#I get secondhand embarrassment from these people every time LOL
sirenium · 7 months
Whenever I feel unoriginal, I just remember that some people still think 'I identify as an attack helicopter' is a good comeback to trans people.
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zz-chikorita · 5 months
@jay-gue This started out as a dm I was sending you but then it got really long so I just decided to post it instead. Fair warning (to anyone reading) it's very stream if consciousness and I can't be bothered to edit it properly:
I gotta tell you bout this raileon headcanon I was thinking about the other day. So, I think that Leon's interactions with his fans is pretty controlled ie social medias are run by PR people, he's discouraged from engaging with fans "off the clock", he doesn't have much say in when and where his appearances are etc. This is very different from Raihan who basically runs all his own shit. So, there's a lot more one on one interaction and interactions are much different just by merit of the reply to any random fan's tweet is Raihan himself. The only reason the league even let's him do it this way is because it's proven so successful (times be a changin'). Anyways, Leon is envious because he wants more interpersonal interaction with his fans, but it is what it is. Still, it looks like so much fun to go out and have fun with fans at a bar or a club or a concert... Leon's always being told to "save his voice" for work so those kinds of environments are discouraged. But Raihan can go and yell all night in some mosh pit, completely destroying his voice and then go and post a video where he's like lol I'm gonna get close to the mic and talk very soft and calmly with my hoarse, gravelly voice since I fucked it up so bad. (Have you seen any of markiplier's "quietest" let's plays? Well, it's basically that same energy. Kinda ASMR adjacent, intimate, even a little secondhand embarrassment enducing) Anyways, Leon sees these a few times and typically can't even watch them for more than a few seconds at a time because it just starts to boil his blood and hurt his chest and he doesn't know why. Basically, he just becomes irrationally angry every time Rai puts one out cuz its not fair damnit! Raihan destroys his vocal cords and gets a million comments and praise the next day, if Leon were to do that, there'd be headlines about some outrageous bullshit reasons that make no sense to why he wasn't at 100% full volume, charismatic Leon-ness. At some point it either comes up in conversation or Leon confronts Raihan about it after it happens again and Rai just laughs like 'oh he finds it annoying, now I have a new way to annoy him' so he gets up in his face and starts using the voice. 'Course Leon doesn't know how to process his emotions so he just panics and punches him or pushes him or something like that and runs away to hide somewhere because he's sweating and his face is burning and his heart is pounding and what the bloody hell is happening????
Meanwhile Rai's just like 'damn that look he just gave me was really hot'
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oodlyenough · 1 year
last of us 1x09
wanted to sit on this one for a couple days and use it to sort of summarize the season overall. so this will probably be long af lol
I feel like I actually don't have all that much to say about the final episode itself. It was quite faithful to the game, and hit any note I would've wanted it to hit, I think. Minor adjustments in dialogue or character beat felt quite minor.
However, the finale felt a bit underwhelming to me. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it's just because I knew every story beat ahead of time so none of the shock was there, or if I needed another 15 minutes of runtime to really let some scenes marinate, or whether it was just actually so close to the game that I couldn't fully lose myself in it, or that passively watching Joel shoot people is different to doing it yourself, or what it was. But I ended up not being as impacted by this ep as I am whenever I've played the end of the game. I hope it hit harder for show viewers. It seems like it did.
The biggest change is seeing Anna and Ellie's birth. (Lmao @ baby Ellie just plopping out mid fight. Uh... sure.) I think, as far as immunity explanations go, this worked pretty well - I know fans had speculated as much for a while. It was great to see (and hear) Ashley Johnson -- those first grunts running through the woods were so surreal lol that's Ellie! I know those grunts! "You fuckin' tell them Ellie", from Ellie... wahh.
I think I was expecting more on Marlene and Anna. I feel like... the show attempted to substitute the Marlene gameplay segments at the start with this little bit of backstory and the brief Ellie-Marlene scenes in ep 1. But I think there's something lost in not giving them more bonding time, or making it clearer that Marlene has been aware of/keeping tabs on Ellie for all of Ellie's life. I think Marlene being not-exactly a mother figure but still someone important to Ellie, and someone who loves Ellie herself, makes Marlene's death more meaningful, and a bit of that was lost here. I love that Ellie specifically asks about Marlene in the car, for eg, but I'm not sure it felt as earned.
We substituted the Sarah picture with the Joel suicide attempt backstory, which worked -- lol and I honestly had spent no time wondering at all about Joel's scar, so it was a nice and unexpected callback for me and my gamer hubris.
I think the way they did Joel trying to reach out to Ellie using callbacks from the season worked well, even if it was kind of skincrawling to watch, like, in a secondhand embarrassment sort of way, watching him faceplant over and over with it. Spring Ellie is so rough, somehow every time I play I forget about that change and it's a slap in the face when it comes.
I knew there was no way they'd skip the giraffe but I did not expect them to have a real giraffe ?!?!?! Amazing lmao.
The Controversial Hospital Scene... I had some fears leading up to this ep, where like, if they pitched it wrong it could've ruined the whole thing for me, so I was glad we avoided that. Joel's choice is both horrific and understandable. I have complained at various parts of the series that I think the tv show softened Joel too much by leaving his violence off screen, but I do get the impression now they set it up to "tell" us for 8 episodes about what Joel is capable of and then only, finally, in episode 9 do they really show us. I'm a bit on the fence about this and whether it worked or makes it feel like he suddenly transforms into a superhero(/villain) out of nowhere... but I can see what they were going for, at least. And the slow version of the theme song was well placed.
Can't BELIEVE we didn't get the cameo I was expecting lmaoo honestly my biggest shock of this ep. Nurse Laura Bailey was fun though I can't believe I didn't recognize her lol.
Other, season overview stuff now that we're done:
I'm absolutely shocked there was no brick/bottle easter egg. Shocked and appalled!
I ended up agreeing with the "needs more infected" criticism, although I didn't at first. I don't think the show needs a ton of them, but I DO think the ever-present danger of them is necessary backdrop for the world, and you lose that in the show after episode 5. It seems like everywhere Joel and Ellie went was infected-free. I saw someone on Twitter joke "why do they even need a cure there's only like 3 infected" which... yeah.
Still hate Tess' death. My least favourite part of the entire first season lol
Don't agree with how the show's approach to FEDRA
Maria and Tommy's baby is a real wildcard going forward huh?
Overall I feel like I'd give this season ... I dunno an 8.5? Or 9? 8.75?... out of 10. Ultimately I do prefer the game, but I figured I would. I really enjoyed watching it weekly, will miss it, and can't wait for s2. I think part 2's story will need more retooling to work for television, and tbh that excites me, because for the MOST part the bits where the show deviated a little from the game were my favourites.
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 6: the need for speed caper for @csweekly
I simultaneously love and hate this episode. It’s an excellent showcase of Ivy and Zack and it ends so well. But it highkey gives me secondhand embarrassment. It’s what makes it excellent but man do I find it hard to watch Zack going off the deep end here.
I continue to be obsessed with how VILE works in general. Coach Brunt has a BEST FRIEND. THE others REACTION to her though is the most Hilarious. They are so unenthusiastic. Just that little “hello”. Just. There is so much That separates Brunt from the Faculty in an obvious way. Just every opportunity they have she’s completely in another world as the other three. And Shadowsan WAS different but he blended in Dhchchcg. I feel like I’m on the tip of analysis here. It must be intentional. I just don’t know if Brunt was meant to eventually get some sort of redemption or if she doesn’t and that was the point.
And lol Neal foreshadowing.
This season I love that we are introduced to a lot of the senior operatives: Cookie is part of a caper, the Mechanic, Lady Dokuso, Roundabout. It really gives VILE so much more depth to show how they keep running. What is interesting to me, is that the current Faculty was so young when Black Sheep arrived. It makes me wonder. Has VILE been ongoing for a thousand years continuously? Or did the current Faculty revitalize it? Modernize it. I want to know how all of the Faculty became Faculty. We’re they all students at one point like Shadowsan? (Which is a whole other can of worms can we assume that VILE has partnerships with criminal organizations all over the world? The yakuza seem cool sending one of their most talented young members to school and Lady Dokuso seems to have kept ties)
This NUGGET of info on how the team spends their plane rides. We are blessed to have Ivy and Zack.
Listen, as an adult I feel very viscerally Shadowsan stopping. Taking a deep breath to ground himself. And grunting in disapproval.
Then Carmen saves the day!!! Listen I think this was planned. Carmen is very aware that Player is not Shadowsan’s biggest fan. Carmen has to acknowledge that it’s 95% her fault that he feels this way. Player knows that Carmen knows this. They talk. They’re open with each other.. BUT put yourself in Carmen’s shoes. How desperately must she want her very best friend to approve of Shadowsan. Who she regards as a parental figure. She must want so badly for the two of them to get along. This, I feel, is the root of why Carmen wants Shadowsan to stay behind. Certainly he could have chatted with Player on the plane? They’re the two most important people in her life. Carmen wants them to like each other. So bonding time. Though Shadowsan learning their operations is an important thing as well as decoding the hard drive. From the way Player is already on video chat on Carmen’s phone and he’s ALREADY grumpy, he and Carmen had this conversation about what was going to go down before informing Shadowsan.
