#Platonic sibling relationships
People with siblings or know a pair of siblings I've got a question for you
the other day I had a conversation with a guy who said sibling friendships don't really count bc that's family and I'm just like, ??? yeah that's my family but I can also like my sister as a person and have a friendship with her. So I'm just curious to see what the general vibe here is.
btw the "it's complicated" option is for ppl who are either estranged siblings, parenting their siblings, or some other issue they've got going on not any weird freak shit(ifkyk)
Anyways choose your option and if want you can explain in the tags
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Fiona Gallagher & Child!Male!Gallagher!Reader & Debbie Gallagher (drabble)
I made this drabble because of a story that one of my profs told a while ago
Set in a summer season whenever Fiona isn't gone or sad idk
Nobody asked for this and it's kinda stupid so sorry
Summary: You're a little bit airheaded whenever it comes to questions.
It was a short, summer day in the Gallagher neighborhood. You were outside with Fiona and Debbie playing with various toys whenever a bee comes near your hand.
Debbie gasps and pulls you away from the insect swiftly. Fiona looked up from fiddling with her hands and smiled.
"Hey, M/N, would you go get bug spray?" She asked politely.
You eagerly nodded with a huge grin on your face, running inside and accidently slamming the door behind you.
Just as Fiona asked, you did get the bug spray and sprayed it on you, but the hitch is you didn't bring it outside like they implied for you to do.
Satisfied with how drenched you are in bug spray, you sauntered back out the back door. Debbie smiled whenever she saw you come out, but it turned to a confused frown.
"M/N, where's the bug spray?" Her arms were crossed in disapproval.
Your eyebrows furrowed. "I got some on me already!"
"Well, did you bring it out for us to use as well?"
Your eyes widened, and your legs shot around and back into the house to retrieve the bug spray. You came back outside with a smile, handed the bug spray to Fiona, and sat back down on the grass.
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imfinereallyy · 2 months
El being wholesome with Steve. El being wholesome with Steve. The weird sibling duo we didn’t know we needed. I need more of it. I might do it….no I’ve done enough of them…
Okay, okay. But just picture this:
The kids trying to embarrass Steve all the time with photos and stories to Eddie, but El ruins it every.single.time. because she is so unbelievably wholesome when it comes to Steve.
Here is everyone pulling out scoops photos (which Eddie actually loves thank you very much) and sharing stories about his failed dates. Dustin tells Eddie specifically about the time he was teaching Lucas basketball and Lucas threw the ball too hard at the backboard and hit Steve in the face.
So they are all poking fun at Steve in his and Robin’s apartment (because in every universe these platonic soulmates live together) and there is just El who randomly chimes in:
“Steve took me to this thing called a ren faire once. It was very fun. We both looked really pretty.”
Eddie absolutely melts at the story and gushes over the photos she has.
And everyone gets quiet every time, because no one wants to criticize El, but one time Max gently goes, “You know that’s like….nice right? We’re making fun of him.”
Everyone one expects her to being embarrassed or confused but instead she simple says.
“I know. I don’t like it. Steve’s nice.”
And she embarrasses everyone, except Robin and Eddie who are the only ones Steve never gets upset with when they make fun of him. They all mumble out apologies, and Steve turns to Dustin and goes:
“This is why she gets a special section in the freezer. All different flavors of eggos.”
El’s eyes get wide. “Even the blueberry ones?”
Steve gives her hair a tousle, “Especially the blueberry ones.”
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peanutseagle · 9 months
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their friendship is very precious to me
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“What’s the deal with you and Harrington?”
Robin Buckley glanced up toward the question asker, her brows slightly furrowed as she cast an inquisitive look toward Eddie Munson. He’s leant up on one of his elbows, chin cradled in the palm of his hand. His eyes are on her, large and curious, instead of the usual half-lidded expression he wears during the “adult” hangouts.
They’d all started hanging out ever since Vecna was destroyed, taking time away from the younger members of The Party to spend time all together. Herself, Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. Sometimes, every once in a while, it led them all to feel normal. As if they hadn’t all been dealing with more Upside Down crap just a few months prior.
“What do you mean?” Robin instead asked, her eyes moving from Eddie’s to dart out toward the Harrington’s pool. Steve is sitting on the edge of it with Jonathan, the two boys heads bent together as Argyle watched on- a dopey almost lovesick expression curled on his mouth. A spliff dangled from Jonathan’s fingertips, rolled by Eddie but the weed supplied by Jonathan.
“You’re… not together.” Eddie’s voice is soft, and barely spoken above a murmur. Robin nodded slowly, and turned her head towards him to try and indicate him to continue. “Nancy and the kids all repeat platonic with a capital P, but I just… how did you and Harrington even happen?”
“Scoops A’hoy,” Robin grinned wide, barely able to stifle the laugh that’s on the backend of her words. She was able to catch the widened look that Eddie threw her way, before his eyes darted out to look towards Steve, before his eyes moved back to her own. “He and I worked there back when the mall was open.”
“And… what? You instantly became best friends?”
“No, actually.” Robin shook her head with another soft laugh, before she paused so she could rub her palms together. She allowed herself to twist one of her rings around her finger, brows pinched for a moment. “I actually thought he was like the worst, y’know?” Robin scoffed to herself, before she sent Eddie a look. She knew what she must look like, her eyes wet with tears and her gaze all permanently soft.
“You know how he was in school, King Steve and all that.” Robin continued on, and she flicked her tongue out of her mouth to wet the corner of her lips for a second. “And when my manager told me that I’d be working with a Steve, well… there was only one Steve in Hawkins I could think of.”
