#Planning Familial
laurierthefox · 29 days
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Aujourd'hui c'est la journée de visibilité Trans (#TransDayofVisibility, #TDoV), une journée pour visibiliser les personnes trans et non binaire, et permet de combattre les discriminations et préjugés positivement !
J'ai réalisé ce dessin en partenariat avec le Le Planning Familial , il à pour sujet le projet de loi proposé par les sénateurs LR qui veulent interdire la transition des mineurs… sans rien comprendre au sujet et en se basant uniquement sur des associations transphobes et pro-thérapies de conversion. Par exemple ils veulent interdire les chirurgies génitales sur les mineurs, alors que c'est DÉJÀ le cas et que ce n'est pas autorisé avant 18 ans ! La seule chirurgie autorisé à partir de 16 ans est la mammectomie et ne peut PAS se faire sans l'autorisation des parents.
En bref une proposition de loi basée uniquement sur des paniques morales et des théories complotistes qui va encore plus compliqué la vie des mineurs trans et non binaires.
J'ai également un autre petit projet de BD sur les questions trans que je voulais poster aujourd'hui mais qui -à cause de ma santé- à été retardé mais que je posterais la semaine prochaine si tout va bien !
Belle journée à toustes mes adelphes ! Force et bonheur à nous toustes !
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mithridas · 2 years
Petit article pour mieux comprendre le rôle de l'extrême-droite et des TERF dans les attaques contre le Planing Familial via l’analyse des données liées à la polémique et leurs dynamiques de propagation.
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pierre-hector · 12 days
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Histoire du planning familial, de Malthus à la constitutionnalisation de l’avortement
Marion Sigaut, historienne, nous retrace l’historique du planning familial en France dont les origines sont américaines. Partant des idées de Malthus, nous passons par l’entre-deux-guerres avec les années folles en France, Margaret Sanger aux États-Unis avec l’International Planned Parenthood Federation ; la loi française de 1920 qui réprimait la provocation à l’avortement et la propagande anticonceptionnelle ; le Conseil supérieur de la natalité, puis le code de la famille, l’allocation de salaire unique, etc.
Ce panorama dépeint l’héritage U. S. d’Alfred Kinsey dans les directives de l’OMS pour l’éducation mondialisée des enfants ; l’entreprise de démolition des allocations familiales françaises par Pierre Mendès France ; l’influence d’auteurs comme Betty Frieman (U. S. A.) dans “l’émancipation” des femmes. ; le passage de l’allocation familiale à l’allocation de garde et la promulgation des crèches ; l’avènement du concept de paternalisme, puis de patriarcat ; la propagande démographique servant à faire accepter la dénatalité ; la mise au point de la pilule par des grandes fortunes américaines (fondations Rockefeller, Ford et McCormick), ainsi que sa défense militante en France via Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé et Évelyne Sullerot ; l’affaire des époux Bac qui a servi de tremplin à la mise en place du programme du Planning Familial, puis à l’abolition de la loi de 1920 et à l’élaboration de la loi Neuwirth qui promeut l’information sur les moyens de contraception dans le but de lutter contre l’avortement ; les glissements du sens des concepts [fenêtre d’Overton] tels que les “bébés non désirés” qui deviennent des “bébés encombrants”, puis des “bébés surnuméraires” ; l’opposition de Maurice Thorez (communiste, PCF) au programme du Planning Familial ; le militantisme de certains Protestants, de Sionistes, de certaines loges maçonniques ; l’échec de la pilule auprès des masses populaires, mais la réussite de la légalisation sur l’avortement ; l’aboutissement au contraire de ce qui était annoncé : peu de contraception, mais davantage d’avortements ; etc.
Enfin, la présentation du programme du Dr Richard Day annoncé lors d’une conférence en 1969 à la Pittsburgh Pediatric Society devant un parterre de professionnels de la santé. Programme dénoncé une vingtaine d’année plus tard, en 1988, par le Dr Lawrence Donegan dans un entretien accordé à la journaliste Randy Engel.
