#also she has feathers on her face n neck from the winged ears
purpleleafsyt · 3 months
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Euphrasia.. I've been needing to update my design for a while now
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scekrex · 1 month
Out for love but Adam and Lute sing it while training the exorcists and it's "out for blood"
And in one phrase Adam goes something like "I know you're hopin' for peace, Y/N / You're out for love / But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for blood" (basically the reversed version of what Camilla sings to Vaggie) and Reader just channels all the rage he has stored up inside of him and accidentally kills one of the exorcists. Adam finds that highly sexy despite being a little mad at him for killing one of his girls
Got you🤌🏻
Out for Blood
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, canon typical violence, character death
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your jabs were weak, your punches were soft and whenever you were attacked, you dodged the attack and waited for your opponent to attack again instead of fighting back. The exorcists were after killing demons, you were not. While the idea of rehabilitation didn’t sit fully right with you, you were not out for blood.
Adam and Lute watched you with careful eyes, the white haired woman had crossed her arms over her chest and was talking to Adam as you dodged another attack by your chosen opponent, the woman you were fighting against was quick, her moves were perfectly timed and yet she did not manage to land a hit - in your book that counted as a win, in Lute’s book it didn’t. “Stop it,” the lieutenant yelled and the exorcist that had been selected to train with you stopped in her tracks. You turned your head in order to look at Lute and find out what you have been doing wrong, but before you could do so Adam was all in your face, the first man grabbed your chin and tilted your head upwards.
“I see you're driven by your devotion, your every move is filled with amity,” the first man spun you around, in the process of doing so he disarmed you, the weapon you had been holding in a firm grip was torn from your hands and tossed aside. In confusion you watched as Adam made his battle ax appear, the golden weapon that could also be used as an instrument was swung in your direction and you took a quick step sideways to prevent getting cut by it. Its sharp blade missed you by an inch as the leader of the exorcists continued, “You need a different type of motivation, or there’s no way that you can handle this.” In a fluent motion the angel moved to your back, his weapon he used to pull you against his chest, proving the point that dodging will get you nowhere in the end. The handle of his weapon that was also a guitar neck at the same time was pressed against your throat, cutting off your air supply. He bent down, his mouth close to your ear, “I know you’re hopin’ for peace, Y/N, you’re out for love.” You grabbed the guitar neck firmly, pushed your feet off the ground until they reached the level of Adam’s head, you pressed your head through the little space between the weapon’s handle and Adam’s chest, losing your mask in the process of doing so. Your legs were hooked over the first man’s shoulders and with momentum you got your entire body up on his shoulders. Your crotch was right in front of Adam’s face now and while normally you’d feel embarrassed by the type of intimacy this position brought, right now was not the time to care for such little things.
“But you’ll only stand a chance if you’re out for blood,” the first man sang as he grabbed a hold of your legs, effortlessly lifted you off of his shoulders and slammed you onto the ground. Your back hit the pavement hard, not even your feathered wings helped to soften the crash, yet you wasted no time and got back up on your feet again. You dodged another hit from Adam as you picked up the weapon he had taken from you in the beginning. “Think of who you’re gonna hurt, attack ‘em and be out for blood,” a grin appeared on the mask of your leader and his eyes glitched at the sight of you picking up the weapon to fight for real now. Adam was quite positive that he had pushed you far enough now, that you would hurt and kill at his command and drop your act of fighting without spilling any blood. “You’re gonna fight without trust, long as you're out for blood,” Adam glanced at Lute, the white haired woman was curiously watching to where this would lead to, yet the first man knew she saw the talent and potential in the way you moved. You barely left Adam time to recover with how quickly you were dodging attack after attack, if you were to strike back, you would be able to finish off more sinners than Lute during the upcoming extermination and Adam longed to see that, he wanted to see you on the battlefield in hell, covered in the blood of countless sinners. And just as he was about to swing his battle ax again, you made use of your weapon and swung it in his direction before he could execute another attack. You almost sliced the first man’s neck, yet Adam had been just as quick to dodge your attack as you had been when it came to dodging his.
“Fuel yourself with the feeling of hatred, towards someone that you will outlive,” the taller male leaned in close, the front of his mask almost touching your face and before you knew it he grabbed a hold of your wrist, pulled you with him as he straightened his back and you found yourself stumbling towards the first man, that had totally caught you off guard. “Remember the reason why you’ve been created, to fight with all you can give,” before Adam was able to pull you in entirely, you spread your wings, pointed your weapon towards him, the tip of the blade was positioned under his chin as you ripped your arm from his grip and unmasked the first man by doing so. The exorcists around you gasped and even Lute held her breath for a moment - did you overstep? Given that Adam continued your little session without any sign of discomfort, she guessed not, yet it felt wrong to watch the brunette fight without his mask. His hair was just as sweaty as yours and clung to his forehead, that did not irritate him in the slightest, “I know you’re hopin’ for peace, Y/N, you’re out for love,” he twirled his battle ax with ease and you were sure he was just showing off, so you took that as your chance and pushed yourself off the ground, if this fight were to end, it would end in the air. Adam was quick to join you, he caught up on your plan instantly, “But you’ll only stand a chance if you're out for blood.” The first man rushed towards you as he swung his weapon yet again, leaving a deep cut on your inner forearm, yet the adrenaline kept you up, the pain was not stopping you. Adam wanted proof that you were good enough to execute his orders as he pleased? Then you would deliver him the proof he wanted.
A thing you had not expected was for Adam to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you back to the ground with him after hurting you. So you found your feet hitting the ground sooner than expected, you were about to defend yourself against your leader yet again, but the taller male shoved you in the direction of your former opponent, the woman was launching towards you the second you had realized what Adam had intended with that little move. “Think of who you’re gonna hurt, attack ‘em and be out for blood,” the brunette continued as he leaned onto Lute’s shoulder, watching the new started fight with more excitement than before, this time he was actually interested.
You bashed towards the woman who was assigned your fighting partner, to her surprise you rushed past her, as you did you your arm hooked itself around her throat, sending her crashing down onto the ground. The angel made a pained noise and the expression on her mask only underlined the pain she must be feeling, but you were too far gone, too caught up in what Adam had told you to do. You were filled with hatred, there was not a single rational thought in your mind, only Adam’s voice made it through the thick clouds of hate, “You’re gonna fight without trust.” As the woman wanted to get up, you pressed your foot onto her chest, preventing her from doing so, the tip of your weapon was pointed towards her neck and you watched in delight as her eyes widened. The first man was not able to tear his eyes off the scene, he wanted to see how far you would go for him. “And if you have to adjust,” the tip of your weapon lifted her mask from her head, just like you had done to Adam’s earlier, “Yeah, you will turn ‘em to dust.” Golden blood was spilling from wounds your weapon had created and as the brunette sang the last line, “Long as you’re out for blood,” you beheaded the woman that you had pinned to the ground, causing the other angels to shriek in panic. Not Adam though, no. He was walking towards you and while the others must have thought he was gonna punish you for killing one of his exorcists, he picked up his mask and put it back on, then he collected yours and handed it to you. With a proud look on his face he leaned his forearm onto your shoulder and looked down at the angelic corpse, “That was so fucking hot.”
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jovnie · 3 years
The devil's desire | Yoongi
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You fell in love with a man of many pasts, however he desired more than a relationship. He wanted your soul for eternity.
Words: 13k
Devil yoongi! Demon au! Human reader
Very Dark themes
Warnings: religious concepts, gore, porn without plot, death, big dick yoongi, clubbing, kidnapping, non-con touching, blood, cnc, prey ( y/n ), stalker yoongi, drugged, drugs, chains, cutting, rough sex,
"She's almost ready sir!" a winged creature announced. Nodding in his throne, he took the mirror and looked through it. There you were getting ready to meet a mysterious guy at a club or well hoping to once again. He smirked devilishly knowing you remembered to come back to this particular club.
He previously brought you to this nightclub in Korea, hidden through an alleyway in the darkest part of Busan. There was danger and a constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped. Even if Korea was a safe place, things like kidnapping and murder still happen and even more so at night.
He remembered that you kept a knife and a taser with you, he liked the vulnerability you had going to a place not meant for angels let alone humans at night. He found it charming how oblivious you are to your surroundings as well. He was a man of darkness and hell for sure, but one thing was for sure. He only craved humans who were pure and light energetically. 'Suppose you did know that the Club was own by the devil himself, would that really stop you' he thought.
He watched her put on clothes and noticed how delicate she was in his eyes. No, this wasn't the first time he'd watch her. Not the last either, it seemed like a generational curse in his eyes. He wasn't mad he placed it on the females to feel tempted by his actions, however, each one passed the test. you however failed it the first two times, making it the third time.
Sighing, he put the mirror down and stood up. Stretching, he allowed his black feather wings to elongate and move around before putting them away. Looking at his watch it was a quarter past 11 pm, he'd knew you want to be early and try and catch a good table. However the little worry of what if someone wanted to take you before him, hurt you before him. The thoughts riled him up, making him grab his keys and wait by the portal. Besides the gate doesn't open until 11:59, so his intrusiveness can calm for now.
While waiting, he took out the cute little human hand mirror you'd gifted him a while back. He looked at himself and the scar over his left eye, "maybe this is what attracts them" he chuckled softly.
As time fastened, he waited for the lock in the air to appear. He waited long and hard for that little red lock and once it appeared, he opened all the portals from his underworld to the human world and the other one which lead stright to his club.
Formally known as 666 plaza to hadians, the chosen humans only knew it as void 218. To you it was just another club on the holy day of Sunday. Although you were never brought up with Christianity, you had the basics that everyone knew, loved, and hated.
Waiting by the gates or humanly known as "doors" you pulled out your phone to realize there was no battery or charge. Confused as you could've sworn it was full when you left, you herd the doors open and the mini line began moving. Your eyes wandered the room to find the stairs that led to the upper level where you would meet and see Yoongi. You knew it was stupid to keep doing this, but with yours and his schedule it wasn't at all.
Passing by the few people, you found upstairs and walked up seeing there were already people inside which confused you, but you paid little attention to it. Waiting by the usual black velvet seats and area, you head a familiar voice.
"Is this your regular peach vodka with light ice?" yoongi asked loudly over the now loud music playing. Nodding, you sat up and greeted him before getting your drink. Little did u know about his plans with you or what tonight was gonna be.
Smiling softly, yoongi was gentle eyes admired your beauty as he get down with his own drink. He took a sip of his own drink that was laced with a sleeping drug, one that'd do nothing to him and more to you.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked knowingly.
"Well, it's a Sunday and I have nothing planned so I thought I come by" you lied, hoping the white lie would slip. Nodding, yoongi put his hand on your thighs and moved closer to talk to you about life and each other week. You mentioned something about the campus or school you were studying and he lied about his "forensics" job and how hard it was to see how people died. Continuing, he bought the two of you more drinks and when the timing was right offered one of his. Thanking him for the kind jester, you took a sip. He smiled and also took a sip after you, then placed it back down.
"Good isn't it?" he said, reaching over to his phone and at the time. Noticing he did so you hummed and snuck another sip. Then another. Whatever was in had you almost drinking his entire cup down.
"Omg what is this, what's making it so good. I can't put my finger on it" she said as her words slowed down and her eyes blinked slowly. He watched her body start to feel tired, then at the right moment whispered in her ear "apple, cherry, lime, it's a light alchcolic drink and right, drugs."
Soon as her eyes closed and body dropped, he mustered enough strength to pick her up and sling you over his shoulder. "Another one taken by the devils favorite drink, poison apple," he whispered knowing nobody cared to stop him not could. Well not if they wanted hells punishment if not worse death, even if they were immortal. Walking up the last set of stairs he opened the portal and handed the keys to his servant and told him to look after.
Noting the girl, the servant nodded and knew the king was gonna take his time and would be in a long "meeting." Taking charge of the place, yoongi walked up to his Castle surrounded by blue flames in the middle of nowhere and walked in. He demanded for total privacy, meaning nobody in or even near the castle or be banished for eternity and with that everyone wondered what that soul did to get his undivided attention. From there gossip spread about you from one to another creature and it traveled fast.
Meanwhile, he laid you on the bed and looked at his watch. The drug last about 30 minutes and about 20minuets have gone. From there he requested one trusted worker with a list. The list was :
The devils list
Body Chains and rope
Salt and a black cross
2 Robes
Black paint
Sheep's blood
Lube any flavor
Nodding the worker flew off and yoongi allowed his wings to expand out his back and eyes to turn a dark blue color as his hair contained white strips. He watched your sleeping body, before checking the time and seeing he has 5 minutes left before you wake up. Taking that in he stretched his neck and before activating his speed and undressing you, cleaning the area around the bed, making sure the chain locks are stable and if not changing them, turning off lights and lighting candals all around the room and the whole castle and finally sitting down at the edge. Checking the time once again, he had 3 minutes left and so did the worker before he'd get pissed and with that thought the worker came to drop everything off before yoongi told him to get lost.
With the activation of speed he quickly undressed, sat the cup near the bed and filled it with sheeps blood, put salt near the edge without touching it as it stung him, put the cross around his neck and began drawing a ritual circle around the bed then finnaly the walls. To end everything he placed the chains on your hands and feet then connected to each end of the bed. The rest of the stuff he just put next to the bed and laid naked above you waiting for you to wake up.
He knew the drug was strong, but he didnt think it was that strong so he checked the time again and 10 minutes had passed by. Sighing, he began taking the knife and cut a slit on his wrist and placed the wound to your mouth. After a few blinks, you began to wake up and within a second you panked and a minute later realised you were chained.
Weak, scared, targeted, blood covered lips, chained and his favorite vulnerability he finally felt aroused at the sight. With lust in his eyes and an aura darker than night himself, he slowly kissed your cheek.
"Welcome to hell baby" he greeted, confused you closed your eyes and for once prayed you'd be able to wake up in where you left to only get the image of him drugging you and making you pass out. To then opne them and see the same sight.
"Wouldn't that make you?" She paused trying to yank the chains.
"Hades, satan the devil or whatever you humans call me for ruling the underworld. Then yes that's me and as you see, you're caged like a bug trapped in a spider's web. How cute. How naive to trust anyone you've properly met either. " he whispered the last bit in your ear as his lips traveled around your chest and neck leaving hickeys as he moved.
Groaning, you tried yanking the chains hearing a noise and hoping it ment it broke to realise no he fooled you with the sound of his nails knocking on the wood.
"Got you" he chuckled as you began scared, moving his lips towards your breast he sucked softly getting slight moans from your mouth. "Mm good girl continue with it an d maybe I'll spare your soul" he joked, sucking and groaning your other breast with his hands. Ignoring him and forcing your mouth to close. He raised an eyebrow and sat up, he then looked at your mouth and then his length.
"That wasn't smart now was it dsrling?" He asked, as his crouch hovered your mouth and his length being rubbed on your face as the other hand rested on the wall. "Noe open wide and if not, I can allways just shove it. Dont think about biting as i can manually remove teeth of needed" he mentioned as tears rolled down your eyes as he slowly entered his length.
"Good girl, suck it like that" he groaned, slowly moving his hips all the way in and out. With doing so he admired the trlaclesnt salty wetness driping from her eyes that he took a finger and wiped it. Caressing her face as he continued thrusting and groaning till he felt hard enough and then pulled out. Wiping her eyes again he grabbed the lube and posed the non negotiable question of
"May I pretty angel, take this as mine?" He whispered softly as he leaned down to her ear. Nodding yes a tear ran and he licked it clean, causing a slight shiver down her body. "Good" he replied, putting lube around his own length and stoking it on.
"If you cum on me will I get pregnant?" You asked shyly.
"Mm, well yes and that's my goal princes or should I say queen. Your body is mine after all." he tells, taking his fingers and tracing a cross between your chest as he watches a dark mark appear in a mini cross between your chest.
Crying harder knowing you've not only been kidnapping, but there was an even little chnace of seeing your family friends and well your little pet. "I love when you cry my love" he said softly as his fingers softly rubbed against you clit and his lips attach to yours. Knowingly you kissed back and surprisingly it felt like comfort but tasted like sin and poison. One your body will soon adapt to. As your mouths moved in unison, his fingers rubbed softly around your bud and you were finally able to relax and enjoy the feeling. He had an undeniable hold on your body, one your soul started to grow a liking too the longer her rubbed and kissed your lips. Soon you became hungry for more and grinded against his hand and with the hint he rubbed quicker as you moaned down his throat and his free hand now snaking behind your back. Moaning more you called his name, in which he loved begging you to say again.
"YOONGi!"you moaned louder as his stomach and cock felt it making it twitch slightly. stoping his finger he guided his tip and put his chin on your neck and slid in slowly, taking his time as you adjusted before moving faster. You pulled the chains trying to hold onto him but he shook his head no and softly held your body up with the help of the chains and began pounding into you.
No it was not a speed nor length you were used to, but the feeling you could by a heartbeat. You legs became weak, your back arched hard, your mouth could only stay open and your head was in a daze as he fucked you without mercy. His length was big enough to make you scream from the top of your lungs and beg for more. He loved that and too started moaning which soon started to sound like deep breathes and heavy grunts. He loved the warm, pulsing feeling of your pussy on him as it dripped with cum around him.
"Ah, fuck, That's hot!" he moaned loudly. Moving his hips closer, he pushed his length in deeper and the sounds of his hips crashing into yours echoed the room. You were now at a point of no return, all you could do was moan and take him, which only increased his horniness and overall arousal.
"I'm close!" yoongi groaned and panted as his hips movements slowed down, but the deepness was still there. Shopping, yoongi's body out of tiredness fell on top of yours and he kissed your neck softly. Without enough energy to pull out, he came deep, groaning in your neck and laying still. Both overly fucked out and deep breathing, laid there until yoongi got enough energy to unchain your hands and drink from the cup of blood that started to reek and fill the room. The room that once smelt like lavender and vanilla now smelled like sex and sheep's blood. Leaning down to kiss you, you kissed back with your body begging to ache like hell and body starting to contort you screamed in pain. Whispering something into your neck, he held you close to his chest as you grabbed and scratched his back till the blood came from it.
"Submit and it'll go quickly." he whispered tired as can be. Taking his advice, you closed your body and let it take over. Suddenly your eyes and hair became white as a dove and the pain stopped. Not only did he claim you as his, the kiss of blood crowned you queen of the underworld.
They laid naked as each could no longer have the strength to get up, but hold each other in a soft hug. Comferting and relaxing, considering what had to happen. They slept wedded that night, perfectly times as the full moon was now full and the ritual circle could light up red as the two came into harmony.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Replaced part 2
Part 1
Genre: angst. Angst with a happy ending, fluff
A/N: The 2nd part in the replaced!mc au that I wrote a couple days ago. Enjoy! Its super long: 9 1/2 pages long with a 4.6k word count.
Blinding lights cloud Arella’s vision as she wakes. Her head turns to the side as she blinks, seeing nothing but a white vastness. Where was she? The human pushes herself up as someone calls out to her, a woman- no she’s an angel, Arella is sure of it from the way an ethereal glow seems to emanate from her form. She takes a moment to look over the angel in front of her.
Tan, freckled skin, black hair weaved with golden strands that ended at the middle of her back in soft curls, vibrant sea-green eyes- Arella thinks she’s the most beautiful thing to have ever existed. Her dress and wings are a pristine white save for the singe marks along the outer layers of her wings’ feathers and the bottom of her dress and the arrow that pierces through the center of her chest. It doesn’t take the human long to figure out who the angel standing in front of her is.
The angel only smiles sadly at her descendant. She crouches down next to Arella, brushing her curly black hair away from her face and the tears come forth almost instantly.
“They left me...” Arella’s voice is small. “They didn’t love me anymore.”
“But they do... And they always will.” The angel pulls her into an embrace as she speaks softly. “My brothers have always taken things for granted. It’s only once they’ve lost something important to them that they realize it’s worth.”
“What do I do next? What happens now?”
“Go back to them. Not as a human, but a demon.”
“How- !?” A terrible burning engulfs Arella’s body and suddenly she’s falling. Falling down, down, down, until the bright white light and Lilith disappear from view. Her skin- it feels like its burning away as she plunges deeper.
The next thing she knows, Arella is gasping for breath as air rushes into her lungs and the smell of Mammon’s cologne invades her sense of smell, his hold nearly crushing as he cradles her closer to his chest. She can hear Diavolo speaking but his words are garbled- a jumbled mess of word salad drowned out by the fire scorching her skin from the inside out. The way her entire body hurts is all she can think about as she succumbs to the comforting darkness of sleep.
When she wakes, its two days later. Everything feels sharper. Her sight is better than it’s ever been. She can hear the crows cawing from the aviary on the other side of the house. She can even smell the individual scents of the brothers who were still up in their rooms and...
“You’re awake?” Melissa’s soft voice makes Arella recoil. Even as a whisper, it sounds like she’s screaming at Arella. “Oh no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your ears.”
“It’s... Please... Just let me have a few moments...”
Melissa nods and just sits quietly beside the newly awakened demon. It takes a few moments to get a hold of herself and get her newly sharpened senses in check but Arella manages to push herself into a sitting position.
“Would you like to talk?” The blonde asks softly, “I feel like we should clear up a misunderstanding...”
“What’s there to misunderstand?” Arella asks. “It seems pretty cut and dry to me... they chose you and cast me aside like a broken toy that had lost its novelty.”
“I’m sure it felt like that. And it's my fault, that much I’ll agree to. I should have never asked them to help me land a date with Satan... this wouldn’t have happened, right? I can understand if you despise me.”
Arella laughs at that. She doesn’t know why but despite being mad at six out of the seven brothers for not communicating this to her, it was entertaining to her. Was that all it was? Was all of this caused by something so simple as that? Arella knew her boys often had a one-track mind but this was so ridiculous, both on her part and theirs. She rolled off the bed as she laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks as her demon form manifested itself for the first time. Melissa only peered over the side of the bed at Arella, a worried look in her brown eyes as the laughter died down and the former human climbed back up on the bed.
“Are you... angry? With me?”
“Not with you but-” They were interrupted by the sound of three sets footsteps thumping down the hall above her head and before she knew it, Arella found herself back on the floor but this time pinned under Mammon who’s holding on to her with all of his strength as two of his brothers stood in the doorway having gotten there too late to stop him.
“Hey, Dumbass,” It’s Levi’s voice that she hears as he draws closer, “You’re going to crush her crashing into her full force like that!” The purple-haired demon tried to pull his brother away receiving a feral growl in response.
“Mammon, stop! Right now.” Arella tries to use their pact to enforce the order but.... It’s not there anymore. The Avatar of Greed only holds her tighter to him. There was nothing that would separate him from his mate- not after the way he was this close to losing her.
