#I'm gonna close all requests now since school starts in a couple of days
stormberry-12 · 1 year
Hellooo how are you this fine evening..
I wanted the ask if you could make one for jj where he does something that upsets the reader and she’s crying and sad and jj gets the silent treatment the whole week but he starts to cry hard and beg for her to talk to him and reader can’t help but comfort and hug him and give him all the love that she has and jj is all pouty and sad in the end
It’s fine if not <3 :)
didn't mean to ~ jj maybank x reader
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pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Fem!Reader
warnings: language, angst, arguing, silent treatment.
notes: thxs for the request! Sorry I haven't posted in forever guys, im doing final exams at school rn and stuff. Also, sorry this is so short. But anyway, I loved this concept and also hated the way they solved JJ and Kie's fight in Season 4 so I tried to recreate it here with a better ending. Sorry, this took so long lol, much love!
"I mean, it would all blow up anyway. You know? Like... Look at you. You got your new threads on!" JJ exclaimed. "Look at me. What do I got? This? This piece of shit?" He threw something out of frustration, panting. You looked back at his run-down house, the eviction notice nailed to the front door with bright yellow police tape crossing over it.
"Getting kicked out of this place in three weeks anyway. shit, I don't even got parents right now. Why would you care? Why would you care? I'm just some loser that..."
"You don't care. No, you don't!"
"I do care!" you shouted, getting frustrated with his attitude.
"No, you got parents that live in Figure Eight, you know?"
"That's not my fault."
"That's your future." he countered walking towards the water, hand running through his hair in frustration.
"Look, if you need us, we're gonna help you. I'm... I'll help."
"No- It's that right there! Okay? Like... It's so easy for you to say that." he whirled around to face you, yelling, "You know why? Because you're a Kook. You're a Kook, Y/n!"
"Yeah... I'm a Kook. I was such a Kook when I was living in a cave with you for a month! Soaking in the Kook life!"
"That's not what I'm talking about. GOD!" he exclaimed, reaching for his bike, he swung his leg over the seat.
"Jayj, don't leave." you pleaded, the engine of his bike revved and he started to drive away,
"JJ, WHAT THE HELL?" You screamed after him, tears rolling down your face, "MAYBANK!"
You were pissed the fuck off.
The first day after your fight you hadn't seen JJ, you cried for a couple hours, indulging in your favorite ice cream watching a sad rom-com, really getting in your feels.
Kie texted you to ask you what was up, the pogues had gone fishing that day but you never showed, to angry and sad to show your face to the world.
'Ask the blond kid,' was all you responded. you watched as her three typing bubbles flashed beneath your text.
'shit head's not here either,' she responded. 'wtf is going on,'
'fight. he called me a kook.'
'oh shit,' was all she said.
A few days later you walked around the chateau and dug through John B's fridge, you were fully aware of JJ's presence on the couch but still continued to ignore him. It was closing in on a week since you had last uttered a word to him.
Grabbing a chilled beer you walked past JJ and to the front door.
"Y/n," he said, voice cracking.
It wasn't the first time JJ had tried to talk to you this week and once again you ignored him. You slipped your shoes on and walked out onto the porch, slamming the door behind you. You flinched at how harsh it was but brushed the feeling away as you took a sip of your drink.
You sat at the edge of JJ's hot tub, the disco lights twinkled in the water, and the beer started to make you feel nauseous. You set it down and let out a shaky breath, blinking away tears that made the colorful lights spur in all different directions.
'Oh stop it Y/n' you told yourself, you would not cry anymore over this boy, if he didn't want to date a 'kook' that was his problem.
A long time must have passed, you had slid down fully into the hot tub finishing off your drink and basking in your own thoughts. The sun had set and the tides changed across the water.
"Go!" You heard someone on the deck grunt, you looked up to see John B pushing JJ out the door towards you locking him outside. JJ made his way down the stairs awkwardly and stood at the edge of the hot tub across from you, not getting in like he was looking for your permission.
"What do you want Maybank?" you asked quietly.
"I-uh," he sniffled and you focused closer in the dim light to see tears streaming down his face. "I made you a bracelet,"
He mumbled in the softest voice that made your heart clench and reached out to hand it to you. You looked at it closely, intricate little hearts knotted into the design, made with your favorite colors. And of course, the sea blue strings that you had told him reminded you of his eyes countless times. You didn't know what to say. Until you heard the soft sobbing coming from his lips, he thought you didn't like it.
"No, JJ..." you cooed, wrapping the bracelet around your wrist and tieing it in a crisp knot. You slid yourself through the water and stood in front of him taking in his state. He looked at you with pleading eyes and you wrapped your arms around him. He collapsed into you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your shoulder. You felt butterflies in your stomach at his touch and lifted a hand to stroke his hair. God you loved this boy so much.
"I-i'm sorry," he cried, "I called you a kook, I'm such a dick, It's all my fault..."
"No, Jayj-" you whispered.
"No, I am in the wrong too, shouldn't have ignored you like that," you whispered.
"But I called you a kook," he said again.
"And then I was acting like one, it was wrong,"
You stood there in silence hugging each other, you you feel his breathing slow and he recovered to look up at you.
"Please forgive me," he said.
"Always, as long as you forgive me," he nodded frantically at you causing you to giggle.
"Thank god that's over," you heard Pope say in the distance.
"Yeah, pass me one of those?" Kie said, taking a beer out of the cooler, the rest of the pogues walking toward the hot tub.
You all settle down in the warm water, JJ snuggling into your side, looking at your bracelet sweetly for the rest of the night. You kissed the top of his head, knowing what ever happed in the future you could always get through it with him.
Tag list: @sarahskywalker-amadala @sunasro @idli-dosa @aslanvez @somerandos-world @vivian-555 @loverofdrewstarkey @totallynotkaibiased @jjmaybankisbae @fishingirl12 @antagonize-me-motherfucker @princessbl0ss0m @pank0w @callsigndiamond @brynley-a-xoxo @plk-18 @fallingwallsh @hemogloban @valentineshiftz @taintedxkisses
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gingerjunhan · 2 months
Hello! It's 🧈 anon and the xdinary heroes x reader tag has been seriously lacking Jun han love!!
I was wondering if I would request headcanons (and kinda a short fic?) of Jun han with a super fun and energetic gender neutral s/o? And they're just so in love and constantly in their honeymoon phase and are just the sweetest couple 😭❤️‍🩹
Maybe they even get married and they're just still so smitten!
Like imagine Hyeongjun, he's been dating his s/o for years and he goes to one of his members and whispers to them "I have a crush on my s/o! Don't tell them!"
Please and thank you!!
(p.s. I hope you have a wonderful day!)
☆彡🧈anon this request just made me melt into my shoes… I’m crying rn this is so cute! I loved writing this one- I hope you enjoy!
word count: 630 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: they're so cute I'm literally sobbing, drinking, lmk if I missed anything!! :)
When you and Hyeongjun started dating, you were exactly the ball of energy he needed. You were funny, kind, outgoing, a great listener, and over the years the two of you proved to be the perfect pair. Hyeongjun’s crush on you formed shortly after the two of you met in your high school band class, and luckily for him, you had the nerve to ask him to your senior prom. Ever since then, the two of you have been side by side through everything.
As the years went on, the two of you suck it out through everything; Hyeongjun’s debut, your schooling and jobs, tour, small fights, bad days- you name it. Even when it poured on your wedding day- soaking your well-kept outfits and the entirety of your wedding party- the two of you could laugh it off with a smile. There was nothing you couldn’t get through without each other. You were hosting a small house party where you, Hyeongjun, and a couple of your close friends were all playing games and having some drinks. Just come casual hangout time where you all get to catch up with each other between all of your busy schedules. You sat at your small dining room table, dealing out a deck of cards while laughing with a friend while Hyeongjun took a moment alone in the kitchen to recharge his battery slightly.
“Hey, Hyeongjun,” Jungsu greeted as he walked into the kitchen, offering a small smile.
Hyeongjun turned to him with a small smile. “Hey. What's up?”
“Came in to get another drink.”
“There’s plenty in the fridge,” Hyeongjun said before turning his gaze back to what he was doing before. “Help yourself.”
Jungsu thanked him and swung the fridge door open, grabbing a can for himself. “You want anything?” Jungsu turned his attention towards Hyeongjun when it took him a little too long to respond. “Dude?” Jungsu called, snapping Hyeongjun out of his trance. “You alright?” Hyeongjun looked back at him with a soft smile, feeling how his cheeks were a little flushed. He nodded shyly, fiddling with his wedding band. Jungsu gave him a curious smile. “What’cha lookin’ at?”
A soft chuckle escaped Hyeongjun as he now gazed towards the floor. “(Y/N),” he admitted softly, shrugging his shoulders. Jungsu couldn’t help but chuckle as well.
“Aw, really?” He smiled, “You guys have been married for, like, a year and a half?”
Hyeongjun chuckled again, “Cool, right?” His gaze on you never faltered, and Jungsu couldn’t help but feel his heart swell at the sight of the younger man being so infatuated with you.
“So the honeymoon phase really never ends for you, huh?” Jungsu chuckles.
“Nope,” Hyeongjun let out with an almost dreamy sigh. “Even when we were dating, the magic never wore off.”
Jungsu looked over at you as well. You seemed to sense the two staring because you looked up from your cards and gave them a soft smile and wave which they both happily returned. Jungsu took note of how both you and Hyeongjun appeared to be a little pink in the cheeks. He cracked open the can of his drink, taking a sip, and then patting Hyeongjun’s shoulder lightly.
“I’m happy for you,” he said genuinely. “I’m gonna go rejoin the game. You want me to have (Y/N) deal you in?”
“Nah, I’ll join the next round,” Hyeongjun nodded. Jungsu went to step out of the kitchen when Hyeongjun suddenly called his name. “Don’t mention this to (Y/N), alright? They like to tease me for being so sappy,” he smiled softly.
Jungsu returned the smile, making a motion over his lips as if he was zipping them shut before letting out a soft chuckle and joining you back at the dining table.
taglist: @mon2sunjinsuver , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , @odesonnets , @weluvjeong , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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vxntagedior · 1 year
hii i have three requests, but totally up to you if you wanna tweak them or something. they're all steve harrington x fem!reader, sfw, angst with hea. thank youu <33
1. reader receives gifts or poems or little trinkets with the sender giving hints about his identity and feelings. the thing is, they're from steve - who is reader's best friend. she asks for his help to find out who this mystery sender is and he agrees. but what if there's like a mistaken identity and she thinks they're from billy (and like who isn't attracted to bad guys and stuff) and steve just goes all pouty (loljk i dunno but something along those lines)
2. king steve era where he makes reader fall in love with him as a dare and she finds out about it breaking her trust and all that. but like i also kinda want it to happen when steve knows about the upside down already and reader will be in danger (near death for more angst haha)
3. reader confesses to steve, but he says he doesn't like her. then reader's all 'okay fine, i'm gonna move on' and when she actually does that, steve is 🥺
moving along
summary | after pining after steve for years, and finally getting the courage, steve doesn't reciprocate your feelings
pairing | steve harrington x fem!reader (one-sided), ??? x fem!reader
warning | i did choose the 3rd one, each were amazing but i just love the third one, angst, fluff ending (for reader), king!steve era, bully!steve, mean!steve
word count | 1.3k
It had to be freshman year of high school when you really saw Steve. Though having known him since elementary school, neither of you were close. It wasn’t until you had trouble opening your locker on the first day of school when your locker neighbor, Steve offered to help you.
Not having any classes with him during freshman year, the two of you talked and catched up during passing periods when you were switching out books.
You liked that Steve, you grew to love that Steve.
But King Steve, hanging around Tommy and Carol, you didn’t like him. 
“Excuse me.” Your voice was barely loud enough for Carol to hear. Rolling her eyes, she turned her head to you. 
“What?” She spat.
It was now junior year, you and Steve were no longer friends anymore, your friendship had ended towards the end of the first semester of sophomore year, when he met Tommy and Carol and started to gain more popularity. 
“You’re in front of my locker.” You sighed, it was a daily occurrence at this point. Usually Carol would come up with something to say to you but she just scooted closer to Tommy, turning back to the conversation. 
Turning to look at the group, you saw for a split second Steve’s eyes on you before he quickly casted them back to Tommy. 
Being as quick as you could you just grabbed your stuff, and walked into math. 
Walking into your usual seat, you smiled over at Nancy, the two of you good friends. “Did you hear about the Winter Formal?”
“I did.” Nancy nodded, “My mom wants to take me dress shopping this weekend.”
“Going with anyone?” You asked. You hoped that this would be the perfect time for you to ask Steve to dance with you, and finally confess your feelings for him. 
“No, no one has asked me and I am not going to ask anyone.” Nancy shrugged, “It doesn’t matter to me.”
You wished you had the carefree attitude she had about it, you were stressed out, worried about everything. Would Steve say yes, would your dress fit, would you and Steve be a couple afterwards. 
Coming home that afternoon, you made up the plan that you were going to ask Steve to Winter Formal the next day. Coming up with ideas in your head, you went to bed that night, dreaming of the two of you together. 
Your outfit was more put together than usual, a nicer blouse and a maxi skirt, that covered your legs, tights covering your legs from the freezing weather in Hawkins. Wiping off the nonexistent dust of you, you saw Steve at his locker, alone for once. 
Taking a deep breath, you made your way towards your own locker. 
Hearing the clicks of your shoes, Steve turned to see you coming up to your own locker, looking down, taking in your outfit.
“Hi Steve.” You said sweetly, turning towards him.
“Hey.” He just nodded. The old Steve would have probably loved talking to you but this new Steve, he didn’t know what to think. 
“So uh, winter formal is coming up.” You didn’t know why you were so nervous, you had pumped yourself up all last night and now you were stressing. “And I was wondering if-”
“Wait.” Steve interrupted you, your eyes now lowering to your feet. Feeling your heart starting to break, you already knew where it was going to end. “I think you’re great, but I’m planning to ask someone else.”
“Okay.” You swallowed, just nodding your head, “See you.”
Holding back your tears, you let out a shaky sigh, going into class. The rest of the day went by a blur, now walking out of school, making your way towards your car. 
Opening up the driver's door, throwing your bag into the passenger seat, you rested your hands on the steering wheel. 
Turning your keys, you heard the engine sputter, cursing under your breath. Turning off the car, you tried again, hearing the same sound.
“Are you kidding me!”
“Need a ride?”
Turning around, you saw your neighbor, Billy, leaning against his own car. Billy and his family had moved in towards the end of summer, you heard of his reputation and left him be. 
“It’s fine.” You sighed, “I’ll just go to the office, call a tow truck.”
“Like hell.” He opened your passenger door, grabbing your bag and bringing it towards his car. You had no other choice now, locking up your car and following Billy.
The ride home was quiet, his music filling the silence.
“Thank you.” You whispered, playing with a string on your bag. 
“It’s the neighborly thing.” He smirked, looking over at you. There was another beat of silence before he spoke again. “Saw you with Harrington this morning.”
“It was nothing.” You brushed it off. “I asked him to winter formal, he said no, that was it.”
Billy could tell there was more just by the sound of your voice but said nothing. Pulling into your driveway, you bid Billy a goodbye. 
“Y/n!” You turned, seeing Billy calling out your name, “If it’s worth anything, Harrington doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
You just smiled, and walked inside. 
No one had ever asked you to winter formal and hearing through the grapevine, Steve had asked Nancy, who gladly said yes.
