#also. again. if i tagged u and u don’t wanna be then lmk
sharkorok · 5 months
ooo u want me so bad
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or…grumpy!enha being in luv w u
requested: nope
cw/genre: cursing, grumpy enhypen, fluff, humor, crack-ish, fem!reader, non-idol au, I wrote this during a zoom class, not proofread fuck it we ball, one joke about reader getting jumped?? anyways lmk if anything else should be tagged hehe
a/n: this was inspired by @macahoons grumpy enhypen texts that I just adored!!! Such a cute trope <3
-he’s the basketball team captain, always idly boasting about his talents and loves being first place
-the only exception is you.
-he will never admit it but he absolutely lets you win every time you find him at the basketball court and u challenge him to some dumb scoring game where u see how many baskets u each can get
-“OMG HI HEESEUNG!! :3” when u find him at the basketball court and he sighs but he’s trying not to scream at how cute u r lowkey
-ur all giggly when u keep beating him “hee r u even trying?” “I’m just having a bad day don’t even” like he isn’t completely distracted by the way you look when ur grinning at him
-“I think I can take ur place as basketball team captain!” “In ur dreams??” but he’d gladly give it up if you would keep smiling like that
-insists on walking you home from the court because “I’m not gonna be held responsible for you getting jumped”
-and the next time you catch him on the basketball court it happens all over again! <3
-you can’t even finish saying “I’m cold” before his jacket is over your shoulders and he’s scolding you for not being prepared
-sitting down and your skirt is riding up? his uniform blazer is over your lap and he’s shaking his head
-“what would you do without me??” “do you want your jacket back then , jay?” “…no”
-while it’s also because he cares about ur wellbeing, he also just really likes the sight of you wearing his clothes and you smelling like his cologne
-you literally walk into the room and he’s immediately “y/n you need to buy a thicker jacket you’re gonna get sick” not even a good morning or anything…
-“don’t tell people ur wearing my jacket I don’t want them to get the wrong idea 🙄” but lowkey he wouldn’t mind at all
-gets so (internally) giggly when u sink into his jacket because it’s chilly
-finds excuses u give u his clothes at this point …the tiniest piece of lint on ur shirt and he’s handing you his blazer
-“u can keep it ig”
-gets you tiny gifts and acts like he just randomly found them
-he totally went out of his way to find you two matching keychains but he doesn’t wanna admit that
-“y/n I just randomly found your favorite seasonal pastry. no big deal. don’t thank me.”
-BUT HE ALSO KEEPS EVERY GIFT U GET HIM OMGEEE, he has a whole area on his desk dedicated to notes, trinkets, stickers, if you drew on his paper he’ll tear the section off so he can keep it LOL
-will never admit that. to anyone. but gets pressed if you give gifts to anyone else because that’s his y/nnie!! giving HIS gifts to some rando!! D: the cruelty!!
-gets sooo dramatic if he doesn’t get at least a little doodle he’s texting you like you killed a man
-one time his friend asked if he could borrow a pencil and he was like yea man sure and then realizing it was a pencil YOU!! gave him he snatched it back so fast trust
-he’s so cutie patootie but internally…4 now…
-wishes he could get over himself and kiss you all over when you shyly present a little plush toy you won at a claw game he’s RAHHHHH !!!
-for now he’ll stick to “thanks 😒”
-he’s really protective over you me thinks
-but he’ll be really quiet about it, maybe a girl makes you upset and he sees and he’ll “accidentally” knock over her bottled water on her notes, a guy is talking shit about you and sunghoon is squaring up in the courtyard no questions asked
-“sunghoon u dont have to protect me” “it’s not about you” even though it’s totally about you and he will die defending your honor
-one time on your walk out of school a tree branch poked you and u were all like “oh owie : o” and he was following behind before GLARING the shit out of that tree branch…
-another time this guy made a degrading comment about you and sunghoon managed to find receipts on him cheating on his gf and posted it on the school newsletter…cuz he’s silly like that <3
-honestly it’s a little scary the lengths he’ll go for you and still refusing to admit he’s doing it for you
-he’s not really good at comforting you when you cry, so he’ll make sure to protect you from anything that could make you cry
-he’ll always listen to you
-if someone said “sunoo can u go grab me a drink from the vending machine” he looks at them like they’re insane but if YOU’RE asking??? he’s sprinting down the hallways
-“it’s literally just because ur lips get all chapped when your dehydrated don’t get an ego,” while he’s handing you like…water purified in Antarctica sourced from glaciers with a little paper umbrella
-even smaller things, he prioritizes your advice
-“guys should I have hot pot or panera for lunch?” and a rando will go, “panera!” and hes dead silent but you go “oh you should totally get hot pot!!” and he’s basically booking a reservation
-probably “accidentally” books a reservation for two and forces you to come since “it’s a waste of table space” if no one else does lol
-also if you don’t like someone he doesn’t like them either
-“sunoo are u friends with Ria?” “shes okay” “she said my makeup looked bad today :(“ and sunoo will act like he dgaf
-but next time you bring her up he scoffs and is all, “why even bother crying about her? she’s not worth your time and she’s annoying anyways” even though he’s never talked to this girl
-tldr ur word > anyone else
-always speaks highly of you
-never to your face but he’ll always defend you when necessary, or speak up for you, or just praise you LOL
-“y/n actually scored higher than you, so idk why you’re bragging so loud” to some rando kid talking about test scores lmao
-or “y/n doesn’t like that snack get her another” when your friends are debating how to surprise you
-ur name is always in his mouth but positively LMAO
-brushes it off if you take note of this and says “people are just exaggerating, I barely talk about you, don’t get it twisted >:T” but everyone knows he’ll take any chance he can get to praise you
-“y/n is better tho” and everyone’s like?? who asked??
-it’s endearing but he doesn’t even notice it, he just is proud of you in every shape and form and since he can’t really express it around you he has to project it anywhere else he can hehe
-“jungwon do you think my hair looks okay?” says hee, looking for an actual answer. “y/n’s hair is nicer” responds jungwon, not missing a beat.
-“did you guys know y/n got a 100? isn’t she smart? don’t tell her I said that.”
-does things for you without you asking and then acts like it’s a habit
-it is definitely not a habit for him to run out of his seat to pull out your chair for you, but he insists he literally does it for everyone (he doesnt)
-opens your capped drinks before handing them to you, stops you suddenly to tie your shoelaces, sends you photos of notes if you missed a day..
-“y/n you’d literally be hopeless without me” but he’d be hopeless if anyone else helped you because it’s his job!!
-it makes him feel special when he gets to do so many acts of service for you, for some reason he doesn’t mind running errands or whatnot, he’d much rather he be the one who does it than anyone else
-“y/n u forgot a hair tie today?? ur lucky I brought one” knowing damn well he brought it specifically for you ☹️☹️ cutie
-if the train is full you don’t even have to ask and he’ll let you take his seat “y/n you have weak legs, you need to sit”
-he secretly loves being someone you can rely on, no matter how much he denies it <3
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saetgvia · 7 months
genshin boys takin care of u on ur monthly
im back from the void of no content
im feeling berry soft and fluffy so enJOY the boys taking care of fem!reader on her period :)
characters: wriothesley, lyney, alhaitham, xiao
tw: periods (duh), staining sheets in wrio’s one, lmk if i forgot anything :D
also also i wanna make a pt. 2 pls drop any characters u want in my asks or comments ily guys enjoy
also does anyone know how to add the blue
read more tag on mobile/browser? tyty
- kay so idk him really well needa finish archon quest but he would treat you like a QUEEN
- whatever u need he has it
- bro is chill af and knows what hes doing
- will get cuddly LMAO
- he js wants to pamper u
- so he does :D
- if u stain anything he’ll be calm and change the sheets and everything while u take care of urself
- cooks for u
- reminds u to take painkillers if u need them
- soft kisses heh
- movie marathons!!
