sillyshootingstar · 10 months
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Little trav’ller in the dark,
Which way is it, you embark?
Always moving on the go.
Quickly zipping, I must know :]
''wait-- that... song........ MOMA?? IS THAT YOU!!?? WHY DO YOU HIDE IN ANONYMITY?''
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kiankiwi · 4 months
Can we have more auntie Venetia and Felix 😭 I feel like they would be so funny trying to take care of Juliette LOL
okay let's see if I can come up with some daddy fe and auntie V hc's off the top of my head!:
They're constantly bickering (mostly because Felix realizes Juliet pooped and he asked Venetia to change her) "you're a grown ass man little brother, you can change a poopy diaper. Go get yourself a clothespin for your nose if you need it, ya big baby"
Venetia loves to just sit back with you and watch Felix play with Juliet because in her eyes, Felix is still just a giant kid and he looks a kid on a sugar high whenever he plays with juju
Whenever she finds Juliet hosting a tea party and make up and glitter all over Felix's face, instead of joining in, Venetia runs out of the room to get her camera
When Venetia is left alone with Juliet she LOVES to pump Juliet full of sugar or let her nap waaaaaaay too late in the day in order to hit her daily snuggle quota because "that's not my problem, that's something your daddy will have to deal with later"
Sometimes Venetia will get clingy to Juliet and just want to carry her and hold her all day and then the two siblings bicker because Felix wants her back but V refuses to give up her snuggle sesh. "Venetia, give me my daughter back! Give me my baby! Mooom, Venetia's holding my daughter hostage!"
They definitely get Mama Elsbeth involved in their bickerings even though Felix is a full fledged parent himself now
And she only gives Juliet back when she realizes she's had a poopsplosion. "Okay, you are stinky now so let's go back to daddy!" And Fe doesn't connect the dots for a minute and then he's grumpy "really V? goddamn it! It's up her back!"
The siblings really do put on a show lol
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I logged on my twitter account that I never used after YEARS just to tell Nikki that he made my phone go to shit. Will keep you posted
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missallsundaes · 3 years
May I request Law introducing his s/o to his adopted dad and step mom (you) for the first time and they just go all out and embarrass the poor man.
Thank you for putting up with me❤️
PURPLE DARLING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! please never think otherwise xx you are one of my best friends in the world xx Trafalgar D Water Law x F! Reader Meeting the Parents WC 835
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You toyed with a loose thread in the pocket of your cardigan, nervously waiting for Law’s parents to open the door, you weren’t sure what exactly to expect, Law had been cryptic at best at telling you what to expect, the tall man standing next to you wasn’t speaking up, seemingly nervous in his own way. That fact didn’t seem to make you feel any better. Law knocked on the door a second time, and quickly after his Mother opened the door, younger than you expected, but you supposed that was to be expected at the age they adopted Law.
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“Come in, come in, I’m so sorry Daring,” They said, shaking their head, pink hair bouncing with their curls, “You know how your father is, he just fell down the stairs, let yourself in, there’s tea on the table, I’m going to make sure he’s okay!” They spoke about a mile a minute, seeming nice enough but nervous theirself.
Law looked at you, gesturing to let you in the house first as his mother hurried away to the staircase at the otherside of the room where a tall lanky man lay on his face in a crumple of long limbs.
“Is-is he okay?” You asked, touching Law’s elbow through his hoodie, “Is he hurt? You should check.”
“He’s fine, he’s always like this,” Law sighed, showing you to a seat around the living room table, sitting on the settee next to you. Sure as his mother had said, there was a tea set with cups and saucers for each of you placed around the table, along with a tray of tiny sandwiches and assorted cookies. Law saw you looking at the selection, commenting, “Mom likes to host, and Dad encourages her.”
From across the room you watched his father untangle his legs and stand up, towering over his mother by several feet, and you suddenly wondered just how tall the man was. They held his hand as they crossed the room together, and you thought to yourself how cute it was that they still doted on each other in the way they did.
“Sorry about that,” His father laughed, his voice a deep contrast to his bright looks and clumsy demeanor, “I’m sure Law has told you all about us, but I’m dad” He smiled brightly, “Or If it makes you more comfortable, Rosinante, Rosi, or code name Cora-san!” With the last nickname he made gun shape with his hand, kissing his finger and pretending to shoot his wife, who clutched their heart and fluttered their eyelashes at him.
“Oh he hasn’t said much at all, actually,” You said, feeling a bit better about how friendly they seemed, wondering now why he hadn’t mentioned them before, they both snapped their heads to the raven haired man sitting next to you.
“Law!” His mother exclaimed, “You didn’t tell her about us at all?” They looked at him with big dramatic eyes, feigning tears as they poured cups of tea for everyone, “I’m heartbroken you would shun your parents this way.”
“Mom please,” Law sighed, shaking his head, rubbing his temples between his finger and thumb.
“Weeeelll, “They said, shooting one more pouting look at Law, “As you may have gathered, I’m,” They imitated Law’s tone and cadence, “Mooom,” laughing to themself and smiling cheerfully at you, “Or Ace if you prefer.”
“It’s lovely to meet you both!” You said, picking up your cup of tea and sipping it softly.
Law picked up his cup, taking a sip as his father opened his mouth again, “So is my son a generous lover-- I always tried to tell him how important forepl--”
“DAD.” He said, nearly choking on his drink, his face flushed more than you had ever seen it.
“It’s important! She looks like a fine young woman, you don’t want to lose her because you’re not satisfying her needs,” Rosinante continued, Ace nodding from their spot next to him in the loveseat, sipping their own tea. Your eyes crossed to Law, who looked like he could shrivel up and die right on the couch.
“It’s true, you know,” Ace said, leaning their head on Rosinante’s arm, “Your father is a very generous lover.”
“Mom…” Law said, shrinking into the couch, willing himself to die from the embarrassment.
“Well actually,” You spoke up, “We haven’t.. Done anything yet.” You fumbled with the cookie in your hand, “I need to take it slow.” You didn’t make eye contact with them now, your own blush filling your face.
“Well that’s okay too!” Rosinante said, smiling wide at you, “Just make sure to keep him in line when you do,” He laughed.
“Do you see why I warned you,” Law muttered, casting his gaze to you from his slouched position in the seat.
You patted his thigh with your hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, I love them,” You whispered back.
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jawusa · 3 years
We want you!
Tired of seeing the same four walls everyday? Want to explore exotic new places like never before? Always been into Sci-Fi? We gotcha!
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Join the Aileen Colonization Project and secure yourself an eternal stay in our newly established colony on Planet Aileen!
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We're looking for volunteers worldwide who'd love to participate! Interested in living in Outer Space? Then, please contact us!
My name is Aileen LaFontaine and this is my husband Marvin LaFontaine. Let us show you an example dome which you can purchase on Planet Aileen. Looks cozy, right?
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(sound of someone slamming a door...)
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"Honey, please, I'll talk to you later... we're recording our commercial to attract more sims to our colony..."
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"Vocabulary, Miss! You're on TV..."
"But.. you just told me a minute ago I shouldn't..."
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"... we should scrap this commercial and restart from scratch!"
"I'm sorry, Aileen! It was a live broadcast!”
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Embarrassing Things MC likes to do to the Brothers(Plus un-datables)
-He’s the most serious one, so he’s the best one to tease especially if he’s highly flusterer -At Dinner , It was quiet, you all were enjoying dinner until you said  -”can you pass the salt daddy?” -He chokes for a second  -the brothers chuckle and snicker  -He knew you did that purposely and he’ll make sure to punish you gravely tonight
-This is mammon we’re talking about, he’s the easiest prey ~ -All you do is just call him cute embarrassing pet names, anywhere, anytime -”Where’s my smoochie poochie?~”  “Oi!! quit calling me that!” His face is completely red -”don’t you want my love, Mammy Pammy?~” -”STOOOOOOOP-” -you give him kisses but he’s still salty
-Just like Mammon, easy prey -all you would do is just always be real close to him where every he goes  -He’ll be flustered especially if you show PDE(Public Display of Effection) -It’s not that he doesn’t like it, he’s just sees it as embarrassing  -Sometimes you go an extra step but yelling in a crowd “THIS IS MY BEAUTIFUL ADORABLE HUBBY” -You would see him on the ground red faced , but he loved it lowkey-
-He was a bit harder to Embarrass but you eventually figure it out (it was cat based of course-) -He’d be reading in the living area with some of the brothers and you would walk in normal but you had a noticeable accessory, A collar -He was shocked but he did really blush deep until he noticed the tag  -”Satan’s bad kitty” -Now he did want people to know you’re his but this was embarrassing for him-   -You;d soften him up by purring which semi turns him on a little
-Nothing. Nothing you do will embarrass him XD  -He loves every little thing you do -He enjoys seeing your attempts to try and fail everytime -He gets curious as to how far you’ll go 
-He was hard to embarrass at first but you found a way very quickly -He gets embarrassed by you when you treat him like a baby  -Such as Cleaning him up, pinching his cheeks , call him soft cute names ,etc -”You’re such a messy boy~”  -things like that make him a blushy mess
-You would think the wouldn’t be be flustered at all but there’s one way he can be~ -All you would have to do is steal his Jacket (sometimes shirt too ) and wear it for the whole day while wearing short shorts , so that looks like you have nothing under and thigh stockings -When he seems you like this, he’s a blushing mess and will keep you from his brothers  -He’ll trap you in his bed with you in his arms , he’ll be slightly irritated as well
-He’s easy to embarrass  -One thing you’d love to do is sit on his lap while during a meeting  -He’d be as red as his hair in his demon form  -Lucifer would scold you but you wouldn’t care since you’ve completed your mission  -He low-key doesn't mind you on his lap 
-He’s almost like Asmo, Not really bothered by your attempts but he can get caught off guard sometimes -The one that makes him flustered is when you guys are around people and you rush from behind and hug him from behind -He’d be surprised and blushed , He knew it was you because only you would have the guts to do so  -Afterwards, he’d lightly scold you to behave yourself but he already knew you wouldn’t listen, much at least
-He’s basically immune to your attempts -but he’ll uno reverse you  -You end up being a red mess when he does the same thing to you or counters you -When it was physical, he really knew how to make you blush hard  -you’d later attempt to kick his butt but failed because he dodges right as you came rushing in
-He doesn’t mind the affection you give him but gets nervous when you tease him  -He has nothing  against PDA but when you take it too far , he gets flustered  -Like when you overly cuddle *cough*squeeze*cough* him or cling onto him  -he appreciates your love but he’d prefer this when he has you all to himself  Luke (Non Romantic) 
-He is your child, why would you not embarrass him?? -One of the things he finds embarrassing is when you claim your dominance as his mom  -He hates it when you scream “EVERYONE ,THIS IS MY SON, HURT HIM AND YOU DIE “ -He gets so embarrassed but proves your point yelling “MOOOM/DAAAD!!!”
(Hope you enjoyed this post! LEave some  suggestions for more scnerios!)
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bregee13 · 3 years
A New Home
It wasn't before long until the Raposa family wandered into the snowy fields. At first the snow barely dusted the grass beneath their feet, but eventually the snow became almost knee deep. It was a good thing Polly thought of bringing blankets with them. Even then, the three wished they had the time to change into warmer clothing. 
Polly, while squeezing her dad's arm for support, shivered uncontrollably. "D-dad??? Why did-didn't we u-use the S-snow G-gate...?" 
Nixie, who was also freezing, couldn't help but glare at her husband. "That's a g-good question, Polly! Bobby, why DIDN'T we use the snow g-gate?" 
"Nghh..." 'How's this my fault? Movin dis way was YOUR idea...' As much as Bob wanted to say it out loud, he was much too tired to butt heads. Besides, after trudging through the snow for that long, you almost HAD to blame somebody. Though, if he didn't say anything, Nixie would freeze him to death before any snow could. "Well, if we w-went through the snow gate, we could've walked right i-into darkness. A-and dat wouldn't be fun, would it?" 
Nixie, who was starting to remember her plan, felt her cheeks flush a little more than they already were. Though embarrassed, she welcomed the extra warmth on her face.
