#i’ll tag ‘‘em all eventually
cyncerity · 2 years
it’s taking me a while to write and draw stuff cause of the injury i’ve been talking about and it making me feel like my brain has been replaced with a towel filled with piss so take some creature tommy au headcanons in the meantime (i would read the rest of the au for context also these are long so i apologize especially the third one)
tw: vore for the third headcanon, mentions of hard vore (none happen), and general mostly non-descriptive violence
-Tubbo still constantly checks in with how Tommy’s doing through Wilbur, even though he doesn’t want anything to do with him in person. Wilbur occasionally lets Tommy know that Tubbo is concerned about his well-being, and Tommy would be lying if he said that it didn’t make him feel a bit bad, but he’s more so just confused as to why Tubbo cares. After all, he’s the one who almost killed and permanently maimed the borrower, what does he gain from checking in on Tommy? Why doesn’t he want him dead? But turns out, Tubbo is aware of how badly the lab fucked Tommy up after Wil told him, and is cheering his human friend on from the sidelines in his mission to help Tommy change for the better. And once Tommy does change and see borrowers as people, Tubbo will be the first one to congratulate him and teach him about proper borrower culture. As for now, though, even if Tubbo doesn’t want to be near him, he’s glad that Tommy has someone who cares about him and who he feels comfortable with.
-Wilbur invited his tiny friend, Jack, over to his house and had completely forgotten about Tommy until he and Jack got there. Tommy introduces himself and Jack is immediately off-put when Tommy starts making a lot of comments about how good he smells and how he wonders if he tastes as good, and Wilbur is fucking terrified. This is far enough along that Tommy and Wilbur get along really well, and Tommy genuinely cares about Wilbur and doesn’t want to disappoint him (though he’d be hard pressed to admit it). So he won’t kill Jack for Wil’s sake, even though he really wants to, but that doesn’t stop him from making not-so-subtle remarks about how he wants to eat Jack. So Wil is high strung all night and Jack is just really really confused cause he assumes Tommy is a normal borrower.
-All of the creature lab borrowers were made stomach acid resistant, and whenever the creatures would disobey or fail at something, the scientists would nom them as punishment. Tommy nonchalantly mentions once that he can’t be harmed by stomach acids, so later when one of Wilbur’s friends comes over with a borrower, Wilbur panics, knowing Tommy hadn’t eaten yet that way. So, he noms Tommy, and this is the first time Tommy shows actual fear towards Wil. He’s generally very deadpan and sarcastic, but he’s getting bad traumatic flashbacks from the lab, so he panics and shifts, trying to claw his way out of Wil. Wil can’t get him out now cause he’s too big but Tommy can’t reason enough through his panic to realize that Wilbur is practically begging him to shrink back down so he can let him out. Tommy eventually passes out from exhaustion and fear and shrinks and Wil spits him out immediately. Tommy wakes up about an hour later, and Wilbur isn’t home. And he doesn’t get home that day. For the first time in his life, Tommy is left fully alone all night, and he’s only getting more and more worried. As much as he pretends to be entirely soulless, he does genuinely care about Wil, and he’s devastated to think that Wilbur abandoned him, even though he knows that’s an irrational thought. Wil eventually does get home at about noon the next day, and Tommy is all over him with questions, half worried and half angry that Wil would let him think he was abandoned. But that anger dissipates pretty quickly when he learns that in his panic, he caused some major internal bleeding for Wil, and he had to go to the hospital to make sure none of his internal organs were damaged by Tommy’s claws. He was mostly fine, but the doctors kept him overnight anyway to make sure he wouldn’t get worse. Wil still wasn’t fully better, and was still mostly bedridden, but had argued against anymore time in the hospital cause he was genuinely worried about Tommy after the kind of ptsd flashback he had. Tommy actually feels really really bad about this, and decides that maybe he owes it to Wilbur to be a bit nicer after doing that to him. Tommy still doesn’t fully let his guard down, and he isn’t automatically more genuine, but he starts to open up about what he went through at the lab, and lets Wilbur know how much it means to him that he’s been there for him. Wilbur thinks that suffering a little internal bleeding was maybe worth it. •adding on to this, Tommy sleeps in his creature form curled up like a cat on Wil’s chest from this point on.
-Wilbur mostly works from home, but whenever he has to leave, Tommy stays home. Tommy was never left alone at the lab and doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he just kinda runs around. Wil comes home early once to see Tommy doing parkour like six feet above the ground (well over a high enough height to kill him) so Wilbur decides that it’s time to give Tommy a hobby. He buys him a phone so at the very least he can entertain himself with youtube, but teaches him about gardening and music. Tommy especially loves listening to Wilbur play guitar. Also Wilbur gives Tommy coca cola for the first time after he sees that Tommy may have a blood sugar problem that the lab just ignored and he gets addicted fast, partially cause he likes it a lot and partially cause oh this is what if feels like to go long periods of time without feeling like you’re gonna pass out.
-Tommy hoards blankets and makes himself little beds with them when he needs a nap. Wilbur has a lot of blackmail photos. Ranboo gets all of these photos and has a separate photo album on his phone for them titled “Wil’s weird cat.” In fact, Ranboo made a collage of all the weirdest and most embarrassing (aka adorable but embarrassing to Tommy) ones, printed and framed it, and gave it to Will. It’s been hanging in his living room for over a month and Tommy has yet to notice it.
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goldensunset · 1 year
Happy one month until tears of the kingdom 🎉
#time is passing soso quickly…#june 2019 feels like it was only yesterday#we’ve really been waiting for this game for almost four years huh#now suddenly it’s like that’s way too soon oh man just a month#can’t believe it’s even happening feels like this was never supposed to be a real game just a myth#i’m gonna be out of school in less than a month… probably working in less than a month…#funny my brother has been saying for years now ‘once botw2 comes out i’m gonna request an entire week off of work’ LOL#imagine if i did that lol. hey i know i’ve been here for two days but it’s really important i need to play this game right now#man this summer is about to be lit… a real and interesting job… a game i’ve been waiting for for years…#i’ll be in class for the final trailer tomorrow AUGH#maybe i just shouldn’t watch it anyway. like just to avoid spoilers#i wanna go in as blind as possible actually#me from a year or so ago would’ve NEVER passed up the chance to get more info on totk but that’s bc i needed crumbs to sustain me#but now it’s like. hey it’ll be here in a month anyway and i’ve got other stuff to do in that time#same with the gameplay showcase i haven’t seen that#i’ve had all the relevant tags filtered on here for like a month ever since the art book leaked#just gonna leave ‘em on#once we get closer to the date itself i might eventually log off indefinitely#actually that’s probably gonna happen anyway#if it’s anything like last summer having a job and a game to play over the summer means i don’t need tumblr to fill my time#anyway this has been a ramble sorry#asks#rosie-kairi
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midnightsxblue · 1 month
carl grimes x fem!reader
(you and carl get some alone time.)
tags: p in v sex, unprotected sex (don’t recommend yall)
masterlist here!
read part one here!
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The day you lost your virginity, everything seemed so…weird. Rick and Michonne had planned to go on a run for a couple of days and the two of you were left with Judith. You’d both asked for advice from Glenn and Maggie and while you got some pretty good advice, Carl got an awkward conversation and a condom.
This was your chance. That morning, you and Carl woke up early to say goodbye to them. “The two of you are gonna be here with Judith, okay? I have Daryl sort of keepin an eye on you so behave.” Rick tells you, packing some cans of food from the pantry into his bag. You look to Carl with sort of an annoyed look. He returns the same.
“Understand?” You both turn to Rick and nod. “Yeah we got it.” Carl replies. Now you had to figure out a way to get Daryl off your back as well. “I trust ‘em.” Michonne approaches from behind you, putting her hand on your shoulder while giving you a smile. You smile at her back, knowing you’re kinda lying to her. But you’re a horny teenager. You gotta do what you gotta do.
“Well…I’m sure they appreciate that. We gotta go.” Rick tells Michonne, zipping up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He makes his way through the house, the rest of you following after. You give them their hugs and say goodbye. Once the door slams shut, Judith starts crying. Screaming at the top of her fucking lungs.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” You hold your head in your hands, unprepared for the headache about to overtake your brain. “Hey, don’t be stressed. We can use this to our advantage.” Carl smiles and picks up Judith as she sobbed, also grabbing a couple toys before walking out the front door. You watch him walk all the way over to the armory to hand her off to Olivia.
When he disappeared into the faraway house, you turned around to find something to do. When you do turn around, you’re met with Daryl. “Jesus what the fuck!” You practically jump back, Daryl just looks at you like you’re crazy. “Don’t do that, holy shit- where did you come from!?” You put your hand over your heart and try your best to catch your breath. “The back door.” He just stares at you till you’re done. You finally catch your breath.
“Do I seriously need to watch over the two of ya or can I go work on my bike?” He asks, you sort of hesitate for some odd reason, you felt bad for lying. “We’ll be fine. Probably gonna make some soup or something and I might go to the range later. I dunno what he’ll do, probably clean his gun.” You shock yourself with how elaborate that lie was. He nods. “Okay. I’ll see ya.” He made his way out the front door.
─── ⋆⋅ ꩜ ⋅⋆ ───
A little later, Carl came back and met with you in your guys’ room where you were changing. He closed the door behind him and you turn around to smile at him, your shirt sliding off your arms. “Whatcha doing?” You ask with an endearing smile. He walks a bit closer. “Looking at you.” You giggle at his response. “You mean watching me change? That’s a bit perverted don’t you think?” You rummage through your closet for another shirt.
“I don’t think so.” He slowly comes up behind you, sliding his hands over your waist. He lodges his face into the crook of your neck where begins to plant harsh kisses. “Stop looking.” He tells you, lowering your arms from the clothes you had in your hand. You turn to face him and he smiles once you do. “You’re so pretty.” He puts his hand up to hold your cheek while he pulls you in for another kiss. This one was soft, the kind of kiss that really meant something. A feeling in your stomach told you things would only get better from here.
The kisses continue, only getting more intense and eventually his tongue slips into your mouth. You let out a small moan and you can feel him smile at that as he kissed you even more. You feel him pull you a little and you follow, your mouths still intertwined. He quickly spins you and plops you on the bed. He seemed confident on the outside, little did you know he was extremely nervous. You sit back with your arms propping you up and he leans in to kiss you again, his hands going straight to the buttons of your jeans. It’s quickly unbuttoned and he starts to tug them off you, standing to discard his own shirt as well.
Looking at him like this drives you insane. His messy hair, swollen lips, and the very obvious boner confined by his jeans. You were both scared and excited. Carl on the other hand was just really fucking horny. He got on the bed above you, one of his knees between your legs rutting against your clothed cunt. You let out yet another small moan and this prompts him to pull away and reach around to your back to unfasten your bra. Or try at least.
He was new to this, you can’t blame him. He fiddles with the clasp in a frustrated manner. “I just wanna see you.” He frowns, upset at himself for not being able to successfully take your bra off. You look at him with a sly smile. He shuts his eyes and rests his forehead on yours, his hand freezing in place as he accepted defeat. “Could you help me please?” He has a defeated tone and you laugh, undoing the clasp of your bra, letting it slide down your arms. While you did so, he worked on undressing you completely and then you waited for him to undress himself.
You’d palmed him once, you knew he wasn’t small but christ. Now you were definitely nervous. He smiled at you, basking in your beauty before leaning down to kiss a trail all the way from your stomach, up to your chest, to your neck. He was so unbelievably happy. He leaned back up to kiss you some more, his hand wandering down to your thigh, pulling it up. Your other thigh moves up instinctively and he pulls away to look down to actually do this.
He holds your legs at the back of your knees while guides himself to where he believes is the right spot. Glenn was a fucking liar. He has no idea what he’s doing. Maggie was right. Jesus this was so awkward. “Um…i-is this right or-” He stutters hoping you’d know how to guide him. You did, you helped him but not without accidentally sliding his tip against your clit, extracting a sharp moan from the both of you. Once he found your hole, he looked at you before slowly pushing into you.
Your mouth drops slightly at the feeling, his eyebrows furrow in pleasure. “This okay?” He asked quietly, stopping to hear your response. “Mhm s’fine just keep going slow.” He nodded and kept pushing, eventually bottoming out. He was breathing heavily, and you were too but he seemed to be on another planet. “A-are you okay?” You sort of giggle. His eyes are shut and he nods. “Just really tight that’s all.” He says breathlessly, gripping your thighs like he was never gonna let go. “Mkay. you can start moving if-if you’re ready.”
Well he’s been ready. He begins to slowly stroke in and out of you, he opens his eyes and leans down to kiss you. You moan into his mouth and you wrap your arms around him. He props himself up to hover over you, still pressing his length into your now, sopping heat. He leans his head back into your neck, moaning against your skin while you leave indents on his back from your nails. “You’re so good, so warm n wet. l-love you s-so much. Please.” He rambled, not even sure why he was saying please.
You could only moan in response, muttering a small “I love you too”back. He started to thrust a bit faster, his pace only increasing. It got to the point where you couldn’t even speak. You could tell he was close to cumming, you were too. Everything felt so good, his affection was only making it ten times better. He was so sweet with you, he really wanted you to feel good and not just him. You were glad he was the one taking your virginity.
“Carl-f-fuck I’m gonna cum.” You tell him, your nails digging into his skin deeper than before which causes him to groan. “Mhm me too.” His voice sounds somewhat strained. You clench around him before cumming all over his cock, him following soon after. He bottoms out inside of you one last time, hitting your g-spot perfectly, causing you to both moan loudly.
He smiles satisfactorily, pulling you into his embrace while he breathes heavily. “You’re so perfect.” He presses a kiss to your jaw and smiles against your skin. “You are. I feel so good.” You say basically astounded, reaching your hand up to rest in his hair. You spend a moment, just breathing and enjoying the afterglow.
Suddenly, Carl pulls away from your neck, and looks up as if he had heard something. You eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“What is it?”
“We forgot the condom.”
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a/n: ok cuz i’m scared and nervous to post this but imma do it anyway THIS WAS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT i hope it’s okayyy i feel like it was so sped up and im mad about it but let’s ignore that 0-0 hope you like ittttttttttt (im so scared right now you shut up)
ppl to tag: @zomb-1-egutzz
(sorry if u didn’t wanna be tagged for this LMAO)
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haykawas · 6 months
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summary : You've always been good at hiding your feelings for your best friend, but when Satoru finally manages to land a date with the girl of his dreams, something seems to shift inside you. But don't worry, you have another best friend there who's more than willing to care for you.
word count : ~ 11K for all routes that are out, ~ 2.8K for this part. tags : best friend!to lovers, modern AU, best friends gojo & geto, fluff, angst, eventual smut, drama, love confessions, multiple choices standalone.
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It is known that blue is your favorite color.
Blue like the sea. Like the sky on a particularly hot day. Blue like the feathers of a magnificent peacock, and the flesh of a ripe blueberry.
His eyes are blue. They’re this piercing, icy blue you can’t seem to get away from wherever you are. – It is a coincidence that they are your favorite shade of blue, too.
You don’t know when you started liking the color blue with so much passion, and you think maybe you always have. Yet you don’t do anything about it, you don’t go out of your way to profess your love for it. You don’t seek it out and won’t admit it’s the only color that’ll ever make you feel the way you do when you look at it.
It’s okay. There are many other shades to love. It’s just disheartening that it seems to be the only one that suits you so well.
And it is this same shade of blue that is sparkling in Satoru’s eyes, screaming ‘victory’ as he comes back to your table in a confident stride. The wide grin that is stretching his pink lips is triumphant, and you know what this means.
He actually did it.
He slams the piece of paper on the table, leaning at your level to rub it in your face, his sunglasses threatening to fall off his nose. – He always looks so cute when they do that, his nose slightly scrunching to keep them from doing so.
“Ha! You owe me ten bucks.”
You roll your eyes at him, clicking your tongue in annoyance. “I’m sure she took pity on you. That, or it’s a fake number.”
You hope it is, but you would be a fool to believe that. Just a look at your best friend would be enough to understand the fact that he could get anything he would ever want. Like he loved saying, his face card never declined. – To your dismay.
“Oh I knew you’d say that, so I called the number just in case. And guess what?”
“Ugh, Satoru? That’s fucking insane.” You cringe without waiting for him to finish what he has to say.
His eyes widen comically, pointing at you with accusation. “It’s not!”
Suguru also grimaces,  “It is. Creep.”
You grin and silently mouth back the word to your white-haired friend, mocking him.
Satoru rolls his eyes, already exasperated with the both of you, “Whatever you say. While you nerds are gonna be drowning in your video games, I’ll actually be getting some action tonight.” He winks, emphasizing the word action and you feign a gag. And you don’t have to try too hard for it to come out as genuine.
Suguru chimes in, sighing, “Just don’t come crying to us when she ghosts you, man. Again.”
You hum, your chin propped up on your hand, “He sure knows how to pick ‘em, hm, Suguru?”
“She’s different, guys, come on!” He whines.
“Weren’t the three other girls before different too?“
“I believe they were!“ You say, feigning the act of pushing imaginary glasses up your nose. Suguru chuckles, and you grin at him.
“Well, y’know…” He trails off, sighing in defeat because he knows he’s been cornered. “I just really don’t wanna screw this one up.”
