#Praying that the cousin obsession ends soon
dianaatrevor · 2 months
can't even remember the last time i posted here, let alone about this particular subject, but the little cousin has become obsessed with tvd (how on earth did that show become popular again) and so i've been stuck watching a few episodes with her and, lol, amazing how mister "my whole life i've never gotten the girl poor me" is even more pathetic on the second watch.
But more seriously, the writers screwed up so bad when it came to that relationship. Like, they could have had Elena's transition into vampirism actually be chaotic af instead of simply making it all about Dam0n's pain. Have her be hardened by the loss of her life and future as a human. Have her be resentful towards the whole world because she did everything right and in the end she still died so what was the point of being good? Why should she follow the rules? Why couldn't she enjoy being a vampire? And there comes Dam0n who absolutely thrives on that lifestyle and encourages these dark urges in Elena and gives her the freedom she feels denied when following Stefan's rules and that is what ultimately leads to their break up because she's going down a path he can't follow, not because she had the hots for his brother.
And she's distancing herself from her family, she's distancing herself from her friends, she sleeps with Dam0n out of her own free will, she loses herself in this new experience and the intensity of her emotions as a vampire, which in turns makes Dam0n let go of what little restraint he was capable of around Elena's circles - it's dark and toxic and freaks everyone out , but none of it matters because Elena is eternal and human life is so fickle, barely a spot in time - until one day Elena crosses a line that snaps her out of this state and makes her realize how close she was to turning it all off and becoming a monster.
And so she tries to make amends with her loved ones. She tries to make amends with Stefan. She ends things with Damon. She's slowly healing and finding herself again when Jeremy dies and it makes her turn her emotions off.
Season 4 ends with Elena saved, Damon becoming human and bam!, we're back with the love triangle from hell.
It's honestly funny how little care actually went into building DE's relationship. It's all about Dam0n's manpain. Elena's just... there I guess. They have passionless sex. They fight. They have sex again. The end.
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macapacaalpaca · 1 year
About me
I’m so late to the party doing this but better late than never! Thanks for the tag @cariantha
Are you named after anyone?
No, my name was actually a very last minute decision. My parents planed on me being Emma all along but when I was born there were 5 other babies in the ward and 4 were called Emma so they changed their minds 😂 My dad went home from the hospital the night after I was born and picked Kayla out of a baby name book, and here we are
When was the last time you cried?
As far as I remember it was probably at my uncle’s funeral at the end of last year, or some of the days after that. I said the eulogy and kept it together the entire morning but as soon as I got outside the door of the chapel I was sobbing. That being said, I did cry tears of joy on Christmas Day when my cousin told me that he and his wife are expecting their rainbow baby this summer!
Do you have kids?
No, I’m definitely not at that stage in my life yet. My fertility problems have been the biggest heartbreak of my life but showed me that I definitely do want to be a mama one day. I pray that when the time’s right I’ll be able to have my own little miracle 🤍
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes and I can’t help it lol. It’s usually only humorous sarcasm though, I know not to use it in serious situations 😅
What colour are your eyes?
Blue. Very blue - I’ve been told they look like a husky’s eyes 😂
Scary movies or happy endings?
I’m a sucker for a good happy ending
Any special talents?
Nothing drastic, but I’m very good at reading people. Whether that’s being able to tell if they’re lying or what kind of person they are - pick up on it from the very beginning. I’m also trilingual if that counts - I can speak English, Irish and French
Where were you born?
Ireland - dia duit!
What are your hobbies?
I’m easily pleased (and a basic bitch), I love reading, cooking, travel, nights in or out with my girls and have a minute obsession for everything makeup, skincare and hair
Do you have any pets?
No, but I wish I did! I’ve always wanted a dog for as long as I can remember and used to beg my parents for a Westie or a Golden. But I had to give up on that because as it turns out I’m allergic to cats and dogs 😶 The joys of being asthmatic!
What sports do you / have you played?
I’m not really into playing sports much, but I was a Gaelic footballer back in my day!
How tall are you?
I’m quite small - 5’4 or 163cm to be exact 😌
Favourite subject in school?
Home ec or English. I loved cooking classes (some were chaotic) and getting to learn a bit about legal systems too. I only started to enjoy english more in my last year of school but I did really well in it, my teacher was like a second mother to me and we still keep in contact today. I was also one of the only people in my year who actually enjoyed doing Shakespeare
Dream job?
For almost all of my childhood right up to my late teens I wanted to be a teacher and it was very suddenly I changed my mind to law. Everyone was so shocked because they’re polar opposite careers but I took the gamble and went with law. I sat in on court cases during the summer and absolutely loved it and I’m back in next week. I’m not there yet, but in the future I’ll be a solicitor, fingers crossed!
My tagging nominees are: anyone who wants to take part!
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honeystwiggypeach · 3 years
Family dinners create odd fascinations
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I have an unfinished series with Suna that has a very similar plot to this that I will likely never post(because I genuinely don’t understand we’re it was going nor do I remember how I wanted to have it end)
Also the Miya twins are basically those type of cousins that aren’t actually your cousins(not blood related, married in, adopted or anything) just like family/childhood friends who are now your kid’s uncles
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Your son ,Kota, age three, was to say the least obsessed with volleyball. Every since you brought him to have dinner with your family plus ,the Miya twins, he had developed an odd fascination with EJP’s middle blocker, Suna Rintaro.
Now, it was quite odd and made Atsumu a bit angry as Kota’s uncle was literally a pro volleyball player, but he took interest in a man that went to high school with the three of you instead…yeah his feelings were crushed every time he heard Kota mention facts about Suna, made him want to scream.
So to make up for his mistake of introducing your son to volleyball and also as a Christmas gift(if you don’t celebrate you can change the holiday, it literally has no importance) he bought two tickets to a EJP game where they would hold a meet and greet afterwards.
You literally wanted to cry at the cute little adoring face Kota made, until reality set in…it’s kinda embarrassing because Atsumu payed money for tickets to watch a friend of his who he was still in contact with play volleyball and who you had already watched for free and for sure could find first person videos of.
But nonetheless you agreed to go as it made Kota happy and also because Kiyoomi said Atsumu couldn’t attend.
So there the two of you were, you sitting in your seat as Kota altered from bouncing in his impatiently and peeking close to the railing.
After awhile the game started and it was tied for a while and then it wasn’t and then EJP had won of course Kota was ecstatic. He had no clue what was going on in volleyball only that uncle Atsumu and uncle Osamu told him that he should really like it and that the other guy looked really cool playing.
It took awhile but you finally made it down the stands and were now in some waiting area for the meet and greet thing. As you stood in line you had to explain to Kota that he might not meet Suna as at any moment the athletes could decide they were done and just leave.
For a toddler he was surprisingly understanding saying that he would be fine and he could always look at more videos. That statement itself made you pray that you guys were in line quick enough.
Soon after you guys were able to walk through the line of athletes which was pointless as Kota ran straight past the rest and went right to Suna’s small little booth as you chased him.
“I am so sorry” you mumble as you skid to a stop.
You watch as Suna glances up from you giving you a lazy smile before glancing back to Kota to listen to him.
“And Uncle Tsumu doesn’t like that I like you more so he says that-“ Kota is cut off by the manager ushering the two of you off mumbling about the thirty seconds being over.
You pick Kota up before he can run off when Suna appears behind you after you had walked a little ways away.
“Your supposed to be at your table” you mumble looking up at his very tall and slumped over figure.
“No, I left…anyways want to get dinner?” He mumbles nonchalantly.
“You know so I can talk with Kota… and you” he explains trying to excuse himself before whispering the last part.
“I’d like that.” You respond softly before opening your passenger door for him like in your high school years.
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The ending is vague like most of my writings personally I like to think that they dated in high school and never really ‘broke-up’ just drifted and will end up reconnecting and then Kota’s roll model ends up being his father figure or something (I basically just explained the plot line to my unfinished series)
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littlewitchwhore · 3 years
Okay guys, here is the first short story I'm posting.
TW: Rape, murder, some gore, racism, sexism, homophobia, a critique of the southern US, and christian references.
I do not condone actual rape, murder, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. This is just fantasy.
And now, I present
The Hunting of Sonya.
It had been three weeks since the executive order was given. Three weeks of running from abandoned shack to drainage pipe to thickets of trees where she might be safe. Three weeks of praying to whatever would listen that she not be found. Tonight, it seems her prayers might not be answered.
Whatever progress social justice and racial equality might have made in the past years has been violently set back. It started with feminist and pro-black movements constantly being undermined by themselves and their lack of cohesion. With no set leaders and ideas, no reliable code of conduct, and no unifying goals, the members had no direction for their justified anger to be aimed at, and nothing to hold them back from extreme measures. The first major riot happened a year ago, when several peaceful protesters were shot by a couple of trigger happy cops. They didn't stay peaceful.
In one of the most gruesome incidents in recent history, those two cops, and a few others with them, were overwhelmed and beaten to death. But the death of those cops was just the tip of the iceberg. Within a month, riots were taking place in every major city in America, with from people on both sides of the argument killing, and burning the homes and business of those they fought against. A civil war seemed inevitable. Then the election happened, as it does every four years, and a very conservative candidate, on a platform of returning the country to a state of peace and prosperity, undertoned with heavy racist and sexist messages, was elected by a narrow majority. Within two weeks, there were soldiers in every city to keep the peace, and strict laws were enacted severely limiting the rights of groups that were deemed to be the aggressors in the conflict; blacks and women. And the new president was cheered, because the bloodshed mostly ended. The laws and military presence, he had always said, were to be removed after a period of time, when the country was stable again.
But after several months, and a couple isolated riots, the laws were not gone. They got worse. Blacks and women stopped being able to gather in groups larger than 5. They stopped being able to purchase and own firearms. They were even stripped of properties and business, since those could be potential staging points for further violent action. Then they stopped being able to vote after a local election put a violent but charismatic thug up as mayor, who then tried to mobilize a whole town to war against the new president. Then came the executive order that stripped citizenship and all rights from blacks and women. Black people were given a week to leave the country or be deported or turned to slaves. Women fared little better, being reduced to honored servants to white men, and bargaining chips in men's deals. In a year, America had gone from the bastion of liberty and social activism to an authoritarian, patriarchal ethno-state. And the rest of the world, being crippled by their own social and economic issues, and being utterly unable to fathom summoning the military might needed to take on the United States, let it happen.
Sonya was unlucky. She had had the misfortune of residing in Louisiana when the order came down. You see, most people had the decency to let the blacks pack up their things and make for the borders and airports. Most empathized with the plight of the now refugees, even. But the south has always been a little backwards, hasn't it? Large groups of would be slavers started patrolling and detaining blacks and lone women who they could snatch up, after all, it was only illegal to do so for a week. So when Sonya and her family had made for the border, they were taken by one of these bands of slavers. Her father had been beaten mercilessly, and killed when he fought back, her younger brother put in chains, and her mother and sister were gangraped in front of her. She would have suffered the same fate, but when they went to strip her, she caught a fat one by surprise and was able to run, handcuffed and clothes torn, into the woods.
She had barely managed to stay ahead of the men chasing her. It took her three days to finally find an old shack that had a rusty saw she used to cut the chain on the cuffs, so she could use her arms, though the cuffs themselves remained tightly around her wrists. She might have been able to saw those off too, had it not been for the owner of the shed finding her. He was not sympathetic. She had actually had to kill him to escape, after he pulled a machete off the wall and tried to kill her. She didn't escape unharmed though, and her leg was badly cut. At the time, she didnt worry about it too much, since she had to get away, but after a week of running and hiding in hovels and drainpipes, she feared infection. It certainly wasn't getting any better, and was starting to smell. And her killing the man made the men chasing her all the more obsessed with finding her. Now, she wasn't just a 'little nigger whore who needs to learn her place,' as one of them had said, she was a violent, murdering runaway slave.
Now, she finally had a chance to rest. She had made her way out of the more populated areas and was close to the bayou. She figured if there was a chance at finding help from other black folks, it would be in the places the white folk didn't like to go. Besides, her cousin Tyrell was probably still around the area, he always liked to fight and wouldn't have left. At least, that's what she hoped. She was hiding in another drainage pipe beside a small highway. It was raining, and the pipe was half flooded, but she hadn't seen but two trucks all day, so she felt safer and more comfortable than she had in a year.
She had just closed her eyes for a minute, hoping for some sleep, when she heard the engine approaching. It was a truck, by the sound of it, and it was moving slowly. It stopped very close to where she was hiding. Panic shot through her like a blade of ice. How could they have found her? Wasn't she well hidden? They never found her in a drainpipe before! She got very still, and listened intently while being poised to spring from her hiding spot and run as fast as her badly wounded leg would allow into the woods nearby, just across the pasture she was next to.
A door slammed, and a very angry sounding man's voice was soon heard berating his truck for its many faults as her went about adjusting something under the hood. After a few moments, the man cursed again and determined it was the battery that was the issue. Another moment passed, and the rain let up, letting Sonya hear things clearly. There was quiet, then a door opened, and the man said, “Hey Bubba, i'm broke down 'bout 15 minutes outta Reeves, down up on 113... Yea, daggum battery bit it 'gain, third time this week. You think you could come on up this way and gimmie a little ol' jump? Alright, well I 'preciate that, brother... yea, i'll see you soon... Yea, see you then.”
Sonya relaxed a little, fairly certain that she wasn't in any more danger than she had been, and waited for a while. After what felt like an hour, another truck, a much healthier sounding truck, rolled up. There was a greeting, and after what Sonya presumed was an examination of the broken down truck by Bubba, the truck was jumped off, rather unhappily. “Now listen, if this truck is needing to get jumped off this much, you either need a new battery, or your alternators busted. You need to get this truck to the shop and get it fixed tomorrow, if it'll even start.”
There was a couple minutes of bullshitting between the two men, and at one point, Bubba expressed an interest in finding a “little house slave” for himself, since his brother found one and was apparently very pleased with her. They seemed to be wrapping up when the first man, who was called 'Red' declared that he had to piss. Sonya jumped a little in surprise when the stream of urine landed right next to her. The pissing stopped abruptly.
“You heard that, Bubba?”
“I ain't heard shit but your fucked up engine.”
“No, somethings in that drainpipe. Coon or sumin.”
Sonya tensed up again. Was this it? Would they find her? Could she take on two of them? Could she outrun them? Those and a thousand more questions leaped through her mind in those few seconds. She readied herself to lunge at whoever stuck their face in the pipe first, then bolt for the fence. Maybe she'd be able to make it, she had always been fast before her leg was cut, even running track in highschool. For a moment, she wished that she was back then, only two years ago, but a whole lifetime ago, it seemed. She couldn't wish long, however, because a light was shone directly in her face, the flashlight from a phone, and one of the men right behind it. She lunged, fist first at the light, and was rewarded by a startled yelp from the man, followed by the soft crunch of a broken nose under her fist.
The man fell backwards, his phone flew from his hand, and Sonya landed on top of him. A moment later, she brought the metal cuffs around her wrists down on his face together, then jumped up, unsteadily in the wet ditch and on her injured leg, and bolted for the fence. The other man, on the road still, called out to Red, and started rushing over, still processing what was happening. Sonya had the upperhand though, and was scrambling over the barbed wire before the second man actually recognized that it was a human who attacked his friend. But Sonya was unlucky, and as she was getting her injured leg over, one of the wires snapped, and she felt hard, her injured leg being dragged across the remaining wires, cutting her, and tearing the strip of dirty tee shirt that she had wrapped her wound in, off. Minutes later, she was across the small pasture, at the treeline, and she risked a look back. They weren't chasing her, at least not yet. Sonya breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and took off into the trees. Even if they weren't hot on her tracks, they likely would be.
Sonya watched the sun rise the next morning, and with the light, she could inspect her leg. It was definitely infected, a puffy, angry gash that slowly oozed a foul smelling, dark green pus, tinged with streaks of blood. She needed antibiotics or she was going to have very serious issues very soon. Hungry and weak from irregular meals, dehydrated and exhausted, and badly injured, she needed a break, a safe place. The rest of that day was spent trying to find food, clean water, and someplace with medicine. She found none of those things, and as the sun was setting, she resigned herself to an awful night under a tree, and wished for more rain, so she could catch a few drops with her mouth. But Sonya was unlucky.
She dreamt of awful things that night, as she often did these days, when she could dream. She dreamt of monsters rising out of murky pools to chase her, and of spiders bursting from her leg wound to consume her. She dreamt of her father's face, broken and bloody, his lifeless eyes staring at her and he whispered “Run.” She dreamt of her mother and sister being raped, but the men doing it were red skinned and horned breasts, with massive cocks that writhed like boas and strangled her mother, and tore her sister in half. And she dreamt of the hounds of hell chasing her from the scene, and into a void that wasn't there before. She turned and the hellhouds were gone but they howled still, from somewhere in the distance. The howling seemed to get louder and come from all around her, and she turned about quickly, trying to find the source of it before snapping awake in a cold sweat. The howling didn't fade with the rest of her dream, no, it was actually getting louder. It was real. And Sonya had been in the area long enough to recognize the baying of hunting dogs when she heard it. She knew that they bayed for her, and without thinking about it, she took off away from the sound, clearly from the direction she had come.
She limped through the woods as fast as she could on her increasingly lame leg, the sound of the dogs growing louder and louder around her. They couldn't be far, at this point, she thought to herself, they were just too loud. Her lungs were burning, her leg no longer in pain, just numb, her heart pounded in her chest from fear and the exertion, and her head throbbing because she was too tired. She stumbled over tricky roots in the pale moonlight and fell hard, barely raising her hands in time to stop from busting her face open. As she struggled to her feet, the howls of the hounds like sinister thunder around her, she knew running wouldn't work. Maybe she could hide in a tree? Better than being torn apart by hounds with fiery eyes. She cast her eyes about wildly, looking for a tree she could climb, and settled on a young oak with low hanging branches. She scrambled up the tree as fast as she could, with great difficulty, as her arms were weak and shaky, and one of her legs was useless. She managed to get onto a good branch just as the dogs, three of them, rushed the tree, howling and snapping at her heels.
Whoever was hunting her, Red and Bubba, maybe the fat one she escaped, she didnt know, but whoever it was was no friend of hers, and they would be here soon. And she was a treed coon, waiting for the slaughter up here. What were her options? If it were one dog, maybe she could jump on it and keep running, but three? No chance. She couldn't wait for the men to find her, her fate would be sealed. Maybe she could move to another tree and hope the dogs don't notice? Not like she had another choice. She went higher, hoping to get more leaves and distance between her and the watchful hounds. Near the top of the tree, not as high as she might have liked, she found her chance to move trees, a pine branch that came very close to hers. She balanced as best she could on her branch, holding onto a higher one for support, and slowly crept her way along the branch to the end. She reached out and grabbed a thin pine branch above the one she wanted to step to, and hoped that it would support her if she lost her balance. One foot went across the gap, her lame leg's. So far so good, now if she could just...
A branch snapped, and Sonya fell. She landed on her bad leg and felt a hot gush from her wound as something burst, then the pain was too much, and she passed out, luckily, before the first dog's teeth found their mark.
It seemed to Sonya like an unnaturally long, and unusually uneventful unconsciousness. It was long enough and stark enough for her to actively think to herself that she should have woken up by now. Was she dead? It had been a long fall... Maybe the hell hounds has finished her off? Wouldn't surprise her, she supposed, but don't they usually drag someone down to hell? Maybe this was hell? Seemed too quiet though, hell was supposed to be bright and painful. So this was.... Purgatory? That wouldn't be so bad, she thought. At least here she wasn't someone's slave to rape. And her leg was better! At least, she thought it might be. She couldn't see anything, but she couldn't feel any pain either. She definitely still felt like she had a body, though. But death was supposed to remove you from your body, so...
She was woken suddenly, by a door opening. Her eyes flashed open and the light stung, so she shut them tight again. Then her head burst into pain from somewhere inside, and she became aware of the rest of her pain too. Her hand stung like it had been flayed, the left side of her chest ached, and her wrist was almost certainly broken. Her leg, however, didn't hurt much at all, just throbbed slightly in time with her heartbeat. She groaned as the pain hit her, and she felt woozy and sick.
“Well, look who's up. My you gave quite a fight. Oh no, don't you try and move yet.” Sonya had, of course, tried to get up, but the effort was too much, and she merely rolled over and tried to vomit, but found she couldn't. “Yeah, when you gone and broke ol' Red's nose like that, well, we didn't take very kindly.” She opened her eyes again slowly, adjusting to the brightness of it all. The man speaking was Bubba, she recognized the voice. It seems that once again, Sonya was unlucky; this time because she wasn't dead. She managed to give the man a glare, to which he chuckled.
“Now, is that any way to treat the man who been takin' care of you? Why, I coulda' let them dogs go and have their way with your leg there, lord knows it smelled bad enough to be some sorta snack for 'em.” She looked at her leg, and saw it was bandaged properly, her hand and opposite wrist too. She also saw that apart from her bandages, and a large metal cuff around her good ankle, she was naked. There was nothing for her to cover herself with either. She looked back at Bubba, who was watching her closely.
“L...le...” She tried to speak but her throat was more parched than she'd known it could be. As her mouth tried to form words, her lips cracked painfully. “Bet you're mighty thirsty, ain't ya'?” Bubba said as he pulled a water bottle from a nearby case of them. He walked over to her, and squatted, so her was closer to her level. “Now, I don't care for things being the way they are. And I am sorry about you and your kin goin' through this. I had a few good buddies of the African persuasion. But I also had a brother, bout half a year back. Your kind decided his life was worth less than a message.” Bubba unscrewed the bottle of water and put it down, just outside of Sonya's reach. “You're lucky you're a pretty little negress. Means you might not have such a bad life, if you ever learn how to act right. Time's they are a-changin'. Now you gotta get used to that fact real quick. You can't be doing that runnin' 'roun' throwin' hands business no more. You are a slave now. You act nice and you look pretty, and you don't throw no fit when a man decides you're better used in bed than the kitchen. You got that?”
Sonya glared again at him, but she didn't have much strength left to try to fight the notion, nor did she think she would get any water if she did. She begrudgingly nodded, to which Bubba smiled. “Good. Now imma' give you this water here, and you're gon' sip it real slow like, because you drink too much at once and you're gonna throw up. Then, imma' go and find you something to eat, so you don't waste away there. And when I come back, you're gonna thank me for being so nice and considerate, and for my attentive care to your wounds.” He moved the water where she could reach it, and then walked out, closing the door behind him. Sonya grabbed the water and sipped, as she was bid, since that was all good advice. The cool water actually hurt going down, but she had never known something so wonderful before.
She was alone in the room now, sipping water as fast as she figured she could keep it down. It was a small room, dark brown carpet only a few shades lighter than her skin. The walls were fake wood paneling, the ceiling white and popcorned. The walls were bare, save for a single window, boarded up. There was no furniture in the room. The cuff around her ankle was connected with a thick chain to the only thing of note (besides the case of water by the door) in the room, a large chest freezer, which the sat on top of the chain, effectively keeping her leashed. She tried to think of some way to escape, but her options seemed very limited. And until she had some strength back, there was no way she could get far, even if she did find a way to leave.
Her planning was disturbed by Bubba coming back, this time carrying a paper plate with a sandwich and some chips on it, The breakfast of kings. He walked over and placed the plate down where he had put the bottle of water, just out of her reach. “Now, I reckon you can speak again, since most of that water is gone. As I recall, you owe me some gratitude.” She looked at him, and with sincerity, she said “Th-thank you. For my leg, and the water.” Then, “Please, let me go. I didn't do nothing to deserve this.”
Bubba gave her a look, not cruel or uncaring, a look that was close to sympathy. “I know, I don't believe that half of your kind did. But if I were to let you go, how far do you reckon you'd make it on that leg of yours? Oh I cleaned it up, been rubbing it with antibiotic cream, even got my vet to come stitch it up a bit. But you ain't gonna be using that leg for another week, if you're lucky.” He gave her a look, up and down, “You don't strike me as the lucky type.” He sighed. “And before you ask me to try to sneak you out of the country, you should know that all the borders are locked down tighter than a faggot's jeans. No, you're stuck here, and that's all she wrote 'bout that.” The way he said it was soft, like he was trying to be kind about delivering such horrid news. He gently pushed the plate of food withing her reach. “You best get that food in you, gotta get some strength to heal up, else you wont be as useful to your new owner. You're gonna be safe here while you heal up, and after that, the boys and I are gonna make sure you know to act civil and can perform the duties that men are lookin' for in a house slave.”
Over the next week or two, Sonya couldn't quite tell because of the lack of sunlight, Bubba proved to be a rather hospitable captor. He was never cruel to her, ensured that she was fed and well hydrated, and took special care of her injuries. He had even given her a small pillow and an old blanket, but warned her that she shouldn't get used to comforts like that. And perhaps most notably, he never touched her but to clean and bandage her wounds. She was kept naked, and told “You're probably gonna be kept naked wherever you go, and if I were to give you any clothes, they'd just be taken from you. No, better to get used to being on display now.” when she asked for a shirt. But despite her nakedness, Bubba didn't stare at her either. Maybe he really did feel bad about this whole thing. Not that it stopped him from selling her, that's just business. The world changed, and Bubba was quick to adapt to what brought home bread. But for a time, she was safe, and could process what had happened. She cried herself to sleep nightly, and would often weep in her waking hours. Her dreams were mostly memories, always ending with that awful night, her father's face with dead, sightless eyes, her mother's look of grim determination and resignation, her sister's tear streaked screams. Sonya doubted she would ever forget, and knew that she would never forgive. She decided that her survival was now a matter of biding her time, staying as safe as she could, waiting for a chance to escape the country. Or maybe she'd be able to last until the global community worked together to get fix the atrocities committed in the past year. Either way, running wasn't an option for her. She had to endure.
The peaceful time with Bubba was short lived, because once she was mostly healed, Bubba brought 'the boys' over. Three of them, Red being among them, clearly identified by the recently broken nose and a fresh scar on his brow. Bubba spoke first. “Now, you know how things are, and what you need to do. Show these boys here that you ain't got no fight, and they're like to take it easy on you. 'Cept Red, he's still mad about his nose, even if it does make him look better.” The guys chuckled and Bubba gave one last look at her, laden with meaning, then left and closed the door. The remaining men started really looking at her, lust obvious in their eyes.
It was quiet for a long moment before Sonya stood up and, resigning herself to endurance, bent over the freezer, closed her eyes, and started to pray.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Creatures in the dark
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Pairing: witch!Steve x Reader
Warning: yandere, obsession, mentions of death, allusion to kidnapping.
Words: 3695.
Summary: A monster dressed in human flesh was waiting for you in the woods.
P.S. This was inspired by the movie "November" and some scary folktales.
"If you help me cross the river, pretty girl, I will give you a kiss!"
You turned your head back to see the beautiful young women standing far beside you near the birch tree, her curly hair red as sunset on a hot summer day and skin white as snow. She smiled widely at you, standing across the river with a big empty basket in your hands, and you laughed cheerfully in return: you saw her elaborate long dress, the hem embroidered with beautiful black and red threads. She was afraid to dirty her new clothes, of course.
"I will carry you on my back if you promise me not to pull my hair!" You grinned and set your basket aside, tucking the hem of your worn out dress under the belt again and returning to the river.
"I promise!" Her laugh made you step into the cold waters, and you shivered a little: even in the summer the river didn't grow warm, and only the most careless kids would try to swim in it.
You crossed the river fast, doing it often as you were coming to gather berries and herbs almost every day. The bed of the river was covered with stones, making it easy to slip, but you got accustomed to it long ago, living in these lands since birth. Once you stepped on the other side, feeling the ground under your legs, you looked at the lady standing right in front of you: now you could see she was pale as a dead woman, and for a second you froze. The night of the dead was in five days. Was she one of them?
But then the woman laughed again, and you saw blush coming to her cheeks. No, it was silly to think she belonged to the dead. They had never ever come during the day, afraid of the sunlight. The woman was most likely the daughter of a wealther merchant, kept away in the house most of the day - you remembered your cousins who lived far in the city telling you that merchants' daughters had hands soft like a baby because they never worked a day in their lives.
"Get on." You smiled at the woman, looking at her gracious features and slim body. You didn't look like her even the slightest, but you were a woodcutter's daughter, and every day you worked from the sunrise till the sunset. You sighed, thinking of that.
"You are blessed with the kindest of hearts." The woman whispered in your ear, gripping your shoulders from behind as you lifted her from the ground, her legs dangling in the air along your sides as you clenched them with your strong arms.
"My grandmother once told me that." You let out a chuckle and moved straight into the river once more, going twice more carefully now.
Little by little, you carried the woman who were even lighter than she seemed to the other side of the river, ensuring her beautiful dress didn't get wet. When you set your feet to the ground, the woman jumped off your back with a giggle and reached out to your old shoes. You raised a brow: hers were so much better. Did she want to steal yours? But the red-haired quickly turned back to you and helped you to get into your shoes. Surprised by her kindness, you didn't realize your feet were dry though you had just crossed the river.
"Be careful on your way." You said, picking up your basket. "They say there are a lot more bears in the woods this year."
She nodded at you, her beautiful face shining in the sunlight as you adjusted your dress and moved forward.
"Wait, sweetheart! I didn't give you a kiss!"
"Don't you worry about that, dear." You grinned at her. "I'm not some lecherous man."
Nonetheless, she went closer to you, taking your face into her soft hands and looking into your eyes. For a second you saw something scary in her gaze, but before you flinched involuntarily she made you froze on the spot with her eyes boring into yours. Her lovely smile had disappeared from her face as she was observing you, her gaze falling to your lips, but then her eyes looked up as she inhaled deeply.
Her breath was cold, her skin felt like ice.
"Soon you'll meet a man in the woods." The woman said, brushing away a strand of hair from your face. "A monster dressed in human flesh. He will fall in love with you the moment he sees you. Listen to my advice, sweetheart: don't run from him for he will find you even at the end of the earth."
Staring at her in horror, you couldn't move your tongue, gawking at the woman standing so close you could see the abyss in her eyes. Who was she? And who was the man she was talking about? No, no, it couldn't be true. You already knew the monster who would come to claim you once the summer passed and the harvest ended. The woman must have taken you for someone else.
"I have already met a man I will be given to." You whispered, your body shaking. "He's the woodcutter just like my father and my grandfather were."
"That pig?" The woman laughed, caressing your cheek. "He's fat and old and ugly. No, he won't have you, love. You belong to the man you will meet in the woods."
Before you opened your mouth to protest, she leaned closer to you and left a tender kiss on your forehead, her lips warm and soft just like your mother's were. You closed your eyes only for a mere second, but when you opened them again the woman was gone as if she had never existed in the first place. Waiting for something, anything to happen, you waited and waited, afraid to move. Then, as if someone pushed you in the back, you flew back to the river, grabbing your basket and hurrying home. Even if your grandfather would whip you for returning empty-handed, it was better than staying in the forest.
You had soaked your shoes and dress, but you hardly cared, shaking feverishly and running further: your thoughts were all about the woman you met. Did she belong to the dead? Was she the forest nymph? The Devil himself? The ghost living in the woods?
