#adolph putin
odinsblog · 1 year
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Hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin offered “denazification” as a flimsy pretext for his invasion of Ukraine, Russian missiles hit the Jewish hub of Uman, Ukraine, killing at least one civilian. Ukraine has begun evacuating its cities of civilians, including Uman.
This article is from February 2022, but the pictures below are from April 2023, as Putin continues bombing Uman, an historic city with a mostly Jewish population.
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Ah yes, Russia is bombing and attacking heavily Jewish, civilian population centers like Dnipro, Uman and Odesa to “denazify” Ukraine. Because of course they are.
Makes total sense, IF you’re a braindead tankie who eats up Russian propaganda.
“If you still believe Vladimir Putin’s propaganda that he’s trying to de-Nazify Ukraine, you should talk to Ukrainian Jews. They don’t buy a word of it.”
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
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The thinking of tankies as well as Putinistas, bothsiderists, and Tucker Carlson fans is illustrated in that meme.
Those are the sort of people who would have sought "compromise" with Hitler.
Speaking of Schicklgruber, France and Britain attempted to compromise with Germany in 1938. The result was the infamous Munich Agreement of September 30th when Czechoslovakia was forced to give up the Sudetenland to Hitler's Germany.
Hitler observed his side of the agreement for just 166 days; on 15 March 1939 German troops occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia without warning. And 11 months and 1 day after Munich, Hitler invaded Poland and World War II began.
You can never sate an imperialist dictator's appetite for more land and power. Defeat of some sort is the only way to stop Putin once and for all.
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ruminativerabbi · 2 years
Return to Munich?
I spent the week leading up to Shavuot reading Robert Harris’s excellent novel, Munich, which I enjoyed very much and somehow hadn’t gotten to until now. (I usually read books made into movies before seeing the film, but made the mistake this time of reversing the order. The movie, starring Jeremy Irons, George McKay, and Jannis Niewöhner, was good enough—but I found the book to be far more compelling.) Nor was this an unusual choice for me: I’ve been a huge fan of Harris since his 1992 breakout bestseller, Fatherland, and have read all of his books published since then. I especially liked his “Cicero” trilogy (the books were published in the U.S. as Imperium, Conspirata, and Dictator), which books were and are the best and most exciting lawyer-novels I’ve read. But Harris’ several books that are set against the background of events leading up to or taking place during the Second World War (Fatherland, Enigma, Munich, and V-2) are in a class by themselves. I recommend them all.
I was drawn to read Munich specifically because of the parallel I am seeing increasingly clearly between the situation facing the world in 1938, when the Germans were about to go to war for the sole purpose of seizing the territory of a country—in this case Czechoslovakia—that it felt had no “real” right to exist, and the one facing us now in 2022, as Russia pursues a war of ruthless brutality against a neighboring country regarding which its leader feels similarly. Nor are those the only parallels: the fact that a serious portion of the Czechoslovak population in the region called the Sudetenland was made up of ethnic Germans who spoken German as their native tongue and who regarded Germany as their homeland gave Hitler the fig leaf he at that point still felt he needed to justify invasion as liberation, not at all unlike the way that Vladimir Putin has attempted to justify his invasion of Ukraine with reference to the 17.5% of the Ukrainian population that self-defines as ethnically Russian.
The world remembers Neville Chamberlain, British P.M. from 1937 to 1940, as the quintessential appeaser, as the man who famously signed over the territory of someone else’s country to the Germans for the sake of preserving “peace in our time,” words that have come to have—to say the very least—a hollow ring when spoken against the background of what was yet to come. (The Munich Conference of 1938 took place precisely so that France and the U.K. could feel good—or, at least, less bad—about stepping back from their unambiguous commitment to defend the territorial integrity of Czechoslovakia so that the Germans wouldn’t need to start an actual war to seize the territory they wished to acquire.) The point of Harris’s novel is to provide some shading for that portrait of Chamberlain as a gun-shy coward who was prepared to do anything at all to keep Hitler from going to war, much less as a fool who lacked the insight to see through Hitler’s phony assurances that the transfer of the Sudetenland to German control constituted the sole territorial adjustment that Germany wished to make to the map of Europe.
