#advice welcome but mostly i'm just venting
themikecollective · 1 year
feb is a busy doctor month
Celebrating today's successes - Called the new dr office, to check in on if I needed to be off any meds for them, and they said not for evaluation! And any tests will be discussed there and i'll get a paper guide on what I need to do for prep. Yay. I love directions.
I really really hope they are able to help me. And i really hope that they do help me! Hope it will be worth the cost. . . . the ongoing cost if they can help me. it's ok.
My other dr is pretty cagey about whether or not I actually have a diagnosis from her... so once i officially hear back from and see another office, I will request my records. I hope i don't need to switch away from this dr in the future, because they offer video visits. But I hope that insurance keeps allowing video visits, otherwise I will have to try again to find someone within bus distance, which will either be one of several expensive private/no insurance places or really really far, and one of the only ones i have found that takes my insurance even requires that you switch your primary care to them first... and I am not yet ready to do that because I still need to see swedish drs for allergy and neuro. Not to mention i would worry that they have less quality care, since they require you to switch, making you dependent on them for all referrals to specialists, making it hard to find different specialists if their pcps are not competent. Or too busy to actually send referrals.
good and bad with my pharmacy. They are filling all of my subscriptions including covid tests, but aren't able to get 2 doses of my adderall, so i'll be 2 short for the month. I already ration, because of the shortages, but it is very sad. Because it means I can't get as much benefit from medication per month as I otherwise could.
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kelasparmak · 10 months
for the past 3-4 days i've consistently been getting a headache at c.7pm that lasts into the early hours of the morning and isn't helped at all by painkillers. REALLY hoping it's a weird coincidence and not just the way i live now.
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saixpuppy · 8 days
gamers what is the hidden secret to talking in a new discord server without the impending feeling that someone wants to shoot you execution style for being annoying and unfunny.
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
Hi there! I'm EtherealSpaceJelly, aka the Ethereal Space Dad. Welcome to my blog. Feel free to take a look around!
If you're interested in seeing my fandom and fanfic posts, check out @spacejellywrites!
About Me
Name: Robin, but you can call me Jelly or Dad if you prefer :)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Nationality: English
Age: 21 years old
Sexuality: gay oriented aroace
Gender: transmasc, nonbinary, genderqueer, and a demiboy. i consider my gender to essentially be "boy-type-creature", if that helps. man-adjacent, even.
Neurodivergence: i am diagnosed with adhd, and currently working on my autism diagnosis
AO3: EtherealSpaceJelly
My Interests
Doctor Who
Queen (the rock band)
Good Omens
Star Trek
Godzilla (mostly monsterverse)
and more!
Ethereal Space Dad
I have many, many internet children (but no real life ones!!) who i adore very much. You don't need to ask to be one of my kids, just rock up in my inbox and call me Dad lol. i give pretty decent life advice, especially about lgbtq or autism/adhd stuff. i like listening to you talk about your day, your interests or achievements, or we can just be silly together! check the '#ethereal space dad' tag for all of my internet dad posts!
all i ask is that you please keep things light, dont send asks about self harm, suicide, or eating disorders (unless recovery focussed!), you need to talk to someone in real life about those things, or call a hotline.
My Tags
#inbox and #ask - answering my asks/inboxes
#ethereal space dad - answering an ask from one of my internet kids, or occasionally a post/reblog that i think embodies the space dad vibes!
#queue - posts that came from my queue
#life updates with jelly - posts where i just vent or ramble about stuff going on in my life rn
#fanfic and #fanfiction - links to my fanfics
#robin rambles about his hyperfixations - self explanatory
#space dad showcase - art that my followers/mutuals have made!
#advice - giving advice either straight from my brain or in response to an ask
#space jelly writes - my fics!
Other Stuff
No DNI, if I don't like you I'll just block you!
DMs and asks are always open, feel free to send me stuff or just pop in for a chat!
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papa-kitty · 2 months
Welcome, little ones
I'm Husk. Came here to make sure angel isn't getting into trouble while little, but after seein all the mischeif you guys get into... well I'm here to help out.
🎧, fauna, 🪲, 🦝🐾, 🧸🌷,🐱🎄, 🐦‍⬛🧃,🐶🎀,🎀,🕰️,🦁,🍒🪲,🍪🍫,💙,🍼🎀,🦄💙,🎧🐺,👑,🛠️,)easily distracted anon(,🍞,🦴,🌺,🍑, 📼🔦,🩰
Blog Rules and Info
absolutely NO NSFW/18+ stuff
all anti-agere asks and interactions will be reported
vent/impure regressors and diaper regressors are absolutely welcomed!
if you need to vent, please trigger tag. i will do my best to give some advice but i'm only one body. i may not always be able to help, in which case i offer physical comfort.
this blog is run by both angel and husk (part of the same system). but mostly husk.
angel is an age regressor and his little headspace can affect me (husk). co-fronting also gives us headaches and angel is permenantly frontstuck so we may need breaks due to our migraines
Other Blogs
@angels-playspace - general agere, non rp
@little-angie - agere angel dust rp
Mod Status: been in a lil burtnout n just tired, so will get ta like 5 or so asks every day or 2
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queer-mental-health · 4 months
This blog is dedicated to ensuring positive mental health for the queer community as well as anyone else who needs it! It is inspired by blogs like @our-queer-experience and @queer-advice-hotline.
On this blog I will be posting positive quotes and messages, reblogging things that I find positive, giving advice, answering asks, and more, all to ensure a positive, healthy space for everyone.
And by "positive" I mean "things that affirm your identity and your goals for healthy mental health!" "Toxic positivity" has no home here - I'm a believer in radical acceptance, that it's more helpful to accept difficult feelings as they exist than to try to force yourself to "think positive" when you're just not feeling it.
This is a safe and encouraging space. If you need advice or need to vent or just say something that's on your mind, feel free to put it in my asks (the button that says "what's on your mind?") or message me. I am not a professional but I am always willing to help!
Of course I will also be sharing other resources such as other mental health blogs and queer blogs and professional hotlines and helplines.
Though this blog will mostly focus on mental health guidance directed towards the queer community, if you are not queer this blog is still a resource for you as well! Everyone should have access to guidance towards positive mental health no matter who you are!
This blog does not welcome any sort of hate, discrimination, or anything that can be considered as unkind or harmful. Help make this blog a safe environment for everyone.
Everyone deserves positive mental health and I'm here to help!
Read below for mental health resources (hotlines, good news, etc.)-
Relaxing games:
Good news:
Quote of the Day:
Mental Health Hotlines:
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misssugarcat · 1 year
Sweet Like Butterbeer
Aesop Sharp x Reader – 5 k words
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Aesop sits at his desk, working on papers. He sighs.
"Hey! How is my favourite teacher?" I smile at him.
"Great  ..." His sarcasm is dripping as he looks back down at his papers. "Anything else?"
I roll my eyes. "Nice as always. That's why I like you."
"Well at least you're consistent." He sighs exasperatedly, pushing some papers away. "What do you actually need?"
"Nothing. I'm bored, so I thought it would be fun to keep you from your work." I grin.
"Well, you are absolutely succeeding at that. I must applaud you." He shakes his head and leans back in his chair. "Do you think I'm some sort of entertainment for you?"
"You're very welcome. Thanks for the applause." I skip his last question.
Aesop just groans in exasperation and sighs. "You are incredibly annoying, you know that."
"Yes, I know. That's why you like me too." I grin widely. Long live sarcasm!
"I most certainly do not!" He huffs slightly, trying to hide a slight grin.
I wink at him. "Oh, I know you do. You just don't want to admit it."
"Absolutely not!" Aesop huffs again, crossing his arms. "You are very egotistical if you think everyone who finds you annoying enjoys your annoyingness."
I sit down at his desk, putting my head in my hands. Then I smile at him. "I know very well that nobody likes it. That's why I like doing it."
