#access is a human right
chronicallycouchbound · 3 months
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I can’t live in over 99% of housing.
This is not an exaggeration.
“Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently.” (HUD.gov)
My experiences of homelessness are inherently tied to this.
[ ID: Red capitalized text on a cream colored background reads: “I can’t live in 99% of housing” the “99%” is much larger than the other text. Below that in pink small font reads: “Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently. HUD.gov” End ID. ]
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thelegendofmik · 8 months
The Little Big Things - Setting the Standard for Accessibility in Theatre
The Little Big Things is a musical that recently opened at the West End's Soho Place and it is a stage adaptation of Henry Fraser's memoir of the same name. It is about Fraser's experience with becoming disabled and figuring out how to navigate life newly disabled.
Of course, the show portrays Fraser's life before and after becoming disabled. And this show comes up with a very simple solution that doesn't involve an abled bodied actor "cripping up" - they literally just double cast the role of Henry Fraser. They have abled actor Jonny Amies play Fraser pre-accident, and disabled actor Ed Larkin plays post-accident Fraser. Like the reality is, no one cares that the actors don't look identical.
Not only is Fraser played by a wheelchair user, as is another character, Agnes (Amy Trigg), but both their understudies are wheelchair users as well (Joseph Wolff and Elena Pitsiaeli). That is four wheelchair users in the cast of the show. The associate director, Nickie Miles-Wildin, is also a wheelchair user.
So the narrative that "there just aren't enough disabled performers" is a load of bullshit. Not only was this show able to hire five wheelchair users, but they also hired several other disabled/chronically ill cast and crew members. It is clear that in this show accessibility was a priority, not an afterthought, as it often is in theatre.
Like look at this beautiful representation:
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This is a story about disability being told by disabled people, and this should really be the standard for the industry. I really hope that there are more shows like this created because this is the authentic representation disabled people deserve. We deserve to be able to tell our own stories.
Have a link to some of the music:
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"France became the first country in the world to make abortion a constitutional right Monday [March 4, 2024], with French lawmakers adopting the bill in a 780-72 vote in a move inspired by the U.S. reversal of Roe vs. Wade.
The law gives women a "guaranteed freedom" to choose for themselves if an abortion is the right choice to make.
The amendment won the support of the three-fifths of the 925 National Assembly and Senate members required to pass in an extraordinary afternoon session at the Palace of Versailles just outside Paris in a move that was overwhelmingly supported by the public.
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said to those assembled in Congress Hall that "we owe a moral debt" to the women who had to suffer through illegal abortions in the past.
After the vote to approve the constitutional change, Paris' Eiffel Tower was lit with the words in French "my body my choice" in the country where abortion was first legalized in 1975, two years after the United States' first ruling on Roe vs. Wade...
While limiting abortion ranked very low on France's political agenda, lawmakers were prompted to take action to protect abortion rights in 2022 following the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of the 1973 Roe ruling that legalized abortion. Subsequently, several American states have passed laws to restrict or outlaw the procedure.
"I say to all women within our borders and beyond, that today, the era of a world of hope begins," said Attal, who at 34 became the country's youngest prime minister.
This was the first time since 2008 that France took steps to change its constitution. There will be a ceremony to finalize the amendment on Friday [March 8, 2024], which is also International Women's Day."
-via UPI (United Press International), March 4, 2024
Note: It may be the first, but I am confident that it will not be the last!
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Vote Blue and replace Cancun Cruz with Democrat Colin Allred.
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sealpup9 · 1 year
Internet Archive Live Hearing happens tomorrow: March 20, 2023
Here's a link to the Internet Archive's page, describing how you can participate and listen to oral arguments on Monday March 20th at 1pm ET
You may know the Internet Archive because of the Wayback Machine!!
The court case Hachette v Internet Archive is being brought to court and threatens to tear down the Internet Archive as we know it.
"The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them."
This is so important because not only does the Internet Archive provide books that are long out of circulation and copies for people to borrow, they are also used as sources for things like Wikipedia articles! Imagine if suddenly, no one could access sources that someone cites for their information! Having access to information digitally today is a very important thing, and with all of the paywalls people face nowadays for news, imagine if you suddenly had to pay for access to any books. Websites like Amazon already are attempting to replace any sort of ebook rentals with paid services, when we have the right to borrow books online just as we do physically. The Internet Archive is extremely important and one of our rights- access to information- is actively being fought against.
REMEMBER: This will not JUST affect the internet archive. This could change how libraries in general work, and could threaten public access to information. Imagine how many youtube video essay sources would be null and void, imagine just trying to research an obscure topic at 3am-- If all of that was behind a paywall, only those with money would be able to access them! The harder it is for libraries to share books and archive information, the more the public suffers!
Please show your support! Read more about the case here: https://www.eff.org/cases/hachette-v-internet-archive
I'm not sure how quick Tumblr will work on approving this blazed post but if the day/time has passed, please know that you can actively look into more information on this case and other info on the Internet Archive Blogs. You can also add your name to a list of supporters of Battle for Libraries Here.
Let's work together on making sure we have access to information! In this digital age, we deserve to access just as much online as we do offline!
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curioussubjects · 2 years
Abortion Access Resources
Abortion is still legal in some US states, despite the Dobbs decision.
Hey, everyone, it’s a horrible day here in the United States with Roe and Casey being overturned. But rather than lose hope, let’s keep the fight going because there’s a lot of incredible work being done on the ground. 