The more you ran, the faster you were becoming exhausted, slowing down until you were barely walking. Then you suddenly realized you couldn't hear birds singing although not so long ago they were chirping happily on the branches. More than that, you could hear nothing at all.
Terrified, you looked around, searching the forest for the monster she was talking before, yet instead the ones you stumbled upon were the corpses of birds on the ground. The black liquid was oozing from their hollow eyes and beaks. Close there was a wolf laying down near the old oak tree in the very same black fluid.
The Plague. You had carried the Plague on your back across the river.
Clamping a hand over your mouth, you ran till your insides burnt and your knees trembled. You barely registered an empty basket still in your hand when you had finally reached the village, screaming at the top of your voice: "THE PLAGUE! THE PLAGUE HAS COME!"
You were frightened to death to see the bodies laying on the ground in a pool of black liquid, but people emerged from their old houses with leaking roof and rotten windows right away, concerned with your shouting and looking in each other's faces. Before you registered it in your own mind, you were taken to the village elders who wiped clean your forehead coloured in red. You told them nothing of the woman you carried on your back, but showed the dead animals in the woods, nevertheless, and the elders had covered them with rocks until all the bodies were hidden beneath them. Then they drew circles around those stone altars and sang before the darkness descended upon the forest.
You couldn't believe the Plague had taken none of your people, but you didn't feel safe. There was one more village across the other side of the river, and it couldn't be a coincidence the Plague moved there. She wasn't coming to take more forest beasts and birds. But no one was send to deliver the news to unfortunate ones living by the other side. Everyone knew the Plague would follow a messenger back to their village, and no one could risk it.
The next five days all of you spent in total isolation, not leaving your houses and praying most of the time instead of working. No one came from the village on the other side of the river, but you knew most of them must be dead by now. You saw the beautiful deadly white face of that woman in your nightmares almost every night. However, by the end of the fifth day the elders claimed that the danger had passed, and you could finally prepare for the night of the dead, and when it became dark, people lighted up the beeswax candles and left pieces of bread covered in salt beneath the trees, hurrying back to their houses. Your grandfather said it was better to be taken by the Plague than disrespecting the ones laying in the cold ground.
You shivered under your blanket, rolling on your bed - a wooden frame with a mattress filled with wheat and barley straw - and thinking of the Plague in a form of a beautiful woman. Why did she kiss you on the forehead? From what you knew from the legends, she always kissed men on the lips, and then they fell dead to the ground, their rotten bodies turning pitch black, darker than the night sky. Why didn't she take you? Did she take pity on you? Did she leave you because you belonged to that man you would meet in the woods?
You sighed, blinking your tears away. You were alive. This was the only thing that mattered.
There was a subtle light beaming throw the cracks in a wooden shutter, and you stilled. The dead came to your house - your grandmother and older brother were standing outside, eating bread you cooked in the evening before going to bed. Sadly, your parents were never coming with them.
Wrapping yourself into the blanket, you thought of your grandma's warm hands when she tucked you into bed every evening, sitting beside you and telling you the tales her own grandmother told her when she was little. Your older brother had already been snoring loudly near the stone oven as you listened to the stories about fae and elves dancing in the shadow of the big oak tree near the river.
Now your grandfather was the only one left. Afraid your line would die out, he hurriedly promised your hand to an old widower, a strong man whose children were grown enough to get married and leave his house. Of course, no one had asked for your consent. You were a mere woodcutter's daughter.
You wiped your tears away, thinking of the light creeping through the cracks. The man fat as pig and a monster waiting for you in the woods. Better to leave with the dead than stay here and give in to your fate, you thought.
Before you turned away, the light got brighter, and you saw the white eye in the crack of wooden shutter. Your dead brother was looking at you through the window.
You didn't remember getting out of your bed in your torn nightgown, stepping on the floor so quietly your grandfather didn't hear anything at all. You didn't remember opening the door and going outside without your shoes on, feeling the damp ground beneath your feet. All you saw were smiling faces of your grandma and your brother, their eyes white as if they were blind from birth. Their gentle voices ushered you to come with them, and you followed, taking a ligthed candle in your arms. With each step you were further from home and closer to the forest, the dead going forward and disappearing into the deep fog that wouldn't begin to lift until the sunrise. Your grandmother had your hand in cold hers as she guided you into the woods. Charmed with her smile and your brother's soft murmuring, you didn't ask them questions where they were taking you.
Suddenly you heard an irritated hiss behind your back, and you woke up from your dream-like state, realizing you were going by the path of the dead. A stong arm pulled you from your grandmother's grasp, and somebody threw your candle to the ground, stepping on it right away.
The skinny boy with a lantern shouted furiously, "Are you out of your mind, girl? You asked the dead to take you away, didn't you?"
Oh, you did. Though your grandfather had expressly forbid you from even thinking of the dead when they were coming to take the salted bread left for them, you asked them to take you from utter desperation.
"Go to where you belong." The boy said angrily, and your brother furrowed his brows while your grandma pulled him by the hand back to the path. "You can't have her. It's not her time yet."
Before your brother opened his mouth, the golden-haired boy raised his finger and pointed to the path, shaking his head. He stayed there, holding your hand until your family turned their backs to you, and you heard the quiet cries of your grandma, her shoulders shaking slightly. The guilt consumed you when you thought they only wanted to take you to the place where you would no longer need to marry and live in want and fear.
"Turn away." The boy commanded, and your feet moved on your own. "Don't you see what you've done? If not me, they'd take you to the world of the dead."
"It can't be worse than here." You muttered, keeping your head low.
The boy stopped abruptly and stepped closer to you, moving his lantern up so it lightened up your face. You stared in his dark blue eyes in return, looking at his unhealthy pale skin. For a moment you thought he was just like the woman you carried across the river, but he was neither deadly white nor cold like her. If you saw him in a daylight, you'd never think he was anyone special.
When he wiped your forehead with his hand, staring at you intently, you almost flinched.
"The Plague had given you her blessing." The boy said, shocked with the revelation. "She marked you, didn't she? Gods, I see you're a lucky girl."
You gulped down, hard.
"I c-carried her across the river on my back, and she kissed my forehead." You whispered as he took you by the hand again and moved back to the village, tugging you along. "But I didn't rot."
"Now you never will." He simply said and kept going.
The blessing, then? So you would never die the same way the birds and wolf you found in the forest did? Confused with your thoughts, you didn't ask him how he knew of the Plague and who he was himself.
"I've never heard about her giving someone her blessing. Didn't she kill the ones who carried her?" Your voice was quiet as you observed the boy's pretty face.
"I only know she killed all mortal men. You must be special, then." His lips curled in a friendly smile for the first time, and you felt your bare feet growing warmer.
The rest of the way back to the village you spent in complete silence, although you desperately wanted to know who was your  mysterious savior. Was he the guardian of the dead? But you had never met him trailing behind them before. Was he a ghost? A saint? You thought of the beautiful golden lantern he held in his arm - you had never seen anything like that before in your entire life, the flying sparks inside it surely magical - and realized he belonged to the same kind as the Plague and the dead ones. The boy definitely wasn't human.
However, it seemed he only wanted to bring you back as you walked by the houses of your neighbors, staring at the closed shutters. Before you reached your house he turned to an old well and said something about washing the touch of the dead away from your skin. As he pulled the bucket of water up, suprising you with his strength - gods, he was thin as the bench of a birch tree - he soaked the handkerchief he pulled from his pocket in the water and gently wiped your palms, smiling at you.
"You aren't like the dead ones, are you?" You asked, watching him wrapping the wet cloth around your fingers one by one.
"No. Though I am only half mortal, please don't be scared. I don't hurt pretty little girls like you." He laughed at your suprised expression wholeheartedly and splashed water on your face. "And please stay away from the dead for your own sake. What in the world made you wish for them to take you away?"
You fell silent at his question, averting your eyes and biting down on your lower lip. What would he do even if you told him? Killed your betrothed? Then your grandfather would find you someone else from the village. Worse, if no one agreed to take you, you'd stay alone and become a prey for lecherous married men who'd definitely come to you when their wives refused pleasing them. That is, if the boy wouldn't laugh at your worries - even the daughters of the king married the ones their father had chosen for them.
Without saying a word, you just smiled at the stranger as you withdraw you clean hands, watching your skin shining in the moonlight. It was all too much for you.
"You are pretty." He said softly, his blue eyes gleaming in the dark as he touched your arm again, picking up his lantern. "Do not worry about that pig. He won't marry you."
You snatched your hand away, looking at the boy wide-eyed. How did he know what you were thinking about?
"I might end up as an old virgin then." You whispered, afraid that the boy would truly kill the man. "Or are you saying all people living in this place will die from the Plague?"
"Forgive me if I scared you, but I didn't anything like that." He chuckled, shaking his blonde head. "If the Plague wanted to consume your village, she would already do it before crossing the river. It's just... you're not going to marry the man, I can tell you for sure. But let's stop there for I can't speak any longer about it. I will escort you back to your house, alright?"
You nodded, standing up and showing him the way without a second thought. You were glad he stopped talking, but the thought of the Plague and you not getting married lingered at the back of your mind. What did the boy mean? If your betrothed wasn't going to die, why wouldn't he marry you? You didn't voice you questions, though. You wanted to hear nothing about all this again.
The Plague, the dead, the boy. It was too much for you to handle. It all seemed like a nightmare instead of reality, and the only thing you wanted was to go to bed and then wake up in the morning, finding out all this was just a bad dream: the blessing, the prediction, the path of the dead, the savior in the form of a skinny boy... this kaleidoscope of events made your head hurt. It was unbelievable.
"Please be more careful." The boy said gently as you faced the door, reluctantly letting go of your hand. "I don't patrol these forests every night and won't be able to save you if you do something stupid again."
"I won't. Thank you for help me." You bowed deeply in front of him and reached for the door door handle.
Once you stepped inside, you felt your grandfather's strong hand pulling you in immediately as you flew to him and almost fell down on the top of his body. Before you made a sound, horrified he had discovered your night stroll, you saw a pile of ash spread at the door and felt your grandfather's grip on your hand getting even stronger. Ash? Ash was used to prevent the evil spirits from entering the house. But you didn't have time to ask the man holding you when you heard the sounds he made - they were almost inhuman.
As you raised your eyes, you saw the boy with his beautiful lantern, enourmous reindeer antlers coming out of his blonde head. The gentle golden light turned into deadly blue as the boy smiled at you, but he seemed no longer sweet and gentle. There was something carnivorous in his gaze, something that made you froze on the spot.
Fear washed over you as you realized his charms had fallen off, making your head clear - he was the one the Plague had told you about. The monster dressed in human flesh.
"What a pity, little one. I hoped you won't see me like that so soon." His voice chilled you to the bones. "I'd take you away tonight, but the Plague's mark won't let me cast the right spell."
Your grandfather let out a choking noise behind you, pressing you closer to him as if in attempt to protect you. The horned boy's sickly sweet smile made you break out in cold sweat.
"Don't worry about that, though, for I'll find some other way. The Plague had already told you there's no point in running from me, hadn't she?"
He stepped closer, leaning against the doorway but staying outside as the pile of ash suddenly sparked, and the boy laughed at the your pathetic attempt to keep him away.
"I'll find you even at the end of the earth."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskaty @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @lovelydarkdaydream
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travellvogue · 5 years
Fluffy Alphabet- Trent Alexander-Arnold
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A= ATTRACTIVE, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on, he swore that the day he met you, completely in awe of how one human could be so breath taking, his favourite feature of yours being your eyes, his mum always told him “fall in love with someone’s eyes, because they never change” and he prays he’ll get to stare into yours for the rest of his time
B- BABYGIRL, he knows as soon as “babygirl” leaves his mouth he’s got you wrapped around his little finger, the look in your eyes when he uses the pet name drives him crazy, desperately just want to kiss you and cuddle you forever, never knowing a simple nickname could have such power over the both of you
C= CUDDLE, he’d be begging for cuddles all the time, any excuse to hold you or be held, loving it so much when your fingers trace his spine or scratch gently at his scalp, and he loves to cuddle you, to have your body clinging to him like a koala makes him feel like he’s protecting you from the world, such love and admiration in his eyes when you fall asleep on his chest
D= DATES, you’d call it ‘date day’, date day would be every Thursdays without fail, whether that simply meant the two of you going out for breakfast,lunch or dinner. Or having movie nights, late night drives to McDonalds drive through to sit in the car park and eat whilst chatting about conspiracy theories and people watching. He’d feel guilty when he’s away, missing date day but he’d always make up for missed time and treat you to the best date day ever.
E= EVERYTHING, he loved everything about you, you brightened every aspect of his life, and he hated that you weren’t able to see just how much light you’ve bought to his world, constantly telling you he loves every single part of you, inside and out, knowing one day you’ll believe him when he tells you you’re perfect
F= FAMILY, you fit into his family like a puzzle piece, he was convinced his mum loved you more then she loved him- always the begging the two of you to hurry up and get married, despite being so young. He’s asked you if you wanted babies in the future, and of course you wanted kids with him, two boys and a girl, all close in age, and all super close with their cousins
G= GENTLE, he was the most gentle soul, put everyone’s needs before his own- and for that you admired him. However, you ensured you looked after him the way he deserved to be, to show him just how special he is, not afraid to show him your soft gentle side, a side not many people saw as you’d built such a barrier, but his manner had your walls tumbling down instantly
H= HUMOUR, you’re both sarcastic little shits, numerous amounts of inside jokes between the two of you, his brothers always involved with the teasing and friendly banter, your dry sense of humour always lifting him up when he’s down
I= I MISS YOU, he found it impossibly hard when he’s away from you, but work consisted of a lot of travel and you couldn’t always come with him, so you relied on facetime, texts, snapchat- anything you could to stay in contact with one another, you’d both find it hard to sleep without one another next to you, the cuddles and kisses where missed severely but it always made it more special when he arrives home to the love of his life waiting for him
J= JEALOUSY, you get jealous sometimes, you know he gets a lot of attention from females and sometimes it made you feel a little insecure, but he’s constantly reminding you how he only ever has eyes for you. But he’s the same, sparks of jealously igniting when he sees men trying to flirt with you, you’re beautiful and anyone would want a part of you. The two of you know how loyal you are to one another, never needing to overthink the attention from others
K= KISS, have you seen his lips? You simply couldn’t get enough of them. Wether that’s a quick rushed kiss in the morning before he has to head off to training, or a loving, desperate kiss when he gets home after a long day. The slight graze of his teeth against your bottom lip when he’s turned on let’s you know exactly what he wants, his tongue subtly slipping inside your mouth in the intent to deepen the kiss
L= LOVE, as crazy as it sounds, the two of you said ‘I love you’ within the first 2 weeks of dating, it just felt so natural, both of you knowing that you wanted to spend the rest of your lives with one another, having no fear in telling each other how in love you are
M= MEMORIES, by far the most memorable moment for the two of you was the Champions League Final, despite having been dating for a year before hand he’d never seen you cry so much- happy tears of course. But for him to be living his dream with you by his side was something he couldn’t thank god enough for. A memory permanently sketch in his mind as he looked up to the rooftops during the parade to blow you a kiss, giggling to himself when he sees you stood in floods of happy tears with his family
N= NICKLE (buying things), you always refuse to let him buy you anything, telling him you don’t need him to splash his cash for you for love him, and he knows that, he loves that you never ask for anything and always pay for your own shit, but he still loves to buy you flowers every week, chocolates when you’re feeling down and little trinkets that remind him of you when he goes away with the team
O= OBSESSIONS, you are obsessed with his world cup trim- of course, no surprise there- and he knew exactly what that haircut did to you, and that’s why he doesn’t get it often, claims it’s “a special treat for my baby” but god when he does get his hair cut he loves the attention you give him, running your fingers through his freshly cut curls and giving him more kisses and attention then he thought was humanly possible
P= PET NAMES, he stuck to the normal ‘baby’ pushing it to ‘babygirl’ when he was feeling extra cuddly (or horny) loving how your eyes lit up at the petname, always earning him an array of kisses. And of course he loved it when the nickname was reversed and you referred to him as ‘baby’ or ‘babyboy’ really only using the nicknames in the privacy of each other’s company
Q= QUEEN, you truly here his queen, obviously his mum was he main ‘queen’ but god did you come close, everything you did he admired, in such of awe of your strong, amazing personality, and of course you’ll be a proper queen when you have a daughter and she becomes his princess
R= RELATIONSHIP, it had always been a ‘meant to be’ relationship, through every up and down, over every hurdle, the two of you hardly argued, hardly had a disagreement or an ‘issue’, and people would tell you all the time that they admired how in love the two of you are, and how happy you make one another
S- SAD, the criticism and hate could get to him a lot sometimes, sad glossy eyes as he endlessly scrolled through twitter, doubting not only his footballing capabilities but all the overwhelming rumours about your relationship, however he’d be so grateful when you shut them down, telling him “you’re the only man i could ever want” or simply reminding him, “you’re twenty T! you’re the most talented twenty year old i know”. And it always led to the best cuddles with his face buried into your neck and hands playing with the rings on your fingers
T= TOUCHY, he’s so touchy, so clingy- and god you loved it. everyone always made subtle comments about it being ‘suffocating’ but the two of you never saw the point in hiding your affection from each other. you love to touch his peachy little bum which always makes him blush but he’ll always return the favour and give yours a good grip
U= UNCONDITIONAL, there’s no doubt that the two of you love each other unconditionally, through every moment of life you’ll thank your lucky stars that god blessed you with your little scouse angel. And god where you grateful to find someone who loved you for you, and every inch of you, always reminding you of the love you deserve and how much he loves you
V= VOICE, you are obsessed with his scouse accent, despite not being able to understand a few things he says over the years you’ve become accustomed to it, you’d always get teased for loving his accent but god it did things to you and he knew that, definitely using it to wrap you round his little finger
W= WEDDING, he’d always day-dream about your wedding, knowing you only wanted a tiny little wedding claiming it was a “waste of money” which he appreciated and agreed with, he knew a ring wasn’t necessary to know both of you love eachother but the thought of calling you his wife and Mrs Alexander-Arnold made him feel like the luckiest man in the world
X= XYLOPHONE (your song), ‘If You Could See Me Now’- The Script (absolute tune btw) it would badly through the speakers so loud at an almost deafening volume, the two of you only knowing the words to the chorus but something about the lyrics resonated and meant more to you then you’d ever thought, wide smiles on both of your faces as you sing along together, hands raised to the sky and you dance along to the beat
Y= YOU, “You’re the north to my south” he’d always tease you for being a ‘northerner’ loving how you sometimes couldn’t understand what he and his family where saying at certain times, “you gotta slow down T, enunciate your words” you’d giggle watching him role his eyes and repeat his sentence slowly
Z- Zzz, starfish was the only way to describe it, you’d always start the night wrapped up in his arms but without fail he’d spread himself out and leave you with about 2 inches of mattress, but it was a full circle, you’d always end up curled up in his arms again by the morning
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welp, i finally kicked it off ,,, i, after months of aganzoing procrastination and anxiety, started up my blog today !! yay !! you said you wanted the @ when i started it so here you are: @bakuzu ,,, yeah it’s a combination of bakugou and izuku because why not, i knew i wanted a name combo, thus bakuzu was born. just praying i can stick to the responsibility now because it’s smth i’ve wanted to do for so long! it was so difficult to set up an aesthetic but in the end i’m sure all my efforts will pay off. now i’m just waiting to get some requests and i hope that, since i write for hq, kny, and bnha i should get some soon !! it’s scary because my anxiety keeps telling me “oh there’s smth u need to fix” or “u sound weird” and such lmao but it should start to dissolve soon. and on another note, i got my cousin (she’s 20 but a child at heart) into bnha and she loves midoriya without even knowing too much about him KSDWKW - neo
HSHNSKASDFNN YES YES YES I’M SO EXCITED TO GO CHECK IT OUT!!! And please, if you’re reading this, go check him out too, it’d make us both very happy 🥺. I like the name! it’s really fun! And I’ll be sure to send in some requests when I think of some! :) I like the aesthetic too, it’s nice and reminds me of coffee, for some reason. 
As for uploading, just go ahead and post at your own pace! I like to let some things sit in my drafts (because I obsess over typos and making sure everything makes sense and sounds exactly like I want it to, so a lot of times things will have been read over at least four-five times over the course of a month), but you can always publish whenever you’re ready! I personally have an upload schedule, but that’s because I started out with a lot of fics and it helped me manage my time so I wouldn’t drop five works at once and then lose motivation and disappear for a month 😎. But if you’re starting out with only one or two ready, then go ahead and publish whenever you want to!
And, I’m going to be honest about this, but the anxiety does tend to get a little worse as you go, especially once you start putting yourself out there more and making a name for yourself. You just kind of have to push past it and remind yourself that you’re doing what you love for You--and that should always come first. Never write for anyone else first (unless you’re doing a request), just keep yourself in mind. Write what you want to see in the fandom, not what you think everyone wants.
Okay, that got really long. Lmao, I’m talking like I know what I’m doing, but really this is just from my ~7 months of doing this. I’m no expert and I’m still learning ┗(・ω・;)┛Maybe you (and anyone else reading this) can take something from it anyway. And, as always, I’m 110% willing to beta read for you!! I’ve never done it for anyone but I’d love to try!
I wish you luck with your blog!! I’m sure you’re going to do great things there!! I can’t wait to see :D
And I pray for your cousin, lest she becomes a simp like us
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thefloresgarden · 4 years
Sad tales of a 20 something. -FRIENDS AND WEIRD WAYS TO FIND THEM-
Hello! Back again from a long ass time of taking a break from this site and my 2 followers who don’t even reblog my writings.
Anyway, the reason i’m back is because i actually show this blog to one of my bestestssss friends in the world and encourage me to keep going and well here i am.
So i was thinking, maybe since a friend of mine made me come back, I should write about that. So this is it, an Ode to my friends.
I have always been sort of a friendly character, at least in my mind i am. Even when i was a kid and used to cry a lot and be a bit on the side shy, I always had a lot of friends. I even dare to say I was one of the first girls in my fifth grade class yo have actual good guy friends, not only the “popular” kids that chased girls to see under their skirts. Actual good and close friends that I’m still friends with.
So, I went to the same school from elementary until high school, meaning that i had been with the same people for around 12 years, and damn i was tired of it, not from my friends, not from a lot of people to be honest, but maybe more with myself and my lack of abilities to make new friends.
That leads me to my new found weird way to make friends. It started in college when i started as a music engineer major before switching to media and film. Engineering not always equals to men, in this case i guess it did. Some may say having all guy friends is easier no drama and shit, and is true for some part, I’m still grateful of all the guys of my Music engineering program that adopted me and ate lunch with me every day, not to the rest of engineering students that are “nice guys” by mansplaining anything on the math class board before the teacher (female) started explaining, though not gonna lie i didn’t understand shit, i still didn’t want some greasy hair guy with a weird stain on his shirt,that i pray it was toothpaste, to explain me shit. I can fail this class on my own thank you very much.
My first girl friend in college was a girl on the bus that i knew my cousins was a friend with but never formally met her before and i chatted her ear off in the way home, i was so excited i forgot i could be a chatty bitch when i feel happy. When they left the bus (her and her roommate who is lovely too) I started to replay everything we talked about and was already very much regretting living because i was so cringey. I guess i wasn’t that bad, I got a Facebook friend request and became pretty close after that.
First friend I made in my new major program (who i made before switching because of mutual clases) was a girl that i always saw in my favorite class, “Signs, symbols and significances” she was funny, very friendly and clearly friends with at least three quarters of the class. I decided that was my next mission, i left my guy friends side after an exam in our common class and went literally running towards her and another girl (amazing person too) I asked them in the most awkward way how the exam was for them and even if they thought i was weird they didn’t show it and were so nice with me.
I made a mistake though, I told the girl i had a mission on (to be close to) she seemed familiar outside class and she said i did too but we couldn’t remember where from. Until I realized she was the girl that i met in my first day of school in math class and sat next to her. That, until i didn’t hear my name while checking the list and was told that wasn’t the math class, everyone laughed i stand up and trip and yell “puta madre” so hard everyone laughed again. I then found out that story was so funny to her she actually used it as an ice breaker when meeting new people and started introducing me as the “puta madre” to everyone. At least she got me a lot of new friends, and besides having passed more than 5 years, she still reminds me of it and she still is one of my closest friends.
Another story, I was an exchange student and knew nothing about the culture (only basics, didn’t want to be rude), the language or anyone in this new country. I was so lost I literally was trying hookup apps to meet friends (never works tho, at least on me). It was my second day in Seoul and saw there was a kpop concert of one of the three groups I actually knew and my baby brother was a fan of, i checked and there were some tickets left, bought them, put on a pretty dress and left. Going to a concert alone is not that bad, going to a concert alone in a country you have been for 5 minutes and also understand shit, that is a fucking nightmare.
I met some friendly girls from USA that helped me out to figure the shit out in the venue, they told me they were living in Korea for like 5 years and still couldn’t even read, which i thought wow kinda disrespectful but anyway i wasn’t going to let go of anyone friendly anytime soon. Met some other girls that came to the country only for the concert which wow commitment. And then I was left alone again when taking the seats (standing spots to be exact). The concert was cool even if I didn’t understand shit and I’m 87% sure I even caught eyes with some of the guys in the group a few times. The concert ended and I wish I could say I captivated one of the kpop guys and that is my next friend meeting story but, nope is not and honestly i wouldn’t change it for any of the hot men that were on stage.
Fast forward the first day of school, i was lost and ask a girl for a classroom, she was very nice and told me where it was but that the class was in like 30 more minutes. We made small talk and i sat on a bench in the opposite way of her. The girl next to her was saying she had this next class that sounded kinda familiar, and I realized it was my same class so I told her to go together. Once inside the classroom I saw her phone and she had a familiar face as her screensaver, it clicked, it was one of the guys of the concert! I asked her and she said it was him and that she went to the concert too and we decided to had lunch together. From that day on we became pretty much inseparables, until she got the sleaziest guy in the world as a boyfriend but we don’t talk about shit in my safe space so that is a story for another day. Besides that terrible guy and his best friend who dated me only to dumped me weeks later to play LOL 24/7, I got my baby, my mijita who i love so very much and again, wouldn’t change a bit.
Lastly in this post, not in life nor in place of my heart, is a little blessing (literally) that came to me from heaven! She didn’t even know this, but a semester before she was having her abroad year in my country I was in one my deepest holes in my life. My mind was empty but my eyes always filled with sad tears. That semester before, nothing major changed in routine, in my family, in my life as in general. But somehow it did in my brain, my heart was feeling agitated for no reason, my palms were sweaty and shaking all the time and my brain was as it was shut down. I got the big D, and not as in a big nice dick getting me fucked, but another type of fucked nonetheless. Depression, the kind of weird illness that can’t be seen but oh dude it can be felt, and felt is all i did, i felt sadness, loneliness even with a full house and a full line of friends ready to help me. Sometimes shit just happens.
Took a semester off and when I came back I decided to faked it until i made it, and it was going great. I did cry back at home a few times a week but i could hold it during classes or in front of people, great advance. I decided to focus in what made feel best, dressing in my favorite shit and letting everyone out of my arts and humanities department have a nice view of it. And then I see her, weird to say i still remember how cool she looked, tall as fuck, wearing all black, shaved head and what i got to find out were her trusty black vans. I got obsessed with her fashion style and decided my next mission, be friends with her, or at least for her to acknowledge my presence. I saw her talking to a close friend (another great meet cute story for another day) so i decided it was my moment, I said hi and was introduced to her, we chatted a few minutes and got along pretty well. Her amazing style and bad ass british accent made me feel i was in bad rom-com where we were both straight and platonically soulmates. I saw her again outside the bathroom while i was waiting some friends, we talked for an hour, she invited me to a party and we had dinner first (so romantic, I know) at dinner I thought it was going to be awkward until we both realized our mutual love for SZA and Idris Elba. We never stopped talking after that, she even went back to my hometown for 2 weeks with me, where all my family loved her and strangers treated her like a celebrity. She calls my parents tíos and we talk as much as we can now that she is back at her country.
I miss her everyday and there is not a minute I am not grateful i met her.
These are some of the stories of how I met some of my friends, my closest ones and those that are still with me in every step I take. I can tell you one million more ways of how i met friends i love so dearly, but that is for some other day my hands aren’t hurting for writing only with my thumbs in my phone.
And what I care and love most about all these, is that I would never want to change being the weird girl that catches a hunch and runs towards people that will mean the world for.
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iredreamer · 5 years
I really hope that we aren't bothering u with all this questions about Gentleman Jack and I don't know if you're in the mood for longer answers, but I would really appreciate it if u could tell us more about Ann Walker. Was her mental health really that bad? Did she really fall in love with Anne when she was 14? And other stuff like that. Idk, maybe u could just list some interesting bits you've learned while reading about Anne :) Also, are there any preserved paintings of Ann (that u know of)?
hey :) thank you so much for your message, and don’t worry, you are not bothering me at all, I love talking about these kind of things and I’m happy to share what I read and learn about Anne Lister (and Ann Walker). And I’m totally okay with long answers I just hope my english is good enough lol (I’m Italian). Okay, so, I’m gonna first answer your questions and then write some interesting facts about Ann Walker.
Miss Walker’s mental health was really that bad, yes, even worse that what we see in the show. It’s safe to say that she suffered from anxiety, depression (from a young age) and religious mania. She also seemed to have had some kind of anorexia (Anne Lister writes: “Back at five to dinner - she [AW] had put on an evening gown - & a sort of set-out dinner for me”, AW does not eat). By the end of 1832 Ann Walker starts showing symptoms of obsessive compulsion and refuses to go outside (she suffered from agoraphobia). In 1833 she has a mental breakdown (she goes in Scotland to her sister in February of that year). After all the things that happened to her (her parents’s death, the death of her brother, Mrs. Aisworth’s death and the death of an ex lover) and because of her relationship with Anne, she develops a fixation on her sins, she writes to Anne: “It is not only death in this world, but a far worse death that I fear. If ever the prayers of a so true friend may ever avail for another, may yours be heard for me this night, that the gate of Mercy may not be forever closed upon me, for I am wretchedness itself” (they do quote this letter in GJ episode 6). During this period Ann Walker couldn’t sleep if Anne wasn’t with her, she writes to her: “I will try to get over the night tolerably and pray that the ill I fear may not come upon me but it is very difficult without you. How I long to see you”. And she also was really indecisive, one minute rejecting Anne and regretting it the next, telling her she couldn’t travel and then saying the opposite for fear of losing her. This situation went on for months, Anne writes in her diary that she can’t stand it anymore, she’s tired and she’s hopeless because she doesn’t know what to do and how to help Ann. Ann Walker’s health really affected Anne Lister’s mood and when Miss Walker leaves for Scotland Anne’s sadness is mixed with relief. It is known that Anne was a really positive and optimistic person, the opposite of Ann Walker, she never dwelled too much on the bad things that happened to her, she always tried to move on as best (and as fast) as she could.
