly
Noun: Grass
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Sprightly: (especially of an old person) lively, or full of energy
Grass: vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop; ground covered with grass; pastureland; the mainly herbaceous plant that constitutes grass, which has jointed stems and spikes of small, wind-pollinated flowers; (informal) marijuana; (informal) (British) a police informer
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
WC: 1.4k
Another quick one
Warnings: just cute fluffiness, Pedro being a soon-to-be dad, pregnancy
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lol this is such a fucking cute pic omg
"Hi YN, how are you?" One of the cast members greeted, you pushed out a smile despite the tiredness you felt all over. A bulging belly was all you were, you had two months left and you were ready for them to come and go, you loved most of your pregnancy— it was a beautiful experience for the most part. The little moments where you'd feel her feet kicking you, when she'd rotate to make herself comfortable, it was a slap in the head to realize you were growing an actual person inside of you.
"I'm great, how are you?" You conversed. "Doing good, how is baby Pascal?" You beamed every time someone referred to her as such, it was a gentle reminder that you chose the best partner to make another human with. "She is doing good, we brought some food for dad. Is he on his lunch yet?"
She nodded. "He should be in the makeup room with Bella."
Today you decided to surprise Pedro on the set of the new series 'The Last of Us.' You had told a bit of a fib this morning telling him you wouldn't be able to visit due to a doctor's appointment you had around his lunch break. Well, it wasn't a total lie you did have an appointment but it was in the morning way before his lunch, so you bought some food and drove out to the set. You were hoping he'd be excited as you were. You made your way down the hall to the makeup room, saying hi to a few people who you were fond of, you were finally approaching the room when she heard Bella, his co-star, mention your name.
"So are you excited to have a baby? Will you guys let me know when she gets here?" 
You quietly chuckled, Bella was a sweetheart and honestly the way their personality was set up you would think Pedro and yourself had created them. When you told them the news about the baby they couldn't stop smiling, texting you the next day that they could barely feel their cheeks and their reaction to being asked to be your child's Godsibling really set it in stone for you. The three of you spent a lot of time together, you loved how they and Pedro got along so you figuratively adopted them as your own.
"Yeah I'm excited, maybe a bit worried, but excited nonetheless."
You frowned. Worried about what?
"Worried about what?" Bella asked, taking the words right out of your mouth. Pedro shrugged. "You're great with kids though."
He nodded. "But it's different when it's your own, you have to be a great example of what she should be, a role model and what if I'm not the best example?"
You placed your hand on your stomach out of habit, why did he never say this to you before? You had told him your doubts about becoming a mother and he reassured you every time, surely you'd do the same for him. You straightened yourself up and knocked on the door frame peeking your head from behind the wall. "Hellooo."
"YN!" Bella exclaimed, they sprinted out of their seat leaving Pedro in the dust, and they carefully engulfed you in a loving embrace. "How's it going, honey?"
"Good, just shooting and talking to the old man here."
You looked up at Pedro who had a sheepish smile on his face, you bent your lips in attempting to hide your own grin but you couldn't help it, every time you saw him it poured a bit more joy into your soul. Bella's eye ran between you and Pedro and they grimaced. "I will leave you two to be gross, bye baby." They planted a kiss on your tummy and another on your cheek before leaving you and Pedro alone. You reached out hoping to receive a hug which he gladly delivered. He nuzzled his nose into your neck and planted a small kiss on the side. "Hi, mama."
"Hi baby, you okay?"
"Better now that you guys are here." He never left out his unborn child, often referring to you as two people now. You two pulled apart, you lifted up the brown bag containing your meals and gently shook it. "Was hoping we could have lunch together."
Pedro's eyes sparkled with love at the way you said that. "Always. No drinks though?" You closed your eyes in immediate defeat, you knew your hand felt empty but you didn't know what was missing. "They're in the car, sorry, mommy brain." He playfully pouted laying his palm out and asking for the keys. "No, it's cool I'll get them." You reassured.
"YN." That tone was stern, he barely wanted you holding that lunch bag let alone waddling back to the car for drinks, you kissed your teeth and handed over the car keys. "Meet me in my trailer?"
You agreed and watched him vanish. You took your sweet time navigating back out of the hallway and maneuvered around the set until you arrived at Pedro's trailer outside, thank goodness Alberta's weather was tolerable today, it wasn't too cold but half the time you couldn't tell anyway. The constant hot flashes had you boiling in your own sauna for one minute and freezing your ass off when it died down. You made your way inside, you huffed completely exhausted from your little trip, after catching your breath you sat down on the couch and placed the bag on the table.
As you took the contents out the door swung open revealing Pedro holding the tray with your drinks and a little bag in his hand. "Thank you." You took the tray out of his hands and placed it on the table, you nodded toward the bag. "What's that?"
"They had red velvet cupcakes at the snack table and I know that's been one of your cravings lately, so I... snatched an unopened container..."
You shook your head. There really wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you. You thanked him and placed the treat next to your food. The cushion next to you sank as he sat down, you could feel his gaze on you but tried your best to avoid it. He raised his hand and proper his finger under your chin to turn your head towards him. "I knew you were coming."
"Shut up no you didn't."
He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, you whined wanting a longer one. "Yes, I did." He replied. "How was the appointment? Everything's good?"
You nodded. "She still has ten fingers, ten toes and a big head."
He frowned. "Don't talk about my baby like that." You laughed kissing his head as an apology. The two of you finally dug into your meals, talking about what was new even though you didn't have many updates. Pedro talked about how the show was going and how much he was enjoying filming. You were proud of him, his career had really skyrocketed recently and though it kept him busy you were happy to hold down the fort for him.
After you finished eating you made yourself extra comfortable on the sofa, leaning against the armrest with your legs laid out on the cushions. Pedro chuckled at how exhausted you were, it was cute, it couldn't be easy carrying around a boulder all day. He assisted in removing your crocs and letting you rest but not before crawling between your legs and gently relaxing his head beside your belly. You absentmindedly ran your hands through his hair and rested it on the back of his head.
Slumber was near and you tried so hard to fight it but judging by how quiet you'd become, it wasn't hard for Pedro to tell you were dozing off. He planted a light kiss on your stomach with a gentle poke at your belly button which earned a kick from the baby. "Yeah, I know you're in there." You smiled at their communication. "I'm ready for her to be out here." You mumbled sleepily. "Me too."
"I chose the best person in the world to create life with, you are going to be an amazing father Pedrito. You spoil her and she's not even here yet, you've shown her so much love that at this point I am just carrying her for you and you only." 
He looked up at you figuring you overheard his conversation with Bella. "I don't think baby Pascal would've chosen us for no reason."
The reassurance gave him a bit of a boost, slowly melting away whatever doubts he had earlier today. "I love you." He cooed. "I love you too, baby."
He rubbed your belly and nuzzled his nose on the side. "And I love you, mi corazoncito." 
If you're new here (hi how are ya) I have this thing where I like to write my boys as fathers so expect a lot more of this. Especially with Pedro because... I mean, it's him. also I heard Bella Ramsey is non-binary, correct me if I'm wrong though i don't mind if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. I will be going back to the regularly scheduled program of the main 3, but we'll circle back to Papi Pedro soon dw😏 peace and love
tags: @skyesthebomb
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Hi sgiandubh!
I remember you had an anon a few weeks back worried about Sam and Cait interactions vs his and Eleanor’s. You already made an excellent post and response about it, but I thought given the adorable photo Sam posted of he and Cait today, you could do a comparison that to a photo he’s posted of him and Eleanor. I think he posted some before the BAFTA screening.
The differences are obvious. The photo of him and Cait shows the closeness (or an intimacy as some might call it) they share and clearly shouts “we are more than just co-stars” vs a photo of he and Eleanor which shows platonic friends.
Have a wonderful day!
Dear Obvious Anon,
I suppose you mean this particular pic with Eleanor...
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... and this newly released selfie with C, to celebrate the end of the SAG-AFTRA strike predicament:
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Both of these pics are BTS material. Both with the female co-star he is supposed to be playing a (very) steamy relationship with.
Then why on Earth are they so different?
The first pic spells surprise, camaraderie and fun on set. I would bet money he unexpectedly grabbed Tomlinson in a big brother bearhug seconds before that pic was taken. She is surprised and amused and also totally disengaged - she is not leaning in, her gaze is cheeky, but steady. Knees/legs do not touch and that jacket (or whatever it is) is a spontaneous blocking element, much like C's bag on the premiere night, in the pic I analyzed not weeks ago, but barely one week ago, btw ;). Even without knowing anything about these two people (Tomlinson being married and S, well....), it is absolutely clear they are friends/co-workers who really have a good time together.
Cue in to second pic. A very good friend of mine noticed something very endearing: 'he is smiling with all his body' and so does (usually) ironic she. She is totally, confidently leaning in: how many (thousands of) times did they already do it, until it became second nature, I wonder. And hello, where exactly is your right arm, C ? Don't tell me it's just another 'claim the guy' pose we've already seen, because you know, all the dimwits across the street will immediately start accusing us of writing fanfic, again. So well, These Two are co-stars and co-workers with many secrets and a handful of (gauze-thin) lies to share between them.
He could have chosen a 'family pic', with SS and RR and God knows who else - JAMMF the Season 7 Patriarch. After all, he chose a group pic to promote TCND in the same post, didn't he? Nope. He chose her. He will always choose her.
