#I was looking at a scan team’s feed
obstinaterixatrix · 27 days
this one’s interesting, the main character is a bookbinder who wandered into supernatural stuff and now ghosts and demons love showing up around him, each chapter is him experiencing Something Spooky and I like how atmospheric the art is
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it’s gen but the protagonist is gay and has a one-sided crush on an old professor who loves collecting supernatural stuff. ghosts hate showing up around him, so he’s very amped to hang out with the main character
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I’m enjoying it so far, there’s been a couple of visuals that have made me go ‘eugh’
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ecrivainsolitaire · 4 months
Humans have the capability of perceiving when they're being stared at, even if they can't see it.
Dr. T'Chem was staring at Lieutenant /θkɡɾɑːˈŋæ/ (or as his current fling affectionately nicknamed her, "Tucker-Annie"), whose dorsal spikes were still rattling after the incident at the holodeck. It was his first time at the witness stand, and he didn't want to ruin a young star sailor's life.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie was the combat specialist in charge of the training dojo of Federation Vessel TSN457, named after the Terra-Saturn-Ceres coalition where Dr. T'Chem currently served as the xenoanthropologist charged with facilitating human integration to the local Federation of Fraternal Planets and Satellites. The FFPS had the goal of finding planets with intelligent life to trade resources and technology, and due to their recent incorporation, local research vessels were fitted with diverse crews to acclimate everyone to each other's cultures and biological needs. Dr. T'Chem was the human expert in the ship, and was tasked with helping smooth over interpersonal relations among the crew.
The relations were, at that moment, as bumpy as Lt. Tucker-Annie's dorsal spike line.
An incident had occurred during a training exercise. The squad consisted of a Venusian, two Saturnians, three Ceresians, two monks from the Transcorporeal Temple of Robotic Ascension, and five Terrans (two humans, two dogs and a cybernetically enhanced cat). The exercise consisted of getting through a generic jungle scenario and, unbeknownst to the squad, avoiding a team of ninjas lead by Lt. Tucker-Annie trying to take them out one by one. It was supposed to test the way they would react to a surprise attack.
It was not supposed to reveal that humans could sense when they were being stalked.
Of course, any trained sailor would have an ingrained knowledge of potential threats and how to spot them. Look for the shadows that are too dark, listen for the spot air isn't blowing from, things like that. Basic things most people don't think about but that can be identified if you think about them.
This was not that.
"Something's watching us," said Crew Johnson, in that sloppy way only creatures with lips spoke.
"What do you mean? There's cameras everywhere, of course they're watching us," responded Crew Hessikh, slithering over the vines on a tree branch to cross a river. She grabbed the axe in Crew Johnson's belt with her telekinesis and took down a small tree to serve as a bridge.
"Crew Flufflepaws, could you please take a look?" Asked Crew Johnson, nervously looking around. Crew Flufflepaws got on the tree as well and scanned the terrain from above.
"I can't see anything, or smell anything. And my hearing isn't what it used to be. I'll stay on the lookout for—" a horrendous hiss interrupted the automatic translator's feed. Crew Flufflepaws' comm line cut off.
Hessikh and Johnson looked at each other. That was the strongest fighter of their team, gone. They knew it was a simulation, but it still gave them chills.
The rest of their crew mates were split into two different teams further along the path. Crew Fanning's voice came from the comm line.
"Johnson, Hessikh, are you okay? What happened to Flufflepaws?"
"We don't know, Johnson said something was watching us and it went to check, then we lost comms."
"I felt it too. I know this isn't that kind of exercise but I think— AAAHHH!"
Two blaster shots were heard, then a thud.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie, who was watching Hessikh and Johnson from the mud pit behind the latter, had her tranquilizer dart ready. She got ready to shoot down Hessikh, but then heard a voice over the comm line.
"Code Lithium, we have a Code Lithium, we have to end the simulation, I just took down- I can't-" the breathing was sounding heavier and faster, too fast for a human.
"Fanning, calm down, remember your sutras. We need you focused, what happened?"
"I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and saw this thing and it scared me and I jumped and I thought it was on stun mode and-"
"It's alright, we're calling it off. Captain, we have a Code Lithium! End the simulation now or- fuck, there it is again. Hessikh, do you see any heat sources?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary- why haven't they shot it down alre-"
The next thing Lieutenant Tucker-Annie remembered was the sound of a heel turn over the mud, followed by darkness.
Lt. Tucker-Annie woke up in the hospital bay, getting her tail regenerated by a robot nurse. She looked over and found her underling on the next bed, with a huge bandage on the side of his neck and a wing in a cast. Thankfully, he would be alright as soon as the stem cell bank was reprogrammed after her treatment.
The disciplinary board was called, an investigation was open, and both Crew Fanning and their captain were put on paid leave while the investigation was ongoing. Dr. T'Chem was called in as an expert after a review of the holodeck footage revealed there was no way Crew Fanning could have heard, seen or smelled the hidden sailor.
It was the first time in a while he hadn't helped himself to a glass of Venusian whiskey for breakfast. He really didn't want to mess this up.
"And would you care to explain how this is possible, Doctor?" Asked the prosecution, staring him down with an unnerving amount of eyes.
"I am as astounded as this court; our firm has been looking into Terran medical literature and we're still trying to figure out how it works; they don't even know, but they know it does happen, it's been documented for thousands of years. I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's even testable."
There was a murmur in the court. The judge asked him to elaborate.
"The way eyesight works is the light bounces off of opaque bodies and in its way it collides with the lenses in our corneas, which send it to the brain as electrical signals to be interpreted. The light that doesn't go into our eyes just bounces off our bodies and other opaque objects as well, the photons go everywhere and anywhere. This is the same for most species in this constellation, including humans. But even other Terran species don't have these abilities, as Crew Flufflepaws has testified."
A begrudging meow was heard from the audience.
"Order in the court, please. Dr. T'Chem, what do you suggest is the origin of this mysterious sense?"
The camera drones all hoovered around him. Dr. T'Chem straightened his fins and got close to the microphone.
"I believe it's possible that humans have a sense of touch so sensitive that they can feel the photons that don't bounce back. The ones that go into an eye instead of an opaque body. I think humans can actually feel in their skin when they are being watched."
There was an uproar in the crowd. His paramour, a dark skinned young human from the human settlement known as "Colombia", grabbed the religious symbol on her necklace and made a gesture with it he hadn't quite figured out yet.
The trial had to go on recess.
The implications were incalculable. Three dozen biologists from six different planets, including Terra, had emailed him before the end of the day to ask him to justify himself. Multiple human religious leaders took the chance to link it to demonic possession or moral evils. By the end of the week, four different labs were trying to figure out a way to double blind test shooting a photon cannon on a human's back and trying to get them to sense it.
But most importantly, the news made it outside of the Federation. The rumours about this new species that couldn't be stalked got so far, it ended up affecting the outcome of a border conflict with the Betelgeuse Libertarian Army on the Federation's favour.
Humans were terrifying.
If this is what they evolved to be, what was their planet like?
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lizslibrary · 3 months
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Summary: Bucky x Reader fic where Reader is sick but decides to go on a mission anyway.
A/N: This is my first fanfiction, please comment or critique it; I am always open to suggestions. I also struggled on finding a good ending, so I just decided to leave the rest of the story up to the imagination of the reader. 🥰
Warnings: assassin!reader, Sickness; flu, overexertion, guns, fighting, fainting, Slowburn (Picks up in the end,) angst, fluff, guilt, angry Bucky
Word count: 2,007
I lean my back against the side of the jet, trying to appear as normal as possible. We were going on a HYDRA intel mission and I was sick. I knew going on this mission was a bad decision, but I couldn’t let my team down.
 As I took a deep breath, I could feel a pair of eyes watching me; I didn’t even have to look over to know it was Bucky. He stared at me with his arms crossed over his chest and his head tilted slightly backward. I could tell he knew something was wrong, but I didn’t bother meeting his gaze.
A few minutes later, the plane landed in a remote location, and slowly, the back door dropped with a soft hiss. I unstrapped my seatbelt and hoisted my gun over my shoulder walking down the ramp and into a thick layer of snow. The cold air felt nice against my flushed cheeks, and I sighed as I watched the rest of the team trail out of the jet.
Steve stood confidently as he began giving orders, “Sam and Natasha, patrol the outside; make notes of everyone entering and exiting the compound.” “y/n, Bucky and I will take the inside, working on containing and evacuating evidence that may be crucial to Hydra’s destruction.” Steve stood silent for a moment. “Does everyone understand?” 
Everyone nodded and stood next to their partners. I notice Bucky watching me from behind Steve. I turned my head away from him so I wouldn’t give myself away. I knew that if he found out I was sick, he would stop the mission and make us turn around.
“The snow is thick, walk slow and conserve energy…we have the whole day ahead of us,” Steve says, beginning to walk forward.
Everyone trudges behind Steve in silence, our footsteps making quiet crunching sounds through the snow. I follow closely behind Steve, while Bucky trails closely behind me. I make sure to place my feet in Steve's already deep footprints, the last thing I wanted was to be drained of my energy before we'd even reach the compound.
I look up at the dark gray sky; we must be high up in the mountains, looking down on what seems like endless miles of nothingness.  It wasn't surprising that HYDRA would be located here, being a rather isolated organization.
A little while later I began to make out the rectangular shape of the compound through the dense snow that was falling from the sky. My hands were getting numb from holding onto the straps on my gun holster and my legs ached from walking through the snow. Steve looked over at me, I saw concern but I just gave him a reassuring nod and pushed forward.
As we got closer, I noticed that the base was a massive, grey complex. The building was made of concrete and had no windows, just little square holes that littered the walls...it reminded me of a prison.
Steve came to a stop and crouched behind a concrete barrier, he motioned for us to do the same. The team huddled beside Steve and watched the camp, it was only a few yards away allowing us to see movement from behind the large, barbed fence.
"Send Redwing out, we need to see the safest route for entry," Steve ordered. Sam was quick to oblige, sending the drone into the snowfall.
It hovered above the entrance to the complex, giving us an accurate view of how many guards there were. There were three men posted around the entrance, all wearing black helmets. One of them remained stationed by the gate while the other two patrolled around the gate.
Sam watched the feed from the drone, scanning the screen for any more guards, "Seems like there are only three near the entrance...if you can take them out you have a clear path to a set of double doors." Sam said looking at Steve out of the corner of his eye "The problem is...how are you gonna get in?"
"Tony said that there should be a keypad on the outside, luckily for us he managed to find the code," Steve said with a small grin on his face, I could hear a small chuckle come from Bucky.
Natasha shook her head "I wouldn't expect anything less from that man."
"Sam, keep a watch on Redwing and head to the left side of the building. Natasha, you take right." Steve says "Bucky y/n, follow me...be aware of your surroundings."
As soon as the plan is said, we jump into action. Steve begins creeping towards the front of the complex, with the sound of our footsteps ringing in the snow-covered ground, while Bucky and I cover him. Steve slams his shield into the neck of one of the guards while I wrestle another to the ground and knock him unconscious. My head is spinning as I stand up but I help Bucky take care of the last guy.
With the first threat taken care of, we hurry over to where Steve is standing, "This way," Steve points at a door on the side of the building. We follow closely behind him and watch his back as he types in the code on the keypad.
  He grabs the handle and turns it.  The door creaks open slowly, revealing a very dimly lit hallway. Steve leads the way down the hall.  The smell of damp stone fills the air, with the faint scent of blood and gunpowder lingering in the air.  We follow silently behind Steve until we get to the end of the hallway, where it opens up into two different hallways.
“I’ll take the right side, y/n Bucky go left,” Steve says
Bucky and I walk down the left hallway and I can feel my palms getting sweaty with each step. Something felt wrong, where was everyone? Why were there no HYDRA agents? I glance over at Bucky and see that he has a crease in his eyebrows, I could tell he was wondering the same thing. I grip my gun closer to my chest, it was eerily quiet and something felt off…very off. 
As we near the end of the hallway we enter a large room. It was filled with old dusty computers and lots of filing cabinets. I approach one of the computers and take out the hard drive making sure to put it in my pocket in hopes that it will be important intell. I watch Bucky enter a side room and suddenly the lights turn off and I jolt when I hear the loud slam of a door shutting.
It’s pitch black and I can hear footsteps circling me in the room “Y/N!? Y/N!” Bucky is pounding his fist on the other side of the door. 
I feel disoriented and dizzy as I try and move around the room “Bucky!? Where-?” I am cut off by a gloved hand covering my mouth; I scream and slam my elbow into the person behind me.
My breathing becomes more labored as I try and fight off the people attacking me. I feel myself on the verge of passing out.
 I grab my knife out of my pocket and slam it blindly into someone's torso. I lose my balance and I fall backward, causing my head to slam against the corner of the table. I let out a yell of pain and felt a warm liquid running down my neck.
I scramble back into a wall and feel someone else's hands on me, I try and fight back but my movements are disoriented; I am helpless. 
As soon as I feel all hope is lost, the door bursts open filling the room with light. Before I know what’s happening gunshots ring out and silence fills the room. My vision is swimming and I see a familiar, blurry silhouette approaching me; guilt fills my stomach.
“M-..sorry Bucky…” I slur as fight from blacking out.
Bucky scoops me up in his arms, and before I know it he is sprinting out of the compound and into the snow. My body is limp in his arms and I can hear him murmuring incoherent prayers as he runs.
Soon, we reach the jet, and he quickly puts me on the medical table. Everything around me is blurry and I don’t know what is happening.
I am so tired. Maybe I should sleep. Bucky wouldn’t be mad if I just slept for a minute…
My mind is pulled into the dark, tempting world of sleep.
A bright light fills my vision as I wake up. I blink a couple of times in an attempt to get my eyes to adjust to the light. What happened? Where am I? Several thoughts plagued my mind all at once and my body flings itself into an upright position.
Bucky stands up as soon as he sees me awake "Hey, hey! You're okay, you are safe.." Bucky says, gently trying to get me to lay back down.
The memories of last night flood my mind and I feel an intense wave of guilt in the pit of my stomach. I take a small glance at Bucky and notice the relief in his eyes quickly turn to that of hurt, maybe even anger. The look in his eyes pained me to see, I knew he felt upset about my actions.
"Why?" he says suddenly, staring me straight in my eyes.
"I'm sorry..."
Bucky closes his eyes in an attempt to calm himself "Sorry doesn't cut it." He says sharply "You almost died y/n."
I look away from him and shake my head "I know...but if I hadn't gone someone could have gotten hurt."
I watch anger form in his expression "Liz." His serious tone forces me to look at him "Are you not listening to me? You almost died!" His tone gets louder as he talks, "When I brought you back on the jet you were burning up and sweating...did you know that your fever almost reached 103."
Bucky takes a step backward and faces the wall, he rakes his fingers through his hair. "Do you understand that had I not been there and broken through a metal wall, you would be dead." He turns to face me again "Do you not understand that if you had died in that room; I would have blamed myself?" He looked me in the eyes "Do you not understand that if you died, I would have nothing else to live for?"
"Better me dead than you," I say quietly.
Bucky clenches his fist and inhales a sharp breath "Never, and I mean never, say that shit to me ever again." He grabs my hands and stands silently. "y/n, you give me a reason to wake up in the morning; the feeling I get when I see your gorgeous, happy face in the morning makes me feel alive."
I stare at him speechlessly and he continues "I know this is a terrible place, and a terrible time but I have to tell you..." The look he gives me makes my body tingle "I love you. I love you too much to the point where it hurts...and when we were in that compound I watched as the life drained from your eyes, and I felt more scared in that moment than I have ever had in my entire life...because I knew that If you were to die, I would have nothing left to get me out of bed in the morning, I would have nothing left to get me home safe from missions, I would have no more life because without you; I have none."
Bucky's words make it feel like the world has stopped, like it's just me and him and nothing can stop us from being together. I stare at Bucky's beautiful eyes, and he stares at mine; they tell me that I am here, that I am alive, and that I'm next to the person I love and care about most in this world.
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lennadanvers · 4 months
Three times Simon wanted to hug you (and the one time he did)
I wrote this for ao3 originally. I'm working on the final part, so I thought I'd start reposting here in the meantime. I hope someone likes it. I feed on comments btw. Just leaving that there.
Ghost’d had missions go badly before… No, scratch that. He had been part of missions that had gone terribly. Some he had barely survived. A lot had failed. That just happens.
Still, he felt like shit.
He was familiar with the feeling. He didn’t understand it, though. Everyone in his team had made it out alive. Even more than that, there had been only a couple minor injuries. That was a luxury he had learned to appreciate. Yes, the target they were supposed to find and bring back to base was laying, dead, on the floor of the helicopter. It wasn’t an especially gruesome sight, either. One shot at the back, most of the blood was still wet on the floor of the enemy base. Ghost had seen people practically turned inside out; this was almost as pleasant at it could get.
He had been dragging the target. The target, because they didn’t have a name. They never did. It had been a person. A very well informed person, if he had to guess, based on the urgency to get them back. Now they were a corpse. They had made the transition in his arms. He hadn’t even realized the target had bled out until they were already flying back.
Price wasn’t going to be happy, but he knew how the job was. Casualties were expected. At least the target wasn’t in anybody else’s hands.
Ghost looked down at his own. His gloves were dirty. If he flexed his fingers, he’d feel the stickiness of the blood. He knew the feeling well enough to be certain that the burning of the cold water of the sink wouldn’t erase it.
