#I'm not exactly a person you'll go to to ship stuff but like... I have some ships I enjoy to read
buttercupshands · 16 days
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
please, send help. i (23y/o) think i am getting to a stage where I need to be a Cool Aunt TM for my niece (13y/o). She's been a bit too online since she had to move around a lot. She had a bit of antis mentality, but i'm trying to pull her away from it slowly. At the same time, she's been around the internet, reading 18+ yaois and shit. I did the same at her age, so I can’t say I don't understand her. But as an adult idk how to talk about this 18+ healthily with her? or do I even need to? should I leave her on her own devices? I didn't have an adult to talk about these things with growing up so idk how you're supposed to do this.
There is not way to say how my parents or sibling (her mom) would react if I drop this on them, could be +/- , but it's a bit of a lottery depending on the most recent online articles they read lately. lol. They're open to convos, but a bit religious.
I'm taking suggestions if anybody would like to give some.
P.S. I am also not a cool person, i'm pretty much a lame homebody so… i also don’t know how to be cool lol.
im so sorry idk who else to ask.
Ahaha. Well, don't try too hard to be ~cool~. Nothing could be more offensive to the sensibilities of a 13-year-old.
A well delivered "Oh, come on, no one really thinks that" and eye-roll in response to the more delusional anti stuff has a wonderful effect if you're offline and the person respects you. Humans in general and 13-year-olds in particular are hypersensitive about fitting in. A boring and serious lecture from an older person will set off every melodramatic "The old people don't understaaaand!" instinct, but a well-timed "LOL, WTF" causes internal panic that one has missed something. If she wants the serious and nuanced explanation, she can ask for it, but I wouldn't start there.
As for how you talk about raunchy art... it really depends on the person. If she realizes you like the same stuff, she may bring it up. I think recs are fine, and so is euphemistic "I liked the ship dynamic in this one". "I got off to this" is TMI on your part. (Well, it's TMI on her part too, but be prepared for TMI if you become the confidant of a 13-year-old.)
Honestly, as long as she's directing the conversation and you aren't sharing details of your masturbation habits, I think you'll be fine. 13-year-olds aren't babies. If they're old enough to read porny doujinshi, they're old enough to talk to a trusted adult about them.
My teen tastes were weird art films full of sex. 13 is pretty young, but within a couple of years, she'll be the age I was when I was trying to see shit like Crash. She could be anywhere from self-assured in her tastes and interested in discussing her favorite media to easily-influenced to paralyzed by guilt. Creepy grooming shit comes from groomers choosing to groom, not from the topic of sexuality being in the air. If she's reading something with even a shred of plot or romance, you can talk about that without the actual conversation being X-rated. My main concern would be to avoid her trying to impress you by consuming media she finds uncomfortable or talking about things she doesn't actually want to share. You can really only judge that by body language and tone of voice in the moment.
I mean... does "18+ yaois" mean actual BL series here that have a few sex scenes or doujinshi that are entirely porn? ('Yaoi' basically means 'PWP' and is not exactly complimentary, after all.) It's somewhat harder to talk about the latter. But I liked some pretty out-there shit as a teen and did talk to adults about it. They just let me do most of the talking.
Probably the easiest way to broach the topic is to catch her reading something and go "Oh, I read that one" or "I liked [name of BL]".
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Watched the first Paw Patrol movie with my dad, this time entirely in Brazilian dub (first time I watched was entirely in English), in the early hours past midnight today. Have the best of his reactions. Honestly, most were the same as mine when I watched the movie for the first time too, so let's go XD
"How did he SEE that tiny turtle up ahead???? Oh geez, there goes the bridge."
"I decree this trucker as the only sane person in the entire movie and the movie didn't even start for real yet." "Dad, he spilled his ice tea or whatever was that on himself." "It was the road's fault." "........ Ok you got a point."
"Lary, pause." "They look cute sleeping, right?" "They look like us after we eat. Post-dish depression." (It's our personal pun with "post-birth depression") "Tag yourself, I'm Marshall." "I'm Chase. Your brother is... What's this one's name again?" "Zuma? LMFAO YES HE IS"
"When did he have time to get this thing built?" "Who knows. I always joke that he's out there spawning stuff at will." "Are his parents like millionaire or something?" "No one knows about his parents or family, not even the official website gives any info on that." "HOW DOES HE PAY FOR ALL THIS--" *Cue Skye asking the same thing and Ryder responding* *Dad chokes on nothing and I have to pause so he can cough it out and drink some water*
"Oh fuck. He's-- He's lighting up all the fireworks." *Stops what he was doing in the living room to pay full attention* "THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD."
"Sure, block the roads to launch the cars. This is so HotWheels. They have THEIR OWN LANE."
"Isn't-- Isn't Chase their POLICE dog?" "Yeah" "Chase why are you ALLOWING this, how many traffic laws did they JUST BREAK"
"Sweet Jesus, don't mess with Marshall. He's got a mean cannon and he's LOVING it."
"Wait, Liberty's a street dog?" "Yup" "I thought she had an owner. So she's like one of those lovely strays who make friends with just about everyone they cross paths with." "YUP"
"... What the actual fuck is wrong with Humdinger?" *Shrugs* "He shouldn't be allowed to run for elections on anything."
"Oh no, Chase froze. Looks like those panic attacks you used to have." "........ You remember those too, huh" "Yeah. You made me freeze a lot too. I didn't know what to do with you so I'd freeze like that too." "Oh."
"There goes Marshall saving the day again. I see why you like him too." "He's cute." "I like his fire truck. Are you going to buy his toy too?" "You bet it." "Nice. As you should."
"Okay now I'm afraid of Liberty." "Why?" "Did you see how sure she was about her bait plan?" "Yeah?" "SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE TIME OF HER LIFE MESSING UP WITH HUMDINGER I'M CALLING IT"
*Liberty calls Delores a toilet brush* "OUCH THAT WAS BRUTAL I LOVE HER EVEN MORE NOW"
"Literal prison BREAK. Nice." *Thumbs up to the TV*
"Aw that was cute. Ryder is a good boy."
"That thing is sucking way too many clouds."
"Omg she's so excited HER FACE IS SO CUTE! Repeat this entire scene please."
"Why is her number 22?" "Ryder numbers the vehicles, not the pups." "So they have 21 vehicles before hers." "Yup." "How many are there?" "Last I checked, last one was an Aircraft Carrier ship, number 25." "Wow."
"Did-- Did Zuma just BREAK his-- Oh, it's a boat too. Two-in-one. Ryder DOES really think of everything, huh?"
"Okay that was nice, I thought we wouldn't get to see Zuma doing anything in this entire movie at all." "Aquatic rescue dog in the big city, right?" "Yeah it's not exactly his natural habitat." "I feel him." "... I forgot you were a beach kid." "In my heart I still am."
"PULL THE LEVER, KRONK!!!!!" *Hysterical laughter* "OKAY HE DESERVED THAT."
