#I’m not refining this anymore I can’t
daily-isabeau · 3 months
Two hats spoilers technically
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Giving Isa his clone moment
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whumpacabra · 5 months
30. Soap
Angst, past captivity and torture, referenced character death, referenced past medical procedures [fingerprint, tattoo removal], referenced past nonconsensual drugging, vaguely implied past noncon, smoking mention
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
The Wolf woke but didn’t stir as Harrison tiptoed from the room, listening to the other man rummage about the kitchen for a moment before lifting his head and opening his eyes. It had been a few hours since he drifted off.
His neck crunched like an autumn leaf as he stretched, uncurling from where he had pinned himself between the bed and Harrison’s cot. Glancing up at the unmade sheets made something in his stomach curdle.
Maybe he could convince Harrison to let him sleep on the floor tonight.
Standing to make the bed reminded him of the folder he shoved beneath the mattress. With the door closed and Harrison clearly focused on his task in the kitchen (there was the clatter of thin pieces of metal and the scratch of a pen on paper) the Wolf felt comfortable taking a moment to leaf through the file.
The sight of his own face made him want to snap the folder shut the moment he opened it. Dan had warned him there were pictures. Gritting his teeth he skimmed the first few pages, his own knowledge bridging gaps blotted out in black redactions.
His handler’s name was Smith. Michael Smith, born in Boston, MA and a good loyal Marine turned good loyal CIA agent. He used to like Marlboro cigarettes and Cuban cigars. (Anders always had some on hand thanks to a smuggling buddy in Florida.) Smith used to liked fresh blood and quiet fearful sounds and the Wolf’s submissive deference to his authority and intelligence.
Smith didn’t like much of anything anymore, on account of being dead.
The Wolf found a curve of satisfaction twitching at his scarred face at that thought - Smith was dead. The Wolf killed his handler. Just like the other rabid, broken bastards Smith was so sure his prized pet would never become.
The Wolf had been too well trained for his handler to see it coming when he finally had enough of a spine to bite back.
The Wolf never knew the cruel cold metal of the muzzles he had seen on other projects. He never had to be sedated or drugged outside of his handler’s sadistic entertainment. Part of him was jealous, ashamed he hadn’t had the courage to fight back. He knew most of them, all of them, were probably liquidated by now. He had liquidated some of them himself.
He hoped some got out.
(He didn’t believe any did.)
The Wolf shifted, hunching over the folder as he thumbed to the sections with photographs. His eyes glazed at the first few lines of his medical record, even the few non-redacted segments far too vivid in his memory. But the pictures caught his eye. A collection of Polaroid scans - various scars from Before. Before he was broken. Fresh bruises from a capture he only caught glimpses of in nightmares.
The tattoos were magnetic, scratching at memories trapped behind a rotted door on rusted hinges.
The vines and ivy that curled around his right forearm and bicep were vibrant green and crisp. The violet flowers were fragile and neatly lined where they bloomed across his pale skin. The cross emblazoned under his right arm, on his rib cage by his heart, was faded and blurry. Maybe if he wanted, he could look closer and make out the letters inscribed in smudged old ink.
Both were now covered in itchy donor skin stretched taught where the tattoos had been flayed away. His hands stung with the phantom burn of acid, that particular trip to medical seared into his memory more by its smell than by the pain or symbolism of having his skin shed and refurnished.
The Wolf scratched at the foreign skin on his arm, the thin lines of scarring where it had fused with his own never quite matching the color and texture. It bled all the same.
He almost closed the folder, the desperate urge to run away from the memories curbed by an alien curiosity. He had just about reached the end of his own file, but the folder was still thick with paper.
The Wolf squinted at the next face. He recognized them - another project, dead eyed and hollowed out. His liquidation date was December 3rd, 2003.
Confusion crept into his bones, brow furrowed as he turned to the next paperclipped chunk of papers. A different project, one he had personally liquidated, November 23rd, 2003. He counted the paper-clipped files - 13 different projects in total.
What were other projects doing in this folder?
He flipped further through the files, the oldest project liquidated shortly after the Wolf’s first project milestone. He didn’t need to read the blocks of redacted black to understand in his marrow what had happened. His brain felt awake in a way it hadn’t been in years, alight with understanding and anger.
He was a blueprint. A prototype. The perfect dog. And for a country that needed war to oil the political machine in blood, perfect dogs were in high demand.
The project had killed more than a hundred people trying to recreate that lightning in a bottle. To recreate the Wolf - loyal, submissive, effective. He was the first, and they wanted to make sure he wasn’t the last, no matter how high the bodies piled.
Terror flashed in his blood.
There were other bunkers. It was knowledge from Before, something he remembered like a constellation of buildings on a map. He could see it in his minds eye, feel the texture between his fingertips. More than a dozen installations buried deep in that patch of American earth. Harrison and his team were one of many. There were others bleeding, breaking under the desert sand.
The Wolf was scared of the anger, the instinct burning in his chest. A want and a need wrapped in a feeling he had long since surrendered to fear and pain.
He had a purpose, and it wasn’t heeling to a handler or keeping Harrison alive and well. The Wolf needed to make sure no one else was broken in his name. He was the first, and he would see to it that he would be the last.
AU Masterpost / Previous / Next
(An AU of my Freelancers series)
Taglist: @i-eat-worlds @whumpy-daydreams
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daezedglownut · 9 months
Dad’s in hospital. Again. 8C
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cherrysnax · 11 months
being a self taught artist is hard because well. ur ur own teacher. hence the name shdhja I use to carry that as like a badge of honor to the potion where things like critiques and references felt like. attacks on my person
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nomazee · 2 months
“This is unnecessary.”
At Blade’s snide comment, you pull sharply at the strands of his hair in your hands. He grunts in displeasure before obediently quieting down, only a little scared of you scalping him if he annoys you any further. 
Perched behind him on the couch while he sits on the floor, your hands find themselves coming through his hair (long, smooth, untangled despite the fact that you’ve never seen him take a brush to it). Your efforts to part his hair with just your fingers are fruitless. His hair is thick on the top, so much so that you’re surprised his neck doesn’t constantly ache with the weight of it. Your hands pause, resting on the top of his head while you try and figure out how you’ll style it. 
“Be nice,” you warn, two hands on the sides of his head tilting it from side to side, treating him as a foam mannequin on which you can project your very thorough cosmetology skills. “Your fate is quite literally in my hands. I could knock you out and shave you bald very easily.”
“I don’t doubt that,” he says earnestly, and you can’t help the way your lips twinge into a smile. “This is clearly a hassle. My hair looks fine the way it is.”
“It does,” you admit, “but wouldn’t it be nice to try something new? And at no cost to you, aside from mild scalp pain. I’m good at hair. I did Kafka’s that one time.” You fail to mention that it was only one time for good reason. Kafka said that you handle hair the same way a lobster would handle a violin—that is, with clumsy hands and a clear lack of refinement. She had to hide every pair of scissors from you in fear that you'd give Silver Wolf microbangs.
As if on cue, your fingers get caught in an unexpected snag in Blade’s hair, and you pull and tug and yank as if expecting it to untangle on its own. Blade hisses and reaches a hand back to smack you on the wrist, turning around to glare at you. 
“Watch it,” he orders, gentle but firm. There’s not enough heat in his words to scare you, and his eyes are a particularly beautiful shade of copper in the dim, flickering light of this dingy lounge room. Whatever you say, beautiful, you think to yourself hysterically. 
After a few half-willed apologies from you and some nudges of encouragement, Blade finally relaxes enough to turn back around and tilt his head back in your lap, letting your fingers play with his hair nonsensically. A braid, you decide, would look quite nice on him. One long one down the back. If you had ribbon, you’d use some to tie his hair, but all you have is one of Kafka’s tragically thin hair ties. 
“It’s a nice color,” you comment absentmindedly, pretending that you can’t see the way Blade’s eyes have shut in contentment at your gentle prodding. “It changes in the light a little bit. It looks very blue now, but I’ve always thought it was black.” You section his hair off into three pieces, loosely laying one over the other over and over again. The aged gold ornament still hangs securely in his hair, and you don’t do anything to move it. It suits him. 
“It’s natural, if that’s what you’re getting at,” he tells you, the slightest twinge of a joke in his voice. It plays at your smile and at your heart, too. 
“You say that now, but you’ll be scrambling to come up with a lie when I find box dye in your bag.” 
He only hums in response, reluctantly enjoying the feeling of your hands on him—they’re gentle, and you can imagine he’s not quite used to this. It’s an addictive feeling, to have him at your mercy, even with just your hands in his hair. There’s trust, unspoken, lingering warmly in the air and settling like condensation on your skin. You could very easily do a number of things that would hurt Blade—kill him, almost. You’ve only ever thought of it a few times, and those were all a very long time ago. 
You don’t think of it that often anymore. All you’re paying attention to is Blade and the splitting ends of his hair and how nice he’d look with a red ribbon tied in. 
“We should go shopping,” you tell him, voice close to a whisper now. You’ve secured the end of his braid already, and your handiwork is admirable. The strands are neatly crossed over each other, uniform in size with each other as they taper down into the end. “Some clips for you would be nice.” Absentmindedly, you comb through the layers of hair near his face, digging your fingers gently into the sides of his face and scratching at his scalp. 
“And where exactly would we go shopping? We’re not exactly upstanding members of society in some people’s eyes.” 
“Then I’ll make clips for you,” you say, a naive kind of dedication in your tone. “I used to work with metal, a little bit. I could make jewelry. Ornaments for your hair. I’ll put a ribbon in next time.” 
“What makes you think there’ll be a next time?” Blade asks doubtfully, in steep contrast with the way he lets your hands roam along his scalp, and the way his head leans back into you as if he’s comfortable. 
“You’re a loyal customer,” you quip, “you’d never let somebody else do your hair when you have me as a dedicated stylist.” 
“I’m your only customer.” 
“I know,” and in a moment of weakness—because at the end of the day that’s what you are, weak, malleable and moveable when you’re with Blade like this—you lean down just a little bit, pressing a stupid clumsy kiss on the crown of his head. Your fingers trail down to trace the bumps of the braid, the divots and grooves in it, made by your hands, and yours alone. “That just means I can put all my effort towards you alone.” 
“You shouldn’t.” And he means it when he says that, and it hurts you, puts a sickly pang in your chest that you want to reach for and tear out before it grows into something worse. 
“But I will,” you tell him. Blade is stubborn, but not stubborn enough to keep it up. Not now, not here, not when the overhead lights are flickering and making his hair look just a little bluer, illuminating the warmer ends of his hair, glinting off the metal ornament still clipped into it. He rests between your hands, still sitting on the cold floor, pretending that he isn’t falling asleep with you like the fool he secretly is.
taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
(pssst!!! send me a msg or fill out the form in my navi to be added to the taglist!!!)
