#I just love saving prompts for later and getting ideas off of them
ashessonfire · 1 year
Okay so I have a fic idea and I’m a bit obsessed with it so hope you like it too!!
I was imagining that the reader is part of the crows and they do a job where the reader and Jesper get cursed or poisoned where they just stay in a coma like state.
The crows try everything to wake them up but nothing works and one day Wylan kisses Jesper and Jesper wakes up so they realise the cure is TRUE LOVES KISS!
Kaz is obviously in denial about his feelings and thinks the reader can’t possibly love him back so he doesn’t even try and the other crows start getting really mad at him and basically force him to kiss the reader and she obviously wakes up too!
I was thinking lots of angst and worrying and pining before the kiss because I love pain haha
I would absolutely love you forever as ever if you could write this! ❤️
'Fairytale' - Kaz Brekker x Reader
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Prompt: Kaz sends you and Jesper on a heist, which results in the pair on the brink of death. Can Kaz face his trauma and save the person he loves most? - Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader (pre-relationship) - Warnings: Mentions of asphyxiation (gas poison like season 2), Jesper and reader fall into a coma like state, descriptions of Kaz's trauma, nothing too graphic i dont think?? Angst, angst, angst
A/N: Anon i just have to say i love you, this request is EVERYTHING. Its a long one but i just couldn't stop writing! Please keep requests coming, you guys have incredible ideas!!! P.S Thank you all for 5000 notes already <3
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The second the words ‘Jesper’ and ‘Y/N’ coincided with the word ‘heist’, fits of laughter and screeches of excitement escaped the pair in question. It was rare that the friends could spend a mission entirely alone, obviously working diligently, but stopping by for drinks afterwards, unbeknownst to their boss.
Kaz rolled his eyes, fixing a dull look at the two, lip curling up in what may have appeared to be disgust. However, you caught the playful glint in his eye, just illuminated by the club’s oil lanterns for you to notice. Giving the pair of you the meticulously laid out plan, Kaz offered a tight nod before watching you disappear into the crowd of pigeons, and out into the cool breeze infiltrating Ketterdam’s night air.  
A pair of eyes lingered on your back, until you were far enough away that the raucous customers drowned out your angelic laugh, riding high above the crowd and penetrating the heart of the man you had just turned from. Clutching his cane fiercely, Kaz pushed all thoughts of you aside, burying deep the anxiety rising into his throat, and limping swiftly back up to his office.
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“Come on Y/N, we’re early anyway. Surely a tiny drink won’t hurt, I mean Kaz isn’t,” Jesper started playfully, but you cut him off with a look that could only be replicated with enough study of your boss’s face.
Jesper burst out laughing, infecting your chest with bubbles of joy, bursting out of you in a fit of giggles which set your partner off further. “Sorry Jes, Kaz’s orders. Plus, the sooner this is over, the more we can drink later,” you replied, your voice weakening at the end of the phrase as you suppressed a further attack of laughter.
Once the pair had battled through the biting conditions, gusts of wind cutting at their exposed skin like needles, the heist had run smoothly. Jesper successfully distracted the guards outside the small outlet, resorting to booming gunfire when even his charm had displayed no effect. You dissolved into the shadows, slipping through the doorway to the room that Kaz had suggested held the jewel, something, you supposed, worth far more than its underwhelmingly ragged appearance displayed.
The sound of guns clicking against their holsters alerted you, a shiver of anticipation creeping up your spine, however it dissipated as quickly as it came, once an outline of a ridiculously tall hat appeared on the floorboards. Within moments, Jesper joined you at the entrance of the room, eyes alight with adrenaline, practically buzzing next to you as his body twitched from the excitement of using his guns.
“Right then, lets go get this thing,” Jesper stated dramatically before striding forward with determined steps. Yet the strangled warning and the missed grasp on his wrist came too late, as a floorboard shifted under the sharp-shooter’s weight, concealing the entrance and your only chance of escape.
A soft light emanated from a half-burnt candle on the other side of the cage they now stood in, yet it was enough to catch a flash of regret seize Jesper’s face as he turned towards you.
“Uhmm, I’m guessing that wasn’t supposed to happen, right?” Jesper said, pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the trap he had triggered. A sigh escaped you, the previous joy from the early evening seeping from you fast, replaced with ice flooding your veins, heart hammering savagely against your chest. As you formulated a response to both calm you down, and relieve Jesper, a hissing sound disrupted the thickening silence.
The sound multiplied, surrounding the pair as they frantically searched for the source of the noise, like as snake threatening its victim before injecting its most lethal venom into its prey. Before the analogy of the snake could panic you further, something caught your eye, forcing you to strain your sight to make out the red shape slithering around on the floorboards. The candle flickered and dimmed, leaving the lightest of red glistens to illuminate the room.
“Jesper,” you choked out, finally comprehending what shape inching towards you was. Yet there was no need for a reply, as a sharp scent infiltrated your nostrils, forcing you to cough violently as the smoke burned your lungs, ripping apart your flesh from the inside out.
Jesper was forcing your name through his lips as he staggered towards you, gripping you tightly in his embrace as his lungs constricted. The pair crashed to the floor as each limb felt severed from the rest, the flickering candle now smothered by the red smoke.
Black filled both crow’s visions, as the gloom consumed them, relieving the burning sensation as their lungs gave out.
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There were truly very few things that could render Kaz Brekker speechless, however the sight of his two closest companions lying lifeless and frigid had utterly shattered him. Inej had shadowed the pair on their mission, under the command of their boss. “Just in case,” he had said to the wraith, but it was evident to her that he was simply worried for the both of you.
The crash of the city clock startled Inej into panic, leading her to the room where she discovered the pair, limbs tangled together and Jesper’s arms encircling your frame.
Dragging both of your limp bodies to a dreg’s owned carriage, Inej rushed you back to the slat, praying frantically to every Saint she could think of. The only sense of relief keeping her sane was the faint breaths emitting from you occasionally.
Now, you were both encased in warmth, the thickest blankets the crows could locate wrapping you up as you laid unmoving on makeshift beds in Kaz’s office. Nina insisted on you being together, allowing her to monitor your heart rates efficiently, the dread that your breathing could cease momentarily consuming the crows.
Wylan sat unmoving from Jesper’s side, constantly tending to him, bringing cool cloths to reduce his fever, or forcing sips of water down his throat, anxiety ripping into him each time he was made to leave.
The boy sat curled up next to his boyfriend, barely speaking apart from breathy rasps of thanks to Nina and Inej for food, or the occasional whispers to Jesper. It was unmistakeable from the minute Inej revealed your unconscious bodies that you had been poisoned, thrusting you into a border between life and death.
Kaz’s reaction differed vastly from the rest of his crows, his initial thoughts not moving to sadness, or worry for your conditions. All he could see was Jordie’s dead body, frigid and ashen, the feel of his clammy skin slipping underneath the fingertips of the younger Rietveld brother. The waves signalled no warning, violently crushing the air from Kaz’s lungs, forcing him to stagger blindly out into the alley behind the slat.
From that moment onwards, Kaz refused to see you. Not out of spite, or callousness, but simply because he couldn’t face it. Perhaps if it were only Jesper, he could summon the courage to venture into his office, maybe even remain for longer than a minute. But you?
It would kill him to see you in that sate again.
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Sleep drastically evaded Kaz, the lack of your warm presence during the early hours caused the bastard’s mind to saturate his thoughts with every shade of terror.
Images of your lifeless body crossed over with his brother’s, the picture burning into his eyelids each time he closed his eyes. Since that night, almost a week ago by now, Kaz had not slept more than an hour at a time, and his presence had not been noted once by any of the other crows.
They tried desperately to construct a solution to the venom flowing through your veins, trying the most expensive of doctors, a team of Grisha healers, even antidotes concocted in the slat’s kitchen, yet nothing woke you. Each day unnerved the crows further, the chilling stillness of your bodies showing no sign of regeneration. The lack of activity settling a deeply rooted static into the crows lives.
That was, until Inej burst into his office to break to him the news.
Snatching his cane, Kaz bolted past her, forcefully striking the floor with each heavy step he took as he ascended the stairs. Crashing through the door, Kaz swiftly wove his way past your bed, eyes locked only on Jesper, the sight of your body in his nightmares plaguing him so torturously that he could not bear to even glance at you. As he shouldered past a gaping Nina, the sight before him confirmed the heart-wrenching cries from Wylan, the boy sobbing uncontrollably, his fists grasping at the material on his partners shirt.
Kaz’s gaze lifted to his crow’s eyes, his heart hammering in his ears when a mischievous pair glinted back at him, a weak but lopsided grin painted onto the sharpshooter’s face at the evident concern seizing Kaz’s features. The relief was short lived however, as his veins froze over, the stillness of your body flooding his mind once again with overwhelming anxiety.
“How,” was all Kaz could breathe out, voice low and throaty as emotion took hold of him.
“Whilst Inej and I were downstairs fetching new sheets for them, Wylan stayed up here. He decided at some point he needed some air, so he gave Jesper a kiss before going. But it seemed to have woken him up, and, well, here he is?” Nina offered, the weeps still wracking Wylan, words unable to creep out through the tears that submerged him.
The information buzzed through the air, sinking slowly into Kaz’s consciousness, before his heart plummeted.
The expectant gazes of the others stabbed at him, each knowing glance wrenching at his heart.
What were they all looking at? Surely, they didn’t expect him to be the one to save you?  What sort of fool would reciprocate feelings for the ‘bastard of the barrel’? Thousands of questions swarmed Kaz, constricting his lungs once more, as he exited the room as quickly as he had entered.
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Days had passed without a single interaction between the crows and their boss, no matter the begging they resorted to outside his door. Each sob, scream, or plead was met with a resounding silence, resulting in a chilling slash to their resolve.
Reality had escaped Kaz, his conscious and unconscious hours blurring into one, the chill of Ketterdam infiltrating his body, worsening the horrors that taunted him. Everything he touched became the decaying of rotting flesh, each shadow a haunting figure bearing either yours or his brothers features. At some points, Kaz could muster the strength to imagine something else, something he had pictured frequently even before the mission had failed.
Your eyes glowing from the gentle moonlight glistening through the window, lips slightly parted as your breath quickens at the proximity. Warmth enveloping the pair of you as Kaz reaches down to caress your cheeks, the heat radiating from them enough to seep through his gloves.
He leans into you, the waves calming at your presence, receding until they gently lapped at his feet. Your lips meet and streams of love radiate between the two of you, creating the only peace Kaz has felt since the fire-pox had plagued the city and stolen his family from him.
However, each vision of you was cut short just as he was finally kissing you, your eyes would gloss over, and your lifeless body would be pressed directly against his. Panic attacks always ensued, but Kaz was unsure of how long this could continue for. His body was weakening with lack of use, bones weighing him down with every movement.
By now the others were gathering downstairs to eat dinner, the sound of Jesper’s laugh signaling his recovery was flowing smoothly. Before his mind could register his bodies actions, he hauled himself up, grabbed his cane, and discreetly made his way up to his office.
To see you.
Every nerve in his body set alight at the sight of you, frozen in time as your chest barely rose with each shallow breath. Yet Kaz pushed through the terror threatening to root him to the floor, forcing himself to pull a chair close to you, knuckles whitening as he clutched his cane to ground himself.
When you didn’t start morphing into Jordie, his mind declared that it was safe enough to remain where he was, albeit on the very edge of his seat, waves smashing into his chest with each breath.
In order to stay with you, he needed to focus on the signs that you were at least somewhat there. Scanning your body, he fixated on the whisps of air escaping your parted lips, the rise and fall of the blankets which engulfed you, the tint on your cheeks from the fire glowing nearby.
You were alive, and it was enough reason for Kaz to stay.
For a long while, he sat silently, an undecipherable gaze glued to your form, thoughts racing through his mind but his body frozen. It was evident enough that the crows thought he could be the one to wake you up, in the same way Wylan had done for Jesper. The thought alone made Kaz outwardly scoff, not only was the idea of a ‘fairy-tale’ kiss as the sole remedy absurd, but the fact they believed you could love him enough for it to work.
Yes, you spent hours helping him through mountains of paperwork, bringing him sustenance when forgets to eat, clearing up his room when he is too engrossed in his work to notice, or even keeping him company with a book so he can rest peacefully. But you were kind, too kind for the Barrels harsh realities he thought, although it only rarely stole your spark. Your extra care for Kaz was likely due to concern, how could it be out of anything like love?
The evening drew closer, light fading as twilight enshrouded the city, the chatter from downstairs becoming quieter as the group parted ways to rest. Knowing his time was running out, Kaz Brekker did something he never thought he could.
Kaz Brekker lent down and kissed you.
Immediately sparks ignited within him, lighting him on fire in a way he had never experienced before, however the flames were extinguished quickly, as the freezing waves crashed against him.
They rose exceedingly swiftly, signaling him to retreat into his isolation, awkwardly stumbling out of the office and slamming the door to his room, body shaking violently at the action he had accomplished.
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The moment the door to his office shut, your eyes fluttered open, light scorching them from lack of use, head throbbing but the sensation of being conscious offering you some relief. Your lips tingled, a phantom feeling of something brushing against them consuming your thoughts.
Although you were slipping from the waking world constantly, the sight of your weeping friends and their grateful smiles in the intervals where you awoke granted you enough strength to recover quickly.
One face was unsurprisingly absent throughout your healing, the cold façade of the boss only gracing you once the others were gone, keeping you company in a strange but not unwelcomed silence. With each day you regained your radiant energy, even walking short distances with the aid of Kaz’s cane.
Once you had fully returned, you grew curious as to how you had awoken, startled at the revelation that Wylan saved Jesper with his love. There was no way the person you held affections for would ever do the same.
Could he?
Throwing a sly grin towards you, Nina stated, “Well we don’t truly know what brought you back, but I did catch a certain gang leader looking ever so shaky as he fled from the room. It just so happened that when I saw you next you were awake. What an odd thing,” using a dramatically exasperated tone, the mischievous spark in her eye confirming your suspicions.
Turning every shade of red, you buried your face in your hands, only peeking out from a small gap between your fingers. Just as a compass finds its bearings, your gaze gravitated straight towards Kaz.
As you peered up, you noticed he was positioned directly opposite on the far side of the Crow club, noting the pink tint that dusted his cheeks, just illuminated enough for you to catch. His gaze was unreadable but uncommonly gentle, and moments passed before you recognised what he was staring at.
He was fixated on you
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Kaz Brekker taglist: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ell0ra-br3kk3r @swhisperer @sleepynightchild @atlasiiae @kaiinohh @sannunah28 @at-the-chateau @withbeautyandragendrage @animalistic00 @whos6claire @any-corrie (please comment if you would like to be added to the Kaz Brekker taglist)
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artemismoorea03 · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt: I Couldn't Just Let Him Die
So one thing I don't think is touched on enough is the fact that Danny never wanted to be a hero. Like, yeah, we all know he didn't want o be a hero and he makes a joke about it but when we actually think about it this was a life he choose because nobody else was there to help. The main reason?
He didn't want people to get hurt.
Something Batman would relate to.
Now, while I love the idea of Danny absolutely beating the shit out of Joker or any villain who absolutely deserves to have their shit rocked by a kid who is only 5'5" and weighs at most 120 pounds, when we actually think about Danny's character what's more likely? Again, no hate to any of the people who do those fics, keep it up, I love seeing Joker get his just deserts.
But hear me out.
Warnings for fighting, violence, and DC typical weapons.
There was a new meta in Gotham and he was driving Bruce crazy. This kid showed up out of the blue with absolutely no information on him anywhere online or otherwise with tech so outdated not even Oracle could hack it. The only thing Bruce knew about the kid was that he called himself 'Phantom' and that he was a teenager around 14 years old.
Other than that the kid had been a pain in the ass.
Muggings? Phantom took care of it by saving the person then lecturing the person until a Bat or police showed up then literally vanished.
Fires? Phantom would fly in and out of burning buildings repeatedly with no care for his own safety. No mask, no fire protection, nothing but the thin suit he wore.
Kidnappings? Don't worry, Phantom had it handled long before Batman could even get the call to help! EVEN WHEN IT WAS ONE OF HIS OWN KIDS WHO GOT KIDNAPPED!
Granted, Phantom never got in the way of a fight but the amount of evidence that was lost due to what he was doing and how he was doing it was inconvenient. Fingerprints got wiped, evidence of what started fires were covered in an unmeltable ice, kidnappers took off the second their captive was freed and were practically untraceable after that.
It wasn't until a massive Arkham breakout that he actually got to properly meet the kid. Every prisoner had broken out and the city plunged into madness as heroes ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. Villains against heroes, criminals verse vigilantes, villains verses criminals - it was a madhouse.
Batman could hardly keep track of it all but when one of Penguin's men threw a bomb into a crowd and it landed near Joker's feet there was a long silence. It was like the city had fallen silent all around him as Batman tried to get to the bomb.
