#I just need to get back into figure drawing (etc) for the sake of it smdh
blujayonthewing · 16 days
wanting to be able to just do quick and fun doodles without having to look up references but knowing that to get good at that I'd have to be doing a bunch of general studies all the time to build up my mental library and muscle memory which is even worse
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layla4567 · 10 months
I'm just a librarian ✿
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Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Summary: You work in a library in the middle of London, you get paid well and you love your little reading space surrounded by books that rise to the highest ceiling. But one day your normality will be turned upside down when a guy comes looking for some books on Egyptian history.
A/N: Ok first of all I must say that this idea arose from a little dream I had (and I also wanted to use the image from the movie The Mummy, I mean, just look at her, she is beautiful, she looks like Belle) second, I don't know if this will have more parts the truth is I'm not good at making long stories because then I leave them unfinished or I run out of ideas so, yes, I'm building this as I go along, sorry.
Part 2
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And here I am once again, sitting behind the counter where you could see an old green lamp, a couple of books stacked one on top of the other, a typewriter and a little badge where you could read my name. With my legs crossed I moved my airborne foot rhythmically back and forth following a silent melody while my face rested lazily on my hand. My view was always directed towards the large windows that were near the line where the roof began. They were in the shape of a half circle and had a nice drawing similar to a stained glass window through which the sunlight passed in a warm way.
I loved being around libraries just for the sake of being a bookworm. I could spend hours reading old books sitting in a comfortable chair enjoying the silence without realizing it. But it was kind of boring to sit and wait for people to arrive so that you could help them with whatever they needed. I had already finished arranging the books with the help of the ladder, I loved doing it, it was fun to slide from one side to the other, it was almost like skating.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone had entered the library until they were in front of me so I gave a little jump in my seat.
"Oh so sorry! did I scare you? It wasn't my intention"
The person who addressed me was a very polite and kind middle-aged man, he had an innocent look in those pretty dark eyes he had. He was wearing a jean jacket and underneath was a white shirt, he was also wearing khaki pants and had a brown shoulder strap on one side.
"Don't worry, It's okay, I was just thinking, can I help you with something?"
I could not stop seeing his eyes, his look gave off a peculiar innocence glow, I could sense a genuinely beautiful aura like that of a child
"Well, yes. I was looking for books on Egyptian history, you know, gods and pharaohs, myths, pyramids, etc."
Every time he spoke his face would light up with enthusiasm, it was admirable to see
"Sure, we have several. Follow me please"- I said while my smile deepened
I led him through the aisles looking for the "Ancient Egypt" section by the gigantic shelves. The man meekly followed me like a lap dog without taking his eyes off me as he clung to his backpack. When we had reached the section, I took out 4 books, stacking them one on top of the other and numbering them as I handed them over to him.
" "History of Egypt", "Gods and mythologies", "Encyclopedia of the pyramids" and "The 10 most famous figures of ancient Egypt" And remember to return everything within 15 days "
I piled the books in the arms of that man who tried with effort to hold them since they were quite large and hardcover while I raised a finger and recited the prayer from memory. Even though the books were about to fall out of his hands, the man looked from the books to me with a beaming smile.
"Of course, yes, miss, I will do so. Thank you very much for your help"
I smiled generously at the man's good manners and walked him to my desk to finish the paperwork. I sat as the middle-aged man patiently watched me with his books in his arms like a child waiting for his Christmas present.
"Ok, I will give you a paper with the exact date where you must return the books along with our address, I would only need to know your name to write it down please"- I looked at him expectantly
"Steven Grant, Steven with a V"
I couldn't help but laugh at the clarification as if I didn't know how to write his name
"I clarify it just in case. A lot of people always misspell it, sometimes they call me Stephen. But surely you wrote it well, you seem to have nice handwriting hehe"
Steven giggled nervously as I smirked in amusement. What a singular man that Steven was
"No problem, what a nice name you have"- I smiled warmly
Steven got more nervous and his face begins to take on a cute reddish color as he stuttered and mumbled a thank you.
"By the way, my name is Y/n"
I told him, pointing with a fingernail to my badge that was resting on the desk. He looked at it for a while and smiled
"Now I won't forget"
And with one free hand he gave me a childish wave as he uttered a sweet "Laters gators" and headed for the exit. With one elbow on the table and my hand resting on my cheek, I watched him until he disappeared through the door.
I pronounced his name slowly delighting myself with the syllables, it was sweet as honey and resonant as a bell. I was wondering if I would see him around here more often. I sighed with a lopsided smile and went back to staring at the stained glass windows waiting for someone else to come and help them.
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The days passed and I didn't hear from Steven, he hadn't returned the books within the agreed period and I was beginning to worry. He supposed that this man was a little distracted or had forgotten or was busy with something important, anyway it was very common for people not to return the books on time and to be a little late. My head was full of thoughts hoping nothing bad happened to Steven and hoping to see him again when someone stormed through the library entrance.
"I'm really sorry!! I got there as fast as I could, apparently I fell asleep and woke up in a place full of sand. I have a sleep disorder, I'm sorry"
Steven was talking fast, spitting out the words like a machine gun, he looked agitated and his hair was messy. And on his face you could see the nervousness and concern. I tried to reassure him
"Steven, Steven calm down, it's okay. I get it, you don't have to apologize."
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard trying to provide warmth and protection. Steven giggled nervously and his cheeks turned pink, it was adorable.
"Oh by the way, here are the books"
Steven took out of his bag the books in perfect condition that I had given him. At least he was a man of his word
"Thank you very much Steven, do you want any other books?"
"Well actually yes, if it's not a bother, wouldn't you have one that talks about the moon god Khonsu?"-he said something nervous
I laughed in amusement
"Of course! We have many books on Egyptian gods, take the ones you want"-I said tenderly
Steven for some reason gave me a strange feeling, a maternal need to protect him, he looked so helpless at times. I can't even imagine how chaotic his life must be
"You know something? Why don't I buy you a coffee? I'll give you the new books and then we can hang out and chat, I have a break in 15 minutes."
Apparently Steven didn't expect that so he got even more red.
"I-Is it some kind of date?"
"If you want to see it that way, yes"
Steven smiled like a kid in a toy store and followed me back to the bookshelves. After giving him everything he needed, he waited for me at the entrance of the library like a true gentleman. I left my position in charge of my partner Selma who answered me with a grunt and left with Steven towards the nearest cafeteria.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
We sat at a table close to the street. The cafeteria was decorated with flowers and vines, it was my favorite, it made it look Parisian. We both ordered a simple latte and to eat I ordered a croissant with chocolate and he asked for a kind of vegan burrito, then he explained to me that he doesn't eat anything that comes from animals.
"Well Steven tell me something about yourself, do you have a job?"
"Yes, I'm working in a gift shop at the British Museum. But I would really love to be the one who makes the guides"
"Really? Amazing! who'd say? You are a museum and history enthusiast and I am a bookworm willing to provide you with all the information you want."
We both laughed happily forgetting what was happening around us. Steven's laugh was like sweet nectar to my ears that made all my worries disappear. Except for one that was still on my mind
"Wait a second, how come you woke up in a place full of sand? Where exactly?"
"I have no idea, I wish I knew. But it's not the first time it's happened to me, one day I woke up on top of Everest"
Steven started laughing downplaying it and I laughed too but with less enthusiasm. I was worried about him.
"Well I think I should go back to my work, thanks for everything I really needed to talk to someone and distract myself"
I looked at Steven tenderly, thinking that I was probably the only person he could talk to broke my heart.
"Anytime Steven. Anyway, I also have to go back to work, the time flies by when you talk"
I left a tip on the table and was about to go to the library when Steven stopped me with a question.
"Would you like to visit me one day at the museum? It's that I always visit you...-"
"I'd love to"
We said goodbye with a smile as if we were lifelong friends and each one went their own way to continue with their work on that beautiful afternoon in London.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sorry if it was boring and there wasn't much interaction with Steven but this is just the first part of the story
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0theghost0 · 5 months
Hi hi, everyone. I know it's been a long time. I was actually typing up a message to @prince-infidel because of an ask they sent me, but I realized I should probably just make it a post. So I guess this is an update. Okay, short version: The end of 2022 and the entirety of 2023 was horrible for me. A lot happened, and 97% of it was not good. Now to get into a bit more specifics. While all of this crazy stuff was going on, a friend of mine really needed help with their company. They were just going through a ton, and I jumped on to help them while they were trying to figure that stuff out. Turns out that I was a good fit. So I've completely changed careers currently. Also, with all of this crazy shit going on, I stopped drawing entirely. That's a first for me. No matter what was going on, I always had my drawing as an outlet. It was very new for it to be gone. I actually only recently started drawing again, and when I say recently, I mean last week. I haven't even finished anything and my progress comes in very small doses. Baby steps I guess. Now the stuff you're actually probably interested in. Even though I haven't been drawing, I have been making art. - I've been putting crazy amounts of effort into making costumes. It's really fun and I've level grinded a lot with sewing and fabrics. I made an entire Victorian costume on my own. It was cool. - I weirdly started working on dolls? I have no idea why I started doing that. I hate dolls. - I started making weird... sculptures? I don't know how to describe them. It's basically recycling and turning materials into monstrosities for my own entertainment and to scare random people. - And I've delved more into my hobby of SFX makeup.