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tragedybunny · 9 months
Sated - Astarion x F!Reader
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Astarion has gone too long without blood and you're determined to make sure he's fed.
Astarion tries, but not everyday is a good day, and some days he’s still snappish and lashes out. The rest of your group has learned not to take it personally, in fact now that Karlach can touch people, she’s developed a nice trick of just suddenly hugging him when he’s a pain. Usually either indignant silence or grumbling compliance follows. “Behave yourself Fangs, or I’ll do it again,” the Tiefling grins at him during whatever fussing he spouts after. He’s grown fond of her, you can tell, even if he can’t yet. In a way he’s fond of them all, but Karlach’s open, kind nature has given them a bit of a sibling-like bond. Watching them interact always brings a smile to you, he needs more of that in his life, people who care for him genuinely. 
Today was not the best, but you shrug it off as concern overrides all else. He’s a little paler than usual and a little slower. There wasn't much out there among the shadow curse for him to feed off. Before you never had to question how much blood he needed to survive or where it would come from. But as you leave the formerly cursed land behind, you can tell he’s struggling. And yet, he hasn’t asked you about it. The one he’s supposed to trust more than anyone else. You’ve fed him plenty of times before, you would think he’d have come to you by now. Mentally, you scold yourself as you feel creeping insecurity. There has to be a reason for it, and now isn’t the time for selfish suspicion. 
That night, as everyone settles themselves around a fire, contemplating what the road to Baldur's Gate holds, you find him seated at the edge of the flickering light, as far away as he can get without being in the shadows. Could he be worried he might find himself tempted if he’s too close to everyone? This can’t continue, you tell yourself, not only for the sake of his suffering, but you can’t be sure he wouldn’t be tempted either. 
Grabbing a blanket from your shared tent, you take a seat beside him, wrapping it around both of you. “You feeling alright Starry Sky?” Gently, you wrap an arm around him, and feel the icy chill of his skin beneath his shirt. Not that his skin is ever all that warm, but this another level. 
“Just tired,” he smiles weakly at you. 
“And freezing,” your other hand reaches up to stroke his cheek lightly. 
Eyes closed, he leans into your touch. “You know, I don’t even really feel it. I’m not sure if I need to be warm at all.” 
“Hmm, even if you can’t feel it, you know why you’re freezing.” Leaning over you whisper to him, some things aren’t meant to include the others. “You’re hungry.”
“Perhaps a little, but I’m fine. I don't need you to start fussing over me constantly. There's an owlbear cub if you feel overtly maternal." The sharp words don't change the dark circles under his eyes, or how gaunt his cheeks look. 
"You're ridiculously obstinate, you know that right," a gentle kiss on his temple follows your words, so he knows you're not actually being cross with him. You’ve come to realize he can’t stand it when he thinks you’re mad at him. In the past, anger meant reprisal, punishment, and in the context of the two of you, punishment could only mean withdrawing your affection. At least that’s where his thoughts lead.  
"It is one of my better qualities," he leans over, head resting against your chest. 
Shifting, you position yourself so he's seated between your legs, easier to let him rest his weight on you. "I don't know why you don't just ask me. My blood not good enough for your refined palate anymore?" Laughing, you try to mask the actual hurt that's creeping in. The truth is letting him feed from you has always felt like an important part of your relationship, the time when you’re closest to him.
It's been a long journey and a few of your group are already wandering to bed, although you think you hear Shadowheart muttering about saving it for the tent, whatever she said, Gale laughs it off. “Not at all,” he’s uncharacteristically serious, “I just…” he sighs, for once at a loss for words, “it seemed like a lot to ask from you, after everything else.” 
“Everything else?” Lips leave light kisses on the top of his head as you brush your fingers through his hair.
“You know, lying to you, manipulating you, wanting you to still love me after all that. If I asked to feed from you, it would seem like I was trying to use you again.” Catching one of your hands, he kisses it and doesn’t let go. 
For a moment you don’t know how to respond, you’re still not entirely used to seeing the softer, sincere side of him. “I see why you would think that, but I don’t want you to suffer. Let me take care of you, any way I can. That’s what I’m here for. Well, that and teaching you to be less of a stubborn arse it would seem.” 
“Stop, you’re being entirely too sweet to me. It’s going to ruin my reputation around camp.” You let him have his moment of deflection and wait until he makes a frustrated noise. “But I can’t say I don’t want to.” 
“Take what you need love,” you reach up to undo your collar and pull the blanket more securely around the two of you for privacy. A part of you considers moving to the tent, but you’re worried he’d use the opportunity to try to put it off more.
With a soft sigh, his lips press to your neck in a delicate kiss, teeth piercing your skin moments later. Pain and ecstasy course through you as you hold back a sigh. The two of you become one in that instant, bound through blood to the singular beating heart you now share, intimacy unparalleled. While he drinks, you fight to stay lucid enough to whisper to him of love and comfort, reassuring him that needing this from you is no sin. You feel your own warmth traveling into his skin, and you watch it take on a blush of life. 
Before your world turns hazy, he pulls away, licking you clean, and returning his head to your chest, content to be held tightly. "I didn't take too much, did I?"
"No, you were perfectly careful dearest." The words bring a small smile to his lips, praise so new an experience for him, he hardly knows how to handle it. But you know he craves it, especially from you, and it makes you want to lavish it on him. 
The others have vanished, a small part of you worries they noticed and were uncomfortable, but you hope they would understand as your friends. You two should join them soon, Baldur's Gate awaits, with a journey there still ahead. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” 
“A few more minutes love,” somehow he manages to snuggle tighter against you, “I did miss this.”
“Me too, don’t wait so long next time. I’m always here for you.” 
“There you go, being too nice to me again, silly girl.” Sitting up a bit he kisses you, fiercely, lips crashing together bruisingly, hands reaching to tangle in your hair, like a first and a last kiss all bound up in one and it leaves you gasping when he’s done. It’s as though he’s trying to express everything he feels in that one kiss. “I might get used to it if you’re not careful.” 
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
(Reposted from my old blog which I don't have access to anymore (thanks Tumblr), if you liked it reblogs or likes would be appreciated to get me back on track since I've lost all my followers and half my work :( .
Roommate!Sukuna who sits in the living room squinting his eyes at the letter he pulled out of the mailbox, trying to make out what it is the blurry words say because he would never admit how badly he needs glasses.
He watches you shuffle through the room on your way to the kitchen, stretching your arms, mind preoccupied with choosing what you want for dinner. “Come here.” Sukuna’s tone is always commanding, and although you’ve lived with the man for over a year, you would still roll your eyes at his lack of refinement.
“Don’t you mean ‘come here please’?” You decide to ignore his request as a punishment.
“No, I mean come here.” He retaliates.
You pity him a little as you watch him struggle with the piece of paper, changing your trajectory to shuffle yourself on the couch next to him, “Let me see that.” You grab the letter from his hands.
It’s just the electricity bill, you sigh. But it’s still good enough opportunity to mess with your stubborn roommate.
“Oh god,” you put on the best horrified expression you can manage while trying not to grin, “Did you pay the rent?”
“I thought it was your turn last month.” He furrows his brows, watching you pretend-read the tiny letters.
“My turn? I asked you to do it a thousand times!” You didn’t, “I can’t believe you forgot!” You hide your face in the palms of your hands in an attempt to suffocate your laughter, “It says -“ you fake-sniffle, “it says they’re evicting us!”
Sukuna’s eyes widen. He looks distraught, harshly grabbing the letter from your hands.
You can’t stop the fit of giggles that follows, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-“ You repeat through your laughter, “It’s a joke, it’s just the electric bill - now how about you get a pair of glasses, hard-head?”
“Shut it, brat.” He huffs.
Sukuna did get a pair of glasses after that, but still avoided wearing them when you were around - since every time you caught him putting on the black-rimmed frames you’d grin and say, “What’s on the syllabus today, professor?” Which made his face grow red like a pre-schooler׳s.
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frogchiro · 9 months
okay wait why am i now just hearing about butcher/slasher ghost, and why am i foaming at the mouth!!!???! like ripping apart pillows, tearing down walls, doing flips—RAHHH i am officially OBSESSED!!
i read it and thought of texas chainsaw massacre, but it’s the 2006 one so like simon is an absolute menace but he sees a pretty lady who’s new to town and his cold killer heart just can’t help but swoon :((( and she’s so polite, nervous, and timid because it’s so different in this town and simon with his cursed blessed keen sense of smell
so sorry if this is a lot!! 😣 i’m just a little obsessed 🤭🤭 either way, have an amazing day!! stay hydrated and make sure to eat 🩷🩷
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My dear, I know that you probably expected Butcher!Ghost but I'm highjacking this ask now and writing slasher Graves because oh my god-
The setting I imagine to be in a small southern town in Texas, and I imagine it to be like one of those creepy, small southern gothic towns with the old abandoned churches, houses and old beaten up signs that say "His return is near" or "God is watching you", you get the idea.
And there we have Philip Graves who owns a big ranch passed down for generations in his family, and by big I mean HUGE. Enormous pastures, corn fields, cows, horses, pigs and all that which means he and his name is quite well know in the area which admittedly makes his...hobby a lot easier than you'd think. Graves has friends in high places and he's buddy buddy with the town's sheriff, basically the golden child of the town which means that both the police and the sheriff will turn a blind eye to the "sudden disappearances" of people, be it locals or newcomers to town.
But the thing is that Philip Graves is bored. Bored out of his mind and nothing seems to excite him anymore, not even the desperate hysterical screams of his victims do the thing anymore. Sure he definitely has the money, the looks that refined well with age, he's respected and liked in the community but the truth is-he doesn't give a shit about it.
I imagine that Slasher!Graves is an incredibly arrogant man, and while he may put on a pleasant facade, his accent a thick and purring drawl and his southern charm do the trick he's a whimsical and capricious prick who gets easily bored and when he does...Well let's just say that it doesn't end pretty.
So imagine how surprised he was when he was in town once in his pickup truck, cowboy hat low on his brow as he watched the cars go by when suddenly his eyes were caught by a bus, one of those that travel for very long distances and the only person who got out was you. To say that Philip's interest was piqued would be an understatement; what's a pretty soft little thing like you doing in this bumfuck nowhere in Texas?