"Well then you, my dear student, are simply a menace." Aesop narrows his eyes as he looks at me. "You enjoy irritating the people around you? What a life to live ..."
I raise an eyebrow. "Says the one who spends day and night in his office doing paperwork he doesn't like."
Aesop is first  speechless at my response. After a few moments, he looks back at me, smirking. "Touché  ..."
I grin and place two Butterbeer bottles on his desk.
"So that's why you've been bothering me." He chuckles and takes a swig of the Butterbeer and relaxes at least a bit. "Are you trying to bribe me now?"
"Of course. First I'll piss you off and then I'll bribe you with a bottle of Butterbeer." I laugh.
"That's not how bribes work, child." He rolls his eyes. "But I will graciously accept the drink, nonetheless. It's certainly better than just bothering me for the sake of bothering me.'
I raise an eyebrow. "The king of sarcasm doesn't recognize his own specialty? Are you sure you're okay?"
"I am very much not okay." He sighs, finishing off the bottle of Butterbeer. "The leg isn't getting better, and this office is becoming more and more piled with paper by the day  ..."
I drink my Butterbeer and listen to him.
"I've tried every treatment available to me. Spells, potions, a trip to St Mungo's ... nothing seems to have helped." He sighs again and put the Butterbeer down. "I suppose there are worse things in life than a bad leg. I feel a bit foolish for complaining. But it has just been so ... frustrating ..." He sighs a third time. "It's been getting me down ..."
I put a new Butterbeer on the table without comment.
"And here I am, thinking you came for no reason ..." He chuckles and takes a sip. "I suppose it is nice to have someone to complain to. Do you think it makes me childish to want to vent like this?" He looks up at the ceiling as he thinks about it. "I feel as if I'm getting old too quickly. That my best years have left me in the past ..."
"Men are like wine, they get better with age." I grin and take a sip of my Butterbeer.
"Do you honestly believe that?" He chuckles softly. "I suppose you're trying to cheer me up. But if I'm like wine, right now I'm more of a vinegar, than anything sweet."
As I hear that, I burst out laughing.
"Good to know you find my misery humorous ..." He chuckles, but he is mostly joking. "At least I can make you laugh." He takes another swig of the Butterbeer. "You seem like you'd know this better than most, but do you have any advice for someone who feels like they're losing their mind a bit?"
"Why do you think you're losing your mind?" I look at him curiously
"I just ... it's hard to stay the positive, upbeat professor I like to be when it feels like everything is crumbling." He sighs as so often, and leans back in his chair. "I don't even like to admit that I'm not always fine ... I just wish things could be easier." He pauses as he thinks about it. "I suppose I'm just tired of pretending everything is okay."
"Don't do it then." I finish my Butterbeer and open another bottle. "It's okay not to be okay."
He looks at me, seeming surprised by what I just said. "You mean ... just admit that things aren't fine? That seems ... so simple. And obvious." He thinks for a moment. "Is it really okay to admit that? To admit you're not okay?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"Well ... I suppose you're right, aren't you?" He chuckles and takes another swig of his Butterbeer. "I suppose I could admit to it ..." Aesop takes a breath. "I'm not okay. I'm struggling."
"Maybe it's not smart to bottle up Butterbeer, but sometimes it helps." I put two more bottles on his desk.
Aesop chuckles and takes another swig. "That's very kind of you. Thank you." He looks at me with a half-smile. "You're not too bad yourself, you know? You're pretty clever."
"And sometimes quite annoying." I grin.
"At least you're self-aware of it ..." He chuckles and looks at the empty bottle. "Do you have a limitless supply?"
I grin and put two more bottles on the table. "Not unlimited, but I still have … a few." Then I drink the rest of my last bottle. "You're really making me drunk."
"You're the one who keeps replacing the bottles that I take." He chuckles again, but put his hand up when he noticed her expression. "Sorry, sorry. I can't help it, you're too easy." He grins sheepishly.
"I can let you drink alone next time to make you feel stupid." I grumble a bit.
"A bit harsh, no? My own student trying to make her professor feel like a fool." He raises an eyebrow but couldn't help but smile a little. "Just to prove a point."
I laugh. "To prove what? That you are a man and a head taller and therefore can tolerate much more alcohol than me?"
"Well, if you want to get into that argument ..."He chuckles as so often and drinks from his bottle. "I must say. I think we're having a better conversation than most people have with their professors. I'm sure I'm not supposed to let students get this drunk in my office." He winks when he says that last bit.
"Tomorrow I might not be able to remember it, so I guess that's your little secret." I grin.
"Oh, don't you worry. I have a good memory ..." Aesop takes another sip from his bottle. "You'd definitely struggle to outdrink me. It'd be entertaining to see you try, though." He smirks.
"So, I'll try to entertain you." I put two more bottles on the table. "Cheers!"
"At this rate, I'll need to be wheeled around the castle ... but if it's entertainment you want, I'll keep drinking so you have your fun." He smirks. "Do you do this often? Come to your professor's office and get them drunk?"
"No, this is our first time. Unless we both forgot the last time."
"Maybe we did? Would you like me to remind you?" He raises an eyebrow. "Or would that be too much of a violation for you?" Aesop is trying to be slightly flirtatious, but he also enjoys testing the boundaries of his students.
"Oh no, please don't tell me I stripped on your desk last time." I look mock shocked.
"Now why would I tell you if you did that?" He laughs. "That would make the surprise less exciting!" He pauses. "But I wouldn't blame you either."
I just raise an eyebrow.
"Oh please, you know you love the attention." He smirks slightly. "Don't deny it."
"I'd like to keep my clothes on, thanks." I roll my eyes.
"Good to know you still have some boundaries then." He finishes his Butterbeer. "So? Are you going to try and outdrink me, like you said before?"
I pull two more bottles of Butterbeer out of my bag. "How many bottles are we at now?"
"About ... Six?" He looked at the empty bottles. "Maybe seven. What's your limit?"
"I'm afraid I exceeded my limit a few bottles ago. Tomorrow I'll regret that so much."
"Oh, you poor thing." He reaches up to pat my arm comfortingly. "It's alright. We all make mistakes, and if I can be there to help you figure yours out I suppose that's fine. I suppose you will be very hungover tomorrow. But at least you'll have that Butterbeer to help cure your hangover." He grins. "And me. I can keep you company."
"You're enjoying it very much. Admit it." I grin too.
"Perhaps I am." Aesop laughs. "I don't know what you expected when you barged into my office uninvited and started passing me Butterbeer bottles."
"I wanted to cheer up the grumpiest teacher in Hogwarts. And tease a bit first.” I grin and take another sip of Butterbeer.
“Well, your plan seems to have worked.” He chuckles. “I’m not so much in a grump anymore, I suppose I owe that to you.” He gives me a warm smile – much to my surprise. “And I suppose I deserved the teasing. I’ve been so caught up in my own head I haven’t been very pleasant at all, so if any teacher deserved a good teasing, it is me.”
"Please remember I cheered you up the next time I blow up a cauldron." I laugh.
“Oh, I’ll remember. I’ll remember for a long time…” He chuckles softly and takes another drink. “You’ve certainly managed to make a mark on me. That won’t be something easily forgotten. You’re quite the troublemaker.”
"I'm glad you'll remember me well when I die of a hangover tomorrow." I sigh dramatically.
"Oh, come on. Don't be so dramatic. I'm sure you'll be fine." He pats my arm again. "You're a smart girl. You'll be fine. Even if you do have a terrible hangover, just keep my office in mind. I'm always down to let you drop by to cure your hangover."
"Will that work tomorrow when you'll hardly be able to move yourself because of a headache?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Well ...that could be a problem ..." Aesop looks thoughtful for a moment, thinking. "Maybe I'll just have to take a sick day tomorrow. I suppose if I want to make sure you're getting treated well, I'll need to be there for my hangover-ridden student. It only seems fair."
I look at my Butterbeer. "Maybe we should now start preparing our hangover potions for tomorrow."