“So how did your opinion of him change then, Buckley?” Eddie cocked his head again, one of his hands coming up to twirl a strand of hair around his pointer finger. His brows were furrowed taut, creating a worry line in between them. “The kids told me about the Russians-”
“It was sort of before then,” Robin admitted with a small shrug, and she twisted the corner of her lip into a shy smile. “He raved to me, y’know? About uh, these kids. These five kids he’d babysit and shit, and it was so… soft?” Robin watched as Eddie mouthed out names to himself as he ticked his fingers, before he cast a look to her. “But he always talked about this one, Ellie, who he’d call his little sister.”
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, eyes wide as Robin let out a soft hum.
“Yeah, and I don’t know if you submitted yourself to Harrington family lore-” Robin gestured behind her toward the Harrington house with a flick of her hand, before she continued. “But I knew that Dick and Helen Harrington didn’t have more than one kid.”
“Supergirl?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin let out a soft confirming hum as she watched Eddie’s eyes dart toward Steve. Steve was still talking to Jonathan, though Argyle had shifted forward so he was able to join in the conversation.
“And then imagine my surprise when one day our stupid sailor ice cream shop is visited by none other than the Chief.” Robin shook her head with a small laugh, before she continued on. “And he was so excited to see Steve, Eddie. Like genuinely excited to see him, ordered a couple tubs of ice cream togo and then said he’d see him at home.”
“Fuck.” Eddie breathed out, and Robin let out another sigh of a laugh.
“And I asked Steve why the Chief of the Hawkins police force was visiting him at work, and Steve just…” Robin shrugged slowly, shaking her head to clear her thoughts before she continued. “He just gave me this look, like… like he didn’t actually know either.”
“Then later, he told me why he watched all of the kids. He told me that he would’ve given anything for someone to just… to just care about him when he was their age. That all he wanted was for just a person to give a shit about his wellbeing.” Robin shook her head again, before she carded a hand through her still chlorine sticky hair. “And after that my opinion just… it just changed about him.”
“Then the Russians?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin hummed as she dipped her chin in a curt nod.
“Then the Russians, and he didn’t… he didn’t even hesitate to take the attention onto himself when they started questioning us.” Robin shook her head again, sniffling. “And after I asked him why he would do that, and he told me it was because he knew I had a family waiting on me to come back home.”
“Yeah, and then afterwards when we were getting seen by the EMTs? He didn’t have anyone to call Eddie. Because Hopper? Hopper was just… just presumed dead.” Robin let out a soft bitter laugh, and she twisted a strand of her hair around her finger. “My parents decided to take us both home after, and he stayed with us for a couple of days- until his concussion was okay enough for him to sleep through the night.”
“And that’s when you became best friends?”
“That’s when I decided that, Steve? He deserved way more from people than he seemed to ever fucking get.” Robin shrugged, before she cast a soft smile toward Eddie. Eddie’s eyes were glassy, wet with tears and Robin just patted her hand soft against his forearm. “That’s when I decided that he was my best friend.”
“Platonic with a capital P?”
Robin cast a look toward Steve, where the older teen already had his eyes on her. He had a hand extended, fingers wiggling toward her in a small way to beckon her toward his side. Robin stood without responding to Eddie, and she left her towel on the lounge chair she’d commandeered as her own. She took a moment though, cast a softer look toward Eddie- even as the corner of her lip twitched into a nervous smile.
“He’s not exactly my type, y’know?” Robin kept her admission soft, even when Eddie’s eyes were quick to flood with confusion. She instead cast a look toward the sunbathing Nancy Wheeler, who had one of her arms strewn over her face across the backyard where she laid in the grass.
When Robin let her eyes move to meet Eddie’s again, he has a look of pure understanding on his face.
“I think I get what you mean.” Eddie murmured and Robin simply flashed Eddie Munson a shy smile.
Eddie Munson watched as Robin Buckley walked away from him, quick to tuck herself into Steve’s side once she reached him. Steve threw his arm around Robin’s shoulders, tucking her further into his grasp- though the flow of conversation that he was having with Argyle and Jonathan didn’t even pause.
It’s in that moment when Eddie Munson realizes something extraordinarily fucking crucial.
He’s in love with Steve fucking Harrington.
this is gonna become a multipart fic i think btw! it will probably be on here / ao3, haven’t fully decided yet but hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
now with a part two! click here
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dark-night-hero · 10 days
Imagine being Yoichi Isagi's older sibling.
"Who's that?" In the middle of their gathering as this happened to be their first week off at blue lock, Chigiri was the first to notice the presence of other from afar. "Yeah, who's that? They've been looking at us ever since we got here." This time it was Bachira whom have been long aware of the other person presence ever since they have gathered in the cafe. "And they're good looking too." Eita spoke that causes everyone to look at the person they were talking about. It was a person wearing shades and a mask, so how could Eita tell they were good looking? "Who- ah. That's my older sibling." This time it was Isagi who spoke. "Who-?! What?!"
Imagine, as far as you are aware of. Your younger brother Isagi was supposed to be on that so called project, blue lock? Was it? So now that you have seen him in the midst of the crowd in the middle of your agenda. You cannot helo but to observe him in the far distance, was that really your younger brother? Come to think of it, your mother has been urging you to attend some game just a couple of days ago as well as making you come home last time. But you cannot, you are busy nowadays.
