#also we don't have any standing fans because the 2 we had before broke. so all I have is ice packs + one ceiling fan + a small window unit
jesusonafrickinboat · 2 years
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s 95F today and our A/C unit broke last night. we can’t get a replacement until wednesday at the earliest and my chronic illnesses make it so I can’t regulate my body temperature (I’m always hot, also heat is bad for POTS). my mom went out and bought some window units & put sheets up on the doorways into the living room (where I am) to try to get it cool faster. I’m also surrounding myself with ice packs (currently 3 lunch box size ice packs + a large rice sock). I’m still melting.
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perceabeth · 2 years
Would you be willing to elaborate on why you think hoo broke the rules of the world? I didn’t like the series bc of what it did to the og character arcs but I never caught onto it breaking the rules. No pressure to do so I’m mostly just curious
lol it's okay! WEEEEEEEELLLLLLL where to begin?
Big Three Kids!
The whole point of PJO was that there was nobody like Percy. That they were rare and were destined to be hunted to death because they weren't meant to be born. So then, of course, you assume they don't exist! The ones who are alive each paid a heavy price- Bianca and Thalia died, Thalia chose immortality, Bianca and Nico each lived in a weird universe where they missed out on their own lives.
There was no real reason for Jason to be a child of Zeus other than to put him in a position of leadership, but the thing about New Rome is that they have a different system about these things anyway with their cohorts and stuff and him being Thalia's sister adds so little to anything it was just a really stupid move imo.
I get what Riordan was trying to do with Hazel by circumventing the rule-- but it feels cheap and tacky. ESPECIALLY because Hazel's powers are so badly plotted out that she could have just as easily been a child of Hecate lol.
The most baffling one, though, is FRANK who is for some reason a legacy of Poseidon? I would have thought that was cool-- like being a legacy and so many generations before you having lived out their lives despite being demigods? SUPER cool. In that case. Why is he also a son of Mars?
It feels like too much is being packed into too little and when you don't have the time to explore these things, they just seem like he's saying hey. I know I said it's rare for demigods to grow old. But that's GREEK demigods. The ROMANS are super cool and super fun and they don't stand by the same rules!
2. The actual powers themselves.
Leo, son of Hephaestus and brother of Charles Beckendorf who died in a fire- now has control over fire! Piper can basically brainwash anyone because she's got Charmspeak but wait! There's more! Her sister Drew ALSO has Charmspeak!! Both of them are, of course, sisters of a girl who was manipulated into betraying all her friends <3 Hazel's a daughter of Hades? She's magic. Also she has power over gems and knows her way underground (I cannot even begin to think of WHAT made him decide the black girl needs to play ANY of these roles but I digress). Frank's just an average son of Mars who can turn into any animal he wants, which is totally cool and normal!
Do you remember how special Percy was in PJO? How hard other demigods had to train in combat because they would be killed if they didn't learn it? Remember how absolutely rare it was to see demigods with that kind of power, to the point where Chiron didn't want Percy and Thalia to be near each other because he feared they'd destroy everything? Not anymore <3 Super Powerful Demigods can now sit together on a ship and face no consequences at all, even when they have minor disagreements because they all come together very organically !!
3. Character arcs
I know you said it, but I can't talk about HoO and not bring up Nico di Angelo. Tell me why he went through his arc TWICE in two series? Here's the reason: because Mr. Riordan didn't want to make any of the main cast gay <3 He did it for woke points, so he was like hey hold on what if. Instead of any combination of the FIVE new characters I introduced being gay... I can retcon my Straight Series so it looks like I'm far more inclusive!
Great job, Mr. Riordan. You have raised a bunch of rabid fans who like Nico now because he's Gay and not because at one point he was an innocent boy who loses everything and fights to find his way back home. His story in PJO was a large part of the Great Prophecy, and yet... all of that was washed away in order to make him Gay Gay Gay.
Percy and Annabeth, we know-- it's a travesty. Stupid Percy and Robot Annabeth we've been through this a thousand times fuck that shit but it's so disappointing because as readers WE know these characters. We know them from PJO where they were each their own person and they had some good moments but HoO effectively wiped off the super strong friendship they already had going.
WHY has that been cheapened to the point of a joke!! It's literally so insane like the first series is about how difficult it is to be a half-blood. Greek and Roman mythology are not as different as Greek and Egyptian, see, so TKC ad MCGA can afford to change up the rules but HoO can't. That's like. The whole point!! So to randomly say hey actually this group is perfectly fine and the reason they're living so well is because the Greeks aren't as organised is so offensive to the reader because up until now all we had was the Greek camp! He flips it over and then somehow blames US for being stupid enough to think that's the only way to live.... and still decides to give the Roman camp child soldiers?????????????????????????????????????????????? make it make sense im begging
5. The bloody GODS
What did HoO do. Like. What did it do.
Because I can tell you what PJO did. PJO was about the gods learning to hold themselves accountable for the lives they create, drew a parallel between mortals, demi-mortals and immortal beings and dissected the value of life. It was a learning curve for everyone involved: for Luke, for Percy, and for the gods he so unwaveringly served. That was the point. That Luke was right, that the gods were primarily to blame because they don't care enough about human life. That they don't even care about minor gods. They swore to change.
And HoO is like aha I know I made it a whole thing and it was a huge sacrifice on Percy's part because he was offered immortality in place of the gods being held accountable-- but sike they haven't changed, even ONE YEAR down the line.
It makes the ENTIRE first Great Prophecy a TOTAL joke. Like what was the point of ANY of that happening if the gods were jut going to revert to being the exact same???
6. Harrowing realities of war
According to the wiki, there were forty campers fighting at the Battle of Manhattan. Forty. That's how many demigods there were. Yeah, the Hunters helped and the party ponies also came in- but it was a small team of campers. Between BotL and TLO, I can think off the top of my head about Lee Mitchell, Castor or Pollux (whichever one) Charles Beckendorf, Michael Yew, Silena Beauregard who died. A lot of these characters have been mentioned before as well! And they died. Because children shouldn't be fighting a war, actually, and yet here they were, dying before they could apply to college. The finale was just this horrible moment when Silena dies and Kronos attacks Chiron and everything seems so bleak and it's when Annabeth loses faith that you know everything is going to change.
Meanwhile HoO is the most absurd final battle, I think, because if I'm being honest, I don't even know who the enemy is. First they're fighting giants then the gods arrive and Fix it for them and then they're fighting Romans and Greeks and then there's monsters in their armies? And SIKE it's actually Gaea who's the Big Bad and defeating her fixes everything as though ANY of that makes sense!! So what, then? All the work that they did in PJO- the friends they buried and the enemies they spared-- that is stupid, right, when you can just get some girl to come and scream "please stop fighting"? What is the point of the war then?
Just because it's more complicated.... doesn't make the writing good.
7. What Theme.
Percy Jackson is about finding your place in the world. It's about home and it's about hope and it's about knowing that you're never alone. That love is always the answer, that faith and belief are the only motivators and that all darkness can be defeated with light. Someoe tell me what HoO is about. Earth Bad, Teenagers Good? It's not even about bridging the gap between the Greeks and Romans which is what it ostensibly claims is the core of the series. Makes it feel like PJO was dumb to have a theme at all. <3
Look at the time lol
In summation,
PJO is a story. HoO is a bunch of scenes sewn together where every scene is designed to be more insane and also to consistently undermine everything that happens in PJO. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
I've been in nursing school for a year now, and the stress of everything has been seriously wearing me down. After nearly 4 months in clinical being made to feel like an idiot, I find myself doubting my choices more often than not. But then I'll have an interaction with a patient at just the right time to remind me exactly why I'm here, suffering through his god-awful program.
A few weeks ago, a patient my age came in, massive trauma victim. She'd been camping in the mountains for a few days when she crashed an ATV. Honestly, she's lucky to be alive. Her friends had to run 2 miles through the wilderness to get to a payphone and call for help. She'd spent a week in the hospital by the time I met her, when she'd finally asked someone if there was any way we could wash her hair.
The normal system we use is these shower caps that have soap in them, and they're awful. Especially when you have thick, curly hair that's almost down to your waist. Walking into that room, seeing this poor kid who could barely move due to her injuries, my heart just broke. Her hair was so dirty after almost 2 weeks without a proper shower that it looked wet from where I was standing in the door.
Together with another nurse tech, we managed to improvise and figure out how to get her hair washed. The beds aren't made for it, we don't have the equipment for it, and like I said she could barely move. But we made it work. I spent probably an hour and a half carefully washing and combing through her hair with nothing more than a regular barber's comb, until it was completely clean and tangle free, and braided it after so it could stay that way.
Just this week I was able to help another young woman that I wasn't assigned to. I didn't know anything about her situation, but I overheard another of my classmates (her assigned student) tell the nurse tech that she needed help and didn't want him to do it. The nurse tech essentially told him it wasn't her responsibility to accommodate that, she was too busy, and the patient needed to either accept his help or get over it. I overhead, and stepped in to see what was wrong.
When I got to the room, the patient was crying and hyperventilating, couldn't tell me what was going on, and looked overall distraught. I was able to just sit with her for a few minutes to calm her down, find out what was wrong. She was hot and sweaty, needed a new gown/sheets. Understandable, no problem. I went and got the stuff, brought her a cold drink and a fan, got her changed, etc. The whole time she kept apologizing because she didn't know what was wrong with her, she wasn't usually like that, she didn't have anything against the guys it was just too much...
The whole time, that nurse tech from before was with me, too. Despite telling my classmate she didn't have time to deal with it, she almost immediately followed me into the room, kept trying to take over what I was doing, all while looking incredibly frustrated with the patient. Making her feel even worse. Once we were done I got the tech to leave so I could talk with the patient, let her know it's okay, that she was just overwhelmed and it's understandable. I reassured her that we're there to take care of her, she deserves to feel safe and taken care of in the hospital. The whole time, she didn't feel comfortable asking for anything else because of how she was treated before me.
Nursing school focuses on building a therapeutic relationship with patients. We need them to trust us and believe they'll be taken care of. It's easy to say you chose health care because you want to help people, but it's also really easy to lose that compassion. Sometimes you don't realize you're doing it. I don't blame that nurse tech, she really was busy. And when you're a working nurse with multiple patients to care for, you don't always have the time to spend an hour or two washing someone's hair, or handling their emotional breakdown with patience. But I think too often, people don't even try.
These relationship's with patients are exactly what's getting me through the misery of nursing school. I'm not out there curing anyone right now, but I know I'm having a positive impact in people's lives. I'm doing my best to show that you can still trust that when you're in the hospital, during one of the most vulnerable times in your life, someone will be there to take care of you and care for you.
I've worked in health care for two and a half years now. My philosophy has always been to maintain patient dignity above all else. It's so easy to forget the person lying in that bed is still a person, and not just a patient, or a set of tasks that have to get done at a certain time. You can't let yourself forget the care in healthcare.
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
Hey! I don't know if you've done these already but do you have any HTTYD sexuality headcanons for the gang? If you've already done a list, could you just link me to it?? tysm
Gosh, I know I've talked about it, but I don't think I've written a list before. So [singing] let's get down to business.
My headcanons tend to be "boring" compared to other fans. Many people like to headcanon based on representation they want or is relevant to their lives, which is totes fair! My headcanons tend to be based as close as possible to canonical behavior. I interpret all media I read, watch, and play through a lore-collecting angle, building my new ideas off "firmly grounded" canonical facts. It's conservative (not politically, but from, like, a "you gotta prove this to me" cautiousness).
I will add small headcanons that I know the creators didn't intend, but I try to make everything closely match canon portrayal and how the creators evoked the characters. This means I tend to treat "if the creators didn't show signs a character is queer, I don't see that character as queer" - simply because I prefer to treat characters as queer when they are blunt, outright representations of queerness. But "if the creators kept the door wide open for something to feel heckin' queer," my headcanon may go there. Not always, but they might.
Hiccup: Straight. Eyes only for butt-kicking ladies like Astrid. I don't treat it as IC for Hiccup, but I do like Hijack art. That statement ages me, doesn't it?
Astrid: Straight or bi. Depends on my mood. If I'm thinking about Hiccstrid, straight. If I'm thinking about Heatstrid, well. Haha. I know they wanted Heatstrid to be a friendship and I love me a good friendship between women. But Heatstrid is too fun. Give myself Heatstrid as a treat.
Heather: Straight or bi. See above.
Fishlegs: Straight.
Snotlout: I will die on a hill that my boy Snottykins is bi. I mean. Come on. He was a squealing mess around Thor Bonecrusher. Snotlout puts on "macho" airs, which includes how he treats women. It's "manly" to flirt openly with women, right? [eyeroll] I believe he was attracted to the ladies he hit on, but that's the only side of himself he shared, and he dug deep into that "masculine" image. His character arc in DreamWorks Dragons is someone increasingly comfortable opening up and being himself. By RTTE times, he's loosened up enough to drop some falsified hyper-masculine behavior, and with that, we see his attractions aren't limited to women.
He can't contain himself around TB. “I’m just thinking of what could have been. You broke my heart, Thor, you broke it right in two.” *kiss* We're seeing a sincere Snotlout here. He's wearing his heart on his sleeve. You're not telling me someone like Snotlout would kiss someone unrelated to him without being attracted to them.
Ruffnut: Bi. I've seen how she smirks at Heather. I see Ruffnut as a pretty sexual person.
Tuffnut: Aro. Very ace. Which rhymes with mace. OTP Tuffnut x Macey for life. I'm appreciative that Tuff never shows romantic or physical interest in someone else. He's shown distinctly differently than others there. And he seems content where he's at.
Dagur: No one's gonna agree with me on this one but straight. I see Dagur's interest in Hiccup as unhinged obsession, not sexual or romantic attraction. I don't care for the Dagur and Mala thing that happened in the plot, and I headcanoned Dagur as straight from the beginning, but I might as well say: Dagur treats Mala extremely differently when he's interested in her versus his interest in Hiccup. Part of that is character arc. But I also say that's because it's a different type of interest.
Stoick: Straight. But we know he and Gobber are in an honorary relationship. ;) Hiccup's dads.
Gobber: Gay. Any romantic entanglements Gobber had with women in his youthful years I interpret as someone not fully come to an understanding of himself. Gobber clearly knows where he stands by HTTYD 2 times.