You raise an eyebrow, a forced smile on your lips. “We’re just fucking with you, ‘Toru.” You smirk, “But don’t worry, we’ll keep the ice cream ready just in case you come back with your tail between your legs.”
He groans, “I swear you two are perfect for each other. Always teaming up on me like that! What have I done to deserve two mean best friends?”
Suguru looks at you in amusement, and you instantly meet his eyes with a cheeky grin of your own. 
“Two pretty best friends.”
At this meaningful exchange, Satoru groans, throwing his hands in the air.
“See? My point exactly!”
You can’t help but let your lips curve into a half-smile at his antics, and you don’t notice how your eyes seem to shine so much brighter when they are laid on your best friend, but Suguru does. He knows you by heart, having spent so many days and so many nights by your side. 
At the time, you and Satoru came into a package deal as much as Satoru and him did. Naturally, after spending so many years by your side, he understands the mechanics of your brain. Sometimes, such as now, he even senses something’s wrong before you even do.
Right now, he knows that your heart aches. That it must be clenching painfully in your chest, that you must be punishing yourself for not feeling happy for your best friend when he’s been meaning to ask this girl out for weeks now. But how could you, when the mere thought of him touching and tasting someone else’s skin makes you feel like you can’t breathe? Like always, Suguru can’t help but want to protect you.
So he calls your name, and when you turn to him, he leans in to whisper in your ear, “Hey, you really okay with this?”
You try to muster a grin, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes, and like always he sees right through you. “Me? Why wouldn’t I be okay? ‘m just worried he’ll get his hopes up for nothing, that’s all.”
He lifts a brow not quite buying your act, but he doesn’t say a thing, and you’re thankful for that.
“What do you say we give him a taste of his own medicine then?”
You arch a brow in confusion, and he waves a hand before explaining himself. 
“Remember when you used to date this Nanami guy and Satoru constantly crashed your dates with phone calls and weird texts?”
“And when he actually showed up out of nowhere at the theater and shoved himself between us! I swear I was gonna rip him to shreds.”
“You gave him the silent treatment for a week after that, I thought I was gonna go crazy with his constant blabbering.” He groans, his almond eyes slightly crinkling as he reminisces your high school days.
You scoff, amused, “He always had some lame excuses, too. Nanami ended up breaking up with me 'cause he thought I was cheating on him with that fucker.” 
“So what do you think? Up for a little fun?” He says as he looks at you with mirth in his eyes, waiting for you to catch on. When you do, you can’t help but gasp at the implications of his words.
“Are you serious?”
He grins cheekily, “Let’s go to the same place he’s taking his date, but in disguise.”
“That does sound fun…” Suguru looks at you with anticipation. “But it’s very childish.”
“And he might see us.”
“That’s a possibility.”
“He’ll be pissed, too…”
“Oh, he will.” He smirks and you can’t help but mirror his expression.
“I’m in.”
“Hey! What are you two whispering about?”
“Hm? Just girl talk, you wouldn’t get it.” You answer, and you hear Suguru snicker in the back. You also can’t help the cheeky grin forming on your lips when you notice Satoru’s expression, but you don’t give him time to argue. “Hey, where did you say your date was, again?”
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That’s how you find yourself standing before the restaurant. You can’t help but scoff at the sight.
“Papa’s, seriously? It’s like he’s begging to get dumped!”
Your eyes shift to Suguru, and you burst out laughing at the sight. “You look absolutely ridiculous.” You say with a grin, and he mirrors your expression with a raised brow.
“Oh, and you don’t?”
Your eyes meet and you try to hold it in, – you’re smiling so wide it hurts your cheeks. Suguru turns his neck and averts his eyes so he doesn’t laugh, but you can see the grin stretching his lips.
“The mustache is killing me, man, I’m gonna blow our cover!” You laugh, “Take it off.”
“And ruin the vibe I went for?” He shakes his head, “Just say you want to sabotage me.”
“I do! You look way too hot in this, our cover will be blown immediately!” You tease.
He arches a brow, a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes, “Do I now?”
“Uh uh,” You nod, “I’m this close to calling off the operation just so I can rock your world.” He lets out a deep laugh, hiding his mouth with the back of his hand as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
You return his smile.
What should have been a depressing evening turned into one of the funniest nights of your life. You would try your best to keep yourself from laughing while Suguru would act all serious, without a hint of a smile. He plays his part so well that he makes it even harder for you to keep up your facade. Your laughter echoes through the streets as you try hard not to attract attention, failing spectacularly when you happen to catch a glimpse of Suguru’s costume, –  especially his top hat. 
He has to be the only person in the world who’d think of dressing up as freaking Abraham Lincoln to spy on someone.
After this night, the bond between you two grows even stronger. Late-night conversations become the norm, and you’ve grown used to hanging out without Satoru.
It’s also due to the fact that Satoru would always find himself too busy to spend time with you, for some reason. He also misses on movie nights, and Satoru usually never misses movie nights.
You suspect it has to be because he’s seeing that girl from the Café.
You don’t want to think about it. Nor do you want to think about the distance that is growing between you. Yet you can’t deny that you miss him.
You miss him terribly, because he’s always been the only constant in your life and now it seems like he isn’t anymore. You’ve always shared everything with him, and him with you, so having him act so cold towards you feels strange. It feels like a knife in your heart.
You exhale, your finger hovering over the send button as you contemplate whether to send the message. Even if you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, you refuse to let miscommunication come between the two of you.
you SATORU . you still coming tonight???:p
No. Too casual.
you wyd tonight? still on 4 movie night?;)
Ugh, too horny.
you Are you coming tonight or are you still avoiding us?
Hell no. Too truthful.
you you coming tonight?
Sent. As soon as you hit the send button, you throw your phone on the couch and bury it under a mountain of pillows. You sigh, feeling slightly stupid for freaking out over such a simple text.
But you never fight with Satoru, this is something you just don't do.
You’re so lost in your own embarrassment that you don’t see the screen of your phone light up, displaying Satoru’s contact name in bold letters.
satoru yeah i'll be there
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The scent of sugar fills the kitchen, and you’re lost in thought as you watch the bag of dried corn turn into sweet treats under the microwave’s heat. You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, and Suguru groans at the sound.
“My mom used to say sighs brought out the devil.” He lifts a brow. “At this rate I’ll have to incense the whole house when you leave.”
“Your mom’s way too superstitious, and you know that.” You roll your eyes. “But if the devil’s real I hope he takes you first. You’re a pain in my ass.”
He hums with a small smile, “Seems like you’re in a mood to me.”
“Classy. And a bit sexist.”
“You know what else’s classy? Not burning up the only bag of popcorn we have.” He throws with a smirk as he leaves the kitchen.
You curse at him under your breath and make quick work to retrieve what can be saved. When you’re done, you meet him on the sofa, and find him already sprawled out.
He scoots over to make room for you, and you let yourself fall on the cushions, propping your legs on his thighs. You place the bowl between the two of you, and there’s silence before you hear Suguru snort.
“I tried, okay? It was all burnt!”
“You’re so not talented at this.” He bites his lip to avoid laughing, while his gaze keeps flickering from the bowl to your eyes.
“Stop looking at it!” You move the bowl out of his sight, “You won’t have any if you keep making fun of me.” You threaten, and Suguru retreats, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright! Give it back and sit down, the movie’s starting.” 
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“I wish someone loved me like this.” 
You don’t realize you’ve said this out loud until you feel Suguru’s burning gaze on you. You don’t know if it’s because you’ve suddenly blurted out a lame, depressing confession, or because he thinks you’re crazy for saying it when you’re watching Shrek.
“I’m sure there is.”
You scoff, “Yeah, right.”
You turn your gaze back to the TV, but you can’t ignore the look he’s giving you. You try to ignore it, but he doesn’t let it go. And you know he has something to say. Something you won’t like.
“What?” You finally blurt out, appraising him with narrowed eyes.
“When are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He gives you a blank stare, unimpressed by your act. “Everyone and their mother knows you have it bad for Satoru.”
“Suguru…” You groan.
“Go on, tell me I’m wrong.”
Your mouth opens to try and muster up a lie, but you can’t come up with anything. You can’t lie about this, and he knows it.
He smiles, “See? You can’t even deny it.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“Oh, did he tell you? Or did you just pull this one out of your ass?”
You roll your eyes, pushing him away. He chuckles, enjoying the sheer embarrassment displayed on your face. 
“You know he didn’t. But come on! You and I both know he never misses movie night, and he’s been bailing on us for weeks now.” You frown, “What kind of best friend does that?”
Suguru hums. “Yeah, sure. A best friend.”
You look at him with arched brows. He’s testing your limits, and while you’re used to this side of him, you’re not in the mood to play. At this point, you’ve both drowned out the sound of the TV, you glaring at him for forcing you to face the truth, and him just waiting for you to come to terms with your own feelings.
You let out a humorless laugh, throwing your hands in the air, “You know what?” 
“Yes, I’m in love with Satoru! So what? Do you expect me to run to his house and confess my undying love for him before it’s ‘too late’?” You exclaim, and you’re too engrossed in your speech to notice Suguru’s panicked expression as he looks over your shoulder, or his hand gestures signaling you to cut the conversation short.
You don’t realise you’re no longer alone until the sound of movement startles you. You turn around with a jump, and what you see makes your blood run cold. Satoru is standing in the doorway, his presence having gone unnoticed until then. You can see the shock on his face, a mixture of surprise and confusion.
You’re paralyzed. 
You feel like the sick butt of a joke. And if the fact that your childhood best friend heard you profess your love for him wasn't enough to make you wish you were dead, it’s the look on his face that crushes you the most.
His eyes search for yours in hope you’ll explain yourself, and it makes you want to disappear from the surface of the Earth.
You never wanted him to know. You never wanted him to look at you like this. Like… he pitied you.
Suguru extends an arm to hold you back, but he’s a few seconds too late. You can’t bear this, so much that you don’t let anyone say a single word before you flee the apartment, ducking under Satoru’s arm without sparing him a glance.
You absolutely won’t stand there and listen to him apologize for not feeling the same way you do.
You refuse to feel your best friends’ sorry glances on you as they comfort you. You know it’s cowardly, that you should just stayed and talked about the elephant in the room, or just lied your way out of it.
You didn't, though. You fled, and the shame is eating you alive, but you couldn't stay there.
Not today. Your dignity won’t let you.
Yet, it seems like fate has other plans for you, because you hear quick, familiar,  footsteps hurrying towards you.
And you know it’s him. 
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Him? What do you mean by him? Help a poor writer out!
Suguru Geto, who else?
Of course it's Gojo Satoru.
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hello hello, welcome to my standalone first choose your own adventure!! there are three routes to this story (one has two possible branches), two are already out, one is coming soon! i absolutely loved working on this, although this took lots of time. i hope you enjoy it!
rbs are much appreciated <3
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devilmademewriteit · 1 year
Drabble request for dbf!joel getting blown under the table or something while he's having a convo with reader's dad?!?! IDK I just love your dbf!joel!!
You Can Be the Boss
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pairing: dbf!joel miller x fem!afab!reader
warnings: rough oral (m receiving); petnames (angel, baby, sweetheart); age gap; choking; hair pulling; (yall this is pure pure daddy issues FILTH, I warned you. I warned you hard).
Hi y’all ty for sending me all ur requests. ummm you guys are insane ! and so am I ! maybe more because I’m actually the one writing these ! this one is so dirty ! don’t say I didn’t warn you !
more to come hehehe. I don’t tag ppl for my smaller drabbles / fics so turn on notifs or whatevs ;)
“As close as I’ll get to the darkness, he tells me to, ‘Shut up, I got this.’”
- You Can Be the Boss
It was still a secret, after all.
Sneaking into his apartment, late nights in alleys, abandoned cars lining the streets of the QZ… you’d managed to keep your joint intoxication with one another under wraps.
Today… today was risky. You usually waited until the wee hours of the morning to even walk by his place, let alone enter, but you’d needed to drop off a sweater that Tess had leant you the previous week, intending to leave it folded up on the doormat before bolting down the hall. Your footsteps were nervous and heavy, which led to the door swinging wide open on its hinges, a gruff “where you runnin’ off to, Angel?” and a set of rough hands pulling you through the doorway.
Then you were spread open against the tattered table cloth of his (busy) kitchen table, underwear shoved to the side, watching a hunched over Joel Fucking Miller spit on his hand and run it up down his heavy, hard length.
“Shouldn’t come here during the day,” as he’d lined himself up, “Can’t fuckin’ help myself.”
That’s when you heard the definite sound of a key twisting inside a lock. Joel’s head shot up — your eyes barely had time to widen before he was shoving you under the table, panties still twisted around your ankles.
A quick zip, then footsteps.
“Oh, sorry man—”
Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
“—Tess said you wouldn’t be home.”
It’s your father.
You thank God for your his poor observation skills (and the tablecloth) as Joel responds, “ah, no worries,” frustratingly non-chalant as ever.
“While you’re here though,” and your heart sinks, identifying your dad’s intention to stay, “Was wondering if we could go over the plans for our new routes. FEDRA assholes blocked off another south-east one today.”
Your blood turns to ice inside your veins as both men pull out their chairs, settling into a purely-business conversation. Joel barely hesitates, cool as ice.
Not fair that he gets to be so calm while you’re so… not.
Not fair.
If only there was a way to even out the playing field.
Crunched into yourself, you scoot closer to Joel’s calves, clinging onto his denim and doing your best to make as little noise as possible. When it’s clear, however, that your father’s far too invested in the practicalities of the conversation to suspect or inquire into or even notice anything else, your eyes wander towards the slowly softening bulge, still visible underneath Joel’s belt.
And you get an idea.
The man always tortured you, and you were well aware that what made your arrangement especially enticing — for the both of you — was the taboo-ness, the wrongness of it all.
So your pussy drips just thinking about it.
Slowly, delicately, you slide your hands up Joel’s thighs, feeling his every muscle respond, tensing, turning to stone, or jolting with electricity beneath your playful touches.
It’s hard, quietly pulling down his fly. Still, metal tooth by metal tooth, you eventually succeed, unable to hold back a smile of vindication when his cock springs up, swelling and hardening between your fingertips. Joel covers his choke with a cough.
Just as you duck down to lick a fat stripe up his cock’s dark underside, noticing how the lungs above you constrict — freezing — the conversation changes.
“You been seeing a lot of my daughter?”
Joel takes an uncharacteristically long time to grunt out a “here n’ there.”
You hold in a laugh, both at your dad’s timely question and the reaction it causes. Placing a hand at the base of him, you consider this the perfect moment to start teasing his tip with patient, innocent little kitten-licks.
“Been acting weird,” your old man continues, unphased and unassuming, “Worried she’s been gettin’ herself into trouble.”
Trouble? You’re looking at him.
Your dad’s whole “fatherly concern” (not like he’d ever shown any before) angle makes you bold. You want to make it harder for Joel to deny your father’s suspicion.
You want to make him lie through his teeth.
You part your lips, wrapping them adoringly around the entire head of his cock before gliding down, using your hand to assist you as you please every inch of him.
While he mostly manages to keep it together, his legs don’t, gently parting with desire to allow you better access.
“She-she’s a good girl, man,” Joel manages, and while his delivery borders a groan, he stays surprisingly level (your body doesn’t forget to note his praise, either, aching cunt growing wetter and wetter at his every word). “‘Bit juvenile sometimes, and reckless—” he pauses, and it’s very clear he’s not speaking to your father, “—but good—” you work every inch of him with your hands, throat, and mouth, savouring the feel of his ridges and veins, the taste of his salt on your tastebuds, “—so good.”
You freeze, scanning the room for tension as both you and Joel try to figure out if his desire-stricken tone’s given you away.
It hasn’t.
Of course it hasn’t.
Your dad continues on as if everything were normal, as if Joel’s tip wasn’t kissing the back of your throat. “Just not sure if I’m raising her right—or… or if I was much of a father at all.”
Yeah, probably not. You know, given that I’m under the table sucking your best friend’s dick.
You watch, head still slowly bobbing up and down his length, a hand carving a careful path down his leg. Joel’s fingertips breach your shoulder, his palm slowly graduates to cupping the back of your head.
And he shoves you forward, forcing every punishing inch of himself down your little, gasping throat.
“Just needs a little discipline,” your torturer responds, raising his gravelly voice to mask the definite sound of choking.
“A heavy hand.”
You huff against his abdomen. Just like that, Joel’s taken the reins of your little operation.
Like he always did. Like he always does.
“You’re probably right,” your father responds, sighing with concession. Tears begin to well in the corners of your eyes while your lungs burn for oxygen, mouth stuffed and nose pressed into Joel’s skin. He chuckles, slapping the table. “Give ‘em an inch and they take a mile, huh?”
“That’s right,” Joel responds, a soft coo, tightening his grasp in your hair and somehow forcing more of himself between your lips.
Making his point.
You hold back a whimper, nails hopelessly clawing at his jeans.
Your dad raps his knuckles against the wood, pushing his chair back to leave. Unfortunately for you, Joel doesn’t move, holding you there like a prisoner — suffocating you.
He clears his throat. “I’d walk you out, but, you know—” your eyelids grow heavy, little stars beginning to dance in your vision “—been goin’ hard recently. Wearin’ myself out.”
