#hope that answers it!
perceabeth · 2 years
Would you be willing to elaborate on why you think hoo broke the rules of the world? I didn’t like the series bc of what it did to the og character arcs but I never caught onto it breaking the rules. No pressure to do so I’m mostly just curious
lol it's okay! WEEEEEEEELLLLLLL where to begin?
Big Three Kids!
The whole point of PJO was that there was nobody like Percy. That they were rare and were destined to be hunted to death because they weren't meant to be born. So then, of course, you assume they don't exist! The ones who are alive each paid a heavy price- Bianca and Thalia died, Thalia chose immortality, Bianca and Nico each lived in a weird universe where they missed out on their own lives.
There was no real reason for Jason to be a child of Zeus other than to put him in a position of leadership, but the thing about New Rome is that they have a different system about these things anyway with their cohorts and stuff and him being Thalia's sister adds so little to anything it was just a really stupid move imo.
I get what Riordan was trying to do with Hazel by circumventing the rule-- but it feels cheap and tacky. ESPECIALLY because Hazel's powers are so badly plotted out that she could have just as easily been a child of Hecate lol.
The most baffling one, though, is FRANK who is for some reason a legacy of Poseidon? I would have thought that was cool-- like being a legacy and so many generations before you having lived out their lives despite being demigods? SUPER cool. In that case. Why is he also a son of Mars?
It feels like too much is being packed into too little and when you don't have the time to explore these things, they just seem like he's saying hey. I know I said it's rare for demigods to grow old. But that's GREEK demigods. The ROMANS are super cool and super fun and they don't stand by the same rules!
2. The actual powers themselves.
Leo, son of Hephaestus and brother of Charles Beckendorf who died in a fire- now has control over fire! Piper can basically brainwash anyone because she's got Charmspeak but wait! There's more! Her sister Drew ALSO has Charmspeak!! Both of them are, of course, sisters of a girl who was manipulated into betraying all her friends <3 Hazel's a daughter of Hades? She's magic. Also she has power over gems and knows her way underground (I cannot even begin to think of WHAT made him decide the black girl needs to play ANY of these roles but I digress). Frank's just an average son of Mars who can turn into any animal he wants, which is totally cool and normal!
Do you remember how special Percy was in PJO? How hard other demigods had to train in combat because they would be killed if they didn't learn it? Remember how absolutely rare it was to see demigods with that kind of power, to the point where Chiron didn't want Percy and Thalia to be near each other because he feared they'd destroy everything? Not anymore <3 Super Powerful Demigods can now sit together on a ship and face no consequences at all, even when they have minor disagreements because they all come together very organically !!
3. Character arcs
I know you said it, but I can't talk about HoO and not bring up Nico di Angelo. Tell me why he went through his arc TWICE in two series? Here's the reason: because Mr. Riordan didn't want to make any of the main cast gay <3 He did it for woke points, so he was like hey hold on what if. Instead of any combination of the FIVE new characters I introduced being gay... I can retcon my Straight Series so it looks like I'm far more inclusive!
Great job, Mr. Riordan. You have raised a bunch of rabid fans who like Nico now because he's Gay and not because at one point he was an innocent boy who loses everything and fights to find his way back home. His story in PJO was a large part of the Great Prophecy, and yet... all of that was washed away in order to make him Gay Gay Gay.
Percy and Annabeth, we know-- it's a travesty. Stupid Percy and Robot Annabeth we've been through this a thousand times fuck that shit but it's so disappointing because as readers WE know these characters. We know them from PJO where they were each their own person and they had some good moments but HoO effectively wiped off the super strong friendship they already had going.
WHY has that been cheapened to the point of a joke!! It's literally so insane like the first series is about how difficult it is to be a half-blood. Greek and Roman mythology are not as different as Greek and Egyptian, see, so TKC ad MCGA can afford to change up the rules but HoO can't. That's like. The whole point!! So to randomly say hey actually this group is perfectly fine and the reason they're living so well is because the Greeks aren't as organised is so offensive to the reader because up until now all we had was the Greek camp! He flips it over and then somehow blames US for being stupid enough to think that's the only way to live.... and still decides to give the Roman camp child soldiers?????????????????????????????????????????????? make it make sense im begging
5. The bloody GODS
What did HoO do. Like. What did it do.
