#I just realised this is a silly habit of mine
theabigailthorn · 9 months
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so something sad happened in your personal life and then you punished yourself for being sad about it by overworking and restricting your diet
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shadowbriar · 1 year
George Weasley - Loved and Lost You
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Pairing : (F/M) || George Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader Word Count : 4.8k  Warning : Mention of food. One foul language. Synopsis : Fake dating gone wrong when she realises that her silly idea to help the Hufflepuff boy costs her her bestfriend. Notes : I had no idea how to end this, definitely not my best ending to date but I hope you can still enjoy it. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
“What would I do without you, truly?”
She shrugs, passing the redhead his quidditch robe, “I don’t know, actually. Probably died a long time ago.”
The boy grins, receiving the said item thankfully.
The sun was beaming, steady wind blowing that lovely morning as the Gryffindors began to crowd the quidditch field. It was another typical practice but for as long as she could remember, she has always been a constant audience of the activity. She wasn’t sure if it was purely caused by her admiration of the said sport or was there any other hidden meaning she tries so hard to bury inside her chest, but if Voldemort himself is not outside of her doorstep and threatening her with the cruciatus curse, best believe she would come and cheer for her favourite Wealeys.
Yes, Weasleys.
Though it was obvious for everyone else that she has always been more fond of one of the twins, she would always argue that they both are her best friends and that she loves them equally. Sure she has been more open with one of them, spent more time on his bed and shared more of her heartfelt stories with him, but that doesn’t mean that she has any special feelings for him. They simply connect better, like the way honey fits best with tea instead of sugar.
“Say, do you have any plans after this?” He asked, putting on his robe in the process “I was wondering if you’d like to do that Charms essay together?”
“By together you mean by copying mine?”
He grins sheepishly, “You know me best.”
“Yes, I’ve heard that before.” She says as she rolls her eyes “Meet you here after?”
He ruffled her hair, the very dear habit he does whenever they’re going to part ways, before he jogs lightly to the field.
She finds herself walking to the bleacher, finding a spot next to Hermione who was trying to bite down her smile, “What?”
“Oh, don’t ‘nothing’ me, Hermione. I know something’s running wild in your precious witty brain.”
“It’s just that,” The younger Gryffindor vents, turning to her “You and George look so cute together. Whatever is stopping you two from dating? Everyone could see the heart eyes you’ve been exchanging with each other.”
She rolls her eyes, “There’s no heart eyes between us. Don’t make up words, Hermione, you know how rumours go wild in this school.”
“Oh, but there totally is!” She argues, feeling rather curbed over her emotions “George has never looked at anyone the way he looks at you and vice versa. You both are neck deep in love with each other yet refuse to acknowledge it. Merlin, you both are denying it for no reason, really!”
She turns her head to watch the game, not entertaining the younger girl any longer.
Hermione wasn’t the first to question their friendship. In fact she’s one of the least vocal about it, compared to Ginny and Harry would blurt out the questions right in front of the younger twin, making the atmosphere to be awkward for the next 2 minutes to come. It would be a lie if she never pondered about the underlying truth beneath the curious accusations their friends made, but being best friends with the Twins was all she’s known for since she first stepped in Hogwarts. She’s been the honorary third twin, so Fred called, and their close relationship has always been something of her identity. There really isn’t anything more than that.
They were all just making things up, she was sure. There’s no heart eyes, no soft gazes and George definitely doesn’t like her that way. If he does, she would’ve known about it because who else could read him like an open book? Right?
Her attempt on keeping her giggles in was evidently failing as George continued to nudge her under the table. Troubles in Potion is always the worst and she wouldn’t want to get any of them detention from Snivellus, but what exactly can you expect from sitting next to one of the Twins? It would be a cold day in hell if they don’t try to tickle or at the very least make silly comments about the Professor throughout the lesson.
And as if on cue, George was pulled up from his seat abruptly, arm being yanked away by the foul Professor, “Switch your seat with Diggory. Now.”
The joy on both their faces turn into horror in the blink of an eye. George nods silently, packing his belongings. She shot an apologetic smile at him, watching him as he shuffled away from their table. Diggory, who looks surprised that his name was being called, is now walking to their table, his unfinished essays disorganised in his hands.
She smiles, nodding, “Hello, Diggory.”
She glances at George, making sure that the boy wasn’t much affected by Snape’s wrest, though she knew that it would require much more than the Professor’s assault to frighten the boy. Hell, she wasn’t even sure there would ever be anything George Weasley is afraid of. That boy has always been confident and undaunted no matter how severe the circumstances he was in. Yet she still couldn’t stop herself from checking in on him. It has become an unconscious habit she picked up over the years.
George wiggles his eyebrows at her, showing his unphased state as he takes a seat. She rolled her eyes. Of course he’s still being his jesterself.
She turns her head back to her paper, only to notice Diggory’s eyes glued to a few tables in front of them. She follows his direction, raising her brows as she realises that he was watching Patricia Stimpson intently. She looks back at Diggory who still hasn’t blinked from the last she saw him.
“Is there something on Stimpson’s face that I didn’t notice?” She asks aloud, making the boy snap out of his thought “Is it only noticeable from your side of the table?”
“No, there’s nothing on her face.” He answers, cheeks turning rosy “I was just spacing out.”
She squints her eyes, noting the nervous shift of his gesture, “Are my eyes deceiving me or are you blushing right now, Diggory.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh, Merlin!” She exclaims quietly, grinning at the secret she’s just learned “You fancy Stimpson, don’t you!”
“I said, shut up.”
She nudges the boy, teasing the poor Hufflepuff who’s now trying to bury his head under his arm, hiding his face that is as red as a tomato. In no time the two strangers become close. Funny how one fortuitous action could bring the two close in no time. It was as if they’ve been friends for years.
And the sight wasn’t left unnoticed by a pair of jealous eyes.
George chews on his lower lip with anxiety. He’s never seen her grow close with someone as fast as this, not even with Lee who has been their fourth wheel for years. What is it about Diggory that seems to be such a magnet for girls? Was it his pretty face? His humour perhaps? Surely he couldn’t have better jokes than the prankster of the castle.
The redhead’s bubble of thought burst as a crumpled paper hit his head. He turned to the direction where it came, seeing his twin who’s gesturing him to open it. With a huff, he opens the parchment paper and his frown grows even more sour.
‘Losers Weepers.’
She throws her head to the back as she laughs her heart out, giving George light punches to the arms. The Gryffindor table was full of familiar faces. It has been a while since the whole squad was present. With the different year they’re in, different classes they’re taking, and evidently different teenage troubles they’re facing, spending breakfast together seems like an impossible task to do. Now that everyone’s present, she couldn’t find a reason to leave the table early.
But one.
“Hey, you.” A voice calls, greeting her with a smile as she turns to face him “Ready to go?”
“Of course!”
George’s brows were furrowed, disapproving her who’s now standing from her seat, “Where are you going?”
“Oh, Cedric and I are planning to do our Potion essays early.” She explains hastily “Also, George, you wouldn’t mind switching partners with him, would you? I kinda need his help with the upcoming assignments.”
The boy blinks, completely taken aback at the wave of information and requests she’s throwing at him.
“Brilliant!” She exclaims, taking his silence as approval “Let’s go, Ced.”
The whole table was left appalled, watching as she walked away with the Hufflepuff boy. Ginny and Hermione were audibly gasping when she linked her arms with him and he ruffles her hair, skipping out of the Great Hall happily. The sight was so peculiar they would’ve preferred seeing Dumbledore wearing a bikini than to witness the situation for the second time. The things she was doing, linking arms, laughing, and getting all jumpy was a sight they would see with George, not Cedric.
Since when were the two close?
“What’s just happened?” Harry broke the silence, blinking his eyes “What’s she doing with Cedric Diggory?”
“Didn’t you hear? They’re going to do their Potions essay.” Fred comments mockingly, knowing that his twin isn’t capable of making up for an answer “I didn’t even know we have Potions essay.”
The younger twin stabs on his innocent sausage as if trying to butcher it to its death. His eyes were vacant, feeling a silly pool of knots forming inside his stomach. To know that she prefers to do Potions essay than to spend time with her literal family at Hogwarts shows exactly where Cedric is positioned in her priority list.
Disappointed would be the most understated word he’s feeling at the moment. She has never been that close to anyone but him. He had always been the one she would drop the world for yet now he could sense that the seat was filled with others. He knew that something was going on. There’s no chance in the seven hells that they simply want to do their Potions essay early. Since when does she care about Snivellus’ classes anyway? Yet the realisation only further stomps him, making him drown deeper into the pits of anguish.
“I’m sure they’re just friends, like we all are.” Hermione comments, noticing the dejected look on George’s face “There’s nothing really to be worried about, George.”
He chuckles bitterly, not looking up to see the girl, “Why would I be worried?”
The table went quiet. They all could see the sorrow bleeding out of his skin. It was common knowledge to the pack that he’s madly in love with her. In contrast to her blatant denial whenever their relationship was being questioned, George chose the more vague path of simply smiling and clinging his arms around her shoulders, showing a sign of approval but not really. As if he was waiting for her to stop denying it so he could finally shed the mask he’s been wearing all these years.
Yet it seems like he wouldn’t ever get the chance to take it off now.
“I’ll see you guys at the field.”
The boy shoots a weak smile to the group, standing up as he picks up his satchel and exits the Great Hall. The group stares at each other, feeling the mutual sorry for the heartbroken boy. Everyone could see the quidditch robe left unconsciously on the table and yet, for the very first time, she wouldn’t be the one giving it to him later.
“There’s Stimpson.” She whispered to Cedric before faking a laugh, glancing at the girl who’s just entered the Great Hall “Quick, put your hand around my waist.”
“Is that really necessary?” He comments but still does the gesture “Could she even see my hand under these giant tables?”
“Stop, Ced, you’re hurting my stomach!”
The boy chuckles, watching her fake laughter with glee, “You’re entirely something else, you know?”
She grins as she takes a bite of her toast.
The plan was in motion. The two of them have done more public display of their intimacy, indicating that a romantic affair is happening between the two without telling anyone the truth behind such actions. Cedric found the idea to be ridiculous initially, but now seeing Stimpson to be taking silent glances and frowning lightly at the sight of them together, he came to the realisation that not only is she a great actress, she’s one hell of a genius too.
Yet he couldn’t help but to notice that the green emotions were radiated not only from Stimpson but from one of the Weasley twins too. If anything, the younger twin seems to be in a different level of jealousy that everytime he looks in his direction, he would find the Gryffindor’s eyes to be throwing him daggers.
“You know,” Cedric starts, clearing his throat “As much as I’m grateful for you for this stunt, are you sure it is fine for you to be fake dating me?”
“Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?”
“Because something tells me that one of the Weasley twins is despising it.”
She frowns, turning to see the Gryffindor table where the twins usually sit. Her eyes met George’s for a brief second before he looked away, joining the conversation Lee and Fred was having. She notices from afar the light hue of grey underneath his eyes and how his smile doesn’t seem to reach his eyes, no wrinkles around it as he laughs.
Guilt starts to creep inside her. When was the last time she truly looked at him? He looks awful, despite still looking as charming as ever. She could tell that something was bothering him and she feels terrible for not knowing what caused it. She used to know everything about him like the back of her hand. How long has she been gone, really?
“Are you sure nothing’s going on between you two?” Cedric asks, breaking her train of thought “I really don’t want to be the cause of your ruined relationship.”
“What, no. Nothing’s going on between us. We’re just friends.”
“Doesn’t seem like it.” He argues with a shrug “I mean I’ve seen you two around. Even a blind man could tell that something’s going on between you two. Do you not reciprocate his feelings, is that it?”
“What feelings?”
Cedric stares at her with disbelief, a teasing smile tugged on his lips, “You’re joking.”
“Do I look like I'm joking?”
“He fancies you!” He exclaims with a nudge “Come on, surely you’re not that daft to see it.”
“George doesn’t fancy me.” She comments, looking away from the Hufflepuff boy to hide her blush “Why does everyone keep telling me that.”
“Maybe because that’s the truth.”
She glares at him before looking back down to her breakfast.
Her thoughts were running wild. Being told that George was in love with her by their group of friends has always been something of an ordinary. She never thought much of it as she figured it was just one of those friendly teasing you make within your group of friends. But now hearing it from Cedric who was the literal definition of an outsider makes her ponder if such words ever actually hold some meaning. Is it really that obvious for others that he hoards feelings for her?
“Look, all I’m saying is this fake dating goes both ways.” Cedric continues “On my end I get to make Stimpson jealous and it seems like it’s working so far. On yours, I think that it’s making one of the twins jealous. What I’m questioning is, are you up for such a consequence? Are you ready if he somehow changes his demeanour around you because of our fake relationship?”
She frowns, “George wouldn’t change just because we’re dating, fake or not.”
“Are you sure? Because it looks like he’s ready to hex me to death.”
“Positive.” She rolls her eyes at him “In fact, I’ll come over to their table now and show you that his actions would remain the same.”
“Bet you 10 galleons he wouldn’t.”