Joker was a villain.
Joker had hurt his family, killed millions of innocents including his own son, but he was sick. He didn't deserve to die.
Apparently Phantom agreed because he flew faster than Batman could track him shoving Joker away from the bomb before encasing the bomb in ice.
"Hey! What's the big idea shovin' me, bub?!" Joker said, seemingly forgetting about the bomb that was still in the kids hand. Joker walked right up to Phantom, glaring down at the shorter male who just looked at him. "Think you're some kind of hero?!"
Phantom blinked, "I feel like answering that is a trap."
Joker grabbed Phantom by the front of his shirt, "A funny guy, huh? Think you can out joke the Joker?"
"Again. That feels like a trap. I'm not trying to do anything, Clowny. But I wasn't about to let you die."
Joker glared, "Why?"
Phantom slipped out of Joker's hands somehow, much to Joker's confusion. "Because that's not who I am. Criminal or not, I'm not going to let you die if I can protect you."
"Who says I need protection?"
Phantom held up the bomb again with a deadpan look. "Lucky guess." He said, then suddenly noticed something to his right. "Oh, gotta go. Later Clowny."
"IT'S JOKER!" Joker shouted after Phantom as he flew away. "Batman! Teach your baby bats some manners!"
"He's not mine, Joker." Batman said, marching over, grabbing Joker's wrists and cuffing them behind his back.
Not yet anyway. But with a mentality like that... maybe this pain in the ass could learn a thing or two from a Bat.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Yandere Genshin
Prompt: youve caught their eye but… you’re already taken… that won’t be a problem…
Cw: yandere duh, mentions of murder and violence, manipulation, kidnapping, etc. fem reader
Characters: Jean, Diluc,Yelan, Neuvillete
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Jean finds herself more and more infuriated with your commitment everyday. A simple hunter from Springvale is the one that catches your eye? How absurd! She knew she should’ve been more forward with her tatics. Oh this frustration and heartbreak has been tormenting her, impacting her work ethic as she tries to give you space. But its hard because you work for her. A cutesy little maid. You belong to her.. you’re everything she could want in a partner. So delicate, so plump, you’re the perfect bride. There’s no way she’s letting a man who can’t read s kid’s book without struggle surpass her!
So… she staged a little accident lets say.. she happened to cut the patrols in the area, making them closer to the city itself. That way there still was protection for the city… just not for the hunters. For awhile they’d been complaining sbout how the patrols spooked the boar. Even though those patrols were meant to cut down and discourage hilichurl camps. From a political perspective she just gave the hunters what they wanted. To up the anti more she had Kaeya tell him about a legendary boar deep into the wilderness. How the boars get bigger in hilichurl camps because they’ve started to fence them off and fatten them up, if he goes at night when they’re asleep, he could surely nail himself a big boar and pass it as a authentic catch…
The short of it was this. Your almost boyfriend snuck into one of the biggest hilichurl camps without the knights patroling nearby. And Kaeya knowing Jean’s work was negatively impacted by him.. may or may not have done something to alert the hilichurls to the the intruder. Quickly he was overwhelmed and beaten. With no knight in sight he was all alone. His struggle only made the hilichurls more violent. They threw him out, beaten to a pulp. When he saw Kaeya he was relieved thinking he was saved. But Kaeya had orders to finish the job of need be.
His death? A accident. Later hunters found him rotting near the camp, no foul play found. No one knew of his idea or who gave it to him, or who gave that person the idea. In your devastation you ended up right in her arms weeping.
“I am so sorry for your loss. I’ll make sure patrols return to normal and those camps are wiped out soon enough. I won’t let you experience such hardship ever again.” Crying to your boss felt so unprofessional but Jean was just so comforting to you. You had been putting on a brave face until now. You stood as she held you. “Lisa bought me this tea recently. It helps to steady my mind when I’m stressed, would you like me to give you some. I know it won’t remove your pain but it should help you somewhat. Unfortunately I can’t give you time off as two others are currently sick. But once they’re back I’ll give you some vacation okay?” She wiped your tears as you nodded.
“Th-that’s reasonable.. th-thank you.. oh god i must be such a burden. You’re already so stressed i didn’t mean to make it worse for you-“
“That’s not the case at all. I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy as every citizen in Mondstadt should be.” She kissed your forehead as she handed you the cup she prepared. “Here drink some tea. It was originally for me but I figure you need it more. I haven’t dranken from it.”
“Y-you’re sure that’s okay? I don’t mind waiting for another cup.” You asked. Oh how innocent you looked. Jean hated how she had to come to this, asking Lisa for a love spell to be put into the tea. But she couldn’t risk doing this to every suitor who got close to success. She needed to make sure you chose her otherwise she might go further next time.
“Its fine.” She said. You drank it with no further complaints.
Diluc was certain this was some sick prank. You, his beloved little maid, in love with nothing more than a simple merchant? Its not uncommon for the route from dawn winery to be used. But a certain merchant he purchased seeds from seemed to be getting far too close to you. Sure you two weren’t dating, he hadn’t even made the first step. But now he was absolutely was going to take drastic measures.
The first step: Distract you. You found yourself being assigned to chores more indoors an less outdoors. Diluc could sense how you would look out beyond hoping to see him again and he didn’t want that to continue. The second step was to lure said merchant back on a day you weren’t working. His arrival was horrible as the maids had all gone home leaving Diluc and Adelinde to recieve him, on a new moon, there was no moon to illuminate his path home so Diluc offered him to stay the night. He thought of this gratefully, originally the death Diluc planned was a simple killed in his sleep. But when he asked about you… oh it activated something in him. He even brought you a gift… how thoughtful… Diluc struggled to maintain his composure.
The merchant never did make it past the night. Despite his struggles. His body found beneath the bridge near Stone Gate. A investigation launched but ultimately blamed on bandits. With it his gift was smashed. You were devastated yes but your employer seemed to suddenly be more attentive than usual. He offered you meals and tea. Often requesting just to talk to you.
“Its getting late. I really should be going.” You set the tea cup back. “This was nice though. I wouldn’t mind doing this again but… oh.. is it raining?” You look out to see water coating the windows as what sounding like rain came from outside.
“Oh my it appears to be. At this hour you would be most vulnerable if you left now. You have no pets correct?”
“No.. oh dear…” you silently began to worry.
“You could always.. stay over. There is many a guest room and there’s spare pajamas for you. I’m certain it’ll be better than getting sick. Besides there’s bandits on the roads at these hours. You remember what happened to that merchant.” His voice luring you to s false sense of safety.
“Yes… I’ve been quite nervous going home now to be honest. Do you know if they ever found who did it?”
“Still nothing. Guards are posted more though. But it wpuld be easier. You do have a early shift here anyways in the morning so you wouldn’t need to go home right away. If that sounds alright.” He says, you jolted slightly as his hand gently grazed yours as you held your jacket. At that moment thunder clapped, startling you.
“I suppose that makes sene. I’ll take you up on that offer then..” you smiled shyly.
“I’ll lead you to your room then.”
He wasn’t going to let you leave.
(A/n: this is a alternative route to my other work Yelan vs Pantalone, dont consider this cannon to that piece but as its own spinoff)
Everyone has secrets. And Yelan’s is the fact that she stole a bride straight from Pantalone. It was mostly just to spite him, and also because she’s a sucker for a pretty face and couldn’t stand letting that happen. But oh they’re far more irresistible than she could’ve imagined. Now that they’re safely hidden in the jade chamber, working as a intern. She’s been visiting them when she comes to visit Ninguang, lucky her that Ninguang would allow her little damsel to stay in the jade chamber. But while her back was turned to her former life, she set her eyes on the people once known as parents to them. Her little Damsel cannot return to her former identity ever. And thus its better for her to believe that Pantalone went back on his word and killed them.
And that’s exactly what ended up happening. The Fatui’s search was halted and stopped because the Millieth wasn’t going to let the Fatui kill civilians just because they lost a bride. Even though they insisted they didn’t all signs pointed to that. She then forged documents to show to her beloved little damsel that this was the plan from the beginning, that Pantalone would have killed her parents upon acquiring her. Like the others so far, she used this opportunity to soothe them and bring them closer. At least this way they are alive and safe rather than in the hands of their families killer. Only… they are infact in the arms of their families killer. All seemed well until some stupid guard started poking around. He seemed more interested in courting them, believing they myst secretly be from s powerful family outside of Liyue and hiding. It was a rumor she purposely started to cover for their true identity. But now it backfired as this man saw a opportunity to climb up the social ladder. She isn’t quite sure what his exact plan was but her guess was he intended to make her fall for him and then marry him when she returned to her life, this guaranteeing a life of luxury. Unfortunately for him that won’t be the case. But Yelan can’t go killing her own. So she decided to simply use her influence to have him demoted to ground work instead. Convincing Ningguang that if allowed to stay he’ll uncover their scheme. The reason given to him was that apparently he was too loud or social than was acceptable in such environments. Afterwards he died to a hilichurl raid. Whoops.
“You.. you got my stuff?” You were surprised when she came to you with a crate.
“Yes, since legally you’re dead, your parents stuff was sold at auction at request of your family members. I grabbed what I remembered you valued myself.” She said with s smile as you beamed at the sight of your old things.
“It won’t raise suspicions will it?” Yu asked.
“I won’t let it. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the details.” She said patting you.
“I-i don’t know what I could do to repay you. You’ve done so much for me i-i truly have never had someone like you in my life.” You looked at her expecting a sort of humble brush off or something to actually be named.
“A date would be nice. Once everything cools down of course.” Her voice was like a purr, making you flustered.
“O-oh sure.. as long as it won’t cause you any trouble.”
“Perfect.” She said. You didn’t see it but she was considering drugging your tea that sat on the table behind her. A love potion, how typical but how effective. But seeing your blush she could tell you had infact fallen for her already. Which made the potion more of a backup if you ever lost feelings.
Neuvillete is anything but dishonest. But… seeing you cling to the arm of a guard, how happy you two looked.. it left him green with envy and red with wrath. To control himself he decided to simply change the guards routine to be out of your way. But you just went to meet them after work. His favorite little employee falling for the guard rather than him.. he felt deeply insulted.
Time for more drastic measures. He asks a favor from the clueless and happy Sedene (a simple melusine) to sneak into his house. To which she happens to find something. Just as planned he spends his time arranging scenarios to increase suspicion causing the other guards perform a check up right as he is planted with primordial sea water. He is quickly taken away to be questioned. Meanwhile you are distraught. You never thought him capable of such feats. But alas he was hardly the man you thought he was.
“I-I’m so sorry.. i truly didn’t know anything… i- Oh god ll this time..” you were hyperventilating as you were brought into questioning. “I-i.. oh god.. am i in danger? I could’ve ended up just like those missing girls..” Neuvillette’s hands reached out to your space as if to tell you to quiet down.
“I understand this situation is difficult. If necessary I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. There isn’t any reason I have to suspect you but I still have to take precautions. You agreed to the random house search and no trace of seawater was found. I’m simply asking if he told you of anything suspicious or gave you any implications of his true nature.” He lowered his voice in a more gentle manner than he would in court. You sniffled as you wiped your tears.
“He.. he did keep inviting me to his place. I never went though. I didn’t think we were far along to do such things.. you know like… intimacy..” you nervously muttered. He still heard you, he was pleased to know you two didn’t get too serious.
“Were you two officially a couple?”
“No.. but we were close… i was going to ask him but then this all happened and… you know the story from there.”
“Hmm.. I see. It appears you infact were a target. Is there any reason you can think of?” He says. The sight of you so heartbroken and shaking is strangely attractive to him. So timid, so easily manipulated.
“No.. no not at all.. i don’t understand why?” You seemed more and more frightened. “S-should i not leave the house for a bit. This sounds very scary.. i don’t know if I can continue my routine as normal like this!” You whimpered as your hands seemed to get closer to your body. As if you retreating into she’ll to hide in.
“Fear not, I’ll have the secret patrol watch over. And each guard will undergo inspections from here onward. But i will be seeing you more. I want at least weekly updates to know of any strange activities or unexpected changes. Understand?” He said. You nodded. “With my life, I promise you, you will be safe. And I will let no harm come to you.. ever.”
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featherandferns · 1 year
ik this isn’t a prompt but i’m in love with the idea of jj calling the reader mama like maybe in bed or just being affectionate. they don’t have kids but it’s just a name he’s given her
"mama's mad" is still one of the best quotes of the show, so i've got u here. hope this is okay! idk why a lot of my stuff is set at breakfast time in the chateau. maybe i'm craving bacon (my poor vegetarian ass is suffering)...
(content warning - mentions of sex)
“If you two could screw a little quieter next time, there’d be no complaints here,” Kiara says to JJ the moment he walks into the kitchen on Sunday morning.
JJ makes his way straight to the counter where some bacon has been served up. He gladly grabs at it.
“I’ll take it under advisement,” he replies, biting down into a piece of crispy strip.
John B is cooking eggs on the hob whilst Sarah leisurely slices lemons and oranges by his side, for infused water.
“Will you?” Kie asks.
“Probably not, nah,” JJ grins. She rolls her eyes.
“Where is your girl, anyway?” John B asks from the stove.
JJ opens the fridge and retrieves the carton of OJ, taking a swig.
“Napping. Didn’t get much sleep last night,” JJ can’t help but add with a slimy grin.
“You’re shameless, JJ,” Sarah sighs.
“You know it, princess,” he winks. He watches as Kiara starts mixing together ingredients in a bowl. “Whatcha making?”
“Oh, nice,” he hums. “Lemme see if mama wants any.”
By mama, he obviously means you. It’s a given that any ‘mama’ in JJ’s sentences refers to you; something the Pogues and yourself have casually come to accept. The moment you and JJ stopped beating around the bush and fessed up to your feelings like the semi-mature teenagers you are (it was practically a battle of who-dare-say-it-first), he had taken to calling you it. You weren’t exactly sure why. Had teased him about whether he had a mommy kink in private (which he neither confirmed nor denied). Mostly he did it to joke. It sounded nice in his northern accent, anyway. Drawled off the tongue smooth and sweet like honey. So, no complaints from any party, unless JJ got vulgar with it in front of the Pogues (which was fairly often, with it being JJ).
Heading down the hall, JJ pushes open the spare bedroom door and darts his head in. You’re still in bed, lounging on your back, hair a mess and neck covered in healing and forming love bites. JJ grins, proud like a kid winning a science fair contest.
“Yo, mamma bear? Pancakes or bacon?”
“Why do I have to pick between them?”
“Fair point. You want both then?”
“Mhm,” you sigh lazily, eyes shut. “Coffee too, if there is any.”
JJ cringes. “Think Pope made some.”
“Yikes. No, then.”
“You got it mama.”
With that, he wanders back into the kitchen and grabs a plate from the drying rack of the sink. It’s always piled high with pots like some rip-off modern art project. The leaning tower of pots and pans. He dumps some bacon on, holds out his plate for John B to serve up some eggs - straight from the pan - and makes Kie promise to save some pancakes. Then he’s back in the bedroom, two forks in hand, climbing back into bed to share the morning fry-up with you.
“This is the life,” you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder as you eat.
JJ smiles and nods. You’re right. You’re always right, to be honest - not that he’d ever confess it. Only one of you needs a big ego, and JJ likes to think he’s claimed that spot.
“Wanna fish later?”
“Mhm,” you nod. “Don’t mind really. As long as I’m with you.”
“Aw,” he grins, nudging you with his shoulder, making you laugh. He can see the flush to your features when he does. “You going soft on me, mama?”
“Only you,” you grin up at him.
JJ can’t take it when you look at him like that – like he hung the stars just so you can stand under them – so he grabs a strip of bacon and shoves it in your smiling mouth, making you laugh.
Yeah, this is the life.
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Could I request a wee cheeky Fred fic with the "Lay a finger on her" prompt please?
Something about that prompt with his impulsive behaviour ❤️‍🔥
Ngl it was legit SOO hard to pick just one from the list. They all fantastic ideas and I could literally see which prompt fits what character. Bravo 👏 👏
I'm so sorry it took forever to get to this one out. I've been so behind on requests. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: mild violence, sexual harassment, a few curse words
The entire restaurant had fallen silent. Y/N stepped toward Fred, who had just slammed one of the patrons against the wall. The customer was taller than her boyfriend by a few inches, but Fred had more raw strength in his pinky finger than the other fellow had in his entire, scrawny body.
"Fred, baby..." Y/N cooed as she placed a gentle hand on his arm.
One hour earlier
Fred sipped on a Coke while he waited for Y/N's shift to end. His girlfriend was working part-time at a little muggle bistro during summer break. Normally, she would've been off work a half hour ago, but the place had gotten unusually busy for a Wednesday afternoon.
"I'm sorry, lovey," she said when she dropped off the Coke and a slice of pie at his table. "As soon as Sadie gets here, I'll be able to go."
