#obey me mc ciaran
misc-obeyme · 8 months
I love them both together already 😭😂 I love the blue hair and green eyes on Ciaran it's such a pretty combo 🥺❤️ ...and demon oc!?!? I can't wait to see them when you introduce them!!
Thank you, Steph! I think the green eyes/blue hair look nice together, too... which is good because my reasons for giving them to Ciaran are completely self indulgent lol.
Ciaran is only very slightly based on me... personality-wise they aren't like me at all. But appearance-wise, I decided to give them some features that I wish I had. I used to have blue hair, but since I had to bleach my hair out to dye it that color, it really damaged my hair and made it super crispy. So I wanted Ciaran to have blue hair without the damage. The eyes are because I always wished I had green eyes when I was younger. I have since come to love my brown eyes, but it was a thing for me for a little while. But they really do compliment each other, huh?? Lol!
And oh my gosh, I didn't think anybody would notice me saying anything about my OC in the tags!
He is making an appearance in The Threads That Bind - the next couple of chapters have a little bit about his backstory. But not much because he's just a side character in the story. I was able to use him because part of his backstory is that he's friends with Barbatos.
I can't draw at all and I haven't yet found a picrew that really looks like him. I haven't really thought about introducing him beyond having him in that story, but maybe I should make a little profile or something about him? I'm very fond of him so I would love to share more about him.
I don't talk much about my MC or OCs on here because I'm shy about it lol. But I actually love talking about them, so thank you for asking and giving me the opportunity! <3
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
can you share more about your mc :D
Oh! I mean... yeah, I can... I'm just surprised anyone asked lol!
I haven't really talked much about Ciaran on here, but I'm happy to give you more information about them!
I actually made a moodboard for them when I made this one for Arsenios, but I've been too shy to post it lol. It's been sitting in my drafts for weeks. Maybe I'll do it at some point.
Ciaran isn't me, but I did include a lot of things that I wish I had when I came up with them and their personality.
Anyway, here are the basics: Ciaran O'Mara is a thirty something non binary person who used to work at an art gallery. Ciaran is amab and actually uses he/they pronouns. I tend to use they/them for them most of the time, but sometimes I still use he/him.
The name Ciaran is Irish and is pronounced like the more common English spelling, which is Kieran. Technically it's supposed to have an accent in it - like Ciarán - but I'm too lazy to keep that up lol. And Ciaran doesn't usually bother to include the accent, either.
They're American, but their parents came to the US from Ireland before Ciaran was born. They have an older sister named Fiadh (which is pronounced like fee-uh) who they are very close to. They lived with Fiadh in a somewhat decent apartment until they were whisked away to the Devildom. At which point, Fiadh couldn't afford the apartment on her own and had to move back in with their mother.
Their father passed away a long time ago and their mother is a devout Irish Catholic. If she knew that Ciaran was currently living with a bunch of demons, she would likely have a heart attack. It'd be even worse if she knew that included Lucifer himself or if she heard about Satan lol.
Ciaran is short and feisty, with short blue hair and green eyes. They're a painter. They like to paint with oils on big canvasses but will also do watercolors, especially when they want to paint on the go. They like to do landscapes and sometimes they go abstract. They used to do portraits, but they haven't done them in a long time. (There is a reason for this, but if I get into it, this'll be too long lol.) They work at the art gallery putting together art shows and sometimes they sell their own works.
Ciaran is outgoing and likes people, but they're also kinda short tempered. They really don't get along with Solomon at first because they don't like to be teased. I don't currently have them officially dating anyone because I think if they were dealing with a bunch of people who wanted to date them, they would stay non committal about it. That being said, I do think they'd want to choose someone in the end, but who knows when that might be.
Some of the characters have also met Fiadh, who was not happy about her little sibling disappearing and leaving her with the full rent bill. It took some time, but eventually she figured out where Ciaran went and showed up in the Devildom to complain about having to move back in with their mom.
Anyway, I could write a lot more about Ciaran of course but this is already getting long! If you (or anyone) have any more specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them!
Thanks for asking about them, anon, I love talking about my MC (and my OC)!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
simeon calling you "my little lamb" vs barbatos calling you "my sacrificial lamb" WHO WILL WIN
OKAY LISTEN HERE ANON. You can't just bring this into my ask box, don't you know I'm an indecisive bitch?
I honestly did not ever think of that as something Barbatos would say UNTIL HE SAID IT. And then I lost my mind about it. Definitely always expecting Simeon to call you his little lamb because I'm pretty sure he's done that but even if not it's precious and I also love it.