At some point by working together, Beel and Levi were able to pry the white-haired demon off of Arella and she sat up. That’s right... she had died so she no longer held pacts with the seven brothers. But if she had died, why was she here? Ignoring the chaos happening around her between the three brothers, she looked into the floor length mirror and softly gasped at her appearance.
A set of fluffy, feathered, black wings adorned her back while a set of horns jutted out from her head in a way that was not too dissimilar from Belphegor’s. She had black markings that framed the side of her face and reached out to just under her eyes and a crescent shaped one on her forehead. The newly turned demon only squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. She’s supposed to be dead! Why still breathing and why does she have a demonic form all of a sudden?!
As Mammon and his brothers continued to squabble over Arella, she curled in on herself, holding her hands over her ears. “All of you, just SHUT UP!” Sobs shook her body as the other demons turned their attention to her. Their voices were too loud and her ears were still too sensitive to loud sounds to the point if felt like the sensory overload was going to make her head explode.
“’Rella... I...” The Avatar of Greed, now free of Beel and Levi’s hold, reaches out to place his hand on her shoulder but is stopped when one of her wings slaps his hand away.
“Get out! All three of you... you... you should have just let me die like I wanted...”
And it's with that that the three Avatars look between each other before slowly leaving. Once the boys had gone, Melissa slowly moved over to Arella’s place on the floor, wrapping her arms around the other female as she comforted her.
It’s nearly midnight now as the Avatars sit in silence in the common room. They had met to discuss a way to reforge the bond they had shared with the human-now-turned-demon, but no words had been said. They all knew who should be the first of them to do this but it was the how. How did they even begin to approach her at this point? Mammon was for having no plan at all, just playing the situation by ear. It’s not like she could overpower him in anyway. What’s the worst she could do? Kick him in the shins? Not something he hadn’t survived already.
“Well, since none of ya still have a plan yet- and it doesn’t look like any of ya are gonna come up with one soon- I'm going ta see her.” The white-haired demon stands and starts to make his way toward her room with no objections from his brothers as there was no other alternative they could offer him. He knows what she’s feeling- like she was abandoned, unloved. As her mate he wanted to fix all that- that was his responsibility. His brothers could make up with her later but he needed to do this right now. He was her first after all, he needed to be the first to talk to her.
As he opened her bedroom door, Melissa was leaving at the same time.
“So, you’re back... good I was just coming to find you. I tried to explain everything but I don’t think it worked and she still seems convinced you don’t love her anymore... Obviously this is something only you can fix so I’ll just leave you two to it. Also... I think she needs help changing back out of her demon form... she keeps knocking things over with her wings and getting agitated.”
The blonde gives her friend a pat on the arm as she headed off to find the others.
Slowly, Mammon entered her room. At the sound, the feathers on Arella’s wings puffed up, the wings herself raising to make herself more intimidating to him and he has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing at how ridiculous she looks like that. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
“Put yer wings down, baby. Ya don’t scare me. I wanna talk to you.”
“Well, that’s funny. I don’t want to talk to you,” Arella growled. “You made your choice and it didn’t include me.” She crossed her arms as she turned her back to him. It was cute in a way.
“Then how ‘bout I jus’ do the talkin’ then? Will ya just’ listen?” He offered her a deal, watching as her wings drooped slightly and he knew he had her. Even as a demon, Arella was incapable of not lending a listening ear when asked for it.
“Fine,” She huffed. “You won’t leave until you say whatever you want too anyway but I don’t care about whatever lies you have for me. I already know the truth.”
“Sure, whatever ya say, doll.” He moved to sit on her bed, goading her into talking to him.
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh?!” She stomped over to him a pout on her face. “I’ll have you know, I’m very angry with you. You-!”
Mammon cut her off with a kiss as he pulled her down on the bed with him. The surprise was enough to shock her out of demon form as she wrapped her arms around his neck. When he pulled away, he held her gaze with his.
“I’m sorry for not bein’ there for ya... I messed up- alla us did and we’re so sorry but don’t think for a second that I don’t love ya. Ya mean the world ta me.”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it, you infuriating demon. I heard the two of you flirting in the dining room that one night... You didn’t even ask her to stop.”
“Yeah, it sure probably sounded like that, didn’t it? We weren’t flirting with each other. Melissa asked me to help her practice her pick-up lines for Satan. She ain’t interested in me and I made it clear I wasn’t lookin’ for it if she was ‘cuz I had you.” he poked a finger at the center of her chest.
“But... but... You didn’t say anything. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped too.”
“’Cuz I’m a idiot and it never occurred to me what kinda impression you’d get from it. C’mon, Treasure, this ain’t news.” He tries to flash her a smile. “’N before I knew it, almost a year had passed... I felt really guilty and tried ta call ya... but you’d already made up yer mind... Ya got me good, kid. I learned my lesson the hard way...”
Arella frowned as she watched his eyes for any sign of a lie. “How am I still alive? How did I suddenly become a demon...? I carved that long gash up my arm deep for a reason.”
“We gave ya my blood... jus’ a small amount but it did the trick. We turned ya and ya healed up immediately.” He pressed their foreheads together. “None of us know what we’d do without ya. And the fact that we almost lost ya two days ago scares us... We’ll make it up to you somehow. Even if it takes thousands of years.”
“You, specifically, can start tonight. Do you know how many date nights or movie nights you’ve missed? How much I’ve missed just having you in bed with me? I’m not letting you go for the rest of the night!” Arella hugs him closer to her. “That’s what you can do start making it up to me.”
“Yeah, sure thing, Babydoll, but we’re gonna sleep in my room. Ya don’t need this room anymore.” he hums as he shifts his arms under her and lifts her up, carrying her up to his room for the night.
The pair sleeps so late into the next morning that they end up missing breakfast. By time they come remotely close to even wanting to roll out of bed, Levi is already banging on Mammon’s door.
“It's noon already, guys! Get your butts out of bed! You’ve had Arella too long! Stop being greedy with her.” It's not the Avatar of Envy��s typical wakeup call but desperate times call for desperate measures. He had a whole stock pile of games he was dying to play but was saving the initial play through to be with Arella and he couldn’t take it anymore. Unlike Melissa, she was actually in to all the niche horror games that were supposed to come out over the past year.
“What’s he ramblin’ about now?” The Avatar of Greed looks up at his door before letting his head fall back on the pillow as he groaned. “I don’t wanna get up yet.”
“Then you can stay in bed.” Arella presses a kiss to his cheek before rolling away from his grasp. “I think your brother is only interested in me anyway considering he’s not saying anything about the money you owe him.
“But I don’t want you ta go,” The demon gives his mate the biggest puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get her to come back to bed with him. “Levi’ll keep ya all day.”
“And you’ll have me all night. I promise. Besides, I missed hanging out with him.” She turns to the door. “I’ll be there shortly, Levi!”
“Fiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee,” Mammon groans, sulking just a little bit and Arella laughs at his reaction.
“Oh? Is that a hint of sulking I detect coming from you?” Her tone is teasing, “You- the demon who’s been ghosting me for the past eleven months to the point where I thought you weren’t interested in our relationship anymore- is sulking because I’m going to end up spending the rest of one day with your little brother? I’m starting to detect double standards here, my dear.”
“Oh, shaddup,” He chucked a pillow at her head as they both laughed. “Just go and get dressed.”
“I will,” She made a ‘hmph’ like sound before running off to change out of her pajamas. “I’m stealing one of your flannels by the way.” She informs him as she walks out of the walk-in closet fully dressed.
“The hell you are!” He scrambles out of bed and chases her down as she leaps up the stairs and makes a break for it down the hall toward Levi’s room. As she runs, Arella thinks maybe being a demon has its perks after all.
“So what games are we playing first?” Arella makes herself comfortable on the floor next to the third born.
“It's another time loop horror game where if you don’t solve the mystery before times up your character has a permadeath and you have to go through everything again with the suspect being a new person each time. I promise this time it won’t affect us... Maybe.”
Arella laughs at that, remembering back to that time where they had to ferret out someone’s wish before the time loop reset. “Let’s just hope for your sake it doesn’t. I dread to see what Lucifer might do to you.”
“Yeah,” the purple-haired demon smiles as they begin the game.
After a couple hours of the two demons playing niche horror games, they took a bit of a break.
“I missed days like this... The days where we’d binge anime or play games.... I wish I hadn’t gotten forced into helping the others... Initially, I wasn’t going to since we already have one couple doing gross normie things. We didn’t need another.”
Arella laughs at that. “So, who was it that twisted your arm into helping?”
“Asmo bullied me into it. They were so relentless about it that I just got fed up and caved.”
“You know what, that tracks.”
“I really am sorry... You don’t hate me, do you?”
Her eyes widen at that. “No, Levi. I don’t hate you and I don’t think I can. You know I’ve never been one to hold grudges- especially with the seven of you. I always seem to forgive you guys eventually... And it seems like you all feel remorse for what happened so there’s no need to stay mad at any of you...”
“You know... Lucifer cried for you... when he and Mammon brought your body back to us two days ago... he was crying- they both were... And that’s when we really realized what we had done to you... that you were gone.”
“But I’m back now,” the demon says softly. “And this time, you guys won’t be getting rid of me. I’ll be around for the rest of your lives and I can’t think of a better way to spend it. Now, let’s get back to the game. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see what happens next.”
Levi only nods in return as he turns back to the tv.
“Arella!” Asmo links their arm with hers as they drag Arella off to their room. “How’re you feeling now? Better?”
“Uh... Yeah, thanks for asking. Where are we going?”
“My room, of course! We’re going to have a little bit of a spa day. No offense, but your skin looks absolutely trashed. Plus, now that you have a demon form, I can show you all the best oils and polishes that I use on my horns and I heard from Beel that you have the prettiest black wings that are just like Lucifer’s- okay, the pretty part I added on but still! I know some inexpensive, but quality oils to use when you preen them that’ll keep them looking pristine at all times.”
“Thank you, Asmo, I appreciate it.”
As the pair sat on the floor in the Avatar of Lust’s room, face masks in place, Asmo pulled out their endless collection of nail polish. They took one of Arella’s hands in theirs as they thought about what colors would work best for her that wasn’t already used for their brothers.
“How would you feel about a magenta? Or maybe- no, Lord Diavolo’s nails are black so it would be a repeat... Oh, oh what about that glittery gold that you like when we pair it with a black base? I bet you’d look good with rose gold nails too.”
“What about black with a gold design? It would be a bit different wouldn’t it plus I can’t remember anyone having designs on their nails. Aside from when you do nail art on yourself.”
“That’s genius! Why didn’t I think of that? Anyway, let’s get started.” The demon sets to work on her nails, letting out a satisfied hum once the first layer is done. While they waited for it to dry, Asmo pulled out some issues of DevilStyle for them to read. Some of their outfits had been featured in the latest issue and since some of them had been ones Arella had helped them refine months ago, they wanted her to see how their hard work paid off.
“They look amazing, Asmo.” She smiles as her eyes shine. “Is that the one we worked on together?”
They nodded. “Mhm. Mammon even modeled one of them. That one specifically, I tailored to him myself so it would look its best.”
“Can I see it? How long ago did he do this shoot?”
“Three months ago.” They turned to the centerfold. “He looked fantastic in it.”
“That he does- but then again when doesn’t he?”
“Oh, you’re just saying that because you’re biased.”
“Mmm, you’re not wrong.” and they both laughed softly at that. “So... I heard you were the mastermind behind trying to get Melissa and Satan together?”
“Yeah... It took forever too. I only thought it would take a few weeks since he’s my brother and I should know his tastes better than anyone but almost eleven months? It feels like a failure to my matchmaking skills.”
“So that’s why you were always busy with Melissa, huh? At least it worked right?”
“Thank the stars it did. But I was starting to think that it would never happen. Sorry we didn’t include you in the planning- we really should have... I really caused you a lot of pain, didn’t I?”
Arella nodded. “It hurt a lot thinking you guys had grown bored of me. Especially with Melissa being so much more than I ever could be.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, look at me...” Arella makes an up and down motion with her hands. “She’s gorgeous. Long legs, blonde hair with pretty brown eyes that bring you in, skinny but not sickly looking. Right off the bat, she looked like she belonged here with you guys. And then you have me who regularly looks like a hot mess. I’m scrawny, far too skinny and I look like a midget standing next to any one of you. I guess for as much as I seem to fit in with you all, there’s always been a part of me that hasn’t. And I guess, once Melissa got here, it felt more prominent. Your little plan which took up everyone’s free time didn’t help.”
“I’m sowwy.... You’ll forgive me, right?” Asmo gave her the puppy dog eyes.
“What do you think, hmm?”
The Avatar of Lust threw their arms around her- careful of their face masks. “I knew you would. C’mon it’s time to get these face masks off.” They offered their hand to Arella as they went to go wash their faces off.
Arella admired her freshly painted nails as she walked down the hall. Unbeknownst to her, she was being stalked by a certain white-haired demon. He was quiet, sneaking up on her before he grabbed her.
“Gotcha!” He laughed as she let out a small squeak. “You’re mine now. C’mon, we’re goin’ out.”
“Out? Out where?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“A date, obviously. Told ya I was gonna make it up to ya for missin’ all them date nights...” he smiled as he set her down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’m not takin’ no for an answer.”
“Alright, Alright.” she hummed. “I wouldn’t tell The Great Mammon ‘no’ anyway.” She laced their fingers together. “So, where’re are you taking me, love.”
“It's a surprise, so I can’t tell ya.” And with that the pair made their way out on the first date they’d had in months.
As the days went on, Arella found herself being tugged in all different directions by the brothers. There were days where as soon as they got out of class, Beel was dragging her off to a new café that had opened up that week or Belphie was taking up the rest of her free time with multi-hour-long naps- something Mammon had some choice words about.
Satan and Arella would exchange books for light reading as they sat in the library together and discussed their favorites. Sometimes Melissa would join them too, just as ecstatic about the books she’d gotten from the both of them. Lucifer would leave her teas order specifically from the human world that she often enjoyed. They had even returned to their occasional late-night chats over the same teas.
At school, Luke would often cling to Arella- not caring that she was now a demon as to him she would always just be Arella, human or otherwise- while Simeon only observed them with slight amusement, only to pull the small angel away once they had to split up for classes. The older angel had taken to calling or texting almost nightly to check on her.
Solomon-bless his heart- had started hanging around more, making various dishes for her to try at lunch and asking for her opinions on them. Having never learned from her prior experiences with the sorcerer's cooking, Arella still ate them out of both curiosity and politeness. Now that she was a demon, for some reason Arella had actually come to appreciate and enjoy the meals Solomon would make for her. The pair even joked about Arella making a pact with him but it was just that: a joke.
Now that it was months later, Arella felt even more ridiculous about ever feeling unloved by the people in her life- something they had proven untrue with their actions. Even with Melissa staying with them for an extended period of time after what should have been the end of her exchange year, Arella never felt cast aside for the blonde again. The pair had even begun hanging out together on their own without the influence of their housemates- something that Arella had wanted since Melissa first gotten there.
“So, what would you like to do today, Melissa?” Arella asked as the two women walked down the street. “I know you’re getting close to your return to the human world... its only a few weeks off.”
“Yeah... I don’t even know where to begin.” The blonde sighed. “What did you do during the last few weeks before you left after the initial year here was up for you?”
“I spent most of my time hanging out with the boys. They were all really upset to see me go... Are you planning to come back at some point? And what about you and Satan? Are you two going to keep in touch? You’re very good for each other- like two peas in a pod.”
“We’re going to, yes.” She confirmed. “I’ll still have my D.D.D. when I go back so we’ll talk and video chat through there. I’m going to miss you all though. I’ve had so much fun over the past year and half and it's all thanks to you guys.”
“I’m happy to hear you say that.” The demon smiles. “No one here is going to forget you. Make sure you try to come back at some point. They guys and I would be very happy to have you back.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Melissa hums as they enter the arcade.
After that it seemed like life had gone back to a somewhat normal house hold just with one more added on. Everything was at peace now even with some of the days where Arella feels less than good about herself. But she always had one of her seven demons there to remind her just how precious she was to them. During those times, she couldn’t think of a more suiting way to enjoy the rest of her long life.
Part 3 (the bad ending)
find more on my masterlist
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sugiwa · 3 years
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small dreams
It took one 27 second long video for Keigo to fall in love
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The video looped through every news cycle, and each reaction varied from outright derision to almost mythical awe emerging. On YouTube, it was viral in fifty-three different countries and Starburst—a name derived from a candy company that the pro-hero was fond of—jokingly tweeted that she was more famous than All-Might.
And she might have been thanks to the reporter that not only caught her decking the father of a girl she just saved but also recorded the subsequent twenty-seven seconds it took for three police officers to pull her off him and pull her away. The peace sign Y/N threw up as the police led her into a car probably didn’t help, nor did the live stream of her twenty-four hours in a holding cell while they investigated her claim of the man’s abuse and finally released her.
Though there were news outlets that tried to pin Starburst down as a hero on the edge of villainy, her public reputation hadn’t taken any damage. It was hard, after all, to claim that she did the wrong thing when they heard the girl’s testimony and pulled her medical records. But, Starburst—or L/N Y/N—still faced punishment from the Hero Public Safety Commission despite all this.
Attacking an unarmed civilian was apparently a big no-no—even if he was an abusive asshole. She was spared having her license revoked until she retested the simple principle that she had refrained from using her quirk. Her sentence was lessened to a month-long suspension with a strict patrol schedule in some city near Tokyo.
Y/N could work with it. She could put up with the Commission’s inane chatter for the sake of her job, but she drew the line at issuing an apology. It took three hours to wiggle her way out of a press conference to address the event. By the time her meeting with the Commission and sentencing was done, Y/N retweeted the initial video with the caption: Totally worth it.
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Keigo was slightly in love with Starburst. Maybe it was the way she strolled into the Hero Public Safety Commission building fresh out of handcuffs and bluntly told them that she wasn’t apologizing and would rather become a vigilante than listen to ten more minutes of them debating the future of her career.
Or maybe it was the video which he’d seen a hundred times over, where she looked like a hero. The kind he’d always dreamed of as a kid, the kind who swooped in and beat the bad guy and then offered you stickers and candy and told you everything would be alright because it was exactly what she’d done for that little girl.
Either way, L/N Y/N was a hero who deserved a little rest, which was why he was currently tailing her patrol route and taking care of the problems before she could move. Her quirk was right out of a comic book too. The golden energy that left her capable of issuing an instant KO.
“Will you leave me alone?” she snapped, finally turning around to glare at him. She had a warm face, not made for anger which was probably why the glare fell away a moment later, replaced by a smile. “I appreciate the help, but I’m not offering any fanservice in exchange.”
“Who said I was a fan?” His wings flapped, feathers flying back toward him.
“You regularly stalk girls mid-air? That sort of thing does not fly with me.” Y/N laughed, nose scrunching at her own joke. “Get it…cause we both fly….”
He smiled innocently, “Thought of that all on your own?”
Y/N groaned, twisting her earring, “Just because I didn’t go to a fancy-ass hero school like Wet Jeanist and Flameo Hotman doesn’t mean I’m dumb.”
Slight insulted by the nickname she gave his favorite hero, he asked, “Flameo Hotman? You mean Endeavor-san?”
“Ohhh, that’s a man-crush voice.” Her eyes tightened with mischief, “I’m gonna have to dip since I got a hot date with my credit card. See you later, Chicken Little.”
He watched her go in slight awe because Y/N really was as crazy as the stories said. Starburst was a hero that had a bit of a cult following. She wasn’t high enough in the rankings to be wildly popular the way he was—up until she went viral, that was. A graduate of Ketsubutsu who went on to attend college before actually becoming a hero, she was on a watch list with the Hero Public Safety Commission.
Apparently, non-conformity was an issue…who knew.
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A rain of confetti fell over Keigo’s head, brightly colored and all covered in specks of glitter. He inhaled deeply, turning to see Starburst’s grinning face as she eagerly clapped. Endeavor, like always whenever he was forced to be in Starburst’s proximity, turned around and stalked down the hall. Her confetti burned in his wake. Y/N’s voice followed him, offering an empty congratulations to the hero.
“How’s my precious senpai doing?” she asked, turning her attention to him.
“You really know how to annoy him, huh?” asked Keigo staring at the empty hall. If you gave Y/N too much attention, she ran with it. “What’s the deal?”
Y/N shrugged, rolling her shoulders confidently, “Some people are not equipped to handle true talent.”
“Yeah, right,” snorted Keigo.
“I may or may not have drunkenly confessed that I had no idea who he was to a bunch of reporters during last week.” Y/N made a rude gesture with her hand. “I mean, if you’re not Number One, then do you really matter?”
“Harsh,” he ruffled his wings, freeing the last of her glitter confetti and letting it rain on the ground. “You all good with the Commission now?”
“All thanks to you! I owe you one, you know that?”
“Nah,” Keigo waved her off, resisting the urge to laugh as she made her bright eyes as wide as possible. “It was pretty brave of you. Plus, I think anyone would have done the same thing.”
Three months out of trouble, Y/N once again made headlines for ‘accidentally’ dropping a child trafficker off a building. She caught him before he hit the ground, but apparently, the authorities deemed the emotional damage a little extreme.
“They probably would have been a bit smarter about it, though.”
“Well, don’t worry, no one expects you to be the brains.”
Y/N pouted. “True.”
Keigo laughed. “What are you doing here anyway? You’re not in the top ten.”
“Is bullying the new rage these days?” Her pout grew, arms crossing over her chest, “Everyone’s got something snippy to say to me. Where’s Rumi when I need her?”
“Gonna hide behind her?”
“Fuck yeah.” Y/N nodded emphatically as she reached into her pocket for a pack of gum. She offered him a piece. “Let’s see how your chicken wings stand against her legs.”
Keigo looked at the gum and then her. The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them, “Wanna get something to eat?”
Her smile looked like the sun, “Thought you’d never ask.”
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“So, what’s the deal with you and Dragonbreath?” asked Y/N, sprawling across his couch. It was the third time this week she was here. He should tell her to leave, but the words die in his throat in his mouth every time he tried.
There’s too much risk. Dabi’s listening in on everything he does these days, and he doesn’t want her anywhere near them. Not when he’s aware of what they’re planning. Not when he knows how Y/N would react.
She was rough and improper in everything she does, but there’s no one brighter or better when it came to genuine goodness.
Keigo dodged the question with his own. “Endeavor again?”
“Ran into him last week and got yelled at for ten minutes for getting in his way. The guy was in my path, and I’m the one getting yelled at? Next time, I’m drop-kicking him off his skyscraper.” She kicked her leg in the air, reminding him that she was scarcely dressed.
