#Post-war fluff
lowkeyremi · 4 months
adding to this post!
Post-war Levi has no clue what to do when it gets too quiet. All his life he's been used to loud noises, laughing, screaming, crying, any and everything.
So when there's complete silence he gets caught up in his thoughts. You bring him over a mug of tea, and join him on the couch. "What's on your brain, Honey?"
He hesitates for a second, but he knows he can tell you anything, so he takes in a deep breath, "Sometimes I wonder what Isabel and Furlan would pursue if they had... had survived." He says quietly staring off into space. You grab his hand giving it a small squeeze. At first you were intimidated by his missing fingers but it doesn't bother you anymore.
"According to what you've told me about Isabel I think she would have been veterinarian or something of the sorts, I'm not sure about Furlan though."
Levi almost swallows the words back down but he allows them to be said, he can finally admit them, "I miss them, sometimes."
"That's completely normal, Levi. They were your family."
"You're my family now. You're also not allowed to die before me. I don't know what I'll do when I'm completely engulfed by the silence." He murmurs quietly to you.
"I can't make any promises, but as long as I live, I'll make sure the silence never takes you." You tell him and this time he squeezes your hand, his dark eye stares into yours and you see a trusting smile take over his face.
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moo-blogging · 28 days
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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deserthusbands · 2 days
cody, after having watched it for a good few minutes as he and obi-wan debrief, finally brushes a stray hair from obi-wan's face: you're a bit of a mess, general.
obi-wan, chuckling fondly: thank you, my dear. i suppose i am.. yet here you are acting as though you aren't all scratched up.
anakin, watching from a distance: ugh..
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nelapanela94 · 1 year
He catches your voice, and offended, raises his scowl from the waves on his favorite mug. Creases mar his beautiful face. You are slouched on the sofa with your back resting against the armrest and stir up to disjoin the knobs on your back. You catch his fulminating stare, lifting an eyebrow and tilting your head to the side.
"What did you just say?"
His frown deepens. You just made his tea bitter. "That's not my name."
"It is. That's what everyone calls you."
"But you're not everyone." Pouting, he folds his arms over his chest, and the chair legs shriek against the floor. He storms toward you like an angry toddler who had his sandwich cut in rectangles and not in triangles, his scars paler on his flushed skin. Levi puts the book out of his way as if it were seizing the most precious thing, and snuggles on you, nuzzling his face on the cradle of your neck. "To you I'm not Levi or captain Levi," he growls. Your fingers thread through his hair, gingerly scratching his scalp, a smile dangling on your lips. "Honey bun. I'm honey bun to you."
"What about cinnamon roll?"
"Yeah, that works too."
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Imagine making a new cravat for postwar!Levi.
Like, hand stitching, embroidery his name on it, and gifting it to him, especially after he lost his after the explosion.
It’s the first time he’s ever gotten tears in his eyes, while looking up at you, gently grazing his fingers over the handmade cravat, new love for you blooming in his heart.
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elmundodeflor · 3 months
And just like that, she’d fallen for him.
Spring. Summer. Autumn. The world had its cycles. There had been peace before war, and peace would come after bloodsheds and battles.
Katara looks at Zuko, at how he stares out to the width in the horizons. The curves of his nose and lips are soft, much like the colors of the leaves around them. The lines of his jaw and cheeks are sharp, in contrast.
He’s a beautiful man; she’s always thought so, even when they were enemies and he’d sworn he’d kill them. She likes it better this way, though— being friends, confidants, long-time companions. Kindness suits him more, either way. She likes how his face looks when he’s calm, — when there’s no rage to contort his scar, no scowl furrowing his brow.
She also likes that he knows her. That they can stand, silence pending between them, and it’s never too tense or uncomfortable. Zuko is just that good to her. He never puts too much pressure on her shoulders, — she’s had enough of that already. Instead, he soothes the rough edges. Lets her make her own choices and never judges her for them.
He looks back at her. An easy smile grazes his features; baffling, tortuous, beautiful. Katara has to fight the urge to freeze some water from her bottle and smash it across her searing face.
“Do you wanna…”, his voice cuts through the wind, raspy as it ever was. When he talks, it’s evident that he’s nervous. That he��s been circling around his thoughts and can’t seem to find the words. “I mean…”, he tries again. “Do you wanna stay here until you decide what to do?”
She hums, then turns her gaze back to the gardens. Aang had asked her to travel the world along with him, — to be by his side and help other people, from other nations and villages. She had yet to give him a proper answer.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to— go on missions, hear the masses’ suffering and be present in whatever way she could. Maybe, it was that she simply had pictured something different for herself. She could be so much more than just the “Avatar’s girl”! She could go home, lend a useful hand to Sokka and her dad advocating for their tribe. She could be an ambassador.
She could be with Zuko.
She can imagine the whole thing all too well, actually, — being on the palace, with him, until she could confront Aang about what to do. They could go for an evening stroll, feed turtleducks by the lake. Zuko’d make tea way past dinner time, and she’d laugh along with Suki when he’d burn his tongue by the first sip.
“There’s nothing I’d like more.”, she tells him, then. They are in one of the many balconies, staring out at the sun. The last scraps of summer have flushed with the breeze, and now the trees look all kinds of reds, yellows, oranges. Almost like they’ve caught on fire.
Zuko smiles at her again. A shy, wonderful thing that makes his eyes glint. His hair’s shaggy and overgrown, and falls limp between the honey of his irises. His cheeks burn a bright pink that, Katara deduces, might be from the gentle light warming up their faces.
“Okay.”, he says. He likes this, as well, — having her around. That he can open up to someone he can share his scars with, both the physical and the ones that lay underneath.
Katara inches close to him, just enough so that their elbows nudge together. The world has its cycles, she believes. Blue skies bleed into the darkness of the night. Ice defrosts when heated-up. And just like that, she’d fall for Zuko— delicate, and raw, and over and over. Helpless, like the moon that carries down the tides. Hopeless, like the autumn leaves that fall, ever so slow, and now gather at their feet like sea-foam.
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dreamcubed · 11 months
call it what you want | draco malfoy x reader
song; call it what you want [taylor swift] pairing; draco malfoy x fem!muggle!reader genre; fluff, angst, forbidden love, s2l word count; 4,3k timeline; post-second wizarding war warnings; draco's daddy issues, low-key y/n's daddy issues, references to the second wizarding war (and draco's part in it), discrimination (of muggleborns) summary; his entire life, draco had it drilled into him that anything to do with muggles was bad- impure, even. but after his father is imprisoned for life, he decides to venture into the muggle world- just as a temporary thing, of course
suggested by @tendous-pretty-hair !!
"my baby's fly like a jet stream, high above the whole scene, loves me like i'm brand new."
also i have fucking eras tour tickets!!!
Draco had found himself at an emotional stand-still ever since the Second Wizarding War - more specifically the events of the Battle of Hogwarts. After he had regrettably joined Voldemort's side in the mass fallout, only for him to lose anyway. He wasn't sentenced to any time in Azkaban, since it was deemed that he had been coerced into the situation, as backed up by his mother, who had been pardoned due to saving Harry Potter's life in the final moments. His father, however, would never feel the light of happiness again, caged away in the breeding ground of fear.
It wasn't that Draco missed Lucius all that much, in fact, quite the opposite. The time away from him had allowed him and Narcissa to grow closer, and also given him the opportunity to properly question and break down the beliefs that had been hammered into his head since infancy.
Eventually, he decided to step foot into unknown territory: muggle London. He had only ever been to the magic side of it before, but he had come to the realisation that living such a sheltered life was the reason he wound up another of Voldemort's slaves. That lifestyle would be no more.
He found himself stood outside of a small music store, displayed to have vinyls, CDs and cassette tapes inside - whatever they were. Draco did know what music was, however, and wanted to understand the way that muggles experienced it. So, he stepped foot into the shop with the tinkling of a tiny silver bell above him alerting whoever was working behind the tall overflowing shelves.
There were more people perusing the shelves than he had anticipated, so he ducked his head down and headed to an emptier area of the shop. As he began scanning the labels on the shelves, his confusion grew as he realised that he recognised none of the names.
"You don't look like a death metal fan," a voice to his left caught him by surprise, making him jump.
He turned around to have his eyes meet the gaze of a woman wearing an amused smile. You couldn't help but laugh slightly at his skittishness.
"Forgive me, but it's not everyday we have a man dressed in a perfectly ironed suit come and check out the works of Morbid Angel."
After his brain caught up to him, he said, "You work here?"
You nodded, "Family business - me and my mum."
Draco didn't reply to your statement, turning back to the shelves.
"You seem a little lost, first time in a music shop?"
"Uh- yeah," he said, "My family never played music growing up." That was a lie - the Malfoys had held many a musical event, however, they took the form of private orchestral bands.
"You're joking," your expression was that of shock, "How have you lived such a musicless life?"
He shrugged.
"God, I was practically raised on music- I mean, obviously," you gestured around you, "It's everything to me."
"My father was a very strict man," he said simply, making you hum.
"I see. God, I just can't believe you've hardly listened to music - we have to change that," you said, "Do you have any idea what sort of sounds you like?"
"I think I like classical music," it was all he had ever really known.
You grinned, "Yeah, that definitely suits the way you're dressed more than death metal. Come on, I'll set you up with some stuff. Vinyls, CDs or tapes?"
From what he could gather, vinyls were the larger circles, and he was pretty sure that Malfoy Manor had a phonograph with the large brass tube attached for the purpose of playing them. Like the one he saw at the Yule Ball all those years ago. "Uh, vinyl? The big black disc?"
You bobbed your head, "They're becoming less popular these days - people mostly want CDs," you then paused for a moment, "Although my mum said they'll probably have a resurgence in another twenty years. Making an aesthetic of past trends and all that."
Draco listened curiously as you babbled on about different musicians, bands, and albums, finding himself enraptured by the way you carried yourself. Salazar, his father would throw a fit if he found out that he was willingly talking to a muggle.
But his father wasn't there.
"So, do any of these interest you?" you finished, smiling at the ever stoic man before you.
"Uh, yes- all of them," he wasn't sure if he liked the music genre you suggested or the way you talked so passionately.
"All of them?" you tilted your head, "That's- like- hundreds of pounds."
He began digging around in his pockets for the money he had exchanged earlier before coming, and your eyes widened at the sight of all the twenty pound notes.
"Right," you said in a state of shock, "I'll... ring these up for you."
As you totalled up the price and packaged the vinyls into a bag over at the till, the man watched you, as if he was meticulously detailing your every move. Weirdly, it didn't feel creepy.
"Okay that will be... £404.39," you said, in awe of the fact he seemed unfazed by the number.
He began counting out the notes, before handing them over to you: £420 worth of twenty pound notes in your hand. You counted the change out and handed it back to him, placing the receipt in the bag.
"Thank you for shopping here, come again..." you trailed off, realising you didn't know his name.
"Draco," he said, stopping himself before saying his last name. Although he knew that you wouldn't recognise it anyway.
You couldn't help but think that he had a peculiar name; regardless, you smiled, and said, "Y/N. Please come again."
He nodded, taking the bag and leaving the shop swiftly without so much as looking back once.
A week passed by and Draco found himself stood outside of the record shop, unsure of why he had returned. During his last visit he had purchased months worth of music, so really he had no need to be back.
Except, he did.
