#Which would make Red Son his cousin too!!!
samadhifired · 4 months
Wait, wait wait...
Some versions of Nuwa's origin story name her as a daughter of the Jade Emperor?!?
The Jade Emperor is MK's Grandpa!?!
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toji-girl · 2 months
heyy darling, i fucking love your workajshaljka, i love love LOVE the way you write toji UGH could you maybe do one of college au! toji? maybe when he was younger with the reader and how hed be in college?
18+ only content - mdni
hello there sweetpea, you are so kind 🥺🥺 thank you for the compliment!
tags: fem reader + some smut and fluff + both you and him are in your early 20s + weed + mentions of alcohol (it's actually canon that he doesn't like it) + mentions of pregnancy/having a family
Dating Toji in his prime was very interesting to say the least, he gatherd attention wherever he went. Being over six feet tall and nothing but bulging muscles you weren't all that surprised.
All the women were over him, even though you two were in a committed relationship and they knew it that still didn't stop them from coming up to him batting their eyelashes in hopes he'd reply.
The guys dubbed him the campus playboy despite him not being one, Toji was committed to you and only you, his eyes never strayed from you and your scent was ingrained in him so he knew when you were near him.
It wasn't just his looks you were interested in, he was very smart and thoughtful and funny, while being super charming. Toji never failed to make you laugh or feel flustered when he would whisper in your ear.
A lot of people thought he was a himbo, but that wasn't the case, he had it all, the looks and brains to boot.
There was another thing you really appericated.
When you were stressed to the max about classes and homework piling on, Toji just knew which would always result in your legs being pushed back, your knees pressed against your ears almost.
He knew that this way you couldn't think about anything but him and the pleasure he doused you in, with the way his cock was stroking in and out of your embarrassingly wet cunt that squelched with each rut of his hips that rolled against you expertly filling you so perfectly.
It was always too much in a good way, you felt so full of him that it made you feel dizzy as you clung to him chanting his name.
Toji loved to watch you fall apart on his cock and he enjoyed it when you marked him with your nails and teeth letting everyone know who he belonged to when he had you in his lap at the parties.
He wasn't shy about public displays of affections either.
Whenever he had the chance he was sure to slap your ass, especially if you bend over and you two are in your dorm where you both spend most of your time in your own little world filled with love and obsession that left you wanting more of him, he was your drug.
Toji was a lot of fun too, he didn't enjoy drinking alcohol though
But he enjoyed smoking with you while studying together, which happened a lot, you helped each other out the best you could and he was your biggest encourager and supporter always having your back.
It always mellowed him out, but it wasn't often that it happened, if you didn't partake he made sure to take a few puffs before coming to see you, all red-eyed with low lids that always made you ache.
If you did then you spent a lot of time curled in his lap while you two lay in bed watching a movie or reruns, you and he preferred to spend alone time together, only on occasion, going out with some friends.
For holidays Toji tags along with you to go see family after the first few months of dating and after a year they already call him son-in-law and watching him interact with your cousins made you think of how he would be as a father.
"You know I'd think we have a really cute baby, chubby too, maybe even a few of them." You murmured later that night when you two settled on your mattress that creaked with his weight as he shifted.
He cocked an eyebrow and smirked, his scarred lip curling which always caught your attention. "Don't tempt me darlin'. You'd give me fat cute little brats who I have to fight for to get your attention, you think you're ready for the competition?" He teased making you laugh.
You settled on your side as you threw your leg over his waist drawing him closer, your heartbeats turning into one as you stared at him. Toji couldn't imagine a world where you didn't have his babies.
His hands trailed up and down your back drawing random patterns as he tugged you closer to slot his lips against yours. "I am yes, are you up for it?" You shot back moving to straddle him with a grin.
After another year Toji proposed at the park where you two had your first date, the same spot you shared your first kiss as well, shortly after the wedding you ended up pregnant with Megumi.
Then you had two beautiful twin daughters who completed your family.
Twenty years later you still get butterflies when Toji stares at you, your tummy twisting with that feeling of being in love as you brush his silver-streaked hair out from his face.
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geronimosong · 5 months
Okay, for a long time, I had a head cannon. Now that we have a great new adaptation, it is a good time to share it.
I firmly believe that the Neriad Percy meets after his fall from St. Louis Arch is Amphitrite, the Sea Goddess and Wife of Posiedon. Why do I believe this well? Firstly, she is the highest regarded Nereid, and after Amphitrite married Poseidon, the Nereids became part of their royal court.
I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I bowed. "You're the woman who spoke to me in the Mississippi River." "Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy to appear so far upriver, but the naiads, my freshwater cousins, helped sustain my life force. They honor Lord Poseidon, though they do not serve in his court." "And … you serve in Poseidon's court?" She nodded. "It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest."
"If my father is so interested in me," I said, "why isn't he here? Why doesn't he speak to me?" A cold current rose out of the depths. "Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly," the Nereid told me. "He stands at the brink of an unwanted war. He has much to occupy his time. Besides, he is forbidden to help you directly. The gods may not show such favoritism.' "Even to their own children?" "Especially to them. The gods can work by indirect influence only. That is why I give you a warning, and a gift." She held out her hand. Three white pearls flashed in her palm. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
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Theseus and Amphitrite, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art
Secondly, in mythology, King Minos questions Theseus's parentage with a ring thrown into the sea. Proving his connection to Poseidon, Theseus dives, carried by dolphins, to Poseidon's palace. Amphitrite treats him as a son, gifting him a purple cloak and a crown. Theseus triumphantly returns to his ship with these divine presents, reminiscent of Percy's encounter with a Nereid in "Lightning Thief."
Though Theseus proves his parentage to Poseidon, the god is not in the underwater palace. Theseus gains the ability to breathe underwater from Amphitrite. This parallels Percy's first underwater experience. You might ask why his stepmom would decide to help him; well, it is her kingdom that is at unwanted war, and Percy is her hope, too. In Riordan's own words, Poseidon and her have an open relationship:
“Most of the gods are jerks,” Delphin agreed. “And they have a lot of girlfriends even after they get married—” “Gah!” Amphitrite said. “I wouldn’t care about that. I’m not the jealous type. I just don’t want to be mistreated. I want to be my own person, do my own thing, without some man lording over me!”
As the years went by, Amphitrite discovered that Delphin was right. She did love her children even more than seabass, and most of the time Poseidon was a very good husband. He did have a lot of affairs with nymphs and mortals and whatnot, but strangely that didn’t bother Amphitrite so much. As long as Poseidon didn’t try to own her and tell her what to do, and as long as he was good to their three children, Amphitrite was cool. She was even nice to Poseidon’s demigod children, unlike some other goddesses I could name. (Cough, Hera, cough.) One time the hero Theseus came to visit, and Amphitrite treated him like an honored guest. She even gave him a purple cloak to wear, which was a sign of kingship. She’s been pretty cool to me, too. She doesn’t freak out when I leave my dirty laundry in the guest room. She makes cookies for me. She’s never tried to kill me that I know of. Pretty much all you could ask of an immortal stepmom. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
The description that Percy gives of Neriad matches the way he describes Amphitrite in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Although it could be argued that all the Neriads are described in the same Percy imagines the Neriad to resemble his mom because of the warmth she emits.
She had flowing black hair, a dress made of green silk. Light flickered around her, and her eyes were so distractingly beautiful I hardly noticed the stallion-sized sea horse she was riding. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
She came in riding a hippocamps, in traditional depictions Amphitrite is represented either enthroned beside Poseidon or driving with him in a chariot drawn by sea-horses (hippocamps). It is one of her queenly attributes that separates her from the other Nereids along with her crown.
Amphitrite was gorgeous. The more she tried to avoid the gods, the more they pursued her. Her black hair was pinned back in a net of pearls and silk. Her eyes were as dark as mocha. She had a kind smile and a beautiful laugh. Usually, she dressed in a simple white gown. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Amphitrite sat on a coral ledge, watching the sunset filter through the deep water and make rosy streaks in the seaweed forests. A seabass lay in her open palm, all blissed out, because Amphitrite really had a way with fish. Normally I don’t think of sea bass as cuddly, but they loved her. Delphin could see why Poseidon liked her. She radiated a sort of kindness and gentleness that you don’t see in a lot of immortals. Usually with gods, the longer they lived, the more they acted like spoiled children. Delphin wasn’t sure why, but that whole thing about getting wiser as you got older? Not so much. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Hestia is the only other God that Percy has such an honorable description of in this entire book. This is significant. So, I can't wait to see if the show proves my theory to be right or not.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Baby Talk
Synopsis: Harry wants to try for a baby but is hesitant to tell his girlfriend
CW: Smut and a shit load of fluff.
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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Ever since Harry had come back home with YN.
The first thing they did was go to Brielle's baby shower her sister-in-law hosted for her.
YN was very excited to see her friend pregnant, she even called dibs for baby sitting before Alec, which got him pissed for the moment there.
Now it was three weeks later, Harry wasn't working but making a music video which would be done by the next day. He had a magazine interested yesterday and the Photoshoot is arranged on the weekend. That meant he was free and home today.
He scrolled through Instagram, when YN's post popped up on his feed. Yes, he followed her private account. It was a little photo dump from her friend's baby shower. The first picture was of her and Brielle recreating the Hadid Sisters pictures from a long time ago. And the next was YN's hand on her friend's bump all surprised, he reckoned it was that moment when YN felt babies kicking inside for the first time it has her gasping and her friend laughing. And next two were of him and her together and rest of it were random little videos and to end it all, she had a funny pictures of Brielle using her bump as a table for her plate of cake taking a huge bite. Just ten likes on her post from ten people out of fifteen who follow her.
She had removed very many people from her follower list (especially her cousins) and switched her account to private recently since Harry decided he wanted to follow her, and turned off her DMs. Apparently the hate was increasing since he talked the second time about her recently. It was going to be inevitable, but she thought it was going to be best option there.
He liked it and commented a little red heart, and pouty emoji.
Now seeing that post had his heart racing. Especially remembering how good she was with Brielle's nieces and nephews that day, everyone loved her for some reason. She was surrounded by little kids the whole time there. Even her own niece and nephew loves her, no wonder why! He loves her too!
Especially Brielle's three month old nephew. Apparently the infant was way too infatuated by YN that he would start to cry every time she tried to give him to his dad.
"Hey, come on Mateo." Brielle's brother urged his son back to him but the little baby started whining. It is indeed very difficult to figure what is going on in an infant's mind. Mateo was meeting for the first time and he already didn't wanted to leave her.
"It's okay, I don't mind hanging out with him." YN assured the red head.
"You sure?"
"Mhmm, I'll go find you or your girlfriend if he starts to get fussy." She nodded. That's when Harry saw her approaching him with the baby as he went to get a drink of water. "Harry look."
"Oh who is that?" He cooed, watching the little lad staring up at his girlfriend like she's made of twinkling stars with his big blue eyes. He doesn't blame the little lad but he's just little baby. "Hello, darling!"
"This is Mateo, Brielle's nephew." YN introduced the little human to him, "and Mateo this is Harry, my boyfriend." The little boy just squirmed shyly in her arms making the pair laugh. "He's so cute!"
"He is," Harry agreed, "how old is he?"
"Three months." She gasped, distracted watching the little boy smiling at her. "Sorry, I just..." She looked up at him sheepishly.
"It's alright, love." Harry smiled, dimples denting deep in his cheeks. "I don't blame you, he is very adorable."
For the next three hours the couple hung out with little Mateo until he fell asleep and YN had to give him back to his parents. The little sad pout on her face was the most adorable thing she's seen. She really wanted to hang out with that tiny human more!
That nailed the image in his head for good.
Now that he's had more free time on his hand, he's got to thinking. He does want all of that for himself too. Especially now when he's got someone who he loves to much and she feels the same way.
He had watched his friends meet the love of their life, fall in love, get married and have family of their own. He's experienced that first hand with Sarah and Mitch. Is it too bad he wants that for himself too?
Hell, they haven't had the baby talk yet and here he is already picturing everything.
A little baby to love on in a way which seemed much more magical to even think about. No doubt, his YN would be the best parent to their kiddos. If they have any!
Two years is enough time right? To give a thought about wanting a family with someone.
Harry has never found talking about anything this difficult. For the first time they had indulged into something sexual, he had her sat down to ask what she wanted from it, what she thinks would be comfortable for her and what not as it was her first time. They even talked more about the moving in together part, he wanted to be sure that it's something she wanted too and she did now they're living together.
He doesn't know if that's something she really wants, his assumptions and him thinking she's going to be the most amazing mother to his kiddos won't be relevant if she doesn't want any kids. Maybe she doesn't want to get pregnant. Maybe she doesn't want to have kids at all.
He's not getting any younger. Especially since her brother have pointed out that he's quite older than his baby sister though he doesn't see a problem with that, it made him insecure. Even if it was just tiny bit. It has never been an issue for either of them.
He's just beating himself up for no reason, he knew that. All it is going to take is talking to her about it. If he tells her about his tiny insecurity she's going to give him a good talk about how it was definitely fine with her, how she shouldn't be insecure around her because she loves him and would never judge him or make him feel bad about himself in all her consciousness. The click of the door opening caught his attention, making his heart beating like he just ran a marathon.
"Hazza, I'm home." YN's little mumble traveled through their small living room with a sound of door clicking close she appeared in his sight.
"Hello darling." He smiled, already rushing to greet her. She had a little bag of groceries with her. "How was your day at work?"
"It was good, surprisingly we didn't had any Karens coming in today." She beamed putting away bottle of Orange Juice in the fridge.
She seemed in a very good mood today. Should he talk to her?
"Do you want to start on with dinner?" YN suggested, "I need to go take a shower, spilt coffee all over my pants today."
"I thinking we should go on a date." He suggested, making up a plan on the spot. They both haven't been on a proper date in a while now. Her eyes lit up in instant on the mention of a date night.
"Yeah, we should." She agreed.
Harry took her to the same restaurant they went on their first date, it was the first time since then.
He stalled the whole night to talk about it. Wanting to take advantage of her being in a good mood was thrown out the window as soon as both of them came back home. He'd put on the movie both of them wanted to watch for ages. Not giving into her little touch of affection and kisses. It's him who takes things further unless she's making it very obvious.
In the morning, YN slept past her alarm. She was rushing to leave for work, he had to go get last shots of his music video done too. Everything happened so quickly that he didn't even realise how fast the time went on and she was kissing him bye for a few hours like every day before heading out.
It took him extra long to get shots for his music video done today. He was stuck thinking about how he should have just told her instead of stalling and basically turning her down for having sex without saying a word. That wouldn't have been the first time he's told her he's not in the mood, she's nothing but understanding. But he saw her face today.
She woke up before him, didn't stay in bed for their morning cuddles. She hardly talked to him. Yeah, she was in hurry to get to work but still he felt so guilty.
But to his surprise, he was greeted by a squealing YN at home. "Harry, Harry, Harry, I have to tell you something!" She grabbed his hands and drag him to the living room with her. He sat down to have her basically sat on his lap giggling at her excitement for he doesn't know what.
"What's got you so excited?"
"So you probably don't know her, but my co-worker Emily's cat had an unexpected litter like a little over two months ago." She started, "you think we can get one kitten from her, please?"
"You want to get a kitten?" He was surprised.
"Yes! Half of them have already got their new homes. I wanted to talk to about it but I forgot. Please!" She hopped on her spot like a toddler asking for candy.
"Of course we can get one, baby, you don't have to say please." He chuckled. Honestly he wouldn't mind adding a pet to the mix. He's been wanting to try to have a literal human kid!
"I love you so much!" She attacked him with a bear hug with her arms wrapped around his neck. With an umph Harry almost fell back but held onto her before she could fall down on the floor.
"I love you more!" He pressed a kiss on her cheek. "When can we go bring one home?"
"She said she wants to keep the kitten with their mum for another week just so they're litter trained and all." YN shared, "her husband's a vet so he suggested the kittens get their vaccinations before they go to their new homes."
"Mhmm, that gives us enough time to prepare for one, doesn't it?" He suggested.
"Yes!" She nods her head jerkingly, "you sure you want a cat living with us?"
"Of course baby, we'll have to keep an eye on Mr. McFish though. Cats and Fishes don't quite get along, do they?" He's grown very attached to her pet fish there. He cleans up the aquarium, feeds the fish and all that stuff himself. He just doesn't let her do that when he's home.
"He'll be fine, his aquarium has got a secure lid and all." She assured him.
"Okay." He agreed.
"She sent me pictures of the kittens who haven't been adopted yet." YN picked up her phone from the coffee table and opened up her recent chat with her co-worker. There was a message from YN's side saying she needs to talk to her boyfriend first.
That made it everything all the more legit to him. He's never been in a serious relationship like this before. She cares enough to ask for his opinion. Even show him pictures of kittens. He shared with kitten's personality he liked through the little videos. No doubt of the kittens were adorable, he liked the one with the more energy, it was more rowdy bullying it's other siblings.
"I was thinking..." He trailed off when YN finally put her phone away being done with showing him all the pictures.
"Hmm?" She sounded giving him all his attention.
"I, I don't know how to, ehm, say this." He stuttered, running a nervous knuckle under his nose.
"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned all of a sudden.
"Nothing, nothing's wrong. I'm just nervous to say this!" He sighed.
"Harry, did you do something? What did you do?" She didn't know why she was asking this but it felt like he did something and how he wants to confess to her. A crease between her eyebrows grew tighter.
"No, no, baby I didn't do anything." He rushed, "I just want to ask if you like ehm, want to, uhhh... start trying to have a baby?"
"I, uh, what?" She was so surprised by his question she didn't know how to even process it.
"I know we never actually talked about it. Do you want to have kids? With me?" He asked but quickly realised, "I shouldn't say it this way. I, YN, I really, really, really love you if it's not obvious until now you know. And I've never had what I have with you by my side, I mean I've never lived with anything, never had a pet with anyone before, never had anyone care for me in the way you do before. I want more of it. Just a little bundle of our love to love upon for the rest of my days. I've been thinking about it since we were in New York, and especially since last couple of weeks. I don't know how to approach this conversation 'cause it can be bit sensitive for some. Don't know if that's what you want, I won't even ask you again if you tell me."
His heart was hammering in his ears as he felt his cheeks heat up.
"Harry, I..." She trailed off to add to his fear. "I do want to have kids. Especially if it's with you. I understand what you're saying, I'm not gonna say no to that. God, you don't know how much I want my own little ones! But not when still not married."
"What's wrong that? We already have sex." He shrugged.
"I just don't want to deal with mu family Harry, I honestly don't care when we start a family, you know?" She asked, her voice as soft as it can get, "you already know how my parents are after me because they know we live together. It's already hard enough for me to put up with them. If they got to know we're having a child together, I don't even want to think what my parents will do after. You know it's still not acceptable where I come from to have kids before marriage, people talk complete shit which I know I won't be able to take. But we can, after we're married."
"I understand." He nodded, because he really did. Her word to have a baby with him was enough to put him at ease and hold him off until they're actually married. Which he thinks is not too far enough in the future.
"And having a baby is a lot of work. We'll need to get a place with an extra bedroom for the little one, unless you don't mind having a little cot in our room here." She shared.
"They will be sleeping in our room untill they're big enough, baby, but I don't mind if it happens in this home. But we can look for a house close by here if you want?" He suggested.
"Mhmm we can do that." She agreed. They would have to discuss more on financials, because YN had just turned in her last installment of ger house loan (collaborating with Harry came in a huge help for her with that) and had very little in her savings to chip in. Even though Harry would be able to get a house all by himself, she'd want to be a part of the financial process too. "How many do you want."
"Let's think about one first." He chuckled sheepishly.
"Mhmm." She teased him, "I was thinking maybe I wanna have two or four."
"You want an even number of kids?"
"I just don't want a middle child." She chuckled. Even if they did ended up having an odd number of kids she'd treat her middle child the best she could like the others.
"Awh!" He cooed sadly pulling her in an embrace, he pressed a kiss sloppy on her cheek with a loud smooching sound.
"Are you okay, though?"
"Mhmm, I am." He sounded, "why would you ask that?"
"You, ehm, last night, you basically turned down to have sex." She stuttered, "that was very unusual, especially coming from you."
He cracked a smile picking up on the humour in her last sentence, that's true though. "Was just thinking about all this, that's all."
"I thought something happened, are you sure you're okay?" She pressed.
"Yes baby, I am sure. When have I ever hid being sad or low from you, hmm?" He scooted closer to her, nudging his nose against her, "especially when I know I'll be getting loads of cuddles and kisses from you."
She chuckled, "I can give you kisses and cuddles whenever, Haz, you know that."
"Yeah?" He rubbed his nose against hers in feathery touches, "would you give me kisses and cuddles now?"
"Mhmm." She agreed, her eyes shuttered closed as she leaned into close contact with him.
"Come close to me then, pretty." He urged her to straddle his thighs, she did, her mouth already buttoned onto his taking him by surprise. He sucked in a deep breath through his nose as he pulled her closer. He couldn't help the groan of a whine which left his mouth when she pulled away, feeling her fingers slip through his hair on the back of his head in gentle, soothing strokes of her finger tips. He leaned into her touch.
"What do you think? You think we'll have a girl a boy first?" She asked.
"Hmm," he signed ad his hands rested upon her hips, "I mind with either. We'll love them for who they are!"
"Awh!" She cooed. "But I think you'll be a better suit for a girl dad."
"How so, baby?"
"She'll know that how she is to be treated, our daughter I mean which is nothing but like a royalty. I know you'll treat her like a queen." She shared, "I can already imagine that."
It warmed his heart, "that puts on a lot of pressure on me."
"No, it's okay." She rushed, "I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry. You're going to be an amazing dad to our babies, Haz!"
"I'm just teasing baby, I know we're gonna make mistakes on our way which is okay." He chuckled at her reaction, "but what if we have a boy?"
"Then you're gonna be the best influence, he's gonna grow up to be - hopefully - comfortable in himself and be the most respectful person just like our daughter would grow up to be." She smiled, pressed another sweet kiss on his mouth which he so gladly returned to her. "But I want you to tell me whenever you're not in mood okay? I feel so bad, I was being all touchy-touchy. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable."
"No, you didn't my love, I love it when you touch me. In any way." He assured her, "you know I'll tell you when I'm not in mood. But now I certainly am in the mood." With a cheeky smirk he buttoned his mouth on hers, feeling her smile he tightly wrapped his arms around her.