Also, I couldn't help but notice that he just posted a pic of himself, as Groin the Hobbit (or whatever the pun was, I did not watch) for MIK 2. No McTavish? Ahem. Funny, that.
I hope that decently answers your very interesting question, Anon. Feel free to drop by whenever you want and thank you for your time!
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wildlife4life · 4 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the always lovely @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @daffi-990 @tizniz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples and @theotherbuckley Thank you all so much! Looking forward to your future works!
Alright ya'll, today is Championship Sunday and I am a bundle of nerves. As a slight work off from all that, here is more NFL Buck, feature Christopher's POV. (All previous NFL Buck posts can be found here)
Carrying around a big secret is hard. Lying to his new friends, to his teachers, to his dad's co-workers is annoying. Christopher misses his friends and family back in Texas. He wants Buck to officially be his dad and stop lying to the whole world about being a kid free bachelor. He is scared for his dad, every time he leaves for a shift. His body is always betraying him, his new doctor brought up the possibility of another surgery, his muscles ache, and puberty is creeping in, changing him in not so fun ways. And on days like today, it is all just too much. So Christopher got angry and like his father, he lashes out. "I don't want a stupid tutor!" He snapped at his dad, who is holding Christopher's latest math test. A freaking C-. He didn't fail. Heck, it isn't even a D. But his dad and Buck, had high expectations that Christopher always failed to meet. Dad shakes his head, "Christopher this is the second low test score this month. You're barely passing math with a C." "You're acting like I'm failing! And I'm not!" Chris shouts back. "Do not raise your voice." His dad says firmly, his features crinkling with anger. Christopher huffs and plops back down in his seat, without a single retort. Dad's shoulder's drop and the burgeoning anger dissipates, replaced with soft concern, "Look, kid. We all need help every now and then. Asking for it, does not make you a failure. And its just one class. One tutor, an hour or so a couple times a week after school. Just until you feel you have a better grasp on math. Okay?" No it was not okay. An afterschool tutor meant one more person to lie too, more time taken away from friends and fun activities, and another reminder that he isn't normal. "I don't need help! I don't need a fucking tutor! And I don't need your high ass expectations that I can never meet!" Christopher flings his arm out, and shoves a decorative bowl filled with random bobbles to the floor, shattering it. Ah shit. Christopher knows he's gone too far, but he doesn't want to back down. He can't. The fury that's been building under his skin since waking up late this morning, can no longer be contained and is bursting out of him directly towards his dad. "Using Buck's money won't fix this! Fix me! And I'm only at this stupid private school because of him!" Chris won't give his dad a chance to intervene, not yet. Not when he's been holding back so much since Buck informed them of the Houston Texans wanting to trade him, "I was doing great in math at my school in Houston! Then once again Buck chose football over us! You chose Buck over me! You two never think about me! I'm failing because of you!" None of it was true. Christopher knew that, not so very deep down, but he is hurting and he needed someone to hurt too. He needed someone to understand and help take the pain away. Too bad he went at it in the most unhealthiest of ways and attacked one of two people who would do absolutely anything and everything to do exactly that. The man doesn't even flinch. Instead, his face goes flat and cold. No emotion to be found. Christopher immediately shrinks in on himself. Yea he went way too far. "Go to your room." His dad demands in level voice tight with too many emotions. Fuck. He is so grounded.
Chris is a teen having a bad day and had to break a bowl at some point. Its canon to do so. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @jesuisici33 @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @spotsandsocks @aroeddiediaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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goddess-aelin · 16 days
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Hyacinth and Hollyhock
Part 3 of "Peonies and Poplars"
Masterlist | Part 1
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: mentions of throbbing members lol
Shit, shit, shit. She was in deep, unending shit. The man sitting across from her was incredibly intimidating, especially when she wasn’t expecting to see him today…or ever again. R.J. White was the author of Aelin’s favorite book series, Tales of Flowers and Fortitude, which featured three books that had the most incredible world building and heartachingly beautiful romance. If she was being honest, Aelin would have said that R.J. White had to have been a woman since the experience and prose in the book series was unmatched. But now, Aelin knew she was wrong.
She was so, so wrong. 
Because R.J. White, who was currently sitting across from her in the cozy coffee shop she frequented, was the biggest asshole known to the universe. He was arrogant, toyed with people for fun, and chose to be a haughty, pompous, pig-headed, condescending–
“So, we meet again.” 
Pretty. Did she mention he was pretty?
No. No! She was not going to go down that road. Even if his voice sounded deep as the depths of the largest ocean and his cologne smelled of the pine woods Aelin so loved. She was not going to get caught up with this beautiful, brash, irritating, stupid, asshole–
“Miss? Are you with me?” A tan hand waved at her, causing embarrassment to overtake the flush of her cheeks.
Aelin once again snapped to attention at the sound of his voice. Shit. “Oh! Sorry, it’s just been a busy day.” The lie fell flat even to her own ears. It was barely 10am, the day hadn’t even really started. Aelin knew it. Aelin knew R.J. White also knew it. And it seemed like R.J. White also knew that Aelin knew. 
“O…kay. I can just find a different seat if I’m a bother, sorry. I just thought…” He shook his head, “Nevermind. I’ll just let you get back to your book.”
  “No!” What!? Why on earth did she just say that? She thought. Yes, you absolutely should find somewhere else to sit. “No, you can stay here, it’s fine. I’m just a little out of it today.” It seemed like she truly was since her mouth was saying things she didn’t want it to say.
  R.J. gave a noncommittal hum and a small smile and set his still-full coffee cup back down on the table. “So, what did you think?”
“What did I think?” Aelin’s brows furrowed. “Of what?”
R.J. gave a huff of breath and a slight uptick of the corners of his mouth. “Of the book, of course.”
“You want to know what I thought of the book?”
“Well…yes? That’s what I said.”
“Oh, well, it’s good, I guess.” She looked down at the blue cover of her book and the vibrant pink bookmark she attached. Her brows furrowed. Why did he want to know about her book? “I’m not done yet and the main character is a little annoying but the smut makes up for it, I think, since that’s basically the plot of the story.” Aelin let out nervous laughter.  “I mean, the author describes everything in such detail and it’s pretty good without being completely raunchy. There are some positions in here, though, that I’m just wondering if they’re real or if the author just thought it would sound poetic. But do I really need to know that the guy has a 10-inch co–”
R.J. cleared his throat. “I actually meant Peonies and Poplars but I will keep this book in mind if I ever need ideas.” Amusement laced his tone and it looked like he was fighting back a smile.
Aelin’s mouth dropped in an “O.” “Oh. I just thought…” Aelin’s cheeks heated again. Of course he was talking about his book, not the random smutty book she happened to pick up from a clearance rack. “I’m so sorry. I just am not in my element today, I guess, and not used to people chatting with me while I’m reading..”
“Reading smut in public will do that to you.” A laugh laced his words. “Especially when the male lead has such a spectacular…appendage.”
Aelin groaned. “Please don’t tell me you’re one of those authors that uses ‘appendage’ as a synonym for ‘cock.’” 
“Since you’ve read my work, you know that I don’t.” He looked all too gleeful at her statement yet she could’ve sworn there was a slight tint to his tan cheeks. “I’d obviously rather use throbbing member or meaty manhood.”
Aelin snorted so hard, she could feel the slight burn of the coffee she was sipping coming back up her nose. And of course, since she was Aelin and since this conversation was going so well this burning in her nose also started a coughing fit. R.J. looked slightly concerned for a second before amusement took over his features. Once she got herself under control once again, she said the only thing she could think of at the moment. “Please. Please with sprinkles and cherries on top, please never say either of those words again.” 
His laugh was deep and his smile truly lit up his already handsome face. Smiling like that, though…he looked younger, more relaxed. More handsome, if she wanted to wander back down that road again.
“Okay, deal. But only if you tell me your name.”
She held her hand out. “Aelin.” He took her hand and she couldn’t help but notice how his callused hand felt against hers. Dare she say her hand fit perfectly in his. How cliche of her. “ Should I call you Mr. White or R.J?” 
“Neither actually.” His voice got slightly lower. “My name is Rowan. Rowan Whitethorn.”
“Ah. I see where the R and the White came from. Is the J a middle name?”
“It sure is. James. Rowan James Whitethorn.” He fiddled with his nails, as if revealing this part of himself to someone who also knew him as R.J. White was something he rarely did.
“Well Rowan James Whitethorn, what made you take the pen name?” She kept her voice low, just in case anyone could overhear. Rowan seemed like a private person, someone who didn’t like the spotlight.
“I just like my privacy. That's why I don’t have any pictures of myself on my books or on my website.” He shrugged. “I know how intense some people can get about their fantasy books and this gives me at least a little bit of a normal life.”
“What about doing interviews and book conventions and things?” 
“I just don’t do them. My agent always has me sign books before they’re sent out as a special edition and she takes care of the blurbs that are sent out. All interviews are done via email or video chat but the interviewer is always sworn to secrecy. And they usually don’t know my real name to even look me up. It’s not like I have any personal social media anyway.” He shrugged, not fully confident in admitting this, yet he wasn’t shying away from eye contact, either. 
