#I can only take so much more toilet humor...
spidey-555 · 3 months
Things I hope the devs of CotL don't do, but a part of me feels like they'll do anyways (or might already be doing):
Revive Ratau if we chose to sacrifice him. Like I said on a previous post, it would invalidate the weight of our decision, and would open the floodgates of "can we undo other heinous actions we do?" If yes, then why should we care about the events of the game if they can all just be undone?
Make the bishops so unlikable and unsympathetic to the point where the audience ceases to care about them. I know they already aren't the most likable characters due to their abrasive personalities (excluding Shamura), but people still find them tragic, so taking away that would just be the nail in the coffin. Unfortunately, this one already seems to be happening, if the description for the graphic novel is anything to go by.
Make Narinder seem like the good guy or otherwise have the story take a side in the whole "sealing of the one who waits" debacle. This kind of ties in when the previous bullet point (especially with the "already happening in the graphic novel" thing), but if they did this, it would feel like they're just pandering to the Narilamb fans by having the story bend over backwards for it.
Have the Lamb be this flawless, unstoppable, and perfect being who everyone (except bad people) loves and will never lose ever. This one is kind of self explanatory. If the devs decide to go this route, then I feel many people would cease caring about the conflicts if this game. After all, if the Lamb can't lose ever, then what's the point of caring about any the conflicts in this game of the Lamb? I will admit that this one is more of a "me" thing than anything else
Cure the bishops of their disabilities. Heal the injuries, sure, but not the disabilities, please. In my opinion, it would be very ableist to do this, as it would imply that the only way for the bishops to be truly happy is them being cured of their disabilities.
Have there be a "canon" interpretation of the Lamb. At the end of the day, the Lamb is a player-insert character, and the fun about those characters is that they can essentially be anyone and can have many interpretations. Making a "canon" Lamb would take away the fun of those characters. This ties into the other Lamb related bullet point somewhat.
Have the Fox and Midas become followers once we beat them. This is assuming we fight them at all, of course. This one is also very opinionated. I feel like getting them as a follower would be bad because it would A) imply they have a chance at redemption and personally I like the fact that we have at least 2 villains we can just hate (here's hoping to more!) B) let us treat them however we want, which means they could not get the punishment they deserve. And before someone says that you can do the same with the bishops (the whole "not getting the punishment they deserve" thing), they already suffered in purgatory, which counts as punishment imo.
Rely too much on toilet and "naked people are funny" humor. This one is another opinionated one. Personally, I'd prefer if we got more character-based humor (hell, maybe some surreal humor as well) than humor that only a child would laugh at. I do want to post this one on the suggestions channel, but I'm afraid of the backlash.
I'll probably add more onto this when it comes to mind
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moldingtundra · 3 months
Explanation for my unpleasant gradient and infected dynamic headcanon!
Ok let’s get one thing out of the way:
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I headcannon that unpleasant gradient is infected/kaspers ADOPTIVE father
if that makes you uncomfortable, no worries! Simply ignore it or ask me to tag just in case.
now for the people actually interested in why I headcannon as such, I’ll explain in this blog! So strap in for my ramblings lol.
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ok let’s get the obvious out of the way:
Unpleasant always appears from infecteds apartment. And ONLY infecteds apartment. Nothing else.
which is obviously weird. I know that other npc’s only spawn from one place (i.e infected from his own apartment or pest from the subway) but this almost always correlates with their lore in some way. If unpleasant had spawned somewhere else then it wouldn’t be such a big deal but this MAJOR evidence for my headcannon.
of course he could just be a really annoying roommate but I’ll explain this in my next point-
-which is THIS:
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Litteraly who the fuck follows their “roommate” around once they get an injury, you wouldn’t do that type of stuff unless….
It’s your child.
yeah that’s right, I believe that unpleasant is actually just a worried dad. Which explains why it always follows infected around and why it has such close correlation.
on top of that there’s infecteds skateboard, who the hell gets a skateboard directly based off of their supposed roommate? Unless of course. Infected actually looked up to unpleasant and based his skateboard off of it.
“BuT kEvIn WhAt aBoUt ThIs!?!?1!1?”
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I honestly have no idea what to say of this. I’ll be honest lmao. But I’m guessing it’s probably the fact that it’s just teenage angst and/or him hating on unpleasant because he’s technically not his “real” dad.
“bUt ErM kEvIn wHy WoUlD hE eAt HiS CaT tHeN ☝🏼🤓”
Because erm actually anon there’s 0 fucking evidence he ate the fuckass cat there’s only speculation and coincidences who the hell knows maybe it’s KASPER himself (I actually headcannon that but it’s a topic for another time)
ok now that I’ve THOSE out of the way it’s time for general headcannons!! ^_^
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General headcannons + ramblings!
number one! Since unpleasant is pretty much fixated on ‘cringe’ things (skibidi toilet and unfunny 2020’s jokes) it could play a factor on why infected dosent like having him around, he’s chill. But he’s basically the embodiment of embarrassment. Whether that’d be through his habits (nose-picking, messy eating, etc.) or his humor (as stated before) he’s pretty much the dad that embarrasses you wherever you go.
on top of that, the difference and the opposite nature of both infected and unpleasant makes it quite hard for anyone to really think they’re even partially related. Which is why infected takes advantage of the fact that he can say he’s a “creep” / stalker and anyone can believe him.
However despite their difference in nature. Unpleasant and infected are actually not all that awfully different. They’re both mentally stuck in a period of time (2010 with infected, 2020’s with unpleasant) and they’re both ‘cringe’ in their own respective ways. So despite their opposing beliefs and humor, they’re actually not all that different.
this and unpleasant would be the type of ‘protective and nosey’ dad. Constantly trying to see what is up with his adoptive son while also trying to protect him ever since he got the infection. To which infected retaliates and pushes it further, thinking he deserves to live his life the way he sees fit. Even if it means getting in trouble sometimes. Which is probably why no one is comfortable with unpleasant, it only suspects everybody.