Was this what having a girlfriend like? Constantly jumping between fondness and horniness? He wasn’t complaining.
He heard this threat a million times. “Still mad about the fact that he has one?”
“I’m a simple country girl. I’d be happy with a peach orchard and some chickens.”
“Come here,” he crooked his finger at her. Y/N got up instantly, crossing the room toward the balcony where he stood. Her hands wrapped around his waist, slipping under his shirt, across his skin, over his chest. Too much and too little at the same time.
“You’ll get cold out here,” she murmured. He could sink in the warmth she offered.
“It’s nice seeing the world so still.”
A noise left her throat, wet and worried, “Hawks, whatever it is, whatever they’re making you do, I’ll be here. I promise.”
People joked about Y/N being dumb—he did it too often to count, but she saw more than most people did when it mattered.
“Why’d you become a hero?”
“Saved a cute boy once, and he gave me a kiss,” she said. He’d heard that story before. She offered it in every interview, never expanding on what boy or how she saved him. It was also a glaring lie.
He didn’t push her. He lied about too many things to count.
Keigo took her face between his hands—the urge to kiss that tiny speck by her eyes thrummed through him. It would take a thousand-thousand years for him to forget her face. Y/N turned, her lips skimming his palm, cold and warm at once.
He loved her because she was Y/N. Because in her, he could love himself and not grow cold from it. Because the numbness he’d always known leaked out in place of affection. He loved her boundlessly—above, below, and across—unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.
It was with her that he was Takami Keigo and not the current Number Two.
His hand cupped her neck, fingers tangling in the curls of her hair. Her lips opened under his. A trail of fire burst across his lips, and for a moment, he only knew the sweetness of her mouth. He drank her in, each breath, each hushed sound leaving her throat.
He would do what they asked and make the choices no one else could.
It was worth the world he dreamed of.
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hi may i request a mikasa x gn reader soulmates au? maybe the tattoo/marks trope or the visions/dreams trope up to you :) thank you in advance!
Finally some Mikasa, I love her sm
Also, I wasn't super sure what specific tropes you were talking about, so I just kinda took an idea and ran with it, hope you don't mind.
Anyway, this POV follows Mikasa, which is different from what I usually do, a POV of the reader instead lol
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(Mikasa Ackerman x Reader)
AU: Canon, soulmates AU (You have a unique tattoo that only you and your soulmate have)
Warnings: None
Category: Fluff
Summary: Mikasa was doubtful of soulmates, but an unexplainable force draws her to her soulmate one day, and Mikasa has no choice but to confront it.
Words: 2.7K
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Mikasa never really believed in soulmates.
She thought the idea that everyone had a destined, unchangeable partner was ridiculous. The perfect person just "appearing" whenever the universe decided she needed them wasn't something she understood at all.
And yet, the evidence of her having one was splayed gorgeously across her back. Stretching from shoulder to shoulder, a large, beautiful tattoo was inked on her back. Feathered wings, outstretched and reaching towards nothing, and around them; roses. Red roses and thorned vines wrapping around the wings and budding up at the top, exposing a single rose bud on the nape of her neck. Though, it remained hidden behind the crimson red scarf she adorned.
She had kept it hidden constantly, lest her soulmate notice it and complicate things. For all she cared, she would keep it hidden forever, and her soulmate would be none the wiser.
She stared into her reflection in the mirror, collecting a small amount of water in her cupped palms and splashing it in her face, making sure her body was wide awake for morning training.
She turned around, staring at the tattoo with an indecipherable expression. She was still topless, not having finished dressing yet, giving her the opportunity to observe the art. Whether she believed in soulmates or not, she couldn't deny the absolute beauty of it.
Hesitantly, she slid on her bra and shirt, wrapping her scarf around her neck just enough to cover the rose. It could stay hidden a little longer.
Time came for morning training, and she suited up in her ODM gear. Today was race day; something that came once a week, where, in the morning, they would race through the forest with their gear, and the first to take a flag from Shadis on the other side was declared winner, and got double rations for the week.
Armin geared up next to her, his sleeves riding up his arms, revealing the tattoo on the inside of his forearm—a golden compass, opened and facing North. The glass covering the needle was adorned with small droplets of water, and foam, presumably from some body of saltwater, surrounded the accessory.
She looked away, choosing to ignore the way it made her heart twinge. Sometimes, rarely, she would indulge in the idea of having a soulmate. She hoped that, say it be true, her soulmate would truly understand her and care for her, and, most importantly, love her, something she unfortunately didn't experience a lot of in her childhood.
A shrill whistle startled her out of her thoughts—the first whistle. It signified 30 seconds until the start of the race, where he would blow it three times in short succession to start the chaos.
She lined up on the white line, drawn in the dirt with chalk, and stretched her arms over her head, releasing the tension in her body before the race started.
Finally, after a tense silence between the soldiers, the whistle blew, and all the Cadets instantly took off, whirring and spinning into the darkness of the forest.
Mikasa shot off, easily finding her place in the top three. Reiner was to her left, and, despite his large build, he managed to carry himself effortlessly, flying through the air like an eagle. And, to her right, the three week reigning champion—you.
Your hair blew behind your face as you pierced through the air, dodging the thick tree trunks and jutting branches as you flew towards the goal.
You turned your head, eyes meeting hers with a competitive smirk, wordlessly challenging her, temping her, even.
Mikasa perfected her form, leveling her body and shooting the hooks of her gear into just the right places to give her the highest momentum. She easily slipped past you, eyes set straight forward towards the goal as she stole the first place spot.
You swore under your breath, immediately thinking of how you were going to pull ahead of Mikasa during the home stretch.
You aimed your ODM gear at a tree in the distance, seeing if you could use the momentum to slingshot yourself forwards and towards the goal.
But, as soon as the hook buried itself into the wood, the wire twisted and stretched, clearly going on beyond it's limits. Still, you decided that would be a problem for the next gear inspection. For now, you could stand to damage your gear a little bit to pull ahead of Mikasa.
Mikasa watched, jaw slightly agape, as you sped in front of her, easily gaining a ten meter lead on her. Her daze lasted only a slight moment, as a loud screeching noise drew her attention away from your sudden lead.
She searched around for a moment for the source of the sound, until she located it right in your direction. Her eyes widened in realization—your ODM wire was strained, and started the fray as it twisted and stretched.
You seemed to notice your peril shortly after, but there was nothing you could do at that point. The last metal strand of the wire strand snapped, and it gave out instantly, still dug into the tree.
Panic immediately shot up your spine, bracing yourself for impact as your previous momentum shot your face first towards the forest floor.
Mikasa's eyes wandered involuntarily towards your stranded form, watching in horror as you collided with the dirt, kicking up a cloud of dust laying limply in the shrubbery.
Part of her just wanted to finish the race—since she was now in first—and claim her rations. But, a sudden, external force drew her to you, her body moving on its own as she rushed to your side.
Soldiers flew past her overhead, the buzzing and whirring in her ears making it difficult to tell just how fast her heart was beating all of the sudden.
She dug through the grass and shrubs for a moment, searching your limp figure. Once she found you, she pulled you up and out of the dirt. You were awake, but somewhat lethargic, staring up at her with droopy eyes. Blood trickled down your forehead and over your cheeks, dripping from your chin.
"Shit, Y/n...!" She cursed under her breath, scanning your body for any other injuries, letting out a heavy sigh of relief once she realized there were none.
"Are you alright? Does your head hurt? Can you walk?" She bombarded you with questions, pulling your body into her lap. She had no idea why she was so concerned with you all of the sudden, but the urge to make sure you were okay was absolutely overpowering.
"I..." You raised your hand the gash in your head, pulling it away and gazing at the blood coating your fingers. "...could be better, but I think I'm alright." You sighed, resting an arm over your chest out of exhaustion. "Hurts like a bitch, though."
Mikasa sighed, brushing the loose strand of hair from your face.
"Mmm..." She hummed, rubbing her temple as the roots of a headache started to form in her head. Terrible timing, though it was inevitable considering the sudden stress this situation brought her. "Still, I should bring you back. You don't look so great right now."
You sighed, nodded your head slowly, the pain of your fall seeping its way into your aching body as the adrenaline started to wear off.
You stood up, slowly starting to walk back to the barracks, but found your legs suddenly unable to support your body weight as you stumbled and collapsed forward. Luckily, Mikasa dashed to your side, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and the other over your stomach to support you and prevent your fall.
"Hang on." She muttered, moving in front of your to slink her arm underneath you, picking you up and slowly carrying you towards the barracks.
You immediately buried your nose in the crook of her neck, the head injury clearly clouding any sense of shame momentarily. You inhaled her subtle, yet sweet aroma, slowly dozing off in her warm embrace.
It took Mikasa a good few minutes to realize you had fallen asleep, once she had asked you a question for the third time and didn't get a response. Once she realized, though, she just moved the arm that wasn't supporting you up to your head, keeping your head in its place. For some odd reason, she found comfort in its being there.
Small twigs snapping and grass rustling, plus your soft snoring, were the only audible noises at this point, the other soldiers far too far away to hear. Even if the two of you were close enough, even the person in last place should've crossed by now. She paused to wonder if Shadis would mind both of your absences, but dismissed the thought. At least somebody had to have seen you fall.
She sighed, gazing up at the sky.
"What am I doing right now?" She wondered aloud, now that there was no one to listen. "Why am I helping you?" Her slender hand brushed through your hair, trying to make you as comfortable as possible while you slept.
She had no clue, honestly. She had always been a close friend to you, but to go to such lengths to comfort you, she wasn't sure why. And she wasn't sure, either, why your gentle breathing against her was so calming to her. Really, she had no reason to be feeling this way.
Her feet slowed to a stop in front of the main building of the Trainee Regiment. Slowly, she pushed the door open and walked down the corridor towards the nursing room.
Gently, she set you down on the bench, stirring you awake as you opened your eyes, scanning the new environment with confusion.
"Where are w-"
"The medical office." She cuts you off without thinking, rummaging through the nearby cabinet for bandages, or something to wrap your head in.
Finding the small, white roll tucked away in the back, she turns back to you, unraveling some of the bandages and slowly wrapping them around your head.
"It really isn't that bad, Mikasa." You stated, yet made no effort to stop her.
"Liar. You passed out on the way here." She deadpanned, finally finishing the bandages. Grabbing a small cloth and running it under the sink, she dabbed it across your face, cleaning off the dried blood.
"I didn't pass out." You huffed out, stubbornly.
"You were asleep almost the whole walk."
"Just a power nap." You concluded, making her giggle.
"Whatever you say, just... be more careful. You probably already have a concussion, we don't need more than one TBI per month." She joked, smiling bashfully as you laughed at her quip. Mikasa wasn't a jokester by any means, so to see her so comfortable around you was a shock.
Mikasa pulled the cloth away from your face, examining for any missed spots. She almost put the rag away, satisfied with her work, until she saw a little dash of red across your nape.
"Turn around. You have blood on your neck." She whispered, and you obeyed silently, turning around.
She outstretched her hand, preparing to wipe the crimson off your neck, until she noticed. That's not blood at all.
It was a rosebud.
She blinked once, twice, making sure it wasn't just her imagination. It was identical to the one she had of the back of her nape as well—she knew it far too well, she saw it every other morning.
Without thinking, she grabbed the head hole of your shirt, pulling the cloth down to your mid-back to get a closer look.
"Ack—! Mikasa what are-" You sputtered, confused by her sudden forcefulness, contrasting her previous gentle behavior.
She paid no mind to your protests though, gazing in amazement and bewilderment. It was the exact same as the one she had, a perfect replica.
Clearly, she had never thought to take in the beauty of it until now. Now that it was inked into your back and not hers, she could see just how marvelous of a drawing it is.
"Y/n..." She exhaled, so quiet that she was surprised the sound even passed her lips coherently.
"Mikasa, what's gotten into you?" You inquire, turning around to face her, pulling your shirt back up over your shoulders in the meantime.
The second your eyes meet hers, she throws herself around you, wrapping her arms so tight around your chest that you swore you couldn't breathe.
Tears threatened to prick at her eyes. No matter how much she didn't believe in it, the stories were true. The stories of how you'd feel when you first connect with your soulmate. And, guessing by the way your breathing faltered and your mouth hung agape, you could feel it too.
She pulled away, leaving you confused, but also a little colder without her body pressed so close to yours.
With no explanation, she raised her arms and slid her shirt over her head, causing you to flush bright red and start to panic.
"Mikasa, seriously, what the hell is going on-"
"Look." She turned around, and the winged tattoo was on full display. It matched yours completely.
"Mikasa, I..." You tried to think of something to say, but no words fell out. You didn't expect to meet your soulmate, not this early, not her.
She didn't know what to do, either. She never expected to meet her soulmate, and not in a place like the Cadet Corps. Though, she couldn't deny that she felt attracted to you, not just emotionally, but almost spiritually, like something unknown tethered the two of you together.
Slowly, she brought you into a more gentle embrace, slinking down in your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck, leaning into the crook of your shoulder. You instantly wrapped your arms around her in return, and you swore you had never felt more at home than in this moment.
Her hand moved to your back, skimming it back and forth over the spot where your tattoo laid—she knew it was there, even if she couldn't see it.
The two of you stayed there in comfortable silence for what felt like eternity, being so close to someone as important as a soulmate brought immeasurable relief and tranquility to the both of you. The dull throbbing in your head died down at the sensation of the warm, comfortable woman tucked in your arms.
But, the moment was cut off by the distant shouting and clamoring of soldiers, signifying their return from the race.
"We should get up." You muttered, not wanting your intimate moment ruined by sudden company.
Mikasa sighed, reluctantly shuffling out of your lap and onto her feet. "What about Shadis?" She inquired, sliding her shirt back over her head.
"I'll just say it's about the head wound, and that you're staying behind to help me." You smile, dusting more of the dried dirt off your uniform. "He'll understand."
"I doubt that." She sighed bluntly, stretching her stiff limbs over her head. "But still, I wouldn't mind spending a little time off with you." She admitted, grabbing the cloth of her scarf and covering her mouth in an attempt to mask her flushed face.
"Good." You push through the door to the medical office, making your way to your dorm room—which, by coincidence, you shared with Mikasa.
You plopped down on the cozy linen sheets, stretching your body out before yawning, patting the space next to you and inviting Mikasa over. She took the offer silently, placing herself on the mattress, sitting up and facing the wall away from you.
"You know, when I said to watch over me, that was only an excuse for Shadis." You muttered, wrapping your arms around her waist in an attempt to pull her down to cuddle. "I just wanted to snuggle a little bit."
She sighed. Not moving from her position, upright and facing the wall. "I know, I know soulmates should do romantic things like this, I'm just... very new to this." She muttered, embarrassed.
"That's fine." You yawn, arms retreating from her waist as you bury your face in a pillow, sleep already taking hold. "We have plenty of time."
She nodded wordlessly, even you were unable to see—sleep had already taken hold of you.
"That's okay," She turned around, stroking your hair and brushing a few loose strands away from your face. "I think I love you already."
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Bleh, I'll proofread this in the morning.
Edit: I did not proofread this in the morning.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
May I have headcanons for Bakugo, Todoroki and Hawks with an S/O who is or wants to become an heroine yet she faces a lot of backlash because she is the daughter of a -now imprisoned- villain?
a/n: of course! i love this headcanon, thank you for the request love!!
headcanon: them with an s/o who wants to be a hero but faces backlash because of her family.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, a bit of angst, mentions of murder/death and violence!
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katsuki bakugou
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Before you even start dating, Bakugou is probably really curious about you. It was all over the news, that you’d gotten into U.A.
And despite the school’s claims to keep every student safe, you still felt like an outcast. Turning down a hall caused heads to turn, kids ducked into classrooms.
You wished people could understand that you weren’t your parents. 
Two years ago your parents had been imprisoned for good, in Tartarus. Watching from a cafe tv, you learned that day that your parents were infamous villains that had killed close to hundreds, and injured more. All under your nose.
You were questioned for a while, in fact, the following six months after they got locked up you spent under a police watch. They found it hard to believe that you had absolutely nothing to do with what your parents did. And after several tests, they decided you were innocent.
News broke that you’d gotten into U.A., so much so that your parents even found out, not that you really cared what they thought, they’d lost all your trust.
Bakugou was able to see your determination though. No matter how many times you were called a villain, or some stupid name that the other kids came up with to try and make you leave, you pushed through.
What Bakugou loved the most is how calm you always looked. He knew you were hotheaded underneath it all. But you couldn’t snap at these kids, that would just prove their point.
But he saw you train and work first hand, unlike these kids. Your quirk was strong, it was no surprise you’d gotten into U.A. You were going to be a powerful hero.
When you started dating, a few things changed. Kids still made fun of you and mocked you, but not as much. Bakugou also got to see that what they said really did affect you.
You’d broke down once in front of him.
Bakugou sat on his bed, waiting for you to come join him so you could do homework. You were shuffling through your bag to find your work when you pulled out a note that had some rather nasty words written on it.
You didn’t want to cry in front of Bakugou but it just happened. Tears flooded down your cheeks as you started sobbing. Bakugou heard your cries and jumped up to comfort you.
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong?” Bakugo asked, his harsh sounding tone was more worried than anything.
“Do you think I’m going to be a villain?” You asked, your eyes red and puffy as tears streamed down your cheeks and soaked the neck of your sweater.
“What-no! What makes you think I’d think that about you?” Bakugou’s upset now too, but his eyes find the note that had been in your bag.
“Who wrote that.” Bakugou’s voice was stern, and it didn’t even sound like a question he was asking.
“I don’t know.” You sniffled.
“I’ll find out.”
“They’ll just do it again. I just wish people could understand I’m not like my parents. I want to help people.” You clung to Bakugou as you cried, his arms holding you close to him.
“They’ll see one day. I’ll make them see.” Bakugou kissed the top of your head and let you calm down in his arms.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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Before the relationship, Todoroki knows who you are. You were all over tv when your parents were arrested for countless murders.
It was ironic. He was the son of a pro hero, and you were the daughter of two villains. Falling in love with you felt like some sort of twisted comedy.
When you got into U.A., Todoroki was unsure of your motives. You’d been labeled a villain kid, and only destined to follow in your parent’s footsteps.
But you were entirely innocent. You had no hand in what your parents had done, and you vowed to never even speak to them again.
Todoroki got close to you, at first to see if what you were saying was true. He was curious. And wanting to be a hero, he was going to stop any chance of a traitor among his classmates.
But then he got to know you. He found out you were kind, and how much you loved to help people.
You were nothing like your parents
When you started dating, he tried his best to understand what it was like to be you. He’d see kids make fun of you, and even adults when you went ou tin public.
He defended you, and people shut up real quick.
You met his dad once, and though Todoroki said it was probably going to end terribly, you insisted on meeting him.
Endeavor was a bit surprised to see you dating his son. Some of his questions for you made you a bit uncomfortable.
“Your parents are still in jail, correct?” It as so blunt, you felt like crawling under a rock.
“Sho, it’s fine. Uh yes, they’re still in Tartarus.” You answered his question. Endeavor could see the uneasiness on your face and decided the questionnaire could be answered later.
“You really want to be a hero-”
“Yes. I’ve always wanted to help people, helping people makes me happy.” You didn’t even let Endeavor finish his statement. Endeavor nodded and left you two alone.
Word got out that you were dating a pro heroes’ son, and well it sparked a lot of rumors. 
For once, Endeavor backed you up. He’d been a bit worried about you, but his words seemed to ease some of the pressure you’d been feeling.
“If she wishes to be a hero, then that’s what she’s going to do. Suspicion is not a means to invalidate her goals and future plans.”
Todoroki has seen you break down a few times, mostly after school when kids would call you a ‘no good villain’ or some other name.
Todoroki comforts you as best as he can, either holding you close to him, or reassuring you that what they say or think isn’t the truth. Or he’ll do both.
Todoroki hates seeing you upset. He knows how bad reputations can ruin someone, and he knows the influence your parents have on you. He’s usually only recognized as Endeavor’s son, so he knows firsthand what being related to a hero or a villain can do.
He’s going to love you no matter what, and he’s helping right alongside you to make sure people understand that you are not your parents.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hawks/keigo takami
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s already a pro, and his interest in you peaks when the news of your parents getting caught spreads.
You’re a newer hero, but the backlash of your parents getting caught drags you down. You feel like you’re drowning.
But in this vision where you’re drowning, a vermillion-winged man pulls you out of the water and smiles at you.
Hawks aims to be your friend at first, he can’t lie, you’re very beautiful, but he wants to get to know you. He’s a bit sketchy himself, so if you are some sort of villain he wants to know.
He doesn’t think his comments affect you. He’s a bit oblivious, he’s not intentionally trying to hurt your feelings, but when he does, he sure as hell regrets it.
“So what’s the masterplan, Miss Devious?” The name he used was what everyone called your mother.
“What the fuck did you just call me?” You turn and look at him, your eyes full of both hurt and anger.
“How are we going to catch the bad guys, or maybe, the good guys?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Why would you say that to me? What the fuck is wrong with you?” You shove him away as you storm out of the room.
Hawks cocky grin is replaced by an ‘oh shit’ face. He’s really done it in now, and he’s thinking in his head that you’ll never forgive him for this one. All his other jokes seemed to fly, so why was this one so bad?
“Hey, wait up!” Hawks calls to you. He sends a few of his feathers to pin you against a wall so he can talk to you.
“Why are you so mad?” He asks, trying to examine your expression.
“Why am I mad? You just called me my fucking mom’s name. You’re making it really hard to like you. What part of ‘I don’t associate with my parents’ don’t you fucking understand?” You shout at him. Hawks’ lips form a thin line as he thinks about what he’s said.
“I’m sorry.” Hawks apologizes, figuring it’s best to at least make up for what he’s said until he can figure you out.
“Are you? Or are you just saying that so I don’t lash out?” You glare at him. Hawks looks away and sighs.
“I didn’t realize that-”
“That what? After the countless times I’ve been called a villain, that I wasn’t affected by it? Or that maybe the backlash from dozens of media sources and civilians wasn’t enough and that you feel the need to remind me that I’m the daughter of two awful villains?” You snap, tears pouring from your eyes.
“Hey, that’s not what I meant.” Hawks defended himself, his heart aching as you cried.
“I try so fucking hard. I work my ass off to prove that I’m just as good of a hero as anyone else. I fucking love helping people, it’s my job to save and help whenever I can, but it’s never enough.” You sob. Hawks’ feathers return to his wings as he lets you go.
Hawks hugs you and doesn’t let you go.