"That's not a terrible idea at all. What do you think that would entail?" He smiles at me, his eyes twinkling like stars as he looked at her." Do you know the correct ingredients to help relieve a hangover?"
"Barf, drink a lot and bagels."
He chuckles. "I would suppose you're not wrong there. Well, what about magic? Don't you think there should be a potion for this by now? How can the wizards of the world have created so many potions, but still not have created a potion to cure a hangover?" He scoffs, shaking his head. "I should think the next potions expert needs to be working on that! I'm sure the hangover curing market would be quite lucrative."
I laugh out loud. "Can't you invent something now? You're the Potions Master."
"You know, I think I will." Aesop looks thoughtful for a moment, but a look of determination crosses his face. "I'll figure out the perfect hangover cure. Just wait, it'll be the most important discovery of the century."
I laugh again. "You will make a lot of money with this. Do I get a share for the idea?"
He smirks. "Half, and no less. You'll be part owner." Aesop sits up proudly and raises his bottle in a toast. "To the hangover-curing potion! May it give many hungover witches and wizards sweet release throughout the ages!"
"Cheers!" I lift my Butterbeer too and drain it. Then, as always, I put two new bottles on the table.
"Where the hell are you getting these bottles from?" He looks at me, then at the bottles. "Are you ... stealing Butterbeer?"
I roll my eyes again. "I bought them, Cutie Pie."
"Cutie Pie? That's a new one. Not sure it's one I'll be adding to my repertoire." He grins. "Well, it's good to know you're not a thief. You have to have some amount of morals."
"Hey, I'm a pain in the ass, not an asshole." I tilt my head.
He chuckles again, and sighs. "Well, you certainly seem to have that right. You certainly know how to be a pain. And you're also somewhat charming, which makes it easier to deal with, in a way."
"Great, I'm a charming pain in the ass." This time, I scoff.
Aesop smirks. "See? You're already getting it. You'll do very well indeed." He raises his glass again. "Charming pain in the ass, indeed. To that I'll drink!" He grins and drinks.
I sigh and put two more bottles on the table. "You're killing me, Cutie Pie."
He sighs too and shakes his head. "Please, stop calling me that. But alright ..." He takes the two new bottles and looks at me. "Do you think you can drink as fast as me? I'll certainly be impressed if you can." He smirks. "I'll drink, you drink. We'll see who can do it faster. And if you win, you may call me Cutie Pie."
"Deal!" I put the bottle on. Then we drink. I'm almost twice as fast as Aesop.
He chuckles, drinking from his own bottle. "Impressive. I wouldn't have expected you to be such a fast drinker." He pauses for a moment, thinking. "Well then, I suppose I'll have to hold my end of the deal. Cutie Pie it is." He chuckles again.
I laugh out loud. "The most inappropriate nickname ever."
"You're the one who requested it.  But I agree. It's not appropriate. Still, if that's the price of the drinks you bring, then it's a name I'm willing to be called."
"I promise not to use the nickname in public, Cutie Pie." I grin widely.
He scoffs, shaking his head. "I suppose I asked for that one. If anyone heard you call me that, I'd die of embarrassment." He chuckles. "But I suppose that's the appeal to you, the thought of me being uncomfortable. You certainly seem to enjoy it." He smirks slightly, and takes another drink. "I suppose I can't say I hate it too much either."
Aesop chuckles, finishing his bottle in one drink. He looks at me with a smirk. "So, my new nickname is Cutie Pie, but do you have a nickname for you? Is it also one I might find embarrassing?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Or would that go against the whole ... teasing ... dynamic we have going on?" He pauses as he thinks about something, and then looks at me with a grin. "Would you like a nickname of your own?"
"I'm afraid I'll have to endure this now. After all, I gave you an embarrassing nickname." I sigh.
"That you did." Aesop nods as he takes a drink again. "Are you regretting your decision now? Is it too late to take it back? I'll allow you to do that, if you're regretting it so much." He smirks again. "Would you like to be relieved from your promise to call me Cutie Pie?"
"You would like that! No way, Cutie Pie!" I laugh.
"Hmm ... You do seem to enjoy teasing me. I suppose maybe you don't regret it." He chuckles. "So, Cutie Pie it is, eh? I suppose I'll make my peace with that. But don't underestimate the value of having my own nickname for you." Aesop looks thoughtful for a moment. "Maybe I'll have to call you something sweet ... but that's not embarrassing enough. I'll have to come up with something better."
"Okay, take your time." I grin.
He pauses again in thought, trying to come up with an equally demeaning nickname for me. As he looks at me, a thought pops into his mind, and a smirk spreads across his face. "I know. Sweetie Pie." Aesop snickers at his own thoughts. "That's perfect. You'd be absolutely furious if I started calling you that ... I'm going to do it from now on. It's going to be great."
"Great. Cutie Pie and Sweetie Pie. Sounds like two Teletubbies."
He laughs. "Oh god, there's no escaping it now!" Then he sighs. "Oh well. I suppose we're Teletubbies now, eh, Sweetie Pie?" He glances at me. "I suppose it does suit us."
I giggle. "Two Teletubbies with lots of Butterbeer! Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Aesop toasts, taking another drink and smiling at me. "Two Teletubbies with Butterbeer ... sounds like the start to a great night. I must admit, you've really surprised me. I didn't expect my new Teletubby to be such a troublemaker. But I suppose I can't be mad at you ... you're too charming to stay mad at."
I burst out laughing. "Now I'm your personal Teletubby?"
"My favourite Teletubby." Aesop chuckles warmly, his eyes twinkling. "I suppose technically you're my pet Teletubby now. That is your name, after all." He grins and nudges me.
"I liked Sweetie Pie ..." I pout.
He giggles. "Oh, you did not." He grins mischievously. "You know what would really suit you? A big, pink Teletubby suit." He chuckles again, clearly thoroughly enjoying the thought of me dressed as a Teletubby. "I've just had the greatest idea: A Teletubby costume ball, where we all dress up. I'll have to make sure you're there."
I laugh. "But then you have to decide on a colour. And black is not a colour!"
"What do you mean? It's as much of a colour as anything." Aesop frowns slightly. "Unless you're saying you don't want me to be a Teletubby? He looks slightly disappointed as he stares at me, though he maintains his stern demeanour. "But that could be your loss ..."
"I didn't say that! But you need a colour for your costume. But no black. Something bright." I grin again.
"Oh, that's easy then." Aesop says with an air of confidence, grinning back at me. "You know what colour I'll be? Bright red. Because why be normal when I could be completely ridiculous?"
"Okay, where do we get our costumes from now?" I ask.
"There are quite a few places that sell costume pieces. We should go to Hogsmeade, and if we're lucky we could find a whole costumes." He thinks for a moment. "And if we're unlucky, I can get a bunch of fabric and start sewing." Aesop grins, clearly enjoying the idea, and shrugs. "I'd rather not spend my time sewing a Teletubby suit. But I would if I had to. It's just that this idea is too cool not to happen."
"Better sewing than doing paperwork all the time because it puts you in a bad mood." I grin.
"Pff, you might be right about that." He grins back. "And besides, how could sewing a Teletubby suit put me in a bad mood? The fabric would probably be so soft. And I just think that making something so goofy and bright would be very fun. It's been a while since I've done something truly frivolous like that."
I already choke on my Butterbeer, laughing. "I really should fill you up with alcohol more often."
"I'm starting to think you're right about that. It seems to be the perfect thing to get me to relax. I've been so busy with work and everything, I kind of forgot how nice it is to just relax once in a while." Aesop shrugs and smiles. "But you certainly know how to make me relax, Sweetheart." He chuckles and nudges me again. "You've got me hooked."
After another Butterbeer I lay down on the floor in Aesop's office.
"Oh, we're laying on the floor now, huh?" He grins, but didn't complain and just joins me. "I take it you're feeling a little bit lightheaded now." He raises his bottle of Butterbeer. "Cheers to that." He drinks from his bottle.
