#also if you want to be a hater do it without anon i dare you
alexysmugg · 3 months
Why they made you dont want pedos interacting with your shit?? So brave and ballsy using anonymous asks to threaten you bc you , NOT WANTING PEDOS IN YOUR SPACE ???
like mf say it with your ches
Im so sorry you gatta put up with all thses chomo lovers
exactly noonie!! idk why this is a problem??? i already stated clearly which one i personally don't like in my tumblr blog at tumblr dot com but i think writing shit to me is more productive than blocking me or closing the app lol
and it's not one that is like, rape bc then i would be extremely hypocrite bc i create content for a mainly rape game (and even though you can disable it, majority of people who play dol don't disable it let's be honest). but no, i just don't want people that like content showing an underage character having romantic interest in an adult character interacting with my blog
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dreamcrow · 5 months
crow's 2023 writing retrospective
i keep feeling guilty for not sitting down and doing a proper writeup but again. life persisteth apace.
anyway: in 2023 i am most proud of continuing to write a little bit of niche side blorbo otp despite, as you know, the unceasing horrors. some other happenings, in no particular order:
thought briefly about resurrecting/revising a fic from an old fandom (then posting the new version on anon) and then did not do that.
thought briefly about dipping my toe back into the first real fandom i met antis in (and subsequently didn't write for four years about) and then definitely did not do that.
kept up with my very powerful stats spreadsheet consistently and then decided i am not going to care about numbers in 2k24. rip little buddy, we had a good run.
ran unexpectedly into an author i very much admire...! (and hopefully kept in touch with others)
wrestled with my own personal made-up guys to be mad at (guy who says "why not just file the serial numbers off that fanfiction and publish it as your own"; guy who says "all your painstaking exegesis and canon-plausible worldbuilding makes these carefully built-up characters basically ocs (derogatory)"; hatereaders) and (partially successfully?) acquired some new coping skills
posted some of my better (/more sentimentally valuable) meta posts to ao3, as i have been threatening to for a while
thought so, so, so many times about 'what if the wretched ancient children's cartoon villains were very extremely married, actually'...
does this make me cringe? i no longer care. to my fans and haters alike: the shmoopy niche side blorbo otp will continue in 2024. possibly some of it will even be readable. extra credit if i finally manage to put out a.) tall on tall violence threesome fic and/or b.) literally any kind of smut. i feel much more daring than i ever would have expected after ice cream sandwich dot googledoc, but also, i really do just want to get bellroc tenderly railed into unconsciousness; un/fortunately i am me, so even untitled dream lemon feels like it requires about 50,000 words of setup.
...according to scrivener, it's actually closer to 75k, but. shh.
anyway. to everyone who commented on or shared my work this year: you are without exaggeration a force for good. perhaps a small one, but no matter how small the light (nor how mild the darkness) one keenly felt.
good reading and good writing in the new year, friends.
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After that small fic I kinda want more if that's alright with you. Could I possibly ask for some dating headcanons for Mason? If not that's fine
- A
Mmh... Alright, Anon A. :-)
I'm not used to write in the headcanon-like manner, so it's challenging, but I enjoyed it! I hope you will have fun reading it. Also, I was kind of in a mood, sooo, it may be reflected in there, haha. ^^"
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Dating Mason is a lot of fun. They are outgoing, adventurous, and will keep pushing you out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes, they will accidentally push you too far: Dragging you to crowded places making you anxious, for example.
But they are also a caring partner and will stop as soon as they notice/as you tell them. They will apologize, and do their best to make you feel comfortable again.
It was a surprise to the both of us when you started dating. It happened naturally, slowly. You were close friends at first, and you spent more and more time together.
Until some lovely evening, Mason was laughing from an inside joke with you, and you kissed them, on an impulse. You couldn't deny your shared feelings anymore.
They do not show their love through gifts, even if they enjoy to offer you silly, random trinkets which made them think of you. Howewer, they like to go shopping with you, daring each other to try out bold and ridiculous outfits.
They are one to make jokes, and pranks. You will both help them with their mischief and be the one who gets pranked!
Mason is very tactile, touchy-feely! You will have lot of kisses, cuddles, petting, hands holding. And so much Public Display of Affection, haha!
They dedicate songs to you in their concerts. Yes, even if you are shy. And they gesture toward your seat.
Loving them is wild and fun, but it has also surprisingly depth. You will not be the same person with their love that you were without. You will both grown in this relationship.
For special days you celebrate (birthdays, holidays...) they cook you their special pasta recipe. :3
The two of you go out often, but whenever you can, you stay at home for cuddles, binge-watching your favorite shows, and being comfy together.
You are the one who takes the pictures they post on their social medias, especially the steamy ones. Of course, there's many you only keep for the both of you... :)
Since Mason is an independent, free spirit, people may think your relationship won't last, that it isn't "real, or strong enough", but they are obviously wrong.
Lot of healthy communication. You can talk about anything and everything, express your sentiments freely, and settle healthy boundaries without made felt guilty.
You help them during their hard times. Moments of doubts and insecurities, where you have to comfort and cheer them up.
You are so proud of the person they are. You support them in their projects, and they are here for yours as well!
Dating Mason is also having to deal with other people's stares and learning to laugh the bad comments off.
Also, Mason is b*tchy as f*ck during arguments - but they will never make you feel unloved or unworthy.
You miss them while they are working. Your relationhip may be long distance at times, but you always strive to phone/text them.
Or, when you can, you follow them when they have to travel for work!
Also: Clothes swapping between the two of you. Which is lot of fun.
To finish, I would say dating Mason will make you feel loved and cared about, but you will also grow more confident in yourself. You will share wonderful, joyful moments together, unforgettable stages, late night rantings, laughing until you are breathless... While also facing the world together, smirking at it, and give a big f*ck you to all the haters.
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(All this is for entertainment only, and it is fictional, about what I imagine dating Mason be like, based on their public persona, but they are their own person and this headcanon isn't meant to reflect a reality. Just entertain us, little people loving Mason's talents and personality.)
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
Hello again! It's dragonfly anon here! And after reading more about Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship, I ccouldn't help but notice that their relationship is pretty much what me and a friend of mine had going on for 3 years until I eventually decided to cut ties with her.
I was Wei Wuxian in this scenario, and, by the heavens do I understand his feelings more than ever. Where you are the only person who gives and gives more of yourself just to please others until eventually you are nothing more than an emotional slave, being tied to whatever genuine feelings you once had for the person that now tries to keep you in a leash, living in a perfect fantasy to suit their needs.
Much like Jiang Cheng, this friend of mine was only ever satisfied when i did things her way, and if i was better than her, or didn't reach her expectations, I was suddendly the one in the wrong. I couldn't have more friends, otherwise i was picking others over her, I couldn't do better in classes, because then I was shaming her, and oh boy dare I like someone romantically.
This is kind of a vent but also just me understanding Wei Wuxian more than ever and just being happy that he also got to be free. Specially with someone who loves and is the to support him like Lan Wangji!
I still haven't found my own Lan Zhan, but I have time and I have new friends and my family to support me, but I still wanted to share this little piece here because as someone who was in a similiar situation to Wei wuxian, it pains me to see people belittle his feelings over Jiang Cheng. I don't really mind if people create AU's and such, these are fictional characters after all, but when talking about canon JC as if WWX was in the wrong? People gotta be ready to catch my fucking fists because I'm coming for them, no one hurts my son in my presence.
But yeah your post yesterday was also a very enlightening and I truly had to lay down and have my onw "Oh" moment because, oof it hit right in the feels. Anyways love you and your posts and they always bring me so much joy! (Tho I have to read SVSSS now to help fend off your blog against nasty haters, gonna start my research soon!)
Dragonfly out! - 🐉🦋
I am very happy about this, Dragonfly!
I do think what keeps Mo Dao Zu Shi so great as a reread over and over is because it has such a great underlying social commentary through it's characters on very human relationships and how none of those can really be neatly tied up for endings. I do see how those ends can be lackluster, since the end of a fall out of an extremely bad relationship is not supposed to always be cathartic. Sometimes you just have to move on yourself and live even if they're stuck in the past.
I do think Wei Wuxian is an amazingly written literary character, he wouldn't be as magnetic in fandom if it wasn't for how well written he is as a protagonist. The work meticulously works it's way through to show, that whatever mistakes that yes, Wei Wuxian may have made, he learned and grew from that and became more world aware without letting that jade his optimism for people. It takes a lot of strength to go through hell and still say you want others, and yourself, to remember the happy times over the hard. His mistakes and regrets are there, but he doesn't let them keep him from being levelheaded or realistic about the world he is in.
Vindication is very easy to feel, but he is just not that type of character to try to attempt that through by the end.
I'm glad my posts keep you entertained! For as moody and sarcastic as I can be, I try to let that be the crux of what I post here without the filters of fandom lenses. Fandom is fun to explore the what if's for! But maybe I'm a little bit old school and like to separate it from the canon of the texts and what we are given to actually decipher from that. As writers say plenty of times, sometimes don't think too much about a certain part since it's not the part meant to be focused on for the themes.
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dojae-huh · 1 year
You’re right. It’s the opinion that I’ve seen from non-doyoung fans and also first timers who react to nct about his vocals. Ironically I did get into 127 through Like A Star but seeing these reactions and other comments made me actually doubt myself. I like his voice but why do i not see people (outside of his fandom) appreciating him. Am i wrong or what? I know it’s dumb. Why would you want to seek validation from his non fans but it just makes me thinking. Why he doesn’t attract much attention vocal-wise to first time listeners of 127. Take note of the 127 here.
A lot of the time I see that people would instantly got attracted to Taeil and Haechan’s voice because their voice stands out. Not technically, but tone-wise. So i just came to conclusion that he doesn’t have the how to say, dramatic(?), extra flair to his voice? From my previous post, I didn’t touch about vocal techniques because I know he got the skills. And to be fair, most of the people that I watch and read comments off doesn’t know a thing about vocal technique as well. What I meant by him being an ‘average singer’ is actually relative to Taeil and Haechan’s more stands out vocal tone. It’s what people see because most of us don’t have the ability to dissect their techniques. Which for me is a bit unfair because he works hard when it comes to singing. But that’s just how thing works. Some people was born with more advantage. And one of Doyoung’s is his hardworking demeanour which is really favoured by his fans.
And for my comments on other fields, I must admit it was written mostly for exaggeration and to fish out comments from you guys. I’m not that invested in his other schedules aside from singing actually, so my statement was awfully biased. But nice to know that he’s doing well in other fields as well. Haters posts actually did make me feel insecure as a fan and you and most of your audience actually have this way of writing that give me room for thoughts. That’s why i asked here. I have to say it’s not very nice of me to seek reassurance this way and I’m only brave because it’s anonymous. I don’t think it’s a good practice but i think i get immediate result if i do it this way(?). What do u think
People are social animals, there is a pull to make a group and to act as one. Add to it the fact that some fans don't know English well, so they repeat positive comments they see about their bias verbatim.
Let's take Haechan. He has many qualities that can attract a fan, from his appearence and maknae image to his quick mind and stage presence. But everyone always write "unique voice!", so even a Hyuk's stan who came to like him for his dancing would be inclined to mention his "unique voice!" under a YT video. Moreover, if this stan is of a different opinion from the majority (say, acknowledges that Haechan is weaker than Jaehyun technically), he or she wouldn't be able to say it out loud without angering other stans.
Now, Taeil. He is the strongest vocalist technically in NCT. And it is easy to understand that he is a good vocalist (power notes, resonance). Thus his stans use this card to elevate their bias. It's the Ace card noone can beat. Who is given all the high notes? Taeil! Taeil has other attractive qualities. For example, he is a true musician (not just a performer), he has a chill comforting personality, he is funny in his own way. However, his stans can't use these cards. Taeil doesn't dance well, he isn't the leader, he isn't a visual (other universally acknowledged Ace cards). All his stans have is his "The Main vocal!" card. And they get super aggressive (out of insecurity) about it. Don't you dare say Doyoung is also a main vocal in their presence.
Sorry, I know I'm repeating in part what you wrote, anon, but I'm also explaining my POV to readers at large.
Taeil once said: "what Doyoung does seems easy but it is not". Many fans take Doyoung's singing abilities for granted. Some don't understand how he is better than Yuta. Not all fans pay attention or even can hear and appreciate the nuances in an idol singing. Try to explain to BTS fans that their biases are not that good technically and are not on par with SM vocals, you'd get linched.
I often see vocal teachers who react to k-pop videos scoff at fans' obsession with high notes. They know it's not the hardest part, that doing a run or a smooth transition without changing of the tone of the voice is harder. However, most average people think heigh notes are the hardest to do.
There are a lot of people who notice Doyoung's voice right away in 127 and U songs. They simply don't write about it everywhere as often as Hyuk's and Taeil's fans. As for YT reviewers, they do their homework. They know who they should point out to get the brownie points.
Doyoung has a recogniseable tone. I can't agree with you (and with him, btw) that he doesn't. However, he does need an opportunity to demonstrate it. And recent A-tracks are not tailored to him (as he is the support). It is the same for Jaehyun. Jaehyun loses the warmth of his voice in his parts in many 127 tracks.
To sum it up. I don't think Doyoung should be pitied. He is a better vocalist than Haechan and can do musicals, he is a better emotional singer than Taeil and has a better stage presence, so high chances he would be a more successful soloist than the two of them. All 3 of them lack in some departments, all 3 of them need to work on their weaker sides to achieve what they want, all 3 of them need to give room to other members in the unit and be an instrument in an orchestra.
For my part, I like 127 for having so many good voices and I'm also happy when SM manages to use them adequately in a song.
As for the fans and your validation. Read comments under Doyoung's solos and covers. See for yourself how many people appreciate his voice. Read comments under Yestoday and Boss. Remember that more than 1mln people tuned in to his Birthday mini-concert. And that most of his vlives where he sings have very high number of views. Keep in mind how Doyoung is constantly invited by directors of tv-series and producers who heard him once somewhere and fell for his voice. He is also on the second place when it comes to subscribers on Spotify (Taeyong is on the 1st place).
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chuluoyi · 4 months
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back to pinned » about the host
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not spoilers-free. contains sfw and nsfw content—so pick your poison. i’m not your police and therefore, not responsible for what you see. read warnings !
this is also my personal blog in which i post my thoughts and answers so don't expect it to be fully about fics. there are tags for you to block if necessary
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of basic dni criteria (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.)
porn link posters
subposting often and disguising it as “shitposts” or “opinions”
haters of my works/opinions
for subposting: i do not subpost. but i’m also no pushover. if you dare to subpost about me first then i won’t hesitate to respond to it, so don’t whine after blocking and say that i’m subposting back — you started it
this is my safe space and also intended for those who genuinely want to have fun too, so if you intend to spoil it, please just reflect hard on yourself and begone for both our sakes
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please be respectful. i don’t appreciate swear words being used in asks sent to me (or targeted to my anons). anything remotely close to unpleasantries will go straight to trash bin on sight
do not rant about or bring discourse into my askbox
do not spam like or i’ll block you. tumblr will think i have a bot and shadowbans me. if you want to show support, please reblog instead
i put reblogs, asks and (sometimes) posts on queue, so if i haven’t replied to your asks or messages and you see me reblogging or posting answers, that’s because they've been queued—i’m not ignoring you! i will get back to you asap! and my askbox has like 50+ messages, so it’s taking me a while to answer them too
you can talk to me outside my fics! you can randomly drop by my askbox but remember, no trauma dumping (because i'm not a professional) and be nice!
do not ask me to become mutuals. i follow on my own accord. we can always be friends even if we are not though!
