#Well damn if thats not pretty rad
eziojensenthe3rd · 1 year
So Tower Unite has Libretro support now. Just thought to let everyone know.
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beetlebug-bii · 10 months
Hello! Can we get the next part in feral child MC please? It's very cute and now I'm excited it's okay if you can't I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I hope you have a wonderful day or night or whatever wherever you are! 😁
Feral Child Mc (unfortunately) Goes To School
A/N: of course! I hope you enjoy, I haven't slept in like two days and its two in the morning so xdtfyg I hope you enjoy starling! also I love your username so much hehehe
Content Warnings: Swearing, mentions of weed, biting, feral behavior written by a dumbass, silly goofy eepy times
REQUESTS ARE OPEN, FEEL FREE TO ASK TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT -- p.s. previous Feral MC story at the end!
Do not ask me
You managed
In one week, one measly week
no okay I know how that last one happened and it was Lucifers breaking point
Let's just say
You and Satan have a very...
Let's say complex relationship
Some days you're so ready to beat the shit out of one another it's a shocker that nobody has died yet
Other days the brothers live in fear
They can hear the two of you scrumbling in the walls desperately, gnawing at the wooden beams and gnashing your teeth at the thought of causing the entire building to crumble, leaving the two of you to sit upon your throne of rubble and bone...
Yeah the brothers DO N O T
Appreciate Big Brother Satan bonding time
Now you would never have thought to hotbox Lucifers room on your own, honestly Satan was pretty surprised you came to him with the idea and even knew what it was and like yeah he was absolutely gonna help you with that shit because it's so fucking funny but still-
Jokes on him
You didnt come up with it
No in fact it was the man in the walls
Which you have explained to the brothers and now all of them live in fear of some fucking guy just living in their walls
Well all except Lucifer for some reason but I digress
One night whilst scrumbling you came across the attic and low and behold there was just some fucking guy in there
And at first you were like
Hello? Whys there a twink in the attic?
Anyways he didnt take too kindly to you saying that bullshit outloud and the two of you argued over whether or not he was a twink for a solid two hours before he just kind of went
Damn are you fucking high on someth-
Wait a minute
Yo kid I just had the best idea
Anyways you didnt quite get it but you were guaranteed that it would be hilarious
And it was
For all of two hours
And then it wasnt
Because Lucifer came down from his high
And got filled with stress again
Like honestly the man probably needs it you did him a favor /j
Then you were no longer allowed "free roam without a babysitter"
"No mammon doesnt count"
"No satan doesnt count either"
"You know what, none of you count"
And then you were put on A BABY LEASH
On the bright side...
At least you're actually a kid
So it's nowhere as embarrassing as it is for Levi to be hooked to the baby leash and dragged to RAD
You arrived and you were so polite
Such an angel to be around
Is what I would say if I were a fucking liar
You got there and were on all cours growling at the other students
You ran into Luke and he TREMBLED
of course you do
you little monster
You spent the entire first hour of class absolutely gnawing on Lucifer's ankle and you could tell he was really holding back from kicking you
And then you had a brilliant idea!!
and thus your chomp chomp mission began, you began tearing at that leash, and eventually your efforts paid off
You were free!!!
And so you ran
You ran like your heart depended on it
Get away from him you tiny psychopath
You came running at him down the hallway and what was he even supposed to do???
of course, you tried climbing up to befriend him
he didn't like that
He called Simeon sobbing in a panic while smacking you away with a broom handle
then you stole the broom handle...
Hahaha aw
what a sweet little thing you are
you're just a baby human!
awwwe come here sweet ange- AHHHH
He is flailing his hand trying to get you to release your pirannah jaws
This does fucking nothing you are LATCHED ON
had to use his foot
He put his foot on your forehead and just had to kick you off before climbing up with Luke in fear
You were scampering around like a fucking shark
The angels were holding each other, reading off their wills
Barbatos and Diavolo
of course they had to walk down the hallway
right when you started climbing the lockers
causing the angels to scream at the top of their lungs
he couldn't keep it together
DUMBASSES /affectionate
Barbatos doesn't quite know how to break it to him that...children your age are far past teething age
Nonetheless, Barbatos dealt with Diavolo as a child, how much worse could you be?
No one
Not a single soul
Will ever bring up this day
if they want to live
He doesn't even know where you got shoelaces
dying frfr
crying on the floor
he filmed it all
no more than that
he's live streaming
Lucifer is trying to call him
Lmao blocked
He snatched you up and fucking ran
You are his little buddy now
You are taking cover deep in a place where Solomon knows Lucifer would never look for him...
Kid don't you dare comment that we're in the gym right now
you know how like
in jail you make toilet wine?
well he made toilet teleportation potion
Just in time the two of you crawled in the bowl and flushed, disappearing as the brothers broke in
they'll never find you now
time to watch every season of breaking bad
watch and learn kid
Previous Feral MC Post:
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pesterloglog · 3 months
Dave Strider, Roxy Lalonde, Dirk Strider, Karkat Vantas
Meat, page 32
DAVE: yo
DAVE: love to chat but im kinda in the middle of something
ROXY: yo yourself but this is important
DAVE: uhhh
DAVE: more important than salvaging the global economy from potential disaster??
DAVE: sounds hugely unlikely
ROXY: idk about that
ROXY: in terms of scale and relativity and stuff maybe not
ROXY: its actually kinda hard to tell
ROXY: i guess in the grand scheme of things
ROXY: shes just takin a sort of nap
ROXY: but its one HELL of a nap bro
DAVE: a nap you say
DAVE: well this changes the fuck out of everything
ROXY: yea??
DAVE: nah
ROXY: lmao dirk just texted me about this
ROXY: somehow he found out about jade did u tell him
DAVE: uh no
ROXY: he just said make sure she gets lotsa daylight
ROXY: that itll help with the “exorcism she needs”.....
ROXY: and also to say hi to calliope for some fuckin reason??
DAVE: thats weird
DAVE: since when does he give a fuck about them
ROXY: idk
ROXY: guess ill just open the damn curtains and let some light in here
ROXY: he usually knows stuff about weird things
DAVE: so whats wrong with her again
DAVE: like
DAVE: some sort of demonic nap
ROXY: ok i wouldnt say shes NAPPING per se
ROXY: shes just like
ROXY: floatin here... upright
ROXY: eyes wide open
ROXY: and theyre both pitch black
DAVE: oh so she saw one of my latest sbahj campaign ads
ROXY: lol
ROXY: no dude
ROXY: like what im sayin is
ROXY: she looks a lil possessed
ROXY: by uh
ROXY: grim spirits n shit
DAVE: is she fucking grimbark again
ROXY: no!
ROXY: this isnt grimbark
ROXY: i KNOW what grimbark is dave this aint it
ROXY: it seems more serious tbh??
ROXY: like existing in some transformative state that isnt a literal fuckin joke
DAVE: ok yeah this does sound pretty bad
DAVE: but its not really my field
DAVE: did you try calling rose
ROXY: yea that was totes my original plan
ROXY: like no offense ur not #1 on my speed dial when it comes to this kinda thing
ROXY: but rose isnt picking up
ROXY: probly on account of ailments to be fair
ROXY: i called an unruly number of times
ROXY: and kan wasnt picking up either so...
DAVE: huh
DAVE: spooky
ROXY: hella spooky
ROXY: somethin about all this seems wrong
DAVE: yeah i guess
DAVE: what do you think is up
ROXY: idk
ROXY: i feel like theres something movin just out the corner of my vision but every time i turn to look at it
ROXY: its gone
ROXY: its givin me chills rn like im being watched
DAVE: well im no fucking ace detective
DAVE: or some gumshoe flatfoot dicking up the place suckin hard on my sherlock pipe like some sleuth of the fucking year
ROXY: dave
DAVE: but maybe we should consider the possibility that you are literally being watched
ROXY: ..............
DAVE: anyway can we hold that wise and rad thought i just had
DAVE: i gotta give karkat some emotional support
DAVE: since gettin jake on our side was a pretty huge fucking bonanza for us
DAVE: which has almost equal probability of winning us the election as it does blowing up in our faces depending on this speech he gives
DAVE: so we gotta like
DAVE: concentrate here?????
DAVE: instead of jerking each other off all god damned day for the rest of our lives
DAVE: (im just joking we dont actually do that)
ROXY: oh
ROXY: jakes on ur side then?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: wasnt that hard to convince him after your girl j crock started slut shaming him on public access
ROXY: god dammit jane
DAVE: so i take it jade didnt convert you to our cause before going into her gothic trance fugue or whatever
ROXY: siiigh
ROXY: i just want this whole stupid political thing over n done with tbh
ROXY: i hate watchin u guys tear each other apart in the news
DAVE: yeah sorry about that
DAVE: sorry its making you feel bad i mean
DAVE: not sorry that were doin it
DAVE: itd be an unconscionably lame move to put something on a billboard that i didnt 100% stand by
DAVE: but that sounds suspiciously like something jane would do
DAVE: aka the bad guy in this situation
DAVE: like objectively speaking
ROXY: ugh pls dont start
DAVE: just sayin
ROXY: idgAF!!!
DAVE: also
DAVE: aside from how vehemently i disagree with every detail in janes shitty platform
DAVE: i also think
DAVE: karkats the right guy for the job
DAVE: full stop
ROXY: you rly believe in him dont u
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: of course i do
DAVE: because i...
ROXY: hey before you jet can i ask you another question
ROXY: theres somethin else ive been meanin to ask u about for a while
DAVE: uh alright shoot
ROXY: yea soooo
ROXY: dave how did you come out
DAVE: ...
DAVE: what?
ROXY: like as not being straight
ROXY: howd you couch that to ppl w/o them freakin out or being awkward around u
ROXY: do u think its ever too late to
ROXY: idk
ROXY: change ur mind?
ROXY: about the person you wanna be??
ROXY: like is there a some point of no return you can cross where everyone is waitin for u to have a big ass revelation about your internal character
ROXY: but its like “dude no u already used up all ur gay capital when u started datefriend cohabitating w a cute as hell skeleton alien”
ROXY: and anything after that ur just gettin greedy
ROXY: is greedy even the right word
ROXY: greedy for droppin bombshells
ROXY: bout gender identities and sexual preferences
ROXY: or ids n preffies as i like to call em ;)
DAVE: ids n preffies
DAVE: damn
DAVE: thats fucking good
DAVE: anyway uh
DAVE: thats a pretty deep question considering all the shit we have going on right now
ROXY: yeah ur right
ROXY: now is probs not the best time for a feels jam
ROXY: especially with the creepy jade situation happening on my couch here
DAVE: i dunno if id worry too much about that
DAVE: jade goes into trances literally all the time
DAVE: she fucking loves sleeping
DAVE: youd think someone who spent so much of her life locked in a state of dubiously consensual slumber would wanna get as few zees as possible in her adult life but not jade
DAVE: ive never known anyone who hits the snooze button more times in a row than her
DAVE: if youre that worried take her to a hospital
ROXY: im thinkin about it!!