Because I can tell you what PJO did. PJO was about the gods learning to hold themselves accountable for the lives they create, drew a parallel between mortals, demi-mortals and immortal beings and dissected the value of life. It was a learning curve for everyone involved: for Luke, for Percy, and for the gods he so unwaveringly served. That was the point. That Luke was right, that the gods were primarily to blame because they don't care enough about human life. That they don't even care about minor gods. They swore to change.
And HoO is like aha I know I made it a whole thing and it was a huge sacrifice on Percy's part because he was offered immortality in place of the gods being held accountable-- but sike they haven't changed, even ONE YEAR down the line.
It makes the ENTIRE first Great Prophecy a TOTAL joke. Like what was the point of ANY of that happening if the gods were jut going to revert to being the exact same???
6. Harrowing realities of war
According to the wiki, there were forty campers fighting at the Battle of Manhattan. Forty. That's how many demigods there were. Yeah, the Hunters helped and the party ponies also came in- but it was a small team of campers. Between BotL and TLO, I can think off the top of my head about Lee Mitchell, Castor or Pollux (whichever one) Charles Beckendorf, Michael Yew, Silena Beauregard who died. A lot of these characters have been mentioned before as well! And they died. Because children shouldn't be fighting a war, actually, and yet here they were, dying before they could apply to college. The finale was just this horrible moment when Silena dies and Kronos attacks Chiron and everything seems so bleak and it's when Annabeth loses faith that you know everything is going to change.
Meanwhile HoO is the most absurd final battle, I think, because if I'm being honest, I don't even know who the enemy is. First they're fighting giants then the gods arrive and Fix it for them and then they're fighting Romans and Greeks and then there's monsters in their armies? And SIKE it's actually Gaea who's the Big Bad and defeating her fixes everything as though ANY of that makes sense!! So what, then? All the work that they did in PJO- the friends they buried and the enemies they spared-- that is stupid, right, when you can just get some girl to come and scream "please stop fighting"? What is the point of the war then?
Just because it's more complicated.... doesn't make the writing good.
7. What Theme.
Percy Jackson is about finding your place in the world. It's about home and it's about hope and it's about knowing that you're never alone. That love is always the answer, that faith and belief are the only motivators and that all darkness can be defeated with light. Someoe tell me what HoO is about. Earth Bad, Teenagers Good? It's not even about bridging the gap between the Greeks and Romans which is what it ostensibly claims is the core of the series. Makes it feel like PJO was dumb to have a theme at all. <3
Look at the time lol
In summation,
PJO is a story. HoO is a bunch of scenes sewn together where every scene is designed to be more insane and also to consistently undermine everything that happens in PJO. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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stirringwinds · 1 year
Hello! Long time fan of your account, and sorry for the long question.
About HWS Japan's relationship with China I would see him already having troubles with him before western intervention as I am currently reading about East Asian's relationships, Tang China and Silla (modern day South Korea) defeated Japan and Baekje (who had ties with the royal family in Japan) would that affect their relationship already? I hc Kiku feeling like Yao was not a very nice guy to be around but nevertheless a good teacher (fanboy of the Tang dynasty's culture but boi this guy is horrible type of relationship)
Since China historically favoured Korea (with benefits) it makes sense for South Korea to get along with China (considering that Silla's territories are South Korean and Goguryeo North Korea's and Silla played smarts by having Tang back them into fighting against Baekje and Goguryeo) but for most of the history it seems that Japanese and Chinese interactions were chaotic, with the Ningbo incident, the battle of baekgang and battle of imjin river where China helped Korea to defeat Japanese expansionism.
I am now seeing Japan as kinda of a Zuko to his family (no blood ties)
@thepianistblogsbasedonhumanities: hey, thanks for the very detailed (and interesting) question! this is my personal take on kiku and yao before the 20th century (from my POV as a diaspora Chinese/SEAsian):
- deep cultural influences, intimacy and enmity often go hand-in-hand, for nations that are neighbours—and so it is for Kiku and Yao. This is something I see even for nations I headcanon as siblings by blood—for example, with England and Scotland, Wales, Ireland, regarding the historical impact of English dominance and cultural imperialism on them, both before and after the British Empire became a world power. In the case of Kiku and Yao, I don’t see them as related or ever perceiving the other that way—at most, it was confined to how the Chinese tributary system sometimes deployed familial metaphors (such as how the academic literature describes Ming China and Joseon Korea being likened to a ‘older-younger brother dynamic’ in the Chinese imperial worldview. Likewise, I wouldn’t see Yao or Yong-soo as actually related either).