I have been being creative, it's just a bunch of stuff that no one cares about. It makes me happy and that's all there is to it really. Which brings me to the long version, because I have no idea how to continue this without going into details. I can only assume all of this answers anyone questions who might be curious. Time to get a bit more specific.
I don't know how to start this, so I guess I'll just say that my interests have completely moved. I think everything above should make that clear, but when I'm referring to interests, I mostly mean the things that inspire me. This is actually typical for me. I love fiction and am a fan of many, many things. I get really involved in a fandom for a while, get bored, then move on to one that is piquing my interest more. Eventually I come back and the cycle starts over. I always keep up with all of my interests simultaneously, it's just that one usually dominates the others. The thing is, comic books have completely lost my interest currently.
There's a lot of factors. I'm not going to repeat stuff that you've probably heard a thousand times from other people about the current state of the comic industry, comic writing, the movies, the video games blah blah blah whine whine whine. I think one of the big things though is that this last year has really changed me. I'm just a really different person now. I'm not that happy-go-lucky nerd I was before. I think my major concern is that I honestly think it would be fucked up if I continued to post here.
People started following me here because of my art and my posts. It would be fucked up to switch that around on them and just show back up as this different person with different art, different interests etc. I've thought about making an update on here a bunch of different times, but I never did because of stuff like that. However, in a way, it's been really nice. It's been nice to just do whatever stupid art project comes into my head, and to do it just for the sake of making something. I think dropping drawing all together (not by choice, mind you) turned out to be good for me. I think I got in tune with a creative side of myself that I'd lost a long time ago. It's been pretty neat.
I've thought about just leaving this tumblr to history. I honestly think that I should. It can be a weird time capsule of this specific fandom in this specific time period. I've thought about just making different social media accounts so that people who want to see any of my new, awful creations could if they wanted to. I don't know though. I'm just all up in the air all the time now lol
I get this isn't an "all questions answered" kinda post. Not that most people needed them, but I know that there are people who just liked my art in general and I knew they must be curious. So I hope I at least answered some stuff and gave some clarity.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Hi uh I was just wondering, I saw your requests were open and that you’ve written stuff with the ignihyde boys. Can you maybe write them with a gn or male reader who’s an amputee? If not that’s ok :3 I love the stuff I’ve read so thanks in advance if you do write this :3
Hey! I’m super pumped to do this request because first of all, I love the Ignihyde duo and second of all disability and disability aids are absolutely fascinating so I did a lil research becausnejdhgjdjfskhfdjsk cool. Took me a while to figure out what to do though. Also I decided to make the amputation specific to the left arm and left leg for consistencies sake. Also sorry for the delay!!
Ignihyde with an amputee reader
Characters: Idia, Ortho, reader
CW// disability, discussions of prosthetics, amputation, and psychological fallout (implied)
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- It would probably take a while before you and Idia become friends. You and Ortho, though? Right off the bat.
- Ortho will happily chatter to you about anything and everything, and often hovers nearby. If he spies you having a hard day with walking, he’ll grab a wheelchair and push you around for a bit while talking about the latest update to Minecraft
- Idia takes a little while longer to warm up (due to being Idia) but soon you’re trapped in Ignihyde playing games with him on the wii
- It’s a loooong while before disability comes up in conversation with him because he is the master of Not Bringing That Subject Up
- He understands the discomfort of being stared at for looking different and doesn’t want to make you feel that, especially since you’re friends
- He does bring it up though - it seems like your current prosthetic leg is beginning to fall apart and, yknow, he has a lot of experience building body parts.
- He ends up spending a lot of time figuring out a lightweight but balanced Material that would work ideally for a prosthetic. This leads from one thing to another and then you’re invited to Ignihyde to try some stuff out
- He hadn’t really concentrated on prosthetics before, surprisingly, since his main goal was making Ortho, but now he’s focusing on how to streamline complex movements, particularly using Electromyography [source] and complex AI that can help predict and measure movements via sensitive receptors under synthetic skin, specifically for disabled/amputee individuals
- This leads to him enlisting your help, since you sparked the interest, and he want to help you out. So: new free prosthetic limbs specifically tailored to you (although with Idia’s creative flair) purely because your friends are literal geniuses
- Other than that, Idia and Ortho are good company. They’re happy to take a slower, more chill pace. Idia enjoys hanging out, playing games of any kind. He’s also content to sit and watch b movies with you while eating popcorn or candy
- Ortho enjoys hanging out and doodling. He doesn’t often get into arts - lots of wet things he probably shouldn’t play with, or messes, etc - but he does enjoy drawing and is happy to sit with you and do so.
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Idia sits beside you, shoveling sour candy into his mouth by the fistful as he watches fnaf security breach play throughs next to you, mumbling about inaccuracies of robotic engineering in the character design and how buggy the stupid game is.
“Hmm?” He finally turns his attention to you, blinking, “What’s up?”
You shift a little closer to him, resting on his shoulder. He tenses for a second, then settles back down. “bad day.”
He adjusts and quietly quits his game (there’s not a pause button, unfortunately) before turning more attention to you.
“Have some NPCs been bothering you? Or is it the debuff?”
“Debuff.” You said quietly, closing your eyes, “Psychological damage, down ten hp per second.”
“That’s not good.” Idia said, awkwardly patting your head, “Any boosts I can give you, or do you just need to wait out the effects?”
You hum slightly, “Wait it out. Can’t really help anything in my head, yknow?”
Ortho chirped slightly from the doorway, floating into the room. He then landed in front of you and crouched down, “Y/n? Would you like to play something?”
“Not right now, Ortho.” You said tiredly, “I’m kinda…sick at the moment.”
Ortho blinked before his yellow eyes emitted a soft light.
“Scanning for abnormalities in biological settings…” He stood up, staring down, “Scan complete. Neurological functionings indicate an uptick in adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, and a lack of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. It appears you are going through psychological distress, or potentially depression.”
You nod slightly and Idia frowns from beside you, but says nothing.
“I’m not doing great right now, no. I just need a minute to chill. I’ll be alright.”
The brothers exchange a look before Ortho sits down beside you and Idia quietly turns on Animal Crossing: New Horizons to play. They both know it’s best to let you have a moment to collect yourself, that if you want to share it you will, and if not, then company is appreciated. Idia’s left side is trapped by you leaning on it, so he only plays with on hand (slowly) while Ortho, on your other side, quietly begins researching cool bugs.
It’s pleasant, actually. To not be coddled or pitied, and instead simply allowed space near people you care about. Idia doesn’t push - lord knows there’s things he’d rather not talk about - and Ortho simply adores you, so he’s content to sit beside you quietly.
After a while you sit back up, blinking sleepily. With a yawn and a stretch, Idia’s attention turns back to you.
You nod slightly, humming under your breath.
“Yeah, I get that. Do you wanna lay in bed, or do you wanna go back to your place?”
“I can walk you back if that would help, Y/N L/N!” Ortho says, “But you’re invited to stay over as well.”
“Can I…stay?” You look between the two.
Idia grins, faux mischief, “Muah hah haha ha! You’ve fallen into my sinister trap - the bed! Now you will never escape the underworld! Ha ha ha ha ha!”
You laugh a little as Ortho helps you over to the bed. “Oh no, whatever will I do? You’re too OP for me!”
Idia grins stupidly and turns off some of the major lights, as well as turning down the brightness of his monitor.
You hum slightly and settle into Idia’s bed, asking, “Are you sure this is alright?”
“I rarely use it except to dramatically mope in, so you’re good.”
Idia smiles at you and gives you a nervous thumbs up before turning back to his silent gaming, allowing you to fall asleep to the sound of animal crossing background music playing faintly across the room and the hum of Ortho’s resting station.
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ariparri · 8 months
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The fate of your life changes after you get an invite to a dinner party hosted by a couple old friends, Diego and Veruca Caplan. Despite the reports saying it’s going to be a storm that night, the hosts, you and all the other guests are enjoying a night full of fun dancing, laughter, food and music when lightning strikes. The power suddenly goes out and chaos ensues. Someone comes back with a light and to everyone’s horror, one of the guests is found dead by your feet.