The movement of the helicopter landing made him look up. He jumped over the body of the target and stepped out. The sun didn’t touch his skin, completely covered in military grade fabric. But he felt it nonetheless.
His eyes, used to scanning his surroundings, had found you standing at the edge of the helipad. You were right next to the medics, ready to help save the corpse he had dragged here. Suddenly, Ghost became aware of every little sore and tense spot in his body. He had always thought you were capable. Your hands were smaller than his, more delicate- everyone’s were- but still ruthless and unwavering. He took a deep breath and wondered how long it would take you to get rid of all the knots in his back.
Your neck looked pretty, too. No, not pretty. He almost shook his head. Inviting. Warm. Your blood was close to the surface there, but still hidden. Where it belonged. He tore his gloves off, struggling with the stickiness.
Ghost didn’t cry. It wasn’t a matter of pride, or toughness. He had simply forgotten how to. But he started to walk towards you and felt the heat flooding his throat. The closer he got, the smaller you looked and the more pathetic he felt. His boots dragged him across the cement; yours were steady, still. Clean. He was covered in dirt. Another step and he was almost at arms reach. His uniform was itchy. He hadn’t noticed that since he was a rookie. And his holsters were tight, Ghost made sure of that.
Would you hold him tighter?
Would you be warm? Warmer than the target? You’d feel alive.
You’d smell of your shampoo- he had grown used to its fragrance in the showers: it lingered and overpowered his unscented one, even if you had left hours ago. It reminded him of warm, cleansing water. Of the feeling of being bare.
He shook his head. The mask was getting uncomfortable. Your skin looked so soft, though. He blinked. Your collarbone against his lashes. The idea made him inhale deeply.
Another step and he was next to you. You smiled at him; not a big smile, rather a small, confused one. Ghost stared at you for a second, the tears stabbing his throat. All he could do, head ducking as if aiming to hide in your neck, was to shake his head.
Then another step and he kept walking to his barracks: back still tense, nose still burning with the smell of gunpowder, hands itching with dry blood.
Part 2
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deucebox · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ our sweet adorable… child? wait-
scaramouche x reader
794 words
note: scara referred to reader as the kid’s mom once but they/them pronouns still used. not really proofread hehe.
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you didn’t know that having a kid around would allow you the opportunity to witness another side of scaramouche you thought you would never see.
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scaramouche could only look at you with furrowed brows with his arms crossed on his chest. “the hell is that?” he scoffed.
“a… child?” you answered unsurely with a hint of ‘isn’t-it-obvious?’ tone, hugging the frame of the little girl closer to your body.
the young man clicked his tongue in annoyance, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. “where did you get it?”
“she spawned from the sky— for archon’s sake, i have no idea either!” you snapped back and cleared your throat after. “but really, i was looking at the stalls in the market a while ago when she suddenly held my hand and tagged along. i tried asking where her parents are but she seems to not know and i’m guessing she’s around four years old?”
he scanned the girl in your grasp and the kid stared back innocently. she turned her body to his direction and stretched out her arms.
you chuckled and walked closer to scaramouche and he reluctantly held her. “what’s your name, little one?” he inquired warily.
“yuina!” she cheerfully answered, craning her neck to the side and gazed curiously at the red strings dangling from his hat.
yuina leaned forward and rested her chin on scaramouche’s shoulder and reached out to pull the string downward, causing him to throw his head back a bit and you stifled a laugh.
scaramouche groaned and immediately went to lecture her. yuina couldn’t help but pout sadly as her ears took in all his scolding.
his head snaps towards you upon sensing the emphasis of threat in your voice. you irritatedly signaled him to look at yuina’s state and so he did.
scaramouche stared at her glossy eyes, red nose, and flushed cheeks while trying not to let out a sob.
his eyes widened slightly for a fraction of second before stuttering out an apology. “s-sorry. don’t cry, yuina. i’m not mad at you, hush now.” he gently pats her head before proceeding to wipe away her tears with his thumb.
“k-kuni…zuhi…?” she imitated but only jumbled her own words.
“you’ll get it right next time,” he sighed.
“kuni made my yuina upset? what should we do to get back at him?” you joked and squeezed her chubby cheeks softly.
“‘m hungry.” yuina cheekily smiled. with her simple gesture, both you and scaramouche were stunned for a moment with how cute she is.
“then let’s make kunikuzushi pay for our food!” you suggested and scaramouche could only let out a huff.
“yuina,” she pointed at herself and you two pay attention to what she was going to say next. “papa… mama…” she then pointed at scaramouche and then you.
“ridiculous. we are not your paren—mhmp!” you gently slapped his mouth shut and just nodded at her. “we can be your second mom and dad, yuina! we’ll take care of you.” you reassured and she let out a small ‘yay!’
he reached out in his pocket and fished out a chocolate candy. scaramouche unwraps it with one hand and brought it closer to yuina’s face.
she instinctively reaches for it but scaramouche brings his hand further away, making the child whine. “ah-ah-ah. if your hands get dirty, you might wipe it on my clothes. let me feed it to you instead.” he reasons out, voice uncharacteristically soft and gentle.
“how come you never feed me affectionately like that?” you shamelessly sputtered and he grimaced at your statement. “grow up, y/n.” he snarled, bringing back his attention to yuina as she gratefully munched on the treat.
“could be saying the same thing to you,” you whispered. “what?” he glared. “nothing!”
“don’t be like your mom, they’re always so mean to me.” he feigned hurt and yuina giggled before agreeing, scaramouche smiled in victory before insisting a high-five with her.
“why are you teaming up on me now, huh?” you playfully scrunched your nose disappointingly.
“let’s leave y/n now and we’ll buy you whatever you want to eat, yes? good.” he insisted.
yuina happily booped scaramouche’s nose. he stilled in shock and for once today, he breaks and smiles.
“feeling bold now, are we?” he teased and lowered his head a bit so that his nose could touch hers. being a witness of this tugged your heartstrings in the best way possible and you could just melt there and then at the sight.
you didn’t even notice that they were both looking at you expectantly. “are you just going to stare at us and not eat?” he sassed and you excitedly walked to his right side, your hand finding its way to hold his unoccupied hand.
perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad if you and scaramouche keep yuina for the rest of the day.
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and if i suddenly kill yuina then what
just kidding hehe. scaramouche’s backstory was my main reason for writing this in one sitting and i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i do!
i really really hope this was to your liking nakskkw rbs are greatly appreciated ty ily pls take care *smooches*
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 2 months
saw the anon who asked abt wandanat x reader! could we possibly get any thoughts on them? you’ve been feeding us with all this wanda content and it’s so amazinggg!
Omg ofc I do… sorry for responding so late pls forgive me
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Like just imagine a subby nat and dom wanda omfgggg the lowkey switch in me is going insane..
Natasha acts all tough in public and in front of the team, all smolders and crossed arms and power stances, but both you and Wanda know what she’s like in the privacy of the bedroom. Not that you’d ever reveal it, you both love your girlfriend too much to betray her like that. 
Wanda prefers to remain mysterious, all quiet and lingering in the shadows, scarlet wisps dancing around her fingertips and green eyes ever alert. She isn’t a fan of showing off her dominance, even in the bedroom. She much prefers quiet control, commanding her girlfriends with a single look and a flick of her fingers, scarlet magic ready to take control at any moment. 
The enchanted strap she wears never fails to drop Natasha to her knees, her cold exterior melting away as Wanda places a gentle hand on her cheek, cradling her head. Natasha can finally let her mind calm, her eyes focused solely on Wanda instead of scanning the room for the nearest exit, her trust placed completely in her lover’s hands.
You’re just satisfied to watch most of the time, in awe of your girlfriends’ presence. But, you can’t help the ache that rises within you, arousal burning in your veins at the sight of Wanda thrusting roughly into Natasha. The helpless moans that sound out from the spy, only to be muffled when Wanda shoves her head into a pillow, causing you to pant like a dog in heat. 
Once you’re desperate enough, Wanda will beckon you over with a single crook of her finger and a small, satisfied smile. 
You’re eager, ready to do whatever she commands. And that’s just the way she likes you. Some days, she’ll command you to eat out Natasha, gently fingering you while you overstimulate the spy until she’s pleading and begging for relief. Other days, you’ll suck her strap, taking it down your throat until Wanda grabs your head and shamelessly fucks your mouth until she’s satisfied. 
On special days, when Wanda is feeling favorable, she’ll let you eat her out. She’s a fan of sitting on your face, grinding her hips against your lips and tongue as you devour her, juices running down your chin. She likes to make out with Natasha as you lick and suck at her clit, moaning into the Russian’s mouth and grabbing her throat tightly as she cums.  
God, these two would be the death of you someday. And you wouldn’t ask for it any other way. ♡ 
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peachhcs · 2 months
losing the championships
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's self-doubt creeps in after losing the finals making him snap at the one person who's always there for him, almost making her turn her back on him.
2.6k words
warnings: a bit of angst, arguing, crying, this is a sad post in general
ik im feeding y’all rn but i feel weird putting this out in two days and not now haha, but guys you know i had to do it. i had to get the angst out. i think this is like the first angsty post in the series?? i hate when there is angst, but i love writing it lmao. i'm not sure how accurate some of this is, but i hope the trio stays on for another season!! i'd actually be devestated if they don't. anyways keep requesting!! <3
au masterlist
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it didn’t feel real. nothing felt real watching her best friends crumple to the ice in utter defeat and heartbreak just two days after winning the semifinals. samy stood up in the stands nearly motionless while everything around her fell silent. she didn’t think those moments were actually real whenever they played in movies, but here she was hardly focusing on anything but her best friends in tears. 
her eyes couldn’t leave ryan on his knees with his face in the ice. she just wanted to wrap all of them into her arms so none of them would feel this type of pain anymore. 
the stupid jumbotron panned to everyone’s reactions, basically putting the boys on full blast when they most definitely didn’t want anyone to see them crying like they were. samy’s heart only broke further when she finally looked down at her boyfriend trying to hold himself together while comforting a sobbing ryan and teary gabe. 
her own eyes grew teary seeing those three so destroyed not knowing what was next for any of them. that was probably the scariest part. 
when will searched for samy’s gaze the waterworks broke like a dam for the couple. the youngest hughes was completely crying and will’s shame settled into his skin that he lost the game without even scoring a single point. 
their coach urged the boys down the tunnel before the cameras could get any more shots of them. samy tried pulling herself together, but her hiccuping cries didn’t stop slipping out no matter how hard she tried holding them in. 
boston’s side of the lobby was nearly silent which almost mirrored michigan’s team two days ago. suddenly, seeing those happy memories wasn’t as easy anymore. samy’s mind raced wondering if this game really was the last for her favorite trio or if they’d stay on one more season with boston. 
thirty minutes passed before the bc boys slowly trickled out of the locker room. their bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces were enough to send more tears into samy’s own eyes. her lip quivered waiting for her boyfriend to appear, but he didn’t come out after his usual spot behind ryan and gabe. the two boys found samy’s gaze, frowning even deeper. 
“hey, i’m so sorry. i-i have no words,” samy brought them into big hugs hoping to ease a bit of their ache. 
“what a fucking night,” ryan muttered bitterly. 
“you guys played well. those refs were idiots making calls,” the brunette shook her head. 
“will’s still in there. he’s..he’s not taking this one too well. you can go in if you want, but he may explode. I i don’t want you to think he’s mad at you, he’ll just find something to take his anger out on,” gabe explained briefly. samy’s eyes slid towards the locker room doorway where her boyfriend hid. 
“don’t worry, i know how he gets. I’ll see if i can talk to him,” she couldn’t be scared of will. 
he was her best friend and boyfriend. he’d never intentionally hurt her and if he said things, she knew he was just angry with himself, not her. the girl shuffled her way towards the locker room trying to put on a brave face for will’s sake. 
she knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. her eyes scanned the practically empty room until she found her boyfriend slumped in his stall at the end of the benches. her hands trembled as she slid further in and leaned against the door. 
his eyes snapped towards hers. he looked like a mess and that only unleashed more waterworks seeing him in this state. it wasn’t one samy saw him a lot in, so when she did, it hurt extra hard. 
“if you’re here to try and make me feel better, i don’t wanna hear it,” the boy mumbled bitterly which quickly caught samy off guard. 
she wasn’t expecting that from him so immediately. 
“i’m not. just here to be with you,” the girl said, trying to hide the shake in her voice. 
“well, i’m not really in the mood to be around anyone right now. just go. i’ll be out in a few minutes,” the bitterness in his voice definitely stung, but samy tried shaking him off knowing he was just upset. 
“will..” she inched forward, wanting to reach out to him. he looked as if anyone touched him he’d just break into a million pieces. 
“i said go. i don’t need your fucking sympathy. i feel feel like shit,” the blonde snapped this time making samy instantly draw back. 
“i know you’re upset, i get it. this loss fucking sucks. i’m just trying—” 
“you don’t fucking get it, samy! i just lost the championship game 2-0. we scored zero points. you know how fucking embarrassing that is? i’ve been trying to prove myself all season about how good i can be and then i lose the championship game. you’ll never fucking get it!” there it was. 
will’s tone rose with anger and hurt all mixed into one. samy swallowed the nerves climbing higher in her stomach as she tried remembering none of this was really directed at her. she was just the person will was getting his anger out on. 
“i-i do get it, will. remember my championship game in december? we choked. i-i get it, i do. it sucks and i’m so sorry it ended this way. i wish it didn’t—”
“stop saying you get it. it’s not the fucking same. you’ve never had to work for anything in your life because of your family!” 
the blonde’s harsh words finally hit a nerve. samy’s face twisted and she didn’t know anymore if he really didn’t mean it or not, but through the anger, will realized what he said. 
“samy..i didn’t—”
“fuck you, will. you of all people should know how hard i’ve worked to be where i am right now. i know you’re upset about everything right now, but you don’t need to bring me down to make yourself feel better. don’t bother waiting up. i’m leaving with ryan and gabe,” samy stormed out of the locker room before will could say anything more.
the tears streamed down her face as soon as she was in the lobby again. ryan and gabe instantly noticed her distraught expression, immediately going to her. 
“shit, what happened?” ryan muttered. 
“can we just go? i can’t deal with him right now,” samy choked out. the two exchanged a worried glance, but obliged. 
the whole ride back to the hotel was nothing but silence as everyone reeled from the disappointing night. 
gabe let samy camp out in his hotel room for the night. he didn’t dare ask her what happened in the locker room knowing she’d tell him if she wanted to; however, the dark-haired boy wanted to go knock some sense into will knowing he most definitely snapped too hard at samy which made her want to avoid him. 
it was almost two in the morning when there was a small knock. still awake, the two exchanged wary glances, so gabe got the door. 
he pulled it open to reveal a very weary, teary-eyed, sad, and frustrated will. for a moment, gabe almost let him in, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want the boy blowing up at samy again. the girl sat nervously on the bed just out of sight of the door listening in on them.
“is she here?” will rasped out, voice dry from the amount he cried after samy left the locker room and getting back to the hotel. 
“i’m not sure i wanna answer that,” gabe stood his ground. 
“come on, perreault. leno said he didn’t have her,” will tried again. 
hearing how wrecked he sounded broke samy’s heart all over again. gabe gazed back at her, a look in his eyes asking her if she really wanted to see him. 
even though he insulted her, something in samy was still trying to justify it for him being upset and angry. she really wanted to believe he didn’t mean it. with that, the girl crawled off the bed and shuffled her way behind gabe’s 6’1 figure. 
“we can talk in your room,” samy mumbled. 
“o-okay,” the shake in her boyfriend’s voice made samy want to lunge herself at him and make all the pain go away, but she had to stand up for herself still. 
“you’re sure?” gabe wondered before letting her go. 
“i’m sure. i’ll see you tomorrow,” she rubbed his arm and stepped around him. 
her and will walked three doors down where his hotel room was. it was basically hers too since most of her stuff was scattered across the room over the past few days they’ve been there. 
will shut the door behind them. the brunette looked at him expectantly knowing she said everything she could. a beat of silence passed before the tears quickly filled the blonde’s eyes and he started completely sobbing in front of her. he crumpled against the door, choking sobs falling from his lips as he body sunk into the ground. 
for a second, samy just stared at him until her instincts kicked in and she went to him without hesitation this time. 
“oh will,” she curled into his side, stroking his hair as his body fell into hers. 
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean any of it. i don’t know why i said it. i was upset and i know that’s not an excuse at all,” the boy rambled into her shoulder. 
“i know this loss hurts, but taking your anger out on people with harsh words isn’t gonna make it better,” samy said.
“i know, i know. i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have lashed out on you. that’s not fair to you at all.” 
“i was just trying to comfort you like i always do after losses,” the girl hated seeing her boyfriend so upset like this. his tears dripped everywhere on her even after samy tried wiping them away with her thumb. 
“i know. i shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. i just.. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” will’s voice grew softer at his small admission. 
“what do you mean like that?” i’ve seen you lose games before.”
“i don’t know if this is how you felt after your soccer game, but i felt so pathetic for losing a championship game where we didn’t even score. my pride was hurt and i worried you’d think i wasn’t good enough anymore because i lost like that,” his words continued breaking samy’s heart. 
she grabbed ahold of his face so he was looking at her, “i’d never think any less of you because you lost. it happens. you’re not pathetic for losing and i promise it doesn’t make me look at you any differently.” 
