#Which allows you to do an agility course!
mrmessofga · 2 years
How does Runescape, a 21-year-old game played exclusively by austistics, have such horrible walkthroughs and stat information
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my-love-is-sunlight · 3 months
The bird’s call
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Zoro x bird!reader
Warnings: fem reader, yes reader turns into a bird, pure fluff idiots in love and confessions
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: In which it finally dawns on Zoro that he loves you, whatever he shall do?
Notes: yes this is the same reader from my other writings that can turn into a bird can be read as a stand alone but recommend this one!
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃
“You’re sloppy” The swordsman blurted as he adjusted your position harshly, you rolled your eyes at the comment
“I am an archer I had never touched a sword in my life”
You were a mighty warrior, although a lot of people failed to see it, you were glad the ones that count did, between them happened to be Luffy who offered you a place in his crew, and surprisingly Zoro, having this unspoken respect and admiration
“If you can hit a far away target, you can draw a sword”
You both shared an amazing bond when it came to battle. When he was strong, aggressive and always acting on instinct, you were precise, agile and light on your feet. Together you were unstoppable, you were the hand that wilded Zoro’s sharp sword, as he would hit recklessly, you’ll guide it and made sure to hit targets that may approach at the long run. The chemistry you both exuded was something never seen before, it made battle feel like a vigorous dance, a fun sport.
Training together on the other hand… was tough, at least for you. The swordsman had practically begged for you to start sword training, you were hesitant as how good of a teacher he would be, and oh god he worked you to the bone, always stumbling back to your room muscles aching and ego deflated. Your styles as good as they worked together, they were completely opposites.
“First position” the green haired man ordered which made you move back immediately, losing your balance as you adjusted to the awkward stance
“Wrong again” He said as he kicked your leg slightly which made it shake “You’re a warrior, look the part”
You let out a loud sarcastic scoff “It would be easier if you stopped being so mean”
“I’d be nicer if you listened”
You had spend half your life burning yourself out to be seen, to make people notice you were capable, always working twice as hard as everyone else in your stupid island so they would even let you grasp a weapon.
To be a warrior and to be a woman, didn’t go hand in hand
That’s why you didn’t hesitate to join Luffys crew, you knew he valued your place but most importantly it didn’t matter who you were or how you looked. It was the perfect path for you to leave your island behind and finally allow yourself for grow at your own pace. Having Zoro hovering over you and correcting every move and breath wasn’t appealing, it reminded you to all those times you spend swallowing the disrespect from others, of course you knew your crew-mate was doing this in good heart, it almost felt like a favor, but it troubled you non the less
“This is stupid” you whispered between pants as you catch your breath
You knew if you kept going at this, it would eventually end on you harvesting a hatred for Zoro, which funnily enough it had happened before and it wasn’t quite nice, but maybe it was better than being blinded by the love you had for him and only him
“It is only if you allow it to be” he weirdly tries inviting you to continue as he fixes your stance, one hand steady yet soft on your arms other in your hip, you can feel the scars on them but it doesn’t bother you, it feels weirdly familiar. You glance at him as your heart jumps around threatening to escape at any given moment
What Zoro would never admit, not even to himself, is that this was the reason he wanted to train you. He did not care even a little that you didn’t knew anything about swords, or that your stances were always wrong.
This were the only moments he’d allow himself to indulge in the best pleasures life could offer, you
Zoro was not only strong in body but also in mind, always disciplined and forever only focus in achieving his dream, until you appeared. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just be without you, he would catch himself staring, looking for you, attentive and basking in you, confused on why even tough his heart would pump crazily, felt unarmed and nervous, he had to be near you in any way possible
You were intoxicating as sake, addicted to every part of you, eager to know and trace all edges of your soul. A walking contradiction you were for him, the sword he pointed directly to his heart, finding himself dreaming, seeking and yearning for you
But he kept everything close to his heart, at least until he understood, until he could control it
Impossible, not even the greatest swordsman in the wide world could tame love
Zoro holds your stare as you study his features, even though he could feel every inch of him shaking, he could not look away. He drowns in your sent as his eyes travel to your lips wondering how soft would they be?
It had been long ago that you had come to terms with the torturous feelings you had for the swordsman, but you promised yourself to never instigate.
It would only bring you trouble because obviously he would never reciprocate, right? There was no space for you in his mind or heart, you were a distraction, just his crew-mate, a friend at most
Sure you wore your heart on your sleeve and it was painfully obvious how head over heels you were for that man, but you thanked whatever force in the universe had made him so oblivious. If only you knew he was too busy figuring you out to notice…
So you held yourself back even if everything in you screamed that you closed the tiny gap between you both and kissed, for your own sake
You take a step back, or you try before Zoro’s grip on your waist tightness afraid you’ll fly away, not wanting the moment to fade. Your eyes widen but before you can question him he clears his throat and lets go, hands running towards the grip of the sword
“Just uh… hold it up like this” he directs you red splattered all over his cheeks eyes adverting from yours
It finally dawns on him, he doesn’t just like you, he loves you, like romantically. Having you that close had left him wanting more, as vulnerable he had felt, he was obsessed with the feeling of your bodies at such proximity, the intimacy of your eyes meeting while rose tinted your faces, the revolution on his heart that you had started only by glancing at him. Maybe he despised the power you held, but at the same time he was glad it was you, you the kindest sweetest yet strongest person he had the honor of meeting, the perfect match, most suitable to hold his heart, to own him.
But what was he to do now?
Time slipped through his fingers as he drowned in questions and feelings, ending in just a back and fort of brushes, gazes and long talks that both of you enjoyed of course, but the unspoken feelings that hanged in the air left you both breathless and awake at night.
“Just tell her Zoro is not that hard” As his last resort, Zoro found himself seeking advice for Nami, but he started to regret his decision
“Easy for you to say”
The navigator rolled her eyes, this whole situation had her, no scratch that, everyone on the ship amused and annoyed. How could both of you be so blind to notice how far you had fallen for one another
“Ugh c’mon, you’re practically always together and if not you’re staring back at each other! You’re both ridiculous” the statement took Zoro aback, red creeping from his neck as he bickered back at Nami
“Thought you would’ve notice by now” she giggled still amused by his lack of expertise “All you gotta do is go and talk to her and be honest”
Zoro’s eyes wondered to where your laugh sprung, Luffy and Usopp were throwing grapes as far as they could for you to catch up in the air morphed into your bird form, sometimes indulging them in some flying tricks as you fly back down. As much as it pained him Nami was right, there was no way around it, for him to bottle up everything he felt would end up in nothing good and he would rather die of embarrassment than to hurt you. Still the thought of you liking someone as devilish as him haunted the swordsman, he had to trust the navigators words for this one which wasn’t ideal but at least he felt reassured.
Nami read the panic that settled on her friend’s features, which was comical to her considering how painfully obvious you were
“She likes you man, I promise, and I don’t go throwing that word around” the woman squished his shoulder as the last drop of motivation she could offer before leaving
Another laugh escaped your mouth that had Zoro fawning all over the deck. You were so lively, kind and driven, but also strong, how could you ever give your time of day to a man that spent his days doing nothing but working, sweating and drinking. Zoro was a man that had walked through this world with an iron will, while you also had to step your ground, you managed to remain soft and sweet which was deemed impossible to the swordsman but still, you were the living proof that there was a way to own the softness in your strength which always impressed him.
That evening as you finished your personal training which consisted of the longest cardio session Zoro had ever witnessed someone do, some yoga and target practice, he silently waited, sun sharing its last drops of sunlight as it disappeared behind the ocean
“Hey~” Zoro spoke as he saw you walking back to your quarters, which made you jump and thug at the dagger wrapped around your thigh, when your eyes met his, you let out the a breath as he snickered at your reaction
“Don’t do that again” a smiled formed in your lips as you heard Zoro’s laugh, it was a sound that you rarely got to listen but so loved to
“So jumpy” he joked before turning to the sea leaning his strong figure on the railing, you followed beside him, gaze fixed in the watercolors that painted the scenery. Usually whenever you and Zoro shared silence it was comfortable and inviting, but today you could sense tension and doubtfulness hanging around the green haired man, nevertheless you don’t break it
A shaky heavy hand travels from the railing to yours which makes you flinch, you turn to him, to find his grey eyes dissecting you completely, again, you don’t say anything you stay still as to not scare him away. His breath becomes uneven, all the words he had rehearsed washed away at your touch, melting in each other instantly
“Zoro?” You finally whisper after a long staring contest between you two, his face turns back at the ocean making his earrings chime together, your face looks for his once again, a hand holding his cheek coaxing him to speak up
The light kisses you just right, you look angelic in his eyes, hair falling perfectly framing your face and your skin soft like a pillow, how could he word any thought about you that has crossed his mind without tripping? He slowly removes the hand that rest on his cheek and with all the courage he could gather he kisses it, eyes closing drinking all of you he could take
You are the one at lost of breath now, heart drumming strong in both of your chests
“Be mine” as blunt and more of an statement than a question as it sounded, it was the first thing that he had found himself thinking of you since meeting, a giggle makes its way trough his ears as his eyes widen thinking you were making fun of him, before even registering anything else you pull yourself closer, noses lightly touching
“Please…” a whisper could be described as something louder compared on the way he plead for you, it melted you completely to see the strong stoic swordsman like this, guard down and honest
“I’ve always been yours”
You listen to your heart for once and kiss him, softly and tender just like he imagined. You held his neck to keep you closer as he finally realized whats happening and welcomes you instantly, holding your waist capturing you under his big figure. Nothing exists anymore, just you and him under the sunset lulled by the so familiar waves of the ocean that seemed to have softened just for the tow of you.
You let go as much as you could, not being able to step back as he held you strongly, catching both of your breaths as they mixed together
“Good, would’ve been awkward if you didn’t say yes” you roll your eyes and smile ear to ear as he follows your head to rest his forehead on yours
“I love you, Zoro”
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃
I love them sm *holds them close* I’ll be writing more about these two. Feel free to request and correct me, english is not my first language
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allmyocsarebritish · 2 months
Dressed to kill
Pairing: Angel Dust X Reader
Warnings(?): Angel does reader's makeup, and unintentionally pokes them in the eye, I have no idea how to do makeup, this came to me when I found pink eyeshadow
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Also yes, that's my eye lololol
"Please, toots. I'm literally beggin ya!" Angel complained once more, dramatically draping himself over the bed beside where you sat.
"I promise ya'll love it if ya just-"
You cut him off with an exaggerated sigh and roll of your eyes, though the amused smile on your lips evidenced your joking tone.
"Alright fine, I suppose it won't hurt."
"Yes! Don't worry babe, I'll make ya look stunnin'!" He practically leaped off the bed at your response, though his movements were unreasonably agile and smooth as usual.
You exhaled a breathy laugh at Angel's excitement, drawing your knees up to your chest whilst watching him search his dresser. Rummaging through the drawers, he pulled out (ha) various small wash bags. Each was a slightly different shade of pink, and all embroidered with his name in extravagant lettering. Satisfied with his collection of supplies, he retreated back to the bed, dumping them all on top of the duvet.
"Ya ready?" Angel grinned, lower set of hands resting on his hips.
"Go ahead." You smiled,resting back against the plush headboard. Angel hovered over you, a knee on either side of your legs. Your face flushed at the sudden proximity, which he immediately picked up on.
"What's wrong baby? A bit too close?~" Angel's words were genuine, though he spoke with a massively flirty tone which drew even more heat to your cheeks.
"N-not at all." Despite the fact you *tried* to match his demeanor, you stuttered over your words and just appeared a flustered mess. Angel chuckled and leant back slightly, allowing you space to breathe as he dug through his eyeshadows.
"I'd start by givin' ya some blush but I really don't think ya need it!" He teased before retrieving a small, silver palette.
"Wait, Ange, hold on, aren't you supposed to start with concealer?" You wondered aloud, mildly confused.
"I suppose ya could, but ya really don't need it, babe" he responded, frowning ever so slightly. "Perfect just the way ya are."
You smiled and thanked him for his sweet compliment, to which he leant down and pecked your nose. Still cupping your cheeks with one set of hands, he opened the palette with another, dusting the pigment onto a brush.
"Close ya eyes for me?" He requested, to which you obliged. The brush was soft against your skin, and Angel's strokes were gentle yet deliberate. You could feel his warm breath fan across your cheeks as he exhaled, deep in concentration. You smiled at the thought of his focused face, wishing that you could open your eyes and see him. It was at that moment that you realised you had no idea what you were going to look like. Of course you trusted Angel almost entirely, but even still you wouldn't put it past him to make you look ridiculous.
"What colour are you doing?" You asked to which he laughed mischievously.
"Wait and see." His response raised your suspicions even further, though you couldn't help but smile at Angel's antics. Your wait wasn't long, however, as a few moments later he leant back, making you immediately miss the contact and warmth brought by your proximity to the spider.
"Open!" Angel's excitement was barely concealed in his tone, and a mirror was thrust into your hand as soon as your eyes adjusted to the bright light of the room after being closed for so long. Your concerns were proven unnecessary by the clean and glittery pink and black eyeshadow adorning your eyelid, perfectly complimenting the colour of your iris.
"Okay, you were right, I do love it." You admitted defeat, wondering why you were skeptical.
"Ya seem surprised. Ain't got no faith in me?" Angel dramatically rested a hand on his chest in mock offence, to which you playfully rolled your eyes.
"No, never." You deadpanned. He scoffed before reaching for an eyeliner pencil.
"Look up." Angel advised, gently pressing down on your cheek to expose your waterline.
Unfortunately the pencil slipped.
"Ow!" You winced, jerking away and squinting your eye closed.
"Fuck, sorry." Angel grimaced as you rubbed it to relieve the stinging from being poked. "Would ya like ta do the other one yourself?" He offered, to which you nodded, trying to surpress a laugh. Balancing the mirror on your knee, you put on the eyeliner yourself, making a point of the lack of casualty.
"I said I'm sorry, what more do ya want from me?"
You shook your head and put down the eyeliner and Angel took his place back on top of you. You rested your hands on his hips for balance.
"So, what's next, love?" You asked, watching as he considered.
"False eyelashes or mascara?"
"Which is less likely to make me lose my eyes?" You teased, yet more reference to the fact he poked you. Angel scoffed and rolled his eyes, reaching for an eyelash curler.
"Uh, no, no, no. There is no way in hell I'm letting you near my eyes with that!"
"Fine, fine!!" He held up all four hands in surrender and dropping it on a cushion.
The next challenge presented itself in the form of Angel trying to put the mascara on you.
"Hold still!"
"Toots I swear I won't poke ya in the eye again." He promised, and, though you had your doubts, you sat obediently, allowing him to coat your lashes.
"See! What'd I tell ya?!" He leant back again, proud smile on his lips as he admired his work.
"Ya look stunning, babe." He told you, closing the distance between the two of you. "Just one final touch and then we're done!"
Unscrewing the lid of a lip gloss tube, he made as though he were going to put it on you, before turning at the last second and putting it on himself, looking away. You raised an eyebrow and shook your head, smirk brightening your features.
"Oh ya wanted some?" Angel feigned innocence, dramatically looking into the plastic tube. "That's a shame, there's none left! Guess ya'd better come here then!"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed Angel's small lapels, pulling him into you and kissing him, feeling the product transfer.
"Gee, thanks babe!" You replied, continuing to act like there wasn't multiple full tubes on the bed surrounding you both.
"Ya look amazing, Y/N."
"Thanks Angie, you're so good at makeup. Well, apart from eyeliner." He rolled his eyes at you before leaning in again.
"I told ya! I'm sorry"
"I might have to ask Charlie to schedule a lesson on how not to betray someone's trust like that." You teased, dragging out the joke.
"Of course ya will." He rolled his eyes again.
"I do forgive you though. And thank you, for doing it for me" You wrapped your arms around him and drew him in for a tight hug.
"Any time."
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saint-siren · 1 year
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summary: You and Levi have been paired up. For what task? Propagating the species, of course.
warnings: nsfw (mdni), dubcon (not from anything Levi or Reader do, but because this is about state sanctioned breeding for repopulation, basically and those in authority are a little overzealous when it comes to making sure you're doing your part.)
contains: afab reader, breeding (duh), little plot, fingering, vaginal sex, voyeurism
author’s note: here, have the fruit of my ovulation horny mind. this will be multiple parts.
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Restoration was a considerable effort. Many lives were lost in the war and those who remained were of considerable strength to have survived. They were of excellent stock, and in them lay the hope for the future.
It was agreed upon not to openly call it a breeding program, even if that was its more accurate title. Its official title was ‘The Propagation Project’, a far more tolerable name. You would be paired with a genetically suitable match, your cycle would be closely tracked and a few days out of the month would be set aside for you to…perform your duties. This was still a trial run, there were areas that would probably be improved in its second incarnation but mainly, everyone was just hoping something would come of it so that there could be a second incarnation.
Each pair would be paired until their prime childbearing years were over, all of their children being from each other. It was thought that this would reduce consanguinity. Matches were made based solely on the genes of each candidate, strong and agile with strong and agile, generally. Though, amongst those who were of the most desirable genes, there was some flexibility regarding personal preference. It was necessary to be more accommodating towards their whims, particularly the whims of those who would be doing the labor. Besides that, there were a few already established couples and it made sense to simply pair them if there was no drastic genetic incompatibility rather than risk contaminating the results and wasting the efforts of the candidates.
Your match was Levi Ackerman, your captain. You two were both of extremely desirable genes, though you hadn’t chosen each other, it was more that you felt more comfortable with him than any other candidate. When registering to be matched, they asked who you would hope to be matched with and you answered with Levi. He was just someone you knew you could trust and someone you knew you were attracted to. You hoped he felt the same as Levi hadn’t had any objections to the match. You wondered if he’d given your name when he was asked who he hoped his match would be.
You knew it didn’t really matter whether or not he was attracted to you, they had aphrodisiacs that would make him want you either way if need be. But you, like most everyone else involved in the project, didn’t want to just have sex because innovation allowed for such powerful drugs which made breeding like rabbits easier nor because you needed to propagate the species. You wanted there to at least be something there that wasn’t obligation. Something purely yours between yourself and the man who would father your children. You hoped that wasn’t asking too much.
So as to be sure you had done your duties, the first go around would be in a designated place, a building repurposed into a hotel of sorts. It was lovingly dubbed “the stable.” You and Levi had gone up to the room you were assigned, finding that an attendant would be waiting outside the door while you “consummated” as she put it. It seemed that losing a fertile day and wasting sperm could be punishable offenses with how strict they were. It had been explained to you that she would be checking the room afterward for fluids as proof as well as doing an inspection of you. With how desperately the population needed to bounce back and how much money was poured into the project you understood the fiscal implications behind their meticulousness but it all felt so sterile.