- takes care of ur EVERY CRAVING
- determined to do ANYTHING to make u smile
- so he’ll pull random bouquets out of his pocket and present them to u
- or pretend to do a trick and kiss ur nose instead
- he is SO asking lynette for advice
- poor boy panics a lil even tho he knows how normal this is and he has a sister
- but he’s never really bothered too much abt it before
- he knows how to deal with it but he just wants to make u happy
- he treats u so well aww
- cooks for u
- makes everything cheesy
- like little smiley face rice balls
- or an egg cooked in a heart shape
- so many cuddles
- i love him
- so chill and nonchalant
- gets u wtv u need
- cooks for u
- ion think he’s a very big cuddler but if u need him he’ll hold u
- forehead and nose kisses
- he’ll hold ur hand a lot and like run his thumb on the back
- when he does hold u its u sitting on a couch binging movies with ur head on his chest and his fingers in ur hair
- he does acts of service to help lessen ur load
- he’s basically js confused
- ‘human women… bleed… for a week every month… and don’t die??’ WHAT SORCERY IS THis
- like lyney poor boy panics a bit
- he’s been around for millennia but this thing can get him flustered
- always nervous to hold u and kinda doesn’t want to but he will for u
- cooks for u obv
- always checking up on u, asking if u need anything
- ‘here, i got this for you’ (insert literally anything he randomly saw and thought would make u smile)
- constantly asking if it hurts
- you tell him to chill and he goes ‘HOW CAN I WHEN YOURE HURTING’ and ugh hes so soft and silly
- takes extra care of u
- constant vigilance
- so sweet
GUYS i think i’ll make a pt. 2 so again, if you have any reqs for this or any other fics drop ‘em in my asks or comments ily all <3
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
rosekiller band au microfic pt2
yayyy part 2 is here! (Again if there’s any typos lmk ty)
(also yeah I changed their ages slightly, the skittles r now 23 not 25 what r u gonna do about it?)
anywayssss here’s the ppl that asked to be tagged/said they wanted more so im tagging them anyway (sorry if u didn’t want that): @always-reading @lady-stardust-incarnate @lulublack90 @idk-what-to-put-here-123 @weirdtinkerbellversion @depressedtheatrekiddo @blu3stars @nikholascrow @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @picklerab23
(As always if u wanna be tagged or not tagged pls lmk I won’t mind at all <3)
Link to Part One
Link to Next Part
Evan woke up the next morning to the harsh bleep of his phone that always managed to elicit pure terror in his body. He groaned and rolled out of bed. He’d forgotten to turn off the alarm and of course he was awake at six in the fucking morning on a Saturday.
He threw on a dressing gown over his tank top and plaid pyjama bottoms, slipped into his fluffy slippers and trudged to the kitchen for some coffee.
Once he got to the kitchen he saw Dorcas was already sat at the little island she passed him a warm cup of coffee as soon as he sat down. Dorcas had always been the earliest riser of the band, always eager to get ready quickly and get the hell out of the house, he supposed that’s what growing up as the eldest sister to four brothers did to you. 
“Heard your alarm go off, figured you’d forgot to turn it off.”
“Dorcas you lifesaver. And I mean seriously a lifesaver, I might have murdered someone without this coffee.”
Dorcas laughed.
Evan rubbed his eyes.
“Barty probably. He’s fucking annoying.”
“Any excuse to get up close to him then more like.”
Evan’s head snapped up.
Dorcas rolled her eyes.
“Please you’re shit at hiding it.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout Cas.”
Evan mumbled, taking a long drink from his mug. 
“Please, save the crap. If you don’t have a crush on him, why do you get so worked up by people calling you a couple. It consumes your every waking thought, now why is that? Tell me.”
“Ughhh I don’t want to think about it.”
He groaned and stared into the brown murky depths of the mug he was cradling close to him.
Dorcas softened.
“Look, Marls and Barty are really close, our next tour stop is London which means she’ll obviously drop by rehearsals. I can get her to ask him if he-“
“He doesn’t.”
Evan ran his thumb over a tiny chip in the ceramic. It was a mug Barty had painted around four years ago, Dora had decided for her sixteenth she wanted to go to a pottery painting place like when they were little. Barty was- honestly pretty shit at painting. The background was covered in vast uneven strokes of black. He’d tried to paint a white ferret on it - ‘Ev this one is for you, if you were any animal I’d say you’d be a ferret.’ - thing is it looked more like a snake with legs that was also, well, a zombie. It was Evan’s most prized possession. He’d be taking it to the grave. He turned it to look inside the handle. Barty had been too lazy to paint that part so instead he’d just written crudely with the brush - ‘B + E forever bitches!’. His eyes crinkled fondly as he read it. 
“I just need to get over it.”
His expression hardened and he looked up at Dorcas again.
“Get over what?”
They both turned to find Barty in the doorway. His hair was sticking up in all directions. Fuzzy spikes of green and black. He stretched his arms all the way up as he yawned, flexing his wrist so his ‘SKITTLES’ tattoo was on full display. He had one of Evan’s jumpers on over his pyjama top. Evan really wanted to reach out and hold. Why’d he have to go and look so soft? Wasn’t fucking fair. 
“Nothing Jr.”
Barty nodded in response as he padded over and sat himself in the chair next to Evan.
“Why’re you even awake?”
Dorcas asked.
Barty dropped his head down onto the island counter dramatically.
“Forgot to turn off my alarm.”
Dorcas laughed out loud, fully threw her head back and everything.
“Two birds of a fucking stupid feather you two are.”
She got up and put her mug in the sink before heading out of the kitchen. Barty turned his head up to look at Evan as soon as she was gone.
“You don’t have to tell me anything Evan, but if you want to you can. You know that right?”
Barty lifted his head and propped it up on his hand as Evan nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah I know Barty.”
Barty shuffled his chair closer before dropping his head onto Evan’s shoulder and falling quiet. It was instinctual, the way Evan brought his arms up around him. After a few moments he looked down though, Barty was suspiciously silent.
He whispered.
“M’awake. You’re just comfy Ev. You’re really good at hugs.”
Might be ‘cause I was built to hold you.
Damn that’s a fucking stupid thing to say. Fuck I’ve turned into Reg whenever he’s around James.
Yeah Evan needed to get over this like fucking yesterday.
Barty breathed in deeply, face buried in the crux of Evan’s neck. He couldn’t help it really. Evan smelled like home. Probably a creepy thing to say, oh well wasn’t like he said it out loud. Evan was home though, plain and simple.
He didn’t want to move, probably ever. Still eventually as the rest of the group came pattering into the kitchen and things got livelier he had to shift away.
They got on the train at noon, ready to head to London. Evan took the window seat watching as the city turned to rolling hills turned to city again. Barty kept sneaking glances over at him, wasn’t really sure what he was looking for honestly but-
Evan asked finally, tone irritated.
“Nothing, just bored.”
“Oh um-“
Evan glanced around, he and Barty were in a two seater while the rest of the band sat around the table in front of them, chatting animatedly.
“S’fine Ev, not anything you can do about it, I’m gonna be bored till we get off this bloody train. Fucking buzzing.”
“Excited for tomorrow then yeah?”
Barty turned to him with shining eyes. 
“D’you remember when we were eighteen? First time at the O2 for a concert? Fuck d’you remember seeing it like that, covered in all the lights ‘n shit. Eventim Apollo doesn’t even compare.”
Evan chuckled. They’d gone to the O2 for the first time June 2019 to see a concert when Evan was still in his backstreet boys phase, something no one was allowed to talk about now under any circumstances.
“D’you remember what you said to me?”
“Look at that stage Ev. Imagine playing there. For all these people.”
Evan turned to Barty and ruffled his hair.
“One day Bee, we’ll be playing here. I promise you yeah? We’ll be playing here and it’ll all the fucking sold out.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
AHHH I HOPE U LIKED ITTTT (idk when part 3 will be coming but hopefully soon <333333)
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piggyjeans · 2 years
Can you do a Ryan Reynolds x teen reader? Maybe Ryan is in an interview and talks about how cool it is to work with the reader in a movie they are filming together and how he thinks of them as a daughter/son and is kind of like their mentor? And tag me in it please
Ryan reynolds x teen!reader, ryan reynolds x coworker reader, platonic ryan reynolds :P
(A/n) Hey! Ya ofc :) sorry it took a while to respond, and sorry this is kinda short I’m just trying to push through a bunch of requests as quickly as I can. I also didn’t proof read this so if there’s any problems lmk and yeah!!!! Also this isn’t my fav or anything. I wrote it super quick and I feel like it sucks ass so yeah let me know what u think please. Comments or likes or reblogs encourage me sm. Also lmk if u wanna be added to my tag list x <3 enjoy!
Requested by: @shycollectionwolfstuff
Warnings: maybe like mentions neglect or loneliness during childhood bc of acting but it’s not really that sad or graphically explained or anything. Aside from that I don’t think anything but correct me if I’m wrong <3
Readers pronouns: they/them
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You thoroughly enjoyed working with ryan. You had similar senses of humor and it was rare to find an adult who treated you like an equal human even though you were a lot younger than him.
During filming, you created a special bond. And on the press tour, you spent most of your days together and the bond only became stronger. Having done two interviews earlier in the day, you were now onto your third. And sometimes it can get really repetitive and difficult. Ryan knows that’s discouraging for you, so he always tries to make it more interesting for you if he can. That includes spicing the conversation up with humor, or telling jokes, or making sure he has a different answer every time even if the same questions are being asked.