“i guess i’m just always scared you’ll get sick of me and realize i’m not actually worth it. that and a hundred other emotions were just going through me and it came out really wrong,” will frowned. 
a small sigh escaped the girl’s lips hearing the boy she’s known all her life doubt himself so much. “you’re always worth it, will. nothing’s ever gonna change that for me, okay? i’m always gonna be in love with you and wanna be around you win or lose, whatever's happening in your career. you’re stuck with me,” a small laugh escaped their lips at the last part. 
“i know that. i just get really doubtful when i get down on myself and hard losses like that happen.” 
“i get it, but i’m not going anywhere, okay? you played your best tonight, those refs were making shit calls and unfortunately, denver just figured us out.” 
a small nod came from will. he pushed his forehead onto samy’s just trying to ease all the thoughts running through his mind while focusing on the way she ran her fingers gently through his hair and around his curls. some of his roots were rough and red from the way he pulled harshly on them earlier, so her gentle motions slowly eased the ache. 
“i’m scared that i don’t know what’s gonna happen next with any of us,” will spoke again after a small silence. 
he lifted his head again to meet his girlfriend’s gaze before leaning it against the door. 
“are you gonna sign on?” the idea played in samy’s mind as well after tonight’s game. 
the decision was entirely up to the coaches of each of the guy’s respective teams, but considering how well all of them played and improved in one season, they may want them sooner rather than later. 
“i don’t know. it’s up to whether the sharks want me now or later,” will answered. 
“have you talked to ryan or gabe? what they may do?” 
“washington’s pushing closer to the playoffs. they may want ryan on for it. i dunno. gabe’s most likely gonna stay. i don’t think the rangers are quite ready for him yet. the ideal situation is we all stay one one more season with boston,” will explained a bit, his fingers drawing mindles shapes into samy’s leg. 
“what do the sharks say about you?” the girl wondered with a raised eyebrow. 
“you know what they say about me. they want me now. they wanna wait another year. it’s..sort of up to me i guess,” will shrugged a bit, avoiding eye contact. 
“would you sign on now?” she rephrased her question from earlier. 
“if i sign on now, my entire life gets flipped around in a week and i have to move to california, but then i’d possibly get to play in the playoffs. if i wait, i get to stay with boston and everyone for another year and more importantly, see you more frequently than if i was in california,” samy rolled her eyes at the last part—he was always so down bad for her. 
“don’t make the decision based on me, will. you’ll see me still.” 
“i know, but i think i do subconsciously anyway. you’re just my life now,” his words sent a deep blush across the girl’s cheeks. 
“i’m flattered,” she rubbed the side of his cheek making him lean into her touch. 
“you’re everything to me, samy. i’m really, really in love with you and i can’t imagine my life without you in it,” will smiled softly. 
the girl flushed, but returned his smile. hearing those kinds of things come out of his mouth was still something the brunette was getting used to even after 9 months of being together. 
“you’re everything to me too, will. i love you a lot.” 
the boy leaned forward to place a gentle, yet loving kiss on her lips. they melted into one another, small sighs escaping their mouths at the contact. her hands tugged at his curls while his own curved around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like he needed her as close as possible or else he couldn’t function. 
part of it was true. without samy, will was lost like a fish in the ocean. she was a part of him and he was a part of her. they were intertwined and always would be. her soft lips soothed every single thought and self-doubt will had because as long as his favorite girl believed in him, that was all that mattered. 
“i know i said this already, but thank you for being here. it means a lot to me,” will said when they pulled apart. 
“i’d never miss this. i’ll always skip classes for you,” she grinned. 
the boy beamed, pulling her back in for another kiss. 
the two didn’t get into bed until nearly 3:30 in the morning. samy curled into will’s side, his arm tightly around her as she laid on his chest. the tension in the air completely dissipated and the cries died down. things felt okay again. 
they’d sleep tangled in one another all night knowing the next morning samy had to catch her plane back to michigan and will would be left with one big decision that would decide what plane he had to catch. 
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solitudeintheheart · 10 months
I got this idea in my head and it's literally drowning me. It's a toxic thing with Konig, so if you don't wanna write that, I totally get it, just ignore it. (Your blog feeds my obsession 💀)
The team gets sent on a mission to debunk some cartel or smth and a long the way they run into a girl who was being held captive w the bad guys and since Konig finds her first, he saves her and since she has no one else, she clings to him and he is just obsessed with her. Like someone so innocent just attached herself to his hip and only trusts him and it makes him crazy for her because he's never had anyone like that. He tries hard in missions to get back to her, she waits up and keeps his bed warm so she knows he's okay. Anyone disrespects her? Dead. Talk about her in anyway but perfect? Dead. Touch her? Deader than dead. He's her savior and she's his girl. That's just how it is.
Perfect, perfect, perfect! A lovely request from your majesty. You really are a shining beacon to the kingdom, and I will happily accept!
I present to you…
PART ONE | PART TWO HERE (2.0k words)
CW: guns, mentions of possible abuse, but other than that, just fluff
“These low-lives really like to run around and hide, don’t they Colonel?” Horangi speaks in a quiet tone as the Kortac team walks through a mountain-range forest. They were sent to catch a bunch of cartel-nobodies in the middle of a trade-off by surprise, but after the unit’s location was continuously found out, they had been on a wild goose-chase ever since.
“Ja, but we will get them this time. I feel it in my bones.” He had a confident tone, and his voice was raspy. “Let’s split up, we will find their transaction site faster that way.” König began to walk through the bushes, trying to make his steps as light as possible. His gun aimed and ready for anything that would pop out, he walked until he came across a small, worn-down shed. He hid behind a tree and saw a man sitting outside on his phone; he was probably supposed to guard the shed, but the lack of more security arose suspicions. He aimed his gun and fired, and the man fell to the ground. His eyes scanned the perimeter for any other enemies, and he determined everything was all clear. He walked to the side of the shed and peeked through the window, where he saw a woman with her hands and legs tied together. She lay on a tattered mattress, and it honestly seemed like she hadn’t had a bath in days, her only clothes were her undergarments. He looked inside the rest of the shed and saw no one else, so he walked back around to the door and opened it quietly. With the door now wide open, the woman backed away into the corner and trembled at the sight of such a large, hooded man before her.
“Please…please just leave me alone…” Her voice was shaky, and her eyes began to well up with tears. What had she really gone though?
“Do not worry, miss, I am not here to hurt you,” He stepped closer with as much gentleness as possible, trying his best to not scare her any further. He crouched low to the ground and laid his gun down, his hands in front of his chest with his palms facing her. “I am here to help you get out, if you will let me…?” He removed his glove and reached over to undo her restraints. She looked at his rough, coarse hands covered in calluses, and although it wasn’t the prettiest sight, she suddenly felt safe. Maybe this guy really could give her a home.
Once the ropes fell to the floor, she threw herself onto him in a tight hug. König couldn’t fathom the possible atrocities that were committed to this woman, and just thinking about them made him want to hug her back, but tighter.
“Colonel, we found the location. Where are you?” Horangi’s voice came through a radio on König’s chest, and he pressed a button on it to respond.
“I found one hostage in a shed. A woman,”
“They have hostages?” Horangi sighed quietly on the other end.
“I only saw one, but who knows if there will be more. Let’s just hope there aren’t.” König asked for the coordinates and looked down at the woman who was now staring at him.
“I need you to come with me so I can keep you safe, but we will be going near the bad men. Are you alright with that? You’ll have to obey my orders if you don’t want to get hurt.” His eyes softened for her, she looked around and bit her finger trying to make a decision.
“A-alright…” She said, and she was suddenly swept off her feet. König carried her bridal style so her bare feet wouldn’t scratch on the forest ground. To someone like her, he looked like a god; her savior in her darkest time. The entire time she was carried, she looked at him with awe.
“I need you to stay low and quiet, okay?” He placed her down a little far away and he patted her hair. He peeked up from the plants and regrouped with the rest, his hand gesturing forward for the entire unit to start moving towards the abandoned building where the trade-off was taking place. She looked through the shrubs and watched as they all surrounded the building and then bursted in. She cupped her hands over her ears when the sound of gunfire and yelling that seemed to last forever took place, and she worried if her savior wouldn’t make it out alive. What if he gets killed, or worse, what if he gets taken like she did? She waited until the gunfire stopped and she ran to the building, her feet getting scratched and cut by the sticks on the ground. She slammed the door open and looked inside, panting. Multiple guns were pointed at her out of caution.
“Warte, don’t hurt her!” König’s voice boomed through the building and everyone immediately put their guns down. Her eyes welled up with tears, and just as her knees were about to give in, he rushed to her side and held her up.
“I-I thought something bad happened to you…!” She clung to his shirt and cried into his chest; her sobs could break the hearts of people who didn’t even know what was going on. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry all she wanted.
“Who is this?” They all began to walk closer, curious as to who had tamed the wild beast that was König.
“The single hostage,” He crouched down so they were now eye level and took off his gloves, his hands held her face. “Did you really think I’d let something bad happen to me? I’m tougher than I look, Liebling.”
What a spectacle it was to see König being gentle with someone, as the only side they’ve seen of him was one full of bloodshed and gore. Now it almost seemed as if flowers were growing around him.
“Do you have a home to go to?” He asked, and she shook her head.
“I had a father, but he was killed for not paying off his debts. It’s just me…” Her voice was still shaky, but she was no longer crying. He nodded and picked her up once again, he turned around to look at his team.
“She will come back to base with us, and I will take care of her. If any of you even try something, I’ll tear your limbs off one by one.” By his eyes alone, everyone could tell he wasn’t joking. This lost puppy has found its new owner, and he will make sure she never loses her way again.
The ride back to base was silent, not because it was awkward, but because the team knew that if they even peeped a word and woke the girl, they’d regret it later. She was carried to König’s room and was sat down on a chair, König kneeled down in front of her as she rubbed her eyes.
“Do you think you have enough energy for a bath?” He asked while looking up at her. She nodded and stood up, he led her to the bathroom. He turned on the water and let the tub fill up before wondering how she was going to wash herself without getting hurt. It seems as though he really has taken her for a helpless animal that he came across, wounded and forlorn.
“I’ll look away while you undress and get in the tub. Make sure to sit with your back towards me so I can wash your hair.” He took off his gear and looked at the wall as he heard the sounds of clothes falling to the ground. There were small splashes of water when she stepped in, and it finally grew quiet.
“Alright, you can turn around now.” He turned around and sat on the floor of the bathroom so he wouldn’t accidentally see her naked body. He reached forward and splashed water on her hair before pumping shampoo in his hands and lathering it all over. He made sure to be gentle as his fingers massage her scalp, her head bounced backwards every so often from nearly falling asleep.
“Can you wash your body yourself?” He asked quietly and she nodded. She put body wash on her hands and foamed it up as she rubbed it on her upper body. Once he saw that she finished, he grabbed the shower head and rinsed her hair and body off.
“You can dry off now, I’ll wait outside.” He grabbed a towel and handed it to her, those small hands grabbing it with grace contrasting his rough hold. After König left the bathroom, he sat on the couch and leaned back, rubbing his eyes. This girl was now his responsibility, but he surprisingly wasn’t complaining. Normally he would prefer to not have to watch over someone twenty-four seven, but she was an exception.
She walked out of the bathroom with the towel on, but her hair dropped water on the floor. How could he forget to get her clothes? He rose up quickly and looked through his wardrobe, trying to find something for her to wear before she gets sick from the cold. He yanked out a large t-shirt and sweatpants and handed them to her.
“Are you alright with wearing this without undergarments? I’ll take you to buy some tomorrow after my mission, so don’t fret.” He gave her the clothes when she nodded, and he turned around, listening for the sound of fabric grazing against her skin. She tapped his shoulder and he shifted his body back towards her. His clothes fit very loosely on her, and the sweatpants were clearly big, but it would have to do for tonight.
“You can sleep on my bed for the night. I’ll set up some blankets down on the floor.” He looked under his bed and took out a box full of blankets, opening it and setting them down on the floor.
“No, I couldn’t…I’d feel bad,”
“And I’d feel worse if you don’t.” He looked up at her, he was kneeling on the floor trying to straighten out each of the blankets before she unsuccessfully tried to pick him up by the arm.
“Then let’s both sleep on the bed. Please?” She had those same eyes when he first found her, and as if some gravitational pull attracted him to her, he didn’t hesitate to move onto the bed and lay her down next to him. They were face to face when he laid down, taking in all of her facial features while the only thing the girl could look at were his eyes.
“I have to go wash up as well, so you should fall asleep first, alright?” He brushed the hair on her face behind her ear and sat up. “Oh, and don’t worry if you don’t see me next morning, my mission starts early. I’ll come back quickly, though.” He smiled and stood up, making his way to the bathroom.
König stumbled to his quarters and opened the door, the girl lay on his bed sleeping peacefully. It had been around a month since she had come into his life, and he had already grown accustomed to her. He took a shower and walked back out to the bed, he lay himself in front of her and enveloped her in his arms. Her eyes fluttered open to see a maskless König, which she had the privilege of seeing weeks before, and she cuddled closer to him.
“When did you get back?” Her voice was quiet and muffled against his chest.
“Around thirty or forty minutes ago. You should go back to sleep.” He kissed her forehead and massaged her back, allowing her breathing to be his lullaby. She may have thought him her savior, but to him, this woman was his downfall. His only weakness was a girl who had looked to him for the comfort of a home.
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peachypinkygloss · 1 year
cutest bunny — kth
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You have a little surprise for your boyfriend on the occasion of your couple's anniversary. But before he unwraps his gift, he wants to finish the game he started.
❤︎ pairing: dom!taehyung x sub/fem!reader
❤︎ genre: established relationship, smut
❤︎ word count: 4k
❤︎ warnings: gamer bf tae, hard dom tae 🤓, cute bunny lingerie (that's what she's wearing 👉🏻 🐰), pet play, master kink, rough spanking, praising & degradation, face fucking (really light ☺️), unprotected sex, breeding kink (we don't change a winning team!!).
a.n.: wooo we're at 1.5k followers! 👏🏻 what about a taehyung fic to celebrate? 💋thank you, @yutagl0w, my sweet, sweet baby for helping me throughout this fic (and typically everything else) and giving me those gorgeous ideas! what would I do without you, baby!?
playing: Unfold
Please, reblog! It helps me a lot and my fic gets more visibility :)
Taehyung really likes pet play. If him calling you bunny, the cutest bunny, isn't proof of it, well, he's been fooling you your whole relationship. But you know he likes it. Very much.
Kneeling at his feet when he's gaming or simply scrolling on his phone, patting your head when he's proud of you, making you crawl on the floor to follow him to the bedroom, calling him Master... He's really into it.
There are things you still haven't explored yet, and when you saw the bunny lingerie on your TikTok feed, you instantly fell in love. You knew right away that he'd like it, so you ordered it without telling him, of course.
The package came and you were happy to see all the items; the bunny ears, the choker, the thong with the cute fluffy tail attached to it and everything in pink. The perfect outfit for a heated night with your boyfriend.
So the day of your anniversary, you decide you'd put it on and surprise him with it. You both agreed on not buying gifts, but this present will please the both of you anyway.
"Taehyungie..." You happily say his name to catch his attention that is currently focused on his computer's screen.
"Hm?" He hums, inviting you to tell him what you have to say and glimpsing your way. He double checks, not sure if he imagined you half nude or not.
He raises his eyebrows when he gets a look of your outfit, scanning your whole body without saying a word. Was it a good idea...? You're not as sure anymore when he looks at you this way. He eyes you up and down and removes one of his headphones from his ear, putting his game on pause.
You quickly realize that Taehyung is quite thrilled by your outfit, after all. You can just tell with the way his eyes are glued to your body, liking how your pink bra hugs your breasts perfectly and how you look so pretty right now.
His tongue darts out to lick his plump lips, leaning back in his gaming chair and spreading his legs apart. "Twirl around," he orders you and you execute yourself, satisfied with your boyfriend's reaction. He bites down on his lip when he catches the bunny tail on your lower back, enjoying this even more. "What's that, baby? Is it for me?"
The corners of your lips instantly lift up to form a smile and you nod your head. You lock your hands behind your back, shyly waiting for what else Taehyung's going to say. He frowns slightly, tapping his bottom lip with his index finger while his pretty head is reflecting.
"Come here," he invites you and when you do, he stops you. "No, bunnies don't walk, do they?" He asks you sarcastically, tilting his head to the side, registering every one of your moves.
You hesitantly crouch down, placing your hands on the floor by your sides to keep your balance. His eyes follow you closely, clearly loving this current situation where he puts you in a degrading position.
"You really want me to hop...?"
At that, Taehyung looks at you disappointedly. "What's this slutty outfit for, then, hm? You wanna put bunny ears on, you gotta act like one, baby," he tells you like it's obvious and you feel your cheeks heating up from embarrassment. "Come on, don't make me wait."
You prompt yourself on your tiptoes and make a leap towards him, hopping until you reach his feet. Then, you look up at him and sit on your knees, hands on your thighs.
He extends one arm toward your face and caresses your cheek gently, making you lean on his touch. "Such an obedient bunny," he praises and you can't refrain yourself from smiling, almost purring, too.
He pinches your cheek and shakes it, giving you a light smack on the face after. You feel heat pooling between your legs at that, turned on by Taehyung's dominant behaviour.
He turns back around to face his PC and you position yourself between his legs, fitting yourself under his desk. You look at him gullibly, pouting as your boyfriend's attention leaves you to resume his game instead.
You bring yourself closer to him, tugging on his grey joggers. "Master..." You call him with a hint of sadness in your voice.
Taehyung briefly glances down at you before looking up at his PC's screen again. "Shhh. Be a good bunny and let me finish my game, yeah?" He instructs you and a sigh doesn't miss to leave your mouth. He replaces his headphone over his ear correctly and takes his controller back in hands.