"B-but.... Why did-didn't we go to th-the dock?? A-and r-ride a boat somewhere?" Polly asked, hoping asking more questions would distract her from the cold. 
Her mother shook her head. "N-no... We couldn't have done that. The d-darkness might've covered the dock by then..." 
"M-might've!?! Y-you didn't k-know?!" 
"I...I... Um... f-figured there wouldn't be any more boats sailing to and from there anyway... With all this darkness, of course... Of course...." 
"Th... That... s-sounds..." Polly tried to call her mom out on her poor excuse, but she was just too frozen to speak. 
"Dat sounds like a c-cra... crummy excuse, N-Nix.." 
Nixie turned her head toward Bob in confusion. "Wh...what? Are you saying, Bobby?" 
Bob stared off into the distance. He longed to go back home and sleep in the warmth of his bed, but he knew that was impossible. "D-dere was no h-harm in checkin first... Ya k-knew dere was a chance of esc-cape dere.... W-what the Rapo stopped ya...?"
"Oh... U-um... You know, um..." 'Well, you didn't bother to check either! Why blame me...?' It took a moment for Nixie to regain some of her composure. She knew she was the only one planning anything out, and that Bob likely didn't even think of checking the docks in the heat of the moment. She actually thought about leaving the village by boat many times. But the one thing that stopped her every time was her fear. "...E-even if there was a way.... Th-there's no way to know what to expect... The o-other villages might be worse off than where we w-were.... There's no way... There's no way...." While she did fear the darkness in other villages, she did have one other small fear that she was afraid to admit. She was scared of returning to her parents after going missing for so long. 'Only Creator knows how those two would react...' 
"...Y-ya got a point.... I haven't h-heard from Jack in a real long time... H-Hope he and the folks are alright in Lavasteam... N-nice.... hot..... L-Lavasteam...." 'Rapo... This snow is messin with our heads n' makin us lookin all ridiculous!'
Bob looked back toward Polly. She hadn't spoken for a while now, which was odd for her. On top of that, she was moving at a snail's pace, slowing everyone down as a result. "Polly? Ya doin okay?" 
"..." Polly, shaking rapidly, fully relied on her father's arm for support. She had a hard time gathering her words and saying them out loud. She felt horrible. "D-dad....." She cried. "I...I can't feel my legs......." 
"Dat can't be good.... Hang on..." Bob walked up to Nixie and handed her the clothes he was carrying. "Hold dis for a s-sec?" 
"O-oh... Of... Of course..." 
Bob then proceeded to lift Polly off the ground, and carry her in his arms. "Urk!" 'She's heavier than I remember!' "It's okay... you're o-okay... Y-you you're gonna be okay, okay?" He tried to reassure her, but it only seemed to make everything worse. 'Oh Creator, she's real cold....' As worried as Bob was, he knew he couldn't show too much concern. For all he knew, it would just jinx everything. "...Y-Ya got uhh... Um... Bangle with ya? Ah! I..! I m-meant...! B....Bon...Go?" 
Polly, squeezing her stuffed friend in her arms, didn't even bother to correct her dad. Though the fact that he caught the mistake on his own really meant a lot to her. "Mhmm..." 
"G-good. Dat's good... "
Nixie took the clothes that were handed to her and covered her daughter with them as if they were extra blankets. "There. H-hope that will help s-somehow..." 
"Th-thank thank you..." 
The three silently continued on their journey through the snow. The bitter wind brushed their cheeks. Eventually, the snow began to die down, and the air was less stiff. The knee-high snow turned into mere frost. Needless to say, everyone was relieved. The ice life is NOT a nice life.
The wide open snow fields slowly turned into a chilly forest. The trees were of a purplish hue and had seemingly no end to them. It was clear that they had entered the forest gate region. 
Bob, now getting tired of carrying her around, set Polly down by one of the many trees. "There ya go. Are ya feelin any better?" 
Polly slowly nodded. "Y-yeah." 
Nixie leaned down to feel Polly's arm. "She's still really cold..." She turned to her husband. "What should we do now?" 
Bob looked up at the sky. Even after all that time, was just as gray as it was before. "We gotta get some shelter. Can't rest out in da open..." 
"Where are we going to find this shelter, anyhow?" 
"We're gon have to build it from scratch... Don't expect nothin fancy, I don't got no tools to work with." 
"That's fine... But..." She looked down at Polly before returning her gaze to Bob. "Are you going to be alright by yourself?" 
Bob tried to reassure her with a smile. "I'll be good on my own. Don't worry bout me. Just worry bout her." 
"...Okay. Just be back soon." 
"I will." Bob stepped back from his family and got to work.
Now, Bob may be a carpenter, but he wasn't exactly experienced in wilderness survival. Lucky for the three Raposa, he managed to put a small shelter together out of branches and leaves. And for the restrictions he had, it was relatively spacious. Just big enough for everyone to lay in comfortably. 
Nixie had Polly wrapped up in her arms. "How are you feeling, baby? Are you warmer now?"
Polly yawned. "Yeah. I'm okay. I think Bongo's a little tired though. Are you tired, Bongo?" 
"Yeah... He's pretty tired..." Polly's eyes had grown heavy from the exhausting journey she had been through. 
Nixie, who was tired as well, softly chuckled to herself. "It seems that you're tired too. How about we get ready for bedtime?" 
"Yeah… Okay." Polly stretched. 
"Are you well enough to get up on your own?" 
"I think so..." Polly slowly started to get up off of the ground. Although her legs were a little wobbly from sitting too long. 
Nixie reached out for her daughter in an attempt to stable her. "Are you alright?!" 
"I'm okay! I'm okay! My legs are just sleepy." 
"Come on, I'll help you over there." Nixie had her arm wrapped around Polly's body, helping to guide her to the makeshift home Bob had made. "Bobby! Is the shelter finished over there?" 
Bob looked back at his wife, and sighed. "It's 'bout as done as it's gonna get... Hope it works just fine." 
"It looks wonderful. Why don't you take a break and get some rest? It's been quite a long day." 
"It is gettin pretty late, huh? Alright. I'll take a breather." 
"That's what I wanted to hear! Besides, a good sleep in there will make the perfect test for the structure you made." 
"That's true..." 
Polly pulled her mother's arm toward the shelter. She was starting to get cranky from a lack of sleep. "Mooom... C'mon! We gotta go to bed! Bongo's really really tired!"
"Alright, Polly! Settle down! We're on our way. Why don't you go on ahead and get ready for dreamland?" Nixie suggested.
"Okay..." Polly yawned. "G'night...." She squeezed Bongo in her arms, and stepped inside. 
Nixie glanced at her husband. "We should follow her." 
Bob nodded. "Yeah, I guess we should..."
The two stepped inside the structure. The dirt floor was covered in a bedding of grass and leaves, which in turn was covered by the largest blanket they had brought. It was cozy to say the least.
Polly was already laying down, curled up underneath her very own blanket. She held onto her doll as tightly as she could. Her eyes were shut. As far as Nixie and Bob could tell, she was already fast asleep.
“She looks so peaceful…” Nixie whispered.
“That didn’t take very long at all, huh?”
“That journey must have drained all of the energy from her. I don’t believe I blame her.”
“Poor Polly… I sure hope all dat snow didn’t leave her sick…”
“I hope so too. She didn’t seem to be all that ill, just tired. ...I have faith that she’ll turn out alright."
Bob sighed. “Rapo, what’d we do to deserve any of this? We lost nearly everythin, and now we gotta live in this… this… whatever this is!”
“You’re the one who built the shack… I don’t see why you’re the one complaining.” Nixie mumbled.
“...What was that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s fine.” Nixie clearly sounded annoyed. “It’s not a permanent solution, anyhow… We’re not staying too long.”
“...Are you insulting my work?”
“Bobby, please.”
“No no, I get it. I understand! I don’t wanna live here either! Who the Rapo would? In fact, it’s so awful dat any normal Raposa would rather sleep outside on the dirt and die!”
“We may as well be…” Nixie muttered.
“Excuse me?! I worked real hard to set this up! All by myself with no tools, no help of any kind, and you’re talkin to me like that?! A lil while ago, you said it was fantastic. I worked the best that I could under these circumstances, and now you’re mad it ain’t good enough?!” 
“Bobby, you know that isn’t what I meant.”
“Really? What else could you have meant by that?! I don’t understand anything you’re saying, Nix! First you said one thing, then you say the opposite? I don’t understand at all...” Bob crossed his arms and hung his head low. His eyes were starting to water in frustration. “...Explain to me, Nix. What’s wrong? What’d I do wrong? What the Rapo did I do to you to make you insult me like dat?!”
“Rapo, you didn’t do anything! Nothing is wrong! Why would you come to the conclusion that everything is your fault?! What the Rapo do you even think you did?”
“I-I dunno… I was just askin you that! Ya can’t just say ‘nothin is wrong’ right after complaining your rear off to me!”
“Well maybe I’m just feeling a little peeved.”
“Of course I’m peeved! I didn’t want this! I didn't want to be forced out of my home, I didn’t want to have to worry about whether or not we’ll make it out of this okay, and I surely didn’t want you to yell at me!”
“Yell at ya?! Nix, you’re da one dat started it!”
“Bobby, what the Rapo are you talking about? I didn’t start anything! You just got mad at me out of nowhere!”
“Out of- What?! I-I would never do dat to you! I would never yell or get mad at you for no reason!”
“Then why are you yelling at me right now then?”
“B-because... I’m mad because you insulted me!” He began to cry. “I’m mad because you decided to be mean at me for no reason! I’m mad… because I don’t understand why you would do that…”
“That… that really hurt, Nix… Why would you go and do that?”
“Bobby… I… I’m so sorry.” She gently lifted his chin up so she could see his face better. “I’m sorry.”
Bob looked at her and sniffled. “I don’t understand, Nix. I-I know it ain’t the best I’ve done, but you ain’t gotta be mean about it…”
“I wasn’t trying to be mean to you… I… I was just frustrated. And I ended up saying the wrong thing… I know that wasn’t right for me to snap like that, but… I’m sorry…”
“I know you’re sorry… I know you’re just stressed out. Dat just… really got to me for some reason. I-I’m sorry I overreacted.”
“Bobby… You didn’t overreact. It’s okay. It’s my fault for upsetting you.” She sighed. “We’re both just... frazzled from all of this. I understand.”
“...I forgive ya Nix. I know ya didn’t mean what you said.” He faintly smiled for a moment. “But… There’s somethin I don’t understand. Why’d ya say it looked good earlier? I don’t get it.”
“...You want me to be honest? I... was trying to be polite. I didn’t want something like this to happen. Especially not in front of Polly. ...Wait a minute. Polly!” She turned around to face Polly, hoping that she was fast asleep and didn’t hear anything they said.
Polly, who was watching the entire time, hid under her blanket once she got caught. ‘Rapo! She saw me!’ She then pretended to be sleeping, hoping that she wasn’t in trouble.
Nixie sighed and turned back to her husband. “We really need to pull ourselves together, don’t we?”
Bob nodded. “If I were her, I wouldn’t want my folks arguing over nothin… I’d want em to be happy. I’d wanna be sure that it’s all gonna be okay. ...We gotta do better for her.”
“You’re right. From now on, we have to stay positive. No matter what happens.”
“Of course. We gotta set an example. It’s what Polly deserves. It’s what Hunter deserves too.”
“...I wonder if Hunter’s doin alright. Maybe… Maybe he’s alive somehow?”
“I don’t want to talk about Hunter...”
“Alright, I understand.”
The two stood there for a moment in awkward silence. With all the chaos in their lives, it had been a long time since either of them found a moment of joy. When Hunter disappeared, arguments began to take his place. And with each new horrible event, it just kept getting worse. And that was something nobody wanted.
The two couldn't help but get lost in thought. They truly wanted to set a good example for Polly and be positive, but where would they even begin? It wasn't like there were many positives that came to mind. But neither of them wanted to go to sleep on a negative note, so the two thought in silence.
"...Our anniversary is tonight, ain't it?" Bob broke the silence.