A huff of understanding and concurrence from the other side of the room.
Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, hinges squeak, goodbyes are uttered, and your father’s left you alone with his buddy again.
Joel’s chair scrapes back — he pulls you along with him, attached to him, out from underneath the table.
Finally, finally, he releases his grasp.
You jump off of him, strings of saliva trailing from your lips, gasping for air as if you were seconds from drowning.
You aim to collapse against his knees, but he quickly grabs you by the throat, presses his big thumb under your chin, and forces your wet, tear-lined eyes up to meet his.
They’re filled with a lust so dark, you wonder if just that look might swallow you whole.
“Prouda yourself?” He speaks, voice low.
And you just smile, dazed, nodding. Nodding because you know where it’ll get you. Nodding because you just know how much it’ll entice him.
“‘Course you are,” he continues, softer, “Shoulda been honest — shoulda told your old man he raised a fuckin’ slut.”
Joel lifts you up, indelicately shoving you down on the table, right back in the position you’d originally started the visit in.
His eyes darken to black when he sees how wet you are, how fucked-out, needy, and unapologetic you are.
“And you know what, baby?” A deceiving coo as he lines himself up at your entrance, using his other hand to squeeze your jaw — tight.
You look at him with big, begging doe eyes, eyebrows already knitting together from the tantalizing contact.
“I’m really fuckin’ glad he did.”
And as Joel Miller roughly sheathes his cock inside your young, tight cunt, you find yourself agreeing with him.
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lialacleaf · 10 months
Simon Riley X Reader: Domestic Headcanons: Baking Pt. 2
Warnings: Simon missing his mum, fluff
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Pt. 1
You pick a really British recipe to try first. You’re almost certain that saying the name aloud summons him from the shadows.
“You got the potatoes?” He asks, hovering over you with barely concealed excitement shining in his eyes. You nod, pulling them out of the bag you picked up at the store.
“And the vegetables?” He asks, peeking inside the bag. You tell him to fetch in from the refrigerator as you begin making the crust for the shepherd’s pie.
Simon eventually takes over so you can see to chopping the vegetables. He interrupts you only once to fix your form, showing you a more efficient way to do it and get more accurately sized chunks of potato. “You want em’ to fit on the spoon,” he explains.
He pulls a few seasonings from the cupboard and you turn away as he pulls up his mask to sniff a few.
In your distracted state, your finger slips, and a yelp slips out of your lips and you nick your finger with the knife.
Ghost’s head whips towards you, and he’s quick to set down what he’s doing as you go to stick your finger in your mouth, scolding you with a firm “ah ah” as he grabs your wrist and holds your hand over the sink. “Cold water and soap,” he instructs.
He’s already pulled out a bandaid by the time you’re drying your hands, and fixes it around your finger gently.
Simon tried not to think about the times his mother did the same for him, but he finds that the memories don’t come with as much bitterness as he watches you go back to cutting the vegetables.
When the pies are finally in the oven, you half expect him to leave like he always does, but instead he takes a seat at the kitchen table and proceeds to sip a cup of tea in silence.
He doesn’t say much when you take the pies out, and simply lifts his mask up as he accepts a plate from you.
You share the meal in silence, until you decide to finally break the peaceful quiet.
“Did your mum make all of these recipes?”
He shakes his head as he takes another bite. “Three generations of Riley family recipes,” he explains. “Was handed down from my great grandmother to my sister-in-law.”
Your eyes widen. “Are you sure it’s alright for me to have a family heirloom like that?” You ask nervously.
“Aren’t any Mrs. Riley’s left to use it,” he says gruffly with a shrug.
You nod in understanding, a soft smile playing on your lips after a moment of though. “If you ever get married I’ll have to gift it as a wedding present,” you tease.
You watch as he hides the faintest of smiles behind a spoonful of shepherds pie. “We’ll see about that.”
AN: Part one got so much attention that I guess a part two had to be made…
Tags: @cjmonsterwolf
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thefoxholecast · 3 months
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—“Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
179 notes · View notes
The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 1 - New Arrivals
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masterlist | ao3 | follow @youwouldntdownloadapizza and turn on notifications for updates
You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
previous | next
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.6k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
chapter warnings: childbirth (mentioned)
Chapter 1 - New Arrivals
The first time you met Joel, he stank like shit. Literally, he smelled like he had rolled in it. You issued him soap, and sent him on his way. That was a loss to Jackson’s ledgers you were more than willing to take.
The second time, he smelled better. Unremarkable mostly, more of a neutral scent tinged with man smell around the edges. Nothing to write home about. Still, you issued him deodorant. Couldn’t take any chances.
He requested bullets, a basic first aid kit, and warm clothing. With Maria’s approval, you made the relevant deductions and issued the items at hand. You even sprung for wool socks. With a winter like this, he could use all the help he could get.
“You’re headed south, right?” you asked him as he packed a worn duffel bag.
“Colorado,” he replied. You waited, but that’s all he gave you. Guess he didn’t feel like elaborating.
“What about the girl, she need anything?”
He considered the offer, then asked, “You got any pens, pencils or anything? Notebooks? She likes to keep track of things, take notes. Draw, mostly,” he trailed off, scrubbing a hand over his face, “And we’re almost out of paper.”
You smiled at that. A girl after your own heart . “I’ll see what I can scrounge up.”
* * *
You asked Tommy about him, once the two of them were gone. He didn’t have much to say.
“Barely talked to the girl. Probably know about as much about her as you do. Joel… Well, Joel’s an enigma.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “Come on, Tommy. I’m asking for the basics, not his social security number.”
Tommy sighed. “He’s brash, he’s protective, he’s opinionated… I don’t know what much else to tell you. He’s just Joel. One of those people you gotta get to know just by knowing ‘em, I guess.”
You blinked twice. “Supremely helpful, Tommy.”
* * *
The next time you met Joel, he smelled better but looked worse. You only half-remembered his eyes, but something in them last time had been warmer. The ones you saw now were… dead, almost. Like something within them had been destroyed. Whether he’d been the one to do the destroying or it had been done to him remained to be seen.
You’d seen him and the girl with Tommy and Maria in the dining hall that first time they’d come to town, wolfing down chili like they’d just discovered, well, chili. They ate slower now, both of them, not like they weren’t in a rush but like their heads were elsewhere. The girl seemed to stare into nowhere—not all the time, but it was distinct when she did it.
Joel didn’t zone out. No, if anything he was zoned in . On that poor girl who had been so full of life just months ago, now hollowed out like far too many others. You’d see about filling her back up later. But for now, he was the one that perplexed you. Why was he so focused on her? What had happened out there? Part of you never wanted to find out, but part of you really, really did.
Regardless, she needed new shoes. So you joined them. The man stopped mid-chew, looking up at you with trepidation.
“Hi,” you smiled, “glad you two made it back in one piece.”
“Me too,” he replied, turning his attention back to his cud. You couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be a joke or not. You turned your attention to the girl.
“You’re Ellie, right? I’m Doe. Or that’s what most folks around here call me, anyway.”
“Doe?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Like a deer?”
“A female deer,” you winked back at her. She stared at you blankly. 
“It’s a song,” Joel muttered to her softly, “from before.”
“Oh,” Ellie nodded. The silence dragged, but thankfully you came prepared.
“Cobbler?” you offered bowls to each of them. It was fresh from the oven, still steaming and smelling of cinnamon.
“Yes, please!” Ellie yanked the bigger bowl towards herself, broccoli forgotten. She got a few bites in before Joel intervened, pulling the sugar aside and reinstating the vegetables. The girl frowned at that, but his pointed look said not to bother arguing. So she didn’t.
“Don’t worry, it’ll still be hot in a minute.” You tucked into your own cobbler, savoring the warm sweetness as it glided across your tongue. Even in Jackson, it was a delicacy. But it was spring, and the cherries were here. And you’d accounted for everything.
“Did you want something?” Joel asked, finishing his own plate and reaching for the cobbler.
“Ellie needs new shoes.”
“We’ve got it handled,” he said.
“Do you, though? You haven’t got much to trade with, and we’ve got plenty in inventory. That’s kind of what it’s there for. Why suffer blisters when communism’s got your back?”
“Can I?” Ellie’s face lit up. You liked seeing her eyes like that: brighter. They belonged that way.
Joel swallowed his cobbler, mulling over the idea. “After lunch,” he agreed, nodding to the eager teen. “Finish your cobbler first.”
* * *
Ellie’s new light-up sneakers lit the way as you exited the storeroom through your office. Joel had insisted on a sensible pair as well, but you couldn’t deny the kid a little whimsy.
“Maria give you your patrol schedule yet?” you asked him, nodding to the well-worn chalkboard in the corner. Routes on the left, days and times up top. Names filled in the boxes in between, a testament to your logistical wizardry.
“Not yet,” he said, crossing to examine it. “Guess she doesn’t need to, now.”
“I’ve got you paired up with Tommy. Seemed easiest, to get you started. You’ll be headed up to the lodge, it’s a pretty standard route. Get the occasional runner, but it’s wildlife more than anything.”
He nodded, heading toward where Ellie was already scampering out the door.
“See you Tuesday, I suppose. Guessing you’re the one to check-in with?” he asked.
You smiled at his correct assumption. 
“Sure am.”
* * *
You didn’t know Joel well enough to make assumptions about his punctuality, but Tommy was never late. Even you were late from time to time, often getting swept up in tasks and losing track of things. But the man was annoyingly punctual. According to Maria, that’s part of why she fell for him.
Tommy was late today.
You crossed to the large observation window lining one wall of your office. It gave you a clear view of the front gates and surrounding guard stations, but there was no sign of Tommy anywhere. Or Joel, for that matter.
A knock on your door interrupted your analysis. It was Eugene. The grizzled old man acted anything but, a smile breaking out across his face at the sight of you.
“Hey, Doe! How’s things?” He asked.
“Fine. I’m looking for Tommy, actually–”
“Didn’t you hear?” He interrupted, “Maria’s gone into labor. He’s with her at the clinic.”
Your stomach dropped. Here you were preparing to chew Tommy out for his tardiness when the whole time he’d been busy becoming a father. A very valid excuse.
“And Joel?” you asked. “They were supposed to patrol together this afternoon, lodge route.”
“Not sure. He wasn’t with them. Listen, I gotta go grab the baby blanket I made and drop it off, but you and I need to have a drink one of these days. I worry your hair’s gonna start falling out in clumps if you don’t take a break eventually.”
“Yeah, but then what would you do, patrol out to the dam with Jesse? There’s a reason I don’t pair you two up anymore.”
“Because you don’t like blackberries?” he chided.
You frowned, “No, because you spent so long harvesting them your 8 hour patrol took 12. I was this close to sending out a search party. A little planning prevents a lot of headaches, Eugene.”
He turned to leave, looking back over his shoulder to get the last word. “You know what else is good for headaches? Whiskey.”
You sent Eugene on his way with instructions to give Maria your best. You’d visit her when the baby was here. For now, you had a community to protect. 
With Tommy out of commission and Joel MIA, you’d have to find someone else to help you cover this patrol route. Dina was always a solid partner, if she was around. Devon the bartender could generally be counted on to have your back. Eugene would be ideal, but you didn’t want to make him work a double.
You headed to the stables to see who you could find. Upon entering, the warmth of the building and company of the animals soothed your unease, if only slightly. 
You found your horse’s stall, the gray spotted mare whinnying at your arrival.
“Hey, Bailey,” you smiled, offering her a slightly bruised apple. She took it gratefully, big brown eyes closing in enjoyment.
“She’s beautiful,” a voice said from behind you, making you jump.
“Sorry,” the voice stepped into the light, “It’s just me.”
“Joel,” you took a deep breath in an attempt to slow your racing heartbeat.
“Sorry I’m late–” 
You cut him off with a raised hand, looking him in the eye. 
“You’re not with your brother,” you finally said, more of a statement than a question.
“You’re not with your best friend,” he replied, offering no further details.
You sighed, debating arguing with him about it before deciding the subject was better left untouched. You had your reasons for staying away from childbirth. If Joel had his own, he was entitled to that. You weren’t going to press him on it, so long as he didn’t press you.
“Come on,” you said, swinging your leg over Bailey’s back and settling into the saddle, “We’re making up for lost time.”
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grimoireofhayley · 11 months
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA (rape), Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ content, Stalking, Jealousy, Angst, Possessiveness, (let me know if there’s more that needs to be added!)
Word Count: 1.02k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @m-the-little-witch
A/N: Ah, I hope y’all feel lucky. Two chapters in one day! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope I captured Randy, Billy, and Stu’s personality correctly. Thank you so much for reading! I’m hoping I’d get an update out tomorrow, but if not, it should be up later on this week at some point so keep an eye open. I also wrote this on my iPad, so I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. I’ll proofread again tomorrow and put out an updated version. Oh, again, if you wanna be added to the tag list, just comment down below. Thank you :)
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 3
“Remember, your principal loves you, and I want you to be safe. All students are encouraged to return to their homes promptly from school grounds…” The principal spoke over the PA, “Avoid strangers, walk in twos and threes—“
You pinched the bridge of your nose, visibly stressed from all the questioning. You haven’t a clue why you were so upset about everything, you weren’t the killer, but for some reason it felt like you were. Maybe you should’ve lied? Twisted the story a bit so you didn’t reveal you were a mistress at some point in your life.
“I am a slut..” You mumbled, dragging your fingers down your face, causing your eyes to droop. “Now Brooke is definitely going to find out, how am I to confront her on that?” You asked no one in particular.
You stared at the vibrant blue sky, squinting when the sun flashed your eyes. “Have mercy on me, please?” You begged the man upstairs, not expecting an answer in return.
“What kind of questions did they ask you, Sid?” You heard Tatum’s voice in the distance.
You blew a raspberry, putting your brave face on and sauntered over to your friend group at the fountain.
“They asked if I knew Casey…” Sidney’s voice soon followed.
“Hi, guys!” You chirped, sitting in front of Stu, Billy, Tatum and Sidney, unintentionally stopping their conversation.
“Hello, Sweetcheeks!” Stu blurted, eyes glazing over you, a small smirk planted on his lips. “What took you so long?” He groaned, “It’s always so boring when you aren’t here!” He frowned, tossing his head back.
“Gee, thanks Stu..” Tatum snipped, causing you to giggle.
You looked over to Billy, seeing Sidney leaning against his legs, your face contorting in disgust as jealousy was creeping up on you. You mentally slapped yourself, looking away and back at Stu.
“Uh, they had me stay longer for questioning…” You admitted, leaning back against your bag, stretching out your legs.
“Huh? Why?” Billy asked, curiously.
“Yeah, why’s that?” Sidney mumbled.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.
“Just reasons, I guess.”
“Speaking of questioning, did they ask if you like to hunt?” Stu looked at Billy and Randy who seemed to have shown up out of nowhere.
“Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?” Billy answered and probed, Randy nodded in agreement.
“Hunt? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?” Tatum voiced.
“Because their bodies were gutted.” Randy spoke up, shoving a peanut in his mouth.
“They didn’t ask me if I liked to hunt…” both Sidney and Tatum declared.
Stu looked around, but his eyes always seemed to land on you, which caused you to blush, and chew on your fingernail.
“‘Cause there’s no way a girl could’ve killed ‘em..” Stu laughed.
“That’s bullshit. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct.”
“That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing…” Randy butted in.
“Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.” Stu grinned, still staring at you without realizing it.
You leaned in, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. “Really now? If that’s so, then why did they ask me if I liked to hunt, Stu?” You smirked, catching all of them off guard. “Like Tatum said, the killer could easily be a girl. Though, with how they were killed it was clearly a man. They’re all the same, messy. They like to play with their prey. A woman on the other hand, knows how to get things done, swiftly and cleanly. Why do you think they don’t get caught as easily?” You finished your statement. Drumming your fingers across your lap in triumph.
“That was— I was not expecting that.” Stu laughed loudly, bewilderment lingering around him like an aroma of some sorts. Billy was just as shocked, but more amused.
However, Sidney wasn’t having it. “How… How do you gut someone?” She asked.
“You take a knife—“ Stu started and Billy looked up from his lunch. “And you slit ‘em from the groin to the sternum..”
“Hey.” Billy cut Stu off, glaring at him. “It’s called tact, you fuckrag.”
You sighed, shaking your head.
“Hey, (Y/n)..” Sidney asked, ignoring Billy and Stu’s former conversation.
Your ears perked and you looked at her confused.
“Didn’t you used to date Steve Orth?”
‘Now how in the fuck could she have possibly known that…’ You thought, your ears turning red from anger and you clenched your fist.
“Yeah, for like a couple of months..”
“Hold up, did I miss a chapter or something? When the hell did you date him?” Billy asked, looking somewhat pissed.
“Uh, yeah, I have to agree with Billy here.. when the hell did that happen?” Tatum’s eyes widened, she felt betrayed.
“Jesus, guys, it was only a couple of months, I don’t even know how Sidney found out.” You started, shooting Sidney a glare.
“Can we change the subject, please?”
“Did you sleep with him?” Stu mumbled, starting to get irritated as well.
“All of you, please just shut up. It is not a big deal.” You demanded.
“Are the police aware that you dated the victim?” Randy asked, ignoring your pleas.
“Hey, what are you saying? That I killed both Casey and Steve?” Your mouth gaped at the accusation.