She shows a disapproving expression before standing from her seat, planting a small kiss to Cedric’s cheek before walking away from the Hufflepuff table. For some reason she could feel her heart beating faster, unsure if she’s more afraid to prove her words wrong or true. Neither of the outcomes seem to be pleasing for her. If George really has feelings for her then she wouldn’t know how she could live her life knowing that she’s hurt him with the fake dating. Yet if he doesn’t, why does she feel like she would crash and fall from the bitter truth?
“Morning, Gentlemen.” She greets the table “Saved a seat for me?”
“Aren’t you already secured one with the Hufflepuffs?”
Her smile dilutes, George’s cold tone poisoning her, “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, well maybe there’s another spot open down the right.” George continues, still not looking up to her “You can join Ron and his group of friends.”
“There’s a spot right next to you, George.”
The boy picks up his satchel, placing it in the mentioned space, “Full. Sorry.”
She blinks at his callous gesture. It’s hard to believe that such words came out of his lips, the very one person who has always showered her with affection and warmth. She could see the same appalled expression shown on Fred and Lee’s faces, who didn’t expect George to be this bitter at her. Sure they know that he’s been struggling with the new sight of the couple, but never in a million years have they expected to see George being this hard to her.
“I see.” She replies, forcing a smile now “Well, I’ll see you guys at the field then.”
“Don’t even bother coming if you’re going to be with the enemy.”
“What’s got your wand in a knot, George?!” She bursts “Why are you suddenly so cruel to me?”
“Me? Cruel?” The boy questions, this time looking up to see her with angered eyes “I’m not the one tossing their friends away for some pretty boy she’s only befriended with for weeks!”
“Toss away? I didn’t come to one of your quidditch practices and you think that I’m tossing you away?” She questions, chuckling bitterly “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that being friends with you meant that I couldn’t date someone I like.”
George smirks, “At least you got that part right.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You really think that Diggory likes you?” He asks, this time standing up to tower her “You really think that someone like him would ever like someone as bland like you? You’re dense if you think that he ever likes you back.”
She let out a shuddering breath, tears starting to prick on her eyes from his harsh words. George seems to realise the weight of his words too as he blinks, facial features turning softer yet still showing the much bottled anger he’s erupting. He opens his mouth before closing it again, unable to make up words to follow his last.
“Fuck off, George.” She says with a cold tone, glaring at the boy.
Fighting her tears, she walks back to the Hufflepuff table with a broken heart. The possibility that George likes her has certainly been crossed out. The words he uttered are not the ones you said to someone you like, let alone someone you love. His words were only the reflection of his jealousy and bitterness that she’s now found someone who could appreciate her as much as he does. Well, did, as she swore not to ever befriend the red head again.
She takes the seat next to Cedric, sniffling slightly, “Kiss me.”
“What?” He questions, looking worried at her teary eyes “What happened? Are you alright?”
“Just kiss me, Ced.”
And so the boy leans in, kissing her gently on the lips. For the first time the couple finally shows intimate gestures, something more than holding hands or hugs, something that further proves that the two are indeed in a romantic relationship. The stunt was witnessed by the eyes of the Great Hall. Some were gasping in awe, some raised their brows in confusion, and two were staring at the couple with a sinking heart. One having a worse anguish than the other.
She chews on her lower lip, trying to focus on the words Cedric was telling but his first sentence rang in her head like a broken record. Stimpson has finally asked him for a study date, meaning that she’s finally taken interest in him. The objective of the fake dating is achieved, there really isn’t any reason left for them to keep the act.
She should be happy that Cedric could finally get the girl he’s always been pining for, yet a bigger part of her wished that Stimpson would approach Cedric a bit later. Perhaps a few weeks from now when things between her and George were already settled. When he’s finally come to her and apologise for the hurtful words he spat on her that day. She knew that there was no way that Cedric would ever like her, it’s not like she cared about it anyway, but did he really think that she was bland? That she wasn’t worth Cedric or any guy’s time? Is she really that unattractive?
“Hey, you okay?” Cedric asks, looking worried at her now “You seem off today.”
“I’m fine.” She says with a smile, taking a sip of her butterbeer “So we should end this act, then.”
He nods lightly, “I suppose.”
“Why don’t you sound happy about it?”
“Because I know things between you and one of the Weasley twins is yet to be resolved.” He explains, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze “I’m very sorry that with my uprising, comes your downfall with him.”
“Don’t be silly, it wasn’t your fault.” She rolls her eyes, smiling “We’ll figure something out. He’ll come around.”
No, she wasn’t sure that he'd come around. It has been weeks since their dreadful fight and George has made every effort to avoid her. She hardly ever saw him, not even at the Great Hall or the Common Room. It was as if he was a ghost that used to reside inside her brain, now gone into thin air as some beautiful myth she’s to tell to others.
But at the same time, George was there. He was still in their classes, still at quidditch practices, and every other activity that they used to do together. The fact that he hasn’t made any effort to fix their friendship hurts her. She didn’t realise that the foolish idea she proposed to Cedric would lead to such a devastating outcome.
And she too didn’t expect that their fight would make her realise that she’s in love with her own best friend.
Perhaps she was denying everyone’s question about their relationship because she was scared that the affection only flows one way. George has never approved nor denied the accusation thrown at him about them anyway and he certainly never made any effort to advance with his feelings should he ever have any in the first place. It was hard for her to tell if what others say was true about them and she didn’t want to have high hopes over something that he himself hasn’t approved of.
But now that the fight’s happened, how he blatantly says that she was bland, she knew that the words others say were mere lies. George had never liked her that way. She has always been a friend to him, nothing more. The affection he’s shown to her was nothing more than platonic and it broke her heart.
“So should we end it here? Right now?” She asks, taking a deep breath “The sooner we break up, the sooner you can woo Stimpson. Might want to be fast before she loses interest.”
Cedric smiles, nodding and standing up to give her a hug, “Thank you, and I hope you can reconcile your friendship with Weasley.”
She nods, waving goodbye to him who’s now walking out of the inn.
She let out a sigh, feeling pathetic to herself now at the corner of the Three Broomsticks. She’s lost George and now she lost Cedric too. Just how worse can her life be now?
Yet as if she’s spoken too fast, she saw her group of friends entering the inn. Fred waves at her, followed by Lee who calls for her name. George was standing not far behind them, seemingly not ready to meet her yet still follows the other two.
“Hello, stranger.” Fred greets, walking to her table “Long time no see. Where’s pretty boy?”
“Freddie,” She replies with a smile “Gone, we broke up.”
Fred’s smile fades, frowning, “I’m sorry, Love, I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, it just happened, actually.” She answers nonchalantly, turning to George this time “Supposedly you're happy now, aren’t you George?”
The boy didn’t say a word, only staring at her with an apologetic expression.
“You know what, I have to go.” She says, not wanting to spend any more minutes with his presence “I’ll see you guys around.”
And so she takes her purse and walks away from the table. She exits the inn in a hurry, not wanting to be followed by any of them. Her chest was tight and head loud. So many things running inside her mind and every one of it revolves around one particular ginger.
How could she face him now? How could she face him after their fight? He was being a jerk that day and now that they’ve broken up, it would only further feed his ego. Being right about their short lived fake relationship would be something George would wear like a badge of honour. She couldn’t care less about him being right, what bothers her is the fact that not only was he right but that she’s also the loser who hoped that her best friend was actually in love with her too.
Why couldn’t George be jealous the way Stimpson did? Why does he have to be jealous for a whole different reason? Why couldn’t he like her?
“Love, wait!”
She fastened her pace as she heard his voice calling from behind. No, she’s not ready to talk to him. Her head is still fuzzy from all the questions and self blame. Meeting him would only lead to another argument and she’s unsure if her quivering heart could survive another turbulence.
“Wait,” George says as he catches her arm, making her stop on her track “Please, I just wanted to talk.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk, George.” She says, still not looking at him “You’ve made your point and you’re right, no need to rub it on my face.”
“No, that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. What I wanted to say is-”
“Look, I’m tired, alright? It’s been a long day and I really want to get back to my room.”
“I know, this would be fast, I promise-”
“Not now, George.”
She turns her body, ready to walk away before he grabs her wrist again and turns her.
Before she could complain further from his persistent action, she finds herself being kissed on the lips. She could feel how tense George’s body was, in contrast to how gentle his kiss was. His eyes were tightly shut, as if afraid to see her rejection from the abrupt action. The grip on her wrist loosen, giving her the chance to pull away and shove him off if she would want to.
George lets out a nervous sigh when he pulls away. He could see her appalled expression when he opened his eyes, his blood running cold from the possible outcome of his hasty action. Would she hate him even worse now?
“I’m sorry.” He gathers, voice barely above whisper “I- I don’t know what came into me. I just-”
She didn’t let him finish his words. She pulled him for another kiss, this time showing him how to properly kiss a girl. She pulls him close, eliminating any distance between them that seems to be growing further apart lately, He hesitantly rests his hands on her waist, showing more meaning and confidence to his action. Both of their hearts were beating wild, adrenaline pumping through their vessels as they prayed that the other party wouldn’t regret this once they breath for some air.
“We have so much to talk about.” George says in between the kisses “How is this happening?”
“Less talking,” She answers short “More kissing.”
George grins through the kisses. He now has his hands cupping her cheeks gently, giving her his most possible soft caresses. Merlin knows how much he waited and prayed for this to happen. The second guessing and self doubt now has dissipated, melting away with every peck they share. At last the denial has come to a close. Both acknowledging and embracing their long hoarded feelings for each other with glee. What was once loved and lost, have now returned, giving them the chance to properly show their devotion this time.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Wild Nights || CL16 {2}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x songstress!reader Summary: A mistake has your paths crossing again with Charles. Warnings: 18+only, NSFW, bad language WC: 2.2k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Epilogue
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“Who’s Joris?” Bea asked when you stepped out of the bathroom, fresh and clean.
Bea held up your phone that had an incoming call. “Joris. He keeps calling you.”
“I don’t know a Joris,” you said with a frown. “Why are they saved as a contact?”
“Um, it’s your phone, how would I know?”
The call went unanswered and it flicked back to the background picture that you didn’t recognise. You quickly crossed the room and took the phone from Bea’s hands before she disappeared in the bathroom and when you tried to unlock it your pin and face ID failed.
“Uh, Bea!” you called out before entering the bathroom. “I think I picked up the wrong phone…”
“That’s perfect!” Bea exclaimed as you wiped the steam away and grinned through the gap. “You get to see him again.”
Your eyes widened and you shook your head. “No, I can’t do that. I don’t even know the guy. You take it.”
“No way, I didn’t fuck him. You took it.”
The phone vibrated in your hands and you jolted in surprise, nearly dropping it on the tiled floor. “Shit, what do I do?”
“Fucking answer it!”
Your thumb was trembling but you managed to swipe to answer it and stepped out of the bathroom as you lifted it to your ear. “Hello?”
“Char- wait, who is this?” a man asked, confusion dripping from his words.
“Is Charles a friend of yours?”
“Yes,” he answered hesitantly. “Is he there with you?”
You chewed your lip as you paced the room. “Um, not quite. There was a little mix up with our phones. Do you know how I could get in touch with him?”
“Have you tried calling your phone?”
The silence answered that for him and you cringed at how silly it made you look. “Hey, I’m hungover and only just realised this wasn’t my phone, give me a break.” You stuck your head back in the bathroom as you heard the shower turn off. “Bea, I’m using your phone.”
“Sure thing, babe.”
“Joris, I’m putting you on speakerphone and don’t you dare hang up because I have no idea what the passcode is.”
“Good,” he muttered but you ignored it and dialled your number as a knock sounded at the door.
The phone was still ringing as you answered the door and found Charles staring back at you, holding an iPad that he was using to track his phone. Your lips parted but you couldn’t quite find any words as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.
“I believe you have something of mine.”
“Mate, what have you been up to?” Joris said and Charles’ eyes narrowed in on his phone to see it was in a call.
“I’ll call you back,” Charles said as he took the phone from your trembling hand and ended the call. 
“I, I didn’t mean to take your phone, it was an honest mistake,” you stammered as you looked up to meet his eyes and remembered how handsome he was.
“I didn’t expect to wake up alone,” he admitted as his eyes trailed over your lips and down your body, his bottom lip pulling between his teeth. “I had a lot of fun last night.”
“Me too,” you all but squeaked as your body turned hot under his stare and your fingers ached to feel the muscles you knew were hidden beneath his shirt.
“Do you make a habit of sneaking off, Cinderella?” His playful smile settled some of the nerves.
“I don’t think once can be a habit, but we could try again tonight?” You covered your mouth as soon as the words slipped out and you mentally cursed Bea for being a bad influence as that was definitely something she would have said.
“Yes, babe, get it!” Bea called from the bedroom and the heat in your cheeks only burned hotter.
“I’m sorry, that was…not meant to be out loud.”
His lips curled up into a smile as he laughed. “What if I said yes. I could maybe show you around Monaco, your friend can come too.”
“The friend will be going back to the bar,” Bea replied as she stepped out of the bedroom, fully dressed thankfully. “But she’s all yours.”
“We were meant to be going to the beach,” you said as she grabbed her handbag and slung it over her shoulder.
“That was before this tall drink of water came by.” She grabbed your arm and turned your back on Charles. “Yolo, bitch, you can thank me later. Remember, better thing, fitter guys, more orgasms.”
Charles cleared his throat and you cringed over your shoulder to him. “I swear she’s house trained but she goes a little feral on holiday mode.” 
