#aka the murders are part of him and i think i could fix him but also its kind of funny
toxi-works-at-culvers · 7 months
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this is the dynamic
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brights-place · 1 month
Hii! If it’s okay, could I please request some hcs of Leif from MID with a motherly s/o?
The reader doesn’t have to be female, I just think that he deserves a nurturing partner after all that childhood trauma
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Lief X Motherly! Reader
Pairings: Leif X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Some angsty shit, mentions of Murder, Cursing A/N: Dude I can't agree more that Lief deserves someone to nurture him LIKE OMLLLLLLLLL! this man when Rhys and him had the argument and leif said "your not the only one who tells me that" I was so shocked - Leif had like a really SHITTY PAST DUDE - You were Ava's neighbor so you wanted to greet her the day after her interview - So having you be there makes him so confused how could you handle him? how could you handle his personality - Leif is a bit feisty but also very bold when it comes to things and leif can be shown to be slightly challenging and quick to assume things such as him instantly assuming Ava your BFF was dead when she was found to be unconscious. - Leif was shown to be dangerous as shown by the many threats towards Ava's life... yet you showed cared for him? you wrapped up him whenever he got hurt and would scold him - He first got pissed at you and thought you were challenging him on his healing abilities - but you were showing him kindness which most daemos find weak - You took care of Ava properly and made sure she was fine and all the daemos men called you Ava's head Lady in Waiting  - You were there in the morning helped and fixed her place as you took care of her. Ava saw you as a mother figure yes she has her own parents but having you was nice - You cared for her and showed her motherly attention and when you tried to show the other daemos that care - Violent tendencies come to him so he pulls out his sickles and would try to charge at someone so you have to restrain him the most and he gets pissy
- When Leif came across you he was immediately struck by your warm and comforting presence. - When someone gets your attention he gets defensive and would try get your attention back onto him - he has abandonment issues so he likes to be by your side but he doesn't speak up about it at all for example Ava was explaining how to put on the clothes for the others - You know how he likes poking ava with you its even worse he pokes but sometimes likes to touch diffrent parts of your bodies randomly. You could be washing dishes and he would pop up behind you touching your waist an then try to scold him but he's always far away - Even as a healer he finds it annoying how you try to patch him up - He likes to sharpen his sickles and shows it off to you as you just make sure he is alright - He likes to talk about him being a ex-assassin and flezes it as you tell him how cruel it was as he just stares at you - Believe it or not Leif respects you more than anyone in this world aka earth I mean- have you seen yourself? but he says he doesn't respect anyone - The group saw you punch a guy who tried to touch you and ava inappropriately due to being drunk the guy passed out with a singular punch - You gained their respect but when leif tried to join in on punching the male you dragged his ass away - he started to like you after awhile and would flirtatiously threaten you as you scold him like always which he enjoys - He smirks alot and I mean alot but he enjoys staring at you when you do things - You asked him about his past and he was hesitant and you apologized and told him when he was ready he told you anyway as you frowned telling him that he didn't deserve that -  you soon pointed out to him that distracting himself from his trauma by focusing all of his energy into his work killing started to become recreational for him as it was the only mechanism that could relieve emotional pain. - he became so dependent on bloodshed to keep him mentally stable almost as if it were an addiction - Leif would look away and scoff and tries to tell you off as you deadpan at him with an look 'Bro I know' - You give him ideas on how to relax himself as you give him plants for him to take care of due to noticing when you brought a plant to give to Ava he wouldn't stop staring at it - So you give him these plants to look after and explain they need light and water - He flexes it and says it was 'special' cause he tried to repeat all the facts you say about them so he seems smart - so when he watched one die after a couple of days he freaks out and rushes to ava demanding her to summon you cause you weren't there due to you being at work - You got off work and explained to Leif that it died due to not being taken care of so he makes sure to ask if he's doing stuff correctly which makes you confused how he is so calm - He has a short patience and would go off at a moment not like Asch but still has a short temper - threatens Ava for him to hangout at your apartment whenever you try to leave as Ava panics as you tell Leif to stop - You tell him that your just next door and come by whenever and he starts becoming an annoying pest - Ava would drag Leif to your place as others complain as Ava tells them to shut up as Ava knocks on your door as you open the door with a tired look wearing a face mask and your Pajamas wearing duck slippers and baggy sweatpants and a white shirt with a goose holding a knife in its mouth with bubbly words 'Peace was never the option' above it as Leif smirked at you.
- A sigh past your lips as Ava left to go to bed and leif entereed your apartment as you motioned for him to sleep on your bed as you were heading to the couch - This mother fucker decided to pull you into the bed and tell you to just sleep here as you warn him if he breaks anything your gonna tell ava - You fell asleep drooling onto bed unaware the leif clinged onto you enjoying the warmth you shared - it was weird how someone as caring and nurturing as you were caring for a blood thirsty ex-assassin - In the moments that you both have interacted with each other Leif felt something that he hadn't in a long time... Comfort
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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hellfireloserclub · 5 months
written for @thefreakandthehair spicy six winter challenge prompt: prompt 40 -If I hear this song one more time, I’m going to jail.-
Also on Ao3
Little Drummer Boy
It was something straight out of a shitty Christmas movie.  
Eddie wasn’t convinced that some higher being hadn’t sent down the whole damn situation to torture him. 
Had he not earned a break from the relentless torture that society insisted on dragging him through on the daily?
Hell, he had died for this godforsaken town and this was his reward?
Steve motherfucking Harrington walking around looking like Mr. December in a charity pin up calendar, right in front of his poor besotted eyes. 
He had only taken this job over the holidays to save up enough to actually move out of Wayne's, god knows his uncle deserved to have his own space. Wayne didn't need his deadbeat nephew under foot any longer, but between working on his GED and the few questionable side hustles -aka anyone that would employ a high school dropout who was accused of murder- his options had been few and far between. 
Joyce Byers had been left in charge of the Hawkins festive festival, and like the absolute angel she was she had put him to work alongside Robin and Steve as the general dogsbodies. No job too big. No job too small. 
However, this almost constant presence of Steve was hard-wiring Eddie's brain to sit constantly at a state of half horny half stupid. Sometimes he couldn't hide the frustrated grunt that shot out of him as he banged his head on the counter. It happened whenever Steve walked past with his stupid ruddy cheeks doing something dashing and noble and endearing himself even more to that really weak part of Eddie's psyche. 
So far in the last few days since they had set up, he had been a witness too, in no discernible order a thousand tiny acts of Harrington heroics. 
Steve had shimmied up the enormous Christmas tree in the town square to fix one of the blown out lights. The view had been spectacular, his stupid handsome grin shining almost as bright as the plastic angel that was lit up on top of the finest spruce the town had to offer. Various cheesy Christmas hits interwoven with carols filling the air as Steve had meticulously twisted each light one at a time.
Eddie had held the ladder as Robin taunted him relentlessly about his stupid crush under her breath.
“Come they told me Pa rum pum pum pum A newborn king to see Pa rum pum pum pum”
 Eddie loudly sang along to the music coming from the speakers in the town square, hopefully drowning out her words enough that Steve couldn't hear her from his precarious perch. Robin looked too smug in her knowing glances and her eyebrow wiggles. 
Eddie almost regretted letting Robin in on his dirty little, very confusing, secret, but it felt right at the time. Even if he couldn't quite get his head around the idea that he might be attracted to another man. He stupidly figured Robin would know where he was coming from, even if it was from the opposite direction, so to speak. Robin hadn’t asked for specifics, but it wasn’t hard to guess who his life-changing revelation was over. It wasn’t as if there were that many people in their immediate friend circle. 
But Eddie dared anyone not to fall a little in love with Steve Harrington, Demobat slayer. He was charming to a damn fault, nobody was immune to it, he even had Hopper wrapped around his little finger. And that was all it was, the charm. He wasn’t having very new, very frightening feelings over one of his best friends. The man who had saved him. 
Blah blah blah it was like some stupid typical pulp fiction trope, right down to the hairy chested man boobs, torn shirts and epic scars, just make it gayer. Even so… Eddie… he wasn't gay, at least he didn't think he was? Right now staring up at Steve leaning over to flick at a dud bulb his tongue poking out between pink chapped lips, Eddie wasn’t sure how long he could keep telling himself that. 
When Steve's feet were firmly back on the ground, he had quizzed them on what was so funny. 
Eddie had gone bright red and deflected but Robin had just said something catty about Eddie enjoying the view. 
It didn't help his cause when he helped Steve put the damn ladder away, following behind holding the other end of the rungs trying to look anywhere but at the picture perfect view of Steve’s ass in blue jeans.
“A newborn king to see Pa rum pum pum pum” Eddie muttered under his breath, singing along to distract his stupid mind. Steve watched him quizzically as he propped the ladder up against the wall. 
“That song gets stuck in your head right?” 
“Yeah something like that.” Eddie was glad when the walkie on his belt burst to life asking them to come help set up the candy cane village. 
 Steve saving the baby Jesus was unexpected.
An epic hero moment, saving the son of God from the jaws of the stray dog that had kidnapped the thing from the nativity scene outside the church. 
Eddie had seen Steve take down three Demodogs with one swing of a bat, however it paled in comparison to watching Steve dive head first into action mode to chase a Jack Russell Terrier into the dumpster behind Maldives. He had returned victorious hoisting the little plastic doll above his head until he passed it on to old Mrs. Stevens to put back in it manger. 
Robin was forced to listen to how her ‘nice young man’ had saved the day for the rest of the shift and Eddie had wound her up relentlessly. Sweet revenge for the inner turmoil she had inflicted on him. 
“Robie and Stevie sitting in a tree…” Eddie teased as they watched Steve getting force fed sugar cookies from the women of the church guild.
It earned him a punch in the arm so strong it nearly knocked him off the fence where he was sitting. “It's not me who wants to be sitting in a tree-” She was about to go on a rant…
“ Our Finest gifts we bring, ” he jumped down from the fence “ To lay before the king pa rum pa pum pum So to honor him ” Eddie sung as he plucked a hot chocolate from the stand he was supposed to be manning and skipping over to Steve he presented him with his stolen bounty.
“What's this for?” Steve asked, looking down at the festive paper cup. 
“You just saved the son of god, my good sir. That deserves the finest vittles.” Eddie joked, bowing low. “Plus, you need more sugar to wash down all that sugar, sugar.” 
“That's a lot of sugar.” Steve beamed at him. Cheeks flushing. 
“Sugar and spice and all things nice, Stevie.” He knew his own face was reddening, even more so when he realized they had an audience. The ladies of the church guild were watching them both, eyes wide. 
“I am a poor boy too. ra pum pa pum pum I have no gift to bring.” Eddie sang slinking over to the woman standing next to Mrs. Wheeler and gently taking the effigy of the baby Jesus and bolting the tiny fence to secure the thing into its manger with a zip tie. Then because ‘tis the season ‘ replacing the swaddling around it with all the care of a new father, tucking in his firstborn. 
Rattling out a drumming rhythm on the wood before he straightened up, he gave a rousing chorus of the song that was well and truly stuck in his head.   
“And to think we thought you were a serial killer.” Mrs. Causey from the post office offered a sugar cookie like she hadn't just said the most bat shit crazy thing a woman in a knitted two piece wearing a pink bobble hat had ever said. 
“I never thought you would have done the things they said you did Edward.” Ms. Roberts said, nudging Mrs. Causey in the side. “I know your dad, Al made some stupid choices, but he’s a big old pussycat. Mad as a box of frogs, but wouldn't hurt a fly. I very much doubt any son of his would do such awful things.“ 
Mrs. Causey looked like she was about to say more, but Ms. Roberts hushed her up. To be fair, it was nice to hear someone say good things about his old man for a change. But he was holding off on the mad as a box of frogs until next week when he went to see his Dad on visitation. Last time he had spoken to him he was trying to persuade the guards to let him do a nativity play for the other inmates. It probably hadn’t ended well, Al Munson’s big ideas never ended well. That was why Eddie was with his Uncle Wayne after all. 
Eddie smiled his most shit-eating grin in the general direction of the good women of Hawkins, “Ah, Yeah dad has the flair for the dramatics, and I'm afraid the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But I’ve got Steve to keep me on the straight and narrow. Isn’t that right Stevie?” He jumped the fence again, this time landing with a wobble right in front of Steve. The other man reached out to steady him, with a flourish so as not to spill his hot chocolate. “Ah, my hero, you see this ladies? You need to watch your daughters, he will sweep them off their feet next.” 
“I think we need to watch out for the pair of you Mr. Munson, you’re both quite the catch.” Ms. Roberts grinned as she started walking away. “Charming and resourceful. Quick thinking with the zip tie, maybe next year we should handcuff the baby Jesus down, less chance of a canine abduction” 
Eddie was suddenly aware that Steve still had hold of him by the waist, he jumped away as if burned. It was one thing to be close behind closed doors, quite another to be like that outside and in front of the damn Nativity scene of all things. Eddie clocked the quick look Steve shot towards his handcuff belt, and ached to make a joke but Robin came to save the day. Demanding that they come and help with a spillage on the ice rink. 