"It is? I didn't know that... Are you sure?"
"Sure I am! I mean, don't ya feel it in the air?"
"...Do you even know what the current date is, Bobby?"
"Ah... No, but you don't know either! It's close enough, ain't it? Besides, dates don't matter now anyway!"
"Well, you're not wrong!" Nixie laughed.
"...You remember when we first met?" Bob reminisced. "You didn't have a home for yourself, and I let ya stay with me."
Nixie smirked. "Oh, how could I forget? It was obvious you fell for me the moment I met you."
"I was, huh?"
She nodded. "...You know, Bobby, it's funny. I feel as homeless as I felt that very day."
"Oh really?"
"Oh~! Mr. Builde, I have been left abandoned and homeless! May I stay here in your fine home~? Only for a short while~!"
"Oh! Are ya sure you want to stay in this shack of mine?"
"Bobby, please. I don't want to start that again."
"Hey, I'm just stating facts here! And to be honest, our home at the time wasn't that much better than this shed. "
"Oh Bobby, stop being so hard on yourself. Come on, why won't you let me inside your cozy home~?"
"Ah.. I dunno~" He blushed. "I think it'd be more romantic out under the stars~" He leaned in for a kiss.
"Bobby! No!" Nixie laughed. "It's too cold out! Besides, the stars disappeared a long time ago!"
"Ah, c'mon Nix! Can't we pretend there's stars?" He smirked. "It'd be just like that one romantic time we had in twilite years back~"
She flushed a bright red. "B-Bobby!" She hid her face and laughed out of embarrassment. 
"Oh... I uh... I didn't mean it like that!" Bob blushed from embarrassment himself. "Just... We were so in love back then... I miss it, Nix."
"Bobby..." Nixie held Bob's hands in hers, and smiled. "You know that never went away. We're just... going through obstacles. It's normal. ...Though I admit these latest obstacles are far more extreme than anyone could anticipate."
"That's true, this ain't exactly something I expected to deal with." Bob kissed her hands. "But we just gotta tackle these problems head on, huh?"
Nixie nodded. "We just have to stick together from here on out."
"I can handle that." Bob looked back at Polly, who was asleep for real this time, and turned back to Nixie. "You ready to hit the hay?"
"I'm not sure..." She said, hesitant. "Something doesn't feel right. Maybe it's only my nerves, but..."
"...Ya scared?"
"...A little. I mean, what if something shows up while we sleep and... makes us sleep for good?"
"That's not gonna happen. I won't allow it."
"Bobby, I'm serious. We could get really hurt." She glanced over at Polly. "...Or worse."
"Well I'm serious too. I'll stay up and keep watch for anythin that'll go bump in the night."
"No, you need sleep. Especially after you've done so much..."
"You done a bunch too though." Bob pondered for a moment. "Alright, why don't we take turns then?"
"...That could work. But what if-?"
"Hey, no 'what if's! Just go and get some sleep. I'll watch first." He yawned.
"You know, I'm not that tired." She said before yawning herself. "I think you should rest while I watch first."
"Nah, I've already made up my mind. I'm watching first."
"After all that labor? Aren't you being stubborn? Let me watch."
"Nix. Remember we said no fighting over nothin."
Nixie looked at the ground, ashamed. "...Yes. You're right, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry 'bout it. Now go get sleep. The sooner ya do, the sooner my shift starts. And the sooner my shift starts, the sooner it ends."
"Alright." She kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you again soon. Love you."
Bob blushed. "Love ya too hun."
Nixie walked further into the shelter, checking her sleeping daughter before laying down to sleep herself.
The two followed through with their agreement and took turns keeping watch while the other slept. Nothing posed threat to them then.
Bongo was held tight in Polly's loving arms. It had been absorbing as much energy as it could, but it knew it only had a fraction of the energy needed to reach it's goal of a long life. 
Luckily, Bongo managed to absorb a massive amount of energy a few months back. It wasn't near enough to reach it's goal, but it was just enough for it to go and seek enough. 
Bongo had been waiting patiently and desperately for the opportunity to fully feed off it's host, but no good opportunities presented themselves. It wouldn't dare risk everything with other Raposa present. If it failed, it would waste it's precious energy. And if the Raposa found out what Bongo was made to do, it could get destroyed. So Bongo needed to be as careful as possible. 
It quickly scanned the area, checking if it's opportunity finally arrived. 
It knew there was no longer a town of Raposa to potentially catch it, but Polly's parents were still there. 
Bongo considered making it's move while the parents slept, but it would be far too high risk considering how protective they were. And with the new environment, the two were more high alert than usual. 
Bongo knew the only chance it had at draining it's host would be when Polly was all alone. 
Bongo rested once more. It couldn't drain itself now. 
The waiting game wasn't over yet. And Bongo knew if it played its cards right, it would surely win.
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zuzu-hotman · 4 years
Ready To Love Pt.4 [[Zuko]]
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Pairing: Zuko x Female!Reader
Warnings: The usual (;
A/N: Ahh, part four! So so close..also more word vomit. I know, I know, it’s taking long but listen, I do enjoy slow burning and world building <3 I promise, much more to come next part!
Pt.1,, Pt.3
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“ Aɴᴅ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ..”
Your hand felt so warm clasping his- he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the feeling. The last time he’d gotten to was in Ba Sing Se, sometime before he’d made the bad choices he made. Honestly he felt like it was going to be the last time. He was aware he’d hurt you, but he never realized to what degree. He hadn’t known how you had suffered in his absence. Adding his betrayal to it was another- and how he looked at you when you began to bend? He never meant to look hurt. It wasn’t because you didn’t firebend. It was because you didn’t tell him- because he had made it so you were unable to do so.
As kids you had always told each other everything. Though back then, there wasn’t much to tell. Only dinner plans or events at school. He complained about Azula to you and you tried to make things look brighter than they were. You made him once believe Azula would change. He still sometimes wished she had. Still, he’d always did his best to make himself available to talk. You’d opened up to him before and it killed him to think that at one point you decided it was best to close up.
The brutality his Father showed him effected him greatly- he only wished it wasn’t a big enough blow to reach you. He hoped his brutality wasn’t something you had to deal with in his absence as well.
Your father.. the thought still weighed on his mind. It sat heavily upon his heart- what happened to you? What led you to Ba Sing Se?
His gaze drifted from your hand clasped on his to the back of your head. He stared at your hair, watching how the strands moved as you dragged him into no where. Same as the first time you’d met.. he smiled softly to himself as he recalled..
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“Azula! Let me back in!”, he’d hissed, gripping at the bars of the palace gates.
“You should’ve played with us Zuzu! Gosh, Mother will be so disappointed knowing you snuck out just to spite your dear sister.”
“She won’t believe you! Not this time!”
“Aw won’t she?”, Azula batted her eyelashes innocently, “Mooom!”
Zuko panicked, looking around for somewhere to hide while he thought of how he can sneak back in. It was horrible enough Azula forced him out- throwing a gift he’d received from Uncle Iroh over the gates, in an area that was kind of like a blind spot. Not many guards passing through, on account of it being near a poorer part of things. No one on that end had to means to try anything- these people could barely feed themselves sometimes, and so they also couldn’t afford weapons. The thought made Zuko.. uncomfortable. His own people were starving.. yet he had to remain hushed about it.
Even more so now. Mother always warned both him and Azula about getting too close to this area. The people had no means of getting in, but if they got out.. well, she said some people weren’t too kind. Greed corrupted them in horrible ways. Zuko wasn’t sure how it was greed rather than need.
“You’re lost.”, a voice says, and he jumps almost a foot in the air- all his training lost on him in a moment of panic.
Before him stands a girl his age- a little frail. Looking back now, Zuko knows this was from lack of proper food. Her hairs a little messy and her clothes have some patch work here and there. She holds something in her hand- Zuko fears he might be in trouble for a moment.
“Is this yours? I saw someone throw it over- it hit me in the head.”, she speaks softly, holding it out for him to take.
“...Why are you being nice to me?”, he asks, hesitantly taking it from her hands.
She shrugs, “Dunno. You didn’t give me a reason to be mean?” Her eyes look him over, taking him in. It’s clear now she realizes he’s of royal blood, or at the least, not poor. Her gaze moves towards the palace gate, “You’re not lost, you’re stuck.”
Zuko relaxes just a little, “Yeah. My dumb sister threw this over here and made me get it. Now she’s going to lie to my Mom and get me in trouble.”
The girl makes a face, “That’s mean.”
“Yeah it is.”
“Maybe that’s just how she likes to play?”
Zuko huffs, “She did it because I wouldn’t play.”
The girl makes a face again, crossing her arms. She’s silent for a moment or two, thinking something over carefully before speaking, “Well.. I can help you get in, but only if you promise you won’t tell. You’d be getting someone I know in trouble.”
Zuko stares at her. He wonders if he can even trust her- his Mothers lecture becomes nothing more than a faded echo as he stares at her. It’s either this, or let Azula win.
“Okay.”, he says, “I promise.” There’s another beat of silence before she suddenly grabs his hand and drags him off. He lets out a small startled sound but allows himself to be dragged away. You wove him in and out of some alleyways and bushes. He wonders if you’re helping him or kidnapping him- do kids kidnap other kids?
The longer this takes the more he panics- and then suddenly you stop. He bumps into your back, letting out a small ugh as he stumbles away from you.
“Shh..”, you hiss, “We’ve got one shot at this, okay?”
“Wh-what do you mean by that?”
She deadpans at him, “Not in a danger kind of way. I mean we have only one chance at you not getting caught. Got it?”
“Oh- okay. Uhm.. how do you know a way in?”
“Maybe I know a maid.”, she says, and Zuko raises a brow. She knows a maid? Is she the daughter of one?
“Do you want to play a guessing game or do you want to go home? Prince Zuko?”
He stares at  her, absolutely dumbfounded, “How did you-”
“M’kay, so you gotta make a mad run for it when I say go. One more thing.”, she looks at him with a very serious expression, “If you ever find yourself out here again, come find me. You’re very good at follow the leader.”
Zuko groans quietly to himself, “Oh whatever.. well.. is this my only shot? Like my only chance all day?” He asks cause he has to know. In the moment he didn’t think of it as a game. Though now that he’s sure he’s in no danger.. well, it was kind of fun. Everything was a blur but he saw things he never got to see up close. He met someone on his own and not because it was needed since he was the prince.
This girl found him and he found her- she wasn’t so proper and up tight. Even knowing who he was from the start.
“Mhmm.. no? There’s another one but it’s not until night time.. and how would you explain being gone all day?”, she says, interrupting his thoughts.
Zuko shrugs now, his mind suddenly made up, “I’ll find one. Maybe Azula will panic for once. That would be nice. Mom might worry too though..”, maybe he wasn’t too sure now.
She smiles at him gently, “We can play another day. I’m sure we have time.”
“Are you sure?”, he asks.
“I’m sure. I’d like to see you again P-”
“Zuko.”, he insists, “Just call me Zuko.”
A small laugh escapes her, and to this day he holds it dear, “Okay, Zuko.”
He nods at her, a silent promise to see her again, but before he runs off, “What’s your name?”
“Come back tomorrow and find out.”, she replies, a cheeky grin on her face.
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“I think this is a good spot.”, you say, breaking the long silence at last. You sit down and pat the spot next to you. “Before I start, I want to apologize only for being so irrational with my anger. That, and what in the world were you thinking?! A high security prison?! With Sokka! Katara would have killed you if anything happened to him! I would have lost my mind! Jeez Zuko!”
Zuko could only stare at you, it had been so long since you’d worried over him in any way. So very very long since you had truly seemed like yourself. It was the little things he’d missed the most. He had to let you know.
“I missed you so much, ___.”, he says, so softly your heart about bursts.
“Zuko I am literally about to lecture you-”
“Do it. Lecture me all night I don’t care- just talk to me. Talk to me. Yell and scream- I don’t care. I missed you so much. I missed you when I had to leave and I missed you when I made that mistake. So much.”
You could only smile sadly. He was as hurt as you were by his actions and that much was clear. You could see it now. Zuko never aimed to hurt any one, he’d only self destructed, and the blow effected those he cared for.
