#I’m a fatass fr
4mr-peanut-butter3 · 4 months
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This is me irl begging my friends for there food (I’m such a fatass)
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cokebimbo · 1 year
can you do the thug shaker with ur ass????
Eden get yo dumbass out my inbox and do ur science project 😭 can’t stand fags I stg
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microcosmicheart · 4 months
A Message from Your Secret Admirer
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*rubs hands together evilly because I'm nosy*
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Pile 1
- It’s taking Forever to get your cards! - This person could be methodical in their thought or way of speaking - They want this shit to stay a secret 😭 - I feel like once I get the message some of you may know exactly who it is.
Hey. I feel like some rest would do you good. Get enough and a lot of it. Need to see your pretty face again soon, happy and healthy. How’s that thing going? The one you didn't tell me about, but I heard second hand? I know you'll do great. Also, a bit of personal info: I’ve been a bit stunted when it comes to relationships, something I’m workin’ on. But I’m making a comeback, all thanks to you. I'll be asking you out sometime soon, I’ve just gotta talk to you first 😭. See ya later,
- This person thinks you are SO attractive literally all of you. The way you think, how you dress, your smile! They got it for you BAD
Pile 2
- Just turned on Candy Pop by TWICE 😭 Read the lyrics! - Keep hearing bubblegum? Like the word. Like they’re “gummy” or “chewy” - This is my LGBTQ+ pile - They are not shy at ALL
Hey! So you remember how you came to our group asking for advice on something? I say go against the grain! You’ve played it safe your whole life and quite frankly so have the people in our group. There’s nothing a little looking and leaping won't fix! I'm getting the sense that one of the things you admire about me is my courage to be me? Guess what, I see the same thing in you! I understand that this'll be a big step for you, and I’d like to tell you to take your sweet time! Also, if you ask me, I'll say yes ☺️. Love you,
- TWICE and ITZY (kpop groups) may be very important to this person  - They also may love bunnies/rabbits - You also could actually be interested in this person
Pile 3
- Lowkey by NIKI - This person drinks - This person WILL be asking you out soon 😭 - They aren’t even gonna ask for much but they’re willing to give you their all (be kind!)
You want it? I got it. You need me? I’m THERE. Honest to god I’m tryna love you the way you deserve. You know I can make it happen, whatever it is. I’m bein so forreal. You ma ONE. Like dis is it. I gotchu forreal just let me show you.
- They are ON IT. - Honestly I’m not even seeing this as a secret, but I don't think you're understanding the extent of this person's love, hence the message. - Y'all's cards are amazing 😭 Like they are real life in love with you I hear them going “I’m sayin corny shit like I feel COMPLETE 😭” - Your heart is safe with them fr, have fun 💕
Pile 4
Literally getting not a damn thing outta this person they probably don’t speak often let alone to you 😭
Hey Love. I see you're still doing your best recovering from that *curseword in another language*. I still find you quite beautiful. This isn't what I’ve come to say though. I ask simply that each day you grow more and more selfish. I’d love to see you obsessed with yourself. A compact in your hand and gloss on your lips, ignoring those you don't wish to speak to. I wish to see you shine authentically, should you choose to, of course. I know you’ve got it in you. Love,
- Awwww - Their energy is so gentle and calm  - You guys could work in healthcare - They’ve got a fatass crush on you and are 100% certain you aren't going to ever find out.
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whyse7vn · 10 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
jimin: just won rock paper scissors against jungkook!!
jk: you punched me in the face
namjoon: ??
jin: deserved
y/n: LMAO
hobi: i’m sorry that happened to you
yoongi: hope it hurt
tae: did you hit him back?
jk: y/n told me to stop hitting people
y/n: i did say that
i think
tae: okay is she ur mother??
jk: i wish
jin: what???
namjoon: you were hitting people?
y/n: biting too
jimin: he’s into incest
y/n: never say that again
jk: i’m sorry
namjoon: i’m tired already
hobi: i think it’s time i got my wings guys🕊️💔
jin: honey bbq sounds great rn 😋
jimin: he’s talking about dying fatass…
jk: don’t die hobi!!!!!!
jin: oh
hobi: spread spread my wings
y/n: lalalalalala
hobi: she gets it
tae: yoongi
yoongi: what
tae: was just checking you were still alive
yoongi: don’t do it again
jimin: tae be honest is love me again about jennie
tae: SHUT UP??????
jin: you guys broke up?
jk: again??
yoongi: yikes
hobi: cheer up baby 💗
namjoon: hope ur ok
y/n: if i was her i would leave you too
tae: she never left me wtf
no one would ever leave ME
like come on
jimin: so you guys were together is what i’m hearing??
tae: NO
i’m just saying
yoongi: i like when you say nothing
tae: you like me🥺????
yoongi omg 💗💗💓💓💓💞💞💞💞
jk: did she leave you because you like yoongi?
yoongi: i just threw up
y/n: first stage is deniallll
tae: pls stop taking
yoongi: u first
tae: guys i think yoongi wants me really bad
yoongi: just threw up for the second time
hobi: proof??
namjoon: why would you want proof of that?
hobi: maybe i’m severely mentally unwell namjoon
y/n: right back off namjoon
namjoon: sighs
jimin: we all have our demons
namjoon: u guys are mine
jin: that’s kinda sexual if you think about it
jk: no??
jin: stfu??
jk: 😰😰😰
pls don’t say that to me i’ll cry
jin: BITCH
jk: 😭 this is me rn
y/n : do you think jennie left tae cuz she finally found out he’s broke??
jin: bet he couldn’t pay for his flight back home when they went paris
she knew she had to end things there and then
jk: idk bro…
namjoon: are you sure??
we wouldn’t judge you if it was
yoongi: i would
y/n: me 2
jin: and me
hobi: me 4
jimin: 5
jk: 6…
hobi: she could do so much better
jin: her type is ugly
wasn’t she with g-dragon 💀💀
that’s saying ALOT gdragon to tae THATS CRAZZZZY
ur ugly bro
tae: okay wtf
never call me bro again
we are not bros we kiss eachother on the lips occasionally
jimin: there is no way you weren’t with her
why do you know so much about her dating history??