Though there is something specifically about the sacrificial part, you know what I'm saying? And having a demon say that to you... yeah I'm unhinged about it.
But oh sweet angel Simeon calling you his little lamb is really good, too. I can't decide!! Maybe I should do a poll lol. Let the fandom decide. I honestly think if either of them said either of those things to me in a bedroom setting, I would die on the spot.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
sheep mc's size constantly changes in my head. sometimes they're as big as a normal sheep or a lamb, sometimes they can rest in someone's lap like a small dog, and sometimes they're small enough to fit in someone's hand like a cute widdle guinea pig (and has a high pitched "baa"). the babie
- 🎠
I absolutely love sheep MC so much. I always tend to envision them as a little puff ball about the size of a small dog, but I love the idea of them being a fully grown normal sheep. I also love the idea of them being handheld like how adorable is that??
I was considering having MC be an actual sheep in my human au because I think it'd be really funny if in a human au, MC is the only one who isn't a human. Just a regular sheep that's naturally pink for some reason? No magic involved 'cause this is a human au. It's just a weird genetic mutation. And for some reason this sheep is super friendly and everybody loves them.
But honestly, the sheep is really the best they could have chosen for MC, I think. An adorable little pink sheep??? Please, that is so cute I can't take it.
I'm also just a big fan of sheep. Sheep and goats, they're my faves. They're so cute and so fluffy and their little baas ;sdflkfdjf
Right, anyway, I love sheep MC and I love them at all sizes~
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
How do you justify when the dialogue of the game contradicts whatever headcanon you have of Mc.
Hey there!
I justify it the same way I do when the canon characters say something that contradicts my headcanons of them. (Not me still in denial about Barb's eighth on the list issue lol.)
I don't really self insert all that much, but I don't really insert my MC Ciaran all that much, either. Most of the time, when I'm playing the game, I'm experiencing MC as the game's generic MC. Like to me, generic MC is their own character that is separate from how I headcanon MC (whether as myself or Ciaran or something else).
So when options come up that don't fit, I just think of them as what generic MC is saying.
I will physically put down my phone and contemplate how the options would change if it was actually Ciaran in the story. Sometimes the options fit them and I'll be like oh man Ciaran would totally say that! Sometimes it's something I would say, but Ciaran wouldn't in which case I usually say oh man Ciaran wouldn't say any of that, but I would! I find it funny lol.
I guess I just have two versions of the story in my head (well, okay I probably have like thousands of versions of the story in my head but let's say two for simplicity's sake). The canon version is exactly as it is in the game with the MC being a generic no-name, no-face character that is sometimes represented by a sheep. Then there's the version in which my MC exists, which is separate only lives in my head. Because I know how Ciaran would change the story if they were actually in it.
Hmm, hopefully some of that makes sense and answers the question!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Diavolo and Barbatos are very tall right? Compared to me (5'8) they are pretty tall. If I'm ever trying to see a view or something and he's right there, I'm climbing him like a rock wall and sitting on his shoulders. Then getting yelled at by Lucifer but that's another story.
- bows for barb
As it turns out, there has been much discussion about the heights of the characters. However, we have no official heights, so you can imagine them as tall or short as you want!
I think most people headcanon them being rather tall. I personally consider anyone 6' and over tall. But I'm 5'7" and short people tell me I'm tall while tall people tell me I'm short. So I always assumed I was average. (I find it's the same reaction when I tell people how old I am. People younger than me tell me I'm old and people older than me tell me I'm young. Which is it, then huh??)
Anyway, all of that is to say that I like the idea of them all being super tall so I headcanon them as all being 6' or taller.
I will never stop thinking of Diavolo as one inch taller than Shaq, so he's the only one I have actual numbers for. I'm like listen that guy is 7'2" and nobody can convince me otherwise. LOL! But similar to the Barb skin shedding thing, I sometimes think of it as he's bigger and taller in demon form. Because that feels like how it would go.
I have to say that I think Diavolo would be thrilled to let you sit on his shoulders. He'd shush Lucifer if Luci got huffy about it and I think both Lucifer and Barbatos would just let it happen because they could see how happy Diavolo would be about it.
Barbatos seems less inclined to allow you to sit on his shoulders, but I dunno, maybe there's a scenario in which he would.