After some self reflection, you were over Steve, if he couldn’t see how you felt and ignored it, you didn’t need him.
Staring at your dress in your closet, you sat at the end of your bed just sighing. Your group of friends had invited you to go with them and all their dates and you couldn’t be the only one without a date. 
The doorbell had brought you out of your daydream, blinking a few times before going down the stairs.
Opening the door, you were met with a sight. Billy stood on your porch, all dressed, slacks, button up and a jacket, his hair freshly done and a corsage in his hand. 
“Billy.” You murmured, “You look handsome.”
“Thank you.” It was probably the first time you truly ever saw him smile. “Why aren’t you dressed?”
“I don’t know if I’m going.” You shrugged, letting him come inside, “Your date must be lucky.”
“Well, she isn’t dressed yet, and I’m here to persuade her into coming.” He smirked.
Catching his drift, your eyes widened in shock, “You want to go with me?”
“If you let me.” He said, “I know we haven’t been that close, but Harrington shouldn’t stop you from going.”
You just stayed silent, smiling softly, excusing yourself, running upstairs.
Getting dressed and doing your makeup in under thirty minutes, something that surprised you, you slid on your heels and made your way back downstairs.
“You look beautiful.” He said in awe, seeing you in your dress. Opening up the box that held your corsage, Billy nudged it towards your wrist.
Giving you his arm, Billy delicately tied the corsage around you, squeezing your hand before pulling away. 
“You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Walking into the gymnasium, one transformed into a winter wonderland, you looked around everywhere smiling softly. The dance had started less than an hour ago, the room starting to fill up.
You let Billy bring you to the dance floor, offering you his hand. Smiling, you accepted, letting him wrap his arms around your waist. 
In your own worlds, neither of you noticed Steve looking towards your way. Steve had noticed you the minute you entered the room. And seeing Billy next to you, made him jealous.
After rejecting you, Steve had felt horrible and wanted to apologize but he had let Tommy get into his head saying that he needed someone better.
But that night, Steve came to realize, there wasn’t anyone better than you.
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part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || alt ending || masterlist
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Warnings: tons, children, mentions or pregnancy, babies, mentions of trauma, mentions of violence, mental health, difficult familial relations.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Wife!reader
Summary: you and your boyfriend Eddie had been best friends since you could remember and he was the father of your child. How could anything go wrong?
Wordcount: 5.6k
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You woke up that morning to the dull sound of a baby crying in the other room and hit your head against the pillow, knowing you had to get up. 
You reached to the left side of the bed for your boyfriend but he wasn't there, instead the bed was cold and the sounds of a baby crying had faded into the distance. 
You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and when you opened them, the sight made you smile. Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, was standing there holding a little girl in his arms, rocking her back and forth as she stopped crying. He was humming something under his breath, a song that you just so happened to recognise as Master of Puppets. The sight made you smile as you relished in the peace of the morning.
Eddie Munson had been your best friend since you were 3 years old and when you were 15, he had finally admitted all those feelings to you. You were happy, the perfect freaky couple who everyone hated. 
Then you graduated, going to a local college as you still lived with your mother and still want to keep in touch with your boyfriend. Then it happened, the accidental pregnancy that you were hours away from aborting but you couldn't, not saying there was anything wrong with it, but you and Eddie had decided that maybe it was a good idea after all. 
And now, as you lay in his bed in his trailer, well the trailer you now lived in with his uncle, you knew that you had both made the best decision of your lives. 
He turned to you, a smile on his face as he held the now not crying baby in his arms, "Morning princess, you have a nice sleep?" He asked. 
You nodded, still caught up in the surreal situation. You had never expected to be 19 years old, turning twenty in a month, and living in a trailer with your best friend, his uncle and your 2 month old baby girl. 
"Yeah, don't you have to be at school Ed, first period starts in 10 minutes," you said, sitting back on your haunches as you looked at him. 
He sighed, "I know, but she was crying and I couldn't wake you," he said, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at you. 
He had changed since the baby had been born, he smoked less, he sold drugs to less people (only friends and devoted customers), had picked up a part time job at the record store to sustain the family and had just become softer. 
Of course he didn't change too much, you had fallen in love with the heavy metal playing crazy boy and wouldn't want anything else. 
"If you want to graduate and provide for us baby, you're gonna have to go to class," you said, watching as he gently placed your daughter back in her crib at the end of the bed and came to sit next to you. 
He groaned, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him so your head was resting on his shoulder, "I'm passing this class anyway, plus, it's your first day of spring break, I wanted to say hi before you went to your mums tonight," 
Your mum had requested a sleepover with you - which you found hilarious - so you and your baby girl Anna were spending the night at your mother's before spending the whole of spring break with your boyfriend, plus he had a big campaign tonight and would probably come home late. 
"Why don't I drive you there? We get some breakfast and then You get to school ready for second period," you suggested. 
He sighed, pressing a kiss to your head, "Alright sweetheart, but only for you," he said, leaning in to capture your lips in a kiss again. 
You hadn't had enough of this since Anna was born, enough of holding each other at night and kissing until the sun rose again. You missed it, but maybe it was worth it for a little while. 
You walked out into the kitchen wearing a corroded coffin shirt that Eddie had made and that was stained with breast milk and food and saw Wayne walk in through the door. 
"Morning ma'am," he said, his body fatigued after yet another night shift. He had taken extra shifts after the baby had been born and you both needed more money, he was like a father to you. 
"Morning Mr Munson, I'm making eggs and bacon, do you want some?" You asked, getting the ingredients out from the fridge. 
Ever since you had moved in a year ago - when Eddie had failed to graduate for the second time - you had made the house more organised and more like a home, something that both Munson men appreciated. 
"Nah, the guys ordered some food this morning, I'm just heading off to bed," he said, dropping his bag at the door, "How's Anna?" 
"She's good," you said and just on cue, your boyfriend walked out with the baby girl resting against his bare chest. 
"Morning Wayne," he said to his uncle, a smile on his face. 
Wayne remembered when Eddie had fallen in love with you. He had been 15 and came back from one day at high school with his hair shaggy and growing out and a lopsided grin on his face. When Wayne had asked why he was in such a good mood, Eddie began rambling on about how you had kissed him under the bleachers. 
He knew that you two were perfect for one another and it showed. 
"Morning kiddo, shouldn't you be at school?" He questioned, eyes narrowed at Eddie. 
"Yeah, yeah old man, I know. My girl is driving me after breakfast, plus, I couldn't let go of this thing," he said, a soft tone to his voice as he looked down at Anna. 
Wayne smiled at the scene in front of him. He knew how Eddie's father was a bad influence and ruined the family but here, as he watched Eddie press a kiss to the top of your head and sit your daughter down into a high chair, he knew that as his uncle, he must have done something right. 
“Well I’ll be off to bed, see y’all later,” he said and you both waved goodbye as he walked into the room across the hall. 
Eddie wrapped his arms around you from behind, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He pressed a few kisses to the sensitive skin of your neck, holding you tight against him and you just laughed at his antics. 
The domesticity of the act brought up a cosy feeling inside of you. You wish that this moment could last forever because you never wanted to leave his arms, no matter what. 
“I love you,” he whispered, “Thank you for giving this life to me,”
Eddie wasn't one to get sentimental or emotional but you had saved him in so many ways. He didn't know what his life would be like right now if he hadn't finally plucked up the courage to ask you out. Would he be a drug dealer, in prison or dead? Would he be depressed because he was never going to be able to graduate high school? 
He didn't admit stuff like that openly often and it made you smile as you turned around, looking up at him and brushing his messy hair out of his face. 
“I love you too Ed,” you replied, a soft smile on your face.
He placed two fingers underneath your chin, tilting your head up so he could get a better look at you and then he kissed your lips. Before you moved in, all the issues were rough and desperate but this one, it was soft and grounded, bordering on passionate like every one of his kisses did. 
You didn't want to let go, to let go of this utopia that you both had but you knew that the breakfast was going to burn if you didn't so you pulled away, resting your forehead against his. 
Anna babbled and you both smiled at one another, realising how perfect everything was at this moment. 
You finished breakfast and carried Anna into your shared bedroom, grabbing some stuff and Eddie held your hand, pressing a chaste kiss to it. 
“I have to go feed her quickly, I’ll be back in a minute,” you said, picking up the baby in your arms.
His brows furrowed, “You normally don't leave,” he stated. 
“I know if I take my shirt off in front of you right then you wont make it to school on time,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him. 
He smiled, holding his hands up in mock surrender, “You know me too well,” he said with a chuckle, watching as you walked out of the room. 
Eddie always thought you deserved better than living in a small trailer right now and even though you never complained, he wanted to give you that white picket fence life he knew you'd always dreamt of. 
He was going to graduate, he swore to you that he would. He was going to get a good job with promotions and be able to provide for this family. And it was all for you. 
You sat at your mum's house, a cup of tea in one hand as you looked over at your daughter who was fast asleep in the mobile cot next to you. You turned the TV on and saw that one of the local reporters was in the trailer park, standing near your trailer specifically that was surrounded by police and ambulance and angry residents. 
"A Hawkins high student has been found dead in the trailer park," the news announced and you wouldn't hear anything else, it was like you were drowning and the words of the reporter were muffled to you. 
"Mum, it wouldn't be," you said, your voice breaking as you thought of what could have happened. 
The worst ideas began to spin through your mind, making you feel sick to your stomach as you envisioned driving there, having to see Eddie's body lying there, covered in blood. Or to see him against the cop car, hands in handcuffs. 
She drove you there and it hurt your head to keep thinking about all of it, that he wasn't going to be alive when you got there. You held your tears the whole time not wanting to cry in front of your mum. 
You looked into the backseat of the car at your baby, she was sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware that her father could be dead. 
Your mother parked you a little further down and waited there with Anna whilst you walked down, determination  
"I'm sorry ma'am, I can't let you through, this is a crime scene," the man said as he stopped you from walking in. 
"Wayne!" You called out and the man turned to you, seeing the determination in your eyes as well as the genuine fear. 
"Hey officers, she lives here," he said as he walked over and the man let you through. 
Instantly, Wayne pulled you in for a hug, realising how upset you were. He had wanted to call but the only phone was in the house and it was currently an active crime scene. 
"Is he okay, my Eddie, is he okay?" You asked, tears brimming in your eyes and he shook his head.
He could hear the shaky tone to your voice and sighed, not wanting you to go through any of this, "We found a girls body in the house this morning, no sign of Eddie,"
You held back a sob, hand clasped over your mouth as all of the worst case scenarios spun through your head, making you dizzy. 
You kept thinking back to yesterday morning, the smile on his face and the genuine joy in his laughter. What has gone wrong? What had happened? 
He placed a hand on your shoulder but you felt like collapsing, your mind swimming with negativity and your breathing fast. You loved Eddie, more than anything else in the world and now, something bad could have happened to him and you had no way to help. You kept thinking that you should have stayed with him last night. 
You heard your last name being called out and turned to see Powell. He was the new chief of police since Hopper had died in the mall fire last year and he wasn't as good but he was learning. 
“You are dating Eddie Munson, live with him and share a child with him, that is correct?” he asked, looking down at a sheet. You wondered how much time he had spent researching your past, “Can we talk to you?”
You nodded, following them to a picnic bench that was in the middle of the trailer park, away from the prying ears of the neighbours. 
“How long have you been dating Mr Munson?” he asked, sitting down. 
You sighed, your heart pounding in your chest, “Uh, just over five years now, I've known him for as long as I can remember,” you explained, watching as he noted it down. 
You knew that he already knew about it, that you had moved in a year ago much to your mothers distaste and that you had fallen pregnant around the same time. 
“When was the last time you saw Mr Munson?” he asked, and you looked over to see some of the other officers looking around your house, your bedroom. It made you sick. 
“Yesterday morning, I drove him to the high school and then went to my mothers house for the night,” you explained. Your heart was racing, scared to accidentally say something incriminating that could hurt Eddie. 
Powell nodded, noting it down on his notepad, “And was that a pre-planned event, potentially by Eddie Munson?” he asked. 
You scoffed, you knew what he meant, “You think Eddie set it up so that I would be out of the house so that he could commit a murder,” you said, the words sounding like venom on your tongue.
You couldn't believe that someone had instantly jumped to the conclusion that it was him that committed this crime when he wasn't even there to defend himself. You didn't think he did it, not even for a second. 
You knew that Eddie wasn't a violent person and the only time he had gotten into a fight was when you had both gone to a party in your senior year and some boy had tried to flirt with you and wouldn't leave so Eddie hit him, the two getting into a fight. 
"My boyfriend is not a killer, you have to understand that," you said, tears burning in the back of your eyes. 
"I'm sorry Ma'am, we can't confirm that right now," Powell said, a sad look on his face. He hated having to deal with murder cases and after the mall fire last year, he didn't want to have to deal with more deaths. 
"You also can't confirm he did it. What if whoever killed Chrissy killed Eddie too? Did you think of that?" You asked. 
You felt sick to your stomach at the idea that Eddie could be dead out there, his eyes ripped out of his skull. You hated that you didn't know where he was or if he was okay. You just kept thinking back to this morning, maybe you should have stayed in bed with him longer. 
"And what if he loves murder so killed poor Chrissy and ran?" Powell questioned before sighing, "I'm sorry miss, we're just covering our bases,"
"He's got a daughter, he wouldn't run, he wouldn't kill a 17 year old," you said, your face shaky, "Eddie Munson loves me, he loves his baby girl, he loves his guitar, he loves his band, he loves sunsets, he loves heavy metal, he loves microwave meals, he loves his friends, he loves hellfire club, he loves gothic horror book, he loves poorly made films, he loves overcooked pizza. But murder, he doesn't love murder,"
He could tell that you were distraught, tears were welling up in your waterline and your voice was cracking as you defended him to within an inch of your life, you weren’t going to let them believe he was a murderer. 
"I'm sorry ma'am, I truly am," Powell said before turning around, ready to walk away. 
"This is my home Powell, just let me go grab my stuff," you begged and the chief of police sighed. 
"You can get back in when it's not an active crime scene, I'm sorry Ma'am, it's just the rules," he explained. 
You sighed, "I need some stuff for the baby, if I give you a list can you get it for me?" You asked and he looked at Calahan before nodding. 
She grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, scribbling some stuff down before handing it to him, crossing her arms across her chest. 
Powell walked in with the list, freezing as he saw the room. He hadn't expected the boy's bedroom to be like this. Eddie was labelled as demonic and evil but this, this was home. 
It was neater than it used to be and there were pictures of you and Eddie on the walls from before Anna was born, pictures of Anna in little frames, a cot by the side of the bed. 
He felt guilty for a little bit that he was trying to arrest this boy for murder but he shook it off, instead collecting the basic amenities for the girl. 
You sat at your mothers house, your feet tapping against the floor as you looked at Anna who was asleep in the makeshift cot by the sofa. You were going to be staying at your mums until the investigation was over but you still missed your home. 
You missed Eddie and the feeling of falling asleep in his arms, of his distinct smell of cigarettes and heavy cologne, you missed the smile that he would give you and your daughter that reached his eyes. 
That's when the phone rang. Your mother sighed as she got up, walking over and answering the phone, confused as to the voice on the other end of the line. 
"Hey, uh, is Y/N here?" The voice asked and your mother stood at the phone, confused. 
"Um, yes, who is this?" She asked, mouthing something to you that you didn't understand. You got up, walking over to the phone as she passed it to you. 