- for Yao and Kiku specifically, a somewhat regicidal mentor-protégé dynamic: as you point out, Sino-Japanese conflicts existed long before Japan was influenced by Western empires. How I see it: while Alfred and other circling Western powers did alter Kiku’s attitude towards Yao and Yong-soo from what it was during isolationism, Japanese imperial ambitions are not new in the larger sweep of 2000+ years of history. Kiku might have waged the 1894 Sino-Japanese War and annexation of Korea in western uniforms and with a westernized military—but it still mirrors the 16th century Imjin/Chongyu Wars and the 663 CE Battle of Baekgang in the pattern of Sino-Japanese conflicts involving Korea. If anything, imo, some of Kiku’s ambitious streak comes from Yao’s influence (rather than simply copying the Western powers). After all, even during those calm stretches where he and Yao were on friendly terms, he’s watching Yao doing what empires do—i.e the conquest of the “Baiyue” tribes who originally lived in Southern China, of Vietnam, or the Ming war against the Sinhalese kingdom of Kotte during Zheng He’s voyages.
- while by modern standards, this does seem like a tumultuous relationship, I see the helltalias being more accustomed to this, existing in eras where empire and warfare were treated as normalised byproducts of international relations. I feel like Kiku alternatingly admires, envies and resents Yao (sometimes all at once), but all the same, I don’t think he always found Yao uniquely horrible—if only because he never expected a man who is an empire to be nurturing or soft (even if Yao is capable of showing that side when he wants to). I’m a bit fuzzy re: when they first meet, but if I take the Han dynasty/ Yayoi period (based on the earliest found mention of Japan in Chinese records)? This is the era of the Roman, Persian and Gupta empires—and like them, Han dynasty Yao is also a conqueror. He's rather what Kiku expects of an empire: kind of great, terrible, intimidating and fascinating culturally all at once. From Kiku’s POV, Yao is a man comfortable with a sword as he is an inkbrush, a warlord occupied with political schemes—but also the sort who would halt his warhorse to admire the plum blossoms by the Yangtze river and compose a poem. During those Japanese embassies to the subsequent Tang dynasty, I see it similarly—for all the cosmopolitan artistic developments Kiku’s keen to learn about, he’s well aware of the Tang expansion into Central Asia, and of course the Battle of Baekgang in Korea where he’s actually at war with Yao.
- Imo, pre-20th century Kiku still tended to regard Yao as a sort of standard for what “power” and “civilization” looked like. In that vein, I headcanon the Opium Wars being more uniquely shocking to Kiku compared to the Manchu or Mongol conquests of China—while both had enormous repercussions, the Opium Wars represented a more drastic overturning of the Chinese worldview—including those tenets Kiku incorporated into his own culture centuries ago. Now, it seems as though all this is ossified, irrelevant and decadent—next to Western industrialisation and ways of thinking. We might think, but regimes come and go, don't they? However, Kiku’s accustomed to Yao being atop the hierarchy for centuries, or at least being regarded as culturally sophisticated, even by his enemies (the Manchu and Mongols both being open to adopting certain elements of Chinese culture, even if partly motivated by fostering a sense of legitimacy with the larger population). And so, even when Kiku was in a long-term and intensely romantic relationship with Jan/Johan (Ned) and was learning about Western culture from him before 1853, he still retained many of his Chinese-influenced customs (such as Confucian philosophy or the way the kimono was influenced by the Chinese hanfu).
-  so, overall—my personal take on Kiku and Yao before the 20th century is deep cultural influence, steeped in a complicated and contradictory relationship. Ultimately, I also feel this sort of Janus-faced dynamic isn’t unprecedented between neighbouring nations who have a long history together. And they clash because they’re similar in some ways; having a deep vein of artistry, but also sharp-edged pride and ambition. Yao regards him as an upstart: perhaps a good learner who is savvy at adapting and incorporating what he learns—but also a troublemaker who needs to be reminded his place (Imjin/Chongyu Wars, the Ningbo Incident etc). For his part, imo, Kiku doesn’t really try to deny that Yao is his mentor and during calmer eras, admiration might be stronger than envy or resentment for Yao—but personality-wise, imo Kiku has a strong streak of pride and ambition— and not enough reverence to always accept the Chinese imperial hierarchy.