The room was plain looking and better than you’d thought it’d be, you’d half expected a pile of hay. A bed made with white sheets, nightstands, lamps hung on either side of the bed, a faded rug, thick curtains cutting off all but a sliver of the red afternoon light. On the right was the washroom. On the left nightstand, there were two blue vials of the aphrodisiac, also cursed with some deeply unfortunate name that you refused to recall.
“Should we…?” You asked nodding toward them, breaking the silence.
“You can if you think you need to, I’ll go without.”
His voice was low and every word went straight to your clouded little head. “No, I don’t need to.” You were bashful from the suddenness of your desire but it felt less like a job with the arousal already warming your body.
“May I?” He asked, brushing his fingers over the hem of your shirt. You nodded, not trusting yourself with words.
He pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it onto a chair by the window. He kissed the exposed skin of your neck down to your shoulder, his hand was cold as it ran up your back reaching for the clasp of your bra. You were practically shivering by the time you’d been made completely bare, Levi pushed you backwards onto the bed, earning a surprised yelp. He slipped his jacket off and crawled onto you, planting open mouthed kisses on your breasts before parting his pretty lips and taking your nipple into his mouth. His tongue swept over it, driving gasps from your mouth and making you squirm beneath him. Your fists balled in his shirt.
You could feel yourself becoming slick as he went on, hands caressing everywhere but your cunt. You pushed your hips up toward him, trying to gain more friction brushing against him and feeling his cock brush against your thigh. He hissed at the contact and pressed your hips flat down against the bed, putting an end to your writhing. You whined and although you would probably feel embarrassed for it later, you let a hand wander downward to touch yourself. Levi intercepted it and your other hand, holding it above your head.
You thought you’d done something wrong but then he slipped his other hand down your body to touch you through your panties, teasing you, making a wet spot on them. He palmed against your panties feeling them grow all the more obviously soaked, his fingers long and deft as you remembered from being grasped by them, pulled back from danger. You had begun to beg, forgetting all about the attendant outside who could most certainly hear you. “Please…” It was unbecoming behavior in front of your captain but that in and of itself was a bit appealing.
“You don’t have to beg me” He said in a hushed voice, finally pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “I was just getting you ready.” He slipped your panties over and slipped a finger through your lips right up to your clit. His breaths were heavier hotter once he felt you, slick as satin.
“Captain…” You said as he pulled back to strip your panties off, his gray eyes staring straight at your cunt, slipping a finger in and seeming amused by how much slick there already was.
“You’re going to call me captain even in a situation like this?” He laughed, a little meanly you thought.
You nearly pouted. “You’re my captain...” You answered, lamely.
He scoffed. “Don’t call me that, it reminds me of why we’re here. Call me by my name so that I can forget we’re breeding stock.”
He slipped a second finger in before you could respond, then a third, stretching you as he pistoned them in and out. You could have cried for the teasing way he missed just slightly missed every spot you need from him, just grazing against the part of you that would make you absolutely serenade the attendant outside. He’s being cruel on purpose, too. Every time he misses, brushes against a place inside that makes you shudder, he says “Here?” with the most earnest smile you’ve ever seen grace his lips.
Suddenly, he pulls his fingers out, sopping wet. He spread them apart to admire the way your sticky arousal webbed between his fingers. “You really like being teased like this?” It wasn’t really a question, he sounded as if in awe.
“You’re definitely ready now” He murmured. You could feel it, slick at your thighs and underneath you and dripping from Levi’s fingers. He slipped them into his mouth, a deep pink blush spreading across his skin.
“Then, you too. Take your clothes off, too” You croak.
He obliged, stripping down to his boxers which were soaked with his sticky precum that wet the fabric with ease each time he felt you squeeze around him. His cock slipped past your swollen folds as he slowly slid in, carefully. Your legs were atop Levi’s hard, muscled thighs as he split you open. A moan tore free from his lips as he bottomed out.
“Fuck” He gritted his teeth.
He was finally pressing against that spot that made you feel like steel in a forge. Your agonized moans filled the room, one would think he was torturing you. He was moving quite slowly, gently, rocking his hips against you. Your pussy swallows him and as he savors the feeling, he is struck utterly dumb and unable to speak. He makes sure to kiss your cervix with each stroke for even as his body is inundated with pleasure greater than any he’s ever known, he still hasn’t completely forgotten his purpose.
You cling to him, your hands clutching the firm flesh of his biceps as your nails dug into his skin, tracing the old scars left from this and that. All the sense in your body is utterly fried, you’re babbling like a drunken fool.
“Levi cum inside me, please, please.” You knew you needn’t beg but you desired it more than anything and you were nearly in tears with the urgency of your need.
“Be quiet” Levi nearly choked. “I– I’m close.”
“Cum inside me” You beg again. “Breed me.” You had obviously gone insane, he’d already told you to let him forget and you thought he’d cool off upon hearing your idiotic ramble. However, soon as the words left your mouth he immediately set a punishing pace. Each kiss of his cock inside you brought you closer, more reckless, a mess. Shaky moans freed from his lips.
“Th-there…! It’s okay, you can breed me, please, Levi” You begged breathlessly as you reached your end, pulsating around him as he continued to bury his cock inside you with astounding preciseness, mercilessly pounded into that sweet spot that prolonged your orgasm until you were tender and sensitive.
“Oh fuck.” Levi released with a tortured groan, rather dutifully not wasting a drop. Even as his cum began to seep out of you slightly, he pushed your legs back as far as possible and fucked it back in, stuffing as much as possible where it belongs.
It was a breathtaking feeling, him filling you with rope after rope of his cum, it seemed he came a lot for even after a few seconds he was still spilling. Your mouth was agape all the while, a string of saliva between your lips. He leaned to kiss you, all tongues, sloppy and lustful, each of you needing the other to hold onto. Each of you eating the moans from the other’s mouth, almost sounding melodic in a carnal sort of harmony.
You did not part from each other for quite some time until you heard a knock at the door. “Give us a minute” Levi called, brow furrowing in annoyance. He pulled out of you, slowly. He dressed quickly and then helped you into your clothing before opening the door to the smiling attendant.
“I apologize, was I interrupting?” She asked.
Yes, Levi wanted to say. “What do you want?”
“Have you consummated?” God, she was straightforward wasn’t she?
“Yes, we fucked.” But Levi was just as deadpan.
“Excellent. Now I’ll need to inspect you.” She was referring to you, you had forgotten it was coming. “If you’d please undress the bottom half for me.” She pulled on a latex glove. God, she meant…
“I’ll need to ensure that you have properly consummated” She continued, unflinchingly somehow, with the same smile.
“What the fuck?” Levi exclaimed what you were thinking.
You shimmied out of your panties and spread your legs slightly. She pushed them open wider and pressed you onto your stomach over the bed, gently. You turned to gawk at her, shocked. You hadn’t known what the inspection would entail but it was certainly not whatever this was.
Levi frowned, stepping in closer and grasping her arm. “Oi, what do you think you’re doing?” Your thoughts exactly.
“I’m examining her, it’s easier in this position. It’s necessary for confirmation or else, I can’t flag the two of you as having completed your task. Please, this will only take a moment.” She stuck a finger inside you suddenly making you gasp, she pushed it far as it could go and twisted it around as if swabbing before pulling it out. A long. stretching string of sticky cum followed, stuck to her finger. The woman admired it for a moment. Levi watched, aghast even as his cock throbbed in his trousers against his will. What was wrong with him? The sex had surely gone to his head if he was getting turned on watching this. He hated that his body contradicted him, particularly now that it was contradicting the disgust he felt at learning the extent to which they’d go in order to ensure you’d done your ‘duty’.
“Very good, you two. I apologize for the inconvenience, it won’t need to continue on now that we have certainty.” You stood back up, pulling your trousers back on. “You two are free to continue until about eight.” She took her leave.
“Are you alright?” He asked, something was still stirring from the scene and it felt dishonest to you to ask something like that knowing what was on his mind. The way you avoided his gaze made him feel a tinge of guilt but he knew he deserved it.
“Yes, it was just…embarrassing. I didn’t know it’d be like that but I might’ve guessed, this is the stable after all.”
“Don’t remind me” He answered. “You can shower first, you’ve earned that much.”
You didn’t argue. You got into the near scalding water and tried not to think about having been bent over like that, inspected for the evidence of his cum before your captain. Let alone the fact that you had just fucked him. It was all too much to bear, maybe it wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t liked it so much, if even bent over before him, you hadn’t felt some glimmer of arousal spark back up. You were wrong when you thought the first time would be the hardest, it would be the second, having to see him again knowing you begged him to breed you, knowing you were practically fingered in front of a man who used to make you do drills. In the bathroom, luckily, there were changes of clothes and bags for the soiled ones. You knew you were taking your sweet time by military standards but you were stalling so that you didn’t have to look at him, he who had returned to being just your captain by now.
When you came out, Levi was sitting in the chair near the window, eyes closed and his expression weary. Had the day taken as much out of him as it had you?
“Goodnight, captain.” His eyes fluttered open, grey eyes fixing on you not with disgust but with vague curiosity for which you were relieved.
“Goodnight.” His voice was subdued, quiet. He did not stand and enter the washroom immediately as you thought he might, he seemed lost in thought. You supposed you would be too, when you were alone.
He was still sitting there bathed in the blue of early evening when you closed the door behind you, his face turned toward the window. In the light of the hallway, you could see a light blush dusted his cheeks.
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ironstrange1991 · 9 months
Careful What You Wish For
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The reader and Stephen are students at Kamar Taj and when she needs his help with her exams, Stephen makes her an indecent offer.
Word Count: 6,5k
Warnings: SMUT: Dubcon, hate sex (at least in the beggining), handjob, oral sex with male receiving, forced (?) deep throat, umprotected p n v, lost of virginity, mentions of pain and blood, forced (?) creampie.
A/N: It took me a while to finish this fic, but I'm very happy with the result. Hope you like it.
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You had been a student at Kamar Taj for no more than a few months when the new guy arrived. You were in the hall and even served him tea at the time, then you left letting the Ancient One and Master Mordo speak to him. However, of course you were peeking behind the curtains listening to the entire conversation. You saw the disrespectful and absurd way in which he addressed the Ancient One and you also saw how she, with all her power and somewhat sadistic humor, put him in his place.
You spent that day studying the old books that Wong had recommended for you and as you did so you heard the incessant knocking on the door and the shouts of "Let me in" or "I have nowhere to go." The situation was funny at first because like the Ancient One, you also had a certain sadistic side, but after hours of that incessant whining you started to feel sorry for the man. He was kinda cute.
When he was allowed to join you and become a student of the mystic arts you decided that you would not make his life easy. Whenever you could, you teased him for being the new guy, for being the guy whose hands could barely conjure mere sparks. During training in the courtyard, The Ancient One always had the two of you train together and you didn't take it easy on him. You might be small, but you were agile. He on the other hand was tall, had a well defined body, not too thin, very muscular, but was extremely slow. Apparently all the years of being an arrogant rich guy had made him soft and you liked seeing him lying on the floor whenever you got the chance.
"Y/n, no messing around. Grab your relics and get into fighting stance." Master Mordo instructed in one of the training afternoons and you chose one of the relics, but when the new guy went to get his, you slapped his hand making him look at you with a mixture of surprise and irritation. He was very handsome when he was angry, his blue eyes darkening with the fury he tried to contain. Wounded pride showing in every line of his furrowed brow.
"You don't deserve a relic yet, old man."
He ran his tongue across the corner of his cheek, clearly annoyed, but decided to play along. "I already told you my name is Stephen Strange."
You shrugged, getting into a fighting stance. "And I already said I don't care. Now be less miserable and conjure a weapon, so I'll feel less bad when I hit you."
He chuckled nervously, making a valiant effort to conjure something that could barely be described as a weapon, but it would have to do because you quickly went in for a blow that he reasonably defended himself from.
You smiled mischievously "You're getting better. I've always believed it's possible to learn through pain."
He clearly didn't like your comment, because he struck a blow at you that you barely have time to defend yourself by creating a shield.
"You don't know anything about my pain." He spat out the words.
Apparently you had hit a nerve. Excellent.
Your relationship with Strange didn't changed much beyond that for a long time, but you liked to think that somehow you were growing inside him, because he was always close even when you didn't necessarily need to be together. Like in the library.
It was as if he always knew the exact time you were in the library and would go there and steal books that were clearly not allowed for someone of his level. Not even at your level.
"You're going to end up with your head in a bucket over this." You said one of those nights while reading under the light of a single candle at the farthest desk in the library.
"Only if you tell on me." He responded, bringing the book under his arm and coming towards you. He threw the heavy book on the table and smiled arrogantly at you. When you looked at the book your eyes widened in complete amazement.
"This book belongs to the Ancient One's collection, are you crazy?"
He pulled out a chair and sat at the desk with you. "Wong said no knowledge is prohibited at Kamar Taj."
You rolled your eyes "Yes, I know that speech, it was exactly that that led Kaecilius to perdition."
Strange stared at you and then at the book. "So this is the book that was stolen."
"If it's in your hand, it's obvious that it wasn't stolen. Only a spell was removed from it. An evil spell that neither you nor I have the slightest idea of ​​what it does."
But it was useless, every word of warning seemed to instigate the man even more. You had been around Strange long enough to know that he was hard-headed and when he put something in his head no one could take it away.
You closed the book you were reading and levitated it to the shelf by moving little more than your fingertips.
"Show off." He scolded as he flipped through the forbidden book.
"If you allow me, I will leave before you do something that’ll get us killed, or worse, expelled."
With that he smiled widely, that must have been the first time you saw him smiling, at least for you.
"Did you just quote Harry Potter? How old are you, twelve?"
You shrugged. "I'm 21 in two weeks, I'll take a gift." You said walking down the hall.
As days went by, it became increasingly clear to you that all that provocation had a much deeper meaning than you wanted to admit. You've never been with a man, in fact you've never even been interested in a man. Your life has always been studying and after you were orphaned after a car accident that killed your parents and almost killed you, you felt lost in the world and found out about Kamar Taj and dedicated yourself one hundred percent to it. That's what you always do, you find a source of interest, become completely obsessed and devote yourself to it until you learn everything you can from it and then move on to another obsession. At that point you were already recognizing the pattern and wondering how far you could go with that obsession with Strange when teasing or pestering him during training seemed to not be enough anymore.
You started teasing him in other ways, wearing robes that were tighter than necessary, shorts and tank tops that were smaller and shorter than allowed, all so he could get a good look at what he was missing. That is, of course, if he had any interest in you in the same way that you had in him. To be honest, you had no idea what you were doing. Provoking him was easy, but seducing wasn't exactly an area you had mastered.
The day before your birthday you were in the kitchen stealing what was left of your cake frosting when Strange caught you in the act. You were only wearing skimpy pajama shorts and a top that barely covered your breasts and bent over as you were, half of your body inside the fridge, you could imagine the image Stephen had of your ass.
"You should be embarrassed." His baritone voice came from behind you and in shock you hit your head on the top of the fridge which made him laugh. That laugh was something new and the way it made your stomach flutter was new too.
You took the pot out of the fridge, but left the door open, illuminating the dark kitchen with a beam of yellow light.
"It's my cake, my birthday, I have the right." You responded by sticking your index finger into the bowl and scooping out a little more of the icing and sticking it in your mouth teasingly taking it out with a loud pop.
You could see him swallowing thickly, his eyes getting darker with what you didn't quite know what it was.
"I'm referring to walking around the Kamar Taj dressed like that."
You shrugged "It's hot in Kathmandu." You made sure to smile mischievously at him. "After all, what are you doing walking around the Kamar Taj at this hour, Strange?" You questioned as if you had any right to it.
He pulled out a chair and sat down. "I can't sleep. My hands are hurting more than usual."
You looked at him for a second, still leaning against the sink with the glass bowl in your hand, trying to think of what to say to him, but ended up opting for the easiest answer.
"You don't expect me to take pity on you and offer to massage your hands or something, right?" You tried to sound sarcastic, but since there was some truth in your suggestion, your voice sounded softer than you would have liked.
"I don't want pity, but a massage would be nice."
“Fuck off” You replied, turning around to put the bowl in the sink and wash your hands, but mostly to hide how red your cheeks had gotten.
He sighed, getting up and mumbling a good night and leaving the kitchen and you stood there wondering if he was really serious or not. In any case, that was absurd, you both didn't have that kind of intimacy.
You ended up as usual in the library, finishing the last chapters of the book that you needed to finish for the end of the year exams. When you joined Kamar Taj, you didn't realize how much theory you would have to learn, you always thought it would be more practice than books and exams, but things weren't exactly as you imagined and you weren't as good at theory as you were in practice. Your memory wasn't like Strange's. The bastard could memorize an entire book in that deranged brain of his, you could barely memorize your own notes. Clearly there was a bargaining chip there, you thought ironically. I massage his hands and he help me study.
You chuckled to yourself thinking how absurd the idea was, but as you read the endless pages of the book that confused you more than clarified the subject, the more tempted you became to actually make the offer to Strange. The best you could get for an answer was no, right?
Finally, you gave up on your studies and put the books back on the shelves and left the library towards the dorms, you were still deciding between going straight to your dorm or knocking on Strange's door when you heard a sound coming from his room. You stopped in front of the door, your hand on the doorknob waiting and then you heard it again, a groan. He must have really been in a lot of pain to be groaning like that. You even felt bad about the way you spoke to him in the kitchen earlier.
You gave up knocking and simply turned the handle and to your surprise the door opened. It was dark inside, but the little light coming from the window made it clear as day what he was actually doing or trying to do and before he noticed your presence another groan escaped his lips followed by a curse "Damn hands. "
You swallowed heavily and closed the door behind you and only then did he notice your presence.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked completely defensively, adjusting himself in the small chair at the desk that could barely contain his entire size in it. At the same time he removed his hand from inside his boxers, but there was an erection there so obvious that the white fabric did little to hide.
"I came to make you an offer, but since you're busy I can come back another time." You answered turning around to leave.
He groaned and in that sound you could feel a little frustration, a little irritation and also some curiosity. “Wait.”
He snapped his fingers and some light bulbs came on. "If you tell anyone what you saw here, I swear I'll kill you." He threatened.
You smirked, "Threatening to kill me isn't the best thing you can do to keep my mouth shut. It's actually the worst thing, since we both know you're no match for me in combat."
He raised an eyebrow challenging you. "I've evolved a lot since I got here, Y/n, don't underestimate me."
You shrugged. "I'm not here to fight, Strange. I came to ask for help with my studies. You know my exams are coming up and I'm not as good in theory as I am in practice. If I do poorly in the exams, The Ancient One won't let me participate in the advanced spell training and I'm really excited to get started...”