My dear guest, you are now part of a murder investigation and might be the number one suspect.
With no power or reception, the police or any other help cannot be called. The storm is still raging outside, and it is starting to look like there will be a flood. Distrustful of both this situation and of everyone around you, you try to figure out what truly happened when the power went out. Look for clues and find out if anyone knows more than what they’re sharing.
This whole situation may be both exciting and terrifying at the same time, but surely you’ll pull through this horrifying night and discover the truth.
But what if this whole thing was planned? Would your friends really frame you for murder? Or what if the wrong person was picked for this? How could an ordinary person be needed for a situation like this. Only time will tell.
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► For this event, the materials for your entry (place of setting, characters, evidence) will be provided down below. You must take the starter plot (Intro) and come up with your own line of events. Create the clues and evidence to find out who your suspect is!
► The characters are given specific roles in the event for the sake of drama and to show that every character has a motive if they were the suspects. Remember that just because the character is nice, does not always mean they are innocent.
► Out of the characters provided you may choose who the victim(s) and suspect(s) are. Do not tell us! It is meant to be a mystery until the crime has been solved! (the link for Veruca's bio has been provided if you need her information)
► Not all of the evidence and clues have to be used. You are free to select the ones you want. Just don’t tell us! It’s supposed to be a mystery ψ(`∇´)ψ
► Tag me so I can see the post. And include the hashtags #hphm murder mystery party & #hphm: murder at rose point manor
► Share your thought process! We love reading about how you all use your creativity
► DEADLINE - October 31st!
► If you have any questions or concerns please let me know!!
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There will be a prize offered for the winner of this event! The winner or winners (2 max) will be chosen randomly through a spin the wheel!
Prizes will be any kind of drawing from me. A portrait, full body, chibi, icon, sketch art, etc. Examples of my art can be found through the #ariparri tag.
I will draw up to two characters max if you want a pairing drawn.
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Caplan Residence - Rose Point Manor
The setting for this story takes place in a secluded area away from town. The Caplan Residence is located in a rural area, surrounded by trees with a wonderful view of the sea.
From the outside the manor looks luxurious. It has been built with white bricks and has blue stone decorations. Tall, wide windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a very asymmetric way.
The house is equipped with a big kitchen and dining room, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a comfortable sitting room. There's even a study, an entertainment room with its own home bar, and a grand storage room.
The building is shaped like an L. The extension extends into a garden path reaching until the end of that side of the house.
The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly different style than the floor below.
The roof is high and slanted to one side and is covered with grey wood shingles. A large chimney sits at the side of the house. Large, skylight windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.
The house itself is surrounded by a gorgeous garden, with a patio, including various trees, bushes, flowers and a small pond. The stone path leads to a rustic greenhouse, the architecture simple in comparison to the manor.
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You/Your Character - A close friend of Diego and Veruca Caplan. You were invited by your friends for a dinner party and have unfortunately been caught in the middle of a murder. Let’s hope that you are a good detective, because it is up to you to solve the mystery and uncover the crime.
Diego Caplan - Diego Caplan is an old friend of yours and one of the hosts for tonight’s dinner party. A fencing champion, having an entire shelf of trophies and medals on display. He adores his wife and enjoys the simple moments with her, like dancing together after dinner. He’s a bit miffed that his rival was invited to the party, but he puts aside his personal grudge for the sake of his friend, Victor. However, Diego isn’t sure how much of Kazuhiro’s snide remarks he can take. Or the way he sucks up to his wife.
Veruca Caplan - Diego’s wife and the lady of the house. Like her husband, she's an old friend of yours and was happy to have you join them for dinner. A former enforcer of the law, she now focuses her career in dancing teaching ballet to young teens and children. She can be a bit closed off, especially regarding her personal belongings. You noticed how she sneakily observes people either leaving the room or looking around her home. She’s not too fond of seeing Merula in her home, especially after arresting her at one of her gigs, or seeing her try to get close with Diego.
Merula Snyde - An indie singer with a fierce and prideful attitude. Though as talented as she may be, Merula’s hostile attitude has caused her to get in trouble with the law. During one of her gigs at a bar, she assaulted someone for hating her song and performance, resulting in her getting arrested by Veruca. The tension between her, Penny and Veruca is hostile, and you noticed that Merula seems to be getting uncomfortably close to Diego.
Penny Haywood - The upcoming actress for Phantasmedia, possessing an overpowering beauty. She also works as a model. She was an old friend of Merula, but had a falling out during their college years after dealing with Merula’s unsupportive and insensitive comments to pursue her career. While she is kind and passionate, she struggles keeping a pleasant and friendly attitude around her ex friend. During a confrontation against Merula before dinner, Penny accidentally knocked over a shelf with a couple of Diego’s fencing trophies. She appears to be sweet, but only a couple few know that she has a trick up her sleeve when it comes to getting signed by producers.
Victor Ketsueki - Diego’s old friend from fencing class and Kazuhiro's cousin. Victor gets along well with Diego as they both have a habit of speaking in an overly theatrical fashion that most find tiresome and some find endearing. His over the top theatrics suggest a need to stand out. Always eager to engage in a duel with Diego, due to his desire to prove himself and improve his skills. After meeting Chiara, Victor raises the antics and desperately tries to impress her with his own charm, leaving her far from impressed by Victor.
Kazuhiro Shiratori - Victor's cousin and Diego's old fencing competitor. A capable and perceptive individual of his profession of fencing. Diego doesn’t seem to like him very much, especially after his loss at one of the fencing competitions. Kazuhiro doesn’t take Diego very seriously, and occasionally lets his feelings emerge through quick jabs and snide remarks, revealing shreds of self-confidence and cockiness. His interactions with Veruca are questionable as if he truly appreciates her hospitality or he’s doing so to spite Diego. Either way, Diego isn’t too happy Kazuhiro is getting close to his wife.
Ismelda Murk - Diego’s ex from high school. The two ended things on bad terms after Diego got tired of the lack of commitment and affection from Ismelda. Despite that, Diego had remained civil with Ismelda before losing contact with her over college. Believing that Ismelda had changed from the last time he saw her, Diego had invited her to the dinner party. Ismelda still remains bitter over the way things ended between her and Diego, and only attended the party to get back at him.
Andre Egwu - An aspiring fashion designer, and a friend of Penny’s. He has an eye for fashion and interior design. You see him going through all the rooms, touching and moving stuff out of its place and giving his critiques and suggestions on what to do with their home, despite Veruca and Diego stating the home is fine the way it is. He was invited as Penny’s plus one to the party. Though he considers her a friend, Andre hates when Penny takes credit for the outfits he designs for her to wear in photo shoots.
Talbott Winger - Veruca’s friend from creative writing in college. Talbott is a bookworm entertained by idioms and poetry. He is content with being alone and has shown to be witty and sarcastic. Due to his reserved personality, Talbott often talked to himself. He’s also perceptive and intuitive, implying that certain things are going to happen just before they do.
Skye Parkin - Veruca’s friend from college rugby. Skye pursued a sports career, following in her family’s path. A bit of a hot head and quick to jump to accusations. Her and Veruca are good friends, though Skye is still upset over Veruca quitting the sport during the championships.
Chiara Lobosca - A nurse for the local hospital. Chiara used to be on standby during the fencing competitions to treat competitors if they ever sustained serious injuries. Out of appreciation, Diego invited her to join them for dinner. Chiara also seems to be keeping a secret. She’s always excusing herself to go to the bathroom, and under certain lighting you noticed she looks pale and feverish.
Felix Rosier - An officer, friend and mentor of Veruca. He was Veruca’s mentor during her time at the police academy and when she became an officer. He was with her when Merula assaulted a patron at the bar her gig was hosted in, and was the one who made the call to arrest Merula. He still works within the force and although he claims Veruca leaving was a sad event, he encourages her to continue her own career.
These extra characters are available to be added or to swap out the characters listed above so long as it is not the player character (you), Veruca and Diego.
Beatrice Haywood - The younger sister of Penny. Beatrice is not at all too happy with Penny's handling of her life. She is frustrated with how Penny controls the way she dresses, the way she acts and the way she styles her hair. Beatrice is sick and tired of constantly being a mini version of Penny and has resorted to going against her sister’s wishes.
Ben Copper - A young man who used to be afraid of everything and was the target of Merula and Ismelda’s bullying when they were in school. He’s no longer the scared little boy from school, he’s now more impulsive and brash, and holds a grudge against the people who bullied him.