jin: sounds like a jealous ex to me
hobi: obsessed and sad
jk: you would love to fuck me
yoongi: ???
y/n: woah
namjoon: oh
jk: sorry
jimin: HE SAID YES GUYS 🎉🎉🎉
hobi: who??
jk: what was the question?
jimin: will you marry me
jk: ?? no
hobi: WHO???
jin: not taemin that’s for sure
tae: hobi sound like and owl rn 😂😂
y/n: ur not funny
namjoon: didn’t laugh
yoongi: at all
tae: the way yoongi dick rides is insane
think for urself for once
jk: no cuz yoongi creaming on that shit fr 😭
y/n: jungkook….
jk: sorry
jimin: lmao why wouldn’t it be taemin for sure??
nothing is sure in this life
jin: trust me taemin does NOT want you
like at all
jimin: how would you know?
hobi: who are you marrying??
jin: just trust me
jimin: you don’t know SHIT bitch
jin: whatever
jimin: i lied
just wanted to spice it up in here
hobi: lord give me coke
jk: i think it’s strength??
not coke
hobi: i said what i said
y/n: tae can get you coke
tae: no i can’t
namjoon: at this point i need coke to put up with all ur shit
hobi: namjoon the only real one i’m telling you
jimin: been telling you joon on that stuff
no one believed me
now look
cracked out in-front of us all
y/n: yikes
namjoon: it’s rough being friends with you all
hobi: i was lying about the coke
i think he really on the stuff guys
tae: should i call the police
jin: are you not the dealer??
they’ll lock you up with him
namjoon: stop
hobi: druggie
yoongi: what a sad life
y/n: dealer dealer dealerrrrrr
namjoon: stop.
jimin: crack baby
jk: tae this isn’t a good life choice
namjoon: i quit
jin: i’m hungry
jimin: tell us something we don’t know
y/n: be a man eat pussy or go hunt
[ yoongi liked this message ]
jin: is that u inviting me over 🙈
jk: NO
tae: if jungkook was a dog he would be one of those skinny racer dogs
y/n: you would be a chiwawa
jimin: truth
tae: yoongi would be a pug
jin: they look like their existence hurts
yoongi: kinda real
namjoon: why are you indulging tae’s furry habbits??
hobi: right i could throw up rn
tae: see this is the norm nowadays
y/n: no it’s not
jimin: never
jin: ew
tae: THE SWITCH UP???????
can i breathe like wow
jk: woof
jin: stop
jk: my fault 😔
hobi: should we take jungkook to see someone?
jk: NO???
tae: ur not in a relationship
jk: OK?????
y/n: cute
hobi: i’m talking medically
jimin: he’s past medical help
yoongi: should of done that at 16
jin: i’m begging actually
fix him!!!
namjoon: you all need medical help
as soon as possible tbh
tae: some more than others
y/n: tae you are broke and deal drugs
like how is that even possible
you are BROKE and deal DRUGS
the maths isn’t there
jimin: someone save him
jin is literally big as hell
hobi: this is why jennie left
tae: hobi u look 12
yoongi: weak as hell
hobi: also not true at all
jk: 12 out of 10!!!!!
hobi: i’m blushingg😊☺️
jk: stop
hobi: oh
tae: namjoon is a shit leader
namjoon: ???? okay
if ur unhappy here you are free to leave taehyung
he said ur full name
that’s crazy
yoongi: leave
tae: ummmm wtf
take that back rn
joon what the hell 😢😢😢😢😢😢
i’m so upset
wtf is wrong with you
wow he’s really mad at me
after all i’ve done
i feel so worthless
im just an idiot
everyone hates me
namjoon: ???
tae: do you not love me??
jimin: no
namjoon: i’m confused…
tae: u just slapped me across the face
namjoom: i’m sorry?
tae: it’s okay i forgive you i guess 😕
just say u take it back
namjoon: i take it back??
hobi: a typical gaslighter at work
y/n: namjoon ur too soft
namjoon: what just happened
jimin: ur weak
hobi: smh smh
jin: i hope layover flops
namjoon: jin why did you say that
jin: i stand by it
he called me big
jennie is NEVER loving you again
jk: guys don’t shout yoongi gets headaches
yoongi: i do
jimin: old as hell
yoongi: what?
jimin: nothing
y/n: idk if you guys know this but ur strange
hobi: and ur not??
y/n: do you want to fight rn?
hobi: with our tongues?
y/n: strange
tae: stranger things
jimin: u the strangest thing ong 💀🙏🏼
tae: ong?
jimin: the one and only
tae: Oh my god this New album called layover is so Good?
jimin: he’s delusional oh my god
jk: hobi why haven’t you been singing today i miss it
hobi: i’m a changed man
jk: change back pls im upset
hobi: i’m a lover i’m a loser
jk: thank u
hobi: 🙏🏼
namjoon: we have a meeting in 10
jin: don’t care
y/n: hours?? minutes? seconds? DAYS???
yoongi: vague as hell
jimin: give us more than that namjoon
namjoon: sorry forgot u guys lacked common sense
jk: OMG???
that’s not nice at all is it?
tae: meeting???
i’m not even in the country rn wtf
tae: I AM NOt
that was AGES ago get a grip
jin: where are you then
tae: don’t worry
jin: trust me i’m not
tae: kys
namjoon: wydm ur not in the country???
tae: lmao?
namjoon: i give up
hobi: you said that already
namjoon: i mean it this time
jimin: damn
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iloveslllycatss · 7 months
i need YOUR help !
i have 2 crushes and i need u guys to choose who to go for SO PLS HELP
— LUCY (my codename for him)
basically lucy is someone i’ve had a crush on for about 3 years now, for physical description i’ll give a brief one: tall, curlyhead, hispanic, and a little skinny.
he’s athletic and FUNNY AS FUCK. (and a fatass)
basically me and lucy have been friends for a long time and we did have a talking stage last year but i got grounded and we stopped talking, he’s in one my pe and he plays basketball in it (he’s really athletic, he plays american and non american football/futbol, track and basketball)
he’s known for actin a lil fruity w his friends and being funny n attractive and alla that
the only problem is…. a BUNCHHHH of girls like him, and he dated 2 of my friends in the past (they don’t care), and he’s like VERYY popular.
he smokes 🍃 and he’s a fatass. i’m talking MAJOR fatass. this dude makes me buy him a second school lunch and then eats it up as if it’s good……. 😟
also side note he be walking like this in the hallways bro 😭 :
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i really like him and i can imagine us together, i can imagine him making me laugh and shit and alla that yk?
