#also her tie?? is so weird looking?? but i think it works? somehow????
lagtrain · 7 months
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decepti-thots · 26 days
I would like to hear about which characters would use which kind of fountain pen 👀
okay, so with the caveat that all of this is coming from me researching pens in my quest to become slightly a 'pen person' and not like. being one. (but also from the perspective of watching my friend talk extremely in-depth about this for many years, and cribbing from her, in my defense.)
here are some random character-pen matchups and headcanons bc why not!!
first off. minimus, obviously.
there's a few things i think about this: he's fundamentally conservative in his tastes i think (no wild experimental designs), someone who would not want to spend an Excessive amount of money but also someone who would definitely have a higher-end one quality wise, and he'd have really nitpicky taste about shit like quality control. with this in mind, the guides i read that were offering opinions on higher-end 'beginner pens' consistently brought up the Pilot Custom 74, which is like, the platonic ideal of just a functional good quality Fountain Pen TM:
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look at it. that sure is a ~£190 fountain pen! it's classic, functional, a solid 'name', expensive enough i feel like a person who grew up well off would be like 'oh this is my everyday pen' and i would be sort of like 'the fuck that costs half my rent'. lmao. but not like, someone splashing out a thousand quid or more expensive, yknow. he's probably had this same pen for like. the equivalent of twenty years or more. i'm sure he has more than one but this is his 'workhorse'.
here's another one i immediately am like 'oh i know what to pick' about. this one less in terms of specifically 'this character would use it' and more like 'this character reminds me of this pen'. it's rewind! and the pen is a Tombow Zoom 828fp because. well. look at this.
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MINI PEN. CHIBI LITTLE FOUNTAIN PEN. there's apparently a chinese pen that is a lot cheaper you can get of this little chonker's basic design, and i'm very, very seriously tempted to get one and call it 'rewind'. lmao. short and charmingly proportioned! i don't think rewind probably actually uses a pen but maybe this was one of those spousal in-joke gifts pre-war or something like 'haha this reminded me of you'/'are you calling me short' or whatever idfk. the point is. TINY PEN.
nautica got riptide a Jinhao 993 to cheer him up when they started doing lessons in that one issue towards the end of MTMTE/pre-DotL and he's finding it difficult maybe. "why would a fountain pen cheer him up-" THIS IS WHY LOOK AT THESE
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my pen friend got the pink one of these for a fiver or something, bc i pointed out it was a pink shark and therefore a Nimona pen. haha. anyway. that's why riptide has a fountain pen.
rodimus is having a mid life crisis, and also magnus will probably think he is Mature and Good At Work if he shows up with a fountain pen, he figures one time, so he wheedles money off drift and buys this monstrosity, which to be clear costs EIGHT THOUSAND EUROS and is supposed to look like a cool racecar themed... thing. montegrappa is so fucking overpriced and tacky and they're invariably hilarious to me whenever they release some godawful tie-in thing.
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now prowl. prowl doesn't have a fountain pen because prowl is the sort of person who insists on constantly having fucking. Gadgets TM. you know. the man thinks a smart fridge is a necessity, for some fucking reason. if it's electronic it's Better. however, LAMY, i found out, in addition to its wide range of pens, also makes like... high-end digital pens? you know, in the style of their most well known fountain pen design (LAMY safari) but like. a stylus. buying a brand-name pen manufacturer's stylus bc you want to have a fountain pen but also refuse to do anything not on a tablet or something is. 100% prowl to me.
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and i think that drift would have a LAMY 2000. look at this thing. it's somehow so slick and modern looking in a way most fountain pens aren't without feeling weird or like it isn't one. it's also a really well regarded pen across the board and so many people swear by this thing. (my friend does indeed have this one!) he's got it because he (canonically) journals, obviously, he is whipping this bad boy out after meditation to Chronicle His Emotional State (usually um. bad. moving along.) it's one of the nice things he bought himself after he somehow acquired all that money (stole it on his way out from the decepticons).
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sidenote: megatron doesn't use a fountain pen, despite being a canonical writer. his handwriting is fucking atrocious and he would break one pressing too hard if he tried. he privately thinks they're sort of pointless, but lets minimus endlessly explain nib types for the sake of indulging someone he likes and who clearly is used to being told to shut up.
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palmtreepalmtree · 4 months
Alright my friends - the twinkly lights are up, the house smells like pine, you've got every manner of red-green-and-gold wrapping paper shoved in a corner - without a doubt it's that time of year: Christmas. As you know, I've been disappointed to see so few entries into the Christmas rom-com genre this year from Netflix, so I've started to explore further afield to find something ripe for your enjoyment.
And now, I'm pleased to present...
The Worst Movies on HBO/MAX/Discovery+/HGTV??? (idefk), Right Now!
As it turns out sometime last year Discovery+ teamed up with MarVista to produce some Christmas romance content with random tie-ins to their FoodNetwork/HGTV network stars. This has created some really... oh, let's just call it interesting content.
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I mean... you gotta know from the outset that there's no way these will be good. NO fucking WAY.
FIRST, as a whole, I don't think these movies know what their purpose is. Are they supposed to promote the reality shows of their cameo stars? Are they supposed to give their reality stars an opportunity to flex some acting muscle!? Are they supposed to be *GASP* good stories? NOBODY KNOWS!
SECOND, it's possible that the point of these movies is just to promote the reality show format as like... a concept. But the thing is -- NOT TO FORESHADOW OR ANYTHING -- that comes with some very weird baggage. LIKE SUPER WEIRD.
Let's break these down in round-up style.
The first movie that apparently created the mold* was Candy Coated Christmas (2021) - *pun intended. This vehicle cameos Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman, who gets about two minutes of screen time which apparently warrants her this kind of promotional one-sheet placement:
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...like okay.
A shocking number of these stories involve people who are in financial peril. In this one, a hotel heiress finds herself on the brink of bankruptcy, and, on daddy's orders, she heads to a small town to evict the peppermint farmer tenants at her family's property who are, you guessed it, on the brink of bankruptcy.
In this movie, the spirit of Christmas (or spearmint gum in this case), is a plan to rescue these two financial catastrophes, oh, and they fall in love. Sure. Why not.
This movie is an empty candy-coated shell of a romance that I can best describe as serviceable. But apparently it was enough of a hit that the rest of the movies followed. So we can blame this candy cane for the Christmas rogering that followed in 2022.
Continuing from worst to most egregious...
A Gingerbread Christmas (2022) - This one cameos that Ace of Cakes dude (no idea his name and not interested in looking it up) who is judging a gingerbread competition that the main character desperately needs to win to save her dead mom's foundering bakery - YES another fucking business in peril.
Her love interest is the general contractor/baker/single dad who has taken up daily residence in the bakery where he is apparently simultaneously working on fixing the place up and also doing all of the baking........?
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Yeah, it makes little sense, and yet somehow this is not the worst of the four entries this year.
Both of these actors are people you'll recognize and will have you thinking heyyyyy where is she/he from? (Let me help you out: The Good Place/Reacher). They're fine.
This is fine.
It's just... not going to leave you feeling much of anything. And that's the exact opposite of what these movies are supposed to do. You're not killing me, you're just boring me. There's nothing spicy in this gingerbread, baby! ZING! Nailed 'em.
There's a kind of nice subplot about a new immigrant entering the contest as well, but maybe I have a soft spot in my heart for that. This definitely does not seem like it's going for the same audience as some of the Hallmark movies, but it's also only gesturing at substantive things rather than really delivering anything of substance. Hey guys, did you know that immigrant Muslims can celebrate Christmas too!?
One Delicious Christmas (2022) - Alright... where do I even start here??? Continuing on our theme of struggling businesses, this one slightly breaks the pattern by telling us a story of the owner of a boutique inn who needs to find a new chef for her family business so that she can bring on a financial partner to help ease the strain of her sole ownership.
The cameo in this one is Bobby Flay who comes in as a restaurant critic to comment on the food. Sigh. I know. Look I'm just reporting here, don't harm the messenger.
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Alright there are three things here that just drove me completely batty: First, and I hate calling this shit out, but I gotta say the lead actress here has some partial vocal fry thing going on with her voice that is just impossible to watch for an hour and a half. I just wanted to shake her and be like BREATHE THROUGH YOUR CHEST. Fucking hell. It's a trial being me sometimes.
Second, obviously the theme here is cooking, but the whole story is based around the fact that the chef is doing new and risky recipes that the inn owner is nervous her people won't like... but like... the recipes are super basic? Like scalloped potatoes instead of mashed? Lobster bisque!? None of the new menu items read as dangerous or cutting edge -- especially if you watch the Food Network -- SO WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT1?!? Argh, okay.