Aelin pondered this for a second, trying to come up with the nicest way of asking what she wanted to know. She decided that Rowan seemed like someone who valued directness. “Can I ask you why? I mean, imagine how great the publicity would be and I’m sure you’d get a lot more deals and recognition if you showed the world your pretty face.”
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” Aelin rolled her eyes at that while Rowan just chuckled. “I don’t know. I just want people to focus on my writing and what they feel about the story rather than me as a person. I understand that it is a detriment to promotion and future book deals but my agent and I have worked it out so that I get my privacy and she handles all the extra stuff. She’s pretty awesome.”
“I get it. Really. I’m a middle school teacher and these kids pry endlessly about my life. So much that I consistently make up lies about how interesting my weekend was and use my first and middle name as my social media handles instead of my last.”
Rowan chuckled. “I can totally see you as a middle school teacher. Those kids wouldn’t get away with a lick of trouble with you watching over them. And let me guess which subject you teach…english? Or reading? Something along those lines.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes again, the perfect confirmation that Rowan was correct. 
“Knew it,” he laughed. “And since you asked me a bunch of questions, now it’s my turn.” 
Aelin gave him a scathing look. “One. You can ask one question.”
Rowan rubbed his hands together, contemplating what he was going to ask. “First question: what’s your middle name?”
“That’s what you want to ask?”
“It’s only fair that I know yours since you know mine.”
Aelin sighed. “Fine. It’s Ashryver.”
“Ashryver?” From Rowan’s slight accent, the single word sounded like two -Ash River- rolling off his tongue. But Aelin nodded nonetheless.
“It was my mom’s maiden name. So instead of giving me a full middle name, she and my dad just used her maiden name.” Aelin shrugged. “It’s kind of nice, having that piece of her.” 
Rowan just gave her a small smile and nodded, sensing the sadness in her tone.
“Ok, what’s your second question?”
Rowan rubbed at the stubble along his chin. “Question number two…hmm.” She could tell the moment that he thought of his question since his eyes sharpened in on her like a hawk’s.  “Well, Aelin Ashryver, why haven’t you put my number to good use yet?”
A/N: Here's part 3. And you guessed it, there will be a part 4. I'm hoping to wrap this one up because this chapter was really fighting with me. But I have an idea where it's going so it'll hopefully be a satisfying ending!
Tagging: @cretaceous-therapod @morganofthewildfire @tomtenadia @live-the-fangirl-life @charlizeed @violet-mermaid7 @euphoric-melancholyy @kritical24 @rubyriveraqueen @dealfea @wellofnothing @ayaashryver @moonknight-spector @leiawritesstories @whoever-you-choose-to-love @holdthefrickup @heirofflowers @thecrispypotatochip @shanias-world @rowanaelinn @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity @hanging-from-a-cliff @fantacysoup @swankii-art-teacher @thegreyj @fromthelibraryofemilyj @westofmoon @lovely-dove-zee @books4eva04 @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @mariaofdoranelle @dreamer-133 @elentiyawhitethorn @writtenonreceipts @shyvioletcat @aelinchocolatelover @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @athena127 @tothestarsandwhateverend @highqueenofelfhame
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joels-darlin · 8 months
Pairings: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of oral sex, little bit of fluff, pet names, soft!Joel.
Summary: You, Tommy and Sarah co-ordinate a special surprise for Joel on his birthday.
Word count: 1,104
Author Note: Just a little something I hashed together wanted to post in honour of my husbands birthday. Happy TLOU DAY all! Not forgetting Happy Birthday to my favourite dilf Joel Miller♥️
Apologies for any spelling mistakes and poor grammar, only briefly edited as I was far to eager to post, enjoy all and feedback is appreciated♥️ AO3 Link
Joel hated birthdays.
The constant reminder that he was getting old. But you wanted to make this a special one, roping Tommy and Sarah into your plans which they both happily agreed too. The week leading up you virtually begged Joel to take the day off. Of course he didn’t. Typical.
“I’m sorry darlin’ I just forgot” he said softly.
You stood at the foot of the bed watching him, hands on hips, giving the ultimate hard stare. Of course you couldn’t be mad. A sigh leaving your lips.
“Okay, promise me no working late and you will be home this afternoon? It is Saturday after all” trying to take a stern tone with him, it never worked.
“I promise baby” he chuckled.
Joel rose from the from the bed, fixing the blankets, before grabbing his jeans from where you had thrown them earlier.
The morning activities had been interesting and you had ripped his clothes off him again in a haste, feeling absolutely feral for the man lay next to you. Even though it was his day you still chose to wake your man up a little earlier. Mainly to shower him with affection (a birthday blowjob of course) which then lead to the shower where he made you come twice with his mouth and on his cock. Joel was fully satisfied, he knew how to push your buttons and make you come undone at the drop of a hat. Having to clamp his hand over your mouth as not to alert Sarah.
“Miller, if you aren’t home by 3:30 I’ll drive to site and drag you home myself, got it?” threatening him jokingly, he knew you wouldn't but the thought was there.
“Yes ma'am” he saluted.
He was late. Of course.
Breathing a sigh of relief when you finally heard the tires of his truck pulling into the driveway, Tommy jumping out the passenger side.
“Miller!! What time do you call this?” you half shouted, after swinging the front door open nearly pulling it off its hinges, stepping out onto the small porch.
“I tried to drag him away, promise you, he’s just a stubborn one” Tommy said approaching the door and pulling you into an embrace.
“How you doin’ angel?” He drawled in his southern twang, using the nickname Tommy reserved just for you. Moving you slid your hands around his middle to return the friendly embrace.
“Better now for seeing you two” you chided. Eventually letting go, Tommy slid in through the door, greeting Sarah on the couch with a bear hug.
Joel approached next reaching for you, his hands settling at your waist, pulling you to his broad frame.
“Sorry baby, got caught up” he whispered, leaning down to softly rub his nose against yours. Capturing your lips in a heated kiss, opening your mouth allowing him full access to explore. Tongues thrashing together, the bitter taste off coffee lingering on the inside of his mouth. Your arms moved to loosely wrap around his neck, getting as close to him as possible, fingers playing with the salt and pepper curls at the base.
“Can you two stop playing suck face, we are gonna be late” you and Joel jumping apart at Sarah grimaces, Tommy chuckling in the background.
Today had been stressful, making sure everything was perfect just for him. You and Sarah spent the afternoon decorating the living room and kitchen with banners/balloons. A couple of small presents and cards lay on the coffee table waiting to be opened.
Grabbing Joel’s hand you interlinked your fingers, looking up into his soft brown eyes.
“C’mon got something to show you baby” you said, dragging him through the front door.
You finally made it out the house nearly an hour later, piling into the truck, with Tommy in the drivers seat. Arriving at the intended destination a short time later. You had caught the grin across his face from the corner of your eye as you pulled into the parking lot of the bowling alley, making it obvious that he was thrilled at his surprise. Joel reached across lacing his fingers with yours, raising your interlocked hands he placed a soft kiss on the back. He didn’t have to say anything you knew what it meant.
I Love You.
The alley was oddly quiet for a Saturday night, often bustling with adults and children alike, which meant you had a lane all to yourselves.
The first game Sarah won absolutely annihilating you all. Both her and Tommy getting very competitive, the constant bickering back and forth about who has more strikes than the other. All you and Joel could do was watch on and giggle at the pair of them, your hearts both content and happy.
Then came the break. Fuelled up after a meal of hotdogs, fries and a mountain of ice cream then you all hit the lanes again for game two of the night. Spurred on by the sugar rush you absolutely creamed the three of them, getting 4 strikes in a row, therefore taking home the bowling champion crown. Deciding to head home shortly after, all feeling the exhaustion from the long day. ────────
Sarah had fallen asleep in the back seat on the drive home. Joel taking her into his arms tenderly and straight up the stairs into her room, as you stood waving goodbye to Tommy from the porch.
Not even bothering to shower you had retreated to bed, exhausted and enduring a crash from all the sugar consumed earlier. After changing into some comfy sleep clothes then you crawled under the covers and into Joel’s arms, head resting against his chest, sighing as you let the warmth he was radiating seep into your skin. His arms coming to wrap around your waist, calloused thumbs grazing over the skin exposed.
“Thank you for today sweetheart, made my birthday a little better” he said softly, placing a kiss on your nose.
“Just a little better hmm?” you whispered, catching his lips in a soft, slow kiss before he could pull back.
“Let me make it the best birthday ever” you chuckled, rolling on top of him and grinding your hips into his. Eliciting a loud moan from Joel, his length hardening again beneath you.
He had no words as he took in your presence for moment, eyes raking up and down your frame. Those strong and muscular arms enveloping you into the tightest of hugs, crushed against his bare chest.
Birthdays might not always be his favourite but he knew with you around they were always going to be just that little bit special.
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
I adore this show but I've been noticing less and less interaction with it. Not many are watching it anymore (would it be possible for another group watch?), less interaction through petitions and fanfics, as well as some social medias. Sorry I just want to know what else we can do. Thank you for what you've done so far :)
Thank you for the message and the thank you!
Honestly, Twitter Mod and I have had the opposite experience -- at least on Twitter, we've seen our hashtags trending earlier and earlier in the day, and our numbers are staying consistently in the 4k range, which is pretty amazing. We've trended literally every day since cancellation, which is a month and two days today, which is also pretty incredible.
