#after this chapter we have something interesting 🤭
saintchaser · 1 year
no. there was no way. it couldn't be james.
she zoomed down to the ground, trying to catch him as he fell, but it was too late, his broom colliding against the wet soil of october.
"not james, not james, not james", she whispered, because if there was no james, there was a world without laughter, or love, or mischief.
because if there was no james, there was a world without the sun.
sirius rushed to their side, shaking, and lightly slapped James over the face. "prongs? prongs? prongs, wake up..." he flipped him over, and there was a thin streak of blood running down from james' hairline to his temple.
marlene jumped up and glared around her, turning her head around. "alright, which one of you motherfuckers did this?" her shout was almost animalistic as she pierced them all with her deep, brown eyes.
mulciber, bat in his hand, was grinning from ear to ear.
and marlene, driven by hot, pure, blind rage, ran towards him and her fist collided directly with his face. she felt his nose breaking right under her fingers, and, when she looked at her hand, both her fist and his face were red with thick, crimson blood.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 1 month
dream a little dream (of me) - chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
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You were bound to break a term of the deal eventually, right?
we've hit chapter 3! I got a huge influx of people interested and loving this story and I finally got the inspiration and drive to bang the next chapter out for everyone 🤭 there's going to be more coming, I do as the brain commands lol
A big shoutout to @fraugwinska for being like my number 1 hype person on this fic, you are a godsend 💕
And for those who asked to be tagged when the new chapter went up! @spottypug @dennsfz @bishiglomper @ivebeenthearchersstuff
Same tags as chapter 1/2 plus a couple new ones: Dream Sex, Dreamsharing, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Rough Sex, Dreamwalking, blowjobs, 'punishment' wink wink, minor injuries, let me know if I missed anything lol
I love comments and feedback, I would love to know what you think ❤️ enjoy!
The shock on Husk’s face at seeing you inside Alastor’s room when the door flies open a few days after the camping trip is matched only by yours- the horror you’re sure is written in your expression at the pool of blood accumulating under Alastor’s body where Angel Dust is supporting him with an arm around his waist, a smoking gash across his middle.
“The fuck are you doing in here?”
“What the fuck happened?”
You speak at the same time, voices overlapping as Husk shoves the door to the room further open to make room for Angel to drag Alastor inside. He’s also coated in blood down one side, likely having been supporting Alastor’s weight from the other side to drag him up the stairs.
Alastor’s eyes are clenched shut, smile more like a grimace as he snarls at Angel Dust trying to get his feet underneath himself. “I do not need any assistance, spider, release me-”
“Sure, Smiles, tell me all about it. Ya can’t even fuckin’ stand up without ya gangly ass legs collapsin’, how else were we supposed to get ya here?” Angel has also just noticed your presence in the room as you rush over, pleased smirk taking over his features. “I fuckin’ told you there was somethin’ goin’ on with them, Husk!”
“Shut the hell up, Angel,” Husk mutters, grabbing Alastor by the ankles and helping the other demon get him to the bed, despite Alastor fighting like a wild cat the whole time. You follow closely, hovering anxiously next to the mattress. They drop him unceremoniously, causing him to hiss in pain before the wound starts gushing again. “You,” Husk says, fluffy finger pointed in your face. “You stay here with him. Make sure he doesn’t fuckin’ bleed out or anything. Angel, you go tell Charlie and Vaggie what happened. I’ll get the med kit.”
“Wait, Husk” you say as he and Angel both step away, and there’s a hard grip on your wrist from Alastor when you start to follow them. “Just one sec,” you tell the demon- a great idea, with how known he was for his patience and understanding- and pull out of his grasp, hurrying after the other two. You catch Husk at the door, Angel taking off to find Charlie. “What happened to him?”
“Got into it with Vox, what else? Those fuckin’ overlord meetings are just trouble waitin’ to happen if you ask me, never would’ve caught my ass at one of them.” He runs a frustrated hand down his face. “We couldn’t get much out of his besides that, figured it would be best to get him to his room before anyone else saw him stumblin’ around the lobby.”
“Fuck.” You glance over at him, splayed across the mattress, an arm over his eyes. “Can’t he heal on his own? I thought regeneration was all the rage down here.”
“He’s been fucked since that battle with Adam- angelic steel right to the chest, did something to his body and he doesn’t heal as quick anymore. Some stitches should get him right for at least a little while.” A dark eye watches you from Husk’s peripheral. “I don’t know what you’re doing gettin’ all buddy-buddy with him but you watch yourself. We’re not all fuckin’ stupid- somethin’s up, we saw the goddamn vampire bite on your neck after camping-”
“Are there vampires in Hell?”
“Not the goddamn point. The point is be careful and don’t fuck anyone else over in the process of whatever the hell you two’re doing.” He points back into the bedroom. “Now go stand guard or whatever you do until I can stitch him up.” Husk is off then, jogging in the opposite direction that Angel had gone. You leave the door unlocked and cracked so he can get back in when he returns and go back to Alastor’s side in the bed.
His face is sweaty, eyes still clenched shut in pain, but one of his ears perks back up when he hears you come closer. “Pay no mind to those idiots,” he mutters. “I will be perfectly fine in a matter of hours. Do not let them back in.” He waves a hand lazily, the door slamming shut with a bang.
“Yeah the smoking hole in your chest gives me a lot of confidence to that. I’m not going to stop them from helping you.” You hesitate only a second before reaching out to his shirt buttons. “Let me- you’ll need this off for Husk to stitch you up.” He’s uncharacteristically quiet as you undo the buttons and slide the shirt sideways as carefully as possible to clear some space for the cat to work. You brush against his ribs and there’s a sharp inhale, Alastor’s nostrils flaring and claws digging into the sheets.
There’s a knock at the door and when you move to go open it there’s again a hand wrapped around your wrist. “Stay,” Alastor says, looking like it pains him to say it. A strip of shadow darts across the room to open the door in your stead, Husk coming back through the frame and raising an eyebrow at the sight of you still seated beside the demon.
“Charlie and Vaggie know what happened and will check on you tomorrow. Angel went to shower. Let’s get this fuckin’ over with.” He settles on the other side of you, and Alastor releases his grip on your hand to clench them into the bedsheets as Husk starts to drag the needle through his skin.
A good bit of swear words and a loosely wrapped bandage later, Alastor is patched up and passed out on his mattress. “Where did you learn to do stitches?”
“I don’t know, not really. Winged it. Just knew he wouldn’ want anyone else to see him like he is now. Vulnerable; weak. Benefit to him to have me under his thumb, I can’t run my fuckin’ mouth or use it against him.” He eyes you. “I assume you have no problem stayin’ to monitor him? With the stitches he should be good to go by mornin’ but you’ll want to watch him through the night.”
You could revive your old sleep habits and keep awake through one evening. “Yeah, I can stay. And Husk, it’s really not what you’re thinking-”
“Don’t care. Not my business. Make sure he doesn’t die- who fuckin’ knows what happens to my soul if that happens.” Husk gathers his materials and leaves the room, making sure to close and lock the door behind him.
You wander the room for a while trying to find a way to entertain yourself. He only has a couple books in the room- ones you’ve already read before- and despite your interest in the bayou dimension you don’t want to wander too far away from him. Eventually you pick a book and drag the armchair over to the bed, settling in and keeping an eye on the movements of his chest. He seems to be doing well, despite being weak and injured, no blood yet seeping through the bandages on his chest.
You do so well for a while without getting tired before the siren song of sleep starts to pull at your eyelids. You combat it as best you can- you pace the room, do push ups and jumping jacks, try counting backwards from one thousand. It doesn’t help, and you find yourself curled up in the armchair next to the bed, eyes drifting shut and not opening again.
When the world of Alastor’s dreams comes to fruition, you’re once again just in his bedroom, the only difference being a slightly darker tone to the light. His eyebrows raise when he sees you. “Well! Fancy meeting you here, darling.”
“I’m sorry, I was trying to stay awake out there to keep an eye on you-”
He waves you down. “No worries, dear. I told you before the stitches that I would be fine, that remains true. I cannot fault you for falling asleep on duty when you’ve not been accustomed to staying awake during the evenings any longer.”
A sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I was-”
“Ah ah ah,” he interrupts, and with a shifting shadow he stands before you, trailing a finger down your throat. “That is not to say that I’m not upset with you for something else.” He circles you, eyes lidded and smile teasing. “Need I remind you again of the terms of our deal?”
“What?” Something slips around your wrist, almost like the feeling of Alastor’s fingers but softer, and you glance down to see one of his shadows. His meaning dawns on you. “Wait, Alastor, I didn’t- I’m not here on purpose, I-”
“Ahhh but that wasn’t a condition, was it? It is only allowed with my permission , dear, and I must say I can’t recall giving that to you!” Another shadow wraps itself around your thighs, buckling your legs and bringing you to your knees; he runs a hand gently along the top of your head, tipping your head up to meet his gaze. “I’m afraid discipline is in order.” With a wave of his finger Alastor’s armchair is behind him, settling into it as his tentacles make themselves at home across your body, holding you in place where you now sit on your knees, Alastor’s hand still cupped under your chin. “I think a spanking will do.”
Your body jerks where you’re held. “I’m not a child.”
“This may seem a bit tame,” he admits, expression pensive, “but sometimes the classics can be rather effective! Here’s the plan-” The tentacles shift, bending you at the waist so your chin rests nearly on Alastor’s knee. “You’ve done rather well so far so I won’t be cruel . I think ten strikes should be sufficient. You’ll count them aloud, and should you miss one we will start over. How does that sound fair?”
The first strike is over your clothing, Alastor cocking his head when you try to move away from the faint sting of it. “Surely you know how to count, dearest.” Your clothes seem to melt off your body, goosebumps erupting on your skin at the chill in the air. When you don’t respond he sighs, his smile almost condescending. “Oh well; I suppose it can’t be helped. We begin again.”
The tentacle strikes again, a sharp snap that has you hissing through your teeth. Not knowing what else you can do, you decide to just submit- how bad can ten simple swats with a tentacle really hurt? “One,” you mutter, and Alastor’s eyes light up now that you’re willing to play his game.
He cups his hand around the back of your head, and you tilt into his palm. “Perfect. Good girl. Go ahead.”
A gentle whoosh through the air, and another blow to the soft skin of your ass. “T- two,” you say, gritting your teeth against the vague ache. It’s not terribly painful; it’s more the humiliation of it than anything else, but not being able to see it coming contributes to the sting. “Fuck!” Another that you didn’t anticipate. “Three.”
Alastor uses the light pressure of his hand to tilt your head to meet his eyes. “Perhaps I’m just old fashioned,” he says softly, “but I don’t believe ‘fuck’ is a number. Start again.”
You feel the sting of frustrated tears. “Alastor, please.”
He brushes them away with a claw. “Come now, darling, no need for that. You can count to ten, can’t you? Why, it’s easy as can be and then we can be done with this business.”
So he makes you start again- and now for a third time when you can’t stop the whine in your throat from distorting the ‘eight’ into a broken groan. The spanks hadn’t been really painful before but as the punishment continued and the same spots were struck over and over you had become sore, and every new blow stung and ached like nothing else.
And yet- maybe its the position, or the utter helplessness of what’s happening with Alastor in control but there’s that familiar burn in your core, slick arousal from your cunt slipping down your thighs and out of sight of the demon before you.