OH like if you're dusting at the castle and there's some cobwebs in a high corner that you can't reach~ tee hee that could be really cute. Especially if it's your idea and Barb can't really say no because you're trying so hard to help him with cleaning... and also you're adorable so saying no to you is difficult.
Welp now I'm having fic ideas lol. I must resist!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hey. You guys wanna see something incredibly adorable?
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It's Ciaran!! Thank you so much to @starry-miki for this adorable chibi of my Obey Me MC Ciaran!!
They look so good!! They're wearing a lil outfit that matches Barb's holiday one, tee hee! I'm sure they'd be like hang on why are we reindeer again? They're only going along with it because they'll do anything Barb asks them to do 💕
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misc-obeyme · 21 days
Part of me feels like I asked this already and I apologize if I did, I have not gotten a whole lot of sleep this week.
If our MCs met up in the Devildom, do you think they'd be friends? I like to imagine Sydney seeing other exchange students and just cheering them on, whether it be in their studies, day to day, or love life.
Hmm, well you did tell me about your MC Sydney! I remember her being half fae!
But I don't know if we ever talked about whether or not she'd be friends with Ciaran if they met up in the Devildom somehow...
But I can tell you right now that they would be friends. Ciaran is incredibly friendly and outgoing. The only person they don't like is Lucifer lol. Well and they get over that, though. It's more that they don't like people who are prideful (though this is very much a pot calling the kettle black type of situation... Ciaran is not super self aware lol).
Anyway, I think Ciaran would love her. Especially if she's the type to really cheer on others. 'Cause Ciaran is like that, too. So now I'm just imagining them hyping each other up! That sounds adorable, honestly!
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
bunny kisses for all of ye. canon characters and ocs!!!
Yes, I agree, anon!! I admit I forgot that I changed my header image to that one of Barb with the bunny, so at first I was like ???
I just needed a change and I love that card. Only Barbatos could look that concerned about a little bunny giving him a sweet little kiss on the cheek lol.
I see more serious characters like Lucifer and Satan doing that begrudging thing where they're like okay, fine, I'll allow it because you're so cute.
And then you get characters like Asmo who are just in their element. Like I'm just seeing that guy going straight into sweet baby talk, cooing and kissing that lil bunny's head! Then it's all, MC take some pictures of him with the bunny!!
Belphie is already asleep so he doesn't even notice. The bunny could be sitting on top of his head while he snoozes away, oblivious.
Oh no Simeon and the bunny would be sooooo cute! He'd hold it all carefully and let it snuggle against his cheek, meanwhile everybody else has died because the cuteness in unbearable. Add Luke to this mix and it's all over for everyone.
The only OCs I can speak for are Arsenios and my MC Ciaran. Ciaran likes animals more than they like people, so they'd be like give me that bunny it's mine now. Arsenios would see it as a small thing that needs to be protected, so he'd be afraid to pick it up. What if he accidentally crushes it?? Won't do anything unless MC puts it in his hands. Then it's all, okay, I'm in love with this soft creature. He'd be a little hesitant, but he'd let it kiss him. All that after he probably made fun of Barbatos for looking so distraught about it, too.
Anyway, yes, bunny kisses for all!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Arrie’s birthday is in a few days. I chose 3/4 because it’s a musical time signature. And when I choose birthdays I consider their zodiac signs first. Pisces was one of the signs I was considering & when I saw the option for a time signature I was like yup okay done.
Anyway, he’s gonna be 500 billion years old! Okay I actually have no idea. He’s younger than Barbatos but older than Solomon & that’s all I got.
Can I maybe get his story done in time to start it then? No probably not.
So I’m thinking I’ll update his profile page, give some new info about him, rearrange the OC section of my masterlist in general.
I’m still debating about when Ciaran’s birthday is. I can’t decide if they’re more of an Aries or a Leo. If I go with Aries their birthday will be coming up soon too.
I have OPINIONS on the canon character zodiacs but let us not get into that lol.
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misc-obeyme · 17 days
This post is tagged with some of the tags listed for easy navigation.
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Character Tags: I tag every post with character tags that are formatted like this: #obey me [character name] example: #obey me barbatos
OC/MC Tags: I tag every post that's about my OCs with the following format: #misc oc [character name] example: #misc oc arsenios The only exception is my MC, whose tag is #misc mc ciaran.