Please I would have given my left leg for Shadowsan to actually go to Player’s house. The PANIC on Players face.
IVYS EYE ROLL. Specifically at Zack gagging one second and drooling the next. That is peak sister energy.
I love knowing she’s the Driver upon rewatch. That was so well done by the writing team.
Trey puts on his cocky airs. But. This is key. He still remembers Zack and Ivy. Considering we are about to meet his dad, I wonder if this isn’t the first time that Zack and Ivy have been spoken of fondly in his own home.
I’m a Duke and Ivy’s a rocket scientist. 😂😂😂
The Driver looks SO ANGUISHED.
This part is so hard for me to watch, I hate seeing Zack so bothered and angry when he’s usually not. Especially since it’s usually Ivy who is on guard. So it’s striking to see the situation switched and Ivy letting it all roll off her shoulders. And especially when Carmen yells at them. The fact that they were late in meeting her was really nice foreshadowing for it though.
Okay also interesting that Carmen isn’t *upset* until Zack and Ivy are caught. This…parallels interestingly with VILE’s “failure is forgivable, capture is not”. I wonder if that was ingrained in her on the island?
OH I think so! All Shadowsan says is that she needs better help than amateurs. And she defends Zack and Ivy in that moment. And out if the blue mentions no HQ? She loves Ivy and Zack because they’re everything VILE isn’t. I think…I think that Carmen wants to show Shadowsan how good her team is. She wants him to be impressed with all of them. And she’s angry because Zack and Ivy did themselves no favors (though Zack’s the one at fault). Urgh. “Not a good time” for Shadowsan to check in. Carmen was hoping to smooth it over after the fact but she’s holding to her end of the bargain of “no secrets”. I’m losing my mind this episode all goes back to Carmen distancing herself from VILE. That’s the real reason she’s mad at Ivy and Zack.
Shadowsan’s at least impressed with Player. CoNFIRMiNG that Player is Carmen’s secret weapon my mind is going nuts what must he be thinking. “I’m sure glad we didn’t know about him when I was Faculty”
THEYRE more upset about letting Carmen down 😭😭😭
I LOVE this subplot to the episode. It increases the stakes so much. Ivy and Zack have a legit job offer from a guy who has no problem outright saying they are family. Carmen at this point hasn’t said it herself and Zack’s attempts to bond with Shadowsan have been, as Ivy says, embarrassing. At this point they are at their lowest and Carmen’s mad? Yeah the script does an excellent job to really make the audience wonder if they’ll take up Mr Sterling on his offer. It’s a 1:1 trade off. Crime fighting or racing. That’s what this episode becomes about. And for Carmen there’s a choice too. Her team has changed. What changes does she need to make.
The separation of the team for even one night kills me emotionally. Carmen just isn’t good with being vulnerable. She confides in Player the next morning that she hopes she didn’t run them off. Player is interestingly neutral. He doesn’t support or condemn either side. He kinda just. Guides Carmen in telling her that she was direct. She’s not in danger, so he doesn’t intervene. Gives her the freedom to figure things out. Because VILE didn’t let her have that.
Okay this is such cool emotional maturity from Ivy? She acknowledges correctly that Carmen doesn’t hate them?? Okay so that’s a fic concept I can run with. I wonder if Ivy’s been talking to Player? They likely collaborate a lot so wouldn’t be surprised if their conversations drift to “is Carmen okay?”
Zack, are you telling me that you don’t have race car boxers?
Ivy spends this whole episode assuring Zack and the audience that Carmen does not hate them. And she gets vindicated in the end. I think I’m appreciative for what that is now. Because this is for younger viewers it’s good to reinforce that. Refreshing honestly. It could have been even worse miscommunication. But it shows that the team was close even before this. Ivy wouldn’t be so certain otherwise. Proves they’re family.
Legit car chase scene. EPIC.
Carmen is THIS close to having a Chase Devineaux moment and I’m mildly sad we didn’t get it. I guess that was last episode.
“Look, I think you know you’re more than just my crew” GIVE ME ALL of the in between caper gossip sessions and fun times PLEASE. I can only read between the lines so much. But also again Carmen not being emotionally vulnerable. She says she loves them indirectly here, but the message is clear in her actions. Zack and Ivy jumped in to continue to help despite her yelling at them. Carmen takes them along no questions asked. RIP Ivy and heights
Ivy and Zack response to facing a senior VILE agent excellent and fearful. Meanwhile Carmen literally is bored waiting lol
Lol! The Driver was gonna right the blimp but Carmen’s all “I’m the main character and good guy I’m gonna save the day here”
Ivy thinks of the plan the same time as Zack and she’s still terrified out of her wits during the execution
Awww Carmen apologizes in her own way. “Pro moves”
“Who were they?” WHY HAS VILE nOT SCOUTED Zack and Ivy???? There should be FILES and background checks VILE could know everything about them and use it against the team.
The warehouse scene is SUCH a good fake out. It was set up so well.
Midnight calls to room service. They tease the bonding moments so much. Give me all the fics.
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thisaliennerd · 4 months
Bob!s Burgers Asks: 12 & 15 (I'm asking so much people about 12 because I am genuinely curious😭😭)
ty for the ask!!!
12. what’s your favorite quote from the show?
i have so many! i swear half of the stuff i say is quotes from the show! and honestly watching eps with me must be so annoying bc im just constantly lipsynching lol. i know most of the episodes by heart. my parents love linda's quote from romancing the beef "couple of large wines? and for you?" and one i was quoting yesterdy was logan. pretty sure it's from late afternoon in the garden of bob and louise, and it's "you can't buy me like a cheap sex lady" i'm also partial to tom's "do not call my wife a whore" from ear-sy rider, but i think if i had to pick one it would probably be rudy from his debut episode carpe museum, with the classic, '"why do they call you [regular-sided rudy]? "just look at me"' i try to do his lil voice and i can't quite get it but i try every time lol
15. least favorite episode (and why)?
well, like i said, i think there's something good about every episode but i do have a few eps that i sometimes skip on rewatches. in general im not the biggest fan of the kind of clip show episodes where everyone tells a story, but that being said, diarrhea of a poopy kid and sliding bobs are some of my favorites, so it just depends. mo mommy mo problems gives me major secondhand embarrassment lol but i guess id go with long time listener, first time bob. it's not a bad episode, and i like nick offerman, but i just find it a bit forgettable
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
omg why dont you like rep babe! no hate i swear, jyst curious love your thoughts always
hahaha no worries, i get this question a lot. i'm in the minority, i know. just from a subjective place, its very try-hard to me. i think it's great she likes to branch out and try new things and sounds and challenge herself artistically i guess, i just don't care for it lol. the sound is a little too sterile and closed off for me, especially since she's got such a knack for tactile and intimate songwriting/production. repetitive in it's instrumental vocabulary as well and that makes me so bored. i remember listening to it a lot when it first came out and i would zone out... which is the kiss of death. she knows how to make a jaunty pop tune or a soft acoustic song sound fresh and inventive every time, but her dalliance with dance/pop just sounds like imitation. and i find it some of her worst lyrics of all time, in my personal opinion. clunky and forced. not all of the songs, of course, like i feel she has highs and lows on all her albums. but reputation is unlistenable to me outside of like 3 songs i think.
also not to mention that the irony of her going dance-pop in 2017... i think i talked about this before but pre-1989 (the album not year), pop music in the early 2010's was super dance/edm saturated, this all coming from an american market. all the pop stars were doing songs with DJs and Zedd and Avicii and Swedish House Mafia and all these club music types were dominating the charts, beyond your typical drugstore pop fare from like Pink and Bruno Mars and the like. 1989 injected a synth wave (lol) into mainstream pop music, mainly coming from her work with Jack but still she gets a lot of the credit for choosing that sound. (and also other areas of music and pop culture contributed to the rise of the underwater synth pop sound that became prevalent) atmospheric and moody synths and new wave-y sounds became the chart norm in the years after 1989 and what does she do? go BACK to dance pop which was at that point fading out of fashion partly BECAUSE OF HER LOL. taylor has always seemed to do what she liked insofar as her musical sound. a lot of her choices, even today, tend to be even just slightly left of center because she's always seemed to make music that inspires her. work with people who's music inspires her lyrics and so on. it's because of that drive to do what she's personally drawn to that makes her work so inventive over the years, and why she has such a phenomenal hit to flop ratio.
mayyyyybe reputation was the kind of music she liked at that time, moody dance pop and whatnot, idk it's hard to know, but it also was the first time she appeared to try to make music that was directly aligned with what was popular, even if by the time it came out that style was waning. but that's the thing isn't it, if you trend chase, you'll always be behind. taylor was always a trailblazer at the most and had a unique perspective at the least, and reputation sounded for the first time like an imitation of something she wanted to be, but was not and fell short of it in a way that was painfully close in some ways, and just painful in others (the rap components make me shiver with secondhand embarrassment). she had all the components, but didn't have the ear or the feel for that kind of sound to put it together in a way that sounded as cohesive as her other genre work. you end up with a sort of plug and play clumsy thing that falls flat. that sort of thing bothers me more than most people because i'm annoying like that, but that's just my hangup. like how i can't stand when someone wears a very nice suit but ill-tailored on them, or takes a well raised cut of meat and absolutely destroys it by overcooking it. not everything suits everyone, even if you love it. of course, go ahead, try new things, but for me personally i feel very "happy for you and your journey but i'm not reading all that" about reputation, to sum it up i guess lol. i hope this doesn't come off too mean, its just my opinion! i'm not saying i'm right or rep enjoyers are wrong, it's just my thoughts about it and why i'm a rep-skipper.
