#I just usually keep it to myself unless someone asks lol
misc-obeyme · 8 months
i need more sibling angst w all the seven bros. i keep getting those siblings/brothers slideshows on tiktok and it’s killing! me! ☹️☹️☹️
especially between mammon and lucifer,,,,,,their relationship is actually sad. the game kinda plays it off as a joke and makes mannon the comic relief by spiting him as a fool 24/7, which i get. like ok. it’s an otome game first and foremost. they’re not gonna go super hard with lore and interpersonal relationships. but if you take a step back and see it beyond that, there’s much to dissect AND digest. lucifer plays this stereotypical authoritative role and mammon is the opposite. i know lucifer means well and he truly loves his family, but he has a heavy hand. the trauma of losing lilith? he can’t fathom losing another, so he’s sworn that he’d protect the rest even if it meant despising his own father. mammon feels the same way, but he copes differently.
i feel like both the two eldest are just trying to keep things together. where lucifer is so scared he doesn’t realize he sometimes hurts his brothers, mammon picks up all the pieces and holds it together. they mean a lot….😢
here’s some songs i think would fit:
“shame” by mitski (also “real men”)
“neptune” by sleeping at last
“kyoto” by phoebe bridgers (her song “i know the end” is also very good)
“not strong enough” by boygenius
also i would recommend fiona apple in general! one of my fav artists 😋
Okay, anon, I had to go on TikTok to look up those slideshow videos 'cause I haven't seen them (I rarely use TikTok and when I do it's all cake decorating videos because I have a problem). So I was seeing a bunch where it's a picture of the siblings as kids and then switches to one of them all grown up?? Can you imagine something like that with our bros??
But you happened to touch upon a subject here that I have opinions about. You're right. It's an otome game and the point is for the MC to be able to have all these hot guys fall for them. I get that. But it means that I'm never sure what they're going to sacrifice in the name of silly otome vibes.
The Mammon/Lucifer dynamic is a perfect example.
In fact, I would argue that just by himself, the "Lucifer as authority figure" concept is a disservice to his character. It sets him apart from all of his brothers in a way that makes it so they don't get to fully flesh out his relationships with any of them. He's too strict, too overbearing, and too often puts himself apart from the rest. It's annoying because all of the brothers indicate that they love Lucifer. They love him and that's why they followed him to the Devildom to begin with. Satan loves him, too, albeit with far more complexity attached. But Lucifer can only express his love for them through strictness. He's trying to ensure he never loses them and I get that, but he also never allows himself to be soft with them. We only get very rare glimpses of that. Lately in NB I feel like they tried to help with that, as evidenced by the way the first season ended. But generally speaking, they too often play to his role as authority figure, in my opinion. And yet he's the star of the show. The way he's always last like they think MC is going to choose him over the rest every time. The way we get more insight into his history, the way he has a far more involved and complicated character, where other brothers are just regulated to very simple personalities. I don't get why they do that, personally.
As for Mammon specifically, that whole thing confuses me still. I went through a hardcore Mammon phase where he was actually next to Barbatos in my ranking (this was before I figured out how much I love Solomon lol). And I really had an issue with Lucifer constantly punishing Mammon all the time for things that seemed relatively minor. If we consider that it's actually Lucifer's fear that is the motivation behind his tendency to be strict, though, it changes the meaning. Mammon gets punished the most because he's the one Lucifer cares about the most. But that doesn't make it okay in my mind. If anything, that's just even more fucked up. But the annoying thing about all of this is it's only our fan interpretation. It is far more likely that the only reason Mammon is the one who gets strung up all the time and so on is because it's funny. Or it's supposed to be. I'm pretty sure they just wrote it that way to be a joke, not because they're making some grand statement about Lucifer's relationship with Mammon and how he deals with the trauma he's endured.
Mammon is often depicted as kinda silly and moronic, but that's also a disservice to his character the way Lucifer being the strict one is to his. Because you're completely right. Lucifer doesn't realize he hurts his brothers and Mammon is the one keeping things together. It always struck me as far more likely that Mammon is playing a role for his younger brothers' benefit. We get enough flashes of insight from Mammon that indicate he understands things far more than he lets on. He deliberately acts out to draw Lucifer's attention because Lucifer's fear of losing his brothers makes him too harsh on them. And if Mammon is always Lucifer's top priority, then he's more likely to leave the younger ones alone. This is also fucked up. And again, this is all just outside interpretation because I don't think any of that is something they meant to imply with their Lucifer-always-punishing-Mammon joke. That's just how it comes across.
The problem with these jokes is that if you take them in any kind of serious context, you get analysis similar to the unfortunate three paragraphs I just made you suffer through. Because these jokes, if looked into more deeply, imply all of the complicated stuff I talked about. But I don't think they meant to imply any of that, which is why it's kind of fucked up when you look too closely at it.
That's how a lot of it goes with this particular game and that's why I always have such a hard time trying to figure out what's going on. Because they definitely have all this lighthearted nonsense sitting right beside some actual deep character development. So what are we supposed to take seriously and what's meant to be just silly stuff? (Another example is my issue with the reason behind Barbatos being angry with Solomon all this time - I took the joke as something serious lol.)
I apologize for the length of this response, but it's just something that I have a lot of thoughts about! I have a tendency to come at everything from a storytelling perspective where I want everything to have a reason and to make sense. But I think some of the stuff in this game really isn't meant to have a deeper meaning, so I'm just creating extra analysis where there is none. I've had to kind of balance my expectations and even then I end up with moments like the Barbatos reveal where I get annoyed lol. But that's on me, I really should know better by now.
Anyway! Thank you for the song recs, I'll have to listen to them all! I loooove "Not Strong Enough" by boygenius, I've been listening to that song a lot lately! So I'm sure I'll enjoy the others you've recommended as well!
And again I'm sorry about how long this response ended up being! I never realize I have so much to say until I've written four or five paragraphs and then I'm like ohh oops.
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meanbossart · 1 month
I LOVE DU drow and I love your art style! I also really like how you draw Astarion's hair, it looks flowy but still with his trademark curls.
Can you give any advice on drawing Astarion's hair? I find it a nightmare to draw. Whenever I free hand it, it just doesn't have the amount of curliness I want, and when I try to use a reference it ends up looking rather stiff.
Take care and thanks for the art 😊
THANK YOU though to be honest I'm shocked to find this ask in my inbox because every time I draw Astarion a war is waged between me and his hairdo. But sure, lets give this a shot!
First of all I feel like its a good idea not to be too attached to his in-game model hair when drawing unless your style is very realistic. The only reason why that dry-noodle helmet looks so regal and bouncy is because of the high-detailed graphics. Like you mentioned yourself and many of us have experienced, if you try and stick to it too closely in most art-styles it just ends up looking terribly stiff.
Instead, I suggest just keeping growth-direction and shape in mind and applying as much movement as you want to it when you draw it. Here's some things to remember that might help you with that:
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-I employ the liquify tool a lot when sketching his hair because I never get it big enough on the first try, lol. This can also aid you with "distorting" more curliness into your lines if you aren't used to doing that right off the bat, just try not to become too reliant on it!
-I usually leave the areas around the ears and back alone but imply a lot of movement with the top and front of the hair, taking as many liberties as I want even if it's not entirely faithful to the model. I feel like the impression of curliness comes entirely from the silhouette of the hair and little fly-ways that I add, and everything else I just try to do without overthinking it too much for a more natural look.
In truth, I feel like a lot of times we get stuck on things like parting-placement, right amount of curl, which brush we're using yada-yada when in reality we are neglecting what actually makes a character's hair recognizable: Hairline, growth pattern, and shape. If you get these three things right I feel like everything else is entirely just stylistic choice. It's worth pulling away for a moment and checking on these things if you feel like you're continually unhappy with your outcome!
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-Astarion has a hairline capable making most men over 30 cry. It's very low on the forehead and tight on the temples with the slightest hint of a widow's peak. As someone who drew a lot of big-foreheaded characters with receding hairlines prior, this was a STRUGGLE for me to get used to and a big reason why I felt like I couldn't get his hair to look "right" for the longest time.
-His hair swoops to the right side of his face in a fanning kind of shape and is the longest at the front and top. You can imply a strong part if you want, you can split it into sections, you can have it falling over his forehead or not at all - as long as it's going in the right direction you will probably be fine.
-A mistake I would catch myself making often was getting the shape totally wrong - making it too slick at the top and putting all the volume in the back when that's pretty much the exact opposite of what his hair does. IT'S ALL AT THE FRONT AND TOP, REPEAT IT TO YOURSELF LIKE IT'S A MANTRA: IT'S ALL AT THE FRONT AND TOP.
And lastly, if you absolutely hate how his hair looks or hate to draw it, you can forego all of this and just do whatever you want. These tips are only worth something if you like how I draw his hair specifically.
Hopefully this was helpful at all!
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vanderlesbian · 9 months
141 dating a civilian
hii!! this is a self indulgent belated bday gift to myself (im 20 now...) but i hope u guys enjoy it!! also feel free to leave requests in my asks bc i am so bad at thinking of prompts but ive been wanting to write so bad LOL
writing this had made me realize that i love writing gaz content........i am obsessed with him.........
gn reader! no warnings :)
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captain john price
- price loves being around you—you bring a sense of normalcy that relaxes him. when he's home, he enjoys doing domestic things around the home. he offers to do the laundry, he'll make you tea in the mornings, he feeds the dog and cat you two raise together and will go with you on any errands you need to run. when he's with you, he never thinks about work, which makes you happy because you hate to see him overworking himself.
- i feel like you two would meet through laswell. a mutual friend, you and price would meet one another at a pub or something of the sort. immediately, the two of you take an interest in one another, and laswell would catch onto that rather quickly and finds it endearing. when getting to know one another, you mention the fact that you live alone, which gives price the excuse to hand you his number. "in case you need anything", is what he told you, and you could've sworn you saw laswell snickering behind him. regardless, you ended up texting him a few days after that, asking him if he knew how to fix cars.
- loves going on vacations with you!! when price has a decent period of time off, he'll ask you if you want to go somewhere, to which you always answer yes. road trips are his favorite, because driving for long periods of time is something calming for him and he enjoys the fact that it's just the two of you traveling. maybe you'll go camping, or perhaps you'll drive a country over to spend a few days in a different city; whatever it is, you and price always have a nice time. while he gets to travel a lot, he recognizes that you don't have the same opportunity, so he loves to take you places as see your reactions to things. when he's deployed, he's always on the lookout for places to take you later.