— DEE(z nuts) (another codename)
OKAY SO dee is a new kid at my school, for a physical description he’s tall, hawaiian, long-ish curly hair that’s medium brownish, and he’s tan and skinny (like lucy)
i’ve had a crush on dee for like a week or something, and i have one class with him (pe..) and he plays volleyball with me (AND HES SO GOOD AT IT TOO.)
he’s athletic and cute but he’s like a quiet boy kinda, he only talks when talked to or if he has a question
but fr tho, this dude can RUN. he’s FAST AS FUCKKKK (he prolly pulled in elementary when all the girls wanted the fastest boy 😭)
our assigned seats on the bleachers are next to eachother and he talks to me sometimes
he also is really funny and i think he smokes 🍃 (i’m not sure bc he didn’t give me a clear answer when i asked him)
he’s nice tho and is pretty cute and i could see myself with him
tags (BUT ANYONE CAN JOIN.) : @xoxojisu , @beanxiv , @okkotsyui , @thesilliestyuri , @betterthanlube , @forevayafavv , @hqkalon , @mayearies , @blkshoyo , @iloveeefifi , @iwas-princess , @ineedhelp638
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theloveinc · 2 years
Nah here’s a little bit of shit that would happen in the short king bakugou house
Bakugou would be in the middle of a little meeting with a few other hero’s discussing the villain take down that just happened a few days ago and he keeps hearing his cell phone go off. He would ignore it and just put it on silent but it keeps lighting up and before he knows it his office phone is ringing. It has to be important if it’s wENT OFF 10 TIMES IN THE SPAN OF 5 minutes. When he looks down it’s his only boy callin his phone.
“What do you want son I’m in the middle of a meeting”
“Aye pops, ma and you got some good ass toliet paper in y’all’s bathroom-“
“- what did I tell you about saying ass, your ma gonna get mine and your ass if she catches-“
He would go silent for a second and then his face would do that ugly ahh scrunched up face parents do when they are getting on to you in public.
“If you don’t get your ugly ass out of my damn bathroom, now I done told you to stop going in there when I’m not home-“
“This shit nice tho fr pa, real comfortable and elegant. Ma did good decorating in here. Aye you think mama still got that good smelling shit she got you for Christmas- that perfume shit. We runnin a bit on the low side on the air freshener”
Then two would literally be arguing and deku and todoroki is just staring at him like what is going on.
Or stuff like bakugou in his at home office signing some papers and his son comes in with his phone on his forehead with the flash recording him and asking him dumb questions and bakugou has the “😒😔” expression like- “what the hell you want, son. I’m clearly busy”
“Damn pop you be smellin like you haven’t bathed why your ass smellin like that?? Ma gonna send you through a car wash if she smells you like that”
“You would know cause you use the same shit I do, brat. Always going through my shit- you act like you don’t got your own bathroom! Your own room!”
“I like your shit pops- you be getting all them women with that shit fr fr”
Y’all’s son and bakugou are like father like son fr fr cause they don’t know personal space. He will always be all up on bakugou 24/7 and your son takes after his mamas height so he’s taller and a bit heavier than bakugou. He’s always telling him to get his fatass off of him. They literally can be on the couch and next thing you know his son is leaning on him or bothering him in some type of way and bakugou just acts like everything’s fine.
He won’t ever do it to his mama tho, he knows she doesn’t play. None of the kids do it hell bakugou don’t do it. Surprisingly I see their mama being the strict one and bakugou kind of being the fun dad who is always throwing them around and talking so “MEAN” to them. Bakugou is always warning them he gonna tell their mama if they don’t leave him alone. If bakugou ever gets onto them they will immediately go back to their mama which makes you laugh but make bakugou SO FRUSTRATED LIKE DAMN WAS IT THAT SERIOUS??
Y’all’s house is so fucking big cause y’all have so many kids. Even if some of y’all’s kids go off to college they will always soME HOW be in the house eating out of y’all’s fridge. Bakugou will purposely make a bunch of food even if most of them move out cause he knows them little bastards come into the house when him and his wife are gone and just steal a bunch of food and will EVEN SHOW IT AND BRAG ON THE RING DOOR BELLS OR THE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE. the will get real close up to the camera and brag about how much shit they stole or that they gonna need some more of SOMETHINT cause they took it all or they will do a little dance HELL EVEN FART OR BURP IN THE CAMERA CAUSE THEY FIND JT SO FUNNY AND YOU JUST GLARE AT BAKUFOJ LIKE WHERE DID THESE KIDS GET THIS FROM
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(missing paragraph of me screaming)
Like son not just calling but FaceTiming him to SHOW him posing in your bathroom. Taking a tour of everything and using your hand soap on camera to make bakugo even angrier JRHSIDJKDBFKD. Propping the camera up to dance and shit and bakugo is incapable of hanging up😭😭😭 and having to hide his razors so his son doesn’t start breaking them when he doesn’t even need them. 
and bakugo not realizing his son and him are so alike🥺🥺😢😢 little old men together struggling to change the TV channel or something, sitting buttcheek to buttcheek together all confused w the exact same expression on and needing to call one of the girls to help them figure it out. They fight so much but deep down they’re really so similar and they’re touchy YESSS. Together and with you. get mad about the same things, like when a hero messes up on TV or the store is out of their fave brand of rice dhfjaskdjf🥺
AND I LOVE STRICT MOM AND FUN DAD BAKUGO… like he tries so hard to keep things in order but he’s so bad at it bc he doesn’t feel like his own mom. he just can’t. Mitsuki is so glad ur around to keep her grandkids in check but ajfhskjdj it fits so perfectly to think about him being the lazy dad with all your kids surrounding him watching tv and eating your special mom snacks cuz he’s already mean to villains all day.