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
Glass Onion
Yes, I had been waiting for this movie for a while and dropped everything to watch it the day of release. What about it?
Is it bad that I’m already like “I want all of these people to die”? Well, maybe not Lionel I guess.
Lol a bit of sci-fi to justify the actors not wearing masks for the entire movie
Is the bad CGI robot some kind of Star Wars legacy? :D
Aww, poor Benoit Soo, one of the guests plans to murder the host for real, and invites a detective to frame another guest?
It’s been 30 minutes, can people start dying please (Not Andi though, that’d be uncool)
Love the scenery, and Craig’s outfit is nice
Cool shot where Andi has the same expression as the Mona Lisa
“This is reckless. And you’re gonna get somebody killed.”
Okay, so far we’ve established the motive for: Peg, Duke, Lionel, maybe Claire. What about Birdie? And the random guy hanging around? And Andi? Is Andi automatically disqualified because we saw her destroy the box? That could be a real alibi or a red herring.
Nooo, so awkward, I can’t watch this Oh, he did it on purpose, that makes it a bit less painful
Huh, he didn’t mention Andi in the monologue...
Oh good, exactly an hour into a murder mystery, someone finally died! Yes, yes, of course it was an attempt on Miles’ life, I thought we’ve already established he’s who everyone wants dead. Cool trick to keep Norton among the active cast, I thought it was weird for the most famous actor to play the victim. (It’s nice to see Norton again btw, I wondered a while ago why I hadn’t seen him in new movies recently.)
Lmao the lights! Now this is fun
Oh no, Andi! :(
Plot twist!! Well now he's responsible for an innocent woman’s death, that’s going to give him a motive to find the killer
This shit is wild
Hell yeah she’s alive!!!
Is she going to attack the Mona Lisa?..
I feel bad about the painting. The way this was framed as a triumphant moment has the same energy as that Tumblr post about destroying famous paintings because rich people like them.
[Additional spoilers for Knives Out, The Last Jedi, Midsommar, and The Handmaiden]
The film takes too much time to get started. The characters are too flat to carry it until the plot actually launches. Only gets good after the plot twist. The secondhand embarrassment scenes are excruciating.
The plot: “rich people bad, the detective teams up with a pure-hearted woman of color and helps her win”, take two. Are they going to make a whole franchise out of this? Not a great foundation for murder mystery: just look for the most entitled white man and that’s your killer.
Benoit Blanc himself, though, is a good character to build a movie series around. A classic independent detective with a kind heart and a taste for adventure — I want to see more of him. Many people have said it already, but I want Blanc to replace Bond as Daniel Craig’s #1 role.
The biggest strength of the film were, of course, all of the clever and fun twists and reveals. As you can see from the liveblog, I was misdirected very successfully and loved it every time.
And now for the biggest flaw of Glass Onion in my eyes. Just like Knives Out, this film has an extremely fun outer layer wrapped around the heart that I find a genuine downer. Most of the shallow, annoying characters got off scot-free, and what was harmed the most in act 3 was an innocent painting. I’ve already seen The Last Jedi, I don’t really need the same ending scene as the Canto Bight storyline — except worse because the writer doesn’t see the difference between “rich asshole’s property” and “priceless piece of art”. Which is a bad enough take to see on Tumblr, but straight up baffling to encounter in a high budget movie, written by a professional filmmaker. (Amazing timing, though. How did they manage to release this not only in the middle of the Musk major meltdown/Twitter takeover but also soon after the Van Gogh soup discourse?)
In retrospect it also reminds me of a couple of other famous scenes with a female protagonist involved in destruction, and the comparison is not in Glass Onion’s favor. Midsommar also ends with the heroine and a huge symbolic fire, but it’s a horror/drama, and the event takes not only the lives of those caught in the fire but the soul of the heroine. The Handmaiden, on the other hand, features a scene of art destruction that is genuinely positive and cathartic, but the nature of art and the role it plays in human lives is radically different.
[Edited to add] I’ve seen people who liked the ending defend it by saying that people are more important than art. The thing is, if this were framed as the trolley problem — if destroying a priceless work of art were presented as the only way to save an unknown number of lives — I would feel differently. Instead, the film seems to want the viewer not to value the Mona Lisa just because the rich amoral characters do value it.
In a more Watsonian and practical sense, I don’t see how this is a win for Helen. She was the one who burned the painting. The fuel played only a minor part, the painting would have been destroyed just the same without it (in fact, that’s what expected Miles’ lighter to be for). But even if it were otherwise — okay, so this new fuel can easily cause a fire; well, so can electricity and gas if you’re not careful! Not great for PR of this specific product, but not a death sentence either. Most importantly, it’s the person who committed arson that will be charged for it, not the person who unwittingly provided the fuel for the fire.
I did have a good time, to be clear! Very worth watching unspoiled. The release was timed well: the overall lighthearted tone, clever twists, vibrant visuals (bright colors, stylish outfits, idyllic location) make this a good holiday movie.
I’m having trouble with a numerical grade (the worst part of IMDB and Letterboxd is that they make me care about grading, even though it doesn’t work with how I think about media at all). Glass Onion feels like a 7, but I gave Knives Out a 9 and they don’t feel two whole grades apart.
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Also, weirdly I’m really not much of a Superbat shipper at all, and the Superbat usually just comes out in joke posts that are largely at Bruce’s expense. Quite frankly, I have no idea what to do with that. Like, is ‘local area man turns ridiculous and looks absolutely goofy when male focus of his desires wanders into view’ my personal version of internalized homophobia? Oh god, am I projecting onto Bruce? I didn’t know I do that. Wow.
(Nah, I think I’m actually just into occasional unrequited Superbat where its one-sided on Bruce’s part because its a silly, low-stakes way to poke fun at a character used to getting his way and strategically mission-planning his way through every social interaction - with this last part literally being a thing I do, and thus relate to, and thus am like mmm I’m in this picture and don’t care for that, quick, I must mock to distract from the awkwardness of my relatability-born discomfort - and just, that character being totally out of his element and helplessly flailing. Like “help, I have an enormous crush on my ‘Greek statue of a god’ teammate I mean my ‘Greek god of a statue’ I mean my teammate who is a god Greek statue oh whatever. Look, his biceps are so huge I literally can’t even deal and nothing in my decades of training myself to reach my fullest potential and capabilities has given me any tools for dealing with this whatsoever. And whenever I ask my sons for help they just laugh at me and then hang up and my daughter just makes excuses to avoid me every time I try and talk to her about it but she literally told me once she only does that when she’s embarrassed for me because she hates dealing with secondhand embarrassment. 
But seriously, back to my crisis which I’m pretty sure nobody else in the history of humanity has ever had to deal with because how on earth would civilization even exist if this was some kind of universal experience? What am I supposed to do, I have to WORK with this man and have you even seen his thighs? Why can no one grasp that this is a PROBLEM even if that’s only because I so rarely confide in even trusted allies about the stuff that really matters and they can’t help me figure out how not to softly gasp like an anime character every time he smiles at me and only me, when they don’t even know I do that because I have that on lockdown. Like if there’s one thing I DO know how to do, its how to stifle an unwanted emotional response, lol, I’ve got that one covered. But back on topic, please. This ‘unrequited crush’ thing you speak of. How do I get rid of it? Is there somewhere I can just, idk, pay a fee to have them take it off my hands, because that would be GREAT. But also if you so much as touch the fantasies inspired by his heaving chest I might break my no-killing rule so I’m not really sure how that would even work.”)
LOL, but seriously, or as near to it as I can manage right now, I ship both Bruce/Talia and Bruce/Selina in various times and scenarios, and there’s frequently unrequited elements to those romances - specifically the timing and how sometimes one of them is not in the right place/mindset for the romance to actually flourish and then other times they are but now its Bruce who is in the wrong place, wrong time, largely because DC is like Tragic Man’s Love Life is Also Tragic because how else would people even know its him.
But problem is, there’s actual genuine emotion involved there and I’m genuinely invested and weirdly that makes it not really fun to make fun of Bruce for being the man who has everything except for what he really wants.
And thus, I Superbat. When that’s what I’m after.
Or, as we’ve established, when I’m still up and somebody should probably have taken the computer away from me for the Good of All Mankind but sadly, they didn’t and thus this is actually all their fault, when you really think about it.