“I’ve been an asshole, and sorry won’t cut it for how I’ve acted but I want to make it up to you.” Hawks understood a bit better now. You were trying to fight the corruptness of the media. You were labeled awful things while you were just doing your job.
You’d never done an evil thing in your life, and you couldn’t hurt a fly if you tried.
“Why are you saying this now?” You ask, pushing him away.
“Because I fucking love you.” Hawks blurts out. He quickly covers his mouth, his ears turning bright red.
In the spur of the moment to keep you from saying anything else, Hawks presses his lips to yours, ceasing the awkward question you were about to ask.
After this, it takes a bit of time for you to fully forgive Hawks, but you fall in love with him. He helps you prove yourself, and the two of you become practically inseparable.
Nothing can erase what your parents have done, but every day, Hawks reminds you that you aren’t your parents, and he’ll do whatever he can to make the public understand that too.
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514 notes · View notes
dekus-afro-pic · 3 years
Smile For The Camera
Dabi x Fem!Reader x Hawks
⚠️ warning ⚠️: This fic includes the use of Dabi and Hawks real name which are spoilers to the manga. This fic also includes non-con sex with Endeavor, murder, crying, SWEET SWEET REVENGE, and Villan Hawks
Summary: After months of being held captive by the number one “hero” you finally snap. When you reunite with your childhood friends, whom you thought were dead, your opportunity for revenge is brought to you ona silver plater. Art by @brttpaige
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Burns and bruises littered your body and the man on top of you was to blame. You scratch at the hand that was around your throat as you felt yourself losing oxygen. The “hero” slaps your hands away and strikes your face as he continued to thrust into you.
“Just take it,” He grunts above you “Give me what I want”
Tears were no longer streaming down your face but that didn’t stop you from wailing in pain as his hips met yours. You refused to look into his eyes when he hurt you this way. Knowing that if you did, he’d only go harder. You didn’t want this at all. How could he not see that? You didn’t expect your close friend’s father to be such a…monster.
How could you not know y/n? He killed his own son for Christ's sake. And soon, he’d kill you too.
After Endeavor finishes his load inside of your womb, he zips up his pants and leaves. You laid there, in the bed of an apartment that he kept you captive in, and shuddered. You knew two things for certain.
You are not going to bear his child and you were going to kill Enji Todoroki.
You crawl towards the nightstand and pull out a plan-b from beneath it. After swallowing the pill dry, you make your way to the bathroom to tend to your injuries and cleanse yourself of that monster.
Unbeknownst to you, someone watched the whole ordeal take place. Dabi’s blood was boiling. How the fuck could the number one “hero” be capable of such actions. But then again, heroes weren’t all that they seemed. His chest tightened as he watched you use your water quirk to heal your bruises. You shouldn’t be going through this. You should be out there getting rid of villains like his “father”. He knew he had to get you out of there. He pulls out his phone to inform the others of his plan. But for it to succeed, you were going to have to make the first move.
And that you did. Once your body was back to an ok state, you start packing everything you could. Your toothbrush, clean clothes, the little food you had in the beat down apartment, 2000¥ ($20 USD) you stole from your abuser, and your only second pair of shoes. You were on a mission to get out of there as fast as you could.
It was a Friday night, meaning that Endeavor was out playing pretend with his family. The looks on their faces once you reveal his secrets were ones that you want to cherish forever. You couldn’t wait until the world finally knew who it was idolizing.
You wasted no time opening the bedroom window and sprinting down the fire escape stairs. You held the duffel bag close to your body as you ran down the dark alleyway. You were free. You were finally free.
After running for what felt like 20 minutes you finally stop to give your aching lungs and legs a break. You didn’t know where your legs had taken you but from the looks of it, you were farther away from the apartment than you had imagined. You weren’t complaining though. The farther away you were from that wretched man the better.
You sat in a quiet alleyway for some time. You reach into your bag for a water bottle as you pressed your back against the brick wall. When you looked back up from your bag three men were standing on the opposite side of the alleyway. As the men inch closer to you, you realize that there weren’t three men. It was one man with gigantic wings.
“Hey kid. I know this might sound crazy but” He said grabbing you and your bag with both his hands “You’re a package I need to deliver.”
“What the fuck let me go” you struggle against the stranger's hold. Your actions are stopped as he rose in the air. You cling to his chest for dear life hoping he wouldn’t drop you.
“Where the fuck are you taking me bird brain?” You yell against the roaring winds. He didn’t answer you, he only smiled as you continue to spew curses at him. “I swear when you land I’m going to DROWN you”
Finally, he lands in front of a relatively big house in the woods. Once his feet touch the ground you use the water in his body to make him punch himself. Before you could swing at him with your fist, his feathers lifted you off the ground and carried you into the house.
“Hawks is back” you heard a girl squeal “And he brought her too.”
Hawks’ feather dropped you on your bum as the man walks off. The girl from before comes into your line of eyesight and smiles. She had blonde hair which was tied into pigtails and her canines were long.
“Hi I’m Toga” She introduced, holding out her hand to help you up. “The birdie who flew you in is Hawks, he’s Dabi’s boyfriend. Welcome to the new and improved League of Villains super-secret hideout. Don’t tell anyone though. Or I’ll have to kill you”
“Y/n” you reply as you take her hand. “Why am I here? I’m no villain.” At least not yet you weren’t.
“Dabi has told us all about you. Which is why you’re here. He should be around here somewhere” She wonders off. You hear her yell “DABI” Before she returns with Hawks and another man, who you assumed was Dabi. You flick your middle finger at the birdman as he walked closer to you.
“Aww don’t be like that kid. I was only trying to help” He said with a smile. With the proper lighting in the house, you got a proper look at the man. His wings were a bright crimson color and his blonde hair was done messily. He had a long scratch from above his right eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek. Overall the man looked familiar.
Damn this man is gorgeous. If he didn’t have a boyfriend I’d want a piece of that.
You flinched when you feel his hand touch your shoulder. On the defense, you twist his arm behind his back and push him away from you. When you realize what you’ve done you quickly apologize “Oh shit. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-”
“No it’s fine” He reassured with a smile “it’s obvious that you're on edge. I shouldn’t have done that”
“Yea...on edge” you turn to the other man. His eyes were bright blue and the majority of his skin was covered in burn scars. Staples pierced his skin in various places. “You must be Dabi”
“Correct. But you can call me Touya”
“Follow me” He interrupts. You follow the couple down the hallway. You passed multiple rooms. In one room, a man with visible dry skin sat in front of a medium-sized tv with a game controller in hand. Maybe he’d let you relieve him one day.
“I’ve been watching you Y/n” Touya begins “I’ve seen the things that man has done to you”
You stopped in front of a brown door. Hawks stepped in front of you with a softer look.
“You’re going to get your revenge little birdie. But for now,” Hawks opened the door to the room. It was gorgeous, to say the least. A queen-sized bed was centered in the room with the smell of vanilla faint in the air. “You’re going to relax”
You dropped your duffel bag as you slowly walked through the threshold. You make your way to the bed with tears blurring your vision. Hawks place your bag on a vacant chair while Touya makes his way towards you.
“So you’ve been in hiding this whole time?” You question the man standing in front of you.
“Yeah pretty much” he nods, rubbing the back of his neck “I was supposed to come back for you but you went off the grid. Now I know why”
“Where’s Keigo?” You ask.
“What did that monster do to you?” The blonde reaches out to caress your face but you flinch away. “I’m Keigo, Y/n”
“Some friend reunion we have here” You joke.
When you realize that you were indeed not captivated in some beat down apartment panic sunk in. What if he finds you? What if he’s already sent out people to look for you? What if these were the people he sent out?
“Hey” A single feather lifts your head to look at both of them “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He won’t find you here. And if somehow he does...we’ll just kill him”
Dabi nods his head in agreement. You wrap your arms around both of their bodies with tears running down your face. Keigo leaned into your touch while Dabi just pats your head stiffly.
They tell you to adjust to your new room and get cleaned up as they leave your room. Once Keigo closes your door, he buries his face into his hands.
“Did you see her arms and legs Touya?” He sobs, “She looks like she hasn’t eaten in days”
Dabi places his hand on his lover’s back, guiding him to their shared room. “Don’t cry Keigo. We’ve successfully finished phase one of the plan. We need to get ready for phase two”
“Ok you two. What’s going on?” You ask your two best friends.
“It’s a surprise y/n, we can’t tell you” The blonde laughs as Touya guided you through the wooded area. The white blindfold did its job at hiding the world from your view. You felt the boy to your right stop walking as the other untied the white cloth.
The view before you was breathtaking. “Happy Birthday Y/N” frosted onto a small cake with balloons tied to tree branches.
“Guys you shouldn’t have” You giggle.
“You’re our best friend Y/N. You’re going to have to get used to celebrating your birthday” Touya scolded.
Little did the three of you know, that was going to be the last time you would be together.
The scene started to change. The woods were engulfed in bright flames, screams were heard in the distance.
“KEIGO!” you scream. “TOUYA!WHERE ARE YOU?”
The smoke covered everything around you. You choked on the thick smoke as you tried to avoid the flames. You scream louder for your friends. But you never found them. You trip and fall over a fallen tree branch. You look up and see your abuser standing over you.
You try to crawl away from him but he catches you by your hair.
“No. Please” you cry. “TOUYA! KEIGO PLEASE HELP”
“Y/n. You can’t escape me” He growls in your ear.
Just seconds before he could throw you against the burning tree, your eyes shoot open as you send icicles flying everywhere. You scream as you feel hands grabbing your own. Your eyesight still blurry from waking up, you swing at the person in front of you. “LET GO. LET GO! GET OFF ME. KEIGO, TOUYA HELP ME”
“Y/n calm down it’s me. It’s Keigo” The blonde whispers. Your eyes frantically search for his. Your body shakes while you sob as you held Keigo’s face in your hands.
“Keigo, where were you? Keigo don’t let him get me please don’t let him get me” You choke out, “I don’t want to go back please don’t send me back. Don’t leave me again, please.”
“He won’t find you baby bird” He cooed. He places your head on his chest as he rubs your hair soothingly. “I’m here now. I’m not leaving again” He stays true to his word and drifts back to sleep with you in his arms.
Touya woke up to an empty bed. Confused, he brushed his teeth and went to check up on you. When he opens your room door he finds you asleep on top of his boyfriend’s chest. His boyfriend, on the other hand, was wide awake. He looks over at the door when he heard the floorboards creak.
“Shh. She had a rough night” He whispers.
“What happened?”
“Night Terror about him. She was screaming our names so I came in to check on her. She almost cut me with an icicle.” Keigo explains.
Touya slides underneath your cover on the other side of you. You stir at the sudden movement which causes Keigo to stop breathing.
“Goodmorning Keigo” you groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes “and Touya”
“Goodmorning little one” the latter replied, “how are you feeling?”
“Tense” You yawn. You wiggle out of Keigo’s hold and walk towards your duffel bag. “Where’s the bathroom? I’m going to uh..take a shower”
“Across the hall”
You say a quiet thank you and exit your room. The couple let out breaths that they didn’t know they were holding when they hear the shower starts.
“We have to do something. And quick” Keigo whispers “Did Toga and Shigaraki already leave?”
“Yea. They should be back later tonight with our special guest. But for now, we need to calm down y/n”
The water dripped off of your skin as you stepped out of the steamy shower. After drying off, putting on clean clothes, and brushing your teeth, you walk back across the hall to your bedroom. Before you could sit back down on your bed, Keigo’s there with his hand stretched out for you to take.
“Hey, there birdie. Come with me” he says.
You take his hand and followed behind the blonde. He brings you to the kitchen, where a tall shadow man was making lunch.
“Hello young y/n” He spoke “I’m Kurogiri”
“Nice to meet you” You smile faintly. “Keigo I’m not hu-“
“Yes you are y/n” Touya scolds from behind you. “You haven’t eaten since I don’t know when. At least eat the seaweed out of it”
He pulls the chair out for you to sit and sits directly across from you. Keigo takes the seat on side of you as Kurogiri places your bowls in front of you.
“Shoyu Ramen?” You inhale the steam coming from the bowl. It smelled delicious. How long has it been since you had this?
“You always ate this after training and I suspect that you hadn’t eaten a proper meal in-“ Touya was cut off by your loud slurping “years”
“Stalker” You laugh before stuffing your face with more ramen. “So how long have you been watching me?”
“Well, we’ve been looking for you since we turned 20” Keigo answers. “Touya here found you just last week”
Your response was a loud hum as you drank the broth of your meal. You couldn’t help the satisfied sigh that escaped through your lips. The food was just that good.
“I’m kind of grateful that you abducted me when you did. I’d probably still be sitting in that alleyway.”
“Y/n if you don’t mind me asking” Touya begins “How long has he been..”
“6 months” You sigh, “I was dropping Shoto off at home one night and that’s when he took me to the apartment. I had no contact with the outside world. No tv, no phone, not even a god damn newspaper” You felt your quirk activate, causing the water in the glasses before you to boil. “I swear, the next time I see him I’m going to boil the skin off of him”
“Whoa there princess” Keigo uses one of his feathers to rub at your thigh to calm you down. You relax at his touch and bring the raging water to a stop. You grab Keigo’s hand in an attempt to regulate your breathing.
“So what’s the plan?” You ask, “I know you two are up to something”
“It’s a surprise” Touya smirks “you’ll find out after dinner.”
You spent your day sandwiched between the two men in your new bed watching movies, catching up, and enjoying each other’s company. It was strange how you didn’t feel like a complete third wheel. Instead, you felt like you were apart of the relationship and you were happy. You can’t even remember the last time you had a good time like this.
At last, it was dinner time. The two left your room minutes prior to “prepare your surprise” in Keigo’s words. You decided to change your clothes while you waited for the ok to come down. Just as you finished up, one of Keigo’s feathers tapped your shoulder.
You were greeted with blue and yellow eyes when you entered the dining room. Feathers pulled out your chair while the others sat down in their seats.
Fish, rice bowls, and other foods were placed on the table. You ate in silence, mainly because you didn’t want to choke, while the others talked amongst themselves.
“Y/n-Chan” Toga whined “Why are you so quiet over there?”
“The food is so good,” you say after swallowing a mouth full of rice, “I want to eat as much as possible”
Kurogiri nods in your direction at the compliment. Dinner goes on with Dabi and Shigaraki arguing over who’s the strongest and You and Keigo exchanging flirty glances and middle fingers.
“Hey Y/n, Trynna steal my boyfriend?” Touya teases.
“You’re going to have to share Mr. Blueflame” you tease back. Everybody laughs as you two keep going back and forth.
“Alright Alright. Dinners over. Time for your surprise Y/n” Touya announced.
Everybody looked at you with sinister smirks as Keigo helped you out of your seat. You were led to the basement where two seats were on opposite sides of the room with a camera in the middle.
You sat in the chair closest to the door and watched Touya and Shigi bring in someone in handcuffs with a trash bag over their head.
“Guys what’s going…” you stopped talking when Shigaraki dusts the bag off the person’s head. But it wasn’t a person, no.
It was him. The monster that kept you captive for months. The monster that stripped you of your innocence and ruined your life plans. You felt your blood begin to boil as you stood out of your chair.
“Y/n?” The older man groaned. Touya punched him in his jaw before he could speak again.
“Don’t you dare say her fucking name” He spat. He then turned to you with soft(ish) eyes. “Don’t worry. The cuffs are quirk canceling”
“Do your worst baby bird” Keigo whispered into your ear.
You motioned for everyone to move out of the way as you walked towards your new captive. “Remember this face in your next life” You whisper.
You boiled the water in his body and smiled at the bubbles visibly forming on the surface of his skin. As the man before you screams in pain, you walk towards the camera that was recording the whole thing.
“Smile for the camera Enji. Why don’t you tell little Shoto where’d you take me all those months ago. Why I could no longer pick him up from school on Fridays” You toy with the corpse. You watched as blood began to seep through his skin “You’ve always told me to give you what you want. This time it is you who will give me what I want”
“Hey Dabi” Keigo whispered “Is it just me or is Y/N kinda hot when she’s committing murder”
The ravenette nodded at his boyfriend’s statement. You were indeed hot as hell murdering his father. Your abuser. He froze, just as he was about to add a comment, when you spun the camera around to face him and Keigo.
“Say hi Dabi” You smile at the two. “Hi Hawks”
“You’ve officially lost it baby bird”
“I agree. Crazy looks good on you” Touya adds.
You turn the camera off and hand it to Kurogiri. You walk over to the couple with a pout on your face “He’s dead now. My fun’s over”
“Oh no no no” Touya teasingly pulled you into his chest by your waist “The fun is just beginning. Right, Keigo?”
Keigo pushes his groin against your ass and nibbles on your earlobe.“That’s right babe” he whispered “We’re going to help you reclaim what’s yours”
A/n: So there’s smut to this fic😭 but I won’t post it unless this does good. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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cultgambles · 3 years
Is Your Boyfriend Jealous Yet?
Hawks likes putting on a show, can you blame him?
I was on GWA and this girl had a nice fun plot and audio and I was really feeling it in the moment hehe...so largely inspired by that!
Contains: nsfw, car sex, reader cheats, cunnilingus, exhibition, fandom hawks behavior
Also: wrap it before you tap it
Word Count: 2118
Masterlist | Requests? open
“So there I was, staring this villain down at the end of the street, and then he just appeared! My idol!”
“Endeavor? What did he do?”
“Of course he didn’t waste any time taking em down, it was cool and all to see it but he really took the spotlight, ya know?”
“Oh please, as if you need to be loved by the public anymore.”
“I do! That’s who I am!”
“Who’s that chick staring at you?”
Hawks turns, looking over his shoulder, “I dunno, a fan maybe? She’s coming over!”
“Act natural!”
“I am a natural. All nat-ur-ral.” He smooths down his silky burgundy button up shirt. 
“Hey! Hawks?” 
“The one and only!” Hawks gives a dazzling style, saluting towards you.
“I just wanted to say how cool you are, every time you employ your Quirk I’m amazed! And you’re not too bad to look at either!” you giggle.
“Thanks, kid,” he smiles, a real one. “People like you are the ones that make hero work worth it.”
“Yeah? Do you have time to chat? My name’s [Y/N], by the way. Are your wings okay? They look a little sparse.”
“‘Course I have time to chat. You wanna drink? Hey! One Lemon Drop for the lady, if you will!”
“Coming right up!”
“My most recent showdown against a villain. No biggie, they’ll grow back in a couple days.” Hawks turns a little so you can see the appendages where his feathers would usually be. There’s little small ones beginning to peek through. 
“Wow! I don’t think I saw that fight on the news or anything,” you murmur.
“I’m okay with doin’ it in silence, as long as it gets done, you know? 
It’s nice knowing people are safe and that there’s one less piece of shit on the street. But it’s also hard work” he continued. 
“The man who’s just a bit too fast, huh? You ever get tired?” you query. “Thanks for the drink, by the way.”
“No problem! And yeah, it’s hard to slow down, and I know I need to; but I always feel like I’m bein’ too lazy when I could be out there in the field.” 
Hawks is surprised, he’s never been this forward and vulnerable. Especially to a complete stranger. Maybe it was that gin and tonic he had earlier.
Your mouth opens, but before you can say anything, a booming voice cuts through the crowd.
“[Y/N] What the hell are you doing! Get over here!” Your face falls slightly, and Hawks notices with a curious, but watchful gaze. 
“I just saw Hawks here! I’ve never been this close to a pro hero before, and I wanted to say my thanks,” you mumble.
“Well I don’t like my girlfriend wandering off and talking to other guys, regardless if they’re a hero or not. Come on, we’re leaving!”
“But we just got here!” you protest.
“Now, [Y/N],” he growls, shoving you away from the pro hero, and towards the door.
“Hey, buddy,” Hawks clamps a hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder, holding him in place. “Don’t go pushing women around.” 
“This isn’t even your problem, man.”
“I’m going to make it my problem.” Hawks is deadly, intimidating. Even though you’re a little scared, you’re a bit turned on, to be honest. He’s got this air of danger around him, his eyes slit to pinpricks.
Before your boyfriend can get another word out, one of the club bouncers steps up, towering over the three of you. “Problem here? Or am I going to have to escort you out?”
“Nah, man, we’ll take it outside. Don’t worry about us,” Hawks shrugs. Your boyfriend tugs you along, seething behind Hawks.
“This isn’t over, Hawks. And you, don’t you EVER cause a scene like that, you hear?” 
You sniff. “I just wanted to say my thanks…”
“She was doin’ nothin’, that was all you man.” Hawks shakes his head. “I’d even say she was more into me than she has been in a while. I mean, the way you shouted at her was pretty scary,” he says, popping the ‘p.’
You look at Hawks under your lashes.
“No she wasn’t!” your boyfriend drops your arm, marching right up to the pro hero.
 Hawks leans around him and nods his head at you. “Why don’t we show him a thing or two?” You give him a puzzled look. “My car’s right there if you know what I mean.”
“Hold on, you have a car? How would you even fit your wings in.”
“Baby, you’re ruining the moment,” Hawks laughs, stepping in next to you. “I just take my car for a spin when I can’t fly. Not a walking type of guy, really.”
“So let me get this straight, you wanna fuck me? In your car? For why?”
“Give a little show to your asshole of a boyfriend. So he can see how to really treat a woman, hm?”
“Don’t you go with him, [Y/N]! I will literally kill you.”
“Is that really the smartest thing to say right next to a pro hero? Okay, Hawks, what that tongue do?” You purr.
“I’ll show you,” Hawks’ car’s doors unlock with a click. “Get in the back.”
Your boyfriend outside looks right mad, shouting and screaming at you. You swear a crowd has formed.
Hawks lays down and motions a finger for you. You shut the door behind you, and it’s just you two in this moment, boyfriend be damned. 
“Hold onto the headrests, okay, baby?” Hawks asks as you situate yourself above his mouth. 
“Lucky for me, you’re just wearing that cute little skirt and skimpy top. What, did you want every guy to turn heads for you?” Hawks grips your plush thighs, digging his nose to your panties. “All that from earlier really got you goin’, huh? Look how wet you are for me.” He kisses your clothed sex before pulling your underwear to the side. A long, languid lick all the way up to your clit has you shivering with pleasure, begging for more.
You’re grinding down on Hawks’ tongue, he’s just that fucking good. You briefly wonder how many other people have experienced this ecstasy. At least you have him for this moment. 
Breathy squeaks leave your mouth as his mouth catches on particular spots. 