Erika Wrath - A star rugby player, Skye’s rival from another team. The two got into a fight on the field after Skye accused her of stealing Veruca’s medals and equipment. Veruca sided with Erika, causing Skye to lash out and give both of them back handed comments. While Erika is on good enough terms with Veruca, she still has an issue with Skye and her actions.
Tulip Karasu - An acquaintance of Veruca but a close friend of Penny’s. Her friendship with Penny is mostly superficial as they both hate Merula after their own fallouts with the singer. Tulip and Merula originally planned to work together for their music, with Merula being the singer and Tulip being the songwriter. However neither of them could agree to the genre of music or the lyrics and quit before they could even start. When she heard of Merula’s failed gig and her getting arrested, Tulip visited her in jail and made fun of her situation.
Rowan Khanna - An old friend of Veruca from high school. Their nose is always stuck in a book and they more often than not, run off on tangents when the topic of interest is something they are passionate about. They used to be very close to Veruca before she started focusing more on her plans for the future. Plans to hang out were always canceled or postponed due to both never having any free time. Upon finding out that Veruca became friends with Penny, Rowan was surprised knowing fully well that Veruca can’t really stand Penny’s overly expressive behavior.
°l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l° °l||l°
Fancy Knife - Upon closer inspection, this fancy looking knife is actually a letter opener. Its handle has been designed with such detail; it features an amazing Celtic design with a green stone for a dash of color.
Compact Mirror - Vintage butterfly cosmetic pocket mirror. The mirror is cracked, a couple shards are missing.
Snake Chain Bracelet - Snake ring, hand harness chain bracelet. The chain connected to the tail is broken and a strand of black hair is caught within the chain.
Rope - A decorative thin rope. Inspecting it closely, you noticed that the rope matched the ones used to tie the curtains back in the lounge.
Candlestick - A candlestick from the dining room. Originally on the dining table but was found at the other end of the room by the window.
Fencing Sabre - A fencing sword. The sabre weapon is for thrusting and cutting with both the cutting edge and the back of the blade unlike the épée and foil where a touch is only scored using the point of the blade. It appears that the tip of the sword is broken, making it sharper than it's supposed to be.
Fencing Trophy - One of Diego's trophies that was knocked over by Penny in the lounge. The illustrious trophy gleams in the light, considering it's made of 18-carat gold. It weighs 13.54 pounds and is 14.5 inches tall.
A Torn Piece of Cloth - Upon inspecting the fabric, you noticed it has a similar pattern to a handkerchief one of the guests own.
Hand Trowel - A small garden shovel from the greenhouse. At least, it was supposed to be from the greenhouse. But instead it was found inside the manor.
Stretch Band & Foot Stretcher - Veruca’s leg stretcher she uses when she’s warming up for ballet. The foot stretcher is made out of pine wood.
Handgun - A Glock 17, most commonly used by police forces.
Taser - A self defense tool that uses an electrical current to temporarily incapacitate a person.
Pepper Spray/Mace - Self defense tool that sprays an irritant similar to tear gas (mace) or an inflammatory agent that will immediately incapacitate an assailant.
And so we come to the end of this event post! Tell me dear guest, do you have what it takes to solve the mystery and murder that has taken place? Are you able to discover the truth and bring this suspect to justice?
I wish you luck in your endeavors.
I do hope you have the chance to take part in this event, and enjoy it.
Good luck everyone! We cannot wait to see your posts! 😈
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pastelsandpining · 2 years
Prompt time! 😎😎
Post-Calamity. Link has a pre-Calamity memory on a sunny day and confesses it to Zelda who had had no idea whatsoever. Apparently, there are still surprises to learn about her old Knight Attendant. 🤫 This can be humorous, scandalous, angsty etc… the choice is yours!
Rating totally your call. 😋
Have fun and LET’S GET YOU TO 300 PASTELS!♥️
this is. it's a Fic alright! a little less of a memory and more of a present thing but!! it's fiiiiine
this idea definitely did not change mid writing,,,ahahaha,,,,,
Masterlist | Small Drabbles
He was quiet. Eerily quiet. He was just across the table from her, his eyes fixed on a point above her head, but he wasn’t seeing. Not really. It had been three years since the defeat of the Calamity; three years since she’d been freed from that malice prison and reunited with the boy that had given his life for her. He wasn’t a boy anymore, though–and she wasn’t a girl. They’d grown up quickly in their days prior to the Calamity because they had to, but even without the weight of the world on their shoulders, there was no getting back what they had lost.
Three years of relearning each other. Three years of new companionship and new lives; three years into a fresh start for both of them. She’d learned what looks like that meant: far away gaze, stunned silence. It scared her at first, because when Hyrule’s Hero froze like he’d been possessed, well, it would unsettle anyone. He was remembering something, or so she was hoping, because the alternative was…worse. Much worse. 
A little self-consciously, Zelda raised a hand to press against her stomach. 
“Link?” she tried again, reaching across the table with her free hand to take and squeeze his. He moved, then, drawing his blue eyes back to her. 
“I’ve heard those words before,” he said, and though she figured it wasn’t at all in the way she was thinking, it still felt like a slap in the face. “My… my mother– I was young. Eight, maybe? She sat me down, just like this, and she…” His brows furrowed, the corner of his mouth twitching. “She told me I was going to be a brother. That I was going to have a sister.”
It wasn’t often that Link spoke of his family. A fractured memory meant it was a touchy subject; he didn’t remember as much of them as he should, and Zelda knew that thought tore him apart on a daily basis. He felt guilty over it, like he felt over plenty that he couldn’t control. She’d never met his family. She knew his father was some skilled knight in her father’s guard, but she’d never known his mother or his sister. She didn’t even know he had a sister. 
“Oh,” she breathed in response, offering his hand another squeeze. He was holding onto hers like it was a lifeline, and he was trembling. She could feel the sweat pooling against her palm–sweat that wasn’t hers. 
“I… I miss them,” he said, dropping his gaze to the wooden top of the table between them. 
“Tell me about them,” Zelda offered and leaned a bit forwards in her seat. How odd it felt to change the topic of conversation so abruptly, especially from something so serious, but he needed her right now. 
Link’s brows twitched, like he was searching that beautiful brain of his for any other memory he could dig up. She could not imagine how hard it must’ve been. 
“My father… He would always…bring home gifts for my mother, and he always made sure to play with us. We were happy, I think.” Happy. Happy before Link pulled the sword and disrupted their little family with the idea that he had to leave and become a knight; leave and prepare to face the one threat that wanted to rip the kingdom apart. He raked a hand through his hair and she wished she could offer more comfort to him than just a squeeze of the hand. She swallowed thickly, trying to suppress her own fears for the sake of his.
“They sound lovely,” she told him, giving a small, strained smile. 
“Watching them…my parents, how they always seemed so…” He paused, searching. “...in love. I used to want that too. I remember…”
His eyes met hers at last. She didn’t know how to read them. 
“Yes..?” she prompted, though part of her feared she didn’t want to hear the answer at all. 
“I wanted to be happy,” he told her, like it was nothing more than a simple matter-of-fact. It was something everyone wanted, but to hear it come from him–it hurt, because he hadn’t gotten that chance. Zelda swallowed again, and her voice was much smaller when she asked,
“Are you?”
It sounded easy enough. Yes or no. But Link’s mouth twitched again in a way that told her he knew the depth of what she was asking. Was he happy in Hateno with her? Was he happy to spend his days with her? Was he happy with the news that their relationship had gone past that point where they couldn’t return? Happy to know that…this time, he wasn’t going to be a brother–he was going to be a father?
It was her own fear that had her pulling her hand to herself and standing from the table when his silence bled into something that felt too long. Suffocating. She couldn’t breathe. She was going to cry. She needed to move, to get away–but he was always three steps behind her, wasn’t he? And his hand grabbed her wrist before she could open the door and slip out. 
“Zelda,” he said, his voice a whisper. She inhaled, her eyes fixed firmly on the door just before her. Logically, she knew Link wasn’t the type of man to abandon her. He’d faced the Calamity twice, when he could have very well woken from the Shrine and chosen a different path. Goddess forbid a baby be some sort of worser fate–but the thought that he would choose to stay for her when there was the possibility that he wasn’t happy…
“Link,” she begged. 
“I wanted to be happy,” he repeated, and for a brief moment, it felt almost like salt being rubbed into a gruesome, open wound, “and– and I wanted a family.”
The words made her freeze. She turned her head slowly, and the eyes of the man she loved were scared. Scared she was going to walk away and not come back? Scared because of the news she had given him? There were tears glistening just in the corners of his eyes, and that was what made her turn around.