(He’s like: “everyone gets one handful. One.” And then the whole bag is gone CLOWNNNNN) rjjfkfk and him being nervous when they snitch on him even tho WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO LIKE ???. Like you said, you’re just laughing and bakugo is honestly surprised like. You’re not gonna bust his butt for getting snappy? NO
(tho seriously king, why are u letting ur own children turn u into a child???) 
ARGHSGSHEHIDGEJEBR THO everything here took me out AND I just wanna eat this. I’m sorry my thoughts are so incoherent but this literally deserved it’s own post FR LIKE IM JUST SO GIGGLY OVER THIS this household is such a PARTY LOL but it seems so nice, too. Probably even end up with 2-3 kids you didn’t actually birth too. Kids friends in rough circumstances or something and bakugo hardly even notices. Just yells at them to clean the spilt soda (he’s long since given up on trying to stop them from drinking) in the fridge too $5$2@4$&3&4)28475&: I LOVED THIS THANK YOU ANONNNNNNN❤️🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚
(Also how much money are we putting on one of your kids flashing their bare butt to the camera? Seems like a bakugo activity to me LMAOOO and you know he’s constantly checking the tape too🥺😩😩)
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skzcre · 1 year
Ofc ofc you’re genuinely and truly one of the very few writers on this app who’s writing I really admire 😫🫶🏼 I’m always gonna stick by u thru the hiatuses fr I see “skzcre posted” and I run to tumblr 😭😭
i will cry on the spot why would u do this me 🥺 you know i’m a fatass crybaby pls
no fr that means the world to me bc i rlly feel bad for being so inconsistent. but knowing u still enjoy the stuff i write rlly like made my whole day <333333
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celcero · 2 years
i did. also start obey me recently BUT IM LIKE AT LESSON 3 LMAO 😭😭😭 but fr,, levi better shut up w that fatass head
ANYWAYS ily sending u sososo many kisses 😚🫶
ISHA ISHA ISHA !!!! HI HI !!! pls i saw your tags on the most recent human chapter and you’re the only one that rlly noticed 👀 something 👀 HAHA I WONT SAY MUCH BUT !!! OBEY ME ?!! PLS TELL ME YOU LOVE LUCI AND MAMMON BECAUSE I WOULD. DIE. FOR. THEM!! i’m a levi hater but i also hate another character (will not say until you meet them so i don’t spoil) but that’s for future isha to know.
BUT YESS LEVIS HEAD IS SO MF BIG . I HATE HIM SO SO SO MUCH !!!! we can rant and complain abt levi as we kiss and cuddle. it’s my dream fr !! HAHA ILYSM
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clairosrealwife · 19 days
stawp chinese UGHHH i love it so much and kebab. we mostly like quite a beige diet tbf BUT CHINESE MAN its so english man like its so sad but it tastes so good. (yes we do eat crumpets and tea i just dont like crumpets) its also whatever american food trends are aound just later like we just got tru fru
yeah my mums horrid not to my brother tho he spoilt fr
omg dude me too i was a lurker for so mf long and i rarely said anything tbh bc everyone seemed so established in their own little circle ykwim so i was honestly scared
everyone thinks i’m quiet and shy but once i get comfortable oh i’m DEVOURING. that food infront go u idc how i look and i’m just saying wtv comes to mind cause again idc.
OMG I LOVE KEBABS TOO. just smth about that slightly burnt taste that makes it so good😣😣 CRUMPETS?? omg ru the one who said smth about that fucjing clotted cream thing dude that sounded so mf nasty but i searched it up it looks good TBH and this might be controversial and a rlly bad take but i feel like tru frus are just a tad bit overrated LIKE THEURE SO GOOD DONT GET ME WRONG but idk guys….
i don’t have any siblings but i’ve heard how some moms are like in LOVE with their boys especially the young moms on tt and it’s so weird like i saw that one girl who was like “oh i love my daughter but my son is the love of my life no one can compare🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰” like um excuse me what😭😭 me personally i would obviously love both my kids equally but i wanna be a girl mom so badly like idk
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jester909 · 1 year
fellow sluts I’m in need of dire assistance, from one bro-hoe to another
im one of you guys I swear, I’m just new to this platform 😭 I mostly dwell on twitter and ao3 but I fr need to expand past those, so I’ve sat my fatass here on tumblr
I’m looking to join whatever community I can except I just have no idea how anything works.
I’m a poet, and angst writer, and a smut writer if provoked.
