#Lady answers
digimonirl · 2 months
Do you remember back when the government tried to hide digimon from people? Like, we had made first contact with aliens and the aliens were cool but they just DIDNT want us to know?
Okay so I know this sounds crazy, but it is broadly true. I don't often go into politics on this blog, but this is a point in our history that shouldn't be forgotten and as someone who was alive, albeit pretty young, during the aftermath of DATS I want to make sure people understand where the current system of Unions and the Brigade came from so we never repeat those mistakes.
Let's take a trip back to 1998, when the first permanent Digital Gate opened in what is now the shared headquarters of the Night Crow and Light Fang Unions. Over night the entire world knew about Digimon. This wasn't the first time they had crossed over of course; they had actually been coming through smaller gates opened within personal computers for decades at that point and rumors had started circulating. Everyone was surprised that they were real, sure. I mean it's not everyday a rumor about friendly interdimensional aliens turns out to be true, but people are remarkably flexible when presented with irrefutable evidence. People adjusted to the idea that we aren't alone in the universe and began considering the idea of coexistence.
But unfortunately for everyone involved, some people crave control. And when faced with a variable that they could not control our world's governments pooled resources into a collaborative project, called DATS, which publicly billed itself as a liaison for the entire Digital World but in reality was meant to suppress information about Digimon and grassroots movements for Human/Digimon cooperation. Lies told by DATS included that the Digital World was uninhabitable for humans, virus type Digimon were inherently dangerous, and that high level Digimon would inevitably lose control of their powers and go on a rampage. Now, to you and I dear reader these claims are obvious nonsense but back then we simply had no idea and so DATS was allowed to continue their work unimpeded. In addition to these misinformation campaigns, DATS was also involved in a number of experiments on Digimon which I will not go into for the sake of maintaining a relatively level head about all this. Needless to say, they fucking sucked.
You're probably asking yourself, "If they basically had all the funding in the world and people's ignorance on their side, then why don't DATS still exist today?" and the answer to that is simple. They got cocky. Remember how I said that Digimon had been coming over for decades at that point? Well some of those Digimon and the humans they had managed to befriend managed to infiltrate DATS headquarters, which was conveniently located right on top of a Digital Gate big enough to let through some pretty massive Digimon. Digimon like the Royal Knights.
We're not exactly sure what happened next, but when the dust settled Omnimon made a decree: we were to either negotiate a way to live peacefully, or all Digimon were to leave Earth immediately. I won't go on about the following riots or the founding of the Union system we use now because this post is already way longer than I expected it to be but I want to leave you all with this: question the people in authority. I'm not trying to say there aren't good, honest people in the world who just have your best interest at heart, but I am saying that most likely those people aren't in your government. Compassion and community action should always take precedence over fear mongering, now and forever.
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the-great-ladyg · 2 months
Hi hi!! How about 4, 6 and 8 for whoever you'd like?
Hi Ghosty! So nice to see your ask! :D For this one I'll have Rabban since I'm having a massive brainrot over him (I totally blame Dave and Denis for this)
4. who was your first favorite character when you initially got into your f/o’s source content? was it your f/o from the very beginning?
If we talk about the book, I think I really didn't have a favorite character, maybe Leto since he seemed pretty nice when compared to other characters.
For the movies, it was definitely Leto because ✨Oscar Isaac✨, he's got too much charisma in only 5-10 minutes of screentime. As for Rabban, I've got to say I was disappointed that he appeared so little, I expected a bit more of him (thank you Dune part 2 for listening to my prayers).
6. if your f/o is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
I think I'm between the book "House Atreides" and "Dune Part 2", the novel doesn't have many moments from Rabban but those are enough, you can understand he's cruel and impulsive, and his family doesn't appreciate him (I don't like when Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson write cruelty, it seems cartoonish, and I think that's what they did to him on "House Harkonnen", like a no cartoon villain).
For "Dune Part 2", there are a couple more scenes for Rabban, as well as it portrays other aspect the novels fail to pay attention, and that is familial rejection. Both his father and uncle rejected him as heir, Rabban does his best to live up to expectations but no one, specially the Baron and Feyd, believes he's capable of anything (just check that scene at the beginning, he's so desperate for approval and he gets none).
8. are there any scenes/chapters/moments your f/o is in that you skip when you revisit their source content?
