#I will say I normally have one or two songs that I just skip in albums and eps
argcicle · 1 year
My half-delirious ranking because it’s past midnight and I just realized the album came out:
1. Portrait of a Blank Slate
2. Scum
3. Consequences
4. Call Me What You Like
5. It’s Golden Hour Somewhere
6. Warsaw
8 notes · View notes
hoe-for-hopper · 3 months
A Crush On Eddie
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Part 2 is HERE
WARNINGS: kind of a slow burn, unprotected piv, masturbation (f & m), drinking (reader is drunk, not during sex), vomiting (reader vomits)
Word Count: 4,983 (idk how that happened)
Summary: You've got a crush on Eddie Munson, so you drag your two best friends, Steve and Robin to Corroded Coffin's show. When Steve is too drunk to drive you home, Eddie offers.
A/N: I swear this was supposed to just be a one and done Eddie fic, but oops I got carried away and there's gonna be a part 2 (steddie) sometime in the next few days. Partially unedited, ends on a cliffhanger.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMUT BELOW THE CUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You, Steve, and Robin pull up to the shitty little dive bar that Corroded Coffin is playing tonight. You’re nervous, but you’re not sure why. It’s not like Eddie is even going to notice you. You’re just here to enjoy the show and have a fun night out with your best friends. Besides, you haven’t seen Eddie since you were all in high school and you hardly spoke with him then. He probably doesn’t even remember who you are.
Steve has no clue about your little crush on Eddie Munson. He has no idea that he’s the only reason you dragged them to the Corroded Coffin show. Robin, on the other hand, has been forced to listen to your lust filled rants about Eddie on more than one occasion. 
“Alright, I’ll grab the drinks, you guys go find us a good clean spot to watch them.” Steve shook his head as he made his way to the bar at the back of the room. 
You and Robin found a small table against the wall to the side of the stage. As you two placed your purses and jackets down you looked up and saw Eddie walking towards the bar and your heart skips a beat. He was cute, more than cute, really. 
“Oh God. Why don’t you just go talk to him? It’s not like you two don’t already know each other.” Robin is rolling her eyes as she follows your line of sight to Eddie.
“Because. What would I even say? ‘Hi Eddie, remember how we hardly talked during high school and weren’t even friends? Well, I’ve actually got such a huge crush on you that I dragged my two best friends to your show tonight.’ I mean, come on, Robin.” You let out a heavy sigh and sit down on the stool.
Robin finishes draping her jacket over her chair and sits down, “Well, maybe don’t say that. I was more so thinking of something along the lines of ‘hi.’ You know, something normal.” 
“What are we talking about?” Steve says as he sets down the drinks. 
You catch Robin’s eye and give your head a subtle shake. “Oh, we were just saying how I think that girl over there at the bar is so cute. Y/N was saying I should go talk to her, but I’m just way too nervous.” Robin winks at you as Steve cranes his neck trying to see what girl she’s talking about.
“I didn’t see a cute girl at the bar.” Steve says.
“Oh she must have left already. Anyway thanks for the drinks, I think they’re about to start soon.” Robin spins around to face the stage while Steve is still scoping out the venue for girls.
As all three of you sip your beers and continue talking, the lights dim and Eddie walks onto the stage. You’ve got butterflies already. Robin turns back to look at you, she’s got a knowing smirk on her face. You roll your eyes and take another swig of your drink.
After the first few songs, you start to loosen up a little bit. Steve has gotten you your second beer and you’re almost ready for your third. You really weren’t planning to drink a lot tonight, but you have been wanting to talk to Eddie and you figured the alcohol would make it a little easier.
The next time Steve goes to the bar, Robin pulls you towards the front of the stage. “Robin, what are you doing?” 
“Trying to help you get a closer look at your future boyfriend.” Robin is giggling so hard that a few drops of her beer splash over the rim of the bottle. 
“Please.” You’re rolling your eyes again, but you’re definitely enjoying the close up view of Eddie. You rake your eyes over him and you can’t help but linger on the spot right below his belt buckle. 
“I see you guys are getting in on the action!” Steve comes up behind you and hands you and Robin another beer. “I’m gonna go hang at our table. I’m trying to get this girl’s number, told her to meet me over there.” He walks off towards your table.
You turn back around to face the stage, and notice Eddie is looking right at you. Eddie Munson is looking at you. Your breath catches in your throat as he looks away towards the other side of the crowd. 
Robin nudges you and says “Oh my god! He totally just looked right at you!”
You punch her arm and laugh, but a tingly feeling flows throughout your body. 
After Corroded Coffin’s set, you and Robin head back to your table to find Steve deep in conversation with a girl that Robin apparently knows. 
“Well, I’ve got to run to the bathroom, I’ll be right back you guys.” You head to the bathroom in the back corner of the venue. 
You fix your hair in the mirror before walking back outside. As you make your way back to the table, an arm reaches out in front of you to stop you. 
“Hey, didn’t we go to high school together?” It’s Eddie. He drops his arm and steps in front of you. 
“Wow, you scared me. Uh yeah, we did.” Your voice is a little shaky. You can’t believe Eddie is talking to you. You knew it was probably no big deal. It’s not like he was actually famous or anything. His band played at a few dive bars around town and that was really it. 
“I’m glad you came out to the show. Did you have fun? I gotta say, I didn’t think this would be your scene. From what I remember, in high school you were in a different crowd.” He’s smiling down at you. 
You look past him to see Robin staring at you with her eyebrows raised. Steve is also staring at you, the girl he was previously talking to had left. You raise your eyebrows back before turning to look up at Eddie. “Yeah, I remembered you had the band in high school and saw you guys were playing tonight. I thought we’d come check you out.” 
Eddie looks over his shoulder and you see Robin and Steve quickly glance away. “I see you’re still friends with Steve Harrington.” He says his name with an annoyance in his voice. Eddie and Steve didn’t exactly get along in school and it seems like Eddie hasn’t forgotten that. 
You chuckle nervously, “Yep. We’re still friends. So, the show was good. You were really great up there.”
“Thanks. That means a lot. I’m glad you had fun. I’ll let you get back to your friends. Maybe I’ll see you around some other time? We’re playing here again next weekend.” 
“Maybe we’ll come watch you guys again.” As you walk back towards Steve and Robin, you try not to overthink too much about your conversation with Eddie.
“Didn’t know you were friends with The Freak.” Steve is saying as you all start gathering your things.
“Oh shut up, Steve. We’re not in high school anymore. Can you at least try to act like an adult?” Robin elbows Steve in his side earning a little “ow” from him.
As you all walk to Steve’s car, you’re telling them about Eddie’s band playing here again next weekend. It takes some convincing from you and Robin, but Steve offers to drive again next weekend.
“Do you like him or something?” Steve is asking you as he drops you and Robin off at your apartment.
You roll your eyes at Steve and say, “No, I just think it would be fun. And maybe next time you’ll have a little more luck getting some numbers.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Steve says before he drives off leaving you and Robin giggling at the door.
You and Robin spend the night overanalyzing the conversation you had with Eddie. Or rather, Robin spends the night listening to you ramble on and theorize your outfit for next weekend.
By the time the next weekend rolls around, you’ve spent countless hours going over how you’re going to talk to Eddie again. You’re still too nervous to approach him first, but you know you can’t leave the show without speaking to him. 
You hear Steve honk his horn outside and you make your way out front with Robin trailing behind you. Robin had been helping you get ready and listening to you freak out over what you should say to Eddie tonight.
“You girls ready to go? I hope this time is better than the last time.” Steve puts the car in drive and heads toward the bar.
Robin snorts and says, “Steve, you can’t base the fun you have on how many girls’ numbers you get. There’s more to life than girls.”
“Yeah, you’re one to talk.”
When you arrive at the bar, Steve grabs your drinks again and you and Robin head to the same table as last time. Robin nudges you, “Look who’s over there.” She’s smiling and you follow her gaze to the side of the stage where Eddie stands holding a guitar case and surveying the bar. 
When he spots where you and Robin are sitting he walks up to you. “Hi guys. Excited for the show?” 
You’re too nervous to speak, luckily Robin chimes in with, “Oh yeah. You guys were great last time.”
Eddie turns to look at you. You notice how handsome he is when his smile stretches all the way to his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun.” 
Just then, Steve returns and sets the beers down on the table. “Hey man, how’s it going?”
Eddie just gives him a little nod and says, “I gotta get up there, but I’ll catch you guys after the show.” When he says it, he’s just looking at you. You feel a tingling go through your body. You feel electric and you can almost feel the blush creeping up your face.
Steve stares after Eddie before turning back around to say, “Jeeze. What’s his problem?”
Throughout the show, you catch Eddie’s eyes a few times. Of course, Robin immediately notices and nudges you each time. When it’s Steve’s turn to grab the drinks, Robin is asking you if you’re actually going to make a move on Eddie tonight. 
“I have no idea. I mean, I want to, definitely. It’s just, I don’t know, we’re total opposites.” You gulp down the last of your beer. Robin assures you that Eddie would be interested just as Steve reappears with the drinks. You notice he’s swaying a little bit as he sets them down and you’re worried he won’t be able to drive home.
Corroded Coffin finishes their set and starts packing up, but Eddie breaks away and heads straight to your table. You stand up to greet him and that’s when you realize just how drunk you actually are. How many beers had you had? At least four, maybe even five? “Hi Eddie.”
“Hey. Like the show?” He’s still only looking at you and you’re not sure if it’s because he has something against Steve and doesn’t know Robin all that well or because he wants to look only at you.
“Yeah it was really great!” You’re excited and slurring your words.
All four of you talk for a few minutes longer before Eddie excuses himself to help the band finish packing up their equipment. 
Eddie is only gone for a few minutes when he returns just as you’re all gathering your things and getting ready to leave. Steve stumbles as he stands and he grabs the table for support. Eddie sees this and says “Hey man, you all right? If you’re not good to drive I can drop you all off.” Eddie offers.
Steves starts to protest saying that you’re all going to different places, but Eddie cuts in with, “Really, it’s no problem. I’ve got the van, you guys can just pile in the back.”
Robin and Steve turn to face you and your eyes are wide. Eddie Munson driving you home after his show? Of course, he’s also driving Robin and Steve home. And it’s because you’re all too drunk to safely get home. It’s nothing exciting. “Yeah, yeah. That would be really great, thank you, Eddie.”
Eddie leads the three of you out to his van. He offers you the front seat which you happily accept and the other two climb in the back. 
You can hear Steve and Robin giggling in the backseat. You’re hoping Robin isn’t drunk enough to spill your secret longing for Eddie. You know this is just a little crush and you’ll get over it. 
You give Eddie directions to Steve’s then to Robin’s house. Eddie pulls up in front of Robin’s and you get out to walk her to her door. “This is your chance, Y/N. You better go for it.” You whisper at her to shut up as she slips inside. 
Not much is said on the way to your apartment, but you’re filled with an electric buzz throughout your body. You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the fact that you’re sitting next to Eddie.
“Thanks so much for the ride. I really appreciate it.” You say as you start gathering your things. Eddie responds that he’s glad to give you a ride. You’re not looking at him, but it sounds like he’s smirking and you blush at where your mind goes. 
You try to get out of the van, but you can’t seem to grasp hold of the door handle without dropping all your things. You laugh as you realize the alcohol is catching up to you. 
“Okay, hang on, sweetheart.” Eddie notices you struggling, gets out of the van, and walks around to the passenger side. He opens the door for you to help you out. “Let me walk you in, I’ll carry your things.”
You hand over your things in silence as you process that Eddie just called you sweetheart. You watch as Eddie fiddles with your keys before finding the one to unlock the door. “Ladies first.” He has one hand on your elbow and the other is pushing the door closed behind you. 
As he sets your stuff down on the entry table you catch yourself saying, “Do you want to stay? I mean, just have a cup of coffee or something? Unless you’re tired. I know it’s late.” 
Eddie says that he would love to, so you head to the kitchen and start preparing a pot of coffee. When you turn back around, you’re hit with an overwhelming sensation in your stomach. You’re going to vomit now. There’s no way you can make it to the bathroom so you  lean over the sink and heave. 
The next thing you know, Eddie is there behind you. He’s taking out the hair tie that had been holding his long hair in a loose bun and pulls your hair away from your face to tie it back. You’ve never been more embarrassed in your life. You’re vomiting in your kitchen sink in front of Eddie Munson who is currently rubbing small circles between your shoulder blades. Through your noises you can hear him saying, “It’s alright. I’ve got you.” Despite your current situation, a rush of heat shoots down to your core. 
Eddie helps you to your bed, leaving to grab a glass of water. When he returns, you’ve slipped under the blankets and are almost asleep. “There’s a glass of water on your nightstand. Call me in the morning and I’ll take you to get the car.” He says before turning to leave.
“Wait. You can stay here, it’s late.” You call out to him from your half asleep state.
Eddie stands in the doorway, debating on what to do. Part of him wants to leave to not make things awkward for the both of you in the morning. He’s not sure if you mean he can sleep on your couch or your bed. 
As if reading his mind, you tap on the bed and roll over sleepily. He doesn’t need any more insistence and takes his jacket off before tossing it on the ground and crawling into bed next to you. He leans up to look at you and realizing you’ve already fallen asleep, he lays back down. As he does, he catches  a glimpse of lacy black underneath your skirt that’s crept up your thighs. 
Eddie is completely still on his back next to you. He’s never told you this, but he had a huge crush on you in high school. He was more than surprised when he’d noticed you while he was on stage last weekend. During the entire set, he had been thinking of ways to talk to you before you left. He was a little disappointed when he realized you were friends with Steve and he’d been hoping Steve wasn’t going to talk you out of coming to the next show. 
When he’d seen you again tonight, he couldn’t wait to talk to you. He’d been hanging out at the side of the stage, waiting for you to walk in. He spent the entire show trying not to stare at you the whole time. He felt like he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He loved the way your short skirt flowed around your thighs. 
Eddie felt you shift, as he looked over he saw that you had kicked off your half of the blanket. With your skirt almost completely up your thighs, he had a perfect view of the lacy black underwear you were wearing. He felt the bulge in his pants grow. 
He knew it wasn’t right to stare, but he couldn’t help it. As quietly as he could, he undid his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans. Slowly, he pulled his pants down just enough to free his hardened cock. 
As Eddie began stroking himself, he imagined what your hand would feel like wrapped around him. He thought about you staring into his eyes as your hand went up and down. He wondered what you would taste like.
Eddie continued to pump his hand up and down while alternating between staring at your ass and imaging all the things he could do to you. He lifted his shirt just as he spilled onto his stomach. Carefully, he got out of bed and made his way to your bathroom to clean up.
When he returned, he draped the blanket back over you and laid down next to you. He wasn’t sure how he was going to fall asleep with the knowledge that he’d just finished himself off a few inches away from you.
The next morning, you’re awoken to the sound of a voice coming from your kitchen. It takes you a second to remember that Eddie Munson spent the night.
“Oh, you know what, here she comes now.” Eddie hands you the phone as you walk sleepily into the kitchen. You see he’s already made a pot of coffee and is now cooking breakfast.
You know it’s Robin before you put the phone to your ear, you can already hear her voice. “Y/N, was that who I think it is that answered your phone? Was he there all night? What happened!”
“Yes and yes. I’ll call you later okay?” You hung up before Robin could say anything else. “Hey, thanks for the coffee. You really didn’t have to make breakfast though.” 
“After what you did last night, I figured you’d need some energy this morning. Don’t worry about it.” 
You’re shaking and it’s not from the alcohol last night. You’re still trying to piece together what happened. After what I did? What did I do? And then it all comes rushing back to you. You vomited in your kitchen sink right in front of Eddie Munson. And then you invited him to bed. And he accepted the offer. 
Eddie sets a plate down in front of you and leans against the wall sipping his coffee. “I figure we can pick Steve up, take him to get his car. And then…” He pauses, unsure if he should say what he’s thinking. You raise your eyebrows and he continues, “And then I was thinking later tonight, you might want to grab dinner? With me, of course.” 
You almost choke. Is Eddie asking you out on a date or are you reading way too much into things? “Yeah, yeah sounds good.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eddie drops you back off at your apartment after taking Steve to pick up his car. As soon as you’re through the door, you’re calling Robin. “Robin, oh my god.” You gave her a recap of exactly what happened the previous night - vomiting included. 
“You threw up in your kitchen sink and he still slept in the same bed as you. Wow.” Robin is laughing hysterically. “Steve, did you hear that? She threw up!”
“STEVE is there? Oh god, Robin I don’t want more people knowing about this. It’s embarrassing enough that I have to know.” You groan and slide down the kitchen wall to the tile. 
Steve has grabbed the phone from Robin. “Are you dating Eddie now? Because if that freak can get a date easier than I can, I swear…”
“Shut up. No, we’re not dating. Nothing even happened. Sure, we slept in the same bed, but that’s it. Okay?” Even as you’re saying it, you still can’t believe it happened. You tell Steve and Robin bye before you hang up and start getting ready for your date with Eddie.