His social circle had been non-existent ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, not because Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott no longer wanted to be friends with him, but because he had isolated himself in Malfoy Manor with his mother. Draco was nearing being ready to owl them again, but reconnecting with them meant inevitably having to unpack the events of the war.
With a muggle stranger like you, however, there was no unpacking to do.
"Draco, you're back," you grinned, coming out from behind the till, "I was hoping you would."
His abrupt question caught you off guard, "Well, I- I don't know. You're an interesting character," that and you thought he was cute.
Draco stared blankly at you, making you shift uncomfortably on your feet. Eventually, you decided to change the subject.
"Here for more music?"
"Oh, uh- yes."
"Well, what were your favourites from last week's purchases?"
After he told you which ones he had enjoyed the most, you were able to develop some kind of idea as to specific kinds of music to indulge him into. Of course, you had a question burning at the back of your mind that you simply had to ask.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?"
He looked up at you with slightly furrowed eyebrows.
"It's just- vinyls aren't cheap, especially not in as large a quantity as you get them," you elaborated, "I assume you have a well paying job."
Draco sighed, shaking his head, "Family money."
"You mean old money?" you couldn't help but clarify.
He reluctantly nodded, "Yes, old money." He used to be so boastful and prideful of the Malfoy family legacy, but in that moment, despite you having no idea who he was, he could only feel shame when he thought of it.
"Okay, Mr. Fancy," you chuckled, "Let's continue your musical adventure."
Even as you proceeded to serve him with a chipper attitude, you couldn't help but be saddened by learning that he was old money. There was no way that you stood a chance, since old money families liked to marry each other and not someone who was simply the daughter of a small record shop.
At least you learned that piece of information about him early on, you reasoned.
"Back? Again?" you questioned incredulously, spying Draco stood in the doorway of your shop, "Hate to turn you away, but we're about to close."
"I know."
You paused, frowning slightly as you grasped hold of the door, "Uh, okay, then... bye?" You began slowly shutting the door.
Again, you paused.
"I need help."
Opening the door fully again, you placed a hand on your hip as you said, "With regards to what?"
You didn't know what to think when he presented a small battered flip phone to you on his milky white palm.
"A phone?"
"I found it. On the floor."
"Musta fell outta someone's pocket," you shrugged, "Happens - why do you need help?"
"Well, don't we need to do something about it?"
All you could do was look at him curiously.
"Is that not- is that not what you do?" maybe he was overcompensating for his past by trying desperately to do one small good deed, or maybe he was trying to prove to you that he was a good person even though you had no reason to believe otherwise. Either way, he wanted to return the muggle contraption to its rightful owner.
"I mean- I guess? If you're feeling nice," you said simply, "Can't lie, I'd probably leave it for someone else to deal with."
"How do I return it?"
You sighed, "Just call the last person they called."
"Right, okay."
Much to your confusion, Draco stared at the device as if he was trying to will it into doing what he wanted.
"You do know how to call someone, yes?" you asked, your arms now folded across your chest.
With a sigh of defeat, he shook his head.
You rolled your eyes, stepping aside, "Come in."
Once Draco was inside your shop, you shut the door and flipped the sign from 'open' to 'closed'.
"Give it," you made a grabbing motion with your fingers, and the man before you immediately handed over the device, "It's really easy-" he watched in amazement as you flipped open the phone, "-just use the arrow buttons here to go to call history- and, oh, look! Last person they called was their mum- press the green call button and bam."
You presented the now dialling phone to him.
"They have been notified now?"
"Well, her phone will be ringing- hopefully she'll pick up."
"Pick up?"
"Hello?" a voice from the phone announced, "Cadie?"
"Hello, ma'am, your daughter dropped her phone and we found it."
"Oh, I see. Thank you- I'll let her know so she can pick it up. Where's a good place?"
As you told the concerned mother the address of your record shop, you watched Draco's intrigued expression.
You hung up, placing the phone on a nearby surface and beginning to walk to the back room, "Would you like some tea?" you asked.
He stared blankly at you for a few moments, before nodding, "Please."
"How do you take it?"
"No milk, one sugar."
You chuckled to yourself at his strange way of having tea.
Draco watched you as you chatted mindlessly while sipping your tea, almost entirely forgetting that he had his own cup sat to his side. Your topics were classically boring - yet so interesting to him. He was enthralled to learn about the different characters in your family, and the trials and tribulations of your school years. He hadn't even realised how little he had said until you pointed it out.
"What about you?"
"Hm?" he went, snapping out of his daze.
"I feel like I've just been talking about myself this entire time. Where did you go to school?"
"Oh- uh-" he desperately pulled together all his thoughts, "A private boarding school in Scotland."
Your mouth dropped open, "Wow, that's cool."
He shrugged.
"Did you miss your family while you were away all year?"
Again, he shrugged, "My mother, yes- my father... not so much."
"I don't see my father at all," you added, to make him feel more comfortable about sharing details of his own father, "I used to... but I realised it was always me reaching out and not him so I stopped. Haven't heard from him since."
Draco nodded, "My father is in prison."
He didn't know why he told you, only realising what he had just said when you froze for a few seconds with widened eyes.
"Can I ask what for?" you asked in a squeaky voice.
"Uh... terrorism, murder... that sort of thing," he had no clue why he was being so honest. Had you put veritaserum in the tea?
You cleared your throat, wanting to delicately change the subject but lacking a way on how to do it naturally. Draco observed you, and opened his mouth to say something more when a knock sounded on the door.
"That's- uh- that's probably the phone owner," you said quickly, rushing to your feet to run out of the back room and let them in.
You opened the door to be faced with a short brunette woman.
"Cadie?" you questioned.
She nodded, "You have my phone?"
"Yes, come in."
"Thank you so much- I really can't afford a new one right now," she sighed, "I'm always losing things."
You chuckled, "I know how you feel- I'm always breaking things."
Draco appeared in the doorway to the back and picked up the phone from the counter.
Cadie sighed happily, accepting the phone and thanking the both of you profusely.
"Seriously, you have no idea how appreciative I am."
"It's no trouble, Cadie, really," you assured her.
She paused for a moment, looking around. "Is this your shop?"
You bobbed your head, "Yes, it's family-owned."
"Oh, that's so cool," she looked towards Draco, "So this is your husband?"
You were so taken aback you couldn't even form a response. Before either of you could reply, the phone began ringing.
"It's my boss! I have to take this," she said, "Thank you so much again. You two are a cute couple." And with that final comment, she departed, leaving you and Draco in an awkward silence.
"I-" you began, but you were quickly interrupted.
"Go on a date with me," Draco hurriedly said, realising he had said it like an order rather than an innocent question. He was still in some ways his old bossy teenage self, socialised in a slightly abnormal way.
You took it in good humour, however, and smiled, "I would love to."
The following six months were filled with the fanciest and most luxurious dates that you could ever have possibly imagined: five star restaurants, weekends in Paris, and expensive gifts. It was heaven in all ways but one - Draco always had an excuse for you not meeting his family and friends.
For a while, you had ignored the itching feeling that he was ashamed of you and so kept you a secret, but your suspicions grew until you couldn't keep it in anymore. You had to confront him about it.
"...and I was thinking, we should go out for dinner with your mother," you said, flicking through a magazine as Draco sat on the sofa in your small but homely flat.
"When?" he asked.
"Whenever's good for her."
You heard Draco's breath hitch.
"What? Can't come up with an excuse to get out of this one?" your tone held evident bite.
Draco turned around to face you, but his expression was unreadable.
"Are you ashamed of me, Draco?"
His eyes widened.
"I know I'm not rich, let alone old money, but I'd like to think that I'm a likeable person."
He shook his head, "It's not that-"
"Then what is it, Draco?" you snapped, feeling tears fill up your eyes, "You won't even introduce me to your friends! How am I supposed to feel?"
He stood up and began shifting on his feet and fidgeting with his hands, "It's more complicated than that."
"What? You're engaged to someone else?"
Again, he shook his head, "No, nothing like that."
"Then what?" you waved your hands about, "Because I can't date someone who treats me like a secret."
"You wouldn't believe me!" he yelled, clearly unintentionally.
You were shocked: you had never heard him yell before. "Try me," you said, your voice low.
He sighed, moving around helplessly for a few moments before striding over to his bag by your front door. He reached his hand in - what appeared to be deeper than the bag's actual depth, but you dismissed it due to your blurred vision - and pulled out a blank piece of paper, tinged brown.
He came over to you and placed it on the kitchen island you were stood behind, and pointed at the bottom of the page. "Sign here."
"It's blank," you thought he was insane.
"Just trust me. Please."
You gave him a skeptical look, but wiped your eyes and picked up a pen nonetheless, writing your signature in the area he pointed to. To your amazement, the second you finished the last letter of your name, writing appeared on the paper. As you scanned it, you were increasingly confused.
- By signing this non-disclosure agreement, you agree that as a muggle you shall not disclose the existence of wizardry and witchcraft to anyone not already in knowledge of it. You understand that by doing so, you would be breaking the law and could face potential criminalisation. The wizard or witch of whom has vouched for your approval to know of magic shall also face potential criminalisation in such a situation.
It will no longer be a criminal offence for wizards and witches to perform magic with you as a witness unless there are unapproved muggles also present.
You will be granted access to wizard-only areas including but not limited to Diagon Alley and Platfrom Nine and Three Quarters at King's Cross provided that you are accompanied by a wizard or witch. Please be aware that these permissions may vary in other countries depending on their laws surrounding muggle knowledge of magic and also their acceptance of the British Muggle Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Please sign your name below. -
"What is this?" you asked, your eyebrows furrowed.
"An NDA."
"Yes, I- I gathered that- but- what does it mean?"
"It means... that I'm a wizard."
Part of you wanted to burst out laughing at Draco's insane words, but the way he said it held so much depth that you couldn't help but take it seriously.
"Prove it."
You didn't know what you had expected, but you certainly didn't anticipate your boyfriend pulling out a wand and muttering what sounded like Latin under his breath.
The pen on the table before you morphed into a feather.
There were really no words to describe how you felt in that moment. You asked him to do it again - he turned the feather into a sharpener. You asked him to do it one more time - he turned the sharpener into a fork.
"Oh my God," you said at the volume of a whisper, stepping back and falling against the counter behind you, "What the actual fuck."
"I know this may come as a shock to you..."
"Really?" you said, "No, actually. Not freaking out at all. Not even a little."
He pursed his lips, "My family is what is known as pure-bloods. We haven't mixed with muggles when it comes to reproduction at any point in our bloodline - allegedly."
You stared at him.
"Sometimes, a witch or wizard can be born of muggle parents - we call them muggle-borns. Half-bloods make up the most of wizarding society - their ancestors are a mix of muggle, muggle-born, pure-blood and half-blood."
At your lack of speech, he continued.
"There is a culture of supremacy among pure-blood families - choosing to reproduce only with other pure-bloods to ensure the pure-blooded line continues as they believe themselves to be the only true witches and wizards."
"You're pure-blood," you mumbled.
Draco nodded, "I used to think like that. Used to bully muggle-borns in school - the school I went to being specifically for witches and wizards."
"You don't think like that anymore?"
"No," he quickly said, "I've had a lot of time to question everything I was taught to believe - but, I- there's something really bad I have to tell you. It may change your opinion of me forever and it's the reason why I have kept you away from my family and friends."
You nodded, mentally preparing yourself for what he was about to tell you.