You lay your face down on his thigh, basically sitting at his feet like the good bunny he wants you to be. He passes his arms over your body as you rest between his legs, watching his thumbs skillfully move the joysticks around and his fingers press on the controller's buttons.
You stay like that for a couple of minutes before something more interesting catches your attention. You sneak a manicured hand between his legs to reach his crotch. At first, Taehyung doesn't seem to react, so you continue touching him through his sweatpants. You feel his cock under your palm and it's enough to turn you totally insatiable.
He's concentrated on his computer's screen, not minding you any attention. You pout even more, but it only encourages you to go further. You palm his soft dick, having one goal in mind; making him hard.
You approach your head closer to his crotch and kiss his clothed cock while still running your hand over him. You notice him frowning, a crease forming between his soft, dark eyebrows. You smile for yourself at that.
Considering Taehyung's high libido, you know his mind is running wild right now, as wild as yours. It's not difficult to make him horny, in fact, he's pretty much always craving sexual intimacy. There's just one tiny detail to keep in mind, though; his stamina is endless. So if you start, you're in for a long time.
That's why he likes to play and tease before initiating anything. The wait is so thrilling that every touch and literally every breath turn you into a brainless stupid girlfriend. Even now, the situation might be more painful to you than to him who's going to get his dick sucked.
So you pass your hand under his sweatpants, finding his bulge immediately. He only takes a deep breath when your fingers brush against his penis, eyes still glued on the screen. You caress him a little harder, really giving the friction he needs to get hard. You absolutely love his size, long and big. Well, you love everything about his dick, to be honest. Especially the fact that it's your boyfriend's.
You position yourself better and don't hesitate to free his cock out of his briefs. You look up and see him biting down on his bottom lip, trying not to react at your ministrations. He's so gorgeous and his cute moles are visible from where you are, his face illuminated by the computer's screen producing light in the dark bedroom.
You stroke his cock a couple of times and you're satisfied to see it slowly but surely hardening under your hand. You hum appreciatively and take the tip in your mouth, just suckling on it for the moment. You give his dick lots of love, mouthing the head and moving your palm up and down over the rest.
After some minutes of loving work, his pretty cock stands tall against his brown t-shirt. You sense his arms moving around you and he shifts in his seat, spreading his legs further apart. You understand he's silently telling you to keep going. You gladly pursue your actions.
You lick the underside of his long erection, down to his balls and up to his dark pink tip. You feel the vein on your tongue and you press your thighs against each other, already needy for his cock in your pulsating pussy.
A couple of licks and kisses later, you wrap your lips around him and lower your head on the whole of his length. It takes you time and some breaths to reach his pelvis, but you eventually do it. After all, he trained you well for this.
You bob your head at a regular pace, knowing that it turns Taehyung crazy. You make sure to stroke the rest that doesn't fit with your palm, since it's safer for you to take what you can in your mouth. Your bunny ears get in the way, the headband bumping against his chest each time you bottom out, though you don't bother to take it off.
"Ah, shit," he hisses and you glimpse his way, watching him grit his teeth as you bounce your head on his hard cock. He's heavy on your tongue and he tastes deliciously.
You wiggle your hips happily and your bunny tail catches Taehyung's eyes. He clenches his jaw, wanting nothing more but to spank your ass until you're crying fat tears. Good pets know how to behave around their owners, and you're not acting like one.
You're distracting him from his game and it's with no surprise that he loses it. He removes his headphones hastily, discarding them and his controller on his desk. He doesn't even bother to leave the game, staying on the game over screen.
You only realize he stopped playing when he pushes your head down on him, forcefully keeping you in place over his dick, balls touching your chin. "Fucking brat," he says angrily, gripping your hair so tightly it makes your scalp hitch.
You start gagging around his cock, drool dripping down to his balls and down to the chair. When you think you're going to choke around dick, he pulls on your hair and yanks your head up. His erection falls out of your mouth and you cough, eyes watery.
He slaps your cheek with his other hand, making you flinch and turn your head to the side from the force of the smack. It could've been harder, but you feel your skin tingle. "I told you to let me finish, and now you made me lose," he scowls you and you pout, this time because you feel bad for acting selfishly.
He lets go of your hair and stands up, stuffing his erect penis back into his boxers. He takes a hold of your bicep and pulls you up on your feet, looking at him baffled. "I'm sorry..." You mumble, face to face with Taehyung.
You hold in your breath, locking eyes with your boyfriend. He casually readjusts the bunny ears on your head, a gesture so soft it has you disconcerted for a second, before he turns you around and bends you over his desk. Some of his stuff falls on the ground, but he pays no mind to it.
"You're gonna pay for it," he threatens you and you shudder in desire. He lays his hands on your butt, palming it and admiring it before he wrecks it with his handprint.
He plays briefly with the straps of your pink thong, licking his lips as he eyes the fluffy white ball attached to it. You form two fists with your hands, refraining yourself from moving, not wanting to disobey your boyfriend — your Master again.
He strokes one cheek with his large palm, preparing you before the harsh punishment, almost like a warning. A delicious and exciting warning. And then he gives you a violent smack, the sound of skin hitting skin resonating in the room, the stinging pain making you wince and moan.
"You fucking like that, hm?" He asks you, voice filled with malice. But before you can even speak, he spanks you again, this time harder. The hit makes your ass jiggle and Taehyung doesn't wait a second to slap it for a third time. "Of course, you do. You're just a dumb little bunny..."
He smacks the other cheek, gripping the flesh after, kneading it in his big palm. He smacks it again and again. There's no time for you to take a break, except when he's caressing you, that's the only opportunity where you can take a breath, really. He slaps your ass with such hardness it has you crying like Taehyung fantasies earlier when you had his cock in your mouth.
You whine, loving your punishment even though you shouldn't, but you can't help it. Your skin burns, and you don't really care, nor does he. You've been a bad bunny, that's what you deserve.
"Mas-" You get cut off by a spank, gasping between the two syllables. "-ster!" You moan out, face squished against the surface of the desk, arching your back to keep your ass up in the air for Taehyung.
"Liking what I do to your poor little ass, bunny?" He speaks up, soothing the sore skin of your butt. "Liking getting spanked by your Master?" His husky voice fills the air, reaching your ear, but you have a difficult time to register what he's saying.
You take longer to answer so he slaps you again. "Yes, yes... I love it, Master," you affirm, agreeing with him because otherwise you would be lying. And Taehyung's always right anyway.
He soon comes to a halt, giving your sore skin a little break. He grips your hips and makes you straighten your back, spinning you around. His lips instantly catch yours, stealing your breath, whining throughout the feverish kiss you're sharing.
Though you want his mouth against yours forever, he breaks it and creates a small gap between your two bodies. "On the floor," he commands and you kneel in front of him. You look up at him through your eyelashes, noticing him pulling his joggers and underwear down. "Since you wanted to suck my cock so bad, I'm gonna make you choke on it."
"But Tae-"
"No, shut up," he severely orders and you seal your mouth shut. You watch his erection springs free, already salivating at the beautiful sight he offers you.
He holds the back of your head and guides his dick toward your mouth. You open wide, a little bit sad Taehyung's mad at you, but still really, really turned on.
He stuffs your mouth full of his cock, going in all the way down your throat. No time for you to breathe, no time for you to even think properly. He keeps you in place, veins producing on his arm as he uses his force to make you take his fat cock in your mouth.
You whimper around him and he observes you from above, groaning his pleasure. His fluffy bangs cover his eyes, but you can still see them looking at you, so much hunger and desire in them. He bites down on his lip again and it's almost ridiculous how he looks so hot right now.
He makes you bounce your head on him, drool dripping down your chin and down to your breasts. It's messy and he can't get enough. He can see your ass from his point of view, your little bunny tail saying hi to him. He moans loudly, gripping your hair really tightly, guiding your head up and down his length.
He shaved a couple of days ago so you can feel his growing pubic hair tingling your lips and nose each down he bottoms out. The feeling makes your stomach flutter and you wiggle your ass, just so happy to be used by your Master in such a filthy way.
"Aah, good bunny, such a good bunny..." He says under his breath and this makes you feel great hearing him praise you. With his other he lifts up the hem of his t-shirt, taking a better look at his dick disappearing and reappearing between your lips coated in spit. "My bunny loves to suck her Master's cock, doesn't she? Hmm?" Taehyung questions, voice filled with lust, pupils fully dilated.
You moan around him, giving a positive answer. He smirks, but his face contorts in pleasure when you swallow him, his dark eyebrows furrowing as he eyes you down.
You feel his grip on your hair slightly loosen, his anger against you slowly going away as you suck him like a good slut. Taehyung deserves it, you tell yourself. He deserves to have so much pleasure and you have to procure it to him.
"Fuck, that's enough, baby," he announces and pulls your head away, his wet cock slapping against his t-shirt. You lick your lips clean, watching him hungrily, waiting for his instructions. "See, it's not that hard to be a good pet, right?" He strokes your cheek delicately, a way to show you you did so well.
"Yes," you say quietly, nodding your head.
He removes his t-shirt in a swift motion, revealing his tanned skin to you. It only takes you a second before you think to yourself how beautiful Taehyung is, and how you love simply everything about him.
You have the urge to wrap your arms around his leg and you do it without thinking twice about it, looking up at him with an exaggerated pout on your lips. You snuggle your face against his leg and he softly pats your hair.
"I'm sorry, Master. Please, forgive me," you plead him with your sweetest voice, and you're relieved to see a smile forming on his face.
"I will, baby. How could I not when you dressed up yourself for me?" He coos at you and you happily nuzzle up to him. "You're my cute little bunny, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am," you hastily respond, almost clawing at his joggers, hugging his leg like your life depends on it.
He chuckles, caressing your hair delicately. "Would you present yourself on the bed for me, bunny?" He asks, but you know that you can't dare to refuse.
So you nod, crawling to the bed and climbing it to sit prettily in the middle of it. Taehyung watches you closely, satisfied with how obedient and submissive you are to him. You kneel, placing your hands on your thighs.
"Good girl." He positions himself beside the edge of the bed. "Come here," he softly commands and you do what he told you to. "Now turn around." You turn around, your back facing him. "Do you think you deserve to have my cock inside your tiny pussy?" He whispers against your ear and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Yes, please, Taehyungie... I waited all day, I was only thinking about you," you whine, pouting even more. "And your big cock." When you say that, he spanks one of your asscheeks, which surprises you. "Ouch!"
"Don't say such things, it's not pretty in your mouth," he reprimands you, and you respond with a quiet 'sorry' in return.
Your boyfriend grips your hips and presses your ass against his wet cock, hearing him letting out a low moan. You lay your two hands flat on the mattress in front of you, positioning yourself on all fours. Taehyung slaps your butt, but this time not hard, even though it still pains you since he bruised your skin earlier.
He hooks a finger under the string of your pink thong, putting the material to the side, exposing your pussy to him. Your hole is glistening in your wetness, clitoris pulsating and only asking for a little bit of friction.
He grips his cock and swipes his swollen tip between your pussy lips, spreading your juices over the entirety of his length by the same occasion. You move your ass from side to side to incite Taehyung to finally penetrate you.
"Please, Master..." You moan out when he inserts the tip, but only the tip. You wait for him to go in deeper, twisting the bedsheets between your fists, though he doesn't move.
He puts his head in and out, enjoying how your pussy quivers, literally begging him to fuck you. "Be patient, bunny," he warns you and you know you shouldn't complain anymore, but God, why is he teasing you so much?
"But why? Just put it in!" You cry, crocodile tears falling on your cheeks. You're very frustrated, you weren't lying when you were saying you've waited for him all day. "I can't fucking wait anymore!"
Suddenly, he slides all the way in, balls deep into you. "Little bitch," he hisses and shoves your face against the mattress, sticking his chest to your back. "Watch your stupid tongue," he forces you to look at him and goosebumps run all over your skin when your gaze meets his. "Or I'll have to wash your fucking mouth out with soap."
He stays buried into you, not moving a bit, only boring his eyes into your skull. You nod your head with difficulty, pearls dripping down your burning cheeks. You gulp when he straightens his back, setting a slow pace at first.
"Hands behind your back," he breathes out, and holds both of your wrists with one hand when you put them behind your back. Ass in the air, he thrusts in and out of your pussy like nothing happened.
He still has a crease between his eyebrows, but it's his concentrated expression, not really the face he makes when he's pissed off.
He casually fucks you, your flesh jiggling as his hips snaps against it roughly. The sound of skin against skin resonates in the room, making the whole scene even filthier than before. Taehyung grunts behind you, and his dick reaches so deep in your cunt it has you rolling your eyes back into your skull.
You moan as he lets out animalistic noises out of his mouth, taking control of you and never letting you free. Why would he anyway when you like it so much?
"What about I knock you up, bunny, mmh?" He asks, and the idea has your stomach twisting, pussy clenching so hard Taehyung feels it clearly. "Will you finally learn how to behave, then?"
"Aah, Taehyung..." You whine, breathing heavily, mind dizzy, but still catching what he's saying. "Yes, I'll behave, I promise," you moan into the blanket when he precisely hits your sensitive spot.
He doesn't stop the movements of his hips, keeping the rhythm regular and distinct. "Yeah? Having your belly swollen with my baby will make you behave, you think?" He's starting to lose his breath, but his energy is still there, fucking his cock into your cunt until tomorrow if he wants to.
"I'm sorry!" It's the only thing you can say, crying pathetically, closing your walls repeatedly around his cock. You're close, you're so close, if only he'd go faster you'd cum in seconds.
"You're mine, if I want to impregnate you, I will," he states, gritting his teeth. He fastens the cadence of his hips, feeling himself getting close to his orgasm. "I'll stuff your little pussy full of my cum, you'll see, baby," he promises and you hope he's telling the truth.
He then pounds you into the mattress and you cry loudly, him groaning as he goes faster and harder. Your headband isn't sitting on your head anymore, slipping down further each time Taehyung bottoms out into you with force.
"Oh, God-!" You scream into the bedsheets, muffling your voice. Your legs tremble and you feel it, it burns, it twists, it tingles, it explodes and you cum all over Taehyung's hard cock.
Your walls squeeze him and his balls tighten as well. "Fuck, baby, fuuck," he curses breathlessly, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes up.
A growl leaves his throat and his hips steady against your ass. His dick twitches and he releases himself in your pussy in long ropes, painting your insides white. You feel his hot cum filling your cunt, some dripping down your inner thighs.
He slips out of you and watches your hole quivering, pussy filled to the brim with his seeds. He slaps your ass, appreciating what just happened.
You slump down on the bed, your legs failing you. You lazily look behind you, frowning when you see Taehyung tightly holding his cock in his fist. "Are you still hard?" You wonder, even though it wouldn't surprise you at all.
He smiles cheekily and passes a hand through his brown hair, pushing his bangs out of his face. "As always."
Do not ask for a part 2.
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itostea · 10 months
about you (rin x reader)
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warnings: grumpy x sunshine!!! childhood friends to lovers, reader is delulu, image from our secret alliance
a/n: i had to title the fic about you since it was playing in the bg 😭😭
Being a teenage girl meant a few things. Consuming random content about silly romances and squealing over pixels; experimenting with make-up at 3 a.m; screaming at the top of your lungs to songs about heartbreak.
It also meant going delusional over your crush. In your situation, crush means your childhood friend, Rin Itoshi. Though he wasn’t yours. Not yet at least.
“Rinnie!” you greet him, not noticing the looks of bewilderment from his team. He’s calm, unlike his teammates or who he commonly refers to as npcs in his messages with you.
You already told him over the phone that you were going to visit him for a while. And to your surprise, he offered his place for you to stay at—telling you that it wasn’t a big deal since the house was too big for one person.
You think you must’ve saved a kingdom in your past life from how fortunate you’ve been lately. Like how even now, you were to manage to land early enough to visit him at practice. You’re so ecstatic that his team thinks you might be glowing.
“I found some sandwiches on my way here! You want some? Here let me go to you!” You chirp, running freely so freely that you don’t even notice the ball beneath your feet. Your ears pick up a few warnings and the sound of multiple footsteps. Yet your body picks up the feeling of a pair of strong arms and the familiar scent you’ve grown to love.
Disbelief washes over his team as they see how Rin quickly moved to catch you and their mouths are left open when they see him actually being gentle. You laugh awkwardly as you peer up at Rin who just sighs. “Idiot.”
“Hello to you too Rinnie,” you chuckle, letting him take your bag from you.
He frowns, seeing how the bags were piled with sandwiches. “Don’t call me that here. And why’d you buy so much?”
“For your team of course!”
“Why the hell would you spend your money on these shitheads—“
“Now c’mon Rinrin,” a deep voice snickers and you’re startled at the pair of pink hues that stare down at you. Your lips part, eying his tanned skin and hair of shades of blonde with pink streaks. “If a pretty lady’s offering to feed ya, you gotta say thank you right?”
“I didn’t ask you, antennaed freak. And stop calling me that.”
“Lighten up,” he grins, shifting his attention to you.
Your eyes widened in recognition, hands reaching to grab Rin’s arm—moving it so you could pull a wrapped sandwich out. “You must be Shidou right? I’m—“
“(Name) right? Heard all about you from this guy.” He takes the sandwich from, his hands purposely lingering on your palm.
Rin’s fast to shove Shidou’s hand off of yours. “Hands off.”
“What? You gonna make me?”