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incarnateirony · 8 months
For those of you who have been following the Startup Business Drama and Vacation Man, I've got a convo behind the cut for you. Bearing in mind this man came banging at my door at 130 AM to prove how Here For Me he is after fucking off for upwards of 3 weeks at a critical time period without doing any of his promises beforehand. Like literally I pretended not to hear it because, holy shit dude, it's 130 AM, it's not my fault you can't manage your life. But he knocked until the cops showed up asking what was going on.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 4:19 PM I agree we need to talk about several things yes. I figured I would come by either Sunday or Monday night after we have both had a few days to calm down and be pain free. I'm in excruciating pain and exhausted from this trip myself and I got back to the house that was completely wrecked. I've got at least a week's worth of trash I got to deal with and a pile of their laundry that's as big as I am just to start was before I can even do my own. I even took a muscle relaxer myself last night and it did absolutely nothing for me.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:25 PM I honestly do not prefer in person discussion. And that stands with or without awkward conversations. My brain does not assemble thoughts well in person, everything gets lost, I become frustrated even at myself, and it causes manic spirals of anger. There is a reason I am fighting so hard for chat, not voice jobs, even if will accept voice jobs. It is a legitimate disability I do not think people understand. It's not just exhausting by nature of talking costing energy, which it does, but of a neurodiverse issue and the methods my brain functions at, which is why half the time I just. Stare or have long responses or just sit there sorting through things visually, and I inevitably lose what I've said or haven't covered yet, whereas text allows the ability to track back what has and hasn't been said. Or why the longer even calm conversations go the more my voice escalates in either volume, pitch, or speed.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:34 PM In the time you were gone, I lost one of our leading plants, by the way. In the timeline no longer being "take 1-2 extra weeks" to "move it ahead a week, actually", broken stem girl strangled herself without time to repair. In attempting to stretch, the stem rupture broke out of the stem while the stem itself hardened to the point even attempted surgical cut of the damaged tissue was too late for the impaction. It is to some extent my fault by not attempting to clone her, but I also did not have a clone tray, and that too would have caused a developmental delay, so either way was a roll of the dice. This was on the list of reasons, beyond optimizing canopy coverage for yield, I wanted to give them 1-2 more weeks (recovering from past issues, and her stem recovery, as well as the resurrected plant.) This was an avoidable loss, but I was essentially in a corner, and needing to figure out where my minimum 6 weeks would fit without overcosting Sarah without Gen, who only came back post-flip. Just like all the stuff David tried to price gouge me on at 3x new market rate now being offered, also months late, in the final hour, after all the costs, and struggle, and saves from damages, because asking it earlier was too uncomfortable. If it comes in AT ALL, that NEEDS to go into the grow op IMMEDIATELY, not a branch off, not a learning pet project, into actually being equipped to do this properly. Mark, I need you to understand, the plants need what they need. They need them when they need them, not when it's most convenient for us. We can not simply whip schedules around over and over and demand they meet them, we cannot wait extra weeks to give them the bare minimum, we can not demand peak performance without giving them even essential conditions. If I say "hey here's a ten dollar fan I can't buy", don't go "ok do that" and sit with a thumb up your ass and wait until I get one only for it to come without a cord, only to find you have fans laying all over your house the whole time. If I say it's time consuming to manually train the plant canopies nonstop because they readjust for light, don't tell me "I forgot to get you the thing you asked for, for two months." If I say, I just took critical fall damage with my setup, don't tell me you still forgot the goddamn power strip. When I say I need grow bins when the plants are 4 weeks old, don't show up with them at 6-7 weeks and pikachu face that their roots are too big, the vegetables you are demanding on an insane schedule are literally moving faster than you are, per your request and by my skill. You can't expect me and the plants to run olympic triathalons on a timeline crunch while you stand there Forgetting Stuff or holding on to save 10 bucks yourself just so I can buy it on my pocket change too late too. These are easy things to prioritize, many of which had easy, even free answers to you. The reason the bastards are doing Great is because people paid 60$ to get me the dirt that would have been 24$ to get pickup at walmart independence supercenter. The reason they can have the HPS to themselves dedicated in a space is because John and Noiz collectively put in over $100 to add lights that should have been added months ago but I refused to put more weight on Sarah and spent my days recreating the sun moving for them.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:42 PM
At this point we are pretty much surrendered to this continuing as a small scale operation that barely self floats through past the holidays until we can work past debts, restrictions, the fraud my old rental agency pulled et al, and if we manage to be out of here before that, we've pulled out a miracle. I am mutually job hunting all day while house hunting for independent rentals all day and yes, contacting them over and over and over as needed. You got offended when I pointed out you've lived with David for years and are out of touch with rental reality. And then you asked if you might have to call more than once, so god far be it from me to assume you went the extra mile and looked for options yourself knowing I'm busy being a horticulturist, a chemist, an engineer, and a goddamn wizard full time while training plants because of Stuff You Forgot. And what about moving costs? Deposit? Where is all this money coming from???? September 20? Unsold plants? Because I communicated what the sped up bloom period would be like, and you sped it up in your head faster than that, to essentially make impossible promises to Sarah in my name, and I told her no, no that's not right, no. NOIZ has been in on this like two weeks and already has displayed a clearer understanding of grow cycles and timelines than you have because they are actually listening, so I've been messaging them, as investors, to make educated decisions on timelines. You, meanwhile, say getting a job you want to [checks notes] throw seeds outside in early October. In the midwest. With a photoperiod strain. After the equinox. At onset winter. You don't even need to be a weed wizard to see why that was None Thoughts, Head Empty. Then, instead of offering to invest up in the business, so I could send you overstock we get in bulk, plan A Grow Of Your Own. All months late. Like okay, lesson one my guy, most plants don't grow in snow.
I am able to do this now because John also prioritized buying other things, like the trellis net I asked for since we start, which has dramatically streamlined my work.
When John saw the setup I had, he was shocked the plants were even alive much less several of them being the size of plants given twice as long to vegetate.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:51 PM here is another grower with 12 week old, pre-bloom plants about 2 1/2 feet tall, or topped in the same strain to make the spread out version. They had extra leaves from their age but otherwise, I don't know if you notice, this was why I was asking 1-2 weeks extra. To let them get here. By 8-9 weeks, not 12. I did this on next to nothing, and essentially alone.
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The neighbor commented on the dirt quality, asked if thats why I used for the ones in tent. I said no, we used timberline bc it was cheaper off the top. He shit his pants. The entire point of choosing dirt over hydroponics is to NOT force a 90 day timeline, to NOT have plants start dying after that point, to BE able to give them extra time, to TAKE the extra few weeks to double or triple your results. I had also been topping the plants when I was told I could have 1-2 extra weeks. Then, I was basically forced into abandoning that, so the topping never had chance to take, and they're going to have minimal returns from that. The plants can not time travel.
I have been still working to my last breath during the day. Sometimes literally, and knocking myself out on CO2 to try to make these plants give us more than 3-4 ounces a plant, because the hundred times I explained timelines, square meter canopies or equivalent light coverage, the differences in yield with comparison to professional growers with high end equipped rigs, et all flew in one ear and out the other, largely because someone planted "90 day grow" in your head when I told you "about 3 months, maybe 4", not 90 days, because I'm not functionally retarded, and I knew the benefit in getting 110 day plants I could push to 100 day plants, that were suddenly committed to being 90 day plants, and then 85 day plants, and I got driven to near insanity trying to make demands and deadlines and flipped the switch before I got other people committing to keeping my ass covered while I got this stable. I might not have been pushed into making this decision if, for example, Gen came around a week earlier than she did, but I was staring down Sarah having to pay september AND a chunk of october to move, before the move fell in. And we conceded I may need to sit. And I can't unflip what's been flipped already, it doesn't work like that. What had once been you saying "oh I can swipe a card for a week or two of the final month if needed" became "I quit my job and NEED money by now." Every term and condition of this has been changed on me. I say "september 20-something" for the earliest, you start promising Sarah Sept 20, not 20-something, that she won't have to pay XYZ, etc, and that is simply Not Fucking True nor did anyone say anything that would have implied that if you were listening at all. "Harvest by Sept 20-something" that goes all the way to Sept 29 = "Able to sell and move by Sept 20" to you HOW? When I was talking about extending 1-2 weeks, and you said yes, and that being 1-2 week Oct? September 20 COMES IN WHERE BEYOND FANTASY, MY GUY? 6-8 WEEK BLOOM, MY GUY.
At some point you decided you "only want an average yield", while ignoring what I said was needed to get there, and reading bare minimum sellers information without context, while giving sub-minimum conditions, lighting, dirt, and grow time all at once.
You say, "I appreciate your work" but that truly means nothing to me if you haven't absorbed what that work is, or what you're demanding, or what I'm communicating to achieve it at all, while setting expectations in your own head about what it will look like how much and how fast. I'm sitting here doing algebra about ppfd and umols and CO2 and absorbable moles in a day to try to push timelines without losing further results beyond the conditions and timelines already forced on them. I had literally ad nauseam in the chat gone over how to get sq meter canopies with 1-2 weeks and before THAT got rug pulled on me got an Uh Huh Go Ahead and then suddenly it got Backwardsed into 1 or 2 weeks LESS, when bloom simply doesn't work like that, which I also explained ad nauseam.
I literally resurrected a different plant from the dead. It could have had 2 weeks to catch up to the others. It will not.
And somewhere between there you started trying to charge me black market rates for groceries that I wouldn't have needed help with if I hadn't been trying to buy shit for the plants on my own well past my investment bar to begin with, just like Sarah, while expecting Sarah to pay more. And then I'm sorry, yes, outright either lying to either us or yourself about the car, and then bouncing when your own words on record, or your own failure to google what I found in five seconds to the same town you drove not just 97.4 miles around that weekend, but at least 50 before that calculating your gas tank capacity and the trip useage to get there. When really it boils down to something you said from the jump "I feel like I deserve this." Just like you feel like you deserve a fuckton of money without meeting the $500 bar, or doing the accounting, or the licensing, or any of it, or deserve Sarah buying more stuff, or deserve to quit your job while I'm ready to jump into working full time alongside this just to stabilize myself now that my whole livelong day isn't set to keeping these plants together. And I pass out at a semi sane midnight hour and have you come banging at my door at 130 AM until the cops show up because you didn't consider time, or that I wasn't replying to the messages, or that I might need human functions like sleep sometimes, just to prove something about you being here, weeks too late, after I pulled everyone else in to cover the stuff I was short to keep this whole operation from going in the toilet because you wanted a vacation that you justified and showed me the long, long list of seals and fluids your car had needed not since last year, but since 2019 at least and like, my guy, you not having your priorities together before isn't our cost to eat. I dare you to do the math on your chipotle drives and costs since 2019. On your 400/mo rent, 1500/mo base income and +500 work going... somewhere.
EXPY P2P — Today at 5:33 PM Then yeah, I hear "oh well no mail since a week ago" "??? the other 10 days?" "IDK David-" ? wasn't told to keep an eye out or to file all mail? That's like, bare minimum dude, that's not even work for you. There's a lot of refusal of bare minimum. If there will be a CEO of this company, at this rate, it will be John. John acted like a CEO. He took a look at my setup, what I was accomplishing with essentially nothing, and asked "what do you need?" without delay, without me bitching. Not "What can you give me how soon?" It all arrived next day in the mail. Not weeks or months later. Well most specifically he said "Holy shit your wires that's sooooo not safe. Oh my god wait holy shit you're actually pulling it off somehow. Oh my god. What do you need."
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 5:56 PM Yes David was told to look for mail addressed to you. In fact David was told twice. After I took you home the first night he met you he and I talked in detail about our friendship and the operation as it stood then, and again the day that I left.
Nothing has arrived here that's had your name on it other than the last mail I brought you before I left. David has confirmed that he has not thrown out or sent back anything with your name on it the entire time that he was here.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:02 PM Okay. That is good. But we need a come to jesus talk about the rest, my guy. Because I have been in no way vague about plant timelines, requirements, cycles, lighting, et al, but it became increasingly clear in the last ~ETA 3 weeks that nothing has sunk in. I in fact explained these things in loops so many times I felt like I was being obnoxious about it.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 6:04 PM I agree. We will have that conversation sooner rather than later.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:05 PM I will not be forced to hold this conversation in person without regards to my neurodiverse limitations to leverage the conversation into your benefit. It can be had here. All the information stays on page where you can read it again and again and again without losing or forgetting anything.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 6:07 PM Ok fine. But you will not be guaranteed to get a response from me before tomorrow night. I have already told you why.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:07 PM That is fine. But my points are there. That is another benefit of messages. They can and will stay there, and they do not disappear, or get forgotten. We're having that conversation. You can have it as slow as you want. These points that have been spoken will not disappear, even if we take it to in person where I can't sort out my thoughts, they still exist. But if I say one last thing here today: For all of your thought about your own 10-15 hour a week work life balance, I beg you to consider how you would view a boss that treated you with the conditions, equipment, and expectations you put on me before, and during, vanishing on vacation. John has been now calling me almost daily while working carrying around 100 lb equipment on his 40 hour hard labor workweek to check in on if anything new has come up and been needed, or how to help. The only reason he was not doing this prior was because I wasn't complaining and, well, he was working full time. Keep in mind, if we had gotten a place, and he had moved in, he didn't come in asking for money, he made a contingency on having a job lined up and ready to not put a drain on a young business, not just running here to quit his, despite his own creeping disabilities. So again, remove the perception from being defending yourself. Pretend these demands or lack of listening had come from some other boss or CEO, since that's what you said you were going to be, and put the hats on you to handle. How would you interpret this supervisor and how would you feel?
Zero. Dead plants. That would be the Average Yield in the conditions and timeline I was given. Other people rescuing this made the Average Yield maybe 3-4 oz a plant. I am trying to do the same plant wizardry that kept them alive at all to make them half a pound a plant, but you know I hate overpromising. The average yield with what I was left with, and all the delays to even get power strips or clippy fans or other things laying around for free, would be Zero. I need you to wrap your head around that before this conversation moves any further.
Fascinating that in that entire brick, he could spring forward to go "well I DID do the bare minimum about the mail, exactly" but needs even MORE delay of time to figure out how to make excuses for the other bullshit.
And that shit at the start? What is he bitching about? Who is he accusing of trashing the house that bad while he was out of town? The owner that hasn't been there half the time? Throwing in a load of laundry for them when he gets to rent an entire 1500 sq foot house for 400/mo utilities included, since said owner is only in town a few weeks a year? Who made all the piles of trash? The fucking cats?
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margridarnauds · 2 years
Hello, I'm a fan of the musical Marie Antoinette. I'm enjoying your fanfic. Maybe you don't write the "A Brace of Snakes" series anymore? I'm love your writing and waiting because I'm curious about the following. (It's okay to read English, but I'm not used to writing, so I used a translator. If my sentence is rude, forgive me.)
You're not bothering me at all! (And the English translator actually worked very well.) Thank you very much, I'm incredibly honored that you love it so much!
It's still going to be updated! I love those two too much to not do anything with them -- With Brace, I have the entire plot mostly sketched out, right up to the ending (the ending is actually already written -- it was one of the first scenes I wrote), and I have some vague plans for that universe up until about the 1830s or thereabouts. The fic as it stands on AO3 is currently at about 9,396 words -- The WIP in my GDocs is currently standing at about 19,940, about 58 pages, and I have about 2-3 other fics set in that universe that are also pretty big and that have never been published. There's a lot of work to be done, and there are a couple of older fics of mine that I also owe endings to now that I'm writing regularly again, but it's in a really good place. Margrid and Orléans are really, really important to me as a ship (I love my parents, even and especially when they fight and nearly tear down the country during their very bad, public breakup -- the recent Korean proshot nearly BROKE ME during the trial scene); they're probably still one of my biggest ships and I can't really see a time where I'm not writing for them in some way or another, and Brace was actually really good for me since it let me get out a lot of how I thought that dynamic worked and how it happened.
The next chapter's been tricky to write because we're going to see them taking a big step forward, and then we start going into the timeline of the musical and the Affair of the Diamond Necklace in the chapter after it, so I want to make sure it's really well developed and well written before I publish it.
Incidentally, if you ever want to talk to me about the musical -- any part of the musical, not just about them -- feel free to message me; I promise I don't bite and I'm always willing to talk.
An excerpt from the planned sixth chapter, as an apology for the wait:
“You know,” Hébert says, conversationally, as if he’s discussing some droll fact like that the sun is bright that day or he secretly has three testicles, “I’m a nice fellow.”  
Margrid doesn’t laugh. 
Margrid doesn’t snort. 
Margrid cackles, in a way that she can only compare to a rabid monkey, if she’d ever been allowed to see a rabid monkey in person. (Agnés said no when she asked, crushing her heart which, when she thinks about it now, really was good preparation for the rest of her childhood.) 
“I’m serious!” Hébert continues. 
“I know!” Margrid wipes the tears off of her eyes. “That’s why I’m laughing.” 
 The man can go barely five seconds without eyeing her up like a dog eyeing a piece of meat in a butcher’s window, but, hey, he’s nice. He can’t let her get so much as a word in edgewise without trying to tell her what she really thinks, but, hey, he’s nice. 
 “Consider this:” Hébert wags a finger, like that will make her take him seriously, “I’d be willing to take you on, even after Orléans has had his fun with you.” 
That sobers her up, though not for the reasons he wants it to. “Orléans? What about him?” 
Hébert looks out into the street, waiting, a bit like a turtle poking its head out of its shell, to see whether anyone’s watching, and then leans over to her, hissing, “Don’t play stupid.” 
“No, that’s your job,” Margrid replies. 
“Everyone knows you’re fucking him.”  
She cackles. “Orléans? Him?” 
“He has a reputation.” “Don’t I know it! I can’t go two days without hearing something new.” 
“Hey!” Margrid brandishes the cantine towards him. She doesn’t think that a man’s ever been killed via a canteen hitting them in the face, but there’s no better time to try. “I’m not fucking him. And I’m not going to fuck him.” “So long as you remember that.” Hébert mutters as he walks off. 
