#and eventually i will have a scrunkly
linterteatime · 1 year
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Somebody 1000000 moons ago asked me for a Frankie, here I deliver...hopefully they didn't die or something
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sweet-beezus · 9 months
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[Stirring a pot of the same exact soup as usual] Perhaps the yield will be different today if I [adds garlic salt] Perfect
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cyncerity · 2 years
it’s taking me a while to write and draw stuff cause of the injury i’ve been talking about and it making me feel like my brain has been replaced with a towel filled with piss so take some creature tommy au headcanons in the meantime (i would read the rest of the au for context also these are long so i apologize especially the third one)
tw: vore for the third headcanon, mentions of hard vore (none happen), and general mostly non-descriptive violence
-Tubbo still constantly checks in with how Tommy’s doing through Wilbur, even though he doesn’t want anything to do with him in person. Wilbur occasionally lets Tommy know that Tubbo is concerned about his well-being, and Tommy would be lying if he said that it didn’t make him feel a bit bad, but he’s more so just confused as to why Tubbo cares. After all, he’s the one who almost killed and permanently maimed the borrower, what does he gain from checking in on Tommy? Why doesn’t he want him dead? But turns out, Tubbo is aware of how badly the lab fucked Tommy up after Wil told him, and is cheering his human friend on from the sidelines in his mission to help Tommy change for the better. And once Tommy does change and see borrowers as people, Tubbo will be the first one to congratulate him and teach him about proper borrower culture. As for now, though, even if Tubbo doesn’t want to be near him, he’s glad that Tommy has someone who cares about him and who he feels comfortable with.
-Wilbur invited his tiny friend, Jack, over to his house and had completely forgotten about Tommy until he and Jack got there. Tommy introduces himself and Jack is immediately off-put when Tommy starts making a lot of comments about how good he smells and how he wonders if he tastes as good, and Wilbur is fucking terrified. This is far enough along that Tommy and Wilbur get along really well, and Tommy genuinely cares about Wilbur and doesn’t want to disappoint him (though he’d be hard pressed to admit it). So he won’t kill Jack for Wil’s sake, even though he really wants to, but that doesn’t stop him from making not-so-subtle remarks about how he wants to eat Jack. So Wil is high strung all night and Jack is just really really confused cause he assumes Tommy is a normal borrower.
-All of the creature lab borrowers were made stomach acid resistant, and whenever the creatures would disobey or fail at something, the scientists would nom them as punishment. Tommy nonchalantly mentions once that he can’t be harmed by stomach acids, so later when one of Wilbur’s friends comes over with a borrower, Wilbur panics, knowing Tommy hadn’t eaten yet that way. So, he noms Tommy, and this is the first time Tommy shows actual fear towards Wil. He’s generally very deadpan and sarcastic, but he’s getting bad traumatic flashbacks from the lab, so he panics and shifts, trying to claw his way out of Wil. Wil can’t get him out now cause he’s too big but Tommy can’t reason enough through his panic to realize that Wilbur is practically begging him to shrink back down so he can let him out. Tommy eventually passes out from exhaustion and fear and shrinks and Wil spits him out immediately. Tommy wakes up about an hour later, and Wilbur isn’t home. And he doesn’t get home that day. For the first time in his life, Tommy is left fully alone all night, and he’s only getting more and more worried. As much as he pretends to be entirely soulless, he does genuinely care about Wil, and he’s devastated to think that Wilbur abandoned him, even though he knows that’s an irrational thought. Wil eventually does get home at about noon the next day, and Tommy is all over him with questions, half worried and half angry that Wil would let him think he was abandoned. But that anger dissipates pretty quickly when he learns that in his panic, he caused some major internal bleeding for Wil, and he had to go to the hospital to make sure none of his internal organs were damaged by Tommy’s claws. He was mostly fine, but the doctors kept him overnight anyway to make sure he wouldn’t get worse. Wil still wasn’t fully better, and was still mostly bedridden, but had argued against anymore time in the hospital cause he was genuinely worried about Tommy after the kind of ptsd flashback he had. Tommy actually feels really really bad about this, and decides that maybe he owes it to Wilbur to be a bit nicer after doing that to him. Tommy still doesn’t fully let his guard down, and he isn’t automatically more genuine, but he starts to open up about what he went through at the lab, and lets Wilbur know how much it means to him that he’s been there for him. Wilbur thinks that suffering a little internal bleeding was maybe worth it. •adding on to this, Tommy sleeps in his creature form curled up like a cat on Wil’s chest from this point on.
-Wilbur mostly works from home, but whenever he has to leave, Tommy stays home. Tommy was never left alone at the lab and doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he just kinda runs around. Wil comes home early once to see Tommy doing parkour like six feet above the ground (well over a high enough height to kill him) so Wilbur decides that it’s time to give Tommy a hobby. He buys him a phone so at the very least he can entertain himself with youtube, but teaches him about gardening and music. Tommy especially loves listening to Wilbur play guitar. Also Wilbur gives Tommy coca cola for the first time after he sees that Tommy may have a blood sugar problem that the lab just ignored and he gets addicted fast, partially cause he likes it a lot and partially cause oh this is what if feels like to go long periods of time without feeling like you’re gonna pass out.