Anne Walker didn’t fall in love with Anne at 14, but they did meet for the first time around 1820; in 1822 Anne writes about Ann: “A stupid, vulgar girl indeed” (lol). Anne Lister didn’t like the Walkers because they came from new money.
Two small random things that are in the series that actually happened and that I love “(…) she asked me to dine with her at five & stay all night” and Ann Walker laughing after Mrs Priestley walked in on them: “Miss W- laughed & said we were well-matched – we soon got to kissing again on the sofa….” .
From what Anne writes, Ann’s sexual confidence really surprised her: “I had my arm on the back of the sofa – she leaned on it – looked as if I might be affectionate, & it ended in her lying on my arm all the morning & my kissing her & she returning it with such a long continued passionate or nervous mumbling kiss – that we got on as far as we, by day-light, mere kissing, could - I thinking to myself, ‘Well, this is rather more than I expected – of course she means to take [me]’” (October 4, 1832). And there are more entries about how Anne didn’t think Miss Walker to be the “passionate little person I find her”.
Ann also received anonymous letters warning her about Miss Lister but she didn’t really care much about them, especially when she was with Anne: “Miss W- much troubled with anonymous letters – said she would get rid of all troubles of cousins or letters when with me”. I find her behaviour really interesting, in these little things I can see how courageous and strong she was being in her own way, and how not easily scared she was by what other people may think about her. Very different from Mariana (Anne’s first and long lasting love) who was ashamed of Anne Lister and didn’t want to be seen with her in public.
After they married in 1834, Ann Walker moved to Shibden Hall. In 1839 Ann went traveling with Anne. When Anne died in 1840 in Russia, Ann Walker not only managed to transport her body but also the diaries back to Halifax (it took her six months). After Anne’s death, Ann Walker’s mental health was worse than ever. In 1843 Ann Walker was forcibly removed from Shibden by her sister, Listers’ solicitor Robert Parker, and a doctor friend. She was designated ‘a lunatic’ and put in an asylum (she didn’t die there tho). This is what they found when they entered Shibden: “Every room was locked, including Ann Walker’s Red Room. There were no keys, so they directed the Constable to open it which he did by taking it off the Hinges - the Room was in a most filthy condition, and on the side of the Bed were a Brace of loaded Pistols … The Shutters were closed - an old dirty candle stick near the Bed was covered with Tallow, as if the Candle had melted away on it … Papers were strewn about in complete confusion. In the Red Room were a [great] many Handkerchiefs shatted [?splattered] all over with Blood …”. Anne Lister had left her entire estate to ‘my friend Ann Walker’ and that’s why both the Walkers and the Listers wanted Ann out of Shibden: the Walkers didn’t want to have Ann’s money lost and the Listers wanted Shibden.
About the paintings of Ann, from what I know there aren’t any (no reliable sources ever talk about a painting of Ann in what I’ve read). There’s a painting of her on this site, I don’t know who posted it and from where it comes from so I can’t say if it’s actually her or not. EDIT: Anne Choma confirmed that the woman of that painting isn’t Ann Walker.
So, I guess this is it for now, this is pretty long and quite all over the place but I hope you found interesting things in here! And if you wanna know more specific stuff just ask away, if I can (if I know the answer), I’ll try to answer as best as I can! I’m probably gonna be able to tell you more once I’ve read Female Fortune which covers Anne Lister’s life from 1833 to 1836.
My sources: Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister (Anne Choma); Nature’s Domain: Anne Lister and the Landscape of Desire (Jill Liddington); Presenting the past: Anne Lister of Halifax, 1791-1840 (Jill Liddington).
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exobyharu · 4 years
PCY - Ch7
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I just googled this gif and dug real deep. I’m sorry idk who the owner is :(
Chapter 7 - How many kittens?
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)
Summary: PCY obsesses, Junmyeon is suspicious, Jongdae is loud, and you’re not answering your phone. PCY’s sister discovers that you’re her cousin as of today.
⏰ 8:14 PM 🌏 SM Entertainment headquarters 🌝12 It’s a full moon and maybe that’s why 👥 YN, Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, Park Yoora
Notes: The series is not dead! I’m sorry to those waiting. Update soon! Happy Holidays! 
Words: ~1,500
“Biscotti Girl in the pictures…  @real__pcy’s dear cousin is so popular! #chanyeol #biscotti #celebritti #confetti #spaghetti”
There were a hundred thousand retweets in eight hours. Where did Baekyun say he was going again? Because Chanyeol was thinking of tossing that jackhole’s damned phone into the trash, right after pushing its owner down the stairs first.
He was no longer summoned to the main office and that was something to be thankful for. But here he was, stuck in a random conference room, all by himself, and analyzing every possible way to get you out of the highly inconvenient picture that he’d put together to save his ass. He could not reach you – you were not picking up – and frankly, it was not your obligation to do so. This had you, leaving him staring out into a picture window that overlooked the busy boulevard outside.
There was only one word he could think of whenever he thought of you, and that was intensity. With you, he would always find himself in an intense argument or stuck in an intensely problematic situation, and without you, he would be just like he was right now – bothered by such intensities, all the while, intensely worried about what to do with himself and his thoughts.
Not cool, YN. Not cool.
He just wanted to fix things, but the last look he got from you made it painfully obvious that he achieved the exact opposite. You were avoiding him, and maybe it was for the better. Besides, there seemed to be nothing else he could do but pray for everyone to let the incident go. He hoped that you at least liked the free haircut from his stylist, as much as he hoped that it did the job in keeping your identity further from discovery.
He could not get it out of his mind. One problem that still bothered him was how you would keep yourself from being discovered, especially since the photographs had almost half of your face displayed to the public. What if your friends saw the photographs? And co-workers? Would you lie about being his cousin, too? How would you lie to your family about that?
And then there was the question about the flowers. He sent you, his alleged cousin, ten dozens of pink roses. What kind of distant cousin does that? Chanyeol’s lack of an alibi frustrated him, the only silver lining being: at least the roses weren’t red.
He was abruptly reminded of the way Junmyeon’s eye kept twitching as he told him about you. Their leader was suspicious and that was an understatement. He also knew that even Yixing’s brief DM asking how are you? was him, lowkey asking what the hell is going on? The odds were certainly against him. Even Sehun was giving him the stink eye.
Along with his own self-doubt, he decided to head out. Maybe a short walk and some fresh city air would make his worries lessen.
It did not.
A couple of hours later, the sight of the rest of EXO’s members gathered for a company-catered dinner was not comforting to see. Standing by the door, he looked around and caught a few staff members sharing a small table in the far corner of the conference room. This was in celebration of what again? The thought passed him by as soon as he saw, gathered at the center table, were all of the questioning faces that he least wanted to entertain.
Seven handsome faces, one whose perfect teeth Chanyeol wanted to punch in. His pal, Baekhyun, always finding creative ways to fuck things up for fun. When he met his eyes, the singer even had this insufferable are you proud of me look, written all over his face. He thought that it was time for this little shit to say his prayers because he was going to dig a–
In slow motion, Chanyeol’s head turned to face the owner of the voice that came from the opposite side of the table. The thing about Jongdae is that he is, ninety percent of the time, blamelessly loud. But the fact that he had to be among the most sincere people that he knew made it impossible to hate the guy. Consequently, it made it even more painfully annoying for Chanyeol. How thoughtful of Jongdae to put it out there just like that. Certainly what he needed right now was to be greeted by an ever-cheerful face when all he wanted was to brood over dinner.
Fuck this.
He left the room immediately.
Universe, one point. Chanyeol, zero.
And still no answer from you. He deserved this, he supposed. It was funny how one little mistake led to consequences that were way out of proportion. He realized that it was only actually funny until he was in trouble.
He took the stairs back to the third floor and to the conference room where you waited for him earlier that day. It was the same venue that Junmyeon eventually chose to broadcast live. Chanyeol’s cameos finally proved useful. Who knew that acting would end up actually saving his life one day?
“Yah! Cut it out! She’s just my cousin!” He remembered how his insides churned with his twisted lie. It was Junmyeon’s idea to hold a live stream with Jongin, and fish for comments so they could appear to address the issue incidentally in front of thousands of online viewers. They did not have to wait long. Ninety percent of the comments were downright all about it.
“You heard it. So what is everyone going crazy about, hm?” their leader teased, while Jongin in the background was bouncing on his seat, trying to contain his bout of giggles because of a pun he could not wait to deliver.
“It’s called Obsession, Hyung! Right? They’re obsessed!!”
That, along with other horrible puns from Jongin, happened in this room. He found himself glaring at the huge wall clock and wondering what you were doing at eight in the evening. It had been eight hours since you left. It did not sit well with him to not know how you were. Neither was it clear to him why it mattered so much – why you mattered so much. You were too quick to drop him, and he ought to do the same.
And yet… He clenched his teeth – a form of self-reprimand – while reminding himself what he was made of.
Determination. He was made of determination.
And he was going to have a method to this insanity: He was going to give himself one night of being a slave to his foolishness. Tomorrow, he was going to stop thinking about you. And screw the song. He was going to write another one. So he did not have single output after being away for a couple of weeks. It was no big deal. At this point, what was the worst that could happen?
In the middle of counting today’s misfortunes, his phone finally rang. He nearly dropped it when he frantically fished it out from his pocket. His hopes declared that it had to be you. His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw that it was not.
It was not the call he had been waiting for. In fact, in that moment, he realized that it was the call he dreaded most to receive.
It was his older sister.
“A little bird told me something today,” she started in a singsong voice. As if they were still children, she used the same tone to this day whenever she had something that she could use as leverage against him.
Chanyeol pressed his face to his palms. Of course. He ought to worry about his own family first. He was no stranger to his sister’s ways. This was going to be a brief, but exhausting conversation.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answered, which made it plenty obvious that he knew exactly what she was talking about. She gave him the benefit of the doubt, though. This one’s just her classic style of interrogation.
“I’m talking about Biscotti Girl, of course. Or are you going to tell me that the guy in the photos isn’t you?”
How he wished he could tell her that and mean it. He told her anyway. “The guy in the photos isn’t me,” he copied sheepishly. She knew that he was begging her to let him be.
“It’s okay, little brother. You can talk to me anytime, okay? Trust me. I can understand girls better than you.” Again, this was her line whenever she thought he was having girl problems.
“It’s not what you think,” he reasoned. But she was not listening.
“I just wish that sometimes, you’d send me some flowers too.”
“Ya! I said it’s not even like that!”
“But don’t worry. I’m always on your side.”
“Would you listen to me?!”
She would not. “Consider it my apology for crashing your car. I love you!”
After finishing what seemed like a monologue, she ended the call without hearing him out at all. Younger brothers were supposed to annoy their older sisters. How many kittens did he leave in the rain in his past life to deserve the opposite?
💙💙💙 - to be continued - 
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logophilism · 4 years
Fractured Starlight - Part 4
Inej! This chapter is written in a slightly different style than the others. 
Yes, all stories of Saints mentioned or alluded to are canon.
My gang:
Corporalki: @aragentum, @rebooka17
Materialki: @abaduchi, @paphns, @catpidgeon, @wavesofinkdrops, @erlaszx
Fic summary: A series of perspectives following the crows pre-SoC and post-CK. Canon compliant.
Word Count: 1410
Part 4 - Inej
  One of her earliest memories was of her mother’s voice, soft words in a lilting rhythm. Her hands kneading dough with calloused fingers and the ease of many years of practice. A smile as she turned to her little girl.
  “So Lizabeta stood in that field of white roses, praying.”
  And her mother stopped her kneading and leaned over to the table, gently lifting a rose from a bouquet.
  “And the bees answered her, and drove the raiders away. Her village was saved.”
  Her mother smiled again, and passed the rose to Inej, who grasped at it with a chubby palm.
  “When she died,” her mother continued, “The roses turned red.”
  Years later, when she’d listened to the story hundreds of times and had long since learnt of the far bloodier ending of Sankta Lizabeta, it was only one of many. She could recite the story of Sankt Ilya, or Sankt Petyr, or Sankt Vladimir, or any of the Saints, and though Lizabeta was still her favourite, she recalled every detail of how the the brave Sankt Juris slew his dragon.
  It was these stories she took with her when she walked the tightrope, when she stepped out over near nothingness. She took courage from Feliks and strength from Alina and faith from Lizabeta. And it was faith that kept her steady, faith that kept her chin high and her steps even as the crowd held their breath and whispered among themselves of the tiny slip of a girl walking on gossamer thread. Faith in her skills, and faith in her Saints. She had her wings and her Saints to accompany her with every beat of her heart.
  She was never scared of falling.
  Once, a boy, fair-skinned and just a couple years older than her, walked up to her after a show. She had been taking off her headdress when he slipped behind the curtain.
  How do you do it? He whispered, looking at her with awe. How are you not afraid?
  And Inej puffed out her chest and smiled. My Saints watch over me.
  The boy cocked his head. But the Saints aren’t real.
  Nonsense, Inej had replied haughtily, turning away.
  But they aren’t! The boy called, and Inej fled.
  Between performances and practice and family and life, time passed. She found herself sitting on the ground, a smaller cousin in front of her, telling the story of Sankta Marya, word for word as her mother would’ve done, except for the part where Marya still watched over them. Though she wouldn’t admit it to herself, those words didn’t feel quite right on her tongue.
  She found herself falling, and a bump rising on her skull. She found herself staring at a crippled Ravkan boy begging on the streets. She found herself dreaming, weeping, watching. She found herself walking past a group of drunken men. Pagan, they sneered, and one of them spat at her. Gyppie loon. 
  Kotiha, another shouted, his Suli coarse and broken. Kotiha! He shouted again, and she flinched. They laughed at that, and the others copied. Kotiha! Kotiha!
  Inej broke into a run, and their voices followed her all the way back to their camp.
  She found herself again on the high wire, practicing obsessively. She found herself in the air, reaching for the next swing, and for the first time in years, almost missing it. She found herself refusing to tell stories, opening her eyes during prayer. She found herself holding her mother’s hand after her grandmother died.
  Inej, her mother said, voice soft and smooth and slow as she wiped away her daughter’s tears, Do not despair too much, for she now rests with our saints.
  And Inej had just sobbed harder.
  She plucked white roses and scoffed at scales. She refused to do her penance, ignoring her mother’s admonishments and her aunts’ sad gazes. She walked the wire, again and again and again. She held her youngest cousin in her arms in the dead of night one spring and tried to soothe his crying, rocking him and whispering sweet nothings, all while desperation rose inside her. 
  Her mother took him gently out of her arms, cradling him against her. Hush, she murmured, her arms gently rocking, Hush. Then she started singing, singing of saints and stars and safety.
  It was the same voice that held her transfixed as a child, the same voice that read out prayers and told her stories, low and smooth and beautiful. The sound of honey and spice and chocolate.
  Inej slipped away.
  Soon, it was summer, and they were on the west coast of Ravka, performing on the outskirts of Os Kervo. Soon, she was on the slave ship, trembling in the corner of the cramped cargo hold that reeked of fear and misery and old urine. 
   The first few days were the worst. A couple of children tried to speak to her, but none spoke Suli, and the only one who spoke Ravkan, a boy around her age, refused to talk to her. When she wasn’t sick from the smell of waste and the roiling of the sea she was sleeping fitfully, or crying, or praying.
  She never could sleep, and she hated crying, so it was the praying she spent most of her time doing, praying for salvation, or for a friend, or for the sea to rise and swallow the hellish ship whole. 
  At first, her prayers were empty. Desperate, but empty. And yet, as the days passed, she threw herself at them with more and more fervour. When one of the captors came down and... used one of the older girls, she had prayed for hours, clinging to her faith and pulling it back to her, clinging to it because at least then she’d have something, in a place where even their bodies were forfeit. Later, she’d look back and realize it was those prayers that kept her sane.
  Days passed -- or what seemed to be days, with no real way to tell the time -- and a new girl arrived. A young Ravkan girl dressed in white, perhaps ten, her hair in an elaborate braid and her face too soft, too young. She was pushed in, and fell to her hands and knees, her white dress stained by the filth and grime. She crawled to a corner and sobbed, sobbed wretched, heaving sobs that tore out of her. 
  Inej made her way over to the girl and placed an arm around her. “You speak Ravkan?” she asked, softly, and the girl nodded. She patted the girl awkwardly.
  “What’s your name?”
  The girl curled up. “Anastasia,” she mumbled, still shaking, her voice small and heartbreaking. Anastasia, her brain echoed, like the Saint.
  The only stories she knew were those of her Saints, so she told them, translating them into what Ravkan she knew. First, the story of how Sankta Anastasia cured the wasting plague. Then the story of Sankt Grigori’s drums and his bear, the story of Sankta Alina in the Shadow Fold. Somewhere during the story of Sankta Lizabeta, the other Ravkan child came over and sat cross-legged, listening. And in that moment, amongst the muck and misery of the cargo hold of a slave ship, Inej felt something. Something firm and pure and sacred. A spell woven with words and golden threads of faith. 
  When the girl in her arms fell asleep, Inej wept.
  When her tears had dried, she tried to remember. Remember her parents, her family, the time before the slavers. Blurs of shapes and colours and hazy faces. Her father parcelling out advice as he taught her how to sew a costume. Skillet bread, warm and fresh. Han Tzu with a wheelbarrow. A Suli wedding amidst the cherry blossoms in spring. One memory stood out in particular: that night, earlier that year, when her mother sang her cousin to sleep. She tried to remember the words, the tune, grasping at the memory of her mother’s voice and the lilting rhythm of the lullaby. Her eyelids drooped with exhaustion.
  She slept almost peacefully, then, her Saints back with her.
      Rest now, o’ little babe,       And do not worry so.       Sleep now, o’ little babe,       And of this world you may let go,       For Saints are standing guard.       O’er hill and meadow,       O’er sea and o’er wars,       O’er woods and fields of snow,       The Saints are standing guard.       My child, you’ll never be alone,       For the Saints watch from the stars.
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jessikahathaway · 5 years
An Angel and her Lover
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Oof, hi again.
So, for the first time I want to dedicate a fic to someone here. @jeonggukingdom. Rosebud, I love you and thanks for being an awesome friend. Let’s be together for a long time, yes?
So, for my darling Rosebud, I present a Jungkook Frankenstein!AU, or the monster, whatever. Literature buffs, get out. 
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Words: 26,760 (oh my God I’m sorry)
Warnings: Violence, Graphic depictions of blood and gore, Hanging, Triggers, attempted murder, smut (duh?)
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Frankenstein!AU, Smut, Slight Horror (if ya squint ya eyeballs)
Summary: Unable to let the fates of the world betray the life of such a beautiful young man, you defy the work of God, and save him. Now, you must deal with the consequences... One of them, falling in love with he who shouldn’t have lived.
People always fear what they can never understand.
People understood your father’s medical knowledge. But that doesn’t mean they liked him in any respect. Didn’t let their children near your family home, one that used to be ran by your father.
He was the towns physician, not by a choice of the people. But because he knew what he was doing. You studied under him with dedication and drive, wanting to provide that same care and love to the people once your father was unable.
But Karma was a cruel mistress, and she worked in interesting ways.
He died of consumption last frost. Your mother had died when you were a child, so you were left entirely alone in the world. No grandparents, no aunts or uncles. No cousins or even friends to confide in when loneliness overtook you at night.
The town left small tokens at your front gate, noting the passing of your father. But no one confronted you, no one came to the door to share in your loss. They let you suffer alone, and that’s all you would ever be.
But, you continued your father’s work, even after he had passed... it was all you knew.
Little did the people know, your father had a particular obsession since your mother had passed all those years ago...
He believed there was a way to bring the dead back to life.
He thought that if there was a storm big enough, he could harness the charge in the air and the electricity being produced would be enough to jumpstart the human brain back into function. Although, the problem was you had to catch the individual not long after dead in order to make it work. Unfortunately for you mother, that meant there was no bringing her back, and once your father had discovered this...
He went insane.
Staying up into late hours, ignoring his basic human needs for days on end. You’d bring him plate after plate of food, only to return to remove a stale version. Talking to himself, answering in a different tone as if there was a different person in the room with him. You were slightly frightened of the man he had become...
He hid it well in front of others, however you saw the devastation it raved on his mind. The father you’d grown up with was slowly crumbling when the ailment took its course through his body.
You were heartbroken, but at the same time you were a little relieved that he had managed to pass before he was completely lost. You weren’t sure if you could’ve watched that happen, you might have had to leave him if it had gone much further...
He caught consumption from handling corpses too often, something you had warned him about, but he didn’t listen. Every time a storm came in... He had to try, at least with one body. However, he couldn’t get it to work in the larger bodies... It never lasted long. Generally, it was enough for the corpse to shudder, possibly move an appendage and then their brain became overwhelmed from the strain of the electricity and it cooked... After that there truly was no second chance.
While your father desperately tried his method over and over again, you researched into the probability of herbal concoctions being added to the corpse to add in the regeneration process. You believed that if there was a herbal barrier between the electricity, that the corpse wouldn’t burn up... The electricity could be funneled through the body efficiently, instead of focusing in one area.
Even though your father didn’t see the point, you were certain if a particular mixture was added to the point of contact for the electrodes on the body, then there was a way to make it work. If you added a conductor to the process, then the possibility of success might increase.
But finding a fresh body was difficult, and generally frowned upon by the local peoples. The graveyard had been ravaged by your father, and the townspeople thought it was some animal digging up their loved ones. So, they had built a gate to dissuade any living being that came in during the night hours.
With your father being older, climbing the large fence by himself would be difficult, with a body added to it, procuring a subject would be near impossible. This lef your father with much smaller beings to work with, such as rabbits and deer that he managed to trap and kill while out on hunting excursions. Fish, also, were a medium that your father had some success in.
But it always came back to human beings in his mind. He truly believed that he could bring back people from the dead. And he wasn’t going to stop until he managed to do it.
Yet, death took him as well and no doubt to a place where he wouldn’t be with your mother either... Your father was a good man, but he had been overtaken with sadness and guilt of your mother’s death, and it turned him into someone he wasn’t by the end.
This didn’t make his absence hurt any less however. It was still difficult to eat breakfast without his whistles being heard from the other room. Every time it rained you thought of him, and when lightning cracked in the sky you wondered if it was really possible...
Was he actually on to something? Was there a way for you to bring the dead back to life?
These thoughts lead you to some research left in your father’s library. He had many scribbles and notes that didn’t make much sense. However, there was one letter that was written and dated about four years before he passed.
He was still writing in cohesive sentences. It must’ve been before he really went off the deep end...
It went as follows:
Dear Y/N,
I fear my mind isn’t entirely my own any longer. These thoughts in my head, it feels too overwhelming. As if another is controlling my thoughts and making me do things I don’t entirely want to, or feel the need to do...
But, my daughter, please believe me every time I say I love you. You remind me of your mother dearly, and perhaps that’s what hurts me the most. The fact that even though she isn’t here, I still get to see her in you... Your intelligence is blinding, much like hers. And I hope when I am no longer to finish my work... You will be able to take after me. Would you do me that honour?
Even if I become someone I am not, will you stay with me my child?
Til the end?
Your adoring father...
After finding that letter you sat in his study and sobbed. The emptiness in the home didn’t suit you. You hated waking up alone, going to bed alone and always being alone. You clutched the letter to your chest, heaving in breaths as you tried to calm your racing heart.
“Yes father,” you whimpered... “I will do as you ask.”
Soon you were going out and finding new herbs, flowers, trees and animals to test your theories out on. You healed the sick animals to see if they responded well to the treatment, and if they didn’t you did your best to aid them anyways.
If they died from their injuries then you tried to get their bodies on ice as quickly as possible. That way their organs didn’t rot and they were in the state akin to life just placed on pause.
However, you never crossed over to humans. That was something you weren’t going to do. If you successfully brought an animal back from the dead, then you would close up your father’s laboratory and begin his physicians practice once more.
That lead you to the day you found a dog, dying on the road.
It whimpered in pain, you remember it clearly. You had never felt so much anguish for an animal in your life. You quickly collected the pooch into a blanket and hurried home, a storm was brewing...
Getting home you found the extent of his injuries. He had been trampled by some horses, and left for dead no doubt. The thought made rage boil in your stomach, but you didn’t let it weigh you down. There was far too much work to do. Breaking into your strongest medicines and painkillers you tried to keep the poor animal at ease. Cooing it into slumber, patting it’s head affectionately and staying by it’s side the whole night.
At around midnight, the animal stopped breathing. Your heart lurched in your chest and you heard a crack of thunder in the distance. The wind beat itself against the windows and you saw your father’s old cot laying in the corner.
Before thinking too much about the prospects you acted. Gathering his old electrodes and clamps you moved the dog onto the cot, wheeling him towards the center of the room... Slathering your own concoctions onto his head you prayed that his fur wouldn’t obstruct your work too much. Grabbing the bolts you hammered them into his temples, then connecting the final wires to them. Next you found your father’s serum... It was the only thing he used, and it must have some sort of reanimative properties if his corpses were able to regain a form of movement after the electricity came through... Pushing a few droplets into the poor animals mouth, you stepped back.
The ceiling had a prong sticking high into the sky in hopes of catching a lightning strike and directing the energy towards a body, aiding in the reanimation process. This was one of the first projects your father had undergone after your mother died. It took him nearly three years to complete, and was the beginning of his end. You father also covered in glass so that he could see the lightning rod without much difficult. So you watched and waited... Rain howled loudly outside, making you bite your lips in nerves. This was it, you could feel the static charge prickle along your skin.
The room was engulfed in light and you threw the lever connecting the lightning rode to the electrodes. You had to shield your eyes from the brightness of it all.
When the ringing had stopped in your ears and the blue spots disappeared from your vision, you found the dog whimpering on the cot. Tip toeing over you peered at the canine from afar.
He wasn’t just jolting, he was actually breathing, eyes looking around and staring at his surroundings. Your mouth dropped open. Minutes went by, and the animal didn’t fall still once more. If anything, he became more animated, wanting to sit up but the clamps preventing his movements.
It had worked.
Falling to your knees beside the dog you began to sob into the animal’s soft fur. You had did it... He had come back to life, and your father was right. Your father’s hard work hadn’t gone to waste, he wasn’t an insane fool... his death now meant something.
It felt so good to cry with someone in the room. You weren’t so alone anymore, because this being here was able to be with you now... Because you had done the impossible, and brought him back from the land of the dead...
And that was the last time you were ever going to do it. You swore...
You woke up with the sun shining bright in your eyes, as well as a numb arm.
“Ugh, get off Garçon,” you whined, pulling your arm out from underneath his warm body. Your dog groaned and shuffled over, making himself comfortable against your pillows once more.
Scoffing at his attitude you got out of bed, grabbing your robe and tying it around your waist before heading downstairs. The beauty of having an undead animal was that they didn’t eat anything. He never was hungry and you were alright with that.
Less money out of your coin purse every week.
You began to make coffee, boiling the water on the stove like you did every morning.
A soft knock came from the door and you raised an eyebrow.
Who would be here this early in the morning?
Walking over you opened the door and the bright smile of Kim Taehyung greeted you. Smiling back you leaned against your door. “Good morning, Taehyung, what can I help you with?”
Taehyung’s eyes moved down your body before clearing his throat and looking into your eyes. “I have the money for my Father’s medicine, and I know that you’re not going to-”
“Taehyung I’ve told you many times that I don’t want money from you, his payment was birthing one of the kindest people I know... So go buy something you really want with that money, okay? I know you must’ve worked very hard for it,” you urged.
“D-Do you think, I could buy both of us dinner tonight with it?” he asked, a soft blush painting his features.
The wind blew your hair away from your face and you giggled. Taehyung bit his lip nervously as you appeared to mull the thought over in your mind. “Mmm, what would we be eating Taehyung?” you asked.
“Whatever you want!” he announced firmly.
“What if what I want isn’t on that particular menu?” you winked. Taehyung smirked and leaned against your door frame.
“Then you can order off the private menu if you’d like,” he suggested.
“Perhaps I could join you for dinner then,” you agreed.
“Really? You mean it?” he asked, eyes glimmering with hope.
“I would be delighted to join you, just tell me where?” you asked.
“Jin’s tavern, he serves the best food I’ve ever had,” he stated.
“But you haven’t tasted the best cuisine yet,” you flirted, pulling on your nightgown with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Perhaps I could sample it for dessert tonight?” he whispered.
“If you’re lucky,” you winked. “I really would like to join you for a meal. All jokes aside,” you confirmed.
“Then meet me at an hour before dusk at the tavern, and we’ll eat there,” Taehyung offered.
“I’ll see you then, Taehyung.”
He smiled and kissed your hand demurely before trotting off down your drive with a spring in his step. Shutting the door you slid down it on your back and squealed into your lap.
You’d liked Taehyung for years, even when the village folk didn’t accept you after your father passed... He had found you outside playing with Garçon and he had become a dear friend of yours ever since. When you brought your face up you found Garçon staring at you with an amused expression. “Oh stop it pooch, I’m allowed to be excited for my first date!” you yelped.
Garçon wagged his tail, coming closer and curling up next to you on the floor. You patted his head, trying to keep yourself from going crazy with excitement.
“Finally, finally I can be a normal girl for once. I don’t have to be the reclusive doctor, I can go out and maybe get to have my first kiss, huh?” you stared at Garçon eagerly. He just barked and you hugged him tight.
You progressed with your day, trying to keep focused on your work and not so much on the cute boy with a smile bright enough to melt your heart. You messed up two rosemary salves and one lemongrass and ginger herbal tea for someone else. You decided it would just be better if you didn’t continue working, in fear of something blowing up in your face.
So, you roamed around your home. Trying to keep yourself preoccupied was proving to be difficult. As high noon came around you tried to get a bath running so your hair would be dry by the evening. Pouring in your favorite scented oil you smiled, rose filling your nostrils.
Peeling off your clothing, you submerged your body and sighed in relief. As you sat in the warm water, you wondered briefly if Taehyung would still go on a date with you if he knew what you had done...
No one really knew that Garçon was dead, because they weren’t there... And he looked healthy, due to the fact that his broken ribs had been reset by you. So now he acted like any normal dog... But if Taehyung knew the truth about him, would he accept that? Would he understand that you were a scientist who had brought back a dog...
You shook your head quickly, not letting the thoughts overwhelm you. It would never come up in conversation, and therefore it wouldn’t matter. Taehyung didn’t have to know, because you weren’t going to do it again. You weren’t certain you could.
Leaving the anxious feeling behind you let yourself sink lower into the water and began to clean your skin.
Standing in front of your bedroom mirror you tried to think of the best dress to wear out for the night. It was going to be a little chilly, so you wanted to wear one with sleeves. But, if the night progressed how you hoped... Then you wanted the dress to be alluring for Taehyung to view.
However, you didn’t want to seem like a floozy. Even though your interaction earlier wasn’t exactly proper...
Looking through your wardrobe you found a soft pink dress that had sleeve with a square neckline that left a little for the imagination. You smiled and pulled the soft material on over your body, letting it settle accordingly before adjusting as needed.
Buttoning up the bodice you looked outside to see the time. You had approximately forty five minutes left before Taehyung’s meeting time. Hurrying to pull your hair up, you found a pin and twisted your locks in a simple fashion, leaving a few strands to frame your face.