ROXY: not even sure if i wanna like
ROXY: mess with her tho?
ROXY: how would i even take her there...
DAVE: ok well while you ponder whether you wanna dump jade in a wheelbarrow and trundle her groggy spooked-up ass to the hospital
DAVE: in the meantime ill rap at you about my epiphany concerning the desire to bone some dudes
DAVE: probably not a literal rap though
ROXY: wow im disappointed
DAVE: i mean i could TOTALLY rap about wanting to bone dudes if i wanted?
DAVE: im just on the fuckin clock here and theres lots of people lookin at me
ROXY: :(
DAVE: ok so
DAVE: what ive learned is
DAVE: coming to terms with all this bullshit is a thing you sort of do in stages
DAVE: like stage one is you making jokes about how sweaty dudes standing close together in tv shows seems really gay
DAVE: stage two is making jokes about that and not immediately adding no homo afterward
DAVE: stage three is flirting with all your male friends ironically and not even thinking about adding no homo afterward because youre so fuckin woke and secure in your ironclad straight masculinity that you dont have anything to prove to anybody anymore
DAVE: or thats just what you say out loud
DAVE: inside you start being like
DAVE: oh shit
DAVE: maybe yes homo
DAVE: stage four is freaking out about that and putting the no homo back on all your statements even objectively heterosexual ones which just stupidly makes everything you say sound extra gay
DAVE: stage five is
DAVE: actually wait the next few stages are various permutations of the same thing that i already described
DAVE: it starts being like a gay fractal
DAVE: anyway eventually you arrive at like stage nine
DAVE: which is reminding everyone who will listen that youre gay minimum six times a day
DAVE: in really lame ways like
DAVE: oh cool dude are you making hot pockets
DAVE: better make mine a gay hot pocket
DAVE: cause im a gay homosexual who only consumes homo ass snacks delivered right to my mouth by a big queer butler
DAVE: servin it right up on his huge gay dick
DAVE: but that all only applies to the extent which i am technically gay
DAVE: which in my case is only about maybe 30% to 70%
DAVE: so only cook 30% to 70% of my gay hot pocket
DAVE: cause you know straights are fucking animals who never defrost their pepperoni
DAVE: and i gotta rep for that like 50% straightness still lurking inside me like the idiot who fell asleep in the shopping mall when it was closing for the night
DAVE: so now theres just this straight dude locked in a dark fucking mall for some stupid reason haunting the place like a cryptid and rummaging through the trash in the food court
DAVE: also just in case janes opposition research is listening in on their illegal wiretap i know the word bisexual exists btw im just choosing not to use it in service of spitting some fuckin chuckle jokes here so lets all calm down and not let this one become a distressingly literal federal issue
DAVE: anyway when all is said and done
DAVE: you eat a half cooked hot pocket because all your roommates think the height of humor is taking what was obviously an improvisational riff at unironic face value to punk you
ROXY: dave...
DAVE: what
ROXY: nm
ROXY: i was gonna ask you why ur like this
ROXY: then i remembered about how ur half me and half dirk
DAVE: yeah it really is crazy how those dope late game familial reveals actually did explain everything
ROXY: so whats stage ten
DAVE: stage ten is uhhhhhhhh
DIRK: The Prince opens his fucking mouth, and just literally starts SAYING SHIT, out loud, because he doesn’t think he can take another fucking second listening to a pompous alien virgin monologuing about gender.
DIRK: No consequence, my ass. You may be able to suppress what I do with my mind, but you have no control over my mouth. I’m nobody’s fucking puppet.
DIRK: And you don’t even know my friends. They’re not yours to toy with.
DIRK: They’re mine.
DIRK: Do you even know where I am right now?
DIRK: Do you have the slightest idea what I’m up to
DIRK: Yeah, well. Try and stop me then.
DIRK: I fucking dare you.
DIRK: Here I go. I’m walking up the tower stairs now.
DIRK: Walk, walk, walk. Ah, the exercise feels good.
DIRK: Argh. Wow, yeah.
DIRK: You’re right. My feet are definitely getting heavy.
DIRK: But the Dead Cherub tragically underestimates the Prince’s determination. He powers the fuck through it. See?
DIRK: Stomp, stomp, stomp. Up the stairs he goes. No fucking sweat.
DIRK: Oh also, did he mention? He can fucking fly, so there’s that.
DIRK: He decides to take flight and cut to the chase. He whips up the hollow vertical shaft at the center of the spiraling tower stairs. Life in the fast lane kicks ass, it turns out.
DIRK: He can practically taste the top of the tower.
DIRK: The Prince busts out his sword and makes short work of that big old bell.
DIRK: The slicing is accompanied by the ear-shattering melodic sounds of metal being cleaved apart by an anime sword, as the Prince nimbly avoids the sharp pieces and ricocheting stair debris.
DIRK: He wonders out loud, “what is this, amateur hour”?
DIRK: The Dead Cherub then humorlessly narrates, “why, yes. yes mr. strider, it IS amateur hour. and i’m the amateur here, for throwing a huge bell at you. i would like to humbly apologize for my amateurism.”
DIRK: Sure you do.
DAVE: well lets just say internalized whatevers are kind of like an onion
DAVE: theres lots of layers
DAVE: they suck on pizza
DAVE: and trolls have to get their stomach pumped if they eat them
DAVE: this goes for gender stuff too btw
DAVE: which i kinda get the feeling is what you were actually asking about
ROXY: wow am i rly that transparent?
DAVE: nah but as previously discussed youre a lot like me
DAVE: so it was pretty easy to figure out what you were getting at
ROXY: yea
ROXY: i dont got ur poker face tho
ROXY: but im workin on that!
ROXY: maybe ill get a sick pair of shades too
DAVE: yeah thats dope i support that idea
DIRK: I’m on top of the tower now. I’ve got my long sniper rifle ready and everything.
DIRK: I check to see if it’s loaded. It is. I get in the PERFECT spot for taking aim at this hunky imbecile who’s about to give a speech.
DAVE: anyway i dont think any of our friends are gonna hold your feet to the flames over dumb shit like this
DAVE: and its not like anyone else is gonna care since we definitely forgot to program hating gays and women into earth c
DAVE: humans are all jacked up on hating xenophiles now
DAVE: which sucks a lot too dont get me wrong
DAVE: btw did you know janes a xenophobe
ROXY: dave!!!
DAVE: ok ok
DAVE: so does all this mean i gotta call you dad now or what
ROXY: wat
DAVE: i mean thats what were talkin about right
ROXY: well first of all
ROXY: do u still even make a habit of callin me mom??
ROXY: i thought u kinda stopped that
ROXY: even if it was effin cute
DAVE: oh yeah i guess i did
DAVE: but i could start again
DAVE: but not if it means id have to go to fucking gender jail or something
DAVE: like what i mean is i could start that cute shit again but switch to dad
ROXY: ok but SECOND of all
ROXY: i would never want to deprive dirk of that noble honorific
DAVE: what
DAVE: ugh no way
ROXY: hahaha yeah way hes ya daddy dude!
DAVE: aw fuck noooo
DAVE: wow man
DAVE: i would never call him that
DAVE: i mean i know its true but i just wouldnt...
DAVE: wait
ROXY: what
DAVE: something feels
DAVE: wrong
ROXY: ???
DAVE: like some shits about to go down
DAVE: and i gotta...
DAVE: karkat! dude!!!
DIRK: You’re absolutely right.
DIRK: I would never do that.
DIRK: I’d never kill Dave, no matter what I felt the stakes were. I’d never hurt him either.
DIRK: You do understand me pretty well, I’ll give you that. And you’re right about many things.
DIRK: But there are just a couple things you’re wrong about.
DIRK: Pretty important things, actually.
DIRK: First of all, this gun is loaded.
DIRK: But not with bullets.
DIRK: Yes. You’re right about the tranquilizer.
DIRK: But there’s one more fact you’re not aware of.
DIRK: Which is that I never intended to aim for Jake at all.
ROXY: hellooooooo
ROXY: dave??
ROXY: whered ya go
DIRK: No, that’s not what he does.
DIRK: He swings the rifle around one hundred eighty degrees, and points the scope toward the large, now-curtainless window of a distant apartment.
DIRK: He zooms in quickly, cutting even shorter the little time that the Dead Cherub could use to impede him in some way.
DIRK: He takes aim, lets his finger hover over the trigger, and...
DIRK: Yeah, you got me. Can’t move it an inch.
DIRK: The only problem is, he doesn’t need to pull that trigger.
DIRK: Earlier, when he was messing around with all this shit in plain view, he rigged the rifle to be voice-operated.
DIRK: All he needs to do is say...
DIRK: I see. So you’re not going to say what happens next?
DIRK: Is that really how it’s gonna be?
DIRK: So be it.
DIRK: The tranquilizer dart hits the glass of Roxy’s apartment window before the sound from the rifle’s shot even reaches them.
DIRK: She hears the glass break. Seconds later, she hears the bang. She drops her phone on the floor.
DIRK: She doesn’t have the slightest idea what just happened until she looks over at Jade and notices the dart stuck in her neck, right in the jugular vein.
DIRK: She watches as Jade’s huge, creepy black eyes start getting heavy. Her eyelids sag, and her head tilts to the side.
DIRK: She shuts her eyes completely. Her hair stops floating around her ominously. In fact, there’s nothing ominous about her at all anymore. She entirely resumes her status as the cute doggy girl we all know and love.
DIRK: She slumps over and collapses onto the couch. She begins snoring loudly while making a little canine whimper on each exhale.
DIRK: Like the bitch she is.
DIRK: Oh, what’s that? You’re getting a little quiet for some reason.
DIRK: You’re going to have to speak up.
DIRK: Aaand, nope.
DIRK: You’re getting quieter, not louder. You’re gonna need to work on that.
DIRK: Maybe try shouting it?
DIRK: Yeah, I didn’t catch that at all.
DIRK: Not even one syllable.
DIRK: Guess that’s it for you? Back to not mattering.
DIRK: Not that you ever did.
DIRK: Come to think of it, why am I still talking out loud?