"Y/N?" The voice asked and you recognised it as Dustin Henderson, the voice of a boy who Eddie viewed almost like a son or a younger brother. 
"Henderson? If you're here to call about Eddie, I know, and I'm sorry but I don't know where he is," you said, leaning against the wall, looking into the other room to where your mum was rocking Anna in her arms. 
"That's what I wanted to talk about, we think we know where he is," Dustin said and you smiled, holding the phone tighter to your ear. 
"Really? Where?" you asked, your heart pounding in your chest at the idea that you would be able to find him. that he was okay. 
"Reefer Rick's, we found his residence near lovers lake, we're going now," he explained. 
"Who's we?" you asked, brows furrowed as you leant against the wall. 
"Me, Steve, Robin and Max," he explained and though you wanted to ask why he was hanging out with all the people who also wanted to find Eddie, you let it go because what was important was that you could help Eddie. 
"Pick me up in 10," you said and he began to protest on the other end of the line but you cut him off, "No buts Henderson, I'm coming," 
"Who was he?" your mum asked once you hung up the phone and you walked back into the room. 
"Dustin Henderson. He's one of Eddie's friends from Hellfire, he thinks he knows where he is. He's coming over now," you explained, grabbing your bag and packing your stuff that you would need for Anna. 
"There is no way I'm letting you go out there, no way," she said, following you around as she tried to deter you from leaving. 
She always thought that eddie was a bad influence so now that he was a murder suspect, it gave her reasons to hate him. You knew that he wasn't a bad person but she never seemed to believe you. 
Your mother was a quiet person who enjoyed pool parties where they would eat scones and drink tea and she liked calmer music and nothing that Eddie liked. Eddie liked hard music and house parties and day old pizza that he would reheat in the oven. 
"Please mum, I have to find him. He's my everything, I have to clear his name," you tried to plead with her but you didn't need her permission anymore. 
You had moved out for two reasons, one, you wanted to live with your best friend and boyfriend so that you could prepare for spending the rest of your lives together. Two, you wanted to get as far away from the controlling household as you could. You loved your mother and always would but you didn't like the way she always wanted you to be perfect and normal. 
"He shouldn't have run then," she said harshly and you froze, shocked that she would ver believe that your boyfriend could ever do something like that, "I'm sorry dear, he's a father now, he shouldn't be dealing drugs or killing young girls," 
"We're leaving," you said, grabbing your daughter and holding her against your chest.
"You're not taking your daughter on a man hunt for a potential killer," she objected sharply and you couldmt believe that she'd even entertain the idea of Eddie being a killer.
When your mum had first met Eddie, she wasn't too fond of him and his long hair and metal concerts but she had warmed up to him once she realised he was going to be in her daughters life forever. She still disagreed with his morals and beliefs but it didn't matter as long as he treated you right. 
"We'll be back later mum okay," you said. If she thought that Eddie was a killer, then you couldn't spend any more time around her right now. There was no point in fighting and you had to go and find Eddie, that is what is important right now. 
"I'm sorry, I don't think he's a killer I'm just, I'm worried about you," she said, trying to reason with you as you began to head towards the door. 
"I know you are but I'm a grown woman now, I have to do what's best for my family and right now, that means finding Eddie," you said, smiling at your mother before walking out of the door. 
You waited on your porch, too stubborn to apologise to your mother about the argument you two h. You knew she was right, that it was dangerous for you to go looking for Eddie seeing as he is a suspect in a homicide but you couldn't not. 
A few minutes later, a car pulled up and Steve rolled down the window, looking at you. He narrowed his eyes as he spotted the travel bag you were carrying in one hand, your baby girl in the other. 
“You brought a baby?” Steve asked and you nodded, hopping into the back seat between Dustin and Max. you had known the douchebag that Steve used to be in high school but now he seemed like a good person, someone who wasn't an awful human being - at least that's what Dustin always said. 
Dustin smiled at you. He had known you throughout your whole pregnancy and was close with Eddie so you two were close and he loved Anna, always willing to watch the baby for an hour or two if you needed to go shopping or have a shower and Eddies at work or studying. 
The drive was silent and it was almost uncomfortable. Nobody seemed to want to talk to you because they were scared of your reaction to the incidents they had faced. They assumed something supernatural had to do with this attack and knew they would have to explain it to you and Eddie eventually. 
Your knee was bouncing up and down in the seat from nervousness. You couldn't help but be worried about how Eddie would react to seeing you again. You wondered if he was okay or even alive and it made your heart hurt at the idea of him not being okay. 
When you zoned back into what was going on, you smiled at the sight of Dustin who was entertaining the baby on your lap, giggling when she did. She may have only been two months old but she seemed so mature, already smiling all the time. 
When you arrived, you explained that Reefer rick had been in jail for a few months now so his house would be empty. Dustin checked through the windows anyway before Robin suggested the big shed round the back. 
You walked back, shushing your baby girl as she was now wide awake. You didn't want your cover to be blown or for any locals to notice you were around and get suspicious; not like there were many locals anyway. 
“Is anyone home?” Dustin called out as he walked into the shed. 
Your daughter babbled as you held her to your chest and you shushed her, looking around at the mess that was Reefer Ricks shed. 
“Look, there's food here, maybe he got spooked and ran,” Max said and you walked over, looking at the food. You knew he must have been here, you couldn't give up hope that he was not dead. 
Steve began prodding at a boat covered with a tarp with an oar, him and Dustin arguing with one another about how they've almost died hundreds of times. You sort of shrugged it off but were still confused about it. 
All of a sudden, a figure jumped out from under the tarp, pressing stve up against the wall with a knife to his neck. You recognized the tattoo creeping out from underneath his shirt and his long unruly hair that seemed matted, probably because he'd been running his hand through it constantly. It was Eddie. 
“Eddie!” you exclaimed and he turned back to look at you, his eyes vacant as he took in the sight of you, Dustin and the baby. 
It was almost like he didn't believe that you were really there, that he was going crazy and you were just a figment of his imagination, “Its us, that's just Steve, he's not gonna hurt you,” Dustin said, “Why don't you drop the oar steve,” 
Steve nodded, dropping the oar but Eddie panicked at the noise, pressing the knife further to Steve's neck, the boy wincing. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice strained, breaking slightly. He was shaking as he held the knife against Steve and you knew that something bad had happened, he hadn't been this shaky since you gave birth to Anna and had complications. 
“We're here to help,” Dustin reasoned, his arms held up almost in surrender. 
“Its okay Eddie, were here,” you said, beginning to approach him and he froze at the sound of footsteps against the floor, “It's me honey, its us,” 
Eddie turned his head to the side, big brown eyes meeting yours and you smiled. Anna cooed, arms reaching out as she recognised her father, a wide smile on the baby's face. 
He dropped the knife, Steve scrambling away and back to the group. Eddie was frozen in place, eyes flickering between you and Anna as he took in the sight of both of you, safe. 
“Hi baby,” you said, a soft smile on your face. 
He engulfed you both in a hug, careful of his baby girl as his head fell into the crook of your neck, just relishing in the sense of comfort he had from just being in your presence. 
He had spent the last 24 hours being horrified that something had happened to you or Anna and now, he just wanted to hold you tight and make sure that nothing ever happened to you. 
“It's okay Ed, you're safe honey, you're safe, we’re safe,” you reasoned with him and he nodded, stifling a sob as he looked at you. 
Anna babbled to herself, a grin on her face as she reached her hands up for her father, her hands tangling themselves into his hair. It brought a grin to his face, a vacant one but a smile nonetheless. 
“Hey baby girl, daddy missed you,” he said before looking up at you, “Can I hold her?”
“She’s your daughter too Munson,” you said and he nodded, worry evident in his eyes as he held her in his arms, inhaling the familiar smell of his daughter. His eyes were brimming with tears as he gently held her in his arms, hand supporting her head. 
He was scared he would hurt her like Chrissy had been hurt but just the soft touch of the little girl made his shoulders become less tense and he tried to forget the images of what had happened last night. 
The other four looked confused. They had always seen the confident and outspoken non conformist Eddie Munson who walked over tables at lunch time and didn't come to parties unless he was providing drugs. 
This was a different side of him. He was soft and gentle as he held the little girl in his arms, a broad grin on his face as he whispered to her, the girl babbling back incoherently but it just made him smile even more. You had your hand on his shoulder, looking down at the little family you were fighting so hard to keep. 
“Thanks for finding me,” he said, his voice quiet as he never took his eyes off of his daughter. 
“It was Dustin who found you actually, I kind of ran away from home again,” you explained. 
He chuckled, eyes leaving the big brown eyes of his daughter (that she had inherited from him) to look at the Henderson boy, “Thanks man,” he said and Dustin nodded. 
“Eddie, what happened with Chrissy,” Dustin asked and Eddie shook his head, a wince-like expression on his face. 
“You wont believe me,” he said, shaking his head. 
“Try us,” Max said. 
He sat down and you sat next to him, Anna in your lap. You were starting to think that this was a bad idea to bring the baby with you but you saw that she was making Eddie more comfortable. 
He explained everything, how Chrissy had asked for drugs and because he knew her older brother, he had agreed. Then he explained about what had happened to her body as she died, her bones breaking as she floated up in the air. 
You placed your hand in his and he sighed, taking a deep breath as he tried to explain all that had happened. 
“I didn't know what to do so I ran away, as far as possible,” he explained, tears burning in the back of his eyes. 
The group were listening intently to the words, sharing knowing glances between each other that you didn't quite understand. 
“What I’m about to tell you might be difficult to take,” dustin said as he looked at both of you, “You know how some people say that Hawkins is cursed, they're not way ogg,”
He explained all about the upside down, how it would bleed into this world and that was what had happened to all these people who have died in the past few years. 
Dustin hated that he had to bring you and Eddie into this, that you couldn't just be oblivious about it and leave this wretched town forever. Eddie would always talk about his girlfriend and daughter and he knew how much they meant to him so now, putting them in danger, he felt very guilty. 
“Like ghosts and shit?” Eddie asked, his hand grasping yours for some sort of stability in the midst of all this craziness. 
“They're worse than ghosts, and if they're back then we need to know,” Dustin explained and you could barely wrap your head around it. 
He asked more questions about dust particles or anything weird going on but you kept thinking about how these kids had gone through so much because of this cursed town, you wanted to get out of the hell hole even more. 
“No, Chrissy just wouldn't move, like she was in a trance or a curse or something,” he said, looking up at him. 
“Vecna's curse,” Dustin stated and you remembered the villain from the camagins that Eddie had been so focused on for the last few weeks. Steve asked who Vecna was and Dustin sighed “An undead creature of great power, a dark wizard,” 
The group began to talk and you just turned to Eddie, rocking Anna in your arms, “Come home with me Eds, I'm worried about you," you said, his hand coming up to rest on your cheek. 
"You don't have to be, I'm going to be fine here. You need to go home, I can't drag you down with me," he said and she sighed. 
"I'll come back tomorrow, I promise," you said. 
He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips, "I don't doubt it sweetheart," he whispered. 
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A/N, this is gonna be a mini series that follows the plot of season 4. I might make a taglist if enough people want to be added to the next chapter which will probably be out in a week.
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prsk-krow · 1 year
hello!! could i request ena and mizuki (seperate) with a reader that easily gets flustered, romantic hcs if that's alright with you ^^! ty and have a good day/night!!
{Ena/Mizuki with an easily flustered reader!} [R]
Omg this has been on my drafts since the start of the year... If you, dear anon, even read this, I profusely apologize!! On the other hand, my muse has finally been peaking once again! Although I am actually going slower than I used to be bcuz most of these were half finished aha-
Ena Shinonome
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Ena? On the other side of the teasing?? She'll try to enjoy this feeling as much as she can, but she isn't as good as teasing as others. She won't make you blush too brightly, but the small pink tints she can cause are all she needs!
She definitely starts small, testing the waters and looking out for any comebacks that you may have! However, as she sees your adorable reactions, she can't help but want more!
Her teasing isn't too tough thanks to her being in love with you, but it is constant and you always need to watch out for her comments! They always come in different forms and places!
"Hehe, why are you so surprised? I told you to watch out when we came out, didn't I~? I can't blame you too much though, since it took a long while for my attack. You're ok, right? Didn't touch a sensitive nerve? Ok, good!"
She does watch out and tends to you afterwards though, since she isn't sure what may be too much! After all, being so sensitive to them herself, she doesn't want you to pass through the same feeling!
You eventually have to talk with her upfront and tell her everything that may get you uncomfortable, so that she doesn't worry all the time! This confused her at first, since she expected you to try and convince her to stop her teasing!
Even though she definitely starts to tease you more after the revelation, you can tell how much she's enjoying herself thanks to her laughter and the glimmer in her eyes every time she thinks of something new to tell you!
"Hehehe, I can't believe such shades of red exist! I wonder how much I'm gonna have to tease you until you get the tone I desire from you as my perfect model~? Heheh, it does suit you nicely though. Now, should I paint your current expression, or take a photo...?"
She learns some tricks and resistance from her experience with you, so that means that the pink head will have a harder time with her, which makes Ena even happier and smug... At least you can get her comfort in the aftercare?
Mizuki Akiyama
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Oh man, I'm so sorry, but this is the member that takes advantage of this trait of yours the most, and with the least mercy of them all. It's not even close, like, at all...
Mizuki is the master of teasing. Soft teasing, romantic teasing, playful, dramatic, they can do it all! And they will do it all, depending on how they're feeling the day that you come across them!
"Oh? Hey hey hey! Why are you trying to avoid me? Aren't we a couple~? What, you thought that I wouldn't come to school today? Heheh, you should know betterment than anyone that you can't predict my actions! Now, you shall pay the price~... Come back here!!"
Remember, the seamstress is already quite moody, so it's almost impossible to predict what type of teasing they'll try on you next. But does that really matter, when they can use any to make you a flustered mess?
However, they do sometimes feel bad for you. You're so vulnerable, so soft! How can they see that and only take advantage of it? So as much as they love to see you weak and flustered, they decide to maybe slow down a bit...
That's when you realize, part of their teasing comes from a slight sense of insecurity about holding a romantic relationship, so there are many times when they're not teasing you that you can spot them off guard and emotionally weak! Definitely one of her stranger mood swings.
If you approach and comfort them in this state, you'll probably figure out that they don't really know how to express their deep feelings in another way than lighthearted fun. It's a bit of an issue, but one that you can fix!
"You'll... Help me out with that? But, you don't mind that I have a secret...? I... I'm sorry... It's taking a lot of me to believe that... But, when you say it with that look in your eyes, I feel like it would be wrong of me to not give it a try."
Mizuki's teasing will go down as you teach them how to properly show signs of love! Sure, they'll tease you a lot, but once they learn about physical affection, gifts, quality time, and all that good stuff, they'll realize how to properly express the feelings that kept them afraid!
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nsmhrniki · 2 years
✰ to be rewarded w/ a kiss (2/2)!,,
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WARNINGS: cussing, suggestive stuff on kenny's part but nothing really happens LMAO, mention of the word "piss" 😧
PAIRING/S: kenny, cartman x reader [ platonic // romantic ]
PRONOUNS: they/them (gender neutral)
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff, sort of crack on kenny's part because
REQUESTED: yes // no (@buffandpuff)
A/N: god i'm finally doneskhs. cartman's is sorta different than the others since it's not reader trying to help him study but im kinda proud of his part 😯 i can finally update my masterlist
here's kyle's and stan's 👍
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mccormick, kenny ✰ !
the bell had just rang and you immediately rushed towards kenny's side, nudging him a bit as his head slightly tilts towards you as a way of saying "i'm listening", even with his eyes trained in front of him.