"Let me get this straight. You're asking for my help? Is that right?"
You walked over to him and sat on the bed, crossing your arms dramatically. "Unfortunately it's my only option."
He shifted again in his chair and you couldn't help but notice that thing between his legs.
 "So... what do you say?"
"I could help you. The question is whether I want to or not. Let's think about it for a minute. Since I got here you have dedicated yourself to make my life really hard. You are an insufferable brat, you are rude... "
"Okay, I understand. Where are you going with this? Are you going to help me or not?"
Strange smiled mischievously as if suddenly some brilliant idea had crossed his mind. "It will depend on what you’ll give me in return."
Something about that smile made the heat rise to your cheeks again and you swallowed thickly.
"You mentioned early in the kitchen that your hands were hurting. I thought… maybe you wanted a massage or something." Your voice became lower and lower and by the end of the sentence it was almost a whisper.
He hummed, "Something like that." He replied and then sighed heavily.
"Do you know what the big problem with my hands is? I can't jerk off"
You looked at him, completely shocked that he was saying that to you, but you supposed that after teasing him for all that time, he didn't exactly have much respect for you, especially because he must have already noticed that you maintained a certain interest in him.
"And tonight, after you were showing off that ass of yours for me in the kitchen I really needed to jerk off."
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out.
"You tease me and tease me, but you don't offer anything in return. You keep wearing these indecent clothes and I know it's not because of the heat, but because you want me to look at you. You call me an old man, but I know you love how old I am. So spare me that innocent face of yours because I know you're not innocent."
Actually, you were, but you didn't tell him that. You had never been with a man. Some heated kisses, yes, some touching and teasing, but nothing more than that. The problem was that you played your role too well.
"Are you going to help me or not?" You mumbled.
"Come here." He asked and you hesitated for a moment, but then you gave in and slowly walked towards him, stopping in front of him, waiting for what he would say next.
"I don't want a massage. I need your hands to jerk off. In other words, I want a handjob. A really good handjob and depending on how good it is I might be good and help you pass those exams."
You chewed on your lip. There was a part of you that liked the idea of ​​being intimate with him like that, but another much more conscious part knew how wrong it was. You weren't comfortable with that situation.
"And how exactly is a really good handjob? I need to know my chances here if I'm going to do this."
He smirked. "Let me see your hands. Palms up."
You obeyed.
"They're small, which means you'll have to use both at the same time because, as you can see..." He brought his hands to the sides of his boxers and in a quick movement they were on his knee, freeing his huge dick. "It's very big."
"You're an arrogant idiot, you know that?" You mumbled, unable to hold your tongue in your mouth.
He grabbed one of your hands and brought it to his cock and instinctively you wrapped it around him and it felt so warm and so hard, you didn't imagine it was that hard.
"Come on, you know what to do!" He said, closing his eyes and sighing heavily.
You knelt down to his height and moved your hand up and down, but clearly something was wrong. "Shouldn't it be wet?" You asked innocently, to which he let out a small chuckle.
"Yeah, I don't have lube. You'll need to use your own spit."
You looked at him in surprise, but he clearly understood your reaction as disgust.
He sighed dramatically, held his own cock by the base and spat on it and then moved his trembling hand spreading the saliva over the entire length. "There. It's wet now."
You grabbed him, determined to end it once and for all. From what you knew, he hadn't had sex for a long time and if you did it right he wouldn't last long.
You started to pump him up and down quickly, but contrary to your plans, he held your hand "Slow down, I want to enjoy myself for a bit."
You sighed doing what he wanted, you used both hands to stroke him slowly making sure to rotate your hands on the way down and making sure to touch his head on the way up. It was your first time doing that, but you weren't a saint, you had already watched porn and remembered some things and by the way he started to squirm, barely able to stay still in the chair, you could tell you were doing something right.
He started to moan too, at first low and then louder and soon some words began to escape his lips as if he was unable to contain them.
"Fuck Y/n, you really know what you're doing, don't you? Oh I missed this, it's been so long!"
You couldn't hide from yourself that his words seemed to move you, it was almost as if you could feel a warmth in your chest, a surge of pride at being praised by him and more than that, you felt your panties getting wet.
There was no point trying to hide that you were enjoying this. Deep down you always imagined yourself in some kind of erotic scenario with Strange. Alone in your small room, you found yourself thinking about him and he was right, you teased him to try to get some reaction from him. You just never imagined things would happen this way, but you were too involved in it to care.
You watched in delight as how much of that sticky liquid came out of his tip the more you stimulated him, and you also realized that you liked the noises that your hands jerking him made, not to mention his moans that got louder and louder. The next thing you knew, you were squeezing your thighs together and he only didn't notice because he had leaned his head back and kept his eyes closed, but when an involuntary moan escaped your lips he looked at you intently with a grin in his lips.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you? You dirty little brat!"
You couldn't maintain eye contact with him, so you kept your eyes on his cock, noticing every vein, every detail of that cock that was the first one you had the chance to see up close.
You spat on his cock and continued your work without responding to his provocation, but he wasn't willing to let it go.
"Look at me."
You did what he asked somewhat reluctantly.
"I want your mouth, sweetheart."
You looked at him in surprise, not because of what he asked, but because of the way he referred to you and especially because of how it made you feel.
"I... I don't know how to do it." You replied and he smirked.
"I find that hard to believe."
You looked away feeling your face even hotter. Was it really possible that you had played your role so well that you managed to make the man you were interested in believe you were a whore? You were not. You weren't even close to that, but now it was too late to try to change his opinion about you.
"Tell me how you like it." You asked, disguising your inexperience.
"Deep in the throat. That's how I like it. But I'll take what you give me. Just use this mouth of yours for something more productive than talking shit."
You were slightly offended and bothered by the way he was treating you. Despite everything, in your fantasies he was always kind, but you tried not to let that show and opened your mouth as much as you could and he stuck his head in and instinctively reached his hand up to your head and grabbed a handful of your hair. "Use your tongue, swirl it in the head."
You did exactly as he asked and felt his hold on your hair tighten. He started to push your head down, forcing you to take him deeper and deeper until you gagged and tears ran down your face.
"That's how I like it." He took his cock out of your mouth and held your chin making you look at him. "There's nothing like a good cock to tame a brat, right sweetheart?"
You swallowed the saliva you had gathered in your mouth and nodded obediently.
"You can take a little more, can't you?"
You nodded.
"Good girl. Open your mouth really wide, I'm going to go deeper this time, okay?"
You just nodded again, apparently that was all you could do, obey his commands even if you didn't agree with them. You felt as he pushed his cock deeper and deeper into your mouth, entering your throat until you could no longer breathe. Automatically you grabbed his thighs and started pushing to try to get away from him, but he didn't let you go.
"It's okay. Just breathe through your nose" He cooed. You had never heard that tone of voice from him, at least not when he was talking to you, but a part of you liked it.
You did as he ordered, but the sensation was no less uncomfortable when you felt him going down your throat. Your gag reflex was horrible and soon you were crying profusely as streams of saliva ran down your mouth as he continued thrusting against your throat.
"Look at you, you're crying on my dick, sweetheart. Do you have any idea how beautiful this is?"
You pushed his thigh again and tried to lift your head and this time he allowed it.
He continued holding your hair though and wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"Not such a bully now, are you?"
You were feeling overwhelmed, your voice refused to come out and there was a secret part inside you that was loving the feeling of being used, even when you knew deep down that it was wrong.
He stood up and pulled you up too. "Let's make a deal. I'll touch you now and if you're dry I'll let you finish with the handjob and we'll stop here..."
You stared at him, fully aware of the mess that was between your legs.
He smirked, pleased with your reaction and continued explaining "...but if you're wet... Oh sweetheart, if you're wet, I'll fucking ruin you."
When his hand slipped into your shorts and panties your legs were shaking and could barely support you standing. You knew you should tell him the truth, that you should stop it while there was still time, but you couldn't. You were paralyzed. Physically your body was having positive reactions, you were soaking wet between your legs, you were ready to take him. But mentally you were a mess. This wasn't what you imagined for your first time. It wasn't how it should be.
"Oh I knew it! I could smell it on you. Your arousal... such a sweet smell."
You placed your hand over his hand "Strange... I don't know..."
"Shhh, it's okay.  I think you can call me Stephen now."
He moved his middle finger through your folds and circled your clit making your hips move involuntarily against his hand. He brought his face closer to yours and for a minute you thought he was going to kiss you, but instead he whispered in your ear. "You always wanted this, right? All the teasing was because you wanted me. I bet you've already touch yourself thinking about me, haven't you?"
You didn't respond, but when he took two fingers inside you, you winced feeling a sting deep inside. He didn't seem to notice.
"Tell me." He insisted.
"Yes what?"
"I always wanted you." You whined.
He hummed "I'm here now. I'm going to give you what you've always wanted."
With that he bent you over the desk and pulled your shorts and panties down to your knees and you could hear him spitting into his hand.
He spread his saliva at your entrance and you clung as best you could to the edges of the small wooden desk bracing yourself for what was to come.
He didn't say anything, he just buried himself inside of you with a strong, firm thrust and it was done. All the fantasies, all the expectations around it disappeared in a second, giving way to pain, a tearing sting that brought tears to your eyes, but you didn't make a sound.
He groaned in pleasure, but in confusion too and then stopped altogether. When he spoke again his voice sounded low and slightly nervous.
"Were you a fucking virgin? Really?"
You let out the breath you were holding in small puffs, "I t-tried to tell you."
He pulled out and turned you around to face him. "You didn't tell me shit. How was I supposed to know?!"
You wiped the tears from your eyes "It's no big deal okay? I should have resolved this a long time ago, I just never found..." You bit your tongue before you said too much. You had already given him too much power over you that night.
Stephen ran a hand nervously through his mouth. "We'd better stop this here." He stated, but you held his hand.
"Stephen... it's no big deal. I want this. Just... do it."
He held your face between his huge, shaking hands and stared into your eyes and you could see all the certainty in him slipping away but you had to keep going. If you stopped now it would be too humiliating.
"Stephen, please." You whispered.
 "You stupid little brat!" Stephen said with a heavy sigh and then kissed you. An angry and desperate kiss. A clash of lips, tongues and teeth mixed with the hums that escaped your throats.
In one quick movement he picked you up, bride style, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
"What are you doing?"
He walked over to his bed and laid you carefully on the pillows.
"If we're going to do this, sweetheart, let's do it right."
You watched as he got rid of his tee and found yourself analyzing every inch of his body. He was so beautiful, his defined chest and abdomen, his strong arms, his hands... you lost count of how many times you stared at his hands while your mind conjured up the dirtiest scenarios possible.
"Like what you see?" He asked arrogantly and you couldn't help but roll your eyes, it was stronger than you. "If I didn't like it I wouldn't be here."
"I thought you were here to offer me a deal." He smirked grabbing your shorts and panties that were still tangled around your knees and pulling them off. He threw them on the floor, staring at you with a damn arrogant smile on his lips. "Give up being a brat, this behavior doesn't suit virgins."
You felt the heat returning to your cheeks, but you didn't have time to think of a response because he climbed onto the bed and came on top of you, your legs parted so he could settle between them and before you could understand what he was doing, his lips were on your belly as he lifted the tank top you were wearing and continued his assault on your skin. He kissed and bit you while lifting your top exposing your breasts. He caught your nipple in his mouth, sucking it with newfound passion. A low moan escaped your lips while he did it and you moved your hips up involuntarily. He hummed pleased with your response.
He moved his lips up to your neck, sucking a bruise on your sensitive skin. The touch of his goatee making your entire body shiver. He continued moving his mouth up, nibbling on your earlobe, breathing heavily into your ear on purpose while grinding his hard dick against your uncovered pussy.
"Tell me what you want." He whispered.
But instead of answering him, you surrendered to your fear and asked. "Will it hurt more?"
He cupped your face. "The worst part is over, but I'll take it slow now, I promise."
You shook your head. "No. Just do whatever you have to do until you make me feel good."
He grabbed your chin with more force than you would expect and used his other hand to direct his cock to your entrance and kissed you as he entered you again, going all the way in. You felt the same sting deep in your belly, but it hurt less this time, however the discomfort of having him inside you was something you still needed to get used to. He was big and even though he wasn’t moving you could feel his dick pulsing inside you. It was an strange sensation.
"Now move with me." He asked, grabbing your thigh and wrapping your leg around his waist and with that going even deeper. The movements began, he thrusted slowly but hard and you clung to him, your arms wrapped around his torso, nails biting against the skin of his back as you tried to imitate his movements.
The whole time his lips didn't leave your lips, your chin, your neck. He kissed and bit everywhere he could reach and in between his kisses he let out moans and groans and little praises.
"Oh fuck, this little virgin pussy feels so good... so tight."
You didn't imagined how much of the sexual response was much more physiological than a conscious thing. Before you even knew it your body was moving beneath his with much more desire and the pain and discomfort were replaced by a type of pleasure that was much stronger than the one you got when touching yourself in your room. Each thrust from Stephen triggered a new wave of desire and suddenly what he was giving you didn't seem to be enough, you wanted him all inside you, you wanted him to merge with you until it was no longer possible to know where one ended and the other began.
"Oh my god... it feels so good." You moaned against his lips as you wrapped both legs around his waist, crossing your feet behind his back and trapping him there.
"Yeah? My cock feels good inside you. Isn't that right, sweetie?"
“Uh hum” was all you could respond, but it was enough to inflate Stephen’s ego even more and he groaned loudly in response, gripping the headboard and you couldn’t tell how, but you knew he was close. There was something about the way his eyes were fixed on yours, his breathing became faster, his movements more irregular and in the midst of your bliss you were still able to reason "Stephen... I'm not taking anything."
But your words didn't have the effect you expected, on the contrary, he seemed to become even more determined to finish. His mouth fell open, loud moans and grunts escaping straight from his throat and his thrusts became even harder and faster.
"You're being such a good girl for me. Letting me fuck your pussy raw. I think I'll make it up to you." He rested his forehead on yours and continued. "I'm going to fill you with my cum and you're going to take all of it, won't you?"
You shook your head, but he shushed you.
"Of course you will. I'll leave you leaking my cum for days so you remember what you get for being a good girl. Who knows, maybe you'll come back for more?"
"But... we can't..."
He thrusted even harder against you and your mouth went agape with the feeling forming in the pit of your stomach. You knew you were close, but at the same time it was unlike anything you had ever felt. I was stronger and it seemed to come from much deeper inside you.
"Of course we can. Going to fuck a baby inside you, sweetheart. I know you will look beautiful carrying my baby."
 Your pussy fluttered at those words. How was it possible for you to feel that way? You knew you couldn't let him do that, but you didn't have the strength to fight him when your body was against you. The tension inside your stomach increased and you were so close, all you needed was a small push to fall and surrender to your climax.
"S-Stephen... I'm gonna cum. Oh my... shit."
He kept his pace holding on to the headboard to put more strength into his thrusts while with his other hand he grabbed your chin making you look at him.
"Look at me, Y/n. I want to see it happening. Show me how good my cook is making you feel."
"So good... cock feels so good inside me. I am so lucky." You muttered, barely aware of your own words. "I need to cum. Let me cum... Please..."
He smirked, surely satisfied with your total submission. "You can cum, sweetheart. Do it now."
The tension exploded within you with an intensity you had never experienced before. Unlike every time you came, the sensation was not concentrated in your clit, but came from the inside out, making your entire body shake and tears accumulate at your waterline.
"There you go." Stephen stopped thrusting, watching you with a victorious smile on his lips and then kissed you, a wet kiss, full of lust and desire. Fuck, he was such a good kisser. You felt yourself melting on his lips.
He groaned at your lips and, against your will, you felt him spilling inside you. You knew you should fight it, but in your state of pure bliss you couldn't find the strength within yourself to even try.
He broke the kiss only to lower his lips to your neck where he sucked a bruise too visible for you to hide with your robes. But you knew that was exactly his intention. He wanted to claim you. Showing you that from that moment on you were his and no matter how absurd it might seem, you liked the idea. In fact, that was exactly what you wanted.
He rolled to the side when he was finished, his breathing slowly returning to normal and you lay there feeling the weight of everything that had happened, disbelief and shame finally taking over you. You were suddenly terribly self conscious about lying naked on Strange's bed while his cum dripped from your violated pussy.
In the middle of your internal debate you decided to get up, but you were interrupted by Strange who held your arm and asked with some disbelief. "Where do you think you're going?"
"To my room. I... I think I need a shower."
He cupped your face smirking "Wait here. I'll clean you up."
You waited for him motionless on the bed, your heart beating so hard you could hear it pounding in your ears. You heard the sounds coming from the bathroom, he had left the door open and the room was too small so you couldn't hear him. He peed and wash himself and then came back a few minutes later with a towel in his hands and went back to bed. He cleaned you gently, the towel was wet with warm water and it felt good although the whole situation was extremely embarrassing.
"I'll help you with your studies." He said when he finished what he was doing. "You can wait for me in the library after dinner, but you can't rely on that alone to pass your exams. You need to read. That's what works for me. Hours of reading."
You sat on the bed and stared in disbelief at the small stain of blood on the white sheet. Your face blushed so hard you needed to look the other way.
"I shouldn't have done what I did, Y/n. I had no idea you were a virgin. I'm so sorry. I imagine it wasn't what you expected your first time to be."
You shook your head. "I always wanted it to be you." You confessed, staring at your hands. "You're right. I have feelings for you. That's why I tease you... so you'll notice me."
He sighed, but there was a certain tenderness in his eyes that you had never seen before.
"And do you want this to continue, or it’ll be a one-time thing?" Stephen asked and for a second you could see expectation in his eyes, as if he was waiting a long time for the answer he wanted to hear.
"I don't know, Strange. Do you want it to continue?"
He smirked looking away and then he nodded. "Yes. I want to do it again. And you can keep calling me Stephen. I think it's the most normal thing after I took your virginity."
You felt the heat running down from your cheeks to your neck.
"You look beautiful all red like that." He smiled at you. "I always thought you were beautiful, Y/n."
He came closer and cupped your face and kissed you. Soft and calm for the first time. Your lips moved in sync and somehow this kiss felt even more intimate than the others. When he broke the kiss there was a passionate smile on his lips.
He sighed getting up. "Feel free to use the bathroom. I'll change the sheets so we can sleep."
You did as he suggested, hiding in the bathroom while he disappeared with the evidence of your lost innocence. You took the opportunity to wash your face with clean water and went back to the room. He was already lying down and patted the mattress for you to join him. You picked up his tee that was on the floor and put it on and then lay down on the bed next to him. He pulled you into his arms and you both fell silent.
I need to know that you're okay, Y/n" He said.