‣ Chaîne Youtube « Marion Sigaut », « De Malthus à l’Avortement », pub. 6 avr. 2024, (sans espace) https :// www . Youtube . Com / watch ? v=262LAgGLbBs (cons. 6 avr. 2024). ‣ Notes personnelles complètes au sujet de cette conférence (trop conséquentes pour pouvoir les publier via un post sur ce blog). – Pierre-Hector_Notes_Marion-Sigaut_Planning-familial.pdf —
Rem. 1 : Il serait intéressant de mettre cette conférence instructive et éclairante en parallèle de la notion de sacrifice, collectivement et individuellement, notion reliée à celles de la castration, de l’amputation, de l’impuissance, de la perte, du deuil, des rapports de pouvoir, des peurs ancestrales face aux éléments naturels, du bouc émissaire, etc. – Synthèse succincte sur la notion de sacrifice au sein du catholicisme. – Chaîne Youtube « Le Verbe Haut », « [CONFÉRENCE] Alain Pascal et Sylvain Durain "Le sacrifice humain VS Sacrifice divin" », pub. 28 mai 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8zTWRO9s1c (cons. 16 avr. 2024).
Rem. 2 : À mettre aussi en parallèle de l’interview de Pierre Hillard par le Media 4-4-2, « Révolution française, géopolitique et mystique », pub. 4 avr. 2024 (18). – Media 4-4-2, « Révolution française, géopolitique et mystique », pub. 4 avr. 2024, https://www.tumblr.com/pierre-hector/747037981668474880/r%C3%A9volution-fran%C3%A7aise-g%C3%A9opolitique-et-mystique?source=share
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
After some very eventful weeks of Jason’s debut as the Red Hood he takes a well deserved night off and decides to crash in one of his safe houses.
He did not count on one of the Bats finding him there.
So to keep his plans from being torpedoed entirely Jason goes with the split second decision of pretending he was held captive by the Red Hood.
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"it's okay to live with your parents as an adult if you're disabled" "it's okay if it's a cultural thing" "it's okay if you're trying to save mon-" shh. listen. it is okay for any reason. you don't need to have a justification. if your parents are alright with it and you're alright with it you can just do it. peace and love on planet earth etc etc
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What FNAF crimes are Abby and Gregory scheming,,
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batfam-belfry · 7 days
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ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dp x Dc AU: Jason and Jazz have been dating for a while and... Danny presumes that because he knows about Jason being Red Hood that Jason knows about Phantom. 
Danny got a text randomly in the afternoon from Jazz’s boyfriend. Which was inherently a strange experience considering Jason was typically dead asleep in the afternoon from all his ‘evening shifts’ and Jazz was in class. Stranger, the message just asked if Danny would be free to meet up today for a short chat. Jason doesn’t reply to Danny’s response of “Anything for my sister’s BOO <3.” 
Normally, Jason would start launching into a rant about Danny’s coffee choice being too like his little brother’s when they met at cafes- right now Jason looks deadly serious. 
“Look. I’ll cut to the chase of it all. I want to ask Jazz to marry me and well, your folks are shitty but it feels weird to not ask for permission.” 
“So do I have permission?” Jason asks, a bit of a glare and Danny can see the RedHood’s famous attitude peeking out with the abundance of anxiety Jason must be feeling. 
“I mean, Yeah! She loves you and I know she’s been subliminally messaging you to find your balls and ask her already.” Danny rolls his eyes and laughs. His brother-in-law to be sure was a strange guy, but he liked him all the more because of it. 
Jason sighs in relief and his normal literature nerd, easy going and plucky ‘cool guy’ attitude comes back. They start chatting about the ring he bought for her, how they’re probably going to have to do a small wedding with his family members to appease his grandpa figure. Its all very cute and optimistic. 
“Love it! She mentioned your grandpa’s rose garden before and that’ll be perfect for human family events before the big ceremony.” 
“Big Ceremony?” Jason sounds unsure of where the conversation is going. 