“Oh, fuck off.” She returns to her water, only to find, as she tilts it to her lips again for one last sip, that it’s totally drained. Fucking Hébert. She doesn’t know how it’s his fault, but it is. 
Orléans. Everyone thinks she’s fucking- She doesn’t like him.
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luisjuanmilton · 3 years
Hello, Ana, I hope you're doing okay. I saw your latest posts and you got some pretty rude anons in your ask box. I'm just writing this to add my 2 cents to what's happening since Silverstone because, as much as I don't agree with a couple of things you say, I think people are completely missing the point about some of your statements and are sending unjustifiable hate towards you (as I recall, an anon was sending asks about you to another blog asking if they were on your side and that's just peak stupidity). So, I'm watching F1 since the 2001 season (yes, I'm above 40) and when Alonso became the WDC in 2005 it was the best season ever for me. Men are not my thing, so I've never felt particularly fond of any of them on a personal level, social media wasn't a thing, I'm also working on STEM, so the technical aspect of the sport always fascinated me. I'm saying all of this because when Alonso won he broke a streak of victories held by Michael from and from a sports perspective, that was awesome. Dominance in the sport is boring. I never had anything against Lewis, he's undoubtedly the GOAT and I actively supported him in 2014 (Vettel's dominance had to end) and even 2015. But since Nico retired and Lewis' dominance became unparalleled (because as much as he has the same 7 WDCs as Michael, Lewis is a much better driver, and Michael played dirty, so Lewis had way more to achieve), and I was wondering when someone would come to stop that (maybe Vettel again?) (+)
Guys this is the first part of a very long three part ask I received which continues in full after the read more, and I want to ask everyone to read it because it’s incredibly well put and well written and it’s so important. I really think it perfectly explains the situation at hand and that’s why I’m going as far as to use Max’s tag, but if you’re a Max fan who doesn’t want to read it this is your cue to not click on the read more - even if I would advise for you to read the whole thing.
(+) The thing is, with the events that happened off track I can no longer wish for such a fiercely fought championship, and the reason why is that I don't trust RedBull and Max's work ethics anymore.
A championship should be decided ON TRACK, not with lawsuits and discourses full of vitriolic racist-toned hatred. It's a fact: RedBull as a scuderia did an amazing job this year, that car is insanely fast, Max himself is absurdly talented, but at this point can we really separate things to the point of sweeping racism under the rug and focus on the championship as if nothing is happening?
I always listen to the mantra "you can't separate the artist from their work" so how can we do it? How can we look at RedBull objectively and still feel happy for their results at the cost of Lewis Hamilton's wellbeing?
I see lots of people messaging you saying you're equating cheering for Max with being racist and no, not everyone cheering for Max is racist, but AT THIS POINT, could you guys cheering for Max ignore how permissive he is?
He has so much power inside that team, he could make Horner and Marko stop their nonsense, he could've issued a statement condemning the racism thrown at the fan, he could, as a public person, take responsibility in his hands and stop that shit. But he's silent. His IG post? Adrenaline.
But now, 48hs later there's really an excuse for his silence? Guys, as much as he's angry, it's not like people are calling Lewis only a bad driver, they are offending his race, their posting monkey emojis to his social media.
In Max's shoes, would you see your rival going through that and remain silent as if your pain due to your crash and missing the race could somehow be equivalent to RACISM? I'm not demanding you all to stop liking Max per se or trying to say he's a bad driver, this is not the point AT ALL.
I was there during the Schumacher era and, believe me, Michael wasn't an angel on track. Formula One always sparkled heated debate, but I've never seen anything like this before. Lewis is silent since Sunday, a couple of drivers are either issuing personal statements or a standardized GPDA text, and Max is still silent.
And in my view, regardless of how I feel about him as a driver, as a human being, he's failing miserably. This championship shouldn't be more important than standing for Lewis against the racists coming for him.
So instead of complaining people are calling you racist for supporting Max, ask yourself for how long you can put his behavior off track behind in a serious matter like this. Instead of asking Ana or any other fan to be better in their statements, go to Max's page and demand him to say something.
You're all aiming at the wrong target. RedBull has black employees, could any of you imagine how they must feel as well? How do black fans feel?  As for the championship, I hope Lewis gains a huge advantage soon as Horner and Marko will clearly try everything to have him banned until Abu Dhabi.
Let's move our desire to have a competitive championship to 2022 when, hopefully, Ferrari will give Charles a decent car. Nothing, guys, nothing can be more important right now than a black man - black fans, black employees - wellbeing and mental health. We're crossing a line we shouldn't have and people need to be accountable for their actions.
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theblogtini · 2 years
So let me tell the conspiracy theorists what probably happened surrounding the affair rumors and why it never made the "big" papers.
I'm assuming that the second the rumor first appeared on Twitter, every tabloid/newspaper/media organization jumped on it and began investigating it. Checked every palace source, interviewed anyone even remotely close to William and Rose, went through the CC, etc etc. Why all this effort? Because whoever broke the story "Prince William cheated on Kate" would have their career set for life, they and whoever they worked for would be rolling in cash. Journalists undoubtedly tried to corroborate the rumors.
However, they obviously found that they couldn't. We know this because we would have known ages ago. No one is going to risk their career for a libel suit brought on by a *twitter rumor*. Very few papers (if any) are going to risk losing money over that. They would lose if they just blatantly lied.
In short, people went looking for facts to bolster the rumors but they didn't find any and they aren't going to risk their careers and lie.
100%. Multiple reporters have come out and said that their papers never ran the story because they couldn't find enough proof to corroborate it. They had no witness statements, no photos, nothing except 1 random person on Twitter with baaaaaaarely any connection to any of the royals other than having once been in the same building that they were also in saying it happened (and that person has since said that they were joking). The reporters have said they would have absolutely run the story b/c - as you said, it would be a career defining moment - but they just couldn't. There was nothing there.
Also, let's discuss THIS.
From what we've seen of Catherine for the last 2 decades, we've never seen someone who doesn't stand by their convictions. Granted, we don't know that much about her private life, but we know that when William dumped her she went out and lived her best life. She didn't desperately try to get him back. She didn't sit around weepy and teary eyed (well she did, but she bucked up and got over it). She was like "FINE. You want out - you've got it. Now I'm gonna go run around England looking hot AF so you know what you're missing." We know that she and William have a tight knit group of friends that have fiercely guarded their privacy. And we also know that AFTER the cheating rumors broke, Rose was with her at Anmer Hall.
I'm obviously a big Catherine fan, and I know that might cloud my judgement a bit but I genuinely do not believe that Catherine (or any self-respecting woman, and I do believe that Catherine has a LOT of self-respect) would help her cheating husband save face by inviting his mistress to spend time with her family - her parents, siblings, and CHILDREN. (Like honestly if my husband cheated on me it would be a cold day in hell before she went anywhere NEAR my children.) I also don't think Carole Middleton would have been able to tolerate being around Rose - Carole strikes me as someone who takes no shit and takes no prisoners.
And for his part, I also do not believe that William would cheat on Catherine. He saw that cheating did to his parents' marriage and - specifically - to his mother's emotional wellbeing. And, if he didn't care about what it did to Catherine then he CERTAINLY wouldn't have done it to his children.
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the28thofseptemberr · 3 years
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helloooo!! i didn't do a fic rec last month because i was so busy with my exams and barely had time to read, so this month's post is going to comprise of mostly fics i've read in june but also some i've read in may.
thank you to all of the incredible writers, please go support them!! and remember to read all of the tags and possible warnings before reading the fic! here is the list of fics (mostly below the cut):
•° — led by your beating heart by @missandrogyny 29.4k | E | famous harry/non-famous louis
Nick leans over. "Oh," he says, his voice smug. "Who is that?"
Harry just blinks at his phone. "Um," he manages to stammer out.
"Who's that, Harry?" Nick asks again, but this time he raises his eyebrows and smirks. Harry knows Nick is just teasing, and that he's not really looking for new Harry Styles gossip, but, um. He might have found something. Accidentally.
Harry opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is another 'um'. He really needs to work on translating his thoughts into words. But then it probably wouldn't be any help right now, would it? His mind is as blank as a newly erased etch-a-sketch.
"Oh," Nick says again, this time gleefully, seemingly having picked up on Harry's distress. "Looks like we've got a story here! Are you going to call or delete her number?"
Her number. So Nick thinks it's a girl. Well, Harry can't blame him: 'Lou' is kind of an androgynous nickname. His stylist's name is Lou.
But this Lou, well, Louis, he's kind of, really, really not a girl. He's really pretty though, which, is something.
(Or: AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'.)
note: this was so funny and cute and well written, and everyone was characterized so perfectly!! i adored the chemistry between louis and harry, this fic kept me smiling for the whole time while i was reading <3
•° — sounds like love to me by @neondiamond 14.6k | G | kid fic
“Do you want to hear the heartbeat?”
Louis watches as Harry’s face falls with the realization that this is one of those things he won’t be able to experience. For a second, Louis considers saying no, to show Harry they’re truly on the same boat through all of this. But he nods in the end, reaching over for Harry’s hand as the doctor flips a switch. Noise fills the room then, and it takes a few seconds for the sound to become clear enough for Louis to make out the baby’s fast heartbeat.
“It’s really fast,” he voices his thoughts out loud as he uses his thumb to tap against the back of Harry’s hand, replicating the rapid rhythm of the baby’s heartbeat. It takes the younger man a little while to figure out what Louis’ doing, but a huge grin breaks out on his face as soon as he does.
“Is that them?” He signs with the other hand, his own eyes starting to tear up when Louis nods.
OR: Harry is deaf, Louis is pregnant. They figure it out.
note: i'm not a fan of mpreg or kid fics in general, but i stumbled across the fic post for this on my dash and the summary sounded really intriguing to me, so i had a go at reading and it did not disappoint!! it was really sweet and fluffy but also so touching and heartbreaking in some parts. plus, i really enjoyed how harry and louis worked together and supported each other.
•° — this restless dream by @afirethatcannotdie 5.6k | NR | first meetings
“Hiii, I called earlier about the dogs?” he asks, taking a few steps closer to the desk where Louis is standing. He’s taller than Louis, with a dimple when he smiles and bright green eyes. There's a cute eagerness about his whole presence. “Do you have any puppies?” He’s a bit like a puppy himself, actually.
AU. Louis works at an animal shelter and Harry wants a puppy. Things don't go quite according to plan.
note: this was so so adorable and soft, especially since i have a soft spot for h&l with pets. i also have a soft spot for h&l being oblivious lovesick idiots and this was perfect!!
•° — all i see is you, lately by @runaway-train-works 2k | G | first meetings
Harry noticed him for the first time three months ago. He couldn’t not, really, what with the man being so pretty and all, and Harry remembers it well because it was three days before his birthday and he had joked to himself that seeing someone so gorgeous for three days on the trot must be an early present from the Gods.
The one where Harry has a crush on a fellow commuter.
note: this one was quite short but so sweet and perfect and lovely!!
•° — the things i'd do to wake up next to you by orphan_account 36.1k | M | amnesia fic
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
note: this fic was incredible, i'm always up for an amnesia fic and this one was heart-breaking and realistic but also sweet and fluffy as well :)
•° — this glorious mess by theweightofmywords 14.2k | M | post-breakup
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
note: this is the third mpreg-centric fic i've read this month and... i don't even like mpreg?? but god the premise of this fic intrigued me so much, and it was lovely and emotional and beautifully written.
•° — BLAH BLAH BLAH there's a moment you know (you're f*cked) by @mercurial-madhouse 3.2k | M | spy au
Anyone impulsive enough to betray their country is either foolish or overly-confident. Louis’s too cunning for the former. So his inflated ego tips precariously close to the edge between pride and hubris. In sum: He may be an expert, (as proven by the .32-cal Beretta Alleycat Harry found strapped to his back) but ex-agent Louis Tomlinson will explode like a busted bullet misfiring in a broken gunbarrel if Harry can find his trigger.
Or, the spy AU in which Harry thinks he's prepared to meet Louis only to find he's not.
note: the banter and tension in this fic was so good and so fun!! i need moreee
•° — every lonely place by @ham-palpert 38k | E | time travel/alternate lives fic
Facing the fact that he’s been prioritizing his career over his relationship, Harry proposes to his longtime boyfriend Louis on a whim. But when yet another work emergency takes precedence over their plans, Louis decides he’s had enough. Harry goes to bed drunk and alone, and when he wakes, he finds himself in an entirely different world. Over and over again, Harry visits a lifetime he’s once lived, across time and dimensions. And wherever there’s a Harry Styles, there’s a Louis Tomlinson.
note: this was such a unique fic! and such an emotional one too, love the message it sends and the character arc and development was so good
•° — tick-tock by bubblegumclouds 6k | G | soulmate au
When Louis was born to Jay Tomlinson with a tiny 2 years on his clock, it starts the most beautiful love story. Even if things are missed, fate finds a way to make it work.
note: this was just so, so cute and fluffy and sweet! i loved it
•° — baby baby, you're a caramel macchiato by @missandrogyny 3.2k | T | coffee shop au
So, yeah, Harry doesn't think it's that far of a stretch to call himself a good barista. There are some particularly bad ones, and some particularly good ones, and, with his work ethic, his skill, and his charm, he'd probably be lumped in with the latter group.
note: this was so lovely, and i especially really loved the little section talking about louis' name and how it suits him!
•° — one shines brighter by @afirethatcannotdie 11.8k | T | wedding fic
“Hi, baby. You doing anything fun today?” Harry shrugs. “Dunno. Thought I’d see how I was feeling before making any plans.” “You wanna get married?” Louis asks. Harry’s face breaks into a smile, and he nods. Louis’ lips are just brushing Harry’s when Gemma appears in the hallway. “You two are in so much trouble.” Harry's wedding was never supposed to be the happiest day of his life. No, that was going to be the day after, when he finally got to start his marriage. Unfortunately his family (and Louis) have other ideas.
Featuring a pair of moms who only want the best for their kids, meddling sisters with too much time on their hands, and a groom who gets caught up in the fairytale.
note: i adore this fic!! it's so so so adorable and so soft and well written, and you can feel how in love h&l are with each other. so so good!
my own fics
•° — under your bed in new york 33.4k | T | exes to lovers
"We know you're still in love with Harry."
Louis' nostrils flared up. "I'm not—"
"I'm not!"
there are many things louis likes to tell himself. we broke up for a reason. it's been so many years. and of course, the classic: i’ve definitely moved on from him. but when he suddenly finds harry back in his life after three years, louis realizes he might be a little less moved on than he thought.
au; spilling coffee onto an ex, being set up on dates, and having a nosy puppy might be all louis needs to find love again
note: i didn't actually write or publish this one this month, but i did edit, revamp and make a fic post for it this month so i thought i'd put it in here anyway. reblog the fic post here!
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
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We learn in the last chapter that the Cerealian Dragon's name is Toronbo when Granolah speaks Namekian. Toronbo grants Granolah's wish but can't make Granolah stronger than the gods.
Here's the confusion I have... Goku is a mortal beyond GoDs so making Granolah the strongest mortal is making him stronger than gods. If you wanna say Beerus has been training and is now stronger than Goku, there's still a problem. It was said that Goku and Vegeta were stronger than some GoDs right before the ToP (but that might be anime only, so maybe it doesn't apply here). So Granolah is stronger than GoDs no matter what. If the gods that Toronbo is speaking of are the Angels, then that means Granolah is Ultra Instinct level of power since Goku is the lowest in Angel tier. But whatever. Bottom line is Granolah is temporarily stronger than Goku who may or may not be stronger than Beerus.
Granolah gets his wish granted and the cost is shortening his life... cool. Not much to say except let's see how its executed.
(I recently read that in DBXV2, during the Infinite History Saga, Videl is enchanted with Towa's Dark Magic spell by Dabura shaving off her life but granting her greater power. So granting power at the cost of lifespan has been done in DB before. Not in canon but in the games.)
Also, Granolah's life being shortened to 3 yrs got me thinking... Currently it's almost AGE 781 in the DBS manga timeline. Goku leaves to train Uub in AGE 784. We got 3 yrs left. The original manga shows Bulma said she hadn't seen Goku in 5 yrs. How I see DBS is that it is an alternate timeline that just happens to have a similar outcome to the EoZ.