"Well, good thing," she mumbled, "because I am too."
"Yeah?" He taunted, "always so needy for me, aren't you?" He stood up all of a sudden to her surprise. His hands supporting bum with her legs wrapped around his hips he made his way to their bedroom. "Need to wash my hands first. Baby, please!" Just when he'd put her down on their bed he was pulled down with her a huff.
"Oh, okay." She realised releasing her arms from around his neck.
"Be right back," with a peck on her forehead he rushed to the bathroom, he's touched his car door, then the lift button, fiddled with his keys and touched the main door before she was dragging him to the sofa talking about getting a new kitten, he also washed his dick just to be safe. Got a towel to splay on their sheets, he knows that they'd be tok tired to change the sheets later even jf they're yet to have their dinner. Took him all long three minutes to return, already unbuttoning his the white dress shirt he had on. "Hi."
"Hi." She chuckled watching him knee his way towards her on their shared bed, pushing away their blanket as he layed the towel down. He gave her another quick kiss before he was shrugging off the shirt off his shoulders but it got caught in his necklace. "You're going to break it." She reached for his necklace and carefully freed the button stuck in the chain making him giggle as he threw the garment on the floor, he was initially aiming for the laundry basket.
"Only fair if you take your shirt off."
"No!" She whined in her pretend disagreement.
"Yes!" He mocked her as his hands reached for the hem of her turtle neck at her hips, daring to dig his fingers just enough to make squirm before he was pushing the fabric up. She'd let him pull it over her shirt revealing the black lacy bra she was yet to take off, but the neckline got caught in her earring. "Oh, don't move!" He carefully slipped off the piece of jewelry from her earlobe as it was just a hook. "You alright?"
"Mhmm." She nodded.
"These are cute!" He chuckled seeing the clay charms of cats hung on the hook, he placed the pair on the side table once she handed him other. Her friend got those for her saying the piece of jewelry reminded her of her. He hovered over her as he lied her down carefully, managing to fit perfectly in between her thighs as his lips brushing in feathery touches just under her earlobe, like a pain relief kiss.
YN's hands dipped inbetween both their bodies reaching his core, her hand was met with his hard on. Just a squeeze on his bulge had him grunting against her neck as his teeth sunk into her skin.
God, she'll have to wear turtle necks for the rest of the week now!
Harey definitely loved leaving his marks on her, in the places only he can see. On the swells of her breasts and in between, on her hips, on soft skin of her inner thighs closer to her glistening cunt.
"Oh fuck!" He moaned heavily breathing, "you're gonna make me cum just like that."
"Can I, please?" She asked, stuttering shyly, "I want to suck you?"
"Yeah? Go on baby love, you know I'm all yours." He lifted his head up from her neck to look at before he pressed a soft lingering kiss on the full of her mouth.
He had moved every pillow to be piled up on the headrest of their bed as he's planning to get her in the same position in sometime. He got his pants and boxers off, his prick proud and hard up right.
"I love you!" She mumbled giving him another kiss on the cheek, as she sat on her heels next to him. Trailing her hand from his chest, down his tummy following the happy trail below his belly button.
"I love you mo-" he gasped at the touch of her hand on his cock, feeling sensitive for unknown reason today. He watched her moments as he wrapped her small hand around his shaft, on the second stroke and a swipe of her thumb over the tip had him throwing his head back. Breathing heavy.
She decided to cut to chase when he felt her warm mouth wrapped around his tip, her tongue pressed flat getting the taste of the pre cum. He swore he could be cumming any moment when he felt soft vibrations of her humming around his cock taking him further down, using her hand to cover what she couldn't take.
"Gahh! Fuck!" He moaned, his voice went extra deep mid orgasm which she seemed to love so much, he took her free hand in his lacing his fingers through hers in a gentle hold. She pulled away with a pop sound of her sucking hard on his cock to catch for breathing, reaching to cup his balls, playing with them just how she's figured he likes it. She took him back in his mouth bobbing up and low on gis length. "Fuck, just like that baby. You're so - ugh! - so good to me!" That earned another moan from her around his cock.
"Fuck I'm so close baby, just like that make me cum. Please!" His breathing got heavier which had his heart thumping against his chest, he whined at the lost of contact when she pulled away.
"Cum for me, Haz." She requested. Just as she had her mouth back on him, his release warmed her up. Taking all she could as the rest of his cum dripped down her hand with each bob of her head, making his cock go softer. She felt his legs shake on her side, a hand on the back of her head.
"C'mere." He breathed, without any hesitation he pulled her to smear his lips onto her spit-cum slick ones, slipping his tongue in her mouth.
"You good?" She asked.
"Yeah, just need a moment, you made me cum so hard." He nudged his nose next to hers, "I want you to sit on my lap, get on." YN listened to him, raising up on her knees to get closer to him. "Pants and knickers off, sweet girl." His demand caught her off guard.
First of, she was wearing her comfy panties when she changed after she got home, they had little pandas printed on them. She wasn't planning on letting him see those as he's teased her once about the same pair before, it was going to be am embarrassing in such a sexy moment. And second off, she haven't shaved since her period stopped this month. Though he's made it pretty clear he doesn't care, but she does. Somewhat.
"What's wrong?" He asked, finally being able to breath at a steady pace. "What? Are you wearing your pink panda panties?" He smirked.
"Stop, they're comfy!" She scoffed moving on her spot, feeling the slickness of her own folds with each move.
"Come on, I don't mind. It's my turn now." He urged her. Hesitating she followed his demand, shimmying her swears and panties off, "come to me!" He made grabby hands towards her making her.
"You sure you want to go again?" She enquired, he still looks blissed out, his pupils still blown out.
"Mhmm, plus I have other means to have you screaming my name." He smirked, resting his hand on sides her bare thighs moving his hands up to hest on her hips.
"Daddy chill!" She rolled her eyes.
He knew what she was doing there, bringing up his one kink they hardly indulged in now.
"Now, now angel, don't be a brat." His made a semi-hard contact with her bum causing her to jolt in surprise.
"What was that for?" She gasped.
"You heard me." He raised a challenging brow at her, causing her to laugh throwing her head back. He'd figured she can't be serious like this which he found adorable. "Don't be a brat if you want Daddy to make you feel good."
"Oh then I'm definitely gonna be one." She nodded her head, biting onto her lips to hold back another laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She couldn't, letting her head drop on his shoulder for a moment she giggled. "I'll be serious now." Blinking her eyes twice she put on a serious which now had him giggling at.
Usually he's the one incharge in bed, as cliche as it sounds that's how both of them work. But none of them felt the need to verbalise the power dinamic in a kinky way, maybe it was a thing at the very start but for some reason they both stopped it. And now joke about it here and there. But it had his cock almost jumping up again when she called him that.
The little joking around made it all the more real for her, that sex or intimacy isn't always picture perfect as it is usually portrayed in the media. It was so much more enjoyable that way, seeing him actually make an effort to wash his hands so she wouldn't catch any unwanted infections or shit that happens to people with uteruses, or the way he makes her to feels so comfortable in her own skin even though she doesn't fit into the conventional mold made the society. That was the most sexiest thing she had experience!
"Your tits look amazing in this bra." He commented, blatantly staring at the swells of her breasts right in front of his face, as he raised his hands along her sides to rest on the curve of her waist before one slipped up further on her back in no time garment was unhooked. He's way too slick with his movements in moments like this. He further slipped down the elastic straps from her shoulders, leaving her now in the same state as him.
"Way better!" Tugging down the flimsy garment made of lace off her hands, Harry tossed it accross the bed to join rest of their clothes. Dipping his head forward, he pressed his lips onto her neck leaving the soft trail of kisses down her sweet spot, making his way down to her collar bone. Working to deepen the mark he left on her a couple pf days before. One of his hand squeezing onto her breast rolling the hardened nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, whilst reaching down to wrap his lips around the other. She whimpered under his touch, feeling the wetness just grow further in between her legs.
Harry could only imagine how full her breasts would be once they're finally have a baby, excited see and go through all the changes by her side. That had him dipping his hand in, finger tips brushing up her wet folds. He smirked feeling her gasping, leaning back into the pillows to look atthe way he had her whimpering under him.
He was already getting at her sight. "Hmm, so wet." He spared a glance at his fingers working onto her sensitive cunt, "for me baby?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, hands halting onto either on his shoulders to keep herself steady. All her teasing him went out the window just at the touch of his finger tips on her sensitive clit.
"Words, sweet baby, I need words." He teased as he rubbed slow circles on her clit.
"God, it's for you, Harry!" She bleated.
"It's what now, darling?" He urged her to say what he wanted to hear, halting his move.
"Ah! Please don't stop," he was going to annoy her with this now as he shot her a cocky look, "please daddy!"
"That's my girl." A dimple dented his cheek as his smirk grew wider.
"Please I want you inside Harry," she shot him a puppy face, "I've been holding off since yesterday."
"Yeah? That's what took you fifteen minutes extra in shower this morning, baby love?" He was enjoying it now, teasing her.
"I told you was washing my hair!" She whined, that was the truth. It's not as good as it is with him, she'd rather wait for him when he's close to her than do it herself.
"Then what are you calling me tonight?" He reminded her.
"Daddy," she nods her head jerkily, "daddy, please!"
He chuckled, "I'm just teasing baby, you can have me. You ready now?"
"Mhmm, mhmm!" She agreed. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, it took him just few strokes to get himself fully hard again if he wasn't already. Nudging his tip in her fold he urged her to take control.
"Come on, baby, you wanna ride Daddy's cock?" He suggested.
"Mhm-" before she could say anything his tip was pushing past her slit. She still can't get used to him, especially when they go a day or two without making love some times. She slowly sunk on his cock, feeling him fill her up to brim. Her head fell to the crook of his neck.
"Take your time to adjust baby," he sighed feeling her tightly wrapped around him.
"Need a moment." She shared.
"Yeah, why don't gimme a kiss baby?" He suggested, already cupping her jaw with one of his hand to bring her down, buttoning his mouth on hers pushed his tongue past her lips. He hummed at the contact trying to pull her more closer, as if he wasn't inside her already. The sound of their lips moving together came to halt when YN pulled away just to speak.
"I, I, can move now." She shared, feeling streched enough around his prick.
"Go on baby," he urged her. YN slowly started rutting her hips against his, with a pair of his hands on either sides of her helping everything to keep her steady. He never held back his moans, voice two times lower and deeper as he pressed his forehead onto her chest.
This was his favourite thing to do, making love with her.
Feeling her clench around his cock, or his fingers, especially when she's enjoying it. He felt so proud lf every time they made love, seeing her grow more and more confident and comfortable in herself. He pressed a kiss on her chest where her heart is.
"Fuck!" He heard her mumble quietly.
"You enjoying it baby?" He asked, moving behind , "you feel so— fuck!— so good wrapped around my cock, so warm and tight. So good for me."
"Fuck. Ye-yes!" She nods her head jerkily. The coil in her stomach tightened to the point it was close to coming undone any moment. "I'm so close, daddy!" It the slipped.
"Wait for me baby," he warned her, making his grip firm on her hips to quicken her movement, "you want me to cum inside you?"
"Yeah? Gonna fill you up so good, baby!" He announced, his own high was reaching up making his brain go all mushy. "Cum for me, will you baby? Cum around my cock."
"I, I am. I am." She nodded. Finding right words in the moment was something she couldn't do. Her rutting against him because sloppier and sloppier making her shudder as she came clenching around him. Have him fill her up with his cum. Just on the last thrust she sunk back on his cock before feeling him soften up again. It hit her hard, her orgasm there unexpectedly.
Their bedroom filled with their heavy breathing and sighs of pleasure. YN snuggled into Harry with him still inside her. Her taking on birth control was the best decision she'd made, and this was one of many reasons why on the list. The feeling she couldn't comprehend in words.
Especially now that he'd finally help nail another reason for wanting him cum inside her every time with his baby talk. Was it weird that she was thinking how great of a father he would be to her kids in a moment like this? She could careless. Because that's what she would want her kids to have.
"You good, my love?" Harry asked. His voice sounded extra honey sweet to her right in that moment.
"Mhmm." She sounded, "it was amazing."
"It was, honey love." He breathed out as he was too tired in the moment to even laugh with having two orgasms back to back. Somehow, he reached for the blanket to wrap around her so she won't get cold. He hiked up his legs at his knees so she is cradled against him.
"This okay?" She enquired for his consent about what he knew exactly.
"More than okay, darling." He assured her. Who was he to lie he didn't enjoyed a bit of cock warming here and there? "You know, I love you so much!"
She giggled tiredly, "I love you so much, too, Haz!"
They sat there cuddled up with their blanket wrapped around them. Until YN realised she was hungry and that she hasn't eaten anything since breakfast.
"Yes, love?"
"I am hungry." She shared, just to make it more clear her tummy rumbled.
"Oh no, baby." He gasped softly, "let's get you fed now, yeah?" He rubbed her back twice before reluctantly pulling away. He slowly slipped out of her, completely aware how sensitive she gets every time. "I'm sorry, I brought you in here before we had our dinner." He shared.
Harry takes it very seriously if she's had her meals or not, especially since he picked on her not so well relationship with food. She's recently started conversing when she's hungry and she wants to eat.
"I'm too tired to cook anything."
"We'll order take out." He urged her off their bed and to the bathroom so he can help her clean up. He even rushed to get a change of clothes. He had already put on a pair of sweats.
"I'll do this," she said, "please order something. I didn't had my lunch today." Taking the another pair of panda printed panties he got for her, she slipped them on and his sweatshirt next.
"YN!" He let a scolding whine, "did you not take your afternoon medications then?" Pulling out her hair from the neck hole of her (his) sweatshirt she shot him a look of her puppy eyes. "No, don't look at me like that. You know you shouldn't have those medicines without having some food in your system, love. Then you get all dizzy and nauseous, that's not good for you."
"I didn't get the time to today." She explained, tailing behind him as he made his way in the kitchen, "we were short on staff today. So I just took my medicines in hurry thinking I'll get time to eat after."
"Don't do that next time, okay?" He warned her, "you were short staffed doesn't mean you can't take fifteen minutes to yourself to eat. If that happens again I'm gonna have to have a chat with the owner myself."
"No, it won't happen again. I promise." She rushed. He was putting some frozen fries in the air fryer, she noticed. He disapproved thay she actually ate those, but at least she'll have something in her stomach till their take out is delivered to them. It was quick to make.
Who's gonna stop her from eating french fries? That too the frozen ones, no one! That's why he brought over his air fryer from his house when he moved his stuff to their flat.
"You're making me fries." She pointed out, wiggling her brows at him with a teasing tone.
"Stop, you haven't eaten anything in last thirteen hours." He rolled his eyes. She stood there next to him watching him make her a snack, there wasn't a point in teasing him more there.
He looked so pretty, standing there shirtless. Sometimes she forgets how much taller he is that her that she really have to lift her head up to look at her gorgeous features. Yeah, he's that all over her and obsessed that he's constantly clinging onto her for her realise. She's got all to herself there. Not even in dreams had she imagined to have a partner as loving amd caring as him. A soft place to fall back to when it becomes inevitable to not feel low.
Now he's stood there in all his pretty glory making her something to eat as she hasn't had anything since morning, scolding her a little for it. It warmed her heart.
Pressing a soft kiss by his ship tattoo, she went onto sit on the counter whilst he's done putting her snack together. After he was done, Harry rushed to get his phone opening up the food delivery app he stood next to her. He pulled up the cuisine page.
"What would you like to eat, my lady?" He enquired, showing the options.
"Hmm, let's see." She scrolled through down to the option. And of course she picked up Indian food.
"I'm feeling butter chicken." He shared.
"Look at you!" She cooed booping his nose, "I'm a good influence, aren't I!" Flipping her hair back proudly she picked up her favourite restaurant in town, smiling ear to ear. He swore he saw her eyes sparkle.
She hung the moon and the sun. For him, she did.
"That's all you want?" He noticed she'd already added his favourites in the cart.
"Okay." He took his phone but added her favourite desserts too before he placed the order paying with Apple pay.
"Hmm?" He placed his phone down on the counter beside her, giving her his undivided attention. His girl was sat there with her hands on either side of her thighs clutching onto the lip of the counter, swinging her legs.
"Let's get married."
"You want to?"
"Of course I want to." She nods, "so we can finally try to have a baby."
"I don't want you to feel pressured by this baby." He started, "it is going to be a big commitment. I know we live together, but it's going to be completely different to be married in living together. I can wait, we can wait till you're ready."
"I am not feeling pressured." YN assured him, "now that you've said it, that's something I really want. I've always wanted that, you know to have my own little family... Getting married has always been important to me, so I cam assured that I'm not feeling pressured. I know it is going to different. But ready for it."
"Yeah, you are?" Harry beamed at her, shifting to stand in between her thighs. He placed her hands on his shoulders, his lips were smeared over hers. First time he kissed her after their love making session.
"Mhmm." She sounded, "I have this image of you with our baby now. A little daughter. I can't seem to shake that off."
He chuckled, "I bet you'd team up with her against me."
"No, you'd be the one teaming up against me with her." She countered, arguing about who'd they're unborn (still unconceived) child would team up with.
"Touché." He giggled cheekily, earning a gasp and smack on his shoulders from her.
"So..." She raised her brows
"When are you asking me to marry you?" She asked.
"I'm not telling you!"
"Why not?"
"It won't be a surprise." He shared, "even though I want to marry you as soon as I can. Still want to make it special baby, for us. But soon, yeah?"
He pressed another kiss on her mouth, before the air fryer started beeping.
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themotherofblood · 1 year
series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 1
tw: infantalism, major age gap, loss of virginity, misogynistic views, allusions to blood, breeding, unprotected
~ the lion’s in the house, the flowers are up in the air ~
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“The wedding was quaint I suppose, followed by the customs of the Seven. I had hoped to have a Ryonish wedding, just as my cousins did, the dress lord Tywin, or I suppose my husband had gotten redone from my mother’s old gown, had freshwater pearls. I lit a candle at the Sept. I felt her. My mother’s warmth embraced at my back. She is watching me, I think. I miss her terribly.”
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The feast that gathered in your father’s Great Hall was elaborate, surely the money came from Tywin’s coffers as you had never seen your father spend on such baseless things as he had said. Your martial cloak still laid heavy upon your shoulders as you ate what you could from your plate. People danced and jovial banter followed the tables, your sisters taking turns dancing with Olvyar. Lord Kevan had ridden from Casterly Rock to be in attendance, Tywin’s only family present. You knew not to hope for this agreement to be extravagant nor joyous, this was a  deal struck well. Your womb for the Lannister offspring and you showered in riches and power, perhaps if you gave him a son or two. You could return to Dorne. 
There was a fiddly sense of belonging between the two of you, there should have been a first dance, which he refused, he doesn’t smile, why doesn’t he smile? You would have danced, you loved dancing however whatever simple vows spoken at the altar seemed to have mellowed your making entirely as you sat there from the hour of crow to the hour of the bat. Feasting away as your father regaled of this most triumphant match and how honoured his daughter - you who sat right in front of him was. 
What you worried for most was the bedding, you should have taken up the offer of your cousin Nymeria when she had laid attractive ideals upon your lap to flitter you away with her to the most extravagant of brothels on the eastern streets of Sunspear. Though a maiden, you weren’t entirely daft due to the very colourful tapestries and paintings that flowered you to a whole different - erogenous - world. What kind of lover was your husband to be? Was there even warmth to expel within the sheets from his stone heart? He doesn’t even smile, not once. 
Tywin in truth was a fine man for his age, though his pockets (mines) were the true seduction of his being, if one could get past the stern glare, no… judgement in his eyes with which he glanced at a room. There had to be more to a man of his stature, of his experience. You could name a rumour or two, your aunt, but your mind mostly wondered about his children. Much, much older children. There was sedation, you knew this much as he promised this to you “You would be safe.” Perhaps the debt he owed to your mother was one of the grave consequences. 
“Now, the night grows cold my lords!” Loren exclaimed, raising his glass to you, his pale cheeks red from the intoxication of the strong wines your Dornish ship had brought along. “Shall we send for the bedding ceremony,” he cheered, downing his cup with an animalistic growl. Your father, your boorish father. Never leaving one opportunity to humiliate you, having your clothes pulled off in front of a very populated crowd, you shuffled back uncomfortably in your seat, clutching your skirts in balled fists. Would it be inappropriate to punch a lord? 
“What you say, my lord,” Loren turned to his liege lord, your husband who looked rather unamused as he finally looked at you after the wedding ceremony. His eyes narrowed further before he turned to your father. 
“There will be no bedding,” he said, voice lowly and intimidating. He rose, holding his hand out for you to take. His palms were warm, too warm as you clutched his palm. He fixated a subtle glare towards your father and pulled you from the feast. You walked behind him, mildly shocked that he would protect you, he promised it. You pattered along behind him, the anklets hidden under your gown chiming as you walked with him. He let go of your hand once the doors behind you closed, letting you lead him to your childhood quarters. 
Like falling marbles, your heart fluttered each time you thought of ways to present yourself to him. When you entered your bed-chambers, a slight dread filled your belly. Tywin looked around, face stoic as ever until his eyes fell on the dolls that sat atop a chest, he looked at your questioningly, eyebrows raised making your sheepishly scratch your neck. 
“I haven’t been in these rooms since I was seven,” you told him, a simple explanation to the many toys decorated around the chambers, the books stacked across the walls and shelves. Patches of embroidered neatly folded onto a pile by the receiving table. Your handmaidens had left behind a tray of refreshments, wines and dried fruit. You are his wife - wife, the realisation seemed to have slowly trickled its way to your consciousness. You are married - you are married and you would now have to lose your maidenhead. 
“Why do you do that?” Tywin pulled you from your intense line of thought, looking at you as though he was reading you, a droll book with its finest pages being ripped away and hidden. 
“Do what?” You blurted, watching him intuitively as he poured himself a cup of wine and filled another for you. 
“Your mind, you think too hard,” he grunted, sitting himself down on the great chair turned away from the heart, it was utterly comical if you thought over the scenery. His much - much larger frame situated upon a very small, cushiony great chair made of lilac cloth and blue embroidery to match its footstool. Your chair, you wanted to sit there but instead pick up the cup of wine from the table. Taking ginger sips of the wine and frowning at its taste, twelve summers at Sunspear and your tongue still couldn’t accustom to the fizzled burn upon your throat. 