Imagine, just a couple of seconds ago you are pretty sure they were all looking at you. And now, they are all in front of you with Isagi at front leading them in tow. "It's really you kiddo." You spoke in awe once he was in front of you. "Are these your friends? That quite... a lot." With all sorts of hair color variety too causing you to sweat drop. "Well... things happened. But! These are my friends from blue lock, and this is my older sibling, Isagi (First name)." "It's a pleasure to meet my younger brother's friend." You chuckle, removing your mask as you throw your arm around Yoichi's shoulder and making a two finger salute towards his friend that have their jaw dropped. "You bastard! You never told us you have an older sibling let alone a them being a model!"
Imagine tagging along with them. Sure you were in the middle of your agenda butttt that could wait, you haven't hangout with your brother for a while now. Besides, it was fun to have them around, youths have their own ways of enjoying and it's really fun. So you tag along, paying things on their behalf as the oldest among them despite those punks being loaded as fuck. Damn, they even have the Mikage heir among them and that young model you have seen before. Still, the point is that you are the oldest, and you have taken a liking on these punks so it was your treat. Not that you played with them though, you just watch them from the side. Looking at your brother fondly with a smile on your lips.
Imagine having a smoke break, a piece of cigarette yet to be lit up on your lips as you lean against the wall on an alley when you heard a footsteps coming towards you. "You smoke?" You shake your head, finger reaching out for the cigarette on your lips before signing your brother to come closer. "Why are you outside? Aren't there more time left at the karaoke?" "Oh, I just went outside for a breather." You nod once again and silence take over the place. Suddenly you really want to smoke but held it in as you open your mouth. "So.. How's blue lock?" It was an unexpected question coming from you, at least for Isagi. You have never taken interest when it comes to such things after all. But now that you asked, his eyes sparkle unknowingly. You on the other hand listened as your brother rant about his life inside the blue lock.
Imagine in the middle of their bowling match, in the midst of fun, you receive a text message from your manager causing you to bid your goodbye to them. "Oh." You look back at them that was watching your departure. "It might be too much to ask but please take a good care of my brother." You bow before standing up straight again. "And Yoichi." Before he knew it, a card was thrown in his face. "Feel free to treat your friend and buy whatever you want, you're at home till the end of the week right? I'll come home tomorrow." You spoke looking at him. "Well then, goodbye." With a silly as salute and a wink, you turn your back at them.
Imagine, Isagi always found you intimidating. Maybe it was the age gap between the two of you or the difference in your personality but you were quite hard to get along with to be honest. But now that he think about it. "Woah, you have such cool sibling, Isagi." His friends- his team mates exclaimed, even Aiku and his team could only agree. And with a laugh, "Yeah, so cool, right?" Isagi said smiling.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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10yrsyart · 3 months
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SO i storyboarded this comic and drew the first page back in 2015, and then totally and completely forgot about it 😂 i remember around that time i was struggling to accept that chronic illness was my life and couldn't be ignored.
it was really cathartic to come back to finish this, both with improved skills, and improved mental health. i feel like God allowed me to forget about it, just so that He could gift it back to me now, as a reminder of our growth together.
"(The Lord) lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along." (Psalm 40:2)
Papyrus: SANS!! Sans: hey bro, how's the library job goin?
Sans: not... anymore than usual?
Sans: what-
Sans: bro-
Sans: - ..nah, i'm sure it's just.. me being lazy. like I always am, right? don't worry-
Sans: pap, no-
Sans: papyrus-
Sans: thanks, pap.. i.. i love you.
Sans: just bill my insurance.
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bearw-me · 1 month
Hii hope I'm not interrupting.
Can we please have some angel dust with a young sibling reader (everything platonic OF COURSE), they're younger than angel by two years.
Take your time with this one 🌸
you're never interrupting! thxs for request such a cute prompt! i love platonic stuff :,]
𝐒𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐛 — 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : platonic angel dust x younger sibling!reader, valentino mentioned 𐐒 cw : fluff, mentions of alcohol, swearing, slight angst, angel shoots someone for you 𐐒 summary : general hcs + what angel is like as a big brother 𐐒 note : forgive me that this feels a little long, but i needed to get all this off my chest!
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every time the two of you are introduced to someone they assume angel is the younger one (you both correct them)
angel always acts like the younger sibling
by the way you pull up in your car or a cab and peel him from the clubs, annoyed that he's clinging to you drunkenly and hugging you but also relieved that he's safe
him mushing your face around and sobbing about "how much he actually loves you" and "what would he do without you"
Angel always stands up for you, even going so far as to shoot someone just because they said something to you
now that he lives at the hotel, he likes to text you and plan fun "dates" for you guys to do and spend time together
when and if you ask, he always gives you money "okay run along now, go, keep yourself busy or something" while shooing you away
although angel doesn't care that he's in hell, or the messed up situation he's in with Val, he really cares about you being down here
and in his own way, he tries to keep you away from all that stuff
likes when you call him by his actual name: Anthony
the only time you'd probably call him "Angel Dust" is when he tells you to, which is usually at work
and loves that no matter how much he f*cks up, or you do for that matter, you'll always have each other, no matter what
would love doing your makeup or giving you some of his whenever you drop by to visit him
you fight, as siblings do, yelling and throwing things at each other if it gets serious before angel walks out like a drama queen
then that very same night you'd both be sending each other funny videos and pictures as if it never happened
he always apologizes though, like when he sees you the next time in person
he still calls you "kid"
i feel like he'd be prone to fixing you up and dotting on you like a mother. like if you went to a school dance or something he'd help you get ready and fiddle with your hair until he figured it was perfect and would STAY all night
probably cried at any event that celebrated you; like a graduation
tries to be a big brother and not tell you about what happens at work, or how Val owns his soul (you could probably get a bit out of him and be there for his comfort, but he only talks openly about it to cherri and husk)
your big brother is always just a phone call away, like he will literally drop everything he's holding no matter how fragile and find a way to get to you
when you were both younger angel dust was a scrappy little kid, getting into fights with anyone on the playground and chipping his tooth.