“Let it out, I wanna hear you. I want him to hear what I’m doing to you.” Locking eyes with your boyfriend outside the car sends you over the edge, his face as bright as the heels on your feet. His eyes dim slightly just as yours slip closed, mouth agape. Hawks continues to pleasure you as you come down from your high. 
Carefully, he lifts you up to sit you on his lap. A little cramped, but worth it. Your wetness glistens along Hawks’ jawline, and you lean in to kiss him, tasting yourself and him. 
“That’s cute,” he whispers, bringing his hands up to knead at your breasts slightly. His gold eyes shimmer as you rub against his cock. 
“Gonna show me your cute dick next?” you ask.
“It’s cute, like, big, not cute as in small. Just so you know. How about you lay down, baby,” he turns towards you slightly, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his black trousers. His cock is nice. As nice as one can be. It’s a little thicker, curved to the left a bit. He’s trimmed. He strokes it a couple times, dragging his precum along the shaft. You flick your panties off and they land on his head.
“Impatient, are we?” he grins. 
“Just a bit,” you smile, reaching between your legs to spread yourself open a bit for him to see. 
“Pretty pussy for a pretty girl,” he leans over, hand guiding to your quivering sex. He pushes in slowly, letting out a deep moan be swallowed up by your kiss. “You’re so tight around me.”
He lets you adjust, and not long after, you’re clawing at him to start moving. “Feels so good, you fill me up so good, Hawks.”
“They’re all watching us now, hummingbird. I bet they’re jealous at how good I’m fucking you,” he says over his grunts.
You’re bleary-eyed and blissed out, barely registering his words. “Who...Who’re they?”
“Seems like your little boyfriend’s screaming match has attracted quite a crowd.”
“O-oh? How big?”
“You wanna get out, don’t you.”
“Yeah okay, whatever you want, Hawks. Who am I to deny a pro hero what he wants? Just keep fucking me, please.”
Hawks’ eyes flash, hand scrambling for the door handle and pulling you out into the brisk air. “Really? Whatever I want? How about I just bend you over the trunk of my car and rail you so hard you can’t walk tomorrow?” 
“Then I guess you’re stuck with me for a lil while longer.” Hawks pushes your head down almost gently as he presses into you against the cool metal. You sigh as he slips back inside of you. Then he’s pulling your top down to your waist, your breasts squishing against the dirt and dust. A few people whoop. Somehow, you don’t care that everyone can see, or that camera flashes are blinding your vision. The way he drills into you makes you even forget how you even got into this situation to begin with. 
“What about the--” you moan “--press?” 
“Don’t give a fuck about them, none at all. My PR team could probably cover it up, I don’t know. Don’t wanna think about that. Y’all see this? Her nasty ass boyfriend was fuckin’ rippin’ on her, treating her like shit on a stick. No one should treat a woman like that, ya hear?” he’s loud, addressing the people around you. “Well, I guess ex boyfriend would be appropriate. What do you think, [Y/N]?”
“Y-yeah You’re right! Oh! OH! Hawks.”
“C’mon songbird, sing me that song,” he says right next to your ear, sucking a hickey into your neck.
“[Y/N], baby, how could you do this to me?” your boyfriend pleads. Ex-boyfriend, you mean.
“That’s what you get for being a shit. And you’re not even that mad, you’re enjoying yourself too,” you moan to him. “Hawks is technically police, you don’t want him to throw you in jail, now do you?”
“He wouldn’t, he can’t! I didn’t really do anything.”
“I can and I will,” Hawks growls.
“You’re just using your privilege!”
“Yeah,” Hawks agrees. “But then again, I’m sure I could find some dirt on you.”
“Yes baby?” his attention snaps to you.
Your ex was never this attentive. It gave you butterflies. You swallowed them to let him know you were close. 
If he had his feathers, they would surely flush out. 
“Come on, birdie, cream on my cock, I know you can do it.” He reaches around your waist to swipe at your clit. 
“Nnnggft,” you moan, your cunt seizing up, the pressure building. It explodes, sending a chill down your spine. 
“Yes baby, keep up for me, I’m right behind ya...” Hawks thrusts impossibly faster, chasing his own climax, loving the way your sex flutters around him.  
“[Y/N] I’m--” Hawks’ voice dies out as he shoots thick ropes of cum in you, white seed painting your insides. 
The both of you struggle to catch your breaths. Hawks leans over you, massaging your hips. “Why don’t we take this back to your place and finish up?”
“Why not yours?” You laugh, running a hand over his sweat sheened forehead and into his unruly blonde hair.
“Security? At least take me on a date,” he laughs.
You sigh with contempt. “Okay, Hawks. Okay.” He nuzzles your neck slightly, pulling out of you. 
Hawks tucks himself back in his trousers and pulls up your top. “Let’s get outta here, then. Hey! I got it, don’t worry,” he says, pulling the passenger door open.
“Where’s my underwear?”
“I’m gonna leave a wet spot.”
“I don’t mind,” he says nonchalantly before hopping into the driver’s seat next to you. The ignition rolls over and Hawks backs out of the parking space. His hand rests on the inside of your thigh, rubbing in slow circles. 
You notice his nails are black, and curved a bit like talons. 
“Okay hummingbird, lead the way,” he says, giving you a soft smile.
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solara-bean · 3 years
Hey so I read your Fic about Bruno and I was so in LOVE WITH EVERYTHING 😭💜 So I don't know if your requests are open because mobile tumblr sucks sometimes, so if its not pls ignore this : How about reader being soft and shy and they don't have a dragon but a huge phoenix and it gets all ruffled up when they blush and Bruno doubles his flirting game to see it?
I actually don't do requests but I LOVE this idea ( my inner child who's obsessed with Phoenix's and mythical creatures has be awakened once again!! ). I'm going to interpret soft as chubby if you don't mind. Feel like I went a bit off script with this hope you like it☺️.
(This is gonna be long, sorry😅)
Bruno x Chubby, Shy Reader with a Phoenix
Despite what some might think, there actually is a nineth division in the Top of Horns. A very small and quiet one that is. They're called the Scales, run by Ester Fae. She's an enthusiastic old woman with carmel skin, long beaded hair and pointed ears like that of an elf ( tho no one's sure of she actually is one ). Her division is so overlooked to the point where it's pathetic. No one takes them seriously because they care for and protect mythical creatures.
You'd think that would be important in a world like this, but considering that the more dangerous creatures are usually put down and or experimented on, not so much. So besides the dragons owned by high ranking Wing Bind officials, their most lethal case would be the blind griffin or the manticore with no teeth. All the other creatures were harmless, cute and even babies. Needless to say they were looked at as softies. Their logo being a heart shaped dragon scale didn't help.
" What's so great about the Scales? All they do is play with griffin cubs all day."
" Yeah. Bunch a slackers."
" Waste of funding if you ask me."
It all made Y/n boil with rage, although they'd never outwardly show it. They loved their job. How dare people undervalue it! Sure they played with griffin cubs but those things liked to bite dammit! Hell, they had the scars to prove it!! They had quite a few small scars actually. Caring for magical creatures wasn’t always fun and games. Thankfully they were able to befriend animals much easier than most. Thats why they were Ester’s star pupil. 
It’s also why they’d been sent to Top of Horns meetings in Ester’s place. The poor woman had gotten severely hurt during the capture of a very rare and powerful creature: a phoenix. It was about the size of an average dragon and just as lethal as one. Y/n, and even Ester despite her injuries, couldn’t blame it judging from the broken chains around its neck and its bloody feathers. Thankfully Ester pull in under a sleep spell before any more damage was caused. Now they all had to decide what to do with it.
Y/n was more than willing to help. It’s just that they were shy and skittish as hell, especially around powerful people. Calm a raging dragon? Sure no biggy. Say good morning to Sullivan Squire without squeaking?! Hell no. They stood off to the side for awhile, no seats were left. Then Bruno noticed them.
“ Why are you here?” he asked, it wasn’t meant to sound rude but it did all the same.
“ U-uh...you know..the phoenix...” Y/n managed to murmur.
He nodded, got out of seat, found another chair then put it next to his. They looked at him dumbfounded. Bruno Bangnyfe wasn’t known for being gentlemanly.
“ Well? Don’t just stand there looking pretty, get over here.” 
Their face instantly flared with heat. 
Y/n coming to the meeting at all was hard enough. Now they had to convince everyone to keep the phoenix alive and sit next to Bruno?! This was gonna be a long meeting. 
That was around five months ago. To Y/n’s surprise the Top of Horns not only spared the phoenix but also left it under her care. Ester was beyond proud. As expected, the phoenix was very hostile. Over time, however, she began to trust Y/n more and more. Within the fifth week, she let them pet her feathers while they sat next to her. She was still a bit weary around the other Scales workers, but she didn’t attack them anymore. Ester had come back too. The two got along as if the attack never happened, but Y/n expected that.
What they didn’t expect was Bruno continuously visiting them for “ check ins. ” It was nothing out of the ordinary. He’d look at the phoenix’s condition, see if she would attack him or not then leave. One day he brought his dragon, Rickenbacker. To both his and Y/n’s surprise the two became instant friends, chasing each other around the inclosure like a pair of puppies. This lead Bruno to bring Rickbacker over for playdates while him and Y/n talked. After a while Bruno started to grow on them, but they knew it was just a meaningless crush.  He had admirers all over Reverse London. There’s no way he’d like the awkward, potato-shaped Scales worker right?
Y/n came in early for their shift, throwing on their uniform lab coat and greeting the other Scales workers as they went by. They arrived at the giant inclosure and typed in the passcode. The inside was set to a moderately high temperature and was full of massive plants and flowers. The glass dome roof allowed the sunlight to pass through as if they were really outside. Despite how overlooked the Scales were, they did have good enough funding.
“ Topaz!” Y/n called out.
There was a strong gust of wind followed by a loud whoosh sound as the phoenix landed in front of them. 
“ Topaz! Oh I missed you. Weekends are too long.” Y/n cooed as Topaz chirped happily and leaned down to nuzzle into them.
Y/n gladly pet her fluffy feathers. The hue of them had improved drastically. Instead of a dark red they were now multiple shades of yellow, orange and pink blending into one another. 
“ Your flying’s improved a lot. You’re so fast that I could barley see you.”
Topaz’s now no longer cracked beak stretched into a smile. She loved compliments. 
The fun was cut short when the door unlocked. Behind them entered two familiar faces. Topaz let out an excited screech and instantly ran towards Rickenbacker, who did the same. 
“ Wait!” they halted.
Y/n pulled down Rickenbacker’s bandaged wing. They took some of the wrapping off to check the wound which had now began to scar over.
“ Ok you’re all good. Go play.” 
The two immediately ran off. Y/n began to follow them before a hand fell on their shoulder.
“ No ‘good morning’ for me, Y/n?” Bruno said with a frown.
“ O-oh, yes good morning. Sorry, I was bit distracted.” 
“ Oh..right. I was worried that you were still mad about...you know...”
Y/n’s heart sank.
“ I was...but I’m over it now. I know that you were just doing your job. Cinderella was a threat, dragon or not. I doubt we’d be able to take care of her anyway...”
“ Well,” Bruno sighed. “ I guess I brought this ‘please don’t hate me’ gift for nothing.” 
He pulled out a freshly baked cupcake from behind his back. They gasped.
“ My favorite!” they instantly took a bite and groaned. “ So good. Thanks Bruno.” They then noticed a slight blush on his face. “ Something wrong??”
“ Hm? Oh! No no. You know how hot it gets in here.”
They didn't question him and made their way to where the two were most likely playing, Bruno followed. They sat on a nearby bench and watched Rickenbacker and Topaz play with a few of the toys left in the inclosure. 
“ So,” Bruno said as he finished his own baked treat. “ Did you ask Ester yet?”
“ No.” Y/n sighed. “ You know how hard it is to claim ownership of a rare mythical creature. Not to mention getting clearance to ride one and learning how to on top of that.” 
“ You can't know if you don’t try. Besides, didn’t you say that Topaz has probably been in captivity all her life? Where else is she gonna go? She loves you more than anything so she might as well belong to you.”
“ I know but...” Y/n closed in on themselves.
“ You’re scared?”
Y/n nodded. They remained silent for awhile. 
“ I’d just need really good, solid proof that Topaz wants to be with me too. Without it, the file might never get approved.”
Bruno thought on that. Then he got an idea.
“ Now that I think about it, I remember reading a long time ago that a phoenix’s feathers will match its rider’s emotions.” 
“ Oh yeah! I think it was in an old fairytale, but I doubt its tru-” Their eyes widened when they looked back at Bruno. “ Why’s your shirt off???” 
Bruno gave them a mischievous grin.
“ What? I told you it gets hot in here. Besides, I’m wearing an undershirt aren’t I?” 
“ Y-yeah but-”
“ Uh-uh. I’m not taking judgement from a cannibal.”
Y/n’s brain nearly lost a screw.
“ A what!!” 
Bruno chuckled.
“ You heard me.” he said lowly, leaning closer to them. “ You devoured that cupcake as if you aren’t one yourself.”
Y/n’s entire being went ablaze.
“ I..I-I....I’m not..I’m not a-”
“ Sure you are,” he purred. “ So sweet and soft,” he emphasized his point by putting a hand on their side and giving it an affectionate squeeze, making them squeak in surprise. “ Not to mention that you always smell so good.”
They were so close that Y/n could feel his sugar coated breath faintly dust their cheeks.
“ Umm...t-thanks its the shampoo that I use. Would you like to try some-”
They paused once they noticed Bruno’s hands go on either side of the bench behind them, pinning them. 
“ Do you know what else I like about you?”
They gulped.
Bruno leaned in closer, if that was even possible. Y/n could see every shade of blue in his eyes. Were his eyelashes always that long? He’d look good with eye makeup. Actually he’d make anything look goo-wait no why are they spacing out this is serious!!
“ Despite how shy you may appear on the surface, I know you’ve got a fire in you. This burning determination to protect creatures that could take down cities if they wanted. I saw it for the first time at that meeting all those months ago. I’d never heard you speak louder than a whisper, let alone with such confidence. You even got Sullivan’s attention with that spark of yours.”
Y/n managed to look away.
“ I don’t have a spark. You’re being silly.”
Bruno gently took hold of their chin and turned their gaze back to him. They were stunned by the sincere, soft smile on his face.
“ Maybe I am. You have that effect on me. Cute things always did drive me crazy.”
Bruno thought they were cute!!!
Oh that did it! They have to make a move. This is their shot!
“ Bruno I-”
All of sudden he moved their face towards Topaz and Rickenbacker. Confused, they stared at the two and came to one hell of a sight. Topaz’s feathers had turned a soft shade pink and were also fluffed out like a scared cat’s tail. She didn’t react to the change, but Rickenbacker sniffed at them with concern then stopped when he couldn’t find a threat. 
Y/n merely gawked, unable to process everything. They hadn’t noticed Bruno putting his shirt and jacket back on.
“ Well that should be enough proof.” he gave them a solid pat on the shoulder, knocking them back to reality. “ Feel free to call if you need any good flying trainers.”
He called Rickenbacker and made his way to the exit. It dawned on Y/n what that whole flirting thing was for.
Of course it was that. He didn’t mean any of it. Dammit I nearly embarrassed myself back there! 
“ Wait I forgot something,” he jogged back to them and knelt down to their level. “ Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
“ Dinner?”
He nodded.
“ Oh! Yes! Dinner. I love dinner- I mean I’d love to.” they stammered out.
Bruno smirked at them then rested his thumb to the side of their mouth, flicking off a tiny bit of leftover frosting. He stared them right in the eye as he licked it off. 
“ See you then.” 
And he was gone.
And Y/n began to think.
Topaz, her feathers still pink, came to check on them and nudged their shoulder. After giving her a few pets Y/n marched to Ester’s office with a newfound confidence. Maybe Bruno was right about them having a spark. 
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slimy-vore-bog · 2 years
Suffocating Fear
Disclaimer: all my work is non-sexual N/SF/W interaction is not appreciated
*starts jittering with excitement*
m o r e V O R E!
Wrote some vore with this gay! (meant to write gal, but that’s funnier)
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It’s my 3rd version of Owl Cat/Cursed Luz. 4th, if you count the 2nd Owl Cat’s redesign.
Anyway I have a summary for this story!
Luz had known she felt off for a while, but when it hits her how bad it is; it's already too late. Her body convulses with pain and she can't register anything other that, until she's done with her gruesome transformation. Amity is left to look on in horror, as Luz turns into a huge owl-like beast.
Things only get worse from there, as they both realize that the giant beast has its own terrifying way of showing affection to its smaller companions.
A cover that I used for wattpad I think looks cool and I need to show:
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1. I included a description of Luz turning into the owl cat. It’s not graphic per se...? but it’s described as painful and I tried to make it as unsettling as possible. No flesh will be tearing, let’s say that.
2. This story is safe vore, but prey character will think she’s about to die in the stomach of the pred. So it��s very much unwilling prey (like a lot of my stories)
3. Brief mention of hard vore at the end, as the characters talk about how sharp Luz’s beak is. Though only a fictional pillow was hurt in the making of this story lol
And a small note: I’ll start tagging The Owl House vore as both TOH and T0H vore, because I’m curious about what’s going to happen and still want to keep the old tag for blacklist reasons. If I start getting hate from the fandom, it has shown up in main tags and I’ll go back to only T0H
(also the title is word play again, like A Consuming Curiosity, so it applies to both Luz and Amity, if you twist the meaning)
Read on ao3
Read on Wattpad
Word count: 4.8k
As much as Luz tried, she couldn’t ignore the strange prickling feeling that went through her body anymore. “Amity, I think something is wrong,” she confessed, putting a hand up to her head, as she felt like everything was spinning. “I’m getting really dizzy.”
Amity’s eyes widened in surprise, as she quickly moved her hand to catch her just before she fell over. “Do you think you can make it back to the Owl House?” But one look at the human girl’s face told her there was no chance. The distant look on it sent shivers up her spine. Her voice quivered, as she spoke, “Luz?”
Luz blinked, looking at her for a second before her eyelids squeezed shut and she let out a small cry of pain. After a short and painful gasp of air, she opened her eyes again and Amity felt every muscle in her body freeze up.
Luz’s eyes were completely black, and she immediately noticed something was different about her vision as she looked around. “Why is everything grey?” Her head snapped back towards Amity, but before she could speak again, she doubled over in pain.
Her body was morphing within seconds. Her neck was stretching longer and becoming less sturdy by the second as Luz’s head was hanging limply at the end of it. She fell over with a loud cry of pain. Her nose and lips were hardening into keratin, as they were growing into a sharp beak.
Luz tried to get back up on her legs, but she fell over again with a distressed shriek. It was a high-pitched hiss-like scream and it sent a cold shiver down Amity’s spine. It was not a noise that should ever come from Luz.
Luz’s small ears started changing into large pointed ears, while her head shape itself began looking more fitting for her beak.
Luz let out another screech, before gigantic feathers started bursting out all over her body. Though they didn’t look as unnaturally big for long, as her body rapidly grew to fit them.
Amity was still frozen to where she was standing, before she was thrown away by one of Luz’s developing wings.
There was a panicked shriek from Luz, but Amity didn’t focus on it, as she tried to catch her breath. She could barely pull in a breath that wasn’t a quick gasp. Her ribs didn’t allow her breathe deeply, as they shot a sharp pain through her chest whenever she tried.
Luz suddenly stood over Amity, and she got to see what the transformation had done to her girlfriend.
She was staring up at a barn owl’s face, before she was suddenly snatched up in its beak and lifted off the ground.
Amity groaned loudly instead of the scream she had meant to let out. “Luz!” she yelled as loudly as she could, but the owl didn’t react to her distressed noises, as it flew up into the trees.
Luz’s talons locked around a thick tree branch, before she placed Amity down on a branch in front of her.
Amity nearly fell off it, but she managed to regain her balance. She looked down to see how high up they were and nearly lost her balance again out of shock. She would be lucky only ended up with a couple broken bones, if she had fallen from that height.
Her eyes shifted to the owl, the wind rustled the leaves around them, while Amity felt the horror of it all sink in deeper.
Amity stared at Luz, as Luz leaned down to look at her too, but she could only feel worried for her girlfriend instead of any sort of fear for herself, while dark eyes inspected her.
A thought crept around deeper in her mind, if it was a good idea to make eye contact with Luz or if it would aggravate her. But it was too deep down for her to really do anything with, because of the concern that had taken over most of her mind.
Luz nuzzled her with her beak, and Amity noticed that Luz was purring. “Luz?” she questioned, unsure of how much of the demon was still her. Why isn’t she more scared if it’s her? A cold chill ran through her. Is she just a wild beast now? Her stomach churned and she could feel a strong wave of nausea hit her. Her mind dug the thought in deeper. Is she not my Luz anymore? She clutched her stomach and gagged loudly.
There was a startled clack of Luz’s beak in front of her, before said beak nuzzled against her again. The owl opened her wing, and gently picked Amity up in the hand that was uncovered from under her feathers.
Amity swallowed, trying to quell her nausea, while she stared up at Luz. The owl leaned her head out towards her awkwardly postured wing, when a look of frustration fell over her eyes and she stomped her talons on the branch.
Amity looked down to the ground, as realized that she was trapped in the owl’s grasp. “Luz…” she felt hesitant about calling it that, when she couldn’t know if it even was her. “Can you put me back down?”
The owl opened her beak slightly, looking embarrassed, before she nodded and put Amity down beside her.
Amity sat awkwardly on the branch, taking a few seconds to calm down. Luz listened to me. Her stomach wasn’t clenching as badly anymore. She took a deep breath, before she let out a sigh of relief. She felt more sure she was sitting next to Luz and not just a demon that used to be her. But it didn’t answer her first thought. “Why are you so calm about this?”
Luz tilted her head down and moved her head to help her concentrate. It was frustrating not to be able to move her eyes anymore.
Amity raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean no? Are you not-”
Luz tilted her head toward her, before she held up a finger.
Amity let out a hum, waiting for her to explain her lack of panic.
Luz’s head continued to sway for bit, as she tried to figure out how to explain what she felt. It was true that she was acting calm about it, but something was dampening the part of her that wanted to scream and freak out and worry. How can I explain that? If she could mime something, Amity might get it.
Amity let Luz pick her up with her hand again, as she was put back up at the branch in front of Luz.
Luz pointed to her head with her talon, before she straightened up in a startled manner, her feathers closing tight to her body in fright, spinning her head to look around. She tilted her head at Amity, hoping she understood her so far, but she was only getting more confused. She pointed to herself, before she paused. How would I say that part? She held her talon awkwardly, before she pushed it downwards, repeating it to make sure Amity knew it was part of what she was saying.