Grabbing your mother’s necklace you put it around your neck. The familiar weight calmed your nerves as you sat at your vanity. You did simple brushes of powder and added a smidge of blush cream. A soft rose blend on your lips for color. You looked beautiful...
A tear fell down your cheek as you thought of your parents.
They would want to see you at this moment. How much you had grown, and how beautiful you had become. The picture of them smiling with you as a babe sat on your vanity gazing at you. You knew they could see you, and you knew they were proud.
Although, you hoped once the night progressed they would turn their eyes away...
Gathering your purse and accessories you trotted down the stairs, slipping your feet into your shoes at the bottom of the stairs. Garcon waited patiently at the door for you, ready to walk with you to the end of the drive like he did nearly every day. You moved with haste, noticing the sun beginning to move lower into the sky. You got to the door and opened it, leaving it cracked so Garçon could get back in and shut it when you left.
For being dead, he was a pretty smart boy.
You almost sprinted to your gate before flinging it open in excitement.
Once outside, you turned and waved at Garçon who was sitting patiently. He always watched you walk away before he would go back in the house. He wanted to make sure you got off where you were going safely. As you turned your back you felt a chill run down your spine. Looking off towards the East you saw almost black clouds rolling in.
A storm? Tonight?
It seemed unlikely, especially with the beautiful weather you’d had all week. Perhaps it would pass over. You didn’t think too much before you headed towards the tavern.
Jin’s Tavern was over on the other end of town, tucked back towards the edge of the forest. It was a long walk, so you picked up your pace. Jogging through the village everyone looked on in shock as the Physician’s daughter passed them by. A few waved, mostly the farmers whom you interacted with regularly.
“Where are you getting off to so gussied up?” Mrs. Yening asked, pulling in some of her flowers.
“Taehyung asked me to dinner tonight,” you smiled brightly. She fussed over you and pressed your cheeks, much like a mother would her babe. Since you ventured out of your home, and left the daunting facade of the quack doctor’s daughter behind, people actually started to respect you.
Not everyone was as kind as Mrs. Yening, but they were civil, and you were so grateful for it. Your loneliness had killed you. The people in the village scared of the grief-consumed individual you had turned into.
However, Garçon had brought you from that darkness. He had given you Taehyung, and when Taehyung came along, everyone else did as well.
Mrs. Yening placed a delicate alyssum bundle in your hair, cooing at the sight you gave her. “Now, hurry along, don’t keep the anxious boy waiting any longer!”
Nodding you ran off, a huge grin on your face as you made it to Jin’s Tavern. It was a little after the time Taehyung had stated, so you hoped you didn’t make him wait long...
Entering the large doors you were hit with the smell of food and drink. Everyone was laughing boisterously, glasses clinking and men whistling. You saw Jimin, the baker’s son, sitting at a table with Namjoon and Yoongi. Two of the local law enforcement. They mainly just settled little disputes here and there to keep everything intact. Hoseok and Seokjin were chatting at the bar when Jin noticed you standing at the door.
“Y/N! Come on over here!” he urged.
Excusing yourself through the crowd you came up to the older man and sat down. Hoseok passed you a glass of water as Jin wiped down the counter in front of you.
“You seem to be flushed, what’s got you all in a rush?” Hoseok smiled.
“I-I’m having dinner with Taehyung, here,” you said, huffing before taking large gulps of the water.
“Oh, are you? I haven’t seen him yet,” Hoseok wondered.
“He’s sure to turn up if Y/N is waiting, the boy will come for miles if it means she’s going to be there,” Jin teased.
You blushed and waited. The men before you chatting still, making small little comments to see you smile.
However, time rolled on.
And Taehyung didn’t show up.
You sat on the stool and every time the door opened you whipped around with a smile on your face, until you discovered none of the people entering were Taehyung. Hoseok looked at you worried, passing you another glass of water.
Jimin came over and offered you something to eat, but you declined... Taehyung had offered to purchase your meal tonight and you wanted to make sure you had an appetite for when he arrived.
Namjoon and Yoongi approached as well, asking if you wanted them to go out to look for the man in question. You weren’t sure if that was necessary. “I don’t think anything bad happened to him. I know he’ll be here. I’m sure he will.”
The night kept progressing.
Your stomach protested with the lack of food in it, but you held firm. Each time it growled Hoseok and Jin would offer to make you something to eat. On the house, but you refused each time. Taehyung would buy you a meal tonight... He said he would.
People began to flood from the doors. The liveliness of the evening narrowing out as it turned night. Jin started walking around the emptying tavern and began collecting plates, cups and getting ready for the place to close up for the night.
“Are you sure he meant tonight, Y/N? Maybe he meant tomorrow?” Jin offered as he walked past with a stack of dishes in his hands.
You held your head up in your palm, a sad expression on your face. “No, he asked me to dinner tonight. I know I didn’t mishear him,” you answered.
“P-Perhaps he got caught up at the mill?” Hoseok tried.
“He doesn’t have to work at the mill for at least two more days. The shipment of lumber from the yard isn’t due here until then,” you sighed.
Jin and Hoseok shared a solemn expression. “Y/N, it’s almost time for me to close... I-I don’t think the lad is coming tonight.”
You felt the sharp burn of tears in your eyes as you realized his statement.
A crack of thunder was heard in the distance and the two men looked at you with worried eyes. “I can make you up a bed for the night, it looks like it’s going to rain,” Hoseok stated.
“No,” your voice cracked. Hoseok placed his palm on your shoulder, rubbing it with a tenderness only a friend could offer.
“Y/N, don’t cry,” Jin pleaded.
“He said he wanted to use the money he made from extra hours at the mill to dine with me... Why would he lie and then not show up? Maybe something bad did happen to him...” you pulled on your lower lip with your teeth.
“Should I go get Yoongi and Namjoon? Maybe we should go out to look for him, you know he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to be with Y/N,” Hoseok said, standing up.
“They might be asleep but I could go get Namjoon-”
“No, it’s fine,” you whispered, letting the tears fall freely down your face. “I should just accept that he isn’t coming. Because he didn’t want to... I think I’m just going to go home for the night.”
“Y/N, it’s going to storm out there! We can’t just let you go!” Jin protested.
“I’ll be fine you two, believe me,” you smiled weakly.
Hoseok gave you a tight hug before wiping your tears. “I’m sure he wanted to come tonight, he’s sure to have a good reason. Don’t worry about it and hurry home, Garçon should be waiting for you.”
You nodded and gathered your things before heading out the door.
It was bitterly cold as you came out from Jin’s warm tavern. The wind was blowing hard and you felt your pin beginning to unfurl from your hair. Collecting your skirts you began to head home.
It was hard not to feel upset and hurt, but you tried to keep your head held high as the tears flowed freely. Jin and Hoseok were probably right, something came up. It’s not that he didn’t want to be here, something must’ve come up... It had to...
Your head turned so sharp you felt it pop slightly at the motion.
The sound of a petrified man carried over the screaming wind.
You didn’t even think as you took off towards the sound of the voice. Your feet flew into the forest before you could even think about what you were doing. The voice sounded so terrified, in so much pain.
What had happened?
You had to hurry, someone needed you and you weren’t going to let them down.
“ARE YOU THERE?! ANSWER ME!” you screamed, trying to hear their voice once more.
“PLEASE! THIS WAY!” a distinct male voice answered again.
You could hear him, he wasn’t that much further. He couldn’t be, if you could hear him over this wind.
Your skirt caught on a branch, halting your movements. Grabbing the fabric you simply ripped yourself free from the tree, heading off once more. The frigid air burned your delicate skin, but it was secondary at this point. Someone needed you.
“WHERE ARE YOU?” you yelled again.
“Help... me!”
He sounded weaker, but even closer than last time.
Deeper into the woods you went, trying to keep your pathway straight as possible so you could get out quickly. You heard deep gasping, as if someone was struggling to breathe. Looking around frantically, your eyes found a horrific sight.
A man, probably around your age, lay with a tree stump protruding from his stomach. Crimson blood leaked from his injury and you had to cover your mouth to keep from crying in horror. He was already gravely pale, and you wondered if you were going to be able to do anything.
Not letting your doubt fall into your mind, you fell to your knees beside him.
“Hey, can you hear me?” you asked, cradling his head in your hands. He was beautiful, skin smooth and clear. Body lean and structured, a strong young man. His forehead was damp with sweat, no doubt from the pain. Biting your lip you looked at his wound. The stump wasn’t too thick, but it carved a disgusting whole in his mid section.
“H-help... me...” he sputtered, coughing up blood onto his pouty lips.
“I will, I’ll help you,” you promised, brushing the blood away from his mouth. Looking at the stump and his stomach you grew worried. There wasn’t going to be anyway for you to move him, not without causing him to hemorrhage. The stump was the only reason he hadn’t bled out before you found him.
“What’s your name?” you asked, brushing his damp hair away from his face.
“J-Jung-gkook,” he rasped.
“I’m Y/N,” you answered, dabbing at his sallow cheeks tenderly. You were going to stay with him. As long as it took, you were going to keep him as comfortable as you could.
“So-so, tired,” he whimpered.
“Then sleep,” you urged, moving so he could rest his head in your lap. His skull rested against your thighs solidly, making you flush. Disgust at your own thoughts raved in your mind. He was dying, you weren’t going to think of him in that way during his final moments.
You frowned at the sight before you. He was obviously young like yourself, so handsome. Looking at him you noticed a piece of paper crumpled in his hands. Pulling it away from him you examined it.
A note from his mother...
Dear Jungkook,
Please hurry... Your father isn’t doing well and we need the tea from the doctor in that town. We love you so much son, hurry back and be safe.
Your devoted parents.
Tears thatched to your eyelashes as you swallowed hard.
He was trying to save his father...
And he must’ve tripped on the vines a few feet from here and fell onto the stump, impaling himself. It made you sick to your stomach to view his pain.
“Jungkook?” you asked, smoothing his hair gently.
“Mmm,” he answered quietly, his breathing was slowing. He didn’t have much time left.
“Are you scared?” you asked.
“No... an angel is wi-ith me,” he sputtered, looking at you through his lashes.
“I’m not an angel,” you shook your head.
“Can yo-u, g-get that note,” he swallowed hard, obviously straining to speak. It obviously pained the poor man to speak, but he wasn’t going to give up. “Get it... to the town’s doctor... M-my dad... sick...”
You smiled. “I am the town’s Doctor, and I will make sure your father gets the treatment he needs,” you stated.
“An-gel,” he whispered. “Th-ank... you...”
His eyes fell shut and his harsh breathing stopped. You bit your lip and felt tears streaming down your face. Why did this happen? How could someone so caring and so sweet, lay there dead in your lap. Cradling his head in your hands you smoothed his cheeks gently, as if trying to calm a fitful babe.
Another crack of thunder jolted you from your thoughts.
Your mind froze.
You said you wouldn’t do it again... But, you had to try.
If anyone deserved another chance, it was Jungkook.
Mind made up, you laid his head gently on the ground. You got your hands underneath his still warm torso before pushing up with all your might. A sickeningly wet sound pounded in your ears as Jungkook’s body came free of the stump. He fell on top of you, lips placed on your throat. Cringing from the weight and idea of a dead man laying atop you, you scrambling to your feet. Widening your stance you pulled on his hands, letting his front touch your back. You winced as the feeling of blood dripped down your spine. You swallowed thick, trying to keep yourself from getting sick.
Locking your arms around his upper chest, you began to run, as fast as you could with Jungkook on your back.
The wind howled as you did so.
It didn’t matter that your legs and arms were in agony from the haul.
You just had to get home...
And fast.
Falling into your home you gasped in much needed air.
“GARÇON!” you cried.
The distinct sound of his paws hitting the wooden floor upstairs came fast.
Soon, you felt him licking your face.
“Grab him, and get him to Dad’s laboratory,” you urged.
Something that had surprised you when Garçon had come back was how strong he was. He was a Great Dane, but still his strength seemed a little outrageous. Also, his intelligence was startling. At first, he was a little slow... But watching you he seemed to learn, you taught him commands and places in your home, and he was able to perform them. No mere canine was that brilliant, you wondered if it would work with other animals, but you weren’t going to try...
At least not until a young man with a golden heart fell into your lap.
You heard him pulling Jungkook as you ran ahead, getting your dress off and grabbing a robe to throw on. Throwing on your physician’s robe you just didn’t want to be naked. Quickly, as if the stairs were made of burning coals, you made your way down into the lower level of the house.
Grabbing the bannister you locked your fingers around it and propelled yourself down the hallway. Passing Garçon and Jungkook on the way you hurried to unlock your father’s laboratory. You pulled on the door aggressively, but it wasn’t budging. It hadn’t been open since the morning after you reanimated Garçon, and that was almost five years ago now...
Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you yanked with a great deal of strength, and the door came free. Stumbling backwards into the wall you winced at a stinging sensation. You peered down at your arm and noticed a gash bleeding through your robe. Letting the burn of pain disappear in your mind, you flew through the door and bolted over to your father’s former desk and counters. They were covered in dust and grime making you wondered if you should even attempt this...
The sound of dragging made you turn. Garçon had Jungkook’s body in the doorway. “Good boy, Garçon. Over here,” you said, pointing towards the center of the room. You had to hurry and find the bolts and wires that connected to the main line that stuck up in the air from the ceiling.
Throwing open a few cabinets you coughed at the collection of dust that sat atop it. You kneeled on the floor and pushed aside various bottles and jars of salves that would do you no good during this process.
Finding two jars towards the back you gripped them in your hand and pulled them before you. They were the ones you wanted: Rosemary and Witch hazel ointment then a Bergamot and Yarrow salve. The witch hazel and rosemary for cleansing and bergamot and yarrow for healing.
Garçon barked at you, sitting next to Jungkook’s body. You nodded and grabbed the old cot that had been the place of Garçon’s rebirth. Pushing it towards the center of the room, the jars of your ingredients set on the bedding.
Once you latched the bed down into the floor, you grabbed Jungkook’s body and hauled it up onto the bed, staining the sheets with blood. You winced when his hand brushed your shoulder, but you continued on. Garçon pushed with his nuzzle, aiding you in getting Jungkook up onto the cot with ease.
You huffed in exhaustion, the run back to your home and adrenaline beginning to dissipate in your system. But you weren’t done, you had to try. He was owed that much.
Finding a medical kit on the counter towards the windows, you grabbed it and pulled on the gloves inside. Pushing aside various pieces of gauze and surgical tape you found the sutures and thread that would provide useful.
Lighting a candle you held the suture needle over the flame and sanitized it best you could. Grabbing a couple clamps and more dabbing cloths you set to work. Taking Jungkook’s shirt in your hand, you ripped the delicate fabric down and revealed the extent of his wound.
The sight made you slightly ill, you had no idea it was this severe. You were surprised he had managed to hang on as long as he did. It was a testament to his love for his family, especially his ailing father.
These revelations made you even more determined to succeed.
You had to work fast, Jungkook’s body was already settling into rigor mortis. Once it fully set in, there wasn’t much to be done after words. So, you began stitching and cutting out the already permanently damaged flesh. You had to close the wound before you attempted reanimation, because if it was successful... He could be walking around with a giant hole in his chest.
Fingers cramping and brow slick with sweat you wondered if you were going to find triumph in your endeavor. You wanted to be right. You wanted Jungkook to go home to his parents...
But you hadn’t brought a human back before, and you were unsure of the progression of age on the body after he was resurrected. However, you’d cross that bridge when it appeared.
Finally you were closing the surface wounds. The thunder clapped outside, reminding you of the urgency for the situation. You set down your instruments and pulled off your gloves. Moving towards the head of the cot, you looked at Jungkook’s pale face.
He was beautiful.
Soft eyelashes, plush lips and chiseled bones underneath smooth skin... You were entranced by him, even in this state he was a vision.
Shaking your head you moved for the bolts and fasteners. Placing steel bolts next to his temples, you hammered it into place. Swallowing at the sickening sound of his bones yielding to the tool, you felt slightly nauseous.
Next you grabbed the salves and placed them over his stitches. Placing a few dollops of your father’s serum in his mouth, you stepped back. Heaving in gulps of air you realized you hadn’t been breathing out of nerves.
Locating the electrodes, you began to attach them appropriately. Once the last one was secure, you looked at your work. He was hooked up and all you had to do was wait for the perfect time.
This was the hardest part.
You had to wait until a lightning bolt hit the rod, then throw the switch to allow the electricity to flow freely. It was a shock that your father had mastered it years ago, and even more so that you had done it with Garçon.
To duplicate the miracle was unlikely; but the rod was high enough in the air and made out of copper.
Moving over to the switch on the wall you gripped it and watched the sky with nerves eating you up inside. Your reaction time was the most imperative part of this moment. Garçon whined in the corner of the room, however you didn’t move.
“Don’t distract me Garçon, I need to fo-”
You pulled the lever down hard, and the room lit up brightly, much like it did years ago with Garçon. You flew to the ground, covering your head with your hands. The sound of glass cracking made your heart race, but you stayed still.
Garçon ran over, placing his head atop yours to protect you.
Another bolt of lightning struck and you saw Jungkook’s body sitting up on the cot.
Your eyes widened as you looked at his frame. He was rigid on the bed, shoulders squared. Garçon stood in front of you, looking at Jungkook warily.
“J-Jungkook?” You whispered, voice weak.
His head snapped towards yours. That’s when you realized you hadn’t fastened the stamps on the cot. Jungkook was freely moving.
Standing up you noticed as Jungkook kept his eyes on you. Placing your hands up slowly, you moved to approach him. However, you couldn’t stop your trembling. Had you really done it? Brought a human back from the planes of the unknown? Your throat was raw with anxiety.
When you were about six feet from Jungkook, is when it all went south.
Jungkook started gripping at the electrodes attached to his frame. Knowing that they were still charged you needed to keep them attached so the circuits could run their course. If he pulled them now, he could fall dead once more.
“Jungkook, don’t!” You yelped, moving to his side quickly.
The wind left your lungs as he threw his arm out. Landing on the ground in a pained heap you cried in distress. Garçon came over, growling at Jungkook.
“Garçon, down,” You huffed.
“No..” he mumbled, tugging at the equipment. You stood back up, albeit struggling, and tried once more to get close.
“Jungkook you need to wait,” you urged, trying to take his hand.
Yet again, he pushed you away. This time you lost your footing and hit the edge of the cabinets with your side. Gasping in anguish you hit the ground on your injured shoulder.
“Ah!” You whimpered, laying on the ground in pain. Jungkook turned his body at the sound.
“Please, you need to wait. Otherwise you might get hurt,” you whispered. Jungkook tilted his head, as if he understood.
He took his hands away from his wiring. You stood up, knees wobbling in strain and holding your arm in pain. But you needed to check on him, make sure that he was alright. His animation seemed to be holding well, however that could change in an instant.
Making it over to him, he peered at your face with curiosity. You reached out your hand carefully, showing the palm to him. Jungkook looked down at your palm, then to your face once more. “Jungkook?” you asked.
His head tilted, seeming to recognize the name. “J-Juung-koooook,” he mimicked, seeming unsure of his voice.
“That’s you, yes,” you smiled.
“Juung-koooook,” he said once more, pointing at you.
“No, I’m Y/N, you’re Jungkook,” you whispered, pointing at him.
“Ann-gell,” he whispered. You raised an eyebrow and your mind went back to earlier in the evening. He had called you an angel, before he’d passed.
“I think we can take these off now, can I-” you began to move towards him, without realizing your palm was covered in your own blood. Jungkook’s eyes widened at the sight.
“NO!” he screamed, shoving your hand away. You gasped at his violent reaction, unsure of where the hostility came from. Jungkook looked up at your shoulder, where blood was collecting on your robe. His eyes grew in fear as he moved away from your hand.
“Jungkook it’s alright!” you urged, holding your hands up in a peaceful manner. However, this seemed to upset him more.
“Pain! No!” he gasped, ripping the electrodes and pads off of his flesh.
“Jungkook stop!” you cried, trying to grip his arms to cease his frantic movements. But he was much stronger than you. Something he seemed unaware of, because he shoved you away yet again.
You tripped on a bucket and felt yourself hit the cabinet behind you, much firmer this time causing your body to collapse in a slump on the floor. Garçon whined in panic, rushing over to lick your face.
Jungkook stared at your body on the floor. You weren’t moving.
“A-an-gelll,” he whispered, attempting to move towards you with hesitance.
You whimpered in pain, holding your side. Jungkook looked down at his own hands then to you. Had he really pushed you so hard? What had he done?
“J-Jungkook,” you weakly gasped. Garçon whined in fear, licking your face frantically.
“P-painn, Angelll,” he said with such remorse it made your heart heavy.
“Jungkook, stop... You’re going to hurt yourself,” you whispered, trying to sit up.
“Angelll, p-pain,” he gasped, standing up and ripping the posts from his skull. You screamed in fear for him, watching as he stumbled into a standing position. Jungkook managed to stagger to the door, getting it open and heading down the hall.
Your throat tightened in worry, he wasn’t stable yet. You needed to keep a close eye on him until he adapted. “G-Garçon, follow him,” you demanded.
Garçon whimpered, licking your face before heading out the door after Jungkook. Finally hauling yourself up into a seated position you rested your head back against the aged wood. Exhaustion flooded your body, adrenaline and endorphins completely wiped out of your system.
You knew Garçon would follow him and keep him safe. For now you needed to get a little bit of rest before you went after Jungkook. He was stronger than you, and if you had any chance of helping him... you needed to be ready.
With heavy eyelids, you let yourself fall asleep...
Unsure of when you would open them again.
You awoke with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth and a severe bruise forming on your left side.
For a moment you weren’t sure why you were in your father’s laboratory. Then, the prior events flooded your mind.
The reanimation...
You had to find them, and you had to do it fast.
With some difficulty you stood up, hanging onto the wood for support. Gathering yourself you managed to get out to the kitchen, when there was furious knocking at your door.
Was it Jungkook?
Did Garçon bring him back!?
Hurrying over to the door you threw it open to find...
“Taehyung?” you asked, eyebrow raised. He had the most pathetic look on his face as he weakly offered you a bouquet of wildflowers.
The anger of being stood up by the young man had long been forgotten, all that mattered right now was finding Jungkook and Garçon. However, Taehyung couldn’t know anything had happened last night. For all he knew, all he did was stand you up on a date. You must be furious with him.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry about last night, honestly I am such a fool and-”
“It’s fine, Taehyung,” you said, looking down the road for any signs of Garçon or Jungkook to be seen.
“No, Y/N, wait... What happened to your shoulder?” he asked, taking your arm in his hand. Normally, the gesture would send butterflies galore in your stomach. However, now it just sent fear. Fear of being discovered and found out to be a freak who brought the dead back to life. You couldn’t let it slip.
Bringing your arm back to your body you flipped your hair to cover the wound. “Just slipped last night, it rained quite a bit you know,” you dismissed.
“But, Y/N, it looks rather bad-”
“Taehyung, honestly. I’m alright, what did you want?” you asked.
His eyebrows raised at the hostility in your voice before swallowing hard. “Uh, I came to give these to you and to apologize for last night. Father had a fit and started to become weak. Mother needed help to keep an eye on him and I was going to come and find you after they were asleep but the rain had started by that point and-”
“I understand, don’t let it trouble you,” you urged.
“But, Y/N. I want to go out with you, properly. Shall we get breakfast? Right now? That way we won’t run the risk of-”
“I’m a little busy right now Taehyung, with the rain last night no doubt people will be coming down with colds and I should really get ahead on the tea and herbal oils to help treat them. Perhaps another time?” you asked, itching to go up to change so you could head out to look for Jungkook.
“I-I, uh, sure. Certainly, Y/N,” Taehyung said, smile lowering a little at your cold rejection.
“Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful,” you said, taking them from his hands. “But I really should go now. If your father gets sick again let me know and I can brew a medicine for it, bye!” you yelped, shutting the door in his face before throwing the flowers on the kitchen table and running for the stairs.
You had to get out and fast. You didn’t have any clue of where Garçon and Jungkook could be, but you had to find them and quick. Jungkook was extremely volatile right now and could be dangerous if not handled properly. Garçon was with him, but there isn’t much he would be able to do in regards to Jungkook hurting someone.
Grabbing your discarded dress from last night off the floor you went to find your outdoor wear, hoping that it would work for wherever Jungkook had wandered off to.
Where would he go? You wondered as you wrapped your arm in a simple bandage and began to pull on your clothes. He wasn’t local, that much you knew. With a town as small as yours you would’ve ran into him at some point if he was.
He was in the Southern woods when you’d found him, so perhaps he was coming from that direction? The only town close enough for walking distance here is the Lunar Isles, perhaps he could’ve come from there?
As you went to place your dirtied dress down, a small piece of parcel fell from the fabric. You noticed it was covered in blood, so it was smeared lightly. Picking it up you unfolded it and recognized the handwriting.
It was the note Jungkook had on him when he passed.
Searching the piece frantically you found the seal, and it was indeed from the Lunar Isles. The Moon Lily being a dead give away. Jungkook would be heading towards his family. And that meant serious trouble.
Quickly gathering your belongings in your satchel you ran towards the door. You had to find Jungkook fast.
Before it was too late.
The road was desolate as you trekked your way towards the Lunar Isles. It would only take a few hours on foot to get there, however it was more barren than you remember. Normally, there would be traders and merchants parading this pathway. Although, last nights rain probably made the soil to unstable for carriages to have good purchase.
You kept forward, hoping that you’d be able to find some sort of sign that Jungkook or Garçon had been this way. But the rain must’ve washed away any kind of prints last night. So, tracking them would have to start when you came upon the village.
The Lunar Isles were known for their beautiful fabrics and Floral Festival that they put on each year. When the moon rose at its highest peak for the year, they have these beautiful flowers that open only on that night. It’s the only opportunity they have to pollinate, so the villagers gather to celebrate the beauty of the flowers.
They eat, dance and drink together. A large parade takes place, then later on in the evening the locals light lanterns and let them go over the river that runs through the village. After the lanterns disappear, they all gather in the fields to the East of town to watch the flowers bloom.
You’d only been once, years ago with your father. He had some business with the Apothecary of the village, and you happened to stay for the festivities.
You remember the flowers being nothing like you’d ever seen before. So beautiful and delicate. Something out of a child’s tale. Many people propose on that night, presenting a Moon Lily to their lover in hopes of their love blooming under the moon’s protection.
It was beautiful to experience. You wish you had more merry business with the town than to collect one of their passed inhabitants. But, Jungkook would most certainly go home. If his note from his family was any indication of their connection.
The sound of a carriage approaching made you turn your head. A gentleman and his wife sat in their seats, holding the reins to their horse with diligent hands. Sending them a gentle wave, you noticed they were wearing the insignia of the Lunar Isles. A Moon Lily on a pin for the lady and an embroidered sleeve for the gentleman.
They waved back at you, sending soft smiles your way.
You were close.
Even though your hair was slick with sweat and your legs, as soon as you reached the crest of the next hill you saw it. The bustling streets and ached bright colors of the Lunar Isles.
Pushing forwards you managed to make it into the main market place without too much trouble. Looking around you tried to find traces of Jungkook or Garçon.
However, there were so many people around that you had trouble looking in one spot for very long. The whirlwind of other people became slightly overwhelming. In your anxious whirlpool you ran into an older woman, knocking her down to the ground. You gasped in surprise and turned to help her up. “Ma’am, I’m so sorry, are you hurt?” you asked, steadying her by her forearms.
“I’m alright, dear, just a little distracted,” she answered with a soft smile. Looking into her face you almost passed out.
She looked like a spitting image of Jungkook. His soft eyes and delicate lips were on her face as well, making your mouth gape open like an unattractive fish. She raised her eyebrow at you in confusion. “I-Is something wrong dear?” she asked, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, it’s rude to stare. But, you just look like someone I know,” you whispered.
“Really? That is curious, but I have to hurry home and tend to my husband, goodbye,” she waved.
Before she could turned completely, you grabbed her wrist. “Ma’am! Is your husband ill? I-I’m an apprentice under Y/N from Solstice,” you attempted. Her eyes widened, almost exactly like Jungkook’s yet again.
“Truly? Y-You know her?” she asked, gripping your hands tightly. “Have you heard from my boy? Jungkook is his name, he went to search for her in hopes of procuring a medicine to help my ailing husband. We haven’t heard from him and he left days ago,” she whispered.
“I’m unsure of his whereabouts, but I do know Miss Y/N, and I could help you if you’d allow me,” you offered.
If you could find their home, Jungkook would surely be nearby.
“Yes, please come with me,” she stated, ushering you through the large crowd and towards the more residential area of the village. You hadn’t been in this section in your travels with your father.
Following Jungkook’s mother you could feel your heart clench in pain for her. She had no idea that Jungkook had died trying to save his father. And now? Now you had lost her reanimated child. Guilt ate you up inside. How were you to know if he could ever assimilate back into normal society? Would he be able to come back here and live with his family? Would he age?
All of these things didn’t come to you when you brought him back, you just couldn’t let him die like that. Alone and worried for his father’s condition. You wouldn’t allow that. But now, you might’ve cause more pain than if you had just let him die...
Jungkook’s mother, who’s name you discovered to be Minsoo, lead you into their home. It was modest and comfortable, something you wished your home would provide...
“He’s this way,” she stated. You followed her into a room that had several bottles and jars collected on cabinets and shelves. “We’ve tried everything that the Doctor’s he could think of. But they only lessen the symptoms, and they come back within weeks of starting the medicine,” she explained.
“I see, let me take a look,” you stated.
Upon examination, you found that Jungkook’s father was ill, and he was being treated for the symptoms of his ailment, not the main cause. He must’ve grown up near a large mill, because his lungs seemed to be struggling.
Luckily, there was a solution.
“I have a tea and serum that when drank and applied twice weekly will ease his difficulty breathing. Keep him away from large groups of people and try to get him into the mountains, the fresh air there does many wonders for people with weak lungs,” you explained, feeling your worry ease.
Jungkook’s mother burst into tears as she hugged you tightly. “You are truly a gift from God, thank you so much dear,” she stated. You wrapped your arms around her as well.
No wonder Jungkook was loved so deeply. His parents were such kind souls, people that didn’t deserve for their son to be taken away from them in such a horrific manner. You kept your tears back, when you heard it. Garçon’s bark.
Your head perked up, looking out the window to see if you could spot him.
“Well, I must be going, I was here to do some shopping for my lady,” you coughed awkwardly.
“Well, one moment let me at least give you some money for these-”
“No, I don’t want you to pay for it,” you stated.
“But dear!”
“Do me a favor, and I’ll consider it payment. When you see your son again, tell him how much you love him. Any child that is willing to travel so far for their parent is one to be cherished,” you whispered.
Jungkook’s mother looked at you with confusion but nodded. “Of course, I promise.”
“Good,” you smiled. “Now, I really must be on my way.”
She followed you to the door and handed you some bread for your travels back. Thanking you profusely you smiled. Once the door was shut you bolted in the direction you last remembered hearing Garcon’s bark. It had stopped a few minutes prior, but you recalled where it had originated from.
