#New Asgard
incorrectpizza · 2 years
I love the play scene on New Asgard so much. Matt Damon and Luke Hemsworth returning is so funny to me on so many levels.
In-universe, it implies that these two random theatre actors were two of the very few survivors of Ragnarok, that they moved to Earth and then KEPT DOING THE SAME PLAY.
And out-of universe, it implies that Taika Waititi, having previously called them for a "quick, one-and-done silly cameo" called them back up and said "hey, want to do that again?' and they both said yes.
Which, iconic.
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multifandominfj · 6 months
Girls don’t want boyfriends, we want Valkyrie. 🤤😮‍💨
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janora00 · 1 year
So this year we got Loki
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Glitter Thor
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and Odin at the drums
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seems like family bonding time is going good so far
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agentem · 11 months
I bet the Skrulls really hate the fact that the Asgardians have their own town and government while they are hanging out at abandoned nuclear plants. Asgardians are just as dangerous, jut not "scary".
Gravik's villain origin story is probably watching Valkyrie's Old Spice ad.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Thora guides Y/N thru the May Eve night celebration…
Y/N: what is this celebration for again?
The bells chime and several couples pair off and leave…
Thora: it is a celebration of love, Y/N
Thora takes Y/N’s hand, her eyes full of desire…
Thora: and I wish to celebrate it with you
Y/N: lead the way
Thora guides Y/N to her home…
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
Be My Little Darling
Masterlist Chapter 2
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. One shot. There is some making out, unresolved sexual tension! Mentions of private parts. Cursing. There's violence with weapons. Established relationship.
Summary: Loki is the exclusive owner of the hottest club in New Asgard. Dubbed the Nine Realms, each of the nine rooms represent a different realm. You are his second in command, working the floors and ensuring everyone is having fun. At least they will be after you stop a creep from bothering one of your waitresses. And Loki has to stop the fight with you. He takes you back to his office to set some things straight.
Word Count: 3,826k
A/N: Ever since hearing that the Loki show had an early concept of Loki running a 70s dance club like the show Lucifer, I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I knocked this out. It was fun to write LOL. I conceived it as a one shot, so enjoy. Not beta'd or proof read, so all mistakes are mine. While likes are awesome, please consider commenting and reblogging to support writers!
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“Hands. Off. Now,” you snarled. You looked up into the ugly mug of some random person who had too much to drink. He stank of ale and dried sweat and something faintly oily.
He sneered down at you and looked you over. You wore the same thing as the other girls, except you took liberties with yours. The skirt was a little shorter, the cleavage a little tighter, fishnet tights, and fingerless gloves. You wore all black like the other waitresses complete with a fresh black rose pinned to your lapel. 
He saw you no more than background noise, blending into the decadent atmosphere. So, in his mind, he could do whatever he wanted. 
“I don’t hear her complaining,” he said, with a heavy accent. You couldn’t place it, but then again, you were still getting used to New Asgard. Between the Asgardians and the humans native to this part of the world, there was an eclectic mix of voices, accents, and dialects. 
He held one of your girls by the arm and from the looks of it, it was none too gently. She was a pretty brown haired girl, a little mousy and pale, but this room preferred the look of a doe-eyed innocent. You nodded to her, to give her reassurance that everything would be okay.
You turned your scowl back on the idiot. “She’s told you no a few times. Clean out your ears and let her go. I won’t ask again,” you said. 
“And what will you do?” He asked. He looked around the room at his buddies who laughed along with him. You looked around, committing each idiot to memory. They were definitely banned after this. 
You licked your lips, trying to keep your cool. You were so over this bullshit. You weren’t a bouncer and you resented the extra load Loki dumped on your shoulders. As if managing nine fucking rooms in a club was an easy task. 
He chuckled some more, getting his cronies to increase their mocking laughter. The Alfeim room was supposed to be one of the most relaxing and ethereal rooms. You didn’t know where the meathead came from but you made a mental note to deal with the front house staff in the morning. 
You moved forward and conjured a defense baton, bringing it down on his arm at the joint. There was a faint crunching sound and he yelled as he dropped the girl. She grinned and backed away, using her tray as a shield from the other cronies. They stood up and you slowly unveiled a conjured sword, waving it about.