“It just makes sense, ex-girlfriend not over the relationship, gets jealous seeing her lover with someone else… You know, the scorned ex who kills for revenge!” Randy shouted, earning a few stares in the process from passersby’s.
“(Y/n) was with me last night, okay?” Billy spoke, winking at you from behind Sidney.
“Yeah, I was…” You stated, catching Sidney’s eyes darting your way.
“Was that before or after you sliced them up?”
“Hold on, you went to (Y/n)‘s after you came by my place? You said you were going to Stu’s!” Sidney flared her nostrils, anger bubbling to the surface.
“Oh, brother…” You whispered, face-palming. Seeing Sidney hurriedly packing up her things, she didn’t give neither you or Billy time to explain...
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Recovery - Chapter 29
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em explains the situation with Tracy to Y/N.
Tags : Fluff - Angst
Marshall’s brain instantly froze when he realized that Y/N had heard his conversation with Tracy. Of course that had to happen. Why wouldn’t his girlfriend walk in just as another woman was mentioning sucking his dick a few days ago ? The universe definitely had a weird sense of humor. He wasn’t sure just how much of the conversation she had heard but, judging by her face, it was bad. She was staring at them in shock, an awkward expression on her face. 
I… Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb, she said. 
He knew she was trying to keep a straight face, but he knew her too well. He could see her bottom lip quivering and the upper part of her face crumbling with sadness. All he wanted was to push Nicole out of the way and take his girl in his arms, telling her it was all a big misunderstanding. Because it was. Well, kind of. To be fair, Tracy had indeed been in his hotel room but it was a little more complicated than what she had implied. Y/N was starting to walk away but he was unable to move. Fuck. He needed to think and think fast. 
Babe, he said. 
I’ll let the two of you talk, she said as she ducked her head down. I just needed the key to your room but I… I’ll go to mine. 
What ? No, he said immediately. Babe, let me explain, ok ? 
You have nothing to explain, Marshall, she said as she could see the sadness take over her beautiful face. I didn’t mean to intrude. 
With these words, she headed to the reception desk and he heard her ask for a keycard to her room. He quickly looked at Tracy who was facepalming herself. He excused himself and ran to catch Y/N. She was already in the elevator but he could not be bothered to wait so he decided to take the stairs. He thought he had gotten in shape for the tour, but running up four flights of stairs proved him wrong. Or perhaps it was the anxiety and the terrifying perspective of losing her. She had left the country when they broke up, God knows how little she would need to walk out of his life again. He banged on the door to her room. He could already see her packing her suitcase and running away from him forever. When she opened, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. He tried to hug her but she avoided his touch. 
Y/N, please let me explain, he pleaded. It’s not what you think. Please don’t hate me. 
I don’t hate you, Marshall, she said with a hint of sadness. Two days ago… I wasn’t here. You don’t owe me any kind of explanation. I heard that you weren’t doing too well while we were apart so it didn’t cross my mind that you could have… you know. But it was stupid. I’m not mad, I just need a minute. 
She stared at him and he could see the deep sadness the thought of him with Tracy caused her. To be fair, the many times he had thought of her in the arms of other men, it had crushed him too. He could absolutely see where the sadness was coming from. 
Can we talk about it ? He asked softly. 
I’d rather not, she shrugged. 
Please, he pleaded. It’s important. 
She sighed as she looked at him but she nodded eventually. They sat on the bed and he took her hands in his. He took a deep breath before talking to her. 
So, hum… I think I should start by explaining what the deal with Tracy is, he began. 
Well I think I know what the deal is, she said as she rolled her eyes. You don’t need to spell it out for me, she just did. 
It’s more complicated than that, he tentatively explained. Tracy and I have known each other for… Over twenty, twenty-five years. She was there when we started Shady Records. She was one of the first people we hired. She’s part of my team and she does a bit of everything. She’s basically Paul’s right-hand woman. She’s known me since the very beginning of my career and she’s a friend. 
Friend ? His girlfriend asked with a raised eyebrow. That’s really the narrative you’re going with ? 
He looked at her patiently. He knew she could have a bit of an attitude when she was hurt. She was entitled to her own feelings, he wasn’t going to deny that, but it didn’t really make it easy for him in that instant. 
She is, he assured her. She’s been with me through thick and thin, at the height of my addiction and when I recovered, when I was on and off with Kim… She is important to me. 
Marshall, I already told you it was fine. You don’t need to express her many professional and personal qualities to justify why it’s ok that she slept with you, Y/N said. I don’t need her resume. In fact, I don’t need this conversation. 
She started getting up but he quickly grabbed her arm and forced her to face him. 
Baby, I have a point, he said sternly. Please let me make it ? 
Fine, she said. Sorry.
He sighed and took her hand in his as he continued his explanation. 
After I got sober, she was one of the first people I dated, he explained. We were together for about a year but it didn’t work out. We were good together on paper but that wasn’t it. So we decided to remain friends and collaborators. But I’m not going to lie, through the years, we’ve slept together a bunch of times. Not because of feelings, but because it’s comfortable and easy. It’s basically a friends with benefits arrangement. That being said, I haven’t slept with her in years. 
Until two days ago, that is, she sighed. 
No, not even, he said. What happened is… I was heartbroken over you. I was considering flying to Paris to see you after the tour, but at that point, I was pretty sure you were with someone else already and making plans to have babies with him or whatever. So I had no hope whatsoever. I managed to keep to myself for the most part of the tour but two nights ago, I don’t know if it’s because I was tired, or my birthday was coming up, or I was stressed out or what, but I was in a bad mood. It was right after the show in London, before we had to fly to Amsterdam in the morning. Tracy came to my room to make sure I was alright. We talked about her divorce and well… she was lonely, I was lonely and… we kissed. That's all that happened. 
Don’t sugar coat it, his girl groaned. She said she sucked your dick. 
Well she attempted to, he admitted nervously. But I… uh… wasn’t really in a state to. 
Meaning ? She asked. 
I couldn’t get it up, he groaned. 
Obviously, he wasn’t too keen to admit that he hadn’t been able to perform sexually. No man ever wanted to say that out loud, especially to his woman. However, he realized that, for once, it could actually play in his favor. 
So, technically there was some… action in that department, I guess, but not that much, he said. 
I’m sorry, she said sheepishly. 
You don’t have to be sorry about anything, he said. We did what friends do. We shrugged it off, talked for a bit and went to bed. In separate rooms. 
Ok, she said softly. 
So… Are you alright ? He asked. 
I am, she said. I mean… It makes me feel less bad that I slept with my ex before the flight that brought me here. 
You did what ?! He almost yelled. 
He was staring at her with big eyes. Now the shoe was on the other foot and he was livid. He had no idea who that dude was but one thing was sure, if he ever found out, he would beat his ass. He looked at her and saw a grin form on her face. That’s when it hit him : she was messing with his brain. 
You didn’t ? He asked. 
I didn’t, she said. I just wanted you to experience how I felt for a second. Sorry, that was a little petty. 
A little ? He chuckled. I’m supposed to be the petty one, here. 
Sorry, she giggled. I guess you’re rubbing off on me. 
So… No one else ? He asked, just to make sure. I mean, I won’t be mad if there was. As you said, we were broken up. I’m just curious, I guess. 
No one, she assured him. The idea of anyone else was just preposterous to me. You’re the one I want to be with. 
He pulled her in for a hug and kissed her softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck. 
How about you ? She asked. 
You know everything, he said. You’re my one and only. 
So… No date ? No nothing ? You mentioned something about Tinder selfies this morning and it freaked me out a little… 
That was years ago, babe, he chuckled. And believe me, that was short-lived. People kept on reporting me because they thought my account was fake. But lately, no date, no nothing. I wasn’t in the mood to date and I had too much work anyway. 
Ok, she said. 
He kissed her again but she seemed a bit absentminded. 
Everything alright ? He asked. 
I’m just… I have questions, she said. About Tracy. 
I just told you everything, he said. 
Yes but you said you were together before, she recalled. 
I did. We dated for a brief period of time, but we broke up because I wasn’t available, emotionally, he explained. 
What if you guys still have feelings for each other ? She asked nervously. You just said that you kept on sleeping with her for years. 
I said we slept together a few times, he corrected. But it’s not like she was in bed with me every night. In fifteen years, we have probably slept together ten times, tops. And it was always just sex. Nothing more. 
Do you think she has feelings for you ? She asked. 
Pretty sure not, he shrugged. If she’d had feelings for me, she would have had every opportunity to tell me a while ago. Plus, she knows more than anyone that I’m a burden. I’ve been a lousy partner to a lot of women and she’s part of the list. 
You’re not a lousy partner, she said as she rolled her eyes. 
Not to you, he said. At least, I try not to be. But you have to understand that I’m not the same person I was a while ago. I have changed a lot over the years. Believe me, I’ve been an asshole when it comes to dating. Kim and Tracy are prime examples of that. If you women had a  collective black list of men you shouldn’t date, mine  would probably be the first name on it. 
I’m sure it’s not that bad, she said. 
I have lied, I have cheated, I have been manipulative and sometimes violent, so yes, he said in all seriousness. And even when that got better, I was emotionally unavailable. So, believe me, I’m no prize. I probably shouldn’t say that, anyway. The goal is not to convince you to run away when you just came back to me. 
She hummed and stared at him, taking in everything he said. 
So, believe me, no feelings between Tracy and I, he said. And even if she had feelings for me, it wouldn’t matter. You are everything I want and need. And I’m happy nothing more happened with her that night because as much as I needed to get laid and would have probably enjoyed it, you are the only woman I want to sleep with. 
Right, she said as she gave him a side-eye. 
I’m dead-serious, Y/N, he said. And even if I had slept with other women, which I haven’t, it wouldn’t matter one bit. Any other woman, I would fuck her. You are the only person I make love to. I am in love with you. For fuck’s sake, I introduced you to Dre and Curtis, tonight. In my book, it means more than introducing you to my mother. You’re my girlfriend, everybody on my team knows it now. Not to mention my family. We’re going on vacation with my kids. I’ve never done that with any other woman. There’s only you. 
Ok, she said softly before kissing him. 
I need you to know that I am absolutely serious about us, he said sternly. I lost you once and now that I have a shot with you again, I will do everything in my power for our relationship to work out. If you ask for the moon as backyard decor, I will get it for you. 
I’m serious about us too, she said. 
He rested his forehead against hers. Prior, he had absolutely no intention of telling her about Tracy or his past experiences with women. There was nothing glorious there and he wasn’t fond of these memories. And, obviously, when she came back to him, he didn’t feel like telling her about what had happened shortly before. He was so scared to lose her again. However, it felt good to be honest with her. He meant every word he said when he told her he would do anything for her. As far as he was concerned, she was the only woman in the world. He got up and took her hand. 
How about we go back to our room ? He offered. 
We can stay here, she said. I don’t mind. 
Come on. The penthouse suite is bigger, the bed is more comfortable and all our stuff is there, he argued. 
She shrugged and they left the room. All he wanted was to climb in bed with her and cuddle while she wore one of his tee-shirts. She was the only thing he was interested in. However, he was brought back to reality when they saw Tracy in the corridor. Putting all of the team on the same hotel floor had its advantages but also its drawbacks. 
Hi, Tracy said. 
Hey, he said. 
Are you alright, dear ? Tracy asked Y/N while she grabbed her arm. I am so sorry you had to hear that. Really, I am mortified. 
Don’t worry about it,  his girlfriend said with a smile he knew for a fact was fake
Marsh, I’ll need to see you before I leave, Tracy said. We’ll need to go over your schedule for when you get back from your break. 
Sure, he said. Can that wait ? 
Of course. I’m leaving tomorrow night. 
Good then, he said. Goodnight Tracy. 
They went back to the room and, as soon as they closed the door, his girlfriend looked at him with a deadpan expression. 
I swear to God, Marsh, if that woman talks to me like a child and grabs my arm one more time, I will make sure it’s the last thing she ever does, she said. 
She meant no harm, he assured her. She’s like that with everybody. 
Not with me, she assured him. I will not have it. I swear I will go all BTK on her. 
I’m starting to regret all the times I showed you true crime documentaries, he muttered. 
She called you Marsh in front of me and was batting her eyelashes at you, she pointed out sternly. 
She was not, and everyone calls me Marsh, he chuckled. But I do like that you’re jealous. Now, how about you let me prove to you that you are the one and only woman I care about ? 
He spoke seductively and pulled her to him before kissing her passionately. She laughed softly into the kiss, making his heart melt. He ran his hands underneath her dress, gently grabbing her butt. She moaned softly and he could not resist kissing her neck, sucking on her sweet spot before carrying her to the bed. 
We still don’t have condoms, she reminded him. 
Jesus fucking Christ, he groaned. I don’t suppose we can call the front desk ? 
Probably not, she giggled. Why don’t you send your assistant to the nearest pharmacy ? Maybe she’ll get the message. 
You are the pettiest woman ever, do you know that ? He chortled. 
And you love it, she said with a smirk. 
I probably shouldn’t, but I do, he admitted. God, you’re fucking perfect. I want you so bad, it’s frustrating. 
Maybe that’s karma, she said. 
He gave her a playful side-eye. It was clear that, even though she had acknowledged that they weren’t together and that he could technically do what he wanted with Tracy, she was jealous. It made him smile though : it meant she cared. Plus, she was way too cute for him to think it was annoying, not to mention the fact that she was probably too nice for it to become an actual problem. 
I think Karma was when I had the opportunity to get some and the universe wouldn’t let me, he pointed out. 
Maybe she’s just bad in bed, his girlfriend shrugged with a smirk. 
No, that’s not… I mean, yeah, probably, he said as he caught himself. 
They chuckled and he kissed her forehead. At least, they were able to laugh about it. He got in his boxers and she put on one of his tee-shirts before getting under the covers. She curled up on his side as they watched a movie. He could feel her falling asleep and it gave him peace of mind. He breathing was slow and steady against his skin. He closed his eyes and muttered a few love words. He was about to fall asleep when he felt his phone buzzing next to him. He quickly grabbed it and saw a text from Tracy. 
From Tracy : Can we talk ? 
He glanced at Y/N to make sure she was asleep before replying. 
To Tracy : I’m in bed. What’s up ? 
From Tracy : Can you come to my room ? I’d like to finish our conversation.
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cerulean-crow · 4 months
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I was a creepypasta and mlp grimdark kid- I absolutely loved them and they definitely shaped my interests in horror and gore that I have now! I am not immune to the nostalgia of these infection au’s, and honestly I am thriving. I love reading everyone’s ideas and seeing everyone’s art, and I got inspired to try my own hand at one!
I’ve been calling it the Crystal Heart Contagion. I am not sure how far I’ll take this but it’s fun to draw and think about. I considered going a bit crazy with actual gore, but this was just supposed to be a concept page and I wanted to keep it simple and just flesh out some ideas I had bouncing around in my head. Besides, I actually really like body horror that doesn’t involve a ton of gore- and like that note says, has an air of beauty alongside the disturbing elements.
Again, not sure how far I’ll take this- so I’m just gonna jot down some thoughts and notes! I’ll put ‘em under the cut because I am very wordy <3
Also I try to tag my stuff as best as possible because I know not everyone loves horror and these Mlp horror au’s as much as I do! I don’t want people to interact with my posts if it makes them uncomfortable, so if I miss a tag please let me know.
The Crystal Heart Contagion is transmitted when infected crystals come into contact with one’s bloodstream. The afflicted will experience body pains and stiffness at first, hemophilia, and symptoms like lethargy and migraines. The crystals will begin to form in clusters on the skeletal system, eventually breaking through the skin and, after a long enough period of time, will completely petrify the afflicted in solid crystal.
I imagine that one’s teeth, hooves, and horns are where crystals will begin to break through first. I like the idea of stylizing manes as they crystalize- but that’s exploration for another day!
I am currently thinking of the infection more like a parasite of some kind. Parasitic crystals that feed on magic and rely on living creatures to carry them farther in order to spread themselves.
The infection originally didn’t do much to change one’s personality, they would just get weaker and weaker as they were overtaken by the crystals. It was only when the infection started again, when Equestria was home to many more different species and overflowing with way more magic, that the crystals would begin to mutate at a rapid rate. Those afflicted would begin to show signs of aggression that would have them attacking others, thus leading to further spreading.
Some physical details I like is the eyes hollowing out and resembling geodes! Crystals emerging from the spines, horns becoming crystallized, and crystals forming over teeth and jaw to create fangs are all stuff I would love to flesh out in further detail.
I also love the idea of the chest ripping open to reveal a crystal heart held in a crystallized ribcage! I think I will forever be influenced by the Angel Trap in Saw 3
The idea of this infection is still developing and I’m still doing a lot of research and thinking on the words to describe it. My original thoughts took inspiration from a parasitic infection and rabies. My brain also likes thinking of it like a mold in how it spreads or thinking of the crystals like a coral reef (mostly as a visual inspiration)
The background and timeline is all still a work in progress. I haven’t rewatched the full series in so long and I’m implementing plenty of my own headcanons- so it’s all very vague right now.