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So... why is Vegeta learing from Beerus again if Beerus isn't that strong now? Is Vegeta being like Krillin and continuing his learning from a master weaker than him, but gaining wisdom & knowledge? I-is Vegeta becoming Krillin 2.0?! (More like dollar-store Krillin)
I do think beerus got stronger tho. He seems very confident that Vegeta can get stronger from learning from him. Beerus probably saw Goku get UI then decide to train aftet the ToP
Anyways, Beerus is teaching us about hakai/destruction energy. Its erasing something from existence, not just destroying it (we already knew that). But, Vegeta quickly figures out how to do it anyways. By destroying a tiny pebble...
A tangent again but I personally think Piccolo is capable of easily learning Hakai energy. Think about it. Piccolo can create clothing out of nothing, why could he not do the reverse?
Goku is uninterested in what Beerus & Vegeta are doing. I dont know about you, but it sounds like Goku thinks that he's above Beerus in strength. Beerus & Vegeta aren't considered a challenge to him in any way. Goku sees UI as more important & better than anything Beerus has to teach, and Goku is right. Plus Goku learned Hakai on his own while Vegeta needs Beerus to teach him. It's a waste of Goku's time to learn it again.
(God Comics is funny. I imagine Toribot writes them)
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Goku says "Let's see which one of us can be the strongest in the universe!" Really, Goku...? At present time, Goku is the strongest mortal in the universe already. He should know that. Then Vegeta for some reason thinks he will become the strongest in the universe. The last time manga Vegeta was the strongest mortal in the universe was... never. He's always behind Goku or whatever new opponent arises. This scene is meant to be comedic that they're arguing over who will be the greatest but it's not funny to me. And yet Vegeta fans still hold on for hope.
But why is Goku concerned about being the strongest between him & Vegeta? Goku is far above Vegeta. They're not rivals at this point. Also, Goku was the strongest in the universe until just a few moments ago. Goku should be saying "I knew bein' the strongest wouldn't last for too long. Roshi did tell me there will always be somebody stronger out there. Hehe! This is gettin' me excited! I can't wait to meet 'em!" (This would alsp parallel Monaito giving Granolah the same advice Goku already knows.)
Also, I guess Broly isn't that strong after all. Bye Broly, you served your purpose. And to think that Goku had said that he thinks Broly is stronger than Beerus...
Oh yeah. So Vegeta destroys a pebble. Impressive? Goku kinda gives a compliment or he is practically saying "Good job Vegeta! You're doing great following in my footsteps!" Seriously, this would be so much better and cooler if this seperate paths of training began right after the Universe 6 vs Universe 7 tournament. That would be the perfect spot to have them train under Beerus & Whis. [Vegeta using Hakai against Merged Zamasu, Goku able to fight Merged Zamasu temporarily because he is getting better at letting his body move on its own, Toppo & Vegeta using Hakai against each other as Goku & Jiren use power above GoDs. That would work so much better.]
Then Vegeta says he's gonna destroy bigger things soon... is that supposed to be more impressive? Its not. But this it to build up Vegeta even though there is nothing amazing about anything he is doing at the moment. Maybe later tho.
So Cerealians can't grow beards. Also I guess Granolah's race don't age? His hair grew when his lifespan was shortened but he has no wrinkles. It seems that they age more gracefully than Saiyans. If he has some wrinkles he would have looked cooler imo. Or those lines under the eyes at the very least. If the wish shortened his life & made his hair grow, it should have also showed that he aged. (Here's an edit I made of "Grampa Granolah." You're welcome)
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And remember Vegeta destroying a pebble? Granolah can suddenly destroy big rocks! Cool right?! No? Its not cool? Showing Granolah destroy a much larger object right afterwards kinda belittles Vegeta's accomplishment.
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Oatmil is surprised by a boulder exploding. This means one of 2 things. Oatmil is stupid & never saw an Granolah explode a boulder. Or it's implying that the boulder exploding is some technique Oatmil doesn't know of. Idk how he can tell its any different from just blowing up a rock with ki. I think it's supposed to be destruction energy. If it is then, ok. If getting his wish was so easy, then why can't he suddenly learn destruction as well?
Yay! Monaito! (This really should be a Namekian focused arc)
Granolah reminds me of Zamasu with his attitude a bit. Monaito tells him somebody stronger will definetly appear. Granolah has become like Vegeta and is over confident, so he is destined to get humbled. And think about this. Goku can probably train a bit and surpass Granolah within a week.
Granolah can now sense ki. Meaning he can have the destruction technique or UI, because why not?
Monaito blames himself for Granolah's actions. Its not your fault Monaito! You did nothing wrong! Dont be so hard on yourself.
Whis being a creep and peeping on people lol.
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Granolah's hair growing was pointless because he cuts it off soon after. Nothing changed visually. This kinda reminds me of how Moro lost his arm. Goku gave him a senzu, Moro grew it back, & then Moro broke his arm when attacking Goku. Then Moro tore his arm off & reattached his old one. There was no need for Moro to grow his arm back then tear it off. Similarly, there is no need for Granolah to have grown long hair then cut it off.
Maki still brings a smile to my face. She & Gas stand out the most out of the Heeters. Maki's personality is kinda like Zangya combined with a teasing Bulma. Gas reminds me of a Krillin/Piccolo fusion with dreadlocks. I also ship Maki x Gas cause they're short and look cute together. (please don't be siblings so I can draw them together🤞)
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Granolah fights Oil & Maki. I'm not impressed. They seem like they could be defeated by Chaoitzu (he's stronger than Raditz and probably Nappa now too). Granolah's movements could be seen as UI. If it is or isn't UI, it doesn't matter. Showing off that kind of power is like Goku using Ultra Instinct during a rematch with Nam or King Chappa. Its not effective storytelling. There had to be a better way of showing Granolah's new strength than making him fight opponents that give him zero challenge.
The art is good as usual and the panel flow is nice. Toyotaro is improving at creating the illusion of motion. The environment being used in the fight was smart and a good visual. Toyo still uses a ton of panels almost every page tho. But he's still a better artist than I am.
Granolah appears to have used Hakai again. Not the explosive variant but the sand variant (yes I think there are 2 ways of using Hakai).
The "Sand Variant" that Beerus & Goku (& maybe Granolah) have used.
The "Explosive Variant" Beerus & Vegeta (& maybe Granolah) have used.
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Maki thinks the "Hakai" is magic so that's interesting. I would say I'd like for the next enemy to be a magic user but, we know how Moro turned out... 😓
Maki has "ki claws" & I like the idea but it would be better if she had used it against an enemy she can defeat. It doesn't make her look useful in this fight. Gas seems confident when he is about to fight Granolah, but Elec stops him. Gas would've gotten beaten but it make ya wonder what Gas can do.
Granolah appears to be a person that is easily manipulated and persuaded. He even gave information they weren't even asking for. He'll probably be easily convinced and manipulated by Freeza/the Hedters or quickly have a truce with Goku.
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The Heeters plan to go to Planet Cereal to get the Dragon Balls. As I suspected, the Cerealian Dragon Balls were created so that it would be easy for wishes to be granted. Gathering 2 Dragon Balls on a nearby planet instead of gathering 7 on New Namek or Earth. Plus these new Dragon Balls ensures no interaction between Earthlings & Granolah/the Heeters. A perfect way to write Gohan & company out of the story... *sigh* 😔😒
We learn Cerealians live for 2 centuries. How's that compare to other races in Universe 7? Freeza & King Cold apparently can live more than 200 yrs, But that may be because they are mutants. Namekians can live for like 500 yrs & its possible for them to reincarnate themselves too. So in a way, Namekians can live forever. Saiyans stay youthful & live to be in their 80's, but rapidly age when they reach their 60's or 70's. Average Earthlings appear live to be in their 80's or 90's but some are over 100 yrs old (Dr. Briefs, Panchy, & Ox King are in their 90's in GT) and others can increase their lifespan through elixers or the Paradise Herb. Just some thoughts of mine.
Maki says "If he ices Freeza..." Ha, an ice pun. Elec wants to defeat Freeza so he can control his army. Its revealed they wanna kill Granolah & that they worked with Freeza to destroy his planet & race. Well... that more than likely means they're gonna die by Granolah's hand or Freeza's. This info is also an attempt to make the reader more sympathetic for Granolah. Granolah is too bland (pun intended) so I don't feel any more sympathy than I already had for him. Elec plans to make Goku & Vegeta fight Granolah since Granolah hates Saiyans. Smart but we all kinda expected it. Not bad writing tho.
The final panel talks about fate bringing the 3 (Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah) together. Sounds like a repeat of the Broly movie.
We've had 4 chapters in this arc & not 1 panel of Freeza... If Freeza doesnt appear & do something in the next chapter then I will be disappointed in the writing. Showing Freeza here and there would give tension and build up until we get the encounter with him. We also have no idea who Oatmil is. Is he an A.I. or a person? Not that big of a deal yet, but I would like to find out soon. Either show Freeza or tell us more about Oatmil next chapter pleaae
This chapter was like oatmeal (the food not the character) without butter, brown sugar, milk, & honey or raisins. Not bad, but not very good either. 
So here's my thoughts on the things that could or could not happen in this arc.
Goku vs Granolah. I don't care for the fight because the power is at a point that it doesnt make sense for enemies to get to without cheating somehow. The fight will look cool but I have no interest in it.
Vegeta vs Granolah will have Vegeta being stomped as always and Vegeta fans will make excuses & complain how it's not fair. A lot of Vegeta fans often make fun of Yamcha & Krillin for getting beat up even though those 2 bravely fight opponents leagues stronger than they are. Vegeta has gotten stomped by opponents more times than Krillin & Yamcha combined but the fans gotta deflect somehow. I don't care to hear or see the complaining again.
The interaction and dialogue between Granolah & Vegeta is going to be more interesting than their fight. But I worry because Toyo isn't the best at writing dialogue.
I have no reason to care about power growth, certain interactions, or Goku & Vegeta's training.
What I am curious about/want to see?
Monaito's well being. I want him to reunite with other Namekians. But I think he's been set up to die.
Lore about the dragon gods & Namekian lore we probably wont get.
I want Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, & others will be involved. Piccolo because of the Namekian & wosh granting dragon lore. Gohan because his interaction with Granolah eould be interesting since Gohan is half Saiyan & views himself as an Earthling. Krillin & other Earthlings because they can bring tensions where characters like Goku & Vegeta can't. Those 2 are too strong for there to be any real tension. However Earthlings aren't all powerful so them using wits to survive is more exciting. But I doubt any of their involvement.
How long a Cerealian year is? Is it shorter than a Namekian year? How much time will pass for the Cerealian Dragon Balls to be active? How much stronger than Granolah will Goku get? Hopefully the answers aren't lazy...
Will Beerus finally fight somebody? There are 6 mortals that are near or above his power (Goku, Granolah, Vegeta, Broly, Freeza, Gohan).
Who's the villian of the next arc & what explanation is going to be given for them having power on the level of Angels? Angel tier fights don't sound interesting to me anymore. After those kinds of battles, Goku will have no challengers left.
Will Goku disappear to train or something so the story can TRY to match up with the EoZ?
Will Goten, Trunks, & Marron hit their growth spurts within 3 yrs?
Will we get spin-off manga about other characters? PLEASE!? 🙏
Also DBS moved too quickly when it comes to power. Now we're at the point that Goku & Vegeta need to stop being involved in fights for there to be any actual threat or tension. The Buu saga took place in AGE  774. After training for 4 years of peace, Goku thought SS3 & fusion was his limits as a Saiyan and he was right. Well, kinda... Goku was introduced to god ki near the end of AGE 778. Then in AGE 781, Goku masters Ultra Instinct... He mastered an Angel technique in 2 year or 2.5 yrs. That was waaaay too fast. As a result the storytelling & writing are suffering from this rushed progress. Now we're gonna have an Angel tier opponent? According to the pattern of DBS, Goku's gonna end up surpassing the Angels within 2 or 3 yrs after learning god ki. Thats not impressive for Goku, that's terrible writing. And no, Goku getting this strong so fast is not a benefit to Saiyans either. It just shows us that without god ki, Saiyans ain't all that powerful unless they're the legendary Saiyan like Broly. Saiyans didn't even have a concept of training until Goku was trained by Earthlings. Gohan, Freeza, 17, & I'm pretty sure Piccolo as well have all surpassed SS3 without the help of god ki. God ki makes Saiyans look like they have limits. With god ki, the writing is broken....
I got off topic again... Anyways that's the end of my review.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
twisted wonderland theories part 3 : Opening explanation and parallels
Well well , hope you guys enjoyed reading the previous two parts of twst theories so far
Anyways , this is the third part . I decided to go through the opening and original disney animations and also black Butler anime references one more time so this is the combination of all I've found this time , together with some stuff you might've missed
Twst's official opening was pretty mysterious and is most likely giving us hints of the upcoming adventures during the storyline . Well here's the link to opening with eng sub and also the summary of the main character references that were given to us:
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1) Ace and Deuce's rivalship : We talked about this one a lot back in (part 2) so let's skip this one
2) Leona's sadness and pain : Leona's tearn falling to the ground and the Ruggie and Jack coming for him ; that's just how he always is : mentally sad and broken with a horribly frustrating past , but will avoid expressing himself and letting anyone see his pain anyway . Not really weird that these two are always around him , Leona does really need to be looked after ...
3) Azul's seek of power : He just looked...mad in this scene . Ursula's shadow on his fave and that creepy smile totally freaks anyone out. It really explains how great his desire of power is . His neglected self in the childhood and pretty poor talent got him to this point...
4) Jamil's cold and kinda confused self : Well this one isn't really clear yet since ch 4 isn't out . But perhaps depression has this guy... spending his whole life serving the the nasty Kalim he might've grown the same characteristics as Jafar , who was so long sick of being the second one in everything . But still his ideal of life is much different from Jafar's . We saw him hypnotizing Kalim in order to make him force students to do better at school . He's trying his best to leave up to his promises as the vice dorm leader but still , having the nasty Kalim as the dorm itself is making it a lot harder for him so he's got no choice but to hypnotize him...
5) Idia's severe anxiety and his protectiveness toward Ortho : This one was mentioned in s rather old re blog but here e go again : Well with how the rumors of the "cursed Shroud family" , Idia's anti-society self might be a bit explained . This guy's overblot is surely going to be EPIC ... we just know very few about him and yet that's more than enough for him to overblot at once . Also the mention of the process of bringing Ortho back to life was a bad hit...His family curse might've been the reason of whatever thst has happened to Ortho
6) Vil's anger of not being the fairest and breaking the mirror: This one's been pointed out a lot . His anger being the same as evil queen's and also the fear of him actually poisoning someone to become the fairest one more time....**
7) Malleus' isolated self and his hidden evil aura : This one's being shown too obviously . The lonely dark prince exposing his evil side under the full moonlight . All alone , beyond the forest of thorns (Lol how ironic) while the others are running to save him before it gets too late...***
(note : **,***: Vil and Malleus' description will be continued undercut)
Very well these were the general hints found on the opening , but don't miss the final seconds which included the biggest hidden facts you could've missed
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Firstly , the splitted ink (This one was previously discussed on part 1 but still...) : We talked about how in the "Epic Mickey", Mickey accidentally splits the magic ink over the kingdom and which led to the creation of "shadow blot". This sight seems to be much similar to what we had here in the epic mickey
Well this parallel might be more than just an accidental one and finally and it might actually be that overblot is kinda Crowley's fault , too
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Crowley crosses the mirror , turns into an actual crow and flies away...(DaMn YoU bIrDiE wHERe ArE yOu gOinG I'M noT doNe YeT-)
Well the reason he suddenly runs away isn't clear yet but being a fan of black butler for years , I was suddenly reminded of how Undertaker disappeared all of a sudden at this scene from the movie :" Book of Atlantic "
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pretty similar , aren't they..?
In Book of Atlantic , Undertaker revealed his original identity as a reaper and the mastermind behind the "Bizzare dolls' " project after pretending to be a just a crazy cookie lover for so long . And at once , he comes up with his stunning sudden self-reveal , leaving everyone in the room speechless
Now now , what do we have with Crowley?