fandoms I’ll provide for:
-Harry potter
-promised neverland
-2020 mcyts
-helluva boss
-wings of fire
I’m literally a gay poet who’s fandomless, it’s like being homeless
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m4rzx · 2 years
i’m fr just gonna kms 🔥 hate eating so much why do i eat why is it so fuckjg hard not even enjoyable just feel like a fatass LMFAO i regret eating those fyicjg chicken nuggets i feel so gross i feel better now but i still feel nasty for even eating them lol and my slow ass perverted ass uncle fucoing put his hands on my back lije giving me a massage like get ur fucojng nasty ass hands off me never wanted to kill myself so bad before tofsy is so good
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nctsiren · 3 years
hyonny best couple i don’t make the rules i just enforce them
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(yes i know this is a shit edit but this was requested and im excited so THIS IS FOR YOU ANON ILY)
PLEASE lmk what you think!! if u ever have any questions about them (or any of the ocs or reqs) i encourage you to send me asks! thank u loves, enjoy!!❣️
TAGLIST (hmu to join! applies to all of my ocs): @moonbeamsung @aqueenieme @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook​ 
hyeyoung met johnny in 2017, a bit after he debuted in 127
he came around the training center, since he had trained for so long and had friends there
he also liked to meet new trainees! he’s a super kind guy, he wants to try to be support for them, since he trained for So Long
when he first saw her he thought she was gorgeous
and vice versa, yknow. she was shy because he was a Debuted Idol AND a Handsome Man
yeah they both found each other attractive and that was. about it yknow? for a while
THEN in 2019, rumor was that hyeyoung would join an nct female unit
she was already friends with mila and lily, having trained with mila, and lily was friendly with trainees
but she started talking to the guys more, meeting them properly and getting used to them
and johnny was so .. you know how he is
she fell really quick tbh
lily noticed this QUICKLY and did what she could to make them interact and she THOUGHT she is what got them together
but johnny was texting her on the low .. he loved her the minute he had his first conversation (in person) with her
johnny is a Romantic™️ and we all know it
so this man COURTED her like a damn maiden
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: *arrive at the siren dorms and open the door*
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: ...
evie: hyeyoung who sent you twenty vases of roses
no that IS NOT A JOKE
literally an old movie romance, complete with the yearning and such
he always texted her good morning and good night
sent her coffee or tea on the low while she was training
“hello beautiful”
hyeyoung was lovestruck. she felt able to actually talk to him after a bit, and it was so easy for her to trust and feel close to him
she got shy when he did big gestures or sweet things- but it was making her fall HARD
and johnny? well he wasn’t MUCH better just more composed outwardly
our smooth, flirty bastard john ..
would absolutely GUSH about her to the members. smiling like an IDIOT at his phone
once lily said she couldn’t hang out because hye wasn’t feeling good and johnny’s heart DROPPED he didn’t know what to do
come to think of it he hasn’t gotten a text from her in a while :((
didnt she say she hadn’t had pizza lately?
and that’s how johnny ended up at the trainee girls’ dorm at 11pm with a pizza. and the dark chocolate she liked.
he watched a movie in hyeyoung’s room with her ALONE and she leaned into his side so
tbh it wasn’t a bad night
hyeyoung was fr wondering if this would be anything
she was thinking about her career, yeah, but her heart YEARNED for him. she was falling in love with everything about him
she didn’t need the grand gestures, she just needed him
and, it probably goes without saying, but so did johnny
he stopped by her practice room with evie and gem one day
he had just finished his own practice and called hye closer to the door of the practice room she was in with the girls
cue lily practically shaking with excitement
“i don’t think this will seem out of the blue... do you wanna get dinner, sometime? as an actual date this time”
the smile she gave him nearly made poor john’s heart stop
“i thought you’d never ask” she responded, stepping on her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek
CHEESY SMILE until jaehyun pulls him away
“howd it go, romeo?”
then they heard the girls squealing audibly and talking at the speed of light
“oh no big deal. just the most beautiful amazing woman on the planet likes me back”
the first date was literally later that night, in hyeyoung’s room, with takeout and the nicest red wine johnny could find
tbh he couldn’t wait and she was free that night
“keep the door unlocked!” - evie
the two just talked and laughed and the movie on the background was ignored
hyeyoung was used to feeling shy with people, but she was so comfortable early on. it felt right
and yeah the night DID end with them making out
with the door locked, screw you evie (johnny’s words, not hyeyoung’s)
they fell into being a couple very easily
they told the company a few months in to make life easier and surprisingly .. they were pretty okay with it, though they obviously had guidelines
they couldn’t be seen alone in public (sometimes they break that rule with masks and hats and disguises since the managers will let them sometimes)
a lot of their dates are in the siren dorms because it’s quieter and all of the girls have their own rooms
she comes around to the 127 dorms a lot
they couldn’t interact more than she would interact with the others, and absolutely no pda
((tbh with mila and lily, it’s more acceptable, since they grew up with their members, but the other three have stricter rules .. evie almost breaks them sometimes tho. and sometimes the guys will give casual, familial hugs to them))
they said they loved each other a few months in
johnny said it first, and hyeyoung said it back immediately
it was natural. they fully and truly love each other
they will 1000% percent get married, and they will do so whenever they can in the future
they want to keep their relationship quiet just because hyeyoung’s career has JUST started
but johnny wants to reveal it as soon as the company lets them because he wants the world to know he loves her with all of his heart
johnny’s parents have only met her over facetime, and they already love her. she talks to johnny’s mom a lot too
he has met her parents and siblings, and obviously they love him 
her dad is protective though since she’s his youngest daughter and his baby
johnny is still big on keeping the romance alive and planning things for her, always telling her how much he loves her, and showing physical affection
hyeyoung is a softer type of girlfriend, and she is big on quality time and expressing to him how much she loves him. 
they will never, ever doubt how much they love each other. forever type shit
johnny and hyeyoung ARE mom and dad
especially to hyuck. hyeyoung LOVES him and thinks he can literally do no harm, similar to how she is with lily
mark used to have a crush on hyeyoung hehe but i think we ALL know he’s interested in someone else now ..
taeyong, yuta, lily, hyuck, jaemin, evie, ten, jungwoo, taeil, chenle, hendery, and yangyang are their biggest shippers. they believe in hyonny supremacy
jaehyun is OBVIOUSLY happy for his bro but he’s a chill, cool dude y’know ..