Here are some places you can donate to, and some further info:
Independent Clinics: Abortion Care Network Abortion Funds:  National Network of Abortion Funds, funds by State, Midwest Access Coalition
Information on Medication Abortions (abortion pills)
State by State trigger laws map with Roe being overturned 
RewireNews  (legislative tracker) and the excellent Boom! Lawyered podcast for repro rights news and analysis
New Handbook for a Post-Roe America: The Complete Guide to Abortion Legality, Access, and Practical Support by Robin Marty. Also! Consider requesting your local public library for this book if they don’t have it in their catalogue yet. 
Let’s be kind to ourselves and each other today, but let’s not lose hope. The fight continues. 
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homosexual-trash · 5 months
I love you disabled people who use multiple mobility aids
I love you disabled people who use one, or a few mobility aids
I love you disabled people who use no mobility aids
I love you disabled people who are part time mobility aid users
I love you disabled people who a full time mobility aid users
I love you people with hidden disabilities
I love you visibly disabled people
I love you disabled people with a common condition
I love you disabled people with a rare condition
I love you disabled people with multiple conditions
I love you disabled people with only one condition
I love you disabled people with a diagnosis
I love you disabled people who are undiagnosed
I love you disabled people who are independent
I love you disabled people who are dependent on others
I love you disabled people who are unafraid to speak up for themselves
I love you disabled people who are still learning to find the confidence to speak up for them selves
I love you disabled people who use alternate forms of communication
I love you disabled people who always listen to their body
I love you disabled people who do activities even when it isn't the best for them
I love you people who were born disabled
I love you people who became disabled
I love you old disabled people
I love you young disabled people
I love you disabled people
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A group of professors and former students at a Nova Scotia university are working together to deliver post-secondary education to imprisoned individuals throughout the province. The “prison access to education” program, spearheaded by assistant professor El Jones, at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) is one of a kind — as it makes the Halifax institution the only degree-granting university for incarcerated people in Canada. Jones, who’s also known for her activism and spoken-word poetry, said the program, which started in 2018, connects inmates to professors and covers everything required to attend university, such as program costs associated with fees and textbooks. “We believe that access to education is a right and is so incredibly important in people’s reintegration in their time in prison,” she said during an interview in her MSVU office on Thursday.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
if u cant answer the question of what human rights trans people as a collective group are lacking its because they already have human rights you dumb fucks have no clue what "human rights" even applies to lmao
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Nobody deserves to be homeless.
Not disabled people. Not poor people. Not addicts. Not ex-cons. Not anybody.
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Logan Howlett would advocate and understand the need for disability access and accommodations. Logan Howlett would know that he has a body that can endure anything, and that his ability is not the standard. I dunno. I feel like he'd be really understanding to other disabilities and if he learned someone had a disability he'd go out of his way to learn more about it and understand it. That's all.
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thelegendofmik · 6 months
sorry for being emo here but this is the only place I can post this without the person in question seeing it lol
don’t you just love when a friend doesn’t even invite you to their birthday and then you find out it’s because it wasn’t accessible so instead of putting in some effort to make their event inclusive to the whole friend group they just chose not to tell me. And then when I found out they went “you can come if you want not sure it’s accessible tho”. Like get fucked. If you really wanted me there it would have been accessible.
Anyways I have instead spent the night having a bath and playing Zelda which imo has been so much more fun than inaccessible karaoke lmaooo.
honestly I was not expecting to be crying about not being invited to a party at 21 lol but here we are.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey terminated his emergency rule on gender-affirming care Tuesday — less than a week after the state legislature sent a ban on minors starting treatment to the governor’s desk.
The ACLU of Missouri filed a lawsuit in late April seeking to block Bailey’s emergency rule, alleging the attorney general didn’t have the authority to use the state’s consumer protection law to block access to puberty blockers, hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. A judge put the rules on hold until July, when a hearing is scheduled...
The now-terminated emergency order would’ve affected adults, a step that caused fear in the LGBTQ+ community, advocates told The Independent. Some began preparing to move out of state when they heard about the emergency order...
A spokesperson for the Missouri Secretary of State’s office said he received the termination paperwork around 4 p.m. Tuesday [May 16, 2023].
If Bailey wishes to enact his order, which would set barriers to accessing gender-affirming care, he must restart the process...
The ACLU of Missouri released a statement Tuesday evening, calling the termination a “victory for Missourians’ right to bodily autonomy.”
“After weeks of embarrassing Missouri on the national stage, the Attorney General has finally joined everyone else in recognizing that his hasty attempt to usurp other branches of government cannot withstand scrutiny,” the statement says.
House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, D-Springfield, said in a statement that Bailey “grossly overstepped his legal authority, and everyone knows it.
“So, it isn’t surprising he withdrew his unconstitutional rule knowing another embarrassing court defeat was inevitable,” she said. “Missourians deserve an attorney general worthy of the office, not one who persecutes innocent Missourians for political gain.”
Fischer said, despite uncertain circumstances, the removal of barriers to care is a “win” for transgender Missourians.
“From the conversations we’ve already had with community members and trans leadership, people are thrilled to see the attorney general terminate his rule especially since it targeted the entire trans community: children and adults. In our eyes, this is a win,” he said."
-via Missouri Independent, 5/16/23
It's nowhere near enough, but it's still so important, especially for all the trans adults in Missouri who were being forcibly detransitioned and starting to be denied access to gender-affirming care, including hormones, which they'd often been on for years.
At this point, I will celebrate every bit of respite we can get.
Missouri would've been the first and only state to ban access to transgender care for adults. It's inexcusable that trans kids are still going to be denied care. But if this rule hadn't been withdrawn, there would've been a lengthy court battle over it lasting years, and in the meantime, every red state that could get away with it would be using Missouri as a blueprint and successful precedent to pass their own bans on gender affirming care for adults.
The fact that Republicans have been denied that successful precedent is VITAL.
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