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willgrahamscock · 1 month
Why bother arguing in support of trans people if you’re not trans?
very simple concept called believing in human rights
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aueua · 7 months
people with siblings: how do you feel about them?
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neattnat · 8 months
Oh sorry for bothering you and I hope this doesn't sound rude but do you take requests and how many characters do you take per requests? What are your rules?
No worries! I do take requests right now! And I would ask for a maximum of three characters per request. Depending on their complexities. And the usual applies, I have a right to refuse any requests. But I am open to try drawing something new (be that humans and mech) but they would be much slower.
I actually thought to open requests for rainworld Art. But, I’m always up for drawing/trying something new!
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My addition… scooped Michael cat
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bobacupcake · 7 months
begging... pleading... for a bigger version of that pikachu gif (if possible), i am so utterly enchanted with it its unreal (i have that exact plush in my house!!!)
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hattiestgal · 4 months
If you don't mind my asking, how do you go about drawing fat? :3
So, for me personally, a lot of the time when I draw fat characters, I'm not looking to specifically capture the specifics of fat as much as the feel of fat. Bulkier, rounder shapes in the right places that has a feeling of weight to em! A lot of that is intuition and simplification at this point, but it all works on the same frame as just any ol' person. Like take this-
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For example. This is the basis for any body shape, not just the more average one that it may imply. Sure- it can be that average body shape:
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But also a fat one too!
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And a big part of that is knowing where fat usually tends to bunch up on the body, so lets take a look piece by piece! (Please keep in mind this is very simplified, and not completely precise in some parts)
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THE FACE: Cheeks (in purple) and especially the chin (in light blue) are the places where a lot of the fat is gonna wanna gather and round out on your face! Additionally, theres a small pocket of fat beneath the cranium on the backside of your head. It's small, but it is there. I believe fat can build up elsewhere like the bridge of your nose and forehead, but generally speaking, you're gonna have a whole lot more buildup in other places first.
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THE TORSO: A lot of the fat built up on the torso is gonna be sent to your tummy. More cushioning for vital organs, mostly out of the way, it just makes sense. Additionally, the lower backs fat builds up and joins with a patch of fat on your sides that forms what is typically referred to as the love handles to make that double belly look. Along with this, the immediate next target for the torso is the breasts, followed by the upper back!
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THE ARMS: For this limb, a VERY notable amount of the fat present builds up on the tricep and bicep areas, lessening once you get towards the flexor and extensor areas. You can almost think of the arm as a sort of triangular shape, wide side starting from the shoulder and tapering towards the hand, which itself mostly builds up fat around the back of the hand and the fingers. The shoulders themselves don't build up too much fat unless you got a lot
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THE LEGS: And finally, you can think of the legs having pretty similar curves to what you're probably already used to thinking. The front of the thighs getting a big buildup, along with the back of the calves, the other parts being flatter in turn. As far as the feet go- similarly to the hands, the top of the feet, along with the heels get most of the buildup, as fat on your soles would impede mobility. The glute, hip and crotch area will also especially build up fat, lending to the same triangular shape that you can see in the arm!
A big thing to note with fat is that it tends to taper off towards joints. Your knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and all the other places are gonna have significantly less fat so that you remain mobile and flexible, as that's important!
Now that we have an idea of where fat builds up on the body, you might have something that looks kinda like this
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Which yes, does demonstrate a solid understanding of the places fat builds up, lacks the weight you're probably trying to convey, which brings us to out next point! Fat is well... heavy! Gravity is what gives fat much of it's shape, especially as you tread towards larger and larger bodies.
This is demonstrated really well on the arms especially-
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Those big ol' bits of fat'll really start to sag when left hanging, and they will squish like hell if they run into something. I like to think of these bits of fat as big ol' ovals that squash and stretch depending on if there's an obstacle in their way or not
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These are the important shapes to remember when it comes to the weightiness of fat! If you take all of this into mind, you should be getting something a lot closer to that shape you've been after!
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Oh, and always remember that fat bodies come in all variety of shapes and sizes! Play around with a whole lot, and seek out all the resources you can! it'll really lend to your knowledge when it comes to this kinda stuff!
