#Wanna pick him up in my mouth like a crocodile with her babies
gunkbaby · 6 months
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His fuckass shoes brother in Christ what are those
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #953: Another Day at the Land of Departure (Kingdom Hearts)
11:23 a.m. Land of Departure's Residence's Living Room.............
Vantias: (Has The Back of his Head Laying on top of Namine's Lap) You guys think I'll look good with a Mohawk?
Namine: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion While Holding her Tablet) A....mohawk?
Ventus: (Too Busy Looking Something Up on his Phone) You finally starting to tired of being a Sora look-a-like there, Vantias?
Vantias: (Shrugs) Eh. That's one of reasons. I just felt like experimenting on a few different hairstyles, see where it takes me from here and junk.
Namine: Ooh! (Smiles Excitedly) Can the girls and I pleeease do your hair someday this month?~ I promise you won't regret it.
Vantias: Go nuts. Just don't make it lame or too girly, alright?
Namine: (Happily Salutes to Her Brother) You can count on us, Van-Van!~ (Turns to Ventus) You too, Venny!
Ventus: (Lowers his Phone Down While Turning Towards Namine Beside Him) Huh?
Namine: I wanna try and style up your hair too. I'm afraid it's long overdue.
Ventus: What's wrong with the one I got?
Vantias: Dude, you and Roxas have been looking like siamese twins for the longest now. Don't you think it'd time for a new look already?
Ventus: I mean.....I would agree with you there, but Roxas did say that we would get a few things out of it if we keep this whole twin charade any longer, so......
Vantias: (Raised an Eyebrow) You're really gonna trust the words of an amateur troublemaker?
Ventus: (Rolls his Eyes) Says the literal embodiment of darkness......
Vantias: Hey. I aleady mellowed out my darkness bullshit ages ago.
Ventus: Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a prick.
Vantias: (Shrugs Whike Smirking Smugly) What can I say? I take pride in what I do.
Ventus: Realllly don't think that's anything to be proud of.......
Vantias: Bold of you to think otherwise.
Namine: ('Sigh') Boys, please. Today's a Saturday, no fighting. (Immediately Gives Vantias a Pouty Look on her Face) And what did I JUST say about you cursing, mister!?~
Vantias: Hey, I can't control what my mouth will say forever, ya know? And it'll only be a matter of time when you start doing it too.
Ventus: (Continues Looking Things Up on his Phone) You know, it would be pretty crazy to hear her curse for the first time...
Namine: (Eyes Begins to Widened Before Quickly Turning Away While Crossing her Arms) W-Well I'll just have to make sure that will never happen.
Vantias: I always admire your determination, Namine. (Starts Smirking Again) I'll give you two days tops.
Namine: ('GASPS') Two days!? (Starts Glaring at Vantias in an Adorable Fashion) Have more faith in my than that, Vantias! I wanted to be a month!
Vantias: I dunno......Two days seem like enough for me.
Namine: NOT FOR ME!~
Ventus: (Notices Something on his Phone) Huh. So these are the three new pokemon starters everyone's been talking about.....
Namine: (Gasps Once More as Her Eyes Begins to Glow in Excitement) Three new pokemon starters? I wanna see!~
Ventus shows the duo a picture of a green kitten, a red-orange baby crocodile, and a blue duckling with a pompador standing in their respective spots.
Namine: (Gasps Loudly Before Placing Both of her Hands on her Cheeks While Smiling Adorably) Oh my gosh, they look so adorable!~
Vantias: As expected. (Looks Back Up to Ventus) You think all of them would look cooler once they evolve?
Ventus: Probably. But if I have to choose my favorite out of the three, I'll pick Sprigatito. It's green and cute. Even more so than Chirithy...... D-Don't tell him I said that.
Vantias: I'll choose the apple looking baby croc. He looks cute now, but I have a feeling he'll be the most intimidating out of the bunch after a few levels.
Namine: (Smiles Brightly) Then I shall choose the blue duckling and raise him as my own!~
Ventus: Becoming a mother hen already?
Namine: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. How could I not? (Looks Back at the Picture of Qualxy) He deserves all the love and care in the world. And I'll do everything in my power to protect him. (Smile Turns into a Dark In Intimidating One as She Starts Cracking her Knuckles) By any needs necessary.
Vantias: (Shivers in a Bit of Fear Along With Ventus) Yeesh....Namine, you have to be the most intimidating cinnamon roll I have ever met.
??????: Ventus.
Ventus looks up before his eyes widened in fear at the sight of Chirithy looking down at with a dark look on his face.
Chirithy: What is this I hear about you saying that green alley cat is cuter than me?
Ventus: Make that the second most intimidating........('Gulp')
Chirithy: Answer the damn question, Ventus!
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My Sweet Flowers
Mod Mikan: I was bored. I was in the mood to write Kokichi. My hopeless romantic ass craves fluff. Do I really need to explain more?
Pairing: Kokichi X fem!Pregnant!Ultimate Gardener!Reader
Warnings: Pregnant reader
Yellow, red, pink, purple......
“Ah! Those are beautiful ones,”
The Ultimate gardener rolled up the khaki colored long sleeves of her denim shirt. Her gloved hands reached for the batch of purple tulips that spouted from the small garden that she was pouring her blood, sweat, and tears into almost everyday over the course of a year. The first two bodily fluids could’ve been used in quite a literal sense, since being the ultimate gardener came with many pricks of rose stem thorns and the salty sweat beating down on the poor (H/C) female’s forehead, dripping down into the dirt
Pushing aside the trivial adversaries of planting her beloved flowers, the female enjoyed and cherish ever single moment she got to spend with her plants. Her former classmates, mostly being Miu and Maki, rolled their eyes and even allowed a scoff to escape their lips as the gardener was whispering and talking to her plants. Nevertheless, her other previous classmates and friends all adored her kind-hearted and sweet nature. Korekiyo was always informing her about the origins of different flowers, Rantaro was a favorite client of hers when he came to her for flower bouquets to gift his sisters, and Gonta also asked her if she spotted any bugs in her garden
A smile creeped upon her glossed lip, recalling the positive and joyful events that filled her with happiness and determination to keep pursuing her talent. But no one would come close to her fiance, Kokichi Oma. Contrary to popular belief, Kokichi was very supportive of his future wife’s talent. He would never admit it, but he absolutely loved being able to offer a helping hand and garden with her. Although it was all on his free will, he always teasingly complained how “(Y/N), why did you drag me to garden with you???” or something along the lines of “Man, this is boring!!! How long before they actually start growing?!”
Both of them knew, though, his playful protests and remonstrances were all lies
“Then it is settled. I’ll be expecting that job done next week with a full report.............okay, bye,” The sound of a plastic phone cover clinking with the glass coffee table signaled that a certain supreme leader was done with his phone call. It was only around ten minutes, but felt like an eternity. He’s been bombarded with work and missions from his newest subordinates lately. The purple-haired dictator hardly had any time to spend with his fiancee. Another hint he would never allow to slip out from his own mouth, but his actions, tone of voice, and facial expressions made it clear as a diamond that he missed her dearly
Before a suspire of annoyance would escape from the lips of the female, she heard the click of the sliding door open, allowing a breeze of cool wind rush into the usual warm house. After a second clicked follower, closing the door, the soft click of shoes hitting against the wooden patio deck floor crescendoed into the female’s ears. She kept her (E/C) eyes on her plants, bundling the hand picked tulips in her small hands, only to be caught off guards by a pair of skinny arms wrapping around her. A gasp mixed with shock and excitement instead took the place of the sigh, as she turned around to see her future husband wearing typical his shit-eating grin  
“Nishishishi! There is my queen! Let me guess--gardening as usual?” He asked, putting her down on the soft grass that she was once kneeling on. The gardener just replied with an eye-roll, followed by a teasing statement of her own. After quickly tying the bouquet of the differently assorted colorful tulips with a red ribbon, she placed the hand-made bouquet down, turning to Kokichi with that playful smirk that he loved so much
“Oh? And where were you, Ultimate Supreme Leader? Lying and pissing people off as usual?” She was answered with a snicker and her fiance placing his hands behind his head, as if he was leaning on them. He titled his head a bit, sitting down on the grassy field alongside her
“You know me too well, my dear. Do you wanna know what we did?!” He asked excitedly, sparkles practically filling his eyes with the intense craving to allow an assumably great day he had to explode. She knew her lover too well to know that he would rapidly gush about his day no matter the answer he received. She nodded, letting out another weak chuckle before allowing him to rave about his work
“Yayy!!! So me and two of my members started off our day by kidnapping one of the government officials while he was out for breakfast at a local cafe. He’s actually in our basement tied up right now!” He cheered, his beam never leaving his face. (Y/N) eyes widen at his carefree comment, succeeding to suppress a low gasp
“You--What?!” She exclaimed, just earning another series of laughter from her fiance. He booped her nose, fiddling with the thin black neck-bow that was tied underneath the collar of her button up
“Just kidding! It was a lie! Man, (Y/N). I thought you’d know me better than that. Especially with all our history today,” Kokichi sniffled before he burst into his notorious crocodile tears, sobbing loudly as he fell into the chest of his lover. (Y/N) was about to say something, but she only managed to agape her mouth slightly until much rowdier blubbers greeted her ears
“Wahhhhh!!!!~ You’re so mean!” He sniveled before (Y/N) pulled him gently up by his violet hued locks, making his matching set of amethyst colored orbs lock in with her (E/C) ones. She pressed a small kiss on his forehead, fumbling with her free hand to grab the discarded assortment of flowers for her sweetheart
“Well I believe I know you well enough to know when you’re teasing or not. You use your fake tears way too frequently, Kichi. I think I’ve grown immune,” (Y/N) chuckled, gently shoving the tied flowers towards him. He wiped the rehearsed tears from his pink stained cheeks before a sincere smile creeped back on his face, accepting the tulips from (Y/N). He rested his head on her shoulder, his thigh touching her lap. Although the female was barely in her second trimester, his smile softened at the feeling of the developing baby bump underneath the layer of subtle fat that rolled onto her stomach
“How about you, my queen? Is our heir causing you any trouble? They should know that only I can mess with you,” Kokichi’s final sentence was laced with a hint of mischievousness, as he held a finger towards his sly smirk that creeped up on his face. (Y/N) looked down at her barely baby bump, running a gloved hand over the area clothed with her shirt
“They were surprisingly calm today. No trouble at all, really,” She half stated, half shrugged at the peaceful feeling. The supreme leader’s eyes twinkled in relieved, leaning down to press a kiss onto the covered tummy, turning his head so that his ear was pressed against the barely visible lump. He closed his eyes only for a split second, before turning his head towards the mother of his future child
“I’m glad. You’re....really going to be a great mother. I know it, (Y/N). No lies,” He complimented (Y/N), a lace of genuine and honesty was present in his eyes and voice, signaling that everything came from the depths of his heart. He lifted his head from the slightly uncomfortable position that he placed himself in, facing his darling queen in the eyes again. She slowly got up from the ground with him, one of his hand still wrapped around the bouquet he picked for him. Before the gardener could respond to her lover, she brushed any residue dirt from her jeans and took off her gardening gloves
“Thank you, Kokichi. And you’re gonna be such amazing father,” She replied back, reverting Kokichi’s wholehearted expression back to his typical cheeky demeanor and rebellious smirk
“Of course I will! I can’t wait for our baby to be an awesome supreme leader like their daddy!” He grinned, reaching to grab his beloved’s hand with his free one, as they made their way back inside their shared home. (Y/N) took off the flip flops she was wearing, as she flopped on the couch that was nearest towards the door. Kokichi placed the bouquet of flowers in an empty glass vase, making a mental note to fill it with water later. For now, the panta loving leader curled up next to his future wife, holding her close to his smaller and skinnier frame. He rested his head once more on her shoulder, pressing a tender kiss on her shoulder
“Or maybe a beautiful gardener like their mother,” He gently spoke, his grip on his lover getting a bit tighter, careful not to hurt the fetus that she was caring for the both of them. Kokichi had a habit of being protective over his queen, and over time, he learned to better himself for her, becoming someone that she can finally say “You are good enough for me” with the most heartfelt, warm feeling that would radiate from head to toe, the 5′1 leader falling weak into the knees and worshipping his queen that would rule alongside him
The wedding was approaching ever passing day. All there was left to do was the final dress and tux fitting and confirming the cake with Kirumi
“Well, maybe not!” Kokichi snapped outta his hopeless romantic thoughts, covering his forming blush and fluffy dreams about his hopefully, solid future with his love, with a vexatious and puckish tease. She gasped, lightly slapping his arm with as much mild brute force she would muster
“You dick!” She huffed, crossing her arms, only earning another sequence of “Nishishishi” coming from the slightly chapped lips from her irksome fiance. The pale skinned supreme leader planted a kiss on her cheek, getting up from the couch. He picked up the crystal vase containing the tulip bouquet with caution, turning to his beloved
“Now, now, don’t give me that pout, my sweet! How about you get comfortable in our bed and I’ll fill this up with water real quick?” He proposed, managing to crack a smile from his previous sulking fiance. The female slowly got up from the couch, using the counter near her as leverage, puling the excess weight along with her normal body weight off the plush cushion. With some aid of Kokichi’s free hand, guiding her towards him, she beamed and pressed a gentle kiss of her own on Kokichi’s temple
“That sounds like a great plan, my king. Thank you,” She expressed her gratitude for her future husband, making her way towards their bedroom. Kokichi’s violet-hued orbs watched carefully, assuring himself that his soon to be bride made it up the stairs with ease and didn’t inflict harm on herself, or the baby, accidentally. After he was sure that (Y/N) was safe, he made his way to the kitchen, turning on the faucet and filling the clear amphora with the colorless fluid. The supreme leader hummed sweetly to himself, hearing the gushing water tap dulcetly against the glass walls of the urn. He giggled lightly to himself, racking his brain from how he got from being a hated supreme leader of evil, not wanting any loved or affection from anyone that would potential be a loved one. To.....being a future father and husband to the two most important people in the world
“I love you both....my sweet flowers,” He mumbled to himself, turning off the water and clinking the bottom of the vase with the granite of the kitchen island table. His smile never left his face, giving his already inflated ego another shot of a confidence boost, grinning at what he said, corresponding such a beautiful term with his beloved
“My sweet flowers.....”  
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lukehughes43 · 4 years
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not before dinner - jack hughes
word count: 1,566
a/n: so this was made to help put my bestest friend @fratboyzegras​ and i’d like to think it helped. so hopefully if you’re having a bad day this helps cheer you up:) 
“jack, stella, i’ll be right back,” you started to speak. eyes glancing over to the pair who were glued to their stools. giggling the entire time while you were trying to make the sauce for dinner. “i have to go get laela up from her nap, so j can you please make sure to stir this?” at the mention of her baby sister stella’s blue eyes were turning to you right away. 
“waewa!” she squealed, hands clapping together before she looked back at jack. “waewa, daddy!” jack joined in on her fits of giggles, leaning over to pick her up and plop her in his lap. 
sighing you glanced back over to your husband who was smiling so wide down at your first born. having ignored everything you had just said besides the fact you were going to get your four month old baby. “mommy’s gonna go get laela, stel! until then you get to hang out with daddy. how does that sound, baby?” he questioned your three year old. jack used to live to play hockey and make you smile, only now at twenty four years old, he lived to make your daughters smile. and that’s exactly what he made them do. he didn’t even have to try hard and both stella and laela would crack smiles.
“babe,” you called, e/c eyes glancing down towards the baby camera on your phone. watching as laela had started to stir. “can you make sure to stir this, please?” right away he hummed, waving a hand at you as he pressed his lips against stella’s chubby cheeks. another high pitched squeal falling from her lips. her little fingers trying to push herself away from his body as she laughed. “and, babe?” his blue eyes were solely focused on your after he noticed how firm your voice was. “no more ice cream. stella’s already had a lot since she spent all day with your mom, and you.” 
his hands shot up in defense of himself, “hey! i can give my daughter as much ice cream as she wants to eat. it’s only fair seeing as i give you all the ice cream you could want, love.” you let out an amused hum before rolling your eyes at him. heading in the direction of the stairs to go up the nursery. “don’t worry, stell bell won’t get anymore ice cream from me. just go and get laela, i wanna spend time with all of my girls.” 
“so demanding,” you teased, blowing a quick kiss over to stella. her brown curls bouncing out of the pig tails jack had given her this morning as she laughed with delight. happy to get any sort of affecting from either of her parents. “i’ll be right back, my loves.” with that you were disappearing up the stairs. leaving the two peas-in-a-pod in a fit of laugh together. you opened the closed door, peaking your head in to see that your baby was slowly starting to wake up. “hi laela, who’s my sweet girl?” you cooed in a baby voice. you carefully picked up your daughter that actually looked like a perfect mix of you and jack. “let’s get your diaper changed, sweet girl, then we’ll go see daddy and sissy? how does that sound?” right away she was trying to make a form of communication at the mention of them. 
all while downstairs jack had stella peering up the stairs as a look out. “is mommy in laela’s room yet, stel?” he asked while looking back at her from over his shoulder. 
“mommy’s in waewa’s woom, dada!” she answered, quickly making her way back to your husband. “ice cweam now?” the blue eyed girl added on once her arms were wrapped around her father’s legs. chin resting on his calf to look up at him. 
jack hummed while smiling down at her, “ice cream now, baby.” in his one hand he held the vanilla ice cream since it was his favorite, and if something was jack’s favorite it was stella’s as well. in the other he bent over to pick up the girl. “now what do we tell mommy?” he practiced, making sure to cover his bases so stella didn’t accidentally get herself or him in trouble. 
“we didn’t have ice cweam, mommy!” she replied as if she was trained to, and she was. the start center set your daughter down so she was sitting on top of the island, making sure to stand right in front of her so she didn’t fall off. “spwoon daddy! spoon!” she cheered, hands reaching towards the ice cream container he had also set down on the quartz countertops. 
laughing he nodded his head, “i’m getting one, princess. see?” he pulled out the silver spoon to show it to her. “now let’s dig into this ice cream shall we?” 
“you know, laela, it's a miracle that you didn’t wake up during your nap,” you stated to your baby. already well aware that you wouldn’t get an answer from her. “normally you wake up crying if you have a dirty diaper.” as you spoke you finished wrapping the filled diaper to throw it in the diaper genie. the whole time she had a gummy smile on her cute little face. hands flailing in the air as she waited for you finished giving her a clean diaper. “don’t worry laela, you’ll be in my arms in a couple of seconds.” with that you made sure that both tabs were stuck down before buttoning her onesie back up. pulling her pants on. “let go see daddy,” you smiled while picking her up. 
the small baby giggle she let out was music to your ears. both laela and stella’s laughs had to be your favorite sounds. you held on to laela tightly, her head resting right on your shoulder meaning she was hungry, while you walked down the stairs. “don’t worry my sweet girl i’ll feed you after i get dinner done.” you kissed her forehead, just in time to hear jack’s voice again.
“one more bite, stell bell.” your mouth dropped open as your feet hit the hardwood flooring, watching as your husband stuck the metal spoon into her mouth. stella sucking all of the vanilla ice cream off of it. 
walking into the kitchen you gasped, “what are you guys eating?” 
stella’s pretty blue eyes went wide as she looked over at her dad, “we didn’t have ice cweam, mommy!” she recited, even though it was bluntly obvious that she had been eating ice cream. the melted dessert lined the corner of her mouth, and dripped down on to both her and jack’s shirts. 
“ice cream,” jack answered with a wide smile, before he put the lid back on the container. 
with your free hand you ran your hand over your face, “i told you no more ice cream before dinner,” you chastised, walking to check on the sauce your husband was supposed to tend to. and right away it was clear that he didn’t. sighing you stirred the white sauce with the wooden spoon before looking back to the rule breakers. laela giggling the entire time from how much you were spinning around. 
“she just wanted one more bite, y/n/n,” jack drawled, trying his hardest to get you to crack a smile. 
right away you saw stella’s bottom lip tremble, afraid she had gotten in trouble with you. “i’m sorry daddy!” she exclaimed, ready to start crying as the crocodile tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. 
“hey shh, it’s okay sweetheart. it’s okay, stell bell,” he answered, quickly pressing kisses all over her face. trying to get her to smile. he then looked back over at you and laeal, nodding over towards your oldest who wasn’t smiling yet. 
fixing your hold on laela you walked the short distance to the island to stand next to jack, his one arm immediately going to wrap around your waist to pull you and your daughter into him. “it’s okay, my love,” you mumbled, stella slowly looking up towards your eyes. “i’m not mad at you stella jane.” as soon as you had said that she was smiling up at you. a toothy grin really. “but i am mad at you, jack rowden,” you added, turning your body so you were facing the hockey player.
his mouth fell open as stella had started to laugh. jack’s blue eyes darted between all three of his girls, his two daughters laughter filling his ears, while you gave him a pointed look. “daddy’s in trouble!” stella called, making her little sister clap her hands together to cheer. 
“why am i in trouble, sweets? i didn’t do anything wrong!” jack exclaimed, his arm around your waist tightening. “i was just trying to make our daughter happy!” 
you gave him a tight lipped smile before shrugging your shoulders. “maybe you’ll remember while i go clean up stella, and you finish dinner,” you suggested. “come on stella girl, laela and i are gonna go clean your pretty face, so daddy can finish our dinner.” 
her head nodded right away as she got help from jack to get off the counter. the three of you left him standing there, and from the bathroom you could hear him yell, “but i’m a horrible cook!” leaving you and your girls in a fit of giggles in the bathroom.
