#Wilbur soulmate au
moonster-energy · 2 years
Here’s my entry to a writing contest my local library is doing.
the prompt is: A fan fiction of 100 words or less
i made a Sally x Wilbur soulmate au for it :] (opinions/critique welcomed)
Matching zeros, a dream smp soulmate au.
They say however many steps you are from your soulmate are shown on your wrist. Today, mine reached 0.
"Tommy, your shoelace is untied, you're going to fall!" I called out, watching him as he ran ahead to catch up with Tubbo.
"Your arm." A female voice said from beside me, she was staring at my wrist.
"What? What about my arm?" I asked, looking at it.
"Your number... my number..." she mumbled, lifting up her wrist to show me. Her number was 0. I looked at my own wrist, a matching 0 was shown.
"Oh right... I'm Sally."
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thinking about my twinsduo soulmate au.
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Them. They're so. I love them so much. (This is my favourite whumptober fic) holding the brothers gently. Theyre brothers. BROTHERS!! YOU HEAR ME??? BROTHERS!! sobbing. sobbing. sobbing. they are so bittersweet. I NEED MORE(i am the writer and i will probably not write more despite that statement) holding them in the palm of my hand. SHAKIGN THEM. heres the link
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arc852 · 2 years
blehh i hope this isn't too much for a request as a prompt ? idk I'm just mashing neat tropes together
mouse hybrid tommy avian wilbur soulmate au ? maybe just like a short reveal ?? aaa
 I love this prompt! This also made me realize I don’t think I’ve ever written a soulmate au before? This was fun to write though! I hope you enjoy!
 Warnings: Fear of death, fear of being eaten, being trapped
 Word Count: 1152
 Tommy banged against the thick plastic of the box he found himself in. He even tried to claw his way out but the trap held firm. It made sense though, after all, it was a mouse trap.
 Tommy collapsed onto the ground as the exhaustion from trying to escape for the last hour came at him at full force. When he caught his breath, he brought his knees to his chest, his tail coming to curl around one of his legs. Tommy didn’t want to accept it, but he was completely and utterly trapped.
 He knew he should have left as soon as he heard the owner of the house mention a pest problem. Actually, no, he should have left the second he realized the owner of the home was an avian hybrid. But Tommy had been too desperate for shelter and so he stayed despite his instincts. It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go.
 That was the problem with being a mouse hybrid or any hybrid that wasn’t considered ‘normal’ size. There was always a good chance that the bigger hybrids would see them as pests or-or even food, if their hybrid natures ended up being that of predator and prey. Sure, the smaller hybrids lived in colonies, hidden away from any bigger hybrids but if you were ever exiled from a colony, then there was really nowhere else for you to go.
 Of course, Tommy had been exiled and had no choice but to act like an actual mouse. Living in the walls of a bigger hybrid’s house and scavenging in order to survive.
 And now he was here. Trapped and most likely going to be eaten when the avian hybrid gets home.
 Tears formed and fell and he buried his head in his knees, quietly sobbing at his fate.
 A tingling sensation on his arm caused him to pause, however. He lifted his head and looked down at his arm. Hey, how are you doing? Was written across it, having just appeared.
 His soulmate.
 Tommy’s breath hitched when he realized he would never get to meet them. Never get to actually know their name. Of course, he never really counted on meeting them. Sure, they could be another tiny hybrid but there was also a chance they were a big one and based on things his soulmate brought up, it was more likely he was big.
 But even still, Tommy had hoped deep down they could still meet. That his soulmate wouldn’t care he was a mouse hybrid. That he would be seen as a person instead of a pest.
 But now that hope was gone. Because Tommy was going to die.
 Tommy reached into his pocket and brought out a marker. Or, well, the very tip of one, fashioned in a way that it wouldn’t get his hands dirty with the color red. He took a deep breath and began to write.
 Not good, big man. I…I think this is it for me.
 What? What do you mean by that?
 Tommy hesitated on the next bit, but knew he had to tell his soulmate. It was now or never.
 I’m a mouse hybrid. I got exiled from my colony. I decided to live in a big hybrid’s home and they decided to set up mouse traps. I got caught in one.
 Tommy quickly wiped his tears away so they wouldn’t smudge his writing. He looked down at the feeling of more writing appearing.
 What? I mean, that’s…that doesn’t mean you’re going to die. The hybrid could let you go, not all big hybrid’s see tiny ones as pests. I don’t.
 That was confirmation then, that his soulmate was a big hybrid. Tommy smiled, at least happy to know that his soulmate didn’t think less of him now that he knew.
 I appreciate that big man. But the owner of the house is an avian hybrid. And, well, I’m a mouse hybrid. It’s pretty obvious what’s going to happen to me.
 Wait…did you say an avian hybrid?
 Tommy waited a few minutes, expecting his soulmate to say something else but there was nothing. Maybe he was finally realizing how screwed Tommy was.
 Tommy was just about to write out his last goodbye to a soulmate he would never meet when he heard the door to the house open. He tensed, dropping his marker in fear. The owner was home.
 He heard footsteps and Tommy curled back in on himself, hoping the owner would give him a little bit more time, that he wouldn’t check the trap right away.
 That didn’t happen though.
 The footsteps only grew louder and he heard the creak of the pantry door open. There was a pause and then Tommy’s prison was being lifted. It was very quickly put down again though.
 “Please…” He thought he heard the avian whisper. He didn’t have time to think about what the avian could have meant by that though because slowly the trap was starting to be opened. Tommy once again buried his face into his knees and shut his eyes tight.
 The box was fully open, he could tell from the amount of light behind his eyes. And then a gasp came from the avian and Tommy’s heart skipped a beat.
 “Hey, it’s okay…” The avian, his tone soft. Tommy’s heart felt like it was going to explode but he forced himself to look up and meet the avian’s eyes.
 Just like his tone, his eyes were soft, nothing like the hungry look Tommy was expecting. Tommy didn’t want to trust it but a feeling deep inside him made him second guess his own instincts. 
 “I can’t believe all this time…” The avian started to say, trailing off a bit. But that only made Tommy more confused.
 “What…What the f*** are you talking about?” Tommy spat out, still unsure of where all this was going. 
 The avian smiled and for some reason, Tommy didn’t feel threatened by it. “Well…I was just out talking to my soulmate when they mentioned they had gotten trapped. In a mouse trap set by an avian hybrid.”
 Tommy’s eyes widened more and more as the avian talked. “Wait…”
 The avian lifted up his arm, and plain as day Tommy could see his handwriting in bright red letters. “My name is Wilbur.” The avian said and then he looked sheepish. “Sorry about the mouse trap.”
 Wilbur. His soulmate’s name was Wilbur and he was a big hybrid. An avian hybrid. And he didn’t see Tommy as a pest. Tommy smiled back at his soulmate.
 “Yeah, well, you’re going to pay for that later.” He said, ideas already forming in his mind. “My name is Tommy.”
 They were two hybrids from completely different walks of life. Hybrids of two species who, in the wild, were predator and prey. But somehow, Tommy knew this would work out. He just had a feeling.
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kira-anon-uwu · 11 months
Unconscious Apprehension ( Sleepybois soulmate au fic ) word count: 13,238
He wasn't able to answer, Tubbo successfully getting him up by knocking him off of the bench. He glared at the short boy, about to go off at him before Tubbo dragged him to his feet.
"The fucking royal guard is here."
Soulmates were common, every other person had one.
They didn't have to be romantic, in fact, the majority were platonic; just someone you clicked with on a level you couldn't quite explain with words.
The keyword in that description is the word 'one', because anything beyond that was incredibly uncommon. Some people were lucky enough to have two, but that was far from normal.
Tommy had three.
Based on “Four Is a Crowd” by BeeinaHailstorm on Ao3; link to that at the bottom in the note
         Tommy used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood coming out of his nose, taking only a second to get himself together before hitting his opponent back with twice as much force.
The other boy fell with a solid thud, and the crowd waited with baited breath as he laid there. After ten long seconds, every onlooker cheered when the loser remained on the ground.
The show runner, Quackity, lifted Tommy's arm above his head, giving the blonde a potion in his other hand. "The winner is Theo!"
Tommy gave them all a bow before walking away, meeting up with Tubbo at the edge of the ring as he took a seat.
"Great job, boss man,", the short boy grabbed the empty potion bottle from him after he drained it, "You still up for the team fight we've got?"
"Of course, not about to get taken out by a pussy like that."
The pussy in question, some new kid that'd been coming around the circle for the last couple weeks, was being dragged to the edge of the tree-line so the next fight could start. The dim lanterns lining the area were giving a sharp definition to the two who'd gotten in the middle of the circle next, the crowd immediately clamoring in excitement for more blood.
Tommy decided to use the break he was getting between the fights to get a quick power nap, tapping Tubbo's knee a few times to signal it to him before getting comfortable.
It only took a minute or so for him to pass out, the lack of any decent sleep the night before making it easy for him to drift off.
He appeared in one of his only sources of comfort almost immediately; a small cabin in the middle of an endless forest.
He poked his head in the door, not at all surprised to find his soulmates inside given how late it was.
Most people only had one soulmate, two if they were incredibly lucky.
Tommy had three.
He didn't know their names, or what they actually looked like, but he knew more than enough about them based on all of the time they'd spent together.
They'd meet in the dreamscape nightly, and, although they weren't able to share any direct details with eachother like names or locations, he knew that the three of them had already found eachother by the time he came around.
He knew that they were incredibly close with one another.
"Hey, the child finally decides to join us!", his Blue soulmate chuckled, grabbing him in a headlock when he walked into the cabin.
He also knew that they cared about him.
"About time, I was starting to get worried mate,", the Green one chuckled, putting down a book, "It's getting pretty late."
"Sorry to say, I'm only here for a little while right now; needed a nap."
The Pink one raised an eyebrow at him. "Bruh, it's like midnight, why are you only taking a nap?"
         And because they cared about him,
"Not able to yet, still got some shit to do before I can actually get to bed."
He absolutely refused to tell them what he was up to.
Pink was the one that'd actually taught him how to fight a few years ago when he'd asked about it, but as far as the man knew, Tommy was only fighting off village kids that had been bullying him.
The three of them knew absolutely nothing about the circle, and he intended to keep it that way.
Blue sighed, adjusting so he was resting his arms on Tommy's head. "Forever busy, aren't you? I swear, you'd fit right in at the       ."
He wasn't able to understand the last word the man had said, meaning that the universe had deemed it far too incriminating for him to be able to know.
Tommy took a step forward, letting Blue's arms fall and laughing when he nearly took a tumble to the floor. "Maybe work on your balance before fucking bullying me, asshole."
"As always, eloquent usage of your words."
"As always, you're bald and sad."
"Fuck you."
"And see? That's where I learned it from."
"No, you learned it from Birdza; as did I."
Green made an offended noise that could best be described as a squawk. "Hang on a fucking second, you were already swearing like that when I finally found you."
"And he proves my point."
"Listen here, you little shit-"
"I'm gonna set up a swear jar for you guys,", Pink snorted, resting his head on his hand, "Might force you to learn some new words."
The three of them responded with 'fuck you' said in nearly the exact same way before all of them broke out into a bout of laughter.
Tommy squeezed himself onto the sofa between Green and Pink, eagerly listening to all of them as they told him about how their day had gone.
Blue had just started explaining that he was getting ready for a trip when Tommy could feel himself waking up, letting out a sigh to interrupt the man.
"Gonna have to put that on hold, big man; got shit to do."
Blue looked concerned for a moment before letting out a dramatic sigh of his own. "Of course you leave when I'm the one speaking. I see how it is."
"Shut the fuck up, I'll be back later probably."
"That 'probably' better be a 'definately', you don't get nearly as much sleep as you should do,", Green gave him a glare that had no real heat behind it.
"Yeah, alright dad, thanks for the old man wisdom."
Something else was said that he wasn't able to hear as he fully woke up, and he sat up right again on the bench with a yawn.
         "You ready for this?", Tubbo asked, standing.
Tommy nodded as he got to his feet as well, stretching with another yawn. "Yeah, I needed that. Would have been nice if you woke me up sooner, though."
"I was trying, you weren't having it. Honestly, you're lucky I didn't shove your ass off of the bench."
He rolled his eyes. "Sorry, was having a conversation."
"Yeah, well now you can win so you have something else to talk with them about."
"Bet they'd be real fucking proud of me, bee boy."
"I know my soulmate's going to be incredibly hyped about it, actually wished me luck last time I saw him."
"Really? Must actually have some faith in you for once, don't let them down."
They walked into the ring, standing to one side as they looked at their opponents.
Just like the other guy Tommy had fought, the two of them were newcomers to the ring. Unlike the other one, they actually knew how to fight.
One was a tall creeper hybrid, while the other was a short woman with fluffy white hair. Their height difference mirrored the one between Tubbo and Tommy in an honestly comical way, the fact that they shifted to stand across from them according to that only making it funnier.
"Alright everyone, shut the fuck up,", Quackity stood between them, silencing the crowd, "Main event; clingy duo vs the sticks in the mud."
Tommy kicked at the man's ankles. "Q, we've talked about the fucking team name."
"Listen, if I don't let anyone else pick what I call them, then you don't get a say either. You're lucky I let 'Theo' slide."
Real names weren't allowed in the circle, everyone either used nicknames or paid enough attention to know when someone was talking to them. Same went for the crowd, absolutely no names allowed unless they wanted to get their ass beat and sent home without their shoes.
The smarter or more well off members usually wore masks, but the rest of them just went with it and hoped it didn't come back to bite them in the ass.
The two that they were up against were part of the first group. both of them wearing masks that covered the lower half of their faces.
"Are we going to get on with it or not?", Tubbo asked, folding his arms.
         "Blame your teammate dude, not me. This one's a pushback; stay in the circle if you wanna win. Everyone ready?"
They all gave a confirmation, the only one hesitating being the creeper dude.
"I have some reservations about fighting children, Q."
The ring was silent for a long moment before the crowd broke out in excitement, and Quackity laughed as he stepped out of the circle. "Oh man, you just fucked up."
Immediately, Tommy went after the tall asshole, catching the man off guard as he made it incredibly clear he wasn't happy with being called a child. "Bet everyone looks like a child to you, you geriatric dickhead."
"I'm in my twenties?"
"Old, absolutely fucking ancient,", he tried to punch the guy as he insulted him, trying to use one of the techniques Pink had taught him, "Bet you have dentures and shit, need a cane to walk your old ass to bed."
The white haired one kicked Tommy's feet out from under him, nearly knocking him out of the circle.
He managed to catch himself on the creeper guy's arm, pushing himself back and headbutting the dude at the same time. He backed up against Tubbo, and the two of them took a moment to catch their breath before pushing forward at the same time to knock their opponents out of bounds.
Quackity clapped as he walked up, raising Tommy's arm for a second time that evening. "And Theo and the bee claim victory! Knew it was gonna be a quick one, nice work guys."
"Obviously; no one gets to call me a fucking child and get away with it,", Tommy scoffed.
"You're literally the youngest person here."
"Oh no, your prize money disappeared."
"You better fucking not-"
Tubbo interrupted him, elbowing him in the side. "Gonna head off, boss man, need to make sure I get back before anyone wakes up."
"See you, remember to grab your half of the shit we won."
He was eventually approached by the people they'd beaten, the short one getting his attention with her hand extended. "That was good! Wasn't expecting you to beat us like that, you two work well together."
"... Thanks?", he accepted the handshake, looking her over, "Where the fuck did you two come from, anyways?"
"He's been friends with Q for a while. We found out about this place and thought we could slide in." "Right."
"How old are you? I'm sorry for asking, but-", the creeper hybrid started in the most awkward way he could manage.
         "Why the fuck does it matter?"
"I wasn't told he let kids fight here."
"I will properly kick the shit out of you if you call me a child again."
"No more fighting for the night, everyone's already had more than enough of that,", the short one laughed, "I'm also kinda curious about that, though. We're not asking to be rude, just interested in learning more about everyone here."
He debated for a moment before rolling his eyes. "I'm fifteen, is that good enough for you?"
They were both silent for a beat too long. "And how long have you been fighting here?"
"Alot longer than you, so mind your own fucking business."
"Sorry, like I said I'm curious. We'll leave you alone for the night, you should probably head home and get some sleep."
"Right, whatever; goodnight."
He collected what he was owed from Quackity before leaving, and went back into the village to scout out a good place to get some sleep for the night.
He settled on a loft above the front door of the bakery, since something had pried off the boards the asshole that owned the place put up to keep him out.
The exhaustion hit him as soon as he was settled, and he managed to fall asleep pretty much immediately.
Pink was the only one in the dreamscape when he got there, and he sat down next to him with a huff. "Where are the other two at?"
"Work stuff."
"Holy shit, and Blue was getting on my ass about not taking breaks; it's only like four in the morning."
"Which is why I'm wondering why you're just now settling in,", the man closed the book he was reading, "Or is this just another 'nap'?"
"Hopefully I'm here for a while, but we'll see what happens."
"Y'know, it is actually worrying how little we see of you sometimes; especially when we usually sleep at different enough times that at least one of us should be running into you more often."
"Not sure what to tell you, mans is busy,", Tommy shrugged, seriously hoping he'd drop it.
"You're fifteen, you shouldn't be that busy."
"You used to be busy with shit all the time when you were my age, maybe you should mind your own business."
He said it in a joking way, but Pink probably picked up on the fact that he was starting to get uncomfortable and changed the subject.
"What've you been up to lately? We got to talk about our stuff earlier, but you had to go before it was your turn."
He shrugged again. "Usual shit. Managed to snag myself one of those little thumb piano things finally."
"      's gonna be excited about that one, he told me you were trying to get him to show you how to play something."
"Don't tell him, I want it to be a surprise. Hoping I've heard him play enough shit that I can learn it by ear and play it for him."
         "Now I know that's gonna get him. He'll probably cry,", Pink chuckled.
"Holy shit, that's going to be great. Especially if I play one of his songs, he'll absolutely lose it."
"You need to make sure we're all here for that, I have to see how he reacts."
"Of course, that's a family experience."
They sat there in comfortable silence after that, the calm being jarringly ripped from him when he was shocked awake by a very polite bucket of chilled water and a shove to the ground.
He managed to get away before the baker could actually do anything to him beyond that, making sure he still had all of his stuff in his bag once he managed to get away.
Tommy sighed as he looked at the rising sun, accepting that he wasn't going to be getting any more sleep until it was dark out again. There weren't any fights at the circle that night, thankfully, so he could scope out a better spot and hopefully get a full night's sleep before he had to worry about that.
He was able to buy himself some breakfast once the shops that actually let him in were open, which was a pretty decent start to the day after the violent awakening. He also managed to get into the library without the librarian seeing him, so that meant he could go hide in a back corner and read for a while before he was noticed and thrown out.
His soulmates had been the ones that taught him how to read and write. It had mostly been Green, but the other two helped by reading with him when he needed help. Of course, it'd happened after he embarrassed himself by accidentally revealing he couldn't read when trying to help with a recipe, but he'd been surprised when they didn't tease him over it and helped him.
It honestly made him feel bad when they did things for him, because they clearly had enough going on in their lives without worrying over him.
That's why he lied to them, or left out important details that he actually could share in the dreamscape. They didn't know about the fight circle he was a part of, didn't know he was homeless, didn't know he was an orphan.
He'd never outright told them anything to the opposite of that, but lying by omission was still lying.
Tommy ended up dozing off while he was reading, finding the dreamscape empty and sighing as he laid down on the rug. He knew it was a bad idea to sleep in the library, considering how much the hag that ran it absolutely despised him, but he also knew that he needed the rest.