“Ah ah ah,” you tsked. “Play fair.” 
The meathead wailed like an unruly child and you curled your lip in disgust. So pathetic. 
“Out, all of you. And I never want to see you here again.” 
There were five men who encircled you, each remaining in place. You glanced around the room. There were log tables set up with stumps to sit on. There was fake moss on the walls and floor, fake branches overhead, and a cave facade built onstage for the performers. The girls in this room wore leafy, flowy skirts and loose peasant shirts. Flower crowns were woven into their braided hair and they wore sandals on their feet. 
The patrons in this room needed that bit of fantasy to escape for a bit. For now, they were content to watch the fight unfold. They weren’t freaking out, so you decided to keep the mood light. 
The meathead in charge stopped crying long enough to struggle to his feet. “You will regret that,” he said, low and menacing. Well, at least he thought so. But once you saw a man sniveling on the floor with snot running down his face, you kind of lost all respect. 
You swung the sword towards him until it was flush against his neck. “Care to try me? I haven’t had a good fight in a good while,” you said. 
The meathead scoffed. He suddenly thrust his arm up, moving your sword out of the way. But it still nicked him across the neck and cheek. A red line opened up on his skin and bled freely. He paid it no mind as he got in close, using his good side and broad frame to crowd into you. 
You stepped in close as well and used the hilt of your baton to hit him in the abdomen. You stepped in, turned, and used the momentum to bring the baton across his face. His face whipped to the side but then turned back to you with fire in his eyes.
Finally, a good fucking fight. He yelled and ran at you, picking you up and slamming your back against the nearest table. You dropped the sword and conjured another baton and began wailing on any available body parts you could reach. You rained down holy fire on his back and arms until he finally leaned back far enough for you to land a solid kick. 
He stumbled back, cursing at you and calling you out of your name. You hopped off of the table and bent low to bring your batons down on his kneecaps, ankles, and shins. He yowled in pain before grabbing your arm with a snarl.
“Let her go.” A deep, rich voice called out into the room. The faint faerie-like music slowed to a stop. The lights seemed to dim in his presence. 
You sighed. This was the last fucking thing you needed.
“I got it,” you said. You twisted in the man’s hand making him twist in an unnatural way. He could either let go and save his hand or keep going out of spite. He cried out as his wrist twisted too far. You grabbed it and twisted it behind his back. You elbowed him in the back until he was bent over and back to crying. You applied pressure until his knees buckled. 
“All of you, out. And you already know what I will do if I catch you here again,” Loki said. His breathy baritone commanded all the force of a prince. The eggheads who stayed out of the fight looked to their pathetic leader. He looked between you and Loki, trying to determine who was the real threat. You with the weapons, or the owner of the club and his former prince.
The meathead nodded and you let him go with a final shove. He stood up and one of his buddies came to help him stand. He glared daggers at you as they were escorted out by a team of bouncers. 
You weren’t even out of breath. You released your constructs and set about setting the room to rights. You didn’t want to look at him. You already knew that he’d be scowling at you. As if the disturbance was somehow your fault. 
Loki approached you on silent feet. While you were looking down, his shiny black dress shoes came into view.
He called your name and you suppressed a shiver. His voice made music out of your name, pronouncing all of the syllables in his own unique way. Every time felt like you were discovering your name for the first time. 
You dragged your eyes along his all black suit that hugged his frame, accentuated his small waist, and broad shoulders. He wore a black on black suit, with a black tie, and a black rose on his lapel. His hair draped down to his shoulders. He was letting it grow out again and gods it was glorious on him. 
His signature scowl was on his face as he regarded you. 
“I had it covered, you didn’t have to do that.” You hated that even from across the fucking club, word spread so fast that he always spoiled your fun. 
“It shouldn’t get that far,” he said.
“How about you trust me next time?” You snapped. You weren’t a fucking child that he could scold. He raised an eyebrow at you.
Perhaps you really had lost your mind, because you didn’t care this time. “You can’t expect these people to trust me, let alone my girls to trust me, if you swoop in and command people about. They need to fear me, not you,” you continued. 