Still Eddie couldn’t help but feel that every time he looked up to talk to Steve, he caught the man quickly turning away, like he was already looking at him and had gotten caught. Eddie was finding it hard to believe that the redness in Steve’s face was all to do with the cold. 
Christmas eve snuck up quickly. And with it Robin’s relentless teasing somehow increased. 
Every time she walked past now she would sing the stupid little drummer boy song, but now she had alternative words for the damn thing, and every time Eddie heard it over the speakers it instantly reminded him of Steve’s existence. Because Robin was a cruel and evil being sent to drive him to his own despair. 
“Don’t stare at Steve’s bum, pum pum pu pum pum”  Robin sang as she rounded him on the outskirts of the candy cane village, dressed as a jolly little elf arms full of mystery gifts for the meek and mild, or whatever it was kids were supposed to be, he hadn’t been paying attention in that part of the class. Thankfully, Steve was busy perfecting the piles of presents, attempting to make them stay in neat stacks, it would have been easier if he wasn't struggling with the stupid elf costumes Joyce had bullied them all into. He kept tugging the ill-fitting trousers from where his butt cheeks were trying to consume the itchy material. Eddie wasn't fairing much better but he at least had less to deal with in the ass department. It was hard to pull out a wedgie when you jingled all the way. 
 On the plus side, they had gotten off lightly, Hopper was currently dressed as a very unconvincing Santa Claus, and the rugrats had been roped into dressing as Angels and were currently caroling next to the tree- the lights kept flickering and they all kept exchanging worried glances, or at least they had until El glared the bulbs into submission. 
To make matters worse, Steve started to sing the song under his breath all the damn time now. Eddie was getting some sort of twisted pavilion response to the tune. He was like a mouse looking for a treat. Whenever he heard that man offer his little drumsticks up to the little baby king he perked up and automatically sought big King Steve. And he was pretty sure Steve had cottoned on to him. Because whenever the song came on the festive rotation, right between Wham and David Essex, Steve was within viewing range of Eddie's new superpower. 
It was hopeless he was hopeless, and right now he couldn't escape, not the same 24 Christmas songs on repeat or Steve and his peachy bum bu bum bum - fucking Robin! 
The sound of bells jingling signaled Robin's return just as the telltale drumming started up through the speakers .
“If I hear this song one more time, I’m going to jail.” 
Eddie nearly knocked himself out spinning on the spot. He hadn't expected Steve to sneak up to him when he jingled and jangled more than any one man should. Eddie hadn't noticed that the crowd had thinned, it must be time for Hopper's grand entrance. At least they only had to man the grotto and the sugar heart attack that was the line. Argyle and Jonathan were manning the slay. 
“I thought you liked the little drummer boy?” Eddie rocked back on his feet trying not to look like Steve hadn't scared the ever living shit out of him.
“I do, but we hear it like sixty times a day, not including the wonderful remixed version you and Robin seem to have penned in your downtime.” Steve cocked an eyebrow, “Who knew Steve and bum could be used in so many creative ways?” 
Eddie nonchalantly looked across the square, pretending to watch the Santa procession. He felt Steve step towards him, this time he jingled. He must have been ninja as fuck to get the drop on Eddie, because every minute movement was like crisp Stereo sound right now. 
“Oh, come on Eds I totally set you up for that one, not even a ‘that's what she said’ joke? You're probably already on the good list, I mean saving the world has to be worth at least that right.” Steve's voice quietened towards the end, as if something had caught his attention. 
He chanced a look at Steve from below the rim of his elf hat that he had pulled down further both to hide from Steve's questioning gaze, and protect himself a little more from the snow that had begun to gently fall. Steve was ignoring him now watching the white flecks falling, the first of the year. It wasn't the same now, not when it looked too much like the particles that had engulfed them and blocked out the sun. The haunted weary look crossed Steve's face and Eddie wanted to do anything to replace it with that content smile he had seen for the last two weeks. 
“I write you a ballad about that peachy ass of yours, and all you do is complain.” 
“You missed the ra pum pa pum pum” Steve pointed out, but the frown was gone, replaced with a smirk. He looked like the epitome of a bad idea. But bad ideas were something Eddie excelled at. 
Eddie suddenly felt brave, there was a first time for everything. 
“Ass doesn't fit the rhythm. It's got to be bum or butt, Dustin's A big butt head pa rumpa pum pum. See, fits the pattern. Has Weird Al taught you nothing?” 
“I mean he's taught me how to make a damn fine sandwich.” He shrugged, shuffling forward and flicking the bell that hung on the end of Eddie's elf hat. 
It rang out its happy little tune as Eddie focused on that and not the fact that Steve was up close, right in his personal space. Like how was he supposed to function with this blatant discard for his boundaries? If Eddie’s brain would like to send his body an answer on a postcard, he was happy to receive its feedback. 
Was it hot in here? Had someone turned on the space heater? Had Eddie or Steve accidentally set fire to their stupid polyester and wool crimes against fashion? 
Was it just him? Was he having a stroke? Was this some dormant form of upside down rabies? If it was, Robin would kill him. He had bitten her only last week when trying to stop her stealing the remote at Steve's place. She had bitten him first; it was only fair. But if it was rabies at least death by Robin would be a quicker way to go, then whatever was making his heart drum in his chest like the warm-up act to Megadeth.  
Steve tapped the bell on the end of Eddie’s hat again, he was trying to do it in time to the jolly HO HO HO of Hopper over the speakers, but he failed miserably. Still Eddie watched every little movement, like he was about to sit a SAT on Steve Harrington and he had to pass or there would be grave consequences for his immediate future.
“You're the musical one okay. I haven’t got a musical bone in my body-” Steve was grinning at him now, a bright thing that made his eyes sparkle in the twinkling rainbow lights of the sugar plum grotto. One eyebrow was sneaking dangerously close to his hairline, it was like he was waiting for Eddie to finish his sentence, or catch up to the joke. Unfortunately for Steve Eddie’s brain had taken a mini sabbatical, it had to go somewhere to send him that postcard after all. 
“Ok what’s up, that’s the second terrible sexual innuendo I’ve set you up for and you failed me dude, where’s your head at?” Steve tapped the side of his face and Eddie turned to look at him. Nobody should look good dressed as a bloody elf, but Steve was somehow pulling it off. 
Oh shit, he was talking again and Eddie hadn’t heard a word of it. Staring at Steve’s chapped lips should really make it easier to follow the situation, but when had anything worked out right for Eddie. 
Just then the speakers kicked in and the dulcet sounds of George Micheal filled the little room around them.
“Maybe next year I'll give it to someone special”
The Santa parade must almost be over, soon this little bubble between them would be filled with sugar-filled hoodlums. But right now it was just him and Steve and in any second …
“Would you look at that, it's the song about my bum.” Steve wiggled his eyebrows and the bells on his hat jingled, but that wasn’t the thing that caught Eddie’s attention. 
The feeling of Steve’s nose brushing his own was the only thing he could grasp as real. Steve was too close. He tried to focus on him but it was making him cross-eyed.
Why was Steve so close?
Anyone would think he was trying to- oh…
“Please don’t hit me.” Steve whispered as his lips softly pressed against Eddie’s, there was a moment's hesitation as Eddie’s brain got the memo, and Steve started to pull away. Probably thinking that he was about to get up close and personal with Eddie’s rings to his face. He was, but not from a punch, Eddie somehow found the cognitive function to get his body to do what he wanted. A hand coming up to grab Steve’s face and pull him back in for a kiss, and the other one finally getting to grips with Steve’s right butt cheek. It seemed to be all Steve needed to press back in and drag Eddie into him till there was no doubt that this was what they both wanted. 
Steve made a content noise as he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against Eddie’s, filling the space between them with a chuckle.
“Did you just pat my butt in time to this song?”
“Does that make you the little drummer boy?” 
“Ah, less of the little, big boy try before you deny and all that. Stevie the real question here is are you the king, the gift or are you my drum… pum pa pum pum” Eddie dropped his other hand to Steves other cheek tap out the beat in time to the song. 
That got a dirty snort of a laugh, and it was one of the best sounds Eddie had ever heard. 
Suddenly Eddie felt like he was the bravest man in the world.
“So, am I visiting you in jail? Do they still do conjugal visits?” Eddie asked, nudging Steve's nose with his own “Do I have to start wearing dresses so I can fool the guards and have my wicked way with my jailbird of a lover?” 
“I mean, what I want to do to you would probably get me arrested in at least five states.” Steve glanced across the snowy square. The sound of the Christmas hoard moving towards them with Hopper guiding the way growing ever nearer.. The bubble of whatever the fuck this was was getting smaller by the second “But since I get to do this now-” Steve lent forward and gave Eddie a soft quick kiss, “Hopefully, whenever I want. I won't feel like I'm crawling out of my own skin when I hear this song… ra pum pa pum pum?” 
“Hey, that one almost worked!” Eddie grinned as the first of the visitors to Santa's grotto could be heard crunching up the gravel Oohing and ahhing at Rudolf and his cohorts. Hopefully nobody looked too close and realized they were actually just donkey's with fake antlers-it was dark and well the magic of Christmas was doing a lot of heavy lifting (no animals were harmed in the making of this magical wonder-but Robin had almost been kicked, more than once.) 
 Eddie, feeling bold, snuck in another quick kiss before they were thrown headfirst into the chaos of Christmas eve. They aimed for casualness as the first kids stormed around the corner to join the line. 
Robin's face was too knowing when she walked up to join them.. But Eddie was pretty sure nobody had seen anything untoward.  
“What did I miss, dingus squared?”
Robin placed herself between them and started untangling the hats from their jingling and jangling entanglement. The dangling ends of the Elf hats joined Eddie and Steve and It was obvious they had to have gotten a little up close and personal for that to have happened, “Did a Christmas miracle happen?” Robin teased as she bounced both bells back off their owners' nose. 
“Santa’s Elves can go on the naughty list you know,” Steve tried to stare her down with the same look he shot at the gremlins, but it hadn’t worked on Robin before and it wasn’t about to start doing so now. 
“Steve! Do you copy?” The walkie talkie on all their belts crackled into life with the sound of Dustin, throwing Robin and her accusations off track.
“Yeah butt head what is it?” Steve sounded annoyed but his face read as fond. 
“Fido’s back for round two, You forgot to say, over. Over.” 
Steve looked out across the square and the snow that was now bleaching down. 
“Did Fido get through the cable ties? Over.” Eddie radioed back wondering how the dog had got past his fool proof retaining method. 
“The manger is halfway down the street. Over.”
Robin looked at the line of kids waiting to go into Santa Hop, then looked at Eddie and Steve. She looked torn, and Eddie knew she was trying to decide if she wanted to tell Dustin to stuff it, or if she could last till the shift was over before getting the juicy gossip. 
“Go. Do your stupid action hero thing,” she barked at Steve. She grabbed Eddie by the wrist stopping him from following Steve on his biblical quest. “But you stay here, I need emotional support against the heaving masses,”
Steve saluted her, bouncing on his feet. He nudged Eddie with his hip as he passed. “So little drummer boy. If I don’t get back, mine after work?”
Eddie tried not to be too enthusiastic when he nodded aware that Robin’s eyes were on him. 
She looked like she was about to say something when the doors to the grotto opened and the kids in the front of the line started jostling for position to be the first to see the big man in red. 
Eddie started taking the tickets as he watched Steve dart around the waiting kids and head out into the snow. He tried not to stare at Steve's ass as he slipped on the snow but he knew he failed when Robin started ra pum pa pum puming at his side. 
“Did you tell him?” He whispered accusingly as he helped up the line with his little red rope.
“I didn’t tell him anything. You sing out loud, you big goof.” Robin didn’t have to look so smug, 
“I might have nudged him in the right direction. He wasn’t sure he had heard you right, you know I was just doing my bit, making sure that you were both barking up the right pine tree, being a good samaritan”
“I didn't know Steve was … you know?” Eddie muttered under his breath. 
“He's not, well he is… a bit. Enough to flirt with you in front of the infant king and half the ladies’ auxiliary.” Robin took the next bunch of kids tickets and waved them through the velvet rope of hope. They all looked drunk on sugar and dazed in the lights. Eddie knew how they felt.
They got to the end of the long line with Eddie in a haze. Steve did not return to them until shortly after Hopper had stormed off complaining he needed at least an entire bottle of whisky to deal with the amount of kids who had asked him for a Ninja Turtle.. 
Steve hastily locked up the grotto and started toward the car, Robin charging ahead calling shotgun. she narrowly avoided the snowball thrown at her by Steve as he yelled at her to wait up. She pointedly ignored them slipping and sliding in the snow till she got her position at Steve's passenger side.