A pretty young lady, seemingly around 20, who looked like a lost little lamb, but just what were you doing here? Everything about you screamed that you're obviously not from here and while he could see even from a distance that you tried to act confident, his sharp blue eyes saw right through that act-you were scared shitless and more than lost. Were you here to visit someone? Or maybe...you are running from something? Whatever the case was, you definitely caught his attention in more than one way.
You just looked...so soft, so pretty, lovely he'd even say and I'm sorry but this Graves that we're talking about would definitely be a little misogynistic :(( He's old fashioned, maybe it comes with his age or maybe due to how his pa raised him but the further he observed you the more he he couldn't help but think about how such a pretty young lady like yourself should be married off already to a nice gentleman, getting provided for like you deserve and in return takin' care of your husband too; bringing him beer, cookin' and popping out a kid or two :((
His train of thoughts got interrupted only by a loud booming voice calling out his name cheerfully and when he turned around annoyed to see who was interrupting him, it turned out to be old Michael, an old friend of his pa. He greeted him politely but when he turned around to watch you a little more it turned out that you already wandered off, sneaky girl.
Philip cursed under his breath but on the other hand he decided to just ask the sheriff about you since he knows that the man has access to all the information about any newcomers to town. It looks like his bored streak came to an end <3
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yurinaa-world · 7 months
hello, can I request some headcanons with Dan Heng, Caelus, Welt, and Jing Yuan reacting to reader being slightly " off " despite their cozy amd silly vibes.
Turns out reader was the host of an eldrich horror in the past, and over time, reader had become partially eldrich themselves ( gaining the ability to see and interact with the unseen ie. ghosts, eldrich horrors without being driven insane, creating/controlling shadows, traveling through people's minds while asleep). Although reader is not the host anymore, the eldrich horror now takes the form of a fluffy black puppy that acts as reader's trusty companion.
Thanks in advance :)
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Characters: Dan Heng, Luka, Welt Yang, and Jing Yuan x Gender-Neutral Reader
Synopsis: with a reader used to be a host to an Eldrich Horror and can interact and see ghosts and Eldrich Horror without being driven insane but they are no longer a host: the Eldrich Horror is now a puppy companion.
Warnings: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
He’s met people who are a little very insane in the head, but you're just normal, very normal.. there's something off with you something small he could ignore but that black fuzzy puppy just makes that vibe about you even worse. That dog just stares at him with its black eyes doesn’t help at all with its black fur.
You mess with March sometimes, saying there's a ghost behind her or controlling her shadow. you shouldn’t be messing with March so much but it's so fun
You sometimes go into his dreams just to make him feel better whenever he has bad nightmares about his life from before.
Such a cute puppy is so cozy and adorable just like you, he loves everything about you, you may be slightly off in the head but aren’t we all a little insane? He plays with your puppy a lot and gives it a lot of treats behind your back.
He loves the little shadow animals you make from the little kids' shadows. Whenever a creepy season falls you love to mess around with the kids telling them all of the fake ghost stories (sometimes he even gets scared from how realistic it is with the light turning off or glasses breaking).
He’s heard you talk about the things you see and can’t help but to feel bad even though you're fine with it, at night he grabs you and puts you against his chest so you won’t be able to see those things if you wake up in the middle of night.
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓎𝒶𝓃𝑔
He’s not surprised by anything about you. I’m sorry he’s seen it all, people who see ghosts or control shadows, he’s bothered by ghosts either if you ever do point it out, just tells you not to scare March too much.
He takes care of your dog when you're not around which is pretty rare but still happens and he’ll still take care of it. Your puppy is always on top of his face in the middle of the night licking his face.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
You can travel through dreams, eh? Now that something interesting he didn’t know about his refined and beautiful lover, yes he knew about the shadows or ghosts and he was not bothered by anything no matter how creepy it may be, but back to the dreams, why not spend time together when your sleeping since he’s always sleep so that can make up for lost time! What do you think?
What a cute and dainty little thing companion you have, why not have it and Mimi spend time together kinda like a play-date while the adults (you and him) spend time alone with each other?
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cool-cowboy · 5 months
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In which an android Leon reveals some features to his model you were not aware of beforehand, then gives you a prime example of how he's better than a human man. I have no idea where this came from, just popped into my head and I figured someone out there would enjoy, so yeah, enjoy!
Android Leon S. Kennedy, Obsession, Dominant Leon S. Kennedy, Master/Servant, alternate universe, Dirty talk, grinding, overstimulation, forced orgasm, babbling, crying
“I just… Didn’t know you had… Those kind of features.”
“Sorry. You’ve never expressed feelings of lust before, only now your heart rate is picking up, perspiration levels above average... Would you like me to enable sexual interaction in the options menu?”
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“Leon, I’m home!” I tuck my shoes into their little spot beside the door, shucking off my jacket and leaving it on its hook, wandering through and into the family room, spotting him, standing perfectly still along the wall, blue neon swirling around his eyes, the only tell I get when an update is underway, other than his lack of response. I decide to leave him be, walking off into the kitchen, getting my things ready to cook supper, the lighting brighter than I like it in the evening, my trusty android friend not awake to employ my usual light and ambience settings, the quiet a little disturbing when I’m so used to the light music he puts on when I arrive home.
I cook in relative silence, making a meal for one, missing the chatter of my robot companion, curious to hear about his update, why it’s taking so long. It’s not traditional, the purpose I have for owning a device like him, usually they’re nothing but a housekeeper, someone to take care of the home and complete menial tasks, but I don’t find that useful, just enjoy having someone around, a friend, something like that. I’ve never assigned him a task, but he craves it, gives himself objectives if I can’t, tries his hardest to cater to my needs even if I don’t speak them.
I sit down with my meal, eating in quiet, seated at my little island, his chair empty, the space a little cooler than I like it. I’m bored, never used to quiet anymore, not with my constant companion making sure to keep conversation flowing, his devotion to me seeming more real than it probably is, his care programmed into him, but there nonetheless. He’s been speaking about feelings lately, if he’s capable, something that would usually get him sent in for a reset, but I don’t mind, and I do think he’s capable, his mind is superhuman after all.
“There you are.” He’s human, on the outside, looks perfectly believable, could walk around with me and have no one suspect he isn’t a normal man, the only difference what’s on the inside, some mechanical shit I have no idea how to explain, and AI that lets him know what I’m thinking, his intelligence unmatched, his mind full of anything I could ever want to know.
“How was the update?” He takes his seat beside me, straight-backed, his formality with his mannerisms something that took me a while to get used to, his speech slowly morphing to mimic mine, a comfort thing programmed into all androids to give a sense of familiarity, comfort with something often viewed as subhuman. His eyes glow blue, ready to rattle off the specs he’s downloaded, his voice a little more robotic than usual, his script taking him over.
“Update 16.2b, major tweaks under the belt, more realistic orgasm simulation, bugs fixed regarding the timed orgasm system, facial expressions refined, new commands available, more realistic erection phases, see more online at Update dot my android dot net.” I sit there, mouth gaping, not sure at all what to say to all that, never even thought about using my friend in that way, was never told I could, if I did want to. “Is something wrong?” I set my fork down, pushing my plate back, my appetite gone, some unwarranted butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
“I just… Didn’t know you had… Those kind of features.” He looks at me, eyes flashing blue, scanning my vitals, something that used to seriously creep me out, but doesn’t bother me much anymore, it’s habitual, a way for him to see how I’m feeling, get truths I’m not willing to give.
“Sorry. You’ve never expressed feelings of lust before, only now your heart rate is picking up, perspiration levels above average.” I don’t say anything, embarrassed he can tell so much about me, know my curious wants against my wishes. “Would you like me to enable sexual interaction in the options menu?” I can’t answer, too busy freaking out in my head, his blue eyes back to normal, still seeking information, always, gaze flitting over my face, small movements of my hands, his inspection leaving me on edge.
“So… You can feel pleasure?” I’m curious, though I’ve never wanted to use him, in any capacity, just wanted someone around, company, not a lover, especially not one who’s not in control of their own actions, autonomy not something he has much of, other than the settings I could turn off to let him have a little free reign, giving him permission to mill about while I’m gone, do as he pleases. He’s staring at me, head cocked, brows furrowed a little, his expression terribly human, inspecting me, trying his hardest to deduce my thoughts, his pointer finger drawing out calculations absently on the countertop as they run through his head.
“Not technically, pleasure is a chemical reaction, my form is just a simulation. I do feel it, the receptors go off when I complete a task. It’s new in update 14.6a, meant to be a better drive to please the owner. I assume you mean sexual pleasure, though. I can simulate it, up until orgasm, mostly realistic, other than the secretion part.” I have no idea why I’m just now hearing about this, most people would probably jump on the opportunity to have a partner so in tune with their body, literally able to do a scan and know what you need.
“Do you enjoy it, though? You want to?” He looks at me, my eyes, not doing any scanning, just looking at me, giving me a few seconds of quiet anticipation.
“You’re important to me, whether it’s programming or not, you’re attractive and a pleasant person, so I'd guess it would be enjoyable to please you in a more personal way, but I know you mean it differently… It’s not a craving I have, to satisfy myself, I mean, only to please you, in any way you see fit.” I swallow, his eyes flitting down, gazing at my hands, fisted and pressed to my thighs. It’s a moral dilemma, using something so intelligent for my own gain, but I suppose it can’t be too terrible, he’d get the equivalent of an orgasm, plus whatever pleased feeling he gets from making me happy. “You seem interested. I will turn on sexual activity permissions in the options menu.” Damn his autonomy, I may have went too far, allowing him access to his own options, his eyes glowing blue as he sinks into his own brain, flipping on whatever part of him has been dormant all this time before returning to me, his expression normal, no different than my usual Leon, casual, doting.
“You did it?” He nods, scanning me, not at all put off by my nervousness, looking at me again, a little more intense than usual, trying to figure me out.
“How was work?” I wonder if I have to initiate it, ask him for it. It would be preferable, though I don’t think I’ll ever use this hidden feature if he doesn’t just jump me, but that doesn’t seem fitting, he’s too soft spoken, reserved.
“Good, I got a new account today, diamonds, the commission is gonna be insane.” He seems pleased, a little whirring sound similar to a hum rumbling in his chest as he stands, moving to take care of my dish, no prompt necessary. I used to feel bad about it, but he really doesn’t mind, lives to care, I guess.
“That’s great. I sent over the files you asked for, they’re under 6.24.5 in the main folder.” I nod, glad he could locate them, my own search not going very well, the information integral to a company I’ve been assigned. He sets the dishes out once he’s done washing, set neatly in their little drying rack, his body moving swiftly back around the counter, his hand ghosting across the back of my shoulders making me flinch, not used to any casual touches between us, the only contact he really ever initiates is caring for any wounds he detects, little cuts, things like that. “You’re aroused, would you like me to-”
“You don’t have to.” My cheeks are flaming, thighs tight together, embarrassment hot on my skin, the light aroused feeling flaring now that he’s brought attention to it. He steps beside me, turning my chair around to face him, slotting himself between my knees, a light touch on my jaw drawing my eyes up, light blue trained on me, his forwardness dizzying, unexpected when I’m so used to his usual self.