The ”real” issue, Harris suggests, was the fact that there was no way imaginable that Britain could have won if war had broken out in 1938—at which time the Royal Air Force  had exactly twenty fighter planes “with working guns” to protect the entire nation—and that behind Chamberlain’s endlessly mocked decision to hand over a serous chunk of someone else’s to Germany was his need to stall for time so that Britain could be far more ready to fight before war actually did break out. And, indeed, it seems quite correct that the outcome of the Battle of Britain was as it was precisely because it began in the summer of 1940 instead of in 1938. When a nation is motivated by the almost certain knowledge that it is about to face a ruthless foe in all-out war, two years can be a long time!
I have been drawn to reading about Munich lately because I see a certain level of Ukraine-fatigue setting into our national approach to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. No longer a front-page issue unless a significant number of civilians are killed, the war has settled into our national consciousness as a bad thing happening to someone else’s country by an aggressor nation we hold no sympathy for…but who we also have zero interest in actually going to war against.
Nor am I intuiting this based on my own survey of the news: President Biden published an essay in the Times just last week in which he made that precise point unambiguously and plainly. The President started off by explaining that our goal in Ukraine is straightforward and clear: our nation wants, he wrote, “to see a democratic, independent, sovereign, and prosperous Ukraine with the means to deter and defend itself against further aggression.” And then he went on to opine that, in his opinion, only a diplomatic solution will serve truly to end the conflict. Nor did the President look away from the fact that the Russians do not seem eager or even slightly inclined to resolve the conflict peacefully. Indeed, our commitment to continue to provide the Ukrainians with the kind of arms and rocket systems they will need to keep the Russians from winning the war is rooted, he wrote clearly, in the assumption that those negotiations will come about precisely when the Russians finally realize they have embarked on a war they simply cannot win.
And then the President got to his real point. “So long as the United States or our allies are not attacked,” he wrote unambiguously, “we will not be directly engaged in this conflict, either by sending American troops to fight in Ukraine or by attacking Russian forces. We are not enabling or encouraging Ukraine to strike beyond its borders. We do not want to prolong the war just to inflict pain on Russia.” So that was clear enough and the President’s principles were no less transparent. We want the Ukrainians to win. We will provide them with billions of dollars’ worth of arms. We will stand by them diplomatically and emotionally. But we will not enter this war. In other words, we’ll do what we can—but if the Ukrainians lose, they will have to live with the consequences of their own defeat. (To read the President’s essay in full, click here.)
Is Joe Biden our Neville Chamberlain? Or, to ask the same question in different words: is our decision to support Ukraine with money and guns but ultimately to leave the Ukrainians to their fate the moral equivalent of the decision of the French and British more than eighty years ago to denounce the German threat to invade Czechoslovakia but ultimately to leave the Czechs and Slovaks to theirs? The parallel is not exact. The Brits and the French specifically did not send massive amounts of money and arms to Czechoslovakia. The Germans specifically hadn’t invaded and were only threatening to—and the Munich Agreement actually did result in a peaceful transfer of territory without simultaneously plunging the world into war. But it also gave the Germans another year to prepare their offense and to stockpile their weapons so that when, a year later, Germany unilaterally invaded Poland (and without first asking the permission of the U.K. or France), their success in crushing the Poles was more or less guaranteed. Where things went from there, we all know—so the real question, the one that matters, is what would have happened if the Munich Conference had never taken place, if Germany launched a military invasion of Czechoslovakia, and if the U.K. and France had gone to war forcefully and aggressively in 1938. Would Germany have been defeated? Would the rest, including the Shoah, never have happened? If the French and the Brits had honored their commitment to Czechoslovakia’s territorial integrity, would events have quickly led to regime change in Berlin? Would the U.S. have joined such a principled, just war against a ruthless aggressor state…or would FDR still have dithered until the Japanese finally forced our hand?