always tried to give you the best he could (don't worry, he was never a horrible brother, just a little dramatic at times)
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light-sabe-babe · 1 year
after seeing this shot in the trailer
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mirrology · 2 months
— Eudialyte .ᐟ ʚɞ
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✿ "Eudialyte has developed the nickname of “The Stone of the heartland” due to its connection to the energies of unconditional love"
Ft. Aventurine, written with male reader in mind but no mention of he/him, so can be read as gender neutral. wc: 1039
Content: teen! reader, reader works with the IPC, platonic relationship w/ aven, inspired by hnk; when phos lost his legs / after losing your legs in an accident and having to replace them with doll-like ones, you feel useless. Fortunately, Aventurine is here to remind you that your thoughts don't describe you. slight angst.
A/n: i was having big brother Aventurine brain rot, dont ask me how the legs work, even i dont know. Aventurine may be ooc
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The atmosphere was peaceful in the vast garden that you were situated in, sitting on a stool that Aventurine helped you on. He said that you needed to get some fresh air, since after the attachment of the legs you couldn't move them just yet. That... made you feel like a burden, he had been helping you get everywhere these past few days.
Aventurine said he didn't mind, yet your thoughts were swirling in your head, you couldn't bring yourself to not feel like this. Your vision blurred with tears as you blankly stared down at your new legs, the material ran up to your mid-thigh then stopping and pressing against what was left of your flesh and bone.
Your knee joint was ultimately replaced with a ball joint that resembles one of a ball jointed puppet. Maybe it was the IPC's way of saying "you're just a puppet and we control the strings" — how despicable.
You furrow your brows in distaste and put a hand against the section that meets synthetic with flesh. "These things look kinda weird, huh?" you muttered, tilting your head to get a better perspective of the material that was now a part of you.
You sat there for a bit, but got fed up with being so still. You wanted to walk and run and jump! In a spontaneous motion you grabbed your knee and shook it desperately, "just move already!" you grunted tilting back a bit.
The stool tilted back as well, and with a thump you landed on your back on top of the green grass. a wince left your mouth as you tried to regain your breath.
breathe in...
and out.
You sighed in defeat while turning on your side, watching the blades of grass sway with the wind in a mesmerizing dance. “I’m completely useless…” you muttered in sorrow, tears welling up at the corner of your eyes. Footsteps broke you out of your trance and a familiar shadow covered your figure that was laying down, you looked up at the comforting face of the man that you considered a brother.
“I left for only 5 minutes” he chuckled and picked up the stool that had fallen down “how exactly did you end up on the ground?” Aventurine smiled cheekily as he crouched down to pick you up in a princess carry. He looked down at you in his arms and he noticed your teary eyes, his expression turned into a concerned one quite quickly. 
Aventurine gently sat you down on the stool once more and crouched down on one knee in front of you as he stared into your eyes. “What’s wrong, kiddo?” he softly spoke as he reached up towards your face and flicked away a tear with his thumb, one that was threatening to spill over.
You stared at him with a conflicted expression, you didn’t know how to tell him. As much as you wanted to let out the horrible thoughts in your head you felt as if you would be bothering him with your problems. More tears filled your eyes along with some flowing down your cheeks, you pressed the palms of your hands to your eyes in an attempt to stop your sobbing.
“Oh, (name)...” Aventurine whispered, he stroked your head while softly moving your arm away from your face. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” He asked as he held your hand, encouraging you to spill your thoughts to him. You sniffled, lightly rubbing underneath your nose, “i..” you paused. Your eyes trailed down to your legs that now donned those puppet like joints, your lips slightly quivered as you opened your mouth, hesitantly speaking. “Am I- do I bother you?”
Your hopeful eyes met his understanding ones, Aventurine’s eyes softened as he processed your words. “Of course not” he smiled reassuringly “you could never be of bother to me” his hold on your hand tightened a little. Once more you looked at your lap, your hair covering a significant part of your face, “i can't move my legs, i cant move around by myself…” you trailed off and pausing for a second then raising your head to meet his eyes yet again. “I feel like a burden to you and also useless at the same time, it’s… so frustrating.” you grimaced, slightly cringing at the words that tumbled out of your mouth. You never thought that you would spill everything like that.
Aventurine was shell shocked, although he had his suspicions of you feeling under the weather because of your loss of your legs, he wouldn't have predicted that it would impact you this much. Everytime he would come into your room to give you your dinner or to check on you there would be something off, such as your puffy eyes, tear stains on your pillow etc. 
Of course, how couldn't he have noticed it sooner? Aventurine reached up and cupped your cheeks in his hands, you could feel the warmth of his hands radiating from his palms. “You're not a burden, (name)” He answered, “I would take care of you for as long as it takes,” he said, his eyes determined. “Because I care for you, you have brought happiness to my world when I needed it most.”
“So, don’t cry anymore, kiddo”
Your breath hitched, teary eyes wide and filled with much needed relief. Suddenly you tackled him in a hug, your hands wrapped around him tightly as if he would suddenly disappear and you burried your head in the crook of his neck. Aventurine quickly caught you in his embrace, he chuckled and leaned his head on yours as he rubbed you back in comfort. 