he’s johnny’s go-to though and he and hyeyoung have a very sweet friendship, jaehyun always looks out for her and makes sure she’s okay
johnny will be chill about the eventual rumors about hyeyoung and jaehyun tho because he knows there’s nothing there, and as far as he is concerned, that means that their relationship is safer without any lights on them
they aren’t jealous people (AHEM take note lily AHEM)
the two of them will still flirt with fans, and they rate each other’s flirty comments to fans
“nah, baby, that’s basic. be smoother”
“john, they literally just asked me to tell them i love them”
yeah they’re teased tho and you KNOW they are
ten is CRAZY dude he was already big on the innuendos but now .. goodness
he doesn’t step out of line tho and he’s more subtle and would never do anything to harass them (well mainly not hyeyoung because flashbacks to “i wanna have xxxx with you fatass! love you forever darling” johnten always wilding)
y’know that clip from stranger thing when that dude asks jonathan how the pull out was... “the couch”. yeah. stuff like that from ten
hyuck doesn’t tease them much surprisingly! because again. mom and dad
i can sum up mark in a single sentence:
“you guys are, like, perfect for each other, y’know? i’m happy for you guys, seriously.”
yuta teases sometimes, but chenji is RUTHLESS
if hyonny even looks at each other they’re like OOOOO HEHE GET A ROOM
most of wayv is .. well .. we know how wayv is
taeyong is so warm to them about it all and it’s super sweet. taeil loves them together and is unintentionally funny saying things about young people and love
the girls are PROTECTIVE of hyeyoung even tho they know johnny is perfect for her
lily is in a permanent state of trying to square up with johnny and hyeyoung thinks it’s funny
they have great reception overall, everyone loves them
sm family loves them TOO and heechul is the REAL captain of their fan club and red velvet as a whole loves them together 
do you know how many times they hear “awwwh cute!” 
spoiler: it’s a lot
GOD the two try to help lily with her love life and she hates it
they’ll end up trying to help everyone but lily is their focus
they have lots of couple-isms
“baby” “love” “honey” stuff like that
they have inside jokes
fashionable ass couple
he watches old films with her 
they’re the type of couple to slow dance in the middle of the kitchen
they both know like. they know what the other would order from where, what to do for them after a long/hard day
she knows how to make his coffee perfectly
johnny knows what temperature she likes her baths/showers and what wine she’ll enjoy most
hyeyoung knows where johnny’s back is most tense and his slight change in posture when he needs a massage
they know each other’s style, and they surprise each other with little gifts
they basically know each other like the back of their hand. two halves of the same whole
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magicflowershop · 4 years
 one day kitty; Akaashi version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
straight up you knew you had feelings for this tired-looking boy from your school’s vball team
so you made some deals with the devil
yk fr bein a cat aint an easy job, you literally were minding your own business until one shop owner suddenly swept you away from their ramen store with a mop as if you’d actually care to bother abt their damn ramen
little did they know you were actually stalking this fine lad who was buying onigiri for breakfast at the next store
and since you were a cat, you knew you were cute by default and you decided to utilize this cuteness for the goodness of all
but when Akaashi saw the cat he immediately thought of Nekoma, he gone and went not giving it any ounce of attention, sad
of course this wasn’t the last of you
like if you had to annoy him just to notice you, you’d do it and you were kidding bc you didnt want to be pushed away with a mop again jfc
that’s what you thought you said bc you found yourself ogling at him in the gym at one point 
obv the other members took notice of a strange cat that was casually hanging out over there and casually watching their practice
Akaashi recognized you from this morning but he let the other guys have fun gushing at how cute and small you were instead
but that aint enough,,, you jumped out of Bokuto’s arms and went straight towards Keiji with those shiny, beady eyes luring him to your needy ass
the other lads caught on quick that the cat wanted Akaashi but you could care less about what they think ykyk
he crouched before you to look closely at your face,,,
“what do you want?”
you smiled in cat and literally said you but that translated as meow in human 
Akaashi might’ve stroked the top of your head subconsciously
you know you’re starting to wrap him around your lil paws
and ofc you werent finished uwu,,, you used every bit of your kitty energy to get his attention bc if you were human, you wouldn’t be able to shamelessly flirt like this cause you’re shy af
but comes a time where Akaashi lowkey found this sus
“do you need something from me?”
which was a stupid question to ask since he knows its a cat and it just happened to like him yk, he couldn’t rly help ask the question
“your love and affection, beautiful sir”
what the flipping fuq
the cat spOKE?????
Akaashi rly had to double take what just happened bc a voice just spoke outta no where and there were no girls around where they were???
you let out a cold sweat and shook off what just happened,, meowing purposefully at his face and nuzzlin at him like a regular normal kitty
but then you saw the demon fatass cat you made a deal with the previous night and knew, he was playin with you like the bitch he are
so Akaashi thought he only heard things and went back to his regularly scheduled programming
but with a puss <3
tailin him around <3
okay, Akaashi might’ve gotten used to you followin him around like his shadow, people around campus found it cute that there was a cat inside the corridors but Akaashi was just afraid of getting in trouble of letting a cat inside school premises
nuttin they can do now
he kept the cat inside his bag
and you leisurely slept inside <3
but ofc you aint just gon sleep inside his beautiful bag no ma’am you had business the first time you arrived there and you gon continue it 
what was it tho? 
what made you turn into a cat the first place? is it even worth the trouble of turning into a cat????
you were running out of time
the sun was about to set and once midnight strikes you go back to normal,,, and jesus do you still want to continue hanging out with this lad in cat form and pissing him off whenever you feel like it
you decided you wanted to stay in cat
that night after the vball practice ended, Akaashi figured he should bring you to the playground,,, and leave you there for the night, bc their apartment doesn’t allow pets inside :c
he sat on the swings and kinda watched you play on the sand, but you weren’t playing on the sand, i mean you arent actually a cat yk?