Your eyes had drifted closed at some point, neck eventually losing the strength to hold itself up and pressing into the fabric of Alastor’s trousers. When he makes a curious humming noise you let your lashes flutter back open. His eyes are dark, pupils blown and his smile dangerous as he looks down at you with lidded eyes. “You know, if you’re having such trouble counting I may have a better use for that lovely mouth of yours, darling.” A brief respite from the tentacles, at least, as he repositions you with his hands to bring your face to the erection that’s grown in his lap. “This isn’t my punishment, after all; I don’t see why I should have to suffer now. How’s this- I’ll count for you, and you keep your mouth otherwise occupied, hm?”
You don’t bother trying to speak, instead just nodding in his gentle hold. He smiles, a little softer then, another quietly uttered “good girl” before he’s undoing his pants and pulling his cock out, presenting it to you and slowly guiding it into your waiting mouth.
He’s not demanding about it, lets you take your time in getting your lips wrapped around the head, fingers brushing delicately through your hair. The position isn’t perfect, and not having use of your hands is a bit of a nuisance but you can move your head enough to take some of his length into the warm, wet cavern of your mouth. You swipe your tongue along what you can reach of the underside of him and he hisses above you, pulling you back with a soft fisting of your hair until you can only reach the tip.
“We’ll continue now, my dear. Be mindful of your teeth, please.” And he slides back in with a simultaneous strike of one of the tentacles. “One.”
Somehow the childish punishment is easier to take with Alastor’s cock in your mouth. You still jerk in the hold of the tentacles when you’re hit, but your whimpers and cries of pain are muffled, the vibrations of it serving a greater purpose now in bringing Alastor pleasure. You make it to seven before a particular hard spank jolts you forward, prick shoving harder into your mouth and hitting the back of your throat. The constriction that happens when you inadvertently gag a bit makes a harsh moan tumble out of Alastor’s mouth, his fingers tightening their grip in your hair. “Fuck-”
You pull off enough to speak, lips brushing the tip as you do. “Thought ‘fuck’ wasn’t a number.”
“Wretched, delightful thing,” he murmurs, brushing his thumb against your cheek. “You raise a valid point, but I think we’ve drawn this out long enough- you’ve learned your lesson?” A nod from you, lips once again covering him and tongue swirling around the head. “Lovely,” he sighs. “Then we’ll make this last bit quick.”
He shifts forward in the armchair, enough that he’s now fully inside of your mouth and each lazy thrust of his hips bumps the back of your throat. He gives himself time to savor the feeling of you sucking and licking at him, throat constricting each time he bottoms out, in between swats from the tentacles. “Eight. Nine. Ten.” Your hands are released from their restraints, and rather than bringing them to your throbbing clit like you desperately want to, cunt drenched and ready for something more, you instead bring them to Alastor’s lap, repositioning yourself to better choke on his length. You let your teary eyes drift up to his face, his eyes lidded where he stares down at you, smile tight and tense. “Wonderfully done, sweetheart. I need only a moment more- may I?” He fists his hands in your hair on either side of your head and you let your mouth go slack, allowing him to thrust in and back out at his own leisure.
You can feel under your hands the flexing of the muscles in his forearm and wish that he would take off his goddamn shirt- get undressed in one of these dreams, just something so you weren’t the only one exposed and vulnerable.
“Magic in dreams doesn’t count, I rather think; it seems that you can do it as well.”
You think about what Alastor had said while camping- how your pants had simply vanished with a thought, the mere desire. You’d never really tried much with your dream powers. You just showed up and tried not to be spotted whenever you were in one, or got the information you were looking for and left. It hadn’t occurred to you until Alastor had said something that you might be able to do more , to use the power for something else.
So while Alastor grows more desperate in his race to completion, fucking your mouth with renewed fervor, you concentrate on the buttons of his shirt. You don’t want to alert him to what you’re trying to do- he’d probably take offense to the fact that you aren’t as wholly engrossed in letting him use your mouth as he likes, might even start the whole punishment over again after he came. So you let your vocal chords do as they please while he ruts into the hole you’ve provided for him, soft moans and whimpers to distract him a bit.
The top button twists, and slowly, silently, pulls itself from the hole it was fastened into. A slight shift of your eyes and the second one follows.
The mere possibilities of what you could do with this information makes you moan, long and low and vibrating hard around Alastor’s cock. Already close, the sensation makes him buck his hips hard, spewing curses as he spends himself in the warm and wet heat of your mouth. You’ve hardly had a chance to swallow- the taste and feeling not awful but just a little strange- before he’s yanking you up from the floor, pulling you into his lap and crushing his lips to yours. His hands come to rest on your thighs, traveling slowly upwards until he meets the welts that his tentacles have left on your skin. You hiss into his mouth at the sting of it, and he kisses you gently while massaging the sensitive skin. You distract yourself with popping another button on his shirt, a motion that goes unnoticed by Alastor in favor of switching between kissing you and watching your face while he touches you.
The rush of it eventually slows and stops, content to just sit there together for a bit with him unaware of the 6 buttons you had managed to get undone. Unlike the other times you’ve met in his dreams you aren’t simply shoved out this time- Alastor wakes up slowly and groggily, like anyone else would, and you open your eyes at the same time. He spots you in the armchair and moves to the side, clearing up a space beside him. “Come over here, dear,” he says, and you’re helpless to disobey. 
Sitting up in the armchair you become aware of two things- that the welts and likely bruises from the tentacles had carried over into real life, as did the slick arousal and throbbing need in your cunt, suddenly desperate to be filled with Alastor- not just in a dream but here, now.
You stand from the chair and to the demon’s surprise, slip your bottoms and panties off before climbing into the bed and settling yourself against his side. He turns to face you, face twisting in slight pain when the wound on his chest shifts, but he trails his fingers down the slope of your neck, over the curve of your hip, finally dipping between your legs and feeling how wet you’ve become from allowing him to be in control of you. “We may have to find a new punishment for you, dearest, if this is how you react to this method.”
“Please, Alastor,” you say, reaching a hand down to his lap and pleased to find that while he’s been spent in the dream, his erection here in the real world is eager to go again. You slip your fingers under the band of his trousers, circle them around his cock with a light squeeze. “Please, I need it- not in the dream but here, real . Please?”
His breath catches in his throat, hot exhale against your face. “I- I am injured, darling, I cannot perform as I do in my mind-”
“You don’t have to.” You’re already shifting, getting up on your knees and settling over his lap, slotting his hard, hot length against your dripping folds. “I’ll do it- you don’t have to do anything. I- I just need to cum, please?”
He cups your face in his hand like he had in the dream. “How could I possibly deny you anything?” He assists you in positioning yourself on his cock, a soft “careful, dear” as you start to sink down.
Jesus fuck. The dreams had done nothing to prepare you for the feeling in real life as you’re speared on his cock, your body making room for him with the delicious slide down until you’re seated in his lap completely. You’re full of him in every sense; your cunt stuffed, mind racing with thoughts of Alastor, vision blocked by anything but the sight of his eyes wide as he watches you take him in, his claws digging into the skin of your hips. It’s so, so much better than it is in the dreams- it’s tangible , a real memory that you can hold onto from your mind, not remnants of something in Alastor’s head. This was yours. Something he’s giving you because you asked for it, begged him for it and he obliged.
You raise up on your knees, already shaky from the slow descent, and make it halfway before Alastor shifts his hips and hits the bundle of nerves inside you. You bite back the moan that wants to escape, glaring at him halfheartedly. “I said I would do it.”
“You’re certainly taking your time, darling. Just thought I could offer some assistance.” He gives you a positively lecherous smile. “I suppose if you won’t allow me to move this should suffice.” He lets one hand slide off your hip to rub at your clit with his thumb, the other tightening its grip on you.
“I’ll- I’ll allow it,” you choke out, a little miffed that the subtle shift of his hips was enough to get him right where you needed him. You ride him gently, mindful of his injury, and the pleasure crests, so close to breaking you that your legs are cramping. “God, Alastor, please-”
“What do you need, beautiful?” You have only a moment to process the word before he’s moving, an arm wrapping around your middle and turning the pair of you over, rutting his cock into you with a speed and pressure that makes you dizzy. His smile is dazed looking down at you, watching your cunt swallow him and reveling in the wet noises that emerge from where you’re joined. “You’re so close, darling, I can feel it- your pleasure is mine. Every time you reach that peak, when you cum on my cock, it will only ever be me. ”
He shifts again, brings his knees up closer to get deeper inside of you. “Fuck, Alastor, my god-”
“I like the sound of that,” he purrs, bending down to trail his tongue up your throat. “I want to be everything to you. Would you allow me that privilege? To claim you, to own you in every way that you’d let me, in any dimension.”
Your head whips back and forth on the pillow, the edge so close your vision is dark. “Please, please, please,” you’re mumbling, “Alastor please, I’m gonna-”
The tension snaps before you can finish your sentence, a wailing cry falling from your lips as you clench and shake and cum under him, around him. It’s so different from when it happens in Alastor’s dreams- it echoes in every part of your body, your head spinning and fingers tightening in his shirt so hard that you fear you’ll rip the fabric. His name spills from you in waves with your release, and his eyes are dark as his thrusts intensify, chasing his orgasm with the resolve of a man possessed.
“Yours, all yours,” you mumble against his lips when his face comes close enough to catch his mouth. “All of me.”
He snarls and his hips stutter, snapping hard against yours. “So much- so much better,” he gasps through the tightening of your pussy on his length. “So perfect- mine -” With a harsh growl he spends himself a second time for the night, into the wet silken grip of your body. He thrusts gently through the wave of it before he collapses in a heap against you, breathing heavily into your ear.
“You’re so- lovely,” he mumbles. “Giving, for a demon. One would think that you would simply take- I would, were it me with your powers. But you’re just…” He trails off, head against your shoulder and breath slow. 
You bring a hand up to trail down his back. “I meant it,” you whisper, swallowing your nerves. “If you- if you would have me, I would be yours. For as long as you want. Forever.”
He remains silent.
Fuck. You hope you haven’t overstepped some boundary. “Alastor?” He doesn’t move, or show any indication that he’s heard you. “Hey, are you okay?” You push at his shoulder with no response, so you double down and push harder, tumbling him off of you.
“Mother fucker.” The bandages wrapped around his chest are stained with red, more than when you had begun- the demon had torn his stitches open when he flipped the pair of you around to take control back, after you specifically told him you would handle your orgasms yourself. “Idiot,” you hiss at his slacken face, but you still brush his hair back from his sweaty forehead before pulling your bottoms back on and rushing down the hall to find Husk, ignoring the sting of the welts on your rear the whole way.
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mrsriddlenott · 8 months
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Rivalry: Chapter One
Regulus Black x Fem!reader
Mutual Pining and Academic Rivals are like my favorites so I’m throwing them together for Reggie🤭
I wanna try a slowburn, so this series will have some short parts that i can update easily between parts of Caught because I hate just not uploading for so long at a time. Fair warning I am going to include a bit of a love triangle later on(there will be NO cheating).
Warnings:Arguing,Language,Angst, Pining, Rivals, “Enemies” to lovers.
You and Regulus never liked each other. Actually, a good way to put it would be to say you hated eachother. But for some reason you were always clouding the brunette’s mind, even when you were yelling back and forth in an empty corridor he absolutely loved it. And despised that he loved it.
Despite the years he spent wanting nothing more than to one up you in any situation, suddenly every time your eyebrows furrowed at him as you began an argument, he’d imagine those eyebrows furrowing below him behind the curtains of his four poster bed. He thought at first it was simply because of your beauty that he was lusting after you, but after months of patrolling the corridors together as Prefects, he came to realize he genuinely liked your presence. Whether you were silent or bickering or yelling, he didn’t mind.