These are tantalizing questions that have no answers. Czechoslovakia’s so-called allies declined to honor their commitments and allowed themselves to feel good about betraying an ally by telling themselves that Hitler probably meant it when he insisted that his troops would only cross the border into another country this one single time. Putin too has indicated that he has no plan to occupy the countries of the former Soviet Union one by one, much less that he hopes to paste back together the old USSR and recast it as a new Russian Empire. Nor, of course, does the fact that Hitler betrayed his own pledge necessarily imply that Putin will. In the best-case scenario, Ukraine wins. In the second-best-case scenario, Ukraine loses and Putin honors his commitment to attack no other nations. Well worth noting is that no nation of the former Soviet Union is a member of NATO, so all Putin really has to do to avoid a World War with the West is to keep his hands off of Finland and Sweden, supposing they manage to join NATO. If the West wouldn’t intervene to save Ukraine, why would anyone expect it to intervene to save Latvia or Moldova? I suppose we all know the answer to that question. And so, of course, does Vladimir Putin.
Looking back, there are lessons to be learned. Of them, the simplest are that buying bullies off rarely works in the long run, that peace and appeasement are similar concepts only etymologically and not at all politically, and that fantasizing that giving in to a bully’s demands will somehow discourage that bully from making even more demands is folly. For the moment, the Ukrainians appear to be holding their own. But time is on the Russians’ side—and in a very big way. So the real question is what we will do if the tide turns dramatically and a Ukrainian defeat seems imminent. That is the question to which we, the people, should be demanding an answer and which the President specifically failed to address in his op-ed piece. We should be demanding the answer to that question now, long before we have actually come to that crossroads and have to make a game-time decision which path to take forward.
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justinforprez · 1 year
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moniameluzzi · 2 years
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The Gravity of Levity: Humor as Conceptual Critique by Heather Diack. QCQ :
QUOTE:    "serious unseriousness" of humor in conceptual art.
I think that we can understand the humor of this artwork only  the moment we understand the historical meaning behind it. What’s happening right now with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a serious situation where people continue to die at the hands of a person who doesn’t believe in a free world.
This sculpture was made by French artist James Colomina. He placed a red statue of Vladimir Putin riding a tank in a playground in Central Park ,NY.  In this environment I perceive the scene as that of a “child-president” who wants to play war. the situation looks comical (unseriousness) because of the  playful environment surrounding it.
I believe the idea behind in this representation is to humiliate Putin’ public image because he’s seen as sn evil icon.
Can this be seen as a disrespectful action by the artist? Can we see the same situation in Maurizio Cattelan’s sculpture of Adolph Hitler called Him?
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Maurizio Cattelan - Him
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zambianobserver · 2 years
'Outrageous and unforgivable'- Israel furiously reacts after Russia's foreign minister justifies Ukraine war by saying Adolph Hitler was a Jew and most anti-Semitic people are jewish
‘Outrageous and unforgivable’- Israel furiously reacts after Russia’s foreign minister justifies Ukraine war by saying Adolph Hitler was a Jew and most anti-Semitic people are jewish
Israel has reacted with fury after Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “had Jewish blood”, when trying to justify the invasion of Ukraine . Sergei Lavrov (pictured top left) made the comments to try to justify Vladimir Putin’s portrayal of Ukraine as a “Nazi” country despite the fact that its president, Volodimir Zelenskyy (pictured top right) is…
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elphin365 · 2 years
Vladimir Putin does not understand, whatever the outcome of this war, he is forever branded a villain and a monster. History will show him on the same level as Adolph Hitler. There is no escape for him, no forgetting, and no forgiving. He is the face of cowardice.