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
While some go way over board protecting Austin I feel like alot of you overcompensate the other way. If someone asks a question about where is austin, why isn’t he included, is everything ok, you all jump down everyone’s throats saying he shouldn’t have to do anything or be anywhere or give an interview etc. it’s ok for people to wonder and ask questions. And it’s natural for fans of someone to wish they saw or heard from them. It so seems like you think he shouldn’t be heard from.
i get that. but i feel like the second i say anything like “yeah where is he!” it just sends people into a spiral that i, all love truly, don’t want to be the barf bag for. i don’t post every anon i get it and it is a little frustrating to get on here sometimes knowing the majority of my inbox is going to be “where’s austin what if xyz doesn’t like him anymore what if his team is this or that what if he’s embarrassed what if he’s having a mental health crisis what if he never works again”. and to an extent i know it’s the nature of times when we aren’t hearing much from him, i think some people get more nervous when bored lol. but of course i want to hear from him! why wouldn’t i?
it’s such a hard thing for me to even talk about because i don’t like snapping at y’all/coming off as a snappy and i genuinely do value that my blog is a safe space for people to anonymously vent, even if just into the void. but the void ie *me* is a fan that starts feeling down with reading too much negativity y’know? i internalize other ppl’s emotions to the nth degree and that includes getting like- secondhand anxiety when i can tell someone else is anxious. i hope this makes a lick of sense bc i feel like im word salading. something that’s been on my mind as the 12th gets closer is how grateful i am to have had this community when lisa passed. being able to come on here and talk to y’all and deal with that awful couple days together really did save my sanity a little and i don’t want to seem ungrateful for anything.
trust me, i’m ready for austin interviews too! i can’t wait for all the screenings and am 🤞🏼 we get good videos from them like we did the elvis fyc screenings.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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*gif not mine, credit goes to the owner*
I just want to take a moment to say thank you for the love on my last fic! It made my lil ole heart swell to see that peopled enjoyed it enough to leave a like or reblog.
This is just something special I had in my arsenal that I wrote for a friend a few months ago. I touched it up a bit and added a few things here and there. It all started when we were talking about how much we loved when Chris' accent got heavier after he'd been drinking, and well, I couldn't help myself lol. I hope you enjoy the fluff! xoxo
I apologize for any grammatical errors, I tried to proof-read but am also a little exhausted lol.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 2844
Warnings: I don't think there's anyway? Mentions of being drunk/drinking alcohol, cursing, and illusions to sexy times, but that's about it.
You hadn’t noticed how furiously your knee was bouncing up and down until the person sitting next to you on the subway got up to move seats once the train squealed to a stop. You sighed and ran your hands down the front of your thighs. Normally being a little late didn’t bother you as much, but tonight you were meeting him.
You flipped your wrist over to check your watch. 8:30pm. In all honesty, it had probably been only thirty seconds later than when you checked it the last time. Another deep sigh escaped from your lips as you started to become hyper aware of the train remaining still at the current stop. What could possibly be taking so long? You knew he wouldn’t care if you were running late, but the time the two of you had together already felt so minuscule. You wanted to capitalize on every second you could.
The train began moving again and you slumped back into your seat, feeling only a small amount of relief. It was becoming painfully apparent that you needed to try and relax. You could feel the sweat building up on your body, the sting on your palms from where your fingernails were pressing in with a vengeance moments ago, and you could hear your heart thumping in your ears. Your hand dug around in your purse for a few moments before finding the small case you were looking for. Opening it, you slipped your headphones into your ears and let your head rest on the window behind you as music intertwined with your thoughts.
Once upon a time, you made fun of people who decided to go to grad school. What kind of a clown would spend thousands of MORE dollars and go BACK to school?? Not to mention the stress of the assignments, the due dates - it was not for you...or so you thought.
Now here you are, a regular booboo the fool.
NYU’s graduate program for design and merchandising wasn’t necessarily part of your 5-year plan, but when the opportunity landed in front of you it was difficult to pass up. NYU was a school you had only dreamt of attending back in high school. When you were a senior in high school you were able to tour the campus and fell in love immediately. Hours upon hours were spent researching grants, scholarships, and all sorts of ways to try to make it happen. However, the dream ended as most teenage dreams do - crushed. There was no way you or your parents could afford the loans that it would surely wrack up to attend the out of state university, and there was no way you could ask your parents take on that kind of debt just so you could go to college. UMass was the way to go - close to home and familiar. Not to mention you were able to obtain several scholarships and grants that helped bring down the cost tremendously. Little did you know, boring ole UMass would bring you one of the most important things in your life.
Applying for graduate school wasn’t an easy decision and one you couldn’t really take all the credit for. A smile crept across your face as you reminisced on the night you nervously brought up the idea to your long-term boyfriend.
“I think you should do it,”
“I know, right?” you scoffed, “it’s insane, why would I do something so stup...wait, what? You do?”
“Of course I do. This is something you love and that you’re passionate about. Do you know how many hours of my life were spent listening to you ramble about NYU?” he questioned with a grin.
“It will open up so many doors for you. We can make things work,” a chuckle escaped from those beautiful lips as he saw your dumbfounded expression. He wrapped his fingers around your waist and pulled you close, “What? Did you expect me to forbid it? Cmon, baby, what kind of guy do you take me for?”
You didn’t have a lot of wins in your life, but you did have Chris.
When you got accepted, he took off a week from work to drive you 3 and a half hours south to help get you settled and moved into your temporary new home. The two of you ate a disgusting amount of pizza, moved a ridiculous amount of heavy furniture in the middle of a summer heat wave, and enjoyed each other’s company before the long-distance thing would set in. Chris spent that week encouraging you every step of the way, talking you off the ledge when you were convinced you had made the wrong decision, and made sure to help you christen every possible surface of your new place in the most deliciously sinful way.
You bit your lip slightly at the thought and a warm feeling spread across your face. Chris was one of the most incredible people you had met in this world. Kind, caring, funny, intelligent, passionate, and god was he sexy. The connection the two of you had was scary at first, but now you just couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone else.
The robotic voice came over the loud-speaker in the subway car and you were rudely ripped back to reality as it pulled into your stop. You hurriedly scooped up your bag and jogged off the train.
It had been a promise between the two of you when you moved that there would be equal effort when it came to visiting and keeping in contact while having good, open communication. Long distance was hard but the two of you were determined to make it work. FaceTime calls, hours upon hours of texting, and even as far as writing the occasional letter back and forth (because your boyfriend was a hopeless romantic and you loved it so much). This weekend was your turn to come home to visit, and of course your last class had to go longer than anticipated. Fuckin’ Tiffany and her stupid ass questions.
The muscles of your calves burned as you kept up your hurried pace, weaving through the crowds of people gathered on sidewalks outside of various clubs and restaurants. It was a weekend night and the Patriots were playing, which meant the city was more alive than usual. New York was it's own beast, but it was a different type of hustle and bustle. Nights like these made your heart ache for home - the thick Massachusetts accents, the rowdy voices of bar patrons arguing about the game, the hugs shared between family members as they parted after dinner, and the faint smell of nicotine and alcohol that hung in the air.
As the neon sign that hung in the pub window came in to view you felt your heart dip down into your stomach. Last weekend’s visit had to be cancelled due to some stuff coming up with Chris’ work and a surprise assignment for you, so you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in 2 weeks. With a deep breath you swung open the door and scanned the crowd for him. He told you that he would be there promptly at 7:15pm for pregame shenanigans with his friends - which actually translated to how many pitchers of beer could they suck down before kick off.
“Aw, come ON! That is such a bullshit call!”
You heard him before you saw him. Of course. A grin spread across your lips as you shook your head. The thought of leaving to avoid secondhand embarrassment crossed your mind briefly before you picked up your feet and made your way through the crowd toward the sound. A room full of people from New England and you would still recognize that voice anywhere.
Everyone else seemed to fade away as you saw the outline of the tall, dark haired man standing at the bar. The slight freckles that spattered the back of his neck, the Brady jersey that he spent WAY too much money customizing, and the signature backward ball cap were ingrained in your subconscious memory. Not to mention if you didn’t recognize his outline or his voice, you would definitely recognize that ass anywhere.
You loved how passionate he got about sports and the way his Boston accent seemed to get thicker with each beer he consumed. Growing up in the area, you wouldn't think the accent would send a tingle down your spine the way it does, but it was different - it was Chris. Not to mention the sparkle in his eye when he would watch his favorite team or the way he would get in to arguments whenever someone tried to say something negative about them. You loved your big, handsome, over-sized toddler man so damn much.
A light tap on his shoulder made him whip around, his slightly opened mouth from his interrupted conversation curved upwards into a wicked grin as he made the connection of who was finally standing in front of him.
“Hey there, handsome. I don’t see a ring on your finger. You single?” You grinned, feeling your entire body fill with warmth as Chris leaned back and grabbed his chest as he erupted in laughter.
“Nah, nah, nah, unfortunately for you I am taken” he responded as he snaked his arms around your waist, sliding his hands into your back pockets as he pulled you into his figure.
“That is too bad,” you tsk'd, running a finger down his toned bicep, “she’s one lucky girl.”
“I think I’m the lucky one,” he grinned. He leaned down to meet your lips in a kiss. You sighed into it, allowing your body to mold itself so perfectly into his. The taste of beer on his lips and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating - it was home. You immediately allowed him entrance as you felt his tongue glide along your bottom lip. Your body felt small in his strong grip and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit as he gave your ass a firm squeeze. Normally, this type of bold, public display of affection would make you cringe away but at this point you were lost in Chris that you had absolutely no shame. Each time the two of you embraced had always felt like the first. Your heart still fluttered and your knees still got weak, like you were a 16 year old being kissed for the first time.