He denied those feelings for as long as possible, deciding instead to observe you from afar, acting as though he hated you while at the same time ensuring you were stuck with him as a partner in every class and during all Prefect duties. He didn’t understand why he shooed away every thought of you or hid his true feelings up until the last possible second, but he was a fool and a coward, he already knew that. As your seventh and final year at Hogwarts began, it dawned on Regulus that he’d likely never see you again once the year ended, making the dreadfully long school year suddenly seem far too short.
He could no longer deny he felt something real for you as he stood in the corner of the Slytherin common room, seething while he watched you dance against Barty Crouch Jr. The welcome back party was in full swing as you enjoyed yourself before you inevitably needed to become an image of responsibility.
You could feel his eyes on you, you could always feel his eyes on you. Almost immediately after you and Regulus became Prefects in your fifth year, it became increasingly difficult to avoid spending time with him. Though secretly you weren’t complaining, you’d always imagine what it would be like if he wasn’t so closed off. He was down right mean to you at times, and yet he clouded your thoughts all the same.
You always found yourself locking eyes with him in class, cursing yourself as you rolled your eyes away from his. You hated that you felt the way you did, but honestly you hated that he didn’t feel the same much more. This time, as your eyes locked, there was something new behind his irises. Something you never would have expected only two years earlier, jealousy.
You knew it couldn’t be a good idea, but after plying yourself with copious amounts of liquor you didn’t mind making a few bad decisions. You winked at Regulus’, biting your lip and making him go rigged in the corner before you turned yourself in Barty’s arms and captured his lips in yours.
Regulus wasn’t a jealous person, he’d accepted long ago that any girl wanting a member of the Noble House of Black would simply run to his brother, but you never did. You never even seemed the tiniest bit interested in Sirius, or anyone else for that matter. Maybe thats why it was so easy to stay calm all these years, his girl never seemed to have eyes for anyone. Until now. He never would have imagined the pure rage he felt as he stormed through the party, yanking you off Barty as you smiled drunkenly up at him with swollen lips.
“Come on, we have a project in Potions tomorrow and you can’t be hungover, I won’t be failing,” Before you could register what was happening he was pulling you down the stairs as you stumbled after him to the girls dormitory. To your surprise he immediately distinguished your dorm from the others and pulled you inside.
He dropped your wrist as he grumbled to himself, walking to your dresser and pulling out one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of leggings, “Take these, get out of that dress, and go to bed.” He demanded in a stern voice.
“But I wanna go back to the partyyy” You practically whined in a beg, too drunk to care about the boy standing in your room with a glare.
“You can barely stand y/l/n, I am not letting you back into that party like this.” He grumbled as he shoved the clothes into your hands, turning away as you eyed the back of his head.
“Come on Reggie, let lose, you don’t always have to be the golden boy,” You teased as you began to remove the straps of your dress and shimmy it down your body.
“What did you just call me?” He snapped, turning around without thinking, his cheeks growing a bright red upon seeing your slightly exposed bra as you struggled to remove your dress in your drunken state. He quickly swiveled back around as you huffed and puffed with slurred statements of “stupid thing” and “tight ass dress” making him chuckle.
“Help me out here Reggie,” You sighed, dropping your hands to your sides with a slap as he arched his eyebrows at the wall in front if him, turning to see your dress halfway down your body as you stared up at him with hooded eyes.
“Um okay,” He mumbled as he moved to stand behind you, keeping his eyes upward as he gently pulled the zipper down with a soft chuckle, “It would be a lot easier if you unzipped it,”
“Yeah yeah,” You grumbled as you pushed the dress off of you without a warning, showing him your underwear that didn’t match your bra. He felt like all the oxygen was escaping his body as he watched you struggle to put on the shirt he picked out, your head popping out of the neckline with messy hair before you were hopping onto your bed, disregarding the leggings on the floor.
You yawned once, and then fell into a deep sleep as Regulus stood, shell shocked in front of your bed. For some reason he felt rather creepy being alone in your room hovering over your bed despite his very wholesome intentions. He neatly closed the curtains around your four poster and left a full glass of water on your bedside table before blowing out your candles and slipping out the door.
The next morning when you woke, you had absolutely no clue how you got to your room, or out of your clothes and into knew ones. The last thing you could remember clearly was getting your sixth, or maybe seventh?, cup of punch before dancing with Barty.
“Uh Black, can we talk?” You asked in a shaky voice as his friends eyed you up suspiciously, “It’s really important,” As Regulus took in your disheveled appearance and worried face he mumbled a later to his friends and directed you to a rather quiet section of the corridor before turning back to you.
“Did we….y’know….do anything last night?” You rushed out without meeting his eyes as you stood in front of him, bouncing nervously. “I just….I barely remember anything and….and Barty said….” You stopped, not wanting to believe nor accuse him of what Barty had suspected.
“You think I did something to you while you were drunk?” He asked in a soft voice as he watched your watery eyes meet his. He was hurt, for the first time in a long time he was hurt. “I didn’t. I helped you to bed, got you some water, and left. That’s it.”
You let out an audible sigh as tears slipped past your lashes, “Thank you, I-i was so messed up last night, I don’t wanna think about what could have happened if…” Regulus watched you with a mix of relief and annoyance, you had just almost accused him of the same thing you were now thanking him for preventing?
“You’re lucky y/l/n. Because guess what, Barty was the one all over you last night when you could barely walk properly, I’m sure he jumped to tell you how I pulled you away from him. You could have just come to me, y’know.” He scoffed as he walked past you and into Potions class taking the seat next to yours as you followed suit.
“I didn’t believe him Black, but I had to ask okay?” You whisper shouted as everyone began taking their seats around you.
“If you had to ask than part of you thought I was capable of that.” He said, eyes focused upfront as you watched the side of his face. His jaw clenched so tight you could see the muscle protruding on the side of his cheeks.
“I’m sorry Regulus, you may be a git sometimes but I don’t think you’re a monster.” You whispered as you pushed your chair closer to his.
“I don’t care what you think of me and I dont need your apology” He snapped, making you flinch and jump back as he turned to look at you. His eyes softened as regret began seeping into his stomach at the sight of you scared in front of him.
You looked away from him as soon as you felt your eyes begin to water, focusing solely on Professor Slughorn as Regulus tried to apologize beside you, something that shocked you greatly but didn’t make you waver.
“Just look at me,” He whispered, ignoring his notes entirely and looking only at you. “Come on, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare y-“
“Oh my gods just shut the fuck up!” You shouted, silencing Slughorn and drawing the attention of every student around you as you went red from embarrassment.
“Care to fill us in on your conversation Miss. y/l/n? Mr. Black?” Slughorn’s voice was calm bit stern as you both shook your heads and mumbled “no”.
“Well, you can pick it up in detention tonight then” He said with a tight lipped smile as he turned back to his notes on the blackboard. You dropped your forehead onto the table with a sigh as Regulus watched you with narrowed eyes.
After dinner you slipped out of the Great Hall undetected, fully intending to run to the library and “study” through your detention. Being a teacher’s pet came with some perks after all.
“I knew you’d be here,” Regulus chuckled as you approached the door he was now leant against. “Come on, we have detention little miss perfect….or did you intentionally plan to avoid me?” His smirk was so annoying you would risk another detention just to smack it off if it weren’t for your lack of any movable muscle as his eyes bore into yours.
“Slughorn wants us to clean Professor Binns’ class since he never does.” You eyed him suspiciously as he waited for you to walk in front of him, “Well go on then you little liar, can’t trust ya now can I?” He chuckled triumphantly at your eyes rolling as you walked past him towards the History of Magic classroom.
Regulus shamelessly watched you as you walked in front of him, deciding you were his whether you realized it yet or not. He’s never had a reason to defy anyone before, but as he watched your hair bouncing behind you and your cloak moving in the breeze giving him glimpses of your legs below. He knew you were the girl he’d marry, whether his Mother was okay with it or not, he’d either die alone or marry the beautiful girl in front of him.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 92... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has brought back some previous plot points that I and many others have been thinking about for quite some time now...!! 😌 So let's talk about it on this wonderful Christmas Eve, shall we...? 😉
Today's chapter begins with something that we knew was coming...:
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...THE FINALS...!! 😤
Mentioned all the way back in Mission 42, we learned that if Anya does bad on the finals, she will be separated from Becky (and Damian), so it is extremely important for her to do well them...!! 😲 But she isn't the only one worried about the upcoming finals...
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Of course Twilight would be stressing out about whether or not Anya will do well on the finals, but because on of certain goofy spy (last seen being already defeated in a tennis match in Mission 32), Twilight can't even cheat on the test for Anya anymore...:
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(*Sniff* I'm so glad to see Daybreak again, even it's just flashback...!! 🥹)
But since Anya did quite well in Classical Language (also mentioned in Mission 42), Twilight wants her to work on that subject and believes that she could even get a Stella for it... Then this happened:
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After Twilight lost all hope for his daughter to well on the finals, Authens show up and invite the Forgers to have some cookies!! 🍪
While at the Authens' place, we get a lot of interesting information about Authens, but the things that peaked my interest the most are that Mr. Authen taught neurology at the University that he used to work at and that him and Mrs. Authen moved back to Berlint to be close to their son and his family...!! 🤔
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I don't know if either these things about the Authens will lead to anything, but I'll still be on my guard about them... (Especially about who might be their son...! 🤔)
Moving on, Sigmund starts to help Anya with Classical Language by *GASP* using something that she loves to help her with her studies...!! 😲 (Yes, I know Twilight to tried to teach Anya using Spy Wars before, but... He didn't do it properly [as seen in Short Mission 9, which was also mentioned in today's chapter as well...! 😄]) AND IT ACTUALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!! 😆
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And after some more studying, Sigmund congratulates Anya for all of her hard today:
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The Forgers prepare to leave the Authens' place and Anya says that she'll keep coming to the Authens place to study (as long as they have cookies...! 😋) But then, Sigmund asks Anya what's her main goal after becoming an Imperial Scholar, and she says...:
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(I take back being suspicious of him, at least for now...! 😌)
Anya continues her training (I mean studying) with Sigmund until she ends up looking like Solid Snake...!! 👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣
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Anya, you so crazy...!! 😂😂😂
After that, Anya heads off to school (with that permanent marker 5 o'clock shadow on her face 🤭) ready to take the finals...!! 😎 And then...:
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And that was Mission 92, a nice little on Christmas Eve that finally brought back things that haven't been brought up in while (like Daybreak...!! 😆) I loved that Anya was actually enjoying studying for once, thanks to Sigmund!! 😊 And to Twilight, I love you, but... THIS👏IS👏HOW👏YOU👏SHOULD👏HAVE👏APPROACHED👏ANYA👏WITH👏HER👏STUDIES!!!👏😤 My guy Twilight really doesn't understand children AT ALL (especially his own...!! 😌)
I truly don't think that the Authens are bad people after this chapter, but I still believe that they (particularly Sigmund) might have a dark past...!! 🤔 As for the mention of the Authens' having a son has got my theory brain a rolling...! 😵 But, my best guess of who their son could be is either he's Anya's biological father or one of the scientists that experimented on her... 👀
Anyway, I think that's all wanna say about this chapter...!! 😊 And if know me tomorrow is my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! 😆 I probably won't be on Tumblr at all tomorrow, so until December 26th or the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, be kind to one another, & HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! 💗😆💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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Closed Position: Deconstructing Dieter Bravo
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist I did a Deconstructing Dieter Bravo series for Destiny & Deliverance, so I thought it might be fun to continue that tradition with Closed Position since this Dieter does have some interesting things going on that we can delve deeper into.