As you’re in the shower, you think of all the things that could have happened had you not passed out. Your hand slips down to your folds as you slide your fingers around in small circles. You’re imagining it’s Eddie’s hands touching you. As you climax, you’re imagining Eddie’s fingers pumping in and out of you.
You’re just finishing getting dressed as you hear a knock on your door. “Come in! I’ll just be a minute!” After trying on almost everything you own and calling Robin countless times for advice, you’d settled on a short flowy black dress.
When you emerge from your room, Eddie is sitting on the couch. As he looks up at you his eyes go wide and all of a sudden you feel self conscious. You look down at yourself and smooth your hands down your dress. “You look…incredible.” Eddie finally manages to choke out.
You smile at him and he almost melts. He rakes his eyes over you and without meaning to actually do it, he licks his lips. “You ready to go?” He stands up and grabs your hand, leading out to his van.
You feel an electric buzz that flows throughout your body, centered on where your hands meet.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can hardly remember dinner as Eddie opens the passenger door to his van, helping you inside. You spent the entire time trying to think of ways to invite Eddie back to your apartment after dinner. You also spent quite a bit of time staring at his hands and imagining what they could do to you. So by the time you’re settled inside the van, your core is already pulsing with need. 
When Eddie arrives at your apartment, you’re surprised when he gets out of the van to follow you inside. “I thought we could hang for a little longer? I’ve been really enjoying talking to you.” He says shyly as you set your things down. 
The two of you sit on the couch and continue the conversation you’d been having about Steve. “He’s really not so bad once you get to know him, I promise.” You’d been trying to convince Eddie that Steve was actually a great friend.
“Well, I’ll believe that when I see it.” Eddie shrugs his shoulders.
Neither of you have mentioned the previous night. You know it’s probably not a big deal, nothing happened and Eddie was just taking care of you after you’d drank too much. 
“Want a beer?” Eddie nods his head ‘yes’ so you head to the kitchen to grab two beers from the fridge. 
When you return to the living room and hand Eddie the beer, your hands brush and neither of you pull away. When you sit down next to him, Eddie leans forward to set his beer on the coffee table. He turns to look at you, “You know, you really do look incredible. Thanks for going out with me tonight.”
You can feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as you set your beer down next to his. “T-thank you. You look pretty handsome too.” And he does. He’s wearing dark jeans, black shirt, and a dark leather jacket. You can’t help but think what he looks like under his clothes. As you look him up and down, your eyes stop on his lap. You can see a bulge, a very big bulge, under his jeans.
Eddie sees you notice and lets out a little chuckle. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you reach towards him and run your hand from his temple to his cheek.
Eddie stills, shocked. After a second, he grabs your waist and pulls you on top of him. Foreheads touching, you stare into each other’s eyes for just a split second before your lips meet.
Eddie’s hands are roaming up your back now, your hands tangled in his hair. “Fuck. I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you at the bar.” He says into your mouth. 
“Mm. Me too.” You breathe just as he rolls his hips hitting your sensitive bud and you let out a moan. 
This is better than he imagined in your bed last night while he pumped himself. “I touched myself last night thinking about this. I was thinking about all the things I want to do to you.” He licks a stripe up the side of your face. 
His words and the friction make you moan into his ear. You tell him how you fingered yourself in the shower, imagining his fingers inside you.
Eddie swears he could cum just from hearing you talk. He scoots you back so he can pull his jeans down before grabbing your hips and rolling them across his cock. Eddie lifts up your dress and pulls your panties to the side. “Is this what you want?” He asks as his finger brushes your clit.
“Mhm. Yes, please, Eddie.” Your hands are pulling his hair and you place kisses down his face before sucking a mark on his neck. 
Eddie lifts you up so he can swipe himself through your folds before lining himself up with your entrance and sliding you down. You gasp as you take the full length of him before tugging his hair even harder.
He gives you a few seconds to adjust to his size before bucking up into you. You can’t hold in the moans that escape from your mouth and your entire body is trembling. You’ve never felt so full. You weren’t a virgin, but it felt like Eddie was stretching your walls as far as they could go. 
“Yeah? Is this what you thought about in the shower?” You can’t speak so you just nod your head ‘yes’. “Use your words, baby. I want to hear you.”
“Y-yes, this is b-better than what I imagined.” Eddie moved his hands from your hips to pull you to his chest. He cradled your head with one hand with his other resting on your lower back. 
Kissing your head he murmured praises into your ear. “You’re doing so good.”
Still inside you, he lifts you up and carries you to your bedroom. Placing you down on the edge of the bed and kneeling between your legs, he continues to pump in and out of you. Pulling your dress up he groped at you while using one hand to pull your legs to his neck. “Oh, you’re so wet for me, baby. Gonna cum soon?”
You can’t form words, you moan in response. But remembering what Eddie said earlier you manage, “Gonna cum.”
“Cum on me, baby.” he moves the hand from your tits to circle your clit. In seconds, you’re gushing around him. “That’s it, show me what you’ve been thinking about.”
Incoherent words and moans fall from your mouth as Eddie fucks you through your high. His thrusts become erratic and he’s moved to holding both your legs up against his chest. He’s gripping your calves so tightly, you know you’ll have bruises. 
“Where do you want me, sweetheart?”
Shakily, you whisper, “Inside me. Please.”
“All mine.” Eddie pulls you towards him as he thrusts and releases himself deeply inside of you. “Fuck.” He whispers as he lets your legs down and helps you into the bed. His jeans still around his ankles, he takes them off before climbing in beside you. 
You turn to face Eddie, your eyes glazed over, “I guess our date went well.” He laughs and pulls you in tighter. 
Eddie is tracing shapes along your back, “We’re playing at the bar in a few days. What do you say if you come as my girlfriend this time?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You nuzzle your head into his chest. 
Just as the two of you are drifting to sleep in each other’s arms, there’s a knock at the door. You both sit up and listen to the person knock again, louder. “Hello? You guys in there?” 
You look at Eddie with wide eyes, “It’s Steve.”
Part 2 is HERE
926 notes · View notes
charliemwrites · 5 months
A Thought™️ that I had last night and shared in the Discord server, that I’m now going to share here more fleshed out.
CW for implied/mentioned dubcon, kidnapping, unhealthy relationship dynamics, objectification, and reader anxiety. Oh and Simon being Mean.
You belong to Johnny — one of his toys, essentially. Like a cock ring or a vibrator but better because you also serve as a little companion pet. Someone that Simon got for Johnny to pour all that overflowing love and tenderness into when he just… can’t handle it. When he starts wanting to hurt Johnny in Very Bad ways past the lines they already walk, only because Johnny wants to dote on him.
So Simon got you as a gift for Johnny.
And he gets to dote on you, chatter to you, soothe you, fuck you. It’s a weird “relationship” you two have. Johnny pouring so much into you while you awkwardly try to reciprocate and tolerate. A bit like a child’s beloved long-suffering pet. Simon lets Johnny drag you everywhere, dress you up, babble on about you. Put in all that attention and energy when Simon is needed (or simply just focused) elsewhere. Johnny’s happy as a peach, Simon gets a bit of a break, and you’re a soft-spined thing that’s stopped crying and whining for the most part so wins all around.
You and Simon’s relationship is nonexistent. Just a matter of logistics. You’re one of Johnny’s toys that Simon got for him, end of. You interact with him only so far as 1, following the rules of captivity; 2, keeping Johnny happy; and 3, being used as a reward or punishment to be given or taken away.
And the two of you are respectively fine with that. You follow Johnny around, speak almost solely to or through him. Are not acknowledged by Simon unless Johnny’s showing you off.
Until Johnny is gone for a Period of Time. A mission, most likely.
While he’s away, you treat it as a sort of vacation and just avoid Simon, don’t even ask when Johnny will be back. Until one day you’re going about your business, kind of bebopping along in your own little world. And almost run directly into Simon.
Blink in surprise, hurriedly skirt around him, pulse skipping. “Excuse me,” you say, soft and melodic (a voice you specifically use to soothe and neutralize) and then pad away quickly.
It flips something in Simon’s brain. Like a cat seeing a bit of interesting movement. Locked on, tail swishing.
You’re just so… shy. Even with Johnny you’ve always been a bit reserved, but with Simon you studiously avoid eye contact with his very person - in a way he can’t even get Johnny to do in the deepest subspace. You’re just this quiet little thing that lives in his house, and it’s like it only just occurs to him.
Simon starts finding ways to hem you in against counters and walls, making you squeeze past in hallways. You try to be so so careful of his Sacred Personal Space because Johnny’s gleeful shared stories (and shown you evidence) about how Simon “handles” touching without permission. You’ve no interest in being on the receiving end of any of that, thank you very much.
But then Simon starts showing up all over the house to watch you like a specimen — you devoid of Johnny. You’re so normal and functional. Snacks and tv shows and novels. Bird watching in the windows. Napping in Johnny’s room. Cooking and cleaning up after yourself.
He starts taking up all the space you just got back. Fills up a room with his presence alone. Squishes you in on the couch until you’re nearly falling over the arm just to maintain that sliver of no-contact.
Gets to the point that he even growls at you when you pass too close, just to hear you squeak and watch you dart off with a mumbled, “sorry!”
“Make us a cup of tea,” he says as your futzing in the kitchen on morning.
You’re so used to being ignored that you don’t respond, mouthing words to some ditzy song stuck in your head. He grunts in annoyance and takes two long strides towards you — not that he needs to, your head snapped up halfway through the first.
“Oop,” you breathe, scrambling away from the counter.
“The hell are you going?” He ask, voice purposefully gruff.
“I, um… I thought… that you needed something…?” you explain, pointing at the cabinets you were just in front of.
“I need a fucking cuppa.”
You blink.
He reminds himself that you’re not trained like Johnny. But that doesn’t mean you’re getting away with anything.
“Do I need to spell it out for you?”
A double blink as you seem to process. “O-oh! Uh, sure. The black cup right?”
You shuffle back to your previous spot and reach into the cabinet, up on your toes because Simon put it a shelf higher than usual. Seem to actually be waiting for a response as you hold the mug up in question. He just stares.
And there goes the nibbling - a nervous habit that tears up your bottom lip. Still, you keep going, filling the kettle and tapping your fingers nervously at the sides as you wait.
“Earl Grey?” you ask.
He grunts. You look a little frustrated about that, if you should take it as a yes. Decide that it is and fish a sachet out while the water’s heating.
While you wait, you try to continue what you were doing before - making yourself a little parfait - but Simon’s stationed himself in such a way that you can’t get to the cutting boards without asking him to move. And you really, really want some of the fresh fruit he bought yesterday.
“Um…” you start.
He crosses his arms, seems to loom without ever taking a step closer. You fidget, fingers twisting in the long sleeves of your jumper.
“I need — could… could you…?” You’re flushing brighter and brighter, eyes darting all over so fast he’s surprised you’re not dizzy. “Could I get by… um, into that cupboard… please?”
He takes a single half step to the side. Your eyes actually get a bit shiny as you blink, confusion and anxiety welling up. But you keep it together enough to awkwardly angle yourself, get the cabinet open just a sliver, and maneuver a cutting board out.
Simon realizes you’re holding your breath the entire time, until you’re once again a safe distance away. He snorts softly as you pluck a tiny paring knife from the block and get to work on cutting up your assortment of fruits.
“Who the hell said you could have a knife?” he demands.
You pause, give him a truly baffled look. “Um… no one said I couldn’t? I just, uh, use them sometimes. Johnny’s taught me tricks. Or-or tried to anyway…”
It’s the most he’s ever heard you speak. Your tone catches between appeasement and genuine confusion. You finish cutting a strawberry into cubes, then send him a worried glance.
“Am I… not supposed to…?”
Because you know that it doesn’t matter how things normally are. What matters is how Simon wants things to be.
“Put that down.”
You do. He strides towards you and as always, you’re quick to make way. He takes up the knife to finish paring and jerks his head at the the stove.
“Tea’s almost done. Take care of it.”
You jump as the kettle starts to whistle, murmur a quick “oh, shoot!” as you hurry to finish making his tea. By the time you’re done, he’d cut all the fruit and stolen a handful as a toll for his “help”.
Hasn’t actually put any of the fruit in your waiting yogurt, though. And the dishes are still there on the counter, along with detritus of unwanted bits like strawberry tops.
He takes a sip — made just the way he likes.
“Next time, dont make me repeat myself,” he barks.
You jump nearly a mile, blueberries rolling across the counter.
“Y-you repeated yourself?” You ask, hurrying to catch the berries before they hit the ground.
“About the tea,” he explains impatiently.
You blink for a second. “Oh! I thought you were on the phone. Sorry.”
He grunts. And doesn’t leave. After a moment, the pressure of his stare seems to get to you.
“Was… there anything else…?” you wonder.
“I’d tell you if there was,” he replies, flat.
You swallow, press your lips together, then continue with your task, shoulders a little tenser than before. When your parfait is finished (and dishes are in the machine) you escape to the dining table to eat in peace. He gives you two solitary bites before he’s at the corner next to you, and your spoon clinks against the bowl in surprise.
Isn’t this a fun game?
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ellemj · 5 months
We Don't Have to Stop: 12 Days of Smut #10
Bucky Barnes x Reader One-Shot
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Warnings: profanity, mutual pining of sorts, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink but not really, truly cheesy fluffy shit, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I do not like writing cheesy fluffy stuff, it is not me at all but I felt like this prompt really called for it so I tried my best. I love all of @mashedpotatooooos prompts, this was another really creative one!
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           It’s just a waltz, the simplest dance you could’ve been told to learn. Yet, with Bucky, it feels complicated. You don’t think the dance is complicated in itself, but the way Bucky has been teaching it to you for the past two weeks is complicated. Is complicated even the right word? It’s confusing. There you go, that’s the right word. He always came across as this elusive recluse. You rarely see him during the day but he’s up late every single night without fail. He doesn’t go out of his way to interact with anyone except for Sam. Or at least that was true until he offered to teach you to dance. Now, you’re all his every night at 8 pm.
From 8 to 10 pm, Bucky gets to remember what it’s like to have a girl swooning in his arms. Swooning? Maybe he was being a bit too bold by thinking that, but it sure felt like you were swooning when you looked up into his eyes just as he pulled you close against his chest last night. The way you’ve been looking at him the last few days makes him dread the day the mission is set for, because he knows that as soon as it’s over, your little late-night rendezvous in the gym will end. You’ll dance one final time while undercover at the gala, and then he’ll only have the memory of you being so close to him.
Bucky sits on the floor of the gym with his back leaning against the wall and his knees bent in front of him. He’s replaying the last two weeks with you in his head as he traces the golden lines of his vibranium arm with his flesh index finger.
“Hey, sorry I’m a few minutes late. I had a dinner thing.” Your sweet, melodious voice rings out like a song as soon as you come bustling into the gym. Even if you hadn’t mentioned having dinner plans, Bucky would’ve been able to tell from the full face of makeup and the loose curls you’re sporting. You look so put together, even though you’ve changed into more gym-appropriate clothes since dinner. You’re wearing a pair of black leggings and a baggy SHIELD sweatshirt. Normally, you’d have worn a t-shirt, but you were in such a rush you put on whatever you grabbed first. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was leaving your hair down.
You’re only fifteen minutes into your little dance lesson when you decide that you’re getting a little too warm to keep the sweatshirt on, so when Bucky breaks away from you to pick a new song, you pull your sweatshirt off and toss it on the floor next to your water bottle.
Fuck. He’s staring, and he’s fully aware that he shouldn’t be, but he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from you. You’re standing before him in a black sports bra and matching leggings with sweat glistening across your cleavage and neck. Though your eyes are down on your water bottle as you work to screw the cap back on it, you can feel Bucky’s gaze burning as it coasts over your skin. You always know when he’s looking at you, it’s like a sixth sense.
“Play that song you almost played yesterday, the one with the trumpets, the one you skipped. I liked that one.” You say softly, when you finally look up and meet Bucky’s gaze. He swallows hard before nodding his head and setting the song to play. As soon as you hear the lead trumpet, you feel like you’re being transported back in time to whenever Bucky and Steve were probably the talk of Brooklyn.
As you and Bucky get into position to practice your waltz, Bucky hesitates for a moment. His hand comes to rest on your middle back, as it has every other time that you’ve practiced, but his touch feels unsure.
“This is a great song, but it’s not exactly a song for a waltz.” Bucky points out.
“Then show me how you’d dance to this one.”
This is what led to Bucky having his first moment in the 21st century that made him feel like he was truly at home. The two of you danced to It’s Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James in a way that Steve would’ve been proud of. Bucky pulled you in close, so close that your bodies were nearly flush against each other. You’d never danced like this with anyone before, but with Bucky it felt like second nature. He held one of your hands in his, slightly above the height of your elbow, and his other hand wrapped snugly around your lower back, keeping you pressed against him. As you swayed back and forth, the eye contact between you both was intense, lighting your soul on fire. When the burning inside of your chest became too much to bear, you did the only thing you could think to do. You leaned in and rested your chin on his shoulder. Truthfully, it was a beautiful moment. Bucky closed his eyes and imagined this exact moment happening back before his life became what it is today, when Steve was still the little guy he had to stick up for and everything costed a few cents rather than a few dollars.
