gurugirl · 6 months
The Amateur | Special Preview
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sugardaddy!ceo!harry x burlesque!dancer!yn
New Patreon exclusive short series preview! Part 1 out now on Patreon!
Series Summary: Y/n is a down-on-her-luck burlesque dancer sleeping in her car. Harry is a wealthy CEO looking for someone to spoil.
Preview Word Count: 1.7k
Her costume was lost or had never been ordered. She wasn’t sure. So, instead of having her first dance routine that night, she was booked to serve cocktails for a private party. Not how she envisioned her dance career progressing, but a job was a job. She needed the money. She needed to eat.
She was given a basic outfit to serve cocktails in. There were four cocktail waitresses. The little outfit was a bit showy for such a job, but she wouldn’t stick her nose up at it.
She curled her hair and pinned the front back and applied makeup. She adjusted her little outfit and tugged at the hem of the skirt. It barely covered her bottom. The tall heels were a touch too small for her feet but she took deep breaths and kept calm. The private party was in a large room (not the main room) with a small bar, some tables, and a stage.
She stood toward the entrance and watched the room get set up.
When the guests who’d booked the private party arrived, Y/n took her spot as directed and saw a group of ten men with nice suits and big attitudes walk in.
She immediately walked up to the table assigned to her and smiled brightly, “Welcome! Can I get you started off with a drink gentlemen?”
There were three tables for the guests and four cocktail waitresses spread amongst them.
Two beers, a whiskey neat.
Back and forth.
A round of shots for the group.
Water. Don’t forget the lemon.
No ice for the one with the grey suit and pink tie.
Her feet were killing her. She leaned against the bar and slid her shoes off for a moment of relief. The fucking things were an inch too high and a half inch too small, and she was struggling. She took a breather and watched over the table she was working. They had just gotten fresh refills and more water so they would be good for a bit.
The dancers on stage were having fun. Y/n could tell they were fill-ins. Not main stage worthy. Like Y/n, amateurs most likely.
Bethany put her hand on the bar next to Y/n, “Can you take my table their drinks? I need to go to the bathroom,” she told Y/n the order and ran off.
The bartender quickly got the order ready and Y/n reluctantly slid the borrowed heels back onto her feet. Somehow, the short rest for her feet only made putting the tight shoes back on worse. Her gait was affected. Her heels were blistered, and her toes were smushed in. She tried to maintain a natural stride on her way to the table but the only way she could stand to walk was to go very slowly.
“IPA?” She lifted the pint up and a man raised his hand as she placed the glass in front of him.
She handed off the drinks one by one and the last was a bourbon on the rocks. The only man who’d not yet been served was looking at her with anticipation of receiving his drink. She moved toward him and her attempt to not step fully down onto her heel had caused her to lose her balance and she dumped the whiskey onto the man’s nice suit.
She gasped and so did the man. Kicking her heels off she ran to the bar to grab towels and then back to the table.
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry, sir! This is my fault. I’ll pay for the dry cleaning…” She got to her knees and placed the towel over the top of his thigh and looked up at his face with worry and noted his surprised smile.
She used her other hand to wipe the table as she blotted the towel over his thigh. She had not expected a smile from him.
“Don’t worry. Happens to us all. I don’t need you to pay for the dry cleaning either,” he said as he took the towel from her.
His voice was calm and deep. He sounded British. She stood up and stared down at the man and realized how kind he looked. His smile was genuine and the dimples poking into his cheeks were boyish and cute. He had crystal green eyes and broad shoulders. He was handsome. She was thankful that he was kind.
“I’m really so sorry, sir. I feel so bad. I’ll get another one for you and make sure to put all your drinks on the house,” she knelt down to pick up her heels and as she turned to go back to the bar the man gently grabbed her wrist, “Another bourbon is fine. You don’t need to comp any of my drinks, though. Please. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s okay.”
She looked down to where he had her wrist. He had rings along his long fingers. His hand was big. She looked back up to his face with a smile, “Are you sure?”
The man with curly brown hair smiled and nodded, “I’m sure.”
The rest of the night was far less exciting. When Bethany returned Y/n went back to her original spot. But she couldn’t stop herself from looking at the other table to the man who’d been so kind to her, even after she ruined his suit. He was attractive and it was clear to Y/n that Bethany also thought so. She gave extra attention to him. Anyone would.
When the guests had left and Y/n could put on her sneakers, the room got cleared and everyone went their separate ways. The club didn’t serve food, which Y/n had kind of hoped it would. She was hungry. She’d barely eaten anything all day long. Her day started off early trying to perfect the routine but then after hours of practice, she learned she wouldn’t be on stage because her costume was nowhere to be found.
Running back and forth in tight heels to serve liquor was just as tiresome as dancing on a stage. And being hungry on top of it all was brutal. Her stomach was growling as she walked out of the club and to her car parked at the side of the building where all the employees parked.
“There you are!” The voice of a familiar-sounding man startled her.
Y/n jumped and lifted her head to find the British guy with the bourbon-stained suit approaching her. Her eyes widened. As nice as he seemed in the club, she was hesitant to give him her full trust at 1 am in a dark parking lot with no one else around.
The man stopped in his tracks, “I’m sorry. I know you probably didn’t expect to see me, but I noticed you walking out and thought I’d just come and, I don’t know… maybe say hi,” he suddenly seemed more timid. Perhaps he realized how scary it could be as a woman to be approached by a man in this way.
Y/n gripped her keys tight and looked around. His soft smile put her at ease a little, “Yeah. I figured you guys all left already. I was just leaving for the night. Everything okay?”
Even in her alert state, she still wanted to make sure the man was all right. She was probably too nice for her own good.
His husky laugh sounded like relief in Y/n’s ears and it made her smile, “Everything’s fine. I was hanging back. I have a friend who works here. Just happened to see you leaving is all.”
Bright eyes.
Dark curls.
Tattoos, that she hadn’t noticed until now with his sleeves bunched up to his elbows.
He was attractive and his demeanor slowly put her at ease. She loosened the grip on the keys in her hand and finally smiled at him genuinely.
“Oh. Who do you know?”
“The owner. Richard. Short guy,”
“Bald,” Y/n spoke with a smile and Harry grinned back at her and nodded.
“Yeah. I’ve known him for years. Always lets me get in for a quick last-minute private party if I need. A lot of my colleagues enjoy the atmosphere.”
Y/n nodded and kept her eyes on the man. They both fell silent.
“Uh,” he lifted his hand up in a waving gesture and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m Harry.”
Y/n’s smile widened, “Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Harry.”
Harry nodded and stayed in his spot on the other side of her little car. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by getting too close.
“So, guess you’re headed home, huh?” Harry looked at her little silver car and back to her.
Y/n nodded, “Yep,” she didn’t know what home meant but she would consider her car her home at the moment.
Harry looked down at his feet and back toward the car, “I uh, are you new here? I mean, I only ask because I’ve never seen you around.”
Y/n nodded, “First day. Was supposed to be in the main room on stage but my costume was never ordered or it was lost, or I don’t know… So they had me serving cocktails. I just need the money so I’ll do almost anything at this point,” she laughed and her shoulders relaxed a little more.
Harry’s brows furrowed and he frowned, “Understandable.”
The silence grew loud again and Y/n shifted on her feet. Suddenly the sound of her stomach gurgling in hunger filled in the space in between them and she laughed it off, “Wow. I should uh, go get something to eat.”
Harry kept the small frown on his face, “Well, there are plenty of places open. Vegas baby. Right?” He chuckled lightly, “I guess I should leave you alone, huh? So you can find a spot to grab a meal,” Harry spoke as he backed away from her car, and slowly headed toward the main parking area.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Harry. Thank you for being so kind to me on my first day,” she slid the key into her door to unlock it and kept her eyes on the man.
He nodded and put his hands into his pockets, “It was nice meeting you, Y/n. And I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again. I’m around often.”
A/N: This 3 part series will only be posted on Patreon. If you'd like more of this, I'd be so thankful to you for subscribing! xoxo
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macfrog · 10 months
la petite mort sex on fire chapter four
bonsoir my children. it's your cool slutty daddy, ceo!joel, back for round two of paris trip. please enjoy, i hope this one causes less confusion but just as much heart failure as last chapter. love u guys long time. literally SO much. 💘✨💓
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pairing: ceo!joel x fem!reader
summary: you spend your second day in paris being spoiled by joel, who buys you anything you set eyes on. you’ve a treat of your own in mind as a thank-you, later on
warnings: 18+ (minors dni!!!) another fucking confusing flashback, age gap (reader is late 20s, joel late 40s), cursing, workplace relationship, imbalanced power dynamic, semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), orgasm denial, more obscene spending, sexy french speaking, sugardaddy!joel, BIG flirting, alcohol consumption, sexy lingerie, lapdance, daddy kink, praise kink, unprotected piv sex, titty appreciation, assplay, double penetration, dom!joel, softdom!joel, ripping of expensive lingerie (rip), overstimulation, creampie, aftercare!joel, angst, themes of abandonment, fluff in the end i'm a romantic at heart
word count: 6.2k
series masterlist | main masterlist | playlist
“All mine?” he asks, pushing inside. He’s going slow. He’s making you answer him first. “Y-yeah,” you whine, head falling forward into the bedsheets. “All – yours.” “Spoiled, ain’t I? Such a pretty little pussy all to myself. You sure you don’t wanna share with anyone?” “No, daddy. Just – want – you.”
The late afternoon sun has dipped behind the clouds. The wind’s picked up, too. You’re standing on the terrace of your suite, elbows propped on the metal railing, watching the light slowly drain from the sky, and melt into tiny twinkling headlights on the roads below.
Paris stares straight back at you. Melancholy, in this light. A little faded, worn, a washed gray as she loses her fight with the slow-setting sun. Your eyes trace the skyline, jumping from buildings to streetlights, following birds in the distance as they loop and soar over the city. Free. Held down to nothing, and no one.
When you close your eyes, he’s on the couch beside you. Blue-eyed stare cloudy, eyes puffy and red with tears he’s doing everything to hold back. Calling you sweetheart, telling you we can work through this. He’s got your bare fingers in his, thumbs running across your knuckles, rubbing circles around the empty space on your third finger. You have an impulse to stand up and walk out. You think you might follow through with it.
You don’t even hear him come in, don’t hear him call your name. Only feel when his arm snakes around your waist and he turns you to face him. Your eyes flutter back open.
“Hey,” Joel says, leaning back to look you up and down. “Nice robe.”
His fingers toy with the belt, thumb running across the soft terrycloth.
“You smell like whiskey,” you mutter, hands resting on his chest. You take a deep breath, pushing the relief you feel now that he’s back, down to the pit of your stomach. And then you finally look him in the eye. “How was Jean-Marc?”
Joel shrugs. “Same as usual. Wants to meet you.”
“You mentioned me?”
He bypasses your question. “Said I’d check with you, but he wants to have us for breakfast tomorrow.”
You nod. “Sounds like a nice guy.”
Joel grumbles, his lips tighten, and he looks out over the view behind you. You tilt your head and his hands take yours, dropping them to your side. His eyes fall low, past the tie he was just messing with.
“You gettin’ ready to go?”
“I was about to, yeah,” you reply, breathing a laugh when he starts to kneel in front of you. “Joel.”
“Mhm?” he asks, but he’s not listening, is he? His hands run up your legs, starting at your knees, and push the edges of your robe apart the higher they go.
“We – gotta – Joel,” you sigh, head rolling back, hands gripping the railing.
Joel’s lips part on your inner thigh, his tongue runs along your skin, trailing northward. His hands precede, pushing under your robe now to cup your naked ass, when he lifts his chin and glances up.
“Nothin’ on under it, baby,” he whispers, tsking. “’m I gonna do with you?”
“We have–” you shudder when his fingers move between your legs, “–to go get ready.”
“So go.”
You lean back against the glass, eyes quickly scanning the hotel in front of you, searching the neighboring windows for any prying eyes, but in the slow-moving blanket of dusk, mixed with your will to care quickly depleting, you find none.
Your attention draws back to Joel, whose lips run dangerously close to your center.
“Open, baby,” he says, and you don’t think about it. Your body just does what he tells it to.
Your legs fall open, head lulls to one side, fingers move through his hair. His jaw lowers, breath gently tickling your soft skin, and then his lips cup around your mound.
You breathe a sigh of relief. Which quickly morphs into a moan, open-mouthed and broken, when Joel’s tongue sweeps over your clit.
“There,” you whisper, a little more serious than you intended, “do that – again.”
He obeys, wet tongue licking you again while his hands pull your thighs over his shoulders. Your weight shifts onto his body, back arching as he sucks on the sensitive bud.
Your hips roll, needing him a little more and a little further south. And he hears you, again. He takes a hand off of your leg, middle and ring fingers joining together to push up between your folds and inside you, dragging a whine from your lips.
“Yeah,” you moan, feeling yourself driving into his mouth and fucking yourself on his hand at the same time.
“Taste so sweet, pretty girl,” he mumbles, mouth preoccupied.
Your head falls back, body slung over the balcony, thighs spreading ever so slightly to have more of him on more of you. And then your head starts to dizzy, your body hums in pleasure, your cunt starts to throb.
But before it goes any further, he’s pulling away.
His lips leave first. Then he draws his hand from between you, sucks his fingers clean and stands. Is he fucking –
“– serious?” you ask, jolting back to life.
He smirks, tongue pushing around his cheeks. “Hurry up ‘n get ready. I wanna go down to the bar for a drink before the car comes.”
And then he’s turning on his heel, striding back inside.
“And what about me?”
“What about you?” he calls over his shoulder.
Your hands hit your thighs with a slap. “Fucking…sadist,” you hiss after him, following him into the warmly lit living room of your suite and down the hallway to the bedroom. Trying to ignore the ache between your legs which only grows worse the more you move.
“I’ll take good care of you later, angel.”
He sits back against the dresser at the foot of the bed, nods toward the black dress you’d laid out on the mattress an hour ago.
“Go on.”
“Go on what?”
“Show me the dress I paid three grand for on you, instead of it laying on the fuckin’ bed.”
You roll your eyes and storm by him, grabbing the black fabric, and lock yourself in the bathroom.
“’n don’t you think about finishin’ yourself!” Joel calls through the door.
“Fuck you!” you throw back, hearing his cocky laugh echo around the room.
You untie your robe in front of the mirror, letting it drop off of your shoulders into a pool of white cloth at your feet. Your eyes flit down your naked body – scanning from your shoulders over your breasts, around your tummy and down your thighs. You slip the black material over your head – a little stretch in it, just enough to mold around your body – and tug it down until it sits comfortably on your thighs.
The smooth skirt sits perfectly on your hips, curving around your ass and pulling in at your waist. You adjust the thin straps, fixing your breasts into place above a cut-out, just revealing enough. Backless, of course, straps crisscrossing over your skin.
It's skimpy, and it’s sexy, and it’s enough to make you look expensive as fuck and also make Joel want to rip it off of you the second you two make it back to the suite.
Enough to make him want to rip it off you before you’ve even left the suite, going by his reaction when you step out of the bathroom. He catches you in the mirror whilst he buttons his shirt, and turns, mouth falling open, eyes dancing all across your body.
You wordlessly sit, slip your feet into the heels you’d chosen, and fish the diamond-encrusted jewelry Joel had bought you from its box – pull the necklace around your neck, clip the earrings into place, and push the bracelets over your wrist. Then, you sling your jacket over your arm, and stand.
“I’m ready.”
“You…” His eyes scan down you again, settling on your chest for a couple seconds. “Yeah, baby. Give me five minutes.”
The hotel bar reflects perfectly the intimidating grandeur of your suite, despite being a small room. It’s intimate, and pleasant, lit in a warm glow, and as you stroll in on Joel’s arm beneath a huge, ornate chandelier, you feel a smile pull across your lips. You’re not fucking sure why.
He leads you over to two heavy leather stools, pulling one out and waiting for you to hop up on it before he sits beside you. He orders two glasses of red wine, and the waiter craftily pours a small drop into one glass, setting it down in front of you and waiting for you to take a sip and approve before he pours the rest.
“Pétrus,” the waiter says, focusing intently on filling Joel’s glass. “Most expensive wine in France.”
You shoot Joel a look, but he’s already lifting his glass, glint in his eye. You hesitantly pick yours up and bump it into his, taking another sip.
“Good?” Joel asks, licking his lips.
You nod. “A little too good.”
He laughs. Then he nods at the waiter, who smiles, turns to you, and winks.
You smile back, a little embarrassed. “Merci beaucoup.”
As the waiter leaves you both, Joel turns, a look on his face you’ve never seen before. “Nice accent,” he says.
You scoff. “I hope it’s a nice accent, I studied it for six years.”
“Studied French?”
You nod.
“High school, and then all through college.”
“How did I not know that about you?”
“It’s on my resume,” you say into your wine glass, “which I now know you didn’t read when you hired me.”
“Didn’t have to,” Joel replies. “I took one look at your pretty face ‘n decided you had the job.”
Him and his quick fucking wit. He almost catches you blushing, but you save it by shaking your head, and looking at the striped-wall room around you. There’s a framed picture of a horse on the wall behind Joel. Two men sit in animated conversation on the velvet couch below it, one of them clutching a wine that’s about to spill over.
When your eyes drift back to Joel, his are fixated elsewhere.
“Oh, be less obvious, Joel,” you mutter, corners of your mouth twitching.
“Can’t help it,” he finally draws his gaze from your chest, “they look so good. That dress is…” He shakes his head.
“You chose well.”
“Say somethin’ French to me.”
“Uh, no.”
“Uh, yeah. Tell me I chose well in French.”
“Tell me how the meeting went.”
Joel sits back, pushing air out of his cheeks. “Can’t do that.”
“Then no French.”
“Baby, c’mon. Just for me.”
You shake your head, pouting your lip. “Nope.”
Joel pleads a few more times, promises he’ll buy you more things, promises he’ll order more wine, even promises he’ll fuck you in the bathroom right now if you’ll just say one sentence in French to him.
You don’t relent.
Not until you’re a couple more wines deep, leaning into one another, your knees between his, pointing out other guests in the room and conjuring make-believe backstories for them.
“That one,” you say, hushed, shoulder brushing off of Joel’s, “in the corner, by the lamp. He’s waitin’ for a date, a Tinder date, who–”
Joel snorts. “A Tinder date?”
“–a Tinder date, who used photos of Cindy Crawford on her profile.”
Joel’s head tips back with laughter, his hand steadies himself on the bar. “If Cindy Crawford ends up walkin’ in here, you’re gonna be real sorry.”
You lean into his shirt, giggling into the cotton. When you lift your head, the two of you quietening again, you look into his eyes.
Blurry around the edges, a little too much wine in your system, you whisper: “Kiss me.”
Joel’s head cocks. He leans in, and you lift your jaw. His lips part, breath hot over your red lips, and he says, “You’re gonna get us into trouble, darlin’.”
“Je m’en fous,” you reply.
“Monsieur,” a voice from your right breaks between you, “your car is outside.”
Joel straightens up, clears his throat, and thanks the waiter with another nod. His palm runs along the bar toward your arm, which he takes, rubbing his thumb gently over your skin, and he nods again toward the doors.
Dinner was as fucking extreme as all of this has been. Food you’d never seen before, a menu you could barely translate even with language experience. Waiters who arrived at your table if you so much as looked up at them.
And more wine. A lot more wine.
You both stumble back into the suite, arms linked, laughter chorusing against the beige walls. Joel keeps a vice grip on your hand as you spin around him, wrapping you up in his arms when you’re close enough, and runs a thumb across your cheek when you’ve stopped giggling.
“That was fun,” he says, and you nod.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “For all of it. I don’t even know what to say.”
He shakes his head in response. “You’re my guest.”
“Didn’t have to be,” you say, “could’ve brought Martha.”
“Oh, yeah, Martha. She’d be a fuckin’ hoot.”
He lets go of you, your laughter picking back up, and you split off. Joel wanders over to the minibar, and you…you wander off down the hall.
You’ve something in mind.
Safely in the bedroom, you slink over to your case and lift the bag you’d hidden in there earlier. You sneak into the bathroom, closing the door as softly as possible, and whip your little black dress over your head. You turn back to the mirror.
Same reflection as before. Same naked body. A little faded, a little unfocused, jewelry catching the light like stars in the night sky, but the same.
You reach into the white bag, like it’s a lucky draw, and lift out the soft black lace. One by one, you add each little piece – the bra cups your breasts, lifting them just the right amount. The panties sit on your hips, garter belt just above, hooked onto thigh-high, lace top stockings. And finally, the robe.
You tie it loosely at your waist, leaving it just open enough to reveal the balconette bra underneath. One last hazy look in the mirror, and you tumble back out into the bedroom and over to the door.
Your fingers clutch the gold handle, shaking a little. The cold metal bites against your skin, hot with adrenaline and determination. You twist, pulling gently on the door, and wander back to the living room.
The lights are still out, the room dark against the sparkling cityscape. There’s soft music playing, some seventies soul stuff. He’s on the balcony. The sliding doors open wide, sheer curtains swaying gently in the night breeze. His silhouette stands black against the glittering Eiffel Tower in front of him. He’s holding a whiskey.
You slip out from behind the door and let it close over gently, walking slowly across the soft carpet toward him. He can’t have heard you, you’re being too quiet, but he turns anyway, and spots you in the middle of the room.
His eyes rake down your figure, mouth falling agape. Whiskey almost spilling over from how limp his arms fall.
“Baby…” he whispers.
You take another step forward. So does Joel. Your hand reaches for the back of one of the chairs, tucked neatly under the dining table. You drag it along the carpet, setting it just in front of you, facing him, and stand back.
“Want you to sit.”
Joel nods, a voiceless Okay sneaks past his lips, and he sits back in the chair, placing the whiskey at his feet.
The song fades into a steady love song, string orchestra echoing in the background, slow, sultry. The smooth vocals fill the room, quiet and relaxing, and push you nearer him, rounding the back of the chair.
Your hands run over Joel’s shoulders as you curve around to face him, and slot in between his parted thighs. Watching as his eyes shift up and down your figure. Watching as his breath hitches, his chest shuddering anytime you move.
You’re ignoring the rise and fall of your own chest; nerves and desire and complete fucking disbelief at what you’re doing all fighting to break through. Your stomach is flipping, pulse jerking every time your eyes cross paths with Joel’s.
You nudge his legs open wider, lift his wrists, and place his hands on your waist. His fingers pull on the silk belt, loosening your robe until he’s slipping it over your shoulders, revealing every inch of lace and strap of satin to his lust-blown eyes.
“This all for me?” he asks, fucking…wonderstruck. His fingers dance along the garter belt, dipping where it clips onto your stockings.
You cock your head in a shrug. “You paid for it.”
He smiles. As if it’s Christmas and you just gave him the gift at the top of his wish list. And then you bend your knees, lowering between his thighs and dragging your hands down his front, stopping by his stiffening crotch as you go.
Joel hisses through clenched teeth, spurring you on. You palm him through his trousers, never touching his zipper, only letting him go so far as grinding his hips into your hands, before your palms slip down to his knees and you push yourself up.
Joel meets you halfway, leans forward to let your lips ghost across his. Your back arched, knees digging into the plush carpet, you trail your tongue from his chin down his bearded jawline, stopping when you reach the collar of his shirt.
And then you stand again, taking his hands and replacing them on your body. Anywhere on your fucking body. Feeling him on you is like feeling the soothing flicker of the fire after a walk in the freezing cold, and when his palms aren’t pressing against your ribcage, his fingers aren’t running between your thighs, that bitter cold bites back.
Joel hums, still taking you in through glassy eyes. “So…fuckin’ beautiful, babygirl.”
In response, you lift your knees, placing them one by one on either side of his hips. You settle against his body and push him back in the chair.
Your clothed heat lowers onto his waist, lace running across the rough fabric of his trousers, forcing a choked moan from your lips at the contact. Your skin alight, nerves burning with excitement and arousal, the slightest touch only fuels the fire more.
You grind down on him, hips rocking in time with the music. Letting his hands hold you around your back, letting him feel any part of you he fucking wants. His fingers knead roughly into your round ass, and he bucks up against your core.
You hover over him, running a hand from your stomach over your chest, stopping to squeeze your tits through your bra. And then back down again, to slip over the lace of your panties and relieve the tension there even if only for a second before you’re feeling down your thighs.
You link your arms back around Joel’s shoulders. “You gonna pay me back?” you whisper, head lowering to bury into his neck.
“No idea what you’re talkin’ about,” he slurs back.
You suck a mark into the hot skin, breathing against his pulse, “Think you do, daddy. You owe me one.”
His head rolls, bass of his laughter vibrating against your lips. “So fuckin’ slutty, darlin’. You want it that bad?”
“Mhm,” you mewl, lips still tight against his neck, fingers slowly unbuttoning his shirt lower and lower.
Joel told Martha he needed you here only to keep him right. Make sure he got everywhere on time, make sure things ran smoothly. Drop off drycleaning, pick it up before he had appearances. Get him pastries from that patisserie he loves around the corner for breakfast. There’s an empty suite downstairs that he made her book for you – an almost three grand per night suite that you both knew the entire fucking time you’d never set foot in. All to keep up with the story.
The story that you’re here strictly on PA duty. Seeing him off in cars, making sure he gets back to the hotel at night. And that’s it. Not buying lingerie with his card, and putting it on for him, and mounting him in the living room of his suite. Not letting him slip your panties to the side and run his cock through your folds, balcony doors wide open, moans escaping out into the late Parisian night.
