#ty for your ask!
carlarosenakilah · 4 months
What are all the Canon ships across all your AU's?
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I don't know what their fate is
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dilfsonic · 3 months
Dude, Sonic the hedgehog crossed with Watership Down? Can I just, like, shower you in flowers forever?
Aaaahhhh thank u!! Watership actually isn’t the main inspiration for this but it is a large one in regards to how Sonic is depicted! ‘Prince of a Thousand Enemies’ is one such thing that always struck me, including the quote I used for that sketch. Other inspirations for the story and themes include Wolf’s Rain (the main one), Season 3 of Sonic X (the Metarex arc), Princess Mononoke, and as far as atmosphere goes, partially Ai no Kusabi. I’m really excited to share more soon.
Fun fact, did you know that Black Oak gave Sonic the title ‘hero of beasts’ near the finale of season 3 in the Japanese dub? That whole season honestly is a big reason I started conceptualizing this story to begin with.
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noodle8 · 13 days
i saw your drawing of the guy from tcm and he makes me so sad he just wants a good trip and everyone is mean to him and he DIES ☹️
im assuming you mean franklin, and yea!!! he did NOT deserve all that he was just chilling :((((((
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stoned-eren · 1 month
What’s Erens college major?
hmm i had to think about this one for a bit. but! i think eren would pursue something very creative based?
i'm thinking he'd major in music, specifically music theory. ultimately, he's focused on the harmonics and technicality of music. and he does really well in classes related to that! his general education classes are questionable, but it's simply because he doesn't even try to learn about things that don't interest him.
he would pursue music editing/publishing as a career after he graduates :3
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thisaliennerd · 5 months
Bob!s Burgers Asks: 12 & 15 (I'm asking so much people about 12 because I am genuinely curious😭😭)
ty for the ask!!!
12. what’s your favorite quote from the show?
i have so many! i swear half of the stuff i say is quotes from the show! and honestly watching eps with me must be so annoying bc im just constantly lipsynching lol. i know most of the episodes by heart. my parents love linda's quote from romancing the beef "couple of large wines? and for you?" and one i was quoting yesterdy was logan. pretty sure it's from late afternoon in the garden of bob and louise, and it's "you can't buy me like a cheap sex lady" i'm also partial to tom's "do not call my wife a whore" from ear-sy rider, but i think if i had to pick one it would probably be rudy from his debut episode carpe museum, with the classic, '"why do they call you [regular-sided rudy]? "just look at me"' i try to do his lil voice and i can't quite get it but i try every time lol
15. least favorite episode (and why)?
well, like i said, i think there's something good about every episode but i do have a few eps that i sometimes skip on rewatches. in general im not the biggest fan of the kind of clip show episodes where everyone tells a story, but that being said, diarrhea of a poopy kid and sliding bobs are some of my favorites, so it just depends. mo mommy mo problems gives me major secondhand embarrassment lol but i guess id go with long time listener, first time bob. it's not a bad episode, and i like nick offerman, but i just find it a bit forgettable
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deadkenndy · 4 months
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing.
Oh, god. Honestly I tend to think of their story as just on going, even after canon is over. In Leon's case and the case of RE, I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon.
I would like some kind of happy ending for him if he gets some kind of ending, but I'd rather they not fridge him or stop putting him in games, and as I mentioned earlier, I don't see that happening as he's very popular. I think people would have meltdowns if they killed him off or something.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
So many. The latin urls, the hella baked orangey over saturated graphics (which are still a thing), the box themes (I'm a sucker for those still), urls that end in ings or isms (sometimes with two i's.)
I don't like graphics with too much contrast where it's like super dark and super bright. There's some colorings I've seen that are too hard on the eyes or have color combos I find unappealing. Granted that's all subjective but that's just how I feel. I don't like edits where I can't see what's going on. Also super tiny icons.
On the flipside I don't care for huge images either, they just take up too much space.
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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one day, in a thousand years
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shade-e-e-es · 6 months
“hermitcraft application” and it’s just all of skizz’s builds from yesterday and from guess that build with a crumpled crying begging🥺🥺 skizz face
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Dishonourable Demonstration
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carlarosenakilah · 4 months
Omg, Primrose, dear, (such a long time to see her), how are you doing? ^^
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(Btw I'd like to note you can ask about what-if scenarios to understand these characters more like the liluciferau blog :) I very much love prompts)
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stealingyourbones · 8 months
Happy very early Halloween have a dp idea that won't leave me alone. I also bring along the wonderfully preserved bones of the many whales that fall into the deep dark of the ocean to never be seen again as an offering.
Playing around with the blood blossoms cause illness and even perma death in ghosts from canon; as he's effected by LIVE blood blossoms because of his halfa status interacting with the pollen, when he goes to university Danny decides to get Sam and/or Tucker to press/dry some blossoms for him and he puts them in EVERYTHING. They act as a deterrent for ghosts who want to try and bother him at university because the ghost boy is so powerful he can resist the flowers now!?
I'm thinking he commissions one of those water bottles where the glass/plastic has stuff inside of the walls of the bottle and its just pressed blood blossoms but most of the ghosts think he's drinking blood blossom infused water.
Oh my god YES!
I also propose that Danny wears one of those necklaces that has a tiny pressed flower inside but it’s a dried bud of a blood blossom.
You could even grind the dried blossoms into a fine powder and incorporate it into various items like hair gel, nail polish, blush, eye shadow, or even hair dye.
With many heroes having died before and have since been revived by unconventional means, how do blood blossoms effect them?
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shepscapades · 5 months
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
I don't know how to start, so first of all, I wanted to say how much I love Mushroom Oasis! Thank you so much for making this vn, I'm waiting patiently for new updates! (Btw I've also played Lift Your Spirits and even though it's shorter than Mushroom Oasis it's one of my favourite vns too! I really like the atmosphere in both of them <3)
Now to the questions! What is Mychael's attitude to schools and kindergardens? Would he like to visit at least one of those?
And if he was studying in a school, what would his favourite subject be? Least favourite subject? Would he be a quiet kid? And would he have many friends?
I am also curious if people can ask questions and send art/fics about Lift Your Spirits here? I haven't seen much of it sadly.
I deeply apologise if some of these questions have been asked already or I haven't seen something important! Have a great day! <33
It's hard to say what he thinks of kindergartens/schools since he's never been to one. Assuming it's an AU where he's human he'd be an entirely a different person anyway so I can't answer it. 🤷 Same goes for the other questions, it's not really a Mychael thing to ask, sorry ;;v;;!
But I am very happy to answer that; yes, you can totally ask Lift Your Spirit questions!! In fact please do, Alma (they/them) needs more love haha!
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buwheal · 5 days
hey spamton! anything interesting happen recently?
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wispscribbles · 9 months
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Instantly thought of your wolf Ghoaps when I saw this
oh my god its them
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
I just stumbled across your Rottmnt pirate comic and I am WHEEZING I am IN LOVE 😂
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THANK YOU! :D they are my idiots and I love them <3
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