In an instant your stomach grumbled, indicating that it was hungry. Your face heated up at the moment being ruined by your hunger. “wow, someones hungry” Aventurine teased as he leaned away from the hug, he snickered at your flushed face. “Hey! Don't make fun of me!” you exclaimed while lightly punching his arm, “haha, okay okay.” He smiled as he picked you up, “why dont we get you something to eat?”
“Can we have (f/f)?”
“Hmm.. i don’t know..”
“Alright, i'll stop. of course We can your majesty”
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© mirrology — please dont repost or steal !
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platonic yandere riddle reacting to hid baby sibling
not getting into his dorm!?!?
absolutely impossible how could his sweet sibling not be with him!!!!
While I do think it would be interesting to see what dorm little rosehearts would go to, Riddle is a very authoritarian kind of yandere. He loves his sibling to the moon and back, so any second without you is like his heart is constantly being torn out. You can't let you be another dorm other than his. His solution to this is rather simple.
Threatening Crowley.
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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argentiluver · 1 year
“Smile!" || Blade x G/N Child! Reader (PLATONIC) - Honkai: Star Rail
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A/N: This is my first post, so if it's bad in any way; please tell me and feel free to give me some helpful tips! The reader is 11 in this as well which explains the childish behavior. I was at first going to make them 12-14 tbh, but I wanted them to seem more child-like.
"Uh…How about this one!”
You were desperately trying to get Blade to laugh at your jokes, which were genuinely terrible, just to see him smile, but it was to no avail as Blade only sat there with his face as flat as a board.
“Knock, Knock!” You began with a grin, leaning closer as you rocked your legs back and forth in your seat.
“Oh God, and I thought we were done with these ones…” Blade sighed before turning back to you tiredly, “Who’s there?”
“Interrupting ghost!”
“Interrupting ghost w—”
“BOO!” You suddenly cut him off with a playful grin, jumping on him, causing Blade to let out a startled grunt and swiftly catch you by your waist as you fell in his lap.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blade's face was as still as a rock. It's like he was being held at a gunpoint to not smile at the joke you just told him, or even the other terrible ones.
"Are you done yet?" Blade asked in annoyance, his eyes percing into yours as he held the child's smaller figure in his grasp, your hands thrown over his neck.
But deep inside the swordsman, he loved all the child's foolish jokes, and he even saw them as his own little sibling. He'd just never admit it.
The 11 year old only groaned, frustrated with how he'd never laugh or even crack one, little smile at their jokes.
"Come on! Just give me one smile, Bladie!" You whined, tugging at his cheeks to widen his lips so it can look he's smiling, yet it just fell straight back into a frown, "Why are you so hard to crack?!"
"Because showing any emotions, similar to happiness, is weakness, Y/N." Blade answered simply, his voice deep and raspy as he lifted you off his lap with his eyes still stuck to yours blankly, "You'll understand that once you grow older."
Blade was a man of duty. Duty to his life, his work, his role, and many others. Showing emotions was a sign of weakness to him; an admission of defeat. But deep down, he felt things. Much of it. He just didn't allow himself to do so. So when you made him crack a smile with your silly jokes, he got frustrated at himself. For breaking his code, even just once.
"Uh-huh…Whatever you say, Edge-Lord…" You mumbled, your face forming into a deadpan as you turned to the side.
Your words however earned you a smack across the head from Blade, causing you yelp in surprise.
“Find better humor then.”
You only grumbled to yourself, slumping against the dark sofa you were sitting on before a smirk crossed your face, "Wait, so does that mean Kafka's weak? She always laughs at my jokes!" You retort with a cocky grin.
"Kafka isn’t laughing at your jokes, she’s laughing at you."
Blade's cold words earned a huff from you, offended by how harsh he had said it.
You and Blade had a somewhat sibling-like relationship which Kafka and Silverwolf relentlessly teased Blade about, yet he refused to admit he saw you as anything near a sibling or family member in that matter.
“Hmph! Fine! Don’t expect me to talk to you for the whole day then!” You pouted, pretending to be mad at him so he can finally give in and smile at you.
Yet all you got in response was silence as he continued to sit there, his arms folded and staring straight ahead with his eyes closed.
But, he was slightly amused with your words since he knew you can’t go one second without following him around like the curious and naive child you are, usually holding onto his bandaged hand half the time.
You stared in-front of you for awhile in silence before your eyes slowly began to droop tiredly and you turned back to Blade.
"Blade?" You called quietly after a moment of silence, earning a lazy "Hm?" in response, "Can I…Sleep in your lap…?” You trailed off, feeling ashamed for giving in so easily and acknowledging him even after you said you wouldn’t, “Please?”
It wasn’t really a surprise you were so tired…You did just come back from a mission with Kafka, you didn’t do much since your role in missions is just to be the lookout due to your young age. You were slightly tired when you came back of course, and it seems like the exhaustion finally kicked in.
If this were any other person, Blade would've flatly said no, but this was you...Blade didn't understand why, but he could never say no to you.
Blade then arched a brow at your words, red eyes opening, and he held back the teasing smirk that threatened to creep upon his lips, “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t speak to me for the whole day?”
“Oh shut up!” You glared, pulling your knees up to your chest with a frown that looked more like a pout, “So can I sleep in your lap or what?” You continued quietly, turning away and pressing your cheek against your kneecaps in embarrassment with your words.
The older man was quiet for a while. He didn't like being affectionate, he didn't like being kind either. He just didn't like to give in. But to you? He would always make an exception.