“We all have that one friend,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yours wouldn’t happen to be Pierre, right?” The surprise on his face answered that and you jabbed your thumb in Bea’s direction. “I think he met his match.”
“Interesting,” he smirked but he didn’t elaborate. “Shall we?”
Bea gave you a nudge towards him and a reassuring smile that made you agree as you took your phone back from Charles and checked he had charged it. “Keep me updated on where you are,” you ordered Bea as Charles opened the door. “Check in every hour and no weirdos.”
“I can promise you two out of three, and I’ll leave you to guess which. Have fun! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“Well that doesn’t leave much,” you muttered but she was already down the hall and hitting the elevator button. “I guess murder is off the cards today.”
“Good to hear, this face wasn’t made to be in prison. How about breakfast?”
You grabbed your purse, shoving your phone in it along with the room key, before leading the way to the elevator Bea had been kind enough to send back up. “Yes, please, as long as there is coffee. I can’t remember the last time I went clubbing.”
“Why not?” You frowned to yourself but with the mirrors around the elevator he was able to see it and rushed to explain. “You should be out having fun.”
“I was always the sober driver, for my ex.”
“Ah.” He nodded with understanding. “I’m sorry about him, but not all of us are like that.”
You peered up at him and saw the same lingering pain swimming in his eyes before the doors opened to the garage. “I guess I could say the same thing to you. I’m sorry you got hurt.”
He pulled a remote key from his pocket, swinging it around his finger as he led the way to the sleek black car with a red and white stripe running down the middle. “I believe everything happens for a reason.”
“Holy crap,” you breathed as he clicked the key and the car’s lights flashed in response. “You’re not some James Bond are you?”
“What?” he laughed and shook his head.
“Shit, are you cartel?” You backed away a step and slyly checked to see how far it was back to the elevator but he was so fit he would probably catch you in ten steps.
“Wait,” he frowned, his eyebrows pinching together, “you actually don’t know who I am?”
“I mean, that’s not conceited at all.”
He waved his hand at his mistake. “Not what I meant, I just, uh, don’t usually…” He took a breath and ran his hand through his hair before starting again. “Have you heard of Formula One?”
You didn’t exactly have a lot of spare time to watch sports between working and trying to make music on the side but you had heard of the sport and gave him a droll stare. “Of course I’ve heard of it.” Then you remembered Bea mentioning he was a race driver and you had thought she meant something low level or street racing - not an actual professional career - and your eyes widened with realisation. “No way.”
“It’s not a big deal,” he said with a shrug as he opened the passenger door for you.
“I thought you were a pianist.”
“Can’t I be both?”
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You had never laughed so much with someone other than Bea as Charles told another story from his travels. But you could always tell which ones were memories made with his ex. Every now and then he would stumble over the details, like he was working to erase any links to her but you caught the afar look in his eyes as he stared out at the white capped water across from the cafe he had chosen.
“It sucks,” you commented softly, drawing his attention away from the memory. 
“What does?”
“Even though they're gone, they’re still everywhere, in every memory.” You reached over the table and placed your hand on his. “You want to hate them for how it ended but you still remember when things were good.” He didn’t move and you bit your lip as you withdrew your touch. “Or maybe I’m just projecting.”
He caught your hand before it fell back to your lap with a small shake of his head. “You’re not, you just keep surprising me.”
Your phone vibrated on the table and you saw it was from Bea with her first check in. 
From Bea: Look who I found! From Bea: Image attached
“Here’s another surprise,” you said as you turned the phone to Charles.
The photo opened to show the picturesque scenery of a waterfront bar with Pierre and Bea clinking two drinks together, a mischievous grin on both their faces. 
Charles nearly choked on his espresso as he grabbed the phone and replied with his own mischievous smile.
To Bea: You promised no weirdos - C From Bea: I’m not weird - P
Before he could reply again a young girl nervously approached the table with a piece of paper and a shaking pen held out to him, her mother watching from the other table. “Sorry to interrupt, but would you be able to sign this?” 
He gave you an apologetic smile before taking the pen. “Of course, what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Angelique,” she said as she bounced on her toes as he addressed the autograph and handed it back before she turned to you. “You two should sing more, maman said it was beautiful.”
She darted off back to her table, clutching the prized paper to her chest as she went and Charles stared after her confused. “Someone uploaded a video of us last night when you played Someone Like You.”
“Oh,” he chuckled and grabbed his phone, opening Tik Tok to see thousands of notifications. “I suppose I should thank my brother for that.” The audio quality wasn’t great in the video but he smiled as fingers started to drum on the table top. “You have a lovely voice.”
“Thank you, it’s a shame the sound isn’t great over the noise.” 
“We could record it properly back at my apartment.”
“Yes!” you exclaimed a little too enthusiastically before clearing your throat. “I mean yes, please. Bea’s been riding my ass to add to my portfolio.”
His smile widened and he pulled out his wallet to drop a few bills on the table. “I’m happy to help, but first it would be a shame to come here and not to go for a swim.”
You looked at the casual chinos he wore and cocked an eyebrow. “Is it a nudist beach?”
“Wishful thinking but no,” he smirked and pulled your chair out as you rose to your feet, his lips brushing close to your ear. “I have a pair of trunks in the car.”
“Where are we going?” you asked as you watched the sea disappear behind the mountains Charles was driving up. “You never actually denied being in a cartel.”
“I’m not in a cartel,” he replied with a burst of laughter. “Oh mon dieu, I promised to show you the real Monaco, not those tourist traps, and the best beach is this way.”
He descended back down the otherside of the mountain and turned off at a private marina, swiping an access card before parking in front of a dock.
“I think we have different ideas on beaches,” you commented as you failed to see any sand or water access that wasn’t between the boats.
“Almost there, I promise.” He took your hand and led the way down the wooden pier to a sleek boat and helped you step onto it. He unmoored the ropes before jumping onto the boat and taking his place at the front. “Come here.”
You stepped in the space he made in front of him and his arms came around your waist to hold the steering wheel. “It might be a little bumpy but it’s worth it.”
A scream of exhilaration tore from your lips as he pushed the throttle forward and his laugh warmed your neck where he rested his chin on your shoulder. The wind whipped your face and you could taste the salt of the sea spray on your lips as you opened your arms and enjoyed the moment of freedom.
“How fast does this thing go?”
“You’re quite the daredevil,” Charles all but purred in your ear before he pushed the throttle further forward. “Hold on, chérie.”
Click here for part three.
Tagging: @91vhs @alwaysclassyeagle @applespiez @ravenqueen27
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orikiys · 3 months
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ᘛ 𓏧     ࣪    𖠵 희승 ☓ fem!reader. ꔪ ﹏ ᘒ angst implied exes warning loneliness can’t-move-on-ex not proofread & 798 words
remember the first time when we asked each other our favourite colours? i feel like yours has changed drastically. from blue to orange then back to blue and now? what is your favourite colour now? i forgot i can’t ask you that anymore. i don’t have the authority to ask. who am i to you now? just the past that you’re trying to forget so hard? i remembered another thing, i remembered the way you would convert time differences just so you could remind me to eat on time, to take my multivitamins on time, to give me a good luck message an hour before i left home, just so i didn’t feel alone.
now all i feel is dread. i’m surrounded by it. engulfed within the cores that no matter how hard i try to escape, an image of you never fails to pop up in my head. when i go to work, i see myself glancing at my phone out of habit as i used to when you texted me ‘have a good day!’. i still remember the first time you called me, i even remember the place where i picked up your call. it’s silly, it’s childish even, but i find myself walking down to that place sometimes and wondering what would have happened if i never picked that call? would we still be dating? would we still be in the phase where we asked each other our favourites?
you might not know this, but i added your city to my weather app a month after we broke up. it marked exactly a month since i’ve stopped receiving your phone calls, since i’ve stopped receiving any text messages from you. exactly a month since i’ve stopped knowing you. but i knew that no matter if it's been a month or five months, hating you might be the hardest journey. i still check the temperature of your city every day. but i have to stop myself from reminding you to carry an umbrella with you, because i don’t know where to find you anymore. you’ve gone. you’ve gone somewhere far away that even if i try to trace those steps they’ll just lead me to nowhere.
i still remember when i made snow angels and sent it to you. you called me a real life angel. upto this day, i can still see the shy smile on your when that ‘angel’ converted into a nickname. but now? even hearing that word anywhere makes me go into a deep hypnosis of what it felt like dating you. it felt complicated. each day i felt different emotions. one day i would be re-reading your texts a hundred times till they’re embedded into my brain and on other days i would be cursing you out for reasons i don’t wish to remember.
dating you had that spark in it, until it didn’t. until it just felt like carrying a burden all to myself. it felt suffocating to even open your texts just for me to see a simple ‘ok’ or just for me to see you’ve left me on read, again. just the way you left me all alone by myself. i thought we were special? i thought we were meant to be? but guess it was just me.
i tried to scab the areas you hurt, healed and then hurt again. but how could i scab my heart? it’s too precious. too fragile. but clearly it didn’t even take you a single regret when you broke that heart of mine. you were like the song that was always stuck in my head and like the words i never had a filter on. you just kept flowing all around me, making me lose myself into a tangled mess. i ended up embracing that mess in hopes you would call me your lover again.
i still wonder how it all happened. how the invisible cracks began to spiral the way more quickly until we could no longer bridge with words or actions. we started doing the bare minimum for each other and felt that it was enough. it wasn’t some sort of god’s plan but maybe it was all written in that book of fate because the more i think about it, the more i feel that this breaking apart couldn’t be fixed no matter how much the two sides tried to. except, none of the sides tried. we just stopped caring. there was no realisation until i felt you slip away from my grasp. until i had realised that i’d been wrapping my arms around something that was gone. a sense of nostalgia. perhaps the faded away moments. but i knew that i would answer if you reached out again. no matter the years it took. but i won’t ever forgive you for the way you threw that relationship out your head like an empty piece of cardboard lying at home. i won’t forgive unless i forget.
your angel
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lafleshlumpeater · 6 months
can i please get literally anything about travis stoll. i’m begging. i need more content for him. if i have to be picky all i ask is daughter of apollo reader
Ofc!! Hope you enjoy<3
Warnings: none, i think? Lmk if there are
Requests are always open<3
travis stoll masterlist
“What’s this, babe?”
Your boyfriend, uncharacteristically shy, looks up at you through his lashes, chin tilted down. You cock your head to the side.
You give him another perplexed look. “Can I open it?”
You had just showered after training to find your boyfriend waiting on your bed, a brown paper package sealed with sellotape in his ever- moving hands. He had wordlessly stood up, greeting you with a shy grin and handing you the mystery item.
Even now, he’s hesitant, biting his lower lip. You reach out and pull it from under his teeth- you were always nagging at him for that habit.
You trace a thumb up his jaw, admiring the spatter of freckles along his nose and cheeks, like the most delicate painting of stars in the sky, his sunkissed skin the canvas for it.
“You- you can open it.”
He nods. “But-” he places his hand over yours when you pick at the sellotape. “Don’t laugh.”
You’re about to give him a playful quip back, something about how if it’s something stupid like a plastic bug, you’re going to laugh- but the words die on your tongue and your face relaxes into something like sympathy or extreme tenderness when you realise he’s serious. The poor boy thinks you’re going to laugh at him.
Your insides dissolve to mush. “I won’t laugh. Promise.”
You can see his shoulders slump slightly, but he’s still tense. “Okay.”
Your fingernail resumes its endeavour to peel away the sellotape, but quickly growing impatient, you just tear at the paper. At first, you see nothing inside and wonder if it’s one of his silly, everyday little jokes after all- when something at the bottom glints up at you. You raise an eyebrow, but your boyfriend just looks to the side, long lashes almost blond in the sun shining through the open window. You observe the thing more closely, taking it out and laying it flat on your palm- and when you see what it is, your heart flips.
It’s a necklace. A golden chain, so carefully crafted you wonder for a brief moment if it was forged by Hephaestus himself. But that’s not what caught your attention.
Your face pulls up into a face- splitting grin, so wide it hurts. A small bow and arrow charm hanging from the end, a curly ‘T’ and ‘S’ next to it. His initials.
You look up at him with an elated giggle. “Travis.”
“Do you like it?” he asks nervously, eyes squinting, sceptical through narrowed eyes.
“I- I love it,” you beam. “Thank you. So much.”
Your effervescence is contagious; Travis rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish but easy smile you knew so well. “I didn’t know whether you’d want your initials or mine, but-”
“But it’s perfect,” you interrupt. “Thank you. Honestly. I love it.”
At your adoring reaction to his gift, he completely relaxes, face still flushed a pleased pink. “I’ll help you put it on,” he says, taking it from you and turning you around by your waist. You feel his fingers brush the back of your neck as he clasps the necklace, stroking his thumb along your warm skin. “Pretty.”
Your smile grows even wider, something you didn’t deem possible. “Shut up.”
He leans in, nosing along the skin between your neck and shoulder. “No.”
“Tease,” you mutter, turning back around to face him and pulling him in for a long- awaited kiss.
Sorry if this was really random just smth i was thinking abt yesterday
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt masterlist
Ao3: cuffmeinblack
Buy me a cuppa 🖤
Full masterlist for all characters is here
Reader inserts female unless specified otherwise.