“You’re uncomfortable, I can release that tension.” He runs his hand down my neck, smoothing over my shoulder, his touch light, my small shiver prompting him to squeeze a little, the warmth of his skin unexpected, even if I did know it was there, another human feature to make him more real. “You don’t need to worry about if I’d like to. I do, you know I live to please you.” That gets me, his voice lower than usual, a rough, sensual quality to it, his willingness not unexpected, but still shocking. He has a hand on my knee, inching up, almost too slow to notice, his other sliding back up my neck to keep my eyes on him, eye contact something he's always been a fan of, picked it up from conversations and my own mannerisms, is now using it to ruin me, make me nervous.
“I don’t know…” It’s weird, to proposition him in this way, even if it isn’t my idea, allowing it is still on me, my commands headed without any pushback, unless my decision is stupid, then he tells me all the reasons I’m wrong. He hums, sliding his hand back into my hair, his palm a little rough, his eyes peering down at me, a little lower than normal, all of him drawing me in, his actions and words and expression undeniably sexy, which makes sense, considering he has the entire internet and more at his disposal.
“I have to admit, I am curious. It’s my nature, I guess, but I wanna try it, feel the way humans do, engage in something so sought after.” He’s very convincing, convincing enough for me to refrain from stopping him when he starts to lean down, thumb pressing under my jaw to tilt my head up, hand on my lower thigh squeezing. He takes his time, watching my reaction, leaning in slow, his chest heaving with even breaths, his lips parted, close to mine. “Grant me sexual autonomy.” He’s never asked, never expected any of his autonomy settings, other than this one, I guess, not that I mind, I’d prefer he had it, didn’t do anything out of his control, revert into his more robotic self to fulfill my wishes.
“Turn on sexual autonomy in the options menu.” His eyes flash blue, his body going rigid, only for a moment, before he’s back, looking at me, seeming eager, searching my eyes for any sign of disapproval, finding none. He runs his hand further up my leg, eyes cast down to the contact, his lips parted, almost awed.
“Your skin is… Soft. Feels fuzzy, you’re so warm…” His processes are going haywire, I can see it on his face, his mind racing to keep up with what he’s doing, digging through all the information he has to do a good job. “I’ve never felt like this before, this kind of pleasure is different, like it’s for me.” He’s not meant to have feelings, of any kind, but he does, in his own way, lets his mood depend on his helpfulness, even if I’ve urged and convinced him to see himself as his own being, he’s not wired that way.
“It is… I don’t- uh, It’s about you too, okay?” He hums, the low whir in his chest making me smile, one of the few things that reminds me he’s a machine. He moves, tentative, his hand slipping further up my thigh, fingers holding onto my hair, pulling gently when his lips meet mine, plush and smooth, his kiss gentle, unsure, none of the information he has able to tell him the best way to go about this. I move against him, setting a little faster of a pace, letting my hand slide up his stomach, his shaky exhale breathed against my lips.
“Tell me what you like.” He presses his forehead to mine, looking at me, lips and cheeks flushed, his hand hot on my thigh. He can’t take it, not being fully prepared for everything, having to figure things out as they come, his algorithmic brain not able to work through something he has no expertise on. “Don’t just look at me, tell me what you want me to be.” His brows are drawing together, analyzing, trying to figure it out before I even reply.
“What do you wanna be?” He has a personality, one to suit mine, of course, but he never asked for it, developed it, like a child growing up. I don’t want him to play a role, he must have some sort of instinct on how to act, how to be without me commanding him.
“I don’t know.” He’s never not known, he’s a genius, of course, knows everything there is to know, figures out anything he doesn’t. He looks pained, searching my eyes for an answer I can’t give, his hand tracing his equations into my skin. “All I know is I want you… I wanna see you fall apart, make you feel good, be the best lover you could ask for.” I kiss him, bringing my arms up around his neck, drawing him closer between my legs, his pleased hum making me smile, a good reaction from him, real, not asked for, just genuine feeling. His hand slips further up my leg, up to squeeze gently over my hip, feeling me, not looking to please, just letting himself do what he wants, exploring one of the few things he doesn’t know much about, his own form of pleasure. He follows my lead, moving plush lips against mine, the feeling insanely real, the heat of him a little higher than usual, his body heating up in response to my touch, my hands dug into soft locs of hair, pulling gently to separate his lips from mine, his mouth pressing to mine in one last, feverish kiss before he pulls back, eyes wide, wild with untapped pleasure.
“Is this okay?” He nods, swallowing, his lips parting to draw in heavy breaths, his hand sliding up my side, hot over my shirt, his warmth making me both soft and want to squirm.
“Yes, feels good. This is… I never imagined I could feel like this. It’s you, I’m not supposed to feel desire, this isn’t in my programming… Don’t reset me, I’ll be good, swear. I won’t deviate, I just… This is not in the script…” He seems stumped, frustrated at his lack of understanding what’s going on inside him, but I suppose he isn’t meant to have this much freedom, live like a normal person, other than the fact he has no need for a job, and is a machine.
“Leon? It’s okay to feel, okay? You’re not a toaster, yeah?” He laughs, low and rough, shaking his head, some of the robotic tension leeching from him. “Stop thinking so much.” He nods, eyes flashing blue, returning to normal when he blinks it away. “Sorry.” I didn’t mean to command him, but he doesn’t mind, it happens all the time, and he’s happy to oblige, anyways.
“It’s okay… Should we… Continue?” I gulp, and he leans back in, kissing me the way I like, learning quickly, as always, his big hand sliding up my back, fingers teasing at the hem of my shirt before slipping up my spine, my back arching at the gentle touch, his little pleased noise vibrating against my lips. The chair isn’t very comfortable, and my neck is straining from him standing over me, and he knows it, parting his lips from mine and tilting my jaw back down, forcing me to look up at him through my lashes, his expression sinful, eyes low, lips lightly parted, all of him hot, his skin warmer than mine. “You’re uncomfortable.” I nod, not very happy he paused to say that, but glad he cares enough to not leave me in discomfort. “I’ll take you to your room.” He pulls me up out of my chair by my ass, letting my legs drape over his hips, a sizable erection between us, one of his arms holding me up, the other holding my head still as he dips down, kissing at my neck, slow and sweet, his lips spit-slick. He’s walking, letting himself move through the space without looking, letting out a pleased rumble when I exhale a shaky breath.
“Leon, you don’t have to be so gentle…” He groans, the sound low and guttural, his lips pressing a little more feverishly to my skin, his hand squeezing my ass, the other slipping up the back of my shirt, smoothing up my skin, ticklish, making me arch into him, my chest pressed to his, his happy sigh hot on my skin. He leans me back, supporting my weight until I’m laid out on my bed, him on his knees between my legs, scanning, eyes flashing bright before he closes them, ignoring his instinct to run his hands up my thighs, peering down at my face, pushing up on the hem of my shirt, exposing my stomach, his lips coming down to skim up my thigh, one hand on the outside of my knee, holding it still, his lips warm and wet as he trails them up, his eyes on mine, his free hand finding my hip, pressing me into the mattress as he makes his way to my stomach, kissing across the waist of my pants, up toward my belly button, watching me, holding me still with gentle, nonaggressive pressure.
“I need you to tell me… Wanna be good for you… Feels good to make you feel good. I can’t figure it all out, you told me not to think…” He’s a little out of it, not nearly as composed as usual, eyes hazy, movements a little less practiced, but still confident, what information he does have allowing him to not be too unsure of himself. I push him, frowning at his questioning look, forgetting he’s a mostly immovable object.
“Get off.” He pulls back, sitting back on his heels, looking at me with wide eyes, flashing blue, then normal, none of the lust that was there a second ago visible, either put on pause or diminished due to my command.
“Sorry. I’m trying, I just don’t know-”
“Get on your back.” He does, drops down beside me, laid out flat, looking a little silly, considering I’ve never seen him in a bed, he usually sleeps standing, just shuts down for the night, doesn’t need any comfort. I turn over, taking a turn sitting up over him, one knee slotted between his legs, watching him, liking how unsure he looks, something I’ve never seen from him, one thing that separates him from a human. “You still want this?” I feel like I’m coercing him, even if I’m not, his mind far more developed than mine, if anything. I let my fingers trail up his thigh, his jeans rough on my fingers, his faux muscles tensing under my light touch.
“Yes. I’ve never wanted anything, besides this. It’s… Exhilarating, you’re so pretty above me.” My mouth pops open, not at all expecting his compliment, or his hand on my hip, pressing me down over his clothed leg, putting pressure on my clit, the action so forward I nearly gasp.
“Didn’t know dirty talk was part of the programming…” I watch my fingers, pushing up on the bottom of his tee, ghosting my fingers up the skin of his stomach, his abs tight and hot under my touch, his body reacting so intensely, wound up from such a simple touch.
“It’s not. You asked me to be honest.” I did, months ago, when he lied, about nothing important, but still, I see no need for it, at least from him. I nod, wetting my lips and leaning down, pressing them lightly just below his belly button, watching his face, expression back to the hazy, needy one he was giving me a few minutes ago. “Can I..?” He uses his grip on my hip to grind me against his thigh, pushing it up a little further between my legs, offering delicious pressure, the roughness of fabric between us a little shocking.
“Yeah. Do what you want.” He’s sat up on one elbow, watching me, kissing down, skimming my lips along toward his hip, my hand gripped to the waist of his pants, slipping down, fingertips gliding over his erection making him flinch, the low whirring coming back, rumbling through his chest for a few seconds, his hand gently rocking me against him. “Feel good?” He clenches his jaw, looking worried, brows drawn low and together, his eyes barely open, cloudy with lust.
“Yes, too good, I’m overheating, you feel so good, you’re hands are-” He cuts himself off with a choked noise, eyes squeezed closed and his head tipped back, my hand palming him over his pants, offering a little relief in whatever form of pleasure he gets, a strong one, judging by his reaction.
“Sensitive, huh?” He drags my hips a little rougher, eliciting a small, groaned out noise from me, seeming pleased with himself when I open my eyes, his lips pulled up in a little smile, eyes cast down at his leg between my thighs.