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elizabeethan · 3 years
The Days We Defend (Will Turn To Gold)- Chapter 3
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Everything is perfect, until it isn’t. Killian and Emma have spent months building a life together after finally defeating Neal and Gold, but when the Dark One dies and his power becomes untethered, everyone in Storybrooke is at risk, and some decisions may have lasting consequences.
Sequel to Walk With Me (I Think We’ll Find A Way)
Prologue, 1, 2
Read on Ao3
Tagging: @courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @profdanglaisstuff @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89 @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @ouatpost @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook​
Belle is overwhelmed with responsibilities, both as newfound official owner of the shop, and with settling the Crocodile’s assets. They weren’t even bound together by law, but for whatever reason, she felt compelled to take care of these things.
“I suppose we should bury him,” she says over her coffee mug as she pours over pages of financial documents at Killian and Emma’s dining table.
Killian shrugs. “I suppose that’s a good way to prevent any foul odors,” he agrees, and she gives him a look that tells him he may have said the wrong thing. “And… of course, it’s the respectful thing to do.”
“Of course,” she says through a laugh and rolls her eyes. “I mean, I probably should've taken care of this already. It’s been a week since he passed, I just… it’s been strange.”
“I understand, love. You weren’t together but you still had feelings towards him. And as big a bastard as he was, he did love you.”
She presses her mouth together thoughtfully, nodding as she looks back down at her pages and takes another sip from her mug and he finishes up the dishes from their lunch. It’s perhaps the first time that he’s realized what this means: his enemy is dead. His life’s mission is complete.
He has a feeling that, were this to happen three years ago, he would have felt lost. He’s lived an unnaturally long life with one goal in mind, and with that goal met, he’s unsure what else he may have had to live for. Now, he has everything he needs.
It isn’t long before he hears the bounding steps of his toddler stomping down the stairs, one step at a time, and a nervous Emma behind her reminding her to be cautious.
During the last week, he’s noticed a new trend: Emma is constantly anxious about Corrine’s safety. She’s far more nervous about her being hurt while exploring her environment and learning new skills, and is always helicoptering over the child, hardly taking an eye off of her. It isn’t that he suspects that she distrusts him, but he’s certainly noticed that she almost never leaves their daughter alone, not even with her father.
“Hello my little love,” Killian says as she reaches the landing.
“Hi Captain,” she says, her tiny voice pronouncing her new word without a T.
“Who the blazes is teaching you these terms, my dear?” he asks, picking her up once his hand is dry and placing a kiss on her forehead.
“No know,” she responds with a shrug, although he doubts that to be true. One can only trust a two-year-old as far as one can throw them, especially when that child’s father is Captain Hook, and he’s nearly completely certain that she does know that Prince Charming is trying to mess with him.
“You’re far too smart for your own good, sweetheart.”
Emma smiles softly as she rounds the corner, placing a hand on their daughter’s back and glancing up at Killian before moving towards the refrigerator.
“What would you like for lunch, smarty pants?” Emma asks Corrine, and she shrugs.
“Cheese,” she tells her mother, smiling a toothy grin at Killian and then poking his nose with her chubby finger.
“A grilled cheese? For Emma Swan’s daughter? Preposterous.”
Emma laughs, barely, and bumps his shoulder with her own, moving throughout the kitchen to get started on cooking as Killian continues to entertain the lass.
“Corrine, did you say hello to Belle?” Killian asks, and she turns in his arms and smiles sweetly.
“Hello there,” Belle says with a smile, standing and gathering her files. “I actually think I should be going. I’ve got to make the arrangements for the burial.”
“Aye, lass.”
“Would you guys, um, are you planning on coming?”
Emma drops something behind him with a clatter, then lets out a hissed curse. When he turns, he sees her shoving a frying pan to the back of the stove and forcing the burner into the off position, holding her hand in front of her.
“Uh,” he says, placing Corrine down and moving towards Emma. “I’ll let you know,” he tells Belle as she makes her way out the door to leave.
“Momma’s okay?” Corrine asks, toddling over towards her.
“I’m fine,” she mumbles back, looking down and plastering on a fake smile. “Baby, go play in the living room while I make your lunch, okay?”
Corrine runs clumsily towards her small chest, opening it up and exclaiming excitedly when she sees some of her favorite stuffed toys. “Emma,” Killian finally says, moving in front of her and taking her burned hand.
“I’m fine,” she spits out, yanking her hand back and reaching for the pan again, replacing it on the burner and moving towards the refrigerator.
“You’re clearly not.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Did you forget the conversation we had last week? I told you I’m here for you, love. You don’t have to bear—”
“Hook, I’m fine! Just leave it, would you?”
She hadn’t called him that since the curse was broken, but lately it’s been slipping from her lips far more frequently than he prefers. “Don't do that, Swan. Don’t put your walls back up; don’t shut me out.”
“I”m not.”
“You are. You’re scared about what’s going to happen with Regina and you’re trying to protect yourself, but in doing so, you’re closing yourself off from me.” She refuses to look him in the eye as she lets a pat of butter slide into the pan and tilts it so that it melts across the surface. “You’re doing it now.”
“What do you want me to say?” she mumbles as she places a slice of bread in the pan.
He takes her hand once she places a slice of cheese over the bread and covers it with another, pulling her away and forcing her to turn and face him. “You don't have to say anything. Just… I just want you to trust me like I trust you.”
She sighs, wriggling out of his hold and grabbing for a tool that she uses to flip the sandwich over. “Of course I trust you,” she says softly as he hands her Corrine’s plastic plate. She slides the hot sandwich onto it, slices it down the middle, and hands it back to him, turning away once again and taking the pan towards the sink.
He stands there expectantly, foolishly, for a moment before turning and walking towards the table, calling for Corrine as he places the plate in front of her chair. “Come, love,” he calls, and he hears her tumbling towards him. He hoists her into her chair and kisses the top of her head as she starts munching away.
Emma holds her burnt hand out of the running stream of water as she washes the pan vigorously. She isn’t one for cleaning, well, anything, so to see her so passionately doing so is throwing him for a loop.
Rather than trying to talk any more sense into her, he walks up behind her, resting his prosthetic on her hip and taking the pan from her hand to place it down in the sink so that he can hold her. He feels tension leaving her quickly as she settles her back against his chest before turning around and wrapping her arms around his middle, sighing.
He holds her tight, attempting to squeeze the anxiety and fear out of her but knowing it likely isn’t going to work like that. Instead he settles for telling her, “I’m here, love, always. We’ll get through this, I swear it.”
He hopes beyond hope that he’s being truthful to her.
Later that night, when Corrine is safely tucked into her crib only after David helped Emma to lower the platform in an attempt to prevent her from escaping, Emma and Killian sit quietly on the loveseat as Henry takes up the entire couch. They had a film on, and although Killian finds them difficult to follow, he guesses that Henry is having a far worse time focusing  based on the way he stares off at the ceiling for almost the entire picture. Eventually, he sits back up, his spine so straight that it looks uncomfortable, and announces, “I don’t wanna see my mom.”
Emma straightens too. “I know that, Henry. I told you I’m not gonna make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”
“I know she’s been asking for me.”
Emma squeezes Killian’s hand but won’t turn his way. He sighs and steps in. “Aye, lad, she has. But your mother has been very clear that that won't happen.”
“Hook’s right,” she says. “We aren't letting anything happen to you. You're old enough to make your own decisions about this stuff.”
The lad sighs, relaxing back into the couch a bit before speaking up again. “I feel bad, though. If she’s saying she wants to see me, maybe that would help her to fight the darkness.”
“Well, maybe that’s true, but it’s okay for you to set your own limits. Isn’t that what Dr. Hopper used to say?”
“Yeah. It’s just… why would she do this?” he asks softly, staring down at his hands resting on his knees. “Why would she let herself go back to being dark, after everything that happened when I was a kid?”
“The darkness came to her, Henry. She didn’t really have that much control over it,” Emma says, trailing off weakly at the end of her statement. He knows she’s blaming herself now for the position that Regina is in, and for Henry’s emotional turmoil.
“She’s gonna do something stupid. And dangerous.”
“Mom, she did some really terrible stuff when she was the Evil Queen, and now she’s gone dark again. How can I trust that she won't try to hurt you like she did last time? Or me or Corrine?”
He feels her tense some more. “Kid, you shouldn’t have to worry about that.”
“But I do! It’s all I can think about!”
“We’re gonna take care of this! I told you that you don’t have to see her and I meant it. Nothing is gonna happen to you,” she tells him urgently, standing from the couch so quickly that Killian starts to tip over.
“But what about you? And everyone else I care about?”
“I’m gonna fix this,” she promises, her voice cracking. She moves towards Henry and pulls him into a tight hug which he returns in kind, the two of them standing still in the middle of the living room and seemingly blocking out the rest of the world.
Killian feels so helpless.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Swan,” he starts, moving towards the bed that she sits on heavily.
“If you tell me everything's gonna be okay, I think I’ll scream.”
He stops in his tracks, sighing as she flops backwards until her back hits the mattress and groans.
“Hook, I can’t have this fight with you again!” she nearly shouts, thrusting her fingers into her hair.
“Who said we were fighting?”
She rolls over onto her stomach and presses herself up so that she’s sitting on her knees, staring him down with angry eyes. “You're going to tell me that this isn’t my fault and that we’ll get through this,” she says, irritation clear in her voice.
He steps towards the bed, standing closer to her and narrowing his eyes. “Suppose I am. Suppose I mean it.”
“It doesn’t help!” she says. “I can’t keep doing this. I can’t just sit around doing nothing while we wait for something to go wrong.”
“Swan, you're not doing nothing.”
“Why do you keep saying that?!”
“Why are you so upset with me?”
“I’m not!”
“Clearly you—” he’s interrupted. Her hands are around his neck and her mouth is on his with a forceful pressure that nearly knocks him off his feet. “Swan,” he tries, but she continues her attack on his lips.
“Stop talking,” she mumbles against him. “I don't want to hear anymore.”
“What do you want?”
She slows her movements of her lips along his only slightly, as if she’s considering his question, and in her pause, he leans them forward so that she falls back onto the mattress with him on top of them. She grunts, biting his lip fiercely in an angry response, and before he can steady himself on top of her, she’s pushing his shoulders and flipping them.
“You,” she growls at him before kissing him again. “I want to fuck you.”
Her words shoot through him as quickly as his blood does, coursing through his body in an icy heat. His hand finds her hip immediately, squeezing before he slaps her ass covered by her tight leggings. “You want it rough, love?”
“Yes,” she answers immediately.
“Well,” he murmurs as her mouth trails down his stubble covered chin and finds the juncture of his neck, sucking what he knows will become a bruise. “I’m happy to oblige.”
He knows what this is. He knows she’s seeking out control where she can and while she has so little of it. He normally takes the reins and revels in his ability to make her fall apart, so tonight, he’ll sit back and enjoy as she flips the script.
She’s quick in her work of undoing the buttons of his top, ripping it open forcefully and fully exposing his chest so that she can slide her lips down the expanse of flesh. She sucks another bruise into the skin just beside his nipple as her hands make quick work of the zip of his trousers. She pulls them down promptly once they’re undone, continuing the wet trail that her mouth leaves down his torso until she’s blowing hot breath against the fabric of his boxers just above his already-hard cock. She slides onto her knees on the floor before him, pulling the garment away, and takes him in her mouth almost immediately, never breaking eye from his. It’s perhaps the longest their eyes have maintained contact all week.
She sucks him expertly, swirling her tongue as her cheeks hollow and taking him down nearly to the base. He groans at her enthusiasm and she hums in response, the back of her throat vibrating against his throbbing tip. “Fuck, Emma,” he says, pulling at her hair lightly and iliciting a moan from her. He nearly loses himself at her response. “Come here, love.”
She hums again to question him, looking up as her tongue trails a thick line up his shaft and she sucks his tip once more. “Where?”
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to finish, and I won’t be able to fuck you.”
Releasing him with a pop, she presses herself up from her knees and begins to slide her leggings and knickers down her shapely legs. “Didn’t you hear what I said?” she asks as she pulls her top above her head and moves back towards him. She’s straddling his hips, his erection trapped between his stomach and her core, and the heat of her against him driving his mad. “I’m fucking you.”
“Bloody hell,” he breathes out as she grasps him and tucks him inside her. She moans, her hands sliding up his chest and taking his hand to place it on her breast still covered by her bra. He moves the fabric away as best he can through the distraction of having her around him, but he must be moving too slowly because she reaches around her back and unhooks it herself. As he squeezes again and runs his thumb along her nipple, she moans, tossing her head back so that her long hair almost tickles the tops of his thighs.
She rides him mercilessly, bouncing and and thrusting hard against him as she takes what she needs from him. He hopes it helps her; he could see her fear all week, her lack of control driving her to a state he hasn’t seen her in in quite some time. Her walls are coming back up, and watching it happen before him and being unable to prevent it hurts more than he knows what to do with.
“Fuck,” Emma says, reaching her hand to rub tight circles along her clit as she continues to squeeze him. “God, yes.”
“That’s it, darling. Take what you need from me,” he chokes out. He’s hardly even coherent, barely holding himself together as he prays for her quick release after the work she has put in on him moments ago. “I’m here, love, take what you need.”
“I need you,” she whimpers. Her voice is high and breathy as she collapses against him, one hand still trapped between them on her clit and the other wrapping around his neck. “I need,” she breathes, following it with nothing.
He chooses now to bend his knees and thrust his hips up into her finally, feeling her squeeze her arm harder around his neck and her core tighter against his cock. He groans into her neck, holding her hips so she can continue to move above him as he meets her with each thrust. “That’s so good, love, you feel so perfect. Such a good job for me, that’s it.”
“Killian,” she chokes out. “I— I lo—”
He thinks for sure that she’ll say it— he would’ve loved to hear it— but instead, she squeezes once more, choking out a cry that tells him she’s cascading off the cliff they worked towards together. As soon as she gives him permission through her own orgasm, he’s spilling himself inside her. She lets out a keening whimper as she comes down, her lips biting and kissing against his neck as she collapses.
He turns his head towards her’s, kissing her forehead and rubbing his bare arm up and down along her back as she comes back down. He hasn’t been with her with her walls this high since Neverland, and he isn’t sure how she’ll react to his attempts to hold her after such animalistic sex, but he chances it.
After he rolls them onto their sides, she holds on tightly to him but won’t move her head from its spot under his chin. He feels her shallow breaths hitting the skin of his collarbone, tickling the hairs gently as he runs his fingers along her spine. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she whispers, and he feels his heart squeezing painfully in his chest.
He pulls her impossibly closer to him and responds, “there isn’t anything wrong with you, my love,” and kisses the crown of her head once more.
“I don’t know why I can’t just…” she shrugs.
He thinks— he hopes— he knows what she means. She feels love for him, but can’t say the words and stay for the aftermath. Assuming this is correct, he says, “it’s okay. I love you enough for the both of us.”
He feels her burying her face further into his chest and she tightens her grip on his torso. “I feel it, I do. I just…”
“I know.”
He does know. He only hopes that he doesn’t soon get to a place where that isn’t enough anymore.
They meet again at Granny’s in the morning, Ruby and Tink staying with Henry and Corrine despite the lass’s protests. She wants desperately to come with her parents, and her increased clinginess to the both of them worries Killian. He thinks it worries Emma more. Just one more straw that threatens to break the camel’s back that is Emma, he thinks.
Regina can hardly focus. She’s still going back and forth between talking to them as herself and the Dark One, and her quick flip from one personality to another startles them all. Today, she can’t seem to think about anything aside from Henry, and he can feel Emma’s tension from across the diner.
“Regina, we need a real plan.”
“I have a plan! It’s to see my son!”
“We need a plan for getting the darkness out of you. Have you found anything in your books or your vault?”
“Emma, I have to see him,” she pleads. “He’s the only thing that can keep me sane right now. Being the Dark One is so hard… I’m trying so hard not to give in, and he gives me strength to fight it.”
He watches as Emma blinks, sighing and letting her head fall forward at Regina’s words. She’s trying to appeal to Emma’s motherhood, and it isn’t fair. He wants to step in, but they asked to talk privately and he’s trying to respect that.
“I’m sorry, I really am,” Emma says softly. “It’s just not a good idea right now.”
“So Emma Swan finally has something over me and she’s milking it for all it’s worth, is that it?”
“Regina, it isn’t that. You know I want what’s best for Henry.”
“Then why the hell won’t you let him see me? Is it revenge over what happened last year that you want?”
“You finally have a say in this and you can’t seem to let go.”
“Regina, Henry doesn’t want to see you,” Emma practically shouts. Killian’s blood runs cold.
“What?” Regina spits, leaning towards Emma threateningly. He stands from his stool at the counter and starts to make his way over to them.
“He’s scared! He spent so much of his life frightened of his mother being the Evil Queen and now he’s scared that you’re going to hurt someone he loves again!”
He places his hand on Emma’s shoulder and feels her tense up in response. Regina stands slowly, leering over Emma and smiling maliciously. “We’ll see.”
“What does that mean…?” Emma asks softly, leaning back against his hand and seemingly taking comfort in his presence.
“Well, Miss Swan, I suppose you’ll see.”
“Just you wait, Miss Swan. You can’t keep my son from me forever.”
Before Emma can argue, she vanishes.
“I need your help.”
“With what?”
“A plan. Don’t think I’ve forgotten your little scheme to get what you wanted last year.”
“So the new Dark One needs help from the old Dark One’s son?”
“Don’t flatter yourself. Your plan to make everyone forget and keep your family to yourself was perfect, aside from the fact that it may have taken Henry from me. I need your help to make that happen now.”
“How will you do it?”
“Allow me to show you.”
Thoughts????? :)
Read Chapter 4
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
I Dare You
previous part // It’s All Fun and Games Series Masterlist // next part
main masterlist
Summary: The gang goes to the beach. Y/N is offered a dare.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: swearing
A/N: am i starting another series without realising it? Because this is definitely in the same AU as Bet? and those are without a doubt the same Bucky and reader  
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The sun is rising on the horizon, the air is billowing through cracked windows, and a black car zooms past a blue one, horn pressed down as if announcing the arrival of an army. Natasha can’t be seen but she’s shouting in annoyance, while Sam laughs maniacally and throws his middle fingers up as Steve looks on confused. Peggy giggles on the passenger seat, softly enough not to wake Wanda who’s drooling in her sleep on Vis’ shoulder. Back in the black car, Bucky bats Y/N’s hands away, trying to avoid a goddamn accident because she wouldn’t get off the steering wheel.
“I did not let you ride shotgun so you could press the horn whenever we overtake Steve!” Bucky yells, waving his hand around the space between their seats.
“He drives like an old grandpa. I’ll hit menopause before we get to the beach if he won’t pick up speed.”
“She’s right.” Sam nods gravely, as if imparting a wise secret.
“I’ll drop you both off on the side of the highway if you won’t stop.” Bucky warns, casting a glance in the rear view mirror.
He catches Nat’s eye, who promptly smacks Sam and then Y/N over their heads. With a satisfied grin, she goes back to her book, while the two grumble quietly, too scared of her to overtly complain like the big babies that they are. Last time they dared say anything, she hid their chargers for two days, leaving them to fend for themselves, as all the others were warned not to help beforehand. It all ended in dead batteries, fat crocodile tears from Sam and fake swoons over the couch from Y/N (Bucky did lend Y/N his charger at one point, and although Nat suspected something was amiss when they huddled closer on the armchair, she didn’t say anything).
Bucky watches Y/N finally settling down, grabbing her knees to her chest, contorting her body in the passenger seat until she looks like a spring roll. He hands her over the aux cord, a concession after he yanked it out when she started playing the Baby Shark song half an hour ago. Sam then fidgets in his own seat behind her, snickering at the probably obnoxious playlist she’s put together. He points to various songs, before he lets out a guffaw when Y/N taps on the screen, puts it down and turns to Bucky. He casts them a short glance, enough to see that they’re both watching him with giddy expressions.
“Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!” Y/N shouts in time with the opening line, but Bucky’s disbelieving groan is interrupted by Sam’s own yell.
“So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!”
“I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!”
Bucky wants nothing more than to bash his head on his steering wheel repeatedly, already regretting his life choices. He should’ve known giving them the aux cord was a mistake, yet he was a fool, trusting Y/N too much, as usual.
“So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!”
His only hope is Nat, praying she’ll put a stop to it, seeing that she just put down her book. She takes in a deep breath, and Bucky is ready to thank all that’s mighty for her help, when she joins in the what now sounds like screeches.
“I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig ah!”
He can see Steve in the wing mirror, peacefully driving in what looks like complete silence, or maybe even a nice, smooth song that Peggy’s picked. He can only dream of that level of tranquillity, wondering once more why exactly he agreed on driving the biggest idiots on this face of the planet. He would’ve been able to recall a conversation along the lines of “couples are paired with couples and losers are paired with single losers,” if his brain weren’t knocking around his skull at the moment.