         He was also hoping he would run into one of his soulmates while he was there, but there was no such luck before he was being forced to wake up and 'vacate the premises before he is thrown into the village jail posthaste'.
Next time he was able to get in there, he was going to find a thesaurus and absolutely obliterate her.
The librarian was the type of woman to use big words to sound smart, rather than being smart.
She was almost like Blue like that, except he actually used his brain, and it was fun when he broke out the words that no sane person generally used.
Tommy decided it was late enough he could probably go bug Tubbo without anyone complaining, so he made his way over to the farm the other boy lived at.
He knew that Tubbo's parents didn't usually check on him after noon, so that was the prime time for him to show up and either help him with his work or make it harder for him because it was funny.
The short boy was in the cow pens when Tommy found him; Tommy's favorite place.
"Tubbo! It's been so long since we last saw one another,", Tommy said as he leaned in the doorway, absolutely beaming at the other boy as he cleaned up cow shit.
"You literally saw me last night."
"Legally, I will say that that was not me."
"Yeah, and legally I was in bed by eight,", Tubbo snorted, "Grab a pitchfork, if you're going to be hanging around you should help me."
"In a second, wanted to say hello to my other best friend first."
He walked past Tubbo, going right up to one of the cows.
The cow, likewise, immediately bumped his head into Tommy's chest.
"Hey, big man; how has your day been?"
"I can't believe Henry gets asked that, while I'm left here cleaning his shit up. You're ridiculous,", Tubbo let out an incredibly exaggerated sigh, leaning on the pitchfork he'd been using.
"Sounds like someone's jealous of you, absolute legend you are."
Henry very clearly did not care, giving him another headbutt before going back to eating the hay or whatever that was in the feeder.
"Are you done now?"
"Yes, man needs his meal and that is far more important than me in the grand scheme of things,", Tommy debated for a moment before getting the other tool and helping, "Suppose it'd be rude if I didn't at least handle some of this."
"I wasn't being serious."
"That's what you always say, and yet every time I'm helping you with your chores."
"That's your choice, not mine,", Tubbo's back was to him, but it was clear by his voice he was smiling.
         The rest of Tubbo's chores were easy enough for the two of them to finish, and that meant they were free to just hang out until Tubbo's parents were expecting him back.
They didn't dislike Tommy, but it was clear whenever they saw him that they weren't particularly thrilled with him hanging around. He could only wonder how they'd feel if they knew that Tubbo was the one who got him involved in an incredibly illegal and dangerous fighting ring. Would that make them feel better about him?
Not like it mattered, he couldn't really give less of a shit what they thought of him. He gave them a little more respect, since they were his best friend's parents, but he saw them the exact same way as the rest of the assholes in the village; people to tolerate when it mattered, but otherwise avoid.
Which was why they immediately went into the woods to mess around for a while once Tubbo was free to leave the farm, so they could do their usual routine of mildly harassing the wildlife to waste some time.
Tommy was almost stung by bees when Tubbo picked up a hive and tried to hand it to him, they got a little too close to a nest of possums and had to run before getting bit or something, Tommy caught a fish with his bare hands in a stream and tried to get Tubbo to kiss it before that devolved into an argument about parasites.
All of that was the usual for them, including where they ended up by the end. There was an old tree at the edge of Tubbo's property that was against the forest, and it was large enough that they could climb and sit in it relatively easy.
It also had a great view of the sunset, so that was usually where they ended up after hanging out if they weren't heading to the circle.
Tommy yawned after he picked a branch to settle on, leaning his back against the trunk of the tree. "Holy shit, I'm fucking exhausted."
"Because you didn't get any sleep last night, dumbass."
"That's not my fault, it's because of that fucking dickhead in town."
"I'm going to set fire to his bakery one day, I swear."
"... Maybe don't escalate it to that,", Tommy sighed, yawning again, "Wouldn't be opposed to lighting his trash bins again, though."
"Fuck yeah! I love when we can find a middle ground on shit like that."
They idly chatted about random things that hadn't already come up throughout the day for a while, both eventually quieting and watching the sunset.
         It didn't take long for Tommy to find himself in the dreamscape after that, and he sighed before making his way into the cabin.
Blue was the only one he saw when he got inside, and he was in the small kitchen area making some cookies. "Sunshine! I was hoping I'd see you."
"The other two around anywhere?"
"Nope, only me for now. Why, did you need them for anything?"
"No, was just curious,", he walked over, dragging along one of the chairs from the table, "Although it is earlier than you usually end up passing out."
Blue sighed, rolling his eyes. "Right, never got to tell you what's going on yesterday. I'm going on a trip relating to my 'job', and they're making me get as much rest as possible before I leave. Personally, I think I function better on less sleep, but I don't make the rules."
"We should see who's able to stay awake longer, bet that'd be funny."
"No, because then I wouldn't be able to see you for a few days, and there's no fun in that."
"True, no point going on if you don't get berated by me on a semi-nightly basis,", Tommy went to grab one of the cookies off of the counter, getting his hand swatted at.
"Wait for them to cool, you'll burn yourself."
He gave the man a flat look. "This is literally a fucking dream. You didn't even have to bake them, they could have just been in the fucking pantry."
"Listen here, you little red gremlin,", Blue flicked him in the forehead, "They're my cookies, and I get to decide whether or not they've got to cool. So suck it up and wait a few minutes."
"You don't get to call me a gremlin."
"I'll call you whatever I like, child. Small gremlin child, absolute goblin boy."
"Fuck off, I may be sleeping in a tree, but that doesn't make me a gremlin."
Blue paused after hearing this, his playful expression replaced with concern. "Wait, you're in a tree right now?"
"Does it matter?", he rolled his eyes, going for a cookie again and having his wrist grabbed this time.
"Red, why the fuck are you in a tree? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I don't fall asleep somewhere unless I think it's safe."
"Ok, but why are you in a tree and not home-"
"I was hanging out with a friend, alright?", Tommy pulled his arm back, "Are you done interrogating me?"
"Is he going to be waking you up?"
"Probably not, he usually lets me stay the night if I fall asleep here."
Blue was still giving him a concerned look, not saying anything. Tommy rolled his eyes again.
"If you're going to pull the 'pity and concern' shit, I'll go spend the night in a tree here as well."
         "No, I'm-", Blue interrupted himself with a sigh, "I just want to make sure you're alright, the shit going on with you has me worried sometimes."
"I know, Pink was telling me this morning."
"Speaking of that, what happened to make you leave so suddenly? He spent half the day stressing over it."
"Forgot about that, fuck. I- Someone decided to wake me up, wasn't exactly much warning for it."
"I'm surprised you managed to stay awake as long as you did, then; considering        said you were only here for a few hours at most before you left,", Blue turned to take more of the cookies out of the oven.
"Caught a nap a little while before noon, only woke up from that one because the librarian kicked me out."
"Come on, we didn't teach you how to read so you can fall asleep in the library of all places,", Blue chuckled, "But at least you got some rest, I can let that slide for now."
"How very nice of you. Can I have one of these stupid fucking cookies now?"
"I suppose, but go for one of the ones that've been sitting there for a while."
"Again, doesn't fucking matter; we are asleep."
"Again, my cookies; feel grateful I'm sharing."
"Based on how the other two talk about your cooking, I think I'm grateful I'm not having these while I'm awake."
"Fine, I'll keep that in mind when we're finally together. You won't get anything I make, hope you enjoy missing out."
"I'll gladly miss out on food poisoning, thanks."
Tommy decided not to mention how he already felt like he was missing out, being the only one not there with them.
It was probably better like that, though. He loved his soulmates, but it was very clear that he was the add-on to their already complete family. It would be stupid for him to want more, when them including him there was more than enough.
The rest of the night really wasn't anything special, the other two eventually joined them and helped him bully Blue for his dumb cookie logic in the dreamscape.
He was actually able to wake up at his own pace the next day, the sunlight beaming down on his face as he calmly stretched. Tommy was still in the tree, alone now obviously, but he decided to stay there for a while before actually starting his day.
He messed around his little thumb piano until he was bored of it, deciding to forego going to the village to get anything to eat and instead heading into the forest to punch trees for a few hours in preparation for the circle later in the night.
         Tubbo joined him out there after the sun was down, and they practiced some of their group techniques one more time before heading to the fight club.
Other people were already there before them, but they were right on time to catch the first fight.
Tommy and Tubbo got to go about five matches in, losing after Tommy took a particularly solid punch to his jaw and got knocked on his ass at the edge of the ring.
"Sorry man, don't have enough potions to pass around tonight,", Quackity shrugged, giving him a pat on the back as he shoved him out of the ring.
"All good, probably be fine after a nap or something."
"Yeah, I think that's what you're supposed to do after head trauma; don't pass out anywhere in the way."
Tommy gave him a nod, following Tubbo off to the side and getting into the usual position for sleeping at the circle.
He tapped the short boy's knee to make sure the message was fully received before falling asleep, also needing to wipe some blood from a gash on his forehead before he was really able to drift off.
He was surprised to see Pink was the only one in the dreamscape when he got there, although that didn't stop him from going over to the man and immediately sitting against his side.
"You ok? You only do this when you're sick or something,", Pink looked down at him, face it's usual neutral.
"Got a headache, is all. If the bald bitch were here, I'd force him to sit with us as well. Where the fuck are they?"
"Well,", it was clear he was trying not to laugh at the 'bald' nickname for Blue, "Blue's out on his 'trip', and Green is too worried to actually sleep. He'll be fine once he gets confirmation blue got there alright."
"And you're not worried something is going to happen to him when he's travelling somewhere at like one in the morning?"
"Nah, he can handle himself. If he were alone, I would probably be a little concerned, but he's got a bunch of        with him."
"The stupid fucking info shit is annoying,", he leaned more weight onto the man with a sigh.
"Can't really help that."
"I know, I'm upset with the universe not you."
Tommy was about to ask what Pink had been doing before he got there, but he felt himself being shaken awake and let out a frustrated noise. "Someone's waking me up, that's fucking bullshit."
"Who would be waking you up this early?"
         He wasn't able to answer, Tubbo successfully getting him up by knocking him off of the bench. He glared at the short boy, about to go off at him before Tubbo dragged him to his feet.
"The fucking royal guard is here."
That woke him up the rest of the way. "We need to fucking leave, then-"
"If they catch us running, it'll be worse on us."
"Bee boy, if they catch us at all it's going to be a fucking problem."
Looking around showed that the circle was already surrounded, guards closing in on them as the commander of the group walked into the center.
Tommy knew as soon as he saw the man that he didn't need to stay to hear what he was saying, he would rather one of the members of the royal guard shoot him while he was running or something over being seen.
Tubbo tried to stop him, not able to grab him in time as Tommy booked it toward what looked like the thinnest part of the line of guards.
He was caught by the short woman he'd fought a couple days ago, getting knocked down and pinned to the ground.
"Sorry kid, can't let anyone leave yet,", she stuck some leather wrist cuffs on him, "We need to sort some stuff out and ask everyone questions first."
"Holy shit, I'm not surprised you're a fucking narc; that other fucker was practically wearing a sign saying he was a guard."
"You've got quite the mouth on you, huh?"
"Fucking die."
"Puffy,", the leader of the group was talking in their direction, probably to the woman with her knee in Tommy's spine.
He got confirmation when she answered the man with a nod. "Your highness."
"Where's the minor you found while conducting your investigations? Is he present this evening?"
"Right here, actually. There's a few others we have suspicions about, but this is the one we have a confirmation on,", she carefully helped Tommy back to his feet, "Tried to make a run for it."
He immediately shrunk back now that he was fully visible, the surprise and recognition on Blue's face being enough to let him know that there was no point in trying to get away again.
"Bring him to the private tent we've set up for questioning, I'll be there shortly."
Puffy nodded again, and Blue turned back toward the rest of the crowd as she started dragging Tommy away. "You don't have to worry, the prince is just going to ask you some questions about what goes on here and what you've seen. You're not going to be in any trouble outside of whatever punishment your parents give you over this."
         He didn't say anything in response to that, fighting the urge to look back at his soulmate as he dragged his feet all the way to a little military tent that'd been set up just far enough away it couldn't be seen in the dark of the woods.
The cuffs on his wrists were moved to his front, and attached to a table in the center as he was sat in the most uncomfortable chair he'd ever had the misfortune of coming across.
It was very clearly an interrogation set-up, it didn't matter if Blue said it was for 'questioning', it was identical to the town guard shit house they took you to when they thought you stole something that wasn't perishable.
He was stuck there with Puffy in an incredibly awkward silence for who knows how long before Blue finally got there, and he made sure to not look at the man as he entered.
"You're dismissed, go help with questioning the rest of the group,", Blue directed Puffy, waiting for her to leave them alone in there before immediately going to Tommy to take the wrist cuffs off of him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Sitting here, currently; you're fucking eyes work."
Blue was very obviously in shock, and there were so many emotions being expressed on his face that Tommy didn't even know where to start.
"But you shouldn't be here, this isn't how we're meant to meet one another."
He shrugged, looking away from Blue again.
"This is ridiculous,", the man was probably pinching the bridge of his nose like he did when he was frustrated, audibly dropping himself in the chair across the table from Tommy.
They sat in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time, and he knew exactly what Blue was trying to do. Tommy hated silence, all of them knew that. That was how all of his soulmates got him to talk when something was bothering him, and Blue was hoping it would work now.
But Tommy was stubborn, and he was clinging to some small thread of hope that he would be able to get out of this and things could go back to normal.
And Blue probably realized this as it stretched on into minutes, letting out a sigh as he readjusted how he was sitting. "Right, fine, I can see how this is going. How about this? I'll properly introduce myself, now that we've met eachother, then we can have a chat."
         Tommy still didn't say anything, but he looked at Blue so he knew he had his attention.
The man took a breath, sitting up more in his chair. "I am Wilbur Soot Craft, eldest prince of the Antarctic Empire."
He clearly expected an overreaction or something to that, so it was hard for Tommy to keep his face blank at the indignant noise Wilbur made when he shrugged.
"Are you going to tell me your name now?"
Tommy shrugged again, and it was clear Wilbur was starting to get annoyed.
"Come on, you can't just sit there and say nothing the whole time."
He absolutely could and would.
Wilbur gave him another minute to respond before folding his arms. "I- Fine, you're not going to tell me about yourself, that's... That's alright. I'm here to sort out that absolute mess of a fight pit you're apparently tangled up in, would you at least be willing to help me with that?"
"I'm not a fucking snitch."
"I'm not requesting that you 'snitch', I'm only trying to figure out how the man in charge of it handles things like gambling and recovery for those involved so we know how to prosecute him."
"That's literally snitching."
Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose again. "Red, please."
The man actually using the nickname like that hit much harder than it'd probably been intended, and Tommy had to dig his nails into the palm of his hand to keep himself from reacting.
"How long have you been involved in this?"
He didn't respond.
"Have you taken part in the gambling aspect of it at all outside of anything won from participating?"
Tommy was making a point of looking down at the table.
"Are your parents aware of this? Do they know about you sneaking out to get the shit kicked out of you?"
"I haven't got any."
He wasn't sure why he decided to respond to that specifically, but it clearly wasn't what Wilbur had been expecting.
"Is there any form of guardian you've got that should be told about this?"
"Closest thing I've got is Green, and I have a feeling you're going to tell him shit regardless of what I say."
"Sunshine, I want you to be completely honest with me; is there anyone, and I mean literally anyone, that you're staying with, or someone that would want to know about what's happened here?"
"Don't use that fucking nickname for this,", he said quietly, shrinking in his seat.
"This is serious, please answer me. I'm trying to help."
Tommy shook his head, looking down at where he had his hands clasped in his lap.
"Red, I can't do anything if you don't talk to me."
"That was my answer, alright? I don't."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
         He shrugged, wishing he were anywhere else in that moment.
He would have taken getting chewed out by the librarian, hell he would have rather gotten grabbed by the town guard for something serious if it meant he was able to avoid this.
"This whole time, you've been- Red, do you even realize how bad this looks for you? What kind of shit you're tangled up in?"
"I've been doing what I had to, not my fault this is the only way I could get by."
"But why didn't you say anything to any of us? We could have-"
"Because I don't need your fucking pity!", he stood and slammed his hands on the table, way too tired to be getting talked down to, "Holy shit, clearly I'm able to get by-"
"By participating in an illegal fucking fight pit!", Wilbur was standing now as well, towering over him.
Tommy refused to back down, sneering as he held eye contact. "Well I'm sorry, 'your highness', it must be hard for you to see how the fucking peasants live from your high horse. Not all of us have the absolute fucking privilege of waking up knowing we have somewhere to go back to and shit to eat; the majority have to survive by doing shady shit like this."
"You don't- We could have helped. I want to help you now,", he put his hands over Tommy's, "Let me help you, please."
The sincerity in his voice was enough to make Tommy stop, but the boy refused to back down. "You don't- I've heard it before, you don't mean it. You'll- You're going to get bored, or annoyed, or you're going to realize I'm not fucking worth it and-"
"Red, you know that's not the case. We'll do everything we can for you, I will personally give you the fucking world. You don't realize how much it hurts to see you like this, it's not right."
Tommy pulled back one of his hands, feeling like he was proving the man's point when he had to wipe blood from his face. He avoided eye contact, sitting back down. "It's what I'm used to."
"It doesn't have to be how things stay,", Wilbur moved around the table, not letting go of his hand as he kneeled next to him, "Come back to the castle with me. Let me help you."
He didn't answer, looking down at the man's hands that were gently holding his. A glance at his face was next, and all he could see was concern. There was no sign of it being fake, nothing behind it telling him it was only for show.
         Tommy looked back at the table, thinking for a long moment before slowly nodding.
He could see the smile on Wilbur's face out of the corner of his eye, warmth practically radiating off of it as he stood and wrapped Tommy in a hug.
The feeling was just as comforting as when it happened in the dreamscape, but so much more real. It felt stupid to think of it like that, since something happening right there was obviously going to be more present than a dream, but there was no better way to describe it.
"We can head back immediately. I want you to be seen by a healer to make sure there's nothing serious, and after that you can get cleaned up before meeting the other two."
"If you're one of the princes, then are they...?"
"Yes, Green is the Emperor, and Pink is Technoblade."
Tommy was quiet for a while, not getting up from his seat. "What's going to happen to everyone else that was caught out at the circle?"
"Well, based on the investigations of my guard captains, the only people that should be getting in trouble are the man in charge and any participants that are found to have a substantial enough criminal record outside of it."
"Q actually vets the people he lets in, and he'll kick anyone out that tries to use weapons and shit,", Tommy was looking at the table again, "This was just meant to be some entertainment, no one's ever gotten seriously injured from it."
"I'll be sure to add that to my personal notes about the situation, and I'll pass that statement along to the other two that are a main part of this investigation."
Tommy let out a half hearted chuckle. "It doesn't sound right for you to be all serious and shit, professionalism doesn't suit you."
"Silence, child,", Wilbur hugged him again, "Come on, I'll get you set up in the carriage, and we can go as soon as I give Puffy and Sam their orders."
He nodded again, following Wilbur out and in the direction of the road that was closest to the circle.
Alot of the people that had been there that night were spread out in the woods in groups talking to the guards, about half of them in cuffs while others stood there looking ready to die. All masks had been removed, and Tommy couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh at the sheer anguish and fear on the faces of all the rich kids that liked to watch.
         They stopped next to a carriage, and Wilbur talked to the guard standing next to it as Tommy scanned the people scattered about for Tubbo.
The short boy was standing against a tree, part of the group getting talked to by the creeper hybrid that had been with Puffy. He caught sight of Tommy about the same time he was spotted, immediately looking concerned.