“He had his hands on you,” Loki said as if it explained everything. 
“He had his hands on Sugar, or did you not see that?” You asked. Loki gave every waitress a name. Sugar, Sweetie, Honey…
“Darling,” he said, with a slight smile. “There’s nothing that goes on in my club that I don’t know about,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes. Yes, you’ve heard the speech. He is the lord and king of the club and no one could tell him different. 
You finished righting the tables and stumps. You grabbed the towel hanging from your back pocket and wiped down the table. The couple who had been sitting there had stood up in the commotion to avoid being trampled. They nodded their thanks. You gave them vouchers for a free drink on their next visit. 
“I don’t need your fucking help, Loki,” you said. You brushed past him but he dug his fingers into the fleshy parts of your upper arm. 
He raised a finger into your face. “Have care how you speak to me,” he said.
His dark eyes bored into yours. Oh he was angry. If he had the ability to burn you with one look, it’d be this one. His jaw flexed as he clenched it and his eyes were so narrow, he looked like his eyes were half closed. 
You yanked your arm out of his grasp. He reared back as if you had slapped him. “Fuck you,” you said. 
Instead of rising to your obvious bait, Loki chuckled. He clapped slowly and turned around, getting others to clap along with him. “Let’s thank the lovely Darling for keeping us safe.” 
The room clapped awkwardly before Loki nodded to the band. The music resumed, the soft and ethereal music floating through once more. Waitresses floated in and out carrying full trays of drinks to go with the forest theme. 
Loki smiled and waved to patrons. He leaned down to speak to a group of women who giggled at his words. Giggled. You dry heaved. 
Loki turned back to you and his smile disappeared. He stepped closer and leaned towards your ear. “My office. Now,” he demanded. 
You sucked your teeth but his expression told you that he wasn’t in the mood tonight. Whatever. If he wanted to fire you, you’d welcome it. You didn’t sign up for this shit. 
You whirled around and exited the room. The common areas were decorated in velvet and revolving lights that switched colors and swirled on the walls. Waitresses dressed in regalia from all over the nine realms marched to and from the various kitchens and bars, carrying drinks or finger foods. 
Your high heels clicked on the floor, despite the thumping music from various rooms you passed. You were all too aware of Loki stalking behind you. He didn’t make much of a sound. If it weren’t for his shoes, you wouldn’t be able to tell he was there. Well, besides the overwhelming presence of him. 
His disappointment and anger were like thick blankets around you. Suffocating you. Your skin was overheated and oversensitive. You wanted a fight but now you were left unfulfilled. Your denied release made you antsy, eyes flicking across the assorted artwork and sculptures in the labyrinth hallways. 
You led the way to his office. Smack at the back of the club, Loki had a spacious and elegant office. He was done in his signature black and emerald. Deep, plush couches he probably fucked people on. 
He had a dark mahogany desk that was large enough to dominate the room. Two chairs were in front of it. File cabinets, boxes, and random sculptures made up the room. He had a private bar in the corner with the best liquor according to his tastes. 
He entered behind you and slammed the door shut. You hated that you jumped. You hated it more that the sound of the door locking didn’t scare you. It excited you. Your pitiful crush on your boss was embarrassing. All of the women loved him. Half the men did too. He had a unique way of making you feel like the only person in the room, despite being surrounded. 
You crossed your arms and faced forward. He stalked towards you, way too close for comfort. You shifted as he trailed a finger down your exposed arm. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.
“If you don’t respect me out there, the other girls will stop listening. So instead of running a club, I’m now stuck with the task of hiring and training a completely new staff. Do not disrespect me out there,” he said. 
You faced him. “Then don’t disrespect me. I had the situation under control,” you said.
He laughed at you and shook his head. He dropped his hold on your chin. “I’m sure breaking his knees and arms was a controlled situation,” he said.
“He would’ve healed,” you said.
“That’s not the point!” He yelled. Fresh arousal flooded you and made your stomach flip. This was so fucked up. His yelling should not excite you. But it did. Gods, it did. Every single time. 
“There’s no fighting in my club. Ever,” he said. 