“It's ok Bucks, I know my place in the pecking order.” Eddie grinned as he slid into the back seat, however he leaned forward to interrupt the silent conversation happening between Robin and Steve. He would never understand the semaphore that was their eyebrows, but he could interrupt the signaling. 
As soon as they were outside Robin's. Eddie scrambled through the gap in the chairs to steal her place in the passenger seat. She affectionately rolled her eyes as she turned to say goodnight. 
, it’s my gift to you ra pum pa pum pum. Now you can touch Steve’s bum ra pum pa pum pum ” She sang before she slammed the door closed, flipping them both the bird. 
“She's going to try to take the credit for this, you know?” Steve said as he snaked his hand over the center console, searching out Eddie's knee to squeeze. 
“I mean, credit where it's due, I think we can blame Bing Crosby and David Bowie and their dedication to creating the most annoying earworm that rhymes with your bum.” Eddie watched as Robin pulled the door closed behind her with a wave and a thumbs up. He glanced around the street checking that nobody's curtains were twitching, all he could see was softly falling snow and HOA approved fairy lights. So he took matters into his own hands and twisted his fingers in with Steve’s, tugging him closer, unable to wait any longer. 
Steve's lips met Steve's with no resistance, he sunk into the warmth, the feel of Steve's chapped lips moving against his own, it would be easy to get lost in it. He was getting lost in it, right until a snowball hit the windscreen and shocked them apart. 
Battle mode activated and the two of them looked for the threat, only to see Robin standing in fluffy pajamas on her porch, waving at them to get a move on. 
Heart racing from more than just the shock of the snowball, Eddie flipped her off as Steve put the car into drive and the radio kicked in, the song that had started it all playing quietly as they pulled the corner towards Steve’s house. 
“Then He smiled at me pa-rum pum pum pum. Me and my drum Me and my drum.” Eddie sang as he tugged playfully at Steve’s hat, the bells ringing in time to the music, Steve’s smile lighting up the snowy night. 
He was living in a cheesy Christmas movie, but for once Eddie Munson was more than happy with that.
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yoonkinii · 22 days
We Were Human
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Pairing(s): Ascended!AstarionxReader
Synopsis: Astarion died as soon as he became something the world has never seen before. No one noticed the damage before it was too late and the Astarion everyone loved was lost to the new one. No one could notice when the turn was slow and silent. He slowly lost the playful glint in his eyes. Lost the love he gaze upon me with. Lost everything that made him the man I loved. Oh, how I would give anything to get him back. I would gladly give up my damned soul for him.
Aka you are transported back to the past in order to prevent ascended Astarion from losing himself the only problem? You don’t have a lot of time.
Warnings: Gore, blood, cruelty, cursing, death/murder, mentions of using oneself unwillingly, abuse, depiction of abuse and violence. Its ascended astarion, prepare for the worse.
Note(s): For the sake of the plot- Astarion will not automatically be damned from the start. In this world, Astarion becomes lost to the ascension overtime until he becomes the ascended vampire we know him to be in the game. Another note that should be highlighted is that this story will be told from the first person perspective since it benefits the story more than any other perspective.
You will also notice various things being different from the game. For example, Karlach will be able to stay in the ‘human’ world and she fixed her heart. (I love my girl, I’m not sending her back), Szaars palace has a different layout cause the one in the game was stupid. There will be more that you will notice in the future so beware.
Thank You.
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For days now, the relentless drumming of rain against Karlach’s window had provided a steady backdrop to my thoughts. I found myself alone in her modest abode, a place she had grown accustomed to and seemed content with. The room held little beyond the essentials - a simple bed pressed against the wall, positioned beside the only window in the home. Atop the bed frame lay a quilt, carefully stitched by hand, a gift from myself to congratulate her about getting her internal engine fixed.
Opposite the bed, the fireplace stood as a focal point, its rough stonework casting a rustic charm. Despite its offer for year round warmth, Karlach rarely ever kindled a fire, claiming she had grown tired of feeling heat and would be like that for a long time. Only upon my arrival did she light it, deeming my chilled body was unacceptable. Even now, the faint scent of burning wood lingered, mingling with the fragrance of rain. 
The small kitchen area is equipped just enough to feel like home. A wooden dining table accompanied by two sturdy chairs, sits under a single swaying light bulb. The shelves contained only the most essential cookware, reflecting Karlach’s preference for practicality. She never carried around much and never cared for fine dining. She was content with her stomach being full and nothing more. 
Nestled in the corner, the bathing area boasted simplicity, making up a basic washing basin adorned with a small mirror suspended above. A neatly folded towel and a solitary bar of soap adorned the basin’s side, offering only the essential. Despite its humble appearance, the corner still did its job of allowing people to wash themselves as needed. 
As the front door swung open, inviting in the chill of the wind and the mist of  rain, Karlach stepped in, her hair drenched and a carefree smile adorning her lips. Settling beside me on the floor, she leaned back against her bed, seemingly unfazed by her wet state as she nudged me playfully. 
“Feeling hungry?” She inquired, gesturing towards the kitchen where food awaited. 
I offered a small smile in response. “You know I have no need for food like that,” I replied. Karlach’s brows furrowed momentarily before she let out a soft snort. “I meant in general. Have you felt hungry since you’ve been here? Any urge to bite into my neck?” she joked, tilting her head to expose her pulse point. “Not that I think my blood would taste very good…maybe just a little hot.”
Deep in thought, I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, pondering. SInce my arrival at Karlach’s place, I hadn’t ventured outside, fearing that Astarion’s threat still loomed, ready to scorch my skin at the slightest touch of sunlight. Fortunately, the rain had persisted for days, grinding me the relief from that particular dread. 
Shaking my head in response to Karlach’s question, I replied, “No, I haven’t felt the urge to sink my teeth into anything.”
“Well, that’s one way to put it, I supposed,” she teased lightly. But then her tone shifted, growing serious and somber. “But seriously,” she continued, “how long are you going to run?”
Taken aback, my brows shoot up in surprise. “Run? I’m not running.”
“Not literally,” she clarified, “but you are. You’re scared. I can see it when you wake up and instantly try to dodge out of the window’s reach. How you flinch at every creak and groan of the wood as if you’re anticipating something to leap out and get you. I see it in your eyes as you spend hours staring into nothingness, lost in a place I can’t reach. You won’t even tell me what happened or what’s wrong, and you don’t have to , but it’s plain to see that you’re scared and you are running from confronting that fear,”
I remained silent for a while, grappling with how to explain myself to her. Even though she didn’t know the exact details of what happened between Astarion and me, her observation was astute. I was running but how could I not? Faced Astarion once more, the events that unfolded had changed him, and all I had done was stand there, paralyzed by fear. How could I ever face the love of  my life after such a failure?
Karlach sighed, drawing my attention away from the window. She shook her head softly as she rose from her seat. “It doesn’t matter,” she said reassuringly. “ You can stay as long as you need to.” Moving to the front door, she grasped the handle. I instinctively shuffled away from the door’s impending opening, noticing the flicker of sadness in Karlach’s gaze as she observed my reaction. 
“I’ll be back late again,” She continued, choosing to ignore my wariness, hopefully for my own sake. “This weather is slowing down the rebuilding process.” With that, she opened the door, allowing the chilly wind to rush into the warm room. “Soldier?” she called out, glancing back at me. 
“Yes?” I responded, my hair tousled by the gust of wind sneaking past Karlach’s figure.
“Think about what I said, okay?”
My mouth opened and closed, a retort forming in my throat, but I couldn't conjure up a believable excuse. “Fine,” I relented, rising from my spot on the floor and making my way to the corner with the washing basin. “I’m going to clean up.”
Without another word, the door clicked shut behind her, shutting out the rain and wind. Reflecting on my behavior, I realized it had been rude to turn her away like that. Karlach had shown me nothing but kindness since my arrival. Despite bombarding me with questions upon my initial arrival, she had relented when she saw I wasn’t ready to answer. Even without an explanation from me, she had allowed me to stay, going as far as picking up extra clothes for me from stores, deeming my ‘fancy’ attire too uncomfortable. Those same clothes now hung in her closet, as she had generously made space for them among her own belongings. 
Selecting a nightgown, I slipped it on, shedding the clothes I had worn previously. The fabric felt more suitable for sleeping, its loose fit offering comfort as it draped over my frame, its hem skimming just above my ankles. 
With a sigh, I retrieved my bedroll from beneath Karlach’s bed, unfurling it before settling into it. Sleep seemed to be my only respite lately. Sleep and avoidance of the issues I should be confronting. But facing them was easier said than done, especially when my own mind tormented me with memories. How was I supposed to confront something when my memories of it were so painful? How could I forget the suffering I endured simply because I was in love?
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A scream of unparalleled agony echoed through the desolate halls, jolting me from my trance. I blinked, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. The walls, constructed of cold gray bricks, seamlessly melded into the floor, sending  shivers up my spine as the chills seeped into the soles of my feet. The hallway stretched endlessly before me, devoid of any discernible beginning or end. Regardless of which direction I faced, the scene remained unchanged. Mantels, adorned with flickering torches, line the walls at regular intervals, yet their feeble light failed to penetrate the infinite darkness that loomed beyond. I blinked again, and suddenly found myself standing before a weathered wooden door.  
Another anguished cry pierced the air, coming from the chamber beyond the door. . 
Without hesitation, my hand moved of its own accord, grasping the doorknob and pushing the door open. What lay before me turned my stomach: the room was awash with blood, the crimson fluid pooling on the floor in a sickening display. It coated every inch of the chamber, making it hard to navigate without stepping into it. Strangely, aside from the eerie glow of the torches, the walls were bare, mirroring the emptiness of the hallway. I blinked once more, and in the periphery of my vision, I noticed it: a door partially ajar, nestled in the far corner of the room. 
Once more, my body moved of its own accord, propelled forward by an unseen force. Each step I took was accompanied by the sickening sensation of slick blood coating the soles of my feets, staining them with a stranger’s life. With trembling hands, I pushed the door ajar, allowing the flickering light of the torches to cast eerie shadows in the dimly lit room. 
I stood frozen in place, my heart pounding against my ribs like a frantic bird trapped in a cage. My breaths came sharp and ragged, as if struggling against an invisible weight pressing down on my chest. Every fiber of my being crackled with fear at the sight that unfolded before me.  
I whispered, the sound barely audible in the oppressive silence. But there was no response, only the echo of my own voice reverberating off the walls. Frantically, I repeated his name, each syllable clawing its way out of my throat in a desperate plea for acknowledgement. But my efforts were futile, as if my voice had been stolen away, leaving me with nothing but mute desperation. 
Clawing at my throat in a futile attempt to force sound from my lips, I felt my eyes widen in horror as they flickered between Astarion’s battered form and the blood-splattered walls surrounding us. The mere sight of him threatened to overwhelm me with a nauseating sickness, forcing me to avert my gaze. 
There he was, laid bare in his vulnerability. Curled into a pitiful heap in the corner of the room, he trembled uncontrollably, his arms protectively around his head as if seeking refuge from some unseen torment. His once flawless skin was now marred by a tapestry of wounds, some still seeping crimson rivulets. With each flinch, a new mark appeared, adding to the mosaic of his suffering. 
Suddenly, he was jerked from her fetal position by an invisible force, his body rendered limp as his hair was yanked back mercilessly. A sob tore free from his lips, mingling with the whispered please that spelled forth in a desperate cascade. 
Driven by instinct, I sank to my knees before him, cradling his battered face in trembling hands. Bruised and swollen beyond recognition, his eyes were nearly swollen shut, while blood trickled from his broken nose, staining his lips crimson. Tears mingled with the blood, their salty tails tracing paths down his bruised cheeks, a testament to the agony he had endured.
Even as I knelt before him, my tear-filled eyes pleading with his vacant gaze, it seemed as though I was but a ghost in his eyes. His stare was distant, unfocused, as if he looked through me rather than at me. A shiver of unease ran down my spine, my confusion deepening as I followed the line of his sight, searching for whatever phantom held his attention.  
There, looming over us with a malevolent grin etched on his face, stood Cazador -  the tormentor of my beloved, the architect of his suffering. His presence was suffocating, dripping with disdain as he regarded us with contempt. With a deliberate, calculated motion, he raised his arm, his lips moving soundlessly as if uttering a silent incantation. In the blink of an eye, his blade descended, its deadly edge slicking through the air with horrifying finality. A scream tore from my throat, mingling with Astarion’s own anguished cry. 
Gasping for breath, I bolted upright, the echoes of terror still ringing in my ears. My eyes darted around the room, seeking solace in the familiar sights that surrounded me. The flickering flames of the fireplace cast dancing shadows across the wooden floor, the rhythmic pattern of rain against the windows providing a soothing backdrop to my thundering thoughts. 
With a shaky exhale, I realized it had all been a dream - a nightmare that had gripped me in its icy grasp. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to confront the anxiety that still pulsed beneath my skin, gnawing at my resolve. Rising unsteadily to my feet, I disentangled myself from my bedroll and made my way to the front door, my heart pounding in my chest. 