Last, and this is just a weird thing that probably only I noticed, but like all these movies seemed to go out of their way to do mixed racial castings, which is a good thing, but then they also seem to have not made any adjustments for that in terms of story.
In this one, the love interest/chef is played by a Canadian actor of Filipino ancestry -- but his character name is Preston Weaver. Preston. PRESTON. PRESTON. There are also repeated references in the story to cooking for and with his grandmother, but no mention, not even one, that maybe her cooking wasn't American-style food? I mean, it is perfectly possible for a person to have their family immigrant story have happened so long ago, that even their grandparent doesn't make traditional foods from their country of ethnic origin, but it also seems WEIRD. Like some sort of weird white washing??? idk. Jury is still out on this I guess. I just don't think it would have killed them to reference one Filipino recipe or technique, especially since that's a pretty rich food culture. You know, as compared with making a main plot point that the fucking LOBSTER BISQUE keeps selling out.
(Is there a whiter word than bisque? I don't fucking think so).
Designing Christmas (2022) - Alright, I'm running out of steam and so I'm gonna make this one quick. This one cameos that dark haired lady from Love it or List it not sure her name not looking it up (Hilary???). This one is about a couple who work as a designer/contractor pair on a reality show and in order to save their failing show they decide their last show of the season will be a restoration of her family's old home that she just purchased and SURPRISE TO NO ONE WHO WATCHES THESE SHOWS there's a crack in the foundation blahblahblah WHO CARES!?
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This one really suffers from the fact that the male lead is just boring.
Honestly, that's a theme throughout these movies. The male leads are super weak and boring. Tepid. Just absolutely forgettable characters played by actors who are deciding whether the fuck to fire their agents.
What's weird about this one is the way that the production really styles it after a reality show -- even including those restoration classic before and after reveals. But that is nothing on the last one......
A Christmas Open House (2022) -- Alright the cameos in this one are that Hometown Whatever couple who have been "restoring" houses in their hometown in someplace in the south and by restoring, I mean flipping but under the guise of home restoration.
ANYHOW - the plot is that this big city house stager teams up with a realtor to sell her family home to make sure her mom gets the best purchase price on the sale. It's just like those old Christmas classics that really capture the Christmas spirit - A Christmas Carol, Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life. You know. Really in that anti-capitalist vein.
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Deeeeeeeep sigh.
So... I don't even know how to say this. But this movie involves a Christmas miracle.
See, it turns out the house stager accidentally gave the furniture company the wrong credit card number, so the day before the showing ON CHRISTMAS the furniture people came and took back all of the perfectly staged furniture and GASP knocked down the (fake) Christmas tree! WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO1?!? HOW ARE THEY EVER GONNA SELL THE HOUSE ON CHRISTMAS NOW!?$!
The whole town shows up to bring them furniture that they can use to stage the house before the potential buyers arrive. Like... they show up with their odds and ends so that the house can be staged. SO THAT THE HOUSE CAN BE STAGED FOR SALE. Are... are you guys with me here? The miracle that the whole town rallied behind was bringing FURNITURE to STAGE A HOUSE. FOR SALE.
I just... I am walking away.
We are so fucking far from Dickens here we might as well be in a new fucking holiday.
And we are.
Because that's the whole point of all of these movies.
It's not Christmas.
It's American Christmas.
For all the shit that the nostalgic, small-town worshipping Christmas movies get this time of year, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say these movies are more insidious. Instead of blatantly trying to valorize the small town spirit, the support of family and friends, and getting back to your roots, these movies are like the Scooby Doo villain of Christmas movies. Rip off the mask at the end for the big reveal:
Anyhow, I don't know who was supposed to read these scripts before they became movies, but everyone involved will probably be laughing all the way to the bank.
Don't watch these. They're not funny enough to be worth the soul-gutting feeling of realizing what these movies are for.
Candy-coated capitalism.
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So we all have issues with the character designs of the show. But what are some designs or design choices that especially irk you? For example, I hate how Frosta wears a heavy coat 24/7, or how I just hate Mermista’s design for a multitude of reasons.
ooo boy. yeah, there's a lot i dislike about the character designs.
adora wearing her horde uniform even after joining the alliance. they really couldn't give her a different attire? especially since being in the horde has been a traumatic experience that she was trying to reject and move on from. nate said that “the uniform gave her purpose” but the point of her arc should have been about her finding her own purpose, instead of still somehow being loyal to the horde. in my opinion, they should have given her an outfit change in s4, after she stands up to catra and cuts the last tie she had with the horde. also, i think i mentioned this before but i feel like they should have added something to her character design to make the distinction that she's not from etheria. i know this is what she looks like in OG she-ra too but if they could redesign the other characters, why make adora look almost the same as the OG? why not try something new? it would have been interesting if she had something unusual in her appearance that indicated she was a first one.
perfuma's entire design. idk why but her hair especially just looks off to me. the hairline looks weird and the way her hair is slicked back but suddenly has a lot of volume to the back. i feel like they could have given her some bangs or a different parting. her robe/cape thing also just looks incredibly impractical, i'm surprised it doesn't get caught on things, especially when she's fighting.
mermista is supposed to be a mermaid, yet we only see like two instances of her with a tail, one of which is her just sulking in a bathtub. they should have included her mermaid form a lot more, considering that's an important part of who she is.
bow. just bow in general. i like the crop top, it's cute. but the weird armor thing on one of his shoulders confuses me. what purpose does it serve? and his hair looks like a wig. it just looks unnatural, they could have put in a bit more work to make it look like actual hair. also he deserved an outfit change, he's supposed to be one of the main characters, yet he's treated worse than the princesses. and that's saying something.
the funny thing is that there were a lot of side characters in this show who had better character designs than the main characters. a bunch of the characters at the princess prom looked really interesting, huntara looked really cool, and the star siblings probably had some of my favourite character designs ever. idk why they didn't put that much effort into our main characters.
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genericpuff · 2 years
Minthe, Pyros, and how LO treats motherhood.
I wrote a piece on this over on reddit but wanted to make a dedicated post here.
So I'm sure I'm not the only one a little miffed by Episode 212-214's development concerning Minthe. But I feel like there's one thing that has yet to really be mentioned in any of these discussions.
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There's this... issue that often arises in stories written about female characters, and it's not one that's exhibited purely by uninformed male writers (like those passages of women looking in the mirror and commenting on their bodies in great, hyperbolic detail, that's absolutely "a man wrote this" energy lol).
The issue I'm getting at specifically is one that seems to come up universally regardless of the gender of the writer, and that's regarding the usage of motherhood and childrearing in media when concerning a female character.
Some women want children. Others don't. Both are valid. But for some reason, it tends to be a trend in media for women who don't want children to still somehow inevitably end up with them, whether it's through adoption or pregnancy, whatever have you. On its own, this might be fine for some stories, you get the character realizing "wow kids aren't actually that bad!" But when it becomes a trend for female characters to constantly "evolve" into characters who like raising children, that's when it starts to become a sort of unrealistic, unhealthy precedent.
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I get what Rachel is trying to do here, opening Minthe's flashback with a scene about her mother and how her mother clearly didn't want kids but ended up with one anyways; and then ending it with Minthe, who ALSO didn't want kids but ALSO ended up with them anyways (albeit not biological) but showing the difference in how Minthe handles the situation.
But it's not being done well because it's failing to recognize that 1.) women should be allowed to not want children and not be seen as the villain (disclaimer: this isn't me saying how Minthe's mother treated her is an excuse, if anything I feel like the inclusion of Minthe's mother at this point in time feels very scapegoaty?), and 2.) teaching a preschool class is anything like raising a child as a single mother.
But this mirrors that deeper issue that I mentioned above. That Minthe, a character who didn't want to get married and didn't want to have children, has her character arc resolved by her taking care of children. You see what I'm getting at here? There's this constant trend of women in literature and media "finding their calling" through children. That a woman's character arc can't be considered "complete" until she's had children or "learned to love them."
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IDK what Rachel has against moms, but I'm really tired of seeing LO's motherly characters get reduced to overbearing assholes; while characters who are assholes are "fixed" by having children (not just with Minthe, even Hades - it's a common 'defense' I see that "Hades will be better at it when he has his own biological children, how he treated Thanatos has nothing to do with how he'll be as a dad!"🚩🚩🚩) It sets a very weird precedent ESPECIALLY when you remember that Minthe was also someone who was designed with BPD.