"It's better to drink lying down 'cause you can't fall." I quote. "Ancient wisdom."
"Ah, very smart girl. You seem to be the expert on drinking, so I have to trust your judgment on this one." He looks down at me and grins playfully. "Is this something you do often? Drinking laying down?" He raises his eyebrows, smirking. "I didn't know we were at that stage in our relationship yet."
"I didn't even know we have a relationship." I start laughing again.
"Neither did I, but here we are. And what a relationship this is ..." Aesop grins at me, looking at me as we both lay side by side on the floor. There is certainly a certain intimacy that came from this. "Are you enjoying this?" He puts an arm around me and pulls me close. "Are you enjoying spending time with me? I'm certainly enjoying my time with you."
"You forgot the Butterbeer." I laugh.
"Oh, how could I forget the Butterbeer!" He hands me another bottle of Butterbeer. "You know, I don't normally cuddle with people I've only had ... checks notes ... two Butterbeers with." He smiles and takes another drink of his Butterbeer. "Well, consider yourself special. I must feel quite comfortable around you."
I raise an eyebrow. "I think you forgot a zero after the two. We definitely had more than only two Butterbeers."
Aesop laughs and lays back on the floor, his arm wrapping back around me. "Oh, so maybe we've had ... 20 Butterbeers? I feel pretty comfortable around anyone who's had 20 Butterbeers with me." He leans towards me, smirking as he plays with my hair. "I guess that would make you very special then. It seems that this is the first time I've had 20 Butterbeers with anyone."
"Me neither." I laugh. "Can we please leave it at 20? I can't take any more ..."
"20? I certainly don't want to take you past your limit." He raises his bottle, taking another drink. "So, you must be feeling pretty drunk by now." He grins. "I mean, I don't recall anyone who can drink 20 Butterbeers and still speak properly. You do seem like a pretty heavy-hitter, Sweetheart."
"Oh, I've definitely reached my limit a long time ago. About 15 Butterbeers ago."
He raises his eyebrows. "Really? And you kept drinking? You're going to hate yourself tomorrow. But I suppose I'll have to take care of you." He chuckles, gently stroking my hair.
"I've never looked after someone who's had that much to drink." He is smiling at me, clearly trying to keep mine spirits up and distract me from the impending hangover.
"I'm definitely going to hate myself." I laugh. "But the evening is so worth it."
"Oh, I'll take care of you tomorrow then. I'll make you some coffee, and I'll be sure to make something extra special for breakfast." He leans closer to me. "That'll be my job. To take care of you. And you can rest easy knowing that I'll be around." Aesop gives me a soft, heartfelt smile, a look in his eyes that I hadn't really seen before. He looks content.
"Looks like I'll stay with you then." I raise an eyebrow, grinning.
"I suppose that would be the smart move." There is a certain warmth and softness to his voice now that I had definitely never heard before. He sounds almost ... wholesome.
For a moment, he let the silence fill the room. When he speaks again, his voice is gentle and soft. "I'd certainly like that." He smiles at me, a small smile that seemed like he meant every word of it. "I'd ... I'd like that a lot."
"Think of your words when I'll bend your ear with complaints tomorrow." I grin.
"What, that I like spending time with you?" He chuckles. "Those were my true feelings. And I stand by them. Tomorrow you'll hear the same answer, even if you do give me a hard time about it." Aesop smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I don't mind. I'll take it if that's the price of spending time with you."
I smile back at him.
He returns the smile once again, and gently brushes my hair back as he watches me. She truly had a pretty smile, he had to admit.
"So ... I suppose we're going to stay like this. Lying down on the floor of my office, with empty bottles all around us." He chuckles again and shrugs. "I've certainly had worse Thursday nights. I can think of several nights where I is working on paperwork and grading essays, so I'd call this a good one." He gives me a small, playful wink.
I grin. "I almost thought you were going to take me to your bedroom in a fireman's lift."
Aesop chuckles. "Oh, there's still time for that." He raises an eyebrow, seemingly waiting for my response. "But if you're not comfortable with the idea ..." He trails off for a moment, looking at me with an expectant grin on his face.
"Your bed is surely much more comfortable than the floor." I grin.
Aesop nods. "It definitely is." He pauses for another moment, but I didn't say anything more, so seemingly he decided to take the initiative. "Come on." Aesop says excitedly, suddenly jumping up to his feet. "Let's go see how we can put this to the test." He smiles as he reaches a hand down towards me, ready to help me get up.
I groan. "Definitely too much Butterbeer  ..."
He laughs. "Oh, and who's fault is that?" He nudges me while saying this and smirks as he gets up to his feet. "Let's go, Butterbeer girl. I bet I can lay you down in my bed, no problem."
"Another nickname for me now ..." I say as he picks me up.
Aesop grins. "Does Butterbeer girl not satisfy you?" He asks, as if the name is the most hilarious thing in the world, and he would love nothing more than to have someone call him that. He is enjoying himself.
Then he begins walking down the hallway away from his office, heading towards his quarters. He continues to carry me in his arms, glancing down at me.
I put my arms around his neck. "I'm fine with Butterbeer girl."
"I hope you are." He grins. He leans down and kisses me on my head, before continuing to head to his quarters. He could be a little late for bed tonight. It is the end of the week, after all, and he deserved a little relaxation time.
I yawn and lean my head on his shoulder. "Are you sure you can climb up the stairs while carrying me? I can walk."
"Are you sure you can walk? You've had quite a bit to drink, Sweetheart." He chuckles, his arm wrapping tight around me to support my weight. "You're definitely a lightweight, that's for sure." There's a playful glint in his eye, before he begins climbing the stairs to his quarters, carrying me in his arms without a shred of difficulty.
I yawn again.
"Getting sleepy?" Aesop smirks as he walks up the stairs, looking down at me. "I told you ..."
He laughs again. "I've got you. You can fall asleep in my arms and feel completely confident in the fact that I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
He continues up the stairs with me in his arms, taking his time with every step, wanting to make sure we get upstairs safely.
I sigh relaxed.
He feels quite comfortable and relaxed himself. And it seemed that she felt comfortable enough that she could just fall asleep right in his arms.
As we reach the hallway with his bedroom, Aesop begins to gently ease me down onto the bed. And he climbs in right next to me, his arm still wrapped around me. He smiles. "Have a good sleep, my sweet Butterbeer girl." He whispers, giving me a quick little kiss.
I grin, half asleep, and snuggle into him, my face on his shoulder.
"Aw, that's the sweetest thing." Aesop smiles as she snuggles in, a soft look of affection and warmth in his eyes as he watches her sleep. He places a chaste kiss on her forehead again, his mouth brushing her skin for a moment, before he leans back and shuts his eyes, falling asleep next to her. Aesop smiles peacefully, feeling completely comfortable and content as he relaxes next to her, his arm laying over her and gently holding her to his chest.
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lunalit-river · 1 month
[Vent] Comparative Analysis of My OC and Other OCs Observed in L/f!oc fics
*Excuse my English. This post has not been revised by AI for grammar and flow.*
Why am I writing this instead of concentrating on my own fic? Answer to myself, it's because there were plenty of doubts while writing. The fear of writing her as not likable, not logical, not complex enough, not human enough, and not acting aligns with those who have trauma, and the last, the fear of accidentally writing her as Mary Sue. Several times I was reading someone else's fanfic and their OC were very popular? Likable? Interesting- in some sort of way, in a way that I find amusing, yet the characterization is never to become my own OC's personality. And with good reason. This post is for myself, to remind me why I write her as she is and why not she is the kind of OC that I imagine modern readers would like (I want to be welcomed by readers, too, yet sadly, I cannot make my OC more loving) Or to put it in another way, this post is me being very self-aware, or convincing myself that it's okay to write her like this. This is me analyzing my own OC.