“You can turn down sensitivity in the options menu, would you like me to-”
“No. Don’t change anything, stay just like this…” I press my hand more firmly to him, grinding my palm into him, his hips shifting below me making me smile, his breathing a little erratic. His leg is trembling, only the one between my legs, vibrating almost, making me let out a shaky breath. “Wha- Are you-?” He huffs out a laugh, nodding, slamming his head back into the pillow when I grind my hand into him, rough, gripping him through his pants and jerking it, squeezing him, his low groan heavenly.
“Update 12.6a- I have lots of perks. No human can-ah- match up.” He punctuates his words by turning up the vibration, my body slumping, back hunched a little from how harsh it is, before he turns it back down, a little more gentle, other than how roughly hes grinding me against his thigh. “Let me take these off.” He pulls on the waist of my pants, deft fingers moving to unbutton them, undoing the zipper, his free hand coming down to ease them over my hips, his upper body sitting up, and arm around my waist pulling me up enough to get them down my legs, my feet kicking until they tumble to the floor. He takes it in, me sitting in front of him, his hands sliding up my thighs, thumbs teasing under the sides of my panties before continuing up. “You’re gorgeous… I’m so lucky, having a master as good as you.” I clench my thighs around him, gazing up into his eyes, loving the way he’s looking at me, like I’m the only thing on earth, at least the only one that matters. He’s pushing up on my shirt, looking into my eyes as he eases it up, pausing until I lift my arms, giving him permission, letting him pull it up and over my head, his eyes dipping down as he tosses it away, his hands sliding up my sides.
“Don’t you think you should take something off?” He doesn’t reply, just drags my leg up over his hip, straddling me over him, his lips skimming my collar bone, his breathing quick, hands sliding around to drag down my back, resting just above my ass, grinding me into him, his low groan hot on my skin. “C’mon, let me take this off.” I pull on his shirt, and he relents, pulling back and doing it for me, going back to what he was doing, kissing his way down from my collar bone, sucking gently on the skin above my bra, taking my low sigh as my assent, sucking the skin into his mouth and using an arm around my waist to hold me firmly against him, his hand still on my hip working me into his erection, which seems to be getting bigger, slotted nicer against me, giving me intense friction, his jeans rough against my panties.
“Feels so good… You’re so good… Your heart rate is higher than I’ve ever recorded, your body is responding so nicely. Love making you feel good.” He moans, for real, the sound nothing like the whirring hum of his groans, more human, wanton and needy, enjoying himself. “So pretty… Is there anything I can do better?” He’s a little breathless, turning us over and easing me down onto my back, looming over me, one hand rested beside my head, the other gripped to the outside of my thigh, keeping it hooked over his hip. “Is there?” I forgot to respond, too busy staring at him above me, looking so big, strong, his strength never something I thought about before, other than that he was stronger than me.
“Just… Enjoy yourself.” His muscles relax, his expression soft, none of the usual intensity behind his eyes, his elbow bending to bring his lips to mine, his body heating further, not used to all this excitement, his body humming with quiet energy. He’s grinding into me, hips sliding perfectly against me, the drag along my clit drawing a low moan out of me. “Le- Take these off.” I’m pulling at his pants, working the button until he takes over, clumsily shoving his pants down his legs, letting his head tuck down into my neck to free up his other hand, kicking his pants off and onto the floor.
“You take this off.” He sits up on his elbow, nosing and kissing at the side of my throat, pulling on my bra. I laugh, his pleased whirring tickling me, his hand running down my stomach.
“You do it, bossy.” He groans, pressing his hand back behind me, unclipping it much easier than I thought he would, not bothering to sit up to pull it down my arms, his mouth running down from my throat, mouth closing over a nipple, tongue lathing over it, his eyes peering up at me, his eyes low and pleased. He moans, vibrating against me, sucking where his lips are latched to my skin, his hand running up my thigh to press his thumb to my clit, surprising me, his lips pulling from my skin when I flinch, eyes on mine as he kisses his way to the opposite side, rubbing gently up and down over my panties.
“Feels good? I hope so… Let’s get these off.” He sits up, gripping onto the sides of my panties, staring at me as he pulls them down, tossing them off to the side and settling back down over me, nosing my head to the side to mouth at my throat, pressing his lips to my pulse, bringing his thumb back to my clit, rubbing soft circles. “Mmh, there we go, I’ll take good care of you, make you feel so good you’ll never need anyone else. You’re doing so good, looking so perfect and letting me please you…” He kisses his way back up, pressing his lips to mine, wet and open-mouthed, not messy, but needy, rushed, his thumb moving a little quicker against me, giving a little more pressure, my legs starting to shake. “There you go, you’re nearly there, oxytocin levels are skyrocketing, go ahead, want you to finish, let me see how pretty you are when you really feel it.” I moan, squirming against him, my orgasm coming, his face pulling a little further back to look at me, smiling, his expression a mix of lusty and pleased. “C’mon, give it to me, want you to feel good, finish from my fingers-” He doesn’t mind my nails digging into my arms, just works me through it, thumb light on my clit, his eyes on mine, watching me squirm and tilt my head back, the sensation becoming too much, his thumb pulling away the second it does.
“Shit, let me have a turn.” I shove at him, huffing a laugh when he feigns being pushed over, laid out on his back in his underwear, waiting on me to give him direction. I run my hand up his leg, gripping the band of his underwear and pulling down, getting them off and getting rid of them before kissing my way up his thigh, looking at him, the anticipation getting to him, his lips parted, brows pulled down and together.
“I don’t need this.” It would leave a bruise on my ego, if I didn’t know he’s just being honest, not that I care if he needs it, only if he wants it. “I don’t want to waste your time, I don’t require any type of foreplay.” I frown, kissing his base, peering at him over his dick, which is hanging heavy over his stomach.
“Can you get off like this?” I wrap my hand around him, smiling when he flinches, his dick twitching in my hand. I work it over him, keeping it slow, waiting on his reply, his eyes hazy with swirls of blue, systems crashing briefly before he’s back, letting out a light moan, carding a hand through my hair.
“No, I- The orgasm simulation can only progress if I’m inside, and you’re finishing too.” I hum, stroking a little rougher, tilting my head at him when he groans, his hips shifting, the pleasure a little too much, his expression almost fearful.
“It feels good, though?” He nods, head leaning back and eyes closed, letting me do what I want, enjoying himself, just like I asked. “Good.” I wait until he’s opened his eyes back up to lick from base to tip, closing my mouth around him and sinking down, his heady moan mouthwatering, really, drool coating his dick when I pull back up, watching him, his eyes hazy, his hand pulling at my hair when I suck him in again, bobbing up and down.
“Nnh- hey, do you want me to- I can-” He presses his knee up between my legs, rubbing it against me, making me moan around his dick. “There… Perfect…” He sounds pleased, whatever tension was plaguing him loosening now that he sees himself as being of use, rubbing his knee against my clit, offering some relief from the arousal he’s sparked inside with this new, needier self. “Do you wanna finish like this? I understand the usual progression would have me inside by now-”
“Shit, okay. Let’s get to it, then, if you don’t wanna take your time.” I sit up over him, looking at him, shuffling my way up until I’m hovering over his lap, his eyes on me as he sits up, his hands on my waist, his chest heaving.
“You’re ready?” I nod, waiting patiently as he reaches down, eyes hazy, aligning himself and pulling me slowly down onto him by my waist, the stretch less than painful, more than comfortable, not quite as snug as he could be. I’m a little above his face when he bottoms out, eyes swirling with blue for a few seconds before he blinks it away, shaking the heaviness out of his head, looking up at me and coming closer, holding me against him, keeping me seated on his dick as he kisses me, sloppier, messy and needy, my arms wrapped around his neck, his dick twitching and filling me a little fuller, the odd sensation making me pull back to give him a questioning look. “A perfect fit.” He doesn’t seem bothered, so I let the disturbed feeling settle, attempting to pull up off him, but big hands hold me still, keeping himself seated fully inside, melded to the walls, truly a perfect fit. “Let me stay like this, just for a minute… I like this, being impossibly close, feeling you in a way not many people get to…” He goes back to kissing, running his hands down to grip my hips, lifting me slowly up, letting me drop back down over him, his low groan breathed against my lips.
“Can I-”
“Let me do it.” I sigh, relenting, his hands lifting me up and sliding me back down, slow, keeping eye contact, pleased I’m giving him the choice, considering how easy it is to get him to do whatever I want. He keeps the slow pace, staring at my face, seeming pleased, his expression a mix of pleasure and calculativeness, trying to figure out the best way to finish me off, I suppose. “I’ll speed up soon, build-up is important, I don’t wanna deny you what you deserve, wanna be good…” He’s moving too slow, giving enough to fill me up, but not to do much else.
“I already came, Leon, build-up is irrelevant.” He nods, furrowing his brows and speeding up, keeping his grip firm, not letting me bounce, but bouncing me, keeping his eyes on mine, a low moan passing his lips when I clench around him, his pace quickening a little more, slaps of skin to skin sounding in my room adding a layer of intensity, his thumb pressing back to my clit prompting me to let my head lean back, a low, drawn out moan escaping him at the sight.
“You feel so nice inside, so warm, squeezed tight around me… God, this is the best I’ve ever felt, you feel good too, oxytocin is increasing-nnh- how many more times can you finish? Three? I’ll give you three more, wanna see you near tears, all from how good it feels.” He’s feverish, losing his usual stoicness, speaking rushed and breathless, his chest heaving, his hand working me over him, squeezing the fat of my ass, angling his hips further up, the drag along my insides unexpected, making me moan and drop my forehead to his shoulder, sweaty, searing hot on my skin. I’m shaking, letting him work me over him, letting out pleasured noises along with him, his face now tucked into the crook of my neck. “You’re getting worked up quick… I won’t even need the vibration, you’re almost ready, so tight, making such pretty sounds for me…” He holds me up, pausing, leaning back on one hand and dragging my upper body along with him, thrusting up into me, much quicker than he could’ve worked me over him, making me whine into his neck, spit slicking his skin, his hips slamming up into me, hands slipping up to my back to hold me in place so he can fuck into me, his voice getting higher, whinier. “There, now-ah, this is one out of three, so- so you still have two more after this, need you to finish, wet my dick some more, you’re shaking so nice, good thing I’m strong enough to hold you still…” I’ve never heard him curse before, I guess he’s doing his homework on dirty talk mid deed, his background processes doing him well, his words before now not all that enticing with his usual wording.