All three of them continue to belch the lyrics, and Bucky wonders if this song has always been five years long. Y/N pokes his cheek, and he puts his hand above her knee, softly squeezing his fingers into her bare flesh, trying to silently beg her to stop. She presses her cheek on his bicep and she hugs his arm, squeezing it tightly to her chest. He’s aware that she continues to sing between fits of laughter, but he’s a bit distracted now that his arm is clutched between her breasts.
“Baby, I can’t drive if you keep my arm in a death grip.” He murmurs, kissing her forehead, eyes still on the road.
Y/N lets go of his arm, when suddenly Steve overtakes them with a prolonged honk. Bucky honks back, and he flips him the bird at the same time Y/N does.
“That fucker, who does he think he is?” Y/N yells.
“Did he wake up from the dead?” Nat snickers, while Sam grumbles something about speed limits and snails.
Wanda’s head pops up, and she seems to be turning in the backseat, intent on fully facing them. She sticks something on the window, something that looks like one of Steve’s drawing notebooks, and all four of them are trying to decipher what is written in big black letters. Nat and Sam huddle between the front seats, Y/N’s face is nearly pressed to the window, and Bucky accelerates a bit until they’re almost bumper to bumper.
You lost your direction there for a sec Bucko
“Couldn’t she have just sent that in the group chat?” Sam groans with a roll of his eyes.
He leans back in his seat, taking out his phone in order to send just that, which results in a wave of messages that only he bothers to reply to. Nat pauses a second more, her gaze following Bucky’s arm that’s still resting on Y/N’s knee, but doesn’t do more than snort before joining in the chatter on the online group.
“Are we there yet?” Y/N asks Bucky, five minutes later.
“We’ve still got two more hours.” Bucky glances at her quickly, enough to pick up on her level of boredom. “There’s a pack of Oreos in the glove compartment.”
She squeals, instantly transforming into a gremlin in search of treasure – or Smaug, Bucky thinks, what with the menacing look she gets when it comes to the prospect of food. He can clearly see the debate turning the wheels in her head: should she share with Nat and Sam or just rationalise her greediness by thinking that they’re too busy with their phones and not wanting to bother them?
She plucks out one cookie from the wrapper, doing her best not to make any noise. Her hands lower in front of her, hiding the packet until it’s tucked neatly between her legs, and with a quick glance behind her for reassurance that those two didn’t hear or notice anything, she proceeds to pop the entire Oreo into her mouth as quickly as possible. Bucky snorts and shakes his head, but next thing he knows, she’s pushing a cookie into his own mouth, still trying to act inconspicuous.
“Why do you have so much junk in there anyway?” She asks a few minutes later, after they’re done with the cookies, jutting her chin out towards the glove compartment.
“Seeing as they’re all yours, I should be the one asking you why you won’t clean my car.”
Y/N pouts, but his reprimand does nothing to stop her from swiftly throwing the empty Oreo wrapper next to the others. Bucky scowls and squeezes her knee again in warning.
“Stop throwing shit in there!”
“It’s already filled with garbage anyway!” She defends, slapping at his hand that wouldn’t give.
“You’re cleaning it when we get there.”
“No, I’m not. It’s your car.”
“Just play one of your stupid games and she’ll do whatever you want.” Nat supplies from the back, not lifting her head from her phone.
“That’s not how it works.” Y/N glowers. “Plus, I don’t always do whatever he wants.”
“Yeah, you do.” Sam chimes in. “He just has to dare you.”
“Oh, look. Wanda and Steve both agreed as well.” Nat laughs.
Y/N crosses her arms, an affronted pout on her face. She looks at Bucky for reinforcement, but he’s just snickering under his breath, eyes still on the road. She slaps his arm, until he has to grab her hands again and place them in her lap – another warning.
“It doesn’t have to be one of ours dares, anyway. We usually accept your dares as well.”
“Fine, then.” Nat immediately jumps on the opportunity with a smirk, placing her phone on the middle seat. “There’s only five bedrooms, right? I dare you two to share a room.”
Sam snickers, furiously typing away on his phone, most definitely relating what is happening word for word on the group chat. The incoming pings signal Wanda’s excitement, while Peggy is doing her best at trying to keep up with what Steve is instructing her to write for him. Bucky and Y/N share a confused short look, before she turns back to Nat, who’s expecting an answer with a raised eyebrow.
“I mean, we were already going to.” Y/N shrugs, unaffected. “Sam snores and you tend to throw punches in your sleep. One time you pushed me off the bed.”
Sam drops his phone and while he’s scrambling to get it from under Y/N’s seat, Nat can only grumble a ‘what’ in response.
“We’ve slept together before, I don’t see why you’d be so surprised.” Bucky offers and Sam drops his phone again.
@imma-new-soul​ | @feelmyroarrrr​
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Partners (Steve POV) {MTMF}
Title: partners Rating: PG (language!) Length: 3000 Warnings: No warnings! Notes: You can find the Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Timeline here. Set in January 1994. This is one of two updates today! Look for the other mid-day.  Summary: Steve and Connie see their old friends again 
Taglist:  @grapemama  @seawhisperer @huliabitch@pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes@thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​ @gooddaykate​@livasaurasrex​ @ham4arrow​ @hiscyarika​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​@lokiaddicted​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @roxypeanut​ @just-add-butter​@snivellusim​ @amarvelousmandalorian​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04​@mrsparknuts​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​
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“And he didn’t say who the ‘we’ was?” Connie questioned as she pulled her sweater on before she got out of the car. 
Steve popped a Tic Tac into his mouth before pocketing the container, “He was pretty fucking cryptic.” He took Connie’s hand, heading up the sandy path that led to the restaurant from the parking lot. 
Javier had picked one that wasn’t far from where Connie and Steve lived, but hadn’t given much indication as to where he — of they — were staying. He’d always been a bit cagey, but this was new. Hadn’t heard word one from him since he’d left Colombia. 
Steve pressed the Tic Tac between his back molars, cracking down on it as they walked into the restaurant. It wasn’t as garishly decorated as some of the seafood restaurants down by the boardwalk, but they still had a crocodile proudly on display and a series of shark heads racked up on the walls.
“Peña.” He told the waitress, who guided them back towards a booth near the back of the restaurant. 
Steve recognized the back of Javier’s head instantly, but it took him a second to realize who was sitting beside him. Of all the people he expected to be with Javi — he should’ve known it would be her. 
He had his arm draped over her shoulders, a gesture that seemed far too familiar to be a new thing. 
“You son of a bitch.” Steve said lightly as he and Connie stopped beside the table. 
Javier slid out of the booth and hugged him, “Is that how you greet an old friend?” He chastised him, pulling back with a rare grin. Though — maybe it wasn’t rare anymore. 
“Oh my God!” Connie’s voice cut through whatever he’d planned to barb Javier with next. “She’s precious!”
“Almost one.” Javier stated, hands on his hips as he turned back towards the table.
“Her name’s Josie,” She explained, picking up the baby and showing her off to Connie. “Don’t be offended if she doesn’t take to you — Javi’s her favorite person.”
Connie laughed incredulously, “When did this—“
“You had a kid?” Steve stared at Javier, eyes flickering between the family of three. “What the fuck?”
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck before he slid back into the booth, waiting for Steve and Connie to sit before he answered. “The night you left.”
Steve dragged a hand over his face and laughed, “I should’ve fucking known.” He turned towards Connie, “I told you—“
“You did.” She laughed, blowing a kiss at Josie. “She’s gorgeous.”
“I might be biased, but I think she’s the prettiest baby around.” Javier smiled proudly at the little girl as she wrestled out of her mother’s arms and into his lap. She grabbed at a crayon on the table, scribbling all over Javier’s napkin.
“Is she why I didn’t hear anything from either of you?” Steve questioned, looking between the two of you. “Because I thought I’d hear something.” He looked at her then, “You even promised.” 
“A lot happened.” She shrugged, reaching over to brush her fingers through Josie’s curls. “Josie happened.”
“And you’re together?” Connie questioned.
Javier chuckled, “Yeah.” 
Steve let out a huff of laughter, shaking his head. “I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.” 
Josie seemed fed up with her crayon, chucking it across the table at Connie. 
“You can’t throw things, Josie.” Javier warned her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
Javier fucking Peña had a daughter. 
“So,” Steve started, gesturing between the two of them. “What is this? Are you dating?” 
Javier shrugged, “We don’t really have a label for it.”
“Partners. I guess.” She passed Josie a blue crayon, which promptly went into her mouth. “I know you’re hungry, baby. You’ll get some food soon.” 
Steve gave Connie a sideways look. Trust the pair of them to choose not to define their relationship. “Just partners?”
Javier rolled his eyes, “Are you asking if we…” He cleared his throat, gesturing to Josie. 
“Not in front of the kid.” She warned sternly, before leveling Steve with a look. “Frequently and often.” 
“Alrighty then.” Steve laughed, clicking his tongue against his teeth. “Sounds like we need a round of beers.” He flagged down the waitress, ordering a round for the table. 
“She’ll take another cup of milk and can we order a plate of fries?” She asked the waitress. 
“Ketchup too.” Javier cut in, wrestling the soggy crayon out of her mouth. 
“Is she yours?” The waitress questioned Javier, hands on her hips and doing that thing women always seemed to do around Javi. At least that wasn’t just a Colombian special. The man was still a magnet for attention. 
“She is.” Javier beamed proudly, “Do you have another one of those coloring sheets?” He didn’t even seem aware of the fact that the waitress was practically shoving her tits in his direction. 
Steve shook his head. He never thought he’d live to see the day that Javier wouldn’t notice a woman flirting with him. 
“Baby, do you think we should go ahead and get her the mac and cheese?” Javier questioned, turning towards her with an arched brow. 
She stifled a laugh, looking towards the clearly annoyed waitress. “Get the apple sauce too, she needs to eat something other than just starch.” 
Javier passed the kids menu back to the waitress, “Did you get all of that?”
Despite her annoyance, she flashed him a flirtatious grin that wasn’t reciprocated. “Sure thing.” 
Connie laughed. “Wow.” 
“Happens all the time.” She rolled her eyes, taking Josie from Javier. “Women see a hot guy with a baby and lose their shit.”
“What?” Javier’s brows furrowed and he looked towards Steve. “Am I missing something?”
“I’m glad you’ve found someone to love, Javi.” Steve told him with a nod of his head, before glancing at her. “You could do better.” 
She leaned her head against Javier’s shoulder, in a gesture Steve was very familiar with, when it came to them. “Nah, I lucked out.” 
“I still can’t believe it.” Steve remarked, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek. They had always been glued at the hip. From the moment she had joined their team, Javier had taken a liking to her. He just hadn’t expected him to ever cross that line. “Is this why you aren’t with the DEA?”
Javier worked his jaw and sighed. “Yeah, they don’t take kindly to this.” He gestured to Josie and her mother. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
Steve watched the way she rested her hand on Javier’s shoulder, squeezing it. “So are you… moving to Miami? Just passing through?”
“We’re renting in the southern end of Coral Gables.”
Connie’s eyes widened, “You’ve already moved in?”
She nodded. “We got in last week. It was nice to celebrate New Year’s in our first place together.” 
Javier tilted his head, “We celebrated at your place last year.” 
“I was pregnant and miserable. You celebrated, you asshole.” She retorted with a roll of her eyes. 
He gestured at Josie. “The kid?” 
“She’s heard me call you an asshole before.” She shot back, before putting on a too-sweet smile as the waitress returned. “Look, Josie… fries!” She plucked one out of the basket and waved them in front of the little girl’s face. 
“If you need anything,” The waitress said pointedly to Javier. “I’ll be right over there.” 
“We’re good.” Javier said shortly, passing the ketchup towards Josie. “I know what you’re going to want.”
Steve looked towards Connie, “Can you believe it?”
“Yes and no.” She laughed, “I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner.” 
“Me too.” Steve shrugged and sipped at his beer. He looked back towards Javier and her, “So, house warming party?” 
Javier made a face. “Is it a must?”
Connie grinned, “It would help you meet some of our friends.”
Javier glanced to his left, before acquiescing. “Fine.” Josie tried to fling herself in Javier’s direction, nearly taking her milk cup out with her. “Easy there princesa.” He scooped her up and cradled her to his chest, bouncing her. “Are you going to settle down and eat when your food gets here?”
“Da-dadd-a.” She blew a raspberry directly into his face. 
“She’s going through a phase.”
“That Javi encouraged.” 
“I bet you Olivia will love having a new friend to play with.” Connie suggested. 
“She needs some friends.” She remarked, “Javier thinks he’s all she needs.”
“Well, it’s true.” 
“So do you both have jobs lined up?”
“I do.” She answered. “I got a nice gig lined up consulting with Miami P.D. and Javier’s gonna do the stay-at-home thing.”
Steve stared at him. “Really?”
He shrugged a shoulder, lips pursed. “Yeah. I missed out on alot when she was little and I don’t want to miss out on anything else.” He picked up his beer, keeping it out of Josie’s reach. “Not looking for anything at the present.” 
“I’ll be damned.” Steve leaned across the table to cheers with Javier. “Never thought you’d be the stay-at-home dad type.” 
“People change.” Javier pressed a kiss to the top of Josie’s head, before looking to his left. “We’ve got a good thing going right now.”
She turned and smiled and Steve could tell just how much they adored one another. It had been a long time coming, but he hadn’t expected either one of them to finally give in. Apparently, all it took was him and Connie saying adios to Colombia. 
“So are we the godparents?” He questioned, nodding towards Josie.
Javier flipped him off. 
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Grimm Cleaners: No Questions Asked
I wrote this short story a while ago. I really hope you like it. I took example from my own experience.
The first murder happened on a Monday because of course it fucking would. A new body was found, every day, after that, for two weeks and Todd was sick of it. He didn't know if it was a serial killer, devil worshipers, or fucking Dracula but it was interfering with his social life.
"I don't need this shit! It's my day off." Todd said as he furiously wiped down the blood-splattered table. "Who fucking murders someone in a coffee shop?"
"Quit bitching; you're getting overtime," Sierra said as she mopped the floor. The once white mop-head was already stained pink. And she hadn't even mopped off a quarter of the blood on the floor. "You worked at Walmart for five years. You've seen worse. You've cleaned up worse." Sierra was thin, with big brown eyes and caramel skin. She was fresh out of college and had a look on her face that screamed she was done with the world.
                     The coffee shop was a trendy place called The Coffee Roosters. Vinyl records and 90s cartoon characters decorated the wall. It had a real mom and pop feel and would've passed for one if not for the unicorn cappuccinos, and every drink being written in French. However, that night, it looked like a scene straight out of a horror movie. Blood and body parts covered everything. There were symbols painted on the walls, Todd was pretty sure, opened a portal to hell.
                     They had gotten the call just after midnight. The boss wanted all-hands-on-deck. Nevertheless, somehow, all-hands-on-deck meant Todd, Sierra, and the new kid. It was because it was October, Halloween; their busiest time of the year. Everyone worked odd hours. No one else could come in.
"Yeah, and I also got PTSD," Todd retorted. "I can't even watch The Walking Dead without thinking of Black Friday." He rung out his sponge. Todd was grumpy, nearing thirty, a grad student with an arm tattoo of the Deathly Hallows. "All I'm saying is that after seven years of customer service, and 'I wanna speak to the manager,' He mimicked in a high voice "The only murder I should have to clean up in a place where you're forced to smile and say 'how can I help you', is the one that'll happen when I finally snap. Anything else is just rude."
                          Sierra paused, looked around, and brushed back a dyed strand of neon-blue hair. "Yeah, whoever did this didn't work in Customer Service. Only assholes would fuck with someone else's job. This is still better than working the counter at freaking Sephora. Or Best Buy! You know a two-year-old once pissed on the floor, right in front of me, and the Mom was just standing there looking at tablets. Like what the hell?"
"Ah Dude," Christian whined as he ran into the room. He was a tall, lanky, baby-faced, college sophomore with shaggy blond hair and, unlike the other two, still a hopeful outlook on life. "I think I just found some dude's spleen." And sure enough, in his hands were some poor guy's lumbar vertebra. It was gooey with pieces of flesh and muscle still attached to it.
                        There were a few moments of silence. Then Todd just shrugged, "Whatever. Still better than working retail." And went back to work. They didn't have time to waste. The coffee shop opened at sunrise. If this wasn't done, they'd be fired.
                          Sierra murmured her agreement. "At this job, I never have to hear 'Oh it's such a nice day. So sunny and warm. There are rainbows and butterflies and ice cream raining from the sky.' Like I literally haven't been outside in five hours." She dunked the mop in the bucket. "And I don't get to leave this fucking sweatshop of nightmares until it's dark, but thanks for letting me know, Debra."
                          Todd looked up and saw Christian still standing with a grossed-out expression on his face. Then he remembered that the kid hadn't been training long. Christian hadn't gotten any real experience on the job yet, only taught how to do it. Still, the training wheels had to come off sometime. Todd sighed, "Man, just put it with the rest of the body parts. We gotta get out of here before the police get here."
                        Christian nodded and turned around to put the spleen in the other black bags on the counter. "This or Mcdonalds," They heard him tell himself. "I can't go back to ramen every night. I won't go back."
                       Sierra cooed, "Poor guy. Third week of training, and he already found his first body part." She snickered. "I remember mine. I cried for the rest of the night."
                      Todd grimaced, "He'll get used to it." He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Wait until he realizes he's making enough money to move out of his dorm. He'll be fine with diving in a lake to get the head of a dismembered camp counselor."
                        Sierra nodded, "Yeah, once I realized that paying off my student loans depended on getting a hand out of a crocodile's stomach. I got that hand and a new belt." She bent down to pick up a stray eyeball. "Besides, these customers are the best I've worked with."
"I know, right?" Todd threw up his hands. It was the only part of the job that still remained bizarre to him. "You wouldn't think serial killers or monsters would be. But I'll be damned if they ain't the nicest, most polite people I've ever met. You remember that Hannibal Lector type of guy we worked with last week. Well, at the job, I ended up finding some chick's liver. So I put it in one of those black security boxes and sent it to his place. I figured: hey, maybe the cannibal would want it. Because, you know, 'fava bean and a nice chianti' and all that. The very next day, I get a thank you card."
                        Sierra laughed, "That's nothing! I helped out this Freddy Kruger- rip off, nightmare dude, last year. He was having a hard time tracking down the rest of the people who murdered him. Long story short, I introduce this guy to social media. They were all dead in like a week. I get the best customer review of my life. And I haven't had a bad dream since. How awesome is that?"
                          A scream came from the kitchen, followed up by Christian yelling, "Brain! There's a fucking brain in the freezer. Holy shit. Oh god, oh god." Then the sound of him throwing up.
                          Todd and Sierra shared a look that said 'Trainees, what can you do?'
                        Christian came back into the room, pale-faced, and his shirt covered in puke, "I'm fine," He said. "I just can't get used to this."
"Dude," Sierra said, with a raised eyebrow. "Yesterday, I cleaned up the birth of yet another Rosemary's baby. Demon daddy thanked me for a job well done and tipped me a solid gold brick. Eventually, you get used to everything... well, almost everything." A haunted, faraway look appeared on her face. "Do yourself a favor: never take a job in New Orleans, after New Year's. It's like a vampire free-for-all."
                       Todd nodded. He would never take another job in New Orleans again. Lesson learned. "Man, once you're done cleaning up back there, I need you to start cleaning the ceiling." He pointed up. There were a bunch of satanic symbols and black scorch marks. "Get everything. Boss will freak if a hell portal opened during business hours. Trust me, it won't be easy budgie jumping into the mouth of hell to pick up some poor chick who just wanted a pumpkin spice latte. The paperwork alone is a bitch."
                       It took them hours to get the coffee shop back into the pristine condition it was once in. Afterward, they went out the back, locked up, and got into their black truck. It had no nameplates or any identifiable markers.
"Todd?" Sierra asked from the shotgun seat. "Do you ever wonder who we work for? Who our boss is? Or how they found us?"
"No," Todd said as he pulled the truck out of the dark alley. "I just figured they put spotters in high traffic customer service areas. And whichever employee looks most like they've given up on humanity and one more 'there's no price tag on it, it must be free' joke away from burning down the store, they point at him and say that's our guy."
                   Sierra hooked the aux cord up to her phone, "I think that's the only still scary part. It's like they knew all they had to do was offer us a living wage, and basic human decency, and we'd be theirs. No questions asked."
                Music blasted through the car as the coworkers contemplated the truth of her words.
"Makes you wonder who the real monsters are," Christian said.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror Villain x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Having the kid of a Slasher. These have vastly different blurbs though so they have lil’ titles! 
Includes: Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers 
Warnings: Freddy’s one includes the kidnapping of a child by their father (A child killer, to boot). Other then that, what can I say? This is Slasher fanfiction, Freddy is himself. Michael’s is pretty humorous though... :D
I really wanna build on these some more! I plans to write a oneshot where Michael and reader eventually get ‘back together’ sort of? And a prequal to Freddy’s where Maggie visits her half brother and Luke questions her and reader about their father. 