“You picking a fight—?“
“Rinnie talks about me?” You beam, ignoring the tension in the air. His teal-colored eyes widened, as if suddenly caught. You don’t let him stop you, instead making your way in between them to beam at Shidou. “What does he say?”
Shidou blinks, lips falling into a wide grin. “I might tell you if you let me take you ou—“
“Cut it out,” Rin’s voice interrupts, his eyes twitching in irritation.
“Are they good things?” You question, ignoring Rin’s look of exasperation.
“You bet. He talks about how pretty your eyes are and how he wants to kiss—“
“No I don’t,” your friend retorted sternly, sighing as he saw the hearts that were forming in your eyes. His hues take a moment to scan your appearance, noticing how you spent some time touching up. “You look different.”
“He means you look cute. Right Rinrin?” Shidou provokes.
“Really? That’s great because I’m trying to impress Rinnie right now!”
Both men watch in silence. You’re sure the whole field just heard that but Rin thinks you’re too oblivious to notice—sighing when you blink as a couple of his teammates give you a thumbs up as motivation.
Rin feels himself growing warm, red dusting his cheeks. He glances at you—how you smile so brightly at him. Only him. For a second, he forgets about the people around him, merely focusing on the way you grin at him. He would’ve enjoyed this moment longer if not for a shit-eating grin appearing next to him.
“Oh? Are you blushing Rin—?”
“Shut up antennaed freak,” he huffs, pulling on your arm. Rin’s eyes flit to you and how you eagerly anticipate his next move. He sighs. “We’re leaving.”
“We are? W-Wait the sandwiches!” You yelp, setting the basket on the ground as he drags you away from his team—his grip surprisingly gentle despite its firmness. You gesture at the basket, waving at his team who seem to be more bewildered at the sight of Rin pulling you away.
You smile as he opens his car door, ushering you in with a grunt. “Did you take a taxi here?”
“That’s right! Why? Did you want to pick me up instead?” you chirp.
He enters the driver’s seat, ignoring your question in his usual manner. He’s already reaching forthe seatbelt besides you, buckling you in—his scent filling your senses. Oddly enough, Rin doesn’t hear any playful remarks leaving your lips. Instead, he’s face-to-face with pursed lips and an expression that’s unmistakably embarrassment.
Oh shit, he thinks. Not again. That feeling swelling in his stomach returns, suffocating the car with tension. You’re not given much time to dwell on the pink that dusts his cheeks momentarily as he’s already reaching for his phone. “Here.”
The tension’s forgotten and it’s hard to slow your rapid heartbeat. You blink rapidly, your lips falling into a big grin once you realize his intentions. “I thought you hated my ‘lukewarm love songs.’”
“I never said that.”
“Oh? So you do like them!”
“I never said that either. Just take my phone already or else I’ll get mad. My arm’s hurting, idiot.”
“Liar. I know you like me too much to get mad,” you muse, taking his phone to open Spotify. You’re already humming to the first song that plays.
He knows you’re teasing but it’s hard to brush off the comment. Rin’s lips twitch, finding it amusing that some parts of you stayed the same since you two were children. You were always clinging onto him—making him listen to your random delusions or listen to you sob about some silly romance novel.
He knows you like stupid tropes about enemies to lovers and your strange obsession with sharing a bed. He knows that you have strange tastes and he’s never pass on making fun of you for that. He knows you like those cringey couple nicknames because they make you laugh. He also knows he doesn’t have a single romantic bone in him but for once, he doesn’t mind doing what the poets do.
You’re still humming, oblivious to what kind of thoughts linger in his brain. He hums. “Yeah. You’re right.”
“Right about what?” You ask, bemused at his sudden comment. He’s quiet, a ghost of a smirk on his face. You’re not sure if it’s the fact that About You by The 1975 is playing but the atmosphere makes you catch on far too quickly.
“Oh my god,” you say too quickly. “Rinnie do you like me? Rinnie? Stop the car! Rinnie tell me!”
Your constant pleading does little to dissuade him as he laughs silently to himself—the sight rare even for you. “You do! You do! You like me!”
“Shut up or else I’m taking the phone away.”
“That’s mean! Wait a minute, that means we’re dating now right? Does that mean I can call you pookie wookiee—?”
“Oh you didn’t say no to us dating! You can’t take it back!”
He sighs again, smiling softly. Feelings are weird, Rin thinks. They’re even weirder when confronted but he doesn’t mind doing that when it’s for you. He sighs for the nth time.
“Idiot. Why would I take that back? You said it yourself. I like you too much.”
The car’s silent and About You is still playing. It’s silent and Rin can’t resist glancing over at you, his eyes widening slightly. He suddenly understands why you go so crazy for those books and shows of yours—the ones about love. Since seeing you wear such an expression is enough to make him realize that love isn’t so bad after all.
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fandoms-writings · 5 months
Falling Concrete
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: Based off the prompt "Don't go where I can't follow. . . I thought I lost you." requested by anon.
Warnings: angst, happy ending kinda?, that's really it lol
A/N: this is unbeta'd, all mistakes are my own. I know it's not fantastic lol but i just wanted it done
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The wind from outside whipped against your face as you stood with the quinjet door open, the jet hovering over the collapsing building. 
Your breath was stuck in your chest, your throat clenched tight as your watering eyes remained locked on the crumbling structure. 
You'd just been in there on a mission, sent to retrieve anything of value left behind by a small HYDRA group that remained just out of your team's grasp. You had been sent in with Bucky while Natasha waited in the jet for a quick escape. 
She'd recently injured herself on another mission and was on strict "flying the jet only" orders. They were really bed rest orders, but she'd convinced the higher ups to at least let her be your escort to and from missions. 
You'd been in the building, about a third of the way through clearing it when a large boom set your ears ringing as the ground shook, knocking you off your feet. 
Coming to the conclusion that the building had been rigged to self destruct, you and Bucky had bolted back the way you entered, racing against time as it began to fall apart. 
He must've seen it before you, the chunk of concrete wall that was bound to block the way out. You remembered hands colliding with your back. Hands who'd never shown you anything but gentle kindness, shoving you so hard the air had been knocked from your lungs, leaving you stunned as you fell out of the building and rolled along the dirt.
It took only a second for you to whip your head back around to see the doorway blocked and you crawled your way over and up back to your feet as you called for Bucky on your ear piece, only getting static in return. 
Nat's worried voice filled your ear, asking what happened, that she'd felt the shaking and was headed your way, but you ignored her. Your eyes were scanning the surface of the building as fast as they could, searching for any crack in that building to see through. To try and see Bucky. 
You eventually saw what looked like movement through the smallest crack in the wall and you rushed to it, again calling his name. 
It was only a moment, but it felt like eons as you waited to hear a response. But suddenly, the timbre of his voice flowed from the crack. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, as if he wasn't the one stuck. 
"I'm fine, but don't you ever do that again." You'd demanded. "We need to get you out, and fast." 
"I know the layout, I studied the schematics of the facility before we got here," His voice called, "There's another exit around the southwest end of the structure. I can make it." 
A dark sense of dread wrapped around your heart and you wanted to argue with him, but there was no other choice and no time. The building was unstable, and he needed to get moving. Now. 
"Go," You ordered, "I'll get Nat over there with the jet, we'll meet you there."
You heard him shuffle, as if he was hesitating, before the scuffle of his feet grew quieter and you relayed the information to Natasha who met you at the southwest exit Bucky had mentioned. 
That's where you now waited, every second passing feeding that sense of dread in your chest until all you could do was think about it. 
Ever since you two had been paired together on your first mission with SHIELD, you'd never been separated. You stuck by each other's sides, never leaving the room without the other, back to back even in certain situations. There wasn't one mission where you split up. 
Until now. And it didn't feel right. Something was wrong. 
You would go back in, scour the place until you either found Bucky or died trying, but there was a reason that Natasha kept the jet in the air. She knew you too well. So you watched in agonizing silence as you waited. 
And waited.
And waited. 
The last of the building was falling, quickly racing for that door and you swear your heart stopped as your grip on the hand hold tightened until your knuckles were white and your hand went numb. 
Suddenly, the door burst open, a familiar form clad in black tumbling out, rolling back on his feet and running from the building. Only when he was far enough from the building to have absolutely no chance of being injured did your body allow you to breathe. 
Nat brought the jet to him, hovering over the ground as he jumped in before she took off back towards New York. 
He laid on the ground at your feet, your wide eyes locked on him as he heaved, his brow shining in sweat. 
"Told you I could make it," he panted with a half smile. You heard Nat mutter his name, and watched as his head tilted up to see her. The grin was instantly wiped from his face as his attention turned back to you. 
His brows furrowed as he sat up, reaching for your hand that hung limp at your side. 
"Hey," he whispered, "Talk to me, what's wrong?" His eyes did a quick scan of your rigid stance before returning to your eyes, "Are you hurt?" 
You felt the warmth of tears sliding down your cheeks, your hand aching as you continued to grip the hand hold, even though the door was closed now - it was the only thing holding you up. You noticed the panic rise in Bucky as he moved to kneel in front of you, his eyes darting around your face. 
"Hey, hey, hey," He rushed, "Smartie, what's wrong?" 
The nickname was your doom, all the air rushed from your lungs in a wet sob and your hand gave out, your knees hitting the floor as he did his best to catch you. 
You'd been so close to never hearing him call you that again. To never touching him or hearing him or smelling him. To never seeing him. The weight of all of it crushed your chest as your hands pushed and gripped his shoulders, your own body not knowing whether to hold him close or push him away. 
"What were you thinking?" You wetly demanded, your vision blurry from your tears, but he was clear. He always would be. "Why would you do that?" 
Of course he knew what you were talking about as his eyes softened. Hell, he probably expected you to bring it up later, but not so soon. "You were going to get crushed. I had to make sure you got out." 
"Not at the expense of you," You ground out through gritted teeth, "Never at the expense of you." 
His eyes softened before he pulled you in, folding your fighting arms against his chest and tucking your head under his chin. 
Your fingers gripped his kevlar suit, gripping it tight as you muttered to him, "Don't you ever go where I can't follow." You pulled back, looking up at him and seeing his eyes welling with tears, "I thought I lost you."
"You didn't lose me," He whispered, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." 
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stupidlittlespirit · 4 months
Good Boy
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Rating: NSFW (very!), mdni Type: Longform Tags: webcam show, voyeurism, sex work, masturbation, female body described, one use of gendered language ('ma'am'), virgin!Reigen, pathetic!Reigen, Word count: 5797 My other works: here on tumblr and here on Ao3! Reigen finds your webcam show and proceeds to be a pervert.
“Should I send my boss a video of what I'm busy doing?” You ask, rocking your ass back and forth. The skirt lifts when you bend down and Reigen catches a peek of your underwear when you lean over a little more. You turn until your back is to the camera and then begin to lift the skirt higher and higher as you dance, tantalisingly slow.
Reigen squeezes the base of his cock and smirks to himself. “I wouldn't bother.”
He finds the video by complete accident.
Reigen is scrolling aimlessly through the feed of his favourite porn sites, rows upon rows of explicit content at his fingertips as he trolls through videos he's seen so many times before he has them practically memorised. They don't do anything for him anymore.
He's bored of the repetitive scenarios and over the top acting, and if he has to watch another shitty, stilted skit again he's going to stop jerking off for the rest of his life in protest.
Well. Maybe he won't go that far, but he's certainly fed up with the lack of excitement.
It's closing in on one 1AM on a Friday night and Reigen is spending yet another weekend all on his own. Serizawa is busy with school friends, Dimple isn't in the mood to find a host body for a night out and Mob is likely fast asleep. If he's honest, even Reigen knows how pathetic he'd look if he asked a kid to spend his afterschool time with him.
The only other person he has to ask out is you. You're the newest member of the team and even though you've been out with all of them a fair few times, tonight you'd dismissed his suggestions with the simple excuse of being busy.
You hadn't specified what you were going to be busy with, but Reigen supposes it isn't really any of his business. He can't deny his disappointment, though.
He'd hoped you might jump at the chance for one on one time with him, and whilst he stares at the screen of his computer, desperate for something to make him feel less lonesome, the sting of your rejection is only softened slightly by the alcohol he's had for dinner.
At his feet, there are several cans of chuhai. Every time he drinks alone in his apartment, he finds that he only has two options when no one wants to be around him. One: get so wasted that he passes out before he can think too much about his misery or two: jerk off to prevent himself from thinking about his misery.
Right now, Reigen is reasonably drunk, he's totally lonely, and most of all, he's horny. He supposes he may as well achieve both outcomes at once tonight. He isn't looking for anything in particular right now, just something that might take the edge off and help him sleep a little better. His expectations of finding anything particularly exciting are very low.
However, perched at his PC, shirtless and in his sweatpants, Reigen is starting to think it might be a waste of time. Nothing seems of interest to him. It's either too weird or too boring, and he wonders if he might be better off just calling it a night.
In a last ditch attempt, he switches from his typical porn site to a newer one. One he hasn't tried before. Usually he'd watch something pre-recorded, but he faintly remembers reading something on a forum somewhere about the newest trend of cam girls.
The post had detailed how viewers could make requests for a performer to do whatever they wanted, all live and in real-time, and he has to admit it sounds a lot more interesting than viewing the same video over and over.
He clicks the first link that pops up from his search.
The website is simplistic and once he's clicked through his verifications, Reigen begins to scan the rows of people on offer. There are women and men and everything in between, but every time he selects one, the performer seems bored and uninspired. Sometimes, they're not even there.
Reigen tries the second page. He's halfway down it, not really paying full attention anymore, when abruptly one of the little preview windows looks vaguely familiar.
Squinting, he leans in to get a better view to try and place where he's seen that room before. The decor in the thumbnail looks like a place he's seen before, but he can't quite put his finger on where.
Reigen clicks it and at first, he doesn't quite believe what he's seeing. That decor, the colour of the walls, the furniture…. It's your apartment. He knows because he's been there; he's crashed on that very floor after several messy nights out, right beside the cushy bed that the camera is centered on.
He's absolutely, definitely, a hundred percent sure that that's your room.
For a second, he worries that someone might have snuck into your apartment and hidden a spy camera amongst your things without your knowledge. It's not unheard of for creeps to conceal webcams in places to catch footage of unsuspecting victims and although Reigen likes his fair share of voyeuristic content, he would never watch something that wasn't clearly a purposely set up scenario.
He reaches for his cell phone where it rests besides his keyboard, fully intending to call you and make you aware, when suddenly you're walking into frame and sitting on the bed, dressed only in your underwear, some sheer stockings and a ridiculously tiny little skirt.
You shoot the camera a coy smile and offer a little wave. “Welcome back, everyone.”
Reigen's jaw drops open.
You're on his fucking porn site.
You. Of all people.
Stunned, he watches you shift so that you can lie down on your bed, lounging leisurely on top of a thick, comfy looking blanket that covers your bedspread.
The lighting is low and moody, but there's a clearly a softer source of light emanating from somewhere behind the camera to ensure your half naked body can be seen properly.
Music is playing gently in the background, and beside the bed is a small table, on which rests a small selection of intimidating looking sex toys. There are a couple of interesting looking dildos, a chunky vibrator, and a few bottles of oil or something similar.
He watches you lean forward slightly to apparently read something on screen, your eyes scanning back and forth. Your tits press against the fabric of your bra as you shuffle up where you're resting, leaning forward to fiddle with what he assumes is your computer.
Reigen’s throat suddenly feels very dry.
Barely five hours ago, you'd been wishing him a nice weekend as you'd left the office, heading off for home to spend the weekend doing something that didn't include him. When you'd told him that you'd been too busy to go for a drink with them, he hadn't thought much of it.
Perhaps you'd been lying. Perhaps the real reason you'd said no had been to go and do this....
Briefly, he wonders if he's seeing things. Perhaps the room is simply similar to yours and you're not really you at all. Just another person who looks exceptionally similar.
He decides he needs to make sure that what he's stumbled across is the truth and not an unbelievably accurate illusion.
Reigen reaches for his phone again. Your face is just out of frame now and he can't be 100% sure that it's really you, but he's certain that he needs to find out. To test his theory, he types out a simple text, something casual to ensure that you'll have no idea that he's watching, and waits to see what happens.
[Reigen] - Hey, are you busy?
On screen there's a buzzing sound. You twist into a kneeling position to reach behind you and his blood runs cold. There's no way that it's a coincidence your phone is going off right now.
As he watches you shuffle back up to sit closer to the camera again, your pretty face comes into view and so does your cell phone, head aloft like a trophy. No doubt about it: this is no look alike.
You study your phone, reading the text and then glancing over to look at your audience. "Oh," You say, holding your phone up with a cheeky grin. “It's my boss.”
Underneath the video screen, there's a chatbox that's scrolling along, ticking upwards with each new message that pings through, and you look away from your phone to check it.
Several new chats pop up at your announcement and Reigen somehow manages to tear his eyes away from you to see what's being said.
What does he want? asks one viewer.
You laugh, soft and amused. “He wants to know if I'm busy.”
Your voice is softer than Reigen used to hearing it; teasing and intimate in a way that does something funny to his insides. A few more messages spin up in the chat:
is he cute?
Do you like him?
Would you fuck him?
Reigen swallows hard.
It's not like he hasn't thought about it. He's considered it several times, actually. In great, vivid detail. When he can't find any decent porn to get off too, he often finds thoughts of you wandering into his mind. Reigen knows it’s weird and unethical, but if no one else is aware then it's not like anyone can be hurt by it.