I had several people comment/dm me about two things after the first chapter that I think would be fun to discuss further. Those were of course, Dieter’s plant hobby and the fluffy menace hanging around his house.
To most, these two things may seem very random and unrelated. However, they really aren’t. They do serve a bigger purpose to the story…because of course they do. When do I ever not have deeper meaning behind something, right? 😏
Plant Dad Dieter
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First, I have included some more Dieter aesthetic pictures above that I had saved. It's a whole ✨vibe✨. Second, I must thank @readingiskeepingmegoing for coming up with the new #PlantDadDieter hashtag… because it’s so on point. I’m totally going with it! 💜
On to the good stuff...what have we learned about Dieter after the first installment? I think we can safely identify three things: he spends a lot of time alone, he feels misunderstood, and he doesn’t appear to have any deep or meaningful relationships. This will be a theme that comes up a lot with him, especially starting in Week 2 when we open with him having a chat with his therapist.
How does this relate to plants, you ask? Let’s start with Dieter’s history…the man has never had a real relationship. He’s never connected with anyone, whether that be friend or significant other. He was a party boy that indulged in the physical pleasures of life while avoiding any real intimacy. Most of his relationships were based on sex and favors. We will worry about why he is this way later, but for now, just know that’s where he's at emotionally.
Dieter has never really had a bond with anyone or anything. Now that he is sober and realizing how alone he is, he’s seeking that connection any way he can and doesn’t even really realize it (yet).
Sure, being a plantsman does have perks as it is relaxing and can have a positive impact on one’s mental health. However, it’s causing Dieter to learn how to care about something - how to be selfless and nurturing with his time. He has to put in a lot of effort to keep everything alive and healthy and he quickly realizes that putting in that time and energy makes him happy. Also, the plants don't judge him or his past.
Now, for some fun stuff because some of you asked…
Does Dieter talk to his plants? He 100% talks to the plants. He doesn’t know if it actually does anything, but he figures it can’t hurt to try. It also helps him feel less alone as he does see them as living things. They do breathe, eat, and drink after all.
Does Dieter name his plants? I’m inclined to say that he names his favorites. All the others just have random nicknames that change based on their appearance. Like...the "thirsty dramatic bitch" that gets weepy and needs to be watered and turned in the sunlight daily.
Dieter’s Furry Squatter
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And let the collective aww's be heard! 🤭
So, I pulled a few pics from Pinterest of what I envision Dieter's furry little visitor looks like. I see it as an adorably fluffy young Maine Coon kitty.
👉 Fun Fact: "The name 'Maine Coon' was adopted after the state of the breed's origin, Maine, and after the early belief that the cat was in fact the result of crossing between domestic breeds and raccoons." (from VioVet)
Funny story, I did not know that fact before choosing this breed. It looks like it was mean-to-be for our loveable trash panda. 😂
Now, I am sure you're asking; how does the cat relate to the plants? The cat serves the same purpose when we think about Dieter's relationships...or lack thereof.
Again, Dieter is craving companionship. He is still reluctant, but this little nugget will eventually become a loving companion for him. It's another avenue for him to create an emotional connection with something. He will learn how to care for the kitty and build a bond. Though the little menace can be a bit sassy, like the plants, it also doesn't judge Dieter by his past. What do you think Dieter should name it? I'm taking suggestions in the comments. 😉
In an odd way, the plants and cat do help Dieter grow as a person. It's baby steps in his personal growth journey. Honestly, as Katrina gets to know Dieter on a more personal level, these are two things that she absolutely loves about him, mostly because it's two things that are unexpected and show what a sweetheart he really is. She sees the good in him even if he can't see it himself.
That's it for your little extra bit of insight...until next time.
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble.
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo.
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
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Closed Position Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @morallyinept @survivingandenduring  @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime  @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter @burntheedges @stevie75 @bunniboo0015 @quicax3 @jackie923 @sherala007 @pastelnap
*If your blog name is marked out, it would not let me tag you. You will need to change your visibility settings for that to work going forward.
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
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Hi everyone!! Erin and I compiled all the fics that were submitted into one big list and split the reading! So if you don’t see your fic here check out @perotovar’s post that will be coming soon! Also, for any multi chapter fics that were submitted we only read the first chapters for them! Thank you to everyone who submitted fics for this and made this celebration such a hit! If you’d like to see more events like this please let either Erin or myself know!
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@trulybetty Strings
What a strong start!! The part where he was dealing with his nightmare in his sleep was so heartbreaking. And the reader contemplating comforting him or respecting the boundaries of their relationship and minding her business was a struggle you really felt.
@pascalispretty Leading Blindly
Oh man love me some shy, submissive Din 🥵 And Canto Bight is the perfect place to put a brothel in Star Wars!!!
@chronically-ghosted Recovery Road
Wow, what a beautiful depiction of struggling with addiction and anxiety. As someone who suffers from anxiety myself (as I’m sure a lot of you guys do too!), I found myself really emphasizing with Dieter. Precious lil guy 🥺
@theywhowriteandknowthings Catch Me If You Can
This fic is such a good capture capture of the chase 🤌 The last chapter was posted as a part of Kinktober but if you want to find out just how Din and the Reader got there, read this!!! It’s going to take place on several Star Wars planets and as a Star Wars nerd that makes my heart happy
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin The Clink
💳💳PRISON GUARD JAVI💳💳 What more do I need to say?!?!? No but fr this is not only extremely hot but also very very well done. Prison Guard Javi wasn’t something I knew I needed until Ang put it out 💅
@jenna-ortega Vertigo
The premise of this is so scandalous 🤭 I’m a sucker for infidelity fics for some reason so you know this just has a hold on me!!! And I love the warning “unpleasant!Joel” 🥵💀😭
@milla-frenchy Smack My Bitch Up
I’m a slut for rough sex and even though I’m not personally into anal I still really enjoyed this! A great take on Raider!Joel and Raider!Tommy 👀
@katiexpunk Reporting For Duty
THE PREMISE I’M SCREAMING and the smut was soooooo fucking hot. I love Air Marshal Peña!!! Something about joining the Mile High Club is just 🥵🥵
@dark-scape The Vagabond Gladiator
This is by far the most interesting and unique Joel AU I’ve ever seen. The world building in this is just great!!!
@novemberrain-writes Daggers to Dust
A MANDALORIAN WESTERN AU ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I enjoyed this so much omfg!!!
@decembermidnight Ner Mircet'ad
First of all, two words: GLOVE KINK!! Love the Mando’a title, love dom!Din. Seriously what is there not to love about this!!
@soft-persephone Scattered Promises
“My name is Din, he whispered lowly in her face, and if I made a promise to never leave your side, I intend to keep it.” Oh my god!!! I love Din and the MC’s dynamic so much!!!
@nothoughtsjustmeds Tip Your Server
NOT THEM LOSING THE OSCAR 😭😭 I love wife!reader fics and this was seriously so sweet and hot at the same time!!
@scarerjh Love Machine
Dieter is so sweet and devoted in this!!! So fluffy and sweet it makes my heart explode!!!
@grogusmum Conversations with Dead People
This was so sad and impactful!! I just wanted them to get back together so bad!!!!
@marisferasiop Paklalat
This was such a treat, literally the group sex/polyamorous relationship of my DREAMS 😍😍
@idolatrybarbie The World Tipped On Its Side
(Chapter 1) I really love the characterization of the reader in this. Frankie as a stunt pilot is a really cool idea for him. And the reader is disabled, which is really refreshing to see that being represented here in this community🤍
@romana-after-dark Blessed Be The Fruit
If you like the Handmaid’s Tale and TLOU then boy do I have the fic for you!! The first chapter was so interesting and the world building was insane!! I’ve never watched or read Handmaid’s Tale and I was easily able to fall into this universe!
@ladamedusoif Visiting
One of the most well thought out Mr. Ben fics I’ve ever seen!! I love the ofc and I love that her age is relatively close to Ben’s!!
@chaithetics A Cinematic Lover
Dieter having a crush is so fucking cute!!! And I love chronic illness/pain representation here 🥺🤍
@aurorawritestoescape The Helping Hand
I love somnophilia!! This was so hot and I love the idea that Joel’s loud snoring keeps you from falling asleep at night 😭💀
@pimosworld Tango
Love the premise, loooove the TF boys being protective and of course, I love dom!Frankie + the aftercare 🥹
@beecastle Chocolate Cake
This was so cute!!! I love first meeting fics and there’s something so sweet and so normal about it happening at a grocery store! And of course I love dad!Frankie!!
@frenchiereading The Parents That Are Left
I don’t really have much to say about this besides the fact that the writing is beautiful. And that this is such an interesting premise!!!
@ohforficsake You Brought Me Poison Flowers
Fourth of July in Jackson?!?!?! Sign me UP!!! I love the title of the series. I love the first chapter title. I love the OFC! There’s so much to love about this!!
@healmydesires I Wanna Hear You Say My Name
I loved this so much!! I don’t typically read period sec fics but wow!! I started my period the day before I read this and now I have a whole new appreciation for fics like this!! The smut was so hot and I loved the dynamic between Joel and the reader!
@604to647 Lingerie
I have never read a modern AU for Din before and I have to say, this was so interesting and hot at the same time!!
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exo-raskreia · 4 months
idk if it means much because gojo called a lot of people with their first name, but to me it means quite a lot that utahime gets mad at him for not using honorifics, but still turns her head and pays attention when he calls her name again after she scolded him. people can see it as she has no choice or just being business with him, but it also means she's comfortable and knows he's a brat and annoying to her and she still chooses to be kind and remind him he should respect her (funny). I remember a tweet saying she wears her heart on her sleeve and expressive and loud and if she wants gojo to stop the teasing, she possibly can, especially if she really hated him. but look at them, it went on for more than 10 years.
Well, Utahime is one of the 3 adults Gojo calls by first name with no honorific (the others being Geto & Shoko). It's strange & interesting when u think about it... 👀
Yes, Uta seems to have the personality to be able to tell off Gojo if she really wanted him to stop the teasing. The fact it's been going on for more than 10 years means that maybe, she's not that bothered by it. She seems to like bantering with him, matching his energy.
She's the only one crazy enough to feel competitive towards him 😂; probably thinks she can beat him at something. "He can't be good at everything!" she probably tells herself. (Girl, it's been years, lol...). It's cute & funny tbh. If she truly hated him, she wouldn't indulge him.
Even Uta's own students find her reactions to Gojo strange in the 2nd JJK novel (Chapter 2)...
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We know she loves baseball, so of course she wanted her students to put their all into it, plus, it's Gojo's students they were competing with. She was all fired up. But for her students to compare her passion for baseball with her reactions to Gojo...well...that's an interesting observation 👀
Gojo must enjoy the banter too. He can't help himself every time they're in the same vicinity. He's so good at everything that he doesn't have particular hobbies (as stated by Gege) but he's been teasing Uta consistently for more than 10 years...never seeming to get tired of it...
They both act like teenagers 🤭. Maybe they should get locked up somewhere to finally confront whatever's going on between them... 🫢
I also think it's interesting how Utahime always listens to Gojo & trusts him so much despite her annoyance towards him. She didn't doubt him when he brought up the traitor & let him talk for 3:41 minutes on their phone call 👀. She was not informed about the attempted assassination of Yuuji at the Goodwill Event; it's like Gakuganji knew she wouldn't agree to it, & her students didn't even think to tell her either. She must be that kind, and/or maybe she trusted Gojo's judgement in keeping Yuuji alive, which Gakuganji may have suspected.