Note: Freddy is going to call you mummy if you are woman, man, or gender neutral. And I’m going to spell it the American way because it just seems more fetishized that way and more like the wrapped up Egyptian dead people the English way. I am not sure how you would accidentally have his child if you have a penis, but who knows in this universe. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 
Freddy Krueger: Luke // ‘Protecting your child from his father’
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“Hey! How are you?” I call, breathless to the receptionist -Judy, - sitting in school office. She looks up and a haze of confusions crosses her pretty green eyes, and I try not to worry. There could be any reasin this woman is confused to see me that is unrelated to my son’s whereabouts. Deciding not to wait for her to tell me how she is because the anxiety in me clenches around my heart like a boa constrictor, I paste on a bigger smile ask. “Where’s Luke? He didn’t come out when the bell went.”
Maybe he’s in the sick bay, or… I don’t know. What other acceptable reason could there be that my son is not here with me?
Don’t think like that.
My smile must look stiff and sharp at this point, because Judy starts very slowly. Cautious. “… Hi-His Dad picked him up, Miss L/N.”
Dad? My nose scrunches up in utter confusion. I’m absolutely certain that I had Bradley taken off the register as Luke’s secondary emergency contact- I stood right here with this woman for half an hour figuring out how to do that. And besides, why would my ex-husband pick up my son from school and not tell me? Luke doesn’t have a-
His… his Dad? Freddy couldn’t have. I’ve been giving Luke Hypnocil pills since he could take them, crushing them every night and stirring the dust into his dinner. I haven’t heard any signs of Freddy for 8 years and a couple months. Let’s set aside that crazy, ridiculous theory for now. Because its impossible! Even if he did want to do something with Luke, he would try to get to him through his dreams, yes? It would be too risky to come on out here and take him from school. That’s crazy.
“What?” Where is my goddamn son? Who took him?
“U-um, uh. A uh, ‘Fredrick Krueger’ took him about an hour ago. His name was in the system, and they looked a bit alike in the eyes, s-so I-we just assumed it was okay.”
For a moment I think I’m going to die on the spot. Then I spit out. “Is this a joke?!”
Its too horrible, too unthinkable to be true. I’ll say it again; I haven’t heard from Freddy in nearly a fucking decade, and that’s the way I was hoping it would stay. What is this.
“N-No, Miss L/N.”
“Did he say where they were going? Did Luke say anything?” My baby. Starting to breathe heavily now from the effort of staying calm and thinking too fast for a clue as to where my son is and what the hell is going on. Did this chick even look at Freddy’s face?! This school is just handing babies over to suspicious men who look like they should be in the burn ward of the intensive care unit?!
“Miss L/N- “This woman is scared, I know, and anxious as she looks with wide eyes all around me instead of at my eyes but she’s really grating on my nerves. A maniac has my son and she is going to give me all the information she has.
“Do you remember your dreams last night? Or the last couple nights?” That’s how assume Freddy got in the system, manipulated Judith here to do it for him. Maybe he left a clue.
“My- my dreams? Um-mm, well I… “My hand slams down on the bench between us so hard the pen attached to a string attached to the early leavers clipboard jumps up a little. My hand shakes, and as she quickly recalls her dream I read through the most recent entries on the board for the early leavers. Right at the bottom, in tiny handwriting that does not belong to Luke is the name Luke Krueger under student and ‘Doctors appointment’ under ‘Reason for leaving’, and a smiley face. I take a deep breath and turn back to Judy with eyes of molten lava. She fumbles with her glasses, on a string around her neck. “I-I remember a junk yard in a couple… “That’s it.
Already flying to the door, I call back. “Have some child’s school exit forms ready for me tomorrow Judy; Goodbye.” And promptly, I fling the door open and run for hell and leather for my car.
“LUKE!” I scream into the old junk yard, hands shaking but courage as strong as an ox. Nothing, not even death itself will stop me from saving my kid. Looking around every corner and trying to listen to any sound over the loud beating of my heart in my ears, I speed walk around, heading towards the burnt down old shed, yelling for Luke every 2 seconds because I’m deluded into thinking any second he might hear e, and come running out safe to me. When the horrible thing, the shed, comes into view, I feel sick. Its still burnt up, and rust litters the ground around its four walls but its standing.
They’ll be in there.
Forcing myself ahead, because I never wanted to see this, the place Freddy was killed -Because it’s something so terrible. Not because I give a fuck about what happened to Freddy, - I open the door and immediately there they are. It takes me a second to catch my bearing’s, because this place has such an awful feeling and I’ve never been in a situation like this and I don’t know what to do, and because theirs a child killer with his filthy hand on my 7 year old son’s shoulder.
“Luke?” My eyes soften as soon as they find his. Glancing from him to Freddy’s other hand to see if he has a weapon, especially that glove to find nothing, and back to him, I gesture for my him to come here. “Come over here, baby. Its okay.”
He doesn’t say anything, just frowns and whimpers, looking wearily up at the man who’s holding onto him and for an awful second I think Freddy’s going to pull a fast one on us and pull out a razor or something… but then one finger at a time he lets go of Luke and Luke rushes to me so fast that the force pushes me back a little when he reaches me, wrapping his little arms around my waist and digging his face, shaking so I’m well aware that he’s crying now, into my stomach. I drop to my knees and look him over thoroughly, searching for any indications that this ‘doctors’ appointment’ that he was taken for occurred, but theirs nothing.
A sick taste wells up in my throat as I realise this, and as Luke burrows into me again for more hugs and I wrap my arms around him I look back to the problem. “What-What’s this doctor’s appointment I read about? Just a cover?”
“Not in the slightest! But I thought we should probably wait for you before starting… Mommy. I got us a good deal- family pack!” With that, Freddy takes out a scalpel and grins madly. I tighten my grip on Luke. “Who should go first, eh?”
“Stay the fuck back.”
“Oh, I think not!” I gently tug Luke back as Freddy advances, wondering if it would be smart to make any sudden moves right now.
“I called the police!” God, I wish I had now. But I was too focused on getting here before something awful happened that I…
Oh my god.
He stops coming towards us, but then an evil, knowing smile creeps across his mouth. He tilts his head, calling my bluff. “No, you didn’t.”
“Uh, yeah I did!” So, I’m buying for time. Main objective: Save Luke. Leverage: Me. Freddy’s a being made completely up on vengefulness and anger at this point, and I escaped him. He hates that.
Stroking the back of Lukes head with my thumb in thought, I know what I have to do and make like him giving him a little, worried head kiss- but really whisper to him that our car’s in the carpark and my phone is in the passenger seat. He clutches me tighter. Oh, baby… I wish I could come with you.
“You called nobody. Don’t try to bullshit Daddy. Now, I think our little bundle of joy should go first, more fun for me! Little blast from the past, ey?” He takes another step towards us, causing me to jolt back violently from fear, because I’m so close to saving Luke and if Freddy makes any sudden movements, we both might be done for, and tats just unacceptable. That scalpel is unnecessarily big. Where the hell did he get a scalpel that big?! What is it for? Crocodile surgery?!
Luckily, we’re closer to the door then Freddy is -oopsie made on his part,- so when I let go of Luke he goes straight out the door and before Freddy can reach the door and slip out after him, and push myself hard against the door, slamming it closed. For a second everything is still, which is a scary thing when it comes to this killer, and I just sit there on the ground and watch his scary face just be still.
His eyes, though, expressive as they are, reveal how utterly furious he is.
Then slowly he looks down his chest at me, aiming that mad anger at me as his shaking hand grips the weapon so tightly that his knuckles go absolutely white. “You bitch.”
Michael Myers (RZ): Rachael // ‘Visitation’
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“Morning Rache!” I exclaim, setting down cheerily on my 12-year-old’s bed as golden early morning light slips through her purple curtains and leaves stripes on my thighs. “It’s Sunday!”
“Why does it always have to be so early with him? Its not church.” She informs me, sleep thick in her voice as she pulls the doona up over her head and rolls over so her back is to me.
“He thinks very highly of himself.” That or this is when visiting hours are.
“I see that.”
“So… “Like I always do on Sunday, I put pluck the blanket away from her face to see her eyes are open and she’s already fully awake. She always is on Sunday morning, it’s because of what she knows is coming. I tuck some of her hair behind her early, and speak gently now, like always. “You wanna go see your Dad?” It always, always, always needs to be her choice. She always says yes, though.
For a moment this time, she pauses. Then deeply rolls her eyes and flicks the blanket back up over her face. “Yeah, okay.”
“Alright. We’ll head off in half an hour, then. Oh- maybe you can tell him about the awkward you got!” I exclaim, brightening immediately because my baby is so smart! Captain of her class, and she just got an award for doing well in maths! Her teacher even told me at parent-teacher interviews that she’s getting the work so much easier than any of the other students. This has been the same since she started Elementary school. Dunno where she got those brains from, but I like to believe if it’s me and not Michael. And I am so proud of her.
“Yeah, I will. Can you get out now so I can get changed, parent?”
“Whatever!” I exclaim cheerfully, like the immature one between us two that I am as I leave the room and shit the door behind me, heading to make her toast. She is more like Michael, in that regard. So focused and serious- I, on the other hand, have Goldfish brain.
Which makes a lot of sense when I ask myself ‘What made you think fucking the Shape of Haddonfield was okay?’ because then I remember ‘Big man, strong hands, big dick’ and I remember.
I’m a moron. Was, a horny moron. But no more! I am a mother now, and mothers don’t get horny! No, no. Ahahaha.
… But that doesn’t mean I regret having Rachael. No fucking way. She’s the mother-fucking light of my life, and I’ll have sex with Michael a thousand more times if that’s what it would take to keep her.
Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
… Ah, oh well. Toast!
When we get to Michael’s cell, Rachael goes straight over to the door and uses her foot to move the little stepping stool they keep right there, specially for her -well, I bought it and made them keep it there, but that’s just semantics,- and hops on so she can peer through the window to her father. I stay back a few feet with Dr Loomis, my jacket hung over my crossed arms. Because I don’t have anything in common with Sam Loomis at all, as we have previously discovered on these visits, I turn bluntly to him and ask, shamelessly. “So, how’s he going Doc?” Even though Michael’s condition hasn’t changed since he was six, that is what I ask.
Loomis offers me a crooked, humourless grin and explains that nothing has changed, but he did make Rachael a new mask. “Oh, that’s nice.” I say, although really, don’t think that’s nice. Does Michael think I have endless wall space for these things? I don’t want my home to look like his sanatorium cell. I have taste!
Hey, don’t judge me. The only way I can get through these visits is by being sarcastic and making jokes to myself.
And to Loomis, but he doesn’t really like me.
Probably because I make sarcastic jokes about his most dangerous patient.
Eh, oh well.
I turn back to Rachael to see her holding up her award to the window so Michael can read it, and after I lean to the left a bit to see inside the cell I see that he is doing so. He’s just sitting in his dressing gown on a desk chair at the other side of his cell- no wonder Rachael has to talk loudly!
He communicates through head shakes and nods, and sometimes even writes on a white board he always has set on his big -big mannnnnn. Oh jeez, the thirst is still strong, despite him now being an irritating part of my life… I have to get up at the ungodly hour of nine on a Sunday for this. Just to get a new stupid mask and stand back here with Doctor humourless, - lap, which I do concede, is pretty sweet. He doesn’t communicate that way to anyone else, as Loomis told me, except for with her.
Visitation usually lasts an hour and half, if Michael’s feeling ‘chatty’, And he definitely is today, so our visit bleeds into breakfast time so we join him -without a door between us and him,- for breakfast in the cafeteria. Rachael and I sit on one side and Michael and Loomis sit on the other. Mostly Rachael and I chat during this time, but Rachael looks to her father every now and then for his reaction.
“Hey mum, do you want the last pancake?” Rachael asks, eyeing the last fluffy breakfast food just as hungrily as Michael just after Dr Loomis gets up to go check quickly on another patient, leaving us as a ‘family’ for a little bit.
I pat my tummy. “Naw, I’m stuffed! Why don’t you and your dad share it.”
A little smile breaks across her little face, making me grin too. She’s so cute! She’ll always be cute, I don’t know if she’s 37, a pasty scientist and mildly mangled from experiments gone wrong, she’ll still be adorable. I’m sure Michael agrees. “Okay!”
As she goes off to get the pancake, I leap to take the chance alone to have a chat with Michael myself.
Or attack him.
Placing my elbow securely on the table between us, pointing at him, I squint. “Stop making her masks, Michael! Anything else, really!- We’ve had this talk before, multiple times. You know I have no wall space!”
He shoulders jump, like he silently chuckled at me, and my squint-greasy, just enhances.
“You know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
After a moment, he veeeeery purposefully shrugs those huge shoulders of his. He does know, he does. I knew it!
“Ooooooooh… “I nearly shake with annoyance, returning to my seat properly and glaring I hope subtly from my side of the table as Rachael returns and carefully tears the pancake in half for them. As she does, I watch and just sit and take great pleasure in the fact that they wont even trust plastic knives around Michael. Ha!
He see’s the too-happy glint in my eye and drinks all my juice.
Damn him.
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jeranasblog · 4 years
Let me make it up to you
Summary: Peter shouldn’t have gone out so close to his heat. Thankfully, his Daddy came to take care of him. 
Rating: E
Notes:  This story is my second Starkercest Bingo 2020 contribution.  Kink for the second story: Just the Tip (Bingo board at the end of the post). Read the first OS here. They add up to one story but can be read separately, too. 
Warnings: Adoptive Father/Adoptive Son, don’t like it, don’t read it
Read it on Ao3
Peter knew he shouldn’t have left the house so close to his heat. He had already been out of his mind yesterday, his body buzzing with arousal until he had ended in his Daddy’s bed with his fingers thrusting in and out of his wet hole. The beginning of his heat wasn’t quite there, but it was only a matter of hours until he couldn’t control himself anymore and his biology would take over.
 Peter knew it, knew what could happen to unguarded Omegas because once their cycle hits, arousal would feel like despair and at the peak of his heat, he would climb every Alpha like a god damn tree. Parents tell their Omega children not to leave the house close to their heat. They tell horror stories of teens being bred by strangers, of Omegas being forced to take and like everything an Alpha wants them to. But Peter left the house anyway because he was stupid, because he would do anything to be the perfect Omega for his Dad.
 Everything started with a phone call from the assistant of his engineering professor. She had called him, frantically explaining that she had lost the term paper he had submitted last week. It hadn’t been his fault, the deadline had already passed, but they couldn’t grade his work unless he submitted it a second time. Even though the assistant apologized a million times, he still had to get up and leave the house because no one else could go for him. His Daddy was at work, preparing his leave to help Peter with his heat and his friends had caught the flue, lying sick in their beds. So, there was no other option but to leave the house.
 Of course, Peter could have explained the state he was already in and the assistant would probably have delayed the second deadline, but he was afraid of losing a semester over a stupid term paper. He wanted his grades to be the best, he wanted his Daddy to be proud of his Omega son, so he made a stupid decision and took the subway to college.
 Oh gee, it had been a mistake. People had already been staring at him and turning their heads when he got on the subway, and he hadn’t even arrived at the college campus yet when the first drop of slick dripped down his thighs. Several different Alphas were watching him with hunger, his sweet and ripe scent screaming at them to take him. Peter knew that Alphas were already staring at him on a normal day, and his heat was making everything ten times worse.
 When he finally arrived on campus, Peter was nothing but relieved. Being trapped with plenty of people in New York’s subway, standing close to strangers, was too much for him. He didn’t want their eyes on him, the only person that should see him like that was his Daddy.
 Determined to get it over with quickly, he almost ran to the office. The feelings were getting stronger, dizziness clouded his mind and he felt how his hole arched for his Daddy’s knot, how he produced slick to ease the way. He clasped the second print of his term paper firmly in one hand, counting the seconds until he finally arrived. Slowly, his vision started to fade, and he felt that his instincts were taking over, forcing him to present so that any Alpha could take and breed him.
 Peter struggled but he forced himself to raise his hands and knock on the door of his professor’s office.
 “Oh god, Peter!” The assistant looked at him in horror and Peter was more than grateful that she was a Beta. Being too close to either Omega or Alpha would have been too much.
 Peter didn’t even notice anymore that she took the copy of his term paper out of his hand, fighting to keep the last grasp on his control. He felt slick running down his thighs and a burning arch inside of his hole, begging his Alpha to soothe the emptiness. But he wasn’t at home. He was in the middle of the college campus and didn’t know how to get close to his Alpha.
 “Come with me.” The assistant said, grabbing his forearm and dragging him towards a white door on the end of the hallway. Peter’s brain had already shut down, the only current thoughts on his mind were Daddy and more. He didn’t realize anymore that she was guiding him towards a heat room, quickly checking that no Alphas were crossing their way.
 “Do you have an Alpha?” She asked and sat him down on a couch in the middle of the room.
 Peter frantically shook his head. He wanted to scream yes, he wanted to let the world know that he had his Daddy, but not everyone was open-minded and although Tony wasn’t his biological father, he had still adopted him. He hadn’t talked about being open with his Daddy yet, so Peter kept quiet, afraid his Daddy didn’t want everyone to know.
 “Is there anyone else who could pick you up?” The assistant asked while Peter did his best to stop his hands from wandering into his pants in front of the Beta. Slick was soaking his panties, slowly drenching his trousers and he knew it was only a matter of time until it would hit the couch. “Do you have an emergency contact?”
 Peter stared at her for a second, his brain processing the question while his mind was fighting against the arousal. Emergency contact?
 “Yes.” He whimpered, suddenly certain how he could solve the problem. “Can you call my Daddy? He can take me home.” The assistant smiled pitifully and took his phone after Peter had dialed the number.
 Peter didn’t hear anymore what she was telling his Dad. He didn’t even realize that she left the room, overwhelmed by the need for his Alpha. Every second was making it harder and harder until he finally snapped, pulling his pants down in the middle of a heat room in college.
 The first finger that sank into his wet heat was pure relief and Peter sobbed, almost breaking under the white-hot pleasure. He didn’t even move, just providing his hole something to clench around, giving it the illusion that it would be stuffed soon. He desperately wanted to move but he didn’t have the heart to do so. He would wait for his Daddy, would save himself for his Alpha like a good little Omega.
  It could have been minutes or hours until the door finally opened again, his lust-crazed brain wasn’t able to grab the concept of time anymore. Everything was hurting, everything was spinning and the only thoughts that stopped him from going crazy were the memories of his Daddy’s fingers in his arching hole. How they had filled him, how his Alpha’s knot would fill him even more.
 Eventually, his Daddy was standing in front of him. “Oh, Peter.” He was talking to him like he was a little child, disappointment and pity in his voice, and the thought of letting his Daddy down was enough to make him cry. He didn’t want his Alpha to be mad at him.
 “I’m so sorry, D-Daddy.” Peter hiccupped, crocodile tears running down his cheeks. “I didn’t want to disappoint you, but the assistant called and wanted the term paper and you weren’t there and…” He couldn’t talk anymore, his body shaking with heartbreaking sobs.
 “Shhh, don’t cry, baby boy.” His Daddy pulled him to his feet, wrapping his arms around his hips to prevent him from tripping. “I’m not mad, baby. I’m just disappointed that you didn’t call me. I would have called the college for you. Nobody forces Peter Stark to leave the house so close to his heat. You’re mine. Mine to look at and mine to take care of. Do you understand that?”
 Peter nodded and slowly, his sobs died down. It was a relief to know that his Alpha wasn’t upset with him. However, the bad feeling remained, the despair of letting his Daddy down too much for him to bear, so he almost wasn’t noticing his arousal anymore.
 “Can I make it up to you?” Peter begged with teary eyes. “Please, I wanna make it up to you. Just give me a chance. Just let me make you feel good.”
 Tony sighed. “Pete, we don’t have time for this. You’re close to your heat. I have to bring you home.”
 Peter’s disappointment was almost palpable. The dried tears came back, threatening to spill and he must have looked so wrecked that his Daddy gave in. “Fine, I might let you suck my cock, but I want you to come against my leg first. An orgasm should be enough to delay the beginning of your heat for a few hours.”
 Peter beamed. He could make it up to his Daddy, he could be a good boy, help his Alpha feel good. He must look stupid with the broad grin on his face, but he couldn’t stop it, couldn’t hide the anticipation of finally tasting his Daddy. He had dreamed of this for years.
 Tony sat down on the couch, spreading his legs and opening the zipper of his suit pants. Peter had enough room to crawl between them, preparing himself to take his Daddy’s cock.
 It was a vision. Thick, long and red, standing proud for Peter to worship. His Daddy was so much bigger than him, his cock at least twice as thick and long as Peter’s and salvia started to pool in his mouth. The Alpha’s cock was everything Peter had ever dreamed of, the first evidence of his knot already visible at the base. But the best thing was the scent. Peter could find no words for it, overwhelmed by the desire to take it into his mouth, to choke on it until his Alpha would gift him his seed and soothe the arch in his belly.
 Out of control, he rushed forward, trying to take his Daddy’s cock in one go, but a firm hand stopped him before he could even reach it. A desperate whine slipped past his lips and Peter felt betrayed by his Daddy who denied him his cock.
 “Baby.” Tony growled as Peter made attempts to swallow the Alpha’s cock. “We made a deal, didn’t we? I said first your orgasm and then my cock.”
 Peter cried out, slick pouring out of him from the words alone, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to come right now, he wanted his Daddy to feel good. He wanted to choke on the beautiful cock, wanted to take it so deep, he wouldn’t be able to breathe. Nevertheless, he stopped fighting, a command of his Alpha too important to ignore. He sat still, his face ruined with tears, and waited for his Daddy’s orders.
