#I will miss this two chaotic dummies
theultimateclare · 3 months
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holdmytesseract · 5 months
... and a Happy New Year!
This was going to be interesting, Loki thought as he was approaching the French doors, which led to the quite big balcony. It was December 31st - 11:55 p.m. to be exactly. The start of the new year was just around the corner.
The god smiled; feeling for the sparklers which had been stowed away in his trouser pockets. "Darling, are you coming? It's almost time!" He called out for you; looking back over his shoulder. "Yes!" Loki heard you calling back - approximately from the kitchen. "I'm on my way! One second!" "Alright!"
There was silence for a short time until your voice urged to his ears again. "Do you have the ear protector, babe?" _Ohhh, right... He almost forgot._ Loki's gaze drifted down to where his baby daughter was resting against his chest; safely secured by his right hand and arm. Ella was sucking on her dummy; tiny hands clawed into his hoodie. Once she felt her father's gaze on herself, the small girl looked up as well; causing blue eyes to meet blue eyes. Loki smiled at her and pressed a lingering kiss on the crown of her head.
It was Ella's first New Year's Eve. Yours and his first New Year's Eve as parents - and his first New Year's Eve as a _father_. It was thrilling. Absolutely exciting for the god.
And since Ella was still very little, she had to wear an ear protector in order to protect her hearing and also of course to prevent that she got scared.
"Not yet! Would you fetch them?"
"I'll try!"
Only a minute later, you appeared in the living room; ear protector dangling around your neck and two glasses alongside a bottle of sparkling wine in your hands. "Let's go, babe!" You ushered. "It's almost midnight!"
Loki nodded with a smile; took the ear protector and placed them on Ella's head. Both you and Loki couldn't deny that she looked hilariously cute with such a big 'headpiece' on such a tiny head. "Let's go."
You and your husband stepped on the balcony. Loki took a deep breath of the cold night air and gently bounced Ella on his arm (mostly to keep her awake for a little longer), while you opened the sparkling wine bottle and poured two glasses.
"Okay, babe... Time check?" The god smiled; reaching for your hand and pulled you against his side. "One minute." You looked up at Loki with a loving smile.
At 30 seconds until midnight, Loki reached for the sparklers and handed you one.
At 15 seconds, he snapped his finger and they started to burn beautifully.
At 10 seconds you and him started to count.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Happy new year!" You both chanted happily; Loki bounced Ella once again on his arm. Fireworks erupted all around you; dipping the night sky above New York City in various different colours. It was loud and kind of chaotic, but it looked also so amazing and stunningly beautiful. Ella was totally amazed, too. Her little eyes quickly darted from A to B; not knowing where to look first.
"There's so much to see, right princess?" Loki spoke rather loudly through the noise; kissing her head again. You chuckled; gently tickling her cheek. "Indeed - but she definitely loves it! I mean, she loved the Bifrost, too, so..." Your husband nodded, while you exchanged the burnt down sparklers with the glasses of sparkling wine.
"Happy new year, babe." You smiled; clinking your glass against his. The god reciprocated your smile, of course. "Happy new year, my love. It is going to be wonderful, I just know it." His gaze darted from you to his baby daughter and back.
Then you both took a big sip and watched the fireworks with Ella for a little while - until you suddenly remembered something. It struck you like lightning and your eyes widened. "Lokiiii!" His head snapped over to look at you - slightly panicky. "Yes?! What is it, love?!" "We almost missed the most important thing!" He blinked, "Which would be...?" and you almost groaned in frustration. "The new year's kiss! Quick!"
Loki chuckled, but gently cupped your cheek and pulled you into a mind-blowing kiss. A kiss fitting to the fireworks around you - and without a doubt worthy to be a new year's kiss.
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a/n: Happy New Year - from me & the Baby Fever blorbos! 🥳🥂💚 I want to thank my crew for the amazing support and all the love my stories received! You've been amazing and I can't wish for better readers, mutuals and friends! 🙏🏼💚 Here's to the next year! May it be just as blessed as 2023! 🥂🧡
Baby Fever Crew: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loz-3 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @xthatpottahfanx @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @lokiforever @crimson25 @kimanne723 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @noideakitten @zombiesnips-blog @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @lokisgoodgirl @princess-ofthe-pages @coldnique @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokisrealpurpous @huntedmusicgardenn @lokischambermaid
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 9 months
burton guster & shawn spencer (PSYCH) vs Rosencrantz & Guildenstern (Hamlet + Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are dead)
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Gus & Shawn
They’ve been friends canonically since at least 3 years old and at the start of the show they’re I wanna say 30 maybe? And yet these two grown men are THE most chaotic idiots (affectionate) in the whole show (and let’s be real anywhere). The entire show in fact hinges on the idea that they’re dumbasses and WILL get into carat shenanigans. Episode examples include the one where they are investigating an alien abduction, the one where they’re looking for big foot, the vampire one, all of these by the way they hundred percent believe to be true until they themselves unwillingly prove otherwise. And maybe the most dumbass moment of all time, when Gus finds his boss dead and instead of calling the cops he gets his dna ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE, calls Shane to help clean up and Shawn gets HIS DNA ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE AS WELL!!!! Truly cannot think of a worse reaction to finding a dead body. They’ve been sucking that single brain cell that exists between them dry for over 3 decades now and they show no signs of stopping.
they are such idiots (affectionate) and they can't live without each other
they are. so stupid. both of them can be smart in their own ways but when you put them together the dumb best friends energy is unmatched. they are platonic soulmates pretending that shawn has psychic powers and solve crimes by dicking around and somehow always coming out alive. they accidentally befriend the criminals they’re supposed to be investigating constantly. they’re always one step away from being fired or arrested bc of their dumbassery
the entire show is literally shawn pretending to be a psychic (← dumbass behavior) and gus aiding and abetting him and actively a dumbass as well
If you have seen even a single episode of this show, you know these two fools are the best duo ever. Constantly bantering theough 80s movie references and animal like noises, most often above a dead body, these two bring unique different dummy energy that both brings each other up and builds up their own skills along the way. I will love these two men until the day I die and they deserve an honest chance to be the best dumbass duo of all time!
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
They have no clue what’s going on and keep trying to figure it out but they keep missing the clues. Rosencrantz keeps echoing Guildenstern (He’s only good in support). They completely miss that they are characters in a tragedy and doomed by the narrative
The OG dumbass duo. Like....these two share one braincel and usually Guildenstern holds it but that makes them none the cleverer.
they literally had a second play written by another person that expanded upon their dumbassery
so like first of all they are one unit. second of all they have silly recorder-related shenaningans. third of all they're doomed by the narrative but they're silly enough to make being doomed by the narrative fun and entertaining
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[CN] Victor’s 5th Anniversary ASMR Transcript – (Respite)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for an ASMR, 缓息, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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Escape from the cumbersome troubles and find your harbor in his arms for a while.
[Photocopier sounds + beeping noise + sound of slapping on the machine + footsteps]
Slapping on the photocopier like this won’t solve the problem.
On the contrary, it can damage the components.
Even if you are the boss, 
you also have to compensate for the damage to the company’s property.
[stomping noises]
What accident?
Weren’t you the one who called saying that you were in too much of a rush when you left at night, 
and forgot the data-stored portable hard drive at home,
and asked me to help you bring it over?
I know you didn’t mean that.
But at two in the morning, 
it’s not that easy to get an instant delivery.
And I’d also like to know,
what exactly is the case that made a certain someone urgently rush to the office right after answering a phone call,
and now causing her to stand depressed amidst a pile of documents.
[MC jumps on Victor]
Why did you suddenly pounce on me?
A little tired?
Then let’s sit on the couch and take a break.
No buts.
If you take a ten minutes time-out,
the sky isn’t gonna fall.
[footsteps + sits on the couch + Victor grunts]
Lean on my shoulder.
Relax a little.
You want to be in my arms more?
All right.
In that case, maintain this posture.
Feeling a little better?
Then, talk to me about it.
What’s the trouble you’ve encountered?
You’re not the kind of person who gets dejected over these kind of trivial things.
EA Group’s project?
I heard you mention that.
And I remember that the bidding time is tomorrow at 8 am.
The other party added items at the last moment,
and now either the tender can only become invalid,
or you have to sort it out again.
...lack of professionalism in the measures.
I didn’t mean you.
I’m talking about EA.
[sound of papers being flipped]
There’s quite a lot of content.
What about the person who followed up before?
Why don’t you ask him to join you?
Hm? Unexpected appendicitis?
So, a certain someone had no other choice but to run to the office on her own.
But it all turned chaotic while trying to rush it.
Not only was the portable hard drive missing,
but the photocopier went on strike again––
one by one, adding more to the pile.
Having a little headache?
What’s embarrassing about this?
[laughs softly]
Why would I lie to you?
Your response to the situation was very solid,
and much more mature than before.
Which time?
It’s been a long time indeed.
Back then, a certain someone’s project for YL Entertainment was rejected,
then a guest made things difficult on the set,
and then, the documents got scattered on the way to returning home.
[MC covers Victor’s mouth + Victor laughs]
Remember that?
You hugged me and cried for a really long time.
But now,
You can already deal with the problems calmly.
[chuckles + kiss]
Things will get done.
There’s no need to be anxious.
I’ll have a look at the photocopier.
You just sit here.
Calm yourself.
[footsteps + sound of checking the machine]
The toner cartridge is broken.
It’s not a major problem.
When did I learn the skill of how to replace it?
[chuckles + sound of replacing the toner in the background]
It was a very long time ago.
LFG didn’t have an administrative team at the beginning.
There were lot of things that I needed to handle on my own.
Likewise, there was a problem with the equipment before an important meeting.
Rather than headache,
it was the nothing out of ordinary matters that caused more inconvenience.
But when a lot of troubles get tangled together,
it will build up stress.
Then, I realized that,
the more anxious you are,
the more you have to slow down.
Just like now.
If you part your attention to other problems while sorting out something,
you will end up crashing just like this thing.
So, why not focus on what’s in front of you right now?
Calm your mind, and be still.
Those thoughts that are disturbing you will slowly fade away.
All the troubles you are having now will be resolved too.
[sound of the photocopier working]
It’s good.
[chuckles helplessly]
What’s so amazing?
Making a big fuss over such little things.
You seem to feel that you’ve been recharged with the spirit of summer?
[sound of footsteps + rustling noise + Victor sits down]
And your heart and soul have been healed for the greater part?
[chuckles softly]
Really a dummy.
But that’s good too.
And as for the little part that has remained––
How do we heal that?
[rustling noise + sound of papers]
Take a guess.
Come a little closer.
Don’t want to stop?
In that case, preparing the bidding documents will get delayed.
Five more minutes then.
[chuckles softly]
Greedy little devil.
How long will it take to process?
In that case, concentrate on it.
I’ll wait here for you.
I’ll take care of a few e-mails while doing so.
When you’re finished with it,
we’ll return home together, again.
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 5
Plot summary: Culumon and Guilmon share one brain cell and then accidentally summon a demon.
This one was really fun and lighthearted. Not too much plot progression, but the kids meet Culumon and we realize he's more of an anomaly than we thought.