Anddd that’s all! I think- But man that was a woozy to write- I hope you all like it! Who knows if this does well I might write more of my headcannons! For now though I’m gonna log off for the evening- Bye bye!
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—reading glasses
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SUMMARY | schlatt might not seem like the guy to help you with your insomnia, but sometimes an act of kindness can come from where you least expect
PAIRING | cc!schlatt x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.6k+
AUTHORS NOTES | id like this to happen to me irl please and thank you <3
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that insomnia was a bitch.
Sleep had always ben unkind to you. Sprouting up and disappearing just when you had gotten settled in for the night. Lingering like a poisonous mist before bleeding into your morning routine when you would have to be at your sharpest. And most certainly plaguing you at the most unfortunate of times—like during the middle of an important lecture for exams. Or the one time when you had gotten up at night to use the bathroom, only to find yourself still on the toilet come morning with numb legs and a sore back.
But it seemed tonight that sleep was the one thing you wouldn't be getting a lick of—if the dark circles under your eyes weren't already proof enough.
"Jesus Christ toots." Was the first thing Schlatt said when you lumbered into the living room, looking like an extra from the set of The Walking Dead. His ide eyes and parted lips told you nothing new, just that you were as tired looking as you felt.
"Carful. Not in front of the cutout. What would Pope Francis say?" Your joke hit about as hard as a feather to the arms, humor missing Schlatt by a mile as he cringed while taking in your current state.
Said man had been reading a book before you so graciously entered the room, only setting it down once he had heard the shuffling of feet against carpet.
"It's one in the morning dude. Didn't you say you were going to bed like five hours ago." He poked his tounge around inside his mouth, eyes softening a bit while looking at you.
"I did say no promises." You flopped on the couch parralel to him while referring back to the last conversation you had had with the brunette. Where, indeed, you had responded with 'no promises' to the call of you to get some rest.
"So, what. Did you just sit in there doing nothing?"
"I mean, Jambo came in at one point and slapped my face a few times before leaving. If that counts."
"No. No, my bastard of a cat terrorizing you does not count." He ran a hand through his hair with a cackle, scrunching his eyes up at the lopsided smile you tossed his way.
As more seconds ticked by, you could feel exhaustion practically seeping into your bones like a weird form of gray matter. But it never seemed to sink it roots into you, the feeling always clearing up for a few minutes before appearing again with twice as much intensity. Rinse and repeat for a couple of nights and you had yourself some good old fashioned sleep issues.
"Fuck, you look dead on your feet." Schlatt's hands found a home in his pant pockets, bundling up the fabric while swaying back and fourth on his heels. "Do you want to uhm, stay out here for a bit? I could turn the light on for you."
A breathy laugh made its way out of your lips. As dead beat as you were, it was heartwarming to see his attempt to make you feel better. It was a softer side of him you rarely got to see, so you'd treasure every moment.
"No need big man." Your arms reached for the skies in an attempt to soothe the ache between your shoulder blades. "I'll pass out eventually. I just have to hope it isn't in the shower again."
"Sure there isn't anything I can do? I've spent one too many nights of my life pulling all nighters editing videos, or god forbid—" He shuddered dramatically. "—playing five nights at freddys."
A joking response was halfway out of your mouth before you suddenly stopped, brows dipping with consideration as you actually considered his offer for a moment.
"Yeah, you could do something for me actually."
"Really? Becuase you know how people say things to be nice but don't really mean it?"
One deappan look at the foul mouthed man had him shutting up, a small grin staying despite your efforts to burn holes into his head.
"What were you reading before I got in?" You asked with a clearing of your throat, shuffling around on the couch to sit up straighter.
Schlatt seemed confused at the sudden turn in conversation. But he reached for the paperback he had tossed down at your arrival, holding the front up for you to see.
"It's upside down genuis."
"Shut the fuck up I knew that."
He flipped it back round to a legible position, his turn to scowl at your bemused grin.
"Seriously?" Small giggles filled the room as you read the title as clearly as you could in your sleepy state. "Business 101 for beginners? Committing to the bit I see."
"You forget I'm planning to buy Gamer Supps this year. Gotta lock and load the old noggin with the proper information." He paused to blow out a resigned sigh. "And I realize that the last sentence made me sound like a fucking boomer."
"All the greatest businessmen are Schlagg, my boy. But they're also heartless asshole that's probably get off on watching landlord's raise rent." You were straight up rambling from the lack of rest at this point and you both knew it. But to be honest Schlatt didn't really care. He was probably one of the only people able to keep up with your antics, one of the reasons you appreciated him so much.
"Who says I dont either?" Schlatt joked, watching as you rolled your eyes.
"You only jerk off to men. We all know that. Besides, would a heartless asshole offer to read to me until I fall asleep?"
"I am?" His voice rose at the question.
"Yes. Yes you arem"
Schlatt noticed his blunder as soon as a tired, but still annoyingly smug, smirk made its was across your face.
"You know you could have just asked me instead of twisting my words. And taking some hits to my ego." He scoffed in fake frustration. But your grin of victory widened as he picked up the book and began to flip back to the page he had previously left on.
"Well that's not as fun is it. Besides—" You swiftly moved couches to throw yourself down smack dab across from Schlatt, the latter barely looking up in the process. "—I have a feeling I'll really sleep this time."
"As opposed to what. A warm glass of fucking milk?"
"Can you just read already? And try your best to sound boring, I really want you to nail home this college proffessor roleplay situation we have going on."
You blinked. That had come out a little wrong.
"Sorry. I had this proffesor in college, boring guy super dull, always managed to make me fall asleep in class and—" You cut yourself off, face warming as you noticed that Schlatt has only been teasing you about your previous sentence. "Eat shit Schlatt. Just read the damn book."
"Whatever you say."
Five minutes later and halfway through a paragraph about the importance of not making your business seem like a pyramid sceme, it was just Schlatt sitting awake at the foot of the couch as he quietly observed your snoring figure.
"Jeesus." He winced as another loud snore ripped its way through the late night air. "You could cut trees with that fucking chainsaw."