The cliffhanger we got a few weeks ago was of Minthe saying she "had something to do" after spotting Demeter. This led us to believe she'd be confronting her. Instead, we get Minthe... going to work to teach nymphs how to write resumes. Honestly, I think people's predictions from that cliffhanger way back would have been far more suitable - have Minthe approach Demeter and talk about her unresolved issues with her mother and all the reflecting she did while in plant form and tie it into Demeter's development and how she views/treats her own daughter. Having her just clearly "moved on" is... fine, but not really as impactful as it could have been to see Minthe ACTUALLY develop beyond her issues besides just telling Thetis to fuck off (for a second time, I might add) and ignoring Hades (as we're led to believe by her choosing to go to work instead of going along with Thetis' crap).
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Minthe taking over a classroom of preschoolers does not solve ANY of the pre-established problems she had, it doesn't even begin to address her own insecurities or problems she exhibited from her side of her relationship with Hades. It's just "look! she's gonna be a better mom than her own mom was!" which tells us... what exactly? How is that something that's relevant to Minthe's character arc? How does that feel 'resolved'? Especially considering, again, this is a classroom of kids that are all gonna return to their own homes after the day is done. Maybe Minthe will go on to adopt Pyros, who knows, but even if she does, that's solving a different problem that Minthe doesn't have. A child is not going to "fix" her, none of her character development or conflicts with other characters in the narrative had anything to do with childrearing.
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Motherhood should not be the default resolution to a woman's character arc.
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schmerzafte · 1 year
Iucunda Memoria
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A.N: Hello, it's been awhile, but I'm here again! This fic is inspired by @a-casual-kpopfan, thank you so much for editing and being a massive inspiration (I hate you btw.)
“Nice day, right?”
“Yeah, it’s a bright sunny day.”
The park feels a lot brighter these days, usually it’s empty at this hour, but people are currently playing with their friends, parents with their children, and a couple of people hanging out playing board games, it’s just setting the mood a bit nice. You’re also happy because it’s been months since the last time you had seen her, so it’s a good change of pace to your life since the last few months have been terrible for you. College starting to get hectic and your research has been, well, let’s call it slowing down.
What can a college student do to improve their life?
Normally people hang out at cafes, talking about their life and what’s going on with their studies, discussing assignments, eating together, that sort of thing. But with you, an introverted college student, all you can do is play games on your computer, maybe continue your research, stare at the world from the small window in your room, thinking about what’s going to happen next.
You have your friends of course, but that doesn’t mean that you want to go out with them all the time, the majority of your life is filled with thoughts of happier days back in your childhood and teenage year, and you’re wondering “where did it wrong in your life that led to this point?”
Nonetheless, here you are now, in the park near your university under the bright sunlight, beaming the earth and making the flowers bloom. It’s blissful, everything’s good, and everything’s all right, with you, and your partner.
“Usually it’s empty, looks like people are slowly returning to their usual activities.” You said.
“Right, it almost feels… Unnatural, like something is aligning together for some reason.” She replied.
She got a good point, and you start to think, “what’s going on? Why do I feel sad yet happy somehow?” You’re both here, spending time together just like in the old days when both of you cherished the moment, sitting there on the same bench where you and your partner used to sit since the moment you met.
Where you shared all the moments in your life, and she shared hers with you, creating a bond that you didn’t know was possible, you never thought that someone like you, who is isolating yourself from other people, managed to tie this knot of friendship, and even formed a relationship, something that you didn’t even know exist.
Relationships are a strange concept.
How can someone manage to tie themselves to another person they didn’t even know about?
How can someone develop feelings for another?
Where did it come from?
It’s always a mystery waiting to be solved. At least that’s how you used to think. For whatever reason, you are involved in a relationship too, with someone whom you adored and cherished the most.
Your partner since high school, Jo Haseul.
“What’s going on right now? How are things going for you?” She asked, with that beautiful tone that you used to hear every time she comes home from work, waiting for a call from you.
“Well, the usual, still studying and researching for my thesis, it’s funny seeing my friends graduated earlier than me, it makes me sad seeing my progress, feeling like a failure every time I took a step, but life pulls you back two steps.”
“It does feel weird.” You thought to yourself. Normally, your colleagues would be calling you right now, asking for your help to assist with their research, but ever since you started falling behind, everything feels too fast-paced for you.
Now all your colleagues are already graduated from your university, now working at places you don’t even know about and having no way to contact them, since they are too busy with their work.
The feelings of being forgotten by your friends, and companies, are the worst thing imaginable for you.
“That feeling again, huh?” Forgetting people is something you could never comprehend. How do people just forget each other? It seems impossible, from your perspective. Whenever you made new acquaintances, you always tried to be the best person they can depend on, even though sometimes you are a very awkward person, you manage to find people that you can call “friend”, and form a study group together.
“It’s alright, everyone has their own pace, I think what’s being set for you, is a slow journey, waiting to end with a good one.”
“I always believe that people are meant to be happy, in any way possible, but sometimes, that happiness is there, waiting for the right time and the right place. You just need to discover it, even if it takes ages to find.”
There it is.
The positive attitude about her that you recognize so well. There’s something about being positive that just keeps your day together, even if the storms are gathering, the clouds start to block the sun, everything just turning dark, that positivity is what keeps you alive.
It’s what keeps you from giving up.
“Yeah, I guess. I never know how my life will end, with a blast or a letdown. To be honest, these days I feel like a zombie, walking around lifeless, with no clear goal of where to go, just me, myself and I. It feels weird, but it’s what I’ve been doing, at it keeps me at bay.” You tried to insert your inner thoughts, wanting her to support you again, with that positivity that you missed all the time.
“Honestly, that’s what kept me alive all this time, Haseul. You’re keeping me alive, you always believed in me, even though things are going downhill all the time, and I have to thank you for that, for believing in me, for supporting me, for cherishing me, for loving me all the time.”
You smiled at her, trying to lift your emotions back again, after being hit by a massive tragedy that shattered everything to pieces.
Hours pass and the two of you started to pack everything and leave the park, because it’s going to rain sooner rather than later, and you definitely don’t want to be caught standing alone in the rain again, like someone who’s lost.
“Thanks for everything, Haseul. It’s been fun seeing you again after all this time, I’m glad meeting you.” You tried to hold back those tears, and you started to hug her. Wanting to recognize those warm feelings again, after holding back everything, after what happened. But the storm arrived sooner than you thought, and when it came, it destroyed the whole foundation of what you believed in. Those feelings you were afraid of the most, showed up at the worst possible moment.
“Thank you. But who are you?”
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dykedalecooper · 1 year
the tie between schlatt and pearl in the @mcytblrcringefail semifinals inspired. in true gay castle fashion. the crackship of schlearl. which is now my baby girl. i understand her like no one else does. with the help of assorted gay castle commentators and most especially @minecrois i bring to you. an unedited bullet point list mostly copy pasted from discord of my most central thoughts on schlearl. it's a truly awful name i love it so much
they're dating but they're not dating.  they live together in a shitty third floor apartment.  pearl started smoking different worse cigarettes so that schlatt wouldn't steal hers anymore.  everyone hates that they're dating and none of pearl's friends know schlatt except as here weird asshole roommate boyfriend and they're always like "you know we would support  you if you guys broke up you could always move in with us". like all of her friends are like "pearl come on move back in with us like pick a house and we'll make space for you we miss you you don't seem happy in your shitty apartment with your... boyfriend" and she's like.  "no i am i really like living here"  and no one really accepts it
there's totally a scene were like grian is like.  "you SMOKE" and she's like.  "uhm.  yeah" and he's like "is this about him.  is this why you smoke did he get you into it" and she's like "i have smoked on and off for like 5 years and i have known schlatt for like 3 how would he have "gotten me in" to smoking.  also you literally have a dedicated weed smoking room in your house what are you trying to say to me"
people are like "oh well why don't you guys just break up you seem really miserable" and they turn in unison and go "well we're not miserable thank you very much.  we quite like this actually.  go away.  why don't you tell that to etho and bdubs, hm?  didn't someone throw a printer at someone there? hm?"
pearl works at a gas station but she takes the night shifts.  schlatt works at a walmart but he wont let anyone know where he works
  "no you don't get to know where i work that's between me and god" "and your employer" "and my employer"  "what if it's an emergency" "idk work it out you don't get to know where i work"  "WE LIVE TOGETHER how can you think i wont figure out somehow"  "you won't though". 
they barely see each other because they have opposite shifts.  they yell at each other all the time and its really entertaining and enriching for both of them. 