As I stepped outside, the chill of the rain-soaked air enveloped me, drenching my hair and clothes in its icy embrace. Ignoring the curious glances and calls of concern that greeted me, I sprinted through the cobbled streets with single-minded determination. Only when I reached the imposing gates of the palace - my - did I allow myself to pause, my breath coming in ragged gasps. 
Pushing open the door, I was met with an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. The dim glow of the palace offered little solace, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light. 
“My Lady?” came a tentative voice, breaking the silence like a fragile whisper in the darkness.
Raising my gaze, I spotted Lucinda’s familiar brunette head as she approached, her arms laden with pristine white sheets. She regarded me with a tilt of her head, her expression inscrutable. 
“Lucinda,” I greeted her with a smile that I hoped masked the tension I felt. “Do you know where Astarion is?”
“Lord Ancunin is bathing,” she responded matter-of-factly, her gaze unwavering. 
“Thank you,” I murmured, offering a brief nod before ascending the stairs, my footsteps quickening with purpose as I made my way to the bathing chamber. As I pushed open the door, a rush of warm, moist air greeted me, enveloping me in its comforting embrace. 
Inside, I found him reclining in the large porcelain tub, his back resting against the smooth surface. His expression shifted from annoyance to surprise as he caught sight of me.
I made no reply, closing the distance between us with determined steps. Without hesitation, I climbed into the tub, fully clothed, and nestled myself against his bare chest. 
His initial tension melted away as he relaxed into my embrace, his arms encircling me protectively. I breathed in his familiar scent, nuzzling my nose against his pulse point as we savored the simple intimacy of our closeness. 
But as I made to move away, his grip tightened, holding me in place. 
“I didn’t think you were going to come back,” he confessed, his fingertips trailing lightly across my arm, sending shivers down my spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“I was terrified, Astari,” I admitted, no longer willing to suppress my fears. “What you did was…it was horrible.”
“I know, and I am sorry,” he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. “Truly sorry. I don’t know what came over me…it was like…” He trailed off, his words lost in the depths of his turmoil. 
Pulling back from him, I held his gaze with unwavering determination. “No, you don’t get to do that,” I asserted, jabbing a finger towards his chest. “You do not get to shut me out like that. Keeping things bottled up is selfish, Astarion. It was selfish of you to push me away when I tried to help you with that dream. I won’t allow you to do the same now, especially after you threatened my life as it if meant nothing.” 
His jaw tensed, the muscles grinding as if engaged in a silent struggle. I knew I was pressing his buttons, but I was beyond caring. He needed to confront this, just like how I was. His lips formed a thin line. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Really? Because it certainly didn’t seem that way to me,” I retorted, narrowing my eyes. His hands, resting against my waist, tightened slightly, betraying his inner turmoil. “Astarion, I need you to tell me what’s going on.”
His gaze bore into mine, the deep ruby of his eyes contrasting sharply with his pale lashes. “I’m locked in a constant battle with myself. I’m changing, I can feel it, but I don’t know if I can control it. I never wanted to hurt you, and seeing the fear in your eyes when I threatened you snapped me out of it,” he explained, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “But by then, it was too late. You were already gone.”
“Is it still you when you lash out like that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. 
He sighed heavily. “Yes,” he admitted, his expression pained. “It’s my emotions, but sometimes they overwhelm me, and I become the one person I wanted to escape from.”
“Astarion, don’t say that,” I pleaded, taking one of his hands in mine and guiding it to my cheek. “You are not him. The fact that you’re talking to me about it sets you realms apart from him.” Tilting my head slightly, I pressed a gentle kiss to his palm. “When this change happens, what seems to help you come out of it?”
“You,” he replied simply, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
“Me?” I echoed, surprised. 
“Yes, my Darling. Even in my darkest moments, I would never hurt you”
“I never stopped protecting you from the sun,” he interjected, cutting off my protest. “You never lost it.”
Studying him closely, I noticed the weariness etched into his features, the grief and darkness that had descended upon him since his ascension. Furrowing my brow I pressed him further. “Describe this feelings to me, in detail.”
He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “It;s like a constant whisper in my mind, manipulating my emotions to its advantage,” he explained slowly. “I try to resist it, but sometimes I lose control, and my actions become erratic. Each time I regain my sense, it becomes harder to ignore these impulses. It pains me to admit it, but while it’s still me acting, the emotions driving those actions are not my own.”
I swallow deeply. This was unfamiliar information I didn’t know in my past life, one I never encountered even during the darkest times. Yet, it all makes sense now - how Astarion gradually succumbs to this unseen force, losing more of himself with each passing moment. I lift my gaze to him, offering a faint smile. 
“Use me.” I suggest catching him off guard. 
“What?” His brows knit together in confusion, his expression reflecting his puzzled state. 
“You mentioned that somehow I have the ability to pull you back from this haze,” I explained. “So use me. Utilize me in any way necessary to retain yourself. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
Worry creases his face, his fangs lightly grazing his bottom lip in contemplation. “Are you sure? I could put you in danger”
“Absolutely,” I affirm, leaning in to place a reassuring kiss on the crown of his head. “You’re talking to the girl that destroyed an Elder Brain.”
His arms encircle my waist, tightly as he buries his head against my chest. My fingers weave into his hair, tangling in the soft white curls. He murmurs a grateful ‘thank you’ against my chest, his thumbs stroking the fabric of my damp nightwear soothingly. We lingered in that embrace for a while until Astarion insisted that I had to bathe properly. He peeled off my nightwear, letting it fall to the tiled floor with a wet ‘plop’. As he runs his fingers through my hair, my mind swims with thoughts. The vivid dream, coupled with the newfound knowledge of Astarion’s condition, fills my thoughts. It’s not much, but it’s a starting point- a beginning that I desperately needed. 
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queeraang · 1 month
if i see one more "lol aang should've killed ozai" post somewhere i'm gonna mcfreaking lose it, so here we go
Why Aang Killing Ozai is a Garbage Concept and You Have Prestige TV Brainrot
Whenever people bring aang up in conversations of "protagonists who really should have killed their villains" a la batman i feel like they watched a different show than me. the whole point of his arc is that he is someone who is peaceful and avoidant being forced into the role of a decisive fighter.
He is not a warrior, when the execs tried to ask for aang in battle armor to sell as a toy bryke turned it into a bit. he doesn't like to fight, he wants to do diy extreme sports and pet animals. the airbending technique that he invents is the *air scooter* and the first thing he does with it is turn it into a game with the other monks.
He mastered the bending art that's all about indirect attacks and evasiveness and said "actually I think I could figure out a way to hit less". It would be wildly out of character for him to throw his pacifist culture (which is deeply important to him) out the window to enact "justice" for a war he was never actually a part of.
also, to bring it back to batman, the argument is usually "well the joker gets out of prison and kills again" which, fair. but aang finds a non lethal way to neutralize the threat of ozai. iroh says outright, he could kill ozai himself, no problem but that wouldn't fix things. the solution to a century of murder is not "more murder but it's good this time".
aang was even perfectly set up to kill ozai after unlocking the avatar state again. but he snaps himself out of it because he doesn't want a repeat of the north pole (aka the one time he did kill people and was fucking traumatized by the experience??). don't get me wrong, ozai stinks on fucking ice, but there's something incredible about the final conflict being resolved because aang is able to break away from a thousand lifetimes of righteous fury, look at this man who has done horrible things, who is in the middle of trying to wipe out an entire nation like his grandfather wiped out aang's... and give him mercy.
i think that people are too used to the "you've wronged me and now you will die" grimdark revenge plotlines of morally grey protags so they misunderstand what aang's actual strengths are. because he gets told "hey the entire world is literally on your shoulders, everyone you love is dead, people are dying constantly and a lot of them blame you because you didn't fulfill a job you never asked for that has only made your life worse since you got it" and then somehow not only does he do that absolute shit sandwich of a job before he hits puberty, but he manages to do it while still be kind and loving and optimistic.
tldr; if you're complaining that the 13yo sole survivor of a genocide wasn't more excited to kill a man, you're the problem dude
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Because why not
Yandere sister location headcanons (general):
(warning!: The following contains mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, and unhealthy themes. If you uncomfortable with any of this please go read something else)
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Circus baby 🍦:
🍦 OMG this girl
🍦she's a handful even without the Yandere part, she's manipulative, clingy, and just a menace over all.
🍦 she'll manipulative you, your friends, HER friends without any Shame. She thinks she's knows what's best for you.
🍦 honestly doesn't matter what you look like, you could be still wearing your pajamas and she still thinks your the most beautiful/handsome creature she's ever seen 💀
🍦once you actually get to know her though she's not all that bad. Just a little.....strange
🍦 although the next time you see her she seems much more happier then usual.
🍦que all your friends going missing
🍦just....don't check those extra springlock suits ok?
"you came to see me? How sweet..."
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Funtime Freddy 🎉:
🎉 oh jeez....have fun with this one. Now I personally don't think he is AS sadistic as everyone thinks but just more forceful and annoying.
🎉 but still sadistic just not to you.
🎉 I picture him as a clingy, playful and possessive yandere. He almost never leaves you alone. Going to the kitchen for a snack? Let him come, He'll get a snack to! Doing repairs? Oh he'll come to, he knows lots about mechanical machines! Let him help. Your not even safe in the bathroom 💀. No matter where you are he is at least outside the door.
🎉 at one point him and his hand puppets (bon bon and bonnet) even followed you home one time. Now he can really be with you!
🎉 he is also very physically affectionate, like hugs and cuddles. But he ends up being....rather rough with his affection.
🎉 that being him accidentally breaking your spine because he hugged you to tight. He doesn't let go immediately either...
"hey bon-bon Look, it's our new friend~! I wonder what game I should play with them today~"
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Funtime foxy 🌹:
🌹Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul 💀 🙏
🌹 this dude...he's probably the worst out of all of them. He's clingy, possessive, obsessive, and a attention whore 💀.
🌹he litterly wants you to pay attention to him no matter what your doing, and purposely messes you up because he's angy you didn't look at him immediately.
🌹he's petty like that, he has no shame.
🌹like F.freddy he likes to follow you around, but he's WAY more annoying though. If your a technician he constantly fakes things to get your attention. Doing a check up on ballora? He's complaining (dramatic lly) about how his joints are stiff and he can't perform. He's even put Funtime Freddy out of (temporarily) out of commission cause you had to fix his voice box instead of watching his show. It's just 'how dare you >:( '
🌹the moment you do turn to him though he gets so excited, his tail starts wagging and he's acting all innocent and nice for you.
🌹 (cough) narcissist (cough)
🌹the chances are he's followed you home before, he's surprisingly good at stalking for such a loud bot.
"why weren't you at my show!? You had to fix circus baby...? Nonsense! She's fine >:/ "
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Ballora 🩰:
🩰 I love her so muchhh 💙💙💙
🩰 but on to the headcanons. She's a manipulative Yandere, more on a smaller scale really.
🩰 she does it mainly for your safety, aka circus baby's plan. And she won't hesitate to kidnap you so the others won't hurt you. She surprisingly knows quite a bit about humans: emotions, mental health, anatomy...ext...
🩰 honestly she's more of a mother figure then a love Interest...
🩰 but she can't help it, she worries when your not there :(
🩰 she definitely has the minireenas spy on you for her. She's not trying to be creepy she's just making sure your ok and if there's anyone she needs to get rid of
🩰 she's definitely the best yandere in this group, more or less harmless really.
" would you like to dance with me dear?"
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Ennard 🤡:
🤡 so first of all this dude is B.I.P.O.L.A.R
🤡 he has his own personality than the other Funtimes, but his emotions change according to how the others inside of him react.
🤡 if he's playful it's most likely to be Funtime Freddy he's channeling. If he's serious then it's mostly ballora or his actual persona.
🤡 but he's mostly just a clingy, possessive, and serious yandere.
🤡 much like F.foxy and F.freddy he likes to follow you around to either see you or to get your attention (unlike them it's mostly stalking though.)
🤡 at one point it's likely he will (sorta) kidnap you. It's more like just trapping in your own home really.
🤡 he has a bit of anxiety that you'll abandon him, most of the Funtimes have abandonment issues due to being stuck in that facility for so long. He sees so many come and go.....but never stay.
🤡 he gets really anxious when your not there...it's ballora peaking through with her anxiety
🤡 he's not as physically affectionate as F.foxy and F.freddy might be, but his love language is definitely quality time.
🤡 but be careful, he's not the most stable...
"I hope your not escaping again, I will find you"
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Lolbit 📺:
📺 omggggg
📺 this is the biggest simp ever to exist, he definitely worships you.
📺 he's an AI made to help the technicians and maintenance, but was scrapped due to Elizabeth's dissapearence like the rest of sister location.
📺 the abandonment issues are strong with this one, he fears you might get scared or hate him and leave.