A principal who keeps hiding his face (remember that Undertaker hid his eyes , too?) , telling everyone "how kind he is" many times ... also:
1) In the opening , he was standing smiling in the mirror hall while the seven dorms were burning through seven mirrors
2) He didn't ever try to stop anyone from overbloting ; even Riddle whose overblot occurred right in front of him
3) In the beggining of the game, he asked the mirror to choose the right one and then! and MC was chosen ! MC took the hand of the one appearing through the mirror (seemingly Dire Crowley) and came here. With all said , so why did the mirror reject MC afterwards?
Also , how couldn't he help MC return to Their own world and didn't know about it if he himself brought MC here..?(Could it be that...MC doesn't remember how she/he was brought here?)
4) If he literally is THIS useless and can't ever stop or help anything, then why would he be the principal.....?
Sooooo enough with Crowley ; but what's with these two....?
The spindle wheel & the poison apple ; Sleeping beauty and Snow white
Well it seems that Diasomnia and Pomefiore are going to play a greatly important role in the storyline . We were kinda sure of Diasomnia's but Pomefiore's...? What's so special with it?
(A few hours earlier)
(Me : Hmmm ... the black mirror...where have I seen this before..? *googling - searching Snow White- going to the magic mirror scene* Me : Uh...)
Well... here it is : The Crowley's beloved flower of evil , back at his days with evil queen
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feeling old yet ...?
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Btw , just how important is being "the fairest one of all "to him ? How 'far' would he go to be the fairest...? With the bitten apple in the last few seconds of opening , it most likely seems that he IS gonna 'kill' to be the fairest again ...Who would he kill ? We don't know . But how about our pretty small guy Epel? Could it be him ? The stubborn freshman who refuses following Vil around and is usually mistaken with a girl......?
Also , why would the original mirror be so important to Crowley? If Vil's supposed to represent evil queen , why isn't 'he' the one owing the mirror...?
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And now , the spindle wheel .Great maleficent's legacy , in the hands of Crowley...Well well this is 'too' much . Malleus' family treasure being kept hidden in NRC... pathetic
Also , the mirror which Vil broke in the opening . Well well seems like he isn't having the original magic mirror , afterall....
But wait , if there's the spindle wheel , who's gonna be the evil witch to pull the sweet princess to eternal sleep..? Right , there's only one who might be...
Well we talked about all we'd got so far , but what about Grim ? Isn't anyone going to mention his importance or why he was also mentioned in this chaotic final seconds of opening ???
So... this is what we had in the final seconds :
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1)The apple
2) Crowley
3)The black ink
5)The spindle wheel
We talked about all of them except nu 4 . But before that , I've got the same question as before : Why is it "Sleeping beauty" & "Snow white"..?
We discussed the "overblot Grim " hints in (part 2), but here's another thing :
Very well , ever heard of "Grimm brothers"...?
In the case that you don't know who they are , here' the point : They are the authors of 'original' versions of sleeping beauty & snow white; two of the darkest , deepest and possibly creepiest stories of their own throughout the history
I believe that most of you are familiar with the original versions , but you may like to take a look at these two if you haven't yet heard of them check the two of these stories out : (note: I'm aware that there are darker , deeper versions of these too but I'm not gonna mention any of them because : 1)They aren't written by Grimm brothers & 2) They include overly sensual and inappropriate content which has no place in my posts . If you care to know about them , check them at your own risk)
Alright , if you ever wondered who was Grim named after , I guess we've got it now . Mentioning Grim , Snow white and Sleeping beauty together at once is too direct to be a coincidence ...but it's also terrifying ...
Thinking that Disney is actually referring to the original books written by Grimm brothers is a bit too dark... Original stories are really horrible and a great way to ruin one's childhood , but all these hints fit each other way too great and now , they may no longer be just a coincidence...
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🌁Escape from the city and follow the sun ☀️
( part 2 of Okinawa trip AU)
She knew her Dad planned the vacation to give her a break but she knew deep down he just wanted a new scenery just for a little bit . When he offered she instantly accepted , maybe they would make some good memories for her to look back in the future .
She was excited to tell the rest of her friends about the trip , and she wasn't expecting Robby having an interest of Okinawa . Guessing her father and Robby had that connection of the Myagi Do History . It was cute how he was rambling telling her and Demetri fun facts .
And When Robby had stayed for dinner he wanted tell Sam more of what he had learned . She was more than happy when Dad had asked Robby if he wanted come .
..... .....
" Robby would you like to come with us ? "
He knew his mouth was hanging open , the question surprised him . He wanted to say yes but he also knew that the trip was only for Mr. LaRusso and Sam .
" That would be awesome but I don't want to intrude and Mr. LaRusso you planned it for you and Sam . "
" Well I want you to go with us and I know Sam wouldn't mind . Your part of the family Robby,  you know that . And Don't worry about Johnny,  I will talk to him . So what do you say ? "
His heart always felt warmed when Mr.Larusso would remind him , He was like another Dad . He knew there was times he had to catch himself to not call him Dad . It Didn't help now that Mr . LaRusso and his actual dad were dating . Looking at Sam smiling at him encouraging him to accept , he gives them both a smile .
" I would love to , Thank you . "
And if he hugged Mr.Larusso longer than he intended and thought he could live with two dads for all his life nobody needed to know .
...... ..... ...... ...... ..
They were all at the dojo taking a break from class . He was in the middle of Sam and Miguel while Demetri was sitting in front of him . All were talking about the lesson but they noticed Demetri wasn't talking . And they all knew he constantly talked . Robby noticed that hawk was with the other students , usually he was with Demetri .
Turning to look if Sam and Miguel noticed but guessing by looks that Sam was glaring at hawk and Miguel concerned look . He guessed he wasn't the only one .
" Demetri did you and Hawk fight ? "
He asked him , Sam and Miguel begin to questioned also .
" Did he hurt you !? "
" I don't think Hawk  would hurt Demetri , Sam."
" Wouldn't be the first time , Miguel ! "
" But Hawk changed and I know he wouldn't do it again . "
He interrupts them before anyone would notice their little argument .
" Guys , let Demetri tell us . Let's not jump into conclusions , I'm not big fan of Hawk but let's give him the benefit of the doubt . "
All three watched their friend to answer patiently . They sometimes forget that Demetri didn't react well to being rushed. They had to be patient with him .
" He didn't do anything , I just i-i-i.  I'm having problems at home but it's fine .
The three watch him stand up as his Dad calls them to fall in and break was over . And he knew he wasn't the only one of the three worried and by the looks of Hawk he was also worried.
...... ...... ..
Running up to catch Demetri she ask him if he can come over to her house to help her pack . Smiling as he agrees she discreetly turns around to give Miguel and Robby a thumbs up. Giggling went Demetri waves a goodbye , and Miguel and Robby try to act discreetly as if they unaware of Sam's idea 
.It was cute , she was glad that both Robby and Miguel got along now . Realising they have stuff in common decideding to have a truce , Now they were friends . Both were big softies , funny and loyal the plus side they were Hot .
The three agreed Sam would be the one to talk to Demetri . Knowing her and Demetri was more closer , He was the one who helped her deal with her panic attacks . She helped him with his feelings for a certain Mohawk boy , although she didn't understand why him . But she guessed know one would be good enough for her Demetri . She loved him like a brother.
Don't get her wrong she loved her little brother but her and  Demetri understood each other.  Thats why she had to get the bottom of the problem .
" Is it cold in Okinawa ? ,  just in case take a couple sweaters and coats . Better safe than sorry right . "
As Demetri pulled out her clothes , she decided  it was the right time to ask .
" Dem , you know you can tell me anything right , even if it's bad . Im ... We are worried about you and its not just today that we noticed . I just want you to know that i got your back "
" I know , I just ... I been having problems with my mother . She doesn't understand why I forgived Hawk , so I tried to not bring up anything around her . She's usually not around , so I invited Hawk over , we were playing video games and catching up . Guess who decided to show up at the moment Eli tries to kiss me "
Her heart broke watching her friend struggle , he paces around the room and she knows Demetri is trying not to break down . She goes up to him and hold his hand .
" It was so embarrising , she threw a fit saying I was ruining my life . kicked out Eli , wouldn't be surprised he didn't want talk to me again . Said pretty much I'm a disgrace to keep it short . I'm sorry  "
She hugs him as tight as she could , she got teary eyed hearing Demetri cry . She was so thankful for having her parents , it wasn't fair people had to go through .
" You don't have to be sorry ok , She's wrong she doesn't know you the way we do . You can stay with us today , and if hawk doesn't speak to you I know Robby and Miguel will knock some sense into him . "
Later that night her Dad tells her about including Demetri to the vacation . She tells him he's the best dad ever . She goes to bed listening to Demetri talk about Hawk message and the plans to the trip .
..... ...... ....
At first it was confusing and hard to adjust to her parents being divorce but once realise she realised they  were both  happier with other people . She came to terms with it , she got to talk to Miguel and Robby about their parent dating each other .
Miguel was glad her mom was happy with someone that knew how to cherish her the way she deserved . Robby wasn't mad or bothered that his dad and her dad were now dated . He just didn't like how he would constantly see his dad flirt with her dad .
When Johnny had accidently called his father Bambi in front of the class , he saw the way the blonde tried to get her father to forgive him all day  . She thought Mr . Lawrence wasn't bad after all.
Carmen and Johnny was a nice addition to the family , she gets to spend time more with Robby and Miguel .
...... .......
Miguel was excited to wake up as 4 : 00 in the morning and wait for sensei to pick him up . He never thought he would ever go to the trip with Mr. LaRusso . His mom was also going with them , the best part he was going with his friends too .
Saying Goodbye one last time to YaYa , he climbs inside the car saying hi to everyone . Falling asleep while sensei drives hoping they wouldn't crash .
" Were here , Everybody out ! Let's go ! . "
Walking up to the airport , as everyone follows their Sensei guiding them and telling them to keep an eye out for Mr LaRusso  . Turning to Hawk , he was surprised that his friend had managed to have energy to do his hair .
" This is going be fucking awesome dude , only sucks that we have to wake this early . "
" Yeah , we should thank Mr.LaRusso for inviting us and try not to start any fights with anyone meaning Sam or Robby . I know you dude . "
" Right , and I'm not the only that starts them , Who you crushing on now , pretty boy or the princess , or both "
Pushing hawk , as he says his comment with a smirk , He can't remember why he was friends with him now .
" Shut up , I don't know what your talking about . "
" Yeah and that why your blushing "
It only seemed right to flip him off and maybe push him to the floor if he didn't had found Mr. LaRusso and him mom .
" Sensei their over there , Oh My mom arrived to "  He told Sensei ,  pointing at the opposite direction , they all decided to  run towards them .
....... ....... .......
He think no one would ever get used to seeing both Senseis making out . They all showed their disagreement of the PDA even Amanda and Carmen were laughing for their childish behavior . Seeing as his dad signaling to the store the class showed their excitement as they cheered remembering Mr. LaRusso promise .
Robby didn't know what to decide on , the rest of the class had money their parents had given them . And he didn't want to ask Mr . LaRusso for money he had already bought him the ticket and clothes and not to include his suitcase .
" we can share something if you want , my Yaya gave  me extra money .  "
Turning to look at Miguel and Sam , He wanted to reject the idea but he guessed it wouldn't hurt .
" Hey pup get anything  LaRusso is paying , goes for you to Miguel . Keep an eye out on them little LaRusso . "
God his dad always had to embarrass him , he didn't mind him calling him that but in public was big No . And by the giggling of both Miguel and Sam they could tell he was blushing . He totally deserved some Oreos for this .
...... ..... ...
Everyone was vibrating with excitement as they got off the plane . Phone filled with selfies on the plane , Laughing along the random ideas to do in Okinawa . They couldn't wait for their adventure to start .
But then they lost Mr . LaRusso who was the only one that knew the place after they all got distracted because it seemed Hawks stupid products weren't here .
" Dude calm down , I think you could get some gel or whatever you use here too . "
" Miguel , I love you bro but right now I'm trying to find my shit . Hey ! What are you all laughing about  ! "
Once sensei had enough of the bickering , he told them to fall in line to find their missing Sensei  that was once spotted outside with two other people .
Waiting for a big cab for everyone to fit wasn't the best but as they were driven to their location . They were all memorized by the beauty , it seem like no picture can capture the beauty of it . Well not to Sensei apparently he rather look at the beauty of Mr . LaRusso.
He had to admit that was the best line he had heard from his Sensei .  He liked how everyone was smiling and Laughing . He also totally noticed the blush on Hawk and Demetri as they both were sitting to close . He was totally going to tease hawk as payback .
Sidenote : Part 2 of the Okinawa trip AU. Sam , Robby , and Miguel Pov . Sam and Demetri sibling dynamic . Next is binary boyfriends moodboard . Excuse for my shitty writhing
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hugsandpeaches · 3 years
It's U Again
jiu x reader
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Minji and you are High School sweethearts, well, before.
Both of you wears the same clothes, dream the same dream, thinks the same thing most of the same time. You two are defined as 'soulmates'.
She was very talented, you too as well. As said earlier, both if you has the same dream. A dream of being idols.
"I got accepted as a trainee!" Both you two surprised each other at the same time. It was an accomplishment you two dreamt of. Both of your hardwork has been paid off. But there's a thing...
Trainees can't date.
Your dreams led the both of you to separate ways. It hurts. Minji's training period is coming and you have to send her away on the train station.
The day she's leaving was very gloomy. It rained hard as you and Minji waited for her train to come. Her head laying on your shoulders, hand holding yours tightly. She want to savor her last moments with you as her boyfriend.
"When you debut, I'll wait for you"
Her heart skipped a beat and then she lifted her head up, meeting your eyes.
"You'll do the same thing too, right?"
Her eyes glistened in tears and hugged you side ways.
"When we became successful someday, let's not forget each other." As she told you the words, her train came and you stood up, helping her with her bags. She entered the train and you were left behind the yellow line she just crossed. There's just a little number of passengers getting inside the train so the train doors closed as she stepped inside.
Minjin stopped on the glass door looking at you, tears streaming down her eyes. She waved her hands at you and you copied what she did.
"Y/n-ah, we'll meet again"
The train started moving slowly and you followed it's direction, still looking at Minji. She was smiling at your actions and was shocking her head. The train moved faster and you felt the rain slap your face as you ran.
"I love you"
Minji mouthed you behind the glass doors and you ran as fast as you can, dropping your umbrella, just to say back the words.
"Minji saranghae!"
Once again, Minji waved her hands and you stopped from running, rain washing you and your clothes.
<6 years later>
5 years ago, Minx debuted and then 1 year later, Dreamcatcher was born. The group's popularity started to climbed up as they toured around the world. Minji never forgot you. She always kept your picture on her bag without the members knowing. Minji always ask for you whenever she come home but too bad you weren't there. Your parents told her that you moved to US to do something. Minji understood but it kinda hurt her because you didn't let her know.
Well, she lastly asked for you 6 years ago. Now, dreamcatcher is having their comeback and have been busy this past few months not noticing this rookie soloist under SM Entertainment.
Fans started going crazy about his visual and how soothing his voice is.
Lee Y/n.
Your name was all over internet. You didn't knew you were going to be this viral after your cover of Xiumin's You last week. SM promoted you by singing their ballads then dropping your teaser the day after. You've been busy preparing for your debut for a month so you didn't recieved any news from her. Netizens was amazed by you and then started talking over you.
You were the current hot topic.
But the only thing that you want is being noticed by her.
Did she recieved the news?
Did she read something about me?
Is she proud of me now?
Questions took over your mind as you became nervous coming into the stage. You were the first performer of today's Mcountdown.
You placed your position on the stage and hopefully searching for her on the dark crowd but she wasn't there that broke your heart. You bowed your head in disappointment and then started performing as the your song started playing.
After performing, you took your last glance on the now bright crowd but still, didn't saw her figure. You forcefully smiled at your audience and bowed before exiting the stage. You saw your manager waiting at you and you hugged him, thanking him for your successful debut.
While walking, you were your sad expression. You can't believe she wasnt there supporting you.
"I miss her"
Just then, a loud heels running on the hallways was heard by you and then someone suddenly bumped on you while doing your turn on the intersection hall.