You nodded. "I'm fine. Really." You glanced at him for a moment and then smiled. "You can call me sweetheart whenever you want. It's terribly cute." You teased.
He pinched your cheek "As you wish, sweetheart. Now let's try to sleep. We need to wake up early for training tomorrow. Promise you'll be good to me."
Your smirked “I’ll try.”
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
| Neteyam x F!Avatar!Reader |
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Summary: new arrivals bring new temptations, and frustrations (see full series summary at the end of Star Girl chapter 9)
Warnings: mild angst and broody Neteyam
dialogue in Italics is Na'vi translated to English
chapter two
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Chapter One
A tentative smile pulls at your lips as your head swivels from side to side, eyes dancing over the enormity of Home Tree.
You're utterly awe-struck, having never seen anything remotely this big in your life. Your gaze is greedy as it flickers over every bush, flower, blade of grass. It's all foreign to you, each sight an entirely new marvel to your inexperienced eyes.
Excitement tightens your chest, a tinge of nervousness curling in your stomach. You walk in line with a small group, led by none other than the Omatikayan Olo'eyktan, Jake Sully. You're a bit embarrassed to admit that you'd never heard of the guy until a few days ago. Apparently he’s somewhat of a legend.
It just wasn't on your radar, learning about the nearby clans. Truthfully, you always had better things to do than sit around and read about people you'd never meet. That's how you felt, anyway, before this opportunity appeared at your doorstep.
When Jake showed up, asking for volunteers to aid in the upcoming confrontation with hostile humans, you didn't hesitate to raise a hand. Though you've never allowed yourself to indulge in dreams too unrealistic, a piece of your soul has always found the confines of the lab complex stifling.
The last twenty years of your life have been spent within bleak, grey walls, surrounded by a conglomeration of random people trapped on the moon after Pandora's first war with humans. It's not that you resent your upbringing, since you don't know anything different, but lately you’ve yearned for something more.
As much as you're hardwired to follow orders, the whisper of restlessness recently began keeping you awake at night. It constantly pokes at the back of your mind, thoughts wandering to the wonders that lie just outside the lab property.
And now...you're seeing it with your own eyes.
Your Avatar—the body you inhabit now—has only been ready for five years. Since then, you've spent nearly every waking moment inside your link unit. At this point, you feel closer to the true version of yourself when you're like this, rather than in your human form.
Some of your peers spent their formative years studying the vast lands and ecosystems of Pandora. Others researched the people who inhabit it. But you, you've been focused on the more physical aspects of living on the moon.
The scientists like testing their creations, gathering endless information on agility, balance, strength, anything to make sure the Avatar's they've slaved over are the best they can be. That's where you come in. You've had little else to do for the majority of your life than keep your body is top physical shape.
Your days have been spent mastering the obstacle courses they provide, all while being monitored for a swath of factors. You found it enjoyable, at first, but the tasks quickly got old as you excelled at each new challenge. You've been craving something more, a new endeavor that will actually stretch your limits.
“It’s gonna be hard to get used to this.” Another lab-rat—as you and all the other orphans who grew up in the complex are lovingly referred to—whispers from behind.
You spare a quick glance over your shoulder, eyes catching on the way he picks at the ties of his loincloth. Fingers move to cover your mouth, stifling a laugh as you approach the main gathering area of Home Tree.
All humor is gone, a rough wave of anxiety sending a shiver down your spine when a sea of eyes dissect every inch of your skin. It seems that the entire clan is present, hundreds of Na'vi circling the large open area. They've left a tiny space for Jake, which he guides your small group through.
You force down a thick swallow, shoulders shifting to avoid running into any of them. They're so close, it's like they don't have a care in the world about personal space. Jake doesn't stop until he reaches a large, flat rock, which he easily steps onto.
He turns to face his people, looking every bit the larger than life Toruk Makto you've recently heard about. The few of you settle into stillness at his side, fidgeting with uncertainty. At once, he's speaking quickly, a jumbled mix of sounds you couldn't even begin to understand.
He gestures toward your small group, causing shocked murmurs to erupt within the crowd. Your expression tightens with unease, weight shifting between your feet while Jake works to calm them. As he continues speaking a language none of you understand, your eyes wander over the sea of faces staring back at you.
There seems to be a clear differentiation between the clan and what you can only assume is Jake's family. They stand in the middle of the circle only a few feet away. You vaguely recognize most of them from a picture Norm showed you only days ago.
There's a woman, flanked by two girls. One looks close to your age, while the other can't be more than nine or ten years old. Her arm is draped over the younger Na'vi's shoulders, holding her firmly against her hip.
Beside them, a pair of Na'vi—also appearing around twenty or so—are huddled closely together. They're distracted, in their own world as the boy murmurs something into the girl's ear, her quiet giggle echoing through the circle before she slaps his chest playfully.
Breath lodges in your throat when your eyes land on the final member of the Sully family, only to see that his gaze is already locked on you.
Instantly, his eyes shift to the dirt, chin dipping to avoid your attention. Just that one brief moment, a single second of his eyes on you, is enough to make your heart skip a beat.
You can't help but study him, gaze sweeping down his toned form. Warmth coils in your lower belly, eyes catching on each dip of hardened muscle. A tremor rolls down your spine when his eyes catch yours again, harshly flicking up from their downturned position.
Neteyam is seething, jaw clenched tightly as he listens to his father address the clan. Frustration tightens his chest, not at the new arrivals necessarily, but what it means for him.
Over the last several weeks, he's adjusted to the presence of one Avatar in the village. One he can deal with. He's gotten used to Lo'ak's mate. Warmed up to her, even.
It took many months, and a near-death experience for his baby sister Tuk, for his open distaste to morph into reluctant friendship. Now, he's readily accepted her into the family after the ceremony confirming her status as Omatikaya.
But a whole group of them? He's never questioned his father before, but there's just no way this plan is going to work. It's too risky, and time consuming, and he doesn't think they're that desperate yet. Clearly, though, his wishes hold no weight around here. A fact that has his fists tightening in agitation.
For some unknown reason, his eyes keep flicking back to one Avatar in particular. He can't help it, as hard as he tries to look elsewhere, his gaze is locked on the girl. There's something about her, something in the way she stares right back, undeterred by his hard glare, that makes his heart race.
He's jerked back to reality at the sound of Jake addressing Lo'ak's mate.
“You wanna help them get settled in?” He speaks in English for the first time, ensuring the new arrivals can understand.
She nods eagerly , practically skipping toward them after landing a soft kiss on Lo'ak's cheek and detaching herself from him. They quickly follow her up the staircase inside the massive trunk of Home Tree.
Neteyam watches the entire time, gaze lingering on your back until you disappear within the structure.
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“So, you’re the one Norm hasn’t shut up about?” One of the girls wastes no time in asking what they're all dying to know.
Lo'ak's mate instantly blushes, glancing away from the few curious stares. It's true that their boss has spent almost all of his free time raving about the girl who'd been chosen by Ewya, but it's clear she's embarrassed by the attention. She turns her back to all of you without responding, continuing her path to the upper levels of the tree.
Your elbow jams into the girl's side, eyes widening in warning when she winces and casts you a glare.
“So, this is where you'll sleep.” Lo'ak's mate stops suddenly, facing you again as she gestures toward the woven hammocks that swing idly between thick branches.
Your brows raise in intrigue, surprised by the unusual arrangement. A few displeased murmurs erupt behind you.
“It can be a little tricky to get into the first—oh, okay.” Her gentle assurance is cut short when you leap from the branch, easily landing in a crouched position inside the structure.
It sways beneath you, but you're quick latch onto the edges, stabilizing yourself in seconds. You settle into a seated position, grinning triumphantly up at the rest of the group. Your fellow Avatars simply roll their eyes, used to your antics, but your guide can't help the way her eyes widen in shock.
“Wow, I'm impressed. The first time I did that I nearly killed myself.” She laughs lightly, watching as you make yourself comfortable.
“You're mated to the Olo'eyktan's son, right?” Another girl asks, bouncing on her toes with excitement.
She's one of the few who's dedicated most of her life to studying The People of Pandora. Her awe-struck expression is to be expected, the Sully family is the closest thing to celebrity on the moon. Even so, it irritates you.
You're not here to make friends, or grill people about their relationships. You're here to work hard, and hopefully avoid becoming a liability in the coming conflict.
Sharp teeth bite into your tongue, forcing yourself to remain silent as she fawns over the poor girl. To your surprise, she beams at the question, a prideful grin splitting her face. She nods in confirmation, and the girl practically squeals on the spot.
“How the hell did that happen?” The one man in your midst speaks up, his harsh tone making her curl inward slightly.
“It's a...long story.” She chuckles, head shaking as if its too much to get into now.
Truthfully, you know nothing about the clan or their customs. You've heard of this girl in passing, mostly from Norm, and have caught bits of conversations regarding her. From the little information you've gathered, it seems that they were less than welcoming to outsiders until recently.
As the group falls into easy conversation, asking Lo'ak's mate endless questions, your eyes trail over your new home for the foreseeable future. Or, your Avatar's home, that is. As your gaze dances along the vibrant greens and browns of Home Tree, you find yourself imagining a life here.
A life of freedom and exploration, a life where you can be more than a vessel for experimentation.
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The first week goes by without consequence, aside from Neteyam's quickly mounting irritation.
There’s nothing wrong, exactly, and that’s the problem. He's bored to tears. There are countless places he’d rather be than training a group of Avatars. He wants a front row seat for the action and planning. He wants to be involved in things that actually matter.
He’s tried protesting, tried insisting that his skills would be better spent elsewhere. But his father will hear none of it. No matter how good the argument, there’s no changing Jake Sully’s mind once it’s made up.
The only thing keeping his days interesting is you.
He’s burdened with your presence, finding you excruciatingly charming and vexing all at once. You're always nearby, challenging him, talking to him when he's trying to do the bare minimum.
He doesn’t understand why you can’t just fall in line with the others. Why you must be so outspoken, so flashy in the way you easily master the skills he’s teaching you.
He can’t explain it. Can’t put words to the heat that constricts his chest every time you successfully learn a new skill. It makes something dark swell in his belly, the sight of you so casually falling into place with seasoned warriors both alarming and alluring.
Since childhood, he’s been leaps and bounds above his peers. It’s all he’s ever known, being hailed as the most skilled young man within the clan. He’s accustomed to being the best, to the wide birth between himself and anyone who dared challenge him.
It bothers to him to no end when you don’t crumble under his harsh instruction. When you match his irritability with attitude of your own. He doesn't know how to respond to such unabashed disrespect, used to the way the clan treats him with grace at all times.
He stalks through the trees, leading your group through dense flora. His pace is rushed, paying no mind to whether or not everyone is able to keep up. The more of you get lost, the better, as far as he’s concerned. That just means there will be less of you to annoy him.
His shoulders tense, ears twitching at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps.
“So, you’re going to be the next Olo’eyktan, huh? That must be really hard. I mean, I can’t imagine the—” Your voice is light, friendly as you settle into the space at his side.
“What are you doing right now?” His eyes cut to you, narrowed in warning. His tail swishes in irritation, hard gaze flicking over your form quickly.
“Starting a conversation?” You blink up at him innocently, watching as his nostrils flare, jaw clenching impossibly tighter.
“Don't.” The single word is a rough order before he lengthens his strides, easily putting several feet between you.
You can't help the giggle that bubbles in your chest, though your grin slips when you're faced with his retreating back.
“Oh, you're serious?” His muscles coil at the sound of your voice, the only visible reaction he gives you.
A soft breath falls from your lips, eyes rolling toward the sky as you trail after him. The others are so far behind you can't see them anymore, but he doesn't seem concerned, so you press on.
This is how it's been for the last several days. You, reaching out, trying to form a friendship with the man who's been tasked with training you. And him, doing everything he can to keep you at arms length.
Each harsh word or heated glare only ignites the flame of determination in your chest, pushing you to find the thing that will finally shatter his tough exterior. Because, despite the cold demeanor he tries so hard to maintain, you see through the cracks.
You catch the way his eyes linger on you. Feel when his touch softens just a fraction as he adjusts your form. You can't help but notice the flicker of his heated gaze when he tears it away, thinking he's sly as he trails your every move from across the clearing during meals.
There's no denying the warmth that settles over you at the mere thought of him. The moment you saw him, it was clear that you want him. You wouldn't be shy about it, save for the little problem of his less than approachable personality. Now that you've spent several days with him, you want more.
You want to test him, to prod at his carefully constructed perfection until the real Neteyam is laid bare before you.
“You know, if you don't want to be here, I'm sure we could convince your dad to choose someone else.” The offer is casual as you leap over a few overturned logs, quickly closing in on his back.
“What?” He stops abruptly, whipping around to face you, brow furrowed with displeasure.
You lurch back, nearly ramming into his tense frame. Your hands raise in surrender, a light chuckle rumbling your chest.
“I’ve heard your clan has many great warriors. I'm sure one of them would be happy to help us.” You shrug, arms crossing lazily.
Neteyam's stomach tightens with anger, narrowed eyes falling to your chest. For some reason, the fact that you aren't the least bit winded by this journey is immensely irritating. His lips purse, searing gaze burning a path right between your legs.
He's fuming at the mere insinuation that someone else would do this better, would be a more apt teacher. If there's one thing about Neteyam that never wavers, it's his confidence in his own abilities. The challenge ignites his competitive streak, makes walking away now impossible.
“Just try to keep up.”
With that, he's stomping his way through the forest again, too riled up to care about how noisy he's being. Your lips twist into a satisfied smirk as you instantly fall in line at his side, steps a bit lighter due to your small victory.
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You’ve managed to claw your way under his skin.
Every day, his mind races, trying to come up with ways to regain the upper hand. No matter the topic of the training sessions, you’re always right at his side, mastering the skill with ease. It evokes an unfamiliar sensation, makes him feel both impressed and agitated that, if things stay like this, there may one day be someone else as skilled as him.
He’s tried keeping his distance. Snapping at you, ignoring your friendly advances, avoiding you at all cost when training is over. He was doing well, too, until one particular night sealed his fate.
Neteyam tosses from side to side, a frustrated huff falling from his lips as sleep evades him. He flips onto his back, palms covering his ears, eyes screwing shut as he desperately tries drowning out the noises plaguing him.
Finally, something within him snaps, an he can't take it for a second longer. He turns over roughly, propping himself up onto one elbow so he can glare darkly at the bed beside his.
“Will you two shut the hell up already?” He hisses into the dimly lit tent, adjusted eyes easily catching the way Lo'ak's head pokes up from behind his mate's shoulder.
His brother has the nerve to look offended, lips pulling into a frown despite the fact that his lovesick mumbling has been burning Neteyam's eardrums for what must be hours now.
“Bro, chill out.” He whispers, pulling his mate closer when she buries her head into his chest in embarrassment. She didn't think they were being that loud.
Neteyam growls, the sound rumbling deep within his chest as he runs a tired hand over his face. “I swear to Eywa if I hear one more—”
“Neteyam!” Neytiri suddenly hisses his name harshly, voice rough with sleep as she sits up in her own bed a few feet away. “Lower your voice before you wake the whole family.”
His eyes pop wide with shock, mouth falling open in exasperation. “Mother! I am not the one—”
She clicks her tongue harshly, silencing him instantly. His teeth grind, gaze flicking back to Lo'ak just in time to catch his triumphant smirk before he settles into his mate's embrace again. Neteyam growls angrily, ripping his blankets off before storming from the tent.
That's what brought him here, put him in the position he finds himself now. He's sitting at the tree line, throwing pebbles into the dense cover of foliage, ears twitching each time they clink against the dirt.
He hasn't gotten a good nights sleep in weeks. Not with the new addition in their small home. There's nothing he can do but wait until his brother's marital tent is completed. Then, he'll find solace in the sweet silence remaining in the couple's absence.
He's happy for his brother, really, he is. But he's losing it a bit, not being able to drown out their loved-up murmuring that goes on long into eclipse. Each night, he prays to Ewya that they'll run out of things to talk about, but they never do.
He's pulled from his thoughts at the sound of approaching footsteps. His tail flicks to attention at his back, head swiveling to see who could possibly be awake at this hour. When his eyes find you, his ears flatten against his head, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t think anyone would be out here.” You sound a bit breathless as you slow to a stop at his side.
It makes him wonder what you've been doing. Where you're coming from. His gaze roams your body freely, looking for any clues as to why you're wandering through the village alone, at night. Something prickles in his chest, an unwelcome curiosity that he quickly disregards.
“Shouldn’t you be in your pod or whatever?” He rasps, irritated by the mere sight of you.
A chuckle bubbles in your chest at his choice of words. “You make me sound like some kind of insect.”
“A what?” He doesn't mean to engage, but the inquiry slips out before his exhausted brain can catch up.
“An insect? You know, like a…bug?” Your hands wave animatedly, trying to think of a way to explain the Earthly creatures. If only you knew the Na'vi equivalent.
One of his brows raises in question, the unguarded expression on his face bringing a new warmth to your chest. You've never seen him like this. It's never just been the two of you. The knowledge that the entire clan is fast asleep, far from interrupting, ignites a streak of mischievousness within you.
Smoothly, you plop down beside him, lips twitching at the way he recoils. He leans several inches away, ears lifting in surprise. His tail accidentally brushes against your back, making a shiver roll down your spine. He hastily grabs it, twisting it in his lap to keep it from thumping against the earth.
“They’re these tiny little things that are really annoying.” You settle on saying the first thing that comes to mind, truly having no idea how to explain the concept of an insect to someone who's never seen one.
His thigh keeps caressing yours, and its driving him insane. It makes his stomach flip, heart thrumming wildly between his ribs. He hates it. Hates how his body responds to you despite the fact that he doesn't like you.
“You weren't too far off, then.” He hums thoughtfully, scooting as far away as the tight space with allow.
A laugh twinkles from your lips, the sound making his skin prickle with heat. Fuck, he growls internally, what's wrong with me?
“Are you always so pleasant to guests?” Your eyes trail over his rigid spine and bunched shoulders, wondering what could possibly have him so worked up.
“Only when they aren’t welcome.” He forces an edge to his words, deepens his voice in a way he hopes will deter you.
“You know, I think I’ve figured you out.” Your lips pull into a small smile when his eyes slice to yours, narrowing in warning.
“Are you finished bothering me?” His jaw clenches, hands tightening into fists against his lap.
Something is building deep within his chest, something unfamiliar and stifling. The longer you're near him, the closer he feels to snapping, to spouting words he knows he'll come to regret.
“You care way too much what others think.” The words are a soft whisper as, for some reason, you feel the need to deliver the observation gently.
He rears up as if you've struck him, spine straightening at the audacity you have to be right.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He seethes, ready to make a hasty exit when your next words stop him cold.
“You’re really tense, you know that?”