 “I want you to strip but keep your pretty panties on.” Tony commanded, his voice rough from arousal. “You’re already dripping all over the place. Can’t leave your hole uncovered or you’ll flood the room.”
 Humiliation spread through his veins. It made him even hotter, even wetter and the first dribble of slick dripped to the floor. Peter’s eyes widen, ashamed of his obvious arousal, and according to the Alpha’s face, he wasn’t the only one who noticed the mess.
 “Good, sweetheart. Your smell is killing me. Your sweet slick is dripping all over the floor. Come closer, rub your little hole over my shoes and I might feed you my cock. Come on, hurry. We don’t have all day.”
 Peter scrambled to obey, moving his hips until his panty-covered hole was pressed against his Daddy’s designer shoe. It was so filthy, so obscene, a sign of how easy Peter was for his Daddy, he almost came.
 “Just like that.” His Daddy encouraged him when he moved his hips tentatively for the first time. “Rub yourself all over me like the bitch in heat you’re soon going to be.”
 Peter felt the pressure of the leather against his cheeks, felt how the shoe was sliding between them until they were tightly pressed against his hole. One touch was enough to make them slick and he rubbed his ass against them, savoring the contact against his empty hole. It wasn’t enough.
 He wanted more, needed more, something inside him. It didn’t matter anymore if it was his Daddy’s cock in his mouth or his fingers in his hole, just anything to soothe the burning fire that spread through his body. Pleasure was sparking inside of him every time he moved, and his cock hardened, trapped in his panties, and pressed against his Daddy’s leg.
 “That’s it, my good little boy.” The Alpha encouraged him, burying his hands in Peter’s hair. The tight grip made him arch and he let his hands slide behind his back, spreading his cheeks to intensify the contact against his empty hole. “Look at you, holding yourself open for me. Do you wish it were my cock? Do you wish I would knock you up? Keep your sweet little cunt full with my knot?”
 Yes, yes, please. Peter didn’t notice that he was screaming. He didn’t care that his Daddy called his hole a sweet little cunt, he didn’t care that the heat room was soundproof but not locked, he didn’t even care about his disappointment anymore. The only thing he could focus on was riding his Daddy’s shoe, rubbing against his leg until he would come.
 It didn’t take long. A couple of filthy words whispered in his ear by his Daddy, a tight grip in his hair, and the increasing pressure against his leaking cunt once his Daddy lifted his shoe was enough to send Peter flying. He sobbed as he came, the orgasm was bright, hot and overwhelming, but still not enough. It could never be enough as long as he knew that he hadn’t made it up to his Daddy yet.
 “You look so beautiful when you cry, baby.” Tony growled in his ear as Peter fell apart, his insides clenching around nothing and the urge to split himself open on his Daddy’s cock overwhelming. Satisfaction was outweighed by denial, prolonging his orgasm in sweet agony. His body twitched against his Daddy’s shoe, riding out the last waves until he slumped down against his Daddy’s leg. He felt even worse than before, even more desperate, but at least the fog in his mind cleared a little.
 Peter needed a couple of deep breaths to calm down, to cope with the betrayal that was buzzing in his body. He knew he didn’t deserve his Daddy’s cock after going out so close to his heat, but he couldn’t suppress the all-consuming desire to taste his Alpha’s come.
 Once he trusted his voice to work again, Peter raised his head, looking straight into his Daddy’s face. “Can I suck you now, Daddy?” He begged like a little slut, the cutest pout on his face.
 Tony pondered, making a show of denying Peter his cock. “I don’t know. Have you been good, boy? I’m not sure if you’ve earned it.”
 The words physically hurt Peter and he winced, an utterly betrayed expression on his face. “You promised you’d think about it.” Peter cried softly. “You promised I might get it. Please, Daddy. Just the tip, please.”
 “Just the tip?” Tony teased him and took his own erection in his hand, slowly starting to stroke it.
 “Yes.” Peter answered eagerly, his eyes fixed on his Daddy’s hard cock. “Just something, Alpha. Just the tip, please.”
 Tony sighed playfully, enjoying the power he held over Peter. The Omega stared at the thick flesh, loved how it twitched proudly under Tony’s own grip. He watched some drops of precome spilling from the tip, wanted nothing more than to taste them, to follow their path with his tongue. He wanted to be responsible for the Alpha’s pleasure, his mind spinning and his biology forcing him to lean forward, to take the thick cock into his mouth. But he resisted because his Daddy didn’t give him permission.
 “Fine.” Tony decided dismissively. “Come closer, baby. You can have the tip. But only the tip. I’ll take it away if you get too greedy. Do you understand me?”
 “Yes, Daddy.” Peter smiled happily, crawling closer to his Daddy’s crotch.  
  When his lips touched the tip for the first time, Peter moaned, relief he had never felt before flooding his body. It felt right to kneel in front of his Daddy, to take the warm flesh into his mouth. He savored the moment, slowly spreading his lips until he could take the first few inches of his Daddy into his mouth.
 The Alpha growled, a deep satisfied sound and pride bloomed in Peter. He did this, he made his Daddy feel good, his lips around the Alpha’s tip were responsible for his noises. The knowledge was like a rush, new slick began to pour out of his body. He was ready to take everything his Alpha wanted him to give.
 “You’re doing so good.” Tony praised, making Peter dizzy with happiness. “Look at you, how eager you are for me. How badly do you want it, baby boy? What would you do for Daddy’s cock?”
 “Everything.” Peter answered sincerely, his lips slightly touching the heated flesh. He didn’t want to pull back, craving to touch as much as he was allowed to.
 His Daddy’s cock tasted like heaven. Small driblets of salty precome were running down the shaft and Peter did his best to catch every single one with his tongue. He sucked, his tongue dancing around the tip as if he was licking a lollipop. Although he wasn’t even touching himself, he already felt a million times better than before, knowing his Alpha was feeling good and that he could make up for his mistake.
 Peter hold himself back, sucking up all the deep noises his Daddy was making while he fought the urge to take the cock deeper, to choke himself on his Daddy. He wanted to be stuffed full, to struggle, to feel this Alpha so deep that he would be hoarse tomorrow, but this wasn’t about him. His Alpha had ordered him to restraint himself and he would rather die than disobey.
 “God, Peter. Look at you. Sucking my cock as if you were born for it, as if it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You’re a slut for me, aren’t you? Begging me with those pretty brown eyes to take me deeper.”
 Peter couldn’t answer, his mouth stuffed, so he nodded in agreement, humming an affirmative noise. Vibrations tingles alongside the Alpha’s cock and his Daddy let out a deep moan. He gripped Peter’s hair, a constant reminder of who was in charge.
 “Open your mouth wider, sweet boy.” Tony ordered, his grip tightening further. “I want to stroke myself and I want you to catch everything when I come. Can you do this for me? Can you be my sweet little slut?”
 Peter beamed, eager to be good for his Alpha. He shifted until he was comfortable on his knees, curving his back to look like the perfect little Omega and opened his mouth just like his Daddy told him to. He even put his hands behind his back to show how submissive he could be.
 The view seemed to please Tony because he rumbled deep in his chest. “Sometimes I wondered if I’ve trained you.” The Alpha said while he gripped his own cock and began to stroke himself. The tip rested against Peter’s opened mouth. “You’re doing everything I want you to, even when I humiliate you, and that makes me so hard, makes me want to wreck you even more. That can’t be healthy, can it?”
 “I want it too, Daddy.” Peter whispered against the tip of his cock. “I want you to treat me like your good little Omega. I love it, I love you.”
 “Oh, sweetheart.” The Alpha’s voice was gentle. “I love you, too. You’re my son, you’re my slut, you’re my everything.”
 “Please, come in my mouth.” Peter begged, his gaze leaving the dripping cock to look into his Daddy’s eyes. “That’s all I want.”
 The Alpha smiled at him and patted his hair. “All right, boy.” He gave in. “Keep your mouth open. Don’t move!”
 Happiness bubbled in his chest and Peter nodded enthusiastically. He wanted to swallow everything his Alpha was willing to give him. Tony rested the tip of his cock on Peter’s tongue, the heated flesh burning in the Omega’s mouth. Although he wanted to suck, to choke on it, he was content with a few inches. He would get his Daddy’s come. That was everything that counted in the moment.
 Tony started to fuck his hand, the rhythm hard and unyielding while the back of his hand smacked against Peter’s face with every thrust. Peter loved it, loved the taste on his tongue, and the obscene noise when his Daddy’s hand slapped his face. He felt owned, controlled, and let go, his mind becoming clouded once again. But it wasn’t from his heat, it was the possessiveness of his Daddy that made him go cockstupid. His thoughts drifted and he imagined what it would feel like if his Daddy’s hand would smack his bottom, leaving red marks on his tender cheeks.
 It wasn’t long before Tony’s strokes became erratic and Peter knew his Daddy was getting close. He kept his mouth open, spit running down his chin and he savored the moment of pleasuring his Daddy. Even if it meant just keeping his mouth open.
 “Oh, god. Baby. You’re so good for me.” The Alpha grunted as he finally came, his cock spurting his seed all over the Omega. He pulled back, half his load landing in Peter’s mouth while the other half scattered all over his face.
 Peter was in heaven. He swallowed, already addicted to the salty fluid and he sighed with contentment. He wanted this every day, a fresh load of come filling his belly. He let out a high-pitched whine because he could only swallow half of it, but his Daddy soothed him, spreading the rest onto his face and rubbing it over the scent glands on his neck. Peter preened. His Daddy, his Alpha, was scent-marking him, was showing the world that Peter was his.
 “You did a wonderful job.” The Alpha reassured him, his voice hoarse after the orgasm. “So good for me, the best little slut.”
 Peter blushed deep red and tried to hide his face against his Daddy’s leg. He wasn’t good with compliments but still treasured the words. Contentment was filling him as he sat there at his Daddy’s feet. He never wanted to move, but they were still in a heat room in college.
 They sat there for a while, his Daddy’s hands caressing his head, fingers tugging his curls lightly. The sensation was grounding and Peter relaxed, preparing himself to leave soon. They still had to walk to his Daddy’s car.
 “Let’s get you out of here.” His Alpha promised after a few minutes and pulled him into his arms after he put their clothes back on. Peter wrapped his legs around the Alpha’s hips and one of his Daddy’s strong arms settled under his ass, carrying him as if he weighed nothing. Peter suspected his slick had already soaked his pants, but his Daddy didn’t complain, keeping him against his chest so that Peter could hide his face in his Alpha’s neck.
 He couldn't see if they met other people on the way out, he only suspected that they had passed another Alpha, because once his dad growled possessively. But Peter was happy, snuggling against Tony’s chest like a kitten and breathing in his Daddy’s scent. He smelled perfect, like satisfied Alpha. He didn’t even care if someone was watching him, loved getting carried by his Daddy while he was drenched in the scent of his Alpha’s seed.
 Peter was getting tired, his eyes fluttered and fell shut while Tony was carrying him out of the building. He knew his heat would hit him with full force as soon as he woke up, but for now, he was content in his Daddy’s arms. He drifted away before they even reached the car.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Red & Silver In A Romance Not So Unfamiliar PT. 2
Tim Drake x Speedster!Reader Story!
A/N: And still, my sequels are the best I write??? Enjoy! -Thorne <3
“You know, you could at least act like you’re having a good time.” She eyed the boy next to her, then huffed,
           “Tim, I stopped having fun when the old people started pissing on everyone’s mood for being young.” Tim laughed, propping an elbow up on the bar, his eyes scanning the people in the room.
           “Its not so bad (Y/N). You get used to it.” She rolled her eyes, turning to the bartender and waving a hand. A drink was placed in front of her and she picked it up, knocking back the contents; Tim watched her then quipped, “You know you’re not old enough to drink…right?” (Y/N) hummed, placing the glass down and deadpanning,
           “And my metabolism burns through things in seconds.” She glanced at him. “Your point?” Tim eyed her.
           “You’re really not happy right now, are you” (Y/N) shrugged, hands tugging at the silver fabric around her waist.
           “I feel like something is wrong.” His eyebrows furrowed in concern, and he stepped up to her, gently taking her hands.
           “What do you mean (Y/N)?” She shook her head.
           “It’s nothing…just a feeling that something is wrong.” Tim watched her for a moment then whispered,
           “Do you want to go to the cave and run some tests?” (Y/N) glanced at him, amusement in her voice as she replied,
           “Why do I get the feeling that you’re the one who wants to run the tests?” Tim smiled, pulling away.
           “It eases my worries when I know nothing is wrong.” He held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. (Y/N) grasped it, twining her fingers through his, and they weaved between people until they escaped into the study. Tim closed the door behind him, drawing the curtains and moving the clock hands. The opening to the cave appeared, and they descended the stairs, walking out to an open platform. Tim gestured to the medical table on the far side of the room, and (Y/N) climbed on it, watching as he moved around her. He tied a band around her arm, then thumped her arm a few times before feeling around and inserting the needle. (Y/N) flinched slightly, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by Tim, who leaned up, kissing her shoulder. “Sorry.” (Y/N) inhaled, staring at him as he switched the filled vial to an empty one. Strands of his ebony hair fell forward, grazing his brow as worked, and (Y/N) let her eyes drift to his, and she watched his baby blues narrow in focus. After a moment, he coughed. “You’re staring (Y/N).” She huffed a laugh.
           “I’m just admiring how pretty you are Mr. Drake.” Tim’s eyes met hers, and she saw a faint pink tint his cheeks as he asked,
           “Ms. Allen, are you flirting with me?” (Y/N) scoffed, her lips pulling a grin.
           “I know I suck at it, but I don’t suck that bad.” Tim laughed, pulling the needle from her arm and placing a piece of gauze to it; (Y/N) yelped, grabbing her arm. “Ow!”
           “Sorry (Y/N).” She grumbled as she massaged her arm.
           “Flirt with your boyfriend and get hurt. Serves me right.” Tim chuckled, placing the vials in the machine before moving back to her, placing his hands on either side of her.
           “If I kiss it better will you be alright?” (Y/N) eyed him, a smirk playing her lips as she murmured sultrily,
           “Depends on what you kiss.” Tim tipped his chin up, his words quiet.
           “Anyone ever told you that you’re a minx?” (Y/N) shrugged, raising a foot and drawing it up the side of his leg, enjoying the way the muscles underneath tightened.
           “It’s been said once or twice.” She hooked her foot around his thigh, pulling him towards her. “Usually when I’m rolling around under sheets.” She raised her other leg, curling it around his other thigh. “Though I’ve been known to hear it when I’m on medical tables.” Tim inhaled, his hands shifting from the table to grip her waist. He leaned down, intent to press his lips to hers, but a beeping sound came from beside them; they looked over at the machine, and (Y/N) murmured, “Your tests are done.” Tim let out a sigh and pulled away from her, moving to the machine and tapping at it. He waited for a moment before pulling a paper from the slot and walking back over. (Y/N) crossed her arms, kicking her legs out and in. “So, Doc…what’s the diagnosis?” Tim opened his mouth, but his response was cut off by the sound of footsteps moving across the cave floor. They looked over to see Bruce and Tim’s brothers, followed by Conner and Bart making their way to their suit cases. Tim blinked, setting down the paper.
           “What’s going on?” Dick glanced at him as he undid the tie around his neck.
           “Signal turned on.” He pointed at them. “What are you two doing in here?” (Y/N) disappeared in a flash of silvery-white lightning before returning a moment later in her suit.
           “I thought something was wrong, so Timberly ran some blood tests.”
           “Find anything out of the ordinary?” Their gaze turned to Jason who was zipping up his suit; Tim shook his head.
           “Nothing that causes concern.” He stepped away, moving to the case holding his suit. “White and red blood cell count is normal.” He glanced at her as he pulled off his suit jacket and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. “Maybe it’s just nerves.” (Y/N) scoffed as she handed Dick his escrima sticks.
           “I got stabbed and blood sucked by a vampire for nerves? That just sucks.” Bart snorted, opening his mouth, and (Y/N) pointed at him. “Don’t make a fucking pun Bart.” Her twin let out a ‘hmpf’ muttering,
           “Mode crasher.” (Y/N) placed her hands on her hips, glaring at him.
           “I’ll crash your mode if you don’t zip it.” A voice cut across the cave, and they looked at Bruce who was locking his utility belt around his waist.
           “Enough. Both of you.” The twins shut their mouths, moving to stand beside Tim and Conner as they listened to the GCPD radio playing.
           “This is Sergeant Birch with the second precinct! We’ve got reports of bank robberies across Gotham, an outbreak at the asylum, and Killer Croc is breaking into a lab in China Town! Requesting back up immediately! I repeat, requesting-”
           Bruce turned to Dick and Jason. “I want you two to deal with the banks.” They nodded, moving to their bikes, then he turned to Damian who was tightening his gauntlet. “We’ll take the asylum.” He nodded, making his way to the Batmobile, and Bruce turned to the remaining four. “You lot take care of Croc.” (Y/N) and the others nodded, beginning to move when his hand stopped them, and they looked at him. “You and Bart might be fast, but Croc is still dangerous.” He eyed the other two. “Be careful.” Each of them nodded, and he moved his hand, letting them move to the platforms the bikes were on. (Y/N) and Bart stood beside Tim, watching as he climbed on his bike; (Y/N) grinned, pulling down the silver and blue goggles.
           “Hey Bart?” He glanced at her, adjusting the red goggles.
           “What?” She tipped her head to the others who were starting up the engines.
           “You wanna leave these losers in the dust?” He matched her grin, and they turned, waiting for the doors to open. When they did, they both took off, flashes of silver and yellow lightning weaving as they ran. They skidded to a stop outside a lab in China town, listening to the sound of destruction coming from inside. A moment later, Conner appeared, frowning at the two of them.
           “Didn’t you hear a word Batman said?” (Y/N) shrugged.
           “I mean I heard, but I didn’t listen.” Bart nodded in agreement, and about ten minutes later, Tim’s bike pulled into view. He stopped beside the twins, reaching up and turning the bike off.
           “You guys should’ve waited for me and Conner instead of taking off.” (Y/N) waved off his concern.
           “Meh…we’re fine.” She tipped her head to the lab. “C’mon, we’ve got a purse to make.” The others laughed and as they turned to the front of the lab, the walls burst. They raised their hands, covering their eyes from the debris, and when it was clear, Killer Croc stood before them. (Y/N) blinked in shock, dumbly saying, “Holy shit…he’s actually a giant crocodile.” She looked him up and down. “A really…tall…crocodile.” She stood there, still stunned even as Croc’s hand came down at her; someone jerked her backwards away from the immediate danger. Her eyes shifted to Tim who was yelling at her.
           “Silver! Get with the program!” (Y/N) blinked, clearing her thoughts, turning back to Croc.
           “Sorry!” She and Bart sped to Croc’s sides; Bart looked at her and shouted,
           “We can’t take him on our own!” (Y/N) grinned.
           “Kid! You thinking what I’m thinking?” Bart nodded, starting to back up.
           “Way ahead of you Silver!” The two sped away in opposite direction, disappearing down different streets. Croc laughed, looking at Tim and Conner.
           “Looks like your friends have run off!” Tim laughed, dodging his hands.
           “Oh, they didn’t run off.” Before Croc could ask, shattering glass sounded in their ears, and they turned, seeing a blur moving towards them; Croc took a half-step backwards, his eyes widening as it got closer.
           “What-” He was cut off as it reached him. It a slammed into him, sending him flying backwards in a hail of electricity. He landed on a nearby car, and Bart and (Y/N) appeared out of the blur, sparks snapping across their bodies as they cheered. Bart glanced at Tim.
           “I think we’ve taken care of him.” Tim nodded, punching buttons on his gauntlet. (Y/N) walked over to Croc, observing him, and looking back at the others.
           “Yeah, I think he’s out cold.” She stepped towards the others when something gripped her arm. For someone who moved faster than the speed of light and sound, everything moved in slow motion as she was jerked into the air. Her eyes widened as she came face to face with Killer Croc and she gasped in shock. He grinned at her, and she got a view of razor-sharp teeth. (Y/N)’s words came out in a whisper. “Help me.” She could hear the others screaming behind her, but it was all drowned out by the grating laughter Croc let out. His grip on her arm tightened painfully, and she let out a scream as she felt the bones in her wrist snap. He threw her as hard as she could, and the last thing she remembered was hitting something solid, and her vision went dark.
A Few Hours Later:
           Her body felt sluggish as she peeled her eyes open. A blinding light made her close her eyes, blinking until everything came into view. She sat up, looking around the medical room. No one was in there, and she slung her legs over the side of the table, getting to her feet. She wobbled as she walked, and gripping the wall, she made her way out into the cave. The wall ended, and she uneasily stepped towards the group around the Bat computer; someone spun around and shouted her name, causing the others to turn towards her. Tim’s eyes widened, and he ran to her. “(Y/N)? What are you doing up?” She stared at him, watching as his eyes searched her face. “(Y/N)? Are you okay?” She grinned and reached out, poking his nose.
           “Timmy…you’re gonna let everyone know how much you like me if you keep being concerned.” He blinked, then huffed a laugh.