A tall yet not so taller than you just bumped their head on you chest and then ran off without saying sorry. That was rude but you guess she's chasing someone important.
You looked down and then saw bunny necklace, you were familiarized by it and took it anyway. It was the same necklace you gave Minji 8 years ago.
The girl must been dropped it while bumping at me. You thought and then walked back at your dressing room. You sat there and then looked at the thing on your hand.
"When will I meet you again, Minji?"
I placed the necklace on my pocket and then stood up.
"I'm hungry"
Jiu's POV
"I'm here, manager unnie" I opened the door and saw my members on their phones. "Unnie, there was a handsome guy on the monitor earlier. You're late to see him" Gahyeon said while munching her food. "And he's the same age as you, maybe..." Dami wriggled her eyebrows at me while smiling sheepishly. I sighed and then sat down beside the two maknaes.
"I told you guys, I'm not interested" I said and then placed my hand over my neck. An unfamiliar feeling came into my body as I didn't touched my necklace.
"My necklace is missing" Dami looked over at my neck to confirmed it. "You rarely took that off, maybe you didn't wore that earlier? " Gahyeon asked. I shook my head and stood up.
I went out of our dressing room to find my necklace.
That wasn't just a necklace. That was his gift from our 1st year anniversary, how can I lose it. I led my way to the girl's comfort room where I went earlier and again while turning into the hallway, I bumped into someone... again.
Wait, maybe I dropped the necklace after bumping on someone earlier!
I avoided who I bumped into and was about to run when I felt my arms being pulled.
"Wait miss, you bumped at me 2 times already and you didn't even apologize "
Is that- that voice sounds familiar.
"I'm so sorry, something important is missi-"
Third Person's POV
Minji stopped on her tracks as she saw the person's face. The person was also shock from who she is, forgetting his hands was still on her arms.
The bot immediately let go of her hand and then bowed at her. "Annyeaonghaseyo, Lee Y/n imnida" Y/n greeted with the widest smile plastered on your face.
Y/n can't believe what's happening just now. He's now face to face with his first love, the only girl he loved. Jiu on the other side was surprised but same as Y/n, she cant contain her happiness. Her lips started to spread into a smile and chuckled.
"Is that really you, Y/n? Am I only dreaming?" She pinched herself just incase. "Ani, I'm real" the boy spread his arms and turn around. "I'm real Minji" his smile never left his lips. Jiu came and pinched his cheeks as well.
"You're real!" Minji exclaimed. You then heard footsteps coming into one of the corners but luck is on your side. You two were just standing infront of your dressing room.
You opened the door and pulled Jiu in. She never complained, why would she? She had been waiting for this moment to happen.
As the both of you went inside, you immediately enveloped Minji a tight hug. You felt her hug back that made you tear up.
"I can't believe this is happening, please tell me I'm not dreaming!" You told her and you felt her shook her head on your chest. Then suddenly, you felt your shirt getting cold.
"Minji?" You broke the hug and you saw her brightly smiling at you, her tears rolling down her cheeks with her mascara. "Yah, don't ruin your make up" you wiped her tears using your sleeves. "You're performing soon, I'll watch beside the stage" she nodded at you and got out from your arms.
"Oh- I remember, your necklace " you grab the necklace on your pocket and turn her around to put on the necklace on her.
After putting in on, you kissed Minji's cheeks making her blush and turn around at you. "Yah, we're not official yet, take me out to date first" she said and pushed your shoulders.
"Hmm, noted. So...?"
Silence filled the room, the both of you smiling while staring at each other. "I missed you" you look down on the ground while fiddling your fingers. "Me too" you heard her said that made you blush.
"Have you watched my performance?"
Your head shot up and you glared at her. "Y oi u missed it, did you?" Minji bit her lip and looked down. You smiled at her cuteness and then went closer to her again.
"It's okay though, at least we met again. So Minji... I mean, Jiu-ssi" you said and took out you hand for her to take.
"Faith really made us see each other, would you like to go out on a date with me on Saturday" you kneeled down at her and she started squealing. "Yah~ what are you doing, get up" she held your hand and pulled you up but you remained in your place.
"Only if you agree, Jiu-ssi" she smiled sweetly at you and pecked your lips.
"Of course, I would love too" you smiled and then stood up, pulling your necklace that was hiding behind your shirt.
On your necklace, there are two rings that was familiar to Minji. It was your necklace since you were still together. You wore it everyday. She wants to ask why there are 2 rings on it but her head says 'it's just design, that's it's
"Kim Minji, you were mine before, I'll make you mine again" you pulled out the rings and put the small one on her left hand. She blushed and you put the larger ring on your left hand.
"Now we're unofficially enganged" you smiled cheekily and kissed her forehead.
"Welcome back"
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5:42 am
*TW: discussion of antisemitism
currently listening to: smack a bitch by rico nasty
i woke up sweating like a damn pig because my fan broke a few weeks ago (it's so freaking hot) and because i had a dream about someone i know. i feel like my consciousness only caught the tail end of it, but it was enough to make me paranoid that i texted them in my sleep lol
anyway, i'm up now so whatever. i was thinking about fundamentalist christians before i fell asleep, and idk if it's just because of how much of a genuine pet peeve of mine antisemitism is. also pet peeve is a very, very bad word for what i mean but it's the best i've got. as someone who comes from a german family, i simply have no patience for it.
anyway, idk if it's be of how much of a genuine pet peeve of mine antisemitism is, or just because fundies tend to gravitate toward really pissing me off, but i cannot stand this time of year for one reason: christians who celebrate passover.
let me explain
so i have a huge hyperfixation on fundies, and i read about them a lot and follow them often because they just fascinate me. i "follow" this one family on social media (air quotes bc i mostly just look up their account, not follow) and the mom is like genuinely in need of help. also im not doxing her, she literally had thousands of followers and her following grows daily.
last year was her first year celebrating passover, and the fundie snark reddit forum was seething bc of the way she was behaving.
first of all, she said in her instagram post that there was "no right way to celebrate passover," and that there was "no book telling you how to do it." which, like, there LITERALLY is. it's called the haggadah. not that fucking hard to google. but i digress, this woman shouldn't even be allowed on the fucking internet she needs literal fucking help
then, she had the nerve to celebrate it POTLUCK style. like with a whole bunch of people from her home church, serving fucking lays potato chips and shit like this. literally nothing she served was kosher in any way
OH, OH, and she literally made the WHOLE thing about jesus
she said that passover is celebrating jesus as the sacrificial lamb
i just-
i literally added this entire fucking egregious display of 1). clear appropriation of a sacred jewish holiday and 2). stupidity to my 35 page google doc on things that make me actively lose faith in the jesus fandom (i grew up christian and still tenuously consider myself christian---i was catholic). i'm literally not joking. i have a very organized google doc of things that i think the church really needs to fucking address bc i'm so tired of christians doing shit like this
anyway, so the reason i'm talking about it all this year is because she's celebrating it again this year (as a lot of fundies are in place of easter since easter is a "pagan" holiday and these people want nothing to do with paganism. the passover seder is in the bible and this family only celebrates biblical feasts) and she made a post recently that just
here are a few of my personal 'favorite' quotes (when i say favorite, i mean i fucking hate everything about it, just to be clear):
"every year, jews condemn us for celebrating passover. they say it is 'their' holiday and 'christians' are taking it from them." bc it IS theirs, and you ARE actively participating in appropriating it. full stop.
"i don't understand this mindset. is the bible not for all people? are we not all created by god?" i-
"this command was for the israelites to pass down from generation to generation to remember how Yahuah delivered and saved them from egypt. it is to tell their children about the goodness of god. yet it also says that if a foreigner is living among them that they must celebrate as well. so if we are simply only following the old testament, as they do, it is still acceptable for 'foreigners' to choose to celebrate the holidays of god."
it gets worse
"we celebrate it today as christians with even greater meaning though. christ is our passover lamb. and our celebrations will not be intermingled with jewish traditions and customs but rather simple biblical intruction. and jesus said that there is no longer jew or gentile, male or female. we are all children of god (those that call upon the lord and trust christ as our savior) unified by christ."
words can't not express how angry this woman makes me
let me just go ahead and make this clear as fucking day: these bastardized versions of Passover are inherently antisemitic. literally all you have to do is know how to fucking read to see that everything about her reasoning is disgusting, hateful, and violent. she literally just said that Jews aren't even supposed to exist because Jesus said that everyone is unified by Christ, so everyone is supposed to be christian. and then she spent a good chunk of the post complaining about being rejected by people for celebrating Passover
Jewish people are real people. They have real, honest, sacred traditions that have MEANING both historically and religiously. They are not playing pretend, they are not out to reject christian beliefs, they are not doing any of the nasty shit you think they are because of your nasty antisemetic beliefs about how jewish people behave and feel. They're literally honoring their religious beliefs, and begging you to just not do what you're doing. It's not that fucking hard to just respect other people.
At this point, i really really understand gatekeeping. i hope the people rejecting you spit on your nasty, unwashed, three-day eyeliner wearing, greasy once a month washed haired, drop-shipped boutique 'Alexa, homeschool the kids' t-shirt wearing bitch ass self. i literally hope that jesus himself looks at you after you die and goes, "no fucking way am i letting you in. are you fucking serious? what the hell was that?" i'm just so angry--like what the fuck is wrong with you? you are the furthest fucking thing from christ-like, i'll tell you that. you are a narcissitic bitch who knows DAMN FUCKING WELL that you are appropriating a fucking sacred event, and i know that because you've deleted every comment made by a jewish person on your stupid little "we love you more" t-shirt post about being rejected by others for this. it's not our holiday. it's not your holiday. you are a violent, nasty, godless piece of shit who will fight long and hard for a holiday that DOES NOT FUCKING BELONG TO YOU but won't take your fucking children to the doctor when they have broken fucking bones unless it's bothering you in some way, and even then you just fucking pray over them and pretend they're healed after.
If you want to experience a real passover seder, literally just do the work and find a jewish community willing to invite you (good fucking luck after this fucking mess tho, at this point just look it up on youtube honestly bc if i were jewish i wouldn't let you near my community with a 500 ft pole), and experience it not just correctly but respectfully. like are you fucking serious? you really want to sit there and fucking pretend that jesus would have WANTED that? that's literally hilarious of you to think considering 1). jesus was a jew himself 2). he literally flipped tables and shit when he saw the church fucking using sacred grounds for gambling and consumerism, you don't think he's going to be flipping tables at your little potluck when he sees you doing essentially the same thing to another group of people? jesus espoused love, and this is literally the exact opposite of that.
this literally infuriates me so much. and i hate that this woman and others like her are teaching their beautiful kids that this is okay, and acting like jewish communities who are hurt by this clear act of violence against their religion ARE JUST LIKE OVERREACTING OR SOMETHING? oh my god, it's on sight if i ever fucking catch some bullshit like this coming out of someone's mouth. i'm not joking. i'll lose it.
if you don't like easter, literally just say that and eat your bland boiled food, ok? go and pray or something and call it a day. but don't steal something that isn't yours, act like it is, and then get upset when everyone is like hey that's pretty fucked up of you, maybe don't do that?
anyway, if anyone ever wants to read my google doc on things that make me lose faith in Christianity lmk lol
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itshesdimples · 4 years
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-Hello to anyone reading. This is my first time writing something and putting it out for the world to see. That being said, I would love any constructive criticism you have to give me. Thank you for any support you may give me, I cant thank you enough xoxo ~H - 
I remember the day as if it were yesterday; the day you crossed the unimaginable line. 
I thought we had everything, I thought I was your everything. 
"Hey sunshine, just calling to let you know I wont be able to make it home this time. I'm sorry, the label has me doing something that I'm not sure is a good idea but they say it will help me in the long run." He sighs at the end, I imagine him palming his forehead.
"Look, I need you to listen to me when I tell you that you are everything to me, you make me want to become the best version of myself. During the months we have been together I have seen the best and worst side of you and I'm not running, promise. I want you to be mine forever, do you hear me? Just remember that." Harry expelled.
You were a little worried, seeing as you two had been together for a little over nine months and it was extremely rewarding. The time apart has always been different to the other relationships she had been in the past but with Harry it seemed like more than she had ever received from the previous men. 
As a surgical intern you work countless hours and never really get more than a few hours to yourself, so when you met Harry you really never saw it going anywhere. You were just too happy for your own good, openly expressing your life to perfect strangers and expecting them all to be accepting of who you are.
The hospital you worked at allotted 80 hours a work week and as hopeful as you may be feeling, there is a little voice in the back of your head telling you not to go bar hopping. "Just one drink and then water." you emphasize to your good friend Mike, the bartender. 
"Vodka soda coming right up, Dr. Demanding." He chuckles. You turn around in the chair and stare at all the fellow drunks, looking for your intern comrades who should be here by now. 
Although you dont find your friends, you spot a very handsome, familiar face coming toward you. Admiring the face across from you, you decide to take the first step following by the downing of your vodka soda. " You dont seem to be familiar with the very famous bar here in town so you must not be from around here," you tease, holding out your hand to shake. "I'm [Y/N]. Not to sound weird but have we met before?" You get a very bold feeling of deja vu but laugh it off. "I'm sorry, my friends are supposed to be here by now and I'm socially handicapped, sometimes I dont know when to stop talking." Now you're just rambling at the breathtaking man in front of you and feeling red in the cheeks. 
"Its alright love, I sometimes feel socially handicapped around exquisite women such as yourself. Actually, that sounded like you're one of hundreds but I-- what I meant to say was that, you seem a little lonely. Can I buy you a drink?" He rambles, tugging at his jacket. 
"I am only allowed one drink, I know it sounds weird but I'm on a ticking time bomb, you see this?" You pull out your pager, "any moment this thing will go off and I have to skip back to work like a dreamy little school girl but inside I am dying of starvation, need a beer and twenty hours sleep." You just keep spitting up word vomit and your face is permanently pink but you just cant stop because what if it gets quiet? Now that's when it gets awkward.
"I don't think we have ever met because I'd remember you" Harry confirms, looking you up and down your shapely body. "What do you do for a living that has you on such a tight leash?" Taking a sip of his beer, he stands up and walks next to the chair you're sitting in. 
"Surgical intern, Dr. [Y/L/N] at your service, sir." You cant help but crack a little bit of the tension you have building up in your stomach while talking to him but that doesn't stop you from staring him in the eyes and trying your best to flirt. 
The aura around him is too intoxicating, too much to handle without trying to add a little humor in the mix. "I like it when you call me sir, Dr. [Y/L/N] but how long have you been a doctor? I'd love to get to know you before you have to leave me." He articulates, trying to captivate her attention.
"I love my job but it has been a long winded road, it feels like years but I've only been a real doctor for a little over two months. It takes a lot out of me but that is why I'm glad I have two great friends who I can lean on. We keep each other afloat and they're also my roommates. I don't know where I would be without them." All of that poured out of my mouth before I had the chance to cork it but I couldn't help telling him something about myself that was at least surface level.
He just seems like an eerie case of the best illusion I've ever seen. I cant help but shake the feeling that I've known him all my life, like telling him the ins-and-outs of my life wouldn't be detrimental to my health. 
"Now tell me something about yourself. For starters maybe your name? I've never seen you here before and I'm here all the time so I'm pretty good at knowing who is an out of towner, and I don't know how much time I have left." You're trying to get to know him and that is so unlike you. Having had boyfriends in the past, you were never the one asking the questions or wanting to get to know them more than a few dates and drinks. The longest relationship you have ever had was two months and you two went to high school together. 
"Hi I'm Harry, and I don't know how much longer I get to sit next to you so please can I have your number, sunshine? I would love to take you for dinner sometime soon." Harry is going out on a whim asking for your phone number but keeps going, "From what I have gathered you are a very busy woman and I admire that, love it even. I know this sounds crazy but I feel like I know you already and I have never felt that with another person so please give me a chance, I will work around your schedule. I dont care what it--" he is stopped when your pager goes off as an emergent patient being admitted, all hands on deck you assume. 
"Sunshine, huh? I like it." You wink at him and ask Mike for a pen so you can scrawl your number on a napkin and thank Harry for a very pleasant chat. It was good to know that he felt for you, as you did him after just meeting the man, and his nickname for you was adorable. 