“I never thought I would live long enough to have that,” he told her, his voice strained. He was trying not to cry. The realization struck her like an arrow. Zelda pulled her hand free and slipped her arms around him instead, drawing him close to her chest. Once upon a time, it wasn’t in the stars for him to have that. He’d been moments from death, and the feel of his shallow breathing against her arms was always going to haunt her. What might as well have been his dead weight… 
“But you have,” she whispered, pressing her lips to the shell of his ear. “You have. It- it’s yours, if you want it.” A laugh, watery and a little pathetic but one nonetheless, bubbled from his lips. She felt him clutch her a little tighter. 
“Of course I want it. It- It’s all I’ve ever wanted, before I- I gave up wanting it.” He never thought he would get it. He expected to die by the hands of the Calamity, and he’d faced it anyway. Oh, the sword had chosen well. 
“I love you,” Zelda told him, sinking one of her hands into his hair. It was as long as ever, but he’d stopped tying it back so much. “And I’m happy with you.” 
“Zel,” and he didn’t say anything else. He only drew back just enough to kiss her instead, cupping her face in a fit of desperation like he was still scared she was going to throw the door open and run. 
“You scared me,” she admitted when he broke the kiss, and maybe he knew that. Maybe he was trying to make up for it now with how he peppered kisses over her face, taking care of the tears she didn’t even know were there. “I- I thought maybe you weren’t happy, or-”
“I’m ecstatic,” he replied. She could hear it in his voice, the thickness mixed with that happy that he said he wanted. “I- Are you really…?”
“Purah made certain of it,” Zelda told him, as if she would ever lie about such a thing. Link made a face, something that said he didn’t want to know what she meant by that, and it was so human, so boyish that she couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I don’t even know how to be a dad,” he breathed, and when his hand pressed to her stomach, she felt like sobbing all over again. “I…I’m scared. Should I be scared?”
“Oh, Link,” Zelda said, laughing again. “You’ll be a wonderful dad.”
And so long as they kept breaking tradition, she was certain they would keep their happiness, too. A knight who no longer served, a princess who never became queen–and now, she was going to break another tradition: a name for their child. A name that wasn’t going to be Zelda. 
She would have to pry him for his sister’s name when they were finished crying.
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gayspock · 1 year
ok im lbing this bc we're not gonna get more for a long time
ok initial thoughts: zombies by the cranberries sent me a little loopy. im sorry. its a heartbreaking song, its a heartbreaking scene. but playing those both together is the funniest fucking thing you could do ever. heavens
second thoughts: i know there was a lotof, like, backlash abt the last ep regarding the present day girlies "giving in to lottie so easily" so its funny to see them ppl owned so early. LOL. although this cant end well and i have already been spoiled and i will say i saw that coming sort of but thought "no they wouldnt do that... tht sucks" but anyways
THIRD thoughts and last time im gonna open a thought with that: literally i said all that, but i know last week ppl also complaine saying they didnt "explain the game well enough" which i thought was stupid bc if they sat there and did thatd be clunky and dumb and ruin the horror of it so now misty is just exposition dumping to lottie im like for gods sake. and in some ways i do kinda get what theyre trying to do with it (misty would be frank about it and clear and etc) but i still think its just a bit alrighhttt alrighttt to watch
this is making me feel sick...
this is so fucking crazy
ok but seeing trav crying over havi like that . meanwhile shauna was fucking sobbing with jackies corpse holding it for months. everything in the world mental
plus her dynamic with nat is so much better
i love adult shauna scheming. always gets them into a bit of a pickle. classic!
his little gorgeous babygirl tear.
coach ben your gay ass needs to move fast before the second most homophobic fast food chain after chick fil a opens up in the canadian wilderness with a limited menu of #1 fucking d
"A COVEN OF THEM ALL UP TO NO GOOD" OK that kinda ruled
OKAY jeff is raising the bar here im happy with jeff and walter jeffing and waltering and jaltering and weffing
is weffing something sexual it sounds sexual i hope to god not
shauna is so mother making a meal for the family 😊
this is a little um
god the crazy parallels of lottie in the past fucking ruined over the ritual and lottie of the present being the most caught up in it. hellaur
i mean other than the girlies in animal masks in th e woods
lottie: everybo-
lottie: can you fucking kill me
lottie: can you fucking kill me and can i also elect the next girl president
the nattielot stocks are literall crazy the nattielot stocks are literally in turmoil its like a rollercoaster its literally a thrillride they blow your brain right out up and down and round and round til your FUCKING BRAIN COMES OUT YOUR NOSE AS DINNER SURPRISE
my god natalie atalie no NA QUEEN CA RD QU
walter: um...... >_<
you guys fucking suck sending her there i know i know theres so few options but fu- VAN. PUT THOSE BIG WET EYES AWAY. PUT THAT AWE-INDUCED WET SMILE AWAY. COME ON GIRL. PULL IT TOGETHER
hey shauna
most normal girl in the world
coach ben said FUCK women. WOW. ALRIGHT. i mean it was... RIGHT LIKE HE?
van being the last out vantler queen when?
altrnateively the wilderness being like :/ you didnt need to do that to havi guys....
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
introducing my new AU...bricks and border!
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back in april, jetpackbraggin's thumbnail image for caddicarus' resident evil 4 remake stream series sparked something in me - i started developing an idea for a cartoon series about the personas of online reviewers living in a large city. this idea eventually evolved into bricks and border!
bricks and border follows the escapades of the nintendo-obsessed scott (the woz) - an ambitious guy from the midwest who just so happens to be the younger cousin of the hot-headed mayor, and "laz" (caddicarus) - a brit with a mysterious past who is only known by his nickname. together they solve mysteries and get into other shenanigans in their city of oaksport. nothing is off limits!
this is basically a love letter to the entire comedic review genre on youtube. i'm super excited to start working on this!!
more info about the world and its wacky cast of characters will be revealed soon, but first we need to get into some format/release/disclaimer talk...(some of it's pretty important!)
this project will be written in prose format. i'm still deciding whether it will be in first person with the chapters alternating between scott's and laz's viewpoints, or just in third person. i know first person is looked down upon in fanfic, but that's just what my mind immediately goes to because they're youtubers who review things, and it's easy to imagine them narrating their points of view. i'm still deciding that though.
i will draw a lot for it as it's meant to be imagined as a cartoon series - and just like my previous major fandom project (onward the fanmade series), i will be drawing stills to accompany each chapter/episode! and i will gladly negotiate with any lumpy germ or wozzer who would like to contribute a guest still! and yes - you absolutely CAN create fanart/edits/etc. based on this AU! i would love to see them!
the big differences between this and OTFS are that B&B will not be contained in one book/AO3 work. OTFS episodes were written in script format, and episodes were released as one whole chapter. however, for B&B, "episodes" will be separate stories that could range from 3 chapters to 15.
as to when the first story will come out? i can say maybe soon, but i can't say the exact date and time. i'm gonna be a bit easier on myself with this one - as in, i won't be busting my ass to get a chapter out every single week. not only will i not be able to accomplish that with both my summer job consistently exhausting me and my senior year of college on the horizon, but i also don't want to burn myself out and not want to produce anymore content for the project. that's how the original caddicarus show died.
also, just a little disclaimer - this is not RPF. these are heavily fictionalized versions of the youtubers' already exaggerated personas - i mean for god's sake, B&B!scott is the younger cousin of B&B!AVGN, who is the mayor of the fictional city oaksport. lore from scott's and caddy's shows is referenced, and private people in their lives are absolutely not included in this (for example, cerys and the kids will not be mentioned). however, caddy's sister may be included, as she's a public figure.
with all that being said, i'm doing this as responsibly and cautiously as i possibly can - trust me, i previously wrote realistic non-AU caddicarus RPF and i almost got in trouble for it in 2017 when i was a stupid 15 year old who didn't know better. i know the harm RPF can do, which is why this is strictly being labeled as an AU. also i'm just gonna go ahead and say i won't be shipping characters in this. even though they're fictionalized AU versions of the youtubers, i feel uncomfortable shipping them. if you would like to create your own fan content of this AU where you ship the characters, i can't stop you. but i'm not gonna make it canon or anything.
that's pretty much all i have to say, i think. i hope that the caddicarus and scott the woz fans of tumblr will take interest in this!