           “You’re still medicated (Y/N). You need a nap.” He reached for her, but she stepped back, giggles escaping her; Tim sighed and followed. “(Y/N), you really need to lie down.”
           “But I don’t wanna.” Tim stopped moving, crossing his arms.
           “Then what do you want to do?” (Y/N) pointed to the stairs.
           “I wanna go explore.” He shook his head, barely hiding the grin.
           “You can’t go explore, you’re on speedster-level hydrocodone and you’ve got a broken wrist.” (Y/N) pouted as his words, moving to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
           “But baaaaaaaabe…” She puffed her cheeks. “I gotta go explore!” Tim chuckled, reaching up and cupping her cheek.
           “How about we go take a nap, and when you can correctly sing the elements of the periodic table, we’ll go explore.” He brushed his hand along her skin, gently grasping her chin. “Sound like a plan?” (Y/N) gave him a dopey smile and nodded. “Alright then, let’s go get you in a bed.” He started to move, but (Y/N) held onto him. “(Y/N)?” She grunted, opening her arms.
           “Carry me.”
           “What?” (Y/N) waved her arms.
           “I said…carry me.” She gave him a pleading look. “Pretty please?” Tim stared at her for a moment before sighing and gripping her hips. He lifted her, then let out a laugh.
           “Sweetheart, you gotta help me out if you want me to carry you.” She giggled in response, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms winding around his shoulders. He turned, passing by his family who stood in stunned silence. They watched as he climbed the steps, a giggling (Y/N) wrapped around him like a monkey. After a moment, Bart blurted out,
           “Holy crap. My sister is dating my best friend!” He turned to the others. “My sister is dating your brother!” He stopped, blinking in shock. “I…holy crap!”
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
41. Queens of Darkness, Pt.1
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Enchanted Forest. Forbidden Fortress. Past. (A guard stands watch, when he is pulled out of the way by a tentacle. Her path cleared, Ursula walks into the Fortress.) Maleficent: “Stop. Just who the hell might you be?” (Ursula attacks Maleficent and the sorceress defends herself, they are in a stalemate.) Ursula: “Ursula. But you can call me your majesty.” Maleficent: “I don't bow down to fish.” Ursula: “Who are you?” Maleficent: “I'm the person whose valet you either knocked out, strangled, or tried to impregnate. I don't know what those tentacles are for.” Ursula: “I was invited here. What's your excuse?” Maleficent: “This is my home.” Ursula: “So why did you send for me?” Maleficent: “Believe me, I did not send for you.” Ursula: “Then what...” (They hear barking dogs and turn to see Cruella arriving.) Cruella: (Sees Maleficent pointing her staff at the dogs:) “I wouldn't do that. Don't worry. They don't eat fish or dragon. Unless I tell them to. (Cruella uses her powers to calm the dogs:) Thank you, my darlings. A wonderful job. I'll take it from here. (Walking towards the others:) Now who's gonna tell me what in the hell I'm doing in this ghastly place?” Maleficent: “Lovely question, because this ‘Ghastly place’ is my home, and I didn't ask for any visitors.” Cruella: “I received specific instructions.” Ursula: “As did I.” Maleficent: “I don't care. You're trespassing. And do you know what I do with trespassers?” Ursula: “Don't even think it.” Rumplestiltskin: (Appearing behind them:) “Now, now, ladies. Don't tear each other apart. I need you all in one piece... Or rather, three pieces.” Maleficent: “Rumplestiltskin. It was you.” Rumplestiltskin: (Bows:) “Guilty.” Ursula: “Someone wanna tell me why I left the sea for this?” Rumplestiltskin: “Oh, yes. The reason for this little tete-a-tete-a-tete... A-tete... We all have something in common, apart from mutual distaste. We're villains. And it's time the villains got their happy endings.”
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Storybrooke. Present. Mills House. Morning. (Having heard the front door close, Emma stretches and begins descending the staircase.) Emma: “I don’t get it, if you wanted us to spend the day cleaning and doing chores, why does the kid get a pass? (Looks around, calling out:) Regina?” Regina: “In here.” (Emma frowns and, with bare feet, pads toward the sound of Regina’s voice.) Emma: “Regi-” (Emma comes to a sudden halt as she takes in the tantalizing sight in front of her. Regina bends slightly over the back of their sofa, dusting furiously with a fluffy pink duster. A pair of black silk knickers cling deliciously around her firm backside, little ruffles at the hem for added effect. The black teddy she wears has the same white trim on the ends, accented with a little white bow in the back to keep it tied around her petite frame. Brunette locks set in soft curls and a white maid’s hat lay pinned on the center of her head. Deep red lipstick is spread across full lips along with dark eyeliner and mascara around her eyes. Regina's dusting continues until she turns around, her dark brown eyes sparkling mischievously as Emma steps forward.) Regina: (In a thick French accent:) “I've been working all morning, I hope Madame is pleased?” (Emma’s mouth opens and closes several times, unable to form any coherent thought. Anxious to simply devour the woman before her, the blonde’s pragmatism kicks in suddenly.) Emma: “Where’s Henry?” Regina: “Oh, don’t worry about that, Madame.” Emma: “ ‘Gina, I still have nightmares about the last time Henry walked in on us, where is our son?” Regina: (Sighs, breaking character:) “He’s spending the morning with your parents then he’s going to see the pirate. (Raising her voice a little as Emma walks over to double check the lock on the front door:) Apparently they had words during the spell of Shattered Sight.” Emma: (Returning to the dining room:) “Good enough for me.” Regina: (Smiles, resuming her role and her dusting:) “Good. I've been waiting all morning for you, Madame.” Emma: “Have you now? (Smirking, approaching the older woman with hunger in her eyes:) And what exactly have you been waiting for?” Regina: “For Madame to take me, right now.” (Any trace of control Emma still held is forgotten once Regina utters those words. She watches as the brunette saunters over to the couch. Quickly closing the distance between them, Emma gasps as Regina turns and pulls Emma down on top of her.) Emma: (Practically growling:) “You look so hot.” Regina: (Playfully pulling the frilly pink duster over her face:) “Did you really think I’d waste my last Saturday unemployed, doing housework?” Emma: “With you, Regina, I’ve learned that absolutely anything is possible.” (With that, Emma pushes the pink duster aside and attacks Regina's neck with her mouth.)
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Storybrooke Library. (Hook and Belle are at the Library. Hook stares at the notice board trying to figure out how release the fairies from the hat. After a long moment he throws his hands up in frustration.) Belle: (Watching from afar:) “Well, I see you still have your temper.” Hook: “Six weeks and nothing. They're still trapped inside that bloody hat.” Belle: “Look, we just have to keep at it, okay? But we will find a spell to release the fairies. I mean, these translations are difficult, but I've reached out to some of the finest minds in the world, and one of them will get back to us. I know it.” Hook: “If we're reduced to those magic boxes, then I'd say hope is in short supply.” Belle: “They, uh... Call it the Internet. And it can help us. And once we get the fairies out of the hat, they can help us release everyone else, including that poor old man that you put in there.” Hook: “All because I let myself be tricked by that Crocodile. How could I have been so weak?” Belle: “Well... We both were. You know, Rumplestiltskin got the best of us. And you're right. You... You should've been stronger, but you weren't. And...Well, neither was I. You know, I... I should've seen through him.” Hook: “You were blinded by love. What was my excuse?” Belle: “You were desperate to find your child. A child you’ve never seen. You know if you want, I can try and find Rumple’s globe for you?” Hook: “No, thank you, Belle. My latest dealings with the Dark One showed me something about myself. In my past I was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure I found my child, regardless of who stood in my way. I haven’t changed my ways at all.” Belle: “You’re being too hard on yourself. Rumple was controlling you when you trapped the fairies.” Hook: “But I had free will when I stood back and watched the crocodile do the same to that old man. If I’m going to be any kind of father, I can’t be driven by my own desires. I have to put others first and that’s why I have to find a way to free the fairies. The Dark One was right about one thing... Love is a weapon, as dangerous and persuasive as magic.” Belle: “Yeah. Yeah. He had both of our hearts.” Hook: “Hey... As big a bastard as he was, he did love you.” Belle: “And, uh, now he's gone from our lives forever. Yeah, I... I just, I uh... I just hope he's found whatever it is he's looking for.” The Land Without Magic. New York. (It has been six weeks since Mr. Gold was exiled from Storybrooke. He stands waiting for his microwave meal to finish cooking as Ursula returns to her apartment.) Ursula: (As the microwave pings:) “That means it's ready.” Mr. Gold: “Yes, I know how to work a microwave, thank you.” Ursula: “Because the Dark One did so much cooking in his time.” Mr. Gold: “Well, worry not. (Takes his meal out of the oven and takes a seat at the table:) My power extends far beyond ramen noodles.” Ursula: “Yeah, just not in this life. You know, I'm beginning to think you're a lot of talk, a lot of empty promises about happy endings, when all you do is eat my food, sleep on my couch. That better not be the last ramen! Do I look like I'm made of money? I work at an aquarium.” Mr. Gold: “No, that's not what you do. What you do is complain. (Ursula rolls her eyes and checks on her fish in the tanks:) You know why? Because your life, for want of a better term, is crap.” Ursula: “Hey, are you forgetting who's been taking care of you?” Mr. Gold: “Please. Providing re-heatable noodles and what might charitably be called shelter... No great gift. Certainly not compared to what I'm providing. I'm gonna fix all your problems.” Ursula: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you well enough to know you don't care about me.” Mr. Gold: “No, I don't. I care about me. You're lucky our problems just so happen to align.” (Mr. Gold receives an email.) Ursula: “You got something?” Mr. Gold: “The beginning.” Ursula: “Of what?” Ursula: “The end of our misery. It's time to visit an old friend.”
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Storybrooke Elementary School. (Mary Margaret has returned to teaching and is in the middle of a class.) Mary Margaret: (As a bird perches on her finger:) “Now who can tell me what the study of birds is called? (Henry raises his hand:) Henry.” Henry: “Ornithology?” Mary Margaret: “Very good.” The Mayor’s Office. (Regina unpacks her stuff, placing items back on her desk. She looks up and notices the painting of two birds Mary Margaret had installed during her brief tenure. With a sweep of her hand, Regina conjures a fireball and incinerates the painting with a satisfied smile.) Granny’s Diner. (Emma checks in on Granny as she looks after baby Neal. Returning to the diner, she picks up her order and leaves.) The Land Without Magic. Great Neck, Long Island. (Mr. Gold and Ursula arrive before a huge house.) Ursula: “So this is where she lives? I guess some of us are doing better than others.” (The FBI Agent arrest Cruella's husband and repossess their belongings.) Cruella: “Look at this. This is too awful. Darling, do we need all these theatrics?” Mr. Gold: (Watching on, to Ursula:) “We’re doing better.” (Cruella takes her coat from a rack as an FBI agent tries to stop her.) Agent: “Ma'am... Sorry, lady.” Cruella: “This was mine before.” (The agent acquiesces and walks away. Cruella pulls on her coat as Gold and Ursula approach.) Mr. Gold: “Cruella de Vil.” Cruella: (Icily:) “No one calls me that here.” Mr. Gold: (As Cruella turns to face them:) “Well, I'm sorry, dearie, but Cruella Feinberg doesn't have quite the same ring.” Cruella: “What in hell are you two doing here?” Mr. Gold: “Looking to regain our greater glory. A glory I can soon return to you both, if you join me.” Cruella: “I'm not going anywhere with you.” Mr. Gold: “Well, maybe you should. (Cruella turns and walks away, raising his voice:) Things have changed... (Cruella stops and turns back:) Mea culpa. Our last time together was less than ideal. But now? Now our interests align once more. You've lost all you have, and so have we. That's why I'm here, to put an end to having everything taken away.” Cruella: “Oh, not everything.” (Cruella pushes a button and the garage door behind her opens, revealing her classic car. She smiles and walks to her car.) Mr. Gold: (Following:) “And where are you gonna go with these paltry material possessions?” Cruella: “To get myself some less paltry possessions.” Mr. Gold: “An empty pursuit. You're gonna end up right back where you started.” Cruella: “I will never go back to where I started.” Mr. Gold: “I can get back everything you've lost and more.” Cruella: “You know, you talk a good game, Dark One, but can you deliver in a world with no magic where apparently walking is a challenge?” Mr. Gold: “Ah, but there is magic in this world. You just have to know where to look. I know you don't trust me. But the good news is, if you follow me, you won't have to. Aren't you tired of feeling ordinary?” Cruella: (Relents:) “Get in. Now then, darling, where are we going?” Mr. Gold: “A quaint little town called Storybrooke.” (The trio climb into the car and Cruella drives them away at top speed.)
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Enchanted Forest. Forbidden Fortress. Past. (The contemptible quartet are gathered in Maleficent’s home, waiting to hear the Dark One’s latest scheme.) Cruella: “Now then, this happy ending shenanigan you're promising us, can you really do that? Are you really that powerful?” Maleficent: “Yeah, he's powerful, but not that powerful.” Ursula: “No one is.” Rumplestiltskin: “Love how you underestimate me. Adorable.” Cruella: “What exactly are you offering, short stuff?” Rumplestiltskin: “Only the answer to all your prayers.” Cruella: “I'm not exactly the religious sort.” Rumplestiltskin: “Shocked.” Cruella: (Scrambling to her feet to stand over him:) “Look. I was quite content with my life until I received this summons, and I do not appreciate being dragged around on false promises.” Rumplestiltskin: “Nothing false about it, dearie. I know exactly what you want, and you, and you.” Maleficent: “Really?” Rumplestiltskin: “Really. But don't worry. I'm not one to betray trusts, so your secrets can remain your own. What I will share is what we all have in common... A desire for happiness. A desire to do what villains can never do. To win. And I'm here to show you how, together.” Maleficent: “Even if we would work together, no spell known to man or woman can do what you're saying.” Rumplestiltskin: “Of course not, dearie. But we're not looking for a spell. We're looking for a curse. A dark curse. One that, if you help procure it, can get each and every one of you exactly what you want... Your... Happy... Ending.” The Land Without Magic. Present. Mr. Cluck's Drive Thru. (Inside the car, the indecent threesome await their turn.) Cruella: “So why should I think this new plan will work when all the others have failed?” Mr. Gold: “Our failures in the past have been for one reason... The odds were stacked against us. Now we're gonna change the odds.” Ursula: “With this author you keep babbling on about.” Mr. Gold: “His book harnesses a great power, one that exceeds anything we've ever experienced, giving villains and heroes what he deems just desserts. Our collective frustrations? They're because of his will, not our missteps.” Cruella: “Well, I suppose that's better than blaming bad judgment and gin.” Drive Thru Employee: (Via speaker:) “Welcome to Mr. Cluck's. What can I get you?” Cruella: “One double Cluck combo.” Ursula: “Make it two. Rumple?” Mr. Gold: “No, thanks. I'd like to survive for my happy ending.” Drive Thru Employee: “That'll be $14.15. Please pull up to the window. And have a clucky cluck cluck day.” Mr. Gold: “Please hurry up. I'm fairly certain this author's in Storybrooke. And if we want to enlist his help, we have to get there before the heroes do.”
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Storybrooke. Mayor’s Office. (Regina turns the pages of the storybook, nowhere closer to finding the Author.) Emma: (Placing a salad in front of her:) “How do you feel about kale salad?” Regina: “Like someone found someplace other than Granny's for takeout.” Emma: “I'm fine with her grilled cheese, but I know it gets to you.” Regina: (Chuckles:) “You eat like a child. (Looking up:) Is that a root beer?” Emma: “Two. I got you one. (Holds them up:) Thought you could use a break.” Regina: “A break from what? Dead end after dead end? This sorcerer... Or author... Whatever he wants to be called... Doesn't want to be found.” Emma: “It's only been a few weeks.” Regina: “Exactly, and I've conquered entire realms in less time.” Emma: “Can you conquer these bottles? I thought they were twist-offs.” Regina: “Do I look like I can pry them off with my teeth? I'm a queen and a bit more refined.” Emma: “Yeah, I got that. (Walks around searching through drawers:) My mom had a bottle opener here during her brief tenure, somewhere.” Regina: “Should you be drinking on duty?” Emma: (Finding the bottle opener:) “Well, (Opening the bottles:) since there have been no flying monkey sightings or wacky weather related incidents, things are pretty quiet. (Hands Regina her bottle:) Besides, my girlfriend’s the Mayor so, I can pretty much do whatever I want.” Regina: (Smirks:) “This is true.” (They clink bottles.)
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(Hook and Belle enter.) Hook: “There may be a way to get the fairies out.” Belle: “Yeah, I, uh, I found an incantation. It's, uh, it's part of a spell in, uh, an ancient tongue I've never seen before.” Hook: “Which made translation a challenge.” Belle: “But I did it. I found a professor of linguistics from Oxford, and he just e-mailed me with the translation. (Regina rolls her eyes at the length of Belle’s exposition which Emma sees and returns with an encouraging smile:) It's an ancient ceremony, but, uh, one that'll bring them back. (Hands Regina the translation:) I, uh, I just need you to enact it.” Emma: “Ceremony, huh? Well, Madam Mayor, ready to pronounce today ‘Free the fairies day’?” (Regina gives a sardonic smile before taking a sip of her root beer.)
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dahliawolfe · 3 years
Little Sister Earp
Wylie pt. 2
Ok, so she would admit. She had royally fucked up this time. And Wynonna was going to kill her. As she should, cuz boy, did she ever fuck up. Wylie panted, back against a tree. It was nearly midnight, and she, knew that Wynonna and Doc would be home any minute. And….Shit. Oh, no. Doc was gonna give himself a damn coronary when he didn’t find her in her bed. Well, fuck.
See, the thing was, Wylie had gotten herself into a bit of a pickle…again. She’d heard Dolls say that they needed to get some recon on the revenants that were hole up in the old mine tunnels by the creek, but how he didn’t know how they could get in. Theoretically, he’d stated, someone could crawl in one of the smaller shafts and plant a mic to get what they needed. Ya know, use them for their info before Wynonna killed them? The spy shit that Dolls was really good at. Well, anyway, Wylie had taken it upon herself to sneak off and plant the mic. She was the smallest, she could navigate the narrow tunnels the easiest, but they’d never let her do it, so while they were all out “working other angles”, Wylie snuck out, mic in hand, and made her way to the tunnels. And everything went exactly as planned. Until, well, until she triggered a mine collapse on her way out. And then those damn dead heads definitely knew something was up. So, she’d wiggled her way out of the rubble and ran like hellhounds were on her. And now, here she was. In the middle of the forest, blood sticking one of her eyes together, knee scraped to hell, and losing the ground she’d initially gained. Why did she park her car so damn far away?!
Finally, the mustang was within sight, so with one last strong push of her legs, she sprang from the tree line, making a mad dash for her car. When out of nowhere…lightning hits her? Every hair on her body stood on end as she hit the cold ground, her breath leaving her in a harsh whoosh. Bright purple light shrouded her, and she honestly had never felt anything so painful in her life. And then, it was gone. Her body twitched on the ground as the sound of boots ran towards her. She could hardly hear them over the ringing in her ears, but when a very worried looking Doc leaned into her line of vision, she knew she was safe. She was always safe when Doc was there.
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Doc carried the limp body of Wylie through the doors of the Earp homestead. She was breathing, but Doc was worried. He’d never seen Wylie so still. She was always full of life, jumping around, making them all laugh. And now, her little body was cradled in his arms, and she wasn’t moving, or talking, or laughing.
“What the hell happened?!” Nicole demanded as they entered the home. “Oh, Wylie,” she drawled upon seeing the youngest Earp sister.
Doc laid Wylie on the bed, and Nicole immediately grabbed the medical supplies. He stroked the hair away from the young girl’s eyes, saying a silent prayer that tonight wouldn’t be the night he lost her.
Nicole washed the blood off of her hands and leaned against the sink with a sigh. Wylie was in rough shape. Though not as bad as she had originally thought, the girl still had needed a lot of stitching up. The burn marks on her worried Nicole the most because electrocution wasn’t something she could just sew up. There could be lasting damage that Nicole couldn’t even see. “How the hell did she even get struck by lightning on a clear night?!” Nicole growled lowly.
“It wasn’t lightning,” Dolls spoke, coming into the room.
“Come again?” Wynonna demanded.
“It was some type of magic. I’m not sure what kind yet, but my bet is it isn’t good”
Doc sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, why the hell are you standing around?! Go find out what happened!” He stormed out into the night, already pulling a cigarillo from his breast pocket.
“Ok, Baby, I need you to wake up now. We’re all very worried about you, and some of us aren’t handling it very well. Doc is gonna smoke himself to death if you don’t wake up soon,” Wynonna cooed to her baby sister, gently stroking her cheek.
“Mmmm. Mama, no,” Wylie groaned, pulling away from Wynonna’s hand. It had been nearly 6 hours since they’d gotten the girl home, and this was the first time she’d been awake.
“Hi, there, Sleepy Bug. Can you open those pretty eyes for me?”
Wylie creaked one eye open, looking over at Wynonna briefly before closing her eye again and rolling into Wynonna’s chest. “Tired, Mama. Wanna sleep,” she mumbled.
“Aww, I know you do, Baby, but we need you to get up for a little while. I’ll make you some French toast, and you can have some of that expensive coffee that you and Waverly love.”