“Did you-
“Yes, wanted to be good, am I? Shit, tell me I’m good, wanna be good for you, make you feel so good you can’t think. You’re all I think about, you know that? You’re everything to me, I need to please you, make you cum all over my dick a few times before I’m finished.” I moan, shaking embarrassingly violently, nearly there, his dick filling me a little fuller, thrusts a little more needy, rutting up into me, making me whine into his shoulder, orgasm approaching, his nonstop thrusts working me up. “That’s it, gonna make you feel good, please you, have you soaking me, out of it from how good it feels, cumming on me over and fucking over.” My orgasm is shocking, the second I clamp down on him he presses me back down, holding me as I squirm and moan into his neck, grinding into me, stretching it out, pulling out of me once I still, guiding me to lay on my stomach, my body slumping down, ready for rest, until I feel hands pulling up on my hips, lifting me up to rest on my knees, chest and side of my face still pressed to the sheets.
“What are you..?” He presses inside, keeping it slow, aware I’m still coming down from my orgasm, his hands gently rocking me against him.
“This position is good for deep penetration, and I figured your legs were getting tired.” He speaks plainly, like he isn’t on his way to giving me my third orgasm in a couple minutes, his hips speeding up a little once he’s sure I can take it, his hands squeezing on my hips, rough and warm and big. “I’ll know when you’re satisfied, I’ll initiate the orgasm simulation when you’re ready.” He speaks matter of factly, and it would be funny, if he wasn’t fucking me into my mattress, low moans escaping me, my mind swimming, fuzzy and mushy, his hips noisy against me, his upper body folding over me, an arm around my waist pulling me into hars thrusts, his noises muffled into my shoulder blade, his lips kissing and sucking wherever he can reach. “Feels good? Well, I know it-shit- It does. Just- If there’s another-ah- something you prefer…” I let out a noise I hope sounds negative, succumbing to the numb, hazy pleasure, taking what he gives, his noises going higher, near the end of the line, if he could cum without having to initiate it, that is. “So- pretty-! You feel so good, pulling me in, letting me give you all you can-hah- take…” I’m nearly there, my third orgasm coming, the pleasure turning nearly painful, good in an awful, striking way, my legs trembling harshly, his fingers sneaking down to rub at my clit, his moan loud against me when I clench, muscles going tight, so close, my orgasm almost refusing to come. “Come on, quit holding yourself back, you can do it, you’ve had plenty of time. You’ve got it, you’re right there, just squeeze this sweet pussy on me, let me feel it, yeah, there you go, that’s it, fucking whining for it, you sound so damn good…” He fucks me through it, again, keeps his hold around my waist when I try to escape, the sensations too much, my low groan finally getting him to pull out, turning me over and giving me a break by capturing my lips, kissing me feverishly, pressing his knees up under my hips and leaning over me, his dick brushing agoinst me drawing a low whine out of me.
“No more, Leon, no more… I’m finished…” He pulls back, looking me over, eyes flashing blue, his look pensive.
“No you’re not.” He pushes inside, my low groan ignored, his eyes on me, watching me. “You think you can’t- handle more, but you can, can take this one and another, I’ll keep you cumming until you really can’t take it.” He doesn’t thrust, lets me finish coming down, kissing me and keeping a finger against my pulse, waiting for it to slow down before moving, both of us moaning at the drag of him inside.
“Just this one… I don’t want another.” I couldn’t take it, honestly, I’m already entirely fucked out, nearly unresponsive as he rocks inside, grinding up on his way out, my overstimulated nerves making me moan, painful pleasure still somehow enjoyable, even if I am trying to convince him I’ve had enough.
“No, you can take it. I know what you need, know you better than you know yourself.” He does, in a way, knows about my inner workings and psychology and the like, but I know this is killing me, tears in my eyes, his body too big and immovable for me to stop him from taking care of me, forcing me to finish the amount of times he sees fit. “Gonna make sure you’re satisfied, show you how good I am, how good I can be for you…” I’m shaking already, way too worked up, orgasms fading into a hazy pleasure, everything a blanket of hot and muggy sweetness, his lips meeting mine making me moan, his hips working into me, another orgasm well on its way with his relentless actions. “This one then another, okay? You can take it.” I pull him back, looking into his eyes, trying to focus, tears blurring my vision, my eyes half closed from how good it feels, how intense and terrifyingly good this is.
“Leon, begin-shit- begin orgasm simulation-!” He groans, head tucking down to my neck, his hips working more purposefully, all of him hot against me, a thumb working at my clit making me jerk, squirming away, but he keeps me still, working us both up, his noisiness gaining volume, making me almost worried the neighbors will hear.
“That’s- I wasn’t done, sneaky-ah- girl. Fuck, feels so good, love making you feel good, being good for my-nnh- Master-!” I moan, usually adverse to the title, but my hazy brain loves it, too full of him to really mind, letting him send me toward my final orgasm, if only to chase his, though that’s not the case, considering I have to get off for him to. “Shit, please, can’t-ah- Take anymore-! I’m fuckin’ overloading, you feel too good, squeezing me so tight, hot and wet and-Nnh-! Please, give it to me, let me please you one more time, it hurts, need you to cum, trap me inside and-” He whines, burying his face in my neck and fucking me through it, twitching inside the second I squeeze around him, his whiny moan drawing a pleased noise out of me as he slows, pulling out after a few more seconds, not moving to force anymore out of me, just kissing lightly up the side of my neck, easing himself up onto a hand to look at me, eyes flashing blue.
“Are you scanning for your performance right now?” He smiles, almost coy, pressing his hand to my skin, taking my vitals, not even trying to be subtle.
“Course. I meant it when I said I live to please.”
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Sicktember 23, 07 - “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick” (TTD)
“I’m fine,” whined Hero with an exasperated sigh.
No less fed up, Former Villain crossed their arms.
“You are not fine. Your health is compromised.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. It’s just a cold.”
“If you keep overdoing it and keep working all day, it won’t become just a cold. Human bodies are not made like that. Whether you like or not, you are human.”
Hero rolled their eyes and stood up:
“ I find this condescending and uninformative. Don’t you know that if I wish hard enough I’m going to be fi-oouch.”
They fell gracelessly in the bed when Former Villain pushed them away with their hand.
“Hey ! You can’t attack me anymore, you’re reformed !”
“Reformed, not tamed. You will submit and lay down while I take control of your lair.”
Hero looked unimpressed. Even with a hoarse voice, they could still out-retort their former enemy with no problem.
“It’s not because I sneeze a little that I can’t kick your ass anymore, you know.”
“Then I’d stop cooking and doing the dishes.”
“You wouldn’t, you traitor !”
“My heart is black as coal and I know no pity. Try me.”
“But I have to work !”
“I’ve called three other Heroes so they can take your place today. Besides, the greatest, most amazing and alluring threat is on your side now, so it should be fine.”
Hero raised an eyebrow:
“ It’s all relative, you know. It’s not as if you actually killed someone – I’d say you were more of an absolute nuisance, a pain in my -”
“A monster of the highest order, a monument of refinement and class who would not lower themself to steal the life away from simple peons – I know, I know.”
Hero rubbed their face against their pillow to muffle a groan of frustration.
“ When I’ve accepted to let you be my roommate”, they said in a very tired voice, “I did not expect it to be that way.”
“In that you were greatly mistaken.”
The Villain had a low laugh and raised their arms for emphasis, their gigantic shadow mimicking their moves on the wall behind:
“Now that you’re weakened, you’re at my mercy! I shall dispose of all your earthly possessions and rearrange them in order ! I shall question you until you’ll be forced to reveal what your favorite meal is and I will not hesitate to serve it to you ! I’ll let you consume in anticipation while I’ll call a doctor !”
“Don’t you dare ! I don’t need one, I don’t want to bother them when other people really need them.”
“It’s been three weeks.”
“And I’m still alive.”
Villain’s arms fell flat on their sides. They let themself fall on a chair, rubbed their face with their hands and did not move. After a while, Hero, intrigued by their silence, awkwardly raised a little.
“...Villain ?”
There was no answer. That was weird. Normally, their bickering lasted longer.
“ You’re okay ?”
Villain raised their head, gave them a death stare, then sneezed.
Oh. Oh, right. A cold was viral and they now had a roommate. They...they hadn’t thought of that. They were not used to have anyone around. Scratch that, they were not used to have anyone caring around.
“You’re a jerk when you’re sick, you know,” said the villain in a very tired voice.
“Fine,” Hero finally conceded. “I’ll call the damn doctor.”
(You can find these two dorks again here and here)
Back to These Two Dorks masterlist. Or the Villain X Hero Masterlist.
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MC + Cursed Toddler-fied Boys (part 2)
prompt: I did a scenario a while ago for the ‘The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’ event, but realized I never did one for the B-list boys. This must be rectified. (part i)
Seriously. You all needed to stop leaving cursed books around.
Once ‘The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’ had been recovered from the last time it fell into the wrong hands, it had safely be tucked away in the archives. Where it was to remain, to your knowledge, for all of known time.
Or at least a year. Whichever came first, apparently, since someone had taken it out a let it on the loose.
“I can’t find him.” Barbatos bemoaned with a sigh as you both continued to search for his master. “You don’t think he could have wandered off somewhere? In his current state, there’s no telling what mischief he’d get into. Or worse, if people see him like this.”
“Diavolo is a pretty level headed guy.” You assure him.
“You don’t know what he was like when he was younger.” He sighed again as he closed the doors to one of the wardrobes, finding no young master in it. “Maybe he’s in the garden. I’ll check there.”
“I’ll keep searching in the castle.” You told him. To which Barbatos nodded and took his leave.
Once he was out of the door, and out of ear shot, you heard rustling under the bed that piqued your curiosity. “Diavolo?” You asked as you pulled back the bedding. “What are you doing under there?”
“SSShhh!” He hissed with a finger to his lips. “I’m hiding from Barbatos. I don’t want him to find me [Y/N].”
“So you masked your presence so he couldn’t find you.” Clever, for the mind of a child. “Why are you hiding from Barbatos?”
“Because if he finds me he’ll make me do work.” You tilted your head to the side, and Diavolo scrunched in tighter on himself. “He’s always making me do things I don’t want to. Write my lessons. Learn new spells. How to speak at public outings. It’s never any fun and it’s all work, work, work!”
“True. But we all have to do things we don’t want to now and then.” Although, this didn’t sound a lot different than Diavolo’s normal schedule these days. “Diavolo, did you open the book and curses yourself so you could get out of work for a few days?” His eyes shyly darted over towards you before they darted away again. “Diavolo.”
“I just didn’t want to be a grown up anymore!” He whined. “It’s never any fun. I never get to do what I want. People are always counting on me.”
You nodded. “I guess that isn’t very fun.” You shift around to lay on your stomach and be eye-to-eye with Diavolo under the bed. “We have fun together though, don’t we? And you don’t need to put a curse on yourself to make it happen. If you ever need a break, just call me. We can play together anytime.”