"No worries, darling," he replied. "We can always catch a later movie if we miss the four o'clock one."
Y/N gave him one of her gorgeous smiles and blew him a quick kiss before she rushed off to greet another table.
Fred wasn't lying when he said he didn't mind waiting. He loved watching her work. The way she moved effortlessly around the maze of tables, customers, and the other servers, all the while balancing trays of food without using any of her magical abilities, always amazed him. So much so that he had been oblivious to anything but his beautiful girlfriend until one of the other servers yelped, startling everyone in the place. "Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!"
She'd been walking by a table of teen boys when one of them reached out and slapped her ass, iliciting snickers and lewd comments from his two friends. Fred watched the server glance up at Y/N, who simply nodded. A wicked smile spread across his face, knowing where this was going. He'd seen it once before when something similar had happened.
After Y/N had put in her table's order, she grabbed the full water pitcher and headed over to the unsuspecting offender's table. Just as she started to refill his glass, the other server hurried past and "accidentally" bumped into Y/N, causing her to spill the entire pitcher of ice water onto the guy's lap.
This usually led to lots of loud but generally harmless yelling by the drenched customer, while Y/N pretended to be profusely sorry. Except, it didn't happen that way today. The muggle teen jumped up, hand raised to slap her. "You stupid b--." He get didn't to finish the sentence. Something brushed past Y/N, and the next thing she knew, Fred had him pinned against the wall, his left arm pressing into the guy's throat.
"Lay a finger on her, and I will end your life, and I mean that very seriously." Fred growled.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock as she stepped toward her boyfriend. They widened even more when she realized the teen was not, in fact, taller than Fred, but that the older twin had literally lifted him up off the floor.
"Fred, baby..." Y/N cooed as she placed a gentle hand on his arm. "Let him down, please.
Fred didn't budge, his eyes unblinking as he watched the other guy's gaze flicker over to his friends, who stood frozen in place, trembling and pale‐faced.
"They're not coming to save you," Fred chuckled and then leaned in closer. "Now I'm going to let go of you and you're going to apologize to these two lovely ladies for being a disgusting leacherous asshole, and then you and your little friends are going to get the hell out of here and never come back. Do you understand?"
The terrified teen nodded his head as best he could, with Fred's arm still pressing into his throat.
Fred stared at him for a few long moments. And then, without so much as a warning, he stepped back and let go all at once, smirking as the guy crumpled to the floor. Y/N almost felt sorry for the poor lad as he stood wavering and stumbling over his words, trying to apologize before running out the door, his two lackeys following close behind.
Fred's eyes tracked them until they were out of sight, and then he turned back to Y/N, looking her over for any injuries. "You okay, love?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't hurt me."
Her boyfriend exhaled a long breath and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. "Good. I would've hated to have killed someone today." He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her head. "It would've really put a damper on our date night."
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g1rld1ary · 2 months
hi baby !! 🧡
im sick rn and ive looked alllllll over and i couldnt find anything could you write a sickfic for luke from jatp where the female!reader gets sick ? reader is his girl 😽
im doing the same prompt on my blog because im so obsessed with the idea of sickfics and im such a luke girl
so you probably wont have much trouble figuring out who sent you this later if you look it up LMFAO 😍😍
pshsshssh thank you !! 🌼🌼
sick days ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you're not feeling well, but luke is here to look after you
➻ word count: 1905
➻ content: established relationship, implied aged up to early 20ish, pet names (love, baby, my girl), tooth rotting fluff
➻ obsessed with this request!!! i've never written a sickfic before so hope this is ok!! hope ur feeling better lovey xxxx
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Your body ached. That was the only thing you could feel. Actually, that was incorrect; you also had a headache and a snotty nose and you were pretty sure your temperature could boil water. In essence, you felt awful. You’d toughed it out for as long as you could, making yourself a steaming hot tea and cozying into the sofa for the night. It wasn’t making you feel any better. So, in a last ditch effort of saving your night, you dialled your boyfriend.
You smiled as his croaky, half-asleep voice came through your phone, murmuring your name.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked, brows furrowed as you checked the time, gasping when it read 1:45am. You thought it was still closer to eleven.
“Don’t worry about it, couldn’t sleep anyway,” Luke lied and you frowned, though he couldn’t see it through the screen.
“No, it’s dumb. I’m sorry I woke you up. Night, Luke.” You moved to hang up when Luke interrupted you.
“Baby, wait! Clearly something’s bothering you. What’s up?” You smiled despite your discomfort, your boyfriend always boosting your mood without even trying.
“Nothing,” You pouted in your puddle of blankets, “Just feel sick.” You could feel Luke’s pity without him saying anything and weren’t sure whether to be indignant or grateful.
“Can you stay awake for twenty more minutes, love?”
“I guess so, why?” You asked, turning the TV back on as something to keep you from sleeping.
“I love you,” Was all he said, hanging up on you abruptly. You smiled softly to yourself, willing your eyes to stay open as you tried to focus on the sitcom in front of you.
You were just dozing off when you heard your apartment door unlocking and the brief shuffling of feet in the entryway. Your grin brightened, the familiar butterflies returning to your chest, even after months of being with Luke. The man in questioned approached you quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you looked up at him.
“Luke, it’s 2 am, what are you doing here?” You asked despite the obvious answer, opening your shield of blankets for him to crawl onto the sofa with you. He made you wait, tipping out his reusable shopping bag onto the coffee table in front of you. There lay a pint of ice cream, tea bags, painkillers, and your favourite chocolate. Suddenly you weren’t sure if the heat on your face was fever or blush. Silently you held your arms out, and Luke dove into them with all the enthusiasm of a child, peppering your faces with all the kisses he could manage.
“Couldn’t let my girl be sick on her own,” He mumbled, nuzzling himself into the crook of your neck, eliciting a bout of giggles from you.
“My very own Prince Charming,” You grinned, pecking his temple. After a gratuitous moment of cuddling Luke peeled himself off you, taking on the role of concerned caretaker. He was quick to dart into the kitchen, turning the kettle on for your tea and grabbing a spoon for the ice cream he’d bought. Sitting himself in the vacant spot next to you he fixed his focus onto the TV.
“What are we watching?” He asked, pulling the lid off the ice cream tub for you.
“How I Met Your Mother, I’ve just reached season seven.” Luke gasped dramatically, holding his hands over his chest in faux outrage.
“You continued without me? How could you?” You laughed at his accusatory tone, shrugging your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Lukey. You have to forgive me though, I’m sick,” You punctuated the statement with a pathetic cough, smiling as Luke easily settled down.
You watched in silence for a bit, both giggling at the stupid jokes. After a while you felt Luke looking at you seriously, but chose not to think much of it, continuing to tune in to the show. When he pulled out a thermometer, you raised an eyebrow. Luke wasn’t usually one to be so prepared, but you let him rest it on your tongue nonetheless. When it read a concerningly high number Luke frowned, silently popping the painkillers out of their packaging, feeding you with the insistence of a fed up mother hen.
“Why aren’t you a nurse?” You joked, swallowing the medication with a mouthful of melted ice cream, “Rockstar be damned.”
“Only for you, love.”
“That’s not true, I’ve seen you fretting over Reggie,” You laughed, and Luke couldn’t help but join you.
“That’s fair. You’re my favourite, though.”
“How unexpected.” You craned your neck to press a kiss to his jaw, revelling in the dumb grin that crept onto his face.
You both settled into silence, you leant into Luke’s side, his hands rubbing soft circles into your thigh. You could feel yourself drifting in and out of sleep, never quite able to stay in it for one reason or another. The blanket was too hot, you were cold without it, your head hurt. Nothing was quite right and all you wanted to do was sleep for as long as humanly possible.
“Luke?” You whispered, in case he was already asleep.
“Yes, love?” He replied, shifting his position to look down at you. You faltered for a moment, overwhelmed with the pure adoration in his eyes.
“Will you play for me?” Luke was up in a second, arranging you on the sofa. You giggled as he manhandled you, lying you down and wrapping you tightly in your blanket so you couldn’t escape. You teased him about being his captive audience as he tuned his guitar quickly, never being so grateful for his perfect pitch.
Without anymore holdups Luke began to play, plucking softly at the strings to create a melody that filled the air of your little apartment. His playing was like a siren call, pressing weights on your eyelids until you could barely stand to keep them open. You watched him while you could, admiring the way the faint light from the kitchen lamp made him look like an Adonis, his hair illuminated in gold and his features accentuated by the shadows. You couldn’t believe he was your boyfriend. Luke Patterson, heartthrob of Julie and the Phantoms was your dorky, adoring boyfriend who would make supermarket trips in the middle of the night for you. Who had your favourite ice cream memorised and your key attached to his, so he could come see you whenever he missed you (which was pretty much always).
Despite the various aches and pains that had overtaken your body, the only thing you could feel as you drifted off to sleep was the burning ball of light in your chest, a chemical mixture of joy and love and gratitude, overtaking your senses one by one until you were asleep, dreams filled of beautiful images of your boyfriend.
When you woke up the next morning, you figured out it wasn’t morning at all. Luke had evidently switched off your phone’s alarm after you’d fallen asleep, and it was well into early afternoon when you’d arisen. To his credit though, the sleep had done you some good, and you felt much less like walking death after an intense sleep.
You untangled yourself from the knit blanket, your feet wobbly on the hard wood floors. You had serious post-nap daze, and wandered through your flat looking for your boyfriend. The poorly made sheets on your actual bed told you where Luke slept last night — or this morning, more accurately — you smiled at the way he’d arranged your stuffed animals.
Stuck to the fridge under your New York City magnet was a note from Luke, explaining he had to go to rehearsal but he’d be back later to check on you. You pulled the paper off, travelling back to your room to put the note in your ‘Luke’ box, adding to the collection of notes and drawings he’d given you inconsequentially that you’d held onto.
As the afternoon ticked by you’d gotten onto your computer, figuring that although you were still ill you should try and get something productive done. You were armed with your box of tissues as you got started on an assignment you had due at the end of the week, and slipped your headphones on to get into the headspace.
You screamed as a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, quickly dissolving into giggles as you realised it was only Luke, back from rehearsal.
“Your voice still sounds scratchy, baby, how are you feeling?” He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Better, promise. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to class if I get another good night’s sleep.”
“That’s my girl.” He grinned, and you felt your insides melting all over again. You closed the laptop, knowing you weren’t going to get much more done now that Luke was with you.
You spent the evening together, ordering in pizza from the place around the corner and getting slightly wine drunk as Luke told you all about his earlier rehearsal and the antics of his band. He sang you part of the new song he and Julie had written and you applauded dramatically, only stopping when you broke into a coughing fit.
“Wanna watch something?” He asked when you grew tired again, cuddling up to him like a cat.
“Barbie?” You asked hopefully, looking up at him with wide eyes. Luke sighed dramatically, but you knew he was just pretending not to like the animated movies you’d grown up on.
“Only if it’s Island Princess,” He offered and you nodded enthusiastically.
The two of you settled in for the movie night, Luke getting much more into the movie as it went on, as he always did. By the end you were singing duets — your voice considerably less pleasing than his, especially due to your illness — Luke taking on the role of the prince letting you be Ro.
As the credits rolled you felt your eyes closing again, and you felt eerily like you did as a younger girl, falling asleep on the couch after a Barbie movie. This was better though, because now you had Luke next to you. He’d taken his role as big spoon extremely seriously, and had all but become one with the couch, pressing into the back as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You shifted your position to face him, watching his face relax into contentedness as he tried to doze off to sleep. Feeling you watch him he cracked one eye open, mouth producing a dumb grin that made butterflies erupt in your chest.
“What?” He asked, but you got the distinct impression he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Nothing,” You lied, but gave in easily, “You’re pretty.”
“You’re pretty too. Now go to sleep.” You nodded, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Kay, goodnight Lukey. I love you.”
“Love you too, my girl. So much.” His answer was muffled by him pressing his face into your hair to pull you closer, but you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even as sleep enveloped you.
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zzzzombieboy · 1 year
Hellooo it’s me 😋😋 here’s the Resident Evil 4, Leon S. Kennedy x male reader request. Reader and Leon always had that little competition between them, always trying to be better than the other which lead to them not liking each other. They got sent to various missions together but always ended up fighting with each other on how to do things instead of focusing on the mission. It just didn’t work between them. Additionally, Reader is sarcastic and acts a bit like an a-hole sometimes, flirts with Leon in a joking way and Leon just can't stand that.
After Leon was sent to save Ashley Reader is sent to back up Leon (and Leon didn’t know that so he is kinda mad that they thought it would be a good idea to choose Reader for it) on his mission and after a long and annoying search, he ends up finding Leon in the village. At first, he thought Leon was some sort of villager and attacks him. He pins him to the ground but then realized who he is and reluctantly apologizes which just makes the situation worse between them.
When they find Ashley and then lose her later Leon gets injured badly because he just rushed in without thinking to save Ashley. But he couldn’t and they ended up fighting when the coast cleared. In reality, the reader isn’t mad about the fact that they lost Ashley again. He is mad that Leon got hurt in the process and Leon noticed that the reader was worried about him. That could lead to an angry make-out session. Enemies to lovers type thing
And I really love your writing, gonna request alooooot more in the future 🥰🥰
oh thank u! i will try my hardest to make it as good as the last post
i also love writing ur prompts (long ones) it’s so very fun i love it
Leon Kennedy x M!Reader
Leon was tired. Hours and hours of running around this odd town had taken its toll, leaving him utterly exhausted. The cool air around him gave him goosebumps, his jacket being stolen a few hours earlier. He was left in a compression shirt, not exactly the best when it came to keeping warmth.
Walking back into the village, he was relieved to hear no ambient murmurs or shouts. He had finally gotten himself some quiet, the one thing he had been searching for this whole time. Along with the presidents daughter, of course. His feet crunched against the leaves below him as he walked toward a house he had searched through a bit ago. He leaned against it, his body facing the forest beyond the piled rocks and the fence blocking it off.
He took in a deep breath, his head pressing against the ply wood behind him. He shoved both of his hands into his pockets and let his eyes close. Finally, some peace.
That was, until he heard a crack of a twig. His eyes snapped open as he held his hand over his gun’s holster. He wondered why he hadn’t seen this villager before, or heard them for that manner. He slowly moved himself to the side of the house and peered over the corner to get a good look at them.
It was a man in a puffed coat, seemingly looking for someone. He held what looked like a military issued pistol in his hand, hood over his head as he walked through the village slowly. Leon wasn’t in the mood to have to fight another one of these insanely strong villagers, especially concerning one with a gun. He was going to be swift and clean.
Leon began his stalk, making sure to stay close to a building and lay low. He pulled his gun from his holster and continued to step closer to the stranger. The closer he got, he noticed details about the man, specific scars and markings on his hands, the way his coat fell. Leon recognized something about him, but just couldn’t figure it out.
Just as he was close enough to see the side of his face, he had stepped on a pile of leaves. A feeling of dread washed over him as the man made a swift turn around. His leg swept across, tripping Leon and having him fall flat on his face. His gun fell out of his hand but still was in reach, until the man kicked it away.
The man planted one foot down onto Leon’s upper back, setting his entire weight on the blonde before grabbing onto both of Leon’s hands and pinning them behind him. The man belt his wrists between his fingers, keeping an extremely tight grip on them as he pressed his gun against the back of Leon’s head. “Speak or I shoot.” the man commanded. His voice was raspy, dark. Leon recognized it immediately.
It was no other than Y/N L/N. He had been at odds with Y/N for the entire time they had worked together. Their constant bickering and fights drove everyone around them crazy, Y/N usually being the one to start it. Y/N was combative, but always for a reason. He was smart and agile, and spent a lot of his time training, and could very easily pick out bad plans. He always picked out Leon’s first.
Leon figured that announcing who he was would kill him regardless, but there had to be a reason that Y/N was here. “It’s Leon.” he grunted, trying his best to wiggle out of Y/N’s grasp, but to no avail. He had a grip that nobody could rival.
Y/N paused for a second, slowly pulling his gun away from the head of the man he had pinned. He let out a soft chuckle, putting the weapon in his holster. With his now free hand, he brought it up to the chip in his ear. “Hunnigan, I found Condor One.” he spoke, somewhat loosening his hold but keeping Leon down. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll take care of it. Alright. Bye.” he hung up, his attention turning back to Leon.
He leaned his head downwards, almost against Leon’s ear. “Kennedy, why on earth did you think it was a good idea to sneak up on me?” asked Y/N with a slight smirk spreading across his face. Leon rolled his eyes.
“Better question,” he started, a bit of dirt getting into his mouth. He spit it out with a sour face. “Why the hell are you here?” he asked, getting a small glimpse of the cocky expression spread across Y/N’s face.
Y/N leaned his head back, letting out another laugh. “Because your ditzy ass can’t do your job.” he replied, his words laced with venom as he finally let go of Leon’s hands. He still kept him to the ground with his foot, however. “I always tell them not to trust the blonde bimbo’s, but they never listen, so I always end up getting sent to clean up your damn messes.”