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Ominis Gaunt x reader
Old habits die hard - smut, angst, 112k words 🔞
You find yourself once again in the arms of Sebastian Sallow, but with the added complication of your unexpected feelings towards your friend, Ominis Gaunt. Love rivalry.
About time (series) - fluff with sexual content in final work, 6.6k words
You regret never telling Ominis your feelings for him. Sebastian decides to give you some time alone. Start of relationship/new experiences.
Sanctuary - fluff, gn!reader, 1.3k words
You show Ominis the Room of Requirement.
Companion - fluff, gn!reader, 2k words
Sort-of sequel to Sanctuary. Gregory the puffskein.
Kindred spirits - fluff, 1.4k words
Ominis bonds with you over your pet snake.
Legilimens (ao3 link) - smut, explicit, 2.3k words 🔞
Ominis uses his unique Legilimency to find out your deepest desires.
Career Perks (ao3 link) - smut, explicit, 3k words 🔞
Ominis' career leaves little room for excitement or challenge, but his unique brand of legilimency makes for a more interesting job when he finds himself in the company of a lonely witch. Audio excerpt.
The boggart in the tower - fluff, 1.1k words
Mostly just silly Ominis & Sebastian friendship stuff, pranks and Ominis having a crush on you.
Two little words - fluff, 1k words
Ominis hears you singing in the Undercroft and falls hard.
You're welcome - fluff, 1k words
Ominis asks Sebastian to describe you, realising that they both like you.
Hold me close - hurt/comfort, gn!reader, 1k words
Post-Crucio comfort, rewrite of In the Shadow of the Study.
The end and the beginning - hurt/comfort, gn!reader, 1k words
Post-final battle comfort.
Beauty marks - fluff, gn!reader, 380 words
I am obsessed with his moles.
Snake whispers - smut, mature audience, 500 words 🔞
Ominis speaks parseltongue to you at your request.
Overture - smut, 500 words 🔞
Ominis uses his hands to distract you.
Deft hands - smut, mature audience, 300 words 🔞
Ominis explores your body.
Parting gift - fluff, gn!reader, 850 words
Ominis gives you something precious to take with you on your travels.
A touch of sage - fluff, gn!MC, 800 words
Accidental touches lead to something more.
New beginnings - romance, poem
The year after leaving Hogwarts.
Ominis Gaunt x f!OC
Retribution (ao3 link) - angst, smut, 9k words 🔞
Ominis has kept his romantic involvement with Maerys a secret from his family for her own safety, but a pending betrothal causes complications. Maerys confronts his family with the hope of acceptance but gets more than she bargained for. Audio excerpt.
Sebastian Sallow x reader x Ominis Gaunt
Give him something to listen to (ao3 link)- smut, explicit, 1.7k words 🔞
You give in to Sebastian's flirtations and Ominis is along for the ride.
Ominis Gaunt x Sebastian Sallow
Crave - angst, slow burn romance (WIP, hiatus)
The anniversary of the worst day of Sebastian's life approaches and brings with it the familiar nightmares, the only comfort being Ominis' presence.
Silk and Lace (ao3 link) - smut, explicit, 3.9k words 🔞
Sebastian's teasing plants an idea in Ominis' head for a night of indulgent roleplay; and he isn't one to do things by halves.
The experiment (ao3 link) - smut, explicit, 1.7k words 🔞
Ominis admits he isn't sure whether he has a sexual preference given his woeful inexperience. Sebastian offers to be his guinea pig.
Because you're mine - smut, explicit 🔞
Garreth shows an interest in Ominis, Sebastian gets jealous. Rewrite/what-if of You need only ask.
Ominis Gaunt x Garreth Weasley
You need only ask - fluff, smut, 36.1k words 🔞
Garreth Weasley has admired Ominis Gaunt from afar, offering his secret assistance in their shared potions classes. Ominis finds out and wants to know why.
Excerpt audios: chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
Lost and Found (ao3 link) - fluff, angst, 5.4k words 🔞
A love story told in five scenes.
Repercussions (ao3 link) - smut, 2.4k words 🔞
Ominis is driven to distraction by Garreth's voice.
My own
Ominis and Garreth adopt a baby' drabble. Audio.
Ominis Gaunt x reader x Garreth Weasley
Proposition (v1) (ao3 link) - f!reader, smut, 4.3k words (audio excerpt) 🔞
Proposition (v2) (ao3 link) - m!reader, smut, 4k words 🔞
You've always held an affection for your best friend, Garreth Weasley, but he is very much taken by Ominis Gaunt. You weren't expecting Ominis to come to you with an intriguing proposition.
Ominis x Garreth 🔞
Ominis x f!MC 🔞 (snippet from Career Perks
Receiving a blowjob (f!listener) 🔞
Ominis x f!MC x Garreth 🔞
Ominis x f!OC 🔞
Ominis x Sebastian 🔞
Ominis x Sebastian (Dominis/Subastian) 🔞
Ominis x Sebastian (Dominis/Subastian) 🔞
Ominis and Garreth adopt a baby
292 notes · View notes
I request a villain tricking hero into falling in love with them. Pretty pls 🥺
“I know you think this is real,” the villain said. “But it’s not.”
The hero’s smile died.
“What do you mean?” they asked.
The back of their throat etched. They couldn’t breathe.
They felt like a kid with open knees. Like a student before taking a test. Like an adult getting into a fatal accident.
“I mean that I used you.” The villain had the audacity to look sympathetic. “You’re pliant, quick to manipulate. You trust people with ease. You’re very assailable.”
The hero swallowed.
Five minutes ago, everything had been fine, they didn’t understand…
“You don’t love me?” they asked. They felt the breakdown coming, how everything started to spin around them. That was why they were second-guessing everything. People like this, horrible people like this—
“I don’t love you.” The hero bit into the soft flesh of their mouth’s inside, hard enough to draw blood. They’d done it a million times before: it was an ancient habit they had learnt in their childhood. No one likes crying children. No one likes crying people.
Someone had told them these lines but they couldn’t remember who exactly had taught them not to cry.
“I suppose you used me for information?” the hero asked, trying to turn into an emotionless shell as so often. This time, it was harder than usual, though. They tried to restrain themselves. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry— “Or was it just for pleasure?”
“Information,” the villain said politely. “I could tell you how sorry I am but that won’t give you any comfort and — on top of that — it would be far from the truth.”
The villain talked to them as if they were talking about the weather. About sports. About anything else but this betrayal and all the pain that came with it.
“I understand,” the hero said. “You have your superiors and I have mine.”
“It was my idea. My plan. Yada, yada, yada…” The hero looked at them from across the kitchen table of the home they shared. It was a knife in the chest.
Controlling their tears got more difficult, so they fell silent, staring at the fridge. It took them a few long seconds to find the words.
“I suppose you’re telling me this because you got your information?” The villain took a sip of their coffee and the hero wanted to do the same with theirs until they realised that their mouth was full of blood.
“Yes. And you kept talking about marriage,” the villain said. “Legal stuff is difficult to wriggle out of.”
The knife pushed.
“I thought suggesting it was reasonable. A three year relationship is serious in my eyes.”
The villain looked at them.
“It wasn’t in mine.” And the knife twisted. Bleeding out didn’t sound that bad right now. God, what the hero would give to walk into the woods and never come out of them. Giving their body to the earth and finally ending all of this.
They had really thought they’d get the happy ending. They’d thought all the scars could heal. All the abuse and the mistreatment, the pain and discomfort, they had really thought all of this could be ending.
But maybe they didn’t deserve it.
“You’re a good actor,” the hero said. One silly part of their brain hoped the villain was lying. “I really thought dancing in the moonlight and talking about trauma or kissing on New Year’s Eve meant something.”
“What you deem important isn’t important to me. I don’t care about this relationship. I never did,” the villain said. The hero swallowed the blood and closed their eyes, taking in a deep and toxic feeling breath.
“I think that’s enough,” the hero said. “I understand.”
The villain didn’t get up from their seat.
“Good. I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I take half of the money in the shared bank account.” The villain downed the black coffee and looked, admittedly, shamefully satisfied with their actions.
“Did we ever have a chance?” the hero whispered. “In another life, in another time, do you think we could've been happy together?” The villain scrutinised them condescendingly.
“Never. You’re not good enough for me. Now, what should I make us for dinner, darling?”
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sothas · 10 months
Nilonii Character Details, pt.3!
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Decided to pick the questions myself this time as a treat :) As always the list of questions can be found here! <3
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
🍇 Perfume making - A headcanon of mine is that the air in the CWC smells like metal (specifically like when you hold coins in your hand for too long), and it’s residents smell like it as a result. While they’re nose blind to it, outsiders aren’t, and when Nilonii realised this she began to experiment with perfumes so she could mask the smell while in Tamriel. She learned very quickly that she loved to create and wear them (despite some stronger smells giving her headaches), and she’ll have her little perfume making time at least once a week. Nilonii also creates unique perfumes for the people she treasures most, using scents that remind her of them.
🍇 Inventing - Nilonii also has a lot of fun coming up with products that would benefit the residents of the CWC! They range from smaller things like a solution that effectively removes oil stains from fabric, to bigger things like thermal clothing made from synthetic fibres (another thing she’s figured out). There’s also treasures/contraband found in ESO that would absolutely be Nilonii inventions, such as a handheld mirror with small lights to illuminate the user’s face.
🍇 Dancing - For Nilonii, dancing is a fun way to burn off energy, to improve her mood and also to show off to everyone. Her style is very much ‘dance like nobody’s watching’ which definitely attracts attention, and some of her unusual moves either make people laugh or energises them enough to join in! Either way she thinks she looks good and she’s enjoying herself, so she doesn’t really care about the judgement. (she also totally kicks ass at Rasputin on Just Dance 2)
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Definitely a light sleeper. This is a result of her childhood, and she’ll usually wake up at least once or twice in the night; she’s also prone to post-traumatic nightmares. Nilonii takes her sleep very seriously however, and has a whole nighttime routine of bathing, skin and hair care, and reading or solving little puzzles to feel sleepy. She’ll usually go to bed around 8-9pm and wake up around 7-8am. It’s her time to take care of herself and hide away from people in the comfort of her bed :)
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
Dogs! She loves how silly and affectionate they can be, but also how intelligent and helpful they are, and is fascinated by how the different breeds have been bred for different purposes. This extends to wolves too!
Bonus - if I had to choose an animal that represented Nilonii it would be foxes :) In terms of symbolism they’re known to be mischievous, clever, beautiful, sly and determined, which I think fits her pretty well haha
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
🍇 Loyal - When she finds people that she truly trusts and cares about, she’s fiercely loyal to them. She doesn’t stand for slander behind their backs and stays by their side regardless of how high or low they may feel, and always tries to get them to live their best lives. This also extends to the CWC, with her always working on ways to improve it and helping its people as though she were its leader, which she does officially become when Sil dies.
🍇 Dependable - If you want something done (and done right), Nilonii’s your lass. She strives to do her best when she’s passionate about a goal or task and can’t stand the thought of failure. It ties in with her stubbornness, and wanting to see things through to the end, as well as her loyalty to her trusted people and place and not wanting to let them down.
🍇 Sensitive - Looking closely at Nilonii, you’ll learn she’s sensitive when it comes to others. She’s conscious of their feelings and words, and what they might need to feel better. She may be hesitant to reach out at first due to her trust issues but she does always try to cheer up those who are important to her in any way.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
Her cooking and baking skills are really base level, and sometimes even if she goes by exact measurements she’ll still mess up somewhere. It isn’t something she really does, since the CWC has nutriment paste practically on tap, and when she’s fancying something else she’ll pop down to the inn and take some of their food home with her. She thinks that cooking/baking is a fun bonding activity though, and prefers baking to cooking :)
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Nilonii wants to live her life the way she wants to without others restricting her, and she wants to be genuinely loved and feel safe enough to show love back (which she already has with Sil!). She wants to find a partner, she wants to continue supporting the CWC as it develops, and she wants to explore all the corners of Tamriel that she was previously unable to. And of course, she wants to spend as much time with Sil as possible and enjoy every moment she has being a part of his family. She’s here for a good time folks :)
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year
#14, 26, 35 for Lilith and Wenduag?
thank you!!
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Wenduag: "She's the most powerful person I've ever met. Most dangerous, too, obviously. Some people call her cold, but those people are fools- she's nothing but fire, and she'll burn you to the ground if you cross her. It's a sight to see, really. She's...radiant. And she's mine, so don't go getting any ideas."
Lilith: "Sometimes, I could swear she's the most vexing woman in the world. And yet...there's so much to admire in her. Just look at how far she's come, how much she's built out of nothing. Even now I can never guess what she'll do next, but I do relish watching her work. She's a rare beauty, no matter what anyone else says."
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
I don't picture Wenduag as being a very tidy person, and it drives Lilith nuts. I can definitely see them bickering over silly things like picking up clothes and keeping their shelves organized
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
Answered here!
relationships asks
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tootta-hua-tara · 1 year
ShiVi: Darmiyaan
Chapter 1: The night before
I was in the kitchen, wiping up the last of the dishes from breakfast, when I heard Gombi call out " Shiva! Raavi! Come here." Perplexed, I dried my hands and proceeded to make my way to the courtyard. Wondering if Gombi was calling us for another earful on how Shiva and I should stop arguing, I recalled last night...