Petitions and fanfics are going to slow down, of course, because 1) most people have heard of the petition and signed it that will and 2) it takes time to create original content. Part of the negative of the fanbase being all ages instead of just, not to use the term offensively or anything, but teenyboppers, is that most of us -- your humble mods included! -- have jobs and families and responsibilities. New fanfics are still added every day, new people sign the petition, new people discover the show, discover its cancellation, and discover the active fandom as well as our efforts.
The best guide we can give is that if you're worried about the slowdown, do what you can to participate in your own way. Whether that's content creation, tweeting when you can, sending the petition to people you know who'd sign it for your sake, or something else entirely. Even if all you can do is submit a post or two -- our submits are open, of course! -- to L&Co tumblrs, that's still something.
The only way nothing changes is if we give up. When we do nothing, it changes nothing. And the very reason this blog exists is because we -- and the fandom in general chose (and continue to choose) to do something -- no matter how small that something is!
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
baby!danvers accidentally cuts her arm open at work using a box cutter. The cut is a bit too deep she has to get stitches. Her sisters are obvs concerned and arrive at the hospital in big sister bear mode.
2/2 - also if you wanted an alternative idea with b!d cutting herself maybe you could have her pierce an artery and need surgery (you can choose witch one cause I cant decide.
A/n: I chose the "none invasive" option because I was a little bit triggered by the pierced artery (it is a really big fear of mine). Sorry for not giving you the second option, I hope you still like it!
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For a week now, tons of boxed full of products have been stacked in the warehouse of your part-time job. Somehow it felt as if all business partners only sent their articles to you, preparing for a sale and rush of customers that wasn´t going to happen.
Your body wasn´t ready for that much work, but giving up and taking time off wasn´t an option for you, even though you more than needed a vacation. You seemed tired and inattentive to your colleagues, which was due to the fact that you suffered from chronic sleep deprivation and had not had a decent night´s sleep in days.
You had to help your sisters with Superhero stuff while also juggling university and life in general.
"Hey Y/n. You okay?" your best friend and co-worker asked as she drove up to you with the forklift to place two more pallets of boxed near you.
You shook your head annoyed. "I´m overworked and tired. My fingertips have a thousand tiny cuts that feel like my fingers are burning every time I press them on the cardboard so do me a favor; leave me alone and get on with other things so we don´t end up in a fight today."
The dark-haired woman in front of you raised her hands reassuringly and smiled slightly, hoping for a smile in return. "Calm down, I´m just worried about you. You don´t look well, you really need a break."
"What I need and what I don´t need.. please let that be my worry." you said, stomping away from your best friend to the newly laid boxes.
Absently you began to extend your utility knife and began cutting along the tape when you suddenly slipped and the sharp blade dragged along your other arm. In reaction and not yet in pain, you screamed out loud and saw the blood begin to gush out of the freshly and deep cut.
Immediately your best friend jumped out of her forklift and was with you instantly, but you were too far gone with the adrenaline and the panic rushing through your system that you didn´t even feel how she tried to suppress and stop the blood flow with her warning vest. With slow steps she tried to bring you to the forklift and set you down in case you fainted from the adrenaline waning.
With one hand wrapped around your arm and squeezing hard, she had her cell phone to her ear with the other hand, she watched you tonelessly as your face lost color with every minute that passed as she tried to quickly describe to the emergency services what had happened and where they could pick you up.
While you were laying there on the uncomfortable lounger at the hospital, still pretty taken by the morphine and the anesthetic they gave you to suppress the pain, you heard two familiar voices right outside the curtains that sealed you off from the emergency room, asking for your whereabouts.
"M´ here." you slurred and lifted your heavy head towards the sounds. Two contorted bodies appeared before your nebulous gaze and were by your side in no time.
While Alex stood in front of your bed, examining you from afar and trying to understand how this accident happened in the first place, Kara threw her bag onto the empty plastic chair and walked around you to find the empty space at your abdomen to sit on before she took your heavily bandaged arm in hers. "Honey, how did this happen?"
The blonde didn´t have to ask what had happened. Your boss called her shortly after your trip to the hospital and informed her about it. However, the question as of why this happened was still unanswered.
"You should never voluntarily put a cutter knife in my hand." you laughed and collected some unbelievable facial expressions from both of your sisters. "Slipp´d and scratch´d my arm a lil bit."
"Scratched? Kid, you lost a lot of blood from your body and needed nine stitches. You don´t joke with that." The red-haired one now interjected and paced up and down as an attempt to calm her nerves down and drop her concerns about you.
Kara shook her head and buried her face in her palm. She knew you weren´t thinking rationally right now because of all the drugs in your system. Still, she was in disbelief at how easy you were with this situation. "But it´s still attached to my body so it´s fine."
"Shush kiddo, now it´s my turn to talk." The eldest Danvers interrupted and walked carefully to the other side of the bed, where she gently brushed strands of hair away from your face and began to stroke your arm. "You´re a real klutz and sometimes I wonder if you´re doing this extra to get on our nerves but please try to be more careful next time otherwise I´ll go to your boss personally and have you sent somewhere you´ll never get hurt again."
But she got no answer. You had nodded off during her speech and now you were peacefully asleep in your hospital bed trying to recover before your doctor´s would finish the discharge letter so your sisters could take you home. "There´s no point in talking to her now, Al. We have to wait until she´s off the meds and out of here."
"I know. Fact is, she´ll never see a damn knife in any form ever again cause I´m sick of these hospital visits."
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
hello!!! what about 51 & 53 with steve harrington, please? like he haves this really masive crush on the reader, but he's in denial because he feels this person it's not into him. however he gets really jelous of the growing friendship between the reader and eddie? idk i just imagine steve being insecure about his feelings and robin keeps pointing them out, lol. hope you can write them!
(‘’Your jealousy is showing.’’ + “God. You’re such a simp.”)
A/N: I’m not sure if I like this one... 
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‘’You like her,’’ Robin pointed out after you left Family Video with your weekly stack.
Steve frowned, faking denial. ‘’What? I do not.’’
‘’You do! I know the way you look at her. It’s the same way you used to look at Wheeler two years ago.’’
Shit. He was caught.
Having a best friend that knows you like the palm of their hand has its perks when giving gifts or picking movies for a movie night, but also its cons like being unable to hide a crush from them.
‘’Admittedly I did like her, it wouldn’t matter. She’s dating Eddie the freak Munson,’’ Steve said with bitterness in his voice. He didn’t have a tooth against Eddie, but he was closer to you than Steve would ever be.
‘’First of all, they aren’t dating. Y/N would’ve told me. They’re just friends.’’
‘’Just friends?’’ Steve shook his head, not believing Robin. ‘’I doubt that. He opens the door for her and they have movie nights every Saturday. I saw them going to the pizza parlor across the street last week. He fed her fries. It’s couple behavior.’’
Robin chose to ignore his own stalker-ish behavior. ‘’Secondly, your jealousy is showing, Harrington.’’
The following Saturday, Robin was determined to have Steve make a move on you. Now that he had admitted to having a crush on you, Robin figured it was only fair to help him since he was helping her about her crush on Vickie.
She was scanning the returns at the register counter, preparing for the busy night ahead - Saturdays were always the busiest day - while making date suggestions.
''You should take her to see Dirty Dancing at the drive-in. There's a special showing next Friday. She's rented it a few times, I think she likes dancing movies.''
''So she can drool over Patrick Swayze instead of giving me attention? No thanks.'' Steve took a stack of tapes Robin just scanned and brought them to the shelves to put them back. ''And I didn't say I would ask her out. I said I might ask her out...if she shows signs of being into me because how embarrassing would it be if she says no, you know?''
‘’Worst case scenario, it's gonna bruise your ego. You'll recover.’’
As if his ego didn’t get bruised enough when he was working at Scoops Ahoy last summer. The hat completely ruined his best feature. That’s its fault Steve didn’t get any dates.
‘‘What about you? How is it going with Vick-’‘
'’Oh, here she comes!’’ Robin screeched, nodding at the large window right before you walked in, warning her co-worker of your arrival.
Steve’s back was to the window so he didn’t see you come in.
All he heard was Robin greeting you. '’Hey, Y/N! Any movie in particular you're looking for? I'm very busy at the moment, I gotta scan all these returns and...pass a little broom too, but Steve here can help you. Right, Steve?''
He nodded, a part of his thankful for Robin’s input but also cursing her for her terrible excuses. Passing a little broom? She’s never touched the broom since working at Family Video.
‘’What are you looking for today? We got a few new releases this week. We got When Harry met Sally, Ghostbusters 2- What genre do you prefer? I forgot to ask.’’ 
You shrugged. ‘’Eddie is out of state with his uncle so I can pick whatever I want.’’
Steve would usually grimace at the mention of Eddie, but this was a good news. This was perfect. His eyes shifted to Robin, who gave him a thumbs up.
He rubbed the back of his neck, then went for it. '’Do you want to go to the drive-in? Movie watching is better on a big screen, don't you think.’’
'’I actually love the drive-in, but you need a car and I unfortunately don't have a license so...’’
'’I have a car and a license. I could take you?’’ he suggested smoothly. ‘’If you want.’’
You raised an eyebrow. ‘’You’d go to the drive-in with someone you barely know?’’
Steve shrugged. ‘‘You come here every Saturday and you’re Robin’s friend. That’s enough for me.’‘
‘’Well, there’s a double feature of Grease tonight. I've seen the first one a thousand times and know all of the songs, but the second just came out. I doubt it's your kind of movies-’’
‘’Grease it is! I actually enjoyed the first one.’’