-Tommy hoards blankets and makes himself little beds with them when he needs a nap. Wilbur has a lot of blackmail photos. Ranboo gets all of these photos and has a separate photo album on his phone for them titled “Wil’s weird cat.” In fact, Ranboo made a collage of all the weirdest and most embarrassing (aka adorable but embarrassing to Tommy) ones, printed and framed it, and gave it to Will. It’s been hanging in his living room for over a month and Tommy has yet to notice it.
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kuroneko1815 · 8 months
The maze scene but make it silly and with innuendos
Because I always make fun of Callisto being the one to instigate the silly, I want Penelope to do it this time. This came about after re-reading that scene when they first meet and I thought… what could she say differently that was just so silly. With help from @eloise175, also… we really shouldn’t be left alone together.
Callisto holding a sword to Penelope’s throat looking menacing and mocking: Why do you love me? Go on, tell me why you fell in love with me?
Penelope: Because you’re shiny!
Callisto freezes in shock: Shiny? (He’s been called many things, most of them weren’t good but never shiny!)
Penelope thinking back to her reputation: I like shiny things and your hair looks like spun gold and your eyes look like rubies.
Callisto: ??? (Just stares at her, sword steady and level as he tries to process what happened.)
Penelope internally: Oh thank god, I can escape now. (Tries to back away subtly but is foiled.)
Callisto: What else?
Penelope thinks back to all the stereotypical western teenagers and in Korea from her world and time, all those things she studied to fit in with her new classmates at university: You’re hot.
Callisto: I’m what?
Penelope: You have a handsome face and probably a fine body under those clothes from all the training you do. It makes me drool just thinking about it and I want jump you. (Penelope in her mind: maybe I should just die, it would be better if he killed me now.)
Callisto: … (Callisto.exe has crashed; please reboot)
Callisto tries to save face: It seems more like you’re in lust with me, rather than in love.
Penelope: Is there a difference right now? I haven’t talked to you, and I’ve only seen you in passing. Love and lust are the same right now.
Penelope: Also, your voice is fine and smooth like butter.
Callisto: I don’t understand?
Penelope: It means I like your voice, it’s nice and seductive. (Penelope eyes possible exists and just keeps saying things without thinking them through.)
Penelope: You’re such a babygirl
Callisto: Did you just call me a babygirl? (Now he does feel some indignation)
Penelope: Yes I did, you know, you’re so good looking I just wanna take care of you. You’re so scrunkly.
Callisto: What does that even mean? I think you’re just making up words.
Penelope: Scrunkly, an animal or creature that’s weird or unorthodox but still so cute.
Callisto: Did you just… just call me an animal?
Penelope: Well, if you’re an animal, I think mating season has come. (Penelope is dead, very dead. She can feel her soul leaving her body with each word she says and yet she can’t stop. Still, she’s resorted to dropping innuendos in hopes that he’d be so weirded out that he’d walk away without killing her.)
Callisto is shook. He knows the adopted daughter of Eckhart was crazy but not this crazy or wanton… and yet… it was appealing and exciting.
Penelope gestures to his pants: Well, I don’t much care for the sword at my neck, but you can definitely pierce me with the one down there any time. Think of me like something to conquer. (Abort, abort, abort. She thinks desperately. Shut up.)
Despite her wishes, her mouth keeps moving, and not towards rationality, it just prolongs her torture. Death by beheading wasn’t so bad, at least she’d stop talking.
Penelope: If someone asked me what I wanted for dinner, it’s you. I’m so hungry, I want a taste.
Callisto eyes her in shock. These were not words that should be coming out of a Lady’s mouth, he didn’t think he’d ever heard phrases come out of anyone’s mouth before. It was bawdy without actually being too vulgar. He wants to be offended, he really does, but…
Penelope: Please? I’m thirsty, can I have a sip? Just a sip, please? I promise I don’t bite… much. (Penelope internally: Can I turn on that damned game system now? Please?)
Penelope: If we got stuck in a closet, one of us would be walking out pregnant, and it wouldn’t be me.
Eventually, Callisto lets her go, too surprised and shook to actually process everything, especially the last part because that wasn’t possible at all, unless she was a powerful mage. And Penelope leaves no worse for wear, except her dignity, that died a traitor’s death.
BONUS: The Cave Scene: Or Callisto gives his rebuttals because you can damn well know that he’s not letting this go and it’ll live rent free in his mind. And she’s avoided him when he tried to press her for more coherent answers, had even neglected to reply to him.
Penelope waking up in the cave: GAHH!!! Why are you naked? (Covers her eyes)
Callisto: Why are you covering you’re eyes? You wanted to see what was under my clothes anyway, and I hope it doesn’t disappoint. You certainly didn't.
Penelope: You… you shameless pervert.
Callisto: Oh? I'm the pervert now? What happened to the audacious woman who kept saying such filthy things to me to seduce me?
Penelope stares at him with a look of disbelief.
Callisto: Oh? How could you be so cold to me? Aren’t I scrunkly? Aren’t I your babygirl?