So slowly, he lifted the child up and plopped them in his lap, holding their surprised figure close. There were no words spoken, but deep inside, Blade felt something. Maybe it was affection. Maybe it was a little bit of love. Perhaps it was admiration or fondness!
But he was never able to figure out what it exactly was.
Your eyes slightly widened in shock at the fact the so-called “cold and heartless” Blade was carrying you in his arms as if you were his child before a grin spread across your face and you nuzzled into his chest and pulled your legs closer for warmth.
You felt two arms wrap around you to keep you warm and another held your head closer to their chest, yet you didn’t need to open your eyes to see who it exactly was since you already knew.
Silence filled the air for awhile as you laid in his arms before you finally broke it.
“You want to hear another jo—”
“Don’t ruin it.”
This kinda reminded me of the audio "Leave me alone, baby! …..AUGHHH YOU'RE MY BABYYY! YOU'RE MY BABY AND I LOVE YOU SM" blade fr fr
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randombook4idk · 1 year
people will talk about how it is important to recognize abuse and how it comes in many shapes and forms, but the second sibling abuse gets brought up, you then have to shut up, because you clearly don't have a sibling if you don't think that bullying them, making them fear you, screaming at them, putting them down, beating up them up, emotionally/physically abusing them, giving them trauma, guilt tripping them and other abusive behavior is an ok thing to do.
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cloudcountry · 16 days
Hope i made it b4 slots closed LOL! can i request the savanaclaw dorm headcanons with how theyd treat a younger sibling?
SUMMARY: your life as a younger sibling to savanaclaw.
COMMENTS: honestly i kinda just went off in lala land and wrote about what it would *be* like to be their younger sibling so i hope its fine ARGH
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It would be easy to say that Leona would brush off his sibling, treating them like they’re a ghost and that they’re not even there. But ultimately, I think it comes down to how his younger sibling interacts with the royal family. If they find that they want to be part of his brother’s rule and take his side, Leona will then distance himself accordingly.
However, if his younger sibling wants what's best for the people, if they're aware of the suffering and the poor and wish to help them directly, Leona will take them under his wing. He leans more on the side of tough love, but make no mistake, Leona cares for them dearly, just as he cares for the people he watches over at Savanaclaw.
Rest assured that under Leona’s care, if you let him guide you, you’ll become a strong leader with even stronger magic. He may not say it all the time, but he likes having you around. Even more than that, he’s thankful someone understands his situation.
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Ruggie as an older sibling would mean the two of you wouldn’t get to see each other often. Your reliable big brother will always be working early mornings and late nights, bringing back whatever he can for you and the other kids.
He tries his best to be there for you when you need him, but sometimes he just can’t. Being Ruggie’s younger sibling means learning how to fend for yourself, even after he’s become buddy-buddy with Prince Kingscholar.
Ruggie is a wonderful and dedicated older brother. You’ll inherit his drive and work ethic, that’s for sure. But you’ll also know what it’s like to have to fight tooth and nail for the food on your plate.
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Being Jack’s younger sibling means looking up to your older brother hardcore. He’s so strong, and so smart, and so competent! You want to be just like him when you grow up! Jack grows embarrassed at the praise every time, but he takes a lot of pride in his work and is glad you’re noticing.
Because of how impressive he is, however, the people in your life may end up creating a rift between the two of you. They’ll ask you why you can’t be more like him, why can’t you do this or that like him, why couldn’t you have made it into NRC like he did. And so, you go to RSA instead. You two may grow distant over that.
It’ll take work on both of your parts to mend your relationship after your school days. Jack was always more worried about you, not knowing how to talk to you about it without risking the divide between you growing deeper. You’ll have to clarify that you wouldn’t have done that, you were just sick of being compared to him. It’ll take time, but you’re taking the first step, and that's what matters.
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estrellami-1 · 5 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 50 | Part 51 | Part 52
El decides to help, so Steve gets the ingredients out, measures them into a bowl, and lets her mix them together as he gets out the waffle iron. “Y’want any, Eds?” Steve asks. “Al? Rob?”
“Only if it’s easy,” Eddie says. “I’m good with just your toast if you want waffles instead.”
Robin gasps. “Don’t you dare take the toast from me.”
Eddie blinks. “Waffles are bread too, though-?”
“Not the same,” Steve and Robin say at the same time. Steve chuckles. “Robbie gets the toast, Eddie gets waffles. Alli?”
“Sure, I’ll take a waffle or two,” she agrees, grinning at him.
Steve nods, mentally calculates, sighs, and gets the flour back out. “I think we might need a bigger bowl, Ellie.”
“Oh,” she says, and stops stirring, looking at him with wide eyes. “Where are they?”
He smiles and ruffles her hair. “Nah, I’ve got it. Go ahead and keep mixing for me, ‘kay?”
“M’kay,” she agrees easily.
“Steve,” Eddie says suddenly, teasingly. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Steve looks at the ingredients spread out on the counter and frowns. “What?”
“Chocolate chips.”
Steve sighs, hangs his head, and trudges to the pantry to grab the bag. He opens it and throws one at Eddie. “For being annoying,” he says, winking at Eddie before turning away, snickering when Eddie yelps indignantly.
El giggles, watching them, and Steve wants to bottle the sound so he can always come right back to this moment. This is my memory, he suddenly realizes, then turns to his friends and sisters. “It can help if you have a happy memory to go hide in,” he says quietly. “If Vecna comes after you. He’s pain and wrong and bad. And if none of that exists in your happy memory, then you’ll know the second he’s in your head.”
El looks up at him curiously. “What’s your happy memory?”