Why does Culumon kinda look like the McNuggies meme in that title card?
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I liked getting a little more of a glimpse into the daily school life of Takato. Basic stuff like a pop quiz, school lunch, and then cleaning duties. Very slice of life vibes in this episode.
Culumon becomes a school legend and they call him the "teketeke monster" which is pretty adorable
Guilmon and Culumon interacting was great, just two dummies having fun together. I was happy that Guilmon had company for once since it must get boring waiting around for Takato.
I guess the kids haven't realized that they were "chosen" to be tamers because they try to find someone to just give Culumon to. Historically, it hasn't worked like that. I wonder what would happen if someone just raised a digimon like a pet/child without getting a digivice (or whatever we're calling them now lol)
I forgot Evilmon was so teeny tiny haha. He made a fun gag villain and I liked how Guilmon wasn't intimidated by him at all (which pissed him off).
Ruki shows a twinge of guilt for her behavior at the end there as Takato confronts her for not viewing digimon as living beings. The way she seeks to gain strength by defeating digimon reminds me of Undertale. Like she's on the genocide/neutral route and Takato and Jian are on the pacifist one haha. I wonder what her epiphany moment will look like in her redemption arc...
Culumon is very chaotic. Wants to play, but doesn't want to be tied down. I don't know if he even knows what his goal is tbh. I kind of expected him to cling to the gang after finally getting some positive reinforcement, but nope!
I missed this previously, but the pink void they fight in is called a "digital field." Did they explain what a digital field is? Not really...I think it looks dumb and is a lazy "we didn't want to animate backgrounds" shortcut.
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wedreamedlove · 2 years
Okay so realistically speaking what does the Mls look in for a partner?,surely all of them have a type..
for the light and night men? i think it's easier to talk about who they wouldn't get along with, otherwise i think they’d get along with a lot of types!
someone who refuses to try anything new. in all of his interviews, he talks a lot about bringing you to the places he’s seen and doing activities together with you, so if his partner shows no interest in that at all... i think it’d be hard to keep the relationship going.
he teases you a lot and uses nicknames like “little dummy” or “miss directionally challenged” so it would be a bumpy relationship if his partner couldn’t stand this. i think he’d be happy to change the nicknames into things less “insulting” but i think he’d feel a bit restricted at not being able to joke around and tease.
someone who does not have a strong and positive stance on life. he needs someone who can challenge his perspectives or give him new ones so, unfortunately, if you two share the same empty, depressed, and nihilistic view on things then you might enable each other terribly.
someone who has thin skin and easily gets hurt. this man is a bona fide tsundere and if you cannot handle his criticisms or sarcasm, then the relationship is dead. i don’t think his partner needs to be as chaotic and fearless as the heroine in the game, but you definitely need to be able to brush off his words, understand the intent behind them, and push him out of his comfort zone.
his relationship killer would be shooting down any of his childish notions. deep down, he has a child’s heart and a lot of his dates are about indulging in this innocence, purity, and fairy tale fantasies. it’s fine if you easily get embarrassed, because no one can be as shameless or grandiose as him, but you cannot be intolerant of his gestures.
to be honest, i don’t think there’s any type of personality this man cannot handle. he doesn’t have any huge landmines. maybe his all-encompassing accepting nature comes from being the childhood friend, haha.
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fiilovesmatcha · 1 year
".5 tayo guys?" I look behind my shoulders. There they are, being chaotic and messy as always.
"Hoy! tangina mo Carlito Josiah walang sense mga pinagsasabi mong hayop ka" Faye shouting at Josiah. They always do that, fight over stupid things, but why should we complain? these two dummies keeps up the fun and chaotic bond.
"Tumama na kayo, ingay niyo, nakakahiya." Saway ni Kristen sa dalawa. She's always the 'mahiyain' of the group, our baby introvert but has a lot of friends, well, she likes keeping herself with her trusted ones, and she's the eldest among us. But knowing the two? ofcourse they didn't shut up, they keep on bickering as if they're mortal enemies. Well, they really were back in elementary. Sigain kasi 'yang si Faye, but I know she's just putting up that strong facade because of her past, while Josiah was an introvert, parang push over but he's funny, but sadly people used him for his money, good thing he somehow grew out of it.
"Sige punuin niyo lang storage ng phone ko." Kendra sarcastically said. Yung dalawa kasing maingay ayon at namumuno na ng storage. Kendra is the baby of the group, the softy cry baby but can cut you off her life if you're toxic. I personally see her as someone who's smart, everything in the groups thinks she is, and she really is, but I somehow feel deep down that she's pressured to keep up with that comments, and I hope things go the way she wants it to be.
"HAHAHAAHAHA" Atlantis' only response to our chaotic get-together. Don't get it wrong, she's the extrovert, but also likes keeping herself with her trusted ones, I think all of us do, maybe we're just able to identify each's personalities based on the bond we have. Si Atlantis yung tipong puro tawa when she couldn't process na kung anong nangyayari dahil sa dami ng nangyayari. Englisherist 'to, nadugo ilong ko dito minsan.
"Beh! ayusin mo! pang my day ko 'yan." Binalik ni Josiah kay Faye ang phone para mag papicture pa. Josiah.. Our most trusted male friend, our laging kabardagul, laging nag aaya gumala, at ang 'tea dispenser' nang grupo. Dati 'tong introvert na naging shalang extrovert nung nag pandemic. Grabe glow up ni Bhie. GGB much.
"Naneto tapos kanta nanaman sa myday mo say it, mag sawa ka na hoy! Sawa na ako makita kang may katabing bike tapos tugtog say it." Pangaaway ni Faye.
"Atleast pogi."
"Kulang naman sa height." Kendra said and we burst out of laughter.
"Manahimik ka nga BFF." Josiah retorted. Kendra has this someone na BFF daw kuno tapos nag d-date. Kendra just shook her head while smiling.
"Guys! .5 nga!"
Everyone turned to me.
They gathered for the picture, yet someone is missing.
Someone who's very dear to us.
Our Josiah.
"Kung 'andito 'yong si Josiah panigurado naka tingin sa gilid't nakayuko tapos fine-flex nanaman haircut niya." I said, remembering the memories we had with him when he was still alive.
He still is, but only in our hearts and the memories.
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shiraishi-mai · 3 years
[1:05 am]
"You're going to burn a hole in his back," Kenma said without looking up from his phone. You chose not to answer and instead sipped on your drink. The both of you were sat in a corner after wandering around to find a place to escape the loud music and chaotic mass of people. Neither of you had wanted to go out tonight but somebody had insisted that this party was going to be the best of the year.
The man in question and target of your laser gaze currently had his arm wrapped around some girl while she was giggling into his shoulder. You could tell by his grin that Kuroo was DRUNK.
"You know he called me pretty earlier." You were trying not to sound miffed. Kenma hummed in response. During your friendship, Kuroo had called you many things - dummy, wuss, dork, etc - but pretty was not one of them. When you tried wearing a full face of makeup to school, he managed to knock your self esteem down in an instant by joking that any more makeup and you'd end up looking like a clown. When you wore heels shopping with him, he taunted you, saying that he wasn't going to carry you home when you broke your ankle.
So when you fawned over the girl in the pink bodycon dress at the party and he'd simply said "but you're prettier", you were a bit shocked.
"You're the prettiest girl here," he continued with his signature grin and a wink. What the-
"That's a first," you said with your eyebrow raised. He stared back in mock innocence. "Oh please, that's the first time you've said anything like that." You smirked into your cup, trying to calm the sudden fluttering in your chest. "And here I thought you didn't find me attractive at all."
"I didn't think I needed to tell you," he shrugged. "Thought you knew."
Your crush on Kuroo didn't develop until a few months into your friendship. People had always said you guys should date and you had vehemently disagreed, claiming he was a bit too playful for you to take seriously. His teasing and your scolding made him feel like an older brother if anything.
That is, until you started missing him when he wasn't around for a couple of days. And for some reason, you began to feel like blushing when people asked if you were dating. You even started to find yourself fixing your hair and heart pounding before you walked into class to see him.
"I'm jealous," you sighed still watching the two of them. The pair stood up and disappeared into the other room, still wrapped around each other. "Ugh and where is this coming from?? Isn't he normally awkward when he tries to pick up girls?"
"He's awkward around girls he likes." Kenma finally put his phone down.
"Isn't that what I just said?" You frowned, your brain hazy at this point. Why am I so upset? Since when did I like him this much?
"He's an idiot." Kenma murmured as Yaku emerged from the other room and approached the two of you.
"Er I think Kuroo is going to stay for a bit. He said we can go first if we want." Your heart dropped and you felt so tired all of a sudden.
"We should give them some space," you giggled and stood up. "I'm exhausted and we have to be up in a few hours so we should leave."
Yaku flinched. "Don't remind me." The thought of your 8:00am class made you want to wince as well.
"I'm going to use the bathroom before we go," Kenma got up and proceeded to walk off.
While you sat to chat with Yaku, Kenma scanned the crowd before his eyes landed on his best friend lounging on the sofa and animatedly talking. He rolled his eyes and walked until he stood right in front of Kuroo.
"Kyaannmaaaa," Kuroo exclaimed, "Buddyyy I was just talking about our recent match against Fukurodani - Bokuto was hilarious wasn't he?"
Kenma nodded. "Kuroo we're gonna go now."
"Ah okay I think I'm going to stay and hang out for a while. Miku just went to get some water."
Kenma eyed him.
"What about her?" Kuroo crossed his arms and leaned back.
"You disappeared for most of the night."
"So what? I see you guys every day." He smirked. "Aw did you guys miss my presence already?" Kenma snorted in response.
"Besides, when I went over earlier, y/n looked like she was having fun chatting with some rando so I figured I'd give them some space." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"She's not going to be around for forever you know."
Kuroo frowned. "What do you mean? Is y/n going somewhere??"
Kenma shook his head. "No but shit happens sometimes Kuroo." He sighed and turned to leave. "I'll see you at school."
The dark haired boy watched his friend walk away and let out a deep breath. He rubbed his face with one hand and used the other to unlock his phone. His expression was neutral while his fingers typed and deleted and typed and deleted.
"Kuroo?" He glanced up to see Miku. "Everything okay?"
He gave her an easy smile and closed his phone. "Of course." He patted the seat beside him. "Now about this match -".
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Hi- so is it possible to have a toko fukawa x gn reader where toko has a cold so she is sneezing a lot which causes her to switch between her alters. If not that’s fine I just though of it one day lol
Sure is! That sounds VERY chaotic
Sick Toko Fukawa x Reader
So, Toko suddenly got sick out of nowhere, which was worrying
Not that you had any issues with taking care of her, of course you didn't
What you were worried about was the sneezing
Toko herself would be easy to take care of, but her alter would be a mess
You hoped Genocider would go easy on you
Toko didn't ask for much, just asked you to sit with her
Not too close cuz she didn't want to get you sick
Suddenly, she sneezed
Oh boy
You had a feeling today would be exhausting 
And you were right
When Genocide Jill got out, she did not want to rest
She didn't like staying still
"But it's boring! I wanna do something fun!"