this is a pearl who gets to be mean, she gets to be dirty and gross and have fun. they're very 25 in a very real and normal way, sort of in contrast to the rest of the hermits and friends inhabiting this modern au, who are relatively well put together even in their dysfunction
pearl is like "well maybe if you let me decorate the apartment" and schlatt is like "the furniture provided is FINE we're NOT going to ikea" and she's like "i was going to go to flea markets and look around but fine" and he's like "we're on the 3rd floor how would you even get flea market furniture up here" and she's like "well fine.  i guess ill go to ikea do you want meatballs" and he's like "why would i want meatballs i hate ikea" and she's like "you like their meatballs you're just hungover go barf and you'll feel better.  bye".  she's also hungover she's just dealing with it better than him
pearl has one of those cute little pet cactus that grian gave her that she repotted because the old pot broke and now its like a medium sized cactus that's too big to be cute and fashionable and it lives on their shitty balcony that's primarily just used for them to smoke at and they have shitty plastic lawn chairs.  you know the ones.  that squeak every time that you reposition them
schlatt and pearl smell like the exact same person and everyone notices and is like "wow they're really close" and like they are but not in the way everyone thinks of, they're close in a secret special way that can only be achieved by dating-not-dating your roommate who you have really weird tension and are weirdly close with. its very very important to understand that they're not actually dating. everyone just thinks they are and they kind of are, but they're not
90% of their clothes are communal and they're all really worn in.  they still get mad at each other for taking "their clothes" but they haven't known who the clothes actually belong to for a really long time
schlatt ingratiates himself.  not on purpose.  to the hermits et al because pearl shares a costco membership with them and so he will often have to drive over and pick up groceries because pearl is asleep or getting ready for work or something
via either @twinprimeconjecture or @faghypnotizd or maybe probably both on the potential for schleralis: it would be a one night stand thing and for some reason schlatt would actually come to a thing with pearl and the rest of the hermits would be there and it would be a very awkward realization and then conversation of schlatt going "wait.  i recognize you [keralis] because we slept together for a brief period like 3 years ago.  and now i'm your friend's friend's roommate boyfriend guy.  and also all of you guys dont like me at all"
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sadiewayne · 8 months
my somewhat hot take on ric grayson
firstly, spoilers for the whole ric grayson arc. if you haven't read it and have somehow avoided learning about it through tumblr, here is your warning
also a disclaimer, i am only just getting into comics by reading nightwing. i have read nightwing (2011) aka new 52, grayson, and all the rebirth (2016) stuff. i am yet to read infinite frontier (it's on its way) so i can't talk about any of that
spoilers and shit opinions ahead
so, i read all of ric grayson aka nightwing (2016) #50-73/77 depending on how you want to fully define his arc and the supporting issues of batman #54-55, and the joker war where he gets his memories back
and tbh, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be
don't get me wrong, its an awful nightwing story. i did hate a lot of it. it was only when jurgens took over and actually made the plot a plot did it get better, but i was expecting it to be the worst thing in the world and i actually found myself enjoying it in the same way i enjoy watching twilight, which is to say its cringy but there's just something that keeps me hooked.
so lets look at the positives and negatives
bea: i actually really like bea. i think she was actually a decent match for dick as she did good in her own, non-vigilante way, and was reliable. she wasn't trying to backstab him or trying to mind control him, and she actively fought for him to get his memories back in the end and was willing to get to know dick even thought she fell in love with ric. she also wasn't annoyed that he was/is a vigilante and didn't tell him to stop for her sake. i'm not mad dick broke up with her bc i expected as much, but she was one of the better partners.
parts of ric: under it all, ric was still dick. i was expecting an absolute piece of shit but ric was actually a good guy after jurgens took over. maybe it was the expectations i had from what others have said but fully, i think he isn't given enough credit. he wanted to leave the life he didn't remember behind but ended up going back to it and being one of the 'nightwings'. he didn't do it for an anterior motive, he didn't do it because he owed someone, he did it because it felt right. especially after the way he reacted in nightwing annual #2 when bruce old him he was nightwing, it was nice to see him going out there.
the court of owls: i loved the court of owls tie in. its a great plot that has been central to dicks new 52 story, and one that carried all the way through to the end. especially with it being cobb in the end, the way it started, it felt nice and cyclical. the history of the court of owls in terms of its creation for new 52 is interesting and the way dick was tied up in it all is one of the things that i have really enjoyed throughout the 3 titles. seeing it through 2011, grayson, and then multiple times in 2016 makes me little nerd heart sing. again, it may just be my bias to the court as a villain, but seeing dick as a talon, even for a short period of time, was pretty cool.
joker war: obviously this whole storyline could work independently with dick or ric but i do like how it was tied into his story so well. the magic crystal thing is weird but, given dick's history with the joker as robin and as jason's brother, i loved that it was the joker that brought his memories back in the end i know it was the court and the bea that did most of the work but still i also loved seeing the aftermath, seeing him struggle to go back to nightwing despite him being dick again, the fact that he was happy as ric and had to leave that behind. dick had another hero moment and i do like that
ok, with that all done, here are the negatives:
the arc length: i know this is very common but the arc went on for way too long. i know it was because the original 8 issue plan was thrown out, and jurgens then had to do damage control, but it was still too long. im lucky that could read it all start to finish in one sitting, but this was an arc that lasted 2 years! like WHAT! this really should have been 1 arc, i get it being 2 after the whole mess with who wrote it but still, cut out like most of the middle stuff, have the first arc and the final court arc and then boom, it would be so much better.
the other parts of ric: ok, so i don't like most of his character. mainly him not accepting help from his family. again i know this is a common complain, most of the negatives are, but he had so many people around him that wanted to help and he dismissed them all. they all tried to help him have a life afterwards and he basically told them to fuck off. even after he started going and vigilante-ing again, he never reached out to talk to them. i do sort of get it when he first left the hospital to go to the manor and bruce had the stupid idea to show him his death, but i still think it was a major flaw.
dan didio, scott lobdell, and eric esquivel: if you don't know these names, count yourself lucky. i did my research and found a great reddit post all about the logistical history of ric grayson that is worth reading if you're interested but the crux of these three is a whole list of verbal abuse, toxic workplace practices, and sexual harassment/assault. didio is co-publisher and has a reputation of hating nightwing, like he tried to have him killed off during infinite crisis all the way back in 2005. lobdell is the person who ached for the amnesia arc to be extended despite him only writing 8 issues in the end. esquivel was only brought on for co-writer for one issue but that issue was released only a few days after sexual abuse allegations about him came out. a lot of these men being in charge of nightwing and not being fired until 2020 comes down to their standings in DC and the connections they had at the top. all disgusting, but it meant that the first chunk of ric graysons run is marred with their names and actions. i wouldn't;t include this as a factor except it is a factor. ric grayson may have been 'created' by benjamin percy but he only wrote the first issue, the next 8 were lobdell, before jurgens wrote the rest. and if the big men upstairs wanted ric grayson, they would get ric grayson.
honestly, when i got to #49, i was tempted to not read any further. I would just skip straight to infinite frontier and pretend that ric didn't exist. but i wanted to do my due diligence to the character, so i powered through and found that there was some light in the dark. there is a lot wrong with the arc, and even with the positives i would still say i didn't like the arc, but i can see some of the positives.
also again, this reddit post is super interesting for anyone who doesn't know the history behind ric as how he was received at the time. im glad i read it but i won't be revisiting it
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starcwrld · 4 months
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in this post you'll find: fanbase info, most known members in the fanbase, twt pfps you should avoid, and the starcluster iceberg!
So first, their fanbase is big and I could see their fanbase getting pretty wild at times. 
Like think there would be a lot of fighting within the fanbase and they wouldn’t really fight other fanbases
Like I think there would be a lot of solo stans so the solo stans would be fighting each other and then ot5 fans would be fighting the solo stans for being ‘fake’ so it would be like a constant civil war. 
In terms of the most popular members it goes: Hana, Soyi, Ichika, Kiyoko, and Minji. 
I think the loudest of the solo stans would be Soyi and Ichika’s fans like I could see them being very vocal within the community and also like really annoying in a way? Like think of the stan loona under every single tweet yeah that would be ichika fans. 
Minji fans would be chill but their only downside is that they like make her seem like a victim a lot like the situation could not even be about her but somehow Minji is a victim in it so…
Kiyoko fans are also pretty chill ! I think women make up a lot of her fanbase, unlike Ichika who has the most male fans. I think they mind their own business and tend to stay out of the drama BUT they are really lazy in terms of their support ? 
Hana’s fans would kinda be a mix of them ? Like some of them would be toxic, some of them would be chill, there would be toxic fanboys and lazy fans so like it would be hard to generalize her fanbase. 
From an outsider looking in, the whole fanbase seems pretty normal but like when you get on starcluster twitter or starcluster tiktok is when you see how they act with each other LOLL
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1 !! Anna <3
The known member in the fanbase !!
She of course mainly focuses on Hana since that is her bias but she does support all five of the girls. 
She’s from LA and is also known to contain the biggest starcluster collection like she has every album,  exclusive albums, monographs, exclusive photocards, merch, exclusive merch, you name it she most likely has it!