It's not so much the words, but their insinuation that makes his heart skip a beat. When spoken in that low tone of yours, while your heavy-lidded eyes bore into his, there's really no other way for him to take it. Despite his best efforts, he feels his loincloth tighten against his skin at the mere whisper of releasing that tension with you.
Instantly, irritation tightens his chest, and he chastises himself for fantasizing about such things. At the very least, you're his student. It would be wrong enough if that were the only obstacle. But you're also an outsider—an Avatar—and a guest of the clan. Plus, as he pointedly reminds himself, he doesn't like you.
Your hands raise defensively as you watch his eyes glaze over, expression hardening with a swath of emotion all at once.
“I’m not suggesting anything.” His glare cuts to you, though it quickly falls to your mouth as you speak up again. “I’m just saying, you need to find an outlet before you pull a muscle or something.”
“I don’t need help. Especially not from you.” Despite the harsh words, he finds himself frozen within your heated standoff.
He can't move away, can't peel his gaze from your lips. His stomach turns, heat washes over the skin of his face and neck. He blinks rapidly, forcing his eyes up toward yours. He instantly realizes his mistake, but it’s too late. He’s captivated by you, held hostage by the heat within glittering yellow.
He doesn't notice the way his body sways closer to yours, doesn’t register when you mirror his action.
“Wasn’t offering it.” The words are a breathless whisper, warm air fanning his skin as the space between you shrinks with each passing second.
Your heart flutters, color blanketing your cheeks at his close proximity. It's undeniable that his rough edges only spur you on, encouraging the exploration of whatever this is between you. You instinctively move to touch him, fingertips trailing down the skin of his arm.
In an instant, he jerks away from you, dazed expression long gone. His practiced mask of indifference is firmly back in place within seconds as he puts as much space between you as possible. His chest heaves, breath ragged as he considers what he was about to do.
For the first time, a tiny twinge of defeat cinches your heart. His open rejection does sting, but you're determined to press on, to find the real Neteyam hidden beneath all the insults and quips.
“Every man has a breaking point, Neteyam.” You murmur, quickly stretching to your full height. “See you bright and early.”
You leave him with a knowing glance at the side of his head, as he refuses to look at you. He's reeling, the lapse in judgement unlike anything he's experienced before. He's never been captivated by another, never been even remotely interested in any women in the clan.
It’s all so new, so unfamiliar. He’s never been distracted this way, never had to remind himself so frequently that he shouldn’t be near someone else. It makes his head spin, confusion and frustration creating a volatile mix within him.
His eyes snap upward when he's sure you're out of sight, gaze lingering on the place you once occupied. He forces a hoarse swallow down his throat, knowing he's met his match with you. There's something unexplainable happening, a slip in his painstakingly crafted restraint that makes his heart race.
His shoulders slump as he feels further from sleep than when he arrived. After tonight, he knows the coming days will test his patience in ways he's never experienced.
But for some reason, the thought is more exhilarating than terrifying.
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@fanboyluvr @leilaniers @daughterofthequeen @aonungsmate @ebbonic @ihave500hubbiez @gamerxpfighter @certifiedpussyeater @jakexneytiri @gretesstuff @tammitammytime @tiredmamaissy @daeneeryss @lovedbychoi @valenvl12 @minjix @moslaying @sullyswife @queen190 @arcwanderer @glimmering-darling-dolly @danyxthirstae01
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muiitoloko · 26 days
A few days ago I remembered some videos/posts that talked about how Judge Turpin and Minister Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) looked alike, well, imagine if our dear Turpin had a partner with a strong personality like Esmeralda has, who doesn't obey the judge's orders and one of her biggest hobbies is to irritate him (whether by doing silly things like pasting drawings on his things or even something like leaving the house when he had said no) but despite everything they get along well and love each other in their own way
You don't have to write about it, only if you want to of course, I just had to ramble about it with someone
(Isso tá remoendo minha cabeça desde o final de semana juro pra ti 😭)
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Title: The Witch and the Judge.
Summary: Despite everything, Judge Turpin loved his damned gypsy.
Pairing: Judge Turpin × Fem! Reader
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Haha, can you imagine Judge Turpin dealing with a partner like that? It would be like trying to control a whirlwind with a mind of its own! 😄 But hey, who knows, maybe underneath all that irritation, they'd find a strange sort of harmony. Love can be weird like that!
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Your life with Judge Richard Turpin is a complex dance of irritation and affection, a performance that seems to bewilder and entrap him in equal measure. Despite his stern demeanor and the cruel reputation that precedes him, his infatuation with you is a peculiar mix of fascination and frustration, which you wield with the deftness of a seasoned performer.
One crisp morning, you decide to step out into the bustling streets of London without his permission. Dressed in your colorful gypsy attire, you wander through the market square, the scent of fresh bread and spices filling the air. The whispers and stares of townsfolk follow you, a stark contrast to the grim respect they show Turpin. When you finally return, his expression is a storm of fury and relief.
"Where have you been?" he demands, his baritone voice echoing through the grand halls of the mansion. You merely smile, a knowing glint in your eye, and brush past him, leaving him to stew in his mixed emotions.
On another occasion, the mischievous glint in your eye turns towards his prized judicial robes. Waiting until he is preoccupied with one of his many cruel decrees, you sneak into his chambers and don the imposing black garb. The heavy fabric swirls around you as you stand before the mirror, mimicking his haughty stance and imperious glare.
When he finds you, he is momentarily struck silent by the absurdity of the sight. His stern mask cracks, revealing a flicker of amusement before the inevitable exasperation sets in. "You are impossible," he mutters, shaking his head. You laugh, a light and teasing sound that softens his scowl.
Perhaps the most audacious stunt you pull involves the elaborate wooden closet in his study. With a cunning and agility that both amazes and infuriates him, you manage to tie him up inside, gagging him with one of his own silk cravats. You then stride into his courtroom, his robes billowing around you, and take his place on the bench.
The courtroom murmurs in confusion, but none dare question the judge—your judge. You bang the gavel, summoning an authoritative tone. "Order in the court," you declare, relishing the power. The charade lasts only a few minutes before Beadle Bamford bursts in, eyes wide with shock and horror at the sight of you impersonating his master.
Beadle grabbed you firmly by the arm and led you out, his grip tight and his face a mask of concern. You allowed yourself to be guided, playing the part of the innocent and bewildered gypsy wife.
He whisked you into Judge Turpin's office, his steps quick and urgent. "Tell me where the Judge is, now!" Beadle demanded, his voice sharp with worry.
You tapped a finger against your cheek thoughtfully, pretending to ponder. "Oh, Judge Turpin? Hmm... I seem to recall now. I believe I left him somewhere."
Suddenly, a muffled buzzing noise filled the room, as if someone was screaming but gagged. Beadle's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "What have you done this time?"
With a flourish, you pointed towards the large wooden closet in the corner of the study. "Why don't you take a look inside, Beadle?"
Beadle hesitated for a moment, then approached the closet cautiously. With a swift motion, he opened the door and Judge Turpin tumbled out, bound and gagged, falling into Beadle's arms. Turpin's eyes blazed with anger and humiliation, but his words were muffled by the silk cravat gagging him.
"You! You treacherous witch!" Turpin's voice was muffled but filled with venom. "I'll have you hanged for this!"
Beadle swiftly removed the gag from Turpin's mouth, allowing him to spew threats and curses. Turpin squirmed in Beadle's grasp, struggling to free himself. "Beadle, you fool! Release me at once! This is insubordination!"
Beadle obeyed with a reluctant nod, releasing Judge Turpin who stumbled to his feet, his face contorted with rage and embarrassment. As Beadle swiftly exited the study, leaving you alone with the seething judge, you turned to face him, the smirk on your face only serving to further incense him.
Turpin lunged towards you, his baritone voice thundering, "You damn gypsy witch! What foul magic have you used on me this time?" His hooked nose twitched with disdain as he grabbed you by the shoulders, his grip tight and unyielding.
You met his furious gaze with a playful glint in your eyes, pretending to be both innocent and provocative at the same time. "Oh, my dear Judge," you cooed, your voice sweet and mocking, "I just wanted to remind you how it feels to be at my mercy."
Turpin's anger only seemed to grow, but beneath it, there was a familiar gleam of desire. "You are an infuriating creature," he growled, his face inches from yours. "You toy with me like a cat with a mouse. Do you take pleasure in humiliating me?"
You chuckled softly, not breaking eye contact. "Maybe a little," you admitted, your hands reaching up to gently touch his face, tracing the lines of his furrowed brow. "But you love it, don't you, Richard? Admit it."
Turpin's expression softened slightly, his sharp features relaxing under your touch. His voice was quieter now, filled with a mix of frustration and longing. "You bewitch me, woman," he muttered, his breath warm against your skin. "I should have you arrested for this insolence."
You leaned in closer, your lips almost brushing against his ear. "But you won't," you whispered, your voice a low murmur filled with promise. "Because deep down, you want me just as much as I want you."
Turpin's grip on your shoulders loosened, his resolve weakening. "You are a dangerous temptation," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I should resist you."
"But you won't," you repeated, a playful smile spreading across your face. "Because I'm the only one who truly understands you, Richard. The only one who can challenge you."
Turpin's hands slid from your shoulders to your waist, pulling you closer until your bodies were pressed together. His voice was low and urgent. "You infuriate me to no end, woman," he breathed, his lips finding yours in a possessive kiss.
You melted into his embrace, knowing that despite his harsh words, you held a power over him that no one else could match. As his hands roamed over your body, you whispered against his lips, "Just admit it, Richard. You love me."
Turpin pulled away slightly, his dark eyes boring into yours. "Damn you," he muttered, his voice thick with desire and frustration. "I love you, you wretched gypsy."
You smirked, tracing a finger along the edge of his jawline. "And I love you, my Judge," you replied, your voice filled with equal parts affection and mischief.
Turpin's lips curved into a reluctant smile, a rare sight, as he watched you waltz away in his judge's robes. His eyes followed your figure, a mixture of frustration and reluctant admiration evident in his expression. He shook his head slightly, knowing that your antics would continue to both infuriate and intrigue him.
As you reached the doorway, ready to disappear around the corner, Turpin acted swiftly, stepping forward to close the distance between you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you firmly against his chest. His hooked nose buried in your hair, he inhaled deeply, the scent of your wildflowers and spice overwhelming his senses.
"Damn witch," Turpin murmured softly, his voice a mixture of exasperation and desire. "You've bewitched me from the moment I saw you."
You tilted your head back, looking up at him with a playful glint in your eyes. "Have I, Judge?" you teased, knowing full well the effect you had on him.
Turpin's grip tightened around you, his baritone voice low and urgent. "Yes, you have," he admitted gruffly. "And now, my dear, it's time for you to learn your place."
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "And what place is that, Judge?" Your voice was teasing, but there was an underlying challenge in your tone.
His lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "Today, I'll be teaching you how to be a proper wife."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of anticipation and curiosity washing over you. Turpin's intentions were clear, yet you couldn't help but smile mischievously.
Before he could act further, you danced out of his embrace, slipping away from his hold. With a flick of your wrist, you threw off the judge's robes, letting them fall to the floor. You turned to face him, standing there in your gypsy attire, a smirk playing on your lips.
Turpin's eyes followed your every move, a mixture of frustration and desire evident in his gaze. As you began to walk away, he couldn't resist any longer. He lunged forward, capturing you in his arms once again. This time, he didn't let you slip away.
"I warned you, you vexing woman," he growled, his lips finding yours in a fierce kiss. His hands moved possessively over your body, pulling you closer against him.
You melted into his embrace, knowing that despite his stern exterior, he was captivated by you in ways he couldn't resist. His kisses were demanding, his touch possessive, but there was a rawness in his desire that matched your own.
When he finally released you, Turpin rested his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours. "You are a maddening creature," he admitted, his voice low and husky. "But you're mine."
You smiled, tracing a finger along his jawline. "And you're mine, Richard," you replied softly, your voice filled with a warmth that surprised even you.
Turpin's eyes softened as he looked at you, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. "Come," he said finally, taking your hand in his. "Let's put an end to these games for now."
You followed him willingly, knowing that while your playful antics had brought you closer together, there was much more to discover about the complex dance that had entwined your lives.
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primalbeatsourhearts · 11 months
Agility Courses
This is based off a small prompt I found on @kenvamp 's page! Here!
Thought it was a really fun prompt, and decided to do it myself! Enjoy!!
"Twilight! Come on, this will literally be the best way to get enough rupees for all of us to sleep at the inn tonight!" Wind practically whined. As if the other didn't know full well that Twilight was stubborn enough to sleep in freezing cold rain just to keep a little bit of his pride. 
And maybe a bit of his sanity cause dealing with all of the chain’s antics can really put it to the test.
And while the Rancher won’t admit that he’s probably a bit to prideful for his own good, the rest of the group knows how much he despises acting like a true dog (or wolf) when he is in the other form. So Wind asking Twilight to compete in a dog agility course as Wolfie was frankly an insult to the Rancher. 
“It’s literally 1,500 rupees! 1,500! That could easily give us an entire week! And fill up Wild’s slate with all the provisions we need and more!”
Twilight did have to hand it to Wind. 1,500 rupees really was a lot, but usually Wild had a lot more. However, the other had to spend the rest of his rupee’s on red potions since he ran out of whatever he needed to make them. They also had no way to replenish the rupee shortage unless they stayed around town and completed odd jobs here and there, or end up in Wild’s Hyrule so he could sell off all the ores he somehow keeps finding. 
He really needed to talk about his cubs hoarding tendencies. 
“No Wind, frankly it’s just insulting that you would even ask me that!” Twilight snapped, his eyes narrowing on the younger who put his hands on his hips as if it would make him seem more intimidating. No matter that Twilight stood at least a foot taller over the kid. 
“Come on! It would be so easy to win! You are so much smarter than all the other dogs, and I even checked to make sure Wolfie could participate and he can!” Wind said excitedly, “Wolves are entirely allowed, well Wolf dog because technically full wolves aren’t allowed” 
Well there goes that question. Still, he refused. He wouldn’t do something as demeaning as a dog competition. 
“I said no Wind, and that’s final!” he said, his voice leaving know room for argument. Which of course caused the younger to practically groan dramatically. 
“If we end up sleeping outside tonight, I am blaming you!” The sailor then declared, before going to storm off when he was suddenly stopped by Wild. Wind running face first into him and Wild quickly put his hands on the pirates shoulders to help steady him. 
“There’s a dog agility thing, Twilight you should join as Wol-”
“If you continue that sentence Wild, I will shut you up” Twilight hissed, causing Wild to freeze. “Seriously! I am not doing some dog thing!”
Wild gave an annoyed look to Twilight, as though it was this time Twilight was being the dumb kid. Even though it was usually Wild on the end of those stares. Which the kid definitely deserved due to the crazy shenanigans he has found himself in. 
Twilight only crossed his arms at Wild’s stare. “Don’t look at me like that! I don’t think it’s that bad for me to say no! It’s not even gonna-”
Cue the sound of thunderclap in the distance, and Wild’s knowing look that caused Twilight to glare even more harshly than before. It did always annoy him that Wild was eerily good at predicting the weather. But he was the survivalist of the group for a reason. 
“I talked with some of the people there though, it really would be an easy win. I even made to sure get a map so we know the course pretty well, plus I already signed us up”
“What! You-” Twilight growled, standing up straighter as he approached Wild who seemed entirely amused at the Rancher’s reaction. “You signed us up? Without my permission? What makes you so confident that I would even do this!”
Wild just still had that really annoying smirk on his face, confidence in his eyes. “I wasn’t going to originally. But when some fancy lady said that my mutt couldn’t win against her purebred, I put Wolfie down immediately because screw her”
That made him pause. Someone called him a mutt? What? He couldn’t help the little growl that escaped him, the wolf inside him practically twisting in offense. “What kinda dog did she have?”
“Pretty sure it was some sort of poodle”
“This lady thinks her poodle could win against a wolf?” Twilight hissed. “Oh we are going to prove that lady so wrong! Come on Wild, Wind, we are leaving now!” 
He pointedly ignored Wind and Wild’s laughter, and Wild’s hands signing to Wind that he told Wind not to worry, and that he’d get Twilight to join. Whatever. He didn’t care that Wild basically played him like a fiddle, because if there was one thing that Twilight hated more than being called a dog. It’s being called a mutt. He would prove that lady wrong, and win that competition better than that stupid poodle of hers.
Twilight was beginning to regret this. Already he could tell how severely out of place he was amongst all these various breeds of dogs. Especially considering he’s much bigger than all of the other creatures here, and while Wild was one of the shortest in the chain. It didn’t help that he was basically half the other Hylian’s height. 
When they had arrived, he could instantly spot who Wild was talking about. The lady one of the most ugliest looking outfits that Twilight had ever seen and it took everything he had to not curl his snout up in his disgust. No. He had to focus on acting like a proper wolf and frankly he should have a lot more experience in this since he practically raised Wild. 
Then again, Wild didn’t even know the difference between a wolf and a Hylian for the longest time so he may not be a good candidate in knowing how well he can act. Plus, no one was really casting suspicious looks his way. The only ones that were, Twilight was sure they were looking at him because they didn’t know if he was a wolf dog like Wild and Wind said he was. 
Either way, he did not like the lady. To the point where he almost felt bad for her poodle since it’s fur was entirely dyed pink, and not even a pretty pink. 
Probably one of the most obnoxious pinks he has ever seen in his life. Standing beside her seemed to be a younger man, maybe around Wild’s age. He’s probably the one that actually trained the dog and most likely the one to guide him through the course. 
In fact, that was Twilight’s biggest worry. Cause he refused to do this stupid competition without being sure that he would win but Wild promised he already studied the course layout and said they are one of the last to go so Twilight can study the other dogs. Much to his annoyance. The fact that he has to study actual dogs to win this thing. 
“Twilight your growling” he heard Wind whisper, lightly nudging the Rancher’s side. Breaking him out of his thoughts, to which he sees that Wind was right. He needed to calm down if he didn’t want to drag anymore unwanted attention to themselves. 
Wild was off getting them snacks since Wind loudly declared how hungry he was, and Twilight mentally agreed with him. There was about 7 other dogs to perform before them so they had plenty of time to eat. Especially since they all agreed that it would be Wild leading him through it. The two of them were instinctively bonded in a way that none of the other chain was, even with Wolfie’s instincts getting in the way. 
The others didn’t really understand that when Twilight was Wolfie, he did follow his more animalistic instincts more than his human thought. Wild was the only one who could properly understand him in this form, so if Wolfie ever need to make an appearance, Wild was the one in charge of taking ‘care’ of him.