“I- I just…” you trailed, taking a larger swig this time, unsure of what to talk about, the talking wasn’t necessary, was it? “How would you like me, my lord?” 
You bit your tongue, hard. Trusting yourself up like a whore, how would you like me, seriously?
“Are you afraid of me, girl?” the green of his eyes glinted over your doe eyes face, the confusion and torn countenance. 
“No, not afraid,” you took a seat next to him, curving near the rip of your cup with your finger “You are very unreadable- I do not wish to disappoint you,” he grunted, and almost a broken chuckle fell from his lips. 
“I can’t tell if you are pleased or not I… you do not smile, my lord.” 
He looked up, right into you. The menacing gaze of his eyes, almost a glare made you want to cower. Be swallowed whole by this chair, shutupshutupshutp, your mind in frenzy began to scream at you. This time you gulped down the cup entirely. What the fuck had you gotten yourself into?
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“You’ve picked a fine one brother,” Kevan patted Tywin’s back “She and Genna will surely create quite the trouble.” 
Tywin grunted out a chuckle “She deceived me the first we met, fourteen years and not one lie went through me. But this one,” Tywin shook his head as he buttoned his cuffs. “She’s of exceptional breeding, wide enough hips for childbearing and a sharp wit.”
“Gods, Tywin, you are to make her your wife, not butcher her for meat.” Kevan rolled his eyes at his brother’s straightforward description of you. 
Tywin brushed his hands down his doublet, he swore to not think of this beforehand. Yet a man’s mind was only so fortified as he thought of Joanna, you looked nothing like her, the distinct lack of yellow-blonde and greenish eyes he could spend dusk till dawn. This was a necessity, his children had all failed him, and he couldn’t trust Cersei to feasibly manage Casterly Rock, her concentrated arrogance was much of Tywin’s fault. His golden boy, the fine knight he was, politically a mouse and Tyrion- better call him something else than Tywin’s son. 
His brother Kevan, was trustworthy and most capable of being his heir but he wanted just another chance, to build his legacy from his blood, his lineage, and his seed. A young enough wife to mould to his liking, you were a challenge, your mind too sharp behind the polite curtain upon your eyes. He found no reason to be curt or cold to you, you were to share his bed. A fine creature- soft and poised with an amalgamated refinery of Westerslands blood and Dornish brawl. 
Now, as you sat in front of him. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t let this bedding be a rut-pump-fill engagement. The heavy lower lip long stripped from its pinkish rogue, filled with colour due to your constant biting. He stopped drinking at the feast a while back, not wanting to blurt Joanna’s name while within you. He had done far too many times to the whores of Lannisport. However as he watched you, the possibility dwindled, your aura too commanding to be thought of as anything else than who you were, the strong scent of sandalwood and lilies. An inviting little thing, the lusts of a man no different than his youth. 
He rose from his seat, reaching forward to cup your jaw to make you look at him, his thumb itching to graze over your supple cheek. “I am pleased,” he said sincerely behind his monotone behaviour. “Come.” He whispered. 
Your softer hand once more took his as he led you to the foot of your bed. He could tell how hard you were breathing from your breasts pushing against the bindings of your gown, spilling parts of it over and deflating once more. His hand with a find of his let his pointer trace against the curve of cheek down your neck. “I will return in moments.”
He ventured to ante chambers to strip into far appropriate and comfortable attire for tonight. In a soft white tunic and trousers, his mind wandered to the vision that were you. A titillating scene, one devoid of the performative bait of the whores he had gotten used to. You were a terrified thing, surely taught or read about the consummation. He wouldn’t let it hurt, he hadn’t felt a maiden in a while, the vile thought stirred warmth within his breeches as he re-entered your chambers to find you in your night rail. Soft white with flowers - flowers, his eyes raked down your body. You are undone hair, thick and wild. Shoulders bared, kissable the nape of your neck, the marks he could leave upon your collarbones. The gentle glow of the lit hearth against your skin and the scent. 
The incense, that’s what you smelled of, it teased him for days since you agreed to marry him. You sat at the edge of the bed, legs tucked together as you toyed with your fingers nervously. Your eyes widened for a moment when you noticed his silhouette standing a few breaths away from you. You were trying to will bravado into your nerves, turn them ice cold to stop with the gentle tremble on your fingertips. 
He approached you one more, towering over your frame. The space between his thumb and pointer fits perfectly at the curve of your chin as he held your face. “My lord,” you whispered. 
His lips pushed against yours, unlike the chaste close-mouthed peck. This one commanded you to learn, to receive his affections with equal attention. Your lips parted, letting his tongue within, you floundered for a moment. A buzz ran down your spine as you felt his other hand pull you closer, you whimpered into the kiss, finding a distinct lack of air within as Tywin pulled away. 
“You ought to stop calling me my lord.” Tywin admired your features, a lamb for the lion to feast upon, your lips so sweet, laced with the very strong wine that lingered in Tywin’s lips. He wondered if his young bride was sweet everywhere. You nibbled on your bottom lips. The flush of your cheeks - The Maiden in the flesh as your rail shielding the ample globes upon your chest. A mellow-tempered beauty, pure and untouched. As much as his mind wished him to strip you bare, it would be unlike his station to impose you further from your comfort. 
He gestured towards the pillows, letting you crawl further in as he rid himself of his tunic. For his age, Tywin maintained the regime of a knight. Finding no reason to laze away to his growing age, he would die many ways happily. Other than a fat country lord. His frame engulfed yours as he positioned himself on his knees. His thumb grazed your lips, parting them as he pushed in two fingers. 
“Suck on them,” he commanded as you obliged like a doll on strings. Suctioning your lips around his pointer and middle finger. The skin between your legs was divinely soft as he stroked them open, and your stomach churned. You were his wife now, his to pry open until you were swollen with his babe. 
He felt the sickish soft hairs against your skin, trimmed to a perfect mound as the pads of his fingertips strum against your petals, coating them slick with the wetness from your mouth. You gasped, a kittenish yelp, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as your husband prepared you for your bedding. 
“It’s alright, this will make it more bearable,” he stated, his features long softened that you didn’t notice until now. He laid next to you with your legs held open as he rubbed tight circles onto your bud. 
“My…my lord,” you mewled, making Tywin return to his stern glare as a warning. “Husband.” The word so foreign against your tongue, your noses touching one another as your eyes scrunched close. 
A malicious urge flared over Tywin as he couldn’t wait longer to feel you clenching around his cock. He kissed your lips once more before situating himself atop you. You squealed as he positioned you by yanking you down by the hip. Your rubescent folds are ever inviting, beginning to have his cock sliding through the slick. He pushes his breeches off, letting his semi-harden length, the mushroom tip resting against your entrance. He was waiting, waiting for you. 
There was apprehension, mayhaps fear in your eyes. You shuffled your hips making Tywin but his tongue, feeling the friction against his leaky tip, “Please.” You whispered. 
His tip pushed against your rejecting core, unyielding to the foreign feeling as his thumb gingerly swiped over your bud to mask the sting you were to soon feel. You bleat, choking at the feeling of his cock pushing in, you grasp onto his shoulder a little too hard, nails digging in. You hiss out an apology, all he did was shush you, like a learning child. It would be fine, he would make it better. Your eyes dropped heavy eyelids fixated upon him as he bludgeoned himself smug into your cunt, he wavered for a moment. A lowly groan rumbled from within him as your silent sobs persisted. He waited once more, watching over your scrunched face. 
Drunk from the lust he fought to not fuck into you, reminding himself you were no whore, you would break too easy if he inflicted any more strain. He didn’t understand what you were doing to him as he placed a kiss upon your forehead as your cunt fluttered around him. There was a different depravity in the thought of moulding something this young, and warm to stretch himself. Making a delicate home for his seed within you, reaching for your womb for his heir, his—this was his.
“Please move— husband,” you hissed, gently rocking your hips to soothe the waves of pain flaring through your abdomen. It faded, the hurt was pleasurable against the tweaks at your pearl. 
Tywin groaned, his hips rolling into yours as he set a gentle pace. Your pretty hair spread about the pillow, full lips parted open with gasps of harsh air - taking thrust after thrust for him. It didn’t go unnoticed as your fingertips caressed against the backs of his shoulders. Don’t fucking do it — Tywin valiantly fought against the urge to grasp at a handful of your breasts. Your nipples were hard behind the cotton fabric, the shoulders pulled so far down they threatened to spill from their coverings. 
“Say my name, say my name wife,” he groaned, holding your jaw with the green of his eyes making you dizzy. 
“T-Tywin— it feels so good,” you mewled, of course, it does, pretty maiden being fucked open for your first coupling as he took much care of you. Tywin, some doe-eyed witch you were, maybe his wine laced with a potion. His name never sounded so sweet. 
His hand clutched your hips, truly the perfect width, his cock stirred some more at the thought of your soft pouch swelling further. The glow in your cheek is even radiant while carrying his heirs “Such a good girl,” he groaned. “Fuck.” He groaned under his breath, trying to keep his equanimity.
His cock twitched feeling your cunt squelch as he flicked his thumb against your bundle of nerves, a rut and a pump more and he sweared “fuck, there—take it.” You mewled under him, legs shuddering as his cock pumped itself to completion. Warm seed coating your environs as his sweat-beaded head fell against your forehead.
The heavy after loom oddly weaved your legs against him, the gentle weight of his body resting against yours anchored you to the ticklish warmth you felt. Eyes heavy and shut and your heart hammered against your chest. Tywin pulled you up when you could gather your bearings once he dressed.
The service bell was rung for Maester Crasden, your father Loren and Tywin’s brother Kevan to inspect the sheets. You sat hidden behind your husband’s silhouette, the sheets stained thoroughly, though the flush of your cheeks was indication enough that marriage was indeed consummated. Maester Crasden checked on you as Tywin conversed with Loren. 
“We ride tomorrow at noon, make a night's journey home,” Tywin instructed your father is more than happy to be rid of one daughter with such an auspicious match. Kevan nodded before exiting the chambers along with Loren. Maester Crasden laced a cup of water with two drops of Milk of The Poppy to ease any pains you might feel in the morrow. When he left, there was yet again an awkward silence between the two of you, mostly on your part.
Tywin on the other hand admired the dishevelled beauty sat by the hearth, “You need your rest, we are to leave tomorrow.” He stated. 
“Leave?” You questioned, putting the empty cup away as you stood, legs a little sore as you grimaced at the feel of his leaking seed. 
“For Casterly Rock,” he shrugged, awaiting any disappointments that might flare within your eyes. You looked at the hearth as your lips pulled to a line. 
You walked to him and reached onto your toes to press a kiss upon his cheek “Goodnight husband.” 
Tywin nodded as he helped you onto your bed before gracefully turning in his heel and leaving for his bed chambers. 
To Casterly Rock then.
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next chapter
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jwirecs · 1 year
Recommended NCT Fics of April 2023💖
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of april! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Give Me The Greenlight || @fadedncity​​​ 🔞💕✅
↳ (this is just the teaser and i have like the full fic in my likes being ready to read SO I AM READY TO READ THE ACTUAL FIC)
Glow Ups || @jaeholic​​💕✅
Late || @ncityavenue​​​💕✅
↳ in which, Mark's late to his first class and you're stuck "alone" in that class without him.
Monochrome || @sundaysundaes​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ Lee Donghyuck once believed in the concept of soulmates—how fate would connect a red thread from one lover to another, in a form of dreams and memories. That was how his parents met, that was how they claimed their happiness, and he wanted nothing more but to live his life the way they lived theirs. Until one day, as he sees her slipping away from his hands, he has no choice but to stop believing entirely.
One, Two, Three || @cherryeoniis​​💕✅💯💯
↳ In which you devise three different ways to get your best friend to fall in love with you, but things never really go quite as planned.
This Is (Not) Easy || @mrkis​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ getting into a friends with benefits situation with your all time best friend was so (not) easy
Trust Me || @springseasonie​​🔞💕✅
↳ you just got out of a relationship, but for some reason, Haechan can't wait to tell you he likes you. It's not that you don't feel the same, but your mind isn't exactly in the right place after the breakup. But Haechan's words make you feel so good and so secure, that you just have to indulge into what could be.
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All Bark No Bite || @jjsneo​​ 🔞✅
↳ lee haechan is the most annoying man you’ve ever encountered. but that doesn’t mean you don’t find him hot; and maybe that’s why he has you flat on his mattress one night at a random frat party.
Hate Me More || @springseasonie​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ You really dislike Mark and you're pretty sure he dislikes you too. Ever since he came to the camp last year, he's been nothing short of a headache to you. And now you're forced to work with him this summer, and his mission is clearly to piss you off.
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[4AM] || @ihrtnjm​​​💕✅
↳ jeno find you working when you shouldn't be.
Morning With Haechan || @sleeping-sirens​​​💕✅
↳ to be very straightforward, this was inspired by his ig live in hongkong.
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Lucky Number Seven || @paintmebare​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯💯💯
↳ When your less than lovely cousin makes a jab at you, you finally snap and tell her that you're dating her ex-boyfriend (even though you haven't spoken since high school). Johnny agrees to play the role of your boyfriend, though the longer you pretend to be in love, the more you realize you might actually be crushing on him.
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[11:56PM] || @gyeomsweetgyeom​​​💕✅
↳ (theres no summary buts this is cute)
Binding Bonds || @jaedore​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Being the daughter of a top fashion brand, an arranged marriage isn’t what you’d expect coming out of your mother’s mouth. Especially when she says that it’s with Jung Jaehyun, the son of the CEO who owns one of the biggest trading companies. Of course he’s a heartthrob, a ladies’ man, and prince in the media, but in reality, he’s a royal pain in the ass. Your patience, emotions, and sanity is tested when you’re forced to share a life together. Will it crumble to the ground of the empire you’ve build or will there be a change of heart?
Dad!Johnny || @outro-jo​​​ 💕✅💯
↳ you overhear a cute conversation between your husband and daughter
Failed Confessions || @mayaflowerxs​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ The five times Jeno failed to confess & ask you out and the one time he finally found the courage. Or, in which Jeno embarrasses himself multiple times until he finally manages to do things right.
Johnny: The Dominant || @notnctu​​ 🔞✅💯
↳ Johnny knows just the way to entertain you when you’re bored.
KDRAMA || @ningningsdream​ 💕💔✅💯
↳ “why do yall act like you’re in a kdrama?”
Staring + Dreamies || @yongislong​​​ 💕✅
↳ when you catch the dreamies staring at you
Wingwoman || @haechwrites​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ mark has trouble pulling girls. he also has trouble understanding girls. this makes sense when he asks the best friend of his crush for help when it's blatantly obvious she's actually in love with him.
"You Want Me So Bad” || @yjwfav​​💕💔✅
↳ mark has been your life-long sworn enemy. from snickering when you scored lower than him to personally telling the teacher you had plagarised in your history essay, you couldn’t be blamed. you had every reason to dislike him, so why do you notice things such as the unique curve of his lips to the way his eyes crease when he laughs. why do you feel like vomiting your heart out at the sight of him? it’s because you’re sick right? right??  
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My First and Last || @lysyuta​💕💔✅
↳ tied together by a school project, y/n and jisung work together and become close. but what happens when they find out that they’re on rival dance teams?
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Coffee Shop Date || @jjsneo​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ After being stood up for a date several times at the small coffee shop that your friend-of-a-friend Renjun works at, he sits down with you to keep you company after closing hours. But talking isn’t exactly what he has in mind. (i say this could fall under the s2l category, like does it not??? i say it does.)
Hits Different || @neowinestainedress​​​🔞✅
↳ nobody ever got under your skin, not until Haechan came in your life and changed everything.
Learning Languages || @tonicandjins​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ in which you're an exchange student and donghyuck teaches you the essential korean phrases you need, and eventually how to fall in love with him
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Bf!Hyuk When You Want To Become A Stripper || @haekisses​💕✅ 
Drunk Texts With Doyoung || @phoxphenex​💕✅
 “He’s Gone, You Can Come Now” On The Dreamies || @doyozen​​​​💕✅
NCT Dream Reaction When You Don’t Pick Up Their Phone Calls! || @hugs2doie​​💕✅💯
↳ (i need to make a fake text section..like i really do the amount of fake texts that i have read in the month of april is outstanding i did it.)
Texting 127 “Meow” || @phoxphenex​​​💕✅
↳ (listen their fake texts got me giggling in the middle of the night man, that must mean something. a. im either lonely or b. im easily amused.)
Texting The Dreamies “Asking/Bringing Home A Pet” || @ohmygs-blog​​💕✅ 
Texting The Dreamies “Calling The Dreamies Babygirl” || @ohmygs-blog​​​​​💕✅
Texting The Dreamies “How Much Do You Like Me” || @ohmygs-blog​​​​💕✅
When Dream Tries To Cook You Dinner || @phoxphenex​​​💕✅
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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dalliansss · 1 year
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From behind them stepped out three elves, all of them looking worse for wear than her Beren, but their individual beauty remained undimmed despite their matted, tangled and bloodied hair. There is her kinsman Finrod, who beamed in recognition upon seeing her. A brown-haired and green-eyed Noldo behind Finrod looked at her in awe, but then offered a bow. Then, behind the two of them stood a very tall Noldo with fiery red hair the likes of which Luthien had never seen before. He was bloodied all over: his face, his chest, his hands and arms. But Luthien knew the blood was not his own, but that of a werewolf, or perhaps a vampire. This Noldo was scarred everywhere: shoulders, on his middle, by the sides of his hips. Luthien knew then that this must be Maedhros, eldest son of Feanor, whose fury against the Enemy and the enemy’s forces were sung by minstrels, even Daeron. All the elves were as naked as Beren, but they were unbothered by it.
“My lords,” Luthien briefly touched her right hand over her chest, then held it out to them in a gesture of greeting and friendship. “My heart sings that Huan and I reached this place before it was too late, and though I mourn those whom we can no longer help, I sing for them also, for they will suffer no more. I am glad you are alive with Beren, and that you have aided him. I am Luthien of Doriath.”
“Princess Luthien,” Finrod returned her greeting. “I would be embarrassed meeting you like this, but we make do.” He laughs. “This is Edrahil mine captain—” here he gestures toward the brown-haired and green-eyed Noldo. “And this is mine cousin, the former Lord of Himring, Lord Maedhros Feanorion.” Maedhros simply bowed at her, avoiding looking her in the eye.
-- There and Back Again || available on [AO3] Or, an AU take on the Quest for Silmaril, where Maedhros joins Finrod and Beren -- and against all odds (with the help of mutant sorcery that confounds even Gorthaur the Cruel), they manage to rescue one of the gems, and Finrod survives all the way until the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. High King Fingon, in turn, reigns well until the War of Wrath and possibly well into the Second Age.
Super gorgeous artwork I commissioned from the lovely @sauroff. I adore their design! Look how beautiful Luthien is!  They have commissions OPEN, so do check them out! ✨❤️
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sitp-recs · 4 months
hi liv! i was wondering if you have any drarry meet-cute recs? i thought i saw a list of it once but cant seem to find it now :(
Hi anon! Sure thing, here are some fun recs with this trope. JulietsEmoPhase writes a lot of meet-cute AUs, I’d definitely check their AO3!
go to it laughing by oflights (T, 1k)
Harry is a marine biologist and Draco is a beluga whale Animagus; they meet on the St. Lawrence River.
Another Side by flightinflame (T, 2k)
Harry loves teaching at Pigdots Nursery. He knows a child named Scorpius is probably magical, but something about the name feels familiar.
He Whose Hand and Eye Are Gentle by khalulu (G, 5k)
Draco reads poems and sometimes writes them. Harry receives poems and sometimes reads them. Rutherford delivers poems via the scenic route. Wombat snores. Eventually, all comes together, with help from the foxes in red bibs and the sumo referee.
Play Dates by bixgirl1 (E, 8k)
Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
And a Malfoy in a Pear Tree by lauren3210 (E, 8k)
Draco works in a coffee shop. Harry drops by every day to get his fix. Of coffee, Ron.
The Interest Here by disapparater (T, 9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
Once Upon An East End by JulietsEmoPhase (M, 9k)
Bistro owner Harry is closing up for the night when a young man stumbles through his door in need of help. The night takes them in a direction neither had expected.
coffee & communication: a (slow) romance by softlystarstruck (E, 11k)
Nearly a decade after the war, Draco has made a life for himself in Muggle London, writing romance novels and hanging out with his cat. But when he spills iced coffee all over a gorgeous man who turns out to be Harry Potter, has he tumbled into the start of his own romance without realizing it? And how difficult can it be to talk about desire, anyways? He writes smut for a living.
My True Love Gave to Me (Six Jars of Chutney) by goldentruth813 (M, 12k)
On his first post-divorce Christmas Eve without his children, Harry goes to Marks & Spencer hoping to find a bit of his past; what he finds instead is a future.
honey milk tea by softlystarstruck (T, 14k)
When Draco runs into Harry at his favorite boba tea shop and gets so flustered he orders the exact same thing, he has no idea how quickly his life is going to change.
Espresso Patronum by tasteofshapes (T, 15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
An Improbable Bout of Summer Madness by acari (E, 16k)
Draco had planned a quiet, peaceful summer holiday with his son. The last thing he expected was to find Potter here, in Draco's little Cornish retreat. Making fudge in a shop? The idea was too ludicrous for words.
A Hyperactive Fruit, a Nasty Neighbour and a Love Story by synonym4life (E, 20k)
Potter’s pet Niffler is wreaking havoc in Godric’s Hollow and Draco, the Assistant Head to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, is the one who has to deal with it. Repeatedly. The fact that Potter keeps coming to Draco’s office in grey jogging bottoms - repeatedly - does in no way help the matter.
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21k)
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Unexpected Turn by Oakstone730 (E, 27k)
English real estate developer Draco Malfoy is in America to find his long lost cousin and escape a scandal. When his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, his trip takes an unexpected turn.
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kckt88 · 6 months
Take My Breath Away X.
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Vaeryna and Aemond come to an understanding and another babe is born.
Warning(s): Mini Time Skip, Language, Anger, Misunderstandings, Aegon's Inuendo, Child Birth.