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snickeringdragon · 7 months
snick you need to tell me where ok ko wasted its potential and how you think it could be made better i havent seen anyone talk about this damn show in ages Yes im here because of skiddle's tags hi skiddle. hi snick
ok ko spoilers, obviously
...i should put this under a cut
opens up a powerpoint presentation. ok ko is in my opinion overall a very good show. its incredibly funny, charming, and...sometimes well written story wise. unfortunately it has a very very big failing in a very very big plot point
clicks to the next slide. my beautiful son tko.
tko himself is fine. i have no issues with his CHARACTER. i take issue with how his character is treated. tko is, by himself, a child with anger issues, he reacts very poorly to being agitated but like...
he has to be agitated first.
there is not a single example before season 3 where tko like, wrecks shit or whatever without being provoked, in his debut for example, hes just doing his job (albeit begrudgingly) before enid and rad provoke him, and he starts fighting them
however, the show always seems to act like tko is in the wrong, treats him like a villain despite his mostly heroic acts, is he PERFECT? no!! hes a fucking kid with anger issues!! he was locked inside a mind cage!! he doesnt know how to deal with things so he hits them!!! he just. happens to be able to hit things very very hard and with lightning bolts.
another example is the season 1 finale, youre in control. in yic tko. literally doesnt do anything wrong. like im not joking.
in yic tko gets let out to fight boxman jr and like...he does that. he throws boxman jr back to boxmore and then chases him over to boxmore. he does not attack a single hero in this episode. he does not do any damage to the plaza. the worst thing he does in this episode is put ko back in the cage. yet its STILL treated like hes doing something wrong???
another thing about tko. tko wants freedom. he says this outright. being locked inside a literal cage will do that to ya. i want to make sure real quick that we're on the same page here that locking a 6-11 year old boy inside a cage is bad no matter how badly he is at managing his anger issues right. right. okay. tko deserved to be uncaged. and he WAS. except...
when he gets out of the cage in youre in control. thats great and all but...his next appearance, tkos house, hes still upset. he still wants his freedom. its just that instead of being locked in a cage hes locked in a (pretty cool honestly) house. it doesnt matter how nice you make an enclosure, sometimes itll just never work for the animal. and thats what tko is like, he wants out, he wants control over the body, which like. is fucking fair?? im someone who REALLY understands the importance of going outside often, tko really deserves to be allowed outside their headspace. its good for you.
but tko DOESNT. GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he shows up. LITERALLY TWICE in season 2 (thats 40 episodes!) and NEITHER of his appearances (tkos house, dark plaza) does he even get to use the body on his own!! its always fused as pko!! he doesnt get a turn!!
and then when season three starts. uh. glances at tko rules. Yeah. The Subconscious. he gets trapped in a dark empty void for [checks notes] about two weeks. minimum.
what im getting at here. is that tko never really left that cage.
okay. im gonna touch on one more tko thing. the FUCKING finale. [furious]
quick recap, in the finale ko and tko have a plot twist moment where "oh hey! ko and tko are the same person actually! and now theyve accepted eachother as the same person and can be happy! hooray!" except like. mko (finale fusion) is just ko
like seriously hes JUST ko. his design? leaning towards kos features. his personality? LITERALLY just ko theres not a hint of tko there. its not the two of them "accepting eachother" or whatever its. its the writers killing off tko.
as well as like. a guy i know pointed this out and i cannot fucking get over it. if they were just going to ""fuse the two"" in the end then WHY. in GODS NAME. is tkos LITERAL FIRST LINE OF DIALOGUE.
"no, not ko."
hes so fucking INSISTENT on correcting people when they call him ko (which is ANOTHER gripe i have with this show. NOBODY calls him his name) and they just. oh yeah hes actually ko lol. LIKE DUDE. THIS ISNT HOW YOU WRITING.
i didnt even mention the issues regarding system stereotypes. i didnt even mention dark plaza since i was focusing on tko. i didnt even. theres so much. i need to stop. now. goodbye.
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weirdcat1213 · 8 months
another day another week ANOTHER FUCKING VOLUME-
okok lets relax
vol 11 thoughts
chap 1:
you know i barely remember this so it should be fun :D
-"all he did was to shoot you in the spine" lmao elendira calling legato a baby is my favorite thing
-you know what girlie youre so right- oh a joke? damn it
-ily zazie, youre so cool
-oh hey brad is here
-brad, brad, honey....he knows
-why is my poor baby apologizing :c
-i mean brad's fears are valid and all but HE DOESNT KNOW AND WE KNOW AND VASH KNOWS AND ITS ALL JUST REALLY SAD
-also i can relate to livio here cuz rn my environment is too trusting and im so paranoid about security like yeah vash, i would never sleep in the back of a car of someone whom i just met you dumbass-
-shut up literally shut up
-Ion Blaster TM time :3
-final phase you say-
-oh....oh no. vash, this is gonna be one of those moments where you sigh and curse knives for being kinda right
-oh he angy xd
-yeap...they are fucked atm
chap 2
-catch me being that guy when the end comes (just a dude in a coat with a hat playing music, thats gonna be me)
-oh god no, the worst and most boring thing you could do is to label knives as a terrorist. the guy is so much more and that word just doesnt fit him
-yes thank you! no time for nonsense
-when was the last time we saw them? 2 volumes ago?
-"i would never would have imagined this. that the world could change so fast" and that goes on the list of "timeless trigun things" or TTT for short
-wait so...transphobe guy? get yeeted
-oh...oh i didnt remember...oh i will cry
-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the reunioooooooooon
-look at their fucking faces, they missed each other so much
-tbh if i met the most jesus-allegory guy ever, then lost trail of where or how he was for 2 volumes of a manga ,to find him later in the middle of a silly fight i would also cry
-that scene with the pieces of earth announcement makes me kinda sad, no one will come for us
-geesus christ
-ohhh kinda pretty tho, looks like a phoenix
chap 3:
-"its all happening so fast" yeah sorry dude, its a trigun tradition
-"do you want me to come along?" he would be the best person to go to public places when you are too anxious to talk to strangers
-livio honey what was the idea here "oh you guys seem like you liked him. i actually killed him. well not me but also me. im sorry"
-milly my girl is cursed to be the 1st and og wolfwood stan in any version. we feel your pain girl
-also ofc he has rare figurines, the man has had enough time to look for it lmao
-ok but imagine if vash actually had lost the coins xd
-the pressure and guilt livio must feel rn. his brother died trying to protect him and he has the official Vash Thinks Youre Cool stamp. he has to change cuz if he doesnt he would throw all of that away and really stop being human
-you did good brad
-"must be lonely" im eating my own arm
-oh im really crying over this, ok, fun
-i also dont know what to do vash the stampede but im begging you to ASK FOR HELP YOU MFFFFFFFFFF
chap 4:
-july 20th? ah great, july 20th-21st is cursed here too
-rad as hell as always
-huh, i expected knives to just yeet them on sight
-i would say him and humans are pretty much alike but ok, sure,hm
-i love her being suspicious of legato 1st xd
-i wonder how can this go wrong, seems like a solid plan
-oh right...him
-oh...oh thats so cool. like his body doesnt work...but he controls it...but not in the same way a human would...wow
(side note: "you still dont know how to control your gate" SO THATS HOW IT LOOKS WHEN YOU CONTROL IT? IT ONLY CONSUMES/CREATE WHAT YOU WANT?? ORANGEEE)
-vash you cant say shit about silly haircuts im sorry
-also "new hair new outlook"...........i will curl myself into the moon
-they forgor
-who are you
-also ngl i never got the idea of what the coins did so lets find out
chap 5:
-wait wdym neural blocking programs
-just the two of us :3
-i love his game face and then its just "ugh i cant do this" xd
-"fight vash the stampede fight" me cheering vash on in stampede
-vash i love you but you cant call my wife a bitch, thats not polite
-oh livio, oh i didnt get to appreciate you too much on my 1st read but come here man, come here. youre doing great
-they have officially trauma bonded :3 (ik thats a terrible oversimplification but leave me alone)
-"is it possible for something created by humans to completely break away from their creators?" yes next question
-"you really have become a crybaby" and im glad cuz she was always so serious with her job and all, now she can express her feelings more
-...........and thats story is technically stampede but anyway jajajajaja :D
-the prettiest eyes
chap 6:
-the title :c
-liviooooooo :c
-HEY! my boi can still kick your ass >:[
-just leave him out of this pls
-i love that he still considers himself human <3 i want to think wolfwood taught him that indirectly
-huh, the silhouette kinda looks like wolfwo- *gunshot*
-i love knowing exacty what livio is thinking rn
-aww :3
-liviooooooooooo :c
-his cowboy era is about to start im so proud of him :')
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from the bottom of my heart thank you all 5,000 posts in just 3 years is a massive achievement so much has happened in that time! i’ve made friends, lost friends and improved alot over time! 
charlie’s not going anywhere anytime soon and hell even if some things don’t go well it will keep going strong! april 5th 2023 will be his 4th birthday and 2024 will be his 5th birthday and trust me he’ll be around for thoes too! 
but 5,000 posts is the goal i’d like to celebrate today and heres hoping to another 5,000! 
down below are people included in this image who have been a big part of charlie’s history and i wouldn’t be here without them so thank you everyone and ... STAY CURSED 
https://www.instagram.com/aj_pog_/ ((they made the photo of myself i used in this image))
https://www.youtube.com/c/VoicesInTheDarkness ((dyl in the dark))
@not-robert it’s robert owned by my close friend jack 
@chuck-the-fanboy it’s chuck owned by my close friend charlie!
both jack and charlie have been in my lives since at least 2020 maybe sooner they are both extremely close friends and i am glad to have them in my life they’ve helped me so much 
@gemnis-trash-fazbenders ran by a great friend named owl! i’ve known them well before charlie existed jeez it’s been such a long time i can’t even remember!
but they are a wonderful friend and also run this blog from time to time! which i find pretty neat too! ((it’s also canon to the story!))
@official-sk8ter-mangle charlie’s old daughter mangle an old relic of charlie’s past but someone i still hold dear 
@adeptfrank we’ve had at least one interaction on our blogs together but even so we’ve kept up to date and talk from time to time! they are a pretty rad person
@balloon-boy-gang-official a blog that doesn't get the attention it deserves this person despite the low activity stays determined and active! only interacted once but they seem pretty cool!
@tired-t-rex a long time friend as well! and a real vet around the blog even making charlie a wonderful gift for his 1st offical birthday gotta love red vs blue!
@casmoswhitewall a new person around the blog but still important! they are the owner and creator of the imposter charlie! and a lovely person in general
@journalistsobssession our interaction is one that i’ll remember dearly they are one of the few people who kept charlie his orginal size and also made a fantastic meme about him in the process ((also i love their verion of ghostface super pog!))
@directdogman what can i say about doggo? an amazing guy and hell without him charlie wouldn’t exist in the first place! a huge inspiration and even if charlie eventually separate's from his origin i’ll still have doggo to thank for inspiring me to create!
hell within days of creating charlie’s blog doggo was there and that meant everything back then and still does
@scp-wiki-offical sadly no longer active but they were an important part of charlie’s history and even if they don’t remember him i remember it all because of the interaction we had charlie is at least known by the scp community! so thats a step up in my book! plus the person who ran the blog was a real sweet heart 
@issactikket might not have interacted much on this account but i’ll never forget our first interaction of confusion and fear i’ll be supporting them thru and thru we’re still friends and talk thru discord!  
@ask-noelleholiday a real sweetheart and one of the only deltarune blogs i’ve interacted with and anyone who can put up with charlie is a peach in my eyes they also have a really pleasing art style!