In the middle of your reunion moment, however, something happened in the game that made the entire bar erupt in boo’s and curses. Chris lifted his lips from yours to look over his shoulder and inspect what he had missed. You laughed and shook your head as you pushed him back towards his friends and took a seat in the bar stool he had been standing behind initially. His large hands found a natural place on your shoulders. While his eyes remained glued on the TV he began applying a moderate amount of pressure to your neck and shoulders. You didn’t realize how much your body craved that touch, his touch, until you immediately melted back into him.
The bartender slid a beer in front of you with a wink and you mouthed your thanks. You felt a twinge in your heart as you looked around, taking in the atmosphere of the bar. This was a typical weekend night for the two of you whenever you were living together. Football, drinks, pub food, and friends. If it wasn’t this pub it was your living room, just a couple blocks away. You didn’t even mind that it was your first night back and you weren’t alone, spending it immediately wrapped up in your satin sheets. The atmosphere, the people - it was so warm and familiar that you really wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Plus, being wrapped up together in the sheets was sure to follow.
“I missed you,” hummed a pair of lips as they placed a kiss on the shell of your ear. A shiver shot down your spine at the sensation of his warm breath fanning over your neck. You reached up a hand and connected it to the nape of his neck.
“I missed you too,” you replied, turning your head to plant a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
His arms changed position as he wrapped them in front of your shoulders and crossed them, resting his chin on the top of your head. Your hand absentmindedly rubbed his forearms as you nursed your beer and placed your focus onto the game for the first time tonight.
The laughter seemed to escape from your chest naturally and effortlessly the entire night, as it always had a habit of doing when Chris was around. The camaraderie between him and his buddies during a game was something you’d grown to enjoy over the years. Chris’ competitive nature and the way his jaw clenched when something wasn’t going the way he wanted was always kinda...hot. All of his friends were huge assholes, but in the best way. It was always entertaining to hear them jab at each other and do what they could to rile someone up. They were the life of every party you had ever attended and they had a way of making a boring night a lot more interesting.
Thankfully (for the integrity of the bar) the Pats won the game with a surprise touchdown in the last 30 seconds of the game. Chris, being the guy he is, bought a final round for his friends and a nearby group they had been going back and forth with all night. You couldn’t help but laugh as he drunkenly leaned across the counter and slurred his order to the bartender.
“I need a round for m’friends and for these assholes over here who thought Tom Brady was anything but a winner!” the group started yelling in protest and he simply waved them off and started sliding beers down the bar.
The group eventually moved to a bigger round top so everyone could shoot the shit and banter about the outcome of the game. You were tucked into Chris’ side, hands intertwined as he was passionately discussing the importance of Brady’s legacy with a stranger who made the mistake of stopping to talk to him. Your eyes followed the motion of your thumb as it traced small circles onto the back of his. Your other hand under your chin, holding up the weight of your head as your exhaustion started to catch up with you. Chris, although slightly drunk, picked up on your body language and raised your hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Alright, fellas,” he said as he stood up from his seat, pulling you up with him, “the lady and I are gonna call it a night. See you boys next weekend”.
“Chris, we don’t have to go,” you began to protest as he tucked his jacket around your shoulders.
“Mm, ‘course we do,” he replied with a soft smile, “you’re so tired, baby. I can see it in those beautiful eyes”.
You could feel your cheeks turn a light shade of pink as you rolled your eyes at his attempt at laying it on thick. After what felt like a proper 10 minute goodbye session, the group said their final goodbyes, hugs included, and you walked out of the pub hand in hand.
The walk home was filled with the sounds of cars passing by and conversation of what each other had missed in the week prior. Small talk typically felt like such a chore, but with Chris every conversation came naturally. Even when he had absolutely no idea what you were talking about, he would listen intently and ask all the questions as if it was the most interesting conversation in the world.
The lock on the apartment door clicked as you pushed it open and entered. You smiled as you stopped into the middle of the living room, taking in the home you missed so dearly. A soft tapping of toenails against the hardwood made your heart soar as you met the eyes of your sweet pup, Dodger. A squeal left your lips as you squatted down to give love to the sweet boy. Chris always made fun of you when you came home, saying that you always seemed to miss Dodger more than you did him and I mean, he wasn’t entirely wrong about that statement.
Once again lost in your own world, you didn’t even notice Chris leaned up against the wall watching you with a smile.
“Oh my god,” you gushed, standing up, “do you like...like me or something?”
Chris grinned as he crossed the room and caught your belt loop with his finger, pulling you into him slowly.
“Yeah,” his voice had dropped down an octave, “you could say that”.
“Mm,” your tongue swiped across your lower lip and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “care to show me how much?”
The look in his eyes made your core burn. The tension building between you two became too much to handle as you crashed your lips into his. The kisses were messy and you could feel the sense of urgency between you two. His beard scratched against the column of your throat with a delicious burn as he left wet kisses across your jaw and down the side of your neck. Chris’ hands found their way back into the ass pockets of your jeans as he started walking you back towards the direction of the bedroom.
Soon, there was a trail of clothes leading to your bedroom and you felt very sorry for your neighbors. It had been a long time, but Chris always had a way of welcoming you home.
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Six Ways From Sunday
Part 1, 2, 4, 5
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Steve is frustrated on a solo mission, so the reader helps distract him from his troubles. Things seem to go as they should until the pair’s arrangement is found out.
Word count: 2,756
Warnings: Mature readers only, 18+ - minors do not interact! Cybersex, masturbation, mutual masturbation, swearing, possible secondhand embarrassment at the end. 
Oh, Stevie.
His text is just an explosion of frustration, airing out his grievances against the solo mission he’s on. It’s tedious, time-consuming, an overall a waste of every resource he has. He’s working on false information given to him by a confidential informant who seemed much like they weren’t really sure what they were telling him was true either. Dead ends everywhere, backtracking, stupid people.... everything is going wrong.
Paris, it seems, is kicking his ass.
Okay, you text back. Do you want a solution or a distraction?
It takes him a moment to reply.
Distraction, he says. 
Oh, I’ve got a distraction for you, you answer, and you do. 
Giggling, you pull up a picture you took the other day; you had wanted to feel sexy, so you rifled through your collection of lingerie, picking out a black corset and a matching lace thong, completing the look with a pair of fishnet thigh-highs held up by garters and a pair of heels. Your hair was perfectly disheveled, like you had just finished with a romp in the sack with some pretty young thing. You had even done your make-up, a gorgeous smoky eye with perfectly blood-red lips. 
In the mirror you had been a vision, smoldering hot and ready for action.
The pictures themselves, however, left a lot to be desired. You didn’t like the poses you chose, some feeling too unrealistic to you, and others feeling way too boring. The expressions you made felt ridiculous; like, how is it all believable to have your lips pursed like that? Why do your eyes look so sleepy when they should be looking to lure men to their knees with a single glance?
You had kept the pictures, hoping that with a little time, you’d change your mind and they’d suddenly feel like the sexiest thing you’d ever done. On the contrary, looking at them right now still feels outright laughable. 
Steve will get a kick out of them, too. That should brighten his day. 
You pick the one you took sitting in a chair, your legs wide open and your eyelids half-closed, your lips parted in a silly sigh.
“And send!” you chuckle to yourself, sitting back in bed to await his response. 
It’s a couple minutes later when you’ve started reading your e-book again that your phone buzzes.
Fuck, Y/N.
Hilarious, right? Don’t know what I was thinking, lol
I don’t know what you were thinking either, but I know what I’m thinking.
Your brow rumples over your nose in confusion, and you’re unsure how to go about responding to that. But just when you decide what to say, Steve sends another message.
It’s a pity there are over 3,000 miles between us right now.
Really? you reply. Why’s that?
Because if there weren’t, I’d fuck you six ways from Sunday.
“Holy shit,” you say, staring at the text. 
At first, his phrasing throws you off; given that Steve’s experience is limited to the few times the two of you have “practiced”, the fact that he talks like this is wildly out of character. You hadn’t taught him anything about dirty talk yet, despite the fact that it was on your list of things to do. But, on the other hand, that thought does allow you the perfect segue into a facet of sexuality only made possible by the internet. 
Steve? you type back. Would you possibly have a laptop with an internet connection near? And some free time?
Yeah.... why?
And you remember how to use video chatting, right?
Fantastic. Let's say you and I have a chat in about 20 minutes, okay?
It takes him a moment to reply, possibly because it also takes him a moment to register exactly what you're getting at.
I like the way you think, Y/N. See you then.
And just like that, you're off, quickly setting up your laptop before recreating to the best of your ability the look from the pictures. You found most of the elements and put them on immediately, remembering too late that it's laundry day, and all your cutest panties are being cleaned at the moment. You struggle through your available collection, not finding a single pair that would suffice for this outfit.
"Fuck it," you mutter to yourself, deciding the panties weren't important and probably weren't staying on for long anyway. You reach for a long silk robe, slipping into it before hurrying to your laptop set up.
With two minutes to spare, you make sure your setting is optimal, from the lighting and the positioning of everything, to the vibrator you chose to employ should you feel the need to use it. Everything is in place and ready to go for when Steve invites you to a private video chat session just a minute too early.
"Fuck," he breathes the moment you pop onto the screen.