Then we know she not only did the risky task of investigating the traitor at Gojo's request, but buffed him against Sukuna... on Christmas Eve... barefoot... He most likely asked her for help again & she agreed... I still want to know how this went down 😫. You don't do all this for someone you supposedly hate nor ask this much of someone you find weak...
At this point, one's inclined to believe there might even be some sort of tension between them... Afraid (and/or unable) to take another step closer, but can't stay away, so they stick to what they know... Not too close but not too far from the other...
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kasagia · 29 days
love love loveeeee your feyd works, you're such an amazing writer! Your writing really makes my heart flutter man 😞 like lil butterflies running around in there!! I hope you are well appreciated for your work! Im curious tho, how many chapters will right hand man be and after it do you have any plans on making oneshots?
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My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 1. Oh my god, thank you so much anonymous! This is a HUGE compliment for me!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 I'm very happy that you liked my writing so much. I feel very appreciated with every comment, reblog, like, and anonymous message from you all. It's really exciting and nice to receive them for my writing, and it motivates me/inspires me to write more and more. So again, THANK YOU (ALL) SOOOO MUCH!
The Right Hand will be 6-7 chapters long, so only 2 or 3 to go. It depends on how I finish chapter V... and according to my plans, there still has to be a little bit going on in this story, and I think this chapter is already long (you don't want to read 20k chapter, right? xD), so we'll probably get to VII.
BUT! I'm definitely not done with Feyd for sure. And since you asked, dear anonymous, I will let you in on a secret and show you what will come next after I'll finish 'Right Hand'...
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Any speculations/guesses/ideas? 🤭😈 (If you really want, I think I may publish a sneak peek/teaser for you. Like 1,5k WC prologue to the concept of the story or sth like that. I'll see what your reaction/interest will be to this one 😊... well, if anyone has made it this far down this post xDDDD)
2. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! 😊🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤
A little bit will happen in Part V... you'd better prepare yourselves 😈😈😈 In the meantime, catch the piece of it:
You were in Giedi Prime. You walked through your familiar paths, hiding from the Harkonnens' eyes. It was rare to meet anyone in these corridors. Most of them were dead ends with secret passages that were unknown to most of the inhabitants of Giedi Prime. That's why you were terribly surprised when suddenly someone pulled you by your cloak. You freeze, startled, and turn slowly to face the small child. The kid looks like Harkonnen's child, but not quite. His skin is creamier than white, and white hair grows on his head in unruly curls. But what you recognised perfectly were the blue, bright irises that only one person could boast on Gieidi Prime. "Mommy!" A boy of about 5 years old jumps at you, hugging your legs while you look at him in shock. "Dad said he would take us on a trip! To Lankiveil! We will swim in a real lake! Can you imagine that?!" He asks excitedly and holds out his hands to you. You automatically take him into your arms and rest him on your hip, trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Someone's quick footsteps echo in the corridor. You look up from the child and see one of the harpies approaching you. She breathed a sigh of relief, bowing to you when she saw the boy in your arms. "You can't run away like that, my lord Na-Baron. The Baron told us to look after you." (...)
Hope you will like it! (Part V probably on Monday…)
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sessakag · 1 month
I just wanna say that I absolutely LOVE Butterfly. It’s kinda the only fanfic I care about at the moment lmao I am LOCKED IN. The story itself is great, all of the characters (even the ones everyone hate rn) are interesting, the writing is phenomenal…I could go on and on.
I have a few thoughts I wanted to get out of my head. These aren’t suggestions (cuz it’s your story and I trust where you’re gonna take it), it’s moreso just kinda be me rambling lol:
Sasuke- I know you’ve mentioned he’s going to show up again later, but I’m so anxious to see the role he’s going to play. I don’t really want it to be a romantic thing with Hinata (I am a firm NaruHina lover lol) but I would love to see him be some kind of a protective friend for her? In my head he and Hinata already know each other; like they had some type of group therapy for traumatized teens or after she was removed from her dad’s care she was temporarily in a group home where she met Sasuke and they got to know each other idk. He knows her story and the pain she deals with, and is able to relate in a sense. So he doesn’t want to see her be taken advantage of. Idk, again this is NOT a suggestion lmao just rambling.
Strength- I would argue that Hinata’s the strongest character in the story so far. Even stronger than Naruto. She’s been thru absolute hell and suffers with severe anxiety and depression. The fact she struggles with suicidal ideations and is still making the choice to live is a testament to her strength. I hope that as the story progresses, Hinata starts to recognize that in herself.
Naruto- love the way you write Naruto in this; the chapters in his pov are some of favorites tbh. As someone mentioned before, I too would love to get a few jealous Naruto scenes. Especially since he’s starting to actually *see* Hinata and recognize his attraction to her. I’m assuming that as the story progresses, Hinata will grow into her own person and become somewhat independent of Naruto (like getting her own friends); is that something Naruto might feel threatened by? Since he does have a selfish streak and is immature, I wonder if he would have an issue with keeping Hinata all to himself.
I think those were the main ramblings I had. Chapter 8 is my absolute favorite so far cuz of the cute NaruHina moment we got. I know smut is probably a ways away but I cannot WAIT till we get to it cuz you are one of my favorite smut writers tbh. Anyways that’s all for now. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Thank you so much! 🙈💕💗so so so happy you're enjoy the fic that much 💕makes my heart do cartwheelssss 🏃🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💗☺️🫶🏽 and thank you so much for dropping love in my inbox, I absolutely adore you all that do I swear 🥹
Ahhhh, you have some really interesting ruminations🙈
Sasuke- Surprisingly a lot of readers have been waiting to see how Sasuke fits into all this🤭I've gotten some incredibly creative scenarios and prediction from commenters and anons that I've actually added to his role and even moved his entrance up in the timeline😄This is a very interesting scenario and I really, really like it a lot! So many people really want a protective friend Sasuke and I can't say the idea isn't unbearably adorable 💕
Strength- You hit the nail on the head for sure🫡💕Hinata's inner strength is one that's often overlooked, underestimated and underappreciated when compare to more overt forms of strength, or socially constructed ideals of what it means to be strong, and I've really, really been wanting to make a point in the world of fanfiction, specifically the Naruto fandom of fanfiction, that strength is not always aggression, violence and bitchy attitude 🤦🏽‍♀️ because I've seen, for years now, this narrow, short sighted standard of who is strong and who is weak being perpetrated and it's always, always bothered the crap out of me 😤With Butterfly, I'm hoping to open minds and break molds we've been taught to believe are absolute👎🏽but are actually highly subjective👈🏽 I swear, so many of my fics are 'break the mold' type fics, lol, I think I just like to nay say the nay sayers, ya know, shine light on areas and topics that many may make negative assertions and toxic assumptions about while in reality, know very little about the subject matter at all. I think it opens the door for more compassion, understanding and inclusion ️🫶🏽 and honestly, that's what I'm all about.
Naruto- I love, love, love me a Naruto POV 🙈idk what it is about Naruto in particular since I love most make POV but it is soooo much fun being in his head 🤭Butterfly!Naruto and Prey!Naruto are two of my fave Naruto POV's to write in, both are so much fun in different ways 😄For sure Naruto's gonna have his jealousy moments, he's too hot headed and selfish in Butterfly not to🤭Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility that he'll feel some type of way about not being the center of her attention🤔right now, he's the golden boy, he's got the coveted place at her side, he's got exclusive access nobody else has, losing that, well, he might not be too keen on it🤭although, he's been trying to introduce her to his friends and help her with her speech problems, so maybe he'll take it as a source of pride that he's help her find her confidence🤔that's why I love this Naruto 🤭he really can go either way. Like, on one hand, he can be sweeter than cotton candy, some real tooth rotting sweetness, but on the other hand he can be a selfish asshole making scummy choices just to get what he wants😅he gets tunnel vision, and the only thing that matters is reaching his goals by any means necessary. He's just a really fun character🤭
I super duper appreciate you leaving your ramblings here!! I enjoy each and every one of them! Chapter 8 is near and dear to me too!! I enjoyed writing it so, so much, the cuteness almost melted my laptop 🙈💕 I cannot wait to do more sweet bonding scenes for them ️🫶🏽 that's honestly why my fanfics be so long, I get so caught up in just enjoying and marinating in NaruHina love 🙌🏽its like a virus I never wanna get rid of 😫 Smut is indeed a ways off, but I can't wait to get to it too 🙈 and tys, I'm honored to be one of your faves💕 Thank you, thank you for dropping by!!! I really loved seeing your ramblings! 🫶🏽
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arcielee · 4 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you so much @aemondtarqaryens for starting off Volume 2 of my Interview With a Writer series! This is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
If there is a story you are interest in, I am open to requests! Just make sure to check out my criteria for stories considered for this.
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Name: aemondtarqaryens
Story: Precious Delights
Paring: Maegor Targaryen x niece!Reader
WARNINGS: See each chapter for individual, more precise warnings. Written with/for a female reader, but other than purple eyes, there‘s no mention of her appearance.
What inspired the plot for Precious Delights?
Oh God, truth be told? It started with a request I received for Maegor x Reader smut where she's heavily pregnant with his child. And I'm just a sucker for my big tiddy daddy and gave it a shot.
Once the original Precious Delights was posted, people commented under it, asking for a part 2 where the baby is born. The whole series just developed from there on and the rest is history.
I just loved their dynamic in the first part I posted (it's based on the bath scene between Aemma and Viserys, because it was just fitting and I liked that scene in the series) and felt captivated to give the few people interested what they wanted.
Explain your interpretation of Maegor? What drives him? Why is he the way he is in the story?
Charlie Hunnam is my faceclaim for Maegor because someone (I'm not dropping names cough cough @fairysluna cough) planted that seed into my mind. Most people fancast him as Aegon I, but to me, Henry Cavil makes a better Aegon I (you know, let's just cast Henry as every ASOIAF character lmfao).
I always had the relationship of Daemon and the young Rhaenyra we see in the show in my mind while writing this story. And we learn in Innate Desires that Maegor has lusted after his niece for quite some time, and even asked Aenys to give him her hand in marriage. He was denied, and searched his luck (or power) elsewhere, but failed with his wives dying without giving him an heir.
This is something that drives him, too. The need to provide an heir with his blood, that will take the Throne after him.
Canon!Maegor is one kind of a man, and while I find him intriguing, I firstly know that I could never do him justice and secondly, it just wouldn't have fit the story and it's overall development. Plus, having had a soft spot for his niece for so long, it's clear he's not always the brute he is towards her. He's softer, and allows her to catch some rare glimpses of his vulnerability as their relationship develops.
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
No, I feel like it‘s very self indulgent. Usually, the reader portrayals are matching their respective role (or I try to make it that way, at least) and with Targcest, I feel like you do have a bit more freedom to indulge. Just a freedom to be cheeky, or disobey certain rules.
Do you feel they eventually come to complement one another?
They complement each other. Maegor gives her something she‘s craved for so long, stability, family, attention, and Reader takes piece after piece of the brute out of him. Just like their children. They‘re not changing him completely, but they have a positive impact on him. She basically made the rogue brute soft and tender. 🤭
Will you add into their story?
Depends, if I really get another idea for this series maybe, but most likely not. It has found a good end, and everything else would be just dragging it out.
