#a marvelous holiday
mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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#too soon NASA... too soon 😅🎄
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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Merry Christmas, Mantis. Merry Christmas, Peter.
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randomshyperson · 6 months
Five Times You Go Through Wanda Maximoff's Window - [HS Challenge]
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Summary: A clumsy spider and a grumpy witch are roommates in Avengers Tower. And it takes you five missed windows to finally get things right. [Prompt]
Warning: None, fluff and funny, spider!reader and emo!wanda, avengers being a family, happy ending | Words: 2.937k
A/N-> This was such a funny one to write because I always wanted to try the Five Times Prompt! I hope you guys liked it.
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Holiday Season Masterlist
The first time you missed a window in Avengers Tower, you still didn't know the place properly. 
You had just come out of a fight and your costume was still smoldering. You stumbled between one window and another and thought you had counted the floors correctly when you balanced yourself inside, and almost fell out again when something pushed you.
Your spidey sense acted immediately, of course. It was a disastrous situation, to be honest. You jumped like a frightened animal away from the magical energy of the witch, the true owner of that room and window, while instinctively hitting her right in the face with your webs.
Wanda yelled angrily, and you, hanging from the wall, only had time to fall straight to the floor before she hit you in the chest this time.
Of course, the confusion attracted the attention of the other Avengers - Vision, and Steve appeared just before Nat, the men confused by the whole thing, but the widow, as soon as she saw the younger witch trying to untangle the webs from her face, burst into laughter.
You were blushing a lot when you went to apologize.
"I'm really sorry Wanda, I thought it was my room."
"It's fine." She retorted between her teeth, and it didn't look like it was fine at all. You rubbed your shoulder, the magical blow left your skin sore and Wanda sighed. "Sorry about the hit. I thought it was an intruder."
Natasha interrupted the whole thing with another chuckle, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes that threatened to return every time she looked at Wanda's grumpy expression over the webs. "You two are clearly an example of attention. You've just earned some extra training."
You and Wanda grumbled in unison. Of course, Natasha was just tormenting you and the training was going to happen anyway, because Wanda escaped as many of them as she could and was already getting sloppy, and you well, in the routine of neighborhood friend and university, it was difficult to attend all the Avenger commitments.
Wanda had no trouble hitting you in training, and you almost thought she was doing it with a certain satisfaction. You couldn't blame her, she would certainly have got away with it if it hadn't been for your disastrous encounter earlier.
You just hoped that future interactions between you would be friendlier from then on.
The second time you missed a window in the Tower, your intention was not to be late.
This was because Natasha had asked - or politely threatened - you to organize your spider routine, if that was possible, and be present at the introduction of the New Avengers.
Well, that was rather unfair. In addition to your full-time job as a New York superhero, you also had college and your job as a Daily Bugle Photographer, so it should be understandable that delays would occur. But maybe that was your fault, for missing three birthdays in a row, and not even making it to Captain America's shield ceremony last month after Steve retired and assigned the job to Sam Wilson.
In any case, you tried to get to the tower for Kate Bishop's introduction to the team and ended up in the wrong room again. 
Only this time it was worse, as you ended up bumping into the owner of the bedroom who certainly wasn't expecting to see anyone.
Wanda didn't fall to the floor with the impact only because you acted quickly and held her by the waist, turning your bodies so that the entire collision was on your back. Half the items in your backpack made a cracking sound behind you, but you didn't have a chance to check.
You were still grunting in pain when she pushed you away, and the action caused her towel to fall to the floor.
"Don't look, you pervert!" She demanded infuriatedly, her face as red as yours. You turned away immediately, but the bedroom mirror allowed you to see her bending down to pick up the towel and you thought it best to close your eyes tightly.
"I swear to God I didn't mean to-"
"Zip it." She cut in, holding the towel tight against her body. "Out." She ordered, and you didn't need to be told twice.
You stumbled out with your eyes closed until you found the door, and Wanda had to look away and bite her lip to hide her smile for all the times you hit your head on something before leaving.
You didn't find her again until half an hour later when you had already met Kate Bishop and discovered that she would probably be a friend. She was a very funny girl, and your close age made it easy to get friendly with her. 
She had just commented that it was amazing to have another Avenger going to NYU, and how you could go to classes together and have coffee when Wanda reappeared in the room and dropped something in your lap.
You stared wide-eyed at the red spider's underwear, clutching the item as if you expected it to disappear.