For the next two weekends you spent getting to know Harry on a personal note. He told you he loved writing music, performing and was already an amazing talent. Harry showed you his latest music and you wondered how you hadn't connected the dots sooner. You knew he was a very private person, as he told you on your first date. 
"I'd love to get to know your friends, and see what kind of person you are. I can't wait to know you but I just want you to know that I can't have a lot of people knowing what is going on in my personal life." He sighs, you two sat down at dinner and he couldn't help but spit out what he wanted to tell you when you first met. "I don't want to sound pretentious or come off as someone who cares about his appearance to others but I have to tell you that I make music for a living and have quite the lot of fans. Screaming fans to be exact, " he chortles, asking the waiter for a bottle of wine to start off, "but I can't help but love them all. They made my career but I have to remain a private person. I adore my fans but they are very protective and I don't want our relationship to struggle because of a few of them saying unkind things." He grabs your hand and looks you in the eyes, trying to make you understand the reason for privacy.
"I've never met anyone like you Harry and I meet a lot of people on the regular. You have this way about you that draws me in and I want to get to know you. If that means that I cannot post my gushing about you on social media, so be it. I really like you and would like to know who you are." You declare, hoping he understands that he as a person means more than everyone understanding her lifestyle choices. 
Tonight was the night you knew you wanted to understand him on an even more personal level. You knew that the way you felt for him wasn't a normal crush, wasn't even a normal type of love. You knew he had the power to hurt you if he wished to do so but that was so far in the back of your mind. He meant so much to you already that it didn't matter you two were keeping your relationship a secret from most of the world, apart from a select few. It was the best date of them all, Harry cooked you and your best friends dinner so when you got off work, dinner was on the table. He was always so thoughtful of your needs and you thought it was the time to prioritize his.
"Take me to bed Harry." You whimper, "I want you." 
Things were hectic in your life but that was the way they always were but now it seemed like days stretched past 24 hours and turned into a marathon sprint that never ended. 
The day Harry unmistakably broke you was the day that sleep had everything on you. Going for days on end was something you were accustomed to but after he cut you deeper than you could ever be, sleep seemed to be your only friend. 
You thought you knew him better than anyone. He was your Harry, your everything, even your person maybe? 
But when his decision to take his career to the next step interfered in your relationship, your life; that was the day to call it quits no matter the devastation. He may have been your soulmate but maybe, just maybe it wasn't right. The timing, the place of it all was just too much. Your life just didn't have room for much else, especially someone who was willing to hurt you unimaginably and not walk away in order to lessen the blow. 
"Hey sunshine, just calling to let you know I wont be able to make it home this time. I'm sorry, the label has me doing something that I'm not sure is a good idea but they say it will help me in the long run." He sighs at the end, I imagine him palming his forehead.
"Look, I need you to listen to me when I tell you that you are everything to me, you make me want to become the best version of myself. During the months we have been together I have seen the best and worst side of you and I'm not running, promise. I want you to be mine forever, do you hear me? Just remember that." Harry expelled.
That was two hours ago and within those two hours you knew it was best to stay off your phone. You keep telling yourself to not look for anything leading you to clues about his voice mail. It wasn't like him to express his feelings over the phone, he was an in person 'declare-my-love-for-you' type of man so when you listened to it you thought it was best to stay off your phone. 
Trailing off to the shower in pursuit of getting to work, you hear your phone's inescapable shrill from your bedroom and decide to opt away from contact to that thing. 
As soon as you leave for work is when your heart stops, skips a few beats and then plummets into your stomach. 
"Harry Styles in a relationship with Camille Rowe? That is the best thing I have heard all week. The star tells us that they met months ago and kept it a secret in order to get to know each other. We cant wait for updates on their relationship. Now on to the juic--" That's all you can hear for the rest of the day, ringing in your mind like it is an announcement on the P.A. at work for all to hear. 
You knew that was the end of everything. Devastation didn't even hit the mark, it was like everything in the world was on fast forward and you were still trying to get through the commercials. Nothing made sense any more, the glass was no longer half full. It was completely drained and then smashed on the ground into a million little pieces. That was how her whole body felt, like it was just shattered on the ground, irreparable. 
The damage was done and there was nothing holding you back from wailing like a siren in front of all of the patients waiting for surgery, but your best friends always had your back. Making sure you eat during lunch and taking you to the bar at the end of your shift so you can drink the bottle dry. 
Just shy of a half hour sitting at the bar was when you were cut-off by Harry running into the bar rambling about how he thought they were spinning the tabloids another way. 
"I thought they were going to report that we just met and were already dating, I would have never let them ruin what we had by saying I knew her while you and I were together. I told them exactly what to say! I don't even know her, we just met." He jumbles his sentences trying to get hold of his clear message. 
You stand up from your seated position and start motioning for him to join you outside. Once out there, you decide what is best moving forward. 
"While we were together?" You scoff, trying to be as civil as can be under your obvious exhaustion, throwing your hands up in exasperation.
"At least you said something truthful in the last two minutes you decided to interrupt my break. Yes, you and I are no longer together. Honestly we should have never started something, our careers couldn't be more opposite and honestly I cannot afford to ruin my career over someone who wants to build his on lies. So thank you for what we had but from now on I would like to move forward, away from you." You keep talking in order to get your point across, hoping that when all is said and done there will be closure on both ends. 
You know that Harry does care for you but in these last twenty four hours you've learned is that maybe you can't have it all. Maybe happily-ever-afters are only for the imagination. 
Maybe life throws things at you so you can overcome them but there are times like these when she wonders what the message is supposed to be? 
Is there a message? 
That you can have one person in your life that should be your forever but just cant fit in there? 
"I know we never said it but I do love you, I think I always will but we can't make it fit. The time we spent together was great and I hope there is a lesson in there somewhere. I can only believe that closure is what we need now." She grabs on to his shoulder and goes in for a hug to end the conversation but he pulls back,"How could you think that we need closure? What we need is each other. I need you, in my life with me forever. You are always going to be the only one for me, I just know it." He grabs on to her and holds for dear life, hoping that he can convey her to stick it out for them both. 
"I know what I'm feeling is selfish because I never want to hurt you but my career is part of my life and I can't run away from who I am but I want you in my life, always. I will never stop loving you." Harry pulls away and looks in her eyes with tears in his," I cannot fathom a life without my sunshine. Maybe the timing is wrong but cant we make it right?" 
[Y/N] pulls away, trying to compose herself and make the most rational decision. She needs to think about her life and what she needs, not anyone else. "Harry Styles, while being with you was the best rollercoaster ride of my life, and if I could stay on forever I would do so; I have to get off. I need to pull away for the sake of my head and heart. Being with you makes me happy but when it interferes with my work, which is saving lives, I have to be on one hundred percent all the time. You have clouded my thoughts and judgement, and while being a star is part of who you are, being a doctor is me so I cannot give up who I am. Sometimes maybe love isn't enough?" By this point you can't hold back the sobs you have held in since you knew the inevitable truth and holding them back would be foolish, so you let them come. 
Harry tries to grab onto you with the little strength he has left from crying and lack of sleep. "I cannot let you get away. You are my everything! I canno--" he tries to catch his breath in between the racks of his heart," please, please do not leave me [Y/N]. We can make this work. I love you and that is enough, it is enough for me. Please." Harry whispers the last part, crouching in front of you and trying to hold you to him. 
"It isn't enough for the both of us Harry, and you know it." You're trying to hold back until you can be alone. All you want is to crawl in bed and become dead to the world because that's how you feel right about now. " I will always love you and maybe one day that love will be enough but right now I just don't see how that is possible Harry. I can't rationalize what is happening in our relationship and tell you that we will make it through it. The best thing to do is cut our ties before we start to resent each other." You take one last breath, looking at your friends inside the bar. You signal to them that you're leaving, and say the one thing that you know will hurt the most. 
"I can't try anymore to be with you so this is my goodbye. I wish you the best Harry, I really do." In the middle of all this you had a death grip on his hands but now is the time to walk away from one of the best things to happen to you. As gut wrenching as it is, the best thing for the both of them was to move on. Worry about the time in their career when it is at the peak so as hurtful as it is, she knows that she is doing what's best. 
You pull away from his grasp, looking down at him kneeling on the ground and kiss his forehead. "I love you." You whisper through tears. 
All you can hear behind you is wails of sirens, drunk people cheering on the football game inside but the one thing that is the loudest is Harry's cries. As soon as you walk away you break down into a blubbering mess. Your friends catch up after you, while looking at the mess you and Harry made behind. You can hear Harry's cries of desperation and the only thing your heart is telling you to do is 'go back, go back to him' but you know it's not logical. 
If it is meant to be you will make it work at a better time. Things will come together and make sense one day but not when her mind is a fuzzy mess. Maybe weeks, months or years later she will understand what it means to have love be enough. It has to mean something right? 
Good byes may hurt but sometimes they are unsurpassable. Sometimes they come barreling into your life totally unexpected and ruin something you thought could be forever. 
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nosferatyou · 4 years
Top Yourself (Jack White x Reader)
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Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: You’re the bassist for The Raconteurs opening band, over the tour you and Jack haven’t been on the best terms. At their next show the two push each other just a little too far.
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, y’all), cursing, dom-m. If you're under 18 please don't interact! Thank you!
Authors notes: Alright first smut, you guys. This took me wayyy too long to do but here it is. Honestly, I could've done worse. And sorry it isn't great for all the people here for my great content, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Also, the amount of Jack White fics that are on here is sad, if I'm not wrong this is the only one. He’s hot as hell its surprising that there isn't more here.
Jack was weirdly quiet today, and to be honest it was freaking me out a little. Usually, he is nitpicking everything I do, onstage or off, if not that then he is always making conversation with someone on the bus. But today he is quietly sitting in his normal seat, with the same book he’s been trying to read throughout the whole tour, and sunglasses inside to top it all off. Which isn’t uncommon with jack and typically isn’t bad news, but today it radiated off different energy. He was cranky over god knows what and was trying to hide it, though his seemingly unending scowl was a dead giveaway. The perfect time to fuck with him as always.
“Hey sunglasses, it seems you didn’t get the memo.” I put my bass down and leaned back into the small couch. 
He didn’t look up or say anything, just let out a small huff of annoyance, so I continued.
“They used to say if you make a face for long enough it’ll stick. I never believed them, but with all the time you spend making that face I have to assume it’s stuck.”
HE huffed again, still not looking away from his book. “Fuck off, Y/N. Not right now.” 
I chuckled and quickly responded, “Ooh the town elder speaks. I thought us youngsters had to be respected by the elderly or was it the other way around?” 
I got up from my spot and sat across from him in the small booth across from the couch. When I sat down I read the title of the book, finally learning it after all this time. I chuckled again and said, “It seems that every dad reads World War 2 books any chance they get. It’s like they read it specifically for the moment when someone asks about some obscure happening. Or is the only way we can get into the great beyond is by knowing everything that ever happened during those few years, and only dads know the key.” 
I snatched the book out of his hand and blankly read over the pages, mainly just trying to get any reaction out of him I could.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled “Jesus christ, Its likes having a child on this bus 24/7.” 
I closed the book and stuck it next to me, and more importantly out of the reach of Jack. 
“You didn’t answer me. Is the second world war the only chance I’m getting into heaven or are you in the secret dad group for weird world war 2 facts?”
He ignored me, “Can you just make this easy today and give it back? I don’t feel like dealing with your childish antics.”
He stuck his hand out like I was just going to give it back. I’m too annoying to do that.
“First off you’re only 13 years my senior so how childish can I really be?” He just huffed and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms, keeping his cold presence.
“Secondly, I’ll make it easy since you seem so…” I waved my hand referencing his stoic frame 
He didn’t budge, but I swear I saw his eyes roll. I was also not going to make this easy, obviously.
“Alright Ill bite what is it, Y/N?” 
I smiled and leaned into the table. Letting my already lowcut shirt fall even lower, very purposefully showing off my cleavage. We’d been teasing each other so much over this tour I had to fit as much as I could into the little time we had left. I saw his eyes flicker down to my chest.
“What were you going to say after that show in San Antonio the other night, and don’t lie we both know you know what I’m talking about.” 
I wasn’t even going to try and hide my smirk. I had no idea if he was going to actually answer, especially over some random ass history book. 
Over the past few months, we’d been teasing each other. Sure with thrown around insults and tiffs, but we both know we’ve been saying or doing stuff to make the other flustered. But the more we did it the less we hid it. Hell, the amount of times id “accidentally” backed into him while bent over backing up some gear was countless. Same goes with the number of times he’d practically backed me into a wall during our arguments, both of us fuming and almost eye level with each other, each time he gets so close I can practically feel his breath on my face.  Though we’d barely touched, excusing all the accidental run-ins the only time it was normal was the handshake we shared when wed met. Ever since that it’s been nonstop teasing. Back in Texas, we’d found ourselves bickering over I don’t even remember what after a show. I do remember him backing me into a wall. You know as usual. This time he was hopped up on adrenaline and his pupils were blown out. Our faces were practically touching, his heavy breath fanning across my face. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear, but before he could get it out one of his band members walked into the room. As fast as it happened he was gone and I was left hot and heavy, alone in the room. 
He seemed to wince when I asked the question like he was expecting it but still not ready for it. He kept his composure though, to the unblinking eye this all would’ve seemed normal.
“Come on, Old Timer. Judging by your face I know you know exactly what I’m talking about. Reveal your true intentions.” I teased, the smirk still plastered to my face.
He broke his stoic composure, a small smirk spreading across his face. 
“I don’t know how long I can take this bratty behavior anymore, Y/N”
I shifted in my seat, I definitely wasn’t expecting him to say that. 
“Aren’t brats supposed to be punished?” I questioned, crossing my legs under the table. “Accidentally” running my foot along his leg.
He quickly sucked in and leaned forward against the table.
“You’re testing your limits, girl.”
Our faces were mere inches apart. His once cold aura was now warm and confident. He knew he already had me pistol-whipped.
I reached my hand underneath the small table to find his leg, slowly running it up his thigh. His body froze under my contact but didn’t pull away from my touch. 
As I got closer to his groin his hand suddenly snapped to my chin, pulling my head up to face his, us even closer than before.
“That night, in San Antonio, I was going to finally take you up to my room. Do what I think we both want.” He let go of my chin and reached into his pocket, grabbing a cigarette out of his pack and lighting it up. 
“But after all this… bad behavior I think ill make you wait.” 
He took a drag, slowly exhaled, then looked me up and down without shame, taking in my frame. He glanced down to his watch then stared back at me, with his sunglasses I couldn’t really catch what he was feeling.
“You’ve got soundcheck in 30 don’t be late.” He said like it like we hadn’t had the conversation before. 
And with that, he was gone. Leaving me high and dry in my seat, alone. 
Soundcheck went normal as always, the boys and I played, did some shameless day drinking and hung out backstage. I kept a lookout for jack throughout, but he never showed. I don’t know where he disappeared off to, but I wanted to get back at him for earlier. Leave him feeling as I did. I searched backstage for a couple of minutes, but he was nowhere to be found and If I didn’t start getting ready now Id be late. That gave me an even better idea though. If I couldn’t get close then I’d have to get a rise out of him from a distance. Over the tour, I’d noticed a certain outfit that he’d stick around for more. A denim jumpsuit that was more often than not fully unbuttoned and paired with some random bralette, by the end of the set the top half is haphazardly hanging off my hips. Can’t blame the bassist for wanting more movement. Jack’s patterns aren’t hard to track, plus every time I look backstage his eyes are glued to me. Tonights the perfect night to pull it out again. 
I, of course, put on quite the show during our set, I had to make up for the fact that I was the bassist. People’s eyes always wander to the guitarist. I thrashed around for the majority of the set, messing with our singer when I could, and pulled my signature move. It was more helpful than it was for showmanship, but I’ve been tearing up my fingers on my right hand from playing so much. So throughout the set ill seductively stick my middle finger in my mouth and slowly pull it out and return to playing. It’s honestly a quick fix for some relief, but it pulls out some reactions from the crowd as well. This time when I did it I caught Jack’s eyes from the stage, this time he was sunglasses free and fully dressed for the show. Sporting his classic all-black ensemble, topping it off with a leather jacket. I threw him a smirk and returned to my playing, still feeling his eyes practically burn a hole through me. 