Tommy tried to gesture to him that it was alright, but the distance was making it hard for him to express that well. He grabbed Wilbur's cape as the man was going to walk away, immediately getting his attention.
"What's the matter, are you alright?"
"I- Can I talk with someone quickly, before we leave? I want to make sure he knows I'm not going in the fucking gulag or something."
"Is it someone else here?"
He nodded in Tubbo's direction, and Wilbur looked over at that group with his brow furrowed. "Is that another child involved in this?"
"He's the same age as me. I just want to make sure he knows I'm alright."
Wilbur looked torn for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I've got to talk with the man over there questioning that group. Is your friend also- Does your friend also not have a place he's staying?"
"No, his parents are part of the village nearby. It was a tree on his property I was sleeping in yesterday."
"There's so much shit you need to clarify for me later,", Wilbur dragged a hand down his face, exhaustion showing for a moment, "Stick close to me, please, I don't know if I'd be able to handle you wandering off."
"Bold of you to admit that out loud."
"Shut up and follow, child."
If it were anyone else, he would have gone off at him for speaking to him like that, but Wilbur could get away with it and he knew that.
He stayed next to the man as they walked over, fighting the urge to hide behind him so he could still be seen in his peripheral.
Tommy immediately went to Tubbo once they were over there, the two of them looking over eachother for injuries.
"Are you alright?"
They asked it at the same time, both trying to speak a few times before Tubbo let Tommy go first.
"Are you alright? Haven't been man-handled or anything?"
"I should be asking you that, considering you were absolutely fucking bodied earlier. He hasn't done anything to you, right? Because I don't give a fuck that he's a general or some shit, I'll-"
"No, he- Bee boy, he's one of my soulmates."
         Tubbo froze, looking past Tommy at Wilbur. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, he's taking me back to the castle with him to meet the other two."
"And you're going?"
"... I am, yeah."
"You're not fucking with me here, are you?"
"No, I'm not."
"Do you want to go that far out?"
He didn't give an answer, looking down at the ground. "I want to at least meet the other two as well,", he eventually said quietly.
Tubbo looked at him for a long moment before giving him a hug. "Be careful, man."
Tommy returned it without hesitation. "You too,", he squeezed tighter, letting out a chuckle, "No wonder Q calls us 'clingy'."
"You're the only clingy one here, boss man."
"Fuck off, you're holding on just as tight."
Wilbur walked into Tommy's view, looking hesitant to break them up. "I'm done talking with my generals, if you're ready to leave."
Tommy held onto Tubbo for a little longer, both of them letting go at the same time.
He put a hand on the short boy's shoulder, giving some parting words. "Pin this shit on me if your parents bitch about it, I'm not helping you with any extra chores they give you."
"No, I'll tell them Q got me involved; I'm assuming the fact that we won more often than not will keep them from being too upset with me."
Tommy turned to offer Tubbo one last wave as he followed Wilbur back toward the carriage, his friend giving a wave of his own before Tommy turned around to watch where he was going.
He got in without saying anything.
Wilbur sat across from him, one leg over the other; meaning he was nervous. "Is there anything else you would need to sort out before we go? Any belongings you need to collect from anywhere?"
"No, I keep all of my shit on me,", he gestured toward the bag tied to his waistband.
"Right,", Wilbur knocked on the glass behind him, signaling the driver to go, "The ride should take roughly five hours, we'll be back around sunrise."
Tommy nodded, looking out the window as they left the crowd of guards and circle participants behind.
"Are you alright?"
He looked at Wilbur again. "Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Because, I'm- You're not normally like this, I can tell something's wrong."
Tommy thought for a few moments before shrugging.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I'm- I'm just tired, mostly. And overwhelmed."
He hadn't meant to say the second part out loud, but it was too late to take it back now.
         "I'm sorry, this is probably alot to take in."
"Doesn't help I got my shit rocked not long before you got here,", he set his head on his hand, elbow resting against the bottom of the window, "Pink is probably worried again, considering that's the second time I've had to wake up suddenly while I was talking with him."
"... What actually happened yesterday morning?"
Tommy made eye contact with him for a long moment, debating if he should tell him or not.
"You don't have to-"
"Person that owned the place I'd settled down in found me and kicked me out. Went to hide in the library to try again after that, but the librarian caught me and threw my ass out as well. She doesn't think anyone that doesn't own property in the village should be allowed in there."
"What the fuck-"
"Her excuse is something about taxes, but personally I just think she's a bitch."
Wilbur chuckled when he said that. "Sorry, I don't find any of that funny; only your assessment of it."
"It's alright."
The conversation died after that, and he went back to staring out the window.
He couldn't help dozing off at some point, finding himself in the dreamscape. He didn't have the strength to deal with either of the other two, so he wandered off into the surrounding woods to hide until he inevitably had to wake up again.
No one came to find him while he was out there, so either Wilbur had stayed awake, or he was giving him space.
He didn't know which one he preferred.
Time passed far quicker than he would have liked, and it wasn't long before he was being gently woken up in the carriage again.
"We're here, Sunshine."
They were already stopped, so he hadn't gotten to see it as they rode up to it, but even then, the small part he was able to see was huge.
He kept his head down as Wilbur talked with some of the guards, ignoring the fact that they were looking at him.
He followed Wilbur after that, walking behind him and holding onto his cape so he knew he was still there. Not that he needed to, the sound of his ratty shoes on the castle floors was loud enough.
He felt bad for whoever cleaned those, since he could see the dirt trail he was leaving behind himself.
         Tommy ended up walking into Wilbur's back when the man stopped without warning, looking up and immediately hiding behind him even more when he saw Pink walking toward them from the other end of the hall.
"I thought you were planning on staying out there for a while, did you really get it sorted out in a night?"
"No, I'm leaving it to Puffy and Sam  for now; something more important has come up."
Tommy couldn't help but feel guilt hearing that, since he was clearly distracting Wilbur from what he was supposed to be doing.
"Mind explaining?"
"Later, for now-"
Wilbur was shoved to the side, and suddenly Tommy's other soulmate was directly in front of him.
He tried to take a step back, finding Pink's hand on his arm.
The other prince's name was Technoblade, if he remembered right, and it suited him. Same as him being a piglin hybrid, the traits fit him well now that Tommy was able to see what he really looked like.
Wilbur stepped in, making his brother back up. "Give him some space, Techno; alot has happened tonight."
"Were you part of the pit he went to deal with?", Techno asked, completely ignoring Wilbur.
"... Yes."
"Is that why you asked me to teach you how to fight?"
"Did you at least win?"
Wilbur gave the other man a shove. "Techno!"
"Usually, yes, not tonight."
"How often is 'usually'?"
"Ask him after I've gotten him to the infirmary,", Wilbur sighed, "He needs to have that gash on his face checked, and I want to make sure he isn't concussed or anything."
"Wait, you might have a concussion and you were sleeping earlier?"
"I told you I had a headache,", he shrugged, avoiding eye contact now.
"Bruh, that's the last thing you do after you get hit in the head with something."
"Well it wasn't 'something', it was a fucking fist."
"Right, speeding this along,", Wilbur gently put his hand on Tommy's back, continuing to guide him in the direction they'd been walking, "You can talk later."
"Phil's gonna freak out when he sees him, y'know."
"I know, that's why I want to make it so he doesn't see him like this."
In a single sentence, Tommy was back to feeling horrible about what was happening. He knew he didn't belong there, he'd already known that when he saw them in the dreamscape.
It was clear that the three of them had their own shit going on, which was even more apparent now that he knew they were the fucking royal family, he wasn't part of that. He was only meant to hang around in the dreamscape, supplementary to what they had going on before he showed up; not a part of it.
         Tommy was the absolute last person that should be brought around the palace, and he shouldn't have been there making the prince stress out over him and whatever reaction the Emperor was going to have to him being there.
That was another thing that had Tommy worried, but before he was able to properly start panicking over it, they reached the castle infirmary.
Tommy spent the majority of his time in there looking down at his hands, only paying attention toward the end when the guy checking him out went to shine a flashlight in his eyes and asked him a few questions.
It was determined that he probably didn't have a concussion, which was comforting, but he had to sit still while the person examining him cleaned up the cut on the side of his face and that felt less than great.
He also had a bunch of bruising along his jaw that felt worse than it looked, which the guy dabbed with a potion covered rag. He held back on telling them about the ones on his torso, since he knew from experience that they would go away on their own.
After that he was made to drink a potion, and it tasted far better than any of the sludge that usually got passed around the circle when someone managed to brew something for the night.
The next stop was in the living quarters, and Wilbur was extra careful to make sure they weren't seen before ducking into what Tommy was assuming was his room.
Wilbur let out a sigh once the door was closed, sitting on the edge of a desk. "Alright, we should be in the clear,", he gave Tommy a smile, "Once you've cleaned up, we can actually introduce you to Birdza; last thing we need is his old man bird brain freaking out at the sight of you covered in blood."
"Not that much blood, mostly dirt."
"Right, which I can't imagine it's comfortable being caked in."
"Normal, really. I would have gone to the river or something to clean it off if I weren't here."
"Well thankfully, you are here, so you can have a proper bath. Do you know how to work redstone heating mechanisms?"
He gave the man a flat look. "I slept in a fucking tree last night, do you seriously think I've ever been shown how to use redstone?"
"I didn't want to assume,", Wilbur looked like he felt bad about asking, and Tommy immediately felt the guilt rising from the pit of his stomach again.
"I- No, it's alright. But no, I have no idea how that works."
"I'll run a bath for you, then. Someone can show you how it works later so you can use it on your own. It'll take a moment, so you can have a seat in the meantime if you want."
         He didn't, mainly because he was absolutely covered in dirt and he knew whatever he ended up touching was going to get covered in it as well.
Wilbur disappeared into a room attached the bedroom, and Tommy decided to look around to keep himself distracted from his incredibly loud thoughts.
He didn't touch any of it, but from where he was standing he was able to see some of the stuff the man usually had with him in the dreamscape; a pile of familiar books next to his bed, desk covered in what looked like unfinished songs and poetry, his guitar.
It was all very distinctly Blue, it was very distinctly Wilbur's.
Wilbur didn't take long to return, the sleeves on his stupid uniform rolled up to his elbows. "Should be all set. If it's too warm, just add more water; it's fairly cold by default,", he crossed the room as he spoke, going over to what looked to be a closet, "You should be able to fit into some of my clothes, do you have a preference on colour or anything?"
"No, just... Whatever, I guess."
"Alright. There should be towels and all that in there, let me know if you need anything."
The bathroom was ridiculously large, not that he was surprised by that at this point. Just like he wasn't surprised by the sheer amount of different soaps Wilbur had in there; he would have bet money the majority of it was for his hair.
Tommy stuck to only messing with the bar soap, using whatever was already in the water on the mess that was his hair. He managed to get a brush stuck in his curls as he tried to sort that out, biting back a yelp when he had to yank it free again.
The time it took him to actually clean up was almost embarrassing, but he figured they'd prefer he take a little longer removing the dirt over him continuing to track it all over the place.
He figured out how the drain worked once he was done, cringing at the ring of grime that was left behind.
Wilbur had set clothing by the door at some point while he was cleaning up, and he dried himself off best he could before putting them on. All of it was big on him, and he had to tighten the belt he was given to practically the last loop for the pants to stay up.
"There you are!", Wilbur walked up to him as he exited, smile wide, "That's far closer to what I'm used to. Probably going to need to have one of the royal stylists help with your hair later, though; that's still fairly matted."
"Fuck you, you're matted."
He didn't even know what that word meant, but he was too tired to care if his insults made sense.
         Wilbur let out a small exhale through his nose, placing a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Are you ready to meet Phil?"
Tommy was looking down at the floor. "As ready as I was to meet Pin- Technoblade."
"We can wait, if you want. You can get some rest first, and-"
"No. I'm- I'm alright, just nervous."
"Is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?"
He shook his head, not trusting his voice with an answer.
"If you want to hold off, or wait to talk to anyone, just say the word and we'll come back here. I'll literally barricade the door to keep people out."
Wilbur took the hand off of his shoulder, holding it out to him now as an offer.
And Tommy took it. As childish as it felt to hold Wilbur's hand as he was led somewhere else in the castle, he was clinging to it like a lifeline.
They went down a few hallways, ending up in a stairwell that had guards at the bottom, middle, and top of the staircase as well as two more posted directly outside of the singular door where the passage led.
Wilbur had greeted every one of them that they'd passed, not even stopping to knock before entering what turned out to be a small study. "I'm back!"
"Already?", all Tommy could really see of the short man were his wings, the large mass of black feathers blocking the rest of him from view with his back to them, "Weren't you using that as your excuse to get out of the castle for a while?"
"Wh- No, I got involved because I wanted to be sure it didn't go any deeper than some bored villagers kicking the shit out of eachother."
"Mhm,", Green clearly didn't believe him.
"Fuck off, old man."
Phil laughed. "Why did you cut your trip short, mate? Something happen?"
"More like someone, had a very interesting encounter in the incredibly short time I was there."
There was a stretch of silence, where it was clear he was waiting for Wilbur to continue.
Phil eventually turned around, whatever he was going to say dying on his tongue as he laid eyes on Tommy.
They made eye contact for a few minutes before Phil started walking over to them, and Tommy's grip on Wilbur's hand tightened the closer he got. It took everything in him not to hide behind Wilbur like he had been earlier, and Tommy stayed where he'd been standing as the Emperor stopped and looked up at him.
They stared at eachother for another long moment before Tommy ended up cracking, laughing as he looked at the man. "Holy shit, it didn't occur to me how short you actually are."
         Green started laughing after that as well, pulling him into a hug. "I'm not that much shorter than you, you little shit."
"I think I should be calling you that, you're fucking tiny,", he hesitantly returned the contact, not letting go of Wilbur's hand.
Wilbur stepped closer to accommodate for that, also chuckling. "Phil's short because his brittle old bird bones are hollow. They need to stay compact so he doesn't explode when he flies into a window."
Phil responded to the statement by smacking Wilbur with one of his wings, attention staying on Tommy. "I can already see that you're wearing Wil's clothes, did he show you where your room is or did you stop in his?"
"My what?", he turned his head so he could see Wilbur, a small smile on the man's face.
"I wanted him to settle in some before giving him a proper tour; the room was going to be what I ended it on."
"I- You've got a room for me?"
"Of course,", Phil finally moved back, beaming at him, "Might need to get some sheets and shit in there for the bed, but it's been there since you first popped into the dreamscape with us. Obviously, if you'd rather only use it like a guest room, that's fine. I'm sure your parents wouldn't want you here all the time, but we'll figure out something that works."
Tommy tensed, his face probably giving away how he was feeling.
"What's wrong?"
"He- I found him in participating in that fight ring, Phil,", it was clear Wilbur was just as tense as he was, "He doesn't- There's not-"
"I don't have parents,", Tommy interrupted Wilbur's stuttering, feeling almost degraded by how he was dancing around the subject.
Phil's eyebrows shot up. "Is there anyone-"
Wilbur gave Tommy's hand a squeeze. "I already asked him about all of that before bringing him back. He's- He doesn't have somewhere he was residing in that village."
"Holy shit, just say I'm homeless and get on with it."
"I'm- Sorry, that's- I didn't want to-"
Phil ended up interrupting this time, what sounded like a chirp escaping him before he cleared his throat to cover it. "So, would you like to, and you are allowed to say no if you really don't want to, would you like to live here in the castle?"
"I- You don't have to-"
"We want you to be here, I'm not asking because I feel like I have to,", Phil put his hands on Tommy's shoulders, "Holy shit, I've been trying to figure out where you were since you first showed up at the cabin, and finding out you haven't got somewhere else to go is fucking heartbreaking."
"... It's not that bad."
"Red, you spent yesterday night in a tree,", Wilbur cut in.
         He pulled his hand back from Wilbur. "Alright, and it was the same as if I were in a bed, so it's fine."
"You being out in the fucking elements is absolutely not fine."
"I get by, it's not the end of the fucking world."
"'Getting by' isn't living! It's not- You shouldn't have to worry about any of that shit, you're a child!"
"I don't need your fucking pity!", he moved to the side so he was farther away from Wilbur, "I'm- It doesn't fucking matter what you think about it, because it's what I'm used to! I don't give a fuck what your opinion about the shit I have to deal with is, because it's not your fucking problem!"
"You shouldn't have to be used to it! I don't want something to happen to you because you're 'used to' living an absolute fucking nightmare like that."
"It must be so fucking easy for you to look down on me-"
Phil chirped again, this time clearly intentional since he'd done it to shut both of them up. He looked at Tommy, his face full of concern. "We're not looking down on you, and none of it is pity. You're both clearly exhausted, so why don't you go get some rest and we can talk about this after? Like I said, you don't have to stay if you don't want to, but I don't like the idea of you going back to living out on the streets or in the woods when I can prevent it."
Tommy didn't look at him, eyes trained on the ground as he tried to think of any response he could give. "I could use some sleep, yeah."
"I'll ask castle staff to make up the bed for you in your room, do you want breakfast or anything before heading back there?"
He shook his head. "Alright, just flag someone down if you need anything. I've got some things to take care of, or I would be walking there with you. I promise I'll make sure I'm free for a while after you wake up, ok?"
Tommy nodded, risking looking at Phil after and seeing the gentle smile on the man's face. There was still very clear worry in his eyes, but it was obvious he was trying to hide it.
Phil followed them out into the hall to talk to one of the guards, giving Tommy one more reassuring smile before returning back to the study.
The guard that'd been spoken with disappeared down the stairs ahead of them, and Tommy followed Wilbur back to the living quarters. The man was clearly dragging his feet the entire way, trying to say something but stopping himself before he got anything out.
They went to a different room this time, some maids rushing out and bowing their heads at Wilbur as him and Tommy walked up to it.
"This is your room,", Wilbur said quietly once they got to the door, gesturing inside, "Like Phil said, flag someone down if you need anything ."
"Right, thank you."
They stood there in silence for what felt like ages, with Wilbur eventually looking away. "I'll... see you later, goodnight."
         He retreated to his own room after that, softly closing the door behind himself.
Tommy's room looked pretty similar to Wilbur's, actually; minus all the little stuff. It had the same furniture in it, same layout of bathroom and closet, a window at the far side.
The bed was freshly made, and he sank into it as soon as he sat down. It was incredibly hard to stop himself from instantly passing out, and he barely managed to crawl to the center before finding himself in the dreamscape.
He employed the same tactic as earlier, hiding in the woods to avoid anyone else that may be there.
Unlike while he'd been in the carriage, his solitude didn't last the entire time.
Wilbur walked out to the tree he was sitting against eventually, looking incredibly tense as he stood there with his guitar in hand. It was strange to be able to see him fully in there, but it felt right enough to not be jarring.
"Do you mind if I sit out here with you?"
Tommy thought about it for a long moment, tucking his knees to his chest and resting his arms on top of them. "I can't fucking stop you."
Wilbur settled down against the other side of the tree, waiting a few minutes before playing some music. The gentle guitar was better than silence, but it did nothing to alleviate the tension.
Wilbur probably felt the same, since he eventually decided to say something. "I used to live on the streets as well,", he was still playing as he spoke, "It was in a port city to the West, slightly larger than where you were staying. I would pickpocket people who I didn't think lived there, and always managed to weasel my way out of trouble with a few well chosen words."
Tommy didn't say anything, he wasn't sure how to respond.
"I was doing well enough at it to survive, but fuck was it hard. Especially at night, the breeze that comes off of the ocean is fucking bone chilling and there were only so many places I could hole up without issue."
