#cause heaven forbid the two doctors i’ve been to do anything more than prescribe ibuprofen and say ‘it’s probably a pulled muscle’
cyncerity · 2 years
it’s taking me a while to write and draw stuff cause of the injury i’ve been talking about and it making me feel like my brain has been replaced with a towel filled with piss so take some creature tommy au headcanons in the meantime (i would read the rest of the au for context also these are long so i apologize especially the third one)
tw: vore for the third headcanon, mentions of hard vore (none happen), and general mostly non-descriptive violence
-Tubbo still constantly checks in with how Tommy’s doing through Wilbur, even though he doesn’t want anything to do with him in person. Wilbur occasionally lets Tommy know that Tubbo is concerned about his well-being, and Tommy would be lying if he said that it didn’t make him feel a bit bad, but he’s more so just confused as to why Tubbo cares. After all, he’s the one who almost killed and permanently maimed the borrower, what does he gain from checking in on Tommy? Why doesn’t he want him dead? But turns out, Tubbo is aware of how badly the lab fucked Tommy up after Wil told him, and is cheering his human friend on from the sidelines in his mission to help Tommy change for the better. And once Tommy does change and see borrowers as people, Tubbo will be the first one to congratulate him and teach him about proper borrower culture. As for now, though, even if Tubbo doesn’t want to be near him, he’s glad that Tommy has someone who cares about him and who he feels comfortable with.
-Wilbur invited his tiny friend, Jack, over to his house and had completely forgotten about Tommy until he and Jack got there. Tommy introduces himself and Jack is immediately off-put when Tommy starts making a lot of comments about how good he smells and how he wonders if he tastes as good, and Wilbur is fucking terrified. This is far enough along that Tommy and Wilbur get along really well, and Tommy genuinely cares about Wilbur and doesn’t want to disappoint him (though he’d be hard pressed to admit it). So he won’t kill Jack for Wil’s sake, even though he really wants to, but that doesn’t stop him from making not-so-subtle remarks about how he wants to eat Jack. So Wil is high strung all night and Jack is just really really confused cause he assumes Tommy is a normal borrower.
-All of the creature lab borrowers were made stomach acid resistant, and whenever the creatures would disobey or fail at something, the scientists would nom them as punishment. Tommy nonchalantly mentions once that he can’t be harmed by stomach acids, so later when one of Wilbur’s friends comes over with a borrower, Wilbur panics, knowing Tommy hadn’t eaten yet that way. So, he noms Tommy, and this is the first time Tommy shows actual fear towards Wil. He’s generally very deadpan and sarcastic, but he’s getting bad traumatic flashbacks from the lab, so he panics and shifts, trying to claw his way out of Wil. Wil can’t get him out now cause he’s too big but Tommy can’t reason enough through his panic to realize that Wilbur is practically begging him to shrink back down so he can let him out. Tommy eventually passes out from exhaustion and fear and shrinks and Wil spits him out immediately. Tommy wakes up about an hour later, and Wilbur isn’t home. And he doesn’t get home that day. For the first time in his life, Tommy is left fully alone all night, and he’s only getting more and more worried. As much as he pretends to be entirely soulless, he does genuinely care about Wil, and he’s devastated to think that Wilbur abandoned him, even though he knows that’s an irrational thought. Wil eventually does get home at about noon the next day, and Tommy is all over him with questions, half worried and half angry that Wil would let him think he was abandoned. But that anger dissipates pretty quickly when he learns that in his panic, he caused some major internal bleeding for Wil, and he had to go to the hospital to make sure none of his internal organs were damaged by Tommy’s claws. He was mostly fine, but the doctors kept him overnight anyway to make sure he wouldn’t get worse. Wil still wasn’t fully better, and was still mostly bedridden, but had argued against anymore time in the hospital cause he was genuinely worried about Tommy after the kind of ptsd flashback he had. Tommy actually feels really really bad about this, and decides that maybe he owes it to Wilbur to be a bit nicer after doing that to him. Tommy still doesn’t fully let his guard down, and he isn’t automatically more genuine, but he starts to open up about what he went through at the lab, and lets Wilbur know how much it means to him that he’s been there for him. Wilbur thinks that suffering a little internal bleeding was maybe worth it. •adding on to this, Tommy sleeps in his creature form curled up like a cat on Wil’s chest from this point on.
-Wilbur mostly works from home, but whenever he has to leave, Tommy stays home. Tommy was never left alone at the lab and doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he just kinda runs around. Wil comes home early once to see Tommy doing parkour like six feet above the ground (well over a high enough height to kill him) so Wilbur decides that it’s time to give Tommy a hobby. He buys him a phone so at the very least he can entertain himself with youtube, but teaches him about gardening and music. Tommy especially loves listening to Wilbur play guitar. Also Wilbur gives Tommy coca cola for the first time after he sees that Tommy may have a blood sugar problem that the lab just ignored and he gets addicted fast, partially cause he likes it a lot and partially cause oh this is what if feels like to go long periods of time without feeling like you’re gonna pass out.
-Tommy hoards blankets and makes himself little beds with them when he needs a nap. Wilbur has a lot of blackmail photos. Ranboo gets all of these photos and has a separate photo album on his phone for them titled “Wil’s weird cat.” In fact, Ranboo made a collage of all the weirdest and most embarrassing (aka adorable but embarrassing to Tommy) ones, printed and framed it, and gave it to Will. It’s been hanging in his living room for over a month and Tommy has yet to notice it.
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