The only thing that maybe wasn’t so beautiful was the hard-on that Bucky was sporting. Luckily, you didn’t notice it. His hips were just far enough away from yours that you never once brushed against the front of his pants. Though, you were every bit as turned on as he was. You thought maybe dancing like that explains why women had so many kids back in the day. Who knew it would’ve been such a rush?
When you finished your practice session an hour and a half later, you were quick to take your leave and rush upstairs to your room. At first, you were kicking yourself over the way you were practically swooning over the quiet, brooding man. But then, as you started to get into a warm shower, you began to wonder what was so bad about simply fantasizing about him. So, you threw on some music and spent the entire shower imagining him standing behind you, helping you lather the soap over your smooth skin. You may have even imagined him licking the drops of water off of your skin before you toweled yourself dry. Little did you know, Bucky was across the hall in his own shower, imagining the same damn thing.
            The mission went off without a hitch. You waltzed the evening away, got all of the intel that you were after, and then made it home by ten pm. The two of you went your separate ways for the night, with you curling up in your room to begin typing out your mission report and Bucky heading off to do whatever it is he does late at night. When you finally shut your laptop an hour and a half later, you felt a twinge of sadness. No more late-night dance lessons, no more necessary closeness with the man across the hall, no more knowing what it’s like to be pressed against Bucky’s chest. You decide to trek out into the kitchen for a near-midnight snack. A snack is exactly what you need to lift your spirits.
            Bucky hears your door open and close down the hall. He listens closely as you patter down the hallway and across the living area, your footsteps slowing as you near the kitchen. Your eyes land on his bare shoulders first, and then your gaze coasts down the muscles of his back. Shit, he should go shirtless more often. You join him in the kitchen without saying a word. He turns to look at you as you rummage through the pantry, but looking at you only makes him feel worse. He wants something that he didn’t know he wanted, and it’s all because of that damn dance two nights ago. The dance where you rested your chin on his shoulder and let him hold you close enough to feel your heartbeat pounding against his own.
            You settle on a box of cereal, pulling it out and shutting the pantry door. When you turn to look for a bowl, you notice Bucky’s stare. He doesn’t look away, instead you end up looking into each other’s eyes. His gaze is full of longing, and maybe a little bit of lust.
            “You’re up late.” His voice sounds so tired, it makes you want to drag him back to his room and tuck him right into bed.
            “I’m getting used to these late hours, dancing with you every night messed up my Circadian rhythm.” Bucky laughs lightly, but your words keep playing in his mind.
            “Sorry, we probably should’ve been practicing earlier in the day.” He admits.
            “No, it’s fine. I liked having the gym to ourselves. I’ll miss it, honestly.”
            “Having the gym to yourself?” Bucky asks, raising an eyebrow. He watches as you carefully pour a bit of cereal into a small ceramic bowl.
            “No.” The word leaves your mouth too quickly to take it back.
            “What will you miss then?” He wants to hear what you’re thinking, he wants to know that you’ll miss it as much as he will.
            “It was nice…the dancing.” You say quietly, your eyes flitting over to where Bucky stands confidently now, his arms crossed over his bare chest and a smile playing on his lips.
            “It was.” He agrees. That’s all he has to say? God, you need to calm your damn racing heart if that’s all he has to say. Bucky continues watching as you pour milk over your cereal and then take a small bite. He can just barely make out the slight blush painting your cheeks. As his eyes coast down your frame, he notices the way you’re clenching your thighs together ever so slightly. Fuck. It isn’t even lust he’s feeling. He wants to slow dance with you to 40s music and then lay you down in his bed and kiss you all over. He wants to go back in time and introduce you to his mom before sitting down and having a family meal with you by his side. He wants all of the old-fashioned things with you.
            The one and only time Bucky that has lost control since being freed from the hold that the Winter Soldier had on his mind, happens right there in the kitchen. As you raise your spoon to take the second bite of your cereal, Bucky rushes forward, practically knocking the spoon out of your hand as his hands come to cup either side of your face. His lips are on yours before you even have a moment to realize what’s happening, but your body responds like kissing Bucky is a natural instinct. Your cereal is forgotten as he walks you backward two steps, his lips slotting over yours with an urgency and passion you’d never dreamt would come from him. When your back collides with the cool metal of the fridge, your lips part to breathe in a gasp of air and Bucky takes the opportunity to slide his tongue between them. It’s a kiss that could make you forget your own damn name.
            “I liked dancing with you.” Bucky whispers against your lips, letting you have a moment to catch your breath. You look up into his eyes, silently begging him to say more. “We don’t have to stop, just because the mission is over.”
            “Stop dancing?” You question. Your innocent little expression makes his cock a little too hard, and he starts to step away from you, worried you’ll figure him out. You’re quick to place your hands on his sides and keep him in place.
            “Stop dancing, stop being this close to each other, we don’t have to stop anything.” Bucky answers. He presses a much softer kiss against your lips before pulling back again.
            “Don’t stop then.”
            “Don’t stop, Bucky, please.” You moan out the words as quietly as you can, which isn’t very quietly given Bucky’s entire cock is pumping in and out of you so quickly that you can’t even catch your breath. He wanted to be old-fashioned with you. Bucky fucking loved the idea of taking you out on a date, taking you dancing, taking things slow. But as soon as you told him not to stop in the kitchen, he was done for. It had only been fifteen minutes from then until now. Now he’s fucking you like you’re his newlywed wife.
            “I’m not, baby. I’m not stopping for anything.” He grunts, dropping his forehead to your shoulder as he continues to thrust into you. You’re taking his cock so well that he can’t keep himself from imagining giving it to you every day for the rest of his life. You’re taking his cock so well that he hopes you end up pregnant with his child, so he can live out the perfect 40s fantasy that lives in the back of his mind. He wants you all to himself, sleeping in his bed, having his kids, growing old with him. His thrusts grow a little slower and sloppier as he edges himself unintentionally.
            “What are you thinking about?” You ask. You can tell he’s lost in thought as he continues sliding in and out of your wet cunt. You run your hands up his back and then rake your nails down it lightly.
            “The 40s.” He answers semi-honestly. Bucky lifts his head and looks in your eyes and gives you an unexpectedly hard thrust with his hips, driving his cock in so deep that you feel the tip brush against your cervix. After your sultry moan echoes throughout his room, you try to gather yourself and continue the conversation.
            “Would you have fucked me like this in the 40s?” You have to ask.
            “You think I’m fucking you?” Is he not? Bucky looks down at you quizzically, patiently waiting for an answer as he continues his painfully slow movements. You nod your head, unsure of how to really answer his question. Bucky kisses you just like he did in the kitchen earlier. It’s a mixture of lips and tongue, with a heaping portion of passion. He sucks on your bottom lip before biting down on it and then picking up the pace with his hips. He thrusts into you harder and harder until the pleasure you’re feeling is so overwhelming that your nails dig into his back a little too hard and you’re sure you’ve left marks that’ll last at least a couple of days. When Bucky feels the walls of your pussy fluttering around his cock, he knows you’re close and he takes a leap. He lets himself cum inside you without saying a damn word. You watch as his head tilts back above you and a long, low groan escapes his lips and enters the space between you. He’s cumming inside of you, and he looks so fucking perfect doing it. Simply seeing him come undone like that sends you right over the edge after him, and he fucks you through the strongest orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
            A few seconds go by and Bucky remains buried deep inside of you, refusing to make any move other than peppering kisses across your nose and cheeks as you come down from your high.
            “I didn’t fuck you.” He says between kisses. You giggle and shake your head, clearly not understanding.
            “Are you sure?” You ask, your eyes floating down to where your bodies are still connected. Bucky’s gaze softens as he leans down and presses one last soft kiss to your lips.
            “I made love to you.”
@mrsjoequinn @nixxaswrld @sweettae02 @frombkjar @hellfirebabe @edelweissbarnes @fandomsfeminismandme  @missadored @buchi91 @phoenixstark1708 @mayamacall @wickedwitch-99 @sunnyhummingbee @gyokujyn @jenniferpendragon @thealloveru2 @siciliano13 @ordelixx @crist1216 @twlkdead @claireelizabeth85 @charmedbysarge @wishingforwonderland @blackhawkfanatic
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theemporium · 1 year
Best friend Eddie has had a *thing* for reader since middle school. But is worried to go for it (reader is sweet, smart, and funny. Probably would be popular if she didn't spend so much time with the "freaks".) So he'll take any little bit of affection he can get from her.
(I think we've all seen from the show and the interviews that JQ's love language is touch.)
Maybe Eddie starts hugging her and holding her a lot until one day at lunch he puts his hand on her knee and she moves it onto her thigh under her skirt (?).
You can take it from there 😂 that's the extent of my genius.
thank you for requesting!🖤
part two
Eddie Munson had always been an affectionate and touchy guy. 
You had been friends with him for many years and it was an undeniable fact the boy loved to show his affection through physical touch. Whether it was an arm thrown over the shoulders of the younger boys in the club as they make their way to the classroom to start the latest campaign, or whether it was knocking shoulders and excitedly hugging his bandmates when they make a breakthrough on a song they had been working on. 
Eddie was an affectionate guy and that treatment was extended to you too. 
It also just happened that he had a massive fucking crush on you and felt like his heart was going to burst through his chest every time he touched you.
It had been a normal Thursday. Classes had been long and torturous, but Eddie was practically bouncing in his seat to head towards the cafeteria for lunch. When he walked into the room, he saw you sitting in your usual seat—the one right next to him at the head of the table.
It was difficult to wipe the grin off his face as he made his way towards the table, slumping down into his seat and not even wasting a moment before he was gripping the back of your chair, dragging you close enough until your thighs were pressed together. He did this every day but something about you liked the way your heart skipped when he pulled you closer. 
It baffled Eddie why you always sat with them. You weren’t in Hellfire, not really. You never played but you enjoyed listening to them rant and ramble about it. You had other friends you could have sat with, ones that wouldn’t have made you seem as though you were a ‘freak’ along with the rest of them. But despite Eddie’s insistence that he wouldn’t be offended if you sat somewhere else, you still chose the seat right next to him—to make your own point. 
You were very happy and content where you were, settled under Eddie’s arm with your head resting against his shoulder as he continued to discuss the latest campaign with the other boys. You smiled softly, watching how excited and animated they got and the way Eddie’s face glistened in pride at how much they loved his campaign. 
But then your thoughts started to wander and you felt something warm just above your knee, your eyes darting down to see Eddie subconsciously place his hand on your thigh and gently stroke the skin exposed by your skirt. 
You pressed your lips together, not saying anything. You didn’t want him to move his hand, maybe because you weren’t sure Eddie saw you as anything but a best friend. And with this—with this, you could pretend it was something more. 
Then his hand moved up a little, the movement almost a little hesitant like he was waiting for you to push it back down. 
But you didn’t. 
You waited for him to shift higher but it stayed firmly where it was, a couple of inches below the hem of your skirt. Your eyes darted up, seeing the boys still screaming and yelling at each other across the table and lost in their own conversation. You stole a quick glance at Eddie, finding his eyes firmly stuck on the boys but the hint of a smirk on his lips gave you another idea. 
Your fingers slowly wrapped around his wrist, giving it a soft squeeze before you began to guide his hand higher up your thigh. It inched closer and closer until—
Eddie cleared his throat when you pushed his hand under your skirt, your thighs clenching together to trap his hand there. He pressed his lips together, forcing himself to keep his face neutral as though blood wasn’t roaring in his ears and going straight down to his cock. 
Your legs parted a little, just enough for him to move his fingers once again. You kept your gaze anywhere but your lap, the heat rushing to your cheeks warning enough that you would instantly blow your cover if you saw the sight of his hand between your legs. 
Eddie’s fingers slowly crawled further up your leg, his fingertips teasing your clothed cunt. You let out a small gasp, quickly covering it up with a cough as you felt his fingers press more firmly against your panties.
You nuzzled yourself against his side, the action not uncommon and, therefore, ignored by the rest of the group. Your face was practically pressed against the fabric of his jacket, muffling the small sounds that left your lips as his fingers grazed up and down your cunt—the touch too light but enough to make you squirm.
Nobody even questioned it when Eddie ducked his head down, his lips pressed against your ear and his warm breath fanned across your skin. 
“You’re so wet, baby,” he muttered, his voice low enough that only you could hear him. “And I’ve barely even touched you.” 
“Eddie,” you breathed out. 
“I didn’t know you liked this kinda stuff, sweetheart,” he murmured, his fingers pushing against your clothed clit as you fought the urge to squirm. “Letting me do this to you when anybody could see.” 
“Shit,” you hissed, the fabric of your panties soaked. 
“Who knew my best friend was such a slut,” he cooed softly. 
“Eds,” you whined slightly, your cheeks flushing when you felt his thumb press slow circles on your clit. 
“Or maybe you’re just a slut f’me,” he teased, grinning a little when you nodded your head. “A shame, baby.” 
Before you could even process his words or the way your stomach twisted in delight at his words, he was pulling his hand away and resting his hands on the table like nothing happened. 
You gaped at him, your panties now soaked and your body desperate to feel his touch again but the boy just shot you a look. 
“Later,” he said, eyes darkening a little when he noticed the way your thighs clenched together. “Keep ‘em on all day and you’ll get a reward later, in my van.” 
You bit your bottom lip. 
His lips grew into a smirk. “Gonna make sure that pretty little skirt of yours is fucking ruined, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
And then he returned to the conversation about his campaign like nothing was wrong.
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Anarchy in the Spiderweb (Romantic)
I don’t know British slang so sorry if he’s dialogue seems a bit out of character.
Also watches this movie 2 days ago so I’m going off of memory of him plus other people’s interpretations
Not even sure this is good but my mind is racing with him and this is what came out of that
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From the moment you met Hobie brown you knew that the two of you would end up inexplicably tangled together somehow
Your not sure why, but it felt as if fate had pulled you both together
It was in high school you both met
Him, the cool and justice focused punk who was regularly getting himself into fights
And you, the relatively normal but meek kid who was regularly picked on
It was a cold and dreary afternoon which was normal for London weather
You were walking home, new bruises lining your arms after being pushed around once again
Old cuts now reopened as you walk with your bag hugged to your chest
It was then turning a corner you saw him
Bruised just like you were but with a proud smile, blood staining his teeth and knuckles like shining beacons to his victory
A complete opposite to you
Without thinking you pull out some spare bandages from your bag
Rushing over before he could say anything and doing your best to patch him up
It was when you looked him in the eyes you paused
And it was then that you felt it, an odd spark of something that you both seemingly felt
A shiver goes down your spine and it’s not from the cold nor your bruises
Once your done wrapping him up as best you could you go to scurry away but your stopped when his hand grabs your wrist
For a moment your afraid
But then he speaks
“You got into your own battles huh?”
“I…” you pause to think of the right words “if you call standing there and taking it as a battle…then yeah”
He gets a look in his eyes, something burning and angry but not directed at you. “I’m Hobie. You need some company?”
For a moment you think it over, there might be more kids on your way back home “I…sure. I’m Y/n”
He pats your shoulder with a gentleness you haven’t expected, his smile is cool and calm. “Aight”
From then on you stuck like glue
Despite skipping classes he’d show up when your classes would end to walk you to the next
Lunches that used to be alone were now spent with him behind the school with his newest track list
In his words it was to “listen to some real music”
The bruises that we’re constantly reappearing now faded away
As did the constant frown and anxiety that filled you when going to school
At some point you enjoyed heading to the corrupt system that did nothing to help you
But Hobie did and that’s what had mattered to you
Even as people stopped picking on you he stayed
You began hanging out with him after school
Being taken to some hole in the wall places he found via word of mouth
Some of which end up in running from the police afterwards but with that comes dodging into alleyways and then laughing your ass off
Going to unknown concerts for bands you’d never heard of
Being dragged backstage by him during his small concert venues as well
It’s quite possibly the most fun you’d had in your life
And with that you begin to open up more much to his pleasure
You used to be a shy wallflower but now he saw a different side to you
One that loved adventure and risk
Someone who desperately needed to break out of their shell with a little help
A person who began experimenting in their own style with his help
Sometimes he crashes randomly at your place, coming in through the window after knocking on it
Usually at some random time in the night
But despite how you grumble about it you let him in
On nights like these he strums his guitar, trying out new songs he’s made and getting your opinion
Or doing activities like having you paint his nails
He doesn’t care about the colour, even if it’s something that clashes with his looks
Also may or may not have pierced your ears
At some point within the night you both crash on the bed in a mess of limbs
Luckily he has the hindsight to take off his boots and studded clothes
At some point Hobie begins to show up at your place more with injuries that need to be patched up
It worries you a bit, especially as Oscorp becomes bigger and bigger
It’s not like he hasn’t gotten into fights before and came to you but now things are changing
And not for the better
But regardless you know it’s useless talking him out of it
you knew how he was
He’d never not stand up for others
Never stop going against the system
And that had to be one of the things you loved most about him
So you just stick to patching him up, lightly teasing him a bit which makes him chuckle
Butterflies fluttering in your stomach as his deep voice rumbles
It doesn’t help that as of late he had also been much more…affectionate?