But now his hands are on you, really on you; strong, wide hands, slipping around your waist, pressing down on the lace of your lingerie, massaging the softest parts of your body and scooping under your ass to align you to his length.
And you’re letting him.
Your hands are sifting through his hair as he breathes you in, his nose buried between your breasts. Your back arches when he finally enters you, giving you what you need most in the form of his thick cock pushing up into your warm cunt.
Like there’s nothing new, or weird, or different. Like this is all you know how to do; all you’ve ever known about him. You’re not in the office; he’s not your boss. He doesn’t tell you to shred files or organize his schedule.
This is what he does. This. He asks things of you with his hands and you fold every time. He runs his lips along the curve of your breasts and peels the delicate fabric of your bra down to wrap his mouth around your nipple, flick his tongue across it until your head rolls back and you’re moaning his name to the ceiling.
“Make yourself cum, baby,” Joel breathes against your hot skin.
His tongue is swirling around your nipple. Teeth grazing the pointed bud. He’s grinning to himself as he does it. He’s fucking lapping this up.
“So pretty when you’re wrapped around me.”
And then his fingers are toying with the clasp of your bra, and as you sink down over and over on his cock, he lets the cupped lace fall to the floor, lips instantly returning to their place on your tits.
You hold his head there, looking down and watching while you slowly bounce on his cock as he kisses, caresses, sucks.
The pleasure boiling between your legs starts to spill over, your body unable to take much more without releasing. And when Joel mumbles against your skin, “Can feel you, darlin’, squeezing me so tight,” you let go.
Your orgasm, nearly four hours in the making, rocks through your body in tidal waves, throwing your head back. Joel’s arms keep you safe on his lap as you writhe, gasping and moaning his name until you can think straight again.
When you come back to, he lifts you up. Carries you like you’re made of diamonds through to the bedroom and lays you down on the soft mattress, calling you angel, telling you you’re the prettiest fuckin’ girl he’s ever seen.
He dips his fingers and traces them along your panties, feeling the mess you just made, humming in amusement. He asks again if this is all for him and when you moan out a desperate Yeah, daddy, he tells you he’s gonna make you cum again.
He takes your waist and flips you over, propping you up on your knees in front of him. He peels the white shirt from his shoulders, tossing it somewhere in the dark room, and asks if that’s what you want – to cum again. Yeah, daddy.
And when he asks who this tight little pussy belongs to, leaning forward to align with your wet mess of a cunt, your thighs spreading to accommodate the size of him, every fucking nerve in your body on fire: You, daddy.
“All mine?” he asks, pushing inside. He’s going slow. He’s making you answer him first.
“Y-yeah,” you whine, head falling forward into the bedsheets. “All – yours.”
“Spoiled, ain’t I? Such a pretty little pussy all to myself. You sure you don’t wanna share with anyone?”
“No, daddy. Just – want – you.”
Every fucking time. Every mindless, depraved time, you do it for him. Only for him.
You cum again on his cock before he’s even five thrusts in. His words send you hurtling over the edge by themselves; the massive dick burying itself between your legs is just a bonus – and something to let your walls clamp around when your back arches, chest pushes into the mattress, and your orgasm floods over you.
Joel rocks his hips slowly as you come down, cunt swollen and almost agony. His hands run from your thighs up around the globe of your ass, massaging gently. You push back, wanting more pressure from his hands, and his fingers slip against your tight hole.
You jut forward with a moan. A moan Joel knows all too well.
“Easy, easy.” He holds you steady, replacing his fingers against your asshole, pressing delicately. “You like that?”
“Fuck,” you breathe, “mhm.”
You’re nodding, though you know he can’t see you in the dark.
“Yeah,” you choke out. Desperate. Depraved.
He lifts his hand and spits; you feel a bead of saliva dribble down your ass, only to be collected by the pads of his fingertips and dragged back up. Smeared over the ring of your ass, massaged into the sensitive skin around it.
“Daddy…” you moan, hips gyrating.
“’s a good girl,” Joel replies, “just relax, darlin’, you do that for me?”
You can hear in his voice he’s focusing. Eyes glued on your ass, watching as you open up around his first finger, pushing slowly inside.
Your whole body freezes as he enters you. Breath cuts short in your throat. Your mouth falls open, throat constricted around a moan.
“Breathe, babygirl.”
And you do. Well, it’s more of a gasp, a broken whine, and then a long, needy sigh, curled up at the end like it’s a request – a plea for Joel to keep going.
It’s tight. It feels…tender, and overwhelming, and good. More than good. Your hips move backward, pushing onto Joel; a swelling feeling overcoming you, the more of him you take.
“Good girl…” he whispers again.
You’re as fucking shocked as he is that you’re letting him do it – letting him slip inside both holes at once, exploring one while keeping the other content with lazy thrusts.
“Think you can take it, baby?”
“Yeah, daddy,” you tell him, body urging him to fuck you again.
So, he does. His cock picks up speed, finger knuckle-deep, curling around inside your ass. You’re gripping the bedsheets, whimpering softly into them, feeling your stomach tighten as your third orgasm begins to rise.
“Keep – doing – that,” you utter as his hips collide with yours, his thick finger picking up pace ever so slightly.
“Such a dirty girl. So fuckin’ dirty for me. You do this for all of ‘em, baby?”
The laugh you breathe answers his question. No, you don’t fucking do this – for anyone. You didn’t know until five minutes ago this was something you were into. It’s Joel. He’s the only one who could convince you – whether through his words, his expressions, or just his fucking body – to –
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whine.
“Know you are, pretty girl,” Joel says, “let me feel you. Cum all over me.”
Your body collapses when your high takes over. Electricity thrumming through you, contracting around Joel’s cock and his finger. He coos you through it, whispers words of praise and filth in your ear until you’re no longer screaming, no longer able to hold yourself up.
He slowly removes his finger, soaked with his spit. You whine as it leaves you, missing the feeling, but it’s not long before his hands are on you again, flipping you back over.
He drags the clothes from his legs and pushes you up the mattress, slotting between your hips, one hand coming down to grip the lace front of your panties. He rips it, tearing the material off of your body in one motion.
You gasp, equal parts aroused as you are fucking outraged. You liked those panties. You wanted to keep ‘em.
“Fuck, Joel!”
He pushes back against you, burying his face in the crook of your neck to dot kisses along your skin.
“Buy you more, baby.”
“This whole getup,” you moan, “it cost you a grand.”
He lifts his head. “Well, in that case,” he kisses your collarbone, “buy you ten more.”
Your eyes roll back and your head follows, sinking deep into the sheets under your body. You’re sure you know where this is going, what he’s about to ask of you. You’re not sure you can give it to him. Three orgasms deep, you can barely feel when he’s massaging your sex, never mind lining his cock to it and pushing the tip inside.
“One more, angel,” he utters, looking down to guide himself through your glistening folds. “Just one more.”
“Can’t, daddy,” you whimper, but he pushes your thighs up, bending your knees. It’s borderline painful, the stretch you feel when he’s barely an inch inside.
“Yes, you can. Know you can.”
He could fuck you and cum himself without asking you to – and you’d be okay with it. You know it. He knows it. Just a few tight, wet thrusts and he’d be coming undone inside you. But he wants to do it together. Loves the way you feel when you tighten around him, squeeze him, draw his release out of him. Loves the way your voices sound together, the way you grip onto him and pull him flush against your body.
And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it, too. The way he looks when he’s deep inside you, eyes shut, focused on nothing except the pretty noises you make and the sweet way you wrap around him, warm and snug. So you let him take you to the edge again, throw your arms around him, and fall.
The shock of it surges through you, stars burst across your vision. You drive your nails into his shoulders, scream out into the night, moans mixed with curses and gasps and – fuck it – cries of daddy loud enough that the thought of a noise complaint at your door floats through your mind.
Joel lets out a deep groan when he cums, filling your tight cunt with his seed, face still buried in your neck. Your legs untense, thighs slip down his waist and onto the bed, your arms unlink from around his neck.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans into your skin.
You’re panting, chest lifting against Joel’s. He pushes into the mattress and rolls off of you, dropping in a heap to the bed at your side. You lay like that for a while, waiting for the fluttering feeling to subside, waiting for any feeling to come back to your body.
Joel pushes off of the bed and dips into the bathroom, still groaning anytime he moves. Water runs for a couple minutes, a gentle whirring as he cools his face and washes up, and then he’s back in the bedroom, sinking into the bed beside you.
He props himself up on his elbow and runs a hand across your damp forehead, unsticking your hair from your face. Intimate, vulnerable. You’ve slept together four times now, and this is the closest you’ve felt to him.
You push down an ache, different to the one he just satisfied – four times over. No, this is deeper. Somewhere more hidden. An ache for him to hold you, run his hands down your back until your body feels like yours again. An ache for him to take you in his strong arms and keep you still, keep you steady.
An ache that feels…dangerous. An ache you want to disappear. Now.
“You okay?” Joel asks, and you nod.
He studies you for a while, looking up and down your body, smiling to himself. This isn’t something either of you are going to forget for a while.
“What’s this?”
Joel takes gentle hold of the gold chain around your sweat-glistening neck, running it between his fingers until he’s holding one half of a broken heart.
“Notice you wearin’ it all the time.”
You take a deep breath before replying, watching as he looks at it intently in his hand. “My mom has the other half. It makes up a heart. We got ‘em when I was sixteen, right after…”
Joel’s eyes drift up to yours when your sentence crumbles. His soft gaze encourages you to continue.
“…right after my dad left.”
He almost winces.
You’d always hated Wednesdays. Wednesdays meant Math, and Math meant two hours of sitting in total confusion, dodging your teacher’s requests for answers and counting down the minutes until class ended.
But your dad told you that you should do well in it, so you were trying. For him.
One Wednesday, Miss Pepperman handed out the results of the previous week’s test. You’d scored well, maybe not as good as some of the others, but decent by your own standards. You snuck the test paper into your bag to take back home, show your dad. Make him…proud.
When you rounded the corner to your street, his car was in the drive, trunk wide open. Suitcases inside. You caught him leaving as you wandered by the beat-up Toyota.
Your mom wants you in the house, he’d said, a cardboard box of files in his clutches.
You tried to ask what the fuck was going on, but he’d yelled at you and thrown the box into his back seat. And then you brought up the test paper, twisted around to fish it out of your bag, like some stupid C would convince him to stay. He yelled louder, and you disappeared inside like a spooked cat.
Your mom was on the couch, face in her hands. She lifted her head, cheeks stained with mascara and tears. As you sat down beside her, you heard the engine of his car roll away. You never saw him again.
You don’t tell Joel all of this. He doesn’t need to know, and he doesn’t ask. Telling him about the C in Math risks telling him about the way your dad looked at you when you held up the crumpled paper, and that risks telling him about everything you’ve ever held back from saying to anyone, for fear of seeing that same bored, disappointed expression.
It feels like a hand you’re not quite ready to play just yet. An ace or two missing, only a couple of cards off of feeling confident enough to show him.
Instead, you shrug, and say, “That was…thirteen years ago now. And we just never take ‘em off. It’s like our little promise to, like…stay together, or whatever.”
He nods, letting the necklace rest back on your naked chest.
There’s something in the air between you. Quiet, unassuming. An understanding, though you’re not sure what of. But it feels comfortable, which you weren’t expecting when he asked the question. Nobody knows much about you and your dad – not even your closest friends. And here you are, naked and exhausted, letting the words tumble out to none other than your boss.
But he’s so blasé about it, so unperturbed by it that, if he hadn’t been the one to ask himself, you could mistake it for disinterest. He just listens, nods, and lets it pass over. Lets you drop it, when you’re done talking about it.
For the second time tonight, this time a little more sober but a little less guarded, you say, “Kiss me.”
And this time, he doesn’t ask you to speak French. Doesn’t make any witty quip, doesn’t warn you you’re walking dangerous territory. Doesn’t even hesitate, not for a beat. Just leans in, cups your cheek with one hand, and presses his lips to yours.
Warm, sweaty, almost quivering lips. Soft, and kind, and safe. You melt into him, wrapping both hands around his wrist, shutting your eyes and pretending just for a moment that you’re not teetering along a knife edge right now.
You pull back, losing your balance on the tightrope you’re walking, and Joel’s hand slowly drops from your face. His eyes ask if you’re okay, and you nod. I’m fine. This is fine.
“Alright,” he says, sitting up with a sigh. “You want a drink?”
You nod again. “Water, please.”
He strokes your thigh once and walks out of the room, leaving you in the quiet dark by yourself.
You bring your fingertips up to your eyes. Exhale deeply into the palms of your hands. Think about what just happened, and then tell yourself not to think much about it. Think about that fucking twinge in the bottom of your stomach, the one that felt like…yearning. And then tell yourself, fucking – order yourself not to read too much into it, or you’ll drive yourself up the wall.
Because the truth of it is: you’ve one more full day in Paris, and you highly suspect that what happened here tonight, is gonna happen all over again tomorrow. And that leaves room for that yearning feeling to come back. Resurface, like a silent predator in murky waters.
That won’t happen tomorrow. It can’t happen tomorrow.
You stand and throw that white terrycloth robe over yourself, heading for the living room.
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margotw10bis · 3 months
Pretty Baby.KNJ [m]
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(former) sugardaddy!namjoon x (former) sugarbaby!reader
Genre: smut; short-story
Words: 3.5k
Synopsis: Namjoon is your sugar daddy. However, you can't deny how your heart is jumping in your chest when he calls you his "pretty baby"… But what happens after?
Warnings: angst; unprotected sex; oral sex ; Namjoon is huge 😳; he loves ass; use of "daddy"; pregnancy kink/breeding kink
1 → 2 → 3 (Bonus : Memories ; Doubts & Possibilities)
This part takes place after chapter 3.
This can't be happening. There is no way. You have been careful, very careful even. So why is the pregnancy test positive?
You don't know what to feel right now. You're panicked but also beyond happy to know that you have Namjoon's baby in your belly. However, panic takes the most of you. How will Namjoon react? Yes, you have known him for over a year now but it only has been four little months since you have confessed your feelings and started a 'real' relationship. Won't he think you're trying to cage him? It's way too soon to have a baby. Too soon in your relationship and too soon in your life.
You already imagined your future, and Namjoon was certainly a part of it — a huge part of it. You imagined that, someday, maybe in a few years, you'll get married and then, a few years later, you could have children together. You don't want a family with someone other than Namjoon but it wasn't supposed to be now.
You need time to think. You're way too overwhelmed right now. That's why you send a text to Namjoon, saying that you're too tired tonight and you prefer to stay in your apartment. Well, the apartment he has bought you. Fuck, if he doesn't want the baby, where are you going to live?
You spend the evening crying and caressing your belly in where a little human being already has all your love until you fall asleep.
"Are you serious?"
Seokjin looks at his friend with rounded eyes. He has known him for years and he has never thought that Namjoon would tell him that one day. He definitely has to take another sip of his whiskey. He doesn't even hear the lounge music of the bar.
"Yes, I don't want to wait any longer. I think it could be a great Christmas present"
"I'm happy for you, man" Seokjin starts with a wince "But don't you think she wants to wait?"
"What do you mean?" Namjoon frowns
"You're 36. You have been crazy, you have lived your youth. It's just normal you're ready to settle down" Ironic when Seokjin is older than Namjoon but absolutely not willing to settle down "But she is, what? 26?"
"25" Namjoon mumbles
"25! Just think about how you were at 25! Did you want to get married?" Seokjin asks
He is not wrong. When Namjoon was 25, all he could think about was fucking hot chicks. He would run away as fast as possible if a girl wanted to even have a date. But you're different than him, right? You don't want to fuck around and you won't run away when he asks you to marry him. Right?
"Look, I'm not saying that to hurt you but I just think you should wait a little longer. She could feel pressured" Seokjin adds as he pats his friend's shoulder
Namjoon sighs and decides that he would get drunk tonight.
A loud noise coming from the entrance wakes you up. You look at your phone: it's almost three am. You hear a deep growl and recognize Namjoon. You walk to him and witness a very drunk boyfriend of yours — soon to be your baby daddy. He almost can't stand on his feet and he is swinging dangerously as he is trying to take off his shoes.
He lifts up his head and a bright — yet, drunkly lazy — smile paints his face. Your heart melts of how happy he seems to be.
You quickly join him to prevent his big body from hitting the floor.
"Let me help you" You say before taking off his shoes
You tug him onto your side and lead him to the bed where he falls immediately.
"You seem to have had a great night" You tell him, caressing his blond hair
"Awful" He pouts
"How come?" You smile, amused of how young he looks
"You weren't there" He genuinely answers
Fuck, you love him so much. But a lump chocks your throat when you think that, maybe, he will reject you soon. You instinctively put your hand over your stomach. Thankfully, Namjoon is too drunk to notice it.
"You should take off your clothes and go to bed" Your voice is weak and broken
"You little hussy"
You roll your eyes and try to unbutton his shirt but it's not easy to do when Namjoon's hands find their way underneath your top. You start to panic a little when you feel his fingertips on your stomach, which it's ridiculous since your belly is completely flat. You stop his palms and push them away. You are not in the mood for sex. And Namjoon is way too drunk anyway. He is half sleeping by the time you finish undress him. You snuggle against him and try to forget everything else except him.
"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asks you with furrowed brows
"No" You lie
You try to give him a smile and hold your towel tighter against your body. You definitely knew he was going to notice something's off: you haven't had sex since you found out you were pregnant and confirmed it with an appointment with your doctor — you even had an ultrasound of your four weeks little bean during which you cried like a baby. That means nine days. You have never spent nine fucking days without sex if Namjoon wasn't gone for a business trip. Never. Especially since you've become an official couple. And more than that, you don't even let Namjoon touch you. Like right now, when he saw you naked in the bathroom and you quickly covered your bare frame with a soft and fluffy towel.
If you are doing that out of an irrational fear of Namjoon finding out the truth, in Namjoon's head, Seokjin's words start making sense. Maybe his friend was right and you just want to have fun. You're young. Maybe you don't want a serious relationship and you are planning of breaking up with him. The last days without sex might be your way of sending a message and letting him down slowly. It's so painful to imagine his life without you. It took him thirty-six years to find you and the year he has spent with you is not enough. A whole life wouldn't be enough.
"Don't lie to me, Y/N. Tell me what's wrong" Namjoon's voice is soft despite the whole earthquake of panic inside him — he is not ready to be brokenhearted
"I'm just tired, that's all" What a terrible liar are you
Namjoon's fists clench. Why don't you tell him? Don't you trust him? Or are you trying to push him away for good? The thought is so painful.
"I love you" He suddenly says
You look up at him in surprise. He just needs you to know that. No matter what happens. He loves you. Even if you're going to break his heart. Fuck, he is such a good man and your hormones are messing with you. You start crying so loud, big rounded tears rolling down your cheeks. Namjoon begins to panic, did he say something wrong? He hugs you tight and rubs your back which makes you cry louder.
"I'm so sorry" You sob in his chest
"What do you mean?" Namjoon asks with a white voice, his brain imagining all kinds of scenarios of you falling in love with another man
"I'm pregnant" You whisper with a broken voice
It's worse when you feel Namjoon's body tensing against yours. Did he hear well?
"You what?" He asks, gulping
"I'm pregnant" You repeat with difficulty
When you're about to convince yourself that you're going to end up all alone with a baby due to his painful silence, Namjoon surprises you by hugging you tighter.
"I love you so much, Y/N" His voice is shaky due to happy tears
Are you really going to make him a father? Sure, he wanted to have kids with you but not now. He just had his fantasy deep in the back of his head but it was like a distant dream. However, he couldn't be happier right now. You, the woman he loves more than anything, have his baby inside you.
He pulls away just to kiss you deeply. He looks into your eyes and he sees the relief in them. That's why you pushed him away lately, because you were afraid. If you knew how happy Namjoon is right now.
"I love you so fucking much" He repeats, making you smile
"I love you too" Your tears shift to happy and relieved ones
His reaction is better than anything you could have imagined. You wonder why you didn't trust him. Namjoon is a good man, he is the man you love. And now, you can't wait to have his baby.
He presses his forehead against yours but his euphoria takes control over his body. He unwraps the towel around you and looks at your stomach, still flat despite the fact you have his fucking baby in you. He didn't think he could love you more and then, he does. His hands caress your belly and then move to your ass. He moans at the feeling of finally being able to squeeze it after nine days.
"Now, I'm going to make love to you" He announces with a raspy voice that goes straight to your pussy
He lifts you up, making you gasp in surprise, and leads you to the bed. He lays you there delicately and starts kissing your neck. Your hands find his soft hair. You missed his touch so much. Shivers run through your body when Namjoon's lips travel down to your boobs. Your nipples are already erected and he rolls his tongue around it. His hand grabs your other tit, twisting and pinching your sensitive nipple. You moan and feel your pussy getting impossibly wet.
Namjoon creates a wet path with his kisses, going down. He stays more than usual on your belly to kiss and rub it. The gesture is so soft that you almost cry.
"I love you little one" He whispers "And I love your mom so much"
Your heart jumps in your chest. It's the first time you realize that you're going to be a mom. The fact that Namjoon calls you that creates all kinds of emotions inside you. You can't describe it but it's very intense.
Namjoon keeps going down and reaches your soaked pussy. He kisses your clit, making you open your mouth by pleasure. His expert tongue draws patterns that make you feel so good. Your back arches to feel him more. He takes big laps of your juices, moaning against your pussy of how good you taste. One of his hand takes a full grab of your ass while the other one teases your entrance. You clench at the emptiness but Namjoon still doesn't enter you.
"Please" You beg
Namjoon smirks and finally digs one finger into your wet pussy. The nine days without sex made your cunt tighter than usual. You groan loud when he quickly adds another finger. He is fingering you fast and deep, making sure to find your g-spot.
You whimper when Namjoon sucks on your clit harder. Pleasure is fogging your brain. You roll up your hips to meet his fingers and tongue better. You grab Namjoon's hair and basically rub your pussy against his face. Nine days without his touch were like torture and you can't wait any longer. You need him, you need all of him. And you moan when you know that you can have it.
"You love fucking my face, don't you baby?" Namjoon teases you
His words are so scandalous but you love it — both his words and fucking his face.
"I want to cum" You shout with a high pitch voice
"Do it, baby" Namjoon says while he presses deeper on your g-spot
"Right here!" You gasp
Namjoon knows you so well, he presses even more, digging his fingers deeper into your pussy. Your walls clench around his digits and his tongue is crazier on your clit. Fuck, he is good. Your toes curl and you bury his face deeper between your legs as you are reaching your high. Namjoon's name escapes your lips in a scream impossible to withhold. But you start shaking when Namjoon doesn't stop nor slow his moves. The overstimulation is too much to bear and you tug on his soft hair harder, making him growl. When spams run over your body and your legs try to close around his head, Namjoon stops his delightful torture.
"I missed you cumming" He tells you before reaching up to kiss you, giving you a taste of your juices
He gets rid of his clothes fast and you blush at his huge cock. Your hand moves by itself and you delicately wrap your fingers around his fat length. The velvet skin is so smooth and Namjoon seems to love your touch since he twitches in your fist. You slowly jerk him off and he closes his eyes in delight. Yeah, he missed having sex so bad.
You guide him to your entrance and Namjoon pushes his tip inside your pussy. You moan as you feel him filling you. He buries himself deep inside you. He kisses you as he is resting without moving a few seconds, knowing how much his cock is stretching you right now. He intertwines your fingers on both sides of your head and you wrap your legs around him to hug him tighter. His slow pace is so good, building up the tension inside your body. You feel him and all his moves into your pussy. He is so intense, yet so soft, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands.
"I guess you'll get to call me daddy again" He jokes but it actually makes you clench around his cock
"Fuck me harder, daddy" You moan, to tease him but also because you do love when he fucks you hard
Namjoon growls and lifts up to pound into you faster and deeper. His sensual pace is long gone and he just fucks you rough like you love. Your tits bounce at each dick stroke, attracting Namjoon. He can't help grabbing one of your boobs, pinching your nipple hard to make you whine and clench your pussy.
"My little baby mama" His words make your walls tighten and moan "Shit, you love this, don't you?" Namjoon says in a breathe, surprised and pleased
Fuck, why does it make you so horny? Your walls tighten and Namjoon loves how you react. Having his baby is making you clench around his big dick and he loves it. His eyes lock on your belly and he can't wait to see it big and round, full of his baby. He almost cums when he thinks about everyone knowing he fucked you so good that he put a baby in you.
He pounds deeper, making your skins clap in a sinful way. You caress his flexing abs with your fingertips and you still can't believe Namjoon is your man. He is so fucking handsome. He fucks you so good. You gesture him to kiss you and he does. Your lips connect in a messy way but you don't care as long as you can kiss him.
"I love you" You whisper
"I love you too, pretty baby"
You feel Namjoon's hand on your belly and your orgasm is close. Your moans get choked and your head roll back.
"You gonna make me cum" You say, making Namjoon pump rougher into your tight and dripping cunt
"Come on baby, cum on daddy's cock"
Your legs squeeze Namjoon's body and you pussy clenches, your orgasm very much on the edge. He gives you a last hard pound and you fall down into high.