Do you want to share about another upcoming WIP? I know you finished celebrating a milestone for your blog (congratulations 💖).
Thank you!! I‘m currently working on the last two requests for my celebration, a one shot with Aemond and servant!Reader for a writing challenge I participated in, and a one shot of an American Horror Story x HOTD crossover where Aemond is the Antichrist.
Any chance we can have a snippet for Aemond!Antichrist? 👀
Easing your trembling legs, you hold onto the desk for support. It feels like an eternity when you crouch forward slightly to steady your uneven breathing, the moment only breaking as Aemond advances towards you, his body leaning against yours and pressing you up against the desk. It’s the only thing keeping you upright, and the moment you feel his hot breath caress your neck, your legs feel like they are about to give in. His thigh slips between yours, but you can’t feel his hands on your body, assuming he’s clasped them behind his back or keeps them at his sides. But you can tell that his chest isn’t the only firm thing that presses against your body. His cock is rock hard, clearly finding as much pleasure in the situation than you do, and all but strains against your lower back. He is so close, that’s all you’ve thought of for the past days, yet it’s not enough. You need his hands, him, to feel thoroughly satisfied. The urge to whine scratches in your throat, but you manage to swallow it at the last moment. “Beg for me to touch you,” he drawls, voice laced with a mixture of excitement and hunger. Exhaling a strained breath, you close your eyes. “P-Please,” you whimper, barely loud enough for him to hear. “Please… touch me. It’s been so long.” “Hm.” You hear it loud and clear, the amusement, the satisfaction, causing your skin to heat up. “That’s all you’ve got?”
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Megamind and the Devil of the Metro City AU Chapter 1 - "New life, new city and new family "
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" Metro City ", this great and prosperous city is the best place to live and New York kind of disagrees but is fine, sharing its first place with Metro City.
But it's hard because I'm leaving Hell's Kitchen the only home I've ever known and never left, where my father raised me, but Hell's Kitchen was also the reason because his horrors, crimes and corruptions took his life, but Murdocks never give up and Matt still considers Hell's Kitchen, but is now willing. have a second and he would have a family and carry his father in his heart and build the future that his father dreamed of for them and...
"Mattthew"!!! are you well? A professional and calm but gentle voice asked to the boy with slightly messy and straight reddish brown hair, wearing a white striped shirt, thin body and around 10 years old, but he also had sunglasses despite the sun being setting and the darkness of the night already beginning but to take them off when he takes off his glasses they reveal whitened and pale brown eyes because he is blind and he has his red cane with Devil details and also law school stickers, court/justice scales and things related to Boxing in honor of his father.
"That was him Matthew Michael Murdock/Matt Murdock and now it was Matthew Michael Harley Murdock/Matt Harley Murdock, he is the son of Jack Battlin' Murdock, the best, greatest and most famous local boxer from Hell's Kitchen who died after refusing to play the Fixer/Roscoe game which was to lose the fight but Jack who was encouraged by his son, Murdocks never give up!!! and his pride that she screamed loudly that's what led to her end because Fixer and his men killed Jack by shooting him and Matt felt him here and he was there even though he couldn't see he felt it.
Matt was originally supposed to go to Saint Agnes and be under the care of Sister Maggie and then be adopted and have the right to the fight money that Jack left him but James Harley, the Warden of the Metro City Prison for the Criminally Gifted, who was a close friend Jack decided to adopt the boy and raise him as his own and in these 2 weeks of adoption process, Matt became attached to James and began to consider him his second father because James treated him like a normal person and helped him with Braille and homework. and then once he was adopted, Matt hugged him tightly and then leaving New York- Hell's Kitchen and now Metro City, His adoptive father told him that he now has a brother and uncles.
Matt was super happy but what made him curious was that his adoptive father said that his brother was special and was something out of the ordinary that he had ever seen in his entire life.
————Blind joke I can't resist couldn't miss 🤭🤭🤭————————————————————————————————————
Matt who came back to reality responded to his adoptive father.
Nothing dad! I was thinking how interesting Metro City is because I heard people talking while we were disembarking from the airport
Your smiling father says in an optimistic tone.
Kid will like Metro City and you can go for a walk with Blue tomorrow as you two start school in 3 weeks ! James says to try to comfort Matt because Metro City was something new for Matt and blind or not he is a normal boy who deserves to live
Blue???? Matt said confused.
He's your new little brother and we call him " Blue". James says smiling and placing his hand on his son's head.
Matt smiled and was looking forward to meeting the rest of his new family and then as they were passing through Metro City in James' car, Matt's advanced senses picked up the smell, shape, material and extent of a mountain but not just any mountain because it was surrounded by magna and lava, it was rocky and its world flames (as Matt describes it) his senses formed a shape that resembled a red Devil that was chilling and fearful.
Metro City called this mountain "Devil's Keep".
And Matt found it incredible because unlike everyone else, Matt saw this Devil as him because the Devil in the Murdock boys was part of them and the Devil was like him misunderstood by society and being himself and Matt was a good Devil who wanted justice and would help others and it would make a difference for Hell's Kitchen and also now Metro City because he would be the best lawyer of all time and have his new family supporting him
Matt we are coming!!! James spoke calmly as he approached the prison which would be Matt's new home and is where he would meet the rest of his new family.
Minion, give me the wrench!! said loudly dramatically a blue boy about 8 years old and he was dressed in the orange prison jumpsuit and this boy was smart and his mind was huge (literally).
This was "Blue Harley" the adopted son of James Harley who is also the Warden and he is the adopted nephew of his prison uncles and prison guards and now he was finishing his newest invention with the help of "Minion" his fish/brother/caretaker/best friend/ henchman and right arm.
Of course sir!!! Minion says in his usual happy tone while passing wrench.
Wonderful now as soon as I finish this teleportation machine I will revolutionize the world of science, get all my Uncles out of here and rule the business world and become super rich!!!! Muuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Megamind's laugh sounds like evil laughter and a dramatic lightning tone begins, scary silence and dramatic music and Minion joins in and they laugh louder
Blue!!! James' voice echoes up the cell as he opens the door
The blue alien screams like a scared lady because he was caught by surprise
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Matt laughs because this is funny
This gets Blue's attention
Father... I mean Warden, you... you're back early Naw Yurqui!!! Who is this guy in sunglasses, Metrocity is taking tiny prisoners now???the young blue alien says in total confusion trying to speak human words correctly and understand this situation
James just breathes
First Son, it's Metro City and New York and secondly this boy who is with me I adopted because his father died and he has no one left and now he is part of the family and he is his older brother now!!!
Older brother? Blue sank into her thoughts and soon perked up.
Hello…. little brother! Matt says excited but nervous because he wants to make a good first impression and that Blue doesn't feel uncomfortable because he's blind.
Blue was nervous because it would be good to have a brother as he never had one, except for Minion but this boy with sunglasses was like him not in appearance because Blue felt his pain and how it wasn't like having a family rather than him being adopted. by Warden/Father and his uncles
Matt meet Blue and Blue meet Matt!!! James said introducing the 2 boys to each other
Now that you two know each other, I think I'll leave you alone in Blue's cell so you two can have some big brother/little brother time and get to know each other better. James leaves kissing his 2 sons on the forehead and he leaves Blue's cell and tells Uncle Willy, the guard in one of the cells to keep an eye on the boys and take Matt to his room when he leaves.
———————————— Ⓜ️🔴———————————————————
Now that the two of them are alone Blue breaks the silence.
So Matt, since you are his brother, how about we have a chat about brotherhood and family ties, vowing to care for each other and protect them in any situation? Blue says excited because having an older brother was new and now they were a family.
Matt smiles and with his senses he sees his brother's smile that according to the burning world that is mirrored to him he was an 8 year old boy his physical material glowed blue which made Matt identify him having his skin and mass blue and his heart and organisms and sounds he could hear from another world
Why do you wear those glasses Matt? Blue was curious
Well because I'm blind!!! Matt says calmly as he takes off his glasses.
Blue was surprised because he had never seen anyone blind before and also because Matt was being completely honest with him.
And one thing, little brother, promise not to tell anyone because it's the secret that no one knows!!! Matt says
Blue looks at Minion.
He may know too because he is part of the team and the family? Blue asks
Ok!! Matt simply said
……..so 13 minutes of explanation and sad story later
You whateeeeeeeeee!?!!!!!!!! Minion and Blue screamed
Yes friend, I've had this since my accident! Matt says nervously
That's amazing and that means you're weird like me and it makes us weird brothers who looked out for each other!!!! Blue says jumping for joy Matt is moved because everyone his whole life teased him for being different and this bullying only got worse when he went blind but his father was there and his adoptive father was there too and they told him to never let it get him down because his fight. It's not over and he can always get up and never give up even if he falls thousands of times and now he had someone to share this Matt is hugged by Blue who was holding Minion so he could also be part of the hug.
Matt! I'm glad you're here because I always wanted a brother and now we have you and you're part of the family and no matter what happens we will always stay together. Your little brother says smiling during the hug and Matt felt liquids in his eyes and it was tears because he was emotional.
——————————————————————————————————Blue was talking about his teleportation machine and Matt was excited because he imagines the two of them teleporting around and the others not even seeing the two of them.
You are a genius my little brother Megamind!!!
Matt says happily while Blue smiles at the nickname of his older brother and now second best friend.
And you're quite a jokester with your Devil and Catholic drama Daredevil!!!
then the 2 brothers laughed together at the silly nicknames they created for each other and Minion smiles and laughs too.
- Ⓜ️ End of chapter 1. 🔴 -
Future Bonus: Years Later………
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Localization - Ⓜ️etro City west - Devil 's Keep/ Ⓜ️egamind 's Castle / Evil Lair/ Devil's Mountain/ Daredevil,Defenders and Nelson and Murdock attorneys in Law HQ and Ⓜ️egamind,Minion, Matt and Foggy's residence
Roxanne Ritchi!!! we meet again!!! Megamind turns his chair around with his usual devilish gaze.
Megamind!!! It looks like he's remodeled his lair and he's much fancier than usual! Roxanne plays but also impressed
Megamind ignores and returns to the villain script
There's no point in shouting, my dear, because no one will hear you and….
Blue who is there??????? a voice echoed from upstairs interrupting Megamind's speech and Roxanne swore she heard noises from what sounded like a cane.
Then, going down the stairs, a young man with short brown hair, a trimmed beard, a serious but lively and playful tone is revealed, wearing a gray suit and black tie and the most striking thing are his red glasses.
Minion smiles when she sees Matt and hugs her adopted brother and the second boy Minion swore to take care of besides Megamind/Blue
Look at you, a super handsome attorney with Metro City at your feet in the world of law!!! Minion says praising
Matt laughs
Minion don't exaggerate I'm just an intern with Foggy at Landman and Zack but soon we're going to have our own company/law office!!! Matt says optimistically.
If you need help/money or an assistant, you know you can call us! Minion says showing that he and Megamind will support his path and career whatever comes and goes.
And then I won't get a hug!!! Megamind says pretending to be angry and that he demands a hug so he is swallowed by Matt and Minion's hug.
Megamind!? I think this is cute but can you introduce me to the third horseman? Roxanne asks, leaving the three of them thinking about what to say.
Megamind pulls himself together
This is Matt my.. my.. my..…
Megamind think about what to say without giving too much information to the reporter super beautiful in front of you (because he said it in his thoughts).