Leon frowned, finally feeling the boot being lifted from his back. “I could’ve finished this by myself.” he grunted, pushing himself up off the ground, reaching for his gun that had been kicked away from him. Y/N rolled his eyes as he watched Leon stumble a little bit.
“It’s been 12 hours and you haven’t even got Ashley. It seems like all you’ve done is level an entire village.” Y/N raised a brow, resting a hand on his hip. Leon threw his head back around, finally finding something that he could be right about. “No, I found Ashley.” he disagreed. Y/N flickered his eyes from left to right before turning his head behind him.
“Okay,” he started. “Where is she then?”
Leon froze up, feeling his throat tense up. He considered lying to lighten the weight, but he figured that it wouldn’t do them any good. “I…” he started, squeezing his eyes shut. “I lost her.”
Y/N’s mouth went ajar as he stared at the back of Leon’s head. “You lost Ashley?” he raised his voice, stepping closer to Leon with his head leaned forward. “Are you fucking kidding me? You lost the goddamn presidents daughter?! Is doing nothing and looking pretty all you know how to do?” he hounded Leon, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. “I swear to god, I could’ve had this job done in an hour and a half. Why on earth do they assign you such insanely important jobs?” he asked nobody, pacing back and forth. Leon clenched his jaw, turning to face Y/N.
“Can you just shut up, man? You yelling at me won’t get us anywhere.” barked Leon, prompting Y/N to slow down. Y/N opened his mouth to respond, but instead he just looked Leon up and down. He stayed silent, giving a small head shake before taking in a deep breath.
“Okay, fine, whatever.” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose before letting his arm fall back to his side. “Where was Ashley when you last saw her?” asked Y/N, looking back to Leon’s face. Leon took in a small breath, happy that Y/N had stopped his rant.
He looked towards the gate, pointing towards the path leading out of it. “Down this road, there’s a large castle that she got carried to.” he uttered. Y/N nodded, starting his walk, not caring to see if Leon was following behind him. In all honesty, Y/N saw it as an insult that he was labeled as backup for this mission. He fully believed that he should’ve been the main agent on this case to begin with, and it was the biggest slap in the face that the most incompetent agent in his eyes was chosen over him. He wanted to get it over with.
Leon followed behind Y/N and remained silent, making sure to check every inch of the land they were walking on for loose bear traps he hadn’t set off yet, or people hiding above them that could ambush them. He saw nothing, so they continued their walk.
The walk was completely silent, the only sounds coming from either of the men being slight sniffles or clearing their throats. It had been a good half an hour before they reached the gothic style building Leon spoke of.
At the front, there was a large door with the insignia that had been coating the village. The two approached the building, Y/N taking a pause by the side, expecting Leon to follow suit. Y/N had always been a planner, making extensive backups and routes before ever going into a dangerous situation. Leon was much different, instead storming into a situation without much thought and figuring it out along the way.
In a rush, Leon kicked open the castle’s doors and ran in, his hands tight around his gun. There were many cult members, all wielding weapons. Y/N let out a small yell, frustrated on how impulsive his co-worker was. He just had to go with the flow now, thank god he was good with adapting. Y/N ran in, making sure that nobody could see him. Leon was trying to fight them all off at the same time, and Y/N was going to leave him to that while he tried to find Ashley.
Y/N booked it through the main hall, checking every nook and cranny, running up staircases before he found a dusty door with a small hand print on the side of it. His instincts told him that he should open it, and his instincts were correct. Sitting on top of a barrel, Ashley Graham was restrained, chained to the wall with a rope tied into her mouth.
Her eyes seemed to light up in fear as she let out muffled screams. Y/N shook his head, shutting the door behind him. “No, hey, easy lady. It’s alright.” Y/N started, putting both his hands up to try and ease her. “I’m with Leon. I’m gonna get you outta here, alright?” Ashley slowly stopped her movements, nodding slowly as Y/N continued to approach her.
“Sorry it took us so long,” started Y/N, pulling his knife out of the strap against his chest. “Leon isn’t good with time management.” he muttered, grabbing onto the rope tied to Ashley’s head, cutting through it with ease. He pulled the rope out of her mouth, letting her take in a deep breath. “Leon, where is Leon?” she asked, his chest heaving up and down.
Y/N looked to the door behind him. “Fighting off those cult guys.” he replied, now looking around for a bolt cutter. Luckily he found one, hidden behind a shelf in the far corner. He picked it up and stepped back to Ashley. Ashley gave a small nod, watching as Y/N cut the chains tied around her waist.
“Thank you.” Ashley hummed. Y/N nodded in return as a small ‘you’re welcome’ before creaking the door open. He peeked his head out, hoping to see a pile of dead bodies, but was left not-so-shocked to see that all the men in cloaks had been kicking Leon’s ass. He let out a small angry grunt before ducking his head back in.
He handed Ashley the knife he used to cut her free. “You’re the presidents daughter, you know self defense, right?” he asked, his voice slightly cracking. To say he was nervous was embarrassing, but he couldn’t help it. This was very risky. Ashley nodded, thank god. “Okay, good. You are gonna go out there, get out of this castle, and run as fast as you can, got it? We will find you, just make sure if anyone tries to grab onto you, stab them and run.” he ordered her, staring deep into her eyes. She nodded hesitantly. She trusted that he knew what he was doing, and followed his instructions.
Y/N opened the door again, watching as Ashley ran past him, down the staircase. Thankfully all of the cultists had their eyes set on destroying Leon, so nobody noticed their captive escaping. She ran through the hall and pushed open the doors, leaving nothing but a trail of dust. Y/N felt a relief seeing that Ashley made it out of there unnoticed, but he now had to save Leon’s ass again.
He made his way down the stairs and pulled his shotgun off his back. The heavy steps were nothing compared to the yells of the men trying to kill Leon, so he also went unnoticed. Without a second to spare, he started shooting, knocking off the men closest to Leon and taking care of the others afterwards. Once all of them had gone down, he took in a heavy breath.
Leon stood there, his body exhausted. He now had puncture wounds in his arms and bruises on his waist, and the classic bloody nose. He stared at Y/N, who leaned his head back in a brief moment of satisfaction. The second his head moved back down, Leon felt a chill run down his spine.
Y/N’s eyes landing on his was a feeling of dread that remained unmatched. The rage in his gaze was clear to anyone who saw it, a scowl forming across his face as Y/N stormed toward Leon. “Sit down.” Y/N barked, setting his shot gun back on his carrier, starting to dig through his jacket while approaching Leon. Leon did as he was told, as he didn’t want to anger Y/N any more. Y/N finally pulled out a med kit and an herb mixture he had stored for emergencies.
“What the fuck were you thinking, Leon?” he asked, kneeling down beside him. “I can deal with the bratty shit, and the whole ‘I’m a loner I can do it myself’ thing or whatever, but this? You could’ve died.” he mumbled, his voice getting quiet. Leon could sense the vulnerability, his head tilting to the right as he stared back up at Y/N.
The tone that Y/N was speaking in was something he hadn’t heard before. Whenever they went on missions together, Y/N always spoke to him like he was a burden. But now, he heard something so insanely rare in his voice. It was sympathy. Y/N worried about Leon. Y/N tried his hardest not to let it on, but this was the closest Leon had ever been to actually dying.
He felt Y/N pull up one of his sleeves, holding a roll of bandages between his teeth while he used his hands to put pressure on Leon’s wounds. “I can patch myself up.” he muttered, slightly pulling his arm away. Y/N flashed him a glare while taking in a long breath.
“For the love of god.” he uttered, pulling the bandages away from his mouth. “Just let me do this for you.” he pulled Leon’s arm back to the place it was and began to unwind the bandages. Leon stopped trying to counter Y/N, instead just sitting silently, watching Y/N wrap the bandages around his arm.
Y/N and Leon were never really close by each other. The only times they were touching is when they were sparring during training, which neither of them enjoyed very much. This was the first time neither of them were trying to beat the shit out of each other in this close of proximity, and it gave Leon a new view. Y/N finished up Leon’s arm and moved his focus to the injuries that really mattered.
Y/N lifted up Leon’s shirt, revealing the many wounds inflicted by the cultists with their various weapons. None of them were very deep, but the last thing Y/N needed was for his partner to get a bunch of infections. He pulled out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the med kit, making sure he didn’t have too much dirt on his hands.
The sudden cool brush of wind up against Leon’s abdomen made him squirm a little. He took in a harsh breath through his clenched teeth, tensing up his muscles. Y/N grabbed some cotton balls and dunked them into the bottle. “Stop wining. You’re being dramatic.” he uttered.
Leon glared at him. “Oh yeah? Do you wanna try being impaled?” he asked, his eyebrow raised. Y/N rolled his eyes, cleaning the blood off of Leon’s skin.
“You weren’t impaled, you were poked.” he hissed, watching as Leon began to writhe around again from the stoning caused by the peroxide. “Stay still and be quiet.” he spoke, trying his best to pin Leon down.
Leon grunted. “Make me.” he grunted. Y/N looked back up at Leon’s face, the irritation he felt before coming back. He wanted to shut Leon up with everything he had. He wanted to make sure he stayed quiet for the rest of the time he knew him. He never wanted to hear another bratty ass word out of his mouth again. Y/N clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath in a he looked back up into Leon’s eyes. He needed him to be quiet.
In a sudden rush of emotions, Y/N found himself pulling a move he had long suppressed, but his impulse got the better of him. He jutted his head forward and pressed his lips against Leon’s, earning a stifled yelp from the blonde. The sudden contact sent a shock down both of their spines, but Y/N was pleasantly surprised when Leon reciprocated the kiss. The pain Leon felt had slowly slipped away as all he could focus on now was the feeling of Y/N.
Their lips moving against one another brought up feelings that neither of them really knew they had. Leon could feel his face heating up as he brought up a hand, planting it on the back of Y/N’s head in order to get closer. Y/N couldn’t help but feel weak in this moment, his knees starting to wobble as he melted into the moment. He was still a little angry, yes, but that made it so much better.
Leon could feel his heart beating faster than ever as he felt Y/N’s hand press up against his chest. He slowly pushed Leon down to the ground, continuing the kiss while hovering over him. As much as Leon hated to admit, he didn’t mind being pinned by Y/N all that much. If anything, he enjoyed it. The warmth on Leon’s face ended up spreading to the rest of his body, feeling a fuzz begin to form in his stomach. His breaths were erratic and heavy, waiting for Y/N to make another move.
Y/N also felt a buzz, but it remained in his head. He felt like he couldn’t think straight with this happening, all he could focus on was the feeling he had. He didn’t like the feeling of his guard being down, so against his own wishes, he pulled away from Leon.
Both his legs were on the sides of Leon’s waist, practically forcing him to remain on the ground as Y/N pulled away. He leaned himself upwards, biting down on his lips before wiping his hand across them. He didn’t know what to do with himself, and he couldn’t bare to look at Leon.
Leon stared up at him, swallowing slightly before lifting his arms, leaning back on his elbows. Y/N took in a heavy breath before standing up, backing away from Leon. He didn’t know what he was feeling. He didn’t feel ashamed, or embarrassed. He just felt like a hypocrite. For the first time, he uttered a word that he wouldn’t have said to Leon in a million years. “Sorry.” he blurted.
Leon widened his mouth slightly, trying to analyze what Y/N was feeling. All he knew is that he really liked what they had been doing. He shook his head ever-so-slightly. “It’s okay. I asked for it.” he gave Y/N the smallest smile, trying to assure him.
Y/N looked at him for a brief moment, a sly smile of his own spreading across his face as he kneeled back down, grabbing onto the medical equipment now tipped over on the floor. “I’m glad we agree that this is your fault.” He uttered.
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
a cute prompt [i hope] reader's been teaching at abbott for over a year now, usually commute or in rare occasions, drive in her car, but now, goes to the school riding bicycle saying it reduces carbon footprint, saves her from expenses and as an exercise. But she just really love bikes, Jacob joined with this, next day he arrived at school riding a bike, then Janine and Gregory. Barb, tho was always dropped off by Ger with their car, rode it the bike during break for fun. Abbott staff decided to have a biking get together next weekend, Melissa initially declined but later on agreed because of Jacob's teasing that she's a schemmenti and doesn't know how to ride a bike [unfortunately, it's true] also, she secretly enjoy seeing you biking. They meet up in the park, with their bikes and decided it's time to go around the area. Melissa, embarrassed, said maybe she wouldn't go that far and maybe wait for them. So the crew didn't argue and left, r stayed. When the staff is out of the earshot and sight of the she beamed and said she'll teach Mel how to ride a bike. Melissa, being flustered and a stuttering mess still acted offensive about the *assumption* of her not knowing how to ride. R gave her a look and agreed to teach her. This is long, but I don't know. I feel like I'm always rambling lololol
Anon, ramble all you want. I don’t mind detailed prompts. And honestly when my ADHD meds wear off, I’m like Spotify, where I do the whole playlist and then recommended. Like I literally don’t shut up lol. Tbh they wore off 3 hours ago lol. So I went a little off just a bit, I didn’t make Melissa flustered until she was being taught instead of flustered before. And it was cute, it really was! Anyway, a little smut at the end but it’s really cute and funny. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m accepting Melissa Schemmenti, Chessy and Marilyn Thornhill prompts. So send them! I do currently have 9 that I still need to do but I’ll get to all of them!
Side note: for the gif I was literally watching her eat a tomato for 5 minutes…ok I’ll shut up now.
Teaching You
Warnings: 😏, fluff, sweet praise(non sexual praise), small injury part for Mel
Words: 4.3k
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It’s spring time and the weather is finally warm enough for you to bike to work again. You get your helmet on, sling your backpack on and put your coffee mug in the water bottle holder. You unlock your bike from the lock wrapped around your bike and the bike rack in your apartment building and bring your bike outside. You kick up the kickstand and get on your bike, you check your helmet one more time and the little bell on your bike, then you take off.
You have a smile on your face as you’re happily biking to work on the busy Philly streets. You’ve always loved biking, your family are all big on biking and so are you, just something about it that you enjoy. You stop at a red light about a block away from the school and Melissa ends up pulling up to the light as well. You both end up seeing each other and you wave at her with a big smile then the light turns green. Melissa drives off with a smile and a shake of her head.
Once you pull up, you see Melissa parked and leaning on the brick wall of the school next to the bike rack. You pull up near the rack on your bike and get off and lock your bike.
“Hey hon.” She tells you with a smile and you look up at her after locking your bike.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her and then the trio is walking up to the school.
“Y/n did you ride a bike to school?” Jacob asks and you nod. You don’t really want to tell them how much you enjoy riding a bike, afraid they’ll make fun of you. This is your second year at Abbott but no one has seen you ride a bike before.
“Ya I did, it’s great exercise and helps saves the planet a bit.” You tell them and they all smile.
“Great idea.” Jacob tells you and you all walk in together. You and Melissa walk together with the trio trailing along behind you two.
Melissa tells you a joke and you laugh and playfully shove her gently with your shoulder and she does it back to you. The trio behind you smiling at the scene in front of them. You all enter the break and see Barb there on her phone, with Mr Johnson mopping the floor across the room.
“You guys all got here at the same time?” Barb asks all of you.
“More or less.” Melissa says.
“Y/n rode here on a bike this morning.” Janine says and Barb looks at you and smiles.
“Did you, dear?” She says and you nod. “How lovely.” She tells you and you smile.
After school you lock up your classroom, holding your helmet and start to walk out. Melissa ends up locking her classroom when you walk by and she joins you.
“Hey hon.” She tells you as she’s putting her phone in her purse and walking beside you.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her casually.
“So any plans for the weekend?” She asks you and mentally facepalms. It’s Monday, the weekend just happened.
“I don’t know, maybe some plans will come up but at the moment I’m free. You?” You ask her and she’s thankful you didn’t question why she asked you about weekend plans on a Monday.
“Nah, nothing yet.” She says to you and you end up at the bike rack. You put your helmet on and unlock your bike and put the lock in your bag.
“I can’t believe we didn’t know you rode a bike to school and it’s been over a year and a half.” She tells you and you look up at her and smile.
“Well I don’t do it in the winter, you guys just never saw me bike and I don’t really talk about it since it’s normal for me.” You tell her and kick up the kickstand and get on.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She asks you and you nod.
“Yep, see ya tomorrow.” You tell her and you pedal off. Melissa watches you bike off and she smiles, she already thinks you’re cute, but seeing you happy on a bike warms her heart. She walks to her car with a smile.
The next day it seemed that Jacob decided to also ride a bike to school and you smile as you see him pull up to the rack as you’re locking yours.
“Hey hon, and Jacob.” Melissa says, confused when seeing Jacob as well.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her. “It seems Jacob also decided to bike to school.” You tell her excitedly.
“Well like you said, good exercise and good for the environment.” Jacob says with a shrug.