It had been a silly argument. I had been in the middle of my online class when Shiva had barged in our room to change his clothes after work. Engrossed in my class with headphones, I hadn't heard him enter nor had he expected me in the room as I usually studied on the roof, enjoying the cool wind.
Spaced out, I was half asleep as my professor rattled on about some marketing principle. Suddenly, my eyes landed on Shiva as he slowly made his way to me as he reached out and caressed my face. I let out a small sigh of content, when...
"Chipkali, What are you doing here?", Shiva exclaimed as I realised that he was not a fiction of my imagination and was standing in the room, shirt in hand.
My cheeks heated as I realised he had been undressing! Alarmed, I stood up and in the process spilled all my notes and stuff on floor as I noticed Shiva scrambling to cover himself. "You Mami ki bhen ki beti what are you doing here! I am not going -" Shiva screamed as he slipped on my pen and came crashing onto me on the bed. "Shiva!", I exclaimed as I he fell onto me.
Struggling to support his weight, I felt him go still and move away a bit. When I finally met his gaze, I felt time stop. A strange intensity held his eyes, in which I saw a mixture of sadness and longing. My heart constricted feeling the same. I wondered why he made sure to remind me that he hates me when his eyes screamed differently. I wondered if it was just my mind reflecting my hearts desires. Then just as suddenly, he pushes himself off me as if he was burnt. Suddenly, a wave of fatigue ran over me as I closed my eyes to compose myself.
"Chipkali, Why are you here? Couldn't you make my day any worse? You have made such a mess of the room.." Shiva rattled on in nervousness. Never backing from an argument, I met his silly accusations with some of mine. Startled by our sounds, Dhara Bhabhi came rushing in with worry and soon came everyone else.
Engrossed in ourselves, we continued throwing accusations and names just for the sake of doing it. Never did our fights mean any harm, it was like a bad habit that we could never leave. After I came back home, we had an understanding to never discuss our marriage or the lack of it. We fell back into our pre-marraige banter.
"Bhagodi ki beti, be careful!!" Maa exclaimed as we swirled our heads to notice just in time, Gombi holding Dhara up. Seconds from slipping on a pen. Gombi carried a pale Dhara Bhabhi to her room and ordered us back to our rooms strictly. Unable to meet anyone's eyes, we hurried to clear the room, silently.
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
Hi, just passing to say your theme is pretty! i could look it for hours, the cards their meaning, the way that they somehow connected with the concepts that exist in the writing, beautiful!
Thank you so much!!!! It's my spooky theme!!! 👻 But I might keep them longer cause I am sort of obsessed with tarot cards. I'm not a particular believer in astrology or anything like that, but I like the ceremony of tarot, and my friend has a deck she'd get out at sleepovers when I was younger, so it's nostalgic for me too. 🥰
The ones in my header etc are cards designed by Amrit Brar and I'm obsessed with them.
Jo talks too much beneath the cut.
The lovers card hopefully is obvious to everyone (💞Eddie💕).
Temperance made me chuckle thinking of Eddie's various habits. The need for balance as well struck me because the swing from Eddie running away to throwing himself needlessly into danger was...idk. I think silly writing. The reality is that sometimes we shouldn't run from danger but every time Eddie did it wasn't cowardly, it was just smart??? And natural??? But the guilt forces him into an extreme the other direction when what he needed was to realise he didn't do anything wrong. There's a time to be brave and there's a time to just be scared. Mm. Angry.
The devil represents seduction...also bondage...hopefully obvious. ⛓️
AND the tower!!! I have a tower card necklace and its relevance to Eddie was pointed out by this beautiful post. The tower can mean danger and destruction (pretty easy to see how it applies to sweetest Eddie) but it also represents unforseen change!!! I naturally am resistant to change, but sometimes it works out well.
In TMYG, readers fave poem is Want the Change by Rilke (also a fave of mine) which is about embracing unforseen change. For reader, though she doesn't realise it yet, that is the loss of some things she assumes to be true leading to...well we'll see (spoiler: love and happiness).
But also they're pretty!!!
Thank you for indulging my overthinking!!!
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peakyswift · 2 years
seeing blind
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tommy x reader
SUMMARY you and tommy have always been best friends and nothing more. but when he sees you sparking interest in another man, he realises that perhaps he have been wrong about his feelings for you all this time
REQUEST “I was thinking of like Tommy and reader where reader has unrequited love, and they both know about it, but has always been by his side no matter what and then one day Tommy sees reader flirting and is like “wait a sec, they’re mine, what’s going on here”
WARNINGS angst, tiny bit of fluff, cheating (sort of ??)
A/N I kept picturing the man that y/n was flirting with as Count Alexei Vronsky from Anna Karenina (2012) so that’s how i described him lol. I low-key wanted her to end up with him🙈
You were sat in front of your vanity, fixing the last details of your hair and makeup. Tonight was a big night for Shelby Company Ltd. You truly didn’t feel like partying, but you wanted to support your friend, Tommy. So here you were, getting ready to speak to important people about not so important things that didn’t interest you.
You got up from your seat and went to the full length mirror to get a proper look at yourself. The lilac silk dress embraced your curves perfectly and yet, you still felt unsure and uncomfortable in your skin.
You hugged your stomach with shaky hands and sighed.
There was another reason you felt extra self conscious tonight. Tommy was bringing Lizzie as a date and your heart squeezed just thinking about it. Thinking about her with him. It was even worse that Tommy knew how much you disliked her.
It wasn’t a secret you had always been fond of Tommy, even more than he was of you. To him you were just his best childhood friend, and nothing more.
The two of you had stuck together through everything. You had been by his side when he had nothing, you had been there for him when Grace died and now you were there for him when he was going into politics.
And even if your heart broke in million pieces when you saw another woman receiving the love and attention you so desperately craved, you still stayed. He was after all your best friend and a silly crush shouldn’t destroy the special bond you had.
Deep down you always knew it wasn’t just a silly crush but something stronger, something you didn’t even dare think about. Seeing it as a small crush made all of Tommy’s jokingly flirting easier to bare and easier to pass of as joke.
He had a habit of flirting with you as a joke. Teasing you with your affection of him. He would kiss you cheek or wink at you or even let his hands linger on your waist for a moment too long after hugging you. And every time your stomach would fill with butterflies and your heart would drop.
The sound of a car honking shook you out of your thoughts.
You quickly put on your fur coat and grabbed your bag. You took a quick glance at yourself in the hallway mirror before opening the door and walking out, into the freezing autumn air.
Tommy had sent one of the companies Bentleys to pick you up. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at it. Your Tommy, poor Tommy from Small Heath was sending fucking Bentleys to pick up his friends.
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When you arrived at Arrow House it was around eight thirty. Even from outside you could hear the laughing and chattering that was happening inside.
You took a deep breath and painted on the most convincing fake smile you could manage before entering the house. A maid stood ready to take your coat and a waiter offered you a glass of champagne which you gladly took.
You sipped on your drink as you walked into to big room where the event took place. Your eyes immediately found Tommy and… Lizzie, arms linked together. They were talking to what looked like some important people, and Lizzie was laughing at everything Tommy said. He wasn’t even that funny. You sighed with annoyance and went to look for Polly instead. She had always loved you, and had taken you under her wings when you still a little girl.
You found her by the bar, drinking a glass of champagne and observing the crowd. “Y/n” she said with a big smile and opened her arms. You embraced her. The smell of her perfume made you instantly felt safe.
“How are you love?” she asked and pulled from the hug.
“I’m good” You lied and took a big swig from your glass.
She lifted an eyebrow at you and shook her head. “None of that! What’s going on?” she placed her hand on your arm. Polly could tell from a mile away if something was wrong and it was essentially pointless to try and lie to her.
“It’s just Tommy” you shrugged. Polly gave you a sympathetic look and rubbed your arm.
“He’s not worth your troubles dear” She lifted her glass and nodded at you to do the same. You smiled halfhearted at her and drank.
“Oh! Ada is here. I’m just gonna go and say hello” Polly said. She kissed your cheek and left you. Now you were standing by the bar, alone and forcing yourself not look in Tommy’s direction.
You felt so awkward and out of place, and you kept staring at your feet, trying your hardest to avoid conversation.
“Not having fun?” the unfamiliar voice made you look up. A man stood before you.
He was beautiful. A head of blond curls, piercing blue eyes and a moustache. You swallowed and looked around. Was he talking to you?
He lifted an eyebrow at you and smirked when you didn’t respond. You mentally faced palmed yourself for already acting a fool.
“It’s not really my crowd” You finally answered and gave him a shy smile.“Me neither” the man said and took a swig of his whiskey.
“I’m William Ripley” he extended his hand.
“I’m y/n, y/l/n” you placed your hand in his. He lifted your hand to his mouth and placed a kiss on your knuckles. Your face flushed, not used to being flirted with other than Tommy’s teasing. You prayed that William didn’t notice your flustered state.
��Pleasure to meet you Mr. Ripley”.
“Pleasures all mine. And please, call me William” he beamed at you.
You nodded at him, too flustered to say anything, and went to take a sip of champagne, only to find the glass was empty. William noticed too and offered to get you another one.
You couldn’t help but smile like an idiot as he went to get you both a fresh drink. It felt good to finally have a man be interested in you.
“What’s so funny eh?” Tommy’s voice swiftly wiped the smile from your face.
“Nothing” you muttered.
“I haven’t seen you all night” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Probably cause you’ve been busy showing off your new girlfriend”. Tommy only chuckled at your comment.
“Are you jealous y/n? eh?” he teased. You looked at him and pursed your lips. “No Tom, i am not”.
“Good. Just checking” he winked at you, and like always your inside twisted with butterflies. It made you mad that he had that affect on you.
“I’m gonna leave you to it then” Tommy said. You sighed deeply, but before you could properly start sulking William came back. He gave you one of the two glasses he was holding. You took a big swig of your glass, just wanting to forget your interaction with Tommy.
“You okay?” William laughed and placed a hand on your shoulder. The touch made you skin tingle.
“Yeah, i’m fine” you assured him.
“I’m glad” he said simply and caressed your arm before lightning a cigarette.
As the night went on you kept talking with William. It was easy speaking to him. He was funny, charming and painfully handsome. Still, you couldn’t help but glance in Tommy’s direction every once in a while. He didn’t look at you though. Why would he? He was busy showing Lizzie off and talking business with respected men.
At least that’s what you thought.
In reality Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about you… and that man you were talking to.
He didn’t know why it bothering him so much to see you flirt with someone else. It kept nagging at the back of his head. The sight of you giggling at the man’s jokes made his blood boil and the sight of the stranger stealing small touches made Tommy clench his jaw.
But what really sent him over the edge was seeing you and the man leave the room, to god knows where. Tommy excused himself from the the small circle of people he was talking to and began walking after you and William.
You of course, had no clue that Tommy was following after you. You were on your way out to get some fresh air and a cigarette.
When you stepped out, William pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered you one. You accepted it and let him light it for you. The cold weather made you shiver.
“Do you want my jacket?” William asked sweetly, already taking it off before you could even answer.
“She’s fine”.
Tommy’s stern tone made both William and you turn your head towards the door. William furrowed his brows and gave you a confused side glance. You smiled apologetic at him before looking back at Tommy.
“Tommy leave it” you hissed. He ignored you and firmly took ahold of your wrist, dragging you with him back to the house.
“Tommy stop it! what are you doing?” you shouted and burrowed your heel into the ground to stop him from dragging you further. Unfortunately Tommy was much stronger than you.
“Leave her alone” William protested and ran to you. He must not have known who Tommy was because he began pushing him. Your stomach dropped as Tommy let go of your wrist and took ahold of Williams collar.
“Stop it Tom!” you whined.
You had never seen him look so angry, his face turned crimson and veins popped out from his neck. It was terrifying.
“You leave her alone you hear me?” Tommy shouted in Williams face. Poor William looked absolutely petrified, and your eyes welled up with tears.
“Tommy for god’s sake stop it”. Your screaming made Tommy drop William from his grip, who quickly ran back back into the house.
You shook your head at Tommy and began walking to the door, too angry to be in the presence of him.
“Y/n, wait” Tommy yelled after you.
“Leave me alone” you said harshly.
“No! let me explain” he pleaded.
You were shaking with anger. Finally you had found someone who was actually interested in you and of course Tommy had to fuck it up. You spun around to face Tommy and clenched your fists.
“Explain what? that you’re fucking psycho? huh? He was being nice to me and i actually really like him” you spat.
“Y/n please don’t say that” his voice broke at the end and a pang of guilt went through you.
“No just.. y/n for fuck’s sake” he stammered. “Just drop it Tom” you turned around again and opened the door.
“Y/n for fuck’s i love you!” Tommy yelled. You froze and felt your heart skip a beat. Your hand left the doorknob and you turned to face him.
“What? what did you say?” you asked, suddenly feeling dizzy.
“I fucking love you”. His eyes locked with yours and his face softened. You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.
“Why didn’t you say? you knew how i felt about you. Why didn’t you tell me Tom?” you whispered and bit your lip, trying your best to hold your tears back.
“Because i didn’t know…” He dropped his head and took a shaky breath.