"Fuck, Namjoon!" You scream when a huge wave of arousal washes over you, making you forget your name
Namjoon kisses your neck and shoulder, waiting for you to reach down to Earth. You lazily caress his sticky hair and hum in happiness. You are happy right now. Because of him, because of his love, of his touch. And also because of the little baby inside you.
Namjoon rolls over and places you on top of him. He slaps your ass to urge you to ride him. His huge cock is deep in you, immediately touching the right spot. You take support on his buff chest and start jumping on his dick. Little whimpers escape your lips as your head rolls back in pleasure. Namjoon looks at your perfect body: your jolting boobs, your soft belly, your thighs around his pelvis and your glistening pussy taking his cock so well.
His hands grabs your asscheeks to settle the pace. He makes you ride him rough, wet clapping sounds echoing the bedroom.
"Fuck" You moan
"You are so beautiful" He praises you and your heart melts "I can't believe you're having my baby"
You tenderly smile at him, slowing your pace so you can caress his cheek with one of your hand. Your tenderness is definitely one of the things Namjoon loves the most about you. He kisses your hand before you place it back on his chest.
"I can't believe you put a baby in me" You reply and you get the hint that Namjoon loves it since you feel his cock twitch in your cunt "You fucked me so good that I have your baby now"
You have never seen Namjoon so proud, happy and horny at the same time. He lifts up his torso so he can stay in a sit position. His hand grabs the back of your neck and he presses his lips on yours, claiming you.
"I'm going to put so many babies in you, Y/N. Everyone will see who fucks you" He growls and you clench
Fuck, his words are so crude yet so tempting.
"I can't wait to see your big belly full of my child"
Namjoon starts thumping into your cunt and you have to grab his shoulders to stay still under his rough moves. Your walls tighten again and you bring one of your hands down to rub your clit.
"That's it baby, make yourself cum" Namjoon spurs you
"Fuck me harder" You beg him
Namjoon delivers a harsh spank on your ass, making you clench as he pounds harder and deeper. At each rub of your fingers on your clit, your cunt gets tighter. You are so close, you can't even breathe evenly.
"I'm gonna cum, Joonie" You say breathlessly
"Go ahead"
Namjoon kisses you, swallowing your loud moans as you're cumming all over his cock. Your body shivers and Namjoon keeps his pace. You whimper when you feel how sensitive your pussy is after three orgasms but you want Namjoon to cum too. You roll your hips as he fucks you, spurring him to fill you up.
"Put another baby in me" You tease him
He hides his face in your neck and bites your skin gently. You don't know how much he loves it. He is close too, his unsteady moves making you know.
"My baby mama" He whispers with a last, harsh, deep dick stoke and throw his hot shots of cum inside your wet and messy pussy
Both breathless, you keep hugging each other tight. Tears fill your eyes again when you realize that Namjoon is by your side and that he loves you and the little human inside you.
"Hey, baby, don't cry" He soothes you as he kisses your nose
"I love you so much, Namjoon. And I was so stressed the last days" You confess, feeling finally lighter
"I love you too. Believe me when I say I'm so happy. The happiest man alive. You make me so happy. Actually..."
Namjoon delicately pulls out and makes you sit on the bed. He goes to his abandoned suit vest on the floor. He grabs a little thing you can't identify. He quickly goes back to you and gives you a little box. Your heart, your breathe and pretty much everything stops as you open it and discover a beautiful and shiny ring.
"I wanted to give it to you on Christmas but you've beat me at the best gift" He says, playfully but also emotional
"What does it mean?" You ask in a whisper, you don't want to misinterpret it because your heart won't survive it
"Marry me. Please?" Namjoon's voice is soft but a little shaky
"You can't ask me to marry you after sex!" You exclaim, crying of how happy you are
"You told me you loved me while I was fucking your ass" Namjoon replies with a pout
"Namjoon!" You gasp, still embarrassed by the memory
"Can you please give me a respond? Because I'm not sure I can handle the stress anymore"
You jump at him, kissing his lips, his cheeks, his nose, his forehead. Everything you can. You laugh and cry at the same time and Namjoon is nothing better. He grabs your shaky hand with his shaky one and slided the diamond ring onto your finger.
"I love you so much, Namjoon" You say with emotion cracking your voice
"I love you, pretty babies"
@gimeow @whoreseok723 @wecanpretendit @missbangtangirl @dprmoon @baechugff @parkinglot-nights @nikkinik485 @hoseokteardrop
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butvega · 9 months
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that gucci, prada comfy
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notas. essa braba aqui é uma junção desses três pedidos, {1, 2, 3}. meio que "baseada" na música sugar daddy, da qveen herby.
avisos. sugardaddy!jaehyun x sugarbaby!op, dinâmica dom!sub, old money au, uso contínuo de "papai", leve age gap, blowjob. desculpem, não sei mais fazer uma vigarice que preste.
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O ar condicionado ligado no máximo no salão de festas de sua casa gela até a pontinha de seus dedos. Pudera, a roupa que você veste não cobre nem a metade de seu corpo. Um vestido despudorado, provocativo, que unido ao salto alto que calça, a torna elegante e sensual.
Óbvio que chama atenção, afinal, você é a filha única de um multimilionário importante do ramo de negócios, e acabara de completar sua maioridade. O resultado disso era: velhotes ricos e desesperados despejando flertes indesejados direcionados à você à todo momento.
Infelizmente — para eles —, seu coração já possuía dono. De muitos amigos, e colegas de profissão de seu pai, você havia elegido seu favorito há algum tempo. Jaehyun Jung era um homem sério, de poucas palavras, mas portador de um doce sorriso presenteado com covinhas profundas e bonitas. Era ele que estava recostado em uma pilastra naquele momento, mexendo o gelo em seu copo de Whiskey pela metade, reparando cada. parte. de. seu. corpo.
Não havia sido fácil convencer Jaehyun de que você poderia ser madura. No auge de seus vinte e poucos anos, sem nenhuma intenção de carreira ou de trabalho, gastava a grana de seu pai de maneira imprudente. Viagens à Paris, passeios de barco em Capri, safari na África do Sul. Você realmente levava a sério quando seu pai dizia que você merecia todas as riquezas do mundo.
Mimada, supérflua, irritantemente infantil. Eram os primeiros adjetivos que recebera de Jaehyun quando deu suas primeiras investidas. Era um homem bonito, mais velho, mais vivido, e incrivelmente nunca havia se relacionado seriamente com mulher alguma. Até você.
Mas a relação de vocês era um pouco mais complicada que o esperado: seus pais não poderiam saber que estavam juntos, afinal, seu pai surtaria, e o grupo de sócios da qual faziam parte não estariam dispostos à um escândalo familiar público. Por isso, assim que Jaehyun cedeu, pediu que a relação fosse um segredo. O segredinho sujo de vocês.
Jaehyun não negava; amava você. Te amava imensamente, te presenteava com tudo que havia de melhor naquele mundo, e prometia que você não iria deixar de ter nenhum luxo quando se casassem. Porque sim, Jaehyun almejava torná-la a esposa oficial dele. Um troféu bonito, uma esposa que ele trataria como uma rainha. Que o apoiasse, e principalmente; que o satisfazesse.
Gosta dos olhares que recebe dele. Enraivecidos com a atenção que seu corpo recebe, duros, o cenho franzido, extrema atenção que dá aos acionistas ao seu lado. Gentilmente Jaehyun pede licença à eles, e caminha em direção à você. Ao menos consegue disfarçar o sorriso debochado direcionados ao ciúme do namorado, e em segundos ele chega até ti, com um aperto em seus braços, fazendo-a caminhar lado a lado com ele, até os corredores enormes da mansão de seu pai.
"Aí, Jae! Assim machuca." — murmura irritadinha, mas ele sim, sente o veneno escorrendo pelos lábios.
"Você não viu nada. Continua flertando com esses velhos 'pra você ver o quê é ficar machucada." — ele te prensa contra a parede do corredor. Você arregala os olhos olhando para ambos os lados, tensa pela possibilidade de qualquer um aparecer, até mesmo funcionários. "Não me provoca, que faço com que você fique sem andar por uma semana."
"Desculpa." — murmura quase hipnotizada, a fala mansa, baixa, apenas reparando o quão forte, alto e másculo Jaehyun consegue ser. Ele fica ainda mais sensual quando irritado.
"Minha menina... Por Deus... Por que você é tão desobediente comigo, uh? Por que tão arisca? O papai não 'tá te comendo direito?" — as mãos de Jaehyun sobem de sua cintura até seu queixo, onde o coloca para cima. Desce as mãos até seu pescoço, ameaça apertar, mas desiste assim que escuta passos pelos corredores.
Novamente Jaehyun está te puxando por aqueles labirintos sem fim, até abrir uma porta qualquer, que você reconhece como o escritório de seu pai. Ele tranca a porta assim que entram, é de imediato que Jaehyun retire o paletó que usa, junto da gravata borboleta. A feição fechada faz sua calcinha melar mais do que deveria. Mas como uma boa menina, você o aguarda.
Já desprovido de ambas as peças, Jaehyun abre alguns botões de sua camisa social antes de se sentar na poltrona que havia no canto daquela saleta. Te encara, aguarda alguma reação sua, e se agrada quando a vê paradinha, obediente como uma boa garota, esperando algum comando.
"Senta no colinho do papai, senta." — você se aproxima dele, vagarosamente, passo por passo, até que se senta nas coxas duras e fartas, sob o olhar felino de Jaehyun. "Vou te explicar direitinho o que você vai fazer, ok? Você vai ajoelhar, e me mamar direitinho, até eu estar pronto 'pra gozar nessa bucetinha gostosa. Ouviu bem?"
Seu corpo arrepia por inteiro assim que Jaehyun profere as palavras com uma malícia impecável. Ele dá dois tapinhas em seu rosto antes que você se ajoelhe, ainda o encarando com devoção.
Desabotoa a calça de alfaiataria dele, que a ajuda levantando levemente o quadril para que você a desça junto com a cueca Tom Ford que usa. Já livre, sua boca saliva só de vê-lo tão imponente, o mastro duro, de pé, a cabeça rosada.
Sem delongas, o põem na boca. Afinal, não seria capaz de desobedecer seu papai.
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justjams2003 · 2 years
Pretty mouth
A/N: Heyo, I couldn’t not write this. Steve would most definitely spoil his girl. I’m thinking of adding a part 2 of this? Tell me what you think? Or any suggestion for part 2. Request are open and I will start working on the ones I already have tomorrow.
Summary: While on holiday you’re invited on a yacht with some very rich people. Steve catches your eyes and with the help of some N-40 you two are immediately attached to each other.
Pairing: Sugardaddy!Steve Abnesti x reader
Warnings: Age differnce; mention of teacher-fucking; cock-sucking; drugs; alcohol; praise kind; rough cock-sucking; man-handling; public make-out; teasing; fxm; no mention of skin colour+body type (tell me if I miss any)
2.2k words
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You’ve always been someone who throws caution into the wind. You rarely think of the consequences of things. As long as you got that instant gratification you wanted, you did not care how you got it. You don’t care what drug you have to take or what man you’d have to seduce. Of course, when a handsome man invited you on his yacht, you were happy to join.
You’d just graduated high school by the skin of your teeth. You’d have fuck at least a few teachers to get that perfect A your parents always asked for. They’d promise you a big graduation getaway after all. You and your friends went to the beaches of Australia. You heard the men there were to die for.The rumours were most definitely not wrong.
A lot of them were chiselled or tanned or had that sun-bleached hair look to them. They were falling at your feet. At every bar, you were getting free drinks or at least were flirted with. You were in heaven. You were most definitely getting the attention you daily craved.
Then one day you and your friends had hired a jet boat and were zooming across the ocean. When you heard the sounds of a jet engine and pumping music, you all followed after. Catching up you saw something very fun. Men, obviously drunk or high, and most likely loaded with money.
You stopped the boat right next to them. You all cheered, getting their attention. Of course, you would. You’re a group of young, hot new adults dressed in skimpy bikinis and swim shorts. Those men turned to you and they seemed to glow up.
Especially one man in particular.His eyes are hidden by classy sunglasses, he’s dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of short trunks and a glass of whisky in his hand. “Well hello, beautiful,” he shines a pair of pearly whites to you. Even if your friends fan around, somewhere you knew his eyes were ogling you.
Usually, you take compliments easily, yet for some reason he had you blushing at a simple word. “Hello handsome,” you flirt back, leaning just a bit closer. “Mind if my friends and I hop on?” You ask, flashing a smile, hoping to be more convincing.
He shrugged and look around at the men on the boat. They all nod eagerly. Who was he to deny? “Of course, I am sure this party could use some more fun.” He jokes, everyone laughs with him. You glowered at the attention and, with help of the workers, climbed onto the boat. They tied up your speed boat, making sure it doesn’t get washed away.
Immediately all the men gravitated toward your posse. Handing them drinks, pumping the music and dancing. Their hands all grasping at something to touch. They all seemed just a bit older than you usually wanted. Though that did not stop you, you know that just means they have more money.And you dearly loved money.
However, right now you are focused on one person. He piqued your interest. Why is your body reacting the way it is to this man? You grab the first cocktail you could find and plop your body down next to him. He shows a cheeky smile, “What is someone like you-” you jab a finger into his chest, “-doing with people like this?”He chuckles, placing his hand comfortably on your thigh.
“Whatever do you mean?” He gives your thigh a light squeeze, taking a sip from your whiskey. You watch those perky pink lips get wet from the alcohol. “Well, they’re old and ugly. You- well I don’t know how old you are- but you are not ugly.” You smile, your eyes stuck between those lips and his sunglasses.“If I’m not ugly, what am I?” He asks with a lifted brow. You pout out, you hate having to explain yourself. Why couldn’t people just accept what you say with blind trust?
“You’re-” you start, gathering the confidence you didn’t know you lacked. He looks at you with a smug smile, waiting for the answer.“Well, you’re hot, more than most of the people I’ve seen on this spider-infested continent.” You take a sip of your cocktail, hoping to distract yourself from your creeping blush. The taste of vodka burns your throat before the sweet tropical fruit mixes with it. Yet right after you swallow it down you feel a large hand around your jaw.
He pulls your face to look him in his eyes. “Most?” He questions and you can’t help but notice his now lack of sunglasses. God, his eyes make you force down a moan. The clearest sunshine blue you’ve ever seen. They hold such contempt and arrogance that just makes that perfect jawline so attractive.
You bite your lips at the sight. Truly, what has gotten into you? With such smooth grace, his thumb grazes over your lips. You can’t help but open up, letting his tongue slip in. You give a slight nimble and a slight suckle, tasting him and the faint whisper of whiskey.
“Well, my dear, I am developing some new drugs to help-” he trails off, his eyes flickering at nothingness, trying to find the word. “-contain some problem people. And I need these old, ugly men’s money to fund just that.” You smile, that definitely sounds fun.
“Can I have some?” You ask after he places his hand back up your thigh, just a bit higher. Your core clenches. “Are you a problem person?” He asks, his brows innocently furrowing. You smirk, trailing your hand up to his open thigh. “I could be,” there is extreme mischievousness fluttering in your voice.
He beckons over one of the workers, whispers something in his ear and then the worker runs off. “They’re still in the very first phase, so I’ll only give you a little bit.” He explains waiting for the worker to return. “While we wait, tell me, what are you doing here?” He asks, pulling your thigh over his.
Your breath hitches at just how warm his body truly is. Sure the sun is scorching down on you but his heat felt so sensual. He feels so painfully smooth like a cherry on an ice-cold night. “Graduation party, straight A’s,” you wink at him, glancing over to the sight of your partying friends.
Steve’s eyes sparkle with mischief, “I’m guessing you didn’t exactly earn any of them.” It’s more of a statement than a question. How dare he assume like that? He’s not wrong though and the fact that he seems to already know you and your antics like the back of your hand.
You smirk, leaning closer to him, right at the point that your nipples rub against his chest. “Oh but I worked so very hard,” you tease him, your breath is icy cold against his hot skin. He growls, his large hand slithers down and wraps around your ass. He gives a good squeeze, causing you to yelp.
Then appears the worker again. You watch as he opens a glass vile with a blue liquid. He pours the slightest bit into your cocktail, letting the blue yang right atop the orange liquid. The man then quickly leaves. “Drink up baby girl,” he whispers in your ear.
He takes the cocktail from your hands and pours it down your throat. There is a very dangerous gleam in his eye. One that you can tell is concocting future plans of pure evil intend. That doesn’t cause you to back away. No, it brings heat between your legs and butterflies over your core.
It takes a moment, the last moment you had before your life would change for good. You’re wet, the drug causes a sudden and extreme pleasure to overcome you. All for the man in front of you. He looked good before but now-. Now he looked ravishing. You wanted him deep, deep inside you. For him to tear you open and use you like a rag-doll.He could tell, the leg you’re resting on is slick with your juices. His pants grew much too tight for him. He knows he must get you out of here soon. Steve could see the animalistic need grow in your eyes. Already you’re grinding yourself against his thigh. Your body begs for any form of possible friction.
You leave the cocktail mid-air and grab onto the man in front of you’s face. Your lips press tightly against his, just as tight as your legs do around his waist. You moan against his lips, swiping your tongue against Steve’s plump mouth. His entrance opens for you to explore, and you do.Your grinding grows more urgent, more frantic. Moan escape your mouth and slip into his. However, neither of you were fish and needed air. As you escape a, “Fuck, little girl,” You can feel his dick grow big and hard against your body. At the feeling, you grow even wetter. Your pussy is needy and throbbing all just for him.
Yet before you can continue to hump yourself against him, he grabs your thighs and stands up. You shriek, however it is overshadowed by your desperate want. Your mouth latches onto his neck, right below his jaw. You lick and suck on the tendons and thick veins.
“Where are you taking me?” You don’t really care, right now he could throw into a volcano, as long as you got to have him first. “I’m taking you somewhere where I can put that pretty mouth to good use.” He groans out, his hips buckling ever so slightly against your skin.
Your bikini is very small and he could smell the arousal pouring from you. His words light your body on fire. You barely notice as your back hits the soft bed. All you notice is Steve’s voice, “On your knees. Now.” it takes everything in him not to do it by himself.
He considers it, seeing you crawl over to where he’s standing. Getting off the bed and onto your knees. From this angle, he can see perfectly down your bikini top. At those plump round breasts that now press against his knees. He pulls down his swim shorts.
You gasp, he’s huge. He had only given you a little bit of N-40, plus it was very much not complete yet. Therefore you still have a lot of tease left in you. At first, the drug made your needs so urgent. Though now, you could enjoy teasing him. It is one of your favourite past times. Watching men writhe under your body and beg for something, anything.
Some people thought you were sadistic like that. You don’t care, anything to give you the rush. The rush you feel now. You take his big cock, so delicately. Your pink tongue gives small licks against his red and bursting tip. Lapping up the pre-cum that you’ve caused.
Steve does not like this. Things aren’t happening fast enough for his liking. He might take months to perfect his chemicals but he does not have months for this. No- he wants to mouth fuck you now. He growls again, taking a fistful of your hair and pushing his entire monster cock into your little mouth.
Tears form around your eyes and you gag violently. He doesn’t care. He will do anything to get what he wants. He grabs your head once more and thrusts. You groan out but he doesn’t stop. He does it again and again. Loving the feeling of your mouth around his dick.
“Work that pretty mouth sweet cheeks. Or else I’ll be doing a lot worse than this.” He threatens you, others would feel scared and even start shaking. Not you, this only turns you on more. With great effort, you start sucking. Using your mouth muscles to hollow out a spot for him.
He moans at the action, throwing his head back and gripping your hair tighter. “So good for daddy,” he mumbles out, cherishing this perfect feeling. You continue your work, taking as much as you can deep into his mouth. Tears fill your eyes and you can barely see.
You don���t need to see to relish his cock. Yet still, you look up, to see his face as you suck him off. That is what does it for Steve. Seeing the want, desire and submission in those watery eyes. “Oh god- I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna drink it up like a good little girl.“
You moan as your only response. Your tongue swirling around him, putting more focus on the sensitive tip. You can feel him growing tighter. His veins popping and his girth and length increasing even more. The vibration your mouth makes sends him tumbling.
White-hot seed fills your mouth. Already you start swallowing, hoping to make him happy and show you enjoyed all of him. You revel in the taste of his salty-sweet pleasure. And as he pulls from your mouth, still semi-hard, you open up to show your hard work.
He gives a wild smirk, sin dancing in his eyes. “Oh, I’m gonna have that dainty mouth of yours screaming my name.” He says, his voice husky with lust and devilry. “And what might that be?” You ask, only now realising that you don’t know.
“Steve. Steve Abnesti. But you may call me daddy.”
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
DILF! erwin please
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bro imma write this while listening to lana cuz sugardaddy dilf erwin only deserves lana playing in the background 😌👌
honestly i wanna suck erwin's big fat cock while he's sealing off cocaine deals with his business partners that are as much of crime lords as he is emkjrhgiugjnhb🥴🥴🥴🥴
my work and the driving lessons are consuming all my time 😞🤚
Sin (Erwin x Reader)
Pairing: Erwin x Reader Genre: smut smut smut lotsa smut MDNI, Erwin is a hot DILF and he saw you in the same college he sends his daughter and after you two get together, he arranges for you to meet his daughter but you don't get along well so he fucks u cuz you're being a bad girl :( Trigger Warnings: MDNI THIS IS SMUT and rough smut (yes im repeating myself) sugardaddy!dilf!Erwin x college student!fem!reader Tagging: @antoxsmith @killerbananas @syrma-sensei @shrekisshrimpthesimp @nighttimescribbles @nathalunalune @hopeless-daydream3r @slavanimesimp @dassmyname @macyomoiji
He loved to watch you while you put on your makeup. Pretty girl, sitting in front of your mirror. Hair tucked to silky perfection and skin cleaner and softer and precious. Your back was exposed from that pretty, crimson red dress he had picked for you. He had just bought it for you. Ten grand went off on just that dress. Not to mention everything else. Your shopping sprees, the silky sheets you both slept on, the pretty lingerie that adorned your perfect body.
He loved fucking you into them.
Erwin took a sip from that heavy glass of whiskey tucked on a piece of furniture beside him. He watched you as you painted your pretty eyelashes in deep black and then you painted your pretty lips in glistering crimson.
You were absolutely breathtaking. His sweet little girl. His perfect, spoiled little princess deserved nothing less but the most expensive jewellery. He adorned your pretty body in gold and silver. In the most expensive dresses and makeup.
His pretty girl deserved nothing less. Your sweet and awestruck daddy who provided everything for you. You were actually a student in the same college he sent his daughter.
You didn't really know her. You were both studying different degrees so it hadn't occured for you two to meet.
It was kind of sick and twisted and perverted of him to date a girl the same age as his daughter. Of course, the two of you had come up with a different story to tell tonight when you were supposed to meet her. But maybe, you were both twisted and perverted, because you loved your sweet daddy's purse just as much as he loved your body.
It was jackpot really. He was picking up his daughter from college one day when he saw you walk across the street on campus. You had caught his eye right away. Next thing you knew, someone had paid your fees for the entirety of the next three years of your studies and the rent of your apartment.
You finished painting your pretty lips in red, before you stood up off the chair and you turned to look at him in all your gorgeous glory. Your pretty chest exposed just perfectly behind that v neckline, and that slit on your dress was allowing a beautiful glimpse of your elegant leg with every step you made towards him.
A small smirk spread on his lips as he watched you.
"I'm ready," you smiled at him that innocent smile that you knew drived him insane.
He stood up and approached you. He caught your hand and gave you a spin, wrapping his arms around you and urging you to press your back against his chest. You let out a small gasp at the sudden move and his hot breath fanned against your ear as your head rolled back on his shoulder.
Your chest looked amazing from that angle.
"You're going to behave, is that understood?"
You frowned. "You know I can't promise that,"
"Then there will be punishment..." his tongue slipped hot and wet across your earlobe and you shivered "...is that what you really want?"
You bit your lip. "I guess we'll find out," You pulled away with a mischievous grin and you grabbed your bag.
Let's just say that you were an absolute bitch to his daughter that night. You couldn't help it. She was such a spoiled brat. He always kept saying how she took after her mother - the woman he had divorced. And it showed. There was no way this man was related to that mindless bitch.
Nevertheless, she was his only child and he had a soft spot for her. So he wasn't pleased with your insolent behaviour.
Maybe that's why he excused you both and he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the dining hall of the hotel. He shoved you in the nearest staff only storeroom. There was barely any light but you didn't need any.
He kissed you hard, shoving your bear back agaisnt the cold wall. He literally dragged you to the small counter and picked you up, pulling you on top of it as if you weighed absolutely nothing. God, you loved how he manhandled you with such ease.
He wrapped his thick long fingers around your neck as he pulled back from the messy kiss. He forced your lips open with his thumb pressing on your lower lip and a globe of spit landed on your awaiting tongue. You mewled like a needy whore, swallowing right away.
His fingers tightened around your throat, restricting your oxygen slightly. "Dirty fucking girl." His hand snuck beneath the slit of your dress and found your cunt right away, sneaking beneath your panties. He rubbed on your clit and you gasped. "Look at you..." he shoved two fingers inside right away. The stretch made you cry out, but he forced his fingers inside your mouth to shut you up. "...dripping like a slut. Is that why you did it? Being very fucking rude to my little girl? Those aren't the manners daddy taught you."
"I'm... your... little girl!" You gasped for air when he released your throat and you let out a cough. Your eyes widened when the realisation hit you. Had you really just said that?