Amity was pretty sure she got the first part, but the second seemed meaningless to her. “You’re scared and… you’re lowered?” Her eyes widened, before her brow furrowed again. That can’t be right… The gesture didn’t look like what she was thinking. “Do you mean you feel less like yourself?”
Luz bounced on her branch, happy that Amity almost got it. Just need to explain exactly… She tilted her head slightly. Or wait… It hadn’t been what she meant, but her feelings didn’t feel like they were hers. The lack of panic wasn’t what she felt herself. Do I feel less like myself? After a few seconds of consideration, she nodded.
Amity felt another chill run through her, but it wasn’t as bad, knowing that she was still next to Luz for now. “Is it getting worse?” If Luz was losing more of herself then they had to figure something out fast.
But Luz shook her head, lessening Amity’s fear of losing her slightly.
Amity was unsure of what to say, but she knew Luz couldn’t add anything to make it less awkward. “Do you think we should go back?” she asked, scratching the back of her head.
Luz’s head spun around as she tried to figure out where exactly they were. She had lost track of that after her painful transformation. But it only took a few seconds to figure out. She gently grabbed Amity with her beak, being too scared to use her talons, before she flew down from the tree and towards the owl house.
Amity still didn’t like the way Luz held her, but she didn’t protest it this time. Knowing that Luz wasn’t going to eat her helped her not panic. Though she didn’t like how Luz’s rough and dry tongue prodded her.
Luz had already landed, but she couldn’t help being curious about how Amity felt in her beak. She didn’t have a taste at all, but something about holding her in it felt right. It gave her the same feeling a hug would. Or she could sense it would if Amity was down her throat.
Amity fell out of Luz’s beak and hit the ground hard. “Luz!” she shouted, holding in a whimper. “Be careful!” But when she looked up at Luz, she could tell something was wrong. “Why do you look so scared?”
Luz didn’t want to answer as she shook her head and pointed at the house. Her thoughts muddled together; her mind was finding it hard to distinguish a hug from swallowing someone by the second. What’s wrong with me? she questioned, her own panic finally getting a say in how she acted. I have to get back to Eda. She was sure that Eda could help.
They walked the last few steps out from the trees and Hooty finally noticed them.
He stretched out, his eyes wide and on Luz, before he turned his head to Amity. “Amity, is that a wild demon?” His feathers puffed out threateningly. He let out an irritated ‘hoot’. “Just because this is the Owl House doesn’t mean you can bring all types of owls here!” He hissed at Luz.
Amity heard Luz was getting unusually irritated too, as she heard her tongue click threateningly. “Hooty, relax, it’s Luz! Something happened to her, so-” Amity looked at the door, unsure if Luz could even fit through it, “-we need to talk to Eda.”
Hooty looked skeptical, but he quickly opened the door and called inside. “Hey Eda! Something happened to Luz!” He paused, before he shouted back, “I don’t know! But Amity’s saying that this weird owl out here is her!”
Amity’s eyes widened, as she heard Eda come running. She had hoped she could at least have found better way to tell her than just shouting it inside the house.
Luz stepped from foot to foot nervously. Is Eda going to think I got cursed? She suddenly had a really bad feeling. Did I get cursed? She looked at her body, but that didn’t make any sense. The few times she had seen Eda as herself in her cursed form she needed someone’s help to get her back to herself. What happened to me? Her panic finally seemed to be breaking through whatever shell that had been keeping her calm.
Amity stumbled backwards, when Eda ran out of the door. Eda froze, when she saw Luz. Her eyes briefly met Amity’s, but Amity couldn’t meet her gaze for more than that second.
Eda was at a loss for words, before she found her voice again. “How did this happen!?”
Amity looked down, still not wanting to meet Eda’s eyes. “I don’t know… We were just walking together and Luz started feeling dizzy and then she turned into this.” She looked back up at Luz, noticing how uncomfortable she was. She carefully put a hand on her to brush her feathers, hoping it would make her feel a little better. “We don’t know what to do…”
Luz tilted her head down to look at Amity. She sat down to let Amity stroke more of her feathers and began to purr.
Amity couldn’t help smiling slightly, when she heard her purr again. If they could figure out a way to fix whatever happened to Luz, then maybe they could spend just a few minutes like this. She stopped petting her feathers and looked back at Eda, noticing her irritation. “Sorry.” She felt her face heat up in an embarrassed blush, before she continued. “We need to how to get her back to normal.”
Luz stared down at Amity, wishing she would continue to pet her. She leaned her head down and began preening Amity’s hair, though that only earned her a confused look. Luz sensed too late that something was wrong with her thoughts, after she opened her beak wider around Amity’s head.
Amity didn’t immediately panic, when Luz tried to grab her in her beak. She’s just being weird… “Stop messing around!” But Luz didn’t let go when Amity pushed against her beak. A cold feeling of dread crept through her body. “Luz?”
Luz lifted Amity off the ground, the thought of letting Amity go barely registered in her mind. It was there, just too deep for her to act on. She jerked her head up and forward to get Amity in a better position to swallow.
“Luz!” She kicked her legs wildly, despite there being nothing for her to hit. “Luz, stop! Help!” Something wrapped around her legs, but it quickly disappeared. No! She needed something to pulled her back out. “Eda! Hooty!”
Luz turned away from the others, not wanting them to take Amity away from her. She spread her wings out, before she flew off to find a more peaceful place to swallow Amity.
Amity could feel Luz had taken off, but it could also buy her a few minutes of time, depending on how far she wanted to fly. “Don’t eat me!” She squirmed against the hard beak upper body was stuck in, but Luz didn’t seem to care about her protests.
Luz flew back into the forest, quickly finding the big tree she had sat in earlier, and tipped her head up again. She jerked her head upwards in a strong swallow, beginning to purr again when some of Amity started slipping down her throat.
She repeated the movement, as whatever was smothering her emotions wanted Amity down in the safe pouch inside her body. Luz knew there was no way it was safe for Amity, but the constricting feeling around her thoughts and emotions didn’t let her question it enough to spit Amity out.
Amity continued to kick and shout, but Luz didn’t listen to her and she was almost too far down to be saved. “Please, Luz, spit me out! You’re going to kill me!”
Luz didn’t still wouldn’t listen.
Another strong toss of Luz’s head was all it took for Amity to be sealed inside her throat.
Amity pushed against her throat and kicked as hard as she could, but Luz’s body didn’t seem slightly bothered at her squirming. It only kept squeezing her down with wet squelches. Her body tensed up in terror, when she felt her head starting to get pressed into a bigger space.
She got her arms out in front of her to try to push herself back out, when she slid into Luz’s stomach. Her eyes squeezed shut tightly, as tears started running down her face. She kicked the fleshy walls around her. “Let me out!”
Luz pressed her head closer to her body, purring even louder. Deeper down she hated how much she enjoyed the feeling of Amity inside her stomach. Because even if it was due to her state, the real her liked it, closing her wings in tighter around her body, trying to hug Amity even tighter. She tilted her head down at her chest to look at where Amity was, hearing her screaming again. “Please! Let me out!”
She wanted to, but it felt less severe to her than it was, as she puffed out her feathers to get ready to take a nap. She decided that she would let her out whenever she woke up and ignored Amity’s protests, before she quickly drifted off.
Amity both heard and felt Luz stop purring. When she heard how slow her heart beat, she realized that Luz had fallen asleep. “No! Luz, let me out!” She kicked her again, but she didn’t react to any of her fighting. Her own heartbeat sped up even more, as the realization of what had happened to her sunk in.
Luz ate me. She couldn’t wrap her head around her next thought. I’m going to die inside Luz’s stomach. She squirmed to turned herself around, before she screamed for Luz again. “Luz, please! I don’t want to die!” Her tears ran down her face, as she let out a desperate scream.
She kept screaming her name, hoping that she would react, but despite how sensitive her hearing had to be, Luz slept through her shouting.
Amity eventually gave up, curling up with her knees to her chest. I wonder how much time I have left… It was a bit strange that she couldn’t feel her skin burning yet, but she was sure it would start itching soon. Maybe I should look if it’s going red? She hesitantly drew a spell circle in the air to cast a light spell, but it fizzled out. She blinked into the darkness, before she tried and again with more focus on what she wanted to do, but nothing changed.
Amity’s blood ran cold. Why isn’t my magic working? She tried to squirm back up on her feet in a fright. What happened to my magic?! Even though she was never going to use it on Luz, she thought she had at least made a selfless choice and to not do it, but she didn’t even have a choice.
She gasped for breath again and again. She couldn’t tell if it was due to panic or her running out of breathable air. She felt like she was going to pass out, as she gasped the humid air into her lungs in too short breaths. I’m going to die! She clawed at Luz’s stomach walls, but it was useless. Her head felt like it was getting heavier and then everything was gone.
Luz’s eyes blinked open when she woke up. Her stomach felt nice and full, but it was much less squirmy than before she fell asleep.
Her feathers sucked in close to her body in fright and she nearly crashed in her hurried attempted to glide down from the tree. Amity! She immediately began making herself sick. Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead! The thought repeated in her head, as whatever was inside her stomach started making its way back up her throat.
Amity fell out of her beak, not looking much worse than being drenched and slimy, but she wasn’t moving.
Luz shrieked, before poking her with her beak in alarm, but Amity didn’t respond.
Luz shook out her feathers and took a deep breath. Calm down… You haven’t even checked if she’s still breathing! she reminded herself. She focused on listening, instantly realizing that she was still alive. How do I wake her up?
But she didn’t have to worry about it for too long, as the change in temperature from Luz’s body to the night air finally got through to Amity and got her out of her unconscious state with a strong shiver.
Luz’s feathers pressed in towards her body again, before she backed away. She wanted to run away, so she didn’t have to be yelled at, but leaving Amity alone out in the forest at night didn’t seem like a good idea.
Amity felt confused, as she slowly got up on her knees. What happened? Everything around her was a little too dark for her eyes, but the cold air told her she wasn’t still in Luz’s stomach. Why am I not dead? She looked down into her hands, everything getting a slight bit lighter from the tiny amount of light the stars gave off. Does my magic work? She hurriedly made a spell circle and cast a light spell.
Luz tilted her head at Amity, wondering why she looked right past her, before she realized that she couldn’t see as well in the dark as Luz could now. But I can’t see colors anymore… Amity’s pretty lavender hair looked grey to her now and she would have frowned if she could. She tilted her head again. What is she doing?
Amity stared up at Luz in alarm after hearing her let out a shriek. She almost apologized for blinding her, before she reminded herself that Luz had just eaten her. I guess I’m still alive... But I don’t think that makes up for it. Another shiver traveled through her, but this time it was from the cold.
Luz blinked her eyes until the flashing spots lessened in intensity. Okay, looking at that was stupid… she thought, before she carefully stepped closer to Amity. She’s cold… For a second Luz thought about swallowing her again, but she instantly shoved the thought out of her head. She chirped at Amity instead, pointing towards the Owl House.
Amity wasn’t sure she wanted to go back together with Luz, but it also wasn’t safe for her to sit out in the forest alone. Then again, her chances of getting eaten were probably lower, if she stayed away from the Owl House.
But she was also getting pretty cold and that might be a bigger worry. Or I could light a fire… But she decided to get up and follow Luz home. She didn’t want to risk attracting anything they wouldn’t both swallow her whole and spit her back up.
Luz had fit through the door when they came back, but both felt nervous as they found Eda and King in the living room.
Amity felt betrayed that nobody had come to save her. They didn’t even try! Why wouldn’t they at least have tried to get her back out of Luz’s beak?
Luz didn’t know what to think about how tiny the house was at her new size. It made her feel slightly uncomfortable, but she didn’t want to stay outside instead.
“Hey, you two,” called Eda, getting both Amity and Luz’s attention, “do you want to know what happened back there?”
Luz tilted her head.
Amity looked up at Luz, sharing her confusion. “What? How would you know?” She couldn’t help the bit of bite her tone got and she decided to let out her frustration. “Actually, why didn’t you try to save me!?” Luz shrieked in alarm, and Amity quieted down slightly. “Luz ate me and I only felt something grab my leg for maybe a second…” she grumbled, scowling at Eda.
King cleared his throat. “You could have gotten torn apparent, if anyone tried.” He pointed to Luz’s beak. “That thing is really sharp.” He mumbled something under his breath, glancing at Amity, before his eyes lit up, “Eda! Could I get Luz to tear that old pillow apart? I really want to see it!”
“If you can get Luz to do it, go ahead.”
Luz really couldn’t say no to King, and she was curious about it herself. I wonder how easily I could have hurt Amity… She nodded and King quickly put the pillow down in front of her. How would I do this?
Amity watched Luz pick up the pillow in her talon, before she instantly ripped it apart with her beak. Judging by Luz’s shocked expression, and how little her head had turned, it hadn’t been a lot of pressure.
Amity grew quiet, when the realization hit that she could easily have gotten herself killed quicker with her fighting. She could have been ripped apart, if Luz had fought to keep her. “Sorry, I didn’t think about that…” She felt bad for lashing out at them.
Eda brushed her off. “It’s fine, nobody got hurt.”
King interrupted Eda just as she was about to continue. “That’s better than how things normally go!” He laughed, but quickly quieted down. “Right, right, and also we know how to fix this.” He suppressed another giggle, “sorry, I’m just really funny.”
Amity straightened out from her embarrassed slouch. “You do?!” she exclaimed, before she heard another complaining chirp from Luz. “Sorry.” She hesitantly gave Luz a few quick pats as an apology. “How? And why didn’t you say so?”
Eda sighed. “Well, it’s because we need an older witchling as a sacrifice.” She got up from her seat, staring at Amity. “And you’re the nearest one.”
Before Amity even felt a twinge of fear, Luz’s wing pushed her backwards and out of the way. There was a startled scream from King when she began letting out a deep hissing noise.
Amity could barely hear anything other than Luz’s hissing, but King’s voice made it through the threatening noise. “Woah! Relax, it was just a joke!”
Luz quieted down, but she still pulled Amity in closer to her when she folded her wings back up. She looked down at Amity, feeling like she needed to swallow her again. They can’t get to her, if I eat her… She shook her head quickly to get rid of the thought.
Amity looked up at Luz, before looking back to Eda. “But then did you not find a-”
Eda cut her off quickly. “Don’t worry, it just has to go away on its own. Luz will be back to normal in a few weeks’ time…” She gave Luz an apologetic look. “We can’t do anything but wait.”
Amity didn’t like the thought. “So… do you think she’s going to end up trying to eat me again?”
Eda sat back down again and shrugged. “Yeah, probably.” She slouched back in the couch, before gesturing to Luz. “I mean, there was a pretty big risk joking like we just did would have made Luz swallow you.”
Luz’s feathers tightened in against her body again, and Amity voiced her concerns, this time remembering to keep her voice lowered. “Then why would you do that?” she hissed out in an angry whisper. Luz looked down at Amity, hearing her pause. “And why would it make her do that?” Luz tilted her head, doing her best to ignore how much she wanted to swallow her again.
King’s tail wagged. “I get to explain it, right?” He let out a small noise of excitement when Eda nodded. “It’s because the demon she turned into has a relatively large organ inside its body that’s linked with the esophagus, but can safely hold a witch or demon inside it, totally the opposite of a stomach!” he barely took a breath while he spoke enthusiastically, “and it uses the pouch to keep whoever it likes safe inside itself!” He breathed in deeply. “So it would make her do that, because she wants to keep you safe.”
Luz felt a wave of relief flood through her. So I wasn’t trying to kill Amity! Everything clicked into place in her thoughts, as she let out a sigh. I was just holding her close to me… That’s why I thought about it as a hug! And it could be a shield for Amity, if she needed to protect her.
Amity looked down into her hands. “But I lost my magic when I was in her stomach… and I fainted.”
King shook his head. “You probably fainted because you got scared, and, losing your magic inside her pouch makes perfect sense! I mean, what if someone decided to use magic to try to save themself? A demon like Luz is for now could end up killed by their friend, if it didn’t work like that!”
Amity nodded. “Oh…” She looked up at Luz, who was watching her with curious eyes. “Well, I still don’t want you to try to eat me… Maybe eat King instead, he seems like he would like it.” Luz made an amused noise, despite Amity being serious. “I’m going to take a shower… I can borrow your clothes, right?” She was about to say something about her not needing them for now, but that felt rude.
Luz let out another amused noise, before she nodded. She wished she could eat Amity right then, but she said she didn’t want her to, so she wouldn’t. At least for as long as she could keep the urge down and nothing decided to muffle her own decisions and feelings again.
If you remember my note about the title being word play, it’s... more literal for Amity’s meaning? She faints because of not breathing deeply enough lol. Though Luz’s mean is less... Literal or how the words “suffocating fear” would normally be used. I’m aware of that, I just think it’s cool, so...
That was all! Probably won’t make a part 2 of this... Unless I feel a spark of inspiration for that all of the sudden.
Now, King is canonically a child/preteen, but I feel like his interest in demons might be a special interest or whatever the allistic term for that would be? I don’t think King... Actually, new headcanon, King is autistic and his special interest is anything about demons.
Point was, I feel like despite him being a child, he could actually be very educated on different species of demon and how they live and function, so I thought it was reasonable to let him be the one explaining most of what was going on.
Him and Eda’s little prank was just me getting bored and thinking it would be fun to add. Hope it was!
And I hope you enjoyed this whole thing too! Thank you very much for reading and please leave a like if you did! You can reblog if you want to but no pressure! :3
Though I do recommend reblogging fics you like (unless you don’t have a vore blog I guess?) it just doesn’t mean much to me! A like is enough for this random blogger! It can be a big motivator for others, but I get my motivation through comments on ao3!
But have an amazing day/night and, again, thank you very much for reading! <3
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Official Accounts Part 33- Trust
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
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Hawks is neither dumb nor oblivious. He knows that he is not okay after learning about Endeavor. He knows that it isn’t normal to feel nauseous at the thought of using his quirk. But he also knows that you’re excited for this stupid gala tonight. So even though the very thought of seeing members of the HPSC or Endeavor fills him with quiet, fervent anger, he is determined to take you and make sure you have a good night. Mina had arrived an hour ago with a garment bag and a backpack stocked with makeup and hair products and immediately dragged you into your room to start getting ready. Even from outside he can hear the two of you laughing. So no, he is not in denial about his emotional well-being. He is well aware that he needs to shake off the anger, disgust, and heartache that’s clung to his spine since that night on the balcony. But the sound of your laughter and the sight of your smile makes him forget everything else, even if only for a moment, so if enduring one of the least heroic parts of hero work is what it takes to keep you happy then he’ll do it.
It’s almost time to leave. Hawks wears a crisp black suit with a black shirt underneath. The designer had also given him a red tie to wear but the night would be suffocating enough without a fancy noose around his neck as well, so he’d decided to skip it and leave the top few buttons of his shirt undone instead. He followed Bakugo’s advice and had run out to get flowers while you changed. Now he stands nervously clutching them in one hand while he waits for you to finally emerge.
Mina slips out first, excitement evident in her black and yellow eyes. “You’re gonna flip when you see her,” she whispers to him conspiratorially before clearing her throat and standing up tall. “Now presenting, the breathtaking and stunningly gorgeous (y/n) (y/l/n), as styled by Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu,” Mina announces with a flourish before throwing open the doors to reveal you standing on the other side. He would like to say something witty and charming but all of Hawks’ smooth charisma seems to have abandoned him, leaving only Keigo staring at the person he loves in all her beauty in a red dress that perfectly matches his feathers. “Told you,” Mina sing songs with a laugh and you think you would pay admission to see Keigo blush the way he currently is again. “These are for you,” he finally says, offering up the beautiful blooms. “Thank you, they’re perfect,” you grin as you take them and Mina is quick to take them off your hands to put them in some water. “You kids have fun! I’ll lock things up here,” Mina assures you before shooing you and Hawks out your apartment.
“Shall we?” Hawks asks as he offers you his arm. You get a flashback to that first date and part of you wonders what would’ve happened had you not bared your soul to him that night. When you look in his eyes though, and see the genuine affection in his golden gaze, you find that you truly wouldn’t change a thing as long as you could still end up right back in this moment. “We shall,” you grin, as you take his arm and he leads you down the stairs and out the door.
You blink in surprise as you lay eyes on a long black limousine. “You got a limo?” you ask incredulously. “Of course, it’s too far to walk and you deserve to roll up to your first red carpet in style,” he winks as he opens the door and helps you in. “Honestly I thought you might fly us there,” you admit. You notice the way Hawks tenses up for just a moment but when he slides in next to you he’s all smiles. “And let the wind ruin all of Mina’s hard work? She’d kill me,” he replies smoothly. You decide to drop it, after all if your suspicions about why he’s so hesitant to use his quirk are correct, then the last thing he needs is to dredge up those feelings right before seeing the very people at the center of them.
Pulling up to the red carpet is odd for a variety of reasons. For starters the idea of walking a red carpet with reporters who you can already hear clamoring outside is surreal in and of itself. But also it’s odd because for the past week or so since your kidnapping you’d been getting to see Keigo without filter. But as he turns to you and asks “You ready little techie?” you can almost physically see him rebuilding his walls. He gives your hand a quick squeeze and you think maybe, just maybe, he’s still left a door in the wall for you. So you take a deep breath to relieve your nerves, meet his eyes, and then you tell him “I’m ready.”
The flashing cameras are overwhelming at first but Hawks finds your hand and quickly squeezes it, immediately grounding you. He lets go just as quickly, after all he had promised you this was strictly platonic and the press would surely latch onto any sign of affection as proof of a relationship. He’s pleasantly surprised to feel you take back his hand and intertwine your fingers. He needs the grounding too. He turns to you and you both share a private smile before he slides back on the infectious grin that all of Japan knows him by. Reporters are shouting his name left and right as he leads you towards the entrance. “Hawks! Hawks! Who’s your date this evening?” “Hawks! Are the rumors true about your Twitter fling?” “Hawks! Over here! When will you be returning to hero work?”
Finally you enter into the building and both of you breathe out a sigh of relief as you finally put the reporters behind you. “You said there’s free booze here?” you ask slightly out of breath as your heart returns to its normal cadence. “That there is,” Hawks replies before smiling and pulling you to the elevators up to the banquet hall by your still intertwined hands.