You all walk in the school, you and Melissa chatting and joking around. When you walk in the break room, Jacob joins Janine and Gregory and Melissa joins Barb. You on the other hand just drop your lunch off and get a coffee then you start to walk off when Melissa stops you.
“Hey hon, why don’t you ever stay?” She asks you and you look at her and realise that they’re all looking at you.
“Oh um, well I guess because you already have your groups of people to hang out with and I don’t want to intrude on that.” You tell her and they all look at you sadly. “It’s alright, I’ll find my own group of people.” You tell them and then walk out before anyone can say anything. Unknown to you, Melissa looks at where you were standing with a shocked and a bit upset face.
You don’t run into anyone after school as one of the parents was late to pick up their kid, apologies flowing out of their mouth and you wave them off saying it’s alright.
The next day it seemed you started a trend as Janine and Gregory also decided to bike to work.
“It’s so much fun to bike!” Janine says excitedly after getting off her bike. You all lock up your bikes and head into the school. You arrive at the break room and you go to put your lunch in the fridge and make your coffee. You go to walk out but Melissa stops you again.
“Hey hon, come sit down here.” She tells you and points to the empty chair at their table. You look at her a bit shocked. Your crush just invited you to sit with her and you blush. You then mentally facepalm as you realise you sound like a high school girl with a crush. You do end up sitting down with her and Barb and you have a nice morning.
At lunch, Barb asks if she can try out one of the bikes for fun. To which you accept and she has a lot of fun biking around the parking lot. All of you are sitting outside having lunch watching Barb bike around.
“Maybe we should get together this weekend and do a little bike ride together.” Janine suggests and you look surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods.
“I’m down.” Jacob says immediately.
“Ya me too.” Gregory says.
“Ya I would love too.” You tell them.
“I wouldn’t mind joining as well.” Barb says and then you all turn to Melissa who’s sitting beside you.
“What?” She asks.
“Do you want to join us on a bike ride together this weekend?” Janine says to her.
“Nah I’m good.” She tells you all.
“Why not?” Jacob asks and she shrugs.
“Cause I don’t wanna.” She tells him.
“Is it because you’re such a tough Schemmenti and you don’t know how?” Jacob says a bit to tease her playfully and doesn’t know that he’s actually right.
“I know how to ride a bike!” She tells him defensively.
“Ok then prove it. Join us this weekend.” He challenges her.
“Fine, what’s the time and place?” She asks and you all settle on Saturday at noon at the park since there’s a lot of bike paths there. You give her a bit of a weird look as she was pretty defensive but you don’t ask her about it.
Melissa keeps watching you bike away after school with a smile on her face.
Saturday at noon, you all show up with your bikes at the park. Melissa is the last to show up.
“Hey hon.” She tells you once she sees you and you turn around to face her with a smile.
“Hey Mel!” You tell her and beam.
“Alright so we should decide on a path and the distance.” Barb says and you all nod and settle on one after a few minutes.
Mel looks a bit worried when you turn to look at her. “You ok?” You ask her and she looks at you, everyone looks over at Melissa as well.
“Ya I’m fine, just I probably shouldn’t go that far. Don’t want to sprain something and then can’t walk for a few days.” She tells them all. “I think I’ll sit this one out.” She tells them and when they go to question her, she gives a glare and they all shut up.
They decide to just bike off without Melissa, except you. You hang back and Melissa looks at you with a quirked eyebrow. You look and see that everyone is just about out of sight and you look back towards Melissa.
“Shouldn’t you be biking alongside them?” She asks while still holding on to the bike.
“Maybe, but I’d rather stay here and help you learn how to ride it.” You tell her with a friendly smile. She looks at you confused.
“I already told all of youse that I know how to ride a bike, I just don’t wanna.” She says defensively again.
“Ok then prove it, use the kickstand.” You tell her and she looks at you confused.
“Kickstand?” She asks and you look at her with a knowing glance and you nod. Melissa looks at her bike, searching for what you could possibly mean.
“Mel…” you tell her and she looks at you as you get off your bike and you kick out the kickstand and let go of your bike. Melissa sees what you do and does the same thing then looks at you with a proud smile. It falls when she sees your face, you’re looking at her a bit sad.
“Did no one teach you how to ride a bike?” You ask her and she looks down at the ground, embarrassed.
“No, they didn’t.” She admits and you walk over to her.
“It’s ok to admit you know, I’m not going to judge you.” You tell her and she looks up at you. “If you want to learn then I can teach you.” You offer again and this time she smiles and accepts. You lock your bike up nearby and then you go back to Melissa. You show her how to sit on it properly and show her how to be when not in motion. Then you tell her how to ride. “It’s mostly about balance, like skating or balancing on one leg.” You tell her. “There’s a reason that the expression ‘just like riding a bike’ is so commonly used for stuff that you know how to do but it’s been awhile. It’s pretty straightforward.” You tell her and then you get off and tell her to try it.
You held on the bike with part of a handle and the seat the whole time so it wouldn’t fall over. Melissa got on just like you showed her and had one foot on the ground while still on the bike when she won’t be in motion just like you showed her and she looked at you for praise with a smile. You gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up and she beamed.
“Now here comes the tricky part, balancing yourself while pedalling. Now I’ll hold on the bike like I’ve been doing and you’re going to pedal ok?” You tell her and she nods. She then blushes when she realises that your hand keeps accidentally touching her butt and missed when you told her to pedal.
“Sorry what?” She asked when she sees you looking at her weirdly.
“I said you can start pedalling.” You tell her and she looks embarrassed then goes to try and start pedalling. She pedals slowly and crookedly and you manage to keep up with her to keep the bike up. “You’re doing it Mel, you’re biking!” You tell her and she has a huge smile. “Do you want me to let go and try and bike by yourself?” You ask and she widens her eyes.
“Uh no, I’m still trying to focus on pedalling and not balance.” She tells you and you smile.
“It’s alright, it’s at your pace.” You tell her without judgement.
You guys take a short break, mostly so you don’t tire yourself out.
“You’re learning it Mel, I bet by the end of today, you’ll be biking circles around all of us.” You tell her and she blushes and looks at the ground with a smile.
Turns out the first time you let go, she noticed how your hand touched hers on the handle and your other hand touched her butt and she lost focus and fell.
You ran to her and luckily she fell on grass. “You ok Mel?” You asked her and she looked embarrassed and had a pout. “Hey it’s ok. Most people fall the first person they try to pedal on their own.” You tell her. “I did.” You say and she looks at you.
“You did?”
“Ya, and I mastered pedalling by then. They took the training wheels off, I go to pedal, and fell right over.” You say with a laugh and she giggles. You then help her up and she blushes at the fact that you’re touching her. You on the other hand think her pink cheeks are embarrassment from falling. “Want to try again?” You ask her and she thinks, your hands still on her.
“I um, I don’t know.” She says, she can’t think properly with your hands on her.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to continue but I don’t want you to get discouraged because you fell on your first attempt.” You tell her genuinely. She decides to give it another try, and on the fifth attempt she was doing it. You were so proud of her. You ran after her and yelling “MELISSA LOOK YOU’RE DOING IT! OMG I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” You yell as she’s going faster than you’re running. Melissa got flustered that you said you were proud of her and lost focus and fell.
You caught up to her and she fell on the pavement this time and scraped her hands. You kneeled down as soon as you caught up to her and took her hands in yours to inspect them.
“Oh they don’t look too too bad. But I think you should clean it to avoid infections.” You told her and she was looking at you with flushed cheeks. “What?” You asked her and you gently dropped her hands.
“N-nothing.” She said.
“Um ok.” You say confused. “But Melissa you did it! You rode a bike!” You excitedly told her and hugged her and Melissa froze. You pulled away and saw she looked tense. “Oh sorry, I should have asked to hug you. I’m just very proud of you.” You tell her.
“It’s alright, the hug was actually nice. I’m just not used to physical touch.” She says and looks down.
“I’m sorry.” You tell her and she looks up and gives a smile and whispers to you.
“I rode a bike.” She whispers excitedly and you smile.
“Ya you did. How about we go to my place and I can take a look at your hands and clean them. Unless you want to go back to your place and do it.” You said.
“Um, we could, um go back to yours.” She says, stuttering a bit and you nod.
You manage to get both your bikes in her car, somehow. You biked to the park since it’s only 15 minutes of bike riding away from your house. And you get back to your place and bring Melissa to your apartment. You get her to sit on the couch while you get cloths, a bowl of warm water, disinfectant and some bandaids. You bring them all to your coffee table and get her to hold your hands out. Looks like they were bleeding a bit.
You take one of the cloths and dip it in the water and then you wipe the scrapes on her hands. Once the bleeding stopped and the scrapes looked clean, you grabbed the disinfectant. “This might sting a bit.” You tell her and she nods. You put some on a clothe and wiped her hands. She did flinch a bit but other than that she seemed to be alright. You put a couple bandaids on her scrapes, where it was bleeding, and it looked alright. “Alright did you get hurt anywhere else and Melissa looked at you.
“Um nope.” She told you she avoided eye contact.
“Melissa…” You said and gave her a pointed look.
“I’m fine.” She said. You sat up a bit and adjusted your position on the couch so you’re on one knee.
“Melissa, where else does it hurt?” You asked and she crossed her arms and pouted. “Ok, if you’re gonna act like a child then I’ll treat you like one.” You told her and she looked at you and gasped in disbelief. “Either show me where it hurts or I’ll treat you like a child.”
“It’s one of my knees but I can’t roll up my pants to show you.” She tells you and you look at her with a “oh”.
“Well here.” You say and take the blanket on the end of the couch and cover her top part of the legs. You can take your pants off and still keep your modesty.” You tell her and she chuckles, she still takes her pants off and you see blood dripping down her right leg. “We should have made you wear elbow and knee pads.” You tell her and you get on your knees on the floor and get to cleaning her knee. Melissa sees you get on your knees in front of her and some fantasies make their way to her mind and she blushes. You look up and see her flushed face. “You ok?” You ask and she nods.
“Yep.” She says, voice a bit high pitched but you ignore it. You finish up with a bandaid on her knee. Just when she thinks it’s over, it isn’t.
“Oh I almost forgot!” You exclaim and hold your hair where it is, then bend down and give her a kiss on the knee next to where the bandaid is. She felt your lips on her knee and she blushed even more. “A kiss to make it better! Want me to do the same with your hands?” You asked her and she held out her hands. You kissed both of them better and her cheeks have turned from a pink to a red. You look up at her again and see her red cheeks. “Are you sure you’re ok? Are you running a fever?” You ask and feel her forehead with your palm. Oh if only you knew what you do to her. “You feel fine. I hope you’re not embarrassed, cause you don’t have to be.” You tell her and rest your forearms on her legs.
“Ya I’m…fine.” She said and give her a questioning look. “What?” She asked.
“Melissa? Are you hiding something from me?” You ask her and she avoids eye contact. “What are you hiding from me?” You ask her and you get up and bend over to rest your hands on her legs. And Melissa has a perfect view of down your shirt. She really has to focus on where her eyes look right now.” You notice how she stared at you, well more specifically down your shirt and her cheeks got even redder and avoided eye contact even more. You see how she keeps glancing at your hands near her thighs and she doesn’t know what to do. You decide to test a theory and move your hands subtly up her legs, near to that spot in between her legs and her breath hitches and her face feels like it could be on fire. You lean into her more and look at her eyes. “Melissa, something you’re not telling me?” You ask her with a slightly lower pitch voice and she’s breathing deeply right now. Just when you’re about to pull away, she grabs the back of your head and pulls you forward and gives you a kiss.
You’re stunned for a second but then kiss her back and Melissa is stunned. You’re kissing her back? She pulls back and looks at you and you’re smiling at her with soft heart eyes. “Do you like me back?” She asks you and you nod.
“Wait, does that mean you like me?” You ask her and she nods. And before you know it, both of you are surging forward and kissing each other. You end up straddling her lap and she deepens the kiss by slipping her tongue in when you grant access. Her hands roam all over from your chest to your knees. She feels so much of you and yet can’t feel enough of you. She tests the waters and puts her hands under your shirt and feels the skin on the side of your stomach and you don’t stop her. She roams her hands up and you two take a second to breathe before making out again. She continues to move her hands up and feels you smile. So you realise she’s moving her hands up and you’re happy about it. Does that mean she has your approval to unclip your bra? Just as she finishes that thought you unclip your own bra and she smiles. Just as she was about to go and touch your breasts, her phone rings loudly and it startles both of you.
“Hello?” Melissa answers and forgot to see who it was. She’s breathing a bit fast and you can see she’s trying to control it. So of course you decide to be a little shit and dive to her neck. “Oh Barb hi-i” she squeaks the last part out a bit as you decide to suck on her neck.
“Are you ok?” Barb says on the other line.
“Ya I’m fine, why?” Melissa says and tries to get you to stop but ends up holding your hair and letting you continue as it feels good.
“You sound breathless and like something surprised you.” Barb says gently and Melissa can’t think for a second as you removed your shirt and bra at the same time and she just stares. All she can think about is wanting to suck them. You begin grinding her leg and you nod your head to the phone and she suddenly remembered Barb asked her a question.
“Ya I’m fine just ya catching my breath, I ended up biking with y- y/n to her place since it’s like 20 minutes… instead of the-the 2 hour one you wanted to do. We just got back and I’m… catching mmmy breathe.” She stutters throughout the entire sentence as she just feels and sees you grinding her leg and you ended up leaning towards her so your breasts are almost in her face. You were torturing her and she knew it.
“You need to catch your breath after a 20 minute bike ride?” Barb asks and Melissa is really cursing in her head.
You decide to end her torture and grab the phone from her. “Hey Barb it’s y/n.” You say and Melissa decides to grab your breasts with her mouth and you pull the phone away from your mouth enough so that Barb doesn’t hear it.
“Oh hi y/n, is Melissa ok?” Barb asks.
“Mmhhmm.” You say since Melissa is teasing you now. “She’s alright, just she did 20 minutes to my place then 20 minutes back to her ca! Car.” You say as Melissa decides to rub your clit through your underwear and pants. “Ya so she’s fine.” You blurt out and hand the phone back to Melissa.
“Hey Barb, I caught my breath.” And Melissa is still rubbing your clit so you can’t tease her right now. You don’t pay attention to what Barb says and then hear Melissa talk again. “Ok, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Melissa says then hangs up. “You.
Little. Minx.” She says to you and you smile. She rolls her eyes at you then pulls her hand away from your clit and you whine. She sits up with you still on her, your legs wrapped around her waist and her hand grabbing your ass. She brings you to your bed with you sucking her neck and then drops you on the bed.
“Ah.” You say as she actually dropped you on purpose. She crawls on top of you and leans in to your ear.
“You were a great teacher with me for biking. Now let me show you how I pleasure a woman.” She tells you and you shiver and rub your thighs together. She notices how you react and she smirks, she pulls back and looks at you. “And when I teach, I like for the person to tell me how well I’m doing.” She tells you and then takes her shirt and bra off and then makes you breathless all night.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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cheolism · 1 year
frozen cold proposal
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✧ seungcheol x reader
✧ summary: seungcheol is stubborn and decides to try and make soup over the fire. you stumble upon a surprise in his pockets when trying to huddle against him for warmth.
✧ wc is approx 1.5k
✧ notes: cursing, bickering but nothing serious. a little brother is mentioned. a lot of choi seungcheol stubborness. inspired by the new in the soop photos. not edited.
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“Oh my fucking god,” you whispered, shoving your hands between your thighs for warmth. Your hoodie was pushed up and as tightly wound around your face as you could bear, but that did nothing to save your nose from the cold and bitter winter air that nipped at it. 
You were a fool, a giant fool. What sort of person wanted to go camping in winter? Your boyfriend, the one and only Choi Seungcheol, of course! Seungkwan had said he was crazy and you had agreed, but what did that say about you for agreeing to go with?
“This is it,” you monologue, eyes staring into the crackling fire. “This is how my nose goes. It’s going to fucking drop off into our soup.”
Your boyfriend throws you a look over his shoulder. He’s standing next to the fire, dutifully stirring the soup he insisted on trying to make. 
We’re camping, he said when you exclaimed at him bringing out a pot and cans. I saw someone make soup while camping once. It can’t be that hard.
As much as you loved Choi Seungcheol and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, you knew better than to get your hopes up when he said “it can’t be that hard.”
That phrase was reserved for special occasions. It was used on your first date when you had despaired over losing to the claw machine for the third time, which in turn had prompted Seungcheol to spend the next twenty minutes there. It was used when your brother had come back to the house upset, tears leaking from his eyes as he relayed that his remote-control boat had gotten stuck in the middle of the lake. 
It can’t be that hard to get it, Seungcheol had said, your little brother’s cheers amplifying his arrogance. 
Five minutes later the heavens had opened up and began pouring down rain, thunder crackling in the distance. You were begging Seungcheol to return to shore while your brother continued to cheer for him, egging him on, intent on getting his boat back. 