He is my new lawyer in case Metroman takes legal action and so you can't sue me!!! Megamind says trying to sound like he didn't just think of it at the last minute
Okkkkkkkkkkkk?! Roxanne says that was an answer but there's more so she's not completely convinced
Matt who heard his heartbeat had his confirmation and Megamind tries to maintain his appearance while Minion takes the Spray to erase Roxanne as they need to be in the abandoned Lair to trick Metro man and Matt needs to get back to work
The End !
I hope you liked it and there will be more soon and I put names and explained the origins of Matt and Blue's names (which is the name given to Megamind) which came from the nicknames they used since they were little because Megamind felt he had part of his brother with him that's why this name and this castle is the secret lair and home of Matt, Foggy, Megamind and Minion, Matt all this time agreed on money to buy the land because this place is special to them and in chapter 2 you will know why
Megamind still has his observatory/Lair and uses it so Metro man can't find out where he really lives and Foggy and Matt are still working for Landman and Zack and soon they will leave/resign and start their Nelson and Murdock office which will be in building built by Megamind and Minion in the base below the castle that at the mouth of the mountain that forms a devil has a room with a large window that they use as an office and meeting room and soon there will be more and also each chapter will have a bonus from the past or of the Future according to which time in history they are
Don't forget to follow, reblog, like, share and activate notifications and then enjoy my content, arts, scenes, fics, reblogs and edists, questions welcome and next chapter chapter 2 will be coming soon
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riaraa · 3 months
hi hi!! i love your ao3 fanfic so much. the way your explore the characters is just *chefs kiss* i am very excited, but also a bit sad to see the ending of no angels! i also wanted to share my appreciation of animating sideline characters like jean. i LOVE when authors do this. i was wondering if you had any interest in writing more mixte stories in the near future? even with another couple (josele #1 ofc 🤭) or in a royalty or victorian era au? i am so curious how that would play out and how sideline characters from the show would become more dimensional, main characters! anyway, i just wanted to extend my gratitude and admiration for your work! amazing talent!
Hello! ❤️ (I am honestly putting off writing the last chapter of No Angels because I am sad to see the ending, too!)
Michèle, Joseph, and Jean-Pierre are very intertwined so I knew Josèle couldn’t have a happy ending unless they were all on the same page! And to do that, Jean-Pierre needed some character development and I loved writing it! Commentating on the sexism and misogyny that was rampant at that school and in that time, was something I wanted to explore in Josèle’s love story and I hope I did it justice.
After Vassili posted on Instagram of him in character for one of his movies taking place in the Victorian era (sadly, he has taken the post down now), I had many thoughts about a Josèle story set in that time. But, nothing has solidified. So, for right now, I have no other Mixte stories planned, but I am glad the fandom is growing and I hope we continue to see more stories posted. :)
Thank you for stopping by and sending in this wonderful message 😭🥰❤️
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kaisacobra · 5 months
I’ll be sending you the invoice for the therapy session I’ll be needing after reading “Second Best”, I should’ve stayed curious😔. KIDDING, I fucking loved it and can’t wait for the emotional turmoil you’ll be putting all of us through in part two!
I vote on R being alive, you said you weren’t sure if you’d kill her off for the angst but I think having to grieve somebody who’s still alive in this particular story would be very interesting. If she dies, no doubt in my mind that R would forever infest Tara’s every waking moment but I don’t want her to die sad. It’s not even that I want a happy ending for Tara, I want a happy ending for R, whether or not that’s with Tara(if it’s with Tara she has A LOT of groveling to do).
When it comes to situations like this, one of the things I think that levels the playing field is if R says something hurtful (maybe more hurtful cause what I wrote down below, R is just spitting FACTS). I already know nothing she can say would ever be as hurtful as what Tara said but something along the lines of.
Tara: Alright my bad, can we just forget it ever happened?
R: Why should we? So you can do it again next week?
Tara: Y/N please… -
R: No I’m sick of this! You know what your fucking problem is? I’m the only person who’s never left you, who’s always been there for you! But you’re the most selfish and self-serving person I know and you’re so fucking used to being abandoned that you actually think I’m obsessed! I mean you care more about your dead ex who tried to murder us- more than you care about me, and it’s made me realize that just means you don’t care about me. You never have. You’re more trouble then you’re worth Tara, I think-… I know I’d be a lot happier if I never hear from you again.
You said you weren’t sure if you’d follow the plot of the Scream movies, whether or not you do. I think Quinn getting close to R would hurt Tara. After the first chapter I do believe R wouldn’t really be around the group much, because subconsciously she’ll still value Tara’s comfort over her own and want them to be there for Tara instead of her. So that would leave R in a vulnerable position and make it incredibly easy for Quinn to befriend R, all it would take is R seeing her do things for her that Tara wouldn’t do. Since Quinn is Tara’s roommate and they hangout in the same friend group I think having to see that in person would not only make Tara jealous but really magnify her neglectful and harsh treatment of R. ESPECIALLY if Quinn is still a murderer in the next chapter because then Tara would undoubtedly blame herself for R’s death near experience, because she’d be the reason that all it took was someone doing the bare minimum (I’d want Quinn to do more than just the bare minimum for revenge jealousy but that’s just me) to get R to trust them.
Your writing is really good so at the end of the day I’ll be happy with anything! Thank you for sharing your work with us and I hope you have a wonderful day, you deserve it babe.
First of all, I really appreciate the words and i absolutely LOVE your thoughts on it. Seriously, you wrote them so well, i honestly think you could also write some great stories someday if that's something you would want to do. (If you do, please tell me because I'll be eagerly reading it🤭)
I'm trying my best to keep things mysterious so the stuff you read on part 2 can still be surprising BUT you make some great points and I wouldn't be shocked if some of those things actually end up happening, but who knows🤫
Thank U so much for sharing your thoughts and i also hope you have a wonderful day (or night, yk, timezones)
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adelaidebeorna · 1 month
!!! You've got an Emperor's New Groove OC too?? Will you tell me about them? :D (/not forced, but this movie's been taking over my brain the past two weeks and like making friends!!)
Holy shit. Hell yeah I will!
It’s a tad bit confusing, but originally she’s just a girl from our world that wakes up in the show, and while trying to explain how she got there (through a lot of lying and bending the truth, she accidentally writes herself into the show) ((don’t ask me how, fanfic magic or something))
So Addie=girl from human world
Adelaide=girl from the show
But they’re both the same person, if that makes sense. (And she’s totally not me, that would be silly 🤭)
Adelaide’s lore is still under construction in my mind, but the bits I’ve come up with are:
-She comes from an island off the cost of the Uk, called Bayti.
-Her family are the royal family for said island, following an ancient civil war between the two clans that inhabited the island (The Beorna clan and The Shocklach clan)
-Her family consists of:
•King Byron
•Queen Minerva
•Prince Stuart (oldest, but not allowed to be king)
•Prince Alden (also not allowed to be king)
•Prince Joseph (Low-key doesn’t want to be king, bro cba)
•Princess Adelaide (Technically next in line, but is unaware of that)
•Princess Rihannon (Girlie pop has no idea what’s going on half the time, but it’s okay cus she’s cute 🫶) ((Totally not based on my sister))
-The head family of the Shocklach’s wanted to become a part of the British empire, but literally everyone else was like “no wtf” and so civil war.
-Beorna clan won, specifically Adelaide’s ancestors, and they were appointed as leader, which eventually developed into a monarchy.
-After the civil war, the Beorna clan were civil enough to allow the Shocklach’s to stay on the island, and after a couple of centuries it was assumed no one really cared anymore.
-But some decedents of the “we wanna be colonised” Shocklach’s were still a bit miffed about how things had gone. They weren’t happy with the fact that the Beorna’s had let them stay, or that they had no qualms against the Shocklach people being aristocrats that regularly mingled with the royal family… One family in particular wanted to replaced the current royal family.
-Mallory, a lady in waiting of Adelaide’s, and a girl who Adelaide considered a friend, was one of said Shocklach people who wanted to replace the royals.
-Mallory concocts a plan to get rid of the royals one by one, starting with Adelaide because Adelaide actually trusts her. So Mallory gets Adelaide shipped off to South America, which is how she ends up in Peru 🫶
-Mallory’s plan doesn’t work tho, and by the end of the events of the show, Adelaide’s mum and her fav brother Joseph show up at Kuzco’s palace like “Yo, heard you got my kid, can I have her back?”
I haven’t thought about what to do after that, but yeah.
BUT. In the last episode of season one, she is in effected by Kuzco’s wish, mainly because she isn’t from that universe, but also for plot purposes. And so, Kuzco finds out that she isn’t from his world. So when Minerva and Joseph show up at the end of season 2, they’re both as equally confused.
That’s all I can recall from the top of my head rn, I’m currently on a bus lmao, but seeing as people are actually interested, I’ll leave my wattpad username at the end, and I’ll quickly go publish the few chapters I have finished. (I wasn’t joking about the 101 drafts, I have a problem)
So anyway, wattpad user name: Actuallyabiscuit0602
(Don’t judge me for using wattpad pls, it’s all I know)
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thndrs-wrtr · 8 months
Hello there! I'm back to post the first chapter of my fic. Chan appears in this episode, and maybe some other kids, so give this story a try 🤭 comments always appreciated!
''That thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star'' Francis Thompson.
Everything in the universe as we know it, is somehow connected. One way or another, things are meant to happen. After finishing a regular work day, a somewhat small event drifts you away from your routine, making you meet a man that ignites the fire of doubt in you.
And without even knowing, you are lucky he has the same need to find you.
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Chapter 1
Goryeo Period, 1298
Hours felt never ending, and so did the crops. Undoubtedly, working under the almost ever lasting sun felt draining, however, being next to friends and family made the burden feel much easier. Soft yet tired laughs filled the air, one or two jokes, maybe even a deep thought that would come out randomly in the middle of that working session made the day reach its end faster than the usual. There was some sort of pride in being a serf, despite not having the commodities the elite had, she decided to take her life with a different approach, a stronger and more prideful look. Who else were going to feed not only the royalty, but the entire village if not the serfs? After having packed her tools and washed her hands with the last remains of clean water just to get rid of the dirt, you stood up.
"Ah, another day done. I would love to stay here for a bit more, but I promised I would help Haneul with… I can’t even recall. I just know she asked for my help" you said letting out a small giggle.
"Don’t you want me to walk you home? It’s getting late, what if there’s an attack or something similar?"
Jae-Sung raised his eyebrows at you full of concern, then taking quick looks around his perimeter as if the enemy troops were right behind the two of you. It was no secret for anyone in the village that the young man had profound feelings for you since you both were kids, however, despite his never-ending attempts to win your heart were no more than just another reason to consider him your best friend. Another laugh escaped your lips as you tilted your head to the side giving him a kind look, the one that made him weak to his knees.
"I’ll be fine. One, the village is not that far away. Two, the sun is still up. Three, we haven’t had any attacks in the last few years, I don’t think my luck is so bad as for one of them happens now, right?"
He let out a sight accepting his defeat, using his right hand to scratch his nape in an attempt of showing not much interest in not walk you back home, however, you knew he was a bit disappointed.
"Alright, go. But I will still stop by later just to check if you arrived safe, deal?"
"Deal, sir."
"And straight home. Don’t take the long route, I know you.:
"Are you my father or something, Jae-Sung?"
Arching an eyebrow, you pushed him in a playful and innocent way before giving him a short hug. He denied with his head, still not getting over that stubbornness.