"You're saying that a lot lately," you giggle.
"Yeah, well, you're getting sexy a lot lately, what else am I supposed to say?"
"Well, the whole 'fucking me six ways from Sunday' thing was pretty good," you laugh. "I won't lie. Definitely got me going."
"I heard Bucky say that once to a girl during the war, so I thought maybe it would work with this..."
He trails off, his cheeks the pinkest you'd ever seen of him. His eyes fall from the screen for a moment as a bashful smile curls his lips.
"Oh, it worked, Stevie," you say, unable to keep from smiling yourself as your heart melted; he's so adorable when he's shy.
But right now isn't the time for shyness.
"So," you begin again, and his eyes focus on you, "this is called cybersex. Do you want me to explain or do you want to just get into it?"
"I think I get the gist," he says, relaxing in his hotel bed. "We're just gonna watch each other, right?"
"And we can talk about what we want the other to do," you say. "Like, if you want me to touch a certain part of myself or something, you just say something like, that's it, grab those tits for me, or you know... something similar."
It's your turn to be bashful, your hand coming up to shield your face as you giggle at your silly suggestion.
"Will you take the lead?" Steve says, his tone unsure as his eyes sparkle with innocence.
"Of course," you answer. "Honestly, you're wearing too many clothes. Let's see you take that t-shirt off, Stevie."
At once, he obeys, peeling his shirt off, and you try to keep from ogling his body. His every muscle undulates as he moves, his sheer strength and size obvious and giving you ideas for future lessons. At the moment, though, you have a part to play.
"Good," you say. "Take off your pants, too."
Again, he obeys; he lays back to take them off, sliding them down his thick thighs and off his body, leaving him in a pair of boxer briefs that just barely accommodate his bulging cock. His hand lands on the straining erection as he gets settled again, closing as well as he can around it and gently pumping.
"What next?" he asks, his enthusiasm bubbling over.
"Well, what do you have there in your hand?"you ask coyly.
He looks down and smiles, his fingers squeezing against his cock.
"I don't know," he replies. "But I think we should find out, don't you?"
"By all means," you chuckle.
He slowly slides his thumbs under the elastic band of his underwear, tugging them down. At first, there's a glance of lush hair, slowly expanding as it's freed from its confines. Next, the shaft of his cock peeks out, the very base of it molded with a vein or two before it bursts free, too. It wobbles, thudding against his lower abs before coming to a throbbing stop. Steve lays there, his long fingers cradling his dick.
"Fuck," you breathe, finding that you'll probably never get used to how big he is. Your heat begs to be speared by it, to be filled and used by it until neither part works anymore.
"Look who's saying that now," Steve chuckles, already stroking his cock.
"Steve, I'm gonna be honest with you," you begin, feeling an absolutely carnal need blossom between your legs, "I seriously can't get over your dick. It's just... I have literally never had one as big as yours. And I think you might've ruined me for any other man."
Steve laughs, a loud joyful noise, as his cheeks redden again.
"Well, I've never had a pussy like yours, doll," he said.
"I'm the only pussy you've ever had," you laugh.
The pair of you forget yourselves for a moment, losing yourselves in the silly absurdity of the situation before coming to your senses again.
"We're getting a little off track," you say, clearing your throat as you stare at the screen.
Steve readjusts, sitting up against the pillows settled on the headboard of his bed, his cock in hand and glowing with enthusiasm.
"What would you do to me if I was there with you, Y/N?" he says, his gorgeous eyes intent on the screen.
"Hmm," you say, you fingers slipping under the hem of your silk robe, slowly pulling it down your shoulders. "I think I'd put you on your knees in front of me." The robe pools onto the bed, revealing your corseted form; Steve's Adam's apple bobs along his neck as he swallows. "Run my fingers through that pretty blonde hair." You move your legs, parting them so Steve has full view of your needy cunt; his eyes drop, widening at the sight. "And push you face-first into me. I wouldn't let you come up for air until you made me come."
"I wouldn't come up for air even if you let me," he says, one hand around his cock and the other cupping his balls. "Fuck, I'd drown in that pretty pussy, doll."
"Is that so?" you ask, your hands slowly making their way along your thighs.
Steve wets his lips, nodding gently.
"Y/N, I've never tasted anything as good as you," he says. "It's the only thing I'll ever need for as long as I live."
"Next time we see each other, you'll have to prove it," you reply.
Your fingertips drag over the fishnet stockings you wear, over the garters that hold them in place until you reach your apex. For a moment, you tease, rubbing the sensitive skin along the crook of your thigh, gently brushing your garden of curls, all the while watching as Steve is hypnotized.
"Touch yourself, baby girl," he orders quietly. "I want to see your fingers inside you."
You smile, slipping a finger into your slick heat, humming with satisfaction as it glides over your clit. Steve sighs as you press that same finger into yourself, slowly pushing in and pulling out, coated with your arousal.
"Another," Steve says, his hand stroking his cock a little faster, and you obey. "That's right, doll. That's fucking right."
You haven't done much and yet, you're nearly ready to burst; it must be Steve's intent gaze, the way you feel under his stare, the way your skin tingles as he observes you.
"Touch that clit, doll," he says after groaning.
His hand speeds up as you press onto your clit, ensuring that Steve has an unobstructed view of it all.
"Fuck yourself, doll," he says, his breathing growing heavier. "I wanna see you come."
You whimper, following Steve's order to a T; you pump your fingers in and out, filling the air with sloppy wet sounds as you circle your clit. Moans pour from your crimson lips as your body writhes under your touch.
"Fuck, doll," he groans, stroking faster still.
The tell-tale twinge of orgasm surfaces, growing headier by the second as you quicken your pace. Your body tenses, squeezing every bit of energy into bringing yourself to climax for Steve, until at long last, you burst.
"Fuck!" you cry, still thrusting your fingers in and out of your pulsing heat.
"Another," you barely hear Steve murmur.
You obey, refusing to stop at all as long as Steve wants to watch. He orders you through another orgasm, and another, and another until he let's you relax.
"Eyes on me, Y/N," he says, and you focus on the screen; Steve squirms under his own efforts, and you swear his cock is growing right before your eyes. "This is for you, doll," he continues, jerking himself harder and harder. "This is what you do to me."
He grunts, a moment passing before he spurts all over himself, his jaw dropping open as thick globs of cum paint his abdomen, going as high up as his shoulders.
"Ah, fuck!" he gasps, milking every last drop from his cock before he relaxes.
"God, Steve you look great like that," you giggle. "Can I screenshot you so I can, you know, use it later?"
Steve smiles, nearly breathless. "As long as I can keep that picture you sent me earlier."
You take the screenshot, quickly putting it into a private file.
"There's a bunch more where that came from, Steve," you giggle.
"Would you, I don't know," he begins, using a towel to clean himself off, "send me more?"
"Gladly," you laugh, happy that at least someone likes the pictures.
Getting up, you look at your vibrator for a moment and decide to keep it around for when you and Steve hang up. You turn your laptop, ensuring that he still has a view of you as you remove your outfit, hopeful that a view of you completely naked will get him going again.
"Do you feel better, Steve?" you ask gently, releasing your fishnets from your garters.
"Actually, ye -"
"Y/N?" you hear someone say and it isn't Steve; you whip around to find Bucky in your doorway, standing stone still with his phone in hand, his eyes creeping along your body as your hands cover your bare vulva.
"Bucky?!" you hear Steve exclaim.
Bucky's eyes widen as he glances at your laptop. "Steve?!"
"Fucking hell," you grumble, reaching for your robe again and covering yourself.
"What's going on here?" Bucky asks, coming further into the room to glance at the screen only to find a naked Steve whipping a pillow over his cock; Bucky seems strangely unfazed. "Were you guys... oh..."
A smile slowly pulls at Bucky's lips as the realization sets in. The joy in his eyes is almost too much to bear, but before you even have a chance to threaten him into a vow of secrecy, he laughs.
"I fucking knew it," he says, pointing at Steve. "I knew you were getting some." He looks at you again. "I just didn't know it was with you."
A fire burns over your cheeks as you press your fingers against your forehead, trying to stave off the tension headache that will certainly come along with having to keep Bucky's mouth shut about this. 
“It’s not that big a deal, Buck,” Steve says, quickly pulling his shirt on. 
“It is, actually,” Bucky replies. “You finally got laid, Steve!”
Both you and Steve shush him before you dash to the door, closing it for fear of any other passersby. 
“Bucky,” you warn, grabbing his shoulder and trying not to think about the fact that you haven’t washed yourself off your hands yet. “We don’t need to say anything about this to anyone, alright?”
Bucky looks confused, glancing between you and Steve. “Who am I gonna tell? I barely talk to anyone here.”
“Sam?” you say pointedly.
“Right,” Bucky relents. “Okay. I promise. I’m not gonna say anything about it to anyone. Not even Sam.”
“Under penalty of death,” you murmur. 
“Heard that,” he and Steve say together.
Bucky chuckles, though. “I promise both of you, my two best friends, that I will not say anything about it to anyone.”
“Thank you,” you say, not entirely satisfied. 
You think it’s over, and you make to usher Bucky out of your room so you can get changed (getting Steve going again is no longer on the table for you given your new visitor), but Bucky sits down on the edge of your bed next to the laptop.