So when Seungcheol said that special little phrase, you knew it was best to just kick back and try to relax. But with the winter wind sharp and smacking against your skin, you found it hard. 
“Cheol we have a perfectly good stove inside the cabin,” you begged, shivering. “We rented the damn place for this very reason! For convenience!” 
“Mingyu said it wasn’t hard.” Seungcheol returned, resting the ladle on the side of the pot. “Do you think the fire isn’t hot enough?”
You sighed, flinging yourself back in your chair. Mingyu. Of course it was Kim Mingyu who gave him this idea. Removing your hands from between your thighs, you shoved them inside your armpits. “Seungcheol. You’re the love of my fucking life and I literally can’t wait to spend the rest of our days together. But I swear to every single fucking god on this earth --”
“You can go inside if you want,” he replied. You watched your boyfriend go to the wood pile, removing a few logs. “But a thousand years ago, this was how all humans made their food, you know? Outside, exposed to the elements.”
You guffawed. “Seungcheol! One thousand years ago it was 1000 A.C. They fucking had houses and inside ovens by then! The cold is fucking getting to your brain, oh my God!”
He sighed, turning to you. Seungcheol placed his hands on his hips, narrowing his brow and pouting out his lips. “If you don’t believe in me just say so.”
“I believe in you,” you said, “but not when it’s fucking thirty degrees outside, not counting the wind chill! And! And! I’m fucking starving! Cheol, please, baby, darling.”
Pushing out his lips, Seungcheol threw you one last look before turning to the fire. He grabbed the ladle again, leaning over the pot. “Just go inside and have a sandwich and some chips then.”
Fuck. And now he was sulking. 
Sighing, you stood from your seat. Dead leaves and grass crinkled underneath your boots as you made your way to him. You pressed yourself against his back, removing your hands from your armpits and fumbling with the hem of his three layers. 
“Wait --”
But then you found the edge and lifted it, hurriedly shoving your hands underneath and against his stomach. Seungcheol shrieked, a loud and pitchy sound, one of his hands slapping at your forearm. “Get! Get out! Your hands are fucking cold!”
“I said I was cold,” you murmured, mashing your face against his jacket. Your boyfriend constantly radiated warmth, and somehow, despite the winter weather, tonight was no exception. “This is your price.”
“My price for wanting to make my lover a homemade meal?” He returned, shortly and with a great amount of audacity. 
You pinched at the little roll of fat on his stomach, ignoring his little yelp. “Quiet. You don’t want the bears to hear you.”
“There’s not even bears here,” Seungcheol murmured, but quieter all the same. 
You closed your eyes as you leaned against him, soaking in his warmth. Sometimes you found how hot he ran unbearable, like during the night when the two of you were under blankets and he decided to press himself against you. More times than not you woke up covered in sweat, wrapped in his embrace. 
But now?
Now you were burrowing closer, hands moving to get a better grip on your boyfriend. 
“Baby,” he began, voice strained. “Stop moving.”
Impish, you kept on running your hands over your boyfriend’s skin. You felt his hips, his stomach. You continued exploring his skin beneath the many layers he wore, ignoring his pleas. 
“If you’re getting horny,” you said, one hand moving to where his pants began, “we can solve that. We’re in the middle of the forest, baby. With no one around.” “Y/n, I’m serious,” he said, dropping the ladle in the soup. Your hands froze against him, Seungcheol turning in your hold. “I know you have a problem listening, but --”
When his eyes met yours, he knew it was up. 
Your eyes were wide, mouth hanging open. If it wasn’t so cold and the flies weren’t all hibernating, you’d be swallowing them. 
“Baby?” He tried, voice pitched and on the verge of panic. 
“You --” You pressed closer again, and this time Seungcheol didn’t stop you. You shoved your hand into his pocket, immediately coming upon what had stopped you in your tracks. 
Withdrawing it from his pocket, you cradled the box in your hands. “Cheol?”
Sighing, as if his lover had just discovered a ring box in his pockets when he had intended on setting up a romantic scene to propose to them in, Seungcheol tilted his head back and peered up at the night sky. 
For the moment the two of you were quiet. You could hear the wind whistling, the crackle of the fire. 
“Well?” Seungcheol finally said, his hand in his hair and dislodging his hoodie as he looked down at you. “Aren’t you going to open it?”
Gulping, and with half-frozen fingers, you pried open the box. A beautiful ring stared back at you, silver and brilliant, perfect, beautiful. You could barely see what the ring truly looked like, could barely see all the details Seungcheol would’ve been hellbent on including, but you knew it was gorgeous. You knew it. It was a promise from Choi Seungcheol; a promise for forever. A promise to love and care and be there for you for the rest of your lives, and how could it be anything but perfect and gorgeous?
Then Seungcheol was gently pulling the box away from you. You watched, still awe-struck, as your boyfriend sunk down to one knee. 
The firelight illuminated his profile, casting shadows on his noble face. His grey hoodie was lopsided on his head, revealing his thick dark curls. His nose was red from where the cold had bitten at it, and his lips were horribly chapped. 
But what could be more beautiful than that?
Softly, and with gentle eyes and shyly grinning lips, Seungcheol said your name. Nothing could sound as beautiful as that, you knew. 
“Would you do me the absolute honor; would you give me the privilege of being able to marry you?”
You licked at your lips, feeling something sting at the corner of your eyes. Maybe it was just the wind. You sniffled, your palm reaching up and rubbing at your eye. “If -- If I say yes, will I have to stay out here with you while you make your soup?”
Seungcheol laughed, loudly and boyishly. “If you say yes I’ll order us a fucking pizza and beer and we can spend the rest of the night in the heat.”
“Well, in that case,” you said, grinning wildly. You held out your hand, wiggling your fingers. “Hurry up, lover boy, before I lose one of them to the cold.”
“It’s not too late for me to take it back,” he said, taking the ring from the box. Seungcheol’s other hand went to yours, cradling it, as he brought the ring to your fingertip.
You shook your head, the metal of the ring not yet cold as he slid it against your finger. “Nope! You asked so beautifully, Cheol. No take backs.”
“Damn,” he sighed, peering up at you with those beautiful brown eyes that first captivated you, smiling and holding your hand in his. “And here I was really looking forward to that soup.”
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Ohhhhh so I have an idea for ....
Forget-me-not and narcissus
You throw yourself in the way to save (clone of your choice), and he gets super angry at you for doing that because he's loved you forever. You both have but never admitted it ...
You can go from there. Love oo
I Don't Want To Forget
Summary: You are a civilian employee on the Resolute and you're a little bit accident prone, which is why you're shocked when General Skywalker wants you out on the battlefield one day. Luckily you have Kix looking out for you...unluckily, you get shot trying to save Kix's life.
Pairing: Clone Medic Kix x F!Reader
Word Count: 1720
Warnings: Reader is shot, and Kix yells
Prompts: Forget-me-not - Don't forget me, Narcissus - unrequited love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I'm not so sure about this one. Apparently Kix is a weak spot, lol
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“The only reason I’m agreeing to this-”
“-is because it’s not up to you and General Skywalker says that I have to be here?” You interrupt, a small smile on your lips as you look at Kix. 
“This isn’t funny.” He hisses, “You have no business being on the battlefield at all.”
“I know, Kix. I’ll be careful, stay by you, and listen to orders. I promise.” 
He sighs and rubs his hand over his head, “That doesn’t make this any better, cyare.” He rubs his head a couple more times, and then he steps closer to you, “This armor stays on until you’re back on this ship.”
“Got it.”
“I mean it, unless it needs to come off to save your life, it stays on.”
“Kix, I understand. Really.”
He sighs and starts helping you with the armor. It was specially made for you, which means it fits well, but since you aren’t a soldier, this is the first time you’re wearing it. Hence needing Kix’s help to actually put it on.
After a few minutes, he takes a step back, “There, done.”
You look down at yourself, and at the plain white armor, and then you look back at Kix, “I feel like a kid playing dress up.”
“Well, with luck, this will be the only time you have to wear it.” Kix replies, before he frowns and tugs on the collar of your armor, “It’s a bit too big on you. Have you lost weight?”
“...I’m not answering that.”
“That’s a yes then.” Kix tugs on your armor again, his frown increasing, “There’s not that much give, so you should be fine.” He grabs the helmet off the table next to him and hands it to you, “Put it on.”
“Woo. Helmets. Enclosed spaces. Right around my head.”
“It’s fine, you’ll hardly notice.”
“I’ve had nightmares like this before you know,” You say as you lift your helmet, squeeze your eyes shut, and then pull it on.
There’s quiet for a moment, and then a low chuckle, “You still have your eyes closed don’t you?”
“Go ahead and open them.”
You sigh and open your eyes, blinking up at Kix who’s standing a lot closer to you, and seems to be messing with something on your helmet.
“Alright. The helmet fits fine, how are you doing?”
“Uh…this might very well be the worst day of my life.”
“You’re being dramatic.” Kix replies warmly, he messes with something at your neck, “Do you think you’ll be able to work like this?”
“...yeah. Probably.”
“Alright.” Kix pulls his own helmet on, “Do you remember what you’re here to do?”
“Yeah. Get in, check the droid, download what information I can, and get back to the ship.”
“Exactly that.” He lightly raps his knuckles against your helmeted forehead, “There will be no heroics from you, do you understand?”
“Alright. Then let's head out. Stay behind me.”
Half an hour later, Kix is carefully leading you through a downed starship, shot down by separatists, and you’re miles away from the rest of the battalion.
Which is a good thing, in this case. The rest of the 501st is fighting the droid army, while you and Kix remain unseen.
And you really meant to follow Kix’s orders.
Partly because a part of you thinks that if you follow Kix’s orders he might think of you more fondly and see you as more than just “that accident prone tech from maintenance”, but mostly because you’re very much not a soldier and having set orders to follow is making this a lot easier.
His order of “no heroics” is very easy to follow.
And you meant to follow it.
Right up until you saw a flash of gold out of the corner of your view screen. You turn slightly and see a beat old golden droid (it almost looked like an old HK unit, but that couldn’t be possible) taking aim at Kix.
And you just reacted.
You lurch forward and place your hands on his pack and push as hard as you can.
Kix stumbles forward, and a curse falls from his lips as he rounds on you, but then there’s a sharp pain in your head, and your helmet vision goes staticy, and there’s nothing.
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Kix’s gaze is sharp as he keeps his eyes on his cyare.
It was dumb of her to push him out of the way. It was dumb of her to take a shot meant for him, but, at the same time, she saved his life. The blaster round would have gone through an opening in his armor and killed him instantly.
Because of her height, it hit her in the temple of her much thicker helmet.
He shouldn’t be angry.
He shouldn’t.
He should be grateful that she cares enough to save him.
But all he can think about is how his blood ran cold when she hit the ground. All he can remember is the sound her body made as she hit the ground. All he can remember is the panic that he felt when he thought that he saw her die right in front of him.
Tragically, he’s used to watching his brothers die in front of him.
It’s different for civilians.
It’s different for her.
It’s always been different for her.
He leans forward in his seat, and folds his hands in front of his mouth, his gaze lingering on her face. Aside from a massive bruise covering the side of her head, she looks fine.
There’s a low groan, and Kix’s head snaps up. “Cyare?”
Her eyes flutter open and she squints at him, “Kix?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” He stands and grabs his penlight from next to the bed, “How are you feeling?”
“M’ head hurts,”
“I’m not surprised. Do you remember what happened?”
Her gaze drifts to the side as she thinks, “...Did I trip over something?” She asks.
“No, sweetling, you didn’t.” Gently, very gently, he brushes some hair out of her face, and cups her cheek, “Can you try to remember what happened for me?”
She sighs and leans into his touch, her eyes closing as she tries to think.
Slowly, Kix rubs her cheek with his thumb, offering what comfort he could.
And then she sighs again and open her eyes, “I’m sorry, the last thing I remember is General Skywalker sending me a message saying that he needed to talk to me.”
“It’s okay.” Kix uses his free hand to squeeze her fingers, “I can tell you what happened. You were shot, sweetling.”
She blinks at him, twice, “I was shot? Me?”
“You pushed me out of the way and were shot in the temple,”
She blinks at him again, seemingly in disbelief, and then she nods slowly, “Okay.”
“Okay. At least you weren’t hurt.”
“At least I…” Kix stops and closes his eyes, “You disobeyed a direct order.” He says flatly, “I told you no heroics.”
“You can’t scold me for something I can’t remember, Kix. That’s not fair.” She says with a small frown.
“What were you thinking?” He hisses, “You could have been killed. If you helmet was any thinner-”
“I obviously wasn’t killed, and of course I reacted to save you. I probably did it without thinking!”
“That’s the problem! You weren’t thinking! You never think and you always get hurt!”
She wilts under his glare, and averts her gaze, “...sorry to be such a burden.” She says quietly, hurt clear in her voice. “Next time I’ll just treat myself-”
“That’s not what I meant.” Kix interrupts. “You are not, and have never been, a burden.”
She still doesn’t look at him, and Kix sighs.
He reaches out and gently tilts her head to look at him, “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“S’okay. I’m sure I deserve it.”
“No.” Kix replies immediately, “You didn’t.” He pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts, “It bothers me, you know?”
She tilts her head curiously.
“The only time you come to see me is when you’re hurt.” Kix explains, “Every time I see you it’s because you tripped, or fell, or electrocuted yourself…or got shot, and I…hate it.” He says with a laugh, “I hate seeing you bruised or bleeding, and it’s the only time I see you.”
“Don’t…I am not blaming you. I’m,” He laughs again, “venting.” He absently traces your lower lip with his thumb, “I hate seeing you hurt. I wish you would just…come and see me because you want to see me, not because you have to.”
She’s quiet for a moment, “You always seem so annoyed whenever I am brought here with another injury. So I’ve been trying to be more careful, so maybe you’ll stop being annoyed with me. Guess I didn’t do the best job-”
“I love you.” Kix says, “I love you so much, and I know it’s not allowed and I tried so hard to forget about it, to forget about you, but I can’t. And you got shot for me-” He trails off, “Holy shit, you got shot for me.”
She blinks at him.
And Kix leans in and presses his forehead against hers, “I don’t want to forget you. I want…kriff…I want 2.5 kids and a house and a white picket fence, and I want to kiss you so bad that it hurts sometimes-”
He’s not able to finish his, slightly rambling, thoughts as she tilts her head back and catches his lips with her own. 
Kix is so surprised that he doesn’t react right away, and then his hand tangles in her hair and he’s kissing her back like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted in his life.
And maybe it has.
When he breaks the kiss, slowly, grudgingly, he keeps his eyes closed, as if afraid that if he opens his eyes he’ll realize this is nothing more than a dream. But then her forehead is pressed against his, and his gaze locks with hers.
“So,” Kix murmurs, “That was…”
“I like you too,” She whispers, “But I’d prefer it if we waited a bit before we talk about those 2.5 kids.”
He laughs softly, “Deal.” He strokes her cheek gently, “I love you.”
A small, awed, smile crosses her lips, “I love you too.”
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
Thought up another one!
this one is illumi,
illumi realizing he’s in love but there is internal conflict within himself not just due to his family but his own emotions and thought if he can even bring balances / if he was what you want. A lil Angst and comfort? You can change it around and everything if ya want I don’t mind. I just like givin prompts lol. And if you’ve done illumi for a similar request or exact same can you do meruem , shalnark or Franklin if you write any of them.
Ooh, I have no idea if I had a similar request because I wrote so much and forgot to update my masterlist haha! However, I'll just write some for all of the characters because why not. Thank you for the request!
Illumi, Shalnark, Franklin, Meruem — Internal Conflict about love
Unless you were arranged to marry him, he will be in a serious conflict with himself. Sure, the Zoldycks need a good heir, but Illumi knows himself that he's not meant for the title of Zoldyck head. Because of this, he probably has a bad thought that he shouldn't have interest in a love interest or *gasp* marriage. However, here he is wondering why his heart beats when you talk to him, why he can't see you getting hurt (unless it's training but :/)
I feel like, in a horrible sense, his first instinct is to try and kill you. If you're gone that means he won't have to go through the hurdles he has every night thinking about you. But he can't bring himself to do it. If it gets to the point he can't bear it, he might go through with it
He won't dare bring it up to his mother or father, but if his grandfather realize something's up he might have to talk to him. Zeno is definitely the more chill guy in the family, which means Illumi might be able to convince you to join the Zoldycks if you weren't invited already. The hardest obstacle would be Kikyo, but that's for later
Overall I feel like you would be able to see the internal conflict more than he would like to admit. He's staring at you for really long (concerningly long) times, he talks to you even harsher than before, etc. If you want to live, either cut ties with him or try to convince him love isn't a bad thing
I feel like he doesn't actually mind love that much, he just gets conflicted if you're a civilian or if you're someone he targeted originally. Think enemies to lovers
He would also try to murder you :/ but he might consult Chrollo first. Shalnark will never tell anyone about his crush, especially Feitan or Phinks. However, Chrollo is a mediator for the team and ultimately the only person in the troupe that probably knows what romance is (but it's only from books haha). This means you might be saved by Chrollo's recommendation to Shalnark that love isn't bad
Shalnark will be frank with you on his occupation as a world-renowned criminal. He doesn't want you to fall in love with someone who isn't him, and he wants to give you one more chance before he wants you to be his. If you leave, that means he'll just go on with his daily life. However, if you decide to stay, he might force you to move to Meteor City for "your safety"
You'll not be able to tell he's conflicted because of how he's just so good at hiding emotions. He's smiling, laughing as he usually does. However, something's off. You can tell he's watching you more intently than before while you're back is turned, almost like he's debating throwing a needle in your head.