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jxthics · 1 year
Hi, I have a question. How do you draw body hair? Not just beards, but like the armhair, happy trails ect. I've been meaning to give my own characters more bodyhair, I don't know HOW and I really like the way you draw it.
thank you! and i'm so sorry but the answer for me is no brushes, no secret tricks. if you want to draw body hair like i do you need to layer short lines. those are done by hand. keep it on a different layer so you can play with opacity or color -- some ppl have very light but still thick hair that shows up.
the only way i can suggest figuring out how to give characters body hair is to look at your own body and see where hair is, make note of where it is on real people, etc. body hair is very very very varied and can show up any which way. even if your hair is really light/thin i Assure you that you have body hair and you can extrapolate for more of that and darker. also: body hair can be anywhere for any gender! some people get it on their back, upper arms, shoulders, ass, etc. like its not just chest and happy trail thats just a common idealized hollywood version of body hair. i generally try to keep it symmetrical wherever its gonna be for the sake of it unless they have scarring that alters where body hair grows. do not be afraid to make body hair very thick, do not be afraid to make body hair patchy. go nuts.
idk the best way to make drawings with body hair that looks more real is to look at real people and extrapolate! sorry if this doesnt help a lot i just figured it out from observation. good luck gdspeed
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hepatosaurus · 1 year
2022 AO3 Wrapped!
Last year, inspired by some people on discord, I decided to actually track my fic reading for once. I’ve been logging my books and movies for a good 20 years now, so why not try that with fic? I hoped it might help me comment more too, or at least get a sort of baseline number that I could improve on. So, after crunching the numbers: I read 110 fics and 1,188,700 words across 15 fandoms (...more on that last point later)! It was a fun experiment that I’ll definitely do again, with some tweaks. Please forgive any weird numbers/percentages; I haven’t taken a math class in manymany years, and it probably (definitely?) shows. The vibes are accurate, at least.
(I posted an earlier (and shorter) version of this on twitter, but wanted to archive it here too for posterity’s sake because...twitter.)
Word count
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This is about what I expected, though I was surprised to see that I only read one 50-100k fic (only one 100k+ fic too, but that doesn’t surprise me at all). I finished up a couple long(er) fic in January (notably, one 200k+ fic), hence the high numbers there, and only read one (1!) fic in July, which explains those low numbers. Otherwise I generally read between 50-100k total per month.
More details behind the cut, aka god damn girl, you sure know what you like and stick with it, huh. (I really hope this text cut works...)
Top Fandoms
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So, about those 15 fandoms. I really did think I might have more variety back in January - like maybe I’d be able to chart fandom trends over the months, something like that! - but lol nope. My FE3H fixation is still going strong, three years later. I’ll get to those Witch Hat Atelier and Stranger Things fics in my Marked for Later pile...eventually.
Top Authors
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110 fics, 80 authors! There were definitely some repeat offenders: merionettes! desmodus! notallbees! printers_devil! epistrophic! nebulia! No names in the pie chart, but look at those pretty colors. You're all stars.
Top Pairings
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No real surprises here. I’ve been in sylvix hell since early 2020 so I knew they’d dominate, but there’s an okay showing from...other Sylvain ships...and gen! and Claude ships! Hi Claude! (Graph cuts off at 20 for my sanity.)
Top Characters
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Ha. ha ha ha ha ha ha. Surprise! Listen: I knew Sylvain would be #1, I’m not an idiot. However I did NOT realize he featured in 60% of the fic I read in 2022, jeeeesus christ man. (He’s versatile, okay!!!) Chief Blorbo aside, my Blue Lions/Golden Deer bias persists. Maybe in 2023 I'll read all those Black Eagles fics I saved? Or fic from other fandoms?? (Again, chart cut off at 20 for sanity.)
Tags, Tropes, and Ratings
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Looks like I sure read a lot of horny post-canon friends-to-lovers get-together fics with a good dose of pining, huh. That...tracks. Regarding AUs, modern AUs won (14.8%), followed by college/university, canon divergent, and modern with magic. Also fun: figure skating! magical girls! rock band! time loops!
I definitely need to rethink how I track nsfw content though - it’s very inconsistent and redundant here, and doesn’t really tell me anything. The explicit rating is self explanatory, but what’s the deal with those different NSFW and smut numbers? Where did I draw the line? It probably make more sense to scrap the latter tag and just track PWPs.
Etc: Commenting, Rereading, Reccing, and Bookmarks
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Commenting: I mentioned earlier that I hoped logging my fic reading would help me comment more, or at least find out how frequently I leave comments, and turns out that number is 46/110, or 41.8%. (Mer reminded me that this number does NOT include alpha reader comments, which is very true. ✨⛸️) Not bad, but I think 50% (or more?) is definitely doable next year. This whole practice really did help me comment more - it made me stop and think about exactly what I did or didn’t like about each fic I read, from <1k vignettes to 200k+ canon retellings. Obviously I’m not telling the authors what I didn’t like, but as for the good stuff...like, I found a lot of compliments hidden in the Comments/Notes field of my spreadsheet that never actually made it to a proper comment, but they definitely could have. I’m never gonna be a person who comments on everything, and I’m NOT going to lie and tell an author that I liked their fic when I really...didn’t? but: 50%. I think I can do that.
(also I cannot emphasize enough how great it was to have a completely private space to bitch about terrible (or not-so-terrible) fanfic. does this fic use too many repetitive epithets? does that author NOT understand Character Y at ALL? was the resolution to this otherwise decent fic just a liiiittle too rushed? tell it to the google form!!! A+ would recommend.)
Rereads: As expected! I don’t reread a ton, with some exceptions. (Honestly a lot of my non-FE fics this year were rereads of old favorites.)
Bookmarks: Without double-checking, I think I bookmarked fewer fics compared to previous years, mostly because I was already keeping track of them in my spreadsheet. I’d like to get a little better at consciously bookmarking fic going forward, though - it’s really handy to have a public, easily accessible list of my faves. (I also say this as someone who frequently raids the public bookmarks of other commenters/authors/etc.)
Recs: 46.4% “yes”! interesting. Only one hard no, and that was partially my fault for not reading tags/warnings correctly.
In an ideal world I’d have some actual fic recs here too, but that...did not happen.
This was a fun and very satisfying experiment, especially as someone who loves tracking things. I know a lot of people hate the idea of having an actual/official AO3 Wrapped, and honestly I wouldn’t like that either, but it was fun to actively (and manually) subject myself to this particular Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known Through Fanfic Tropes. I DO think it made me read fic a little more...deliberately? And therefore I read a little less fic than normal, maybe. I noticed that I hardly dropped any fic at all, either because I was more picky with what I read or I just powered through, and I don’t think that was the case in previous years. There was also a tiny bit of pressure at the beginning to start off the year with the “right” fic. Like, “oh god is my first fic of the year seriously going to be this unfinished 2nd person, woke-up-with-the-wrong-junk CYOA in which Claude and Lorenz investigate fuckplants and discover the true meaning of friendship.” (for the record, it was not my first fic of the year, but I DO recommend it.)
God this is long. One benefit of twitter is that it doesn’t allow me to ramble on like this, but oh well, that’s what you get. I really, really hope the cut tag worked.
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doovelackydraws · 5 months
I'm taking a year off drawing
Hi all! Doovelacky here.
As the title says I'm taking a year off making art. I won't be posting it, won't be making it. For a long time I've been in a really uncomfortable headspace with it all, it's been extremely difficult to separate it all from work/profit along with other people's expectations, chasing validation, etc. I'd hoped that once I got a day job I would be able to just make art for its own sake, but it hasn't shaken out that way. So, I'm making the deliberate choice to put it all down for a full year. Ever since I was a child a lot of my identity hinged really closely onto drawing, making art. I was the Weird Kid who nobody liked (undiagnosed autism wheee) and the only time I'd really get any truly positive attention at that early age was when someone would look over my shoulder at my sketchpad and go 'whoooaaah did you draw that that's so cool'. As an adult now I'm realising that experience has warped the way I think about my relationship to art- my own and other's.
I need to figure out who I am without it. Then maybe I can come back to it and actually enjoy it again. Or maybe I'll move on for good, who knows! I've got to give myself that possibility or this won't work.
Anyway. Happy New Year everyone! Have a fantastic 2024. Maybe I'll see you all again in 2025 as a changed cat. ❤️
0 notes
sketchmre · 2 years
OH ALSO as a fun little side project. ive been making a big google doc full of different artistic techniques by tearing apart clip studio paint’s settings to find niche opportunities and going on an odyssey through Youtube Search “Art Tutorial/Coloring Tutorial/How to Draw People/How to Draw Hair/How t”
It’s a passion project of mine, to make a collection of different methods of drawing because I realize a big plateau for artists is when they keep thinking “what do I want to draw” instead of “how do i want to draw.” 
Honestly, it’s been pretty interesting so far! A couple tips that I’ve learned so far:
For watercolor (in clip studio paint), don’t rely on the brush’s watercolor edge. Seriously, you’ll get the edge every single time you make a brush stroke. INSTEAD go to layer settings -> border -> watercolor border so you can make a block of watercolor color and then adjust the border from there. You get much more control and can adjust blurriness, opacity, darkness, etc.