Word Count: 3216
Tag List - @a-beaverhausen, @ammo23, @immyowndefender, @watercolorskyy, @toodlesxcuddles
Smut scene from Dynasty has been reused.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
It was glorious, an entire week spent with his wife and son.
The peace and serenity of Dragonstone had relaxed him beyond belief.
As well as making up for lost time with Rhaegar, Aemond never missed an opportunity to get between his wife’s soft thighs.
He was determined to make up for the time he'd lost and Vaeryna was more than happy to accept his efforts.
The time with Vaeryna and Rhaegar had made Aemond realise just how important his wife and son were and he vowed to make changes upon their return to Kings Landing.
Changes that began almost immediately after they had landed.
Aemond refused point blank to attend more council meetings than necessary and the ones he did attend, he insisted that they ended at an appropriate time.
When the other council members grumbled at his behaviour, he gently reminded them that he rode the largest dragon in the world and any such complaints could be made in her presence.
Needless to say, the complaints did eventually quieten down after that, but Aegon was still furious with Vaeryna for taking Rhaegar and running off, so she had to apologise, which she wasn’t very happy about, but in order to keep the peace she eventually conceded.
Of course, a few weeks after their return to the Red Keep, Vaeryna discovered that she was with child again and Aegon’s anger towards her was all but forgotten, the King was clearly excited by the prospect of another child, as was Alicent who smiled and congratulated them both.
There was a slight panic as Rhaegar hadn’t celebrated his first name day yet, but Aemond was on hand to assuage any fears his wife might have had, even though he harboured his own fears surrounding Vaeryna birthing their babe, given the complications she had when birthing Rhaegar.
But Aemond would never let those fears become known, he would keep them to himself and pray to the gods every night that his wife would be ok.
The one who was the most excited was Jaehaera, she spent hours lovingly sewing a blanket for her cousin.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” asked Jaehaera.
“I’m sure she’ll love it” replied Vaeryna.
“Uncle Aemy wants to call her Alissa, don’t let him” whispered Jaehaera.
“What shall I call her?” questioned Vaeryna as she stroked her slightly swollen stomach.
“Daenerys” said Jaehaera.
“That’s very pretty”.
“The boy in the snow will think so too” muttered Jaehaera.
“Do you know something?” asked Vaeryna looking around cautiously.
“Daenerys will be his way home” murmured Jaehaera.
“Such a thing is not possible” said Vaeryna.
“All things are possible auntie Ryna. Egg will return and Daenerys will help him”.
Vaeryna studied Jaehaera for a moment before nodding and resuming her reading, her niece had been right about Rhaegar, so could she be right about Aegon, was there a way for him to come back and if so, when?
“You’ll know” whispered Jaehaera.
“What?” exclaimed Vaeryna.
“When the time is right for Egg to come back, you just need to be patient” said Jaehaera.
Vaeryna nodded wordlessly and as she caught sight of Aemond approaching.
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“The little fiend in there has the audacity to kick her father in the face” laughed Aemond as he rested his head against Vaeryna’s swollen stomach.
“Probably a warning for all the trouble she’ll cause in the future”.
“If she’s anything like her mother of course” said Aemond smiling.
“Hey, I’m not that bad am I” muttered Vaeryna pouting slightly.
“I suppose not, but at least you’ve ceased your relentless teasing about Alys” whispered Aemond.
“Not much left to tease you with, as I don’t think my father convincing her to seduce you-“
“What?” asked Aemond his singular eye boring into hers.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you about that did I?” said Vaeryna grimacing.
“No, you did not” retorted Aemond.
“Didn’t really seem all that important” said Vaeryna sheepishly.
“So, your saying everything I had with Alys was-“
“-A set up? Well, in the beginning it was, I don’t know-she could have developed genuine feelings for you eventually” said Vaeryna quickly.
“All that time I spent with her was fake” muttered Aemond.
“Look, don’t take it personally. Alys just did what she had to in order to survive. Granted I never liked the woman, but you have to admit she was good at what she did” replied Vaeryna.
“You almost sound like you admire her”.
“I admired her tenacity” replied Vaeryna softly.
“I don’t suppose it matters now that she’s dead”.
“-And if she wasn’t?” asked Vaeryna.
“I would kill her myself, she lied to me, seduced me and being involved with her only caused my own embarrassment” said Aemond.
“You’re a man, people generally tend to look the other way when it comes to men seeking the company of whores” said Vaeryna.
“Is that what you think?”
“It’s what I know, a woman cannot go and enjoy the pleasures of a man without being labelled. Look at my mother, she was forced into a marriage with Laenor to salvage the crowns relationship with the Velaryon’s after Viserys spurned Laena in favour of a marriage to your mother” replied Vaeryna.
“I just-“
“-My mother and Laenor did try to have children, but it was fruitless. She was expected to have more children, to further her line and as my father was across the narrow sea, her options were severely limited” replied Vaeryna.
“But her choice could have been better” muttered Aemond.
“Possibly, but who else would she have trusted with such a thing, Harwin was devoted to her and he loved her the way she deserved to be loved, mayhaps Viserys should have granted Daemon’s request-“
“-His request?” questioned Aemond.
“He once told me that he asked Viserys for my mother’s hand in marriage, but he was denied, of course he was still married to Rhea Royce at the time, but can you imagine how different things would have been” mused Vaeryna.
“We can imagine, but we will never truly know” replied Aemond as he ran a hand over Vaeryna’s round stomach.
“The incompetence of Kings” muttered Vaeryna.
Aemond closed his eye and pressed his face against the curve of his wife’s belly, he inhaled her sweet lavender scent and sighed, as he couldn’t ignore the feeling of uncertainty swirling in the pit of his stomach.
“Do you regret the choices we’ve made?”
“My choice led me to my children; I do not regret that” replied Vaeryna.
“Oh” whispered Aemond.
“-And even though there was a time where I thought you to be loathsome cunt, I do not regret you” said Vaeryna smiling.
As carefully as he could, Aemond surged forward and pressed his lips against hers.
Vaeryna sighed contentedly into the kiss and rested her forehead against Aemonds.
As fearsome as he was, there were times when Aemond seemed quite vulnerable and clingy, he would consistently seek her touch and he also had this inherent need to know that she loved him.
Which given his upbring was understandable, Vaeryna had grown up in a very loving and consistent environment, whereas Aemond hadn’t and that deeply saddened Vaeryna.
“Mamamama” squealed Rhaegar.
“Somebodies awake” laughed Vaeryna.
“Dadadada” shouted Rhaegar.
“You relax, I’ll get him” said Aemond.
“Gods this child is giving me a right kicking” exclaimed Vaeryna wincing as she placed a hand on her stomach.
“Babababa” shouted Rhaegar he jostled excitedly in his father’s arms.
“Settle down my sweet boy” muttered Vaeryna as Aemond placed a squirming Rhaegar on the bed.
“Rhaegar, listen to your mother” said Aemond sternly as he watched Rhaegar bounce on the bed.
“No dada” exclaimed Rhaegar frowning.
“Please Rhaegar-“ said Vaeryna as she suddenly lurched forward and threw up.
“-Gods Vaeryna are you ok?” asked Aemond.
“I just-oh not again-“ gasped Vaeryna as she threw up again.
“Mamamama” urged Rhaegar.
“I’m getting the Maester-Ser Arryk would you take Rhaegar to the nursery and watch over him until Marlena arrives”.
“Yes, My Prince-Come on little one” said Ser Arryk as he took Rhaegar by the hand and led him out of the room.
“I’ll get Munkun, just stay here until I get back” said Aemond softly.
“Not like I’ve got anywhere to go” muttered Vaeryna as she placed a hand on her head.
“Hm” muttered Aemond as he rushed out of the room and reappeared several minutes later with Maester Munkun and a maid.
“Apologise for the mess Ellen” said Vaeryna softly.
“Tis no trouble Princess” replied Ellen as she began to clean up.
“Aside from the sickness, do you have any other symptoms?” asked Maester Munkun.
“No” replied Vaeryna.
“The babe is very active indeed” muttered Munkun as he gently prodded and poked Vaeryna’s swollen stomach.
“No kidding” exclaimed Vaeryna her stomach lurching again.
“I think I see the issue, with the babe being so active, the regular movements are upsetting your stomach” said Munkun.
“Oh” muttered Vaeryna.
“Do you consume a lot of sugary food by any chance?”
“She eats a lot of honey cakes if that’s what you mean” said Aemond folding his arms across his chest.
“That might be what is causing the babe to be so active, as there is a lot of sugar in honey cakes” replied Munkun.
“But I have a craving for them Maester” gasped Vaeryna.
“Mayhaps you could limit the amount of honey cakes you consume” suggested Munkun.
“-Or mayhaps I should feed you to my dragon” muttered Vaeryna.
“Vaeryna” scolded Aemond.
“It’s quite alright my Prince, a mother heavy with child is more ferocious than any dragon”.
“But what am I to do if I cannot have my cakes, I can’t stop thinking about them and it unsettles me most nights” said Vaeryna, ignoring Aemond who looked bewildered.
“I merely suggest that you limit your intake of sugar Princess, I understand the cravings of mothers can be overwhelming, but we need to consider your health and not just the babe”.
“Yes Maester” muttered Vaeryna suddenly becoming very sullen.
“I shall make sure she adheres to your advice Maester” said Aemond sternly.
“I’m not suggesting she doesn’t have any cake at all, mayhaps limit the amount”.
Aemond’s eye narrowed as he spotted Vaeryna’s lip wobbling.
“Thank you Maester that will be all” said Aemond.
Once the Maester had left Aemond braced himself for the vitriol his wife was no doubt about to spew forth in his direction.
But when he turned around, he was aghast when he spotted the tears rolling down Vaeryna’s face.
“My love-“ said Aemond gently.
Vaeryna wiped the tears off her face and slowly climbed off the bed, she didn’t say a word as she walked past Aemond and left their chambers, ignoring her husband as he frantically called her name.
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It was one of those rare moments where Aegon could enjoy the peace and quiet, being King didn’t afford him much privacy so he could only snatch brief moments here and there.
But as he sat in the garden, he heard the faint sound of crying, at first, he thought it was Jaehaera as she the propensity to hide away and cry for her mother from time to time, but it wasn’t his daughter that he came across, it was his good sister hiding in one of the bushes.
“What’s wrong?” asked Aegon as he sat on the ground next to Vaeryna.
“H-He thinks I’m a fat pig” wailed Vaeryna.
“Who does?”
“Aemond” sobbed Vaeryna as she pressed her face into Aegon’s shoulder.
“I’m sure he doesn’t” replied Aegon awkwardly as he patted Vaeryna on the head.
“T-The Maester said I eat too much cake and the sugar is making the babe too active and he-he said he would limit my cake- “ shrieked Vaeryna.
“-Your crying because of cake?” asked Aegon perplexed.
“Oh, so you think I’m a fat pig too” snapped Vaeryna.
“N-No I never said those words, I was just curious as to why you were crying and-oh gods I’m making a right mess of this aren’t I” replied Aegon.
“It’s his fault in the first place”.
“Who? Aemonds?” asked Aegon.
“Yes, he was the one who got me with child, damn him and his big cock”.
“I mean he is very gifted in that department, I’m rather envious of you” said Aegon.
“Wait. What?” exclaimed Vaeryna wiping the snot on her sleeve.
“Oh it’s not what you think my brother is far too much of a prude for that sort of thing, but-“
“-His involvement with Alys suggests otherwise” muttered Vaeryna.
“Sticking his cock in an old whores dusty cunny doesn’t mean shit, my brother has only fucked three women in his life, not exactly anything to brag about” said Aegon firmly.
“As opposed to the hundreds you’ve bedded” quipped Vaeryna.
“Those were the glory days, but yes I’ve experienced my fair share of pleasure with males and females” said Aegon.
“Does your pious mother know of your indulgences with men?” asked Vaeryna.
“Gods no, she’d likely have a heart attack if she knew”.
“-And your little crush on Aemond?” said Vaeryna smirking, her upset with her husband long forgotten.
“I wouldn’t call it a crush, more of a curiosity. I always wondered what it would be like to have my brother at my mercy”.
“Oh, it’s quite satisfactory, especially when he begs” replied Vaeryna smirking.
“Good sister do not spare any details. Tell me how you make my brother beg”.
Aegon was as giddy as a small child, practically foaming at the mouth wanting to hear all the juicy details.
"You only want me to tell you so you can tease him"
"Would I?" laughed Aegon.
"Yes you would, but then again I'm sure Aemond would spontaneously combust if he knew of your-curiosity".
"Oh he would either levy some insult upon me or skin me alive" replied Aegon shrugging.
"Would you fuck him if he allowed it?" asked Vaeryna.
"My brother would never allow such a thing to occur, but on the off chance he agreed, I wouldn't say no, but it would be him doing the fucking if I'm totally honest" said Aegon.
"Interesting" mused Vaeryna suddenly feeling warm and fuzzy at the thought of Aemond and Aegon together.
"Indeed, so tell me how does my brother beg?"
“He’s very fond of my mouth on his-“ muttered Vaeryna
“-Vaeryna” said Aemond.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” exclaimed Aegon.
“Maybe next time Your Grace” replied Vaeryna.
“Vaeryna, where are you?”
“Don’t you dare-“ quipped Vaeryna.
“-She’s here” said Aegon smirking.
“Traitor” snapped Vaeryna.
“Are you hiding in the bushes?” asked Aemond.
“Obviously” muttered Vaeryna.
Aemond’s eye narrowed when he caught sight of Vaeryna resting her head on Aegon’s shoulder.
“My doesn’t this look cozy”.
“Get your head out your arse, I was here first and Aegon found me” said Vaeryna.
“Tis true brother, your wife was upset, I was merely providing comfort” replied Aegon as he stood up and dusted himself off.
“Hm” muttered Aemond as he sat next to Vaeryna who scowled.
“I’ll leave you to it” said Aegon as he walked out of the gardens.
“Do you want to tell me why your hiding in the bushes?” asked Aemond.
“Go away” snapped Vaeryna.
“Not until you tell me why your so upset” replied Aemond.
“Get lost” muttered Vaeryna her eyes filling with tears again.
“Please my love” begged Aemond as he gently placed a hand on Vaeryna’s shoulder, only for her to shrug him off.
“You’re a horrid man Aemond Targaryen” snarled Vaeryna as she tried to get up but couldn’t.
“Do you need help?” asked Aemond trying to stifle a smirk.
“I can do it” said Vaeryna as she struggled.
“Just give me your hand” said Aemond as he stood up and held his hand out to Vaeryna who slapped it away.
“Leave me alone” said Vaeryna, tears of frustration running down her face.
“Just let me help you”.
“Fine” snarked Vaeryna as she took Aemond’s hand and allowed him to help her stand up.
“Now are you going to talk to me?”
“NO” shouted Vaeryna as she turned away from Aemond and furiously wiped away her tears.
“Why are you being so difficult?”
“It’s your fault” replied Vaeryna wincing slightly as a sharp pain throbbed across her stomach.
“You think I’m a pig” snapped Vaeryna.
“No, I don’t” exclaimed Aemond.
“Yes you do, you think I eat too many cakes and-“
“Is that what all of this is about? My love please believe me when I say you are not a pig, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” replied Aemond softly.
“Your just saying that” breathed Vaeryna as another pain lanced across her stomach.
“Because it’s true, you are my heart and soul” muttered Aemond as he seized his chance and placed a gentle kiss on Vaeryna’s forehead.
“I-I’m sorry”.
“It’s ok my love; I understand things are a little delicate at the moment” said Aemond.
“I don’t even really like honey cakes” confessed Vaeryna as she wrapped her arms around Aemond’s waist.
Aemond let out a little chuckle as he placed a hand under Vaeryna’s chin and gently manoeuvred her face so his lips could meet hers.
As the kiss deepened Vaeryna gasped as she felt something warm and wet run down her legs.
“What’s wrong?” asked Aemond as he watched his wife frantically lifting her skirts and placing a hand between her legs.
“T-The babe is coming” exclaimed Vaeryna.
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“That’s it Princess, keep pushing” encouraged Maester Munkun.
“AEMOND!” screamed Vaeryna.
“I’m here my sweet” replied Aemond.
“I-I can’t do this, it’s too soon” cried Vaeryna.
“Yes, you can” exclaimed Aemond as he climbed onto the bed at sat behind Vaeryna.
“W-What are you doing?” muttered Vaeryna.
“Lean against me and take my hands” urged Aemond as he sat Vaeryna between his open legs.
“A-Aemond” gasped Vaeryna.
“Now, you squeeze my hands as hard as you like” said Aemond.
Vaeryna was sweaty and exhausted, but she took a deep breath and as the next contraction ripped across her stomach, she pushed.
"Keep going my sweet you’re doing great" said Aemond.
"I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR COCK OFF!" screamed Vaeryna.
"Oh, my love, surely you don't mean that".
"I do. This is ALL your fault,” cried Vaeryna.
"I seem to recall that you were a willing participant in our love making, if not the instigator on several occasions my love" replied Aemond.
"Not even remotely funny" yelled Vaeryna.
"Another push Princess" 
“I swear if you say push one more time. I'll feed you too my Cannibal” snarled Vaeryna.
“The head is out Princess, but I need you to stop pushing. The cord is wrapped around the babe’s neck” exclaimed Maester Munkun.
“W-What” cried Vaeryna in alarm.
“It’s ok. Issa dōna ābrazȳrys. Just breathe” said Aemond (My sweet wife).
After a few moments, the Maester had managed to cut the cord from the babe’s neck and with a wet squelch the babe arrived.
A loud shrieking cry echoed around the room.
“A daughter, Princess” declared the Maester.
Vaeryna all but snatched the crying babe away from Maester Munkun and sobbed.
“T-Thank you Maester” breathed Vaeryna, the tears streaming down her face.
“Your welcome Princess” replied maester Munkun.
“I-Is she ok?” asked Vaeryna.
“She’s absolutely fine” said Maester Munkun smiling.
“S-She’s ok. Aemond, look” gasped Vaeryna.
Aemond who’s face had been buried in Vaeryna’s shoulder, let out a sob as he gazed at his crying daughter.
“My daughter” gasped Aemond.
“She’s beautiful” sobbed Vaeryna as she stroked her daughter’s head.
“What shall we call her?” asked Aemond.
“Daenerys” whispered Vaeryna.
“A perfect name. For a perfect little girl”
“So perfect” whispered Vaeryna.
“I’m so proud of you Issa prūmia” (my heart).
“I love you” muttered Vaeryna.
“-And I love you. My sweet perfect wife.” praised Aemond as he nuzzled Vaeryna’s neck.
“Would you like you hold your daughter?”
“Please” whispered Aemond as he manoeuvred himself away from Vaeryna and climbed off the bed.
Aemond cried openly when his wife placed their tiny babe in his arms.
“A-Are you ok?” asked Vaeryna her voice laced with concern.
Aemond nodded meekly as his gaze never leaving his precious daughter.
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coaxed you into paradise - c. 18
Description: The life of Saera Targaryen told in four acts. She was her father's forgotten daughter, cast aside as she looked nothing like her mother. Her younger days were spent beside her uncle. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her older sister. She returns to seek solace in the arms of her uncle, that she's loved all her life.
(Coaxed You Into Paradise and High Infidelity Rewrite.)
masterlist for this series
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Chapter Eighteen: Brown Eyes
Daemon has never looked at his niece differently, in their years of being together - warmth still flooded his eyes when she was in the room. “It is a shame that Ser Harwin was not present at the children’s birth.” Viserys cleared his throat, causing his brother’s attention to sway. 
“Ser Harwin was occupied with the festivities of Princess Rhaenyra’s second child.” Alicent explains, glancing at her husband - hoping that her slight insinuation would wake Viserys from his long slumber. 
The King ignores his wife again, because Rhaenyra was his favorite daughter - and he’d excuse even the darkest of crimes if it meant saving her. He turns his body to Saera, who was attempting to calm her firstborn.
She smiles, offering a small bow to the three of them. “Father, uncle, Queen Alicent.” she greets, her father offers his open arms to carry the little dragon. 
“And where is Alyssa?” he asks, pressing a soft kiss on his grandson’s forehead. “She’s with Ser Laenor and Prince Jace - she seems to be taken with the sea,” she replies - smiling at her daughter’s fascination with the sea. 
Daemon frowns, not seeming to remember allowing his daughter to go for a swim - but he keeps his frustration to himself. “You could’ve asked for me. Ser Laenor is occupied with his own litter.” he corrects, taking a sip of his wine. 
“Ser Harwin is with them too.” Alicent pipes, already bored of the conversation. 
Viserys turns to his family again, keeping the child close to his chest. “Which reminds me that they need dragon eggs,” he reminded himself. Out of all his grandchildren - the ones from Saera are the ones that look Targaryen. “Thank you, father. I’ve been meaning to give them some,” she smiles - staring at her son who was fascinated with his grandfather. 
Her eyes softened - holding a little hope that her father loved Daegon more than his cousins. “Daemon - I dare say that he looked like you, when you were a babe.” Viserys chuckled, the frown was familiar.
He pressed another kiss to the child’s forehead - seeing the face of his stillborn son in his eyes. 
Harwin holds his daughter near his face, pressing a million kisses on her tiny cheeks. Alyssa lets out a loud laugh - earning a smile from her father. “I love you, Isa.” he hums, hearing the door open from behind him. His wife enters the room, carrying three heavy things on her arms. 
Two dragon-eggs and one babe. 
“What is that?” he rises from his chair, switching the babe to his other hand. “My father has gifted them to us, for the children.” she smiled, placing it down on his bed. On her right laid a beautiful red dragon egg - it was small but she knew that it would grow once hatched. It reminded her of Balerion’s skull, and she knew that it would be perfect for any of her children. 
On her left was a blue egg - the largest she’s ever seen, and its color held the ocean and skies. She smiles, it reminded her of Alyssa. Harwin settles on the bed, waiting for Saera to choose an egg for his children. 
Alyssa begins crawling towards the blue-egg. Harwin chuckles. “Of course, she’d choose that one.” he smiles - watching as his daughter began to touch the dragon-egg. 
Saera holds her breath - not expecting it to hatch right away. Some eggs don’t hatch at all, and that wouldn’t make her children any less of a dragon. 
The egg crackles - Harwin’s eyes twinkle with joy. 