"You forgot it in my room." Said the witch with an indecipherable expression, but with eyes sparkling with mischief. Of course, she left out the part about the item falling out of your backpack during the disastrous encounter earlier, and that was enough for Sam to chuckle knowingly with Clint and Natasha from the kitchen counter when they whistled at the comment.
You turned as red as the colored garment. "I dropped it in her room." You tried to clarify in embarrassment, but Clint added.
"Oh, yes, that happens." He taunted, and you huffed in embarrassment as you got up to find your backpack and remove that outfit from their sight. 
You only missed Wanda's satisfied look when Kate didn't invite you to take her to university again and the subject was forgotten.
The third time was intentional.
The Avengers were going through a very difficult time since the whole Winter Soldier thing became public, and even with Steve retired, Mr. Stark still wanted closure on the murder of his parents with Mr. Barnes. 
It wasn't your business, but at the same time, it was because the Avengers were one big family and anything that happened to one had an impact on the whole team.
The atmosphere was rather miserable because it seemed that everyone was going through heartbreaking situations at the moment. Natasha and the Red Room, Bucky, Tony and Steve's drama, and Kate with her mother's arrest. Then there was Vision and the Space Stone that had been giving him nightmares, and well, Wanda, who was celebrating her first birthday alone since the death of her twin brother.
So the third time was intentional, because you had cupcakes in your backpack that were a bit of a mess, and you only came in after knocking.
Wanda still had to get used to the image of you hanging at that height.
"Hi." She greeted, not hiding her own discontent about that day. You continued to sit on the edge.
"Hey." You said with a small smile, twirling your bag in front of you. " I won't be bothering you, I just came to bring you something."
She grimaced, biting her lip. She wanted to say that you're rarely a nuisance, but instead, she remained silent.
You take out a closed box from your backpack, a little crumpled, but the contents are safe. There are several colorful, well-filled cupcakes from your favorite place in the center. All with little birthday decorations.
"I didn't know your favorite flavor, so I brought you one of each. If you're allergic to anything, we can throw it away." 
Wanda doesn't take the box held out to her. "Hm, I don't... celebrate today." She says clumsily, looking away. You swallow dry, nodding.
"I didn't think so, but I wanted to... I don't even know what I wanted. I'm sorry, that was stupid of me. I'll take these away and leave you alone."
But Wanda grabbed you before you could leave the room, and instead of pulling away, she hugged you. Quickly, as a thank you, but it warmed your cheeks.
"That was sweet of you, okay? Thank you." She murmured just as embarrassed, busying herself with grabbing the box of cupcakes because she didn't know what to do with her hands.
You smiled. "No problem, Wanda." You say, and before you lose your nerve, you add. "To be honest, the cupcakes are just an excuse. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you that I'm here if you need a friend. I know how hard days like these are, and being alone is sometimes not a choice, it's the only option. I wanted you to know that there are people with whom you can share this pain. Or if you don't want to talk about it, these cupcakes."
The next hug is longer and makes you wish you'd missed the window more often, even if this time it was on purpose. Maybe when all the drama has passed, and Wanda trusts you to become friends, the window will stay open for you.
For now, she lets you stay to watch sitcoms with her and grimaces when you stumble out the window to answer a spider's call. 
It's stupidly dangerous, she texts you that afternoon.
You respond with spider and web emojis.
The fourth time, you were bleeding.
Almost unconscious, and struggling to crawl through the windows. Fearing that the exhaustion and injuries would be enough for your powers to fail, and inevitably cause you to fall from the tower. 
Perhaps it would have been better to take the front door.
You felt yourself losing consciousness, and your right hand detached from the glass. Before gravity could do its job, a familiar prickling sensation covered your entire body and you were pulled into Wanda Maximoff's room.
"What happened?"
She looked worried, almost desperate to be honest. Your appearance was probably not the best. Well, who could blame you? You've just guaranteed New York's safety for a while longer after one of the most intense fights in months. Why do villains dressed as animals always land such hard punches?
You try to smile at Wanda, to make a "You should have seen the other guy" joke, even though Rhino wasn't badly hurt and the victory was more thanks to your new electric friend and his tricks that knocked the big guy out, than to you. Maybe you're losing your grip.
Wanda didn't laugh, her powers put you against the soft cushions and the next thing that left your mouth was a grunt of pain when she touched your ribs.