“You embarrassed me out there. How can people respect my position if you don’t?” You asked.
“I wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t respect you. I know you can do a good job. Itching for a fight will drive customers away. What’s going on with you?” He asked.
You blinked at him. “What? Nothing. Can’t a woman rage without there being a reason?” 
“Not you, no. What is it? What happened?”
“Nothing,” you said through gritted teeth.The hell did he truly care anyway? Maybe you were in a shitty mood because you wanted to be. You were stressed out to the max. The highlight of your day was managing the club. Outside of it…it wasn’t pretty. You preferred the dark interior of the club and its nine rooms to the sunny and bright world outside. It was all so sad. 
But you weren’t about to tell your boss that. If you broke down, he’d be more than justified to replace you. And you didn’t want to think about what would happen if you didn’t have the club anymore. 
He approached you, crowding into your personal space. You backed away until your round ass hit the top of his desk. Still, you tried to get out of the web he weaved. His entire being made the room feel tiny. 
“Tell me or we’ll have to find a more constructive use for you,” he said. He looked down his nose at you, eyes raking over your plump brown lips. 
A sigh escaped you. “We’ve never crossed that line, Loki,” you said. 
“I can’t fathom a reason why right now,” he said.
You chuckled to try to dissipate some of the tension in the room. “You couldn’t give me what I want,” you said.
You and Loki had flirted plenty of times over the years, but you both respected your positions. You didn’t need anyone thinking you got this job on your knees. Some of the girls liked to still gossip and call you Princess when they thought you couldn’t hear them. But no one thought you two had a relationship.
How could they? Loki had a different woman or man or those in between on his arm every night. He made no secret of the type of people he liked. And safe to say, you did not fit the bill. You weren’t ugly. You knew that for a fact. You were gorgeous with real curves and a real tummy. 
Loki seemed to go for the weak willed, bland people whose personalities came from a quiz online. He liked to boss people around and you made sure that he knew that he couldn’t do the same to you. 
“You think you’re so hard to figure out?” He chuckled and looked over you as if you were nothing. “Darling, I know what you need.” 
You jutted your chin out and crossed your arms. He poked your side. You slapped his hand away. He poked your other side and you slapped his hand away again. What was he playing at? 
He scooted closer, molding his body along yours. You felt the unmistakable imprint of his dick straining against his trousers. You inhaled sharply, not expecting that at all. You looked into his eyes. He had a downright devilish grin on his face. 
He dragged his fingers from your tummy, up and over your chest, in between your breasts, and then wrapped them around your throat. 
You prayed he couldn’t feel your heartbeat increasing. He smelled like wood and smoke, like sin. 
“Tell me to stop,” he said. He kept eye contact with you as he leaned down and kissed the tops of your breasts. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips. 
“Shove me away,” he said. He increased pressure on your neck and you whined. His free hand roamed over your thigh before pulling it up and wrapping it around his hip. It pressed his dick closer to you and your pussy throbbed. 
He moved his hands higher, lifting your skirt. He went so agonizingly slow, giving you enough time to reject him. To shove him away. To tell him to leave you alone. Yet…what if this is all you got from him? What if this was your one chance to experience Loki’s attention directed at you? 
“My poor, overworked Darling. So many responsibilities I gave you. I have no doubt you can deliver. But so little time for a proper release,” he said. His breath fanned over your face, smelling of whiskey and mint. 
His fingers slid up to your jaw, running his thumb over your lips before pushing in. You suckled his thumb as his other hand drifted closer to your pussy. He played with the outline of your panties, lighting running his fingers back and forth. 
You shamelessly moaned. You wiggled your hips, trying to get him to do anything else. He couldn’t stand here teasing all damn night. Surely, you would recover from his rejection after this. You weren’t the first to hold out on him but it was a game to see how flustered you could make each other. 
Once he had you, there was no reason to continue the game. 
“Eyes on me,” he demanded. 
You snapped your eyes to his. His magic must extend to his eyes, because you were lost. Pulled in. Fuck it. Heartbreak was worth whatever he was about to do to you.
“No funny remarks? Is that all it takes? Playing with your needy little pussy?” He asked.