You literally had to pin her down to the bed to make her stay
Which she decided to make a flirty comment about
"My, my, what a spicy position we're in, aren't we, (Name)~?"
The only way to make her settle down was to cuddle her
Oh great, now you were gonna get sick too
You didn't mind too much though
As long as it would make Genocider rest
So she nuzzled into you and fell asleep
Until she sneezed again, bringing back Toko
"W-What are you d-doing, d-dummy?! You're g-gonna get sick!"
"It was the only way to make your alter settle down."
"Ugh... I k-knew this w-would happen..."
Suddenly, she sat up and started coughing violently, so you handed her a tissue to cough into while you rubbed her back
"How about I go make some soup for you?"
"T-That sounds nice, thank you..."
So you left to go make some soup
You came back to Toko mid sneezing
Genocider turned to you with a sleepy smile, her tongue halfway hanging out of her mouth
"Hey, gorgeous~ Miss me?"
"It's only been twenty minutes, Jill-"
Genocider was exhausted at this point, from the sickness weighing her down
She didn't have the energy to fight anymore
Even if she didn't ask for it, you figured she would appreciate the soup
"Hey, you want this?"
You handed her the soup, and she took it and started to chow down
Accidentally burned her tongue a couple times
But she was satisfied
You took the bowl from her and left to go put it in the sink
When you came back, she switched back to Toko, laying down on the bed
"I h-hate when this happens..."
"I know, love. I know. Want me to lay with you?"
She agreed and you laid down and wrapped your arms around her while she rested her head on your chest
Then the two of you fell asleep peacefully
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: It’s not a secret that Corpse prefers taking care of his hair himself rather than going to a hair salon to get it trimmed and/or tampered. However, he only has so much knowledge of how to properly do it without having to obliterate his budget. Luckily, his girlfriend comes to his rescue.
Requested by Anon. Hi lovely! Thank you so much for the incredibly fluffy request! I’ve been very pumped to write it and now here it finally is - so sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but I still hope you come across it and give it a read! Love, Vy ❤
“Um, what are you doing?“
I just walked into Corpse’s apartment to find him barricaded in the bathroom, giving himself a hair appointment. We were supposed to have a chill night in watching movies, but it seems to me like those plans will either have to be delayed or canceled, given the chaotic state both Corpse and his bathroom are in. I mean, how dumb was I to expect he was actually doing his hair justice when he told me he styled it himself? Why didn’t that immediately raise an army of red flags in my head and lead me to question his methods?
I’m honestly quite jealous of Corpse’s hair. It’s always so soft and silky and no matter how much or how little effort he’s put in it, it always looks good: either evidently carefully styled or boyishly messy, it leaves me with heart-eyes regardless. But to see him massacre it like this, it makes me wish I could report it as a crime.
“Ain’t obvious?“ He sounds rather frustrated and I feel at least slightly better due to this fact. He deserves to be as frustrated as I am by the sight of the crap he’s doing. “Sorry, you’re gonna have to wait for me for...a little while. I just need to get this under control and, um, clean the mess. Sorry for ruining your night like this, babe. I-I really wasn’t planning on it to take this long but I forgot to buy one of the products and I thought I could wing it without it but...I very clearly can’t so...“
“Please, stop talking. I don’t need to know what sins you’ve committed - if I do I’ll probably have to give you the silent treatment for like a week or so.“ I call out to him as I quickly skip over to the kitchen to leave the food I bought on my way over before returning to the bathroom and carefully taking a step inside, mindful of where there are hair strands on the tiles. Even severed, his hair is beautiful and I have a ton of respect for it - ok fine, I adore it. Corpse definitely doesn’t appreciate it properly. I walk over to the shower, reaching out to the two shelves inside which are lined with different types of hair products. “Oh fuck...“ I let out the whisper without even realizing it because I’m so stunned by the brands I see on those shelves. “Corpse, um, what the actual fuck?”
He turns to me, eyes wide and terrified because of my menacing tone. “What? What is it?” His gaze searches the spot where mine was just pointed at, looking for anything that could’ve provoked such a reaction from me. Seeing nothing but the hair products, he meets my deadly glare yet again, “What’s wrong?”
Alright, this man-child needs some serious help
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.“ I say, stomping towards the exit of the bathroom, “You’re gonna stay here and wait for me to come back and don’t you DARE, even touch your hair, let alone bring a pair of scissors or any chemical near it. Copy?“
“Copied and pasted, ma’am.“ He salutes me, knowing better than to ask questions when I enter my commander role. There are quite a few things that set me off into this bossy-ass persona, and hair mistreatment is most definitely one of them. Thing is, Corpse doesn’t know that. Well, he didn’t know that, pretty sure he’s guessed it by now.
Feeling myself soften at his obedience and trust, I give him a smile and a wink over my shoulder as I go to grab my bag and leave the apartment to complete my mission, “Good boy.”
                                                              *  *  *
“Isn’t that a lot better?“ I ask, gently running my fingers through Corpse’s freshly cut, washed and dried hair. I’ve spent a good five minutes just smoothing through it with my fingers. I bet he’s expecting me to say ‘my precious‘ at any moment now, and trust me it’s tempting, but I still don’t, I won’t give him the pleasure of predicting my actions. Wow, we’ve really reached that level of being familiar with one another that I predict that he’s predicting what I’m gonna do next. While I’m a guessing game for him, I tend to think of myself as more of an open book. You just gotta be fluent in the language it’s written in to understand it.
I’ve gone off-topic, my bad.
“Yeah, you’re a lot less scary now.“ He tells me, his hand finding mine in his hair and taking it to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles.
We’re positioned so that we’re in front of the bathroom mirror with Corpse seated in a chair in front of me and I’m for once in my life towering over him from behind. Our height difference was threatening to be a hinderance in my work on his hair, but we easily figured it out.
I can’t help but laugh, “You know what I meant.“ I curl one of his already curly strands around the pointer finger of the hand that’s still wandering around the soft dark curls while the other remains in his gentle hold, resting on his shoulder.
“And you know what I meant.“ He shifts in his seat to look at me directly, not via the mirror, “Since when do you have a hair infatuation?“
I roll my eyes and retract my hands, defensively folding my arms over my chest, “It’s not an infatuation with hair, dummy. It’s an infatuation with your hair.” I correct him, doing quick work of styling the stray strands that fall over his forehead and eyes. “I really like your hair, you already know that. I can’t handle the thought you’re doing such a shitty job taking care of it.”
He shrugs, furrowing his brows, “Hey, I was buying top-shelf products, cost me a fortune every month, my hair was being treated like royalty.”
I roll my eyes once again, “High price doesn’t always equal high quality, Corpse. Did you ever stop to read what was in those products?” I don’t let him answer, I don’t need him to confirm what I already know. “Even if you did - which you didn’t - you wouldn’t know what each of those ingredients do to your hair. You see, taking care of hair, especially hair like yours, takes patience and knowledge. It’s practically an art form. It’s not like you can just buy any product that has ‘suitable for curly hair’ on it. There’s a lot more to that.”
It’s only after I finish my monologue that I realize he’s looking at me with amazed amusement in his gaze, almost like a parent listening to their kid talk about their wish of becoming an astronaut. “Since when do you know so much about hair? You’ve been using the same shampoo and conditioner since I know you and now you wanna lecture me on hair care?”
I raise an eyebrow at him, exasperated by his stubbornness on the matter, “Who said being consistent with your hair products is a bad thing? You know, frequent changing of brands has the potential of being damaging as much as aiding.” I explain with the most amount of patience I can muster, now taking over the parent role myself, “And as for your previous question, I know so much because my mother is a hairdresser.”
His eyes widen in surprise. I can practically see the gears in his brain turning as he tries to recall if I’ve ever told him this before.
“How come I don’t know that?“ He asks finally after a long moment of silence. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“You ask that as though I just tell you things like that on the regular. Did you also want me to drop the info that my dad’s a mechanic in passing conversation about video games? Cause that’s a little hard to shoehorn in....“ He cuts off my sarcastic rambling with a brief peck to the lips. He’s the only person allowed to shut me up, and only like that. Anything else will earn him either an earful or a silent treatment. 
Just kidding....unless...
“So, does that mean you’re continuing the family business?“ he asks when he pulls away, “I mean, you’re technically my personal hairdresser now.“
I furrow my brows playfully, “Wait, what? Since when?”
“Since I hired you approximately an hour ago.“ He beams up at me, satisfied that I’ve fallen in his trap.
“And what about my payment?“ I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks to be contemplating for a second before he stands up from the chair, taking my hand in his leading me out of the bathroom, “Well, each appointment you’ll give me a different price, Miss Y/L/N. But, considering today was your first day, I choose to pay you with dinner.“ He sends a wink my way, laughing when he’s met with an unamused expression on my part as I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt his movements as well.
“You really plan on paying me with the dinner I bought?“ I raise an eyebrow at him, freeing my hand from his so I can put both my hands on my hips for the complete 'I’m far from impressed’ look.
“Yeah...? Problem?“ He asks, faking nervousness and guilt as he closes the distance between us, once again returning to the default of towering over me instead of it being the other way around.
“Several actually. First of all...“ I raise my finger in the air accusingly, ready to go off but the arm that wraps around my waist and lifts me off the ground causes my words to die down, evaporating in a frightened squeal, “Corpse no!! Put me down!“
Of course, he ignores me, carrying me into the living room while I don’t know whether to thrash or stay as still as possible. 
Tsk, so much for gratitude
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stylistiquements · 3 years
Day 9 : Scronch'love.
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𐐪𐑂 Pairing : Sapnap x fem!reader {Playlist}
𐐪𐑂 Summary : a lovely afternoon and an ancestral question; when are you going to join the dream smp?
𐐪𐑂 Word count : 1.5k
𐐪𐑂 Warning : swearing
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.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・   .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
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“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
Time bends and twists into unknowns shapes when well spent. So, you’re so not sure. Long enough for your fairy garden to start looking like at least a proper garden, long enough for your feet to start fidgeting, brushing against the soft fabric of the blanket ever so slightly and softly.
“Can you share your screen?”
“I’m just picking flowers, there’s nothing much to see,” you warn but it never does the proper job.
“That’s fine, I like watching you play.”
“Oh, do you now?”
“Yeah. You’ve been playing for years and you’re still dog water. It's almost soothing,” you hear him grin through the silkiness of his voice.
You smile evasively, palm gripping the mouse and executing on memory. Soon, Sapnap’s satisfied noises hovers and everything is just how it’s supposed to be. You spend a while humming the music of days and nights of the game while building your project. Sap helps from time to time, giving advice when his attention is there and leaving trails of compliments on his way. You don’t think the garden is necessarily that good, you don’t mind either.
“Do you think the tree should go on the left or the right of the pond?” You ask, fingers drumming back and forth between the two options. Right he says. "What about the roses, do I plant some or not?"
“It’s just a detail, don’t hurt your brain too much on that,” he says in a light tone, but you disagree.
“Details are what make things important. Like when you remember I prefer warm pillows so you give me yours, it’s just a detail but it makes me happy.”