"Chase KNOWS how to drift-- MOTORCYCLE???-- DRIVING UP THE WALL???????" *Slowly clapping for the entire scene*
"Is he afraid of heights? He didn't seem to be when he rescued the trucker and I see him doing a lot of stuff in the show." "I think it's not the height itself, it's mostly the panic remembering the times he failed at these tasks." "Trauma, then." "Yeah."
"Is he gonna-- Yup. Spirit jump. Of course." (For reference, the leap of faith scene from the movie "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron")
"Okay now I'm afraid of Skye too-- Did the clouds just went POOF." "Yeah they did." "Damn, we just had such a badass scene, it killed the badassery."
"Ouch the helicopter-- DAMMIT ROCKY AHAHAHAHAHA"
"Awwww Liberty! That's my girl. Nice." "That's literally the name of the song that was playing when she was riding her new scooter for the first time." "Perfection. So she officially joined the team?" "Yeah I didn't get there yet but she's in the show after the movie came out too." "Did they do that because there was only one female pup in the show?" "Actually there's Everest too, that Husky Siberian! But she doesn't live with Ryder and his pups, she was adopted by the guy who lives in the mountain. In the main team, yeah, it's only Skye." "Still too few girls, they need more." "Tell me about it..."
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gffa · 5 months
Do you know if there is a good way to follow dick/babs ship tags (besides blocking #anti dickbabs) without getting the really nasty dick/babs (and just babs in general) hate? Recently tumblr has been suggesting some really unpleasant posts, which, fine, I can just scroll past, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions. I really don't want to block dick/kory because even though it's not my ship, some of their stuff is really cute and if it's quality art/stories/posts I like to see it too.
Anyways, I love your posts!
I know exactly what you're talking about, anon. :/ Pretty much the only thing I've found is to just start blocking people who put that crap in the tags and it helps a lot! You'll still see the cute Dick/Kory stuff from the cool fans (I'm lucky that I have a handful of very sweet fans I follow on my dash), but you won't see so much of those posts that tear down Dick/Babs just to prop Dick/Kory up. I know it can sometimes feel kind of defeatist to start blocking people or tags, just because a few bad actors ruin the fun for you, but sometimes you gotta ask yourself if it's really worth the aggravation of seeing the nasty comments just to see the occasional cute thing? It doesn't have to be forever, you can block a person or a tag just when you're feeling particularly unwilling to deal with people who can't stay in their lane or who have to tear down something else to build up their thing. Take care of yourself first, find what makes you happy first, even if you're a big person who can pull up their big person undies and just scroll past it, sometimes you want a gentler experience and that's okay. Just block "anti dickbabs" and block anyone who doesn't tag their posts with that and it's okay if you don't see everything for awhile as you settle down. Those cute stories/art/posts will still be there when you're feeling up to navigating the rougher waters! (I will say I've been struggling with this as well, because I'm a big girl who knows where her scroll button is, people have to be allowed their space to like/dislike things and express that as they please, etc., but sometimes it's hard to not feel resentful that it's so constantly being put into the tags that should be a pleasant experience for our ship, it's so hard not to let that behavior bleed over into being frustrated at other ships, when I know it's just a few bad actors, but also like. It's just so completely antithetical to what I'm looking for--I just am not going to be swayed by someone telling me, as I've seen, that I'm wrong for shipping Dick/Babs, but I would be potentially swayed by someone telling me what they liked about their ship. You know, if my nerves weren't currently feeling scraped raw.) (I hope it's clear that this is not aimed at all other shippers of Dick/Kory or any other ship, not even just those that express frustration about DickBabs, but a very specific sub-set of those who feel determined to barge into other lanes about it for other fans.) And, if you're like me, every time tumblr recommends something nasty to you, take that energy and make a cute Dick/Babs post and put it in the tag for me and others to see! You'll feel so much better for it!
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Ninjago Oc Secret Summer 2023!
What is a Secret Summer?
It's basically a Secret Santa but in Summertime instead!
For this event, you'll be secretly assigned someone to draw/write a gift for based around their oc(s)
It's very important that no one knows that you are making them a gift and vice versa, that you don't know who is making you a gift!
Are there any rules?
I didn't specify this last time, and luckily I didn't have to, but absolutely no N/S/F/W or Suggestive art/writing or requests. This is not an 18+ event.
No direct contact with the person you'll be creating for. You can communicate through me, or ask questions through anon on tumblr if you can.
No AI art/writing, gacha edits, face claims, picrews, or bases will be permitted for oc submissions or gifts.
Oc/Canon and OcxOc ships are allowed!
Next gen and self inserts will be permitted but I do ask that no Lloyd x Canon ship next gens be submitted to avoid potential issues between participants.
Not a rule per-say but make sure to put some effort into the gift ^^
How many ocs can be submitted total?
Three ocs can be submitted but only one is required.
What will I need for sign ups?
Refs or art that show a clear, colored depiction of your oc
OR at least two pieces of writing for said oc (does not need to be a whole fic. Could easily just be a quick blurb showing how they're written as a character)
Basic Information/Fun Facts about your character. This can be background information, relationships, likes/dislikes, age and height, personality, etc.
Suggestions or prompts for your gift giver. Stuff to help get their brain going.
Your blog name (not the name you go by but the url name. Like Ninjago-Oc-Appreciation, for example).
What's the General Timeline for this event?
Sign ups and assignments will be rolling out sometime in mid April.
From there, you'll have until late June to finish and post your gift art.
There will be exactly one week designated as a late period at the start of July.
Exact dates tbd.
How do I sign up?
In April, I'll post a google document where you can submit your ocs! There will be one for writing and one for art!
Please reach out to me after signing up in some way. This can be through messages, asks, comments on the post, or through reblogs. Last Secret Santa there was some trouble with the docs, and sometimes folks' submissions wouldn't save or wouldn't even send in properly.
To avoid issues where people aren't able to participate because of a glitch, I need to be able to double check that their form sent in properly.
That should be all! Let me know if you have any questions and suggestions for this event!
Also! Currently I'm using #NinjagoSecretSummer2023 as a tag, but if anyone has a suggestion for other tags I'd be open to them!
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @amandacanwrite!
Oc in Fifteen
Hmm, I've already done one of these for Djek and I did another thing for Izjik, so let's go with Sepo! He's one of four mcs in my Honor's Outcasts trilogy. As a siren exile, he's also missing his tongue, so his dialog is a mix between sign language and later on, telepathic communication
"Is human dancing supposed to look you're having a seizure?"
"I knocked him out quite good, I assure you."
"And you didn't fucking tell us? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"Keep up this bullshit and you'll find out exactly how personable I can be. Again, what do you want?"
"They got mugged, they were fine."
"First off, buy a thesaurus. Your trust fund can take it. Secondly, it's none of your damn business. Third, who's this uncle of yours and did he ever take a trip to Janaz roughly sixteen years ago?"
"What do you mean? I'm impeccably polite."
"You'd better remember this spell. I know Izjik gives me a stupid voice in her head."
"And I expect some fucking aid. I expect you to fight to the bitter end if that's what it takes, because you might love your husband, your son, but the people on that ship are the reason I'm here today and if your impatience costs them their lives, then believe me when I say I will turn that city down there into a fiery crater when I rip this damn island out of the sky!"