The interviewer walks into the room you and Ryan are sitting in for the third time. You sulk into your seat slightly, not particularly looking forward to this boring aspect of the press tour. You give him a big smile to try to hide the fakeness you feel.
“Hello, how are you?” The interviewer asks, shaking Ryan's hand, then yours.
“Never better,” You say happily. The interviewer smiles back at you genuinely. Guess it’s understandable why you became such a big actor who got to work with Ryan reynolds.
“Really? I’m tired as hell,” Ryan exasperates looking over at you, before mimicking your sulk in your chair. You sit up straight and raise your eyebrows, giving the interviewer an unbelievable smile. You were always taught to be professional in interviews and workplaces. It’s difficult to be when you’re around ryan.
“Long day?” The interviewer asks jokingly, looking between you and ryan. You giggle and nod. Ryan closes his eyes sleepily.
“Alright, then. Let’s get this show on the road so y’all can get out of here,” The interviewer says. It’s always good when you have an interviewer who can play along with a joke. Ryan sits up, content with the predicament.
“So, how long did it take to film this movie? I heard there was a lot of trouble with production time, did that affect your work schedules?” The interviewer asks, suddenly dropping his joking attitude.
You start to answer the question without a glance at Ryan, since you both would rather get the interview over with. “It took about four straight months of work to wrap. Production took a halt because of covid, but not even the directors were really working at that time. So from start to finish it probably took four months,” You say professionally. Ryan glances at you, then at the interviewer, “what they said,” he added.
“Right so, you two only worked with each other for about four months, or?” The interviewer says lightheartedly. Again, you take the question right away, “Well, no. Filming started before the pandemic hit the United States. So we actually quarantined together for a little while before we had to abandon ship and go back to our respective families, you know? But after restrictions were let up, we got back together to film, and then we both caught covid at one point, so we actually had to quarantine together for a second time,” you say, laughing, looking over at ryan who sat with his hands in his lap, looking at you with a proud and genuine small smile on his face.
Whenever you watched interviews or anything of the two of you, you noticed that he usually just sits and listens to you contently whenever you speak. He enjoys listening to you and being around you, and it makes you feel really good
“Wow. So, how was it working and spending that much time together? You two have a huge age difference and I imagine it could have been like a culture shock, because of how different the two of you seem,” The interviewer asks, mostly to you, occasionally glancing at ryan.
“Well actually,” you start to take the question but Ryan cuts you off this time. “No no, you got the last two questions. This one’s mine,” He spoke. You look at the interviewer and smile, sitting back in your seat almost humiliated. You didn’t want to ramble on or take the thunder away from Ryan, and now you’re worried he’s upset with you or something you said.
“A lot of people said it might be difficult to work with y/n because of how young they are, but I think that makes it even better. I get to learn about them and their whole generation every time I speak to them. They teach me things that I never could have understood if I never met them, and I’m lucky to have worked with them. If you keep working with the same people… like Hugh Jackman for example… ugh, hate that guy. Anyways, it’ll get boring. But with y/n, they’re so cool that you never really get tired of working with them. And I would work with them again if given the opportunity. They’re one of the coolest actors ever. Cooler than Hugh Jackman, for sure.”
Ryan rambles quickly. You stay sitting back in your seat, trying really hard to not let tears cloud your vision. You’re 15, don’t cry over this, be mature, you think to yourself, fighting the cloudy eyes.
It’s just difficult for you because you started acting at a young age and a lot of people don’t ever encourage you or tell you what you’re doing right. People are so uncomfortable with being honest and usually actors are only in it to do their job and not create relationships or bond at all, and as a kid, or a teenager it’s hard because you’re already giving up a lot of your life and a lot of socializing for this. It’s necessary to have someone like Ryan in your life who isn’t afraid of encouraging you or lifting you up. Especially when nobody else does.
“Thanks.” You mutter, looking down at your hands in your lap. Feeling like you experienced severe emotional whiplash. You want to give Ryan a big hug and spend time with him, something that’s not professional at all. You can’t wait for these interviews to be over, but you remember you have to finish said interviews before you can be so honest with ryan. Unless you answer the same way he did, now.
“Well, I’ve never worked with someone as special as Ryan. It sucks I worked with him so early in my career because now No one will ever live up to the expectations I’ve formed because of him. He’s taught me half of the things I know and it’s been an honor to have him as not only a co worker, but a mentor. And even after the press tour and everything is over, I know the relationship we have will never be over. Because he cared enough to put work into me and I know he can’t just give all that up. He’s a narcissist so he probably wants to see how I turn out so he can like, brag about me or something. Always caught up in his own head,” you finish comedically to try to give your speech a similar feel to his.
You look at Ryan and he has tears in his eyes. “My heart.” He dramatically and jokingly says, fanning his eyes, then leaning over to hug you. You close your eyes and smile into his shoulder as the interviewer sits there motionlessly, smiling at the picture in front of him.
Two interviews to go, then the day is over.
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker @littlemortals @americaarse LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD :) <333333 have a great day x
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
08. kind of makes this trip suck
before you could all start walking into the carnival hu tao spoke up.
“so how are we doing this?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean how are we getting into groups?”
you hadn’t really thought about it, but you could see who wanted to be partners with who. lumine was looking at a certain someone, he was looking back. xiao was also looking at lumine but she was looking at one of his friends. albedo.
“albedo do you wanna be partners?”
the first group was formed, lumine and albedo.
after lumine paired up with albedo, xiao had a disappointed look on his face. you got closer to him and you felt his hair tickle your face.
“hey, don’t be so disappointed. i mean…we can be partners?”
he turned to you and his face became even more disappointed. but he agreed.
“okay then that leaves me and kazuha..why’d i get him?”
she grumbled before walking into the carnival. lumine smiled at albedo and they held hands while walking into the carnival.
xiao, being annoyed, grabbed your hand and followed closely behind them. “what ride first?”
while xiao listened closely into their conversation, you just stared at your hand intertwined with his. you felt your heart beat quicken and felt your face become hot.
soon enough he was pulling you along with him, right. we’re following lumine and albedo.
‘yn snap out of it! you’re only holding hands!’
although you were trying to focus on lumine and albedo, you couldn’t stop staring at xiao.
he just looked so…pretty.
the first ride was bumper cars so you got in a car with xiao and he immediately aimed for lumine and albedo.
to be honest you were getting kind of annoyed with how persistent he was.
i know he has a crush on lumine but can’t he at least acknowledge me? i’m still his friend.
when we got on the ferris wheel, you saw hu tao talking to the ride operator…and giving him some extra money?!
you gave her a look and she just gave you a smug smile.
you weren’t at the top when the ride stopped but you were kind of at the top…do you get what i mean?
but anyways, turns out hu tao slipped him some cash so that you would all have the best fireworks seats.
you were amazed by the fireworks, they were so pretty!
you turned to xiao but all he seemed focused on was lumine and albedo, who were in the cart in front of us.
you sighed and grabbed his chin, making him face you.
“yn?! what are yo-“
“xiao. i get it. you like lumi, but you can take a break from stalking her every once in a while yknow?”
“oh please, i don’t-“
“xiao, you’ve been focused on them this whole evening. it kind of makes this trip suck.”
he looked at you with wide eyes and let out a sigh. he gave lumi and albedo one more glance before fully facing you.
“i’m sorry..i didn’t realize that you were trying to have fun..i was just so focused on them i forgot why you came in the first place.”
“it’s okay..just make sure you have some fun too. you don’t have to watch over them 24/7 haha.”
you gave him a soft smile and turned your attention to the fireworks again.
after the ferris wheel you got on more rides with xiao and he seemed to be enjoying himself more. although you guys weren’t holding hands anymore, you were happy he finally had fun instead of stalking lumine.
at the end of the trip, you realized you still had to drive xiao home.
what a pain in the ass
extra !
“soo…lumine likes albedo huh?”
“yeah…sorry i didn’t tell you..”
it was quiet for a while until he started playing txt.
“are you gonna move on? or are you gonna ‘fight for her love’ haha”
“don’t worry i’ll move on w u bby gorl”
he bit his lip and made that stupid face
“wha- hey! don’t joke around with me!”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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a/n -ˋˏ✄┈┈ i love adding clichés theyre sm fun to write
taglist ! @mikctp @fvrose @kayleigh-reuthlr @xxgenderenvyxx @ferumie @sxiaoul @whats-humanity-lol @skatercashew @kuni-kuzushii @plinkuro
if ur blog is in bold that means i can’t tag u due to ur privacy settings ! if u change ur username lmk !!