“Right now,” he murmurs, pulling her into a hug and ruffling her hair. “I had a different one, before, and you can have more than one, but… yeah. This is it.”
El’s quiet for a moment before she responds. “Me too, I think.”
Steve pulls her into a proper hug and kisses the top of her head. “This is it,” he murmurs. “We’re ending it today. Remember, Ellie, we’ve got you. You’re not alone, you have all of us to help. Okay?”
“Okay,” she says, then buries her face in his chest. “‘M still scared, though.”
“Y’wanna know something?” He whispers, stroking her hair. “Me too. I’m kinda really scared. But I know we can do it.”
“Okay,” she agrees, then pulls back to look at him. “Can I have chocolate chips in my waffles?”
He laughs and ruffles her hair. “‘Course you can, Ellie. I’ll make you an extra-chocolatey one, even.”
Eddie leans forward with a leer. “Do I get an extra chocolatey one?”
Steve look him over for a second, then turns back to the batter. “You’ll get something later.”
It’s silent for a second before Eddie squeaks out, “Oh.”
El looks at him, then looks quizzically at Steve. “What does he get later? Why is he so red?”
Steve chuckles. “If you remember this when I get back to my time, I’ll tell you. Deal?”
“Deal,” she nods, then looks at the chocolate chips. “Do we add those in now?”
Steve looks at the batter and hums. “I’d say so,” he says, turning the waffle iron on. “As many as you want.”
He can’t help but think through their plan as he waits for the waffles to cook. “Max is still in California, right?” He asks Robin quietly. “We’ll have to make sure the boys make friends with her.”
Robin hums. “Won’t they anyways? They find out about her because of her high score at the arcade, right?”
Steve grins at her. “Don’t let them fool you. They were enemies at first.”
Robin gasps and leans forward like it’s important gossip. Steve thinks this is part of the reason she’s his soulmate. “Talk. Now.”
He shrugs. “Not much to tell, I think.” He takes a cooked waffle out of the iron and pours more batter in. “Max kinda hated them at first. Bitchy California attitude, y’know? And they’re weirdos who decided to follow her around.”
Robin snorts. “Definitely your kids.”
He gently pops her leg with a towel. “Shuddup. I’m pretty sure the friendship only happened ‘cause of freaky Upside Down stuff, but now you can’t imagine the Party without her, right?”
Robin chews her lip. “Yeah. Y’know what I think I’m gonna miss a little? Scoops Troop.”
Steve grins crookedly at her. “You’re the only person I’d get back in that uniform for, Robbie.”
“Aww,” she says, pretending to swoon while holding her heart.
“Uniform?” Eddie interjects.
Steve groans. “I should’ve never said anything. In a couple of years there’s a mall built, called Starcourt. I told you about the Russians, right? That’s the mall they were under. And in that mall was a nautical-themed ice cream shop.”
“Complete with costumes,” Robin chimes in. “Absolutely obscene.”
“It was terrible,” Steve agreed. “We measured, right? Your shorts were longer than mine?”
Robin laughs. “I forgot we did that!”
“And, uh.” Eddie pauses. “You wouldn’t happen to have that uniform still, would you?”
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ornii · 29 days
Hi! Can I request a Gwen platonic imagine where R is a spider person, and becomes liek a younger siblingvfigurdcgo gwen?
I’m gonna assume you mean Miss Stacy, and I have an idea.
My Other Self
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What if Gwen met herself?
Alright, let’s do this.. one last time.
My name, is (Y/n) Stacy, I was bitten by a radioactive Spider, and for the last three years I’ve been the one and only Spider-Man.
I’ve beaten the bad guys, almost got the girl.. lost, my dad.. but I never gave up. Even if I get broken and beaten, I dont. Give. Up! I was honestly praying for something more interesting to happen, and I guess you get what you asked for.
(Y/n) Landed on the wall of a building, his costume a deep black with gold lining. And a nice sleeveless white hoodie to boot. He heard a disturbance on the police radio about a, weird looking Rhino. (Y/n) peers over the wall to see the Police dealing with a weird thing. It was a man who looked like he was from the Revolutionary Era. His armor heavy and clanking like a steampunk. Police can’t find a weak spot in his armor.
“Well, looks like this is a job for your friendly neighborhood—“
“SPIDER-MAN!” A scream from a large Screen echoed. None other than J. Jonah Jameson.
“Yeah, Spider-Man!” He swings over and lands on a pole, the rhino turns to the spider. “Pauk!” He screamed, stream bellows from his back panels and Spider-Man drops down.
“Alright big guy, I’ll give you one chance to—“
Rhino charges full force at the Spider-Man who flips out of the way and fire webs at the back of the Rhino’s head, he turns back around and gets more webs in the face. “You really don’t quit, do ya?!” Spider-Man leap into the air, firing webs at the back panels to clog his machine. With a scream he burns off the webs and catches him by the leg and tosses him hard into a wall. The impact cracks a hole in it. He stood up, “Okay.. that felt, weird.”
The Rhino begins to speak but his body falls to one knee, glitching out. “Well that’s new..” Spider-Man moves closer, “Hey.. you okay?” He asked. Rhino swings and he dodges. leaping back Rhino charges in, and Spider-Man fires a flurry of webs at his legs, forcing him to trip. The impact shakes the ground and he begins to web him up. Rhino screams, probably Russian insults, he charges at Spider-Man who leaped into his back as he began to tear through New York. Firing webs on his back he tries to steer him away from hitting people.