"Blue is too cliche and red makes me look sunburnt. Purple is just a bad color in general."
"This will be easier if you think of a religion like a business. They want to sell their product to as many people as possible while undercutting their competitors. If there's a flaw in their product, they don't want that getting out. Hence the expungement of the records."
"For you, I'll give him the 'Djek, stop touching my damn stuff' special."
"I'm a head-injured veterinarian---not exactly a threat."
"Not to---actually, no, I'll be a bitch if I want to---what the hell are you yammering about?"
"Every day she spent in the hands of that woman is another pound of flesh I expect you to serve up in her interest. Breaking our friends out is a good start, but you're her damn father and after this, I expect you to start acting like it. She wants to go to school in Unity. You can start with that."
I think it's very in-character that over a quarter of these are threats
I'll tag @muse-mp4 @snooeycatwrites and @a-crystallen-author
Have a bitchin day <3
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isekai-crow · 4 months
Cherry Magic Ep 3
I thought we were gonna get the partner for Masato in episode 3, but we got him in episode 4. INSTEAD HOWEVER, in episode 3 we got some other fun characters!!
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Was not expecting his high pitched whiney voice to appear OUT OF A CHARACTER LIKE THIS but also I really SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SURPRISED. HE'S A STAPLE IN BL ANIME AND AUDIO DRAMAS. High pitched whiney is a compliment by the way because its CUTE and made Capybara have conniptions while listening cause this is his favorite VA, and also DAMN THIS DUDE HAS RANGE.
GO listen to the character Ramuda's voice from HypMic and you'll see what I'm talking about. His other characters are friggen Sasaki from Sasaki and Miyano, Nikaido from Idolish7, Usui Masumi from A3!, and basically this man can SING and has RANGE and is bread and butter in the anime idol boy world.
So yea, Shirai, Yuusuke plays the annoying kouhai Yuuta Rokkaku, whose only purpose is to make Kurosawa jealous of Adachi spending time with someone and make Adachi jealous of Kurosawa's 'perfection' when Kurosawa starts showing off trying to get his attention away from Rokkaku. I also hope he becomes a Shipper On Deck with the other new character, Nozomi Fujisaki!
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Koshimizu, Ami is the voice of Fujisaki sempai, who is so far just a stereotypical Japanese office lady, but having seen her in the opening we know that she is the CAPTAIN of this Ship, All Hands On Deck, and has fucking Acrylic Stands of these two that she's absolutely gonna make kiss like barbie dolls.
She also voices fricken Ryuuko fro Kill La Kill, Kallen Stadtfield from Code Geass, Sailor Jupiter from Sailer Moon Crystal, and a TON of other big name female characters!! Delightful.
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LMAO if this isn't the first thing that pops up in episode 3!! I'VE TAKEN THIS MEDICINE BEFORE. It's OTC anti-hangover meds THAT FUCKING WORK. They're also really good for dealing with certain IBS symptoms. OTC Meds in Japan are Great. (*w*)b
Episode 3 is the Karaoke Episode, standard Japanese business life going drinking with your superiors to "improve moral" (This shit sucks, and I only had to deal with it the first 3 years I lived here. Bosses don't know what boundaries are, don't even know the word).
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There's tons of funny faces. This episode was having so much fun.
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Poor Kurosawa fails at impressing his love interest with Karaoke cause the man is too upset by how perfect he is. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. I'm waiting for the moment when that perfection is peeled back to show the person underneath.
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Adachi tries to rescue his female co-worker whose being catcalled / harrased by drunk dudes not even from their company, only to get rescued himself.
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Fujisaki is all of us. She knows EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING ON. Even if Adachi doesn't lmao. She doesn't need to read minds. She's got Fujoshi-Senses.
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Adachi is also not subtle at ALL ABOUT TOUCHING?????? But he's also NEVER successful???????? MY BOY. THINK. USE THAT SINGULAR BRAIN CELL TO FIND A BETTER WAY.
I guess Adachi like Rokkoku enough to go to a Sauna with him? And Kurosawa is of course tags along because he gets to see Adachi naked.
This is also SUCH a Japanese thing. Someone's hobby is always something boring like "listening to music" or "watching movies" or "drinking socially" which aren't REAL hobbies, OR IT'S WEIRD RANDOM STUFF LIKE GOING TO A SAUNA.
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OH LOOK HIS NIPPLES ARE GROWN IN. (This is a running joke between me and Capybara about whether a character is an adult or not)
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Bless this poor simping man. Some day. Just you wait.
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STEAM CONDUCTS THOUGHTS!!!!! Poor Adachi clutching his towel and running like the fair maiden heart he is after seeing all of Kuroswa's fantasies.
So capybara and my theory is that it's BODY heat that transfers the thoughts, otherwise it wouldn't work through clothing. (What happens if we get an Adachi or Kurosawa with hypothermia? Sick Fic anyone?)
But also this is the kind of stuff I feel bad for Kurosawa about. He's allowed to have fantasies damnit! They shouldn't be held against him! Unless he does something to Adachi that he doesn't want or consent to LET THE MAN LIVE DAMNIT.
But also poor Adachi for having to experience that anyways haha.
We get a rare moment here of hearing Kurosawa's inner thoughts (mostly self pity about the situation his heart has gotten him into), and it's NOT filtered through Adachi for once! So it humanizes him a bit more (not that he wasn't human before? But like people idolize him rather than villanize him... I don't know the word I'm looking for... endears us to him?) and we get to see his thoughts on the situation, the damage that's been done from being basically a "Gifted Kid" in more ways than one, fucking SA'd by a CEO Lady and also WHY he likes Adachi and damn, it took someone seeing him as something less then Ken Doll Perfect for once in his life to fall for someone of the same sex. It's definitely more than that, but like. That's so story book sweet and a little sad type romantic. I love it.
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It took one man giving him a Dom Face to awaken the Inner Sub in him, and his heart was stolen, lmao. (I think this might be Capybara projecting and wanting someone to look at HIM like that tho >w>) (im gonna get murdered for that)
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I hope they continue to play with tropes and don't follow the standard "One of these MALE characters is just a stand in for a FEMALE, so one is the seme/top and one is the uke/bottom and they NEVER switch."
God I hope they switch. And/Or Adachi makes the first real move. Or like, Pins / Kabe-Don's Kurosawa to the wall. That would make me so happy.
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also AHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE. Kurosawa is adorable and so in love and so worried, and it's fairly realistic! I can't wait for more.
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pikahlua · 1 year
I have a question
But I really want to ask just from a writing standpoint, no ships or anything
Do you like Izuku and Ochaco's development as possible (or probable? idk where Hori wanna go with that) romance?
Cause I appreciated it (even tho it felt like the usual shonen romance) till the return of Izuku to UA, which made me see them more as platonic (and made me appreciate their bond way more tbh)
So from a writing standpoint, I'm not exactly a romance aficionado. It can really only come down to my preferences in what I like in a romance, but there are just some cheesy romance tropes I'm not into. I do think it's perfectly viable to analyze any relationship in any property, MHA included, for whatever dynamic you want. If you ask me to take a look at the potential romance in Izuku and Ochako's relationship, I can do that.