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brainimpediment · 1 year
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ok maybe. I shoudl make a proper intro 4 thrs account. Long post warning!! Feel free to scroll past everything, but take care to read the intro and disclaimers at least :]
haii I’m brainimpediment… u can call me brainimp or brain or imp or whateva u want… iam more active on my Instagram @breanimpediment !! IALSO haev a few other socials but I rllay don’t use them eithr..,,ask 4 them if u want 2 💥💥
Any pronouns EXCEPT She/Her, and please use He/Him primarily.
>My ask box is always opened! I love answering questions or just reading goofy things u send me, so feel free to send an ask whenever you want!!!
Visit my neocities! I have a detailed list of my interests as well as a personal blog for discussing videogames and more! ->
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Euuuurm icant thrnj of any other info 2 include sorr 💔💔 if u wanr 2 learn more u can ask ! Me ! I do nawt mind!!!
I may post art here MAYBE.,,, idk depends,,,,, tumblr haas always confused me so idk 💥💥💥 thx. 4 checkinf me out . I think! miscellaneous disclaimers below :3 ⬇️
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STRICT PROSHIP & RPF DNI. pls send me a dm or ask if i accidentally reblog from som1 dubious :))
Also would rather not have 18+/nsfw blogs follow and interact w me since I’m underage + generally just mkes me uncomfortable . Sorr
If u have provlems wirh eyestrain, epilepsy, flashing lights, loud/overwhelming sounds, ironic posting that isn’t always tagged w tone indicators (I don’t usually use them but will if necessary!!!!) n sensory overwhelming stuff in general, u may nawt wanna follow :( I tend to post this type of stuff regularly adn I am very sensory seeking (? Is that the word? Idk.) .,, i will try my best to tag anything that could potentially be harmful tho! And if u have a specific cw or tw u need me to tag posts and reblogs with then!! Send me a dm or ask!! Iwont mind :)
ALSO!! I have a. Typing. Thing. I hesitate to call it a typing quirk but I guess it is??? Idk. I just almost always purposefully misspell words a certain way when I speak online. So, my posts r usually pretty difficult to read unless ur me,, if this is a significant problem then. I can like.. “transcribe” my posts for u guys :3 idk.,!! If thay doesn’t work and we need to figure out something more accessible then lmk!! AUSGHHGHHH. I can type perfectly fine English though, if you were wondering. (I am American)
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Sorry thay thisis so loke. Out of order. I’m typing this at 1 inthe morning currently . :3 again, thx 4 checkinf me out :3 do not b afraid to message or interact w me !! I enjoy making new mutuals and sruff:3 💥💥
#braingames - videogame talk ( like. Gamedev / game design / game collection / etc. )
#useurbrain - posts I wanna go back to later or are useful/informative/interesting reads
#braindump - answering asks!!
#brainwash - queued posts
#nobrainer - important disclaimers, notices, idk stuff like that.
#braincore - me core posts or jst things I like severely
#brainfavs - othr people’s art and creations :]
#brainart - my own art
#brainrot - miscellaneous textposts idk
#brimp - other miscellaneous things I make or post, like edits or stuff, or just posts of mine I like a lot. Idk.
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soup-scope · 11 months
hai ray :33 you said you like crochet on your art post so i was wondering if you would share some of your crochet projects? :3 only if you want to, no pressure!!
I’m smooching ur forehead so hard rn bro
i ramble about my crochet projects/my crochet history under the cut so don’t mind me‼️‼️
so i first started crocheting when i was a sophomore(??) in high school!! my mom had a crochet side business where she would take commissions and sell them at local flea markets!! i loved the little creatures she made so i begged her to teach me lmao.
i only really made scarves/blankets when i first started out!!
old rayray photos incoming (my face is going to be blocked out in all of these!! i’m not like. worried i’m gonna be recognized or smth i’m just weird about showing my face online lol)
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the first crochet item i’d ever made!! It was an infinity scarf lol.
funny story. i fucked up that scarf so bad. i was just using it as an excuse to practice the double crochet stitch and ended up using an entire thing of yarn. the scarf was “too long” so my mom helped me make it an infinity scarf instead lmao. i still have it ‼️‼️
and then i had a period where i made nothing but scarves for a few months. i don’t have pictures because i gave them away as gifts so here’s proof that i had the yarn 😭😭
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and then a took a HUGE ass break from crocheting for a few years 💔💔
But i picked it up again this this past january!! I was required to take a 3D design class at my school so we did a lot of sculpture work!! Here’s my project that i did after not touching crochet for almost 3 years!!
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it’s a deconstructed-abstract jellyfish!! I used wire to make the form. Wrapped different yarn around all the wire!! And then made very long strands of the tentacles by doing long chains, things of single crochet and double crochet!!! the best part is that it curled at the end on its own!!
i loved that project sm!!!
I actually used crochet to work on my final for that class!!! here it is!!!
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(blocked out face) we had to create a 3D project that was wearable!! I crocheted a SHIT load of flowers and spread them around a veil that i made!! it was supposed to represent springtime/loss of autonomy. (id be willing to explain that later ehehe)
and here’s a very crappy photo from another final i used crochet with‼️
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so i had to create a sculptural element for a class and then project a video onto it!!! I created a backdrop with a ladybug/flowers/and a bee to represent an almost idealistic version of my hometown. and the video i projected was clips of what it was like living in the city for the first time!!
here’s a better picture of the bee lol
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i actually made LOADS of bees. they were super easy to make so i made 5+. i even gave my mom one for mother’s day :)))
and for father’s day. i made a LONG BEE
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i do have more projects in the drafts rn!!
and also some i don’t have pictures of!
I made a HUGE red blanket that i finished during finals week lmao. Right now i’m working on a capybara plush for my nail tech (she’s sick rn), and grannysquare-star blanket, star garlands, a tote bag, more bees ofc, a shark, some bookmarks, and a crochet bouquet!!!
i’ll def talk about my crochet habits some more on here ehehehe i’ll make it a separate tag so lmk if u wanna be tagged whenever i post about my crochet junk!!!
@teaseat @kittyshaw my crochet junk ^^^ ehehe
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ariondevereux · 1 year
Hello Nikka! Happy holidays to you. I hope you stay happy and healthy and have a wonderful start to the new year. It's nice to meet you out of anon too, I'm a bit shy and not that active on tumblr except for following a few blogs here and there so I usually prefer to stay on anon, but you seem really lovely so I felt comfortable to send an ask off anon :')). Also I just noticed that you followed me which djdjdj you're one of my fave blogs on here so I did fangirl a little bit. :)). Your Ocs are so well developed omg. I adore them all. P Martens and all the golden ROs are my comfort characters, whom I won't stop gushing over. They're so well written. And the pairing between Maya and P is absolute chefs kiss and her friendship with K is so cute. 🥰
I have way too many Ocs to keep track of and ever since I've downloaded sims 4 it hasn't gotten any better. You had a list of IF recs a while ago but I can't find it. If you could please link it it would be amazing. I've been in the biggest reading slump ever and have been looking for some new ifs to read and since u have great taste I would love to check out some or the ones your recommended. I've just been replaying golden and BDSI by the lovely Mila because idk what it is about her writing, it's just so addicting to read and reread. She has such a way with words. I honestly think she's become my favourite author at this point. 😊
Your voice is so beautiful, if you ever put your songs on Spotify or YouTube please lmk I would love to add them to my playlist. I've been listening to them on repeat. The way you craft lyrics is so genius and accompanied by your voice and the piano it's just wow! As someone who songs like a dying goat, but appreciates good music I can tell you your music is incredible! 👀
I swear idk why I write a thesis every time I send an ask to your inbox, but I hope you don't mind the length too much. 😭
From tokrev anon <33
you are literally an angel on earth 🥺 2022’s been giving me some last minute agonies but the christmas eve celebration was fun <3 i hope the holidays have been wonderful to you and that 2023 gives you a great start. you deserve it 💞💞
and i totally get you. i have so many ocs that idk what to do with right now and my golden and bdsi ocs are some of the few that i’m still able to develop especially maya. she’s so close to my heart and i’m happy you love her 🥰 also i’ve been in a reading slump too but i’ll add my recs tag in the tags so you can look through that <3
thank you omg. thank you thank you so much for still listening to my songs. pls my impostor syndrome is suddenly kicking in because i’m actually struggling to come up with even just one line that i really like so that’s something i wanna get back into and work on. thank you again for the encouragement. if i start using my yt again i can message you the link if you like <3 thank you again 🥺
and don’t worry i enjoy getting asks from you. i always smile when i see them. thank you again for this and like everything else. sending you so much love and happy holidays!! 💖
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jayflrt · 2 years
Aww Alice you're so sweet ty 🥺 I haven't had a lot of free time to come and just talk to people but my 5 week class ends tomorrow (!!) and I did a ton of work for my internship (bc yes I have the 2 classes along with 2 jobs 😭 perhaps my absence is a little more justified) so I think I'll be able to relax for a few hours today :) my roommate and I are planning to watch another episode of iland today and I'm HYPE I'm really falling for everyone again soooo much also DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE JAPAN GROUP SHOW??? I just found out that it's actually going to be a show omg 😭 I looked at all the trainees and they're so young oh my gosh my friend jokingly (or not) said she wanted to drive the youngest home from school and stop to get ice cream on the way jfjsjsms I'm assuming it'll be some sort of a survival show but I haven't looked into the details but I'm EXCITED 🤩 I've missed K and Taki and Nicholas and EJ so much!! Although I'm wondering if they'll even be on the show since they are guaranteed spots?? Either way I can't wait to have my heart ripped out 🥰🥰 and honestly upper side dreamin' is such a VIBE I really love it 🤩 I can't wait for their new comeback!! It's going to be awesome!!