But he would be lying if he didn't admit he was happy you were finally getting some rest. He had been in the same situation before too many times than he cared to count, so Schlatt knew you would wake up the next morning feeling better than you had in days. Something he liked seeing, although you could pry that confession out of his cold dead hands.
"Fucking asshole, making me get all soft jusy so they can fall asleep." The lamp light behind Schlatt was shut off as he grumbled under his breath, smoothing the blue hoodie he had been wearing down in preparation to leave the couch before faltering.
With a sigh he resumed his position on the couch, pulling a baseball cap that he had seemingly gotten out of nowhere over his head only after making sure to toss a blanket over you.
As he continued to softly watch over you, a little blob of orange entered the corner of his eye, freezing him for a moments notice.
Schlatt turned slowly to be met with Jambo, who he sternly pointed a finger straight at without hesitation.
"Tell anyone about this, and you're not getting any of that shitty catnip for a week."
He just got a meow in response.
Jambos tail swayed back and fourth. He watched as Schlatt curled up on the couch next to you, doing his best to respect your space before giving in and stealing the tail end of the blanket around you.
"Night Jambo. Wake any of us, and you're a dead man."
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sadesluvr · 7 months
Mike Schmidt - NSFW Alphabet
I don't rest. Enjoy, and consume content responsibly.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Mike is HUGE on aftercare. He obviously has difficulty sleeping, so even though he feels more relaxed, he still has energy to look after you. He’ll get you water, flannels or whatever you need to be comfortable (He moves around the house very quietly to not wake up Abby) and I imagine him to be a silent cuddler, with his arms around your body whilst you sleep. More about this in I!
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
I imagine him to be quite body neutral, but I suppose it would be his legs or hands, just because they have their practical reasons. On a partner, his favourite body part are mainly hips and ass, with thighs in third. Boobs too, he likes everything :>
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically) He likes finishing on your stomach, boobs or thighs. It’s easier to clean that way, and doesn’t have to worry about the dreaded pregnancy (More in D!) He doesn’t get much relief so he has heavy loads…
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He has a breeding kink…He likes the idea of cumming in you; the feelings, the intimacy etc, and the *potential* of being a dad, even though he’s in a weird place. He would definitely wait until Abby is older though.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) Basic experience, probably a silly fumble after prom. He definitely doesn’t own dirty movies or magazines, so I imagine he’s quite limited in experience, perhaps outside of a co-worker detailing their escapades. Once he’s with you, he starts to grow confident!
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying) Anything with his partner on top (He’s a tired bby)- The Lotus, The Basket or Reverse Cowgirl. Spooning also.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous?) No - Certainly not initially, and even after being together he has dark/sarcastic/dry humour, and so you’ll only have offhand comments that earn a chuckle.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Mike has BUSH. He’s definitely got a happy trail, and he’s trimmed, but it’s a bit more on the wild side. Nobody really goes down there but him so he doesn’t see a point.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.) He might take a while to open up, but over time he’ll let you in. He’ll leave gentle kisses over your body, and his touches may be needy but they’re never violent. He’s not big on dirty talk but he’ll whisper/murmur affirmations during the moment, and would let an ‘I love you’ slip during orgasm…
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon) PENT UP. On the 0.01% chance he does it at home, he’s in the shower and is VERY quiet. Other than that, he has to do it at the toilets at work if he’s desperate, but even then it’s rare. Takes more risks when touching himself when his partner enters the picture, but prefers to have physical sex with you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) He’s not very kinky tbh - Breeding. Being a sub when his partner is a dom. Edging. Lingerie.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do) In the shower. It’s the only place with 100% privacy (Abby can run into his room at any moment) or the desk chair at the pizzeria. He just MIGHT consider doing it in a mall toilet. Your house if Abby has a sitter/at school.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Not much. Being gentle and caring definitely helps, but in a *kinkier* sense it would be you in lingerie, and/or dressed down in sweatpants. He’s obviously a homebody, but if you wore a nice outfit to go to a party for example he’d like that too.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything abusive, incestual, non-consensual, scat/piss play. He’s very simple.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) GIVING. He appreciates all that you do, and he’d spend an eternity in your thighs if he could. It’s also *kind of* low effort compared to physical sex so after a long day at work it’s what he needs. He does like receiving too, but feels bad about you doing it (Even though he knows he NEEDS it)
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Slow and sensual, but when reaching his climax his thrusts do get fast and sloppy, to the point he starts shaking.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Doesn’t mind them, and sometimes it’s all he has. He does prefer to have a domestic space around him, so doing them at work is a bit foreign to him. He LOVES a quickie in the shower before/after work, but, prefers when you hang around after.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.) No, for a good reason. He can’t risk doing it in public as he could have Abby taken from him, and he doesn’t like the anxiety of thinking she’d come in when you’re at home together.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?) He can’t do many rounds, as I see sex being quite the emotional effort for him. How long he lasts does depend on the day - the first time you’re intimate he finishes quite quickly, but he learns to build it up as sex becomes more frequent.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) No toys. Gets a bit flustered if his partner mentions using a vibrator or something.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease) He doesn’t tease at first, but once he’s more comfortable and in an established relationship with you he definitely becomes a little shit! He could squeeze by you, grazing your ass on his crotch with his hands on your waist in the kitchen and say “Oops, sorry XD” and just smirk it all off.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He’s conditioned himself to be quiet, but if the house was completely empty on a day off he’d make noise - whimpers, grunts, sighs, gasps…He’s really pent up and overstimulated, and if he feels like he can be free he’s more than happy to let it out. He likes his partner to make sounds - it doesn’t have to be over exaggerated - but he’d just like to know he’s doing a good job.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character) Would fuck in his car. Again, in a COMPLETELY secluded area.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Average size (5 inches) but on the slightly thicker end. Circumcised. He knows how to use it!