"kenny, quiz right? i'll help u study"
"y/n i really dont ca-"
"2 pm, my house."
you toddle away to your own locker, leaving kenny to mope about how "he doesn't care." it was science; the periodic table. he's only stupid enough to fail that class (and fail the others too). it's been on his mind all day, his eyes drooping in exaggerated pettiness until they drastically widen, as if a light bulb just lit on.
study?? at your house?? for sure, you mean....,, do you? for god you two are glued and drawn together like magnets. he's not sure what your motive is, to confess, or whether it's truly, hopefully like in cliché movies when a couple– when someone invites their partner to "study."
only you two aren't a couple, at least not yet–that's gonna change today!!!!
"you got me to walk all the way here just for you to lend me your books?"
"did you prefer me walking to yours? how ungentlemanly."
"you have a wholeass bike" "that's nothing."
"oh and those aren't the school books they're more of just like summarized stuff i wrote, like way less complicated and easier to study"
"can you at least let me in? i hate to walk like two blocks just to go back after like, i don't know 2 minutes?"
"it's been thre- you know what just get in here. my parents aren't home anyway."
that one line sparks kenny, and if it were possible, his tail would have been startled high and wagging furiously.. giddily, he steps in his delight. you sigh as you reluctantly close the door
"you know where my room is."
this is it!!!
"in the meantime i'll go wash the cherries to eat." ... "what's with that face? go or beat it."
kenny huffs and does as he was told,, dragging his misery and pettiness behind him as it leaves a trail up the stairs.
"y/n i literally hate cherries you know that"
"come on just a bite, my aunt handpicked them!!"
"i promise you wont regret it"
giving into you practically shoving the cherry into his mouth, he bites it off the stem and uneagerly chews. eyes dramatically squinted with eyebrows quirked in such a way that they put a two-year-old's effort to write a straight line to shame.
"i do regret it–and i also regret being here"
"well if you pass this quiz then you won't and i'll help you with that!", you say confidentally, plopping your books on your table with a force, causing it to shake a little. in an instant, you flip through your pages and stop by the exact lesson the two of you need to study
"you just want a study buddy because if you don't have one you get distracted and completely neglect what you needed to do"
"NOT true, let's get started before i shove all these cherries in your mouth."
it's been a day after that, and right now kenny is staring at the piece of paper you've given to him before you shoved him out your door. telling him to figure that out before quiz day and that he BETTER does because it's easy as hell. and even with that he only decided to think about it an hour before science class
"i dont know what she means man"
after a few seconds of silence kyle finally has it figured out.
"it's a code dude! you gotta make out what it says by their- short forms or whatever i dont know!"
"i thought that too but what she wants me to piss if i pass??? pass equals piss, what??"
"dude, try a little harder, alright? get that figured out and you won't regret it."
with that, kyle walks away.
psh, regret. that's what you said too and he sure as hell regrets it. he turns to stare at the peice of paper again...
Phosphorus, Arsenic, Sulfur, Sulfur = Potassium, Iodine, Sulfur, Sulfur
what...does that...mean.. 😰
poor kenny had already given up, handing you the paper awkwardly and confessing his failure.
"god kenny you're so dumb what i meant to say is i'll kiss you properly if you pass!!"
"what..." it's only now that it hits him, reminded that you kissed the side of his mouth before handing him that dumb peice of paper.
"so go ahead and prove it to me that i didn't waste my time trying to teach you!! although you sorta gave that away already thinking potassium is P"
"is it really MY fault that the table tricked me into thinking the short forms are just the first letters of the elements???"
"youre just dumb. no kiss for you."
"NO no i can do this, trust me y/n. watch me"– and that's when your professor hands you the quiz papers. kenny's eyebrows knitted in what you can't figure out as either nervousness or concentration.
he ends up being 3 points away from failure though and you still kiss him because that was your plan anyway 😋
cartman, eric ✰ !
"eric, please at least pass this one quiz and i'll let you off the hook."
"just ONE quiz, eric. please?? this is really important and i dont know why you keep failing all your tests but just this one time i need you to pass this!. it's important and your teacher himself texted me to remind you about it. eric??"
"but..." his voice comes off as meek–far from what he intended. or overall just not what he intended at all
"eric? is there someone, or something bothering you? you know you can tell me anything, you dont need to hide from me."
"u-um,,, y/n! yeah! theyre bothering me and i cant study because of it! theyre really scary, mom!"
nothing but silence from the other door, cartman finally pushes his jacket down in relief.
he has no idea why he chose you, but any student would have been enough to trick her. any student that comes to his mind first
little will he admit you dont just come to his mind first but have been in his mind all day, every day, and he doesnt remember how or when it started. its starting to get,, annoying?????
you're the only person cartman leaves alone, like just not bothers that much in comparison to the others. you can't lay a finger on it. you presume it's because of how you're the only one who cares about him, passing him your school notes even when he literally will not use them (but keeps them anyway for like a day), sharing your food and end up having only two or three bites left, lending to help him with injuries because he doesn't want to go to the nurse's office, etc. and that is exactly why liane loves you, and at that point just mistook you two as best friends when really you're not.
he walked up to you one day during lunch and grabbed you by the shoulders to turn to him, staring at you intently with a threatening scowl as if you've just thrown him the biggest earth-shattering insult ever. your shoulders tense and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, you remain silent.
"you! i dont know what you did to me but you better put this spell out or you're dead!"
from that day on, he's been calling you witch,, holding the "you hexed me" card to your face until he shapes it into some sort of spear to annoyingly stab you on the daily,,,thirteen times minimum
really he's just finding an excuse to "talk to you." but i dont think he's aware of that. neither will he ever admit that in that case.
cartman felt he had his mother wrapped around his little finger when he claimed you scare him, which was undoubtedly ridiculous in her sense. liane had to speak with you. she makes it clear that she doubts you scare him, of all people. It may be because cartman isn't used to being cared for; when it's his mother, he denies any concern. you'll never get the answer out of him
you promised to mrs cartman you'd find a way to convince him to study for this test, and she trusted you.
when oh where in his life would he expect you to pull him to a more secluded area in the hall not even a minute after class was dismissed, pecking him on the corner of his mouth while your hands are wrapped around the collar of his jacket.
"pass the quiz and i'll kiss you properly."
he's left on the same spot, confused but rather more stupefied.
he's juggled between purposely failing the quiz or even putting an effort to pass it but the balls keeps slipping from his hands and eyes can't focus on that ball and this ball.
he, for some reason he still doesn't know, did study. eric cartman, studying.
and he doesn't know, and at this point he doesn't want to know.
he did pass, and everyone was beyond stunned. so later that day he'd find you in the halls and out of nowhere snatch you from whatever business you have and look at you dead in the eye.
"i passed, bitch. and i'm waiting."
he supposes he mistook this "spell" as a curse, could it have been a blessing? there's no way, he's still in denial about it. but he doesn't mind having a witch like you maybe make his life a little better.
(he cheated)
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㊎ all rights reserved to @/nsmhrniki. please do not copy/repost
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Reblogs are appreciated !
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depressopax · 5 months
First of all. Love, love your writing! It's so good!
Secondly, if I may request some Mike ehrmantraut headcanons with a lover(reader) who is about his age. Who is just as hardened by life (they both work for Fring) but is soft with Mike when the two get close. Thank you<3
Heyyy! THANK YOU SM for your kind words! 😭❤ I'm so glad you like my work ahhhh <3
And thanks for the request!! I had so much fun writing this. It's not the type of text and genre I usually write, so it was a fun challenge! Also, I know it said headcanons, but once I started writing I came up with a whole story lol
Hope you like it and have and AMAZING day <333
The things we do - Mike Ehrmantraut x gn! reader
Fandom - Better Call Saul
Pairing: Mike Ehrmantraut x gender neutral reader Genre: Feel good, fluff, hurt/comfort Warning(s): Mentions of grief, unemployment, divorce, mental health and growing up. Cuss words. Reader is gender neutral, is 50 y/o and has two kids.  Words: 1K Summary: As close as possible to the request! Reader is turning 50, Mike 60 y/o for this story. - You and Mike have been together for about a year. The two of you share so much experiences and can relate to one another. Both being older and working for Gus Fring, you make a good team, despite the scars from the past... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 AO3 link
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“Hey… Cheer up! It’s your birthday tomorrow.” 
Mike says. You turn to give him a tired smile. It’s a rare thing to hear him be optimistic, but you love it.
“Yea… I’m just sour because she can’t be there.”
Your daughter is a free soul, ever since she was a kid, she had dreamt of a life away from Albuquerque. Now she’s 21 and studying abroad in the United Kingdoms. She was gonna travel back to New Mexico to celebrate your birthday, but with snowstorm chaos and exams coming up, she had to cancel. You’re not angry at her, rather sad, since you haven’t seen her in half a year. You still talk on the phone daily, despite the different time zones. At least you have your son, too. He’s 17, in high-school and lives at home with you, in a beautiful apartment on the calm streets of Albuquerque. You’re a bit paranoid, since you know the dangers of town. In your almost 50 years alive, you’ve seen and met many dangers. Keeping your kids safe has been the priority since. Being a single parent has made you even more protective of them. The divorce between you and your ex was bad and you haven’t heard from them since.
When Mike’s phone buzzes you feel relieved, happy to be distracted from your bitter thoughts. Since Mike is busy driving, you take his phone.
“It’s the boss”
“Can you reply?”
The two of you talk about it so casually, as if working as enforcers for a drug kingpin like Gus Fring is nothing weird. But to you and Mike it isn’t weird. 
Working for Gus is challenging and dangerous, so you’re happy to do it together with Mike. You know the risks of the work, but happily do it to provide for your kids. The things you do are for them. 
It’s been a year now, since the company you worked for shut down, and left you unemployed and in need of money. The only perks of having a criminal past is the work opportunity Gustavo Fring gave you.
That’s where you met Mike Ehrmantraut, an older ex-cop from Philadelphia, with a past just as fucked up as yours. 
At first you didn’t trust anyone in Gus' team, and to be honest? You weren’t really popular amongst your new colleagues. You were one of the oldest assets to the team, and your trust issues made it hard to get along with people. Luckily, Mike was the same. He was only a couple years older and just as “bitter” as you. The two of you went from sitting quietly next to each other, to exchanging a couple words to each other. One day, you took the courage and started a conversation with him, and some days later he kissed you. Since then, you and Mike have been inseparable. He is your partner in crime, literally, tho. You both struggle with guilt from the tasks you’re forced to do, but being together helps you both heal and forgive yourselves. 
“It’s just the things we do, for ourselves, and our families”
Mike usually says, giving you the reassurement you need. He’s been in this career for longer than you and knows his way around things. 
An odd pair, but still, you like to believe he’s your soulmate.
Mike can be very intimidating, and you too. So the two of you together tend to make people avoid your eyes. Your colleagues see you as the “grumpy old couple”, but to you, it’s the opposite. Mike makes you feel things you thought you could never feel again. He made you believe in love again. 
You answer the phone and recaps the completed mission for Gus, who seems satisfied with your work. As you hang up, you look at Mike.
“Fring told us we did a good job. Mission complete, as usual. Wanna celebrate?”
Mike chuckles.
“I thought you didn’t wanna celebrate?”
“I wasn’t talking about the birthday.”
“I think you’re having a mid-life crisis, y/n my dear”
You scoff at his words, even though it’s kinda true, but you can let him know that.
“I just don’t feel like celebrating.”
You don’t need to explain further, he knows what you mean. He doesn’t like celebrating birthdays either, since the loss of his son. 
He brings your hand to his lips, making you melt as he kisses your knuckles whilst driving through the cold night in Albuquerque. 
The sun almost blinds you when you blink your eyes open. The thin white curtains in your bedroom let in the morning sun. You let out an annoyed grunt. How many times haven’t you promised yourself to change curtains? You yawn as you turn around in bed, facing the left side, which is empty. 
You call out with a low, raspy voice. You start wondering if he had to leave early…
No, his phone is still on the nightstand. The door opens to the bedroom and he walks in, wearing a morning robe which originally is yours. You can’t help but smile.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. Happy birthday.”
Right… Your birthday.
“Let’s pretend I turn 40 and not 50, ok?”
He chuckles.
“Absolutely. I made you some coffee.”
As you get dressed, you get stuck by the mirror for a bit, noticing the love-drunk smile on your lips that doesn’t fade. It’s a change from your usual serious, almost intimidating expression. A good change.
Life hasn’t been easy and apart from the dangerous work for Fring which often makes you question yourself alot. Sometimes you wish that life was more normal, or that you could turn back time and do things differently. But not anymore. You’ve met your soulmates, after everything you’ve gone through. 
When you walk into the kitchen, Mike is already sitting in the kitchen, saying something that makes your son laugh. You smile at the sight, and look at your boyfriend, realizing that you love him, and you don’t wanna be without him. He always tells you how you made his life better, but he did the same to you. 
As you sit down with them, the thought of celebrating a birthday doesn’t seem to be so bad. You feel at peace. 
Crying shaking throwing up I love Mike THE WAY I SOBBED WHEN WRITING THIS 💀
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mythgirlimagines · 5 months
I was going to queue this, but with the queue quickly running out and requests piling up in my inbox I thought I'd put this out there now
The queue might officially run out in a handful of weeks! I have a good several asks still in my inbox, though. And those will be answered eventually, I promise!
As has been in my pinned post for a while (and mentioned in a separate post), I've been having wrist issues in the last couple of months (nothing super bad dw!!) and for the last couple of weeks had to take a bit of a break from writing. I still have to take a lot of extra breaks, meaning I'm not writing nearly as much as I'm used to and really have to pick and choose what projects to spend my time on during any given day. This will be especially true once school starts up again for me.
So the queue might run out for the first time probably since I started using the queue function, but not to worry! Everything will be answered eventually!
I'm not gonna close the inbox bc of this, since I still love talking to y'all through that. I just wanted to make you all aware :)
Thank you for understanding!
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jomatto · 1 year
I don't know if I've officially announced it, but I'm presently in the process of rewriting Mister Cinderella. I've written some things down but now I'm trying to organize everything into Scrivener.
This is something new I'm trying, at least in regards to my stories. I've spent the last couple years dealing with workflows, kanban boards, spreadsheets, and all sorts of annoying BS at work. From this experience, I've learned that I'm a very meticulous sort of fellow, and applying this approach to story writing may generate tangible results.
However, my plan is to only update once everything is complete. I ain't about that update-as-I-go life anymore. I want everything to be ready to go as soon as I make my comeback announcement, and nothing would kill my momentum more than a disappearing act moments after my grand entrance. If I'm gonna be coming back, I'd better be bringing something big to prove it.
Mister Cinderella has become a testbed for learning Scrivener. The more I dig into it, the more I'm digging its features. Being able to move scenes around willy-nilly or bring up reference cards for characters, settings, and themes across multiple windows fits very much into my modus operandi. I find it easier to set up foreshadowing and callbacks, maintain thematic consistency, and just make the whole thing a lot more structurally sound.
I've reached a point where I feel like I'm making steady progress, so I've started looking ahead for what's next on the horizon. Besides MC, there's only one other story that I haven't finished in my FF.net profile, and that's Best Deceptions Redux. The last update was July 2014, which means it's been more than 8 years. That's a helluva long time.