She’s also the main fan site that gets interacted with by Hana and a few other members! She gets the most interactions from members. 
She’s also kinda worshipped among the fans which is kinda ?? 
Like her words and opinions are law in the fanbase and she’s also usually the first to report on member incidents and have like exclusive details because its rumored that she gets inside info from somewhere :O 
Overall, she’s loved, liked and respected by the fanbase!
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2 !! Luna <3
Kinda problematic just like her bias !!
She’s known to be VERY vocal about her opinions she does not shut up and she’s not afraid to say what's on her mind!
Is the first defender of Soyi (and the rest of the girls but she does not come to play with Soyi)
Did Soyi rob a bank? Well, it’s the bank's fault for having no security and that’s not even something Soyi would do. 
Did Soyi burn down an entire town? It was an accident! 
Like Soyi does no wrong to her and yeah she will throw out her morals for this girl so she is kinda weird :/
Anyways, she’s 50/50 within the fanbase like people respect her/go to her when the girls need something (like if another member is in a scandal or is getting attacked and they want defense LOL) but they also attack her at times too and tend to blame her for bad things that happen within the fanbase and the bad looks the fanbase gets. 
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3 !! Yuri and Nako <3
They are at a tie and are also complete opposites…
Yuri is well-known in the community and is kinda like the golden child. If the fandom was a mini-version of Starcluster, then she would be the exact replica of Ichika. She’s well-liked and protected.
She gives Ichika a lot of gifts though and is a main supporter when it comes to buying albums. 
She’s pretty quiet about her personal life but she actually revealed that she’s a hairdresser and makeup artist and worked with the girls once on one of their concerts in Japan! (it’s thanks to Hana and Soyi that she got the job since they stalk their fanbase the most LOL)
Nako is a bit 50/50 like he’s a toxic solo stan most of the time but sometimes he’s tolerable I guess….
He spends the most money out of all of these fansites that are going to be mentioned. Like he once spent 5k just trying to get into a fancall with Ichika…. (he didn’t get in)
He’s like decent overall but he is a toxic fanboy and makes his whole life revolve around the girls so !  
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4 !! Chalita <3
She’s honestly the best well-known person within the fanbase. 
Like Anna, she supports all the girls but obviously gives a bit more for minji. 
She’s actually met Minji and has also taken a few classes through Starseed in music production and so she’s actually talked to minji! They have contact info and everything! 
Super quiet in the fanbase as well like not much is known about her bc all she tweets about is starcluster things so she keeps her private life completely away from social media! 
It is rumored that she’s an intern at Starseed too :O
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5 !! Tori <3
Another chill fanbase member ! 
She’s more involved in the fandom though like she’s constantly posting and she’s pretty open about her social life. 
She’s a ballerina and posts about that a lot and she’s even preformed for starseed entertainment once and took some dancing classes there as well ! 
She’s pretty popular online outside of being in the fanbase like she has a pretty big instagram and tiktok following and not many people know she has a fan account for kiyoko LOL. 
She’s kinda a microcelebrity basically with a little fan acc for her bias <3
:: EXTRAS ::
run if you see these icons
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the iceberg
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While this ask was prompted by Tezcatlipoca I'm expanding it to be more general: What do you think about the Mesoamerican Servant designs overall? Good parts? Bad parts? Something they can do better/fix? Moments where they dropped the ball entirely?
I'm not Mexican so I want to know what others think. I've seen people bash Tezcatlipoca for whitewashing reasons but I've also seen others say it sorta works because some people do look pale.
Alright then, I'll try to elaborate on my feelings as much as I can. There will be somewhat minor spoilers for LB7, so be warned.
So, starting off with the first one fgo has ever had, Quetzalcoatl.
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If you couldn't tell from this blog, and the fact I've never brought it up, I absolutely ADORE her design! In fact, her design is the first thing that got me to start liking her. Then I found out about her dynamite character and the rest followed suit. Her outfit, while not technically being fully accurate, still looks very nice and her appearance is very beautiful. I'm not really sure what it is, but her design feels like it works well for a mesoamerican deity. Even if the people themselves never looked like this. There are some depictions that described Quetzalcoatl as being more pale in appearance, which might be part of what inspired it? Blonde hair has also been mentioned, tho not as frequently as just being pale. Overall, it's a banging design, and my favorite among fgo in general, even as a mesoamerican servant.
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Since her design is pretty similar, let's do Kuku next. Now, obviously since she's a sorta copy of Quetzalcoatl, she's gonna look similar. In fact, before it was revealed she was an Archetype, I thought it was Quetz, just with a different but similar host. With the fact she looks similar to Quetz, I'm gonna love it. As for stuff unique to her, I am in love with the crystal looking hair, along with the cute western type outfit in her first ascension. Since Kuku is an odd case, she doesn't have a more traditional looking mesoamerican outfit, tho there are influences. Like her headrest in the final ascension, and the serpent imagery on her other 2 ascensions. Overall, more of Quetz but with a new spin, so great!
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Next up, let's address Tenochtitlan. Her design is, generally decent. With all 3 ascensions kinda doing something different each time. The first one is the only one trying to be actually traditional. Now, if you've seen a decent amount of mesoamerican clothing, like I have in my research attempts, you could tell like Quetz's it's only vaguely a mesoamerican type outfit. With Quetz's tho, it does feel more genuine. Meanwhile, Teno's 1A has elements that stand out a bit too much. Like the weird top she has, and the prominent heels, and the weird face mask thing? Now, given her unique nature, there isn't a direct depiction of a deity to draw inspiration from, tho there were 2 decent ones. Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli. Tho, while I can see some details present in Tlaloc, like her headdress, not so much with Huitzilopochtli. Her 2nd ascension is meant to be more like a modern fashionista, to kinda go with her "big bro's" modern day obsession. Which also kinda goes with the indigenous mexican gods still being somewhat active post age of gods, Somehow. Her final... is a mixed bag. While I generally do like it, it's clear something else entirely is being tried here. It's a sorta sci-fi-ish look, with mesoamerican inspiration that I'm assuming is meant to tie in with her mecha noble phantasm. Which is pretty nice still, tho a lil confusing as to why. Overall they're decent designs, but a bit further away from greatness in my eyes.
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Now then, Tezcatlipoca. I will use this opportunity to mention that yes, many Mexicans and Latin Americans in general come in a wide variety of skin tones these days. While the original indigenous peoples didn't, Fate doesn't inherently have to limit themselves that way, given the unique lore around the gods taking human hosts. This is at least part of why I don't have a huge issue with Quetzalcoatl and Tenochtitlan looking not as tan. However, with Tezcatlipoca it doesn't work as well. For one thing, Tezca is very strongly associated with darkness, the color black and so on. Another thing, is that since we've already had other mesoamerican characters, who are paler and who's designs work well enough even with that, it starts to get a bit oversaturated now, especially with one that doesn't work nearly as well. As for the clothes, I do like the first ascension, going for the vibe of a rich and stylish war profiteer, to coincide with his modern obsession with guns. The 2nd is also very fun, cause it feels like a super hero/villain's costume. While I'm not the biggest fan of the mask, or the unnecessary opening in the one shoe, it's otherwise very fun, and I'm imagining going for something similar to Teno's 3a. But then when you get to his 3rd ascension is when his general appearance especially clashes with the rest of the design. A pale, blonde person dressed like that feels downright offensive. Something about the weird leather boots and gloves, along with the unnecessary skull inclusions and the poor looking headdress and facepaint, on this scrawny looking white dude feels like all kinds of wrong. Even ignoring the appearance of the wearer, it feels dumb. I dunno if you guys realize, but mesoamerican clothing was actually quite colorful, not this semi-monochrome mess. Which is another fact that makes the other designs work, but not this one. While black was an important color for Tezcatlipoca, he was also associated with other colors, like gold, red, blue and so on. If you threw a few of those colors and got rid of some of the edginess, it'd be a vast improvement. Overall, somethings work, but a lot don't too.
That's all for now, as I'd rather not get into npcs atm, maybe another time. So overall most of the designs are good in my opinion. Pale skin isn't inherently a deal breaker in my eyes, especially when other bits work aswell. Tho we very much could use more variety now, with many other skin tones like how modern day Mexicans have.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
i feel so called out by the commuter student who can't drive bc even though i can my anxiety refuses to let me drive on the highways 🙃
Let the all kill begin, just to condense things (and reduce the post spam lmfao I'll put screenshots here AHAHA
Anyway no yeah, Rose, like I be telling everyone if you're not going to live on campus you have to get your license because I mean it when I say you almost can't do shit without it esp cuz clubs meet after classes end. Like, I couldn't actually drive to uni until I was in my junior year and even then since I was new I feared for my life that first year!