Penelope: … I'm going back to sleep.
Penelope can't actually sleep and keeps having flashbacks to it, Callisto hugs her, and tells her the story. And the conversation proceeds the same. Except instead of asking her what she liked about him…
Callisto: So, is your assessment correct, Princess?
Penelope: What?
Callisto: Is my body as 'fine' as you thought? Am I really that hot?
Penelope without thinking: Yes (Realizes what she said and blushes and buries her face into his chest and then almost dies of embarrassment when she realizes what she just did)
Callisto: It certainly seems like it based on how you're reacting.
Penelope: …
Callisto: My sword is ready for the piercing and the conquests.
Penelope bites her lips unable to say anything because he’s responding to everything she’s saying. She realized he’s pulled the ultimate reverse uno on her, and weeks after the fact too.
Callisto: Are you hungry? We can have a small snack if you want. But why stop at a sip and a taste? Let’s make this into a full meal!
Penelope: …
Callisto: Perhaps my voice alone can get you ready, we’d need to mop up after we’ve spilled our drinks.
Penelope admits to herself that he does have an amazing voice. But she’s still refusing the temptation. She wants to live thank you very much.
Callisto: We’re both still overdressed it seems. We really need to read the invitations carefully. This cave has a zero clothing policy.
Penelope tries to shut him up, when he stops her from slapping him, she kisses him which was the wrong move, or maybe it was the right one? Because it eventually devolved.
Callisto when they finally stopped: Respectfully, Emperor Claudius himself couldn’t pull me out of you. (Callisto thinks of his famous ancestor, an accomplished general, who had a story about a sword in a stone who won the throne over his half brother.)
In the aftermath, Penelope would wake up in a tangle of limbs, naked, and very well ‘conquered’ by the Crown Prince. She also gets to live, survives the game and all. And… exactly nine months after that night, a little dragon like girl was born to them. They named her Judith.
But Callisto, the new Emperor had one last thing to say to his wife as they hold their new born later not even minutes after she’s handed to them: Well, it wasn’t exactly locked in a closet, but I wasn’t the one who walked out of there pregnant.
Penelope smiles sweetly at him, motions for him to come closer so she can kiss him. He leans forward eagerly, closes his eyes. Penelope taking advantage of it, shifts Judith in one hand and slaps him hard.
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melonteee · 1 month
funniest zosanlu polyship is one were luffy isnt even romantically involved, hes just there. zoro and sanjis special little man. luffys scrunkly meows meows. lives with them on sanjis all blue restaurant after they retire, they have a california king bed that takes up 90% of the bedroom cuz cuddle-time srs business, with locks on the fridges and wine cellar. luffy sometimes pops out with or without zoro to go on an adventure but always show back up eventually demanding brunchinner (breakfast-lunch-dinner)
picture: youre a newish pirate crew sailing the grand line when you spot a floating restaurant. easy pickens, right? so you and your crew kick down the front door - and there sits the motherfucking king of pirates, the worlds best swordsmen, and a very, very pissed off chef with a flaming leg
oh f-
(you can even add in romo lawlu for extra funny with law just being like 'yeah hes married to the cook and swordsman but that doesnt me he cant also marry me - i know what im about'. polycule of the century)
luzosan is beautiful to me because those rlly r luffy's little scrunklies, till the end of the world 😔
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leorawright · 1 year
Hello Leelee of the oraora, it's me your scrunkly sleep deprived mage humbly requesting Widowmaker and kiriko (+a character of your choice) finding out their S/O hasn't been sleeping for 3 days. Sound familiar (:
Thank yiu homie keep up the amazing work as always!
When I post this prompt you'd better have slept at least 8 hours the previous night
Overwatch with s/o who hasn't slept in 3 days
Honestly she probably hadn't either but she has a reason because she was on a mission
She'll pick you up bridle style and dump you onto your bed and lay down next to you to make sure you stay there and sleep
She'll be the big spoon and pull you close to her so you can't leave and when you eventually falls asleep, so does she
And plus your really warm so its like Widow is holding a really warm teddy bear
She didn't say a word when you said you hadn't slept in three days she just immediately carries you to bed
She'll lay on top of you if she has to but you will sleep
If you're struggling still she'll go and get you some medicine to see if it helps
And when you finally falls asleep she doesn't leave and barely moves so she doesn't wake you up
No bad you need sleep
She'll bridle-style carry you to her bed, post B.O.B at the door, and cuddle with you until you fall asleep
She'll hum a little tune to coax you to sleep and since she's the big spoon she'll press little kisses to the back of your neck
And plus her room is really dark so it's the perfect environment for sleeping
And when you do falls asleep that's when Ashe finally feels safe enough to fall asleep as well
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cirusthecitrus · 4 months
Can I ask Entrapta and Hordak for the character ask meme?
First impression: with Entrapta, she caught my eye even before the show premiered, when I saw the promo art. I fell in love with her design right away, though i didn't care much for her character at first, just didn't get the hype. It is only after she showed her vulnerable side, when she thought her friends abandoned her (but we knew it was not true!), thats when I got invested. Tuned in for the drama, stayed for the purble mad scientist
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Same with Hordak. Didn't care for the character, loved the design. And I loved it specifically because he looked similar to the demon characters from my original story I was working on with a friend at the time. The long pointy ears, the nose, the glowing eyes, the clawed hands and sharp teeth, they also have wings just like Imp!