- one of your favorite things to do is visit price while he's in the office. you usually bring him a meal, whether it be home made or take out because you know he's going to forget about grabbing himself something to eat. he always thanks you with a kiss, then you linger for a moment to speak to him, giving him time to eat and take a break from his work. while you're visiting price, all of his attention is on you, and if a soldier knocks on his door and asks to speak to him, he'll use his captain voice to tell them to come by later unless it's an emergency.
- price is very proud to call you his partner. although he tries not to bring you up too often at work because of privacy and professional reasons, he likes to mention you casually every now and then, especially with laswell or the other 141 members. he's proud of the work you do, no matter what your career is; he's just likes to brag about his amazing partner. he will do his signature v shaped smile whenever someone says in surprise,"oh, your partner is a/n [occupation]? how cool!"
simon "ghost" riley
- ghost is a listener, not a talker. and boy, does he love listening to you ramble on about your day. he finds it cute; the way you complain how expensive your coffee was that morning, or how you couldn't decide what to wear to simply go pick up a snack from the store. his responses include a lot of "oh really?", "i bet", and some snarky comments when you bring up a coworker that you don't particularly like. ghost is quiet, but his little responses show that he's well invested in your stories.
- just like everything else in his life, ghost keeps his relationship with you very private. it took him quite a while to even tell any of the other 141 members that he was in a relationship, simply because he didn't feel the need to tell them. he also wanted to protect you; not that he didn't trust the other members, but he was scared of your name accidentally being said to the wrong person. you were innocent, and ghost didn't want to ruin that innocence with the dark realities of his job and put you in danger.
- listen; meeting him at a music store. you would definitely be the one to initiate things, so when you saw a tall, handsome man flipping through records beside you, it made you look for an excuse to speak to him. "that's a good album", you would then finally speak up after watching him pull out a vinyl by the doors. ghost would honestly be taken aback; no one ever really strikes up conversation with him in public. "yeah" would be his response, but the dryness of it didn't stop you from continuing the conversation. after you two begin dating, ghost will often bring up how you were insistent on speaking to him, which never fails to bring a shy blush to your cheeks.
- you think it's amusing to have such a "scary" looking boyfriend. he tags along behind you whenever the two of you go out, and you often forget how large and intimidating he looks to others, especially because he always wears dark colored outfits and a face mask out in public. imagine ghost lingering behind you like a lost puppy while you mindlessly look through clothes at a store. when you're at the register, you notice the cashier glancing behind you, forgetting that ghost is looming over you like a bodyguard.
- speaking of others reactions, you love showing ghost off to people. you'll be spending time with friends, family, coworkers—whoever, and you get so excited whenever they ask if you have a boyfriend. you think it's funny to see their eyes widen when you pull up a photo saying "this is simon, he's deployed right now but (blah blah blah)". you had asked ghost for his permission to show photos of him to others while he wasn't around, and at first he was hesitant, but after hearing about the reactions he gives people, he doesn't care anymore. people think "that's their boyfriend?", which makes ghost smile to himself because yes, he's all yours.
kyle "gaz" garrick
- you two have this thing where the moment he opens the door after coming home from a mission, you'll sprint into his arms and he never fails to pick you up off your feet and squeeze you tight. gaz greets you like he hasn't seen you in years, covering your face and neck in kisses and spinning you around in his arms for what feels like forever.
- loves to facetime you when he's away. sometimes you'll be in different timezones, but both of you will be willing to stay up at 3 in the morning jusst to talk to one another. gaz always gives you room tours of whatever place he's staying at while deployed, or he'll call you while he's out shopping to ask what souvenir you'd like best. sometimes the other 141 boys will pop in to say hello, or gaz will shove the camera in their face to ask if they have anything to say to you.
- i feel that gaz would easily become jealous, especially because he can't be with you all the time. while he's away from you, you'll text or call him about an encounter at work or while you were out and about where someone tried hitting on you, earning a snarky remark from gaz. they always make you giggle because you're aware how protective he is of you, and they're often silly remarks like "they're lucky i wasn't there" or "should've told 'em your boyfriend is 6'5 and a wrestler"
- gaz is younger, so i feel that you would be a university student or something of the sort when you first met him. working part time at a local coffee shop at the time, you vividly remember gaz complimenting you the first time you served him. "you're very pretty/handsome, by the way" he said confidently, but quickly walked off before you could thank him. after that, gaz came in as often as he could, learning something new about you each time he came in, and it got to a point where you would simply give him a drink or pastry for free each time he came in. eventually he would ask you out, offering to take you somewhere after your shift, to which you immediately agreed to.
- when gaz visits your place, it's always like a silly little sleepover. the two of you will watch comically bad movies, make homemade pizza, play those couple's card games and he'll listen to you talk about any gossip you have. when gaz is with you, he takes it as his time to just be himself because he's so comfortable in your presence. he doesn't have to worry about being formal with you, and the two of you are equally as silly as you spend time with one another.
john "soap" mactavish
- soap doesn't like to bother you with his work. when he's with you, he'll always be so upbeat and playful, but you've learned to be able to notice when he's particularly stressed or tired. he insists that he's fine, telling you that you don't have to worry about him as he tries to play it off. he's a bit stubborn about it, so sometimes you have to bother him just a bit before he finally gives in and tells you what's up, or simply agrees to laying down and having a rest.
- okay, picture this. you meet soap at a dog park. i think he would have a german shepherd...which is besides the point, but when your dog and his both stop in their tracks to be friendly with one another, both of you feel that it's only natural to make conversation, right? the two of you quickly hit it off, to which you credit mostly to soap for being much more extroverted than you are, and the two of you talk about your dogs for a bit before the conversation focuses on yourselves. smoothly, soap would ask for you to join him on another trip to the dog park sometime, using the excuse that your dogs seemed to like each other.
- soap loves to text you while he's away, and other than gaz, he would be the one to text you the most out of any of the boys. he mostly sends a lot of random pictures of things he says reminds you of him, but will also update you on a bunch of random little things he's doing. "just shit in this french bathroom" "johnny i don't need to know that" "had to tell somebody"
- will leave plenty of his clothes for you to wear while he's gone, and it's practically all you wear during that time. you'll leave the house in an outfit completely made up of your boyfriend's clothes because they're just so comfortable, and it makes you feel less lonely having his scent lingering with you. even when soap is home, you still constantly wear his clothes, and 90% of his wardrobe is practically yours.
- soap would love to visit YOU at work. you forget your chapstick? he's on his way. you text him that you're hungry and forgot to pack a meal? he's bringing you your favorite fast food. although he's busy and can't stop by all the time, soap tries to stop by as often as he can, and all of your coworkers have learned to recognize him. "here comes johnny" one of them will point out, making you quickly whip your head around to look.
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nightgoodomens · 3 months
Answering a few asks below.
Please don’t read if theorising regarding relationships isn’t your thing.
I am still not sure what to think about this whole thing so I’m letting myself theorise big time. You’ve been warned.
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Makes sense that this marriage has always been open if this is how it got to be in the first place. I know people want to believe in Disney like marriages but unfortunately usually it’s a little different. But hey her career basically became creating their image on social media and to make the marriage a brand and majority believed in the perfect marriage so job well done. But something could never click for me and at least I think it makes sense now why.
Quite interesting though… when you have this type of a marriage, this is if we consider it hasn’t turned into full on genuine love over time�� what happens when along comes a man completely and utterly in love with your guy and your guy genuinely falls for him too? The real genuine love and adoration. Must be an… experience. Threatened/insecure/“mine” posts make a little more sense now. Agreement to let them be too. And sudden massive PDA to calm down the insecurity too. Of course maybe it did turn into proper love over time and it’s simply normal Poly arrangement. I’m just thinking when you play with fire, wrap yourself into a relationship that didn’t come to be from pure love, and then someone comes in and showers him in that real love… sorry it’s just that hearing DT suggesting he thinks there’s someone out there for him still (was he starving for the real deal?) made me think about this. Unless I remember what he said wrong but I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing lol.
But yeah, DT, it’s a Welshman apparently. Would you have guessed.
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Well we know the answer to that question. Of course it wouldn’t be okay.
It doesn’t trigger me, but if there is one thing I will tell every single woman out there, every time, please never ever stalk a dude, tattoo his name over yourself, and chase until you get pregnant and hope he chooses you over a career. If the rest of the story is true too with her dad… Lord, why.
Always fear a beautiful Welsh man coming in and swooping the man away with genuine love and romance.
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NG pretending he had no idea is such a full on bullshit. Dude really gave three roles to the family - the father in law, the son, and wanted GT in it too but she apparently said no. Bruh what are you even doing. Or is this DT desperately trying to get the whole family to work. I don’t even know anymore but I’m sad it’s happening in a show I like so much. Where’s Wally? Or Tennant in fact.
I always find it funny when people believe the persona DT created. I do think he’s genuinely a funny good dude, but he’s not an innocent baby people want him to be. He’s over 50 years old and has been in the business for majority of his life. He knows exactly what, when and how to say. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing now too and he sorted out BAFTAs for the three of them perfectly too. The interviews, the name dropping, the paid for articles, the PDA, the sketch. He’s the one who keeps on telling everyone he has a lot of secrets and creates personas for the public.
It’s just being comfortable isn’t it. Some people really want to see their favourites as heros so they believe only the good. Fuck it, I love the dirt 😂 Zero interest in peach perfect celebs. No need to put anyone on pedestal or look up to them. These stuff are what’s interesting to read.
Sorry I don’t have any proper thoughts about this. Whole situation is wild.
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castaway-achlys · 1 month
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Welcome to the Blog!
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Color Key!
Who is who?
Admin will speak in red, and posts will be tagged as "admin speaks."
Castor will speak in blue, and posts will be tagged as "castor speaks."
Pollux will speak in pink, and posts will be tagged as "pollux speaks."
If two of us are speaking at once, the colors will be split on the text, and the two people tagged! For example: "Hello to everyone!"
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Important things to read in this section are purple and bold.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning that any of my characters can (and likely will) date multiple people. That being said, those relationships will not intersect with each other.
Admin and their characters are 18+, and this blog can contain mentions of alcohol, drugs, NSFW, and other adult type content. Posts that do will be tagged accordingly as "tw (insert thing)". For example, "tw drugs". The exception to this rule is NSFW, which will be tagged as "castaway from public." I follow the 18 and over rule regarding my characters and substances, but you do you!