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) He’s very repressed, so once you’re in the picture he becomes more free. Abby is still his main priority, so he doesn’t let sex/relationships consume his life for practical reasons. He still doesn’t do it all that often, but roughly at least twice a month.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward) He has difficulty sleeping at times, but doesn’t do his ‘Dream Theory’ stuff after sex, as he naturally feels more relaxed and his eyes heavy. If his shift/day was particularly long and terrible, he’ll immediately fall asleep, and sometimes he may not even wake up from his nightmare…
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Author’s Note: don’t mind the potty humor in Tengen’s. 🙃😂 #still cute tho
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when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~700
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I was wondering if I could maybe have something alone the lines of Rengoku and Tengen giving the reader a little pick-me-up when their feeling really down?
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“Sweetheart,” Kyojuro greets you—softer than usual—from the couch, brows furrowing at the sound of your backpack slamming to the ground, “Did you have a difficult day?”
“That’s one way to put it,” you snort, stomping over to the kitchen, “How was yours?”
Thank fuck you think as you turn on the electric kettle, already filled halfway.
“I am happy to focus on you,” he answers gently, standing quietly while watching your frenzied movements, “Which mug would you like?”
“I don’t know,” you mutter as he joins you in the kitchen, “The biggest mug we have?”
“Are you making a caffeinated beverage?” he chuckles, tone tinged with concern despite his teasing expression, warmth emanating from his body as he fills in the space.
You huff, glaring sarcastically as he reaches up for the biggest mug in the cabinet, “None of your business, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
“I forget my place, my sincere apologies!” he grins fondly, placing the mug on the counter beside you before bowing deeply, “However,” he continues lightly, rising once more to meet your eyes, “Might I suggest that your displeasure is my business, and that I care very much about your wellbeing?”
“You can suggest it,” you scoff, trying your best to remain pouty despite the smiling tugging at the corner of your mouth, “Doesn’t mean I’ll believe it.”
“What if I finish making your tea, and you make yourself cozy on the couch? I am certain my spot is still toasty, if you would like to claim it?”
“I suppose actions speak louder than words,” you hum with an air of indifference, unable to stop your smile from shining through, “Thank you Kyo.”
“Who is this Kyo?” he gasps, affronted, “I know only of one Rengoku Kyojuro!”
“Oh hush,” your nose crinkles, shoulders loosening as he pulls you into a suffocating hug, promptly melting into his firm embrace.
“No, you hush,” he murmurs, squeezing until you squeak, smirking with satisfaction as his hold barely loosens, “You are terribly cute, and would look even terribly cuter decompressing on the couch.”
“I think you just decompressed all the bones in my body,” you groan, wiggling helplessly, “Let me gooo.”
“Alright, alright,” he laughs brightly, distancing himself just far enough to kiss your forehead, “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you grumble, cheeks flushed, “My dearest, annoyingest, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
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“What do you need?”
“Excuse me?” you raise an eyebrow, head turning toward Tengen posturing lazily in the bathroom doorway, “I’m peeing.”
“For twenty minutes?” he smirks, “You should’ve said you were pooping,” eyes flickering downward, “And taken off your pants. Then, you might’ve convinced me.”
“Are we really doing this right now?” your eyes roll as you stand, phone slipped into your pocket, “Maybe I was about to pee.”
“I watched you come in here twenty minutes ago-”
“Stalker,” you interject playfully.
“-and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” he finishes, tone softening as your expression hardens.
“I’m fine. You go to the bathroom for forever, and I can’t?” you snort, “Double standard much.”
“If there’s something on your mind, then I’m happy to listen,” he offers gently, ignoring your attempt to deflect his concern.
“So maybe I had a bad day.”
“No shit,” he laughs lightly, stepping fully into the bathroom, “If you want space, then you’re welcome to take up someplace more comfortable than the toilet seat… in fact, what if I needed to pee?”
“You clearly have no qualms with interrupting me.”
“Yeeeah, but if you were actually peeing-”
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?”
Tengen pauses, warm hand settling on your hip, his confident grin coaxing an endeared scoff from you, “Not necessarily, but I am a pretty decent distractor, wouldn’t you say?”
“I’m sure you would say,” you retort.
“This isn’t about me,” he declares, “This about you and your maybe-a-bad-day, and what I could maybe-do-to-help.”
“Honestly,” you begin, sighing fondly as you allow yourself to lean into his chest, his other arm wrapping securely around your lower back, “You’re doing a great job. Thanks love.”
He whispers You’re welcome darling as your eyes close, mouth quick and reassuring as he kisses the top of your head I love you, hang in there.
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usuibu · 9 months
hiii i was wondering if i could request without a prompt from the prompt list? if so, can i request eren with an s/o where s/o and eren have just recently married and adopted a kitten, then one day said kitten keeps getting clingy with y/n just to find the reason why is bcs there's a little bun in the oven surprise and then y/n surprises eren with a testpack (and the kitten gets involved with the surprise somehow). really sorryyy if this was weird but I rarely see dad eren stories nowadays LMAO
Tysm for requesting!! Ofc u can put anything even just thoughts in my submissions, the prompt lists are just there if u need help thinking!
More oneshots/masterlist
People always tend to say that marriage was a big step, a big change. So you don’t know if its just because Eren’s Eren, but nothing really seemed to change with you and him after getting married.
You’d both already settled into your home and wrestled over which room decor you liked more and so things were nice, nice enough that you both decided you wanted to get a cat. It gave you the opportunity to see how far erens responsibility could stretch (which wasn’t too far from what you’ve seen😭) but anyways you guys had your kitten.
It always gravitated towards you, unfortunate for eren who refused to admit how much he truly liked the kitten. You would constantly catch him playing with the kitten way too rough for its size and you’d scold eren for not taking care of it properly etc how hes ‘a terrible father’ to the kitten 😭
Eren whistled rhythmically in a failing attempt to steal the kittens attention as it was once again, all over you. Disturbing whatever you were up to while eren tried to pick it up and place it nearer to him.. only for it to go crawling back to. He frowned like a pissed little kid and was about to verbalise his complaints until he got interrupted by you’re own complaints. Not about the kitten though.