After a brief flirtation with Ranma 1/2 and Evangelion in middle/high school, it was Best Deceptions that pulled me back into the fanfiction writing game and it made poetic sense to close out my run with the story that started it all.
We go back even further and the original has been dead for much longer -- since 2006. That's over 16 years, twice as long as my neglect. Methinks the story is cursed since it failed to cross the finish line twice -- but I suppose getting a second wind is more than most stories get if we talk about the massive graveyard of unfinished fics floating about the internet.
Since I wanted a refresher course, I tried to look up the original story but it's been gone for a long, long time -- and I mean gone. The profile for the original author has been done and dusted, with nary a trace left behind. Imagine my sheer panic that the story I'm trying to remake no longer exists. Well, shit.
But didn't we encounter this exact situation not too long ago? Luckily, an enterprising individual requested that I recover a story that I long since buried, and I was able to exhume its corpse thanks to the foresight of preservationists who backed up FF.net's entire story database.
To my abject horror, I could not find it after searching in the "K" archive. I gave it a couple more tries and eventually resigned myself to thinking that I'd have to depend solely on my faint memories to finish the tale. I went to bed, weighed down by the prospect of trying to complete a story that no longer exists.
Next day arrives and I search for it again. Found it. Turns out, I was looking in the wrong folder. You'd think a story that was never completed would be in the "In Progress" folder, but since the original author officially discontinued it, they marked it as "Complete". Now that's just confusing, not to mention, the archive has multiple folders for Kingdom Hearts (because of the crossover categories).
I backed that shit up immediately. Since the original author deleted everything, I could now claim sole ownership over the plot and firmly declare "I made this".
Obviously, I'm not as unscrupulous as to take credit for something I didn't make, but I do find it funny that I credit a writer that can no longer be found by conventional means. There's no way for readers to unearth this mysterious original "Best Deceptions" that I mentioned unless they go through the effort that I did. I might archive it publically on my profile somewhere if I ever get started on this final story, but for now, I'll hold on to it as reference material for my version.
I always thought that the internet was a place where everything is recorded forever, but the state of data is much more precarious than we think, and that has been demonstrated multiple times over the years with the loss of huge websites that are forever doomed to be remembered by a cache image.
Someone sent me a message last year warning me that FF.net could potentially be closing down and suggested that I repost my stories on AO3 or archive them somewhere. As far as I know, FF.net is still up, but who knows how long that will last? Although I've been lucky enough to recover two long-lost fics thought to be destroyed, it makes sense to make a backup while the opportunity is still there -- just in case.
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perrypixel · 5 years
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Keli Icons!
Requested by anonymous
Feel free to use!
Like/Reblog if use!
Credit is appreciated but not necessary!
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glitt3r-litt3r · 2 years
can i get an eddie munson fic where the reader gets #vecnad and eddie plays her fav song on guitar and sings it to her and they have an emotional love confession after she comes back? pretty please and thanks
OF CORSE!! I live for Eddie Munson. Also using vecna like that is so fucking funny. get vecna'd. 
pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Song: Angel by Judas Priest. This song fucks so hard. 
My headache was back. The pulsing behind my eyes made it hard to even read my book at the moment. I hoped today's headache would only last a couple minutes, they've been getting shorter. The nightmares and visions were another thing but I've never been the most stable person in Hawkins. I've had nightmares since I could remember and the visions aren't scary just an old clock, no biggie. Or that's what I've been telling myself.
Its not like I can show up at the counselors office talking about shit like that, they'd send me to the loony bin almost immediately. The only person I've told about the headaches is Eddie. He's such a worrywart and tried to tell me to go to the doctors like 5 times but I refuse cause they give me the heebee jeebies. As someone who lives for horror movies it's hard to creep me out but doctors know just how to get me. No fucking chance. He’s freaked himself out after the whole  Chrissy thing so I decided to keep him company but even in the light of day my eyes are strained. 
I want to find Eddie, not like he can go far and maybe he’ll rub my head. 
When I make into the living room he sits about to light a cigarette. Before he can greet me I rip the cigarette from his mouth and flick it out the open window.
"You promised me you'd quit" I say turning my face away from the bright sun peaking in through the window. Shit it’s bright.
"I promised you I tried so technically I haven't failed, that was my first one today" he says
Not having the patience to argue semantics with him I cut right to what I need, "can you rub my head for a bit I don't feel well"
“fine but if you fall asleep I'm drawing a dick on your forehead.” I don’t even have the energy but he knows I'd kill him. 
He walks toward the guest bedroom and I follow.
"another headache? That's like the fourth this week and it's only Wednesday" he opens the door and then closes it behind me. It was oddly cool in here, thank god for the fall weather.
"it'll pass I just need to lay for a bit and think happy thoughts" I let my body drop onto the bed and adjust to try and get comfortable enough to not cry.
"think happy thoughts? Right. Let me know how that works out for you because I've got this rash on my leg that I can't seem to get rid of and-"
"Eddie please, my head" I reply turning on my side to face him. He sits across from me playing with his rings. God if I wasn't in so much pain I'd be trying to memorize each detail of his hands. He must notice me staring because he offers his and up to me. I take hold of it fiddling with his rings for a moment before pressing his fingers to my forehead. This is the most physical we've ever been, maybe it's the headache or the hysteria of a new school year but I can't get enough. He slowly starts dragging his hands over my face brushing lightly along all my features. It’s a small distraction for me and it’s working.
He sits in silence for at least 10 minutes while he rubs my face which I know is causing him excruciating pain. 
"you wanna get your sweetheart" I whisper out. One of his requests for banishment was his guitar. That and a six pack but I wasn’t gonna be drunk with Eddie alone. 
"you know you're my one true sweetheart" he says dramatically holding his hands over his heart
"don't make me barf Eds" I reply, that's not what I wanted to say but it'll have to do for now.
"rude" he mutters leaving the room for a couple moments. I miss the feel of his hands on my face. When he comes back he has one of his guitars in his hand, I bought him this one for his last birthday. He claimed he didn’t like acoustic but he still plays it so I’m happy.
The way he's holding the instrument makes me jealous in a way. He never holds me or looks at me like that and I so badly wish he did. He'll never know that because I won't ever say anything out loud but damn he should figure it out soon or I'll literally explode.
He starts strumming softly playing in no particular order or tune. He keeps it quiet in case anyone’s snooping around reefer ricks. It still sounds beautiful but in a chaotic way. Usually loud noises when I have a headache mean shooting pains into the sides of my temples but this is the one exception. When he starts humming softly I know I'm done for. He's singing Angel by Judas Priest, the song that was playing the day we first met.
I think back to the day he first saw me at the skate park. He was there to do some business, I was on my roller skates attempting to drop in. I felt old at that age but I realize now 16 is definitely not old. It had been such a horrible day I just needed to skate around and listen to music so that's exactly what I did.
He stood watching me for a minute before I decided enough was enough and went over. We had seen each other around school but had never actually talked so all I knew about him was that he played devil worshiping games and was a loner. He came up with some bullshit excuse about how I looked like someone he knew but I couldn't hear him really over the sound of Judas Priest. When I finally pulled them off I remember his face went beet red after realizing I hadn't heard a word he said.
"you're music is really loud"
"yeah I think it's better that way"
"what were you listening to?" he asks shifting from one foot to another
"Angel by Judas Priest" I said. I thought finally he'd leave me alone but his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I remember in perfect detail his smile. Every tooth every outline of his lips it was gorgeous and kind of off centered in a cute way. On good days he looks 16 again when he smiles.
I feel myself smiling as I remember back to that day, he's still playing softly but it’s fading in and out.
Suddenly the daydream feels wrong, like I've misremembered something. The smile, the beautiful kid smile drops from his face. Instead he looks pissed. The air around us gets frigid instead of warm and I feel myself shivering.
"Eddie?" I call to him but I can tell if it's the one in my head or the one in real life. My head is pounding now every part of my head vibrates. When he responds his words cut me straight to my bones.
"I can't believe you think I'd ever love someone like you." his voice is so unlike his it make tears spring up into my eyes.
I try backing away but my feet won't move how I want them to. He’s never spoken to me like this. Something about the tone is off, too deep. 
“Eddie...” I want to tell him to stop joking around and say sorry. 
“Eddie,” He mocks, “you know, I’ve always hated the way you say my name in that whiny voice. God you’re pathetic.” He shoves me hard into the ground. He stands above me as the sky reddens with his classic smile but it’s wrong all of this is wrong. Why isn’t it going away. My hips ache from the fall and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. The breaths aren’t coming quick enough or long enough like I'm being stepped on.
“Wakeupwakeupwakeup” I whisper closing my eyes
A voice booms from the sky making a chill run down my spine. “You can’t wake up from this. You’ll neve be able to escape your horrible mind. I’m here to free you from it Y/N. Don’t you want to be free?” 
My eyes snap open at the sound afraid whoever it is is closer than I think. When I turn around I feel all the air leave my lungs. Whatever this thing is it’s huge and bloody. I can’t focus my eyes and my head is swaying from the shock. I want to move to crawl or run or even walk out but my fucking feet are trapped just like I am. The weight on my chest increases as he get’s closer.
Looking around there is nothing but ruin. Black blurs in the distance shift slowly. Wood and cement are thrown haphazardly around in the distance. Parts of some structure lie next to me. Everything is red, the clouds, the creature, and my vision. Oh fuck I'm going to die here. Fuck me! And fuck this guy whatever he fucking is. I feel my hands start to shake as I stand up.
“FUCK YOU!” I scream at the top of my lungs. I need badass last words if I'm going to die. The thing moves closer to me, hand outstretched with two inch claws at the end. I hear Eddie behind me. 
Whipping around to find him, his voice was so clear. He was here I'm sure of it and now it’s gone.
“Eddie! Eddie I'm over here” I call out but onto emptiness echoes back.
“He won’t save you, he doesn’t even like you. That’s why he hides you from people, he would rather die than be seen with you” 
“EDDIE!” I scream again. The tears dropping down my face taste salty as I open my mouth to yell again. I’m cut short when I see a burst of grey off to my left. Like someone blew a hole in the smoke screen of red. I feel his claws dig into the back of my head drawing blood almost immediately. It runs down my face and neck mixing with the tears and sweat. Another flash, bigger this time and permanent. Through it I can see Eddie’s hands, his silver rings glittering as his fingers shake over the fret of the guitar. He’s playing our song. 
“Angel, put sad wings around me now Protect me from this world of sin so that we can rise again Oh, Angel, we can find our way somehow Escaping from the world we're in to a place where we began” 
If this is how I die I’ll be okay with that. Listening to his soft voice lulling me to sleep in this hellscape. 
The hole get’s bigger as I feel his grip slipping from me. Finally wiggling free I run as hard as I can to the sound. He never stops playing but it get’s louder now. 
“When I close my eyes, I hear your velvet wings and cry I'm waiting here with open arms Oh, can't you see? Angel, shine your light on me”
I’m panting hard as I make my first steps away from him. He doesn’t chase me but that doesn’t slow my pace. Suddenly I hear something cutting through the air dropping directly where I was just standing. Now is not the time, fucker. It’s just like Galaga, avoid impending doom and exploding alien spaceships, easy. 
I hear the creatures words replaying in my head. He doesn’t even like you. He doesn’t want you. He won’t save you. Each loop makes me cry harder. I have to believe he does. i have to believe that he would save me if I was drowning, hell he’s done it so many times now without even trying. I wish I could focus on the beautiful way he’s playing but I can only imagine his tear stained face as he tries to save me without alerting the neighbors.
“Angel, we'll meet once more, I'll pray When all my sins are washed away Hold me inside your wings and stay Oh, angel, take me far away”
The song crescendos at the last line, it was always my favorite. I hear his desperate words pleading with a god he doesn’t believe in. I run harder. The next second I run harder still. My throat is on fire, the crimson stain from my blood makes it hard to see and I can’t breathe. I run harder. 
“Put sad wings around me now Angel take me far away Put sad wings around me now, so that we can rise again”
When I return to my body I'm still on the bed but I’m curled into a ball. I don’t open my eyes or wait any longer to start crying. My knuckles ache as I brace around the comforter. The only sound is my loud sobbing and shifting. 
“Y/N thank fucking Christ oh my god I hate it here Jesus!” His voice is his own now, no more demon no more nightmare. I sit up and met him with bloodshot eyes before flinging my body into his. The smell of him takes over me. He smells like he always has but something about it is better now. I feel the tears sliding between his neck and my face but I don’t care. 
“Eddie...” there’s nothing I can say. I whisper his name over and over until I can’t stop. He holds me tightly around the middle of my back pulling me impossibly close to him. 
“How did you get to me? How did you save me?” 
“I thought you were a goner like Chrissy. Luckily Dustin just told me about this music thing to bring people back from Vecna's curse. I’m so glad he was right fuck. I thought I lost you there” He states. I haven’t stopped gripping his jacket.
“it was horrible he was saying...he said you...” I try explaining but I keep shivering and my teeth bang against each other violently every time I try and open my mouth. 
“It’s okay. Whatever he’s saying isn’t real. This is real. He’s just some seriously deranged loner with a reality problem” it’s so Eddie that it makes me laugh. It comes out jagged and bubbled with snot. He continues rubbing my back.
“You’re a deranged loner with a reality problem” I say pulling back to look at him.
His face breaks out into a smile and the tears that were gathered in his eyes finally swell over down his cheeks. He let’s out a scoff that turns into a chuckle.
“Oh is that so miss ‘let me hang out with the freak while he’s exiled’“ 
“you wouldn’t last a day without me” I say playing with the end of his hair behind his back.
“that I would not” he says it softly like he’s scared. His eyes shift uncomfortably away from my face but I drop my head to meet them.
“You saved me. You. No one else would have been able to do that.”
“but it’s your favorite song”
“do you know why it’s my favorite song? hmm?” I pull his chin up with my hand. It’s now or never. He shakes his head but something tells me he’s lying.
“it’s my favorite song because it was playing the day, the moment, I met you. Since that day, it will always be my favorite song. You saved me because you love me. I know you do and even if I don’t know what kind of love or for how long you love me and I couldn’t have made it out of there without you so I love you too.” When I finish I let out a breath. My teeth are still chattering quietly.
“You love me? You...” He pauses searching in my eyes as I nod my head.
When our lips finally meet its salty from our tears. I feel the dam breaking once and for all and I kiss him with everything I have. He is holding me so close there’s nothing but him. He is everything. We hold our lips together unmoving and breathing hard. He rubs the side of my face and I hold onto his neck. 
When we pull away I say the first thing that comes to mind
“told you you have a reality problem.” I laugh. He chuckles again. That smile, that Eddie smile fills me with so much emotion I begin to cry again. This time though he just wipes my tears and kisses me again.
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stcveskent · 3 years
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their little miracle; chris evans
pairings: chris evans x reader
warnings: fluff and a bit of swearing
request on wattpad
its been 8 months,since you heard that you would be giving a little miracle of yours and chris, soon. You still remember the day when both of you saw the baby for yhe first time, as it moved around your belly.
you remember how Chris held your hand when he saw your baby, and said, "it's ours" while crying, you remember the day when he found out it was a baby girl, and he was so happy, and when he told his family about it, they were crying too, because their son's dream came true. Since then he never left your side. Well, he haven't announced it on the internet too . He used to talk to your baby, late at nights, when she won't let you sleep, by endless kickings.