📺 he's obsessive, clingy, and worshipping type yandere. He's just so happy he met you, he finally won't be alone! And most of all, he won't be bored.
📺 he loves to cause chaos, always pulling pranks on F.foxy and circus baby. Those are his most frequent victims. Easy to say everyone (except ballora) hates him.
📺 he actually was a rather high view on ballora, he sees her as almost a parental type figure sometimes. Not much to say but their friends :)
📺 he will definitely convince you to take him home with you, that way he can trap you with him.
📺 he's pretty smart when it comes to robotics, he's gonna build himself a body so that he can finally touch you! :D
📺 nothing dirty, he just wants to give you a hug. But he's hacked litterly all of your devices before and knows everything about you! He'll tell you to, he's proud of himself.
📺 when he does get a body be prepared cause he's gonna wanna be with you every.single.moment.
📺 he's gonna make sure it has faux fur to, so you'll be more comfortable when he wants to give you affection.
📺 he'll do litterly anything you'll ask him to, not matter how extreme it is. Want someone dead? They've already been stuffed in a suit. Got a persistent ex who's been harassing you? Not anymore!
📺 he's litterly perfect for you, or...so he tries to be.
"oooh y/n~ look what I found online, I thought it would be perfect for you! What is it? It's a wedding dress silly~!"
Bon bon and bonnet 💙🩷:
💙 bon bon is a worshipping and delusional yandere. He tries his best to calm his best friend down so that he doesn't accidentally hurt you! He definitely doesn't want that...
💙 he knows his behavior may be unhealthy he thinks that he's not doing anything wrong, that's the delusional part. What do you mean keeping you is kidnapping?! He's just speeding up the living process :)
💙 if your outwardly upset he understands that this may be scary but you'll get used to it eventually! It gonna be even worse if F.freddy is yandere to. You really aren't leaving...
🩷 bonnet is a harmless yandere: she knows she and the others can be overbearing that's why she's there! She'll be your emotional support :D
🩷 as long as your happy, she's happy. She does get anxiety when you leave though...
🩷 she's the one who's escaped the most probably, her anxiety got the best of her. She doesn't mean any harm! She just wants to make sure your ok...
"don't worry! You'll get used to us, we love you!"
"um...bon bon they don't look very pleased...maybe we should send them home :,) "
(give this woman a RAISE tho, she is seriously trying to save your ass 😔✋)
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Helpless part 18, I really said fuck consistency didn't I?
"Am I going to regret this?"
"Definitely Seaweed brain." Annabeth dragged a blindfolded Percy towards cabin 10, "Pipes, you ready?"
"Yup, this is going to be amazing."
"Fear us."
"I do."
"Good." Annabeth said pushing him into a chair and pulling off his blindfold, Percy was greeted with Piper smiling like a maniac and shaking a bottle of bleach.
"Oh no..."
"It was Annabeth's idea." Piper put up her hands in surrender,
"I might as well go with it." Percy sighed in defeat, the two girls smirked. Piper started putting the bleach on Percy's hair,
“Okay so this is just a test strand, I need to see how much it will ruin your hair.”
"Annie the only reason I haven't killed you yet is because I love you.”
“I know Seaweed brain, love you to.”
"Guess I'm the little mermaid now."
"You were always the little mermaid, Jackson."
“I would try to deny it but I really can’t.”
“Exactly; okay your hair seems fine. Be prepared to become a redhead.”
“He’s ready, wait before you do that can you fix his hair a bit?"
"Yeah sure, I love how he has no say in this by the way.”
“Eh, even if I did I would probably agree with her.”
“It’s a good system.”
“Whatever works for you two I guess…?” Piper laughed,
“Percy’s indecisive as fuck.” Annabeth added before pressing a kiss to his lips. Piper started working,
“Is this meant to burn?”
“It’s bleach what the fuck did you expect?”
“I haven’t had many experiences with bleach Pipes.”
“But like….it’s bleach….” After a while Piper started to wash out the bleach, leaving a blonde-ish haired Percy.
“Does this mean I’m finally Nico’s type?”
“Don’t think so seaweed brain.”
“Annie, go outside. I want Percy’s hair reveal to be a surprise, get the others.”
“Do you have the rest of the stuff?” Piper pointed to a paper bag in the corner of the room,
“Course I do, now leave.”
“Yeah, yeah I’m leaving. Can’t wait to see your hair Seaweed brain.” Walking out the room.
“What exactly are the other things exactly.”
“Wait and see Percy, wait and see.”
“Fuck.” Piper smirked as she put the dye on his hair, it was bright but still a few shades darker than the actual little mermaid so it would look decent.
“It looks ridiculous doesn’t it?”
“You’ll have to wait Ariel.”
“Yup, looks like shit.” Piper hummed as she dried Percy's red hair, ignoring everything he said.
"You're going to love the next bit." Piper grinned,
"Honestly I don't think you can make this worse."
"Think again Jackson." Piper said tossing him a blue shirt with the little mermaid on it, in block capital letters it was written: '100% MERMAID AT HEART' Percy groaned, "That's just the start, it gets better."
"Remember this wa Annabeth's idea, don't kill me."
"I mean you went along with it-" Piper grabbed a pair of scissors and put them to his neck.
"You sure you want to be saying that?" Piper laughed,
"Okay, I won't murder you."
"I like that plan, anyways here's the rest of the stuff." She handed him a plastic tiara and a shell necklace. "Go on, put it on."
"Poseidon save me."
"No one's coming to save you Percy."
"Fuck." Percy muttered as he put on the plastic tiara, Piper opened the door finding the rest of the seven standing behind it.
“Guys, are you ready for this? Presenting the Little Mermaid, aka. Percy Jackson.” Percy walked out of the room with more confidence you could have imagined for someone wearing a “100% MERMAID AT HEART” T-shirt.
“Well Seaweed brain, you look less ridiculous than I imagined.”
“Thanks I guess….?” Annabeth messed up his hair, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Bro, it looks shit doesn’t it?”
“Bro no, you look hot.”
“No one’s as hot as you bro.”
“Aww thanks bro.”
“I love how we’ve just come to terms with this and it is now seen as normal, if I wasn’t your girlfriend I would think you two are dating.”
“I’d never leave you Beauty queen, but you have to admit Percy looks good.”
“I mean I don’t want to throw up…?”
“I’ll take it.”
“He’s hot.”
“Are you sure you’re dating him and not me Jay?”
“Di Angelo, thoughts?”
“He looks sexy, why the fuck did I say that? I was trying to say he looks ridiculous.”
“Shit…. Yeah so someone went to Lou Ellen with love problems so she cursed them and whoever they like to not be able to lie until they either kiss or one of them says they hate the other and mean it.”
“No clue, it’s confidential shit.”
“Good luck Nico.”
“How the fuck do I find the bitch that went to Lou Ellen?”
“You’ll have to figure that out yourself.”
“Nico does this mean I’m your type?” Nico punched the son of Poseidon in the shoulder before walking off.
“Percy I dont know how to tell you this but you look like Knuckles from Sonic.”
“I really don’t know what to say to that Valdez.”
Hes, Shes, Theys and gays I present Helpless part 18, sorry for taking so long I was busy and then I got sick and just vsiwgiaotosdy. Look idk how consistently I'll be doing this, obviously I'm trying to have a part out every day but idk how realistic that is rn and especially if I don't have the fic finishes by the time school starts you may be getting very strangely timed updates.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
I have made quite clear how much I adore Jason Peter Todd, despite how frequently he is written terribly. RHATO is Not Good, but pre-Flashpoint was...chaotic for his characterization to say the least.
I wish to give my fellow Jaybird lovers some stable ground if they’re looking for decent and consistent Red Hood characterization post-resurrection.
[Fuck you Battle For the Cowl that was a shitshow]
Most people cite the Under the Hood storyline as the best work about Jason. That story was written by Judd Winick. So, here’s a list of stories involving The Boy written by Judd Winick, with short summaries so you know what you’re getting into! And some images because I can’t not.
Batman Vol 1 629: This is not actually Jason, but a Scarecrow hallucination Bruce has, but it still characterizes both Bruce and Tim’s thoughts about Jason and his potential return. It takes place pretty smack-dab between Hush and Under the Hood.
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I appreciate the Hush outfit with the white streak. Excellent.
(also Tim looks like a baby and I just want to give him hugs)
Batman Vol 1 635-641 aka Under the Hood Vol 1 Batman Vol 1 645-650 and Annual 25 aka Under the Hood Vol 2 No description necessary; if you know Jason, you know how this goes.
Green Arrow Vol 3 69-72: Red Hood comes to Star City and decides to have a talk with current Speedy, Green Arrow’s sidekick, Mia Dearden.
Contains this gem:
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I love him so much he’s such a dramatic bitch.
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He changed the scoreboards what the fuck--
And this oof
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Outsiders Vol 3 44-46 and Annual 1: Jason provides the Outsiders, specifically Dick and Roy, with intel exonerating Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierce from murder he thought he committed. Jason’s not the center of this story, but I like it a lot.
For my fellow Harper family lovers, 45 has a lot of cute Roy and Lian too, including this part that rips my heart out.
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Lian is my angel and I would die for her.
For my fellow Gays, these also have the start of the relationship between Anissa Pierce and Grace Choi
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also includes this dumbfuckery:
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He’s a dork and I love him.
Batman and Robin (2009) Vol 1 23-25: Red Hood reluctantly teams up with Dickie-Batman and Brat Wonder Robin to save his kidnapped former sidekick, Scarlet.
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Please excuse some of the art bullshit; yes, it has ginger Jason, and yes the covers use the dumb pill helmet design. But for the record, he doesn’t actually wear the pill helmet thank fuck, and the hair thing was more for continuity. They were established during Grant Morrison’s run as writer because they don’t do their goddamn homework enough to know ginger Jay is not canon Post-Crisis! Or that even then he chose to dye his hair black! (Yes I’m bitter that’s how they fucked over Talia too UGH)
At least his costume is fixed; it combines the dumb supervillain-y costume with his old biker-y look, and tbh I think it’s really cool. Aside from the bright red guns that look like toys.
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Not that that lasts because this is one of if not the last appearance of Jay before the reboot! Thanks, Barry.
[small edit cuz I just can’t with this man]
He’s also a little shit throughout the whole thing. It is his mission to annoy Dick and Damian and it’s great.
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[end small edit!]
He also gets stripped for...reasons. If you’re interested. I wasn’t, but I know some of yall are nasties (/affectionate) so here’s that.
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Red Hood: The Lost Days: Goes more into detail about Jason’s experience between his death and his big return to Gotham. So! Much! Trauma!
Also where this image comes from:
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He really said that. So uh...yeah.
He has always been a snarky dorky bastard and I love him very much.
[EDIT ADDITION Thank you @someoneimsure​]
Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular: Jason’s story is called “More Time”, which is a story with Robin Jason and Red Hood Jason have a parallel story giving Bruce a gift on his birthday. Specifically, fixing his father’s old watch.
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(He’s talking about the watch but that literally could be said about Jason and ow my fucking HEART--)
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Look at this. God I just...sometimes Jason just fills my heart with love and it’s too much. He’s a good boy!
Unfortunately, he and Steph share the space of only having one story which is bullshit. Timmy and Dami both get two, which is totally fair. But Dickie gets four. Rude. Sharing is caring, Dickiebird.
[END EDIT Thank you :33]
Things with Jason NOT written by Judd Winick Pre-Flashpoint that are major (but personally I think kinda suck) are Battle for the Cowl, Countdown, and his weird murdery Nightwing phase.
Jason Todd, everybody.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
One change I think could have fixed my problems with Shadow Episodes 8-14
I think one of my biggest struggles with the back half of Shadow was that I didn't think they tied Dan's family trauma narrative from the first half in to the Red October narrative from the back half and I think they chose not to show us the wrong things, like where Dan went and what happened to him after he followed his mother's ghost, or what happened to Dan in the Shadow Realm that allowed Trin to possess his body. And that change is really simple:
Make Dan's mother a survivor of the Red October massacre. In the flashback we get to that night, we see Brother Anurak rescue a student that had been shot in the leg, hiding her in a cupboard in his office. Soldiers still find her and kill her, leaving Anurak to find her body. But imagine for me if you will, that Dan's mother was the one that Anurak hid in that cupboard, and she had been successfully hidden instead of slaughtered how many things it would tie together between Dan's family trauma narrative, his connection to Anurak, and the Red October massacre plotline:
Q: How did Anurak and Dan's mom get connected after her mental breakdown and why did he suddenly start spending so much time looking after Dan?
A: Well, he feels responsible for her safety because he is partly the reason she got shot and all her friends got murdered.
Q: Why does Trin keep dreaming of the one armed man?
A: Because the reason Dan exists is in part because the one armed man saved his mother, so their lives are inextricably linked.
Q: Why does Trin go to Dan?
A: Because Trin saw the Red October massacre, and Dan is tied to the Red October massacre through his parent being a survivor of the massacre on the very campus they are living at
Q: Why does the shadow latch on to Dan?