“My head hurts so bad” you groan, hands flying to your temples, “do you feel sick?” eren replies, attention slowly leaving the kitten nestling in your lap.
“Yeah kind of, I think the breakfast you made me was that bad I’m gonna throw it up”
“Fuck you” Eren says, annoyed that he was ever concerned about your wellbeing (hes just kidding guys hes a silly billy this is a hee hee ha ha funny happy family i swear)
You snicker at Erens eye roll, “But really though I don’t know why I feel so nauseous”,
“Well maybe your allergic to the kitten?” Eren suggests in such a genuine tone that it was humorous.
“Eren,” you sigh, “you make it so hard not to bully you, you cant get mad at me” you’re disappointing sigh turns into another playful giggle as Eren starts frowning while you explain to him how cat allergies are more sneezing rather than nausea, and how you’ve had the kitten for long enough that you would most definitely not be allergic😭
“Yeah yeah fuck off the kitten doesn’t even like you” he says deflecting how he was wrong as it continues to roll around on your lap. “Take some medicine or whatever”, as always he still cares.
You open your cabinet in the toilet reaching for the painkillers, your hand stops as you notice the purple box next to it. You only had it really ‘just in case’ but in all fairness.. you were late. Your brain forced your hand to take the pregnancy test box because it would be harmless and would ease your worry and speculations.
Eren wasn’t home right now so it was safe enough for you to anxiously wait on your bed, staring at the test in the packet. Your glare getting interrupted as your alarm goes off alerting you that you can now check. It was positive, your second test was aswell, then the third one you rushed to buy at the store was also positive😭
This wasn't bad news at all, simply new.
You'd constantly joke about erens immaturity and lack of responsibility although you'd known him well enough to see that in the right moments, he truly is a highly capable man who would do great as a father, it grew on you as the minutes passed, the thought of starting a family with him didn't seem so bad even though you and eren weren't exactly aiming to get pregnant in the moment you did😭
You searched in your head for a way to break the news to him and you figured it would be fun to include the other member of the family, your kitten🤷‍♀️
"Im home" you hear ur husband shout as the front door shuts. "Hi Eren!!" you shout back, purposely in another room,
"can u feed the kitten really quick? I forgot to a while ago its probably hungry by now!"
"Wow and you call me a bad father" eren mutters, "I heard you." You reply blankly as he grins amused.
The kitten walks eagerly overtaking eren walking towards its little food station set aside by the kitchen counter. He notices one of the has evidently less full than the others so he decides to take that one to finish up in the kittens bowl.
You watch behind him eagerly but quietly lingering sheepishly around the counter, he tips the bag upside down as only a plain box falls out of it. "..what" he mumbles in confusion, he opens it to see the test inside but doesn't immediately react, nor move.
"Are you pregnant?!" he exclaims..
Facing the kitten and still not looking back to you, "Fuck off eren" you say smiling, yeah he heard you behind him.
He finally turns to you as you walk towards him, he has a fat grin on his face as he opens his arms rushing toward you before you can and hugs you so tight your feet lift off the floor and you feel like you're suffocating, you'll let it slide this time.
He finally settles you down in front of the counter, loosening his grip as he moves his hands to cradle your head, frantically planting kisses on your forehead to your cheeks to you nose to your lips. He can't contain his dashing grin and neither can you
"Can I name it?" Eren says with a boyish grin you know you cant trust,
"absolutely not" you say monotonously.
He frowns again, still tangling you in his arms against the counter as he runs one of his thumbs across your cheek, the other cradling your lower back keeping you close to him. "Why not?”
“Why not??? Because you tried to name our kitten Eren junior!"
"Eren juniors a great name, idk what you have against it!!"
"I hate you."
"Yeah yeah you love me, and i'll love our kid too."
"Yeah?" you say quietly, brushing a strand of loose hair behind his ear. Your hand glides downwards his shoulder as you simply admire your husband, your husband.
He stares into you deeply, slowly leaning in once again to kiss you. His hand moves from your face to the back of your head, encouraging you closer, deepening the kiss. Meanwhile your hands run through his hair. He gently pushes you forward into the counter as you both melt against each other, savouring the sensation of tooth-rotting love and adoration buzzing at your fingertips.
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific oneshots for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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heroloverangel · 1 year
Good Morning
Ingenium remains #1 on the list of characters who deserve more screentime.
You’ve never been a morning person, but this is ridiculous. For weeks now, you’ve woken up every day feeling nauseous beyond belief. Every meal has become a 50/50 chance of your stomach rebelling and sending you running for the nearest bathroom and you’re rapidly getting tired of it. You knew pregnancy wasn’t going to be easy, but you assumed you’d get to enjoy at least a little bit of those wacky cravings instead of gagging at the sight of most normal foods.
You stagger out of bed this morning, just like every other morning this week, into the kitchen and drop heavily into a chair at the table. Tensei’s been awake for awhile; coffee is just the latest item on the list of smells that make you queasy, and he’s been great about drinking it as far away from you as possible. “Hey,” he smiles over at you from his place at the stove and you groan back weakly. “You having another rough morning?”
You give a dismissive shrug. “I still feel like garbage, but it’s better than yesterday.”
He nods and reaches for a pan. “At least that’s something. Think you can handle some breakfast?” You weren’t hungry a minute ago, but your stomach rumbles at the suggestion and he laughs. “I take it you want your usual?”
Your usual at this point is just plain eggs with no seasoning. There aren’t many foods you’re able to reliably keep down when you wake up, but a boring plate of eggs is certainly the most convenient. You’re not unreasonable enough to demand freshly grilled salmon every morning, and you’d just feel bad sending him out for those chocolate-stuffed croissants from the cafe a few blocks away that always has a line out the door in the mornings. You’re more than happy enough with your bland scramble made with love by your adoring husband.