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i write only for jujutsu kaisen and female reader mostly: gojo, megumi and nanami. no: toji, todo, ino or mahito
do not rush me to write. i’m an adult with 8-5 office job. i can write/complete your request as soon as the next day or next month
askbox open for suggestions and especially for love entries! share your thoughts, give me prompts/anything to work with, it'll be more helpful!
i mainly write fluff, angst, crack and occasionally, smut i don’t write: bimbo reader/dumbification, degradation, hate sex, poly, dark content (rape, incest, stepcest, non/dubcon, etc), vulgar kinks (vomit, scat, piss, sex toys, etc)
please do not ask me to write specific traits/attributes (e.g skin tones/weapon/cursed technique) for the reader. and by default, she is always described as smaller/shorter than the characters i'm writing
do not use my headers, headcanons, plagiarize my fics for your blog/send it to another blog to write it. so far, i’ve been patient for the first two times i found out, but from now on, i will call you out for plagiarism—and it’s not going to end pretty, so just don’t
i do not allow translations or reposts in other platforms such as wattpad or tiktok. should i ever catch you, i’ll call you out as well
i have no qualms with aging up so if you’re a bigot who can't separate fiction and reality then my blog isn’t for you. i advise you to do not interact or just block me. and do not bring discourse about this to my askbox. you’ll get ridiculed/ignored, blocked and reported
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i haven’t used it much but i do use it as i see fit. and i never soft-block—only hard-block because it doesn’t feel good to do it half-assedly.
you’re going to be blocked if you are :
porn links poster. mutuals or not, i’m blocking you. there’s no justification for it—porn links are NOT writings !
spam liking 5+ posts without reblogging. there’s no reason for you to mass like my posts if you’re just mindlessly liking it. please at least reblog instead to show support !
leaving rude comments. i don't tolerate rudeness in my blog
tag abusers. your opinions, “about me” post, answers with no fic—they all don't belong in the x reader tag
plagiarists. pretty self-explanatory, these shits must be driven out of here
subposting often. vaguely spreading hate in the form of “rambles” or “shitposts” just because you don’t like someone is peak children behavior. i don’t want that in my dash
a bigot, problematic individual, or instigating discourses. i neither have the time to deal with these shits nor do i want to partake in them, so goodbye
making me uncomfortable. i’m curating my own experience too here so if i see you posting or venting things i don’t want to see in my dash, i’m going to block you—this also applies to mutuals. no hard feelings, i just want to keep my peace
for mutuals: if you want to break the mutual, feel free to do so—but please hard-block so i won’t refollow you by accident. and please don’t just unfollow because well, we’re equals here, no one is more superior than the other and there’s no obligation for me to be still following you should you unfollow me
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₊˚⊹⋆ i believe this goes without saying, but if you disagree with any of my rules above, then my blog is obviously not for you
thank you for those who have made it this far! i don't mean to sound harsh — i'm just establishing boundaries. if you have any further questions or unsure about certain topics i can write, feel free to send me an ask, i promise i don't bite :)
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kecleonplush · 2 years
You got pushback because you erased the thoughts and wants of actual trans and nonbinary people, including the actor themselves, to want to be seen in a variety of roles not just tumblr's continual dumbass land of fluff and cotton candy and rainbows. Go watch the dumb flag show about ugly pirates and get the fuck out of good show fandoms.
Hello again anon hater, seems like you still haven't solved your critical reading problems. It sounds like, unsurprisingly, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Today, I’m feeling generous, so I’m going to respond to your baseless accusations that clearly reflect the fact that you haven’t read anything I’ve said on this topic since you seem to be of the belief that I’ve said the opposite of what I’ve actually said. I imagine this is a futile effort on my part since you clearly are only in my asks to get mad at a stranger on the internet for having an opinion, but I hope this impromptu followup is at least illustrative to other people who actually care about this franchise.
First of all, it's interesting to say that I "erased the thoughts" of actual trans and non-binary people by uh, posting something on the internet. As far as I'm aware, me posting on the Internet does not stop trans and nonbinary people from doing the same, and I'd love to see more trans and nonbinary people do so. In fact, I was hoping that my post would encourage more trans and nonbinary people to speak up about it, which they thankfully have. I know my longwinded style can be intimidating to some people, as it clearly has been to you, but I would hope more trans and nonbinary people can fight through it and I would love for them to contribute their thoughts and expand on their wants because I’d love to hear even more of them!
It's also pretty interesting that you seem to be mad at me for apparently not wanting trans people to be "seen in a variety of roles". If you had read my post, which I'm sure you didn't, you'd see that what I'm advocating for, explicitly and specifically, is for trans people to be in a wider range of roles, not just roles that are, to quote you, "fluff and cotton candy and rainbows". Seems to me like you made the immediate, knee-jerk assumption - twice now! - that I'm advocating for the opposite, because you chose to get mad at someone you don't know instead of read what they have to say. And you know what? I get it! I don't have time to read long rambling posts a lot of the time either. But I, unlike you, choose to move on with my life instead of spouting hate at people I know nothing about.
Secondly I noticed that you mention the actor herself (she uses she/her, by the way, which you might know if you had done some research), which, too, is interesting, because she has stated in a recent Polygon interview about her role on the show that she was excited and enthusiastic to be playing a trans villain. It seems like her thoughts and wants are well expressed in spite of my post, but I am also hoping I can signal boost her thoughts and wants through this post in the modest way I can with my small blog with reach in the double digits (a risk, I know, since I apparently have a fearsome power to silence all trans/nb people just by posting).
If you’re still skeptical, here's a quote from the article about her feelings about being a trans villain specifically. I’ll give you the juicy bits since it’s clear your tolerance for reading is low.
“I think oftentimes, recently in Hollywood, people are scared of making trans people the villain. We’re constantly being villainized in the media; we’re constantly being villainized in legislation. You can’t turn on the news without seeing either trans people get hate-crimed or an attempt to legislate us out of existence. So an opportunity to be a sexy, unapologetically daring villain is a dream, you know? We’re not villains in real life, so can’t I get to play a space pirate on Star Trek?”
I hope this post, in the very, very unlikely event you actually read it, is helpful for you in understanding both my position and how to go about talking to people you don’t know. But I’m sure you’re just going to ignore it, because you’ve already made some false assumption about me and likely countless others, and you’ll continue to gatekeep media and yell at people anonymously because it makes you feel good for one brief moment and feel like an ally/defender of trans people despite it probably doing more harm than anything. I’m sorry to tell you that this isn’t going to be the thing that will elevate trans and nonbinary people. If anything, it’ll just discourage people from talking more about interesting and representative trans and nonbinary characters in media because of the threat of people like you going around and flooding their inboxes with vitriol based on nothing.
I really do hope you find a way to get some real, lasting happiness in your life, because whatever this is isn’t it. And maybe try reading for a change!
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wenellyb · 3 years
i saw that you recently reblogged a gif set of sambucky's therpy session and it irks me to my core that a good chunk of bucky stans paint sam as the villain in that scene."how dare sam be mean to bucky" or "sam needs to understand bucky's struggles" and other bs. the rapid bucky stans and anti sam haters act as if sam doesn't have his own pain and struggles. but the therpy scene also brought up another thing that the mcu fandom doesn't speak about enough. the rapid bucky stans and anti sam haters ignore the fact that steve and bucky made a choice about sam (the shield) without talking to sam about it. steve and bucky gave sam the shield and the weight that it carries without even asking sam how he felt about it. so of course sam would struggle with what to do about the shield in the falcon and the winter solider. it doesn't make him the bad guy.
Hi Anon!!!
I agree with everything you are saying. And I agree with the point about Steve giving the shield to Sam, but then not letting Sam process it and make his own decision about whether or not he wanted to take the mantle or not.
About the therapy scene, I know they don't want to hear this but the reason why a lot of Bucky's stans wanted to paint Sam as the villain in that scene is because they have a racism problem.
I love Bucky and I love Sam, but I can tell when either of them f*cks up.
Sam never was mean towards Bucky, not in episode two or in any episode in the series. The one time where Sam really f*cked up was when he went back to his hometown, all superhero-y acting like he knew better than his sister when she had been the one holding up the fort for years. But Sam never was mean towards Bucky, what he did do, was say it when he was done dealing with Bucky's bullsh*t.
Bucky was down right hostile to Sam in episode 2. Hostile. He arrived, doesn't even say hello, doesn't ask Sam how he's doing, he berates Sam for giving up the shield, and even when Sam admits that he wasn't expecting that they would give the shield to Walker, Bucky keeps bugging him about the shield. Sam even says that it broke his heart...But Bucky ignores him and just doesn't care..he kept pushing. You can tell Sam is upset Bucky, why would you keep pushing???
Because Bucky only cared about his feelings (like his stans do) and didn't consider other people.
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Same in the plane back from Madripoor, Sam shares his feelings with Bucky and opens up, something that never happnes, and Bucky dismisses it again and brings up the shield again.
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In episode 2 and 3, Bucky was a self centered person too wrapped up in his own problems and not caring who he was hurting in the process, but at least he's a fictional character and he eventually came around, apologized and changed his ways. His fandom didn't.
Why would you think about Bucky's feelings during the therapy scene but not consider how awful he was to Sam?
I'm not even mad at Bucky because in the end he realized he f*cked up and apologized in ep 5, but I don't want to be anywhere his stans because they are the worst, and I'm not saying this lightly.
If you watch TFATWS and look at the therapy scene and think Sam is being unfair or mean to Bucky, I need you to sit down and really think about the prejudice you may have. You'll want to deny it, get defensive, go "why does everything have to do with race?" with it, but in the end, it's the truth. If you watch the therapy scene and think Sam is the bad guy or that Sam was being "mean" to Bucky it's highly probable you may have a racism problem.
Meaning that deep down, as a general rule, you will see the White Characters in a positive light and the Black Characters is a more negative light, or it means that you see a Black character standing up for himself or setting boundaries as mean or " agressive". Why do you think Sam was so hostile towards Bucky? Just like that? Or was it because Bucky pushed every one of Sam's boundary without caring about Sam's feelings.
Racist people always think they're not racist because they would know if they were being racist. No, they wouldn't know.
Why do you think a Black character should just take it, when being constantly harrassed. I don't care that Bucky is your little teddy bear or whatever...That doesn't give him to treat people like sh*t just because he sees an inanimate object as his family.
I loved episode 2, and this might be an unpopular opinion, but I liked the therapy scene, I liked seeing both sides, I understood where both were coming from, it was a very emotional and heavy scene for Bucky, but even more for Sam, he had been trough a lot, Bucky pestering him about the shield, learning about Isaiah and what he had been through and that police scene right after, Sam went through a lot. For me the episode was done well, I didn't hate Bucky, I like complex characters, I don't think characters have to be perfect to like them, but seeing the reaction from Bucky stans made me sick and told me I should stay away from them at all costs.
The truth is, if the roles were reversed and Sam had been the White character, they would have understood right away why Sam was upset, they wouldn't have thought he was being mean, and they would have berated Bucky for being so agressive to Sam about the shield. They would have understood that Steve gave Sam the shield and that Sam had every right to do whatever he wanted with it. They wouldn't have blamed him for not wanting the shield, they wouldn't have expected him to just sit there and take it when Bucky was yelling at him.
TL:DR: I agree with you, and anybody who thought Sam was the "bad guy" in the therapy scene can block me. Thank you.
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Why did you call this bughead in the comics? Betty and Jughead are just friends and Jughead is ace in the comics. It completely removes an underrepresented identity in the LGBTQ community.
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Archie Comics has been around for 80 plus years. It is constantly being handled by different writers and artists who have their own visions and versions, so like most comic books, its stories and characters are bound to face issues when it comes to continuity and consistency. Basically, what I'm really trying to say is that every story and every version of the characters in the Archie Comics catalog is canon and valid.
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So... is Jughead ace or not? The answer is that he is both. There are versions of the comics where he shows signs that he is ace and there is one where he is  actually confirmed to be ace (Zdarsky and Henderson's Jughead #4, 2016), but there are also some stories where Jughead is neither asexual nor aromantic. Besides, whether we like it or not, the Riverdale tie-in comics also count as canon now.
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What baffles me is that a lot of people use Jughead’s asexuality to invalidate Bughead. I’m not an expert about these things, but I’m pretty sure asexual people are allowed to date. Even aromantic people can date if they want to. In fact, even during those times when he has proclaimed that he has no interest in women whatsoever, Jughead has dated a long list of girls in the comics even without being bribed with food (to the anon who requested Jughead’s dating history, I’m sorry it’s taking a while, but I can assure you that I’m making a lot of progress and I’ve compiled a LOT of material so please don’t worry because I will fulfill my promise). There are even stories where Jughead either engages in consensual displays of affection or admits that he enjoys them. So yeah. The Jughead who chased after Betty asking for kisses (like in Kiss Me, You Fool! from Betty #151, 2006 and in Switch Witch from Archie’s Pal Jughead #123, 1965) and the Jughead who stole Betty from Reggie during a movie date in Conform and Reform (Archie’s Pal Jughead #75, 1961) are just as canon and just as valid as the Jughead who loathes any form of skinship and goes around telling people that he is a woman-hater. 
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Dear Anon, I think it’s unfair to accuse us of erasing LGBTQ representation just because we like Bughead. Now, I can’t speak for everyone and I will never dare to, but personally, I have liked Betty and Jughead even before the term “Bughead” was even created. I've been an avid reader of the comics since I was a child and the stories that highlight the friendship between the two of them have always been my favorites. Did I think they’d make a cute couple? I sure did. Did I think I was offending the asexual community and erasing LGBTQ representation when I “shipped” Bughead then? No. Of course not. Anon, you have to understand, I was a kid then and I was already reading about Betty and Jughead in the comics way before I even knew or understood the spectrum of gender and sexuality. It was a simple case of just wanting to see two characters interact a lot because I think they make sense together. At the end of the day, anon, it’s just shipping. There are no set rules on who should be partnered with who (that’s why crack ships exist!), so if you chance upon some Bughead content and you’re not into it, just scroll past and move on. Seriously. Why waste your energy on something you hate when you can just spend it on something you love? 
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While I do agree with you that asexuality in underrepresented in mainstream media, I also don’t think it’s right to pour your frustration on a fandom that supports constantly-evolving characters. Especially characters from comic books. I’ve been bombarded with accusations of being anti-LGBTQ since I’ve started this blog ever since it became public knowledge that Kevin Keller mentioned that Jughead was asexual in the Zdarsky comics. The comments I get sometimes are so bad that I just delete them immediately. You prefer asexual Jughead? That’s alright, anon. Go ahead and support asexual Jughead. Asexual Jughead is great. But please, please, please let me appreciate my Betty-loving Jughead too. You may not be fond of him, but that’s the Jughead that I like, so please let me ship him with Betty in peace. Your Jughead and my Jughead are equally important, anon. We shouldn’t be arguing about which one is correct or superior. They’re the same character and they’re both awesome.