“Yeah, you know. Plus now that I’m thinking about it, it’s probably for the best that you asked me, the observants would totally turn this into like, an interdimensional faux pa or something if I don’t give them a heads up.” Danny laughs at the idea of it causing an incident, but he can see Jason straighten his shoulders and his eyes attempt to pierce through him. 
“Danny. What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason looks more pissed than he looks concerned, and Danny is just confused. 
“Cause... You Know.” 
“If you don’t give me a real answer I’m going to-” At least Jason was taking deep breaths. 
“Hey man, chill out! I guess Jazz keeps it on the DL but my night shift has-” 
“Night shift? You’re an engineer.” Jason cuts him off and the fact sounds accusatory. 
“And I’m the Ghost King? You knew this?” Danny relents, he hated saying it out loud cause it sounded lame, but he’s not sure why Jason is so up in arms all of a sudden. Jason looked like he might have an aneurysm and Danny knows his expression is declaring Jason is the biggest Dumbass in the world. 
“Danny ...what the fuck are you trying to say to me right now?” 
“That you and Jazz have to have a royal wedding in the Infinite Realms or my counsel and advisors will throw an absolute fit.” 
Jason doesn’t reply so Danny decides to add “You know, ‘cause my title translates to the Family’s royal lineage and if you marry Jazz you’ll become a Prince. I guess you don’t technically have to have a big wedding but if you don’t it’ll just mean shit loads of paperwork and a huge fucking headache on my end. Which I can survive but... I’m sensing that you’re frustrated. Let’s call Jazz.” 
“Let’s do that.” Jason sounds like he’s being strangled. Danny thinks it’s a bit dramatic but is excited to help Jazz wedding plan. 
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sualne · 9 months
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more about the AU!
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months
something something Paul the son who was supposed to be a daughter, supposed to be the mother of the apotheosis and not the apotheosis himself, a prophecy fulfilled but just slightly to the left
something something Alia the daughter who should have been, except she came out Wrong, her mind playing host to generations of women and also her weird dead grandfather for some reason
something something siblings who get described as two halves of the same person, who could communicate when one of them was still inside the womb, both of them arrived before their time and not what anyone expected
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favroitecrime · 7 months
Palestinian freedom fighters breaking out of Gaza and reclaiming their occupied territories. They’ve taken over israeli tanks and have chased out the settlers that were on that land. They’ve launched rockets everywhere and the iron dome has failed to intercept. This is about to mark a momentous event in history.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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mikibagels · 6 months
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Cross-Dimensional Siblings - Snippet 1 'Dino' is just Dio with an extra letter in the middle... If I ever have a son in the future I'm going to call him my little dino nuggie.
I have such strong family fever right now. Between this comic and the new spy x family season, i am so.... i want kids so bad.
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peanutseagle · 1 year
The part 2 of damian asking anya 's hand was so cute, thanks for taking my request
If u accept requests could u plz draw Loid secretly spying on Anya on her date with Damian seeing if he is a good bf or not
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bixels · 3 months
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Jesus man, relax.
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naarinn · 1 month
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Is it just me or are we about to get the most gut wrenching, heart breaking, soul crushing arc ever? 'Cus this chapter was so cute and then Anya just randomly dropped literally the most important information in SxF(and to Damian) Not to mention telling it to a wrong person can cost her everything
I started to feel like Endo is preparing us
Also MarthaxHenry is real oml (Someone please come up with a ship name 😪)
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Notice how there's no sparkles around her here. She didn't need to read his mind to answer.
Now that we saw her looking like that again (like in hijack when he mentioned his parents, car) I think she feels bad and kind of pities him and his relationship with his family. Maybe she thinks he's not so different from her. Maybe that's why she trusted him when she confessed her powers
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Also there's a possibility that this is Anya's pov (like in hijack) 😭 My boy beat the snot-nosed allegations
The sy-on filter may be spreading too. Someone save her asap
Honorable mention:
This two!
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reineydraws · 1 year
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thinking about the panels where robin jason is mostly made of cape!!! precious baby. tiny bean. absolutely adorable. ✨️✨️✨️
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