“Okay, but I’m only going to talk. It might be a long night.”
“That’s fine with me.”
So you began, not knowing where it might take you both. All you knew was that it was needed. You couldn’t hide any longer, the feelings were bubbling over despite a horrible war nearing.
Love didn’t much care for proper timing..
“ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs..”
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Daily Writing Challenge - June 2nd 2021
Based off the Song Adventure Is Out There by AJR
Also a prequel to the short story I wrote yesterday... This is leading up to the day Sarah met Evan
Sarah sat on her bed, covers thrown over her head, intent on blocking out the world around her. Her hair was a mess and so was her room. Her joints ached from being curled up in one spot for so long and while she was tired of feeling this way, she couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed and actually do something about it. 
The world was terrible and cruel anyways, there was no reason for her to actually get up and do anything anyways. People would dump you for no reason and they’d break your heart through a text message without a second thought to how excited you were to celebrate your six month anniversary.
Sarah buried her head in the mattress, throwing the pillow across the room as if it were some sort of voodoo doll for her ex-partner. Was it too much to ask for someone that actually cared about her?
A soft knock came to her door and Sarah groaned out some sort of response. “Go away” maybe.
The door opened anyways, despite her wishes, and her mother walked in. “Sarah honey?” Marge asked, sitting on the foot of her bed.
Sarah rolled over as if to face her mother, glaring up at the ceiling. No wonder Jesse hadn’t wanted to stay with her. Who would want to date a college student still living with their parents?
“Sarah...” Her mother began, sounding concerned. “I know the break up with Jesse was... Unexpected to say the least, but that doesn’t mean it has to stop your whole life up does it? What about that dive you were so excited to sign up for?”
“I cancelled it,” Sarah grumbled, hating how raspy her voice sounded from crying. She really needed some water or something. “I didn’t see the point in going if they were going to be there.”
Marge sighed. “Sarah, you can’t avoid him forever. Just because they broke up with you doesn’t mean that you two can’t be friends!”
Sarah sat up this time, resisting the urge to glare at her mother too. Even in her muddled post-breakup state she could tell that glaring at her mom wouldn’t end well for her. “Mom, they dumped me because he had completely lost all interest in me. If they wanted to still be friends after all this then he should’ve at least had the decency to break up with me face to face instead of doing it over text. Heck, even a voice text would’ve been better than a single message telling me it’s over!”
Marge winced slightly. “I know honey, and what Jesse did wasn’t right in the slightest-”
“He texted me five minutes before our dinner reservation was scheduled, and the cancellation fee at that point was more expensive than the reservation itself, so I had to eat dinner in the most well known couple restaurant, alone, on the verge of tears the entire time, unable to ask for clarification because of their strict no phone policy Mom! I can’t just ‘go on a dive’ with them!” Sarah said, her voice breaking towards the end as she realized that not only had her ex ruined her night, but the dive trip she had been looking forward to all semester long.
“Sarah,” Marge began, getting off the bed and beginning to fold Sarah’s discarded clothes that were scattered about the room for her. 
Sarah gulped. Her mom’s no nonsense voice was no joke. “I did not raise my daughter to lose all her confidence over a single breakup, no matter how crappy the break up was.”
“But Mooom-” Sarah protested, wishing she could just throw the covers back over her head.
Marge stopped folding clothes to shoot a look at her daughter. “The only but is going to be yours getting out of bed and getting ready for the dive tomorrow.”
“I told you, I already cancelled on the dive trip,” Sarah said, fiddling with the edge of her blanket. 
“Well then, luckily for you, Dr. Matthews was double checking the list yesterday and noticted you’d been taken off. She called the house to ask if it was purposeful or not and I told her it must’ve been some administrative error, so you’re going on the dive trip tomorrow, whether you like it or not.”
“MOM!” Sarah exclaimed, finally looking over at her mother.
“Don’t you take that tone with me young lady,” Marge warned, and Sarah crumpled again. “Trust me, this’ll be good for you. If you didn’t go on this trip you’d be kicking yourself for it years in the future.”
Sarah sighed. “Alright fine then... Can I at least have some privacy so I can get changed and make sure I have everything packed?”
Marge nodded, setting the pile of clothes she had already folded down on Sarah’s desk chair before heading for the door. “You’ve got 15 minutes to get dressed, and then I’m coming back in here to annoy you til you actually get out of bed.” she stepped outside, shutting the door softly behind her, and Sarah reluctantly slid out of bed, looking around the room for something to pull on.
“You’d think that with all these clothes everywhere it’d be easy for me to find something decent to wear,” Sarah grumbled to herself, looking under her bed for a pair of socks.
Sure enough, 15 minutes later, Sarah was out her bedroom door, sitting at her kitchen table with a bowl of cereal in front of her, despite the fact that it was almost noon. 
“I really don’t see why I have to go on the dive," Sarah complained, scooping a spoonfull of cheerios in her mouth. "It's not like seeing Jesse on this thing is going to make him want to take me back."
Marge just shot her a look from across the dining room table, taking a sip from her coffee. "It's not about getting Jesse back Sarah, it's about rediscovering your love for all things other than Jesse. You were excited for this diver before you met them, and you can be excited about the dive for it after you broke up too, Jesse is not the only good thing in the world you know."
Sarah forced a small smile onto her face. "I know Mom... It just... It really sucks you know?" 
Marge smiled sympathetically at her daugher. "I do know. And I also know that things are going to get better. I promise."
"Thanks Mom..." Sarah trailed off, staring down at her cereal. "I think I need to go out and buy a new pack of socks from the store. I couldn't find any at all in my room and I know for a fact I don't have any dirty laundry."
Marge laughed. "If it'll get you out of the house then by all means go for it. It's a do nothing day for me, so you can take my car if you'd like."
Sarah perked up a bit. Her mom never let her drive her car. "Really?"
Marge smiled. "Yes really. And if you happen to run into Jesse at the store, don't be afraid to show the old girl off a little."
Sarah grinned for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Maybe this whole dive trip wouldn't be so terrible after all.
Not less than 24 hours later, Sarah was regretting every single decision she had ever made up until this point. "You're sure I have to go Mom?" she asked, standing in the living room, peaking out at the bus that wasn't supposed to arrive to pick her up for another 10 minutes.
"Sarah," her mom told her, shooting her a look that was equal parts intimidating and encouraging. "There is so much more out there than Jesse. Or if you want me to put it into marine biologist terms, there are so many other fish in the sea."
Sarah resisted the urge to smile at her mom's corny joke.
"Adventure is out there!" Marge told her, doing her best to put on an encouraging smile. "You shouldn't be in here, moping about over some stupid demiboy that couldn't even bother to break up with you properly. You go on that dive and you show them that you're better than that. You're the up and coming marine biologist that can do anything you set your mind to. So get out there and find some adventure!"
Sarah let herself smile, feeling some of the tension leaving her body. "You really think so?"
"Honey, I know so," Marge told her. "Eventually you'll be out there making memories and having so much fun that you won't even remember your times with Jesse. And instead of losing your socks, your socks will be the ones losing you."
Sarah allowed herself to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of that one. "How did that make any sense at all Mom?"
Marge just shrugged. "Maybe it didn't, but it made you laugh, which is the important thing here."
Sarah smiled. 
"Now get out there and go on that dive! You've got this!"
"Yeah, Sarah reassured herself. "I've got this!"
She took a deep breath and pulled her backpack higher up on her back, opening the door and standing in the doorway for a few moments, staring out at the bus. “... Adventure is out there.”
“So why are you in here?” Marge asked.
Sarah hesitated for a moment longer before taking her first step out the door. “I’m not.” 
Marge smiled and Sarah did too as she glanced back at her before heading to the end of her driveway. Adventure was out there. And she was going to find it.
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
Come get ya’lls fanfiction
WIP Day!
thank you to the lovely @scungilliwoman for the tag💕
“WHY DID YOU SMOKE WITH HIM?!” the man yelled at Connor. Though the man could size Connor up quite easily he didn’t flinch
“What??? He seemed lost or something” Connor answered confused “I felt bad n’ wanted to give him a warm welcome. Which none of you do anymore”
The man looks at Connor dumbfounded “He was supposed to go through FUCKING ATONEMENT.” He gritted through bared teeth “You’re fucking LUCKY for the drug trades you and John make otherwise he’d have-“
“-Have my head on a stick. Yeah yeah you told me ten fucking times this week” Connor finished “You know Michael you think you’re all tough but you’re scaring no one”
That was a blatant lie
Michael was one of Eden’s Gates best trained Chosen. He was trained without mercy, compared to others that were trained before and after him. He had a muscular build, was extremely strong compared to most, and was a quick thinker. He even knew how to quickly put anyone and everyone in their place, even if it went down in a fight. Though he was extremely particular and terrifying to everyone, including Eden’s followers, he was quite attractive and if it weren’t for his attitude he would probably be Hope County’s top 5 attractive men
Michael felt his blood boiling as he spoke to the small minded stoner “Talking to you is like talking to a puppy. It takes more than just talking and scolding to get you to listen”
“Awh...cranky that you gotta tell Daddy Johnny what happened???” Connor teased before bursting out laughing in front of the enraged man
“Shut your fucking SMARTASS mouth” Michael quickly barked back
“Okay Diego” Connor rolled his eyes “Why don’t you go on some forest adventure?” Connor had no problem insulting Michael despite his terrifying stories of killing people off. After all he been Michael’s friends every since he joined Eden’s Gate.
Michael wanted to rip Connor’s throat out, as any best friend would.
“You know.....I won’t say anything. I already told John about your little fuck up” Michael sneered
“Oh you fucking asshole.” Connor looked around “Why would you do that”
“Because Angel was marked”
“John is like a fucking Pomeranian times fucking three. You barely say anything to him and then- BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK” Connor had no problem mocking John, let alone anyone besides Joseph and Jacob, otherwise he gave no fucks
Michael covered his mouth and cleared his throat so he wouldn’t laugh “This isn’t a fucking joke Connor. This is our jobs and lives on the line”
Their radios cracked and speaking of the devil
“Michael, Connor, meet me in my office immediately” John said on the radio
“You fucking-“ Connor punched Michael in the arm
“That all you got?” Michael felt worse
“You’re fucking terrible” Connor said before walking towards John’s office “You’re coming too y’know”
“Mmmh, not for the same reason”
“Fuck you” Connor huffed out
Michael and Connor both entered John’s bunker office (whatever you call it) John was waiting for the both of them at his desk. His facial expression said more than enough to the both of them.
“Hey John-“
“Don’t ‘Hey John’ me” John interrupted
“I was trying to be nice????” Connor said back
“You know why you’re here? Hmmm?”
“Is it about that stupid man you keep ranting about? Hmmm?” Connor answered
“Of course IT FUCKING IS.” John stood up from his desk chair, striding towards Connor while scolding him “I’M STILL TRYING TO WRAP MY HEAD AROUND THE WHY”
“Oh boy...” Connor said under his breath
Connor puts his hand on John’s chest and pushes him back slightly “John, dude, move back. What are you going to do?” Connor snorted “bite my ankles or something?”
John swats Connor’s hand away “Watch yourself.” he growled
“Fine. John. I’m going to be honest. You take in the wrong people to be turned into followers.” Connor finally answered John’s question
“I’m listening.”
“But you’re not like Jacob you’re too quick to turn people into followers, you don’t look for anything else. You don’t look for potential.”
John rolls his eyes “You sure Jacob didn’t get to your head too?”
“Fuck off” Connor cut John off and tried to ignore it “Anyways I think your guy here’s got fucking potential”
Michael looked at him as if he lost his damn mind “You’re fucking baked Connor”
“Can it, asshole.”
John wasn’t paying much attention until Connor said Angel, of all people, got potential. He couldn’t get a word of common sense out but,
“What in the FUCK do you mean by that”
Connor let out an exhasperated sigh “You guys don’t think smart and it shows”
“Connor he’s a fucking COP.” Michael moved in front of Connor “If he wasn’t, I still wouldn’t get it. He was trying to arrest Joseph. You reeeeeally think that’s a good idea to have a cop around”
“He had no means of killing or arresting me. We actually talked for a bit.” Connor said effortlessly “Also John, I don’t think he’s the problem, you are.”