Pollux is not the main character on the blog. The blog will focus on Castor.
Almost all posts will be in lowercase, which is intentional.
Almost all tags will contain a period/full-stop, which is also intentional.
Posts may contain swear words. These will not be tagged. I am not your parent.
Follows, asks, and likes will not come from here, as it is a side blog. If I reply to something on the wrong account, please let me know before I make a fool of myself.
Asks will always be colored to match the color key, and signed as "— (insert person) (@castaway-achlys)"
Private messages will be out of character unless otherwise discussed.
Actions can be done as short form or as full sentences, and will always appear within asterisks.
Castor and Pollux are based off Greek mythology, but are not 100% true to the tales. They are based mostly around the mythical creature Orthrus, and the Dioscuri, Pollux and Castor.
Their last name, Achlys, can be pronounced as ack-liss or ack-lees.
If you're an anonymous frequenter of the blog, please sign off as something, a name or emoji or anything you'd like, so that we can keep track of you! The boys and I do enjoy making friends!
For both our mental health, mine and yours, if we do something to offend you, please let us know so that we can have a mature conversation about it. Admin and you, not the characters, lol.
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Rules and regulations to abide by!
First and foremost, don't be fucking weird (in a bad way).
Pro-shippers, MAPs, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. Do not interact.
If you're a minor, don't interact with anything NSFW that I post. Doing so will result in you being blocked or having me barge into your messages to scold you. Or both. You have been warned.
Other OCs, canon characters, etc, are absolutely welcome, please feel free to interact with me! I don't bite.
You can spam my messages if we're friends or mutuals, even if we're just acquainted. I don't really care, just try not to spam my inbox or vent without asking me if I'm okay with such things. I'm usually fine with vents, but I really can't always handle someone else's mental health as well as my own.
Please be respectful to everyone!
Please use tone tags if asked, and don't be alarmed if I message you for any clarification on things. Tone is hard to read on the internet.
Please do not involve any of us in drama, plotted or not, without notifying us or asking if it's okay first.
These rules can be added to at any time, but I'll try to announce if I make any edits!
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About Admin!
Important things about the Admin!
Admin is 22 years old.
Admin is non-binary, pansexual, and polyamorous.
Admin uses they/he pronouns, and would appreciate if you used them when appropriate.
Admin has diagnosed ADHD, and most likely, undiagnosed autism.
Admin is an omnipotent being of sorts. They can interact with Castor and Pollux, as well as other people/characters within Twisted Wonderland.
Admin does not have a physical form that is visible to Twisted Wonderland inhabitants, he appears as a voice that just occasionally interacts and comments on things.
Admin can't be killed or harmed by anyone in Twisted Wonderland, and yes, this means you, Malleus Draconia.
Admin simply just is, and will occasionally pop in, most commonly in the tags.
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About Castor Achlys!
Important things about Castor!
Castor is 18 years old, and born on May 22 under the star sign of Gemini.
Castor is the older twin out of him and Pollux.
Castor is transgender, female to male.
Castor uses he/him pronouns, but tolerates they/them if the person is a stranger.
Castor is pansexual, but if you ask him about his sexuality, he has no idea. He is able to love anyone, regardless of gender, genitalia, etc, if given the chance.
Castor is from the Ignihyde dorm and specializes in technology.
Castor is a first year, chosen by the mirror at 18.
Castor is a genius and extremely fast learner.
Castor's main focus and hobby is gaming, where his username is Castaway, hence the blog name.
Castor is extremely fond of animals, especially cats.
Castor has an immense amount of strength, an inhuman sense of smell and hearing, and is very fast.
Castor is only 5 feet, or 152cm, tall.
Castor has bright pink eyes and dark blue hair.
Posts will be made containing his appearance and more, which will be linked here as soon as they are up!
Castor's backstory.
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Castor's Partners!
Suitors? Pspspsps.
♡ The Roommate — @nightonthemountain — June 2, 2024 — castor's north star. 🧭
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About Pollux Achlys!
Important things about Pollux!
Pollux is 18 years old, and born on May 22 under the star sign of Gemini.
Pollux is the younger twin out of him and Castor.
Pollux is a cisgender male.
Pollux uses he/him mostly, but any pronouns are fine with him. Call him whatever you'd like! He is comfortable in his gender identity and doesn't believe that pronouns are indicative or equal to one's gender.
Pollux is bisexual, but has a preference for men (transgender inclusive-- transgender males are males too!)
Pollux doesn't attend Night Raven College, but if he did, he would want to be in Pomefiore.
Pollux, unlike his brother, learns things at a much slower and normal speed, and does not excel at most academics. He does enjoy learning, though, and is intelligent in his own right. (School and standardized testing is not a good measure of intelligence.)
Pollux is the one who introduced Castor to games, and plays them a lot with him. It is also his main hobby. At this time, Admin has not given him a clever username.
Pollux doesn't have a favorite animal, but enjoys bees a lot.
Pollux is also strong, but has a normal sense of smell and hearing, and isn't the fastest due to his size. He is not overweight, just a bit lanky and very tall.
Pollux is 6 feet and 1 inch, or 185cm, tall.
Pollux has features opposite to Castor-- in that he has dark blue eyes and light pink hair.
Pollux does involve himself with weed frequently, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please block the tag "tw drugs" for us! Don't worry, he's responsible! Mostly.
Posts will be made containing his backstory, appearance, and more, which will be linked here as soon as they are up!
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Pollux's Partners!
Who is Pollux involved with? Hehe.
♡ Umbrance — @nightonthemountain — May 28, 2024 — pollux's moon. 🏔️
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Other Information!
Important things that don't fit anywhere else!
Ask games will be available sometimes! They will be tagged as "ask game — (insert title)."
Castor, Pollux, and I's first ask game (still ongoing) is here!
Admin hasn't had Castor and Pollux officially commissioned for a reference of their looks yet, so picrews are available for you to get an idea of what they look like! They are tagged as "castor picrew." and "pollux picrew." and will always have a link to the picrew and any other ocs included so you can check them out!
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Anon List!
Anonymous blog frequenters will be tagged as "(insert something here) anon."
None at this time!
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Thank you to cafekitsune for the free use dividers!
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agloomlikenoother · 6 months
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This might be one of the most painfully self sent asks I’ve ever had the displeasure witnessing. Like I’m physically cringing.
Anyway; it’s not because of your pronunciation of Utena you dipshit. Even ignoring how it takes two seconds to make a pronunciation more accurate, the reason as to why people claim that is a combination of things.
The majority of people wouldn’t be referring to you as a racist asshole if it weren’t for the fact how you speak about Asians, particularly Japanese people, with a large amount of disrespect all the while claiming to be “a non bigoted individual” despite your long history of being a predatory racist brownfacing queerphobe.
Have you considered that implying the bombing of Japan was a good thing kind of gives people the impression you don’t like us? Or do you fully know it and you’re just trying to spew more lies as an attempt to save your ass so you can lure in more vulnerable people for sexual gratification?
And once again, not what weeb means. Liking anime or recognizing racism towards Japanese people doesn’t equate someone to weebs. I don’t get why you keep making that comparison. It doesn’t do you any favors and it just makes you look like an even bigger idiot (which is saying a lot).
Also, that’s not what xenophobia means. I get that you’re stupid so you naturally come to the conclusion that if someone isn’t black it must not be racism but Asians are people of color, dumbass. Xenophobia is something entirely different from racism, it takes nothing but a quick google search.
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Lol, no. That’s not what’s happening here anon. I’m willing to bet that this could be self sent as well but the typing style is slightly different so I really don’t know. Regardless, that’s not why people make that assumption.
You seem to forget that most English dub voice actors usually place no effort into their delivery, especially if we’re talking about Netflix dubbing. Which I don’t hold much issue with aside from it being lazy but honestly I can respect people who just do it, get their pay, and walk out. The language is difficult to translate, speaking as a Japanese person myself, so most of the time there’ll be errors with pronunciation because sometimes white people really can’t tell if it’s simply that voice actors accent or the pronunciation itself. It’s a common error that bounds to happen at this point, and nobody cares unless they’re an actual weeb..
But that isn’t what’s happening with Lily.
Lily just doesn’t care. She doesn’t give two shits about anyone who isn’t a specific kind of person of color, particularly one that likes her, and especially not if they’re an Asian. It’s as simple as that.
And once again, misuse of the word xenophobia. I’m starting to think you don’t know what that word means or are trying to make your racism sound better than it actually is by placing a different name onto it.
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cryptomiracle · 9 months
𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
content: creepypastas with a "crazy" s/o
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Genre: one shot, x reader, obsessive reader
Toxic "relationships"
Mentions of murder
Mentions of dismemberment
A gun
This will be kinda like a mini series, feel free to request any characters! (I will only be doing one creepypasta at a time, so I don't overdo myself lol)
ngl, I wanted this to kinda give off 2014 creepypasta fanfic vibes, hence the name 😭
Ticci toby:
Name: tobias erin rogers
Age: 20
Height: 5'11-6'0
Known information: toby is a sadistic serial killer, he often toys with his victims before killing them, he especially likes to hold his victims captive to torture them, or play mind games with them. He'll keep them for months at a time, only killing them once he gets bored, or tired of taking care of them.
The more he enjoys them, or the more entertaining he finds them, the longer he keeps them alive.
Unless of course he's ordered to kill them.
He often holds more than one person, sometimes kidnapping up to 3 people at a time.
He greatly enjoys, giving his victims "Stockholm syndrome" (Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors) and in this case, that just so happens to be you.
about 8-9 months ago you were hiking in the woods, you went a little too deep in the woods, and saw something you weren't supposed to.. (toby burying a dismembered corpse)
you tried to run, and call for help, you really did.
But he was faster, his strength was almost inhuman, and he knew the woods better than you could ever hope to know.
Unfortunately, he eventually caught you. He knocked you out, and brought you back to his house in the woods, that was basically falling in on itself. hes always liked to take things slow, so he took you to his basement, and chained you to the wall by your ankle, the basement is dimly lit, it has nothing in it but a few shelves, a leaky pipe, and a dirty, blood stained, mattress on the floor.
after a month of only going down there to feed you (he only fed you enough to keep you alive) he eventually started to strike up conversations with you.
He'd start little by little, asking you if you needed anything (other than freedom), to bringing you things like a blanket, or different clothes. Maybe even giving you a little more food than usual..
By the 3rd month he'd start going down there more often, what he does down there depends on how you act.