As planned id wriggled my way out of the top half of my jumpsuit, really egging it on, making a show out of it. I’m surprised management hasn’t said anything about it because it’s borderline stripping. I played as hard as I could that night, and Jack’s eyes on me only pushed me further. I’m known to be pretty high energy on stage, but I was going so hard I knocked over a mic stand or two. I about took out our singer when thrashing my bass around. Most of all I put on a subtle show for jack. Bending over in his direction, subtle looks being thrown his way, and of course, keeping Jack’s unblinking eye over my body as I strip my jumpsuit half off. I practically had him wrapped around my finger.
When we finally finished up our set I walked right past him, not even looking him in the eye, but a smirk couldn’t help but creep across my face. 
After some waiting around he finally went on, and wow. He was really putting on a show tonight. Jack always goes on with as much energy and gusto, that’s why there is a bit of time between the opener and the main band. He is backstage with a red bull or whiskey in hand, breaking whatever he can with a baseball bat. He wants a good show, and to do that he brings out whatever emotion he can out of him. Tonight he brought the whiskey bottle with him on stage so this should make for a good show. 
He made that stage his own, of course, the rest of the band killed it, but Jack was on another level. He played the shit of his guitar, throwing it around when he played, and all the while sneaking shots from the hidden whiskey. He slowed down for “Top Yourself” but he was practically buzzing with energy. He seemed more into the lyrics than he had any previous night, all of them dripping with passion. He seemed so loose and into the music that his focus was anywhere but the crowd. While he seemed so tapered to the ground his face read something of chaos. 
I was so lost in trying to read him that I hadn’t noticed that he was slyly looking my way. A smug grin appearing on his lips as he sang “How're gonna get that deep? When your daddy ain't around here to do it to you?” Leaving the mic stand to jump into an impromptu solo. 
After all, I teased during my set it only seems fair hed return the favor. I just didn’t expect it to have as much as an effect as it did. As I watched him play the realization set in. I couldn’t take much of this teasing anymore. Every night we parted ways without saying a word but left to revel in all we did that day. Tonight that’s going to change.
After it the show we all sort of rushed out of the venue, while we usually hang out for a bit to avoid the crowd, Jack was adamant about just going to the hotel. He seemed… heated. He was oddly quiet, he’s usually talking to everyone about everything. When he did respond it was snappy and rude. Nobody could catch a break. Tonight is just continuing to get progressively weirder. 
As much as I wanted to go through with my plan I was honestly pretty nervous to go through with it, especially now that jack has gone into angry hermit mode. I stayed out of the way as best as I could, which for me isn’t normal, I try to butt myself into conversations as best I can. Jack can only have the spotlight for so long. 
When we got to the hotel I was the last off the bus and was doing my best to maneuver my bass off the bus, but in the process, I about took jack down in the process. As I was rounding the corner to exit the bus I checked behind me to make sure I didn’t leave anything. Jack had stopped in front of the stairs suddenly and I knocked my bass into his back when I walked down the steps. 
“Fuck! Y/N, I swear to god haven’t you done enough tonight?” He exclaimed. 
I rushed off the bus to jack, being careful of my bass this time and set it on the ground. “Oh shit! Jack, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going! Are you okay?”
“You should be sorry.” He mumbled.
He seemed visibly annoyed, he didn’t seem in any pain, but his already irritated look had deepened. Which oddly sparked something in me. I know I had just rammed my bass into him, but when jacks been unforgiving all night I can’t hold back.
“Jesus whats crawled so far up your ass tonight that you cant have a sliver of kindness, huh?” I spat. My meekness suddenly taking a 180. I stood up straighter in front of him, my eyes burning when they met his. 
He seemed taken aback by my sudden reaction, but it didn’t take him long to spit fire right back. “You slam your bass into my back and you get mad at me? Stop acting like a child Y/N!” 
“Maybe you’re just used to everyone kissing your ass cause you’re “Jack White,” but I’m sick of your fucking attitude. Especially tonight.” His looming figure towered over me, he stared down at me with an unreadable intensity. I held my ground. 
He took a step towards me, causing me to step back, my back running into the bus.  He calmly puts his hand behind my head, leaning against the bus and closer to me. My breathing became heavy, I stared down at the ground, refusing to meet his gaze.
“Stop. Acting. Like a. Brat.” He spat, leaning his face closer to mine. He was so close I could feel the heat radiating off him. The smell of cigarettes lingered around him wherever he went.
I didn’t answer, I was so caught off guard I could barely react, but he didn’t give me much time to respond. He gripped my chin and forced me to look up at him, his eyes were lustful and his pupils blown. His breathing was ragged and hard, matching my own.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, girl.” His behavior tonight started to make more sense when I thought overall our interactions. A smirk formed on my lips and I came to my senses. His hand found his side when I finally answered.
“ Aw, you’re all frustrated because you were left horny all afternoon arent you? And now you’ve finally found a reason to make a move. Can jacky not handle it?” I was starting to feel fearless. I knew exactly what pushing his buttons would lead to. 
He pushed in closer to me, he was frustratingly close to touching me, yet he was just far enough.
“I think.” His face drifted closer, and his nose just barely touched my cheek, his breath fanning across my face. “You thought you were being cute with all your teasing, and that just won’t do. Won’t it darling?” He whispered against my skin. His left hand found my hip, tightly squeezing it. 
A small whimper left my mouth and my eyes fluttered closed, enjoying the sudden grasp. 
“I think you were being a fucking brat who should be put in their place.” 
Adrenaline pumped through my whole body as his face drifted closer to my neck. He moved painfully slow, his mouth ghosting across my skin. He was so close I could practically feel his lips curl into a smile. We both knew the moment you had any contact there would be no turning back, nothing would be the same. Both of us were holding our breath in anticipation.
Finally, he slowly pressed a kiss to my neck, almost as if to test the waters. Suddenly he sank his teeth in and sucked at my neck, a moan instantly leaving my mouth. It quickly turned into a crescendo of breathy moans and rough kisses down my neck. I was just falling into a rhythm until he suddenly pulled away to meet my eyes, both of us panting hard. 
“Why don’t we go up to your room so you can put me in your place?” I daringly asked him, the same come hither stare in your eyes that I had this afternoon.
Both of us grew more and more desperate as we made the trek to his room. We couldn’t seem to look at each other in the elevator, but I was practically buzzing in my spot. Ready for the moment when we do finally make it to his room. Ready for the anticipation to dissipate. 
The moment the door closed his lips were on mine, feverishly kissing me. He wasn’t delicate those few moments before, but he wasn’t rough, that quickly changed. He pinned me against the door and grabbed my chin, forcing my head upwards so he could expose my neck again. He left hot, opened mouthed kisses along my jawline and neck, before sinking his teeth in and sucking again. His sudden roughness brought a moan from my lips. 
The adrenaline kicking in, I pushed him off you and wrapped my arms around his neck. Passionately kissing him while leading him back to the bed. My heart was pounding over the sudden switch of control, but I knew it wouldn’t last long. 
He pulled away from the kiss and intertwined his hand with my own, a small smile on his lips. “You’re all talk, darling. Let me make you feel good.” 
He led me to the bed and slowly pulled my shirt off of you, his once ragged look was now sultry. His long curly hair was wild and his pupils were blown, but he was so calm it made him even more dominating.
I made my way off the bed onto my knees in front of him, the same playful smirk as before crossing my face. I reached for his zipper, unzipping it painfully slowly, keeping my eyes on his the entire time. My hands rested on his thighs for a moment, he nodded as if to say it was okay to proceed. 
I pulled down his pants just enough, leaving him just in his boxers. Looking forward, the nerves finally hit me the moment I saw him, but I didn’t let that stop me. I pulled them down revealing his cock, already painfully hard and swollen. I gave his face one last look to make sure and he nodded again. Slowly, I licked up his member until reaching the head, sinking my lips onto the tip. 
His head fell back and a sigh escaped his lips, “Mm good girl.” His hand entwining itself in my hair, resting it there.
I sank my mouth down on the rest of his cock and ever so slowly working back up, my tongue dragging along the protruding vein. Carefully, I sucked on the tip, my tongue circling around it as well. Finding a good rhythm then repeating. Getting more into it, I found a slow rhythm. Still, I just barely sped up and teased him as much as I could. I wanted to make him squirm underneath me.
I suddenly took in as much of him as I could, catching him off guard, a louder groan escaping his lips. His hand in my hair tightened its grasp, directing my head to go faster.
 My hand grabbed the base of his cock and followed upwards with my mouth, twisting my hand slowly, I could feel his cock twitch in my hand. I got faster and faster until I had your rhythm down. He moaned in response and so did I. 
“Oh fuck, darling. That’s it.” Jack groaned when I sped up even more. I felt myself grow wet at his words. 
Slowing once again, I  ran my tongue from the base to the head, smiling when I looked up at him. His breathing was heavy, his chest heaving up and down. He pulled me up from the ground and pushed me back on the bed, my breathing now just as heavy as his. 
“Take them off and scoot back for me, darling.” He asked me before quickly stripping himself of his clothes. 
As quickly as I could, I pulled off my pants, bra, and panties. Discarding them on the floor below. As I scooted back to the headboard I finally got to really take in his naked form. His arms were the first thing I focused on, the muscle was always prominent from years of playing, but unclothed they were even better. His frame wasn’t thin, but he had a simple dad bod and it was definitely working for him. Along with me he quickly threw his clothes to the floor and went to join me on the bed. 
“Be a good girl and spread your legs for me.” He said slowly running his hands up my bare legs, stopping at my mid-thigh. The way he handled me made shivers run up my spine in anticipation. 
I gave him a sultry look and spread my legs, all there for him to see. Jack was laying in between them, his hands softly running up and down my calves, then up to my inner thighs finally. I wanted to hide the fact that I was quickly falling apart at his fingertips, but it was getting harder and harder.
He carefully dipped his head close to my heat, staring into my eyes. My heart was beating so fast I could barely hear him ask “Fuck, darling. You’re practically dripping. Is this all for me?”
All I could muster was a quick head nod, too focused on the man whose face was dangerously close to my pussy.
He ran a finger from my heat to my clit, rubbing frustrating slow circles, a smirk playing on his lips. The sudden contact from the alabaster man brought a quiet moan from my lips, doing my best to hold it together.
“Answer me when I ask you a question, baby.” He growled, his face now hovering even closer. 
His rhythm ever so slightly speeding up, I moaned out “Y-Yes. “
“Yes, what?” He playfully asked, Now speeding up even more. He practically had me wrapped around his finger.
“Fuckkk. Yes, Sir.” I said breathlessly.
“That’s my, good girl.” He said quickly, before wrapping his hands around my thighs and started sucking my clit. A shamelessly loud moan left my mouth the moment he made contact with my heat. His tongue lapping at me and his hands tightly gripping my thighs were enough to send me over the edge.
My hand flew to his hair, moving it out of his face and gripping tightly. His eyes met mine and I about unraveled at the sight of him, a soft moan leaving my lips. That only egged him on, I felt his right hand leave my thigh, shortly after one of his fingers slowly entered my heat. Leaving me seeing stars.
“Oh, Jesus Christ- !” I moaned out.
His lips sucked on my clit as his digit slowly pumped in and out of me. It all turned into a fast crescendo of moans from both us, I was squirming under his touch. His moans only made me feel even better, feeling the vibrations with the already intense pleasure. 
“Fuck, Jack. Please.” I said breathlessly. I needed more but was ashamed to admit it.
He suddenly stopped and brought his head up, his chin slick with my juices. “What is it, baby? You want something you have to ask for it nicely.’
Teasing me, he rubbed his finger through my slick folds. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of giving in so quickly, but fuck. I wanted him so badly, and his teasing wasn’t helping anything. He cocked an eyebrow and pulled his hand away completely, forcing a whine out of me from the lack of contact. 
“What’d I say? Use your words, darling.” He teased with that stupid smirk coming back to his face. 
I couldn’t take it anymore, “Just- Just fuck me please. I don't think I can take it anymore.” I whined, your cheeks burned with embarrassment. 
“That wasn’t too hard now was it?” He teased. He climbed on top of me, quickly wiping his messy chin with of his hand. Sliding a hand from my hip up to my breast playing with my nipple, making me let out a soft whimper and buck against him. 
He hastily dove in, kissing me without any hesitation, still playing with my breast. His tongue slid inside my mouth instantly and I definitely didn’t mind. I ran my hands from his chest to his neck, desperately touching him anywhere I could. Finally threading them in his long curly hair, wanting to keep him as close as possible. 
This was different than our previous kisses, they were quick and careless. He took his time with me, his hand now cradling my face, his thumbs lightly swiping across my cheek. It was the sweetest moment we’d had with each other. 
“Mm, Darling I’ve thought about this since we’ve met.” He pulled away for a moment to look at my face, his fingers tangled themselves in my messy hair. A small but noticeable smile on his face. “You ready, baby?” He asked, reaching down and slowly dragging his cock through my slick folds.
I looked back up at him and quickly nodded my head. “Jack please, I want you so bad. Please.” His teasing made me squirm beneath him. 
He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before saying, “Been such a good girl for me, spread your legs baby. Let me give you what you deserve.” 
Before I knew it he was painfully slowly edging his way inside of me before bottoming out. The both of us letting out a low groan at the feeling. His hand wandered down to my breast, slowly massaging before I spread your legs more, trying to take him in as much as possible. 
He sucked in a quick breath of air and mumbled “Fuck, baby you’re so tight. You ready for me to move?”
His head hung down, his breathing still slower, but each breath made his chest heave. He was being so incredibly soft and sweet tonight, but I needed more than that. Pulling him down by the forearm I hastily kissed him. “Jack, please. Don’t hold back.”
He didn’t need much convincing and quickly slammed into me. A slew of curses quickly came from my mouth, my fingers gripped tighter in his hair. His head rested in the crook of my neck, leaving messy kisses all over, as his hips drove into me harder and harder. Thank god the headboard was attached to the wall or else the neighbors would’ve had something to complain about. 
“Baby you’re taking my cock so well, such a good girl.” He praised, practically moaning through his words. 
He leaned up and made space for his hand between the two of us, touching me as he pounded into you. All of the pleasure at once made me see stars, it felt as if the air had left my lungs for a moment. It was almost too much to handle. 
I raked my nails down his chest, easing the intensity of his pleasure. Soft groans had turned into load moans leaving my mouth. He wasn’t shy about being vocal either, not afraid to loudly moan next to my ear. It only turned me on more, I could feel my own wetness coat my thighs and his groin. 
I was already starting to get close, everything about him was just making the experience even better. His wild hair sticking out every which way, the feeling of his hand gripping my collarbone, the soft feeling of his nose brushing against my own. I think he was starting to get close as well. He looked up at me and his once pale complexion was now pink and flushed, glistening with sweat. 
Our rhythm together was starting to get faster and faster, each thrust sending me further over the edge. He bent down and swept me into a deep kiss, our two bodies moving in tandem. He quickly bit my lip then released to give me one last love bite before I was seeing white. My body practically lost feeling for a brief moment before I came down again, a string of curses following. I didn’t want it to end, but as I came down I swear I was seeing floating colors.
Jack groaned and leaned up to look at me again, his breathing was ragged, he almost seemed out of breath. “Y/N I’m gonna come.” He moaned, still keeping up his pace. 
He quickly sped up, a slew of curses coming out his mouth, and his eyes were tightly shut. I felt his fluids flow into me, filling me up. He let out a low groan and slowly pulled out, laying next to my tired body. Both of us covered with sweat and completely out of breath, our chests heaving up and down. 
I moved to my side and wrapped myself around him, he was quick to wrap an arm around me, letting out a long sigh. 
“I think that’s the nicest interaction we’ve had to date” I breathlessly laughed out.
He let out a small chuckle and hummed in agreement. “I suppose it was.” 
“I have a feeling it won’t be our last “Nice interaction.” I mumbled against his chest.
“Funny. I was thinking the same thing.” He leaned over and gave me a small kiss on the forehead. “Now let’s get you cleaned up, darling.”
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