You nipped at his thumb but he didn’t pull it away. He grinned. “You don’t know what I need,” you said. But your comeback was weak to your own ears.
“You take care of so much, but who takes care of you?” He asked. 
“I have a trusty vibrator. Better than any man,” you taunted.
Loki grinned. “Don’t stand there and lie, Darling. Shall I prove you wrong?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, daring him to. He hooked his finger under your panties and cooed at the amount of wetness on the gusset of your panties. “Quite a mess you made.” He leaned his head down and nuzzled your cheek before resting his nose against your shoulder. He took a deep whiff. 
“Divine,” he said. 
His knuckles brushed against your slick folds and you whined, moving your hips to get him where you needed him. “You’re so used to being in control, aren’t you?”
He took his thumb out of your mouth and grabbed your chin. He brought you close, close enough for your lips to touch. He licked his lips and the movement caught some of yours. 
“Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll stop,” he said. 
“Fuck you, Loki,” you said. 
He chuckled and started to rub his knuckle back and forth with increased speed. You bit your lip to keep from moaning on his knuckle. There was no way he was playing you this well. It was embarrassing. 
He kissed both of your cheeks and hovered his lips over yours. You wrapped one arm around his shoulder and the other around his tie. You yanked and he fell forward, giving you a quick kiss. 
You dug your hands into his scalp, pulling his hair at the roots. He growled but still didn’t take the hint. He bit your lip and you cried out. He licked away the sting. 
“Ask nicely if you want me to kiss you,” he said.
“Fuck you,” you breathed. 
“Say the word and I will,” he said. You mashed your lips together, refusing to give him the satisfaction. 
His knuckle stilled and you cried, rolling your hips forward. He withdrew completely and you groaned. You were nearly there. He kept eye contact as he licked his knuckle. You could smell yourself on his fingers. It was obscene. And it was fucking hot. 
“If you want this cock, you’ll have to beg for it.” His voice weaved a spell on its own. You sighed at his filthy words. 
“Like hell,” you said.
Loki chuckled and shrugged. “Until you beg, you’ll stay like this. You’re not allowed to cum or let anyone else touch you.” 
He backed away from you, dropping you unceremoniously. Your leg hit the ground and your knees slightly buckled. You caught the desk behind you to keep you upright. You hadn’t known that he held the majority of your weight. The bastard took all the heat with him. Your hands shook with overwhelming need. 
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you scoffed. 
“I know I can. Go home. Think of me. Curse me. Whatever you need to do. But I will be very angry if you cum without my permission.” 
He nuzzled your neck again before planting a soft kiss to your neck. He caressed your cheek before fully backing away. He rolled his shoulders. His pants were tented. Surely he was in pain as well. 
“Don’t worry about me, Darling. I can last longer than you,” he said. Oh, now he activated your competitive side.
You smiled sweetly and fixed your skirt. You took your time fluffing it around your hips and thick thighs. Two could play that fucking game. You stood up and sashayed past him. 
“We’ll see. But you’re not allowed to touch anyone else either,” you smirked. You trailed your hand along his chest as you passed him. His dark chuckle followed you out of the room. This ought to be interesting.
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Masterlist| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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thinkvxlkyria · 2 years
new tv spot 💌.
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marvsgirl · 6 months
Am I the only one who thinks maybe Carol’s side braid is due in part to taking a bit of Valkyrie with her?
Like imagine lazy mornings where Valkyrie is playing with Carol’s hair and she ends up always braiding that side braid of her hair.
I can dream
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Hey idk if u take requests, but I hope ure ok w this. So…
Bucky laying between my thighs..in a cute way,like fluff
That’s it
Love u 💜💜bye
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Summary: Bucky makes a promise.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: Less than 500
A/N: Sorry this is so late! I'm terrible. This can go with the Possession, Validation, Sensation, Salutation Bucky one-shots that are kind of a series but not? 
Warnings: Unlike the above fics, this is just fluff with a little bit of angst. TFATWS Bucky, love, reader is Bucky’s comfort person, pregnancy if you squint. Real Housewives of New Asgard.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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It was a dark and stormy night, and you were vegging out on the couch, trying to distract yourself from worrying about Bucky getting home in this weather.