Let's say to try to escape one too many times, or get too personal when you curse at him (like mentioning his mother)
he'll go down there just to break your spirit.
He'd do it over the course of a few months, just to make sure it really sticks with you.
When he first took you, he put you in that basement with practically nothing, right?
Well, if you act in a way that's not to his liking (rude, crying 24/7, yelling at him etc) he'll take the few things that you do have.
He'll take the bed, he'll cut off any light source down there, he'll take your clothes, he may even shave your head.
He'll stop feeding you as much, or even only feed you once you're at the brink of starvation.
Sometimes he'll go down there with a sandwich, or apple, and just eat it in front of you.
"how bad do you want it?"
He'll say while lightly shaking the food in front of you, like you would do to a dog.
"If you really want it.. beg for it."
Sometimes he'll just come down there to show you pictures and videos of his previous victims.
But, if you act in a way that he deems "good" he'll mainly just go down there to "hang out" with you
he'll bring you things like a note book and crayons, so you can draw together.
He'll talk to you about his day, (you're not allowed to talk back unless it's to compliment him, or criticize someone who pisses him off) or he'll bring a cd player down there so you can listen to his favorite song
After a while of doing that, he'll take the chance to manipulate you.
He'll start going on rants about his horrible childhood, (an attempt to make you sympathize with him) and make you comfort him as he sobs.
Other times he'll brush your hair for you, if you're "good enough" he may even let you take a bath.
with him in the room of course.
If you ever ask to be free, he'll start spewing all these different excuses
"I need you too much to let you go"
"d-do you not want to l-live with me anymore?"
"do I-I not treat you well enough?"
"what, am I not enough for you no-w??"
If you don't answer him, or you don't start apologizing, he'll stop talking to you all together for weeks on end, and only go down there to feed you.
He'll stop letting you bathe, you'll be right back at square one.
He may whisper little things like "you really hurt me, you know that y/n.." to you, just to make you feel bad.
Even though none of it is real, he genuinely feels nothing for you, his only purpose for you is pure entertainment until he can find another source.
toby is a very twisted individual, he fuels off of peoples pain.
He uses people to feed into his ego, and makes them think they need him.
The best case scenario would be for him to just forget about you, and let you starve to death down there.
By the 7-8th month, he'd already broken you.
The heinous amounts of violence, and manipulation he's applied to you, finally "worked".
He has you just how he wants you.
when you wake up it's toby.
When you go to sleep, it's toby.
He's everything you think about, how he feels, what he thinks, how deep your love for him is, how much he loves you, how you would do anything for him.
You would die for toby.
Your love for toby quickly became obsessive, once he made you aware of the lengths he went too just to keep you to himself
he's put so much time and effort into you, after all you've put him through, all the fights, all the escape attempts, he still stayed with you.
He still loved you.
He's so generous and kind to you, sometimes he even unchains you and lets you come upstairs with him
You're not allowed outside though, he tells you there are dangerous things out there, and people who will want to take you away from him.
And you believe him, why would toby ever lie to you?
He has no reason to, he could tell you how much he despised you, and you'd still love him, you're devoted to him, fully.
One day, he told you that he thought you might be lonely while he was gone "hunting", and that he was gonna get you a new friend
You were thinking that he meant a dog, or cat.. you couldn't be more wrong.
It was a rainy afternoon, you knew that because you could see through a tiny window leading out of the basement, you didn't know what time, or day it is because he didn't let you
All you know is that you've been here a while.
You hear the door open up stairs, and you recognize Toby's footsteps, they sound a bit heavier.. like he's carrying something.
You feel a twinge of excitement
you hear that same old creaky door open, and in comes toby.
Carrying an unconscious girl..
You can barely see, but it appears that she has mid length hair, she looks about 5'8, and she's very pretty.
He takes her to the other side of the room, and chains her hands to the wall.
The dim light shines through the window, casting a glow onto her.
She has brown hair, freckles, and tanned skin.
As you analyze her, that's when you notice a bobby pin in her hair.
You brush it off, and quickly forget about it.
At first you were jealous, but your worries were quickly dissipated when he did this, he clearly loved you the most, if she's the one thats almost fully immobilized.
he walked over to you, and kneeled in front of you.
He raised his gloved hand, and placed it on your cheek.
He removed his mouth guard, and lowered his lips down to your other cheek, he gently, and lovingly pressed a kiss into your cheek.
He lips felt cold pressed against your skin, almost as if he were a ghost.
His eyes are so dreamy, almost sirenic.
He let his hand linger on your cheek before he stood up, and walked back upstairs.
You turned your head to the girl, her body lay limp, almost as if she were dead.
you crawled over to her to get a better look, as you got closer you could tell she was covered in sweat, she must have been like you, running away from toby.
You've come to regret that, running away from him.
If only you knew how much he adored you.
Suddenly, her eyes shot open, and her breathing became labored.
She was frantically looking around the room
"it's okay.." you speak
she quickly looks at you
"where am I??" She says, her voice is hoarse, she tries to wiggle her hands out of the cuffs, but to no avail.
"a basement." You aren't rude when you say it, but there is a little sarcasm laced in your tone.
She sighs
After a few minutes of silence, she finally speaks again
"I'm jasmine... You?"
You stare at her for a few seconds before speaking
She lightly smiles, you did as well.
After a few hours of small talk, you finally go to sleep.
3:58/15:58 am
"wake up"
You were roughly woken up by someone shaking you.
Its dark, so you couldn't tell who it is, but their voice is familiar.
you soon realize that it's jasmine, some how she'd freed herself from her chains.
"we're going to escape" she whispered
although she couldn't see it, confusion was plastered across your face.
You noticed that your ankle feels lighter, like how it feels when toby lets you roam around the cabin.
Before you could fully process what was happening, she had grabbed your arm and started to lead you upstairs.
you nearly trip as she pulls you up the stairs, and slowly opens the door.
the lights weren't on, and by this point your eyes are adjusted to the darkness.
the house looked as beat up as it usually did, the wallpaper was peeling, the floor was creaky, and the ceiling was still moldy.
She suddenly stops, and turns to you.
"We're gonna sneak to the kitchen, you keep watch while I look for a knife."
her tone of voice sounds strained, and desperate.
She starts dragging you again, when you stop dead in your tracks.
"what are you going to do with a knife?"
She turns, and looks at you, almost dumbfounded.
"we're gonna stab that sorry son of a b*tch that kidnapped us!"
Her voice slightly raised, anger was evident in her tone.
"oh.." you muttered, as you two crept through the hall.
You felt fury burn in your throat.
she doesn't know, she doesn't know how loving and kind toby is, how caring and considerate he is.
he's just misunderstood, and you're the only one who really understands him.
You two finally make it to the beat up kitchen, she lets you go, and leaves you at the entrance and starts going through the drawers.
as you lean against the wall, you start to look around the room.
that's when you notice something shiny sticking out from under the couch.
You turn your head to see her turned away from you, quietly rummaging through the shelves, and drawers.
You approach the couch, and kneel down to get a closer look.
It's a gun, a silver gun.
You remembered toby talking about stealing one of his "buddies" favorite guns, as a prank.
This must be where he hid it
You pulled it out, it was quite heavy.
You checked to see if it was loaded, it was..
you flinch as you hear Jasmine speak from behind you
"what'd you find?"
you quickly stand up, gun in hand.
Before she can say anything else, you point the gun right at her temple.
Confusion, and betrayal written on her face.
"I'm sorry, I really am.."
Right as she's about to respond, you pull the trigger.
The sound of the gunshot rings in your ears.
before you know it, her body falls to the ground, blood and brain matter spewing from the gunshot wound.
Silence surrounds you, you can feel your legs go limp as you flop into the couch.
You start to zone out, eyes focused on her dead body.
You drop the gun on the ground
You dont even notice the sound of toby storming through the halls
You lightly flinch when you feel hands roughly grab your shoulders
He yells, his voice quickly draws your attention from jasmine, to him.
You try to speak, but you can't get the words out
"y/n.. what the F*CK did you do."
his voice is stern, he wasn't asking you, at this point he's commanding you to tell him.
"I-.." you hesitate
"she was going to kill you-u and.."
that's when it fully hit you, you had just killed someone.
Someone who thought they were helping you.
You immediately start sobbing, your tears sting as they roll down your cheek.
Toby embraces you, and pats your back as he does.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry toby, I'm sorry" you sob into his shoulder, your words are almost intelligible.
"it's okay.. you did it for me didn't you?"
you slightly pull away from the hug, and nod.
"Don't worry, I forgive you."
He whispers, his voice is now comforting, completely different than it was a minute ago, his expression has also changed.
His expression went from a confused, yet rage filled look, to a cheerful smile.
A smile that was a bit off putting, considering the situation.
He pulls you back into the hug, and you two stay like that all night long, until you fall asleep.
The next morning, toby tells you that you two have to bury the body "before it starts stinking up the place" and so you do.
You have her feet, and toby has her hands.
You two lay her body on the ground, you stare at her lifeless eyes, not even realizing that toby was talking to you.
"y/n!" He snaps his fingers in your face.
You quickly look at him
"I'm gonna go get some stuff, I'll be right back okay?"
You simply nod
As he walks off, you walk over to her, and close her eyes.
You can't handle her staring at you anymore.
Soon enough, toby comes back witt two shovels one for you, and one for him.
He hands you one, and you both start digging.
a few hours later
You were finally done, you went over to the body to help toby pick it up, but before you could toby kicked the body into the hole.
you stand beside him, as he shovels the dirt back into the hole.
You feel a cloud of guilt loom over you as you watch the dirt cover up more, and more of her corpse.
Tears start to fall from your eyes once more
As soon as he's done, you feel him wrap an arm around your torso.
You lean your head against his shoulder, and sigh as you wipe the tears from your eyes.
"I love you toby.." you whisper
"I know." he says before pressing a kiss onto your forehead.
I'm so sorry if this seemed rushed at the end, I wanted to get it out asap 🫶🏽
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goddess-of-green · 2 years
𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝘕. 𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘦𝘥𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Synopsis: You're always doing things for Komaeda, he wants to repay you. Word Count: 751
(Drabble from ages ago lol. I originally had more in mind but smut is exhausting for me to write.)
Warnings: GN!Reader, slight!NSFW, (there's NSFW content but it's very limited,) Dom!Komaeda, but not really lol, he's still a big pushover
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You giggled as Komaeda leaned over you, entrapping your body with his own as he placed possessive kisses on your neck.