I cant wait to check out your works!! The spiderman fic sounds so great jdjejjeb and even tho the enha brainrot is really bad lmk pls keep me on the tag list for your other accts too!! Since I don't check my feed hardly ever anymore, my notifs are my source of what's going on! I don't wanna miss out on anything by our talented Alice!! Hope you're taking it easy and enjoying your summer as well 💙
omg does that mean you’re on break rn ?? :o how were your finals ?? i hope everything went well! 🥰💕 also oh my gosh ??? YOURE DOING SO MUCH PLSSS YOU ARE DEFINITELY JUSTIFIED WITH HOW BUSY YOU ARE 🤧 but wow an internship and two jobs ?? get that bag 🤩
what episode of iland are you and your roommate on?? :’)) hahah it’s so funny bc the friend i watched iland with became a bigger carat than an engene 😭 she saw performance unit and fell in love ♡
ALSO YES I DID !! i’m rlly glad k, ej, taki, and nicholas are fixed members bc i don’t want them to have to go through all that stress of fighting for a spot in the group again 😭😭 since it’s a survival show it would be kinda cool if the four fixed members had “teams” that they trained or mentored or something :o also i’m excited for enha’s comeback too!! did you see the concept pics? 😵‍💫 they had my head SPINNING
AHHH I RLLY HOPE U LIKE THE FIC :’)) i was in suchhh spiderjake beainrot for days bc of that fic omfg 😵‍💫 omg i’m so honored PLS but yesyes ofc i’ll add you to my perm tag lists !! tumblr’s super weird with notifying so i hope the tags work! and yesyes my summer’s been going well & i hope yours is too!! 💕💕
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hyukalyptus · 5 days
body worship. my favourite. im writing a fic with it so I didn't start with directly "Can I worship your body". I paced it slowly (2000+ words and they aren't even making out). the guy is dom, the reader is sub according to the dynamic but I made it unclear with reader topping him. but there is no sub-dom dynamics in mine. I went with feelings, and made it really unusual for the couple who are wild. the guy is patient, is examining every move reader makes on him. they aren't drunk (because of the slow pace I just added like wdym 2000 words and not yet MAKING OUT?). so feelings and then observing what the one who worships is the thing I'm going on at. kissing ever part of body, eventually praising can give it away they are worshipping for me. and my initial plan is, to give the guy a bj, top him while riding him and then keep on complimenting him. and at last, when he asks "what with you being so touchy and lovey," evading the question, again caressing hair or lips, I want the reader to say, "I wanna worship you, lay down." that all of the worship she has done until is NOT WORSHIP. but giving guy a boost of confidence after this and blah blah and can make it body worship.
honestly, I have no idea how sex feels, let alone body worship when I'm really insecure with body stuff. and this is just what I think hp. yours cab be different and so can mine. so I thought to tell all my feelings about it. sorry if I seem rude.
okay yessss literally 2000 words and they’re not even making out yet?? EEEEEE that’s what i need. pls tag me when/if you post it <3 id love to check it out.
also not rude at all! i love it when my readers send me stuff like this. makes me so happy :,)
BUT ANON YHE “WHATS WITH YKU BEING SO TOUCHY” OMFGGGG that would so be perfect for what im writing. fits their dynamic 1000% but i don’t wanna just blatantly copy u.
i do think i’ll probably do more inner monologue vibes, him thinking about and observing every little detail about her body. i think it’ll also be good bc you KNOW im writing chubby!oc so that’ll be a nice place to talk about her chubby body ehehehe.
and i’m sorry you’re insecure with body stuff. i used to be (and still am a little bit) super insecure about sex, but it’s gotten soooo much better. lmk if you ever wanna talk about it <3
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fuckmyskywalker · 7 months
trying to set up my damn writing blog but the procrastination is taking over. any tips for formatting/making an intro post? also any good tags you use for Anakin fics? I plan to write some dark shit and don’t wanna reach the wrong audience 😭
P.S. I ADORE your work, that shit FUELS me. you enable my delulu for Anakin and I’m very grateful <333
- 🫀
Oh my god that's amazing! I hope I can help you with what I do haha:
I assume you mean an intro about yourself so: I'd say your name, your age (since a lot of blogs block ageless accounts!), pronouns to make it more comfortable and underneath that you can tell the world what your blog is about and what they can expect from you! and since you are planning to do dark content, then that's gonna be perfect!
For my fics I add CW: 18+, smut and the respective warnings so people know if they are into it or not. Tbh, that's all you can do because sometimes ppl are kinda dumb and they will comment "oH I Didn'T reAd thE TaGS" and that's not your problem.
For tags I normally start w my own tag "anya writes" so I can have it more organized. Then I do the AU ex: Stepdad!Anakin, and then the regular tags (anakin x reader, anakin skywalker smut... too many of em!) and lastly, once again the tw like tw noncon.
Hope it helps! If you need more help lmk or u can DM me! <3.
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faeriecap · 1 year
MCALPINE SESSIONS ANON HERE, BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I've been MIA, there was a little drama with a certain ship that is prominent on your blog that I just did not wanna deal with lmao. I didn't wanna project my annoyance with the ship onto you so for my sanity, I had to leave BUT I'M HERE NOW AND FERAL FOR SOME UPDATES (or just some shop talk, I need more friends 🥲) I hope you've been doing well though! I saw you were on a little hiatus a while back so I hope everything is good on your side of the universe ❤️
YAAAAAAAY YOURE BACK!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 tysm for thé well wishes firstly, things are up and down over here but i’m trying my best to just keep on keeping on and the support means all the world to me! but it’s pride month so i’ve been trying have more fun and just enjoy it, i’m hoping to see some of the new marvel releases soon and OMGGG THE NEW CAP 4 content i am barking i am feral SAM LOOKS SO GOOD HES BACK HES BAAAAAACK
in terms of fic ive been writing a little bit but not as much as i’d like bc i’ve been pretty busy with life and also the rpg i’m currently modding lol HOWEVER i’ve locked in some new plot points and my definite plan once time frees up for me in a few months is a full rewatch of all 3 cap films and maybe even sam’s other cameos (and maybe fatws…. not sure yet, that one i saw more recently and a LOT of time has to pass before i can stomach rewatching anything if i ever do at all, even my favorite things, bc my attention span SUCKS lmao) + hopefully i’ll be able to crank out some of the scenes for the fic set within that time frame (bc i’ve been writing most of the ones that happen post cacw) and then it’ll be done! or ready to be beta’d at least… which… if ur interested 👀 i cant remember what my last update for u was about so i’ll update this post with a new snippet once it’s been shared <33
edit: here it is!!
the front door slammed, and sam dropped his keys on the counter before appearing upside down above them. to his credit, he did not seemed phased to find them tangled up underneath the couch’s throw blanket in the middle of the day.
“what’s this about hickeys, and why am i getting them?”