Basic Description of My WIP F!oc
Nanami Miru (七海咲来) born in England, Japanese family. Abusive parents died in a fire, then entered Wammy's House, given alias "Meredith". Only close people would call her "Meri". Different alias were taken by her in various stages of life and situations, the most used would be Meredith/Saotome Rin (早乙女凜), Later taking the code name "M", carries out Watari's assignments. For more detail, please refer to Far Side of the Moon (AO3)
Varies kinds of OCs Observed in L/F!OC fics
It seemed that categorizing OCs into these kinds was not really fair for the fics I've read, but I won't list them out specifically, so I think sorting my own observations wouldn't hurt, I think. It is noted that these OC traits can appear combined.
Mommy OCs (sometimes this can be a tag) The girl that would take care of other children in Wammy's House if she were a Wammy child. If she is not a Wammy child, then it would be shown in later chapters that when she has contact with the Kira task force, she will take care of everyone and, of course, including L. Very good at taking care of others, physically and emotionally, a motherly like persona. She may also be a great assistant to Watari.
Sassy/wild/badass girl OCs (this is also a tag) The not-obedient girl that would argue and fight L. Maybe fight Watari. Maybe fight everyone. She would teach all of them a lesson, and let them know who's in charge of this story (?) Most of these OCs can be the tough kind, but it does not necessarily mean that she doesn't have her vulnerabilities. Giving enemies to lovers trope more, instead of friends to lovers, even if the fic stated that they are "friends" (or working partners)
Outgoing OC Had to write this separately from the previous category. Outgoing girl to contrast the gloomy vibe of L's. The contrast of their personality would give an interesting take on how they view things. Mostly this kind of outgoing girl is also loved by many others, and including L in most scenarios. Not necessarily sassy wild or not obedient. Frankly speaking, it would be more like this OC is an extrovert, in contrast to L's introversion.
Practical Realistic OCs (more cerebral) <-I'm currently aiming for this, more. I think most OCs I read do have this trait, but also combined with other mentioned traits. OC being intelligent and maybe participating in the Kira case, and giving out her advice to L and Watari, or maybe conducting some missions that Watari or L handed her.
Analysis: M and the OCs mentioned previously
As I do not consider myself to read enough L/OC fics, maybe just pause here on the categorization. Now, I would apply the above-mentioned OC types to my OC and see why she doesn't/does correspond to these popular traits.
Mommy OC I could see M sometimes being watchful to other children in Wammy's House, but rarely. It's more of an act of being nice to others, but nothing more. Without receiving much affection and love from her original family, it would be hard for her to know how to take care of others, especially those who didn't have much to do with her. (If you have not received love, then how do you give love to others) She kept herself quite distant from peers as well, and maybe the only person that she spent time with was Watari, the first person to give her kindness closer to a fatherly figure, and her first emotional dependence was mostly on Watari. Later, with L. But as L himself is also quite distant and isolates himself from others, it would be reasonable when M spends most of her time with L, and only L. It wasn't until after L left Wammy's House that she would have the chance to have contact with others more, and in my current WIP, with a boy named "Adam". What she did was not take care of Adam, but only have some contact and help him with some assignments of his current courses, as she is a few years older than Adam.
Since then, Adam would continue to learn some more music theory from Meredith, and sometimes would ask for her help on the assignments that the instructors assigned to him. It was then Meredith realized how difficult subjects Adam was learning, much more challenging than what she was learning when she was his age. What he was learning maybe two years ahead of his peers, she estimated.
If M had to take care of anyone, it would only be L and Watari. But I don't think that she needs to take care of L? Like, L has Watari beside him, so why need another being to take care of him if he already has a great butler who would even dress him on a daily basis (see, L: One Day) But I've always considered the concept of a "motherly" person has to start with some kind of love that she received before, maybe in her childhood. It was never the case for M. She may know how to serve, clean, and cook (but not baking, as she sucks at baking) from learning later in life, but it only means that she knows how and not necessarily giving the motherly feeling. I've always wanted to write a story that conveyed that being a mother and knowing how to be a mother is definitely acquired and not born with it. Yes, of course, some have an instant love for their child or young children, and maternal love is in the blood, but not all women apply to this. When accepted maternal love is acquired and needed to be learned instead of born with it, I suppose many woman could be relieved from the society's emotional blackmails of "you are the mother and you should do xxx for your child".
Sassy/wild/badass girl OCs This is more like a choice, choosing what kind of personality that one's OC would have. And I did not choose this kind. If I have to give a reason, then it would also stem from the original family that M had. Suppressed feelings and hiding your thoughts from others was what she was educated on, and with the trauma that she experienced, one of the reactions I really wanted to write about was fawning. She is desperate to cling to someone who could provide her love. Therefore, she would not have the personality to be a badass girl, I suppose. She is too afraid to be unseen, to be ignored by those whom she cares about the most, to be rejected, and therefore, she doesn't really have the courage to be disobedient. To my own interpretation of this OC, it would be harder for her to stand up to Watari than fight L, as to her she may have a more horizontal relationship with L, but never with Watari. It would definitely be vertical. M struggled for praise when she was younger and even after entering Wammy's House. Watari needed patience to make her more open, and that's why the little girl likes the inventor and sees him as the fatherly figure that she did not have in her childhood. Watari was more like a father when he was around M than L. Out of my own agenda, I wanted M to be the soft spot of Watari, but it does not mean that Watari would prioritize M more than L. Watari wanted to change the world. And L was his hope to accomplish that. It was also my attempt to subtly show Watari's obsession with L's success and later to pursuit the goal of world peace, the reason for the successor's program. I know that in Another Note (AN) Watari was portrayed like the mad scientist that wanted to copy L's success, and disregard the well-being of Wammy children, but this is really different from the relationship that Watari shared with M. In later chapters, I did have an attempt to explain and adjust the reasons provided by AN, and I do hope the narrative is logical and in an ingenious way that does not go too far from canon but still maintains the warmth Watari expressed to M, and to other children of Wammy's House. I think I'm carrying away too much in this passage.
Outgoing OC This is also by choice more than reason. Couples in my own experiences mostly share similar personalities than those who had totally different personalities. L and M both are quiet introverts that only open up more when they are around people they are familiar with- well, maybe we can't really see that in L in canon, but he definitely is not an outgoing guy. There was a scene in anime when L knew that it would be his death day, and he went to Watari, with Watari asking him "What's wrong" but he remained silence. I think it was the few moments that we could see L seeking for some kind of emotional comfort from Watari, or maybe wanting to take one last look at the man that raised him, but didn't know what to say or express. L felt strange to tell Watari that he hear the bells. It was not him. It was not logical. And even he did tell Watari, Watari may not understand what he meant (It's really metaphysics, to say.) But judging from this scene, I do think that L would open up, very slightly, to those who he trusts the most. But never to others, colleagues (task force), or mere friends, let alone potential rivals (Yagami) Where am I? Ah yes, outgoing OCs. So it's only really my own preference to write a love interest of L's sharing similar personalities like him. Communication and opening up would be easier for this kind of couple, in my experience. And with M also not the outgoing girl, I could maintain that very nuanced emotional flow between the two of them. Everything is very subtle and indirect. And that is the kind of story I wanted to tell.
Practical Realistic OCs (more cerebral) So, this part, the thing I wanted to point out is that I do want my OC to be practical and realistic. The part that I am not going to write is OC engaging in L's investigations or career. I know that to showcase an OC's intelligence and make L approve of her is to make her work with him in some cases, or even the Kira case, but it just boggled me that if L really cherished another person, then would he let her engage in what he is doing? First, he knew that his career was never the kind that was considered safe. Especially Kira case is the most dangerous and difficult case for him; in my own understanding of L, he would be well aware of the danger and would not want his love interest to risk her life in such matters. Second, L has some sort of pride. Ego. this is his domain. Solving cases, whether it was a game for him or fighting for justice, gave him a sense of accomplishment and relieved the boredom he experienced as the top. Handling the case on his own would suit him more like L; he would again prove to others that he is the top and greatest of all. Even if L didn't have this thought, L is a man who has boundaries and needs ultimate freedom when he works. He would need assistance from the task force and Watari, but he dislikes to be distracted, as evident from canon.