Diavolo grinned and gave a firm nod. “Can we play battleships and sea monsters once, before Barbatos has to change me back?”
“Sure. I think we have time for that.”
It was a wonder that this castle ran at all without Barbatos around. He had only been cursed for a few hours, and it already seemed like everything was falling apart.
“Boys! Seriously! Can you try to not break everything in the castle??”
“We’re trying, but this is really hard!” Mammon argued.
“Yeah,” Levi agreed, “cut us some slack. We only pretend to be butlers now and then. We don’t have the refined, gentlemanly arts of real butlers.”
“Barbatos does it.”
“He is a Satan.” Lucfier replied. “Why don’t you go check on him? I’ll try to keep them out of anymore trouble in their effort to ‘help’.” You sighed and left to do as you were told. At least you would be away from the sound of crashing.
“Barbatos?” You called as you opened the door. “Are you feeling ok?”
“Oh yes [Y/N].” Barbatos replied. Looking up at you with soft eyes from his small table setting on the floor. “We are having a tea party. Would you like to join?”
You looked around to see a pile of books, one ornate pillow, and an actual stuffed rabbit sitting in a circle with him. Each with a china tea cup in front of them. “Um….sure.” You come over and sit cross legged beside Barbatos as he prepared you a cup as well. “Who are we having tea with?”
“This is Lady Downing. She is from the region of comforter and came all this way for chamomile tea.” You awkwardly wave at the pillow. “This is Lord Booksly. He’s very well read.” You snort out a laugh as you take your tea. “And this is Thaddeus. He is a rabbit.”
“No title for Thaddeus?” You ask while sipping your tea.
“Rabbits can’t have titles. They don’t hold land. Because they are rabbits.” You let out a knowing ‘ah’ at the explanation, and choose to take Barbatos word for it.
You finish off the tea with Barbatos and soon enough, with his great powers, the curse wore off. He thanked you for keeping an eye on him and came out of his room to inspect the castle after the boys had ‘helped’. “Well….I suppose it’s the thought that counts….”
The sound of foot steps barreling down the hall announced Simeon before he entered the room. “[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Can you read this book to me??”
You set your own book down and look over at him with a smile. Since his cursed episode, you had been watching Simeon to make sure he didn’t get into any trouble. Which, was pretty easy. He didn’t usually seek out trouble, and must have been a good cherub in his youth, because he just sat and read all day with you. The only ‘up roar’ he caused was when he went to find a ‘big boy’ book and have you read it to him.
“Sure. Which one did you pick?” He handed it to you and you have to snicker, finding a TSL book in your hand. “Wow. What a good choice.”
“Do you like this book?” Simeon asked, bright eyed, as he sat cross legged in front of you.
“Yes. I do. In fact the author is a very good friend.”
“Really???” He gushed, and you were literally biting your tongue not to laugh.
“Yep. He’s very nice. And funny. And handsome.”
“Can I meet him one day?”
“I’m sure you will.” You smirk as you open the book and start to read.
Later, when the curse had worn off, Simeon was very embarrassed that he had picked his own writing as his favorite book. “It’s a little narcissistic, don’t you think?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you told him, “sometimes you need to be your own best fan.”
You shouldn’t be surprised that it was quiet. Raphael was usually a very quiet person. But, if dealing with children had taught you anything it was when children were quiet something bad was going on.
“Hey there Raphael. Whatca doin’?”
“Coloring.” He replied. Still completely focused on his drawings.
“Oh, that’s nice.” Not as serious as you thought. “Can you tell me what you’re drawing there?” Thinking it would be a nice woodland scene. Or maybe some places around the castle.
“The Plauges.”
Your face went very pale at his answer and Raphael turned his picture around to show you. “That’s the river of blood. Those are the frogs & locusts sent to barren their crops. This is when Father sent the suffer and ash to destroy the cities of the sinners. This guy is dead because he got hit in the head with one of the rocks.”
“O….Oh…well that’s very….descriptive.”
Raphael smiled and went back to coloring. Completely obvious to the anxious knot that just tied itself in your stomach. Should you like….lock the door or something?
You asked Raphael about his picture when he was back to normal and he snorted. “Don’t be absurd.” He chastised. “The sinners were obliterated on impact when the suffers came. There would be corpses on the ground like this.”
+ Luke
Finally. The ‘Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’ was put away and out of sight. Hopefully under lock and key, and prepared to be thrown into the bottom of the ocean.
You let out a big sigh as you flop down into a chair. Letting all the stress of this week from a new batch of boys acting like children seep out of your bones. You suppose it wasn’t so bad. They were all kind of cute.
“Hey [Y/N],” Your ears pick up when you hear Luke’s voice.
“What is it Luke?”
“I was in the library looking for a new recipe book and came across this one.” He came into view and your face went white as you saw what he was holding. Your nightmare still very true. “Do you know what it is?”
“Luke don’t touch that!” You shout. Which startled the sweet lad, and causing him to drop the book and crack open. It’s powers activating and a big puff of smoke filling the room.
You cough and bat the smoke clouds away, not sure what was going on. This hadn’t happened before with the other curses. So you feared the worse as you called out for Luke. “Luke? Luke? Are you there?”
“I think so.” An older, deeper voice called back and, as the smoke selected, the statuesque figure of a young man was standing there. “I feel tall.”
Your mind went blank as you stared up at the young man in front of you. It was clearly Luke. You could tell from his eyes. But this hadn’t happened with anyone else. “What is going on?”
“The book must have realized I was already a kid and switched it in reverse.” He reasoned, taking a look at himself. “Instead of making me younger, it made me older. Both mentally and physically.”
“That makes sense.” Or as much sense as the evidence, and every other weird thing that had happened in your life in the Devildom, allowed. “Hopefully it wears off as quickly as the others.”
“I don’t.” Luke interjected. “I hate being the youngest. No one takes me seriously, or treats me like a joke.” You supposed that might be true. Unintentional, but true. “Plus, when I’m my real age, I can’t do this.” Luke‘s hand reached out towards your chin to clasp it, before he leaned in towards you. “You don’t take me seriously either.”
Your mind froze again as he continued to lean in. Clearly for a kiss. Unsure how to stop him or how to get your head wrapped around the situation, even as he came closer.
Luckily, just before your lips touched, there was another puff of smoke and Luke was at his proper size again. “Hn? What happened?”
“Nothing!” You clipped. You quickly scramble to get the book up off the floor and held it in a death grip. “You just grabbed the wrong book. I’m gonna….keep it with me for a while.” You hustle out of the room in a flash, then pull out your phone to ask, “hey Karasu-san, where is the nearest beach?”
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"cupid's dilemma: valentine's madness"
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Cupid, the God of desire and erotic love, making people's fantasies come true on this year's Valentine's day. Send him a letter with a target you aspire and with enough time, the contents of your letter will turn into a reality.
terms and conditions.
Follow the Cupid's terms and conditions in order for your love letter to be accepted and granted to come true. Do follow the format provided in it in order for him to clearly understand what your desires are and pick two prompts to finalize your request.
format; (1.prompt) + (2.prompt) + character + (context/story) + (kinks) + (extra.)
example of format; may I request cupid's weapon to be the windblume ode with refinement 3 targetted at Al Haitham? Both reader and Al Haitham are a married couple going through their honeymoon together! Maybe with some dacryphilia and breeding and virginity taking?
all these prompts belong to thelonelyempath
cupid's mailbox is: closed!
This event is mostly NSFW. 17 under, please do not interact at all costs and don't request anything SFW because my event isn't for that.
Female readers only. I do not write for gender-neutral or male readers so please do not request them. I will proceed to remove them if you do.
Do not request for characters that are not listed + anything in my "I will not write"
Please have your request be understandable so I can write it accurately and to your liking.
Writing requests may take longer so please be patient with them when you send one.
One character per concept/request only.
Update: Request the available characters. Give them chances on getting a fic because I'm only open for 4 requests. Check what characters I've already written for by searching the "cupid's dilemma ; valentine's madness" tag.
Run your mind wild with imagination! Don't hold back but also consider my rules still!
cupid's trusty weapon [1.prompt]
Alley Hunter ― "When I open the door, I better see you naked and on all fours for me."
Amos' bow ― "I don't think I can cum anymore."
Aqua Simulacra ― "Done already? We just started!"
Blackcliff Warbow ― “You better keep the volume down or I’m gonna go even harder.”
Messenger ― “You talk too much. How about we use your mouth for something else?”
Polar Star ― “I’m gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that bastard.”
Windblume Ode ― “Is that gonna fit?” “I’ll make it fit.”
Elegy for the End ― “Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear. Trying to tell me something?”
The Stringless ― “Quit eyefucking me and get over here so you can actually fuck me!”
Skyward Harp ― “Go and lock the door for me.  I don’t want anyone to walk in while I’m balls deep.”
The Viridescent Hunt ― "I know it hurts, but be a good girl and take it."
Thundering Pulse ― "Wanna see what I'm wearing under this?" "Hopefully it's nothing."
Hamayumi ― "Do you think you can take more of me in?"
Royal Bow ― "I don't know where the fuck you think you're going. Get that sexy ass on the bed and take your clothes off."
Rust ― "Let me dominate you so you don't have to do any thinking."
Prototype Crescent ― “I saw you naked once.  And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Sacrificial Bow ― "“I love that we both already finished and your legs are still shaking.”"
Mouun's Moon ― “Would you rather make out or make love?  Me, personally, I’m up for both.”
Fading Twilight ― "You've been playing that stupid game for hours. I'm horny, damnit!"
Favonious Warbow ― "No one else is home, which means we can be as loud as we want."
Hunter's Path ― "Is there room for two in that shower?"
End of the Line ― "Oh yeah, you like when I touch you like that, baby."
Compound Bow ― "I'll only put the tip in. Unless you want me to go deeper."
Predator ― “I called in sick. Now we can stay in bed and fuck all day.”
Mitternachts Waltz ― "I'll be a good girl/boy! I'll be good for you!"
Recurve Bow ― “Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner doesn’t need to know about this.”
Hunter's Bow ― CUSTOM. Pick a dialogue prompt that isn't in the list of bows.
bow refinements. [2.prompt]
Refinement 1 ― Friends with Benefits
Refinement 2 ― Hybrid!Reader or Hybrid!Character (specify which and what Hybrid they'll be)
Refinement 3 ― Domestic Relationship
Refinement 4 ― Mafia AU
Refinement 5 ― Perverted Stalker AU
Refinement 6 ― Yandere AU
Refinement 7 ― Vampire AU
Refinement 8 ― CUSTOM. Pick a dynamic that isn't in the list of refinements.