Not in the traditional sense, but in his own way
From the beginning of knowing him, Hobie has had a habit of gifting you things as a sign of care
And that hasn’t stopped, it increased quite a bit
All his gifts are handmade and personal. Things only you and him would have the context to understand
Also cause he hates capitalism
Hand painted bottle caps that he made into buttons
Small scraps of paper of lyrics from his songs
Playlists he made with hand selected songs that “remind him of you” that have certain romantic subtext
Customizing your clothes (with your permission) into something similar to his style yet personalized just for you
They aren’t grand gestures but each are more meaningful that way
Each somehow recalling an old memory between the two of you
Like him showing you the sex pistols for the first time at lunch whilst he played along with the tune
Or a button with your nickname on it
All those can be somewhat written off though, maybe he was just being more sentimental as of late
Maybe he did this with other close friends (your not sure if he really talked to anyone but you though?)
But then again he’d also been more touchy
Draping an arm around your shoulder when he notices you getting uncomfortable
Lingering by your side closer than he did before
The occasional time his rough hands will graze yours almost intentionally
By doing this many seem to assume your both a couple and he never goes out of his way to correct them
Just letting the comment slide as your left to frantically explain
It seems to be signs that he might like you yet your not fully sure
He’s the first ever really good thing in your life and you can’t risk ruining it
Not when there’s still a chance your looking into things too much
Not when he may find it too awkward and stop being there for you
Eventually during hangouts he brings up the subject of the new spider vigilante
It’s not very surprising to you, yet you can’t help but be a bit intrigued since he had a negative view on heros
You tell him the truth though since there no point lying to him
Spider-Man or Spider-punk as he’s widely nicknamed, is pretty cool in your opinion
He reminded you a lot of Hobie in the fact he stood up for the weak and gave the middle finger to pricks in power
In that regard he earned your respect
Along with the fact you had to admit he was pretty cool looking
That earns you a chuckle from Hobie as he rummages through his bag for something
Meanwhile your still talking when he suddenly shows you a very familiar spider mask with spikes along the top to mimic a Mohawk
And now your staring in complete and utter shock
Mouth agape
Eyes wide
He just fucking laughs and pulls it over his head, somehow being able to contain his hair
“So you like it eh? Well…Do you like it even more now?”
“Hobie what the ever loving fuck?!?”
“I’ll take that as a yes”
“Your Spider-Man?! How??”
“Long story short, radioactive spider from illegal dumped waste. Not surprising to be honest. Not when you still haven’t caught onto the hints that I like you luv”
“Huh?! Wait you like me?!”
“Thought I made it pretty clear.”
Yeah so, Hobie just randomly dumps that on you
And it takes a while to process
But in that time he’s already holding you close as your a stuttering mess of confusion
He finds it cute
Especially since he gets to tease you about it a whole shit ton later
But once you do process it, things progress
He becomes you partner and you become his
Your trust between one another growing stronger as he tells you of his fights and goals
Those night visits increase as he literally swings past to say hi or get quickly patched up before heading out again
But now before he goes he insists in getting a kiss for luck
And how can you refuse him when he gives you that damn smirk
With his spider powers he likes to take you places you normally couldn’t see
Like the top of buildings to some old dilapidated factory that the two of you explore for shits and giggles
These become the equivalent of dates since he finds restaurants too cliche. He does bring food though on these excursions
In public he doesn’t change the amount of affection he gives you very much
A arm around your shoulder or curled around your waist
He prefers to not go beyond that but if someone is trying to flirt with you and they are the getting the message that your already in a relationship he may sneak a quick kiss
Along with this he also lets you have the honour of wearing his stuff
Jackets, vest, pins, shirts, you name it and he’ll lend you it
He finds it cute especially if it clashes with your own style
Speaking of which, he’ll also probably steal your stuff as well since he finds it nice to have something of yours with him
His enhanced sense make smell much more prominent to him and having something of yours with it makes him feel a bit more relaxed
Helps him on duty as well when things get rough, it just reminds him what he’s fighting for
Cause from the moment you both met on that shitty cold day he knew he needed to help you
And since then he’s wanted to make this shitty world better for the people who deserve it
Eventually when he’s approached by another Spider-Man from a different dimension named Miguel he is apprehensive
Hobie has (and will) never be someone who is ordered around
Especially not by some big wig who thinks he’s better than everyone
But despite that he can’t help but be tempted to know more about all of this
Throughout his entire run as Spider-Man the only other person he’s had is you
But even then you didn’t know the full potential and extent of what it’s like to have these powers
Now there are literal hundreds of thousands who know
Some of which he can’t help but think would be cool to meet, especially since there had to be others like him
So for now he agrees but not before giving you the heads up first
Especially since he doesn’t trust Miguel and whatever the hell he was talking about with “canon events”
All you ask is that he gets back safe at the end of the day and tell you all about what he’s seen
He smiles and gives you a kiss before leaving through a portal via a bracket of sorts
What he quickly learns whilst at spider HQ is that for every spider-person a set destiny of events would happen to them
Some of which he recognizes in his own story
But one that didn’t was you
His love for you goes against the bullshit of whatever canon decides is supposed to happen
Your not an M.J or a Gwen
Not some weird variant of them with a slightly altered name
Your you
Perfect, beautiful, amazingly caring you who has always been there for him when society spat on him
But when has he ever listened to authority?
So due to this he keeps mention of your name to none. Just sticking to the nicknames he’s given you when talking to others
Of all the spiders he meets he ends up to be pretty close friends to a small group of them
Gwen, Pavitr, and Mayday (by extension her father as well)
He even begins letting the Blond spider-woman crash at his place one learning her situation of going home
Warning you of not saying your actual name around her just in case as a precaution
But besides that you get along with her as well
She feels a bit awkward staying at his place considering he’s in a relationship but you assure her it’s fine
You trust her
And most importantly you trust him
Plus by how she was talking about “Miles” you had no real reason to worry
(Along with the fact her situation hit too close to home when Hobie ended up without a home for awhile and you were the only person he could turn to)
Gwen is welcome company especially as she and Hobie practice songs together while you all hang out
It’s fun watching
Especially since Hobie at some through focuses his attention on showing off whilst staring at you with his dumb smile
You can’t help but giggle afterwards as he make some comments about it
Meanwhile Gwen sitting nearby on the couch wondering if she should leave the room
Pavitr is another who ends up occasionally dropping by at Hobie’s who ends up meeting you
He’s a ray of sunshine who is bouncing with joy once seeing you and Hobie
He comments on the “beautiful chemistry” while Gwen sighs
During hangouts Pavitr tends to talk with you about what it’s like in his dimension and the differences between here and there
It’s actually pretty cool
Especially as he occasionally brings snacks and drinks for everyone to try as he talks about his Aunt preparing them
He might or might not have let it slip that Hobie constantly talks about you to everyone who will listen
Which he then absolutely gushes about being super adorable
What he finds even more adorable are the songs Hobie wrote that are obviously about you
Yet at the time he wrote them you kept thinking otherwise
You swear Pavitr somehow knows every nerdy fact know to man
He might’ve taught you how to use string to create stuff
And then he squeals when he finds out you did what he taught you and made it a gift to Hobie
He is both your and Hobie’s number one supporter
Hobie says he brings Mayday over to “teach her about anarchy” but you have a feeling it’s really so Peter can spend some time with his wife
Not that your complaining thought since Mayday is adorable
The little redhead is climbing up the walls and parading her knitted Spider-Man hat as if it were a priceless treasure (which it is)
She absolutely loves Hobie and you
Sometimes he lets her play with a little “drum” set he made with some cans and junk
She loves it, partially cause she loves causing chaos
Which he approves of
When he tuckers her out she goes to you
You gently hold her and lay her to bed
Peter secretly pays you for this cause Hobie refuses to take the money
Miguel is a name you hear a lot in passing but you’d luckily never met him (yet)
You have a feeling it wouldn’t end up well
Especially since you aren’t an “M.J” or Gwen
But you know for a fact if it did end up in a fight Hobie would be at your side
He’s not listening to some goth Garfield who thinks he’s automatically in charge of everyone just because he figured out multiverse travel first
Especially not when Hobie sees the guy has a few screws loose
He just has to wait for the right moment though
Besides, what’s more punk than sticking it to the man for someone you love?
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casssturniolooo · 2 months
Faster n Harder- Matt Sturniolo
I can't fucking stand him. the constant eye fucking me through the window is driving me insane, how does he get to do this to me? he doesn't even know me! it's infuriating!
"Y/N! WE HAVE NEW NEIGHBOURS!" my roommate, Sabrina, yells to me. "and that's my business, how?" i retort, in all honesty I couldn't give two shits about the new neighbours, for all i care, they can suck my dick, "girl, they're triplets! and ones gay, he can join girls night!" Sabrina squeals, why's she so happy about this? "no thanks, I'm antisocial" i state before throwing myself onto my bed "now disappear, I'm tryna watch my beautiful self in Cobra Kai" i say as I wave her off  "Y/N, girl, you might wanna close those curtains of yours, Matt, the middle triplet, he's gonna be in the room opposite your window, and we ALL know how you walk around your room in literally just a bra and mini shorts" she giggles at me before skipping out of my room. "BECAUSE IT'S HOT OUT!" i yell before reluctantly getting off of my bed, accidentally making eye contact with the boy next door, he types on his phone before holding it up to the window 'Cute bra, the bow really adds detail' I read from the screen "WEIRDO!" i yell before closing the curtains
"Y/N, IM INVITING PEOPLE OVER!" Sabrina yells, it's muffled for me, I'm listening to straight bangers, 6arelyhuman please wife me up.
"So I party like a rockstar, look like a pornstar!" i sing along to the song , my hands running up and down my body as i dance around my bedroom, 80s rock bands (such as, Mötley Crüe, Guns n Roses, Metallica etc etc) tapestrys and posters littered across the walls, before settling down at my vanity and reapplying a couple layers of black lipstick, "Cause I go faster and harder, faster and harder" the lyrics echo through my room, I toss the lipstick back into my makeup bag before walking over to my closet "black, black, black, white, black, black, pink? when did that get there?" i mumble to myself as I flick through articles of clothing "aha! finally" i squeal as I grab a 'Sex Pistols: The Filth and The Fury' tank top, pairing it with some denim mini shorts and neutral grey Air Jordan 1's
"p-p-p-p-party like a rockstar, look like a pornstar, everyday i go hard riding in my sports car" i sing along to the song as I pull the outfit on.
the neighbour, Sabrina I think her name is, just invited me and my brother's over, i already know her roommates here because I can hear her fucking music, she has this thing where it's never loud enough, normally I wouldn't care, but it's always sexual songs, yesterday it was 'Yummy- Ayesha Erotica' and 'Or Nah- The Weeknd' and now? 'Faster n Harder' I don't even know who it's by, but it's driving me insane, she's always dancing along to it too, how do I know? because her curtains are always open, no matter what, it's like she wants me to stare...
"Matt, kid, you good?" my brother, nick, asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts, "yeah, uh, where's the bathroom at? I've gotta fuckin piss" i ask Sabrina, she points upstairs and tells me it's the first door on the right, as I walk up the stairs the music gets louder, should I go in? no that's fucking weird Matt don't be a freak.....
"party like a rockstar, look like a pornstar!" her voice echoes
...fuck it
the vibe is fucking ruined the second my door opens, Matt? what the fucks he doing here "ew perv! get out of my room, what are you doing here! actually don't answer that I don't give a fuck! get out!" i say as I shove him out, only resulting in him pinning me against the wall, my hands above my head as he holds them there, 'whys this hot at fuck?' ew gross, don't think that
"ever since I moved next door you have been constantly teasing me, and now? now I'm gonna do something about it" he says as he stares into my eyes, his pupils blown, the look of lust covering his face "oh yeah? what're you gonna do? huh?" i taunt "well first, I'm gonna rip those pretty little shorts off of you, then I'm gonna tear that shirt off, and then I'm gonna bend you over and fuck that perfect little pussy of yours" he says, and holy fuck I am drenched.
his hands reach the button of my shorts, frantically undoing the zipper and unbuttoning them before shoving them down my legs "arms up" Matt commands, his voice rough and eager, I do as he says, i want this, scratch that, need this, he pulls my shirt off and tosses it across my room before shoving me onto the bed "you were right.. you do look like a pornstar" he says as his eyes scan my body "turn around, face down ass up" I comply, rolling onto my stomach and arching my back, *slap* his hand connects with my ass, the pain mixing with pleaser causing me to whimper "shhh pretty girl, don't want anyone hearing us do we?" he says, lowly "please" i beg "please what? Y/N, what do you want? you want me to fuck you?" he coos in a condescending manner "shut up, I'm not fucking saying it" i say as i roll my eyes "only time your eyes are gonna be rolling is when im fucking you, is that clear?" matt growls as he unbuckles his belt and kicks the door shut "whatever" i scoff before his belt connects with my ass "careful, or I'm gonna fuck that attitude out of you" he warns. "do it pussy, you won't" i challenge, gasping as I feel his tip rub against my soaked panties "I'm gonna fucking ruin you" he whispers into my ear before tearing my panties off of me and slamming into me, giving me no time to adjust "aye dios mio!" i cry out "shut the fuck up, we don't need everyone knowing how much of a whore you are for me" Matt mutters as he covers my mouth, his hips slapping against my ass as he plunges in and out of me. "f-fuck Matt, fucking me so good" i moan, my voice muffled by his hand "yeah? you like me fucking you like the slut you are?" he asks as he snakes his hand around my waist and down to my clit, rubbing at it with a slow pace, before increasing it by an insane amount, my cunt clenching around his cock as a warm sensation bubbles up in my lower stomach "oh my god" i whimper "not god, me" matt says as he pounds into me, hitting my G-spot perfectly "fuck! Matt I'm so close" i moan, he slaps my ass again "hold it." he demands as he takes his hand off of my mouth and wraps it around my neck "open your eyes sweetheart, want you to watch yourself in the mirror while I fuck you" he groans as he presses wet kisses to my neck, i look into the mirror, immediately making eye contact with him as he grabs my hair and yanks me up, my back pressing against his chest as he repeatedly fucks into me faster and harder "Matt im begging you, please let me cum, i need to cum, i cant hold it anymore" i plead, tears of pleasure rolling down my face "let go for me pretty girl, give me all you got" Matt groans as he somehow thrusts into me faster.
I let out an almost pornographic moan as I cum over his cock, my legs shaking and my eyes rolling back, i feel him twitch inside of me, "where do you want it?" he asks, his voice low and breathy, "inside, please, need it inside of me" I blabber, that's all Matt needs to hear as his warm seed shoots into me, ropes and ropes of hot sticky cum coating my walls as he moans into the nape of my neck, thrusting into me a couple more times before pulling out "fuck, i should've done that sooner" he chuckles lowly as he presses a soft kiss to my head "lay down, beautiful, I'll clean you up" Matt whispers as he walks into the bathroom grabbing a cloth and turning the warm water on, coating the cloth with it before making his way back to me "feelin' okay?" Matt asks as he presses soft kisses to my inner thighs before gently wiping the towel over my sensitive pussy "yeah" i whisper "c'mon, we can cuddle and watch some shitty movie" Matt says as he lays beside me, pulling my black silk sheets over us and wrapping his arm around my waist...
thank god sabrina invited them over today
the outfit I described because the link is being a cunt:
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@nedsmarie44 @hoesformatt @muwapsturniolo @guccifrog @thenickgirl @mattslolita @ssqra @mattsivy @luverboychris
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eccentricwritingbaby · 7 months
she’s a lady
charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary - based on the song 'shes a lady' by tom jones. just y/n being cool and charles being a simp lol
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Well, she's all you'd ever want
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner
Well she always knows her place
She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner
charles did not want to go out tonight, he really didn’t. but there was just simply no possible way he could ever say no to that wonderful face. you came prancing into the bedroom you both shared bubbling over with excitement as you began to devise your outfit plan of the night while charles just laid on the bed with dreams in his eyes. you had tumbled into his life unexpectedly yet perfectly a few years ago and fit him like a glove. you were a girl constantly sought after, therefore you played hard to get when charles began his pursuit yet ultimately fell into the drivers arms at last. but, charles did not mind the chase, he would drive, run, skip, throughout all of monaco - hell europe hell the world - if it meant at the end of the day you would be his and his only. 
“cherie?” you called out from your place in the closet. charles quickly dropped his phone, hopped off the bed and walked into the closet at your beck and call.
“oui, mon amour” he quickly replies while holding onto your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“do you like this dress for tonight? or this other one?” you briefly pointed to two different dresses, both small and revealing the only difference being the color - black or red. 
“y/n what am i going to do with you,” charles sighs while squeezing your hips. you proceed to chuckle feeling something familiar pleasurably digging into your back. 