That said, this is a warning to hard-line IzuOcha shippers: I can't guarantee you'll enjoy everything I write about in this post.
To me, there are five major "sagas" in their relationship. Some of these I like, some of these I don't.
Saga 1: Beginning through the Internships Saga 2: Final Exams through Kamino Saga 3: Provisional License Exam through School Cultural Festival Saga 4: Joint Training Arc through Paranormal Liberation War Saga 5: Deku Retrieval Arc through to the present
Saga 1 was my favorite. This was when they were still getting to know each other and becoming friends. I like this part best because Ochako has the most characterization in the show. Her personality shines through and she's very entertaining. I also thought the stuff that happened between them in the Sports Festival was some of the most refreshing writing of opposite-sex characters I've seen in a while, platonic or romantic. Ochako has personal motivations that can be in conflict or in harmony with her relationship with Izuku, and the manner in which they interacted showed a special type of relationship for Izuku that he didn't have with any other character. It was nice variety in the context of everything else the show was giving us at the time. I wasn't necessarily dying for romance, because I do love a good platonic opposite-sex friendship too. But if it did take a romantic direction, I was excited to see how it went at the time.
Saga 2 just felt like it shoehorned the crush thing in there. It didn't really come from anything that came before it. I thought it was gonna be a good opportunity for some romantic humor, but it just turned out to be a bunch of embarrassed blushing and not much else. Wasn't really my thing.
Saga 3 tried to add something interesting to the mix with Ochako's jealousy which she tries to deny and squash, but...it doesn't come across as particularly deep or well-developed. Horikoshi kinda just throws it out there and then immediately ditches it. I wouldn't have been so annoyed if it didn't encompass all of Ochako's character for this saga. She didn't really do much of anything else at all. Even in the Overhaul arc, she didn't get any meaningful spotlight, and I mean this from an action perspective. After the awesome action she got in the Sports Festival, Horikoshi really pulled back on her and it felt like he was too afraid to make her get dirty and fight again, save for a brief moment when she pinned Toga in the woods at summer camp. I liked it better when Izuku was pining a bit after Ochako than the other way around.
Saga 4 was a bit better. There was finally some meaningful development between them with Ochako getting inspired to update her costume, saving Izuku as a development of her new character question of "who saves the heroes?", and--my favorite part--when she decides to trust Izuku when he says he can take Shinso on alone and she goes to take care of business elsewhere. But I notice these developments I like also happen to have non-romantic elements to them. It's really just when things are one-dimensionally romantic that I'm super disinterested. I like the complexity of other feelings even in their easy friendship. Platonic friendship that leads into budding romance brings at least a bit more flavor in the writing. That said, it's not a whole ton of flavor. I can see why other people would like it, but it's not the MOST exciting for me personally.
Saga 5 is again more exciting to me because of the non-romantic elements, kind of like you say. It's not that it's necessarily platonic, but it's just more interesting that Ochako's feelings seem more complicated now, and Toga has been added to the mix too. What we get in this saga especially puts me in a weird position where I'm rooting for Izuku and Ochako NOT to get together in the end, not because I don't like them or have a problem with the ship, but because it makes the overall story about their relationship since the beginning..."make sense" isn't the right phrase. It's just an interesting take on the trope in this genre. I really like the message it could potentially deliver on. I'm just not a big romance person in the first place, so the whole "there are even deeper things happening between people than just high school crushes" angle that doesn't necessarily mean romance speaks more to me. I don't really know what we get out of them getting together if that happens. But, as I said, I'm not big on romance to begin with, so I'm not the best judge of this. It could be we get a great message out of it and I'm just really bad at being able to see that at this stage. I will still be forced to lament what was lost in that case, though--because we would lose the far more interesting take on the trope if they were not to get together.
And that's why I say I'm not anti-IzuOcha, just anti-IzuOcha in canon. I think they're cute together and I really love their earlier dynamic. I think the fanart of them is cute. I love when they get along doing things. I love when people create excellent fan content for their favorite pairings. I just most like the idea of an ending where they don't end up together for the purposes of my own intrigue.
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inlocusmads · 1 year
Tag List Cleanup
So yes. This has been a loooong time coming.
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Hi there, so if you're reading this, it is likely you agree that I am quite terrible at maintaining a consistent taglist, so I'm going to scratch it off and start all over again. And I'm also terribly disorganised, so yes, but that's a story for another day.
Okay, let's get to the categories! You're welcome to choose one, two or "n" number of categories from this. Perma counts as everything, so you needn't worry about it.
All fics. I don't do moodboards or HCs, so it is just all fics, series, one-shots, whatnot.
Crimes of Passion only.
It contains all characters and all pairings, though I mostly write for Nora and Trystan and that's pretty much it. I might also dabble in some platonic pairings in the future, so if you're interested in that as well -- look out for them, I suppose?
Open Heart only.
Jane, Ethan, the whole gang. It's OH but everything. All pairings, even though I only ever write Jane and Ethan but I might have some Aurora x OC fics planned (you'll never know).
I honestly don't want to bother with the sub-categories (Ethan x MC, Aurora x OC, etc) so if you want to just be tagged for one specific ship or pairing, you can specify your requests down below.
Wake the Dead only
WTD started off strong and was propelled further with the likes of zombie/apocalypse media that I watched during the time of the book's release (Last of Us, A Quiet Place, etc) but right now, I doubt I'd work on it as vigorously as I would spend writing Crimes fics. If you are interested in this, let me know!
Guinevere only
I haven't like worked on a lot of Guinevere fics, because I actually.. haven't finished Guinevere yet. I know, I know. I'm a terrible person. I still have 4-5 chapters to go and I'm collecting a lot of diamonds to pay for all the scenes, so apologies lmao. I mostly would write for MC x Artura because Artura is the GOAT. I also haven't prepared a masterlist for that, so maybe I'll do that in the coming days. Either way, let me know if you'd like to be tagged for Guinevere!
Onwards to the future works that I've planned!
Blades of Light and Shadow only
Aroace MC, adventure, song, dance - it's got everything and more. I have already planned my character and I can't wait for you to learn more about her. And also it's almost Bolas season, all the more reason to write Blades fics. I haven't started to work on any Blades-specific fics yet, but if you'd like to be tagged for them, let me know!
And that is all for now!
However, I will be putting out this one-off one shots from other books like MoTY, MaH and other books that have interested me. They're just like.. extra stuff, not exactly strictly restricted to a masterlist but sort of there to diversify my book palette so to speak. The problem with selecting books to write fics for is that, I don't know where to even start. Sometimes I'm sort of in a fix and that's just terrible. So if you want me to write a specific pairing from a specific book or if you'd like me to just explore my MC's story in a book that you enjoy, send me some requests, my asks are always open!
I also don't write explicit stuff, mature scenes or anything of that nature (or even kissing scenes for that matter which explains why half of my MCs are aroace or on the ace-spectrum, but I am trying! It's just hard) so if you're sending requests, do keep that in mind.