“With sugar?” Wylie asked, raising her head.
“Of course.”
“Mmkay, but my leg hurts. Can’t walk, Mama.”
“How about we get Doc to bring you downstairs then. Hmm?” Wylie nodded, so Wynonna stood to retrieve Doc.
She found him standing guard at the top of the stairs. “Hey, she’s awake. Wants to know if you can carry her down for breakfast.” Doc shot to his feet.
“My pleasure!” he declared, pausing only to inquire, “Is she alright?”
“I think so, yeah. Seems a little out of it still.” Doc nodded and made his way to the bedroom.
“Hey, there, Little One. I heard you needed a ride down to breakfast,” he greeted with a smile. Wylie was sitting up in bed, an old t-shirt of Wynonna’s hanging off of her smaller frame. She gave him a small nod and rubbed her eyes. Doc stooped to pick her up, and her arms went around his neck, her legs going around his waist.
“Thanks, Daddy,” she mumbled against the skin of his neck, and despite his best efforts, Doc froze at the statement. His heart swelled with love. Wylie had never called him that before, but he’d be damn lucky to have a kid as great as her.
“Of course, Pumpkin,” he replied, kissing the side of her head and making his way downstairs.
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Waverly studied her little sister in amusement. “Uhh, Wynonna, maybe you should have laid off the syrup.”
“Huh?” the oldest sister hummed, looking up from the report she was reading. She glanced at Wylie, and her eyes grew wide. The kid was covered in syrup. Her shirt was wet with it. It was smeared from cheek to cheek, and large pools of it littered the kitchen table. “Wylie!” she gasped. The girl looked up sharply from licking the drop of syrup running down to her elbow. “You’re covered in syrup!” Wylie looked around sheepishly and her eyes grew glassy.
“’M sorry, Mama,” she mumbled sadly, reaching for a napkin to try and clean up her mess. Wynonna frowned. Though Wylie had called her Mama before, she never did it when she was fully awake, unless she was sick. So, maybe she wasn’t as good as Wynonna had assessed earlier.
“That’s ok, Kiddo. Why don’t you go wash up, and I’ll clean this.”
“Wave help?” the girl asked.
“Of course, I’ll help you, Sweetie,” Waverly answered softly. She ushered a still limping Wylie upstairs, mouthing, “Call Dolls,” on the way.
Wylie was plopped on the couch, watching CatDog on Nicole’s tablet when Doc and Dolls made it back to the homestead. She had her thumb tucked into her mouth, roughly chewing on the fat of it. Everyone peeked their heads into the room before stepping back into the kitchen.
“So, she’s doing what?” Dolls asked, hands going to his hips.
“I don’t know, Man. Regressing?!” Wynonna harshly whispered back.
“Yes, Dolls! Regressing!”
“Hmm. That’s interesting.”
“No. No, it’s really not. If Wylie were, well Wylie, she’d be pissed to see herself like this.”
“I’ll do some digging. The good news is, it looks like the recorder she stuck in the mine last night wasn’t discovered, so I’ve been listening in. I’ll keep an ear out for anything.”
“Doc, what about you? This level of fuckery ringing any bell from the ye old days?”
“Not that I recall. I will read some of Wyatt’s journals and see if he mentions anything.” Upon hearing his voice, Wylie immediately perks up from the other room.
“Daddy?!” she gasps, rolling off of the couch and running too him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.
“Well, hi there, Sugar Plum. What is my best girl up to?” Doc replied, scooping her up without missing a beat.
“Missed you. You were gone so long,” Wylie stated, tugging at Doc’s signature hat.
“Was I? Well, I do apologize.” Looking around the room, Wylie caught Dolls eyes.
“Hi, X,” she drawled, her finger going back in her mouth.
“Hello, Wylie. How are you feeling?”
“Umm, I gots an owie. Nic made it better though,” she declared, holding out her stitched up leg.
“I see that. How did that happen?”
“Umm…I was doing something bad,” she pouted, hanging her head.
“That’s ok. I do bad stuff too sometimes. You’re still a very good girl,” Dolls confirmed, stepping closer to stroke a wayward strand from her eyes. A rare moment of gentleness. In response, Wylie beamed at him.
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“I’m heading out to pick up the take out. Need anything else?” Nicole questioned later that night.
“I go?!” Wylie questioned, wriggling her way out of Waverly’s lap.
“Not this time, Kiddo. Nic’s in a rush,” Wynonna replied.
“Wanna go, Mama.”
“No, Wylie.”
Wylie stomped her good foot, letting out a screech of, “Maaaamaaaa!”
“Lord have mercy,” Doc chuckled, earning a glare from Wynonna.
“Wylie Caroline Earp!” Wynonna boomed, causing Wylie to freeze, crocodile tears still rolling down her cheeks. “I said “no”, and I meant it!”
Wylie swung Nicole’s hand back and forth as they made their way into the local Mexican restaurant. Nicole tried to hide her grin. If anyone was a match for Wynonna Earp, it was her baby sister. After a bout of wailing, thrashing around on the floor, and general tantrum throwing, Wynonna threw up her hands and walked away, reminding Wylie to wear a jacket.
To her credit, Wylie didn’t give Nicole any grief on the brief trip to the heart of Purgatory and back. She even carried one of the 3 bags of food they’d acquired.
Doc was on the front porch when they got back, and he offered a sweet smile to Wylie.
“We got tacos, Daddy!” she exclaimed proudly, slinging the bag up for him to see.
“Did you now? Well, how about we go get those hands washed up so you can eat some?”
“I’ve got something you should hear,” Dolls stated, entering the house in the middle of dinner.
“Got you taco, X!” Wylie proclaimed, fighting off Wynonna’s hand, which was trying to wipe taco sauce off of her cheek.
“Thanks, Kid. Wynonna, this is kinda urgent,” Dolls replied, nodding at Wylie, who was obliviously dipping her tortilla in the queso.
“Ahh, ok. Umm…Doc, can you go get Wylie cleaned up for bed?” Doc quickly nodded and stood.
“Still eating, Mama,” Wylie informed.
“You can finish tomorrow.”
“Tacos for breakfast?!” the young girl gasped.
“Sure. Why not?” Doc scooped Wylie up and made his way upstairs.
Wynonna turned to Dolls. “Play the tape.”
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“Ok, so Waverly, you’re staying with Wylie. If she wakes up, tell her that we’ll be back soon. Everyone else, load up. We’re going to get our girl back,” Wynonna ordered later that night. Dolls found a recording of one of the revenants in the mines who used to practice dark magic. He was talking about the spell he’d blasted Wylie with and how he assumed they were all at their wits end by now. What the bastard hadn’t counted on was the fact that the Earp family took care of their own and didn’t compromise on loyalty.
The revenant squirmed under the burning touch of Peacemaker. “So, you gonna fix it yourself, or are you going to make me hurt you some more?” Wynonna growled. She’d been beating the unholy piss out of the dude for the last hour, and she was honestly getting a little tired of his shit.
“I’ll…I’ll tell you how to fix it ok? It’s a potion. You make her drink it and she’ll be good as new. Promise.”
“Well, I guess you better get to talking. Peacemaker is getting antsy.”
Waverly was sipping on a mug of tea, when she heard the desperate cry of, “MAMA!” The older sister sprinted up the stairs, throwing open the door of Wylie’s room.
“Wylie, it’s ok, Baby. I’m right here. Wave is here,” she cooed, stroking the sweaty hair out of the shaking girl’s eyes. She remembered when Wylie was young. The nightmares the kid would get were terrible.
“Wave, scared,” Wylie whimpered. Waverly bodily lifted her little sister, placing her on her lap and tucking her head into Waverly’s neck.
“Shh. It’s ok. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
“Mama left again?” Wylie inquired quietly, and Waverly’s heart shattered. Wynonna leaving had torn Wylie’s heart out. She’d had nightmares for months after.
“No. No. Of course not, Baby. Mama would never leave you again. She’s just out with your Daddy, and Nic, and X. She’ll be home soon.”
“You stay?”
“Always, Little One. I’ll always stay with you.”
Wynonna entered Wylie’s bedroom to find her two little sisters tangled together in the middle of the bed. She smiled. Those two were the only thing good that had come from her life. And she’d kill or die for them. Walking quietly to Wylie’s side of the bed, she opened the glass bottle Dolls had filled with the potion needed to cure Wylie. She gently shook her sister, whispering, “Baby Doll, can you wake up for me?”
“Hmm?” Wylie hummed turning to face Wynonna.
“Here, Honey. Can you drink this? It’ll make you feel better.” Wylie did so without question, sleepy but completely trusting.
“Yuck, Mama,” the girl mumbled, wrinkling her nose and laying back down. Wynonna smiled and laid down beside her.
“What the fuck is that taste in my mouth?” Wylie groaned the next morning. Wynonna and Waverly were asleep on each side of her, so she slowly slid out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen, making her way to the fridge. “Ohh, tacos,” she exclaimed, grabbing one and shoving it in her mouth cold. A chuckle behind her made her freeze.
Doc looked on as Wylie mauled the cold taco. “Feeling better?” he asked teasingly. She swallowed roughly.
“Umm, yeah. I think so,” Wylie replied, looking down nervously. “I’m sorry if I made things weird. Thank you for putting up with that.”
“Nothing is Weird, Wylie. It was my pleasure to help you.”
“I know it sounds stupid, but you are kinda like a dad to me. Ward was kinda a piece of shit, and he died when I was like a baby, so I don’t really remember him. But you take care of me, you’re nice to me; even when I’m stupid, and well… yeah. But I don’t like expect you to do anything just cuz my monkey brain defaulted to that when….when what-the-hell-ever happened.”
Doc stepped closer, drawing her into a hug. “It was my pleasure to be your daddy. Even if you were spelled.” Wylie wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tighter than she ever had. Cuz, hell, maybe that nasty revenant did her a favor after all.
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Summary: Abandoning a child is cruel, leaving deep craters in the hearts remaining family members. Bucky has experienced this stinging pain all too well. Will he wallow in the past or step up and become the daddy his daughter needs.
Word Count: 1,461
Warning: Parental abandonment, Swearing
Characters: Daddy! Bucky x Victoria Paige Barnes (daughter)
OFC: Steve, Tony, Wanda, Nat, Sam, Mrs. Watkins (Nanny), Lead Sales Associate Y/N
A/N: This is my entry for Tricia’s 1k challenge. I really hope you enjoy it. Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Prompt: I won’t let anything hurt you ever again
Parenthood requires love, patience, stamina times infinity. But, it’s rewarding bringing a life into a sometimes cruel world, watching them grow to be their own individual. However, under difficult situations, some men or women doesn’t want the role of mother or father; leaving a gaping hole in the hearts of the child and remaining parent.
Such is the case of James Buchanan Barnes and Victoria Paige Barnes (nickname Vicki). Her mother decided when Victoria turned 1, she no longer wanted the responsibility of being a parent. So, she packed one night and walked out on her husband and baby girl, leaving a half-hearted note as to why she couldn’t be there anymore.
Bucky didn’t know what to do. Moving back into Stark Tower, everyone fell madly in love with the chubby cheeked baby with brown doe eyes and long dark brown hair like Bucky. Tony hired a live-in nanny for Victoria. The first 2 years, Bucky struggled in every imaginable sense; divorcing his wife and stripping her parental rights.
Mrs. Watkins, Vicki’s nanny, logged more hours with her than Bucky. Everyone noticed he jumped at every mission. Leaving a heartbroken toddler, crying every time he walked out of the door.
Sam or Wanda would come to Mrs. Watkins’ aid, taking Vicki to the park for ice cream.
Tony finally became enraged with the former Winter Soldier at the end of a particularly difficult mission.
Pissed by Tony’s lecture, Bucky pushed back. “YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW SHE MISSES ME?? HELL, I MISS HER!!!!
Bucky charged at Tony. Steve stepped in, pushing his best friend back.
Nat added, “If she’s yours Barnes, you need to be the father she needs. Her mom already abandoned her; you’re doing the same thing.”
Nat and Tony exited the quinjet in a huff. Steve stayed  behind. “I’m disappointed in ya Buck.”
Grabbing his duffle bag, the dismayed super soldier left his best friend sitting alone in the jet.
Bucky shuffled from the quinjet, head hanging down. Hearing whimpering from the nursery, he checked on Vicki. Soon as he smiled, she held her arms up for a hug. Mrs. Watkins tying her robe, heard a sweet lullaby through the baby monitor.
♫♪♫You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You’ll never know dear how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away♫♪♫
Vicki’s smile melted Bucky’s heart. “Dada, dada!!”
“Hey my angel. I’ve missed you so much. Please forgive me for being so stupid. I’m here now and I ain’t going away.”
Laying her head on Bucky’s chest, Vicki dozed off, sucking her thumb. For the rest of the night, Vicki slept on her ‘dada’ chest.
After talking with Nick Fury, Bucky quit field work, dedicating his time to his baby girl. Mrs. Watkins remained Victoria’s nanny until she was 4 years old, coming when needed.
Now 5 years old, Vicki prepared for kindergarten (Tony vetted staff, security personnel and cafeteria employees).
She could not contain her excitement. On the other hand, Bucky didn’t want to let go. Nat and Tony pulled him from the classroom. Once outside, Bucky shed crocodile tear.
Oh yes, Nat sent the video to EVERYONE’S phone!!!
At noon, Bucky broke a ton of traffic laws picking Vicki up. In the classroom, she played with a cute little girl on the alphabet carpet.  Bucky came into view and Vicki couldn’t contain her excitement.
“Guess what daddy? I made friends today. That’s Alicia and Paulie. He’s my boyfriend.”
Choking, Bucky tried to speak. “Boyfriend??!!! No sweetie, you’re too young.”
Folding her little arm, Vicki answered, ‘Yes he is. He’s a boy and he’s my friend.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Bucky wiped his sweaty brow with the back of his hand. Vicki jumped in her car seat, rattling off her first day adventures.
Skipping from the elevator, Vicki greeted Nat, Wanda, Sam, Thor, and Tony.
‘The fair maiden Victoria. How fair your first day of school?” Thor hoisted her in his arms.
“Uncle Thor, you talk funny.” Thor’s thunderous laugh shook the room.
“So, Vicki, how was your first day of kindergarten?” Nat stooped  to eye level.
Opening the refrigerator for a juice box, Vicki nonchalantly mentioned, “Well, we colored, wrote our ABC’s, ate lunch and my boyfriend’s name is Paulie.”
Tony gasped, dropping his glass; Sam spit soda everywhere; Wanda stopped cooking.
Sensing tension, Bucky asked Vicki to explain her ‘boyfriend.’
“His name is Paulie. He’s a boy and my friend.” Grabbing her backpack, Vicki pulled Bucky’s hand. “C’mon daddy. I’ve got homework.”
“Coming pooh bear. Duty calls. See ya later.”
Homework, dinner and bath time were uneventful. Vicki said her prayers and dozed off.
Most nights, Bucky averaged about 5 hours sleep. This wasn’t one of those times. Staring at the ceiling, his bedroom door opened. Reaching in his nightstand, Bucky prepared for battle.
Rubbing her eyes, Vicki hopped on her daddy’s bed. “Hey sweetheart what are you doing up? Bad dream?”
“No bad dream.” Tilting her head to the side, Victoria asked the one question Bucky didn’t want to answer. “Daddy, why did mommy leave? She hated me?”
Vicki crawled onto Bucky’s lap. “Sweetheart, mommy left because she didn’t wanna be here. She loved you though.”
“If she loved me, she’d still be here. Daddy, my heart hurts.” Victoria buried her head in Bucky’s chest.
Bile rose in Bucky’s throat. Why did you leave?. “Vicki, I know it hurts now, but I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”  Kissing the top of her head, Bucky wiped tears from her brown doe eyes.
Through her hiccups, “Daddy, you’re a hero because you won’t hurt my heart.”
“No dove, I won’t hurt your heart.” The usually stoic super soldier cried along with his daughter.
Surrounded by Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, she would never be alone again.
Vicki’s 6th birthday rapidly approached.  Her only request; an American Girl doll. With Bucky’s guidance, she created the perfect doll, Missy.
Bucky didn’t know what to expect once inside the store. Vicki dropped his hand, running towards a ton of outfits, accessories and pets for Missy. Already self-conscious about his metal hand, Bucky retreated to a seat in the corner.
An observant Salesperson, Y/N noticed how uncomfortable Bucky appeared, came to his rescue.
“Excuse me sir. Is this your first time in here?” Y/N’s smile lit up the room.
Doing a double take, Bucky’s mouth went dry and he stumbled over his words. “Um y-yeah. Is it that obvious?”
Y/N giggled. Bucky thought he heard angels singing. “You have that ‘deer in headlights’ gaze. Which little one is yours?”
“The little lady with brown hair, striped leggings and purple tutu.”
“Well, I will certainly say she’s quite creative with her dress. It’s really cute.”
Bucky waved his excited daughter over. Y/N politely asked her name. “I’m Victoria Paige Barnes. You’re very pretty. Are you married?” Vicki’s rather ‘forward’ attitude turned Bucky’s face beet red.
Blushing, Y/N replied ‘no’. Bucky’s smile reached his eyes. “I’m so sorry. Victoria’s pretty straightforward.”
“It’s alright, I’m not upset. By the way, may I ask your name?”
“My name? Yeah, uh my name is James but everyone call me Bucky.”
“Nice to meet you Bucky and Victoria. I’ll be just a minute. Missy’s in back.” Y/N strolled to the back, feeling eyes burning a hole in the back of her head.
Jumping on her toes, Vicki’s arms flailed when Y/N returned with Missy in her arms.
“Daddy daddy….it’s Missy!!!!” Bucky beamed. Victoria’s excitement warmed his heart.
Holding Vicki’s hand, Y/N showed her all different outfits and accessories.
Tugging her smock, Victoria whispered in Y/N’s ear. “My daddy’s not married either.”
For the first time in forever, Bucky’s smile reached his eyes. Y/N was a breath of fresh air.
Victoria and Y/N fashionistas extraordinaire, matched pants, shirts and shoes for Missy,
Lost in thought, Bucky daydreamed of taking Y/N out for coffee. Ever determined to make it reality, Bucky summoned courage from somewhere and asked her out.
Who says the sun won’t shine in the midst of chaos?
A/N: I’m seriously thinking about Part 2. I’d love to expand on Bucky and Y/N’s budding “relationship.”
@tilltheendwilliwrite @omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @pegasusdragontiger @magellan-88 @shy2shot @theimpossibleg1rl @love2rhyme @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @supersoldierslover @promarvelfangirl @caplansteverogers @irene-rogue-adler
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himbowelsh · 7 years
"You gotta a death wish?"- the Philly squad and Roe going to a Eagles v. Saints football game and Gene wearing a Saints jersey?
prompt me like a love song baby (NO LONGER ACCEPTING)
“Babe, your boyfriend’s gonna get himself killed,” Fran announces -- and, after a pause, swings her fist into her open palm. “I’m gonna kill ‘im myself.”
“You can use my bat!” Spina calls from the kitchen. Julian pipes up with a groan of agreement around the full bagel shoved in his mouth. Bill, miraculously, keeps his mouth shut; but the glower on his blue-painted face says it all.
Gene exchanges a wary glance with Babe. For having been threatened with death by four different people at once, he looks remarkably unfazed. Gene just seems baffled, a little disturbed, and -- more than anything else -- stubborn. He crosses his arms over his gold and black jersey, staring the rest of his boyfriend’s friends down.
“To be honest, I don’t see a problem.”
Bill’s underbite is sticking out so far that his jaw looks ready to pop off and go flying across the room. He’s in full on Alpha mode, like a dog who just spotted someone else pissing in his territory. Babe is annoyed by this on a good day, but when Bill’s directing it at Gene he finds that he kind of wants to punch him.
“You got a death wish?” Bill demands. “No, I mean it. Do you have an actual death wish? Cause that’s the only reason I can think that’d make you crazy enough to wear that shirt in the middle of South Philly.”
Gene blinks, unfazed. “We goin’ to a game or not?”
“Not with you like that,” Bill retorts. He eyes the jersey like Gene has draped himself in pig intestines. “Take it off. Then we’ll be seen with you.”
“I wanna support my team.”
Julian slams his head against the wall with a resounding smack. Babe would be worried, if he didn’t suspect that Julian’s already sustained as much brain damage as a person like him can get, and if he’s not dead already he’ll probably never die. Spina buries his face in his hands.
“Of all the people, Heffron, you had to pick a guy who’s from Louisiana?”
“We don’t choose who we love,” Babe retorts -- but he still hesitates to take the hand Gene offers him. He loves Gene, god forbid he ever think otherwise, and he’d kill a man for him in a heartbeat... but that hand is sticking out of a gold jersey. Babe is loyal to his man, but god, he’s got to be loyal to his team, too.
(Also, he’s a little afraid his friends with shun him for life if he kissed Gene while he’s wearing Saints gear.)
Gene’s hand is still extended towards him. It wavers for just a second, as if Gene isn’t sure if Babe will really support him -- but that second of doubt is all Babe can bear to see. What the hell is he thinking? Of course he stands by Gene, everyone else be damned. If his friends have a problem with it, they can go to hell.
He grasps Gene’s hand and squeezes tight. Bill’s eyes go wide, betrayal shadowing his face like the angel of death.