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...as for the name of the blog, well, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. Have a lovely day, pals ‘n’ gals! ♥
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kkoumiii · 3 years
hi can you do a reading on sunwoo from the boyz?
Hello anon! Let's dive into my almost-astrological-twin reading, aka Sunwoo! ♈
/!\ Friendly reminder that my readings are not to take at face value, I do not mean any harm to this idol, it’s only for entertainment purpose. /!\
✧ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨 ➵ 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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✾ ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ (ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᵛᵉⁿᵘˢ, 8 ᵒᶠ ᶜᵘᵖˢ ʳˣ
⇝ Sunwoo knows what he wants in life. He’s really charming and draws attention effortlessly. He exudes charisma, there’s something captivating about him. Somehow, people might misjudge him by thinking that he’s superficial when in reality there’s a lot more depth to him than it seems. Still, he has the ability to touch people and greatly impact them. In any case, he doesn’t go unnoticed and this charming side helps him a lot get what he wants because he’s convincing without being provocative. He’s like a magnet, people naturally come to him because of his friendliness, his charm, his pleasant company… But obviously, when you attract so much attention, you also attract a lot of jealous and envious people who want to tear you down, Sunwoo is no exception to the rule. Sometimes, he can become the mediator and tries to soften the blow whenever a problem is occurring. He will try to appease and arrange the situation. Whenever he feels lost, he gains strength thanks to all the admiration, the love and the praises he’s receiving, that’s the fuel to his body. He’s really connected to his senses and takes great delight in them.
✾ ᵛⁱᶜᵗⁱᵐ (ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᵐᵒᵒⁿ, ᵏⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵒᶠ ˢʷᵒʳᵈˢ ʳˣ
⇝ However, since he’s used to being complimented, he might feel unfairly attacked whenever he gets criticisms and doesn’t always question himself first. He might feel like he’s the victim of malevolent people whereas he makes mistakes like everyone. Or on the flip side, I can also see that he can be a lot more aggressive than we expect, he doesn’t let people walk all over him and will do anything in his power to do justice to what is important to him. He’s very determined and stubborn with the things he wants. He doesn’t wait passively for things to unfold, he’s a go-getter. It takes a lot for him to collapse or hurt his ego because he knows his worth and he’s self-assured. There’s definitely a reckless and daring side to him. You can’t influence him easily, he lives as he pleases. The fact that there’re so many reversed and shadow attributes in his cards makes me think that he’s a lot more rebellious and confrontational than he appears. He doesn’t always act according to what people are waiting from him, he just does what he wants. His image isn’t in concordance with what he thinks because he doesn’t want to shape into what others want from him, he takes things at his own pace and acts as he intends to. It’s important for him to convey his opinion or else he feels ignored and pushed aside. He always wants more, he isn’t content with very little in the sense that he strives for improvement and sets his standards higher and higher.
✾ ᵛᵃᵐᵖⁱʳᵉ (ˢʰᵃᵈᵒʷ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᵍʳᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʳⁱⁿᵉ, 2 ᵒᶠ ᵖᵉⁿᵗᵃᶜˡᵉˢ
⇝ All the negativity, jealousy, criticisms he may received feed him and make him stronger. His haters boost him to fight even harder. Whenever you attack his values or something he holds close to his heart, he will become indestructible and prove you wrong, he will show you that he’s stronger than you are. Instead of considering the negativity spreads by certain people as a weakness, he uses it to his advantage as a strength to move forward. While many people might act friendly around him, he can discern people’s real intentions and isn’t blinded by the way they present themselves. He kind of has a radar for hypocrites, you can’t fool him that easily. He may still remain nice with you, but it doesn’t mean you managed to get him on your side. Actually, there’s a certain duality to him: he has this soft, attracting and pleasing side but he can also be very enterprising, fierce and determined. It really depends on which situation he’s facing. But most of the time, he remains chill and dignified. There will be times where he will put on a brave face but if you get on his bad side, he won’t care anymore and he will let you know that you messed up. Overall, he doesn’t delude himself, he’s well-grounded and knows what his surroundings are waiting from him. Still, he also knows what he wants and he knows when it’s time to take action. And he won’t hesitate to chip in if he disagrees with a situation or a rule. This fortitude and perceptual side of him makes him powerful, and he knows how to use it. Don’t mess with Sunwoo super boy.
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Aaaaah I love this reading, that was really interesting!! It's no surprise for me since he's the one who caught my attention and got me interested into The Boyz!! And this last gif is the actual representation of his duality 🤠 Anyway, love this boy! 💜
- kkօմตííí ❁
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slightlymore · 4 years
the cave
fratboy!jeno x fem reader
Genre: One-shot | Smut | Haters (kinda) to lovers (kinda) | a little fluff
Words: 5.7K 
Warnings: rough and dirty, semi-public setting (car)
For my 🍓 anon ❤️
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It was late afternoon and you were in Jeno Lee’s car. 
Yes, that Jeno Lee. 
How did that happen and where were you going? You had no idea. 
Just a few minutes ago you were walking through the parking lot, fuming and wanting to fight him. You had a stupid presentation for a terrible class and not only you were paired with him but you also did the majority of the work alone since he was “busy”, and he didn’t even show up.
This was the time you would choke him. 
You heard the voices of his friends first, loud and obnoxious, then you saw him. Sprawled on the hood of his car, Jeno Lee was smiling with not one single worry in mind. You tightened your fists. 
The chatter slowly died as you approached them like a bolt, and Jeno sat up, putting one leg down and keeping the one up manspreading as if he was the king of the world. 
God, you hated him. 
“Why didn’t you come to class?” you hit his foot with yours. 
A chorus of voices reacted to that with loud “woo”s, laughing, hitting each other in the ribs like children. The only one with a poker face was Jeno himself as he looked down at his now slightly dusty shoe then slowly at your figure. 
You were standing there, arms crossed on your chest and furious eyes. When he reached them he smiled. 
“Why? You missed me, doll?” he asked instigating a new flood of giggles. 
You rolled your eyes. 
He wouldn’t be so snarky without his group of frat boys to shield his back. 
You looked at them one by one, with their matching leather jackets and their friendship bracelets, with their weird chants and intricate handshakes, and you really wanted to hate them. 
And you did. 
But it would be a lie to say that they weren’t also somewhat intriguing. 
You would follow them with your eyes as they walked around the college campus, untouchable but weirdly friendly with everyone. Thoughts about their secret meetings and discussion topics would roam your head at night, as well as thoughts about - well, Jeno, because you hated him - and the main thing everyone was curious about: the Cave. 
The Cave was a place, god knows what kind, where they would spend most of their time when not illegally racing with their flashy cars in the city or flirting with girls at some party. 
The Cave was almost a legend, talked by all students and even professors. No one really knew what they were doing there but the rumors were wild: they had a giant trampoline, they had a fighting ring, they did blood sacrifices. The boys never tried to make them die and you were almost sure that they secretly created some of them themselves. 
“I don’t think you’d be so carefree if I told Mark that you messed up with his car last week,” you said nonchalantly while lazily picking at your nails. 
The chatter died. You smiled satisfied.
No one knew anything about the Dreamies but somehow everyone was aware of their first three rules. 
1. No one besides the Dreamies can know the Cave’s location. 
2. No one besides the Dreamies can enter the Cave. 
3. No one can touch Mark’s car. 
This Mark guy was the Dreamies’ leader but took off a semester for some family business leaving Jeno in charge. They’ve been good for a while, following the rules and behaving as usual. It was not until last week that you accidentally - or not so accidentally - overheard them talk about their plans to use Mark’s car for that day’s race. 
“But we didn-”. One of the guys, Chenle?, started to talk but Jeno stopped him by lightly hitting his chest with the back of his hand before he could complete his sentence. 
Then with a fluid movement, almost like a cat, he descended from the hood, landing on his feet right in front of you. 
Your breath hitched and you definitely jolted. He was as close as to kiss you if only you raised your head to look at him. But you kept it low, staring at his throat instead, trying hard to not step back and look intimidated. 
Jeno wanted to look at you in the eyes though, and he did as he pleased, dragging one of his fingers along your jaw before placing it under your chin and lifting it up to meet his gaze. 
His eyes were dark as one has when aroused or angry. The sudden tingle in your stomach indicated that you secretly wanted for it to be the first case but as soon as Jeno spoke, you knew that it was the latter one instead. 
“I can recognize a threat when I hear one,” his deep voice said almost in a whisper. “What do you want?” he asked soon after. 
You gulped. 
Staring at him like that you realized you lost your voice and if only he let his hand fall down to your neck Jeno would know just how fast your pulse was. 
“T- take me to the Cave,” you sputtered out trying to sound confident but ending up stuttering. 
The boys starter to chat loudly again, surprised and shocked, trying to convince Jeno to not do it. 
“Listen, what’s worse? Breaking the third rule or the first one?” one voice asked, probably Jisung. 
“Why are we even having this conversation? Tell her how to behave like a good girl,” the only lazy and unbothered voice said, definitely Jaemin. 
While the others yelled Jeno’s expression didn’t shift. His eyes stared at you as if trying to read something deep inside yours and after a while you found yourself sweating. 
“So?” you spoke up. “What’s your decision?” you asked faking fearlessness. 
“Ok,” he simply replied letting your chin go and stepping back. 
Everyone yelled, even more, surrounding both of you. 
“Jeno, I swear, you’re fucking dumb sometimes,” Renjun said crossing his arms on his chest. 
“Sometimes?” Haechan raised one eyebrow, amused. The boy hopped off the hood as well and smiled at you. 
“Let him do it,” he added getting closer and walking around your body until stopping behind you. 
“But...” Haechan placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned in as if wanting to whisper in your ear, “...we’re going to break only the second rule,” he added and from the tone of his voice, you could tell that he was smirking. 
Jeno, still standing in front of you, smiled as well looking at whatever expression Haechan was making. 
This was not a good sign. 
“Hop in the car, doll,” Jeno suddenly ordered, and before you could make a step Haechan was already pushing you towards the passenger’s seat while Jeno opened the door of the driver’s side. 
You looked at everyone’s expressions and by now, they were all smiling knowingly as if the message from before passed to their minds telepathically. Was this also a Dreamies thing?
Sitting down, Haechan put in the seatbelt for you. 
“Safety first, love, remember it,” he winked and in a second the door was closed and you were on the road.  ______
You’ve been driving in silence for a few minutes. The car was warm from being under the sun the whole day but the air conditioning kicking it gave relief to your hot cheeks. You’ve never been in a guy’s car before and you’ve never been alone with Jeno Lee. You dared him to take you to the Cave but you didn’t think he’d accept. You’ll go there and see it, then what? 
You shivered, feeling uneasy. 
Jeno was looking straight ahead and you weren’t able to decipher his expression. With the corner of your eyes, you kept on staring at his profile then quickly glancing at his hand placed on top of the wheel, then even quicker as if not letting even yourself notice it, at his thighs. 
Oh God. 
You looked away. 
You gulped down and breathed in and out to calm your nerves. 
Fuck, his car smells just like him. 
You closed your eyes annoyed. 
“Seriously, why didn’t you come to class today? I had to do the presentation all alone,” you said suddenly, hoping that talking with him would prevent your mind from roaming to dangerous places. 
“I wanted to make you angry,” he replied with a little smile. 
Your head snapped towards him. 
“And are you satisfied now?” you asked irritated. 
“I am very satisfied,” he glanced at you for a split second but it was enough for you to see his flirty eyes. 
You opened your mouth to continue with the bickering when he suddenly pulled over to the side and turned his whole body towards you. 
You felt your eyes widen and you looked outside the window. 
The Cave. 
“Is this it?” you asked gazing the anonymous buildings running along the street. But then you felt his body getting closer and the first thing you thought about was worrying that your breath wasn’t fresh enough for him to kiss you. 
You turned your head towards him and placing a hand on his chest you stopped him, embarrassed. He looked up surprised. 
“I’m-” you stuttered trying to say something, unable to look at him in the eyes. 
He chuckled and placed a hand on top of yours, caressing it for a second, pressing it on his body - and those were definitely some hard pecs - before forcing it down on your thigh. 
“I need to get-” he said leaning towards you again and moving your legs by touching your bare knees, “-this,” he finished the sentence as he opened the compartment in front of you and retrieving a black scarf. 
You jolted at his touch and jolted again when he straightened his back, getting behind the wheel and making you feel the soft material on your skin in the movement. 
“I would never kiss you without you asking me, doll,” he smiled seeing your embarrassed expression. 
“What?” you asked as a reflex, the hope of him not noticing that, vanishing. 
“I said,” he repeated slowly, “I would never kiss-”.
“I heard what you said,” you interrupted him.  “I meant, why do you think that-,” you went on with your question but Jeno talked on top of you as well. 
“Because I can see it”. 
Your words died in your throat. He was staring as if ready to eat you all up, with those eyes of his and that fucking smirk. 
“Well, it’s not true,” you finally replied then you cleared your throat. “What are we doing? Is this the place?” you added trying to deviate the discourse from kissing, looking around you, but Jeno didn’t budge.
“Tell me again”. 
The silence became the protagonist for a moment after he said that and air got suddenly warm and thick.
“What do you want me to say?” you asked. Your voice, previously high, imitated his tone.
“Tell me that you don’t want me to kiss you,” he explained. 
“I said it already”.
Jeno placed one arm around your seat and leaned in again, this time close to your ear. 
“Tell me ‘Jeno, I don’t want you to slowly taste my lips then grab my sides as I whine into the kiss from wanting more and I don’t want you to slide your tongue into my mouth as I climb into your lap and sit on those thighs that I definitely didn’t stare at the whole drive while your hands fall down to my ass and press me down hard as I start to grind-’”.
You kissed him. 
Just like that. 
You pressed your lips on his and you liked the way his breath hitched for a split second. 
He was teasing you and you hated him so much that you had to do it. Because he was irritating and mighty and obnoxious and you hated him. You would look at his long legs under the class desk or at his back, you would look at his hands twirling the pen on his long fingers, you would hear his laugh on the university corridors, you would look at his bare arms as he played basketball, and you hated him. 
So fucking much. 
But then the kiss didn’t go into the direction you hoped it would go. 
He broke it off after a little while making it more like a longer peck rather than kiss. 
You looked up at his face surprised and flustered. 
“Put this on your eyes,” he gave you the scarf. You looked down at it confused. 
Uhm? Hello? We were kissing. 
“I’ll show you the cave but you can’t know where that is,” he explained. 
You looked up at him again. 
Okay, but what does that have to do with you kissing? Was he playing? He just wanted to see you all worked up for nothing just like he wanted to see you angry? 
Yes, you hated him. 
You slid the material from his hands in a single movement, trying hard to not let him know how embarrassed you were from trying to kiss him while he refused. 
You stared him down daringly while bringing the scarf to your face and knotting it behind your head. 
“Is this alright?” you asked irritated mostly because you were feeling embarrassed out of your fucking mind and acting angry was better than letting him know just how weak that peck made you.
But Jeno didn’t reply. The only sounds were your breaths, yours - quicker and sharper, his - deep and relaxed. 