The music stopped, and it took him a moment before he continued talking.
"Lived like that for fucking ages, and even though I was so fucking close with the other two here, they had no idea. Didn't help that Phil managed to find Techno, made me feel like I didn't matter all that much."
He started playing again.
"I didn't think I was worth it for them to find, all the shit I'd done. I thought they were better off without me, actually avoided them in here entirely for a few days because of how upset I was. Of course, that only served to make them even more concerned about me, and it didn't help that Techno was only about ten at the time; he had no idea why the fuck I was gone."
"What ended up happening?", Tommy asked quietly.
         "Phil eventually figured out where I was hiding, asked if everything was alright and tried his best to get me to open up to him as much as I was able to with the stupid fucking restrictions on information shared in here. I didn't want to tell him anything. Even ignoring how fucking stubborn I was at the time, I didn't want him to pity me. I felt like any sort of concern or care he had was solely because I'd gone missing for a while, and he wouldn't really care if I explained my situation to him."
Wilbur stopped playing again, and Tommy could hear the guitar being set on the ground.
"They eventually ended up where I was, I saw them get off of a boat and fucking ran. I couldn't stand the idea of them seeing me like that, so I hid in someone's loft for an entire day to make sure I wouldn't run into them."
"If you hid from them, how the fuck did you end up at the castle?"
"Turns out Techno saw me when I'd spotted them, and Phil was staying there until they found me. In the dreamscape that night, Techno ran up to me all excited. 'I saw you, I saw you!' and he was describing me, and,", Wilbur chuckled, voice quivering some, "Something about the genuine excitement in his voice absolutely fucking broke me. Because he'd probably only gotten a quick glance at me, surely he wouldn't have been that happy about it if it'd been any more than that. But I couldn't hide forever, obviously, and they finally managed to get me when I was out trying to steal some coin for food."
He adjusted how he was sitting, taking a deep breath.
"I picked a bad mark, because I was stressing out over them, and I was sloppy enough to get caught. This fucker made a big scene out of it, lifting me up and shouting about 'this fucking rat he just caught' before he tossed me to the cobblestone road. A whole fucking crowd gathered, dickheads were blocking my exit so I was trapped there with this absolute-"
He took another breath, calming down some.
"I didn't have any way to get out of there, this guy was beating me to the enjoyment of a crowd, and then out of the mess of people comes Phil. Used his wings to part them, and immediately got between me and the guy who was kicking the shit out of me. He was pissed; said 'That's my son there, mind explaining what the fuck you're doing?'. Of course, the guy tried to justify it, but I think he could tell from Phil's voice that it was a losing battle."
Wilbur picked his guitar back up, strumming random notes.
         "He got me out of there after that, took me back to the room he was renting at a nearby inn to help me get cleaned up. Techno had been waiting in there for him to get back, and Phil had to literally peel him off of me to deal with my injuries. I broke down and told him my situation almost immediately, felt like I was bothering him the whole time."
Tommy was tightly gripping his upper arms. "What'd he do when he knew how you'd been living?"
"He let me finish talking, and then he hugged me. He told me it was going to be ok, knew it was hard for me to go through that,", he choked up some, "Said he was proud of me for getting through it. After that, him and Techno properly introduced themselves to me, and he asked if I wanted to go with them."
"So then you-"
"I told him no."
Wilbur chuckled at his reaction. "After all of that, even knowing he wasn't upset at me and still wanted me to go with them, I was scared. That was the only place I'd ever known, stealing shit was the only way I knew how to get by. I had no fucking idea what would happen if I went with them."
"Why the fuck would you- What'd you end up doing?", Tommy turned to look at him.
The hand he had on the neck of his guitar was incredibly tight, and if it were a real instrument, it would have probably broken. "Phil said he understood, but asked me to at least spend the rest of the time they were there at the inn with him; for his own peace of mind. I wasn't going to turn down sleeping in an actual bed for the first time in... I don't even know how long, so I agreed. Ended up tagging along with them when they went out to do things in town, Phil would buy me shit and promise it was fine, I had fun. It was fun to be with them, and it felt right. More than just being here, it felt like that was how it should have been."
Wilbur lowered his guitar again.
"And we got to the end of the week, and they were going to leave. But I didn't want them to. I wanted them to stay, I wanted to stay with them. They got their stuff packed, and I sat there the whole time watching feeling absolutely hollow. Walked with them to the very edge of town, didn't say a thing the whole time because I was worried I'd start fucking sobbing if I did,", he let out a sad chuckle.
"Sound like you're about to start crying now, as well."
"I might,", Wilbur agreed, taking a moment before continuing, "He asked me again if I wanted to come with them, and I tried so fucking hard to say no. I didn't- The idea of leaving still scared the shit out of me, but the idea of them fucking leaving me alone there again was so much worse. I had no clue we were heading to a fucking castle until we got here, Phil absolutely lost it at my reaction. Was the funniest shit he'd ever seen, if you went off of how hard he'd been laughing."
         "And you were alright once you were here? You weren't still... It wasn't horrible or jarring?"
"Oh, no, it absolutely was. I was fucking miserable for ages; couldn't find my way around, hated the castle staff even though they hadn't done anything wrong, almost exclusively left my room at night when everyone else was asleep. I was regretting every moment spent here that wasn't with one of them. But I eventually got into a routine."
He set his guitar down in his lap, leaning back on his hands.
"The captain of the castle guard, Sam, took to helping me adjust whenever Phil was busy. Techno and I would follow him around and mess with him, he'd pull pranks back sometimes as well. He even came up with this little character to give us tasks and keep us busy; it was nice,", he sighed, "As hard as it was to adjust, I managed to do it. I don't miss how things used to be, at all. Looking back on it is fucking miserable, and the few good things that were there are completely outweighed by what I've got now."
"But didn't you have any friends there? Anyone that misses you now that you're here?"
"Not anyone I can't go and visit, no. They know I'm better off here, and I'd gladly take some time to see them there over struggling to survive behind some fucking bins somewhere so I can spend time with them on a weekly basis."
Tommy didn't say anything to that, turning back and resting his head on his arms again. They sat there in silence for a long while until Wilbur eventually started back up with the guitar, and Tommy couldn't help but smile at his choice of song.
"You haven't played that one in a while."
"I felt like it fit the situation, given how much you like it."
"Helps that you let me name it, as well."
"Yes, but Mellohi fits it quite well."
He waited until the song was over, moving to sit next to Wilbur. "I think I'd like to hear it while we're awake at some point, as well."
"For sure,", he put his arm around Tommy's shoulders, "That's absolutely something that can be arranged."
Fic this is based on: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29528487/chapters/72554385
First fic I’m crossposting on here and Ao3! any tips for making it easier to read on tumblr is greatly appreciated, i never know what i’m doing ever
also feedback, i’m a little goblin that craves comments and feedback :D
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stellocchia · 2 years
dsmp AU where everything is the same, except that Double Life mechanics apply.
So everyone has a soulmate, of course. But also golden apples are a thing and they send soulmates out of sync. They can't break the bond, but if one consumes enough golden apples their lives might not be linked anymore. So basically one of the soulmates can die without the other one dying.
But there's no way to properly cut the bond.
So, my idea for who the soulmates would be is this:
Tommy and Wilbur are soulmates. Tommy lost them their first two lives. First by being the first down in the Final Control Room and then with the duel. Later, when Wilbur is planning his death, he steals all the golden apples Dream had left for Tommy in Pogtopia in an attempt to break their bond. Of course, you can't break the bond, but it sends them enough out of sync that when Phil stabs him Tommy's hurt, but he doesn't die.
Later during the Bedrock Bros arc Tommy also gets a golden apple addiction. He doesn't think it'll have any repercussions since his soulmate is dead, but, of course, Wilbur does eventually come back to life and they're so incredibly out of sync by then that it's a real struggle for them to find a way to fit together again.
Then there's Tubbo and Ranboo. By the time Ranboo found the right server his soulmate is in he was already down to one life. Which is why after the prison he died without necessarily losing any lives previously. ('Cause I still don't know how ho16 fits in the main narrative, so I'm ignoring it).
Tubbo up until now still thought he simply didn't have a soulmate because Ranboo is a rather careful individual. So he never felt it quite so strongly. But when Ranboo shows up with his 30+ totems he kinda gets why.
Still, Tubbo lived his whole life thinking he was alone and he kinda relied heavily on Tommy as his chosen soulmate so at the very beginning, he has a hard time bonding with Ranboo. Between the stress of everything going on with exile and then Doomsday it takes time. Time and a lot of late-night talks and not talking about their respective abandonment issues.
That said, as I mentioned, Ranboo had to be very very careful with a soulmate like Tubbo, which is why by the time he ends up dying Tubbo... doesn't. Because he ate plenty of golden apples just to keep the both of them alive.
And the last ones I've actually thought about are Dream and Sapnap. So, basically, they were really close early on. And Sapnap is nothing but loyal. He followed his soulmate into every single battle. And, at the start, Dream was the same. Just as loyal right back.
But, well, we all know that Dream kinda went off the deep end at one point. He started consuming enormous amounts of golden apples as a way of cutting his bond. And Sapnap suffered a whole lot because of it of course. Because, again, the bond is still there. He still got hurt when Dream was killed. He was on the brink of death himself. But on top of that he also got the confirmation that Dream voluntarily did that to them. And that probably hurts more.
And now Sapnap is out to kill Dream. And to do so he made a deal with God. He'll die too if he kills Dream because they're synced up again. And it'll be impossible for them to be knocked out of sync this time. But, hey, to keep the server safe it's worth it.
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moobloom-mention · 1 year
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Heart-To-Heart (What Heart?)
It's said you can feel your soulmate's heartbeat. In the quietest of moments, when you're completely alone, during your darkest times.
Char A wants to believe there's someone out there for them. That there is a light at the very end of the tunnel.
If there isn't...then what really is the point?
Tommy's not that butt-hurt he doesn't have a soulmate. After all, who needs the comforting knowledge that there's someone out there meant for him? That someone will always wish that he survives the next encounter with the Syndicate?
Pfft, big men don’t, that's for sure.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Violence. Near-death experiences.
Word Count: 5704
"What does it mean to have a soulmate?"
It was a question that'd always been flung around the city of Manberg, closely followed by entourages of cameras and influencers subjecting the public to their latest attempts at becoming famous.
"Work" - April 14th, 5056
"It's coming home after a long day of work," one person had grinned, a fond expression on their face. "And being able to tell the moment your soulmate knows you're home, their heartbeat getting faster and faster until you open the door to their smiling face."
"Cute Comparisons" - April 9th, 2057 
"To be an animal who's too young to see anything," another confessed, abashed they'd yet to meet their soulmate. "You can't see them, but the drum of their heartbeat is enough to know they're still there, just waiting for the moment you can finally open your eyes."
But to Tommy? To Tommy, it was all bullshit.
Even still he's shocked how much the public swoons over each response, eager to judge whether someone's response was too dull or far too poetic to be original. He'd lost faith in humanity the moment he noticed the uptick in influencers bothering the elderly, hopeful for a story about a soulmate they'd outlived.
Sorrowful speeches paid the bills- the sheer amount of views proved that -even at the expense of morality.
The only interaction that seemed to perform better than tearful grandmas were the "Bitter Ones": people who were heartbroken, pissed, and milked endlessly by the media for clickbait titles.
"Influencer Assaulted by a Bitter One!" - June 17th, 2058
The video opened on a two-minute chase sequence between some prick of an interviewer and a well-dressed man. Even the editor's choice to blur the man's face didn't stop the sheer amount of hatred radiating off the man's expression, waving the young girl off in spite of her never-ending, "Sir! Excuse me, sir!"
It was almost disappointing when the interviewer got what she wanted, the man whipping around to furiously shout at her.
"Could you fucking stop? Some people don't want to talk about how, 'Oh, my soulmate? Mine was a piece of shit that cheated on me with my own best friend-'!"
What wasn't disappointing was the girl being shoved aside as the cameras faded to black.
It'd been a well-deserved response if Tommy had anything to say about it.
Just about anyone would grow pissed over being harassed, let alone being demanded to broadcast their pitiful story to the world. The icing on the cake, however, was the implication that the poor bloke could still hear the heartbeat of his cheating soulmate.
Shit like that was just another reason as to why everyone had grown to favor platonic soulmates in place of romantic ones. It was easier to venture through life's bipolar mess with a best mate versus a partner you felt obligated to marry.
At least, that'd been the opinion of one of Dream's shitty magazines.
"Prime's Attempts at Arranging Marriages is Soooooo Last Decade..."
Tommy had just barely poked his head into his mentor's office when he noticed the headline, eyes wide as he found Dream at his desk and engrossed by an article some poor writer had probably killed to get a spot on the front page.
The scene was more interesting than awkward, especially considering Dream's original hesitance over divulging in anything soulmate-related. Tommy had practically had to strangle the name "George" from Dream's throat when he'd first started his apprenticeship at the Tower.
Shame Dream's attempts at secrecy failed the moment Tommy knew their Number-One-Hero's guilty pleasure was cheesy gossip meant for preteens.
"Trouble in paradise?"
The room had burst into chaos, Dream flinging the magazine into an adjacent wall as mindless paperwork made its home back in the man's hands. If the magazine hadn't practically framed itself on the wall, Tommy would've assumed he imagined the whole ordeal.
"Y'know, usually we get offices only for shit like paperwork."
It'd been hilarious to watch Manberg's Number-One-Hero burrow his face into his desk with a muffled plea of, "Don't tell Schlatt."
It wasn't like Dream would get fired over a little bit of soulmate talk, but the fear was well-deserved considering the Tower's manager would never let Dream live it down.
"I dunno, Big D. He'd give me an office for finding out about this one."
Dream's head lifted, faux hurt in his expression. "Tommy, c'mon-"
"An office, Big-Man."
Dream's eyebrows pinched.
"I can't fucking believe this- done."
Tommy grinned.
"Aaaaand an invite to you and Gogy's wedding?"
"We're not having a- y'know what. Fine. But this-"
The magazine flopped uselessly to the ground.
"-this never happened."
"I don't even know what you're talking about," he agreed with ease.
Life wasn't quite the same following the "Magazine Incident Circa 2060". Yeah, life would never be the same after getting his own office, but something changed in the way Dream progressed their trust in one another, training sessions interrupted by Tommy's curiosity over George and Dream's sudden willingness to let details about his soulmate slip.
Trust had already become mandatory when Tommy first became Dream's apprentice- it demanded they their life in one another's hands amidst combat for fucks sake- but this crawled beneath the surface of contractual agreements.
Dream had once coined it as "friendship", a thought which instantly earned the hero teasing remarks over how George would be jealous.
There'd only been a handful of times Dream had tried to dip into the subject of Tommy's own soulmate, attempts that'd been dismissed with a shrug of "I haven't met 'em yet."
Not everyone was lucky enough to meet their soulmate in second grade, Dream.
It wasn't long before even other heroes amidst the Towers warmed up to the idea of discussing their soulmates. Even in spite of Schlatt's decade-long policy prohibiting it, it seemed the strict dickhead grew to agree that passing comments and stories were more beneficial in trust-building amidst coworkers.
"Long as media shit-heads don't find out, it's fine."
It was an easy catch.
Not so easy for Fundy, apparently.
The hero had barely been around for a couple months before he took his first interview, selecting TMZ of all fucking media outlets. Sure, the network did well to spark publicity for new heroes, but if Tommy noticed anything about the redhead amidst their first battles with one another, it's that the man can't see a trap to save his life.
"Soulmates in the Tower?" - August 8th, 2060
"Well," the interviewer had begun, quick to soothe her previous bout of laughter. "I'm sure you've heard the trends going about in regards to soulmates."
To give credit where it was due, Fundy did hesitate before shaking his head. "Ah, no. Soulmate business has never been a strong suit."
The woman's smile twisted into that of a shark's as she leaned forward. "You must have at least some input when it comes to the big question on the streets. 'What does it mean to have a soulmate'?"
There'd been a beat of silence, one that'd originally elicited hope that Fundy hadn't fucked up and instead cut the interview there and then.
But there's a reason the holler of reporters had changed from, "Hey, Karma! Karma! How'd you manage to evade the Angel of Death?" to irritating parrots of "-soulmate? How do you feel about them? Surely the Big-Man himself wants to speak about his soulmate-"
"To finally feel complete," Fundy replied lamely. "To rush into battle with your heart racing, and feeling the pound of theirs following."
Tommy's phone slipped back into his pocket.
(It didn't matter how much his mind screamed to correct such a careless response. To mutter, you feel cared for, dickhead. You know that every time you put yourself in danger, you know damn-well your soulmate's praying for your safe return.)
Prime knows how the fuck Fundy only received a slap on the wrist for his stunt. Schlatt's screams following the interview still haunt his nightmares, with words over how Fundy barely managed to follow the bare minimum of his contract.
Apparently, the policy was meant to stop identifiable details from coming into light, and considering Fundy's lame-ass response had been, well, lame, the hero kept his job after acknowledging the severity of the situation.
Even the careless mention of blonde hair could've put citizens matching the vague description under the surveillance of villains. Killing a hero's soulmate was a one-way ticket to solving a life-long rivalry, a chance that as Tommy mulled over it, explained Dream's original concern for discussing George.
There isn't room for trusting the wrong person when a single soulmate is all someone gets, especially when said someone has an iconic rivalry with the Blade himself.
He definitely didn't preen after putting together that thought, every mindless reciting of George's antics now found to be another support beam added to their undefeated bridge of trust. The bridge's completion arrived only six months following Fundy's fuck-up, when Dream hesitantly invited Tommy out to dinner with him and George.
"Gogy finally get tired of hearing all about me? Don't worry, king; I'll even get my suit dry-cleaned."
First impressions considered: George was an odd fellow. Short, blunt, and- in spite of the very nice restaurant Dream had selected -dressed in pajamas. Tommy can still recall the moment he noticed Dream's limo pull up, the hero stepping out in a suit and dark green tie whilst George stumbled about in a grey t-shirt and plaid-blue sweatpants.
With the apologetic expression on Dream's face, Tommy could imagine this was less of a prank and more-so a typical outing for the duo.
It'd been admittedly odd to be seated in front of Manberg's Number-One-Hero and his soulmate. He tried not to compare himself to nosy influencers the whole night, even in spite of how the answer to the media's, "What does it mean to have a soulmate?" sat mere feet away, etched into reality.
It was written in the way they offered fleeting glances toward one another amidst conversation. How they sat there, endeared by one another's attire as they dined beneath diamond chandeliers. How they laughed and snorted at jokes undeserving of being found humorous, amused only because the other had uttered it.
When the night eventually came to an end, Tommy found himself trapped with an odd pit in his stomach that definitely wasn't jealousy.
If it was jealousy, then why would Tommy go the lengths to torture himself and ask for more stories about George's antics? Why would Dream then fall into a habit of talking about his soulmate unprompted whenever patrol nights got a touch too quiet.
"It's funny," Dream had commented one night, kind enough not to mention the way Tommy's eyes lit up. "How good his poker-face is. His heartbeat will grow erratic, even though his expression never betrays anything-"
Still, Tommy elbowed the hero aside with a groan. "I don't want to hear about your make-out sessions, prick."
"You know it's not like that," Dream laughed. "Besides, you'll have to put up with it 'til you get the balls to talk about yours."
Damn, a rare L for Big D.
Tommy scrambled to dismiss the sudden tension. It was all in vein, attempts vanishing the moment Dream noticed it.
"You don't have to," he back-peddled, almost frantically. "This was never an info-for-info arrangement, I'm more than happy to just talk about George-"
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't considered the offer.