“Yes I did that.” Connor said calmly
Michael covered his face from Connor’s embarrassment “Oh my fucking God”
“What? Not ashamed. He seemed nice. We smoked after too.”
John breathed in and let out a heavy breath he was holding back “Go fucking find that son of a bitch and you bring him back here to ME. No fucking excuses”
“M’kay mooom” Connor mocked John
“Michael’s coming.” John added
“I don’t wanna go hunting with dad, he sucks-“
Michael took no time to grab Connor and drag him out of John’s office “Don’t worry we’ll bring him back John” Michael quickly said to him “Let’s fucking GO dumbass, wasted my precious time already”
“Y’know in due time you’ll see that small man ain’t the real problem” Connor scowled at Michael like an angry teenager “n’ I can’t wait till ya’ll say I was right for once.”
Tagging @mrsladydiana @mrspaigeomega @muse-1498
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moistmailman · 5 years
House Wife AU part 5
*Halloween Night*
Pyrrha, wearing a cowboy costume: *handing out candy* Oh my goodness, what are you supposed to be, sweetie?
Little boy, happily: I’m an astwonaut!
Pyrrha, giggling: Well you have to be the cutest little astronaut ever. Here you go. *puts candy in bag.
Boy's parents: What do you say to the nice lady?
Little boy: Thank you, nice lady.
Pyrrha, smiling sweetly: You’re welcome, sweetie. Have a happy Halloween! *shuts door and yells towards her stairs* Hey kids! Are you guys almost ready for trick or treating?
Troy’s voice, from up stairs: Yeah hold on! Almost done!
Pyrrha: Please hurry! Uncle Roman and Mercury should be here any minute no—
*Door bell rings*
Pyrrha, grabbing bowl of candy: Ope, more trick or treaters. *opens door* Happy Halloween!
Roman, chuckling: Oooh, we get candy too?
Mercury: And here I thought this holiday was only for kids.
Pyrrha, chuckling: Oh, it’s you two. I’m sorry. I thought you guys were trick or treaters. Please, come in. The kids are getting ready.
Mercury, walking in: So, are the kiddos excited to go trick or treating?
Pyrrha, smiling: They sure are. They been waiting all year for this. They were too excited to go to sleep last night actually. They were too busy talking about how much candy they were going to get. It was adorable.
Roman, smiling: Yeah, I'm sure it was. So, where’s Cindie?
Pyrrha, frowning: Hmm? She should be around here somewhere. Where is she? Hey sweetheart, come here! Roman and Mercury are here!
Cinder’s voice, sighing in the other room: Hold on! Just....give a minute.
Mercury, raising an eyebrow: What’s wrong with her?
Pyrrha, smiling: Oh nothing. Our kids’ picked our costumes and she’s....she’s not the biggest fan of hers.
Roman: Oh really? How bad is it?
Pyrrha: It’s not even bad. She’s just being a little grump. Cinder, sweetheart, are you coming?
Cinder’s voice, approaching: Yeah, hold on! I’m on my way.
*Suddenly Cinder grudgingly walks through the door with a Bo Peep costume on, including the pink polkadotted dress, hat, and even cane*
Cinder, scowling:...........
Roman/Mercury:........*snorts laughter*
Cinder, glaring: You shut your god damn mouths!
Mercury, laughing: Nice costume. Where's your other toy friends?
Cinder, gritting her teeth: Shut up.
Roman, laughing: Are you trying out a new look or something? It really suits you.
Cinder: I swear to God I will fucking shove my foo—
Pyrrha: Hey, language. Just calm down and ignore them, okay? Besides, I think you look really cute in that costume anyway. *kisses her* You're my cute Bo Peep.
Cinder, sighing: Where are the kids?
Pyrrha, smiling: They should be coming down. *Yells towards the stairs* Hey kids! Come down, uncle Roman and Mercury are here!
*Loud footsteps are heard*
Achilles’s voice: COMING!
*Achilles and Troy excitedly run down stairs in sheep costumes*
Pyrrha, cooing: Aww, look how precious you two look. You’re my two little precious lambs. *kisses their heads*
Mercury: So, I see there’s a theme going on.
Pyrrha, smiling: Yeah, they just saw toy story last week and loved it. So they picked our costumes and we picked theirs. *Cooing* And I'm honestly so happy I picked these costumes, but they are absolutely adorable, I swear. Whose mommy's little lambs? *Kisses their heads a bunch againi
Achilles: Mooom! You're embarrassing us!
Pyrrha, punching Achilles cheek: Oh nonsense. There's nothing embarrassing about a mother's love. Now scoot together so I can't take some pictures.
*Pyrrha snaps a bunch of pictures of her kids, while slightly getting teary eyed and mumbling about her "precious lambs"*
Roman, crouching down: So are you kiddos ready for trick or treating?
Achilles, jumping: Heck yeah I am!
Troy, shaming with excitement: I can’t wait! We are going to get so much candy!
Mercury: You got that right! We marked all the rich people’s house that give the best candy out! So your bags are going to be packed!
Achilles: Yes! I can’t wait!
Troy: Lets Go!
Cinder: Hold on, guys. Let me have a word with your 'uncles' real quick. Comm’ere for a minute, you two.
Mercury, sighing: Oh great.
Roman, sighing: Just give us a minute kids. This won’t take long.
*Cinder escorts Mercury and Roman to the living room privately*
Cinder, deadly serious: I just want to tell you guys that if you lose our kids, or if ANYTHING happens to them, I’ll kill you both.
Roman, rolling his eyes: Yeah Yeah, I know.
Cinder: I’m serious. I will kill you both with no hesitation at all. No matter how far you run, and where you hide, I will find and slaughter you both like the dogs you are.
Mercury, groaning: We know already. You literally tell us this each time we baby sit them at all.
Cinder, growling: And I mean it each and everytime too. Don’t let them out of your sights, or so help me god I’ll—
Roman, rolling his eyes: Kill us, we got it. Can we go now?
Cinder: Yeah. Get out of here. And don’t make me regret letting you do this.
Roman, smiling: Right. See you around, farmer’s daughter.
Cinder: Dont you fucking call me th—
Roman, leaving with the kids: Let’s go guys. Say bye bye to your mommies.
Troy/Achilles, waving: Bye bye!
Pyrrha, smiling and waving: Goodbye, we love you! Have fun and be safe!
Roman, waving: We will. See you later.
Pyrrha, smiling: Well the kids are gone now. So you know what that means we can do finally~
Cinder, smiling: Oh most definitely.
Pyrrha: Time to watch a bunch of bad horror movies!
Cinder, chuckling: Yep! Ill make the popcorn! Let's go!
*hours later*
Roman, walking down the street: Man, I can’t believe that Cindie doesn’t fully trust us with the kiddos yet.
Mercury: I know right. I mean, we’re great babysitters.
Roman: We’re the best! And we’re doing this for free too! She should be greatful!
Mercury: She really should! But no, she thinks we're nothing but idiots.
Roman: Tell me about it. We're not that dumb. We are actually very two smart men!
Mercury: You can say that again! Plus the kids love us! Don’t you guys?
Mercury, concerned: Hey, are you kiddos alright? Wait, did you guys change bags or something? *crouches down* What’s goin—.......
Roman, worries: What? What’s wrong? *crouches down* Do they have candy on their mouths or som— *gasps* O-oh my god.
*Roman looks and sees two confused kids wearing identical sheep costumes, but being completely two different kids, both of them being cat faunuses*
Roman, panicking: Oh my fucking god!
Mercury, panicking: Please tell me I’m going insane! Please tell me that I don’t see two cat ears on them right now! Tell me anything but—
Roman, nearly crying: Jesus Christ, we somehow mixed up kids! We got the wrong ones!
Mercury, voice cracking: Anything BUT that!
Roman: Oh my god! This can't be happening?! We just accidentally committed two kidnappings! How is this even possible?! How did we manage to do this?! The chances of this happening is comically and astronomically low! Oh fuck!! This is so stupid, even for us! Oh my god! This doesn't happen to normal people! This is like some three stooges level of stupidity! Cinder's going to kill is!
Mercury: Stop jumping to conclusion man! We might not die! Look, maybe....just maybe, Cinder might not notice if we show up with these two instead. L-like, we could dye her hair red and boom, it's essentially Achilles and Troy! That's possible, right?
Mercury: Okay, uhm....Heya kiddos, uhm.....do you think you guys can show us to your house? You have any idea where you live?
One of the kids: *nods quietly*
Mercury: Yes yes yes yes! We aren’t going to die! We are going to survive! Okay, let’s go!
Pyrrha, eating popcorn: I honestly don’t understand why everyone in these horror movies are so dumb. Like, does common sense don't exist in these worlds?
Cinder, chuckling: How else are they supposed to die in these easily avoidable ways for our amusement?
Pyrrha, giggling: Yeah, I guess you’re right. But couldn't they just make the killer smarter?
Cinder: Yeah, but then they would have to put effort into the writing.
Pyrrha: *snorts*
*Phone rings in the kitchen*
Cinder, standing: I'll get it.
Pyrrha: Can you make some more popcorn while you’re at it?
Cinder, smiling: Yeah, hold on.
*Cinder walks into the kitchen and answer their phone*
Cinder: Hello?........Yang? Yang who? Oh wait, you’re one of Pyrrha’s friends, right?....oh, okay. How can I help you?........wait, slow down. You're talking to fast.......what do you mean your wife’s going to kill you if she finds out. What’s going on?......uh no, why would we have your kids?......a mix up? What mix up?.......why do you have Troy and Achil— OH MY GOD, I’M GOING TO KILL THEM!!!
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Upon the Sweetest Flower (Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader)
Chapter 2
Upon the Sweetest Flower Masterlist
Previously on Upon the Sweetest Flower...
Warnings: mentions of unwanted seductive stares, and uhhh that’s about it? 
Word Count: 2,455
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C/C/N = Celebrity Crushes Name
“Thank you again, Mr. Evans!” Genny exclaimed as your dad placed the car in park in the grocery store parking lot. 
You glanced over at your best friend, ‘what?’ she mouthed. You rolled your eyes as you looked over at your dad who was digging through his wallet, “it’s no problem, Genny,” he said, he then looked over at you, “here’s forty, I think that should be plenty,” he said as he handed you two twenty-dollar bills. 
“More than plenty,” you said as you grabbed the bills. 
“Can I come?” your little brother asked.
Chris chuckled, “you’re gonna be staying in the car with me, buddy,” Hudson pouted, “Oh come on, Sonny, it’ll be loads of fun! We can jam out to Prince!” 
Hudson crossed his arms, letting out a loud huff, “so much fun,” he said sarcastically. 
For a six-year-old he sure did catch onto your sarcasm pretty quick, you leaned over to the back seat and ruffled his hair, “I’ll bring you a candy bar,” you whispered as you gave him a small wink. 
“I heard that,” your dad warned as you straighten yourself in the passenger's seat.
“Did you?” 
Chris sighed, “just bring your old man a candy bar too.” 
You smiled, “You got it, old man!” 
You could hear your dad sigh as you got off the car, “she’s never gonna let that go,” you heard him mumble under his breath before closing the car door. “Don’t take too long! Your mom is going to be picking up Sonny in like an hour!” Your dad called out as he rolled down the windows. 
“We won’t!” you and Genny then walked into the grocery store, you grabbed a small basket and headed straight to the chip aisle. 
“Alright, we need our salty,” Genny stated as she scanned the chips. 
You grabbed your favorite brand of chips, holding it up for her to see, “I got my salty.” She smiled when she spotted her favorite brand. 
She placed it in the basket, “me too.” 
“Now we need our sweet,” you said as you headed to the next aisle. 
“And your dad and brothers candy bars,” Genny said. 
You grabbed two snickers bars and called it good, “alright, now for my sweet,” you said as you looked at the assorted candies in the aisle. You grabbed your favorite candy bar and so did Genny. 