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Honestly a slight TMI but I remember at the time when my parents told me that I was in middle school. My best friend at the time just came out as bisexual and our parents were close, so her parents would tell mine that they were hoping it was just a phase (it wasn't) and also at that time I think anti-lgbtqia+ tensions were so high where we lived so when my mom told me that, of course, at the time I felt so betrayed by her because she had various family members in the community. But looking back at it in hindsight, I get it. If I was her, I don't know how I'd protect my young child, who was barely entering her teens, from a society that already hated who she was because she was a racial minority.
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When I finally came out to my mom like a few months ago she straight up told me she wasn't surprised because of my fashion choices LMFAO Converse, Skinny Jeans, and Flannels (so many of them)
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NO BECAUSE LIKE one of the things I was going for was to accentuate OC's relationship with Somi by making her relationship with her parents so tense. Everyone talks about car ride convos, but the tension between OC and her dad in that scene was my attempt at some narrative to kinda sorta ostracize her from her parents. And true to life, I can't tell my dad anything LMFAO
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You think you know them and suddenly you find out the Mitochondria isn't just the powerhouse of the freaking cell
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Me getting blackout drunk and/or fucking railed at parties while my parents tell everyone how studious I am 🤩
do as i say and not as i do
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ALSO NO DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE INBOX SPAM speaking of you dropped a few things while i was gone i should go binge those soon 👀
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Dude NO studying gets done in those rooms my most vivid memory was me explaining how tf dp works to my friends who both (a) asked and (b) didn't get the concept for some reason-
Then we trauma dump about past relationships it's perfect-
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NO REST FOR THE WICKED DFJSHDFJHDF like just call them exams at that point. They're not a midterm if they're multiple of them 😭
I used to say fucking anything to get my motivation up before the exam HAAHAHAHA
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It's true, the trauma bonding really helps too
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Had to tie it in somehow. Another TMI but I gave mine away recently, I had like this weird manic depressive episode so I buried it in a box we were going to send off to GoodWill. Not to be dramatic, but it hurt looking at it.
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You're welcome, love, I sobbed too-
But fr though I meant it when I say I went through a ride writing this fic, and there's just so much more that we did together, me and the girl I based this off of, that I left out that I almost feel like how I wrote her here didn't do her justice. But like, it's fine. (me crying at god awful hours in the morning)
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ikorous · 1 year
dramione and/or fake-dating if you feel up for writing that? 👀💜
“You don’t have to walk me home.” Hermione tucked her hair behind her ears and immediately wanted to pull it back, but she needed something to do with her hands. They felt weird, like they had changed somehow by holding his all night.
Draco shrugged. “I can’t let people think I’d let my girlfriend wander the street alone at night. I have a reputation to protect.”
Of course he would be worried about what people would think of him. In fact, Hermione was surprised that he had gone along with this when she ran into him in the hall after she had lied to Harry and said she was there with a date just so he would stop looking at her like she was about to break into a million pieces. 
She and Ron simply hadn’t worked out and now he was happy with someone else and Hermione was too busy with work to date, which was also a large part of the reason she and Ron were incompatible. The only reason she had gone to the holiday part after work was because she was hoping to talk to Kingsley about the reforms she had sent into his office two weeks ago and hadn’t heard back. 
Running into Draco had just happened at the right time. He was leaving his office, late as usual, and Hermione knew because they often took the lift up together, but never really talked. Sometimes he nodded at her, but usually she was too busy reading over her notes to try and make small talk. Not that Draco would have ever wanted to talk to her and seemed surprised when Hermione blurted out that she needed a favor and asked him to pretend to be in a relationship with her just for tonight. 
Draco stood there for a second and Hermione wondered if he was going to laugh at her before he turned, threw his bag back into his office, and straightened his tie before taking her hand and walking her back into the party. 
She had to admit, Ron’s face was priceless when he saw Draco standing next to her with his hand on her lower back while she chatted with Kingsley and completely forgot to ask if he had read the report she had sent him.
“It’s not far,” Hermione assured him, trying to hurry because she didn’t want to take up any more of his time. 
“A few more minutes won’t kill me,” he said with a playful hint in his tone. 
Hermione glanced up at him and thought she saw his lips curling up around the edges. Was Draco smiling?
His hand brushed against hers and she felt that same, strange jolt in them again. She chalked it up to nerves. Or humiliation. He probably thought she was crazy and had only agreed because he was scared that the insane girl was going to go off on him if he didn’t do what she said. 
“I’ll tell everyone the truth tomorrow,” Hermione offered, not wanting to impose on him any more than she already had. “You aren’t obligated to keep this up. It was so silly in the first place and I—”
“It was fun,” Draco offered, lips twitching again. “I haven’t been on a date in a while and…” He trailed off then cleared his throat. 
Hermione tried to look at everything but him, yet somehow she kept glancing over, waiting on Draco to finish his thought.
“I’d hate for the Minister to reject your reforms because he thought you were untrustworthy or something.” Draco waved his hand dismissively. 
“That’s… that’s smart.”
Draco gave her one of his curt nods.
They continued walking, slightly slower now, and Hermione tucked her hair back again even though it hadn’t fallen.
“I’m just up here.” Hermione pointed to her building and Draco looked up at the building, scrutinizing it and Hermione wondered what he thought of it. Then she wondered why she cared what Draco thought of her building. 
“What time do you leave for work?” he asked, eyes sliding over the darkened windows.
Hermione tensed. “Seven. Why?” 
Draco looked back down at her and yes, he was definitely smiling now. 
That same electric jolt paralyzed her hand as Draco took it in his and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it. 
His eyes never left hers. 
“See you at seven.”
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Today I will pretend that I am working on my fic by nailing down my headcanons for TMA S1 clothing and outfits.
At work he is always in professional officewear, always put togther, has a sharp haircut. Rarely a full on suit but sometimes the elements of one, like a vest with no jacket. Always a tie. Gravitates toward white shirts and dark everything else because he thinks dark colours all automatically match each other (they don't). No patterns. No accessories. Always looks uncomforable in his own clothes, like they were bought for someone else. No one ever taught him how to dress himself nicely so he is doing his best approximation of what others are doing and it only mostly works (it would never occur to him that his belt and shoes should be the same colour, for example). He irons everything on laundry day but then wears clothes for multiple days in a row because he has no time/is secretly living in the archives for most of the week, so his overall look is far more rumpled than he realises.
At home (on the increasingly rare days that he isn't at the institute) he just dresses in his old uni clothes, which lean towards alt and gnc stuff. This has more to do with the fact that he cbf to upate his wardrobe (shopping is hell) and less to do with it actually reflecting how he wants to present himself now as an adult, but it's fine because he never goes anywhere. There's some skirts in there, and merch for weird indie bands that no one's ever heard of. "Somehow" he got custody of a few of Georgie's old shirts in the break up and he will wear these to sleep in because they are soft and loose and comfy on him (the air quotes are because he is in denial about being a clothing thief). He owns eyeliner that he doesn't wear anymore because he's convinced himself that he's too mature for it now. He has a jacket covered in pins for various causes that he also never wears anymore but he loves it too much to get rid of it.
Also professional, but a much softer version. Like Jon he is afflicted with desperately-need-to-look-like-I-know-what-I-am-doing-even-though-I-don't disease, and that reflects in his clothing choices. He always wears multiple layers and his clothes all trend towards being too baggy, both for trans reasons and also the dismal realities of shopping for plus size clothing on a budget (more often than not, you just have to buy whatever you can physically put on your body even if it will never look right or fit properly). His default setting is a collared shirt with a cardigan over the top, but the collar still visible. Prefers cooler colours because warm tones bring out the red in his skin and he worries about looking flustered all the time. Paints his nails sometimes when he is feeling a bit gender. His mother had his ears pierced when he was little but he never wears earrings.
His at home clothes are exactly the same as his work clothes. Martin doesn't have spare cash for extra outfits; he has to buy nicer things for work, so when something becomes too worn to get away with in the office he just wears it around the house until it's too faded and full of holes to hang onto. He will patch or darn things that he particularly likes or thinks he can get some more life out of. Taught himself how to do this by watching youtube videos and is actually pretty good at it; some of his patched clothes could almost look trendy! He probably has a handful of clothing items that are actually good because he bought them for himself as a treat, like a dress shirt in a colour that matches his eyes, and some pants with a particularly flattering waistline. He wears these things when visiting his mum because he wants to look put together but also because he usually needs some cheering up on those days.