"Ah, I see..." his fingers dug deep inside you, nudging your spot making you moan pathetically. "...you're jealous, hmm? Jealous another girl your age has my attention? Jealous of my own daughter? You're unbelievable, y/n-"
"That's not what I-!" You cried out instead as he scissored his fingers inside you, sending powerful jabs on your sensitive spot that made your whole body shudder. You grabbed his shirt for support and you bit your lip. "D- Daddy, please, if you keep that up, I'm... I'm gonna-"
He pulled his fingers out of you, denying you an impending orgasm and you sobbed. Poor cunt clenching around nothing. He forced the wet digits inside your mouth, shutting up your whining. His other hand remained around your neck, letting you know that he could choke you any moment if he felt like it.
"You don't get to cum when you're being such a bad little girl." He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and he shoved you off the counter, flipping you, bending you over it. He pushed your dress aside, revealing your perfect little ass, practically begging to be smacked and marked. "You'll take twenty, and you're going to count thank for each and every one of them, is that understood?"
You sobbed. "Please, daddy, please, I'll be good, I'll be good, just- Ah!"
The first blow was harsh. It knocked you forward and it caught you off guard. You weren't ready to silence yourself. You hoped nobody had been passing by outside.
"One! T- Thank you, sir!"
The first ten were merciless, but your muffled sounds were so fucking hot. Your little whimpers and sobs and the pretty tears that he was certain were running down your cheeks, ruining the makeup you had put so much effort on. But you were a good girl and counted and thanked him. It's not like you could do otherwise. If you lost count you'd start over.
You were a crying mess by the time he was done with you. Your wetness had ran down your thighs, ruining your panties and your clit throbbed so hard for attention, your head was buzzing. You only hoped he'd fuck you now. There was no way you would keep up that terrible behaviour now.
"Has my little girl learned her lesson?" He soothed the burning, red skin with his calloused hands. Imprints of his palms were scattered all over your backside. Sitting down was going to be a challenge for about a week now.
"I- I have, daddy, please... please... just fuck me now... please..."
His arms roamed all around you and he leaned down to you, bringing his chest to your back. He buried his face in your neck from behind and he pressed a kiss on your shoulder.
"That's a good girl. You can cum now. You've earned it," he took out his hard cock and shoved it inside your wet cunt with ease. Both of you moaned in pleasure and he wrapped his arms around you, lifting your body upwards, pressing your back against his chest as he started fucking you fast and rough right away.
You wailed but he wrapped a hand around your mouth, shutting you up while his cock drilled into your sensitive spot over and over. Your legs were shaking and you would've dropped on the floor if he wasn't holding you. The sounds of your wet pussy clenching around his pumping cock were almost louder than your muffled sounds and his groans. Hot breath fanned to your ear and warm tears ran down your cheeks as he brought you to the highest heights of ecstasy.
His hand let go of your belly and buried between your legs, rubbing your clit till you were cumming all over his cock that kept fucking you. He pulled two, maybe three orgasms in a row out of you before cumming all over your spasming hole. You collapsed on the counter and he on top of you, both of you breathing hard.
"Did I go too hard on you?" He pressed a kiss on your shoulder.
"You know I love whatever you do to me, daddy," you purred and he smiled in your neck.
"That's a good girl."
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years
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Ich denke bei meinen Werken geht es auch um Phantasie & Genuss. Im wahrsten Sinne der Worte. ‚ Sie ‚ & ‚ us ‚. Die Frau gehört uns, der Gruppe, dem Wir. Die schönen wie die hässlichen Frauen, gehören niemals dir alleine, sonder der Welt, du bist wenn überhaupt nur gerade am Zug. She never yours it’s just your turn. Die schönen weil alle ran wollen, und die hässlichen weil Sie soviele Männer haben wollen wie die schönen. Der Buchstabe ‚ S ‚, welchen Ich zweimal in meinen Namen habe. ( SEAK/ Claus ), hat ja zwei Einbuchtungen, zwei kuhlen, zwei Dellen. Ein Buchstabe, zwei stellen welche gerade offenstehen. Mund offen, und gerade ein Kind geboren? Jedenfalls geht es bei meinen Gemälden parallel zum physisch Körperlichen, um Phantasie & Genuss, im Sinn von genießen, Träumen, Phantasie. Urlaub, Entspannen, lesen, Sport, Tagträume, Spielen, Spaß, essen, trinken, Konsum von legalen, und illegalen Substanzen, tanzen, Musik, Hörbücher, Filme, Serien, Wassersport, Motorsport, sich bewegen, Tiere, Haustiere, Familien Qualitäts Zeit, naschen, eine Gute Zeit haben, sammeln,…… Mein Verständnis von Genuss & Phantasie ist nur durch mein Schaffen, und malen limitiert. Kalorien, clean, jeden Tag 10-12 Stunden malen. ( 6 Tage die Woche), Hörbücher/ Youtube Videos/ Radio hören. Abends Badewanne, Glas wein, in Zukunft mal ein paar sips Whiskey, Serie /Film gucken, Bett Buch lesen. Ich würde ja selber gerne auch mehr Freizeit, Phantasie & Genuss haben, allerdings ist mir das malen am wichtigsten. Ich werde mich mal mehr mit der Phantasie & dem Genuss von Kunst Investoren beschäftigen. Mehr Phantasie würde mir gut tun, um mehr Variationen zu malen. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #kunst #gemälde #Art #painting #bottlewars #bottlepopping #DeutscheMärchen #magicwood #Zauberwald #grimmsmärchen #vivalaphantasia #Bamba #Bota #Coachella #clouddemons #supercarculture #oldtimertreffen #swingercruise #sugardaddys #superyachtlifestyle #michellinstar #kochlöffel #cigarculture #humidorlife #gastrokritiken #gastrokritiker #happyhusbandhappylife (hier: Marbella, Puerto Banus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkWYVoIS8j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dadolorian · 3 years
Diamonds and Daddies Ch 2 Whiskey X F!Reader
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A/N: Thank you again to @oloreaa​ for being my Beta reader despite not liking this Yeehonk bitch XD  And thanks to @talesfromtheguild​ for the name idea and letting me bounce ideas for this story in general off of you
Fandom: Kingsman the golden circle Ship: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Cis F!reader Warning/tags: Kink and consent discussion, Possessive (consensual) language, spanking, slight choking, Daddy kink/ DD/LG/BDSM style relationship, aftercare, fingering, P/V (protected) sex, dirty talk,  reaffirming consent/ checking in with safe word, Jack being possessive/controlling but has readers enthusiastic consent on it. 
Word count: 6K + 
AO3 LINK - coming soon
Summary: Whiskey tries Tinder, and when that doesn’t work discovers a Sugar Baby app that has him most intrigued. Jack gives his Babygirl her first punishment. 
Soft light filtered through sheer curtains, you stretched out lazily, feeling your joints pop and click. Idly, your foggy brain wondered just when your bed became this big and soft. 
You fought to drift back off to sleep as memories of last night slowly came back to you, 
          Cracking an eye open to confirm that yes, you had gone home with the sexy Daddy who wined and dined you last night. You couldn’t contain the smile on your face as you remembered everything that had happened, the slight ache between your legs reminding you of the best part. 
You turned over to snuggle up to your cowboy Daddy, only to find he wasn’t there. You sat up, disappointed and confused, looking around the expansive room for him,  reaching to his side you deduced he had been gone only a short while by the lukewarm heat left on the sheets, you listened carefully, trying to figure out just where he was. 
There was muffled shuffling outside of the room, coming from downstairs, and the delicious smell that was wafting into the room made your stomach growl.
You slid out of the covers to go explore, picking up Jack’s discarded dress shirt off the floor and throwing it on before heading off in search of him.  As you left the bedroom you heard him softly humming, a familiar country tune you couldn’t quite place. Softly padding your way down the stairs there you found him, in his open kitchen, wearing a stetson, jeans and nothing else. His back was facing you, you watched the muscles there ripple as he poured batter into the waffle iron beside him, cursing when hot batter splashed back onto his bare stomach. “Careful Daddy,” you teased, as you leaned against an island counter, making him jump slightly. 
He turned to face you with a soft smile, wiping the batter off of his front with a rag. 
“Morning Honey Bee. Did I wake you?” he asked, rounding the island to give you a gentle kiss.
You hummed at the name, it was the same one you had used on the Sugar baby App, which you still needed to delete for him. 
“Not at all, Cowboy,” you teased, flicking his stetson playfully. 
“I was hoping to give you breakfast in bed,” he drawled, playing with the hem of the shirt you were wearing absentmindedly. His other hand went to the small of your back, gently holding you to his front as he rocked the two of you slowly, dancing in place to music that wasn’t there. 
“Seems that plans out the window now, you hungry?” 
You nodded your head. “Starving. I worked up quite an appetite last night,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around him and resting your chin on his soft front, looking up at him with a giddy smile. 
He chuckled,and bent forward to place a quick kiss to your forehead. 
“That you did, I guess riding takes a lot out of you huh?” he teased with a wink. 
You rolled your eyes at the joke, but your smile confirmed to him you liked it either way.
              He was content holding you just like that, swaying gently together as if you were the only two people in existence, the only thing pulling him away from your embrace was the smell of burning batter.
“Shit, shit!” he cursed, untangling himself from your arms, trying to save what he could of the breakfast. “Damn!”
He unplugged the iron and wafted away the faint smoke with his stetson, trying to thin it out enough to avoid the smoke alarm going off. 
“Sorry, Darlin, I was trying to be all romantic and make you breakfast,” he coughed, scraping burnt batter out of the machine. “But it seems my cooking skills ain't up to par.”
“I’m just flattered that you went through the effort for me,” you smiled, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing his bare shoulder blades. 
“Of course, gotta take care of my girl,” he moved the waffle iron to the side and cleaned up the mess on the bench.
“How bout we just order something Darl? Since i’ve made such a mess of this?” He suggested, turning in your embrace and resting his large hands on your hips. 
“Sounds delightful” you hummed, standing on your tiptoes to give him a chaste kiss. 
“Here,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket, unlocking it and passing it to you.
“You open that ‘uber’ app and pick whatever you’re fancying Princess.” 
You took the phone and browsed through the app as he cleaned up what he could, deciding on the safe bet of waffle house, since Jack had seemed so insistent on making them for you to begin with. 
With the food ordered and on its way, you relaxed on the couch, waiting for him to finish cleaning up. You lay on your stomach, making sure his shirt was only just covering your ass as you flipped through a TV magazine he had laying around.
The rummaging in the kitchen eventually grew silent, shortly followed by warm fingers gently caressing up the back of your thigh to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. 
You hummed, pleased as you felt his weight join you, blanketing himself over you carefully, making sure he didn’t crush you. 
You giggled as you felt his mustache tickle your neck, where he peppered many hot kisses across your skin. 
“D-Daddy,” you giggled, wiggling in his grasp as he continued to tickle you with his facial hair. “Food will be here soon.” 
He growled, not too pleased at the idea of having to cut his playtime short before it had even had a chance to get started. 
“You’re right, Baby, we’ll have to have some fun later,” he sighed, burying his face into your neck for soft snuggles rather than the heated kisses, a change you had no complaint about either way.  “Don’t need to get all worked up before heading to the lobby. Might give a poor delivery driver a heart attack if I answer the door full mast,” he snickered into your neck. 
You rolled your eyes again at his immature humor but you were once more unable to keep your own smile off of your face. 
“We can play after breakfast though. Right Daddy?” You asked, running your foot over this strong calves teasingly.
“Mmhhhh, of course Baby, “ he said, placing another kiss on your neck. “You only have to ask and Daddy will play with you whenever you want. Unless you’re being a brat for me.” 
You hummed in appreciation at the implication.  Past Daddies had never been very...successful at the whole punishment and reward aspect of your usual relationship dynamic. Your string of bad luck when it came to your relationships didn’t just translate to the relationships with your Daddies failing, but also to how skilled they were with mixing the punishments and pleasures you hungered for. You had never been left completely satisfied in a relationship before. 
But, since meeting him, there wasn't a doubt in your mind that Jack’s ability to take care of you, to punish and pleasure you in the way you had been craving for years, would finally scratch that itch. To satisfy your hunger. You weren’t just a sugar Baby for the money after all. 
“I’ll be good for you,” you teased, breathlessly lifting your ass up into his hips, causing him to groan. 
“Teasing's not what a good girl does, Honey Bee,” he warned, using your moniker again. It was like he was reminding you of your place, something that should have been a red flag in any other type of relationship, but with Jack, it only served to turn you on more. 
“What happened to not answering the door at full mast?” You continued to tease. 
“Half mast...different story,” Jack joked, snatching his phone up with one hand to check on the progress of the food. 
“It’s on its way,” he hummed, getting up off of you carefully, gently patting your ass as he straightened up. “Should probably go put a shirt on then.” 
“Awww,” you pouted, flipping over to watch him walk over to the stairs.
“I’ll take my shirt back off when I get back with the food baby, but only if you take yours off first, Honey Bee,” he winked playfully at you before heading upstairs.
He returned from his room, now wearing a plain white T-shirt which showed off his biceps deliciously, and some fancy looking cowboy boots to complete his casual country look.  “I’ll be back with the food in just a minute Darlin,” he said, coming over to you and giving you a slow, deep kiss. “Be good.” 
You batted your eyelashes up at him, playing innocent as he took off, grabbing his keys and leaving you alone in his apartment. 
Bored without his attention and curious about him, you took the opportunity alone to explore. You hopped up off the couch and started to inspect his apartment. Upstairs you found an additional two bedrooms and bathroom , they were of little interest to you outside of their stunning views of the city, the interesting parts of his apartment were all downstairs, you discovered.  A private gym, a balcony with views of central park and his own pool! You were half tempted to jump in and wait for him to return but you didn’t want to get in trouble with him, at least not yet.  You headed back inside and were about to inspect the last room of the house when you spied through the glass door a heavy wooden desk and laptop sitting on top of it, it was his office. Remembering his warning, you loosened your grip on the handle, backing away slowly. 
“What did I tell you bout my office, Babygirl?” his deep baritone startled you, you hadn’t heard him return.    He stood in the open lounge behind you, one hand on his hip, the other holding the takeout boxes, quirking an eyebrow at you questioningly.  His question was a clear warning to you. 
“You said I can't go in there, and I remembered!” You explained as you turned to face him fully. “I didn’t go in, I stopped as soon as I realized it was your office Daddy, I promise.”
 He regarded you for a moment, searching your eyes. He believed you it seemed. “Good,” he purred, putting the boxes on the coffee table. He grabbed two plates and cutlery from the adjacent kitchen and returned to flop onto the couch with as much grace a man his age could muster.
 “Come here Baby,” Jack beckoned you with his finger, before he sat down and toed off his boots, kicking them underneath the coffee table. 
He held out his arm in invitation of a cuddle which you happily accepted, tucking your knees under yourself as you curled up to his side. He gave you a tender kiss to your forehead then served up the food onto the plates. 
“There you go, Baby,” he smiled, handing you a plate. “Wish i could have made it myself, but this will have to do for now. One day I'll make you a romantic breakfast in bed.” 
“I like that idea Daddy,” you hummed, digging into your food quite happily. “But i’m certainly not complaining about this either.”
You both sat, lazily cuddling as you ate your breakfast together, not in any particular rush to get on with the rest of the day. You finished first, putting your plate on the coffee table in front of you while you waited for him. “You might finish it quicker if you let go of me Daddy,” you teased, causing him to cock an eyebrow at you, looking at you as if you had just grown two heads. “Now why would I want to do that, Babygirl?” He asked, the arm around you squeezing the flesh of your exposed thigh. 
“I wasn’t complaining Daddy, I just thought it might have been easier.”
“I know Baby,” he kissed your cheek. “But i much prefer this.” When he had finally finished his food he stacked his plate on top of yours, picked up a blank notepad off the glass top then pulled you up onto his lap. 
“Now, Baby,” he murmured, playing with the top button of the shirt you were wearing, his shirt. 
“What do you say we get that little ‘contract’ sorted? Should be something we get out of the way before we have anymore fun together, don’cha think? I don't want to overstep any boundaries with you.” You nodded in agreement, looping your arms around his neck as he began writing. 
You found it really cute the way his brow would furrow as he wrote, trying his best to balance the notepad between the two of you and not get distracted by your close proximity. When he was done, he re-read the whole page, giving it a nod of approval before flipping it for you to read. 
You made sure to read it properly, to make sure everything was covered. It was a detailed list of all the rules you had both agreed to the previous night, with the important ones underlined for emphasis, safeword, exclusivity, communication. You smiled, giving him your approval. He then flipped to another page, writing down a list, you tried your best to read it upside down, curious as to what else he could be writing. Figuring out a few of the words you realized he was writing a list of kinks. 
He gave it another once over before showing you. 
“Like I said Princess, I don’t want to cross any boundaries with you, I need to know beforehand if you’ll be just as enthusiastic for these as I am,” he said, rubbing your thigh as you took the list and read it. “It's all fun and games talking punishment and rewards until I get to it and find out you don’t like what I'm doing to ya.” 
You took the pen from his hand, crossing out the hard no’s, leaving only your favorites on his expansive list.
Over stimulation Choking Bondage/restraints Throat fucking Spanking Slapping Riding crop Public sex Collars Toys- Plugs, vibrators, Dildos- others Orgasm denial Cock warming Roleplay - costumes Rough sex Ice Candle wax Degradation/name calling  Fisting Anal Spitting
“Perfect” you purred, handing it back to him so he could confirm what you had approved off. He grinned widely as he read it, his eyes growing dark from lust. You were just the same, already feeling the familiar sensation of your arousal pooling.
“Hooo, Honey Bee,” he growled contentedly, reading your amendments. “You left all my favorites on here.” He tossed the notepad onto a side table, discarding it and leaving his full attention on you. “Now keep in mind, those kinks are just for punishments and rewards...We can add more if we want to later, and we can explore other kinks any other time...I just need to know what you want when Daddy punishes you.” You nodded, agreeing with his words. You were exceptionally grateful at just how serious he was taking his role and control over you, making sure you would be comfortable and feel safe with everything he wanted to do with you, confirming to both of you he had your enthusiastic consent for some of the more...extreme elements of your growing relationship. 
“Mind answering a question for me, Darlin?” He asked, gently undoing the top button of your shirt.
“Of course not Daddy, ask away.”
“Got any toys at home?” His hands continued popping buttons of the shirt you were wearing, his voice was curious, with that hungry growl still hidden beneath it.
“Y-yes, i have toys,” you admitted truthfully.
“Get rid of them,” he ordered firmly, staring at your chest as his calloused hand slipped underneath your now unbuttoned shirt, pushing the shirt off of your shoulders, exposing you to him.
“B-but Daddy, they were expensive,” you whined, gripping his shoulders as his large, rough hands moved to cup your breasts.
He dragged his gaze away from your tits to look you in the eyes.
“What was that? You answering back to me already, baby?” He growled, giving your breasts a harsh squeeze in warning, making you gasp. “Your pleasure belongs to me now, remember? I decide when you get to feel good…And no toy is going to do my job for you.” He began rolling your nipples in his fingers, causing your head to fall back in pleasure. He gave you a growl in warning, a wordless command of eyes on me, and you dragged your gaze back to him, whimpering at his touches. You had started to get wet as you read his Kink list, just the idea of exploring them had started to work you up, but now, with his deft fingers and possessive words, you feel yourself getting wetter. 
“When you get home, you’re going to throw all those toys you have in the trash,” he squeezed your breasts together, still toying with your nipples. “Then you’re going to send Daddy a photo to prove it….And then, when i think you’ve earned it, we’re going shopping for some new, special toys we get to use together. For when you’ve been a good girl for Daddy…or a Bad girl.”
You bit your lip to hide the whimper at the implications, unsuccessfully. Once again he was proving just how capable he was at his Daddy role for you. He chuckled at how helpless you sounded, dragging one of his hands down your front to slip between your legs, fingers quickly becoming covered in your slick. “You’re very naughty baby, forgetting to put your panties on this morning...Only bad girls go about with no underwear,” he teased, pushing one, long finger inside you slowly. “B-But...You weren't wearing underwear last night!” You gasped, opening your legs wider to give him better access. The hand still on your tit squeezed harder. 
“Answering back again?” he growled, shoving another finger inside of you. His other hand let go of your breast and looped around you, pulling you tight up against his front, holding you in place so he could attack your neck with his mouth.  He kissed and licked, running his teeth over the sensitive skin there before growling right into your ear.  “Don’t you dare go around thinking that you can answer back to me, Honey Bee, or that what Daddy says don’t matter.” 
Your moniker, again, reminding you just what you were to him, what he was to you.
One simple name you had heard many times before, but coming from his mouth, his husky voice, it held so much power and control over you. 
The two fingers inside you pushed in as deep as they could go, curling back and forth to tease at your sweet spot. You tried to wiggle in his grasp, either to get away from the stimulation or get closer, you weren’t sure, but his grip on you held fast.
“If I say something makes you a bad girl, then you best listen...Don’t matter if Daddy does it too, you do as I say, not as I do...You’re not a big enough girl to behave like that…” he teased you, gently curling his fingers one minute then thrusting his hand into you harshly the next, fingering you as fast as he could in the position. “Thought you wanted to be my good girl?” he rasped, chuckling darkly when you began writhing in his hold, whining and arching your back, holding onto him for dear life, your manicured nails digging into his biceps as the obscene wet slaps of his hand thrusting into you joined your whines. 
His words and deft fingers had brought you quicker to the edge than you had ever been in your life. Something about the way he became so possessive and controlling over you turned you on so easily, you felt your core tighten up and more arousal seep down your thighs. 
Gripping his shoulders you whimpered out a warning that you were going to cum. He sped his hand up, thumb rubbing quick circles into your clit for one teasing moment, and right before you flew over the edge, he pulled his fingers free from you. “W-wha?” you asked befuddled, straightening back up to look at him. “Daddy why?” 
He stood up, tossing you onto the couch on your back before bringing his fingers to his mouth, moaning as he tasted your essence still coating them. “I’ll tell you why, Baby,” he said, pulling his fingers free and licking his lips as if he had just eaten the finest dessert. “You talked back to Daddy,” he leant over top of you so his nose brushed yours. “And then I find out you’re being a filthy little girl by not wearing panties…” He slapped your thigh hard enough to sting. “And then you had the gall to talk back to me, again.” 
He shoved his mouth against yours for a deep, domineering kiss. It was bruising. You could taste the faint flavor of the syrup from the waffles you shared, combined with your own juices, on his tongue. He cupped your jaw to deepen the kiss, then pulling away only when you had become lost to the sensation, driving you insane once again by denying you just as it got really heated. “Now, we’re both new to this...It’s going to take a while for us both to learn all the rules,” he said, straightening up and pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side, forgotten. He was back on you, kneeling between your legs before you could even admire his soft tummy again.  “But if I let this one slide, Baby, I fear you won’t learn the rules...If I let you get away with answering back to me, and being filthy now...Well you won’t learn your lesson, will ya?”
One hand slid back between your legs, ghosting over your soaked folds teasingly. You whimpered again, listing your hips for more contact, batting your eyes up at him in hopes to soften him up 
“But since this is a first offence,” Jack chuckled, gently pinching your clit between two fingers, “I’ll go easy on you. But don’t think those pretty eyes will work on me all the time, baby.” 
“Daddy” you whined, feeling completely helpless underneath him and loving it. “Hmmm? Now what do we think is an appropriate punishment for a first time offence?” He asked, pushing one finger back inside you, thrusting it in and out agonizingly slowly while his thumb circled your clit with feather light passes. Touching you and filling you up, but not enough to satisfy the burning need in you. He watched intently as you tried to seek out more stimulation, raising your hips up into his hand, but he put a stop to that quickly, holding your hips down with his free hand.  “Stay still,” he growled. “You take what I give you, Honey bee, don’t be greedy.”  He watched you with his head cocked, as he decided on your punishment.  “I think we’ll keep it simple,” he continued. “A spanking seems appropriate...Don’t you agree?”
Jack paused, and you realized he was waiting for a response, an approval and consent over his chosen punishment.  “Y-yes...a spanking seems fair Daddy,” you pouted, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Good” he rumbled, scooping you up and gently laying you across his lap. You could feel his erection pressed up against your belly.
You wanted it inside you, but you knew you had to earn it. One of his arms looped around your middle, keeping you still while the other was gently massaging your ass and rubbing your pussy. “Listen up, Girl,” he said, voice firm. “You are to say “red” if this gets too much, you understand?” he asked, waiting for your verbal affirmation before continuing. “Good, after each spank, I want you to say ‘I will not talk back to Daddy’. Can you repeat that for me?” “I- I will not talk back to Daddy,” you moaned, wiggling your hips to get more friction up against your pussy. “Good,” he praised again, rewarding you with more friction just where you wanted it, his palm rubbing up and down over your folds. 
“You’re going to get ten spanks...And then Daddy's going to give you a reward afterwards, if you’re good for me.”
You nodded, letting him know you understood. “I want you to count them out too,” was his final instruction as he raised his hand, bringing it back down against your ass with a hard SLAP! “O-one!” You yelped. “I will not talk back to Daddy!” He hummed in approval, you felt his erection brush up against your stomach again, twitching in the confines of his pants. SLAP! “Two!” I will now talk back to Daddy!” 