It cracks for the second time, and a gray head pokes underneath the broken shells. “A dragon,” he gasps - waiting for it to fully open. Daegon lets out a small cry, hearing the sound of a dragon’s growl. Saera rocks him gently, drowning out the sound of his sister’s giggles. 
“A dragon indeed,” she hums - the gray dragon begins roaring at Harwin - sending him back. The dragon opens his wings, trying to fend off anyone that wants to go closer to his rider. Saera reaches out her hand - the dragon slowly begins climbing her, settling atop her shoulder. 
“Gevie,” she compliments - seeing that its underbelly was blue. 
— (Time Skip: 9 Years) —
Daegon holds his egg by the fire - trying to see if there was a dragon inside of it. There was a seed of doubt in his mind, he didn’t believe that he was a dragon - that’s why his egg didn’t hatch. “It will hatch in due time.” Daemon whispers, placing a hand around his son’s shoulders. The boy rolls his eyes. He’s been patiently waiting - but the gods wouldn’t grant him a dragon. 
“I was a man when I claimed Caraxes - mayhaps you are destined to claim another dragon.” he hums, placing a hand on his son’s chin. “My muña claimed a dragon when she was born - my sister hatched a dragon a few months after she was born. Why can’t I do that?” he huffs, crossing his arms - already forgetting about the dragon-egg on his side. 
Daegon craved a multitude of things - a dragon, his father’s love, and his cousin’s respect. His father favored his sister because she had Bluefyre. He spent his days with his cousins because they had dragons too, but what about him? He could barely ride a horse. “You are destined for greater things - bigger things.” Daemon comforted, his eyes shining with pride at the sight of his little boy. He’d give him the world. 
“I will be the Lord of Harrenhal after my father - how can I defend my people without a dragon?” he complained, earning a soft-glare from his kepa. 
“By sword, if that gives you enough motivation to not be late to your lessons.” his mother’s voice rings out from behind them. 
Daegon stands up with a shy smile. He scratches the back of his head - prepared to whisper another string of apologies. “I’m sorry muña,” he wraps his arms around her - thinking that it would save him from certain doom - but he was no longer a child, his eyes couldn’t melt rage anymore. 
Saera looks down at him with a sigh, placing a hand on his chin and a soft kiss on his forehead. “Ser Criston is waiting,” she points out, tilting her head to the door where Harwin was leaning on the frame.
“Be quick, Daegon - you are wasting everyone’s time.” Harwin replies with a brief and cold voice. He was strict when it came to punctuality. 
Daegon looks behind him - where his uncle was beginning to read a book. “Geros ilas kepa, (Goodbye uncle/father)” he waves, running to Harwin’s direction - not wanting to waste another second. 
Once they were both gone - Daemon rises to his feet, quick to maneuver his body to his lover. “He is too curt with him.” he complains, watching the figure of his son disappear from view. “I’ve been scolding him - but he refuses to stop. Somehow, he believes that it will make our Daegon stronger.” she agrees, wrapping his arms around her body. 
“It will make Daegon hate him.” he grits his teeth. 
He loved the idea of having his children to himself, but a child should never hate his supposed father. He didn’t want that - not even when the idea served him beautifully. 
Saera watches her son, nephews and brothers practice combat. It was clear that Ser Criston had favorites - she could bear it. It wasn’t like her son was missing his lessons - as Daemon teaches him too. 
“This is the perfect way of ensuring brotherhood between them,” Viserys remarked, walking alongside Lord Lyonel. Saera resists the urge to scoff, competition bred competition - not brotherhood. “I’m sure that they will use this knowledge in due time.” Saera hums. 
The children were joking around - in hindsight Viserys’ plan was working, but she knew better. Harwin enters the courtyard, watching them. Ser Criston was paying the majority of his attention towards Alicent’s children - something that her husband didn’t like. “We need more mentors - I fear that Daegon is not paid enough attention.” Lord Lyonel suggests his grandson was the apple of his eye. “My son should teach them,” he adds. 
Ser Criston took favor to the Hightowers, and Harwin took favor of his real sons - no one would pay attention to her Daegon. 
“One of the Kingsguards would be a better fit.” She tries to cast her husband a cautious look, but he ignores her. He begins walking towards Criston, her eyes widened as she realizes that a fight was about to go down. 
“You should pay attention to the boys equally, Ser Criston.” she could hear her husband complain, watching his eyes trail softly at Lucerys. 
“ - and you should pay attention to your son, or do you not know which one is yours?” Criston snides - the tension slowly builds. Harwin was a bull, and everyone slowly began to understand why he was called ‘Breakbones’ all those years ago. “Pardon?” he inquires, believing that he heard wrong. 
“Is it true, then? You could not be sated with your wife, and you found comfort in her sister.” Criston provokes, Saera’s grip on her gown tightens - walking down the small steps. One of her handmaidens tries to stop her, but she turns them away. 
The mud was beginning to stain her white gown. 
She looked at the men again, and they were exchanging fists with one another. “Shame,” she whispers - sprinting towards her son and holding him close to her chest. Fearing her husband’s fate at court. 
Her son flinches - watching his father land another blow to Ser Criston, his head bounces in agony. 
“Enough!” the King commands, and everyone comes to a halt. 
next chapter>>
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kerubimcrepin · 1 month
Crepinlore and the 30-50 random games 90% of fandom has never heard about
This post, like everything else about this blog, is very self-indulgent. I discovered many things, during its making. I shall begin with something you likely have literally never heard about, and go to more popular things from there:
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Krosmaster arena online was a video game it seems nobody played, and honestly, I am mentioning it here because I fear that if I don't document it, it will disappear, and it will turn out that it was simply a vision I had, as if in a David Lynch movie. Evaporating, like tears in rain.
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I don't think anyone ripped/tried to rip/found a way to rip the models from it — and considering the fact they're pretty... mobile ad-core, not much may have been lost.
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Anyway, here's Keke beating the shit out of some guy.
Wakfu Les Gardiens
Joris appears in the quest "The Tree of Life" of this game, which, as far as I'm aware, was updated in time with Wakfu episodes.
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Even back then, Ankama knew that 1. Joris is very sus and 2. you cannot let him get close to you during a battle, or it's OVER.
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It's all very cute.
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There is some interesting I have to say about this sprite, actually!
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An alternate version of it exists, made as a concept for the Dofus MMO. I am assuming it was Juien Druant elaborating on the ways Joris might look in the game. The first two designs are: baby Joris (probably not used because he looks too young to be a 200 year old man...) and Welsh & Shedar 60yo Joris. They were combined to make the iconic Dofus MMO-era 200yo Joris design.
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I'm quite sure that this sprite references the Les Gardiens one very heavily.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend
The first game in this list that actually has implications for real lore, and yet its plot is literally "it was all a dream that Oropo was having while inside the Eliacube"
For this reason, the events of this game are not entirely reliable — but are probably based in some way on the memories Oropo has.
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The main contribution this game has to Crepinlore is a third Crepin, who might be an ancient ancestor of the brothers, whom Oropo met and remembered, some sort of cousin, or he might be based entirely on fiction, and inspired by Kerubim (though ehhh I severely doubt Oropo would care so much about him that he'd hallucinate a guy like him within Eliacube's fake world).
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I really want to headcanon that the events of the game are based on something he really experienced, waaay before forming the brotherhood. But that's just my brain disaeses.
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Here we can see the store itself.
I saved the best for the last — Krosmaga.
A video of the casts of Dofus and Wakfu beating the shit out of each other
There are characters besides Atcham, Joris, and Kerubim in this game — Julith, Jahash, Lou... But I choose to concentrate on my favorite three ones. Or I will die fr.
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If this Ecaflip gives the impression of constantly having a bad hair day, it's precisely because he doesn't have any! Brother of Kerubim Crépin, Atcham is fiercely jealous of the man he considers his worst enemy. And how could he not be, when not only does he occupy the prestigious position of Ecaflip's favorite son, but also displays his dense, silky fur without any modesty or sensitivity?
Here are his three forms:
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I'm.,. unwell about the white one. I have to draw Atcham in a Bontarian getup one of these days.
They're really giving a fight to this Joris costume recolor from a Christmas event in one of the MMOs... (Now I want to see Kerubim in red too!)
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On topic of Joris,
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Adopted son of Kerubim Crépin, Joris is a curious and mischievous little boy. His favorite pastime is listening to the childhood adventures of his beloved "Papycha". And when he's too busy serving customers in his antique store, he's off playing with his best friend Lilotte! An avid boufbowl player and fan of Khan Karkass, Joris also hopes to become a star of the horned ball. While his destiny may already be mapped out on the stadium pitch, his origins are much less clear… But the good thing about not knowing where you come from is that you can imagine anything! For the little boy, there's no doubt: his parents were great boufbowl players, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not!
Here are his alternative forms:
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And now, last but not least: Kerubim.
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Judging by his adventures, Kerubim seems to have had more than 9 lives! From small-time opera rat, to Bontarian police officer, to lawyer: the least we can say is that during his youth, the man Joris calls his Papycha never stopped working! So much so that today, the owner of the antique store Aux Trésors de Kerubim takes advantage of his free time to purr quietly in his armchair, or to tell his adopted son about his past adventures. Past? Well, not quite! Because when the terrible witch Julith arrives to retrieve Jahash's Ivory Dofus, and seems intent on attacking Joris, the old tomcat doesn't hesitate to get in her way. With Kerubim, there's no age limit to being a hero!
Once again, it is confirmed that the store's name s literally "Aux Trésors de Kerubim". Sorry, I'm insane about the name of the show being the name of the store.
And his alternative forms:
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He's beautiful.
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paracosmic-murdock · 11 months
Tell me what are my words worth ; Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
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Chapter 7: "Mon cœur te désire"
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: While the other ladies have grown with the mindset of marrying and having children, you, as the daughter of a man who wanted a son, grew up being both. You learnt how to embroider, play the pianoforte, fence and manage the estate. However, there were some things that not even the Duke of Burgundy could do, so after he passed and you thought there was nothing left for you, you decided to move to London for a while and go to the Royal Academy of Art.
Nothing was going to keep you from what you wanted, and you would do whatever it takes: you would lie to everyone, you would live to death, you would pretend to be a man. You had a plan and it would be a piece of cake for you. But again, when has something that she wants and should not do easy for a woman? Especially when a man like Benedict Bridgerton gets in the way in more ways than one.
Warnings/tags: idiots in love, eventual smut, love triangles (but not really), lgbtq+ themes, bisexual benedict bridgerton, feminist themes, historical inaccuracy (for the sake of the plot), inspired by mulan (1998), song: the lakes (taylor swift), other tags to be added
Chapter summary: Tonight was the Carrington Ball and therefore, your debut in society. With your suitors there and their purpose of making you theirs for the night, you had to endure every second as best as you could. Everything was going as smoothly as expected, the evening spinning around friendships and confessions, until Benedict decided to tag along.
Word count: 4.1K
❁ Series masterlist
❁ mila's anthology (main masterlist)
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"Finally found you!" Eloise exclaimed as soon as she saw you. "You are the only reason I came to this stupid ball."
You snorted. "Don't you let Lady Carrington hear you insult her ball, we have worked so hard to make it perfect, dearest Eloise."
"You organized it, too?" She frowned, looking around. Everything was gold, white and shades of red, and Eloise had to admit it wasn't hideous. "It is perfect, then."
"Lady Carrington has been aware of my hosting abilities for a while, since she has attended a few events when in France," you replied. "As the lady of the house, my father had imposed that duty upon me. I take pride in having hosted remarkable balls in the Palace of the Dukes, in Burgundy, or in the Château de Bagatelle, in Paris… My Papa, before he passed, said on his deathbed that the first event I am to host in the Palace of Versailles must be my wedding."
"I hope you invite me to your wedding so I can pretend, but in a palace."
"My beloved guest you will be, dearest Eloise," You winked at her. "You get to stay in the second best bedroom of the Palace."
"I will be honored, dearest Y/N," she replied. "I hope that no other Bridgerton gets this privilege."
You shook your head with a small smile. "You certainly are the only special one!"
"So you will be able to host your wedding at the Palace of Versailles?" she wondered. "As your father was the Duke, I suppose he is family with the King of France, is he not? Would it be a gift from them to let you have your wedding there?"
You nodded. "Yes, my father was his third cousin. I own the Palace of Versailles, though. It needed renovation and the Royal Family decided to move to Paris," you replied, modifying the truth slightly. "My father offered to buy the Palace and take care of the renovation, which has been in process for a few years now. It was finally finished, and I must return to France soon to pay it a visit."
"What? And you're not coming back?!"
"I want to, but I'm not certain," you replied. "I was planning on staying some more time, but there are a few matters that require my undivided attention back home."
"Is there no one else who can do it for you? Don't you have a cousin being the lord of the house?"
"Yes, but the Palace of Versailles is not a thing that concerns him; a ship from the Americas arrived and I must take care of it… My grandfather is visiting and asking for me, plus, I need to make sure my cousin hasn't done something that threatens the well-being of the region."
"How are you allowed to do all of this?"
You shrugged. "My father wanted a son but ended up having me instead. Never one to leave things in untrustworthy hands, he taught me every single thing needed to be a Duchess playing the role of the Duke."
"Your cousin isn't the Duke?"
"Not on my watch."
Eloise sighed, trying to ignore that you, her only friend other than Penelope, are leaving. "But you will come with us to Aubrey Hall."
"I will, I already promised you, dear Eloise," You smiled gently at her. "I am looking forward to that moment!"
"The Sharmas and Lady Danbury will be there, too, but I was not allowed to bring Penelope. You cannot leave me alone."
"I won't." You laughed.
"Sister, Lady Y/N," Colin interrupted your conversation, and under your apprehensive glance, he corrected himself: "Y/N, my apologies."
"Good evening, Colin. Are you enjoying yourself thus far?"
"I certainly have, it is a lovely ball."
You nodded. "Thank you! Helping Lady Carrington organize this ball reminded me of how much I adore all this," you mentioned. "I cannot wait for the Bal des Onzièmes, to which the Bridgertons will most certainly be invited this year. I expect you to add the middle of November in the Palace of the Dukes to your calendar."
"We would be delighted to attend," Colin nodded with a smile. "I was wondering if you could give me this dance, Y/N."
You took his hand. "I would be honored to, Colin. See you in a minute, Eloise."
She nodded, watching you leave with a frown. Eloise looked around in search of her older brother, Benedict, and as soon as she found him, she rushed to join him.
"Colin seems to win her over just fine, does he not?"
Benedict looked at his sister and then at you and Colin dancing in the ballroom. You were laughing, but he thought that Colin's jokes couldn't be funny at all. Perhaps it was the jealousy talking, but he just knew he was better than his brother.
Colin could not paint you or give you the attention he knew you deserved. Colin would not kiss your brother either, so he had a bonus on that one.
"He doesn't bother me, Sister."
She laughed, irony invading her voice. "Of course, dear Brother. I just think it would be such a shame that Colin marries the girl that is your perfect match."
"Since when are you a marriage enthusiast, Eloise?"
"Since she is leaving for France next week and most likely not returning."
"What?!" Benedict questioned. "They- she- she cannot go back to France yet."
"Ah, why not, Brother?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"Well, I can tell you of what I was told that it is a must she returns," Eloise said. "She could always have a reason to come back to London. Or even better, go accompanied to France… If you do not tell her you love her as much as your eyes do, Colin will be that person."
He frowned. "You don't think that she would say yes to Colin, do you?"
"Not if you ask first."
When Benedict looked at you and Colin again, the dance was finally over, and you were approached by Lord Weber.
He knew he shouldn't interfere. He knew he had no right to, especially after what happened with Antoine.
Benedict didn't know what that meant, he didn't know what to do either. You he could be with. It was socially acceptable, you were endearing and fun and there was something in you that had his heart beating with a fluttering rhythm he had never felt before; with him was the entire opposite. If Benedict were to justify the decision he made when he kissed him, he would blame it on the alcohol and the way Antoine bared his soul to him, telling him his deepest secrets even after just a few hours of having met because there was a connection. One Benedict couldn't ignore or diminish.
Antoine spoke so highly of you and seemed as the most caring brother there could be, Benedict even envied him for a moment. He wishes he could bring his sisters the stability Antoine brings you, he wishes he could give it to you, because no matter what he felt for him, you weren't nearly out of the equation.
"I have only met her twice, so how could I?" Benedict looked at Eloise for a brief second, as if after only having met you two times wasn't enough to make him feel like he was feeling, before returning his focus back to you and Lord Weber.
"So has Colin, and don't you doubt he would ask her to marry him right this second if he knew what you know."
He rolled his eyes, leaving Eloise alone.
The ball had been nice, but after spending an hour with Lord Weber, and it is not like the dislike was a personal matter, you decided you could not take it anymore, though only your face made that clear.
From afar, Anthony Bridgerton choked a laugh next to his mother as he looked at you.
"She looks like she will run away any second now, the poor girl," Violet said to her eldest child. "You should go and ask her to dance as it is obvious she is more than displeased with Lord Weber's company."
He frowned. "Mother, I cannot, it is not appropriate."
"Do not be ridiculous, it's just a dance. And for a good cause."
"I have just starred in the latest scandal, Mother. I do not think it would be good advertising for her in the marriage market to be seen dancing with me, as much as I would like to save her from the displeasing company of Lord Weber." Anthony used that excuse, looking at Miss Sharma from afar. His mother gave him a look that could reduce him to ashes, so he just nodded and approached you.
"Lord Bridgerton, I am glad to see you!" you exclaimed, knowing you couldn't call him by his name in front of Lord Weber or it would be questionable. "Have you enjoyed this evening so far?"
"Very much. Good evening, Lord Weber," He smiled. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, my Lady?"
You nodded eagerly. "It would be my pleasure!"
Anthony offered you his hand and you took it.
"I can see Lord Weber has set his intentions in courting you," he noted with an amused smile. "What is more notable, is that you are not particularly pleased with it."
"Was I that obvious?"
He nodded with a smile. "Very much."
"I sure hope Lord Weber did not notice."
"He most certainly did, though he would gladly ignore it," Anthony replied. "You should tell him if you do not like him. Our family appreciates you very much, and we wouldn't wish for you to be engaged to a man you do not love. Even worse if it is Lord Weber, you do not want to see him drunk."
"Is he a mess?" you asked in a chuckle.
"Mess is a short word," he answered. "And my brother seems quite interested in you."
You raised your eyebrows, thinking immediately of Colin. He meant Benedict, but it's not like you knew they were related. "Is he?!"
"Do not tell him I told you," He smirked. "He would kill me."
"I wouldn't want to marry a killer, Anthony, so I do not wish to marry him then."
"That was a joke."
"I know," you whispered, making him smile. The dance ended. "Thank you for saving me."
"Always a pleasure."
You smiled at Anthony and left in the opposite direction as him.
You looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to you, and started writing down random names on your dance card so you could make sure to avoid any new suitor you did not want to encounter.
"It is a great shame that your dance card is full," He startled you, making you put your hand where your heart is and throw the pen to the table. "Here I was to ask you to dance."
The anxiety died when you cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes. "I am afraid that dancing is a dangerous game."
"Did I ever tell you that I am a man of challenges?"
"You have not."
"Now I have," He smirked, eyeing the card in your hand. "I think that Théo Moulin does not exist."
"I guarantee you he does."
"My bad, Lady Y/N," he apologized, not quite honestly. "Will he dance with you or do you think he could give me his turn?"
You hesitated, but ended up intertwining your arm to his and followed him to the dance floor.
It was awkward at first. The only thing in your mind were those kissew you shared and how much you hated that Antoine was the one who owned the moments, not you. What you hated more, was that Benedict had kissed him a few nights ago, had ignored him in the Academy, shared a wonderful night last night, and was now here with you, as if the kiss meant nothing to him. For you, it meant everything, and you could puke if someone asked your mind to give it color your heart did.
Those were your first and second kiss, and you wished for nothing else but to repeat it once, twice, three times and as many as the amount of breaths you've taken throughout your life, but as Y/N.
Then, it wasn't as uncomfortable. Benedict's eyes would not let go of yours, and everytime you averted his gaze, his hand found a way to drive your focus back to him.
"I met your brother at a party the other day," Benedict mentioned as the dance required for you to get closer, his hot breath causing goosebumps on your skin so delicate to his mere existence near yours. "He mentioned a thing or two about you."
You cleared your throat. "Did he? I have not seen him in a couple days and he never mentioned meeting you."
Benedict let out a relieved sigh. "He did, yes. Nothing but wonders and nothing I was surprised to hear."
"He better have."
He smiled with a smile you would hate to not see anymore, and you smiled back at him with the strength of your aching soul.
"You are certainly more enchanting than I have heard."
"Have you heard about me?"
"More accurately, I have been asking about you."
"Who did you ask?" you inquired.
His hand caressed your back more than needed, and you closed your eyes when the temptation threatened to appear. "Lord Weber was very informative. Mr. Rogers and Lord Collins, too. They were fools for you."
"I do not care for men that let looks drive them to oblivion," you confessed. "Love is not supposed to empty your mind, but to enrich it and help it connect with the heart."
"I had never thought of it that way."
"Then I am afraid you have not loved nor been properly loved before."
"To you I can admit I have not," he confessed. "I was never interested in love or marriage or dancing."
"Perhaps you only ever needed the perfect partner."
He smirked. "Would that be you?"
"I do not believe one can be sure of it after only one dance."
"Oh, then it is good that the night is young."
You shrugged. "I, unfortunately, have my dance card full for tonight. We could continue in the next ball if you'd like?"
As soon as the dance was over, you let out a shaky breath and left him there.
"Ah, was he not a good dancer?"
You looked up, seeing Grant Lawrence in front of you with a sweet smile. "I am not very familiar with the English standards of dancing, so I might have to wait and see."
"Well, I have been told I am decent at dancing, so perhaps I could help you picture said standard. As long as you allow me, I can show you."
"That seems like a nice offer, but I was told I cannot dance with a man whose name I ignore."
"My apologies, my Lady. Lord Lawrence." He asked for your hand and you gave it to him. Lord Lawrence left a sweet kiss on your knuckles.
"Lady Y/N of Burgundy," you answered, remembering that you could not be linked to Antoine Voclain in any way. "Enchantée."
He grinned. "You are Lady Y/N? I have heard about you."
"Oh, and which category are you part of? The ones who think I am desperate, the suitors or the friendly ones?"
"The suitors, I believe."