He's harboured a crush on you since the moment you'd walked into the office to drop off your CV and he hasn't known peace since. Every time you bend over to pick up files, he sneaks a peek at your ass. Whenever you brush up against him in passing, he prays he doesn't get hard. It's a nightmare.
When he's alone and he's given up on finding an ethical source of arousal for the evening, he’ll think about you in your office wear, or your underwear, or sometimes in nothing at all.
He's always had to imagine what you might look like naked and for some reason, he's never been able to get the vision to seem quite right. With nothing to reference, it's hard to know beyond the silhouette hidden by your clothes.
Until now, anyway.
You're leaning in close to look at the chat messages again, your tits pressed up against the thin fabric of your bra. They jiggle nicely as you move and Reigen feels his cock stir in his sweatpants. He reaches for the half-empty can of chuhai beside his PC and takes a swig to soothe his dry mouth.
“Oh yeah,” you say, biting down your lower lip. “Very cute. I'd fuck him anytime.”
Reigen almost chokes on his mouthful of fruity alcohol, spluttering awkwardly.
You begin to run your fingers up between the valley of your breasts, reaching over to toy with the lace cups of your bra and dipping your fingertips underneath the material to brush against your nipples.
“He's got such a great ass,” you whisper to the camera, biting down on your lip to stifle a smile. “I check him out all the time but he never catches me. What do you think he'd do if he did?”
Reigen's breath hitches. His face feels red hot at your confession and he knows that he's probably bright red, but can't believe what he's hearing.
The chat bumps up several rows, filled with suggestions and fantasies:
He'd punish you.
Probably promote you lol.
I bet he'd fuck you in the office.
“He would,” Reigen groans out loud to his empty room. “You have no idea how much he would.”
He's had plenty of daydreams about that exact scenario; bending you over his desk when everyone else has gone home for the day or letting you ride him while he sits in his office chair, slow and sweet until he fills you up. The thought drives him insane.
Almost of its own accord, his hand slips down to palm at his dick. There's a steadily growing wet patch on the front of his pants as pre cum begins to gather at the head and the slick friction of the fabric there only arouses him more.
“Ah,” you gasp happily as you pinch one of your nipples. “I wish.”
After a few seconds of touching your tits, you trace your hand up towards your collarbone and run your fingertips along them, back and forth slowly. It's teasing, erotic almost, and Reigen imagines your delicate fingers on his own skin, tickling along the soft flesh of his thighs or clutching at his back.
He's still reeling at your admitted attraction to him. He knows there's a chance that you're only playing things up for the camera, but he's so hard and so turned on by the notion that you might be into him that he doesn't care how true it is right now.
Rather than worry too much about the legitimacy, he hooks his thumb into the waistband of his sweats without looking away from the screen and shuffles in his seat so that he can expose his cock fully.
He knows he shouldn't really be watching this. He isn't even sure why you're on this website; he pays much more than he used to and there's no way you're short for cash, so you're not moonlighting to make ends meet. Maybe you just enjoy it?
The idea thrills him and so does the knowledge that what he's doing is forbidden. Again, he supposes that if you have no clue that he's watching you right now then he can excuse his actions…. Right?
“It's so unprofessional,” You're almost whispering now, talking softly as your touch travels to different parts of your body. “But I think about it all the time.”
Reigen reaches for the small bottle of lube that sits in the corner of his desk while you talk, squeezing some out onto the fingers of one hand. He trails it around his dick slowly, ignoring the chill and covering himself until the skin is slick and wet.
The chat pings again, except this time there's the sound of coins dropping. A pink message appears:
[400 coins] Ass shake/Dance
Briefly, Reigen is confused. He has no idea what that means and his hand pauses to check the message. Next to it is a little cartoon coin, and he realises that you've been tipped money to do an activity.
You smile brightly, however, clearly pleased by the strange sound, and slowly you get up from your seat. “Thank you so much!” You giggle, blowing a kiss to the camera.
He watches you stand and fiddle with something that looks like a TV remote, and then the quiet music in the background becomes a little louder. You begin to sway your hips in time with the beat of the music, turning on the spot slowly.
“Should I send my boss a video of what I'm busy doing?” You ask, rocking your ass back and forth.
The skirt lifts when you bend down and Reigen catches a peek of your underwear when you lean over a little more. You turn until your back is to the camera and then begin to lift the skirt higher and higher as you dance, tantalisingly slow.
Reigen squeezes the base of his cock and smirks to himself. “I wouldn't bother.”
Your skirt recedes to reveal the bare skin of your ass. You're wearing lacy underwear that barely covers your pussy and Reigen groans at the sight, watching closely as you wiggle your hips until the fat of your ass wobbles deliciously.
He barely gets ten seconds worth of a look before you're moving back to sit on your bed, and he can't help the disappointment that rises in him.
With his free hand, Reigen takes a chance and bravely types out a message in chat:
[anon] - keep going
“Ah ahh,” you chastise, clearly reading the command he's sent through. “Tip to make requests, boys, you know the rules.”
Reigen isn’t sure what he's more turned on by; the business sense or your bossy attitude.
One handed, he swiftly clicks through on the link that auto generates in chat to make an account. He spares a thanks that modern technology allows him to keep his credit card info saved online and as soon as everything has gone through, he comes right back to your room.
The chat spits out a menu, triggered by the forbidden request, that clearly states an extensive menu of services. There are lots of options, and Reigen's mouth begins to salivate as he scrolls down the list. Whilst he's busy reading, another tip comes in from a different user:
[800 coins] - topless
“Oh,” you say, grinning as you reach for your bra straps. “Stepping things up, huh?”
Your comment makes Reigen look up again and his stomach flips when he realises what's about to happen.
Teasing, you thumb down each strap, letting them fall down to your sides. You reach behind yourself to undo the clasp and very gradually, you lower the pretty lingerie until finally, the lace falls away to expose your chest to the camera.
Reigen stares at the screen, mouth open, and his hand begins to stroke his cock. He's imagined seeing your naked chest more times than he can recall but his mind's eye is nothing in comparison to the real (or rather, virtual) thing. They're gorgeous. Perfect, in fact. He's not sure that he's ever seen anything better.
Embarrassed as he is to admit, Reigen has never actually seen anyone naked in real life. He's never even fucked another person, but he's seen his fair share of porn and none of those videos compare to you.
Every fantasy he's ever had has been completely imaginary and he doesn't dare make a move to find sex in real life; being an adult virgin is horribly embarrassing and he doesn't want to risk being laughed at. For now, he'll stick to his usual viewing habits.
“Fuck.” Reigen mutters, breath hitching. His hand works the length of his cock, fist tight and slick with lube, and on screen you're reaching up to play with your nipples again.
Enraptured by your image, he tightens his grip on the bottom of his dick every time you pinch yourself gently.
You take both tits in hand and squeeze them together, biting your lower lip and grinning as chat messages pour through. It's evident that you're enjoying yourself and it makes Reigen feel slightly less guilty for being a pervert.
The languid strokes of his cock become even slower while he types out the message he'd intended to send before, heart pounding in anticipation:
[950 coins] - remove skirt/underwear
The jingle of the tip plays and your eyes light up. “Oh,” you say, leaning forward to check the request. “You're new here.”
Momentarily, Reigen's hand pauses. His username is just a randomly generated set of numbers. There's no way you'd be able to tell his true identity from, yet he briefly panics that you might have rumbled him. He holds his breath for a second.
You nibble your lower lip and smile, but his cover isn't blown. “You guys are excited today, hm?” You laugh, getting up again and shifting the camera to ensure everyone can see what you're doing.
Carefully, you make a show of lifting up your skirt and undoing the side clasp before letting it fall to the floor with a soft thump. The panties you're wearing are tiny, yet they cover you well enough that it's hard to see much just yet. You give your ass a little shake again and bend over, spreading your legs.
Relieved, Reigen's hand begins to move again and without looking away, he shirks his sweatpants completely. His body feels hot all over and being constrained by his clothing feels unbearably uncomfortable. He kicks the trousers away from him and grins at your excited laughter.
“How's the view?” You ask, squeezing your ass gently.
“Perfect,” Reigen grunts, as though you can hear him.
You're reaching between your legs now, stroking your covered pussy up and down, and Reigen moans quietly. Chat messages are stacking up below your video screen, but he only has eyes for you right now.
Deliberately unhurried, you drag your hand back through your legs and take hold of the waistband of your panties. You pull the fabric down, down, down, slipping it over your round ass until finally you're baring yourself to the world in the most intimate way.
Wetness clings to your underwear when you tug it away and you're visibly aroused by the movement, making a soft sound of pleasure.
Reigen almost cums immediately. He grits his teeth and exhales sharply, letting go of his cock and willing himself not to finish early. It would be a shame to spend himself so soon and he wants nothing more than to spend all night staring into you.
“Like that?” You ask your audience, voice a little muffled now that you're turned away.
Several messages affirm that they do, in fact, like what they're seeing.
Reigen breathes heavily through his nose and rolls his chair closer to the monitor again. He takes a second to calm himself down, though he doesn't stop watching you wiggle your backside, and once he feels capable, he types out another request:
[1000 coins] - touch yourself
This time, he follows it up with a ‘please’ and you turn slightly to see what's happening.
You smirk and move back toward the bed, choosing to sit down and spread your legs this time. The view is still perfectly clear and Reigen finds that he likes this much better; he can see your pretty face, your tits and your wet pussy all at once. Hand firm on his dick, he starts to jerk off again.
“Do you like what you see?” You giggle, hand wandering southwards.
“Fuck, yeah I do.” Reigen groans, swiping his thumb over the head. The motion sends a shiver through his body and he fumbles with his free hand and keyboard to type out an affirmative answer.
You smile, coy, and stop your fingers just above your clit. “And what do we say when we want something?”
Reigen swears under his breath. He likes this; being forced to ask nicely and hope that he's given what he wants. He doesn't know why he enjoys it, but the idea of having to plead for your attention and his own release does something undeniable to his body, and he loves every second.
The flush on his face travels down his neck and burns the tips of his ears, spurred on by his myriad of emotions.
With one sweaty hand he types out:
touch yourself, please
The smile that comes to your face when you notice his message is positively wicked and your hand drops lower, gathering wetness. “I think you can ask even more nicely than that, can't you?”
He doesn't care that he's paid for a simple act. What he's getting right now is more arousing than anything he could have ever dreamt of receiving. The way his cock twitches in his hand suggests his body agrees. “Please.” Reigen whispers to his empty room, voice breaking. “Fuck, please, touch your fucking pussy for me.”
Panting and moaning with every stroke of his fist, Reigen shakily taps out another desperate response.
im begging u
It's obviously the right response because you do exactly as he asks: your fingers begin to brush over your clit and you gasp at the contact. Gently, you rub yourself in tiny circles. Your skin glistens in the light and even with the music playing, he can hear your moans and sighs when your touches speed up.
Reigen jerks himself off in time with your movements. His apartment fills with the wet, oily noises of his lubed up palm on his dick and his heavy breathing, broken only by his pathetic begging for more. “Oh god,” he whines, leaning forward in his seat to grip the edge of his desk. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He wants to ask for more, to see you get even more explicit, however he worries that if he lets go of his desk he might keel over. Fortunately for Reigen, another request pings in. This one goes even further.
The anonymous user tips a significant amount and much to Reigen's horny delight, asks you to use one of the larger sex toys on the table next to your bed.
A few minutes pass in which you continue to touch your clit and Reigen realises that you're getting caught up in this yourself. You're so lost in your own pleasure that you're too busy to see what your audience want.
It turns him on no end.
Eventually, you force yourself to pause and glance at the chat. There are a few annoyed messages about you ignoring them, but you pay them no mind, instead saying a breathless thank you to the new requester and reaching for a sizable, pink dildo. It's thick and decently long, and you hold it out for him to see properly.
“Should I use this one?” Your voice is fraying at the edges, strained from all your noise.
Oh yeah
Fuck yeah use it
Do it
You don't appear to need much encouragement and you sit back on your elbows, legs spreading even wider as you rub the head of the fake cock over your pussy.
Reigen imagines that instead of cool, false plastic, it's his dick that you're grinding your hips into. He pictures himself between your legs, gently slapping the swollen tip of his cock against the soft, wet folds of your cunt whilst you squirm and groan in pleasure. His moans are getting louder now, unrestrained and wrecked, and he knows he sounds like a girl but he can't find it in himself to give a fuck.
Again, he almost cums, but rather than let it happen he allows himself to get as close as he dares and then stops touching completely. He has plenty of time to draw this out; you haven't even put the dildo in yet.
You're still circling it around your hole slowly, grinning and chewing on your lip in anticipation of what's to, rather ironically, come.
Sweat trickles down Reigen's neck. He's over stimulated and unbearably turned on, body red hot and flushed. He reaches for his drink again and takes a quick gulp before picking right up where he left off.
“Wanna see me fuck myself?” You tease, peering at the message box.
Reigen is the only one who responds. He knows it's likely because every other person in here is too busy getting off to answer, yet he seizes the chance to catch your attention.
yes please
Your warm smile returns and he finds himself smiling too, enjoying the way your expression softens. “You're a sweetheart, aren't you?” You say fondly, sitting up a bit more.
Reigen grins and nods, even though he knows you can't see him. He dials up his politeness, practically gagging for your attention, and moves his hand down to stroke along the sides of his dick, teasing himself as he type:.
yes ma'am
Something changes in your gaze at his message, hot and intense, and you start to circle your clit again. “Ask me again.” You sigh happily. “Be a good boy.”
Reigen's brain almost short circuits at your comment. He moans again and tips his head back, hand working hard between his legs. “Oh, my god.” He chokes out, scrambling to answer via his keyboard. “Fuck, that's- say that again.”
please ma'am
pls fuck urself
ill do anything i swear
just call me that again
You're clearly entertained by his request. Even more so, you appear to be turned on by it. Slow and steady, you ease the dildo into yourself, keening loudly at the sensation yet still managing to fulfill Reigen's request.
“Good boy,” you breathe, smiling wide. “You're such a good boy for me.”
Reigen makes a humiliating noise. It's a mix of a moan and a sob, and he stops jerking his cock in favour of fucking his own hand instead. His hips buck forward wildly, uncontrollable and desperate, and he attempts to match the tempo in which you fuck yourself.
He watches in awe as you drive the dildo into your cunt, arousal dripping down the length of it and leaving it shiny and slick.
“Oh, fuck,” Reigen chokes out breathlessly, grinding into his fist like he's fucking you himself. “Don't stop, fuck, don't stop.”
His moans mix with yours on screen and if he could bear to close his eyes, he might imagine that this is what it feels like to be inside you. As it is, he can't bear to look anywhere but at you.
Your hand is moving quickly now, pumping the toy in and out while you rub your clit just as fast, crying out in pleasure.
Reigen's girly moans pick up in pitch and he begs you with everything he has: “Keep going, please, I-ha! You feel so good, so good, fuck!”
As though you can hear his pleas, you don't relent your movements. Your tits bounce with the force that you're fucking yourself with and you groan every time you hit a good spot.
It's obvious that you're no longer playing along with whatever your audience wants; You're lost in the sensation and Reigen is completely beside himself, right there with you.
His chair rocks and creaks underneath his moving weight and he scrunches up his bare toes against the wooden flooring to stay put, listening to you as you continue to encourage him.
“You're my good boy, aren't you?” You pant, eyes closed. “Touching yourself just like I asked….”
“Yeah,” Reigen whimpers. “I swear, just for you, whatever you want.”
“Fuck,” you sigh on screen, angling the toy. “Fuck.”
Reigen can barely breathe. He's sweating profusely, rivulets trickling down his brow and blurring his vision, and he can feel something tight and white hot coiling in his lower belly.
The pressure is building slowly, growing with every pass of his fist and every moan you make on his monitor, and his ability to speak unravels. He's babbling about anything and everything, eyes darting from your pussy to your face, and the feeling in his belly spikes.
“Oh, god, oh fuck,” he whines, long and low. “I'm gonna cum, I'm- please, let me cum!” His pathetic moans hitch and in their lull, he hears you speak a single word that sends him crashing over the edge:
You cry his name quietly, sweeter than a prayer, and shudder as you climax with him.
Unable to stop it, Reigen's orgasm hits him so hard he almost blacks out for a moment. He cums hard, spilling all over his fist and stomach, his toes curling and body convulsing with intense pleasure. He ducks his head and shouts something unintelligible, drool dripping down from his open mouth to mix with the mess on his hand.
The aftershock of his orgasm has him spasming in its wake, muscles twitching and cramping as he heaves for breath. Reigen releases his cock and slumps back in his chair, panting hard like he's run a marathon.
He's fairly confident that it might be the best orgasm he's ever had.
On screen, the music has stopped and there's only the sound of your laboured breathing filling the silence. You're panting hard, pussy spread by your toy, and you look wrecked. Your hair is a mess, your eyes are half-lidded, and underneath you the blanket is soaked.
Reigen wipes the sweat from his forehead with his clean hand and takes a few minutes to gather his bearings. He sees you remove the toy slowly and place it back on the bedside table before you sit back down, cross legged, on the bed. You avoid the wet patch, wrinkling your nose and flipping the blanket over to prevent yourself from sitting on it, and you pause to catch your breath. Your chest rises and falls rapidly for a minute, and he watches you catch your breath.
Clearly you're a seasoned professional however, because you go back to checking your chat messages only minutes later. Every user in the room is overjoyed with your performance and Reigen has to agree. He's never seen a porno anywhere near as sexy as what he just witnessed and he's not sure he ever will.