It continued, you tried your hardest to keep still with each slap, to stop rubbing your thighs together, but each slap only seemed to make you wetter, to make you want him more. Slap after slap after slap, you remained his good little girl. “T-Ten! I- I will not talk back to Daddy!”  you cried, tears from the pain running down your face. You were left sore and sensitive, but despite the pain you felt burning pleasure fill your whole body. Jack really was living up to your dream expectations as your Daddy, you were reminded one again just how perfect he was for you.
He proved himself more with how he treated you after a punishment.  
His hand began massaging your ass again, soothing the sting. Jack nuzzled the side of your face affectionately as he stroked the hand shaped welts forming on your ass gently. 
“Whats your color, Babygirl?” he asked softly, kissing your cheek. 
“G-green,” you panted, calming your breath and racing heart down. “Good, good,” he praised, carefully helping you stand on your feet, back facing him. Your legs felt like jelly, you were ready to collapse but his hands on your waist kept you standing. “You took your punishment so well, baby, Daddy is so proud of you!” He kissed the growing welts, praising you. “What a good girl you are, taking Daddys punishment. And look at this,” one of his hands pushed between your legs, coating his fingers once again in your arousal. “You’re even wetter than before...I’m not sure it's much of a punishment if you liked it that much, but a promise is a promise, you took your punishment and behaved...My little girl deserves her reward now, don’t you think?” You moaned and nodded, pushing back against his hand despite how sore you were. “Hmmmm, and I know you’re sore baby, but damn if you didn’t make Daddy as hard as a fucking rock through out all of that. Think you’ll be able to take my cock?” 
He chuckled when you nodded eagerly. 
“Course you can, you’re fucking soaked.” He stood up and gently laid you down on your stomach on the couch. You watched over your shoulder as he pulled a condom out of his pocket and began unbuckling his belt, shoving his pants down his hips. 
Once again, he wasn’t wearing underwear, the hypocrite, but you held your tongue. 
Daddy had just taught you a lesson about answering back, you weren't willing to give up your reward after all that delicious torture. “You’re ass looks fucking gorgeous covered in my hand prints,” he rasped, kicking his pants away and ripping the packet open with his teeth.  “I just want to stare at those pretty welts as I fuck you with my cock, might get a little sore again, baby...Tell me to stop and I will.” 
You nodded, letting him know you understood as he positioned himself behind you, he rolled the condom on, briefly wiping up the precum that had gathered at his tip onto his hand, he held his fingers to your mouth for you to taste. 
He groaned as you swirled your tongue around them, coating his fingers in your saliva and tasting the proof of his arousal. With the condom in place, Jack held himself at his base, rubbing his tip up against your soaked folds, back and forth. “Tell me you’ll be a good girl for me from now on,” he teased, you could hear that arrogant smile in his voice. You whined, frustrated he was holding your reward over your head so to speak. “I’ll be a good girl for you, Daddy...I won't answer back like that again!” you moaned into one of the throw pillows on the couch, holding it against your chest and face, anchoring yourself to something as you tried not to scream from frustration at his teasing. “Yeah? You’ll be a good girl and listen to Daddy too? Keeping still when I tell you to? Not arguing if I deem your behavior naughty?” 
At this point you were sure he was just trying to torture you further. “Yes! Yes Daddy! Please! I swear I'll be good, just please!” you begged. “I’ve been a good girl! Please, I just want your cock!” You didn’t care how pathetic or desperate you sounded as you begged him to fill you, he had manhandled you and spanked you deliciously, in a way no Daddy ever had before and if this was just a ‘mild’ punishment, it excited you further to think how he would handle something more extreme in the future. 
You had never been more aroused in your entire life. 
“Good girls don’t speak like that” he warned, you feared another punishment when you were this close to your pleasure that you actually sobbed into the pillow. “But I'll forgive you, you have been a good girl for me, taking your punishment so well....” he trailed off, distracted by the sight of his aching tip poking at your folds that were framed by his growing marks. He was so close to just...pushing in. It was agonizing having him so close to filling you up and you let him know. Pleading and sobbing harder into the pillow. Taking mercy on you, he pushed forward excruciatingly slow, making you sob in relief, satisfying your burning need, if only for a moment.   “You’re just so desperate for Daddy’s cock,” he rasped, enraptured by his effect on you. 
You moaned and continued sobbing into the pillow, overwhelmed to be finally filled with him. 
His guttural moan joined yours as he bottomed out, sinfully loud.The stretch of his was slightly painful, given he did not take the time to prepare you as carefully as he did the night before. But the way he split you open, was divine. He wasn’t wrong in saying you were desperate for his cock,  and who could blame you when he filled you up so good?
“Jesus, fuck, I don’t think I ever been inside a hole this wet before, Baby,” he grated, rocking his hips into you slowly.  “I can feel it, coating down our legs...Didn’t realize you were such a whore for punishment and Daddy's cock.”  It sounded like an insult, but the wicked grin you heard in his voice told you otherwise. He was delighted at the discovery of just how needy he could make you. 
You were about to comment back when he slowly pulled out of you and then thrust back in, hard, making you scream at the devastating pleasure of him stretching and filling you and the deliciously painful sensation of his hips slapping up against your sore ass. 
Jack chuckled again, beginning a steady, fast and deep pace thrusting into you. He grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you up enough so your face wasn’t buried in the throw pillow. “I want to hear your screams, baby,” he snarled, punctuating his sentence with a devastatingly harsh thrust.  He laughed at you, mockingly, as you screamed again. 
“Fuck, I love hearing your noises, baby, you sound so hot, makes Daddy even harder.”  You felt him twitch inside you as he said it, making you whimper. 
You had no words left, only able to focus on the way he filled you up and rammed against your deepest spot. The burning sting of your ass each time his hips met yours drove you wild. He moaned and growled in approval at the noises you were making, but you were so lost that you weren't even aware you were making them or what you were saying. He rambled on behind you, his raspy voice praising how tight you were, how good you felt around him. You could barely focus on his words.
“Rub your clit baby,” he ordered, the hand not gripping your neck rubbing your ass as he admired your marks. “Daddy wants you to cum on his cock...You’ve earned it” 
You did as you were told, reaching beneath you to rub yourself with a trembling arm. You could feel his balls slap against your fingers with earth thrust. And he was right, you were soaked, your fingers were able to glide smoothly over your bud, sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body like electricity.  You felt your core clamping down on him instantly, making him moan. 
“Fuck, just when I think you can’t get any tighter,” he rumbled. “You’re close, aren't cha Honey Bee? I can feel it,you’re such a perfect little cock whore for me, come on..cum for Daddy, fucking soak me even more.” You whimpered, rubbing your clit faster at his words.
“Cum for Daddy, right fucking now!” You obeyed, you felt like you were being hit by a freight train. 
His teasing and leaving you right as you reached your peak earlier, mixed with the unbearable arousal he had caused with his spanking and dirty words resulted in the most powerful orgasm you had ever felt in your entire life. You felt the wind being knocked out of you as your core clamped down around him almost painfully and milk him for all he was worth.  Your entire body contorted with pleasure, your legs shook violently as you tried to cling to anything to ride out the powerful waves.            You heard him curse behind you, slamming into you harder, painfully so given how tender your ass was but it only added to the pleasure.  He growled out his release, gripping your neck harder.  “Jesus fuck baby that’s it! Yes! Yes! Fuuuucccck!”  His desperate bucking as he chased his own pleasure as you milked him dry simply intensified your orgasm, leaving you a breathless, panting, sweaty mess as your body shook and came down from your high.  “Perfect fucking pussy.”
Even when you were done, as you began winding down from your high, every slight movement of him behind you made your walls flutter more, making you whimper from the over stimulation. 
He groaned deeply behind you as he pulled out, cooing gently at you as you whined. “There we go baby, shhhh now,” came Jack's soothing words. 
You melted into the couch, feeling like a heap of boneless jelly as your eyes started to rift close. He got up off the couch and you heard him walk to the kitchen, disposing of his condom you assumed, you were too tired to even care. You were surprised when he came back and rolled you over gently, picking you up bridal style. You let you a whimper of pain and confusion. “Shhh baby, Daddy’s just taking care of you,” he consoled, kissing the crown of your head. “Rest, let me do all the work.” He carried you upstairs, to his room, gently putting you back on ‘your’ side.
You closed your eyes, ready to drift off as you heard him rummage about in his ensuite. He came back, and you felt him gently begin cleaning you up with another warm washcloth. “Look at my baby...so beautiful,” he murmured tenderly, wiping up and down your thighs, throwing the wash cloth to the side to clean up later once your slick had been cleaned up. “You did so well, took Daddy's punishment and cock so well...What a lucky man I am.” He continued to praise you as he gently rolled you onto your front. You whimpered, your body aching and protesting but you let him manhandle you more. You heard something else rustle, then a zipper. There was a pop of a cap followed by the soothing sensation of his hands rubbing cream into your abused skin.           You whined, the cream too cold for your burning skin but he soothed you with gentle kisses peppered along your shoulder blades. “Let Daddy take care of you, it will be done soon,” he promised. With your welts thoroughly coated you sighed in content, already feeling the stinging sensation start to fade away. “There we go,” he praised, packing up what you now knew to be the first aid kit. He went to put it away and wash his hands before he returned. He moved to lay next to you, fidgeting a bit, wanting to pull you up against him but not willing to agitate your sore ass. He contented himself by laying on his side,  watching you as one hand resting on your back, stroking it affectionately and limbs intertwined  with yours. He kissed everywhere he could reach, just as he had last night, he spoke to you gently, letting you focus on his words rather than on how sore you were. “Rest Baby, when you wake up, we’ll have a lot of work to do,” he hummed. “Gonna get'cha all cleaned up, put a nice meal in your belly, make sure you’re all taken care of.” You snuggled deeper into the plush pillow you were laying on, a smile forming on your lips at his soft promises. “Then Daddy's going to have to get ya home, gonna need to get your allowance sorted, and see you get your appointment for your implant...Daddy wants you without a condom as soon as possible.” he teased, his fingers dancing on your back gently, making the flesh jump.
You whined at the ticklish sensation and he chuckled. “Go to sleep baby, i’ll be here when you wake up this time,” he murmured the promise into your ear as you finally drifted off. 
@thats-one-tender-foot​  @luminescentlily​ @nuttybeardetective​ @ishqinbbc​ @ben-is-a-hoe​ @calamity-queen​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @talesfromtheguild​
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pockcock · 3 years
No thoughts. Pussy dwelling on Erwin's fingers edging you until you're a begging mess though. (Because let's face it, we all know the calluses on his hands feel like heaven when his tongue eases the feeling soon after-)
"whore mouth" // erwin smith x f!reader
word count: 2.4k
a/n: Oh god I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYY :( This was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away... Anyways. ENJOY <3
tw// porn with very little plot. impact play. slapping. jealous!erwin. sugardaddy!erwin. dom!erwin. sadist!erwin. edging. cunnilingus. breath play. dumbification. spitting. forced orgasm. slight blood. squirting. clit slapping. slight consensual non-con (reader and erwin have a dom/sub relationship). prey-predator if you squint. usage of "whore, slut, bitch". aftercare.
Erwin isn't the jealous type in your eye. He is a confident man, he is fierce. He is the CEO of the Corps Ltd. after all. He isn't jealous, people are jealous of him.
But the look he gave you at the party made you lose your ability to breathe.
He bought this black silk dress for you a couple of weeks ago. It arrived at your door by his assistant, Armin, a pretty young boy. He reminded you of Erwin, only young and naive. You felt incredible in the fabric, it felt as if the dress was made for you and you only. Everything was right about the dress. But you didn't have any opportunity to wear it. Until tonight.
"Here we are, madam," Armin spoke, his eyes met yours from the rearview mirror. It was obvious that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes away from your beautifully exposed chest and perky nipples showing through the dress. "Mr. Smith is waiting for you inside."
You thanked him and carefully got out of the car not letting your dress go even higher. As you entered the hotel where the party was being hosted, your eyes found your pretty CEO. Surrounded by his close friends Miche and Levi, he was laughing. He was wearing his brand new black Hermes set with a gold detailed Versace tie. Then he saw you, his whole expression changed. The bright, playful eyes turned into loving ones.
"My sunshine," he greeted you with open arms, calling you in. "She is finally here!"
You walked towards him. "Traffic hold me hostage!"
A little laugh escaped his lips as he hugged you. But his words were far far away from his laugh. "Why the fuck are you wearing that?"
You hugged him, hiding your surprised and sad face in his neck. "I-I thought you'd enjoy it..."
He let you go, fixed your hair a bit. Cupping your cheeks, he said: "We'll talk about it when we go home, okay? Now let's enjoy our party." And, uh, what a bastard he is, to put the smile back into your face, he added. "You're looking like a swan."
And the rest of the night was almost perfect. Erwin introduced you as "My cup of sunshine!" to his friends, co-workers, business partners. He complimented you, let others compliment you and he even let Miche steal you for the dance and touch your bareback with his enormous hands. He let Zeke kiss your hand which was decorated by the ring Erwin gave. Everything went smoothly.
And yet, here you were, in front of him. Couldn't even look at his face because of the humiliation and mockery he possessed in his eyes.
"Tell me, princess. Why did you wear that?" he asked, emphasizing the word 'that'.
"I'm sorry-"
Your head went to your right with the impact. Your left cheek was burning and you were in shock. Did he slap you?
"I'm not asking for your apology. I'm asking for the reason."
You lifted your head, eyes filled with fear. "I-"
Another slap. This one hurt more than the other. "Stop this fucking nonsense and answer me." His voice was calm, steady. It contained no anger or fury.
"I thought..." A tear left your eye, you wiped it with the back of your hand. "I thought y-you'd like it."
Another slap. "Did you get the note I sent with the dress? I remember putting it into the box myself. I even attached it to the dress with an anklet. Remember?"
Another slap, you fell onto the ground. "What did it say?"
A sob left your lips. "I-I don't..."
"You don't what, princess?" He kneeled down. He grabbed your chin, lifting it up and looking directly into your teary eyes. "Tell me."
" I don't remember!" You screamed it out. Humiliation now took over your body, making you ache in pain. It was also creating a pool between your legs. "I don't remember, Erwin! I'm so-"
Another slap. "You don't get to say my name tonight." He took his jacket off, then his tie, he threw both across the room. He talked as he rolled his sleeves up. “You don’t deserve to say my name with that whore mouth.”
He yanked your hair making you scream in pain, he slammed you into the wall. The photos fell down, shattered. His rough hands ripped the dress’ straps, making it fall onto the floor, pooling around your feet. “I bought this for my eyes. My pleasure.” He slapped your right breast harshly. “You are mine.” He pinched your cheeks together, making you open your mouth. “That’s what I wrote, stupid whore.” He spitted onto your tongue, it tasted like whiskey and cigar. Then he covered your mouth and your nose, not letting you breathe. “Swallow.”
You did as he said. How couldn’t you?
“Open your mouth, tongue out.” He let go of your mouth, wanted to see your mouth empty. You inhaled in relief, brain too hazy to understand anything. He slapped you again. “Open your fucking mouth.”
“Erwin!” You screamed with pain again.
He laughed and let your hair go, you fell down with the sudden movement. “Your stupid brain can’t understand a word I say, right?” He grabbed you by the neck, lifting your fragile body up. “What are you good for? Oh, right! Being a whore, now I remember.”
You grabbed his forearm, nails digging into his skin. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything. You tried to push him away but he didn’t budge. The worst part wasn’t him being harsh with you. It was him being calm as usual, never shouting, never talking with clenched teeth. Even his damn expression was calm. His damn eyebrows weren’t furrowed. That scared you.
“Stop,” he said, pushing your hands away with a harsh move. You made his arms bleed a little. He looked at you unimpressed. “You never understand, do you?”
He took you to your shared bedroom, threw you onto the bed. You tried to get away, silly you, where could you go. Your makeup was a mess, mascara running down onto your cheeks as your tears left your eyes, painting your face black. Crying loudly, you screamed once more. “Please! Please don’t!” You tried to stop him. “Daddy please!”
He choked you, again, harsher this time. You held onto his arms, wishing he would let you breathe just once. Slammed your weak body into the mattress, he ripped your panties. “You’re begging me not to do anything, yet you’re soaking like a fucking slut.” Without warning, he pushed his thick middle and ring finger inside you. “See? You take my fingers like a slut too!” Amusement coated his tone. “You either want my fingers or my dick. You just want to be my pocket pussy, right, slut?” He was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow, wet noises filled the room. “Stupid whore.”
Your eyes rolled back. Everything was too much. Too much pleasure, too much pain, too little air. Your brain was shutting down slowly, you couldn’t think straight. You wanted to kiss him, wanted to beg him to fuck you with his huge cock. Wanted him to take you then and there, without preparation. Yet, the only thing you could do was to moan, like a stupid whore. His voice echoed in your brain. You got closer, his fingers curled inside you, finding that pretty spot. It was too much?
“You’re cumming already?” He mocked, his pace quickened. “You won’t. Hold it.”
Your fingernails once again found the little cuts they made previously, digging even harder as the pleasure built up. You were losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen in your body. You couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hold your orgasm, couldn’t stop him.
Erwin felt your orgasm before you. He pulled his hands away from you. “Open your legs. Ruin it. Don’t cum.”
You couldn’t.
The pleasure hit you, hit your body like a truck. With the sudden feeling of air coming into your lungs, your legs started trembling. Your whole body clenched, shaking like your vibrator Erwin bought you for your birthday. Your eyes snapped open and you felt something coming out of your cunt, wetting your legs, the bed and Erwin in front of you. You squirted.
“Fuck…” You heard Erwin cursing under his breath. His pants were soaking wet.
“D-Daddy...” You reached out for him, eyes barely functioning after the intense orgasm. “I-I’m sorry, I co-uldn’t hold it… I couldn't ruin it!”
He tsked. “Princess, what have you done?”
Your eyes filled with tears once again. You were slowly regaining your ability to think. “Daddy... I’m sorry…”
He sat next to you, pushed the hair from your face. “Shh, don’t talk…” He cupped your cheeks. “Maybe I was a bit too harsh for you.” He leaned down to kiss your puffy lips. “But you still need to be punished baby.”
Before you could protest, he spanked your clit.
“You were being a whore today.” Spank. “And you were also being a bad girl.” Spank. “You didn’t listen to me.” Spank. “But now,” Spank. “You’ll be cumming from this.”
You did. You didn’t know you could. But you did. And he didn’t stop.
“Daddy! S-Stop! I’ve come already” You tried to close your legs, the pleasure was turning into pain with each slap. “Can’t take it! Daddy I’m cumming!”
“Yes, babygirl,” He whispered. His eyes were locked into your, his pupils had expanded. “You’re cumming again. And you’ll be cumming again. And again. Until I’m done with you.”
His spanks became even faster and harder, hitting that sensitive bud throbbing in a mixture of pain and pleasure. When you opened your mouth to moan, he spitted onto your tongue once again. “Don’t swallow. Stick your tongue out, slut,” he said as his other hand caressed your hair. “Let yourself drool like a stupid whore.” His words, his actions… Everything was so complicated. Making you feel even more stupid.
After cumming another four times you were a drooling, dripping mess. You were lost your sight. Everything was spinning, the ceiling, Erwin in front of you, and you. Your breaths were unsteady, you couldn’t even hear your heartbeat because of its speed.
Erwin patted your cheek. “Don’t faint on me now, bitch.”
He smiled. “Shh, princess. I know.” His hands came down on your face to wipe your tears away. “I’m proud of you.” He kissed your forehead. “Now, I’m going to eat you out, ‘kay? I wanna taste my pretty pocket pussy.”
You squinted your eyes to see him. Your eyes filled with tears once again. Your makeup was already ruined and smudged into the sheets. “Please daddy! I can’t take-”
“Shut up, baby.” He stood up, got between your legs and pulled you towards his face. Erwin loved your pussy so much, he could live in there forever. He inhaled the heavenly scent and licked your slit, drinking everything you offered. “It’s my pussy and I chose to do whatever I want.”
You tried to push him, kick him away. Nothing worked. Erwin Smith, ate your pussy like it was his last day on earth. He ate your cum, drank your juices, sucked on your clit and fucked you with his tongue. His face was sweaty, his perfect hair stuck onto his forehead. His naked chin was now coated with your nectar. He made you cum again, leaving you breathless, sucking your soul out of your body. He made you cum, made you squirt onto his face. He was pussy drunk, couldn’t let you go. Couldn’t stop sucking your clit. He loved the way your legs trembled after each orgasm. He loved the way you screamed “Daddy!” first and when he didn’t stop you screamed “Erwin!”. He loved the way you babble nonsense trying to apologize from him. Stupid slut, he thought. And ate you out until your whole body went numb.
When he was finally done, both of you were panting. You were barely awake, holding onto nothing but trying your best not to lose consciousness. Erwin was tired, tired from eating you out, fingering you and taking your soul away from you. He got up, laid right next to you. He adored this sight; you, completely fucked up and ruined. He did this without putting his cock in you. He was proud.
“Are you with me princess?” He whispered into the night. He was being cautious.
You nodded weakly.
“Good girl,” he said. Kissed your forehead slowly he cupped your cheeks. “Can you give me a color baby?” You were using a color system alongside your safeword. It was for your safety.
“Y-Yellow…” Your voice was hoarse after all the screaming.
He furrowed his brows. He was too harsh on you. “I’m sorry, kitten.” He carefully flipped you onto your side, hugging your back tightly, he kissed your shoulder. “I was too harsh on you. I’m so sorry baby.”
A sob escaped your lips. “But you didn’t cum…”
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay. You’ve done so well. I got pleasure from your pleasure. I'm not important. You are. Your pleasure is. You did so well. So well baby. That’s what is important. I got you now, okay? I’ll never let you go. You’re my everything. I got you. I’ll never leave you.”
You stayed there, tangled together for a long time. Erwin kissed your shoulders, back and hair, his calloused hands caressed your arms. When the extreme pleasure made you clench again, he hugged you tighter, whispering. “Calm down, baby. I got you.” He made sure you were fully okay after your intense session.
His heart shattered into thousand pieces after hearing that tone in your voice. “You can say my name baby, it’s over now.”
“Erwin,” you said almost hesitantly. “C-Can I go to the bathroom? I need to pee.”
His eyes snapped open. Right, you had to. “Yes baby, let me take you there.” He took you into his arms bridal style. “And we’ll take a bath, I really want to try that lavender bath bomb you bought. Is that okay baby?”
You snuggled into his shirt, it was still wet after your countless orgasms.
After you were done with everything, you were in your marble bathtub with Erwin. A purple color was prominent in the water, making you feel safe. You leaned into his chest filled with little patches of thin gold hair even more. He was your home.
“Erwin?” you asked, melting into his touches.
“Yes, princess?”
“How many times did I cum?” You asked, lifted your head to look at him. You loved that expression. You could see surprise, confusion, calculation and answer in seconds.
“Thirty..” he furrowed his thick brows, he was counting. “Thirty-nine.” Then he realized what he said. His eyes opened up with amazement. “Oh.”
“Yeah..” you said, a chuckle left your chest.
“We broke our record!”
taggings: @maries-gallery @st-arlert (you have to read this baby, no escapes) @azazelles
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With a Twist - Part One
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLIY)
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Female!Reader
Wordcount: 2k
Tags: Kink, BDSM, Established relationship, Flirting, Eventual smut, Dom!Whiskey, Sub!Reader, with hints of, Switch!Whiskey, and Switch!Reader, A bit of SugarDaddy!Whiskey, not that reader calls him that, he’s just spoiling her rotten, Don’t worry, it’s mutual, Discussions of kinks, including impact play
Summary: When Whiskey agrees to join you on a weekend at a fetish convention, you both get more than you bargained for.
Author’s Note: Thanks to @the-chocolate-bunny​ for talking me down from the title ledge- I was stuck on that for ages!
Read on ao3
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“You sure you’re on board for this? We really can do something else this weekend, I know this isn’t quite your scene.” You’re casting nervous glances at Whiskey, who looks stiff and out of place in the hotel chosen as this year’s site for the annual kink convention and fetish flea market. The tastefully decorated and moderately upscale lobby is already full of kinksters- not that anyone is dressed “inappropriately” (there are rules, as you’d told him, not to mention basic etiquette). All the revealing outfits and… specialty gear is contained behind closed conference center doors. Still, Whiskey looks like he’s on the alert. Uncomfortable, you wonder? Or just assessing?
He takes your hand then, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It may not be my scene, darlin’- but it is yours, and I meant it when I said I wanted to learn some more about the whole kink thing.”
“This event really isn’t as sexual as it sounds,” you say for probably the tenth time after you’ve checked in. “I mean, it is, obviously, but no one is going to be walking around naked or anything. It’s basically like any other convention, except the dealers’ room is full of sex toys, the panels are about kink, and there might be a fisting demo happening somewhere.”
Whiskey raises his eyebrows but, to his credit, doesn’t say anything other than “dealers’ room, huh?”
The two of you head there after dropping your luggage in your hotel room. All things considered, it seems like the best way to ease him in. You’ve both been to sex shops, separately and together, and this isn’t much different. Well. Other than the sheer variety of products available, and the people walking around in low-key fetish gear. Before you even make it to the vendor area you have to explain several to Whiskey- including pony play.
“It’s a shame you didn’t wear the hat or some spurs today, Jack. You would have been very popular.”
“Ha, ha.”