The original idea is that the infection started during King Sombra’s reign. He created these parasitic crystals and unleashed them upon Celelstia and Luna’s army with the hopes of dwindling their numbers and expanding the reach of the Crystal Empire further through the Frozen North. When he was sealed away, Celestia and Luna would bring several of the infected back to Equestria for study. They would hide them away deep underground beneath a mountain, where the lack of nutrients in the rock would eventually cause the crystals to stop forming and enter some kind of hibernation.
Celestia would later build Canterlot after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and she would use the very kingdom itself to block off the caverns and keep them hidden for everyone’s safety.
The Crystal Caverns would become known again during the Canterlot Wedding when Cadance and Twilight escaped from them. However, nothing would ever happen after the fact, and Celestia and Luna would continue to hope that with Sombra sealed away and the crystals dormant for so long, that this infection was truly no more.
When I first got this all in my head, the idea was that Flurry Heart’s Crystalling was what caused the parasitic-crystals to get a kickstart of energy and begin spreading again.
That is the part where the timeline starts getting really wonky. Cause I think I’d want Twilight to be running her school and have the young six around, but that’s in season 8 and the crystalling was in season 6. But I can honestly fudge the timeline however I want, it’s an alternate universe after all.
I think that Celestia sacrifices herself in order to save Luna and help as many people flee Canterlot as possible. This was when I still very early into thinking this au through and a potential story that could be told with it- and with the worldbuilding I’ve been doing over the last few days I don’t entirely know if it still fits. I love the scene in my head that comes from it though- so I decided to keep the sketch of crystallized Celestia in the end.
I love the idea of crystals on her head mimicking sun rays! And her forelegs and wings becoming one so she staggers around like a wyvern. That’s definitely a design I would love to flesh out if I get the time.
I am having fun!
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bitchsister · 1 month
can we maybe get curt cockwarming bucky,, but he’s just unable to sit still and is being all bratty about it since he wants to get off but bucky won’t let him 👀
This is not the one and only cockwarming ask I’ve gotten! And anon, while there is some gentle kinda cockwarming in this… there’s a lot more happening too…. Because like I’ve said before. I need a muzzle.
(I kinda just did whatever I wanted.)
Top punk baby princess Curtie in this.
This has been very sloppily edited. It’s pure smut and filth if there’s any weird errors just ignore them and love me for my flaws.
I blame @swifty-fox for a lot of what is in this. But also I blame myself for being the one to write it. 🫶🏼
Look at their beautiful art for our baby Punk Princess Curtie!!
Here’s their art tag. They spoil me daily 🩷
Because there was no specifications made, this is yet another addition to our Lucky Charms AU!
If you’re not LOCKED IN for THESE THINGS, do not read : Curt and Rosie arguments, injuries and mentions of blood, lowkey blood play, TOP CURTIS, bottom Bucky, Sub Bucky turned Dom real quick, crying, whining, spit, kinda cockwarming? I tried for the circumstances I swear, Daddy is used a few times . Oh. And Green Day.
I definitely have more cockwarming requests. So a cute and sleepy cockwarming drabble will probably happen eventually.
Bucky’s place wasn’t close to campus, but if Curt managed to catch a lift from Rosie or one of his girlfriends, then he’d manage to bribe them into dropping him off near the skate park which was only about a fifteen minute ride away from Bucky’s, if he was really putting his back into it.
He’d gone a week without seeing either of them, and while FaceTime was certainly one of the greatest modern inventions to exist, it didn’t do anyone justice — either the bar Curt was in was too loud, Bucky couldn’t figure out how to add Gale successfully to their call or Curt was balls deep in an essay about the Navier-Stokes Equations and Computational Fluid Dynamics while the other two had free time.
“I can’t go all the way to his place, Curt. I got work in like — fuck. Twenty minutes.” Rosie stared at his watch, gaze fluttering to land on Curt who stood in front of him, batting his lashes as he held his board at his hip.
“C’mon, Rosie. You’re arrangin’ bouquets all day, not protecting the government from cybersecurity attacks.” Curt stepped forward and tapped his nose. “At least not yet, Mister Digital Forensics.” His lashes fluttered again. “How ‘bout the park, then?”
When Rosie told Curt he’d gotten a job as part-time florist downtown, he’d laughed right in his face.
Ain’t no way!
Rosie stared straight at Curt, his lips tugged into a solemn line.
Wait — yo, forreal?
“I’ll — fuck — hey, Monday I’ll get you a coffee. How’s that, hm? For your troubles.” Curt made his voice sound sweet, stood before Rosie with his headphones around his neck, a loose tshirt hanging to his thighs, cutoffs revealing his scabby knees.
He blew an obnoxious bubble with his gum into Rosie’s contemplative face.
A heavy sigh escaped him, his shoulders sagging under the weight of resignation as he realized that continuing this argument with Curt would consume more time and energy than simply giving in. "Fine," Rosie conceded, his tone exhausted. "But you owe me a muffin, too.”
Curt flashed him a smirk once he’d plopped into the passenger seat of Rosie’s old Bronco where nothing but FM sports radio played through the muddied coaxial far older than them.
They chirped at each other for a little while about sports. None of which Curt knew a thing about besides what Bucky had told him. “Well, B says they got a good season ‘head of ‘em.” Curt popped a bubble between his teeth again, fingers fiddling with the too-loose trucks of his board to tighten them.
“You listen to everything he says?” Rosie shot a sidelong glance at Curtis, a brow risen. “It’s almost like you have no singular thoughts these days.” He continued, though he shouldn’t have. “Bucky this, Bucky that.”
The radio statics, but drones on.
That’s baseball for you folks. The Kawasaki kid has ice in his veins! One swing of the bat can change everything.
“I got plenty’a thoughts of my own.” Curt grit his teeth but forced his jaw to relax the moment he heard Gale in the back of his head, reminding him right away that his first reaction is rarely ever his best.
Relax, Curt. Take a deep breath. It’s nothing to get all bent out of shape about. Tell me a few things you can see. What do you taste? What do you smell? What can you touch?
Redbuds blooming in early spring, spent bubblegum, the leak in Rosie’s busted exhaust, the textured and worn down urethane of the wheels on his board.
“Hardly.” Rosie drummed his fingers over his steering wheel absentmindedly, reducing himself to the songs in his head since the radio in his car failed to work half the time. “You think he’s gonna keep you around when you’re graduated? Or, god forbid, you turn twenty-six and Ruthie doesn’t pay for your health insurance anymore? Officially too old for Attorney at Law, Bucky Egan.”
They hadn’t talked about Gale all that much besides the fact that he and Bucky often worked on case studies together and were usually working the same if not similar court dockets — a good friend who he certainly hadn’t dropped to his knees for.
“Fuck off with that.” Curt waved his hand at Rosie, his head shaking in disbelief and his expression one of grand theatrics. “Ain’t mine or nobody else’s fault you ain’t been laid in months. Maybe if you weren’t such a fuckin’ downer, man,” he pulled his shirt up to tighten the shoelace threaded through his belt loops. “You been on my back about it now for a while.”
“Well, all you do is talk about ‘em.”
“And, so what!?” Curt tapped his board a few times over the dashboard to taunt him and make a big, loud fuss. “You goddamn leech! You suck the fuckin’ life outta me, Robbie!” Curt was huffing through his nose, red in his cheeks and far from remembering the things he could see, taste, smell and touch. “You know Nora calls you Rosie Raincloud?” He was being venomous now, his fangs deep in Rosie’s flesh. “‘Cause you fuckin’ smother us with it, Robert. We hardly know what to say to you these days.”
Rosie had stomped his foot over the brake in one of the picturesque neighborhoods, nestled in a dreamy suburban wasteland, so different from the city.
His chin wobbled and his gaze denied Curt the satisfaction of seeing it reduced to a puddle — that hurt, but he could only really blame himself.
It wasn’t the first time he’d taken a swing at Curtis Biddick and got hit back twice as hard.
“You don’t gotta say nothin’.” Curt swung the passenger side door open and jumped out, his head sticking into the window for one last twist of the knife in Rosie’s chest. “Coffee shop ain’t even fuckin’ open on Mondays.”
Rosie peeled off, leaving Curt to hop on his board and kick his legs as hard and fast as he possibly could, his headphones tugged back over his ears and the volume turned up as loud as it could go.
City of the dead, at the end of another lost highway.
Signs misleading to nowhere
He tried his hardest not to think about how he had acted, and the things he had said to Rosie — in truth, Curt was better equipped to handle what Rosie had been saying to him since after all it was his own opinion, which he’d reserved the right to.
Curt didn’t need to scream at him the way he did, or bring up Rosie’s sudden knack for draping a wet blanket over every conversation.
It didn’t get them anywhere.
His mind drifted so far away and his chest heaved with ragged breaths as he kicked his legs to the beat of the drum line in the song he listened to.
Angry, sloppy, reckless.
He stopped to take out some energy on the railings of concrete neighborhood staircases, finding his inability to make it down all the way in a front side a new irritant to focus on instead of the guilt he felt for hurting Rosie before his shift at the flower shop.
Until sunset he occupied his mind — or, until his exhausted body had failed him for the last time and sent his face into concrete. “I hear ya.” He mumbled at the sky, assuming it was all karmic as he reached into the grass nearby to grab his phone which had flown out of his pocket the first time the railing swiped him right between his ass cheeks and straight to his tailbone.
His body ached, his screen was cracked, there was glass in his thumb.
He hardly announced his presence anymore, fucking up the gate code a few times due to the shakiness of his fingers and dropping his keys to his feet while he attempted to unlock the front door, a wild and unabashed string of cocksuckingmotherfuckingpiecesofshit falling from his lips once he’d kicked the door closed with the back of his heel, limping into the kitchen to nose around for a snack, although he had really expected Bucky to be on his second glass of wine by then, his iPad an inch from his face as he browsed the internet for a new dinner recipe.
“Hey,” Bucky called from the garden where he lounged in his tightest swimming shorts — the ones that showed off the thick muscle of his thighs and the curve of his toned hips. “Hey!” He’d been calling to Curtis from the open French doors that lead to the pool, the sun still too bright to realize Curt was bleeding from an unknown source on his face with his headphones still blaring music into his brutalized eardrums.
Where have all the bastards gone?
The underbelly stacks up ten high.
“Dammit, Curtis.” Bucky got up from where he was laying, riddled with irritation that Curt didn’t come squealing into his lap like he always did, attacking him like a sucker fish on any bit of skin he left visible.
His footsteps weren’t detected by Curt that peeled a string cheese layer by layer, half of his body reaching into the fridge to find something else to eat. “If you’re gonna use my money for things like this, at least give me the satisfaction of -“ he’d reached to pull Curt’s headphones away from his ears which had inadvertently caused Curt to whip around, bright blue eyes starkly contrasted by the flow of crimson that stained his lips and neck.
This wasn’t the first time, nor the last.
Still, Bucky let out a sigh as Curt continued to feed himself strings of cheese, blinking up at Bucky as if nothing had been out of place — though, even John would admit, this got easier each time.
“What was it this time?”
Curt sighed, his shoulders shrugging. “Don’t even remember.”
He was so lost in his own thoughts about his fight with Rosie that he could hardly recall what he had landed and what he hadn’t — he had no notes to give himself and nothing he could set his intentions to improve on later.
He threw his body around for four hours and got nothing out of it. And, not to mention, he may have lost a friend.
Bucky shoved his face in Curt’s neck once he’d pulled him nearer, so damp with sweat and radiating heat like the surface of the sun. So bright, so warm, so absolutely gorgeous. “Need to keep all your braincells the way they are.” He murmured, drawing in the scent of him while his lips pressed kisses to the salty heat on the soft flesh of his neck.
Curt still felt sore about what he’d done to Rosie but with Bucky in front of him like this, his hands groping his sides to pull him closer, it grew more and more difficult to think about anything else. “C’mon, m’fuckin’ filthy, Bucky.” He whispered, his voice barely there.
“Oh, I know.”
The sun continued to set beneath the hedges in the garden and the breeze that blew through the open doors had cooled him down enough, but Bucky had done very little to stop his sweating — his palms splayed over the softness of Curt’s hips, the small of his back, the curve of his neck. “You need me to kiss it all better, don’t you?” Bucky could taste the metallic sting dance over his tastebuds. “Need me to lick you clean, hm?”
Curt had still felt the hot sting of anger in his belly, the annoyance with himself for getting it all wrong, the frustration of having no control over what he said, his emotions, and how he reacted to them.
He pushed himself forward, chest to Bucky’s until he was backed into the center island, his skin stained down to the neck of his tshirt. “You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” The blue of his iris had darkened like the deepest parts of the ocean — the most dangerous. “Can’t wait to have me down your throat, huh?”
Bucky could hardly suppress the expression coloring his features as a searing chill trickled over every inch of his body. “Fuck,” his palms flattened again over Curt’s sides and down to the curve of his ass where he grabbed two handfuls, pressing his body closer and closer. “Look at you.”
He looked fucked up on himself, mesmerized by his own power, his own influence — Bucky was the softest, warmest putty between his bloody fingers. “Been thinkin’,” Curt grabbed Bucky’s jaw, forcing his lips to part as his own grew inches away. “When you cut your finger. Made me think, ya know — it made your face get all screwed up, made you whine a little.”
Bucky had sliced his finger clean open on a new set of knives Gale got him for Christmas months ago, the blades still sharp as the day he brought them out of the box.
“Think you can make me whine?” Bucky’s voice had drawn itself deep into his chest, teased by Curt who leaned himself in as if he’d finally give Bucky what he wanted, a true taste of what he knew he was missing out on, just to pull away a flash him a grin with front teeth slicked with blood.
“I can do anything.” Curt chirped back.
He pressed his hand into Bucky’s chest again, the other cradling his jaw as he walked him backward and himself forward, a wall behind them eventually where Curt slotted his leg between Bucky’s thick thighs. “What’s the over under?”
Bucky liked to gamble with his work buddies on Saturdays.
Curt would sit by idly near a high stakes poker table or the screen where Bucky and his friends would bet on ponies and he’d drink boozy milkshakes and flirt with the cocktail waitresses he had no interest in for a couple complimentary vouchers for the buffet where he only used the soft serve machine or the gift shop where a collection of cute coffee mugs were sold, and he had his heart set on acquiring them all without spending a dime.
“Not a chance.” Bucky tilted his head back against the wall, his narrow gaze fixed on Curt who hooked his fingers over the waistband of Bucky’s swimming shorts. “I don’t make bets on thoroughbreds without a track record, baby.”
Curt had yet to reveal this particular side of himself.
Sure, he was tough.
He’d bust his lip, his ass or his nose and get back up giggling. He’d fall off and get right back on. He’d argue his side of the story, he’d stand firm in his beliefs.
But he’d never claimed to be dominant in the way he’s portraying now.
The fact that he could wasn’t so much a shock, it was that he chose right then to do it.
“Smart man.” Curt shoved his fingers into Bucky’s mouth, holding him still with his thumb curved beneath his jaw. “On your knees.” He hooked his fingers a little tighter and guided Bucky down to where he balanced on his haunches until his knees fell forward, forcing him to sit on his folded legs where Bucky stared up at him expectantly.
So fucking beautiful.
He already knew what to do, as he’d done it for Curt plenty — his cutoffs were shucked down to his ankles and kicked across the room, his bloody tshirt following suit. Bucky had a hard time figuring how he’d be the one whining instead of Curt until he felt the familiar sensation of tiny fingers threading through his thick brown waves, tugged a little tighter than ever before.
“Go on,” Curt whispered in a shallow breath, “Get me wet for you.”
Bucky could hardly believe his ears, the shock drawing him quickly to obey a Curtis who was typically mounting himself over Bucky right about now, spouting off about how Bucky’s cock is so big and how he can feel it in his tummy.
He worked his tongue over every curve and vein of Curt’s cock only for hips to be drawn closer to his face, his eyes brimming with a sudden surge of cock-teased tears, “Fuck,” Curt grumbled, the blood drying now over his still damp and glimmering skin. “Look so fuckin’ hot with a cock down your throat.”
Rather quickly the spot in Curt’s belly where he held his rage earlier was replaced by the butterfly feeling of having Bucky’s mouth on him — until, of course, Curt had coaxed him into position atop an expensive area rug in the living room, knelt between his thighs once he’d removed Bucky’s slutty swim shorts from his hips.
“Didn’t know how pretty ya’d look like this.” Curt took in the sight of a pink-cheeked Bucky, his thighs spread and his cock achingly hard, curved deliciously over the little trail of hair beneath his bellybutton.
He’d yet to let out a whine, but if he didn’t feel Curtis closer to him soon, he’d be waving a white flag as he went down with the ship. “Kiss me,” it came out in an almost bashful plea as his eyes scanned the lips before him, the dull dried blood brought to life again each time Curt licked his lips. “Please.”
“Ohh,” it was an almost taunting coo. “Got your manners, huh?” A dribble of spit slid past Curt’s parted lips and between Bucky’s spread thighs, his cock slicked gently past the hole that tensed at the sensation. “Relax for me.” Curt whispered, his hips grinding his length against Bucky’s which already twitched. “Show me how good you are.”
Bucky hardly knew if he was able to be good, but he’d try. “Please.” He whispered again, though he was careful not to allow his desperation to show. “Just fuckin’ kiss me.”
Curt rolled his eyes, spitting again but that time it was at Bucky’s chest, tinged pink from the blood still lingering on his tongue. “You don’t make the rules, John.” He basked again at the sight before him — glowing cheekbones, parted lips, hands reaching to spread the dampness Curt had spat onto him around his chest and into his own mouth.