“I didn’t realise until i saw you with him” he confessed. You couldn’t hold your tears in anymore. Warm drops rolled down your cheeks. Tommy walked to you, he cupped your face and wiped your tears with the pads of him thumbs.
“I’m sorry y/n”.
“Please say something” his voice was filled with desperation.
“I don’t know what to say Tom”. You felt so overwhelmed. He was still cupping your face and tracing gentle circles on your cheeks.
“Can i kiss you?”
You knew it was probably a bad idea but you couldn’t help but nod. Softly Tommy pressed his lips to yours and time stood still for a moment.
You had long forgotten about the cold and William. All you could think about was Tommy and the taste of smoke and whiskey on his tongue.
He broke the kiss. “I really fucking love you y/n and i’m really fucking sorry for everything” he murmured against your lips.
“I really fucking love you too, Tom. Even when you’re being stupid” You giggled and kissed him again.
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
Hey, Spoops!! Do you think I could request some general Vlad dating hcs?? Thanks 💜
—General Vlad dating headcanons
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Suitor(s): Vlad
TW: Possessiveness, fear of losing someone, food
Notes: Gender neutral MC || Niph! Ofc I can write something about the strawberry murder husband 😌💜
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The most protective boyfriend ever, I swear but so, so sweet to you at the same time
He feels as though he might have waited for you to enter his life for millennia but he'll look over at you and immediately think that it was all worth it because he has you with him now and he would give anything to be able to keep with with him. He would do absolutely anything for you, all you need is ask
He's very big on the whole "what's mine is yours thing" and shares everything with you, it's actually really cute especially since you don't have to steal his cape and stuff and he'll literally just give it to you or bundle you up in it of his own volition
He's also a little bit obsessed with wrapping the both of you up in it and telling you stories whenever it's cold or dark
It's all adorable until you realise that he would usually kill someone that touches his strawberries but will give you some without question but still cute though
He does like to feed them to you. That's definitely a thing he likes to do especially when he wants to kiss you. Literal definition of the "it tastes better from your lips" thing and does want you to also do that
Sometimes gets pouty if you don't feed him strawberries but also prefers to do everything for you
Always gives you flowers too and they're always flowers he's grown himself. Only the best
Every week, he'll give you a new bouquet without question and will give you a single flower every day between that and he for a fact knows what the meanings are and chooses them on purpose
He is particularly fond of giving you roses though because they have the most honest meaning for the portrayal of his feelings
He's also a little childish at heart so sometimes he'll extend the meanings of certain flowers or put them together to have silly little jokes with one another. He loves his flowers and just likes being able to share them with you
He just goes and formulates a whole extra little branch of meanings to flowers so the two of you can send each other silly little messages. Usually through rushed doodles of the flowers (I headcanon that he's just particularly good at drawing flowers because he spends so much time around them)
He treads the fine line between protective and possessive and manages to cross it almost every day because he has a habit of equating feeling jealous to wanting to protect you but he's working on it because he does realise that they aren't the same thing eventually
Despite slowly coming to terms with how he feels and the more defined lines between certain emotions, he is absolutely terrified by the prospect of losing you and isn't too fond of the idea of being separated from you for a long time so him trying to get you to move to his castle with him is a given but he'll grumble a bit and bear it if you decide not to
He's much too terrified of the idea of losing you not to turn you though and as a result does little things that reassure him that you're there like hold your hand or aimlessly play with your hair or fingers. He does have a certain soft spot for your hands though. He can hear your heart eat just fine but he likes being able to feel it whenever he lightly presses his thumb against your wrist
He's been so lonely and afraid all of his life and now that you've given him that kind of security and love, he's much too scared to let it go
He wouldn't ever want to turn you without your permission so he'd start off by trying to at least initiate a contract with you but he'll allow it to be put off if you disagree but there will come a moment where he feels that he has no choice
He's highly emotionally driven and a man who feels deeply and forever. Any feelings he has towards you have never and will never die out but he still somehow manages to treat you're time with him as if it is finite
He just wants you to be happy and with him. He doesn't see the issue of going above and beyond for the person who cares about him the most
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Steve loves you; you love Steve. There’s just one catch, Steve is a prince and you are his page.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Unprotected sex, voyeurism, masturbation (male), oral sex (female receiving), 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙉𝙄!
For my sake, your sake, your mom’s sake and for the betterment of the entire world, if you are a minor, please do not read this!🔞
Beta’d by the wonderful @sparkledfirecracker Thank you so so very much for your help! But all mistakes are mine.
This turned out to be better than I thought. I wish my common app essay was this good. 🤣
I desperately hope you like it 🥺
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It was wrong.
The way he saw you was wrong. The way he felt for you was wrong. The way he needed you was wrong. The way he wanted you was wrong. He was wrong.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself. Prince or not, he was only human. And when even the gods had fallen prey to love, who was he to resist?
Through the mirror, his eyes traced the way your lips parted. Every time you were too focused on something, your mouth slightly hung open, he knew this very well by now. He loved that he knew your little habits by heart.
You were too engrossed in removing all the clips and pins on his robe, as he sat in front of the mirror, to notice him looking directly at you through your reflection. He absorbed the way your fingers moved over the silk, gently removing the pins so as to not hurt the precious prince.
He purposely shifted his shoulders and squirmed a little in his seat. You had told him a hundred times before to not move while you were removing those pointed clips, and yet every one of those times he had purposely shifted. You had accidentally ended up pricking him with needles and he had loved the sting.
He only misbehaved because he wanted you to see him. He wanted you to see how much he adored you. He wanted you to see how his blue eyes only ever followed your movements. He wanted you to see his hands only craved your touch.
But you never gave him what he wanted. It was as if you feasted on his frustration. You only huffed a breath of annoyance and shook your head. “Please don’t move. I’ll end up stabbing you again and I do not wish to do that.” Your eyes were downcast, still not looking at him.
“Who are you going to marry?” Now that caught your attention. Without missing a beat you looked up into the mirror only to lock eyes with him. This wasn’t the first time the prince had asked something personal, at this point it was almost expected.
In the beginning he used to ask silly little questions about your favourite colour or your favourite fruit and you used to think he was mocking you. Being a servant, you only ever wore dull blue or beige, you didn’t have the luxury of wearing bright red or the multitude of hues of blue like a royal.
And you had only tasted the likes of banana and apples. Asking you what your favourite fruit was like requesting a donkey to sing. How were you to chose your favourite when you hadn’t tasted enough fruits nor had you ever wore anything captivating?
But as the time passed, you realised the prince meant no harm. He was just an inquisitive soul who was a little unaware of the way the others survived. He was a kind, gentle, understanding yet commanding man who would truly make a great king soon.
Steve had wanted to know you right since the day you had met. But you never spoke about yourself, you only did your work and left without meeting his eyes. So he had started asking you questions.
But soon he had realised how insensitive he had been. His heart had ached when you had told him you didn’t know what many thing felt like; the same things he had taken just for granted since so long.
He wanted you to wear the best of the silks and eat the most luscious fruits. He wanted to show the most beautiful places in the world and walk with you hand in hand.
He couldn’t do all of it, so he did what he could. The next day itself he had presented before you at least four fruits you’d only ever heard about. Initially you had resisted to eat, but then he had ordered you to do so. He still remembered the soft moan that had slipped past when you had tasted the juicy melons.
He couldn’t stop looking at your lips every time you licked the fruit’s juices, his eyes tracing every swipe of your tongue. And he hated it when at night he brought himself pleasure by imagining you licking something entirely else.
After that he constantly brought delicacies and gifts for you to enjoy. While you always thought how generous he was, he constantly chastised himself for being greedy. He loved to see how your eyes twinkled and your lips stretched into a smile whenever he gave you gifts like little earring and bangles.
He snapped his fingers in front of your face to bring your attention back to him. “Umm, I don’t know. Probably whoever my mother chooses.” You really didn’t know who you were going to marry. And neither did you know why the prince had asked you such a weird question.
You didn’t know when prince would understand that people like you don’t get to choose. It was expected of you to marry whomsoever your elders deemed fit. “Why?” Sometime you really wanted to punch the prince, now was one such moment. “Because beggars can’t be choosers.”
“Hmm. What if your mother chooses me?” Your eyes bulged out of their sockets at his words. Did he even think of the implications? No, he didn’t. “Are you insane?” You exclaimed. Quickly realising your mistake you bit your lip.
You weren’t to call the prince without his title, much less reprimand him. “I… I’m sorry, your highness. I wasn’t thinking straight and reacted with my basest instinct of shock.”
To your surprise, the prince let out a hearty laugh which reverberated throughout his impressive chest. “I really shouldn’t have taught you to read.” He said wheezing with laughter. You knew he wasn’t serious.
But it was true, the prince was kind enough to teach you how to read and write. When you had first come here, you only knew the basics. But then one day the prince had caught you trying to read one of his books and you had been sure that you were fired, despite barely understanding anything scribbled inside.
But instead he had taken upon himself, in the next two years to come, to educate you. He had taught you the finest of the words and the highest of the scripts. And with that your vocabulary had increased multitudes.
He turned around with a wide smile spread on his face and clutched your bicep with one of his huge palms. If only he knew what he did to you. His touch sent electricity flowing in your veins.
When you had first came here, you had expected for the worst. Your mother was sick and you needed any help you could get, so you had agreed for working for the prince without thinking twice. You had expected him to be arrogant and rude, and he had turned out to be the exact opposite.
With all the things he did for you, it had been easier than drinking water to fall in love with the prince. You had spent the last year denying and running from the fact that could ruin you. But after realising that there was no running from it, you had accepted your misplaced feelings.
“You’ve made your teacher very proud today.” He said with a smirk. His palm was still a warm weight on your hand. You didn’t know why, but the fact that he was proud of you sent a tingle down your spine.
You weren’t sure how to reply so you just gave him a smile. His eyes were so blue that even in the dimly lit room, they were giving an iridescent glow. His long lashes casting small shadows over his cheeks.
You quickly shook yourself before completely drowning in his essence. Jerking your arm from his grip you walked two steps back. Breaking eye contact, you cleared your throat, “I think I should leave, it’s getting much too late.”
Steve wanted to tell you that he still wasn’t properly disrobed but he knew it was better to let you go. He was too close to kissing you, too close to tasting your sweetness and too close to crossing your boundaries. He knew it was better for both of you if you retired for the night.
If slapping oneself was possible, you would’ve done it at this moment. How could you be so clumsy? You always did something or the other wrong. May it be pricking the prince’s delicate skin with needles or making his bath water scalding hot.
But what you had done now was even more careless. Not much problematic for the prince, more for yourself. You had forgotten your pouch with your hard earned pennies in the prince’s chamber. And you had realised it now, almost in the dead of the night.
You had considered letting it stay put, but then you were sure that the other servants would undoubtedly steal it. So you had decided to retrieve it right now itself. You were mentally scolding yourself as you brisk walked through the palace halls.
Finally reaching the chamber door, you opened it and slipped inside. The prince had given you the permission to enter without knocking. The door to the bedchamber was closed and you thought the prince might be asleep. Your pouch was still lying pretty much intact on one of the seats.
You snatched the pouch and were about to leave when you first heard it; the breathy, melodic voice calling you. This part of the palace was deafeningly quite at this hour and even mice squeaks were audible. And you sure as hell just heard the Prince moan your own name.
You might be inexperienced in terms of sexual gratification, but you weren’t deaf. The walls of the servants chambers were thin and you could always hear someone or the other moaning. You knew the difference between a pained grunt and a pleasured groan.
You were sure the prince was unaware of your presence. So with light footsteps, you walked over to the bedchamber. The door the slightly ajar, just enough for you to take a look inside. The sight that greeted you made you gasp softly.
He was sprawled naked, as the day he was born, on his bed. His long limbs perfectly outstretched and golden torso glistening with a thin layer of sweat. His eyes were shut and his plump lips red and wet from biting.
But what captivated your eye was the way his right hand curled around his impressive veiny length and pumped furiously. This wasn’t the first time you had seen him naked, but this was the first time you had seen him vulnerable.
His head was peaking up from between his palm as he jerked off, and you were shaking with your urge to go suck off the wetness oozing from it. What you still weren’t able to digest though was, why would the prince think of you while pleasuring himself.
You always loved hearing the prince talk; his voice was sensuous and gravelly. But that had nothing on this; his voice was hoarse and deep from all the grunting and every time he groaned, you unconsciously rubbed your legs together.
You knew that if you were caught, you would have to face dire consequences. But now matter what your logical and pragmatic side shouted, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You greedily drank in the sight in front of you like a thirsty man finding an oasis.
You knew he was close and yet you weren’t ready to take in the magnificence of the moment when he actually came. He looked so ethereal and graceful, you wondered how it would feel to be with him right there in the moment.
The prince sighed and that’s when you realised how undignified you’d behaved. This was unacceptable and shameful. You shook yourself out of your trance and ran out as fast and as silently as you could.
Steve smirked to himself and finally opened his eyes. He had heard you walk in right as he was in the middle of calling your name as he jerked himself off. And while due to the dim lighting you had thought his eyes were close, he was actually looking straight at you through hooded eyelashes.
After he finally calmed down enough to think, he knew you liked him too. The way you were entranced by him was something he had craved for so long. And he knew you soon would be his, he just didn’t know when or how.
“We cannot do this!”