“Now, sour,” you and Genny said in unison, causing you both to erupt in laughter. 
Once you were both done, you both headed towards the checkout lines. You looked the line next to you, noticing a familiar face not too far away. You quickly turned around and scooted closer to Genny, “don’t make it obvious, but I think Mr. Firth, is in the next line too far behind us,” you whispered to Genny. 
“What!?” she exclaimed as she quickly turned around. 
You quickly pulled her arm, causing her to face you, “I said not to make it obvious,” you mumbled. 
She made an ‘O’ shape with her mouth before clearing her throat, “do you think I made it obvious?” she whispered. 
“Y/N? Genny? Is that you?” You heard Mr. Firth's voice, you grimaced as you closed your eyes cursing softly to yourself before turning around and plastering a smile on your face. 
“Mr. Firth!” You exclaimed, “odd meeting you here,” you mumbled. 
“Yeah, well, we teachers have to get our basic needs like everyone else,” he said as he smiled, you couldn’t help but notice his eyes traveling over you. 
You shook your head, trying your best to ignore it, “don’t know why I thought teachers just shopped where they couldn’t run into students.” 
He chuckled, “if only I could have my groceries delivered.” 
“I think you can,” Genny piped in, “like on certain items.” 
Mr. Firth let out a small chuckle, “Well, I should let you girls go, it was nice seeing you both,” he looked at you once more, his eyes overextending their stay, “I’ll see you girls in class Monday.” You noticed the line was moving, Genny waved goodbye to Mr. Firth as you both walked up to the counter to pay for your purchases. 
“Well, that was awkward,” Genny mumbled as you both made your way back to the car. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. You both didn’t say much about the interaction afterward and you were glad. All you wanted to do was just forget it ever happened, just forget his eyes on your body, the way they made you feel like you were filthy. You hated that feeling. 
The car ride home mostly consisted of your little brother talking about some show he loved, you forgot the name of it but it had to do with kid superheroes. As Chris pulled up to the house, you spotted your moms car. 
“Mommy’s here!” Your little brother exclaimed as the car was placed in park, he quickly took off his seat belt and bolted out of the car. 
You got off the car and helped Genny with some of her things before walking towards the front door where your family was at the front porch, “Hey, mom,” you said as you gave her a hug.
“Hey, sweetie,” she said as she kissed your cheek, she then looked over at Genny, “nice to see you, Genny.” 
“Nice to see you too, Mrs. Evans,” Genny then cursed to herself, “Sorry, Uh- I didn’t mean to-” 
Your mom chuckled, “it’s fine, Genny.” You saw your mom glance at your dad awkwardly, you couldn’t stand the thickness of the vibe they were giving off. 
“Well, we’ll be inside,” you stated before ruffling your brother's hair, “have fun with mom, kiddo.” 
“Hey!” he exclaimed as he quickly tried to fix his hair, “mooom!” he yelled, causing your parents to laugh. 
You rolled your eyes and walked into the house with Genny. 
Every time Genny slept over, you spent a portion of the night on the roof. The roof had this area where it was flat and it was big enough where you could hang out and you would carefully, on occasion, walk up onto the roof through your balcony and spend nights just looking at the stars. 
You and Genny always placed blankets and pillows and you both would just lay there as the sound of crickets filled your ears like soothing music. Your dad would often come and check up on you guys. 
You were looking up at the stars, smiling as you spotted a shooting star. You closed your eyes and made a wish, opening your eyes you felt silly for doing that. Knowing very well that it was just a dead star and that the wish wouldn’t come true but you couldn’t help it. 
“What’s your personal hell?” Genny blurted out. 
You sighed, “Mr. Firth’s class,” you said calmly causing Genny to erupt in laughter. 
“He’s so awkward,” you stated. 
“Ugh, don’t even get me started.” 
You both stayed silent, your mind wandered to a million thoughts, “what do you think happens to us after we die?” 
Your question caught Genny by surprise, she looked at the stars as she pondered about it, “Well, I just always assumed we’d go to heaven…” 
“But like, what about hell?” You questioned, “if there’s a heaven then there must be a hell, right?” 
“I mean, yeah, I guess so,” she said silently. 
“And what if there is no heaven or hell?” You questioned, “Then what?” You didn’t know why you were asking her these questions, but the mention of “hell” made you wonder about heaven and you just couldn’t help but spiral down from there. It was something you had always wondered. What happens when we die? 
“I guess we roam the earth as ghosts?” Genny said in a jokingly manner, trying to put light to the subject. 
But you wanted answers, you wanted to know what life was like after death. Were you able to see your family? Take care of them from above? Or was it all just white? The end of your journey. Your soul just no longer exists and then what happens? It seems scary to think about. 
“I mean, you’ve always wanted to travel right?” Genny said with laughter behind her eyes. 
You hummed in response, “do you think you can watch over your relatives? Like a guardian angel kind of way?” 
Genny sighed, “I’m pretty sure you can.” 
“Would you want to?” You whispered, Genny gave you a questioned look, “would you want to see them mourn your death? Wouldn’t you find that hard to deal with? I mean, you’ll be there with them but at the same time you won’t.” 
“Why are you asking these questions, Y/N?” 
You shrugged, “I’m just curious.” 
Genny chuckled, “stop being curious, you’re freaking me out.” 
“Don’t you ever wonder about it, though? Like, be real, dude.” 
Genny stayed silent, of course, she had wondered about it but she didn’t want to think about it. She was young and she wanted to live in the moment rather than think about a death that might not happen until she was much older, “maybe our souls get transferred to a baby being born, like those theories. That’s why there are so many people remembering those memories that aren’t theirs.” 
“Ugh, I hate that theory. It always gets me. I get like mind blown.” 
“Hey, you never know,” Genny said with a shrug. 
You both stayed silent again, enjoying the sounds of the crickets and the distant cars that were passing by, “promise me something?” 
“What?” Genny asked. 
“When I die-” You quickly noticed Genny glare at you, “hear me out,” you warned. Genny sighed, “when I die, whether be years from now or a month, promise me you’ll check up on my family.” 
“But you won’t die anytime soon, we don’t know what the future holds.” 
“Exactly,” you said silently, “we don’t know what the future holds. Death is untimely.” You sighed, “just promise me? I’ll be dead anyway and I most likely won’t even know if you do or not, so just promise me and if you do keep the promise, just make sure none of them go down the rabbit hole.” 
Genny chuckled, “alright, I promise, but you’re not gonna die for a long time, Y/N. I see us living next to each other and our children growing up to be best friends. You marrying what’s his face.” 
Genny laughed, “Yeah, him!” You both laughed, you decided that it was enough with the questions. You began to talk about other things that were important in your life at the moment rather than something so dark. 
Mondays were always so gloomy but the weather just made the day feel even worse. “Y/N,” Mr. Firth voice caught your attention, you had been staring out the window, watching the storm pass by, surprised that the power hadn’t gone out yet. You looked over at Mr. Firth, “the next line.” 
“Oh! Um…” 
“Lines twenty-six through thirty, sweetie,” you cringed at the pet name. 
You let out a soft sigh as you looked down at your book of Romeo and Juliet. You could’ve sworn that you read the tragedy a million times, “Right,” you said as you cleared your throat, “Capulet then says, Ha? Let me see her. Out, alas! She’s cold. Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff. Life and these lips have long been separated. Death lies on her like an untimely frost. Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.” As soon as the last of the line escaped your lips, the room was filled with darkness. 
A couple of the girls in the class began screaming, you rolled your eyes, “Alright, alright, calm down, everyone,” Mr. Firth began to say, “it’s just a power outage, I’m sure the lights will come back on any minute.” 
A few minutes went by before the Principal’s assistant walked into the room, alerting the class that everyone was being dismissed early for the day. Those who rode the bus would wait inside while the bus drivers were being alerted, and others called their parents or hitched a ride with friends. 
You sighed to yourself as you pulled your hoodie over your head, texting Genny about the events that were happening while she was at the doctor's office. You knew you couldn’t call your parents, mostly because they were both at work, and you hated to bother your Uncle Scott for a ride with his busy schedule. 
You then began your walk to your dad's house, your gut was telling you that maybe you should just wait it out the school or call your grandmother Lisa and see if she wasn’t busy. But of course, you just wanted to get home and crawl under the covers of your bed and fall asleep. 
You heard the soft engine of a car, you turned around to see a car pulling up next to you, the windows slowly rolled down to reveal Mr. Firth smiling at you from the driver's seat. “Need a ride?” 
You tried your best to give him a smile, “I-I’m good,” you stuttered, “it’s not that far.” 
“You’ll get sick out in this rain, Y/N, just let me drive you if it isn’t that far.” 
You gut kept telling you to say no, to just continue walking, because that’s what you were taught. To not accept rides from people you didn’t know. But he was your English teacher, you knew him… right? 
You gave him a small nod, “alright,” you said softly as you opened the car door. You sighed as you felt the warmth of the car as soon as you closed the door. 
“Crazy weather,” he says as he begins to drive off, “I’ve never seen it pour this hard before.” 
“Aren’t you from Texas?” You questioned. 
“Y-yeah,” he stuttered, “but from where I am from, it doesn’t rain as much.” You stayed silent, deciding that having a conversation just wasn’t something you wanted to do at the moment. You then noticed that you hadn’t even told Mr. Firth your address or given him any directions. 
Your heart began to race as he passed the street you lived on, “Oh, uh, you passed my street.” 
“Did I?” Something within his voice had changed, it was no longer slightly high-pitched, it was more low and darker. 
“M-Mr. Firth, I’d like to get out now,” you said softly as Mr. Firth pulled up to a stop sign,  you reached for the door handle but he quickly locked it. “Mr. Firth-” Suddenly everything went black and it was as if your mind had wandered back to certain areas in your life. You’ve heard people say that your life flashes before your eyes before you die. You wondered if this was it.
A/N:  I’m gonna go hide now. 
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @unapologeticallymimi   @glitterquadricorn @lady-of-lies  @cassmoreiraxo @just4muggles @mellorine-paprika  @agirlruinedbybands @yougottalovefandoms @avngrsinitiative @lizlil @otomefan @dejaazaro @culturebay @kpopishilarious @fireproof-heaven @iloveyouthreethousand-o6  @weappreciatepower @whereyoustand  @white-wolf-buckaroo @spider-woman22 @coffee-habit @supernaturallover2002 @barnes-parker @therealmrshale @myinternetissoslow @myhippiehopes @celyndavies @xzowiex @ximaginx @wooshytooshy @ellaorelizabeth @rororo06  @chloe-geoghegan1 @hdthdthdt @sophie-barnes26 @thamuddagirl @scarletmeii @ssebstann @fangirl31415 @thepeggyann @lauren-novak @reerrrrskillz
Upon the Sweetest Flower Taglist (OPEN):  @bellero @blancastans @straightfowardly @cocomel0613 @sunnyshoes @rathersuspiciousbumblebee @jupiterspoet @feminist-fan-girl @endgameendsme @fabinaforever11  @lilya-petrichor @beep_beep_marie
Chris Evans Taglist:  @icegirl2772  @acalmandquietplace @sleepylunarwolf @alicat-life @captaiinameriicasass @edgyhargreeves @noobmaster63 @pleasantlysecretdream @xiumin-girl99 @thejourneyneverendsx @peachacracy  @thewintersoldier1124 @booksarebae2000 @sebastiansmadden @dyckvindyck @amessybitxh @dumblani @vapingisntmything @viarogers @Sophieelizabeth-01 @supermoonchildbroski @maddie-laufeyson @beep_beep_marie
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
The Loser In The End (Joe Mazzello x Reader, Fluff!)
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Part 14 of The Queen Repertoire
WARNINGS: Language a bit.
Notes: Hey guys I know it’s been forever since I posted a story but these last three months have been an emotional hell for me, and I just needed a mental health break. I’m doing better now but am not yet 100%, nevertheless I am getting back to writing because dammit I need it. Thank you for your patience it was much appreciated. Now onto the story...
She's ma on whom you can always depend.