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And as I always recommend when it comes to learning art- look at what your favorite artists do with fat bodies. See what you really like about the fat bodies they draw and try to replicate it in your own work, I promise you it's one of the most helpful things ever.
This is like the most basic of basics when it comes to drawing fat bodies though. If there's any additional thing about fat bodies, or maybe you want clarification on something, don't be afraid to ask! If there's enough to cover, I'll make an addition to this post!
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amber-tortoiseshell · 2 months
I don't understand amber. How does it work? What does it do? How is it different from wide band/golden/ect.? Please explain
Ohoho, you invited me to talk about my favourite gene!
Amber is the mutation of the MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor) gene. Recessive mutations here are associated with red and yellow color varieties in lots of species: rabbits, horses, mice and humans, to mention a few examples.
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So what does this gene do? Replaces the black pigment with red. That's the gist of it.
The regular orange color of cats is a different gene, but they have similar molecular backgrounds: red and amber are both phaeomelanin-based colors. Phaeomelanin is one of the two most important pigment types in mammals, together with eumelanin. Eumelanin is responsible for black and brown colors, phaeomelanin is for reds and yellows. Black, chocolate and cinnamon are the traditional eumelanin-based cat colors.
Eumelanin-based tabbies have both eumelanin and phaeomelanin in their fur, the alternation of these two pigments make the agouti hairs banded: the lighter bands have only phaeomelanin. Phaeomelanin-based colors have only or overwhelmingly phaeomelanin in both the lighter and darker bands (the difference is probably the amount of pigments).
Now wide band does something different: it extends the lighter bands, so the coloration becomes less eumelanin-dominated (when there's eumelanin present). Thus, yellow cat.
The first figure shows basically the comparison of the hairs of a black and a red or amber tabby, the second is how golden hairs look like:
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That's the difference between amber and golden. One of them changes the color of the agouti bands, the other changes their size.
Here's a red, an amber and a golden cat for comparison:
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The amber tabby in the middle has darker orange tabby pattern, the black golden cat still has a black tailtip, black feet, sometimes even some black markings on the face.
The coolest thing about amber is that unlike red and golden, the kittens born with a lot of eumelanin, and they gradually lose it as they mature. Like this:
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Nowaja (Galaxy vom Ritterclan), amber smoke with white
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realpokemon · 2 months
creampuff’s evolution went better than expected but it took a HELL of a lot longer than predicted. moral of the cautionary tale: do NOT everstone a pupal stage pokemon. she’s a bit of a runt of a salamence because her growth cycle was thrown off schedule, but she should continue growing even after she’s evolved so we’ll see how that turns out. she’s currently on a medication to help regulate her growth hormones but there won’t be any definite results for a long while. since. you know. she’s a dragon
and yes, she’s happy and healthy right now
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setacin · 1 month
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"she's dead scar.... you won."
my cosplay of scar's secret life red life skin!
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originalartblog · 4 months
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He calls him small and little all the time, but when no one's looking, an old mocking nickname fondly makes a comeback
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stirringwinds · 1 year
how do you feel abt gerame/ameger
I've answered this some time back here, and although that ask is quite old, my feelings haven't really changed substantially.
Basically, i do like them as a ship—plenty of compelling history between them, definitely not always good or easy—but a dynamic with a lot of depth + historical and cultural dimension to it. the connection of them both being Gilbert's protégés (in a manner of speaking) is something i like thinking about too.
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canisalbus · 2 months
I met a dog who looks a lot like Machete-- even had similar temperament lol, she was pretty shy
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She seems awfully sweet. I love her hairy toes and impressive arm fringes.
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reblogforsamplesize · 2 months
This poll is strictly for autistic people only, and thus does not have a "see results" option. If you're allistic (not autistic) please refrain from voting.
Respectfully, this poll isn't for non-autistic people! It's actually for a slideshow presentation I'm working on for school, therefore please only participate if you are Autistic.
to be clear: this is NOT asking if there SHOULD be a cure for autism, as that is a different issue. this is simply asking, if it WAS possible through safe and ethical means, would you take the opportunity to cure YOURSELF. you're not making the decision for anyone else.
this poll was submitted by an anonymous user. if you have a poll you want to reach a larger audience, feel free to submit it to me, post it and @ me in the replies, or send me the link in an ask!