You exclaimed at Steve. How dare he suggest this? It was definitely going to land you in trouble, not him. “We can. There is no rule against it!” You admired his stubbornness, but not today.
“If I get caught I can’t even think of the repercussions I will have to face. My prince, I need you to understand.” Steve pursed his lips and took the matter into consideration. He didn’t want to force you, nor he ever would.
The Rogers of Brooklyn had secured a new alliance with the Odinsons of Asgard. And as a result of this a grand party was arranged where affluent people from both of the kingdoms were going to be present.
And Steve wanted nothing more than for you to be present. He had even gone to the lengths of specially getting a dress just for you. It was made with the finest of red silk and a lace more delicate and refined than you had ever seen.
When Steve had insisted that you attend the party wearing this luxury, you had stared at him with your mouth agape. Did the prince actually expect you, his servant, to wear this? He had undoubtedly lost his mind.
Though you had outright rejected his stupid idea, you still hadn’t been able to stop yourself from touching the lavish dress. It was soft and smooth to your calloused hands unlike your regular uniforms.
You hadn’t even imagined yourself in such clothes. Keeping high hopes would only bring you pain, so you never even let the thought cross your mind. The stories where the prince married the heroine were just stories, they weren’t going to become your reality.
Steve dejectedly sighed and pursed his lips. Finally shrugging he carelessly threw the dress away. Your breath hitched at the sight of such expensive dress being strewn around. You swiftly picked it up and started dusting it around the edges.
“There is no need to look after it if you aren’t going to wear it.” His tone was purely mean and you couldn’t decide if he was mad or hurt. “Are you mad at me, my prince?” You solemnly asked.
“No I’m not. I’m a prince and I have a party to attend. So dress me up.” Oh, he was definitely mad at you. He never ordered you around, though he surely could and was rather expected to. But you didn’t know what you could possibly do to improve his mood.
Agreeing to his whims wasn’t an option. Neither was not accepting his gifts. He was probably going to throw you out of the kingdom. You hadn’t even been this confused and scared when you had returned the next morning after seeing him pleasure himself. Not knowing what to do, you just nodded and got back to your work.
Steve on the other hand was sad beyond words. He had ordered that dress to be made especially for you and you had rejected it. He didn’t care what the other people would think, for they’d always have a say no matter what. Regarding his parents, he would’ve convinced them too.
It was fine if you didn’t want to attend the party, but he definitely wasn’t against you wearing the dress in the privacy of his chambers and showing him. He was twitching to see you in that dress when he first bought it and now all the excitement had died.
Maybe he was wrong; you didn’t like him at all. You just did your duty and maybe if it were up to you, you would’ve left a long time back. You didn’t just reject the dress, you rejected his heart without thinking twice.
For the first time his eyes weren’t upon you as you dressed him in his robes. He wanted to be done with everything quickly and to just get out of the room. Once you were done, he didn’t even take a moment to admire himself in the mirror and straightaway stormed out of the room.
Once he had left for the celebrations, you went back and took hold of the beautiful gown. Pinching in between your thumb and pointer finger, you just relished the texture. You didn’t like this dress just because it was one of the best you had ever seen.
You loved the dress because it was given to you by the Prince. If he’d ever give you a stone, you would keep it safely and never let go of it and this was a dress. The more you saw it, the more enchanted you were by it.
You knew no one would venture into the prince’s chamber in the midst of the party, so you decided to try out the irresistible dress. Without wasting much time, you slid off your worn out uniform and with delicate hands, wore the new dress.
Once done, you admired yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess after working all day long and you didn’t have any jewellery to wear along with it. But just wearing the dress was making you glow. Not only because the dress was so exquisite, but also because that was the glow of a woman loved.
You untied your braid and let your hair flow freely. You couldn’t stop the smile that was plastered around your face. The prince had definitely chosen a dress which suited you. You would wear this dress everyday if you could.
“And who are you, little one?” You shrieked with surprised at the booming voice. Turning around, you saw a tall man with long blond hair standing at the door. His stature was definitely matching his voice, and the silken robes adorned with jewels was a clear signal that he was a royal. He must be one of the Odinsons, you thought.
But what made a chill go down your spine was the way his eyes raked over you. His glance was dark and hungry and you knew he didn’t have any good intentions. First off, he was the one who had crossed the boundary and entered private quarters. But no one would consider that.
You were just a maid and he was a royal, you didn’t have to be told who side would be taken by everybody. And on top of that you were wearing a dress that surely wasn’t allowed for your social standing.
When you froze and didn’t reply, he started walking closer to you. You once again glanced at his smirk and without thinking twice, collected the long skirt of the dress and started running. Gladly he was drunk and his reflexes weren’t as sharp. Quickly dodging him, you went out of the bed chambers.
If people saw you like this, there sure would be certain repercussions. But you didn’t think of that. You just wanted to get away from the Odinson. You heard him calling for you and you wished that this section of the castle wasn’t so lonely.
You turned your head around to see him right on your trail, fumbling in your panic, you ended up slicing your arm on one of the candle stands. Stopping for a moment to look at the injury, you saw your blood was slowly trickling down the cut and the sleeve of the arm was also torn.
Though you wanted to take a proper look, you didn’t have much time for it. Just the thought of getting caught by him made your shiver with fear. Taking a deep breath, you began running as fast as you could. The castle was made like a puzzle with spiral stairs and gothic hallways.
You were panting and out of breath, your feet were aching and you didn’t know how long and how much more you could run. But seemingly the gods heard your cry for help. As you turned around a sharp corner, you slammed straight into someone’s chest.
You took a step back, rubbing your head and as you looked up all the worry left your body. Steve was standing right in front of you with questioning eyes and raised eyebrows. Sighing deeply, you lunged into his arms and held him tight.
It didn’t matter then that he was the prince and you were his maid. For all that actually mattered was that in Steve’s arms, you felt safe. As standing before you wasn’t your prince, he was Steve, the man you so profoundly loved. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled in his lavender perfume.
Out of instinct you nuzzled in his warm and strong embrace. You felt Steve hesitating before wrapping his arms tightly around you. His hug was protective and possessive, holding you tight against him.
When Steve had seen you in that dress, running right towards him, he had felt as if he was in heaven and you were an Angel. But then he had taken in your worried face and tear stained cheeks. And before he could stop you, you had crashed into him.
He was shocked beyond words when you embraced him. Your toes hanging in air as you wrapped your arms around him. This was undoubtedly a dream and he didn’t want it to stop. But then he saw Thor come after you. Steve was no idiot, he understood what had happened.
Steve soothingly rubbed his hand on your back as he glared daggers at Thor. “What did you do?” Steve asked with clenched teeth. He didn’t care if this would jeopardise the very treaty they were celebrating.
If time came, he would kill for you and die for you as well. Thor shamelessly smirked and crossed his arms, “I did nothing.” Steve wanted to stab this man right there. “It doesn’t look like you did nothing.”
“All I did was ask her name. I haven’t even touched her. If you don’t believe me, ask her.” Thor was smug and tipsy. He had the sense to defend himself, but not enough sense to stop being giddy.
You finally let go of Steve only to look up at him with doe eyes. You nodded and looked down at your feet. Steve pondered on the possibilities for a moment. Finally meeting out a breath, he stiffly nodded. “Good then, there’s nothing to worry about. Just don’t go around scaring people.”
His tone was angry and stiff and was enough to get his message across. Steve wanted to punch Thor and tell him to stay the fuck away from you. But doing that would not only ruin the political scenario, it would also out his feelings for you. So he instead settled for this.
Giving Steve a pat on his back, Thor walked away humming to a tune Steve didn’t care about. You still hadn’t looked up and we’re shaking with silent sobs. He placed his hand on your arm and you winced with pain.
He raised you arm to look at the cut, it wasn’t deep or long. Yet the gash was leaking with blood. You still weren’t meeting his eyes and he didn’t know what to take of it. “Come with me.” He said as he interlinked your hands and walked towards his chambers.
Without a word, neither a protest, you followed him. He seemed angry and didn’t say anything else. He didn’t even say why he was here instead of the party. Entering the room, he closed the door and locked it shut. His face was still unreadable and his jaw was clenched, this wasn’t a good sign.
“Sit.” He commanded you, motioning towards the bed. Before you could ask him anything, he went towards one of his drawers and started rummaging through it. You sat on the corner of the bed and nervously fidgeted your hand with the torn sleeve of the dress.
He came back with a roll of bandage and some ointment. You thought he would give it to you to patch yourself up. But instead he kneeled in front of you and gently took your arm. Seeing the future king sit on his knees before you made your eyes go wide. You quickly sprung up from the bed and stood ramrod straight.
“This is unacceptable. You can’t…” before you could say any further, he pulled your arm and you slumped back into the bed. “I told you to sit, so sit.” His eyes peered at you with such intensity that you gulped and nodded.
Today’s day was just your delirious dream, nothing of this was real, you thought to yourself. You hissed when he applied the ointment to your wound. It didn’t actually hurt a lot, you were used to worse pain, but the close proximity to Steve was making you anxious.
You knew the prince wouldn’t probably like it if you broke down in front of him, but you couldn’t hold all this in any longer. You suddenly let out a wailing sob and closed your eyes shut. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.”
You felt him stop his ministrations and you knew he was looking up at you with the intensity to make you melt. “Hey. Look at me. What are you sorry for?” His tone was caring and you did as he said. “I… I tore the dress. And… and wore it without permission. I’m sorry.”
Steve brought his hand to cup your face and gently with his thumb, wiped your tears. “It’s okay. I got this dress for you and so it’s yours. You could burn this and I won’t ask, but that would hurt me for sure.” In fact your blatant rejection at first had hurt him. He wanted to ask how and when you wore this dress though.
“I’m sorry for not wearing it before. I know I hurt you and I didn’t want to. I never want to hurt you. So.. so I thought of wearing it for you when you came back but then he came and all this happened.” You said through broken sobs.
A smile spread across Steve’s face at your words. You wore this dress for him. “You look very beautiful.” Your hair was unruly and tear tracks were making their way on your cheeks and yet to him, you were the most beautiful woman ever. “Huh?.. Um, Thanks. I..” you didn’t know what to say.
“I’ll have to tear off this sleeve to apply bandage.” Steve said looking at your hand. “No. No please don’t. I love this dress it’s so beautiful. And thank you so very much for this dress. I’m an idiot for not telling you, but no one has ever done anything like this for me before. Thank you.” You went on blabbering and he just smiled.
“I’ll buy you a hundred dresses more, but I need to rip this sleeve off.” Without giving you any further warning, he ripped the sleeve off of your dress. Earlier the sleeve was just torn, now it was completely gone. Steve slowly wrapped the bandage around your arm.
Once done, he sighed contently and did something that made you question reality; he pressed a hesitant yet affirmative kiss on your bandage. You sucked in a breath and your lips parted with shock. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again.
Steve on the other hand was looking at you with uncertain eyes. He wasn’t sure how you’d react, if you’d thrash out with anger or take it with confusion. It seemed to be the latter. Your eyes were wide and you seemed to have curled up on yourself.
“I… I think I should go.” Your voice was thick with emotion. “No wait. I want to ask you something. And promise me you’ll answer truthfully.” His grip on your hand was tight and his big blue eyes were expectant.
“I…” you weren’t sure what he was going to ask. “Promise me.” He asked somewhat forcefully. “I promise.” You knew you had to give what the prince asked of you, but you didn’t promise him because of that.
You promised him because your heart belonged to this man. You promised because if he asked, you would carve your heart out and present it to him. You promised because if he asked, you would sell your soul for him.
“Do you love me?” His eyes seemed to be searching your soul. Did you love him? Unconditionally. Were you going to tell him? Probably not. You would be banished from the kingdom if you confessed your love.
“It doesn’t matter.” Your voice was barely audible. And what you said was the truth, it didn’t matter that you were in love with the prince. You could name at least two others who were smitten by the prince too. “It matters. It matters to me. It matters to me more than anything.”
His voice was desperate and pleading. Almost as if he wanted to hear those words from you more than he needed to breathe. “You can’t break your promise to the prince.” Steve hated to force you, but he needed to know. He was done living with repressed feelings.
“I do.” You turned your face around, unable to look into his eyes anymore. A moment of silence passed and you feared the outcome of your words. But then Steve placed his hand on your chin and turned your face around to look at him.
He wanted to tell you he loved you too. He wanted to tell you to not feel guilty. But the only thing he could do when he looked at you was finally press your lips together. He wanted to kiss you since the first time he had seen you.
His lips were soft and the kiss was everything you had ever imagined. You both were breathless when you pulled apart. “Say it. Say you love me.” You both were so close that you were breathing the same air. “I love you.”
You weren’t afraid this time, you didn’t know how or why but it felt as if you could shout and tell everyone how much you loved Steve. Sitting in front of him, your love didn’t feel so forbidden. “Say my name.”
“I love you,… Steve.” For the first time you had called him by his name. Steve had patiently waited for this day to come. For you to call him by his name and not by his title which only belonged to him due to his birth in this house. He wanted you to love him the way he was beneath the lustrous layers.
“Oh god. I love you too.” Your heart sped up by his words. Steve loved you too. No other words would ever sound better. Steve kissed you again and this time there was no shyness, no hesitation. It was animalistic and urgent.