“Of course I do; you’re a baby,” he murmurs teasingly.
With an arched eyebrow, you retort, “says you,” and silence follows for a second as you plant the tree on the right of the pond.
“Yeah, Dream already made sure I was aware of that.”
“Not sure why the piss baby thinks he’s qualified to have this conversation, buddy,” you note and Sap chuckles are as vivid as contagious. “Why would he call you a baby anyway? What have you done?”
“I-I’m not telling you.” As soon as the mumbles fades, your phone sends loud vibrations on your desk. You abandon your character to the night and the wildness, picking the phone as you murmur a low oh, okay. Whether it’s to your phone or Sapnap, that, isn’t really clear. Still, Sapnap’s words sound more distant, more of what wonders are made of. On the screen, a twitter notification of a certain Karl Jacobs.
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“You’re not even listening to me anymore,” Sapnap whines.
“I don’t listen to whiny babies, sorry.”
“We’re on the verge of divorce, yn and it’s your fault.”
A scoff skitters out through teasing lips, “But you still talk about me all the time, don’t you?” Your voice drags through different lands, unknown and musky.
“So what?” He splutters all awkward like it’s some kind of confidence that shouldn’t have left his thoughts and, somehow, you’re surprised the almighty confidence has left the game. “Who said that?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re obsessed with me, admit it,” you demand and though you don’t notice it, too tangled with the moment, the atmosphere is tinted with a different nuance like it’s suddenly dawn at the end of a summer party.
“So are you.”
Now, your heart drums a strange yet familiar rhythm. Something made of secrets and uncertainty, something you decided to leave unnamed a long time ago. Sapnap, you reason, can’t be lied to. He knows better than words half meant, half made up and it’s annoying, really, but he just does somehow. If you dare to lie, he would know and then it would be even more annoying.
“Yeah, you’re living in my head rent free but at least I’m not trying to hide it.” No answer. You peek at the game, you’ve been slain by a spider. “Karl said that,” you resign yourself. “He said he was about to join the vc by the way.”
Before the conversation can carry on, the sound of Karl joining the call resonates. Being in this Discord server is like living in a house with 10 siblings, that’s what you understand from the way Sap exhales heavily.
“Oh, I am interrupting something?” Karl says, struck by a peculiar energy.
“Besties time Karl, besties time,” Sapnap mumbles beneath his breath and it chimes a little like disappointment.
“Well, too bad I guess,” Karl exclaims. “It's about time I meet miss Bunnyshow.”
Karl is like that gif of a cat sitting in a tiny box with the caption “if it fits, I sit”.
“Does that mean our passive aggressive subweet arc is over?” You ask, faking the dejection when your smile grows wide.
“Oh god, I hope not. That’s my favorite part of the day.”
"It means a lot to me. Especially coming from my comfort streamer Karl Jacobs," you confess.
Satisfied, your attention gets back on the game; flowers rooting gracefully into the dirt and hives ready to host the beloved honey bugs as Karl and Sap catch up on time being apart. Everything is quiet and peaceful like the end of an afternoon well spent.
“I like your garden,” Karl points out and you hum a thank you beneath your breath.
“So you can take Karl’s compliments but not mine.”
“We’re besties you’re honor. Sapnap you can leave now, thank you,” Karl giggles and you follow along.
“Sorry Karl, there’s only room for one man in my heart and that has to be Sapnap.”
He fakes a cry to keep the theatrics before adding without transitions, “You know if you asked Dream he’d probably let you on the SMP.”
“No thanks,” you grin.
“Sapnap, your girl doesn’t want to play with us.”
“She’s already been whitelisted for months now,” Sapnap informs but fails to comment on the first part of the complaint.
He’s not lying, but you feel like it says more about Dream’s stubbornness than it says about you. As for your best friend, he understands better than anyone that wish for privacy and it’s something made of respect like yours for his career. You’d rather see him shaped by all the light than being touched by a glimpse of it. He does, after all, deserves it all. So, that’s the contract you made with yourself because it made sense; being a supportive shadow. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you’ve never considered streaming before. It’s that it’s his world more than yours.
Karl, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to think the same way, “This is unacceptable, I gotta send a few texts.”
“Lost cause, dude, lost cause,” you grin but stubbornness seems to be a pre required trait for those mcyts.
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Before you have time to find a suitable comment about the newborn group chat, a new person joins the call and Sapnap's annoyance is even more palpable, "No fucking way dude. We can't even have a second of peace on this server."
"Why would you be in a discord call if you want peace. You're just dumb," Quackity retorts with an energy he and he only can ever own.
Then George joins and Dream follows on his heels and soon your ears are filled with conversations that are as loud as scattered. Your shoulders sink in the back of your chair as soft fingers try to brush the upcoming migraine away. This is why you can't join the SMP; -not really but still- too much energy that has to be processed at all time. And you should know better, being friend with a very chaotic boy for the last 15 years, but you're not somehow.
"No, fuck that," Sapnap mutters. "I'm out."
"You can't leave now we have things to discuss," George exclaims. "Bunny, explain to me how Sapnap's proposition is more appealing than mine."
"Because I know her more than you do," he defends, and he's right. Money isn't of you interest. Love, on the other hand...
"Because she's like scronch'love," Karl giggles mindlessly.
"The fuck does scronch'love mean?" You ask, amused.
"It's very simple," Quackity intervenes. "If I offered you the same thing, would you even consider it?"
"Of course I would. What kind of question is that?"
"Fine. So, if Sapnap keeps his offer, here is mine; you become the president of Las Nevadas in addition to what he said."
"What?" Sapnap takes offense.
The call brims with an agitated confusion as you smile deviously, heels rooted into the floor to make your chair spin lightly and your fingers drum on your desk.
"I don't think you wanna do that," George corrects.
"Yeah, you absolutely don't," you confirm.
"Fine," he retorts. "So Sapnap's offer plus a Las Nevadas citizenship. How does that sound?"
"Like an offer I'll confider," you sigh. "So who's scronch'love now?"
"Still you," Dream answers. "Except you're also a big dummy."
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・   .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
A/N : helloooo,, how are you??? this part very self indulgent and I think this fic will be in general but I hope you liked it anyway. I love the idea of c!quackity always being too much and always having something to add to be even more over the top. I'm having more trouble than I thought about Bunny's and Sap's friendship because I want them to have a very special friendship but I hope it appears as such. idk. lmk what you think and thank you for reading it it makes me very happy <3 Until next time (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Taglist : @open-minded-chip-101 ; @itsoakaa ; @gaysludge ; @tinyegg ; @qnfdnf​ ; @paintingpetalsforyou ; @notjennaleigh ; @victoria-a567 ; @washy-washy ; @moneybagmarvel ;
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Lessons 13-15
Series Masterlist
Y’all know what’s coming up next, time for some *~buildup~*. So I’ve decided to forgo my usual bullet point system for the next two parts in the series so it’ll just be a full fic chapter style thing. Anyway, enjoy the prelude to the angst!
MC was comfortable.
They were sprawled out on the floor of Lucifer’s study, folding and crinkling old bits of paperwork that their father had damned to the shredder. Bean attempted to swat at the loose paper, only to flop onto his back. MC giggled and scratched behind his ears, the kitten batted at their hand in response.
Lucifer was doing paperwork, though he was getting quite distracted by the antics of his child and the cat.
Finishing up their paper snowflakes, MC unfolded them and hummed to themselves. The snowflakes turned out much better than that line of paper people that they had accidentally decapitated earlier.
“Tadaaaa!” MC chirped, holding up the paper snowflakes.
Lucifer looked at them, then chuckled and shook his head. “MC, I know it’s winter up in the human world, but it’s not down here. Why are you making snow themed decorations?”
“There’s no sun in the Devildom, it’s always a little cold out.” MC replied. “So it’s gotten me in a snowflake-y mood.”
Lucifer smiled slightly as he adjusted the paper orchids on his desk. MC had attributed their skill in paper crafts to their plethora of Mother and Father’s Day gifts they had given to their other parent over the years.
“What are you working on now?” He asked as he continued to absentmindedly work through the mountain of paperwork.
“I need to make something for Beel.” MC sighed. “I made him a pizza slice craft… but he ate it.”
“Perhaps this time you should make him a Fangol ball.”
“Yeah… that might be best.”
MC had offered to help out their father with anything involving the exchange program, any questions or improvements to be made, any issues that needed to be solved, and things that could be done to make future students more comfortable. Things were going well, but not every bit of work Lucifer was doing involved the exchange program, which left MC to play with the cat and the loose paper.
“Do you need help with anything, father?” MC asked, rolling onto their back and holding Bean above them.
“Not yet, MC.” Lucifer replied. “Most of your work here is done anyway.”
“Hmph, that sucks.” MC pouted. “I like helping you.”
They caught the ghost of a smile on Lucifer’s face after they said that.
“It’s nice that someone in this house does.”
They continued to play with the cat, Bean ended up getting his claws stuck in the carpet, MC had to help him out, Bean returned the favour by attacking MC’s poor defenseless hand.
“Yes?” MC looked up from their battle with Bean.
“What was your life like in the human world? I assume it wasn’t common knowledge that you’re half demon.”
MC giggled a bit. “Kind of boring, it’s much more exciting down here. Back in the human world I couldn’t exactly practice my magic without needing to explain to the insurance guy that the reason the windows are broken is because I wanted to move the remote closer to me without getting up.”
“Hm.” Lucifer smirked. “Laziness gets you nowhere.”
“I know. But at least now I can move things without breaking anything I don’t want broken.” MC smiled as they used their magic to move their father’s coffee mug a few inches to the left. Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
MC felt their hair get ruffled and their glasses moved slightly off their nose. “What about you, father? What was life like without me?”
“Well, it wasn’t boring.” Lucifer replied. “Just ever so slightly less chaotic.”
Bean lost interest in the game and rushed out of the room to yowl angrily at one of the vases in the library or hallway. According to Lucifer, those artifacts came with the house and were insanely cursed. Bean appeared to be offended that he wasn’t allowed to knock the objects off of the table.
MC took a quick breath and steeled themselves to ask a question they had asked a dozen times before. “What about the time before that? Like when you were in the Celestial Realm?”
Lucifer stiffened in his seat. “Why do you want to know about that?”
“No one really talks about it, and I want to know.” MC frowned, but did their best to shrug as casually as they could. “I also want to know about Lilith, no one ever talks about her.”
“Just wanting to know isn’t a terribly good reason for digging up the past.”
MC bristled at his dismissive tone, every time they had asked about that time he had avoided answering. They ground their teeth as they responded. “Well, this is my family too, I deserve to be a part of it.”
“What does knowing about the Celestial Realm have anything to do with being a part of the family?”
“Because I’m the only one who doesn’t have any memories of it!” MC finally snapped. “Even Satan has some of your memories and I have nothing! I’m being left out and it’s not fair!”
Lucifer looked up from his paperwork and glared at MC. “Watch your tone.”
They looked away and muttered something under their breath.
“Speak clearly, MC, I don’t have time for mumbling.” Lucifer said, his patience rapidly draining.