Holographic textures. I’m still looking into different ways of doing this, but gradient maps seem to be very popular. For those who dont know, gradient maps take a set greyscale tone and assign it a color (this color’s tone does not need to be equal to the grey tone).
Actually, on the topic of gradient maps. I only learned a few months ago that people color greyscale paintings using gradient maps, and that’s one of the methods used to make it not look god awfully muddy.
So I found this tutorial on Youtube about someone who shades by progressively making the shading change to a contrasting color and I. Am fascinated by that. Will get back to yall when I experiment with that. (For credit’s sake, the tutorial was made by @bluebescuits and can be found here, set to the beginning of that part of the video https://youtu.be/zZEF7SEh2S4?t=428)
COLOR JITTER. there are so many possibilities with this one. One thing I was doing back around artfight was selecting areas of light and using a HEAVILY color jittered brush to color it in. Then, select the shaded areas and do the same. Afterwards, I’d turn off the color jitter and just start rendering using whatever color I wanted. Usually, indigo/blue/purple colors would be used moreso for the darkest spots because they have a darker tone by default, and yellow/pink would be used for the lightest colors.
Because I’ve talked about color tone a few times, I feel like I need to include this Youtube tutorial, “HOW TO HYPERPOP (draw with saturated colors)”: https://youtu.be/NKV2VWWleBk It’s what originally inspired me to make this google doc, and absolutely exploits the tone-color relationship do make some REAL interesting art. I’d tag the creator, but I don’t think they have tumblr, but they’re badjaune on ig/twitter
ill get back to yall when i figure out how to do those parallel scribble/hatching painting look. i will crack the code on that one i want it so badly
ALSO this was the one i meant to add first and then almost forgot to add it. It’s fairly popular on tumblr but i don’t care it’s a very rad tutorial by @ratpunksdraw (found here https://www.tumblr.com/ratpunksdraw/689762046030577664/tutorial-under-cut-paper-textures-brushes?source=share ) which details how they make a quick frankly very good looking paper texture on their artwork + has image resources and i’ve tried this before for an artfight attack and it was fun as hell and not hard at all i would recommend this
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ailelie · 1 year
On Power
I wrote this as a response to a post on reddit asking how to do politics in worldbuilding.
I think the advice that says politics is about power is good to consider. However, I would add that it isn't just power for power's sake. Power is energy. If it isn't doing anything, it is only potential--something to account for, but not something that is having an active effect on the world. Politics is kinetic or power in motion.
Power allows its wielders to accomplish one of two goals: secure their autonomy or enact their agendas. These often, but don't always, go together. Sometimes, when they diverge, it depends on the source of the power. Note: Autonomy isn't just freedom, but is also the ability to meet your own needs.
For example, two students go to university; one cooks his own meals and the other eats in the dining hall each day. The latter has paid for convenience and possibly for more time to devote to her studies (fulfilling an agenda), but the former has more personal autonomy. If the dining hall suddenly shuts down, he won't be going hungry.
So, since sources can affect how power is used, I think it is most important to start with those.
Some major sources of power are tradition, religion, wealth, political structures (e.g. a constitution), access, influence (both broadly/culturally and singularly/personally), fear, might, and knowledge.
It is important to know how each source grants/uses, limits, and revokes power. By grants/uses I mean what are the ways a person can wield the power of the source? In political structures, one way is laws. In influence, one way is a whisper campaign or advising a friend. In religion, one way is declaring something anathema so that adherents avoid it. Each power source determines, to a degree, what a person can do with it. Most people and organizations cultivate multiple sources to widen their menu of actions and to compensate for limitations.
For example, wealth grants power by enabling the wielder to convert the wealth into a different type of power.
For example, they can buy off a priest for religious power or they can spend to be on the edge of trends for influential power. They can cultivate a salon of innovative ideas for both influential and knowledge power. The power of wealth only lasts as long as the money holds out, however. Anyone relying on wealth will find themselves powerless when the money goes, unless they've, for example, collected blackmail (fear-based power) or connections (personal influence; being someone others listen to). Another limitation is that power bought by wealth may carry the stigma of money (e.g., they bought their way in, etc).
Another example, political structures may elevate one person as ruler over the land, but they are limited by the description and responsibilities of their role. They may also need to work with other entities created by the same political structures. Many leaders cultivate another power source to ensure they can enact their agendas (e.g., influence, tradition, religion).
Also, note, no source is infinite. The fewer who draw on a source, the more power they have.
The next step is identifying who in your setting has power and what kind of power they command. Guilds have knowledge power--they're the ones who know how to do crafts. They may also have access power aka the decision of who gets to learn the craft. That access power could also belong to the local government, church, etc.
So, figure out who the players are and what kind of power they access.
Next, going back to the top of this post, think through what each player wants to do with their power. Is their focus fully on remaining free from any strictures and being able to meet all their needs, or do they have an agenda they wish to see fulfilled? Or is it some combination of both?
Also, what are they willing to lose to keep their power and to fulfill their goals? These are not the same. For example, a person may be willing to accept another's patronage (losing autonomy) in order to gain more cultural influence (gaining power). And, if goals conflict, which ones take priority?
Next, remember that there is a difference between the organization that consolidates power and the individuals who act upon it. Some people can cultivate power on their own, especially for personal or cultural influence, but often it is the organization that amasses power and the individuals who spend it. Those individuals all have their own agendas or desires for autonomy and so politics is a fractal.
Finally, power does not exist in a vacuum. It is all connected. Every move tugs strings that affect others. There is two major things to consider here--connections among power players and effects of actions.
Some players, in your setting, may be automatically opposed. This is usually because they are drawing on the same source. If the university starts teaching basic physics and machines, the guilds may be upset that the university is intruding on their knowledge-based power.
This immediate opposition has consequences for individuals as, in order to keep drawing on their institution's power, they must maintain the rivalry. A new guild master is best friends with a university professor, but they hide this because the guild would revolt if they knew or would expect her to use personal influence on the professor to make the university drop the coursework. Etc.
This conflict between the organization the draws and consolidates the power and the people who use it opens up a lot of opportunities for back-channels and manipulation.
The other type of connection to consider is effects. Every action has an intended primary effect and, often, intended secondary effects. Every action also has unintended secondary effects. Then think through who supports and opposes the primary and secondary effects and why. Also, the same player can oppose one effect while supporting the other. So then you need to think through how they act on that divided support/opposition.
The government passes a law that all laws will now be translated into every language in the empire so that no one may claim ignorance of the law. The intended effect is to stop that line of defense from a group of rebels. The unintended secondary effect is that this grants additional power to the university who house the most translators.
The rebels oppose the law because it limits them by reasserting the empire's control over them. The church also opposes the law because they do not want the university to grow in power. However, the church does support limiting the rebels. So, the church makes a show of supporting the law in public, but then works behind the scenes to revise or revoke it in favor of the church's solution to the rebels. Or, maybe, they support the law, but then appoint a few priests to reach out to the rebels in sympathy or take action to require all translators work through the church. Etc.
Anyway. These are just my thoughts on the matter. I hope they're helpful!
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hollygl125 · 1 year
#about me
Tagged by @coping-via-clint-eastwood. (Fun! Thank you!)
What book are you currently reading?
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence. I literally did not read a book last year (except for a few chapters in the book recommended by my therapist), and I had been meaning to start this one for about the last three months, so having to answer this question actually motivated me to get through the first few chapters! So far, so good.
What's your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I honestly do not remember the last time I saw a movie in theatres, and it certainly wasn't in the last year.
What do you usually wear?
A lot of sweats and Lululemon if I'm not leaving the house. Maybe just a towel if I'm living overseas and it's really hot. If I'm going out in public, then it really varies! A blazer if I have to be professional, I suppose.
How tall are you?
5’9”—Sara Sidle’s height, if we go by silly things like Jorja Fox’s actual height and not ridiculous props made to give the impression that she isn’t practically the same height as her leading man. (I love that she’s practically the same height as her leading man.)
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Robert Burns (i.e., Robbie Burns Day) and Virginia Woolf, although I'd call them literary figures not celebrities. Alicia Keys, if you want an actual "celebrity."
The day Jorja Fox announced she would not "Sidle up" for the second season of CSI: Vegas because Grissom and Sara belong together—also known as the day I could finally chill the fuck out a little. (Yes, for purposes of this blog, this qualifies as a historical event. It was the first thing I saw that morning. Happy birthday to me!)
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
For this website? Maybe we could call it a pseudonym.
In real life? Generally my name, but I will respond to nicknames.
Did you grow up what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Yes, and it fucking sucks. No joke. The mental health and substance abuse stats back me up on this. I'm considering other options.