“Not when I got you lookin’ like this.”
It seemed Bucky had leaned into it, his body still tense but his eyes soft as could be.
Curt rut his hips between his cheeks, a rumbled string of groans bubbling from his loins as his right hand milked a couple little pearls of precum from Bucky’s cock that throbbed beneath his grip. “Y’like this, don’t you?” He whispered softly, his usual playfulness still dripping over every word; sticky sweet.
“Yeah, baby.” Bucky gasped, still willing his gaze to focus on what was before him although he was hardly able to discern if it was real or not. “Gonna fuck me?” He felt another sting of anticipation dance over each notch of his spine.
Curt grinned deviously, little body slotted between Bucky’s thighs that could easily overpower him but wouldn’t dare. At least not yet. “Need to get you ready for me,” he reached forward, his fingers slid gently into Bucky’s mouth and over his soft, warm tongue.
It wasn’t long before Curt could hardly stave off his excitement, fingers gentle but prodding against Bucky’s hole that took a finger to the knuckle easier than he’d been expecting, a gasp following suit. “Fuck,” Bucky whispered, his hips instinctively twitching at the unfamiliar sensation. “Fuck — fuck, fuck,”
A second finger, a third.
Lube from a drawer in the coffee table slicked over Curt’s thick fingers as he worked them into Bucky whose brows furrowed, pillowy pink lips parted as gentle huffs escaped them.
“Talk to me, Daddy.” Curt whispered, knelt down between Bucky’s thighs like a predator sizing up its prey that just so happened to be twice the size of himself. “Do I make you feel good?” His fingers worked Bucky open while he pressed rough and starved kisses over his thighs that twitch every now and then.
“Yeah, baby.” Bucky sucked a breath between his teeth, his heart flipping in his chest once Curt’s fingers had found his prostate.
He held in a whine that crept up on him in the very back of his throat and Curtis could tell. “Such a good fuckin’ boy, Curtie. Fuck —“ Bucky threaded his fingers through Curt’s hair, chest heaving once his fingers found a rhythm.
Curt could hardly believe his eyes, falling in love again with a new version of Bucky he’d never met before — all soft hues of pink and deliciously tanned skin, lips glistening with spit and his gorgeous eyes half-hidden behind eyelids that fluttered. “You look so pretty like this.” He mouthed at Bucky’s balls and the base of his cock, pressing sweet kisses against his sensitive skin.
Bucky could hardly deny himself what he wanted anymore as he whispered a gentle plea, “Fuck me.”
Curt hummed between his legs, sitting up slowly to observe yet another angle once he’d carefully withdrew from Bucky altogether to line their hips up, his cock eventually replacing the fingers that gripped Bucky’s thighs instead to spread them wider. “Think you’re ready?” He leaned his chest over Bucky’s, chaste kisses pressed against his open mouth.
“Mhmmm.” Bucky mustered, their kisses hot and wet and sloppy — uncoordinated and needy. He’d never wanted anything more in his life than this. “Put that big cock to use for once.”
An interesting spot he was in to be making snide remarks, Curtis thought, and so he gave him exactly what he’d wanted.
He lined himself up nice and gentle before snapping his hips forward, pulling Bucky closer by his thighs once he’d abruptly buried himself within the tight, wet heat before him.
And there it was.
A long winded whine that started low and gentle had died out high-pitched and breathy right into Curtis’ mouth who continued to lick, kiss and nip at Bucky’s wet lips. “Oh, listen to you.” Curt drawled, allowing John to adjust before his hips had found a slow rhythm, watching as the man beneath him writhed.
“Gonna have you fuckin’ cryin’ for my cock all the time now, hm?”
Bucky choked back a whimper he couldn’t even pretend to hide, desperate and sweat slicked hands grasping onto Curt — anything to hold. “Feels s-so— fuck, baby - “ he could hardly form a coherent thought once Curt picked up his pace, hand hardly big enough to wrap around Bucky’s throat but he kept a tight grip, nonetheless.
Bucky still felt a little shy about this.
A little out of place.
Eventually, the unfamiliarity and pain had quickly tumbled and grew larger into an indescribable pleasure once Curt’s hips had little to hold back any longer, fucking into Bucky relentlessly who took it like he’d been meant to all along.
Uh-uh-uhs were forced out of him, his thighs spread wider and his eyes managing to focus again when he began to pant like he was reaching the finish line.
Curt was so far from done with him.
“Ah-ah,” he withdrew abruptly, watching Bucky writhe again and attempt to pull him back in. “I got you all worked up, don’t I?” His hands smoothed over Bucky’s damp curls, tugging gently. “Takin’ my cock so good, never knew you were such a fuckin’ —“
Bucky sucked in a deep breath and used his legs to flip Curtis onto his back, knocking the wind out of him.
“Think you’re tough now, huh?” He still looked like a fucked-out mess, his eyes half lidded and his heart pounding in his chest. “Had your cock in me and forgot how easy Daddy can have you gagging for him.”
Curt tried to push Bucky’s hands off of him, his cheeks still slathered in dried blood turning pink beneath the mess. “Had you close-“ his rebuttal was quickly snipped once Bucky had slicked his fingers in with lube and brought them between Curt’s cheeks, hooked into him and pulling him closer.
“Get the fuck off me.” Curt tried to put up a fight but his body had been betraying him as his thighs spread for Bucky, his feet lifted from the floor as he moaned at the roughness of it, a punishment it seemed for denying Bucky the pleasure he’d been so vulnerable to receive.
“Nobody takes it like my baby does,” Bucky basked in the familiarity and the tightness around his fingers that hammered into Curt until his thighs were shaking and the back of his knees dripped in sweat. “Isn’t that right?”
Big, fat tears had once again revived the dried blood that had smeared itself over his face by then, every moan that rattled out of him tumbling into a choked sob. “Fuck you.” He whined, his white flag waved with confidence as he went down with the ship Bucky had since abandoned and yet he still managed to put up a fight. “Mother fucker.”
“Oh, that’s not how good boys behave, Curtis.”
Fingers were replaced with Bucky’s cock, Curt’s features softening at the familiar sensation, the one thing he’d ask for on death row.
This is his truest Last Supper.
There was no movement by Bucky, though.
He buried his cock deep into Curtis, swearing to himself that when they were just like this, he could see the bulge of his cock in Curtis’ little belly. “You know what happens when you’re bad, don’t you?”
“I wasnt!” Curt barked, desperately trying to withdrawal from Bucky and snap his hips back again. “I wasn’t bad - I- I wasn’t-“ he was a mess of tears again, the emotions of the day crashing down on him in a heap. “You fuckin’ cocksuckin’—“
The exam he failed, his fight with Rosie, his busted face, and now this.
“Nah,” Bucky held Curt’s thighs to his chest, his cock staying right in its place, not an inch of movement. “Gonna stay just like this until you can show me how sorry you are.”
There, Bucky realized, was his place.
He had never minded being vulnerable with Curtis — in fact, vulnerability was his strong suit.
At first, he was the worst out of the two when it came to expressing his feelings, his thoughts and his emotions.
In the end it was only ever because of the judgement he feared of receiving for loving Curtis. Someone younger than himself, more reckless, with more life to live.
“I’m sorry,” Curt sniffled loudly, a puddle of old blood, tears and a runny nose that threatened to bleed again, the drip metallic and sour in the back of his throat. “I’m so sorry — I - I’ll never be bad again, I promise.”
They both knew a lie when they heard one.
“I’m so good for you.” Curt arched his back, anything for a little friction against his suddenly neglected and angry looking cock. “Look at me — I’m all yours, Bucky. Every part of me — I—“ he sobbed again, reaching down to touch himself but he was abruptly denied, his wrists held above his head. “Fuck me till I can’t fuckin’ breathe.”
Bucky felt sick for being so turned on.
A whimpering, whining, crying Curtis before him with a hot and hard cock that leaked beautifully against the little trail of hair below his bellybutton. “Oh, my pretty baby.” He cooed, reaching forward to wipe his crybaby tears away and granting him just a bit of movement when he did. “I couldn’t let you forget, honey — look what I’ve done to you.”
Curt tried again to surge forward and gain an upper hand, but it was disastrously useless.
Bucky was far stronger than he, even despite being fucked open just a moment ago. “Dunno what I’m gonna do with you.” He murmured, pulling away from Curtis at once and bringing him gently to his feet, holding him against the wall where Bucky felt he’d be doing his knees and Curt’s back a favor once he lifted him up off the ground and around his waist.
It was brutal after that, and for once Curt was unsure he could handle it. “Too much! T-too much,” he whimpered, but Bucky could hardly be bothered. “It’s too much — I can’t-“
If it was truly too much, Curt knew what he needed to say.
A safe word was set in stone the first time Curt had passed out and hit the floor, his brow split open.
All he cared about when he came to was finishing, though — even with an almost-crying Bucky and Gale in his face, worried beyond reason.
“Yes, you can, baby.” Bucky groaned, knowing full well Curt’s orgasm was dependent on the completion of his own.
Didn’t matter how much Curt was fucked.
If he wasn’t full of it, he just couldn’t get off.
A rather endearing blessing, but a curse just the same.
“I can’t Bucky, I can’t.” A wreck he was — and Bucky loved reducing him to such a state. Babbling, whining, his voice strained through the tears he choked on. “S’too much.”
Luckily, it was enough to sputter Bucky’s hips forward, hips rolling into Curt to milk his orgasm while Curt’s hole fluttered around his cock, his little body pulsing as he threw his head back against the wall where he thumped a few brain cells loose.
Bucky reached up to hold the back of his head, clicking his tongue. “There you go, honey,” he whispered gently to a Curtis whose body trembled through an earth shattering orgasm, “Let it all go, baby. Look at how much you’re givin’ me.”
Curt’s body was covered in sweat, blood, tears and now a splattered mess of his devotion to Bucky — hot and wet; sticky and so fucking sweet.
Bucky plopped them both onto the couch, Curt’s body wrapping around him and refusing to give his cock back despite it growing softer by the minute. “I love you.” He hiccuped into Bucky’s neck, the emotions flooding back to him once he’d been dumped right back into his reality — the one where he failed his test and more than likely lost a friend. “So much.”
“C’mon, Curt. Y’know I love you more than anything.” Bucky smoothed his hands over Curt’s damp curls, pulling his face away from the curve of his neck to look at him. “What’s goin’ on with you?”
He couldn’t talk about it now.
Just wanted to be here, in Bucky’s lap, the warmth of their love still burning inside him. “Later.” He whispered, sniffling loudly. “I’ll tell you later.”
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Epel Felmier with a crush
Gender neutral
- order 54 | Headcanons | Epel
⇥ Kalim Al Asim • Rook Hunt ⇤
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I love him so so much. He’s aware of his feelings, maybe a little bit confused on what to do. He’s definitely gonna try to keep it a secret but to the observant people, it’s obvious.
He’s gonna be by your side 24/7. Or as long as he can without being dragged away by Vil or Rook.
He’s always trying to impress you and do things for you. He’s like opening doors for you and and eating up any affection you give him.
He would love to hold you hand, but he’s never gonna ask or grab your hand because he doesn’t want other people to see.
He would use his cute appearance as an advantage. Oh you’re gonna go? Let him walk you there! Cute is power so it always works.
If mentioned then he would haughtily claim that you’re following him, which is a big lie. A bad lie too.
Rook and Vil just know. They both know because Epel can’t tell a good lie around them. Vil thinks it a cute little kid crush. He doesn’t necessarily approve or disapprove of it.
Rook is so supportive. He embraces love and will always support it. He’s very upfront with his support. Epel pursuing true love, YES GO GET EM!
Unbeknownst to both of you, he’s stalking both of you. He won’t let anything go wrong on your dates.
Epel is always trying to tag along no matter what. You’re studying with Ace, Deuce, and Grim? He’s going along. You’re going to your afterschool club? There’s no practice today so it’s okay for him to go along.
Him and Grim sometimes argue. Grim knows he has a crush on you and tried to take advantage of that but Epel caught on. Eventually Grim would get fed up with his presence because he’s taking all your attention from him!
“Go home! We don’t want you here!”
“Ehh? Watchout, I’ll be yer step dad in just a few weeks!”
Epel is very very confident about it. I mean you’re still letting him hang around you even after founding about his real personality. He’s doesn’t want you to think he’s just a kid. He promises he can be a man that can protect you.
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anisespice · 1 year
7:59pm - kenma kozume 
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note: a cute little blurb i made to help with major writer’s block i’m suffering lol no longer sick so that’s nice :)) & still working on the next part of ‘the fuck-it list’, so hope you enjoy some lazy college student kenma for now !! reader is fem + black-coded.  tagged: @fantasycantasy​
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Even though KENMA had a handful of assignments due at 11:59pm, he couldn’t say no to a few matches of Smash with you and his friends. The night was still young, he’d get to them eventually, and it wasn’t like they’re worth that many points anyway. At least, that’s how he decided to justify it as he plopped right onto the living room sofa. If he missed the deadlines, he missed them—No big deal. 
“Oh, I think not.” You, on the other hand, felt otherwise. 
With swiftness, you grabbed his controller and held it out of range. He reached out for it with a small pout, but you paid it no mind. “Did you finish all your assignments for the week?” 
Kenma huffed. “Yes, mom. I finished them last night.” 
“You were most definitely up streaming ‘till 3am. Try again.” Your boyfriend’s pout deepened, avoiding eye contact as he latched onto the bottom of your shirt. Yaku sniggered from his crouched position near the tv, getting the system ready, while Kuroo giggled into the kitchen cabinets as he searched for snacks. Yamamoto had the decency to turn toward the wall and try to mask his laughter. 
The pudding-head glared in their direction, then immediately softened as he tugged on your shirt, looking at you with big-ole eyes. “I’ll finish ‘em later…c’mon kitten-”
“Aht, don’t kitten me, Kenneth.” His nose scrunched in distaste at the nickname, his grip on your shirt tightening as he lowly whined. “You asked me to hold you accountable this semester whenever you tried to slack like this. So, no games until you’ve completed every assignment that’s due.” 
Kenma huffed again. “...Some assignments.”
“Sorry. This is nonnegotiable, babe.” 
“A handful?” 
“Don’t play with me,” you half-heartedly warned. Kenma dramatically groaned, body immediately sinking deeper into the couch to where he’s face first in its cushions. You rolled your eyes, endearingly. “It’s not gonna kill you to devote an hour of your time to something else other than Smash.”
“It might,” was his muffled response. You laughed, as did his friends. 
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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ghouly-boiiiii · 30 days
My Name Is Cooper
Chapter 3 Of Ferals and Centaurs
(Lucy x Cooper Howard / The Ghoul)
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Tags: angst, fluff, romance, humor, banter, femdom, alcohol and drug use, eventual smut
In this chapter...
“In fact, while we’re on the subject…” The Ghoul said as he shifted his feet a little. “And since we gonna be spendin’ some time together, I figure I ought to tell you this now too...” He took a somber breath. “If it ever so happens that I run outta vials and collapse like that again... and I lose consciousness... you gotta shoot me before I wake up. You got that?”
Lucy blinked, then looked up at him again. “Why?” She furrowed her brow and frowned. Even though she didn’t like him very much, she also didn’t like the idea of having to kill him either. Not unless she absolutely had to, and was sure of it. "...When you wake up… would you be feral?”
He just looked at her and pressed his lips together. 
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Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,400
SPOILER WARNING: Contains all the spoilers
No trigger warnings except eventual sexy time with a zombie man.
Inside the vault, there wasn’t really much of note. Even though there was still power, it was quite dark. Many of the light bulbs had either been broken or gone out over time. The place was ransacked. There were dead bodies strewn about. Some were wearing vault suits, others looked like raiders. Whatever happened here, Lucy didn’t really care. Normally, she would have wanted to know. But after everything that’d happened, her mind was in other places.
Between The Ghoul and Dogmeat, she didn’t have to do much. Dogmeat took care of the roaches, and she was rather shocked by how quickly her ghoul companion swept through each room. Like he knew exactly where to look, exactly what to look for. Although she realized she shouldn’t be surprised, she still found it impressive. And he even gave her some tips and tricks along the way.
“Check that box there.” He pointed out to her a yellow ammo container. 
Lucy went over and tried to open it. “It’s locked.”
“Mmm…” He rummaged in his pack a moment, then handed her a bobby pin.
She looked at it questioningly. “Umm… what’s this for?”
“To pick the lock.”
The former vault dweller blinked. “I’ve never picked a lock before.”
“Well… it’s a good time to learn.” He said. “Go on now. Give it a try.”
She blinked again, then took the pin, kneeled down in front of the box, and stuck it in the hole. 
After feeling around a moment she said, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“You’ll figure it out.” The Ghoul said, then leaned against the wall casually and tilted his head as he watched her.
“Ugh… okay…” She said, frustrated but determined. As she kept at it, she had to say something to fill the dead air. Apparently, The Ghoul had gotten tired of talking, because now he was just standing there watching silently. 
“So… about your name.”
“What if I take a guess?”
“Drop it, Vaulty.”
“Is it… John?” 
“What about Nick?” 
“Even if you guess it, I’m not gonna tell ya.”