“I said you sure keep a lot of secrets!” MC growled, getting to their feet and crossing their arms. “You won’t tell me why the Grimoire is downstairs, you won’t tell me anything about the Celestial Realm or the Celestial War, you won’t tell me why I’m not allowed to go in the attic, you’re keeping so much from me!”
“Has it ever crossed your mind that you don’t need to know about any of those things?”
“I don’t need to but I have a right to!” MC felt every single one of their insecurities rise and bubble in their chest. “You don’t trust me, do you? That’s why you won’t tell me anything!”
“MC, calm down.” Lucifer growled.
“No!” They snarled. “You’ve been keeping me in the dark!”
Lucifer slammed his hands on his desk, cutting them off. MC almost flinched at the sudden noise, the silence that followed was deafening as they stiffened their posture and felt their hands curl into fists.
“Take a walk, MC. You’re being ridiculous.”
MC opened their mouth to speak, to yell, to scream about the unfairness of it all, then closed it. What good would it have done? They turned on their heel and stomped out of the study.
Time heals all wounds, doesn’t it? Not this time considering Lucifer and MC were still upset at how their last chat ended.
Mammon, Asmo, Beel, Satan, Levi, and MC were lounging around in the living room. It was time for the monthly repainting of everyone’s nails, and MC was getting their turn.
“You have to take better care of your nails, MC.” Asmo tutted. “Clean them more often, file them, take those vitamins I recommended,”
When Asmo was lecturing someone, it was always very much a: ‘nod and make random affirming noises every once and a while’ situation. Mammon snickered at MC’s predicament.
“Don’t think you’re exempt!” Asmo held up the nail clippers at Mammon. “Your nails are filthy too!”
The two began to bicker, MC rolled their eyes and moved over, their nails were still half finished. Satan let out an explosive sigh and closed his book.
“Another day in paradise.”
“Paradise Lost, you mean?” MC teased, Satan scoffed and rolled his eyes.
The formerly average bickering of the second and fifth borns had slowly begun to escalate to their usual game of ‘who can make the other cry first’, a game which Asmo was defending champion of.
“Would both of you dummies CRAM IT?!” MC turned and snapped, the two ignored them and their shouting only grew in volume. “I don’t even know why I try.”
The two’s fight had shifted from words to throwing things, nail polish bottles, the nail filers, the clippers, pillows, mugs, the coasters, nothing was off limits. A wayward nail polish bottle hit Satan in the head and ended up spilling all over his pants.
“You two…” Satan growled. MC shifted away from Satan and got closer to Beel, Satan had been progressively getting more and more irritated as the day went on, and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!”
Satan leapt off the couch which resulted in Beel dropping his massive stack of pancakes onto the floor. MC suddenly felt significantly less safe.
“Beel, it’s okay, we can make more really quickly.” MC offered, gently patting him on the shoulder. Beel looked from MC, to his poor pancakes, then let out a mournful sigh.
“I’m hungry…” he mumbled, MC leaned their head against his arm.
“We could order in from Ristorante Six if you want!”
The entire time that conversation was taking place, Satan, Asmo, and Mammon were in the middle of killing each other. Levi rolled his eyes and shifted his position in the armchair, the sounds coming from his 3DS got louder as he tried to drown out the fighting.
“Tsk… stupid normies.”
Finally fed up, MC shot up from their seat. “WOULD YOU IDIOTS SHUT UP?!”
The creaking of the door to the living room opening caused everyone to freeze, Lucifer..? No… not him.
Belphegor pushed open the door.
As casual as could be, he grinned and gave everyone a wave. “My dearest brothers, oh how I’ve missed you…”
Everyone stood in complete and utter silence as Belphie casually strolled into the room, he surveyed the mess and let out a giggle.
“Geez, don’t fall over yourselves to welcome me home.”
“…Belphie?” Beel took a few tentative steps forward, then rushed forward and scooped his twin into a back breakingly tight hug.
“Hello to you too, Beel,” Belphie’s smile could have lit up the entire Devildom as he gave Beel a few light pats on the back with his one free arm. “You guys could learn a thing or two from him.”
“Y-you’re supposed to be up in the human world, what are you doing here?” Asmodeus finally piped up.
“Well, I wasn’t actually in the human world. I was locked in the attic.”
Everyone with the exception of MC expressed their shock with a variety of cursing and confused exclamations. MC looked down at their feet and clasped their hands behind their back.
“I’m out now,” Belphie gestured to himself. “Obviously. And we have MC to thank for that.”
MC was now the centre of attention, they felt their face burn with embarrassment. “I-I u-uhm…”
“Speak up, MC,” Everyone whipped their heads around to see Lucifer standing in the now open doorway, his posture was stiff but his expression was completely murderous. “What exactly is Belphegor talking about?”
Their heart hammered in their chest and their ears began to ring. Shit… shit… this wasn’t supposed to happen this way… MC’s ribs seemed to constrict and tighten with guilt as their heart continued to race.
“Oh fuck off,” Belphie scoffed. “You know full well what I’m talking about. You’re the one who locked me up there!”
“Lucifer…” Beel growled. “Is that true..?”
“Yes!” MC finally found their voice and met their father’s stare. “It is true! I found Belphie stuck in the attic over a month ago.”
Lucifer’s eyes flashed dangerously as he shifted his gaze to Belphie. “And the attic is where he’ll stay.”
“Like hell!” Belphie spat. “I’m not going back up there.”
“Do you really think you’re in any place to defy me right now?”
“He’s not going back into the attic, Lucifer.” Beel practically snarled.
The air cackled with tension before MC spoke up again. “Father, can’t we just talk-”
“Stay out of this, MC.”
MC felt the tips of their ears redden as they clenched their fists and stepped up next to Beel and Belphie. “No.”
“No!” MC growled. “Why should I listen to you?! You haven’t told me why you took such bullshit measures to keep your own brother locked up in the attic and lied to everyone about it! What gives you the right to tell me what to do?!”
With one final glare shot over their shoulder, MC, Beel, and Belphie stormed out of the house, leaving the other five brothers behind.
Taking into account Beel’s much larger height and amount of strength, it was a miracle MC was even touching the floor while the trio sped down the street. Belphie was completely elated, taking extra time to walk ahead and point things out.
“Ahh,” Belphie sighed, resting his hands behind his head. “It feels so good to be free…”
“I’ll bet,” Beel smiled softly at his twin and ruffled his hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Beel, shush. None of this is your fault.” Belphie tutted.
MC kept their eyes trained on the ground, a ball of guilt beginning to form in their gut. Was this the right thing to do? Run away? What were they going to do..?
“MC?” Beel asked as he suddenly lifted them onto his shoulders, MC squeaked in surprise and scrambled to adjust their balance so they didn’t topple over. “You okay?”
“Ye… yes Beel.” MC took a breath before beginning to giggle. “I’m okay.”
“So uh…” Belphie looked around. “Where are we going to go? I don’t have any money on me.”
“Neither do I,” Beel mumbled. “And I left my DDD back at the house…”
MC thought for a moment, then brightened and pulled out their DDD. “Purgatory Hall! Luke owes me a favour, and there’s no way he’d turn us away.”
“Whose Luke?” Belphie asked.
“MC’s best friend.” Beel replied.
“He’s not my best friend!” MC sputtered, nearly dropping their DDD while in the middle of crafting the text to the angel. “He just owes me a favour after I saved him from those stupid lesser demons…”
“Oh, okay then.” MC felt Beel subtly shake his head to Belphie, who snickered.
Soon, the three were crammed into Luke’s room at Purgatory Hall. MC had been there and stayed over dozens of times before, but the near constant smell of baked goods that permeated throughout the entire dorm hall never failed to make them drool. It seemed that Beel was having an even worse time with the amazing smells, he was staring off into space with a long string of drool dangling out of his mouth.
Luke folded his arms and tapped his foot as he tried to unsuccessfully scowl at the three. The angel had just recently come to terms with MC’s parentage but clearly wasn’t ready to host two full demons in his temporary home.
Simeon on the other hand was quickly looking from Belphie, to Beel, then to MC as if trying to glean the details of the entire situation from their facial expressions and posture alone.
It wasn’t difficult to see that MC wasn’t doing terribly good. The realization had finally fully sunken in and they were anxiously fidgeting in their seat.
Belphie seemed the most calm out of the group, he was leaning back against the couch like he didn’t have a care in the world, if the ottoman were just a little bit closer it looked like he might have kicked his feet up.
“So,” Solomon said, absentmindedly twirling a string of bright purple magic between his fingers. “What’s the story here?”
“Family drama…” MC murmured, their eyes unconsciously flicking to look at Belphegor.
“Family drama that was both caused and solved, by you, MC.” Belphie chirped. “I haven’t thanked you for getting me out of the attic yet, have I?”
MC knitted their eyebrows in confusion. “I never got you out of the attic… I haven’t gone up there in over five days…”
“Then…” Belphie said slowly. “What opened the door?”
Now that was a question that couldn’t be answered by anyone in the room, which left the group in quite the awkward spot. In the end it didn’t end up mattering too much, Belphie was just happy to be out of the attic, and even though the trio were technically in hiding, he was just glad that this was all on his own terms.
Beel and Belphie took some time to catch up while Luke and MC played crazy eights. MC was beating him, but Luke didn’t plan on surrendering any time soon. The half demon continued to fidget and twitch throughout the game, their heart and mind racing despite the complete lack of nearby threats. Luke took notice and also began to fidget.
“I…um…” Luke mumbled and looked away. “Are you… are you and Lucifer okay?”
MC pursed their lips and gave him a half-shrug. Luke hadn’t exactly taken the news that Lucifer was MC’s father very well… for a while he refused to even look at MC properly, and when Lucifer found out about how upset that was making MC… Luke was lucky MC was just sad and not angry.
Even Luke with all his ‘demons are awful and evil’ talk, no one could deny that Lucifer cared about MC a whole lot.
“We’re um… I don’t know.” MC finally replied. “He’s mad at me… I’m mad at him… y’know…”
Luke chewed on the inside of his cheek and nodded, awkwardly giving MC a quick pat on the head. “It’s okay, MC. I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
Giggling slightly, MC returned the head pat, their spirits rising slightly. “Gasp! A chihuahua petting someone? This is amazing, call the news stations!”
After silencing Luke’s yapping and agreeing that he was in fact an angel and not a chihuahua, MC found themselves leaning on the doorway to one of Purgatory Hall’s balconies. Belphie stood with his back to MC, leaning on the railing and letting the wind gently ruffle his hair. He had a serene smile spread across his face as he took a deep breath in.
“Belphie?” MC asked, padding over to look over the railing next to the Avatar of Sloth. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just enjoying the fresh air. The attic got really musty after a bit.” Belphie replied, another gust of wind blew past, making MC shiver. “It’s nice…”
“Well, enjoy it all you want, because you’ll never be stuck up there again!” MC chirped, but their cheery demeanour faltered as thoughts of the rest of their family entered their mind.
Belphie opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. His eyes narrowed as he stared blankly ahead for a few moments. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as his now analytical gaze moved to MC. “You miss them.”