Dream had opened a door that night, one demanding payment of complete vulnerability should Tommy walk through it. He'd have to share the only thing the blonde could truly claim as his secret to own- something that Dream had been openly sharing for over a year at the time.
It was...enticing.
Tommy's mother tongue might be that of a sailor, but there'd always existed an undesirable itch to spout metaphors like Dream did about George. He is, in spite of Dream's shock, a poet at heart. It was his pride that prohibited the publishing of his thoughts.
Well, his pride and the fact he was nothing if not the spitting image of stubbornness. The moment he'd soul his soul on a lie was the moment he refused to depart from it.
"Fuckin' rude," he huffed. "Maybe Schlatt should hear of that magazine incident-"
The topic was dropped in favor of teasing laughter, and Dream never learned that Tommy had spent the following morning pacing his apartment with a question in mind.
What does it mean to have a soulmate?
To influencers, it was to milk them for all their worth, to regard them as winning lottery tickets and divulge in profit.
To Fundy, it was to matter, to seek comfort and validation in his life meaning something in the eyes of another.
To Dream, it was to hold them in the space between his heart and lungs, to immortalize them in the minds of others through childish stories.
And to Tommy-
To Tommy it wasn't just bullshit.
It was to sit on his shitty excuse for a couch, to strangle a notebook and pencil within his hand.
(To etch amidst blurring blue lines:
It is to ask a mentor about theirs,
And for a moment, pretend you have the same.)
It'd been easy to smother the notebook beneath shopping lists and nervous chants of "Just kidding, just kidding-" as though it were someone else he were attempting to convince instead of the lonesome thud of his own heartbeat.
It never mattered how how many times the mantra filled Tommy's empty apartment. He'd always been destined to retire beneath the covers of his bed, an old pair of white headphones glued to his ears as though they could heal the song of mourning that'd torn his heart to shreds.
And they could, ever-so-eager to echo the soft, rhythmic thump of a looped heartbeat not meant for him to listen to.
A part of him hopes the original owner of the audio has long been put to rest, unable to handle the guilt that he'd intruded on two soulmate's heartbeats for the sake of curing his loneliness.
It's pathetic.
But being pathetic wasn't as lame considering how much easier the routine made going about his day without a second heartbeat to contrast with his own.
It was a tiny secret he'd kept hidden beneath the covers of his bed, harmless and easy enough to contain within the walls of the apartment.
But of course, Prime loved fuck-all if not ruining a good system.
Hero work had always been dangerous- hell, he had his own set of previously broken bones to prove it.
Having a brush with Death was bound to happen sooner or later.
Dream and him had been roaming about when a report came in, spouting of how two members of the Syndicate- Manberg's most effective group of organized villainy -were stalking the streets. It hadn't raised too many red flags; with so many members amidst the Syndicate's ranks, hearing only two of them running errands wasn't unheard of.
Especially when the two were Phantom and Blade, names that'd proven they could defend themselves quite well.
It was dumb-luck alone Tommy eventually managed to successfully pin Phantom in place whilst Dream was distracting Blade, his arm pressed against the villain's throat as he attempted to wrestle Phantom's freezing cold hands into a pair of power dampeners.
He'd nearly jolted over the sudden realization he couldn't feel a pulse against his arm, Phantom still very much alive and struggling in spite of the revelation.
"No heartbeat? That's creepy as fuck," Tommy muttered, as though he wasn't panicking feeling Phantom's hands warm in his grasp. He really didn't need the villain dematerializing right as he was this close to success.
"Don't tell me you heroes hold grudges against dead people," Phantom grinned. As if he wasn't about to be sent to Pandora's vault for a CVS receipt of crimes.
"Prime do I have bad news for you, king-"
There'd been the soft sound of scrapping metal before he found himself stumbling onto concrete, Phantom long forgotten as his fingers instinctively grasped the metal feather that'd embedded itself in his chest.
Somewhere to his left Phantom scrambled upright.
Even nowadays he can't grasp together a cohesive description of the events that followed, only recalling how quiet the atmosphere had grown. Phantom and the Angel of Death had to of been talking, right? Shouting if what little of what Tommy could see explained.
But there'd only been the deafening crash of silence, interrupted only by the head-ache inducing pound of his heart.
Suddenly, Fundy's fondness over the racing of his soulmate's heartbeat made sense. Dying alone was terrifying.
He learned two things that day:
The Angel was not a force to fuck with, and maybe therapy was a good thing to invest in.
Tommy would've been back on the battlefield the moment the hospital discharged him if it wasn't for Dream. The man had been relentless, convincing Schlatt to force Tommy on two weeks of paid leave.
Day 18 of being out of commission and Tommy found himself walking through the Tower's lobby, white headphones secured to his ears.
Only Dream questioned it, convinced it was a joke.
"You're not actually taking them into the field, are you?" the man had asked, frowning over Tommy's shockingly serious expression. "Tommy, you just got back from dying. You seriously expect me to let you go out there with these things?"
A sigh.
"Can you at least let Sam downsize them-?"
Tommy loved nothing if not giving Dream a heart-attack.
"How the hell are you going to hear our call-outs then?"
He shrugged. "I will."
And Tommy had done well with that promise.
Unlike Dream's suspicion that he was blasting music amidst life-threatening confrontations, the soft echo of a heartbeat never did much to phase out barked commands and shouts for backup.
"Tommy- for fuck's sake!"
Said hero can't help but wince as Dream suddenly flies down the street, the man just barely catching himself before his face can greet pavement.
Tommy jerks back, confusion echoing within his brain when a fist doesn't appear to knock him back a few feet as well. Blade and Dream's rivalry might be iconic, but Tommy would be an idiot if he wasn't at least slightly aware how quickly he could become Blade's newest target.
He's only a little wounded that Blade pays him no mind, the villain following Dream's footsteps to land unwavering blow after blow. Tommy's shoulders sag with relief, a grin on his face even as he watches Dream's desperate attempts to avoid getting knocked out.
There'll be a riot if they're both not awarded raises following this shit-show. He'd like to see Schlatt try and fight the Syndicate himself.
"What was that? Sorry, can't hear you over my headphones!"
Despite his words, Tommy finds himself naturally falling into a defensive stance, a knife primed in his hand as he tracks Blade's movements with caution. It's almost comical how much he feels like a dog, prepared to lung into action the moment Dream deems it necessary.
What's even funnier is the fact that this has to be the eighth time they've doomed 180th Street to Syndicate shenanigans.
"Well, isn't that a pity?"
His knife slices through the air at an instant, eyes searching valiantly for the source of the new voice.
The tone hit all the wrong notes- playful, yet screaming of imminent danger.
He'll die before he lets Phantom of all people get an easy hit.
As much as he wants to call the ghost a massive bitch for hiding in plain sight, his mouth feels like cotton, mind far too focused on the steady rise of his heartbeat.
A scoff erupts by his ear once more.
Tommy nearly shouts at the asshole who'd managed to sneak up on him again, forcing down the terror that'd begun to creep into his veins.
Panic was never a good mix when trying to locate an essential ghost.
Fuck Prime for giving a villain such an overpowered ability. "Recall" might not be among the worst powers to have, but even Dream's manipulation over gravity is nothing in comparison to walking through fucking walls.
"I thought you would've loved to hear Dream nearly get a face-full of pavement."
Well now that you mention it-
Tommy's joints lock as the distinct of metal on metal returns, a sound that'd only just begun to disappear from his nightmares.
Phantom's sudden lack of continuous banter only confirms his suspicions that this isn't just a typical Blade and Phantom scenario.
The teenager ducks just in time for a handful of metal feathers to imbed themselves into the alleyway wall instead of his back, breath hitching at the sight of the Angel of Death staring down at him in amusement.
"Th-That's hardly fair, you fuckin' prick!"
He feels drunk on the adrenaline rush that flows through him, his knife thrown toward the son of a bitch with practiced ease.
There's disappointment in the way his weapon never finds a home, effortlessly batted away and making a near-perfect arch back into Tommy's hand as his power wills it to return.
It's fantastic that he has his weapon back.
Terrible that it'd came whizzing toward his heart point-first.
Shadows loom as Angel's metal wings extend, creating a barricade between them and Dream's ongoing struggle.
Ha, as if two dangerously sharp wings are going to stop him.
"'Fair' isn't exactly in my vocabulary, mate."
"Almost forgot," Tommy grunts. "Blade's the dictionary fuck."
There's a flash of light before Tommy dives forward, metal clashing as his knife meets Angel's wrist-guard.
Satisfaction bleeds into the villain's cruel smile.
It almost makes him miss Phantom. At least with him Tommy isn't forced to look too hard at the bastard's ugly face.
Tommy wrestles the yelp from his throat as Angel's wings fling forward, boots digging into the ground to counteract the sudden powerful gust of wind.
An uproar of debris greets his attempts to stand firm against the violent force, triumph igniting as Tommy stands his ground.
Apparently, his success is a crime straight out of Phantom's book.
The dust barely settled when the heel of the ghost's boot meets his chest, lungs squeezing as he's sent flying onto the pavement of Ox Avenue.
He's unable to swallow back a totally-manly noise of pain- head pounding as the world roars back to life.
It's far too loud, overwhelming at this point.
He can faintly hear Dream's distinct grunts from the street over.
Fuck, that means-
Tommy's eyes widen as he locks onto his headphones a few feet away, split damn-near perfectly down the middle.
"What a shame, folks," Phantom's voice sings, the villain in all his vintage-glory appearing not far from Tommy.
If he wasn't so pissed, he would've asked whose dead grandpa Phantom stole the trench coat from.
"Looks like Karma's headphones are officially down for the count!"
Live now. Mourn later.
Sweat drips down his forehead as Tommy lurches backward, Phantom's fists connecting with the pavement Tommy had laid upon only a second before.
"Oo, but Karma makes a shocking return!" Phantom cheers. His form flickers once before it returns full-force, much less passive than the ghost's usually fighting stance.
Tommy's teeth grit.
The saying isn't "Karma's a bitch" for nothing.
"You're gonna regret that, fucker."
Phantom flickers back into existence, and Tommy takes kindly to the way their fight falls into hand-to-hand combat.
It's a dance he'd practiced for years, the consistent art of feigning left and dodging right.
The meticulous thoughts firing every time Phantom leans a little too much on his left-side.
Tommy's leg sweeps beneath the villain, fury forever caught in Phantom's eyes as the villain stumbles to the ground.
His power surges as he calls upon his knife, hand reaching out to snag the handle as per usual.
Tommy's grin drops the moment his hands grab something, something that ignites the nerves in his hand aflame.
That...that is not his knife.
He groans as the metal feather rips itself from his grasp, snapping back into position on Angel's wings.
"You mother-"
The world turns.
Tommy flails as his feet leave the ground, eyes widening amidst his attempts to twist mid-air. A quick glance proves that Phantom and Angel have joined his non-consensual ascent to the sky- a very black sky that totally isn't scary as fuck in the middle of the day.
Blinding white strips creep along the avenue's road like veins, the sidewalk now a pale shade of black.
Well, that's never happened before.
Tommy's heart stalls as gravity takes reign once more, the world flashing back to normal in time for the trio to crash onto pavement.
True to his luck, he doesn't land on his feet like Dream always does.
Instead he's left in a tangle of limbs, and silence that definitely should not be there.
"What the fuck-"
Tommy forces himself to his feet as his gaze fires on instinct.
White concrete.
Black roads.
Kicked dust settling.
Still Angel of Death-
Woah, woah, slow that down a bit.
Tommy's brows furrow.
Dust should not be settling whilst two supervillains stand tall.
Oh, and the Angel of Death probably shouldn't be standing in place either.
Tommy almost wilts beneath the odd storm crashing in Angel's eyes as the villain gazes toward 180th Street. If he didn't know any better he would've deemed it an odd mix between panic and possessiveness.
It can't be panic over Dream's abilities, Tommy had spent way too much time combing through his mentor's files to of missed such a crucial detail in the man's powers.
The Angel takes a step back, pupils blown wide.
This isn't a Dream problem.
This is a Blade problem.
For once, it seems their Number-One-Hero might just have the upper hand.
How the turn-tables.
Tommy's powers howl as he throws his knife, pride unaffected as the Angel's wings once-more deflect the blade without so much of a glance.
The air freezes as the villain slowly turns his head toward Tommy, leveling the hero with a death-glare.
If this wasn't a such an opportunity, he would've fled the scene in an instant.
But Dream needs time, and Prime will Tommy buy him some.
"Oi, dick'ead! I wasn't finished with you."
Gone are the grins, the playful woes of battle.
This is personal.
A hand appears to his left and Tommy's lunges.
He barely makes contact with Angel's left wing before Angel staggers back, landing a solid punch against Tommy's cheek in the hopes it'd dismantle him.
Like hell he's giving up this easily.
His power dims as a hand clamps around his mouth, the eye-watering scent of gunpowder flooding his senses.
"Oh no you fucking don't gremlin," Phantom grunts, voice heavy with the sheer amount of effort it takes to wrangle Tommy against his chest.
Good, nothing should come easy to that prick.
He definitely doesn't flinch as the wing in his hand dissembles, the feathers following in Angel's hurried footsteps as the villain takes off toward 180th.
Dream better hope Angel and Blade just have an extremely beneficial partnership and aren't two extremely dangerous soulmates.
Tommy's teeth sink into Phantom's hand.
Y'know, for being a classified ghost, Phantom's hand tastes grossly similar to normal flesh.
And like a human, the ghost's hand snaps away at an instant.
Tommy doesn't give Phantom the time to register his fuck-up, the metal feather he'd managed to snag oddly light as he digs it straight into the villain's thigh.
There's a hiss before Phantom disappears, the bloodied feather falling to the ground.
His chest erupts with triumph.
"Haha, bitch! How does it feel to get stabbed-?"
A fist connects with his face.
He's just barely able make out the familiar blur Vintage Road's boutiques as he's sent flying, his hands providing a sufficient block in time for Phantom's next incoming hit.
It's evident that they're moving farther from Dream, Tommy forced backward with every punch Phantom lands.
The ghost really shouldn't be holding this well after being stabbed.
Tommy yanks on his powers, desperation lining his features as he prays for his knife's arrival.
It never comes.
Fuck- this is the last time he tries to recall something on impulse.
He won't even get another chance to recall anything if Phantom's brutality says anything.
A hand grabs his shirt and yanks, pulling the duo onto the unforgiving ground.
Phantom's hands find a home at his neck, squeezing in spite of Tommy's flailing limbs.
"Just stop- struggling!"
You're trying to fucking kill me!
Tommy's breath comes out in wheezes, eyes wide as his mind struggles for some plan.
Phantom isn't supposed to be a lethal threat and the tension lining the ghost's stance proves it. There's an ongoing battle told in the way Phantom's eyebrows furrow with discontent.
His foot kicks out, choking as his feeble attempt only gives Phantom an excuse to add pressure to his throat.
His vision tunnels.
Damn, what a shitty way to go.
Instinctively he cringes away from Phantom's hiss, flinching as he expects his small struggle to be reprimanded.
The hands on his neck disappear, replaced by the violent mantra of, "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-"
Tommy gasps, rolling onto his side as he forces air into his lungs.
Boots and nervous laughter echo as Phantom circles him. The villain's mouth moves, Tommy straining to comprehend the words.
"Of all people," Phantom was muttering. "Of all people, it's the biggest fucking pain in my ass."
His throat aches at the thought of speaking, and he can't tell if it's from being choked out or being completely helpless should Phantom decide to do something.
Tommy whines as fists tighten at his uniform, briefly registering the fact that they're moving. If the two building rising into his vision say anything, his deathbed is going to be in some dingy-ass alleyway.
It'll be poetic, if he thinks hard about it. Phantom finishing what the Angel of Death couldn't.
Dream isn't around to save him, nor is there a secondary heartbeat to care.
A hand knocks at his skull.
"-hello? Anyone home?"
Tommy forces himself back into reality, petrified as he meets Phantom's irritated expression and neon green eyes so inhuman that his mind prays they're only contacts.
"Welcome back to the land of the living."
Ironic coming from a ghost.
Damn, what a shame he can't deliver that zinger.
"Stop zoning out," Phantom huffs, kneeling at Tommy's side.
Tommy isn't sure how long they stand there for, his heart slowly beginning to calm in spit of the clear danger still in front of him.
Phantom's mouth is still moving- the villain ever liked shutting up anyway.
"Thump-thump-thump...thump-thump...thump- there you go...just calm down."
Tommy bolts upright, eyes wide as his hand rubs at his throat. Phantom's hand isn't there to stop him.
Phantom's hand isn't there.
"Oh fuck," he grunts, eyes wide as he scrambles away from the villain. "You're my-"
"Took you long enough. Thanks for stabbing me, by the way."
Tommy's jaw twists open to retort, the soft crinkling of paper interrupting him as cold hands land in Tommy's own. A quick glance finds a poorly written note in his grasp.
"Niki's Bakery, 120th King's Rd. 5:55PM, don't be late."
His expression morphs into that of confusion.
Kinda odd to have that on hand.
"I- uh, had a suspicion after y'know..."
I almost died?
At least his soulmate has comprehension skills.
Both of them flinch at Dream's voice, eyes wide as they scramble away from one another.
This- this would look extremely bad.
There's a soft crackle of static from Phantom's trench coat.
"All good on my end," the villain mutters into the speaker. "We may have a Code Blue on our hands, though."
"Mate, you better have an explanation."
"Yeah, yeah," Phantom huffs.
Tommy winces as the villain rises, an odd grin on the ghost's face.
"Guess I'll be seeing you soon, hm Karma?"
"Fuck yeah."
With a salute, Phantom's figure fades just in time for Dream to come skittering around the corner.
Tommy finds his fingers shoving the note into his pocket.
This was...big.
An opportunity to report Phantom's civilian identity. To finally land the villain a ticket to Pandora's vault.
But this meant Tommy wasn't alone anymore, that he did have a soulmate, even if he couldn't feel the secondary drum of another.
He can be selfish just this once, can't he?
"I'm fine," Tommy grunts before Dream can say anything.
"You look like you just got hit by a bus."
The teenager grins, "What if I did?"
Dreams eyebrows pinch. "Don't make me think about that- lets just...lets get you patched up and home."
"You read my mind, king."
Out of all the ways he'd unwilling dreamed of meeting his soulmate, standing idly in front of a café was not one of them.
It felt like the beginning of some cheesy rom-com, especially with the giant ass scarf he'd forced on himself to cover Phantom's handprints. The last thing he needed was his soulmate feeling guilty over it.
Actually, maybe that would be some decent blackmail.
Tommy forces himself to breathe as he pushes the cafe's doors open, dismissive of the anxiety stirring within his chest.
The cafe's tall-ass cashier instantly turns to the door, dark brown eyes following Tommy's approach to the counter.
It's unmistakably Phantom, with dark eyebags and a stylish mess of brown hair. A part of him sighs in relief that the ghost's green eyes had just been contacts.
Oh Prime, unless these were the contacts-
Not the best start to formally meeting his soulmate.
It's awkward, half because the cafe's dead quiet, and half because it's weird as fuck to stand in front of one of Manberg's most-wanted criminals, unmasked.
Gone is Phantom's famous black eye-mask and trench coat, exchanged for a cozy brown sweater and green apron with a weird ass nametag.
This isn't Phantom. This is-
"Wilbur, huh? You don't suppose there's still time to change that-"
"Don't push it, gremlin."
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2am-cursed-fanfic · 2 years
Quack, Quack, Can Break Your Back
A TNT duo fanfic, a goose soulmate au, mafia au, everyone is dead except them au, SMUT. For basille: Happy Late Birthday 
Being paranoid was always his strong suit, maybe that’s why he survived so long in the mafia.