A: Cause the forest spirit that is (i think this is what the medicine woman said?) supposed to protect the land in times of struggle knows that Dan is connected to the Red October massacre and is trying to get him to release the spirits of the survivors so they can be free and the land can heal.
Like, so many problems solved with that one detail and you wouldn't need the after credit scene, you could have literally had a cut to Anurak helping that woman out of the cupboard and have it transition to Dan's mother's face and that would have honestly been pretty sufficient.
But it still allows for the flexibility of double dooming Dan (aka connecting Dan to the shadow on both sides of his family) by keeping the reveal that his father went to the medicine woman to help get his wife pregnant.
Like, say Dan's mom survived the massacre, Anurak knew about the medicine woman and took her there to get treated for her leg wound until she could come get collected by a villager. Say Dan's mother at some point in her relationship with her husband mentioned this woman and that's how Dan's dad knew where to find her to get help with the pregnancy.
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gunsoffire · 3 months
Buried Inside
I actually wrote a fanfic for this game, wow!
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Rating: Mature
Category: M/M
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto Series (Video Games)
Michael De Santa/Trevor Philips
Michael De Santa & Trevor Philips
Michael De Santa
Trevor Philips
Additional Tags:
Fight Scene
POV Michael
One Shot
Fix-It of Sorts
Homoerotic Implications
Bury The Hatchet (Grand Theft Auto)
I Wanted Them to Kiss but Unfortunately They Didn't
My First Work in This Fandom
Buried Inside by KissOfLightning (AKA GunsOfFire)
What if the Chinese took a little longer to reach Trevor & Michael in North Yankton? Alternatively, what was going on in Michael's head?
Work Text:
As Michael rushed through the streets of Ludendorff, his heart felt as if it were trying to leap out of his chest. A part of him knew this moment would come, and he dreaded it. Or perhaps, he anticipated it. Was he here because he really thought he could stop Trevor? Or did he want to see him find out? Maybe a part of him was yearning for this moment.
Michael lowered a window for fresh air to ease the anxiety; it was as cold as he remembered it. The moon illuminated brightly over the fields and streets covered in snow. As he continued to drive, memories of the deal flashed in his mind. His soul ached with regret.
Did he regret what he did? How could he not? But he did what he needed to do to protect himself and his family. There was no other choice. That’s what he kept telling himself. The guilt only managed to set in when Trevor walked back into his life. The man was deranged, an asshole, and would murder without a second thought. Michael was a murderer too, but at least he felt guilty about it.
What’s done is done. It doesn’t matter how guilty I feel about it; it doesn’t change anything.
Michael parked outside the cemetery, and darted towards his own grave. ‘His grave.’ In reality, it was really Brad’s grave. Trevor was already there, digging it out.
Michael held onto hope; the only potential way out of this was to play it cool. “You’re wasting your time.” He spoke to him.
“Oh yeah?” Trevor retorted with fury in his tone. “Is that why you flew all the way down here? Huh? To tell me I’m wasting my time?”
Maybe I can discourage him by pretending I don’t care about it.
“Go ahead. Dig it up. I don’t give a shit.” Michael lied.
“Yeah, that’s what you look like. A guy who doesn’t give a shit.”
Michael waved his hand in dismissal and pretended to start walking away. “Ah, this is ridiculous.”
“How long are you going to keep lying for Mikey, huh? When’s it going to stop?” Trevor pressed.
Michael’s blood ran cold. He turned back to Trevor, listening to him.
“What happens in the dark, comes out in the light.” A wide smile of determination formed on Trevor’s face, as if he knew he was going to find exactly what he was looking for. And he was.
Michael’s heart clenched in dread.
Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!
“Give it a rest Trevor.” He managed to say calmly. “There’s nothing there!”
Trevor’s shovel clunked against the coffin. “This is it.” He stopped for a breath. “Moment of truth.” Trevor gave Michael one last look in the eyes, as if he were giving him one last chance to finally talk.
Michael shifted his head and shrugged. He shifted to investigate the hole as Trevor did, feeling extreme nausea.
And there it was. “UGGH! As if I didn’t know.” Trevor cried out as he gestured to the corpse. “Brad.”
“Look, we gotta do what we gotta do to survive.” Michael justified. “This thing, it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to.”
“Oh, and how was that?” Trevor’s voice escalated. “With Brad in the can and me in the ground? Or-or-or both of us in the coffin?”
“Brad got shot. You saw it! He didn’t make it. I got shot, I did. That, that’s it!” Michael protested.
Trevor sat himself up out of the ditch he dug. “I think the only thing that didn’t go as planned was me showing up on your doorstep ten years later.” He shifted from squat to full standing. “Mikey.” Pointing at him, “I mourned you.”
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Read the rest on AO3:
Buried Inside - KissOfLightning - Grand Theft Auto V [Archive of Our Own]
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god too much to process I’m about to fucking cry I never cry at tv man THEY LEFT THEM IN AN INN 😭 PETE & LUCIUS GOT MARRIED. WHILE ED LOOKED AT STEDE. the whole crew—well not the whole crew. Izzy oh my god fuck man. They gave him the fucking thesis of the show. Our Flag Does Mean Fucking Death 🏳️‍🌈 our love for eachother and the community we’ve built will both outlive and tear down all of the walls that forced us to the margins
The fucking monkey’s paw got me man I was just thinking today about how my initial season 2 predictions ended with Izzy succumbing to his hubris and bitterness and dying for it I DIDNT KNOW. I DIDNT KNOW HOW HE’D TURN IT AROUND! Ah Fuck 😭 gonna try not to think about him at Calypso’s Birthday. He was so happy and at peace with himself. He finally had a real home and a community. He was a good first mate. He was part of the family. He died apologizing for making Ed feel like he couldn’t be loved and assuring him he was with his hand on his face saying ‘there he is’ but this time it’s Ed not Blackbeard 🥺 Rest In Peace darling Unicorn man I did not expect to end up loving you so much <3
but yeah pushing that gutwrenching tragedy aside for a second (wait nevermind actually because I just realized Izzy got shot in the right side aka the one which according to this show’s logic has all the important bits in it FUCK—) the entire crew is back on The Revenge PLUS Zheng and MOTHERFUCKIN SPANISH JACKIE!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT SPANISH JACKIE REGULAR CREW MEMBER POSSIBILITIES NEXT SEASON????? Fuck me even if our hard work doesn’t pan out (#renew as a crew) and we don’t get our third season I could live with this ending. Ed and Stede are happily retired fixing up an inn, they both know they love eachother, the rest of the crew is off together doing their pirate thing but still able to pop back and visit whenever. Though Ricky when they catch you Ricky you son of a bitch istg. Little weasel. Demeans Jackie, tries to wipe out an entire culture because they didn’t let him play pirate, assumes (of fucking course) that a white man is the real power behind Blackbeard’s glory not Ed’s tactical genius and martial skill. Murders Izzy putting a damper on an otherwise badass scene where everyone looks fucking incredible in their fancy matching coats.
I can’t with Our Flag Means Death man. Despite budget cuts and less episodes they fucking did it again. I know I’ve said it before but I seriously cannot understate how much ofmd means to me. What a season, everything I’d hoped for and more from my favorite show <3
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ashes-writing · 2 years
twilight zone | ahs 1984 ; x. plympton
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I feel like I never told anybody how much I loved the season 1984 from American Horror Story. Or Xavier. This whole yen to write for him rose earlier - around July tbh, and Idk, this might be a thing and it might not be a thing. We shall see. I do know I at least wanna attempt to squeeze some filth out of this before I call it quits but who knows where this one is going bc spoiler alert, it's not me. I do not know. This just came a while back and I found it in my drafts, thought I'd share.
I guess, what i'm saying here, if you wanna see more, you know what to do? Or not? Idek, man. Legit do not know how to feel about this one. On the one hand I love it, on the other hand me is scaredt.. Me is scaredt that this could turn real fuckin dark, real fuckin quick.
-- trapped at a haunted camp (portal to hell) to help rebuild it is not how you were planning to spend your Fourth of July week. But here you are. Might as well make the most of it, right?
aka, this is the one where you're helping prep to reopen Camp Redwood. But that's not gonna go horribly wrong... Right?
Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader of vaguest descriptors if any.
not gonna lie or sugarcoat it. Sex, drugs, alcohol, a very toxic relationship with the ex who happens to also be present. possibly murder, idk yet.. for now, we'll just go with sex, dr*gs (we*d), alcohol and being trapped away from civilization with a very toxic ex. And Xavier. Xavier is his own warning, golden retriever murder boy he may be.
There is nobody on this one. If you'd like a tag, please click the link at the top of the post. I will be writing for 84 as well as other seasons.
Uh... This might get a little bit dark? If I keep going that is. If I keep going it could get dark. Read with caution. I'll be more descriptive in any future warnings for posts of this. I plan to write one more part, we'll see.Also, also.. setting is now, the year of our lord 2022.
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“Tell me they’re not… No, no. They better not be reopening this hellhole.” Montana’s mumbled words draw Xavier’s attention away from where you stand, leaned against the side of a lifted SUV that was driven by some asshole in a muscle shirt with a backwards facing baseball cap. You’re upset and he’s not sure how he knows, he just knows. The asshole in the muscle shirt says something about you being in a bitchy mood and he yells out loud, making his way over to a similar lifted vehicle.
Xavier knew it was coming, that fucking real estate agent blew through the week before and there was lots of whispering and talk about rewriting the narrative, making Camp Redwood a happy place and when he’d heard it, he wanted to laugh until he cried because the fucking place is evil. Tainted.
“Are you even listening to me, Plympton?” Montana asks, nudging him in the side. But then she spots him staring in the distance and her gaze settles where his is fixed so intently. “You know what’ll happen, you fucking idiot.”
Xavier finally pulls his gaze off you and drags a hand over the back of his neck. “I wasn’t even thinking about it, okay? I’m not fucking stupid.”
Montana scoffs because somehow, she doesn’t believe him one bit. Of everyone trapped and doomed to spend their afterlife in Camp Redwood, Xavier has struggled the hardest.
She places a hand against his bicep. “Come on, doofus. Lets just get you away from temptation, yeah? Before you wind up mopey and heartbroken and shit.”
But then, just as he’s walking away, you catch sight of him. And you rub your eyes as if you’re seeing things. And you shake your head. Before Xavier can come to you, Montana’s grabbed hold of him and blipped him up into the cabin farthest up in the grounds. Away from the cabins below.
Lavinia Richter knits her brows in concern. “Oh dear. What’s wrong, sweet boy?”
Her son looks up at Xavier and shakes his head. “I heard ‘em too. Stay the hell out of sight, kid. I mean it. It’s for your own good and their safety. We’ll work harder t’ make sure that bastard Ramirez stays trapped and can’t roam as much as usual.”
“It’s only a week.” Ray speaks up from the doorway and Chet nods solemnly. “Lot can happen in a week, man. Didn’t take this shit we’re stuck in more than a day or two, remember?”
“Yeah, well.”
Down below, you’re wandering around. Trying to find the guy you thought you saw earlier. Trying to blow off steam because once again, Seth is being a complete prick. You spot the dock and the sunlight glinting off the water and it’s so hot that you can’t resist taking a dip.
You make your way down and shed your cutoffs and the tank top you’d been wearing and you dive into the cool water of the lake. When you resurface, you happen to catch sight of a rundown cabin off in the distance on a high slope. And you’re almost certain you’ve seen someone standing in the window. A woman with bright platinum hair.
From the dock, Seth yells out to you and you ignore him because you’re just not ready to deal with him yet, continuing to splash around in the lake instead. Seth strips down and dives in with you, popping up while your back is turned and you scream when he covers your eyes.
You’ve heard all the stories about this place. You’re not sure why you agreed to come out and rebuild it after hearing everything that went down. But here you are.
“Jesus Christ, Seth.”
He laughs and teases you. “Such a little baby.”
“Aw c’mon. Don’t tell me you believe that haunted camp bullshit like Colin and Phoebe.”
You don’t answer because you’re too busy scanning the shore because you’re almost positive you’ve seen the same guy you saw minutes after your arrival and you’re almost sure you saw him sitting on the shore. Staring at you intently. Like he’s watching you.
Seth is starting to get handsy, his usual trick of sex to make you forget whatever shitty thing he’s gone and done and you swat his hands away, giving him an irritated look. “Stop it, Seth. No.”
“Aw, c’mon, darlin. Nobody will ever know,” he mumbles as his finger trails over your panties just below the dark surface of the water and you try to squirm away, “All I have to do is pull your bottoms to the side.” he’s trying to kiss your neck and you finally shove him off.
“You didn’t just forget a date this time, asshole. You fucked our roommate. In our bed. Fuck off, Seth. We’re done.”
He throws up his hands and calls out calmly, “You say that until Captain Morgan gets involved, babe. You’ll be back. I’m the best you’ll ever have. You even said it yourself.”