"I'm gonna call Bruce-"
"No, I'm fine." You tried to move, but your body hated the idea. So did Wanda, because her magic became harder to ignore. "Please, Wands, I shouldn't be out there."
She frowned. "What do you mean?"
And you have to ignore the pain to keep talking and try to look casual about it with a shrug that makes you wince. "I was still recovering from the last fight. I thought I could handle it."
"You're unbelievable." She grumbles, seeming to remember beyond her own busy routine, the image of your bandaged arm after the last villain you encountered. Clearly, it had been against the advice of the rest of the team that you had joined another fight, and obviously, the consequence of your stubbornness was swinging yourself utterly wrecked into her window at dawn. "You need an x-ray."
You groan but are unable to resist her magical efforts that force you to your feet and drag you into Bruce's lab.
The whole thing becomes a blur in your injured head. But you know that you've been given a hard time by at least half the team, until the medication kicks in and you feel better enough to realize that you're already lying on a bed, with Wanda Maximoff beside you.
"Sorry about the scare." You mumble, and you don't need to clarify any further for her to understand exactly what you mean. You know you'll probably have to work harder than that to remove your nearly dead figure from her memory, but that's a start.
Wanda doesn't take her eyes off the book but sighs. "It's okay." 
You know that's not true. So you try to be honest with her.
"Today is one year since Aunt May died." You say quietly, just loud enough for the two of you in the Avengers' infirmary room to hear. Wanda immediately raises uncertain eyes. It's your turn to sigh and look away. "I just... couldn't keep myself from doing anything. When Miles' suit warned me about Rhino, it was the perfect distraction."
Wanda absorbs your words for a few seconds until she puts the book aside. She leaves the armchair and approaches the bed to sit down next to you. 
"Next time, ask me to distract you." She says, one of her hands going up to your face and caressing some of your bandages. "We could watch a movie, or go out to eat. Or even..."
But she doesn't finish, her cheeks suddenly reddening. You give her a lopsided smile. "What?"
"I don't know, anything you want." Says the witch, turning her face away. 
Mentally thanking Bruce for the painkillers that allow you to move, you sit up properly to lean toward her. "All right, I have a suggestion." You whisper, and it's the first kiss between you as you break the distance.
Wanda's lips are soft against yours, shy as she never is. Only with this kind of thing, of course. The goth girl who won't let anyone give her a bad look and has a punk attitude all the time, but can't keep her gaze if you wink at her from across the room. And always blushes when you text her that she looks pretty when she's concentrating on the Avengers meetings.
She's the one who separates, although just as breathlessly, she warns: "I'm still mad at you."
You bite back a smile, absorbing for a second the image of her swollen lips and flushed face. "Well, I suppose I should distract you from your anger then." 
She snorts good-naturedly at the statement, but you kiss her before she can comment. The two of you keep smiling throughout.
The fifth time, it's a new window.
Well, actually it's a whole new place because Wanda Maximoff has left Avengers Tower and moved to suburban New Jersey. And you were late.
The whole team had already helped with the move and left after an afternoon snack at Wanda's new house. For the first time in a long time, New York had no villain after Spidey, and you were stuck in university bureaucracy.
You apologized dozens of times by text message for not being able to help with the move, and in fact, the whole team laughed at the situation. It was just bad luck that you missed such a fun afternoon.
It was late evening when you arrived on the dark balcony. Through the windows, the lower floor was empty and perhaps you had strange habits because you didn't even consider just ringing the bell. One tug of the webs and you were at the second-floor window, tapping on the glass for Wanda to let you in.
"We have a door, you know." It was the first thing she said. And you smiled, slightly distracted by the figure fresh out of the shower, still with damp hair.
She scrunched her nose, her hands working to remove your backpack and jacket. "It's just semantics." She retorts, but you keep smiling. You let the jacket fall into the backpack on the floor before sliding your hands around her waist. 
"Oh, of course. For a second I thought you had found a roommate." 
She rolls her eyes bemusedly. "You know the invitation still stands."
You smile, your anxious fingers drawing patterns across the exposed skin at her waist. "Well, Captain Rogers' influence is making me a bit old-fashioned but before I move I'd like to do a few things first."
"Hm, is that right? Like what?"
Shrugging as if your heart wasn't racing in your chest, you retort. "Like... marrying you, for example."
Wanda hesitates, surprised more than anything. She looks at you as if she's trying to decide if it was a joke, but you don't feel her magic in your mind. 