That said, in the above context I am discussing your typical private practice job. I've had some amazing overseas internship/work experiences in my field. It also has possibly the most potential to effect societal change, so that's always good! (But that's not what's happening most of the time in private practice, of course.)
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope, not currently.
For consistency's sake, let's go with this fellow:
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What's something you're good at vs something you're bad at?
Attention to detail vs. remembering not to get lost in the details.
Dogs or cats?
As per previous: DOGS!!!!!!!! DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I concur.)
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I will also do a shameless self-promo:
Survivors in the Night: A Las Vegas Love Story on AO3 and FFN.
So far I’ve only posted about 25,000 words, but I’ve written just over 90,000 words (excluding footnotes) so far. (I was ostensibly done at 50,000 words, but I keep adding random bits throughout. And I literally have three different chapters that were originally supposed to be the last. I’m almost certainly almost completely done now, though. Almost.) And honestly I’m obsessed with all of it. That probably sounds weird, but I wrote exactly what I wanted for them (my headcanons, my daydreams, just generally a lot of my favourite things, etc.), so it makes me super, super happy. (Honestly I just need them to be together and super happy! They belong together!)
Even though I’ve been a TV obsessive for many, many years, this wasn’t something I would have expected for myself a year ago. (Honestly, it wasn’t something I expected for myself up until one day before the day in late June when I started doing it.) Still, I’ve had a lot of fun with it (by which I mean a lot of fun with the writing—the sharing is definitely a roller coaster ride of feelings—some wonderful and some less so—a large proportion of which lead back to anxiety).
I’ve also had a lot of fun making some collages/mood boards recently. (I tried making a GIF once, but I think my time is better spent elsewhere.) This works pretty well with my love of photography and attempts to improve my Lightroom skills (although I did not use Lightroom for either of the collages I’ve included with this post, except maybe on my own photographs used in this first collage).
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So, in short, I’ve really fallen down quite a rabbit hole….
What's something you would like to create content for?
Still just the science nerds:
I'd like to make a video to go with the above series, using the song I'm using for the story titles, but, given the aforementioned attention to detail and inability not to get lost in the details, I feel like this would end up being a massive undertaking. (I am very... thorough.)
When I started posting this series, I had a lot of anxiety about it, and one of the ways I distracted myself was by coming up with an outline for a very, very AU story (like: different continent, different century). I'd have to read a few fairly dense books before I could even think about writing it, though, so I feel like this would potentially be a five-year (or whatever) project that I pick up when I need a diversion. (I'm sure about three people would read it if and when I finished.)
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Really? Okay, if you insist—them:
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What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
The first half of my year was a colossal shitshow, although I can't say I was excited for it in the first place. I really don't even want to think about it, though, so let's move on....
I’m supposed to be doing a gratitude journal (again, therapist), and I haven’t done it in about four months, so I’m going to turn this around and talk about something that turned out better than expected. This summer I applied for a short-term overseas work experience. I thought I didn’t get it; I cried from the rejection. It turned out they were just slower with their process than planned. I got it. I stopped crying. I got paid (a stipend, accommodation, travel expenses, etc.) to do some really cool overseas work in my field. The place was beautiful. The people were wonderful. I’m pretty bummed to have left, but now I am travelling for three weeks before returning home, and I’m very excited about it. So it was a good end to what started out as a really terrible year.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Well, basically everything about me is hidden on this website, but I can tell you that I used to be really good at math (like, I did my undergrad in the humanities but took a couple math courses to raise my average).
Are you religious?
No, but I looove Christmas.
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
For someone to walk into this place (hotel bar) and make me see stars. (No entomology experience required.)
If you’re reading this and feel inclined, consider yourself tagged!
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bgsdraws · 2 years
// Vent (sorry for all the typos) So, Technoblade died. I have never been the best at handling loss and grief, and to be honest, I dont know what to say, how to feel, and how to behave. Being honest, I'd never been the biggest Techno watcher, Id seen some of his videos before, a couple lives and his appeances on his peers stuff. I always thought he was hilarious, and how i needed to see more of his stuff. I regret not having done that before he was gone (I battle with myself on if i should even get to mourn him and feel sad for him, one side of my mind always whispering that i dont deserve to do it) And its hard to sudenly not have there someone that you thought would be there He's gone, never coming back It's upseting. Seeing the community's reaction, all his friends, and fans etc. Its clear how much of big influence he was, both directly and indirectly, and how much he was loved, how dear he was to people and how much he will be missed Technoblade was such an acomplished person, he did so much during his short life. And its fucking sad, its tragic, he was only 23 for gods sake. Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children. I cannot imagine the hurt and sadness his family is going through, and on how brave his dad was for doing that video, having to read his son's last message to his community This is probably not everything that I want to say, to be honest, it's hard for myselfe to even figure out what I want to say. My brain has been foggy for the last 20 hours (god, it hasnt even been a day), its like I'll try to do the stuff I always do daily, and my brain will go '' hey, tehcno died, you remember? Its not a joke'' I dont really know how to end this Excuse the shitty drawing, I just needed to draw something quickly to get it off my system. But then again, It wont be my last chance, he might be gone from this world, but doesn't mean he cant create works for and about him. He'll still live in out hearts and minds After all, Technoblade never dies Fuck Cancer
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afwulstories · 11 months
Jotting down ideas for first short story (I)
So the main gist is that I want to create this story without getting too involved, I want to learn how to go through this process and what works best for me.
Generic Plot I Came Up With :
A bunny adolescent runs away from his borrow and meets a frog in the forest, and the frog consoles him/ gives him advice/ they become good friends/ neighbors.
I know this seems not interesting. but wait. Possible details include:
Bunny may be running away due to family conflict or abuse
Bunny may be running away due to guardians being too sheltery, and bunny just needs/ wants to explore
Frog is modest (sorta clueless about how cool they are) but through small context clues it is hinted frog is a very important figure/ has had a lot of adventures and has gotten into a lot of mayhem
Bunny can resolve conflict and go back home, guardians may help the situation that caused bunny to leave (Or maybe they don't, maybe bunny ends up taking after frog and just starts wandering because now they *really* can't take it anymore
Bunny can resolve conflict and find a new home. Maybe with frog, but also maybe with another character
Bunny can be in a sort of Alice in Wonderland situation, and frog is kinda cookey, and the world of the forest is strange but through the readers pov you just can't put your finger on it
Frog can be someone who needs to be saved. A piece of a royal family/ important people who has forgotten who he is, and bunny helps him remember
Maybe bunny and frog could be long-term friends, and frog lives on his own while bunny still has to deal with his home life (for reference, all of the past ideas have been in relation to the frog being older than bunny, like could-be-your-dad-or-grandpa old..) i think this might be neat!!
frog and bunny could be long term friends, and bunny frequently sneaks out to visit his friend, and once he gets caught by his guardians, he has to decide between staying in or staying out. (they have some sort of physical barrier preventing bunny from leaving, or once he leaves he cant come back through the barrier) the guardians could be both mentally taxing in other ways AND helicoptery, and hanging out with his friend/ neighbor is really all he has to cope besides doing [enter hobby you think might be fitting for bunny, here]
Cool potential deets
Not a plot point but what if the frog had a pet sider plant that behaved like a dog (For charm and worldbuilding to inform that this is a very different world to ours)
Audience/ format:
Audience could be older adolescence that find it hard to read regular books sometimes, the pages are broken up with drawings frequently (cause theres no way an artist ISNT gonna draw)
It could be more of a childrens book with pictures on every page and limited words/ vocabulary, and I'd go with a simpler plot
I could just write in paragraph style for a short story (for college students, my age). This feels like it would be beneficial to submerge myself into a solely written creative piece, but a part of me feels like I'd want to change my mind and would crave to draw this story.
Conflict could arise from:
Family members showing their harmfulness to bunny, which is why bunny runs away
If the bunny is asking for advice but the frog really doesn't give it, so bunny lashes out (from built up past emotions)
Bunny describes their home life to be super harmful and still tries to head back "for the sake of the family" or "because he has nowhere else to go" etc., but the frog is saying it might not be wise. Bunny refuses to listen, and frog gets frustrated seeing his friend going back to get hurt again
frog and bunny could be long term friends, and bunny frequently sneaks out to visit his friend, and once he gets caught by his guardians, he has to decide between staying in or staying out. (they have some sort of physical barrier preventing bunny from leaving, or once he leaves he cant come back through the barrier) the guardians could be both mentally taxing in other ways AND helicoptery, and hanging out with his friend/ neighbor is really all he has to cope besides doing [enter hobby you think might be fitting for bunny, here]
#my writing#newbie writer#creating#into the void#no one cares#writing
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