Several tables are set up around the hall and there’s a stage where presumably there will be a few speakers once everyone gets more settled and has had some time to mingle. The two of you spot Mirko in a purple jumpsuit standing with a dark haired woman with wolf ears dressed in a black gown. “C’mon let me introduce you,” Hawks encourages as he leads you to their table. “You already know Mirko, this is her lovely girlfriend Olivia. Olivia meet (y/n),” he introduces. “So you’re the infamous (y/n). I see what all the hype is about,” she says as she gives you an appraising look. “Oh infamous, huh?” you ask already smirking. “Oh yea. Can’t tell you how many times this one has whined to me about Hawks pining over you,” Olivia laughs, revealing her sharp canines in the process as she pulls Mirko in tight to her. “I do not whine!” Mirko says with a roll of her eyes while Hawks protests “I wasn’t pining!” You laugh as both women give him a skeptical look. “Ok if I’m going to be attacked this way I’m going to need a drink,” Hawks sighs, “want one?” “Sure I’ll take-“ “White wine work?” he cuts you off. “You talked to Katsuki,” you laugh. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Dove,” he grins walking backwards away from you before finally turning to head to the bar.
“Two glasses of white wine,” Hawks asks of the bartender. “Put it on my tab,” a gruff voice says coming up behind him. Hawks feels his entire body stiffen. “It’s an open bar Endeavor, there are no tabs,” Hawks says without turning to look at his former hero. “Hawks we need to talk,” Endeavor insists. “I’ve got nothing to say to you.” “I am trying to do better.” “That’s great and all but it doesn’t untraumatize your kids. If you weren’t a high ranking hero you’d be rotting in a cell right now.” “You cannot tell anyone. The fate of hero society-“ “You think I don’t know that? I’m not an idiot.” “I never said you were.” “Then don’t lecture me old man.” “I have saved so many lives. And thanks to my training so has Shoto.”
Hawks whips around to stare at the man he once idolized and is shocked to see Endeavor genuinely believes what he says is true. As if his hero work somehow undoes his crimes. “First of all, Shoto is a great hero in spite of, not because of you. Second of all, if you really want to take credit for the lives he’s saved then you also have to bear the responsibility for the lives Dabi has taken. How many is he up to now? 30 something? Not counting the death toll from Kamino Ward,” Hawks bites out, his wings expanding instinctively to make himself larger in front of the other man. “You know my father never laid a hand on me. No he was neglectful and cruel in other ways but never physically abusive. I once wished you were my father instead. Now I know I would’ve just been trading one monster for another.” “Hawks I-“
“There you are! I was wondering what was taking so long,” you interject as you slide between Hawks and Endeavor, facing your date. “Ease up a little bird brain, it’s ok,” you whisper in as calming a voice as possible. Hawks hadn’t even realized how worked up he was getting until you intervened, but he’s grateful now that you’re here to ground him. You spin around to address the number one hero directly. You should probably be scared, or at the very least nervous, but instead you stand up tall, chin raised defiantly, and bring your quirk to the surface just enough for your eyes to glow as you make eye contact with the man in front of you. “I don’t care what the rankings say, Hawks is a better hero than you’ll ever be,” you declare unflinchingly. Endeavor opens his mouth to respond but you continue before he can, “I think it’s best you leave him alone now. We have an evening to enjoy.” With that you grab Hawks’ hand and spin on your heel before marching off.
As you’re walking back to the table where Olivia and Mirko are waiting, the lights dim and one of the members of the HPSC takes to the stage. It only takes one quick glance at Hawks’ face to confirm this is the last thing he needs to sit and listen to right now. So you bypass the table entirely and keep moving. “Where are we going?” he asks as you drag him to the first emergency stairwell you spot. “The roof. It can’t be that many more flights up and you look like you could use some fresh air,” you explain.
It takes four more flights of stairs for the two of you to reach the roof and you’d had to pick the door lock to get out, but it’s worth it for the view. Lights twinkle in all directions as the entire city stretches out before the two of you. “It’s beautiful,” you gasp as you take it all in. “It is,” Keigo confirms, although there’s a sadness in his voice. He sits down on the concrete and stares out across the view and so you take a seat beside him. “What’s up?” you ask gently. It breaks your heart to see the way he merely shakes his head with watery eyes. “It’s just me Kei. The roof isn’t even supposed to be accesible, no one is gonna bother us up here. What’s wrong?” you insist. “I’ve spent my whole life trying to outrun my father and be something better. Only to find out that something better was the same thing in prettier packaging,” he admits. “You are nothing like Endeavor. I meant what I said inside.” “I want to believe you but how can I when that’s the model I’ve been striving for since I was a kid?”
You stop and think for a moment as you try to figure out how exactly to word this. “Remind me who was it that called out Endeavor for being number one hero and yet ranking considerably lower than you in popularity polls? It was right after All Might retired,” you respond. Keigo rolls his eyes, “It was me but-“ “That doesn’t sound like something a dedicated disciple of Endeavor would do to me. You’ve always been able to acknowledge the flaws in the system. You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit and I’m sure if you asked any of the heroes here tonight they’d agree. I would trust you with my life Kei. I’m serious,” you insist. “Fine, fine. You’re so dramatic,” Keigo laughs but you know him well enough to know when he’s deflecting.
You rise up from your position and casually move towards the edge of the roof, keeping your eyes trained on the city. “You really are an incredible hero,” you say into the chilly night. “So you keep saying,” Keigo laughs ruefully behind you. “Hey Keigo?” you ask as you step onto the edge of the roof and turn back to face him. “What?”
“Think fast.”
You step backwards and then you’re falling.
Author’s Note: First before I forget, shoutout to @oliviasslut for letting me use her oc Olivia for Mirko’s girlfriend. I was low key stuck on that so letting me swipe your oc was a huge help. Anyway, THIS GOT SO FAR AWAY FROM ME WOW. I didn’t think this would be where I ended the chapter but it felt right and opens the next part up for more details which hopefully will be a good thing lmao. I will mostly likely be releasing a SFW and NSFW version of the next part, hopefully I don’t fall behind schedule and can continue the daily updates through to the end 😅 we’re in the home stretch guys.
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @the-adzukibean @a-fucking-sero-kinnie @ladyzayismultifandom @pixelwisp
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vixenpen · 4 years
Can I request domestic life, black s/o with bakugou and hawks having 3 sets of twins(4 boys 2 girls) all with strong quirks and strong personalities like them. Ending with nsfw and them finally getting some alone time without the kids.
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Everyday Hawks asks himself why the hell he had so many Damn children.
His answer? Because he loves kids and wanted to be a family man.
Let his twin flame tell it? Because he has a breeding kink.
To cap it off, they all had some combination Of both of your powerful quirks. All three sets of twins had Hawks’ wings in various colors. It seemed he was destined to birth all prodigies as all six of his children displayed their quirks early.
Hawks couldn’t have been more proud or felt more blessed. He loved all his chicks, but my lord...
“Keito! Kaito! What are you two doing?”
“Kaito! Keito—“
It wasn’t nothing.
When Keigo went upstairs, the two (your h/c) twins had managed to knock over their entire toy chest.
Dozens of blue and red feathers hovered in the air as two pairs of wide (e/c) eyes stared back at him.
👉🏻“He did it!”👈🏻
Keigo just sighed and rubbed his forehead
“I don’t care who did it, just clean it up.”
“Yes sir!”
That was you calling for him.
Keigo flew downstairs to see you looking somewhere between exasperated and exhausted
You simply pointed at the ceiling where your infant twin daughters had floated up to the rafters.
“It’s amazing that they can already fly at one.” Keigo marveled proudly.
“Yeah they’re regular prodigies, just like they’re daddy,” you sighed, tiredly. “Just get them down, please.”
“Ok daddies’ little chickadees,” he flew up toward the ceiling To grab the giggling baby girls.
He nuzzled their blonde hair. “My little chicks. Please don’t scare mommy like that.”
“I told you we need to get baby leashes for them.”
“We are not putting our kids on leashes like dogs, y/n.” He passed you the babies. “Remember, there are no locked cages in our house.” He grinned, cheekily.
You shook your head with a small smile. “Why did I let you pump six kids into me?”
“Hmm,” he wrapped an arm around your waist, his amber eyes growing seductive. “Want me to remind you?”
You giggled. “Kei—“
“Mommy! Daddy!”
That was your second set of twin boys
You and Keigo glanced at each other, panicked, and ran outside.
Once you two made it to the back yard, you were met with your eldest two twins. Neither of you could believe what you were seeing. The humongous tree house—more like a god damn tree mansion—that Hawks had constructed for the eldest children was completely bottomed out.
The floor of half of it decorating the ground and two by fours hanging from the sturdy branches like Christmas ornaments.
“H-how,” you muttered in disbelief, “just...how...?”
Hawks appeared to be near tears.
“It took me almost a year to build that thing...”
The six year olds flew up to you both, talking animatedly over each other.
“Mommy, Kato and me were playin’ heroes, and-and Kaya was tryin’ to do Daddie’s feather sword move an-“
“Nah uh Kano! That’s not what happened, you were tryin’ to do uncle Enji’s moves, and then, and then-“
“And Kato, and..”
Their explanations overlapped into an incoherent mess that only served to leave you and Hawks with more questions than answers.
The two of you glanced tiredly at each other. Pretty much in a silent agreement that you both needed a break.
“Do you think Mirko is ok?” You asked worriedly, as you removed yourself earrings.
“Trust me, if anybody has the energy to handle our chicks, it’s Rumi.” Hawks replied, snatching off his tie.
The two of you had just come back from dinner at one of your favorite upscale restaurants. Hawks had truly gone all out, getting you a room at an upscale hotel and spa.
Mirko had luckily jumped at the chance to babysit her favorite baby carrots, allowing the two of you a much needed evening out.
“I know, but I’m just worried. She hasn’t texted me in three hours...”
“Whelp, either our kids killed her or there’s nothing wrong,” Hawks quipped.
You shot him a withering glance. “Very funny, Keigo. I’m gonna call her.”
Just as you whipped out your phone, a tickle along you leg made you pause. Another ran down your arm. Then along your neck.
“Stop it, Kei.” You giggled, swatting his crimson feathers before they could make their way up your skirt.
“I can’t help it, babe,” hawks mumbled back, he reached to grab your hips. “You’re so fucking sexy when you’re in concerned Mom mode.”
He pulled you on to the bed until you were straddling his hips. “Those motherly instincts are what drew me in.”
You rolled your eyes, fighting back a smile.
“Well, that,” his amber eyes grew hazy with lust, “and how fucking sexy you are.”
Pinching your soft stomach, you shot back; “Oh yeah, six kids later, and I’m a regular Instagram model.”
In a flash, your husband had you flipped on your back.
“Nah, baby, you’re better than any IG model. ‘Cuz you’re real.”
His scarred hands slid along your thighs. You shivered as his avian golden eyed gaze held on to your own. The scruff of his goatee tickled your thighs as he kissed the soft flesh, kneading it.
“Ahh Kei~”
“This body,” he slurped harshly against the dark skin of your hips and pelvis, “has given me six of the greatest blessings in my life.”
His fingers danced it’s way towards your dripping womanhood. A sweet sigh slipped from your lips when you felt two of them enter your heat.
“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, y/n.”
His thumb pressed against your clit, setting your body on fire. You were already clenching his pumping fingers. His tongue slipped around your nipples, tickling your nerves once more.
“So yes,” he glanced back up at you, “you are fucking sexy to me, Lovebird. And I haven’t been able to fuck this body proper in a long time. So fuck the phone, fuck calling Mirko, fuck everything.”
He hoisted himself on top of you, his erection gliding against your pulsing clit and wet lips. The fire in your womanhood was absolutely raging now.
Fuck, you needed him.
“Let me fuck the shit out of you,” he smirked down at you, “the way we used to fuck before the kids.”
Well shit, when he put it like that, who were you to protest?
You snatched off Keigo’s white button down in seconds. Your dressed was tossed aside and in seconds, your legs were wrapped around Keigo’s trim waist.
“I got you, babe.” He mumbled into your ear.
With a powerful thrust, he plunged deep into you. A sharp pleasure shot through your entire body.
He ground his hips hard, fast, and deep against the friction of your gushy grip.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—oh my goddd..”
You cursed. The pain of Keigo’s teeth in your neck, juxtaposed with the sweet pleasure he was assaulting your pussy with.
“My baby,” he moaned against your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “Feels so fucking good, fucking amazing...”
“Don’t. You. Dare. Cum. In. Me.”
You managed between his powerful thrusts. You tried to glare at him, but he felt too good inside you to manage anything other than desire.
He pushed himself up to his knees and pulled your legs apart.
His sexy smirk aimed at your blissed out face.
“Make a pretty face for me to come on then, Lovebird.”
He slammed into you even harder. His thick dick hitting your g-spot with every stroke.
“Ah, god, Keigo!”
Your loud moans mounted into breathy screams.
“Oh yeah, that’s the spot isn’t it, Lovebird?”
“Right—fuck—right there, Daddy~”
“Yeah?” He groaned.
Somehow, even with his orgasm clearly approaching, he kept his eyes on you. You could barely hold your own open as Hawks’ strokes you to your orgasm.
His red feathers flared out, ruffling. That was it. That made you snap.
Your orgasm closed in on you, bathing you in ecstasy.
Hawks was right behind you. He slid out of your grip and shot his thick, hot load all over your panting lips and heaving breasts.
“Shiiit.” He sighed before sinking down on top of you.
The pair of you lie in the afterglow of your mutual orgasms. Hawks cradled you in his arm, wrapping the both of you in his soft wings.
“Do we have to go back?” You asked.
Hawks chuckled, kissing your kinky curls. “We do, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Yeah,” you smiled, “we wouldn’t.”
((This was a very difficult to do but it was also very cute. So thank you for that request I hope you like it))
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in little ways
summary: "a single act of love makes the soul return to life." - saint maximillian kolbe (OR: soft moments in the relationship of patton, remus, and virgil, as a birthday gift for the lovely @bumblebeekitten​)
a/n: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEE!!! i give you intrumoxiety being soft little shits 
CW: shedding of skin (akin to a snake), nightmare mention, bones, one (1) innuendo, nonsexual nudity
wordcount: 2.7k
ao3 link
“Babe? What - are you doing?” 
Virgil, who is busy trying to plan out the best way to strategically approach a nest of wild sirens in the middle of molt to gather their discarded feathers, opens their mouth to reply, and then the low rumbling baritone of their newest lover hits their ears. 
“I . . . you’ll laugh at me if I tell you.” 
Virgil’s one-of-my-loves-is-on-some-self-deprecating-bullshit-and-requires-reassurance, which they take pride in having almost as fine-tuned as Patton’s, begins klaxon-blaring in their mind. They mark their page and carefully untangle themselves from the web of work they’ve been doing and head into the other room. 
Patton is sitting on the kitchen table, swinging (Virgil narrows his eyes at the colored orb charm hanging around Patton’s neck) her legs back and forth, and Remus is standing in front of her, blushing. She has a small wreath of white things in her hair - are those bones? - with a bright jewel studded over her forehead. Remus is holding more small white things in his hands, claw-tipped fingers curled so delicately to avoid shattering them. 
“You - I just -”
“Honey, I promise I’m not gonna laugh at you, no matter what,” Patton says. She reaches forward, assortment of rings glinting and clinking as she touches Remus’s face. He lets out a soft rumbly noise and turns his cheek to press into the touch more, gently rubbing his nose against her palm. “We all do stuff that other people think is weird. You don’t have to worry about it.” 
Remus flicks his eyes up to look at Virgil, who slow-blinks at him in the clearest nonverbal communication of I love you, you massive idiot they can give. “I . . . uh . . . it’s a weird dragon thing.” 
“Re, we’re not gonna be species-ist towards you, that would be super mean and also stupid, considering that no one in this house is human or cisgender,” Virgil says. Remus smiles, hesitant, and then exhales out a puff of gray-black smoke. 
“It’s . . . a claiming thing. When dragons get serious about courtships, they . . . combine hoards a little? They’ll pick out choice pieces from their hoards and exchange them. So, by me putting pieces of my bone hoard on you, it’s like . . . me saying that I’m serious about this, and I want it to last.” Virgil reaches out and takes Remus’s hand, not reacting at all when their skin hisses and steams against his. The benefits of having a partner who’s half ice nymph and half selkie, they suppose. 
“Don’t I get any bones?” they tease. Remus waggles his eyebrows at them; they promptly drop his hand and smack his shoulder. “Not like that, dirty dragon.” 
“Yeah, it’s not fair for only one of us to get fancy bones!” Patton says. “Although I certainly do appreciate this . . . tiara? I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s a tiara.” 
“It was supposed to be,” Remus says, kicking the floor. “I got Ro to help me with pickin’ out the gems and stuff. That’s part of what he hoards, so we went and looked for them together. He told me that one’s a moonstone, and I thought, y’know, werewolf, perfect, right? And - and I’m working on something for you, Virge, I just didn’t wanna find anything that screamed VEE to me on that trip, y’know?” 
“Well, I absolutely love it,” Patton coos, leaning forward to kiss Remus. “Thank you for the tiara, sweetie!” She pauses. “You cleaned these, right?” 
Remus laughs, deep and echoing, and something inside of Virgil uncoils. 
Their skin itches and burns, and someone in front of them is setting their sealskin on fire, and they can hear Patton screaming high and frantic and Remus roaring deep and feral but they can’t move, they’re screaming, convulsing as they burn up with their sealskin and then then then then then -
They sit upright, ice flooding around them, and a dark shape looms in the distance and they fling their hand out to cast a massive shard of ice through the heart of their night terror, but the night terror opens its mouth and green fire rolls out like a current, licking along the ice and dissolving it into water without burning anything else. “Virgil,” the night terrors says, and why does Virgil know that voice? 
“Virgil,” the voice repeats, lower, and then again, and every time it repeats their name it drops lower and lower until they aren’t so much hearing their name as they are feeling it reverberate in their heaving chest. 
The night terror tips its head back and exhales a jet of flames towards the ceiling. It catches on a saucer of oil, spreading down troughs to ignite other saucers spread around the ceiling, and the night terror looks down with fire licking around its teeth and oh, that’s not a night terror at all, it’s Remus. His leathery wings are awkwardly stuck together behind him like he’d just woken up, his hands are up like he’s warding off an attack. 
“R - Rem?” 
BELOVED, he rumbles, mouth barely moving. Virgil sways a little under the force, blinking as Remus thumps at his chest a little with one hand. ARE YOU WELL?  
“I . . . nightmare,” they manage. “Hunters. Hurt you, hurt Patty, stole my skin . . .”
Remus takes a step forward, then another. MAY I APPROACH? Virgil is pretty sure he’s actually speaking Dracon, which would explain the oddly formal address and grammar. They nod, too out of it to speak more, and Remus carefully climbs onto the ice-covered bed. He opens his arms, and they collapse into his chest, shaking. 
“Oh . . . did I hurt you?”
“My . . . my skin?” 
Remus scoops them up into his arms, easily navigating the iced-over bedroom floor and taking them down into the basement. He exhales a plume of blue-green fire into the magical lock, and Virgil leans forward as the door spins and swirls open. The hoard room is full of perfectly-articulated skeletons, bones in cleaning vats, and the other treasures that Remus collects. He navigates through the piles skillfully until he reaches a dark wooden chest with an intricate sapphire-and-golden inlay on the top. 
Virgil traces a sigil across the chest, and it glows under their touch. The array lights up with a brilliant violet aura, and the chest pops open. They reach into the chest hurriedly, panic when they don’t feel fur, and then slide their fingers across to the latch that opens the false bottom. They flip open the false bottom and pull out their sealskin, pressing their face into the softness. 
Their sealskin is beautiful. It’s black as pitch, studded with flecks of silver and white. Remus hugs them against his chest as they rub their cheek against the fur and inhale the scent of the sea. Remus rumbles underneath them, gently rubbing his face along their hair and neck to gently scent him. 
“Thanks,” Virgil says, nearly twenty minutes later, sealskin draped around them like a blanket. “I . . . sorry I woke you.” 
“It’s alright,” Remus says, voice hoarse and growly. “I don’t mind. It’s kinda hot when you go batshit, even though I wish you hadn’t had a nightmare.” Virgil snorts, shoving at his chest. 
“I can’t believe you slipped into Dracon.” Remus ducks his head in embarrassment. 
“Yeah . . . it . . . lots of dragon moms do it to try and soothe rowdy hatchlings back to sleep. I didn’t realize I was doing it until my larynx dropped, and once it goes that far down it takes a while to relax my muscles enough to release it back to normal.” 
“I like it,” Virgil murmurs, leaning up to kiss him. “It’s . . . nice.” 
Remus rumbles with pleasure and kisses them back.
“Patton, what are you doing?” 
Patton is staring out the window, eyes narrowed, mouth set in a thin line of displeasure. Virgil pauses, arms full of books and random spell components. “I don’t trust that woman.” 
“What? What woman?” 
Virgil follows their gaze down to the end of the walkway leading up to their cottage, all the way to the woman at their mailbox. “Patton, what -”
“I don’t trust her,” they mutter, ears pinning back in their fluffy hair. 
“Patton, she’s the mailwoman. Debra’s been coming here every day for the past seven years.”
“It is literally the opposite of suspicious, you ridiculous werewolf.” 
“Poor baby,” Patton croons, pulling on thick rubber gloves and tying her hair up out of the way. Remus whines, rolling around the kitchen buck-naked. His body is almost completely covered in thick, glistening scales, with few patches of human skin peeking through.
“Why are you naked?” Virgil asks. 
“Shedding season,” Remus moans, swiping irritably at his torso. A thick sheet of scales flakes to the ground, and Virgil picks it up. “You can have whatever scales come off if you help me, it itches so baaaaaad!” 
Virgil looks at Patton, who’s carrying a bucket of magic salts and a scrub brush towards the bathroom. “You got a spare brush and gloves, Patty?” 
“Under the sink!” Virgil is quick to grab the supplies. When they return, Remus is still rolling around the kitchen floor, and Patton is prodding him with her foot. 
“Babe, if you don’t get into the tub, I can’t help you feel better. Your dad sent the special salts that your family uses during sheds from the sea caves near your family home.”
“Papa sent them?” Remus’s eyes are wide and liquid, and he almost looks like a hatchling. Virgil bends down and brushes his sweaty hair off his forehead. 
“Yeah, Reem. We asked him for the salts and the lotion so that you’d be more comfortable the next time you shed your scales. We know how much you hate the feeling, and we want you to be comfor - mmph!” 
Remus grabs the front of their shirt and drags them down into a kiss, brief and passionate. Virgil leans back, mussed and flustered, and Patton leans down and drops a kiss into their hair. “Let’s get you into the bath, mister.” 
They finally manage to get Remus into the hot bath, and the moan he lets out when Patton tips the salt into the water is positively lewd. Virgil tugs on the thick gloves and picks up their scrub brush. “I’ll take the left, you take the right?” Patton nods, picking up her rough sponge, and they get to work. 