Don’t take the long route, he said. Yet you did, of course. The long way home was by far prettier, the mix of trees with the tone of the sun gave a completely different vibe. Besides, by taking the long route there was the chance to walk nearby the king’s lands, and if you were lucky enough, you could see the horses walking freely on their terrains.
Even if you took that route at least twice a week and knew the path almost by heart, there was something that felt off. Not in a negative way, but there was a new and unknown feeling that didn’t allow you to enjoy the way back home as you used to. You reached to that point where the path got divided, your mother’s words echoed in your head remembering you not to go that way, same your father and grandparents had warned you several times. During your entire life, you follow those instructions carefully and that path even looked a bit scary.
Your thoughts were consuming you, and you didn’t hear the galloping horses until it was too late, as you looked back, at least fifteen horses were approaching to your direction, soldiers on top looking brave and confident, not even noticing your presence. However, and in order not to get hurt you started walking backwards, still mesmerized by the strength the soldier’s king could show just by galloping by. The steps of the horses started to fade out slowly, you fell right back into your present, noticing a different shade of green; a darker one, realizing that there were scenarios around you that were not known. Furrowing your eyebrows, you finally understood, the amount of soldiers passing by you made you take distance, not knowing how or when you ended up in the path you were always warned off.
It was far from looking dangerous, though. That darker green reminded you of the summer, there where some flowers you had never seen before, and you could even tell the air felt different, too. Too focused on those new and beautiful surroundings, you kept your footsteps straight, noticing a different detail by each meter walked. However, despite that lovely scenery, that odd feeling was still there. If you could describe it, was if as you were looking for something, or someone.
You didn’t know for how long you’ve been walking, but after a while it was possible to notice that the straight path was opening at the end, what the distance allowed you to notice, was a wider piece of land looking like a circle, with two more paths parting on the opposite extreme, and you immediately recognized that one of those was the one that you were supposed to take in the first place. Suddenly, the image became less interesting for you could hear some giggles and footsteps and the end of the road you were walking on.
It wasn’t a duo, much less a group. The giggles had the same tone, footsteps the same rhythm. Jae-Sung’s voice appeared in your head, telling you that it might be a trap, an enemy, perhaps. But it made no sense at all, it sounded innocent, maybe even somewhat childish. The curiosity made you keep walking, and the image you witnessed made you open your eyes in surprise.
It was a he, a man who didn’t look older than twenty-five, he had no scars, so you assumed for some reason he had not participated in any battles, his clothing looked perfectly clean, not a speck of dust in them. The man was standing over a tree stem, using one foot to keep balance, then using the opposite one. There were the giggles again, as if they were a sign of victory for taking another step using just his equilibrium. He intrigued you, so far, the only things you could see where the ones previously described, plus his dark and kind of curly hair. Your body stiffened when his left foot slipped off the stem, making his body fall on the ground. He let out a frustrated growl, and you couldn’t help but walk fast towards him. Maybe it was a trap, maybe it was a thief, maybe it was going to be the lass face you’d see. Maybe, it was none of that.
"Oh lord, are you ok? It looked like an ugly fall, are you hurt?"
You said with honest concern, using your arms as to try to lift him a bit. Your body stopped reacting when your eyes met his, dark brown, a something that looked like a mole right under one of his eyebrows was. You were right when you were seeing him from his back, his jaw was well defined, and when he gave you a shy and ashamed look, you noticed his eyes getting tinier, and those dimples made you forget about the entire world just for a small fraction of second.
The village wasn’t huge, you knew pretty much everyone who lived there, but that man was someone you had never seen before, because you would have absolutely remembered all those facial traits. But they were new to your eyes.
"I’m ok, I’m ok. Ugh, were you watching? Did you see me fall? Oh my god, so embarrassing."
He giggled again, this time covering his eyes, his ears turning slightly red. When he uncovered his eyes, both of you looked at each other with curiosity, as if both had something to say that have been keeping for so long, however, no words left your mouth, or his. Time felt solid during those small seconds, and drifting out of your thoughts you offered him a hand to help him stand back up again.
"I saw you, yes. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone."
"Ah, thank you. Is it a promise?"
"You have my absolute word."
You smiled at him and vowed slightly as a gesture of respect towards your new promise, putting your index finger on top of your lips showing your words were absolutely sealed. The man smiled back at you, using both hands to get rid of some dust that was now on his clean clothes.
"I’m curious, though. What were you even doing there?"
"I just… I don’t know. I wanted to see how long I could last keeping my balance. Oh, and there is a flower over here, somewhere… That I haven’t been able to find."
"Sounded like a very interesting competition with yourself" You said in between giggles "A flower? What kind of flower?"
"It was indeed very interesting until I fell" the man laughed together with you, and at your second question he looked around, as if he was looking what he mentioned "It’s a purple flower, one of my friends needed the pigment to… To make paint, I guess? But I couldn’t find it. And, I have to admit I really love this place. I wanted some time alone just to clear my head."
"I see, well… I saw some flowers while I was walking, but none of them was purple" you furrowed your lips in disappointment "Oh, so did I interrupt you?"
"Not at all! I like seeing new people, I don’t get to see new faces quite often. Which makes me wonder, have we met before?"
You were about to answer, when once again you could distinguish the sound of the horses and the soldiers. The only difference was that this time you could hear them louder and louder and turning your head to black haired man you saw him sigh in defeat. In no time, horses were now entering that so peaceful space that was only his and yours for some minutes. This time, two soldiers stood next to you and held you by the arms, and the young man just gave them a look to let you go, and they did.
"How many times have we told you, you can’t disappear just like that!"
"It’s my life, you know? I can do what I want."
"Yes, but there are regulations and a protocol to follow. We’re leaving, now."
You had absolutely no time to say goodbye, nor ask his name. The soldiers moved away from you as you saw them getting up their horses once again, and the man you just met imitating their actions. Just before they started galloping away from you, he turned his head to you, furrowing his eyebrows down, uttering a ‘sorry’ with his lips. You just nod your head in sign of comprehension, yet you were absolutely confused. Who was that man, and why were the king’s soldiers after him with such concern?
Finally, when night arrived, you were home. And as he had promised, Jae-Sung was sitting next to your father talking about the next job for upcoming days. Your mind was still stuck on those earlier events, feeling way too curious about him. His face was imprinted in your mind, and you could still remember each facial feature, the way he laughed, or how he looked at you.
"Did you hear the news?" your mother said.
"What news? Oh, the soldiers being here today? Yes, yes. I saw them and I was hoping they were here for me. I know one day he is going to propose" Ji-Hon, your younger sister stated.
"He doesn’t even know you."
"He will. And he will love me, hug me in those big arms of his, and we will have three children."
"Can someone tell her to stop daydreaming and tell me what happened today?"
You said laughing at your younger’s sister delusion, ever since she saw that soldier she had been in love. Your attention went back to Jae-Sung, who apparently was the only one interested in telling you the news.
"The king’s soldiers were here today; they said the heir got away from the palace again. One witness said they saw him near the village, and they came looking for him. But of course, he wasn’t here, and they just left, didn’t even say thank you. I heard that he was near the tree that fell last winter, apparently he was looking for a flower."
"Are you really going to believe that old lady? She’s the gossip queen, she can’t be trusted." your sister added in return.
"Yeah, but… She looks wise. Sometimes."
Right before your sister started speaking, your attention went away again. They found him where the tree stem was? Looking for a flower? The heir? If you were curious before, you were even more curious now. Certainly, you were not a fan of the elite, so you had no idea who were the ones that composed the palace, just the king. That very same night, when your body laid to rest, it did all the opposite. Your mind was still running in circles, maybe, him being such an important person would explain the soldier’s concern.
The night at the palace was bright, full of light and in the center the table was full of freshly made food. The heir had already been scolded by almost everyone, but he was finally able to sit down and relax his meal, even though it was a bit hard due the different voices around him, much more because his mind was still thinking about that girl whose name remained unknown.
"Hey, you still here with us, Chan?" one of the young men moved his hand across the black-haired man.
"Apparently, he isn’t. Jisung, if he isn’t here give me the peaches he is clearly neglecting."
"Hey, no! I’m here, I’m here. Just tired." He said giving a tiny slap to the hand that was approaching to his fruit, the man just let himself fall on the ground accepting defeat, stretching his body and letting out a throaty noise, he looked pretty much like a cat.
"You don’t look just tired. We know you don’t sleep, but now you look… off. Your mind is definitely somewhere else."
"I agree with Yongbok, your mind is not with us—the youngest of them said."
"Is just…I want to be outside; I don’t want to be hiding here forever, there’s a lot I want to do. And… I might need your help."
"No" the man with cat attitude said, but sitting immediately, paying attention to the leader’s words.
"Don’t even think about it."
Chan just chuckled at those reactions, he knew them very well, and he knew that they were just being annoying as usual. He looked down for a second, fidgeting with his fingers. Other than go out and enjoy every single day as a regular human being, he felt curious about you. There was something that was calling him, something telling him to go and find you. And the only people who could help them, where the four men in the room, plus the other three who at the moment, were fulfilling other duties.
"I need you to help me sneak out tomorrow." Chan said, absolutely determined.
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
Ship game. Charles/Erik, Vi/Caitlin, Corinthian/Prometheus, Silas/Copia 🤭
Oooh thank you!! Just gonna put all of these under the cut so it doesn't get too long
What made you ship it?
I mean, it's just such a classic. There's something really interesting about their dynamic, where they claim to be enemies but also act like this old divorced couple the whole time. I think maybe the starting point for me shipping them was the first time I watched the scene in First Class where they meet Angel Salvadore in the strip club?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I really like how much they understand each other. Even when they're on opposite sides, there's always this really innate understanding of what the other person will or will not do, and it makes things really interesting to watch.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uh.... not really? I can't think of one off the top of my head at least
What made you ship it?
.... I don't see how you couldn't ship it, after watching Arcane. I mean, just look at that enemies-to-lovers arc! The banter!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I really love Vi in general, but she's really something else in this ship. I love how sharp she is with Caitlin initially because that dynamic is fun, but it's really balanced out by how much you can see that she cares once they're captured by Jinx.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't hate the pet name Cupcake for their ship specifically, I just don't like it as a pet name in general. Hailee Steinfeld does really well to deliver her lines and have it not sound weird or creepy, but I just think it's an awkward pet name for anyone. I feel the same way about the pet name "kitten", it just makes me uncomfortable
What made you ship it?
I mean it's my ship, so....
But I wanted Corinthian to have a relationship that he had to work for a little. In the show we see him coast on his good looks and charm most of the time, so I wanted to explore a relationship where he had to actually devote a little more attention and carefulness to it (at least in the beginning)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love how they both make each other better, little by little. Prometheus encourages Corinthian to channel his violence into protectiveness instead of just going after random people, and Corinthian encourages Prometheus to loosen up and allow themself to rest once in a while.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Prometheus is not as innocent as people think!!! I mean they'll go after any nightmare who threatens their dreamers without hesitation, and has absolutely asked Corinthian to take care of a few abusive guardians as well (they just get so disgusted at the idea that those poor kids have waking nightmares as much as nightmares when they're asleep). They are not a pure pacifistic dream! There's still that little streak of Nightmare in them!
What made you ship it?
They're just so cute together!! It's just the sweetest blend of adorable awkwardness, how could you not ship them from chapter 1?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love how caring and understanding they are of each other - like with Silas' joint issues and Copia's habit of overworking himself - and how they work hard to understand each other's lives and hobbies even though they're very different.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really? It's kind of hard to know what's popular or unpopular for my friend's ship, y'know?
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