There’s such a vast array of toys, trinkets, and products available that even you, the more experienced kinkster of the couple, are dazzled. There are plenty of concepts you need to introduce to a wide-eyed Whiskey, though he more or less takes everything in stride, whether it appeals to him or not. The one time he balks hard at something he apologizes, not wanting to make you feel judged if that’s something you might be into. It’s not, though it opens up an interesting conversation on “squicks,” and a gentle reminder that it’s ok not to be into everything that appeals to you.
The longer you explore, the more comfortable he seems to feel. Watching him venture out on his own a bit more (eyeing products, speaking to vendors, asking other people questions) is half the fun, and it frees you up to notice what things his attention lingers on. He’s so new to this scene that while he’s openly expressed interest in trying some things, there are others that have simply never occurred to him as options. Noticing that he returns time and again to a certain leather harness with accompanying strap, you make a mental note to circle back and pick it up to surprise him with later- along with a conversation about if it’s something he’d genuinely like to try. 
You pretend not to notice when he pulls much the same move on you, buying a sleek, stainless steel butt plug topped with a clear faceted “jewel” you’d been considering when he thinks you’re not paying attention. Fair enough, you think with a hidden smile. Maybe you’re both in for something new this weekend.
As fun as the “surprises” are, you think it’s the purchases the two of you deliberate on together that are the most exciting. It takes you both the better part of half an hour to decide on the exact right necklace and nipple clamp set for you, eventually agreeing on one that’s silver and subtly stylish on top, but wickedly adjustable below, allowing for the best of both worlds. 
Whiskey surprises you by leading you over to a display of handcuffs and asking your opinion on a larger pair with wide, chestnut brown leather, their stiff edges softened by a lining of undyed shearling. “They’re nice but I don’t know if they’re quite my style?”
He bumps you playfully with his shoulder. “Not for you, darlin’- I sorta meant… for me.”
“Oh! I love that!”
“Definitely. Let’s see if they’ll fit you.” You’re surprised that he’s interested in something so submissive, but happy to go along with it. He even blushes prettily when you close one around his wrist to check the size, and when you buy them for him, he makes a fond comment about his “sugar momma.” 
As you’re passing a table featuring an array of bottles, jars, and tins full of lubricants, salves, and other handmade tinctures, a petite brunette smelling faintly of patchouli offers you a sample of their popular “arousal balm.”
Whiskey cocks an eyebrow at that, but the vendor only smiles and reaches for your hand and swipes a bit of herbal-scented ointment onto your wrist while he looks on. It’s a creamy light green color with the unmistakable aroma of menthol, but the shopkeeper has judged her mixture perfectly, resulting in a sensation that’s exciting without being overwhelming.
“What’s it feel like, baby?”
You shudder at that low drawl as much as the feeling spreading over your wrist. “It’s um… tingly.” You feel heat bloom in your cheeks at the thought of that tingling sensation elsewhere and Whiskey, damn him, senses it.
A slow, feline grin spreads over his face. “That so?” With permission from the vendor, he dabs a bit more over the sensitive skin beneath your ear, sweeping it against you and down the column of your neck. He steadies you when your knees buckle at the sudden warmth that spreads like a breath, making you shiver and lean back against him. 
His hand snakes around your waist, proprietary and promising, and pulls you close as he reaches for his wallet. “We’ll take it.” 
There’s one item you’ve been lusting after since before you even met your cowboy, though your throat goes dry at the thought of outright suggesting it to him. Spotting a huge corner booth filled with handcrafted leather and fur goods, you can’t help but wander closer, drawn by the siren song of your harder kinks. 
Picking up on your evident excitement, Whiskey cocks an eyebrow. “Something caught your fancy, lover?” 
The endearment is a new one and it sends a sweet, dark thrill unfurling through you. The more time he spends in this world the more he makes it his own and that fills you with delicious anticipation. 
“What would you think about something like this?” You barely look at him as you gesture towards a display of floggers in an astounding array of choices: wood and bamboo and leather, feathers and fur, velvety suede and gleaming leather so polished you can see your face in it. Some are thin and flexible, others short and stocky, any of them capable of pain or pleasure in the right set of hands. And in a masterful grip like Whiskey’s? You shiver at the very idea. 
The moments it takes him to reply spikes your anxiety. What is he thinking? You’ve tried a little spanking before which you’d both enjoyed, but is this venture into impact play too much for him?
“Huh.” You look down, embarrassed, and try to backtrack, mistaking his reticence for reluctance. He catches your jaw, tilts your face up to his. “Hang on, sweetheart, I was just thinking-I like the idea.”
Your shoulders sag with relief. “Oh, god. I was afraid you’d think I was, I don’t know, a deviant for wanting something like that.”
He shakes his head, a mixture of love and exasperation in his dark brown eyes. “Aren’t you the one who spent all day encouraging me to explore? Why wouldn’t that apply to you, too?” 
You nudge his shoulder affectionately, muttering “yeah, yeah.” After dropping a kiss on top of your head, he returns his attention to the floggers in front of you. 
“Hmm.” He reaches out, palming the closest- and the very one you would have chosen for yourself. It’s black leather wrapped handle is about eighteen inches long, but the real draw is the other end. It’s tipped with several thin lashes in the softest suede that ripple and swish as he lifts it, and with wider strips of gray rabbit fur, so the wielder can choose between gentle, teasing strokes, sharp, sting lashes, or a combination of the two. Whiskey runs both over his fingers consideringly before meeting your eyes and giving the flogger a sharp snap against empty air. When you can’t stifle a gasp or stop your eyes going glassy, he knows he has you in the palm of his hand.
“You want this?”
You have to lick your lips before answering, hoarse and quiet, “yes.” It comes out in a breathy rush, which would be embarrassing if anyone were close enough to overhear. 
“Oh, I know you can do better than that, sweet girl.” 
You glare at him and the smug look on his face. Damn him and damn his amused, twitching mustache.
Two can play at this game. Hooking a finger through his belt you drag yourself closer, brushing up against him close enough to murmur in his ear. “I want it, Jack.” You throw down his name like an ace, watching his facade crumble as you wind your fingers around his tie. He leans into you, putty in your hands as he nuzzles your cheek- though he doesn’t give in just yet. 
“Yeah? Ask me nice.”
Fuck, both of you might combust if this goes on any longer. “Please, baby, I want you to buy that so you can use it on me tonight.” The pouting may be slightly excessive, but he moves in for a kiss all the same, sealing the deal with a quick nip of his teeth against your lower lip. 
His lips hover against your ear, his smoky voice husky and mellow as his drink of choice as he murmurs “You had enough sightseeing for the day? Because by my math I can pay for this and meet you in our hotel room in less than ten minutes.” You can feel him through his tight jeans, already half-hard, heavy against your hip. 
With one more quick glance to make sure no one’s looking your way, you glide your hand slowly over his growing bulge, making him hiss and roll his eyes. His hand covers yours, giving a brief squeeze as his cock twitches against your palm. “Shit baby, gonna make you pay for this in a few minutes,” he mutters, his eyes simmering like coals.
Unwilling to give up control just yet, you stand firm. “Make it five.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The look he gives you is positively devilish, and when you turn to go, he grabs your wrist and presses a small bag into your hand. “Be wearing this when I come find you,” he growls before releasing you. 
You manage to make it to the elevator, alone, before opening the bag with trembling fingers. Expecting to feel lace or silk, you gasp when cool steel meets your heated skin. When you open the bag wider to get a better look, the light catches on the “gem” set into the plug you’d already forgotten about. Clearly Whiskey hadn’t- and he expects to find you wearing it when he joins you in a few minutes. 
As the elevator doors slide shut, you shiver in anticipation- already wondering what he’ll do if you disobey. 
Part Two
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nolanell · 3 years
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NOLANell's Fanfiction and Fanart Recommendations
Please heed individual warnings and ratings before reading or viewing!
These are some fanfictions and fanart I have found on here that I really love and want to share with my followers and anyone else who finds my blog. This is a WIP so I will add to this as I discover more things!
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics
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Din Djarin
Everything and More by @dincrypt - SugarDaddy!Din x Female Reader AU Series
For the Night by @dincrypt - Din Djarin x Female Reader One Shot
Siren by @ezrasbirdie - Din Djarin x GN Reader One Shot
Tied by @radiowallet - Dr. Din Djarin x Female Reader (First Assist) AU Series
Come Back To Me by @magpie-to-the-morning - Highwayman!Din x Female Reader AU Series
Glimpsed by @blueeyesatnight - Grogu POV, thinking about Din Djarin. Part of a series, linked in the piece.
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Marcus Moreno
Caramel Latte by @moralesispunk - Marcus Moreno x Female Reader Series
Poorly Wired Circuit by @radiowallet - Marcus Moreno x OFC Sarah Bailey Series
Wish You Were Here by @wardenparker and @absurdthirst - Marcus Moreno x Female Reader Soulmate AU Series (NB: link is to Chapter 1)
Yes, Mr. Moreno by @toomanystoriessolittletime - Marcus Moreno x OFC Alice Baker Writer Wednesday Submission
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Marcus Pike
Read You Like A Book by @the-ginger-hedge-witch - Marcus Pike x OFC Anne Series
The Farmer's Market by @ezrasbirdie - Marcus Pike x OFC Annie Christiansen Series
The Long Con by @youvebeenlivingfictional - Marcus Pike x Female Reader Series (Complete)
Marcus & Peanut by @pintsizemama - Marcus Pike x Female Reader Series
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Pero Tovar
Driving Mr Tovar by @sirowsky - Modern!Pero Tovar x Female Reader AU Series (Complete)
In His Eyes by @moralesispunk - Blacksmith!Pero Tovar x Female Reader AU Series (Complete)
The Innkeeper's Daughter by @just-here-for-the-moment - Pero Tovar x Female Reader
Stranded Due to Weather in a Coffee Shop AU Ask - Pero Tovar x GN Reader (Part of 400 Followers Celebration)
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Javier Peña
Oops by @pintsizemama - Javier Peña x Female Reader Series
Lay It On Me by @queenofthefaceless Javier Peña x Female Reader Series (Complete)
What's The Use Of Wonderin' by @youvebeenlivingfictional - Javier Peña x Female Reader Series (Complete)
Sick Day by @quica-quica-quica - Javier Peña x Female Reader (Prompt List Ask)
At First Sight by @queridopascal - Javier Peña x Female Reader (Writer Wednesday Submission)
To Perish Twice by @brandyllyn - Javier Peña x Female Reader Soulmate AU Series (Complete)
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Frankie Morales
ForestRanger!Frankie AU by @the-ginger-hedge-witch - ForestRanger!Frankie x Female Reader AU Series
Fly Me To The Moon by @pilothusband - Frankie Morales x Female Reader One Shot
All Hail The King by @pilothusband - Frankie Morales x Female Reader One Shot
Wednesday by @asta-lily - Frankie Morales x Female Reader (Complete)
Of Cupckes and Cupid by @asta-lily - Frankie Morales x GN Reader One Shot
Frankie Dating a Plus Size Partner Headcannons by @softpedropascal (Ask Request)
Fixing It by @green-socks - Frankie Morales x GN!Reader One Shot
'Here, Take My Jacket' by @mando-forgive-me - Frankie Morales x GN!Reader (Request for Flufftober 2021)
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Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Conference Call Incident by @just-here-for-the-moment and @driedgreentomatoes (part of the Declassified HR Files Series)
'Is That My Shirt?' by @quica-quica-quica Agent Whiskey x Female Reader (Prompt List Ask)
Extra Pickles, Hold the Mayo by @absurdthirst Agent Whiskey x Female Reader (Writer Wednesday Submission)
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Maxwell Lord
Rings by @honestly-shite - Maxwell Lord x GN!Reader One Shot
When The Cards All Fold by @yespolkadotkitty - Maxwell Lord x Female!Reader One Shot
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Non Pedro Pascal Characters
Plethora by @fisforfulcrum (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] x GN!Reader One Shot for Writer Wednesday)
Poe Playing Guitar to BB8 by @clakearts (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] Art)
Stay by @the-little-ewok (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] x F!Reader One Shot)
Frogs by @gaitwae (Loki [MCU] x Reader Ask One Shot)
Loki Comforts a Friend by @theaudacitytowrite (Loki [MCU] x Reader Ask Drabble)
The Night Before Your Thesis Defence by @handmaiden-of-mischief (Loki [MCU] x Reader One Shot)
Loki Portrait by @themorningstar81 (Loki [MCU] Art)
How High by @brandyllyn (Santiago 'Pope' Garcia [Triple Frontier] x GN!Reader - part of a series)
The Godfather by @quica-quica-quica (Ben Miller [Triple Frontier] x Female Reader One Shot)
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twittytelly · 3 years
What I read in 2021 - May
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What I reblogged:
Kissing Andy Ask by @worksby-d
Sweeter Endings by @dollslayer
Dating Ransom Drysdale…by @hlkwrites
Comforting Chris Ask by @hlkwrites
So Confused by @sylvie-writes​
Andy Using His Beard Against You Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Get in Here Now! by @tuiccim
Building A Snowman With Ransom Ask by @rodrikstark
A Great Mentor: Ice Skating by @worksby-d
Steve With A Praise Kink Ask by @heli0s-writes
Talking Bodies by @angrythingstarlight
Ari And The Safeword Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Angsty Running Into Chris After A Breakup Ask by @hlkwrites
Soft Ransom Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Steve At An Event Oneshot by @imanuglywombat​
Good Girl by @worksby-d
why are you so loud by @cevansprincess
Happy Running Into Chris After A Breakup Ask by @hlkwrites
SugarDaddy!Andy Ask by @worksby-d
First Argument Ask by @stargazingfangirl18
Senator Steve And Squirting ask by @worksby-d
Being Drunk/Tipsy With Colin Ask by @rodrikstark
Brown Skin by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Guilty As Charged by @what-is-your-plan-today
Partition by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Advisement by @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Surprising Chris by @theycallmebecca
Not Alone by @itsjustmelainey
Semi-deleted Scene From The Highest Bidder by @pagesoflauren
Tutor!Frank ask by @rodrikstark
Andy Barber Getting A Haircut Ask by @angrythingstarlight
Ongoing Series: 
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It by @what-is-your-plan-today and @icanfeelastormbrewing
Rock ‘n’ Roll People In A Disco World by @what-is-your-plan-today
The Beginner’s Guide to Kinks By Steve Rogers by @imanuglywombat
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thefandomimagines · 3 years
Fic Recs!
I did a few fic recs a while back, and I wanna do some more! These are just a few of the fics I have read recently that I recommend to you guys!
Star Wars:
Not gonna lie, I’ve been on a star wars kick... I haven’t read many other fandoms as much as I have Star Wars.
Honor Among Criminals by @redandwhiteroses (Din Djarin x reader, Boba Fett x reader) I really love this one, and I’m obsessed with the idea of Crime Lord Mando and Boba Fett!
Not That Innocent by @bitchin-beskar : (Din Djarin x reader, Paz Vizsla x reader, Boba Fett x reader) It’s a foursome with some of my fave mandolorians, what more could a girl ask for? 
Scars by @aerynwrites : (Boba Fett x reader) This fic is just so wholesome. I love it.
Grant a Name To A Buried And A Burning Flame by @flightlessangelwings (Hades!Din Djarin x Persephone!Reader) This one is beautiful! I love the idea of Hades!Din. 
From What We Cannot Hold the Stars are Made by @kill-the-feels (Jango Fett x reader) This one is pretty great, considering we get to see Dad!Jango with Boba.
Cabur by @maiihemmmadness (Paz Viszla x Reader) I’m a sucker for some Paz.
Captain Solo’s Girl by @dexthtoyounglings (Han Solo x reader) I love me some Han Solo, and I especially love some jealous Han!
Change Your Name by @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction (Poe Dameron x reader) The fluff! It’s so cute!
Royal Affairs by @bitchin-beskar (King!Din x reader) Lemme tell you, I love me some King!Din.
Honeybee by @captn-andor (Din Djarin x Fett!reader) So good!
Triple Frontier:
Switch to Channel 2 by @autumnleaves1991-blog (Benny Miller x reader, Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x reader) Full confession, I haven’t seen Triple Frontier, but I love reading the fics for it, and this one is no exception. It’s so good!
Kingsman The Golden Circle:
Diamonds and Daddies by @dadolorian (Agent Whiskey x reader) What could be better than Sugardaddy Whiskey?
Seven Days of Valentines by @dadolorian (Agent Whiskey x reader) A side story from Diamonds and Daddies, but OMG the gifts and the trip!
Corpse Husband:
Make You Say Oh by @delicrieux (Corpse Husband x reader SMAU) I am a sucker for a good SMAU, this one is no different. Hilarity ensues in this one.
Bloodsucking Bastards:
Glowing by @buttercup--bee (Max Phillips x reader) I have fallen in love with Max Phillips.
Avatar The Last Airbender:
Hanahaki by @draqondance (Zuko x reader) I have recently discovered the Hanahaki disease fics and I love how heartbreaking they can get! I realize how terrible that makes me sound but sometimes fluff just doesn’t cut it.
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dilfbatman · 3 years
What r all your personal headcannons abt Bruce Wayne like ranging from supported by canon to "this is just True and you can't tell me no" bc honestly w a url like dilfbatman I want your opinions bc him <3
omfg thank you so much legend <3 i have Many an opinion on bruce here’s some of them!
- autistic/adhd king <3 infodumps about dinosaurs as much as he can to his friends and methinks him & damian are the closest when they talk about dinosaurs, space, & geology!
- soft awkward dilf! loves his kids idc what canon likes to portray sometimes bc he really does love children SO much like if the jl is interrogating/talking to someone he ALWAYS stays w the kid and talks/plays with them/holds them - therefore i genuinely believe that he would do anything for his OWN children (i don’t abide by the bruce hits his kids thing that dc has going on) he’s not good at communicating but he is like... so deeply traumatized and repressed and kinda stunted in the emotional expressions department but we do know that he feels things/cares for people VERY deeply - just not the best at showing it/comes across as disingenuous
- imo he’s a jewish-latino legend! also a bi legend! he’s billionaire playboy bruce wayne he’s fun he’s cool he’s sexy he has kissed girls and boys and good for him! he’s in love w superman rn and bruce wayne is clark kent’s sugardaddy bc no way that clark can look as good & fancy as he does w a reporter’s salary
- bruce likes to go out w his kids a lot and as much as he can i’m talking amusement parks, arcades, roller skating etc... & bruce takes a polaroid w him and at home he has so many albums just filled w pics of him and his kids! has memento boxes for each of his babies which has all their school projects, gifts they’ve given to him, and wonky mugs they’ve made in class for father’s day and he cherishes them more than anything in the world
- him and his kids will sometimes sit in the batmobile after patrol/missions and blast music and singalong like bruce used to do when he was w dick as robin :’) from 2000s classics 2 meg thee stallion... they Have the range
- gets bullied by his children every day... not a day goes by where bruce isn’t slandered by his kids. ends the day w whiskey and CRYING to alfred but little does he know that the reason his kids have so much info abt him is that alfie gossips to them literally everyday over some popcorn & soda <3 it’s everyone against bruce in this household and that’s valid <3
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dadolorian · 3 years
(Diamonds and Daddies one shot) An Angel, A devil, and a Daddy ,Whiskey x F!Reader x OFC MXFXF
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A/N: This is a colab fic written with @talesfromtheguild​ and omg guys you have no idea how fun this was to write and the ideas we shared  🥵 🥵
Huge thank you to her for the help and being willing to collab please go read her stuff. 
This is a CANON side story to Diamonds and Daddies
Fandom: Kingsman the golden circle Ship: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Cis F!reader x OFC!
 Warning/tags: Threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl) , Oral (M and F receiving) , Creampie, strap on , FXF action, MXF action, over stimulation, aftercare, rough sex, dirty talk, P in V sex, slapping, DD/LG /BDSM style relationship
Word count: 10K +  🥵
Summary: For Jacks birthday, HoneyBee surprises him with a threesome.
Your limbs ached as you rolled over and snuggled into Jack’s bare chest, your nose pressed into the crook of his neck as you pressed lazy kisses against his skin. You could feel him start to stir in his sleep, as your soft kisses began to rouse him awake. His arms wrap around your torso, pressing you closer to him. His skin is warm beneath yours, and part of you never wants to leave the warmth and safety that he radiates. 
    “Good morning.” he says, his voice a deep rumble. The combination of loudly moaning all night long, and his sleepy morning voice made his voice a deep growl that reverberated through the air.
    “Good morning Daddy.” you reply, kissing along his jawline, early morning stubble rubbed against your skin.  
Jack finally cracks his eyes open, and tips his head downwards to look at you. He smiles softly and proudly when he sees your hair is still a mess from last night's activities, and your lips are still slightly swollen. He shifts slightly in bed, and brings his hand to cup your jaw before pulling your face towards his where he gently kisses you awake. 
You pull away from him, and he openly pouts. You laugh at him before ducking back down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He tries to follow you and your sweet kisses when you pull away again. 
“How would you feel about a threesome?” you ask him out of nowhere.
Jack’s head falls backwards onto his pillow with a deep groan as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to will the naughty images his mind conjures up away. He releases a huff of air as his hands adjust their grip on your waist.     “Darlin’...” he says tilting his head to the side to look at his alarm clock. “It is 6:30 in the goddamn morning. You can’t just spring that on me.” 
“But would you be interested?”
“Babygirl, you know I don’t share.” 
“But Daddy…” 
“It ain’t gonna happen darlin’. My cock is the only cock that gets to fuck your sweet little pussy. No other man is gonna touch you.”
“Unless you got a girlfriend that wants to join us, the answer is no.” 
Your eyes light up - you’ve got just the friend to join the two of you in bed, but you school your expression and pout slightly, trying to steer Jack away from the conversation you’d started. 
“Okay Daddy…”
He rolls you over and onto your back with a devilish smirk on his handsome face. His hands hold onto your hips as some of his body weight crushes you. “Now, how about breakfast in bed?” he asks, licking his lips before disappearing beneath the sheets. 
When Jack had said he didn’t want anything and that you didn’t need to get him anything for his Birthday you felt bad. You had wanted to get him something, but for the life of you, you couldn’t think of a single thing your man could want, need or desire. Additionally, if Jack truly did want something, he could buy it himself. He was a grown man who could provide more than enough for himself - and you. Your monthly allowance was generous at most, and all the gifts and dates Jack took you on… he spoiled you rotten. 
But then you recalled that silly little conversation you had with him one morning after a long night, and you suddenly knew what you wanted to get Jack for his birthday, and you knew exactly who to call to help you out. 
It hadn’t taken much to convince your good friend Taylor to join in on your plan. In fact, Taylor was on board before you even finished asking your question. When she had agreed, you explained to her how Jack liked things - your relationship was heavily based in DD/LG roleplay, and he liked being able to feel all of you without a condom on. 
Taylor wasn’t surprised at this information - she’d been on the Sugar Baby app you used for years, and had been with many daddy’s, and baby’s, and had been a part of many, many fantasies. Getting to join you with your Daddy was something Taylor was looking forward to. She was curious about your himDaddy, what with you constantly talking about him and how great he treated you, and how well he fucked you. To say she was curious about him was an understatement. 
After she had agreed to yours and Jack’s terms, you made sure to get everything in order. You had Taylor tested to double check she was clean, she was already on birth control so you didn’t have to worry about that, and finally you took her shopping. You were going to go all out on lingerie for Jack’s birthday - after all your Daddy deserved the best. 
When you had arrived at the fancy lingerie store, you were greeted by Amy, one of the sales associates that had been a good friend of yours and always knew what to put you in to make Jack drool. 
“What are we going for today?” Amy asked with a coy smile. She had been a Sugar Mama long ago, and knew what suited you and your Daddy’s tastes. 
“We’re just browsing today. Birthday surprise.” you’d told her. 
Amy winks at you, and tells you to call for her if you need her help before she slips away to help another customer. Together, you and Taylor walk through the lingerie store, browsing for something that Jack would like to see the two of you in. It feels like you wander the whole store and find nothing that feels right to wear as a gift for Jack. 
With a dejected sigh, you look over the tops of the racks for Taylor’s dark head of hair, before you spot  her on the other side of the boutique. You weave your way through the racks before you come to stand beside her. 
“What about these?” she suggests, her hand running over a vibrant red silk bra and matching panties set. Your hand reaches out to run over the material, and you’re surprised at how soft it feels under your fingertips. Your head cocks to one side as your eyes land on a separate yet similar looking set just a foot away, and an idea sparks inside your head, remembering one of Jack's favorite kinks to explore with you. Stepping away from Taylor as she grabs the red silk number, you reach outwards and grab onto the set that caught your eye. You spin around with a devious little smirk on your face as you reveal what caught your eye to Taylor. Her own wicked smirk bloomed across her face as she eyed the lingerie in your hands. 
“Oh you little devil.” she teases you. 
“You’re the devil,” you teased back, sauntering off to find some accessories that would really finish the look off. 
Jack was in for one hell of a birthday surprise.