Virgil puts their back into the scrubbing, careful around Remus’s newly healed top surgery scars. They create a transport sigil next to them and pass any large sheets of scales that flake off of Remus through it, sending them to their work desk. Remus wriggles around in the hot water, making it difficult to scrub, but finally his skin is clear and red-pink from scrubbing and the heat. 
Remus flops gracefully onto the bed, sighing in relief as he rolls around the soft comforter. Patton pulls off her gloves and picks up a tub of thick, pink goop. “Alright, buddy, it’s time for the lotion.” 
“You guys don’t have to do all this,” Remus mumbles, sleepy from his bath. “I know it’s kinda gross.” 
“We love you, Remus. It’s no trouble,” Patton says, gently stroking his hair. 
“Of course it’s not,” Virgil adds. Remus lets out a low, pleased rumble, and Virgil kisses Patton softly.
“VIRGIL! Virgil, Virgil, Virgil Virgil VirgilVirgil VirgilVirgil VIRGIL!!!!!” 
Virgil, whose name is sounding more and more like gibberish, even to their own ears, looks up from the sigil they’re constructing to see Remus bouncing eagerly in front of them. “Learn something new?” 
“Yeah! Patton’s at the grocery store, can I infodump to you?” 
Virgil looks down at the array they’re working on. “Give me two minutes to make sure this sigil won’t explode if I leave it alone, okay? Then you can talk all you want.” Remus nods, sitting down next to them. He’s practically vibrating with happy energy - flapping his hand, tapping his feet, snapping his fingers, rocking and humming. Virgil quickly changes a few of the components of their array, pulls their power out of it, and writes down where they were so they can pick their work up later. “Okay, Remus. Go ahead.” 
Remus jumps to his feet and begins pacing around the living room, telling Virgil all about the new deadly creature he’s discovered, and Virgil watches him fondly, smiling. 
“You know how Pat has his bone tiara?” 
Remus reaches into the pouch at his waist and offers something to Virgil. “For you!” Virgil takes the token from his hands, gasping when it comes into view. It’s a necklace with a braided leather cord and a dangling pendant. The pendant is painstakingly constructed of dozens of tiny bones, all arranged and articulated to form an ornate snowflake. In the very center is a gleaming piece of icy pale blue-green topaz, carved into a hexagonal facet. 
“You . . . you made this?” 
“Yep! I - do you not like it?” 
Virgil stares at the necklace, running their fingers over the edges of the snowflake and the ice-cold smoothness of the gem. They slip the pendant over their head with trembling fingers before dragging Remus into a kiss. “Bedroom, now.” 
“As you wish,” Remus purrs, scooping them into his arms. 
Virgil tightens their grip on the strap of their messenger bag as the gates swing open, revealing a tall, imposing figure. Half of his face is covered in glittering golden-green scales, and one eye is a golden brown with a slitted pupil; the other is dark brown, almost black. He wears a long-sleeved golden dress that falls to the floor, intricately embroidered with dragons and flames along the hem, and his wings are fanned loosely around him. 
“Papa!” Remus crows, sprinting up and leaping towards the figure. He catches him, managing to make it look elegant as he hugs Remus close and rubs his back with a small smile. Remus and his father press their foreheads together, rumbling softly, before Remus hops down. “Virgey, Patton, this is my papa! Papa, these are my loves!” 
Virgil flushes, seeing Patton go pale pink beside them, as Remus’s father comes forward and extends a hand. “You may call me Janus. It is a pleasure to formally meet you. My son speaks quite highly of you.” 
Virgil shakes his hand. “The pleasure is all ours, sir. Thank you for letting us use the private beach on your estate.” Janus smiles as he shakes Patton’s hand. 
“Anyone so highly beloved of my son is always welcome on our family’s ancestral home.” His eyes linger on the bone tiara and pendant before turning to Remus and asking him a low, rapidfire question in a tongue Virgil doesn’t speak. Remus turns redder than Virgil’s ever seen him and spits back a swift response, and Janus laughs. 
“The path to the beach is that way. When you are done, I will have a meal prepared in the house. Take your time. The weather will be favorable today.” 
Remus grabs their hands and drags them down towards the sea. “What did your dad say to you?” 
“He’s just being embarrassing,” Remus mutters. 
“Must have been serious if it embarrassed you,” Patton teases. 
“Shut up!” 
They crest the cliff and spot the sea, and all of Virgil’s teasing leaves them in one breath. It’s beautiful, and the longer they stare at it and smell the salt water, the stronger the call of the ocean in their bones. 
Remus goes flying down the stairs, dropping his bag in the sand and shedding all of his clothes to reveal a lime green speedo. Patton takes a little more care, spreading out the towels and setting up the umbrella, before carefully taking off their tiara and clothes and transforming into a wolf with a fluid, rippling motion. They leap into the water as Virgil descends to the beach. They set down their bag, strip down, and carefully tuck their pendant in a pocket of their bag before reaching in and pulling out their sealskin. They take a moment to watch the way the sun glitters on the ocean’s surface, listening to the crash of the waves and the call of the gulls and the shrieking laughter of Remus and Patton’s joyful barks. 
Then, they wrap their sealskin around their shoulders and join their loves in the sea. 
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years
As the feeling grows, she breathes flesh to my bones
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Wanda has never thought she’d reveal her identity. She was sure she’d be able to keep it a secret for the rest of your life. But just because she was holy, it didn’t mean you wouldn’t pick up on her lies.
Or, an angel!wanda fic you didn’t know you needed..
Wordcount: 1191
A/N: It’s been weeks months since I first had the idea of giving my baby Wanda a pair of wings.. but I never had the courage to do so, until now. This is my input for @burninmatches ‘s writing challenge. Which leads me to wish you a happy bday and all the love and good in life, bby! Thanks for the oportunity to make this a reality. Here’s hoping this isn’t my downfall and you all enjoy another weird idea of mine, lol.
Also, a huge thanks to @marvelfansince08love for the encouragement and support during my meltdown about this monster. You’re a real treasure, boo! Ily bby.
Find the Moodboard here!
"Cookies? Are you bribing me with cookies?" You looked at her incredulously. 
Wanda almost retorted but she appreciated her life too much, so she brought the cookie -the same she's just offered you- to her mouth to keep the words from escaping her.
"I'm just saying," she continued once she swallowed. "There's no reason to go all Sherlock Holmes about it, baby. I told you plenty of times I've got the scars from an accident."
"Don't baby me, Wanda. Stop lying to me and tell me the truth once and for all."
Wanda could feel the baby hairs of her neck standing at the hard attitude you sported and she had to breathe deeply to keep her secret appendages hidden. No matter how tingly her shoulder blades felt, you couldn't see her true nature. Not now, not ever.
Walking towards the brunette standing right in front of you, you made sure your steps didn't falter.  You needed to stand as still as possible.
"I- I can't," Wanda looked everywhere but you.
"Why not?" You pressed. "Why can't you trust me? I thought we had-"
"It's not about trust! This isn't something we can discuss lightly, Y/N. This is some next-level shit that you're not ready for." For a moment, you saw Wanda's eyes flicker with something you couldn't pinpoint, and boy, did you felt menaced. But then again, she's saved you from a thousand situations before and you knew��she was incapable of hurting you.
"How do you know that? Do you really think I'm gonna run away? For fuck's sake, Wanda, we have weirder things happening around." You finally closed the distance that separated you both. "Show me."
Wanda's eyes opened wide as your words sank in.
"Wanda," you took her hands in yours after seeing the fear in her green orbs. "I want- need to see them," you brought her hands to your mouth, kissing her knuckles softly, silently apologizing when she hissed. You made a mental note to change her bandages later.
"Are- are you sure?" The doubt in her voice made your heart squeeze. How could she ever think you'd stop loving her?
"Please," you begged.
Whatever you expected the moment to be, it was nothing compared to what happened. You were too dumbstruck to even try to find words.
One moment -human- Wanda was standing in front of you with her forest green locked with yours and the next, the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen appeared out of the blue. The biggest, whitest pair of wings encompassing Wanda from behind got you so hypnotized that you couldn't register the single tear running down her cheek. 
Bringing your hand up, you brushed your fingers impossibly softer against the feathers -scared you'd ruin them if you applied even the slightest pressure, so entranced at the moment that you didn't notice the way Wanda tensed under your scrutiny. The brunette almost moaning at the sensations she was feeling.
"They're beautiful," you murmured, scared that if you spoke louder, the spell would fade away.
A few beats of silence passed by before you managed to take your eyes off the wings to look at Wanda. And oh boy, what you saw shattered your heart and glued the pieces back together. "You are beautiful." You cupped her cheeks drying the tears away, smiling at Wanda's broken laugh.
Wanda could feel her heart wanting to jump out of her chest, her ribcages doing nothing to stop it from growing at the pure utter love she saw in your eyes. The adoration you spoke those words with was enough to make her want to punch herself for always escaping your interrogations. How dare she doubt your love?
"I love you," she vowed the only words she could muster, leaning against your touch. 
Instead of replying, you kissed her in that way she could feel her toes curling and her blood running in her ears. It was always like this with you.
"Ow!" you tried to part away when something hit the top of your head but quickly wrapped yourself around Wanda. "WHERE'S THE FLOOR!" 
Wanda seemed to come back from her reverie at your scream, a sheepish smile on her face as she slowly settled down back to ground level. "I'm sorry,"
"Did we just... did you- Oh, my God!" The realization hit you at the time you let out a burst of strenuous laughter. Your stomach still feeling weird after the descend.
You felt the arms around you tightening its hold and Wanda's face moving to the crook of your neck. Kissing the exposed skin there.
"Thank you," you made sure she could feel the love and support in your words. And did she felt it if the squeeze on your waist was indicator enough.
"I'm sorry," you smiled when you touched a certain area of the right wing, making her squirm with a laugh.
"It just tickles," she mumbled against your neck, eliciting a giddy giggle when she wiggled her wings. You swore you'd never get enough of them.
And not that you complained about it. If nothing, the wings added something to her that made you fall in love all over again.
As the moments passed, you felt her sobbing against your skin, her hold never flaking. It was as if she needed this contact. 
"What's wrong?" You cooed and saw how her wings surrounded you both as if she wanted to seclude this moment of vulnerability. Just the two of you.
"I'm just happy," she kissed your cheek so softly, yet so lovingly that got you turning into mush right there. "I'm sorry for hiding this."
"Baby," you cupped her cheeks, locking your eyes together. "I know," you smiled. "I can't even understand what's going through your mind right now, but I want you to know that I'm here. I've always been, and I always will." You kissed her cheek, then her nose, then her lips. 
"Nothing can scare me away, Wan. Not when it comes to you," you vowed and saw in fascination how her green eyes reflected all the love and loyalty she held for you.
"I'll put them back in now," she warned timidly. Her voice shaking from the utter emotions she was feeling.
"Do they hurt?" You asked and she smiled reassuringly at the worry on your voice.
"A little," she shrugged it off. It hasn't been that long since she's pulled them out, anyways.
"Would a cookie make it better?" You smiled that something that got her on cloud nine and she couldn't help but kiss your nose before agreeing to it.
No. Maybe it wasn't ideal. Her falling for a human who was bad news most often than not... but for her, it was enough. The fact you've finally stepped your foot down and didn't run away when her wings we finally revealed to you, told her everything she needed to know. You'll always be her little troublemaker. And she knew you had her heart in your hands the moment she saved you. How couldn't you, if for every step you backed, you made two steps forward just to make her happy?
Taglist: @sananabdliw @rooskaya-yelena @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @username23345 @natasha-danvers @marvels-writings @aaron-despair
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Galactic crossing program pt 1
The Vicarious empire had been expanding for a large portion of their recent history, the collective government of their race founded a company made specifically to terraform and colonize planets with multiple colonies for the use of population dispersal and to expand horizons. Space agencies were almost exclusively mobile agencies, giant university ships, dragging trawler ship factories, and even the occasional asteroid miner and ship fabricator docks spaced through out the massive reach of space.  And today, Galactic standard date 12/39/13098, I am setting out to explore the uncharted space!
“Welcome abound captain Freyith, it is an honour to make your aquaitance.”
The ship greeted its captain in Retah tongue, as Freyith came abourd.
Freyith: “Salutations to you aswell wing, would you please start up the FTL drive?”
W-I-N-G: “Of course, shall we make haste to the edge of mapped space?”
Freyith: “Yes please. Oh this is so exciting, imagine all the new species we could incounter.”
W-I-N-G: “Unlikly, the nearest area of unmapped space contains mostly rouge or unstable systems at the fringes of the galaxy.”
Freyith: “ohh...”
The young Retah slumped down in her helm nest with disappointment, was this really all her space days would be? Jumping from system to system to scout out uninhabitable planet after planet.
W-I-N-G: “Do not fret captain, it is much more safe to see unique planetiod formations rather then potentially hostile and savage life forms. And what’s more if something did truely survive in this area of space, it would be the closest thing to a walking crieyutt.”
Freyith shuddered at that blatantly poor attempt at humour, the walkers of crieyutt were nothing but an old story told to fledglings to make them grow a sense of danger. No creature would actually survive if they were so violent, the laws of the galaxy themselves say so.
Freyith: “Sure sure wing, I ain’t got this reachers license for nothing. Let’s go have some ventures, shall we?”
W-I-N-G: “Commencing space jump in three, two, one.”
Freyith was thrown back in her nest, she laughed with amazement as the lights of stars glimered past in lines of bright white, blue, yellow, reds, greens, and a rare few purple dashes just before the Feathered festival ship dropped out of FTL space.
Freyith giggled and laughed until her sense returned and she was able to sit up once more.
Freyith: “Wing, system report.”
W-I-N-G: “It would appear that we have dropped approximately sixteen yip lengths from a large red dwarf star, celestial body count of 7 comprised of 4 asteroid bodies. Shall we move towards the furthest planetoid?”
Freyith: “Affirmative, let’s see what this system has in the ways of inhabitability.”
The small ship flew into orbit of the third planet.
W-I-N-G: “Readings indicate small surface pockets, of electrolized metal. Likely caused by the exceedingly dense atmospheric conditions, as well as atmospheric friction. Surprisingly this planets core is very hot, suggesting that there is some form of mineral gas in the atmosphere preventing the planet from cooling down. There also appears to be a record 78 orbiting bodies of natural origin, scans suggest that most of them are solid state hydrogen oxide.”
Freyith: “This planet has perfect conditions for terraformation, with all that electrolized metal it would be more than easy to make this into an active food world. And all those hydrogen oxide asteroids could serve as water for millennia!”
W-I-N-G: “Deep scans suggest that there is some sort of... burrowing lifeform on the planet.”
Freyith gasped with excitement, then paused, and began to feel curiousity.
Freyith: “Wait, if the deep scans picked it up, how large would it be?”
W-I-N-G: “Deep scans say it is around, 60-90 Vep (15-20 meters squared) in size.”
Freyith: “Search for possible locations for new life, if something that big is here, surely there is something habitable here.”
W-I-N-G: “Negitive, the life form was very close to the surface. It may be a rapid magmetic convulsion pressure. We should scout the rest of the system, before setting foot with such a thing on the planet.”
Freyith: “ugh fine, but as soon as we are done we are going back to see it.”
The ship cruised along
W-I-N-G: “Planet 2 contains heavy amounts of solid state nitrogen deposits. No atmosphere, scans suggest a strong abundance of sodium meteors in the asteroid rings around the planet.”
Freyith: “Fun, next.”
W-I-N-G: “please refrain from not documenting these planets captain.”
Freyith: “Right sorry, it’s just like the orbital bodies back home. It’s nothing interesting.”
The ship moved along, as the captain had a fight with the ship ai.
W-I-N-G: “Planet number 1 seems to have dense- captain, we have an impact warning in 6 wop. Get up, we need to document this!”
Freyith: “Who in the burning blunder is out here?”
W-I-N-G quickly moved the ship out of the way, then further out of the way as another impact warning played out.
Freyith sat with baited breath in front of the vid screens, as the odd six sided object came hurdling through space. It flew by the ship with a multitude of other objects of the same shape, as all of the swarm of them ignited a bright yellow fire at their bottoms and flung towards the third planet.
Freyith: “Wing follow them to the planet, and I won’t say I told you so.”
W-I-N-G hurled the ship back to the third planet, as they watched the odd ships rain down into the dense atmosphere and crash straight into the under ground tunnels the life form had made.
Freyith: “Wing What is happening?”
W-I-N-G: “It does not compute, there doesn’t seem to be a obvious reason as to why this is happening.”
With astonishment Freyith watched as the planets atmosphere began to clear and thin out, as the odd ships flew through it. The odd shapes having been switched out for the megnitised surface deposits, as the metal was pulled out of the atmosphere and placed in a visible pile.
Freyith: “Wing, land us planet side. As close to that massive deposit as you can.”
The ship did as commanded and flew down to the surface, putting on a atmosuit Freyith hopped out the airlock to look around. The pile of metal was amazing, the small grains of black dust stuck to the magnetic deposits was absurd as more of the odd ships flew over head.
A loud howl like noise suddenly erupted behind her, before she turned rapidly to face the new foe. A small adorable creature stood just a little ways away, it wore no pressure suit, it wore no atmosuit, all it wore was a small patch of fur atop its head and synthetic garments.
The sense of fear and sense adoration were so much, she had no idea what to do. Run back to the ship, or stand her ground to meet the small cute creature.
It began to walk towards her, its clumsy looking bipedal stride mixed with the frail looking limbs made her want to help it towards her as if it was helpless living on a world that was in the dooms day of all doomsday not a few moments ago.
It stood next to her, and outstretched its stumpy grasping appendage towards her. She didn’t quite know what to do, so she reciprocated the gesture. The small creature took her grasping in its and shook them up and down before letting go, and gesturing back to where it came.
Freyith was shocked with how calm the creature was, and the virtually no aggression seemed to be good indicator. Ignoring wing yelling in her ear she followed the small clumsy creature over the flat land, past large metal structures taking atmosphere in and changing it before releasing it out the top. The small creature lead her towards what Wing had thought was the large life form diggin close to the surface, but in actuality it seemed to be a surface miner. What it was mining for was unknown, the small creature gestured that she went inside the living quarters inside the large miner.
She peered inside for any form of threat, all that was inside was a small rectangular nest. On one side a surface with various food items was spread out, and on the other was some sort of sleeping set up. And down a set of platforms was the pilots helm. The small creature followed behind her and went over to the food surface, it opened a compartment from the supporting wall and removed what looked like... meat! The creature was preparing food for her and it!
Just as she was enveloped with curiosity over the small creatures actions, it suddenly placed a metallic bowl with a special handle over top a circle built into the food item surface. It placed the dehydrated meat onto it before adding liquid water, it sizzled as the new smell of cooked meat wafted through the small nest.
The creature paused to looked back at her, and she noticed the two small forward facing eyes. So it was some sort of predator, hmm, yet it appeared completely docilen if not friendly. She looked around the nest a saw photographs embedded in viewing compartments, placed throughout the nest. One had a picture of the creature with another of its kind, and a small predator of a different species sitting in front of them. It looked rather shaggy the smaller thing, big dopey golden coloured ears with a small red live stock collar around its neck. As she puzzled over the picture, the creature grabbed back her attention. It had cut the meat with a sharp metallic utensil, and had placed the two portions on small platters. Only on its platter was some form of stalky green plant matter, and on hers a small bowl of seeds. So they were omnivores, that’s new. Most species they encountered only ate one form of food, and left the other in peace or to be used some other way. This creature seemed to eat both, and likely based off the act of peperation she was showed they ate a multitude of different foods.
The creature was using a different set of metallic utensils to eat as it sat down on one of two circular soft platforms around a surface. She sat down on the empty soft platform, and was handed her own set of utensils. Not wanting to be rude she tried them, it wasn’t a bad way to eat if not a bit safer then the regular. This way she didn’t have anything stuck in her beak, and she didn’t have to wait between bites for her food to properly settle.
The meat was delicious, some how this creatures people had a way of preparing food that made it taste better and more easily digestible. Once she finished she looked at the stalky green plant matter the creature had taken, it picked up one with its stumpy graspers and chewed it between its back jaw bones.
It was finishing the last one before it looked at the small bowl of seeds it had set out for her, it looked concerned. She wasn’t an omnivore, so she had left them alone. She pushed her finished platter towards the creature, hoping it would understand. To her surprise the creature picked up the bowl and simple swallowed all the seeds in one go, so they had multiple ways of eating, interesting.
The creature put the dirtied platters and bowl in a different compartment then they had come, maybe that was a to be cleaned compartment. The creature led her to one of the embedded viewing compartment. She recognized it as some sort of map, as the creature set it on the eating surface. It gestures to her, then to itself before gesturing at the end of a line segment on the map.
So that’s where they were, she gestured to the large circle on the map. The creature brought up a data pad and after tapping on it a few times, it showed her a collection of photos. First was a picture of the large metallic deposits landing on the surface and attracting the black dust, next was the odd shaped ships picking them up and flying them around and clearing up the atmosphere, next was a picture of the creature coming out from a buried shealter and taking down the shell of it to reveal the miner, next was a picture of the map with a swath of multiple line segments leading to the large circle she had originally gestured to.
So this was some sort of terraforming process, so this creatures race had come from an as of yet undiscovered species! And they were capable of terraforming like this? Unbelievable. She held her breath as she examined all the started lines and the few lines on the map that had come to the circle, there were hundreds of these creatures on this planet. Only hundreds, that’s so little for this massive task.
She paused and held her hand up hoping to pause the creature ramblings
Freyith: “Wing are you seeing this?”
W-I-N-G: “Yes!!! We found a deathworlder species and you are in its den, and you are vastly unprepared to face a deathworlder!!!”
Freyith: “I think I’m going to travel with them until they get to the redevue point them have shown me on their map.”
W-I-N-G: “Are you crazy!?! Have you gone savage!?! What if they eat you? What if it takes a few hepta?”
Freyith: “Thats fine, at least I can learn about them. Fly the ship over here so I can load up supplies and other sorts.”
W-I-N-G: “Does the deathworlder know you are doing this?”
Freyith paused as she looked back to the deathworlder, with its adorable patch of fur and its stumpy and clumsy looking limbs. She gesture to what she thought was a resting around, then to herself. The creature tapped on the data pad again as another surface folded out above the first one, the soft material there aswell. The creature then gestured to her and the top sleeping pad.
Freyith: “they seem happy to take me.”
Authors note:
Hey everyone, I know I still have a series on the bench but I’m going to start this one while I work on the final piece. As always thanks to my fellow authors, prompters, and commenters for the inspiration for this piece. Hope you enjoyed, have a good one.
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