"Years ago, there was a war in the wizarding world..." he began.
You had never seen Draco in tears before, but when he reached the details of the final showdown between Harry Potter (a heroic celebrity in the wizarding world) and Lord Voldemort (a wizard terrorist), he broke down in sobs as he recalled him walking over to the latter's side. Tears were falling down your cheeks soon too, and you quickly brought Draco into your arms and felt him collapse into you.
"I regret it every single day," he said through sobs, "Why didn't I have more of a backbone?"
"You were just a boy, Draco," you soothed him, "You didn't want your family to be killed."
He cried harder.
"My opinion of you is not changed - by the sounds of it you never actually killed anyone yourself," you thought back to the Professor Dumbledore section of the story, "In fact, it sounds like you couldn't bring yourself to."
"I can never make up for my past, Y/N."
You stroked his hair, "You dating a muggle is pretty solid evidence you're trying to."
"I'm not dating you because you're muggle," he pulled back from you and looked you in the eyes.
You chuckled slightly, wiping the tears off his cheeks with your thumbs, "That's not what I was saying. Young you would have never even considered entering the muggle world, and yet here adult you is."
He gave you a small smile, "I love you."
You beamed, but teardrops were still cascading down your cheeks, "I love you too."
"Let's have dinner with my mother on Sunday."
"Mr Malfoy, you may see your father now," the Azkaban worker said, who Draco couldn't help but think reminded him strongly of Filch. An old miserable man with long scraggly hair, an unmissable limp, and filthy dark-coloured robes. Then again, at least this worker had a reason to be miserable all the time: working in the breeding ground of fear and desolation. Filch was by all means in a much more cheerful environment.
Draco nodded at him, and followed his lead down shadowed narrow corridors, caked in dirt and dust. They turned a few corners and went up a few sets of dangerously steep stairs before reaching a cell block with moans and whines coming from every cell - except one.
In all honesty, Draco hadn't known what to expect when he came to see his father: he hadn't visited once since his arrest. But Lucius looked quite different than the proud man he once was, with his once well-kept long blond hair being knotty and entwined with filth, and his once healthy (albeit pale) complexion being overly skinny with sallow sunken features. He looked up at his son, still being able to produce a slight scowl.
"So, you finally decided to visit," he drawled, but his voice was too broken to hold the same threat it used to.
"Yes, father, I have some things I need to say to you," despite Lucius' weakened state, Draco still held some lifelong fear of the man, but he had to remain strong in front of him.
"And what would that be?"
"I have a girlfriend, and I plan to propose to her."
Lucius raised an eyebrow, "Your mother has not mentioned this," Narcissa frequently visited her husband.
"She didn't find out until last week."
After some seconds of silence, Lucius slowly rose to his feet and stood face-to-face with Draco at the cell gate. "What is her name?"
"Y/N L/N."
"L/N does not ring a bell. Which bloodline is she from?"
Draco felt intimidated by his father's close proximity, but still managed a smirk, "She isn't of pure blood, Father."
Lucius' eyes widened, "You don't mean to say she's- half blood? Or worse- a- a mudblood?"
"Worse," his smirk grew, "She's muggle."
The ghostly shock that flooded over Lucius' face made Draco feel a triumph over his father he had never felt before, and gave him the confidence to feel as though he had the upper hand in their interaction. He stepped closer to the cell and lowered his voice.
"And I'm going to marry her, and have children with her, and you will have to spend the rest of your life rotting in this cell knowing that the Malfoy pure blood line has been permanently tainted."
"You can't do this," Lucius said through gritted teeth, "After everything we fought for."
Draco hummed, "See, I thought it was time for me to finally fight for something good."
written; 02/06/2023 —> 17/07/2023 published; 17/07/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys
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agusrkive · 5 months
l lose my mind when I think of you, even more with the idea of you and me together.
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summary: in which Levi meets you again after the rumbling and for the first time, he thinks fate is finally on his side.
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you’re the mysterious woman that he met during his time in liberio, although it was a small and single encounter, you awoken something deep inside him that never in his life he thought he would feel for anyone.
During the rumbling, there wasn’t really space left for anything else to think of with all the chaos happening around him—- but surprisingly your pretty face appeared in his mind and he felt a tiny pang in his chest.
it’s not like we’re gonna meet again anyway, he thought at that time.
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Arrivederci (ar·ri·ve·dér·ci) - “Until we meet again.”
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part one
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nina-scribbles · 2 years
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Just some 8th years, making overdue friendships, chilling in the library. (pls click for better quality)
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HIII CAN I REQ A FOURTH WING Xaden x fem reader shower smut? TY IF U WRITE ITTTT HE'S JUST SO 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
'Beneath the water drops'
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Xaden Riorson x Fem!Reader
A/N:Hii lovely!It's my first time writing smut,but I tried,hope you enjoy!It sucks but anyways 😭
All smut will be marked with a * besides them when added to the masterlist,for example : (insert fic name here*).It's bad so idk 💀
Xaden walked through the door of his quarters,feeling the weight of the day's exhaustion pressing down on him like a vice.The general,paperwork,missions,supply runs,god damn it all.He was tired.His eyes scanned the room, landing on the small figure sitting on the couch-you.
Your gaze flickered up from your book, meeting his with a tentative smile.Xaden couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. In a world full of chaos and stress, there was something comforting about having someone who made him feel anchored.
"Hey," you called softly, setting the book aside and standing up.Your soft eyes seemed to light up with warmth at the sight of Xaden.
"Hi," he muttered, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it carelessly onto a chair. He could feel the tension in his muscles, an ever-present reminder of the battles and responsibilities weighing on him.
"You look tired," you observed, stepping closer and resting a hand on his arm. Xaden offered a weak smile in return, knowing that even in his darkest moments,your presence brought a semblance of peace.
"Yeah…" he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Long day."
"Mmm, I can see why you're so stressed," you breathed out, your voice gentle though the undeniable desire visible.You wrapped your arms around Xaden's neck, feeling the warmth of his strong muscles beneath your fingertips. "Let's take a shower together, and we can wash away your troubles.Perhaps it'll relax you a bit?"
With a smirk, Xaden nodded,his gaze never leaving you, his dark eyes gleaming with lust.
Xaden's hand gently grazed your lower back as he led you both towards the bathroom. The steamy room filled with the aroma of mint and citrus, the scent of Xaden's cologne filling the air.You couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation as you entered the space,your heart racing with desire.
As you undressed, Xaden couldn't help but drink in the sight of your form.Your body was a testament of beauty to his gaze, and each muscle flexed enticingly as you slipped out of your clothing. Xaden felt his arousal growing, aching for release.
"Come here, gorgeous," Xaden purred, tugging you closer as his lips met yours in a passionate embrace.Your tongues intertwined, dancing together in a sensual dance as Xaden's hands roamed across your body. Each touch sent ripples of pleasure coursing through your veins, making your knees weak.
As you stepped inside, Xaden wasted no time in taking control. He pulled you against his toned frame, his lips devouring yours as his hands explored your body.You moaned softly, feeling his large hands cupping your ass, squeezing with just enough pressure to make you squirm.
Slowly, Xaden pushed you against the cold tile wall, the icy surface causing goosebumps to rise on their skin. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, trailing kisses down your neck.
You trembled, aching for more.You needed this.Needed release, needed Xaden's touch. "Please, don't tease me," you pleaded.
Under the spray of hot water, Xaden pulled you closer, capturing your lips in another deep, passionate kiss. The heat of the water mixed with the electricity of your connection, igniting a fire within him. His fingers trailed down your spine, exploring the curves and crevices beneath the slippery surface of your skin.
Desire burned bright in Xaden's gut, fueling his every touch. His tongue dueled with yours,claiming possession of your mouth as his hands wandered further south. He cupped your ass, squeezing firmly before sliding lower, pushing aside your dripping thighs to expose your throbbing core. Xaden's breath hitched at the sight, his gaze locking onto the glistening entrance begging for attention.
Gently, he probed with a finger, feeling you shiver under his touch. He increased the pressure, stretching you slowly while you gasped into his mouth. His thumb brushed against your clit, eliciting a moan that echoed within the confines of the room.
With purposeful intent, Xaden maneuvered you against the cold tile wall, positioning himself behind you. He pressed his rock-hard cock against your wet entrance, seeking entry.You whimpered softly, arching your back in anticipation. Xaden paused, relishing the sensation of his shaft brushing against your slick folds.But he decided against it,and decided to tease just a little,pulling away,causing a whine to escape from your lips.
And Xaden had other plans. Reaching behind him, he activated his signet, casting aside his shirt as darkness swirled around his fingers. Black tendrils emerged from his hands, snaking towards your breasts. "Spread your legs, baby," he ordered, his voice thick with desire.
You obeyed, spreading your legs wide as the shadow tendrils caressed your nipples, sending waves of pleasure through your body. The sensation was indescribable - a mix of pain and ecstasy, each touch driving them wild with need.
"Oh god!" You cried out,your voice echoing in the small room. The shadows continued to torment you, playing with your nipples until they were hard peaks.
Without warning, Xaden spun you around, pushing you against the tiled wall once again. He positioned himself behind you, his cock throbbing against your entrance. "Tell me you want this."
"Yes, Xaden! Please, fuck me!" You begged, arching your back to meet him. The shadow tendrils disappeared, replaced by Xaden's large cock, sliding effortlessly inside you. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body.
Xaden growled, thrusting deeper, his powerful muscles flexing with each movement.You clung to the him,your breath ragged. The steam filled the room, creating a haze that made everything seem dreamlike.
As Xaden pounded into you,you knew there was no turning back. This was raw - a primal need for release. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you back to meet each thrust, his lips finding their ear. "You taste so good."
Xaden's pace grew faster, his movements rougher and he kissed you again,a tad gentler this time.His lips left yours to trail across your shoulder, his breath hot against your skin. "So fucking tight," he growled, the words laced with praise and dominance.
Your nails dug into his back as he claimed you, setting a punishing rhythm. Each slap of skin against skin reverberated through the small space, filling the room with the symphony of your passion.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned,voice laced with praise, clutching at your hip as he surged deeper.You whimpered,your orgasm building rapidly,the sharp sensation heightening your pleasure. "I'm close, Xaden," you gasped, your voice shaking.
And just like that, Xaden's pace increased,bodies moving in perfect rhythm.You climaxed,your entire body convulsing as you screamed Xaden's name. He followed suit, burying himself deep within you as he came, the sound of water masking his hoarse groan.
Once finished, Xaden held you tight,your breathing slowly and eventually returning to normal. The shower continued to pour down upon you, washing away stress and leaving behind a sense of satisfaction,washing away remnants of the previous encounter.
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nia-writes · 1 year
Headcannons of Jealous and possessive Ghost and Konig 😙😙
Please include:
1. What they would say/do to the other person if they were flirting with you
2. What they would say/do to you if you were being flirted with
3. Smut HC for jealous angry fucking hehe
4. Would they apologise for being possessive and jealous
Thank you
Hi~ I absolutely love this request! Thank you for sending it <3 I got a bit carried away~ also I’m just learning to write smut so please don’t judge too hard
Minors DNI!! 18+
A/N: female reader! NSFW, rough sex, the boys being mean, fingering, choking let me know if I missed any a little OOC Konig?