He barely has any moments on Dune, so for the movies I don't have any, for the novel might be his death, but definitely most of his chapters on "House Harkonnen", I really hate how cartoonish Brian and Kevin made him and how they try to set up important events that are referenced on the original novel like his father's murder, for me it looks forced and fake
Yeah, I edited it because I'm dumb and got confused over the questions </3
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ladyazulina · 8 months
WTW Ghost Gala - Day 10: Witch
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🧙🏻‍♂️ Witch 🧙🏻‍♂️ - Write or brainstorm the opening paragraph.
Just now I'm noticing that maybe, just maybe, this event is to help start a WIP and not for started WIPs but efe, I will use it to share the first paragraph of my two main projects right now: Mimi & AngelDemon.
The door shakes on its hinges under the force of the blows hitting it from the other side, but I don't even flinch, watching.
Can they see our home from down there? The same way I can see theirs? I know the obvious answer is no because it is said everywhere, it is taught everywhere, but there has to be a reason for the humans to spend that much time looking up here.
Here I am, looking for more excuses to share about AngelDemon
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cyberladydream · 2 months
my partner is completely devoted to me, would never cheat... but there's something so hot about watching someone we both agree on come in and fuck them in front of me. The thought that they chose someone else gets me going
Yeahh, absolutely, anon. Seeing what gets them off with someone else is such a thrill
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ladyddanger · 2 years
So, did Karl and Sapnap tricked this healed version of k!Quackity into going with them to the dream smp? I can see Luzu and Rubius putting one hell of a fight to prevent them from taking Quacks away, either way, I'm destroyed, i'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of the week
I’m so glad you asked. You’re right Luzu and Rubius fight like hell to protect Quackity. From their pov they saw their friend struggle with his mental health for months. Luzu and Rubius were there to see the breakdowns and panic attacks and to see Quackity finally start to smile and laugh regularly and now these assholes have the guts to come over act like they know what’s best for Quackity? Luzu and Rubius also have no reason to believe that it wasn’t Sapnap and Karl who hurt Quackity so badly in the first place especially when Quackity is so visibly upset on seeing them.
Luzu and Sapnap almost come to physical blows more then once before Quackity steps in not wanting anyone to get hurt especially fighting over his own safety. After all he can take care of himself thank you very much. Quackity has no idea who Sapnap and Karl are and while they definitely are his type he can’t imagine a version of himself in love with these stunning wild boys. Quackity decides it’s an unfunny joke and kindly but firmly tells Karl and Sapnap they need to leave.
Karl and Sapnap aren’t ready to give up and they camp out not far away from Quackity’s house to plot. When they get in contact with the rest of the smp Wilbur suggest they just kidnap Quackity and drag him back against his will. However traveling between worlds is dangerous and if you don’t do it right there’s a high chance of being lost to the void. Dragging an unconscious or unwilling person into a different smp could easily kill them. Sapnap and Karl aren’t willing to risk hurting Quackity even if the others are.
Instead they wait until he’s alone and show him photographs. Proof that Quackity did know them and Photographs of the after math of Dreams torture. They tell Quackity he’s a bad person who is putting Luzu and Rubius in danger by refusing to come with them. Quackity even healed cares about a lot about other people and is so upset by the idea of hurting the people he cares about that he agrees to come back to the Dream Smp without a fight. Karl and Sapnap are reluctant to malnipulate Quackity like this but it’s better then risking his life by dragging him across the void. From their POV they have no choice. They can hurt Quackity emotionally or wait until members of the smp come after Quackity. People who hate him and don’t care about his safety when dragging him back, not caring if they get him killed in process.
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ladyofthebluelight · 7 months
What's one scene from TSSIAK that you're looking forward to writing the most?
I have the one scene of the reveal of DIO’s intentions with Taeko already scripted. It’s an early draft and there will be changes to it depending on what is going to happen until I get to this chapter.
Like, this is one of the first ideas I added to the story and the reason I returned to writing it.
And I am SO excited to see the readers opinions on it. Will it be too obvious or will it catch them by surprise? Did the bit of foreshadowing it let in previous chapters work? Does the reason make sense or is it too bizarre?
It’s the one chapter that I really need to get comments on.
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askyoungiron · 2 years
Is Lady still around to answer questions?