"Jeno? Are we goin-" but he shut you up by brushing his lips with your again instead, this time wrapping your jaw with his hand and placing the other one on your side, touching the bare skin on your lower stomach that the t-shirt revealed. 
You whined surprised putting your hands on his chest and whined again as you felt his velvety tongue on your bottom lip, nudging at it for you to open up, and you did, letting him slide inside, playing with your tongue. 
Fuck, you were kissing Jeno Lee. 
His fingers caressed the side of your face before letting them fall down to your shoulder and down even more. Wrapping your waist with his arm he pulled you closer and you let out a little yelp as you let yourself be dragged towards him. 
You sat down on his thighs and unable to see, you brought your hands up to feel his lips, caressing his neck and face in the process. 
You heard him chuckle as his hands went up and down on your back, sending shivers all over your spine. All of your other senses got sharper and your skin shivered under his touch, your ears picked up the notes of his voice, you breathed in his perfume feeling dizzy. 
When you finally reached his lips you couldn’t do anything but lightly moan as your finger got wrapped by their softness, sucked in, and played with. 
“Jeno,” your voice trembled surprised. He hummed back as a reply. 
You let him circle it with his tongue then kitty lick the tip and you were almost ready to deadass ask him to eat you out just like that when the car made a weird noise and you fell on his chest with a high pitched scream. 
“Jeno! Don’t recline your seat so suddenly,” you whined, sensing what just happened. 
Jeno chuckled on your lips and wrapped his arms around your body before kissing them again. 
“Say my name again just like that, doll,” he whispered. 
Your knees got weak. 
You were panting, adrenaline kicking in making your limbs trembling. His presence was so strong, overwhelming you. You were sitting on Jeno Lee's hard cock while he was making out with you and suddenly you remembered that you were supposed to hate him. 
Whining as he bit your lower lip and as his hands palmed your ass cheeks you broke off the kiss just enough for you to whisper. 
“Give me a reason to call your name like that,” you replied feeling brave, like a challenge. You wanted him to feel weak and hopeless in front of you as well. You wanted him to whine and moan as you made him feel good. 
But you regretted it the same second as the last syllable left your lips when Jeno’s fingers draped your stomach and got underneath the fabric of your jeans. 
“Jeno!” you shifted your body surprised. “Wait-” 
Jeno’s fingers stopped right on top of your clit. You moaned softly under your breath and hid your face in the crook of his neck at the sensation. 
No, no, this was no good. You had to stop. 
"Fuck, oh fuck, wait-" you mumbled. 
“Doll,” he chuckled, “you have to let my hand go if you want us to stop,” he added. 
You gulped realizing that his hand was trapped under your body weight and you tried to collect all the force you had to lift yourself up and just stop whatever he wanted to do to you. 
But your hips just started to move on their own and you whined fighting with yourself. 
Jeno chuckled again and nibbled at your neck. 
“Doll,” he warned you still keeping his hand still, “you said you didn’t want this,” he added as you rocked on his fingers slowly. 
“Shut up, I want this but you make me so angry so I hate that I want this,” you breathed into his ear. 
“Oh, so you hate me?” he grabbed your hips with the other hand stopping your motion while the other started to circle your clit slowly, getting in charge of the action. You buried your face into his neck even more to muffle the sounds you were starting to make. 
Fuck it felt so good. 
“Yes,” you replied. 
“Because I make you angry?” 
“Y-yes," your voice trembled. 
“Do you get this wet every time someone makes you angry?” he nudged with his nose at the side of your face before placing a kiss there. 
“No, it happens only with you-” you whined stretching the last word in a high moan as Jeno slid one finger inside of you with a soft groan. 
You had no idea why you were so honest with him. You dreamed about that situation happening so many times but you had no idea how good you would feel by having your body pressed on his, one hand caressing you while the other pumping slowly inside, touching places you didn't know could make you feel so dizzy. 
“You get so worked up that you want me to fuck you? Huh? Perhaps I should have taken you right when you came up angrily at me, in front of everyone,” he said and you moaned as a reply, not stopping your mind from imagining all of that, you bent over the hood of his car, Jeno thrusting inside of you-
“Oh, you like that? You want everyone to watch?” he added a second finger as he felt you clenching, making your whole body shudder on top of him. 
You nodded and he let out the air through his teeth, picking up the pace and ending up rubbing himself in the process as well. 
He pumped hard inside of you, letting his other hand rise under your t-shirt and palm your breasts on top of your bralette. He definitely liked the thin material of that as a second soft groan escaped his lips while rolling one of your nipples with two fingers. When he pinched it and sat up to reach it with his teeth you let your head fall back and intertwined your fingers in his hair. He pulled your bra down and sucked on your nipples, biting down, then sucked on the skin above that, then on your soft neck. 
“Jeno- I’m about - I’m - I think - fuck,” you stuttered about to cum but you probably shouldn’t have said that as he retrieved his fingers from you in the same moment. 
You gasped about to whine for edging you like that but you didn’t manage to as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth. You sucked on them, tasting your own arousal. 
“Get back to your seat,” he ordered. 
“Jeno-,” you lifted your hands to your face as to remove the scarf from your eyes but he stopped you by grabbing your wrists. 
“Be a good girl and maybe I’ll make you cum.”
“You wanted to see the Cave, now you’ll going to see it.”
In a second your ass touched your own seat and the engine of the car rumbled indicated that Jeno started to drive. You still couldn’t see but you were sure that you were going very fast. 
“If you touch yourself I’m going to spank you,” he warned you seeing one of your hands glide between your legs. You were so close before that your mind was all foggy. You didn’t stop at his words and let out the dirtiest moans instead fingering yourself on the passenger seat. 
“Perhaps I would like that,” you replied breathlessly. 
Jeno swore quietly and you would have loved to see his expression. 
“Doll, stop or I’m going to lose control of the wheel.” His voice was low and threatening. 
“Then stop driving and fuck me,” you replied, and right at that moment, the wheels screeched and you heard Jeno getting out of the car slamming the door. 
You were breathing so heavily from edging yourself for the second time and for the excitement of what was about to happen. 
You jolted as your door got opened and your wrist grabbed by his strong fingers. Jeno dragged you out of the car and made you walk hurriedly into a certain direction. As a door creaked after the sound of keys and the air suddenly changed - leather and men - you knew you were entering the Cave. 
You walked a few steps on what seemed concrete then the sound of your shoes got muffled as you stepped on something resembling a rug. Jeno pushed you towards what seemed like a couch, your face met a leathery surface, your jeans got dragged down and your ass got spanked, all in a second. 
“Here you go, doll,” he groaned after the second slap making you jolt. "Do you like this? Hm?" 
You clenched your jaw and you felt your core dripping. 
After the third slap, his hand wrapped your ass, kneading the softness of it and his fingers slid inside of you again. This time he didn’t play, and finger fucked you the way you wanted. You whined, the new angle making your whole body quiver. You felt exposed, unable to see and it was an assault on all of your nerves. 
Your toes curled just like his fingers did inside of you and he drove you insane until your body trembled and your throat hurt from moaning his name, coming all over his fingers. 
Trying hard to catch your breath and come down from your high you whined when Jeno suddenly took the scarf from your eyes. You narrowed them, hurt by the sudden exposure to light, and tried to focus on what was around you but didn’t manage to see anything as Jeno made your turn around and sit down,  coming up in front of you, hands slowly unbuttoning his jeans. 
You sat upright, looking at his face first, showing how fucked up you were, then at his fingers as they dragged his boxers down and wrapped his hard cock. Jeno let out a relieved moan, stroking it slowly for a few seconds then with the other hand he cupped your face. You opened your mouth, staring at him and letting your tongue out. 
"Fuck," he swore through his teeth as he made his cock bounce on your tongue a few times, hitting it lightly. You let him do that then licked the tip, slowly and delicately, teasing him. He hissed, breathing sharply through his teeth. 
"I've always wanted to see you like this," he said, caressing your cheek with his thumb as you had his cock like a lollipop. “Teary-eyed, fucked dumb, sucking me off,” he added caressing your skin. 
You whimpered and took him in as much as you could, giving him a deep suck and he reacted just the way that you wanted, eyes closed, head fallen back, a low moan escaping his lips. 
You went on fast, wanting to drive him insane just like what he was doing to you. 
"Slower, doll," he breathed out and seeing him like that, with hooded eyes, you knew that you could break him if you wanted. 
Or so you thought. 
Because after you ignored his order again he yanked your face away and grabbing your wrists he made you stand in front of him before turning you around. Your bare ass was against his cock and his arms wrapped you tight, bending you down until your hands reached the couch arm and you pressed your fingers into it to sustain yourself. 
"I said," his dangerous voice sending shots of adrenaline through your body, "to slow down. If you're so eager I'm going to fuck you on my terms," he slapped your ass again and you felt your back snap as a response. 
Jeno dug his fingers into your flesh and slowly slipped his cock between your thighs, right below your dripping pussy but without touching it. He groaned and held your waist, thrusting slowly, fucking himself. 
You whined clenching.
"Jeno," you begged him. 
"You want my cock?" he groaned and you nodded. 
"You should have been a good girl and I might have let you bounce on it," he added, accompanying his words with another slap on your ass. You moaned again feeling him so close yet without giving you any friction and you shifted your body to grind on it but his fingers kept you in place. 
"Stay put doll," he warned with a low voice. You ignored him again and slid one hand on your stomach, directing it towards your clit, aching for release. 
Jeno growled and grabbed your arms, making you hit your face on the soft couch not being able to sustain yourself anymore. He held your wrists with one hand and put them behind your back, his hips never finishing chasing his high, rubbing his cock between the soft skin of your thigh, and - fuck - it was so hot, it was driving you insane. You were feeling it, hot and thick, and looking down, you could see how the tip of it would poke out, wet thanks to your dripping pussy above it. 
"Jeno, I hate you," you whimpered. "I want to cum." 
"I don't think you hate me, doll," he chuckled with a short breath. 
"I do," you replied tightening your legs around him and making Jeno moan deeply for the first time.
He grabbed your ass and in a second he was on his knees. You shivered in anticipation as his fingers caressed your lips, opening them up and licking a long stripe along your core. Your lips parted in a silent moan.
"You still hate me?" he asked and his breath on your plump pussy made you shudder. 
"Yes," you replied with a muffled voice as you were pressing it on the couch. 
Jeno clicked his tongue as if disappointed and suddenly buried his face into you, eating you out just the way he sucked on your finger before. 
You were fucking gone. 
The moans you let out were the dirtiest you've ever made and the wet sounds of your arousal mixed with Jeno's saliva made you light-headed. 
"I love it, yes, fuck, I love it, Jeno, Jeno-" you cried out, your hands gripping the couch until your knuckles got lighter from effort. 
You came a second time, trembling hard, and Jeno didn't stop. He fucked you with his tongue through your orgasm, making you jolt, making you scream, then he got up leaving you a second to breathe, too short for you to get down from your high. 
You wanted to look back, to see his face but he grabbed your arms again, pushing your body into the couch, filling you all up with his cock until his balls hit the back of your thighs. 
You cried out, almost sobbing. 
His thrusts were deep and quick loading the air of your moans and his grunts. Your whole body was bouncing and the side of your face was rubbing on the rough leather of the couch. 
"Do you hate me, doll?" he groaned, moving his hips in short and controlled hits. 
"I don't," you replied weakly, all force leaving your body. 
He hummed pleased and slowed down with a deep rumble of his throat making you feel every inch of his cock. 
"You've been frustrated for a long time, right, doll? You wanted my cock so badly, didn't you?"
You nodded. "Yes, yes, please" you wailed. 
"Is this why you wanted to come to the Cave? To beg me to fuck you?" 
Your body shivered, aching for him to go faster. 
"Yes," you breathed out. "Fuck me harder, please". 
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot,” Jeno mumbled. 
He yanked you by the arms, lifting your torso again and holding your wrists with one hand he wrapped the other around your throat. You moaned as he picked up the pace, finally letting himself go, messily thrusting into you. 
You screamed as you reached your third orgasm, this one even stronger than the others and your voice got accompanied by Jeno's groan as he released into you as well. 
You were on the verge of passing out when he pulled out slowly, limbs weak and blood boiling. 
He let go of your arms gently and you sunk into the couch on your stomach, breathing heavily.
Jeno was panting as well as he sat down beside you, letting his head fall back to catch his breath. 
You both rested, with closed eyes until you were able to raise your head and look at him. 
"I didn't notice you were wearing a condom," you said with a hoarse voice and Jeno opened up his eyes to look back. 
"Of course I would wear a condom, you silly," he replied quietly. His voice was tired and soft while his hand approached your head to caress your hair slowly. Then it went to your swollen and abused lips, touching them delicately. 
You felt your cheeks heat up. 
Both empty and burnt-out, you suddenly felt embarrassed for everything you've said before. Also, you've never seen Jeno like that, with no smirk on and without flirting. Your heart fluttered seeing him with rosy cheeks and feeling his fingers play with your hair like that. 
"Well, I-" you started but got embarrassed even harder trying to get up, unsure of what to do next. 
He smiled and pulled you closer to make you rest your head on his lap, then leaning down he pressed his lips on yours. 
"Why? You wanted me to fill you all up with my cum?" he whispered and you froze for a second before lightly hitting his chest. He chuckled at your reaction. 
Yeah, you still kinda hated him and no, he wasn't soft at all. 
Jeno was about to open his mouth to say something snarky again when the sound of multiple cars made you both look towards the door. 
"Must be the others," he just said unbothered. 
"Fuck," you sat up in a hurry and grabbed your jeans. 
Your legs were all wobbly as you tried to get dressed before the boys entered the cave. Looking at Jeno you rolled your eyes. 
"Hurry up!" you ordered and he chuckled again, lazily buttoning his pants. 
The sound of the Dreamies' voices made you turn around your head. Your heart was pumping blood at a crazy speed. 
"Knock knock, may we come in?" Renjun asked amused. 
You sat down beside Jeno as he replied that yes, they may, and tried hard to stop yourself from panting. 
The boys entered laughing and looking around curiously. 
"Everything alright?" Haechan asked with a smirk. 
You acted nonchalantly. "Yes". Your voice came out too high pitched for it to be considered casual though. 
Haechan raised his eyebrows once at you then looked at Jeno. You jerked you face to Jeno to see his expression, afraid that he would give everything away, but whatever face he made it was already gone as he looked at you as well with an innocent face. But Haechan was satisfied since he chuckled. 
"I hope that seeing the cave was a nice experience," Jaemin sat down on the couch beside you. 
"Oh yes, I had a good time," you replied, suddenly unable to carry on a normal conversation. 
The others spread around the room and you looked around, finally being able to see what the Cave was even about. A garage, full of the weirdest things such as expensive motorcycles and arcade games, but also normal stuff, a low table, chairs, food, empty bottles of beer, a fridge, a guitar, drums, blankets, videogames. No trampoline, no blood. 
You had to admit, you were a little disappointed but it was definitely a cozy place. 
You were about to relax, listening to the boy’s chatter as the conversation went away from you when Jaemin looked down near his foot, keeping it up a few centimetres from the ground as if not wanting to step on something. 
"Oh, I bet you had a good time," he commented amusedly. 