I can't stand it when people's cellphones are ringing while I'm trying to talk. Let me start by saying nobody takes notes on anything that's said in these meetings. That means when we leave headquarters, any information we need is committed to memory. Please, make yourselves comfortable. (L, Death Note-Unraveling)
So how to show OC's intelligence and respect for L's boundaries? My answer in my story is, she has her own career, her own assignments given by Watari. L would only seek for her advice if he really needed it. But both of them would not trespass into each other's domain. By doing so it could maintain the boundaries of L's, giving him maximum freedom in investigation without having to worry about his love interest risking.
"I have confirmed that Kira is a student." L paused, bringing his thumb to his lips before continuing, "I'm just trying to gather more clues." M peered at the screens and flashed a smile. "Looks like the schedule of a third-year high school student." L inquired, "How so?" "If it were a first or second-year student, they would have club activities after school," M gestured towards the time on the screen, "but third-year students are busy preparing for university entrance exams and are not required to participate in clubs. Unless Kira didn't participate in any clubs, which is uncommon for Japanese students, it must be a senior student." (Far Side of the Moon, Chapter 2)
So here, what M only did was give a comment on L's current case but never participate in the investigations. I want to show that L respects her career, and she, too, respects his boundaries, even if she wants to help. Of course, if she ever did, I imagine with both of their intelligence, the Kira case would be solved maybe much faster (hehe), and maybe we would have an alive L. But no, for my story. I want to aim for the story that was not presented in canon. The scenes of L's private life that did not show in canon but happened simultaneously. Not really canon compliant, but aim to.
Conclusion: Write what you want to write.
Yeah. As I mentioned before, this post is a reminder for myself. Believe in yourself. Trust the plot. Trust the story. Trust how much you invested yourself in this story, and readers could feel that you put a lot of effort into the story and did your homework. There's a lot more I wanted to explore in my current WIP, other than DNverse. Feminism, society issues in Japan, mental health issues, trauma experiences, longing, relationships...etc. Trying to combine them all. And hope for the best.
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koduflower2000 · 7 months
"It's time to think outside the box 🤔🧐"
Hi! I'm Kevin, but you can also call me Kodu, if you prefer. I'm the actual guy from Twitter (X).
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them (any of these is fine)
Age: 18 years
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Timezone: Indian Standard Time (IST) (GMT+5:30)
A straight guy who supports the LGBTQ+ community (more specifically, I'm a straight cisgender ally)
A silly child at heart
Open talker (yes, you can be friends with me if you want)
Draws art just by using a mouse.
Speed variation of me drawing is frequent (sometimes I draw faster, other times I draw slowly)
I'm currently learning Russian BTW. Я не знаю что я делаю. 😔
Also I'm learning Spanish, and a little bit of German and French for entertainment. I hope to learn Ukrainian, Arabic and Danish any time soon.
I do music (it's actually one of my favorite things to do)
I do programming sometimes (I haven't uploaded a single cool project in here at all, as I remember) (another one of my favorites to do)
I mostly don't swear, except when I feel intense emotions. (if you're comfortable with reading my posts with swear words, go ahead. I won't judge)
I reblog a lot, so if you really wanna see what I've been working on, here are some tags in which you can look around.
#koduflower2000 art - art by me
#koduflower2000 projects - will be a tag in which i present my art and music projects.
#koduflower2000 talks - mostly something i wanna say
#koduflower2000 answers - a tag in which i answer to tumblr asks in my ask box
BFDI:TPOT (Battle For Dream Island: The Power Of Two)
BFB (Battle for BFDI)
BFDI (Battle For Dream Island)
III (Inanimate Insanity Invitational)
AvA (Animation vs Animator) series
AvM (Animation vs Minecraft) series
Bluey series from ABC Australia
Chickn Nuggit (i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier)
Saw and Gaty (totally okay with those ships actually)
Airy and Popcorn from HFJONE (totally okay with those ships as well)
Fanfictions (started writing one btw)
Rhythm Games
Information and Communication Technology
Language and Culture Learning
DNI list:
Basic (you already know it)
Anti-semitic people
Homophobic people (basically homophobes)
Pedophiles (basically MAPs)
Xenophobic people (including islamophobes)
Transphobic people (basically transphobes)
TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, in other words, transphobic people who spread their gender opinions which are considered to be uncomfortable to trans people)
Extreme NSFW accounts (a.k.a. the accounts with >=90% of the posts which are NSFW)
Pro-Israel people (I support Palestine, and no one can stop me)
People neutral with Palestine and the Palestinian people (Palestinian people are the best and they're considered innocent. Period.)
Zionists (If you try to interact with my account, I would like to fight you and block you.)
People who spread misinformation against me
People who go against my boundaries
Groomers (it's fine if you vent to me in DMs, but if you talk about uncomfortable sexual stuff in the end, you'll end up getting blocked) (sounds petty but i need my space)
Boundaries (not the actual boundaries but certain things that can give you an idea how i should be treated): - you can treat me as your friend or someone you don't know, but you CANNOT treat me as a slave - you cannot tell me which group of people I can only interact (except for groups which seem bad to me) (please teach me more about groups and fandoms that exist here) - do NOT insult me (constructive criticisms and pieces of advice are always welcome)
On thin ice
People who harass me or any of my moots.
People who think they're superior than everyone for no reason. (the only reason why i put it there is because i want people to talk with me instead of harassing me, because i already had a lot of traumatic experiences on twitter)
Blog Landmarks
tee hee moot rose! ^ ^
me too (a tribute to all my previous moots who have been disappeared from the internet)
kinda the reason why i don't interact in here as much as i wanna
elements of the intro are subject to changes which occur periodically
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Hello again! Anon who sent the vent over antis here. Thank you so much for taking the time giving me such long and encouraging response. To be honest, I am in the Genshin fandom, which is bigger and, sadly, full of antis, so I have experience when it comes to block annoying children. I also have like 80% of the EnTWST fandom blocked lol. In general, "proship DNI" account I see, is an account I immediately block (they're asking us to do that, so we're happy to oblige, right?). I have most of the vocal antis from the fandom blocked on Twitter, and even if it means less people finding my art, I don't care because at the end of the day I want to surround myself with people who support me and won't put me at the stake for shipping/"sexualizing" pixels. I'm really sorry to know that you guys got a lot of hate, but I'm happy to know that you will continue and that you have so much people defending you. Thank you for the advice on blocking people who interact with a certain kind of posts, I'll do that! Once again, thank you for your words and your drawings, thank you for giving the TWST fandom a lot of quality and original, fresh content every day. I'll continue to support you!! (Also, hint: we're in the TWST after dark zine together and it's a pleasure to know my art will be published with yours in a zine omg ❤️❤️❤️)
Hi again, Anon!
Oof, anything I hear from the Genshin fandom is usually bad news (mostly because of how big it is – naturally it’s going to have more “bad apples”)… I’m very sorry that you have to deal with all this.
We totally agree, sometimes you really just have to block 80% of the EN fandom lol, but anyone with the “proship DNI” pretty much invites the banhammer themselves. It’s really helpful lol
You’re very welcome, and thank you again for bringing all of this up. We hope you’ll stay surrounded by people who are open-minded and willing to appreciate your art or ignore it if the subject matter doesn’t suit their fancy. We still can’t believe it happened to us, especially when, aside blocking obnoxious people, we didn’t do anything else or haven’t said anything else.
And thank you once again for your kind words and for all the support! In general, TWST fandom has been very enjoyable so far, so we’re always excited to share art and headcanons with you, even when the ideas are weird hehe.