And that's it!
If you'd like to be tagged or remain in the same place as you were before, please let me know in the reblogs or in the comments below and make sure you restrict it to just this post! I'd be locking the tag list by June 30th 2023. And the new tag list will come into effect by July 1st.
If you do not wish to be tagged, you don't have to respond to this message at all. There'll be no hard feelings, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything.
(yes i apologise for the good omens gif, ik it has been like 3 days since the trailer came out and im still in a permanent state of panic)
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(current tag list 👇)
@quixoticdreamer16 @trappedinfanfiction @writing-not @peonierose @tessa-liam
@aallotarenunelma @cassie-thorne @lilyoffandoms @jerzwriter @ao719 @ofmischiefandmedicine @openheartforeverinmyheart
Open Heart:
@cariantha @jerzwriter @openheartforeverinmyheart @ofmischiefandmedicine
Wake the Dead:
@aallotarenunelma @jerzwriter @cariantha
Blades (from this post I put out):
I sincerely apologise if you've commented or reblogged anywhere to be tagged and I haven't done that. That's precisely why I even decided to do this cleanup after a while, to sort of reset the whole thing and start afresh. Plus Tumblr for some reason, keeps eating some of my notifications so I have no idea what to make of it at this point.
Thank you so much for your interest! I'll see you soon!
- Mads.
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narujenreacts · 2 months
With E7 of Murder Drones releasing on the 29th, I thought I'd do a special live stream on my YouTube channel 3hrs prior to the episodes release where we can rewatch E1-6, theorize and talk, you can ask me questions if you have any, etc.
Not only that, but I'll hold a giveaway where one person can win the opportunity to pick ANY single merch from Glitchs' Murder Drones merch store! The only requirement will be that you'll have to be 16+ since I'll need your address to have the item shipped to you.
As for what time the stream will start exactly, I'm not sure at the moment since I have no idea what time E7 is going to release. Whatever time it is though I'll be starting 3hrs prior. Might even do a live reaction to E7 if enough of you would like me to. Be aware though that I will most likely pause a lot, as it's, well...me. :P I know I'll be reacting quite a bit and I hate to talk over characters or when stuff is going on.
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ashesbreadandbutter · 21 days
Been thinking and..
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It'd be fun to do book commissions right? Where instead of just one shots we could make a story together that basically YOU make up and I just write. You can whatever you want however you want it if you pay.
Considering I'll need the money for when I rehabilitate further I love dough but even when I do eventually heal I'll still do commissions. Usually I fold to do requests just to get more attention but I'm gonna stand my ground this time.
So if interested in working with me for multiple periods of time just to get the story done then come and chat with me.
Prices would be based off my commission sheet already but to give a few examples of how I see this going lets say you want a 10 chapter story with 500 words each chapter. By the end of the book (chapter ten) that'll be 5,000 words which in total for what it is the whole book would cost $50.
Example 2:
10 chapter story with 5,000 words each would be $550.
Basically I'm doing my current prices by ten for these examples so you all should do that too when picking word count AND chapters. I'll allow up to 30 chapters though depending on circumstances and such this could be a monthly between me and you, the buyer.
More Examples:
5,000 words per chapter for a 20 chapter book would equal $1,100 by the end of the book.
5,000 words per chapter for a 30 chapter book would equal $1,650
Now I'm only going to say this once! If you don't have the money either wait till you do or find someone who will help accommodate you. I wish you luck on that.
You can set the timing!!
Granted at minimum these can be done by a month but be prepared for bigger orders to take just a bit more time than the smaller ones. With that said bigger stories could take longer than just a month but it all depends of course on how I'm feeling, the story we're making, characters, etc etc. Honestly you can keep up with me at any point and time and check in on the progress of things whenever you want.
I only take cash up front and before I start new chapters so you'll pay for the first, I'll show it to you when I'm done with it and if you want to continue you'll go ahead and pay for the next chapter and we can repeat that process. For people big banking though you could pay it all up front and I'll do everything without waiting on anything.
You can also post your story on your OWN account as long as you mention me (@ me) so people can find my account. Either you'll post it or I will and I'll mention you in the story as the one who paid for it. Either way is fine.
A lot of this stuff will take communication and adjusting, especially since this is my first time taking a step like this but if you all are willing to be patient with me I promise I'll make your story as perfect to you as I can.
I think I explained what I needed to BUT if confused anyone and everyone is always allowed to hit up my ask box or dm me personally.
Options available:
10 chapter story
20 chapter story
30 chapter story
Prices WILL change and WILL vary based on original pricing time word count of the chapters.
Canon x Readers
Canon x ocs
Canon x canon (depending on if I also like the ship or not.)
For more information look at my commission sheet HERE and if you have any questions PLEASE ask them. Considering commissions like these will make us partners for a while I want to make sure we both know exactly what we're doing and hoping into because I DO NOT allow refunds.
Let's have fun guys considering that's all fanfic is about! I also do art commissions but currently I'm more focused on the writing though if you want art you can always commission that as well.
If you've made it this far thank you for reading! Reblog, like and share if you can't give me money but still want me to grow my platform.
Everyone PLEASE have a lovely day!
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Mun is over 20. Please, no minors.
I'm non-selective. I'm down to RP with anyone, so don't be afraid to drop into my inbox/tag me in stuff! My style can sometimes lean a bit towards the lengthier side, but I don't expect anyone to try and match that.
I don't roleplay outside of the Resident Evil universe. I'm up for anything within it, though! I enjoy the games, the comics, the novels, etc. alongside the Anderson flicks.
I'm OC & AU friendly. I love to hear about 'em, too, so please share with me!
I multiship, so I'm open to pairing Rain with various characters. Lemme know if you're interesting in shipping.
I like having multiple threads. If you want to start a new thread with me while we already have another going, feel free!
If you see me already RPing with somebody who has the same muse as you, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in interacting with you! Everybody brings something unique to their depictions.
You'll find blood, gore, & violence here, so be warned. It appears both in my writing and occasionally in my icons or reblogs. It'll never be anything extreme, though.
I don't do NSFW stuff. My ace ass simply can't haha.
Although I also write for the Rain clones, I always default to the OG Rain when replying to asks/tags. So if you'd like to interact with Good or Bad Rain, please specify!
There might be times when I'm slow at replying. I promise I'm not ignoring you. I've just got other stuff going on too, y'know? And on that note, I don't expect fast replies from anyone. Take your time!
Starter memes can be found here!
Starter calls can be found here!
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask!
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Rain comes from the 2002 film, Resident Evil. Alongside it and various headcanons, my interpretation of her is also loosely based on the novelization, Resident Evil: Genesis. (I do have a lot of problems with that book and how she was written in it, though). The clones come from Resident Evil: Retribution and take loose elements from the novelization of the same name.
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Name: Rain Melendez Ocampo
Eyes: Dark brown. However, I do occasionally make them partially light blue after infection.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on verse.
In the Anderson flicks, twenty-three at the time of the Hive Incident in 2002.
Also in the Anderson flicks, her late twenties to early thirties in Extinction through to The Final Chapter, which ends in 2012.