Bucky was a skilled pilot, of course he could navigate a wet, possibly icy road. Anxiety was a little petty bitch, so you distracted her with junk food and loud trash tv.
You were so caught up in the drama unfolding on screen, complete with hysterics and screaming, that you didn’t notice Bucky slip in the front door.
He stood there watching you, the tension in his body subsiding as he dropped his bag on the floor. He toed off his shoes and stripped away his leather jacket. He was halfway to the couch when you turned and saw him.
Bucky felt his heart again as your face lit up as he approached. You moved to get up.
“Stay right there, Doll.” 
He felt his face crack in what must have been a smile judging from the one on your face. He hadn’t done that since he’d left. God, you made him feel human again.
“Don’t move.”
You were about to pounce on him as he sat down, but you froze at his request.
“Are… are you okay, Babe?” 
You knew the answer to that question. This mission must have been rough.
“I am now.” 
Bucky pulled you to him, manipulating your legs around him and laying down on your chest. You put one arm around him and the other in his hair. You didn’t ask him anything else as you wrapped yourself around him, pulling a blanket over both of you.
“I’m not leaving you again, Doll. Missed you so damn much.”
You looked into his bright blue eyes.
“Love you too, Jamie.”
You didn’t respond to his declaration about not leaving again, just kissed his dark hair and threaded your fingers through it as Bucky rubbed your thighs and nestled into your bosom. He knew you didn’t believe him, but Bucky was serious, because he found his breath as he listened to your heartbeat, and a deep calm washed over him as he felt your belly for his other love. The movement in your womb and the lilt of your voice as you caught him up on the show gave him life.��
“Housewives of New Asgard. This is part two of the finale. Gertrud accused Astrid of cheating on Arne with King Valkyrie…”
Bucky chuckled. “Val has lots of hoes…”
“Everybody knows that. And I’ve only met her twice, but I think she would have some standards…”
Bucky laughed and held you tight as you prattled on about nothing important. He rubbed your side with this thumb as he listened to you and fell asleep, his heart and mind safe with you.
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cyberghu0l · 1 year
Stress Reliever
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Valkyrie sees you stressed and wants to take your mind off work. She has other plans on the location though.
Valkyrie × fem reader
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You hung up the phone on yet another councilman. Everyone from all over the world was calling to meet with the new king of New Asgard. Of course you being the amazing wife and secretary you are, you tried to limit these meetings down to the most important ones worthy of her time. You know if it isn't, she'll sit there in pure boredom questioning her life choices.
You held your head in your palms as you leaned over onto the wooden desk. It was scattered with different papers and actually, some parts of her amor. Just then the door to your office opened. Revealing the said king, in a suit with the first couple of buttons undone and the tie loosened. Her hair briaded neatly as usual. She slumped down on the couch you had.
"Problem, darling?" You asked tiredly.
She turned her head to meet you. "The usual. Stupid tourists, and their stupid questions." Her accent heavy as she emphasized 'stupid.' You chuckled. She sat up. "What's the matter?" She questioned.
"Oh you know, stupid councilman, stupid meetings. The usual." You mocked her words. "It's amazing how much people love you." You rubbed your forehead as you looked down the paperwork. Valkyrie hired you because you insisted in becoming her secretary. It meant more time with her and taking the weight off her shoulders. However, she hated how it made you stressed.
Her brows knitted together watching you fill out papers and type things into the computer. "You can leave now darling, I'll be fine." You spoke, not taking your eyes off the computer. She couldn't leave though. You didn't even hear her footsteps as she made her way to your desk, pulling your swivel chair from the edge.
"Val, what on earth?" She smirked as she kneeled down. Your eyes widened and your face ran hot. "You cannot, are you joking? People will see." You held your pencil skirt down and closed your legs. You only saw hunger and mischief in her eyes. "The people of New Asgard has probably heard you already, now it's just time for your coworkers to hear you." She stated.
She open your legs, your skirt already riding up. "I know you've been thinking about it all day." She raised the red fabric higher up your thighs. "I see the way you clench your thighs together whenever I come in." She wasn't wrong. You enjoyed seeing her in the suit, she looked sexy.