“char, the dresses aren’t even on and you are already turned on? oh however will you last through the night,” you sigh through the last portion to give him a quick tease as you continue to sort through your dresses. 
“i really do not think i will, mon ange,” charles whispers into your ear and proceeds to give your neck a kiss while replying again, “and you know i love you in red, always,”
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
as the two of you approached the club all of your friends were at, charles began to notice the stares that were always pointed at you. he was a large celebrity and received a lot of people staring but that was all from proclaimed shock. the men - no - boys staring at you were gawking and undressing you with their eyes. normally charles would feel quite protective, and he does at times, but in these moments as your hand tightly grips his while walking through the crowded venue, he feels only pride. people look you up and down hoping you even so much as glance in their direction yet your eyes will never leave charles, you’re his. its never been in a possessive manner, only that you and charles have been absolutely and blissfully head over heels for each other from the moment you had laid eyes on each other. 
Well, she's never in the way
Always something nice to say, oh what a blessing
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone, and there's no messing
you sat gracefully at the vip table that charles and your friends had reserved for the night out. charles watched as you nodded along to something joris was speaking to you about, a polite smile never leaving your face. you added in small comments here and there which made joris laugh while also listening intently and honestly, something that is so rare nowadays. 
carlos’ voice pulls charles from his thoughts as he asks the question charles asks himself everyday, “how y/n said yes to you i will never understand, chico, how did you get that blessing of a woman to be with you?”
charles receives this joke quite often, with you being so perfect and all. he understands that carlos is only joking with him and therefore replies back with a grin, “because i am the charles leclerc, mate”
charles’ grin grows wider after his laugh once spotting you walking over to him, “char, im heading to the bar for another drink, you need anything?” 
your deliciously sweet tone along with the sexy and sultry outfit you had on ruined charles in one altercation, therefore leading him to quickly stutter out a, “n-no thank you, love”
“okay, ill be right back, boys,” you smile to the rest of the group and only to charles do you drop your left eye into a small wink. the boys cheer for a minute and continue to hide their bits of envy in an easy teasing to charles - who accepts the teasing with pride because if you’re going to get made fun of by friends, it might as well be for having the perfect girl. 
as you continue to the bar, men begin to approach yet you remain oblivious only carrying tunnel vision on getting your drink and heading back to your man. you ignore the looks, the attempts at flirts and god-awful pickup lines while simply getting your drink and heading back towards the vip booth. right outside the booth and in complete view and earshot of charles, a relentless man keeps trying to talk and flirt with you. 
“c’mon love, just one dance, i promise i’ll take good care of ya,” he says to you. charles is about to come rescue you, but you have other plans.
“i said no and that i have a boyfriend you fuckhead, now please go away so that i can actually enjoy my evening,” you finish the easy tell-off with a few bats to your eyelashes and the man is turned away but not without muttering a quick ‘bitch’ under his breath, “excuse me?!” you whip your head around to him once more.
“i called you a bitch, lady,” he says once more, you give a whole-hearted laugh which just confuses him further. 
“i am a lady, but i will still set you straight,” you finish off while staring at the man.
“what do you mean by that, bitch” he taunts further. and with one simple swing, the man is on the ground and you’re shaking out your soon-to-be bruised hand. charles comes rushing up to you and engulfs you into a hug. 
“mon amour, are you alright?” he quickly questions.
“i am a lady who can handle herself, char, no need to worry,” you reassure and give a kiss to his awaiting lips. 
over to the side, joris leans over to whisper to the group that witnessed it all happen, “he’s too damn lucky to have her, she’s a badass,” the men just all look at each other while nodding in agreement to his statement. charles was lucky, but you knew that you were too. there is a reason that you felt safe enough to punch the man and also easily ignore all the stares that were given, because your protector was right behind you, fueling you with confidence and ease just as you do for him. 
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Eddie quietly falling more and more in love with Steve with every car ride—every time it’s raining, and he watches as Steve does a stupid little run with an umbrella to the front porch so Robin won’t mess up her hair before a marching band concert.
Falling in love with the constancy of it, with every little routine Steve does. It takes a few weeks of listening for Eddie to figure out that when Steve first half-sings, “Good mornin’,” as everyone clambers into the car that he’s imitating the song from Singin’ in the Rain.
Falling in love with how Steve always, always either has the radio on or a tape playing something that he can sing along to, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. How the car’s always this chaotic space but always, always brimming with love and joy—Steve snapping his fingers every few minutes, like, “Oh, Rob, this is our song! You know, when the—yeah, the shift when—no, not that one, the other time that—” (Eddie discovers with fond amusement that many, many songs share the title of ‘Robin and Steve’s song.’)
Steve singing along to the chorus of Mr. Blue Sky whenever Dustin’s called shotgun in the front, and Eddie soon realises, his heart fit to burst, that it’s because Steve must associate the song with Dustin; that he does the same thing with everyone he gives rides to, like it comes so naturally to him, his love for each person intertwined with each song, like he’s making the melody anew every time.
Eddie, tipsy from ‘Graduation Champagne’ courtesy of Nancy, asks Steve once if he has a song tied to him.
“Ah,” Steve says, smiling and bright-eyed in his role as the designated driver, “you have a whole damn catalogue, Eddie.”
And… oh.
Well, Eddie reasons, heart skipping a beat, he doesn’t need to know all of them at once, then. He doesn’t mind waiting, letting each one unfold, like unwrapping an expensive chocolate.
One night the two of them are driving back to Hawkins alone, having spent the day at a mall shopping for Robin’s birthday. They really didn’t need to spend the whole day, had already got her presents within the first couple of hours, but they dawdled, messed around, tried on increasingly ridiculous hats and sunglasses to make the other laugh.
And Steve fiddles with the radio until he finds an obscure station that just plays songs from musicals. And yeah, he sings along, but his voice is a little restrained, almost like he’s shy. Eddie looks at him with a soft smile, suddenly knows he’s seeing something precious, something Steve perhaps reserves for car rides alone. That Steve is letting him into a private moment.
“You have a real pretty voice, man,” he murmurs, quiet enough that they could pretend it goes unheard under the noise of the car driving along.
But as Steve looks ahead, he smiles, and his ears turn red.
He goes for it for the rest of the ride, voice back to its normal volume. He plays it up, trying to make Eddie laugh while they’re waiting for traffic lights to change. Catches his eye and damn near trills, “I feel fizzy and funny and fine, and so pretty, Miss America can just resign.”
And of course, Eddie laughs. Feels his stomach swoop. He knows what this feeling is. Oh, he knows.
As the West Side Story tribute ends, Steve’s voice drops back to his normal register. Turns gentle and sincere as he glances at his wing mirror and sings, almost to himself, “For I’m loved by a pretty wonderful boy.”
Yes, Eddie thinks, you are, you are, you are.
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daisynik7 · 9 months
This is for your y2k!
“Photograph” by Ed Sheeran for Toji Fushiguro - angst
We keep this love in a photograph, we made these memories for ourselves.
Read Part Two - Make You Feel My Love
Pairing: Toji x f!reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
cw: implied family abuse, angst, some fluff, modern day-au, no curses au, a kiss, time skip
Summary: Toji Zenin is scary; he’s the most intimidating boy in your class. When you’re paired with him for a group project, you’re nervous that he’s as bad as he seems. However, you learn that behind that hard exterior is a person yearning just to be normal. 
Author’s Note: The first story for the y2k karaoke party! Inspired by “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran. Thank you @gojoshooter for submitting this song/request! I hope you like this one! Divider created by @/cafekitsune.
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You meet Toji in high school, when you’re paired up randomly for a project during your last semester of senior year. He’s a transfer student, having just joined a month ago, introducing himself briefly with a scowl on his face, uninterested in anything. Aside from his obvious stature, the evident scar running across his mouth stands out. Most of your peers avoid him, intimidated by his overwhelming presence. He’s bigger than everyone else, both in height and muscle; he looks like someone you don’t want to mess with. Even teachers do their best to evade him, leaving him to his own devices in the back corner of the classroom. At least he isn’t disruptive; most of the time, he keeps to himself. 
Of course, in a school as small as yours, gossip spreads like wildfire. They say he comes from a prominent family, the “Zenin’s”. You’ve never heard of them; apparently, they are notoriously elitist and filthy rich. So, it surprises you that a son of the Zenin clan would attend a public school like yours rather than a private institution. Maybe he’s different. 
Everyone dreads group projects, let alone randomly assigned group projects. Everyone is on pins and needles, waiting to hear who their partner is. When your name follows his, your heart sinks into your belly. Sighs of relief wash over the rest of your classmates, thankful that they aren’t you. Taking a deep breath, you get up from your seat, slowly walking towards him. When you’re by his desk, he doesn’t look up. You clear your throat to say, “Hello. I guess we’re partners for this project.”
He scoffs, twirling a pen between his fingers, brows furrowed, irritated already. “Great,” he mutters, sarcastically. 
Okay, maybe he’s not different.
Your teacher calls this project “A Week in the Life”. Basically, you’re tasked to capture your partner’s daily routines throughout the week in the form of photographs. Each student is given a disposable camera, loaded and ready to use. Once developed, you’re supposed to put them together into a collage, decorating it however you desire. A short essay is also required, describing what you will learn about the other person after spending this time with them. You have an entire month to complete everything. Weekdays are repetitive, considering most of the day you’re in school; it’s the afternoons, nights, and weekends that set each person apart from the other.  
“I’m not inviting you into my house,” Toji says, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“But that’s part of the project. I’m supposed to see what you do on a daily basis.” You resist the urge to sound equally as annoyed, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot.
He glares at you, hunched over his desk. “I avoid going home as much as possible. That’s what I usually do.”
You swallow hard, unsure how to respond. Eventually, you murmur, “Well then, you can do me first. We’ll just figure yours out later.”
He shrugs, unenthused. “Whatever.”
You pull your phone out of your pocket, sliding it towards him. “Let’s exchange numbers so we can coordinate our schedules. We can start next week.” He doesn’t argue, pushing his cell to you to do the same. 
As planned, the following Monday, Toji begins taking random photos of you during the school day. It starts off in class when he captures you working at your desk. Other students are doing the same, so it isn’t as awkward as you expect it to be. Still, it feels odd being watched by Toji through the lens of the camera.
At lunchtime, he sits with you and your friends in the cafeteria, his big body smushed next to yours as you munch on your meal. You notice that he hasn’t brought anything to eat except for a protein bar and sports drink. Not thinking anything of it, you split your egg salad sandwich into two triangles, handing him one. He glances at it, then at you, confused. “What?”
“Eat it.”
He makes a face, taking it reluctantly, having the audacity to sniff it before taking a bite. When he doesn’t say anything, expression relaxing, you smile to yourself, satisfied. It’s gone two bites later, and from your peripheral, you see him lick the excess off his thumb. Mouth still full, he mumbles a brisk, “Thanks,” snapping his drink open to take a swig. 
After school, you attend a book club meeting that’s hosted every Monday by your friend. Toji snaps a photo of you and your group posing with your book for this month. Before you leave for dinner, a few of the girls whisper to you about how hot he is, how lucky you are to be paired up with such a hunk. How scary he comes off with his scowls and glares. They’re so loud, you’re certain he can hear, but he doesn’t mention anything about it. That is, until you’re alone with him, walking home together. 
“So, do you think I’m scary?” He has his hands in his pockets, looking down at the ground where he walks besides you. 
The question catches you off guard. “Huh?”
“Do you think I’m scary?” he repeats, looking at you now, smirking. 
You grin. “Maybe a little bit at first. Not so much anymore.”
“What changed?”
“I saw you inhale that sandwich. The tough guy act disappeared in that moment.”
“Hey, that thing was tiny. I could have swallowed it in one bite,” he chuckles, kicking a pebble on the ground. “And I’m not putting on a tough guy act. This is just who I am.”
You giggle softly, smiling at him. “Well, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Zenin.”
“Toji. Call me Toji.” 
Dinner with your parents goes by smoothly. You’ve prepared them for this special visitor, urging them to be on their best behavior and not judge a book by his cover. Naturally, your mother is startled when his big frame enters through the doorway, but when he bows to her, introducing himself respectfully, she eases up. After a quick tour of your house, Toji snaps shots of you helping your parents in the kitchen. With the whole spread laid out on the table, he takes another photo before you all gather around to eat. 
Much like earlier in the day, Toji scarfs his meal, mumbling out compliments to the chef. Your parents are thrilled, dropping more servings onto his plate, watching with pride as their cooking is devoured. You can’t help wanting to capture this memory, so you retrieve your own disposable camera from your backpack, taking his picture. He doesn’t seem to mind. 
The two of you eat ice cream sandwiches in your backyard while your parents wash the dishes. The sun is setting, beautiful golden streaks shining from the horizon. Your classmate takes a candid of you sitting on the patio chair, staring at the last moments of daylight. “Do your parents cook like that every day?” he asks, finishing off the last of his dessert.
“Nah, they just wanted to impress you.”
“Well, I am thoroughly impressed. That was the best meal I’ve had in a long time.”
After just one day with him, you feel comfortable enough to ask, hoping that it isn’t crossing the line. “Do you dislike eating at home?”
He doesn’t respond right away, thinking of his answer carefully. “Yeah, I do.”
He smirks, running his thumb along the scar on his lips. “Dinners at my house don’t always end in dessert, if you know what I mean.” 
Your jaw drops, unable to contain your reaction. “You’re saying…”
He leans back into his seat. “Yup. Got a knife thrown at me.”
Laughing, he nods. “After that, I didn’t like having dinners there.”
You’re tempted to ask for the whole story, but you know it’s pushing it. Instead, you offer, “Well, you’re always welcome here.”
It’s a simple comment. To you, it’s nothing. Maybe it’s because you’re used to offering kindness to others; it’s what you were raised to do. It’s what the people around you do. It’s common. Second-nature, really. 
But as Toji stares at you, wearing an expression you’ve never seen before, one of genuine gratefulness, you realize that to him, it’s not nothing. It’s special. 
Throughout the remainder of the week, Toji spends practically his whole day with you, morning, noon, and night. During this time, you learn that his family is wealthy, though he chose to attend this school on his own will, just to spite them. He considers himself an outcast, the black sheep of the Zenin clan, so much so that he even refuses to associate himself with the family name. And while he’s sure he’s better off away from the snooty rich kids of the school he would have attended, his intimidating appearance and less-than-friendly attitude has made him an outcast amongst your peers. You feel guilty being part of the problem, judging him before getting to know him. He’s actually easy to talk to. It helps that he’s an open book about his personal life. 
Saturday, you plan to go to the aquarium with your family, inviting him to tag along for the project (and for fun). Toji is at your doorstep right on time, dressed in a tight black tee shirt and grey sweatpants, accentuating his chiseled figure. There’s no denying it; he’s very attractive. You’d be lying to yourself if you said it hasn’t crossed your mind. But Toji doesn’t need people to be attracted to him; he needs a friend. And that’s what you’ll be to him. 
It’s a fun day, observing all the fish and aquatic creatures swimming in their tanks. He takes pictures whenever it’s appropriate, covering the flash with his finger as to not disturb any of the animals inside. You eat lunch together in the cafeteria, Toji offering to pay for it as thanks for all the kindness he was shown this week. Near closing time, you take one last stroll through the jellyfish section, marveling at the wonderfully bizarre invertebrates floating in the water. 
“I’ve never been to an aquarium before,” he admits, quietly admiring them beside you. His eyes twinkle with the glow of the iridescent jellyfish swimming in front of him.  
You nudge him playfully. “So, what do you think?”
He smiles, rubbing the spot on his arm that you touched. “Better than I expected.”
The following week is his turn. The closest you get to his mansion of a home is on the outside, not even through the gates. 
“This is for your own good,” he warns, throwing a twig aggressively between the spaces of the iron bars. 
You snap a quick photo with your disposable, not questioning it. When you’re finished, he smirks. “So, ready for some real fun?”
Toji spends his days after school at various locations. Basically everywhere except his own home. The public library, the gym, arcades, shopping malls, cafés, you name it. He’ll eat dinner at whatever restaurant his stomach fancies at the moment: Ramen, Takoyaki, steak, even instant ramen, depending on his mood. And while his life seems fun from the outside, like a kid in a candy store, it’s lonely. Except for when he’s with you.
Saturday is different from the other days. On the weekends, he goes to the beach, bag packed with his favorite books and snacks, ready to relax on the sand with the waves crashing against the shore. He sets up a large umbrella to cover both of you as you settle into the big blanket laid flat. He passes you one of his books, a volume of his favorite manga. The two of you read in a comfortable silence, sharing a bag of chips, fingers brushing against each other’s whenever you reach at the same time. 
Out of the blue, he comments, “This is nice. It’s normal.”
Laughing, you reply, “What do you mean?”
He sets his book down, looking at you. “Nothing about my family is normal. It’s just nice to feel like a human instead of a failure.”
Your eyes widen, uncertain how to respond. Before you can say anything, he murmurs, “Sorry. I didn’t meant to kill the mood.”