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noxnephilim · 11 months
Your avatar is amazing!
thank you very much
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zoe-oneesama · 16 days
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Getting whiplash in this hospital room.
Episode 53 Part 28 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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ur blatant favoritism is showing dude
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digimonirl · 2 months
One could only imagine what would happen if DATS won..
My dear friend, gonna be real with you here, those idiots didn't stand a chance. Yeah, there were some Digimon working with DATS. Most of them were raised from tamas and as such were totally loyal to the organization, but I really doubt they had anything in the bank that could compete with every Royal Knight at once.
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the-great-ladyg · 5 months
C'mon dude don't break other people's DNIs on purpose, that's a dick move.
I don't know if you're an anti, but if you are then don't break MY DNI
Besides, is that DNI visible or is just lost in tags or in the person's bio? In that case don't blame me, I'm not surfing through tags or bios to check DNIs
If it's for that "selfship is not proship" then I'm not sorry for that, antis can't kick us out of the selfshipping stuff, when selfshipping is at its core proship, and selfship means ALL selfshipping, including fictional minors (as long as the actors or actresses playing them are adults if they're from movies or TV series), furries and fictional animals
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ladyazulina · 8 months
WTW Ghost Gala - Day 2: Raven
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Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP.
The one I thought about was for AngelDemon, the project I'm trying to keep on focus and should be strictly hidden but I can't help to share something every now and then, hehe
In a black-and-white world, they go gray.
Yeah, that's all.
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cyberladydream · 5 months
I'd give anything for someone to help my girlfriend cheat on me, maybe she invites a friend over and while I'm in the other room I just hear the telltale slapping wet sounds from them fucking in our bed -
I don't even walk in at first I just sit on the couch and listen, half with tears in my eyes not believing they would do it so obviously, and half confused at how hard and wet it was making me
Finally I gain the courage to walk into our bedroom and lock eyes with her while they both cum and she moans louder, desperate for another orgasm and fucking herself against them
yes anon! Isn't it so exciting?
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ladyddanger · 2 years
I've been here for less than 5 minutes and I am already obsesed with your au
I know this au is going to be mostly angst but I keep thinking about the dsmp trying to trick k!Quackity into saying something about his crimes but he has no clue of what's happening 50% of the time. They be like "So, big Q we need to start the trial" and he is just looking around for this person because no one calls him that in Karmaland and the trial quickly starts losing coherence because my man is just clueless
AND this is k!Quackity so he would just be like "Idk what Manberg means and you keep saying it in a weird way, are you high? are you all high???"
Anyways i just thought it was funny if I completely ignore the angst
Ajdjdjd I’m glad you like the worlds au it’s probably my favorite lol.
And yes worlds! is really funny without the angsty parts. For example c!Quackity has no idea who c!Technoblade is so he’s always like: HEY TECHNO!!!” *waves* c!Techno is traumatized. Banter and insults he can handle. But friendly small talk? With Quackity of all people? That’s too far. Something I had to work around a lot was the fact that c!Quackity remembers none of his crimes but genuinely wants to help. A lot of the time that’s against his own self interests. Punz who is acting as Dream’s lawyer: so Quackity did you or did you not torture Dream? Quackity: idk man. I don’t remember :(. I did however text sam the law is fat but this ass is fatter. I don’t know if that helps. I sent a lot of funny texts the ones between Wilbur and I-.”
C!Wilbur who is not a lawyer: OBJECTION
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ladyofthebluelight · 1 year
For TSSUIAK: I just had a realization when re-reading the first chapter; Toko and Yoshitersu don’t exist in this AU. Does this mean Kanata and Sumihiko also don’t exist as well? If this goes too far into spoiler territory, please disregard 🤣
Sorry for the delay, but your question made me want to draw Kamado's family tree, so I did just that.
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As you mentioned Nezuko and Tanjiro's descendants on the ask, I decided to show both sides of the family.
The short answer to your question would be no, none of the protagonists from the epilogue chapter exist in this crossover.
HOWEVER, there is a chance that some of Agatsuma's adopted children would be named Toko or Yoshitersu if Nezuko and Zenitsu were allowed to name them during the adoption process.
As for Tanjiro's side, he only had one child. This son is Taeko's father, who is Tanjiro's only grandchild. So no Kanata and Sumihiko there.
This request also gave me the opportunity to draw Taeko's parents for the first time so that's a plus.
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