On the other hand, he has unwittingly shown what a true hero and patriot looks like in Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Ukraine’s President will be known forever as a leader who stood with his people. He had the strength and courage to stand against tyranny and evil, regardless of the risk to his life. He is the face of bravery.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.”~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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onesmfmanimal · 2 years
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From the begining of time, many rulers, tyrants, and dictators, have ruled their nations in fear and thus in turn, they've held much of the world in the grasp of horror while doing so. What we are all experiencing now, in reference to Putin and his annihilation of a nation, and its friendly, peaceful people of Ukraine, is no different in fact, than the genocidal, homicidal actions of Adolph Hitler and-
his psychopathic extermination, of our Jewish brothers and sisters in 1933 to 1945. The only difference now is, it's a Soviet regime, a "Russian Reich" if you will. The very hatred and Psychopathic reasoning is the same. This following piece, "though symbolic in much of its overall content," is about the very fear and insane f*****g ideology which has been spewn from madmen, not only through-
out history but, within the very minds of many of today's, so called, "rulers"! They are the feces of the species, who use and rule their own very people, as puppets of perpetration, through lies and overall fear to accomplish at times, "like these now," extremely heinous, and unimaginable acts of unforgivable horror. They'll use the minds and flesh of their very own through fear, as their War Machines of death. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....
Written March, 22nd, 2,022
#2,075. File# 25-A, Cat#24-B
Artwork & Lyrics;
Jeff Smith
*All Rights Reserved. (C) 2,022*
~~~~~~ WAR MACHINES ~ ~~~~~
Within the time, this'll take to read
thousands are, bleedin' out in vain,
While millions more all wait in line
to effin' die, in the name of shame,
See em' all, marchin' to the rhythm
all on, their leaders roads to death,
Paved in, a psychotyrant's b.s. lies
with war machines, of fire's breath,
And like y'ur fathers all before you
and you,..their children born to die,
you're f*****g led by, psychopaths
that give a shit about, human lives,
I've got you all, marching
To, my rhythm,
Believing me ohhh yeaaa
A new religion,
Yeaa you were all born to
Die and, bleed,
So bow and die, my effin'
War Machines...
Bow to your God, my little puppets
yeaa, prepare to greet your deaths,
I'll lead you all, to my promise land
so bow and die just like all my rest,
And don't you ever ask or question
cause, you've got no human rights,
Y'ur only puppets, upon my strings
so effing die, for the Russian reich,
Worship me, your God of madness
where, your souls with fear, I'll rule,
For I'm, the demigod of effing hate
so bleed for me till y'ur cold n' blue,
Throughout the earth's sick history
thrives those, fecal staines of man,
Who rule in fear and extinguish life
psycho f**ks, w/their Hellish plans,
I've got you all, marching
To, my rhythm,
Believing me ohhh yeaaa
A new religion,
Yeaa you were all born to
Die and, bleed,
So bow and die, my effin'
War Machines...
Yeaa, I am the feces of the species
but still, you'll worship me in awe,
While I kill babies with effin' bombs
and blow ya' all to kingdom come,
I'm earth's filth and, wrapped in you
oh, and wrapped from head to toe,
Rob your minds and leave you blind
hidin' the truth, with the lies I sow,
On y'ur hands and knees war babies
there's, nowhere that you can hide,
So, close y'ur eyes and say goodbye
as war machines spread genocide,
Through history we've ruled w/hate
yea, throughout y'ur seas and lands,
We're charismatic and, Hell bent on
world domination and fascist plans,
Yea, a mirror image of Hitlers mind
alhough I'm dressed in Russian red,
spewing hate dressed w/effing lies,
same f****n' shit, little Adolph said,
I'm gonna be your new world leader
gotta lotta 9 millimeter baby eaters,
Become a puppet yea dance for me
upon my lil' strings a world to bleed,
I got 'em all, marching to my rhythm
believing me, yea, their new religion,
Yea, you were all born to die, for me
so bow & die my lil,' "War Machines"!
☆☆☆☆ WAR MACHINES ☆☆☆☆
Written March, 22nd, 2,022
#2,075. File# 25-A, Cat#24-B
Artwork & Lyrics;
Jeff Smith
*All Rights Reserved. (C) 2,022*
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hypnoticwinter · 2 years
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I find it incredibly disheartening that this is a point that some people still don’t grasp, but just because you agree with one side, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t producing propaganda and hoping you swallow it.