"What's gotten into you?" You smiled, looking up at him as his elbows came to rest on each side of your head on the bed.
He had been especially clingy and affectionate today; arms stuck around your waist and stealing kisses at every opportunity.
You accepted it with open arms, (Komaeda was usually not so bold as to constantly act on his clingy feelings) but...there were aspects of it you were only used to in moderation.
You blushed as Komaeda started to kiss lower, hands rubbing up and down your sides as he praised you.
He looked at you like you were his everything, and his words conveyed the same.
The constant worship flustered you.
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I simply want to treat my partner with the utmost love and respect, as they have done for me." Komaeda smiled serenely, either not noticing or not caring about your embarrassed expression.
"Truly, trash such as myself is not worthy of such an honor, but allow me to do you these small acts of service and bring pleasure to my beloved hope." Komaeda continued, his hands inching towards your inner thighs under your loose shorts as he brought himself closer to the edge of the bed.
Realization came to you. "Ah, Komaeda! You want to...-?" You blushed.
He'd never done anything like this for you before.
"Yes..." Komaeda adopted a dazed expression, giving you the impression he didn't mind the idea at all. "I'd love nothing more than to bring you the same glimmering hope as you have to me..."
Silly Komaeda, confusing hope and sexual gratification...
"A-Are you sure you really...want to...?" You asked nervously.
You already knew the answer, but your nerves were getting the better of you.
"But of course! Unless..." Komaeda had a curious look, before smiling as he seemed to come to a conclusion. "Ah, I see! You don't want human filth like me to-"
"Ah- no, no!" You waved your arms. "That's not it at all! I just..." You grasped Komaeda's hands that tried to retreat from your body, sitting up.
"I'm kind of nervous...we haven't done this before..."
Komaeda looked at your expression in awe, but smiled before you could ask what he was looking at.
"Wow! Usually our roles are different! I almost feel like... Ah, nevermind! What a perverted thing to say..." Komaeda trailed off, seeming to be berating himself.
Despite cutting himself off, you had an idea of where he'd been going with that...
Your cheeks burned. 
"W-Well, um...I'd love if you...did that for me." You said, your voice uncharacteristically shy. "I just don't want you to feel obligated-!"
"Ah Ah, nonsense, my hope. Quite the opposite in fact, it would be an absolute honor for someone like me to serve you in this way. And besides..." He smiled as his tone became a bit more sultry, his hand inching closer to your clothed sex. "Any experience with you is an experience worth remembering."
Flattered, you smiled, cupping his neck with a hand and bringing him to your level to kiss him.
After you pulled away, he only brought you back in, a possessive hand on your cheek so he could control the pace of the kiss.
Pressing your lips against his, he hummed (or was that a moan?) spreading your legs open so he could maneuver in between them and keep kissing you.
Cupping both your cheeks now, he kissed you deeper, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Not expecting such a move from Komaeda, you couldn't but let out a moan. 
"Ah," You pulled away finally, in need of air. "You're like a different person today, Ko'." You smiled.
Komaeda was close enough for your breath to fan over his face as you spoke, but somehow was more flustered from your words than your proximity.
"Ah!" He blushed. "I'm sorry! It's just...you're always doing things for me, making me feel good... I want to do the same for you... It's the least I could do..." He trailed off, seeming to lose confidence.
"You already do, baby." You grinned, leaning in to kiss him. "Every day."
"But..." You brushed some of his hair out of his face. "If you really want to do something like this for me, I'd love to let you."
Komaeda smiled, returning to his place between your knees.
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eternally-smitten · 6 months
Drabblecember - Baking Together
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pairing: Natalie x Trevor Philips
summary: Trevor feels a bit bad about not being as good at baking as Natalie, but he tries to keep up anyway
word count: ~1.2k
author's note: okay so I guess I'm just obsessed with writing baking fics with Trevor because this is the third one I've written with this exact prompt LOL. this also ended up being a lot more angsty than I initially intended?? wack.
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“God fucking dammit!” Trevor winced as he cracked the egg too hard, getting goopy yolk all over the counter.
“Hey, don’t do that.” Natalie said in a monotone voice without looking up from her bowl.
He slowly turned his head to shoot her a glare that she couldn’t see, “Gee, thanks. We should really bake together more often, don’t ya think?”
She sniggered and peered at him from over her glasses, “You’re the one that wanted to do this with me, hon. Don’t blame me for your idea.”
That was true. Trevor has watched her bake all the time and always felt bad for leaving her to her own devices. He figured it couldn’t be that hard so he asked her if they could do something together. Natalie suggested cookies since they’re usually easiest to make and he happily agreed. But here he was, covered in raw egg and trying his best to scoop tiny pieces of shell out of the bowl.
“I’m sorry, here,” She pulled him to the side and took his spot, “Roll the dough into balls after washing your hands. I’ll do this for you.”
He grumbled a little as he ran his hands under the warm water, “Can’t trust me to do it myself?”
She fished the piece of shell out with her fingernail and flicked it in the trash can, “No, it’s not that. You were just gettin’ frustrated and I wanted you to actually have fun with me.”
Trevor’s hard face softened a little at that, “Aw, darlin’, I always have fun with ya. I’m just shit at eggs.”
“Oh, trust me, I know.” Natalie joked, “That’s why I won’t let you make them anymore. That’s my job.”
“Hey now!” He dipped his now clean hands into the flour bag and wiped a little on her nose, “I’ve made good eggs before!”
She crossed her eyes to look at the white dusty spot on her nose, “Sorry T, I don’t count ‘slightly burnt’ scrambled eggs as ‘good’.”
Trevor chuckled at her crossed eyes and started to roll some already made dough into little balls, “It counts in my book, doll.”
He cradled the cookie dough carefully in his hands and mimicked what he watched Natalie do just moments before. Baking came so naturally to her and he couldn’t wrap his head around it. She made it look so easy but he struggled with it a bit. Cookies were easiest, she said. He couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about himself. He felt almost helpless compared to her.
He realized he was rolling the same ball of dough for the past few minutes now, so he cleared his throat and presented it to Natalie, “Uh, how’s this?”
“Perfect!” She praised, “Just plop it on the tray over there and make a few more!”
“Alright,” Trevor did as he was told and moved on to the next piece of dough. Once again, he replayed how she did it and followed it as closely as his memory would let him. 
Nothing usually got to him this bad. Work? Hardly ever unless someone really pissed him off. Heists? Never unless Michael pissed him off. Ron or Wade? They were just pests, really. But baking with Natalie? He was more anxious than he let on. It wasn’t even that he didn’t entirely know what he was doing although that was part of it. It was more the fact that he wanted to impress her. Trevor wanted Natalie to see someone she could be proud of. Someone to say “That’s mine! He made these great cookies with me!” and to say it with pride. But whenever he was in the kitchen, he felt like a bumbling fool who was out of his element.
“T?” Natalie asked, pulling him out of his head, “Are you alright?”
“Huh?” He looked at her for the first time since he started rolling this second ball, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, darlin’. Just fine. Why?”
She scrunched her nose up, a telltale sign that she didn’t believe him, “You’ve been rolling that ball and staring into the sink for like, five minutes.”
“Oh,” He threw the ball on the tray and went to grab more to make another, “Sorry about that.”
Her hand grabbed his wrist gently and pulled it away, “Come on, don’t do that. What’s up?”
She sighed, “If you’re not enjoying yourself, you can just tell me. I won’t be offended. I know I’m not…the easiest to work with.”
“No, no!” Trevor grabbed her face with his dough covered hands, “That ain’t it at all.”
“Then what?”
He froze and sighed, “I just ain’t good at this like you. I dunno, I wish I was better, I guess.”
“Is that it?” She squeezed his bicep reassuringly, “Oh, T, it’s okay. I wasn’t good at this when I started. Hell, I still fuck up!”
“I find that hard to believe, sugar.” Trevor gave her a skeptical look.
“No, really!” She giggled, “Man, the first cake I ever made was a mess! My god, I filled my little cake pan too much and the damn thing exploded in the oven. My entire house smelled like burnt cake for the rest of the day.”
He let out a raspy, halfhearted laugh, “That actually sounds kind of good.”
Natalie shook her head and gave him a dead serious look, “You’d think so but no. Absolutely disgusting. Don’t even get me started on the shit show that was decorating that same cake.”
“You’re tellin’ me you tried to frost it after?” Trevor asked, cocking an eyebrow up.
“I wasn’t going to waste that whole cake!” She paused to think about that memory, “Even though I actually did end up chucking it because it was too destroyed to be saved. Anyway, my point is that I’m not perfect. Both in general and at baking. I’m not gonna judge you for slipping up and making a mistake.”
He shrugged, “I just wanna make you proud, honey.”
Natalie frowned a little, “But you do.”
“Aw, shucks. Now you’re makin’ me blush.” He joked with a hint of sincerity in his voice.
“And listen, as much as I love being touched and held by you, your hands are uh, really sticky.” She grimaced a little at the feeling on her skin, “Would you mind uh-” “Oh!” He let go of her face and gave her an awkward smile, “My mistake.”
She giggled and wiped the residue off with her hand, “Jeez, you even got a chocolate chip on me! Gross.”
A devilish smirk spread across his face, “Here, why don’t I clean it off for ya?”
Before she could reply, Trevor practically pounced on her and licked a stripe up her cheek.
“Oh, my God!” Natalie squealed, her voice cracking, “Gross! Don’t eat raw cookie dough, you heathen!”
He laughed and hugged her tightly, giving her a swift peck on the cheek, “You always know how to make me feel better, darlin’. Even when you’re lecturing me.”
After that, he felt a bit more confident in the kitchen. Soon enough, they were ready to pop their cookies in the oven and wait for them to be ready. Just like Natalie said, she still made mistakes because she accidentally left them in for too long and the edges turned black. Even then, because they were made with love, they tasted perfect to Trevor.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
can you share more about your mc :D
Oh! I mean... yeah, I can... I'm just surprised anyone asked lol!
I haven't really talked much about Ciaran on here, but I'm happy to give you more information about them!
I actually made a moodboard for them when I made this one for Arsenios, but I've been too shy to post it lol. It's been sitting in my drafts for weeks. Maybe I'll do it at some point.
Ciaran isn't me, but I did include a lot of things that I wish I had when I came up with them and their personality.
Anyway, here are the basics: Ciaran O'Mara is a thirty something non binary person who used to work at an art gallery. Ciaran is amab and actually uses he/they pronouns. I tend to use they/them for them most of the time, but sometimes I still use he/him.