You looked down as well and you felt your world collapse as you noticed the used condom. Haechan turned around and laughed at the scene. 
"I'm glad you took my advice," he joked. 
Everyone giggled. 
You sat up, dying from the embarrassment and mumbled that you had to go. You made a few steps as everyone tried to stop you. 
"Y/N, wait," Jaemin spoke up. You turned around. 
"You forgot these," he smiled with your panties draped on one of his fingers. 
Your eyes widened and in a second you yanked them from his hands. Jeno had the courtesy of looking embarrassed as well. 
"Oh, they're still damp," Jaemin commented rubbing his index and thumb together. 
"Shut up!" you said putting them away from their eyes. 
Jeno chuckled and got up. "Leave her alone Jaemin," he straightened his pants and walked towards you. "Wait, I'll drive you," he said to you. 
"I don't need you. I can go home alone," you crossed your arms on your chest. 
Jeno's smile didn't flatter and he took your hand, pulling you towards him. 
"This act is useless now. I know you don't hate me, doll. On the contrary," he whispered on your temple before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Fuck it. 
You bit your lower lip and let him wrap your shoulders, walking towards the door showered by the Dreamies' cheers. 
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Hello! I love your blog. Your meta about women in Jon’s life and Lyanna was so good. Antis always try to ignore the Sansa and Lyanna parallels which is absurd because her story is so similar with Sansa’s... I guess they want to ignore those because they don’t want Sansa to be destined with a Targaryen prince (aka jonsa 🤭). So thanks for pointing them out. Are you planning to write a meta just about Sansa and Lyanna? It would be a good guide for our jonsa arguments. Have a nice day.
Hello Anon,
Thanks for your words.  
Antis and haters gonna oppose and hate. That’s their thing. They questioned and denied every parallel that Lyanna and Sansa actually share, and proceed to attack anyone who dare to say they share those parallels.  What’s knew about that?
Lyanna and Arya parallels are textual evident, they are easily spotted but they could be easily questioned as well, especially because most of the statements about Lyanna came from Ned, and he is not only an unreliable narrator, but his memories of Lyanna are embellished by love and trauma.  If you contrast what Ned said about Lyanna with other sources, not so biased, Ned’s statements about her don’t look so evident and solid anymore.      
Anyway, do you want me to talk more about Lyanna and Sansa parallels?  Here you go: 
Original Outline 
The wolf-blood
She-Wolves of Winterfell
Inner Strength
Sword & Armor
Knights protect the innocent
Singers & Songs
The Rose of Winterfell
Blue Winter Roses
Knights & Queens of Love and Beauty
Failed betrothal to a Baratheon
Pleading Ned to protect part of themselves
Targaryen Imagery
Dead before their time
Ladies of Winterfell
Original Outline & ASOIAF:
Sansa in the Original Outline:
‘Original Outline Sansa’ was very similar to Lyanna Stark.
Each of the contending families will learn it has a member of dubious loyalty in its midst. Sansa Stark, wed to Joffrey Baratheon, will bear him a son, the heir to the throne, and when the crunch comes she will choose her husband and child over her parents and siblings, a choice she will later bitterly rue.   (...) Jaime Lannister will follow Joffrey on the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, by the simple expedient of killing everyone ahead of him in the line of succession and blaming his brother Tyrion for the murders.
As you can see, the ‘Original Outline Sansa’ shares parallels with Lyanna Stark and Elia Martel: 
Romantically involved with the King/Heir of the Iron Throne
Mothers of their sons
Dead while protecting their children
Unwillingly caused the death of family members
Tagged as members of dubious loyalty to their paternal families
Regretted their doomed romances 
But ¿How marrying the heir of the Iron Throne/King of the 7K is supposed to be an act of dubious loyalty?  GRRM has stated that in high nobility there is no marriage without the Lord Father of the bride’s blessing.  Furthermore, from the wedding the bride belongs to her husband’s house, that’s all the fuzz with the cloaking ceremony, going from the maiden’s cloak to your husband’s cloak.  You left your paternal house to belong with your husbands house.  Sansa’s loyalty was with her husband, and more important, Sansa’s love and loyalty was with her baby boy.  So, how choosing his baby over her paternal house could be seem as an act of dubious loyalty then?  And even if she wanted to come back to her paternal family, does she really get a chance without the risk of being captured, separated from her baby, accused of treason and executed, leaving her baby boy motherless?      
But according to the Original Outline, there was an enmity between Starks and Lannisters.  So, or Joffrey abducted Sansa, or Sansa eloped to marry Joffrey.  How very Shakespearean!  Romeo and Juliet all over again.  Or even better, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark all over again.  
It is also implied by the fandom that this ‘Original Outline Sansa’ dies because the outline says that Jaime dethrones and kills Joffrey and “everyone ahead of him in the line of succession” (Sansa’s baby).  Well, Sansa was not in the line of succession, but it’s probable that Jaime had to kill her to get to her baby boy, which reminds me of Elia Martell and her babies’ tragic deaths.
Sansa in Asoiaf:
Asoiaf Sansa never married Joffrey, never bore him a son, and she’s still alive.  But she still shares a lot of similarities with her aunt Lyanna. 
Both Lyanna and Sansa got infatuated by silver/golden princes, Rhaegar Targaryen and Joffrey Baratheon, and because of those romantic relationships, they unintentionally played a part in the deaths of their fathers and older brothers, Rickard and Brandon, and Ned and Robb. Later, both of them ended trapped in towers regretting their doomed romances.
According to GRRM, Asoiaf Sansa played a part in her father Ned Stark’s death. But I would say that Sansa’s fault lays more in trusting the wrong people than betraying Ned. The act of betrayal requires willful intent, and Sansa never wanted to betray her father.  And we can say the same about Lyanna, she trusted Rhaegar over her family, ran away from her approved betrothal, lived a forbidden romance, and died after giving birth a son to her silver prince.       
Sansa and Lyanna commit the same actions, but Lyanna gets more sympathy from the readers than Sansa, who is still considered a member of dubious loyalty or plainly a traitor to the Starks.  
Also, as it was pointed out before, “Rickard Stark and Catelyn Stark both saw their firstborn sons murdered in front of them, while convinced that their daughters were far away being raped and abused by cruel princes, and then were brutally murdered themselves”.
Both Lyanna and Sansa are considered beautiful, but in different ways.
While Lyanna had a wild beauty:
“She [Lyanna] was,” Eddard Stark agreed, “beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.” —AGOT - Arya II
Lyanna had only been sixteen, a child-woman of surpassing loveliness. Ned had loved her with all his heart. Robert had loved her even more. She was to have been his bride. —AGOT - Eddard I
"You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert,” Ned told him. “You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath”. —AGOT - Eddard VII
“The maid’s a fair one,” Osha said. —AGOT - Bran VII
The northern girl had a wild beauty, as he [Kevan] recalled. —ADWD - Epilogue
The crowning of the Stark girl, who was by all reports a wild and boyish young thing with none of the Princess Elia's delicate beauty, could only have been meant to win the allegiance of Winterfell to Prince Rhaegar's cause, Symond Staunton suggested to the king. —The World of Ice and Fire - The Fall of the Dragons: The Year of the False Spring
Sansa possesses a traditional beauty:
Sansa’s needlework was exquisite. Everyone said so. “Sansa’s work is as pretty as she is”, Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. —AGOT - Arya I
Sansa had the grace to blush. She blushed prettily. She did everything prettily. —AGOT - Arya I
Worse, she was beautiful. Sansa had gotten their mother’s fine high cheekbones and the thick auburn hair of the Tullys. —AGOT - Arya I
“I [Ser Cleos Frey] saw Sansa at the court, the day Tyrion told me his terms. She looked most beautiful, my lady. Perhaps a, a bit wan. Drawn, as it were.” —ACOK - Catelyn VI
Men would say she had my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was. —ACOK - Catelyn VII
“You are very beautiful, my lady,” the seamstress said when she was dressed.  —ASOS - Sansa III
Ser Kevan told her she was beautiful, Jalabhar Xho said something she did not understand in the Summer Tongue, and Lord Redwyne wished her many fat children and long years of joy. —ASOS - Sansa III
“Ser Ossifer speaks truly, you are the most beautiful maid in all the Seven Kingdoms.” —TWOW - Alayne I
“Had we known such beauty awaited us at the Gates, we would have flown,” Ser Roland said. Though his words were addressed to Myranda Royce, he smiled at Alayne as he said them. —TWOW - Alayne I
The wolf-blood:
"Ah, Arya. You have a wildness in you, child. 'The wolf blood,' my father used to call it. Lyanna had a touch of it, and my brother Brandon more than a touch. It brought them both to an early grave." Arya heard sadness in his voice; he did not often speak of his father, or of the brother and sister who had died before she was born. "Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. You even look like her."
"Lyanna was beautiful," Arya said, startled. Everybody said so. It was not a thing that was ever said of Arya.
“She was,” Eddard Stark agreed, “beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.” 
—AGOT - Arya II
“I’ve never seen an aurochs,” Sansa said, feeding a piece of bacon to Lady under the table. The direwolf took it from her hand, as delicate as a queen. Septa Mordane sniffed in disapproval. “A noble lady does not feed dogs at her table,” she said, breaking off another piece of comb and letting the honey drip down onto her bread. “She’s not a dog, she’s a direwolf,” Sansa pointed out as Lady licked her fingers with a rough tongue. “Anyway, Father said we could keep them with us if we want.” The septa was not appeased. “You’re a good girl, Sansa, but I do vow, when it comes to that creature you’re as willful as your sister Arya.” She scowled. “And where is Arya this morning?" 
—AGOT - Sansa I
"It won’t be so bad, Sansa,” Arya said. “We’re going to sail on a galley. It will be an adventure, and then we’ll be with Bran and Robb again, and Old Nan and Hodor and the rest.” She touched her on the arm. “Hodor!” Sansa yelled. “You ought to marry Hodor, you’re just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!” She wrenched away from her sister’s hand, stormed into her bedchamber, and barred the door behind her. 
—AGOT - Sansa III
Jeyne yawned. “Are there any lemon cakes?” Sansa did not like being interrupted, but she had to admit, lemon cakes sounded more interesting than most of what had gone on in the throne room. “Let’s see,” she said. The kitchen yielded no lemon cakes, but they did find half of a cold strawberry pie, and that was almost as good. They ate it on the tower steps, giggling and gossiping and sharing secrets, and Sansa went to bed that night feeling almost as wicked as Arya. 
—AGOT - Sansa III
After my name day feast, I’m going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That’s what I’ll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother’s head.“ A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head.” 
—AGOT - Sansa VI
She-Wolves of Winterfell:
Lyanna is literally the she-wolf in the tale of “The Knight of the Laughing Tree”: 
But then they heard a roar. 'That's my father's man you're kicking,' howled the she-wolf."
"A wolf on four legs, or two?"
"Two," said Meera.
—ASOS - Bran II
Sansa went from a “wolf girl” to the she-wolf that killed a king:
He smiled at her. "Now, wolf girl, if you can put a name to me as well, then I must concede that you are truly our Hand’s daughter.” 
—AGOT - Sansa I
“I forgot, you’ve been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell’s daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head.” 
“May the Father judge him justly,” murmured a septon. “The dwarf’s wife did the murder with him,” swore an archer in Lord Rowan’s livery. “Afterward, she vanished from the hall in a puff of brimstone, and a ghostly direwolf was seen prowling the Red Keep, blood dripping from his jaws.” 
—ASOS - Jaime VII
“Your Grace has forgotten the Lady Sansa,” said Pycelle. The queen bristled. “I most certainly have not forgotten that little she-wolf.” She refused to say the girl’s name. “I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son. 
—AFFC - Cersei IV
What a kick-ass reputation: Sansa, the she-wolf that killed King Joffrey!
Inner Strength:  
"You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert,” Ned told him. “You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath”. —AGOT - Eddard VII
My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel. —ASOS - Sansa V
Sansa lost her direwolf Lady, and with her, the possibility to develop her abilities as a warg.  But GRRM has still made Sansa an skinchanger through poetry.  Her skin has changed to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.
Sword & Armor
While Lyanna might have carried a sword, Sansa Stark is a lady armored in courtesy and she polishes her armor with her wits.  As Tyrion Lannister said: 
My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind … and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." Tyrion tapped the leather cover of the book. "That's why I read so much, Jon Snow."
—AGOT - Tyrion II
Lyanna might have carried a sword, if my lord father had allowed it. You remind me of her sometimes. 
—AGOT - Arya II
Sansa felt that she ought to say something. What was it that Septa Mordane used to tell her? A lady’s armor is courtesy, that was it. She donned her armor and said, “I’m sorry my lady mother took you captive, my lord.”
—ACOK - Sansa I
Courtesy is a lady’s armor. You must not offend them, be careful what you say. “I do not know Ser Willas. I have never had the pleasure, my lady. Is he … is he as great a knight as his brothers?”
—ASOS - Sansa I
“Gods have mercy.” The dwarf took another swallow of wine. “Well, talk won’t make you older. Shall we get on with this, my lady? If it please you?” “It will please me to please my lord husband.” That seemed to anger him. “You hide behind courtesy as if it were a castle wall.” “Courtesy is a lady’s armor,” Sansa said. Her septa had always told her that. “I am your husband. You can take off your armor now.” “And my clothing?” “That too.” He waved his wine cup at her. “My lord father has commanded me to consummate this marriage.”
—ASOS - Sansa III
He wanted to reach her, to break through the armor of her courtesy. Was that what made him speak? Or just the need to distract himself from the fullness in his bladder?
Perhaps that would please Sansa. Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. It made him weary. Then and now.
—ASOS - Tyrion VIII
Ser Harrold looked down at her coldly. “Why should it please me to be escorted anywhere by Littlefinger’s bastard?”
A lady’s armor is her courtesy. Alayne could feel the blood rushing to her face. No tears, she prayed. Please, please, I must not cry. “As you wish, ser. And now if you will excuse me, Littlefinger’s bastard must find her lord father and let him know that you have come, so we can begin the tourney on the morrow.” And may your horse stumble, Harry the Heir, so you fall on your stupid head in your first tilt. She showed the Waynwoods a stone face as they blurted out awkward apologies for their companion. When they were done she turned and fled.
—TWOW - Alayne I
Knights protect the innocent:
Lyanna, as herself and as “The Knight of the Laughing Tree”, defended Howland Reed, a bannerman of House Stark:
“None offered a name, but he marked their faces well so he could revenge himself upon them later. They shoved him down every time he tried to rise, and kicked him when he curled up on the ground. But then they heard a roar. ‘That’s my father’s man you’re kicking,’ howled the she-wolf.” “A wolf on four legs, or two?” “Two,” said Meera. “The she-wolf laid into the squires with a tourney sword, scattering them all. The crannogman was bruised and bloodied, so she took him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen. There he met her pack brothers: the wild wolf who led them, the quiet wolf beside him, and the pup who was youngest of the four.
“Whoever he was, the old gods gave strength to his arm. The porcupine knight fell first, then the pitchfork knight, and lastly the knight of the two towers. None were well loved, so the common folk cheered lustily for the Knight of the Laughing Tree, as the new champion soon was called.” 