My requests are open~~
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Gimme jealous Ghost-
You’re at the bar with the 141, after successful mission
Of course, Johnny, Gaz and yourself were having a drinking competition- while Price gives his disappointed dad stare.
Simon’s eyes never left you, each passing second he was growing more and more possessive.
He hated the way his other teammates touched you, even though it’s innocent. The way Johnny playfully nudges you, or when Gaz rests his arm on your shoulder.
He knew it was innocent- but he couldn’t stop the growing jealousy in his chest.
You lost a game of cards, it’s your turn to buy some drinks. As you got up from your seat, you ruffled Johnny’s mohawk, Simon growled at that, his mask muffled the noise.
As you wait by the bar, playing with your necklace, a man slips himself next to you. He was friendly- funny, a bit flirty but you shot him down immediately.
Simon was not happy. He grew possessive, his eyes flashed red as he got up from his seat, dashing his way to you.
You noticed him and smiled- telling the other man "This is my boyfriend!" Super proud to call him that.
But Simon was already in a fit of jealousy and possessiveness, and before you knew it, he wrapped his shoulders around you, leading you out the bar.
Before he does, he shoots a nasty glare at the man, causing him to leave.
Your eyes widen in surprise, as you glance over at him. "Everything ok, big boy?” You asked, your anxiety only growing as he stays silent.
Simon opened the car door, waiting for you to enter. You give him one last glance before entering, when you did, he slammed the door shut.
The car ride home was silent, not even the sounds of your breathing can be heard. You try to lighten up the mood up a bit, "Is this your new way of talking?” You joked, lightly touching his arm.
"Do you like it when other men touch you?"
This caught you off guard- your eyes widen as your mouth parts. Your brain malfunctions as you try to process his words.
"I- what? No! You know I only want you to!" You reassured, but Simon clicks his tongue.
"Didn’t seem that way, little one."
"Simon? What are you talking about?” It then clicked for you, "Oh! The guy at the bar? He- that was innocent, I swear. I shot him down so quick!" You defended.
Simon stays quiet- and you knew he was jealous.
Once you’re home, he wastes no time in coming to your side, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder. You yelp in surprise, as he harshly smacks your ass.
He doesn’t make it past the door before he’s on you, shoving you against the closed door. His hands trail between your legs, slipping a finger in your panties. "Wet already? Knew it, dirty slut" he growled in your ear.
Before you can respond, he’s turned you around- your front pressed against the door. You hear his belt buckle behind you, your panties get ripped off, before he presses himself to you.
"I’m gonna be rough, baby" he warned, rubbing himself against you.
Simon fucks all his jealousy out on you, over and over again. He won’t play with your clit- doesn’t let you either. He has your hands above your head, fucking you with so much force the door rattles. "You’re going to cum from only my cock"
"Bet you’re thinking of that fucker, aren’t you?" He said, gripping your hips and pressing you closer to him. "Gonna think about him when you cum" he teases, pinching your nipple.
When you do cum, he doesn’t stop his pace- he picks it up instead. He wants you drunk on his cock, the only thing in your mind how good he’s fucking you.
Afterwards, he does apologise. He knows you would never betray his trust, his jealousy and possessiveness got the best of him.
He gives you the best aftercare, cuddling you close while whispering how much he loves you.
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König has his leg pressed against yours, his arm behind your head as you both sit peacefully in the common area of the barracks.
Since he’s not into PDA, you both show affection in small ways. Hand holding, arms or legs touching and occasionally, when its just the two of you, small kisses.
You were telling Konig a story about your rookie days, he smiles as he listens, in love with how expressive you are.
When, suddenly, an old friend of yours comes in the common area.
"Y/n!" He exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.
Your eyes shoot up to him, a smile appearing on your face. "Oh my god, Harry!" You rush over to him, hugging him tightly.
While the both of you talk, Koing stares at you, both in hurt and jealousy. He knows you're just excited to see your old friend, but he can’t help but feel a little insecure.
Your excitedly turn to him, "This my boyfriend, Konig!" You introduced, proud of who your partner is.
Harry eyes Konig, with a scoff he turns back to you. "Seriously? you choose that guy..."
Before you can defend your man, Konig is already out the room. You punch Harry in his stomach before running after him, scared that hes hurting.
You enter his room, seeing him on the bed you think hes upset. But, hes angry. Trying to contain himself to not fuck you senseless. You reach over and place a hand on his shoulder, and he snaps.
He grabs your waist and throws you on the bed, straddling you with his weight.
"Konig, i-"
"Shut it." He growled, his hand coming up to your neck, squeezing slightly. "You belong to me. Only me."
His hand trails to your trousers, unbuttoning them before roughly dipping his fingers into your wet heat.
You cry out as his ruthless pace, his fingers not slowing down. "I'm being nice and prepping you, be grateful"
Before you can cum, he removes his fingers. You don't have any time to complain as he enters himself inside. You moan and your fingers grip his arm, hard enough to draw blood.
" This pussy is for me only" he growled, quickening his pace.
Unlike Simon, he bullies your clit. Not letting you have any time to recover as he doesn't stop when you cum.
You don't know how many orgasms he ripped out from you- all you can think about is him.
Afterwards, he's more apologetic than Simon. He went too far with you, and he'd cuddle you close to him, rubbing a soothing hand over your arms and legs.
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seeingivy · 1 year
levi ackerman x f!reader 
a game of taboo makes you wonder if levi is your soulmate
content: post war levi, domestic fluff, mentions of nightmares, falco + gabi, kinda manga spoilers?, blood
Every weekend, you and Levi open up the likes of your tea shop and your home to your two favorite kids - Falco and Gabi. Not that Levi would ever tell them that. It was a tradition the four of you adopted after Reiner went out of town on a trip that you continued after he returned. The four of you enjoy each others company more than most. 
Falco and Gabi always help you and Levi with the shop on Friday, granted creating more of a mess than actually helping. While you and Levi had adopted a pace to making drinks at the shop, like a well oiled machine, Falco and Gabi were anything but. 
Gabi was all about speed. She wanted to make all the orders as fast as she could, not caring who or what, she had to trample over to get there. You swear the girl has nearly knocked you off your feet a few times, which earns her a scolding from Levi. 
Falco was all about precision. He wanted to make all the orders as perfect as possible, not caring how long it could take. You swore he could spend an entire day steeping if he could. You’re sure the habit is no thanks to Levi, who always sends the poor kid back whenever he asks him to make his tea. 
After finishing up at the shop, you and Levi close up, letting Falco and Gabi play the board games or read the books you have set out in your apartment for them. Games, from you. Books, from Levi. It goes to say that the spines of the book are in perfect state from never being opened. 
On this lovely Friday, Gabi and Falco had picked out Taboo for the four of you to play. You and Falco chose to team up like you did every week, the two of you a dream team of sorts. Meanwhile, Levi and Gabi begrudgingly worked together, butting heads every time the game started. They were both used to taking charge and making the plays, which led to arguments on how they should strategize and win. Meanwhile, you and Falco worked out a system - taking turns calling the shots which fared very well for the two of you.
The game is chaotic, with Levi and Gabi aggressively trying to guess the words at the top of the card. You and Falco can’t help but laugh at their turns, the two of them arguing about the semantics of the words and scolding each other for losing out the points each time. Meanwhile, you and Falco have a civilized conversation, high fiving every time you could figure out the word together. 
On your turn, you lift the card to your forehead, Falco smiling in excitement. 
“This one’s easy. You and Levi.” 
“Me and Levi? Is it business owners?” 
“No. Think about what you guys are.” 
“Adults? A couple? Short?”
Levi grabs the back of your head, turning your face towards his. 
“I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear that last one, brat.” 
You see Gabi and Falco laughing from your peripheral and you roll your eyes at him in response. 
“Military? Leaders?” 
The buzzer rings and you remove the card from your forehead to check the word. You hear Gabi and Levi taunting you in the background, but you’re too busy staring down at the card. Gabi leans over, flipping the card from your fingers to read the word. 
“The word is soulmates, Mr. Levi.” 
You turn your head at Levi saying the word. 
“Soulmates, Mr. Levi, are people who are made for each other. The person who balances you out, the one you’re destined to be with. You can swear you’ve met them before, your souls together in the previous life and the next too. Like you and Miss Y/N. ” 
Levi turns to Falco, his gray eyes glaring at him. He turns to  you, his gaze noticeably softening. You’re sure your cheeks are beet red by now and you try to divert the subject. 
“I’m going to start dinner. Whose turn is it to help me?” 
Your eyes widen as you turn to Levi, cursing yourself for asking in the first place. 
“You guys only played a few rounds. Stay here, I can handle it this week, Lee’.” 
You stand up before he can respond, basically running to the kitchen. 
“But Mr. Levi, wasn’t it my turn?” asks Falco, turning his head to the side to look at Levi. 
“Yes. Shut up and play the game brat.”
After dinner, you and Levi pull out the air mattress the four of you sleep on. While you used to set up the guest rooms - you and Gabi in one and Falco and Levi in your bedroom - the four of you had been sleeping together in the living room as of late. 
It all started a few weeks ago, on a particularly bad night for you. Falco and Gabi ran into your room to find you screaming in your sleep, Levi hunched over you trying to pull you awake. When you came to, you held onto Levi, the tears streaming from your eyes. 
“Miss Y/N. What happened?” 
You turn to your side to find Falco and Gabi crying at your side, their faces pink. You motioned for the two of them to join you and Levi on the bed, the four of you sitting criss cross to face one another. 
“Nightmares, Falco. I’m okay.” you whisper. 
“I get those too. Bad ones.” 
The three of you look over, Gabi’s head in her hands. You move her hands, guiding her face to meet your gaze. 
“Mine are always about Hange. I see them in the air, skin on fire. I try to stop them in the dream, but they’re gone by the time I get to them. They never get up, no matter how hard I try, how fast I move.….they still die in my arms every time I close my eyes.”
You feel Levi shift behind you, his hand making its way into your hair. He brushes through the tangles, attempting to fix your bedhead. You warm at the thought, Levi’s touch comforting you all together. 
“I’m killing Sasha, watching her blood spill onto the floor. Or watching Eren become the Attack Titan, his skeleton spinning into the air while the walls come down.” 
She pauses, the words dying in her throat.
“Falco turns into a titan, his warm eyes replaced with that lifeless, horrifying look in his eyes. He’s gone. And it’s all my fault.” 
Falco reaches for her hand, the three of you squeezing your hands together. 
“You didn’t tell me, Gabi.” whispers Falco, turning to face her. 
“It’s embarrassing. That stuff is over but I can’t stop thinking about it.” 
“It’s not over, not for us anyway. Sometimes I swear I can still see that girl, Ymir’s memories. I wake up in a cold sweat, dreaming of being her as she’s crushed in Galliard’s teeth. Or I see Colt. Him embracing me while I kill him.” 
You hold your arms open, the two of them moving into your arms. You feel the two of them crying onto your shirt, as you press a kiss to the top of their heads. You turn to face Levi, his expression steely. You knew the look all too well, after being at Levi’s side for years. He felt guilty. You’re not sure what for.
“I have them too.” 
Gabi and Falco turn to face Levi, shocked at his words. While you opened up to the two of them often, Gabi and Falco rarely had heart to hearts with Levi. They never hated him for it, understanding that he had every reason to be guarded, more than most. The only person he really talked to was you. 