He's honestly also super chill about love, like it's hard to find him conflicted. However, the only time he would be conflicted would be if he found out you're just a regular civilian who could be subject to unneeded visitors from the Hunter Association or the mafia. He doesn't want to see you get hurt
Won't resort to violence! He'll sit down and talk to himself before talking to Chrollo about the matter. Similar to Shalnark's logic, Chrollo's the counselor and leader of the team. He wants to know if he should tell you about his feelings or if it's better for your well-being to not say anything.
Franklin eventually tells you. He tells you in a secluded and quiet environment just what he really does. He tells you he understands if you disagree with him, if you want to run away and tell the police (though this means he might have to resort to violence), but in the end he wants you to be safe. If you leave, that'll be the end of you two's relationship. If you stay, he'll be grateful and tell you he'll always make sure you're safe.
You could probably tell he liked you and had this internal conflict. He started to blush more and he would be quiet around you more than he did before. If you ask him before his big reveal, he'll originally deny these feelings
Assuming you're Komugi, he goes through the entire Chimera Ant Arc and doesn't tell you until you two are literally dying :/
However! If you aren't the gungi genius then how this starts might've been similar. Meruem might've had you explain some human concepts to him or maybe he kept you around because it seemed like you had potential for something the ants would need. Nonetheless, his feelings were pure accident.
This leads to him having a conflict that all the rest of the royal guards can see. Pitou won't really mind the king's sudden interest in you, though Pitou might feel it's a little strange how such a weak person like you stayed alive for more than a few hours next to Meruem. Then there's Youpi, who could care less about who the king likes. This guy thinks as long as you aren't a threat to the king's power, no worries. The issue is Pouf. He'll try to convince Meruem you're worthless and whenever Meruem goes through the "should-I-kill-y/n" Pouf will advocate for your death :/. Meruem finds himself never following through this though, so at some point he just stops asking out loud
You will see the conflict in real time, also hear from him about his emotions. He doesn't actually tell you he loves you since he doesn't really know what "love" means. He'll tell you what he's feeling, and then tell you with no corners cut that sometimes he feels like he should kill you (seriously what is with these ants). Give him some time, he'll learn eventually that he's going through a crush and nothing that will kill him (until Netero happens but -_-)
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leebitkitty · 11 months
Can I ask for switch!Lee Know but mostly Sub x fem!reader with the promts:
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cardboard walls
pairing: switch!minho (mainly dom) x switch!fem!reader (mainly sub)
note: hi anon! thanks for the ask! i am going to remove prompt #9 since this is an unestablished relationship, hope i haven't ruined it😭 hope u enjoy this fic!
🐱 19. "i'm done being just roommates."
🐱 36. "i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to cum in my pants."
🐱 65. "i love you."
warnings: pervert!minho, roommate!minho, masturbation (both m and f), penetrative sex (p in v), unprotected sex, minho steals your panties (?), nipple play m. receiving, i think there's more but tell me if i missed any important ones
minors do not interact
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ever since he's met you, he swore on his life you would be the only girl he'd fall for.
minho was in love with you. no, obsessed with you. he'd watch your every move and mentally note down what were your dislikes and the things you loved.
the day he met you, he felt like he's never seen anyone with a more beautiful personality than you. he met you through his friend, your warm smile while greeting him never leaving his memory. after you two became very close, you both decided to live together after graduating high school to save some money.
actually, he was the one to present the idea, getting you hooked on the benefits. minho honestly just wanted to get closer with you and see your living arrangements. "honestly," he thought.
"hey! do you need your laundry done?" minho loudly knocks on your bedroom door, making you lose your focus from the tv. you jump out of bed, grabbing your laundry basket and opening the door. "yeah! thanks so much for this minho, you are seriously a livesaver," you giggle, handing minho your laundry basket.
minho walks to the laundry room and starts emptying out your clothes, when he sees a lacy light pink pair of panties in them. he feels his dick already twitching in his pants at the thought of you wearing them, but the fact that they were dirty makes him half-hard already.
was he really the type to be doing this? stealing his roommates panties and jerking off with them later? his thoughts raced his mind, until he eventually gives up and stuffs your panties into his pocket as he empties the rest of your laundry into the machine.
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every day after you come home from your night shift, you would always masturbate in your room to rid the memories of a long day. today was no different.
today you come home a bit later than minho expected, worrying him a bit until he heard the door unlock and you tiptoeing to your room. he jumps up, immediately leaning against the wall. oh, how he felt like the happiest man on earth having your room right next to his with these cardboard walls.
you close your bedroom door and sit on your bed as you already start to unzip your jeans and lay your hand on your closed pussy. you sigh in relief, digging your fingers in gently.
minho presses his ear more into the wall, softly palming his clothed erection as he shuts his eyes and let the pleasure take over his body, from head to toe. you slid your hand in your panties, already slipping out a loud moan, forgetting that it's currently midnight. minho lets out a soft whine leave his throat upon hearing you as he took out his dick. grabbing your panties from his pocket, he quickly laid it on his dick, admiring the view before jerking off.
he continued jerking himself off with your panties, trying to guess and match your speed. your moans were getting louder, you were getting closer. you cum with a shout of minhos name, automatically making minho cum, as if on cue.
minho was overwhelmed, trying to puzzle out what just had happened. did you just moan his name? minho couldn't take this anymore. he quickly takes off your now cum-covered panties off his dick and shoves his dick back inside his sweatpants before he marches up to your room, taking a deep breath before knocking on your door. you nearly did a double take, checking the time before mumbling "shit.." and rubbing your head.
"o-oh! yeah, come in," you call out, covering yourself with your blanket. "listen, i'm done being just roommates. to be honest, i overheard you in my room and got horny," minho mumbles, standing in the doorway.
he felt a sudden surge of confidence upon seeing your nervous state, walking in your room with a smirk on his face. he walks up to your bed, leaning down so you two were face-to-face. "now.. didn't you just scream my name earlier? hm?," minho smiles, tilting his head like a cat. "not answering, huh?," he asks, lifting up your blanket, taking it off completely to reveal your hands still in your panties.
"still rubbing yourself even after i caught you? have you no shame? c'mon, continue," he says sweetly, pulling up a chair to sit down right beside you. you continue your movements on your pussy, whimpering here and there as you were being overstimulated.
"did i ask you to keep your panties on? take them off. get rid of those jeans too before i rip them off of you." he says, arms crossed. you lift your hips just enough so you can take off your pants and panties, shivering at the contact the cold air made with your now bare cunt, continuing to touch yourself.
after a few minutes, minho sits on the bed and halts you, sitting on his knees. he bends down just enough to be face-to-face with your glistening pussy, begging to be eaten. he wastes no time as he dives right in, licking your nub and fingering you with his hand. you immediately arch your back, already on the brink of cumming.
"fuck! fuck, minho, i'm cumming!" you breathe out, minho groaning into your clit, vibrations making you reach ecstasy. he sits up, face soaked in your juices, licking his lips. "good girl," he grins, sitting up.
he sits down on the bed, hands behind his head on the beds headboard with a giant smirk as he playfully looks down at his pants and then to you, signaling he wants you to sit on him. you smirk back as you sit on him, your clit rubbing his boner. you kiss his neck as you rub your clit on his clothed erection, the friction making him throw his head back, basking in the pleasure.
you tug on his shirt, helping him get it off as you peck his nipple. an unexpected long whine leaves him, making your grin even bigger than it already was. you harshfully bite and lick his sensitive nipple, pinching the other one. with the merciless actions you were performing on his nipples, you continue rubbing your clit on his boner, making minho violently shake.
his eyes roll back, "faster, please, please, i want it faster," he whines out, so close to cumming. you rub your clit faster on his clothed length, already feeling like cumming yourself. "fuck, oh my god, y/n," he cries out, cumming in the confines of his sweatpants. he continues shaking with each spurt, sweating buckets. "i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to cum in my pants," minho shyly says.
"aw, don't be shy. it's cute. by the way, i didn't cum yet, kitty..," you start, tugging down his sweatpants slowly as he lifts his hips to let you take them off faster. you awed at his cock for a second, red and leaking, both dick and sweatpants covered in pearly white cum. you sit on him fast, not even letting him or yourself adjust to the feeling.
you groan out loud as minho was on the brink of crying from sheer overstimulation. you bounce up and down, holding on to his shoulders for support. minho quickly regains composure, thrusting up into you once, so hard and so deep, you could feel him in your stomach. you cry out loudly as you harshly clench on him, suprised from his sudden change.
he smirks evilly at you, hot tears still in his eyes, ears and lips still red. he continues thrusting up into you, both of you close to heaven. you both cum at the same time, you collapsing onto him, both of you breathing heavily.
he lifts your head up and pecks your head, looking at you fondly. "i love you," he whispers. you peck him back and play with his hair. "i love you back," you whisper.
"go out with me?"
© leebitkitty.
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thornybubbles · 1 year
All I Ever Wanted: Yandere Santana x Reader
Note: I used a different method for writing this story than I normally do. I used a picker wheel to randomly choose a prompt from a list of Yandere Prompts from Tumblr and a list of JoJo characters I haven’t written for yet. The winning character was Santana and the winning prompt was “Yandere saves Darling’s life”. I may use this method again in the future. 
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Santana first encountered you when you snuck into the German base to aid Joseph in rescuing Speedwagon. He could not take his eyes off of you as you tended to the old man while Joseph tried to gain his attention with his buffoonery. Nothing the young Joestar said or did could pull Santana’s gaze from you as you spoke words of comfort to the frightened Speedwagon. The old man scolded you for tagging along with Joseph on such a dangerous mission, but he was relieved to have you there nonetheless. Watching you coddle the old man stirred something in Santana that he never felt before. Santana never considered humans to be especially attractive before, but there was something about you that lured him in. Maybe it was the gentle look in your eyes as you checked the old man over? Maybe it was the loving words you used as you spoke to him?
Santana found himself growing jealous over the attention the old man was getting from you. For him, affection was few and far between and usually limited to a half-hearted head pat from Kars or Esidesi whenever he did as he was told. As he got older though, they started to treat him less like kin and more like a pet. During training, he found himself unable to achieve the same kind of results that Wammu could, and Kars became increasingly frustrated with him. He once warned him that if he did not catch up with the rest of them, then he would be left behind. When he woke up thousands of years later and found himself alone, he knew that he’d been abandoned. 
He fully intended to take all of his grief and anger out on every single human he came across, but seeing you, he decided to make an exception. Though anger began to simmer in him as he watched you with the old man. You hadn’t even looked at him when you came in. Did you have any idea how stupid it was to blunder into enemy territory and not be on guard? He could have killed you a thousand times over before you even made eye contact with him! Why were you wasting time with that old man when you should be paying attention to him?! Santana side-stepped Joseph, who was incessantly tapping his nose and saying ridiculous things, and began to advance on you and Speedwagon.
Your back was turned to the Pillarman. You were too busy trying to release Speedwagon from his restraints to notice as Santana drew ever closer to you. He was strangely quiet for someone so large. It wasn’t until Speedwagon’s horrified gaze locked on something behind you did you turn around and find yourself face to face with the Pillarman. You gasped and instinctively put yourself between Santana and the old man, trying to shield Speedwagon from the brute. Santana just stared down at you with an unreadable expression while Speedwagon begged for you to get away. 
Slowly, Santana reached out for you, his massive hand looking like it was about to clamp down on your head. 
“Don’t ignore me, you prehistoric prick!” shouted Joseph. 
He placed a hand on Santana’s shoulder, trying to annoy the Pillarman enough that he would forget about whatever he was planning to do to you. When Santana didn’t react, Joseph sent a jolt of Ripple energy into the flesh of his shoulder to get the point across. It certainly worked because Santana’s eye twitched and the corner of his mouth turned up into a slight snarl. His shoulder sizzled from the attack but was already healing itself. Santana slowly turned to face Joseph who was bouncing from foot to foot holding his fists up as if he were in a boxing ring. 
“That’s what you get for treating me like I’m just a mosquito flying around your ear!” Joseph said, grinning obnoxiously. 
Santana was giving him a blank look but you could practically feel the rage boiling off of him. Before anything else could happen, though, the sound of several booted feet stomped up the corridor and a troop of German soldiers burst into the room. They lined up on either side of a very confused Joseph and took aim at Santana. Who the blazes were these guys? Reinforcements? From where? You thought Santana had killed all the soldiers in the base! You didn’t think much more about it because you realized that while the Germans had their guns locked on Santana, you and Speedwagon were right behind him. If they fired on the Pillarman, they would take you and the old man out, too! Joseph must have realized the same thing because he was already trying to wrestle the gun out of one of the soldiers hands. The others ignored Joseph’s antics  and you heard someone yell, “FIRE!” 
Thinking quickly you knocked Speedwagon out of the wheelchair and onto the floor where he would be out of range of the gunfire. Seconds later you found yourself swept up in a pair of muscular arms and held to an equally muscular chest. Thinking that it was Joseph that held you, you screamed as you felt the bullets tear into him. Over the racket you heard both Speedwagon and Joseph call your name. That’s when you realized that it wasn’t Joseph that had you in his grasp. You looked up and actually felt the blood drain from your face. Staring down at you with impassive red eyes was Santana. You felt your arms and legs draw up against your body in terror. You tried to speak, working your jaw and tongue to get words out, wanting to demand or even beg him not to kill you, but you could only manage to emit squeaks of fright. 
You became vaguely aware of the sound of JoJo fighting with the soldiers and more gunfire. He was angry with them for nearly killing you and Speedwagon. 
“What kind of morons just burst into a room and start shooting?!” He shouted as he kicked one of them in the back of the head, knocking off his helmet and sending the soldier to dreamland. It was only then that he spotted you in the arms of the Pillarman and froze, eyes widening in horror. 
“My God! Joseph! That monster has her!” Speedwagon spoke up. He, too, only just now realized what was happening. 
Seeing that JoJo had stopped attacking them, the soldiers returned their attention to Santana once more taking aim. You gasped and squinted your eyes closed, not wanting to see your demise coming. Joseph prepared to send a Hamon-fueled kick to the ground under the soldiers feet to knock them off balance but he never got the chance. Santana readjusted you so that he was cradling you with one arm. He raised his free arm upwards towards the soldiers, spreading his fingers at weird angles. Just like he had before, he used the bullets that had been absorbed into his body to return fire. Each bullet shot from his fingertips hit its mark, embedding itself into the heads of each of the soldiers. Not even the ones that Joseph knocked out were spared. Only Joseph remained unscathed. He looked around himself in confusion, wondering why he didn’t get shot, too. Santana lowered his arm, readjusting you in his hold once more. He glared at Joseph the entire time. He only spared him because he had unfinished business with the upstart primitive, but he could take care of that later. Joseph had gotten over his confusion and was now glaring back at Santana with equal ferocity. 
“Put my friend down right now!” He demanded, pointing a finger at the ground as if to show exactly where he wanted Santana to place you. 
The Pillarman’s lips pulled away from his teeth in a snarl and he made a noise that sounded like a cross between a snake’s hiss and a dog’s growl. Joseph had the audacity to growl back at him, an action that you would have thought funny if it weren’t for the situation you were in. Santana moved slightly and Joseph seemed to know immediately what he was planning. 
“Don’t you dare!” he warned the Pillarman. 
Santana hissed/growled at him again, before suddenly taking off down the corridor that the German troops had just come from. The action took Joseph off guard. He was expecting the Pillarman to try to harm you in some way, not run off with you! 
“JoJo! Stop him!” cried Speedwagon from where he still lay on the floor. 
That was all he needed to snap out of his shocked state and into action. He took off down the corridor at full speed, desperately trying to catch up with Santana. The Pillarman’s powerful legs let him run far faster than any human though, and he was constantly maneuvering out of Joseph’s grasp as he tried to snatch you away from him. Santana went so far as to run along the walls and at some point, you even found yourself upside down as Santana began running on the very ceiling. 
“Get down here, you cheater!” Joseph yelled up at him. 