When Jack stepped inside his apartment, and dropped his keys on the hallway table, he didn’t notice the trail of rose petals leading further into his home at first. He only noticed the silence that greeted him.  By now his Honey Bee should have been leaping into his arms, as you always did when you heard him return home from a long day at work.             Curious, he took off deeper into the apartment, not finding you in the lounge and kitchen, he knew you had something planned for his birthday, so to not have you jumping on him the second he got home concerned him. There was no way you would go out at this time, surely? You knew not to head out without telling him. He was extremely protective of you and you’d be punished if you didn’t follow the rules.  As he neared the stairs, ready to search the bedroom, he finally noticed the petals. He chastised himself in his head, how a secret agent didn’t notice something so obvious in his own home was beyond him.     The annoyance he felt at his lack of observational skills was quickly overruled by a growing heat in his stomach as it clicked in his mind as to what the petals could mean.     He had no idea what you were planning, but he was excited nonetheless, all he knew was his precious little baby had a surprise for him, and that was all he needed to know. He slowly ascended the stairs, undoing his tie and throwing his jacket to the side as he walked. He followed the trail with his eyes, his smile and cock growing as his eyes were led up to the bedroom door. He paused at the door, hearing some soft, muffled moaning coming from the other side. He growled to himself, picturing you lying on the bed, legs spread wide, pleasuring yourself, as much as the idea got him hot and bothered, you knew the rules, and pleasuring yourself without his permission was a sure fire way to earn his ire. He didn’t bother knocking, intent on catching you in the act, and it was his home and his bedroom after all, instead he opened the door slowly, and let his eyes follow the petals right up to your shared bed. His eyes widened in surprise and lust at the downright sin before him.           His precious, innocent little girl laid out on the bed, wearing nothing but a frilly little white get up, that sight just by itself would be one to instantly make him hard. But no, you weren’t alone. 
Your hands clung to the hips of a woman he had never seen before, the two of you seemed unfazed by his presence, too distracted by each other's tongues as you kissed one another.
The strange woman, who was wearing a matching outfit to yours in red, opened her eyes and looked over to him, she smiled into the kiss, keeping eye contact with him she started trailing her hand from its place on your hip to between your legs, making you moan loudly. 
That made him snap out of his daze finally, he growled and strode towards the bed, stopping at the foot to watch you two more closely. 
“I don’t think this is what good girls do, ain't that right Honey Bee?” he rumbled hungily. 
You jumped, truly having been too distracted by Taylor to notice Jack come in. Your lips left hers and you stared up at him, batting your eyelashes at him, trying to feign innocence. 
“D-Daddy,” you whimpered, caught. “We were just-”
“No excuses,” he cut you off. A large hand trailed up the length of your body, stopping at your chest. Firmly, he pushed you onto your back, his eyes trailed down your body to take a good look at what you were wearing. A new set he noted, as his fingers traced the edges, white and frilly, just how he liked it, with fluffy angel wings and a matching halo to really finish the look off.  He leant over you, kneeling between your legs and nuzzling his face into the side of your neck, he peppered it with teasing kisses before wandering up to your mouth.
His lips ghosted above yours, you could feel the heat of his mouth on your kiss swollen lips,, he was so close, but as you leant up to kiss him he pulled away enough to stay out of your reach. 
“I come home, after a long, hard day at work, all I want to do is spend some quality alone time with my Honey Bee, on my birthday, instead, here I find you, breaking my rules, playing with a friend you didn't even ask me if you could invite over,  and making excuses?” 
He slapped your thigh before straightening up, eyes now focused on Taylor who had been patiently waiting beside you. 
“Now, who might you be Gorgeous? “ he asked,  his voice softening and letting his gaze wander over her form, admiring the matching outfit she wore, red, with little devil wings and tail in place of your halo and wings. 
“Taylor, Daddy,” she purred, stretching out on the bed, a playful smile gracing her red painted lips. 
“Taylor,” he repeated, trying it out. As much as he tried to keep the stern facade up, he couldn’t help mirroring her smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, although I would have much preferred it if we could have met when I wasn’t upset with my Baby.” He emphasised his point by slapping your thigh again, rubbing it soothingly straight away and ignoring your startled cry. 
“I-i was trying to surprise you, for your birthday Daddy,” you mewled, whimpering again when he glared down at you. 
“Surprise me you did Honey Bee, but that don’t mean you have permission to break Daddy’s rules,” his fingers danced over your covered core, tutting when he found you wet. “Getting yourself all worked up without Daddy’s permission? I’m disappointed Honey Bee.” 
“B-but that was Taylor-” 
He cut you off with a hard slap to your covered pussy.
“Don’t you blame your friend when you’re the one who invited her and started playing with her!” He snarled. “You know the rules!” 
He turned to Taylor again with a sigh. “I’m sorry you have to see this Gorgeous, I think I’ve been spoiling my Honey Bee too much if she thinks she can behave like this.” His eyes didn't leave her face, but he began rubbing up and down your core as he continued to speak to her, ignoring your pleas and mewls as you writhed between his touch. “I want you to know I ain’t blaming you for her behaviour, you’re a guest in this house and I don’t expect you to know all the rules, but I do expect her to follow them.” 
He leant forward towards her, until his nose was touching hers. 
“Can you be a good girl for me and tell me who’s idea it was to start playing?” 
Taylor swallowed and nodded.
“Y-Yes Daddy, it was me, it was my idea,” she admitted. 
Jack hummed and closed the small gap between them, locking his lips to hers. 
Taylor moaned and you whined, jealous of the attention and praise your Daddy was giving her. 
Jack broke the kiss , giving her one last peck. “Thank you for being truthful with my Darlin, instead of pushing the blame onto someone else like a bad girl,” his gaze drifted back to you as his sentence ended with a growl. “What are you whining for huh?” 
You pouted up at him, refusing to answer. 
“Quit being a brat and answer the question Honey Bee,” he warned. 
“I want a kiss too,” you sniveled. 
“Good girls get kisses.”
“But Taylor just admitted she started it!” You whined. 
“We aint going over this again Honey Bee, you know the rules, she doesn’t. She’s a guest in this house and she told me the truth, so she gets a kiss.” 
You huffed and crossed your arms, turning your head away from him in annoyance. 
“I really do spoil you too much Honey Bee,” he sighed, pulling you up into a sitting position. “One kiss, you get one,” he said sternly, finger raised in warning before dipping his head to finally kiss you. 
You moaned, your perfectly manicured fingers raking through his hair as you attempted to deepen the kiss. If you only got one you were determined to make sure it was a good one. Normally Jack loved to tease you with his tongue as you kissed, but he denied you entrance as you tried to deepen it. He growled, warning you as you attempted to push your tongue past his lips for a third time. He pulled away from you far too quickly. “Sit up on the bed, both of you,” he ordered, hands trailing up and down your back. 
You nipped at his jaw, ignoring the instruction and kissing your way down his neck, making little marks appear on his skin, as Taylor moved to sit on the bed like he asked the two of you to do. 
“Angel…” Jack’s voice drops low, the sound sending shivers down your spine. “My little devil is behaving better than you are right now. I think she deserves all the rewards you were going to get tonight.”
You pulled away from him just slightly to stare up at him, with big doe eyes. Jack’s cock throbbed in his pants as he stared down at you, and your innocent expression. Both of his hands came to cup the side of your face as he pressed a single chaste kiss to your lips. 
“That look won’t work on me sweetheart. You’ve been a brat since I stepped in the door. Bad girls don’t get rewards.” he says, his eyes staring deep into yours. 
“But... tonight is supposed to be all about you.” you said, breaking out of the bratty submissive role you’d taken on for the night. You really wanted Jack to have a good birthday, and you didn’t want to ruin it in any way. Shitty birthdays sucked, and you didn’t want Jack to remember this birthday as one you had messed up. 
“And it will be. Right now, Daddy wants to punish you for your bratty behavior.” Jack reassures you in a soft voice, telling you that everything between the two of you was okay.
Taylor sat in the middle of your shared bed, and watched the two of you as she bit her lip. It was obvious to see just how much the two of you cared for each other, how much it went beyond the dynamic the two of you had arranged and agreed to. Shifting her weight around, Taylor felt honored to share your bed for a night. What the two of you had… it was something Taylor hadn’t seen in a very long time, and she was proud to see you had found something so precious with Jack.
“Honeybee, you’re gonna sit right here,” Jack ordered you, pointing to a spot right next to Taylor on your large bed, “and you’re gonna watch as I fuck your friend with my tongue.” 
You whined at the thought of just sitting there and watching, but this was a punishment and you don’t wanna disappoint your Daddy. Positioning yourself comfortably on top of the sheets, you tucked your legs beneath your body and settled directly next to Taylor. At the foot of the bed, Jack watched patiently as you sat down and looked at him, waiting for any other instructions he might have for you. When he’s satisfied with where you’re sat, he turns his eyes to the woman casually lounging on his bed. 
“Darlin’, as good as you look in red, I bet you look better naked.” he said as he gently reached out and ran a hand upwards, letting his fingers drag over her skin from her ankle to her hip. 
His hands gripped her hips tightly, but not painfully, and dragged her down the bed slightly trying to bring her closer to him so he could reach her easier. His fingers play with the little straps on her garter belt, before hooking one finger underneath the elastic and letting it snap back against her skin. Taylor moans softly in the back of her throat as her thigh stings slightly. 
“Fuck.” Jack exhaled as he stared down at Taylor. As much as he wants to just tear her lingerie off and fuck her senselessly, Jack wants to take his time with her, wants to show his baby what happens when she breaks the rules and acts like a brat. Everything he’s going to do to Taylor is what he could have done to you instead if you hadn’t disobeyed him. 
Jack’s hands wander to the clips that hold up the garter belt, and slowly he begins to snap each elastic band against Taylor’s skin before unclipping them fully. His hands moved to the belt those straps were sewn to, and unclipped it, pulling away from her body and tossed it somewhere within the bedroom. 
You whine loudly as your eyes are glued to Jack’s hands as they roam over Taylor’s body as she mewls and hums softly at his touch. His hands ran over her ribs before coming to cup her breasts. You can see Jack’s eyes darken as he tests the weight of Taylor’s breasts in each of his hands, loving the way they feel in his palms beneath the silky red fabric they’re confined behind. Taylor’s back arches off the mattress, pressing her chest farther into Jack’s hands wanting him to touch more of her. 
“Relax sweetheart, we’ve got all night.” Jack shushes her as he pulls her bra downwards, exposing her hardened nipples to the cold air in the bedroom. 
“Daddy,” Taylor whines as Jack’s hands return to her breasts. He leans over her and takes one of her dark, pebbled nipples into his mouth as his thumb tweaks the other one. 
Jack shushes her as he lets go of her breasts and moves his hands downwards. His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her scandalous panties and pulled them down her long, toned legs - legs he wants wrapped around his head as he eats her out. His cock throbs beneath his pants, aching to be touched by either of the two beautiful women in his bed. He wants to touch himself, but he can wait a little bit longer before he gives in to what he wants. 
Jack brings Taylor’s wet panties to his nose and inhales her scent. His eyes fall closed as he moans. His eyes open slowly, and when he looks at you, he smirks. “Kitten, open your mouth.” Your mouth opens a moment later, and Jack shoves Taylor’s wet panties into your mouth, gagging you. 
“There. Maybe that will shut you up for a while.” he growls. 
You taste the tang of Taylor’s arousal on your tongue as he stuffed Taylor’s panties into your open waiting mouth. To say the action doesn’t make your pussy drip would be a total lie. 
Jack turns his attention back to Taylor, drinking in the way she’s spread out for him. In the soft glow of his bedroom, he can see just how wet she is for him. Her folds glisten with her arousal, and Jack wants nothing more than to sink his cock into her. But first he has to start your punishment. 
“Don’t touch her.” Jack warns Taylor, nodding his head towards you. Taylor nods at his words. 
Jack crouches over Taylor, and brings her mouth to his, in a hot searing kiss. Jack adores how soft her plump lips are against his, but he prefers you and your kisses… if only you hadn’t been such a brat. Jack’s kisses trail down Taylor’s body, kissing every expanse of skin he can find. He draws a nipple into his mouth again and gently nips at her flesh when he pulls away, making Taylor gasp out as pain flares beneath her skin. Jack smirks against her skin as he soothes the sting of his teeth with his wet tongue before he repeats the motion on her other breast. 
His mouth travels down her sternum before stopping just above her aching pussy. His shoulders spread her legs wider as he settles at the edge of the bed, crouching down to hover above where she wants - needs him most. 
“You want this, right baby?” Jack asks Taylor, wanting another confirmation that she has fully agreed to this night with the two of you.
“Yes Daddy. Please fuck me with your tongue. Please - I wanna cum for you.” she pleads with him, her dark brown eyes locking with his. 
Jack’s mouth hovers over Taylor, as he breathes in her scent. With one hand splayed over her stomach, he uses his thumb to brush over her clit. Taylor gasps as her body jerks slightly, before calming down again as Jack continues to rub circles over her bundle of nerves. 
You shift on your knees when you begin to feel your toes falling asleep, and Jack cuts his eyes to you in warning: don’t fucking move. Your body stills instantly as you lock eyes with him. Your chest heaves as you watch him move closer to Taylor’s spread thighs. 
His tongue spears into Taylor’s pussy. He smells her. He tastes her. He devours her. His hips arch forwards and he bumps his hard clothed erection against the end of the bed where he’s knelt on the floor.
“Oh fuck babygirl.” he snarls into her, humming, not breaking away from licking into her for even a second. His nose bumps against her clit, making Taylor pant and moan and gasp his name like a prayer. His hands clawed into her thighs, his hot tongue curling and lapping up her arousal, shrewd wet sounds of his sucking tongue and mouth fill the air around you all. It’s filthy.
Taylor’s legs tremble beneath Jack’s hands, but he keeps them anchored down. His nails dig into her thighs, tugging her closer into his face. She can feel his tongue exploring every inch of her, dipping and prodding.
You smirk as you watch them together, watching as Taylor’s face pinches up in pleasure and her fingers dig and grasp at your bedspread, trying to ground herself on something. You knew how skilled Jack Daniel’s tongue was. 
Taylor’s moans fill the silence that settled over the bedroom as Jack sucks and licks into her, working her open with his tongue. Taylor can feel the damp path of cloth beneath her ass, and it only turns her on more, knowing just how aroused she is right now. She raises her head off the mattress and looks down at Jack, seeing his dark eyes gleaming up at her, watching as she writhes beneath him. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment before they fly open again when Jack laps at her clit again. She can feel that pulsing energy knotting in her abdomen, coiling tighter and tighter, rushing her towards her impending orgasm. 
“Oh Daddy…” she warns breathily. Her thighs threaten to clamp down around his head, as her hands fist the sheets below her. Jack’s tongue spears into her again as his thumb rubs tight, harsh circles against her clit, driving her towards her orgasm.
“Can - Can I cum Daddy?” Taylor gasps out. Jack hums into her, not giving her an answer.
“Please Daddy! Lemme cum for you. Please let me cum. Please, please, please, please.” she begs again. Jack hums against her again, the vibrations stimulating her nerves more. She feels her thighs tremble more, and before she knows it, her body arches and convulses, shuddering as her climax blindingly powers through her.
She cums violently fast and loud. Jack’s tongue never leaves her as he drinks down every drop of cum her body gives him. Her orgasm had successfully coated his mouth and chin in her arousal, he loved how her pussy drooled for him. Taylor collapses back against the cool sheets and pants heavily, trying to catch her breath and revel in the feeling of her first orgasm of the night. 
Jack licked his lips and wiped off the remainder of Taylors arousal with the back of his hand. He sighed contentedly as if he had just eaten a five star meal. 
“Now Honey Bee,” he said, turning his attention back to you for the first time since he started going down on Taylor. He pulled the soaked panties from your mouth, tossing them to the side for now.  “Can you prove to me you can behave? Prove to Daddy you can be a good girl?” 
You nodded desperately, fingers itching to relieve the burning need inside you, but not willing to risk another punishment. You did want to be a good girl for him, to make his birthday memorable, to please him. 
“Good,” he purred, a wicked grin on his face as he stood up and rounded the bed to the headboard. He started unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to the side along with his undershirt, leaving his torso bare to you both. 
He settled down on the bed, back leaning up against the pillows and headboard, and beckoned the two of you over with the crook of a finger, chuckling as the two of you scrambled over to him. 
“There’s my good girls,” he praised, unbuckling his belt and shimmying his pants down his hips just enough to free his aching cock. 
You pouted up at him, noting he wasn’t wearing underwear again. He caught your pout and chuckled again, giving you a cocky wink, ignoring your displeasure and teasing you further about your continuing disdain over the underwear ‘argument’ you kept having..
“Come on now Honey Bee, prove to me you can be good. Show Taylor here just how Daddy likes his cock sucked.” 
Wanting to be obedient and finally earn Jack's touch, whether it be by his hands, cock or tongue, you batted your eyelashes up at him, maintaining that eye contact he loved as you lent forward and began scattering soft, feather light kisses up and down his length. 
Your eyes stayed on Jack but you held out one hand to Taylor, who took it and allowed you to drag her closer, placing her dainty hand on Jack's balls. 
He groaned above you, head falling back into the pillows and you hummed proudly, loving how you could reduce him to a mess just as often as he made you. 
Taylor took initiative and bent forward, taking Jacks balls into her mouth at the same time you had taken his tip into your mouth, sucking and playing with your tongue. 
A flurry of curses left his mouth as he tried to suck more air in, overwhelmed by the double, startling sensation. 
“Jeesus fuck! Givin me a heart attack!” he gasped, snapping his head forward to watch the two of you intently. The visuals only added to his pleasure, two pretty girls servicing his cock, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes, he wanted to cum just at that. 
You wrapped your hand around his base and began pumping him as you took him further and further into your mouth. Since your first time together, when you had struggled to take his cock any further than halfway down the two of you had spent a lot of time practicing. 
Now, now you were able to take him all the way, having spent many hours with him learning how to suppress your gag reflex enough and widen your jaw, it was still a struggle, but the moan he gave you when your lips reached his base made it all worth it. 
“That's it, there we are, you’re my good girls,” he rasped, praising the two of you as his hands grabbed the back of your heads, holding you in place as he savored the duel experience of his cock in your throat, and balls in her mouth. 
His hands trembled as he took deep breaths to ground himself, to not give into the pleasure so early into your attention. Since the moment he had opened the door to his bedroom Jack had been more aroused than he could ever recall being in his entire life, not even when he was a teenager and first discovered porn could compare. 
“Honey Bee,” he moaned as the hand he had on you slowly snaked down to grip your throat. Something he loved to do every time you managed to deepthroat him was to grip you lightly, so he could feel the bulge of his cock move up and down your throat as you took him. 
You began moving for him, concentrating on breathing through your nose as he lightly choked you with both his cock and his hand, squeezing lightly every time he felt the bulge in your throat pass by his palm. 
He spread his legs wider for the two of you, giving Taylor more access to his balls as you sped up your pace. 
“Look at you Darlin,” he cooed softly at you, admiring how your mouth stretched around him, saliva leaking from your lips, coating him.
 “Your tiny little mouth can barely take me, but it feels so, so, good.”
You mewled around his length, soaking up his praise, the vibrations it caused traveled down his length, his balls tensed up and he hissed in pleasure. 
“Knew you could be a good girl for me...You’ll do anything for my cock wont cha? My perfect little cock slut.”
He always knew what to say to turn you on more, your pussy throbbed again, you wanted more than anything to make him proud, to earn the reward he always gave you after each punishment, his cock. Having it in your mouth was just further torment, reminding you just how big he was, just how well he would stretch you out. 
“I’m in heaven,” he sighed, stroking Taylors tight curls affectionately as she swirled her tongue around him, causing him to buck up into your mouth and making you gag.  
He growled as you tried to back up. “You can take it, you were made for my cock,” he encouraged, tightening his fingers around your neck to stop you from backing away. 
You calmed yourself down, trying not to struggle in his grasp, focusing on your breathing so you could take him deeper once more. 
“That's it, what good babies.”
Both you and Taylor moaned at his words of praise, his thighs shook in an effort not to keep bucking up into your mouth, his entire cock throbbed and pulsed and the moans that poured from his mouth were downright sinful. He was so lost to the feeling his head fell back again, unable to watch the two of you without blowing his load. 
You were so distracted and aroused you didn’t even register the feeling of your own hand trailing down your stomach and between your legs. Only when you let out a high pitched keen at the relief your burning core got did you realize what you had done, as your fingers pushed up against the covered folds of your pussy. Your eyes shot back up to Jack, who was now staring intently back at you.
“You better not be touching yourself Honey Bee,” he rumbled. 
You snatched your hand away and let him fall from your mouth with a pop. 
“I’m not!” you lied, throat raspy from taking his dick, and from the hand still choking you. 
His balls left Taylor’s mouth with a wet slurp as she sat up to watch the interaction. 
He groans at the loss on his cock, but is far too focused on you to complain. He drops your throat and grabs your wrists, pulling you up to him. 
He pulls your left hand up to his mouth, maintaining fierce eye contact with you as he pulls the fingers into his mouth, tasting them. His tongue plays with your fingers, it was warm and you couldn't help but imagine him using it to pleasure you. 
Satisfied he doesn’t taste your arousal on you he drops the hand and he repeats the action with your right one, he closes his eyes in pleasure at the taste, groaning as your slick coats his tongue as it teased your index and middle fingers. 
Then when realization hits him his eyes snap back open burning into yours as he growls, as much as he adores your taste, he was disappointed at you for breaking another rule. 
Your fingers fall from his mouth and he firmly pushes you away. 
“Breaking a rule? And not only that? Lying to me about it?” He sounded angry, you should be scared, but the rough timbre of his voice and heated tone only sent more arousal flooding out of you. As enraged as he sounded, you knew it would just mean more pleasure for you later on when he deemed you had learnt your lesson. 
“I’m sorry Daddy!” You pleaded, trying to crawl back to him. 
“No Honey Bee, I don't think you are!” He growled, pushing you away again, his arm looped around Taylor, bringing her flush against his torso, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. Showering her with the affection he would normally reserve for you. 
“You just have to keep acting like a brat tonight! Just can’t stop showing off in front of your friend, wanting to act like a cool, big girl is that it?” His hand fisted her curls to pull her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Ignoring you and your distress as his tongue mixed with hers. She moaned and you whimpered, missing your Daddy's kisses, he was trying to make you jealous and he was doing a damn good job of it. 
“Think you’re wearing the wrong costume,” he panted to her when they broke apart. “Think my little brat over there needs to be wearing this little Devil get up, and you need to be in that Angel one,” he murmured into the skin of her neck, showering kisses upon her skin, just the way you liked. 
He continued to ignore you, distracting himself by making out with Taylor. He pulled her into his lap properly and began grinding his hips up into hers, one hand gripped her ass and the other kneaded her breast gently.
She mewled and whimpered into the kiss, rocking her hips back onto his, his cock rubbing up against her soaked folds, with one little change in angle he would be sheathed inside her. You were mesmerised, enraptured by the image of this tip of his cock leaking, so close to pushing inside her and stretching her out. 
How you had never envied another person more in your entire life. 
You yowled like a cat in heat, trying not to rock your hips into the bedsheets to chase that far off relief, you knew you weren’t getting any anytime soon, but you were trying so hard not to anger him further and delay your pleasure even more. 
Your pathetic little whine caught his attention, dragging his gaze back to you, eyebrows raised in surprise as if he had forgotten you were even there. 
“Honey Bee,” he drawled, rolling Taylor’s nipple in his skilled fingers as he kept eye contact with you. “You’re going to sit there and watch as Taylor finishes what you started. No, don't give me that look.” He continued to glare at you as he helped Taylor widen her legs, better to take him with. He cooed at her affectionately and praised her, telling her what a good girl she was for him as he notched himself at her entrance and slowly pushed inside of her. 
You glare at Taylor and Jack as you sit on the end of the bed, watching as Jack tosses his head back against the headboard as Taylor takes all of him inside her dripping pussy. Your pussy throbs between your legs, just beggin’ to be touched. You watch Jack intensely as his face contorted in pleasure, his eyes clamped firmly shut as he enjoys the warmth of Taylor’s body. Shifting slightly on the bed, your hand moves beneath your panties and your fingers brush against your clit. You will be in so much trouble if Jack catches you touching yourself right now, but the ache between your legs and the relief your fingers give you is enough to spur you on, to keep you going. Whatever punishment Jack will give you will be worth it in the end. 
You remain quiet, which feels like an impossible task, as your fingers rub circles over your clit, and lightly dip inside your folds as you gather your slick. Your breath stutters in your chest as you rub your clit faster and harder, trying to match Taylor’s pacing as she rocks her body against Jack’s. Wet slick sounds fill the air and combine with their moans as Taylor rides Jack, their bodies making the bed rock roughly. 
Sinking your fingers into your aching pussy, stretching you just slightly, you sigh happily. Your fingers could never compare to Jack’s - two of your fingers equaled one of his, and no matter how many times you tried to replicate the feeling of him inside you, it was never the same - but having something to ease the ache between your legs is a relief. 
Your legs tremble slightly as you increase your pacing, rubbing furiously against your swollen aching clit as you pump two fingers inside yourself. You can feel a tight bundle knotting and twisting in your stomach, clamping down tighter and tighter as you race towards your own orgasm. 
Glancing at Taylor, you watch as she stares at you with a hungry gaze as Jack fucks up into her.  Taylor’s body falls roughly against Jack’s thighs as she tries to drive his cock deeper inside her, desperately working towards her release. 
“Can you cum for me baby?” Jack asks, his lips trailing over her jawline.
Taylor whines, unable to answer him.
“Come on baby, answer me.” 
“I - I can. Can I cum for you Daddy? Please? Lemme soak your cock.” she begs. 