He loved his friends there, more like brothers at this point, the PG2020 was a good place to be when you had family with you.
Not that any of that mattered now,
The violence they rage at the SW2020 mafia, it started with a little misunderstanding. Just some land blocks 5 and 6 on seventh Street. Maybe there could’ve been a better way, a peaceful way, but when you are raised with guns and blood you believe them to be your friends.
No, Wilbur sees they truly were his only enemy.
He stood knowing that his family in the mafia was dead, it’s been two weeks, the cops look for anyone who is involved, but hiding in the shadows saved his very skin.
The funny part about it was, the place that was saving him was the abandoned building on the sixth block of seventh Street.
The sky is gray, it was all the Wilbur could think of all the other darkness that swirled in his mind for a moment felt calm. He didn’t want them to die in vain, but revenge was for someone who felt like going on for years.
A year was the longest time he could think of living before he lost himself to his own madness.
Then he heard it tapping at the window,
He looked out and saw no one, perhaps his paranoid mind had already lost.
But then again, it tapped once more.
He still saw nothing.
But every time he looked away the tapping began all over again, and again, and again, until finally-
He swung open the window
The fuck was that- Wilbur thought, but before he could finish his thought, IT flew in.
“Quack, Quack”
It was a fucking hell-
“You're just a goose, and I threaten that I would- I would-“ and for the first time in two weeks he was laughing.
He laughed and giggled. He must of sounded like a madman to the streets below but he didn’t care because something he couldn’t really explain was happening.
“I can’t- even-“ he laughed more,
The goose stood still understand his roars of laughter were over.
“We’ll I guess I have a pet goose now,”
He watched the goose ruffle it’s feathers,
“Now what should I call you-“ he said reaching for its head, but than
It bite him,
At this point the goose looked downright furious, and to be completely honest Wilbur was downright terrified.
He started sprinting for the door, unlocking all 3 of his protective locks and an angry goose chased after him.
But the goose didn’t stop it’s hunt,
It chased him out the door, to the stairs, than down to the 3rd floor, and the 2nd, and also the 1st, all the way until he was out of the building entirely, running out of breath to the alley between the buildings.
And for the unluck of god, Wilbur found himself cornered,
By a goose,
In a alleyway,
Fearing for his life,
His family was laughing from beyond the grave and he could hear them.
And than,
Another man with black hair, red glasses, and a cigarette burning at his lips, and in Wilbur’s opinion with pretty brown eyes at a glance, was also getting chased by another goose, to the same alley way, what are the chances.
The man stumbled back, not seeing Wilbur behind him also in the alleyway.
Wilbur, wanting to help a stranger in similar conditions, reached out to catch him.
And that was it, it felt like a sparkler was lit on the bottom of his tail bone straight to the top of his spine, like the world had freezed and heated both at the same time, he felt…hopeful for the first time in years.
He knew what this meant, and judging by the way the stranger stiffed the same way he did, he was guessing he knew too.
They were soulmates.
Destined to love each other no matter what, to hold each other in the other’s arms sweeter than any embrace, to never let go like the fated Romeo and Juliet.
… and perhaps something that Wilbur needed the most at that moment, a companion.
Someone to keep his mind away from nightmares and kept his bed warm lying next to him, someone to love him through his worries and keep him safe, and Wilbur would return the favor he knew, ten times if they needed.
He loved them.
Who ever he was holding in his arms,
He knew that as simply as the sky is opposite of the earth.
He was going to love them until the day he died.
“Um..” the man in his arms mumbled,
“Oh, uh, sorry,” he tumbled, letting go of the man-his soulmate, and letting go of that contact felt like a torturous thing to do.
The other man straighten himself, and turned around without warning, with still a bleeding nose.
And brown eyes meant brown eyes,
And they realized the horror that they’ve seen each other before.
He was Quackity, part of his family’s warring mafia of SW2020.
A month ago they could have murdered each other.
A heat of anger rushed over him, the universe put him with his sworn enemy that helped kill his family…
But at the same time he had probably helped kill his…
The anger rushed away as quickly as it arrived, but the heat of the anger stayed, morphing into something else.
Quackity was part of the SW2020 mafia.
Wilbur was part of the PG2020 mafia.
But that didn’t matter now, because they were soulmates, destined to choose each other despite all obstacles, and because there was no one else left that they loved.
The war of the mafias is over, they both decided in that second.
“I’m sorry, I wanted to give you the world well I had it, my soulmate” Quackity says dropping to his knees,
There was a Silence,
“I’m afraid a I’m a simple man,” Wilbur says dropping to his soulmates level
“I don’t need the world,” he touches Quackity’s face gently like it was the most precious thing in the world,
“Maybe I just want someone to love me, is that too much to ask,” he says with a daring look the other in the eyes.
And all hell breaks looses, the moment they look into each other’s eyes, they can’t stop themselves if they tried.
Their lips meet, heated, they waste no time letting the other explore their mouths, getting tangled and untangled so quickly it could feed the fire raging in their souls.
And yet it wasn’t enough, nowhere near enough.
Quackity wasted no time after realizing this he pushed his soulmate to his building door, not stopping the kissing, as if he would ever want the other to stop anyways.
In the building his room was close but they both had been trying to combine so tightly waving fingers in hair and pulling the other towards them like they needed them to breathe.
Quackity’s broken nose was starting to turn their kiss metallic, but Wilbur couldn’t care for the life of him, all he knew was he didn’t want it to stop.
In Quackity’s humble room, a mattress and a lamp, they fall onto the bed naturally, Wilbur hitting his back against the mattress was a moment he would never forget.
Before he knew it he had his shirt off, so did Quackity, it was just too goddamn hot to have it on. Then the kisses stopped, Wilbur almost whined at the sudden lack of contact.
“Do you want more, my lovely?”
Quackity asked as he played with the button of Wilbur’s pants, smiling at the rise in the fabric that was holding up.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Wilbur begged, too desperately for Quackity’s contact to be proud.
“Okay than let’s make this the best thing you have ever felt,”
And with that Quackity tore off his pants, and then his underwear.
Leaving him bare to his soulmate, and damn, he didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world at that moment.
“Now turn over,” Quackity asked and Wilbur did graciously panting.
Then Quackity let his dick go inside Wilbur and Wilbur screamed, but it wasn’t near the end, Quackity started moving, and Wilbur couldn’t stop himself; he moaned so loud he didn’t care if the cops found them right now.
The best part was the more he moaned the more his soulmate was trying to pleasure him more, and more, and more, until
The climax one they could both get off to for years.
They fell side by side, still tangled together.
They breathed, they breathed the same breath, and let the other’s warm feed their hunger.
That was the moment everything ended and everything started.
The war was over.
The SW2020 and PG2020 mafias were over and overtaken by a beautiful inseparable pairing.
They would take the world by storm, they wouldn’t be able to leave their mafia lives behind, but they couldn’t go back to being enemies, no, now they became something stronger together.
And they would be known as the TNT Mafia.
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s3afood · 2 years
S2 Empires - Mcyt Citizen
Chromia: LaurenZSide, ZombieCleo, InTheLittleWood
The Gobland: ImpulseSV
Dawn: Keralis, Welsknight
Eversea: CaptainPuffy
GlimmerGrove: Tubbo, Amylee33, Bigbst4tz, IvoryCello
Animalia: Seapeekay, Antfrost, Rendog, Fundy, StampyLongHead, Sqaishey, Yammy_xox
Sanctuary: Ranboo, BdoubleO100, StacyPlays
False’s Empire: MumboJumbo
The Evermoore: WilburSoot, Aimsey, GoodTimesWithScar
Stratos: Etho, Philza
Tumble Town: Grian, TangoTek
Olipoligo: TommyInnit, Nihachu
Wizard Academy’s Students: RIPMika, Strawburry17 (Was Shelby friends when she was enrolled in classes.) Meghan is also Priate Joe’s PenPal.
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winterzsurprise · 1 year
Man In The Mirror || SBI
Tumblr media
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Technoblade (Allusions), Philza (Allusions).
Tags: Soulmate AU, Orphaned Tommy, Hurt/Comfort (?), Mentions of Death, Famous Musician Wilbur, Not Beta Read, Swearing, Crime Boys Centric.
Words: 3.7k
I haven't written in so long hence, no updates. But I'll post the other parts of Thorned Exhales later on in life, have this SBI short fic that I tried writing before shit went down.
This is inspired by that one tumblr post where in a Soulmate AU, you other half dies and shows up at your mirror, I forgot their blog name so if you know them, let me know :DD.
As usual, I accept criticism and welcome them as I want to do better with my writing :D, enjoy!
There’s a man in the mirror, Tommy observed.
He rubbed his eyes hard enough that they might fall from its sockets but there's actually a man in exchange for his reflection.
He already had a shit day after the clinic's nurse scolded him for dislocating a kid's jaw --- he still thinks the fucker deserved it --- to have his insanity proven by the hallucination in front of him was the icing on today's cake.
No matter how much he blinked, rubbed his eyes and pinch his arms.
There’s a man in the mirror, staring back at him and there's no denying that he's actually there.
The man was tall, gangly limbs hanging off to his sides almost longer than his torso if you count his hands, chestnut brown hair curling to themselves to form a puffy mess at his crown, the side of his head trimmed short enough for the eyes to focus on the mop of a hair he has. 
There were a couple of strands on his cloud fringe dyed in dark grey, like the old man he appears to be. Tommy thinks it's cool but he wouldn’t say it out loud.
He was dressed nicely, a thick and surely expensive trench coat with the hem stretching down to his knees, his yellow turtleneck, however was stained blue in shapes of fingerprints all around the fabric. The man looked well off and wasn’t that an irritating sight to see.
But what takes the crown was the bored look his eyes carried when Tommy met him first through his round glasses. 
Dark brown eyes overflowing with nonchalance and apathy, the dark bags under his eyes only solidifying Tommy’s impression of him.
A dickbag who dares to look more tired of the world than Tommy is. How dare this bastard hold those emotions in his gaze when he hasn’t tasted extreme poverty or live everyday with your life on the line?
“Hey, get that stupid look out of your face, bitch.”
People normally get scared of the supernatural but not Tommy Innett no, the world would have to follow his whims and bow before he’d think of ever following their rhythm.
Hell, his full name is Tommy Danger Strong Smart Innett for fucks sake, how could he pussy out with such a name?!
“Who are you to order me around, stupid child?”
Tommy was floored, recoiling from the raw annoyance in the guy’s voice.
He dares to have that tone when he’s trespassing his property?! Tommy decided there on there that this man is the most annoying prick he has ever encountered, real or not.
“Tommy fucking Danger Strong Smart Innett, don’t you dare call me stupid when you look like a Jared named bastard!”
The man scowled before sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose to mutter something unintelligible before looking up again with an exasperated gaze at Tommy before shaking his head and tilting his head back to stare at the sky.
“God, why are you so cruel to me?”
“Because you’re a bitch!”
“Why do I even bother…” He looked away from Tommy to stare at the space beside him, looking at his shabby mattress. "Say kid, where are we? Rather, where are you?"
Tommy stared at the man, squinting with suspicion. The man whose eyes showed nothing but apathy and boredom intimidates him, Tommy admits to himself. He has seen many movies where killers held the same dullness in their irises for him to entrust the man with his address.
Seeing the distrust in his eyes, the man sighed in defeat. "I'm not gonna kill you man, I'm stuck in the reflection dimension or whatever this shit is."
"No, you're a figment of my imagination bitch, the other kids have them!" Tommy paused, remembering something. “But they’re walking around unlike you.”
At that, as if he realised something, the dullness in the man's eyes softened a little as he stared back at the child in front of him. There was a sad cloud of conflict that grew in his irises, as if he’s withholding a truth he couldn’t say, forbidden even.
Tommy doesn’t like how this man stared at him like that, stupid adults and their hero complex, always thinking their actions are for the best of the other party.
"Ok, I won't ask about your location but what about your name? Tommy was it?"
"Tommy Innett, the biggest and bravest man there is." He said with chest puffed out.
This got the man to chuckle lightly, pocketing his hands in his coat as he stepped forward and to the stray light escaping the closed blinds. 
"How about you boss man? Are you a ‘Jared’ like I thought you are?"
The man's face scrunched.
"Fuck no, kill me if I were to be named so poorly like Jared. I'm a Wilbur type of guy."
“Wilbur.” Tommy repeats, the name rolling of his tongue smoothly, as if it was meant to be spoken by it. “That’s such a shit name.”
“You are so fucking rude, why didn’t your mother swallow instead?”
Wilbur looked around closely, eyes darting from one place to another. Unwilling to be subject to Tommy’s word explosion, he spoke once more.
"So are you alone in this room?"
Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms. "And why would I tell you that?"
First he comes to his room — or rather his mirror — unannounced and uninvited and now he’s prodding into his lifestyle in the orphanage, didn't his unwelcomed ass already done enough?
Seeing the scowl displayed clearly on Tommy’s face, Wilbur continued.
“Said this once and I’ll say it again, I’m not gonna kidnap you or some shit. The fuck am I even gonna need you for?”
Tommy shrugged. “I don’t know! Maybe you’ll sell me off or gut me and sell them to the black market!”
“I’m stuck in this stupid mirror, what even made you think I’d ever want to stay here with you?!”
That hurted him, was he so annoying that someone wanted to leave him the first time they met? It reminded him of the parents that returned him to the orphanage, every one of them annoyed by his antics. Wilbur’s words hammered itself deep into the creases of his brain, a constant reminder of the parent’s distaste for him.
A reminder of his failure to reach their standards.
“Shut the fuck up, you fucking bastard, you don’t know anything.” he spat out through gritted teeth, feet dragging himself out of the room and away from Wilbur.
When Tommy came back, exhausted from the overlapping noises outside and from the chores the caretakers gave him, Wilbur was still in his mirror, sitting crossed legged and his head supported by the arm he propped on his thigh. He was dozing off, he looked peaceful when he’s not being an insensitive prick, Tommy thought as he gently closed the door behind him.
He doesn’t want to wake him up, already sensing the awkward air build up if the man ever roused from sleep.
On his tiptoes, he trudged to his bed as stealthily as he could, his senses tenfold sensitive as he crossed the room.
“I’m sorry Toms.”
Tommy’s soul jumped out of his skin Wilbur’s raspy voice sliced through the silence, his heart rapping against his ribcage as he snapped his head towards the adult fixing his sitting position, eyes opening as he stretched his arms above his head.
He doesn’t know what to respond, honestly, he didn’t expect him to even apologise like any other adults in the area. Wilbur continues to ruin the expectations he had for people once more, maybe he’s from a fantasy world where ‘sorry’s aren’t a luxury.
"Do you really mean that Wilbur?" He asked, turning to him.
The man seemed taken aback by his reaction, furrowing his eyebrows before answering.
"Of course Tommy, I was such an insensitive dick to you earlier. I-I didn't figure out that you're in an orphanage until one of the caretakers went in to change the sheets."
At that, he turned to his bed to see his sheets were indeed switched with a cleaner one. Pristine white and a little ragged but it works just fine, providing him enough heat at night.
It must be pathetic to Wilbur, who seemed to be a silver spooned bastard, if not fed with a golden one instead. With such a fancy get up and expensive watch and rings, Tommy's living condition must be pitiful.
Of all the imaginary friends he could have, it has to be a rich guy.
"I shouldn't have said what I said. So I'm sorry Toms." Wilbur continued, hanging his head low as he picked on the laces of his boots.
Tommy felt uncomfortable by the man’s genuine apology. This is a first, he thinks as he stares at him.
He could monetize this shit, act upset and maybe he could earn a useful favor in the future from the ghost, scare off some kids or steal something for him, the possibilities are endless!
"You hurt me, Wilbur."
"I know, I'll make it up to you at some point."
A smile grew on Tommy's face. "Really?"
"Of course, is there anything you want to know about me or the world?"
Forgiveness in exchange for information? Tommy couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it but then again, what can Wilbur offer him when he's trapped in a mirror with no way out like he said he is? 
Staring at his expensive and thick silver watch, Tommy wondered if the man ever travelled around the world? He must've been a guy fed with a silver spoon, he must've seen the stunning sights of Switzerland or maybe even Italy.
"Have you ever travelled abroad before?"
"Of course, I was a part of a band once."
Tommy's eyes widened. Wilbur is a musician? A popular one it seems, considering how he had international concerts, that's what big names do right? He's a huge music enthusiast, it was one of the things in life that motivates him. For a musician to stumble upon his door...
Tommy is curious about all things music. Maybe Wilbur can teach him a few tricks or so.
"What band were you in?"
There was a quick shift inside Wilbur's chestnut eyes before he spoke, hesitation and conflict, Tommy identified.
But why?
"That's the thing… I-I can't recall everything just yet." He motioned to his head. "I ca-can remember the basics but there's... empty spots in my memory."
It was all Tommy could say, disheartened.
All of his hopes of learning thrown out of the window, he wanted to hide how upset he is but he couldn't stop it from seeping out from the walls he established around him.
Seeing this, Wilbur's heart clenched in its cage, the disappointment in the kid's eyes leaving a bitter taste on his tongue but it was better that Tommy stays in the bliss of ignorance, at least until he hits the proper age.
With a sigh, he opened his mouth once more.
"Well, I can still remember a few areas we visited during our tour. Wanna hear about them?"
Birthdays are overrated, Tommy tells himself.
Birthdays are boring, he said as he stared at the parties hosted on the 2nd floor of the fast food restaurant downtown when he passed by. Birthdays are boring, he muttered as he silently wished a celebration for his once in this lifetime.
Orphans don't get the luxury of celebrating their birthdays, Tommy knew that himself but he couldn't help but wish there was someone who'd valued them as much as he does.
Everyday he wakes up, he tells himself I'm going to be adopted today. But they never do, the adults don't want someone who's brash and loud, what they all wanted was someone soft, someone they can easily order around. 
He could act docile and kind like they all want but Tommy doesn't like that.
He wants to be accepted for who he is, Tommy Danger Strong Smart Innett.
All of the adults ignored such a festivity except the man in the mirror.
It's been a few months since he appeared and Tommy doesn't know if he calls Wilbur a blessing or a curse.
The man was an enigmatic fella. One moment he's a menace, teasing and laughing with Tommy till his jaw aches then Wilbur's mood will abruptly drop into his misery and never-ending sadness even Tommy couldn't remedy with his usual antics.
Even then, he never forgets to worry about Tommy. His voice is soft, albeit rough from lack of use that day, as he reminds him about dinner, noticing him skip his meals throughout the weeks they've been together.
So when Tommy's smiles didn't reach his eyes, Wilbur knew something was up.
"Why do you look stupider today?"
Tommy scoffed. "Do you mean amazing? I think I look more handsome today."
"Your smile isn't reaching your eyes, what's happening?"
Tommy could lie and say it's just a bad day but he could never escape Wilbur's inquisitive eyes, it was almost annoying if it wasn't secretly endearing for him.
"Nothing much, big man just got bigger by a year."
Wilbur's eyes widened as he muttered unintelligible words under his breath before his voice grew. "Oh god, I'm sorry Toms."
"No worries, I'm used to it. Besides, you didn't know so it's understandable."
"Still, happy birthday man. How old are you now?"
"10 and yet I'm the biggest, strongest man in this building." Tommy puffed his chest as he stared up at Wilbur who's eyes crinkled with joy.
Then came a pause as Wilbur's eyes seemed to hold the same conflict of last time, swirling deep in his dark brown eyes as he pondered over something. Curiosity rose in Tommy at the shift in the man's mood.