(OHH THIS IS EXCITING!! 💖💖 I’m happy to know we’re in it together! I’m not very active in the chats, but I check everyone’s WIPs and finished works, so I’m really looking forward to seeing yours)
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call-me-rin · 26 days
I wanna try to start being a bit active here so... Here are some facts about me??👀
• I'm a young adult (unfortunately). I was born somewhere in the early 2000s.🤭🤫
• Rin isn't my real name, just a nickname, but it's for anyone who wants to talk to me!
• I love singing, I sing all the time and I listen to music 24/7. I listen to mostly anything!
• I have ADHD so I can get really hyper-fixated on a band or artists etc.
• My current obsession is SKZ >.< I'm a pretty new stay, but I love their style and I find their very frequent use of onomatopoeia (imitation of an action, like 'boom' or 'pow') very interesting!
• My biases are Han and Lee Know and bias wrecker is Changbin, but I love all of them.
• I used to listen to BTS a lot too, but my obsession kinda faded after dynamite cause it's not really my style anymore. Still love them tho.
• I'm actually Greek!
• I also listen to non-Kpop artists, my current favs are Lewis Capaldi and Benson Boone
• I like twords🫣 idk I just find it fun and cute or whatever-🫥
• I speak English and Greek fluently, I know a few things in Russian and I'm currently learning French.
• I'm really shy but friendly.
• I love helping people and giving advice about anything. Anyone is welcome to ask me anything or vent about anything🫶🏻
-Idk if there's anything else to say👁️👁️ If anyone wants to know anything else they can send an ask my way! That's all🫶🏻🫶🏻
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Okay I am so conflicted about this job I applied for. I won't hear back for a few more days, but I feel like I need to make a decision now in case they offer me it. I think the interview went well and I have a lot of relevant experience compared to their typical applicants ...
Anyway, it's for essentially a dog grooming apprenticeship.
The problem is, they only pay minimum wage ($15). But typically you might have to pay thousands to attend a grooming school. Or like if you go to the PetSmart grooming academy you have to "pack back" that training by working for them for a certain amount of time. Apparently if you quit before then you have to pay back whatever you "owe" for the schooling. So this apprenticeship is instead paying me to be there, and not charging me anything for the valuable training. So I can see minimum wage making sense to them, right. Considering offering this training is an expense to them because of the time commitment, but they are doing it because they want it to pay off by providing more groomers for their business.
I make $17 an hour right now at the barn. Which isn't like huge, but that extra $2 an hour does go places. I'm not sure I can afford to take the paycut. Especially when my partner is being really cagey about it. Like yeah he says do what I want, but like what does he ACTUALLY think about a losing some money??
BUT I could really make a career out of dog grooming I think. And I could make a lot more than I do now once I make commission and tips. The guy who interviewed me did say that it would likely take around a year to get to that, though. So I might be making $15/hour for a year.
BUT once I'm working there for a year I would be expected to start buying my own grooming kit. So uh a few thousand dollars worth of stuff, right. I would get a discount from their supplier and be able to have it come off my paycheck. But it will still be a big expense. I would get to keep all that stuff forever though....
Another thing too is that I just won a lifetime subscription to all the content from an online dog grooming and showing academy. So I will be watching a bunch of courses and seminars to learn some specialty show grooming stuff. So if I did become a groomer, I could potentially one day offer specialty breed specific grooms and stuff like coat stripping.
Now ... I just don't know if I can take the risk. I do think it could really pan out into a career. But the paycut up front would be a problem. Especially when, like, I can't afford to pay all my bills as it is. I'm constantly broke. I am supposed to be looking for a job that pays more. I have a Communications degree, I'm supposed to get like an office job or something. But nobody wants to hire me for a job like that. Or all the listings for ""entry level"" positions want 3-5 years of experience in the field. That ain't entry level! Tbh I would hate that kind of job anyway. But I always kinda thought I would have to settle for something I hated. I have just been avoiding it for a while by working shitty jobs I kinda like. This grooming thing I could actually love. BUT there's just no money up front. So I don't know what to do. It's probably just too late in life for me to take this chance, I think. I have bills to pay.
Anyway. Advice welcome. Just mostly looking to vent.
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Hi!! I've already asked for a Pedro pascal and stranger things matchup before and I was wondering if I could request one again? I'm going through a harry potter brainrot and I was wondering if I could please get a romantic and platonic ship for both eras? Feel free to ignore this though!
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! My love languages are acts of service (giving) quality time and physical touch (recieveing)
Thank you very much!! I adore your writing sm <3
Hi! Welcome back! Thank you for requesting another matchup! I hope you enjoy this one! Also thank you! <3333
Harry Potter -
Marauders Era;
(Platonic) -
Remus Lupin:
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🐾 You met Remus in the library of Hogwarts when you were studying for your Potions quiz coming up, and low and behold, Remus saunters in, finding the book he needed in an instant before realizing there were no other open tables... Guess where he decided to sit? With you; With hushed voices, Remus asked to sit at your table and you said yes, and that was the day you and Remus became friends
🐾 It took you a little bit to warm up to him, but you could see that he was similar to you in the fact that he was a bit introverted as well, and he loved books, a win for you; now you had someone to rant to about the newest book you've read
🐾 Remus is actually very glad that you are his friend, you were more sane than Peter, James, and Sirius, so he finally had someone to talk to that wasn't going to promptly ignore him; though he loved his friends and just knew that going to James and Sirius about homework wasn't the best idea
🐾 Aside from reading and studying, you and Remus would go on little adventures around the castle or Hogsmeade, just talking about anything and everything; it was nice to have someone understand you, and also like your style, it was easy for Remus to find you gifts for your birthday since he wore blazers and sweaters practically all the time
🐾 You two are the best of friends, always there for one another, for school or for furry problems; even with the occasional joking around and having fun, Remus was glad to have you as his friend, you you felt totally the same
Marauders Era;
(Romantic) -
Sirius Black:
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🐺 You met Sirius through your friend, Remus, it was obvious of course, you were friends with one Marauder, it was only time before you met and became friends with the other three; and a bit... more friendly with a certain Padfoot, not your fault really, he was gorgeous and how could you saw no to that face
🐺 Yep, three weeks after getting to know you a bit and helping you out of your shell, Sirius asked you out, but you knew about his rep with the ladies, so you, (sadly), turned him down; but Sirius was a man of his word and he promised to himself that he'd show you that he was... We... Serious, he really liked you and really wanted to get to know you more
🐺 James liked to tease him about you, "Sirius is whipped", he say, "Mate's been staring at her all day!" Only after James, Peter, and Remus came to you and begged that you put Sirius out of his misery did you agree to go on that date; and you were so glad you did, Sirius was whipped, and your hopeless romantic self was loving it
🐺 Sirius was being all sweet, holding the doors open for you, listening to you, and even asking questions; even during your relationship with the man, he kept being adorable, and sweet, and perfect to the point you thought you were going to explode with awe and admiration
🐺 You didn't know that you were in it bad until Sirius wrote an entire poem for you, even with a slight bit of help from Remus, the poem was beautiful and you knew that you were going to marry the man; Sirius was on the same page, he'd do anything and everything for you, no more casanova Sirius, Sirius was serious about you
Lightning Era;
(Platonic) -
Neville Longbottom:
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🍀 You met Neville when he was a first year and you were a fifth year, you actually helped him find his toad, Trevor; Neville was ridiculously shy and you were pretty shy too, so talking and making conversation went at a snail's pace, but by the end you found out that Neville loved plants and he found out that you loved reading and poetry
🍀 Since the year gap, you didn't see Neville that often, but during the times you did see each other, you both had a great time; if you shared the same house, you'd both read by the fire together or talk about your favorite hobbies and interests
🍀 As the years went on, you helped Neville overcome some of his shyness, help him gain come courage, and help him if Draco Malfoy said anything terrible to him; Neville on his end, helped you overcome your own shyness, helped you with your courage if you were feeling a bit out of it, always paying you back for mentoring him though his years at the school
🍀 Neville is the sweetest and is always there if you need him, if you need him, he'd drop anything just to make sure you were alright, (he won't drop plants, if he's holding them, he'd gently set them down before going off to find you)