He reaches over, his hands brushing across the scars on your forehead and then your neck. You’re taken back to the moment, being nearly crushed in Zeke’s grasp as you guys stood on the Attack Titan. Levi had gotten to you in time, severing you out of Zeke’s hold, but he wasn’t fast enough to catch you before you fell down. 
“My nightmare is that I killed you. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is you falling, after I cut you down. I reach you and you’re dead. No sparkling eyes looking at me, no stupid remarks when I talk to you. You’re still. Quiet. Lifeless. And it’s all my fault. I wake up every night, pressing my fingers against your neck just to make sure you’re still here.” 
You reach forward, pulling him into your embrace. You place your hand on the side of his hair, the other arm still slung around Gabi and Falco. The four of you sit like that for a while, no one reaching to breaking the silence. 
“Mr. Levi. Can we sleep here?” he whispers, looking up at Levi. 
You and Levi move, opening up the covers for the two of them to climb in between you. Within a few minutes, the two of them are fast asleep, the tear stains now dry against their cheeks. You and Levi face each other, interlocking fingers over the two of them. 
“Whatcha thinking about, Miss Y/N?” 
You turn to find Falco, pulling out his pajamas near the mattress. You shake your head, throwing away the memory all together as you finish putting the bed together. 
“Nothing, Falco. Levi’s in the bathroom. Go brush your teeth.” 
He jumps off, retreating to your bathroom. You move towards the guest bathroom, finding Gabi brushing her teeth by the sink. You join her, the two of you making faces at each other as you finish up. 
“Braids, Gabs?” 
She nods, sitting up on the counter as you start brushing your fingers through her hair. You section off parts of her hair, getting to work on braiding her brown hair. 
“Do you not think Levi is your soulmate?” 
“It’s just that earlier, the card. You seemed uncomfortable when Falco said you guys were.” 
You sigh, twisting her hair in your fingers. 
“It’s not that, Gabi. Don’t soulmates have to be reciprocal?” 
“You don’t think you’re his soulmate?” 
“I don’t know. He’s lost so many people but I’m unsure of how he felt about them and how he feels about me. Sometimes I wonder if they were still here, I wouldn’t be the one next to him. Maybe he would want it to be one of them instead.” 
“I don’t think so, Miss Y/N. He loves you. The thing he’s most scared to lose is you.” 
“That’s because I’m the only thing left, Gabi.” 
Levi and Falco burst in, Falco nearly falling face first into the floor. You and Gabi turn to your side, glaring at the two of them for interrupting your conversation. You see Falco’s eyes shine at the sight of you braiding Gabi’s hair. 
“Gabi! You look so pretty.” 
You watch Gabi flush at his words, running out of the room to avoid making eye contact with him. He follows, screaming an apology at her. 
“Brats. They’re hopeless.” 
“She’s hopeless. I bet she does this everyday, because there’s no way Falco walks around without saying something like that to her.”  
He nods in agreement as you clear the sink from the brushes and elastics you were using in her hair. You look into the mirror to find Levi staring at you. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” 
“Then why are you staring?”  
He reaches forward, crushing you in his arms. You feel his heart pounding in his chest as he holds you even harder in his arms. He lets go, running his eyes over you. 
“You okay, Levi?” you whisper, staring into his gray eyes. 
“Yeah, it’s just-” 
He’s cut off by Falco and Gabi, who barge into the room again. 
“Oh, sorry. We were just going to ask when you wanted to sleep.” 
Levi turns to you, giving you a smile before turning to glare at the two of them. He pushes Gabi out of the room and you sling your arm around Falco as you follow them. 
“Did no one teach you brats how to knock?” 
“No. My parents died in the rumbling before they could teach me that.” 
“Your parents dropped you off here. You’re real funny brat.” 
You wake up, a cold sweat running down the side of your back. Sasha in a pool of her own blood. You look over, Gabi and Falco are still fast asleep under the blanket. Levi is absent from the mattress and you peer around for any signs of where he went. 
You spot his black hair through the window of the balcony, him sitting on the floor out there. You pull your jacket (it’s Levi’s but who’s paying attention?) and join him out there, moving to sit next to him. He tenses at the contact, before opening up his arm for you to rest against him. You lean your back against his chest, his chin resting on top of your head. 
The two of you sit in silence, staring out at the neighborhood over you. You lean into his embrace, thanking whatever gods there were for letting you be the one next to Levi in this moment.
“It was always going to be you.” 
“The person next to me. It was always going to be you.” 
You sit up, turning your back to face him. You’re unsure what he’s talking about, confused by his admittance all together. 
“I heard you talking to Gabi earlier. If they were still here, you would still be the one I want by my side.” 
You feel your cheeks burning, embarrassed Levi had heard you confessing your insecurities to a twelve year old girl. 
“I’m sorry, Levi. I didn’t mean it like that. I know how you feel about me.” 
Hie expression pinches and you can feel him tense behind your back. You curse yourself for placing doubt in his mind after everything he did for you. 
“I…loved them. They were both special to me, my best friends.” 
You nod, cradling the side of his face in your hand. 
“I know, Levi. You don’t need to explain.” you whisper. 
“But they’re not special the way you are. It sounds bad but I don’t love them like I love you. I’d be done for if you were the one gone instead of them.” 
You smile, glowing at his words. You knew Levi loved you, but he was hardly one to ever say it. Make no mistake, he showed it to you everyday - leaving tea out for you, making the dinner you like, buying flowers that remind him of you. But he was never the best at saying it, which did leave you to wonder at times. 
“Me too, Levi. As weird as it is to say, sometimes I feel lucky that you and I get to do this. Run a tea shop. Have the kids come around. Walk in the markets. I mean this time last year we were cradling each other's nearly dead bodies.” 
He pauses, swallowing hard before answering. 
“The next life will be nicer to us. I mean the odds are fucking impossible - anything is better than this.” 
“The next life?” 
“Soulmates. Your souls are together in the previous life and the next.” 
You feel your chest warm at his words, at him calling you his soulmate. You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. 
Levi walks Gabi and Falco home the next morning, leaving you snoring in the mattress behind. Gabi and Falco press kisses to your head, telling Levi they’ll bring dessert when they come next week. 
Levi returns, groceries in hand. He makes breakfast, starting a cup of tea as you pad into the kitchen. Still half asleep, you swing your arms against his torso, leaning your face against his back. 
“Kids gone?” 
“Mhm. Dropped them off earlier. I got the apples you wanted yesterday while I was out.” 
You turn to the counter, rummaging through the bag Levi brought. You take out the flowers he brought from the market - a bouquet of red tulips. You smile, setting them aside to put in a vase later. 
As you look for the apples, you find a small green box. You take it out and click it open, a simple silver band in the box. 
“Did you buy me a ring?” 
You see his expression pale, as he reaches over trying to take the box from you. You’re able to avoid his grasp for a few seconds, but he gets it back in the end. 
“You’re so damn nosy, brat.” 
“Why are you trying to hide it? Buy it for your secret girlfriend instead of me?” you tease. 
“You get stupider as time goes on. It’s obviously yours. I was waiting to give it to you.” 
You smile, holding your hands out so he can give you the box back. As he reaches out to place the box in your hands, you pause spotting an identical silver band on his ring finger. 
“You have the same one!” 
“Yes. That’s the point, idiot.” 
You look up at him, staring into his eyes. You suddenly feel nervous. Last night, Levi called you his soulmate. And today he bought you rings. Matching ones. 
“What does it mean? I mean, am I really all that?” you whisper. 
“It doesn’t mean anything.” 
You deflate, dejected by his words. While the implication of matching rings made you nervous, nauseous even, his fast rejection made you feel even worse. 
“Oh. Okay, yeah.” 
“I didn’t-” 
You can see the frustration rising to his face, his eyes squinting at you. 
“I didn’t mean it like that. You mean everything. I just mean we don’t have to do anything. If you don’t want to. They’re just rings. We can do all that whenever we want to.” 
You look up at him, smiling at his nervous expression.
“I mean everything?” you ask, smirking at him. 
He prods his fingers into your forehead, pushing you back into the chair. He places the breakfast he just made in front of you along with a cup of green tea. 
“You’re hopeless, brat.” 
Falco and Gabi return the next week, accompanied with a box of mochi Reiner had bought for the two of you. As you and Levi take to make dinner, Falco and Gabi lean over the counter, whispering at the sight of you. 
“They’re wearing matching rings.” 
“What? Where, Falco?” 
“On their ring fingers. Look.” 
“They’re getting married, Falco! Does this mean I get to be a flower girl?” 
You and Levi smile at each other, trying your best not to laugh at the two of them whispering (yelling) over the counter. Levi turns towards them, placing their food in front of them. 
“We’re not getting married, brat. Not yet, anyways.” 
You turn to join the three of them, balancing your plate and Levi’s in your hand. 
“You’re not the best whisperer, Gabs. Sorry.” 
“Who bought them, Miss Y/N?” 
“Levi did, Falco. Last week after he dropped you off.” 
“Told you he was whipped for you. He looks like a kicked dog every time you walk away from him.” 
“Keep talking, brat. I can easily convince her to pick another flower girl.” 
You and Levi turn to Gabi, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
“Wait, so you’d actually consider me?” 
“Well yeah. Who else would do it?” 
She runs across the table, pulling the both of you together in a hug. Falco jumps up as well, running to join the three of you. The two of them shout in their excitement, shaking the two of you in their hold. Gabi grabs Falco’s hand, dragging him onto the balcony to look at which flowers would be best for the ceremony. 
“Since when does that murderous brat like flowers? It’s sickening.” 
“She’s just excited, Levi. Getting to be a part of it all and everything.” 
“We aren’t even getting married yet.” he deadpans. 
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” 
You turn to him, interlocking your fingers with his as the two of you eat your food. You hear the two of them chattering outside and thank the gods, for keeping the other half of your soul next to you. 
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
"Sonic vs. Tails - The Ultimate April Fools Battle"
AO3 link if you'd rather read it there ;)
6:38 a.m.
Early on a Monday morning, Sonic awoke to a rocking sensation. For a moment it was nice, soothing even, and he thought perhaps he'd fallen asleep on a hammock or something.
Except, it was in fact not soft fabric beneath him, but wooden boards.
A faint smell of salt alerted him next. Then a strong gust of wind. Then the cry of a seagull.
A seagull?!
His eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright, panic immediately flooding his chest upon seeing a huge mass of water all around him. He found himself sitting in a wooden fishing boat, smack dab in the middle of it.
He jumped up to his feet with a squeak of true fear, wobbling as the rocking of the boat nearly made him lose his balance.
He raced to the pole where the sails were attached and jumped onto it, full-body clinging to it with both arms and legs. "HOW IN MOBIUS DID I GET OUT HERE?!" he yelled indignantly, as loudly as he could for having just woken up.
A snicker sounded above him, and he jerked his head up so fast he nearly got whiplash.
And whom should he see perched atop the sails post but his little brother, Tails, his namesakes waving around and mischief practically written all over his face.
"Happy April Fools," the smug little fox greeted him, still giggling.
Sonic relaxed slightly, but shot Tails a feigned death glare. "It's on," he shot back, unable to hide a smirk.
8:23 a.m.
He had to be subtle about this. Tails was obviously very well aware what day it was. He had to be sly.
So, for his first prank of many, Sonic ran out to buy a cheap whoopie cushion, then slipped it in the Tornado's cockpit, at a perfect angle so Tails wouldn't see it until it was too late.