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General Tags: ❖ self reblog: I put this tag on everything I reblog from myself ❖ icymi: for things I'm reblogging from myself for time zone reasons ❖ cc mutuals: the tag that I put on ask answers from my mutuals ❖ anon asks: the tag for anons without a sign off ❖ [username]: for asks that are off anon ❖ [anon sign off]: for asks from anons with a sign off ❖request: the tag for requests
Misc Tags: ❖ misc writes: all the writing ❖ misc admin: just a tag for my masterlist/about posts ❖ misc naughty times: anything slightly suggestive or nsfw ❖ misc rambles: whenever I just talk about stuff ❖ misc answers: the tag on all my answered ask posts ❖ misc lesson recap: every lesson breakdown post ❖ misc writing update: when I write little status updates about what I'm currently working on ❖ misc queues: all the posts I queue - if this tag is on a post it means I queued it up at some point so I might not be actively online when it posts ❖ misc scenario: short quote/script format posts
Super Secret Tags: ❖ nonsense posting: when the thing I'm posting seems especially ridiculous to me ❖ late night nonsense posting: my super secret nonsense tag that I add to things that I post after 12 am my time - peruse at your discretion (much worse than regular nonsense posting) ❖ midday nonsense posting: my even more secret & quite rare nonsense tag for things I post during work hours - usually while waiting for zoom meetings or if I can't get something off my mind
Obey Me Specific Tags: ❖ obey me game play: any and all Obey Me tutorials/explanations/references on things game play specific ❖ obey me mc: any and all MCs (except mine, but including canon) ❖ obey me oc: any and all OCs (except mine)
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As always, I love you & thank you for reading!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Why do titles have to be a thing? A quick glance at my masterlist will prove that I do not enjoy doing it and mostly don't bother. I either leave them out entirely or it's like one word lol. I got lucky with Threads, the title for that hit me like a bolt of lightning and then I never looked back.
But I've been trying to come up with one for Arrie's story all day. I even spent an unfortunate amount of time sprawled across my bed, staring at the ceiling, just thinking like somehow it'd come to me in a flash of inspiration.
It did not.
In the meantime, I'm making good progress on the editing again so at least there's that. Trying to decide if I want to do profile posts for the new OCs before or after they're introduced in the story itself. Four newbies who have significant roles, one who is only mentioned by name, and one who makes an extremely brief appearance.
Also lately been thinking about Ciaran's story in general because it has three other OCs that I am also fond of... and one of them in particular has been on my mind lately.
BUT ANYWAY. The goal is to finish Arrie's story by the end of the month! I'm so determined to actually do it! But that means I also need a title 😭
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misc-obeyme · 17 days
Sometimes I wonder what would the brothers think of a genderbender MC...
Or well, literally. Like in the anime Ranma 1/2 where with hot water they turn to a male and a cold water they turn to a female.
Lemme know your thoughts on this ^^
Oh, anon, I have thought about this a lot.
You see, my own MC is nonbinary and I have written many different versions of their story. But in one of their earlier ones, the first thing they did was have Solomon cast a spell on them that allowed them to switch genders whenever they wanted.
I actually wrote like... three different versions of this scenario.
But in all of them, the brothers are supportive of Ciaran's choice. Some of them want to understand it a little better and ask them more questions, but otherwise they're just like okay as long as you're happy.
I like to headcanon that the Devildom is more chill about gender stuff in general. And so I don't think the brothers would have a dramatic reaction to an MC that could do this. They might be curious if the MC showed up in the Devildom already having that ability. Like wanting to know where it came from and how it works and such (might get more of this from characters like Satan and Solomon who have a thirst for knowledge where others'll just be like huh cool okay).
You might get varied reactions when it comes to getting nsfw with the characters. But even then, I think you're just going to get a general sense of "okay, cool."
With Ciaran, I had it like... okay the magic is changing their gender, but when they're upset or emotion, they'll switch genders frequently. Like switching every couple of minutes. Or if they're really tired, they switch back to their agab because it's easier for the magic that way and less taxing on their body in general.
And I love the idea of an MC who can do this generally dressing for whatever gender their body physically is at the time, but then randomly switching it unexpectedly.
I'm just imagining an MC dressed up in a really fancy ball gown with traditionally feminine features, high heels, makeup, hair styled, and then keeping their body in female mode just to switch it to male mode in the middle of some fancy party because they got emotional about something. And everybody's like... we can tell that something has changed... but they still look amazing? And nothing seems especially off about this? They continue to slay? We're not sure what's happening...
Like it's just bafflement. Except for the people who know MC can do this and they're like, really MC? You're confusing people. LOL!