It didn’t take long for Wild to come back with a few bags of what seemed to be popcorn…with caramel on it? Twilight tilted his head as the sweet smell entered his nostrils and practically made him drool with excitement. His tail slightly wagged as Wild handed one bag over to Wind and set the third one on the ground. “Only needed 5 rupees for three bags, so I had enough” Wild signed.
Wind did express his worry for not having enough Rupee’s to get anything, but thankfully Wild did seem to have at least some stuff left over. “Told you, I just don’t have enough for all of us to be in an Inn”
Twilight quickly stuffed his mouth with the popcorn, the sweet taste flooding his sense as he heard Wind snickering behind him. “I think Wolfie likes it” he teased, but Twilight only gave an annoyed ear flick in response. 
“Don’t eat to fast Wolfie” he then heard, the champions hoarse voice familiar but uncommon to hear. “Don’t want you getting sick”
Twilight only gave a whine in response but he did slow down his eating. Wild was right after all. 
“I wish we could’ve at least brought the rest of the group here, I really think they would’ve enjoyed watching this” Wind then chimed in, seeming to let out a disappointed sigh. 
Wild only rolled his eyes, throwing in another piece of popcorn in his mouth before signing “You know Twi would kill us if we did, he’s already embarrassed enough. Now keep working on that story you promised him, we need to explain how we got so many rupee’s once we win”
Wind only grumbled at that, as the three of them watched the course go. Of course, the poodle was sectioned right before them. The dog walking with an aura of smugness that really shouldn’t be possible for a creature like that. Then again it might be his own annoyance for the little thing, which definitely didn’t deserve his ire. 
“Now announcing Princess Rosa and her trainer Doron! This purebred poodle has been the champion for the last three games now, and quite a champion she is! Let’s see her grace in action, so judges whenever you are ready!” the announcer shouted, causing Twilight’s ears to perk up. While he was studying the rest of the dogs, it took only two competitors for him to realize just what the course entailed. It really shouldn’t be too difficult to perform. His only issue would be his size so he’s not as maneuverable as some of the smaller dog breeds. However, he is confident that he can figure it out on the fly. 
He was a hero after all. How difficult could a dog course be?
Yet, while watching Rosa, she went through the agility course with ease. A creature with limited intelligence did this course with a certain sort of grace that Twilight didn’t think he could live up too. Shit. How is that a dog moving with an ease that Twilight couldn't even begin to do. He knew he took a lot of practice from actual wolves, when it came to learning his new body alongside Wild who was raised by a small pack.
But maybe he should also take lessons from show dogs and agility dogs, who move with such confidence in their strides. Working with the smoothness alongside the orders of their pack, but with such confidence to stand out on their own. Wolves taught you to blend in. It seems this poodle knew how to take the space given to you, and own it. 
Though it was still a poodle, and he refused to let it win. 
He pointedly ignored Wild's knowing look however, but he knew the other was studying Rosa's movements just as much as Twilight was. 
She finished with almost perfect scores and Twilight was pretty sure she even beat her previous score. How was he going to even win that? He's not even sure if he can jump through the hoops that quickly or slide through those weave poles as easily as Rosa did. However, he knew he would try his best. 
"Now! We have a new dangerous duo this competition! Introducing Wild, and his wolf-dog Wolfie!" the announcer then shouted after Rosa was done. Twilight immediately stood up, a certain form of determination in his step as he knew he would be trying his best to still win against a dog. 
Him and Wild easily fell into step together as they walked to the center of the course. Twilight's eyes scanning the course and mentally going through it. Wild kneeled next to Twilight, having the wolf stare at him in the eyes. Before Wild's eyes closed and head butted him. Twilight's ears going back as he leaned into the touch. 
They didn't really need to do this, but for them they swore it helped with their bond and getting on the same wave length. Helping them become one mind, one heart, one spirit before separating and doing what they needed to. Usually it happened before they hunted together and while they would enjoy being able to do it before a fight, they simply don't always have time. However, they don't do it just because and usually there has to be certain situations that really need them to really focus together. 
It seems as though this was a moment, as ridiculous as it was. 
Twilight then found himself sneezing, causing Wild to snort and roll his eyes in amusement as he pulled away. Flashing the wolf a large smile and a thumbs up and Twilight's ears only flicked in response. He still had to seem somewhat normal after all. 
Twilight easily slipped into position, right next to Wild's size as the two of them easily fell into stride. Now simply waiting for the bell to ring, and the two of them would be off. 
"We're back!" Wind shouted to the small little campsite that Time and Warriors seemed to have thrown together. Twilight and Wild were following right behind, both of them having amused looks on their faces as Wind excitedly went to show Time their winnings. Much to Time's surprise. 
"How in Hylia's name did you guys get this much rupees?" Time said, narrowing his eyes at the three of them. Though Wind was the one most likely to have sticky fingers, it was clear there was way to much for even a pickpocket to get. 
"Don't question it Time" Twilight then stepped in, giving off an aura of innocence cause frankly he was still way too embarrassed to admit where those winnings came from. "Let's just go get that Inn, Wars and the others can pick up the camp"
Time only narrowed his eyes at the other, before giving a tired sigh. Which was understandable, having to deal with the chain's shenanigans all the time. "I'll get it from you guys eventually, but I am really too tired to care and I want a bed"
The three of them only smiled at each other.
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merbear25 · 2 months
Love your writing!!
Can I request Doflamingo for prompt 19 : "Rules are made to be broken." For a F!reader and NSFW is fine for me if you feel like it (I love NSFW but whatever you'll want will be fine!)
Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Hello, hello! Thank you for your kind words, lovely! I had a lot of fun writing this for you, so I hope you enjoy it 💜💜
A taste of what you've been missing
CW: NSFW!!!! MDNI!!! fem!reader, slightly rough sex, public sex, vaginal penetration, cream pie
Forming alliances had never been your style; they eventually crumbled from your "partners" getting too arrogant and making a sad attempt at stabbing you in the back. With that being said, the Strawhats earned your trust and you theirs. You'd been tagging along with them for a few months and over that time developed mutual respect. There were, however, significant differences that they'd yet to discover.
Despite your loyalty, your moral compass was in need of some fine tuning: drawn in by promises that were seldom kept being the most common to spin the needle. Was it the mystery of what they had in mind that seemed to do the trick? You couldn't quite pinpoint the reason.
Seeing hell freeze over in Punk Hazard together, it was a given that you'd work with them to free Dressrosa from the iron grip of the tyrannical King. However, even with discussing the groups and the overall plan, the overlap in ideas made the whole thing convoluded: the spats between Law and Luffy only continued, leaving threads of ideas unwoven.
Even if a plan had been agreed upon, you'd been with them long enough to realize that relying on such was all too wishful. With that in mind, getting separated from them was inevitable. No matter―you were well aware of the end game, so there was no use in worrying. There was a clear vision to accomplish, and you were eager to make it a reality.
Going off on your own was its own challenge―a true test to your agility, your keen eye, and power that you yielded. However, such excitement for what was to come gave you tunnel vision, which subjected you to negligence. Hurtling towards the palace, being under a watchful eye flew under the radar.
Upon finding a sure way to sneak in, you were abruptly cut off by a large figure plummeting inches infront of you. The crazed mass of pink feathers swayed as a guttural laugh seeped from under it. You backed away to distance yourself between whatever had just crashed landed infront of you. The staggering motions ignited a spark of fear in you, as you came face-to-face with the King of this ill-fated country himself―Doflamingo.
Refusing to die like a coward, you were well-equiped with a warrior spirit. Chuckling at your brave face, he made his observations known, "You don't quite fit in with the Strawhats, do you?"
Taken aback by this, you immediately denied it and add a spiteful, "And what would you know?"
"It's written all over your face," he took a step closer, "it's screamed through your movements." With him gaining ground on you, you made a meek attempt at keeping him away.
Your true desires being apparent in you eyes, you realized you had to justify why you were still hanging around the Strawhats. But, nothing came out. It was as if your soul was being torn between following the safe path and taking the one less known.
He sensed your heart swaying towards the former, and being the opportunist that he was, he wasn't going to allow you to slip through his fingers. Leaning in, he informed you, "Rules are made to be broken. Follow me and I'll show you a world beyond your wildest dreams."
The slick, venomous words coiled around your heart before sinking their fangs in, when it dawned on you―perhaps this was the thing to quench your thirst.
The needle on your, now abandoned, compass spun uncontrollably as you took him up on his offer. "Show me what I'm missing," you say in a hushed voice.
A devilish grin crept on his expression, as he took you by the hand and pulled you close to him, "Of course, my dear." With his fingers gathering the fabric at the bottom of your dress, they clenched into a fist, sending butterflies which could be felt fluttering throughout your person.
Slightly fearing the man who was branded a devil, you couldn't ignore the fire building within you: a dangerous move such as giving into his lust, wouldn't be for the faint-hearted. And you were feeling especially daring today.
The sultry flutter of your lashes was the only lead he needed. Yanking you further into cool opening of the underpass, he shoved your front against the stone wall, leaving a chilled touch to your cleavage.
You felt him pressing himself against you, his breath hot on your ear, "Then let me give you a taste."
Feeling his long tongue trail up the side of your face sent shivers down your spine. Your fingers made a desperate attempt at clinging to the stone as you felt his hands glide under your delicates and promptly tug them down.
Your body tensed as soon as you felt him tease the tip of his cock against your pursed lips. Not even bothering to wait till you relaxed, he pushed in, greedily claiming as much of you as he could. Unable to contain the pained moans, they echoed around you.
Smirking down at you, he was generous enough to allow your body to adjust to his girth, but as his hunger for you increased so did his speed. Quickening his pace, each assult to your g-spot further sent you into a downward spiral of insanity.
Having you unravel on him was one of the greatest pleasures that day had to offer. The delectable sounds of your wet folds slapping aginst his pelvis were too perfect of an opportunity to pass up spanking your ass. Those mewls and yelps seeping out of your lovely mouth were hitting all the right spots.
As your walls clenched around his length in preperation of your approaching climax, his appetite had been satiated enough to give into tempation in unison. With one final buck and growl, you were roughly forced against the unforgiving cold, branding you with a scratch against your chin.
Trembling from the lingering trauma biting at your lower half, the dribble of his lust trickled between your thighs. The flush on your face was prominent while you shakily fastened your panties back around your hips. The reality of what you'd just done was setting in and the dread of not being able to take it back was casting itself over you.
When you turned to look at the man you'd signed your soul over to, doubt as to whether or not this was the thrill you'd been searching for was becoming more and more gnawing.
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allthings-acorn · 10 months
Dogblr! I’m working through a training issue and would love some different perspectives. My question involves dealing with prey drive, engagement, and premack, I think?
Ok, so, I have a fenced-in yard for the first time ever, and I’ve been trying to start things off on the right track for Acorn. Acorn is a three year old mutt, with a fair chunk of terrier ancestry. There’s is nothing he loves more than searching for and chasing critters. I want him to be able to enjoy the yard, but not to totally disregard me while he’s out there.
Here’s what I’ve been doing so far: We go outside on a leash. I wait for him to offer eye contact before taking the leash off. Then, I reinforce any and all engagement with me. I start off with treat tosses for choosing to check in, and usually after a few minutes I can cue different behaviors and have sustained engagement.
The problem is, the amount of time I have to wait for him to offer me attention is pretty variable. I’d hoped he would start offering engagement sooner but it doesn’t seem to be happening. Tonight I suspect there was increased squirrel activity, and he ran around from tree to tree for about 10 mins, rarely checking in with me. I’d wanted to play fetch with him, which is a favored activity of his, but obviously doesn’t outrank squirrels. After about ten mins, I tried to begin the game, which, in retrospect I should have realized he wasn’t going to go for. He blew me off once, I tried again a few minutes later and he chased the toy twice before losing interest again. At that point I leashed him up, and brought him inside.
I’m trying to put my own frustration aside, but it’s definitely a factor here. We have a similar issue in agility class, the barn where classes are in the winter is a huge issue for us. He does better when we train outside, but he still has a tendency to leave me and run the fence line investigating smells instead of working. I really really want to get to the point where I can let him off leash, train and play with him, and THEN release him to the environment.
So here’s my current thinking— I’m feeling pretty discouraged, so let me know if you have any ideas or if you think I’m on the right track or not— I need to stop allowing him to do the searching for prey behavior until I’ve finished with whatever I’m planning to do. I suppose I’ll keep him on leash or maybe a longline, work engagement until he seems ready to start on whatever the goal of the session is. Start small at first and see if it becomes easier for him to focus on training once he knows he’ll get to run around the yard afterwards.
Ugh, for some reason I’m not liking this plan. I suppose it makes me feel like I have to be the Fun Police, making him eat his vegetables before dessert. But I’m also very tired of feeling like I have to coax him to engage with me every time we’re working around any distractions. I feel like my current protocols work in the short term, but I don’t see any improvement from session to session. Clearly this is an ongoing problem for us, and I hope that being forced to tackle it at home will help address the issue in agility too. Anyway, I would love any advice, insight, pep-talk, commiseration, suggestions for courses or other resources, etc. I just need to stop feeling like I’m banging my head against a wall!
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indras-wife · 15 days
I can request madara, Izuna and also Itachi and shisui are in love with a member of the uzumaki clan of an incomparable beauty with amazing red hair and very intense blue eyes, she is a very tall woman with a curvy body, with well-worked thighs an inhuman flexibility, she has the nickname red oni for her combat prowess, I am a fan of the pairing of both clans I also like otsutsuki
Itachi and Shisui are making their debut in my blog! Hope I did a good job at presenting these two<3<3<3 Let me know if you want more cute requests like this anon. Enjoy reading<3<3
༊*·˚Characters mentioned: Madara Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha ༊*·˚
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He has heard the nickname "Red Oni" from his soldiers for a long time, which made his curiosity grow. He wanted to meet that man and have a fight with him. After all nothing excites him more than a good fight.
His surprise was immense when he found out that Red Oni was not a man...but a woman instead. And a very pretty one to add. Her long red hair symbolized her nickname perfectly. Madara did not like Uzumakis, but this time he eager to learn more about her.
He could tell she was a wise and powerful woman, her speech carried drops of wisdom and class, something that Madara loves in woman.
"How about we have a friendly fight?" his suggestion was thrilling for both of them and of course they both agreed. Both shinobis loved a good fight and no way would they skip such an opportunity which comes maybe once in a lifetime.
Their fight was long and tiring, with neither of them wanting to give up. Madara could not help but notice how agile her movements were and how many strong techniques she had. For him it was a relatively new thing to see woman being able to fight with him so long.
In the end, Hashirama and Mito were the ones who seperated them because both did not want to give up. Talk about being hard headed.
The more they talked, the more Madara fell in love with her, without even realising. He knew that he wanted his wife to be strong and able to protect herself, and his Uzumaki friend was a perfect candidate for his wife. Of course he took his time and invited her to many dates before asking her hand in marriage.
Izuna, being the cinnamon roll he is, was actually very surprised when he met the Uzumaki woman. He would not admit it loud, but he loved how her hair was red and long, and it corresponded to her nickname perfectly. He found it too cute even.
In the battlefield, he would always catch himself get mesmerised by her and her moves, how fast and strong she was. Women usually were not allowed to participate in wars, but she was strong and Izuna felt sort of proud. She was breaking the traditions after all and setting an example for other strong women.
When they were able to sign a peace treaty with the Uzumakis and Senjus, Izuna was roaming around, trying to find a way to talk with her. She was looking more beautiful than ever and he was eager to strike some conversation with her.
Luckily for him, she also wanted to talk with. Not noticing Izuna in the battlefield is impossible due to his swift attacks and handsome features. They both were able to share some things between them, not noticing how time flew by.
Izuna would later on make unannounced visits to her new house in the village. The Uzumaki beauty didn't mind because deep in her heart she wanted to see him as often as possible. Villagers, seeing them together could not help but ship them, saying how adorable and matching they are. Both are like oceans, calm but dangerous when needed.
Their dates were mostly planned by Izuna. He loved making her feel special and would gift her various gifts to bring a smile to her face. A handmade thing to an expensive jewellry: Izuna was doing it all to show her his feelings.
Their interactions went on for a year, with now even their families asking what the future steps are for them. Izuna knew he made all the right choices that would secure a yes from her. The ring he also ordered was ready and there was nothing holding him back.
His proposal, which he planned very long for, was a success as he was now officially engaged to her and few months later would be their wedding. A wedding that maybe the whole village was waiting for.
Now for this guy, the first thing that caught his eye as the red hair. Shisui is the type of person who loves seeing rare features and the red hair is definitely something new for him.
He later on learns about her clan, and their special abilities. Shisui is the type of man who is intrigued by new knowledge and he spends some time learning about the clan before talking with her.
He approaches her casually, striking a conversation and throwing few compliments here and there. Later on he makes it into a habit to compliment her hair and skills.
He is of course intrigued by her famous combat skills, but he isn't looking forward to seeing her fight or being in combat with her. The reason is, Shisui is a "gentleman" and he does not want to fight with a woman just to make sure she has good abilities. Instead, he fully believes her and always points out her strength to his friends and comrades.
His gentle nature makes the Uzumaki woman fall in love with him slowly. Shisui liked her already, but he wanted to take things slow and give her time to fall in love with him. He would not be angry if she didnt return his feelings, but he is VERY happy they share the same feelings for each other.
He would organise very cute dates for them. Picnic, stargazing, shopping dates, maybe even simple walking in the forest or flower fields. He wold gather beautiful flowers and gift them to her. Even if they are not in the flower field, where he can get the flowers himself, he will at least buy a beautiful bouquet for each date.
He makes sure to show his love and appreciation for her every chance he gets, which makes him more attractive in her eyes.
As a history nerd, Itachi knows the Uzumaki clan and he is sort of surprised that there are still members of the clan as they have been massacred.
For this man, he does not have the courage to approach and talk with her. Itachi likes following her through shadows, learning more about her that way. It helps him evade any heartbreak he may encounter.
Little did he know, the Uzumaki woman knew about him following her long ago. She kept playing his game, waiting patiently when he will stop. Of course he didnt and she had to take matters into her own hand. During on of his regular following sessions, she took him by surprises with appearing behind him. "Isn't it time for you to talk to me instead of stalking me?"
Itachi was embarrassed of course, but he liked how fast she was and how she was aware of him stalking her all this time. Their first conversation would lead to a beautiful romance blooming between them.
They LOVE training together. As representatives of powerful clans and both having great techniques, it was easy to practice their skills together. They both helped each other to become stronger, with their feelings growing along their powers.
They were spending so much time together that their friends and some family members would tease them every time they had to leave the house. "Going to meet the mysterious Uchiha?" or "On your way to meet the red haired Oni?" comments were now asked by their families on daily basis. They could not debunk those questions of course, so they both would just silently leave the house.