@dasabucket one of the first damn people i interacted with and i can never forget them! thankfully we still keep in contact! and i love their lil bubblegum animtronic simon! a real blast from the past 
@jack-o-phantom met them in October 2020 and are still fast friends who i’ve had multiable interactions with over the past 2 years we’ve known eachother! i think the first ask i sent them was something about who’s worse charlie or william afton hehehe nothing but good memories!
@vsemily the legend themself! a relic of the past but an important one! they were the one who in response to charlie made a comic that i still go back and look at! they are someone who has inspired me deeply much like doggo 
they never give up and stay truth to themself plus their own projects and content i love to see! and we might not talk much but they are one amazing person
@lemonysakuras a few interactions here and there i love their oc rowan and had to include em! we’ve had plenty of interactions in the past and i am sure we’ll have even more in the future
@cook-ie-chip the creator of charlie’s blue prints and one of the first dsaf blog’s i interacted with back when they were still posting content for it! she’s basically my sister at this point and i love and care for her deeply 
@fishymom-art defiantly one of the most fun people i’ve interacted with another person i’ve known for about 2 years and defiantly has one of the best charlie designs i’ve seen drawn a close friend and we still support eachother to this day 
i wish i could say more i am just not the best at words lol
@animdude-official ... they might be gone from tumblr but they will never be forgotten! a hero in the fnaf community and a real legend untill the end! i am glad we got the chance to interact when we had the chance 
their are many more people of course but these are most the people that i mostly still keep in contact with! all played a huge part in my life and i am sorry for anyone i forgot to mention but rest assured your still important!
one more time i’d like to say thank you and see you on the flipside!
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lostacelonnie · 6 months
Hey welcome back! Seems like you had a heck of a time & a lot of fun so im glad for you. Oh? Im intrigued i love spanish food do you remember any of the dishes? Oh hell yeah the sea at night is. So different but still so cool. Totally different from daytime. Oh the same ones from your class? I really should remember to ask to add friends there more but adhd. That is some. Incredible luck damn. Yeah! Australia is just. Full of animals hazardous to your health like that its wild. Nothing is safe not even the birds. Hm. Yknow im not sure i ever had a specific class for geography i think they might of bundled it into history for me but oh well. Kudos on the rad teacher you had for it. Seems they're few & far between. Gosh yeah mood i had 1 good pe teacher that made it fun to just. Get out & do things. Probably why i like to hike so much. Thanks! I got seele so now its time to save for wolf. I saw people saying she's not as good now & i was like what? She'll probably be op always. I have main story caught up finally & not much has after luofu story end. Yet anyways. Though im curious about like. Yang & himeko in other stories like hi3. & otto i think his name was? Also uh. Genshin is getting childe's master who at least has durandal's va. Not sure if she is an expy yet though. I have so many now but i think the next 2 or 3 all have one i want so uh. Rip my primo hoard. Yeah! Even artifacts seem a bit easier. Though that might be because there arent so many sets yet. Yeah for sure. Which is still funny because so many back in 2.0 thought she was gonna be terrible & now shes a staple of like so many teams. Oooh congrats on the chem score that subject is so tricky. !! I adore im in love with the villainess the series is just. So good.
HEHE HI!!! YEAH IT WAS JUST. SOSOSO FUN AUUGH. i miss her [alicante beach]. our homeroom teacher said we Might go on one more exchange in the upcoming years so im EXTREMELY hopeful for that. and of the dishes yeah i remember a couple!! montaditos [like. little sandwiches served warm], empanadas [an argentinian dish actually, theyre like little. well the look kind of like dumplings but they have a different dough. with meat and vegetable fillings] paella [its like. a rice dish idk how to describe it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paella], tortilla de patatas of course, and churros [its like. fried dough, but usually eaten as a dessert, often with hot chocolate]. anyway. RIGHT???? ITS SUCH AN. EXPERIENCE. AHHUGH. and yeah the same ones from my class!! theyre very fun even if literally none of us have common interests and hang out based on vibes only. like literally theres me, my Dear Classbestie [likes classical novels and goth music.], The Chainsmoker [writes poetry. was in 3 different psych wards and tells stories about them. Horrendous political opinions. adhd icon.], The Artist [crochets, draws, animates. likes the magnus archives.] and The Ice Skater [christian koreaboo? strange but very fun to talk with. as her nickname suggests, shes obsessed with ice skating. adhd icon #2.] so were kind of a mismatched group but we chillen. ANYWAY I STARTED RANTING SO COMING BACK yeah i have the same thing ajdjlskdkfldf but ah well. perhaps one day i will Rember. AND FOR REAL LIKE I WAS LIKE "gonna get attacked aaaaaany minute now". and then i??? didnt????? but i generally consider myself a lucky person so. damn i heard the Stories ab australian animals... actually my sister just recently moved there so i might ask her if she has any stories someday. and oh thats???? quite interesting actually. as in i suppose it makes sense why these two would be one subject but its pretty unheard of over here. hm. and thanks!! we actually have a group chat for fans of our geo teacher JSJDK and i think a part of why pe teacher is so cool to us is because shes also our second homeroom teacher [since the first one is from spain and, as my classmate once responded to the question if hes cool, "xabi is a nice person but hes just so spanish". and by that i mean he does Not know what is going on. Ever]. HEY CONGRATS ON THE SEELE AND ALSO ON GETTING WOLFIE IN THE FUTURE!! idc what meta says shell always be op. To Me ❤. ALSO I AM ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS UP TO TALK ABOUT THESE THREE IN HONKAI [tho for welt specifically i rec tumblr user caydencrypted, The Welt Expert]. AND OH OH HUH??? DO TELL ME AB HER???? also speaking of biankas va. did you know she shares a chinese vn with yanqing!! the range is insane!! and ah good luck in getting everyone you want o7 i managed to get furina luckily [tho i also got jean in the process.............] and now im torn between pulling for her weapon or saving for arlecchino.... i have 70 pulls left but ik weapon banner is a scam so auugh..... but also the sword sounds like. Good. so ill think about it. and yeah right?? tho i actually have Pretty Terrible relic luck compared to my artifact luck so. yeah. but auto battle does make it less painful. ANYWAY THANKS HEHEHE!!!!!! just had another test this week and im a little nervous ab it but i feel like i did well. VERY stressed ab my history exam next week tho. 7 am on monday. and im a bit sick rn so i have less energy to study. but eh ill be fine, i just wanna pass. AND RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT IM SO OBSESSED WITH IT ACTUALLY......... maaaaaay or may not have bought physical versions for the first two novels three days after getting into the series akdlkdf. luckily it was near my birthday so my mom decided to fund them for me. BUT AHHHH IT IS SO GOOD i keep meaning to read the 3rd novel but ah..... so busy recently.........
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pascalishere · 11 months
Foil: Picking right up where we left off I see. Progression feels very dynamic, even in the shorter timespan. I felt that was one of Incunabula’s weaknesses, the longer songs blew everything else out of the water tbh. This is good, but I don’t really see why this is one of their most popular tracks? I do like how the main texture gets progressively more worn out/glitched, nice touch.
Montreal: Already hooking me a lot more. The changes are so subtle and gradual, but then they suddenly just pop up in your ears? I like it. Oh, love those synths buried behind the rattling sound. This album feels a lot moodier already, I don’t know how to explain. There are so many small sounds that I can just barely hear, it’s so detailed! I might need to buy better headphones though. Ooh, really liking this last minute. Also, the mixing is excellent all around. All these beats at the end sound like they’re coming from different directions, it’s a really cool effect!
Silverside: Are those strings real? Either way, they sound fantastic! I’m curious to see how this one unfolds. Ack, that voice spooked me! Not loving how loud it is. Oh, that beat is killer against the strings, menacing! Didn’t love this one, but the last fifteen seconds are a great outro!
Slip: Oh, this is much more my speed. Sounds cute and peppy, in a way? Feels like I’m walking through the album art. Definitely my fave so far, it keeps changing while I’m not looking though! This song is doing so many things right that I’m losing track of them, help!
Glitch: Oh, so this is the progenitor for so many textures I’ve heard in electronic music before, that makes sense. Oh damnit it’s different again. Well, it still sounds great, feels like it’s speeding up! Love the knocking sound, subtle, but it adds so much. Oh, the last minute is really getting it together, love this filter(?) everything is being put through.
Piezo: Oh, I love this already. Come on, give me a dancey track! The arcade-sounding effects are doing a lot for me. Oh, I hear a big synth coming in, shits about to get p r o g r e s s i v e! Really like the tiny chirping noises. Oh cool were floating now thats rad. Is my tinnitus acting up? I can’t tell.
Nine: Oh, very funky sounds, I love it! I think this is my new favorite song overall, let’s see. Yeah, I feel like a plebeian for saying this, but Nine is hands down one of my top Autechre tracks as of right now. It’s short and sweet, but still very pretty!
Further: The twinkling sounds are so pretty, like I’m in a cave that’s dripping water from the stalactites. The beat is booming too! Was that a key change? Definitely getting eerier vibes now, very natural progression being done back there! Why is this the one I’m dancing to? Agh, there’s too much to comment on! Last three minutes are becoming very pretty. Minus the bursts of industrial noise. Actually, plus the scary noises.
Yulquen: Nice comedown after the density of Further. Very pleasant and calm sounding so far. More eerie noises, sounds like distant waves. And now a squeaky wheel? There are so many quiet sounds that I can’t tell if some of them are in my imagination or not, sounds like I’m hearing all this over the thrum of an elevator. Oh the main/introductory loop is changing in a very nice sounding way, love that sound. Damn, this last minute is seriously beautiful. How do their outros always slap?
Nil: This sounds like the beginning of a HL2 action setpiece track, I mean that in the best way possible. Love that raising and lowering synth tone to the sides. Oh what the fuck this is incredible what am I hearing? Back to the start and YEEESSSS this bit again. So beautiful. The barely audible drum hits! The knocking sounds again! The weaving synths! Everything is great. Oh, and it’s all together now, so cool!!!
Teartear: Oh this is building up to be something epic, I can tell. Everything gels so nicely together on this one it’s crazy. There’s way too much to focus on aaaaaaa. The slowdown and the speed up, you love to hear it! The drums in the second half are all fantastic. Once again, perfect track to close out on.
…I’m beginning to think that trying to have actual thoughts about this kind of music is a losing battle. I’m enjoying most of what I’m hearing, but I don’t feel like I’m smart enough to really get it. All I can say for certain is that I definitely enjoyed the second half of Amber a lot more. The first handful of tracks were a bit too skeletal for my preference. Slip and Piezo onwards felt much more “complete”, I think. Maybe the album will grow on me, we’ll see. Tri Repetae, I’m coming for your ass tomorrow morning.