Oh and I always loved his relationship with Imp, it was so fun to watch these two interact :3
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Impression now: to me personally Entrapta and Hordak are the real heart of the show. They are both integral to the story, they're interesting and fun in their own ways and their relationship is simply the best thing the show has to offer. Plus their personal journeys are so exquisitly tragic, love me some good angst
They're both my lil scrunklies, my beloved chew toys, one of my fave evil power couples. Though I gravitate more towards Hordak, he got that melancholic sad doe eyes rizz. And older brother issues (hes just like me fr🤝)
Favorite moment: oof but there are so many. 'Imperfection is beautiful' and 'I am Hordak' are obviously in my top 5, but I also want to mention some other ones
From entrapdak scenes - the one where they chat while sitting on Hordak's throne, the one where Hordak protects Entrapta from the portal explosion and the iconic "What have you done to me?" scene
As for their personal moments, I still giggle at Entrapta's "Do I need to explain math to you?🤨", also I can't get over her soft hum and lil smile when she remembers her lab partner in the portal reality
And with Hordak, again, love all the scenes where he's so casually adorable with Imp, also s4 moments when he's being obsessed with Entrapta (can't deside between the blushing scene and the 'crying over her' scene)
Idea for a story: For Entrapta I've been thinking about an au where she gets consumed by the Island before her friends find her, turning into this scary powerful monster who still has some of her free will. And she either escapes the island herself, becoming a threat to both the Horde and the rebellion (but eventually she and Hordak save each other with the power of love~), or she stays on BI and has this emotional fight with Adora and Bow where she gets to voice all her fears and grievances, but in the end gets defeated and comforted
For Hordak I have this idea about him meeting another clone with the same defect as him. Maybe he was just fresh out of a pod, and his condition only took a toll on him after the fall of Prime. I imagine Hordak being so gentle and protective of him, giving him all the love and understanding + recourses he was deprived of. I also imagine him finally not feeling so alinated when he's around his own kind, like a black sheep among his "perfect" able bodied brothers, because now he knows he's not the only one
Unpopular opinion: Entrapta's trauma should've been treated more seriously and not forgotten right after the Beast Island episode. S5 felt like s4 events were erased from everyone's memory. Also, it should've affected Entrapta more. Again, where are the conflicted feelings towards Hordak? It was never established that she found out the truth about her exile, that Hordak was lied to and had no idea about it. And where are the conflicted feelings towards Catra? The more I think about it, the more I hate that dumb apology and the fact that it was enough for Entrapta to forgive her, after everything Catra did to her and her loved ones
With Hordak... those are not quite common, but it is still tiring to see some fandom opinions where ppl critique this version of Hordak by calling him a loser and a lame villain/character, because he's not "badass" and "threatening" enough and is bad at his job as the leader of the Horde. Cause like... that's the point. Hordak was bad at this because he was not suited for this role, he is not a leader and thats not bad/contradicting writing, thats just his character trait. He was only trying to mimic the only role model he ever had in his life, trying to fit into Prime's shoes and obviously failing at it, because he's not Prime. He was also programmed to be an obedient slave with no wants or ambitions, not a dominant power hungry ruler, and I can only imagine what it took him to become as powerful and threatening as he is in the show. He did not belong on that throne, not because he's incompetent/useless or stupid or a bad warlord, but because choosing to become Lord Hordak, choosing to go all this way to try and prove himself worthy to his uncaring god was,on itself, his biggest mistake, not the right path for him. The Etherian Horde is like that because it's existence was a mistake
Favorite relationship: romantic? with each other. Platonic? Also with each other, but also -
For Entrapta - her friendship with Adora and Wrongie (also Scorpia, but only pre s5 Scorpia, like girl what happened...)
For Hordak - his bond with Imp and his relationship with Horde Prime (i just love how tragic and messed up it is okay?)
Favorite headcanon: idk if a have a favorite, there are all sorts of hcs, so i'll just focus on a random one I like
I do find the idea of Hordak being creeped out and lowkey haunted by Entrapta's cat painting hilarious, but I also like to think that the cat was her real pet, maybe a childhood pet even, and by keeping the painting she honors the memory of her old friend
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mysticbeaver · 28 days
10 for rolf and kevin boy, 11 for kevrolf, 12, 16 & 22 for rolf and kevin boy 😁
Under the cut
10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for Kevin / Rolf?
For Kevin I'd say any fanart by guainumbi, like this one. (Fun fact - although they deactivated ages ago I found the artist on insta and I got in touch with them... they were really happy to hear of people still enjoying their old fanart 😊). Another honorable mention is chocowhomps' awesome stuff, their transmasc Kev AU is kinda out there, but you gotta respect that kind of passion and commitment.
For Rolf I'm thinking this this Rolf galore by mariekanker, they always draw him sooo scrunkly shsjdshjd💥. And shape101's portrayals of Rolf's family and all the OCs they made were fun to see.