Reigen reaches over for the box of tissues next to his computer and carefully wipes up the mess on his hand. There's cum on the floor too and when he's confident that his jelly-like legs won't let him fall off the chair, he leans down to clean it up.
Once everything is less sticky, Reigen checks the chat. There are a good few messages pinging up and they make him smile, big and stupid, and more than a little smug:
Who is Reigen?
Fuck, he's a lucky guy
Wish I was him
Listening to you moan his name, watching your face whilst you'd fucked yourself silly, it's all imprinted on his brain forever.
He's still reeling over the fact that it was his name on your lips as you came. You've never shown interest in him like that, at least not to his knowledge, and if you've been getting yourself off to the thought of him anywhere near as much as he has to you, Reigen wonders if it might be worth catching a few more of these streams until he can find the courage to see if you might want to to go out sometime.
You're putting your lingerie back on when he looks back up to you again. There's a glow to you that only appears after a good fucking and Reigen's stomach summersaults. He knows that the small crush he has on you is going to snowball dramatically now.
He won't be able to look you in the eye again without thinking of the sounds you've made tonight. That being said, he’ll worry about how to deal with the awkwardness and the shame of spying on his subordinate once he's sober tomorrow morning. For now, he’ll enjoy the rest of his evening watching you.
You don't acknowledge the chat’s questions about who you're thinking of in your intimate throes, instead choosing to finish getting dressed and then grabbing your phone from where it sits at the end of your bed.
“Now I really should reply to my boss,” you tell the chat, leaning across the gap to click something with your mouse. “One second.”
The stream mutes and your fingers move back and forth over the phone keypad quickly. There's silence, and then Reigen's cell vibrates loudly. It scares the shit out of him and he snatches it up, staring at the screen.
Sorry. I was playing online. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?
Reigen grins and fires back the smartest reply he can think of.
[Reigen] - Don't wear yourself out ;)
On his monitor, he sees you laugh silently, head tipped back and smiling wide, and his heart skips a beat.
Tomorrow it is.
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bl00dlight · 21 days
A Song of Shadow & Flame
CANON Dark! Aemond Targaryen x OC Targaryen. | SERIES
All NSFW warnings apply in future chapters.
Author's note • After my recent rant, Ive decided to feed the girlies who want fics that align with canon Aemond. Sooooo Im coming home for my girls with an fire & blood timeline retelling & not just more boring ass Mary Sue × Aemond smut. So we are starting from the beginning. The vibe is, "I could make him significant worse".
Word Count ~ 1.4k
i ● ii ● iii ● iv ● v ● vi ● vii ● viii ● ix ● x ● xi ● xii ● xiii ● xiv ● xv
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ii ~ 'Age of Hero's'
124 AC
It was not until later that night the young princess saw her uncle again. It took little effort to convince the Kings guard that she was not here to continue to jeer at the prince, but rather to give a sincere apology. At least, that is what she had told herself. It had not occurred to her, why or how men oft bended to her will. In truth, Visenya had little thoughts on such things, for all she knew, she asked and received accordingly – and if she did not receive, she would promptly sway until her desires were met.
It was this very naivety, this innate trust that the world would simply open its loving arms for her whenever she pleased, that worried her mother and father so dearly. Both knowing the ways of men, the violence and sickness that dwelled in her heads, most especially about a Princess of Valyrian blood. Seen less so for her heart and more for her blood born proximity to the God’s themselves. To power of fire made flesh, and of course. The beauty which came with Valyrian blood.
Visenya entered Aemond’s room quietly, and when she came before him, came before his body splayed out upon his bed she swiftly averted her gaze. The princess cleared her throat, a small noise of a disturbance left his mouth as he jumped, swiftly propping himself upwards.
“What are you doing in here? You ought-” His voice laced with outraged as The Princess interrupted.
“Temper yourself. I’ve not come to goad you. I just, I came to apologise.” A small laugh left her, she put her hand up.
“I do not give a shit.” Aemond snapped.
Visenya tilted her head, scanning him, “Fine. But I shall do so anyway.”
“Why?” Asked Aemond, the air teaming with uncertainty as he watched his sly niece walk slowly, stalking through his room like a cat.
“Because it is right, it is what is owed, and I’ve no intention being in your debt.” Visenya sighed, her voice almost aloof, smug. Her eyes look in the space, the perfectly kept books and scrolls upon his desk. The princess reached the dark mahogany desk that was seemly gleamed in the firelight. It seemed the prince had little taste nor need for decor, he seemed to only own objects for utilitarian purposes, he was so… conservative, Visenya thought. In fact, the only unkept thing was an open book, her pale fingers grazed the pages. Clearly, he had taken it from her Grandsire’s personal Library. She looked at the top, small writing detailing the topic ‘Age of Heros: Symeon Star-Eyes’. She had never heard of such a thing, her thoughts interrupted as another pale hand snatched the book away.
The prince’s eyes met hers with a venomous glare as placed the small book back upon his desk, “I find it difficult to believe you care about what is right.”
Visenya scoffed in response as she paced to the other side of the desk, her fingers as cunning as she as they found his book once more, “True. Perhaps I don’t, however it hardly matters. For even if I am saying it to benefit myself, my meaning is sincere.”
Frustration and rage tore through Prince Aemond as he then turned and stepped forward, who was she to dare apologise? After all this time, all these years of enduring her fucking bastard brothers torment? No, no Aemond would not tolerate it, he was not one to embrace pity. “I’ve no reason to accept your pathetic apology and I have no use for the rag of pity you continue to throw at me!” He snapped.
Visenya found herself taken aback by the fire in his eyes, she felt her own frustration boil as she bit back with equal fervour, “Yes, well perhaps you ought to! Since it seems I am the only one who is willing to throw it to you, and actually, unlike what you may think. I have little interest in hating you.”
“Do not lie.” Aemond stepped forward, his voice low.
“It is no lie. I do not hate you, we most certainly do not get along. But, I have little reason to hate you.” She shrugged, Visenya relaxed once more.
Though Prince Aemond could not tolerate it any longer, he would not take another drop of her insolence… her teasing, her lies! He snapped again, “You… you and your brothers torment me for your own amusement.”
“As does Aegon.” The Princess sneered, once again he had gotten himself into a state, she thought.
“I do not give a shit about Aegon! He is a fool and already a drunkard, and… and, well he is also my brother.” The prince wanted to push her, slap that smarmy sneer from her face. He stumbled upon his words, feeling more flustered, more overcome with the memories of all of his sister’s bastard’s torment. Their stupid, arrogant faces.
Visenya, ever cool, raised her brow, “So?”
“So, it is different.” He bit back.
Visenya stepped forward, folding her arms as she analysed him, by the Gods was he bothered. Still, she retorted back, “I dare say Aegon torments you for his own amusement far more than I. In fact, I do not torment you at all. They are mere jests!”
“Mocking me for not claiming a dragon is not a simple jest!” He had had it, the prince suddenly found himself unable to control it anymore, his hands came out before him, connecting with his niece’s chest as he pushed her back.
Visenya stumbled only slightly, she looked down and then swiped a stray hair from her face. Silence fell between them before a moment, a piercing silence. The soft breaths of Aemond to be heard as he tried to temper himself. A slight guilt filled him, but not for what he had done to the Princess, rather what may happen to him if his father found out. Or worst of all… if her father found out. The silence dragged, before shattered with the soft cackles of Visenya. Her face beaming.
“Gods…” She laughed, tilting her head back. Perhaps he was right, perhaps she did tease him for her own amusement. Tis his fault really, Aemond ought to learn how not to be so easily pestered, he ought to enjoy her attention on him. Only the Gods knows how many other boys try and fail to garner her interest. Yet it was him, who truly captured Visenya. A cruel smile rose to her face.
“Just get out!” Aemond snapped again, feeling a slight measure of weakness under her gaze. He reached forward, grabbing her wrist harshly as he forced her to the door,  
As he did so, Visenya cackled, enjoying this far too much, she laughed as she spoke, “Very well, I apologize for my lapses, and I will not speak on your lack of a dragon again, Uncle.” The door swung open and Visenya nearly gasped as she felt the firm grip of the Kings Guard outside his chambers grip her shoulder.
“Come, princess. The hour grows late, the both of you ought be in your bedchambers for the night.” The King’s Guard voice rang firm as he began to escort Visenya away, her eyes lingered upon Aemond once more, as she giggled.
The cheeky cackling of his niece could be heard through the prince’s heavy doors, Aemond wore a bitter expression. He was utterly infuriated, utterly exhausted… and utterly ashamed in his own inability to not give in to her teasing. He scanned his room, the firelight casting a soft orange glow, the air was warm, and it’s smell a comforting indication of embers. Aemond sat upon his bed once more, eyes sharp and pained, a part of him wished to crawl into the arms of his mother but he did not send for her. No, he would face this alone, he would not behave as the weak little bellyacher they all thought him to be. He would be strong, infallible; he would be a man.
Upon this thought, Prince Aemond rose up from his bed, approaching his desk once more as he longed to find comfort in the tales of great knights and ruthless warriors; to read of Symeon Star Eyes. Yet, as the young prince’s eyes met the mahogany surface, he felt his gut coil with rage once more.
His book had been swiped.
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Murderbot Fanimation Project Backgrounds!
(Part 1 of 3) (Jump to parts [2] [3])
They may be the literal background of the finished product, but the backgrounds done for the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project deserve their time in the spotlight!
Part of what makes the Fanimation stand out as much as it does is the love, care, and attention to detail that the artists poured into the backgrounds. The team stuck closely to the source texts when designing the spaces, producing some beautiful pieces of art that deserve appreciation on their own.
You can watch the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project here.
(IDs are in alt text)
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Scanners - Initial sketch and layout by Jude, finalised and coloured by @chimaerakitten
"I had to hack an ID-screening system and some weapon-scanning drones on the level above..."
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ASR Pit - by Lue
"This assessment zone was a barren stretch of coastal island, with low, flat hills rising and falling and thick greenish-black grass up to my ankles [...] The coast was dotted with big bare craters, one of which Bharadwaj and Volescu were taking samples in. The planet had a ring, which from our current position dominated the horizon when you looked out to sea."
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AC Food Court - by Vanessa
"The location for the meeting was a food service place in the main mall area. [...] There were multiple open levels inside, with tables and chairs, and it was 40 percent full of humans and augmented humans."
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Deltfall - by @chimaerakitten with bodies by @theash0
"There were eleven messily dead humans in the hub, sprawled on the floor, in chairs, the monitoring stations and projection surfaces behind them showing impact damage from projectile and energy weapon fire."
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ASR Hopper - by @broken-risk-assessment-module
"It was a series of rocky hills in a thick tropical jungle, heavily occupied by a large range of fauna."
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PresAux Hub - by Cephei
"There were mugs and empty meal packets on some of the consoles. I’m not cleaning that up unless I’m given a direct order."
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AC Hotel - Layout and lineart by Vanessa, colour by Cephei
"The lobby was built on various platforms overlooking a holo sculpture of an open chasm filled with a giant crystalline structure growing out of the walls. [...] My clients were on the same platform as the check-in area, near the railing around the sculpture’s artificial chasm, sitting on a round backless couch thing that looked more like a decorative object than furniture."
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Medbay - by @sometimesihaveideas
"I opened my security feed and found a camera for Medical. I was lying on the procedure table, my armor gone, just wearing what was left of my suit skin, the humans gathered around."
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waltermis · 7 months
Scaredy Cat
Summary: Who knew carving a pumpkin could be so damn difficult?
Warnings: swearing, Tony’s precious kitchen is destroyed
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader (romantic), Avengers x reader (platonic)
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“Noooooo! Natty! That’s not right!!!!!!!!”
“I don’t know what you want from me, detka!!!”
“Natalia Alianovna Romanoff!!! Put down the knife right now!”
“What’re you guys doing?” Steve asked, as he entered the living room. Inside was the entire team of Avengers, who look like they’re looking at… Natasha and you…?
“We’re watching Natasha and Y/N carve a pumpkin.” Wanda explained, never taking her eyes off the screen.
“What? What’s so interesting about that?” 
“Y/N bought a pumpkin for them to carve but Nat’s trying to carve a scary face in it and Y/N wants to make it look like a cat.” Clint answered.
“What? Are they carving one singular pumpkin?”
“Yup,” Tony said, distractedly
“Why don’t they just carve two different pumpkins?”
“Y/N/N thought it would be a nice couples thing… Popcorn?” he offered.
“Sure… why not.” Steve grabbed a handful as he sat next to Bucky and Sam.
“Will you quit trying to make it look scary?!” you screeched, horrified at the face your cat was making.
“Stop trying to hold me back!!! I want a scary pumpkin!!!” Natasha yelled, raising her knife.
“Do not try to threaten me!”
“I wasn’t trying to!!” Natasha argued back.
“Then don’t raise your knife at me!”
“I wasn’t!”
“DO NOT LIE TO ME!!!!” You seethed.
“Whatever!!! Just carve the stupid pumpkin!”
“You know what, no.”
“I have a better idea…”
The team looked confused, as the security camera cut out. “What? What happened??” Sam asked, his mouth stuffed with popcorn.
“No idea…” Tony said, just as confused. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. run a diagnostic scan.”
“It appears that the security camera has been disconnected by Miss L/N.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded.
“Can’t you connect it again?” Thor asked, cradling his poptarts.
“It appears to have been done manually,”
“What does that mean?” Bucky asked.
“It means that Y/N either cut the wire or just ripped the whole thing out.” Tony said, “knowing Y/N, it’ll be the latter one. F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you order more cables for the security cams?”
“Already done, sir.”
Before the team could say another word, they heard a huge crash and bang coming from the kitchen. Quickly, they ran towards the sound, only to the entire kitchen covered in pumpkin guts. The top to bottom, ceiling to floor, the entire room was covered. You and Natasha fared no better, Natasha had guts in her hair while you had pumpkin seeds and guts stuck to your clothes and caked onto your skin.
“What the fuck happened in here?!” Tony let out a shrill cry as he looked at his beloved kitchen.
“Well, Nat and I couldn’t figure out how to carve our pumpkin so we just started flinging the pumpkin’s guts at each other.” you answered, wiping away some of the guts from your eyes. Natasha looked at you and smiled, before helping you wipe it all away.
“Who knew a pumpkin had so much inside of it.” Natasha commented.
“I know right?!”
“So, did you guys end up choosing between a cat or a scary face?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, we… wait, how did you know what faces we were choosing?” you questioned, looking at them suspiciously. “Oh my god! Were you spying on us?!”
“Noooooooo…” they all declined quickly.
“Uh huh… right…” Natasha said, unconvinced.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you disconnected the security feed. Please tell me you didn’t rip the wires to shreds.” Tony said, still gaping at what was once his immaculate kitchen.
“Nope, just disconnected it so you guys couldn’t see what we were doing. After Nat and I clean up, I’m gonna go save a couple copies of the feed.” you said.
“Oh, yeah! Bruce, to answer your question, we did end up choosing the pumpkin’s face.” you said, picking it up and showing it off.
“So you picked the cat face?” Wanda asked.
“And the scary face.” you added, turning the pumpkin around to show Natasha’s terrifying carving. “May I present to you, Scaredy Cat.”
“That’s pretty cute.” Clint complimented.
“Thanks…” Natasha responded.
“Why Scaredy Cat?” Thor asked.
“Because it has a scary face and it’s a cat. What’s so hard to understand?” you asked.
“Yeah, exactly. What’s so hard to understand? Now if you’ll excuse me, my girlfriend and I need to shower.” Natasha said, dragging you away.
“What?! No!! Clean this up!!” Tony said, still having a meltdown about his kitchen.
“What was that, Stark? Too far away can’t hear you! Love you! Byeeeeeeeee!!” you said, as Natasha cackled, along with you.
822 words
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 3 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: I can’t write parkour without thinking of Michael & Dwight in the office
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), pigeon crap, Hank’s emotional constipation plus the detective’s, parkour!, weird attraction to ties on men
Word Count: 4.2k
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“Oh come on, Hank! There’s literally a million nicer places to eat.” You crossed your arms and sank into your seat at the sight of Hank’s favorite ‘restaurant’ Chicken Feed. Slightly wincing at the still present ache in your ribs.
He turned around in his seat and scolded you like a child. “My car, my rules.”
You scoffed, “First, Connor takes my seat and now I don’t even get to eat lunch.” You were being childish, you knew that.
Still, it was beyond aggravating when Hank had stopped you from getting up front and let Connor in the passenger side. And now you were at your least favorite place to eat ever!
What the hell am I being punished for?
“If you weren’t acting like a brat, you could eat lunch. But, fine! Stay in the car! The fuck do I care?” Tears pricked your eyes at the last whispered comment.
It was hard, it was hard watching him become so distant to you. You used to be a lot closer, before everything happened.
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Y/N’s eyes were watering and her heart rate was increasing. She was distressed by something, but Connor was unsure of what that was.
He looked out the window and scanned the food truck. “Is Lieutenant Anderson aware of the numerous health violations the owner has committed?”
You scooted your way to the door and whispered, “Why do you think I don’t want to eat here?” The door had slammed closed before he could answer.
Connor got out of the car and stood. After a scan of the environment he was directed in two different directions. You were standing at a table under an umbrella, hunched over and picking at your nails. Lieutenant Anderson was speaking to two known criminals.
“Like a fucking poodle,” Connor ignored Hank’s comment.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” You seemed surprised that he had chosen to speak with you. “You seem… distressed.” You glanced briefly towards Hank, he appeared to be paying a bookie. “Is it your relationship with the Lieutenant?”