Everything I have, everything I am...I owe it all to her.
For as long as I can remember my mom has been my own personal super star. She's fought for me, stood by me when no one else would, and always ensured that the sun would come out on a rainy day. In baseball terms (because lord knows I can't live life without them now) if I couldn't go up to bat she would bat for me.
Like on the day of my sixteenth birthday party.
Mom had prepared invites a few days before but I told her there wasn't really a point. Sheila Gearheart, a popular girl at school, was having her Spring Bash ( a party she threw every year during Spring Break) on the same day so while my close friends (two awesome chickadee's I've known for most of my life) would  come no one else will.
Finally the last day of school before spring break arrived. Mom picked me up that day and as I made my way to the car I couldn't help but notice that Joe looked over and smiled at me. I smiled back and continued on walking to the car, my cheeks burning.
I'd known Joe since kindergarten. He was the kind of guy who was sweet for the sake of being sweet. Everyone liked him and he was actually the only guy who treated me like I was human. Mom loved him and wanted to make an invite for him but...I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment.
Once in the car I turned to greet my mom and found her looking at me curiously. “What?”
“I don't see why you won't ask Joe to the party,” she said.
I groaned. “Mooom!!! I told you Sheila has her party the same day and he...well he's probably already planning on going there.”
“Y/N/N, sweetie, you don't even know for sure,” she said. I was about to retort when she was suddenly rolling down the window on my side.
“Wait what are you―?”
“JOEY SWEETIE CAN I BORROW YOU A MINUTE?!” To say I sunk down into my seat, burying myself in my hoodie in the process would be an understatement. Kill me kill me kill me... I silently chanted as Joe approached the car.
“Hey Mrs. Y/L/N,” he greeted like the fucking peach he is. “Hey Y/N.”
“Hey,” I muttered nervously.
“I was wondering if you could give this to your mom,” My mom said handing him her recipe for pull-pork chili.
“Sure,” he said stuffing it in his pocket.
“Also we were wondering if you wanted to come by tomorrow,” mom continued. “It's Y/N's birthday and we're having a small party.”
“What? Y/N you didn't tell me your birthday was so soon,” Joe said.
“I-I thought you might already have plans so...”
“Oh no way,” he shook his head. “Consider me in for tomorrow.”
“What? Really?” I looked at him shocked. He laughed.
“Of course,” he said. “See you ladies tomorrow.”
“Alright see you sweetie,” mom said before pulling out of the (now backed-up) pick-up line.
“Did that really just happen?” I asked convinced it was nothing more than a dream I was about to wake up from.
Mom laughed. “Sweetie you really need to have more faith in yourself.”
The next day the party started as expected. My two girlfriends showed up and we all gathered in the backyard by the pool. Mom and dad started taking turns manning the grill, and a table was set up for the gifts. For a while it was just us...no Joe or anybody. I'd almost given up hope when...
“Hey birthday girl,” Joe appeared behind me. I turned and smiled nervously.
“Hey,” I said. There were two other guys with him whom he introduced as his brother John, and his buddy Rami. “Well barbecue is over there, and you all have access to the pool so I hope you brought swim trunks. Cake won't be until 5 o'clock, and...” I put on my thinking face. “Nope that's it.”
“Hey Y/N/N,” one of my friends called out to me. I looked over and saw her holding a Super Soaker and aiming it at me.
“DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. DARE!” I shouted at her.
“Oh I won't but I'm sure your boyfriend won't feel the same. Right Joe?” She smiled at him. I looked over and saw him pick up another Super Soaker from the pile in the corner of the yard.
“JOSEPH FUCKING MAZZELLO DON'T FUCKING EVEN..!” He looked over at me and smirked before letting loose on me. I gasped and ran for the bucket of water balloons. I picked one up and threw my arm back.
“You wouldn't...” Joe said a little too cocky for his own good. I smirked and gave my best fastball pitch. The balloon smacked him in the chest. “OH LET'S GO!”
It was full on war after that.
An hour later we were soaked and our friends were in their own water battle to the death. At one point Joe thought he had me cornered...near the pool. He was about to shoot me when I ducked and dove into the pool. I swam with a water balloon still in my hand to get away from him only to have him jump in after me. I swam until I reached the edge in the shallow end. I was about to climb back out when an arm wrapped itself around my waist. I turned around and found Joe in front of me aiming the Super Soaker at my head with one hand.
“Got you,” he muttered.
“Do you really?” I smirked at him. He looked at me curiously.
“What's that supposed to―?” I leaned forward and crashed my lips onto his.
Have you ever had a moment where you felt like this was where you were supposed to be? A moment so perfect it seems like a dream? That's how I felt with Joe. His lips lingered on mine and as they did I felt everything. He was my person, my everything, he was...he was my life. And judging by the way he kissed me back (wrapping his arms around me and wrapping my legs around his waist) it's safe to say he felt the same.
“Y/N, sweetie,” someone called out for me. “Y/N!” Joe and I jumped apart to find my mom standing by the pool looking down at us. “It's almost time for presents!”
“Oh-uh-okay,” I said climbing out. Joe followed me out blushing tomato red.
“Joe?” Mom caught his attention making him slightly nervous.
“You take care of my girl alright?” she smiled.
Joe sighed and smiled. “I will.”
He made good on that promise. We dated throughout the rest of high school and during college. A few years later he asked me to marry him. My mom, who was always there for me, sat in the front row during the ceremony.
I was shaking like a leaf with nerves as I made my way down the aisle. Then I looked over and locked eyes with my mom. She smiled and gave me a single nod, her silent way of telling me, Have faith in yourself sweetie. It relaxed as I finally met up with my husband to be.
When I became pregnant a year later she was there to help me through it all, and as my daughter grew I suddenly found myself in my mother's place.
“Did you invite Freddie to your party?” I asked when I picked her up from school a few days before her thirteenth birthday.
“Moooommm!” she groaned. She and Freddie Malek had known each other their whole lives and lately I'd seen them share certain glances with one another. It was the cutest thing. I laughed.
“Sweetie you really need to have more faith in yourself.”
I took her home and continued to do my duty as her mother and sent an invite to Freddie. She'll probably lose it at me but in time she'll see that I am ma whom she could always depend.
And I always will be.
~In Loving Memory of my Nana Maria
July 26, 1929 - February 16, 2020~
Taglist: @okaykathryn @fairestkillerqueenofall​ @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @boherahpsody​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @ihatethespacebars​ @madsthegroupie​ @freddie-bulsara-queen​ @rose-de-jaune​ @xxkellsvixen19xx​ @valeriecarolinaw​ @5sos-wdw​ @hearttshapeddboxx​ @spicyarreagaa​ @fluffffffffffff​ @pleasingiswhatweaimfor​ @hatemylifesofuckingmuch​ @jollyavacado​ @painandpleasure86​ @haileynicoleseavey17​ @queenlover1997​ @rrogerrz​ @peachyywine​ @mrsmazzello​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @zwiezraczek​ @night-writer-writer​ @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever​ @tinywildeace​
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
hey! can you do something about ben meeting reader’s family but they’re brazilian or something like that? thk u 💕
Lambada [Request]
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“Love, the only Brazilian thing I know is the Lambada, I'm not ready to meet your family,” Ben whined, as you straightened his black t-shirt on his chest with both your hands, looking at him closely.
“It's already enough, we'll add some dancing moves and they'll think you're Brazilian too,” you joked, your hands on his chest and grinned.
“It's not funny, y/n,” he complained, putting his hands on yours. “I'm a mess, I'm not ready to meet them at all!”
“You're not meeting the Queen of England!”
“Would have been easier,” he sighed as you smacked his lightly and from his lips an “ay” escaped.
“See? Already having the good reflexes,” you stated, “besides, you're meeting my mom, dad and brother.”
“Oh my God, I'm meeting your brother,” he whispered looking down at his shoes.
Months of preparation. Months of telling him that he is perfect. Months of telling your mom that yes, your boyfriend existed but was too afraid to show up in your house. Months leading to right here, right now, Ben ready to chicken out as you were almost ready to go out and meet your family, the ones you loved the most.
And Ben had to meet them, there was no excuse. Now he stopped working for his movies, the hollow part of the year, or something like that, it was the right time to meet your family, right after Christmas and all the ecstatic movement around this. And as much as Ben looked confident in any situation, you knew he wasn't and this situation was the peak of the things he couldn't handle. A week before the d day, he began to tell you how sick he began to feel and that you should reschedule probably, but you insisted on taking care of him so he wouldn't end up totally sick, he also told you that probably his mom would call him and... And then you knew that the problem wasn't coming from the outside, but from the inside. As if you didn't notice. You took his hands in yours, smiling and kissing them, reassuring him that your family would love him as much as you love him. And you succeeded. Until now.
“My brother won't eat you alive Ben,” you said, a bit exhausted by all of this. “We'll be late if you don't speed up a bit, and my mom doesn't,” you had to stop mid sentence as you saw horror in his eyes. Your mom didn't like people being late, and he seemed to remember it, just right now.
“Oh bloody hell, I'm getting my car keys and we're going,” he urged you, storming out the room, “grab your purse and we're going!”
You smiled. How much you loved this man was insane.
“You think it's too late for me to run away,” he whispered into your ear after you rang the bell and your turned to look at him, with big, scary eyes, “joking. Joking. I won't run away. Don't look at me like that.”
“Don't be silly,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand quickly before you could hear anybody coming from behind the door. “They'll love you.”
“Minha filha,” you heard as the door opened, and your mother took you into her arms, hugging you really hard. “Missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, mama,” you replied, your voice muffled into her shoulder. “This is Ben, my boyfriend,” you presented him as he awkwardly smiled and reached for your mother's hand but instead she hugged him.
“Nice to meet you Ben,” she then said, pulling off and smiling. “Come on, come on! We're waiting with dinner for both of you, your brother is already cursing you for being late!”
“We're not even late,” you protested.
“Filha, you know for your brother's stomach it's always too late,” she laughed as she watched both of you enter the house.
“Heard it,” your brother yelled from the living room before showing up to greet you with a smile. “But you're forgiven, mama made some delicious food because you and your boyfriend would show up so, you're forgiven. Hey, I'm [brother's name], nice to meet you Ben,” he said to greet Ben and offered him his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” Ben smiled, you could see how uncomfortable he felt with your brother's hand in his, anticipating any move he would make.
“I'm not going to eat you alive,” he teased Ben as you looked at him, sighing, “might just cut you in half and grill you.”
“You, shoo to the living room,” your mother urged your brother to move as he winked at Ben with a smile and disappeared behind a curtain.
“Nice to know I'll be the dinner,” Ben said, making your mother and yourself chuckle.
“Wait until you know who'll be the desert,” your mother added looking at you.
“Mooom,” you whined, looking at her as she disappeared into the living room. “So? Still scared to death,” you asked Ben, putting up your sleeves a bit.
“We'll see if they really eat me or not,” he joked which made you roll your eyes and smile.
“Come and meet my dad!”
And that was the moment when Ben lost it all. You took him by the hand and he, mechanically, followed you, a hundred and one scenarios playing in his head about your father and how he should present himself politely.
And your dad sat on the couch, in the living room, your brother helping your mother to set the table for all of you. His palm began to sweat, but you were so genuinely happy to see your dad again that you somehow ignored it. But Ben didn't. Ben felt absolutely lost, and afraid, more frightened than afraid.
“Papa,” you said, as he looked at you fondly.
“y/n,” he said, standing up and hugging you; and then he looked at Ben.
“It's Ben, my boyfriend.”
“It's a pleasure Sir,” Ben solemnly said, holding his hand towards your father with a very shy smile. “Your daughter is an absolute treasure.”
“Oh yes she is,” your dad replied, taking his hand and shaking it before grabbing it with his two hands, “and I hope you are a treasure to her too.”
“Papa,” you complained, again, “why are you all doing this to me? Trying to get me all flustered?”
“Because we love you, stupid,” your brother yelled from the kitchen, “and because thanks to you mom made delicious food. Hope Ben will like it, otherwise I'm eating all that he leaves on his plate!”