Rhino forces his way in front of a mother and child. Spider-Man tries to steer him away. Desperate to save them he struggles, but before tragedy can happen, a web pulls them away. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow at it, a drum solo echoes in his ear as someone else intervenes! He watches an elegant figure leap and swing their way over and land next to him.
“Need a hand?” She asks, he blinks a few times seeing another Spider-Man! “Uh, yeah!” He replies and they both web the Rhino and yank, forcing him to crash though a wall and into something hard. He steam begins to slow down.
“Think we’ve got him now.” The Heroine swings o and they begin to swing around, wrapping rhino like a big metal cocoon. With a kick they knock him down.
“That went better than I thought. Thanks for the help.” She said though her mask and began to log into her watch, Spidwrman was admitted Enamored by someone like him. “Hey… are you, Spider-Man?”
“No, more like Spider, Girl? Gal? Woman? One of those.” She shrugged. “And you’re… from another dimension?”
“Was it that obvious?” She said sarcastically.
“I guess.. just didn’t expect to see anyone like me, dad would have hated having to work two Spider cases.” He tried to make small talk, which actually catches her ear.
“Your.. dad?” She asked, and he nods. “Uh yeah.. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you since you aren’t from like the past or anything, seems Multiverse theory works…” he trails on thinking.
“Can we… talk in private?” She asked, and (Y/n) was a bit worried about what she could ask, but obliged. The two swing away to a rooftop to avoid contact with people, her back to him. “Okay.. do what did you wanna talk about?” He asked, the girl took a deep breath and turned around to face him.
“Is your last name Stacy?” She asked, assuming she had some detailed knowledge, (Y/n) awkwardly nodded. “Uh.. Yeah..” he grips his base and removed his mask. He revealed who he was, and the girl was dumbfounded. “Yeah.. my names Garth Stacy.. or Gary or (Y/n). Middle name.” He explained. “What were you expecting?” He said, the girl gripped hers and removed it, revealing a face oddly identical to his. “Gwen.”
The two come to a realization.
“You’re.. me.” They said to each other.
“Nice haircut.” He smiled at Gwen who felt the side cut. “A friend helped me with it.” She replied. “You look.. older.” She smiled back.
“Yeah, college does that to you.” He chimes in. “So.. how’s dad?” Gwen asks.
Gwen and (Y/n), now wearing their masks again stare at a gravestone reading “Here lies George Stacy; Proud Father, Honorable Officer.” Gwen had a somber look in her eyes, so did (Y/n). “He died protecting a kid from rubble when I fought Shocker.. I haven’t been able to forgive myself.” He stares at the headstone for what seems to be forever. “I don’t have any family now. Just me. Is your Dad okay?”
“Things are.. kinda complicated between us.” Gwen explained, and leaned against him. “You got me, and all the other me’s and you’s around. you aren’t alone.” Gwen looked up at him, he saw his mom in her, and a little bit of dad stubborn but honest love, and he couldn’t help but smile.
Six Months Pass and (Y/n) is sitting at a desk, writing for his college thesis listening to music, bobbing his head.
“I just came to my senses
I stay in another dimension
Fear is non-existent
Suit up and swing through the city
Annihilate, I'm wide awake, be very afraid
I'm in my own world, give me space
I'm in my own universe, give me space
“Weezy Carter, I'm 'bout to go Peter Parker
I'm Spider-Man, if he ain't me, he just a creepy crawler”
“Tunechi spark the lighter, pull up in a new Ferrari spider Spider web necklace with the diamonds She'll turn to Spider-Woman if I bite her.”
I will not go back and forth with you
I see you got the black widow with you
You should've had a black hero with you
I get an opp-arachnophobia”
“I've been litty since I flicked the lighter
Since I was an itsy bitsy spider
They've been tryna wash the spider out
I got spiders crawlin' out your mouth, Spider-Verse!”
“(Y/n)…. (Y/n)…” Gwen calls out, you sense something and look up, a portal has opened up, making the knick knacks on your desk float.
“You got a minute?”
“For my sister? Anything.”
He scoots back and Gwen elegantly lands on his bed. “So.. I talked to Miguel.” She starts.
“Okay?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward. “And.. he said yes!” She shows him a watch device like she had. “You’re the newest member of the Spider Society.~” in a sing song tune, he took it, looking at it like it’s gold. He put it on his wrist and gleamed at Gwen.
“This is.. amazing.” He looked up at her, “The look on your face tells me that this isn’t the only thing you wanna tell me.. dad always had that look.” He leaned back, and Gwen’s face pouts just slightly. “Okay.. so, this might be a dumb question but.. have. You ever had a friend that you, really liked, as a friend of course! And.. well, in every universe Spider-Man always seems to fall for a Stacy.. and in every universe..” Gwen said and (Y/n) knew what she was going to say.
“It never ends well, does it?” He said, she looked down, as if she was expecting a more hopeful response. He didn’t want to break her heart. But, maybe things can be different. “But.. there’s always a first time for everything. Let me guess, can’t get him out your mind.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.” (Y/n) tried to hide his laugh, as Gwen rolls her eyes. The Police scanner goes off and they hear the report.
“Armed Robbery at 107th and Landing.”
“Guess you came at the right time, left your toothbrush here.” (Y/n) stands up to go grab his costume, Gwen turns around. “Oh, I did didn’t I?”
“And your sweater, Converse, weird blanket, dance shoes.”
“Okay okay I clean up.” Gwen folds her arms smiling. “Hey.. you can stay as long as you want, it’s good to have family here.” (Y/n) steps in front of her, and puts the mask on. With zero hesitation they leap out of the window, swinging over to the next adventure.
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