"Do you really mean that?" She asks almost unsurely, and you sigh before letting go. You duck down to pick up your backpack again and reveal the real reason for the extra half hour of your journey from the university.
A little velvet box hidden in the front pocket. 
"I was saving it for our anniversary, but I don't think there's such a thing as the right moment. Every day I'm ready to marry you, and I don't need a dinner party for that." You declare nervously and swallow dryly when you meet your girlfriend's watery eyes. "B-but I can totally ask you next week-"
She breaks into a tearful laugh, pulling you close again. "Shut up, you fool."  She says practically against your lips before kissing you hard.
It's only later in the evening, after you've laughed and kissed and lost yourselves in hours of pleasure exploring each other's bodies, for the first time holding hands with golden rings on your fingers, that you, still breathless with Wanda almost asleep against your chest, ask:
"That means yes, right?"
She uses magic to throw a pillow in your face.
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
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“Why don't you just tell people the truth? Peter's father, our father, killed his mother and tried to kill him. I don't want him to be reminded of that every time he sees me.” 
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022) dir. James Gunn
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myrkky · 1 year
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Happy Holidays!
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crystal-bytes · 1 year
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Tenoch Huerta on why the idea that “hard work always reaps its rewards” isn’t true. Talent and hard work alone doesn’t guarantee entry into certain spaces (you’ll always be sidelined even when you’re included), but it will determine your longevity once you force your way in.
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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Wong, Doctor Strange and the bystanders save Chinese New Year celebration in Chinatown by fighting off the Nian Monster.
Mighty Marvel Holiday Special: Year of the Wong Infinity Comic #1, 2022
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fictionproblem · 6 months
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just holidays at the TVA 🎄
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Dazzler in the Marvel Holiday Special, 1992
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kurozawa46 · 6 months
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A very Stucky holiday season ☆ ⋆。°✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎ
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superherocaps · 2 years
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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Why is he running away? I don’t know.
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randomshyperson · 6 months
A Moody Witch Makes a Moody Morning - [HS Challenge]
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Summary: A lazy Sunday with a very temperamental witch suddenly turns upside down.
Warnings: Fluff hours, an attempt at comedy, emo!Wanda being jealous and cute. | Words: 756.
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Holiday Season Masterlist
Lazy Sundays were your favorite.
Especially in a routine divided between being a superhero and a university student, with the bonus of a temperamental emo witch girlfriend who much of the time stressed about things that had nothing to do with you but ended up being your fault. 
You wouldn't have it any other way.
Especially when you had Wanda in tender moments like these - almost asleep side by side, just enjoying each other's company in silence. Wanda, focused on a magic book and you playing some of the strange games Pietro bought you for your birthday.
And with the good Maximoff temperament never failing to change, Wanda suddenly pinched your ribs.
"Hey, what was that for?" You mumbled in a confused laugh, pausing the game and looking at your girlfriend pouting.
"I just remembered last week."
Still massaging the site of the pinch, your confused expression increased. "Can you clarify, my love?"
She huffed incredulously, crossing her arms. The long-forgotten book in her lap. "You're such a cynic!" Accused the girl. " I saw you all secretive with that bitch from your classroom, I'm warning you Y/N, if you ever even think about cheating on me, I'll use the whole list of tortures Nathasha taught me-"
"Wanda, for God's sake." You broke into a long laughter, completely surprised by the sudden subject. She huffed angrily, her pout even bigger. "Hey, princess, look at me."
"I hate it when you call me that."
"You do, huh? Then why do you always get flushed?" You challenge back, smiling at her attempt to hide her own blush. 
Wanda refuses to look at you, however, and you sigh before losing getting tired of the drama and leaning towards her. She reacts immediately, her hands on your shoulders to push you away, but the witch forgets about the comforter entwined around your legs from the night before - her own requirement to sleep cuddled up let it be noted - and when she pushes you onto the floor cushions, she is pulled into her own trap with you.
Your reaction is to burst out laughing, of course; but Wanda is torn between mortification and blind rage.
Until she sniffles softly into your collarbone and you stop laughing immediately, one of her hands going to stroke your back.
"Hey, my love, what's wrong?" You ask worriedly.
Wanda hides her face in your neck, and her voice is muffled by your skin as she tearfully retorts: "I'm a jealous mess, you should find someone who isn't completely insane."