Your eyes lit up. ‘‘Really?’’ 
Steve smiled. ‘’Yeah. It’s a date.’’ 
‘’So, you’ll pick me up at eight?’’ 
‘’Eight. Yes. I’ll be there at eight.’’
After you left, Robin snickered behind the counter. ‘’God, you’re such a simp.’’
‘’Shut up.’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring—-stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey  
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maochira · 1 year
Feeling that 'enemies' to lovers with Yukki who are just really petty because they both chose a table in the library and leave class as quickly as they can to reserve that table all for themselves.
Sooner or later though, finals are coming up and y/n can't find a table to sit at because there are so many people in the library. They stand at the entrance of the library, frustrated and anxious. Then they get a tap on their shoulder, Yukki observed them pacing anxiously around the library and decided to end their petty fight and ushers them to what he called "their table".
Yeah go crazy from there ig ( /ω\)
I'm a sucker for enemies/rivals to lovers I SWEAR
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x Yukimiya, somewhat rivals to lovers, a bit of fluff I think, this became longer than I intended WHOOPS but I'm not complaining
Every day is another race for who gets to sit at that one table in the library. Ever since the school year started, it's been like this. And while it pisses you off whenever Yukimiya ends up getting the seat, you still look forward to this challenge every day. There's always a bit of adrenaline running through your veins during the last minutes of class and whenever you run to the library.
Usually, if you don't make it to that onr seat you just choose to sit down at another one. Hust today, every single seat is taken. You left the classroom a bit later than usual because your teacher asked to talk to you, which took a bit longer than expected. You already knew Yukimiya had taken the seat you always fight for, so you didn't even bother to check there.
You walked twice through the entire library to check if any other seats is available, but no. This was to be expected because finals are getting closer, so more students choose to study in the library instead of at home.
Yukimiya saw you walking by both times and he wonders why you didn't even get close to where he's sitting. Usually, even if he got the seat before you, you'd come up and say "congratulations" in a teasing tone before you'd look for another seat.
When you walk by a third time, Yukimiya notices the mix of frustration and anxiety on your face. It makes him feel somewhat guilty because he knows you've been putting a lot of effort into studying to get good grades. Fighting for the table has always been more of a lighthearted thing anyways, so he wouldn't mind ending that pettiness now.
You're about to leave the library when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to be surprised by Yukimiya standing right there.
"You don't have to leave. We can just share our table." There's a slight blush across his face while he speaks to you.
You were about to question why he called it 'our table', but you're so relieved about the opportunity to finally get a seat, you quickly agreed to his offer. "That'd be really nice."
As soon as you finish speaking, Yukimiya grabs your wrist and drags you to your table. While you set your bag to the floor, he grabs a random chair that's been standing next to a bookshelf and puts it next to his.
Even though you're classmates and you have these daily races who gets to this table first, you and Yukimiya have only had one somewhat proper conversation in the past. Despite that, sitting next to him feels weirdly comfortable.
At first, you study separately withoutsaying a word, but after about thirty minutes both of you realize it'd be more helpful if you studied together instead. It's a little awkward at first because you don't really know how to talk to him, but it gets easier quickly and you soon notice how your cheeks always feel a little warmer each time Yukimiya's hand get close to yours to take the pen out of your hand, so he can write something down on your paper.
He could absolutely use his own pen, but he doesn't. It's obvious how he's doing it to get a bit closer to you, but he uses "not wanting to write with another ink on the same paper" as an excuse.
Studying together is something you could definitely get used to. How didn't the thought of sharing the table cross your mind earlier? But you're glad Yukimiya got the idea today.
You end up staying in the library for way longer than you usually do. You lost track of time so easily because being with Yukimiya was so much fun and it made studying a lot less draining.
After a couple hours, you leave the library together. You're close to the bus stop when you see Yukimiya's bus approaching already. He's about to storm off, but not before he gives you a short hug.
"We should do this more often. See you tomorrow, bye!" Yukimiya says before running off to catch his bus. His last words send butterflies right into your stomach and you can swear there's a bright blush on his face when he turns his head to look at you one last time.
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 22, 2023
So that was fun yesterday in starting this blog. I seriously do hope that as time goes by that others will start doing the same. :) I do want to add that in my posts I will be adding some fandom history now and then. Today is one of those days. I may have been a bit self-indulgent. *blushes*
What I'm Reading:
I'm trying to savor the Ginny sorted into Slytherin story I mentioned yesterday. In my first read of it, I raced through it and know that I probably missed enjoying it in it's complete form. I'm on a few Discords and one of them being Harry Potter Fanfiction Club. They have a vote every month to choose what fics the members can read together and discuss. This month they chose for Drarry aideomai's Dwelling. I'd read this masterpiece before but decided to look for a shorter fic by this amazing author. I chose Nice Things. OMG all 22K of this fic is such a treat. If you ever need a warm, dreamylike fic, choose this one. It's an 8th year fic where only 7 of the classmates come back. Ron, Harry, and Hermione are in the mix. Draco is there along with Theo. They are assigned to live in a cottage on the grounds of Hogwarts. The progression of Harry and Draco's relationship is lovely. Read it now or Bookmark it for later when the need for this type of fic hits...as we all know there are times it's needed.
Tumblr Posts of Interest:
I only have one today and that's just because I have a bit to say about it as it holds a special place in my fandom heart.
HD Fan Fair (Career Fair) is open for prompts! They have openings for 250 prompts and so far have 153. Prompt closing is on June 30th. Claiming begins on July 1st.
First of all, I think we need to give a huge shout-out to Fan Fair mod @phoenixacid. This will be her 10th year of modding this fest. I do believe she worked on it even earlier. Anyone who's modded a fest before knows the dedication it takes to see it through. Her co-mod, @sassy-cissa has been involved since 2018.
Here's a little history about this Fest
This fest has been going on annually since 2009, with the exception of 2011. It was conceived by @marguerite26 and myself, with @vaysh11 and Jamie2109 soon joining in. I was unable to mod for personal reasons that first year and only partially the second...after that I pretty much left fandom. Back then, you really couldn't just start a fest when other established fests were already on the calendar. It was considered impolite and it would be posted on LJ about what an arse you were. LOL When hd_inspired closed shop, we jumped in and took their spot in Autumn. Fan Fair started with Career Fair and then moved on to Travel Fair. Since then, they've had Book (books mentioned in HP), Sex, Food, and Pottermore Fairs with repeats for Career, Travel and Food. Both Inspired and then Fan Fair were novel in being a prompt fest as opposed to an exchange fest like @hd-erised (back then it was hd_holidays). We felt it gave greater control to the authors to write to a prompt they liked as opposed to be assigned one, which from personal experience can cause angst and meltdowns. That is why it was called a Fair as opposed to a fest. A fest usually meant an Exchange Fest.
When I came back to fandom, I about cried seeing that @Phoenixacid had not only kept Fan Fair alive but it was thriving. I wrote for it that first year I came back in 2021, and I made a promise to read and comment on every fic and art piece posted for the Fairs. I only skipped one fic last year. It was brilliantly written but was beyond my comfort level for psychological horror. I don't listen to Podfics, I'm sorry to say. When I used to commute hours to and from work, I could but now I don't have the where-with-all to pay attention.
So go PROMPT!!!!! And give tons of love to the two mods!!!! Mods are the backbone of fandom.
For more history on Fan Fair and links to all the previous Fairs and their masterlists, here you go. Fan Fair on Fanlore.
Tumblr Drarry Fic/Art Resource:
Did you know the amazing @snowgall created and maintains a Drarry fanart archive at @snowingalway. She had noticed that fandom art of old was being lost and artists were leaving fandom. The pieces available for viewing are those that the artists have given her permission to archive. She personally contacted the artists to ask for such permission. I think when you visit the sight and view what she's saved, you too will be thrilled and indebted for what she's done for Drarry fandom. Please not she also posts and collect current works, too!
Last Tidbit:
I mentioned yesterday that I'd be reccing a fic today. I'm going to hold off on that until tomorrow. This is long enough. *blushes again*
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About ten years ago Craigslist had the "casual encounters" section. I had a few successful encounters before they got rid of it.
One night I was high and horny and I got fixated on the idea of meeting a woman I had never met before at a hotel with the intent to do blow and fuck all night. So I made a post and after about an hour of spam bots i got a real reply from a sexy thick blonde milf that was 10 years older than me.
We emailed back and forth for about a day, feeling each other out and when we both were sure we were legit, we began making plans on when and where. I chose a nice hotel with an in room jacuzzi that was close to where she lived called Lake Tarpon Resort (the name has since changed).
The day arrives and I pick up an 🎱 from my co-worker and head to the hotel, two cities away from me. I was a bit nervous on the drive, it was raining pretty hard and the whole situation was crazy to begin with. Stopped at a Walgreens and sat for a moment to think things through and decided I'd come that far, this is going down. So I buy a box of condoms and drive the final mile to the hotel.
I go in the lobby and there she is, exactly like her pictures. She was wearing what looked like basically sexy office worker attire, black heels, black skirt, white blouse, black jacket. Sounds plain the way I described it but she looked hot in it.