,,, you two were just starin at each other for a few minutes
“you’re a strange cat”
sis is quic wit
“it’s as if you’re acting like you’re in love with me”
you meowed pretending some more bc if you actually said something it might translate into human language again
“but that can’t be true. the voice earlier can’t be true either... it sounded oddly like someone i know and she isn’t a cat”
okay,, uh,, what do you do from here
the fat cat is watching the entire thing
and it’s 10 boys what are y’all still doin in the playground
you remained dubious of the things he’s spouting, even when he picked you up from the sand onto his lap
“why are you suddenly quiet? you were so talkative earlier weren’t you? did you get tired or smth?”
was this part of the spell? is he falling in love with you know??? is he a fURRY NOW???
but then Akaashi decided it was time for him to go back home, bc unlike you he has a house and a life to go back to after school,,,
so by this time you’re panicking
time is running out and you lit do not know what do to 
“so what is your decision?” the fat cat grew before you, asking you whether you accept the cat life and give your human soul to him completely or go back to the shitty life you once had
tbh you trust nothing from this bitch, after clowning you how could you possibly trust anything else from him 
“i’m taking my life back thank you very much”
“i knew y/n acted so out of it earlier”
even the fat cat was as shocked as you were turning into human bit-by-bit since you were given back the will of wanting your normal life back by Akaashi pulling you away from the cat
“how- how did you know-”
tears formed in your eyes, and your heart swelled at his generosity
“when i found you wishing at the shrine we passed the other day, you suddenly disappeared,,, i asked the old man guarding the shrine what happened and apparently people go there to ask to get their normal lives taken away”
“and i was afraid of you taking away yours y/n”
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should i make a taglist for this? comment if yes :>
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jvmp3 · 5 years
my brother is o mf annoying like can that fatass just— KSOSJKDB IM ANGERY 😡😡😔😔 also I hope u have fun with ur trip!!
omg stop fr my brother was being an asshole in the car all day and he’s so annoyingdndjejej i’m sorry angel :( i hope your day was okay though !! try and ignore him as much as you can and let him tire himself out lmao. but my fatass brother is literally so annoying and he thought our dog was gonna throw up on him in the car today and when he was freaking out it just made the whole car trip even worse lmao and the enclosed space made it all the better :) anyways let’s hope that our annoying brothers shut up and leave us alone lmao i love my little brother but he’s annoying lol but thank you so much cherry !! i am having fun (even tho it’s been storming so far fhdjdj) <333
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feenyreadscomics · 5 years
Rosaries, part 7
Ok, so Bucky and Matt are in plot absolutely traumatized and on the run, and Steve and Foggy are on the blondie support squad. Bucky and Matt are on the run, and Steve and Foggy are adjusting to life. For reference, CA:TWS was a few months ago. Stick is in this one, and I tried to make him as awful as possible.
Steve was doing patrols, trying to cover Hell's kitchen, now that he knew Daredevil would not be there anytime soon. He got a new, darker suit made by Tony and everything.
He had just stopped a mugging and was walking along rooftops across the street from Matt's apartment when he saw the guy. Old man, by the looks of it. Used the roof access and everything.
Heckin suspicious.
He crossed the street, trying to be as subtle as possible.
By the time he got there, and entered, all that was left was some cigarette smoke, and an ice cream cone wrapper.
Steve: So something weird just happened at your apartment. An old man broke in and he left an ice cream wrapper behind.
Matt: do me a favor
Matt: if you ever see him again, ignore him
Matt: dont talk to him
Matt: if he asks, you dont know me
Steve decided he was finally going to do it. He was going to talk to Fr. Lantom. One on one. He hadn't talked with Fr. Lantom since Matt started...fading. Fading from life was a good way of putting it. He called the priest, and made an appointment.
"Ah! It's good to see you, Steve. How are you doing?" Fr. Lantom asked.
"Father, I have, I guess, some concerns about one of my friends..."
"Such as?"
"I think he might be in trouble."
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"Not... really? He tried to kill me, than ran off to who knows where. I'm just hoping he's ok."
"Ah. Do you pray for him?" Steve nodded.
"Then that is all you can do."
"So, how are things going for you, Father?"
"Parish life is parish life. It's going well."
"Good to hear, father."
They chatted for the next hour or so, talking about Mass, differences from when Steve was a child, the things he missed.
Remembering was good.
Mike look irritated.
"Hey Jim, we got someone following us." Ah yes. That would be the source of the irritation.
"6 o'clock."
"Fun." Bucky casually turned around. "Doesn't look like Hydra. He's some old guy."
"Do you have a phone on you?"
"Splitting up and reconvening might be a good idea. I know this guy, he's stepping by for an unexpected visit."
"I'll call you by tomorrow."
"Sounds good." Bucky did plan on rejoining Mike. They had been on the road for a week or so, travelling together.
It was fantastic, not having to watch his back 24/7. Hydra would have him run solo missions, then freeze him. The last time he had a team, was...World War II. Then he had Steve, and the rest of the Howling Commandos. Pinky, Junior, Izzy.
It hadn't really hit him before, them being dead. But here he was, alive, and they were dead. Gone.
In one-two-three out one-two-three. He could do this.
Bucky took a hard left while Mike went right. Bucky found a bench to sit on. Mike talked to the old guy.
Huh. He had a stick like Mike's. Also blind. Interesting. Jim decided that until he got a name for the old guy, he'd be Mike's grandpa. He definitely looked old enough for it.
A bus drove across the road, breaking Bucky's line of sight with Mike and his grandpa. When the bus moved, they were gone.
Bucky got a phone call a few hours later.
"Meet me behind Roy's."
"Will do." Bucky googled Roy's, and started walking.
He found Mike in the dumpster behind Roy's.
"Shit, what happened to you?" Bucky asked.
"Got into a bit of a fight. Took a few hits."
"Fuck. Let's get you out of there." Bucky grabbed Mike's arms and dragged him out. Mike winced.
Bucky gently laid him down on the pavement. "Jim-its cracked-" Mike gritted his teeth- "ribs. They just gotta-" Mike sharply inhaled- "heal."
"Well, let's at least take care of those cuts. It cant be good that you were in a dumpster and bleeding."
"Wouldn't be the first." Matt grunted.
"And I thought I couldn't make good decisions to save my life." Bucky started rummaging around in Mike's bag. "Ah. Got it."
Bucky took out cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide, and began cleaning Mike's scrapes. He then fished put some bandages, and dressed the cuts. "All better."
"Ya know, we should probably get a mode of transit that isn't public."
"Like a car?"
"I was thinking motorcycle."