"Hey honey, don't do that to Mama." He says, slowly, and calmly as you laid down next to him, and his hands on your belly rubbing it gently.
"I won't leave your side, y/n." He whispered softly and kissed you. During those times, when Chris got intimate with you, for eg, he would kiss you more often, and lay next to you all the time, hold your hands all the time, you used to blush alot, as if it was a school crush, you could say it was the hormones.
"i love you so much." He says and you smile.
"I love you too and more." You reply and he wraps his arm around you, and kiss your head, and then you gasped as soon as your baby kicks you, because you were giving all the attention to her daddy and not her and even daddy didn't give her attention.
"alright baby, i love you too." He says as he keeps a hand on your belly and you laughed at how your daughter already had control over her Dad, even before her birth.
your smile grew wider, as all those thoughts came to your mind, and Chris noticed how you were smiling, and thinking about some things. He smiled looking at how adorable you looked.
"what're you smiling at, sweetheart." He asks as he comes closer, and kisses you gently.
"thinking of how our girl, already has control over her dad." He smiles as he heard you, it was a very different feeling for both of you.
"Well, trust me, the queen has more control than the princess." He says referring to you and you roll your eyes.
"oh stop!" You said as both of you chuckled, just then, to ruin the moment his phone rang. He groaned, and you laughed at him.
"Always messing up my moments, with my queen." He said, and you blushed at how he made you feel so good.
"Chris, i'm sorry to call you now." His manager spoke, as chris answered.
"No its fine, Joshua? what did you need?" He replied.
"Well, the agency has been calling up alot, for your photo shoot, and i tried to decline it, because you wanted to stay with your wife, but they aren't listening , and said you're their hope."
"alright fine! I'll do it."
"ah thank god!! I'll arrange the dates and timing and inform you."
"Alright!" Chris says as he ends the conversation and looks at you, smiling.
"What's wrong?" You asked
"I have to stay away from you for a couple of hours."
"and what would be the reason?" You asked as he sits next to you and pull you closer to him, and you put your head on his shoulder.
"There's this photo shoot they need me to do it and I honestly don't wanna stay away from you, even if its for a couple of hours, you're now close to your date, I can't just leave you here all alone, when you'd need me." He spoke.
"Chris, i'll be fine, you're worrying too much, babe. I can manage on my own, honey!"
"I know you can, i just don't want to be away from you and our daughter." You smiled as he said that, how your daughter's and his bond was so strong.
"babe!!" You squeeled and hugged him and he kissed you multiple times. Just then the phone rings and he groans again.
"Its the agency, i'll have to take it, i'm so sorry!!"
"Its fine, honey." You said and he answered the call, going into the living room to talk while you watched some TV
"Thank you so much, Chris for joining us!" He said and chris smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine!"
"Is there any arrangements we can do for you?" Just as those words left his mouth, he smiles thinking of an idea.
"Yes! Could i get my wife with me? I want her to be next to me."
"Ofcourse sir! It's our pleasure to have her with us, and we can have some couple photoshoot too!"
"Thank you! See you, soon!" He says and walks to you.
Chris comes back to you and tells you that he's made arrangements for you to come with me, you denied at first but he made you to agree to it, typical christopher  and then the day comes when you had to go with him. You were nervous about something which he had completely forgot about. Announcing about your little miracle.
As soon as both of you entered, the photographers welcomed you both so warmly, and as expected they were shocked by the news, and they were happy for both of you.
As soon as chris finished his part of the work, you two had to pose together, it was all cute with him, and then the photographer requested that you should have a photo or two of your own with your bump and Chris happily agreed to it.
Just after you completed your work, you told Chris, that now seems to be the right time to tell everyone about it. No , only family and some of his close friends knew about this, so he was just concerned about how his fans and co workers would annouce, but you knew things would fall back into a perfect position.
"I posted it." He said and breathed.
"i did too!" You said and smiled.
Just a second later, yours and his phone were filled with notifications, hundreds to thousands, and all were really happy about it, because all of them understood that this was Chris's dream and you could only turn into his reality.
a week or two has passed, Chris had to go through a lot of press , and interviews where the main interest was your pregnancy. As you waited for him to get over with the last interview for the month, and after that he promised he'd take a break, he comes to you.
"How was it?" You asked as he kissed you and sat next to you.
"It was good, i was happy to tell them, how you made me happy, and they obviously wanted you, but i said you were resting."
"Thank you —*gasps* oh shit!" You said and his eyes came out if his eye sockets.
"Baby what happened?!"
"She's coming omg!! My water broke!!!" You said and he panicked, he was roaming around the house finding the baby bag, and you felt contractions, which were going on for a day which you tried to ignore.
"Chris where the fuck are you?!" You yelled, as the contractions hit you again.
"I found it!! Let's go." He said as he helped you get up and rush you to the hospital, through out the ride he didn't leave your hand, and just made you breathe, but it was true, when you're about to give birth, your temper loses, and poor Chris had to listen.
Now you were in the waiting room, with him and yours and his family started to visit you both.
"Hey!" Your mom said and rushed to hug you as you breathed.
"Hey Mom! I'm good? Are you?" You asked and she laughed at you.
"I know, the temper, i gave birth to three kids!" She said and hugged Chris, and he chuckled and stopped as soon as you gave him a death glare.
"come on! my little girl needs a break, how are you feeling honey?" Your dad says and you roll your eyes.
"P A I N!" You said and then your siblings laugh at you.
"Y/n , for real, you need to calm down, also guess what i already have done half of the preparations for my niece!!" your brother says while your sister argues with him that it was she who did it, and that made you laugh, and Chris smile looking at you.
His mother stayed longer with you but then you told her to go, because she looked tired, and she agreed, time passed and you were ready to deliver the baby, Chris started to breathe heavily, he was nervous, more than you.
"Its gonna be fine, babe!" You said and he nods
"I'll be next to you the whole time." He says and you nod.
Slowly the doctors start to give you instructions to how to push till they count till 10 and you agree to it, clearly understanding their instructions.
"Push!" They said and you pushed while your groaned and your grip on chris's hand tightened.
"You're doing amazing honey!" He encouraged and honestly, that made you stay strong till the end.
Just few more pushes later, the cries of your baby girl were heard and you sighed as both of you burts into tears. They laid your little miracle on top of you as Chris adored both of you, he starts to wipe his tears, and the doctor takes your little girl away.
"No where are you taking her!" Chris says and you chuckled at him.
"they're cleaning her, she'll be back soon, with us." You said and he looked at you with  a smile.
"You did so good today!" he says and you smiled at him.
"It wasn't possible without you." You said and he shook his head.
"You're the most strongest women i've ever seen, and  how beautiful you look today! Your glowing baby!" He says and you laugh as he pressed his lips onto yours in a sweet and filled with love kiss.
"I love you so much." He says
"I love you more!" You reply and they bring the baby back to you, and Chris holds her, tears falling from his eyes, as he met his daughter.
"She's so beautiful just like her Mama!" He says and you feel your tears falling.
"Daddy loves you and your Mama so much! He'll do everything to protect both of you!" He says as he holds her in his arms and kisses her multiple times on her head.
"Okay now, Mama also needs attention!" You said and he laughed and kissed you again, and just then you met your family, already waiting and excited to greet their grand child, neice and goddaughter.
Yours and Chris's mother couldn't hold back tears and were crying with joy, while Scott hugged you and cried and you were crying because he was crying , which made everyone laugh and later Scott Shanna, Carly and your siblings already started giving suggestions for the baby names for your little miracle.
It was the best day of your life, you for the first time witnessed how one life can bring so much happiness to so many people, and you were only concerned about your husband, who was on cloud 9 because of his happiness and you couldn't stop smiling because of him. You won't be able to forget this day ever!
done with your request!!hope you liked it❤️
also, but Daddy!Chris is making me cry😭😭
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officialsaturn · 3 years
Ranboo Crush HCs
aaaaa this request struck me in the heart 
I for sure went a bit overboard but uhh! i hope this lives up to what you wanted <3 also i wrote this in class so I'm so sorry if its kinda awful
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ranboo had liked you for a bit now
you two had met in school and he was immediately drawn to you
you were so sweet and fun to talk with
you never let what others said about you get under your skin
and you defended him so fiercely anytime someone was even slightly mean or rude to him
you also reflected his humour like a mirror
vine references and john mulaney quotes all the time
he was whipped to say the least
and you? 
the very second you started to talk to him you were gone
a s i m p
he’s just so 
hes so incredibly sweet and funny
and hes so respectful always
literally one of the first things he did when yall met was ask your preferred pronouns
respectful king
now hear me out
both of you are positively terrified of asking the other out
you both share the fear that once you pour your heart and feelings out to the other theyre gonna think differently of you and leave you alone
no bueno
also 100000% not true
so valentines day is comin up and ranboo is freaking out
hes determined to ask you out but also
hhhhhhhh scary
he's got this whole thing planned out
i mean full blown
he gets you your favorite snacks and flowers and writes this really cute letter
and he slips it into your locker
he forgot to put his name
ohhhhhhh my god he's so embarrassed when you show up to class with the bag of snacks and flowers
i mean he just turns into a cherry he's so red
and youre sitting there gushing about how its so sweet and kind and you wish the person had put their name on it
he freezes
hes 10x more embarrassed now that he knows he forgot to put his name
so he asks if you'll hang out with him after school
and you don't think anything of it since its a common occurrence
so y'all are walking your way home and
he stops in his tracks, turns to you, face on fire, and says word for word what he said in the letter
somehow getting even more red with each passing second
and he finishes it off by saying “from your ranboo”
you're genuinely really shocked and kinda staring open mouth wide eyed
and him being the nervous wreck he is
he starts stuttering out an apology, asking you to forget it
and you just gently take his hand, equally as red as he is and press a sweet lil kiss to his cheek 
funny enough you pull a letter out of your pocket and hand it to him
he reads through it and 
its also a confession letter
y'all end up dating and deadass
cutest couple at school, no one else even comes close
uhhh idk how to end this I'm so sorry
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kerie-prince · 3 years
lights, camera, action (m)
Draco Malfoy x Reader
requested: (anon) Draco wants to make a sextape request
warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, filmed sex, oral (fem receiving), edging, praise kink, dirty talk, biting (? idk if it counts tbh)
summary: Draco persuades you into filming you both during sex
a/n: damn, did i really write this? i put so many descriptions for everything, it's like i'm an actual erotica novelist. they take a whole page to describe ONE vein. whew chile, anyways. here's this lmao
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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Draco laid on your bed, the orange sunlight illuminating your room as he played with your new camera. He never expected you to take interest in the muggle photography school, but he fully supported you going into it.
This new camera given to you was an anniversary gift from Draco. When he gave you the camera that you initially started saving money for, you jumped in excitement. It had wide, changeable scopes and had a professional microphone attached to it. It became your favorite toy as you took it to classes everyday and with every trip you went on with your blond boyfriend.
Right now, you were sitting on your desk looking over all the photos you took on the streets for an upcoming assignment through your laptop. They were pictures in sepia of people walking and doing everyday normal things, but in Draco’s eyes, it was pure art.
As he was going through the gallery on the camera, he came across a couple videos. They were from a trip to Italy last spring and mostly consisted of you walking behind him and focusing the lens on him walking. The next video was sweet; it was you holding the camera to film both of you together in the hotel room laughing together.
While the memory was a lovely one and brought a smile to his face, a peculiar thought flashed across his mind. He placed the camera on your night stand before getting off the bed and stood behind you seated in your chair. His slender hands came up to rub your shoulders and smiled – no, smirked – when you sighed in content.
“Darling, are you almost done?” You didn't hear the way his voice became octaves lower.
“Almost. Just a couple more edits and I'll be all done,” you told him. You stretched your neck out to the side to crack the stiffness in your bones from sitting in the same position for so long. While the relief felt nice, you didn't expect to feel Draco’s mouth to attach to the exposed flesh.
His lips were smooth, always cared for and never became chapped. As he placed wet kisses on you, your homework was left forgotten. It's not due for another few days anyway.
All you could focus were the wet kisses and little nibbles on your neck. You tilted your neck a bit further for Draco to access the dip of your neck and shoulder, biting harshly to leave a mark. When he pulled away, you turned your rolling chair around and stood up to kiss your boyfriend.
The kiss was hot, sensual and breath-taking. His hands were tangled in your hair as you held his waist, hands grasping at his shirt. His tongue easily slipped in your mouth when you gasped from one of his hands tugging at the hair on the base of your neck.
No matter how many times you've kissed your boyfriend, he never failed to send an eruption of butterflies in your stomach. It felt like the first time every time.
His legs guided you to your bed and he let you fall onto it. You were about to pull your sweatshirt off before he stopped you. You watched as he picked up your camera and opened the display screen. “Love, mind if I make a suggestion?” You nodded at his question, getting excited.
The red recording light lit up and Draco looked at you through the screen, “Just want something to remember this by for later.” There was an electric feeling making its course through your veins. If you were honest with yourself, you’ve wanted to do this for a long time but didn't know how to bring it up.
You sat up and lifted your sweatshirt over your head, gently tossing it to the side. Your subconscious cursed at you for not wearing a cuter bra, but it’s not like it mattered anyway since it was eventually going to come off. Draco licked his bottom lip as he watched you through the camera. He could feel himself getting hard in his jeans. His eyes looked around where to place the camera down and landed on the dresser across from your bed. He angled it to have a perfect view of the two of you without it being too far or too close. Once set, he grabbed his shirt from the back and threw it over in a rush and unbuttoned his jeans. He crawled on top of you and immediately started peppering kisses in the valley of your neck causing you to giggle.
Draco’s hand roamed to your back and fumbled with the bra clasps. You could feel that he was struggling with it so you lifted yourself up a little bit to make it easier. Once it was torn off, he looked into your eyes as he lowered himself into your breasts and gave them soft, teasing kisses before taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You used one of your free hands to massage the one that was free as Draco used one of his to sneak inside your leggings.
His fingers were playing with your clit over your panties, rubbing it in slow circles. A soft moan fell out of your mouth when Draco bit on your nipple. He could feel you dampening beneath his touch, “Let’s take these off.” Draco lifted himself up to hook your leggings and panties together and take them off in one go. Almost forgetting about the camera, he looked in both adoration and primal lust at the image of your sprawled out with your legs open for him. He palmed himself before getting down on his knees and pulled you closer to the edge of your bed. His fingers played with your slit to feel how soaked you had become, “You look so pretty like this, princess.”
You said a soft ‘thank you’ and blushed. “‘M gonna make you feel good,” were his last words before he leaned in and licked a long stripe on your lips. Your hands rested gingerly on the top of his head and your hips moved on their own against him.
Every now and then, he would open his eyes and stare at you, loving the way your lips quivered and eyebrows knotted in pleasure. He moaned into your pussy, the vibration adding to your arousal. Unexpectedly, Draco softly bit the skin above your cunt, causing you to arch your back up. He used this moment to smoothly enter two of his ring-clad fingers into your heat. The fingers worked to stretch you out for what was to come soon.
Your breathy moans flowed around the room as Draco's slender fingers scissors your sleek walls, “How does that feel, baby?” You tried to come up with a response, but all you could muster were needy whimpers. You were becoming addicted to the feeling of his rings brushing against a sensitive spot inside, the warm silver adding more pressure.
Draco stretched his thumb across to draw the number eight on your swelling clit. He leaned closer to spit on your pussy and used the fingers of his free hand to spread the lubricant around.
