#Scribbled Thoughts
knbpoetry · 4 months
I was running on empty
Trying to fill your cup
I gave you all I had before
You gave us up.
I never asked for anything
Except for love and loyalty
But you gave less than one to me.
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justscribbledwords · 1 year
i think karma is not always for the things we have done in the past but also for the things we are going to do. i think it was karma that she broke your heart even though she knew how much she meant to you because the universe knew you were going to break my heart even after knowing what you meant to me and ignoring it like it meant nothing….. like i meant nothing
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bluemartiann · 9 months
I write all these words about you and I wonder if you'll ever know them.
I wish you do.
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robertjw4688 · 11 months
I leap between
lines of life wherein a
combustion engine pushes
towards birth.
Atrocities are
filtered through pulp and
neon into
dandelion wine.
I am a beggar, nestled in
a pen's dried nib
yet still writing thorns
into hands cradling
burnt crosses.
Robert J. W. (7-5-23)
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splinteredthoughts · 3 months
Aight, ya asked for it!
Currently in the process of reworking an old sona to be a full-on oc of their own. It wasn’t really a ‘me’ anymore, so I wanted to give her her own shine and dazzle.
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Here she is! Originally, the only thing I had for her was that she was a shark-themed villain version of a self-insert named Nora. She had little to no story as a villain, and no exceptional powers except for enhanced strength and breathing underwater.
Now, I have thoughts about her! Her new name is Frenzy. She lives in Deluge, a city protected by a few big heros, and some smaller heros, but fought over constantly by villains. Instead of being one of the big fish, Frenzy is more on the rogues side of the villains, stirring up trouble and doing small crime on more of a for fun basis than anything else. Her powers mostly lie in her enhanced speed and strength, but she also has some control over water. Not enough to be on the level of ATLA’s waterbenders, but just enough to bring in a thick fog or to make it rain. It works as a cover for her misdeeds. Frenzy also occasionally works as extra muscle for the bigger villains if they need more manpower on bigger jobs, or just to use her for scary dog privileges.
Between the bigger jobs and being paid by other villains, Frenzy gets on pretty well. Her tail and fin make it hard to blend in with the civilian population, so she doesn’t have a lot of freedom to roam about during the daylight hours. Luckily, she doesn’t need to. Frenzy had a young villain that she had taken under her wing/was training. His name was Phoenix (I’ll whip up a doodle of him later, he’s ✨new✨). Unsurprisingly, his powers are speed and pyrokinesis. Phoenix stayed under Frenzy‘s protection for years, until he made a sudden switch to being a hero and has started to fight her, just because he realized how much more profitable it would be if he had the people of Deluge behind him instead of against him. That ambition is going to get him killed.
Phoenix is the reason that Frenzy is getting reworked at all. I honestly hadn’t thought of her in years, but then Phoenix popped into my head and took it hostage for Frenzy. She barely had a personality beforehand, but now I know that she’s an action first, think later kinda woman. She stays as one of the more unpredictable rogues because people won’t mess with her as much, and she loves the way that her reputation and appearance frighten others. Frenzy will not hesitate to destroy months or even years of hard work if it starts to become a problem for her. If she has soft spots, she’s hidden them well.
I haven’t quite worked out the power system of this world yet, but when I do I’ll have a better explanation of the shark tail than ‘I think it looks cool’, but that’s all I have for now!
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hiddleschick · 1 year
Upon the night a certain darkness falls
despite the glows of yellow, crooked grins
that line the red brick porches and the walls
with endless, silent laughter on their chins.
The sudden blackness sweeps the earth in silence
a flooding ink that saturates all sight
creating expectations for a violence
that grow with each slight flickering of light.
A rustling tree, a fleeting silhouette,
or fallen twigs' popping snaps! and cracks!
momentarily make little ghouls forget
about the caramel apples in their sacks.
No darkness is as blesséd or as cursed
as the darkness of October thirty-first.
- L.B.B.
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proseandfolklore · 11 months
The tears we shed or the unshed tears are just devotion kept safe within that didn't let out, love that was never expressed through words and gestures but now leaking out overwhelmingly through weepings and wails. In sobs, there is sheltered affection and appreciation that could have made the difference, but now all they do is lament. All the grief and mourning are scraps of tenderness and proof of how much we loved someone and how much we still do and will keep on loving even if they are not here anymore. In their absence, how much we long for their presence.
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lamourest-bleu · 8 months
I shrunk myself down so much; hoping that in my meekness and minuscule size, you would put me in your pocket and still keep me around
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euesworld · 1 year
"Words flow to paper like waves, oceans of emotion falling like rain, scribbled and inked like tattoos on my warm flesh, rippling puddles of passion softly etched, pooled in my soul to the rhythm of my breath.."
Words.. they fall from my lips like stars across the night with a hint of hope that they may provide light - eUë
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the-modern-anthem · 1 year
Does this loop ever end?
I told myself I would change, and yet everyday I wake up in a loop, doing things I have been doing all along. Some days, I feel like a prisoner, chained and bound to the circumstances.
But they said, I have the power to break free, but mentally, I have no strength. The loop will suffocate me if the circumstances do not change.
I struggle against the chains, breathe desperately looking at the burning sky, wishing I were a bird taking a flight. Does this loop ever end?
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dear--void · 2 years
Sometimes you don't want to feel anything at all because all there is to feel is pain. And for a while, you just want to un-hurt.
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knbpoetry · 3 months
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I loved you 🖤
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justscribbledwords · 1 year
my mom only speaks in tongue that talks about weightloss success stories and i am always the unsuccessful one
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bluemartiann · 8 months
So I watched you just being there, buying groceries, and though I was right next to you, I had to look away.
I looked away because only other thing I could do was fall in love with you.
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robertjw4688 · 11 months
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Morning, I listen
to punk rock and drink coffee.
Trapped writings break free.
Robert J. W. (7-6-23)
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splinteredthoughts · 2 months
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One of a group of ocs that are infesting my silly little brain.
I’ll talk about Creach later.
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