11. What's your favourite piece of fanart for kevrolf?
It's gotta be this masterpiece. It blows my mind that it's got WAY much more notes than any other kevrolf fanart (getting close to 1k I think! wtf, that's like top eene posts... well, apart from that ship we don't talk about). I'm also fond of this doodle thing, maybe one of the first ones I ever saw, and it's so ancient I used to think it was done by a storyboard artist, but someone confirmed to me it came from Brah-J (kik0thek1ller) on deviantart (they did fanart way back when the show was still on I think)
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
In my deeper brainrot moments I've definitely imagined some zombie survival AU, mostly to entertain myself. It's a common AU idea, I know (oh no, now I'm remembering @torra-and-the-toons's unfinished In The Ed comic, oh the memories... *rubs eyes*)
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
No way haha, I'm kinda reserved about how I spend my time, let alone being in a 20+ year old cartoon fandom. But I guess I could have some fun chats with my big sis about it cause she knows me well for the loonie I am 🤣 and she's a tv show addict anyway.
22. Give us a headcanon for Kevin / Rolf
-Kevin is a bit touch-starved (surprise surprise, I keep drawing parallels between him and Eddy lol), it's kinda self-inflicted because of the tough guy persona he puts up, and how high-strung he secretly is while pretending to be "chill". I think Nazz in her sensitivity might realize this eventually and help him be more genuine with himself and others. Rolf and her should give him some surprise hugs 😁 although it would annoy him (this fanart is sweet btw)
-Despite his frustrations, deep down Rolf is very grateful of his surroundings and how tolerant and friendly everyone is with him, and he grows more conscious of this as he grows up. He could have been a lot more unlucky, especially in school, a kid like that would be a prime target for bullying.
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markeronacomputer · 13 days
😭 👻 For Tinky please
Well. I just went back onto my Tumblr to see two asks in my inbox that were both posted at almost the same time, asking for headcanons for the same character. This is… weird, but hey, what choice do I have but to play along?
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that ever happened to them.
Probably the only thing that strikes me as being a really horrible event for any of the Lords to go through would be Webby leaving.
Tinky’s definitely one of, if not, the youngest Lord, just based off of personality. And there’s no question as to whether Webby is the kindest. I imagine they were quite close before shit started to go down with her.
He was probably pretty depressed after she left. Hell, it was likely the first time any of his brothers had seen Tinky not interested in playing games. He just wanted her.
Though of course, if his current demeanour is anything to go by, he got over that phase eventually. Probably explains why he’s so possessive of his little scrunklies… speaking of which:
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
Tinky is terrified of any of his playthings being separated from him. It’s why he imprisons them in the Bastard’s Box for all eternity, and why he’s always seen carrying it about with him wherever he goes.
This once resulted in one of his brothers- likely Wiggly- stealing it from him and hiding it somewhere out of spite. You will never see a rotting eldritch goat more desperate for anything in your life.
Then again, there’s a reason why that only happened once. Because if anyone ever pries the Box out of his hands, the only thing they can do is face the hell that awaits them with as much dignity as possible, knowing they had it coming.
Wiggly’s not touching that fucking box ever again.
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cebwrites · 2 years
UH AH UH Gender Neutral with Crocodile? Sorry I’m just nervous, I hope you’re having a good day! I uh was wondering if it could be like how Crocodile might deal with a GN S/O who has extremely bad self esteem about everything about themselves idk I guess comfort hcs! Idc if you throw in NSFW or something this is YOUR blog and stuff so I’ll be happy with whatever (*'▽'*)> I love the way you write! Sorry if I’m bad at explaining or if you don’t want to do this request, Thank you again! Sorry aaaa
hii anon, no need to be nervous! i don't bite ᵕ꒳ᵕ i'm really glad you enjoy what i've put up here!!! hoping this one will be one of those too 💕
(putting in the fav scrunkly to fill up space aejdhfbsg)
comforting a s/o with low self esteem (Crocodile, Law)
gn reader, he/they law word count: 0.6k
Croc isn’t... the best at showing affection, much less comfort - if he’s this far into a relationship with someone for them to mean something that’s more than stress relief, though, he might as well give a go at it
He’s very stiff in the beginning, maybe even a little frustrated because why else would he even allow someone to get this close to him if he didn’t see their innate value?