Only after years of "friendship" would these two start dating. And the person who would confess their feelings first would definitely not be Itachi. Despite this, he was more than glad to get the chance to be romantic with the red haired beauty and he immediately asked her on a formal date.
Cute dates and meaningful conversations would accompany both of them everyday, turning their relationship more like a very deep spiritual connection, which they both enjoyed.
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cosmic-cogs · 1 year
So, I want uh... an Autobot (NB) reader and Soundwave, both pinning on each other and in a more calm battle (maybe 2v1) readers "subtlety" compliments him in his battle skills and the other member of the team prime is like 'THAT'S THE ENEMY' while Soundwave is completely calm about it, at least in the exterior and beating their asses. You are welcome to add whatever you like, and if it was headcannons I would be pleased
(I am aware that that would be extremely ooc from Soundwave but it's was a funny idea in my head 😔)
You get both hc's and a short blurb, aren't I so delightfully evil? Also I don't know how I managed to make this into angst but I hope you like it.
Pairing: tfp!Soundwave x nb!autobot!reader, romantic
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Missions with Bulkhead were, simply put, fun. There were no real restrictions, safe for the obvious once like "don't cause human casualties" and "aim for the spark but torture isn't cool". No one would complain in the background as the wreckers lived up to their name and utterly wrecked the surrounding area.
Bulkhead didn't complain about the mess, no, but he did complain about… other things. 
"Oh! Such elegance and grace! He moves like he's air~' the bot practically purrs in admiration as they stare at the sleek Decepticon who's very much so trying to get somebody killed today.
"Uh- hey you do remember that he's the enemy, right? Haven't hit your processor and forgotten that, have you?" Bulkhead asks as he barely dodges another attack from Soundwave, giving his teammate an opening to shoot, which they gladly take. To no one's surprise Soundwave gracefully moves to the side and dodges the energy blast, "I knoooow, it's such a shame the cute ones are all Decepticons, right?" "I- have you lost your mind?!" "First Knockout, then Breakdown, and now him!  I mean seriously, what's with that?" "(N/N) now is not the time for this" talking and fighting at the same time come to the pair like breathing comes to humans, at this point it's just how things are. They kick ass and exchange their thoughts in the process. 
"If not now, when?! I can't just gush over him at the base! Arcee would yell at me" they frown, taking another shot at the con, finally landing a hit though it barely even scrapes his paint job. 
Bulkhead is so done. If it was anyone else- correction- if this was an autobot his friend was gushing over he'd be nothing but supportive. Truly he wishes them all the best. 
Not with a goddamn Decepticon though. He's internally begging that they're just messing with him.
They aren't. 
Miko definitely sneaked through the groundbridge to witness the battle and yeah she definitely heard and yeah she definitely ships it.
In a sense, Soundwave is completely unaffected by the compliments. Of course had this been a time of peace he would have entertained the thought of returning the affections, but he knows it's a foolish thought now. His spark may yearn for a lover but he denies the call, he won't betray his cause, not after everything he's done in its name, and he knows the autobot is unlikely to betray their friends.
He's neutral toward the compliments, he doesn't need the praise, he's not blind to his talents. He knows he's graceful, agile, and though he doesn't give it much consideration he knows he's beautiful in the eyes of many.
Though slowly and slightly he warms up to the bot. They seem kind, he might be a Decepticon but that is still a trait he admires, even if he more often than not would take advantage of such a trait.
As time goes forward, slowly he starts to go just slightly easier. Gives them a second longer to dodge, doesn't immediately go for their spark. 
Small changes, but once he hopes they can notice. 
Maybe after the war is over, regardless of whose victory it'll be, maybe then he could spare them more of his time, get to know them a little better. Return their compliments, allow himself to open up to them.
But that is all wishful thinking, he's aware of as much. But it's a wish he keeps close to his spark.
Perhaps he would meet his doom by their servo, or perhaps he would extinguish their spark before that wish ever came true, they were in the middle of a brutal war after all. 
He's fully aware that each fight could very well be his last, or theirs. He knows that each time seeing them could be the last, he tries to savor those brief moments.
Either way, whatever the future holds, however the story goes, he hopes that their face would be the last thing he sees. Be that because they bested him in battle, or because they'll be the last thing he'll be thinking of, along with his long lost cassettes.
There was a time they met alone in a barren battlefield, or, now it was just a field.
There was no need to fight, no real desire to.
Both were standing face to face with an enemy, yet neither made the move to kill.
No, for that brief moment they looked around and exchanged their wordless confessions. 
The world was still, for a moment it felt like the years of endless bloodshed were yet to happen, or almost as if they never existed at all.
It felt like they were back home on Cybertron. The other's presence didn't feel like the one of an enemy, no. Instead it felt like they were both new sparks who had met for the first time, yet at the same time it felt like they'd known each other for all their lives. 
It felt like all these eons spent at war had been pointless after all. 
They stared at him for a little longer and he stared back, he didn't need to say a word, they understood the meaning easily.
"After the war"
"After the war"
That was a promise he could only hope he could keep.
But as the cruel and unrelenting fate, which at this point he assumes to be vengeful, would have it, he was right. That accursed moment of separation came eventually. Not because death tore them apart, rather it was the fault of humans. 
Now he was to roam this lonely realm, Shadowzone, alone, silently watching as the bot he'd made his sweet promise had to quietly grieved for him in solitude. 
After all, Bulkhead was under the impression they were merely joking, and how could they ever tell the others the reason behind their sparkache? As if they'd understand the pain that came with this loss, one they needed to cope with by their lonesome. He was their enemy yet he was undeniably loved by them. But now it seemed that said love could never truly bloom, not even after the war as they'd once promised to one another.
He never left their side, not till they went too far for him to follow, back to Cybertron. 
Now he's alone.
Even still, he hopes that one day he'll be able to keep his word. 
"After the war"
He'll wait for that moment for as long as it takes, but at the same time he wonders.
Will they be waiting for him as well?
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seokka0o · 11 months
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석우현 : Seok Matthew ♡ Reader // Warning: smut ; unprotected sex, cheating ; Matthew its a fucking asshole and you love it //0.8k
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It's not something you would consider moral on your part, several times you warned Matthew how this relationship between you could go wrong.
He says it's not a big deal, you're just having fun and what's wrong with that? because you've known each other for years, no one would know how to comfort him better than you. With that your best friend started to make it a routine to go fuck you every time he had a fight with his girlfriend, for whatever reason, even if he was the one cheating while the poor girl cries in the sheets for missing the boyfriend she had, that she claims to be exemplary most of the time.
Of course you could never consider yourself innocent, you were an accomplice to it, even worse for being precisely that person who tells his girlfriend that everything will always be fine;
just as you are there for her when she needs a shoulder to lean on, you are there for matthew when he needs someone to fuck, and you were the perfect target for his naughtiness.
often endangering what was just a his teasing, all of your friends  questioning the provenance of that relationship between the two of you while Matthew is still with someone else, and why this relationship came out of nowhere.
Well that was something to ask Matthew and the first time he asked you to suck his dick while he was arguing over the phone with his girlfriend, you already understood your nature and questionable character even back then, now it was a different matter which one didn't fit you. You were only there because you were an easy fuck
“What morals do you think you have? its just a slut y/n ” matthew presses your head down, forcing it against the pillow, his whole hips thrust into you and then the sounds of his body impacting yours started to get wetter, louder. your moans muffled by the pillow on your face as your whole body tightened and released around Matthew, reveling in the sensation and the force he used to slam you into his thrusts. All this for saying he didn't have a shred of shame on his face
“f-fuck” you gasped out of the pillow and propped yourself up a bit on your elbows, trying to find some balance, goosebumps running all over your flesh and soon matthew released his hands from your hips to squeeze your ass with a certain accumulated desire, leaving so you can have the sight of his dick disappearing and appearing inside you 
“don't talk like that….I-I'm just trying to be a good friend” you can hear him snicker, you'd want to watch every expression he was able to give you even under those conditions, and by the way he accelerated considerably inside you, you could tell it was the right answer beyond a shadow of a doubt.
your moans echoed throughout the stuffy room, your hands gripped over the sheets, you starting to feel dizzy, every time his cock nudged you close to your sweet region leaving you unsteady, very close to your orgasm.
“we always get along so well y/n” Matthew slowed down, pleased to hear your sincere complaint “that's why there's no one like you…”
you couldn't deny feeling usable, matthew had this habit of keeping people in the palm of his hand, but what could you do? he always fuck you so good, which made you always root for the relationship's disgrace, so you can have him under these conditions even for a mere minute.
“My god, fuck me please… I can't take it anymore” you push your hips towards him waiting for more contact, feeling all your energies leave your body.
matthew is a man of not very large proportions, so it's not an easy task for him to support you by the hip, you felt the command when he slid his hand down your back, then you immediately brought your arms back and allowed him to pin you down , holding your wrists tight he finally starts to fuck you again, using all the resistance and agility he had in his hips to fuck your senses, the sound of the thrusts, the sounds that came out of matthew's own mouth made you completely lose track, following him and then letting the heat wash over you and your orgasm came instantly, causing your body to shudder, pass out and then leave you with nothing but a choked breath.
“I want….you come inside me” you asked off-air
“leave it to me dear” he replied taking the whole front, let go of you to give you some rest and came back with his hands on your hips keeping the sequence little silent, matthew had his whole chest and neck reddened by the effort and in a few minutes he reached his own limit, gushing all his liquid into you filling you up completely.
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nathantheauthor · 1 month
"𝙃𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙, 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙖𝙢. 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚."
Toby by Madame Macabre.
Y'all were desperate for him, he won by a massive majority vote... So I present my take on Ticci Toby, as well as some of his relationships and what he's doing now, and fair warning, it's HEFTY. I do have to lay out a couple things before we actually get into his rewrite, because they are important for his character in the long run, especially to understand his story and themes.
The first of these articles that I have to lay out first is the concept and existence of Ripper Inc, as that is where he is currently aligned. The concept of Ripper Inc is the closest thing to the Creepypasta Family you will get in this universe, I found family and sort of reformation program for serial killers and monsters, pointing their homicidal tendencies and destructive capabilities towards those more deserving. Jack Revver (oc), the living skeleton behind it, has also turned it into a safe haven and protection for those hunted by or once influenced by cosmic entities such as Slenderman, Zalgo or even The Rake and HABIT. it's essentially giving characters that would have been better people under any other circumstance that chance to be better. Pastas who hunt pastas in a way. It also makes them celebrities, but I'm not going to get into that aspect as I'll see the faction itself for its own blog post.
The other main thing we need to get out of the way is that this variant of Toby was very much made out of spite for what the fandom did to him, and has also since become spite towards his creator. This doesn't mean his original origin is very much intact, but there are several changes that neither would have expected or planned out, in fact I don't even call him "Ticci Toby" at all, he's just... Toby. And I'll get into that and why later on in this post. But I present a more faithful reimagining of Toby Rogers.
Now! Let's actually get into it, and I want to start with something that does affect his design a little bit, and that is his equipment!
My Toby comes strapped with dual holsters and two sheathes, as well as two ammo belts wrapped around him. The reason for this being while he's still sports his iconic hatchets that reside within the dual sheets, the holsters and the ammo belts contains flare gun and a sig sauer P365, as well as their ammo.
Kind of the reason for the guns is because I always felt it a little bit weird that proxies mostly were given only melee weapons, especially in a world where any house you can break into you can just get shot. So, of course, Toby adapted and got the Sig Sauer, the flare gun was something he picked up afterwards, which out of universe is a reference to the burning of his house, but in universe it is a tool for hunts and just... Yeah, he won't hesitate to shoot somebody with it. Does he prefer melee? Yes, but he knows he's always going to be able to get close.
I've kind of made Toby into the asshole with a heart of gold archetype, he's a tsundere. Toby is rude, brutally honest, snarky and has sassy, but somewhat dry sense of humor. He's prone to depressive episodes, he's an overall conflicted person, one that's not even sure that he deserves redemption. I'm writing him that's how I see the natural progression of the original Kastaway Toby as a person.
I should also note that Toby does in fact have a small list of powers, as these are the baseline abilities I gave every single proxy. Toby has Captain America levels of strength, speed, agility and durability, as well as a healing factor that allows him to heal from minor wounds in a matter of 10 minutes and substantial damage in a couple hours.
One of the key distinctions between him and a lot of variants is the fact that when we first see him he's already been a proxy for years, he's in his mid 20s now, hell, he was already legally an adult by the time he was proxified, he was 19 during the events TICCI TOBY. I wanted to be more accurate to his source material for his age, as he's constantly getting shoved into the younger brother type role among a lot proxy interpretations, but he's not THAT young, he's at least a grumpy middle child.
Toby by the time we meet him is not a good person, but he can't be described as truly evil either, he's a victim of the world's darker side, from the cruelty of children to manipulators, a lot of his life was decided for him. But that doesn't excuse the things he's done, cuz ultimately, doing the things he's done are still, maybe out of necessity, but that doesn't make it any better.
Toby absolutely hates being referred to as Ticci Toby, the reason for this comes from the fact that this has been a name used throughout his life growing up to demean and mock his tourettes, to break him down, it's a nickname synonymous with bullying. This is something I've always kind of disliked the fandom form, using the story title as his code name instead of giving him a new one, so for this rewrite... During his team as a proxy, well, they call him "Matchbook". A permanent reminder the scorching fire he left his old home in, and a nod to the end result of a lot of his missions. However, nowadays he merely goes by "Toby", wanting to distance himself from his past and start anew.
Now, I'm sure this is what you're waiting for, the actual meat of his character, how I've completely restructured and rewritten his years as a proxy and what comes after. And we'll close out the thread with a lot of his relationships with those around him.
Toby's early time is a proxy was very much constant work, hit jobs, information scrubbing, stalking, and even stealing from police stations. A mind controlled pawn willing to do any odd job, he had nothing but orders left. It wouldn't be until after the first month that he would be brought to the "mansion", a dilapidated manner on the outside, but the interior was absolutely pristine, and it seemed to stretch on forever. In fact, it did, but other oddities were present as well, such as a door quite literally growing a name plate for him, or the living doll and undead nurse running around. Not that he could really feel anything towards it all other than cold and difference, that was the blessing of this situation, it was no longer just the physical pain that he didn't feel, but matters of the heart either for a time.
Of course emotional numbness didn't stay forever, and some of those around him began to become like family, a clawed entrance guard, a stoic tunnel dweller, a crimson artist, a fallen cop and even a missing soldier, they were the first things he's had to emotional connections since he vanished that night. He finally and fully settled into his life, knowing there was no way back for him and nor did his slender sickness riddled mind want to go back, he was a proxy to the end, a puppet on strings dancing to the static beat.
And it would be that way for the majority of his time as a proxy, mission after mission, and time spent with the few proxies he had gotten close to. Eventually it culminated into what would be his final day as a proxy for a long while. Thinking that Toby's ties had been completely broken, and that his missing memories we're finally and fully lost. During the final year as a proxy Toby was given a single mission, to hunt down and kill a woman who'd been close to figuring out his identity, an ultimately he did track her, and with pistol drawn... He found himself unable to fire, because what stood before him was his mother and everything came flooding back.
It was after this moment that Toby went on the run, taking his mother with him, and for months they were constantly moving, trying to throw off any of their would be hunters. A miracle fell into they're laps, as he saw her for the first time, Jane Phoenix. With the two of them brought before the skeleton, Jack Revver, their days of being hunted was over, as well Toby did not have the context for it at the time, deals were pulled to guarantee his safety.
The trio together, Toby Rogers, Jack Revver and Jane Phoenix, formed the organization known as Ripper Inc, Hired guns that handle contracts that I wanted Dead or alive, jobs that are usually considered suicide missions. It was because of a public incident regarding them that the world found out about the existence of monsters, but the veil of secrecy around the paranormal and supernatural have been truly shattered.
And this was his life for a while, he became a celebrity, he was free from the reign of the Slender Man, and most importantly, he'd found family and saved his mother. But nothing good lasts, and ultimately, in the same year, there would come again that shattered him once more. Didn't always been a hot shot, for all the months you've known her, but he never expected her to chase down Jeffrey Forester by herself, and there were three things that happened that night. Jane with ultimately be slain by the very man who made her what she is, a grieving Revver would be cited carrying her body through the streets in a vain attempt to get her help... And Toby returned to the proxies, he sought emotional numbness once more. How could he not? She was 19, she was the very age that he started at. A twisted mirror of sorts.
So yeah, that's all like pre-story open, that's all set before 2017. So this is where we first meet him, this is where we first pick up. In September of 2017, Jack Revver tracked him down once more, pulling him out alongside Heather Marshall, and with the choice to take one more. See unbeknownst to Toby, a truce had been formed, an agreement reached for reasons that only a couple years later he would find out.
There was a new found family, made of three familiar faces and a new one, he he hadn't ever met Bethany (Nina) before, but it heard about what Forester did to her family once they reach the offices, he felt... A sort of responsibility. Years have passed since then, and we're currently in the year of 2025. He has found a new family fully, been able to spend time with his mother, befriended other people like him, and even been on talk shows. Toby's.... Living a future he could have never seen. Often times he's still not even sure if it's deserved, he's killed countless, burned and destroyed homes and lives, but he's basically living the high life now.
He's in a high position the boot, as a founding member and one of the highest ranking members of Ripper Inc, and he almost gets the feeling, he's going to be the next head. Revver always told him of bright future, and often times Toby gets the impression that Revver is talking like he's going to die.
So, yeah, that's kind of where we are and where we leave him for now, so let's get into character relationships and dive into what his relationships were with his fellow proxies and the Ripper Inc family.
Proxy relationships:
Slenderman is probably one of the people he hates the most, if not his most hated. He is his a manipulator and abuser, the creature that's quite possibly the one who orchestrated his entire life to be as miserable as it has been. His freedom from the creatures control is something he's never going to give up again.
One of his most iconic dynamics, we'll dive into how he feels about Masky. He hates him. Toby and Tim often fight, Toby often pointing out the hypocrisy and arrogance in Tim's words, and Tim is often quick to point out Toby's lack of teamwork and rude attitude. Toby considers Tim to be a self-righteous and self-serving bastard. He hopes they never cross paths in a professional line of work again.
Hoodie is also rather hated Toby, and a good portion of this is due to the fact that hoodie does not care about people, he's begun to only focus on the mission. His indifference frustrates and worries Toby, making it so he'd deny in mission that he has to work with him.
His dynamic with Kate is probably one of the most healthy he has amongst the proxies, having formed a sort of sibling dynamic over the years. And even now, they're rather close, meeting up at the tunnels Kate spends most of her time every now and then. She's often one of the people Toby invites to the Christmas parties and ALWAYS shows up for his birthdays.