You close the manga, smiling gently at him. “Don’t be. I can’t imagine what it’s like. My life is very normal.”
“That’s what I like about you, though.”
Heat rushes into your cheeks at his statement, and maybe it’s your imagination, but you see him blush. You’ve taken enough pictures to complete your project, but there’s still a bit of film left. “Let’s take a picture together,” you suggest, holding the camera in your hand, trying to lighten the mood.
“Seriously? Why?”
“To celebrate being normal, even if it just for a day.”
He grins, scooting closer to you. “Okay.”
You lean against him, both of you smiling, capturing the moment with the click of your finger. 
Toji doesn’t stop eating lunch with you. Even with your photos at the lab, being developed, he remains by your side, eating the extra sandwich you always pack for him now. Occasionally, he’ll stop by for dinner, always welcomed by your parents. On the other days, you accompany him to whatever restaurant he’s craving. 
When the photos are complete, you pick them up together, not wanting to share them yet, hoping to be surprised on the day they’re displayed in the classroom. At home, you compile the pictures into a stylish collage, decorating the borders with fun stickers, smiling as you gaze at each photo of him. One at the arcade, holding a toy guy in his hands with the high score flashing in the background. Another at the gym, where’s he’s kicking a punching bag, making it look far too easy. Finally, there’s the last photo you took at the beach, the two of you posing for the camera. It’s a cute picture, one that shows two people who live very different lives happily enjoying their time together. You tape it right in the middle. 
When everyone’s posters are hung around the classroom, many people flock to Toji’s, desperate for a glimpse in his mysterious life. Many gawk at the mansion behind the gates, unaware of the dark secrets it holds. The girls ogle the gym picture, while the boys admire it, asking for workout tips. Toji looks pleased with how his collage turns out, especially intrigued by the photo in the center. “You included the one of us, huh?” 
“It’s too cute, isn’t it? I had to include it.”
He smiles at you. “I totally agree.”
He walks you home that afternoon, a usual part of his routine now. Curious, you ask, “So, what did you write about me for your essay?”
“I wrote about how nerdy you are, going to class and willingly going to clubs after school. For fun,” he emphasizes, rolling his eyes, teasing you.
You poke his arm playfully. “And…?”
“I said that you and your family are really nice. And that your parents should be chefs,” he adds, grinning.
You laugh, hooking your arm around his. “That’s more like it.” 
Before you know it, you’re at one of the parks he frequents, sitting side-by-side at his favorite bench. “What did you say? About me?” he asks, staring at his hands in his lap. 
Without thinking, you rest your head on his shoulder. “That you’re not actually scary. You’re just you. And who you are is pretty great. Really great, actually.” 
There’s a pause while he processes what you said. Afraid that it’s too far, you attempt to back away from him, but he catches you first, pulling you in for a kiss. It’s hesitant, like he’s unsure if this is okay. And when you place your hand on his chest, feeling his quickening heartbeat race against your fingertips, the kiss deepens, his lips parting open to slide his tongue inside your mouth. Before it gets any further, he pulls off quickly. Electricity hangs in the air, buzzing on your lips, tingling on every inch of your skin.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, throat heavy. “I shouldn’t have done that. I just thought – ”
“You’re right. You shouldn’t have,” he spits out, jaw clenched, avoiding your gaze. It’s a harsh voice you haven’t heard the entire time since the start of your friendship.
“But I thought you liked – ” 
“You’re wrong. I don’t. I – ,” he swallows, struggling to get the words out. “And I never will.” He stands up, turning his back towards you, leaving you alone with tears streaming down your face, embarrassed, confused, and heartbroken. 
It’s the last time you’ll see of him. He doesn’t come back to class after that incident. Rumor has it that he came in early the next morning to gather all his belongings, which wasn’t much to begin with. There’s more gossip about it, of course, ridiculous chatter. Eventually, they fade, and his name is no longer uttered by anyone, including you. Months pass, and gradually, new memories overtake the old ones. Life goes on without him. You don’t notice the center photo of your collage is gone until you collect it at the end of the schoolyear. 
He’ll never tell you that it’s for your own good. That turning his back on you is the best option to keep you safe. No matter how much he opens up to you, his reality is much worse than you can ever know. Hurting you is his way of protecting you. Because loving you is too dangerous, especially for someone like him.  
Ten years later, you’re an elementary school teacher in your hometown. You planted yourself right where your roots grew. There is nothing but grand memories in this place you’re lucky to call your home. The only exception is the abandoned plot of land where the Zenin mansion was demolished a few years ago without any explanation. You preserve its memory in the form of a tattered photograph, forgotten somewhere in your closet.
Today, there’s a new student transferring into your kindergarten class; an adorable little boy with jet black hair and long eyelashes named Megumi. He reminds you of someone from your past, someone you kept buried in the back of your mind a while ago, for your own sanity.
Little do you know that on the other side of the door, Toji Fushiguro leans against the wall, listening carefully to your familiar voice introducing yourself to his son. He smiles to himself, the month you shared together all those years ago fondly replaying in fast forward in his mind. He’s no longer a Zenin, unleashed from the cruelty of his ancestry, liberated from the life he was cursed with from birth. Free to love who he wants without fearing that their life is in danger by the hands of his wretched family. 
He sticks his hands in his pocket, fingers brushing along the corners of the withered photo of the two of you smiling at the beach. With a deep breath, he grips the handle of the door, finally ready to face you at long last.
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allocnddits · 9 months
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summary: Eddie can’t take two seconds of you sitting on his lap.
warnings: penetrative sex, blowjob, teasing, low key overstimulation, switch!eddie
wc: 1.2k
It wasn’t often that you accompanied Eddie to his band’s rehearsals, but you had spent the weekend away and he couldn’t skip on this one since they were doing a new set. So on monday, right after school, you went to his friends garage to watch him.
As they finished a song you got up from the puff chair you were on and grabbed a diet coke from the mini fridge and when you turned back Eddie had taken your spot. Naturally, you walked over and took a seat on his lap.
At first, you really didn’t realize what was happening, it just seamed so natural and normal to you, but when you caught him whipping his sweaty palm on his jeans, you knew what you had done to him.
“Are you…?” you whispered in his ear, playing it off by running your hand through his hair. He just nodded discreetly, still talking to his friends. You pulled his wrist, pretending to check the time on his watch. “Teddy” he hummed, looking up at you “need to go, drive me, please?” you asked as you got up from his lap, quickly tidying up your uniform and he followed right after, hearing his friends joke about how you turn him into a complete puppy. Eddie picked up an empty coke can from the floor and threw it at them.
“It’s six, your curfew is only at eight.” he remarked as you stepped into his van.
“Well, my parents aren’t home and,” you said, checking your lipstick on the mirror “i thought i could help you with that.” you pointed at his semi erection.
Eddie quickly made an abrupt U turn – earning a scolding glare from you – and drove to your house, both of you immediately going to your room on the second floor.
"You are so damn sensitive! i sat on your lap for like two minutes and you got hard, what the fuck?" you laughed.
"You've been away all weekend, i missed you" he explained, throwing his body on the bed.
"What are you waiting for then?" he quickly sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled you closer by the waist till you stood between his spread legs as he looked up at you. His hands travelled up your thighs till your skirt was riding up, doing nothing but caressing the skin, itching closer and closer to your heat but never getting there. "Don't tease"
"Or what?" he dared, looking back up at you with his doe brown eyes
"Or i'll have fun by myself and make you watch, and i think you're touch starved enough, aren't you, Teddy?"
He nodded and pulled you closer to straddle his lap. "Okay, I'll stop teasing, but only if you do what you promised"
"I surely will" you kissed his neck slowly, licking a stripe up behind his ear and pretended not to notice how he shivered when you did it. "You want the shirt off, baby?" you asked getting down on your knees between his legs. Of course you already knew the answer but you wanted to hear him say it.
"Please?" You pulled your shirt off, revealing your white, lacy bra. “So pretty, baby”
You smiled up at him before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his – now completely hard – shaft out of his boxers. His tip was bright red, aching for your touch as you teased him by running your nails on his base, making him roll his eyes. You darted your tongue out, tapping his tip against it and tasting his pre cum before taking him into your mouth. You made sure to cover him in your spit, letting it drip down the sides of your mouth till it coated his entire length. Your mouth started to slide down on him, taking him inch by inch till your nose hit his groin and you pulled away immediately.
“Too big for you, honey?” he teased, making you roll your eyes, tears rolling down your face as you did. You let your hand work on him as you recovered from the previous move, teasing his tip by running your palm against it or pressing down on his slit. He threw his head back, letting his hands meet your hair when your mouth returned to his shaft. He started letting groans out, making you smile around him as he pushed your head down and he fell back onto the bed. “Fuck. Baby, please”
“No, love” you whispered against his tip after pulling out. “don’t come just yet, want your cum inside me, yeah?” You pushed his shirt up his chest, kissing his lower stomach as you pumped him fast in your hand. You only stopped when you felt his thighs clench, knowing he was about to cum and you pulled away, abruptly.
“Aren’t you just a little bitch.” he complained after a long and frustrated groan, you just smiled, watching as he sat up on the bed. “Come here”
“I’m sorry, baby, but i just love to see you get desperate. I’ll make it up to you, ‘kay?” you straddled his lap, taking off his shirt and brushing his hair off his face. “so beautiful” you praised as your lips met his neck, kissing and nibbling softly on the pale skin. You dipped your hand between your bodies, pushing your underwear to the side before aligning yourself to him. He could feel your cunt swallow him, little by little as you kissed his neck. You pushed his torso onto the bed, making him lay down and folded your body over his to reach for a pillow, placing it under his head.
As you started to bounce on him, Eddie could not believe the view in front of him, you had your hands on his chest, your tits bounced along with you in your lacy bra and your cheer skirt hugged your waist so perfectly. He managed to get his shit together to reach for the polaroid you got for Christmas and snap a picture of you, and look at it once it was printed. The picture was blurry, since he caught you in movement, and dark, since the only source of light in your room was of the setting sun through your glass windows. Once the camera was off his hands, he pulled you down, arms hugging you tightly around your waist as your hips went completely wild, circling and bouncing on his cock.
“Fuck, baby, so close” he moaned in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You could feel his body tremble and clench beneath yours as he tried hard to hold it in – he wanted you to cum with him.
“Edward, let it go, come inside me” you encouraged, wanting to see him completely fall apart for you. And he did. As soon as you finished the sentence he came, spurting inside you and filling you up. His grip on you loosened as he lost his strength to his orgasm, so you sat back up and started grinding down on him, his lower stomach catching you clit. The both of you were a complete mess, Eddie completely overwhelmed by your movements on his spent cock and you desperately needing to reach your high as his seed dripped down from your cunt onto your bodies. When you did cum, your moans mixed up with your boyfriends whines as you clenched around his softening cock.
“Fuck, baby, off, off, off” he lifted your hips, pulling his overstimulated cock out. You giggled, still stuck in the bliss of your orgasm.
“Sorry, honey, won’t do it next time”
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kamotecue · 8 months
Could you maybe write a Alexia fic where reader sees the Videos from when thez arrived in Training and reader desides to fly to there camp to comfort Alexia(reader has a small injury and misses Camp because of that). When reader arrives Alexia completely breaks down and sais she can’t do this anymore:)
I love your writing:))
hindi ko na kaya [i can’t take it anymore] ✾ a. putellas
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
summary: you’re the one that lights up her world, so when she’s in the state of darkness, she needs the light.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
has anyone ever told you, how reckless you were? they have, you just never really payed attention to them. when you saw the video of the team arriving to hotel for camp, it was excruciating to watch. how they had no security, how they were pushed or grabbed by people. the way the spanish journalists had their cameras all over them.
but here you were taking a flight, because despite having an injury, a pulled hamstring ruling you out of camp—you were still a captain of the team, you still had your duty. you hated how the federation is humiliating the players, when we demanded change.
but you were in a dilemma, if the team didn’t go, they’ll call up players from the youth levels and you didn’t want that to happen. they had less experience in these situations, so you were thankful that they didn’t get called up. the law is hard, but it is the law.
you arrived at the hotel only to see a few journalists outside waiting, but you took the back entrance avoiding the press. you didn’t want them to know about your arrival, it would cause a spark.
you were in front of alexia’s room, as you were about to knock the door swung open, revealing alexia who had tired eyes.
“amor?” she looked at you with a soft look, but you noticed the water in her eyes. you gave her a soft smile, before pulling her into a hug.
she buried her face in the crook of your neck, as she tightly grasped onto the hoodie you wore—it was hers.
“i can’t do it anymore-“ you watched as she choked on her words, it felt like she was suffocating, that there was no escape.
the image she had to uphold, the pressure from whole country relied on her, she is the la reina after all.
you hummed to a song, that you’d sing whenever it was just the two of you. it always seemed to calm alexia down, even if you didn’t have the talent in singing it still did the job.
she still trembled in your arms, as you gave her comforting pats on the back.
“i want you here.” alexia said, as she looked at you with tearful eyes. you chuckled at how cute she looked, to which she just smacked your arm. you cupped her cheeks, as you used your thumb to wipe the tears away before kissing the top of her head.
“i am here, amor. i’ll be here until you need me.” you said, as she pulled you in the room closing the door behind.
you were known as the la guardiana or the guardian. it was how you were always on guard, if a teammate was down, you’d be the first one there.
“i want your cuddles.” you hear her say, as you gave her a soft nod. placing the duffle bag on the floor, as you joined her on the bed.
she had her head on your chest, as she listened to your heart beat. it was something she found comfort in, the way your heart beats normally, but when she’d listen to it, it would beat faster than usual. mainly because she always made your heart skip a beat.
“love, it may be hard—but you can do it.” you told her as she hummed, she played with your fingers before interlocking your hands together.
“we are doing this for the future generation, we got this, you got this.” you told her, as she gave you a soft kiss on the cheek.
you spent the whole night, cuddled in the hotel bed, watching movies you don’t understand, but you were thankful for the subtitles.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
I was wondering if you could write Astarion having to tend to a very cuddly drunk female Tav. Possibly having to defend her from other people trying to take advantage of her.
This took me on a very sad adventure
TW - blood and gore, attempted sexual assault, drinking
Recommended Song: Drew Barrymore - SZA
The nice thing about no longer being on wild adventures full of tadpoles and cultists is that you and Astarion can go out drinking like normal people. While your vampiric lover thoroughly enjoys a good glass of wine, he usually stops himself at one. Perhaps he's a little paranoid about you, your safety, but he insists not to have more than one when the two of you are out together. At the house? Sure, he'll finish two bottles with you, the two of you drunkenly laughing by the fireplace, but not when danger could be afoot. You try to tell him he's just anxious, tense, that you'll be alright.
"I'd rather just make sure my love. You indulge all you want darling, I'll be fine."
In one of the more rowdy taverns, you and Astarion sit at a table off to the side, watching people get drunk and dance, bumping into strangers, sometimes fights ensue. As per usual, he nurses his singular glass. You look at him, a gleam of sadness in your eyes.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I can just skip out tonight, maybe we can just drink later, when we get back."
"Nonsense, have your fun my sweet. I insist."
You squeeze his hand.
"Alright then, I'm off to get my second... you can tell me to stop anytime!"
You tease as you slowly walk away, almost backing up into a nearby half-orc. He simply smiles at you, one of those smiles that says everything he's thinking, how he thinks you're precious, how he'd gladly never get drunk again if it meant keeping you. Years ago, he would've never given up a vice for some person. But you, you make this feeling well up in his chest, like he has to hold you close at all times, worried someone will snatch you when he's not looking. You may make fun of him for simply being a paranoid person, but you made it a million times worse.
"I'm back!"
Your voice draws out, and you return with two mugs of beer instead of just the one.
"Already going for three darling? You do remember you're a lightweight, right?"
"I'll be fine. Besides, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor is here to take me home if I throw up on someone."
You lie against his arm, starting on your second drink.
"You did eat before we left the house, right my sweet?"
You look up at him silently. He just sighs, running his hand through your hair.
"Then why did you need to go to the kitchen before we left?"
You giggle a little.
"To... pre-game!"
The laughter rings out of your throat as Astarion sighs, again, more annoyed this time.
"So you're telling me-"
"Already gettin' drunk Aster, it's a great time."
The more and more you talk, the more he realizes your words are becoming more slurred. Perhaps he should've asked before you left, made sure you at least grabbed a bite.
"Alright, you stay right here, I'm going to get you some water and a little snack."
He gets up, swiftly grabbing the two mugs off the table while you protest.
"Hey, I wasn't done with those!"
As Astarion makes his way to the bar, asking for the classic drunkard's care package, he's suddenly nervous. Had you ever been this drunk in public before? Maybe the two of you should just go home, before you somehow get your hands on any more alcohol. After thanking the barkeep for the water and some bread, he comes back through the crowd, and sure enough you have left the table.
"Gods damn it Tav."