"And which subcategory?" you teased him. "The pathetic ones, the desperate ones, the gold diggers or the ones who only want to have fun?"
"I think I am a little pathetic, so perhaps that one."
You laughed, moving your head so it could point at Benedict. "Then you can meet him there."
Lord Lawrence chortled, stealing everyone's attention. You looked around trying not to laugh with him.
"Everyone is staring, my Lord!" you whispered.
"You certainly are one of a kind, are you not?
"And I could be worse." you joked.
"Worse? How so?"
You clicked your tongue. "I could always have one of those irksome suitors fight you for my love."
"You think Benedict would?"
"He is not courting me, my Lord. But Lord Collins certainly is, and I have been told he enjoys boxing, does he not?"
"He does," Lawrence confirmed. "Are you passionate about something, Lady Y/N?"
"Oh! I adore playing the violin, writing, and obviously reading also!" you replied. "And I promise you that I can come here with a better painting than every artist in this ball all together."
"I am an artist!"
"I am certain I am better than you."
He laughed loudly. "That a woman can only dream for!"
"I beg your pardon?" You looked at him with disdain as he kept that cocky look in his eyes. "I do not find that as hysterical as you believe it is. And are you not embarrassed that everybody is looking at us?"
"Let them stare all they want, I am right here with a lady unlike all I have seen before."
You raised your eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"For starters, you are fun," he said, thinking you would be flattered. "Those other ladies could never stand before me and show interest in art, music and literature, and be fun to be around."
"You do not know many women, do you, my Lord?" you asked with sarcasm.
"Oh, I do," He chuckled lightly, the double meaning of his message evident enough. "You should know I have an impeccable success rate."
"Oh, do you?" You wrinkled your nose, every ounce of negativity hiding in your bones coming to the surface as you answered. "Well, not anymore."
You left before he could try to reach you, and disappeared among the Ton.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Eloise yelled once she saw you, and locking arms with Penelope Featherington, she reached you. "Are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost."
"Ugh, I just met the most awful man London has shown me!" you exclaimed, noting how they both seemed to have been drinking more than it was socially acceptable in a lady. "Hi, Miss Penelope." She smiled at you.
She frowned. "Who?"
"Lord Lawrence and his ideologies of me being not like the other ladies just because I made him laugh," You scoffed. "I am exhausted from doing everything the best I can and still not have the satisfaction of knowing it was good enough! I just… wonder each day if I would be taken seriously if I were a man."
"Of course we would be taken seriously if we were men," Eloise replied. "Our value is only defined by the man whose arm is intertwined with ours."
"It sure is," You pursed your lips. "Would you like to go someplace quieter and talk about how awful those men are?"
Eloise got beside you and you walked outside.
Everything was quiet with only the moon witness of your conversation as Eloise talked about how her Mama wished for her to marry and how difficult it was for her to live inside Daphne's mold, one she did not fit in, when everyone expected her to be her sister's equal. Penelope silently agreed with her.
Then, Penelope complained about her Mama's power over her and how much she loathed having to live what she feels like it is someone else's life. Eloise mentioned that Penelope does not often talk about those things with her and that she was grateful for her trust.
Eloise told you about a boy she had met called Theo and that she could not quite decipher what was happening there.
And you all agreed with how out of place you felt.
"I feel like I should have never come here," you confessed. "If I tell you something, you promise you will keep the secret?"
Both girls nodded, though Eloise was more eager and interested in your secret.
You looked around, and once you were sure no one was nearby, you muttered your biggest secret. "I go to the Royal Academy of Art."
"What?!" Eloise exclaimed in a whisper. "How?!"
"I stole my cousin's clothes and everyday I tell the Carringtons that I am with one of my suitors doing any silly activity," you answered. "Men are unbearable, but I have learnt how to be one. Trust me when I tell you that Lord Lawrence is one of the most charming, fun, and amiable men I have ever encountered. But not with me, no. He is a great friend, always including me… him… in their gatherings and everything."
"You must stop doing that, someone will catch you and you will get in so much trouble!" Penelope advised.
"I cannot. I have come far enough."
They were stunned.
"You will not tell a soul about this," you ordered. "Swear to God or I will kill myself in front of you!"
"Alright, I swear!" Eloise widened her eyes. "Pen, swear!"
"I swear!"
You nodded. "Good. Now, what if we go back inside?"
"Sure." Both agreed.
However, your intentions vanished as you saw some gentlemen expecting you inside. You stopped before going in, then. "Uh, you know what? I will stay here for a few minutes. See you later?"
They both nodded as you returned to the darkest side of the backyard of the Carrington Mansion.
"I could have sworn you were dancing in there," Benedict commented, making a gesture to ask if he could join you. Then, he sat next to you on the bench. "With that dance card so full you could not have set a foot out of the ballroom."
"You are hilarious, Benedict." You rolled your eyes, hiding a smile. "The Moon looks particularly beautiful tonight."
"Not as beautiful as you, dare I say."
"Well, do not dare say anything else." you ordered, having mixed feelings about your encounters with him.
He frowned. "Why are you acting like this? I thought-"
"Whatever it is that you thought, forget it."
"Why would I forget how your eyes scream for me every time they meet mine? Why would I forget the ways in which you say my name, Y/N? Benedict, like a forbidden prayer… because you know you shouldn't call me by my name, and you do nevertheless, you love to… You do not care about those pathetic rules that this society has imposed upon us, because if you did, I would not be sitting here next to you," He gave you a look that spoke louder than his voice, and you could not help but melt under his words. "You cannot see it, but when I look at you, I feel like everything falls into place. Your voice echoes in my mind and in my entire body, and I wish for nothing but to hear it again. I go to the Academy and I just want you to appear as inadvertently as you did the first time… You are there when I close my eyes and I have wasted so much time on women that reminded me of you when I only want you."
You gasped at his words, not knowing what to say.
"I have read about love my whole life, but those words are meaningless compared to the way my heart longs for you. I do not know enough about you, but I do know that you make me put a piece of you in every painting I paint, in every poem I write, in every dream that I dream… My soul aches for you and knows no remedy until it senses yours nearby."
He sighed, getting close to you. "Every part of me hurts when I see you with another. The promenade with Weber, that morning in the park with Cortez, just now with Lawrence, with whoever that is not me, and the only thing that could bring me a piece of peace of mind is having you."
"I want you, too," you confessed, feeling his smile inches away from your hesitant lips. "I have never wanted anyone before, but I want you. Benedict, I will be gone soon, but for once, I want to live like tomorrow does not exist. Perhaps it won't exist for us, but I want you."
"The only way there is no tomorrow for us is if we let this go, and know that I will not give you away," he said, his hands cupping your cheeks. "I cannot conceive a future in which you and I are not together."
You could feel his breath merging with yours and his nose gently meeting yours. "That you want me feels impossible."
"I hope to God you are a believer, then." Benedict whispered, driving one of his hands to your waist and the other to your chest, just above your heart. He gave you a soft kiss on your right cheek.
"I'm afraid I am." you replied as he kissed your cheek again and a few times more, and then the corner of your lips.
"I have been taught to be a gentleman, my Lady, but my lips will not stop hurting unless they meet yours…"
He almost laughed at you, but found it sweet that you were somehow ignorant of his intentions. Benedict got impossibly closer, closed his eyes and as if a reflex, so did you, and his lips gently grazed yours. You could barely feel the touch but it was enough to make you want more.
You nodded, hesitant as you thought of the consequences. Nothing mattered anymore when his lips finally danced with yours and then you were kissing.
It was soft and it was a very ridiculous setting, but it was perfect.
Everything is perfect when you share it with the right person, and he was the right person for you.
"We shouldn't do this," you whispered against his lips, not parting from him anyway. In reality, you did not care. If you were to marry him, you would return to France and there no one would know the scandal that brought you to marry. You wouldn't hate it if he became your husband, quite the opposite: you would die for him to. "Someone will see us."
Benedict looked around without getting too far from you. "No one will see us."
So he kissed you again, and again, and again until your brain couldn't comprehend anything, and his hands toured your body as best as he could with your ballgown still on, and you just needed more and more and you were well aware you couldn't have it. Not right here and right now, and knowing you had to acquiesce in the situation made you break the kiss.
"Stop this, stop this," you told him, your mind exploring the memory of the other kiss under the moonlight and the darkest night, with your hands buried in his soft hair and the need growing inside you, or the kiss inside that studio, accompanied only by the candlelights, trust, and the intense passion threatening to take over your bodies. "I cannot do this. I must go back."
"Y/N, wait!"
"Let me go, please..."
Seeing your tired, afflicted eyes, he did not insist anymore, letting you return to the ball.
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shepherds-of-haven · 9 months
Since the Shepards are a big, (sometimes) happy, found family, which roles would they be? All I know for sure is that Blade is the dad, Caine is the baby, and Tallys is the grandma.
I feel like this is something you all could tell me rather than the other way around, haha! I don't really think of the Shepherds as a traditional family with, like, parent vs children roles, so I'm probably not the person to ask. All I know is that Halek has big brother energy, Shery has "precious baby sister maknae" energy, and Tallys has mom friend energy. I guess the more accurate thing to say is that I consider them all to basically have a kind of sibling dynamic or just a friend group energy rather than Blade being the dad (I think he's not nurturing/kind enough and also everyone shits on him too much), etc.
Blade -> oldest son energy, "the responsible one" or stick in the mud but all of the impetuous younger siblings make his life hell
Halek -> older brother energy, comforting presence, makes you want to run after him bothering him
Tallys -> oldest sister energy, the den mother of the group, the one who makes sure everyone in the group is healthy and doing okay
Lavinet -> big sister energy, the one you go to for advice about boys, the cool older sister that you tend to idolize
Trouble -> second son/middle child energy
Briony -> second daughter/middle child energy
Chase -> extreme middle child energy (attention whore)
Ayla -> middle child energy
Red -> ? I guess middle child energy? The one that is just quietly doing his own thing amidst all the chaos lol but is also reliable like an older sibling can be?
Riel -> younger sibling energy. The belligerent, spoiled, brilliant, lauded younger sibling who's used to being showered with praise for his accomplishments, and thus doesn't have the appropriate amount of fear or respect towards his older siblings. The twelve-year-old who thinks he should be sitting at the adults table and not the kids' table with the rest of the wet-mouthed plebs
Shery -> baby. baby of the family. must protect. universally beloved. will always be viewed as the baby even when she's married with kids
Mimir -> weird cousin
Caine -> strong nephew energy. like "second generation, that's someone's (MC's) kid, not a direct sibling of the adults" or, just like. literal infant. goo goo ga ga
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harrysmimi · 2 months
Still Want You
Synopsis: Harry wants a restart but YN still feels guilty for what happened
More of my work | Based on this ask
I really hope you like this anon. Took me pong enough to write this.
PS. I haven't edited this cuz I am too lazy. I'm sowwyyy :(
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Harry was nervous knocking on the door. He tugged on the neckline of his t-shirt as he dripped the small bouquet of red and white roses, a box of chocolate covered almonds and a small pack of cat treats.
He was there to see his favourite girl and his favourite boy ever.
It's been almost a year he has seen YN. He was finally ready to start over and get his life together, since past ten months he's had a great tour, released a new album and was back on a little break.
YN and Harry have been together for well over two years, inseparable and madly in love with one another. Harry loved the fact that she was his little secret that he so selfishly wanted to keep with him. Which unfortunately was one of the reason which drove them apart.
His breath hitched when she opened the door and first thing a white fluffy cat with big green eyes came to greet him. That was Prince, the cat he adopted for her for her birthday, he was (and his) their son. Prince loves Harry deeply to say the least.
"Harry?" Her voice was barely audible but he hear her nerves getting through her just loud enough. She is an anxious person, he knows that.
"YN!" He greeted her with a pleasant yet sad enough smile. She moved aside so he can come in and closed the door when he did.
It was a new place, just three streets away from the place he rented for them to move in together, as a surprise. It was small, just enough for a person and a pet. Everything looked dull and gloomy, there was just a bed with a pillow, and a sofa seperating the room into a living area and a bedroom. It was like her old flat she first moved into, but a little smaller and two rooms less as she shared that one with a roommate, there was a seperate living room at least.
YN got him a glass of water the first thing as he took a seat on the sofa. He could see she had set up her laptop up on the coffee table with a dozen unread emails and half eaten plate of Rice and Daal with a side of raw mango pickle. She sat on the other side of the sofa waiting patiently for him to start the conversation.
"I wanted to see you." He started to which she just smiled. "YN look I am sorry for what happened, but let's start all over again please!"
"I should be the one apologising." She looked at him with the same guilt he saw all those months ago.
It was months ago YN and Harry were starting have little arguments here and there. It was unusual for him. Yes, YN would have her bursts of frustration and anger here and there but Harry always made sure to be the mature one understanding the circumstances of situation. He'd be the one sitting her down and making her talk her mind and heart and share the same when she'd unknowingly hurt his feelings. He's always been patiently wonderful with that.
But they were both particularly bitter about the situations which were coming up one by one. It started with when YN wanted to bring home with her for her Diwali break. Even though her and her family did not celebrate it, they were willing to meet up with him and spend the holidays, even one of her cousin was getting married right after Diwali. It was a huge thing for YN, he knew that. But he had chosen to back down.
A festival and a wedding means there would be people, and where there are people, means there would be countless pictures and with his lifestyle, he prefers to keep his private life private. It means he wouldn't have been able to keep his dreamy little secret, a secret. He wanted to meet her family but in private. While her intentions were never vile, he knew the internet would ruin her mental peace.
But soon after they had to stop going out together on dates, to eat out. She had to stop being seen with him. Which made YN feel hurt.
She wanted to everything with Harry. Yeah, she was willing to endure everything given what came to be with him, hell she was even sceptical for weeks after he asked her out for the first time for the same thing! But once she was all in, she was willing to risk it all. She even put on an armer and spoke to her very strict brown parents about him.
YN was angry at him for months.
All she wanted was share what they had with not having to constantly look over their shoulders. And him protecting her got no where, still to this date she recieves nasty comments online. Even her LinkedIn profile is not safe for her to log into gor work.
Though she feels guilty for what she did. Despite her annoyance and frustration what she did was not right in any sense.
She was out with her colleagues and had kissed her colleague Harry hated the most, to which she came clean after whole three weeks. Just when Harry had cooked her an amazing meal and bought her favourite flowers to apologise for being so overly protective and to ask her to move in with him. She wasn't drunk that day, she has never touched alcohol in her life.
Just as YN was about to say something, her work phone started ringing. He somehow forgot she works from home most of the time and it wasn't a weekend. She excused herself to answer the ohone to ask to person to postpone whatever she had to do.
"I'm sorry about that," she placed the phone face down on the coffee table to look at him. YN still hasn't been able to forgive herself for what she did. She should have been mature and talk to him.
Since their time apart her life had a big down fall, and it's falling down in the blackhole some hell universe. She had switched her job, her family back home was going through hell and she couldn't go back because who would help her family if she went back home. Her grand dad had passed and their family business was crashing each passing day. Her dad and his brother could do so much with handling biggest loss of their life. She was going through a lot in that moment. But that does not justify her actions what so ever!
Harry told her, he needed some time. And by some she never thought it was be more then ten months and few rebounds later. They never officially broke up or even had that conversation. She deserved to see all that, she made herself believe that. She was more upset with herself than she was to be with him when they never actually called off anything. That was that.
"Have taken me long enough to come in and say that I accept your apologies." He spoke as he carefully tried to move closer to her. He doesn't want her to move away. "I was equally responsible for hurting you after the same."
Harry could see her relax a bit but stiffen up again, so he carefully moved closer to her. "Look we can at least be good friends." He softly spoke as he took her hand, still remembering the feeling like it was yesterday. Her hands still held that warmth he never forgot and they still felt tiny against his own.
YN let out a shaky breath. She have been trying. Trying so hard to get over little heartbreak, it was more harder than when she had her heart broken for the first time. She thought about being friends with him and actually trying to reconcile just so she can have a great person like him in her life again.
Alas she is a jealous person, and she can see him with anyone else. She don't want to be that toxic friend to anyone, so she had made up her mind that if Harry didn't wanted to be back with her she'd never ask to be at least his friend. She looked up at him through her lashes as tears filled her eyes.
"I can't." She admitted.
"Hey, come here!" He whispered as he wrapped his arm around her.
YN never thought she'd be so vulnerable after seeing him again. She had been preparing herself to be strong and act like she has grown much mature and not breakdown, but she did. "I am so sorry!" She started chanting in muffled voice, guilt of hurting him stil felt so saw like it happened just a minute ago.
"Hey, hey, you're fine, you're fine." He gently smoothed her hair as he rubbed her back.
"I still, I still can't get that out of my head!" She muffled again his shirt.
"It's gonna take time." He admitted, "but if you give us a chance, we can make it work. I promise will try my best love. It's been so hard to breathe without you."
"I cheated on you. I don't deserve you, you deserve someone so much better than me." She broke from the hug, a little frustrated maybe. At herself to be exact.
"So did I." He admitted too. Maybe it's not right to get together back again but he have seen being get through so much worse together. Maybe, just maybe they can work it out. Yes, they can work it out. "Told you need a break and did the same. Maybe this is wrong, to get back together. But maybe we could make it the best thing ever. I promise I won't try so hard to protect you from every little thing which comes with my profession."
"I still haven't forgiven myself, Harry," corners of her mouth quivered, "I haven't."
"You want some time, take as much time as you need. Still want you, my love. That's all."
She just nodded and they sat in silence for what felt like ages until YN broke the silence with her sniffles, she wiped her tears and looked at him. "You want some daal chawal?" She knows how much he loves that.
He let out a soft shy chuckle, "you know I am not going to say no."
"I'll get you a plate." He nodded and walked to the kitchen.
It was four months later. YN and Harry started to talk more recently and back together officially, giving one another time they need.
It wasn't until just just on Sunday YN agreed to go on a date with him for next weekend, her day off. He was going to take her see Niall at the Wembley. It was Monday and Harry couldn't wait already.
Waiting for Saturday and going to studio like a torture to him for the first time. He haven't got to see YN much since he visited her, she had been busy with her work. Apparently she was getting a promotion, she'd be the youngest senior manager at her firm and the pressure was too much so he did not wanted to be in her way. But they spoke, stayed on phone calls on her lunch break and texted throughout the day as both of them got free time. Late replies did mot seemed so bad after all now.
It was finally Saturday and Harry was there to pick up YN at her flat. He was all stocked up on the water bottles as it was hot, he knew she wanted to stand in the merch line and buy almost every single thing even though she can get everything delivered to her doorstep on her one command. She is a true Niall fan. He still remembers the first time she got to meet Niall, she was freaking out and now they've become best of friends.
"Hello my love." He greeted her as she opened the door.
"I am so sorry, I forgot to send this important file that why I am late." She anxious ran to her bathroom to where he followed her.
"It's alright love, the show doesn't start for next six hours." He assured her. "And knowing Niall, it won't start for next ten, so don't worry about it." She laughed at that comment.
She was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a large white shirt keeping it simple and cute, should he add. She had her hair in a braid and put on a pair of silver hoops. And they were ready to go. "Oh we're matching!"
"Oh yeah!" He realised.
She rolled her eyes, "when are you going to stop copying me." He just chuckled and walked a step forward to place a soft peck on the back of her head.
"Never." He mumbled taking in the smell of her shampoo."You look very pretty, love when you wear Kajal."
"I am going to look like a panda real quick." She grabbed her glasses off the counter and put them on.
"A gorgeous panda, might I add." He added and recieved a elbow to his rib before they both fell in fit of laugh. She grabbed her sling bag on the way out. But Harry stopped her at the exit of her building.
"Before we walk out, I have to tell you something." He let out a anxious breath. "We are taking Sam with us, just to be safe, okay? Don't want anyone of us getting hurt unknowingly."
"Okay." She nodded. Well that's understandable, if not for her, for him at least. No one knows her there but every fucking one knows him there. Once they walked out of the building, he found he even got a chauffeur for the day.
"Oh yeah, one more thing." He reached the back pocket his jeans and pulled out a tennis bracelet.
It was the Tiffany bracelet he got her one random day just because, and she wore it every single day no matter if it went with her outfit or not since then. He recieved that back when she returned all his stuff back to him with all of his hoodies and the tad bits of gift he gave her.
"You still kept it?" She looked rather surprised.
"Of course I kept it, know how much you cherish this." He gently grabbed her hand and placed the bracelet around her wrist, he tried to approach her with a kiss but she cuddle close to him swiftly dodging the moment. He just needs to give her some time so he settled with placing a gentle peck on her head.
They reached the venue in half an hour, stood in the line to buy the merch and just making it in time for lunch with Niall. YN did not expect Harry to get VIP passes, even though the performer is literally his best friend. She still did not expected to go to a concert with VIP passes. Yes she saw Harry perform multiple times but it was with his family in the privacy box standing by the side of the stage. This was whole knew experience for her. They were going to the VIP tent there with Niall's mum and girlfriend.
"Be careful here." Harry grabbed her hand as he guided her through the metal walkway around the stage to the pit area where the tent was. He knows these things are nasty slippery even through they have little bumps on them which are supposed to be slip resistant.
The whole evening Harry wasn't afraid of how people would treat the girl he loves so much. He wasn't afraid of hold her thinking about all the nasty things people might say. He sang and danced all evening along with her with his best friend performing there. It was when Niall was playing This Town with his guitar trapped on, at the end of the cat walk.
Harry's got his arms around the girl he adore so much to sing along, just so she can hear him. "If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you. Drive highways and byways to be there with you, over and over the only truth, everything come back to you." That made her turn her head around to look at him, he couldn't hold back the bright smile as he placed a kiss on the apple of her cheek, "you still make me nervous when you walk in the room, them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you, over and over the only truth everything comes back to you, hmmm!" YN leaned into him there. She could start crying.
"You wanna take a picture?" He suggested as the song ended.
"Oh yes!" YN pulled out her phone from her bag and the posed for a few selfies and Harry clicked a few pictures of her while Niall was in between set change.
After the show, Harry her took her to her favourite place for dinner. And that was about the night before he drive her back to her place with all the merch she bought.
It was a few more months later.
YN mostly worked from home, she only ever had to go to work if there was a meeting or briefing to be done. It was one of those days for her, but more important somehow. Her day at work ended at three in the afternoon as she was early reporting to work. She had taken in a cab there as her car at the service centre. So Harry decided to go pick her up.