0 notes
wqk-k · 3 years
Obey Me Brother react to an idol!MC
 hi this is my first set of headcanons for the brothers  👉👈 i apologize if the brothers are ooc in this, though i tried my best jksajdufhj. i hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Cursing
Reader Pronouns: They/Them (4A)
Background: MC is a very popular idol in their world, best known for their impressive singing skills, music and the amount of rewards they have recieved because of their talents. Surprisingly, they aren’t only popular in their world, but in the Devildom and Celestial Realm as well.
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since lucifer didnt actually read who you were on the paper that had blown to his feet, he had no idea you were an idol at first
but after couple days at RAD, he noticed that random demons kept coming up to you in between classes and didnt leave until the next class started
most of them had come up to you with a pen and some paper asking for your autograph
he was just like ??? 
after a while of this happening luci decided to just ask you straight up why they were coming up to you like that and you had told him you were an idol back in the human realm
that explains it
he honestly doesnt mind
if people start hating on you in public, he’ll honestly just shoot them a death glare and it works
so damn well
he got too much pride to deal with those underlings
if you start working on music/mv projects that you left off on in the human realm (like shooting mv or singing) he will absolutely rent you a recording booth or fuck, even a whole ass theatre if you needed it
sometimes he likes to sit in the recording booth and listen to you sing for a bit before returning to his stacks of mammon’s bills 
v proud of you dont get him wrong
but he will make sure you’ve done all your homework first LMAO 🛌
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when mammon first found out you were an idol he started digging through boxes that had been in his closet
after what seemed like hours he finally found the box he was looking for and he started to dig through it
he pulled out an old camera that levi gave him a couple hundred years ago bc he said he didnt need it
mammon had the best idea ever, he could sell pictures of you to your fans for at least 10,000 grimm each.
surprisingly it worked
like really well
so well that you found out
you confronted him about it, saying that you find hella uncomfy with him snapping pictures of you at random times. not only that but it was an invasion of your privacy
despite him earning so much grimm, he agrees to stop but keeps some of the pictures to himself to look at when he misses you 
if you get hate in public he’ll turn into his demon form and scare the person away, maybe scaring you in the procees but apologizes right away if he does
if you start working on music/mv projects he’ll offer to help you shoot mvs or record you singing if you need the help
just make sure he gets some credit for helping you
but he genuinely thinks you look amazing in anything, like anything
you could be wearing a big bird cosplay and he’ll think you look breathtaking
gets you to model w him sometimes
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wait you look really familiar
really really familiar
you almost look and sound like that one really popular human idol that hes simped for time and time again
oh shit
v embarrassed when he finds out it is actually you and gets really nervous when hes talking to you
is the demon asking for your autograph
but you have no idea how much power you have over this man
you could tell him to come out of his room and he’d come out with ease, no protesting, no nothing
may ask you to record a ringtone for him for when he wakes up
even after months of you two knowing each other, he still gets flustered when you start talking to him with your stupid cute ass eyes and your perfect hair and your perfect voice and your perfect-
yeah you get the point AKJSDKLASFBG
if you get hate in public he will deadass growl at the person before escorting you to your favorite ice cream place
if you start working on music/mv projects he will be by your side 24/7
he wants to see the god/ess themselves at work
hes like your personal butler for the time youre working on the projects and its adorable
hes bby
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when he finds out youre an idol he will 100% voulenteer to help you write lyrics for your next song
but besides that, like luci, he really doesnt mind
he hears some other demons talking shit about you after art class and he’ll be angy as usual, but after stomping off and accidentally bumping into you he just
turned into puddy??
idk what it was but it was something abt they way your hair was a lil messed up and looking at him like that wish a small embarrassed look
just wow
every ounce of anger just evaporated while you apologized over and over again because the face he was making made him look like he was angry for some reason 
when he snaps back into reality he says its cool but then asks if youd like to go to the library w him because honestly youre his safe haven now
sometimes he asks you to hum a tune for him when hes reading
if the demons start hating again, you may need to hold him back KJASNDJFG 
if you start working on music/mv projects, again, will voulenteer for helping with lyrics
if you already have the lyrics down he’ll review them and give constructive critisisim if needed
or he’ll just write every lyric himself and you can judge it after hes done
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is not surprised at all
hes actually heard some of your songs and damn id he doesnt have them on his “on repeat” playlist on devilfy
he thinks you have an outstanding voice, not only that but youre a gorgeous lookin thing
asmo likes to hit on you a lot because he likes to see that flustered look on your face but he would never over your boundaries
he wouldnt want to be over the internet bc he made one of the most praised artists in devildom (thats not even a demon) angry
asmo doesnt want to be cancelled yet JKSJKDGFUA
but seriously, he thinks youre amazing
like really amazing
there like no lust involved in his admiration for you he just geniunely thinks youre cool
but he does think you look amazing 24/7
will ask you to model things for him for devilgram
if you get hate in public, he’ll hold your hands and shower you with compliments and tells you to ignore them
if you start working on music/mv project he will insist on doing backup vocals or being a backup dancer
or like the head backup dancer or whatever theyre called
is like your personal stylist wherever you go as well
along with that he can also help you come up with a beat for your song if you need one, he is more than happy to help someone like you
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he honestly thinks youre really cool
asmo showed him one of your songs before and thought it sounded really catchy
not only that, you sounded beautiful, almost like you were actually from the celestial realm, consider him a fan
so when you showed up for the new exchange program he was surprised but got really giddy
was one of the demons who asked for your autograph
you gave him a sweet smile after he asked and he just- melted
man down man down
will want to spend lost of time with you and take you to ristorante six on fridays as his treat
you usually end up paying though which he feels really guilty about but you tell him its fine
youre an idol who is loaded to the chest, youve got nothing to lose KLSKADJHF
if you get hate in public he’s also the type to death glare but people dont really hate on you in public when youre w him bc he has a naturally scary aura
lowkey thought you wouldnt like him at first :(
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll start cooking you meal and making sure you get enough water
will absolutely cook your favorite meal- or any meal in fact- if you request it
if you dont request anything he’ll just wing it and make something he think you’ll like kjskdhsf
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couldnt care less  🧍
he thinks your voice is pretty nice tho
hears beel listening to your music once and agrees w him on you having a really nice voice
lowkey sing him to sleep
like its super cute
plus he thinks youre gorgeous?? like wow you rlly pretty
once tried rubbing your face bc he thought you were wearing makeup but when nothing came up on his thumb he muttered a small “wow” and hugged you
it was the cutest thing ever ohmy god KJSJDSIF
ever since that day hes obtained a habit of rubbing your face when he finds you stunning or at random moments
if you get hate in public he will literally murder the person?? but in like an alleyway or something
he’ll say something like “wait here” and walks toward a dark area to do his thang
when he comes back he’s covered in this red shit and you worry for him but he just glosses over it and takes you into a pillow shop LMAO
he is v protective over you
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll occasionally help out but most of the time he’s sleeping so he doesnt really care 
sometimes he’ll give beat/lyric suggestions or help flim the mv but thats it  🧍  
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tozettastone · 2 years
Best Naruto crossovers- It depends honestly on whats being counted as a crossover!
Personally 'x AU' where the characters of one thing are planted in the world of the other thing or given the world conventions of the other media(daemon aus for example) I dont usually count as crossovers but as in the AU category, but I DO count world fusions (where say, Naruto and Dragon Age take place in the same universe) as crossovers as well as the traditional dimension travel and transmigration 'isekai type' crossovers.
Generally speaking I deeply enjoy both isekai-type crossovers and world fusions as tropes, and enjoy different types of media for either regarding Naruto. This is *very* dependent on the rules the other media has and how much I can suspend belief about it.
Naruto world fusing with HP for example is rarely believable in this case because HP is a modern world and hiding the bullshit that happens in Naruto fully doesnt seem possible(the damn MOON is involved) and the magic systems are dissimilar enough it doesnt feel like they are operating on the same universe rules unless one or the other's rules are heavily fudged.
Naruto and Stargate or Star Wars or other planetary adventures though are GREAT for a crossover of this kind because Naruto isnt set on our earth, on our continents, so we can just make it another planet and be done. The fact that there are canon aliens helps sell it too.
These crossovers can be AMAZING, but the crossed over property and how its used are key. The worldbuilding has to be really damn solid in these and many times it isnt.
What Naruto really shines with though, because it has canon dimensional shenanigans and reincarnation, is isekai-type crossovers. Most things can be made to work believably with a spot of dimension travel, and few things are so dissimilar that it wouldnt work at all. Those that dont work from dimension travel will work with transmigration and thus giving the magic system of that world to that character and usually solving the problem that way.
The drawback with these though, is that they have a high barrier for entry as they are the crossover of choice for many and its hard to stand out. Most end up going nowhere because they just wanted to get x to y but forgot to think of a plot or good reason why they would or would not get involved in canon events or why they dont spill the beans and help properly. Those that do often cant handle conflict and power scaling super well, which is fair because it can be very hard to make many characters have believable emotional or physical conflict in places where they outclass everyone and arent prone to angst and switching to crackfic and trying to learn to be funny instead can be even harder.
It less becomes a question of what is crossed with what and more how the plot is handled in isekai crossovers. Making them interesting and not 'the exact same plot as canon but sometimes the xover character interjects something witty or kills something' is the real test.
I saw a FANTASTIC 'send Shisui to dragon age inquisition' fic and thats exactly the kind of isekai naruto character into other media fic that I love. Well worldbuilt, some au ing that looks like its going to build up and pay off, magic intersects pretty good, and the tension isnt reliant only on fighting people he largely outclasses.
There was also making Azula into a Uchiha upon reincarnation, which was super rad and fun and I hope it goes somewhere interesting with her causing trouble.
Okay, so, in summary: Stargate and Star Wars, because they empower writers to present the Naruto setting as simply an alternative planet. Interestingly, these are very "US America in Space" settings. It would seem easier to crossover Naruto with something that could give you a more cohesive internal mythos, but you value power scaling and specific modes of conflict more highly. This is notion of comparable power scaling is definitely a popular framework in certain forums, so that makes sense.
I won't really address the substance of the comments you made about the motives of people who write fanfic, or what is good and bad in fic, except to point out that you have presented many narrow opinions as general truths.
For example, you wrote "they just wanted to get x to y but forgot to think of a plot." I don't think they "forgot." Writers know about plots. If a story lacks a plot, it's unlikely to be accidental. This ask leans on a lot of assumptions like this. Without asserting that any of this is good or bad, I will say that in my experience, fandom is not so homogeneous a bunch.
I'm glad you've found fics that meet your needs, though. There's a fandom for everyone! 😌
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vanityloves · 2 years
I ship with Danny Johnson from Dead by Daylight!!!!! He's Ghost Face!!!