I get our room key and we head up. The moment we're in the room we're all over each other, kissing, ours hands exploring each other's bodies until I pull away and pull out the ❄ and break out some lines. Watching a woman do a line of blow is a huge turn on for me, so when she did hers I was rock hard and ready to go.
I just undress like normal which disappointed her because she wanted to undress me. So to make up for it I push her on the bed and begin undressing her, trying to be sexy but really just doing it frantically and awkwardly. It doesn't matter, we're high, she's wet, I'm hard, were ready to fuck.
Now, I was hardly sexually experienced at the time, I'd never even given a woman oral. I wasn't a virgin but I had only had sex like 3 times before, so a part of the reason I wanted to do this in the first place was to get some proper experience under my belt lol.
She tells me she wants to suck my cock, so I lay down. She tells me my cock is huge, which I just roll my eyes at because at the time I didn't think it was anything but average, and then begins to give me a passable bj (I've never really enjoyed getting head all that much, even today). Then she surprises me by putting the condom on me with her mouth like a hooker lol. She straddles me and sits on my cock, and to my surprise she's still acting like it's huge, easing it in slow like she can't take it. I think she's just trying to make me feel good. She finally had my cock all the way inside her pussy and she tells me not move. She just sits there catching her breath then finally begins to ride my cock. I grab her tits but then after maybe the third time she bounces on my cock she lets out a loud moan as her whole body shudders. She came and I barely did anything. At the moment I began to think maybe she wasn't just trying to be nice about the size of my cock, especially when I saw how wet my pelvis and thighs were from her. That's when I knew that night was gonna be even better than I had imagined.
She rides me until we both cum together. We do some more lines and after a bit it's time for round 2. I love kissing so I wanted her on her back missionary style. I put the second condom on myself and climb on the bed. As I push my cock inside she's whimpering and telling me to go slow, so I do. Once I'm in her, I begin to fuck her in the most awful "push up style" looking way, you know, holding my upper body up with my arms like I'm doing a push up while I clumsily thrusted my lower body forward. This was exactly why I wanted to use the night as practice. Finally I figured out that resting on my knees while keeping my upper body upright is way better and I began to finally fuck her good and proper. She didn't last long again and neither did I, but when I was about to cum she DEMANDS that I "Take that fucking condom off" and cum on her. I pull out and try pulling the condom off and she immediately grabs it from me and yanks it off my cock so fast, which to this day is one of the hottest things I've ever experienced-- seeing just how badly she wanted me to cum on her that she couldn't wait for me to take it off so pulled it off herself. I shoot big load and she says "Fuck yes, that's what I wanted" when it manages to get on her face as well.
The rest of the tale is hazy. We stopped using condoms for the rest of the night. We kept doing blow in between each round until it was gone. Fucked her 5 times total, round 3 was my first time giving a cream pie, round 4 we fucked standing doggy and I came disappointingly small amount on her ass, and round 5 was after we went to sleep, I woke up to her grabbing on my cock which was already hard and fucked her as we laid on our sides, cumming inside her again if any cum actually came out of me lol.
I still am in touch with her to this day, though we have never met up again. I wish I could remember more details, but as Rick James said... Cocaine is a Hell of a drug.
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Alien Blues
Pairing: Keigo Takami/Hawks X autistic reader
This one shot contains fluff, nesting, maybe some angst, and something that I always call 'autism dominance' (idk the real term for it, but it's basically and autistic individual who's traits are more noticeable than usual, probably due to stress)
Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Based on this post
Quirk is from my Fan Fic series, Endless Forms Most Beautiful (but not the same universe) and you can read the info sheet here
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Right now you just wanted to cry, but you almost visibly recoiled at the thought of your face feeling wet and sticky with salt.
The whole day, all you wanted was to be buried in your lover's arms, wings wrapped around each other, tucked into the corner of your apartment that was turned into a nest.
But instead you were stuck shoulder to shoulder with every type of stranger possible on the subway home from your dream-turned-nightmare 9-5 job.
You swear you've almost been fired a couple of times today. From your 'informal' work attitude because of you're stimming, to not wanting to give you're sweaty palmed and just generally unclean superior physical contact.
You can almost feel how moist your bones are inside your body, and count every air molecule that that you felt pounding against your skin as your finally freed from the metal cage of nightmarish speed. Speaking of nightmarish speeds, that's the one you chose to run at to guarantee no more sensory problems on your way home.
You wish you could fly, you really do. But the contract your company had with you which meant you couldn't use your quirk, unless it was for what was classed as a genuine reason.
As you closed the door to the apartment, you peeled your feet out of the ridiculous dress shoes the company had you wear so you could morph you feet into a more comfortable and natural state.
Stretching your wings and arms above your head, you wander your home searching for pillows, blankets, and most importantly, your beloved, Keigo Takami.
You heard the door open and close mid forage, and you whip your head around, eyes locking on the intruder.
"Keigo!" You sobbed, not realising your love was going to be home so early. Soon you found yourself breaking down in his arms.
"Hey, hey. Baby calm down. Let's get you into the nest, and I'll get you some snacks." He offered, and all you could muster was a quiet 'mhm' , and as soon as your body hit the circular mattress in your living room, you went limp, and Keigo left to get something to eat from the kitchen, as well as the blankets you had dropped.
"Today was shit." You spat out. "They kept on touching me."
"I know, baby bird. How about we finish the nest, order some takeout, and watch that ghost show you like?"
You look up at him from your spot in the nest, baffled.
"You're willing to watch Lockwood & Co. with me? You never do this."
"Sometimes sacrifices need to be made to make people happy."
A few pizzas and a finished nest later, you and Keigo were cuddling, your back to his chest.
He suddenly spoke up,
"I don't think she did look in the mirror."
You turn to look at him with a raised eye, questioning him.
"The one with the curly hair? I personally think she had enough time to look while George got the net."
. . .
There was silence for a bit before Keigo spoke.
"Nah, I don't think so, c'm'ere."
And before you knew it, you were pinned, deft hands working at your sides, causing you to writhe and giggle, almost to the point of pain.
"NO KEI- STOP, PLEASE." You squealed.
"Only if you stop being such a smart ass."
. . .
Keigo flopped down onto you, and you welcomed it, the pressure grounding you.
"Y'know," you said, "I lied about what I said earlier." You admitted.
"Oh, shaddup."
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That was fun to write
This prompt was made by @mirukosbitchywife
I hope I can use more of them in the future
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Anyways, bye for now :]
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odinsblog · 2 years
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After President Vladimir Putin announced this week that Russia was conscripting some 300,000 reservists and military veterans to reinforce its war effort in Ukraine, international flights out of Russian cities quickly sold out. This latest wave of Russia’s exodus included Anton Shalaev, a 38-year-old senior manager at an IT company, and 15 colleagues.
On less than a day’s notice, these men of military age all left their relatively comfortable lives in downtown Moscow to fly to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Because of Putin’s war, Shalaev tossed a book, an iPad, and a laptop in a backpack and got out of Dodge.
Shalaev and his co-workers are true tech geeks, producers of high-value computer games. They represent their country’s brightest and best, members of a tech elite that was the economic foundation of Russia’s new middle class. In a last selfie from Moscow, Shalaev brandished a coffee mug that bore the slogan, not today, satan.
Anna Nemtsova: Why didn’t you want to be drafted to fight in Ukraine?
Anton Shalaev: On the day Putin declared the war, I knew I would never fight on behalf of this new Nazi Reich. They are my personal enemies: mercenaries who steal my country from me, occupy foreign territories, and kill innocent people. Putin’s army commanders have had plenty of time to turn down their contracts; instead, they are recruiting more cannon fodder now.
So I chose to help Ukrainians suffering from this horror—pay for shelters in Kyiv with cryptocurrency and write antiwar posts on social media. To encourage Russians at home, I said: “Guys, look, I am writing this from Moscow.”
Nemtsova: What was your escape like?
Shalaev: Unlike state-owned companies such as Yandex or the Mail.ru Group, which are making their employees stay, we were independent of government funding, so we made an immediate decision to relocate.
The atmosphere at passport control in the airport was quiet but tense; men waiting for the flight around me were exchanging alerted glances. I had bought my ticket right before the announcement—we were already hearing rumors of the mobilization—so it cost me only about $300. But my colleagues got their tickets the next day, and they cost more than $1,000.
The departure was super stressful. The border guards took each of my friends aside into a small room, interrogated them, asked if they had ever served in the military, and if not, why not. And you know that type of sly border official making their little jokes: “Aha, you are leaving on the day of conscription.” Of course, they checked whether our names were in the database for the mobilization.
Nemtsova: Did you do military service, in fact, when you turned 18?
Shalaev: No, I entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, which had a military department, so that released me from the service obligation. I studied political science, and dreamed of becoming a Russian diplomat—Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was a graduate there. For a long time, I considered myself a Russian patriot, ready to serve.
When I enrolled in college, in 2001, there was some ideological diversity: We had a neo-Stalinist who taught us about how “Josef” ruled with an iron fist, but the next class would be with a professor telling us about liberal values. Today, the school recruits students for the secret services. And lately, I heard that the dean has urged students to call for Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to surrender.
Nemtsova: What do you think of the Kremlin’s decision making?
Shalaev: A few old men and an army of zombies are leading us to hell. I say that because people around me in Russia behaved as if they had been bitten by a zombie, dragging my entire country into a dreadful war. All I saw was Russian loser husbands beating their wives, while the entire rotting house of the state system has turned my people into an army of the dead.