Toby and Own Allastar happy weather unique dynamic, much like Kate, he feels a sibling role, however he was the first to encourage Toby to pursue his hobbies outside of the missions, that a weapon wasn't the only thing he had to be. He was probably one of the most true friends Toby had ever had, and still is. The Red Artist's artistic depiction of Toby hangs within his bedroom.
Toby has very mixed feelings about Cody, this boy was made to replace him, he had been indoctrinated during Toby's months away. Ultimately, he believes X-Virus to be a good kid deep down, but can't bring himself to look the boy in the eye. He can't stand looking at his reflection, it makes him sick to his stomach.
His dynamic with Nightmare Ally is certainly a strange one, well they aren't on negative terms, he wouldn't consider them friends either, even if she still does occasionally help him, it's more of work acquaintances. And Toby is rather thankful she's one of the ones that often shows up as aid thanks to the truce.
His relationship with Ashlie is. . . Unique. They were briefly an item, he can safely say he's dated the boss's daughter. Although, the relationship died due to the lack of expression and communication on her side.
His relationship with Gregory Blaine is probably one of his most important, he was the small injections of morality back into Toby throughout his years as a proxy. Archive was, and is an essential part of Toby's foundations for the present. The former cop wasn't like the rest of the proxies, is frog's vacation wasn't made out of a choice to save the woman he loved. . . Toby respects that, maybe even envies it.
Probably the most surprising one, was Eric Watson, a former soldier who served in the Middle East after events of 9/11. Wildcard as they called him, was the very man that taught Toby how to shoot. The friendship they've shared is one Toby never could have predicted, and in recent years. . . He's lost contact, he's unsure where he went.
Tooru Jirou is someone Toby has VERY conflicted feelings towards, they get along well, and he does feel sympathy for her situation. . . But at the same time you can't exactly deny but it's all her own fault, play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Adrenaline is definitely living with her stupid prize, whether she wants to or not. Regardless, they do often work closely together, she's even convinced him to appear on her streams.
Ripper Inc relationships:
Jack Revver is sort of the father Toby never had, a source of guidance and often the first to help him pick himself back up. Revver has shown Toby levels of kindness he's rarely seen outside select people, an unmatched sense of generosity and patience towards him. They'd start Ripper Inc together with Jane Phoenix, and it's made the two's bond unbreakable.
Toby's friendship with Jane Phoenix was like that of siblings, they bickered and fought, but deep down they always cared for the other. He still feels a sense of responsibility for what happened to her, despite knowing it wasn't his fault.
Bethany Gent (Nina Hopkins) is another he has found himself quite close with, as if using his sense of guilt and responsibility over what happened to Jane as a building block to protect Nina despite everything. She's a victim, just like him, and just like Jane was. Nina is one of the few people that can get him to go out shopping, acting as a sort of little sister dragging her older brother around. He'll never admit that it's kinda fun, he'd rather die first.
He's known Heather since their days as proxies, she'd served as a secondary motherly figure, somebody he could always depend on, one of the few cornerstones. Even now, he's still close with her, often going on missions together. Their bond has become inseparable. Rouge is one of his closest friends.
Liu Woods is, well, they get along alright, but he can't exactly really tell how he actually feels about the man, they haven't exactly going out of their way to befriend each other. Their relationship is strictly professional.
Nurse Ann used to greatly scare Toby, her methods we're far from humane or rational, but nowadays, he's doing quite close to the undead nurse, Annabelle Mia being his most trusted medical professional. They bonded over a shared distaste for Tim.
Jane and Mary Richardson have quickly become some of his closest friends, the two serving as elder sisters to him, with Mary often checking up on his mother for him while he's on a mission, and Jane serving as his personal trainer in hand to and combat. He's forever grateful to have met the married couple, they've had a positive impact on his life.
Eyeless Jack. . . Frankly scares him, such an unpredictable individual and one he could never spot unless he made his presence known. Sure, he'd trust EJ with field medical work, but just how literally talked and how hard it was to tell he was there in the first place. . . It just rather makes Toby uncomfortable.
His relationship with Korbyn JumpingEagle is one with a lot bumps, as initially she didn't truly understand his personality and who he was, and instead would opt to nag him and hit him with her trademark sass. Of course, overtime is they've become friends, given a couple near death experiences, it tends to bond people. They both pulled a better understanding of each other nowadays, even occasionally joking with each other.
Sally Williams and Lazari Swan are like the annoying youngest siblings to him, much like corbin, they were under the protection of Revver... And he's often found himself begrudgingly joining their tea parties or playing pretend with them. He for some reason just can't bring himself to be as mean as usual with them.
His relationship with scarecrow can best be summoned up as enemies to friends, they did try to kill each other in their first encounter. Once the circumstances had changed, they bonded rather quickly over there shared trauma with cosmic horrors, he with Slender, and her with Zalgo. They work rather well on the battlefield together as well.
Zero frankly weirds him out, the tulpa's bizarre antics almost never make sense to him and he's begun to learn not to question it. They get along all right, but he can't help getting the feeling that somebody's always crying for help when he looks at her.
Sadako is probably one of the weirdest dynamics he's had, I mean, there's not really much proper planning you can do around a media ghost who can now just travel anywhere she wants to the internet. They are in fact friends, but it does tend to lead to awkward moments and comedic situations half the times she appears. But alas, there's nothing to do, if she's the information relay.
Samantha Revver has shown that much like her husband, she quickly took on a parental role, and even became quick friends with his actual mother. The vampire has been nothing but kind to him, even going as far as to teach him how to cough to help him be even further self-sufficient.
Jana Revver has shown as well, that kindness. She's playfully picked on and teeth toby, but at the end of the day they act like siblings, she acts like an elder sister and almost reminds him of. . . Lyra. The entire Revver family has been like a second family to him. He wouldn't trade their bond for anything.
Jeffrey Hodek is somebody that Toby can't help but pay, before joining up with the group he was just a washed up and retired killer I wanted to live a normal life, but of course, as Toby knows well. . . Normal isn't an option for people anymore. They've got a rather friendly relationship, but ultimately they don't talk too much. Hodek is much more likely to hide up in his room and rewatch shows and movies the 80s and 90s.
Clockwork is... Natalie Oulette is an individual that greatly concerns him with her behavior, and yet... He finds himself strangely wrong to her, and ultimately they have gotten together. More than once. They're dysfunctional, sure, but they're actively working to find a way to make it work. If any song would describe their dynamic, it'd Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay.
Wow, this took so much longer than I thought it would but welcome to the end of the Toby information! Hope ya like this ramble!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Deathgripper(Pet-like)
Sure, I'd love to! Of course I still need to rewatch HTTYD but this is not a specific Deathgripper so it should be fine ^^
Yandere! Deathgripper Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Drugging (?), Kidnapping, Murder, Cannibalism mention, Possessive dragon, Stalking.
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From what I've seen there are many different variants of Deathgripper.
For this I'm going to focus on the common variant as seen above.
Deathgrippers are vicious creatures.
It's difficult to get one loyal towards a rider.
You can save them from danger which makes an adult one trust you.
Yet the easiest way to train any Deathgripper variant is a hatchling imprinting on you at birth.
They cannibalize their young, their diet is other dragons usually... the safest way to encounter one is training a hatchling.
Deathgrippers in the wild have a very violent nature.
Even then the dragons are dangerous due to their potent venom and acid blasts.
Their stealthy, intelligent, and incredibly agile hunters.
If a Deathgripper got attached to a rider, that rider will have some significant protection.
Deathgrippers strike fast and utilize venom to slow their opponents.
Any threat to their rider and they'll aim to kill.
They'll take down humans or dragons.
The beasts can be quite fearless when it comes to standing their ground.
Once a Deathgripper is big enough and trusts their darling, they'll carry them on their backs.
Dragon riding is a good way to bond with a dragon.
A domestic Deathgripper is best fed fish, even if it doesn't cut down on their bloodlust.
The venomous stinger and teeth on a Deathgripper is not only used to immobile foes.
If a Deathgripper disobeys their rider or feels their rider isn't listening to them...
The dragon will strike their rider with the stinger to paralyze them.
They do not use as much as they do towards foes, but it puts the rider in a vulnerable spot.
Which allows the Deathgripper to move their rider as they please.
Deathgrippers are probably one of the most possessive dragons with their rider.
Due to their violent disposition they do whatever it takes to keep the rider they trust most.
There may even be times a Deathgripper drags their paralyzed rider to their nest, wrapping around them and refusing to let go.
A Deathgripper isn't all that affectionate towards anyone but their rider.
They will stay still for affectionate pets against their scales when alone with their rider.
They get more violent if others are in the area and will refuse affection.
These dragons are ruthless.
They'd sting and bite rivals to drag them to their rider.
Like little presents before they slaughter the still breathing dragon or person.
Sometimes they eat their rivals...
Or simply melt them with acid.
They don't understand the fear on your face.
Deathgrippers will stalk both prey and their riders.
When it comes to their riders they mean it as playful.
Many strike class dragons know how to hit fast and stealthy.
Deathgrippers act the same, if there's a threat near their rider then the dragon takes it out quickly.
Deathgrippers are selfish ever since hatchlings.
If their rider hates their behavior, like the eventual abduction into their nest, they don't care.
Venom keeps their rider quiet and their rider alone can't defeat them.
They will make sure their rider is given food of some kind if you're in their nest.
Fish or meat from something is given to you, the dragon waiting for you to eat it.
Deathgrippers are not the type to mark.
Yet you may have scars from them anyways due to their violent nature.
Even when playing they can hurt.
Deathgrippers can be violent yet loyal dragons towards their rider darling.
Once they get territorial and possessive, however, who knows what they'll do to their rider or the creatures around them.
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Event batch 1
Thank you so much for the first batch of requests!! I'm already started on the next few requests as well!! :D
🩵 Check out my 200+ followers request event! 🩵
for @featuredtofu || Skateboarder!Scara x clumsy!Reader - Modern AU, fluff
for Anon || Alhaitham & Reader - Modern AU, texted the wrong number, humor/fluff, swearing, one use of ‘blank’ name
for Anon || Diluc & Reader - SAGAU, Reader doesn’t know they’re the Creator, and Diluc takes care of them
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Skate and Die
The skatepark is noisy from the dozens of people rolling in all directions, the sound of wheels against the smooth surface and exclamations of awe when a trick is successfully performed fills the air. 
You sit on the ledge of one of the quarter pipes, away from the bulk of the action. Kicking your feet against the concrete, you watch as grown-ups and kids alike go about the skatepark enjoying the sunny day.
There is a blur of black against the bright background, and your attention naturally turns toward it. You watch with a fond fascination as your boyfriend weaves between park goers of all sizes without a care in the world, the agility he displays on a skateboard continues to impress you to this day. 
You notice his head turn toward you, so you raise your arms to wave wildly in his direction. To your delight, he sends you a timid wave of his own. You know he probably hates the attention you’re calling to him. 
He changes his course and starts skating toward you. With excitement brewing, you scramble to your feet to greet him.
Or, well, that’s what you would do if your foot didn’t catch on the edge of the quarter pipe, sending you sideways down the ramp. The roll you perform is undignified in the worst of ways, and you’re pretty sure you make a squeaky toy noise at some point, before coming to an abrupt stop on your back looking directly up at the sky.
The area around you falls mostly silent as people look over to see if you’re alright. To assuage their fears, you give a terse thumbs-up, and thankfully the noises resume as the onlookers return to their business.
A shadow falls over you as you’re lifting yourself up on your elbows, and you wince at the familiar shape.
“Really? Again?” Kuni shakes his head at you, arms crossed over his chest. His foot rests on the deck of his board, keeping it in place as he gives you the most disappointed stare. 
“Well, eheh…” you sit up properly and give him a shrug. “I can’t help falling for you, y’know?”
“That line only worked the first seven times,” Kuni tells you, kicking his board up and grabbing it. He also reaches down and pulls you up by your hand, helping you brush off the dust you’d accumulated during your tumble. “Come on, let’s get you patched up.”
“It’s not bad this time!” you exclaim, showing off the shallow scrape on your forearm from where you braced against the initial impact. 
“You’re still getting a bandage.”
“Noooo, not Elmo…” you lament, looking up at him with your best puppy eyes. He doesn’t relent. He leads you by the hand around the edge of the skatepark until you reach the spot where he’d dropped off his backpack. The picnic table is laden with the backpacks and spare gear of a few other skaters. Gently moving some of the stuff aside, Kuni points at the vacated space with an expectant expression.
You sit obediently and wait as he retrieves his first aid kit, watching as he dutifully cleans up your wound and unpeels the dreaded bandage, revealing a cheerful Elmo face pattern. He sticks it on with practiced precision, and you sigh knowing the bandage probably won’t budge even under water.
“I can’t believe you make me wear these,” you grumble, pouting at Kuni as he smooths the edges of the adhesive with his thumb. “I look like a big baby…”
“That’s because you’re my big baby,” he replies, darting in to press a smug kiss against your puffed-up cheek. 
“Stop! You’re not allowed to be cute when I’m mad!” You stomp and stick your tongue out at him, to which he only laughs and kisses you again.
“Don’t fall, next time, and you won’t need to get an Elmo,” he retorts smugly, leaving you on the bench as he kicks off with his board again, his laugh echoing in your ears as he skates away.
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Unknown Caller
The message comes to Alhaitham sometime around 1 in the morning, the text tone rousing him from his peaceful slumber to announce the arrival of the chaotic unknown sender. 
Alhaitham spends several minutes staring blearily at the phone screen, trying to conjure up a memory of ever having interacted with ashes of any kind lately, and coming up blank. The offending typo at the end of the message is just the cherry on top of the confusing sundae.
Alhaitham: Who is this?
It’s much too early to be unpacking everything he just read, but the increasing absurdity of each statement is scratching an itch in the back of his sleep-addled mind. Before his rationality can catch up to him and simply block the offending stranger, he types up a reply.
Alhaitham: You have the wrong number. (unsent)
… But now he’s curious. What other kinds of absurdity can he witness? Instead, he deletes what he’d wrote and instead sends is this:
Alhaitham: Why are you using your neighbor’s kid’s phone? If we were together then you presumably already know where I live.
???: wait a sec ur not pallad are you
Alhaitham rubs the last of the sleep from his eyes, now fully committed to this conversation despite his brain screaming at him to put the phone down and leave the whole scenario alone.
Alhaitham: No, thankfully. Whatever problem you have with this Pallad person sounds interesting, though.  
???: who is this then??
Alhaitham: This is Alhaitham. Who is this?
???: the library guy??? 
While not technically incorrect, since he does spend quite a bit of time in the campus library, Alhaitham finds himself slightly irked to be reduced to just ‘the library guy’. 
Alhaitham: So? It’s better to be uncomplicated and quietly reading than to become part of the sort of drama you seem to be tangled up in.
???: honestly true bestie i wish my live was less complicated rn
Alhaitham: Pallad’s fault, I’m assuming.
This might be his tired brain talking, but Alhaitham really can’t help but be intrigued. He’s already this far in, and he would hate to come out of this baffling encounter with more questions than answers.
Alhaitham: Tell you what, since you apparently do know who I am, how about you go beat up this Pallad character and meet me in the library tomorrow.
???: huh?? why??
Alhaitham: I’m invested in the outcome of this situation now, I want to know how it goes.
???: LOL ur really just here for tea i can respect that ngl
With no new messages forthcoming, Alhaitham puts his phone back on charge and sends a silent, slightly exasperated plea into the universe to keep this new unknown caller out of trouble.
When he wakes up, the first thing he does is check his messages. Aside from a handful of daily reminders from apps, there are a few new text messages from an unfamiliar number, but with familiar writing style.
???: this is _____ btw
???: ik its early as hell but i was out all night KICKING PALLAD INTO NEXT WEEK hamster ashes has been safely retrieved btw mission success
???: so like im gonna gt coffee and go to ur library do u want anything??
Alhaitham: Small black coffee please.
Alhaitham: Be there in 30. I want to hear all about it.
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C’est lui qui me relèverait
“Diluc, look what I can do!” 
Your voice floats on the air, amplified unnaturally by Anemo, a thread of power that you aren’t even aware you’re pulling. The redhead follows, helpless to your innocent whims.
He’s lucky he found you when he did, coming upon you just as you’d been heading toward Mondstant with carefree joy. Your unfamiliar clothes, and strange accent did you no favors to the few Adventurers’ Guild members you’d met along the way. How unaware you’d been, seeing only the beauty in Teyvat and blind to the potential dangers that surround you.
You are the Creator, the Divine Grace, but you stumbled through the world like a newborn foal, your arms full of sweetflowers that you’d immediately presented to him with a sweet call of his own name. That’s when he knew he couldn’t leave you to the wolves of Teyvat, not yet. 
That’s what brings him here, just on the boundary of the winery grounds and stepping heavily on the packed earth as he follows you, floating through the vineyard like a crystalfly.
He comes up behind you, watching as you cup one of the blue flowers at the edge of the lake, the petals falling open at your slightest touch. Even from this distance, he can see the faintest glow of Pyro in your fingertips.
“I didn’t know they bloomed on their own!” You laugh, delight painting your features. You pluck the flower with care, and the cut stem slowly regenerates under your watchful gaze. Within moments, a new mist flower stands proudly where you’d taken the previous one. 
‘They don’t,’ he doesn’t say, because you are the Creator, the Divine Grace of Teyvat, and you don’t know it yet. ‘This world only bends this way because it will do anything to please you.’ 
He stops beside you, gently prying the mist flower from your hands. Even through the fabric of his gloves, the ice bites at him. 
“Be careful, you don’t want to get frostbite by accident,” he grumbles, softening his tone as much as he can. “Let’s go back to the winery, we can have Adelinde put this in a vase for you.”
“Oh, that would be nice! Race you there!” You stand and brush the dirt from your clothes, turning back toward the winery and flitting over the rest of the distance. In your wake, the vines bloom a little bit greener. 
Diluc stands as well, holding the mist flower carefully. He removes the ascot from around his neck and uses it to wrap the stem of the plant to protect himself from the cold now that your presence is no longer there to soothe the bite. He follows you at a moderate pace, the doors of the winery just coming into view, with your silhouette standing in the doorway talking animatedly to Adelinde. He walks slowly up the steps to join you, thinking back on how he’d brought this situation upon himself.
He couldn’t bear to see your joy crushed when you found out just how far into disarray your beloved creation had fallen. Several nations are still in political disarray, and with an increasing presence of criminal and monster activity there’s no way that Diluc could, in good conscience, set you loose on this world unprepared.
And so, he will take care of you. He’d been a big brother for as long as he’d known, and despite being a little bit rusty he can take up that role again. He can babysit you, nascent godling that you are, as you slowly come into your own, and when the time comes he will gladly take his place at your side as your knight. 
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