In the game universe, in her early twenties during the time of the Raccoon City Incident in 1998.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Former LAPD police officer.
Former paramilitary commando for the Umbrella Corporation.
...Currently working to screw over her last employer and aid survivors.
In the game universe, after Raccoon City, I'll often put her in the BSAA. Or some other organization that fights bioterrorism.
Personality: Rain is tough, intimidating, prideful, and full of tenacity. But beneath that rough exterior is a caring person looking to do good and help others. If sacrificing/putting herself at risk means saving someone, Rain isn't likely to hesitate.
She's fiercely loyal and protective toward friends, none of whom are safe from her ribbing or attempts to rough around.
Often, Rain comes off as crude and/or blunt since she isn't very careful with her words. If she has an opinion, she probably won't refrain from telling you. Vulnerability, however, isn't something that comes easily to her. She tends to simply close herself off with an "I'm fine."
You might find that she has a slight temper... Perhaps more than slight. Most call it hair-trigger. Her anger usually comes and go in quick bursts.
Rain was heavily infected by the T-virus and received a dose of the antivirus when it should've been far too late. She should've died. Instead, she woke up a day later in an empty hospital, having been put under quarantine and subject to various tests. She left, unsure of what exactly happened to her.
Some other stuff:
Rain tends to enunciate a lot more when she's super pissed off. She'll speak all slow and deliberately. For example, while she normally drops the G in words such as "something" and says "somethin'" instead, an angry Rain doesn't do that.
Mind you, she does look pissed off most of the time, but that's just her resting face.
If she's especially prideful about anything, it's her marksmanship. For the most part, it isn't misplaced, either. She's a damn good shot.
On the topic of guns, Rain is pretty knowledgeable about them in general. Firearms are a huge interest of hers.
When she worked at Umbrella, she was a part of a unit known as Sanitation led by Commander James "One" Shade. Other teammates included Chad Kaplan, Olga Danilova, Alfonso Warner, Vance Drew, and J.D. Salinas. All of these people died right before the outbreak in Raccoon City.
J.D. was Rain's best friend. She partially blames herself for his death
When she was a part of Sanitation, she'd use a Heckler & Koch MP5K and a Springfield Armory M1911A1, which are guns she's still rather fond of.
She was born in New Jersey and lived there until the age of twelve. That was when her family moved to California, where she stayed until receiving a job offer from Umbrella.
Her family consisted of a father, an older brother, and a dog.
She speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Melendez - AKA "Bad Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown. There's a faint red haze when her retinal implants are in use.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: Security operative for the Umbrella Corporation.
Personality: Rain is programmed to be ruthless, tough, and intimidating. She's cold, blunt, and matter-of-fact, typically to the point of heartlessness. Her care for others is incredibly minimal, and most of her loyalty lies where it was programmed to be.
When she's given orders, Rain follows them without question or hesitation. Vulnerability and weakness are something she very scarcely allows herself to show.
She's stubborn, being somebody who fights until her absolute last breath. There's also a fair amount of cockiness in her.
While not impossible to form a bond with her, it certainly isn't easy.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created to protect one of their testing facilities. More specifically, Umbrella Prime, which is located underwater in Kamchatka, Russia.
Some other stuff:
Following the destruction of Umbrella Prime, she was presumed to have been eaten alive by a horde of Las Plagas Undead (basically T-virus zombies with the intelligence to handle firearms/drive vehicles) after plunging into the depths of the Arctic Ocean. This could be changed in threads, though.
Following a self-injection of the Las Plagas parasite, Rain gains superhuman strength, accelerated healing, and far higher pain tolerance. This happens right after the destruction of Umbrella Prime, so it wouldn't apply to anything taking place before that... Or where it doesn't happen.
Also after that incident, she's started experiencing a deep-seated unease around deep bodies of water. Not something she'll admit to.
Rain has retinal implants that allow her to quickly identify people and bioweapons in Umbrella's database via facial scan. They also feed her direct orders from her AI superior, the Red Queen.
While Rain knows that Umbrella manufactures clones, she doesn't realize she is one.
Her weapons of choice are a Colt M4A1 (with an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher attached) and a SIG P226R.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Ocampo - AKA "Good Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she would be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: (Programmed to believe she is an) environmental activist.
Personality: First and foremost, Rain is good-natured. She's always looking to do the right thing, help others, and stand up for what she believes in.
Although she prefers non-violence as a solution to problems, when it comes down to the wire, Rain will do what it takes to help somebody in danger. There's definitely a protective side to her. She's a quick learner and brave.
Most people would probably describe her as an ever so slightly awkward, quirky character. Often, she's somebody who will speak without thinking her words through.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created as a civilian to be placed into a test simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of Umbrella's bioweapons. However, rather than dying like she was meant to, she survived the simulation.
Some other stuff:
Rain died in Retribution after getting knocked clean off an elevator platform by an Uber Licker, which is essentially a licker the size of a tank. She snapped her neck upon impact with a wall. However, that could be changed in threads.
She's a vegetarian. She doesn't enjoy the taste of meat products, nor the idea of eating animals.
Unlike either of her counterparts, her full first name is Larraine, which she does not enjoy being called.
Rain is entirely unskilled with guns. She's not particularly fond of them, either. Two of her programmed memories include campaigning for gun control and marching against the NRA.
She enjoys particularly outdoorsy physical activities such as hiking, biking, and climbing.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language... As well as Portuguese as a third. And a conversational amount of ASL.
Rain has three dogs. Two pit bulls and a Rottweiler.
Outside of her dogs, her family truly never existed, but she believes that she grew up with three brothers and a mother in the suburbs of Raccoon City.
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willel · 9 months
Since I've been getting a few asks about it btw, I wanted to make my position clear. I don't discuss relationships in the show a lot and you probably only see me speak negatively about some aspects so some clarification might help.
I'm not against the general idea of romance in shows.
When done right, I think a romantic subplot in a show or movie or game can be really good. It can tie together all the themes while not distracting from the main plot. Sometimes even when it's distracting from the main plot, it makes sense and is worthwhile and adds to the main plot.
If you've known my blog for a long time, you'll know I'm not exactly an avid tv show watcher. I still want to provide an example of what I mean though so I'll reference one of the manga I've been reading since I was a teenager.
It's called Skip Beat! I honestly don't know if it's considered popular or niche but I'll give you a general synopsis. The main character, Kyouko Mogami was a girl from the countryside who was basically a glorified maid for her childhood friend, Sho Fuwa. Due to her harsh family circumstances, she grew up in Sho's home and from what we know about their lives, she was being trained (groomed???) to be his future wife. She was fine with it because she loved him.
But Sho wanted to be a star, so against his parents wishes, he took Kyouko with him to the big city to make it big. Which he did and it gave him a bigger head than he already had. He tossed her aside in favor of his new life in a pretty cruel way.
Kyouko vowed vengeance upon him. She would become an even bigger star than him and run him out of town. She vowed to never fall in love again and closed herself off. I know I'm writing this as if it's a sob story, but when I say it's a vengeance plot I mean that literally.