Jack’s arms wrap around her as he growls, and he uses his strength to hold her down as he cums inside her. Taylor’s moans and Jack’s growls fill the air as they both revel in their highs - Jack filling Taylor with his cum completely as Taylor clamps down tightly around him, her cum gushing out of her and running down his cock before dribbling over his balls. 
Your orgasm washes over you before you know it, and a high pitched but soft whine leaves your swollen lips as you cum around your own fingers, your cum soaking into your panties. Your eyes connect with Jack’s as you come down from your high, and you can’t even enjoy the feeling of getting to cum before you realize your mistake - you’d been too loud. 
“Honey,” Jack sighs in a disappointed but satisfied voice, “can’t you wait your fucking turn?”  He sighs again as he stares at you and the mess you’ve made of your panties.
“If you wanna cum so badly, then you’re gonna have to work for it.” Jack growls.
 Jack’s hand travels over Taylor’s arm before sliding down her back, where he cups her ass, and kneads the flesh beneath his fingers. He shakes his head disapprovingly as you pull your hand from between your legs, and stare at him with scared and innocent eyes. “Taylor and I are gonna have to punish you now babygirl. You didn’t follow the rules of your punishment.” 
Jack swats Taylor’s ass, nodding with his head for her to get off the bed, and he follows suit. When the two of them are standing, he wraps his arms around her, and hungrily kisses her, moaning against her mouth. Jack could see how a man could get addicted to her - she was sinful like the devil himself. 
“Taylor, baby, go into the closet and on the top shelf is something I need you to grab for me. Can you do that for me?” he asks her when he pulls away and draws in fresh air. 
“Of course I can do that for you Daddy,” she quickly agrees, looking over her shoulder at the door leading to his walk in closet. 
When she walks away, Jack turns to you, his eyes dark and hungry. “Now, Princess…” 
He moves to the end of the bed, and roughly grabs your hips. His hands move across your skin, ripping and tugging at the lingerie clinging to your body, tearing off yet another brand new set . When you are semi-bare before him, Jack wastes no time in groping your breasts before dipping his head down to suck a pebbled nipple into his mouth. Your back arches as you shakily inhale, trying to get more of his warm mouth on your skin. His mouth leaves your breast as one of his hands grabs your wrist and brings it towards his mouth. His tongue laps over the fingers you came on, and drinks down the taste of your arousal. 
Taylor reappears by Jack’s side with a long box in her hand. Jack’s mouth and hands leave your body just as quickly as they appeared. You whine at the loss of his touch, but shut your mouth when Jack sends you a warning glare. 
“Here Daddy.” she purrs. 
“Thank you baby.” Jack says as he takes the box from Taylor and presses a kiss to her cheek. 
"Now this was for your birthday…” he said, regarding you again. “Yeah I remember that kinky little fantasy of yours...but I think this is going to be put to better use tonight." Jack explains as he opens up the box, and reveals what’s inside. 
It’s almost comical the way your eyes widen and your mouth drops open when you realize what Jack holds in his hand. Taylor smiles coyly at your reaction, buzzing with excitement as she takes the packaging from him. She pulls out the harness and slides it over her legs as she steps into it adjusting the buckle so it sits snugly against her hips. 
“Now babygirl, this here is the Royal Mustang, and from the way you’re lookin’ at it… I think you want it.” Jack teases you. Taylor’s hand wraps around the dildo, and takes it from Jack’s grasp. Her eyes lock onto yours as your eyes follow the strap on, and she licks a long, broad stripe up the fake cock before sucking on the tip just slightly, covering the silicon in her saliva. 
“Oh my god.” you breathe out. 
“God can’t help you honey.” Jack tells you. 
“How do you want us Daddy?” Taylor asks Jack. He looks away from you and wets his lips when he sees the strap connected to the harness she wears. 
“Damn you look good.” Jack breaths out. “Taylor, baby, you’re gonna fuck our little angel until she cums on that toy. And then I’m gonna fuck her before she has anytime to recover.” 
Taylor leans in and presses her lips against Jack’s before pulling away with a satisfied smile. “I like the way you think Daddy. Can I fuck her however I want?”
Your eyes dart back and forth as you watch them discuss what they’re going to do to you, like you’re not even here. A wave of arousal runs down your spine and pools between your legs at the thought of both of them fucking you silly. You’re a little nervous that your body might not be able to handle both of them with no recovery time, but you’re also excited and eager to get started. If this was your punishment for being a brat - especially when a friend joined you - then you were going to have to disobey the rules more often. 
“Turn around Honeybee.” Taylor orders you, a more dominant side of her coming out to play. Your pussy clenches at her tone, and at her words, and you blink stupidly at her for a moment. 
“Turn. Around.” she orders you again. You flip your body over, resting your weight evenly across your knees and elbows. You feel her settle behind you, the tip of the strap on rubbing through your slick folds, roughly bumping against your clit with each teasing rock of her hips. Your head drops down against the sheets as Taylor presses the head of the toy against your entrance, and slowly - oh so fucking slowly - breaks you open. 
You can’t stop the wanton cry that leaves you lips, and is muffled by the sheets below you. Taylor’s hands grip your hips, and run over the curve of your ass, before roughly pulling you flush against her hips, driving the toy deeper inside you. The Royal Mustang stretches you in ways Jack doesn’t, and it makes you pant heavily beneath Taylor. Her hands roam across your skin, and she moans when her hands snake to the front of your body where her fingers brush against your hot and swollen clit. 
“That’s it Taylor, get her nice and ready for me.” Jack purrs somewhere behind you. You can’t quite tell where he is in the room, but you can’t quite bring yourself to care either. 
You can feel yourself clenching down tightly around the toy as Taylor continues to rock her hips to your ass, refusing to draw the toy out of your pussy more than a few inches. Her fingers rub against your clit in tight circles, and you’re surprised at just how quickly your body reacts to the things she does to you, in the few short minutes she’s been inside you. 
You were getting close, the need for release building inside you more and more, until you were rocking your ass back against Taylor’s thighs, trying to chase and reach your release sooner rather than later. Taylor’s fingers press a little harder against your clit, and suddenly your orgasm blindsides you. 
You cry out, the sound you made echoes loudly around the room. Your legs shake as Taylor pulls away from you, but you have no time to catch your breath before Jack takes her place. He grips his cock, and runs it through your cum soaked folds, enjoying the way your warmth coates his length. He bumps against your clit one or twice before sinking inside of you. 
Your head drops against the sheets again as he bottoms out and gives you a second to adjust to his incredible size. Jack groans behind you, and digs his hands into your hips, trying to drive himself just a little bit deeper inside of you. 
“You’re so very wet baby. So full of your cum. I can feel it, thick and hot around me.” Jack remarks in a grunt. He pulls outwards and begins to drive into you at an almost brutal pace. 
You whine aloud like you’re slowly being slaughtered when he hits your cervix, and you’re certain you can see stars behind your closed eyes. Jack’s eyes are focused on your pussy and how it swallows his cock with such ease thanks to the orgasm you wrongfully gave yourself and the one Taylor took from you. Along with his own release and Taylor’s cum, the way he’s able to slide in and out of you so easily nearly makes his brain short circuit. Jack closes his eyes and grits his teeth - if he looks any longer at the sight below him, he’ll cum too soon. Jack fucks into you for a moment, before slowing his pace until he stops, completely sheathed inside your wet, tight heat. 
“Taylor, toss that toy in the sink in the bathroom, and then lay down in front of our little angel. She’s gonna make you cum again before she gets to.” Jack demands. 
“Don’t you wanna cum Daddy?” Taylor asks from behind you. You can hear the clink of the harness being adjusted as Taylor shimmies out of it. 
“Oh I’ll cum darlin,” he reassures her. You hear her feet pad across the floor towards the bathroom, and a second later Jack thrusts into you. “Right.” another thrust nearly makes you fall forwards on the bed, losing your balance. “Here.” 
Your pussy clamps down on him tightly at his words, and what they imply. You will never get enough of him cumming inside you, filling you up with his cock and his cum, of him making you feel full and completely satisfied like no one has ever done before. 
Taylor’s body settles in front of you, and Jack gives you time to work out how you want to eat her out. She settles against the pillows, and spreads her legs for you to settle between them. You waste no time, diving in to taste her cum and Jack’s too, savoring the way she openly cries out at your actions. Her hands grip the back of your head and tug roughly on you as you lick into her. 
Jack begins thrusting into you, each forceful push forwards, sends your face and tongue a little deeper into Taylor’s pussy. You rest all of your upper body weight on one arm, and bring the other upwards, before sinking two fingers inside Taylor. She gasps and moans loudly as your fingers press against her walls, searching blindly for that sweet spot that will get her to cum. 
As soon as you find it, she cries out, and you can feel her clamp down on your fingers as her cum gushes from her pussy and runs down your fingers and onto your hand. 
Jack slaps your ass, once and then twice as he fucks into you, his hand landing firm against your flesh. The sharp slaps he gives you makes your flesh sting, a few tears escape you, your mascara running down your face just the way Jack liked. 
Leaning down, Jack snakes a hand around your torso like Taylor had done earlier, and furiously rubs your clit. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum all over this cock and show me how sorry you are.” 
Your head swims as your body gets completely lost in your pleasure. Your orgasm sweeps through you, the feeling so powerful it feels like you’re no longer in control of your body. Jack’s thrusts slow down as he cums deep inside you, coating your walls with his seed. You can feel it in  your chest, the unending spurts of his hot, thick cum filling you completely. 
You collapse on the bed when Jack pulls out of you, and you’re certain the two of them had fucked you to within an inch of your life. You know you’ll be sore tomorrow when you wake up. Sore and very hungry.
Jack watched the two of you lay panting on the bed, clinging together as your bodies shook from the aftershocks of your orgasms. He wants nothing more than to join you on the bed, collapse and cling to the two of you, but he had a job to do. 
He had never been quite so harsh with you, sure he had been pretty physical with you when you had been a brat before, times like that usually ended up with a spanking or some other physical punishment, but he could tell this time you were much more emotionally raw from the experience, having him ignore you in favor for your friend may have been all part of the fun, but he knew you well enough now to know you needed his reassurance and care after such an intense physical and emotional session. 
He began by making sure you were both comfortable, gently pulling off the remaining fabric the two of you wore, Taylor’s fancy straps and stockings were removed and the tattered pieces you still had clinging to your form followed.
 Carefully he lifted Taylor up, ignoring the slight twinge in his back, humming to her when she snuggled up in his embrace, and carried her back up the bed to lay her down properly. 
He repeated the action with you, depositing you gently on the other side of the bed, kissing your cheek as you mewled in protest of being moved. 
“Shhh Honey bee,” he soothed. “Let Daddy take care of you.” 
He dashed to his ensuite to gather two warm wash clothes ready to clean you both up the way he did with you every time you played with him. 
Taylor purred and thanked him with a kiss, considerably more alert than you were currently.  He cleaned up your ruined mascara before moving to clean up the mess between your legs. Your over-sensitive body tried to wriggle from his efforts helplessly as he cleaned the cum covering your thighs and his seed that had begun leaking out of you . Gently he held you in place so he could make sure he cleaned you up enough to sleep comfortably. 
“Awwww Honey Bee I know, I know , you’re so sensitive,”  he soothed, brushing the hair that clung to your face from sweat out of the way with his free hand. 
He kissed his way along your jaw as he cleaned you up to distract you. Once he was satisfied with that he threw the cloths into the sink, joining the toy before he sauntered back to bed. He pulled open the bedside drawer on your side, taking out the cream he keeps there just for times like this. He popped the cap and ever so gently soothed each of the slaps he had given you, he felt a pang of guilt at your pained whimper, but he knew just how much you enjoyed it, shaking off that brief feeling. The cream was shoved back into the drawer, ready to be used the next time you needed it.
 It was too hot for sheets, Jack decided, the three of you were more than sufficient enough to warm each other up. Carefully he crawled into the middle of the bed, pulling your exhausted body to his side, resting your head on his chest as his arm held you protectively. 
He held his other arm out to Taylor in invitation, allowing her to decide if she wanted in on the affection too, he was pleased when she rolled closer to his, mirroring your position on his other side. He gave her a quick, gentle kiss.
“Thank you very much for agreeing to this tonight Taylor, it was an absolute pleasure,” he purred into her ear. She giggled as his breath tickled her. 
“You’re quite welcome, Daddy,” she hummed, snuggling into his warmth and closing her eyes. “I’ve been quite curious about the two of you for quite a while...I couldn’t quite believe her when she told me about her ‘perfect’ Daddy. But it's quite clear to me now...You’re everything she’s ever wanted.” 
Jack's heart skipped a beat at her comment, he glanced over to your sleepy form, who was looking up at him with hooded, sparkling eyes. 
You thought to keep them open, to bask in the afterglow the three of you were sharing for just a little longer.
“Baby girl, Honey Bee,” Jack hummed, kissing the top of your head. “You did so well, so well,” he buried his nose in your hairline, kissing you tenderly wherever he could reach. “This was the best birthday ever, thank you so much Darlin, no one’s ever gave me something quite so amazing.” 
You teared up, still raw and overwhelmed by his praise. 
“Really? You liked it?” Your voice cracked. 
“Darlin, Honey Bee, I loved it!” he cheered softly, reassuring you. “And not just because I got to have sex with two beautiful ladies, you clearly put so much effort into surprising me and making tonight special.” He sighs in contentment, pulling you closer so your head settled in the crook of his neck, he rested his chin on the crown of your head . “You didn’t have to, but the fact that you did, just for Ole Jack, I know I say this every time Sugar but I really feel like the luckiest man in the world with you. “ 
You felt a few tears escape you and trailing down your cheek,onto his neck. 
“I hope those are happy tears Darlin,” Jack cooked, stroking your arm tenderly. 
“They are,” Taylor sang, joining Jack's affections and rubbing your back soothingly. “You make her happy. Happier than i’ve seen her in a long time.” 
“Well, that goes ditto for me then,” Jack smiled, giving you another kiss to the top of your head. 
“Rest up girls,” he yawned. “When we wake up, we’re ordering some real unhealthy food and snuggling on the couch with a movie till you both are feelin’ better.”
Taylor lifted her chin, about to protest, knowing her, she would insist on going home so you can Jack you have some alone time.
“Nope you’re joinin’ us too Gorgeous,” Jack cut off whatever thought she was going to say. “S’ only manners that I make sure you’re taken care of too.” 
You smiled proudly, he was ever the gentleman. 
“Fine, I wont complain about that” Taylor sighed,settling back down. 
“Happy birthday Jack,” you purred before letting yourself drift off. 
Tag list 
Diamonds an Daddies:
@thats-one-tender-foot  @luminescentlily @nuttybeardetective @ishqinbbc @ben-is-a-hoe @calamity-queen @phoenixhalliwell @talesfromtheguild @the-arctic-violet  @jeeperky @mando-amando @Finnisrioting @officerbrowneyes  @eli-the-thinker
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Chapter 8
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo… a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter - reader confronts her abusive ex boyfriend.
Author’s note: ANGST! Mention of an abusive relationship although I've tried to gloss over it as much as I can. Sorry this chapter was a long time coming. I'm so happy that people are enjoying Sugar and Spice.
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"I think," Maxwell swallowed. "No. I know. I know that I've fallen deeply in love with you."
You swore your heart stopped at his revelation. Hand still cupping his cheek, you looked deep into his glazed, honey brown eyes and saw nothing but the truth. The man who had rounded his career on lies and greed loved you. You felt your throat dry up, searching for words but not knowing what to say. Maxwell looked at you too, his soft eyes beginning to cross in bewilderment when you didn't say a word. He wished so desperately that you'd say something, anything. The last person Maxwell Lord said 'I love you' to, was his father. You couldn't leave him hanging.
You wanted to say it back, you wanted to so desperately tell him the truth— that you loved him too, because, you did. You hadn't confronted your feelings, you hadn't realized it fully until faced with your current situation. But now everything made sense. The jealousy, the lust, the need for affection and the want to be cared for.
Fate brought you both together. Running from an abusive relationship, getting almost kicked out of your apartment, and finding yourself in the expansive office of Maxwell Lord the IV. You thought you were going for an assistant position but instead you found yourself as his sugar baby and now… now this only complicated everything.
"Max," you whispered and he closed his eyes slowly, one final year falling down his cheek. Your gaze flicked between him and the almost finished bottle of whiskey on his desk. He'd been drinking at the gala and he'd been drinking when he got home therefore it was for certain that Maxwell was not in the right state of mind at all. "Do you want to go to bed?"
"You don't love me," Maxwell tried to ask but it came out as an embarrassing croak. "Of course you don't." He regretted the words immediately after they fell from his lips. He was so sure that he had ruined everything and things would never be the same again.
What was wrong with you? No matter how much you wanted to tell him you just couldn't. "Max," he admired the way his name fell from your soft lips. You continued to smooth his hair out of his face and he hummed in contentment, his eyes still closed. "You're so sleepy. Please, let me take you to bed." you whispered and Max barely moved. You called his name one more time and he opened his eyes the slightest. You pulled him up and wrapped an arm around his body. Despite him being much bigger than you, you somehow managed to navigate the drunk and hurting man the corridor and into his master bedroom. He slumped onto his king sized bed and you gently tucked him under the blankets. He mumbled something incoherent, reaching out and making grabby fists. He wanted you.
"Lay with me," he mumbled, trying to pull you down on top of him. You wanted to but you weren't even sure if you could stay at the penthouse after his revelation. You hadn't even shared a bed with Maxwell, and now suddenly he was requesting that you lay with him?
"I have to go." you whispered, running your fingers through his hair and pushing his bangs out of his face.
"No." he mumbled, but he was already half sleep. You planted a gentle kiss on his forehead before stepping back.
You had genuine trouble trying to process what just happened and why it happened. Maxwell trusted you. He shared with you a family secret that nobody else knew, and all because he was in love with you. You were perplexed.
Before you could leave his bedroom, you were greeted with your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a mess, your ballgown was ruined and your makeup was tear stained. You padded into Maxwell's closet and took out one of his shirts and tailored suit pants. That man desperately needed to get a pair of normal casual clothes and fast. You tried them on, not minding the way they fit your body. You could've gone all out, finding a belt or a pair of suspenders to clip onto the light grey pants, but you decided against it. You pushed your hair out of your face and padded into the en-suite to wash your face. You didn't look much better, and you figured you probably just need a good night sleep. At least this way, no one would recognise you. You were almost certain the press would still be walking the streets looking for you and Maxwell. You actually kinda liked wearing Max's clothes, although there was no doubt in your mind that they looked better on him than you.
The streets were freezing and filled with thick snow. You regretted not taking one of Maxwell's suit jackets or warm winter coats but nevertheless you shivered all the way home. Your feet were like bricks of ice by the time you got back to your apartment. As you walked up the flights of stairs, digging into your purse for your keys, you were greeted with an unwelcome visitor. Tristan.
"Maxwell Lord," he deadpanned, standing in front of your door. You paused, looking at him hesitantly. "What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" Tristan snarled.
"What do you mean?" you asked innocently.
"You were on national television!" Tristan accused. "You and him, and a bunch of other snobby business pricks. Bruce fucking Wayne too… and the president!"
You rolled your eyes. "Tristan, it's late. Please move so I can enter my apartment and go to bed." You reached out to press your key into the lock when Tristan's large hand grabbed your wrist, his fingernails digging into your skin. You winced, trying to flinch back but he wouldn't let go, and suddenly the memories came flooding back. "Tristan," you gritted out. "Fucking let me go."
"I sold your apartment." Tristan spat.
"What?" you gasped, tears filling your eyes. "But I paid rent!"
"You're fucking around with Maxwell Lord, aren't you?" He growled.
"Who I fuck around with is none of your business! Now. Let. Me. Go." you tried pulling yourself away from Tristan but his grip around you only tightened. You squealed when he slammed you into the door. "You're going to wake the neighbours." You hissed trying desperately to keep your cool. You didn't want to seem weak. You weren't weak. You had this under control.
"Let's go somewhere more private then." Tristan smirked, dragging you unwillingly to his own apartment and locking the door behind him. "Now you tell me right now what the fuck is going on between you two."
"Or what?" You snapped back. "What the hell are you gonna do?"
"Is he your boyfriend?" Tristan quizzed.
"He's a friend." you glared at him, backing away everytime he took a step bearing you.
"A friend," Tristan repeated with a scoff of disbelief. "Just like you said on television."
You wondered how much of the gala and the interview outside had been televised but now wasn't the time to ask questions. You knew Maxwell had the power to rid you of Tristan. If he knew about the awful things Tristan had done to you and the way he had hurt you… well, Tristan may as well have had a death wish.
"Jesus Christ Tristan can you just let me go home?" you sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
"I knew you were struggling with rent. I knew you had been laid off from work and it's Christmas coming up… if you had just told me you were struggling I would've made a negotiation." Tristan shook his head shamefully. "But no."
"Negotiate?" you questioned in disbelief. "You're a fucking manipulator!"
"And you're a fucking whore!" Tristan screamed, towering over you, his cheeks turning bright red with rage. "You know, I really didn't think you had it in you. Fucking around with some big CEO who thinks he's a hotshot."
"And what are you supposed to be?" you exhaled shakily, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. His words stung. "Maxwell… he cares about me. You never gave a shit about me."
"You think he cares about you? You seriously think Maxwell Lord cares about anyone other than himself?" Tristan barked. "He has you wrapped around your finger. I thought you were smarter than this."
"You don't know him the way I do." you smiled bravely. Fuck, you really did love him. And you needed him now more than ever. You knew that he was just a phone call away and if you told him you were in danger he would come running to rescue you with his whole team of security. If only you had just stayed with him. If only you had just decided to lay next to him, curled up in his arms in his warm bed.
"So you are fucking him?" Tristan scrunched his nose up and looked at you with disgust. He double checked the door was locked and put his key in his pocket before walking over to his bedroom. "You can sleep on the floor like the whore you are." Tristan laughed before going into his bedroom and shutting the door.
Once he was gone, you were left standing in the middle of your ex boyfriend's apartment feeling small and helpless. You didn't know what to do or where to go. You didn't even have Maxwell's number memorised so you couldn't call him. You let the tears free fall as you glanced between the locked door and the windows that you knew you couldn't squeeze out of even if you tried. You were trapped in a place that has brought back so much fear, and you didn't know what to do. You didn't know what tomorrow would hold.
You could barely sleep, the December cold hanging over your body like an icicle. You would give anything to be in the warmth of Maxwell's penthouse. God, you'd give anything just to be with Maxwell. You needed him.
The next morning, Maxwell woke up groggy, and his butler, Kenneth, was already waiting by his bed holding a platter of French toast, cup of black coffee and a glass of water. "Good morning sir," he greeted. "Your hangover breakfast, as requested."
Maxwell rubbed his eyes and shuffled upwards in bed as Kenneth placed the silver tray on his lap. It smelled delicious but he couldn't help but wish you were there to share it with him. He imagined you laying next to him in bed, giving him sleepy kisses while Kenneth presented you with your favourite breakfast meal; waffles and berries. The perfect life.
That's when Maxwell remembered. He practically three the breakfast on the floor and dived out of bed, still in his clothes from the night before. He caught a glimpse of your gala gown in the entryway of his closet and his heart sank in his chest. The memories came flooding back. He told you he loved you, but he didn't remember you saying it back.
"Have you seen Y/N?" Maxwell asked hurriedly, trying to weigh up what time you must have left. He quickly tore open his shirt and grabbed a clean one out of the closet.
Kenneth stood there awkwardly watching his boss work up a frenzy. "Uh no sir," he replied. "So I gather you won't be eating breakfast?" Kenneth's gaze flicked from Maxwell to the mess of French toast and spilled coffee that was sure to stain the cream coloured carpet.
"Shit no, sorry Kenneth. Could you call Jeeves and have him drive me to her apartment? I have to see her." Maxwell asked as he buttoned up the top of his dress shirt.
"Right away sir, but there's something I think you must see first." Kenneth swapped out the usual business newspaper that Maxwell would read for a glossy red-top tabloid magazine.
"You know I don't read that bullshit." Maxwell sighed, quickly combing his hair and trying his best to style it into place given the stressful circumstances. He wasn't going to forget to spritz his cologne either.
"Sir…." Kenneth drew out again, flashing the cover in Maxwell's direction. Maxwell caught a glimpse of it and his heart stopped. Front page was an image of you trending through the thick snow in the dead of night wearing Maxwell's clothes. The headline was explicitly disgusting, shaming you in every way possible. Maxwell's lips parted as he drunk in your appearance and he was horrified as he read the mean words the journalists had wrote about you.
"She cannot see this. I want you to buy every copy of this god forsaken tabloid and have them all destroyed. You understand?" Maxwell ordered, slamming his black business credit card into the chest of Kenneth. "Get the rest of the house staff to help you and do it fast."
"No worries sir," Kenneth smiled. "Jeeves is waiting for you outside."
Maxwell nodded appreciatevely as he tied his shoelaces. "Thanks."
"Sir?" Kenneth asked timidly.
"Yeah?" Maxwell asked, semi breathless.
"When you're with her, I see your face light up. I see the same happiness in you that I once saw in your father." Kenneth admitted and Maxwell's heart blossomed at the comparison. "When you get her, please don't ever let her go."
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added)!
December Magic: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @thisisthe-wayson @this-cat-is-dea @blonde2bomshell @maiyaaaa0130 @autumnleaves1991-blog @justanotherblonde23
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
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