Joseph’s vision was suddenly obstructed as a green cloth fluttered down on top of him. During his escape from the observation lab, Santana grabbed a shirt off of one of the dead soldiers. While he and Joseph were glaring each other down, Santana had spotted a map of the base among the scattered files and papers that littered the ground after his earlier rampage. He only needed to glance at it once in order to commit it to memory. When he knew that he was coming upon an intersection, he waited for just the right moment to drop the shirt down on Joseph, obscuring his view as he darted off down the corridor that he knew led to some maintenance tunnels. 
Joseph snatched the bloodstained shirt off of himself. He let out an angry shout when he realized that Santana had evaded him. That freak was a lot smarter than he seemed. There were three passages he could’ve taken: straight ahead, right, or left. He obviously didn’t keep going straight or Joseph would still be able to see him. So that left either the left or the right. Joseph debated on which way to go for a moment. In comics, the bad guys almost always take the left passage to get away from the good guys. Maybe that was the case in real life, too? He growled in frustration. He didn’t have anything else to go on, so left passage it was. He ran down the passage calling your name, hoping that the monster hadn’t hurt you. Unfortunately, real life isn’t like comic books and Santana had taken the right passage.  
You were grateful when Santana began running upright again. Being upside down for so long was starting to give you a headache. You lost sight of Joseph hours ago. You tried calling out for him once, but Santana gave you such a glare that the words died on your tongue from sheer fright. But you were beginning to wonder just how long this damned corridor was. And just how long could this guy run? He’d been running for a while now and wasn’t even breathing hard! 
Santana darted down a flight of stairs that seemed to lead to a basement and storage area. He slowed down to a normal walk and began searching for something. Finally he came to a set of chained up doors with a lot of writing around it. You couldn’t read German so you had no clue what it said. He pulled the doors open, snapping the chains as if they were made of paper. He then stepped inside of the room and closed the doors behind him. The lighting inside of the room was dim, but you could make out the shapes of a desk and some machines that you didn’t recognize. Santana walked to a corner of the room and plopped down on the ground, hiding in the shadows. He held you in his lap and stared at the doors, watching to see if JoJo would burst through them at any moment. After a moment, you felt him relax and he let out a quiet sigh. Then, he turned his gaze on you. 
The dim light made him look especially eerie and you noted that his red eyes seemed to have a bit of a glow to them. 
“Uh… hi…” you said awkwardly. 
“You did not thank me.” 
You blinked up at him. You had only heard him say one or two word sentences before, and usually he only seemed to repeat what others said to him. He may have said something to JoJo before, but you were too busy worrying about Speedwagon to pay much attention. 
“Thank me properly.” he said. His voice was quiet and calm, but you could definitely hear the demand in it when he said that. 
“I… what? W-what do you w-want me to d-do?” You stammered. “I don’t even know w-what I’m t-thanking you for.” 
Santana gave you an insulted look. 
“I saved your life.” he stated in a gruff, clipped tone. “The other humans would have killed you. I prevented it. Now thank me properly.” 
Oh well, now you’ve made him angry. 
“Thank you…?” You said lamely, not sure what he wanted. 
Santana huffed and rolled his eyes. You were unfortunately as thick-skulled at any other human, in spite of your kind, gentle nature. You would have to be trained apparently. He grabbed your hand, causing you to flinch. He then guided your hand to the top of his head and moved your hand around in a motion that made it seem like you were ruffling his hair. Once or twice your palm scraped against the two small horns that jutted from his skull causing you to wince. You were surprised at how soft his hair was though. For someone that came from a time when hair care products weren’t exactly readily available yet, it seemed very healthy. After a while, he let your hand go but made sure you kept rubbing his head. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into your hand. The action caused you to blush. 
Stop. Bad guys are not supposed to be cute. You mentally scolded yourself. 
After a few minutes of rubbing the top of his head, you were starting to feel a little awkward. 
“Okay… good Aztec Demi-God…” you said in a nervous tone and slowly pulled your hand away from his hair. When he didn’t immediately force you to start petting him again, you relaxed a little. 
“I guess it’s safe to assume that you aren’t going to kill me then?” you asked, feeling a little braver. 
Santana shook his head. 
“No.” he said, a sleepy look in his eyes. 
You glanced down at the floor longingly. 
“Any chance of you putting me down?” You asked, feeling brave enough to push your luck. 
Instantly, the sleepy look was gone from his eyes and he tightened his hold on you. 
“NO!” he all but roared. 
You cringed in his hold and didn’t say anything else. 
Well it was worth a shot. You really hoped JoJo found you soon, before this situation got any more uncomfortable.
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ymaohoh · 4 months
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So I've fallen right into the deep end of the HellCheer fandom. Ride or die. I'm in love with Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson. The fans are fucking talented too, alright? I've been binging fics and the artwork but there's certain troupes/ideas/prompts that keep rattling away in my brainbox. I'm going to note them here for if (or when) I maybe write something for the two...but (public service announcement) if anyone knows a fic out there which can scratch these little itches please link me up.
Updated: 18.04.24
My Completed Fics
Chrissy starts dating. Eddie's not thrilled - Dating Chrissy - oneshot
Eddie wants to buy something nice for Chrissy. Candles are romantic, right? He ventures on a quest to the mall - Yankee Candle Baby - oneshot.
Chrissy is such a Brat with Eddie and Jason watches it (while hiding). Jason's POV - Chrissy Cunningham is a Brat - oneshot - mature
What if Chrissy ran from Eddie after her vision? What if it pushed them apart? They later share a joint and things get much much worse. My take on 'Chrissy lives' but it takes a little while for them to get back on the same page - Chrissy Runs Away - Chapter 3/3.
Eddie and Chrissy have unprotected sex against a brick wall after his gig because they can't wait - “We could always just…do it anyway?" - oneshot - mature
Eddie and Chrissy die but they're summoned again for the final fight Ft. time travel and angst - my hope for season 5 - Howl - oneshot
Gender Swap AU where Ellie Munson saves Chris Cunningham - a play on 'Chrissy Lives' - Rule 63' - oneshot
Vecna keeps Chrissy in hell - 'and she's a bride of the fucking devil' - 2/2 chapters.
My Mess of Drabbles
Eddie dies and Chrissy is waiting for him - end of passion play, crumbling away - short drabble only
Chrissy the Vampire Slayer AU
Labyrinth AU
X-Files AU
Pirates AU
Stardust AU
Jason joins the good side AU
Photocheer moodboard (Chrissy x Jonathan)
Headcannon Prompts
Max's relationship with Hellcheer
Dustin's relationship with Hellcheer
Chrissy and Wayne Munson's (beautiful) relationship
Chrissy and The Party headcanons
Favourite Fanfictions Masterlist
Need a new fic? Not sure where to start? Check out these INCREDIBLE Hellcheer fanfictions
In need of/ Prompts
Chrissy gets her first tattoo. A cliche at this point no? I'm torn between her getting this done without Eddie knowing as a surprise, or if I want him right there holding her hand.
Eddy eyeing her up in the school cafeteria or class. Basically Eddy simping over Chrissy.
Anything with Eddie and Chrissy reuniting after death / or in the upside-down (manifesting the second).
Chrissy and Eddie getting high together. Maybe a dash of 'will I remember any of this tomorrow?' as they confess their feelings and frustrations.
Eddie loves Chrissy in a sundress. The more feminine, girly, and flouncy the better. He wants to get his hands under it.
He also loves her in a Hellfire top. Anything really that marks her subtly as his.
Other character POV's watching them flirt. Sweet sweet music to my...eyes?
He loves it when she wears one of his rings. She has plenty of her own jewelry (and it's all real gold/expensive/fit for a princess) but it doesn't mean anything really. Her eyes light up at his rings, though.
Together they create a D&D character for her to practice with. They discuss what type she's most likely to be (Eddie's a bard right?). I'm feeling Chrissy might also have that bard energy (she's THE hype girl, right?) or a healer? They definitely get distracted though and don't actually finish it.
He is a rambler. He talks when he's nervous - and Chrissy finds it easy to keep up.
Chrissy tells the jocks to leave the Hellfire club alone in the school corridor. She gets annoyed when she hears them referring to the kids as 'freaks'. Eddie adores the fire and nerve he sees in her eyes because it only really ever comes out when she's in protective mode (bonus points 1) if she tells Jason to fuck off 2) she walks away with the Hellfire club after).
Chrissy is the only one who gets him to study (and pass). He knows he has a reason to now, you know? They've got plans and he isn't wasting time.
Eddie has doubts about Chrissy really truly loving him - she's way out of his league, after all, so she makes sure to create visual reminders. She takes their photo together and tacks it up in her locker for all to see.
Eddie loves fucking Chrissy in her cheerleading uniform. She loves fucking him when he's backstage. They will want to mark their place in each other's bizarre worlds.
Eddie worries about his future with Chrissy (what's his dumbass supposed to do while she excels at college?) but he likes the way his last name suits her.
Eddie is ONLY soft for Chrissy. A scene where he's trying to be big and scary for the club and she unknowingly fractures this image by doing something oh so achingly cute. Maybe she giggles or squee's during a D&D session? It takes him ages to drag himself back into his DM role.
I'll be adding to this , fo' sure.
Is there an official name for this dynamic? Unpopular baddass x sunshine princess?
All aboard the ship. Ahoy ahoy.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
Batboys x Thor!Reader
I HAVE TO I HAVE TO I HAVE TO. I just rewatched Ragnarok and I have seen a few posts speaking about Thor!Reader x the Batboys and I just had to write this. Please can people start making more headcanons and stories about this! Anyways, this is gender neutral and race neutral. I have also included some Marcel characters as well so hehehee enjoy!
Dick Grayson
First off, Dick loves your humour and how you deal with tricky situations
Like he admires how you can make lighthearted jokes as a giant dragon is trying to eat you
Which brings us to how you met
You piss off a lot of people, and this time you had happened to piss off someone with a dragon that’s trained to hunt down people
You knew you had to get off the beasts radar, so you went to the one place everyone would least expect you to be: Gotham City
Unfortunately the dragon wasn’t as dumb as you thought and followed you there, which ended with a lot of damage to Gotham’s streets, an angry dragon trying to bite your head off and an even angrier Batman
Nightwing joined the fight and just as he thought he was going to die when the dragon went for him, your hammer went straight through the beast and saved him
”Dragons have never really liked me that much”
”Which is weird since they’re meant to be like puppies. I’m good with puppies.”
”They’re meant to be like WHAT?!”
He instantly fell in love with you. He enjoys how fearless and determined you are, even if you get beat up by a large creature occasionally.
You care about those you love and would do anything for them, something both of you share.
He understands your complicated relationship with your adopted sibling the best out of everyone you know, since it’s kinda similar to the one he used to have with Jason.
He knows your strong asf, but it never stops him from worrying about you.
He would do absolutely anything and everything for you.
He’ll never admit it but whenever you go into space and you take him with you, he gets really nauseous. Space makes him feel sick.
A lot of your enemies like to use him against you, and visa versa. It usually ends with the criminal being in critical condition in hospital after you beat the shit out of them. (Yes you beat up your own kidnappers)
Jason Todd
You were in a library cursing at the book in your hand as Jason walked past you.
He found it amusing how you were trying to be quiet as the librarian had shushed you a couple of times already, but what really prompted hi, to approach you was the fact that the book you were cursing at was a Greek mythology one.
He’s never seen anyone that worked up over a book about the Gods before.
The answer he received from you was one he was not expecting
”This goddamn book has so many inaccuracies! Thor is not the God/Goddess of Lighting, it’s Thunder you fucking idiots! They always get me confused with Zeus…”
When you saw his confusion, you held your hand out to greet him.
“Thor, child of Odin. And you are?”
”Uh, Jason…son of Bruce?”
He met you as Red Hood a few weeks later when Bizarro had a run in with a large green good friend of yours
“Ah! Jason! Son of Bruce.”
”I have no idea who that is.” He lied, but you could see straight through him.
You were actually able to recognize him due to some of his left arm getting exposed from having his suit torn somehow during the fight. He had a scar there that you had noticed during your first meeting. It was shaped similarly to a lightning bolt, which caught your interest.
You grew close and you both became very protective of the other
You always defend him against his family members, especially Bruce (who won’t admit it but sometimes he finds you scary)
You get along with the Outlaws very well too. You sometimes even join them on missions.
You love it when he teaches you something about plays, poetry and novels. You think it’s really cute that such a dangerous man can be so cute and romantic.
He’s definitely helped you save the world a couple of times.
Tim Drake
He met you during his Robin days
You were a friend of Kon’s, and he called in a favour when his team was failing miserably on a mission.
They were being attacked by some angry aliens who happened to be using some of their tech to mind control parts of the planet
Bart had gotten one of his legs broken pretty badly so he was out for a while, Cassie was knocked out, and Tim and Kon were barley winning their fights.
Suddenly some thunder sounded in the sky and everyone was blinded by a bright light (your thunder bolts hehehe) and the most beautiful person Tim has ever seen appeared out of nowhere from the sky and beat the function out of the remaining enemy
He’s a bat, and is very much like Bruce when it comes to being suspicious of people so he wasn’t so friendly to you in the beginning
Your first impression of Tim was that he gave zero fucks about anything. He’s pretty, but definitely doesn’t care about shit (or acts like he doesn’t)
You guys saw each other more when you helped the Titans, Justice League and even Batman out with a few missions
And also whenever Kon would invite you both out to the same places to hang out. You guys got very close over the years.
Then you guys began hanging out by yourselves in and out of uniform
You saw people while you were each other’s close friends, but you just always knew that you loved each other.
Then he became Red Robin and fell into a dark hole after Bruce’s ‘death’ and became very standoffish with you
You spent more time in space, where you made more enemies with dragons and men made of fire who like putting you in cages (Ragnarok reference hehe) and your family issues got a lot worse too
All the times you spent away from Tim (a few weeks) made you both realise that you’re in love with each other. So you returned home through Bifrost, and turned up at his nest one night when it was raining and confessed your love for him. (You were still covered in blood as you literally just came back from a fight)
You guys have always been inseparable together, but in a romantic relationship? UNSTOPPABLE.
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
One Week to Wow Me
I may add to this later, but feel free to use as a prompt if you want!
Synopsis: Villain makes a surprise confession and Hero makes a surprising offer.
The Hero had been at it long enough that not much surprised them anymore. They’ve seen everything — Villains who helped grandmas across the street they just demolished, villains who bombed pet store company for not stocking the right fish food, villains who really just wanted to use the city as witnesses to their lethal science fair projects.
They have not had a villain confess their love before, though. That was new.
“Say that again?” the hero said. “Sorry, I just wanna make sure I heard you right.”
“Which part did you miss? The I, the love or the you?” The villain asked, wiping blood from their mouth with the back of their hand. “I’m in love with you. Against all odds and my better judgment. Believe me, I would not be like this if I had any choice. But I can’t seem to shake you off.”
In any other situation, such a confession would set off Hero’s bullshit meter. If Hero had the villain on their knees, ready for arrest, or if Hero was chained up in the villain’s lair, ready for torture, such a confession would look as nothing more than a ploy to get under Hero’s defenses.
But tonight their fight had been evenly matched — annoyingly so. Hero was no closer to getting them arrested as they were for incapacitating Hero themselves. So advantage was gained from this, save for pausing a battle neither of them were close to winning anyway.
“Why are you telling me this?” Hero asked. They kept their arms loose  at their sides, but balanced on the balls of their feet. Ready.
The Villain shrugged. “I couldn’t hold it in anymore. It feels good to get it out.”
“And you want me to be with you?”
 “ . . . .That would be ideal, yes.” they said with a lilt of irony.
The Hero considered them. Weighed options. Tried to predict all the horrible ways this could go. And then threw all caution to the wind.
“Okay,” they said.
The villain’s head tilted, slowly. Dangerously.
“Okay?” they repeated, stunned.
“Yeah, which part did you miss? The O or the kay?”
“You’re going to date me?”
The look of sheer disbelief on the villain’s face would be hilarious if it wasn’t so heart-breaking.
“You have a month,” the hero clarified. “To woo me, to wow me. To make this insane idea worth my while.” They jabbed a finger at the villain. “And you can’t pull any of your shit during it either. I’m not dating you and fighting you at the same time . . .as appealing as that thought can be.”
The villain swallowed. The Hero had never seen them so scared before. The villain’s face stayed their usual stoic mask, but their eyes leaked fear.
“What’s the catch?”
“Catch? That’s your forte, not mine, Counselor.”
“There has to be some kind of parameters around this.”
Hero grinned. “You evil lawyers do love your rules, don’t you?”
The Villain looked a little pained.
“Well here’s a rule then — I hate seafood.”
“That’s not a rule, that’s a preference.”
The Hero rolled their eyes. “Okay, okay. Don’t take me to any seafood restaurants. There’s your rule -- happy?”
The Villain stepped closer to them, until they were close enough for their hand to reach out and skate a knuckle down the hero’s jawline.
“You have no idea.”
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