They are my enemies.
Nemtsova: What do you know of the situation in Ukraine?
Shalaev: I constantly follow the war news in Ukraine—and I seek out the best, most objective analysts. My main sources on the atrocities are Ukrainian refugees from cities bombed by Russian forces.
I realize that I would rather go to prison than go to fight against the Ukrainian army. I openly embrace my antiwar position. I urge my social-media followers to donate to Ukrainians. This entire war is a crime against humanity.
(continue reading)
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r-is-typing · 2 years
with a little help | s.r
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summary: in which two co-workers need a little help from their friends… requested?: Yes! Requested by @night-sky-full-of-stars request: “hello lovely! I absolutely adored at first sight! would I be able to request a spencer reid x plus size fem!reader? a mutual-pining story where she's also in the BAU as a psychologist and they're both too shy to make the first move? bonus points if the other BAU members try to nudge them along a little. thank you! your writing is immaculate 🤍 (also no pressure for timing or length, you got this x)”
pairing: spencer reid x plus size fem!reader category: fluff
content warnings: a little bit of insecurities towards the end, but mostly just pure, tooth-rotting fluff and mutual pining, s7 reid because he has my heart 
word count: 1k+
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Running late to work was not something Y/N L/N was used to in her normal routine, but, today was different. The train from D.C to Quantico was usually on time, especially for the train Y/N having to take, arriving at 5:30am to get to Quantico by 7, making space if changes were to happen. But, the train was running late more than usual and it had stressed her out awfully. 
“Y/N, hey.” 
She recognized that small, but familiar voice anywhere. The voice, in fact, being fellow FBI employee, profiler Dr. Spencer Reid. Her eyes looked up from her nails she was picking at to Spencer who stood awkwardly gripping his satchel. 
“Spencer, hi. I didn’t know you took this train.” 
Spencer shook his head, shuffling awkwardly, before settling his feet. “I don’t, normally, but I didn’t finish some paperwork because we got back so late from the most recent case, so I decided to go up early.” Y/N smiled at this. She never figured Spencer was the type to not get anything done, especially with how he was. Reading 20k words a minute, an IQ of 187, and his eidetic memory served well within the BAU, making him the smartest on the team, at least in Y/N’s mind. 
That made sense, considering she had been harboring a liking for the man for the past two years, since her first day of being a psychologist for the BAU when needed, but mostly for other departments in the Bureau. The train finally pulled into the station, it being 6:15 in the morning. The two boarded. “So, I’ll see you-” “Would you like to sit with me?” The two agents talked over each other, making the two share a small smile. 
“Oh, sure, Spencer.”
She walked over to where the tall man chose to sit, sitting next to him. “So, how was the case, anyway?” Spencer’s face lit up, which would be surprising to anyone who didn’t know Spencer, but only knew his line of work. Lighting up at the mention of talking about serial killers? What a Spencer Reid thing to do. 
“Well, it was actually a bit of a long one. This guy had been copying the Zodiac Killer, basically killing as a set-up to impress his childhood friend who had recently gotten engaged.” Spencer rambled. Y/N listened as he continued to talk animatedly about the case he had just returned from. 
The train had come to a stop 45 minutes later, the two timed it, high-fiving as it came to be fourty-five minutes, and not a second later. Spencer and Y/N walked together to the Quantico Headquarters, quietly conversing between the two of them. 
As the two walked in together, Penelope nudged her coworkers, watching as Y/N walked over to them, and Spencer walked over to make himself a cup of coffee. “Hi, Penny,” Y/N mumbled, walking over to her. “Oh my goodness, are those new jeans? Because they look absolutely amazing on you, I mean, your curves, I’m totally-” Y/N grabbed Garcia by the shoulders. “Yes, Penny, they’re new jeans. You’ve shopped with me before. A lot of shops don’t accommodate women in my size, so I actually got pretty lucky with this one shop."  
“Amen to that, sister.” 
Garcia smiled, hugging the girl once again. Spencer walked up to Y/N after a few minutes, handing her a mug. “I, um, know you don’t like coffee, so I made you some tea.” Y/N bit her lip, trying to hide a smile. “Wow, um, thank you, Spencer.” She took a sip of her tea, humming in enjoyment. 
Y/N joined Penelope, Emily, and JJ who were stood near Emily’s desk. “JJ, how’s Henry?” JJ, being the way JJ was, jumped at the opportunity to talk about her son, which all the women enjoyed.
“Pretty Boy? Are you listening?”
Spencer snapped his head over to Derek’s direction, who leaned against the younger man’s desk, smirking. “See something you like?” Reid’s eyes widened, spluttering out incomprehensible noises. “You like her, don’t you, kid?” Spencer couldn’t help but look down at his shoes. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
But, Spencer knew he was caught. He made it annoyingly obvious he was staring at the girl as she awed and smiled as JJ showed the woman pictures of her child.
How could he not like her though? How pretty her smile was, the way her eyes sparkled and lit up when talking about something she thoroughly enjoyed, or the curve of her waist, even down to her thighs.
Was that weird that he thought about her like that when she probably never thought of him at all? That had definitely run through Spencer's mind plenty of times, but that didn't stop him from becoming infatuated with the girl, pining over her day after day.
Derek laughed. “Alright, well, if you don’t, maybe I’ll see if Y/N wants to go to dinner with me tomorrow night.” He stood up, causing Spencer to be, shockingly, the fastest Morgan had ever seen him move in the 7 years he’d worked with Reid. 
Across the room, Penelope Garcia also had a plan up her sleeve. “So, Y/N, Spencer's pretty cute, don't you think?" She smirked. Y/N looked between Garcia, Emily, and JJ, then to the guys across the room and back to the girls.
"'Course he is. Have you seen him? Although, I never picked him as your type, P."
Garcia giggled. "Oh, honey. He's not. But, what's your type?" Y/N looked over at her and glared, knowing exactly what she was referring to. "Penny..."
Emily looked between the two. "I feel like we're missing something.." Garcia nodded. "Let's just say, our favorite girl genius has been lovingly doting on our resident genius for months now, spilling how attractive she finds him after, hm, what is it? A glass and a half of wine?"
Y/N sheepishly smiled. She recalled the nights she was drunk where all she could remember at the time was Spencer. The way he talked, walked, dressed, and his mannerisms. Everything about the man starting from his sandy brown hair all the way down to his black converse, she loved it all.
The two meet in the middle of the room, spluttering out words including “like”, “date”, and “tomorrow”. Spencer then takes a breath before speaking. “Y/N, I really like you, and I was hoping, maybe, I, uh, could take you to dinner tomorrow night?” 
Y/N looks down at the floor of the bullpen. “Are you sure you’d wanna go out with me? I’m sure I’m not Dr. Reid’s type and all..” She recalls seeing what Maeve had looked like, so going from Maeve to her made thoughts run all through her head, thinking Spencer wouldn’t want to be with her. 
“You’re kidding, right? Looks don’t matter to me. All I can about is if we’re happy, and what’s on the inside; your personality is the only thing I care about, and, of course, if you can get along with the team. Which, you can. Besides, you’re so pretty, and funny, and just… everything I could ever ask for.”
Y/N smiled softly before looking up at Spencer, extending her hand. He takes her hand in his and shakes it, confused nonetheless. 
“It’s a date, Dr. Reid."
She linked her arm through his as they walked to the other side of the bullpen. "As long as we’re talking terms though, the tea you made me? I’m going to need you to make me that every day..” 
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r is writing... this is my first time writing for a specific type of character, so I really hope you enjoy it. I really like the direction I went with it, but, then again, that is just my personal opinion. Again, thank you for the request!
r is signing off...
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heartlessfujoshi · 8 months
flufftober day 4 - aziracrow 'old friends'
Title: Old Friends Chapter: 1 of 6 Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: AziraCrow (Aziraphale x Crowley) Rating: Teen (Tooth-Rotting Fluff - Timeline what Timeline - Old Married Couple without being married) Word Count: ~2,225 Prompt: Cinderella Moment Summary: Aziraphale loves his dates with his dearest friend. Spending time with Crowley is what he looks forward to most. 
A/N: Here's my next offering for Flufftober. Please enjoy!
Aziraphale picked up the telephone, tucking the receiver between his shoulder and chin, allowing him to continue to work on alphabetizing the books in his hand. “A.Z. Fell and Co, how may I help you today?” He answered, as he stuck the book in his hand on top of the stack, before going to the next stack to work on them next. 
“What’s this all about.” 
He smiled, his heart leaping in his chest as he hadn’t expected a call so soon. “Oh, hello there. And how are you today, Crowley?” He asked his dearest friend, who he had sent a package only the day before. “Is something the matter? You sound a bit…off.” 
“You know damn well that there’s something the matter!” He winced, pulling the phone away as he could feel the demon’s wrath from over the phone. It was quite a talent, truth be told. Crowley had a temper, and while most days it would be hidden, today was one of those days where it was out in full force. “What’s the meaning of this??” 
Setting down the stack of books, he chose to hold the phone against his ear using his hand, playing with the cord as he looked out at the busy street in front of his shop. Plenty of people were milling about, going on about their merry business, paying his establishment no mind, even though it sat on a prime corner in a rather affluent neighborhood. He could see two people sharing a laugh on the corner, who both looked to be in the throes of love, which made him smile. 