He was pretty proud of himself for keeping it cool, going on runs and swinging back by the workshop every few minutes to see when Tails needed to go out for a flight.
Except it was taking too long.
If he didn't get that over with, all his time to come up with more pranks for the day would be gone. And that simply wouldn't do.
"Hey, Tails!" he called from the roof, where he'd been leisurely lounging for the past five minutes. "Wanna go for a shopping run?"
After a pause of silence filled only with the sound of some metal clanging, Tails called back, "For what? I thought we were stocked."
"No, we need more— flour." He quickly improvised, having not actually checked the pantry beforehand.
"Why do we need more flour?" Tails sounded both distracted and confused as he continued whatever he was clanging around with.
"Because bread." Sonic flipped onto the ground and leaned his head through the window. "We should make bread."
Tails finally pulled back his goggles and shot him a look. "Why do you want to make bread?"
"Don't question it, Tails! Why can't I be allowed to wanna try new stuff?"
"Because it's April Fools, that's why." Tails smirked and pulled his goggles back down, studying the chunks of metal he was abusing. "There's probably a prank waiting for me at the store or something."
Sonic clasped a hand to his chest dramatically. "You seriously think I went and sabotaged public property just to pull a prank on you?!"
Without missing a beat, and without shifting his eyes from his work, Tails replied, "Yeah."
Sonic huffed and crossed his arms. "Well, I didn't. And the only way for you to see that is to come on shopping with me. I'll even let you pick the store so that you can be sure."
Tails looked at him, arching a brow and resting one hand on his hip. "You're so random," he said, shaking his head with a grin. "You realize you can go shopping by yourself, right?"
"Well, sue me for wanting to spend time with my darling little brother," Sonic pouted, trying his best to pull off a puppy-dog-eyes look.
"Since when did you become so clingy?" Tails laughed, finally setting aside his things and flying over to the window.
"It was inevitable. You're too loveable." Sonic yanked him into a hug, right before letting him start flying towards the Tornado.
"I don't know whether to feel touched or suspici—" Tails abruptly broke off as he hopped into the cockpit, and the whoopie cushion immediately squeezed beneath him, filling the air with its awful sounds.
His face went beet red for a moment, then he closed his eyes and sighed. Sonic had already fallen over laughing, tears springing to his eyes at Tails's expression.
"Bread, huh?" Tails sounded way too calm as he turned to face his brother, but there was a terrifying glint in his eyes.
"You bet!" Sonic laughed. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Let's go get flour!"
Tails picked up the whoopie cushion and hurled it full force at the hedgehog's face.
8:52 a.m.
After the whoopie cushion incident, Tails forced Sonic to go out shopping anyway. He even managed to trick him into thinking he was doing it as an apology.
Oh, was that poor hedgehog mistaken. He was so in for it. Tails had sent him out shopping— alone— so he could set up his revenge prank.
He decided to go with a simple one. Perhaps he would save the more intricate and wild pranks for later in the day.
This one would still be personal, though.
Barely suppressing a little cackle of glee, Tails snatched a large bottle of clear super glue and generously poured it all over the welcome mat at his front door. This glue wouldn't fully dry for another twenty to thirty minutes, and since Sonic was only getting one thing from the store, he wouldn't take nearly that long.
Sure enough, five minutes after he'd laid the prank, he heard the distinct BOOM in the distance of his brother's impending arrival.
Tails already knew Sonic wasn't going to notice the glue. If it wasn't immediately obvious, and he wasn't in danger, he didn't pay attention to detail like that.
The door handle jiggled for a moment, then was followed by a banging on the door. His muffled voice called, "Tails, if you're gonna send me out to buy stuff we don't actually need, the least you could do is leave the door unlocked for me to actually give you the stuff we don't need."
"Oh, dear chaos!" Tails called back, deliberately sounding way too dramatically surprised. "How did the door lock itself?!"
It didn't matter if Sonic caught on. If he was banging on the door, it was too late for him.
"I don't like your tone, young man." Sonic definitely sounded suspicious, and Tails could barely suppress his triumphant laughter.
"Sorry, Dad." With a snicker, he unlocked the door and swept it open, where he found Sonic standing with a hefty bag of flour, shooting him a look.
He was standing right in the middle of the super glue puddle.
"Seriously, bro? Locking me outside? That's the best you g-GAAUHH!" Sonic broke off as he tried to take a step forward, only to pull the entire doormat up with his foot and lose his balance. He tried desperately to right himself, but only ended up pinwheeling his arms, losing his grip on the bag of flour, and falling square on his chest. A second later, the bag of flour came down on his head and immediately popped open upon pricking his quills.
After the flour dust settled, the two brothers looked at each other for a solid ten seconds, the younger standing tall with his arms crossed and a smug smile, the older slumped on the ground, covered in flour to the point of looking like a ghost, glaring daggers.
He sneezed. "That was low. I like my kicks."
"They'll be fine," Tails insisted, brushing off the flour that had drifted into his fur. "I've got a solution that'll cancel out the glue."
Sonic shook himself off, then stood up and sneezed again. "You owe me twenty rings for the waste of perfectly good flour that we didn't need."
Tails stuck his tongue out at him, then started blowing the spilled flour out the door with his tails.
9:35 a.m.
Sonic took a shower after the flour incident, and he made it quick enough so that Tails didn't have any time to try anything more on him, since he was still cleaning up said flour.
Once he'd gotten out and dried off, Tails brushed past him into the bathroom, and a few seconds later he heard the shower start up again.
No way there was this golden opportunity just dangling in front of him . . .
Grinning, Sonic first went to the kitchen and hit the switch for the power hose. Next time Tails went to wash the dishes, he was in for a little surprise.
Then, very quietly, he nudged the door open to the bathroom (where Tails was still in the shower), reached in, and flushed the toilet.
A second later, there was a high pitched "Yipe!" and one very startled, very wet fox kit scrambled out of the tub at the suddenly freezing water.
Sonic heard his name screeched furiously from over his shoulder as he laughed and booked it for the front door, only to catch on the doormat and faceplant the sidewalk, his socks now stuck in the super glue still coating the mat.
10:14 a.m.
He deserved this fate, Tails claimed.
"It's called revenge!" Sonic yelled through the door from where he lay on the ground outside in the yard. "Sweet, totally fair, revenge! Can I have the anti solution for the glue now?"
"Nope," Tails called back.
"C'moooon. These are my last clean socks, I can't just take them off and put on dirty ones. Do you want me to defile the house with smelly feet?"
"Ohh, manipulation. That's a new one!"
"Just wear flipflops. Or go barefoot. I dunno."
"I don't like flip flops!" Sonic squirmed onto his side. "And I don't like being barefoot! Running barefoot is painful!"
"Ah, well. Guess you'd better apologize for ruining my lovely shower and forfeit all your desserts to me for the next three months, if you ever want to run again."
"Sorry, who was being manipulative?"
"You were!"
Sonic huffed. "You know, I could just do laundry. Yeah. Do laundry and be free."
"Wow!" Tails sounded way too amazed. "That's so genius!"
"I'll wash all my socks! I'll wash all the socks!" With caution, Sonic forced his way back onto his feet, then hopped inside the house, doormat still attached. "I'll be free in a matter of . . . hours." He frowned. "Hey Tails, can dish soap clean clothes? And how fast does a fur dryer dry clothes?"
Tails was standing in the kitchen, pouring the remains of the flour that hadn't touched the floor into a canister. He eyed his brother for a moment, then smiled sweetly. "There's one way to find out."
Without thinking, Sonic broke into a relieved grin and started hopping his way into the kitchen. "Good, because if I have to be stuck like this for one—"
He turned the faucet on, and immediately a powerful spray of cold water shot out at his face from the power hose. He yelped and sputtered, immediately switching it off as he suddenly realized he'd fallen for his own prank.
Or, more likely, Tails had seen right through his prank, and had made him fall for it.
Sonic looked down at him, water dripping down his face and off his quills. Tails had lost his cool composure and was doubled over, squeaking with laughter.
10:30 a.m.
"I deserved that one," Sonic grumbled, toweling off his face.
Tails sat beside him on the porch, eyes closed in smug contentment as he brushed out his tails. "Yes. You did."
Sonic turned and grinned devilishly. "You realize this isn't over, lil bro."
Tails turned a fanged smile right back on him. "Far from it."
11:04 a.m.
Sonic burst through Amy's door and immediately said, "Ames, I need a favor!"
Amy nearly jumped out of her skin, dropping her paintbrush onto the carpet. She sighed, but picked it up without complaining, set it on the ledge of her painter's stand, and gave him her attention. "What's up?"
"Sorry for that," he said quickly, then added, "Could you make a batch of chocolate chip cookies, but like, make three of them with raisins instead?"
Amy wrinkled her forehead even as she smiled. "Wait, what? Why?"
"It's April Fools. I need to get back at Tails."
"Oh, no." Amy laughed as she stood up and started heading for her kitchen. "What'd he do?"
"Oh, many things." As Amy set to making the cookies, he told her all about the events of the day so far. He told her about the pranks on both sides, just to keep it fair.
Amy was aware of their April Fools traditions. The same basic thing had happened the past two years as well.
It had been last year that they learned the hard way not to prank Knuckles. Or Shadow.
"You should really learn to bake," Amy commented as she eventually pulled the batch out of the oven. "It's really very fun! And satisfying."
"You know what'll be satisfying?" He snickered. "The look on Tails's face when he thinks he's gonna taste chocolate and tastes raisins instead!"
Amy shook her head with an amused sigh. "That too, I guess."
They hung out together for another twenty minutes or so, then Sonic bid her farewell and took off back to the workshop.
12:22 p.m.
Tails had resumed working on whatever project he'd been doing earlier that morning.
"Yo, Tails!" Sonic raced into the room, holding the container of cookies. "Amy made us cookies!"
"Ooh, she did?" Tails immediately paused what he was doing and lit up, but then suspicion clouded his face. "Wait . . . what's going on?"
"Bro, it's just cookies," Sonic laughed. "What, do you think they're poisoned?"
Tails kept hesitating, but Sonic could see him scenting the air. Since the majority of them were chocolate chip, he was detecting that— not the few raisins.
"Okay. I'll take one," he finally relented, and Sonic handed him one with raisins.
He started heading back to his project as he took a bite, but immediately stopped in his tracks. Sonic watched him stop chewing and look at the cookie for a long moment, then turn and shoot him a deadpan look.
"You're so mean," he complained, mouth still full with the bite he refused to swallow (he hated raisins). Then he tried to spit it out onto Sonic, who yelped and raced away, dropping the container of cookies on the floor.
Tails picked it up, having already figured out that most of the others were actually chocolate chip. Jokes on Sonic, now he had all the good cookies to himself.
1:01 p.m.
Their prank fest had delayed lunch a bit, so Sonic (after eventually returning) told Tails to kick back and relax while he made chili.
Tails seemed a little too pleased with the idea, but Sonic barely noticed, too hungry to care.
As he stirred through the pot, Tails watched him, grinning in anticipation for the meal. Earlier, while Sonic had been lying around the front yard with the doormat glued to his socks and complaining, Tails had switched out the salt and sugar.
Half an hour later or so, they sat down together to eat. It seemed Sonic thought they had reached a temporary truce, but oh, little did he know.