AGSJDJ YAAAA something so scary and murderous can be so comforting ♡ ALSO THATS SO RAD i still need to watch the scream movies (and tbh the rest of the f13 franchise but theres...so many HQHSH) but omg do you have a favorite :0 also YAYAY i heard the new movie was a trip, i rly hope you got to see n enjoy it !! also tyyy! jason's sometimes boiled down to just a mamas boy and im like oh naur 😭 i like to think hes pretty mellow if you just leave his ass alone like damn let the man live in his own space HSHDH
relationship wise, i think we're just chillin in his cabin 😎 i want that cottagecore life just this once and by god he will give it to me. hes the embodiment of 'my hands look like this so theirs look like that' - he chops firewood and i watch from the porch like its tv ♡
I KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING AB DBD BUT PLS FEEL FREE TO TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT + DANNY! i think hes a journalist like hes giving peter parker i need pics of spiderman 😭 i love ghostface as a slahser tho theyre always so silly goofy!
i didnt really have a s/i set up but im a silly billy, i have an au? im some delivery guy that got pranked and sent to camp crystal and ofc when i got there i was like,, maybe i should turn around...but i dont want customer complaints so ill check 🗿 other than that i have a slashersona thats a postal guy and on their days off, they pick up odd jobs: clean your pool, mow your lawn, walk your dogs, etc - generally well liked but very lowkey so when they go postal no one really expects it yknow qudjq.
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
I was in desperate need of some beel fluff, so i wrote some. As one does. Uh, ive never done this,(posting fanfic, i normally jus write small things for myself tbh😅) before so please have mercy lol
I hope ya like it though, it put a smile on my face so im hoping it does the same for you♡
You started filling the hem of your shirt with snacks, as many as you could fit in the scrunched up fabric that is, a tired but playful grin on your lips, as you thought over what you planned to do, mentally prepping yourself.
Normally, you're not so bold about seeking out comfort and such, feeling shy about showing vulnerability...but today, ugh, today had you particularly worn down. You needed something, affection preferably. You'd settle for a warm bath and some melatonin if you had to. Though, you really didnt want too.
You were tired of self soothing all the time. And Asmos care packages could only help so much. But you knew how to make it all magically better. There was only one option in times like these .
You worked quickly, excitement bouncing around in your gut, making your hands a little shaky.
Having grabbed all you could you carry, you practically dashed from the kitchen. Your mind set on finding a certain big demon. Last you heard, he was headed to his room for a bit. You hoped he was still there.
When you finally reached his bedroom door, you found yourself in a tad bit of a pickle. Your eyebrows furrowed, the realization that you wouldn't be able to open the door making you frown at the closed door briefly. You cursed yourself slightly, for not thinking that far ahead. You forgot in all your excitement.
Briefly you considered trying to use you feet before dropping the idea. Guess you've got no choice.
Dang it! You felt kinda bummed that you'd be losing the element of surprise, but the grin soon returned, thinking about seeing Beel always you happy, regardless of the circumstances.
"Beeeeellllllllllll!" You called out, letting a bit of a whine into your voice, hey, who knows? Maybe it'd get him in front of you faster?? He tended to be on the slower side of answering his door, sometimes he simply didnt hear it. Especially if he was working out or watching tv.
Apparently, whining his name did not speed him up:(
You were about to call out again, worried he hadn't heard you, when the door clicked open. The mere sound making you feel slightly giddy. Your eyes snapping up to meet his briefly. You soaked in as many details of him as you could, without just straight ogling him, before flicking your eyes back up to meet his.
"Y/n?" He seemed pleasantly surprised, dressed in a black tank top and grey sweats (you were happy to see him wearing them, because while he looked like a whole ass meal in them, it also meant he had no plans of leaving the house tonight).
His eyes were quick to find the odd lumps wrapped up in your shirt, as well as the bit of tummy peaking out. The position you held your shirt in had caused the bottom of your stomach to show, something you had worried about on the way here, anxious about a different brother catching a glimpse of you. You could feel his stare burn against your skin, he was about to say something, but then his nose twitched, and his eyes fixed on your bundle of snacks instead.
Not that you minded his staring your stomach, not with Beel.
The others...maybe.
Your tummy was one of his favorite parts about you, he's hands finding their way under your shirt to touch and squeeze the soft flesh more often than not. Always gentle and non intrusive. I think he'd full on cry if he accidentally upset you somehow tbh.
Boy had absolutely no shame about it, once he learned you didnt mind much.
Especially when you seemed to be a bit shy about showing your stomach, with the others, or just in general. He made sure to let you know how much he loved your squish. Be it at RAD or just casually in the house.
The only person who ever raised a fuss over it was Mammon, although, he tended to fuss over everything you did anyways;; His protests did absolutely nothing to deter you or Beel, much to his dismay.
Sometimes, if Beel was hungry and needed a distraction or a quick 'pick me up', he'd scoop you up and just shove his face into your tummy. (Much like what I do with my cat when I'm bored and/or sad) Then he'd just hold you there until he absolutely had to let you down.
Relishing in the feel of your softness and you heart racing under your skin, fluttering so delicately under his lips, pressing his face against you was an instant mood lifter for him.
You loved it, a surprised but delighted laugh always ripping from your chest, almost subconsciously. You couldn't hide your happiness in his affections, not that you would want to (thats a lie, you cant help but be embarrassed at the end of the day by the intensive joy you felt whenever you looked at him). Which only seemed to motivate him even more, and soon each time he scooped you up, he'd kiss all over your tummy, making you giggle because it tickled, before hugging you close with a small sigh.
"I brought snacks, and some cuddles. So uhm, can I nap on you for a bit? 'M tired. Unless your busy or something..." you beam up at him, starting to hesitate toward the end, suddenly a little unsure.
"Pretty please?? I wont bug ya, I promise." You plead, pulling your best puppy dog eyes, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. His eyes widened as his brain processed what you said, and the cute sight in front of him. If he was being honest, it made his brain stop for a split second.
He chuckled at you and lifted you up by the back of your knees, holding you carefully to his chest, mindful of your full shirt. A small startled squeak coming from you as he did so, a sound he never got tired of hearing.
You glanced in the room as he closed to door, he had papers sprawled over the small coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few (you spotted more in the trash bin in the corner) empty food wrappers around his work space. He plopped down in front of the table again, taking only a few steps to reach it. You were kind of jealous, your short legs never being a fair match against his. Luckily he enjoyed carrying you, which solved that issue right quick.
"You can keep me company while I finish my homework." He says, shifting you into his lap and keeping a loose hold on your lower stomach, fingers splaying out to get a small feel of your exposed skin. Glancing around, you dont see belphies mop of hair in his bed, he was probably sleeping in the attic or the observatory, you quietly hum to yourself, abit happy to have Beel all to yourself for the moment. Shifting forward, Beels hands refusing to let you go and setting on your waist, you hold your shirt above the edge of the table, and let the snacks spill from your shirt before smoothing the garment back down, missing Beels frown as he looses sight of your tummy. Quickly moving to organize the snacks a bit, so that they were within reach and not scattered all over his papers and in the way.
"Thank you, your the bestest!!" You say, the dull ache in your arms more than worth the effort in your opinion.
You tilted your head back so you can look up at him. Making eye contact with him made your brain kinda just...mush. Your hands slowly squeezing his on your waist, lifting them so you move a bit.
You tore you gaze from his, before turning around and wrapping your arms around his nack and your legs around his torso,(like a koala in his opinion).
Scooting as close as you could get away with, (your not as stealthy as you give yourself credit for, he knows, he just too nice to tease you for it, and he doesn't want you to stop), so you could snuggle up to him and be comfy at the same time. Which wasn't all that hard to do with him, being the teddy bear he is.
Your eyes glazed over slightly, and you were distracted as you mind pulled your attention away.
Ah, you were in pure bliss, you could die happy like this~
You had grabbed plenty of snacks, being sure to vary in your choices, knowing Beel would like to have options, and hoping to be able to buy some extra time with him and a cute Beel smile as a reward for your effort. Tho, youd do it anyways.
Not that you'd ever admit to that. Nuh uh, no way. Unless he asked nicely, you'd give in embarrassingly fast if he ever did, the realization making your face heat up.
Embarrassment be damned, youd never tell Beel 'No'.
He looks down at you, face going all blushy and soft at your slightly dazed and flushed expression. Your thoughts getting the best of you for a moment. Shaking your head slightly and letting out a resigned sigh.
"Of course you can," you snap out of it when he speaks up, looking up at him, quick to give him your full attention. "I love when you cuddle up with me, it helps me focus a bit. You didn't have to bribe me, though, as long as its you, my cuddles come free-" wrapping his arms around your shoulders, giving you a snug hug, he moves to continue. "Not that I'm complaining-" you cut him off, feeling slightly guilty about it. You were already flustered, and his sweet words weren't helping your predicament one bit. That was until your eyes actually focus on his face, oh sweet hell, hes so precious!!! Your heart thumps nearly painfully for a moment, nerves biting into your thoughts.
Your face was definitely beat red now, you could feel it at the tips of your ears even. Yet you refused to move, your eyes locked on his. A rare occurrence, one you could tell he was basking in, his eyes were glued to your face, studying it. His flush deepening slightly.
Squishing his cheeks and "shushing" him gently. Your basically cooing at him, to tired suddenly to care much about how your words or actions came off. The nervousness slipping away from your voice and movements. "Its not a bribe hun, I just felt like seeing you smile before I fell asleep on you. Heh, your smile is my goodluck charm for good dreams, ya know?" You tiredly rub his cheek with your thumb, eyes lit up happily and content. Giving him a small breathless laugh at the end.
He really did calm you down, your mind slowing down as the excitement started to fade, a fact you became overly aware of quite suddenly, your eyes feeling quite heavy now that you felt safe.
You yawned, your weariness catching up to you.
Beels quick to notice, taking note of the bags under your eyes. Dont worry, he'll make sure you get some good sleep, no bad dreams were gonna plague you on his watch. He glances over at the snacks you brought, unbelievably happy. Seeing you so cutely curled up to him, the fact that you brought him as much food as you could carry(a sight he nearly died from when he saw it) and your sweet sweet words, it definitely warmed his heart to say in the least.
He loved that you actually came to find him, just so you could cuddle. His adoration for you is bottomless, just like his hunger.
So, Beel wraps you inna big bear hug, pulling you closer and peppering the top of your head and face with kisses. He gives you a big grin, his eyes sparkling happily. "Nap, I'll wake you up when I'm done and we can hangout till dinner."
You tiredly nod, relaxing against him.
Grabbing a baggy of chips, he smooches your forehead, before tucking your face under his chin so he could munch, and see his work(not like that was much of an issue, beels a big boy after all👀), without completely covering the top of your head in crumbs (you'd told him you didn't mind, especially since he always ruffled your hair to get then out, and you loved that...but he still feels bad about it and tries to avoid it to some extent) and being able to rest his chin on top your head was just the cherry on top for him.
💗Happy beel mode activated💗
Sighing happily, you close your eyes. Beels cuddles making all your stress melt away, just like they always did. Slowly, you start to drift off, listening to the soft scratch of his pen as he starts to work and his deep breathing, letting it lull you into sleep.