“Though, I’m gonna need some details. When did this start? Is Steve good? Is Y/N good?”
He continues listing off questions, but all you can think is why do my friends always want details?
Part 4
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
okay I saw the screening! initial thoughts:
I think the first few scenes are the weakest and it gets stronger as it goes.
Honestly the weakest part for me so far has been the comedy, I don't think many of the jokes have really "clicked" for me, and truth be told there aren't really many "jokes" at all, more just supposedly comedic scenarios that somewhat fall flat in my opinion. Within minutes of being introduced to the gang you've got Keyleth throwing up in someone's mouth, Scanlan peeing on a man's leg for an uncomfortably long time, and Grog belching to announce the gang's entrance. It's not that this type of comedy wasn't in the campaign, but it's just not my favorite thing and I don't think anything particularly clever was done with it here.
Scanlan's intro song of all the characters shouldn't have been there - there was enough space to start slowly establishing all the character traits without pausing the story for that, and when Scanlan started rapping I was suffering from some serious secondhand embarrassment. I know in-context it was *meant* to be cringey, but I kept thinking about how I've told my friends who don't watch CR to watch this, and how much that joke wouldn't impress any of them.
As far as the action goes, I broadly really like it but I do wish we had a bit more creativity with the different types of magic? I suspect we'll get more as the show goes on, but so far Pike just makes a ball of golden light and shields, and Keyleth makes plants, and they all just kind of point at the bad thing and throw stuff at it. Reminds me of how in the Harry Potter movies every spell becomes a force blast of light out of a wand.
The voice acting from the main cast is obvs perfect, and all the guests do a great job with what they're given, but what they're given isn't much. So far Uriel, Allura, Kima, etc. are all incredibly generic, and no wonder when they've got to give exposition and then get out of the way for the leads. Nobody's fault, I hope they get more to do later. David Tennant was fun to hear but we didn't get to hear much of him, for obvious reasons!
(So far I like Gilmore though lol. His scene with Vax and Pike was quite fun, as was the Tusk Love easter egg).
But the good stuff! There are already so many small character moments I know I'll go back and watch and adore, from the gang all saving each other during the first dragon fight, with Vax pulling Scanlan out of the way, Grog protecting Pike... to Vax and Percy both immediately wanting to call off the job because it's scaring Vex, to Vax calling for Pike to help heal the kid, to Scanlan picking up Grog a sandwich. It really makes it feel like these people know each other, in a way that works for me.
And like I said, I did broadly enjoy the action, the animation looks great and there are some really intense and evocative shots. I particularly liked Grog standing at the bloody head of the dragon at the end, with all the vivid gore on him and on the corpse... that was brutal in the best way.
Okay, I'm going to try and watch again at 12:30 for more thoughts!
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makeste · 2 years
This is probably a different question from what you usually get so feel free to ignore it, but you seem like a reasonable and chill person. I recently published my first fic and I'm crippled with cringe every time I open AO3. Not because I think it's bad, but I just don't want to see the response to it, even if it's positive. Is it mean of me not to read the comments? I don't typically interact in fandom spaces, but I feel like I should now that I'm a content creator. I always see people being excited about comments, feedback etc. but I get too much secondhand embarrassment from them, because fandom is such a private and personal thing to me. Am I just weird?!!!
hey there! yeah this is definitely a break from the norm lol, but that's fine. just bear in mind that this is first and foremost a fandom blog and not an advice blog, and so you should probably take my opinions here with a grain of salt.
anyway, imo since this was the first fic you posted, and you presumably didn't know ahead of time how you were going to react to everything, it's fine. writing something -- and especially writing something that you care about, and that means something to you, and that you put a lot of effort into creating -- and putting it out there for the world to see is always pretty intimidating at first. it's like baring a little piece of your soul to the rest of the world. there's something very vulnerable about it no matter how hard you brace yourself, so I totally get why someone might react that way to feedback.
but that said, now that you know that you have this type of reaction to comments, I think the polite thing to do for any future works that you post is to simply turn the comments off. you can actually go back and do this for the fic you already posted too, I'm pretty sure, and it won't delete any of the comments that are already there; it will just prevent people from posting new ones (and it works whether they're logged in or not). I think this is the most courteous thing to do if you want to be considerate of your readers, and of the time and effort they might otherwise put into making a comment (which for some people can be just as nerve-wracking as posting a fic), while at the same time also being considerate of your own feelings in not wanting to read* the comments because the social aspect is causing anxiety/embarrassment right now.
*one small but important distinction here, which is that reading and responding are two very different things. I know it's good etiquette to dutifully respond to comments, but speaking as someone who only manages to reply to maybe 10% of their tumblr asks, I also know it's not always possible to respond to everyone's feedback. I do, however, read every single ask and comment that I get. I think that if all you want to do for now is read and not respond, then it's probably okay to leave the comments on, since commentators should already be aware that author responses aren't guaranteed. if, however, you're struggling with simply reading them as you said, then it's probably better to turn them off.
I also think it would be courteous to go back and add a generic note to the fic thanking everyone who left feedback, and explaining that you didn't anticipate how overwhelming it would be, so while you're grateful for the response, you've decided to turn off comments for now until you're in a better headspace to deal with them. imo you don't owe anyone more of an explanation than that. technically you don't really owe anyone any explanation at all, but since they did take the time to leave feedback, it's probably a nice gesture to make.
lastly, I know this is the epitome of all "easier said than done" pieces of advice, but if you can, I think it really helps to have a mindset of always writing for your own enjoyment first and foremost. and so if other people also happen to like what you've written, that's awesome! and if they don't like it, that's also fine, because at the end of the day you didn't write it for them; you wrote it for yourself. or, if you're mostly writing for yourself but are also looking for constructive feedback so that you can keep improving your game, you can adopt a Bruce Lee-style mindset of "accept what is useful, reject what is useless", and apply that to your feedback. if you agree with what someone said, you hold onto that and apply it to your writing in the future. and if you don't agree, then fuck whatever they said, and you just keep on doing things whichever way you like.
writing is subjective; no story, no matter how well-written, is ever going to appeal to every single person out there universally. and so at the end of the day the most important thing is that you're satisfied with it. which as I said is unfortunately much easier said than done lol. but it's still a good attitude to try and strive for I think, even if you can't get it 100%. it's helped me a lot at the very least.
anyway so that's it. hopefully something in these rambling paragraphs is at least a little helpful to you. take care, and thanks for the ask!
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giantsreach · 3 years
part of having written carver since like. 2013/14 is that i can never remember which topics i’ve posted meta on but i’m pretty sure i haven’t discussed his banter with fenris in-depth on this blog yet.
i think something that rubs me the wrong way about the way carver and fenris often interact in fan work is that there tends to be an underlying and fundamental misunderstanding about why carver approaches fenris in the manner he does. i’ve seen a lot of carver talking out of his ass to fenris for no reason other than a ) he thinks he knows better, and/or b ) his overly critical eye wants to fault-find. + he’s annoying or smth to that effect. 🙄
these interpretations tend to neglect the actual driving force behind carver interacting with fenris in the first place, and that’s that carver has had little exposure to other warriors. apart from his time in king cailin’s army, he was peerless ( literally ) in his field, and only interacted with his fellow swordspeople when they passed through town via the imperial highway. 
now, there is aveline, of course, but the writing makes it clear that aveline takes on the role of yet another older sibling ( or family of a similar, authoritative position ) in his life, and as such, doesn’t quite qualify as a peer in the traditional sense.
this likely isn’t the most flattering way of phrasing it, but carver wants friends. people who he can relate to, who share his interests and background, who find him as compelling as he finds them. carver may seem prickly or sullen in act i ( and he certainly is at times ), but he’s also experiencing two-prongs of isolation:
     1 ) cultural, as a fereldan refugee in a city-state that doesn’t try to hide its hatred of foreign asylum-seekers, and      2 ) mundane, as a displaced young man who has never quite fit in at home nor in any village they've settled in, and who has recently lost the family member closest to him, and who watches his surviving sibling pick up new companions left and right as if it’s not at all difficult.
cut to fenris, who is a consummate swordsman. and while carver is initially on edge because he's under the impression fenris could pose a threat to hawke, once the tension is dispelled, he's far from opposed to fenris's presence. if anything, carver is eager for his approval. fenris is, aside from aveline, the only warrior carver gets to spend any considerable amount of time with, and he's singular in his skill and ability. it's plain to see why someone like carver, starved for peers, would want to establish some kind of rapport with someone as exemplary as fenris.
the problem is, naturally, that carver — nineteen and having never learned to read socialize properly, due in equal parts to growing up sheltered as well as having poor self-confidence — cannot stop himself from saying shit that is so mind-blowingly stupid, that it is a wonder fenris was as forbearing as he was. i'm talking about:
Carver: So... this master of yours wants your markings back? Skin and all? Fenris: So his hunters told me. Unwillingly. Carver: So why not cover them up? Wouldn't that make you harder to find? Fenris: Let them come. I am not one to hide. Carver: Still, if it were me— Fenris: It's not. ─────── Carver: So you've really never thought of hiding from those hunters? Fenris: To what end? Carver: So you could, I don't know, have a life? Fenris: What life do you have? There are no hunters after you at all.