The comment wasn’t framed as a question, more a statement with the slightest tinge of disbelief. MC looked up at him and nodded. “Of course I miss the others. The reason I got you out of the attic was so we could all be together. I didn’t want the reunion to be like… like this…”
A smirk made its way onto Belphie’s face as he held out his arms. “Does someone need a hug? It sounds like you need a hug.”
The teasing tone almost immediately made MC roll their eyes, but they stopped themselves. They really did need a hug… they rushed forward and wrapped their arms around their uncle, the soft cardigan cushioning their face. Belphie slowly patted MC’s back, his hands slowly rising until one rested right between their shoulder blades, he then stiffened. MC felt him suddenly suck in a breath of air, but his arms remained wrapped around MC.
“Belphie..?” The half demon asked again, shifting their head to look up at him. He was staring straight ahead, almost like he didn’t want to even look at them.
“You…” Belphie whispered. “You care about them… don’t you..?”
MC felt the hand resting between their shoulder blades tense ever so slightly as it rose to the back of their neck.
“Of course I do, you guys are my family.”
Belphie stood completely frozen, MC slowly began to unwrap their arms from the hug, but Belphie remained rooted in place, and the hand on the back of their neck prevented them from fully leaving.
“And they…” Belphie gulped. “They really care about you…”
The two stood completely frozen in silence for God knows how long before Belphie let out a shuddering breath and practically collapsed into MC, the hand that was formerly against their neck was now cradling their head as he gave MC a hug so tight and suffocating that MC was worried their back might break.
“I’m sorry MC… damn it I’m so sorry…” Belphie whispered, pain and regret lacing every single word while MC could only knit their eyebrows in confusion and gently pat him on the back.
“I-it’s not your fault, Belphie, everything will be fine, okay?”
MC felt Belphie shake his head as he released them from the hug, his expression was a crude mixture of glassy and downright horrified.
“I don’t know about that, kiddo.” He rasped, he slowly reached a hand out and ruffled MC’s hair, before giving them a half-smile. “But thanks anyway.”
That odd interaction lingered in the back of MC’s mind as the day progressed. The complete radio-silence from the HOL had been the front runner in MC’s growing list of worries. Why hadn’t anyone tried to call them? Or go after them?
Luke being the sweet friend he was, invited MC to bake with him. The delicious smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies didn’t exactly soothe MC’s anxieties, in fact, they only worsened when the sound of shouting made its way into the kitchen.
“What’s going on up there?” MC said as they stared up at the ceiling.
“Maybe it’s-”
The hairs on the back of MC’s neck stood straight up as a massive magical shockwave slammed into the two. This wasn’t any ordinary magic, it was ancient, and much more powerful than anything MC had ever felt before. For the first time in their life the little voice in the back of their head wasn’t screaming at them to fight and prove their superiority, it was begging them to surrender. To run and hide and pray to whatever would listen that whoever set off that magic wouldn’t find them.
Thousands of years worth of demonic instincts went ignored as MC rushed out of the kitchen to go see where and what the source of the magic was. Their blood ran cold when they reached the top of the staircase and saw exactly who was standing there.
He had clearly just shifted out of his demon form a second prior, the golden glow in his eyes had just begun to dull when his gaze landed on MC.
“L-lord Diavolo…” MC stood completely straight and still, they did their best to suppress the shudders that wracked their spine while they were in the presence of the Crown Prince of the Devildom. The very idea of addressing the demon that stood before them with any kind of disrespect or even camaraderie was completely absent from their head.
Diavolo’s gaze softened ever so slightly, but that provided no comfort to MC as every limb in their body seized up.
“MC,” He nodded in greeting. “I’m glad you’re well.”
Feeling slowly began to trickle back into MC’s arms, but they didn’t dare move from their spot. “What are… um… what happened?”
“Well,” Diavolo began. “Belphegor being out of the attic is the main reason I’m here.”
“Y-you knew about that?” MC sputtered.
“Yes, and after someone let Belphegor out of the attic I needed to make sure he didn’t do any damage.”
“Damage..?” MC mumbled. “What do you mean damage?”
Diavolo sighed and took a few steps closer to MC. “I take it you know Belphegor opposed the exchange program, right?”
MC nodded.
“Do you know why?”
MC hesitated, then shook their head. “No. No one told me.”
Diavolo looked away from MC, his forehead creased in thought before he eventually shook his head. “You’ve done a lot for your family, MC, you took on a burden no one asked you to take, and that’s very commendable. But it’s time you let the adults handle things, alright?”
“Alright?!” Any lingering traces of fear completely vanished as MC clenched their fists and stared down Diavolo. “This isn’t fair! Belphie hasn’t done anything wrong!”
“While free, Belphegor poses a threat to more than just the exchange program.” The shift in tone from calm to stern made any retort MC could possibly muster die in their throat. Diavolo smoothly moved past them as he began his descent down the staircase.
He turned to look at them once again, and his voice softened. “One day I hope you’ll understand my reasoning and be able to forgive me, MC.”
After Diavolo left, MC sprinted into Luke’s room where Belphie and Beel were supposed to be, only to find Beel floating midair. He was posed in a way like he was lunging for something, his eyes flashed when he saw MC and he suddenly dropped straight to the ground.
“Diavolo took Belphie.” He rumbled.
“Yeah, I figured.” MC muttered as they helped up Beel. “Listen, we need to do something and I have an idea.”
MC bolted through the hallways of the Demon Lord’s Castle, the memories from the retreat serving them well as they made it to the corridor where the door to Barbatos’ room was.
Beel was doing his part, he gathered his brothers and he was in the main hall distracting Barbatos and Diavolo by pleading their brother’s case. Not that any of them knew it was a distraction. MC’s plan wasn’t their best work, but it was all they had.
They twisted the doorknob and the door opened, revealing the creepy room MC remembered. Hundreds of doors lined the seemingly never ending walls of the room. Staircases twisted and winded around, leading to yet even more hallways. How was MC supposed to find the door they were looking for in there..?
MC shut the door behind them as they walked closer into the room and began to inspect the first sets of doors. Many of them were similar in features, but some had more… distressing things added on.
One of the doors was being held shut by dozens of heavy glowing chains, there was no padlock in sight, but the chains themselves seemed to be at least somewhat alive as they wrapped themselves protectively around the door. From the sudden feeling of intense dread and terror that gripped MC, they decided it would be best to steer clear from doors like that.
The hallways warped and shifted around MC as they continued to search the room for their door. They needed a door to at least a few hours before Belphegor somehow escaped from the attic.
“Down here?”
“This one.”
“Oh no… what have I gotten myself into..?”
Unfamiliar and unseen voices echoed down the never ending hallway, closely followed by the sounds of multiple doors opening and shutting. There were others somewhere in the room…
MC’s listening was brought to an abrupt halt when they passed by a seemingly normal looking door, but something about it yanked at their mind. This was the one. They just knew it. This was it. They were going to fix this. Fix all of it.
They opened the door and stepped in.
Lesson 16’s coming up next folks, beware and be afraid!
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Kakashi stays at the door to breathe in the lingering remnants of vanilla and lilac in the air, a quick pang of regret with the realization he missed her by minutes. He allows the scents to stick on his skin and bury themselves in his pores, spaces once filled and overflowing but have since emptied out after a year.
He sighs and gets to the most arduous task of arrival. Sakura’s neurotic tendency to place things exactly where they are is a convenience. Unpack, unroll, pile, open, and close. His only memento of the foreign place, so cold and distant to him now, is a snow globe of fuyuzakura. He gives it a shake for the white flurries to cover the pink blossoms, but it slips and rolls over to a small, opened box, rather new in its appearance.
Would it be possible to feel as foreign as he did when he got assigned to another country while he sits on the floor of the home he and Sakura built two years after their wedding? The pile of postcards on the carpet beside the fallen snow globe, unsigned yet imprinted with ‘his’ hands; envelopes of letters with almost torn flaps in fits of yearning and loneliness; and an unmarked cassette tape.
Surely, Kakashi has self-preservation. This is what he tells himself as he presses play. Valse Sentimentale, Tchaikovsky.
Notes linger in the air as much as her scents did, but longer, longer than they were allowed to stay, and he wallows in the deafening silence that ensues on the outside and a chaotic maelstrom on the inside, unwanting to escape the broken bubble of his commitment.
But yes, he has self-preservation so he returns where everything is supposed to be, the snow globe beside their wedding photo; vibrant spring Sakura on his arm, no longer a bride once abandoned at the altar. Frozen in that moment was his naïve belief that he could truly make her happy, that time would chip away at Sasuke’s fleeting hold on her orbit, and her axis would tilt at him, if only ever so little.
He flinches when the door opens, and her eyes widen at the sight of him. He suspends his reality to savor her embrace, his own longing too acute to ignore, and he welcomes the drowning bliss of ignorance.
All efforts fall short as he is perfectly attuned to her slight glance at the box, and the too tight hold around his waist, less of an assurance and more an unspoken question of why. She buries her face on his chest as she takes in all of him, and maybe, maybe, maybe for a few seconds he replaces whatever fragments of Sasuke are left in her system.
“Kiss me.”
In his periphery, he sees their wedding band on her finger, and it triggers an overwhelming pain, that even with this physical assurance, he is constantly fighting for a place in her changing world where he should be the constant in spite of.
It’s days of nuanced tiptoeing and veiled sidestepping that she comes out with a knife.
“I’m pregnant, love.” She smiles; oh his beautiful, lovely, budding spring. She closes her eyes as she hears his sharp intake of breath. Where seconds almost seem to stretch to hours, Kakashi wonders what she expects from him.
He kisses her, so ardently but piercing, demanding, almost pleading. She allows her tears to escape her restraint, as does he. It is a selfish thing, to hinder a lost love trying to walk its meandering path back to its truest soul, its meant to be, its forever, not with its placeholder. But is it really self-interest to stop a heart from being broken again by a man who couldn’t meet his bride at the altar? Or to follow the beat of a soul who let go of one too many love of a lifetimes for someone else?
“I promise I’ll be a good father.” He begs in between the words.
It’ll be a black-haired babe with his eyes.
“Dummy. I know you’ll be.”
But he’ll stay, Kakashi echoes with the spaces, he’ll love the child as if it is his own.
And they cry harder at this stupendous turn of a sad, beautiful tragedy of foregone freedom and second chances.
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merowkittie · 2 years
Sleepover with the Miya Twins + Aran and Suna
Lotus’ Notes: Man.. this is gonna be chaotic and all over the place; not proof read <3
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You chuckled whilst turning your phone off and started gathering clothes to put into a bag for the sleepover. You were excited of course but man this was going to be hectic. Aran is most likely going to be ready to beat everyone’s ass today.
You grabbed your bag out of the closet and started putting clothes in it. Extra ones too just in case you wanted to spend more time over there. You grabbed an extra bag to put some hair products in and went to the door of your room, opening it slightly.
“Mom can I go to the Miyas’ house?? Aran will be there! Sooo…!” You smiled to yourself knowing your mom would let you go if Aran was going.
“Yea go ahead. Tell him I said hi! Don’t do anything stupid y/n..” she didn’t like the Twins so much but she didn’t care.. it wasn’t her that had to actually deal with them on a daily basis.