After setting down what was supposed to be your little pick-me-up, Astarion quickly moves through the groups of people, knowing you probably just got up to dance. The bard playing tonight was quite excellent after all. However, after looking through most of the common space, you're nowhere to be found. That feeling of panic starts to well up inside of him, where he's only driven by fear. He knows you can't be far, but he also knows most of the tavern-goers here are slimy, horrific people looking for their next bag of gold. Walking through the crowd again, Astarion comes near the back entrance, and hears a conversation down one of the abandoned hallways.
"A gal like you, surprised you're here alone."
He rounds the corner, seeing you and a bulky half-elf, your arms pinned above your head. You seem nervous, but not conscious enough to realize anything is truly wrong. Astarion stalks up behind the wretched man, wrapping his dagger around the half-elf's throat.
"No so alone anymore, are we?"
Your captor surprisingly doesn't stand down.
"You won't do shit. People know me around here, important people, they'd surely have your head if something happened to me."
"Not if I hide your body well enough. And trust me, I have experience."
The two of them are un-moving for a moment as your wrists start to go numb from the pressure. You groan in pain, only causing the half-elf to grab you tighter. As Astarion goes to press his blade into the man's neck, he whips around, pushing Astarion back. Gods, he's tall. You fall back against the wall, trying to nurse the pain in your hands. As Astarion and the stranger fight, you hear the sounds of blades colliding, but your head is spinning. Perhaps he was right about the whole 'eat before you drink' thing.
You're interrupted from your thoughts when you hear a loud thump on the floor. The half-elf almost knocked Astarion out. leaving him on the ground. The stranger then turns back to you, lifting you back up from the floor, going to open the back door.
"What a find. Can't wait to enjoy you."
In that moment, while trying to get his bearings, Astarion realizes this wasn't just someone threatening you, and that disgusting feeling fills his stomach. He remembers how many times he shared his body against his will, and the adrenaline of that anger is enough to get him back on his feet. As you and the half-elf make it out the door, Astarion rushes him, tripping one foot out from under him. And then he drives his blade into the stranger's back, again, and again, and again, and again, and again. He's covered in the sinner's blood, shaking with both rage and misery. The violent display helped sober you up just a little, enough to make you realize that Astarion has killed someone behind the bar, and that it was clearly deserved. He looks up, locking eyes with you, still holding his blade down, as if the dead man needs yet another plunging strike in his back.
You ask, your voice full of uncertainty, the past few minutes still a blur. He begins to cry, putting his dagger in the ground, slowly crawling over to where you've ended up on the ground. He holds you tight, almost to the point of pain. He doesn't say anything, and you simply watch the blood pour out of the man's corpse as he grips you tight. Flooding memories cover every space of his mind, seduction, imprisonment, and most of all, Cazador's death.
"Astarion... you're hurting my arm."
You say softly, not fully aware of just how distraught he is, still far too inebriated. You're sad though, because he's sad, and you can't quite put together why. He lets go, wrapping his arms under his legs, crying into his knees. You try to comfort him, despite your state.
"It's okay, it's over now."
You don't even know what's over, but if someone is dead and Astarion is still alive, he must've ended it.
"I know."
He chokes out those two pathetic words, looking back up at you.
"We need to leave."
The survival instinct kicks in, knowing he can't explain why this man has at least five stab wounds in his back. The second one of the bartenders finds this, it'll be over.
"Come, this way, we're going to take the back alley."
Snatching up your arm, Astarion leads you through the darkness, mumbling things to himself that you can't quite hear. The two of you move quickly through the night as you stumble around behind him. When the two of you get home, he gets you some water, leading you upstairs so you can lie down.
"Are you okay?"
Such an innocent question. He knows you'll remember tomorrow, that it's not like you're blacked out or anything, just confused.
"I'll be fine my dove. Get some rest now, it's alright."
It's as if he's trying to convince himself, but it's enough for you in your drunken stupor. You curl up into the heavy blanket cast across the bed, and he leaves a kiss on your head. Not long after, you're drifting off to sleep, exhausted.
As Astarion makes his way to the bathroom, he thinks of the horrific things that could've happened, of how cruel humanity is. He thinks about how you have to be the only truly good person in all of Faerûn. He'll never get all the blood off his face, not while you're asleep. His mirror, his sun, his everything, and you were almost tainted the very same way he was.
When you wake up the next morning, Astarion isn't in bed. You try to reach out groggily, looking for that embrace, only to be left with cold sheets. Thinking back on the night before, the memories start to filter in. The drinks, the half-elf, the stabbing, and Astarion sobbing. The full picture isn't entirely there, but there's enough pieces for you to realize. That man, he found you drunk in the tavern, and tried to take advantage of you.
You stumble out of bed, walking down the stairs, rubbing your eyes.
Astarion is in the kitchen, drinking some tea, his eyes bloodshot. You don't say anything, slowly walking up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, holding him tight. He puts his tea down and rests his head on yours.
"Are you alright my love?"
"I'm fine. Are you alright?"
You make some space again, looking up at him, holding his hands in yours. They start to shake again, rage and misery. You move a piece of hair out of his face.
"He didn't do anything to me love, I'm okay."
"Just- the thought of- I-"
He tries to hold back the tears again.
"It's okay, you can cry. It's going to be okay."
With that allowance, the permission to let go, he cries again.
"I don't ever want you to feel like that Tav, the way I felt. It's so, disgusting."
"I know, but it's over Aster. It's over now. You're okay, we're okay."
You wrap around him again, and he continues to weep.
"I love you, so much, and they didn't ruin you, I promise."
That worry, that he'll never be the same, that he's forever fractured now, that a piece of him is gone. Innocence, what a loaded word. Those who are guilty make the innocent feel guilty, and those who are guilty feel powerful, and the cycle continues, always continuing. You stand in the kitchen for a long time, letting him get all of the pain out, your shirt sleeve wet with his tears.
"I just wish I didn't have to be scared anymore."
You frown, thinking on his statement, knowing that no one is ever truly safe. You'll both live in fear forever, of those that think cruelty is accomplishment.
"I know."
It's all you can say, because you can't lie and tell him there's a day he won't have to be scared, that one day all the monsters of the world will be gone. There's nothing to learn, no moral, no mistake to fix, just pain. Pain caused by those who greed after anguish.
"Do you think I've changed? Or am I just as I was, a scared, beaten slave?"
"Gods Astarion, of course you've changed. It's the world that hasn't. We're better than them though, even if that's all we have."
Neither of you reach any resolution, nothing that makes you feel better. Instead, you sit on the sofa by the fire, watching the wood go up in flames, softly speaking about the suffering. You lie in each other's arms, sad. Misery loves company, and the two of you sit in that aura of grieving for a long time, grieving his past, grieving what could have been a kinder world. But here, in this sacred space, where feelings are free to run wild, where you can cry as much as you need, that's the only place you're truly safe. And that's alright, as long as it's together.
717 notes · View notes
borathae · 3 months
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"You might not know who will find this tape and watch it or if anyone ever will, but whoever might find it will see that the days you and Taehyung spent together were bright."
Pairing: Vampire!Taehyung x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance
Warnings: they're in love :(, running in the rain, kissing the rain, hugging in the rain, yeah there's rain if y'all didn't know yet lmao, a romantic little holiday, non-sexual nudity, sharing of a shower to warm up, they're playing dress up in the living room, they pretend to be newly weds, slow dancing, so much laughter and giggles and happiness, like besties i might actually sob this is so romantic, also she is smaller than him i'm sorry besties i know i normally try not to add too many height descriptions but i'm smaller than tae and i needed to feel something hahahah a bitch just wanted to be immersed ✊🏻😔
Wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: this is based on anonie's idea and inspired by IU's song. i love him so much, you guys. i miss him so much, i might actually start crying :( have fun besties, this is so lovely and sweet 💙
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“Quick! We have to be quick!” 
“Tae, slow down please. You know that I could just open us a portal?” 
“No. It won’t work. Quick, we are almost there.”
You and he are running, trying to escape the inescapable. Your hand is clutched in his’. He is leading the way, looking over his shoulder every third step to make sure you are still keeping up with him. 
You barely are at this point. It is difficult to see. Thick stripes of his hair stick to his face, your clothes stick to your bodies. The trees shake above your heads. The birds had stopped singing a long time ago.
“How far? Tae, I can’t run anymore.”
“Just past this clearing. One last time”, he promises and looks back front. 
The end of the forest is within reach. One. Two. Three steps and you have left it behind. The inescapable still follows you, making it hard to see. 
“There! It’s there!” you call out and point at the small house in the distance. 
Taehyung turns on his heels, “one last time. Come”, he says and runs off. His hand slides from yours this way. He is so much faster than you.
“Tae! Wait for me, I’m not that fast!” you call after him, stumbling through the meadow.
He throws his arms over his head and laughs, twirling and skipping in the high grasses. 
The storm surprised you. It wasn’t supposed to rain today. That is why you and he went on this forest walk in the first place. You were deep in the woods, surrounded by nature and with the song of bird keeping you company, when the weather changed drastically and rain began pouring down. You were soaked within minutes. No matter how fast you ran, you couldn’t outrun it. You still ran. Hand in hand and with your visions blurry from the water. 
It was fun at first, but soon became less fun. You were soaked and you were cold and you wanted to be back at the house. 
Taehyung is by the lowest stairs of the front porch, watching you run to him. He is bouncing on the spot, encouraging you to speed up with squeaky cheers. 
You and he left the estate behind for the sake of going on a little holiday. Taehyung asked one of his vampire friends if they could rent him one of his forest houses for a few days and off you went. It is just you and Taehyung here, surrounded by forest and the steep cliffside with the ocean in the back.
You reach Taehyung’s side. He meets you in the middle, picking you off the ground by your waist. He twirls with you. The force of the twirls swings your legs high in the air until it feels as if you were flying. 
You squeak in laughter, holding tightly onto his shoulders as Taehyung makes you fly.
“I have you now”, he laughs.
“This is so much fun!” you squeak, throwing your head back as around you, the world blurs. 
He stops once your heads are dizzy, using the momentum to swing your legs past his body and back again to repeat it with the other side. He did this move a million times before whenever you and he went swing dancing. It never loses its spark. You are still squeaking and giggling as if it is the first time he is doing it.
Taehyung is laughing just as much. His face is contorted in happiness, his eyes barely want to stay open from smiling so brightly. 
He keeps you in his arms once he stopped swinging you, holding you under your butt and gazing up at you. You caress his shoulders and the nape of his neck, looking down at him. He is a little blurry in your vision because your head needs to recover from being twirled so much, but you don’t mind. You have Taehyung to keep you safe.
“I love when you do that”, you tell him.
“Me too. Oh darling, this was so much fun.”
“Yeah, it was”, you say, flinching in sync with him when sudden thunder and lightning strikes the earth at the same time, “holy cow, that was so loud.”
“I think it might be time for us to go inside”, Taehyung says.
“Yeah, I think so too”, you snicker.
Taehyung grins and turns to carry you inside.
You laugh, “are you going to carry me?”
“Of course. It is the least I can do after dragging you along like this.”
“Yeah true. You did drag me quite a bit, you big meanie.” 
“But you must admit that it was terribly fun to run in the rain.”
“Yes, it was. I’m cold now though. I really need something to warm me up.”
“Worry not, I shall warm you up in no time.”
“You shall?” you giggle.
“Mh-hm of course. This is what I am here for”, he says with a playful lift of his brows.
“Oh Tete, you cutie”, you smile, snuggling your face into the crook of his neck. You rub it against him this way, letting out little sounds of comfort.
Taehyung loves the affection. You give off the image of a love drunk cat this way. Taehyung really, really loves when you are this way. 
With one hand under your butt, he opens the door and slips inside the small cottage. He locks the door and with it, turns the storm into an outside friend. It grumbles and rumbles in a constant melody, lighting up the darkening day with flashes of bright electricity every now and then.
Taehyung sometimes listens to thunderstorms and thinks of you. You love thunderstorms. Taehyung sometimes listens to thunderstorms and thinks of you and as he does, he places roles onto the different elements of nature’s sky showers. You are the lightning while he is the thunder, because you will always come first while he only exists because of you.
Taehyung sets you down in front of the shower. He disappears from your side for just a second to turn on the water, then returns. He touches you, running his big hands up your waist until he has your upper back under his palms. He smiles at you, blinking his eyes slowly like a cat in love.
“May I undress you?” he asks.
“Yes”, you allow him and lift your arms.
Taehyung takes off your clothes with utmost care. Your body is sacrilegious to him. Unwrapping it must happen with respect and tender love, for you should never ever feel as if the beautiful vessel for your soul was nothing but desirable flesh to him.
He throws your wet upper clothing onto the tiled floor and lowers his lips to your right shoulder so he could worship the paths of it with tender kisses. You sigh his name in reaction, sliding your hands under his soaked jumper.
“You are beautiful”, he whispers and lifts his head again. He rises his arms, allowing you to take off his jumper. He has to lower himself a little when you reach his head, giggling with you because he thinks it’s adorable that you couldn’t reach.
“Tiny darling one”, he teases, earning himself a nudge to his chest.
“You’re just too tall”, you throw back and laugh when he wraps his arms around you to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. You squeak and cackle, fleeing him as much as you press into him, “your hair’s so cold and wet, Tae”, you whine.
“I know, oh I know. Quick, let’s undress and get under the water”, he says and facing each other, you each take off your pants.
You discard them on the tiles as well, stepping into the shower afterwards. Taehyung lets you enjoy the water first because you are his lightning. You tilt your head up, closing your eyes and smiling softly. You are so beautiful. Oh, he feels jealous of the water kissing your face and the warmth touching your skin.
He reaches out, resting his hands on the softest part of your waist. You open your eyes, looking up at him. He feels vast of air for a blink of an eye.
“Come inside, Tae”, you tell him and drag him under the water by his waist.
Your bodies connect, your skins finally share one warmth.
“Mhm”, Taehyung lets out and tilts his head back so the water can trickle down on his face.
“It’s so warm, isn’t it?” you ask, gazing up at him. He is so beautiful.
“It’s so wonderful. Oh, I felt the cold within my bones”, he says, lowering his head so he could meet your eyes again.
“Me too. I don’t regret it however.”
“Me neither, my darling”, he says and closes the small distance between you and him by hugging you against his chest.
You melt into him, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around him. You rest your hands on his back while he cradles the back of your head and traces your spine. You and he sway from side to side slowly, sharing the warm water while outside it storms.
Being cold with him will always be okay, because at the end of it, you and he will share warmth again. There is truly no sweeter future than this.
You and he dry the other’s hair after the shower. You loved each other for long enough to know how to do it perfectly. You learned the language of his hair, while in return he learned yours. You know how to touch, what to use and where to start. You come first of course because you are his lightning. He comes second, leaning into your palm when you cradle his cheek and call him beautiful.
You wrap the other in a soft bathing robe afterwards, leaving the bathroom together. The storm and the passage of time darkened the sun by now and so you turn on the lights to see.
“I want to drink some tea. Do you want a cup as well?” you ask him.
“I would love to, thank you”, he says and points down the hallway, “I shall get clothes for us. I promise to get only the warmest of jumper for you.”
“Alright, my darling. Thank you”, you say and kiss his lips chastely.
You and he part ways for only a few moments. You use it to prepare tea and he uses it to get clothes. Just like you had agreed to do.
The tea has finished brewing when Taehyung enters the kitchen.
“My darling”, he makes his presence known in a soft spoken voice.
You turn, meeting the lens of a camcorder.
“What’s this?” you ask him, “darling, why are you wearing a suit?”
“I found it. Alongside this camera and this dress”, he explains, lowering the camera for now. He slides a white dress from his shoulder, handing it to you.
“A wedding dress?” you ask him.
“I do not know who it belonged to once, but it is your size. The suit is my size as well”, he says and smiles shyly, “do you want to put it on? For only a little while?”
You feel your heart flutter. With a fond smile on your lips, you nod your head.
“Don’t peak. If we pretend to be newlyweds, we have to follow the rules.”
“Yes, true. I shall meet you in the living room”, Taehyung says and turns away with a happy skip in his steps.
You watch him with a fluttering pulse. Taehyung is such a tender person at heart. His soul is colours of golden oranges and warm yellows like that of a young sunset seeing the world for the first time. Only he would think of something like this. Only he would see no strangeness in pretending to be married and he was right. There was no strangeness in it.
The dress smells like lavender and violets. It looked too small at first, but then you slipped it on and it fit as it was made for you. The dress smells like lavender and violets and perhaps just a little like magic. Perhaps that would explain why it found you and Taehyung when it did. 
You abandon the mugs of tea because there was something else keeping you warm now. The excitement of being with Taehyung.
“Tae?” you call for your lover, “are you ready?”
“I am”, Taehyung answers you from the living room. Lively music accompanies his voice. He must have put on a record.
With a racing heart, you step through the threshold.
Taehyung stands at the end of the room by the lit fireplace. The camcorder is propped on some books, filming the scene unfolding.
“My darling”, he gasps and exhales shakily, “my darling, oh, look at you.”
“How do I look?” you ask him and grab the dress on two spots so you could twirl and swing it as you dance to him. 
He meets you in the middle, sweeping you off your feet as he grabs you in the midst of your jump. You squeak, throwing your head back as Taehyung twirls you in the small living room.