“You stomach on two legs,” you complained, “Ben will eat his plate, don't you touch it you glutton!”
“Glutton yourself,” he said back, appearing in the living room with a plate of farofa in his hands, “as if some farofa wouldn't...”
“Ben, you'll love this,” you cut your brother off, taking your boyfriend by his hands as he just looked more and more confused. “My mom makes the best farofa in the world I swear!”
“Filha, that's nothing, it's nothing great,” your mother humbly replied as she showed you the table to sit. “Let's eat before it becomes cold and our new member of the family runs away before we can actually eat him properly,” she joked and Ben felt less and less tense.
He probably found his lambada, sun and sea, his lover and a new family gathering him with love, and acceptance. And he would be lying if he said that your brother didn't make him laugh as they spoke about football, that your mother didn't make him feel like home, that your father didn't impress him by his calm attitude and acceptance, that you didn't make this day so much better than he imagined and feared. The lambada of his dreams.
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hardskz · 4 years
Hi lulu pls don't ignore me :(( I know you think your writing is cringey, utter tragedy etc. But it's always the other way round. Sometimes I wonder how you can write so well. Can u give me some advice? I want advice on how to write humour because I deadass have no humour sense and it sucks so much 😭 please help
before i jump in and give you my two cents about this, i wanna clarify what i personally understand under ‘writing humor’. of course, you can go down the route which is basically a crackfick if you have a really absurd plot and tie it in with lovable, funny characters. but i also think that humor is a very lighthearted and sorta quirky writing style that may cause the reader to chuckle and just overall find it easy to read through the fic. most of the times (or so i have noticed) that writing style tends to use words that are commonly used colloquially. and now, moving on to th actual advice (under the cut!)
spoiler: idk if i ever leaked excerpts from the jisung soulmate au aka a penny for your thoughts but yeah i’ll do that too bc in this ask i need something to serve as examples
essentially, the mood you want to create in a fic or the overall genre of a fic is determined by two things: description and dialogue. how you describe things (the choice of words and stylistic devices you use) and how you write the dialogues of the characters is what makes humor, well, good humor for me. 
with how i write, you can categorize the way i write in a humorous manner into 2 types: 
in other words: use comical metaphors to describe what someone is doing, exaggerate once in a while
example: “You’re staring again.” Hyunjin notes. Seungmin and Jeongin stifle a laughter while Felix, whose head is resting on Hyunjin’s lap, sends you a look that awfully resembles Candace from Phineas and Ferb whenever she finds her brothers creating some whacky futuristic shit, laughs like a madman and then resumes to call her mother with an ear-splitting MOOOM! because she’s so certain that her brothers are busted this time.
lulu’s two cents about this: if you want to reference from other things - in my case i referenced from phineas and ferb - make sure to reference something that is very known. i’m pretty sure that many have watched phineas and ferb, hence why i chose that. (if you didn’t watch the show in your childhood then omg what did you even do) also, cussing helps a lot too but please don’t overdo it. 
you may ask yourself, how do i make dialogue funny? what i usually do when i’m stuck with defining a character’s personality, is to take inspiration from movie characters. when writing humor, your best bet would be having a very sarcastic character, or someone who gets annoyed easily and likes to exaggerate bits. just think of a movie character that you really liked and try to adapt some of their personality traits into your character. what would they say in a certain situation? how would they react? would they answer something by referencing something else, like their favorite book series for example? referencing some other franchise or else is always great imo since you indirectly give out what that character likes or dislikes.  
example: “You’re a worse case than the Mary Sue protagonist of every romance anime ever.” Seungmin snorts before he playfully nudges your side with his shoe. “Just say you want Seo Changbin to bang you and go.”
honestly the easiest way to incooperate humor imo is when you have two characters that absolutely hate each other and here is a perfect example (yes this is part of the soulmate au)
What are you doing?”
“I’m making breakfast? It’s the least I can do after you were friendly enough and let me crash on the couch.”
“How do I know you didn’t poison it?”
“Are you fucking serious— I’ll also take a bite if you really insist.”
see, if everything just doesn’t go the way you want, use this trope somewhere - even as a filler bc who does not like a good rival trope moment - and all will be good! all in all, something else that i recommend you is to read humor fics too to get a gist of how good humor works. idk if i made sense with this advice but i wish you all the luck and motivation!!!
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lucidiromaa · 5 years
Finché non ci incontreremo
Pairing: Ermal Meta x Fabrizio Moro
Fandom: Metamoro 
Warnings: AU, child & adult timeline!! - fluff/sweet
Word count: SOON
A/N: Got this idea as I went through my tumblr timeline, hope you like it
Ermal and his siblings were running around, totally ignoring the yelling from their mother. „Don‘t go too far!“, she screamed behind them and rolled her eyes, but had a soft and at the same time amused smile on her face. „We won‘t mooom!“, Rinald screamed back at her, took Ermals Hand and started climbing onto the old tier, made out of stone. „Come on!“, he whispered to his older brother, who was slightly annoyed, but joined him anyway. „I want to come with you!“, the three year old Sabina tried to say. „No, no you gonna hurt yourself pallina.“, Ermal softly said to her and smirked. She pouted and sat onto the floor. „Ermal!“, Rinald screamed, already climed onto the next tier, up to the top of the Colosseum. Ermal shrugged annoyed, picked up his little sister and tried to reach his brother. „Rinald stop! Don‘t go too fast, we need to take Sabina with us!“, Ermal told his younger brother and finally reached him. Rinald rolled his eyes, he hated it to be slowly. He just wanted to see this amazing view, everyone was talking about.  „We should already be at the top!“, he answered and climbed another tier, while Ermal followed him, Sabina on his arms. The young blonde girl was already tired which was the reason why she didn‘t want to climb. „Slow down, we‘ll reach it soon enough.“, Ermal answered and cuckled, as his brother started climbing higher. After some more minutes the three of them reached the top and gasped at the amazing view. „Oh it‘s amazing!“, Rinald said, admired the city and the slowly setting sun. „There you are!“, their mother smiled and took Sabina on her arms, slowly stroking down her back. „Come on, we need to go to the other side!“, Rinald said, now super happy and energized. Ermal started running after his brother, after he made sure it was okay to leave his mother and Sabina. „Rinald stop, you‘re going to fall!“, Ermal said and in exact that moment Rinald fell. Rinald looked at his older brother with tears in his eyes and hugged him, after Ermal kneeled down beside him. „It‘s okay, I told you...show me your knee.“, Ermal softly said to his brother and looked at the injury. „Does it hurt bad?“, he asked, which Rinald denied quickly. „We need to go to the other side!“, the younger one said and stood up again. Ermal shrugged, tried not to smile at the stubbornness of his brother. „Okay, but this time we‘ll walk slow. And afterwards mom will have to look at this.“, he softly spoke, took his brothers hand and walked with Rinald to the other side, to admire the beauty of this city. After some time both of them walked back to their mom and on their way back Ermal found something on the floor. It looked like a picture, but before he could unfold it, Sabinas scream distracted him and he walked to his mother. „How did this happen?“, she asked, a bit worried. Rinald sat on one of the tiers, Sabina stood beside them and took Ermals hand as he reached the spot next to her. The found picture was now in his pockets and he quickly forgot about it as all of them went to the restaurant to grab some food. Some hours passed and they were back in their hotel room. Ermal sat on his bed, Sabina already was asleep and Rinald was in the bathroom, where his mother took care of his injury. He unfold the picture and stared at it. It was an old polaroid photo of a boy, he was about 15 years old and had dark brown hair. Ermal stared at the picture, wasn‘t able to move. He was confused. Why would someone leave such a picture behind, he asked himself and shook his head. Maybe he lost it, I‘d love to know who this boy is...I could give this photo back to him. Suddenly Rinalds head popped up next to him and Ermal screamed. „What are you looking at?“., Rinald asked and looked at the picture. He started laughing. „Uh-uh...who‘s that?“, he asked, Ermal rolled his eyes and hid the picture in his pocket. „Are you in loveeee?“, he asked again, Ermals eyes widened. „Shut it!“, he hissed at his younger brother and walked to the bathroom, where he sat down on the floor. Outside he could hear his brothers voice: „Ermal is in love!“ „Shut it Rinald!“, Ermal screamed back and took the photo out of his pocket. „I am not...“, he mumbled to himself, looked at the boy on the picture. Who are you?, he thought, got lost in his thought and thid picture. After some minutes he could hear the voice of his mother from outside: „Are you okay Ermal?“ He blinked for a few times. „Uh...yeah...yeah I am...I‘m on the toilet.“, he stuttered and left the bathroom quickly afterwards. 
Time passed, but Ermal never forgot about this photo and this mysterious boy, not even, after his marriage with the love of his life. Somehow this picture was always stuck in his head. „Ermal, are you okay? You‘ve been in there for quiet a long time!“, a known voice asked from the outside. Ermal quickly stood up and fold he picture, hid it in his side of the closet and opened the door. „Sorry, I was lost in thoughts.“, he said and smiled as an excuse. The other man smiled back at him, still with a worried expression on his face. „I‘m really okay Fabri.“, he softly said and stroke the cheek of the other man. Fabri nod and took Ermals hand into his. „Good, come on now amore, we have to go. Otherwise our reservation will be deleted...“, Fabrizio sad and both of them went outside, got into the car and drove to the restaurant. While they waited for their food, Fabri spoke about the incident that happened shortly before. „I thought...idk your thoughts went back to your past.“, he mumbled, now worried again. Ermal quickly shook his head and took the hand of the other man into his own. „No, no Fabri. I really just was lost in my thoughts, in good ones.“, he answered and smiled. Fabri slowly started to belive him and didn‘t ask more questions. When they were home again Ermal fell asleep on the couch, while Fabrizio stayed awake, thinking about the incidentthat happened earlier. He just couldn‘t got away from this. Why did you lock the door?, he thought and softly layed Ermals head onto the couch, stood up and walked up to their bedroom. You never do that...why have you done it today? Do you have secrets? He shook his head to get out of his own thoughts, his insecurities started to kick in again. He always was insecure about himself, but also about his relationship to Ermal. Ermal was younger. And beautiful. So goddamn beautiful. And Fabri. Well he was an old man. An old man with a bad fashion taste. „Stop!“, he said to himself and after another minute passed, he stepped into the room. His gaze wandered around, but he couldn‘t notice anything that had changed. „In thoughts...“, he mumbled to himself, stroked around the bed, to the wardrobe. He opened it and put his jacket back into it, when he noticed something on Ermals side. The older man pulled out the photo, but stopped before he opened it. I can‘t. It‘s Ermals. But his curiosity won and he unfold the polaroid picture after another minute. Fabrizio froze in his movements and stared at the boy in the picture. Before he could put it back, he noticed someone in the doorstep. „Fabri...?“, a sleepy voice mumbled and he could hear Ermal coming closer. „What...oh...I should have told you...“, Ermal started explaining himself, but Fabri cut him off with a short gesture. „Where have you found it?“, he asked Ermal, looking at the man with the long messy curls. „In Rome. We went there for a family trip.“, Ermal got confused, looked at Fabri and took his hand. „Why? What‘s wrong? It‘s...it‘s hard to explain....I‘ve found it on the floor of the Colosseum and took it with me. I didn‘t had the time to unfold it there and I noticed at home that it was the picture of this boy. He...he kinda looked pure....“, Ermal laughed at his own explanation. „He looked beautiful.“, he whispered and looked at Fabri, who had turned around. „Are you mad now?“, Ermal softly asked, placed his hands on the back of his husband. „I am not.“, Fabri slowly answered, his voice was different. He kinda sounded like he was in tears. Ermal walked around him to face him and saw that he really had tears in his eyes. „What‘s wrong Bitio?“, he asked, his voice nearly as soft as the voice of an angel would be. Fabri shook his head, started to open his mouth, but stopped. He pulled Ermal closer to him, placed his head on his shoulder and into this long wonderful curls. He inhaled the smell of them, a smile on his face. „I lost this picture, when I spent time with my aunt, she took it.“, Fabri whispered.
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