Or at least you would be, if your stomach didn’t choose today to betray you yet again. One moment you’re sitting peacefully at the table watching Tensei stir a spatula around the pan, and the next moment you catch the scent of the frying eggs and have to actively fight your gag reflex. Without a word you lurch out of your chair and rush for the bathroom, illness rising higher in your throat with every second. “This sucks,” you wail to him across the house between heaves; you know he’s busy with the fire hazard on the stove and only vaguely hear him yell back a sympathetic response.
After twenty minutes you pry yourself away from the anchor that is your toilet, gargle half a bottle of mouthwash, and then collapse back into your bed. Tensei reappears soon enough with a tray for you, only toast and ginger ale, and you sulk as you pick at your new breakfast while he rubs your back soothingly. “I wish I could do something to help.”
You relax into his touch and sigh. “I wish there was anything you could do. The doctor said it should pass in a couple more weeks and we’ve just got to wait it out.”
He runs a hand through your disheveled hair. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job handling this. I know it can’t be easy.”
You smile faintly and cuddle closer against him. “Oh no, it’s awful. But I’ve got the best hero in the world giving me plenty of support.”
“Best hero, huh?” His grin matches your own, and you can feel his stubble when he leans over to kiss your cheek. “If you’re already that impressed, I guess I didn’t need to call the cafe and order some of those croissants.”
You force yourself to swallow the bite of toast you just put in your mouth. “Hey now, I didn’t say that.”
You’ve always loved his laugh. “Think you can wait about thirty minutes for them?”
“That’s a big ask,” you tease and take a small sip of your ginger ale. You know it’s supposed to help with nausea, but you drink so much of it you’re starting to hate the taste. “I’m guessing your brother wouldn’t be willing to speedrun them over, huh?”
Tensei’s eyes crinkle with happiness at your joke, “You know that sense of humor is just one of the many reasons I married you.”
“Oh really? You know we’ve got thirty minutes, we’ve got time for you to tell me all the other reasons.”
You’ll be the first to admit that this morning didn’t exactly get off to a great start. Now though, as you curl up in your husband’s arms with his pipes positioned safely out of your way, your mood’s improved significantly. There’s a cool breeze coming in from the window with the morning sunshine, and you get the feeling you’ll doze off before the food arrives. You don’t mind that idea, you know your precious croissants will be waiting for you when you wake up.
You let out a yawn and blink up at him. “Love you, Ten.”
“I love you too. Go ahead and get some rest, you two need it.” His voice is soft, and the last thought you have before you fall back asleep is that no one else in the world could ever make you this happy.
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niceinchnails · 7 months
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My Opinions on EACH of these. Also dont take my opinion as good because i drop more cartoons than i actually finish.
Unappealing artstyle: Used to be a huge turn off for me but now i dont GAF anymore I just need a couple eps to get used to it (And those eps have to be good enough for me to want to watch it despite the artstyle)
Obsession with edgy/offensive humor: Ok this oneee. Depends. Im fine with edgy sex penis blood guts humour they make me laugh. & with political offensive humour i GUESS I can stomach. I dont enjoy it but literally every adult cartoon has some instance of it so i guess i just had to get used to it BUT if the humours based 30% or more On offensive humour then its just straight up bad Im dropping it.
overly cheese: i dont know what this means . i dont know any examples of this
too much gross out toilet humour: Im fine with it ok
Self aware/meta: This ones one of my pet peeeeeeves. If a cartoon straight off the bat barrages me with meta/self aware jokes I will not be into it. It feels like the cartoon itselfs overly familiar with me and joking with me like we're friends but we're not. Its like a cartoons telling me Haha isnt it so funny how i do X plot point All the time! Silly classic me. Like ive only known you for 3 episodes I dont know you that well, I dont know your CHARACTERS that well to find your self awareness of them funny. I guess its forgivable when its found later in the show when i already know the characters and story and plot enough to laugh at its acknowledgement of its own quirks but otherwise meta humour early on in a show just feels a little insincere almost self-deprecating. And it feels like its trying too hard to be cool since ive noticed meta humours the trend for a lot of modern cartoons.
Bad/annoying voice acting: literally just depends how bad the show itself is
too much filler/boring episode formula: Girl i love filler. I typically dont get into shows that are like nonstop action action action plot plot plot atleast get me aquainted w the characters first. I like the shows that ease you in with comedy filler and then punches you in the back of the skull with drama later on When you know the characters and you remember lauhging at their antics and such. And youre like oh noo.. Poor BooBoo Boy. But I like a little filler beforehand I want to know what BooBoo Boy was like before all the death and destruction happen i want to see BooBoo Boy laugh and giggle before he cries. And boring episode formula is fine as long as its not repetitive
I just realized how many opinions i have that boil down to "At Least let me get to know you as a cartoon better first" buttttt. anyway
My bad cartoon opinions
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imighthavetheanswer · 4 months
Why should I talk to my dad again?
There is actually only one answer to this question, but you'll see in a moment why it takes some clarification and nuance to not come off as flip and ridiculous.
Because you want to.
That's the only real answer you need, but as you can probably already see, that's hardly simple, is it?
There's any number of reasons to want to never speak to your father again. Maybe he hurt you, repeatedly, over and over, and never once acknowledged it. Maybe he's hurt you, and acknowledged it, but keeps hurting you, despite knowing that you are hurt. Maybe it was one big, tremendous, overwhelming hurt. The kind that a relationship can't come back from without a tremendous amount of work. Maybe he hurt someone you loved dearly.
Maybe you don't want to talk to him again. Then you do have your answer. You just want to hear that this is okay. I am telling you, yes, it is okay. It is okay to not ever want to see or hear from him ever again.
However, the reality is that I have known people with stories about their father's that would completely shock most anyone who heard them. The kind of anecdotes that stop parties dead, and silence the awkward coworker who wonders what you're doing for Father's day. People who ask me this question don't just have awkward dads, or cold dads, or weird dads. They have Dads, tm, the kind psychology and literature alike is built on top of like so many bones in a mausoleum.
But, again, why should you talk to him? Because, maybe, despite that, you still want to.
That's okay. You're allowed to want to talk to your dad. Of course you are. He's your dad. Chances are good he's the only one you have. Or at least the only one of that type (biological, adopted, caregiver, real, fake, step, grandfather who fathered, and everything in between) that you will ever have.