—ASOS - Bran II
Sansa, as a lady armored with her courtesy and wits, defended and saved Dontos Hollard’s life, a defenestrated knight turned fool:  
The king stood. “A cask from the cellars! I’ll see him drowned in it.” Sansa heard herself gasp. “No, you can’t.” Joffrey turned his head. “What did you say?” Sansa could not believe she had spoken. Was she mad? To tell him no in front of half the court? She hadn’t meant to say anything, only … Ser Dontos was drunk and silly and useless, but he meant no harm. “Did you say I can’t? Did you?” “Please,” Sansa said, “I only meant … it would be ill luck, Your Grace … to, to kill a man on your name day.” “You’re lying,” Joffrey said. “I ought to drown you with him, if you care for him so much.” “I don’t care for him, Your Grace.” The words tumbled out desperately. “Drown him or have his head off, only … kill him on the morrow, if you like, but please … not today, not on your name day. I couldn’t bear for you to have ill luck … terrible luck, even for kings, the singers all say so …” Joffrey scowled. He knew she was lying, she could see it. He would make her bleed for this. “The girl speaks truly,” the Hound rasped. “What a man sows on his name day, he reaps throughout the year.” His voice was flat, as if he did not care a whit whether the king believed him or no. Could it be true? Sansa had not known. It was just something she’d said, desperate to avoid punishment. Unhappy, Joffrey shifted in his seat and flicked his fingers at Ser Dontos. “Take him away. I’ll have him killed on the morrow, the fool.” “He is,” Sansa said. “A fool. You’re so clever, to see it. He’s better fitted to be a fool than a knight, isn’t he? You ought to dress him in motley and make him clown for you. He doesn’t deserve the mercy of a quick death.” The king studied her a moment. “Perhaps you’re not so stupid as Mother says.” He raised his voice. “Did you hear my lady, Dontos? From this day on, you’re my new fool. You can sleep with Moon Boy and dress in motley." 
—ACOK - Sansa I
Singers & Songs:
Lyanna and Sansa are linked with singers and romantic songs.  
Lyanna loved a singer and became a lady in a song, her own tragic romantic story:  
The dragon prince sang a song so sad it made the wolf maid sniffle. 
—ASOS - Bran II
The wolf maid was Lyanna Stark hearing her dragon prince Rhaegar Targaryen playing a sad song with the harp.
And curiously enough, a blue eyed redhead man called Jon also wept while hearing Rhaegar Targaryen playing a sad song with the harp:
At the welcoming feast, the prince had taken up his silver-stringed harp and played for them. A song of love and doom, Jon Connington recalled, and every woman in the hall was weeping when he put down the harp. Not the men, of course. 
—A Dance with Dragons - The Griffin Reborn
Jon Connington was, of course, in love with Rhaegar Targaryen... 
Once, when she was just a little girl, a wandering singer had stayed with them at Winterfell for half a year. An old man he was, with white hair and windburnt cheeks, but he sang of knights and quests and ladies fair, and Sansa had cried bitter tears when he left them, and begged her father not to let him go. “The man has played us every song he knows thrice over,” Lord Eddard told her gently. “I cannot keep him here against his will. You need not weep, though. I promise you, other singers will come.”  
They hadn’t, though, not for a year or more. Sansa had prayed to the Seven in their sept and old gods of the heart tree, asking them to bring the old man back, or better still to send another singer, young and handsome. But the gods never answered, and the halls of Winterfell stayed silent.  
But that was when she was a little girl, and foolish. She was a maiden now, three-and-ten and flowered. All her nights were full of song, and by day she prayed for silence. 
—A Feast for Crows - Sansa I
Bran and his brothers and sisters sat with the king's children, Joffrey and Tommen and Princess Myrcella, who'd spent the whole meal gazing at Robb with adoring eyes. Arya made faces across the table when no one was looking; Sansa listened raptly while the king's high harper sang songs of chivalry, and Rickon kept asking why Jon wasn't with them. "Because he's a bastard," Bran finally had to whisper to him.
—ACOK - Bran III
Later, while Sansa was off listening to a troupe of singers perform the complex round of interwoven ballads called the “Dance of the Dragons,” [sung in High Valyrian] Ned inspected the bruise himself. “I hope Forel is not being too hard on you,” he said. 
—AGOT - Eddard VII
She pulled a chair close to the hearth, took down one of her favorite books, and lost herself in the stories of Florian and Jonquil, of Lady Shella and the Rainbow Knight, of valiant Prince Aemon and his doomed love for his brother’s queen. 
—AGOT - Sansa IV
After the meal had been cleared away, many of the guests asked leave to go to the sept. Cersei graciously granted their request. Lady Tanda and her daughters were among those who fled. For those who remained, a singer was brought forth to fill the hall with the sweet music of the high harp. He sang of Jonquil and Florian, of Prince Aemon the Dragonknight and his love for his brother’s queen, of Nymeria’s ten thousand ships. They were beautiful songs, but terribly sad. Several of the women began to weep, and Sansa felt her own eyes growing moist. 
—ACOK - Sansa VI
So the singer played for her, so soft and sad that Arya only heard snatches of the words, though the tune was half-familiar. Sansa would know it, I bet. Her sister had known all the songs, and she could even play a little, and sing so sweetly. All I could ever do was shout the words.
—ASOS - Arya IV
Lady Ashara was my aunt. I never knew her, though. She threw herself into the sea from atop the Palestone Sword before I was born.” “Why would she do that?” said Arya, startled. (...) “Why did she jump in the sea, though?” "Her heart was broken." Sansa would have sighed and shed a tear for true love, but Arya just thought it was stupid. 
"Do you require guarding?” Marillion said lightly. “I am composing a new song, you should know. A song so sweet and sad it will melt even your frozen heart. 'The Roadside Rose,’ I mean to call it. About a baseborn girl so beautiful she bewitched every man who laid eyes upon her.” 
—ASOS - Sansa VII
Lyanna and Sansa are also linked with the tale of Bael the Bard and the Rose of Winterfell.
The Rose of Winterfell:
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This is the tale:
According to free folk legend, Lord Brandon Stark, the liege of the north, once called Bael a coward. To take revenge for this affront and prove his courage, Bael climbed the Wall, took the kingsroad, and entered Winterfell under the guise of a singer named Sygerrik of Skagos. (“Sygerrik” means “deceiver” in the Old Tongue.) There, he sang until midnight for the lord.
Impressed by his skills as a singer, Lord Stark asked Bael what he wanted as a reward, but he requested only the most beautiful flower blooming in Winterfell’s gardens. As the blue winter roses were just blooming, Brandon Stark presented him with one. The following morning, the maiden daughter of Lord Stark had disappeared, his only child, and in her bed was the blue winter rose.
Lord Brandon sent the members of the Night’s Watch looking for them beyond the Wall, but they never found Bael or the girl. The Stark line was on the verge of extinction, when one day the girl was back in her room, holding in her arms an infant: they had actually never left Winterfell, staying hidden in the crypts. Bael’s bastard with Brandon’s daughter became the new Lord Stark.
Thirty years later, Bael was King-Beyond-the-Wall and led the wildlings’ army south, and he had to fight his own son at the Frozen Ford. There, incapable of killing his own blood, he let himself be killed by Lord Stark. His son brought back Bael’s head to Winterfell, and his mother who had loved the bard, seeing the trophy, killed herself by leaping from the top of a tower. The son was eventually slain by the Boltons.
Jon’s first and only lover, Ygritte, told him this story: 
“You said you were the Bastard o’ Winterfell.” “I am.” “Who was your mother?” “Some woman. Most of them are.” Someone had said that to him once. He did not remember who. She smiled again, a flash of white teeth. “And she never sung you the song o’ the winter rose?” “I never knew my mother. Or any such song.” “Bael the Bard made it,” said Ygritte. “He was King-beyond-the-Wall a long time back. (...) “Well, long before he was king over the free folk, Bael was a great raider.” (...) “The Stark in Winterfell wanted Bael’s head, but never could take him, and the taste o’ failure galled him. One day in his bitterness he called Bael a craven who preyed only on the weak. When word o’ that got back, Bael vowed to teach the lord a lesson. So he scaled the Wall, skipped down the kingsroad, and walked into Winterfell one winter’s night with harp in hand, naming himself Sygerrik of Skagos. Sygerrik means ‘deceiver’ in the Old Tongue, that the First Men spoke, and the giants still speak.” “North or south, singers always find a ready welcome, so Bael ate at Lord Stark’s own table, and played for the lord in his high seat until half the night was gone. The old songs he played, and new ones he’d made himself, and he played and sang so well that when he was done, the lord offered to let him name his own reward. ‘All I ask is a flower,’ Bael answered, ‘the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o’ Winterfell.’” “Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o’ the winter roses be plucked for the singer’s payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished . . . and so had Lord Brandon’s maiden daughter. Her bed they found empty, but for the pale blue rose that Bael had left on the pillow where her head had lain.” Jon had never heard this tale before. (...) “Lord Brandon had no other children. At his behest, the black crows flew forth from their castles in the hundreds, but nowhere could they find any sign o’ Bael or this maid. For most a year they searched, till the lord lost heart and took to his bed, and it seemed as though the line o’ Starks was at its end. But one night as he lay waiting to die, Lord Brandon heard a child’s cry. He followed the sound and found his daughter back in her bedchamber, asleep with a babe at her breast.” “Bael had brought her back?” “No. They had been in Winterfell all the time, hiding with the dead beneath the castle. The maid loved Bael so dearly she bore him a son, the song says . . . though if truth be told, all the maids love Bael in them songs he wrote. Be that as it may, what’s certain is that Bael left the child in payment for the rose he’d plucked unasked, and that the boy grew to be the next Lord Stark. So there it is—you have Bael’s blood in you, same as me.”
—ACOK - Jon VI
This tale resembles Jon’s own story: Bael the Bard and Rhaegar Targaryen, both harp players, “abducted” a Stark maid, Brandon’s daughter and Lyanna, ‘the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o’ Winterfell’.  Rhaegar also crowned Lyanna as the Queen of Love and Beauty with blue winter roses, and they procreated a “bastard” son, Jon Snow.  Lyanna died after giving birth to Jon, and the memories of that tragic even haunted Ned, who remembers the Lyanna bleeding and the blue winter roses:
"Promise me, Ned," Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood. 
—AGOT - Eddard XIII
Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood. She had loved the scent of winter roses. 
—AGOT - Eddard XV
Immediately after this chapter, comes ACOK - Sansa IV, where Sansa got her first period.  
So after a chapter about ‘the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o’ Winterfell’ it follows the chapter where Sansa Stark becomes a maid, Sansa literally flowered. 
Next chapter is Jon again. There is a succession of Jon-Sansa-Jon chapters, that linked them thematically. 
Also take note that Sansa was “abducted” by Petyr Baelish, a known deceiver, whose surname has a resemblance with the name Bael.
Blue Winter Roses:
Lyanna and Sansa are linked with flowers, but especially with roses:
Lyanna and the blue winter roses:
Ned could recall none of it. ”I bring her flowers when I can,“ he said. ”Lyanna was … fond of flowers.” 
—A Game Of Thrones - Eddard I
"Promise me, Ned," Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood.
—AGOT - Eddard XIII
Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood. She had loved the scent of winter roses.
—AGOT - Eddard XV
Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost. 
—AGOT - Eddard XV
Sansa Stark:
It was enough that she could walk in the yard, pick flowers in Myrcella’s garden, and visit the sept to pray for her father. Sometimes she prayed in the godswood as well, since the Starks kept the old gods. 
—AGOT - Sansa V
Her eyes were only for Ser Loras. When the white horse stopped in front of her, she thought her heart would burst. To the other maidens he had given white roses, but the one he plucked for her was red. “Sweet lady,” he said, “no victory is half so beautiful as you.” Sansa took the flower timidly, struck dumb by his gallantry. His hair was a mass of lazy brown curls, his eyes like liquid gold. She inhaled the sweet fragrance of the rose and sat clutching it long after Ser Loras had ridden off. 
—AGOT - Sansa II
"Do you require guarding?” Marillion said lightly. “I am composing a new song, you should know. A song so sweet and sad it will melt even your frozen heart. 'The Roadside Rose,’ I mean to call it. About a baseborn girl so beautiful she bewitched every man who laid eyes upon her.” 
—ASOS - Sansa VII
So we have Marillion, a singer, composing a song for Alayne Stone, Sansa Stark in disguise, that he meant to call “The Roadside Rose”
And Loras Tyrell, The Knight of Flowers, gave Sansa a single red rose.  I will expand on this next, because Loras giving Sansa a red rose is an allegory in reverse of Rhaegar giving Lyanna the crown of blue winter roses.
Knights & Queens of Love and Beauty:
Lyanna was a Mystery Knight AND was crowned Queen of Love and Beauty at the Tourney at Harrenhal.
Lyanna as the Knight of the Laughing Tree
Lyanna, as herself and as a mystery knight, the Knight of the Laughing Tree, defended the crannogman, Howland Reed, a bannerman of House Stark:
But late on the afternoon of that second day, as the shadows grew long, a mystery knight appeared in the lists. Bran nodded sagely. […] “It was the little crannogman, I bet.” “No one knew,” said Meera, “but the mystery knight was short of stature, and clad in ill-fitting armor made up of bits and pieces. The device upon his shield was a heart tree of the old gods, a white weirwood with a laughing red face.” […] “Whoever he was, the old gods gave strength to his arm. The porcupine knight fell first, then the pitchfork knight, and lastly the knight of the two towers. None were well loved, so the common folk cheered lustily for the Knight of the Laughing Tree, as the new champion soon was called.” —ASOS - Bran II
Lyanna as the Queen of Love and Beauty
Rhaegar Targaryen wearing an armor adorned with rubies (red) gave Lyanna a crown of winter roses (blue):
The Targaryen prince armored all in black. On his breastplate was the three-headed dragon of his House, wrought all in rubies that flashed like fire in the sunlight. 
—AGOT - Eddard I
Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost. 
—AGOT - Eddard XV
Sansa as a “Knight”
During the Tourney in honor of King Joffrey’s Name Day, Sansa, as a lady armored with her courtesy and wits, defended and saved the life of Ser Dontos Hollard, a defenestrated knight turned fool, as I explained above. 
Sansa as the Queen of Love and Beauty
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Art credit: Loras Tyrell Gives Sansa Stark a Rose and the Hand’s Tournament by Jonathan Burton.
Sansa was the unofficial Queen of Love and Beauty at the Tourney of the Hand.  GRRM wrote this passage as a resemble of the Tourney at Harrenhal, hiding hints and reversing colors.  