From there, the plot revolves around how far she'll go just for her vengeance. But, as the plot moves along, you can start to see how her icy heart is melting for someone else and how much anguish that brings her. The main plot is about her becoming a star, but the part where she learns to love again (someone else mind you) is a crucial part in all that.
I would suggest you read it butttttt it's the slowest burn in the history of all histories so you might suffer just as much as I have.
I really appreciate how this story might have a big romantic sub plot but it ties in nicely with her goals of self improvement and wanting to be a star, moving on from all her pain and being happy.
When it comes to Stranger Things...... I just do NOT feel that way at all.
Skip Beat! has a love triangle. Honestly at this point, it's more like an octagon and yet it doesn't bother me. There is a lot of "Will they won't they" but it still doesn't bother me.
It may be that Skip Beat! just has a more interesting subplot so the little baby half baked romantic drama in Stranger Things is just boring for me?
Maybe it's that I feel like the romantic drama and tension in Skip Beat! is actually leading somewhere and leads to character development while the romantic drama in Stranger Things feels played up for audience reaction and fandom discourse?
Like sure, Skip Beat! has some fandom discourse but everyone is pretty much on the same page or can, for the most part, respectfully discuss their preferences. With Stranger Things, if you so much as comment on a ship in the wrong way you'll have a gaggle of people harassing you over fictional characters.
To summarize,
I think romantic stuff in tv shows and movies and all that can be really fun, interesting, heartbreaking, all the entertaining things one could want.
I, personally, feel none of that when romantic stuff is happening in Stranger Things. Maybe in the first and second season but beyond that...? For example, while I wouldn't exactly call myself a shipper, I am and was rooting for Jopper from the getgo. (I say that because I think a shipper would be much more invested in the pair. Like fanart, fanfiction, following dedicated blogs etc. I don't really do that)
If the show writers decided to reintroduce Lonnie into the plot and then acted like he had a legitimate chance to get back with Joyce because she starts wavering between Hopper and Lonnie.... do you really expect me to freakin' care? Am I really supposed to care about this love triangle introduced? You actually expect me to get invested in such lazy writing? I just cannot.
My interest in Jopper would probably be eradicated to be honest because they just wasted time with a love triangle instead of developing them as a couple. All that wasted time could've been spent developing the main plot which in turn would've given them more opportunities to write them a s couple working together, protecting each other, etc. You know, substance.
See what I mean? I just... cannot care about Stranger Things ships. It's great if you can though, there are so many reasons to watch a show. Maybe for you, love triangles are the bees knees and the best thing since sliced bread so you'd be eating up another triangle like nobody's business. But that's not me.
I would much rather they focus moving the plot forward, which would naturally create moments between the characters we all care about.
Fandom behavior factors into a bit of this as well of course. Kinda hard to care about or get invested in a relationship if all you see all day is people arguing about canon (which at the end of the day doesn't matter) while also doxxing and harassing each other. Not to mention taking the worst possible interpretation of characters possible just because you think they're in the way of your ship. Dunno how anyone can care about or enjoy a shipping fandom like that.
SO yeah. That's it. Romance is stuff is fine and all, but I just don't jive with how Stranger Things rolled out it's romance stuff so I prefer to think about other things.
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tophsazulas · 2 months
Hey Poorni, I mostly just lurk here but sometimes check in with your account and am always blown away by how quickly and drastically you change your mind on so many people and ships! Like on a Wednesday you'll post several times about a pair being a notp and by Thursday you're praising them as an otp and reblogging them constantly and then by Friday or Saturday you're disliking them again lol. For example, you've gone from going on about how much you hate Neia to suddenly calling them an OTP lol. A few weeks ago you didn't like Zaya at all and now they're like your biggest OTP ever. You liked Kitty and then hated her more than anyone I'd ever seen and then will swing back to liking her. And so on. We all change our minds about some ships and characters, and it's great to have an open mind. I'm just curious what causes you to go from hate to love to hate to love again on so many characters and ships so quickly---is it based on rewatches, reading other people's metas, Or do you just kind of wake up feeling totally different than you did the day before? You can ignore if you want to, I'm just always into learning about what makes fans tick, and you changing your opinions so frequently interests me!
First of all, I love long asks so ty for sending this haha!
Secondly, I wouldn't exactly saying that my love for characters and ships change day by day. It's actually the opposite most of the time where it's very drastic.
Like with Kitty, as a kid I liked her but then I saw a few threads on her and I was like 'ok she is kind of annoying when I think about it'. Then rewatching at like 16-17 (i think 17 tbh), she's very irritating and I feel like she's glorified WAY too much (especially in t7s). So then I started having more complex feelings but then after a few more discussions with my friend Sunshine and rewatches, Kitty is actually pretty fucking annoying. She babies Eric and literally never sees him as an adult, slut shames Donna for having sex with Eric and seems to think Donna "corrupts" him. And don't even get me started on how shitty she treats Laurie. I know Laurie is far from perfect, but no one deserves to have to hear their own mother say 'i love you because I have to' and 'Rosemary made a better baby than me'.
It sounds like I'm overreacting but honestly idc. Kitty is not this sweet little good cop to Red's bad cop and she sure as hell didn't have any "character assassination" like Jackie, Kelso, and even Eric did in T9S.
With Zaya, I really loved them as a kid but then hated them because of the shit Zig would pull on Maya. When I did come back to the fandom for good, I had moreso complicated feelings where they're pretty toxic but they can be good together and I'm glad they're endgame. And then I started looking at more Zaya stuff (mostly from Ashton haha) doing rewatches, which made me go back to loving them full force. I still have love for Matlingsworth, Camaya, Zori, and find Zesme interesting at times, but I love Zaya a lot too and I'm glad they're endgame.
As for Neia, I don't think I had much of an opinion on my first watch. I might've been annoyed by them. But I did prefer Jeia over everything. And when I got to Tumblr and did more rewatches, read fics and all that, I was really just done with Neia. My main issue with them has always been how they fucked over Nikki and don't even get me started on how ooc Gwen's advice to Leia was on handling that shit. Plus I didn't see any substance with them aside from having the same wants. Then I ended up being moreso fascinated by the idea of Neia crashing and burning, leading to a Jeia/Geia endgame.
There was a short period where I really wanted to be more open minded with Neia, so I tried looking at the more shippy stuff but I just couldn't do it haha. But eventually I tried again, hence me shipping them now.
Don't get me wrong, my issues with canon Neia are still there. Especially the substance parts, but I personally blame that on the writing more. For all Lindsey's claims of loving Neia, she sure doesn't act like she loves them. Until the 9th episode, they didn't have any alone time. Which, by a writing person, doesn't make sense because Leia is canonically best friends with Nate's sister AND in the dame friend groupl. Not to mention, Leia dated Nate's best friend, yet they don't interact one on one till the NINTH episode? Not even like them accidentally bumping into each other. Like come on!
Short answer: Metas, rewatches, (rarely) discussions, etc.
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Kait! Even though happy mightn't be exactly the right phrasing, I'm so happy that you also HC Saeran as being ace! (or demi)
I've always thought that way too, and it's just so refreshing to see somebody who thinks the same way.