She's a woman trying to be taken seriously in her profession, so she dresses seriously. Lots button downs tucked into high waisted skirts, a few dresses but nothing too feminine. Nothing with hemlines above the knee or anything that shows her shoulders. Nothing too form-fitting, and she's also usually wearing mutliple layers. Subdued but nice patterns. She walks a fine line between not wanting to look like a grandma but also avoiding anything too modern (lots of old fashioned types in academia). Always considers her appearance and puts together outfits where everything matches and looks flattering. Prefers muted but warm colours, browns and oranges and yellows. Jewellery is always simple and understated, like some small gold hoops that are okay to wear every day, and maybe a necklace. Always wears her hair up off her face and natural makeup. She gets herself french manicures when she has the spare cash and feels like treating herself.
Outside of work, she has a really defined style and it's much more modern and less understated. A go-to outfit would be all fitted black clothes but dressed up with bright heels, belt and chunky earrings all in a matching colour, like an eye-catching red. Her hair is usually down and curly.
Strays a lot closer to the 'casual' side of business-casual than anyone else is comfortable with. He's received warnings for dress code violations before (none of the others ever have). Tends towards close-fitting clothing, dark slacks matched with shirts that have lots of colour and patterns (but rarely anything that clashes or veers too far away from office-appropriate). No hawaiian shirts or jeans. He used to have coloured hair and matching nails but was told it violated the dress code so he stopped doing that back in his research days. Always wears earrings and often they are 'fun', like a set of studs that look like little birds or something. Also has some rings, and a nice watch that his parents got him as a graduation present.
Outside of work, yes hawaiian shirts and jeans, and maybe he fucks around with some jewellery or makeup if he has a date or is feeling a bit gender. That would be his go-to leaving-the-house outfit. He is someone who has very distinct 'outside clothes' that look good and he will let people see him wearing, and 'inside clothes' which do not look good and no one but Danny and Sasha have ever seen him wearing. His inside clothes tend to be old mismatched workout clothes with the elastic starting to go. He will wear these all day even if he has no intention of working out.
Always impeccably tailored three-piece suits. Definitely not afraid of colour, but he would never wear anything remotely close to being described as 'flamboyant'. Prefers solid colours over prints or patterns, but definitely owns some pinstripes. Always matches his shoes to his belt. No jewellery other than the occasional wedding ring (it's always a different one and never lasts more than a few months) and a series of very expensive watches and tie pins (he must own dozens of them). Doesn't go overboard with eye imagery; restricts himself to cufflinks that have either eyes or the institute logo on them (he has several different sets because, like the watches, they are often anniversary presents and he has so many anniversaries). He will sometimes wear some subtle eyeliner because he wants to frame his eyes, but this is only for special occasions. Never looks anything less than 110% put together, and overall his aesthetic is what Jon's is trying (but failing) to be.
Outside of work, he is still always in very expensive clothes (because Peter pays for his entire wardrobe) but not suits, just the dressier side of casual. He does the annoying rich person thing where all of his clothes are tailored to fit him, so even his casual wear looks effortlessly amazing. A normal outfit for a relaxing day at home would be something like grey slacks and a black turtleneck (but in a distinctly whoreish way).
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magic-aggy · 1 year
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@rudy-redd 's character moonshoes and 'my' character... uhhh. well shes only sort of mine. this is just my take on what EQG Celestia would look like if she came thru the portal. I've taken some liberties, and she's more or less a distinct AU version of the real character at this point. im going to refer to her as Tia from now on.
originally i was just inspired by another person on here's art of 'what if pony EQG celestia', and i drew a really weird scene with my take on her, for like, fun, to explore colour. but then that design which was made on a whim, cemented in my brain and gradually turned into a sort of OC.
i had the thought that like, theres no real magic in the EQG world besides the little bits of pony magic that was introduced. so while like, the mortals have a concurrent equivalent in each world. like, theres two applejacks that are alternate versions of the same person.
but the human celestia would have died like a thousand years ago. bc pony celestia is a thousand years old.
thus, my take, is that Principal Celestia (Tia), is a sort of reincarnation of the original human celestia, who was some historical figure associated with the sun. and current human celestia, is a trans woman, who felt a connection to the historical figure and felt compelled to name herself after her!
so she is the same person but also a totally different person all at once.
and then i started projecting all my stress onto her, bc damn she probably has a stressful life like the pony celestia and doesnt get enough time off. and at the time i really really wasnt getting much time to rest or recuperate.
so i started to fantasize and put together little stories and anecdotes about Tia visiting the pony world in her time off, and taking advantage of looking like the princess to get away with things she shouldnt, and getting into trouble, and eventually meeting her doppelganger.
and i think theyd get along, but also maybe from a distance Princess Celestia would be jealous, bc Tia gets to be young (43) and carefree (have weekends off), but the princess is so busy allll the time.
so now Tia is like, somehow all at once an OC, an AU version of a canon character, and one of several ponysonas that i project various aspects of myself onto and explore myself through.
its complicated. her design here is like, a practice for making a proper ref for her. im really happy with how it came out.
i really like Tia...
im going to tie her into the big AU story im working on. she is going to fuck up so many well laid plans just by being there.
oh and shes an earth pony!!! i needed an earth pony character... i like earth ponies...
if i was a real pony ive often thought id be a unicorn, but recently ive thought maybe id be an earth pony. or a unicorn who's magic doesnt work reliably bc of an injury/chronic health issue/undeath.
anyway expect more Tia art sooner or later.
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thatoneitaliangirl · 11 months
The Hat Man
(Just as an FYI, I change from past tense to present tense a couple of times. This isn’t a serious written work or anything, just a recollection of a dream so I don’t really care if it’s written that well, but I figured I’d give you a warning anyway cause I know stuff like that bothers me when reading lol.)
Long time no see! Sorry to my all of 2 followers that actually interact lol. But for serious, I am sorry for being gone for so long and not finishing things and leaving requests hanging. Its a bad habit of mine- I also got a boyfriend. We’ve been together for over a year now, and when we got together I kinda gave up fanfiction all together. I didn’t want to per say, it’s almost like I didn’t need it anymore. My Love took away my loneliness!~ But I still miss fanfiction lol. It just doesn’t feel the same anymore. 
I’ve recently started on Anti-depressants and ADHD medication and I’m starting to get back into the things that I used to love. I’ve been wanting to write again for some time, but just wasn’t sure what to and if I’m even capable of coming up with a unique thought right now lol. So, instead of coming up with something unique, I figured I’d tell you guys about the weird ass dream I had a while back. I’ve been thinking about it constantly and just had to tell the internet because spooks. 
I’m not exactly sure when I had the dream. It was a hot minute ago, like maybe 2 months or so? Before I go full into it, I would just like to state that, at the time, I had never heard of the Hat Man before. Which, now that I know, I’m surprised I hadn’t cause its right up my ally lol. But I hadn’t which makes this so much worse. 
My dream starts with me as a kid, maybe around 5 or 6. I’m wearing a long sleeve dress and I’m playing with other kids outside in the woods. It was Fall, the leaves where brown and falling off the trees and there was a nice breeze. I grew up in Florida in an area where there were no large forest like areas. The only thing I could think of this coming from would be an area by the neighborhood gazebo that had a bunch of trees we used to climb, but no matter where you were in it, you could see houses, it wasn’t very large. Anyway, I was playing with other kids my age and somehow I got separated from them, but I wasn’t scared or lost, I was just alone. I come across this large tree that looks a bit different than the others in that it looks older and maybe darker. At the base of the tree is a small wooden box, about the size of a jewelry or music box. It was made of a light colored wood and had very minimal carvings on the side. I remember opening it and then time rushing forward in the dream of stuff happening around the house and me blaming the Hat Man and nobody believing me. They would think I was lying to get out of trouble but eventually it got so bad that they sent me to a mental hospital. The Hat Man in my dream looked very similar to the descriptions of him on the internet. He was very tall and was wearing like a ‘50′s style suite and hat with a long coat and he had a red tie and no face. 
Time skips again but to the present. I’m my current age, 21, and I’m sitting in my room at the mental hospital talking to my therapist. She’s not anyone I recognize in real life, but she was really pretty I remember. She had long brown hair and was maybe in her early 30′s and spoke in a very kind and happy voice. She was discussing with me about how well I had been doing the past year and that the papers for my release had been signed, I just had to wait till morning. She was saying how she was so proud of me and how she was gonna miss me but she knew it was for the better. 
I’m not sure how any of you feel about the paranormal or spiritual stuff, but my family and I believe in it. I have this one family member who is very in tune with that kind of stuff and for some reason, she was in my dream. This is probably one of the reasons this dream freaked me out so much, because I literally never dream about her. I honestly can’t even remember ever dreaming about her, and so I felt like there was a reason she was there. What’s weird though is that I never actually saw her in any form, I just knew that it was her. In the dream, she was in the same hospital as me, just down the hall in another room. 