“Oh my beautiful darling, my sweetest light. No art could ever capture the beauty of you. My darling, oh my darling”, he gushes and laughs, gazing up at you with sparkling eyes.
“I’m getting dizzy, Tae”, you squeak with tears of happiness welling up in the corners of your eyes.
Taehyung stops twirling, sliding you down his body gently until your tiptoes touch the ground. He keeps you close, running his hands along your torso lovingly. His eyes are glistening, gazing at you with soul-consuming love in them.
“You bring light into my life”, he speaks softly.
“I do?”
“You do. Oh darling, you do”, he smiles with his eyes, “you truly do.”
“You make life brighter as well, my darling”, you say, caressing his chest gently, “and you look so handsome in your suit.”
“I look miniscule in your light, my darling. Oh I want to pick you up and twirl you until the world stops turning.”
“Please don’t. I’d probably throw up”, you laugh, making Taehyung chuckle and scrunch his nose.
“Then at least show the camera, please my darling”, he says and turns you to where the camera stands. He pulls you close, resting his head against yours, “this is my darling, dear future person who might find this tape. Say hello.”
“Hello there, future person”, you say, doing a little courtesy. You crack up afterwards, looking at Taehyung, “this is so silly.”
“No it isn’t”, he says and drags you closer to the camera. He uses the momentum to tug you against him, squishing his cheek with yours, “this is my dearest darling, my universe”, he says and kisses your cheek, “I love her so much”, he adds and hugs you tightly.
You giggle, snuggling into him. Taehyung picked a fitting nickname when he called you his light, because your smile in this moment could light up even the darkest of days.
“I love you too, my darling”, you tell him, turning in his arms to kiss his lips, “now may I have this first dance with you, my husband?”
Taehyung giggles, lifting his shoulders to his ears shyly. He nods his head vigorously, laying his hands into yours. You drag him away to a free space, beginning your dance with a twirl of him. He laughs loudly, falling into your arms with his head thrown back in joy.
“How was that for a twirl?” you ask him, guiding him to the music.
“It was perfect. Oh darling”, he rests his cheek on your shoulder, pulling you close, “I am so happy. My beautiful wife”, he says and giggles, “it has a wonderful ring to it.”
You close your eyes as your fingers begin playing with his hair.
“It really has, my darling husband.”
Taehyung giggles. You join him. You and he will dance until the tea is cold and the camcorder falls asleep.
You might not know who will find this tape and watch it or if anyone ever will, but whoever might find it will see that the days you and Taehyung spent together were bright.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Love Shack
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie’s favorite song is Love Shack and you’re the reason why.
Word Count: 1685
A/n: Au where Love Shack came out in 1985 instead of 1989 because I literally could not get this idea out of my head.
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“Alright gang, favorite songs now so we can make a mixtape in case the rest of us get put under Vecna's curse.” Steve’s hands are on his hips as they all stand in the middle of the closed music shop that Nancy worked at. Steve had made the executive decision to come after Vecna got Nancy and they couldn’t find anything to break her out of the trance.
Eddie stops paying attention as everyone starts to try and pinpoint their favorite song, starting to get shy about his own. Because he knows exactly what it is without having to think twice about it and how it’s going to shock everyone that he’s with. As Robin goes on about a few songs that are her favorites and tries to pick just one he zones out too busy thinking about why it’s his favorite to care about anyone else's.
The first time you had made Eddie listen to it he had been picking you up on his way home from band practice. After he honked his horn to let you know he was there you came rushing out of your house with a giant smile on your face.
“Eddie! Baby you gotta listen to this new song, it's so good!” You exclaimed while jumping in the passenger seat and taking a cassette out of your pocket.
“Oh yeah? This isn’t some of that poppy shit you listen to is it?” He laughed while you slapped his chest at his comment.
“My music is not shit! You just have to give it a chance.” You chuckled along with him and before he could say anything else you took his Metallica tape out and started putting the one in your hands in. You started skipping to the song you wanted while glancing at him. “Get ready to have your mind blown.” That was something he would always tell you before introducing you to something new. He had shaken his head and tore his big brown eyes from you and onto the road when he started driving to the trailer park. As soon as the beat to Love Shack had started he was ready to start teasingly complaining but stopped himself when you started to sing along to it already knowing the words. Your smile was infectious and he had even caught himself tapping along to the beat on the steering wheel halfway through the song.
“So…” You had prompted when the song ended, turning the volume down, “what did you think?”
“It was okay.” He shrugged, causing you to gasp and whip your head towards him.
“Okay? Eddie bear this song is revolutionizing! I haven’t been able to stop listening to it, it makes me want to get up and dance.”
“Mmhm, that why you kept bouncing around in your seat making it seem like people were having sex in the back to anyone who saw us at a red light?”
“Shut up!” You laughed while taking his hand that had been resting on your thigh. “It’s probably my new favorite song.”
Love Shack had started to be his favorite song when it began playing at a party you had dragged him to. He didn’t want to go, telling you that the two of you would have a better time back at your house or his trailer but you wouldn’t listen to him. Your friend had invited you and Eddie, if it would’ve been just you with an invite you would’ve skipped it but you figured with him being invited it was a good way for everyone to get to know the real Eddie. Turned out he was invited because of his drugs and neither of you were having fun from your spot at the dining room table. Eddie had just been ready to ask if you wanted to go for the third time when the all too familiar beat started to play from the living room. You had gasped dramatically and jumped up from your seat on his lap.
“Dance with me?” He couldn’t refuse your doe eyes as you grabbed his hand and pulled him from his seat ignoring the guy who was about to come buy some weed.
“Sorry man, I'm closed.” Eddie had said to him when he tried to stop him from following you into the next room.
Normally he would hate being pulled into a crowd of drunk high school kids but seeing as you went from sighing and regretting coming to beaming and having fun he didn’t mind it so much. Especially when you started laughing and shimmying your shoulders while you danced to the song. That’s the exact moment he started to love the song. You looked so carefree and happy and anything that gave you that much happiness was worth his time and adoration. He couldn’t help himself but to bounce around with you twirling you every once and a while. And in that moment he didn’t care that he was surrounded by people he hates and that hate him, they had all disappeared the moment you beamed up at him as he pulled you closer to him.
Admittedly Eddie had heard Love Shack time and time again because months later you were still just as obsessed with it, if not more. And so he really shouldn’t have been surprised when the mixtape you made for the road trip to move you into your college dorm was just Love Shack on repeat. You honestly had thought that he would turn it off after the second time it started playing but he didn’t. Instead he just made a face and went ‘really? Again?’
“Is this whole tape just Love Shack?” He had asked after the third time it started playing.
“You’re ridiculous.” He chuckled at how proud of yourself you looked as he turned it up and bobbed his head to the music. By this time you had a whole dance to the song that you did in your seat while trying to get Eddie to join you each time the van stopped. The whole trip was filled with your singing with Eddie joining in just during the ‘knock a little louder’ parts and when it came to the part of the song where it goes ‘you’re what’ because he loved hearing you mimic the ‘tin roof, rusted’ in response.
“Why couldn’t you have graduated this year so you could be here with me?” After you were all moved in you clung to Eddie next to his van not wanting him to go anywhere.
“Well sweetheart I might’ve if it weren’t for some pretty girl always stealing my attention away from schoolwork. Couldn’t concentrate with you sitting so close to me in so many classes.” He teased you, resting his chin on your head and holding you close. “I’ll graduate this year though and then I’m home bound to you and we’ll get that apartment you were talking about. Just wait you’ll see, it’s gonna be our year. ‘86 baby!”
“Wish I didn’t have any roommates so you could stay the night.”
“Me too Princess. But you’ll see me this weekend when I pick you up for the gig the band got.”
“You better.” You mumbled into his chest before pulling away from him. “Okay I need to let you go now or I’ll convince myself to just go back with you.”
“You want your tape before I go?”
“No you keep it, I made two so I could keep one in the van.” He smiled at you pulling you back towards him in order to slant his mouth over your own.
“I’ll take good care of it. See you in a few days Sweetheart.”
“Bye Eddie bear, don’t be late this weekend.”
It was cemented as his favorite song only a few weeks ago when you called him from a house party. It had been the middle of the night and the phone ringing woke him up after just falling asleep.
“Hello?” He yawned into the phone.
“Eddie bear!” Your voice was slightly slurred and he could hear the sounds of people and muted down music in the background. He knew you were going to a party tonight so he wasn’t expecting a call.
“Y/n? Why’re you calling? Is something wrong, did something happen?” He was sitting up ready to get dressed and make the drive to get you until you started laughing on the other side of the line.
“No silly. They’re playing our song! Listen!” You must have held the phone out because the music gets louder and he can recognize Love Shack.
“Our song?” He had murmured to himself a grin forming on his lips at the thought of it. “Yeah it sounds like they are baby. Did you call me just to tell me that Sweetheart?” He spoke once the music quieted down again.
“It made me think of how much I miss you so I ran to a phone to hear your voice. It’s not the same hearing our song without you, it never is.” There it was again ‘our song’.
“Hey, did you know I listen to it when I’m feeling sad or when I miss you?” He could tell you were starting to pout and knew that would help cheer you up.
“Shut up no you don’t!”
“I do, it’s in my stereo right now because I listened to it today.”
“You’re so cute Eds. I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go enjoy the rest of your party, I’ll see you when you come home for spring break.”
“Yeah, don’t forget it’s the week after yours! Bye Eddie.”
“Bye baby.” And he fell asleep that night knowing it would be his favorite song since it was considered your song.
“Eddie hey! What’s your favorite song man?” Steve snaps his fingers in front of him pulling his attention back to the task at hand.
“Oh you know, Love Shack by the B-52’s.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“What?” The group breaks into chaos with wide eyes in shock that the well known metal head picked a pop song.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is depressed, and Matt takes notice to her behavior. Matt being the good friend he is he tries to get her out of her funk, but will it work?🫂
Warnings⚠️: None just mentions of depression. This was a request but Tumblrs being a munch and not letting me add it
Song for the imagine: hope ur ok- Olivia Rodrigo
But, God, I hope that you’re happier today
Cause I love you
And I hope that you’re okay
It’s been getting worse. I hate this feeling, this darkness that consumes me. I wanted nothing more than to feel okay. I hate the way my depression swallowed me whole and made me want to disappear from the face of the earth.
I just wanted to feel okay, I wanted to feel normal and not drained. I know my friends were getting annoyed with me. I would slip into these phases of not wanting to talk to them, see them, go out with them. I mean I could barely get out of my bed to do anything. Often skipping meals and not drinking water. I would just sleep all fucking day and cry when I was awake.
I was fortunate enough to be an influencer, so I didn’t have to worry about actually getting up to work. I posted YouTube drafts and TikTok drafts. It worked for a while, but people started to catch on, and were wondering where I went. I couldn’t even be honest and come out and say I was so depressed I couldn’t even sit up in my bed.
The one person who noticed the fastest was Matt. Randomly one day he started texting me wondering how I was doing, what I was doing, if I wanted to hang out with him and his brothers, if I wanted to join them for dinner, if I wanted to film a video with them. I appreciated it truly, but I also kept lying to him. Telling him that I was busy or I had plans, or I was filming. I could not allow anyone to see me this way. I mean I didn’t even want to see myself this way…..
Matt had put me in a groupchat with Chris and Nick, and honestly it was making me feel better. They kept my mind off of things by constantly making me laugh. I mean they would text from 10AM till 2AM every single day.
The blue eyed freaks🧿🧿
-Y/N can you pleaseeeeee come hang out with us we haven’t seen you in like two months- Chris
-Idkkkk -me
-plzzzzz like you never hangout with us anymore-Nick
-yeah I’ve just been busy-me
-busy??? Yeah right not busy enough to not hang out with us- Chris
-hey if she doesn’t want to hangout don’t force her, but we do miss you and would love to see you-Matt
-thanks Matt🖤-me
-booooo boring come over now, or I’ll come pick you up-Chris
-you can’t even drive Chris-me
-okay….ill get matt to drive me to come pick you up-Chris
-fineeeeee okay fine I’ll be over in a hour-me
-see yall soon<3-me
I had gotten up and decided to shower, washing my hair and just really try to clear my mind, and enjoy the fact that I’m getting to see my friends again. I hadn’t been out of my house in a good month, and this was giving me major anxiety.
I felt like once they’d see me they would know I haven’t been okay, and that’s something that scared me. I had to seem okay. I was never the one who broke down… ever.
I hadn’t finished getting ready. At first I wanted to put on some makeup to hide my dark eyes, but I decided against it because I really wasn’t in the mood. I headed out, and drove to the triplets house. When I got there Matt texted me letting me know that the door was unlocked and to meet them in his room.
I let myself in and walked to Matt’s room.
“Y/N” Chris yelled coming over and hugging me
“Hi guys” I said laughing
“She’s aliveeee” Nick said hugging me
“How have you guys been?” I asked plopping myself down on Matt’s bed with them
“We’ve been good, just filming honestly” Matt said
“Nice that’s always fun” I said
“I love it so much truly, but how have you been?” Nick asked
“I’ve been good, you know. Just uhhh been busy” I said lying straight through my teeth
“Nice, what have you been doing” Matt asked
“Oh you know just filming and editing and just going out with some of my other friends” I said
“I love your hair color by the way, when did you dye it red?” Chris asked me
“Oh like two months ago I need to get my roots done actually” I said running my hands through my hair
“Two months ago? I thought this was recent all your TikTok’s and YouTube videos your hair was black” Matt said looking at me suspiciously
“Oh uhhh” was all I could manage because I knew Matt was onto me
“Okay anyways I’m hungry” Chris said breaking the awkwardness
“Me too” Nick said
“McDonald’s?” Chris asked
“Fuck yes” Matt responded
“Okay Matt can you pick it up for us” Chris said pleading
“Uhhh I guess i have too since yall can’t drive” he said rolling his eyes
“I can drive” I said smiling
“Yayyyy this is why I love you” Chris said
“I’ll mobile order it so it’s less stressful” Nick said
They all put in their orders, and they handed the phone to me. My anxiety making me nauseous and not really in the mood to eat
“Oh I don’t think I’m going to get anything” I said
“WHAT? McDonald’s is your favorite” Nick said
“Uhh yeah I’m just not in the mood” I said
“Do you want something else?” Matt asked
“No I’m not hungry” I said looking at him
Matt nodded before taking the phone, messing with it f and then handing it to Nick.
“Alright let’s head out” I said
“Nick and I want to stay back y’all can go though” Chris said
“Sneaky fucks” Matt said laughing
Matt and I had gotten into my car heading over to the McDonalds
“What’s really going on?” Matt asked
“What do you mean?” I asked glancing over at him
“I know you’re not okay” he said looking at me
“Matt I’m fine” I said
“No you’re not. Your eyes…..I can tell that you’re sad” he said
“I’m just tired is all” I said swallowing thickly
“Y/N be honest…are you okay?” He asked reading my face for an answer
My lip quivered, and a lump formed in my throat. Nobody has asked me if I was okay.
“No” I whispered out in a croak
“Talk to me” he said sitting up
“I just don't know. I’ve been so depressed lately. I haven’t been able to get out of my bed. I’ve just been posting drafts because I can’t even get up to film. I can’t even get up to drink or eat anything. I miss my parents, I miss home and I just feel so alone. You were the first person to text me, and you have helped me a lot actually. You inviting me over was the first thing I have done in a month” I said letting a tear fall
“I’m so sorry you feel that way. I love you so fucking much, and I knew something was wrong that’s why I reached out. I care for you so much, and I don’t want you to struggle alone. I’m here for you” he said looking at me with saddened eyes
“I appreciate it Matt truly. You’re amazing” I said looking over at him and smiling weakly
“Never allow yourself to struggle alone okay. Please reach out to me or Nick or even Chris as crazy as that seems. We will always be here for you….always” he said
“I will. I just was fighting with myself for so long I couldn’t reach out for help” I said wiping my tears
“And that’s okay. No ones pressuring you to reach out, but know that the option is there. I would never turn you away. You know I’ll come flying to you in a heartbeat” he said nudging my shoulder
“I know Matt. I love you so much thank you for being here for me” I said nudging him back
“Also I got you your favorite from McDonald’s. I’m making sure you eat. I can tell you haven’t eaten. I can see it in your face” he said
“Thank you Matt what would I do without you” I said smiling at him
“I’m not sure actually” he said
“Don’t get too cocky” I said pointing my finger at him
We laughed, and I pulled up to the drive thru. We got our food, and we headed back home
We got back to their house, and started to eat in the kitchen. Laughing and catching up. Matt occasionally looking over at me, giving me reassuring smiles and glances.
I spent the night at their house, and I slept in Matt’s room. We watched my favorite childhood movies as he kept asking me if I was okay, and taking small glances at me.
Eventually we ended up falling asleep.
What would I do without Matt?
The End
This was a request, but Tumblr is actually being a dickrider so it wasn’t letting me put it with my story. But anywho I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS ONE🥹🖤🖤
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