The questions you also must answer for yourself are:
Can I be safe around him, materially, if I reach out? Do I have my own financial resources, or home, etc, to care for myself regardless of what he says and does?
Do I have other people who can support me if/when he fails me again?
Have I set reasonable expectations for what he can offer me? If he never takes ownership of what he's done, can that be okay? There's no right or wrong here, it's just an important question to answer.
Am I doing this for myself, or for someone else? Sometimes mom wants us to talk to dad, or a sibling does. Is it safe to humor them? Can you set boundaries with that sibling or other parent, such as "I will talk to him as long as he doesn't deadname me?" or "I will be happy to go out for a meal, but I won't stay the night at your house?" If they respect that, that can be a great sign that it can work out well enough.
Now, you didn't ask me about setting boundaries around such a thing, that's awhole other conversation, but needless to say consider if you want to see him in person, or phone, or text. Or on a vacation you're meant to enjoy versus a visit that is more akin to business and work? This can be an errand, talking to dad, but much like cleaning a toilet it might still be worth it at the end.
So, asker (who may or may not be me, gotta start somewhere!) yes, you can talk to your dad if you want to. It's okay not to want to.
Ask me a question, if you'd like
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plushii-gutz · 8 months
Part 2 of the Spooktacle special woohoo! Fair warning for weird eye stuff
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The town began to grow taller and taller as the celestials approached, Punkleton leading the way with pride. They had to pause occasionally, whether to help one of the younger monsters catch up or to wipe away any fear. Furnoss reminded them that they didn't have to go, especially if it scared them. Of course, they persisted.
Nearby trees seemed to have gotten the same treatment Tawkerr had, tangled with toilet paper and fake webs. Some held small, smunkin-shaped lights inside to help guide the monsters along the street. The group froze up as other monsterlings approached them. Or, more specifically, approched Punkleton. Being the time of year it was, they were excited to come across him! He offered candies and took a few photos, happy to humor them. One separated from the rest, asking Plixie if they watched the show the robot was from. She slipped back behind Attmoz, whose fur stood up in preparation to keep the plasma monster safe.
"Ah, they're not much talkers," Punkleton pointed out. "Say, how about you guys run along to th' park? It's getting closer to midnight, and you know what that means!"
They other group agrees, thanking Punkleton for his time and running back out into the streets with a new goal in mind. He could feel how tense the rest were, hoping now they would feel relieved.
"What's goin' on at midnight?" Glaishur asked.
"Only the grand finale of the best damn party in all of Plant Island! Usually, monsters try to end Spooktacle around midnight, so we have a sort of closing ceremony. There's gonna be lights, music, costumes, and drinks for uh.. For adults. Ya know, maybe I shouldn't be serving those anymore. It gets outta hand real quickly. Ah, what am I talkin' about? It's a party and everyone's invited! But before we get to that, you little monsters need to learn how to trick-or-treat properly!"
It's a simple process. Knock on the door, say the magic words, and huzzah! Bucket of candy! Easy as that. Torrt had no issues running up to the first house, but the rest were not as enthusiastic about talking to strangers as he was. He spoke for them, giving them of words appreciation and making sure everyone got something. They even picked up little Galvana to help them be seen, who in turn nipped at the candy-givers hand. We might need to work on that.
Scaratar ended up falling behind with the older of thr group, deeming herself too mature for silly games like this. The second she saw the king-sized chocolate bars, though, she decided to tag along to the second house. To get something for the others, of course.
They didn't realize how awkward it was interacting with anyone but each other once they made it into the heart of the town. One large street lined with cozy little homes and monsters of all ages enjoying the night out, vehicles unknown to them driving slowly and blaring out hauntingly beautiful music. Furnoss worried about losing track of the kids, and as hard as he tried, it was impossible to keep up with everyone at once. Attmoz, Syncopite, and Glaishur wanted to wander off on their own, and Furnoss would be lying if he said he wasn't up to join them. They had a whole town to see! He was allowed to be curious, wasn't he?
"How 'bout I take over?" Punkleton offered. "I know these streets like the back of my hand!"
"They aren't the easiest to look after," the fire monster warned. He gave the older three a quick look for their judgment, and they dont seem to have an issue with the idea. "Are you sure you'd be able to keep up with them?"
"You can count on me!"
"I can help, too!" Scaratar added in, opting to follow the rest. Furnoss agreed, hoping the decision would be a good one. Punkleton was responsible enough, right?
Attmoz and Syncopite wanted to stop by the party mentioned earlier. It sounded way too cool not to! As exciting as it sounds, Glaishur was already uncomfortable in his costume, and he wanted to find somewhere to stop and make a few rearrangements before going into anything that might be a little on the crazier side. Furnoss wanted to look through the vendors, particularly interested in the decorations and baked goods. Maybe Glaishur could tag along with him?
"We could stop by a public restroom first," he planned, "Look around for a bit at the booths, and perhaps we could meet back up at the party. It will be a quick trip. Do you think that could work?"
Attmoz waited for Glaishur's response. He himself was a little indifferent to being separated from his partner, especially by someone he was still trying to be more fond of. Glaishur doesn't have an issue, though, and his opinion matters more to Attmoz. He gave the purple monster a quick smooch on the cheek, giving him an idea of what time they'll meet back up. Furnoss rolled his eyes but kept his lips shut.
"Let's find somewhere to stop first, yes?"
"Sounds good t' me."
Off they went! Leafy's was closest, and Furnoss was well aware that Glaishur already knew his way around. That was an issue on Glaishur's end. The cashier, a drumpler dressed as a baseball player, directed the werewolf-masked monster to the restroom. He made awkward but casual conversation, unknowingly, with a celestial while they waited.
Glaishur ripped off a few tags and combed out the fur on his costume as much as he could. It was nice to get a quick breath and organize himself a little bit, although he felt strangely unnerved. It was as if someone was watching him, waiting for him. Perhaps he was just worried due to being out of the castle - it wasn't a common occurrence, and he knew it was risky. Any small slip-up could lead to him being caught. Seems he found the spooky part of Spooktacle.