Anyway, this is my own personal secret dream so that's why I had Ciaran doing it originally. But in the current version of their story, they're more comfortable with being amab so they don't do this. But it's fun to write about it lol.
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misc-obeyme · 21 days
CC I fixed Ciaran's arms (made them shorter cause I was too tired to realise how long those arms looked goddAMN) and pls delete the first drawing🤡. Anyway, I like them more now. I hope you like it as well! 💚💙
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They look amaaaaazing!!
I did see the other ask you sent, but I shall delete it as requested!
Anyway, I LOVE it! Thank you so much for sharing it with me!! Ciaran looks so good! I rambled so much in that ask about what they look like but you did a fantastic job! I love their outfit, it's perfect! And their HAIR omg.
Would it be okay if I added this lovely art to their profile post? No pressure at all of course, but I would love to have it on there!
Thank you for drawing them, they look fabulous!!
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
another funny image: mcs from different realities showimg their realities to each other. idk how they did it cause that ain't important but i think it would be funny. the character differences. the world differences. traumas and other things sjsksk-
i want to infodump abt my mc but it is very edgy and cringe >:( /jkjk anyway confession i was goimg through your oc tags and this popped in my head. your mc is energic and your barb is fluffo and exchange program is a thing if I'm not mistaken- while my mc's universe is darker and the characters are more.. ruthless for a lack of better word. nd he isn't an exchange student- nor studies at RAD lol i think it would be kinda cute.
Oh yes, I fully agree with the MCs meeting each other thing! I just like to think it's possible since OM has a variety of timeline shenanigans, why not have that include a situation where all the MCs from all the various timelines meet in one place to have a big ole MC sleepover? They have a big discussion about how the characters differ and chat about their various experiences, I think that'd be amazing.
OMG you were going through my OC tags??? They are totally all over the place, it's so random! Especially Ciaran's stuff, I haven't recreated their post, which I need to do. I also have a lot of OCs that I never talk about but are listed on my masterpost asdlfkfjdf I'll get to them eventually...
But I LOVE hearing about other people's MCs, so please feel free to infodump all you like! I don't mind edgy and imo cringe isn't a thing, so if you want to and feel comfortable doing so, please go ahead!
That being said, I am also 100% on board with my MC being friends with and/or meeting other people's MCs! Ciaran is friendly and curious, so they'd probably end up asking your MC a million questions. That seems to be the trend with them, anyway.
As for Barb, the version of him that exists in Ciaran's story is definitely on the fluff side, he's calm but also his kind of strict self. He is a calming influence on Ciaran while Ciaran is a chaotic influence on him. Like I think he does things he might not otherwise do just because Ciaran wants him to lol. Indulgent, that's what he is.
But I kinda love the idea of a soft fluff Barb meeting a more ruthless and intense version of himself. I feel like they might get into a physical altercation because that would be funny to watch.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
What do you think the brothers are like as kibbies? Lucifer and Diavolo would probably be dramatic Simeon Asmodeus and Thirteen would be gamines. What about Ciaran?
You really threw me for a loop with this question, anon!
I had noooo idea what you were talking about lol! But a little search engine shenanigans reveals that you're talking about the Kibbe Body Types which I admit I have never heard of before.
Likely because I'm not exactly up on my body type theories? I dunno lol.
Anyway, according to that article I found, it's really geared toward the body types of women and the gamines apparently have to be shorter than 5'5" to qualify? Buuuut if we don't take that into consideration, since technically there are no canon heights for the characters, I think you're right that Lucifer is dramatic, but I think Diavolo is soft dramatic. He's more rounded than Lucifer is due to the muscles lol. I would call Asmo a flamboyant gamine (again not counting the height thing) while Simeon could be soft gamine. I kinda think Thirteen could be theatrical romantic, too.
Uh, as for the rest of the bros, I'd say Mammon is probably a flamboyant natural and I kinda think Levi is, too. Satan seems like a dramatic classic. Belphie's a soft natural and Beel is a soft dramatic like Diavolo.
That's just based on that article I linked, though. And please note that I have very little knowledge of this stuff at all. Just what I would categorize them as based on what I'm looking at there.
As for Ciaran, they're a whole 5'4" which is short for someone amab. I think you could give him a soft gamine, but I kinda imagine him as being more romantic. Very curvy and kind of an hourglass figure. When they dress femme, they definitely look more like that, I think.
Anyway, I hope that kinda answered the question! I'm sorry I don't know a whole lot about this particular topic lol.
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