“Ah, yes! Sorry!” He returned his attention back to Crowley, as he could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I thought you might like it.” 
“But that doesn’t tell me why you’ve sent it along to me.” Crowley grumbled, his temper slowly lowering. “Why do you think I need this? Did I say I needed something like this? Because I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that question.” 
He sighed. “You did not.” He pouted, hating that this wasn’t at all the reaction he had been hoping for from his friend. “You don’t like it.” 
“I didn’t say that.” His friend’s attitude changed with the four words, sounding almost apologetic. 
But the damage was done. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, making him feel rather horrid. “You don’t have to lie to me, Crowley. I know you’re not happy with my present.” 
“Oh, Angel, you know that isn’t true.” Again, Crowley’s voice was much softer, the anger now completely gone from his voice. “I’m not sure why you decided to send something like this, that’s all.” 
Aziraphale took a deep breath, calming the sadness that was still threatening to take him over. “I thought you could use it. We do, after all, have our standing date in the West End this week.” 
“That makes more sense.” 
“Will you be joining me?” He asked, hoping that he didn’t sound too enthusiastic. He rather liked his dates with Crowley to the latest production. Musicals were all the rage right now, and this new one - well, it was one that Aziraphale couldn’t wait to see. “Please say yes, Crowley. You know I shall be very sad if you tell me no.” 
A deep sigh hit his ears. “I would never tell you no, Angel.” The sincerity was as clear as day in Crowley’s voice. “Of course I will be there. Would you care to get dinner beforehand? Or would you rather have dinner after the show?” 
“After!” He couldn’t stop the glee from coming out in his own voice. “Your choice!” 
“Are you sure you trust me?” 
“Of course I trust you.” Crowley was the only one on this planet that he could trust. After spending over six thousand years running into him throughout the history of time, he knew he could always count on his friend to keep things entertaining. He adored humans, that much was true, but he also adored Crowley in a way that he would never tell him. “I will see you at the theater on Friday at half past seven?” 
“The show starts at eight!” The annoyance had returned to Crowley’s voice, which brought a swift smile to Aziraphale’s lips. “I’ll be there ten till! Not a moment sooner, Aziraphale! You hear me!” 
“Yes, I do. Goodbye, Crowley. I look forward to Friday.” He hung up before Crowley could give him more grief. 
Returning to his task, Aziraphale couldn’t keep the smile off of his face, as he knew he was going to be seeing his dearest friend, and couldn’t wait to see the present he’d sent over to him. 
Aziraphale checked his pocket watch, and saw that it was two minutes shy of ten to eight. He waited patiently, knowing that Crowley would keep his word. He would be here in two minutes’ time, he only had to be patient. All afternoon, Aziraphale had been buzzing around his bookshop, pleased as all could be as he knew that tonight was the night he was going to get to see his gift for his friend. 
A light tap on his shoulder had him quickly turning around, standing off to the side to allow other patrons that were attending the show to move about their business. As he turned around, he saw that Crowley was standing directly in front of him, with a grimace on his face. But that grimace didn’t bother him in the slightest - no, he was far too happy to be in the presence of his friend, who was wearing what he’d sent to him. 
Crowley liked to wear suits. This was a fact that Aziraphale knew quite well, as he tended to wear them at all occasions. He’d tried his best to get him to wear more casual clothing, but Crowley would then insist he should follow the same pattern, which he personally didn’t care for. He liked wearing his khakis, his sweaters, his attire more business in nature than leisure. Tonight, though, tonight he was wearing a cream colored suit, one that he wore often when they went out on these dates of theirs. 
The gift he’d given to his friend had been a brand new, custom-tailored suit that Aziraphale couldn’t resist getting for him. He’d been over on Savile Row, and had expedited the service, as he wanted to see his friend wearing it to their date to the theater. Here Crowley was, adorned in the finest Italian fabric, looking as posh as the rest of the clientele in the theater, if not more so. Dare he say it - Crowley had never looked so undeniably handsome before tonight. 
“Well?” Crowley asked him, turning around so that he could get a good look at the suit. “Are you pleased?” 
“Are you?” He returned, hoping that Crowley would say yes. Because he was one hundred percent pleased. The suit was a true glow up, one that Crowley could deny and say that it was an expensive suit, and all expensive suits looked good on people, but this - this was different. Crowley looked devastatingly handsome, and Azirphale was almost feeling a bit shy, as he was much more attractive in his new suit than he was in his old, dilapidated clothing. 
“Angel, if you’re happy, I’m happy.” Crowley offered him his arm, which he gladly took with a beaming smile. “Tell me you’re happy.” 
“I am, Crowley.” He nodded, hugging onto his friend’s arm as they walked up the grand staircase together to get up to the mezzanine. “I am very happy. You look very handsome in your new suit.” 
“I still don’t know why you thought I needed a new one, when I’ve got plenty of good suits in my closet.” Crowley mumbled under his breath, but it was loud enough for Aziraphale to hear him. “The tie is nice, though.” 
“Do you like it??” The tie that he’d chosen to have delivered with the suit was adorned with tiny little snakes, looking almost like a paisley pattern, but instead of paisleys, they were intricate snakes. “I saw it, and knew I had to buy it for you.” 
“You didn’t have to.” 
“I know I didn’t, but it makes me happy.” Aziraphale harumphed, tired of listening to Crowley being a bit of a sour puss. “Doesn’t it make you happy to know that I’m happy?” 
“I don’t know what that word means, Angel.” 
He turned to look at Crowley, whose eyes were hidden by his sunglasses, blocking their true nature from the rest of the world. Aziraphale was about to give him a piece of his mind when he saw there was a smirk on Crowley’s lips. “Oh, very funny, Crowley.” He turned away, his heart still beating a bit faster after staring directly at his dear friend. Crowley had a way of making his nonexistent heart flutter in a way that he knew all about thanks to the romance novels he kept stored in his shop. 
“I love to tease you, Angel.” Crowley gave his arm a firm squeeze, which brought a round of butterflies to his stomach. “Come on - the first act is about to begin.” 
They sat next to one another, front row mezzanine. He preferred to sit up above, as it gave a much better view of the stage. The first act flew by, as did the second act. At the end of the show, he was dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief that Crowley had handed to him, as he had been too distraught by what was happening on the stage to pull his own out. 
“You liked it.” Crowley said, as the audience stood up, applauding the two leads as the curtain call ran on for another two minutes. “We’ve seen better productions, Angel.” 
“I know, but this was still very nice.” He was rather emotional still, feeling all the feelings that the two leads had made him experience in the last ten minutes of the show. “This will win all the awards. I just know it.” 
“Of course you do, Angel.” Crowley offered his arm to him again, which he took with delight. “I hope you’re hungry, as we have a date across the street for a late night meal.” 
“Only if you’re thirsty.” 
“I’m always thirsty, Angel.” 
Aziraphale blushed, wondering if Crowley meant that thirst in a different way than he had been intending it. And by the quick look he got of Crowley’s eyes, he swore it was meant to be that different way. That got his cheeks heating up once more, as he held onto his friend’s arm for dear life. 
Dinner was quiet, which he preferred. Crowley knew that, and made sure that he was as comfortable as possible. Aziraphale couldn’t help but admire how dashing Crowley looked in his suit. Not that he was ever an ugly duckling, but this suit definitely did spruce him up quite a bit. 
“Do you like your gift?” He asked, hoping to get an honest answer from Crowley.” 
“I told you, if it makes you happy, it makes me happy.” Crowley picked up his glass of wine, swirling the red liquid around in his glass before taking a sip. 
“That isn’t a real answer, and you know it.” Aziraphale pouted, feeling a tad bit upset that Crowley wouldn’t tell him the truth. 
Crowley set his wine glass down, and looked at him directly, sending the beating of his heart into maximum overdrive. “I like the way it feels. I didn’t need a new suit, but I understand why you purchased it for me. And for that, I am grateful.” 
“Good.” He smiled, pleased to hear Crowley’s honest opinion. “You look dashing, dear.” 
“Do I?” That seemed to perk up his friend’s demeanor. “Never quite figured you’d ever call me dashing, Angel.” 
Aziraphale couldn’t help but smile at the comment. “Tonight seems to be the perfect night to use that word, then.” He lifted his glass. “To a dashing new suit.” 
“I’ll drink to that.” 
Crowley accompanied him back to the book shop, leaving him on the steps in front of the door. “Good night, Crowley.” He stared up at him, his heart fluttering all over again. “Do take care on your way home.” 
“I will, Angel.” Crowley reached for his hand, which he gave freely to him. The moment his lips touched the back of his hand, Aziraphale swore he could feel steam billowing from his ears, much like a cartoon character would when they were graced by the presence of their love. “Have a good rest of your night.” 
He unlocked the shop and ducked back in, locking the door behind him. He saw Crowley standing there, making sure that he was safe, and then tipped his head towards him before heading down the street. Aziraphale looked at the back of his hand, and swore he could see a pair of lips, as if Crowley had branded him with his kiss. 
Taking a deep breath, he laughed it off and knew that the invisible mark would disappear soon enough. It was late, and it was time for him to get some rest. He would discuss with Crowley what had just transpired soon enough. He couldn’t stay away from his dear friend for too long. 
--- Cross-posted to AO3
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