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
Everything you write is a banger 🫶 and you are RIGHT, ghost loves sloppy blowjobs but especially the noises like loves hearing his beautiful gf gag on his huge dick while staring up at him with watery eyes (please euthanize me)
you people are being so good to me like what on earth did I do to deserve this? I love you! thank you so, so much 💕🫶🏻 also… say fucking less, my love.
warnings/content: simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader. blowjob, deep-throating, mentions of spit and tears. swallowing. slight degradation if you squint, but ghost only adores you! words: 762. 18+, mdni.
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Ghost’s calloused fingers caressed your cheek, and he lifted your head to look at him. On your knees before him you looked even softer and sweeter than you usually did.
So goddamn obedient.
From the sight, his cock—painfully erect—twitched above your face. Mere seconds earlier he had pulled it out of your throat, your lips releasing it with a soft pop: your body desperate for one of those breaths that he knew would burn your lungs from the mere intensity of your inhale.
He did love to push you to your limit. His sweetheart turned into a cock-drunk little thing. Lips glistening, eyes pleading for more. Your spit dripping down your jaw in a pretty little stream, lubing you up so fuckin’ nice and good for his use.
He’d been fucking your mouth—your throat—for so long, that by now, he knew your body felt empty without the weight of his thick length on your tongue.
And who the fuck was he to deny that from you, eh?
“Tongue out, darlin’.”
Not a hint of hesitation flashed in your eyes as you let him see the pretty pink of it. You were so goddamn fuckin’ beautiful like this: the sounds that passed your lips so goddamn pretty as he pushed back in.
“There ya fuckin’ go. Come on, luv, take it all, yeah?”
The thick weight of him in your mouth muffled out most of your gasps and moans, yet never the sound of your gags. So fuckin’ sweet, as he pushed into your throat, his hand on the back of your head helping you to align your throat better. To allow him deeper down.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, baby, that’s it. Just like that—“
He could feel your throat relaxing around him once more. Your gags easing, your shoulders letting go of their nervous tension: the sudden ease allowing his balls to press against your bottom lip as he bottomed out.
“Fuckin’ right, doll.” He was downright seeing stars by then: your mouth so fuckin’ soft and warm and wet around him that had this been his first time using you like this, he would’ve damn sure passed out from the pure fuckin’ bliss. “My darlin’s takin’ it so fuckin’ good, yeah?”
Ghost’s fingers caressed your cheek, soft and adoring: so at odds with the mess that he was making of you. Sliding out, only to feed every last fuckin’ inch of his cock back down your throat, somehow only deeper than the last time.
“Fuckin’—eyes on me, yeah, luv?”
Your gaze found his in an instant: the beauty of your eyes only highlighted by the glimmer of your tears, accompanied by the softest twinkle of his darlin’ seeking his approval.
Your body was begging for more: only opening up further around the brutal size of his cock, allowing him to pick up his pace.
In and out: your spit running past your lips.
In and fuckin’ out, as you forced your eyes to stay locked with his. How fuckin’ scary he must’ve looked, towering over you with his goddamn mask on. 
Fuck, how he would make you feel so loved and adored after. Work so hard on showin’ you how much you meant to him.
Christ al-fuckin’-mighty.
His eyes blinking shut, Ghost leaned his head back as his fingers around your head tightened their grip. Now chasing after his orgasm, he listened to your gags and whimpers: the desperation of your spit dripping past your lips as he used you for his pleasure.
His sweet little thing.
His perfect fuckin' darlin’.
“So goddamn fuckin’ close, baby—“
Ghost forced his gaze to meet yours, and that—fuckin’ hell, that was all that he needed. Seeing the knit of your brows as your twinkling eyes begged for his cum down your throat, so fuckin’ well trained.
So fuckin’ sweet.
With a deep curse and a rumbling call for your name, his cock pumped thick ropes of his seed down your throat.
Chuckling, as your eyes watered.
Praising you, his voice low yet warm, as he felt you swallowing around him before he pulled out with a soft pop.
Smiling from pure pride, as Ghost crouched by you and drew you into the deepest of kisses, full of adoration for you.
For his sweetheart.
His little fuckin’ champ.
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masterlist | requests are open 💌
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