"Wanda, don't be so hard on yourself, these situations are always entertaining." You joke, but she bites your skin hard and you grunt loudly. "Ouch!"
The most apologies you get is a hickey in the same place. 
"Are you done?" You ask, not about the affections but about the whole scene. Wanda nods softly, and you kiss the top of her head, tightening your arms around her. 
The cushions are no bed, but they certainly have their unique comfort with the help of the room's fluffy carpet. You're about to fall asleep when Wanda whispers softly.
"My period is late."
You sigh, without opening your eyes. "Good thing I don't have a cock. Not a real one, anyway."
She pinches you again. "You idiot, I'm just trying to say-"
"That you're PMSing, yes, it's obvious. There's no need to keep attacking me."  You grumble, but Wanda snorts angrily, pulling away to sit down. 
"It's amazing how you can't listen to what I'm saying."
You open your eyes in offense, ready to defend yourself to the blushing girl in front of you. Wait, blushing?
"What are you saying?" You ask worriedly, but your girlfriend grows shy, avoiding your gaze. "Wanda." You insist and instead of answering, she suddenly grabs your wrist. "What...?"
Guiding your hand under her oversized shirt is enough of a hint, but it still makes you laugh heartily. "Jesus, woman, you could have just said you wanted to fuck, you don't need all of that!"
Wanda snorts in embarrassment and pushes your hand away. "You know what, I'll take care of it myself." She stands up, ignoring your protests, and definitely using a bit of magic to torment you and cause the comforters to become harder to get out of. That, or maybe just the insinuation of Wanda playing by herself turns you into a complete mess.
"B-but I want to help-"
"You missed your chance. Good morning to you."
"Wanda!" But she slammed the bedroom door in your face. You chuckled in disbelief.
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flkwh0re · 6 months
Home for Christmas
Warnings: nothing too crazy, just some smut. pretty fluffy, but a tiny bit of angst. :))
A/n: I like this a lot, sorry for any mistakes or just bad writing.
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"Y/n!" My mom called out. I sluggishly hopped out of bed, and made my way down stairs. "I'm gonna go pick your father up from the airport, he can't get an uber home." I groan, "How many times do i have to tell you not to call him my father?" I heard Natasha, my girlfriend, walk down the stairs behind me. "Y/n, don't be so horrible! It's Christmas eve!" My mom scolded.
"I'll probably be out for a while, goodbye." I waved bye to my mom and turned my attention to Natasha. "C'mon Y/n, where's the your Christmas spirit?" She teased. "It's just weird okay? It's the first Christmas without my dad, and with a man who doesn't even like me." She frowned a little, "Hey it's okay, he doesn't hate you." She pauses, "He's just, odd."
"I'm sorry Nat." She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "It's okay, I understand. Why don't we bake something." She said, a smiling creeping onto her lips. "That sounds good, hot cocoa too?" She giggles, "Of course."
Natasha and I had been baking for a little over an hour, then my mom called. I dust my hands off and answer her call. "Hey sweetheart, we're gonna be stuck here for a while. The snows coming down hard, and we don't wanna go out this." I frown, and Natasha wraps her arms around me. "So when will you be home?" I question. "Not sure honey, I'm sorry." I sigh and Natasha's grip tightens around my waist. "Don't worry Mrs. Y/l/n, we'll have cookies and stuff ready for tomorrow." Natasha says. "Thank you so much Natasha, but you don't have to worry about that." "Not a worry miss." My mom replies with a relieved thank you, then we say our goodbyes.
I turn to face Natasha, and frown. "I'm sorry sweet girl, if it makes you feel better we do have the whole place to ourselves." She wiggles her eyebrows and kisses me nose, making me giggle. "We'll have to make good use of that." I say, to which se replies with, "Oh you bet we will." Her lips softly, but hungrily meet mine. "Natty, we have to finish the cookies." I say, but she ignores it and kisses down my neck. Her nose slightly tickles my neck as she does, making me laugh. "Nat please." She pulls away looking at me, "Ugh fine, but I get you after we're done." I just roll my eyes.
We finish baking the cookies and decorating them, Natasha feeling very proud of her decorating skills. "Baby I can't even tell that, that's a reindeer anymore." She scoffs, "You literally can!" Which just makes me laugh, "Oh you find that funny huh?" Natasha grabs my hips pinning then against the counter. "Natty, stop." I giggle out. She presses her lips on mine, soft and lovingly. "I love you so much baby." I look up at her smiling, "I love you too Natty."