Your legs were shifting around and the telltale sign of your hips stuttering told Draco that you were close to your orgasm. He pumped his fingers faster, building the knotting feeling in your abdomen until you felt nothing at all.
Draco chuckled deeply as you glared up at him. “That’s not funny, Draco,” you scolded. He lowered his jeans to the floor and kicked them off, returning to his spot on top of you. Draco grabbed one of your hands and used it to palm himself. He was semi-hard, and you took it upon yourself to guide your hand and start jerking him off over the cotton fabric. You looked up at your boyfriend feigning innocence, knowing that it drove him crazy to watch you with doe eyes as you pretended you weren’t doing the dirtiest acts.
After a few minutes of teasing, he became frustrated and nearly ripped his boxers off. He manhandled your hand onto his bare dick again, jerking himself off at this point. You would give him little squeezes and use your unoccupied hand to massage his balls. Like he did with you earlier, you bent down to spit on the tip of his cock which had become fully hard now.
“Draco,” you moaned, “I want you in me.” He groaned at your request, pushing you down on your back and positioned himself to lie comfortably, grabbing your legs and guiding them over his hips.
Your boyfriend rubbed his tip up and down your lips, spitting once again and spread it around his dick before he slowly entered your pussy. He didn't need it, though. You were already so wet from him devouring you and from watching him work on his own dick with your hand.
Your pussy welcomed his cock, embracing how it perfectly stretched you from the inside. His hips started rocking back and forth and you moved your hips to match his set rhythm.
Draco leaned down and marked more hickeys all over your neck. His ears picked up on your groans, whimpers and moans. Sounds that were hotter than that of a porn star. You held a bunch of the soft blond hair and tugged on them to get a sound from him.
“Oh my Merlin, you feel so – o-oh! – you feel so good inside me, Dray,” you encouraged him. Your legs wrapped around his waist and pulled his body closer for him to thrust deeper into you. His thrusts became rougher and faster.
“Is that right, baby? Is my cock making you feel good?”
“Yes! Oh, Merlin, yes,” tears were threatening to spill. The familiar tightness was building up inside you. You tightened yourself around Draco, gaining a delicious groan from him. “Are you gonna cum for me?”
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m–” once again, this bastard edged you on. Draco had quickly pulled himself off and not only denied you of an orgasm, but laughed at the tears of frustration and possibly also anger on your face.
You slapped his biceps and tried guiding him back inside you. He quit the torture tactics and pushed himself back into your cunt with a harsh snap of the hips, jolting your body up. You let out a scream as he started his fast pace, pistoning in and out with only the tip ever staying in. The only words that left your mouth was ‘Fuck’ and ‘Draco’.
Draco held his head up to watch you unravel on him, proud of himself to see you in such a state because of him. As if his ego wasn't big enough.
The blond changed his slouched position into one of him sitting up on his knees and grabbed your legs and draped them over his shoulders. The stretch stung a little, making you drown in madness from all the sensations of some pain, but all pleasure.
If at all possible, you felt him even deeper in this position he had you in. Your own hands worked by themselves, one holding a leg closer to you, and the other slithering down to flick harshly on your clit.
The sight was pure erotica. Draco was breathing heavily, sweat thick on his skin and so close to his climax but he found the strength in him to keep going and get you to yours first at least.
“Dray, I’m gonna… I'm–”
“Go ahead, darling. Cum on my cock,” Draco told you between breaths. As if on command, your orgasm hit you hard with a scream of his name, a result from the denied ones earlier. Your legs twitched and your hips were moving sporadically with Draco’s.
As you were coming down from your high, Draco kept thrusting until he rushed out and spilled himself all over your chest. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to catch some of his spurts of cum. The warm, slightly salty taste running down your throat.
Nearly exhausted, Draco fell on top of you. You both kept trying to gather your breaths back to normal. Once you did, your boyfriend raised himself off to grab some tissues to wipe his seeds off of both your chests. He then threw his boxers off and walked over to the camera on the dresser.
You had actually forgotten all about it, too caught up in the moment.
Draco joined you back on the bed and went through the gallery of the camera, trying to find the video he just filmed. And when he found it, he smirked at the time-stamp.
requests open!
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Blackpink HC / One Shots: Enemies to Lovers, College AU (2/2)
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Requested: Yes
Warnings / Misc. -- Bickering, Rivalry, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! This is the second half of the request, featuring Rosé and Lisa. If you want to see the first part, with Jisoo and Jennie, click the link below. I hope you enjoy!
Click for Jisoo and Jennie
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Park Chaeyoung: The girl who hung with the wrong crowd.
Your problem lied more so with the people she associated with than her herself. You couldn't wrap your head around why such a kind person like her would spend time with the class clowns and bullies, and to make matters worse, she would stick up for them as well.
She spent most of her days in either the art or music room, creating the masterpieces that her brain came up with.
But as soon as school was over, she'd be hanging out with them again and getting into trouble. For instance, because of her talents, they would invite her to go with them and graffiti various hot spots around town. She never vandalized any monuments or landmarks of importance -- she typically stuck to bridges or abandoned buildings -- but after getting caught with them multiple times, it was inevitable for her to be held accountable.
She was given a week's detention to make up for her actions
You, coincidentally, had a teacher that absolutely loathed you for no reason at all. No matter how good of a student you were for him, he didn't care; he had a vendetta against you for some reason, and he patiently waited for the opportunity to ruin your day.
You came in literally 10 seconds after the bell rang, putting the breakfast sandwich you stopped to get on the way into your mouth so you could open the door. He was standing at the front with a smug grin on his face, and you already knew what was coming.
You were also given an ungodly sentence of a week's detention.
Turning Point
"If I see you on your phones, I'm taking them." The monitor informs before sitting at the desk, reclining in the chair and putting his feet up soon after. You sigh and lean back in your seat, attempting to find a way to pass the next two hours without getting in trouble. Your eyes scan across the room, eventually landing on Rosé, where she sits a couple rows away from you. Sunlight is streaming in through the window next to her, its golden rays peeking through the breaks in the clouds above to shine on her. She looks gorgeous as she doodles away in her notebook, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear when it falls in front of her face.
After waiting on the monitor to fall asleep and sending one last glance to double check, you quietly stand from your seat and go sit next to her.
You barely know each other, but she's your only hope of remaining sane and occupied.
"Hi," you greet, looking into her eyes.
"Hi," she copies, a tiny smile forming on her lips when she notices your impressed expression upon gazing down at her paper. You have to hand it to her -- she's really talented.
"You're really good," you compliment, still admiring the artistry. Seeing as how you're looking down, you fail to notice the blush that works its way to her cheeks. Coming from you, the simple remark meant a lot to her.
You spend the rest of the day making small talk and getting used to one another, leaving detention later with the hopes of sitting together again.
The Next Day
"Hi again," you whisper, glancing over your shoulder to ensure that the coast is clear. The monitor is out like a light, with his mouth hanging open and an obnoxiously loud snore coming out.
"Hi," she giggles, watching as you dive into the floor for cover when the man shifts in his sleep. You thought he was waking up, and if he finds out you moved seats, he'll definitely have something to say about it.
"The coast is clear, cadet," she nods like a soldier, assuring you that it's okay to move back after a minute.
"That was close," you breathe out in relief, glad to live to see another day.
You share a laugh, though it has to be hidden behind your hands and kept a minimum. It's cute though -- like a little secret between the two of you, only for you to know.
"What're you drawing today?" You ask later, laying your chin in your palm as you gaze down at her work. Her reply comes out stuttered at first when she feels your leg innocently brush against hers under the table.
"D-dalgom. My friend's dog." She manages out, mentally smacking herself for looking like a fool.
You smile, thinking she's adorable. "I bet it'll be great," you encourage. She grins back as her eyes scan over your face, committing the memory of you to heart. She's always had a thing for you, ever since the time you were paired up in Biology last semester, so she's been enjoying detention more than she thought she would. Seeing you makes the time go by faster, though ironically, she wishes it would slow down a bit.
You make her feel appreciated for more than just what she's capable of producing, and the divide between you and her friend group is blaringly obvious. They like her because of the rush she can help them achieve; you like her because of her.
That thought persists in her mind for the rest of detention, and before she knows it, the monitor is releasing you again. She bends down to put her notebook in her bag when a thought pops into her mind: she wants to ask if you want to go to the park with her. When she's done zipping her bag up, she looks back up at you, only to find you on your phone, talking to someone.
"Yeah, mom. I'll stop by on the way home. So milk, cereal, ramen, and paper towels, right?"
She watches as you wait for a reply, tucking the phone into the crook of your neck as you move to write the list down on a spare piece of paper.
"Alright, love you, too. See you later." You hang up before looking back at Rosie. She looks a little down, and you have no idea why.
You pause for a moment, silently psyching yourself up for what you're about to ask. "This is gonna sound really strange, but do you want to come with me to the store?"
Her heart's pace increases at that, happy to know that you want to spend more time with her, just as she does with you.
"Actually, yeah. That sounds like fun."
You grin at her before spinning around and doing a little celebratory dance, which wins you a strange look from the monitor. You stick your tongue out at him before grabbing her hand and rushing out of the room, hearing his disapproval shouted after you.
You nod at her words, now reminded of what you were forgetting. You push the buggy towards the aisle of cereals, gazing around in wonder at the huge selection. Rosé is just the same, eyeing all of the options like a kid in a candy store. After grabbing your mom's favorite kind, you decide on one for yourself and bring it back to the cart. Rosie scoots her leg over, making room for them beside where she sits, reclined in the cart.
You grin when you see her eyeing a box of fruit loops. Huh; fruity. Go figure.
You wordlessly grab the box and hand it to her, feeling your heart melt when she looks up at you like you hold the key to the universe.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"No problem, Rosie." You say, putting your hands on the bar as you begin pushing the buggy again. "Now, I say we see how long it takes to get to the paper towel aisle. My last record was 30 seconds."
She looks at you, clearly impressed, with her eyebrows raised. Without question, she pulls her phone out and gets the stop watch feature ready to go.
"3...2...1... GO!" She shouts, commanding your legs to start pumping as you race down the long strip of store before you. A couple kids dart out of the way just before getting smacked into, quickly turning around and cheering you on as you charge forward.
Her giggles fill the air as you drift around a corner, shouting apologies to the lady you almost bumped into.
"Sorry ma'am!"
A few seconds later, chest heaving and legs sore, you come to a stop in the aisle, dramatically collapsing in a heap next to the buggy. Rosé checks her phone as she reaches down to poke you.
"22.18 seconds, champ," she declares victoriously, smiling when you magically regain enough energy to stand up and celebrate.
"Woohoo! Team Y/S/N (Your Ship Name) for the win!"
She laughs along at that, joining in on your celebration, but she's blushing like crazy on the inside.
The Last Day Of Detention
Ever since your trip to the store, you and Rosé have grown closer and closer. You traded numbers and text occasionally, though nothing beats having her all to yourself for 2 hours straight with no distractions. She feels the same; when she's in class, she can't wait for the bell to ring and signal your reunion. Part of her wants to get in trouble again, just to see you more often.
So, as you'd expect, it's really no surprise that you're sat right in front of her again, telling jokes and asking about her day. You've grown a bit more bold with every step closer you've taken towards her heart, and now you reach down to intertwine your fingers with hers.
She happily accepts, even bringing your hand up to her lips to press a kiss to the back of it. She smiles against your skin after it, making butterflies take flight in your stomach. She's got you wrapped around her finger, and you don't even try to fight it anymore.
The sound of the classroom door opening alerts you, making her lower your hand. She doesn't let go of you, though, and that fact warms your heart for some reason. The squeaky hinges groan out again as the door opens wider, revealing about 4 or 5 people from the friend group that she hangs out with. They motion for her to sneak out with them, but she just shakes her head.
"Come on, Rosé!" They whisper-scream, offering her a way to freedom. Little do they know that she'd take this imprisonment over freedom any day, so long as you're by her side.
"No! Get out before he wakes up!" She whisper-shouts back, eventually convincing them to leave.
"Why didn't you go?" You ask once they're gone, toying with her fingers as your hands rest on the desk.
"Because I like spending time with you." She admits, letting her defenses down.
"I was hoping you'd say that," you smile, letting her know that you feel the same.
The Fallout
After detention, the two of you walked out of the school, hand in hand
"Would you maybe, I don't know... wanna go to the park with me?" She asks nervously, glancing up at you.
"You read my mind, Rosie." You smile at each other and head towards the parking lot.
You started hanging out more, and she distanced herself from her old crowd
You encouraged her to enroll in your school's art program and show her work that way
"You're really talented; it deserves to be seen."
Your support meant the world to her, and she never failed to let you know
"Thank you, Y/N. Having you behind me means the world to me."
At one of her art shows, where she was tasked with unveiling a new piece that she'd been working on for months, you got the biggest surprise of your life.
She created a mural of you, all decked out with every color of the rainbow, utterly gorgeous
She lit up when she saw your reaction
"This piece is titled 'Mine', which I hope the girl in it will soon be." She says into the microphone, looking at you with hope shining in her eyes.
You nod your head with a smile and walk up to her, pressing your lips to hers in a kiss that was long-overdue. She wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you in closer with her sweater-padded hands and kissing you again and again.
The crowd claps for you, happy to see such an ending.
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I couldn't choose between these two gifs so enjoy both for the price of one ^^^
Lisa Manoban: Cocky, smug, and self-assured. The dancer knew she was hot shit, and she wasn't afraid to show off.
You're all for people being confident and happy with themselves, especially when they're talented, but something about Lisa always seemed to rub you the wrong way.
Whether it be her lack of a filter or the arrogant swagger that she naturally exuded, you weren't sure. People wanted to either be her or be with her, but you fell into neither of those categories.
She always left you frustrated in one way or another, whether it be from her teasing or her witty comebacks
The teachers loved her, as did the students. She was the class clown, so her position was pretty sacred in the grand scheme of things
You, on the other hand, irritated her for other reasons. You were the only person she couldn't get to crack; you never gave into her charms, and it infuriated her to no end. She wasn't used to not getting what she wanted (as childish as that may seem) and having you, one of the most attractive girls at school, turn her down? Well that was a massive blow to her ego.
You weren't afraid to say your piece, and that both pleasantly surprised and upset her.
She constantly tried to flirt with you in class, but you knew it was all for the attention. She just wanted to make her friends laugh, which they always did.
"Y/N, come here babe. There's an empty seat next to me," she coos, batting her eyelashes as you walk in the door. It's a free day, so everyone is sitting with their friends, wherever they like.
"I'm good," you decline, deciding to sit against the wall beneath the large window of the classroom.
"Oooo, denied," Lisa's friends laugh at her this time, chuckling harder when she sticks her middle finger up at them.
"Yah, shut up," she says, nursing her bruised ego as she turns around and opens her phone.
You smile as you continue working on the homework you cracked open, scribbling an answer down onto the notebook paper in front of you. Your fingers glide over your textbook in search of the definition of the term you're on, and Lisa secretly watches from afar. Without realizing it, she grins when you light up upon spotting the answer.
Sometimes her flirting does work, though, and you turn into a blushing mess
*whistle* "Damn, Y/N. You're looking fine today," she exclaims, fanning herself. You worry that she doesn't really mean it, but when her eyes remain on you a second too long to just be friendly, you blush. She's taking in all of you, looking impressed all the while.
"Right back at you, Manoban." You wink, sitting down in your seat across the room. She lightly blushes back, though she does a good job of concealing it.