Later that night, I head to her room to tell her the good news, but I find her dead and run back to my room. I know that it was the Hat Man, and I begin freaking out that he was coming for me next. It was like he didn’t know where I was, but now that he did, he wanted to give me a warning. 
In the morning, the therapist comes in to get me but sees me sitting on my bed, rocking back and forth. I didn’t sleep the whole night and I just kept mumbling to myself that the Hat Man was coming for me. She was confused because I had been perfectly fine the night before and hadn’t had an episode like this in a year. Suddenly, there was commotion out in the hall, and she runs to the door and sees a bunch of nurses and doctors running into my family members room. She grabs the first nurse she sees and asks them what’s going on, and she just shakes her head. The doctors begin to pull my family member out of her room on a stretcher, but we can’t see her cause she wrapped in a pink blanket and only her arm is sticking out. An older nurse sees me standing nervously and shaking behind my therapist in my bedroom entryway and glares at me. She suspects me because I knew who was killed and later on they see me on the security cameras walk down the hall to her room, enter, and immediately run back to my room. Because of this, I’m put under lockdown. I’m not allowed to leave the room and they have someone watching me constantly. The therapist is in complete disbelief and is conflicted. On one hand, she’s known me for years and knows I would never do that, but on the other hand, she saw I was having an episode and there was a lot of evidence suggesting I was the murderer. 
For some reason, I’m not sure why, she decides to look into the Hat Man. Why she didn’t do this any other time while she was treating me is beyond me, but dream logic. 
She goes to this really large and old library and spends hours looking through books and records and news articles that talk about the Hat Man. Late at night, she’s sitting in the library alone. Just a single lamp on the table and the moon shining through large windows behind her are the only light sources. She sees something in an article or a book that shocks her enough to believe that this entity could actually exist and she calls me to ask me what I know. I tell her that he can only come for you at night and if your alone in complete darkness. Just as I’m telling her this, you see him walk past the window behind her and she runs out of the library. She spends the rest of the night in bars, diners, and other 24 hour spaces until dawn breaks and she rushes back to the hospital to see me. 
Somehow we figure out that my family member may have known something and was trying to protect me from the Hat Man, so she “breaks” me out of my room and we head down the hall to the murder scene to look for clues. We find a teddy bear that had a button to record but it’s missing the batteries. We quickly find some, put them in, and a message from my family member starts to play. All it says is for me to tell my aunt about the Hat Man and then I woke up. 
As you can see, this dream freaked me the fuck out. Not only because of how insanely detailed it was, but because of the family member dying, the message, and just the over all fact that I always felt creeped out at our old house and so this just confirmed in my head for that time that spooky stuff was happening. In reality it was all in my head OR SO I THOUGHT  but back to that later. Now that I’m typing this out, I realize that I had this dream at our old house so definitely not 2 months ago lol. We moved like 4 or 5 months ago- my sense of time is so freaking bad-
Anyway, I told all my family about the dream and they all agreed it was really creepy but that was kind of the end of it until I told my boyfriends friend. We were having a little game night and I don’t remember how the topic came up, but I ended up telling her about my dream and she was like, “Ah yes, the Hat Man. He comes to get you for not taking your ADHD medication.” And I was like WHAT???? She was shook I didn’t know about the Hat Man, and I was shook BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING REAL????? Or, not real, but that the concept was an actual thing and I didn’t just make it up in a weirdly vivid nightmare. 
She explained a bit about him to me and I looked him up on the internet. What’s funny is that, while I have ADHD and have been diagnosed with it since the 2nd grade, I’ve never taken medication for it before until literally 2 days ago. So I just kinda thought that was funny. I’m sure somewhere in the past I stumbled upon a meme or a joke about the Hat Man and my subconscious just kinda filled him in there but I still have no recollection of ever hearing about him before. And while I’ve thought about this dream on and off for the past few months, I only really started thinking about it again because my family recently told me that there was something in our old house, more that what I had originally knew. Like I said, I always got a weird feeling in that house, kinda like I wasn’t alone even if I was the only one in the house. My cousin had told me there was a spirit of a little boy but that he was harmless. Still, I felt off about it but I just kinda chalked it up to me being creeped out over everything, even if he was harmless- not sure if I ever mentioned it on here before, but one day I was in my room, home alone, and I got out of bed cause I had to use the bathroom and I was watching a tik tok and as I looked up from my phone to grab my door handle, the knob was turning on its own and I decided that, maybe, I didn’t actually have to use the bathroom and went back to bed. My aunt told me it could have been one of the cats, but I didn't really believe that. And now, the other day, I’m told that there was something bad in the house that the family member that died in my dream found and it freaked her out. And guess what fellas???? The reason they never told me about it was because IT WAS IN MY FUCKING BEDROOM so moral of the story is, trust your gut, dreams can’t hurt you, and the Hat Man is real. 
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year
Rules: Post 10 of your favourite movies and tag 10 people! Thanks @glamorouspixels for the tag. I’ve actually been thinking about this of late because I’ve listening to Brett Goldstein’s podcast Films To Be Buried With. These are in the order I watched them:
1. Lord of the Rings
My favourite films of all time, based on my favourite book of all time. Also I consider them to be one very long 11.5h movie (yes, I refer to the extended editions).
2. Chicago
One of the first movie musical adaptations I ever saw, which left an indelible impression on me. To this day I could probably describe the Cell Block Tango scene shot by shot. Catherine Zeta-Jones! 
3. Once Upon A Time In Mexico
This bonkers finale to Robert Rodriguez’s El Mariachi trilogy has everything. It has Antonio Banderas as a brooding guitar-playing hitman. It has peak Johnny Depp in the era when it was not weird to have a Johnny Depp phase. It has Salma Hayek looking absolutely smoking. It has Enrique Iglesias, whose guitar has a flamethrower. It has Danny Trejo! Willem Dafoe! Eva Mendes! Mickey Rourke! all playing these absolutely unhinged roles. I adore it. 
4. Sin City
So there are two Rodriguez films on this list, but I don’t think I could do without either. Sin City is perhaps one of the best graphic novel screen adaptations of all time. I was obsessed with this film from quite possibly too young an age, especially with Rosario Dawson as a dominatrix with a machine gun. It’s utter pulp and I’m not sorry.
5. Brick
I maintain this high-school neo-noir with baby Joseph Gordon-Levitt is still Rian Johnson’s best film, and this is despite the fact it was so low-budget they had to fake a transition by pulling a garbage bag over the camera and then playing it in reverse. It also contains a scene with a chicken jug that will live in my heart forever.
6. Singing’ in the Rain
Do they make them like this any more? They do not. I can’t begin to pick what I love most about this - the hysterically funny script, the OT3 vibes, the fact that nearly every musical number is a colossal achievement of its own (Donald O’Connor running up the walls in Make ‘Em Laugh! The tap-dancing in Moses Supposes! Cyd Charisse in that green dress in Broadway Melody!) or even just the comic genius of Jean Hagen, which could sustain an entire film on its own.
7. Inception
This film managed somehow to be both a cinematic masterpiece and fandom catnip, which is rare. As an architecture/urbanism geek who also loves heists and devastatingly competent men in suits, I feel like this film was made for me. Also, Arthur/Eames! One of my all-time ships. 
8. 28 Days Later
Best second-generation zombie film, for my money - both stunningly shot and horrifying. The way the final mansion massacre is filmed while John Murphy’s soundtrack builds on that eerie four-note crescendo - chills. Also, young Cillian Murphy and Naomie Harris! really the most beautiful zombie film ever. 
9. The Maltese Falcon
I dithered over whether to put this or The Big Sleep in the bracket of “classic book-to-film noir adaptation starring Humphrey Bogart” - I love them both equally - but went with this because it is, marginally, the better film (and the better book - Raymond Chandler could write the hell out of a novel but he could not tie up his plots). It also has the fantastic villain duo of Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet, as well as a young Elisha Cook Jr as the gunsel who gets played for a sap. That ending! “If they hang you, I’ll always remember you.” 
10. In the Mood for Love
This is, hands-down, the greatest film on this list. Definitely one of the greatest films ever made. Every single shot is a work of art. That iconic scene of Maggie Cheung buying noodles in a dark high-collared cheongsam, walking down a smoky alleyway swinging her tingkat to the strains of the plaintive violin of Shigeru Umebayashi’s theme, brushing past Tony Leung in his steam-rumpled suit - it gives me shivers. I’ll never be over the ending of this film. I’ll also never be normal about buying noodles.
So I’m not going to tag 10 people because I’m too tired but like talk about your favourite movies if you want to! 
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