His arms crept up your body and you gasped, giving his tongue access to your mouth. You were very inexperienced in this field and therefore you blindly followed Steve. When you parted to breathe, his hands started untying the knots on your dress.
His lips didn’t want to part from you as he kept pressing sweet kisses to your neck and cheeks. “Do you trust me?” His voice was deep with emotion. “Yes Steve.” You trusted him with your life.
“I love you so much.” He groaned out. He slid the dress off you and took a few steps back to admire you. Overcome with shyness, you tried covering yourself with your hands. “Don’t hide from me… You are so beautiful.”
Your body heated up and you have him a timid smile despite standing naked in front him. “No. You are the beautiful one.” Steve was the most beautiful and handsome man you’d ever seen or would ever see. His looks were unparalleled.
He blushed at the compliment and you placed your hands on his chest. Looking in his eyes, you unhooked his first button. You had undressed him many times, but this was completely unique and different.
Once he was standing naked in front of you, you took his glorious form in. His chest was broad and his arms were sculpted by the gods themselves. Your eyes locked on his length and you nervously gulped. “I’ve… I’ve never done this before.”
“I’ll make it comfortable.” You knew that if this ever got out, your life would be ruined. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wondered if Steve just wanted to bed you for one night or if he really meant his words. But right now was no time to ponder.
Steve gently laid you back into the bed and crawled over you. Everyday you had thought how he’d take his wife here in this bed, but right now it was you laying under him. You were gasping for air and shaking a little by the time he kissed his way to your breast.
You moaned out loud as he swirled his tongue over your nipple. You hadn’t thought of Steve as a thorough lover and you were glad you were wrong. You quickly placed your palm on your mouth. He pulled your hand down saying, “I want to hear everything, especially when you scream my name.”
Shifting lower, he looked up at you with mischief in his eyes, “Can I taste you?” Your eyebrows knitted with confusion, hadn’t he just kissed you and why was he asking your permission? You nodded and with a devious smile he licked a fat stripe over your wet pussy.
“O..Oh.” You raised yourself up on your arms to look at Steve. And the moment you saw his tongue dart out and circle your swollen nub, you lost your mind. Falling right back, you wove your hands within his silky strands and arched your back moaning out his name.
Your legs started tingling and you knew you were close. His middle finger entered you and he started pumping it as he sucked on your clit. You didn’t know a person could go so high with pleasure. You did touch yourself at night, but this was nothing compared to it.
Your coil was just about to snap, but before that Steve retracted back. “Steve.!” You whined about your loss while Steve just smirked. “You’ll cum on my cock.” You choked on air at his words. Was this the same man who taught you to read?
You spread your legs further apart as he jerked his hand over his length a few time. He rubbed his tip over your fold, slicking him and teasing you before finally entering you. You had expected pain, but instead you just felt full.
“Oh fuck.” Steve cursed when he bottomed out. He gave you a moment to adjust before he started thrusting and grinding. He held his biceps tight and in turn gave him crescent shaped marks of your nails.
Beginning with measured thrusts, he soon started rutting into you. Your eyes watered as pleasure overwhelmed you and you started chanting a mix of his name and don’t stop. Your hands wandered his back and stopped at his ass, giving it a good squeeze.
He nipped and sucked at your throat, marking you. He wanted the entire world to know you belonged to him. He was the closest he could be to you and he was in pure heaven. You had given yourself to him, just as he gave himself to you. He wanted to break you and build you back up as his.
Steve snaked his hand down and started rubbing tight circles on your clit. “Ste… Steve..!” His name was the only warning you gave before orgasming the hardest you ever had. Your walls sucked him in as your legs quivered.
Your back arched and you exposed your throat to him. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and came with a shout. You were still in the throes of pleasure when his warmth filled you up.
You both lay silently holding each other as the aftershocks receded. “Do you actually love me?” You knew he did love you after he had repeated it over and over as he came. But you wanted to hear it once again. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you too.” You didn’t know how Steve fell in love with you, but you were more than happy he did. You wiggled a little, unsure whether to stay with him. “Stay.” He said as he pulled your closer to him.
You smiled and pecked his cheek. This was your home. Wrapped up in his arms, safe and away from the noise of this world. Here no one would touch you nor were you and Steve different from each other. Here, you were just two simple souls who unconditionally loved each other.
Truth be told Steve didn’t know what he was going to do. But he couldn’t even imagine sharing the same passion with anyone else. He couldn’t ever in his life love anyone but you. And now that he had you, he wasn’t ever going to let you go.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hiii idk if ur comfortable doing this but im recovering from one and it would mean the world but could you do one where the reader has/had an eating disorder and when eating harry just kinda comforts her because he knows its harder to eat etc (i hope u get what i mean :( )
hi! hope you’re having a lovely day! first of all i am really proud of you and you in turn should be really proud of yourself! this one is especially for you, for me and for anyone who is going through or recovering from an ED. please read whenever you feel comfortable in doing so and that’s okay if today is not that day <333 love you
It was a bad day.
Not very often do you have them anymore, but when you do have them you feel as though you will never be good enough and that things will never get better.
When you were younger you developed an eating disorder, but never used to see it as being a problem. It started off as not snacking as often as you used to, specifically cutting out sugar and fat from your diet completely. Over time it grew to not having lunch, breakfast or dinner and then all three altogether. Your stomach shrunk and you kept your stomach tide over with water - at least that had no calories. The pains in your stomach became normal, but the pain against your heart was so much worse.
Because people began to notice.
It would be a small comment like “you look like you’ve lost weight” or “you’re all but skin and bone”, but it would make you realise, just for a minute, that maybe what you were doing to yourself was more significant than you first thought. But you continued, because you had to be enough. You wanted that flat stomach. You wanted that thigh gap. You wanted to be the skinny girl that could be picked up. You wanted to fit in clothes less than a size 10. You wanted to be able to be confident in showing more skin. You just wanted to feel beautiful - be pretty.
It wasn’t until Harry came into your life that things started to change. He didn’t make any comments about your weight, ever, but only encouraged you to do what felt right to you. When you asked him to help you find a therapist, because you finally had someone to support you through it all, he was ready with his laptop and notebook. When you asked him to make a slightly bigger portion for you today, he would make his the same size so you didn’t feel like you were being greedy. He was your equal. When you asked him whether he loved you he never responded with words, but actions. Kisses. Sex. Chocolate. Flowers. Soapy baths. Nail painting. Hand holding. Cuddling. It was a surprise each time as to what he would do, but it showed you how much he really did love you.
Since being with Harry he had guided you through putting on weight, with the aid of your therapist and your fitness coach too. You had come so far, even with still a long way to go, and for that Harry was forever proud of you.
Harry is proud of you.
Some days it was hard to believe that though. Some days you slipped. Some days that dark cloud reminded you of all the negative things you once believed about yourself. Some days were like today.
“Y/N i’m home!” Harry called through your shared apartment.
You were still in bed. He’d left you this morning to go record some stuff in the studio, silently kissing your forehead goodbye as you slept still. Today was a day where you reminded yourself of all the bad thoughts you used to think about secondly. Today you couldn’t find the strength to get out of bed and go eat, but scroll through models instagrams and pick out all the things you wished you had instead of them. Kendall Jenners figure. Kaia Gerber’s youth. Gigi Hadid’s eyes. The list was endless.
The only time you’d gotten yourself of bed had been to go to the toilet. You had thought about intentionally making yourself sick, a deadly habit that you’d worked hard to overcome, but with much strain, tears and a shout at yourself in the mirror you managed to walk away.
“Baby?” Harry called out again, but your throat was so dry that he hadn’t heard you call out that you were in the bedroom.
When he walked through the bedroom he instantly knew it had been a bad day. You were tucked up underneath all the covers, with tear marks staining your face and the hood, of his Green Bay Packers hoodie, pulled up over your head. You chewed on the strings of his hoodie, a sign that you were physically hungry but your brain wasn’t allowing you to process that you were.
“Harry?” Your voiced rasped out, turning to see his beautiful, glowing, face.
“It’s alright lovie, let it out. I’m right here, you’re okay.” He cooed, immediately climbing into bed next to you so that he was facing you. He took the strings out of your mouth and traced his finger over your bottom lip, leaning in for a quick kiss. It was his way of letting you know he was here with you.
“I-i’m sorry.” You whimpered, your bottom lip trembling.
“Wait one minute lovie,” Harry shot up out of bed, leaving you confused as to what he was doing, but when he came back with a tall glass of water your eyes watered over with admiration for him, “just sit up and take a sip of this for me baby.”
You nodded wearily and took a few gulps of the water, finding pleasure in the way it quenched the thirst in the back of your throat.
“Thank you.” You smiled, handing him back the glass half-full.
“And thank you.” He replied, kissing your forehead softly. “Was it a tough day?”
Harry leaned back against the headboard and brought you to lay on top of him, your head against his chest. It was comforting to hear his heart beat the same rhythm as yours. He pulled the hood down so he could tangle his fingers through your hair - a comforting method he’d come to know you loved.
“Just felt really bad this morning and then I wanted to so badly go make myself sick,” you felt Harry tense up a little at your words, “but I didn’t and now I feel really angry and frustrated about it. I just… oh I don’t know H.” Your words deflated.
“Baby listen to me, you made it through the day! That may not seem like an achievement but is fucking is! You did so great and I couldn’t be prouder of you. Really truly.”
You moved your head to look up at him, a glimmer of hope in his eyes that he was breaking through to you.
“Just didn’t feel good enough today to eat.” You swallowed the lump back in your throat.
“That’s okay if you didn’t eat, but I won’t let you a second more of today thinking you aren’t good enough because you are worth so much more than that. You are worth the stars and more. I love you more and more every day and i’m proud to have you mine.” His words were the most comforting you’d heard yet.
“Stars?” You questioned for some silly reason.
“And moons and planets and galaxies. I wish you could see that, baby.” He kissed you on your forehead again, letting his lips linger a little longer this time. “You don’t have to feel bad or apologise for today, because I know you’ll love yourself tomorrow.”
“Because you’re stronger than you know. Today isn’t defeat, it’s just a pause for what tomorrow is going to be.” He hugged you tighter, squishing you to make you feel his love.
“And what is tomorrow going to be?”
And that was exactly it. Tomorrow didn’t have to be perfect, and today didn’t have to either, just as long as it was better. Not best; better. It was all about small steps and learning that it’s not all about leaps of faith. It was about learning to love yourself, by yourself. It was about being okay with the bad days, because you know you’ll have fucking amazing days to make up for it. It’s just about making those days that bit more amazing - that bit better.
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i would low key love for max to be struggling to contain temper tantrum kaia in the airport and stressing about the fact that he is the adult in the situation. like he’s looking for the adult to help him and he’s like oh i’m the dad now, shes actually mine like a little cute realisation that he’s going to be putting up with kaias attitude and readers for a long time
Just imagine her being an absolute terror 💀 it’s peaceful in the original scene but fuck it I’ll probably end up rewriting it because it would just fit the story so much better! It would be so funny 😭 this is a snippet of what I have now
So instead, Max falls back on old habits that he’d mastered in his youth under the watchful eye of his father and he’d had no choice but to do what had to be done to get through the day, when he’d discovered that being able to compartmentalize was often the difference between going to bed with no supper for one night and spending the week trying to cover the bruises, where his learning dissociating had been a matter of survival.
Hastily walling off the part of his mind that’s still actively embroiled in a state of outright emotional upheaval, he comes to a sudden, screeching halt exactly where he is, not giving a damn that he’s standing in the middle of a crowded walkway and actively impeding the flow of foot traffic, no doubt receiving more than one agitated glare from passersby. Still dead set on knocking himself out of his head and back into reality by whatever means necessary, Max takes himself by the proverbial shoulders and shakes with all his might, the mental action manifesting physical motion with a fluid ease that takes even him by surprise.
Distantly, the quality of it muted and muffled, almost as if the noise is reaching him from underwater, he recognizes the sound of delighted giggles erupting from Kaia as he moves in place, shaking his head doggedly back in forth as if in some vain attempt to rid his ears of the water that had been plaguing him only a moment ago.
“Did you enjoy that?” Max asks his daughter as he makes a quick adjustment to his hold on her, finding that by shifting her weight around a little, he’s finally able to hoist her slightly up to sit a touch higher on his hip than she had been previously, and the resulting position is more comfortable for his back which he’s reluctant to admit had begun to ache not long after they gotten off the plane.
“It was silly,” Kaia patiently explains to him, doing a good job to not give away her slight frustration with him for not already understanding the reason she’d laughed on her little face, though he still manages to pick up on it, though he can’t seem to pinpoint the exact source of his inclination, “you were being silly.”
“You know what, I think you’re right. I was being silly,” Max agrees with her solemnly, slowly picking his way through the crowd until he steps back into the flow of people all moving in the same direction as he’s headed in, feeling suddenly a million times lighter than he has in days, his mind finally settled in a simpler, safer train of thought than it had for several hours.
“Silly Da,” she confirms, and as if for dramatic effect, with her free hand, the one not currently attached to the arm wrapped around his neck, anchoring her to him as though she thinks he might just suddenly drop her without former notice, Kaia pokes at his face with the index finger of one tiny fist and promptly breaks out in a fresh peal of laughter, as if prodding at his cheek is the height of comedy.
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