Crocodile thinks if he throws enough shiny material possessions your way that these feelings will just go away after a while or you’ll be too distracted or busy with other things to pay any mind to them - spoiler alert: they don’t
Not everyone can simply repress everything away on command, Croccy
There’s a genuine attempt being made though, however misguided, you can give him that at least
I’d hesitate to say that Croc would open up about his own worries willingly; he’s got so many skeletons in the closet at this point that he’s taking them to his grave, but he’ll sometimes talk about old aspirations he used to have, when he sees that your distress getting really bad, silly things that young boys would dream up in their bedroom and share under the covers, things that were never really meant to come to fruition, just to take your mind away from the upsetting thoughts in your here and now while he’s got a strong, protective arm around you in his lap
Maybe you’re lulled by these impromptu (almost bedtime) stories, drifting away against the steady beat in his chest, or maybe you feel inclined to encourage him to chase those dreams again, that you know him of all people would be able to reach those goals more than anyone
Crocodile would sigh and pull your head back down against his shoulder and tell you that it’s time to rest, sounding far wearier than you’ve ever heard him before
See, Law knows that he’s supposed to be comforting and reassuring - the problem is that he’s not exactly sure how
They’re not the best at emotional stuff and honestly Law might pass you off to Bepo, Shachi, or someone else at first because he’s not entirely comfortable doing this without being sure that he won’t fuck up
Like Crocodile, he’s willing to try, though, for his partner
Law goes about things a little clinically at first, explaining how everyone on the crew gets along with you, that your presence here is appreciated, how you’ve positively impacted those around you, etc, and then... traits that they personally admire about you, even if it does make the blood rush to his ears and your partner himself all huffy
Be patient with him, he’s trying his best, Law will come around eventually
In the privacy of your shared room, the best comfort they give is nonverbal; he’d pull you into bed with him, or maybe their lap in his office, locked, and just hold you close, nose buried in the crook of your neck, arms around your waist
They’re hesitant to show it, especially in public, but touch is a really big love language for Law, just being able to feel your skin against his own in a strictly romantic way does so much to ease the stressors of his day and Law hopes that by doing the same it’d be able to calm you, too
Your weight in his lap is comfortable while he works, but if your body so happens to obscure his vision, Law’s (sometimes) content with simply cuddling on the private couch in his office, too
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slyakoch13 · 10 months
Let's start with the obvious: they have the same type (?) of the character - Once great cool smart etc. man who fell to the very bottom and is now pathetic.
Spamton was an inconspicuous addison, and became a big shot. Spot was an inconspicuous scientist, but achieved tremendous results in his work with the reactor and parallel universes.
Both are homeless. Spamton lives in a garbage heap and earns money by dubious garbage sales. Spot does not live anywhere and steals (trying).
Both are shown at the beginning as rather pathetic, clumsy losers. Which they are at the moment.
Both have some sort of tragic history that took them from their peak of perfection to their fall to a miserable silliman. In Spamton, it is not revealed, while in Spot it is the incident with Miles and the reactor.
Both know or understand "something beyond" that the protagonist does not understand or has not seen, unlike them.
Both understand that everyone sees them as losers and does not take them seriously, so they strive to return or receive some kind of very powerful force.
Both eventually receive this very power and become super beings.
They are both so fucking silly, no like what is it?Have you heard them speak? How they walk? how they do anything??? THEY ARE SUPER SILLY SCRUNKLY I love them.
thanks for reading my hyperfix essay. end.
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capobegone · 1 year
Why Ufotable Should Animate the Rengoku Gaiden in S3
Okay, man, okay. Hear me out. 
I know what you’re thinking: “But Capo, you’re only saying that because Kyojuro is your favorite and you’re desperate for more content!” Which, fair enough. But you know who else I love? Mitsuri. And I wholeheartedly believe that the Rengoku Gaiden sets up for her bubbly character by displaying her struggle to develop her own breathing form and accept her own strength and appearance.
Here’s why: The very first panel we see of Mitsuri in the swordsmith village, her own arc, is of her naked in the hot tub. (Which, as a massive lesbian, is a win.) However, all of the other leading pillars (Kyojuro, Tengen, and Muichiro) had introductions in their main arcs that immediately showcased their respective personalities, whereas Mitsuri’s focuses solely on her body.
I do believe that Mitsuri’s pride in her femininity and sexuality is refreshing and empowering to see! However, it’s important to show that this is in fact something that she worked hard to achieve and not just a fanservice tactic. And that is where the Rengoku Gaiden comes in.
In the manga itself, it’s pretty much unmentioned that Mitsuri trained under Kyojuro. She refers to him as a cool big brother (so cute!!), but that’s the end of that. However, the Gaiden digs into their relationship and the influence that he truly had on her. There is a scene where Mitsuri is ridiculed for her strange hair, and becomes very self conscious about her looks. In swoops Kyojuro, who assures her that her hair is nothing to be worried about, while throwing in a joke about his own unusual appearance. And then, he tells her this:
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Anyway, it’s pretty clear that the Gaiden gave us a much-appreciated look into her hard work on her journey to self love (which is very relatable for many of us!). However, it also gave us an essential demonstration of Mitsuri Lore: Love Breathing!
In the Gaiden, Mitsuri has not yet developed her own breathing style, and struggles to adapt to the heavy style of Flame Breathing. Therefore, as the battle goes on, she develops her own style IN REAL TIME. What an absolute badass. This shows that she is actually quite clever, and very much worthy of her status as a Demon Slayer. Even though she is only a Mizunoto at the time, she is already displaying what will eventually become Pillar-level thinking and response to situations. Holy shit, I want to see this animated so badly. It perfectly portrays her struggle and shows that she can use her loving heart and gentleness as a strength in its own right! Amazing scene, beautiful character development, we love to see it.
And, of course, she and Kyojuro have a omg-we-did-it embrace at the end while the Kakushi freak out about his injuries. Cutest shit I’ve ever seen. If this scene was animated, I would cry forever.