The name Ciaran is Irish and is pronounced like the more common English spelling, which is Kieran. Technically it's supposed to have an accent in it - like Ciarán - but I'm too lazy to keep that up lol. And Ciaran doesn't usually bother to include the accent, either.
They're American, but their parents came to the US from Ireland before Ciaran was born. They have an older sister named Fiadh (which is pronounced like fee-uh) who they are very close to. They lived with Fiadh in a somewhat decent apartment until they were whisked away to the Devildom. At which point, Fiadh couldn't afford the apartment on her own and had to move back in with their mother.
Their father passed away a long time ago and their mother is a devout Irish Catholic. If she knew that Ciaran was currently living with a bunch of demons, she would likely have a heart attack. It'd be even worse if she knew that included Lucifer himself or if she heard about Satan lol.
Ciaran is short and feisty, with short blue hair and green eyes. They're a painter. They like to paint with oils on big canvasses but will also do watercolors, especially when they want to paint on the go. They like to do landscapes and sometimes they go abstract. They used to do portraits, but they haven't done them in a long time. (There is a reason for this, but if I get into it, this'll be too long lol.) They work at the art gallery putting together art shows and sometimes they sell their own works.
Ciaran is outgoing and likes people, but they're also kinda short tempered. They really don't get along with Solomon at first because they don't like to be teased. I don't currently have them officially dating anyone because I think if they were dealing with a bunch of people who wanted to date them, they would stay non committal about it. That being said, I do think they'd want to choose someone in the end, but who knows when that might be.
Some of the characters have also met Fiadh, who was not happy about her little sibling disappearing and leaving her with the full rent bill. It took some time, but eventually she figured out where Ciaran went and showed up in the Devildom to complain about having to move back in with their mom.
Anyway, I could write a lot more about Ciaran of course but this is already getting long! If you (or anyone) have any more specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them!
Thanks for asking about them, anon, I love talking about my MC (and my OC)!
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lawlietscaramels · 4 months
Can we get Z,T,S and C with L please?
death note reborn
also hello 🌜 anon! I think your ask is the next one sitting in my inbox and I'm excited to write it :)
I've mentioned it before I believe, but what brings L to a state of zen is rain. And again I'll mention I don't think it actually brings him that sense of calm and belonging unless he's somewhere small. A garden. A driveway. An onsen. I should draw L in rain. He likes the way each single drop of rain is its own individual part of the whole. He likes how they all "work together." He likes the sound. It reminds him of England.
L is terrified of very few things. He has fears, yes, I think he's scared of thunder and also of zombies, and of being unloved and forgotten. which is very likely, nobody noticed that L had died (he's still alive) and Light took over except for people who knew/had been told that he had died. the world only knew him as a detective not even a person and why do I want to make myself cry today, sigh. Anyway. The thing he's number one most afraid of is losing his ability to think and speak and communicate. So any virus that attacks the brain absolutely TERRIFIES him. He lies awake at night thinking about lyssavirus/rabies and listeria and everything else he's heard of (let's be honest L has a weak immune system the common cold could probably kill him). Any brain damage at all, anything related to it, terrifies him.
SEXUALITY & GENDER HEADCANONS LET'S GO,, okay. L usually just tells people it's none of their business, 1) because it's none of their business and 2) because it takes him a while to list it all (he'd go into more detail than I have). L identifies as: arospec (demiromantic), acespec (greysexual) and pan (he thinks from a technical definition he'd be omni, as he has a preference for men, but he prefers the pan label). When asked by someone what his gender is he'll inevitably reply "what the fuck is gender lol" — the wording because he thinks it's funny and the sentiment because he honestly does not care about gender. L is just L. He looks masc because it's just easier to keep going the way he was raised and he accepts he/him pronouns mostly but you could refer to him as anything and he wouldn't care. Would probably be surprised because he's accustomed to being called he/him but would not care. He'd also wear dresses and skirts and whatever if it was a more appropriate choice for the situation or weather n stuff. oops haha I wrote a lot.
Oh boy talking about L and the change questions is gonna be a lot. One of my favourite things to think about is L's inner conflict and how much he wants to change but is at the same time afraid of it. Iirc he mentions in canon that he knows his own methods aren't great but doesn't make any effort to change them. I think the main reason for that is that he's been brought up knowing how unjust the justice system is and being taught that it's okay for him to do bad things if it makes the bad people go away, i.e. the ends justify the means. So he's afraid he won't be as good of a detective if he follows the law he upholds. Watari probably doesn't help very much with that. But L DOES want to be a good person, otherwise he's a hypocrite and creating as many problems as he prevents. As for how he has changed, well, he went from a poor little boy to someone who was told their only purpose was their intelligence and raised to be a brilliant detective at the same time as his own individuality and life was destroyed and that's really sad to me. When I write L I hope to write him learning to be a person outside of his work. once again it's the Rie formula my dear OC there to let me rewrite everything for a happy AU. HELP I wrote even more for that one shhfhfhfnfgn.
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traumatizedjaguar · 3 months
how do you tell if someone you love is a narcissist and what to do?
First I’m confused on why you’re asking this question and exactly what you are looking for? Some people have asked me bc they tell me they’re living with an abuser so that’s how I’m going to take your question…
If that’s the case and you have an abuser you’re living with and you can’t get away yet I don’t exactly have any good advice other than the usual we survivors always tell each other:
leave when it’s safest
keep everything low key and secret from your abusers such as passwords, accounts and users, jobs you’re working, etc.
Don’t leave papers with your passwords and usernames written down laying around your bedroom if you’re living with an abuser
!!! Lemme add: I used to write down on paper fake usernames and fake passwords and I’d leave it on my desk or in a drawer easy to find so my abusers wouldn’t know my actual accounts and passwords !!!
grey rock technique is always useful
And you can’t control how people perceive you when you’re being smear campaigned, so it’s best not to care about it and do your best with your life for yourself
Look for local DV shelters
Also do t leave journals or diaries laying around, I keep an online diary password locked
I’m posting a master-post soon about how to do your best living with abusers still in your life based on techniques and other things I’ve used to help myself deal with abusers. I’m almost done with it. It’s kind of based off one persons experience I.e. my own lol and everyone’s experience with abusers is unique. So some of what I say might not work for you, some will.
I can’t use words like narcissism on tumblr when talking about abusers, although about 6 of my abusers actually had NPD, ASPD, other stuff and Conduct Disorder (some were flying monkeys who abused me) and these disorders certainly impacted how they behaved with me (using fire to harm people, abusing animals, bullying, physical cruelty, sexually abusive both coercively and violently, excessive lying issues and manipulation, deceitfulness, justifying harming others, vandalism of property, conning, severe possessiveness and jealousy issues, lacking in remorse and care).
It’s common for psychological abusers to have “gangs” of others just like them/same personality and behaviors. Which is why you often see them together in numbers behind the scenes.
It’s best to use the word abuser or psychological abuser instead at least that’s what I do on my tumblr account as not to cause uproar. But you can still be honest about how their symptoms impacted you, as I still talk about it too.^
Idk if this person you’re referring to is someone abusive, someone you wish to keep in your life, or someone you’re just trying to help?
You can’t help abusers nor should you try, I’ve been there with all of my abusers and it’s a bad cycle to stay in. Don’t try to get them help if they’re abusive, just leave when you can. Grey Rock everyday. Please never try to stay and help an abuser.
If they’re a loved one who isn’t an abuser (rarely have people asked me it this way ahhh):
Then it’s best to just bring up the disorder casually instead of accusatory.
Like say you’re interested in psychology and want to share what you’ve learned and you can go over the symptoms like, “such an interesting disorder I have been learning about!” And then go over the symptoms more so in depth with examples of how the symptoms can manifest and see if they start thinking about it as “huh I do that?” That way you don’t make it sound accusatory, but instead you are just casually talking about a subject!
That’s all I can come up with unless you have specific questions or specific needs? I’m not the best with advice but we’ll see hah
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rollercoasterwords · 2 months
I've heard of ppl complaining about ur writing speed and posting schedule but it's honestly ridiculous. like you actually write insanely fast. it is incredible that you have managed to write over 150,000 words (in very high quality writing might I add 🫶) in like 10 months !!
thank u lol honestly i feel like i’ve had relatively little bs 2 deal w compared 2 the flack i’ve seen some other fic writers get etc but i have def like. had conversations w some other fic writers abt how strange it feels 2 get people immediately commenting on chs like “when will the next ch be out?” or sending messages etc asking abt posting schedules…idk i have conflicted feelings bc on the one hand im like well maybe i just did this 2 myself by having unusually fast & consistent posting schedules at various points w past fics but on the other hand i do try 2 make it v clear when like. my posting is gonna slow down…& also i v much do not think it should be considered standard 4 people 2 be updating wips weekly or monthly etc like when i was writing a fic 4 a different fandom before i joined this one i took like a four month break in the middle of posting w no warning & no one complained abt it lol.
& it’s also like. i do understand that none of those comments/messages etc r ill intended & usually people will tack on a little ‘no pressure!’ but unfortunately i am going 2 pressure myself regardless…which i have had 2 actively work on bc i was like. i cannot keep stressing myself out over arbitrary deadlines i set for something that’s supposed 2 be a hobby!! so i might just be extra sensitive abt it now & if one of those messages catches me on a day where im stressed abt other stuff etc (frequent occurrence recently lol) then like. no matter how nicely it’s phrased it still doesn’t feel nice. & i understand wanting 2 know but i also don’t think u should read a wip unless ur actually prepared 2 a) deal w the story however it goes [separate complaint that i’ve been discussing w my fic writing friends lmao] and b) wait however long it takes 4 chs w no expectations abt regularly-scheduled posting. so!
anyway not sure 2 what extent this is like a new phenomenon or expectations have actually changed…one friend who’s been like. writing fic way longer than i have told me they do feel like there’s been a sort of shift across various fandoms w this new expectation that fic writers r posting regularly quickly & consistently. like maybe bc fic has become more ‘mainstream’ etc there are an influx of people who r bringing in new standards that sort of echo what they’d expect 4 other forms of media but like. when u take a step back & think abt it it’s a little wild 2 want or expect some random guy 2 be providing u w weekly entertainment for free…have seen a few people being like “ugh we need a new big wip that everyone’s reading & talking abt” & im like. oh so u want someone 2 kill themself lmao like everyone i know who’s had their fic treated like the fandom’s ~tv show~ that they tune in for every week has had a horrible horrible time lol
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lynderman · 2 years
𝙂𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙨𝙚 𝙊𝙛 𝙐𝙨 (Robin Arellano) Final Part
Pairing: Robin Arellano x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,955
Date Published: 8/9/22
Tags: Angst, AU, Alternate Universe, Heartbreak, breakups, (past) fluff, eventual Vance Hopper X Reader, time-skips, flashbacks, confessions, fighting.