But after a few ticks of silence, the man spoke once more.
"Is there anything you want, kid?"
Tommy laughed at that. There's no way someone trapped in the mirror just asked him what he wants for his birthday. It was more comical to him that Wilbur looked determined and dead-set on it.
How can he even leave the mirror and buy him a gift when he couldn't leave the place through all of those months spent together?
"How can you even buy for me man? Aren't you stuck in the mirror dimension or some shit?"
Wilbur scowled. "Just spit it out child, I have my ways."
Tommy knew he shouldn't let the tiny hope in his heart fester, it was impossible that he'd ever get what he wanted anyways.
Yet a tiny voice at the back of his head urged him to obey him, tell him what he wanted to taste or hold for so long.
It was Wilbur after all, what can that man do to ever harm him? He knew his address and name and nothing bad has ever happened to him the whole time they've been together.
If anything, Wilbur helped him in many things.
"I think I'd like a superhero comic book, I don't care what it's about and also McDonald's."
Wilbur nods, crossing his arms. "And what do you want from McDonald's?"
"A shit ton of fries, chicken sandwich and maybe a mcflurry?"
"Gotcha, go do your homework in the meantime." Wilbur said as he walked away from his sight, blending into the reflection of Tommy's bedroom.
He couldn't help but be curious why Wilbur held such a grim expression the moment he turned away. The man thinks he's quick and sly but Tommy saw how fast his smile dropped when he thinks his face is hidden from him.
He wondered how the man trapped in the mirror dimension could even fulfil his birthday wish, his questions leading him astray from his current tasks at hand.
He knows not to hope but he couldn't help the budding light from swelling in his heart. 
So he followed Wilbur's order to finish his homework and wait.
Soon enough, the sun has set and the moon took reigns over the sky along with its dark background. Every tick of the clock after it went over 5 pm sent pricks into his heart as his already small hope trickled away.
Tommy knew he shouldn't have hoped for anything. He must've looked ridiculous sitting cross legged in front of the mirror, waiting for the man to reappear as if he held the cure to every illness and he's about to die.
But before Tommy could even stand up from the mirror to resign to his bed for the night, Wilbur returns with a triumphant smile, hands in his coat pockets as he strode into the view like a man who won the lottery. 
There wasn't anything new about him other than his changed expression, Tommy wonders what happened.
"Where did you go, boss man?"
"That's a secret, but we gotta go somewhere quick alright? Bring your spoon with you."
Tommy followed, taking the spoon from his bedside table and waited for Wilbur to jump into the utensil's reflection before taking the blue coat at the end of his bed and leaving his room.
With not a single cent to his name, Tommy stole a spoon from the cafeteria months ago to take Wilbur to his maths lessons for help in understanding the lesson better.
He's still smart, sometimes geniuses need someone to explain lowly things to them taught through complicated methods and Wilbur was the only volunteer to do such a work.
"This is stupid Wilbur, where are we even going?"
"Let's go to the park, I told them to go there."
Them? Who are they?
The mystery of it all makes Tommy anxious. 
What is Wilbur planning? Is he finally going to kidnap him after barely escaping this horrible place?
"If you think I'm abducting you, fuck off. I'm not that evil man, I don't even have the face for it!" Wilbur exclaimed as if he heard his thoughts loudly.
"You wanted me to go to the park at night, it's sketchy as shit man!"
"Whatever, you'll get it once we arrive."
Even the suspicion planted in his heart wasn't enough to trample the excitement that thrummed in his veins. He doesn't know what he was getting enthusiastic for when Wilbur might, for all we know, be out for his head after that time Tommy teased him out of the mirror.
The park was silent save for the rustles of leaves, the trees and shrubberies glistened lightly under the moonlight from the small downpour earlier. It was mildly made obvious by the street lights on the shining cobble pathways. 
But what caught his attention is the man with his helmet standing under a lamp next to his parked bicycle, a paper bag in one hand as he typed into his phone with the other.
Tommy wouldn’t have found the situation more suspicious if the man didn’t have a familiar logo of a delivery company on the side of his helmet.
"Go Toms, that's yours."
He couldn't say anything. 
For once in his life Tommy couldn't utter a word out of his mouth, not even a random stream of bullshit left him like it usually does. He was stunned, shocked and thankful all at the same time.
He pinched himself but he isn't waking up from his dream.
Wilbur really did give him a birthday gift. The first ever.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Wilbur?"
"No, get it."
The man turned to him once Tommy was close enough, handing the bag to him.
It shocks him that the man didn't even hesitate in doing so.
Is he not worried that the parcel might fall into the wrong hand?
Tommy looked around, he remembers those laughs for gag shorts on the television. Surely, this must be a sick joke where a camera is hiding behind the tree or something, waiting for him to be thankful before they jump out to ridicule him.
Turning to Wilbur again, Tommy's vision blurred, his heart clenching painfully in his chest as he registered the man's soft gaze and genuine smile.
Maybe not all adults are foul and annoying. Maybe some people do adore him. Wilbur really does love him, care deeply for him, so much that it pains Tommy to think of.
Is it alright for him to have such a luxury?
"Delivery from anonymous, there's two spider-man comics there." Tommy still couldn't believe his ears. Did he really get a gift on his birthday? "Happy birthday mate, he said."
Even when the man was long gone into the night, Tommy stood there astounded, the weight of the bag more apparent than it should be. His chest hurts and his heart swells from the thought, a smile broke from his lips as tears trickled out of his eyes.
Was he dreaming? If he is, Tommy wished he'd never wake up.
Seeing tears stream from his face, Wilbur's heart ached in its cage, his arms aching at his sides, he wanted to hug Tommy. Comb his hair back as he whispered reassurance into his head. Never has he felt so helpless as he does now, he wants so much but can't have any.
It was maddening but he shouldn't put a damper on their mood, it's a good day.
So Wilbur smiled and said. "Happy birthday Toms, I'm glad I met you."
Even after his birthday surprise, Tommy’s opinion of Wilbur never changed
The man in the mirror is as annoying and weird as he is helpful.
Wilbur is smart, being an adult with more experience than him, and taught him how to count and do his basic maths assignments. When there’s problems that arose from the shelter, Wilbur would tell him his own solution, explaining the hard words with care and playful teasing.
Surprisingly, Tommy understands it better even if the man fucked around than a teacher who ironed a stoic expression and wielded a book.
He was brotherly in his own way, never fleeing from the reflections around the center to watch Tommy go around his daily chores and warn him if the head cook is about to enter the cafeteria when he goes to sneak a cookie out of the jar.
Wilbur is his buddy, his shadow.
They were attached to the point of Tommy sneaking out a spoon just so he could have Wilbur hiding in his pockets. The adults will scold him later on but he could care less. He wants the man in the mirror to see the world with him. 
During the whole year with Wilbur in his pockets, Tommy has entered as many foster homes and left as much. It was embarrassing every time he was sent back to the orphanage, a reminder of his failure to reach a family’s vision of a perfect child.
Whenever the night is cold and dark with little sobs wrecking his small body, Wilbur would urge him to bring a spoon beside him, his eyes darkened with defeat and sadness as he whispered into his ears, offering warmth with his words till Tommy falls soundly asleep, a silent wish of feeling a phantom touch caressing his cheeks supporting the man’s comforting voice.
The whole year with Wilbur felt like magic, a stream of light after years of darkness and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Tommy wanted nothing more but to stay with his brother figure, although he wouldn’t say it out loud.
But today seems like a different kind of day.
On the morning before his 11th birthday, Tommy found himself staring at a new reflection on the mirror.
But unlike the gloomy cloud on top of Wilbur, this man had an aura of danger oozing off of his mildly muscular body, wide shoulders draped in white silk long sleeves and a beige pair of trousers hiding his well-toned thighs with a long, horizontal scar crossing his nose bridge and ending under his nonchalant eyes to boot.
He oozes nothing but pure masculinity.
Only if he didn’t wear those stupid rectangular glasses and had long bubblegum pink hair then he would’ve been truly intimidating.
The epitome of scary.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be?!” 
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Here's some of the fanfics I want to cover. Any recommendations?
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toiletwipes · 2 years
mmm. having thoughts about soulmate au's with superpowers but like. not really superheroes? think more like umbrella academy. or the mr incredibles universe. either they don't want to be heroes or they were forced to come down from the post. also the soulmate part is where they can feel the other's emotions and sort of hear their thoughts.
warning: a bit of gore. and lots and lots of rambling from me. ~1.8k words. also because i said so, here's a song to listen to as you read this.
nothing in particular but on the mind where these two people, they're quite the pair. quite showoffs. everyone speculated it but because everyone assumed that once you met your soulmate, everything would make sense, and in a way it did.
and with wilbur, nothing made sense in this world, especially when he could hear, see, feel more than anybody, could do more, could... withstand.. more than people would normally be able to.
nothing clicked more with wilbur than the little routine he's built with this person. the arguments, the puns, the late-night confessions of their life. but never did they reveal their identity to him. they never wanted this. he wanted it more than anything. they weren't good, whatsoever. but somehow the moment he woke up this morning, he needed to find them.
and deep in his gut, something was wrong. something had gone wrong and it involved them. turning on the news just to get out of his head while slipping into his vigilante outfit, he finds that some weirdo decided to publicly call him out. as if he had any real standing on the council. he snorted, lacing up his boots but his blood freezes in the veins when he sees the footage of the apparent meetup between their weirdo and him.
he stares down as he recognizes the area and sees the familiar stance of his "nemesis". and he leaves as soon as the next minute, when he realizes that the note was to destroy him. but that's not him. that's not him and what the hell are they doing?
and on the other side of the coin, nothing ever made sense with wilbur, they couldn't understand why he'd want to help people, help others when the both of them were in so much pain because these people would never understand. nothing made more sense, though, when they recognized the handwriting on the note found in wilbur's normal spot for crime watching, recognized everything about it. and nothing made more sense than to go in his place, make sure that whatever this person wants with him, he never gets it.
and standing in front of them, about a few yards away but clearly hearing crazy talk, how they need to join forces and rid the world of all the actual evil. politics. big companies. but he had planted several bombs in schools and with a single button in his hand, they'd all go off. they needed to make sure that button is never pressed so..
using their portal-making abilities, they reach and grab it out of the air, watching as his face contorted when he realizes what happened. and then as they discharge the portal, a hand reaches all the way through their stomach.
they can't feel it initially, but it hits them a bit after they drop to their knees, breaking the button. and the person responsible pulls their hand out but a gunshot rings, and he drops too.
and wilbur knows he's late as he watches them drop, dropping his own gun. he feels his own throat clamp up on him, time slipping between his fingers as he tries to pull them into his arms, "what the fuck were you doing?" and he tries to sound angry for impersonating him. he wants them to know it was stupid. he didn't need protecting and they hated each other so why would they-
their face says it all. or maybe it doesn't. maybe they didn't need to say anything, he could hear it. hear them. hear them in his head. the panic, the blood seeping from him putting pressure on the wound, the dizziness, the way they could hardly stay conscious.
"answer me," but he needed to hear them, make sure they stay awake until the paramedics arrive.
"you're reckless," they choke out, blood coming out of their mouth and staining their teeth. and he curses time and that bastard, holding them close to his chest, rocking them both on his knees as he looks for the paramedics. they're in a demolition site downtown next to a police station and local hospital so why are they not here yet?
"like you're one to talk, you're gonna die because i'm reckless?" and they smile.
as much as they could as the tears dripped from the sides of their face, blood spilling between his fingers and the other arm wrapped around them to keep them close.
"better me than you," wilbur shakes his head but they keep going, "and for the record, i'd do it again."
"you fucking- i'm gonna kill you, we're gonna have a talk when you're all healed and better, and then i'm gonna kill you." wilbur rants and pats their face several times with his bloodied hand, trying to keep them awake. "asshole, you stay with me. fucking stay awake."
they try, they honestly try, holding with a faint grip on his wrist but the pain was so much, the only reason they've managed this long is because of who they are.
and it isn't even worth it. the only good thing in their life.. had been wilbur. but he's safe from that son of a bitch so all is well. so it was worth it. but they mourn the chances they know they're losing. the chance to tell him everything, to show their face to him willingly, to hold his hand other than to wrap it in bandages, to stare into his eyes for hours, to lay beside him. all the things you get to do with a soulmate.
and wilbur hears, sees it all. and he doesn't think twice before pulling them even closer even as he sees the paramedics, sees them and feels them dragging him away and he can hear himself beg to let him near. they tell him to let them do their job but how could he when his soulmate is pretty much dying and he couldn't ever explain to him why it shouldn't have come to this. how much they mean to him. and he hopes they can hear him confessing his feelings in his head.
from adoring their snorts when they laugh, how they punch him every time he says a bad joke, how they love pushing him off buildings just to make a portal beneath him and above them to catch him like a bride. how he wanted to hold them close and invite them back to his apartment that night when they told him about their childhood, about their parents. what they did.
the next time wilbur is able to see them, they're laying in a hospital gown, hooked up to a machine tracking their heartbeat, staring the crappy tv down. no mask. and they try to hide it but he can see it, see the way their heart jumps at the sight of him, and he tries to hide it too but he rips his mask off, hair coming out and sticking to his forehead. he kicks the door behind him. they need the space and privacy. drawing the curtains.
"never do that again, yeah? don't just- steal my identity and die in my place-" "-to be fair, i never said i was you, i just showed up and he assumed, okay." but they don't get it. they shouldn't have gone in his place because- because-
"you know i can't die right?" and the look that crosses their face, he knows they heard the real reason. not just because his immortality.
"i'm.. aware. but you didn't know this guy."
"i could've taken him."
"maybe but i couldn't chance that! last time i saw him- he-" they catch themself and then they notice the fact that he took his mask off. and that they don't have theirs. wilbur only knows this because they cut themselves off and all they can think about is his face. his hair. how his hair might look when it's not damp with sweat. how they want to touch his face, hold his hand and- well they cut themselves off when they notice he's paying attention to his thoughts.
"we're soulmates." he says, and they bite their lip, nodding after a pause, mumbling a soft 'yeah'. "when did you know- and more importantly, why didn't you say anything?"
they glance to the side, but their eyes don't stray from him for long, back on him, memorizing every detail on his face as he waits. they clear their throat, "well, i knew when you passed out on top of that building you're always at, the one by the ludo cafe, and i could see the dream you were having. it was about your family i assumed, two blondes and a twin, and you were swimming and stuff. but then a dragon, i don't know, burned the lake down, it was weird stuff."
it was a weird dream, wilbur admits.
"why didn't you say anything when you woke me up? rudely, by the way." and when they glance to the side and their eyes stick to the peeling wallpaper, they tell him inside their mind.
letting him feel the insecurity, the aching inside of them when you know you're not good for the world, when you want to carve your insides out for not being good enough for the world, for someone who is your world. how they weren't meant to love or be loved. just another experiment to plague the world with evil and destruction. so why would they deserve a soulmate? one so good to his city, even when it hasn't been good to him.
and it's enough to push a few tears down his cheek and he sits beside them, reaching over to hold their hand, even when they jump, seemingly lost in their thoughts where wilbur could hardly pull out of them.
"once you're discharged from the hospital, i'm going to make up for lost time and kick your ass. and then i'm moving you into my apartment."
and then they groan, with a small smile on their lips, "that shitty place, doesn't your a.c. go out every week?"
he smiles back at them, "yeah but that just means you'll have to stick close to me."
and though they bite their cheek, trying to look upset or disgusted by the idea, he can feel the hope, the joy inside of them. the kind you only feel inside of a dream of everything you want.
and so he pinches them, even when their punch to his shoulder makes it ache and almost not worth it.
"this is real," he reminds them, "this isn't a dream. besides, could i do this in a dream?" he pulls their hand towards his mouth and he kisses it, keeps it against his face and when the nurse comes over hours later to kick him out, he leans over them to kiss their forehead, pressing their palm to his cheek and whispers to them they have a date tomorrow. he'll pay. they punch him again, this time in the stomach but they've got a soft smile.
the nurse, when asked about her patient and their visitor by a reporter, cannot describe a single detail about their secret identities.
wilbur's landlady tells them they do not get an extra key now that wilbur has a roommate, and he doesn't mind that, he can just a spare a couple dollars to make his own copy.
and well, his soulmate has their doubts, they always do, and the fighting doesn't stop but wilbur gets to hold them close, gets to beat their demons away with a metal bat without their stupid secret identities getting in the way. and they get to be held, get to run their fingers through his hair, gets to indulge in every want and need they had since meeting wilbur, since knowing they've got a soulmate too. since their feelings developed for him.
and wilbur knows, knows it won't be easy but for them? it'd always be worth it. they'd always be worth it.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Trying out a little Eret and Wilbur soulmates au.
It felt so wrong to know so much about Wilbur. Eret faced him across a table, sat as straight as she could and tried not to flinch everytime his eyes flickered over to her. It felt an inversion of Wilbur to know the past and present of a man who hated her. She could sing his favorite song backwards and forwards. She knew his public fake laugh, soft and warm as a spring day ,from his real one, loud and annoying that crackled like lighting from his lips. She knew from the small tensing of his jaw he was uncomfortable and the bags under his eyes, hidden with makeup he hadn’t slept. Wilbur had gone a bit too heavy on the left side just like he always did. That’s why he used to ask Eret to do it for him. Dream droned on about trade deals and Eret shifted uncomfortably. The mark on her wrist, a wing and a quill for Wilbur and an eye for her burned. It was scarred over now, Wilbur had tried to crave it off when he woke up from respawn. Those grey eyes meet hers again and Eret held back a flinch counting to three in her head until he looked away. Wilbur wasn’t hers anymore it was important to remember that.
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thefemaledeath · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Platonic Soulmates Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Soft Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Kid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Kid Wilbur Soot, But Older Kid, Fluff, Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Sleepy Bois Inc-centric, Sleepy Bois Inc Fluff, Protective Sleepy Bois Inc, SBIWEEK2022, SBIW_D3, Bedrock Bros, sleepy bois inc - Freeform, One Shot Series: Part 3 of SBI Week 2022 Summary:
Tommy has a secret he has been keeping to himself, but when he finds the mercenary Technoblade he knows he can get his help. So what does a kid do other than walk up to said mercenary and demand they help him.
Wilbur has been searching for a while without any luck. So he turns to someone he thinks he can trust and it turns out to be the best decision of his life.
Day 3 of SBI Week 2022
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evangelimes17 · 2 years
Heyo I’m finally trying my hand at writing.
Sbi soulmate au found family also that good stuff
Also Wilbur centric
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modelbus · 3 months
Okay so this is VERY OLD. As in, excuse the poor writing and savor the fact I posted please :). I was in Florida for the week (not my home state) and couldn't write so I dredged up soulmate au where soulmates share scars.
This has a POV switch in it, be mindful of that while reading!
Pairing: Gn!Reader x Cc!Tommyinnit - Soulmate AU
Shining Souls
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You used to love the idea of soulmates. Someone you knew was perfect for you? Sign you the fuck up.
And then you never found them. Whoever they were, you just hadn't met them yet. You know they exist, but not who they are. The sparkle of soulmates was lost throughout the wait for yours.
On your tenth birthday, the soulmate bond was cemented like it was for everyone. From that day forward, you'd share scars with your soulmate.
So when your soulmate gained a scar on his leg, perhaps a cut from a branch, you gained the same one. When your soulmate had a surgery, their scar was mirrored on your own stomach.
Likewise, the small scar on your palm from being stabbed with a pencil would've transferred. Or that time you thought It'd be a great idea to try and capture a feral raccoon and gained three scars split between your arm and your collarbone.