And by that I just mean
...'it' doesn't need to be a necessity in a relationship for it to be happy.
Character pairings and ships these days almost always are focused around it.
It just kind of upsets me in a strange way.
But now for me to have played Mystic Messenger and for the first time actually felt a connection to a character
Honestly I kind of dreaded looking up any sort of fan works for what I might find
But I legitimately ;; I almost began to cry when I read your analyses of Saeran.
Because I've never believed sex to be this super ultra compulsory thing for a relationship to be 'whole'
It just makes me so happy that you also believe that Saeran might be the same. Honestly, like, so happy. Relieved, almost.
I would be content forever just to be with Saeran. Just in his company, just doing stuff together. Enjoying life. And cuddles.
Everyone is entitled to their view of a character. As long as they're not hurting others or themselves, it's perfectly alright. I feel a lot of ways about Saeran Choi that can't be contained to a single post since I'm a person who could talk for hours and hours about him without getting bored, overwhelmed, or running out of content to navigate. If nothing else, I am consistent.
When I think about Saeran, I don't see someone who is necessarily invested in the idea of sexual intimacy. I don't think he's opposed to that with someone he loves, but it's not the first thought on his mind when he thinks about intimacy. He wants to enjoy your company for as long as you'll allow, and no matter what that means, he'll be happy and content with it until the day he dies.
You don't need to have sex to have a complete relationship, nor do you need to want it in the first place. Every relationship for someone looks different, while some people value and desire sex, others may not want it, may feel indifferent to it, or are willing to explore it but it won't be the end all be all of their bond. Everyone is valid in what they decide with their partner, and that is their business to keep.
I'm panromantic and demisexual, actually! So, I saw a lot of myself in Saeran from the get-go. I think what he values more than anything is the ability to be with you. He wants to stand by your side and watch a city of clouds float by. That's his happy place. Does he desire more in this relationship? He has you and he couldn't imagine anything else in this world!
But, if he wants something more, or if you want something more in this dynamic as far as sexual intimacy goes, those are things that you need to talk about and be comfortable with before you explore them. Communication is what matters at the end of the day. Talking about everything works. So, respect what you and your partner want together, and find out what works for every person involved.
Sex, no sex, do whatever you want! Respect what other people want out of love. This blog will always be a safe place for aces, aros, demis, etc. Whether you're sex-repulsed or not, you always deserve respect and care.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
for all the flirting and stuff pre time skip wex wasn't undyingly in love with lwj. that opens him up to other people. wq and him built a settlement together, and most definitely were in love. they're good for each other in a larger than life sense . he could not have married anyone else.
that anon does have a point where lwj and wwx wouldn't have worked out regardless and a marriage of convenience would have solved the problems. we even see that in cql,, i think there's a good fic by shanastoryteller that shows exactly this too.
Anon. Anon, anon, anon. Why the everloving fuck do you think I would read a mediocre hack of a "fanfic" author who can't get characterization right to save her life and scams her readers by getting them to buy updates to when she's working on fic? ShanaStoryteller is a hack of an author who should move on to original fiction because as a fanfiction author, she's pretty terrible at it. ShanaStoryteller has no respect for the world she writes in and I have no respect for her.
So let me debunk the stupid fanon you've dropped in my inbox this morning so that maybe this time you'll get the hint and move on. Mess with the Sangsang and you get the Peerless Cucumber.
Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian are not a romantic ship in any actual canon version of Modaozushi. Not even CQL. At best they are like siblings, in most cases they are just allies against inevitable doom. Could not have married anyone else? Why would he want to marry Wen Qing? Where in any one single line does he suggest that this is ever a thing on his mind?
A marriage of convenience would have saved them? Hah! Don't make me laugh. I'm sorry that you've so bought into Shana's fanon that you've forgotten the reason why they end up in the Burial Mounds to begin with is because Jiang Cheng won't protect them. What does Wei Wuxian marrying Wen Qing do? Absolutely nothing other than lock him into a marriage he doesn't ever want. Jiang Cheng's conditions for Wei Wuxian going back to Lotus Pier are very simple: Ditch all the Wens back in the slaughter camps and slink back alone. Marrying her saves no one. Jiang Cheng would do nothing and Wei Wuxian lacks the social power to do anything more than what he does already in canon.
As for the downright hilariously wrong claims that Wen Qing would have made him happier than Lan Wangji, this just proves to me that you don't understand any of the characters involved. Wei Wuxian does not want someone like Wen Qing. Wei Wuxian is not looking for a marriage at any point until the person in question is Lan Wangji. In the book the first time he ever mentions anything like that is asking Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu in the Yunmeng Ancestral Hall to save Lan Wangji for him because he is the first and only person Wei Wuxian has ever even thought of that way.
And then your dismissal of Wangxian not working...well obviously I can't convince you to ship what I like, just as you can't convince me to believe in your pack of idiocy, but also there's a reason why they are the main romance and there's nothing that even comes close to competing with them. From the beginning they are compatible, but unaware of how to connect. Life gets in the way, but they never stop thinking well of each other and wanting to have things work better between them because they like each other. That is the cornerstone of any romance right there. You have to like each other. Wouldn't have worked out in any way? It took Wei Wuxian being dead for thirteen years to keep them apart for as long as it did. When they actually get the chance to spend time together at all? They get married in two months. That's how much they like each other. That's how likely they are to get together.
Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian lived on top of a corpse infested, resentment filled mountain for a year and nothing happened at all. Wen Qing built the settlement for the rest of her family while Wei Wuxian was the snarling guard dog on the outside. Only at the end of her life does she release him from the debt she invoked on him, presumably with the expectation that he will leave and take A-Yuan with him because all of the adult Wens have known all along they're living on borrowed time and eventually it's going to run out. It isn't a happy farming family, it isn't a peaceful settlement. It is a barricade against the inevitable. What's romantic about that? What's salvageable about that?
This is why I kinda hate stories where everyone lives and makes a happy life there. It's not a happy time, everyone's just scraping by one more day at a time, watching the sand in the hourglass run out aside from the toddler who they are trying to keep from feeling this same sense of dread. Outside of the farms and the ramshackle houses the corpses and spirits still wander and it's a miserable place to be. The Burial Mounds/Mass Grave Hills/Luanzang Gang is the place where some of the most miserable times of Wei Wuxian's life happened, do you really think he'd want to start a life and a family there? He goes there because it is a necromancer's paradise and the only place he can think of where he has the direct advantage against the Jin and the Jiang and the Nie and the Lan coming up to siege him. He does not go there to make a home, he goes there to make a threat.
Anon, just let it go. You can like ShanaStoryteller if you'd like, I won't stop you from doing that. But I refuse to read her crappy, out of character fics, I refuse to kowtow to your thinly veiled homophobia of "Wei Wuxian wouldn't ever be happy with Lan Wangji, he should marry a woman instead", I refuse to stop insulting her works when you show up in my inbox to cry about it and I suggest that you very kindly fuck off.
If you return again, I will block you. You have your corner of the fandom, get the everloving fuck out of mine.
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