“Fucking six seconds lasting motherfucker, I hate you.” you grumble under your breath as you hurry to re-dress and get as far away from Seth as you can manage.
In your annoyed huff you find yourself body to body with him.
The guy you’ve been catching glimpses of all day long. And he’s all sweet smiles and baby blues dancing over your body. Biting his lip.
“Can I help you, sir?” you ask, stepping away a little because he’s migrated closer to you.
Xavier sighs. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Yeah, kind of figured that one out for myself. Now I’m stuck and when I do leave, if I can’t get an Uber, I’m spending four hours trapped in that piece of shit over there,” you point to the jacked up SUV and continue as you rub your forehead, “With that piece of shit out in the water.”
Xavier shakes his head and it’s almost sad in a way because he’s just got a really, really weird feeling about the group of you showing up here. Now.
“None of you should be here.”
Your brow raises. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You can’t tell me you don’t know what the fuck you’ve walked into, kitten.” Xavier responds. Seth has caught sight of you both and he’s angry, heading straight for you.
“The fuck is this shit, huh?”
You grumble. You’re also clinging a little closer to his body and Xavier can’t help the way it overwhelms him. He’s been so long without some kind of physical touch. It’s driving him fucking insane. And you seem scared of the guy barrelling towards you both. Maybe more angry than afraid, but that fear is there and it’s got your eyes a little wild, a little bigger. 
Xavier slips his arm around you and plasters on his best smirk.
“Gonna stop you now, meathead.” he speaks up, voice smooth and calm as silk and you can’t help but notice that somehow, it’s got you both a little wet and slightly afraid at the same time. Because there’s something dangerous in that voice and the way he’s smirking. “I’m taking your girl.”
Seth chuckles. “Mhm, right. You’re not even her type.”
You speak up before you can stop yourself. One wrong word and the asshole will abandon you out here in the middle of fuckin nowhere and you know it. He’s done it before.
And in that moment, you realize that you’re pathetic. You keep letting Seth sweet talk you and love bomb you until you’re back to the same vicious cycle and it’s been this way since at least junior year of high school. But you’re finally ready to call it quits. For good. Because he might’ve been an asshole up to this point but up to this point he hadn’t cheated on you. And then been callous enough that he didn’t bother hiding it after the fact.
And you weren’t going to take anymore of it.
“Actually, dipshit..” you speak up and Seth’s gaze settles on you. “Go on then, have your fun. Fuck this out of your system, get even with me.”
“We’re over this time, Seth. I’m being serious.” you respond. And it’s so calm that Seth looks just a little panicked. After he walks away to sulk, you take a few ragged breaths and collapse onto the bank. A hand thrown over your forehead. On the one hand, it feels as if you’ve lost his exact body weight in bullshit and baggage. On the other hand, you’ve managed to fuck yourself out of a way home at the end of the week.
Xavier stands there, arms folded. Gazing down at you.
“Are you okay, darlin?” he sinks down to sit beside you.
“I will be.. I think. I mean as soon as I fucking hitchhike four hours home at the end of the week.”
,, If you live til then.” Xavier thinks to himself solemnly.
You prop on your elbow and turn to the side, raising up to look at him. “Are you with Habitat?”
Xavier wants to tell you the truth but he knows that’ll do him no good just yet. Maybe in a day or two. After the usual weird shit happens and you all notice it and begin to panic and react accordingly. Then maybe you’ll at least listen to reason if he gets a little closer.
And he can tell himself this is his only plan, to keep you safe, but deep down, he knows it’s because he wants you. Not forever.
For now.
So when you repeat your question and he’s finally not distracted enough by your pillowy lips to answer, he flashes you his best charmers smirk. “Yeah.” he laughs. “I uh.. Signed up for it late.”
You smile and nod. “Awesome.” but in the back of your mind something feels off. Between the cryptic statement he made earlier and the dangerous vibe you're kind of picking up from him, something just feels off.
“My name is Xavier, by the way, darlin.” he introduces himself, chuckling because he’s been out of humanity for so long it’s as if he’s forgotten all the manners beaten into him at a young age. He stands and holds out a hand to help you up and warily, you take it.
Something about his name sounds familiar but you don’t say anything.
Because right now, you’re just grateful he got rid of Seth for you. And he seems like a nice guy, even though you can feel the danger as it radiates off of him.
But you’re on defensive right now.
Maybe you’re just being paranoid.. Right?
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thesilverlady · 11 months
While I personally don't like Daemon but reading greens takes about him especially Aemond stans is so funny because they're very bitter about the fact that Daemon is better than Aemond in everyway possible and that's an objective truth, they like to play the high moral ground that Daemon is a groomer pedo (which is true) and that Aemond is morally better which is really funny because who said that the person who nuked whole region because he was angry is morally better than anyone? Do they think that Aemond's relationship with Alys is some Disney story when he literally killed everyone of her bloodline then take her as his war prize which could translate to a sex slave. I NEED Aemond's stans to accept that they're stanning a dark character and not some jon/rob type of a character because fighting other real people and insult them for your fave genocider and rapist is actually embarrassing
sorry I took quote long to answer this but I finally finished my uni exams so I'm only now finally free (🥳)
Anyways, I'm very happy that despite not liking daemon's character you can see the ridiculousness in those takes.
honestly, the show is the reason to blame for SO many bad takes. Like, people not understanding how bastards and legitimacy works in the fantasy world of Westeros, not realizing honor and broken oaths play role, the politics of north vs south, the religious power, the MANY dubious/power imbalanced relationships we see, the family drama... I mean, there are even people who genuinely refuse to acknowledge that misogyny is a huge theme in the book and plays a huge role in the dance, so...
And I get it, not everyone is a reader. And despite how much I love f&b I'll be the first to admit that it's not an easy book. And some people will simply never understand how unreliable narration works.
I think the people you're mentioning will either have a rude awakening when s2 will air or some huge celebration, depending how the show will take aemond's character.
I have no doubt they'll have him do his canon actions. Similarly how he did in s1 (attacking his nephews, the toast during dinner, killing Luke etc) But as you can see with how they portrayed his murder of lucerys (aka suddenly he couldn't control his dragon because.... ✨ plot ✨) They can easily twist his future actions (burning the riverlands, massacring house strong, the dubious thing he had with Alys) into something more sympathetic.
George being part of the team means nothing to me. If he cares for the story and the characters he wouldn't have let them getting destroyed like this in the first place.
And in my eyes there's no fixing hotd.
Now when it comes to the fandom, a huge issue that goes both with team green and team black is that they cannot seperate book canon, show version and headcanons. They put everything into the mix and you get the most unhinged arguments.
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yoonkinii · 2 months
We Were Human
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Pairing(s): Ascended!AstarionxReader
Part 4:
Synopsis: Astarion died as soon as he became something the world has never seen before. No one noticed the damage before it was too late and the Astarion everyone loved was lost to the new one. No one could notice when the turn was slow and silent. He slowly lost the playful glint in his eyes. Lost the love he gaze upon me with. Lost everything that made him the man I loved. Oh, how I would give anything to get him back. I would gladly give up my damned soul for him.
Aka you are transported back to the past in order to prevent ascended Astarion from losing himself the only problem? You don’t have a lot of time.
Warnings: Gore, blood, cruelty, cursing, death/murder, mentions of using oneself unwillingly, abuse. Its ascended Astarion, prepare for the worst.
Note(s): For the sake of the plot- Astarion will not automatically be damned from the start. In this world, Astarion becomes lost to the ascension overtime until he becomes the ascended vampire we know him to be in the game. Another note that should be highlighted is that this story will be told from the first person perspective since it benefits the story more than any other perspective.
You will also notice various things being different from the game. For example, Karlach will be able to stay in the ‘human’ world and she fixed her heart. (I love my girl, I’m not sending her back), Szaars palace has a different layout cause the one in the game was stupid. There will be more that you will notice in the future so beware.
Thank You.
Sorry this part is so short compared to the previous ones. I had to cut it off at that point or else this part would've been crazy long.
It wasn’t long until Astarions breathing returned to normal but even then he was unresponsive. The two of us laid there in complete silence, the echoes of life sounding outside of the tent. My hand wadded through his silver locks, gently tugging out knots that appeared in his nightmarish sleep. He clung to me like a lifeline, his fingers clenching the fabric of my shirt, his nose pressed into the pulse point of my neck. We were lifeless in that moment, neither of us moving or talking, simply laying like entwined corpses. Perhaps we already were corpses when we both changed, my heart stopped as soon as I turned into a spawn and his has been gone for centuries. I didn’t know how long had passed since Astarion had woken up as him but it seemed like enough time to finally break the silence.
“How long has this been happening, Astari?”
The nickname fell from my lips without a second thought. I had rarely ever called him that, not since he ascended for the first time in my other life. If I closed my eyes and thought hard enough, I could still remember the way Astarions body paused above mine, his assault on my lips ceasing. At first, I had thought I made a mistake and it wasn’t until he asked me to repeat it to him over and over. Each time the name fell from my lips, a kiss was pressed against them. 
He was silent for a while and I had begun to think he wasn’t going to answer until his shoulders rose as he inhaled. A very human thing he did when there was no need. I could not judge though, I still did it even though I was already dead. My body couldn’t get rid of that habit and it seems neither could he.
“Ever since I ascended.”
The hand that was running through his hair halted, a pain of worry bolting through me. “What?” I asked breathlessly. The hand that wasn’t running through his hair, cupped the side of his; guiding him to look at me. My lips pinched into a fine line as I gazed at the man I loved with my entire being. His ruby eyes were shrouded in grief and a pain I’ve never known before. His eyes which were once filled with light were now weighed heavy with hidden grief. His carefully articulated mask of contemptment had fallen and I was finally seeing the true extent of his torment. His shoulders were hunched, as though he was trying to close in on himself. 
“Why haven’t you told me this?”
Inhaling sharply, my mouth opened to ask another question at his silence but was halted as Astarion suddenly pulled away from my embrace and began pulling on his boots. Lines of confusion appeared between my brows, “Where are you going? We need to talk about this.” 
“We do not need to talk about anything.” Astarion responded through a clenched jaw. He stood and on instinct, I grabbed onto the hem of his tunic, 
“Let go of me.” He said sharply, “I do not need or want to talk about it. You have been told everything you need to know.”
He didn’t wait for my reply before he exited the tent, leaving me alone. My lips quivered, the familiar burning sensation of frustrated tears brimming my eyes. 
“Gods dammit.” My voice sounded into the air. I was all too familiar with this scene, he did it when he was a spawn. He closed himself off, a defense mechanism he could never part with. It wasn’t him pulling away from me that made the cold grip of anxiety take hold, it was his voice. At that moment, it was not Astarions but his voice commanding me once more. Demanding that I obey, that I bend at his will no matter what. 
I inhaled deeply, settling back into the makeshift bed Astarion had set out. My mind wandered into the deep and darkest recess of my mind. Digging up a past or rather my future if I didn’t change it, searching for anything that could help me- that could guide me. Flashes of pain that stretched from physical to mental flashed across my mind and it was all for naught. I stared at the place that was once filled with Astarions presence, wondering what I should do next. Of  course I wanted to wallow in fear and hide from my other part of my damned soul but what could that do? I would just let him become a victim to become someone that isn’t him.
Do you even know who he is? Who he truly is?
I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the thought away as I turned to face the opposite direction of where Astarion was laying. Regardless of all the ‘what if’s’ and ‘whys’ that ran rampant in my mind, I forced myself to lay still and keep my eyes shut until the comforting silence of sleep took over.
There was a buzz in the air and it wasn’t just from the bugs calling to each other with the sun beating down on them. The trek to the goblin camps was silent. Astarion didn’t return to the tent last night and I didn’t have the courage to start an argument right when I needed to focus on fighting goblins. Goblins wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the sheer number they gather in. While they were gathered by several higher ups that actually knew how to strategies, they were harmless without someone to lead them. 
“Do you always walk so loud, my dear?”
I blinked, casting Astarion a sideways glance, “Do you always have the need to storm off when we should communicate?”
Astarions lips quirked into a small frown, “I didn’t see the need to discuss anything.”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I walked through the dense forest- suddenly self conscious about the way I walk. It was no surprise Astarion thought I was heavy footed since he was a rouge that lived most of his life slinking in the shadows. Being a sorceress did not require being silent and hiding in the shadows, not when I could easily cast spells that could injure people efficiently. There was a time when Karlach, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart tried teaching me something else other than spells. They claimed that relying on the weave was too risky since I was constantly fighting. They tried their best but the most I could grasp was how to wield a dagger. While Lae’zel grumbled about ‘sorcerers being unreliable in combat’ under her breath, Karlach and Shadowheart deemed it enough. Shadowheart said I would be alright as long as I knew how to stab someone with something sharp. 