Heading towards the streets you called out for you pet. “GARÇON!” you cried, trying to locate your beloved friend.
“GARÇON!” you yelled.
The sound of paws on pavement caught your attention as Garçon came flying around the corner. You rushed over and caught him in a tight hug. “Good boy, Garçon! Good boy!” you cried. He whimpered and licked your face, as if trying to check you over. “Garçon, Garçon where is Jungkook?” you asked, pulling him off of you and looking into his eyes.
“Bark!” he yelped, heading off down the road. You quickly chased after him, worried about the condition of the man who had stumbled from your home the night before.
Making around another corner you found yourself at a dead end, with Jungkook laying in a heap on the ground. Your heart stopped. “Jungkook!” you yelled, falling to your knees beside him.
He was trembling against the stonework. Garçon paced back and forth, whining. He was filthy, as if he had fallen in the mud and rolled in grass. Collecting his face in your hands you wiped away some of the grime. “Jungkook, can you hear me?” you asked, smoothing his hair away from his face.
His eyes opened slowly, seemingly weary. “Aan-gelll,” he groaned, head teetering back. You collected him and pulled him to your chest.
“Oh thank God,” you breathed, holding him tightly. “Don’t you dare run off on me again,” you warned.
Jungkook murmured against your body, but seemed to relax in your hold. Garçon came up next to you and licked his face gently, an action that made your heart swell. He had kept him safe, and here so you could find him. “Good boy, Garçon,” you praised, patting his head. You grabbed your satchel and pulled a loose fitting shirt from it and pulled it around his shoulders. “Come on Jungkook, time to go home,” you stated.
He didn’t fight you as you pulled him to his feet. Garçon walked beside him, letting his arm wrap around his neck for added support.
You all walked like that until a carriage offered to take you to Solstice, seeing as how he was heading in that direction anyways. The driver asked what happened to Jungkook, you merely patted his head affectionately. “My poor husband had a bit much to drink, so we’re just trying to get home,” you lied. The carriage driver smiled and said something about young love.
But it was silent the rest of the drive. You keeping Jungkook close to your frame while Garçon laid on his lap. Jungkook had an absent look in his eyes as if he wasn’t there, but was trapped in his own mind.
The sight was frightening, but it was both of your realities now...
And you had to live with it.
The carriage dropped you off outside of your home and you thanked him, giving him a few pouches of sweet tea in gratitude. He waved you off, disappearing into the distance. You looked at Jungkook and wrapped his arm around you.
“Come on Jungkook, we need to get you in a bath,” you stated.
Hauling him towards the house you noticed him become tense at the sight. You brushed your hand down his back soothingly, sending Garçon ahead to bump the door open.
Jungkook’s fingers were interlocked with yours as you both made your way up the drive. You looked at him cautiously, wondering if there was anything running through his mind. You wondered if he felt anything. Garçon seemed to be able to feel worry and happiness... But animals were much less complex than human beings.
Did Jungkook feel worry and joy? Did he feel safe with you?
It was all so new, and you’d have to discover it together.
You hoped Jungkook would adapt well, but you’re not off to a great start. Running off after seeing a little bit of blood and almost killing himself again after just coming back to life wasn’t what you considered a win. But, he was back here now. And now you could start to figure him out.
Getting Jungkook in the house proved to be the easiest part of the evening.
You didn’t know that water would terrify the man to the point of trembling in the corner of your bathroom. Trying to coax him into the warm water was even more difficult than trying to keep him in the same room as it. He definitely didn’t like the fire underneath the basin that was heating it for him either.
“Jungkook please come here,” you said, pointing towards the tub with an annoyed look.
“N-No,” he defied you, shaking his head.
“Jungkook now, you aren’t going to stay in those filthy clothes covered in dirt! I won’t allow it!” you warned.
Rolling your eyes you tried to think of how to get him into the bathtub. “Jungkook?” you asked, sitting on the floor near the bathtub. He peeked at you warily, keeping himself close to the wall.
You began to crawl towards him, smiling softly as you extended your hand towards him. Jungkook looked at your hand and smooshed himself against the wall harder, making his face contort in a hilarious way. You couldn’t hold the laughter that burst from you at his expression.
Jungkook’s eyebrows raised as he watched you laugh.
“Hee hee hee,” Jungkook mimicked. You tilted your head at his observation.
“You made me laugh, Jungkook. Because you were silly,” you smiled.
“N-no, Juuungkoook,” he said, pointing at himself. “N-n-no Sillllly,” he shook his head.
“No no, Jungkook. You aren’t named silly, you were just acting silly. Like this,” you demonstrated, smooshing your face with your hands like he had against the wall. Jungkook watched your face move into a goofy appearance and he let loose a couple involuntary giggles of his own.
You once more reached out for him, offering your hand to see if he would bite this time. He stared down at your skin, then back up to your eyes before giving you his hand. Carefully, you pulled him forward, towards the bath. Jungkook followed, letting you lead him where you wanted.
Having him stand up, you helped him disrobe. You flushed when you saw the attractive male's chest. You had never seen a man in this state of bareness.You averted your eyes as Jungkook lowered his pants. For just being reanimated, he seemed to know how to undress himself.
It was the little victories right now. You helped him get into the water. He sat down, letting it envelope him entirely. Watching him carefully, you smiled as he let a little sigh out of his pouty mouth. Just as he seemed to be relaxing, you noticed he was almost getting a little too comfortable. You gasped when he let his head go under the water.
“Jungkook, no!” you yelped, reaching in to grab under his shoulders. He came back up, looking at you with raised eyebrows.
“No?” he asked, looking at the water with a huff.
“No, if you do that you can hurt yourself,” you warned, grabbing the soap to start washing his hair.
“No,” he confirmed, nodding his head. Chuckling to yourself you started to lather the soap and run it through his hair. Jungkook leaned back into your hands, making soft sounds of approval.
“Does it feel good?” you asked, grabbing a cloth to wash his shoulders with.
“Mmm, go-od,” he confirmed.
“I’m glad,” you said, wiping the dirt and dried blood of his body. You winced when you peeked through the water to see his stomach. It was just starting to heal, something you noticed he had been capable of. There were small cuts on him last night that weren’t there any longer.
Perhaps he had a form of accelerated healing due to the reanimation?
You’d find that out later, for now what mattered was cleaning him up.
Jungkook splashed the water around a little bit, blowing at the soap bubbles that formed around his skin. You watched and laughed when he was goofy, behaving more like a young child.
When you finished washing his hair, you tapped his shoulder. He gazed up at you with bright eyes, ones that left you reeling for a few moments. Your heart constricted in your chest as he looked at you with such adoration in his eyes you didn’t think it was possible.
“No?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. You brought yourself from your thoughts before giving him a reassuring smile.
“It’s alright, just need to wash your face. Come here,” you encouraged, having him turn around to face you. Jungkook leaned towards you, letting you wipe his face with the warm cloth.
His eyes closed as he relaxed into your hands. It was so rewarding to have him like this. Safe, warm and happy in your hands. You wanted him to feel like this all the time.
But there was a long road ahead.
You needed to know what Jungkook still knew how to do, what he remembered, and if there was any chance of him regaining that lost knowledge. You could tell that his vocalizations needed work. It appeared that he could understand you a little, but wasn’t able to express his feelings towards what you wanted or what he needed.
Although, it would come with time. He needed to get adjusted, and perhaps once he did memories and things of the like would return as well.
“Good,” Jungkook murmured. You brushed his hair away from his face and smiled.
“Good,” you confirmed.
The follow days were hard.
Jungkook wasn’t good at communicating, and it was difficult for you to understand what he needed.
It started with trying to get him to remember small things.
‘Do you remember your family?’
‘Who are you?’
‘What did you like to do?’
It all became very repetitive. Jungkook didn’t remember much of anything. Jungkook only knew about seven or eight words. Jungkook, Angel, Silly, Good, No and Pain.
Whenever he liked something or enjoyed something, he’d answer good.
If you made a weird noise, or did something out of the ordinary he’d say silly.
If Jungkook didn’t understand or wasn’t sure of something he’d say no.
And when he was upset, he’d say pain.
Jungkook had been trying very hard, because he wants to make you happy. At least, that’s what you thought anyways. He also had a problem with knowing his own strength. Many of your dishes and silverware had been the victim of his powerful hands.
But you weren’t going to give up on him. He needed you, and you were the reason he was like this. You had a responsibility to him, to make him better if you could.
Today you wanted to see if Jungkook could read. You wondered if he remembered any kind of books from the Lunar Isles. So, you brought out a book about Moon Lilies.
Walking down the stairs you heard Jungkook laughing. No doubt at Garçon, who had taken to him quickly. They were the same in a way. Experiencing life after death, and they had a common friend in you.
You smiled as you reached the kitchen, seeing Jungkook throw Garçon’s toy to have him bring it back. “Good!” he announced, patting Garcon on the head.
“Jungkook?” you asked, coming around the corner and setting the book you selected for him on the kitchen table.
“Angel!” he yelled.
“Jungkook, are you having fun with Garçon?” you asked, looking at the pair with fondness.
“Good!” he nodded, patting Garçon on the head once more.
“Good,” you confirmed. “I want to try something, would you like to try something new?” you asked.
“Nnnnnn,” Jungkook tried, squinting at your lips as you said the last word.
“New,” you said slow, waiting for him to repeat.
“Nnneeewwww,” he said, exaggerating his face to mimic yours. You nodded and clapped.
“That’s right, new!” you said.
“No,” Jungkook pouted.
“Now, Jungkook,” you admonished. “We need to try new things.”
“No, Angel,” Jungkook said.
“Oh yes, Jungkook. Here,” you said, handing him the book.
Jungkook looked at it for a moment before running his hands over the front cover. You watched with rapt attention. He turned it over in his hands, sniffing it for a brief moment which worried you a little. Jungkook had taken a bite of Hemlock when you showed it to him for the first time, making you panic.
Good thing is, Jungkook wasn’t affected.
Peeling the front cover back, Jungkook touched the paper. He rubbed it, making it ripple and move. His eyes widened, moving the paper quickly back and forth until it ripped. You frowned, not wanting him to destroy your things. “Jungkook, no,” you said, holding his hand.
He looked at you then to the book. “No?”
“No, you don’t want to rip it,” you said, pointing at the rip in the paper. Jungkook pointed at it with you.
“No,” he said to the rip.
“That’s right, no,” you stated. He nodded before turning the pages slowly. He peered at the words with confusion, until he hit the picture of the Moon Lily. It was all over his hometown, so you hoped this would spring some sort of reaction in him.
Jungkook patted the picture, as if he was trying to get it out of the page. “Good,” Jungkook whispered. “L-Lily.”
“That’s right!” you praised, holding his face. “That’s a Moon Lily,” you encouraged.
“Good?” he asked, smiling brightly.
“So good, Jungkook!”
A knock came to your door and you turned harshly. No doubt another customer coming to seek a remedy. You looked at Jungkook and smiled softly.
“Just stay here, okay? I’ll be right back,” you said, standing up and moving towards the door.
You opened it, and to your surprise... Yoongi and Namjoon stood before you. You raised an eyebrow at both of them before stepping outside. “Good morning, gentleman,” you greeted.
“Y/N,” Yoongi acknowledged. “We’re here to ask you a few questions.”
“About?” you wondered.
“Do you know anything about the disappearance of a young man named Jeon Jungkook?” Namjoon questioned.
Your blood ran cold. Why would they be looking for him?
“The Lunar Isles is asking for aid in helping to locate the betrothed of the Mayor’s Daughter. Jeon Jungkook apparently was coming to you in search for a remedy for his father. But he hasn’t been seen in almost two months,” Yoongi stated.
“I-uh, I’m sure I have no idea. I see a lot of people,” you said casually. Or what you hoped was casual.
“Yes, we’re aware of that. But, there’s been search parties and not even a body has turned up. Surely we would’ve found something by now. So, we were wondering if you’d seen him, or at the very least heard of him?” Namjoon asked.
“I’m afraid I haven’t,” you coughed. “But, I’m sure if I see him or hear of him I’ll let you know.”
Yoongi and Namjoon looked at one another before nodding. “Y/N, if you do hear something... Please let us know, the Lunar Isles is rather upset that the pride and joy of their town has gone missing. They’re blaming us for his disappearance. I heard from Seokjin that they are threatening to cut off trade if no news of the young man comes in. So please, if you do hear anything... Come find us, alright?” Yoongi asked.
You nodded firm. “Absolutely, if I hear, see or smell something you’ll be the first to know,” you offered.
The men smiled at you before waving their farewells.
Your heart thudded dangerously against your chest. Jungkook, was engaged to be married to the Mayor’s daughter? Surely not, he was just a simple merchants son... But that didn’t make sense with the house his family was living in.
It was large and spacious, not something a merchant would be able to afford... Then it hit you. Jungkook must’ve agreed to marry the Mayor’s daughter to provide for his family. And when they couldn’t find a cure for his father...
Oh God, what had you done?
Hurrying back inside you leaned against the door, feeling the anxiety swallowing you whole. What were you to do? You couldn’t return Jungkook to them in this state. He barely was able to hold a sentence, let alone pass off for someone who hadn’t died and been brought back to life.
And once they knew what you had done... No doubt you’d be killed for your disgusting act of science. Even though it brought Jungkook back, even though you saved him you would still be punished. It would be seen as reversing God’s work. And that would no doubt bring death’s scythe upon your head.
“Angel?” Jungkook asked, coming around the corner to look at you.
Looking into his face you knew.
He had no idea what was wrong. He was innocent in this whole matter, it was all your fault. And he was now suffering because of what you had done. Because you decided to rewrite fate. It wasn’t your decision to make. Your father had been wrong to do it all those years ago, and you were even more disgusting for continuing to do his bidding after his death.
Jungkook being stood here before you was a mistake... But you didn’t want him to die. He seemed too lost and afraid while he laid in your lap that night. And during these past weeks, he’d been trying so hard to please you. To make you happy, and he wasn’t sure why he was doing either. You felt tears burn in your eyes as you looked at the man before you. “Jungkook, I’m so sorry,” you whispered, bringing him into your arms to hold him. “I’m so sorry I did this to you.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, something you’d taught him to do. “Angel... Pain?” he asked, keeping hold of you.
“Yes Jungkook,” you nodded, crying into his shoulder.
“No... No pain angel,” he whispered.
“I need to fix this,” you breathed, holding his face in your hands. You smoothed your thumbs over his cheeks, taking in his beauty. “I have to make this right.”
That night you look up at the stars and wonder if you could do it. Could you destroy the one thing that had been bringing you joy and happiness in your pointless existence?
Jungkook had been doing well over the last few days. Starting to learn more words, figuring out how to use utensils once again. He even managed to eat something!
He didn’t need to, obviously. But he still seemed to enjoy it. Because now he kept asking for food.
‘Angel? Food now?’
He and Garçon were so close, you felt like he was Jungkook’s best friend. They played together in the yard, yipping and laughing. Garçon was good for Jungkook, because he reminded Jungkook to be gentle. Especially when it came to you. Garçon was so keyed into your reactions, he’d nip or nudge Jungkook when he was getting a little too rough.
And Jungkook was learning.
He was beginning to speak more. Smiling at you with those adorable teeth and a giggle that made you feel like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Everything he did was something new.
He’d learned to be gentle with books, not ripping them when he peered at the pages. You weren’t sure if he could read, but he seemed to like the feeling of the pages between his fingers. You often found him in your library, perusing the shelves just to feel the spines of your books.
And he loved baths. More specifically, he loved you washing his hair. Each time you did he seemed like a little cat, purring and trying to get you to continue your movements as the water cooled underneath him. He would sit in the water for hours if you let him, just to have you play with his hair.
It made your heart hurt. You felt so much guilt eating you up inside each day that you got to see Jungkook smile, to watch him learn new things. It wasn’t for you to see. He was supposed to be decaying in a forest right now... But you couldn’t let nature run its course. You wouldn’t allow yourself to be the passerby, the witness to a tragedy that everyone must face.
No, you intervened and you were being punished for it. The guilt and shame you felt each day, knowing Jungkook’s parents were waiting in agony for their son to return. You were being so incredibly selfish. Keeping Jungkook here for yourself. He wasn’t yours to keep, he wasn’t like Garçon...
He had a life before you. A life that was to end in the forest. And yet, you wouldn’t allow it.
The Lunar Isles were now becoming a serious threat for Solstice. Hoseok had informed you that they had recently been cut off from shipments of wine for Jin’s tavern. A house specialty that had brought many a patron.
And the lumber from the Isles was also getting siphoned. Taehyung said that he wasn’t getting enough work, so he had to double up and help at the stables to afford enough to eat.
So many people were beginning to suffer, because you couldn’t let him go... You couldn’t release the sweet boy who burrowed his way into your lonely heart. The one you were so desperate not to have, now filled with a light that shouldn’t be there.
You began to wonder if you truly could let Jungkook go?
Should you do it?
Dare you do it?
Looking to your vanity you saw your father’s hunting knife sat there. You had brought it out a few days ago to help with a new dress fastener that you had purchased. However, should it serve a different purpose?
Walking over to it you gazed at the grooves and worn metal. Would it be enough? You’d never thought about killing Garçon before, but certainly they could be killed again...
You had to make it right.
He wasn’t supposed to be alive right now, you didn’t deserve the joy he was bringing you. It was wrong, so wrong for you to feel elated when he smiled at you. When he held you in his arms... His strong arms that still clutched you a little too tight.
But it wasn’t his fault.
He’s doing everything that he can, and you are considering to take everything away from him... Even though he’s just getting it all back again? Do you have the right to fix your mistake?
Taking the knife, you slowly walked towards Jungkook’s bedroom. Even though he was reanimated, you noticed him and Garçon both needed sleep still. The air in the hallway was still, and you heard the thundering of your heartbeat in your ears as you stood outside his door.
Opening the old oaken paneling slowly, you moved inside his room. Jungkook was laying in his bed, moonlight shining on his skin. He looked so at peace...
Approaching his bed, you found your hands shaking. Tears were running down your cheeks and you couldn’t stop them. You didn’t want to hurt Jungkook. You cared about him so much, and you knew that this was going to be for the best. And if this was going to be the only way, then so be it...
Touching his face gently, you cradled his cheek in your palm. His skin was warm to the touch, proving his life. And soon his blood would run cold. Trembling you brought the knife to his neck, your vision blurring because of the tears.
Jungkook flinched in his sleep, but remained still.
You began to push down a little harder, when Jungkook shifted slightly. You froze your movements and kept your eyes trained on him. A soft smile made its way to his face, he must be dreaming about something. “Angel...” he said, body relaxing even further.
In that moment you knew you could never hurt this man...
Looking at the knife to his neck you cried and threw it on the ground. Jungkook groggily looked up at you, eyes fluttering open. He recognized you and his eyes turned worried. “A-Angel, pain?” he asked, sitting up.
You threw your arms around him, holding him close to your body. “I’m so sorry Jungkook, I can’t do it,” you cried. “I can’t hurt you. I never could.”
Jungkook tilted his head and nestled it into the crook of your neck. He brought his arms to your hips, rubbing his thumbs into your skin. Even though it was rough, you shivered at the contact and couldn’t help the flutter that occurred in your heart.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and made you lay down, keeping your body close to his. As you fell asleep next to him, you made a promise to yourself.
That you were going to make Jungkook human again. And you were going to give him back to his family...
And you were certain it would kill you.
The following days and weeks proceeded slowly.
Namjoon and Yoongi came by again, asking if you’d seen the location of Jungkook or heard any rumors of the man’s whereabouts. You lied once more, saying you hadn’t seen him or heard anything about him.
All the while, the very man sat in your room playing with Garçon.
Lying to the people you’d grown so attached to in your life made you sick, but it was necessary. If they took Jungkook now, they certainly kill him. He wasn’t ready yet.
You were seated in your study, looking through your ledger for this month. The gold certainly wasn't flowing as it had in previous months. The Lunar Isles were cutting trade with Solstice left right and center, making it difficult for people to afford your treatments. Times were dark, and you worried for how long you could keep Jungkook a secret before people started to get severely hurt.
“Angel, look!” Jungkook announced, coming around the corner into your study with Garçon hot on his heels. Being pulled from your thoughts you turned away from the window to smile at him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Made this... for you,” he tried, holding up a picture. You came forward and looked at the drawing.
It was a beautiful sketch, one starring you.
You were sitting out in the front yard, hair down and blowing in the wind. Garcon was next to you, laying in your lap as you peered of into the distance. You thought back and remembered it was just a few days ago this had taken place.
But you thought Jungkook had gone to take a bath at that time...
“Jungkook... This is incredible,” you praised.
“Good? You like?” he asked, biting his lip nervously.
“I love it, Jungkook,” you breathed, taking it from his hands. You smiled and set it right on your desk. “I’ll keep it here, so that way I remember this day and you forever.”
You knew it was a lie. Once you gave Jungkook back, they’d seize the house and everything in it. And the picture would be lost. But for now, for now it belonged to you. And it was a beautiful belonging to hold.
“Angel?” he asked, poking your cheek. “Being silly.”
“Oh, sorry Jungkook. Do you want something to eat?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes! Food Angel! Angel’s food!” he cheered. You rolled your eyes and walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen to start baking.
Jungkook’s favorite food of yours had quickly become steak with a small salad on the side. The boy could pack it in until you were certain his scar tissue would open up. But, he always patted his stomach and whispered for it to all stay in.
You prepped the meat and you felt warm arms wrap around your middle. You turned to see Jungkook looking down at the food with interest, head resting on your shoulder. “How?” he asked, looking at your hands work.
“Do you want to learn, Jungkook? I can teach you,” you said.
“Please?” he asked.
One thing you drilled into his head early on was manners. You weren’t going to give Jungkook back as a rude, privileged boy...
Moderately spoiled on the other hand...
You were certain he was before anyways.
At least, you hoped so.
Telling Jungkook the list of ingredients, he watched you work the knife with rapt attention. He was incredibly observant that sometimes it made you nervous. You always ate with more elegance, hoping that he would follow you. You treated things with the utmost care, hoping he’d mimic your behavior.
He was still a little rough, but Garçon was teaching him well.
“Angel?” Jungkook asked while you sliced the carrots and celery for the salad.
“Yes, Jungkook?” you responded, keeping your eyes focused.
“When can... When can I... outside?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You stiffened as his requested.
With Jungkook’s search continuing, you had told him he needed to stay inside. It wasn’t okay for him to be out where anyone could see him. Namjoon and Yoongi were around your house nearly every other day, asking about information.
They were becoming desperate in the Lunar Isles. The Mayor’s daughter had refused any other suitor her father brought her way. She wouldn’t give up until Jungkook’s body was recovered or he came home to her.
So, the trade deals had all be but shut off in the meantime.
Taehyung had lost his job at the mill, so he worked at the stables full time.
Jin had to shut down the tavern for three nights a week.
Namjoon and Yoongi were getting heat from your own town’s mayor, saying there were useless because they couldn’t even find a body for the young man.
You even tried to reason with the mayor, stating that perhaps some animals had come by and eaten the carcass. He refused that, however. Stating that the wolves in the surrounding area weren’t brave enough to come close to town.
Of course he wouldn’t listen to reason with the Lunar Isles practically threatening to go to war with him over one man. You couldn’t believe how out of control the whole situation had gotten. The Mayor’s unbelievable daughter, his response to her demands, and the effect that it had on your town.
“I’m sorry Jungkook, but you know it’s not safe outside. I need you in here with me,” you said, smiling softly.
“Need me?” he asked, looking at you.
“Yes, Jungkook. I need you here with me,” you said.
“Okay! I stay inside!” he said.
“Maybe we can have a picnic one day, hmm?” you asked, knowing that you’d never allow it to happen. But it wouldn’t hurt to give him some hope.
“What’s... picnic?” he asked.
“It’s where we take a blanket, and I make some food and we go outside and eat it out there,” you explained, watching as Jungkook’s eyes brightened at the idea.
“When picnic?” he asked, practically jumping up and down.
“Someday,” you promised.
“Picnic with Angel!” he yelled.
You shushed him before finishing the meal. You had him set the table, gathering the silverware and plates accordingly. Bringing the food over you set his plate up with plenty of everything.
Jungkook bounced in his chair, excited for the meal. You watched him set his book aside carefully, making sure that it wasn’t going to fall off of anything.
Jungkook had taken to reading a lot, recently. He was doing so much better at vocabulary and understanding the story, even though he couldn’t fully articulate what he wanted to say.
After a hard jolt of his knee against the table you chastised him.
“Easy baby,” you calmed. You then realized your mistake. A bright flush flew over your cheeks.
“What’s baby?” he asked.
“Um, it’s nothing Jungkook,” you tried to dodge his question.
“But Angel,” he whined. “Want to learn!” he complained.
“Jungkook, I said it was nothing,” you warned.
“Angel...” he pouted.
“Fine! Fine fine,” you acquiesced. “It’s a... term of endearment,” you explained.
“En-endear-mint?” he tried.
“No, endearment,” you stated. “It means to be something beloved or important. So, the term is one of affection.”
“Affection?” he tried.
“Yes, it means... Well... That I’m fond of you,” you reasoned.
“Angel like me?”
You almost spit out your drink, but you swallowed half of it, inhaling the other. You coughed loudly, making Jungkook rush over to your side.
“Angel!” he yelped, worried.
“It’s-okay,” you coughed. “I’m okay.”
“Angel,” he whined, holding your hand. “Scary.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you soothed, coughing a few more times before wiping your eyes. “I’m alright.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around you yet again. You found the man to be extremely clingy, hanging off of you at most times of the day. And when he did, you generally almost lost a rib or two.
“Ooh! Jungkook-ah!” you winced. Garçon growled in the corner, making Jungkook back off.
“Garçon mad?” he asked.
“Jungkook, I think your next lesson needs to be on how to be gentle with people,” you confirmed.
"Finish your food," you encouraged. At the thought of learning something new, Jungkook hurried to comply. You watched as he quickly ate all the food you put on his plate, smiling when he cleaned it off for you.
“Done Angel!” he beamed.
“Come upstairs,” you said, standing up. Jungkook nodded and took your hand, walking with you up the stairs.
Leading him into your parlor room, you had him sit down on the slipper sofa. He bounced on it a few times, smiling when his body jolted back up.
“Now, Jungkook,” you started, sitting next to him.
“Yes, Angel?” he asked.
“What is it called when I hold you like this?” you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck carefully.
“Hug! Hug Angel!” he said, squeezing you back.
“Oof,” you breathed harshly. “Jungkook,” you warned. He let go, albeit pouting the whole while.
“Jungkook bad, Angel?” he asked.
“No baby, not bad,” you shook your head. “You’re very strong, Jungkook. Stronger than me, that means you can hurt me.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows flew up at the word hurt. He knew it meant pain, and Jungkook didn’t want that. “No! No hurt Angel!”
You calmed him, rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs. “No baby, you don’t mean to. I know you don’t. But you need to learn to be careful with other people, otherwise they can get hurt.”
“No... No want hurt,” Jungkook whispered.
“I know Jungkook, I know,” you nodded. “Because you’re so good, Jungkook. But I’m going to show you gentle,” you stated.
“Gentle, good?” Jungkook asked for confirmation.
“Yes, Jungkook. Gentle is good,” you nodded. “Here, hold my hand.”
Jungkook looked at your outstretched palm and wrapped his hand around yours. You brought your hands to his and pointed out how loose he was holding on. That was gentle. You touched his face softly, saying it was gentle.
Calling Garçon in, you pet his head slow, making sure Jungkook watched.
“See, this is gentle, now you try,” you said, moving Jungkook’s hand to Garçon’s head. He followed your hand, brushing along his fur slowly. Garçon grumbled in approval, leaning into Jungkook’s hand.
“Gentle,” Jungkook repeated.
“Yes, now try on me,” you said, turning to face him.
“Gentle,” he breathed, placing his hand on yours. You nodded, placing his hand on your cheek. Jungkook moved his hand around the skin there, watching as a pink blush moved to your cheek.
“That’s good, Jungkook,” you approved.
“Pink,” he said, poking your cheek with his finger.
“Blushing,” you explained.
“Me too?” he asked, pointing to his face.
“No, Jungkook,” you answered.
“Why?” he asked.
“It’s because... Well...” you bit your lip, looking at your lap. Honestly, you were embarrassed by this whole ordeal. But if Jungkook didn’t learn how to be careful with others, then he would be in serious danger. You also knew that Jungkook would regret hurting anyone. He hating seeing others in pain or people upset.
Especially you.
“It’s because you make me happy, Jungkook.”
“Want to blush!” Jungkook demanded.
“Baby you can’t just-”
“Angel make Jungkook happy!”
“I know, but you don’t... You don’t understand why I’m happy,” you flushed once more.
‘I’m happy because you’re touching me. I’m happy because I get to be here with you, and to see you each day. You make me so happy I can hardly contain myself. I want to kiss you, hold you, share everything I am with you... But you can’t ever know that...’
“Angel make me blush!”
“Jungkook,” you tutted. “We’re learning how to be gentle.”
“Want to learn how to blush!”
“No, Jungkook. Gentle first,” you stated.
“Gentle,” he sighed. “Okay.”
“Now, try to hug me. Gently,” you said.
Jungkook nodded and leaned forward, placing his hands around your waist, pulling you into his body. Although, instead of feeling like you were going to pop like a grape... You just felt safe, protected in his strong arms. Jungkook kept ahold of you, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Gentle, Angel?” he asked.
“Yes, Jungkook. Very gentle,” you confirmed.
“Angel teach blush now?” he asked.
“Goodness you’re persistent!” you stated, moving away from his embrace.
“Alright, hold on,” you bit your lip.
Carefully, you placed a soft kiss to his cheek. You peeked an eye open, and Jungkook’s face was red as a tomato.
“Oh! Jungkook!” you said, placing your cool hands on his cheeks.
“A-Angel,” he whispered. “What that?” he asked.
“You’re blushing,” you wavered.
“No... Cheek touch?” he asked.
“U-Um... That’s called a kiss, Jungkook,” you whispered.
“Want another,” he said.
“Angel kiss,” he asked.
“Okay, okay!” you relented, placing another soft kiss to his cheek.
“Good,” he said, smiling. “Jungkook like kiss.”
“Well, that’s good,” you nodded, blushing hard once more.
“Angel blush,” he said, placing his hand on your cheek.
“Y-Yes, I’m blushing,” you said.
“Angel happy?”
“Yes, Jungkook... I’m happy.”
“Jungkook happy too.”
And that’s all that mattered.
You really shouldn’t have taught Jungkook what a kiss was.
Because now he wanted them all the time.
“Angel, kiss!” he’d ask when you’d wash his hair. You’d kiss his head and he’d giggle like a boy with his crush. But your heart fluttered in your chest each time you gave in and kissed him. You began to look forward to when he asked, and then you were doing it without him asking... This was dangerous. You shouldn’t be giving him this much affection. Because eventually, you were going to have to leave him.
As much as it pained you, you knew that you couldn’t keep him with you forever. Jungkook had even stopped sleeping in his own room, coming into your bed during the night and holding on to you.