“bucky’s retired.” steve offered by way of explanation, raising his free arm to pull sam closer. even so, they couldn’t quite reach without him doubled over the frame, so he wandered down the hallway to change out of his clothes before steve could kiss him.
the problem is all the scenes post cacw after they get together are sort of just random which means it goes from this intense emotional will they won’t they with a touch of actual canon events created non romantic tension to this slush of fluff and domesticity and no real stakes anymore hahahahaha like idk where to go with it??? beyond just. making them cuddle more LMAO so…. any suggestions from the people lmk
i hope you’ve been doing well yourself and taking care of yourself and i as always look forward to hearing from you again soon :))) with regards to the ship drama, i am SOOOO curious could u elaborate??? was the drama related to my blog or just like generally in the fandom? DONT LEAVE ME HANGIN WHAT WAS THE SHIP 👀👀👀 i don’t feel like i post that many so i’m so intrigued which it could be lol since i’m assuming it’s not sambucky and probably (??) not stevebucky (tho maybe)
but seriously though i’d love to know bc i don’t want my account to be uncomfy for anyone but least of all my fav anon x so if i need to update my tagging system for u to properly blacklist my posts about it or anything of the sort pls lmk, either here (and i can answer privately too if you’d prefer 🤍) or messaging me! plus if by drama there’s smth actually problematic im rb i absolutely wanna be informed and aware of it! i will confess i’m quite curious as to who my secret admirer could be ;)) and i appreciate ur honesty!
until the next meeting, be well and lots of love 🫶🏻
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freckledgeto · 3 years
hi! i’m in the process of getting into jjk and read your fic and loved it! do you by any chance have fic recs? itafushi and satosugu preferred! i just got absolutely crushed by satosugu’s backstory recently sjdlsj i hope you’re having a good day <3
i just wanna start this by saying i am psychic bc i literally thought about getting an ask like this yesterday
anyways hi anon! thank you for reading my fic i’m glad you liked it!! <3 and yes i DO have many fic recs🤗
i will NOT stop recommending any of cityboys itfs fics until i die but specifically first love late spring and it’s part two absolutely fucking kill me everytime. i go back to those fics so often and reread them they just. god they’re so good. both are college aus but they also wrote a canon fic(that is. very sad) and a 70s au fic.
i read love me despite by inattention yesterday and it’s !!!! so good! it’s a high school/college au too and its just a slice of life fic of them getting together 😊
first and foremost i’m gonna rec found in translation by kai @hi-raethia my love it’s a canon divergence fic of geto and gojos high school years and it is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT 💖
his one and only by @tozhan is hhhghhghh so good. if ur caught up w the manga completely it’s a post-shibuya/culling game fic where geto comes back and it just goes through them being together again and then interacting with the students
everything by @wellthengetouttathesoupaisle is very good but smile like brass is my favorite. it’s a hidden inventory role reversal au where gojo becomes a curse user and woooo i love it and it has an aquarium scene. so bonus. i’d like to set the sun with you is very very good too it’s a hidden inventory canon divergence where gojo goes with geto in shinjuku
愛のある場所; river of light (that brings me to you) by cosmichorrour which i just finished reading and i ;—; i don’t have words for it honestly it turned me into goo it’s so so good
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donquxiotes · 3 years
helloo :)) i was wondering if you have any other dom reader account on tr since i'm new to the fandom, there is very little dom reader and its so sad 😭
hiii welcome, the #sub tokyo revengers tag will definitely help u navigate 😼 and find some juicy stuff! it is v little of us but i like to think we’re growing.
however, my fav accounts (that are multifandom btw)
@mommysano strictly dom reader 🤨
@evil-flakes strictly dom reader
@0rchard strictly dom reader
@jenijae (don’t go too far in her blogs bc u will find some sub content….)
& myself who’s strictly dom reader.
some new ones that i came across, that i plan to binge!
@mimislovehotel strictly dom reader
@haruchaki strictly dom reader
i’m sure i got most of the people i’ve seen post in the tag 😼
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [6]
A/N: You guys might want to whack out your love song playlist for this one…I cried writing this BYE I'm posting this from my grave!!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, ANGST, smut
words: ~ 3.8 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @yeostars, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek
You: can I come over? I kind of need u
H/N: you need me huh…you’re lucky I’m home alone
It always starts differently. Some other question, or a subtle message of telling him you’re bored, or a flat-out confession of being horny. The ending is always the same. You, naked in his bed. You just had to get there, and things were easy when you were already on his dorm’s doorstep.
The moment he had opened the door, you had fistfuls of his hair between your fingers and attacked his mouth in a feverish kiss. He made a noise between a laugh and surprise but reacted quickly. His lips parted right away, letting you in, and you tasted mint from the chewing gum he liked so much.
“Let me- at least- close the door,” he mumbled. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you today?”
You stepped aside and mirrored his grin. He was acting surprised, but the way he instantly locked your lips after he had shut the door told you he was enjoying this as much as you were. You ran your hands down his torso and along the side of his thighs. His happy hum only poured oil into the fire, and you saw no reason as to why you should have kept your clothes on any longer. In minutes, in the middle of heated kisses and clumsy chuckles, your clothes were discarded, and you were left in your underwear. You stumbled into his bedroom in a tangle of arms and legs and heads barely pulling apart.
“Will you tell me about the date you had today or are we skipping over that part?” he asked, as he pushed you down by the shoulders onto his bed. You groaned a little, not even knowing where to start.
“Didn’t go well, huh?” he asked. Only a few nights ago you had consoled him after his failed date, now the roles were reversed.
“That’s one way to put it,” you said. He was climbing on top of you now, and the weight of him between your thighs still did the same things to you it had done the first time. There was one of his random playlists playing quietly from the speakers, but you were both too occupied to even consider switching the music off. You weren’t in the mood for a chat, not when he was biting and sucking bruises into your chest, pushing aside your bra just enough. But you knew he wasn’t going to let it go this easily.
“Tell me about it or I won’t take one more piece of clothing off your body,” he threatened. You shot him an are-you-serious-look while he only blinked at you innocently, like he was awaiting your response.
“Fine,” you groaned. “But hurry, now.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room. “Go ahead, I expect a story.”
You had rolled your eyes at him, but when he sucked on your nipple all of a sudden, and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bud ever so perfectly, your eyes moved to the back of your head involuntarily. And, before he could complain, you started to retell today’s events.
“Alright. First of all, he acted all gentleman-y. Pulling back my chair at the restaurant, letting me have a look at the menu first, letting me order first, asking me if I was okay with our seats because they were in the sunshine, or whether he should have requested we get a different in the shade table, blah, blah, blah.”
With the lewd noises he was making, kissing your chest and fumbling with your breasts, you almost wondered whether he was paying attention to you at all.
“I’m waiting for the plot twist,” he chuckled. “If he had been this great, you wouldn’t be in my bed right now, would you?” He was now on his way to your lower regions. Your breaths came out shaky when he gripped your hips with familiar fingertips and placed a few kisses there, right above the material of your underwear. Nonetheless, you had to continue your story.
“Oh, it’s coming,” you said. “Because I suspect, the only reason he was acting that way was to compensate. For the fact that he was an hour late.”
He stifled a laugh, and you slapped his head playfully. “It’s not funny! I stood outside that restaurant on a busy street like an idiot for an hour. During exam season!”
“I wonder, if studying is so special to you- ,” he said. He tugged on your underwear, and you barely cared about his words when you were already imagining his mouth on your pussy. “Why aren’t you at home right now, doing just that?”
“Too frustrated,” you groaned, spreading your legs, practically inviting him in. “You don’t get it. That was only the beginning of the date. It gets worse.”
“Oh, damn,” he laughed, and you were going to slap him again. Harder, this time. But his tongue kitten-licked over your clit and you didn’t dare interrupt him further.
“First of all, he turned out to be boring. An economics major. And look, I’m not generalizing, I’ve met some cool economics majors. But when I said I never really understood the whole thing with inflation and deflation, I wasn’t asking for him to explain it to me. I know what it means, I just meant to say money is the root of all evil,” you said, little moans slipping inbetween your sentences. He laughed whilst sipping on your clit. You couldn’t be mad at his laughing anymore. In fact, at the sound of his chuckles, your own lips curled into a smile, too. God, he was so good with his tongue.
“But turns out he loved money. Like it was the sole reason he was doing anything. When he showed me his gold watch I almost yawned,” you continued.
“Dating a rich guy can have its upsides too, though,” he said, but you knew he was joking. He was running the tips of his fingers over your core, and you whimpered at how badly you wanted him to put them inside of you. You loved watching him, loved feeling his hair tickle the side of your thighs and having his free hand laying on top of your hipbone. The familiarity of it all, his little habits, made your heart heavy, so full of emotion, all of a sudden. But you had to snap out of it.
“Not this guy. He kept saying these lowkey sexist things I won’t repeat now. It’ll only make me mad again. He was one of those who thought money would buy him a girlfriend. And I was really trying to see the good in him…only there was none,” you said.
“Alright, I’m starting to understand why you needed some cheering up,” he said. “Good thing you’re at the right place. I know just the thing.”
At this, he slid his digits into you. You hummed and dropped your head into the plush pillow. Slowly, you exhaled, happy you finally got to relax after being so upset. But of course, he had to interrupt. Again.
“Did I say you could stop? Was that the end of the story?” he said. How did he expect you to form a coherent sentence? He fingered you gently, but the slowness of it all only drove you crazier. You felt every tiny sensation, every new bit of you he touched.
“No,” you sulked. “Fuck, it feels so good.”
“Go on, then,” he encouraged you, grinning because he was proud of your reaction he had caused.