You smiled at Connor, “You know, you’re a bit too observant for your own good.” Connor stood across from you at the table.
“May I ask you a personal question, detective?”
You frowned at him, “I feel like you’re going to no matter what.” Connor nodded his head. He would, he needs you and the Lieutenant to get along better. Right now your interpersonal issues were getting in the way of his mission.
“Why does the Lieutenant make you so angry?”
You went back to picking at your cuticles. Your right thumb had a scab that told Connor this was a common habit for you. It wasn’t entirely harmful but he still felt the need to stop you as you picked at your skin. His hand reached out and gently separated yours.
Your hand stayed in his, and he wasn’t sure if you were aware that you were squeezing it. You opened your mouth to say something, for some reason Connor felt the need to stop you. “Would you like to go get something to eat, detective?”
You quickly closed your mouth and gave Connor a strange look. You smiled at him, “Sure, I’d like that.” Your hand dropped from his and you began leading him down the sidewalk.
Unknowingly the hand you had held flexed by his side.
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“Are you in much pain, Y/N?” You waved off Connor’s question. You’d stopped by a 24/7 market and had picked up an ice pack and questionable veggie sandwich. It was either that or egg salad, you’d take your chances with the spinach.
Right now you were sitting outside on a bench holding the ice pack to your sore ribs. “It’s not too bad, I’ve had worse.” I want to lay down and cry somewhere, this hurts so bad.
Connor stopped moving for a moment and then spoke again, “I’m not seeing any cracked ribs or internal damage, they’re just bruised. I recommend you try not to overexert yourself.”
“So he’s a detective and a doctor, really giving Barbie a run for her money.” If androids could be sassy that’s the only way you’d describe Connors face right now. He’s frowning at you and brushing your hands away from the ice pack, holding it up for you so you can eat your food. You really hope he can’t tell how fast your heart is beating with how close he is, or notice the shake in your hands as you take a bite of the sandwich.
“I posses enough first aid skills to take care of my partners if they’re injured in the field.”
That’s actually helpful, Hank’s shit at patching you up. “That makes me happy, the only thing Hank knows how to do is slap a band-aid on a bullet wound and call it a day.” Connor frowns at you again, the little groove appearing between his brows once more. You’re tempted to reach out and soothe it with your thumb.
“That’s highly illogical and dangerous.”
You laughed at him, “It was a joke, Connor. Did those geniuses at CyberLife not program you with humor?”
“It wouldn’t be beneficial to my mission.”
Good lord. He takes everything way too seriously.
“Well maybe you should watch some stand-up or something. I need someone to understand me.” You weren’t being serious. But he seemed to think you were.
“I’ll take your recommendation into account.” You finished the rest of your lunch in relative silence, but there was an overwhelming tension surrounding the two of you. You were most likely projecting, you weren’t even sure androids could feel tension.
However, you felt like he was waiting to ask you something and you were sure whatever it was wasn’t going to be a pleasant topic for you. Connor didn’t seem to have a good grasp of boundaries or when to stop talking.
He waited until you finished your sandwich to take the ice pack off your chest. “You don’t want to ice it for too long, it will cause more harm.” He put the ice pack down and paused. You waited for him to say what he wanted to say, you definitely weren’t going to be the one to initiate whatever probing line of questions he was about to ask. Connor reaches up and fixes his tie before he turns towards you. His jaw is set and there’s a determined look on his face-
Dude! You have major issues. A tie! A tie is what gets you going now?
Lord I pray to you for forgiveness.
“I’ve looked into both yours and the Lieutenant’s personnel records-“
“Wait, what?” He’s undeterred by your interruption, but you’re a little freaked out that he can just dig around in your past.
“It seems that Lieutenant Anderson became your official legal guardian in 2023, when you were ten years old. You had been in the state’s care for two years before he caught your foster father dealing Red Ice and he-“
“Stop! Connor, stop. What the hell?” You’d already gotten your ass handed to you today, you sure as hell didn’t need Connor bringing this all up right now. You didn’t want to remember how Hank found you, or what a piece of shit your foster family had been.
You didn’t want to think about this at all. You could already feel the dread and anxiety swirling around and forming acid in your stomach. What you really didn’t need today was a panic attack.
“You have absolutely no right, no right, investigating me like that. And you especially don’t have the right to acquire sealed adoption papers. I know about my own past Connor, Hank made sure that no one else would be able to find out about it. Fuck, I cannot believe you!” You threw the rest of your sandwich away, knowing you wouldn’t be able to eat it, and got off the bench. You ignored the sound of Connor’s voice and the pain in your ribs as you stormed off.
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Hank was waiting under an umbrella for the two of you. “Where’d you go?” Your adrenaline was slowly leaving you, you didn’t have the energy to fully answer him. Slumped on the table you shrugged your shoulders and wrapped an arm around your ribs. “Does it hurt a lot?”
A snarky response was on the tip of your tongue, you had to physically bite your tongue to hold it back. It wasn’t often that Hank would show genuine concern for you. “It’s not great, but I’ve had worse.” There was an awkward pause where the both of you were unsure how to continue. Conversations without any venom or hostility were few and far between lately. It was leaving you both feeling stiff and uncomfortable.
“You’re tough. . .” His hand hovered over your back before coming down a little too hard on it, you wheezed out at the impact. “You’ll be okay.”
You regretted the next words that came out as soon as it happened. “Thanks, dad.” The both of you tensed and you forced yourself to straighten immediately, ignoring the pain. Anxiety caused your chest to tighten and you opened your mouth to apologize. But you found that you couldn’t force the words out, frozen by the desire for him to act like everything was normal.
There was a primal desperation inside of you that yearned for him to just hug you, or tell you that he's sorry and everything will be okay. Anything, anything other than that god awful look he was giving you right now. The one that made you feel like a stranger. It was void of any connection he’d ever had with you.
Your mouth closed and you hunched back into yourself, trying and failing at getting your jacket to swallow you. You were still a little pissed off at Connor for being so invasive, but that feeling was greatly overruled by the gratefulness you felt at his sudden appearance.
You kept your head down, avoiding looking at either of them and distracting yourself by picking at the broken skin around your nails. You’d never been more desperate for a cigarette, even though you’d broken the habit years ago.
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Connor almost reached out towards your hands to stop the unhealthy habit, but the look on Hank’s face stopped him. He was staring down at you with an emotion Connor was having trouble recognizing. Perhaps it was sadness, or just another complication of working with humans. You were proving to be much more inefficient than he’d like.
He turned his attention towards the sandwich in Hank’s hand. “Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level. You shouldn’t eat that.”
Hank shrugged, “You sound like Y/N, I keep telling her, ‘everybodys gotta die of something.’” He pointedly took a larger than necessary bite. If Connor had feelings he assumed he would be feeling frustrated right now. Having two partners with such a strange relationship was tedious enough, having one with no care for his health was proving to be a challenge in his mission.
Connor turned his attention back towards the two men by the food truck. Surely the Lieutenant would be interested in their illicit activities, “I don’t mean to alarm you Lieutenant but I think your friends are engaged in . . .” He lowered his voice, “illegal activities.”
“As long as they’re not hurting anybody, I dont bother ‘em.” The lieutenant's administration of the law was perplexing to Connor. Did he actually care about catching criminals? Or had he given up? His blatant disrespect towards his captain and his partner led Connor to believing the latter.
“This morning when we were chasing this deviants. Why didn’t you want me to cross the highway?”
Hank looked at Connor like he was malfunctioning. “‘Cause you could’ve been killed… And I don’t like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment.”
You snorted, the first noise you’d made since this conversation had started, but said nothing else. “Is there anything you’d like to know about me?”
Hank was quick to answer, “Hell no! Well, yeah, why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?” You lifted your head and glared at Hank, “Jesus, Hank.” Hank looked down at you and shrugged his shoulders, seemingly not understanding why you were angry.
“CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration.”
Hank nodded and Connor thought maybe he was finally warming up to him, “Well, they fucked up.”
“I think he’s cute.” Connor looked at you, from your hunched position he could see your eyes go wide and your body heat rising. Your heart had started beating dangerously fast and you looked faint. Hank was giving you a long look before he just shook his head, “I’m sure you do.” You ignored Hank and slouched further into yourself.
You cleared your throat and quickly looked up at Connor, before your eyes went back down to your hands. “Maybe you should tell us what you know about deviants.”
Connor blinked the message away. “We believe a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead to them emulating a human emotion.” Hank interrupted him, “In english please.”
Connor’s software quickly worked to give him a dialogue option more geared towards those of lower IQ’s. “They don’t really feel emotions, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unpredictable behavior.”
“Emotions fuck everything up.” Your words were clearly only meant for yourself, but Connor had an auditory processor that was ten times more efficient than human hearing. You looked up at Connor, your eyes narrowed and your posture aggressively defensive. “You ever dealt with deviants before?”
He nodded, recalling the hostage situation, “A few months back… A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl… I managed to save her.”
Your head tilted and your shoulders went slack. “And the deviant?”
“Destroyed at the scene.”
You lied to me Connor.
“So, you’ve done your homework right, know everything there is to know about me?” Connor glanced towards you, you had stolen a fry from the Lieutenant and were making a point not to look at him.
“I know the both of you graduated top of your class, you became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit and Y/N followed in your footsteps becoming the youngest detective in the DPD. You, Lieutenant Anderson have received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars.”
“Understatement of the year,” you shook your head and stole another fry.
“And you detective, have received several disciplinary warnings and citations for starting fights, especially with Detective Gavin Reed.”
You frowned and whispered, “Oh, look at me, I found a few files.” You raised your voice and glared at Connor, “Whoopdie-freaking-doo, you searched through our personnel files. You shouldn’t even have access to those.”
Hank ignored you, “So what’s your conclusion?”
“I know you’re both experienced officers, and I’d like to earn your trust. I’m sure if we all work together we can solve this case. But that requires the both of you to be civil with each other.” You opened your mouth, presumably to defend yourself but Connor stopped you. “I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It’s a few blocks away. We should go have a look.”
Hank stuffed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and threw the box in the trash. You trailed behind the two, Connor got into the back seat before either you or Hank could stop him. He needs the two of you to get along, the most likely way for that to happen is to force you both to acknowledge the other.
You glared at him, “I guess I’ve got shotgun.”
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“Connor, let’s go.” Connor’s eyes shot open at the gentle tug on his sleeve. Hank was already out of the elevator but you were standing in front of him, waiting for him to go your head tilted towards the entrance of the elevator.
“You run out of batteries or what?” Your hand left his wrist and he followed after you.
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant, I was making a report to CyberLife.”
“That’s cool, you just close your eyes… and what?” Your head was tilted like his was when he had to recalibrate and choose a new approach.
“And I enter what you might call a ‘mind palace’ where I give my report to a CyberLIfe AI representative.”
“Damn, I wish my reports were that easy.”
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Hank looked towards you, “What do we know about this guy?”
“Not much, just the information Connor gave us in the car.” Hank looked almost sheepish as he waited by the door of the apartment, you sighed. “You weren’t paying attention, were you?”
“What do you think?” His tone was incredibly bitchy.
“Don’t be a di-”
“A neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody’s supposed to be living here,” Connor stood from his examination of some feathers on the floor. “The neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap.”
“Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we’re gonna need more cops.” You nodded your agreement with Hank as you leaned against the wall. The tension from lunch had somewhat eased, but you still felt uncomfortable in your own skin around the other two. You just wanted to go home and take a warm bath and forget all about this afternoon.
Connor approached the door and knocked. When no one answered he looked to Hank for guidance, he just gave him a smug look and shrugged. He tried again, “Anybody home?” It was cute how he kept looking at Hank. You weren’t sure if he was looking for approval or assistance. “Open up! Detroit police!” And there’s that deep voice again, god it really did something for you. You tried to shift subtly in your spot and just kept picturing your old Barbie dolls. There’s nothing there, there is absolutely nothing there. He’s probably smooth like a Ken doll. Why would a police android need any nice bits? He wouldn’t, so get it together.
A noise in the apartment caught your attention. You stayed on your side of the door while Hank got in front, “Stay behind me.”
“Got it.” Hank looked at you, you pulled out your gun and gave him the go ahead. He busted through the door and you quickly followed behind, searching the area with your gun raised and briefly glancing into each room.
“Clear back here,” you waited for his voice.
“Same here.” You reached another door at the end of the hall and raised a hand to stop him, bouncing on your heels in excitement.
“Can I do it this time, please, please?” Hank gave you a long suffering sigh before he finally moved to the side and nodded. You braced yourself and kicked the door out of the frame-
“The fuck is this?!” You’ve never heard your voice that high before, but it was hard to focus on the embarrassing crack in your voice when you’re getting attacked by fucking pigeons!
By the time you’d managed to wave them all off you, Hank was doubled over laughing his ass off and Connor was brushing a feather off your shoulder. He offered you a hand up from where you’d fallen on your ass in shock.
You really wished he would stop doing that.
It’s the little things that are tricking your heart into believing that something more could come from this partnership. His help off a fence, stopping you from picking at your hands, the small touches to your back or shoulder when he passed you. You were lonely and desperate for any form of connection or love. The fact that you were even projecting that onto an android made shame boil in your stomach and a heavy feeling weigh on your shoulders.
When Hank had recovered from laughing at you he finally took notice of the emptiness of the apartment. “Looks like we’ve come for nothing, our man’s gone.”
“We should still look around, he might be back. At the very least see if he was even an android.” Hank doesn’t look too happy staying in the shit-covered apartment, but he keeps his grumbling to a minimum. You find a strange coded book in a hole in a wall. “Connor, do you understand any of this? Is it like… binary code or something?” You swear to god he actually scoffs at you.
“No, it’s some sort of codex, but it’s indecipherable.” You tell him to keep it, maybe he can figure out what to do with it. You’re getting a bit frustrated, the pigeons keep pecking at your hands and feet and it looks like whoever was living here is long gone. You give up on your search and go stand near an armchair, watching Connor slowly make his way around the apartment.
You let out a long breath and tap your feet impatiently. There’s a build up of anxiety and tension that makes you want to move, do something, anything other than just standing here watching Connor. He informs you there’s thirirum and LED in the bathroom, you couldn’t care less. Your neck feels strained from being hunched in irritation and anger all day. You pull your shoulders down and slowly rolling your neck around, you make the fatal mistake of looking up. Straight into the eyes of the deviant.
“Oh shit-”
Feet first into your already damaged ribs, the air slams out of you in a way that makes you feel like your lungs have collapsed. Your head has gone cold from how hard it reverberated off the ground. Your eyes are buzzing and you can vaguely see two shapes standing over you. One shoves the other, “What are you waiting for, catch it!” A rough hand moves under your shoulders and lifts you up.
“Y/N? Y/N?!” A groan slips out when those hands start shaking you. You blindly slap them away.
“Fuck off, you’re gonna give me a second concussion.” Hank helps you struggle to your feet, your arms gripping onto his forearms. You allow yourself five seconds to recover before you’re shoving off Hank and stumbling down the hall. You slam into the wall a couple of times, you can hear Hank shouting after you but you refuse to let him stop you, evading his reaching hands and shouts of warning. You throw yourself over a fallen cabinet and shove out the door. The light momentarily blinds you and then you see Connor chasing the deviant through a field of wheat and you’re off.
You’re only a couple of yards behind them and shocking yourself with how well you’re doing leaping on and off buildings. You shove your way through the workers blocking the greenhouses and leap over the plants on the table, making your way out of the greenhouse and heading towards the edge of the roof.
Your arms start circling frantically as you attempt to catch your balance. You can do this, you can so totally do this. That one gymnastics class you took when you were twelve was about to come in real handy. “Y/N, NO!” You back up and take a running leap, sliding down the glass ceiling and taking a rolling leap through the broken window.
“HOLY SHIT! WHOO!” You can’t stop yourself from raising your hands in victory and giving a celebratory jump into the air. How in the hell did I just do that? Your celebration is cut short by the sound of a crash.
Keep going
You're running through lavender, behind Connor and parkouring your way up a wall.
You ask yourself why you thought it was necessary to follow after him when you jump on a moving train. Then question changing jobs when you’re leaping off said train onto a fire escape. I better get a fucking raise for this shit.
Halfway through this little adventure you realized it would probably have been smarter to just let Connor go after him and take the long way round, but it was too late and the momentum was too much to stop.
The deviant catches you in a cornfield, body slams you like a linebacker and worsens whatever minor concussion you had into a major one. You can’t see for a couple of seconds as he drags you onto a roof.
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“You can’t catch us both!” Connor whips around, there Rupert is standing, an arm's reach away from him. He’s standing on the ledge and in his hand is yours. The tips of your toes are barely grasping onto the ledge and your using both your arms to hold on as tight as possible to the deviant's arm. Your eyes are squeezed shut, your face has lost any color and he can see you trying as hard as possible to keep holding on. The only thing keeping you from being a puddle on the pavement is android strength.
Connor can hear Hank coming up the stairs, there’s only a 40% chance you might survive if he lets you fall.
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You force one eye open, it’s all you can manage when you’re looking down at certain death. “Choose wisely.” Both eyes shoot open and you open your mouth to beg, plead, do anything to keep you alive and not be dropped right here and now.
Too late. He’s already pushed you back, you get a sense of deja vu as your arms circle around you wildly, reaching out for something to grab onto. For a moment you feel hope ignite in your chest, Connor is right in front of you and then he’s not.
You can’t see much else besides the blue sky as you fall.
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end. — do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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