Considering you share a couple classes and the class sizes are relatively small, it was pretty likely that you'd end up paired together eventually
You weren't happy about it, especially not after the way she had acted that week. Her cockiness had been at an all time high as of late, leaving you frustrated and upset. She was so full of herself; all you wanted to do was wipe that stupid smirk off her face.
"Y/N, you'll be paired with Lisa," your photography teacher informs, pushing her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose.
"But Mrs. Ta--"
"Pairings are final," she cocks her head at you, persuading you to give in. With a sigh, you respond, "Yes ma'am," and attempt to ignore the sound of Lisa's friends high fiving each other in celebration.
The Turning Point
"My parents are gone for the rest of the week..." she says, holding the door open for you as you carry in your equipment. A hint of suggestiveness lies in it; she's alluding to exactly what you think she is, and you push her shoulder upon realizing it.
"Knock it off, Manoban."
"Okay, okay," she chuckles, listening to you for once. The surprise is clear on your face.
She leads you towards the backyard, where you set up one of your highest power cameras and turn it on. You have to create a gallery of different photos, all under the same theme. You both agreed to do a time-lapse of the sunset, and take pictures of the stars after.
Once she makes sure that the timer is set correctly and that the auto shut-off feature is enabled, she motions for you to follow her back into the house. You do, and she leads you into the kitchen.
"Do you want a snack?"
"Sure, do you have any ramen?"
She nods, quickly busying herself by bending down and searching through the cabinets. After she finds it, exclaiming a pleased, "Aha!", she tells you to go get comfortable in the living room.
Three minutes later, from your place on the couch, you begin to smell something burning. You scramble up and rush to the kitchen, only to find Lisa running around like a headless chicken, attempting to put out the small fire she started.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO BURN RAMEN?" You shout, though your tone isn't angry. You're just very shocked, and loud about it. You push her away from the pot, albeit gently, and get the flames to go down relatively quickly. You turn the burners off and put the pot in the sink, leaning against the counter to recover from the adrenaline rush.
"Oops?" She asks more so that says, with a growing smile evident in her voice.
You shake your head and chuckle despite yourself, turning around to face her. "You can order a pizza now to make up for that." You point a finger at her, grinning stupidly when she presses the tip of hers to it.
"Your wish is my command, princess."
Thankfully you're already walking away as she says that, so she doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing you blush.
"Lisa, I can't keep going." You groan out, sweat dripping down your face. The pizza you ate earlier is giving you a stomache ache, paired with the physical activity you're doing.
"Y/N, just a little longer, we're almost there," she huffs out, keeping her movements steady somehow. You're a mess by now, so you don't understand how she's still going.
A couple minutes later, the TV in front of you lights up, saying, "Awesome moves! You win!" as you collapse to the ground in a heap.
Why you agreed to play Just Dance with her after eating is beyond you.
"Good job," she compliments, grabbing your hand to high five herself with it.
"Yeah, yeah," you roll over, catching your breath.
She lays down beside you as you recover, telling jokes to hear that laugh that she loves so much. She prefers yours over anyone elses, so it's always such a reward when she gets you to crack up.
"We should probably head up now," she notes, realizing that the stars will be coming out soon. You agree, and she carefully helps you up.
"Here, I'll carry you," she turns, bending down so you can get on her back.
"Lisa, you can't carry me," you brush off, feeling insecurity bubble up again like it always does when you're offered a piggyback ride.
"Y/N, I promise that I can. Trust me," she reassures, looking into your eyes sincerely.
"Alright," you sigh, standing onto the couch to get on easier.
"See?" She asks, sliding her warm hands up your thighs to keep you secured against her. "I've got you, babe."
You tuck your head into the space between her shoulder and neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.
"I'm gonna punch you if you drop me," you whisper, feeling her laugh against you.
"Fair enough."
Later, On The Rooftop
"Careful," she instructs, outstretching a hand to help you climb out the window. Her camera hangs around her neck, and she takes the cap off of the lense once you're both safely sitting on the roof.
"Wow," you sigh, gazing up at the sky in wonder. Her house is far enough away from the city that you're rewarded with a gorgeous view of the stars, unburdened by the industrial fog that hangs over the cosmopolis.
"It's beautiful out here," you say, looking back at her. You tense up a bit, not expecting her to already be looking at you.
"Sorry," she laughs at herself, looking away once she gets caught admiring you.
"It's okay," you reach down and gently squeeze her hand, making her blush lightly.
"Let's get started," you conclude, pointing at the camera. She nods, knowing that she'd never get the assignment done if you didn't step in to tell her to (considering she'd rather admire you), and she points the device to the sky.
After snapping a few pictures, she lays back in order to get a better vantage point of one of the star systems. She hands it to you after she's satisfied with her work, and you take your turn with it.
She notices that you keep brushing your hair out of the way when it falls in your face, so she decides to help you.
"Here," she says, saddling up behind you. She gathers your hair up, running her fingers through it to neatly pull it up for you. Thankfully she always keeps a spare tie on her wrist.
"Thanks," you smile, snapping another picture. The simple act warms your heart; she's being selfless for once, and helping you without even being asked. It's a refreshing change of pace.
"You're welcome." She chirps, sitting back down beside you.
Later, In Her Bedroom
"Oh, I really like that one!" She says excitedly, pointing at the TV. Her phone, which is connected via Bluetooth and automatically receives pictures of her choosing from the camera, is displaying some of your best shots.
"Yeah, you did really well with that. I think we might beat everyone else if we use that as our cover piece."
Your compliment makes her momentarily shy, and she quickly realizes how much she loves your praise.
The two of you continue like that, reviewing the different pictures and choosing your favorites. She always finds ways to compliment yours, noting your technique or the filter you used, and it always makes you smile. She's different than you're used to, and it's throwing you for a loop, pleasantly surprising.
Lisa steps out of the room to go to the bathroom a few minutes later, leaving her phone connected to the TV. A ding sounds out across the space, pulling your attention away from the stack of notes laid out before you. Your eyes dart up to the screen, reading the text message that appeared at the top of it.
Austin ⛓: "Dude, did you get into her pants yet? We're literally betting over here 😂"
You blink a few times as their words sink in, making your chest hurt. You were really beginning to believe that you had been wrong about Lisa; clearly, though, your instincts were right.
Feeling betrayed, you shove your folders back into your bag and stand from the chair, willing yourself not to cry. The sound of the sink turning on lets you know that she's almost done, so you hurry your movements and make your way towards the door. She steps out into the hall just as you exit her room, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on?" She asks with furrowed brows, approaching you. One of her hands lands on your arm, and you shrug it off as you brush past her without another word.
"Y/N, did I do something wrong?" She asks from the top of her staircase, watching as you walk towards her foyer.
"Why don't you ask Austin?" You bitterly call over your shoulder as you turn the knob, slipping out the front door. She hangs her head upon registering your words, realizing what must've happened. She makes a mental note to give him hell when she sees him again.
Tears sting your eyes as you exit the house, wrapping your jacket tighter around yourself. You should've known something like this would happen. The chilly night air bites at your skin, stealing more of its warmth away with every step you take. The temperature doesn't change your mind, though; you're upset, and you'd rather freeze out here than be face to face with her right now.
"Y/N, wait!" She calls after you, blasting out the front foor. Her footfalls sound off behind you, announcing her rapid approach, but you don't turn around. Realizing this, she darts in front of you, keeping you from walking any further.
"Please, don't go. He's an idiot, Y/N."
"He might he an idiot, but that doesn't take away what he said," you scowl, clenching your jaw. "Betting? Really, Lisa?" You ask quietly, hurt evident in your voice.
"It was a stupid thing they tried to convince me to do. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop them from talking once you and I were paired up. That's not what I want, though. I'm not just in it for that."
"How am I supposed to believe that? This is your M.O., Lisa."
"It's different with you, I don't know why." That's a lie; she knows exactly why you're different than anyone else she's flirted with in the past.
You stand there before her, silently weighing your options. After seeing the pleading look in her eye, her dark orbs full of sincerity, you relent. "Just take me home. We'll work on it another day," you compromise, allowing her in just enough to take you home, but not enough to stay at her place any longer. You're still weary after a text like that, and you will be for a while.
"Thank you," she breaths a sigh of relief, clasping her hands behind herself as you begin walking back to her house. She notices you shiver on the way, and she slips her jacket off without hesitation to cover you. Neither of you have to say anything; one glance from you is enough for her, and she's content knowing you're warm.
The Fallout
From there on out she was always honest with you and actually spoke out when her friends tried to do something stupid
She still remained the charming class clown that she naturally is, just getting rid of the not-so-nice parts of herself
You slowly let her regain your trust, little by little
She did nice things for you on the daily, whether it be holding the door, carrying your books, or offering to buy you some lunch
"Morning, Y/N. Wanna grab some breakfast?" She asks, moving her head to the side towards the café at the center of campus.
"Sure," you smile, laughing when she celebrates.
She invites you to her dance perfomances
When she goes to championships, you're always first on her list of invites
"I want you there." She declares, handing you the flyer.
"You've got it," you decide, knowing there's no where you'd rather be. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
At said championship, she won the highest title and claimed victory for your school
You joined the rest of the team on the stage to celebrate, congratulating the solo dancer on her achievement.
"I'm so proud of you, Lis--"
She suddenly kisses you, clearly high off her win. She pulls back when she realizes what she just did, a worried look on her face.
"Shit, I'm sorry." She looks between your eyes, attempting to gauge your reaction.
"Get your ass back here," you order, feeling butterflies take flight when she eagerly presses her lips to yours again, wrapping her arms around you to spin you.
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" She mumbles against your lips.
You squint, pretending to think about it. "Maybe... or maybe not."
Her subsequent gasp is quickly muffled by your kiss, which she can't seem to get enough of.
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dimpledlavendeer · 3 years
Enhypen reaction to finding their s/o crying
warnings: actually none because this is fluff but please don't read if you are a sensitive person ♡
May contain typos
I wrote this because one of my friends gave me the idea while we were talking ♡
A reminder that requests are now open ♡
Heeseung 𖦹
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Heeseung would be so worried for you
He would immediately pull you into his arms when he realized your red eyes and the tears on you cheeks
He would wipe your tears with his thumbs and place small kisses everywhere on your face
His eyes would get teary too
He would constantly tell you sweet things while kissing your forehead
"I'm here okay, you aren't alone, I would never leave you alone."
He wouldn't let go of you from the hug until you calm down and say you're okay or at least he sees your smile
He would patiently wait for you to tell him without pressuring you to tell what it was about
When you do tell him he would listen to you pulling you onto his lap while laying on the bed and stroking your hair slowly
He would lay on the bed with you for hours cuddling you, would sing to you when he sees you eyelids getting heavier and you struggle to keep them open, you would find peace in his arms and voice
Jay 𖦹
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His eyes would burn when he sees tears falling from eyes to your cheeks
His rage would built up so fast, he would be so ready to throw hands to whoever that made you so upset
He would run to you and cup your face, pressing his lips on yours
You would tell him what happened while your face was buried on his chest
He would let out couple of curse words out of frustration
He would help you wash your face and then take you out for a ride around the city to calm you down
He would buy you ice cream to eat while he is driving and he would let you choose any song you want to play
He would never let go of your hands
When you guys get back home he would convince you to took a warm bath while he cooks for you
He would make sure you drown in his small little presents thru the whole week too, buying cute plushies, accessories anything he thought that would look cute
Jake 𖦹
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He called you after practice to let you know he was getting out a little bit earlier today
When he heard you sniffing he knew something wasn't right
He asked if everything was okay and you couldn't help your voice from cracking
He would say he's gonna be there in 10 minutes and literally rush to your place because he would be extremely worried
He would buy all kinds of stuff on his way to your place whether it's food or something else
He would drop everything on the floor once you open the door for him and just pull you in his arms
He would ask questions non stop because he would be so panicked
"What happened? Are you okay? Who made you cry? How can I help? Do you want me to get you something?.."
And then he would Apologize for asking too many questions while pecking your lips
Honestly his little clumsiness would make you smile a little <33
Sunghoon 𖦹
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You were supposed to meet with Sunghoon to go out today but you couldn't because you had a bad argument with one of your classmates
You left school early and just closed yourself into your room turning your phone off
You didn't even bother to change your clothes or remove your make up and you just throw yourself to bed
Eventually you fall asleep while crying
Sunghoon called you many times but could never reach you, he tried texting you to but you never responded so he got worried and a little bit pissed off so he stormed into your place yelling your name
When you didn't answer back his worries grow even more until he opened the door of your bedroom and saw your crawled body on the mattress
His heart would break into million pieces when he saw your ruined make up due to your crying
He would accidentally wake you up while caressing your cheeks and smile to you asking if you were alright
He would let you cry laying on the bed like that while patiently listening to you and when he made sure you're done crying he would clean your face with a napkin
He wouldn't tell you anything but he would probably see that one person who made you cry and make sure they can never disturb you again bc that's how protective he is
Sunoo 𖦹
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This little bean would literally shed tears with you
His heart couldn't take seeing you cry
He was at your place for a sleep over and went to the kitchen to get you both snacks
But when he came back he saw you crying because you missed your family
He would throw snacks to a side and come to hug you
He would say that he understands you while slowly patting your back and telling it's okay
Meanwhile he also would get teary eyed but will deny that he also cried
He would tell you some of his embarrassing school memories to make you laugh
Or put a random song on would drag you to dance with him
Eventually you would give in to his cuteness and dance with him because you know he's just trying to make you feel better by trying to distract you from bad thoughts
Jungwon 𖦹
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You went to visit jungwon while they were practicing for their comeback
But while you were watching them practice you found out that you failed one of your classes so your expression unintentionally changed
When you felt that your tears building up inside you, you get out to wash your face
When you get into the restroom you couldn't help but to shed a few tears bc you tried your best but it was just not enough
You got stratled when you heard the sound of the door opening and you turned your back yo hide your face while trying yo wipe off your tears
You heard him calling you "y/n are you.. are you crying? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine" you would say buy your voice would be enough for him to understand
"Then look at me or I am getting inside." He would say because he isn't the type to let you suffer alone like that when he knows you are not okay
He would buy you something warm while you two talk, after he patiently waits for you to finish your talk he would also mention the mistakes he makes to show you that it's normal and he would invite you to their dorm for that night for a movie marathon
He would mention to the boys that you weren't feeling well so when you go to their dorm at night all of them would baby you, of course jungwon in the first place, he would let you tease him all you want instead of teasing you for that night and would actually do some embarrassing stuff to make you smile
Ni-Ki 𖦹
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He would realize something was off when you didn't respond to one of his jokes the way you usually do
His playful mode would totally turn Into serious when he realizes you are more silent than you normally are, sitting with a poker face
He would be hesitant to come and ask you what was wrong so instead of talking at the first place he would come and sit next to you silently
He would give shy glances at you while sitting like that, honestly I see him as pretty patient person so he would actually sit there in silent like that until you decide to talk with him
His presence would actually make you feel better since he is just trying to show you that you aren't alone with his actions because he is rather a shy person when it comes to things like this
When you start talking about your day and talk about what was bothering you, he would remain silent, nodding at your words sometimes to show you he listens
He would start talking when you ask about his opinion, he would say things that will not only make you feel better but actually would help you see things in a better way
He would remind you to not be so hard on yourself even tho he is so young he is very mature
He is that type of person that you can sit with for hours even tho you don't really talk because his presence next to you would be comforting enough
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