Harry waited for her outside her work building as he couldn't go in because the security won't let him in without an ID. He don't have that obviously, because he is not an employee there and he knew YN was done anyway so he didn't mind waiting for her by his car. He was dressed all comfy in a pair of sweats and puffer with a beanie on his head. It was November already and getting colder already.
YN did not liked Mondays, that's what he knew really. But this particular Monday she was very giddy and got up at six in the morning and reported to work at eight sharp. He wasn't sure what was so special about today but she seemed very ecstatic about it.
"Harry!" He hear his name as she ran out of the door, dressed in a baby pink suit and her black coat on top of it with her laptop bag slung around her right shoulder. The first thing she did was jump in his arms to place a firm kiss on his mouth. Taking Harry by utter shock. It was the first time they kissed, he did not mind it, he rather loved it actually. "I. Got. The promotion!" She squealed stomping like a little toddler. He could see little tears of joy in corner of her eyes.
"Oh my goodness!" He was surprised to hear that too, she has been after this promotion for so long, "I am so proud of you baby!" He pulled her in a warm hug. He had seen her obsess about this project wanting it to be perfect for one of the biggest clients in her firm, followed by which she would happen her promotion.
"You are?" She cooed, sounding like she'd cry.
"Yes baby, I am!" He exclaimed as he squeezed her tighter, "so, so, so proud of you my love!" He carefully pulled apart enough to look at her. "You deserved it." He placed a kiss on her forehead. She just buried her face in his chest.
"I need to call Mumma." She chuckled as she pulled away to wipe her tears.
"Yeah?" He smiled, "give me this, call you mum." He grabbed her laptop bag and proceeded to place it on the back seat as she made her way to the passenger seat calling her mother already.
They had the day planned out already, they were going to go to his place. The new place he got just a month ago in a more gated area with more security for her personal safety.
"You kissed me." Harry said as he closed his front door, she had already taken off her coat. His puffer was already off in the car itself.
"Yes..." YN nodded anxiously, "I am sorry if you didn't wanted me to."
"Are you kidding me? I've been dying to kiss you my love!" He took a big step towards her as he grabbed her by her waist to place a gentle kiss on her mouth. "Oh I've missed this!" He place another feathery kiss on corner of her mouth, he could feel her melt in his arms there as her knees almost gave in. With his arm on her back and behind her knees he picked her up as he spun her around.
It was another day of celebration for YN as she was able get another big project in to the firm just a year after her promotion, her superior arranged a little dinner party for her. It was a very formal event, with the CEO and all the vice presidents present there. Of course she took Harry with him.
Harry had drove YN back to her place his place as they planned last minute on spending the weekend in at his. They both changed into some comfy clothes.  Luckily Harry kept all of her clothes as they were.
They both got comfy on the sofa. "Need some water." Harry got up from his place and walked in the kitchen. The kitchen at his new was surprised put of sight from living room and it was weirdly quite at his, except Prince snoring next to her. Harry was watching him for the day while YN was at work. He had a blast the three hours Harry was at the dinner with her, running around the house that he passed out on the sofa there.
Harry came back, acting a bit fiddly. He watched as YN flipped through Netflix. He knew he have to do this. He wants to do this.
He placed a kiss on her mouth before he got on both his knees with her hands in his, their laced finger layed on her lap. He had to resist himself from giving her get another kiss or he would forget to say what he is going to say.
"What happened?" She asked looking at him confused.
"I've got say something." He started with a bright smile and flushed cheeks. "Rather I've got something to ask you."
"If you're asking me to move in, then not until—"
"We get married, I know." He interrupted her, "I actually wanted to ask you, will you marry me? You don't have to answer now, take as much time as possible. As long as it takes, I still want you." He could feel his heart thumping in his ears.
"You are serious with this?" She asked in a low voice, not believing what is happening, as her eyes welled up with tears. "You want to get married?"
"Yes, I am damn serious about this." He announced. "I want to get married."
"Yes, I will marry you Harry!" She exclaimed as pulled him in for a hug. Suddenly there were claps heard from the kitchen as her family and Harry's family walked out. "What the—" she hid her face in Harry's shirt as she knew her kajal was all messed up already, Gemma was recording this. Harry laughed as he looked at her face and helped her fix her face, wiping her tears with the sleeve of white shirt he wore.
"It's okay, your cute panda face is just for me to see." He whispered to her making her chuckle.
"It's official now!" YN's mum announced. It was just their immediate family. Harry's parents and his sister, her parents and her brothers. And they knew there was going to be a proper engagement ceremony done, not today but someday.
Harry wanted to give YN a heads up, given the fact how their relationship took a turn and how hard it was mend things and beat the odds. He didn't expected her to say yes then and there but he was prepared with a ring. Anne handed him the ring he had custom made just for his girl.
"Want to make it official, official." He opened the box to reveals a beautiful ring, which he took time in sliding onto her finger.
"Even we have a surprise for you." YN's brother announced as he handed his sister a box too. It was a platinum band in there. Just a cultural thing where it is permissible for men to wear gold or jewels, Harry respects that. He knows they are going to have a proper engagement ceremony planned out in future all abiding by her cultural rituals. This was just for family and their eyes only.
She slid the ring on his finger too. And they were officially, officially engaged now.
This wasn't something Harry imagined would ever happen.
N O T E :
Well... Had this in my inbox for a while while now. I am so so so sorry this took forever to post! 🤧 Hope you liked it. Ik I'm a bit rusty that I haven't wrote anything since like January.
I love you xx
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 20 Group 100
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Reds and Blues: Grif, Simmons, Sarge, Donut, Lopez, Doc, Caboose, Church, Tucker, Agent Washington, Agent Carolina, Locus
Wright Anything Agency (& Company): Phoenix & Trucy Wright, Apollo Justice, Maya Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Pearl Fey, Ema Skye, Kay Faraday & Sebastian Debeste
Submissions are still open!
Reds and Blues:
My babies are all assholes but love each other deep down
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Wright Anything Agency (& Company):
THEY MEAN THE WORLDDDDD TO MEEEEEE for some reason a lot of people in the fandom don't play Ace Attorney 5 which is fair since it's kind of messy BUT. BUT. IT INTRODUCES ATHENA AND DOES SOOOO MUCH FOR THE WRIGHT ANYTHING AGENCY. In AA4 we learn that Trucy Wright made the Wright Talent Agency into the Wright Anything Agency in order to bring Apollo in as a lawyer when before it was just her (a magician) and her adopted father Phoenix (a poker player). and AA5 is all about Athena joining and Apollo learning how to trust her, at least it is to ME. they're so gooddddd aaaaaaa like you've got Phoenix and Trucy who are weirdos who love to scheme and you've got Apollo their longsuffering guy who deals with it all, and Phoenix is the mentor... and then Athena comes in and she has a lot of light and determination and trauma (just like the rest of them lol) and she's SO determined and I like her a lot!! And Trucy is my favorite and Phoenix cares about her SO much but he also has his other found family in the Feys!!!!!! Mia dies in the first game but her ghost stays with Phoenix and her sister/cousin Maya and Pearl are SO IMPORTANT TO HIM he loves them so much that's his sisters to me ;-; he would do anything for them and Trucy and he's growing as a mentor to Apollo and Athena too as the game progress... They don't write them all perfectly but they sure do a lot of things I like :) also feel free to split this up into their Wright Anything Agency or Phoenix + the Feys or Phoenix + Trucy if you need to I won't mind I just love AA's found family a lot
Picture this. You are a attorney in your mid 20s and somehow find yourself surrounded by weird little girls with every case you take on. You officially adopt one but really, all of them are either sisters or daughters to you. Especially your loud, burger-loving lesbian sister. Your childhood friend turned rival turned lover, who has a whip-wielding adoptive sister of his own, goes on a series of investigations while messing around with a furry for a couple of weeks and returns with two 17 year old children, a thieving lesbian and a child with a narcissistic murderer for a father who should've kept him back in school a few grades. Your lover has each of them under an arm, and they are appended to your stable of weird little girls but are very much hidden in the back. Then you find out that your daughter, the official one, has a 22yo trans half-brother with a musical diva mother and was half raised as a prince in Khura'in, so you divorce his boss (who is not your official lover, you just had a weird thing for a while when you were in your alcoholic phase, maybe while your actual lover was still messing around with the furry) very publicly while sending him to prison for murdering your daughter's father. Oh, but you have been disbarred, so you make your daughter's son send his own boss to prison, by planting false evidence on him. Of course the young man punches you in the face. Needless to say he works for you for a couple of years and never finds out that he's related to your daughter because that would require a straightforward conversation, now wouldn't it?
only one of them has never been arrested. only two of them arent lawyers. theyre all gay
Theyre very weird and misteruous and kinda fucked up a bit and they were through a lot but phoenix did his best and trucy well she's still just a kid but oh she's trying so fucking hard and always trying to wear a smile and it's breaking my heart the two of them. Also theyre weird i already said that but let me say it again they are WEIRD. and we love them<3 (the ace attorney fandom)
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aemondsbeloved · 1 year
From The Tides [Part 6]
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summary: a feast, a tourney, and Aemond's accusations about Daemon throw your wits off kilter. attendance at the tourney is unavoidable, as is the inevitability of running into Aemond again (8k).
pairings: aemond targaryen x reader, (platonic) lucerys velaryon x reader
warnings: violence (brief), show canon aegon, familial death (mentioned), less angsty than previous chapters imo though
notes: it's been a while. hoping to update this more often in the future. I recommend reading this on ao3! the formatting is better there
He wanted us all dead, did you know that?
Aemond’s words plagued you that eve of the feast. All throughout your company with Lord Cregan Stark whomade you feel like the person you were before you met Luke was difficult to enjoy. You might have enjoyed his company more, maybe even craved it for how lighthearted you felt as he told stories of Prince Jacaerys during his time at Winterfell. But Aemond’s poisonous words ruined everything.
You had never seen the snow in the Stormlands where you hailed. Cregan insisted that you should visit Winterfell to see it one day. Smiling at his words, you were mimicking true joy all because of Aemond Targaryen’s words. The Queen’s Consort was a rogue, you knew that. But it was difficult to believe he would want little children dead. And Aemond seemed assured of it. You could not trust him but you could not believe he would lie about such a thing. 
“I told him it was impossible to hit the stag from as far away as we were, but he didn’t listen!” Cregan laughed. Jace was leaning over your shoulder and you heard his chuckle at Cregan’s words, already knowing where this story was leading. “But that’s a Targaryen for you. I suppose Dragonriders always have to learn the hard way!” Cregan slams his cup down and the dark wine splashes onto the table. 
The scene is reminiscent of your uncle’s tales of taverns during his travels and the raucous men can cause, which makes you join in the laughter. You could almost imagine how rowdy Winterfell was compared to the Red Keep with his presence. 
“I did get the stag eventually,” Jace says pointedly after taking a sip of his wine. 
Cregan coughs a laugh and sensing another bout of japes was coming, you grinned at the Lord of Winterfell. “Did he now?'' Your words sound sweet and teasing. Cregan seems to enjoy this just as much as he stifles another laugh. 
“Eventually,” he said with emphasis. The three of you laugh loudly after the fact. How long eventually had been you never did find out.
Jace returns to the imposing high table where the Queen and her family sit in front of the Iron Throne. The look his mother seems to give him is stern and with a clap on Cregan’s shoulder he departs quickly to take his place next to Luke and Daemon.
“The lot of them are imposing,” Cregan remarks, flitting a glance at you after gazing at the many Targaryens sitting above you all.
“They are not all so bad,” you say smiling at him before looking back at The Queen’s family. You did not only think of Jace and Luke along with their cousins, but also of Helaena.
“Lady Alicent does not wear green now?” he asks gruffly, curiously looking at Lady Alicent. There is a glint of judgment in his gray eyes, not one to forgive so easily. If he is truly Jace’s closest friend, then Jace might have told Cregan what Luke had told you. The knowledge of Alicent Hightower and her sons labeling Jace and Luke as bastards was too vile a cruelty to ignore, but you pitied her in a strange way. Cregan did not seem to share your sentiment. 
He was right about her dresses, though. Her dresses had grown lighter shades of green in recent past weeks but now it was a shade of blue. “In certain lights I am certain that blue might look green,” you quip. The thought of saying horrible things about the former Queen did not tempt you, surprisingly. 
There is a long, comfortable silence that seems to stretch between you both. “Jacaerys has told me you hail from the Stormlands.”
He does not mention that you were born a commoner, the daughter of a fisherman. How unlike a certain silver haired prince he is. “I do. A very different land than this.” There is a faint smile on your lips as you recall your village. 
“You must miss it,” he comments, taking another sip from his cup. This time he does not slam it down. He is every part the kindly lord that many ladies form noble houses adore, if not rather gruff. 
His kindness is not unusual to you, having long since become used to such kindness from the dark haired Velaryons. To receive it from another noble blooded man who had no reason to be courteous to you was another thing altogether, though. 
“I can never be parted from Winterfell for too long,” he grinned and a look crossed his eyes as he remembered something unknown to you. Maybe the snowfall of the North. 
“We all long for home,” you concede. “Yet I do not know if I could ever tear myself away from the Red Keep now.”
He tips his head in a nod, understanding your reasoning in a way.
Then, Rhaenyra rises from her chair and her crown glimmers on her head in the candlelight. Your eyes are drawn to her as are the rest of the people around you. Whatever conversation you had with Cregan fades away.
“Today we celebrate the beginning of my reign. House Targaryen is stronger than ever. The tourney on the morrow and feast will show the realm how united we are,” Rhaenyra looks down the table and smiles. Even in her action full of warmth, there is an air of a ruler and strength within her. 
You want to absorb every moment of her speech and catch a glimpse of Luke’s family healing except you cannot. All you can see is Aemond’s lilac eye and the way even now, he is looking at you from his place at the high table. It unsettles you, pushing your mimicked figure of a composed lady off kilter, and seeing the satisfied look on Daemon’s face looking upon Rhaenyra is no better. He is looking at his wife, seeming as pleased as he could be. 
Was it true? Would he have killed Helaena’s children? Impossible. No one kills another family member.
The voices in your mind battle as you barely hold a grimace off your face. The other voice tells you that this is not your village and greed makes monsters of men. The Targaryens are hardly a united family at all. With the way the usurper looks at Aemond, grins maliciously before glancing at you, there is certainty that there are both men and monsters in this family.
Rhaenyra’s speech is over before you can grapple with your own thoughts. After a moment, you clap hastily. The smile you wear on your smile is fake, but your worries are old. Cregan does not notice the falsity of your pleasure. It’s better that way.
The Lord of Winterfell disappears back into the crowd of dancers and you retreat, finding comfort in the edge of the room. You could not dance for long. You were no learned dancer like the ladies in court. The thought of peril on this night had slipped your mind as you stood by a wall past the many tables.
“You dance well for a commoner,” an irritating voice murmurs near your ear. You didn’t need to look at him to recognize Aegon by voice alone, or rather the smell of wine. 
He stands behind you, leering over your figure and you tilt your head away from him, trying not to grimace. “Did you not hear me, hm?” he asks again, not bothering to conceal his laughter. 
You search the room, hoping to see someone. You would take Daemon’s intervention that would undoubtedly lead to violence over being near Aegon. But no one can be found. There was no one keeping you near him, though. You could leave.
Aegon tuts, grabbing your wrist harshly and tugs you back when you start to leave. Only now you are much closer to him than you were before. For a drunken man he has surprising strength, but you do not say this aloud.
“My little brother would be so envious if he were here now,” he mused, faking a sense of intelligence as he mocked your stiff body with lecherous interest. “You never do stop talking according to dear Aemond. Asked him if he was deaf, I heard.”
Aegon shakes his head slowly, drinking in your uncomfortable body with leering eyes. “And you told me you wanted to gut me like a fish. How vile you are and yet my wife does seem to adore you. Aemond never fails to mention how irksome your presence is, but I am sure there are some good parts to you, at least.”
Once your father said that the best of sailors can sense when a storm awaits them. They either flee it or fight the waves themselves. The sailor could drown either way. Best to fight, he always told you, but flee all the same. 
You roughly bring up your knee to his groin, kneeing him hard. He keels over from the force of him with a large groan of pain before mumbled curses at your person. Before he can say anything coherent you pinch his chin with your index finger and thumb, pulling his face to look at you. 
“Threaten me again, usurper, and I will go to the King Consort and he will make you wish I had gutted you like a fish. Your screams would be most pleasing to my ears.”
Releasing his chin, you look up, panting a heavy breath. Behind Aegon now stands Aemond and though he looks at you with a scrutinizing gaze, he does not reprimand you nor does his hand ghost over his dagger. Aegon sneers at you but his brother makes no move to help him steady himself.
You huff a heaving breath of air and turn on your heel. As luck would have it no one saw the altercation between you and Aegon. Any that looked now would see the prince who is always drunk in his cups too deeply. Only Aemond knew the truth.
Your chest tightened at the thought of Aemond having something over you and being the lone person knowing what had happened. Quickly, you turned away from them both and stalked over to the other side of the hall, anywhere that was far from the Targaryen princes. 
You didn’t even notice you had left the hall all together until you were in a quiet corridor far from the noise of the feast. It is there that you brush your thumb over the wrist Aegon had grabbed roughly. Bruises are not new to you but you hoped this one was different than the rest and come the morning there would be no evidence of his cruel behavior. The questions would bother you and there was enough to worry about as it is.
The bruise had blossomed around your wrist in the morning to your annoyance. Years of knocking into the wooden boat your father would fish on and being careless had led to a lifetime of bruises. You weren’t clumsy now and a bruise around your wrist would only cause questions. Questions that you did not want to answer.
You only allow yourself a moment to close your eyes and deeply breath in and out, because there is much to do today. Hastily you dress knowing that the Queen needs you, not to mention that you must see Luke. 
“Who has harmed you, my lady?” Ser Erryk asks when he sees you, briskly walking after you as you hardly gave him a moment before stalking across the castle to the Queen. “Your wrist—”
“A bruise is a bruise,” you whisper harshly, hating that your sleeves could not cover your wrist. “And do not speak of this to anyone.”
Ser Erryk is silent, but is perturbed enough to sigh temperamentally. “Prince Aemond—” he begins to accuse and all you can do is roll your eyes harshly.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you bite back. “If Prince Aemond wished to harm me he would not have done so at a feast. He is not so careless or foolish.”
You are hardly aware when you felt the need to defend him nor do you recall even calling him Prince Aemond instead of Kinslayer.
“Who?” Ser Erryk insists as you both move up the stairs to the Queen’s rooms. 
This will not be avoided, it seemed. “Who else but Prince Aegon?” you ask him lowly, making sure no one heard. Hearing him make a noise of anger in his throat, you turn around to face him at the top of the stairs. “Do not waste your breath on the usurper, Ser. He learned his lesson. I think that he should still feel his bruise in his groin.” You smirk at the reminder, feeling self satisfied, before turning around to reach the Queen’s rooms. Ser Erryk says nothing in return but you are certain he is smiling. 
Rhaenyra breathes your name in relief when she takes note of your presence. With a wave of her hand the two maidens that were tending to her and readying her in your absence back away. She is nearly ready, half of her hair braided in twists while the rest falls past her shoulders and draped in black and deep red silks, her dress is a vision. 
“I left you too long this morning, I am sorry, your grace,” you frowned as you regarded her. “It seems the feast tired me and I was late.”
She waves you off too before taking a seat in front of her vanity. “Nonsense,” she refuted your apology. “I woke early. Could not sleep well knowing my sons will be competing in their first tourney. These events get bloody so frequently and I worry for Lucerys.”
You smile softly in silent understanding before reaching for her jewels. Over the months you have discovered just what Queen Rhaenyra prefers. While there are more important jobs, knowing what she likes and preparing her for her days is a task you are well equipped with now. Gently, you put one dangled ruby earring in after the other. Only after the other maidens leave do you speak again. “There was enough violence in a war. Blood is not what today is about, but peace. Luke will be well, my Queen. Aemond would not be so foolish to harm him.”
In the mirror, Rhaenyra stares at you for a moment. There is an inner battle in her mind, one that you do not know. She thinks to mention something, perhaps trivial, but disregards it all together as she smiles at you with rare warmth. She is stressed these days, all but being pulled at the seams. “I believe you are right, but a mother still worries,” she dismisses.
Draped in jewels and lush fabrics, Rhaenyra departs for the tourney. In the Wheelhouse, she is with you, Princess Rhaenys and Lady Rhaena. With every bump in the cobblestone streets that takes you to the grand event, you can only think of how much you loathe wheelhouses. “Where is Baela?” Rhaenyra has the self awareness to ask Rhaenys.
The older women only smirks, bemused. “She insisted on flying to the tourney.” At this Rhaena shuts her eyes briefly as she mutters gods be good, but her grandmother pats her hand in her lap. “Not to worry, of course. She just has a flair for the dramatic like her father.”
Rhaenys never mentions Daemon directly and you are sure the smile on her lips is not for affection for him. But Baela was so like Daemon and her insistence to do things the least simple way had not only Rhaenyra, but Rhaena smiling as well. On cue, a roar of a dragon and the hue of Moondancer was flying over the wheelhouse, much higher above you all.
The wheelhouse comes to a creaking stop and you are sure you might have jumped out of it, if decorum was not an issue. Rhaenyra exits and the shouting and noise from the smallfolk is overwhelming. They do not sound angry but excited, yet you feel like you might just pass out. Rhaenys then Rhaena exit and at last you leave the wheelhouse. 
The heat is still unbearable, despite your hair being braided in twists resting in a low bun. While you do not dress as traditional handmaidens had been, you do not look like a servant at first glance, being a companion to Rhaenyra and a handmaiden second. Still, you cannot look as grand and breathtaking as the royal family and for that you are grateful. At least the eyes of the masses do not linger on you.
You are sure that the stairs never end as you follow them up to the stand where the royals sit. Rhaenyra sits herself on a chair larger and more plush than the rest. To her right, her hand Lord Corlys, who stands and bows to her before taking his lady wife’s hand, assisting her to sit on his other side. Rhaena does not hesitate before walking down to the row below the Queen, taking her seat below Rhaenys where Baela already is sitting.