I dont know why my brain wanted me to got all out on this. I literally jus couldn't stop tweaking with it. Imma post if before i decide to change it. Imma just conveniently forget i wrote this now, maybe ill like it more after a week or two... :/ also if theres any spelling or grammar issues plz tell me, its like 2am rn so im sure i missed something
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Dave Strider, John Egbert, Jade Harley
Act 6, page 6302-6323
DAVE: so weird being back here
DAVE: cant believe how long ago it feels since i lived in this place
DAVE: spent way too long wallowing in our own filth on that gnarly meteor thats for sure
DAVE: this doesnt even seem like my room anymore
DAVE: its like trespassing or something like im horning in on somebody elses life
DAVE: a life lived most sweetly though i will admit
DAVE: ahahaha the fuckin toilets still there
DAVE: i remember when jade put that there that is perhaps like my favorite memory
DAVE: wish jade wasnt crazy just makes me remember how much i miss not crazy jade
DAVE: or less crazy jade
DAVE: wait
DAVE: didnt karkat once say terezi ripped a troll toilet out of his house
DAVE: what is with girls and their universally constant tendency to rip out plumbing fixtures
DAVE: did i just accidentally crack another cosmic riddle or
DAVE: i gotta txt him and get confirmation on this asap
DAVE: actually nah
DAVE: i probably harangued the poor guy with enough of my bs the last few years
DAVE: ill just keep shufflin thru memory lane making wistful observations out loud
DAVE: you know it kinda chaps my bulge that people rip on me for talking to myself
DAVE: its like the most perfectly natural thing to do
DAVE: why are people so up tight about keepin a lid on their monologues what a bunch of stuffy pricks
DAVE: ive always found the sound of my own voice to be mysteriously soothing
DAVE: haha talk about an embarrassing sentence to say in earshot of an actual person
DAVE: well maybe not the mayor
DAVE: you can always tell the mayor anything <3
DAVE: hahaha this piece of shit is still here too
DAVE: didnt we use this thing like ONCE
DAVE: what a useless pile of trash in hindsight
DAVE: sometimes i think this game was designed by an idiot
DAVE: wasnt it called like
DAVE: the laserbeam intellivision or something
DAVE: id throw it in the lava but that would be a waste of melting
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: almost forgot about my ill beats from the past
DAVE: i wonder if theyre as ill as i remember
DAVE: ok i just pushed some buttons and verified they remain as ill as the day they were dropped
DAVE: ill have to send them to karkat he has always been an enthusiastic patron of my exceptional science
DAVE: i mean sure he says it sucks and maybe he even believes that on some pathetic sub intellectual plane of consciousness which gross philistines operate on their whole lives
DAVE: but whenever he gets a load of my hype
DAVE: i see him there
DAVE: tapping his foot ever so slightly
DAVE: i see him
DAVE: this poster...
DAVE: love this poster
DAVE: its like an old friend
DAVE: never even knew who these guys were or what their deal was
DAVE: never gave it much thought i guess
DAVE: doubt ill ever find out at this point
DAVE: oh well
DAVE: some things i guess were never meant to be figured out
DAVE: or benefit from any kind of elaboration
DAVE: not even years later
DAVE: just the way it is sometimes
DAVE: its like ive said before
DAVE: this poster is a hell of a mystery
DAVE: that i never even thought was a mystery
DAVE: and it would be pretty cool if somebody solved it
DAVE: but damn if thats ever gonna happen
DAVE: so thats a shame
DAVE: aw hell its my old dead things collection
DAVE: what a stupid blast from the past
DAVE: i seriously cannot remember if i was sincere with this shit
DAVE: i was probably trying to flex my underdeveloped irony muscles
DAVE: like the shrimpiest kid at the hipster gym
DAVE: why does my childhood room have to be such a predictable museum of embarrassments
DAVE: i dont know
DAVE: some of these things are kind of cool actually
DAVE: like from a standpoint of objective reevaluation afforded by the sobering maturity that comes with being literally 100% grown up now
DAVE: dead things are actually pretty rad
DAVE: i feel like if i was legitmately into all this then more should have come of the interest
DAVE: like there could have been like
DAVE: entire CONVERSATIONS about it that never even took place
DAVE: hey rose youll never guess what im excited about and have loads of dialogue to spill over
DAVE: whats that dave
DAVE: ancient mollusks
DAVE: hmmmmmmmm said rose
DAVE: how many bananas do you think this paw clutched back when it was alive and attached to a monkey
DAVE: dave i really must say
DAVE: this conversation blows
DAVE: yeah sorry
DAVE: maybe i could have really developed this interest
DAVE: maybe i could have been something cool as a result
DAVE: like what even profession is this
DAVE: a dead shit ogler?
DAVE: no wait
DAVE: probably a paleontologist or something
DAVE: i could have been a paleontologist
DAVE: instead of what i became
DAVE: which was
DAVE: uh
DAVE: some pajama packing fuckface from the renaissance fair
DAVE: that would have been the dopeness!
DAVE: eurgh
DAVE: the ironic selfies
DAVE: oh god
DAVE: now this
DAVE: this is some irredeemably mortifying shit here
DAVE: what was i thinking
DAVE: i dont know man
DAVE: i just dont know
DAVE: this is what seasoned veterans call "bad irony"
DAVE: look at this guy
DAVE: what a fucking novice
DAVE: oh who am i kidding
DAVE: i cant stay mad at that face
DAVE: ok this one is pretty funny actually
DAVE: ...
DAVE: eheheh
DAVE: hehehehe
DAVE: haha!
DAVE: hahahahahaha!
DAVE: (gasp)
JOHN: hi dave!
JOHN: what's so funny?
DAVE: whoa
DAVE: john
JOHN: what were you looking at there...
JOHN: hey, are you crying?
DAVE: what
DAVE: no
JOHN: ...
DAVE: i mean i was just laughing too hard at something dumb
DAVE: you know how it is
JOHN: heh, yeah.
JOHN: can i see?
DAVE: no its nothing
DAVE: where the fuck have you been
DAVE: do you remember what happened since we got here
JOHN: yes.
DAVE: well
DAVE: are you gonna fill me in or keep floating there in the most uninformative way possible
JOHN: uh oh.
JOHN: dave, i have to go!
DAVE: what
DAVE: why
JOHN: i can't hang around in one place for too long.
JOHN: let's catch up later, ok?
DAVE: john wait
JOHN: see you buddy!
DAVE: no dont
DAVE: john no stop turning into wind you fickle idiot
DAVE: dont just leave right away that is such an insanely predictable move
DAVE: i said get back here you slippery motherfucker!!!
JADE: hello dave
DAVE: god dammit
JADE: he was just here wasnt he
DAVE: no
JADE: how do you even know who im talking about??
DAVE: look all i know is egbert most definitely didnt just appear out of nowhere and catch me weeplaughing at my selfies
JADE: dave i know he was just here
JADE: i can smell him
DAVE: i keep my apparment misted with his odor at all times
DAVE: essence d'egbert
JADE: degbear?
JADE: what...
DAVE: no like the french pronunciation
JADE: ah
DAVE: anyway im just a lot more comfortable when my whole place reeks of nerd musk
DAVE: so that explains that
JADE: you cant fool me dave
JADE: i will track him down sooner or later
JADE: in any case it doesnt matter
JADE: i came here to see you, not him
DAVE: you did
JADE: come with me
DAVE: where
JADE: out here
JADE: we have some work to do
DAVE: what work
JADE: youre going to need to upgrade your weapon
DAVE: what
DAVE: you mean the deringer
JADE: yes
DAVE: i thought it was like the best possible sword
DAVE: or at least the best possible broken sword
JADE: that may very well be the case
JADE: but it will be useless against lord english
JADE: wouldnt you prefer a weapon that is capable of inflicting damage against him?
DAVE: uh
DAVE: not really?
JADE: of course you would
JADE: this isnt even up for discussion
JADE: now give me the deringer
JADE: we have all been traveling for three long years. what better way to celebrate our reunion than with a little alchemy? :)
DAVE: lots of ways
DAVE: we could have a jade goes back to normal party
DAVE: starring normal jade
JADE: gimme the sword
DAVE: ok here
DAVE: how do we make it so it can damage him
JADE: it needs a special ingredient
JADE: something which represents his only known weakness, but hasnt been properly weaponized
DAVE: and you know what that is
JADE: i do
DAVE: how
JADE: i get all my intelligence on such matters from the old lady
JADE: shes had centuries to hatch a plan to settle her score
JADE: over time shes uncovered many secrets about him
DAVE: i dont understand how this is working
DAVE: is she piping all these secrets into your brain
DAVE: along with the evil
JADE: that is not relevant!
DAVE: fair enough
DAVE: i guess technically almost nothing is relevant to the dude youre barking orders to
DAVE: literal barking because of dogginess
JADE: bark bark bark!!!
DAVE: yes exactly like that
DAVE: thank you for participating in the joke
DAVE: now what is this special ingredient and where do we get it
JADE: i already have it right here
DAVE: oh yeah?
JADE: in fact ive had it for about as long as i can remember
JADE: it was right under my doggy snout all along
JADE: remember this?
DAVE: no
JADE: dave are you lying to me?
DAVE: no!
DAVE: ive never seen that thing before
JADE: but i found it on your planet
JADE: it must have gotten here somehow
DAVE: i didnt take your lousy egg
JADE: its not an egg!
DAVE: yeah well these planets are crawling with brainless lizards maybe one of them thought it was an egg
DAVE: and then brought it here cause its warm here and tried to hatch it
JADE: you really have a one track mind when it comes to certain things
DAVE: what things
DAVE: what are you talking about
JADE: davesprite was like that too... i just figured it was because he was part bird
JADE: but no, here you are going on about bird things too just like him :p
DAVE: come on dont compare me to him
DAVE: just cause i think its an eggy looking thing dont mean i think like a damn bird
JADE: mm hmm
JADE: and just because i have these pointy ears doesnt mean i wouldnt kill for some snausages right now!
DAVE: .....................
DAVE: do you actually want snausages
JADE: .....................
JADE: maybe ._.
DAVE: ok well snausages notwithstanding this is bullshit
DAVE: tell me how that thing doesnt look like an egg to you
DAVE: how is that not so obviously SUCH an egg???
JADE: its a cueball dave!
DAVE: i see
DAVE: so if im following
DAVE: then what youre trying to tell me is
DAVE: lord english has some sort of severe egg allergy that we are hoping to exploit
JADE: sigh
JADE: i see its still impossible to have a serious conversation with you, whether you are a sassy bird or not
JADE: i thought regular dave might have matured a little over three years but i guess i was wrong
DAVE: can we just make the eggsword already
DAVE: oh no
DAVE: not the legendary piece of shit again
JADE: pardon?
DAVE: its the fuckin welsh sword again!
JADE: are you telling me you have seen this sword before dave
JADE: how is that possible?
DAVE: i dont know!
DAVE: because i have a shitty quest is how
JADE: .....