"Jesus." You braced yourself in the office chair as she dragged your lace panties down your legs, onto the floor. "Don't be so tense, sweetheart." She went straight in. She placed soft kisses on your wet folds. She licked the substance, humming into your cilt in satisfaction. Your gripped onto the arm rests. She sucked on the bud, earning a sweet moan from you.
You felt her laugh against your skin. "Don't laugh." You breathed out. "Im sorry darling." She cooed. Her tongue rubbed circles around your wet cilt. Your breath hitched. She sucked hard on the bud. "Shit Val." Your head fell back on the rest of the chair. Her cold fingers played with your opening, teasing you. "D-Don't tease. Please." You stammered out.
The king finally decided to give in. She inserted two fingers into your soaked opening, making your back arch. Her mouth still stimulated your cilt. She pumped into you at a steady pace letting you adjust. Even though you already have. She left your cilt, coming up to see you. You were a moaning mess, but she loved it. A proud smile formed on her lips.
"How does it feel, love?" One thing she also loved was asking you questions when she knew you couldn't respond. Your mouth fell open as an attempt to answer, but she took the opportunity to curl her fingers hitting your g spot with every push. What meant to be words came out as moans. "Answer." She demanded. "It feels so-fuck, so fucking good!" You breathed out.
Your hips bucked as you came up on your orgasm. Your insides tightened on the kings fingers. "Let it out." She spoke softly. "Shit!" Your knuckles turned white as your grip tightened on the rests. Your slick juices poured onto Valkyrie's fingers. She took them out, licking them sweetly. She let out a sigh. "You always look so beautiful when you cum for me." You looked down at her with a weak smile.
"Never again." You let out. She shrugged her shoulders and leaned forward to kiss your lips.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 years
It's time for a Valkyrie TV show, but it should be a Parks and Rec style mocumentary about running New Asgard.
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morgangalaxy43 · 25 days
Canon sucks, Loki is with Mobius, Loki’s family is alive and living on New Asgard, and Loki and Thor are reunited
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Thora wakes up on top of Y/N, her chest nearly suffocating her love…
Thora: by Odin’s beard.! My love, I’m so sorry.
Y/N: huh? what?
Thora: I feel asleep on top of you and my breasts almost smothered you
Y/N: why are you getting up? I liked it
Thora: (blushes) really?
Y/N: yeah
Thora: okay! Love you baby
Thora giggles and lays right back down on top of Y/N…
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For @ma1egamer
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atthestarlite · 2 years
ok i have A LOT of mixed feelings about the mcu, like A LOT. but watching thor: love and thunder and seeing the movie, directed by taika waititi, a maori and jewish filmmaker, in which the central premise is that the children of a displaced people, who have lost large portions of their population already to war, are stolen in the middle of the night. not only that but a man who wishes to kill all others like them and has already begun a genocidal killing spree. the fact that taika heavily implies that new asgard’s entire economy centers on the commodification and selling of asgard’s culture. where, when thor pleads with zeus to help them save their children (not even themselves, THEIR KIDS) zeus says it is their problem and that the entire children of a people are not worth saving. even the exchange thor has with astrid/axl, who insists on changing his traditional name, to one of the new land that they are in. thor’s grief over all of that death. the role of (ORAL) storytelling as a means of lesson parting and also inspiring hope.
people call it a silly movie, which it is, but taika’s strengths have always been comedy. and again, mixed feelings about the mcu, but still: whether purposeful or not, the movie engaged with ongoing genocide in a way that,,, i did not expect and hit very hard.
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maple-seed · 2 years
Thrown Masterlist
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After the timelines have broken free, Loki decides that all he wants is to join Thor in New Asgard. With a stolen tempad he travels to a timeline where the previous Loki died at the hands of Thanos. Now Loki helps his brother in rebuilding a home for the displaced people of Asgard while simultaneously learning to live a universe where it feels like this is the last place he should be. He wants nothing to do with the humans living nearby, but one in particular is not getting the message.
Takes place after the events of Season 1 of the Loki series, in a timeline where the Snap was prevented. Slow burn female reader insert fic.