You finished gathering your things and walked towards the front door, sliding your shoes on and your jacket before yelling out to your mom you were leaving.
The breeze hit you and you didn’t realize how warm it got. Yes it was still cold but the air had some warmness to it.
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You sighed at the message and closed your phone waiting for that stop to finally come so you could see your best friends. You missed them even though you see ‘em everyday but it’s never a dull moment with them.
By the time you’re at the school gates it’s about time their practice actually ends. So you headed inside towards the gym and you were literally going to walk out.
You sighed, face palming mentally at the sight in front of you, “Break it up.. I will shave BOTH if you BALD.”
They looked at you mortified. Silently they grabbed their things off the floor and walked out of the gym followed by a laughing Suna and an annoyed Aran.
After you all left you hopped back into the train and towards the Miyas House. Now.. the only problem here is that.. their mom DOESN’T like you at all. Why? Because she thinks you’re a whore. Why? Because you only hang out with these four boys.
“She’s not home.” Osamu whispered to you with a small smile.
You smiled back at him with a nod making your braids fall over your face. Osamu moved his hands and pushed it out of the way with a wink.
“Not happening.” You said with a scoff.
When you got to their house everyone took off their shoes and headed straight to Osamu’s room since it was.. MUCH cleaner than Astumus’.
“Alright! First of all take showers because it smells. You guys are all.. sweaty and ew.” You faked a gag which made some of them eye roll.
After their showers you yourself took one and change into Pjs. You wore a cropped top and some shorts cause it’s always fucking cold in ‘Samus room.
“Truth or dare with a twist, everytime you choose not to do something you strip!” Atsumu yells out to everyone sitting down.
“Absolutely Not??” Aran shook his head with a sigh, “You’re fucking gay.”
You laughed at that and went to sit next to Suna who was typing away on his phone.
“Who ya texting pretty boy?” You smirked at him, taking a peek at his screen.
There was a contact named “Amelia 💞” and she was being all flirty and stuff. The name sounded familiar but you couldn’t put two and two together.
“Nunya Business beautiful.” He twirled your braid in his finger while looking at the three others sitting on the floor.
“Do any of you know who Amelia is?”
Suna covered his face and groaned. The others looked between you two and laughed, “What’s funny??”
“Amelia is his girlfriend dummy.” Osamu said with a snicker.
Your eyes went wide and you looked at the boy sitting next to you. Your jaw? On the floor. WHEN WAS HE GOING TO TELL YOU THIS?? You smiled and grabbed the pillow next to you.
“Suna baby… we’re best friends. And you didn’t THINK TO TELL ME YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND!!” Shouting, you started hitting him repeatedly with a pillow.
You jumped on him and started hurting him harder with the pillow and yelling profanities at him. The twins were the ones to finally record this and Aran looked at you two a bit amused.
“Y-Y/n! Get off of me.. I wa-was going to tell you!” Suna said in between each hit. He was starting to laugh and you couldn’t help but smile back at him.
Aran picked you up by the collar of your shirt and sat you on the floor next to the Twins and he took your spot on the bed. This was basically time out.
After that you guys OFFICIALLY started your sleepover with gossip, painting nails, doing each other’s hair and watching horror movies. (Atsumu and Osamu scream like little girls.) At the end of that you guys had a contest to see who would fall asleep first.
And guess who did.
Atsumu wrote on his face, Suna recorded it, you poured water on him and Osamu jumped on him.
In the end you guys went to bed crying. :)
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apexland · 3 years
Bloodhound x Reader 
Warnings! Swearing, Violence
Might be a few errors here and there, still need to go through it properly!
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Preparing for the drop every legend had a different pre-game ritual that helped get them in the zone before the beginning of every match, some more questionable than others such as Octane who uses the time for gaming, completely strange but I think it would be more concerning to see him sitting still or the likes of Revenant who always disappears before the drop, Mirage always says he’s away skinning something or doing something murderous. Bloodhound though they have always been a scary legend to come face to face with in battles, before every match they sit sharpening the edge of axe that they always carried along with them. Bloodhound always kept their cards close, never giving much away and I think that was the scariest part, being unpredictable. At least with Dr. Caustic you knew he wanted to watch you die a slow and painful death within his toxic gas. 
My ritual before the drop was listening to music, eyes closed, I found it easier than talking to the people I was about to face off with in the arena - it made it easier to pull the trigger without hesitation. 
As I let out sigh I took out my ear buds, knowing from experience the exact time of the drop, opening my eyes I was met with the blank stare of Bloodhounds mask from across the room the slight red glare that stained the glass looking right back at me. 
I peeled my eyes away once the squads flashed up on the screen. “Race you to the LZ” Octane’s rang out from beside me as we stepped on the platform. I rolled my eyes at him.
“You know we don’t have to race if we are on the same team Silva” He was still jumping on the spot the sound of his legs clanking against the ground. 
“Where’s the fun in that amigo?” 
“Let’s break some circuits” Wattson giggled from the other side of me. “Man, I really need to get a phrase” I said, fixing the strap of my boot, before the floor began to open and we were lowered above the destroyed land of World’s Edge, a chaotic mix of the epicentre that lay thick with snow, the dome that was surrounded by deadly lava - making it all the more scarier to fight near it, one wrong move and you would be cooked.
Octane - the adrenaline junkie that he is decided that fragment west would be the best option. The most popular landing spots amongst old and new legends and the spectators favourite spot to see a quick bloodbath. But, luck was most defiantly not on my side today scouting two floors and still having no weapon was not ideal. 
“I need a weapon” I said over the comms, sighing at all of the ammo that was one the floor but no gun.
“There’s a Mozambique here” Wattson’s voice came back over the comms.
“Hey! Isn’t that Chey’s line” Octane laughed. I picked up a few more syringes and cells before letting out a sigh followed by a quiet ‘dibs’. It was a good gun but nothing compared the dominant R-99 or the Volt, which judging by my luck the enemies would already be kitted with.
We moved to another building but it was long before the sound of footsteps sounded around us. “We’ve got friends here” I said quietly, a glimmer of luck started to appear when I found a hemlock of the lack of heavy ammo was disappointing. 
Wattson had put up her fences, the loud sound of the burning electricity warned the enemies off slightly. I peaked through one of the barred windows, spotting wraith who was focused on another door of our building I took the shot but she was quick to phase away. 
“Careful Horizon’s probably going to throw her ultimate over here” I warned my squad mates but Wattson quickly replied “I’ll take care of that”
“Wattson now!” I shouted as I seen newt being thrown towards us along with the deadly gas of caustic but luckily the pylon zapped them both down.
“Let’s go!” Octane yelled as he jammed the syringe into his leg before speeding off and we quickly followed, “Watch for traps Silva” I said, trying to catch up with him. I spotted Wraith trying to portal them out of the building, taking it back as she got the warning in her head. I quickly placed down on of my spike traps, pressure sensitive that once stepped on will send a deadly spike usually through the leg disabling the legend, which is exactly what it had down to Caustic as he was the next one to appear through the rift. 
Quickly taking him out, not giving him a chance to put down one of his traps as he muttered a ‘damn you’. Focusing back on the other two, Octane was already pushing to the building along with Wattson and taking care of the rest of the squad.
Finally getting better loot, I started feeling more positive about the match until the sound of Bloodhounds scan and us being in range. “Shit” I whispered. “We need to move now!” 
We scrambled back into the building, but Wattson had been took down by a triple take, I looked behind be to see the same stained red glass looking back at me as Bloodhound lifted their head from the scope of the sniper.
Quickly getting to work by putting down traps at the doors, taking a peak out of the barred window I quickly ducked back down as a bullet skimmed past my ear from the same gun that took Wattson out. I felt the blood from where the bullet grazed but my attention was diverted by the door across from me opening and then scream from Loba as the spike was deep in her leg, taking my chance I used the mastiff that I picked up from the other team to quickly end things. 
One down, two to go. 
“Careful Silva, Bloodhound has a triple take” 
Rampart was the next of their squad to reveal herself as I heard the distant sound of a barrier being placed up along with Sheila’s red laser scanning the walls ready to shred someone apart. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me” I groaned, just as another one of Bloodhound’s scan revealed us yet again. 
“Can you distract them Silva?” Pulling out one of my most deadly traps, once it hit the ground it sends out a wave of spikes that usually without fail impales the enemy long enough for them to need to heal and just the perfect amount of time for me to take them amount.
There was silence from Silva before I seen the green flash of him flying across the other building from his jump pad, that must be the distraction. I quickly snuck out of the building as I heard them both firing at the adrenaline junkie, quickly pulling the pin of the trap with my teeth, I tossed it in the middle of the pair. Octane had went down because of being lasered with Sheila. Getting closer I finished off Rampart, but as I was about to search for Bloodhound, they found me. 
The scary roar of his beast of the hunt sounded out.
Making a run for it, I didn’t get very far before a bullet got me right in the stomach, wheezing out for air at the sudden impact. Pulling myself up, my back leaning against the wall, the hunter came closer just like a predator stalking their prey. 
They bend down in front of me but as I waited for them to put me out of my misery I felt a hand caress my cheek, confusion washed over me. The hand moved to ghost over the tried blood that had trailed down the side of area and followed the trail on to my neck, goose bumps appearing after every touch. “You fought well, felagi fighter” My heart was thumping, they were so close it was almost making me forget that I was basically bleeding out, which I eventually did but the comfort from the hound made it less painful. 
Waking up in the respawn chambers up, I sat up with haste but immediately feeling the pain in my abdomen which made all of the events from the match flood back to me. Did I imagine it? Did it really happen?”
Then it came to me.
Making my way to the control room, where the cameras got all the footage the process of editing and making sure it’s ready to be aired to the spectators. I knocked on the door waiting for a response before the door flew open. 
“Hey Ezekiel, can you get me my body camera footage from the last match” He looked at me with a tilt of his head”
“Sur- is everything ok?” He asked, looking at me with concern. 
“Yeah, I just missed a few shots and want to review the footage in training” He nodded before turning around and handing me a USB.
“Thank you, appreciate it”
Taking the drive and heading to my room before plugging it in and clicking on the file with my name labelled on it. Skipping all of the footage until I got to the last fight. It did happen and I didn’t imagine it, I closed the screen of the laptop before biting my nail trying to think of what I should do.
Was I overthinking everything? But they didn’t kill me. They should have, like they had done to both of squad mates.
“Hey Anita, have you seen Bloodhound?” The solider was sat down with one of the weapon manuals that was lying around the communal area, building on her already extensive knowledge of every weapon to ever be created.
“Last time I seen them was in the training yard” I gave a quick nod. “Thanks, Anita”
“You’re welcome FNG” Pausing as I looked at her. “I’m not the new one anymore, you said you’d stop calling me that” 
She shrugged at me “It took you long enough to figure out what it meant, you think I am just going to let that go”
 I rolled my eyes at her mumbling ‘funny’, followed by a laugh from Anita “You’re right it is” She always loved when people didn’t follow her military talk, it meant she could basically speak in her own language without anyone knowing it was meant to make fun of them. 