“Babe,” Julian exclaims, “no.”
Fran looks disgusted. Spina almost seems ready to get emotional, but he turns his back on Babe at the last second, fixing the Eagles beanie on his head into place. For a moment, all is dead silent. Then, Bill stalks forward.
He comes right up to Babe, until their chests are brushing, and they’re practically nose to nose. Bill’s eyes are blazing, but Babe fumes right back. “You’re a traitor to the green and silver, Heffron.”
Something in Babe flares up -- but before he can spit something just as venomous, Gene cuts in. “Green? Eagles colors are blue.”
“No, they’re not. It just looks blue. They’re really green.”
Gene’s nose crinkles. “What in the world kinda green is that?”
“It’s called midnight green, and it is a very distinguished color!” Somehow the topic of the Eagles’ colors infuriates Bill even more than his best friend’s betrayal. He swipes a hand across his cheek, pulling his fingers away smeared with bright paint. “See? Green! Completely green!”
“If green is blue,” replies Gene, smirking.
Fran has to reel Bill back in then, because he looks ready to have a conniption on the spot. Julian and Spina are already out the door, eager to get away from this argument before it erupts. Fran tugs Bill out the door, shaking her head at Babe as they go. They leave nothing behind but their lingering disappointment.
And, you know what? Babe can deal with it.
“Gene,” Babe says, lowering his voice as if confessing some grave secret. “I gotta tell you, I’m always gonna be an Eagles man at heart. It just ain’t a choice. You understand.”
“I get it, Babe,” Gene nods gravely. He runs his thumb over Babe’s knuckles, and some of his residual anxiety melts away. It’s hard to remain upset in the face of Gene’s smirking face, the light in his eyes letting Babe know that he’s enjoying this too much. “I love you anyway.”
“In spite of my flaws,” Babe affirms, and Gene nods. “I feel the same way about you.”
“Babe,” Gene says, matching his solemnity with graveness of his own. “Have you ever watched an Eagles game from the Saints side before?”
And though something in Babe’s gut curdles at the thought of supporting his team from the wrong side, imagining Gene next to him somehow lessens the pain. As long as Gene is by his side, Babe thinks he could cheer for anything; hell, he could cheer on a crocodile fighting against Bill in a wrestling match, as long as Gene is there with him.
“Sounds like a wild time,” he replies, and Gene grins at him.
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berrynarrybanana · 7 years
common cold // nh
Here’s 4.1 k of shameless fluffy dad!niall stuff about his little one being sick and I’m not sure that I wrote in enough Niall but i hope that it was good and that you all like it and feedback is always appreciated! Thank you for the request anon! 
Niall was care-free.
He didn’t let little things get to him and he could keep his head in most stressful situations. You’d seen him be the only one to laugh and smile after three flights and four shows had been canceled for the band like it was just another Monday in paradise. He had that personality that made him happy by default, it automatically switched on when he noticed things were getting too serious to quick. You’d only ever seen him really worry a handful of times and when Niall was worried, it made you scared. He would go stone faced and he’d fiddle with his fingers and his hands, like he didn’t know exactly what to do with them. You hated when Niall was worried about anything, but it seemed that from the moment your daughter was conceived, all he could do was worry about her.
When you fell sick during your pregnancy he flew home from Los Angeles, leaving an entire album alone to be with you when you were admitted to the hospital. When she was born four weeks earlier than her due date and had to be kept in the NICU for a week or two to make sure that all of her organs were functioning well enough on her own, he lost twenty pounds and nearly landed himself in the hospital due to hydration. She was the one thing he was always worried about.
So you knew when Maeve fell ill with a cold, he’d be just as worried.
It started on a Monday when you picked Maeve up from daycare. Every single kid in the whole place was sniffling and coughing like mad. There was a waiver for you to read over and sign saying that the daycare would be closed Tuesday through Wednesday so that they could disinfect everything properly and give the children there a chance to recoup at home. Maeve wasn’t sick then, but you had a hunch that with her weak immune system, she would be. And you were right. Tuesday morning you woke up to a congested and miserable Maeve crying like a banshee.
“What’s all this fuss about little girl,” You cooed, rushing into her nursery with your hair mused and tired eyes. “Hey now, it’s alright, what’s going on?”
She couldn’t talk back to you just yet, she was only nine months old. She had a grasp on a few words like Dada and Mummm or words like up and no and yes. She was really just babbling at this age, not really speaking the words clearly. But it was clear she was babbling for her Daddy as she bounced in her crib, her little hands gripping the rail as she wailed out, her cheeks red and her eyes wet.
“It’s okay,” You lifted her up into your arms, rubbing her back gently as she gripped your shirt and wailed into your ear. “Are you not feeling well, little one? Do you feel icky?”
You hated having to lay her down on her changing table as she cried louder and louder, kicking her legs as you unbuttoned her onesie, talking to her to try and keep her calm. Niall was at work and he probably wouldn’t be home until late afternoon. You’d taken the two days off so that you could watch over Maeve while the daycare was closed which was a hassle for you at work, but worth it. You missed those days where it was just you and Maeve at home all day, hanging out together.
“You do feel a bit warm sweetheart,” You mumbled, pressing your hand to the back of her forehead as she wailed and reached up with grabby hands. “Are you having trouble breathing through your nose too? Mumma might know how to fix that for you, yeah? Let’s give it a little try my love, maybe Mumma can make it better?”
You finished changing her into a fresh nappy, putting on a light pair of baby sweatpants and a light t-shirt on. You wanted to keep her warm from the chill of the house in the morning, but you knew she was overheated already. You lifted her up as you went over to her little baby first aid basket that Denise had fixed up for you as a shower gift. You’d never had to use it, but everything was brand new and it had a fair few things you knew that you could use with Maeve. You grabbed the Vick’s rub for babies and the little snot bubble with a burp cloth before walking back to the changing table. You set Maeve down, pushing her little shirt up as you rubbed a small amount of the Vick’s on her chest before you pulled her shirt back down. She was still crying, but these were more hiccup-y crocodile tears, an after effect of her earlier meltdown. When you’d cleared her nose up, you lifted her up into your arms, kissing her forehead as you walked downstairs with her.
“Let’s get you some breakfast while Mumma calls Aunt Gwen, yeah?” You cooed, rubbing over her belly gently as you entered your kitchen. Gwen was your best friend and Maeve’s pediatrician. She’d been there when Maeve was delivered and nearly every day after that. She was a regular in Maeve’s life and she loved her Aunt Gwen. “What do you want this morning? Peaches and Cream porridge? Does that sound appetizing today my love?”
She sniffled, looking up at you with those blue eyes that her Father always gave you when he’d pissed you off or he wasn’t feeling well. You chuckled, kissing her forehead as you walked over to her little high chair that was attached to the breakfast bar. As soon as you set her down she started to whimper, looking around as her lower lip wobbled. You did your best to get her breakfast ready as she whined and whimpered, ready to break out into a wail again as your phone started to ring in your sweatpants pocket. You groaned, slipping the little bowl of porridge in the microwave before you pulled her little bottle of milk out of the warmer, shaking it as you walked over to her.
“Hey,” You said quickly, not even bothering to check the I.D.
“Hey,” Niall chuckled. “Tha’s a new greetin’ for me. No ‘Good Mornin’ love of me life, I’ve missed ya terribly, please come home’?”
“Sorry,” You rolled your eyes, fighting off a smile as Maeve took her bottle, tilting it back as she looked up at you. You brushed your fingers over the hair on her head, the one part of her besides her cheeks and her nose that was all you. “Good morning love of my life, how are you today?”
“Doin’ well,” He said cautiously. “What’s going on? Busy mornin’ with Maeve?”
“Sounds like a great name for a morning talk show, we should advertise that,” You said, rolling your lips in as you tried your best to avoid having to tell him that it seemed Maeve had come down with a cold.
“She could throw bananas at her guests and teach them how to roll over,” He chuckled, but you could tell it was more of a nervous one. “How’s Maeve this mornin’?”
“She’s a little congested and warm,” You sighed as you walked over to the microwave, pulling her breakfast out before you grabbed a spoon. “I’m gonna call Gwen and see if she suggests anything to help her get over it.”
“She’s not miserable is she?” He asked quickly. “I can always come home and offer up some cuddles, I’m sure that’ll make her better.”
“You stay at work and finish that song,” You scolded him gently, sitting next to Maeve as you scooped up some porridge, your phone wedged between your ear and your shoulder. “Everything is under control here and if anything changes I promise to call you first.”
“Thank you,” He chuckled. “That girl is gonna give me my first grey hair, I swear.”
“I think that was written in the ‘So You Have a Daughter, Now What?’ handbook,” You teased him, smiling down at Maeve as she lowered her bottle, opening her mouth. “Right next to the section on, ‘What to do when you realize you know nothing about girls, dude,’ section.”
“I believe that section was also in the ‘So Now You’re Dating a Super Fit Woman With an Amazing Smile and You Think You Want To Marry Her, Now What?’ book you got me,” He chuckled.
“I see that book has come in handy,” You chuckled. “Get back to work, babe, I love you.”
“Love you too, darlin’,” He laughed. “Give Maeve a kiss for me.”
“I will,” You scooped another spoonful of porridge up, slipping it into Maeve’s mouth. Most of it fell on her chin so you had to scoop it back up, scrunching up your nose as she chewed the porridge happily. “Bye, Ni.”
“G’bye darlin’.”
“Your daddy is silly,” You mumbled, putting your phone down as you focused on feeding your daughter the rest of her breakfast. “How is breakfast, huh? S’this a good selection today?”
“Hmummmm,” She cooed out, reaching for the spoon in your hand.
“You wanna feed yourself?” You smiled, your brows raised up as you set the bowl down. “Give it a go then, let’s see how you do.”
You watched with a smile as she dropped the spoon into the bowl of porridge, looking a little bit happier than she did earlier that morning. She couldn’t quite scoop up the porridge onto her spoon so you tried to show her, but then came the struggle of trying to get it into her mouth. You chuckled as you watched her for a few more minutes, not so much worrying about how she was warm anymore. She seemed to be back to her normal self so you weren’t too worried. You’d just keep an eye on her throughout the day and check her temperature occasionally to make sure she was okay.
But as a Mother, you still couldn’t help but worry as you brushed a glob of porridge of her chin, her shiny blue eyes looking back up at you as if she didn’t get why you were so worried.
You could only hope that she hadn’t caught a cold.
By noon, Maeve was right back to sleep.
You’d spent the morning playing with her in her nursery while you stayed on the phone with Denise. Theo had gotten his first cold just a little before nine months and he’d been getting them on and off since then. Denise was basically the best at handling babies with colds and you figured she’d have some insight on how to handle Maeve’s congestion and cough. She suggested the Vick’s and some baby saline spray for her nose, but to keep an eye on her temperature to ensure it wasn’t something more than just her runny nose and cough. By noon, you had her all tucked up in her crib, back asleep like she’d been awake for 24 hours instead of just five.
You thought maybe you’d be able to get a little bit of work done in your home office with the help of the baby monitor, but before you could even really get invested in a project, you could hear your front door open. With furrowed brows, you stood up, grabbing your phone and the monitor as you walked back out into the hall and into the living room where Niall was walking in from the foyer with furrowed brows and a gentle frown on his lips. You shook your head softly, as you caught his gaze, a smile on your lips as he looked at you like he was confused. You loved how caring he could be and how he looked when he was concerned. You knew he skipped out on finishing his song by the guilty look on his face as he smiled sheepishly up at you.
“Finished it early?” He fibbed, smiling as you laughed softly, dropping the monitor and your phone on the couch just beside you. “I couldn’t stop worryin’ sue me! Ya said she might be gettin’ a cold and ya know how bad I am when I’m sick! Didn’t wan’ ya here all alone if she was miserable, I know ya have work to do.”
“I do,” You sighed as he slipped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek as you dropped your arms over his shoulders. “But she seems to be okay. I don’t think it’s a cold, just a runny nose and a slight fever. Denise gave me some tips and she’s up there napping away as we speak.”
“That’s good,” Niall blew out a relieved sigh, shaking his head before he looked back up at you. “I swear, she’s gonna put me in an early grave. M’always so worried about her.”
“And just think, she’s only nine months old now,” You bit your lower lip, trying to contain your laughter as Niall frowned. “Think about when she starts walking and then there’s school and then driving and then dating.”
“Tha’s enough outta ya,” Niall leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours a few times. “None o’ that for another thirty years.”
“Might be a little sooner than that,” You pressed your lips to his again. “But I’ll be right here with you the whole time, we’ll deal with it together.”
“Yeah?” He smirked, brushing his nose against yours. “Have ya got a minute?”
“A minute?” You quirked your brow up, smirking. “Are you insinuating that we can have sex in just one minute?”
“I’m gonna spank ya if ya don’t stop bein’ so sassy,” He warned playfully, squeezing his arms around you as he pulled you closer. “Was gonna suggest we have lunch together before the little one is up, but if ya wanna sneak away and have a little fun-“
“You know I’m always up for it,” You whispered, your body kicking over into that gear that only switched on when Niall was around. “S’been a hot minute since we’ve had time together.”
“Think we should send Maeve to Auntie Gwen’s for the weekend?” He tilted his head, pressing a soft kiss on the hollow of your neck, slowly moving his lips down as you sighed. “F’she’s no’ sick of course.”
“Yes,” You moaned softly, tilting your head back as he backed you up to the sofa, his hips pressing into yours as your eyes slipped shut. “I like that plan.”
“Gonna make it to the bedroom, darlin’?” He chuckled, nipping at your neck as he slipped a hand up your shirt. “Or am I going to have to take you here?”
“Here,” You gasped out, clutching his shoulders as you started to feel that familiar burning in your lower abdomen, that need for him so present now that he was around. “I want you now.”
“Yeah?” You nodded as Niall smirked, his hands pushing your sweatpants down your legs. You’d stopped being shy around Niall ages ago and after having a baby with him, you’d become completely at peace around him. So you knew he wouldn’t mind and you wouldn’t be self-conscious of your fuzzy legs and your old panties and your imperfections. You gasped as he lifted you up from your hips, sitting you on the back of the couch just behind you with a soft grunt. He wasn’t a buff guy, but he wasn’t weak. He could still toss you around if you wanted it. “Gonna fuck you on the back of the couch? Right here?”
“Please,” You could feel your body reacting his words as he pressed his lips to yours harshly again. You moaned softly, reaching up to pull his damn paddy cap off, tossing it aside in hopes that it would get lost for a while. You tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging softly as he kissed you harder, his hand slipping between your soft and thick thighs to rub over your panties. “I love your hands, so much.”
“They love ya too, darlin’,” He hummed softly as he glanced between your bodies, his fingers tugging your panties aside so that he could slip his finger up your center. But before he could even get there, you heard Maeve’s cries through the monitor behind you.
“Fuck,” You bit your lip, hopping off the couch as you looked at Niall with a frown. His eyes were still wide, but this wasn’t out of pleasure, it was shock. The moment had been interrupted and you were both still left panting. “I’ve got her.”
“M’gonna go….” He lost his train of thought as you wiggled into your sweatpants. “Fuck, gonna drink some cold water and cool down.”
“Okay,” You chuckled, leaving the monitor and your phone on the couch as you rubbed your hands over your face, trying not to laugh too hard at what was going on. “I’m sure she’s just in need of a change.”
“Yeah,” Niall nodded as you started walking up the steps to your left, your hand on the railing. You could tell he was watching you jog up the stairs by how he was cursing under his breath and groaning as you laughed. “Don’ laugh at me!”
“I’m sorry, it’s funny,” You chuckled as you finished jogging up the steps, Maeve’s crying louder with each step closer to her nursery door. Something seemed different about her cries this time. This morning they seemed more like ‘Mum, please come get me I’m hungry and not feeling well’ tears but these tears were more like ‘Mum help, I’m really not feeling well’. As you pushed into her nursery, your heart ached at the sight of her. “Hey little one, what’s going on?”
She babbled louder, her cries shrill and her tears still flowing. You frowned, walking over to pick her up. You pressed a kiss to her forehead, rubbing her back as you frowned at how warm she felt. You pulled back, reaching up with your hand to make sure that she felt warm and it wasn’t just you. You cooed softly, bouncing your knees as you walked over to the little cold kit, pulling out the thermometer. You walked towards the stairs with furrowed brows, worried about just how warm she really was. She didn’t feel that warm earlier and maybe you should have kept better track over just how warm she was by recording her temperature. You didn’t really think it through.
“Niall,” You said his name quickly as you walked into the kitchen, clutching Maeve to your chest as she continued to wail. “Niall! I think you should call Gwen. Maeve is really warm and I don’t…. I should have been paying more attention, she’s really warm and she seems like she’s in pain and-“ Niall’s brows were furrowed as you walked over to him, your emotions written in the way you were frowning and the fear in your eyes. “I’m such a shit Mom, I can’t believe I didn’t think to record her temperature so that I could-“
“It’s okay,” Niall said quickly, jumping into the leading roll. You thought maybe you’d have to keep him calm, but it seemed it was the other way around. “I’ll call Gwen, you take Maeve’s temperature, alright?”
“She’s gonna need to go to the emergency room guys,” Gwen said softly, brushing her hand over Maeve’s head as your little one played with the stethoscope. It was the only thing that kept her quiet while Gwen looked her over. “Her fever is really high and I know her heartbeat sounds good, but because she was a preemie, I think it’s affected her immune system. This cold is hitting her a little harder than it should be.”
“Shit,” You cursed, ducking your head down as Niall gripped your hip tighter. “Fuck, I can’t believe I didn’t think about that.”
“It’s okay,” Gwen said softly, looking at Niall as you sighed, rubbing your hands over your face. “It doesn’t make you a bad Mum because you didn’t assume the worst. You had no way of knowing how her body would progress. This is her first cold!”
“And I didn’t even think to monitor her!”
“Who would?” Gwen countered back. “Sometimes people slip up, it’s okay.”
“Gwen, that’s my daughter,” You cried out, shaking your head. “What if it was worse than just a high temperature right now?”
“What if a meteor hit the earth in ten seconds?” She raised her brows as you felt Niall shaking his head. You glanced back at him to see him fighting off a small smile. “It’s okay, just take her in to the emergency care unit so they can give you a proper diagnosis and they can give her a proper prescription to help her fight this off.”
“Thank you, Gwen,” Niall said as Gwen packed up her stuff, smiling up at the two of you. It hurt, but you couldn’t help but think she didn’t understand how shitty you felt right now. “Do you think we should take her in though? The germs and what not might not be good for her?”
“She should be fine if you sit in an empty area and bring her own toys.” Gwen reassured, grabbing her bag as Niall let go of you to grab Maeve off the kitchen counter. Gwen walked up to with a sympathetic smile on her lips. “I know I can’t put myself in your shoes, but she’s just got a cold and I would tell you if it was serious.”
“I know that, Gwen,” You said softly, sighing. “I just feel like shit.”
“Well don’t,” She pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek. “She’s going to be fine.”
“And if she isn’t?” You frowned as she pulled back, reaching up to pinch the tip of your nose.
“We’ll work through it.”
“Can we talk?”
Maeve did indeed just have a cold. It did hit her a little harder do to her slightly weaker immune system and that meant that it might take longer for her to recover, but you left the hospital with a prescription for the right dosage of medicine and instructions to monitor her temperature throughout the night. When you finally got home, Maeve was exhausted and you and Niall had no trouble getting her into the house and keeping her asleep as you put her in her crib. But you couldn’t walk away. You wanted to stand there all night to make sure that she was going to be okay.
“Darlin’ we have the monitor on,” Niall said softly, reaching out for your hand. “C’mon, let’s get to bed, you look exhausted.”
“I don’t want to leave her,” You sniffled, leaning back into him.
“She’s sleeping,” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “Darlin’, I know you think this was because of you, but-“
“It’s always because of me,” You looked back up at him with sad eyes. “Niall, I went into labor early with her and that’s made her immune system so weak.”
“You didn’t cause the common cold, Darlin’,” He chuckled softly, turning you around in his arms. “I didn’t notice that she wasn’t feeling well this morning when I came in here to tell her goodbye, I kissed her forehead and everything and I was none the wiser. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I just feel like a bad Mom Niall, I didn’t even know how to make her feel better when she was miserable. That’s literally my job as her Mom,” You sniffled as a tear fell down your cheek. Niall reached up to swipe it away with a gentle smile on his lips.
“You’re an amazing Mom,” Niall said sternly. “I know sometimes this parenting thing is really difficult and it feels like we suck, but we love her to death and she loves us too. We’re pretty great parent’s darlin’ and we can’t let one little cold throw us.”
“I think I was due for a Mommy break down,” You chuckled, leaning into him. “I just… I worry about her a lot too, Niall.”
“I know ya do,” Niall mumbled softly. “You’re such a great Mother darlin’, I want ya to know that.”
“Thank you,” You said, far too sleepy to lift your head and give him a proper kiss. Hearing him say that made you feel a lot better, though it didn’t solve the issue at hand. You knew that sometimes you were going to feel like a shitty mom, it was part of the job. Knowing that you had Niall in your life during moments like these, that was what made you feel better.
He was your ball of sunshine, your rock, your support system.
And you were extremely glad to have him around in times like this.
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