Yeah, I’ve seen that video of Zelensky in a plate carrier and a helmet talking about how he isn’t going to run away. Do you know what that proves? That at some point Zelensky or one of his media employees had the idea to shoot a propaganda video talking about how he isn’t going to run away. And that, as of right now, he hasn’t been spotted anywhere outside of the Ukraine. 
There is literally no situation where Zelensky is running around with a rifle shooting at Russians right now. He is in a bunker somewhere with a bunch of aides and personnel coordinating things or performing other political duties. I will give him that it seems likely that he hasn’t left the country, and it’s absolutely true that in similar situations, a lot of other leaders probably would have. You know what that tells me? That he is expecting NATO and the West to back him up. That tells me that he’s shrewd and calculating, not brave. Not a dig at Zelensky - I would say it’s probably better for a leader to be shrewd and calculating than brave. But it just makes me sick seeing so many people swallow lies (and let’s not mince words, these are lies) like this with zero examination or reflection just because Ukraine good, Russia bad.
The situation is never that simple, and it worries me tremendously to see people thinking that this is an unjustified war of aggression with no logical motives on Russia’s part. Remember the Cuban missile crisis? NATO cruise missiles stationed in Ukraine could hit Moscow five minutes after they’re launched. I’m not going to pretend that that’s the end-all be-all reason for why Russia decided to launch an invasion, I’m not Russian and I don’t have my finger to the pulse of Russian politics, but I’m willing to bet it’s a big part of it. Remember how badly the US flipped out when the USSR tried to do almost the exact same thing with Cuba? For literal decades now NATO has been slowly pushing closer and closer to Russia and I’m frankly surprised that it’s taken this long for Russia to do anything about it. Obviously there are also some sentiments of ‘Ukraine is rightful Russian clay’ and so on (which are not incredibly accurate to the actual history of the Ukraine), but it is absolutely foolish to believe that Russia is doing this just for sentimental reasons.
Look, don’t call me a tankie or a slavaboo, because I’m not, but please for the love of god can we think a little more critically about what we’re seeing in the news? And heaven forbid if you’re getting your news off of twitter or instagram or tiktok. The Russian government is deeply corrupt in many ways and absolutely needs major changes, but I think it’s the epitome of American (or just Western) ignorance to simply refuse to consider that there may be significant geopolitical reasons for why Russia has chosen to invade. Putin is not meaningfully comparable to Adolph Hitler - not yet, anyway - and it is frankly completely insensitive for people to do so. 
I do not want people in the Ukraine to die, but people are dying right now as I’m typing this. Who’s to blame? Putin, for invading? Zelensky, for making moves towards joining NATO when he certainly would have known what a provocation this would have been to Russia? I don’t know. I am a Westerner. I don’t have any friends or family in Ukraine or Russia. I’m certain that a lot of you reading this won’t either. Our responsibility should not be to pick sides, it should be to educate ourselves around the history and politics surrounding this conflict so that we can understand what the hell is going on before we start pointing fingers in the direction the media is telling us to point. Don’t forget, as of 2013 with the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act, it’s no longer illegal for the government to produce propaganda targeted at the domestic US. You do the math on that one.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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In the coming days/weeks, you’re going to hear a lot about how Ukraine should accept the terms of surrender (as that’s what they are) offered by Russia—how they’d be “stupid” not to, how Zelenskyy should “do the right thing for his people” and prioritize saving lives, how peace should be the priority and we can’t always get what we want.
Make no mistake: even if Russia intends to uphold these terms once Zelenskyy accepts them, this is a terrible deal for Ukraine and a terrible deal for the world.
First of all, there’s no guarantee that Russia will respect a cease fire or peace treaty. Obviously that’s always the case with war, but it’s especially the case when they’ve already violated multiple cease fire agreements by firing on and murdering evacuating civilians, including children. So there’s your peace treaty.