Sansa attended the Tourney of the Hand at Kings Landing and met Petyr Baelish who told her that her mother, Catelyn Tully, was his Queen of Love and Beauty: 
"Your mother was my queen of beauty once,” the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. “You have her hair.” His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away. —AGOT - Sansa II
Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, wearing an armor adorned with sapphires (blue) gave Sansa a (red) rose:
When the Knight of Flowers made his entrance, a murmur ran through the crowd, and he heard Sansa’s fervent whisper, “Oh, he’s so beautiful.” Ser Loras Tyrell was slender as a reed, dressed in a suit of fabulous silver armor polished to a blinding sheen and filigreed with twining black vines and tiny blue forget-me-nots. The commons realized in the same instant as Ned that the blue of the flowers came from sapphires; a gasp went up from a thousand throats. Across the boy’s shoulders his cloak hung heavy. It was woven of forget-me-nots, real ones, hundreds of fresh blooms sewn to a heavy woolen cape. —AGOT - Eddard VII
Her eyes were only for Ser Loras. When the white horse stopped in front of her, she thought her heart would burst. To the other maidens he had given white roses, but the one he plucked for her was red. “Sweet lady,” he said, “no victory is half so beautiful as you.” Sansa took the flower timidly, struck dumb by his gallantry. His hair was a mass of lazy brown curls, his eyes like liquid gold. She inhaled the sweet fragrance of the rose and sat clutching it long after Ser Loras had ridden off. —AGOT - Sansa II
During the second day of the tourney, Sansa wore the red rose in her hair:
The boy from Highgarden did something with his legs, and his horse pranced sideways, nimble as a dancer. Sansa clutched at his arm. “Father, don’t let Ser Gregor hurt him,” she said. Ned saw she was wearing the rose that Ser Loras had given her yesterday. Jory had told him about that as well. —AGOT - Eddard VII
The Tourney at the Gates of the Moon
And at this point in the Books, Sansa, as Alayne Stone, is organizing a tourney to elect the members of Robert Arryn’s personal guard, named the Brotherhood of the Winged Knights.  
Alayne Stone’s betrothed, Harrold Hardyng, known as Harry the Heir, is competing in the tourney. 
Since her betrothed is competing in the jousting and since she is daughter of Petyr Baelish, Lord Protector of the Vale, Alayne Stone has great chances to be crowned the Queen of Love and Beauty of the tourney.    
The Tourney at Ashford Meadows
Sansa has also strong links with the Tourney at Ashford Meadows, but this is a matter for another time.
Failed betrothal to a Baratheon:
Both Lyanna and Sansa were betrothed with a Baratheon, Lyanna with Robert and Sansa with Joffrey:
If Lyanna had lived, we should have been brothers, bound by blood as well as affection. Well, it is not too late. I have a son. You have a daughter. My Joff and your Sansa shall join our houses, as Lyanna and I might once have done. —AGOT - Eddard I
There is also this parallel between Jenny of Oldstones, Lyanna & Sansa [I wrote about it here]:
Note the parallels between Duncan Targaryen, his betrothed Baratheon and Jenny of Oldstones & Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark and her betrothed Robert Baratheon: A Targaryen prince breaking an engagement with a member of House Baratheon that then originates a rebellion.
And this: Sansa was betrothed with Joffrey “Baratheon” and the engagement was broken in the middle of a war with Robb Stark leading an army against King Joffrey, and Jon almost breaking his vows to join Robb’s army to avenge Ned’s death and rescue their sisters. All of which makes me think about these parallels: Sansa being a hostage in King’s Landing & Lyanna’s “abduction”, Ned’s death & Rickard’s death, Robb’s death & Brandon’s death. And that leaves Jon to possibly play the role of Ned Stark in the future.  
Basically if Jon and Sansa happens, they will parallel two stories: Rhaegar and Lyanna, a Targaryen/Stark couple; and Ned and Cat, a Stark/Tully couple.
And right now in the Books, Sansa Stark, under the disguise of Alayne Stone, is betrothed with a Robert-like young man: Harrold Hardyng, also known as Harry the Heir:
Both orphaned boys
Both wards at the Vale
Both handsome and physically strong 
Both linked to Jon Arryn and the Vale
Both fathered bastards in the Vale: Mya Stone // Alys Stone
Both involved in a conflict with a cousin: Robert killed his cousin Rhaegar and became King // If Robert Arryn dies, his cousin Harry will be new Lord Arryn.
Both betrothed to a Stark girl: Lyanna Stark // (Alayne Stone) Sansa Stark 
Pleading Ned to protect part of themselves:
"Stop them," Sansa pleaded, "don't let them do it, please, please, it wasn't Lady, it was Nymeria, Arya did it, you can't, it wasn't Lady, don't let them hurt Lady, I'll make her be good, I promise, I promise …" She started to cry. 
—AGOT - Eddard III
He could still hear Sansa pleading, as Lyanna had pleaded once. 
—AGOT - Eddard IV
"Promise me, Ned," Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood. 
—AGOT - Eddard XIII
Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood. She had loved the scent of winter roses. 
—AGOT - Eddard XV
Lyanna was pleading to her brother Ned to protect her son, while Sansa was pleading to her father Ned to protect her direwolf, Lady, part of Sansa’s soul. Later, Ned regretted failing Sansa…  
Sansa’s pleading and repeating the word “promise”, triggered Ned’s trauma over Lyanna’s death.  That also happened when Robert asked Ned to protect his children.
Targaryen Imagery:
Sansa’s chapters hide hints about Lyanna’s son, Jon Snow, true parentage.
Indeed, Sansa Stark has a very interesting imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire.  I wrote more about it here.
Sansa’s Ivory silk dress stained with blood orange juice and ashes
“Liar,” Arya said. Her hand clenched the blood orange so hard that red juice oozed between her fingers.
“Go ahead, call me all the names you want,” Sansa said airily. “You won’t dare when I’m married to Joffrey. You’ll have to bow to me and call me Your Grace.” She shrieked as Arya flung the orange across the table. It caught her in the middle of the forehead with a wet squish and plopped down into her lap.
“You have juice on your face, Your Grace,” Arya said.
It was running down her nose and stinging her eyes. Sansa wiped it away with a napkin. When she saw what the fruit in her lap had done to her beautiful ivory silk dress, she shrieked again. “You’re horrible,” she screamed at her sister. “They should have killed you instead of Lady!”
“Arya started it,” Sansa said quickly, anxious to have the first word. “She called me a liar and threw an orange at me and spoiled my dress, the ivory silk, the one Queen Cersei gave me when I was betrothed to Prince Joffrey. She hates that I’m going to marry the prince. She tries to spoil everything, Father, she can’t stand for anything to be beautiful or nice or splendid.”
“Sansa stalked away with her head up. She was to be a queen, and queens did not cry. At least not where people could see. When she reached her bedchamber, she barred the door and took off her dress. The blood orange had left a blotchy red stain on the silk. “I hate her!” she screamed. She balled up the dress and flung it into the cold hearth, on top of the ashes of last night’s fire. When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself back to sleep.”
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
When the king’s herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she’d had them dye it black and you couldn’t see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V
Take note that the ivory silk dress was a “betrothal gift” from Cersei, that Sansa later had to “dye it black” so the “blood and fire stain” couldn’t be seen at all.
Oh George! Your wording here is just genius!  
Sansa’s bedclothes stained with her moonblood and fire
When she woke, the pale light of morning was slanting through her window, yet she felt as sick and achy as if she had not slept at all. There was something sticky on her thighs. When she threw back the blanket and saw the blood, all she could think was that her dream had somehow come true. She remembered the knives inside her, twisting and ripping. She squirmed away in horror, kicking at the sheets and falling to the floor, breathing raggedly, naked, bloodied, and afraid.
But as she crouched there, on her hands and knees, understanding came. “No, please,” Sansa whimpered, “please, no.” She didn’t want this happening to her, not now, not here, not now, not now, not now, not now.
Madness took hold of her. Pulling herself up by the bedpost, she went to the basin and washed between her legs, scrubbing away all the stickiness. By the time she was done, the water was pink with blood. When her maidservants saw it they would know. Then she remembered the bedclothes. She rushed back to the bed and stared in horror at the dark red stain and the tale it told. All she could think was that she had to get rid of it, or else they’d see. She couldn’t let them see, or they’d marry her to Joffrey and make her lay with him.
Snatching up her knife, Sansa hacked at the sheet, cutting out the stain. If they ask me about the hole, what will I say? Tears ran down her face. She pulled the torn sheet from the bed, and the stained blanket as well. I’ll have to burn them. She balled up the evidence, stuffed it in the fireplace, drenched it in oil from her bedside lamp, and lit it afire. Then she realized that the blood had soaked through the sheet into the featherbed, so she bundled that up as well, but it was big and cumbersome, hard to move. Sansa could get only half of it into the fire. She was on her knees, struggling to shove the mattress into the flames as thick grey smoke eddied around her and filled the room, when the door burst open and she heard her maid gasp.
In the end it took three of them to pull her away. And it was all for nothing. The bedclothes were burnt, but by the time they carried her off her thighs were bloody again. It was as if her own body had betrayed her to Joffrey, unfurling a banner of Lannister crimson for all the world to see.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
Even if the color of the bedclothes was not stated as white/off-white, it’s very probable that they were of white or an off-white color, like ivory. So, again, we find this very interesting imagery in Sansa’s chapters: white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire.  
And this passage of a bed stained with blood that must be hidden makes me think about Ned’s dream of Lyanna’s death:
He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard X
So I think there is another pattern here: betrothal, marriage and giving birth.
As I said before, the ivory silk dress was a “betrothal gift” from Cersei; and, as Sansa stated, the bedclothes stained with her moonblood was a proof of her having reached her womanhood and thus able to do her duty and marry Joffrey and bear his children.  
Moreover, after Sansa’s first moonblood, she had this conversation with Cersei:
“I don’t blame you. Between Tyrion and Lord Stannis, everything I eat tastes of ash. And now you’re setting fires as well. What did you hope to accomplish?”
Sansa lowered her head. “The blood frightened me.”
“The blood is the seal of your womanhood. Lady Catelyn might have prepared you. You’ve had your first flowering, no more.”
Sansa had never felt less flowery. “My lady mother told me, but I … I thought it would be different.”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know. Less … less messy, and more magical.”
Queen Cersei laughed. “Wait until you birth a child, Sansa. A woman’s life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you’ll learn that soon enough … and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all.” She took a sip of milk. “So now you are a woman. Do you have the least idea of what that means?”
“It means that I am now fit to be wedded and bedded,” said Sansa, “and to bear children for the king.”
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
An ivory silk dress, a “betrothal gift” from Cersei, that Sansa later had to “dye it black”, so the “blood and fire stain” couldn’t be seen at all, sounds pretty much like Lyanna Stark’s betrothal to Robert Baratheon being “stained” by Rhaegar Targaryen. And then, of course, of Jon Snow hidden in the Wall as a Black Brother/Black Knight of the Night’s Watch.  
Again, Sansa’s bedclothes stained with her flowering blood and then with fire to hide the stain, sounds pretty much like Lyanna Stark’s bed of blood after she gave birth Jon Snow, the baby that had to be hidden so his Targaryen identity couldn’t be seem at all.
A white wool cloak stained by blood and fire
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
Out of the three passages with this imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire, this one, the one you asked for, has the more evident references of Jon Snow’s true parentage as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.    
Here we have Sansa huddled beneath a white kingsguard cloak stained by blood of the death during the Battle of the Blackwater and wildfire.    
I think most of the readers get distracted from the Jon Snow’s true parentage hints here, because they romanticize this scene and believe it foreshadows some romantic future events for her involving the Hound, based in the fact that Sansa had covered herself with “the Hounds cloak” twice. But the relationship between Sansa and the white cloaks is -by far- larger than that; it has more to do with the ideals of knighthood and chivalry, than with the men wearing them.  
As you can see, GRRM has plagued Sansa’s chapters with hints of Lyanna’s son, Jon Snow, true parentage.  
Dead before their time:
“She [Lyanna] was,” Eddard Stark agreed, “beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.” 
—AGOT - Arya II
And so many others were missing. Where had the rest of them gone? Sansa wondered. Vainly, she searched for friendly faces. Not one of them would meet her eyes. It was as if she had become a ghost, dead before her time. 
—AGOT - Sansa V
Lyanna and Lady (part of Sansa’s soul) both died in the south, before their time.  
Lyanna’s ghost has haunted Cersei over the years, Cersei wanted to marry Rhaegar but ended married with Robert.  Both Rhaegar and Robert loved Lyanna.
Lady is mentioned in the Books as a “shade”, a synonym for ghost.  And after Ned’s death, Sansa became a ghost at the Red Keep’s court.
Sansa and Lady also haunt Cersei, as she remembered them both during her walk of atonement:
The queen began to see familiar faces. (...) She saw Ned Stark, and beside him little Sansa with her auburn hair and a shaggy grey dog that might have been her wolf. 
—ADWD - Cersei II
At the end, only the remains of Lyanna and Lady returned home, to the North, to Winterfell.
Ladies of Winterfell:
Lyanna’s and Lady’s bones are buried at Winterfell, what makes them literally Ladies of Winterfell:  
“She was more beautiful than that,” the king said after a silence. His eyes lingered on Lyanna’s face, as if he could will her back to life. Finally he rose, made awkward by his weight. “Ah, damn it, Ned, did you have to bury her in a place like this?” His voice was hoarse with remembered grief. “She deserved more than darkness …” “She was a Stark of Winterfell,” Ned said quietly. “This is her place.” 
—AGOT - Eddard I
Shortly, Jory brought him Ice. When it was over, he said, “Choose four men and have them take the body north. Bury her at Winterfell.” “All that way?” Jory said, astonished. “All that way,” Ned affirmed. “The Lannister woman shall never have this skin.” 
—AGOT - Eddard III
Bran felt all cold inside. “She lost her wolf,” he said, weakly, remembering the day when four of his father’s guardsmen had returned from the south with Lady’s bones. Summer and Grey Wind and Shaggydog had begun to howl before they crossed the drawbridge, in voices drawn and desolate. Beneath the shadow of the First Keep was an ancient lichyard, its headstones spotted with pale lichen, where the old Kings of Winter had laid their faithful servants. It was there they buried Lady, while her brothers stalked between the graves like restless shadows. She had gone south, and only her bones had returned. 
—AGOT - Bran VI
Lady’s death and his return to the North to rest in Winterfell is linked with Lyanna’s death and her own path back home.  I wrote about this before:
Now, back to Lady’s death. We know that this event is a turning point in Sansa’s arc, but other than that, the paragraphs leading to the direwolf’s execution are laden with symbolism and foreshadowing, not only for Sansa, but for Ned as well.
During the “trial”, Ned decides that he will take Lady’s life himself, in order to avoid having a butcher like Ilyn Payne do the execution. Then, before he struck, he pronounced her name in the same fashion Robb and Jon called the name of their direwolves before they both died. This for me foreshadows Ned’s own death. Also, before Lady’s death, Ned pleads King Robert to change his decision on putting down the direwolf, appealing to the memory of Lyanna, the woman Robert loved. Similarly, before Ned’s execution at the steps of the Sept of Baelor, Sansa pleads King Joffrey to spare her father’s life, appealing to the love he has for her. As we know, both pleas fell on deaf ears and both Lady and Ned lost their lives; bringing the story full circle, as Ilyn Payne himself cut off Ned’s head.
Another interesting thing is that before Lady’s death we have direct and indirect references to Lyanna Stark. We have the direct reference when Ned appealed to the love Robert Baratheon bore Lyanna, in order to save Lady’s life, and the indirect one when he ordered Jory to choose four men to return Lady’s body to the north, to bury her in Winterfell. This order Ned gave to his men alludes to his own decision to take Lyanna’s body to Winterfell to be buried in the crypts, after her demise, brought on by her doomed love affair with Rhaegar Targaryen.