He claimed he slept better with you, and he would be sad if you didn’t let him stay. Obviously at first you told him no, and then he would ask why. You simply explained that it wasn’t proper for people who weren’t married to share a bed.
Of course then he asked you to marry him, and you had to go off on a tangent about marriage... It all became taxing to an extent, but you always smiled because it meant Jungkook was learning something new everyday.
But, then Jungkook started asking about other things...
One day you were stood in the kitchen, making porridge for breakfast when Jungkook set his book down on the table in front of him.
“Angel, what is... Uh... French kiss?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
“What do you mean?” you flushed, stirring the pot of oats before you with renewed vigor.
“You’re blushing!” he squeaked. “Happy?”
“Where did you hear about French Kisses?” you asked, trying to calm your flaming cheeks.
“In book,” he said, pointing to a romance novel on the table.
Just your luck he would pick that one.
“Well, you can read about it then,” you huffed, looking down at your pot full of food. Heart heavy with sadness, you set the spoon down. Jungkook was almost ready to be sent back... His sentences were much better, careful with people, and most importantly...
You needed to give him away before you couldn’t stand to let him go...
“No, Angel! I need help!” he whined.
“Jungkook, I’m not teaching you about that,” you said, cutting the conversation there.
“But Angel-”
“No Jungkook,” you said.
“Then I’ll go outside,” he huffed.
“Don’t you dare!” you growled. Jungkook smirked.
“Then show me french kiss!”
“Jungkook this isn’t a joke,” you warned.
“French kiss, or outside,” he said, heading towards the door. The both of you knew that if he wanted to go outside there wasn’t anything you could do to stop him. He knew his strength and he could easily overpower you.
“Jungkook you get back here right now!” you demanded.
“Outside or french kiss, outside or-”
“Fine! Fine fine fine, get over here,” you winced. Jungkook smiled and trotted back to you happily. “You’re such a little brat.”
“Angel, french kiss!” he said.
“Close your eyes,” you said, swallowing hard. Jungkook did so, standing in front of you. Before you lost your courage, you leaned up slowly and placed your lips on his. Jungkook stiffened, opening his eyes to look at you.
But the longer you gently kissed his mouth, he relaxed and shut his eyes once more... You did the same, folding your arms around his neck.
His mouth was soft, gentle against your own. You felt your toes tingle at the sensation of being this close to him. You knew this was wrong, oh God was it wrong... But you couldn’t help it. You wanted this so badly.
The boy you brought back had become someone you cared for so deeply that you couldn’t even believe it yourself. He made you smile, he gave you a purpose. Jungkook was so kind, so sweet and willing to learn. He was curious, and outgoing. He had such a courageous spirit. Wanting to do everything and anything he could.
You admired him so much...
You also adored the smiles you shared over meals. You longed to hear his feet patter down the stairs in the morning to meet you for breakfast. The laughs you had while he bathed. How he gave you all of himself, everyday. How he was so unapologetically himself with you. Because he didn’t have to be anyone else for you to love him as much as you did.
You didn’t want anyone else but him.
Jungkook’s hands rested on your waist, pulling you closer. Your eye popped open at the motion, making you seperate your lips from his.
“Angel!” Jungkook whined. “More~”
“No, Jungkook stop,” you said, placing your hand on his chest.
“French kisses have tongues, that’s what book said” he said, licking his lips. “How do we do that?”
“Jungkook we should stop-”
“Kiss more, Angel,” he breathed moving down to capture your lips once more when you placed your hands against his lips. You giggled at his expression before shaking your head.
“Jungkook, only lovers should be doing this kind of thing,” you stated.
“Lovers? What are those?” he asked. You mentally cursed yourself, letting another intimate detail slip.
“Uh... Lovers are people who are in love,” you stated lamely.
They were, you weren’t wrong.
“What is love?”
Well shit.
“Um, love is... Well, that’s kind of a weighted question Jungkook. Because it’s different for everybody,” you said.
“Tell me,” he urged. “Want to know.”
“Well... What I think love is... Is when you care about someone, a lot. When you’re not with them, you’re thinking about them... When you’re together, you want to talk about things that make you happy. When you’re with them, you feel like another part of you is there again... You feel complete when the person you love is with you. Because when you love someone, you want to be with them all of the time. Love is caring and being with someone despite their flaws and their misgivings... Love, is one of the most powerful emotions out there.”
“Angel... I... I love-”
Your door slammed in.
You and Jungkook jumped, looking at the entryway to see floods of people entering your home.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around you protectively. “Angel?” he asked, looking at you.
Oh God, they knew... How did they know? How was anyone able to figure it out?? You had been so incredibly careful.
“Yoongi, Namjoon wait please-”
“Please come forward, we don’t want to hurt you Y/N,” Namjoon warned.
A few other guards were at their back, ones that had the Lunar Isles crest on their arms. They were here, because of Jungkook...
“Please understand, I didn’t kidnap him!” you pleaded.
“Y/N, we want to believe you, but all this time he’s been here with you... While his family and fiance are worried about him... It doesn’t look good,” Yoongi warned.
“I didn’t kidnap him,” you pleaded. “I-I had to...”
“Come on, Y/N, we need to take you to the jail,” Namjoon said. “Let him go.”
Jungkook looked at you, fear in his eyes. “Angel,” he whispered.
“Jungkook, be gentle. Don’t hurt anyone, alright? Be good,” you said. “I have to go.”
“No, Angel stay!” he whimpered, tears forming in his eyes.
“I can’t Jungkook, I was wrong to keep you,” you frowned. “But I couldn’t help it... Because you didn’t deserve what happened to you... I had to help you. I’m sorry.”
“Angel,” he cried softly. “Stay.”
“I can’t stay, Jungkook you need to go home,” you said, wiping his tears away. However, your own were quickly falling as well.
“Home is Angel,” he stated, looking into your eyes with such agony you couldn’t bear it.
“Your home is with your family, not with me... I took you away from them,” you explained.
“No,” Jungkook shook his head, wrapping his arms around you. “Home is Angel.”
“Y/N, we have to go,” Yoongi warned.
“Behave Jungkook, don’t hurt anyone. Be gentle...”
Stepping out of his arms you felt your heart shatter as you walked towards Namjoon’s frame. Yoongi quickly fastened wooden cuffs around your wrists to keep you from moving. You winced and hissed in pain, making Jungkook furious.
“Angel!” he bellowed, moving forward, knocking over a few kitchen chairs in his wake.
“Restrain him,” Namjoon ordered, pulling you back.
“No don’t! He doesn’t know! He won’t hurt anyone!” you declared.
You watched as four or five men struggled to keep Jungkook at bay, your heart shattering as they held him still while you were pulled away from him.
“Angel! Please!” he cried, pulling against their hold. “Ow!” he winced.
“Stop! Stop don’t hurt him please! Please, Namjoon please,” you begged, looking at your friend.
You could see the pain in his eyes as well. You looked to Yoongi who held a similar expression. They didn’t want to do this to you. They knew you weren’t doing it to hurt anyone, but they had to do their duty. You had lied, and this was your punishment for doing so. There wasn’t anything your friends could do for you now.
“Angel! Angel stay!”
You felt your throat burning as you were dragged away from Jungkook’s cries. Garçon whimpered on the doorstep, looking at you for guidance.
“Stay with Jungkook! Garçon!”
You were pulled along your driveway, hearing the one you cared for most cry out your name. Pleading for you to stay with him...
You knew this day was coming...
You just didn’t want it to be today...
Or tomorrow...
Or the next day...
The stone floor of your cell was frigid against your skin.
You’d been thrown in here a few hours prior, being left with your thoughts. You wanted Jungkook, and wondered if he was alright... Had they taken him back to the Lunar Isles? Was he with his family? You hoped he was happy with them...
Was he excited to marry that girl?
Jealousy burned in your veins at the thought of him holding another woman. Asking her to kiss him. However, the jealousy was soon replaced with shame. You had no right to be jealous, he wasn’t yours. Jungkook didn’t belong to you, but you belonged to him... he just didn’t know it.
Your wrists ached from the weight of the cuffs around them. But all you cared about was Jungkook. He’s all that mattered in your mind at the moment.
You longed to see him, his cute smile and bright eyes. It was his bath night, he no doubt would be pulling you up the stairs at this moment, saying it was time for Angel to wash his hair.
A small sob came from you as you imagined the scene...
Him sitting in the water, playing with the bubbles. You’d tell him to quit moving, otherwise he’d get soap in his eyes. Jungkook hated getting soap in his eyes, it made him so frustrated. But the water made him happy, he couldn’t help but bounce around in it. He had so much energy, it was almost unreal.
He’d argue for more time in the water, even though his skin was starting to prune. You’d tell him to quit being a little brat and to get out. Jungkook would listen, like he always did. But, he’d pout about it for a few minutes. Of course you’d offer to make him something to drink before he went to bed, something he’d always agree to.
The forced exit of the bath would be long forgotten.
His feet would fly down the stairs, you’d yell after him to tell him he was just in a towel. You’d chase him down and throw his clothes in his face. He’d begin to strip in the front room, making you shriek and turn quickly to avoid a show.
You’d feel warm arms wrap around you, Jungkook’s head settling on your shoulder.
‘Angel... Cocoa?’ he’d ask.
You’d always say yes, hurrying over to the stove to warm some milk for him. Yawning as you pulled the liquid from the heat and putting the cocoa powder in his drink would make Jungkook smile. You’d set the drink down in front of him, warning Jungkook of its heat.
He’d never listen, always yelping when the scalding liquid touched his tongue.
‘Jungkook be careful,’ you stated, sipping your own drink.
He’d nod and apologize, taking it slower. You’d ask him about what book he had finished. Jungkook would brighten as he would tell you the tale. Sometimes he struggled to find the words and you’d help, giving him your full attention.
‘Then, the father did... uh... word?’ he asked.
‘Saved? Is that it?’ you’d ask.
‘Yeah! He saved daughter! Everyone is happy,’ Jungkook would gush.
He loved stories that ended happily. He wanted to read about the family getting back together, the man finding his true power within himself, the dog getting the bone he wanted. Anything that ended where the people were at peace, it was all Jungkook cared about.
You had asked him about his family, to see if he remembered them at all. He explained that he does remembered them, but not their faces or names.
‘I-I know face, but not name,’ he had told you one morning after breakfast.
‘You don’t remember your mother or father then? Do you miss them?’
‘Yes, but don’t know why I miss,’ he said. ‘Just miss.’
Tears were flowing down your face freely as you thought of the man you had come to love... There wasn’t any point trying to deny it when you knew you did. It was improper to feel such a way for him, but you had long accepted your fate...
“Y/N?” a voice echoed from the hallway.
You turned quickly to see Taehyung, eyes glassy as he approached your cell.
“Taehyung!” you yelped, grabbing the bars.
He looked at you frantically, reaching in to touch your face. “Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he croaked. “This is my fault.”
“Taehyung what do you mean?” you asked, looking at him with confusion. What part of this was his fault?
“I-I was the one who told them you had Jungkook... I saw you two, hugging through your window one morning. I came by to, to ask you out for breakfast and... he matched the description they had been advertising around town. The Lunar Isles cut off trade with us, and only his return was going to end that! I lost my job at the mill, my mother and father are weak, they can’t work... The stables isn’t enough money to support them... But putting you in here feels so wrong, Y/N, you shouldn’t be here,” Taehyung confessed.
“Taehyung,” you breathed.
He’d told. He used you to get money back in his own wallet. You knew that this was going to be your fate when you refused to kill Jungkook... But to have someone you trusted, someone you had loved at one point turn you over for coins... It left a bitter taste in your mouth.
“Y/N, please understand I didn’t have a choice!” he declared.
“Why are you here, Taehyung?” you asked, voice cold. Taehyung winced at your tone, but swallowed regardless.
“I wanted to visit you, Yoongi and Namjoon told me I could,” he explained. “I wanted to apologize to you.”
“You’ve apologized,” you informed him.
“I-I know,” he breathed.
“Then you don’t have anymore business with a criminal like me, do you?” you asked, raising a brow.
“Y/N, that’s not fair,” he stated.
“It’s not fair,” you scoffed. “Was it fair when you stood me up for our meal? Was it fair that my mother died and my father went insane from grief? Is it fair that I was ripped away from the one thing that had given my life meaning since his passing... Learn something from me right now, Taehyung. Life. Isn’t. Fair.”
He sighed and stood, knowing trying to sooth your anger was moot. As he moved to walk away, he turned to face you once more. “They are to give you your verdict in the morning, in front of the whole town... I-I hope you’re prepared for whatever could happen.”
“I am.”
With that, Taehyung left, leaving you on the cold floor to think of what could have been...
You stood, hands bound before a crowd of people. A jury was to your left, Namjoon and Yoongi behind you. The people of Solstice were dead silent. Someone who had cared so deeply about them, was now ahead of them to be charged as a criminal.
A passerby would be able to hear a pin drop, even with the crowd.
“Miss Y/N, you stand here before jury to face judgement for your crimes against the people of Solstice and the people of the Lunar Isles,” Yoongi spoke, voice wavering.
“We announce... Mr. Carlisle Devereaux and his daughter Luna Devereaux... Along with her fiance and victim of these crimes, Jeon Jungkook,” Namjoon declared.
Jungkook? He was here?
Looking through the crowd you found Jungkook being held tightly by Luna. She was glaring at you with eyes so vicious you wondered if you’d be struck dead just from the sight. Jungkook seemed panicked as he looked at you, but something was holding him back. You knew the look in his eyes.
He was in pain.
They were hurting him to keep him in place, to keep him from moving.
“No,” you whispered.
“You stand here on trial, how do you plead?” the Jury asked.
“What is the crime?” you breathed.
“Kidnapping and lying to the people of Solstice and the Lunar Isles,” the Jury stated.
“I plead not guilty for Kidnapping, I plead guilty for lying,” you announced.
“These crimes are not exclusive to one another, you either plead guilty or not guilty,” a large man in the front declared.
“The crimes are exclusive, I did not kidnap anyone... However, I did lie when I was asked if I knew his whereabouts,” you answered. “Jungkook was injured and I had to nurse him back to health. If anyone interfered with the care, it could’ve been disastrous... He could have died,” you stated.
You weren’t lying completely.
Half truths.
“If you lied once, who is to say you aren’t lying now!” a woman towards the back screamed at you.
“We are going to assume you plead guilty,” the Mayor declared from the back on his podium.
“Hold on! That’s not fair!” a man shouted from the crowd. You soon saw it was Seokjin. A wave of relief fell over you. “These are two different crimes! You can’t just assume her plea! That’s a crime in that of itself!”
“Seize him,” the mayor yelled. Guards came in from the side, taking his arms and pulling him towards the jail. “He will be arrested for obstruction of justice.”
“Please!” you screamed. “Stop, he isn’t doing anything wrong. Let him go, I plead guilty!”
“And what are you guilty of?”
Taking a deep breath you looked directly at Jungkook. “I’m guilty of being a woman of science... I’m guilty of challenging fate. I’m guilty of loving someone, whom I didn't have the right to love... But I loved him anyways. I’m guilty of being a woman, with a weak heart, who couldn’t sit by and watch a young man die alone,” you said, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Jungkook struggled against Luna’s arm. She adjusted something, making Jungkook squirm in pain from the action. Your heart thudded against your chest so hard you were certain your ribs would crack. Someone was hurting him, and you couldn’t make them stop.
“Very well. Since you are so keen on lying, we will give you a liars punishment. Miss Y/N, the jury here today convicts you of kidnapping, as well as lying to the people of Solstice and the Lunar Isles... And most importantly, you are convicted of lying on trial. In light of your several crimes towards our two towns... I sentence you to hang until dead tomorrow morning at dawn.”
The crowd gasped, looking at their Mayor with shock. The jury didn’t even give him their verdict, he simply decided your fate for himself. The Mayor of Solstice was a power hungry man who had fought tooth and nail to be in the position he is now. He had done many despicable things in order to achieve his rank... And his cruelty was known throughout the lands.
You felt your knees wobble as you collapsed to the ground heavily. You could see your friends faces in the crowd, eyes filling with tears.
Jungkook fought against his restraints, trying to move away from Luna... But he was unable.
“ANGEL! NO!” he screamed. The crowd looked at him, then to the Mayor with a questioning look. You watched Jungkook get tugged back into place, and you smiled as you saw Garçon right by his side. Exactly where you told him to be.
“The verdict has been spoken, take her to her cell,” the Mayor demanded.
Namjoon grabbed you gently. “Y/N, stand up, easy... There you go,” he cooed, helping you walk towards the jailhouse.
Jungkook’s voice rang in your head.
People came in to say their farewells...
Taehyung, eyes filled with tears, blaming himself for the whole ordeal. You simply stared at him with broken eyes, ones that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Hoseok came in too, holding your face through the bars.
“Y/N, what were you thinking? Why didn’t you challenge the verdict! You had the right!” Hoseok yelped.
“Hoseok, do you really think the Mayor of the Lunar Isles would let me go? There’s not a chance, not when our whole town is involved... They could be viewed as weak if they did,” you explained.
He frowned, staring at you with sad eyes. “You don’t deserve this, don’t you dare think you do... You didn’t do anything wrong,” he declared.
But you did... You changed fate, disrupted God...
“I don’t want this to be your fate... It isn’t fair,” Hoseok whispered.
“I’ll be with my mother and father again... I’ll be happy with them,” you smiled weakly.
‘Angel... Happy?’
Jimin came by soon after Hoseok, bringing you a cupcake and forcing you to eat it. He wanted you to smile, to enjoy one more thing. He cried, holding your face through the bars also. You wished he wouldn’t cry, it didn’t suit him.
Yoongi and Namjoon came as well, telling you they were sorry. That they wished there was something they could do. You didn’t blame them. They were just following orders, doing their duty. It wasn’t their fault.
The only person at fault was you.
Sleep evaded you as you thought about Jungkook.
You wondered if they would let him see you. It was highly unlikely. Seeing as how they took him away from you. But you wished... you wished you could tell him you love him.
Even if there was nothing to come of your feelings, you wanted him to know that you cared about him. That the time you’d spent together was the most cherished part of your life. Waking up each morning to him was a privilege. You wished that you could pet Garçon, tell him to be a good boy.
You remembered him by Jungkook’s side and you felt your heart swell with pride. He’d been such a good boy, and Jungkook would have him... Hopefully, Luna would allow him that much.
You thought of Jungkook and Garçon, your little family you’d made as the darkness turned to light shades of blue and purple. The jangling of keys made you turn your head. There was the town’s Priest, no doubt to allow you confession before you walked to your death.
“Miss Y/N, I am here to listen to your confessions and to deliver you to the hands of God,” he announced, calm.
“I have nothing to confess, Father. But thank you for your words,” you said soft. Namjoon bit his lip, watery eyes turning away from you.
“Very well, I will read your last rites before you hang,” he stated, heading towards the stairs. Yoongi looked at you and unlocked the door.
“Time to go, Y/N,” he said.
You nodded and stood up, following after them. They locked chains around your hands, even though they weren’t necessary. You weren’t going to fight them. What would be the point? They were much stronger than you, and if you caused too much of a fight then certainly someone would finish you off before the noose.
Seokjin looked up from his cell and stared at you. A small cry coming from his mouth. You gave him a gentle gaze before carrying yourself up the stairs, into the pale light of morning.
There wasn’t a sound but the clanking of your chains as you approached the gallows. Breathing deeply, you managed to ascend the walkway. The gallows were dark, stained with time. You saw the crowd watching you, wanting to express something, but they weren’t sure what it was. Looking at the noose, you stepped forward. Namjoon helped you up, unlocking your chains and throwing them behind you.
Your eyes scanned the people before you. They were watching on, unsure of the tension in the air. The Mayor clapped his hands, making the attention go to him.
“Today, we witness the death of a criminal. A woman who kidnapped an innocent man, and harbored him against his will in her den of debauchery!”
You furrowed your brow at that statement. But, listened on regardless.
“We also bare witness to the death of a liar! Someone who withheld the truth from us, and did so to prolong our pain. She watched from her window as we all struggled to feed ourselves, and needed to scrounge enough money to pay our dues. Today she hangs, to pay for the crimes she has committed! May God have mercy on your soul, child.”
“May he have mercy on yours as well,” you stated.
The crowd raised their brows at your statement, some chuckling at your bold disrespect for authority. The Mayor glared at you, clearing his throat once more. “As per tradition, may our Father announce your last rites!”
“Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up,” the Father read.
You nodded and smiled.
“Our heavenly Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven...”
The crowd joined him in prayer, almost as if they were sending you off as well. You finally found Jungkook in the crowd. Once again, attached to Luna’s side. You smiled at him, letting him see your joy. You were so glad to see him, even if it was to be the last. You were so glad, so overjoyed to see him there.
Next to him was his mother and father. He was standing, breathing easily. It made you happy to know he was well also. You locked eyes with his mother, and she stared at you with shock.
"This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to his supper,” the Priest stated, looking to you.
"Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
The crowd looked shocked as you answered. The Priest also appeared stunned, but nodded and closed his Bible, looking to the Mayor for the final words.
“Miss Y/N, you may have your final words,” he declared.
“Thank you,” you said. “My final words... Are to one person in this crowd. You know who you are, baby,” you smiled.
Jungkook’s head popped up at his nickname. You smiled softly and continued. “I’m so sorry that you have to witness this. And know it isn’t your fault, it’s entirely mine. I was selfish, and you were so good... I couldn’t help but save you. I was glad to teach you everything again. I was glad to wash your hair. I was overjoyed to watch you eat the food I cooked. And I am so happy that I get to see your face again.”
Your voice cracked.
Yoongi came over and tied your hands behind your back with rope, so that you couldn’t keep yourself from hanging. But it didn’t stop you from speaking your mind. Finally telling Jungkook everything that you had wanted to say for so long. “I remember you asked me what love was,” you said. “And I realized that everything I told you I believed it was applied to you. Jeon Jungkook, I love you,” you breathed.
“LET HER HANG!” the Mayor cried.
The sound of the trapdoor beneath your feet opening hit your ears, and then sharp pain erupting from your neck took over your senses.
Unfortunately, your neck didn’t snap. You could feel your head pounding with the amount of blood being forced to it from your neck restriction. Your lungs burned with the need for oxygen, but none was being produced...
The world was swimming and you were in agony when you felt someone touching your legs.
“Angel! Let go, please!” you could hear Jungkook’s voice.
Suddenly, you dropped and slumped into Jungkook’s arms. “Angel!” he yelled, lowering you to the ground. Your eyes were closed, but you could hear him... You could feel his hands...
You felt yourself being adjusted, then hauled into the air. The jolting of your body told you that Jungkook was running. The sound of panting had you realize that Garçon wasn’t far behind him either.
“My son! Save her!” Jungkook’s mother yelled from behind him.
“This way come on!” Taehyung’s voice hit your ears.
“Give her here, Jungkook,” Seokjin’s voice was heard to your left.
“YAH!” Jimin’s high tone shouted from in front of you.
You heard whinnying and then the breeze along your face became harsh. The sound of hooves hitting dirt took over. But you felt gentle hands touching your face, brushing your hair from your eyes.
“Angel...” Jungkook whimpered.
“Hang on!” Jimin yelled.
A sharp turn sent you flying into a warm frame, one you didn’t recognize. It must’ve been Seokjin.
Exhaustion creeped in your bones, as you felt the effects from your ordeal taking over. You weren’t sure if it was death taking your or sleep as you accepted the darkness. All you knew, is that a warm hand was in yours the whole time...
Your neck was stiff as you tried to peel your eyes open.
Warmth covered your right side, shallow breaths being felt against your frame. You managed to peek one eye open, even though the vision was blurry. Garçon’s floppy ears greeted you, like they did nearly every morning.
“G-Gar,” you tried, feeling your voice crack as you tried to speak. His head flew up, looking at you.
“Bark! Bark bark bark!”
Then you were overwhelmed with his kisses on your face. You laughed weakly, patting his head.
“Garçon, easy,” you reminded.
A door opened and you heard wood dropping to the floor. You turned your head and saw Jungkook looking at you with tears brimming in his eyes.
“Angel...” he breathed, smiling.
“Jungkook,” You whimpered, reaching out for him. He was beside you in an instant, taking you in his arms.
“Angel, Angel,” he repeated in your neck. His wet tears hit your skin, making you run your fingers through his hair to calm him. “I love you.”
Your chest constricted at his broken confession. “Shh, baby, it’s alright, I love you too” you managed.
“Thought... I thought... I-I lost you,” he sobbed. You shook your head, placing soft kisses to his ear.
“No, I’m here,” you urged. “I’m here Jungkook.” Pulling his face away from your neck you wiped his tears away. He leaned into your touch, seeming to love the way your hands glided against his skin.
Jungkook stared at your eyes for a moment, before his gaze flicked to your lips. He leaned in slowly. “Angel... kiss,” he whispered.
You happily connected your lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. Tangling your fingers in his hair you pulled him closer. Jungkook moaned against your mouth, nipping at your lips lightly.
“Jungkook,” you breathed, licking your lips.
“Angel, want to kiss you.” Jungkook grabbed at your hips, bringing you into his embrace. You almost let him do just that, before you remembered what had happened.
The trial, your hanging... How were you alive right now?
“Jungkook-mmm, wait,” you murmured as he pecked your lips impatiently.
“Angel,” he pouted. “Kisses.”
“Hold on, where are we?” You asked.
Jungkook pulled back, sighing at the fact he wouldn’t get his kisses without an explanation. He brushed your hair behind you ear and took your hands in his. “We’re in woods. Your friends... brought us here... Hoseok said, um.. Hoseok said we stay here,” he tried.
“Hoseok...” you trailed off. Then you remembered. “It’s his hunting cottage. Of course,” you said. Hoseok traded furs sometimes to gain extra money, he must’ve brought you and Jungkook here to hide... No doubt the guards would be looking for you both.
“Yes! We move to... to um... I don’t know,” he stated.
“That’s alright, are you alright?” you asked, running your hands over his shoulders. You remembered that they must’ve been doing something to keep him by Luna’s side... But Jungkook smiled and pulled you in by the waist.
“Kisses, Angel?”
“You’re such a spoiled boy,” you laughed. He nodded before pulling you in once more. You kissed slowly, enjoying the feeling of his mouth on yours.
It felt like a dream to be here in his arms. To finally have him. Jungkook let go of your lips to trail kisses down your neck. He place several gentle pecks to your throat, a small cry coming from him as he did so.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, feeling his trembling mouth against your sensitive skin.
Jungkook brought his hand up, placing his fingers on your neck. It ached a small amount, but you didn’t flinch. “People hurt you... that makes me... sad,” he sniffed. You placed a soft kiss to his mouth, making him relax just a bit.
“But you saved me, I’m here because of you,” you told him.
“I... tried harder...”
You shook your head, coddling him like a child. “No, Jungkook... You did everything right. I’m so proud of you, baby. You stayed put and waited for me, and when it mattered you came to save me. You, all of our friends,” you said smiling.
“M-My friends... too?” he asked, eyes twinkling with light.
“Absolutely, they wouldn’t help you unless they considered you their friend too,” you encouraged. Jungkook laughed at the prospect of having more friends. Garçon whined, licking your hand impatiently.
You conceded to his wishes and scruffed up his ears and head, watching as his tail thumped against the bedding. Jungkook patted his rear a few times before standing up and going to collect the wood he dropped upon his entry. Garçon seemed to be satisfied with the miniscule amount of attention you gave him, as he jumped up and trotted out the open door.
Your eyes wandered back to Jungkook, who was setting the wood onto the pile in the corner. You watched as his biceps bulged underneath the fabric of the shirt he was wearing. It pulled as his back arched, showing you his strength without much effort.
The sight made your mouth water lightly, creating a slight ache between your thighs. You wanted him badly, although you weren’t sure if he understood what this meant... Would be be able to consent to your actions? To your wishes?
“J-Jungkook,” you breathed. He turned and looked at you, eyebrow raised.
“Angel? Okay?” he asked, setting the wood on the table and coming over again. He sat down beside you and took your hand.
“I-I, want to try something new with you, but I’m not sure if you know what it is, or what it means,” you frowned. “I love you, and I want to show you...”
“Then show, Angel,” he said, pressing his forehead against yours. The sensation made your neck scream with discomfort, but you wouldn’t move.
“Jungkook, remember when you asked what French kissing was?” you blushed.
“Yes... Only lovers... Lovers could do it,” he recalled. “I love you, can we kiss... like lovers?”
“Jungkook, to be lovers with someone is more than just kissing them, you... you bare parts of yourself no one else is allowed to see. If I give you all of myself, then you have to promise I have all of you as well. I won’t share you with anyone, and you can’t share me with anyone either. At least, not in the way I want you,” you explained.
Jungkook seemed to think for a moment, and his eyes widened for a moment. “Angel, make love to me,” he whispered. “I read in book, I-I put myself... inside of you...”
The lewd phrasing of his words had fire running through your veins. His eyes were unreadable, as if he was purposefully being secretive with you. When did Jungkook learn to be so shifty?
“That’s right, but are you okay with that?”
“Angel... I want to,” he agreed. “I-I know how.”
“What?” you squeaked.
“I read from book, and Seokjin told me some... some things,” he said, coming forward to push you onto your back. You looked up in astonishment, Jungkook’s frame towering over your body.
“You’ll need to show me this book, and I think i’ll need to have a conversation with Seokjin” you said.
“No, I’ll show,” he announced, diving in to capture your lips.
Jungkook’s whole demeanor changed as he kissed you harder. You found it almost difficult to keep up with him. His mouth moved against yours as if he were trying to steal the very breath from your lungs. You’d give it to him. Whatever he wanted from you he could have it, as long as he kept kissing you this way. As long as he kept loving you, whatever you had could be his...
Jungkook licked into your mouth, something you weren’t expecting. The sensation of his wet tongue moving across your lips made you gasp. Jungkook took this opportunity to taste you. He moaned impatiently when you didn’t respond right away, nibbling at your upper lip in frustration.
You grabbed his shirt in your fists and aggressively molded your mouth to his again. It created an ache in your neck, but the strong desire between your legs was far more agonizing than your sore throat.
“Angel, pretty,” he murmured, licking his lips. “Take off.” He pulled on your dress with longing.
You flushed before gripping your bodice and pulling it open. Jungkook watched as your chest relaxed, no longer being held together by tightened fabric. You let your dress slacken at the neck, making it fall to your elbows.
Shivering because of your newly exposed skin, you blushed as Jungkook came closer.
“Angel, so soft,” he admired, running his hands down your shoulders. You shuddered as he brought his hands to cup your breasts. His strong palms dug into your sensitized flesh. You let out a soft cry when he tugged on a pebbled nipple. Jungkook was entirely absorbed in your body.
Lifting your arms to drape around his neck, you urged him closer. The sensation of his hands on your supple skin made your mind wild with desire. You wanted his hands all over you, caressing your frame with tender touches.
“Jungkook, that feels nice,” you complimented as he smoothed his fingers down your stomach. You squirmed, letting out a soft giggle as it tickled.