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Anyway. Is it at all likely that it will get animated? Probably not. But I swear, the mix of Mitsuri’s individual strength and her sisterly relationship with Kyojuro is just so good, and I think it would be a huge service to her character if we got to see at least a few scenes from it!!
(If not, I’m still holding out hope that they’ll do the Rengoku Gaiden, Giyuu Gaiden, and maybe more Kimetsu Academy as OVAs! Please Ufotable, feed us more crumbs of our scrunklies!!)
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jenukiart · 11 months
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OC Stuff - BKW - Kisyku & Roombot
This is Kisyku!! (That's "Kiss-eye-coo" ^^,)
He's my main OC for a space story I've been working on, Bodacious Kisyku World (BKW for short). I've had this character for like.. 7-8 years now?? He's gone through so many changes and iterations, but I'm really happy with where he is now. ^^
Kisyku is a Celestial! They're a powerful species with the ability to channel something called "Cosmic Energy," which is sort of this universe's like "energy" you know the whole shonen thing
Cosmic Energy
Cosmic Energy is channeling the vacuum of space into a combustible dense "liquid" like blob. Think of their appearance like the dream blocks from Celeste, except you can sling it. Kisyku's main form of attack involves slinging this explosive space jelly around. CE also is used to sponge damage to his body among other things.
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Channeling and using Cosmic Energy is incredibly dangerous though, so not many people can use it (like humans can't at all for example), so it's a pretty forgotten/unknown thing in the present day.
But Celestials are VERY good at it, like dangerously so.. the story mainly revolves around Kisyku's usage of it, and how he tends to push the limits to dangerous degrees..
Okay NOW Kisyku and Roombot!!
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Yeah so Kisyku is a Celestial!! They're a pretty complicated species.. supposedly they can just take on any form they'd like, but Kisyku likes to keep it simple and just appear as human.
I think he messed up a few things though, like he's got pointy Hylian-like ears for one. Just a couple of small quirks like that. So he's not 100% human, but that's ok I still love him, he's doing his best.
I think it's very important to mention that he just has this transmasc energy to him though, I don't really know how to describe it. In earlier versions of the story, when he was just a normal human, he actually was trans. I wanted to keep that element of him in the modern story, by having the transness be more metaphorical through the way Celestials work. That will probably make more sense when I eventually get the official story rolling, but for now just know that he's this transmasc-energy little gremlin.
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Despite his size (an outstanding 5'3"!!) Kisyku is a pretty loud, active, and rambunctious character. He's a little scrunkly who can get kinda cocky at times, but overall his heart is in the right place. He can be rather sweet at times, as long as you aren't trying to pick a fight with him.. or commenting on his height.
He also is totally that kind of person who will steal snacks from your fridge, i wouldn't be surprised if he does that a lot with the Brigade
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Kisk spends most of his time chilling on Earth. He resides on the dock of a small n' quiet beach-side town. He also enjoys bothering his rent-debt collector, Emily. I'll share more about her and Earth another time though. All you need to know is that he's constantly in debt to her.
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He really enjoys watching the waves of the shore sway, among other things as he explores more of the town and it's boardwalk and stuff. It's nice after all to have some quiet time in between the crazy action and antics he gets himself into.
Speaking of...
Outside of Earth-rest stuff, Kisyku likes going out into space and raiding the Cosmos. I like to call these hit and runs of his "rampages," as he seems to have this goal to cause as much destruction to the Cosmos as possible.
The animatic above is a little outdated with the Cosmo designs, but it gives you a good idea of the rush Kisyku throws himself into. In the animatic, they appear as this evil Star Wars-like space empire, but in the current story, Cosmos are very much different. Now they're kind of a secret "shadow police" that only Kisyku really knows about...
He seems to have beef with them, and they don't really like him either... maybe one day you'll learn about why...
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But yeah finally, his little companion pal: Roombot. They're like an actual cat.. if it were a roomba.. and can fly.
It's kinda bitchy, sometimes snarky towards Kisyku. You won't really be able to hear their vulgar language though, since they speak in R2-D2 beep boops and whirrs.
Kisyku talks to them a lot though, and sometimes Roomboot puts the snark aside to really listen to him, especially for more emotional moments. They're kind of who Kisyku comes to the most about his problems in the early parts of the story.
Yeah, Roombot is rather silly. They can also float, and Kisyku can grab onto them to get some extra height. Kisyku also sometimes uses them as a stepping stool, but I don't think they really like it when he does.
Holding Roombot feels very buoyant, like as if you were holding onto a paddle board in a pool y'know? That kinda vibe. Despite not always enjoying it, they're always there to help Kisyku out in a pickle!!
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But uhhh yeah!! That's Kisyku (and Roombot)!! Kisk really means a lot to me, since he's been around for so so long in my life now. I hope that someday I can really get his story out there for you all to enjoy haha.. but until then, I hope you enjoy the drawings I make of him and his world!!