Making my way to the training yard I pushed the door open, there was few other legends training but everyone usually kept well spaced apart because nobody wanted to get dropped in the training yard, that would be embarrassing. 
I spotted the tall frame of the hound, they were on one the last rows.  
Stopping behind them as the Raven’s bite axe flew to the target landing right on the dummy’s heart, I swallowed. Quickly putting my fear aside before I looked like an idiot just standing ther-
“How can I assist you?” Their voice rang out. Of course Bloodhound already new I was here, walking to the target they collected their axe finally looking at me as they walked back to their original standing position. 
“Ah- I just wanted to ask you something” I said, trying to look anywhere but at the intense gaze that was starting back at me. They nodded, giving me the go ahead to continue.
“Why didn’t you kill me” I asked 
“Did you want me to kill you?” They asked, sounding almost puzzled. I let out a sigh “No- I don’t mean it like tha-” I stopped myself, feeling like an idiot I should have just left it alone. 
Bloodhound tilted their head “You know, never mind- it doesn’t matter” but as I was about to walk off i felt a hand on my wrist, stopping me suddenly. “If it is bothering you, tell me” Bloodhound came closer, the close proximity throwing me off once again.
“Like you did with Wattson and Octane” I paused for a second trying to ignore how close they were to me and gather my thoughts “You took them right out, with no mercy- but you waited with me”
“I didn’t want you to suffer” They spoke, the hand came up to push my hair behind my ear, revealing the small stitches on the top of my ear caused from the triple take bullet. The same movement had that they had done in the match brought back the same feelings, causing me to hold my breathe trying to keep my composure. 
Their hand moved to my stomach grazing over the same area of where they had shot me. “The same reason I shot you here, because it would only wind you and the pain would be minimal” 
The touch sent Goosebumps all over my body, my heart hammering in my ears as I looked up at Bloodhound. “Why” I whispered, both of us lost in the moment because we had managed to get even closer barely any space between our bodies.
“You are special, the Allfather has blessed me with you” Their thumb tracing over my bottom lip then falling to my jaw tracing the few dotted cuts on it slowly, “that is why I could not kill you”
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yong-bokk · 3 years
all in ¹
pairing: special agent ! han jisung x reader
genre: frenemies to idiots to lovers fluff with a dash of sad
warnings: mentions of drug dealing and someone got shot
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u are !! angry !!
scratch that
u are ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノFURIOUS!!! ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ
ur pen magically disappeared from your pen holder. AGAIN
and this time it’s the new carrot-shaped one you just bought
٩( •̀ㅇ•́ )۶ ٩( •̀ㅇ•́ )۶ ٩( •̀ㅇ•́ )۶
u don’t need to be a detective to figure out the culprit behind this
bc it’s who else other than,,,,
hyunjin, putting on his earphones: “here we go again”
“yes, love?”
GOD u wish u could wipe that cute stupid smile off his cute face
(○`д´)ノシ Σ(っ゚Д゚)っ
u’re going to sue chan
why chan, u ask
bc “bickering with han jisung daily” was definitely not part of the contract he gave u when u decided to join the skz criminal investigation division
but here u are
shooting glares at the special agent sitting at his table across yours, filling in paperwork with your carrot pen
and that’s just how everyday is
he teases you all the time and takes ur things
you take revenge by stealing from his ‘secret’ lollipop stash
you, popping one into your mouth: “i literally don’t know what you’re talking about, love”
(ง •̀_•́)ง “u come near my babies again and i’ll FIGHT u”
he says that
but jisung always buys more of your favourite flavour
he'd rather quit than admit that to you though !!
the two of you bicker 24/7
and everyone else just wants you two to shut up and kiss
i mean
it’s not like u two hated each other or anything
hate is a strong word
and deep down the two of u know it’s all just friendly banter
and u know this because
there was this one time
u had to stay up late to catch up on the biggest pile of paperwork u’ve been procrastinating on
at god-knows-what-o’clock u decided to rest ur eyes
just close them for a couple of minutes,, right? (◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍)
u ended up closing them for a good HOUR before waking up and realising that u
one: did NOT finish the pile of work u promised chan u’d hand him that day
and two: overslept and is most definitely very, very late to a very important meeting
u wanted to cry but fuck u didn’t even have the TIME to cry
just when u thought ur day couldn’t get worse
it suddenly rained hard when u were just 5 minutes away from the office
( ◞‸◟)
sorry reader
that day was just /not/ ur day
u stepped into the office shivering like one of minho’s kittens after a bath, drenched from head to toe and creating mini puddles wherever u stand
u barely sat down when jisung threw something at u
honestly u were about to yell at him but then u saw
he threw u his hoodie
and sweatpants
and also the warmest towel
and u just sat there staring at him bc ur last half of a braincell was: surprised
“hurry up and go change before u catch a cold, dummy”
u would’ve smacked him for calling u a dummy on any other day
but u made ur way to the restroom and changed
jisung’s hoodie felt way better than the soaked dress shirt you had on
it he smelled nice too
u’ll never know how chaotic his heart became when he saw u waddle back to ur desk looking like the absolute love of his life in his clothes
han jisung on the outside: ₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎
han jisung on the inside: ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ㅅ⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄ AKJSDFSDFASKDJ
u also don’t know this but han went to chan that day and asked him to let u off the hook for being late that day
he also asked for half of your paperwork
but this one u found out
bc u bumped into him walking towards chan’s office holding a stack of paper with a bright yellow post-it on top of it
and your name written on said post-it
“is that,,, my paperwork?”
“han jisung”
“u-u did my paperwork for me?” (˃̣̣̥^˂̣̣̥`)
“don’t think too much of it, i was uh- i was just bored WAIT WHY ARE U CRYINGKSJDF”
that was a one-time thing
but yeah u definitely don’t hate jisung
and u’re pretty sure he doesn’t hate u too
even if u purposefully annoy each other on a daily basis
“i hate paperwork”
“yn if u say that one more fucking time i SWEAR-”
“u’ll do it for me?” (◕ᴗ◕`)
hyunjin: “okay shut up lovebirds. i have good news and bad news, which one do u want to hear first”
“good news !! you don’t have to do paperwork”
^ワ^) “and why is that?”
“bang chan is assigning u on another undercover case”
“that’s not bad news hyun-“
“-with jisung”
^ワ^) ?????!?!???!?!?!WHAT
u physically can’t even be together with jisung for longer than 2,5 seconds without start bickering with each other
what does he MEAN chan is assigning u two on an undercover case
“which part of ‘i’m assigning u and jisung on an undercover case’ do u not get”
“listen . it’s a one-shot mission and i’m sure the two of u won’t fuck up. me assigning two of my best agents for this case is a well-thought decision”
( ´•︵•` )
ok so the case
a new club recently opened in town
and it’s currently the most popular one bc the owner is a very famous millionaire and has his famous guests over all of the time
there has been a couple of reports asking the officials to check for some suspicious activities going on inside
the reports seemed valid considering how details from different sources matched with each other
but the police can’t just barge in and do a thorough check
bc the one who owns the club is kind of a big deal
so ;—;
u and jisung
dressed up in the prettiest fanciest celebrity-like fits u own
in u go
it didn’t take the two of u long before u gathered up information
all u had to do now is catch them in the act and get rock solid evidence
it was supposed to be a simple fishy drug trade in a very fancy club’s private bathroom
from one of the stalls u got clear view of everything happening
but u weren’t paying attention
one second u were done sending the pictures to hyunjin
the next second u heard jisung yell ur name and suddenly someone’s on the ground ( 。 _ 。 )
turns out that someone barged in, attempting to shoot u but jisung got to him first
but they both didn’t miss
jisung took a bullet to his shoulder instead of u
from then on
ur body autopiloted and everything else was a blur
u helped him apply pressure on the wound as u requested help
guilt swallowed u whole when u saw him wince a little bc he thought u weren’t looking :((
the ambulance came and chan and hyunjin followed not long after
u just let them move jisung onto the stretcher and followed silently, not letting go of his hand
:(( jisung thinks seeing u like this hurts more than his wound does
“it’s okay, i’m okay. it’s not ur fault, yn”
he gave u a smile and squeezed ur hand but u know he’s just saying that bc he doesn’t want u to feel bad and worry
if it weren’t for bang chan asking u to stay for a couple of statements,
u would’ve gotten into the ambulance with jisung
(๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑)
but u went to the hospital right after
u waited outside during the surgery and u saw him for a little while when he was still asleep
u haven’t seen him again since then
the next few days jisung was in the hospital, everything felt so… empty
the office felt so empty without jisung
u didn’t even know why u kept staring at his table
it wasn’t like he was going to pop out of nowhere
but (´•̥ ᵔ •̥`) u wish he would
hyunjin followed u everywhere and made sure to drag u away from paperwork for breaks and lunch
felix made u ur favourite batch of cookies in hopes u’ll cheer up
lee know even came in with two bags full of ur favourite snacks
“he’s not dead, yn”
but u know he was worried too
the office was just so gloomy without jisung
u can’t believe u’re saying this but u miss him
u miss bickering with him
u miss his stupid laugh when u yell out his name
u’d even let him steal all ur good pens if it means he’s going to be okay and come back
by the end of the week, chan finally had enough
“yn u know u can’t keep doing this to urself”
“do what”
“come on, if there was one thing u hate the most it’s paperworks and u've been throwing urself into that without a single complaint.. it’s honestly quite concerning”
・o・ “u… called me in bc i wasn’t complaining about paperworks?”
“we both know why u’re here >: and i’m not talking to u as ur chief, i’m talking to u as a friend >: ”
“i just miss him so much…. and it’s my fault, chan, it’s my fault he got hurt like that and he kept saying that he’s okay but-“
u felt bad for bursting out to chan like that but he was the one who cornered u first so >:
u walked out of chan’s office eyes puffy and although the others probably heard, u still hoped they don’t see u like this
u were about to dash for the restroom and hide there until ur eyes de-puff but
“i didn’t know u’d miss me this much”
u whipped ur head so fast and there han jisung was wearing his cute stupid smile
normally u would’ve thought of a snarky comeback already
but seeing him there right in front of u after a whole jisungless week
and after ur little breakdown session with chan
u couldn’t help but burst into tears again and hugged him like he was going to disappear if u didn’t hold him tight enough ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
jisung bit his lip to hold back a wince but couldn’t help and let out a little hiss when u bumped into the bandage on his shoulder
“i-i’m sorry”
u pulled away a little feeling bad for hurting him but he had u in his arms once again, holding u just as tight
“i’m perfectly fine, see? i’m not going anywhere, u can’t get rid of me that fast”
(´ •̥◡•̥ `) jisung smiled so wide when he heard ur tiny giggle
his babey ! no longer sad !
god knows how long the two of u stayed there hugging
until u heard someone clear their throat
that someone being chan
“i’m sorry but can u hug somewhere else, i really need to go”
“wait u’re already discharged from the hospital?” (• . • ?)
“i heard u missed me and i can’t let my baby miss me any longer”
“han jisung-“
“i mean, i can’t say i didn’t miss u too-“
“……..i? discharged? myself?”
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