“Okay. What if I give you a name?”
“Sweetheart, I ain’t your fuckin’ dog.” 
“So I take it you’d be opposed to being called Rover?” She joked.
“Ugh…” The Ghoul rolled his eyes. “You want me to open that?”
“No. I’ll get it… I think I’m… getting the hang of this.” She said, furrowing her brow in concentration. 
“Ehhh…” The Ghoul exhaled. “So, Vaulty... How did you take out that Super Duper Mart anyway?” 
“Well, uh…” Lucy smiled sheepishly as she twisted and turned the bobby pin. “Actually, it was… kind of an accident.” Then her expression got sullen. “I… I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt…” 
“You’re the one that got ‘em to release all them ghouls, huh?”
She glanced over at him and he started to laugh.
“Well, ain’t you a good samaritan.”
“They were being held captive! I couldn’t just leave them there…” She huffed and looked over at him. “I mean, I got you those vials, didn’t I? Are you gonna make fun of me for that too?” 
“Well… I just hope you learned something from that experience.” He said, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows. “You don't mess around with feral ghouls.”
“Yeah…” She said as she put her arms down a moment to give them a break. “I got that...” 
“In fact, while we’re on the subject…” The Ghoul said as he shifted his feet a little. “And since we gonna be spendin’ some time together, I figure I ought to tell you this now too...” He took a somber breath. “If it ever so happens that I run outta vials and collapse like that again... and I lose consciousness... you gotta shoot me before I wake up. You got that?”
Lucy blinked, then looked up at him again. “Why?” She furrowed her brow and frowned. Even though she didn’t like him very much, she also didn’t like the idea of having to kill him either. Not unless she absolutely had to, and was sure of it. "...When you wake up… would you be feral?”
He just looked at her and pressed his lips together. 
“But the other ones, they… they didn’t lose consciousness. They were… very awake when they…”
“Well, everyone’s different, sweetheart…” The Ghoul said. “Not everyone turns in the same way. And truth be told, I’ve never gotten that far. To where I lost consciousness, I mean. So I donno what would happen when I woke up. But that’s not a risk you wanna take, darlin’.” His tone was very serious and strangely soft. He was starting to sound like a mentor. Like the tone she would take with her students back home. “So if that happens, you either better shoot me or run as fuckin’ far away as you can, as fast as you can. Because if I do go feral, I will kill you.” 
Lucy blinked again, looked away in thought, then back. “Well… isn’t that a good reason for me to know your name...? Those other ghouls, they were… saying their names over and over again. Don’t you think it’d be good for me to know it? In case you do start going feral? So I can help, you know… remind you…”
He shook his head and scoffed. “That don’t help nobody… It’s all just sentimental bullshit... Nice try though.”
Lucy thought for a moment about her mother. She swallowed hard, then went back to the lock. “So… is it... Nate?”
“Sweetheart, if you don’t stop askin' me I swear I’m gonna…”
Suddenly, there was a click and the box popped open. “Ha!” She exclaimed in triumph. 
“Huh…” The Ghoul said, almost sounding surprised, before he strolled over to her. 
Lucy opened up the lid and looked inside, where there were several boxes of ammo, a couple stimpacks, and some rad-away. 
The bounty hunter leaned over her as she pulled out their prizes. “Well… nice job, Vaulty.”
After some time, The Ghoul decided they'd done enough scavenging. The vault was huge - as all vaults were - and they didn’t end up getting through the whole thing. But he seemed happy with what they found. Which, aside from what was in the locked box, included food, cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey, and a few other medicinals. As they headed back to the entrance, Lucy eyed something they’d passed before. It was a Mr. Handy. Broken, but it still had its fusion core. Which meant there’s a chance it could still be operational.
“Hey, Asshole.” Lucy called out ahead to him.
The Ghoul looked over his shoulder, then flashed her a smirk before he turned and started walking towards her. “You say my name?”
She smirked back. “Sure did… Come look at this.”
The old bounty hunter immediately frowned when he realized what she was pointing at. “The robot?”
“Do you think we could use it?”
“What the hell for?” 
“Well, I donno. Might come in handy .” She pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh, then looked up at The Ghoul to see if he got the joke.
Slowly, he turned to look at her with nothing but a blank stare. 
“Ha…” Lucy let out a brief laugh, then bit her lip and looked away awkwardly. 
The old bounty hunter kept his eyes on her a moment, then blinked and slowly shifted them back over to the robot, shaking his head a little. “Well, I hate to tell you this, Ms. Handy MacLean. But Bartholomew here appears to be kinda fuckin’ broken.” 
“That is true. But. I’m pretty sure I can fix him.”
“Well, if you want a little robot friend, you go right on ahead. I ain’t gonna stop ya.” He turned and started back down the hallway again. 
She shrugged and was about to follow when Dogmeat started to growl at something in the darkness behind them. An unsettling sound emitted from down the hallway. A low, gurgling, but almost human sounding groan. And it sounded like it was coming from something that was much… much bigger.
Lucy froze in fear, then watched as The Ghoul turned around and his eyes got wide. 
“Lucy! Get down!” He shouted and she dove for the floor as something lashed out above her, just missing her. Dogmeat barked frantically as The Ghoul pulled out his gun and started firing. She heard the gush of spilling blood and torn flesh and the creature screamed out in pain. 
In a panic, Lucy started crawling towards the Ghoul. After getting a few feet away, she flipped onto her back, grabbed her gun and started firing as well. After getting in a few shots, her eyes got wide with horror as she absorbed what she was looking at.
It looked like a giant humanoid mutant. But instead of having arms attached to its shoulders, it crawled on six below the waist, attached to a lower body that looked like the thorax of an insect, but made of human flesh. There were bones stick out from its shoulders where the arms should be, and around its stomach. It was grotesque, covered in tumors and pustules. And it had three long tentacles protruding from its mouth. Just the look of it made every hair on her body stand up on end.
Lucy began to scream as she continued to fire. Then, suddenly, one of the tentacles lashed out, wrapped itself around her angle and started dragging her across the floor.
“Shit!” The Ghoul exclaimed and ran towards her, dropping his pack on the ground. Dogmeat barked and gnawed at one of the monster's six arm-legs, but it didn’t seem to phase it. 
The former vault dweller kept firing until she ran out of bullets, and so did The Ghoul. But the thing was so huge it was almost just absorbing their fire. The bounty hunter grabbed his knife and jumped between Lucy and the beast, sawing and hacking at the tentacle that had a hold of her. Once he had her freed, the creature screamed out in pain, then threw its other two tentacles around The Ghoul’s face, knocking off his hat and pulling him in.
“Arrgh–!!! Mmmph!” His shout was muffled as he struggled against the mutant.
“Asshole!!” Lucy called out the only name she had for him. 
The horrifying monster was strong and pulled the bounty hunter towards it with ease, engulfing his head in its slimy, wiggling grip. Dogmeat barked and growled fiercely, tearing and gnashing at the beast flesh. Lucy fumbled to get more ammo in her gun, fearing this would be the end for her companion if she didn’t free him as soon as possible. 
With a growl, The Ghoul took the knife and started stabbing the beast in the face, over and over. Again, the creature howled in pain, but didn’t relent. Dogmeat cried out as one of the six legs got in a forceful kick, throwing her back against a wall. 
But then Lucy remembered something... 
She had a grenade.
Quickly, she reached in her pack and pulled out the explosive. Then jumped up and, after considering her options for a moment, ran around to the back end of the creature. She hesitated just briefly, then shoved that grenade right up its ass. 
Trying to ignore the shit and slime now covering her arm, she bolted back towards the front and took cover.
A moment later, the thorax of the beast exploded into a horrifying slush of red, green, brown and yellowish mush and chunky body parts. The front end let out one last gurgling death groan before finally dropping her ghoul companion and slumping to the floor.
“Gahhh…” The Ghoul growled as he picked himself up and started wiping the mucus off his face. “Motherfucker...” He cursed and spat. “Fucking centaurs.”
“What the hell was that thing!?” Lucy blurted out, still shaking as she stood up from where she had been crouching. 
“Goddamn mutant.” He said simply. “Just like them gulpers. Only uglier.”
Lucy stepped up next to him, looking down at the freakish monster in horror, but also relief.
The Ghoul searched around for his hat, then quickly retrieved it and put it back on. 
In a bit of a daze, the former vault dweller looked up at him. “You... saved my life.”
"Yeah. And you blew up its ass and saved mine.” He glanced back at her as he spoke, almost sounding appreciative, then sneered in disgust as he tried to wipe off the muck and slop that had splattered all over him. “You alright?” 
She nodded, still shaking.
He looked past her and spotted Dogmeat, then quickly stepped over to the canine and kneeled down. “Damn… son of a bitch got you too, huh?” 
Dogmeat whined as she limped closer to him, holding one of her back legs up. The Ghoul scratched her cheeks and behind her ears. “It’s alright… you’ll be alright…” 
Lucy blinked as she watched him, surprised that he seemed so concerned about the dog. 
“Hey… what time does that pip-boy a yers say it is?”
Lucy looked down to check. “It’s… almost seven.”
He stood up and exhaled, then nodded. “Might be best if we stay here tonight.”
“What? Here?? ” The former vault dweller said in disbelief. “After that? What if there’s more of those... things!?"
“Eh… if there were more, they’da already come runnin’.” 
“How can you be so sure?”
He looked over at her and tilted his head, appearing a little annoyed. “I’ve been out here a long time, sweetheart. Trust me." He reminded her, then retrieved his gun from the floor and put it back in it's holster. "But if it'll make ya feel betta... I'll do a clean sweep after we find a safe spot fer you two...” 
She blinked, then looked away, letting out a little huff. “...Okay… Fair enough.” 
“It’s always safer to stay the night indoors, if you can…" He said as he grabbed his pack off the ground and slung it over his shoulder. "Besides, Dogmeat’s gotta rest her leg.” 
“Can’t we just give her a stimpack?” 
“That’s anotha lesson you gotta learn, darlin'... Don’t waste yo stimpacks on minor injuries that can heal on they own... Ya never know when you might have a real emergency.” He turned towards the pup and she whined as he slung her over his shoulder as well. “Come on. We’ll hold up in one a them units. There’s bound to be one that ain't got somethin’ dead in it.”
To be continued…
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raffe156 · 1 year
Escape to the country part 4
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Pairing - Price X MC (Tank) F!reader
Summary - This one broke me a little bit close to 6K but hope you love it strap in! 
For Luke I had this image of Henry cavill in my head sorry if he's not your cup of tea.
You can read the other parts here
A/N - I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha feel free to reblog 💖
Here's some of the songs I listened to while writing this and what I think goes well with reading:
Mt. Joy - “Dirty Love”
Foster the people - “Lambs wool”
Tame Impala - “Eventually”
Beach house - “Space song”
Steve Lacy -”Dark red” (Of course)
Lorde - “Ribs” (This one is more for Tank & Kyle)
Phantogram - “Black out days”
Maneskin - “The Loneliest”
Young the Giant - “My way”
Sufjan Stevens - “Fourth of July” (Had to get the depression just right)
Warnings for the whole storyline - Under 18+ DNI,  angst, Smut, Language, mutual pining, alcohol,fluff, Age gap Relationship feelings, Price (39) reader (Tank, 25) 
Tags: @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81 @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost
I know I had more tag request but for some reason it wont let me tag you guys!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters Only Tank & Luke
You were sat at the kitchen table listening to Kyle talk about how he had had the best night's sleep of his life, you, on the other hand, had spent the last remaining hours lying awake unable to close your eyes as when you did your mind was filled with the images of Price and her, tangled up in his sheets, bodies crashed together, him whispering how she feels so good under him, how he wants her and she of course wants him. His grunts and groans, Images of them just being together in the house, walking around like she owned the place, cuddled up together in front of the fire…just like he had done with you…She must have been round more recently than Price had initially said for her underwear to be under his bed, he had said she came when it wasn’t even liveable so that now of course you knew wasn't true, you tormented yourself for the rest of the night wondering when she had come to ‘visit’ him.
“Take it you didn't get much sleep last night, I can tell by your face…I’ve seen that look before”
“What look?”
“The one on your face right now, you look like shit, sorry but you do Tank, what’s up?”
“Thanks…I'm just super tired, couldn't really sleep last night, unfamiliar you know me”
“I do an that’s why I call bullshit…something else is wrong…did something happen last night after I went to bed? I noticed you weren’t behind me when I went up”
You shifted in your seat, god dammit he did know you, knew you very well, but you couldn’t tell him the reason you had been up all night was because your Captain had shagged the Irish Doctor and you were jealous, well not jealous upset that he had lied…but yeh jealous because you had these messed up feelings that you couldn't make sense of and felt or at least had an indication that he felt the same way? Instead You looked at him giving him a weak smile.
“No nothing happened ha ha I came up not long after you, like I said just unfamiliar setting that’s all, but I could do with a coffee please if your making one”
Kyle could see right through you, but he thought best not to push and hoped that given time you would tell him what was going on in that head of yours, he only wanted to help.
“Fair enough, I did see that Cap got us that shitty cold brew stuff that we love so much? Want one of them? Perk you up a bit you miserable cow?”
His grin made you smile a genuine one. Even when he didn't have a clue what was going on her knew how to help.
“Yeh go on then, I’ll need it for this walk today…and just today in general”
“Oh yeh nature hike and a pub dinner didn't he say? Wonder if he’s even up?” Kyle glanced over at the clock on the wall 9:30am it wasn't like Price to stay in past 6, maybe off-duty Price was different?
“Wanna go wake him up? Ill make you a brew to take up to him?”
“Erm no you go wake him up, I got him in bed you can get him out of it…” you stopped realising that you had just dropped yourself in it.
“I'm sorry what? You got him in bed did you just say?” Kyle was on you like a rash. His face puzzled but intrigued. You shooed him away and put your hand out for your drink that he was withholding from you now for answers.
“Gods sake Kyle give me the coffee, I came down for a herbal tea because I couldn't sleep and he was down here drunk as a skunk so I helped him up to bed that’s all” you were getting tetchy now and Kyle could tell he’d touched a nerve.
“Oh ok, hey if you hadn’t he would of ended up sleeping down here I bet haha”
“Yeh I would have done and had a bad back to show for it! Thanks again for that Kid” Price walked into the kitchen as he passed you he rubbed your back with his hand. The heat you got from his touch would have made you smile normally, but this time it caused your body to flinch forward. The movement went unnoticed by Price as he made his way over to the kettle to pour himself a brew.
“Weathers just right for a walk today, couple hours out then we can come back get showered and changed and go to the local gastro pub for dinner how does that sound?” Price smiled at you both, but he lingered on you for a minute longer, his eyes bright, blue and hopeful. You returned it with a smile. You couldn’t help it, all you saw was her perched on the counter with a glass of wine as he cooked. Maybe you should just go home…
Price glanced back at you trailing behind him and Kyle, your head somewhere else entirely. His stomach a mixture of butterflies and knots since this morning when he had woken up remembering how you had found him downstairs drunk, how you had been stood with just a T-shirt on, his T-shirt you had kept it, he thought about how it would smell like you now and how he wanted it back, or better yet wanted you two to share it.
If you hadn’t of stopped him last night he would have told you how he felt, how he had been feeling for some time and that maybe, just maybe you would be willing to give him a chance, and you would figure the rest out later, but this morning you seemed off somehow. Maybe you were just tired he knew how you could be with new places.
You noticed Price looking back at you every so often, each time you gave him a weak smile or just pretended you hadn’t clocked his looks. How long were you going to keep this up for? You didn’t have the right to be jealous, but the thoughts were swirling inside you making you stomach churn, he was going to want to talk to you at some point either about last night or just your shitty attitude in general.
“You ok back there, not going to fast for you are we?” Price stopped just a few feet ahead of you. His eyes giving you a secret “what's the matter” look as Kyle walked ahead to greet the herd of highland cows that had gather along the cobble wall.
“Im fine really, just tired couldn’t get back to sleep last night” you weren’t exactly lying. You glanced up at him finally making eye contact, he looked worried as though he had done something wrong, and he hadn’t, not really he had lied to you but it wasn’t really your business to know either he didn't owe you an explanation you just expected one and that was wrong of you, but you couldn't get the image of it out of your head every time you glanced at him there she was draped on his arm, nuzzled into his chest, face in the crook of his neck. Had he also given her this waterproof jacket to or even walked this same trail, what little trinket did he have in his room for her? It was bubbling up now spitting up an out you opened your mouth to speak but it was interrupted by a loud whistle, you both snapped round to see the herd of cows all marching away from the wall, but as they parted you noticed a tall man walking over to greet Kyle on the other side.
“Alright Pricey!” he waved over at you both his eyes giving you the once over before flashing a set of perfect white teeth.  Price gave a little huff at the interaction walking over to the wall. You followed close behind. Pricey?
“Alright Luke mate, how’s things?” Price nodded his head at the man. As you got a closer look at him he seemed to forget Price had even spoke and instead watched as you walked around Price to stand near Kyle who was halfway over the wall stroking a baby cow.
“Yeh…good keeping these lots happy is busy work but the best kind” Luke nodded back to the herd of about 20 cows.