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
i recently replayed AA1 for the first time in forever and i had completely forgotten about how often poor maya is getting fucking roasted for her “hippie-looking” clothes and hair 💀 even phoenix gets a few digs in (after they become friends too lmfao)
LITERALLY it's so incredibly funny to me that phoenix LOVES roasting her but it's funny in a sweet way in aa1 because he has noooo idea how much she's eventually going to mean to him. in aa1 he's like half-affectionately half-seriously going "this girl is so fucking weird. thank god i'm normal" because they've only JUST become friends but then aa2 rolls around and suddenly he's breaking down reinforced doors because he heard a gunshot come from the room she was in and having mental breakdowns in the middle of the courtroom because he's only just truly realized how much she means to him and he wouldn't be able to bear it if she died. and then it all comes to a head in aa3 where their interactions are at their PEAK. they are so funny i love them and their friendship so much i am holding them in my hands like scrunklies
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aiitheoutsinfree · 2 years
Robin Buckley Relationship Headcanons
Word Count: 468
Warnings: Dogs, I suppose.
Author’s Note: Robin Buckley? More like Robin Scrunkly!
She’s incredibly adorable, I swear to god.
She will worship the ground you walk on, like, she’s a massive simp and she doesn’t even care when Steve gives her shit for it
She will actually cry if you do not have a nickname for her, even something as generic as “baby” will have her wanting to marry you.
Her favorite nickname, however, is tied between “Birdy” or “Love” depending on her mood.
Now, you’re obviously the first to confess, and there’s a couple ways it could go.
First, it’s completely by accident. She’s rambling again, and you never stop her because you just love her passionate rants. You’re sitting there with heart eyes and parted lips just staring at her, then out of nowhere the words “I love you” slip out and her voice instantly stops. If you’re me here, that’s where you whine and say “Aww, why’d you stop? You look so cute when you ramble!”
Second, you do it on purpose. You’re sitting on the counter in Family Video with Robin’s head on your lap as you play with her hair. When she looks up at you, you can’t contain your long-held feelings anymore, regardless of who may be watching.
We all know either way she says yes.
Once the relationship is official and public, ie. only Steve and Nancy know, you’ll have to deal with Mama Bear Nancy and Protective Older Brother Steve. They’re not overbearing, but they definitely let you know that no funny business will be allowed.
Dates with Robin are so fun, she tries so hard and even if it doesn’t work out, the effort warms your heart.
One of the funniest is when she got you a dog! You both had always wanted one but couldn’t find one the both of you connected with, and the one time you did, money was too tight.
Robin begged and pleaded with the kennel giving the dog away not to abandon or hurt them until she can get the money, and then she called in a favor Steve owed her.
He grumbled and acted annoyed, but gave in because he loves the both of you. He’s such a sweetheart, I swear.
Where it goes wrong is when the dog comes home. Piss everywhere, on every surface. It was resolved eventually and the dog, now named Ladybird, was housetrained. She loves Robin more than you but you can’t blame her because you also love Robin.
Girls’ Nights with Robin, Nancy, Max, El, and Erica. It’s great, talking about the movies you've seen, the books you’ve read, Erica pretending she hates all despite her smile. Also a sweetheart.
Overall, just a very sweet relationship filled with lots of sweetness and clumsiness.
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ask-darling-xoxo · 2 years
lol ok wanted to ask before i sent anything XD uhhh hope this isnt too odd but do you have any domestic/long term relationship/marriage hcs for john? love that scrunkly man, wanna marry him
Cutest ask I’ve ever received for John Doe
-likes to hold your hand when you’re in public
-develops a sort of dependency on you to help remind him to take care of himself such as hygiene even if he doesn’t like to
-Over time became considerate of how he smelled and does his best to clean up and smell decent
-you and doe have date night at least 2 days a month
-always comes to visit you wherever you are; work, a friends house, girls night outing, wherever you are alone. He doesn’t stay too long depending on where you’re at.
-learns to respect your space and gives you time to yourself, he knows deep down you can’t always be by his side
-will definitely talk about having children unless you’ve already made it clear you didn’t want children
-before you or he leaves anywhere, always has to give you a kiss and a “Stay safe my love, call me if anything is wrong”
-100% very protective of you, will not hesitate to beat some ass if anyone even gives an ounce of disrespect towards you
-If you two get married, he loves it when he sees you wearing your ring, he sees it all the time but he can’t help but think back to when you two got married. It makes him feel all fuzzy inside
-you do the cooking, he does the cleaning…he tries his best to clean and anything else he can to help you with
-loves the simple moments between you two such as just eating breakfast on a Monday morning before you have to leave to work
-Always remembers your anniversary when you first started dating/ you got married/ BOTH of these things!
-Goes all out on holidays, will treat you to a nice dinner, desert, gifts, and maybe a little extra desert later 😏
-His favorite part of the day becomes the morning, he wakes up early to get some of your errands done before eventually coaxing you to wake up
-He’ll let you slowly wake up and help you make breakfast or go out for breakfast and bring it back home, afterwards the two of you will enjoy the rest of the morning spending time either reading, watching tv, or just sipping some coffee or tea while you two talk
-Especially loves talking to you and asking you how your day was, listening as you tell him what’s been going on and any other tea you have about what’s been happening in your friend group
((I hope you liked this! This was really fun to think about!
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