Tails deliberately took his sweet time in spooning the chili onto his hot dog, eyeing his brother in his corner vision. Sonic had made his in no time, digging in with two big bites before Tails had even finished dressing his.
Almost immediately Sonic paused, blinked a couple times, then kept chewing. Then paused again, frowning.
His eyes flicked to Tails, who quickly resumed dressing his chili dog.
Sonic finally swallowed. "That's weird."
"What's weird?" Tails asked innocently, actually being subtle this time.
"Chili tastes more like dessert." The hedgehog squinted at him. "Did you sabotage the chili cans?"
Tails sniffed. "How dare you accuse me."
"Did you?"
"No, I didn't. The cans were sealed, weren't they?"
"Hm." Sonic took another hesitant bite, but stopped again, shaking his head. "This tastes so weird. Have you tried yours?"
Tails shrugged. "Try salting it," he suggested, avoiding the question.
Sonic grabbed the salt shaker and generously covered his chili dog with its contents, then took another bite, only to actually choke over it this time.
"Okay, did you—?!" He snatched the shaker again, shook a little onto his finger, tasted it, then chucked it at Tails, who laughed and dove out of the way. "You switched the salt and sugar?!"
"Well, duh!" Tails switched to hovering over the table, snickering. "There are no truces today, dearest brother!"
Sonic threw the too-sweet chili dog at him next, inevitably splattering chili over the table.
"You're cleaning that up!" Tails called in a singsong voice. "I'm going out to Josef's Pasta Alla Paccico!"
2:10 p.m.
They both ended up eating out at Josef's, and even though they did truly call a ceasefire for a grand total of twenty-five minutes, they split the time between actually eating and blowing their straw wrappers at people, having mini sword fights with the butter knives, and constructing architecture with the plates and takeout boxes.
Needless to say, the only reason they didn't get kicked out was probably because both Sonic and Tails were practically world-renowned.
Not long after they returned to the workshop, Sonic inevitably crashed for a nap. He usually couldn't make it through a day without a nap at some point, which was always unfortunate for him on this particular day of the year.
Tails studied him where he slept, on a branch of the tree in his front yard. He knew he'd been the last one to pull something, but hey, who said they were taking turns?
There was simply no way he was passing this up.
First, he grabbed a sharpie and very carefully drew an elaborate mustache worthy of Eggman across his brother's face. He added a few random smiley faces on his cheek and arms, as well as the phrase "SLO-MO" on one shoulder.
Then he grabbed an assortment of potato chips and began carefully stacking them on his head, in his hands, on his stomach, in an entire tower.
He made sure to take pictures through the whole process, then— leaving him there to sleep, still covered in sharpie and potato chips— flew off to print the photos.
Going above and beyond, he put the printed photos in a fancy envelope, marked them as "priority mail," addressed them to Sonic's post office box, disguised himself, then dropped them off at the post office.
An hour passed after he had done all that, and Sonic finally stirred awake.
Upon seeing the stack of chips in front of him, he promptly fell out of the tree with a yelp, and Tails started giggling.
"What did you do to me?" Sonic whined, brushing all the crumbs off his head and chest as he stood up, still groggy.
"You think that's bad?" Tails teased. "Go check the mirror."
A look of horror filled his brother's eyes, then he was gone in a flash. Tails kept giggling, and laughed harder when he heard the yell from inside: "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LOOK LIKE EGGFACE?!"
"It's called revenge!" Tails called back gleefully. "Sweet, totally fair, revenge!"
Sonic came storming back outside. "How dare you use my own words against me."
"Sorry," Tails told him insincerely.
His brother scrubbed at his cheek. "How long will it take for this to wash off?"
Tails shrugged. "A couple days, probably."
Sonic's resulting screech was loud enough to startle away all the nearby flickies.
4:32 p.m.
Sonic spent at least half an hour in the bathroom desperately trying to scrub the marker out of his fur, but only succeeded in making it fade a little.
"Taking advantage of my sleep cycle," he huffed, reaching out to mess up Tails's bangs from where the fox kit sat on the couch. "So rude."
Tails tried to fix his bangs, while Sonic flopped onto the other end of the couch. "Consider it payback for you dyeing my fur green last year."
"You still looked cool, at least!" Sonic protested. "If Egghead sees me like this, I'm never going to hear the end of it."
"I looked like a lime!" Tails shot back. "I had to hide from society for an entire month!"
"It wasn't a month."
"Three and a half weeks. Close enough."
Tails shot him a look, and Sonic reached over to mess up his bangs again. He was rewarded with a throw pillow to the face.
Sonic threw it back, and it was just about to escalate into a fully fledged pillow fight when the doorbell rang.
Both of them froze, and Sonic zipped away in a flash. "I'm not here! You don't know me! If anyone asks, I'm in Holoska on a nice, arctic vacation!"
"Chicken!" Tails taunted after him, then flew over to the door and pulled it open to find Amy and Knuckles standing on the other side.
(Thankfully, the super glue had dried hours before.)
"Hey, guys!" he greeted them, stepping back to let them in. "What's the occasion?"
Amy said sweetly, "We just wanted to make sure you and Sonic were doing okay!" at the same time Knuckles said, "We came to supervise."
Tails rolled his eyes. "We don't need babysitters."
Amy glanced around. "Did Sonic leave?"
Knuckles frowned as Tails snickered. "I guess he did. He's telling everyone he's going to Holoska."
"You can't stop me!" Sonic's muffled voice shouted from somewhere towards the back of the workshop.
"Nobody's trying!" Tails called back, his voice catching on a laugh. "Just be sure to warn Jari-Pekka about your new look!"
"New look?" Knuckles echoed.
Amy facepalmed. "What did you do to him?"
Tails waved a hand flippantly. "It'll come off in a few days."
"And this is why we thought you two needed supervision," Knuckles groaned. "Today always gets out of hand."
"Do we need to separate you two?" Amy asked, although she was grinning.
Sonic chose that moment to burst explosively out of the closet, zip to his brother's side, and pull him close in a protective hug. "No, don't separate us!" he insisted, forcing a huge smile. "Everything's going just fine!"
Knuckles and Amy took a solid ten seconds to stare at Tails's artwork all over Sonic's face, then started laughing, albeit good-naturedly.
Tails grinned at where he was still trapped in his brother's hold, only to start violently trying to squirm away when said brother slipped a sharpie out of hiding and started drawing his revenge on the fox's face.
6:00 p.m.
Knuckles and Amy chose to spend the rest of the day at the workshop with them, just to make sure things didn't get any crazier than they already had. By the time dinnertime arrived, both Sonic and Tails had sharpie all over their faces, although the "art" on Tails's face could hardly be called as such. Because of his squirming during the whole process, it was nothing more than random scribbles of blue in random places on his face.
"Next year I'll dye you blue," Sonic promised him as the four of them had dinner together (after Amy switched back the salt and sugar). "We can match!"
"Pass." Tails swallowed his bite. "I'll just look like some kind of mutant smurf."
Sonic snickered. "All the more reason to do it, then!"
Amy groaned. "Boys . . ."
"Hey, we should rope you into this!" Sonic exclaimed suddenly, staring straight at Amy.
"If you want a hammer to the face next, feel free!" Amy stuck her tongue out at him, although she had to hide a giggle.
"As long as you leave me out of it, do whatever you want," Knuckles put in wearily, sounding much like a parent tired of trying to control his children.
Tails smiled at all of them. Knuckles was right; this day was always crazy, and sure, things got out of hand sometimes. But he had no regrets. It was fun. It was a stupid way of bonding with his brother, and that was something he would never regret.
A Happy April Fools Day, indeed.
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nelapanela94 · 1 year
Climbing over the knee-high lip of the tub is a challenge like climbing the highest mountain. Once, his body was his greatest and most loyal ally, and now he feels incarcerated under his every inch and every fiber.
“I’ll help you.” You lean against the sink, fiddling with your thumbs, wondering where to start. You’ve never bathed someone before. A gulp contracts and relaxes your throat.
“I don’t need your help,” he bellows, staring down at the waving water and the foam that swims and pops. He waits for you to leave, so he can strip his clothes. You can’t see him like this, a fraction of what he used to be. But stubbornness is a shared trait.
Levi sighs; shoulders slump.
You swaddle his leg in plastic bags, rubber bands and tape. Then set a stool in the tub. Avert your eyes as his clothes pool at his feet and with one eye anchored to the ceiling and the other trying to follow your movements, you help him into the tub and set him down on the stool. Lathered up his silky hair and shoulders. The armpits, the hip bones, his belly button. Strange parts you’d last seen that night when you’d boozed up and ended up in his bed. Two lonely souls seeking sad consolation. Tears melt in the water, stinging the angry scars on his face. Your hands burn his skin. He looks away because he is afraid of stumbling on your pity. A garbled sob breaks from him. Your chest beaten up against an anvil.
He can’t remember the last time someone took care of him with such daintiness. It smelled of sewage and stale food.
“You know you don’t have to do this.” His voice muffles in the back of his hand.
“I want to do this.” You rinse the foam from his shoulders and back. “Let someone take care of you, Levi. You should not always be the one to stand in the front line."
He closes his eyes; your hands are soft on his marred skin. Deep inside, he wants you to stay. You kneel behind him and towel-dry his hair, his shoulders. Plant a kiss on a scar on his nape. He’s beautiful, despite what he sees in the mirror. Despite kids crimpling their faces when they look at him. The calcium in the collarbones you’ve kissed; the iron in the blood that flushed his cheeks. Walking cosmos, debris of an explosion.
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“what the fuck is this?”
levi held what seemed like a thin rectangular device. he had seen you holding and interacting with one before, but he never knew what it was, and he didn’t have the chance to ask.
“it’s called a phone!” you exclaimed excitedly. “this way, we can talk even if we’re physically apart. and you can do some other cool things with it too.”
levi tapped at the screen a few times and frowned when nothing popped up.
“it’s broken.”
you rolled your eyes, having forgotten that paradis had not had that much exposure to modern technology.
“it’s not on, silly,” you said as you walked over and pressed on a button at the side of the screen.
after a few seconds, the screen lit up, although levi only looked further confused.
“you have to do a first-time setup before you can use it. just follow the instructions on the screen and you should be able to use it afterwards!”
levi poked around at the screen and you could tell he wasn’t used to it. he was typing by poking one letter at a time with his index finger and scowled at the screen whenever autocorrect completely changed whatever it was that he was trying to type. he couldn’t possibly understand why someone would waste their entire day staring at such a thing.
“is that it?” he asked, underwhelmed when he finally had it all set up. it seemed like a huge waste of time if he struggled through all that only to be met with a blank screen with some stock photo set as the background.