🍀 You helped Neville, the same with him, you would always be there if he needed you; you even helped Neville ask Ginny out to the Yule Ball, and Neville was always grateful, you were a great mentor and friend, and for a graduation gift, Neville got you a nice plant
Lightning Era;
(Romantic) -
Charlie Weasley: (Fancast: Sam Heughan)
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🐲 You actually met Charlie after Hogwarts, though you both knew about each other's existence in school, and let me just say, you had a schoolgirl crush on him in your fourth year; Charlie didn't really mind you, he had never met you and only heard about you from Ron and his friends
🐲 Though, after you graduated, you were selected to go to Romania to work at one of the Dragon Sanctuaries, it turns out that reading up on dragons and getting all O's on your Care of Magical Creatures was a fast-pass to working with those fire-breathers; and that was when you got to meet the infamous Charlie Weasley
🐲 You actually thought your crush on him was gone, but nope! Yes, there was a bit of an age gap, only a couple of years, but that didn't stop you from daydreaming about him asking out out; and that dream would later come true, even though Charlie was a real dragons man and said he'd never date or marry anyone, he was lying... He'd date and marry you
🐲 It took a bit of time for Charlie to warm up to you, (and vise versa), he was used to more... Scaly friends with cold blood, you were the opposite of that, a human being with thoughts, feelings, used words, (and had warm blood); Charlie was worried that if he tried to start anything with you, he'd mess it all up and you'd hate him; the exact opposite ended up happening
🐲 One day, after taking care of some dragons, you and Charlie decided to hang out, talking about true crime, books, and well... Dragons as you took a walk through the nearby woods; It was that day, a whole year into working together, that Charlie asked you out on a date, and of course, you said yes
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Hey there! 🖤
So in the last 24 hours I've gotten about 35 new followers due to what I posted yesterday of Joe, which is super cool and exciting! I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself and clear some things up! Welcome, my name is Kay, and I'm 26 years old Puerto Rican Sagittarius who currently resides in FL (Ew, I know). I'm not solely a Joey B blog though that's what I mostly post about lol. I'm also not a Bengals fan (Sorry to disappoint) which I really want to point to out because I've gotten a few questions asking me about the team and Joe's future there and what not. I'm not the person to ask that, I'm just here having some fun thirsting over a 26 year old QB from Ohio. I write about him but I'm not currently taking requests (Since I've gotten those a lot too). I also don't talk about his loved ones on here so most of those questions (if not all) will get ignored.
When it comes to Joe this is a pretty unserious blog, You will see a lot of crazy innocent assumptions about him and some very crazy adult conversations about him which I always title "Anons after dark" incase you would like to mute that since I know that sort of stuff isn't for everyone. Overall though, It's all fun and nothing but love. I like seeing my followers, mutuals and anons come on here and just have fun and let loose since the world is already a pretty serious stressful part of our lives and we all deserve a mental break.
My blog is also a safe space for any LGBTQIA+ or BIPOC. Hatred of any kind is never allowed and you'll be blocked immediately. That being said, some other stuff you might see on here are my other celeb crushes, fashion, car talk, music, movies, true crime, anons who seek advice, random venting etc. So welcome again! I'm so glad you're here and don't be shy to send anything in and ask me anything if you'd like to know more about me or my blog! Welcome to the shitshow 🖤
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taking-your-hand · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to a cozy haven, made for YOU! 😁
I made this because I want to offer a place for people who feel despised in fandom to take refuge. Specifically, people who have been, are being, or even fear being dogpiled/ostracized for their art, fan interests, or association with anything accused of being ""proship"".
And to be clear right off the bat: I generally understand "proship" to just mean the belief that one can indulge in fiction about horrible things without necessarily being horrible themselves. Proship is a belief. But a lot of people accuse things of being "proship" too (for example, calling a fictional pairing "a proship" or calling the act of indulging in taboo kinks "proshipping"), because the people who attack what they perceive as "proship" believe that proship means "content that endorses pedophilia/incest/abuse/etc." and/or "supporters of those things".
And frankly, at this point, the label is useless, but I just want people to know, in no uncertain terms, that this is absolutely not an, "uwu you were criticized for being a child predator, lemme support youwuwu" blog. I especially have to make this clear because some of the people I intend to give support to do not identify as proshippers, so they might genuinely have a different interpretation of what that word means and then get the wrong idea of what I'm saying, ya know?
You do not have to be a proshipper or enjoy taboo fiction to send an ask. In fact, I made this with neutral- and anti-shippers in mind, because fandom bullies absolutely do not discriminate. I've seen them attack totally sfw, non-shippy art. I've seen them attack other "antis". And I know there are some people out there who are mostly in anti circles and are afraid of stepping out of line. I know there are people who do not like dead dove content and have no desire to make it, who still get attacked. People who actively go after others to appease their friends, and still get attacked. People whose first language isn't English, who get attacked for not conforming to American cultural standards.
But here, you are safe from all of that.
You do not have to out yourself. You can give as much or as little detail as you want, to keep your identity safe. And I will listen and be here for you, and try to provide links to other understanding spaces too.
Whether you want to vent about being in a sticky situation with your friend group, or want advice or new perspectives, or want to send positivity to other followers of this blog, or if you just want me to share your GoFundMe or something... I'll try to give everyone a spot!
Unfortunately, I do have to set some boundaries so that I don't hurt myself. I wish there didn't have to be any limits on how much support I can give you, but I can't emotionally handle talking people through things like a therapist would. That's why I chose to make a blog instead of opening my DMs. Asks and Answers are my sort-of middle ground. For that reason, I can't have extended conversations about this in DMs, but I will answer your asks with as much care as I can.
I want to reach out and help, I really do. But I'm just as messed up as everyone else and I need to take care of myself, or else how will I even help others? ovo
If you also have friends who will support you for who you are, I strongly encourage you to reach out to them too! My friends and loved ones have been wonderful to me when I've gone through awful times, and even when I've made genuinely bad mistakes, and I've made massive strides in self-improvement partially due to their support!
Thank you for reading, and welcome to the blog!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Here's a set of resources for people who have been harassed online.
For proshippers, there's a server called Profiction Hub that directs to other servers, all of which are proship-friendly, but may have other rules that don't fit your needs (such as some being anti-endo and some having a maximum age cap). Only some of them have either of these rules btw. One server is even open to neutral-shippers as well.
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loveistrueblue · 1 year
Hey Marin. I saw your answer to the anon asking about pronouns. I'm a gay man and have struggled a lot with being one who uses they/them pronouns. I wish there was more support in the community. I see a lot of people talk about they/them lesbians and I feel like there's more acceptance there, but in the gay community, I don't see it as often. It's discouraging
Hey, anon! 💙 Much much love to you. That's very difficult to navigate.
I would not say there's necessarily "more acceptance" within the lesbian community. Like, there's a lot of lesbians who invite complex relationships with gender with open arms. Then, you also have some lesbians who will completely ostracize you for it. It's foul and disheartening. I had to eventually just come to understand and accept myself without feeling like I needed a stamp of approval from every lesbian out there.
But I do hear you; I don't see as many conversations about complex relationships with gender within that community (which COULD be due to me mostly engaging in lesbian spaces and seeking out that information, conversation, and community). I have heard echoes of similar feelings to what you're saying from some of the other people I have talked to. It can be extremely isolating to feel a lack of support from your own community.
I don't know if you just wanted to vent some frustrations (which is so valid! I am open to that here.), or if you wanted any advice. If it's the latter: seek out community that will support and welcome you. There are spaces where there is acceptance and support and celebration of that. You kind of have to find them and seek them out. I don't know of any off the top of my head (which I should probably be better about), but maybe some of my followers might?
In conclusion, I feel for you and am sending you love and support. <3 And just know, my blog is always always ALWAYS a space where I support anyone with a complex relationship with their gender. I get it. Y'all are my siblings lol.
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