Second, the terms that Russia has presented include virtually all of Putin’s actual goals for this illegal invasion (obviously “de-Nazification” and “de-militarization” were just lies à la “weapons of mass destruction,” a rhetorical tactic that really ought to be familiar to any self-respecting American leftist). Ukraine would forfeit its claim on the territories Russia has already illegally annexed/recognized, it would be forced to change its constitution (!!!) to commit to never joining any “pacts” (EU, NATO, anything else that forms in the future), and it would retain Zelenskyy as a figurehead while installing a pro-Russian actual government leadership.
This is—and I cannot stress this enough—not a “compromise” or a “peace treaty.” It’s terms of surrender. And the lesson learned here is that Russia can continue invading and terrorizing sovereign states without any actual consequences—remember, Putin doesn’t personally care about Western sanctions. He doesn’t care if his people are plunged into poverty as long as he and his cronies aren’t, and they won’t be. He’s furious about the sanctions because he finds them personally offensive and because they confirm his victim complex, not because he’s legitimately worried for his people like Zelenskyy is.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, Putin has made it extremely clear that he seeks to rebuild a Russian empire. He will not stop with Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk. (And make no mistake—Luhansk and Donetsk are not independent sovereign states like Ukraine; they’re simply Russian satellites.) He will not stop with forced regime change in Belorus, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine. (And even if he did—isn’t that awful enough?) He is not “concerned about Russia’s security” or “worried about NATO’s encroachment” or whatever his extensive social media operation has you believing. He’s not concerned or worried about anything. He’s a dictator expanding his empire. He is exactly what you all feared Trump was.
I believe that this “offer” from Russia to Ukraine serves two purposes, and neither of them is to establish a lasting peace and autonomy for each country. One is to give Putin a potential way to back out of a war that has already gone much worse than he expected and cost him significantly in terms of personnel and equipment. (Not the sanctions—like I said, I don’t think he personally cares about the sanctions and in fact sees them as a political tool to use to his advantage.)
The second and more important goal is to create a way for the international community to blame Ukraine for the continued war. “If you’d just accept the terms, you could save your people and prevent nuclear war.” It’s absolutely classic DARVO tactics that, again, any progressive activist should be familiar with. “Sure, it’s not your fault he attacked you, but you shouldn’t have reported it, made a big deal of it, gotten him ‘cancelled,’ made it public, etc.”
It’s not Ukraine’s responsibility to “prevent nuclear war.” Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for protection—protection that it has not received, although Western aid and military assistance has undoubtedly been helpful. Placing responsibility on Ukraine to accept unjust terms and illegal annexation of its land in order to “prevent nuclear war” only lends credence to the claim that only nuclear weapons can keep a country truly safe—after all, it would mean that Putin’s nuclear threats have allowed him to invade his neighbors, terrorize their citizens, destroy their resources, replace their democratically elected leaders with his own puppets, and steal their land—without even having to make any concessions himself.
So here’s my plea to my American progressive/leftist siblings. Please question what you think you know about Putin, Russia, and Ukraine. There are certainly far-right and neo-Nazi political forces in Ukraine as there are in any country, but Zelenskyy is a progressive, democratically elected JEWISH president. NATO and the EU have their (serious) issues, but they have not pressured or forced any former Soviet states to join—in fact, prior to this war, it seemed unlikely that Ukraine would be admitted. Ukraine WANTED to join to protect itself from Russia, which had already illegally annexed its land, empowered far-right groups within its borders, and forced regime changes in surrounding countries.
Putin is not an anti-imperialist revolutionary; he denounces American imperialism because it’s convenient for him politically and it keeps the American left from putting pressure on our government to divest from Russia. Sure, maybe the Democrats oversold Russian election hacking as an explanation for Trump’s win (although the more I learn about the extent of Russia’s disinfo campaign, the more I question this common leftist talking point), but that doesn’t mean that Putin isn’t bent on conquering Eastern Europe and subduing Western powers by any means necessary. This goes far beyond American electoral politics, and the answers here do not conform to American party lines. Do not fall into the trap of dismissing politicians’ statements about Putin and Russia just because you disagree with the rest of their stances.