Description: (This AU Has no grabber what so ever. It's just with the characters. I'm also making them all 16-17 just because it seems better to me lol.)
You and Robin had been dating for quite a while. It all went downhill When he began to get into fights again. A bit later, you get with someone else. How will Robin handle seeing you with someone who isn't him?
Full Chapterlist
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𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥
As you locked the car door you shivered slightly. You had been in such a rush that you didn't bring a jacket. The dock looked abandoned as usual, other than a small group of other teens on the other side skinny dipping. It wasn't unusual, you just hoped that whoever wanted to meet you here wasn't wanting to participate In that. You made your way down the old dock. At the end, there was an old wooden bench. Wiping the dust off of it, you took a seat and looked around the lake. There wasn't anyone right by you. You enjoyed the peace and quiet.
You soon heard the crunch of leaves behind you, followed by footsteps on the old wood. You turned to your right, expecting to see Vance. It wasn't Vance. It was Robin. He looked the same as usual. You did notice that he was wearing a different belt buckle. You were a bit confused to see that it was the one you got him months ago. "Can I sit here?" You mumbled a yes. It was quiet for a while. Not awkward, just tense. As if you both didn't want to talk. "So you left the note in my locker?" You asked. "Yeah. I did." You slumped a little. "Do you want someone else here?" He turned to face you. "No no. It's not that. I just thought that it was Vance who left it." He gave you a sad look.
"Did he forget it was your birthday?" You didn't want to say yes. "That little prick." His tone of voice changed as he began to tap his knee. "He doesn't deserve you." You looked at Robin with more confusion. "He treats you like absolute shit. He ditches you for other people, yells at you constantly, and is borderline abusive. You don't deserve to be treated like that at all." You just sat there. "That's the same thing he said about you." He stopped tapping his knee. "That night at the roller rink. After we left he kept telling me about how 'He doesn't want to see me hurt again' and how 'I deserve so much better." It was complete bullshit. I wanted to stay back and talk with you. But of course he had to start a fight. I contemplated not going with him and just staying with you but-" You stopped when you processed what you were saying. You just outted your feelings to Robin again. You were still with Vance and he was still with Paige. Why did he come here anyways?
Robin held out his hand, signaling for you to open yours. He then handed you the other half of the bandana from the roller rink. "I fixed it for you. I sewed the rips. That way you don't have to keep the other half in your pocket all day. Maybe you can sew it back together." You couldn't help but blush. How did he know you always kept it in your pocket? It never went In our out unless you were in your room. "Look (y/n)." Robin scooted closer to you, turning his body to face you fully.
"Before Vance interrupted at the rink, I was going to say I'm sorry." You couldn't look at him. You couldn't bring yourself to do it. He sighed before going into greater detail.
"I'm sorry that I broke up with you. Especially the way it went down. Words cannot express how sorry I am. I never wanted to break up with you. I never wanted to go back to Paige. Everything she said was a lie. I never went to go see her. My Abuela was really sick. Or to say all those things about you. None of them were true. I was just so angry at myself. I took it out on you for no reason either. I shouldn't have let it get to the point where you were crying. And I'm sorry I forgot out anniversary. That was a dick move of me. I know that made all of it worse. And I'm sorry that I got into so many fights. I thought it would make me look better. That winning all of them would show how strong and confident I was. I just wanted to impress you was all. And I realize now it wasn't the correct way to do it. I got a bit jealous over the fact that Vance was hanging out with you more. You just make me feel something I can't explain. I don't know how to put it into words. You make me nervous, but I also get really happy. I Get all fidgety and talkative. Every time I see you and you smile at me it makes me feel like I got hit in the face. But in a good way. You're really pretty too. It's really hard to look away from you sometimes. And I care about you so much. You mean more to me than anyone in this world. And I don't wanna hurt you. But I know I did hurt you. With everything I've said and done. I didn't want to lose you either. But I did that too. I don't want to lose you again. It was wrong of me to compare you to Paige. The only reason I got back with was because I was lonely. I don't feel anything for her. Every thing we did, every hug she gave me, anything. I pretended it was you. I tried so hard to get over you. But I can't. You've shown me more love and affection than anyone else ever has. And that's why I care about you a lot. I want to protect you. I want you to be be happy. Every time I saw you cry it made me want to cry. I just want you to feel the same about me. I just want you to lo-"
"Love you?"
Robin froze. He was now standing up and in some over exaggerated pose. He always moves when he talks so it wasn't a surprise. When you met his eyes you could tell he was trying his hardest to hold back tears. "Yes. I want you to love me. When you told me on the hill, it hit me like a brick. That you did love me. That you felt the same way I feel now. And I didn't notice that. And I fucked up and then you got with Vance. But he's also-" Robin stopped speaking when you pressed your lips to his. He stood there in shock. When you stepped back you looked at him again, you could see he was crying.
"I'm sorry too Robin. For saying everything I said. And comparing you to Vance. I shouldn't have said any of that either. I did the same thing. I just Imagined Vance was you the entire time. It didn't do anything. All those fights you got into? I had to walk away so I wouldn't beat the shit out of the other person for hitting you. Or so I didn't come up to make sure you weren't hurt too badly. But I do love you robin. Even after we broke up. I never moved on. I couldn't. I still can't. I stay up every night waiting for you to climb through my window still."
He walked over and pulled you into his arms. He stood there as he laid his head on top of yours. You stood there, savoring the moment. This is what you'd been waiting for. For months, you waited to feel this type of love. "I accept your apology." You say into his chest. You can feel him laugh. "I accept yours too." After what seemed like minuets the two of you untangled. "So, what are we now?" You couldn't help but laugh as Robin asked. "Back together. Well, I mean if you want to be. Of course if you-"
"I'd love to be, "Mi corazón." A large smile was plastered on your face with his answer. The two of you walked from the dock and back to the parking lot. As you did so, you heard someone calling your name. you turned to see Vance walking angrily towards you both. When he reached you he began shouting. "What the hell is this?! Why are you with him?" He screamed. "Why were you with Paige earlier?" Vance went silent. On cue, again. Paige walked up behind him, calling his name.
"Robbie, why are you with her?" She sneered. "Don't call me that. And because we're dating again." Her jaw dropped. "Vance, I'm breaking up with you." He looked over to you. "You can't-" "Yes. I can. And I did." You grabbed Robin's Hand and began to walk off. You paused for a moment before shouting back to Paige. "He has AIDS by the way! From all the other girls he's been with!" The two of you watched and cackled as they fought.
"So you didn't drive here?" Robin shook his head. "So you walked." He nodded. At least you had a car now. He complimented it when you two made It to the parking lot. He walked over to get in but stopped when he saw you standing there. "Do you mind-" "Just hand me the keys." You smiled as you handed him your car keys and got in the passengers side. On the car ride back to your house, you both had the windows rolled down and the radio blasting Pink Floyd.
You mom still wasn't home. So you decided to let Robin sneak in. It wasn't exactly sneaking in if he went through the open front door. The two of you sat at the dining table eating your cake for a while before you decided to go to your room. When he walked in he smiled proudly. "Glad to see nothing's changed." He walked over to your record collection and began to peek through. The two of you sat on the bed playing your guitar for a while. That turned into a talk about school drama. Then that turned into something about animals. "Before I forget..." Robin begins to dig in his pocket. He pulls out. a small bag. Inside is an obsidian necklace. It has a locket at the end. Inside is a photo of the two of you on your first date. You smile and kiss his cheek. "I love it."
"You still kept it?" You set your necklace down and looked over to see Robin holding your cow. "Oh-yeah."
"I'd kinda hug it everynight since you weren't here." You laid on your back and looked up to the ceiling. "Well now I am." You felt his arm wrap around your waist, and pull you into his chest. The two of you stayed like this as you felt yourself grow sleepier. You turned over to look at him as your eyes began to droop. "Goodnight Robin."
"Goodnight (Y/n)."
You bolted up right in bed. You were struggling to breathe for a moment as you sweat heavily and tears were pouring down your face. You aggressively felt around the bed for another person as you struggled to see in the dark. You didn't stop until someone grabbed your hand. Robin slowly sat up next to you and turned the light on. "(Y/n)..what's wrong? Why are you-" He heard you sniffle before you hugged him tightly. "What'd you dream about?" You explained the dream in vivid detail. You couldn't hold back your sobs. When you finished Robin cupped his face in your hands. "That'll never happen. (Y/n) you know I care about you too much to do that." He reassured you for a while until you calmed down enough. When you laid back down he placed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you Mi corazón." You smiled as you closed your eyes. "I love you too Robin."
The sound of rain hitting your window was even more comforting than usual tonight.
𝘈 𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 3 months
so i just remembered i don't have any rules set up at all on my page lol ! i haven't gotten any requests that i'm uncomfortable with or anything, but i think it's important to set these types of boundaries as early as possibe, sooooo..!
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! ࣪✦ ♡ RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
first of all , please do not repost, plagiarize or steal my work. obviously. without my permission !
my blog is strictly NO NSFW, so do not ask me to write or send me any smut of any underaged character, thanks !
don't interact with my page if you're a weirdo lol (racist, homophobic, transphobic and other loser behavior attributes) i only want to spread positivity and sillines on my page, so go somewhere else for that !