Will be updating every other Thursday if all goes according to plan.
Loki Fic Masterlist AO3 Link
Chapter 1: New Neighbors Chapter 2: A Ride and a Wager Chapter 3: Fighting Words Chapter 4: A New Perspective Chapter 5: A Lie and a Secret Chapter 6: What Others Make of Us Chapter 7: Sea legs Chapter 8: Summer Rain Chapter 9: A Long Day Chapter 10: An Excuse to Indulge Chapter 11: The Witching Hour Chapter 12: Any Port in a Storm Chapter 13: Work and Leisure Chapter 14: Stars and Stories Chapter 15: Earthen Chapter 16: Selecting Titles Chapter 17: Retaliation Chapter 18: Chill Chapter 19: The Tempering Flame Chapter 20: The Rabbit and the Tree Chapter 21: Moving Forward Chapter 22: Worthwhile Confrontation Chapter 23: Lodestar Chapter 24: Ensnared Chapter 25: A Fire Within Chapter 26: The Longest Nights Chapter 27: Resolve Chapter 28: The Light in the Dark Chapter 29: Storm and Shelter Chapter 30: Two Sides of a Coin Chapter 31: A Failing Strategy Chapter 32: Guilty Pleasures Chapter 33: The Tales We Tell Chapter 34: Under the Weather Chapter 35: Twisting Branches Chapter 36: Lessons Chapter 37: The Rainbow Bridge Chapter 38: A Feat of Strength Chapter 39: A Quiet Life Chapter 40: Foolish Mortal Chapter 41: Eating Crow Chapter 42: Cautious Restraint Chapter 43: A Perfect Fit Chapter 44: Birthright Chapter 45: Absence Chapter 46: Lokabrenna Chapter 47: A Winding Path Chapter 48: Myth and Mortal Chapter 49: Threads of Fate Post date TBD
When will this update?
Blurbs Little vignettes that didn't fit in the main story. #1: Pop-Tarts (originally posted between Ch. 12 & Ch. 13) #2: Image Manipulation (originally posted between Ch. 18 & Ch. 19) #3: Card Shark (originally posted between Ch. 33 & Ch. 34) #4: Fanfiction (originally posted between Ch. 44 & Ch. 45)
Now with its own concept album! Thanks to @loopsisloops for this wonderful Thrown soundtrack.
Taglist beneath the cut.
Thrown Tag List If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please leave a comment or send me a message/ask.
@mischief2sarawr, @imalovernotahater, @norestfortheshelbywicked, @purplekitten30, @ozymdias, @pdraxxi, @goblingirlsarah, @chantsdemarins, @n3rdybirdee, @lokiprompts, @ladymischief11, @gigglingtiggerv2, @huntress-artemis, @ellooo0ooo, @femme1fatale, @clairewinchester14, @glitterylokislut, @psychospore, @ladyloki3, @skinij3fx, @iamlokisgloriouspurpose, @lunarnights95, @lilibet261, @valeave, @f2mhg2lt2rta, @fruit-caught-on-camera, @paetonnn, @honeyrydernot, @sarcastic-siren, @wolfsmom1, @lokisgoodgirl, @cakesandtom, @unlucky-number-13, @rinnwylde, @javagirl328, @josiedoesdoodles, @rose7420, @ultrasnakesona, @vickie5446, @superficialdomina, @ireallyneedtherapy, @weirdowoody, @hotmesshobbit, @buttercupcookies-blog, @km-ffluv, @mrsbarnes32557038, @tallseaweed, @leothecat97, @soulpiercing, @axen-gers, @im-a-slut-for-fluff, @jainaeatsstars, @whattwhoo, @xxfaithlynxx, @thisisew, @rvautomatic, @herdetectivetheorist, @rhiannon-russo, @loki-godofstories, @thedistractedagglomeration, @halepack2011, @kalibrate, @fireflymoonwitch, @runesgarde, @nelachu2423, @caelinoria, @anthc, @lovelytora, @princess-ofthe-pages, @lokislittlemouse, @wifeoframi
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aesthetic--mood · 1 year
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Valkyrie Aesthetic
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