Mike snorted. "Mike on a bike. Sounds like something out of Dr. Seuss."
"I guess. Hey, can I ask you something?"
Mike sat up, wincing. He nodded.
"What was with the grandpa guy?"
"Just an old...friend."
"Mmmmhmmmm. Ah yes. Friend. I can tell you're full of shit."
"I'm not the only one here who is."
Bucky stared at him. Then he started laughing.
"Fair point, Mike, fair point."
"Now, are you going to help me up, or just stand there laughing until I get ran over?"
Bucky extended his (fleshy) hand to Mike, and helped him onto his feet.
"Let's find somewhere to spend the night."
They wind up taking shelter under a bridge, feasting on more granola bars and jerky Jim had on him.
Matt was pleasantly surprised. He often struggled to eat jerky, the meat being over seasoned, the plastic packaging leaving a faint residue. And that's not even getting into how long the meat is in the package.
It was still difficult to eat, but not impossible. It didn't make him gag, anyways. Which might as well be a ringing endorsement.
"You want to take first or second watch?" Jim asked.
"Second." Matt tucked into the sleeping bag, while Jim sat and stared into the night.
Later that night, they switched spots. Jim took off his prosthetic, and tucked in.
Matt was up, but tired. He had taken out some rope, thin and red, and started tying a rosary. It helped calm him, having something to focus on.
Stick showed up again. Maybe its because he got caught up in the rosary making, maybe he was slipping, maybe it's because Stick was just good at what he did.
"Come on, Matty. They still aren't down yet."
"No. I'm busy." Matt glared, standing up, muscles tense.
"With what? Protecting that pansy ass cripple? You really are dumber than I thought."
"Fuck off."
"Nah. You're coming with me." Jim's heartbeat changed. Shit. He's waking up. Matt can't have him meet Stick.
So Matt charges him, roundhouse, back kick, right hook, but the bastard dodges those with ease, smirk on his face, and oh no Jim is up, oh no-
"Come on, Matty, the sooner you can return to your soft life with pretty boy over there, no?" Stick laughed. "Or are you going to run from him too, run from him like you're doing to those other people, like, him, what's that fatass's name...Foggy? Or that brick blondie, what was it?" Matt managed to land a hit, square in Stick's jaw.
Stick kicked Matt. And that began a trading of blows, with Matt trying to keep Stick away from Jim. And...Jim got his prosthetic arm on. And walked right up to Stick. With a walk that screamed power. A walk that would strike fear into the hearts of men.
And he caught Stick's fist.
"Mike said no, leave him alone." Jim said, voice deepening, eyes boring holes in Stick's skull.
Stick laughed. "Have fun with your guard dog then," and he jumped, hoisting himself onto the bridge above.
Matt and Jim watched him go.
"What was that Matty bit about?"
"Childhood nickname. I'd rather not talk about it."
"Oookkkkaaaayyyy." Jim continued to stare where Stick had disappeared off to.
"We really should get a motorcycle," Jim said, breaking the silence.
"We really should."
Brrriiinnngg. Brrrriiiinnng
"Hey, if you are hearing this, I, the wonderful Foggy Nelson, can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message."
"Hey Fogs, its Matt. I haven't heard from you for a while. Please call me and let me know how you're doing. Love you."
Matt hung up his phone, and joined up with Jim. Time to buy a motorcycle.
Thanks for reading!
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fishbitches · 5 years
life’s a bitch. here’s some of my life.
okay so i fr wanna be skinny so bad, like i look at all my friends and am like “damn i wanna look like you so bad” so yknow i starve myself from time to time, no biggie so that’s fun, but like i can only really starve myself at school bc that’s where no one can force me to eat, unlike when i’m home my parents are like “eat ur food” so that’s fun. there’s been times where i’ve purged but i don’t do it that often because then i risk people realizing which is like the last thing i want. people have already started suspecting things bc they’ve seen scars but that’s not what we’re talking about. moral of this story; i wanna be skinny and i try but i still end up being a fatass at the end of the day.
now as for relationships. i dated a boy at the very start of november (B) and we dated for 3 days before we dumped me to date my best friend, who is now an ex-best friend bc she’s shady as shit and everyone calls her a wannabe me (I) but i started dating a boy back at the end november (J) and for about the past 4 months we had been on and off, we ended up dating four different times, i had broken up with him all of those times. after the third time we dated he started dating I (the same girl that dated my ex 2 days after we broke up) they didn’t last bc J was only dating her to get over me. we ended up getting back together and then i broke up with him AGAIN, after that we had both decided to not date eachother again. now about a week and a half ago B asked me out, i was hesitant at first because the last time we dated me dumped me after 3 days, but for some un-godly reason i said yes. that answer is now REALLY coming back to bit me in the ass. i went into this thinking that i liked him but now i’m not so sure but i do know that i can’t break up with him bc then i’ll be even more of a player than i already am (according to my entire grade). probably the biggest reason this is coming back to me is because my best friend, actually idk what she even is, hates him and now she’s saying i don’t even like him and i’m going to fast and she even said i’m changing and she doesn’t like the person i’m changing into. sis first of all she’s dated almost every boy in her grade. i’m not kidding. but she also can be a bitch sometimes. she literally hates all of my friends especially this one who is probably my other best friend(H), and i don’t know why, she literally calls everyone her best friend and sometimes put everyone above me and i never say anything, yet i’m not aloud to have any other friends than her. wtf. but the thing about my other best friend,H, is that i tell her everything, i’ve told her more things than i’ve even admitted to myself, things i’ve never, ever, told my other friend. so i just don’t know. also the friend that’s mad at me literally is posting all over her story on how these are her best friends and all that shit, she even made it obvious she’s mad at me bc she didn’t even tag me in her recent (seems stupid but for us that’s a big deal). anyways pretty sure i’m just gonna stay with H as my new best friend bc she’s so ducking nice and beautiful and she cares, she funny and loyal, she’s literally everything you’d want in a best friend.
anyways that’s just like a slice of what my messed up life is.
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