“I’ve been meaning to speak to you actually about the dead oak that’s round the back of the houses, I’ve got a mate who can get it moved for us I meant to knock on yesterday but seen you had guests…” His words trailed off as he glanced at you again giving you a wink. He was a brave one you thought. Price puffed his chest out once again. He was obviously irritated by the situation. Did Luke live next door to price?
“Yeh I'll get it sorted, give me you mates number ill give him a ring when I get chance got my hands full with these two this weekend”
You waved as you introduced yourself, giving Kyle a kick to do the same.
“Didn’t know you had Kids Pricey” Luke looked you and Kyle over, he must be joking right? You peered over at Price who was giving Luke that eye-crinkling smile but the patronizing one that was only reserved for when you had fucked up big time.
“Hahaha no not my kids, Luke I’m not that old, workmates, both city slickers coming to spend some time in the fresh outdoors!” You could see Price edging his way back from the wall. You would be lying if you didn't think Luke was handsome, he was a slightly bigger build than Price, dark brown hair from what you could see under his beanie hat and a big beard, his eyes a pale blue. What were you doing? You were staring and Luke noticed. He gave you a cheeky wink again causing your face to blush slightly and a smirk to tug at the corner of your mouth. Price cleared his throat.
“Anyway best be off, doing the waterfall walk then heading to the hound for an early Dinner” Price placed his hand on your shoulder and ever so gently started to push you.
“Oh no worries might join you for a drink later eh? You can tell me all about the big city…” there was that smile again. He had a look of arrogance, but he wore it well you thought.
“Yeh might see you there…if not ill be round later for that mate of yours number” Price was now steering you away from the nice man, the stranger with the cheeky grin. Luke whistled his cows again still looking at you as you walked away Price firmly at your back. If Price could have his Irish Doctor, why couldn’t you have your country Farmer?
The walk had taken longer than expected, so Price decided that it was best to just head straight to the Pub it was a short 10min walk, you secretly thought it was so you didn't run into Luke again.
You walked into the old Tudor building it was cosy the smell of wet pine and slightly stale beer filled your nose. The door frames were warped and Price and Kyle had to duck under most of them. As the waitress guided you to your table everyone let on to John and the pair of you two asking how he was and how he’d been keeping causing you to have to stop every few meters. When you finally got seated you were greeted by yet another woman who was overly friendly with Price and gave you the cold shoulder. She was probably a pleasant-looking woman when she was younger but the years and the cigarettes hadn’t been kind to her, skinny and blonde with too much red lipstick on. She spoke to Price as if they were old lovers. Oh great another one you thought.
“Well its good to see you John, really it is, we should do lunch sometime do you still have my number?” She stroked his arm handing him a business card. Kyle gave you a look and you had to bite your lip to stop from laughing.
“Yeh Tracey was lovely seeing you too, take care” Price waved her on.
“Old flame eh boss?” Kyle was pretending to browse the menu while shooting you a grin. Price shook his head a slight smile creeping on his face.
“Yeh you could say that, but way back when we were kids” Price looked over the business card.
“I'm sure she married actually…”
You had all finished your meals and were now sat out in the main room of the pub, An old fella named Tommy was singing country road on the karaoke trying to get people up on the small stage with him. Price had been asked 3 times to sing, You told Kyle you would pay good money to witness that. You had all had a few drinks by now and you were feeling a little better the vodka had numbed the images and you could look Price in the eyes not for long but it made the atmosphere less tense. Price had noticed you had relaxed he still couldn't think what had changed overnight he had rattled his brain the entire hike he hadn’t said anything had he? Had he come on too strong did you know what he was going to say last night and stopped him to save yourself and him the embarrassment of turning him down, he did think deep down he was being an old fool. You were a bright young 24 year old why on earth would you want to be getting about with a nearly 40-year-old man but he couldn’t help but hope?
He watched you sing along you and Kyle shoulder-to-shoulder arms around each other. Not only did you light up the room you lit up something in him and he wasn't ready to give up on just yet. He decided he was going to have chat with you tomorrow morning, but for tonight he would just enjoy you here with him.
Just as Price was about to get another round in, he watched as your attention turned to the door your best smile on your face. He turned to see Luke walking over to the table his eyes trained on you as if the place was empty. Price felt his scalp prickle with anger, but surely he didn't have anything to worry about, you weren’t easily flattered with a flash smile and smooth words you weren't like other women. He stood up to greet Luke with a handshake, a firm handshake maybe a bit too firm as it caused Luke to break his eye contact with you and pat him on the shoulder.
“Easy there Pricey, don't know your own strength nearly crushed my hand! How are you Kyle mate” Luke reached out his hand to shake Kyles, who still had his arm around your shoulder singing, Kyle was a lightweight.
“He’s a little bit drunk” you shouted over the current singer, now , mumbling away to UB40’s “Red red wine”
“I can see that haha and what about you, you want another one?” He flashed that cheeky smile again.
“Go on then Vodka lime soda please” You downed your current one.
“Adda girl, wanna come to the bar you can help me back with the rest?”
You nodded, you didn't need to ask Kyle what he wanted you knew his choice of drink off by heart, Price would have another Whisky. Without even looking back you followed Luke to the bar. He smelt of fresh-cut grass and aftershave, it lingered around you. Standing at the bar he placed his hand on the other side of you enclosing you against it his chest pressed to your back, he was a bold one you thought, but you didn't mind, you could see Price looking over in the mirror behind the bar, he looked pissed off, but the pang of guilt didn't last long as Luke was now in your ear trying to talk to you over the load music you felt his cheek brush against yours his beard tickled your earlobe.
“So what is your do? you don’t look like a lorry driver?” Lorry driver? Oh was this what Price told people he did?
“Ohh no I'm not, I work in logistics back at the depot” you smirked. Logistics? Not far off well it was way off but it was nice to pretend haha if only he knew.  
“Ohh so your the brains of the operation nice” His face a few inches from yours, you the brains of the operation? Price would be holding his sides laughing if he had heard that. The barmaid came over to take your order, she obviously had a thing for Luke as she was giving you the dirtiest look imaginable. But you couldn't blame her he was handsome. Your drinks came and you both made your back to the table. Kyle was now up on stage singing Neil Diamond's “Sweet Caroline” you gave him a wolf whistle.
“GO ON KYLE!!” Luke shouted above the crowd as they all joined in for the chorus. Price had a faint smile on his face but as he looked over at you it soon faded. Luke had made himself comfortable with you too comfortable for Price’s liking. As you handed him his whisky he tried to make eye contact with you and give you a ‘want me to get rid of him’ look, but as soon as he took his glass you turned your attention back to Luke and whatever he was saying that was making you giggle. His arm around the back of our chair leaning in that little bit too close, Price could feel his jaw clenching and turned his focus on Kyle who now had half the pub up singing with him. Even over the commotion, he could still hear you and Luke laughing, he could snap his neck he thought, it would be easy he’d done it before.
“So is there a Mr Tank” Luke cocked his eyebrow at you, you squinted your eyes at him smiling.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing, but no there isn’t, is there a Mrs. Highland cow?” You took a large swig of your drink nearly downing it. His eyes lit up.
“No there isn’t a Mrs highland cow, there was but we broke up about a year ago, she wanted to go live in the city and I wanted to stay here, thought I was going to marry her as well but things happen yah know” he looked down into his pint almost sad. You felt a slight pang in your heart for him. Loving something but having to let it go.
“The city isn’t all it's cracked up to be, not spent much time down here but I like it…could see myself living down here…” you meant it, you really liked the quiet and in your line of work you needed that escape. Price felt that telltale flutter in his chest at your words, you liked it down here and he was happy and willing to give you a home he thought.
“Well you’ve always got a room at mine whenever you want” Price gave your thigh a squeeze followed by a wink.
“I Don’t think Dr. O'Brien would appreciate us having sleepovers do you John?” You couldn't hide the snarl as the words left your mouth. Price’s face was a mixture of confusion and anger where had that come from?
Kyle and his backing singers were now onto their 3rd song of the night Kc & the sunshine band ‘Give it up’. Luke didn't have a clue what was going but could feel the tension like static in the air before a storm, so before the thunder rolled in he intervened.
“Hey come keep me company while I have a smoke…I’m dying to know more about the logistics of HGV driving” He tugged on your arm. You shot Price a look as you stood up, Luke draped his arm around you steering you out the back. Your blood was rushing through your body.
You weren't a little toy he could keep on a shelf to play with when he felt like it.
You were brought back round by the cold dusk air biting at your cheeks, you had forgot to bring your jacket out with you, but as if he had read your mind Luke opened his coat offering you shelter. He gave you a smirk at he lit his cigarette up with his other hand.
“Either get in here with me or you go back into whatever the fuck that was and get your coat? Your choice”
You didn't fancy heading back in so thought fuck it, and tried to wrap your arms around him he was broad and your hands couldn't quite reach so you opted for one clinging to the back of his jumper and the other resting on his chest and as you tucked yourself in he closed his coat over you both your face just popping out you could feel the sting of tears but blinked them away and instead basked in the calm warmth Luke was providing.
After a few moments Luke looked down at you.
“You ok in there? Warm enough?”
You nodded, this guy was a stranger not a few hours ago and now you were bundled up in his coat pressed against him, but you didn't care. Luke cleared his throat.
“It's not my place, but what’s the deal with you and Price? You guys have history or something?” He took another drag of his cigarette. History you and Price? Haha where could you even start? You had known him since you were 16, had been hand selected by him, fought side by side, been in dire situations and come out somewhat intact, you had taken a bullet for him he had kept your head above water. He reminded you that what you did mattered “We get dirty and the world stays clean” he had told you and Kyle that an you had both believed him. What you and Price were couldn’t be confined to just one sentence, so you didn't try.
“You could say that, but that's all it is history” you peered up at Luke his grey-blue eyes side-eyeing you.
“What?” You felt the slight flutter of butterflies. Luke didn't answer, instead he flicked his cigarette out and cupped your face pulling you up into a deep kiss, you opened your mouth allowing his ashtray-tasting tongue to explore your mouth. You could feel his heart beating fast under your hand as he tightened his other arm around you pulling you in closer. With one movement he had you trapped between the wall and his body trailing kisses down your neck. He smelt of cigarette smoke, beer and cut grass, it was different to Price’s cigars, whisky and smoked cedar but you didn't mind that.
“Tell me to stop…” he whispered softly kissing your jaw. You didn't want him to so you stayed silent, you looped your hands around his neck and jumped wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands automatically grabbing your arse. You continued your kiss, you could feel him getting hard through his jeans. Just as you both took a moment to catch your breath you heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path. It was probably one of the regulars coming out for a smoke. Luke put you down but cloaked you with his coat. Your warm breath mingled together in a cloud in the cold air. Luke gave you a cheeky smile his thumb stroking your cheek. He looked to see if the stranger had wandered back round to the front of the pub so you could continue, but his smile dropped. You heard the familiar gravelly voice of Your Captain.
“We’re heading back now Tank, Kyles had one too many” Your heart sank as he spoke you could hear the anger in his voice.
“Ok…I’ll be right behind you” your voice a low mumble. He must of heard as you could hear his footsteps walking away and back round to where he must of left Kyle. You dared to peek over Lukes coat seeing Price helping Kyle walk up the road.
“Where’s Tank, can’t leave her here Boss we come as a 3 pack!” Kyle was now clearly in distress trying to turn back around to find you, it tugged at your heart, but your were frozen to the spot.
“She’s alright lad, she's alright she’ll find her way back home” Price was rubbing kyles shoulder calming him down, pulling him back in the right direction. Luke looked down at you, his hand now on the back of your neck he pulled you into him for a hug and you let it happen, his slowing heart rate soothing you, you felt the prickle of tears forming and did you best to keep them at bay but one escaped causing you to sniffle.
“Let’s go have another drink eh? Getting cold out here” He kissed your cheek and lead you back inside.
You walked with Luke back home, he did after all live next door to Price. Luke made you laugh even though you didn't feel like it, it was nice.
“So do you run the farm by yourself?” You walked tucked into him you hand finding a loop on his coat to cling to.
“No I run it with my 4 brothers, so always someone to cover for me if I want to take some time off” He cocked his eyebrow at you, the hint didn't go unnoticed.
“Thought you didn't like the city?” You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“Never said I didn't like it, and besides think I have a reason to visit it more now” he pulled you in closer to him. You didn't mind the idea. Maybe this made more sense?
“An what reason would that be Luke?” You stopped just round the corner from the houses. Looking up at him a little smirk on your face. He answered you with a firm but gentle kiss.
“Good reason” you mumbled against his lips. You continued walking back to the houses, you glanced at Price’s house only the porch light was lit, the feeling of dread was slowly returning. Maybe he had gone to bed. Not that you owed him an explanation just as he didn't owe you one. You looked back at Luke he gave you that cheeky grin.
Would he still like you if he knew what you really did, would he still want to kiss you knowing what you had done. What about the scars that littered your body how would you explain them, you didn't have to with Price he understood he had ones to match yours. Would Luke understand? Would he kiss them and tell you he still thought you were beautiful? What about when you woke howling like a wounded animal in the night like you sometimes did, Price knew to handle you with care. Would Luke? When your bad temper flared would he know your bark was worse than you bite? Price knew it was. Stop it. Luke wasn't him but he was nice and you hoped he would understand all your shortcomings.
“Can I tempt you back to mine for a nightcap?” He looped his arms around your waist pulling you to him leaning against the wall like two teenagers. You thought about it, but didn't want to give him the wrong idea.
“Not tonight, but…” Luke stopped you.
“It’s ok I understand but can I at least get your number? Planning a trip to the city soon and need a tour guide” He flashed his perfect white teeth at you as he handed you his phone to put your number in. You did and gave him your direct line.
He lifted you chin up to face him, kissing you once again. He walked you to the door then broke away to return to his.
“Good night, city girl”
“Good night Luke”
You walked into the kitchen you needed a drink of water the butterflies had turned to lead weights inside your stomach.
“Have fun did we, he's a nice lad Luke?” Price’s voice made you jump, he was stood by the back door only the counter spotlights were on.
“I did actually,hows Kyle?” You tried your best to keep your voice level, even though your stomach was a pit of lava churning away.
“Oh he's fine nothing a good kip won't sort out, he's made a few friends tonight, but he's not the only one is he?”
“What's that supposed to mean John?”
“Nothing, how's that going to work out anyway? You going to tell him what you really do? Or are you just going to let him think you work in logistics?”
“I don't know JOHN! how does the Irish Doctor feel about what you do? Helen is that her name? Did you talk about it when she was here last? Bit of war criminal pillow talk? Bet she would love to hear about some of the things I’ve witnessed you do!” you were shouting now the anger crawling to the surface. Price was silent for a moment, his mouth upturned his brow furrowed.
“What are you on about? You mentioned her earlier in the pub what has she got to do with any of this Tank?”
“Really? You gonna continue to play dumb? You fucking dickhead!”
Price had made his way over to you in two strides, he was right in your face now.
“What are you on about!” The anger in his voice rattle your bones. But you stood your ground.
“I found her knickers John, under your fucking bed the other night! You said she came when the house wasn't even finished! It looks fucking finished to me! You had the cheek to lie to my face in this very kitchen and here, you stood here saying you had something to get off your chest, well get it off your fucking chest now JOHN!” You were raging. His heart plummeted. It all made sense now, he didn't want you to find out like that.
“…it was a one-time thing she was here, we were drunk…it didn't mean anything…like I said she talks too much…” He placed his hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off. He could see the hurt in your eyes your lip starting to quiver.
“You know what it doesn’t matter you don't owe me an explanation…you know what never mind how Me and Luke would work, or you an Helen…how would this even work? Me and you? Tell me John…”
He looked you dead in the eye, he was starting to think he didn't know either, maybe he had been fooling himself. He knew what he had to do.
“You know what…It wouldn’t work, would it…” he hung his head, he couldn't meet your eyes. He felt hopeless. You were better off with someone else. Deep down you wanted him to tell you it would work, that you could make it work, but his expression had changed, you didn’t recognise him. No you did he wasnt John anymore he was Captain Price, your Captain all sense of familiarity gone just like that…
“I'm sorry if I’ve acted in anyway inappropriately this weekend, but just so we are clear our relationship will be strictly professional from now on” He glanced out the window, he was fighting to keep his heart from shattering. He wished he hadn’t looked at you when he did the light was draining from you like a dying star collapsing in on itself, he had caused that.
If only there was another way to do this, it felt like murder to put you through this, He had promised to never hurt you, but here he was slowly choking out the fire you had both started. It was better this way…not for him but for you he had to believe that or else he would cling to the hope and drag you down with him. Really he wanted you to kick and scream call him stupid and that it would work that you could make it work, but he knew you needed better, no you deserved better.
Inside you were screaming ‘Don’t do this to me please John” but all you could muster was
“Ok I understand, I'll get the train back in the morning. Tell Kyle I said goodbye…”
“You don't have to get the train back, I'll drive you…”
“No it's ok, I'm going to head to bed…Night John…sweet dreams”
“Night kid…sweet dreams..”
As you walked up the stairs and out of earshot, Price allowed himself to crumble slamming his fist onto the countertop.
Had he just made the biggest mistake, he wouldn't know as by the morning you were gone just like you said leaving a note under the Little tank in your room that read:
“Thanks again for a nice weekend John, yours always, Tank”
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