! ࣪✦ ♡ WRITING RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
before i start with anything else i want to start by saying MY BLOG INCLUDES SPOILERS. i also mark whenever there are any manga spoilers, so you've been warned not once but twice twin !
if you somehow didn't notice, i write a LOT for katsuki bakugou lololol but i'm not against writing for other characters ! but since i don't know if i'll write them as good as my stinky stinky ugly boyfriend, i reccomend you just stick with katsuki when you send me requests !
most of the stuff i write for katsuki is childhood friends to lovers ! it's one of my favorite tropes and katsuki is my favorite character, so the potential of mixing those two is simply too cute to pass up ! we here on my blog enjoy this i lot (i hope yall do at least </3) so if you don't wanna see this repetitiveness, or if you simply don't like this trope, this may not be the blog for you </3
speaking of this, i will not write anything i do not believe a certain character would do. let's say for example you send me a request where a character abuses or cheats on you or wtv. i would rather avoid writing for stuff like this. mostly because i'm not that good of a writer and it's not something i am able to write, but also because if i do not believe a certain character would do this in canon, especially if it's a character that's really dear to me, i will not feel comfortable writing it. i'm sure you can find someone who can write those type of asks for you ! but i am simply not that person <3
i strictly write for fem readers as i am female and feel the most comfortable writing fem reader, but i occasionally do not mention any gender in my fics. this is usually specified !
i stick to writing for katsuki bakugou, as i feel i understand and characterize him the best, but as mentioned before i have no problem writing for others should you ask me to ! said characters include : shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, touya todoroki /dabi (wish me luck for that guy lol) it's always fun to experiment with writing for me , but please don't be upset if i don't characterize them how you want or i'll cry :(( (not really) (..unless?)
requests are allowed !! i love writing what you guys thought about and i love that you come to me for it ! it's always a bunch of fun and actually helps to inspire me to write more ! but, please keep in mind that i sometimes am extreeeeemely slow to respond to requests :(( i'm still in school but also like to take little writing breaks. sometimes i feel like expectations that i put on myself stress me out and make me not want to write, which is a horrible feeling. so please be patient and i'll get your ask to you as soon as i can ! <3
readers race stays unspecified at all times ! as a black girl myself, it always feels a little disheartening to see, even if i know it most definitely is not meant maliciously ! however, if you have any specific black reader requests , i'm your gal !
i will not write any nsfw for any character, so don't send me any smut requests pls n thanks !
i will absolutely not write anything related to incest. blood related or not. proshipping or morally wrong reader (teacher x student) pairings are not allowed either, that includes pedophilia, bestiality and all that freak shit as well. please take your weirdo shit somewhere else !
i also generally avoid writing aged up fics. it depends on the request or story, but i don't like writing about things like pregnancy, marriage, children n things like that. not because i find it nasty or anything but bc i get embarrassed LOLOLOL also i'm not fully into that part of the adulting world yet, so i have no idea how to even write it lmfao.
i don't write gore. canon typical violence is fine, but i'm not that good at being descriptive and also it's not really my cup of tea !
i do not write anything for oc's and will not respond to oc asks !
as you can see when you first come in here, my blog is entirely fluffy because i am a major optimist despite myself lololol ! angst requests are fine of course ! but most of the angst i write is either bittersweet or has a happy ending, so you've been warned ! don't come on here expecting heartbreaking angst because i am, for all intents and purposes, a massive baby.
please do not be surprised if i ignore or decline your requests if you do not respect my rules, i haven't had to do this yet thankfully, you all have been amazing <3, but this is simply a warning !
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aaand i think that's it for now ! i hope you enjoy reading my silly lil fics and interact ! i love love LOVE talking to yall
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chaoticcmesss · 1 year
My mistakes
Izuku Midoriya x y/n
y/n is gender neutral
Warning: angst, OOC Deku, self-doubt, mention of cheating, talking bad of one's self, sadness, a tiny sprinkle of toxic, little bit of gaslighting
Words; 1.7k
part 1 | part 2
*My heart hurts so much while writing this, so I'm sorry in advance* *also my writing sucks a*s and it hasn't been checked at all yet* *i will update when I’ve reread it cause it’s sh*t*
☼this divider was made by me btw☼
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I've always wondered what it's like to have someone beg for you to stay in their life. Someone who would do anything just to get you back after a stupid argument.
My whole life I begged for someone to stay by my side so I wouldn't be alone.
I begged my mom to remain yet she left without a care in the world with her new family.
I begged my dad to stay with me yet he didn't even bat an eye towards my direction as he drove off with his mistress, never to be seen or heard from again.
I begged my siblings to stay by my side when my life went downhill, yet they just laughed at me and made sure to never contacted me again only when they need help.
But once I finally found him, the Izuku Midoriya. My life changed for the better with him by my side. He has slowly introduced me to his group of friends, especially his childhood and best friend, Dynamite and Shoto, they are all very nice and have interesting stories to tell. I knew that I now have people in my life that won't ever hurt me. Dynamight and I became very close with one another as we worked on several cases together and to be honest, we make an amazing duo. Same with Shoto, even though he doesn't really show his emotions that often, it's nice to have a logical conscious around.
Izuku and I have been together for 3 years ever since and nothing would ever come between us, or so I thought.
Our relationship slowly started to change for the worse, he would come home, give me a peck on the cheek and go to his office. He wouldn't even stay in the room with me unless it was necessary. He is always cooped up on his laptop doing the reports and important documents even at home. I don't think he realised that there was a sudden change in his moods or the way he’d come home smelling different. Of course, I’d notice the small details. I'd usually message Dynamight or Shoto on how he is during work and to keep me updated if anything happened.
Yes, I know that being a hero is very hard and tiring but so am I, I do as much hero work as him every day and night, and I made sure that I had time to welcome him back home, I made sure he ate and slept even with a hectic schedule.
But I felt like he slowly forgot about me, about us and what we have been through together.
Does he still love me?
Why is he still with me?
Does he have someone else?
Is he cheating on me with Uravity? (I'm sorry to uravity fans- lol I'm not sorry HA!)
I let these thoughts run around in my head as tears run down my face, maybe I’m just overreacting. Yeah. I'm just overreacting.
Looking at the hanging clock I saw that it was 7 pm, he is probably making his way back home. I don't know what to do with myself.
Do I confront him?
Do I just ignore it?
What do I do?
Taking a quick breather I heard the door open with a familiar jingle of keys and a sigh “y/n I'm home” says the man who I can't even recognise anymore.
It's always been a nickname. 
But it was just “y/n”
What happened to the man I fell in love with?
What happened to the man that I gave my heart to?
What happened to my Izuku that held my face as he proclaimed his love for me?
What happened to MY izuku?
“y/n? Are you okay?” Izuku says as he kneels to catch my gaze as he held my knees.
I knew something was wrong.
Please. Please, God. Anyone. Anyone who’s listening. I don't want to hurt anymore. Please…
Slowly looking up to meet his gaze, I ask the one question that I know will break me, “are we okay izuku?” as I saw his features go from a warm yet soft look to shock and disbelief. 
“What brought this up?” he asked like I'm some kind of idiot.
“Do you still love me like you did when we first got together? Do you even know when our anniversary was? Do you even remember your s/o? Do you still love me?” looking down at my lap, whispering all the questions eating me alive, wanting to find the answers I wanted to hear from him yet. Nothing. Nothing but silence from him.
“Izuku, please. I don't want to stay in this relationship when it's clear to me that you don't. I don't want- I don't want to be at home watching the news on how you and another hero would look good together, I don't want to be at home while watching you realise that you've fallen in love with someone else, I don’t want to be at home while you forget about me and everything we’ve been through. So please Midorya. Tell me what's happening so we can either fix what's left of us or I let you go” 
I knew what his answer would be. All these years being together, I knew him like the back of my hand. I knew this silence all too well.
Izu- no its Midoriya now. It always had been Midoriya, never Izuku. Never my Izuku.
I pull out my phone and text Tsuki to come to get me from Midorya’s place.
“God fucking damnit, I-” standing from my seat to walk over to our bedroom to pack I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he buried his face into my stomach, feeling the tears soak through my shirt.
“I'm sorry babe, please don't go. Please stay. Please. She was just a fling nothing else! Please stay with me. I need you” he begged me to stay, and he finally begged me to stay. But for what? For him? For us? What's left of us? 
If I didn't know better, I would've agreed with him and stayed but now, things are different. This wasn't the man I wanted to have a future with. This wasn’t the man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Not anymore. All I see in front of me was a man that I don't recognise, a man who I was in a relationship with who was no longer the man I fell in love with, all I see is a lying, cheating man who broke my heart, stringing me along until he encounters “someone else”. Someone “better”
The man that I gave my heart to, so long ago was replaced with a man who didn't care for me at all, a man who would leave me all broken with nothing but a shattered heart. 
I deserve to be happy, I deserve all the good things in life and make sure he goes through the same pain I went through. 
I knew the longer I stayed in this apartment the faster I want to leave.
I removed his arms around me and sped walked to the bedroom locking the door and packing as much as I could fit in my suitcase. 
I knew that there was no us, there was no more love in this relationship. 
I unlocked the door to see him on the couch, covering his eyes as tears descended from them. 
“Go be with Uravity, since you've always gone to her behind my back Midoriya” stating that I knew he had been cheating on me with her, yes I'm sad about being cheated on but at least I made it to the top 5 heroes without sleeping with the judges.
Hearing knocking on the door I knew it was Tsuki so I hurriedly rush towards the door to open it. Turning back to face Midoriya “You might want to get tested for any STDs considering that your side piece sleeps with a LOT of people. OH and I’ll grab my stuff on Thursday” Tsuki grabs my suitcase for me and wraps his arm around me, like a comfortable, muscular shield as we leave this dreaded apartment. Once we left the apartment, all the tears I'd held back rushed to the surface as I sat down in Tsuki's car, weeping my heart out for the love that I had lost, in his arms keeping me from any danger. My heart hurts so much. Knowing that I was easily replaced.   
Katsuki’s POV:
My heart hurts for them, but I knew how this all felt. Watching the love of your life fall in love with someone else who doesn't deserve them at all and watching them get broken hurts so fuckin’ much.
I didn't care how many people were watching us in the car park, all I wanted to do was hold them in my arms and keep them protected from anything that could potentially harm them.
“Let's go home idiot” releasing them from my arms as I secure their seatbelt and put mine on, we headed out to my apartment where they’ll stay for however long it'll take for them to heal even if it takes years. I’ll always be by their side.
“Thank you, Katsu” they whispers to me as they slowly drifted off to sleep
“You’re welcome… dumbass… my dumbass. I’ve waited 3 fuckin’ years for you, I guess I can wait for a couple more” I mumbled looking back to them knowing that they won’t hear me.
Third’s POV:
But little does Katsuki know, y/n heard what he said and couldn’t believe that all this time. Katsuki fuckin’ Bakugou was in love with them. But decided it wasn't the right time or day to say anything after the whole Midorya situation. I guess time will tell when both Katuski and Y/n realise their true feeling.
Midoriya sat in his apartment, thinking of ways to get his precious y/n back into his arms. Knowing that if they don’t come back. He’ll just force his way to get y/n back in any possible way.
The end?
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