“Fuck- okay. He was super shitty to the waiter. I’m talking about criticizing everything. This man had the audacity to complain about the food. I’m not a food critic, but I swear the food was amazing, there was nothing to fault at all,” you said, and then whined when he switched from licking your clit to sucking it between his teeth. You knew he was doing this on purpose. To make speaking harder for you.
“Oh my god, H/N. Wait, let me finish this. Not only was he horrible to the waiter in person, but he also made fun of the waiter’s appearance behind his back. And all along he expected me to find him funny. I used to think he had a sense of humor but not after today. Blech.”
“At least you got a free dinner?” he said, and without awaiting your answer, went back to work. Your head was spinning in pleasure, and you could only laugh sarcastically at his suggestion.
“Yeah. And after that train wreck of a date, he really thought he’d get to stick his tongue down my throat,” you said.
“Did he at least ask permission?” asked the boy between your legs.
“Mhm…but I told him I don’t do that on the first date,” you said. “Safe to say there won’t be another date, though.”
He looked up now, laughing more than before. You grinned, mainly because the sight of him was so cute. He folded his hands on your belly and put his face down onto your skin to giggle. In no way could you be upset or urge him to keep giving you head. In fact, you had forgotten about all of that for a while, as he seemed to enjoy your misfortune a little too wildly. You should have been hungry, eager to have the half-naked boy inside of you. Yet, you laughed at the way his breaths tickled your stomach and when he finally made eye contact, it was a wholly different sort of hunger which overcame you. Instead of the heat he usually made you feel, it was a comfortable warmth that was in your chest. It reminded you of a bonfire or of drinking your favorite hot drink on a cool autumn day.
“I want to watch you come,” he said, casually. “Were you close?”
You were so lost in his trustworthy, dreamy eyes, you almost forgot to reply. Quickly, you nodded and hummed.
“I would have already come, had you not pestered me to tell you all the details of my date,” you said. The way his cheeks beamed when he smiled made you feel as if your insides were turning into mush.
“I’m sorry. I’m your friend, aren’t I allowed to ask how your day went?” he asked.
“Of course you are,” you said. The word ‘friend’ echoed off every wall in your head until you wished you could have deleted it from the dictionary.
“I’ll make sure it feels extra good now,” he said, kissing your stomach. You shivered as you watched his gentle lips move lower, to your hips and the insides of your thighs. The touch felt like butterfly wings on your skin, and the tardiness of it made you impatient. When his tongue came in contact with your clit again, you sucked in a breath of surprise.
He tried to start slowly, but then you gripped his hair tightly, and carefully pushed him further. It was something you did often, a way to tell him you wanted more without having to use words. After all this time, he understood perfectly. Your clit was between his lips and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pleasure. It felt incredible, creating a funny sensation in the pit of your stomach. His fingers grazed over your slit until you were whimpering and shifting your hips, trying to make him hurry.
One of his digits slid into you easily, curling against your sweet spot, and it hit you only now how much you had missed him between your legs since he had stopped a few minutes ago. It made you feel as though you were suddenly overwhelmed with all of him, but you were willing to let the heat crash over you if it meant you could be close to him.
“Am I making it up to you now?” he asked as he pulled away merely for a breath. “I’ll turn your day into a good one after all.”
In a different tone his words would have sounded like the exact thing one would have expected to hear from a fuckboy in the bedroom. He could have boasted and bragged endlessly about how great he was with his tongue and fingers – he would have been right – but he didn’t mean it like that. You could tell from the uprightness and the authenticity in his voice that he really was doing his best because he wanted to make you feel better and turn your day around. Because you were special to him. Or so you desperately hoped.
Your legs wrapped around his shoulders as if you were trapping him between your thighs. But he was right there, and he would gladly stay for so much longer, and to say it puzzled you was an understatement. The boy who belonged to everybody, who was known by all of the campus, was treating you like you were royalty, and not the other way around. You moaned, his name inevitably falling from your lips. He added another finger and the slightest stretch made you lose your mind for a split second.
“That guy could have never made you feel this good, could he?” he suddenly asked. Your initial response was a helpless whine. You had been so close, and his talking had interrupted the otherworldly bliss for a moment.
“No, never,” you then whimpered shortly. ‘No’ was such a tiny word. It could barely encapsule what you truly meant to say. Which was that it would have never even gotten that far. That other guys couldn’t even have you at all. They didn’t get their turn to try and beat him. Not as of lately, at least. That you didn’t so much as dare to think about sleeping with other guys. That even before you had gone on the date, you had known it wouldn’t lead to anything. No guy could let you develop an interest on him in the same way the boy between your legs had done it. No other would be able to kidnap your brain like that. H/N was always there. Even when it was only you and your sex toys, you would automatically pretend it was him getting you off. You were so far gone that it was embarrassing how long it had taken you to admit it to yourself. But it was a colossal thing to confess to him, and you would never do that. Rejection would hurt a billion times more than whatever it was you two had now.
Your heart was racing as you closed your eyes. You had been so lost in thought, it was wondrous you hadn’t fallen yet. But you were right on the edge, making your breaths come out like puffs and a string of moans and swears sound from your lips. He too had stopped talking, concentrating on the task at hand, and judging by the way your back arched he was doing one hell of a good job.
“Oh my god- “ you whimpered. “I’m so close, H/N.”
This time he didn’t reply, which was for the best. Only a few seconds passed until you started to quiver and whine beneath him. You were going to outer space behind your eyelids as your high rushed through you. Your fingers curled and tightened in his locks while your legs clenched around his head. He was quick to pull your thighs apart again, still not being finished. For long seconds you swam in pleasure, with nothing on your mind but bursting stars. He was heaven, knowing precisely how far he could take it until you were too sensitive to take any more.
When you were at that point, he finally pulled away and looked up at your crumpled form. There was a lazy smile playing in the corner of your lips and your vision was hazy after having had your eyes closed for a while. He climbed up your body until his chest was against yours so he could really look at you.
“I get all of this without ever having been on a single date with you? I’m so lucky,” he said. You only smiled at him, at a loss for words. What were you to say? The two of you were clearly past the awkward dating stage already.
“I’m lucky you let me come over all the time,” you said. “I would have expected the campus fuckboy to be busier. To not have an empty spot in his bed every night.”
“Ah, shut up,” he said. “I’d rather have you here than a girl I don’t know at all. Look, I’m really tired so I don’t know how this will go…but can I?” He was on his knees, a tent visible in his boxers. With a questioning look, he was tugging them down his legs now.
“Of course,” you said. As you watched him roll on a condom, your ears perked up. Did that song have to come on shuffle just now? The coziest, most romantic love song you adored so much? You knew if you looked him in the eyes you’d be done for. But there wasn’t anywhere else to look when he settled between your legs and held up his weight with his forearms. His eyes were deep enough for you to get lost within a second. Distracting yourself was impossible. The one last thing you could do was to reach between the two of you and guide his length into you.
The song’s chorus came on, you looked at him once again, and suddenly you were all his. You didn’t need to tell him so. He thrust gently, almost carefully, like he had never done it with you. Your heart hammered against your ribcage so vivaciously, you wondered whether it had turned autonomous and was now trying to jump out of your body, onto his skin and through it, so it could nestle next to his own heart.
Neither of you spoke. Yet, there had never been so much chemistry, such a heavy amount of uncommunicated emotions between the two of you. You were ready to hang on his every word, should he decide to speak up. In your head rampaged a billion sentiments you needed him to know, but there was no option to express them adequately. Perhaps there were simply no words in the English language to declare your feelings for him.
Small whimpers and moans left your lips only for him to hear. Sometimes he moved a little quicker, gifting you with the most perfect sounds he could make. And to know you were the cause for it sent you into overdrive. His mouth was right above yours. If you lifted your head slightly, you could have kissed his sweet, sweet lips. But you were so afraid. What would he think? You had never kissed him during sex. Not softly, like you wanted it so terribly.
Even worse, you craved so much more than that. You wanted to pull him in, envelope his mouth in your own, crawl over the edge of his lips and reside in his chest for safety. Because that’s what he was. Comfort. Reassurance. Home. How foolish you had been, pretending this little fling would lead to nothing more. You really had told yourself this would work. No feelings. Just fun. You couldn’t deny having fun with him. He was the best company you had ever known, and he had become your most precious friend quickly. It was as if you had only been waiting for the silly, flirty boy to sit across from you in the library and make weak advances towards you.
The love song tuned out slowly, replaced by something more sensual and sinful. In accordance with the new background noise, he gripped your hips a little meaner and went faster. You barely noticed how his breathing had sped up as he was getting closer to his orgasm. A trance had overcome you, transfixing you on his godlike features and how much it hurt to know you couldn’t call him yours. In your head you were made for each other. They always said to date your best friend, didn’t they? You could try to turn back time, go back to your first meeting place, at the party. See if things would turn out different. But you knew they wouldn’t. As much as your fear tried to suppress it – you would take the same path again, stumbling head-first into his arms and letting him into your life like a crashing wave of laughter and heart-crushing conversations.