DAVE: didnt davesprite tell you anything
DAVE: i found this sword in a gold cave and broke it
DAVE: then davesprite took it to hephaestus who fixed it and upgraded it to the deringer
DAVE: and sent that to me and i broke it again
JADE: you sure seem to break swords a lot
DAVE: i know!!!
DAVE: that has always been my thing for some reason
DAVE: now i guess it turns out my ultimate sword is really just a repaired downgrade of my previously ultimate sword mixed with a cueball?
DAVE: we just cycled right back to caledfwelsh like a bunch of tools
DAVE: that is the most stupid convoluted ass backward way to get a sword out of a stone i can even imagine
DAVE: i feel like somebody somewhere is having a good laugh over this i sure hope like the juggalo equivalent of fuckin loki or whoever the fuck is having a top notch riddlewank at my expense
JADE: :|
DAVE: you know what really gets me is
DAVE: this shitty welsh sword presumably consisted of those ingredients all along which just makes me want to travel back in time to perform a mutually assisted suicide with myself
DAVE: me and other dave can take turns suffocating each other with our own DUMBASS capes
JADE: dave i admit this is a peculiar turn of events, but i think you are overreacting
DAVE: jade this is STUPID
JADE: omg
JADE: youve really spent way too much time alone with karkat havent you
DAVE: ...
DAVE: i need help :(
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
ok i still havent gotten the secret ending but farming for it might take me a bit so im gonna make a thoughts post for age of calamity now:
Major spoilers obvs so ill put it under a read more
things i enjoyed:
revali beatdown simulator
the controls for the divine beasts are a bit clunky, but i think the angles they used for them did an excellent job at really making the player feel like we were actually controlling a divine beast. so i think it was done well.
link’s personality really gets to shine full force in this game with the amount of cut scenes and it was wonderful to see
every character clearly had a lot of love put into how they operate. they truly all feel unique, & all of their play styles fit them really well in my opinion
the game does a really good job of making you understand what a real threat the monsters are. like in botw they’re intimidating at first, but once you’re far enough into the game they become just an inconvenience to work around if anything. this game managed to actually make certain monsters intimidating for me again, and i think that’s a real accomplishment
the blight battles are actually somewhat challenging in this game and that is truly a commendable achievement lol i think all the bosses are good tbh. i didnt rly dislike or not enjoy any of them.
the way daruk and link’s friendship & urbosa’s motherly relationship towards zelda got to shine was. so good. it’s all i could’ve ever wanted
seeing the descendants again was really nice & it was awesome to see the champions interacting with them!! especially sidon and mipha omggggg. that was. really fucking good shit
kohga. just. kohga in general. getting to see more of him was really rad, he’s such a fun guy! and his english va was Excellent. you could really tell he was having a lot of fun playing him, and it was lovely to see! :)
zelda getting to really shine in this game was also lovely to see. and her being so assertive and badass by the end? omg. it was so wonderful especially after botw. man. 
the combat is done very well imo. im rly glad that they took so many elements from botw, but also added their own flares to make it feel fresh. it was rad.
sidon’s tagline is “winning smile” and his power is “boundless optimism” and i think that’s beautiful
the music in this game is SOOOOO good oh my god. multiple times during playing i had to pause to just appreciate it. it’s pretty much all remixes of botw with a few originals for the new characters, but they all slap. there was not a single song in this game i didn’t like. it is definitely one of my favorite video game soundtracks officially. maybe one of my favorite overall soundtracks in general tbh.
the visuals obviously look just like botw, but it still looked fucking gorgeous at some points. like. man. they really went off to make it look not only faithful to botw as far as appearance goes, but also as far as capturing botw’s beauty and it was. excellent to see!
if anything is true to botw’s backstory, it’s definitely how op link is. cause he was established to be op in botw, & when u finish botw he is also op as hell. he is so fun to play as the higher leveled he gets. he absolutely kicks ass. especially with a two-handed weapon??? daaaaammmmnnn. thats my badass baby boy!!!!
link eating rocks not once, but TWICE. just showing PEAK gremlin energy. 10/10 for those scenes they were great
the ending was really beautiful actually and i did cry like a little baby for it what about it
things i didn’t like:
obviously first and foremost.. this is not the game we were advertised. and no matter how much i overall enjoyed the game, it will always have some layer of being tainted attached to it due to the false advertising. this is not the prequel we thought we’d be getting. & not using “prequel” specifically doesn’t matter when all the advertising, including the box art talks about this being the story of what happened 100 years ago. with no indication it wasn’t the story of what happened 100 years ago in the botw timeline, but a separate universe/timeline entirely. i do hope we get dlc for the game at some point giving us what we were advertised, but at the same time... rly wish that the story that’s in the final game was dlc, & the story we were promised was the original :/ or just having the game have two separate storylines originally would’ve been cool. i just wish it wasn’t falsely advertised. 
fort hateno can fucking eat my whole entire shit WHY is that part so needlessly obnoxious compared to everything else oh my god
being forced to fulfill revali’s power fantasy TWICE hurt my soul
fuck any mission where you have to protect the useless hylian guards. i hate them. they suck.
the ai for player characters when you aren’t playing as them can also be pretty useless. it was really frustrating failing missions because my fellow party members weren’t helping me, and i was basically expected to be in two places at once to get shit done myself. :/ ik you can just switch between characters to make it easier, but like. i like playing as link the most. he’s my favorite character, & ofc since he’s mandatorily played for most of the story, he’s gonna be the most leveled up character regardless so he’s just the best to play as in general especially for harder missions. it was annoying to be forced to play as other people Solely cause the ai was so useless.
king rhoam’s attempt at a redemption arc. i’m not sorry that i just fucking hate this man. i don’t mind him entirely in botw bc you can see clear, genuine remorse during the cut scene at the end of the great plateau. but the redemption arc he gets in this game? after all the fucking shit he does in this game? especially when after his ~redemption arc~ i had to sit through a cut scene of him being an absolute fucking asshole to baby zelda after her mother just died????? absolutely fuck that shit. i don’t appreciate that crap at fucking all. he’s a verbally abusive piece of shit and i hate his guts.
obviously there was gonna be some retconning of how certain things worked in botw in order to make this kinda game work but the way sheikah technology works in this game is so goddamn confusing i do not get it. the works of botw are never outright said or explained completely, but it’s straightforward enough that it doesn’t really matter. this game does try to explain certain things and it just becomes. really clunky and confusing very quickly. 
the story is alright, i guess, but..... really confusing/convoluted as hell at times to a point that it’s. really fucking distracting. especially in comparison to how straightforward botw’s story is. like..... cannot help but be annoyed that such a problem wouldn’t have been a thing if they stuck to botw’s story.
i was sad when the egg thing died but i dont like the egg thing.... it is the MAIN reason shit was retconned so much & i just. dont get its purpose. but i did really like the reveal that zelda made it herself. that was good shit!
also the egg glitched out like. a LOT. idk what the fuck was going on with the poor thing but there was multiple times during a cut scene or when i was just sitting there that it was freaking out in the background and it was rly weird
elemental overworld boss monsters................. obnoxious. especially elemental guardians like goddamn bro what the fuck
i know warriors’ games aren’t about exploring anyway but the limitations for exploring was really sad/frustrating. this is still somewhat the world of hyrule before the calamity, which is something we’ve always wanted to see. not being able to explore even the immediate area at certain points because of shit like timed missions was really upsetting, man. :( i just wanted to see hyrule castle Before the calamity why was did they have to rob us like that.....
creepy corrupted egg’s transformation. why. what was that. what the fuck
even though i did enjoy the boss fights, it did get. incredibly taxing eventually to have to fight the SAME bastards so many times. like yeah botw is also guilty of this with the blights, but goddamn.... at least i have a choice to avoid certain encounters with them? this game has you fighting the same bitches like upwards of 3-4 times. it was. really annoying tbh. like the fights themselves are enjoyable, but damn we added new characters and it still inevitably lacked variety in boss fights.
no playable kass >:( if he’s available later in dlc then fine but i wish he was playable in the original game. so many random choices you’d never expect are. why couldn’t he also be there >:(
it will forever have that sour taste for the false advertising attached to it unfortunately, but that aside, i overall did enjoy the game! i think it has a lot to love in spite of the issues i encountered. as someone who has this as their first warriors game as well, it did lend itself to letting me see the appeal of them. idk if i’ll get more, but i do get why they’re so beloved/popular now. it was an alright time, with some amazing highlights that i’m gonna think back on very fondly for a very, very long time. if i had to rate it..... 7/10 
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intearsaboutrobots · 3 years
7, 10, 16, 25?
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
hm i think that there is a type of stumbling-over-words that i give characters a lot? i also think a lot of my writing is kind of very... internal? a lot abt the stuff going on inside someone less abt stuff outside them... its definitely bc im not as comfortable writing dialogue and way less comfy writing like, physical interaction and a bunch of characters in a scene.
as to if others agree... please someone tell me lol i am not sure. i dont reread my own work often bc like, the editing process usually sours me on it til i cant look at it anymore (that is like, a thing i would like to make... .not tru, at some point)
this was interesting to think abt, i am realising i do not hav the like, vocabulary to describe or conceptualise this kind of thing very well
10. How would you describe your writing process?
uh well as it stands i will usually do an outline via bulletpoint list and then just. write the story from start to finish, in order. its not like, the Best tho honestly lol bc i tend to get bogged down in a scene thats going too long or thats going offtrack and then get stressed out or lose interest. bright side: sometimes along the way i discover the arc of the story means its ending in a cool new way now and that is pretty rad
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
trying to not do the getting-bogged-down thing! rn im starting a new project and im trying to like, do a better job of figuring out which things im interested, which points im actually wanting to write the story for, and then focus on those things so i dont get caught up in like hundreds of words of other nonsense
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
mmmm i think the outlining? bulletpoint lists are like, kind of my natural form of communication lol (damn u tumblr for not letting me nest items anymore which makes them way less readable) and i like sketching out a story that way!! its why i like headcanon-ing and chatficcing too
from this writing ask meme
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
35 36
be honest meme as if i’m not already || [ open ] 
35. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
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I don’t follow many blogs, never have. When I say I’m highly selective I mean it. So my dash moves pretty damn slow. I read pretty much everything that comes across it as a result. This helps me to learn more about what makes my partner’s muses tick as well as help inspire me with new ideas. No, I don’t steal I just... take lil bits. 👀 Go back to sleep.
36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
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Passwords. Like seriously. People out here flipping out just for needing to send an ask that serves to show you actually gave a shit to read their rules (spare me the “i always read peoples rules uwu” bs, thats never true half the time) and it also can help break the ice? Which is important? I think most everyone I interact with has dealt with me crashing into their DMs after first interaction to say hello and plot.
This is a hobby but it necessitates dialogue between writing partners. You’re gonna have a less rad time if you stay in your shell. Realize that everyone on this site is just as much a weenie as you and kick a door down. You’ll love it. I kick em all.
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