“it is if you want it to be,” you said nonchalantly.
you spent the remainder of the afternoon filling levi in on all the advantages of having a smartphone: gps, texting that uses both sms and internet, having a search engine, having a translating system, etc. although he claimed to be disinterested or commented that the societal need for a phone seems stupid, he was intently listening in on your instructions.
after leaving him on his own, you’d eventually come back to find him fumbling with the screen, trying to mess around with the camera feature, scowling when nothing came up whenever he took a picture, failing to realize that his hand was covering up the camera.
he’d accidentally take a selfie and you’d immediately snatch his phone from him, texting yourself the selfie. he didn’t look ridiculous or anything, but his somewhat confused look at the camera was too precious for you not to keep for yourself.
you learned very quickly that day, that although levi ackerman was talented in many things, navigating modern technology was not one of them.
just a little drabble that popped up in my head (i’m also very much not sober so this isn’t proofread!!!) also apparently marley has smartphones because i’m too out of it to come up with a better reason as to why levi has zero idea as to how to navigate it
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knightprincess · 2 months
Softness Suits You (Tech x GN! Reader)
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Words: 2k Warnings: None - unless you count Kriff and Karabast as swearing. Note: Gender Neutral - Use of You and (Y/N) A part of the Bad Batch Gift Exchange @cloneficgiftexchange For: @theunderscorekinginyellow Prompt: "Softness Suits You"
“(Y/N),” called Tech, skidding to a halt as he rounded the corner. Blaster fire passed the corner mere seconds later. “Now is not the time to give up on me,” he commented, pulling you back to your feet. You’d slipped down the durasteel wall you’d been learning against with a sharp groan of pain, an arm tightly wound around your midsection, the other putting pressure on another unseen wound hidden beneath your armor and the layers of fabric. 
“Wasn’t the time for the plan to go wrong either,” (Y/N) voiced, recalling how the mission had gone sideways quickly. “We went over the plan five times,” you grumbled, blowing out an agonized sigh as the stabbing pain grew in strength. 
“I got the package, didn’t I?” responded Wrecker, the sound of blaster fire being exchanged echoing through the com. 
“Anyone injured?” came Hunter’s smokey voice. Omega’s innocent one followed, celebrating after hitting another target with her energy bow. Echo soon confirmed he and Wrecker were slightly banged up, but nothing serious. Their main problem was being pinned down. 
“(Y/N) got hit, unsure how serious it is,” announced Tech, seemingly ignoring your comment that you were okay. Even when it was evidently obvious you were anything but. You were losing blood, feeling dizzy and shaky, and could barely stand on your own two feet, and Tech had stated you looked paler than usual. 
“Tech, get (Y/N) back to the Marauder,” demanded Echo, his voice severe and unyielding. The job for Sid meant little compared to the life of a friend. 
“Omega will meet you there,” said Hunter. The young clone’s protests shortly followed his words. “That’s an order,” he added, slipping into a mix of his previous Sargent Mode and that of a protective father figure trying to protect their child and family. “The rest of us Plan 13.” 
“Oh yeah,” exclaimed Wrecker, launching into the attack on droids and mercenaries alike. The human wrecking ball wasted little time running head-first into the battle again. His actions a reminder of his days as a soldier of the GAR, back when everything was simpler before the dark times began to strangle the galaxy. 
“Oh brother,” mutters Echo before readying himself to rejoin the battle before him. Pushing aside the memories of the many food fights on Kamino before it was bombarded and forgotten about—memories of his brothers of the Domino Squad, 501st, and Bad Batch. 
“Ready?” asked Tech, placing his D17s in the holsters for the time being, reaching for your arm to pull you back to your feet. Directing the arm around his neck as his own snaked around your midsection. Hearing the sharpness in your breath as you began to limp forward. The pilot soon pulled the yellow-tinted screen of his helmet down, scanning you over to get a clear idea of the damage and injuries sustained.
“What’s the prognosis, Doctor?” sarcastically asked (Y/N), your eyes glazing over as you become confused and disorientated. “Is it as bad as Crosshair’s friction burns from the Skako mission?” you asked with a light chuckle, wincing shortly after with the pain shooting through your ribs. 
“I would argue that was worse,” answered Tech, recalling Crosshair grumbling for days afterward—even more so when Wrecker refused to let him forget about it. “However, this is a close second,” he said, trying to keep your spirits up and offer a distraction from your injuries and dire state. 
“Damn. I was hoping to top him this time,” replied (Y/N), as if you had forgotten Crosshair wasn’t there. Instead, he had chosen to return to the Empire, even after they had bombarded Tipoca City with all of them inside. “Still working on that plan to get him back,” you add with the smallest of grins. 
“Crosshair … chose a different path. We have to accept that, even if we don’t agree with it,” spoke Tech with a prang of sadness. Thankful when the Marauder came into view, Omega was already on the steps, waving at them with a small smile of her own. At least until it hit her, Tech was all but keeping you up now. 
“What happened?” questioned Omega, quickly running back up the steps, moving to get the medical kit stowed away aboard the ship. At the same time, Tech pulled (Y/N) over to the sleeping racks upon getting you aboard. Nodding to Omega in thanks, when she brought the medical kit over to him, he reached for stem cells and bacta gel in hopes of aiding the healing process. 
“We could use a lift,” came the booming voice of Echo, the coms lighting up with the disagreement between the Arc Trooper, Hunter, and Wrecker. 
“That with or without Omega hanging from the ship and me falling out or over something?” asked (Y/N), doing your best to lighten the dreary mood and keep Omega from seeing just how bad things were. You had a soft spot for the kid and the boys. 
“It was an unscheduled study break,” Tech voiced in response. At least explaining Omega hanging from the ship. A smirk appeared across his lips upon remembering the two separate incidences regarding (Y/N) falling over something and falling from the ship completely. “And momentarily lapse in coordination.” 
“Just patching (Y/N) up, then we’ll be there,” announced Omega, keeping the trio of Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker in the loop. 
“This is going to hurt,” stated Tech, receiving a (Y/N) famous deadpan look in response. At least informing him, he was pointing out the obvious again, without calling the exceptionally minded clone by the normal nickname. Captain Obvious. 
“You mean more than it already does?” You asked, the next part of your comment forgotten as the bacta gel burned like someone had poured the lavas of Mustafar into your open wounds. “Kriff!” 
“Language” worded Wrecker via the comm link. 
“Aurebesh,” you replied, much to Omega’s amusement. Tech could only shake his head and roll his golden eyes. 
“Switch out the words, (Y/N),” spoke Hunter, once again the familiar sound of blaster fire following his words, hinting at the trouble the trio was in now. 
“Yes, Papa Hunter. Next time, I’ll use Karabast,” quickly shot (Y/N), not noticing Tech had stepped close with an anesthetic, at least not until he caught you with it. 
“Rest for now (Y/N). Omega and I can handle the extraction,” announced Tech. He made sure you were lying comfortably on his rack before heading to the cockpit with Omega. The young clone gave Gonky his own mission to watch over you while you slept. 
When (Y/N) finally woke up, the Marauder was on stable ground, and the ship was quiet—too quiet. The only noise was Gonky waddling the length of the ship with the normal “Gonk” on repeat, although the droid did seem to be pestering Tech, who sat at the communications desk just in front of the sleeping racks. 
“Where’s the others?” you asked with a cracked and broken voice. Your throat was dry and scratchy from the lack of use. Slowly, you moved your head to look around the ship. The cockpit was empty, void of Echo and Wrecker. The rear gunner's port had no Omega resting there, although Lula and her little clone trooper were. Hunter was nowhere to be seen either. Only Tech and Gonky were there. 
“Wrecker and Omega are following through with their tradition,” Tech replied, standing and walking over, an unreadable expression painted on his features. The moment he reached you, he placed a soft hand on your forehead, relief washing over him minutes later. "Hunter and Echo are delivering the package to Sid.” 
“How long was I out?” you asked. Then it hit you: You were no longer on Eadu but instead back on Ord Monell. 
“Just over a day,” started Tech, helping you sit up. “I’d appreciate it if we didn’t repeat what happened,” he added, pushing his goggles back up the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m not gonna let you get shot, Tech, and I did tell you to leave me,” argued (Y/N), feeling relief now the majority of your pain was gone, either nulled by the anesthetic or washed away by the bacta healing the wounds. 
“We don’t leave our own behind,” stated Tech, a matter of factly, with a pointer finger raised, as if to drill it into your head and make it stick. “The others are fine as well. Wrecker still thinks the scans are invisible spiders,” he added, allowing his stiffness to melt a little upon hearing your small ring of laughter. 
“Hunter and Echo still the parents?” (Y/N) asked, side-eyeing and suspicious, just in case something had changed while you were out for the count. 
“Careful (Y/N), your softer side is showing,” joked Tech. “Either that, or you hit your head harder than I thought.” 
“Or I’m high as a kite and hallucinating,” you commented. 
“Not lost your sense of humor, " Echo said upon boarding the ship. A scratch now donning his cheek below the left eye. However, the worry plaguing him now seemed to melt away. 
“Mustafar would freeze over before that happened,” (Y/N) replied with a small smile, “Or Hoth would warm up.” You quietened for a few minutes before it hit you: Tech had said your soft side was showing. Didn’t it always when you were around your found family? “Wait, what you mean my softer side is showing?” you questioned, hearing Echo chuckle as he held his hands up in surrender before walking off to the cockpit. 
“I don’t mean to offend you,” started Tech, suddenly uncomfortable, even more so when his hopes of you missing his words were dashed. “Normally, when out in the field or around Sid, you appear like Crosshair, stoic, cold, and armed with snide comments for enemies and sarcastic ones to lighten the mood,” he rambled, hoping to explain away what he now saw as a blunder. 
“Tech,” you softly call, a sweet grin appearing now as you made it apparent you weren’t offended by the comment, merely curious. 
“I thought it was obvious. Softness suits you,” directed Tech, 
“Will you two make it official already?” voiced Wrecker as he and Omega returned to the ship. Hunter followed along behind, slightly confused by the comment but smirking nonetheless. 
“Way to ruin the mood, Wrecker,” (Y/N) replied. “I’m recruiting Omega to help terrorize you the next time you go speed dating.” 
“That was one time.” 
“Wrecker went speeding dating?” questioned Echo 
“Yup, It’s right up there with Hunter and Crosshair waking up handcuffed in a fountain,” you reply, hearing Omega laughing, 
“I hate your memory right now,” commented Hunter, his cheeks redding as he sat down at his normal spot. 
“Please do tell me more,” commented Echo, knowing he and Fives got up to some crazy things, along with Kix, Hardcase, and Jesse, things he often got a chuckle out of when he allowed himself to remember them. However, he wanted to know more about what the rest of the batch got up to during the war. 
“No! I’m gonna die of embarrassment,” replied Wrecker, recalling the speeding dating disaster. Their first shore leave after joining the war effort. (Y/N) as their Jedi had told them to have fun, not expecting to get a call from Fox informing you, your squad was spending the night in detention. 
“Wasn’t that bad” replied Tech, trying to soothe the situation. Although he’d admit you laughing from behind him wasn’t helping. 
“I want to hear about it,” Omega called, her sweet, innocent voice seemingly breaking through. Hunter and Wrecker shared a glance, knowing (Y/N) couldn’t deny the young clone anything, although, thankfully, you told the stories in a child-friendly way. 
“Was that the one I have no memory of?” asked Tech, recalling they’d gotten up to a lot of mischief. He’d personally set off a few security breaches from hacking sensitive information. Wrecker had set so many alarms off with his explosives that the Coruscant Guard had come to expect it and, at points, used it as a training exercise. Hunter and Crosshair found themselves in contests with different goals. Meanwhile, (Y/N) collectively named everything the Lame Game. 
“Yup,” replied (Y/N), popping the p. “Never did find out how you ended up black-out drunk under the booth table. Or why you were wearing Wolffe’s helmet?” You laughed. 
“Tech’s right; Softness does suit you,” replied Hunter, the smallest of grins appearing across his lips as he got comfortable, ready to relive the embarrassing moments of the past. “You’re still the best storyteller, though.”
KnightPrincess Masterlist
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