Now you reflected in despair, how he had taken your heart in a storm, without having to try too hard. And worst of all, you were okay with it. Your heart was secure with him, you thought. The feelings yearned to be spoken out loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“You feel so good,” he said. “Always, so fucking good.”
He snapped his hips against yours, burying his cock deep inside of you and all you could muster was a hum of agreement. This is what you got for keeping him at arms-length from the beginning. Wasn’t it you who had challenged him to be friends and only that? Perhaps you would be okay, so long as no one else called him theirs either. You could go on like this, letting him use you for sexual relief and making him laugh when he needed it. Gladly, you would take the pain of not being allowed to love him with your whole being if it meant you could see him whenever you wanted. Exposing those silly emotions would wreck your friendship and you wouldn’t let it happen.
He grunted and only then, when he lowered his head into the crook of your neck and moaned your name, you realized he was reaching his high. Softly, you cradled his head in your hands, as if it was the last time you could hold him like this. When he put his forehead against yours, he had his eyes closed and his chest was moving steadier than before.
“You’re the best,” he whispered. “Stay the night?”
Should you have gone home, and missed him all night? Would you have regretted saying no while you curled up in bed with no Cheshire-cat-grin-boy to hold? Or were you to remain in his bed, and pray you would survive the torture of not speaking your mind? His skin radiated the most wonderful warmth and you wanted to trace his lips with your eyes until you fell asleep. That’s how quickly it was decided.
“Okay,” you answered.
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1101001 · 3 years
‘ the story of akashi meeting you and all the events after that made him realize he was falling for you ’
character .. akashi seijuurou
word count .. 1.3k
tags .. fem!reader who is energetic but also thoughtful and likes to learn (as requested) , lowkey pining? , s h o g i , written from akashi pov , requested by the lovely bean anon <3 
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Akashi’s first impression of you wasn’t anything bad. It wasn’t exactly good either. It was certainly memorable though. ‘The girl who flew down the stairs, knocking him onto the ground, and landing on top of him with a thump’ is how he remembers you. 
The moment was almost cliche. If your eyes had met and lingered on each other, both aware of the position you were in but not moving away, then it possibly would’ve been a scene straight out of some cheesy romance novel. 
Instead, you seemingly bounced straight up upon impact, not even bothering to spare Akashi a second glance. You proceeded to give him a quick apology, running down the next flight of stairs immediately after.
It was definitely one of the odder interactions Akashi had with his fellow students at Rakuzan High, but it amused him nonetheless and made him notice you much more often around campus. Even though you weren’t in any apparent rush anymore, you still radiated this energy that was all bubbly and seemingly ready to burst. 
It brought a small smile on his face every time he saw you, bouncing along hallways without a care in the world, chattering away with your friends. Sure you seemed like the typical happy-go-lucky person, but Akashi couldn’t help but see you as a bit more unique.
Your second interaction with Akashi was an interesting one too, in Akashi’s opinion at least. 
The basketball team had just won a tournament the other day, so Akashi was free this afternoon. He had decided to go challenge some shogi club members to a few games. 
In the middle of one of those games, you walked into the club room.
Akashi didn’t think you were part of the club, and his suspicions were confirmed when another member of the club went to ask if you needed anything. Akashi was definitely not eavesdropping, no he was paying attention to his game (the one he knew he would easily win anyway) when you pulled out an envelope and he happened to overhear you telling the club member that someone asked to meet you. 
Nobody in the room came forward to claim they were the one who sent the letter though. 
After a few awkward, silent moments, you moved to take a seat with some of the other club members. It was an action that surprised Akashi. He figured you would’ve just left because the whole did seem like a waste of time. However, you just sat there asking some club members to teach you how to play. 
Akashi could sense genuine curiosity in you and, needless to say, it intrigued him. It seems like there’s more to the “girl made of energy” than he originally thought.
The clock ticked, and a few rounds later, Akashi decided it was time to head home. Saying his formal goodbyes, he walked out of the clubroom. 
He didn’t expect you to come running after him, almost slamming into him again in the process. 
“You shouldn’t run around school so much, you know. You could end up bumping into people and maybe even hurting them.” The words left Akashi’s lips sounding a lot more teasing and flirtatious than he intended.
You blushed and started rambling out apologies. ‘Cute’ Akashi thought. 
His brain froze. 
Wait. Cute? How-
“Anyway um.. you left your notebook back there…” you said, holding out what was indeed his notebook out towards him.
“Oh…” was all he could say. He rarely forgot his things, especially things as important as his notebook. It seems his mind must’ve been too distracted by... other things. “Thank you L/n-san.”
He saw a slight shock on your face. “You know my name?” 
His brain froze yet again. How was he supposed to answer this question without seeming like a stalker?
“Well yes…” he started before you cut him.
“Didn’t expect the Akashi Seijuurou to know my name.”
He scoffed at that. “I think I’d know the name of the girl who jumped down the stairs and knocked me to the ground.”
“Again, I’m really sorry about that…” you said with a smile, although Akashi could see the guilt that lingered behind your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it,” he quickly said. “I was just…”
He was just what? Flirting? Was he actually flirting? Him. Akashi Seijuurou. Flirting??
“…you know,” he finished quietly.
You didn’t say anything in response but instead looked at him with a peculiar sort of gaze. 
“Um.. hate to make things awkward by asking this but… were you the one who sent me this?” You held up the envelope Akashi saw earlier.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Oh… okay then.” Was it just Akashi’s imagination or did he hear a sliver of disappointment in your tone? “I suppose you don’t know who it is either right?”
He shook his head.
A lot of thoughts rushed through his mind. Did you actually expect him to send you a love letter? Did you hope it was him? 
He sensed you were about to leave though, so before he could regret it, he asked you, “Why do you want to know who sent it anyway?”
Your eyes widened slightly at the question.
“I understand the curiosity and wanting to know who it is but… if they didn’t show up, why are you still waiting?” He clarified.
“Akashi-san, you’ve never confessed to someone have you?”
He gave a slight nod.
“Well, I don’t see why you’d need to,” you mumbled more to yourself than him. Clearing your throat, you continued, “The thing is, confessing takes a lot of courage. And writing this letter asking me to meet them here would’ve taken a whole lot of that courage already. I think that, if they were able to go that far, then I should at least hear them out right?”
That… surprised Akashi. 
“But then again, there’s always a possibility this is just a prank,” you added as an afterthought. 
Unsure of what to say, he just nodded. “It is possible, considering how long you had to wait.”
You smiled, “The wait was fine though. I had fun learning shogi.” 
You actually had fun learning how to play? Looking back, it did seem like you were enjoying yourself… 
It’s strange. Akashi realized just how much his view of you changed in one afternoon. Earlier, you were that bubbly, energetic girl bouncing through the halls. Now, you were this thoughtful and kind person who liked to learn. You also said you had fun playing shogi, which nearly made Akashi’s heart skip a beat.
He gets it now. The reason his brain was acting all slow was you. With that thought, everything became clearer. 
Now he wishes that love letter really was a prank.
“Ah Akashi-san, I think I have to go home soon,” you said, holding up your phone. “You’re heading out too right? Wanna walk with me?”
He blinked in surprise but quickly agreed.
“Great, just let me get my things first-” And with that you rushed back into the club room.
Akashi stood staring at the empty hallway, still caught up in his thoughts and trying to process what just happened between you two just a few seconds ago.
When you came back out with your things, he couldn’t help but smile softly. The two of you fell into conversation easily, and by the time you walked out of the school gates, you were still in a talk that showed no signs of nearing an end.
He wanted to continue walking and talking like this, but there was a car and a driver waiting for him in the exact opposite direction of where you were headed.
“Well, goodbye then L/n-san,” he said, hoping the reluctance wasn’t obvious.
You smiled in response. “Goodbye Akashi-san. It was nice talking to you.”
With that the two of you went your separate ways. Throughout the car ride home, Akashi could think of nothing but you. It would seem… he has taken quite the liking to you.
He isn’t sure what’ll happen next, but he’s looking forward to seeing you again and hopefully, talking more with you too.
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. . .
note .. THIS CAME OUT LONGER THAN ORIGINALLY INTENDED but anyway i actually enjoyed writing this,,, yk all the stuff potentially going thru akashi’s mind when he has a crush intrigues me and uhh i hope u guys liked this and if u do PLS LMK WHAT U THINK !! it would legit mean the world if u guys did <3
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