“Rhaenyra,” you hear Alicent say. Dressed in a blue much like the other night, Lady Alicent looks younger to you than the first time you saw her in the throne room. She curtsies as she stands by her seat on the opposite side of Queen Rhaenya at the very end. The empty seat besides her belongs to Daemon, though he will be competing in the tourney the consort’s seat remains in place. 
The apologetic look in Alicent’s eyes catch Rhaenyra’s attention as she looks at the lady. Her eyes glance at the empty seat below. “Where is Aegon?” she asks, but seems to already know. Only Helaena sits down there, one seat to the left from the end. 
At that, the princess turns around and when she sees you standing, she smiles and utters your name with fondness. “Sit with me,” Helaena insists, patting the empty seat at the end. “Come, Aemond will not be needing his seat. It would be a shame if you should not have such a magnificent view for your first tourney.”
You cannot resist her and Alicent offers you an albeit tight smile as you pass her.
“Have you brought it?” Helaena asks in hushed tones. You do not roll your eyes, but it is only because she is such a kind soul. She leans in, brilliant violet eyes wide as she regards you curiously. 
“I did,” you admit in a whisper, pulling out the favor Helaena had insisted you make a few nights ago. Besides trying to knock competitors off their horses, knights, lords, and even princes that compete in tourneys ask favor from ladies and princesses. Helaena had insisted you should make one. 
“Let me see it!” she nearly begged but she need not have as you laid it on your lap. It was made with yellow flowers and green leaves as it reminded you of the wildflowers at home. She gasps, reaching to delicately hold it in her nimble fingers. “This is most lovely, I should say,” she smiles in her rather dreamy way before setting it back in your hands. “Whoever asks for your favor will be most lucky indeed.”
You don’t have the heart to tell her that you doubt anyone will ask the Queen’s lowborn handmaiden for favor. The double meaning in her last words goes over your back like water. You ignore the way she smiles like she knows someone will ask for your favor. 
You know four men who are competing in the tourney: Lucerys, Jacaerys, Daemon and Cregan. Luke and Jace will ask for their betrothed’s favor, Daemon will ask his wife if not one of his daughter’s and you are sure Cregan will ask for someone’s favor, though it should not be you. Nonetheless, you cannot ignore Helaena’s kind words. 
 “Thank you, Helaena,” you say instead of anything else, but you cannot help but overhear Alicent behind you.
“He went to Flea Bottom again,” Alicent whispers, still speaking to Rhaenyra. “He has not left bed for hours. I worry for him. It has only gotten worse. This is a fine day and we should be glad he is not here, but I worry what he might be inclined to do when he leaves his chambers.”
You worry too and are glad you don’t let the grimace on your face show. The only distraction is when the tourney begins. Daemon has a flair for the dramatics as Rhaenys said when he lines up all the knights participating in the tourney. Besides his stepsons and nephew, there is no one he could not choose from the ranks. He takes his time as he looks at each of them, moving down the line on his black horse. You think he might be making a show of himself, enjoying the attention, but you would never voice that.
“Quite the peacock,” Princess Rhaenys comments, loud enough for everyone in the royal stands to hear. Baela laughs louder than the rest who are content to hide their chuckles. “Consistency was always Daemon’s strong suit.”
You make no noise of amusement at her quip, though an amused smirk lifts the corner of your lips. When he chooses Cregan Stark, your eyes widen. Perhaps it is because you had begun to know him last night that leads to a wave of nerves in your stomach. But the Lord of Winterfell only smiles, looking content with going against the Daemon Targaryen.
Dressed in the dark gray of his house colors with glinting silver armor, Cregan Stark moves on his dark brown horse to the other side of the arena. Even from a distance he appears self assured, almost nonchalant about facing a battle worn Prince.
When the horses kick off dirt and charge towards the opposite opponents, you consider that this is the excitement tourneys are about. The moment Daemon attempts to strike Cregan only to miss narrowly has you on the edge of your seat, but when they go for another bout a gasp passes your lips as Cregan nearly falls off his horse. Sliding alongside the railing while he horse runs he might have fallen if not for his determination as he sat upon his horse again. 
The entire stand is full of excited whispers at this and Daemon is quick to ready his joust, charging towards Cregan Stark for the second time. Things are fiercer this time around and it is clear Daemon did not think the Wolf of the North would be such an equal contender. The movement of Daemon’s joust is swift, deceptive as he pretended to move it to the side only to strike under Cregan’s horse. As Cregan falls there is little blood, you note there was no animosity between the two. Daemon goes to the Lord of Winterfell and brings him to his feet. What words are said behind their lips you could not tell, but the resentment that Daemon had when looking at Alicent Hightower and her sons is nonexistent. 
Helaena claps her delicate hands besides you, though the noise from her movement is quite loud despite the nimble touch. Turning your head, you catch a glance at her and you feel lighter at the sight of her toothy smile and enjoyment of the events below you both. Baela is standing a few seats down, clapping loudly in the most undignified way she could, though the smile on her and Rhaena’s faces are identical. 
When Jace appeared and Cregan climbed atop his horse again you could not be surprised. Jace’s dark horse moves to the stands and the bright smile that always errs on boyishness, a contrast to Luke’s trepid smile that always appeared like he was figuring out if he was able to smile, is directed to his cousin. Already standing, Baela walks over to him and leans against the railing. Jace does not mind as he regards her. 
“If I had your favor my lady I know there is nothing I could not accomplish,” he says. Baela smiles coyly, enjoying the attention and not hiding it as you hear Princess Rhaenys make a humph under her breath. Baela’s favor, bright blue and white flowers falls down his joust. “I wish you luck Jace,” she says with a pleased expression. Jace’s smile does not falter as he moves to the center of the arena.
You turn to Helaena about to say something about how lovely Baela’s favor was to distract yourself from the onslaught of competition to follow when you heard your name from a deeper voice strung with the address of Lady ever in front of it.
Cregan Stark sits atop his dark brown horse, tall and stately, although like many men in the Keep, he does not look arrogant or proud. He has an easy way about him, not smiling but not as stern when he looked your way. “I would be honored to have your favor, my lady. It would serve as the final stroke for my triumph in this tourney.”
Feeling several eyes on you at once, you rise from your seat beside Helaena and walk forward with the favor of white and yellow flowers in your hands. Not as naturally nimble as Helaena or Rhaena, you are making a herculean effort to not hold it too tightly. This gesture is a kind one from him, you think, and try to display some semblance of gratitude when you smile softly at him. “I wish you luck, Lord Stark,” you slide the wreath down his joust.
“I thank you, Lady,” he smiles and looks boyish as Jace had done but a moment ago. Striding off on his horse to face the competition, you turn and move to your seat. 
Rhaenyra and Alicent wear expressions of surprise with Alicent’s raised brows and Rhaenyra’s parted lips while Baela and Rhaena only smile at you knowingly. What they think they know is unknown, but when you catch Helaena’s fallen expression, you sit by her side again with haste, worrying over her.
Her toothy grin has fallen and by the twitch of her eyes, you can only assume she is perplexed over something. “Is something wrong, Princess?” you ask quietly to be sure no one else would hear you.
You hardly pay mind to Jace and Cregan kicking their horses and charging at one another. Nor do you notice when Jace hits Cregan with surprising force before they go for another bout. You can only look at Helaena as she recovers.
“Nothing!” she says hastily, pulling her lips into a pleasing smile. “I did tell you to bring favor and it is a good thing that I did.” Helaena laughs lightly in a way most of the ladies of the court do, but it only worries you further. This is not the light laughter she lets out in the gardens but something false.
“I would have thought he would ask for your favor,” you wonder aloud. “You are a princess, he is a traveling lord. It makes sense.”
“I am married and it would be improper,” she says with no real determination, shrugging at the thought. “Besides, Aemond will ask for my favor when he jousts against Lucerys.” Her clipped tone betrays any show of happiness at this, but for the first time you do not have the will to ask her if she was being honest.
Cregan Stark might have been bested by Daemon, but after a few rounds he has knocked Jace off his horse. The men both laugh like this meant nothing, and perhaps to them it was inconsequential, but then they left the field and two others entered.
Surely your heart had lodged itself in its chest as you saw Lucerys on his horse that was white as snow. He might have begun growing in the many moon cycles since you met him but when his uncle sat on his black steed it was no use. This was a horrible idea. Aemond’s heart was as black as his riding leathers he frequently wore and whatever peace Rhaenyra and Alicent had achieved was nothing to Aemond.
This was a ruse to him, an excuse to finish the job he had failed to do at Storm’s End. He was vile, truly, and how you had felt the need to defend him when Ser Erryk assumed he was the culprit behind your bruised wrist as if he had not sent Lucerys to the waves of Shipwreckers Bay? You felt the fool in the present, feeling sick to watch Aemond take his vengeance on Lucerys and show you who he was, and unable to look away from the scene.
Helaena’s fingers squeezed the top of your hand. A breath was released from your chest and with a heaving chest and wide eyes, you glanced at her.
“Are you well?” she queried, eyes scanning your face with worry. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you ask harshly, more so than you meant to be, but Helaena smiled softly.
“You are gripping the chair so tightly I might think you mean to break it.”
Her eyes moved to the wooden arm of the chair and you followed her sight, mouth falling open when you saw the leethal grip you had on it. “Oh.”
“Oh,” she repeated, more amused than anything.
“Sister, I wondered if I might have your favor,” a voice usually chilled down to the bones spoke with something that might be warmth if it were not for who said it. 
Helaena looked away from you to Aemond. As you followed her line of sight you took in the prince who wore armor without a scratch, all with the regalia of House Targaryen and their dragons.
This was all for show, a mere falsity all to prove that House Targaryen was united.
Helaena rises from her chair looking angelic as she moves towards her brother. From the side you can see how she smiles and it is similar to the way she looks when you are with her in the garden surrounded by bugs and flowers. She does not look like a princess, a former queen even, but a sister.
“I wish you luck, valonqar.”
The favor falls down his joust and you wonder what the word means, though it must mean brother. Helaena flounces back to where you sit as Aemond moves to the center of the arena on his horse. She says nothing, smiling at you warmly before setting her eyes upon Lucerys on his white horse.
Something has changed in the past few moon cycles and he is no longer quite the same as the boy you met one fated dawn. As Rhaena rises to go to him, you follow. His cousin is all warmth that a betrothed must be, but you only lean over the partition still every bit a fisherman’s daughter that is pretending to be a lady. 
“Good luck,” you murmur, eyes flickering over to where Aemond is atop his horse waiting. For what you are unsure, vengeance or a show of false amiability. “Knock Prince Aemond off his horse, I would enjoy that.” The words are teasing with the intention to make him laugh.
He huffs, shaking his head. For a moment he looks like the boy he was, not the man he was growing into. Briefly, you wondered if you had changed that much too and you suppose you had. “You overestimate my abilities,” he raises his brows. “But my uncle off his horse and on the ground would be amusing enough.”
By the grin he wears you know the mere thought made the worries leave his mind, if only for a short time. Without saying anything else, you turn from him, returning to Helaena once again. 
Lucerys asks Rhaena for her favor and the wreath and flowers slide down his joust. As young as it is you can see the love there in her lilac eyes to his brown ones. “Can you see it too?” you ask Helaena in a whisper.
Her eyes follow yours to where they both stand. Rhaena returns to her seat and Lucerys meets Aemond, but she seems to understand all the same. “They will be a fine Lord and Lady of Driftmark one day,” she agrees. “It is easy to see.”
You can almost forget the fears you had of what Aemond might do and how he would strike, but when the princes move, white and black horses charged forward. For a moment you can see the end— Aemond’s vindictive strike, Lucerys fall and the heir to Driftmark’s failure to rise after Aemond’s stroke, Daemon’s vengeance taking over Aemond’s. You can taste the bloodlust on your tongue before Aemond even strikes.
A white horse passes a black horse and Aemond’s joust comes down on Lucerys, but your weary eyes catch the direction of it. The wooden joust hit the white horse, but not hard enough to spook the animal or send Lucerys crashing down. It made little sense to you and the relief you feel as you grip the arms of the wooden chair is short lived.
Violence you could take. You might have welcomed it from Aemond if he matched the version of himself you had imagined the days after Lucerys told you everything so long ago. If Aemond gave you blood there could be comfort in that but this ruse of pretending to strike Lucerys only to strike his horse in a way that was clear the prince would never fall— well that you could not take.
His mercy was ill fitting. On Lucerys off all people you were certain was the last one he would bestow it on. 
The horses go around again and this time as they charge, neither hits the other atop their horses. Lucerys tries, at least that is what your eyes believe they see, but he only hits Aemond’s black stead shortly, before each prince rides the other way.
“I do not understand,” you murmurs, worrying your lip so much that it might be bitten bloody if this goes on much longer.
But Helaena is still beside you and turns, disinterested in the joust. Her eyes, large and alight with some unknown emotion you could never identify, but one that seemed to know more than others could, fell on your anxious frame. 
“All will be well,” she affirms, but your eyes cannot fall on her relaxed figure, not when Aemond is there, able to harm Lucerys at a moment’s notice. “No one will be harmed.”
Saying nothing, you want to laugh at that. There is no humor in the thought of it but Aemond could kill Lucerys if he liked. He did not need protecting but in your mind, Lucerys still did.
“Your brother rather enjoys hurting Luke,” you bite out. If you could have stopped the thought from leaving your lips you would have, hating to cause Helaena harm. But like Prince Aemond you could not seem to help yourself from insults and impulsive actions. “I doubt you can stop him if you’ve forgotten what he is capable of.” Now, your words come out softer, more regretful.
Helaena does not react at first. There is no sharp intake of breath or the opening of her mouth for some refusal of your words. He is her brother, after all, and a part of you imagines her defending him.
“No, I have not forgotten,” she says at last, head still facing yours, and the words are as soft as the glades of grass brushing against the back of your hand. Unlike yourself, she does not have to practice her gentleness and hope it is believable. 
“It is not possible to forget.” She is solemn, eyes drifting downward to the tourney field. 
As she says the words, Aemond and Lucerys have come to meet one another on the jousting field for the third time. Both of their jousts are facing the other and in a blink of an eye, both young men hit the other. In a mere moment, Lucerys is thrown off his horse, unmoving as you see the blood trickling down his face.
From the side of your eye, you see Rhaena jump up from her seat and it is only Baela’s hand holding hers that steadies her. 
Helaena’s breath then leaves her when Aemond’s back hits the railing before falling down. Unlike Lucerys he rises, though he visibly winces. Helaena is not the only one who is affected. She turns, consoling her mother who shakes her head, murmuring affirmations that Aemond will be fine.
You can barely hear anything over the dull noise in your ears. The blood rush to your head and your rapid heartbeat sends your worries for the past days into overdrive. Aemond and Lucerys are gone from the field, having been carried to tents to be healed from their injuries. The thought sends you over the edge, making you turn around to the Queen.
“Your Grace, might I see Lucerys? To check on his injuries?” Rising from your seat, you barely notice her solemn nod, approval written on her features because you scurry away down the wooden staircase down to the ground.
Several deep red and black tents have been drawn up, all so grandiose that you would usually have an ironic thought of the riches of the Red Keep all down to their tents, but your mind is hazy with fear. 
When you catch sight of a young man, even younger than Lucerys, with auburn hair and skittish eyes, you round on him. “Where is the Prince?” you ask with urgency, each word flying out of your mouth.
The auburn haired man blinks, confused as he regards you. “I—” he begins, red creeping up his neck and freckles cheeks before he stammers some more.
You shake your head at him, annoyed at the situation at hand. “The Prince Lucerys!” you raise your brows in frustration. “Where?” you attempt to be gentler, kinder, but even then you feel crazed.
He gestures behind himself to a large tent that looks the same as the other. Without thinking, you dash right into the one closest.
“It is only me!” you announce before evening entering the tent. Pushing past the thick material of the tent, you cannot see with clarity where he is in the darker tent. “Are you well? I feared the worst after he hit you off your horse.”
“I think you will find it was the other way around,” a familiar voice says indifferently from the other side of the room.
With the limited sunlight that pours into the room, you blink once, twice, thrice before it dawns on you.
“What are you doing here?” you spit the words, halting your steps as soon as you realized whose tent you were in.
Sitting on a table was Aemond. His arms were holding his upper body up and his silver hair, now moused and in waves from the heat and exertion, fell around his shoulders. His bare shoulders. Dried blood spotted his side from a few cuts that had yet to be clean. 
“I rather think I should be asking you that,” he replied in the same uncaring tone that somehow made him sound vexed by your very appearance. Almost like the air you were breathing belonged to him and he could barely tolerate the slight of it. “This is my tent, although I suspect I know whose you thought it was.”
You met his words with a glower, your body growing rigid.
His words cut through to an unamused breath of what must be laughter to a man as sinister as he. “The boy is fine,” he said without care nor respect for Lucerys. “A scratch will not kill him.”
“You hit him off his horse,” you spat, your neck leaning forward at the force of the words you threw at his face. 
He shifted his position, leaning the palms of his hands on his thighs covered in the same dark black trousers that must have been under his armor. The linens, though now filthy, hid nothing of his muscles.
For a moment too long you looked at how his fingers encompassed his thighs and knees. You had to bite your tongue to distract yourself, an action you swore never to repeat.
Aemond smiled showing teeth that looked like knives ready to aim for the kill. “You do know what a tourney is, do you not? One of us had to fall off the horse, tis how the game goes. Perhaps you never knew of such things in that wasteland village of yours.”
His words are sharper than usual, something you barely take into account because you are full of anger too and are glad to give it to him.
“Then you should have fallen off of your horse!” you hissed, stepping towards him angrily. “He is a prince who will inherit Driftmark. He is the future of his house, you are not! Why you had to throw him off his horse is unseemly.”
“Future of his house,” he mocked, shaking his head at you. “My, my, you have been listening to the words of men on the small council for so long you think you are learned in politics, do you not?”
You say nothing. A thin line pinches your lips shut in distaste, the gaze in your eyes growing heavy and hateful. 
“You know nothing,” he regards you from head to toe and it is obvious he finds you lacking. “A poor girl from a village who happened to save a prince, that is all you are. You are an arrogant creature, unfit to serve a queen. What my sister sees in your distasteful person I will never know. I do not care to. I see you exactly for who you are.”
You smile and like him you are spiteful. “You see what you want to, my prince.” You see a lowborn girl and think her worthless. “Why your sister thinks you are redeemable and true I will not think to consider, for it is a wasted effort to tax my mind for the irrational. I would never forgive a brother so vile, let alone love one without conditions as she does.”
“A good thing you have no brothers,” he tells you coolly. “You are not fit to love another as a sister does, I think.”
The words pierce through you as you think of the brother you had and lost. He does not know and you are glad he does not. Aemond does not need another knife to sharpen and use on you. 
You are no good at hiding how this barb was one too far, one too sharp, when your lips turn down in a grimace. Somewhere in your eyes there is the truth and he seems to see it for a moment, the ruthlessness of his lone eyes dimming for a spare moment. 
He does not know the tender wound he has poked too hardly into. The flesh bleeds anyways. For the very first time it occurs for you to care what he says.
Perhaps he hit too deep. Maybe the events of this day had been too worrying. The lack of rain your village in the Stormlands had in King’s Landing has strained your mind and the heat is too much.
There is a heavy cloud that hangs upon your head, pulling you down until you can only feel the discomfort words alone can bring. The way he stands up and the purple of his eye changes into something akin to confusion escapes your notice. You never see his fingers twitch— not once thinking he might be reaching for you.
In that light his emotions in the purple of his iris might have been worry, not confusion. You notice no such thing. As quick as he stands, you flee.
By now it is habitual to flee from him. You do it in the courtyard when his eye finds yours. You left in the throne room at the feast as his brother was keeled over from your swift kick.
Why should now be any different? On all accounts it is the same feelings you leave him in a flurry of skirts— the discomfort in your chest at the way he regards you, cool and perturbed. 
Yet when you leave him this time, frustration not yet pulling tears from your eyes but landing a frustrated heave from your chest all the same, it occurs to you for a moment that this discomfort is not the same as the one so keenly known before. There is no part of yourself that wants to identify it.
The curtain feels heavier this time when you push back it, nearly tripping over your own feet when you feel the unveiled sunlight beat upon your neck again. What makes you nearly fall is not just your own feet, but the two faces you are greeted by. 
In front of you is head of braided silver locks, warm eyes, and a relieved, happy grin. Besides her is another silver head, this one of waves and large purple eyes you know well. 
“Lucerys is well!” Rhaena beams, ignorant of your discomfort. She gestures to the tent next to the one you are outside of— Aemond’s. Her brow creases, the only moment of worry, before it too disappears from her expression. “He has not seen you. I am certain he would be eager to, though, come.” Rhaena is ushering you in the direction of the tent, the smile on her face never leaving.
She may be none the wiser but Helaena’s eyes are on you and the tent behind your body. There is no escaping her perceptive stare and what is worse, Baela appears behind them both. Her eyes immediately looking to the tent, then to your figure.
Everyone seems to know where you were and there minds must be assuming what happened behind the tent. An unbearable heat seizes your chest, making your skin feel what you can only assume dragonfire feels to the touch. It takes the breath from you and for once, you cannot look at any of their eyes, your own flitting between the three pairs set on you.
Rhaena’s smile falters, genuine concern taking its place. She calls your name, once or twice, you cannot recall. Your feet move before your mind thinks it through, fleeing the scene. It will not be until you are off the grassy field where the tourney was held, far in the castle within an isolated corridor that you can breathe.
It is there that the shame creeps up, leaving you feeling guilt that crawls under your skin and makes you want to disappear. 
You had a habit of fleeing the scene.
You had a habit of fleeing Aemond at the first chance. 
Never had you felt ashamed of leaving him in a blazing fury. He was vile, cruel, ill-tempered and above all dangerous. Not once had you thought of him as others had— resilient, dedicated, devoted. 
The image of him moving towards you coupled with the look in his eye was all consuming to you. It was a feeling that could end your very being. 
Like the very night in Dragonstone where you slept in a room too large with opportunities too noble for your blood, you feared you would get no sleep come the night.
With a heaving chest and weak arms grasping a stone pillar for support, you knew the truth as you saw it— whatever his meaning behind his eye in the tent, you knew you wanted but one thing from him.
His hatred. You could endure not much else.
note: consider reblogging and comment if you enjoyed this- that's what motivates me to post my writing here
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