Even through everything that you felt like you've gone through with your soulmate, it's been seven long years of being alone.
But at some point, you had stopped caring. Stopped looking at every stranger to find their scars. And then? You started enjoying life.
You became an influencer, started streaming. Found your best friends and true source of happiness. And that was that. A soulmate could come later.
And then later became now.
You weren't disappointed at all, not upset. If anything, you were thrilled. Your best friend, your source of laughter and sunlight, was your soulmate.
Tommy was your soulmate. Tommyinnit.
And then you realized why you couldn't tell him.
Would you rather a soulmate you're dissatisfied with or to never know them? You were forced to answer the question for Tommy, and in the end you protected your own selfish feelings.
Tommy didn't know. He couldn't know! If he did, he'd reject you. That would be worse than any unreturned soulmate bond.
Because Tommy didn't see you in that way. From day one, it was pure friendship. And how did you know? How did you know your soulmate bond was wrong?
You asked Wilbur.
In your most vulnerable moment, you messaged Wilbur. You're pretty sure he thought you had a crush on him, so that was the worst (although not wrong).
But the answer was no. Tommy only saw you as a friend.
So that was why you hadn't told you soulmate you were, well, his soulmate. Friendship was better than nothing.
The thing about soulmates was that it wasn't a guarantee. You could still choose not to date them, go off on your own. You could choose to be platonic soulmates. It was a scary gamble.
Hiding your soulmate bond was a lot easier than you thought it would be though. As long as neither of you got a huge scar on their hands or faces, you were set.
And then he had to ruin everything.
"A hot spring." You repeat, holding the door to your apartment open.
"Yeah." Tommy nods. "Come on!"
"I- I have to get permission, and pack-"
"Already got it." Wilbur says, waving his phone in the air. "And pack now. Two nights. Three days. Go."
"Wha-" you sputter.
Wilbur went above your head to get you to go, but why? He didn't know about the soulmate thing. Something weird was going on there, but you had bigger problems.
If you went, they'd know.
"Your parents said, quote, you need to get out of the house." Wilbur adds on.
Great. So you were being forced into this.
"Fine. Come in if you want, I guess. It'll be a minute."
"Bring YouTube friendly stuff." Tommy laughs, barging his way into your house.
Perfect. An out.
"I have Coke's in my fridge if you want one." You call out, running up your stairs to pack.
You pack as fast as you can while still being mindful of what you grab. There wasn't enough room for extras in your little duffel bag, so you just had to hope it'd be fine.
Just like you had to hope the entire vlog would be fine. Nothing would go wrong.
"Alright children, we're here." Phil's words pierce the fog of your sleep, drawing you out of its gentle grasp.
The car had pulled you into sleep at some point, and that was entire Tommy's fault. If he hadn't decided to tell you last minute at seven in the fucking morning then you would've been more awake!
Speaking of Tommy, your head was resting on his shoulder. You had actually googled why you two always seemed to gravitate towards each other. At tables you always managed to sit together, when walking you walked together. It was something with how soulmates subconsciously wanted to be near each other.
But he didn't seem to mind, so you took what you could.
"Sorry." You murmur, a yawn following. "Your fault for getting me up at the ass crack of dawn."
"Seven." He scoffs.
"Same thing."
"If you two don't shut up right now I will dismember you both." Tubbo complains, lightly hitting his head against the window.
"Calm down." Wilbur scolds. "We're here so you have to get up anyways."
"Fuck. Tommy, why did this have to be so early?!"
"Sorry man."
"What the fuck?!" You exclaim. "Tubbo gets an apology but I dont?!"
"You called it the ass crack of dawn." He teases. "He didn't."
"Fuck off."
"Get out of the car." Phil sighs, unlocking the doors.
They all stumble out into the dewy morning, stretching as they do. The hot spring resort actually looks pretty cute. You can't deny that you're excited.
"They don't allow kids to room by themselves so Tubbo and Tommy are together, and Phil is with Kristen who is coming later." Wilbur reports, reading off his phone before looking down at you. "So you're with me. Everyone cool?"
That's fine, you don't mind that. Wilbur's pretty cool to room with, if you have to pick an opinion. At least he has a concept of when to go to sleep.
"We aren't fucking kids." Tommy grumps, already vlogging.
"Yeah yeah." Wilbur waves a hand in the air.
"Let's check in, settle into our rooms, then explore the place." Phil suggests.
"Last one there is a loser." Tommy cries, running off.
"Hey!" You yell back, racing after him.
Tubbo's quick to follow.
The hot spring resort is cozy in a cool way. Cabin-like, yet modern. You hate to admit it but Tommy was definitely right about this being a cool vlog.
And the hot spring was even cooler. It was definitely hot, that's for sure. Someone had put LED lights in it, making it glow different colors. You took care to twist your leg away from the view of others, hiding the thin scar on your ankle.
A long sleeve swim shirt covered your others scars, much to your pleasure.
Tommy and Tubbo were currently trying to drown Wilbur while you warded off Phil.
"Look, a bird!"
"Mate, I know there's no bird."
"No, but there is. It's a crow. You're the crow father. Look."
"...I'm not looking."
Shit. Okay, you needed something else.
"Is that scar from Kristen?" You blurt, regretting it immediately.
This was the one thing you were meant to stay away from and here you were bringing it up. Phil's eyes immediately soften at the mention of his soulmate, their collective mother.
He brings a hand up to graze at the barely noticeable white line along the top of his forehead.
"Yeah, it was. She fell and hit her head pretty bad. I was freaking out for days."
There was a familiar fondness in his voice, one that you wished you could have.
His expression suddenly changes.
"I've never heard you talk about your soulmate scars."
Oh, shit. Okay, think of a lie.
"I don't have any." You push your hands out, creating ripples.
"Hm. I don't know if I'd rather that or not. At least your soulmate is being safe."
"Yeah." You laugh, albeit nervously.
"Help!" Tommy screams.
You turn around to find Wilbur holding him upside down, repeatedly dunking him in the water. Tubbo is too busy laughing to help so you start on splashing.
"Argh!" Wilbur yells, dropping Tommy completely into the water.
"Yeah bitch!" Tommy cheers once he stands up again.
Your eyes automatically find their way to the scar you share on your arms before darting away again. While your long sleeves covered yours, his short sleeves exposed it.
"Piss off, children."
"Guys, let's see who can hold their breaths underwater the longest! Phil, count us."
In the end, Tubbo wins. Turns out Tommy has the lung capacity of a fucking toddler, making you the second place winner.
By the time they call it quits, you're ready to collapse. Hopefully you do something less tiring tomorrow.
"I love Tommy, but he runs us ragged." Wilbur tells you, collapsing in bed.
"Oh yeah. And we'll do it all again tomorrow."
Unlike him, you climb into your bed with at least a little bit of dignity.
"Weird question, but don't you find it strange that Tommy hasn't found his soulmate yet?" Wilbur asks, hugging a pillow and tilting his head to see you.
Fear clogs your throat up. He can't know. He can't.
"He's always had them on the internet, so his soulmate should've been able to just contact him."
Oh. Thank fucking God.
"Maybe they're not online."
"Maybe. I feel bad for him though. He wants to meet them so bad. We don't exactly give him hope though."
Wilbur, with his scarred hands from guitar, and his undeniable pessimism about his soulmate. How would he react if he knew?
Riddled with guilt, you turn away from him and close your eyes.
"Let's get there first and-" Wilbur's eyes widen as he crashes into you, his bright red juice splashing over your very distinctly pale blue swim shirt.
It stains quick, and you hold it away from your body.
"Shit!" He exclaims. "I am so sorry. Do you have anything else you can use?"
"I didn't pack anything extra." You groan. Stupid of you.
"Fuck, me either. I'll go grab a shirt from Tommy or something, he always packs extra."
While he vanishes, you sigh and peel it off. Hopefully it wouldn't stain your skin or anything. Luckily, it didn't seem like it did. Little things.
Of course Wil had to get fruit punch. The worst possible thing to spill on you. Your swim shirt was definitely ruined.
"Got one." Wilbur announces, opening and closing the door. "I'm pretty sure it's merch for a band I recommended but I'm trying not to be hurt by that."
He holds the shirt out, and you reach to take it.
You can pinpoint the exact moment he sees. The exact moment things click together in his head, because the shirt falls to the ground. His eyes, wide and filled with betrayal, give him away.
You had to do one thing. One simple thing. And you fucked it up. In the fun excitement of the day you had forgotten all about the soulmate scars.
"Wilbur-" you start, but he doesn't let you finish.
"You told Phil you didn't have any scars."
And yeah, you did. You directly lied.
"And you're not just anyone's soulmate. I know these scars. You're Tommy's."
"Please." You beg, but you aren't sure for what.
"I thought— you always wore long sleeves. I thought maybe you were hurting yourself, but no. You were lying. You're Tommy's soulmate and you haven't told him."
"You can't tell him." Ah. That's what you're begging for. His silence.
"You're his soulmate!" You duck your head away from gaze. "Do you not like him or something?" He pauses. "Do you not want him to be your soulmate?"
He's got it all backwards, but you don't bother to correct him.
"Wil, I'm begging you not to tell him. Please."
"Why?" He asks, plainly. "Why shouldn't I?"
You open and close your mouth. There're too many reasons, too much to say.
"You can't." You just whisper, voice breaking.
He stares at you for a moment, clearly thinking.
"...the shirt has short sleeves." Wilbur finally responds.
"I'll figure it out. You won't say anything?"
"I won't say anything. You tell him after this vlog is over, though."
Time. Time is all you can buy, and not much at that. But you'll take it.
It'll give you time to move halfway across the world at least! (You're joking. Mostly.)
"Thank you." Your shoulders slump in relief.
"If he figures it out, I'm not going to lie to him." He warns you.
"He won't. He hasn't yet, right?"
This gets Wilbur to laugh quietly. "How'd you do it? How'd you keep it a secret? The soulmate bond must be itching for more."
Lifting your shoulders in a helpless movement, you shrug. "It is."
His eyes soften. "Looking back, it feels stupid not to have known. You two always did find yourselves together more often than not."
"I know." You laugh. "He's a clingy motherfucker."
"That he is. Put the shirt on and I'll meet you outside."
When the door shuts behind him, you hide your hands in your hair and tug. Hard.
It'd be fine. Everything would be absolutely fine.
Hey! What more could you fuck up?
Everything was fucked up and you hadn't even told Tommy. Wilbur's gaze was constantly on you, the weight of judgement heavy. Tommy wouldn't even look at you, like he knew you had done something just by your face.
At least Tubbo, Kristen, and Phil were all blissfully ignorant.
Tommy had set down his camera, claiming that he had enough footage, and they were now just having fun for themselves. You had to be careful though. Arms always pointed inwards, hiding yourself.
The vlog was over and the time was out.
Wilbur could say something any minute. He could ruin everything you had worked so hard to build up.
Soulmate bonds weren't just a signal of who was your soulmate, they were a connection. It could only be severed when both parties accepted they didn't want to be together, which Tommy and you hadn't.
Which meant that the bond, for every second you denied it, tugged harder. Wanted you closer. Phil and Kristen were an extremely close soulmate bond, meaning they could feel each other's emotions when they got strong, so at least there were upsides that existed.
"Tubbo! Race me!"
"Did you and Tommy get into a fight?" Kristen asks, wadding closer. Because of course Kristen noticed how you were left out.
"No." You deny.
You and Wilbur did though.
"I'll be right back, I need to plug my phone in." You smile, climbing out of the warm hot spring and heading away.
The second you round the corner, it all comes crashing down.
- Wilbur
He was so conflicted.
You were someone he trusted with his life, a pretty honest person, so this just didn't make sense for you. Besides, you and Tommy were so close! If you didn't have romantic feelings for him you at least had platonic.
So caught up in his thoughts, he doesn't realize Tommy is back from his race until he's getting splashed. Before he can splash him back, Tommy pauses and grabs his arm.
"Ow!" He exclaims.
"What happened?" Wilbur asks, reaching out with no hesitation.
Tommy pulls his hand away from his arm, holding it out. Five little crescent moon marks are bleeding. Not a lot, but it must be enough to leave small scars.
"Aw, mate." Phil sighs. "Did you do that?"
"No, I think it's my soulmate."
You were alone right now and, by the looks of it, digging your fingernails into your arm.
"Glad they keep first aid kits around for times like this." Kristen laughs, holding it out to Phil.
"I'll be right back." Wilbur blurts out, hopping out of the hot springs and running off in the direction you went.
If Tommy was getting hurt, so were you.
- You
This was a mess.
You didn't know what to do; letting Wilbur say something was like a cop-out, but telling Tommy yourself was too hard. And then your previous choice of not saying anything wasn't available anymore.
"You're hurting yourself." Wilbur says gently.
Your head snaps up in surprise. When did he get here?
You were a pathetic sight right now. Knees drawn up to your chest, red eyes from crying. So shaken by the idea of losing the friendship of your soulmate.
Finally, the pain in your arm registers. Your crossed arms had allowed you to pierce the skin with your nails without even realizing.
"Shit." You hiss, holding it out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Don't apologize."
It's already stopped bleeding, so you wipe the drops away.
"...is this about the soulmate thing?"
You nod miserably. "I know I should tell him, but I'm scared. I don't want to lose his friendship."
"You can be platonic soulmates."
That was true. Rare as it was, platonic soulmates existed.
"But that won't work." You whisper, staring away.
"Why- oh. You like him more than a friend."
"Yeah. And if I tell him about the soulmate bond then he'll ask and if he asks and I tell him it'll fuck everything up."
"How do you know?"
Trying to fit yourself smaller, you sniffle.
"You told me."
"...I did?"
"Yeah. It was about a year ago."
"Oh." He says softly. "I remember that.I wasn't- I didn't ask him. He always said he wanted to wait for his soulmate, and I thought you weren't his so... shit. Fuck, I'm sorry."
Wait, what?
That wasn't possible.
You had not been denying your soulmate bond because of something that wasn't even true.
"If it helps, I think if it were anyone, I'd want it to be you. He does like you, at least as a friend. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something more."
Wilbur shrugs. "It's you two. When I grabbed you the extra shirt, he told me no at first. When I told him it was for you and not me, he changed his mind. I don't know for sure, but I'd say there's a pretty good chance."
That's all you wanted. A chance. If there was just a chance, you'd take it in a heartbeat. But what if Wilbur was reading it wrong?
"So, Tommy, huh?" Wilbur laughs.
"Yeah." You sigh. "Tommy."
"Good. You two need each other, I think."
"Kind of weird, but okay."
The pressure on your chest had been relieved, and you both smile at your words. The mood was effectively lightened.
"I kind of ran away so we should really get back." He sheepishly admits.
"Ran away?"
"Tommy started bleeding." He nods towards your arm.
"Hey, it's okay. No worries. Just... tell him when you can. Better sooner than later."
"I will." And this time you mean it.
"Let's go then."
Tommy, ever the pianist, is playing. It's only been two days since the trip and whatever weird feelings he had that last night disappeared.
"Fuck yeah." He says, nodding. "I am the master."
"Sure." You roll your eyes.
His playing now done, he takes a seat on his bed next to you. Maybe even a little too close, because you can't unsee it now.
This was it. It was a rare moment where you didn't have a topic, and it was perfect.
"There's something you need to know."
Tommy can be serious sometimes, contrary to popular belief. Right now, he perks up, a serious look on his face as he waits for you to continue.
"Okay. What's up? Is everything okay?"
You'll kill Wilbur if he was wrong. For a second you fidget with the ends of your sleeves, contemplating.
And that was it. That was all that came out of your mouth despite everything that you needed to say.
"Sorry." You laugh anxiously.
Tommy, noticing your moving fingers, grabs your hand and gives a reassuring squeeze. This. You didn't want to lose this.
But at the same time, you wanted to gain so much more.
"I'm your soulmate."
Tommy drops your hand. "Funny." He says in a way that promises he didn't find it funny at all.
"I'm serious."
"You don't have any soulmate scars."
This was the hard part to explain. Your lying. So you don't. You just turn your body towards his and tugs your shirt collar lower to reveal the scar along your collarbone.
"Wha- how long have you known?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
Your hands drop to your lap, this time enclosed in each other. You close them tighter.
"A year."
"What?" His voice has lost it's edge where he's nearly shouting, now just hurt. Shock.
It's worse. It's so much worse.
All or nothing, you've come this far. Right?
"I was scared?" It comes out like a question but you keep going. "Soulmates can choose not to reciprocate and I asked Wilbur-"
"Wilbur knows?!"
"Only for three days. I made him promise not to say anything. But I asked a vague question a year ago and..."
And yeah. That's it.
"You didn't tell me." He finishes. "You didn't tell me that we're soulmates. But we- we can be platonic soulmates! Those exist!"
Oh. Wilbur was wrong. But this was better than nothing.
"Yeah. Yeah, we could-"
Before you can finish, his lips are on yours.
It's just for a second, barely anything, but you freeze. That wasn't platonic. Not platonic at all.
"Sorry." He immediately apologizes, eyes wide. "I'm sorry. I just- I had to. One time. Then we're platonic. I get it, you only feel platonically towards me, I'll-"
"I only feel platonically for you?" You repeat. "What? You feel platonically for me!"
"...I think there's been a miscommunication."
"No shit. So... what?"
You're so confused. Did he have platonic feelings or romantic? Because you knew yours.
"So I like you. Like, really really like you. But if you don't... we can be friends."
Fuck, Wilbur was actually right for once. How long had he felt like this? How long were you missing out?
"No. I- I really like you too. I just thought you didn't like me!"
"Right." He nods. "So I can kiss you again?"
You laugh, and he takes that as his answer.
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sunshine-on-marz · 10 months
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take this, musician!bur, and soulmate au and do what you please
I love how this turned out <3
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Well this was gonna be an issue. When you walked in the venue and saw your string start to tighten you looked around the venue for where your string was headed.
That’s when you saw it.
Your string lead back stage.
You try and talk to security for them to let you backstage, but they won’t budge. That’s until a brunette runs out from backstage, stammering over his words and telling the guards that’s you’re “with him”. Once backstage the man introduces himself as Wilbur. And god he was handsome. “I cant believe I’m looking at my soulmate” you giggle and he nods “yea.. uh- can I hug you?” He asks, and you nod. You’ve never felt so at home in someone’s arms. He gently rubs your back until you pull away. The both of you realize the small red string that had been on your finger was gone. He chuckles and runs his hands through his hair. “So uh.. I need to go back to the band before we go onstage, so, come backstage after the show? I’ll meet you at security, alright darling?” And if you weren’t blushing before you were now. “I- yea! Of course”
He looked amazing on stage, the best show opener you’ve ever seen. The way he played the guitar and the way he flung his head as he sang. The way he winked at you when you made eye contact. God, you’re starting to feel faint.
The show was amazing but every second Wilbur wasn’t on stage he’s where your mind went. You wanted to see him again, which was odd, considering you just met, but it can be expected to want to see your soulmate for more than a minute or two. (Right? It definitely wasn’t just that he’s hot) So as soon as the show was over you booked it to security, where Wilbur was waiting with open arms. You hug him again while he explains the situation to the guards, who once again, let you through. His backstage area was nice, a couch with a side table that had two water bottles. He sat next to you on the sofa and put his arm behind you, allowing you to lean into his side. “Hi beautiful” he smiled “hi” you answered, and if he hadn’t seen your smile (he had), then he definitely heard it in your voice. There was a lot of logistics to work out, like the fact you knew absolutely nothing about eachother, but the smiles on your lips and blush on your cheeks made it clear that the two of you would do well together.
“So, y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?”
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