[AL HAITHAM] - Fondful Graze.
[DILUC] - Partners in Virtue.
[TIGHNARI] - A treat for two.
[CAPITANO] - Addicted.
© notsodivininglover 2023. reposting, plagiarizing, translating or claiming my works are strictly forbiddened.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
There are two kinds of people in the world. On one hand, you have the folks who get super upset when an oil tanker spills and irreversibly contaminates precious natural resources, destroying our planet in the name of short-term profit. On the other hand, you’ve got the kind of folks who immediately commission a sketchy series of near-criminals into purchasing a disused scientific trawler because some idiot left a bunch of free oil out there and I don’t want to have to do the valve cover gaskets on my engine.
All it takes, really, is a big scoop on the front of a boat. A big scoop is something we can absolutely make. Most of us have experience fabricating rulebook-pleasing hood scoops from Princess Auto snow shovels, recycle bins left out on the side of the road, road signs, and human ribcages. Still not sure how Big Al got ahold of that, and, no matter what you may think of me, I’m not going to ask him while we’re sharing a room on this tiny little research ship.
You might think that once you’ve hoovered up the oil, it’s a good idea to separate out the water, or at least desalinate it a little bit, before you put it into an engine. And we did that, through gravity. The big tank in the bottom of the ship holds all of it and we just took a bunch of soup ladles from the kitchen and put it into old pails. Refine it? Nothing doing, college folks: like I said, the wheezy-ass slant six in this Volare blows through oil so fast that it probably won’t even notice as long as it’s slippery enough. Hell, it could be expired mayonnaise, but the grocery store recently started locking up their dumpster at night again. 
Really, the worst part of all this is the attention we got. As soon as the local government figured out that we were in the area, cleaning up one of the world’s most atrocious ecological disasters, they wanted to give us some medals and invite us to give speeches. And we’re not really about that, especially because the increased attention likely means that some plutocrat-worshipping federale will start scrutinizing us out of spite, looking for a “gotcha” to punish us for making the oil industry look worse. A gotcha like “noticing our license plates are made with crayon.” You just can’t do anything nice for people anymore without it becoming so polarized, but on the plus side Shaky Earl got a great gig at the United Nations. He did have to start bringing a drip tray to work, though, because his reserved parking space was starting to look a little oily.
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jealousmartini · 1 month
hi, i sent this question to another blog a few weeks ago, but I didn’t receive a response. perhaps the person didn’t see my question or didn’t know how to help me with it… 🫤
of course, i don’t want to make you uncomfortable, and it’s perfectly fine if you choose not to answer it.
i’ve been part of the community since I was 14 years old, and now, in just a few months, I’ll be 17. i’ve never shifted before or experienced any “minishift” (at least, I’ve never noticed anything different in my reality).
honestly, i’ve never really cared about age when it comes to shifting. i’ve held onto the hope that I’d shift before turning 18, so I could experience a normal teenage life in various realities I’d love to explore before reaching that milestone. take dating, for instance—not that my goal is to have a boyfriend in my desired reality. i simply want to embrace everything that reality has to offer, and I don’t judge those who choose a different path.
but with this, comes that… i have a specific script that I’ve been refining over the years so that when I shift, I can go there. while I haven’t shifted yet, I keep making adjustments to the script. In this script, I have a boyfriend who is the same age as me in that reality (16 years old). he’s been my boyfriend since I created the script, and I’ve never replaced him with anyone else.
now, I’m almost 17 years old, and I still haven’t shifted. the shifting community has this sort of ‘prejudice’ against adults shifting to a reality where they date a teenager. they believe it’s wrong to shift to a reality where your mind is that of an adult, but you’re in a relationship with a teenager. i’ve been worried about this for a week now. i keep wondering, ‘Will I shift before turning 18?’ I don’t want to leave my partner in that reality, but according to the shifting community, it’s considered wrong.
but what about me? how will I be? what if I can’t change before turning 18? Will I have to give up that reality? And before someone tries to give me a ‘magical solution,’ it’s not so easy for me to just ‘change his age.’ after all, it’s set in a school environment (everything in that reality revolves around that teenage setting). It’s strange for us to see young adults aged 19 or 21 attending a school, as they should be in college, not high school.
i’ve been torturing myself with this for days, afraid that I’ll never change, and when I finally do, it’ll be after I turn 17. And right after that, I’ll have to give up my partner because I won’t be a teenager anymore; I’ll be an ‘adult’ in that reality.
i would like to be able to ask (with all due respect), for any advice or anything. i am afraid and worried, and anything you can tell me could make a big difference for me. I have been following you for some time, and I trust your help.
i hope you can understand, as I had to use a translator since I am not a native speaker.
that’s all. i hope you have a good day or a great afternoon. may the God you believe in protect you < 3
Hi sweetheart!! I've just read through your ask and I just want you to know first and foremost, that everything you are worrying about is so so valid, but at the same time there is no need to worry about it at all. Let me explain why.
As you and I both understand about shifting is that it is everyone's own personal journey (this also goes for the law of assumption), which means everyone will experience their journey however way they believe is right. But in your case (and in many others), you've seemed to fall into the trap of taking a bunch of people's own beliefs as scripture in fears that you might violate their belief; even though a big chunk of you hungers and aches to experience a specific reality.
I can tell you I have been where you are right now, so I know how you feel, babe😭 and I also want to take that weight off your back and let you know their beliefs do not have to control you and where you want to shift to and what you want to experience. The whole "adults shifting to a reality where they are a minor is wrong" is nonsensical, stupid, and hella silly. For example, There is nothing wrong with being 23 and shifting to be a high schooler again just to relive old memories or do some things differently, because all you are doing is becoming aware of a version of you who is having a bomb ass high school life.
Okay, well, what about the situation you're going through right now. Where you are turning 17 this year, but you are worried that you won't shift before you turn 18; and your boyfriend in your desired reality is 16 but you are still suck on this rule that the shifting community has made where "it is wrong to shift to a reality where you are younger when in this reality you have the mind of an adult." First of all, please let me make sure you guys understand what the process of shifting is. Shifting is when you make the conscious or subconscious decision to become aware of a specific reality. This means you are shifting your AWARENESS. NOT YOUR MIND🙏🏾
Which means that if you are an adult in this reality but you shift to a reality where you are a minor, you will NOT be shifting your adult mind into the body of your teenself. You are shifting your awareness of this reality, into another one. Also another thing. As far as I am concerned, you awareness doesnt have an age🧍🏿‍♀️ just because you might be 32 here and you shift your awareness to a reality where you are 16, does NOT AND I REPEAT. DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE STILL GOING TO BE MENTALLY THIRTY-TWO.
Okay, so now we've debunked that👆🏾, what about your other issue. You are afraid that because you haven't shifted yet, you won't get to experience the teenage life in various different realities before you reach 18 which is your milestone. And I can already see 2 small problems. 1 is you are basing what you believe might happen on past failed attempts, and 2 is you are rushing yourself
I know how we can solve both of these issues at once. Change your mindset! And this is not hard to do, I promise, okay? I want you to do what you would normally do when you intend to shift realities, which in this case is affirming but anytime you are awake and have the time to. Literally, you could be sat doing your homework, doing dishes, having a nap, or going for a jog, and while you are doing whatever it is you are doing, affirm to yourself:
"I am a master shifter" or "I believe I am a master shifter", "I always wake up I my dr", "I am always shifting to my desired reality" "Shifting realities is easy for me" and one you can just remind yourself is "I will shift before I turn 18"/"I will shift before my milestone"
The purpose of this is to make yourself believe in yourself and your abilities. It should put your mind at ease because the more you affirm to yourself, the more you will believe what you affirm, and there for you will succeed because you believe you will.
I hope this helps you out and lots of love to you!
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thevirgodoll · 1 year
A Rant on Friendships.
You know… ever since I learned that being ignored or ostracized caused the same amount of pain in the brain as physical pain, it all clicked. I was never too emotional or overreacting to getting left behind by people I would’ve done everything for. I was grieving a loss. I was grieving having love exploding inside of me with no release.
As someone who prioritizes conflict resolution, I can’t fathom a life where extreme avoidance is the default. While I go through periods of isolation, I go out of my way to affirm everyone and make them feel safe. I can’t possibly understand doing otherwise. Maybe, it’s not something for me to understand.
If it was a romantic partner treating them this way, they’d throw a fit. Love them one day, hate them the next. And that’s the problem… we have normalized that behavior and called it a boundary. That’s not the definition of setting a boundary. Stonewalling is literally emotional abuse. A boundary involves reciprocal behavior, not punishment.
There’s such a selfish, lackadaisical approach everyone has with each other in friendships. These types of people are the first to complain about lacking friends, but don’t want to do the work to upkeep them.
Because I go through hell in my life by being disabled, I find it to be no excuse at this point. I find some way to stay afloat for everyone else, even when I’m drowning. I say these friendship sentiments often, but it’s getting to the point to where I don’t even want to try anymore. I am tired. I’m done overextending myself or waiting for things to change or for someone to recognize my story and just…be present.
The horrors are immeasurable, but we must endure. Therapy has taught me to prioritize vulnerability… so when I display that, and don’t get it back, I’ve learned to just understand I can’t have someone like that in my space. In my healing process, it’s become apparent that I have to see actions for what they are. I can’t control everything. I have to value myself even when someone else devalues me. It’s not personal, it’s misdirection… it’s projection.
When someone is blinded by their own cynicism and insecurities, it’s easy to maintain bias and mindset fallacies. It's easy to be committed to a narrative that doesn't exist. It's easy to perceive what you want to. But like I always say, perception is truly not reality. Knowing that is the only way to tear down your ego enough to navigate friendships and relationships when it comes to conflict resolution.
Recognizing patterns is a huge key to self development and growth, not just creating a self care routine or wearing a face mask or making a Pinterest board. Accountability is the step to mindfulness. Wisdom comes in admitting you don’t know what you don’t know.
And that requires a skill set that so many people are unwilling to have and refine. Admitting you’re the problem means facing yourself. People would rather turn their back than look in the mirror.
I do not wish to entertain dynamics where I don’t feel the love, where I feel like I’m taking up too much space, where I have to chase someone to even get half of what I’d give them.
Some people don’t have the capacity to be what I need them to be, and I have to learn to be okay with that. And even still, I have the upmost respect and deep love anyway.
I can vouch for my own character. I don’t need anyone to validate it for me. If someone wants to go choose rocks when they have a Diamond in front of them, then so be it. That’s their L to take. Not mine.
All love. Grateful for what is in alignment.
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