Putin is a dictator. Sometimes it really is that simple. A former KGB agent, he came to power by staging the modern Russian version of the Reichstag fire (look up “Russian apartment bombings”), using that as an excuse to start a war and win it, and he has maintained his power through strong-arming and terror. The State Duma is entirely symbolic at this point; anyone who goes against Putin knows that they are likely not only to die, but to die horribly, just like Alexei Navalny almost did not long ago (look up “Novichok” and prepare yourself for some body horror).
I could go on. I won’t right now. But in truth, I deeply regret the fact that I haven’t done more over the past 8 or so years to disrupt the blatant Putinist propaganda I hear from a lot of my fellow progressives. I had other priorities and I didn’t give it the attention I should’ve. To be clear: nothing America or American progressives could’ve done would’ve stopped this war, only delayed it or hastened it. The war was inevitable because Putin wants to conquer Ukraine, and beyond.
So I’ll just say—please, please listen to people who fled Russia/the Soviet Union, and to experts who study Russia. The most likely threat here isn’t a nuclear WWIII; this isn’t about you. The thing people like me fear most is simply that Putin will continue subjugating, terrorizing, and ultimately conquering innocent citizens of sovereign states, and that the West will eventually just accept this as the price of nuclear deterrence.
I’m not a political scientist; I don’t know how to stop this war. All I know is that Ukrainian surrender isn’t it. Listen to Ukrainians, anti-Putin Russians, and other experts, form your own opinion, and most importantly, keep your wits about you. Not everyone in this world is a good faith negotiating partner. Some people are, unfortunately, just evil. Hitler was, Stalin was, Putin is.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
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Hitler observed the Munich agreement for less than 24 weeks. And the invasion of Poland began just over 11 months after Munich. Appeasement is not the road to peace.
Ethnonationalist dictators are not interested in the rule of law – including international law. That's usually how they got to be dictators in the first place.
Putin violated a host of international agreements and treaties when he invaded Ukraine. That includes the United Nations Charter, the 1975 Helsinki agreement, and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. And all through this war, Putin has been violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which went into effect in 1951.
Anybody who believes that Putin would adhere to any future agreements on Ukraine has to score in the top 1% of the population for gullibility.
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tervacious · 2 years
Look, I don’t say this lightly but Zelensky is a fucking kapo.  Fuck that dude.
You don’t get to use your Jewishness as a defense for why your country is not only awash in nazis and you have literal entire nazi brigades in your military and then show yourself flanked by nazis to the Greek parliament and therefore the people of Greece, you know, a country invaded by NAZIS, and then whine about how you can’t be a nazi because you’re Jewish.  That doesn’t even make sense.
You know what, since I’m here, I’m going in.  The state of Israel was partly built on an alliance between Zionists and literal Adolph Hitler, okay?  So in many regards it is hardly out of character for Isra*l to affiliate with Ukrainian nazis, which they have absolutely and shamelessly done.  But Zelensky is not the state of Israel, I don’t know what his politics are regarding Israel specifically, I don’t know if he’s a zionist or what, but what I do know is if you are openly and apparently proudly Jewish and you make a deal out of that but then you turn around and flank yourself with NAZIS in your bizarre quest for, I’m not sure, it ain’t power, he’s a stooge for the CIA, but if you utilize and affiliate with fucking nazis, you’re a fucking kapo.
And since I opened up that whole CIA door, probably I have to think money is the main driver here, just like it’s the main driver for America’s involvement anywhere in the world.  When the American public, brainwashed though it might be, has less say than Lockheed Martin and Halliburton, and when no one really cares about the people of Ukraine, and I include Zelensky in that btw, this is about money.  But it’s also about empire, which for America is honestly always about money because we’re in denial about the Imperial part of Empire but not so much in denial about the monetary benefits of the thing.
AAAAnd since I went there, one thing that drives me nuts about this bullshit is I wonder about these American asshole reporters who want nuclear war with Russia and where they think the bombs will hit first.  Like these jerks are all from Washington DC, New York, you know, all the places that would be first on the list that those of us who are more than thirty years old all learned about in school.  Because this is old news, how nuclear war works.  I have no idea why anyone thinks nuclear weapons are theoretical but simultaneously want you to believe Putin is a MADMAN I TELLS YA.  It’s all propagada at this point. 