“Can I... touch more?” Jungkook requested, looking at you for permission. You nodded, pulling your arms from your dress. He didn’t hesitate as he moved to touch your chest. You sighed as the sensations took over. Jungkook panted against your mouth, seemingly overwhelmed at the new feelings coursing through his veins. You wondered breifly if he had sex before dying in the forest that night. You didn’t want to think of that time, but as he licked at your swollen lips you found the memory easily forgotten.
Although, these heated kisses didn’t seem to be enough for the man.
“Ah!” You cried out as Jungkook placed an open mouth kiss on your breast. He looked at you with worry written on his features, but you shook your head. “Keep going.”
He did so, licking your soft skin. His arms wrapped around your body, making your arms lock and push your chest out towards him. This pleased Jungkook, watching as your ample breasts was on display for his eyes only.
“My Angel,” he cooed, taking a nipple in his mouth.
“Nngh,” you moaned, thighs pulling together from the ache building between them. A gush of slickness slipped past your lower lips, getting into your knickers and causing light discomfort.
Jungkook suckled on your flesh, nipping and teasing your sensitive chest. You whimpered, gripping his shirt in your hands. Jungkook laved his tongue over your breasts, making sure each one got equal attention. You winced when he sucked harshly, hard enough to make your skin turn a reddish purple hue. Jungkook’s eyes sparkled at the sight. He took your nipple into his hot mouth once more, swirling his tongue over it and pulling his head back slightly. His pupils dilated when he let the peaked bud go and your breast jiggled from the force.
Getting tired of being the only naked one, you urged for Jungkook to remove his clothing as well. “Take your shirt off, Jungkook,” you said, tugging on the fabric. He pouted as he pulled away, obviously not through with your chest. However, he unbuttoned his shirt and then pulled it over his head to throw it on the floor.
“Better?” He tested.
Your mouth pooled with saliva. His chest was toned, pert nipples sitting on his pecks. You looked down to see defined muscles wrapping around his body. His skin was smooth, almost golden. However, his pale and slightly sallow complexion would be there permanently.
Your eyes moved down his body until the hit the center, were a warped and twisted scar sat. You crawled forward, coming eye level with the raised skin. Carefully, you placed your fingers on the lines. Jungkook hissed at your cold digits on his skin. You looked at him with worry. “Does that hurt?”
“N-no, I...Know it is... ugly. Sorry,” he said, ashamed. You shook your head viciously, coming up to hold his face in your hands.
“No, it isn’t ugly, Jungkook. Nothing about you is ugly to me. This scar here, this scar is the reason I can hold you in my arms. I love it, because it’s apart of you. Because of this scar, I am able to be with you. And for that, I am forever thankful to this scar,” you declared.
Jungkook gazed into your eyes, blinking slow. You dragged your hands down his body until they reach his hips. You held them there, before leaning in and placing soft kisses to his scar. Jungkook let out a shaky breath, bringing his hands to cradle your face as you moved along the long and mangled scar lines. His thumbs brushed your cheeks so delicately you felt your heart trembling in your chest.
“Angel, love you,” he breathed.
“I love you too, all of you. Jungkook,” you announced. Jungkook gently brought your mouth back to his. The kisses quickly became urgent, longing and desire burning hot between you. You laid back once again, Jungkook following with his mouth attached to your chest. Letting a gentle whine come from your throat, Jungkook continued to suck delicate blossoms into your flesh.
He brought your tender skin between his teeth and carefully pulled, suckling and huffing against his work. You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged him away from your sternum. Jungkook pouted in displeasure when you did so, letting a little whimper escape from his red lips.
“As much as I love your mouth on me, perhaps you could kiss me lower?” you asked, raising a teasing brow in his direction. Jungkook’s face furrowed in confusion.
“How?” He asked.
You shimmied your dress off, throwing it to the ground with his shirt. Jungkook watched with rapt attention as you spread your legs apart. “Come here,” you said, crooning your finger towards him. He followed like a man possessed, until he was level with your center.
“Angel,” he whined, kissing your knee and thighs hungrily.
“Shh, kiss me here darling,” you instructed, pulling your lips apart to invite him. You were surprised at your bold behavior. For a maiden, you were more brazen than you wanted to admit.  Jungkook nodded, placing a soft kiss to your mound. You moaned, hips hitting against his mouth in wanton desire. Licking his lips Jungkook moved back in, kissing again.
“Angel, you taste... good,” he whispered, eagerly kissing your core deeper, using more of his tongue. His mouth connected to your swollen center, making you writhe in pleasure underneath him.
“Oh, Jungkook!” You mewled, tangling your fingers in his hair as he licked deeper. Jungkook wasn’t neat with the way he was pleasuring you, loud sounds escaping him. Cute little cries of bliss were smothered by your heated skin as he refused to move away from you for a second.
His movements were sloppy, smearing your slick on your thighs and his chin. Whenever he came up to take your clit in his mouth you gasped at the pleasure and the sight of Jungkook’s soaked mouth. He found your pearl and played with it softly, giving your small shockwaves a pure, unadulterated gratification. More of your wetness leaked from your lips and Jungkook almost snarled with glee.
“You taste... so good, Angel,” he groaned, nudging your clit with his nose as he captured more of your bliss. He couldn’t keep himself still for the life of him, squirming in pleasure. He kept grabbing at your hands, encouraging you to touch him more, living for your hands grazing his heated flesh.
“Angel, Angel,” he whined, rutting against the mattress. You felt your insides clench at the action, want to be the mattress badly.
“Jungkook, more please,” you begged, gripping his hair. He groaned at the sharp sensation it brought, making his mouth leave your center.
“Angel, I... I want, inside, but want to make you... happy too” he tried, licking his lips like he’d just finished a great meal.
“Baby I’m already happy because I can be here with you, does it hurt?” you asked, gazing as he tried to keep himself occupied by kissing your knee and shins. but the tent in his pants told you it would come soon enough.
“Y-yes, pain, Angel,” he whined, bucking into the sheets pathetically.
“Okay, baby. Take your pants off,” you said, hooking your fingers in his belt loops. Jungkook leaned back, letting you disrobe him happily. He kicked his feet, getting the annoying material off of him. He sat up on his knees, coming back towards you. You watched as his cock was revealed to you. He was hard, tip smeared with precum. Jungkook smiled as you leaned down, stroking his lower stomach with interest.
“Want mouth,” he said, running his thumb over your lips. You took his thumb in your hot cavern, enveloping his digit in wet heat. Jungkook gasped as the sensation, wanting nothing more than to be inside of you.
Letting go of this thumb with a lewd pop, you licked your lips and took his length in your fist. He cried out, hunching forward at your touch. “Needy baby,” you tutted.
Jungkook bucked his hips into your grasp, whining from desire. “Angel, please...”
With a smirk you took his tip into your mouth. Jungkook cried out, gripping your shoulder right. It hurt, but the bliss on his face was worth every second of discomfort.
Moving slow, you inched your way down his dick. You felt your throat tighten in discomfort, but you pushed forward. Jungkook was panting, looking at you as if you were an exquisite piece of art before him. He tangled his fingers in your hair, urging you forward with gentle pressure to your head. He wanted you so bad. Needed you to keep going, it was torture so sweet it consumed him. Your tongue licked along the base of his shaft, finding a vein their to tease.
“F-fuck, Angel,” he groaned. You looked up at him in shock, mouth coming off his weeping cock. Jungkook hissed at the loss.
“Where did you learn a word like that?” You asked, pumping him entirely too slow to be pleasurable.
“U-um,” he avoided, biting his lip.
“Jungkook, tell me,” you warned, gripping the base of his dick to cut off his pleasure.
“You! Heard from Angel!”
You? When did you ever swear around him?
“Jungkook, don’t lie,” you growled, enjoying the agony on his face from your ministrations.
“At night! Y-you alone, in bed,” he huffed, looking at the ceiling.
“What was I doing?” You asked.
“Touching... pleasuring...”
“I was touching myself?” You asked. “And you watched me?” You asked, licking his dick to tease him.
Jungkook cried out and hunched forward, sweating with effort. “Angel... hurts, want to... finish,” he whimpered. You rubbed your hands on his sweaty back and kissed his chin.
“Tell me why you watched me, and I’ll let you cum,” you promised.
“Because,” he whined. “I wanted... to touch... I wanted to... p-pleasure Angel.”
“You will, baby, but cum first,” you smiled, letting your hand fly over his slick covered cock. Jungkook moaned loudly, you almost thought you were hurting him. But he bucked into your hands, panting with effort.
“Finish,” he cried out.
“Are you cumming baby?” You asked, rubbing your thumb right underneath the head of his purple tip.
“Yes, cumming for Angel,” he cried out, white strings of cum painting your chest, hot against you skin. You moaned, feeling the betwixt liquid fall onto your stomach and nipples.
“Good boy,” you praised as Jungkook collapsed against your shoulder. His harsh breaths warmed your skin. Now, there was a painful sensation between your legs you knew only Jungkook could satisfy. “Are you alright baby?” You asked, kissing his damp forehead.
“Just... a minute Angel,” he said, licking at your skin.
“Breathe, baby... I can wait for you,” you said, smoothing your hands down his shoulders and upper back.
“Love Angel,” he said, nudging your jaw with his nose, placing soft kisses to your flesh.
“I love you too,” you smiled, heart fluttering wild in your chest.
Jungkook moves from your shoulder to your chest, licking at his cum the splattered your skin. You gasped as he did so, tongue swirling around your pebbles nipples.
“Mmm, Angel you’re... sweet,” he smiled. “Tastes good.”
“I want you so bad,” you moaned. Jungkook nodded, grabbing your thighs to force you down. Going forward on his knees, you felt his cock against your impatient pussy.
He took his member in his hand, pumping it slowly. You noticed he wasn’t hard, but he was growing before your eyes. A cold sweat broke out on your neck, making your grab Jungkook’s hand in fear. You’d never been this far with a man, you only knew how to please him because of a book you’d read. You hoped Jungkook hadn’t noticed.
“I-I’ve never, I’m a virgin Jungkook,” you whispered. His eye widened, looking at your center with a soft expression.
“I’ll be... first?” He seemed shocked, but excited nonetheless.
“Yes, and the only,” you reminded.
“Only, me?”
You nodded and took his hand in yours, interlocking your fingers. Kissing his knuckles you wiggled your hips a bit, brushing your hot skin against his. Jungkook bucked lightly, dipping inside your entrance ever so slightly. He moaned at the contact, making you jolt from the noise.
“Please hurry, I want it,” you begged. “But you have to be gentle.”
“Gentle,” he confirmed. Slow, but firm Jungkook began to push inside of you. His body seemed to know what to do, because he carefully pulled himself out to set a steady pace. You winced as he got further in, but Jungkook was patient. “Okay?” He asked when you tended up at his intrusion. You nodded, placing your fingers to your clit. Rubbing gently making you clench around his hardened length. Jungkook hissed and rutted against you, causing you to cry out. He apologized, kissing your lips softly. “Angel, you feel... good,” he groaned.
“You too, Jungkook... so big,” you whined as another inch disappeared inside of you.
“Soft, hot... tight,” he practically snarled. You were a mess underneath him, wanting him deeper. The pain was secondary to the rising feeling of fullness that overtook your senses.
“More, give me all of it,” you begged. Jungkook listened and you felt his hips against yours. The pair of you breathed in harshly, letting each other get used to the foreign sensations. You swear you could feel him in your throat with how deep inside of you he was.
Experimentally, you clenched your walls, feeling Jungkook’s pulsing member seated deep within your.
“Ah! Angel don’t,” he whined. You looked up, seeing his brows furrowed and pinched in concentration.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“Too good, close,” he whimpered.
“Relax, I’m okay, you can move,” you said. Jungkook did so, pulling back and hitting his pelvis against your swollen heat. You called his name, urging him on. He lowered himself, getting a better angle to push himself back into your sweet embrace. Placing his hands on either side of your head he gasped when you adjusted your hips to accommodate his movement.
“Angel, shit,” he groaned. The difference in his thrusts made your walls clench hard, causing Jungkook to smack himself equally as forceful against your hips. “Ah, fuck!”
You arched you back at the sudden wave of pleasure that came over you. “Jungkook, harder,” you pleaded, wanting to be suffocated with that sweet feeling that had already abandoned you. He didn’t need to be told twice, soon he was plowing into your virgin center with reckless abandon. You writhed from the pleasure, grasping at his biceps to keep you grounded.
“A-Angel, Y/N,” he whispered. You froze...
He’d never said your name before, you loved how it sounded from his mouth. “Y-You said my name,” you panted, cradling his face in your hands. Jungkook’s forehead was damp with sweat, making you dab it with your forearm lovingly.
“Y-You’re my... Angel, Y/N,” he breathed, kissing your mouth deeply. You interlocked your fingers behind his neck, gently rolling your hips along with his thrusts. Jungkook grunted as you hit against his pelvis with a particularly hard thrust. Moving your lips against his you licked into his mouth, moving your tongue with his in tandem to his brutal pace within you.
“Ah, Angel, so good,” he whimpered, licking along your jawline.
“Jungkook, Jungkook more please!”
“W-want to... Move... different,” he whined.
He wanted a different position? Thinking in your brain you placed your hands on his shoulders, making him look at you with confusion. “Let me try something,” you stated. Jungkook nodded, pulling away from you.
The pair of you winced as his cock slipped from your trembling walls. Carefully you moved onto your knees, bending forward to present your ass to him. Jungkook groaned, coming forward to place several kisses along your spine.
“Angel,” he whimpered. “How do... do I?” he questioned.
Moving yourself backwards you gripped his length in your hands, directing it towards your soaked core. “Just like this baby, take it easy,” you said, pushing yourself back onto his dick. Jungkook bit his lip harshly before bucking into your battered maw once more.
“Ah, t-tighter,” he whimpered, grabbing onto your hips to get himself even deeper into you.
You were panting hard, lungs on fire as you felt him moving you both towards a precipice that felt it had no end. Wrists straining to keep you up and Jungkook’s harsh movements were starting to throw you off the deep end.
“So tight,” he moaned. You clenched at his words, making his hips stutter in their movement. You almost sobbed at the loss of momentum that had you swirling in the throes of pleasure. Moving your hands to his that were secured on your waist, you pulled them down your body.
“Jungkook, touch me here,” you said, bringing his hand to your clit. “Rub it.” He was now hunched over your body, hot breath fanning across the nape of your neck. He nodded, timing his thrusts with quick flicks of his thumb against your sensitive nub. You felt molten heat flying through your veins at the motions.
“Y-Y/N, I love you, Angel... Angel I love you so much,” he puffed into your sweaty skin.
“I love you too, Jungkook. Keep going, make me cum please,” you cried, thighs trembling from the activity.
“Closer, want you... want you closer,” he fussed, trying to get his arms around your body.
“Baby, easy, be gentle,” you warned, his bucking hips proving to be a little harsh against your tender walls. “How about this?”
You straightened yourself up, wrapping his arms around your waist as you sat down on his lap. Jungkook whined in your throat from the new bliss he found himself experiencing. You placed your knees next to his, lining yourself up so you could be comfortable. Jungkook moved up, seeing how he could move in this setting.
Gasping you brought his hand to your stomach. “I can feel you here, oh God, Jungkook,” you cried, resting against his chest. He was overwhelmed with love and desire for you that it didn’t seem real.
He loved you so much, and it made him emotional to hold you so intimately.
Fullness suffused your entire being, but you felt hot droplets of water touching your neck. You turned your head to see Jungkook’s eyes filling with tears. Alarm coursed through your chest. “B-baby, are you alright?” you asked, nudging his cheek with your nose.
“I-I’ll die without you,” he whimpered, crying out when you adjusted against him.
“I know, baby, I know... I love you, I’m no-ah! I’m not going to leave you. Never, Jungkook. I will never leave you again,” you promised, kissing him so firmly you thought you would bruise each others lips. Jungkook caressed your face, brushing his thumb along your cheek as he kept fucking into you so desperately.
You thighs were burning, wanting nothing more than the sweet release of an orgasm to sate the ravenous appetite building in your lower stomach. But you’d take this pain, all of it if it meant you could feel Jungkook inside you.
If you could hold him in your arms every day after this. You would go through so much more agony, even more bloodshed and hell if it meant you could see his smiling face at the end of the trauma.
Because you would do anything for the man who held you so close, yet so delicate because he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Angel, cumming,” he warned. You felt his cock throbbing inside you, no doubt ready for his second release. God you wanted his hot seed inside you. To paint your quivering walls in his white seed. You briefly wondered if Jungkook could get you pregnant, but since he had been dead prior to your love making, you thought that it was unlikely.
“Please Jungkook, please do it,” you begged, tears in your eyes. You gripped your breasts, pulling and teasing your nipples for more stimulation. He brought his mouth to your neck once more, heaving deep breaths into the hollow of your throat, but he licked and sucked to occupy his distraught mind.
“Angel, I love you,” he moaned, each thrust he made becoming more solid into your swollen womanhood.
“Jungkook, I love you too,” you cried out. He leaned down, quickening his thrusts inside of you where you were certain the bed was going to shatter. Jungkook’s mouth found yours, desperately licking and sucking on your swollen lips.
You could feel him everywhere, and it wasn’t enough. You wanted to feel him in the deepest parts of you. “Inside me, cum inside me,” you sobbed.
Jungkook stiffened at your sentence, before letting out a choked off cry. Then, you felt scorching heat in your walls that sent you over as well, shuddering violently against your lover’s toned body.
“Angel, oh fuck, good,” he whimpered, pumping you both through your orgasms. You clenched sporadically around his sensitive dick, pulling each spurt of his cum deep inside of you.
Jungkook soon fell lax against you, nearly crushing you with his weight. You moved, having his length remove itself from you bruised core. But you didn’t care. Laying on your back you brought Jungkook to your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair softly, cooing into his ear about how gentle he had been. What a good boy he was for loving you so much.
“Jungkook?” You asked a few minutes later. Jungkook was lazily licking at your chest, pulling a nipple into his mouth. You squirmed at the feeling, but kept your focus.
“Mmm, Angel?” He responded, licking up your throat to you lips.
“Was that... was that your first time too?” You asked.
“I-I don’t, think so,” he worded. “Feels... familiar. But, better with you.”
You had a feeling Jungkook hadn’t been a virgin, but it didn’t matter. He was yours now, and you were his.
As you lay in his arms that night, naked and sweating from several more rounds of torrid love making. You couldn’t help but think of the days to come.
Where were you and Jungkook going to go? We’re your friends safe? How was Solstice going to repair relations with the Lunar Isles?
You believed that peace could be brought to your people, but would the town fair without you? As far as you knew, you were the only person who delved into medical practices there. Heart racing you feared for those you’d come to care for. Even if they had demanded your hanging. They were frightened people, wanting nothing more than to have an answer to their pain. You couldn’t blame them for being human.
“Angel,” Jungkook murmured against your breast, kissing a few of his love bites tenderly.
Then all anxious thoughts disappeared. You wrapped your arms around him, running your fingers through the nape of his neck to his hair. Jungkook relaxed against you, arm tightening across your lower stomach.
You then found it didn’t matter.
Jungkook was here, and that’s all you cared about. You had the man you loved by your side. He was breathing, sleeping easily beside you. He was also turning out to be an insatiable beast, but you'd deal with that when you stopped being one as well.
In that moment, you weren’t a human and a reanimated corpse... you were two people, who’d fallen in love. And even though there might be complications, you’d handle all of them if it meant Jungkook was there at the end for you.
You’d run as fast as you could, for as long as you could to reach him. And you know he’d do the same for you.
For an Angel and her Lover. Nothing was impossible.
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cottonpadenthusiast · 6 years
A Cinderella Story - Part 7
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
So we have arrived at the end of this little series and I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged and commented. I can’t even begin to describe how much it means to me and all the asks and comments were so kind and sweet. By the time this is posted, the first chapter of this series will be up on A03 (my username is the same as here, if anyone wants to look at it) Anyway, after deleting this chapter three times because I hated it, I’m finally posting so I really hope you enjoy! <3
Draco stared out the small, dusty window above the sink. The clouds loomed overhead, the grey sky darkening the little kitchen, as Draco lifted the heavy water-filled bucket onto the ground.
The only sign that the ball had occurred, that the moments with Harry had been real, was the dull, permanent aching of Draco’s heart. The night had been awful. Draco could barely control the sobs that had wracked through his body and the sharp, agonising pain in his chest when he had realised that he would never see Harry again. He had stayed awake all night, wishing and praying that somehow, in some other universe, they would be reunited again. He had done the same thing when his mother, then father, had died. Only this time, it seemed he was the one dying.
Draco hoped death was quick. He hoped death was soon.
A low, heavy rumbling sounded from outside, shaking Draco from his thoughts. Draco peered outside to find the source of the noise. The courtyard was empty, but now the sound, which Draco had realised was hooves hitting the ground, was growing closer, until a burst of colour and noise flew past Draco’s window.
“What in Merlin’s beard…?” Draco murmured, staring out the window.
The bottom of what seemed to be a large, black and gold carriage now stood in front of Draco’s small window and the noise of men shouting travelled into the kitchen. Draco leaned forward, trying to catch a glimpse of the full carriage, but the kitchen was below ground and the window was slim.
It was unusual for anyone to visit the Manor this late, especially in a carriage like that one. No one visited Bellatrix unless it was for some ancient, illegal spell or to offer her a place in their weird, evil cult.
However, Draco’s confusion intensified when a black, leather boot stepped out of the carriage door. Because that boot had a lion’s crest imprinted on it. That boot belonged to the palace.
“Yup, Bellatrix definitely lives here. No one else can give a house a look of doom and gloom as she can.” Sirius Black’s deep voice came from outside, shaking Draco from his shock. The boot must have belonged to him but Draco still had no idea why he was here. Yes, Bellatrix and Sirius were cousins, but Draco was sure they only spoke in curses to each other.
Draco was still considering this when the world seemed to stop. His heart paused in his chest, his lungs stopped breathing, as a voice sounded from above. That voice. Harry’s voice.
“The Manor always scared me, even before Bellatrix. I would have to hold Draco’s hand during the night anytime I came for a sleepover as a child.”
Draco’s mind was whirring, but his heart was still, as he tried to understand, tried to comprehend why Harry was here. Outside the Manor. Outside Draco’s home. He came up with no explanation, but despite his confusion, despite everything, he could feel his heart reach out to Harry.
“You mean you just used that as an excuse to hold Draco’s hand,” Sirius responded, as Harry stepped from the carriage, a guard or servant, Draco didn’t know which, standing by his side. Draco blinked at Sirius’ statement.
“Shut up!” Draco could hear the embarrassment in Harry’s voice. There was silence for a moment as no one moved, until Harry spoke again, this time much quieter.
“What am I meant to say, Padfoot? I don’t even know where to begin.”
“Hey, Draco! I know it was you last night at the ball, and I just wanted to let you know I’m kind of obsessed with you. I have had a crush on you since I was twelve and I’m probably in love with you. Do you want to go out sometime?”
Harry snorted but quickly turned quiet again. “Seriously, Pads. What am I going to do? I can’t mess this up.”
Sirius’ feet stepped towards Harry’s. “I have known you since you were a baby, Harry Potter. I know you won’t mess this up. Just be honest with him. Tell him exactly how you feel and leave nothing hidden, because only then can you gain. You might wanna leave out the part that you have dreams about him though. That’s a bit creepy.”
Draco heard Harry sigh before whispering a sincere “thank you” to Sirius and walking away from Draco’s small window and towards the door.
It is hard to put into words the feelings one may experience when a dream sets itself into reality, especially a dream that revolves around love. No simple word can even begin to describe the happiness Draco felt in that moment. His chest ached, not with pain, but with love and joy, as he tried to comprehend that Harry felt the same, that Harry wanted him. Draco had never allowed himself to delve into the possibility of Harry reciprocating his feelings, the danger of getting lost in the dream too real, but now. Now, Draco didn’t have to dream anymore. Now, his dreams were real.
Draco spun around and ran for the door. He needed to get to Harry. But a shadowy figure blocked his path, a small smirk on the face.
“Now,” Bellatrix said, her voice sharp and cutting, “where do you think you’re going?”
Fear inched its way into Draco’s heart. “The Prince is at the door, Miss Bellatrix. I need to answer it.”
Bellatrix’s laughter filled the room, but there was no amusement in it. “And why do you think I would let you do that?”
“Because...because that’s what I usually do. I always answer the door to guests.”
“Well, don’t worry. I do not require you to answer the door this time. Especially since you’ve spent so much time with the Prince already. I’m sure he is sick of your company by now.”
Draco’s heart stopped. Did she know? How could she know? Draco’s question was answered when his aunt held up a small silver mask. His mask. He felt as if he was going to be sick.
“You see, Draco. I know everything. I know that you’re in love with that stupid little prince, and I know that somehow he feels the same. But the thing is, that doesn’t suit my plans. I want one of my sons to marry him and you are really getting in the way of that. So if we can’t have him,” Bellatrix dropped the mask to the floor and stamped on it, snapping it in two,  “then neither can you.”
The chime of the doorbell echoed through the house, and Bellatrix turned away. Draco stood in shock, staring at the small, broken mask on the ground, before looking up to meet his aunt’s gaze once more. She smirked, before slamming the door shut behind her, leaving Draco in the kitchen alone.
Draco ran forward, pulling the handle down, but the door was locked.
“HARRY!” Draco yelled, pounding his fist against the door. “I’M DOWN HERE! HARRY, PLEASE!”
He punched the wood, not caring for the blood dripping from his knuckles or the pain in his throat. He needed to get out of here. He couldn’t lose Harry again, not now, not after everything he knew.
As Draco shouted Harry’s name again, a sudden flame seemed to ignite inside of him. He felt the fire spread across his body, each inch of skin filled with power. It was magic. His magic that was pumping through his veins for the first time in years. The wooden door flung open without Draco even needing to cast a spell, and he ran. And this time, he wasn’t running away.
“What do you mean he doesn’t want to see me? Can’t he at least tell me that himself?” Harry’s voice travelled down the halls as Draco sped down the hallway, his magic surging him forward.
Bellatrix’s voice grew louder as Draco ran. “I apologise immensely, your Highness, but Draco is simply refusing to-”
“Refusing to what?” Draco skidded into the hall, his heavy panting echoing off the marble walls as everyone stared. Sirius stood at the door, his eyes wide, while Vincent and Gregory stood in the corner. Draco could feel Bellatrix’s outraged glare, but he ignored it, instead choosing to look at Harry who stood a few metres in front. Harry who was looking at him with those bloody emerald eyes that did crazy things to Draco. Harry whose face was displaying millions of emotions. Harry who Draco Malfoy loved.
Harry glanced between Draco and Bellatrix. “What in the bloody hell is going on?”
“Your Highness, he is a crazy man. I did not want to upset you further by telling you this, but after his parents’ deaths, Draco lost his mind. He is gripped by insanity and-”
“For Merlin’s sake, shut up!” Draco interrupted. Bellatrix’s voice suddenly cut off, her eyes wide, as she opened her mouth but no sound came out.
Draco looked down at his hands, feeling the magic burn in his fingers, and grinned. His magic had made her silent. He lifted his hand towards Bellatrix and flicked his fingers, and the witch stood rigid. Her body was completely still and her arms looked glued to his side. Draco thought he could get used to this.
“Draco…?” Harry stepped forward, his eyes asking all the questions he couldn’t voice.
Draco smiled a small, secretive smile. “Hello, Harry.”
Harry’s mouth slowly morphed into a grin brighter than the sun and the stars, and Draco suddenly had a hard time breathing. They each stepped forward, both trepidation and purposefulness in their movements, and Harry reached out, pulling Draco against his chest like he was scared Draco would disappear if he didn’t. Draco was scared Harry would disappear too.
“What’s going on, Draco? Where have you been all these years? And why are you dressed like that?” Harry asked, pulling back and scanning Draco’s torn, dirty clothes.
Draco looked away. He didn’t know how to explain what hell was like. “After father died, Bellatrix wanted me to earn my keep. I’m -I’m sort of a servant here.”
“More of a slave, really,” Gregory stated from the corner, while Vince nodded his head in agreement. Neither seemed too bothered by the idea.
Harry looked from Gregory to Draco, his eyes full of shock. “What? What do you mean? I don’t...” Harry expression changed from shocked to pity, then anger, then guilt as he studied Draco’s thin form.
“It’s not your fault, Harry. How could you have known?” Draco placed a hand on Harry’s cheek. He couldn’t let Harry blame himself for how Bellatrix treated him. “We haven’t seen each other in years, and she didn’t allow me to write to you, never mind firecall-”
Harry’s arms tightened around Draco. “Wait, what?! You never wrote to me?”
Draco shook his head.
“Then that means it must have been… her. She wrote that bloody letter!” Harry’s eyes were full of anger, before softening again once seeing Draco’s confused expression. “I got a letter from you, well her, just after your father’s death. It said that you couldn’t bear the sight of me as I reminded you of everything you had lost, and asked me to not visit you any longer. I was devastated. I cried for days. But I did what you asked and I never came. I thought you hated me until last night.”
Draco’s heart ached at the thought of what could have been. Years of pain and loneliness could have ceased to exist if it wasn’t for that letter, but he couldn’t hate Harry for what happened. He could never hate Harry.
“You must have thought that I hated you. I never came to see you. Merlin, I have been such a fool.” Harry’s eyes were glassy with tears and his voice full of guilt.
Draco leant his forehead against Harry’s. “We have both been fools. But I think I’m the bigger fool for falling in love with a Prince.”
“I believe I’ll have to disagree with you,” Harry replied, smiling. “I’m the one who fell in love with a masked stranger at a ball.”
Harry gazed into Draco’s eyes, as his hands moved down Draco’s spine. The green eyes dropped to Draco’s lips, a hungry flame now burning in them, and every fibre in Draco’s body was telling him to inch closer, to lean up and close the distance between them. Draco’s heart was telling him to kiss Harry Potter. And so he did.
Draco ran his hands through Harry’s hair, revelling in the way the soft curls felt through his fingers, as his lips pressed against Harry’s. Harry’s hands pulled Draco closer, causing waves of electricity to shoot through Draco from every spot where their bodies touched. The kiss was soft and gentle, years of loneliness and separation instilling caution into each of them, but there was a quiet confidence in how their lips moved together. When Harry sighed into his mouth, Draco was sure his heart had left his body and made a home in Harry’s own. It belonged there anyway.
Draco didn’t remember much after that kiss, his heart was too full and his mind too preoccupied with Harry’s hand in his for the rest of the afternoon. Bellatrix was arrested by the guards, but, at Draco’s request, Gregory and Vincent were allowed to go free. They only really followed their mother’s example after all.
“How did you know it was me at the ball?” Draco asked, as the carriage moved further away from the Manor and to his new home with Harry. Anywhere would be home as long as Harry was there.
Harry laughed, pulling Draco closer to him. “You called me “Potter”. Only you have ever called me that. Plus, my magic sensed it was you as soon as I laid eyes on you. It just took me a while to recognise it.”
“Good thing you did recognise me,” Draco replied, leaning his head against Harry’s shoulder.