i feel like it should be obvious why these banters are in bad taste, so i won’t go into detail to lambaste carver over his blatant ignorance. the dialogue is proof itself, especially considering how little of fenris’s experience carver ( or anyone else for that matter ) can truly comprehend. 
what i will do, true to form, is explain that no, carver did not just pull that suggestion, careless as it was, out of his ass. while hawke may or may not do their best to lay low as an apostate, potentially choosing to engage then-knight-captain cullen over the unjust treatment of mages depending on player discretion, carver has internalized how malcolm guided the family. his father taught them to keep their heads down and be prepared to hit the road in case the circle caught scent of them? then that must be the best way to approach it. emotional neglect unfortunately primed carver to idealize and adopt malcolm's choices and general philosophy. this carries over even to legacy, where, regardless of carver's current character arc, carver will agree that malcolm was correct to keep secrets.
so there's fenris, right, who carver believes is in a position similar to that which the hawkes have been in. carver, attempting to help ( as he is wont to do ), wants to share what had worked for them in attaining a semblance of normalcy, not realizing or considering that that is not fenris's foremost goal. hiding is not a one-size fix-all solution, but carver hasn't expanded his horizons well enough to grasp that fully yet.
then there's largest contributors to my secondhand embarrassment in da2:
Carver: You're very different from other elves. Fenris: Oh? You know them all? Carver: No. I just... you look different. There's no denying that. Fenris: It is what I am. And unlike the problems you claim to have, I really did have no choice. Carver: Do we know anyone who isn't brooding every hour of the day? Fenris: Like attracts like, it seems. ─────── Carver: You know, Fenris, I have a tattoo. Fenris: You have a what? Carver: A tattoo. A lot of us got them before Ostagar. It's a Mabari. For strength. Fenris: Does it curse you with the ability to reach into a man and tear out his insides? Carver: Uh. I can make it bark. Fenris: Please don't.
i’ll start with the second one first. at its heart, the tattoo banter hearkens back to the fact carver wants to feel like he has something in common with someone. yes, it is cringe. but it’s also misguidedly sweet, and on top of that, it’s something carver also tries to do with merrill, who carver arguably has the friendliest dynamic with out of hawke’s crew. 
Carver: Your people came a long way Merrill, but I like to think that we have Ferelden in common. Merrill: I never saw Lothering. Did you walk as much as we did? Probably more, you didn't start with halla. Our ship stunk. Carver: Your ship? Merrill: There was something foul in the hold. I can still smell it. Carver: Oh, well, that must have been unpleasant. Merrill: It was. Did I miss something dirty again? Carver: No.
speaking of parallels, the “you’re very different from other elves” dialogue mirrors this one with merrill:
Carver: So, you're not like a lot of other girls. Merrill: No, I'm an elf. Carver: Right. Alright then. Merrill: Oh, did I miss something dirty? Carver: What? No! It wasn't dirty. It wasn't anything.
yes, i took 42069 points of psychic damage from reading that too. but the main takeaway from this is that carver is trying, poorly, to make the two people he thinks he could be friends with feel like they’re special. ( you know, like how carver wishes he was. lol. ) to disastrous results. but i think it’s more than worth mentioning that the intent behind his conversation-making is never once condescending. 
and it’s not like carver lacks self-awareness, either. after he becomes a warden and returns to the party for mark of the assassin, he admits he lacked polish.
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I?
Carver: So, we're lost. Varric: Just like old times. Carver: Maker, I hope not. I was an ass. Varric: (laughs) Fair comment, Junior. All right, let's get this done.
and specifically to fenris:
Carver: Orlesians. Can't build a hallway without turning it into a maze. Fenris: Keep going. I'm sure your training will kick in any moment. Carver: Still don't like me? I've tried to change. Fenris: You have. Now you're dangerous. Let's move.
i don’t know how to end this nearly 1.5k meta, so tl;dr i guess
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
ER anon: So, context is a VERY-thinly veiled 'let's trap the members of this love quadrangle (plus a fifth wheel who regrets everything ever) in a room and see how many ridiculous situations we can put them in'. Perhaps less applicable to a Leverage AU but still funny were the competitions over who can remember more of Hamlet (kbJyepdkyqQ) and who lost their virginity first (ZLUeMmIabQQ). (...I swear that series as a whole was more of a valid medical show than all this is making it sound, lol.)
I actually really love bottle episodes, and they can be a very fun break from a more serious plot so I get it, haha. I think my roommate really liked this show back in the day, maybe? So I believe I have heard good things about it. (Oh my god though, the awkwardness of that jumping in to show off Hamlet when they weren't even talking to him... Just the kind of thing to give me secondhand embarrassment even if the character didn't. Well, until the Croatian Hamlet happened.)
...Anyway, now I'm just picturing the Leverage team trapped in a room (either era) long enough that they resort to these ridiculous time-wasting options. Not that I even know what kind of room could keep them all cooped up that long but hey! Let's just assume some thinly veiled pretext!
Sophie wins the Hamlet competition, obviously, but Eliot's surprisingly second place
Nate and Hardison start playing mental chess, just picturing the board and saying the moves out loud. Eliot keeps trying to 'help' Hardison but it's unclear how much is him actually meaning to be helpful and how much is him just annoying Hardison and making him forget the layout of the board
Parker tries to teach Sophie how to cartwheel. Well, she wanted to go straight to a back handspring but Sophie refused.
They wouldn't play "who lost their virginity first" but they would play "youngest first crime" and of course Parker wins no matter what category (they divvy it up like, felony, grand larceny, petty theft, art theft, etc.). The only ones she doesn't win are hacking type stuff.
Depending on what kind of random junk is available Breanna and Hardison would try to build a robot to get them out but when that fails it would just dissolve into a mini robot war
For some reason I headcanon Harry as very good at bowling. Not sure how this would come into play but there you have it.
"Would you rather" games that about two turns in get incredibly brutal: "Hardison, would you rather let Parker throw you off a building every day for the rest of your life, or let Chaos have full access to all your computers/networks for a week?" "Eliot, would you rather have to work for Sterling and follow all his orders, or only ever drink Hardison's wines and beer?" etc.
Similarly, two truths and a lie is a very difficult game with these people. Especially Sophie, oh god.
If there are fencing swords then Parker and Eliot fence one another while Hardison watches with big old hearteyes. Breanna and Parker also fence. Harry is the only one who knows the actual rules of the sport and every single one of them would be disqualified for one reason or another but they make it look really cool so he doesn't care.
Hide and Seek where everyone but Parker closes their eyes for twenty seconds and then they all have to look for her, and whoever finds her first wins. At least once she just clings flat to the ceiling like a lizard.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
HI MOO!!!! First, I love you and your work so much!!!! You’re amazing and everything you do is amazing and you’re the top of the top I swear! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve reread your stuff ;) Second, I saw that you’re watching one piece - do you have a list of your top anime? Or recommendations? I have some free time and want to get back into watching some good ones! Thanks again for all your hard work!!
Hmmm well, it's been forever since i've watched anime other than my big 3 (Haikyuu, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen) but let's see if I can wrangle up any memories of anime I've watched in the past lmao....
One anime that ALWAYS comes to mind when people ask for recs is B Gata H Kei (Yamada's First Time), especially the English dub, because it's so fuckin' funny. It's about a high school girl trying to lose her virginity so it's got a lot of sexual themes but I feel like they're portrayed really well and so, so embarrassing. Every time I watch it, I cringe through the awkwardness but unlike other things that give me secondhand embarrassment, I just LOVE it. I've literally cried laughing while watching this show and I even bought it on Blu-ray, which is a huge compliment because Im a cheap ass who only buys anime that I REALLY love (Haikyuu)
Another great comedy is Space Dandy, which I also enjoy watching the dub of. Space Dandy is my partner's favorite so we own that one too lmao
If you like the classics then obviously Trigun, Samurai Champloo, and Baccano! are on the list for me. I believe it is very difficult to find Baccano to watch though. Like, it's probably on some unofficial streaming sites but it's nowhere legal like crunchyroll or funimation or what have you. At least not when i last checked. I actually wanted to buy Baccano because I love it so much but it's just... not around lmao rip
If you enjoy some more serious stuff then I really enjoyed 91 Days.
Erased is another good one, though beware because it does contain some dark themes such as child abuse
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijo (Daily Lives of High School Boys) is a fun comedy that always makes me laugh
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is so so good too
If you like really peaceful anime then Natsume Yujin-cho is 👌👌
Usagi Drop is soooooo cute but DON'T LOOK UP THE MANGA. Seriously, just enjoy the anime for what it is and pretend that there is no manga because that shit got ruined and just knowing how it ends almost ruins the anime for me lmao just kill your curiosity rn
I never finished it but Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken was really good from what I saw of it. I'm just terrible at finishing things lmao
It's been a long time since I've seen it but I remember really liking School Rumble 🤔
Ohhh and Megalobox! Love it
Gakuen Handsome is a true masterpiece, a work of art, so I def recommend that one too
Anyway, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm pretty sure I've suggested these same anime over and over again and they're probably not that new to a lot of people but like i said, i haven't been watching a lot of anime lately lol (also ignore if I've misspelled anything, i was too lazy to look them up)
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