Even though his talents were needed more than anything- anyone could swing a blade and hurt someone regardless if it was on purpose or not- no one could grasp how he walked so silently through any terrain. Even now, with all the fallen leaves, bramble, and branches littering our path, I couldn’t hear a single step. Where I had to concentrate to walk softly (which was useless since I would end up  making noise anyway) he did it with ease. 
Astarion stopped for a moment and I froze, looking around to see if there was anything nearby that would have made him stop. He angled his head, tilting it as if he was trying to listen better. Wordlessly, he turned on his heel and started walking in another direction. I moved to follow him but he looked at me over his shoulder, 
“I think it’s best if we separate.”
I gave him a wary look, hands coming to rest on my hips, “What? Why?”
“Do I really have to explain everything to you?” He replied through a clench jaw, his gaze hard as he looked at me. 
My jaw fell slack, looking at Astarion as if he wasn’t real and standing before me.
“Are you serious right now? I have no idea why you are so angry at me when all I wanted to do was help.” I replied roughly, face pinched into annoyance. I knew I shouldn’t be pushing his buttons, not when he was still the same person that tortured me time and time again. He wasn’t the Ascended Vampire I was familiar with but he would turn into him if I didn’t help him properly. I could either be pushing him towards losing himself or pulling him away and I had no idea if arguing with him was helping. 
“You dare speak to me like that? Like you are not beneath me.”
My whole body tensed. I knew that voice, it haunted my dreams and lurked in my memories. Astarion- no, he stalked towards me. His body was full of grace but I knew every bone in his body craved for violence, to breath in the taste of pain that would soon coat the air. I stumbled back, feets getting caught in the uneven floor of the forest. My back thudded against a tree and I watched with fear blown eyes as he came closer until we were chest to chest. His eyes met mine and I forced them to look away, to peer straight at his chest. There was no rise and fall of his chest, there was no warmth to his skin, Astarion was him and I had no idea how to handle it. 
I flinched slightly as his hand ran through my hair ever so gently. My jaw clenched tightly, I was surprised my teeth didn’t shatter. My eyes snapped shut as his face got closer, his lips whispering against the skin of my cheekbone. 
“Oh Darling,” He said lowly, his voice a rumble in his chest. “Look at me.” Suddenly, his hand yanked my head back harshly by the hair at the nape of my neck. I yelped, pain bursting through my skull. Instinctively, I grabbed hold of his wrist, looking at him with fear driven eyes. He tutted his lips, a mocking pout playing on his lips, “What ever should I do with you” he questioned himself, his words whispered against my skin. 
“Should I leave you here on the brink of death, leave you just alive enough to remain conscious to feel your body piercing itself together? Or should I take away the privilege of allowing you to withstand the sun? Maybe then you will learn to appreciate the kindness I have shown you.” 
His threats left their icy marks in my heart. Fear invaded my senses, my breathing harsh and rapid which was ridiculous. My lungs did not need air but the notion still forced me to spiral. 
“Please, Astarion.” I stuttered meekly, the grip I had on him tight but it didn’t do anything to deter him. It probably felt like nothing on him. He raised a white brow towards me, his head angling to the side. Without a word, he yanked my head back further, forcing me to crane my neck at a painful angle. 
“You are talking to a vampire ascendant. I am a God and you,” He bit out, “Are nothing.” His face was passive, no lines of emotions on his beautiful features. Sunlight shined down on him, his lashes almost a blinding white. How could something be so beautiful and cruel at the same time. How could my dead heart only feel alive when it was around him.
“I-I’m sorry, Lord Astarion.” 
It was easy to revert back into the mold I was taught how to fit into. It was easy to obey and beg for forgiveness. I felt many emotions at that moment but I mostly felt annoyed at how right he was. He was something while he was my everything. Only through him I was safe from the sun, safe from the bloodlust, but I wasn’t safe at the same time. I wasn’t safe from my very own savior. 
I was so frustrated that tears bubbled my eyes, blurring my vision. I felt my throat tighten, the familiar pain of sobs wanting to erupt coming unwelcome. I didn’t want to cry, it was the last thing I wanted to do but the sense of helplessness was too overbearing. I had forgotten what it felt like to be in love with a monster. To him I was nothing, but he was my everything. All I was his spawn, a thing that is used to please him and nothing more. I had forgotten what it felt like to be looked at not as a person but an object. 
Abruptly, he pulled away like my skin burned him. He flung himself away so hard that he collided into a tree across from me. I stood there frozen, watching as my lungs heaved in relief. I blinked back the unfallen tears, running my hands through my own hair as though to take away the taint of his harshness off my being. 
Astarion was leaning on the trunk, his hand gripping his chest like he meant to tear out his own heart. I gulped, swallowing my own shame and taking a step forward. It did not matter how scared I was. This was not normal and I had to figure out why. At the sound of my step Astarion flinched, his downcasted gaze meeting mine. I inhaled a sharp breath at the sight of the man who threatened to leave me to die here only seconds before look at me with such fear. Astarion stumbled away, his skin clammy with sweat and glinting in the rays of sun. 
“Stay away.”
His voice was so soft that it strained my eyes to hear him. My eyes narrowed in confusion. He suddenly looked like an animal that was cornered. He coward away from me, every small step I towards home resulted in him shuffling away as if moving away pained him. 
“Astarion,” I said as gently as I could even with anxiety choking me. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”
Astarion doubled forward like an imaginary force hit him from behind. He gritted his teeth, his own fangs piercing into the sensitive flesh of his bottom lip. Droplets of blood bubbling from the small wounds. Sweat dripped down his brow, into his eye causing him to blink harshly. He glanced at me with pain narrowed brows, mumbling,  “I’m sorry” before he abruptly stumbled away disappearing into the dense forest. 
I stood in shock for longer than I would have liked. My mind paralyzed with shock as it witnessed something it’s never seen before. This had never happened before, the way he was present one moment before disappearing another. I quickly gathered my thoughts, running through the memories of my ‘past’ life to account how Astarion was after he returned from this expedition by himself. He returned with nothing other than himselfs even though he left with a vast amount of supplies just in case. He only had one thing with him and it was himself covered with blood that wasn’t his. It was only then that the first instance of what people knew as Astarion began to diminish. He smiled less, got irritated more often, the lines of emotion on his face began to fade. He loved me less and wanted me more. He was shorter with me, not wanting to explain his decisions to me no matter how much I pleaded. He wasn’t him yet but he was starting to become him. 
This could only mean one thing, something happened during his time handling the goblin camp that no one was able to witness or stop him from doing. And going off with what just happened, it hasn’t happened yet- if going off I was going off the previous interactions we’ve had. 
I swallowed the lump of nerves building in my throat down, determination filling my veins. I had to find Astarion before whatever happened in the past happens in the present. Even if it kills me. The only problem is, tracking him would almost be impossible since he was always soft footed and careful of his tracks. I only had one thing to go off of and that was the direction he ran in- to a place I knew would be there. A Goblin Camp. 
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
Ok I’m going to do it. New drinking game (in no particular order):
Personal anti-wishlist aka do NOT want predictions for Picard Season 3 finale
Screentime is limited. Raffi is either not seen or only in background shots. It’s explained she is trying to sabotage the Titan’s engines or something if she is mentioned at all. Seven and Raffi are barely (if at all) on screen together and their relationship is never mentioned.
Seven is shown carting Shaw to sickbay. She uses her Borg nanites (hello Voyager callback) to help bring him back to life. This doesn’t make him a Borg it is just temporary. Shaw is not grateful and chews her out for it. Says she isn’t StarFleet. Seven agrees and resigns.
There is no Saffi spin-off, no Fenris Rangers. Raffi is never seen again. Seven is either never seen again or…
Shaw gets his own show spin-off. Possibly Seven guest stars one episode so he can save her life, and show he is magnanimous while still pressing the point that he was right and she was never StarFleet.
As part of being magnanimous Shaw pays Seven a compliment. Only it’s something backhanded like “you made really good coffee” and the writers think fans will be happy at the nod to Janeway, and completely overlook the fact that in the 25th century a brilliant woman is reduced to being ‘good at making drinks’.
The only assimilated we see get killed/do bad things are aliens, POC or both.
At the end Geordi is seen hugging his two crying girls and Sydney apologises to him and goes home with him. As part of the end montage she is shown handing him tools to fix the battle damage on the Enterprise-D because fuck that she had dreams of her own to be a pilot I guess.
To gain an advantage in battle Picard uses the “Picard manoeuvre”. Bonus points if it doesn’t make sense as to how it would help.
Even though Vulcan, Klingons etc. have a lot of their own ships nobody can/will help them against the assimilated fleet. Only the Enterprise is fighting the good fight. Sort of like an oblique reference to the hopefulness regarding the Federation shown in Prodigy. That was where StarFleet ships were all taken over by an external force and made to attack each other…. wait a minute *deep sigh* but anyway nobody helps because fuck that stupid kid show right? 😔
Somebody very gravely says “we are on our own”. Despite being decades older, and the odds being 50-1, the Enterprise is so special it manages to hold it’s own in battle long enough for Jack and Picard to save the day.
Even though he is assimilated and it should be impossible Jack is ‘special’ and Picard manages to reach him through his special Dad bond (fuck Beverley as the mother who raised him I guess), and Jack manages to sever the connection/put them to sleep/stop all the StarFleet assimilated.
In a parallel to Nemesis the Borg Queen self-destructs. Picard tells Data to get Jack off the ship and he has to stay behind. They both could have escaped given Picard spent a minute monologuing about friendship and family but he has to sacrifice himself like Data did in reverse.
As the unassimilated were murdered the changelings were all killed. Why/how they teamed up with the Borg, what happened to the people they impersonated etc. is never explained. They are dead, the situation is tied up with a bow. And this “they are all dead” is only an off-hand mention in a single sentence.
Despite name-dropping her Janeway neither appears nor is mentioned unless she comes in for a cameo at the end to lead the memorial/give Jack his medal/commission etc.
Hundreds were killed but the big memorial service only focuses on Picard and how he is the most legendary of all StarFleet heroes.
Jack is given command/made Captain of the new Enterprise even though it’s the flagship, he never went to the academy and has no experience. This is possibly done at said memorial service.
Inexplicably Worf is security, Beverley CMO, Deanna counsellor and Riker as first officer. This is seen with “Captain on the bridge” when Jack walks in. They all look very proud.
Kestra is never mentioned. Who is looking after her, where she is etc. is never explained.
The last line reveals Jack has taken the name Picard so he is “Captain Picard” like his dad and he says the legendary ‘Engage’.
I really hope I don’t reblog this next Friday and cross a lot off. I just really hate how damn plausible I think this list is 😭 this is a do NOT want list universe. Don’t get confused now. This is like worst case scenario for where they could go (in my opinion). So let’s really hope not. Unless of course I have had a failure of imagination and it is even worse somehow 😬
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
Miss Thorny aka Brooke. I dunno how you feel about the finale (I was devastated). How part 1 can be so amazing and part 2 feel so rushed and badly written, is beyond me.
I think Steddie art helps a bit, so if it also makes you feel better too, you should check out Littleststarfigther. Their Steddie art is amazing!!
Hi!!! Honestly I'm really gutted about the whole thing because S4 is the first season of ST that I've really loved. I always just liked the show, like I would watch it when it was on, but I'd never really think about it afterwards or take part in the fandom.
But with S4, it was such a step up and everything felt so elevated and the stakes were higher and they had this amazing villain, and I got so sucked into it, and a huge part of that was Eddie. Like Eddie quickly became my favourite character out of the entire series, even more than Steve! And to see the writers just kill him off because it "completes his arc" and "shows his transformation from a coward to a hero" is so lazy, because he could have done that and still survived. And it's a cheat too because they wanted a big death at the end of S4 but weren't brave enough to kill off any fan favourites or brave enough to have killed off Hopper at the end of S3, so they thought "let's just kill off the new guy" probably because they didn't realise what a huge hit Eddie was going to be with the audience.
They should have been smarter and subverted everyone's expectations. And they also should have cared about the character more. All Eddie wanted was to finally graduate and get out of Hawkins, so they should have had him in S5 and then shown him leaving at the end like he'd always dreamed. That's the ending that would have touched and resonated with fans! Not this awful ending where they kill him off by those stupid bats of all things because they didn't know what else to do with him. And you're telling me everyone out of the main group gets to survive *but* Eddie? So dumb. And Joseph Quinn has said how much he wanted to come back! So we'll probably get some measly little cameo in S5 and that's it.
It just sucks because like a lot of other people, I got so attached to him and I hate seeing him treated like that. Like knowing his body was left in the Upside Down and no one in Hawkins will ever know he wasn't a murderer makes me SO UPSET. I don't even want to be on tumblr reblogging posts and gifs about it, I just feel too sad right now!!! And it zaps my creativity to write fics for ST. Like I'll finish my current one because I'm halfway done, and I might write a tiny little fix-it fic over the weekend because it'll make me feel better, but I think that's all I'll have the inclination to write. Which is a shame because I had wanted to write more but it's hard having the inspiration when I know he won't be in the next season.
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