And to finish this post, here some gifsets that illustrate some of the discussed parallels:
Sansa Stark and Lyanna Stark + parallels
She-wolves of Winterfell
Beautiful, Captivating Child-Women
Hidden Metal ft. hair parallels
Broken ‘Baratheon’ Engagements ft. more hair parallels
Fair Maidens
Lyanna and Sansa in the first Show pilot:
In The Original, Terrible ‘Game Of Thrones’ Pilot That Never Aired, there was a scene where Cersei burned the feather that Robert left at Lyanna’s statue in the Winterfell Crypts:
The Cersei scene that might ruffle some feathers
Let’s begin with a defining scene between King Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark in the Winterfell crypts.
The scene that aired on HBO is slightly different from the scene in the Cushing script, but the gist is the same. Robert asks Ned to be his new Hand of the King, a position left open after Jon Arryn’s death. That’s when Robert places something small but highly symbolic on a statue of his onetime betrothed, Lyanna Stark: a feather.
And that pretty much sums up the sequence you saw in Season 1
But in the script found in the Cushing library, Queen Cersei plays a pivotal role in this exchange’s aftermath ― so much so that her involvement would have changed a Season 5 episode, the recent Season 8 teaser and possibly more.
The following scene is written into the pilot script found at Cushing and involves Cersei visiting the crypts right before the feast at Winterfell:
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Cersei exits the crypts, crosses the courtyard and walks into the antechamber between the kitchen and the Winterfell great hall. The celebration for the king’s arrival is underway, and servants are rushing past her with food. The queen’s handmaidens make adjustments to her outfit and remove her heavy fur.
Then Cersei reveals something she has inside her sleeve:
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“A word with the Stark girl”.  I have no doubt this meant Sansa.  
We didn’t get to watch this scene, Cersei never came down to the Winterfell Crypts, and she never took the feather Robert left there for Lyanna.  But a few seasons later, we got to watch a scene of Sansa at the Winterfell Crypts, next to her aunt Lyanna’s statue, where she found the same feather that King Robert left there years ago...  
...And Petyr Baelish told her the story of Lyanna and Rhaegar at the Tourney of Harrenhal....  I wrote more about it here.
I hope this is enough. 
Thanks for your message and good night.
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I just found your blog and I think it’s really interesting! Could I request a SFW Cater and Idia talking about video games they like? (idk I hc that Cater is a gamer and knows Idia online)
Dear Anon, hello and welcome!
Congratulations for being the first Twisted Wonderland request of this blog! Thank you a lot for ordering and I hope you’ll enjoy it.
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“My character is actually cool, don’t you think?”
Cater is not the time to go and scream about video games in the hallway, but he will sure blabber a lot about his favorite ones to his friends. Trey stops listening at one point, answering with occasional “I see”, while Riddle is just too polite to play ‘fake listener’.
He introduced the first years to his favorite online game. Beating poor Ace and Deuce at it is always a lot of fun. The three of them have a game night every weekend to relax after a long week of school. He sometimes also invite you and Grim along.
I said that he was not the one to scream in the hallway about video games... But if he sees anyone having a keychain or anything linked to his favorite games, he will not hesitate and will immediately go talk to this person. If he hears people talking about his favorite video games, he will casually slide in the conversation without any shame.
If you ever show interest about video games, he could talk for hours. I hope you are ready for an all nighter. He will show you his customized characters proudly. Good attire, good armor, good stats... Cater is really good at optimizing his characters!
Don’t worry, he will help you with yours too. Your character will become one of the strongest in no time. Just not as good as his, though. He still has a reputation online to keep up.
He is one of the only people who can actually fight on equal terms with Idia. When both of them meet on the (online) battlefield, the confrontation can last few hours, and you would be shocked to see how serious he becomes when it happens. When it happens, other players come to see it. There is probably an urban legend online about their fights. (Once every blue moon, the two strongest players of the server meet to deliver to most desastrous fight of the lore.)
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“You... Like this game too?”
In real life, Idia is quiet. As in dead quiet. He would never dare to talk to people in general, so go to them to talk about video games. This is idea alone is already scary. If he hears people talking about one of his favorites, he will listen. But if he ever gets notice, he will run away before they get a chance to say anything.
But online, it is a whole new story. Idia created a blog where he posts regularly his thoughts about this or that game and/or characters. His blog is quite popular for his honest and relevant opinions.
He will go from shy and quiet man to loud and angry man in a matter of seconds if someone online dares to talk bad about his favorite games or characters. He will verbally fight haters, and destroy the ones with non-sense arguments.
If you want to exchange with Idia about games, slide into his DMs, they are always open. It is easy to lose track of time while talking to him online. He is so passionate about his games, it is a real pleasure to read him. He is the type of person that can make you like a character you formerly hated.
But once again, if you go to him the next day to talk about it with him, the poor boy will become a stuttering mess before completely shutting down. Give him a warning before doing anything like that! After calling Ortho to the rescue, he will be open to talking through vocal messages if you are still up for it.
Unlike Cater, he will not offer to help you create your character. He will be happy to help, but you will have to do the first move and ask him. He will create your character on his own, according to your preferences, and will send you a list of tips. And by list of tips, I mean a whole thesis of tips named “from noob to pro in one night”. I hope you love reading.
With time, Idia will open up and offer to play with you online. He will even dare to offer playing with the mic on. But if his deathly enemy “Ca-kun” is online, he will ask you to let him do his fight.
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ralvaille · 3 years
I saw some shit on sns saying Petras was 17-16, and it's ridiculous.
She was an experienced soldier, she cant be just 2 years older than 104 class. She must have been at least 20 at the moment she died (In my opinion, 23-24). We just need do the math.
Canonically we know the training in the army lasts 3 years.
Petra shoul have some experience on expedition before get chosen by Levi for his squad, and we know she peed in self in fear on her first expedition, so I doubt Levi got impressed for her in that time. (Lol, sorry Pet, I still laugh about that xD) So in my mind, she has been in the survival corp for at last 3 years before she got better enough to get Levi's attention.
And, we know that the OG Levi squad were really, but REALLY good in team work, Eren pointed out how they were so coordinate on their attack that they don't even need words. I don't think that is actually something that just popup. That requires a lot of train together, practice and probable a deep bond between them. (Canonicly we saw how close they were, the jokes, the deep conversations, sharing their doubts during 57 expedition, etc.) I believe they were together at lest other 2-3 years.
So, 3 years of training, 3 years in scout, and 2-3 years in Levi Squad. That made 8-9 years. If Petra entered to the military at the same age as Eren (12) then she was around 20-21 at the moment of her death.
BUT, Petra's father look like a men who really cared about her daughter, I would dare to say that he doesn't even agree with her on goin tho the military, so, i don't think he actually let his little girl go to the army at the age of 12
I don't know what is the age of majority in Snk world, but I doubt that it is actually 12. Remember Carla prohibited to Eren for going to the military? he don't say he was going anyways because he will be coming of age soon, no, they fight about that, so i think you need a permission from your parents for going while you are a minor. And even if she don't need a permission, i don't see Petra going to the army whiteout his father's consent, just don't match with her personality, i think she had to wait until she was of an age when she could actually can convince his father that was what she actually want and that it wasn't a dreams little girl, without thinking the risks involved in the profession. So, she probably went when she has 15 or older. If i am right on this, she was 23-24 at her dead.
I'm sorry, my English is HORRIBLE, it's not my native language, I hope you could understand what I try to say
Whew, look at you doing all the math! And even better, it totally checks out! Also, was Eren really 12 when he joined the Scouts? I thought he was fifteen this whole time, lol. But either way, I definitely would buy that Petra also joined at about fifteen or so, give or take maybe a year. I definitely think you got it right in this one, but anyone can correct me if I’m wrong! I haven’t had to take a math class since I finished my requirements last year, so I’m a bit rusty.
Thank you for this take, anon!
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
Hi, Rae. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to take this off my chest and you seem kind enough to help me deal with this. I know this is going to be a long ask, so I'm sorry in advance. It's been a few years since I started questioning. Actually, the more I go on the more I like the word bisexual, but since I've never had a relationship before, I sort of don't feel entitled to label myself as anything? (1/2)
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hey anon, thank you for confiding in me. you’re not a bother at all! i’m honoured that you trust me enough to speak to me. i can imagine how hard it must be for you rn, and i’m sorry you feel this way. you shouldn’t have to, really. first of all, i wanna say two things:
1. just because you’ve never been in a relationship before doesn’t mean that you’re not entitled to/worthy of a label.
more on the label thing later, but your sexuality is not defined by your experience, either with relationships or with sex. you can have no experience but know you’re bisexual, or any other sexuality for that matter, and that’s okay. i didn’t have any experience back then when i realised i was bi. not any proper relationship experience anyway. it’s fine if you’re like me (or rather, like me in 2016 lmao lots have happened since then akfjflsdjfls). it doesn’t invalidate your own understanding of yourself and who you are and what you identify as.
2. sexuality is not a destination, it’s a journey. (or whatever the exact phrase is. i can’t remember exactly.)
i used to think i was straight (HAH! as if i could ever be. wonder woman was my bi awakening at the age of 9 without me even realising). i dated guys periodically and i was obsessed over het ships back then (dramione, yes, i know, percabeth, clace, you name it) and for the fucking longest time (9 years) i thought that my interest in women was just, yknow, those things that people call “girl crushes”, and not actual crushes. and then in 2016 i realised i was bi when a good friend of mine (hey, if you ever read this!! 👋🏻) asked me about it point blank, and i was just like, oh. hahaha dskfjskfjs good ol’ days.
anyway, it’s normal to feel unsure and nervous about matters as important as sexuality, because it’s a big part of who you are. i get it. i get the insecurities about not knowing what to call yourself, i get the insecurities about not knowing whether people will like you for who you are, and i get the insecurities about not knowing whether i’ll ever find a place in this community.
but honestly, sexuality changes, and that’s okay. that’s valid. nobody should tell you otherwise. i thought i was straight, turns out i’m bi. recently realised i have certain more guyish tendencies too, but i wouldn’t really consider myself as nonbinary because i do feel comfortable being a girl (some aspects less than others lol) and i do feel comfortable being addressed as such. but i have friends who decide somewhere along the way that they’re more comfortable identifying as nb, and that’s perfectly fine. or i also have friends who came out as bisexual, and then decided they were pansexual. also perfectly fine.
there’s no final destination to your sexuality. it’s a continuous journey and process of self discovery, and i know it can be hard because there’s so much censorship and hate in the world, and honestly the queer community does NOT have enough support or resources for people who are still trying to figure themselves out. but i assure you, 100%, that you deserve love, even though you’re not currently sure about what you identify as. baseline is, be who you want to be and love who you want to love. this is your life, and these are your feelings and experiences, and nobody can take that away from you. fuck the haters who try to dictate what you’re allowed to feel and do, because they’re wankers.
if a girl you’re interested in cannot accept you because you’re not sure about what you identify as, then she’s not the right person for you, t b v h. if anyone dares give you shit for not being sure, tell me. i’ll fight them.
on another note, don’t rush yourself into making a decision on what you want to identify as, or if you want to at all (if you don’t ever want to, that’s fine, that’s your choice). like i said, it took me 9 years to even realise it, and i honestly accepted it immediately, but people out there do live in denial for a couple more years, and that’s okay. take your time, sweetie. it’s not a race, and there’s no deadline. do whatever you’re comfortable with, and take it day by day.
sorry for the long reply i got carried away LMAO. but you got this, hun ❤️ lots of love for you. i’m always here if you need to talk! i’ve officially sold my soul to tumblr hahaha instagram is flipping shit sdkskdkd
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Still Night Thoughts
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Prompt: Inspired by a poem. Big hint in the title, but I suppose also in the way it is written? Who can guess what poem I was inspired by? (Also spot the euphemism! It is hidden in the obvious.)
#IloveKatsuIzuKiri - A project in which we try to cheer up @katsuizukiri​ who really has to deal with way too much anon-hate. Krissy x Band!Katsu
A/N: I don’t usually go outside of the reader-inserts, or try to keep it to a limit. This is also not going to be a frequent thing, honestly. I try not to get overly personal on this blog, or Tumblr in general, but sometimes my heart aches for some of you guys. 
To @katsuizukiri​: we haven’t known each other for long and you most likely won’t even be able to guess who I’m (unless someone is gonna rat me out, but that is half of the fun in this game). In any case, I have seen how much you mean to the initiative takers that made this happen. I have seen how much you care for everyone and how hard you try to remain positive, optimistic and above all accepting within the fandom community. It is a rare trait in overall, rarer seeing how you have been treated by that one particular anon-hater and still keep on going. 
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The first night was always the hardest. When the music died out and the people faded. When the buzz of the alcohol left and only his thoughts remained. Adrenaline kept him awake. The cheers of the crowd kept him wide awake, his thoughts wandering back to all that he left. The blond would wonder, as he often did, were you alright? 
Slinging his legs over the bed Katsuki sat up, phone in hands as he stared at the time. You should be asleep, as should he and he expected that you would be as well. He missed you, however, as he always did. He missed your stupid grin, your goofy jokes, your comfort, your warmth, he missed you. 
Knowing that you would pick up if he called, asleep or not, the male’s thumb hovered over the call button. He didn’t want to be selfish. You needed the rest, but he wanted to hear your voice. Raising his hand Katsuki’s eyes fell over to the window, through which he could see the moon shine. Smiling, the male knew just what to do. 
“Not the moon I hoped for.”
He sent the voice message right after the picture, making sure that you could hear that teasing lilt in his voice. He could almost picture your reaction, a scoff escaping him before he tried to sleep. 
A ping alerted him that, even without a call, you were waiting for him. He should have figured that out. 
“I miss you.”
Feeling a jab in his chest the blond swung back into position again, his throat thickening as he nearly pooled out the words in return. Katsuki was not one to sprout sentimental lines like that, not easily at least.
He wondered if you were alright without him. If the two of you were going to be alright. What with his constant touring, his prolonged absences and his explosive character. Katsuki wondered how you managed to put up with everything he threw at you out of his own selfishness. 
“Why are you still up, doof?” 
Of course he didn’t mean it harshly. Realising that text didn’t carry over tone the male quickly snapped a selfie, sending it off with another line: 
“I can’t sleep either.” 
He knew why. Of course he knew without being told. Somewhere he felt glad for it. That you couldn’t sleep either. On the other hand he worried for you. Why did you have to suffer because of his dreams? Was it worth it? Were he and his passions worth the hours you would lose? 
Deciding that sleep was a lost cause Katsuki finally hit that call button. Counting the seconds as the tone sounded he held his breath. 
Your voice was like a fresh breeze of spring. Breathing in the male tried to hide a dopey grin on his face as he rolled over to his side, face to the wall as if anyone could see him.
Being on the road was hard. To chase after a dream so few could make a reality, to hold onto a passion that burned hotter than any of his eruptions. It required sacrifices. It meant lonely nights in which all he could do was think of home. 
Home. A laughable concept for an artist on the road. There was no wall that could hold them in. No roof that could cover them. Home was not a house. At least, not for Katsuki. For the blond home was more abstract and so sentimental that he would never dare to express it out loud.
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