Her plump lips reconnect with mine, slowly kissing me. She lips her tongue past my lips, deepening the kiss with lots of passion. Her lips drag down my neck softly, earning little gasp and moans from my throat. "Natty please." She looks at me, "Tell me what you need baby." "Please Nat I just need you." I plead. "But you do have me." She teases. "Natty." I whine out.
She takes my hand and pulls me into the living room, to the couch. I lay down on the couch, and she follows climbing on top of me. Her lips again, reattached to mine. She taste like peppermint, and smells like vanilla. She grips the hem of my sweater, pulling it over my head leaving me in my bra. The air in the house is warm and soft on my skin, making me glad I'm not out in the harsh winter air. Her fingertips slide down my stomach, meeting the hem of my sweatpants. Her hand slips into them, fingers grazing my clit through my panties. A soft moan escapes my lips, causing Natasha to smile.
"You're so beautiful baby." She says, blush creeping onto my face. Her lips softly peck my rosy cheeks. "You're beautiful too, Nat." She smiles, tears prickling in her eyes. "Wait what's wrong?" She quickly shuts me down, "Nothing baby, I'm just lucky to have.. you." Your cheeks now an even pinker shade, you're positive that you look like you'd had been out in the cold for far too long.
Natasha helps you out if your pants, admiring your almost bare body. "So pretty." She mutters to herself. Her hands cautiously slip around your back, unclasping your bra. Her lips attach to the skin of your chest, her calloused hands tweaking your hardened nipple. Your back arching as she does. Her tongue slides over your bud, giving soft licks on the delicate skin.
Her hand gropes at your breast softly, then she brings it to your panties. Sitting up to admire you once more. Natasha removes your panties, and brings her fingers to your soaked core. Fingers lightly toy with your clit, slightly adding more and more pressure gradually. Your back arches off the couch, and she slides her digits into you. "Please more Nat." You beg, and she slips another finger into you. She bends down to add her mouth into the mix of fingers. Her lips attach to your clit, stimulating it with each suckle.
She removes her fingers, and adds her whole mouth. Her tongue sliding down your slit, licking and sucking softly. The sound of her wet lips on you and your soft moans fill her ears, the sound of heaven to her. With each flick of her tongue or graze if her fingertips, she brings you to the brink of your orgasm. Cum dripping out of you and she laps it up like it's the last thing she'll ever do.
You watch her sit up, crawling back onto you. Her lips ghost yours, then softly kiss you. The taste of your arousal can be tasted on her pretty lips. "You're amazing." You say, smiling up at her. "Says you." She chuckles.
Natasha stands up and helps you collect your clothes, "Here get dressed and I'll get us some cookies and cocoa." She places a softly kiss on your forehead, and walks off. You slide back into your warm clothes, which are really hers.
As Natasha is standing in front of the stove, heating up the milk, she feels your arms wrap around her waist. "You couldn't wait for me?" She chuckles, and you just shake your head. "Well, since you're in here can you please get some mugs."
You pick out two mugs, festive in Christmas designs both matching. You also retrieve the marshmallows, and whipped cream. Natasha pour the liquid into the cups, and decorated hers with you.
She helps you carry a small plate of cookies to the living room, cuddling up on the couch putting on a Christmas movie. "What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked, seeing the frown on your face. "I just wish my mom, and my real dad were here." Nat frowns too, she always loved your dad and was never fond of your moms new boyfriend that came around awfully too fast. "I know Y/n/n, but you have me and you still have your mom. Okay?" She kisses your nose softly, and you reply by shaking your head.
Natasha helps you cuddle into her chest, the warmth engulfing you and pulls you into a slumber. She kisses your forehead, "I love you Y/n." She mutters onto your soft skin.
The door opens, and your mom steps in followed by your closest friends like Wanda, and Carol. Yelena even made it for Natasha. You'd have such a wonderful thing to wake up to.
Edit: Why did i change the perspective so much 😭😭
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
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✡︎ Pride Month - Stucky Aesthetic ✡︎
May it be Your will, our God and God of our ancestors, God of Ruth and Naomi, God of David and Jonathan, God of Joseph, God of all our queer ancestors whose names have been erased,  grant that this Pride month bring us joy and celebration,  and bestow upon us a long life... -Birkat Hodesh Ga’avah: A Blessing for Pride Month
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