A small kiss was pressed to Draco’s head. “Yes, it was a good thing. I think it was one of the best things I’ve ever done actually.”
As the carriage moved on, Draco glanced back to the glooming house behind him. He didn’t know if he could ever go back there. Too much pain, too much suffering had taken place in that house for even years of healing to mend.
Draco glanced to the man above him. He was his Prince Charming, his knight in shining armour or whatever other fairytale cliche came to mind, but Draco knew Harry Potter was so much more than that. Harry was Draco’s hope and that meant more than any story could describe. 
That meant everything.
Tags: @defluoxx @lolsarah322 @rose-grangerweasleyisbae @satanrealblog @@chrismasfairylights  @reading-till-5am @orkedad @crazyconglasses @anotherbadharrypotterblog  @blue-dragonblood  @just-some-bibliophile @scillsthrills @gryffindeku @thehawkarrow @imadumbbinch @ljetno-sivilo @third-winchester-second-potter @serooks @bunnymyeondragonkris @joyfulblazestarlightlove
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polygamyff · 5 years
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The bed covers wrapped around my whole body, my head barely peaking at the top. I heard my mom come into my bedroom, she said to my dad I wasn’t here but then my dad saw me move, I have been hearing them every morning. When I told my work I want to work lates, they was so happy. Night staff they always want, I assumed this is what I can do so I can keep busy and not think about it, I was wrong. When I get in bed this is where I cry, I have never had a heartbreak in my life and I never wished to experience such a thing, but I have. I wanted to shrug it off, I can’t. I came home that follow morning driving myself crazy, googling Naomi Davenport like an obsessed ex, she was right there all along. I was so blind sided by my heart, I assumed this man was everything I asked for. I drove myself crazy googling Maurice, there is no sign of marriage but Naomi yes, all the picture are there. The events, the hand holding. I feel my heart has just been ripped apart, the pain in my heart hurt so much I feel like I am having a heart attack, I can’t believe it happened to me. I had sex with him raw, not even once by mistake. It was done because it felt right, I hate myself. I can’t do that anymore, I need to gather myself together but I can’t. I was living in a dreamworld, in a fantasy where I was a princess and I found my prince. He had everything, wiping the tear away. He kept calling so I blocked his number, blocked him on everything I could. I am so hurt, I feel the fool, he was married and they knew. I was the dumb one, I got played in this.
Staring ahead of me at the wall, I want to sleep but I’ve upset myself all over again. I’ll fall asleep as soon as it is ready to go to work, then I’m a walking zombie there. I thought heartbreaks end quickly, I want to be gone. It was nothing, he was nothing. I am so angry but yet so hurt, I really loved him. He’s been married for five years “Leon, she has been back for a week and she has been working herself crazy, I don’t see my daughter now. She came back from New York a different girl and I’m scared to speak to her” hearing my mom speak about me, I know my mom wants to speak to me but I always fake sleep. What am I meant to say to my mom, I broke a marriage up. I fell in love with a married man, I can’t “she went New York? Why?” Leon questioned, they are right outside my door “to meet a man she assured she is ok with, Kellen cousin. I have the right mind to call him, Leon I am scared” I don’t want nobody right now, they can all leave me alone “I’m sure it was nothing, I spoke to Tif like yesterday because I was like Robz ain’t called me or anything. She said she saw her but she never said bye but never said why they was in New York, it’s ok mom. I will speak and see what she says” he can try all he wants, not happening.
“Robyn, bitch. I know you’re not asleep. You did this last time on prom day” Leon knows my ass ain’t asleep, I won’t be sleeping so normally at all “get yo ass up” Leon came into my eye view out of nowhere “who hurt you friend? Like who the hell did this to you, you’re pretty eyes” Leon got down on his knees at the side of the bed “Robyn, look at you. Come on now, let those tears fall out” why is he making me cry, my lower lip quivered as a new wave of tears fell, it’s painful to cry because this is how I feel. I am wailing for the gods “I want to know who hurt you friend? Oh Robyn, what happened” Leon stroked my hair, then I just felt. My stomach turned and it turned for the worst l, pushing the covers off of my bed body and jumped out of bed, running out of my bed and into the bathroom.
Wiping my mouth staring at the mirror infront of me, I look a whole lot of mess. This is what I mean, my mind is playing games. The memories of him linger because he meant so much to me, I was thinking bitch I was praying for him when he had a wife. Gripping the sides of the sink “Robyn, I am worried about you” Leon touched my back “no need to be” lifting my head up and staring at the mirror, Leon is staring at the side of my face in sadness, I don’t want to make people sad but my heart is in pieces. I can’t control this and I am not even going to attempt to try, I have tried and it makes me feel even worse “love sickness?” Leon said behind me “wish it was” moving back from the sink “just releasing some pain” moving by Leon “I’m ok” stepping outside the bathroom and met by my parents, they haven’t seen me in a while, I work nights and stay in my room after “tell me who he is, you know what forget it. I will myself, he’s done something to you! Leon give me Kellen’ number now, I am not violent type of guy but I am now!” Shaking my head “stop ok, it’s whatever” my dad glared at me in anger, but it was hurt anger to see my sad “what happened? Please you’re scaring me?” Shaking my head not saying a word “Thomas, leave it. She will talk when ready, give her space” I am really not about to admit to my parents I broke a marriage up now, that’s so bad.
Swallowing hard, I gave my whole to him. I can’t believe he is married, my obsession on staring at Naomi, his wife is so pretty and he cheated with me. I was involved. She was crying that night and I am the cause, he sucked me in. He made love to me and I have never had that before, I wailed out crying. How stupid can I be, I didn’t want this and I hate him for it “why” wiping my tears, stupid Robyn. Stupid little girl that thought she was in love, I fucked up. The pictures of Naomi and Maurice are going to haunt me more than I think, he is a rich sick minded asshole “Robyn, I am coming in” my mom said and opened my door, looking away from the door “Robyn, my heart is aching” hearing the door closed “I am scared, I have the right mind to call Tiffany, did something bad happen?” My bed moved a little as she sat down on the edge of the bed “Leon and your dad have both gone, your dad at work. It’s just me now baby, come on. Talk to me” Tears start streaming down my face once more, there is no way I can get out of this because it’s too much. I am too much and have done too much and have literally probably destroyed a family.
I am distressing my mom, I need to gather myself. I have not really ate there either but I don’t feel hungry at all. I am so heartbroken right now, I just can’t even feel my heart anymore. You know that warm feeling I had where I could feel Maurice, I can’t feel him but I am putting it down to the fact I am so numb “Robyn, as a mother I need to know. Your father is assuming the worst, he thinking things I do not wish to think about” looking up to the ceiling, I want the tears to stop but my heart won’t stop hurting “I really loved him mom, I still do” my voice broke “that is Kellen’ cousin right?” Nodding my head “I’ve never had a heartbreak before, it’s just” I drifted off, I can’t say that I broke up a marriage “it was something I didn’t need to see, it was just. Not the man I knew, I erm feel used” that should not have been said “he used you!?” This is so hard to explain “he wasn’t the man I thought he was, I can’t explain mom but I just. I am hurt” my lips quivering “my heart is hurting too, you both barely got to know each other. I was so happy to see my daughter happy, it’s something you’re not saying but I will wait until you’re ready. This is breaking my heart Robyn, I hate seeing this. This man really had your heart, I am speechless. I wish I knew him or seen him. The way you spoke about him so lovingly, I wish I got to see him and then also give him a piece of my mind” my mom touched my cheek “you look ill” I feel queasy, this whole situation is making me feel it.
My mom has not moved off from my bed, she is staring at me “mom, I did something. Something you’re going to probably call me stupid girl about” looking over at my mom “go on?” it’s like my mom knew the question or knew what I was about to say “I think I could be pregnant, I know it. I have studied this” my mom took a deep breath in “oh Robyn” my mom said in a whisper “didn’t listen to my protection text?” my mom said with a smile “but I guess it was too late, you are are clever girl Robyn. I can only imagine how you felt in that moment, it must have been a deep feeling Robyn. I won’t pry but Robyn, I don’t know how I am going to tell your dad this if you are pregnant. He is going to be heartbroken Robyn, I am ok. I mean I am upset, you have so much ahead of you but the feeling must have been deep. You’re a bright girl, but you are my girl and you know. You know we don’t believe in getting rid of a child? This is your decision but baby, don’t make it the wrong one just because he is whoever he is, he is not here. You are a strong, independent woman. Just like we bought you up. I am in shock Robyn” my mom is good with words, I don’t think she has digested this but I am not sure yet. I am ninety percent sure I am, the feeling is there. I am internally freaking out but what if he has kids, I don’t know this. I need to not Google Naomi again anyways “will it get better?” I asked my mom “the heartbreak?” nodding my head “he made love to me, I didn’t want to fall but I did” I blurted out “Robyn at times, we find the beauty in things that people don’t see the beauty in, what made you fall for him? Was it that moment?” I went silent staring down at my hands “we was speaking for a few months, he was just funny, loving. We met and that was it, my heart opened up to him” closing my eyes “he needed something from me and I was trying to give it to him, he is a broken man. When I met him I saw him, his raw emotions got me. I wanted to give it him, I exposed myself for him but it didn’t happen” opening my eyes, I am teary eyes again “that’s love” my mom said, she held my hand “that is love” she said again “it’s any right, if you are pregnant for you as a woman when you are feeling right, you need to tell him. When you love a man it will be hard to say it, my heart is broken for you. I want to get this man and tell him how are you, but baby. If you are having a baby, your baby needs you to be strong, no mater what. That is your love child, like you’re mine” sniffled smiling at my mom “I am here for you, you’re father is going to be hard but love you” nodding my head “love you too” my mom is so supportive even though I cannot tell them the truth.
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I hate this room and I hate the fact I am sat in here, it brings me the worst memories back. My dad constantly here, my dad dragged me out of here to get me married and placed me back. I just wanted out, this place drives you crazy, rehab ain’t good and it ain’t shit. I am only here for my brother, I am here because he needs me. Deep down I am heartbroken, I ain’t ever cried like that before. Robyn got me crying, I can’t even concentrate. I don’t know where she is, what she is doing and I never went to get her. I was so numb, it never was supposed to happen like that. I am a broken man but here I am, for Malik “bro” looking up from my hands “Malik” getting up from the plastic seat, hugging Malik “hey, why you crying” he hugged me tight “I don’t like it here, I don’t want this” squeezing him right, I want to cry too, but for my own heartbreak “I get it, trust me I do” moving back from the hug “sit down” navigating him back onto the seat “they got me locked up, apparently I’m too hyper. You’re the first human I’ve seen, I hate it” sitting down sighing out “brings me horrible memories bro, it hurts me to see you like this. I come because I felt bad, I didn’t bring you here myself. Shawn did, I was in a bad state” I still feel it “where is Robyn? I didn’t see her” my breathing become shaky, shaking my head “she left me” malik’ face dropped “it’s fine, don’t worry about it” he shouldn’t worry “but you love her, she made you happy. Was it me? Did I say it when I was on a high?” Shaking my head “she found out, look. I came here for you, otherwise I will be somewhere thinking on ways to drug myself, but no. It’s ok, I need to think straight, Robyn wanted you to get better and for you to get help, she ain’t here but I am fulfilling her wishes” maybe I need to come here myself.
It was hard to leave Malik in that place, he keeps crying but I want him clean. Nobody has seen him besides me, they are fucked up and I hate my family but here I am at this hell hole. Shawn took Malik to the rehab centre while I locked myself away, Robyn’ heartbroken face keeps replying on my mind. I never used her, I do want her but I don’t know where she is and she has blocked me. Maybe I could track her record from when she stayed at Davenport in Texas, her email from there and explain myself but then I am using my powers this way. Walking in the room with the magazine screwed up in my hand, I want to know where this shit came from “Maurice” what is Kellen doing here, oh they are here “the fuck is this” storming into the living area “excuse me?” my dad said all cool and calm “this!?” throwing the magazine on his lap, he stared down at his and then back at me “what is the issue?” my dad slowly took off his glasses “I didn’t know about it, why is it I am in there!?” my dad is a dickhead, he knows I didn’t want it “you’re my child, there was many investors there” clenching my fists “I am not married to her, I told you old man I am done. I am divorcing her” my dad clasped his hands together “I told you what I said, don’t. Maurice I have dealings going on! You already made her cry” I want to punch my dad “Maurice” my sister grabbed my arm “I need to speak to you” I am going to kill him next, watch this.
Punching the wall several times “fuck!” I shouted out, the pain in my hand instant hit me. That hurt “Maurice, calm down” Nalah said “I am divorcing Naomi, I am done” shaking my hand cringing in pain “is it really that bad” turning around “Kellen” I said, he looks scared “nigga come here, Nalah I’ll be back” I can’t even clench my fist now, that hurt. I guess I can concentrate on this pain now, walking towards the back yard “where we going? You know I did nothing?” Kellen is a little bitch, why is he even here his scary ass “what you doing here?” staring down at my hand, I think I broke my hand because it fucking kills me “seeing uncle, he wanted to see me on why Naomi was crying but I said I don’t know, I don’t want to be involved in this” turning to him “have you spoken to Robyn?” this is all I want to know “erm no, I saw her at the show and that’s it. Why? I mean Tif did yesterday” she is around still “what did she say? Did you hear any of it” why is Kellen scared, I don’t get it “look, I didn’t say anything. She asked Tif if she knew Naomi and Tif goes who the hell is that? And then Robyn said she’s your cousin and Tif was like I don’t know her, I near died. I ran off to use the bathroom, I got scared. Does she know?” scratching my chin “she knows, someone gave her that magazine I threw at my dad. She didn’t let me speak, I couldn’t speak I was put on the spot. Nigga, I miss her. She got me heartbroken here, I don’t know what to do. I was so close to using my brother’ drugs I took from him but I threw the bag and now the powder is all over my hotel floor, I left it though” Kellen rubbed his face “I told you, I said don’t hurt my fucking friend but I can’t be angry. I know you love her, but nigga she hates me now! Fuck! I said it to you, I said tell her” maybe I should have listened.
Kellen and I stood in silence, I don’t know what to do “you know where she lives” I siad staring at the pool “the fuck I am doing that, no!” so he does know “call her, I want to hear her voice” I need to hear her, I need to just hear her voice “Maurice, I would love to-” gripping his top with the hand I didn’t hurt “I fucking said it Kellen! Do it!” pushing him back, why don’t fucking people listen “but she will hate me” I don’t care what he thinks, watching him take his phone out from his pocket “she may not pick it up though” he is saying it like I care “do it” Kellen is a little bitch she he will get treated like it, Kellen dialled her number and put his phone on speakerphone “don’t say shit” she she can put the phone down, I won’t be saying shit I just want to hear her voice. Kellen sighed out as the phone call rang out, and kept on ringing out “hello” my heart instantly sparked hearing her voice, she picked up. Kellen stared at me “Robyn” he paused “hey” he is acting awkward for “I just wanted to ask if you coming to Texas, Tif birthday and all that? You know I am useless at that” his lying ass “I am not up for that, I can text you suggestions on how to be a real ass friend first of all” Kellen gawked at me “what you mean?” Kellen asked dumbfounded “I am done, I am not speaking on it but no. I am not coming to that place” chewing on my bottom lip as the phone became ever so silent, my heart. I want to say something, snatch the phone from him. My breathing matched my heart beat “don’t call me when he is there either, fuck you both” she put the phone down, she knew I was here “I didn’t facetime her?” Kellen stared at his phone in confusion, it wasn’t the phone. That is our connection, how the fuck am I going to get her back when she is not going to hear me out. Least I know she feels me, she knows. There must be a spot there where she doesn’t hate me.
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aishiikamii · 6 years
Tag game
Ohh sounds fun!! Thank you @grace1852 for the tag
1- Are you named after someone?
Yes, my cousin was very Young she asked my father to name me after her and here i am my name is Aisha like her and 500 people i know lmao
2- When was the last time you cried
With real tears??? Long time ago with no tears, minutes ago ;;;
3.Do you have kids?
Yes,they all are fictional but still my kids and i am proud of each one of them 🤭💖
4.Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No 🌚🙃
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Mm nothing I am too stupid to notice anything also i am very antisocial so when i have to meet someone i tend to make the meeting very short or isolated myself from them;; I cannot notice anything bc i am busy getting rid of them ;;;; I have zero confidence to be around group of people or new person, for online people i don’t notice anything at the first sight so idk
6.What’s your eye color?
Dark,I think black
7.scary movie or happy ending?
None!! I prefer Comedy or dramatic movies but honestly I like to watch something make me laugh for enough hours!!!
8.Any special talent?
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9.Where were you born?
A place that I can’t wait to leave for good!!
10.What are your hobbies?
Other than bring myself down and feel salty and burning inside???
I love reading books or manga but too lazy to do that, i like to read in old history of dead cultures!! I love to draw anime characters a lot, listening to my 4 years old nephew’s story and asks 🤭 listening to kids talking about their dreams!!
11.Do you have pets?
No i dreamt of having an owl or husky but I don’t think i can take care of any living creatures
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Jumping rope but I haven’t play in months;;;
13.How tall are you?
162 cm
14.What’s your favourite subject in school?
At school I wasn’t obsessed with any subjects but i used to love Biology And Chemistry;;; also my language is so huge !! I used to like studying our grammar we have something called E’rab it was a real challenge to trying them 😂😂😂 Jenan will kill me for that lol
At college I love psychology especially kids psychology but since it wasn’t my main major we didn’t go deeper;;; but i used to buy books and searched about child psychology
15.Dream job?
Teaching art for elementary school😭😭✨💖 please pray for me to get this job soon !!!
Thank you again for the tag!! It was fun distraction at this moment!!!
I will tag @boozunofuusuke @emypony @zafiro-satoshi-ieforever @theokunoagenda and whoever wants to!! ;;
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sky-girls · 6 years
Look at me
So leaving aside the fact that it’s sad that i can barely keep up with the ficweek me myself decided to do here is day 5 finally!! and i hope you guys enjoy it!!
“im sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at /them/  if i try hard enough”
It all starts with a kitty pic and of course  at that moment she doesn’t think much of it. She just sees the picture of one fat, grey kitty on her instagram search page and decides to go to the page of the person to see if maybe they have more pictures of kitties.
And flor.ph , photography student does have some pictures of kitties, some pretty cute and adorable ones, but mostly she has picture of people, lots and lots of attractive people. A particular guy calls her attention. Probably a model, he has to be a model, because he is the hottest guy she has ever seen in her whole life.
He is wearing a white dressing shirt, first few buttons undone and he is looking straight into the camera, his eyes are a deep dark brown and even through the screen of her phone they make heat pool into her lower stomach, his hair is curly and slightly messy and before she can even control it she has images of herself caressing it and pulling it. She sees the description and finds a hashtag #MByFlor. She taps on it instantly.
What she finds takes her breath away almost literally. There’s so, so many pictures of this guy and Luna crosses one leg over the other as she looks around, of course there’s no one, she is alone in her room sitting on her desk but somehow she still feels slightly exposed, like she could be catched doing something wrong any minute, not that there’s anything wrong with just looking at pictures of a guy. But the more she scrolls through the hashtag the more certain thoughts she wouldn’t want anyone else to know, slip into her mind.
She can’t say it’s her fault though, it’s obvious these pictures are made for this kind of reaction, the clothes the poses, the abs, the hands, she has no idea what it is with those hands, but they will be feeding her fantasies quite a while she is sure.
She sighs softly to her face as she  keeps going through the pictures, some of them are staged obviously, there’s no way the way this guy is lounging on a pool chair with his shorts and an opened button up shirt, his abs all noticeable and making Luna’s fingers tingle to touch them as he holds his sunglasses a little bit away from his eyes is not staged. But there are also some that are obviously candids, some that have him messy haired and looking sleepy and it’s such a 180 from the other pics but that still makes her feels things, things like wanting those lips he is biting as he is playing the guitar while wearing glasses and a sweater on hers and every inch of skin they might want to be in.
There’s nothing shameful on following the hashtag and the account, even if she feels kind of ashamed doing it, even if it might be about all that came before that. She just wants to see him again. He is nice to look at.
Why wouldn’t she?
She learns a few things about the guy the next few weeks as his pictures constantly pop up on her instagram. One, his full name is Matteo, he is cousin of the photographer, who is also super fucking hot by the way, he plays guitar, he seems to like space, he has a grey kitty called Lyra and none of these things help with the massive crush she has been developing on him lately.
It’s not actually a crush of course, she doesn’t know him but she has a pretty decent picture of him on her head and she can fill up the rest in whatever possible ways she likes, she can make him everything she wants him to be and mostly she wants to imagine him on her bed, she also very likes looking at him.
Matteo is very pretty, besides being hot as hell, he is pretty and just looking at him makes all kinds of feelings stir up inside of her body.
She ends up using one of his pictures as her phone’s home screen just because she like looking at him too much and not even Pedro’s incessant teasing will make her change it.
Overall she thinks she could be doing worse, she is not obsessed with him or anything, he is just some hot guy she can use to fill up her thoughts.
The only bad thing is that his account is private. And he hasn’t accepted her yet.
After vacations things take an unexpected turn, a very very unexpected turn that has her choking on her tea silently as Pedro pats her in the back softly and sends her a weird look.
“What happened?” He asks her when she is better but she doesn’t look at him, she can’t stop staring in front of her. Where fucking Matteo is, in a white button up shirt and black pants looking as hot as ever and maybe even more.
There’s something different about seeing him on real life, something different about the energy he gives off, about the way he makes the room feel. He calls everyone’s attention for one reason or other and he hasn’t even talked yet but she is sure everyone is staring at him and she has no idea how she will manage to breath in this class from now on. There’s no doubt here, Matteo is her T.A.
“Good morning.” He says and his deep voice sends shivers down Luna’s spine in ways she wasn’t ready for. She bites her lower lip and takes a deep shaky breath cause of all the stuff her brain could be doing right now it’s only going all those dreams, all those fantasies, all those moments where she imagined him, his hands, his lips and filling them with words said by him in this exact same voice. It’s even better and hotter than she imagined and she wasn’t ready for this.  “My name is Matteo Balsano and I will be your physics ta this semester.”
She stops paying attention to his voice lulling her softly as she keeps staring at the way his lips move as he talks Pedro kicks her under the table softly and she sends him a glare. He sends her a questioning look and she blushes more that she ever has, she slowly takes out her phone of her pockets praying Matteo doesn’t notice and unlocks it quickly and the laugh that comes out of Pedro calls everyone's attention. He turns into a cough soon enough that people get worried but she can see that Matteo doesn’t believe him.
“Are you okay?”He asks the guy and Pedro is seriously having  problems breathing so the wheezing sound that he makes when he tries to say he is okay doesn’t sound any convincing him. His eyes fix on Luna and there’s something weird about it but maybe it’s just because she is very not subtly holding her phone
Luna struggles to hide her phone, the last thing she needs right now is for him to want to look at it and find himself shirtless staring back at him.
The class goes fast, it goes the fastest any physics class Luna’s has ever had and the only thing she learnt of it is that she needs to get home as fast as possible and be alone.  But she still has classes after this one and more importantly she has Pedro at lunch trying to interrogate her.
“Why is he on your phone? Luna, please.” He asks for the third time and Luna sighs, he will tease her so much but who wouldn’t in his situation, this is honestly ridiculous.
“There’s this guy.” She mumbles. “This instagram guy.”
“An instagram guy you have a crush on?” He asks teasing before gasping. “Is he the instagram guy?”
“Of course he is.” She huffs and Pedro chokes on his sandwich laughing. Good. “And now he is teaching us physics.”
“This is great news.” Pedro exclaims still laughing and Luna looks at him like he is crazy. “Don’t you see it?”
“What I see here is that I am fucked.” She says annoyed and he nods.
“Not yet, but this is where I am getting, yes.” He tells her and she rolls her eyes. “This is your chance to get laid.”
“This is not my chance for anything, don’t be ridiculous.” She tells him and Pedro huffs.
“Why not?” He asks. “You are hot and you have the hots for him that’s perfect combo right there.”
“Oh, wow.” Luna starts trying to distract him. “You said I am hot this is the nicest thing you have ever said to me.”
“I can admit it sometimes.” He says simply. “But really, you have a once in a lifetime chance, you should use it.”
“What I should do is change my phone background.” She says with a sigh and he nods.
“Yeah, that too.”
After she gets home that night his phone buzzes with an instagram notification, someone is following her and the profile picture makes her trip over her feet and almost step on poor baby cassie. Matteo is smiling lazily at the camera from it. when she taps on the profile she sees that she can see all pictures.
She doesn’t mention this to Pedro this probably means nothing.
And it actually doesn’t, now she can see all of his pictures , all of his stories and she gets to have much more pics of him saved on her phone but also he barely ever pays attention to her except to ask her things when she is spacing out. Usually because she is staring at his arms.
It’s all normal and it’s obvious that for him she is not someone worthy of notice. Which is okay, she never expected anything else and she of course won’t do anything to change that no matter how much Pedro insists she should. He is just a crush, an impossible crush she kinda blogs about but that’s all of it.
She expects nothing of him, she is perfectly content with him just appearing on her dreams.
And apparently her gmail inbox too cause a few weeks into the semester she has a mail from him, a mail sent only to her. Which is weird on itself. The mail is short. Very short, only informing her that if she would like it she will be the person in charge to deal with class in physics subject but also kinda implying that she can’t really say no here. She sends a screenshot to Pedro of course and his answer is about what she expected.
Peter rabbit:
do it!!!1
do it do it do it do it
Are u crazy?? The last thing I need is to be alone with him
Peter rabbit:
That’s exactly what you need tho lol
come on we both know what goes through that mind of yours now you can actually have a chance to use that desk in the ways you would like
Peter rabbit:
I am very useful excuse you, just bc you don’t wanna follow my advice doesn’t mean its good advice
just say yes nothing has to happen (even if it totes will)
Luna bites her lower, lip, he is right nothing has to happen and this is good chance to stare more at him, to spend more time with him and even if she will end up all tense and stressed because she wants something she can’t have at least she will be close to him. Maybe this will be worth it.
She sends him an answer saying that she will do it and then opens her instagram profile, because she has issues, many, many issues. This will be awful but she will manage somehow.
It all goes better than expected he is nice and funny and interesting and she can hear him talk for hours but she manages to keep it in her pants and act like a decent human being around him no matter what. She is very proud of herself.
At least until one tuesday comes after a long weekend and she has to stay after class to discuss if they can change the date of the next quiz they have and all she has been able to see when her eyes close is that instastory from friday night where he is dancing with a girl pressed against him, his lips on her neck, his hand on her hips and the other under resting on her thigh under her dress. And that image usually leads her to imagine what would have happened if that girls was her, what would have happened if his hand went higher.
She is honestly the biggest mess and is in no state to be in a classroom alone with him but no one else will do it so it has to be her.
“Hi.” She says walking to his desk after everyone else has left and she ends up resting her hips against one of the table on the front because she can’t keep her legs from trembling just a little. He grins at her, authentic a little tired and a little lazy and she wants to pull him from his tie and kiss him. She needs to keep a safe distance because she has no idea what she will do if she doesn’t.
“Hi, what’s the problem now?” He says with a fake tired sigh and she shakes her head at him.
“Why do you always assume there is a problem?” She asks and his deep, soft chuckle, makes her take a deep breath.
“Because that’s all you come talk to me about.” He says raising an eyebrow as he rolls his sleeves up exposing the tattoos on one of his arm and Luna shifts uncomfortably at the sudden heat that takes over her body.
“Well, you are right.” She tries to say casual. “And I am sorry to ruin the amazing weekend you just had with these problems but the class was wondering if we could change friday’s quiz for next week.”
“Yeah, no problem, I do have one question though.” Matteo says and Luna nods looking at him but not really at his eyes, she wouldn’t handle that right now. “How do you know I had an amazing weekend.”
The teasing sparkle in his eyes fills her with anger and desire all in one blow and she needs to take a deep breath to calm down and hope her face doesn’t wanna match her red skirt right now.
“I just assumed.” She stutters and Matteo nods unbelieving. “I mean you look relaxed so I am guessing you had fun this weekend, let out some tensions.”
“Oh I did, not the ones I would have wanted but I did.” He says and Luna chokes on air when he says that, he probably doesn’t mean the same kind of tensions she is thinking of right now also maybe he does.
“That’s sad.” She manages to say. “At least you had fun.”
“I did.” Matteo says simply and Luna nods. “What did you do this weekend?”
“Not much.” She clears her throat.
“Didn’t you have fun?” He asks and she swallows hard, why does she feel like there is some other intention to these questions? “I thought maybe Pedro and you did something interesting these long weekend.”
“No, he went out with these girls he is seeing.” She clarifies for some reason. “And I stayed at home doing some reports I had to fix.”
He just nods and Luna has no idea if she can leave or no.
“I think I saw some of your stories on instagram.” He comments and Luna dies a little inside. “You are very responsible.”
“Yeah,that’s me.” She says nervously. “A responsible girl who has other class right now so she needs to go.”
She runs to the bathroom and skips her last class. She can’t believe what just happened and has no idea what it means, but she is dying.
After that she is kinda done with him, she can’t keep being like this around him, she can’t keep feeling like this. She needs to forget about him and what better way than to find some hot stranger in some bar get laid, leave their place in the morning and forget all about them too.
She needs a quick thing that will leave her satisfied for a while and won’t bring her any problems, so she puts on this tight black dress she has, the one pair of heels she owns, that one leather jacket and paints her lips red before she tells Pedro to meet her at the club and getting a taxi.
Pedro being Pedro gets excited about anything that involves alcohol and the chance to hook up with some hot girl so he throws himself into it right away. He lives closer than her so he gets there faster and when she arrives he already has two shots waiting for her.
Or maybe one was for him but she drinks both of those and that’s what matters.
She lets him post some pics of her on her instagram, she looks hot, she feels hot and she posts it just thinking once about what would Matteo thinks when he sees it before dragging Pedro to the dance floor and deciding to forget all about Balsano.
She manages mostly at least until she is back on the bar ordering more drinks and her phone vibrates so she takes it out and sees that she has a notification on instagram from mbalsaon.
She opens it fast and sees that he liked her pic and he actually send her a message. She takes deep breath, it’s probably going to be something nice or something teasing about her having fun now, it will be nothing important.
Her fingers still shake when she opens it.
do you have any idea just how hot you look?
She almost drops her phone when she reads it.
you look so good with that dress and the way you are dancing
the way i’m dancing? what??
turn to your right, cucciola
She does as he says, ignoring the weird nickname and finds him sitting not far away from him on the bar, he is wearing a black shirt and dark jeans sipping on a glass of something she can’t recognize from him but he lifts it softly on her direction.
if you don’t want this i apologize the last thing i want is you make you feel uncomfortable
but i kinda feel like you do
so if I am right i am going out right now, i need some air, maybe you do too
She sees him down the contents of his glass and walk towards the doors much closer to him that to her, when he disappears from her sighs she takes a deep breath, texts Pedro and follows Matteo.
She definitely could use some fresh air right now too.
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