What was I... oh yeah, fucking Volodymyr Zelensky is a fucking kapo.  
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The Other F Word
 By Stephen Jay Morris
 Wednesday, February 12, 2020
©Scientific Morality
This is my 500th post!
            What is worse?  Totalitarian Communism or Authoritarian Fascism?  If you are coming from my perspective of Anti-Authoritarian, both spectrums are detestable.  Once I listened to a lecture by a member of the Communists party.  She said, “If Communism ever came to the USA, it wouldn’t be like Russian Communism or Chinese Communism.  It would be American-centric Communism.”  She also indicated that it is doubtful there would ever be a Communist revolution in America.  Maybe in 200 years there would be some sort of uprising.  So, how about Fascism?
           The usually jocund disposition of the liberal Left is kind of gloomy of late.  We have the biggest scoundrel ever occupying the oval office.  He has violated every constitutional precept observed that he took an oath to defend.  This is due to his androcentric symptom of the mental disorder called Narcissism. He is concerned only with winning and losing, and power versus weakness.  He is an anti-intellectual and a phony Christian.  If there were ever a threat of impuissance, then Comstockery would come into play.  
However, the legal system and law enforcement is still in play.  All branches of the military remain in tact.  Spy agencies continue to exist.  So the big Republican elephant in the room is:  Can Fascism happen in the USA?   The short answer is:  No.  
Unless Trump is a Manchurian candidate of Putin or part of an oil company cabal, Trump is just another emulous egomaniac that has illusions of grandeur.  Hitler had some modicum of strategy and a hierarchy who knew that Adolph was just a figurehead of German Fascism; they knew how to manipulate him.  Trump?  He has no patience for strategy or anything that is devious.  Like someone who suffers from A.D.H.D., his every move is spontaneous.
Who is all-powerful, a cold, calculating Sociopath, and secretively behind Trump?  No one!  Does Trump have thugs like the Brown Shirts?  The “Proud Boys” you say?  Ha! That does not compare to the thugs who did kristallnacht in Germany before Hitler came into power.  Brown Shirts beat up Jews in the streets and vandalized their shops.  Proud Boys have to be escorted from Antifa marches for their own protection by the local police.  Brown Shirts attacked German Communists’ meetings and shot people to death.  Proud Boys throw water balloons.
In order to have a Fascist regime you must have the support of the military.  Trump has insulted and alienated the military.  A majority of them hate him.  In order to sustain a Fascist Regime you need a secret police. Who does Trump have? Breitbart?  The CIA hates him.  The FBI can’t stand him.  But Trump has Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
If Fascism comes to America, it won’t come by Trump.  He is too germ phobic and stupid to be another Mussolini.  However, the Neo-Liberals and the 1% are a major problem. Most of the 1% think that Trump is a moron and won’t support him.  One day, they will find somebody with a brain.  And, watch out!
When his term is over, Trump may not abscond into that good night.  Like a 2-year-old, kicking and screaming on the floor, he will shed big tears and whine about how mistreated he was.  Then, he’ll fold his arms and huff and puff with a big, red face and say, “I am not leaving!”
Maybe he will fake his own death?  
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antiqueart212 · 7 years
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"The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands..." -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
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backfirealley · 2 years
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Comments on the book ‘Whistleblower’ by Susan Fowler
Susan writes:
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Well yes.  Many of us would like to be like that. But  we did not create ourselves.  Our physical and mental properties emerged from the internal DNA shaped biology passed on via generations of progenitors and shaped by the external  environments through which we’ve travelled.  All of that original and transitional raw material whether biological or experiential  composes our ‘individuality’ including our self awareness and consciousness. 
 And consider this - Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Donald Trump and even Vladimir Putin would say the same thing about themselves that Isaish  Berlin says about himself. I think Isaiah Berlin might agree that an evil person with these convictions would be worse than an evil person lacking them.
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