"Where ya from?" The worker asked, now wiping off the counter.
"Um.. F-Fire Haven?"
"Ah, heard that place was going downhill fast 'cause of the weather. Wait, what species are you?"
Perfectly timed, Glaishur left the restroom fully suited up. Furnoss bid farewell, leaving the gas station as quickly as he could. Thankfully, the drumpler didn't follow behind, as much as he wanted to.
As planned, they walked along the rows of booths and vendors, being treated as any other monster. They were offered samples and candy for simply dressing up, and Glaishur gained a new love for smunkin spiced cookies. They had to have white chocolate somewhere, though. Furnoss took a hand-written list of ingredients and instructions, suggesting he and Glaishur perhaps make them the next day. That ought to be good!
They were surprised to come across a familiar face, accompanied by others they weren't knowledgeable of. Furnoss wasn't sure if he should engage or not, considering the others. Somehow, it was Glaishur who called the monsters over. It was none other than the lavender bowgart herself.
Viola, Jaiden, and Baloola were looking around at the trinkets and decorations as well, each dressed to their fullest. Viola went as a witch, donning a short black dress with lace and a hat with purple additions. Jaiden matched as a black cat, going all out with fake whiskers, teeth, claws, hand warmers, and even contacts to give her eyes a feline appeal.
"Initially, I was going go as the cat," Viola commented, "But I'd rather not give my online following any plans."
Much to the dismay of Jaiden as well, it seems. Viola didn't refer to the other two by name, instead introducing them to Jaiden and Baloola as some of her paitents. Baloola was dressed as Hyehehe, as absolutely terrifying as that is. Her obsession with the Mythical seems to have no end. It seems handmade as well.
While Jaiden and her sister went to find a better way to carry the many items they purchased, Viola stood behind to have a quick check-in. What were they doing outside of the castle? They were risking a lot. Furnoss assured them that they were safe, that Punkleton took charge, and seemed to know what he was doing. She didn't seem all too fond of the idea, but it was their lives, and she decided to let them lead it however they wished. The cold monster was distant in his responses, that unsettling feeling from before still following his every step. Something isn't right, and the others picked up on it.
"Glaishur? Can I speak with you?" Furnoss asked.
As if he weren't scared enough. Again, they moved to a closed area, wishing Viola a lovely Spooktacle.
"I - I didn't upset you, did I?" Glaishur worried, already pulling at the fur of his costume.
"No, no, of course not. I just feel like you're.. uncomfortable. Is something wrong?"
"It's jus' anxiety. I think. There's a lot goin' on and I think I'm a lil scrambled in th' head right now."
"Mhm.. am I allowed to ask something that might be a bit sensitive?"
"I mean, I don' see why not."
"Are.. are you afraid of me?"
Glaishur had nothing to say in return. Even without an answer, Furnoss felt his throat grow tight with guilt. He shook it off as much as he could. He only cared for the comfort of his friend, and right now, he seemed on edge.
"Would you rather go find Syncopite and Attmoz? This is your first Spooktacle, and I'd rather you enjoy it. Besides, I think we finished our own little trip."
"You're not mad at me. Are you?"
"No, not one bit. This is something we'll have to work on in the future, but right now, I think a certain airhead is waiting for you. I'll catch up, ok?"
The cold monster nodded, now excused from the conversation. Furnoss gave him a head start, staying behind to find Viola again. He might as well schedule another meeting while she's around.
Back into the flooded streets. Was it the park Punkleton had said? Glaishur wondered where that was. As late as it was, most other monsters were likely on their way to it. He followed one of the many groups from a distance, hoping not to seem suspicious. Narrowing his eye, he realized they all shared the same costume - the same he had on as well. A pack, so to speak.
They were a rowdy bunch, carrying multiple different buckets and bags of candy and making a lot of noise. There was a growing suspicion that they hadn't earned those treats themselves. They seemed to recognize each other solely by color, even referring to one another using code names to hide their identities. Glaishur got distracted, caught up in the possibilities of who these monsters were and what exactly they were doing - something about it simply grabbed his attention. He didn't realize he followed the group as far as he had.
"Hey, Blue, catch up," the red one yelled. Were they referring to Glaishur?
"Did we have a blue one before?" The monster in purple spoke.
"Yeah, duh."
The red monster clearly had no idea. Either way, Glaishur's curiosity got the better, and he picked up the pace. He felt rather sneaky, too. Maybe this is why Attmoz always got into trouble - it felt fun!
They seemed to be following another group; one made up of younger monsterlings. They trailed behind them into the park, though farther into the trees than the playground. Had Glaishur been here before? The monsterlings picked up speed, realizing they're being followed. The older monsters copied, cornering them to a line of tree. That strange feeling from before washed over the celestial once more, keeping him back.
"Hand it over, short stack!" One demanded, motioning to their basket of candy. They bravely refused, holding it close.
"We aren't going to ask again. Give it up."
Once more, they stood their ground. The older monsters, apart from Glaishur, moved closer. Suddenly, from the leaves above them, a monster fell to the ground. It held its own eyes in its hands, pulling at them and grossing out the attacking monsters. With them distracted, the monsterlings ran free.
"What the fuck is that? Kill it!"
"I'm not touching it! Get someone else to!"
Finally, one of the costumed kids kicked the strange being over, knocking off its stone mask and breaking it in half. Its eyes simply retracted into its head, though the monster itself covered its face and wailed. Either they were hurt or terrified - maybe both. Glaishur walked forward, pushing the others aside.
"Cool it, cool it!" He asked of them.
"Why do you sound like that? Who even are you?"
The red-flannel leader pulled Glaishur aside, grabbing at his mask. Before it moved above his eye, he sunk his teeth into the others hand. They yelped, pulling themselves free at the cost of a deep wound. Realizing that a fake had entered their group, the remaining masked monsters spun on their heels, leaving the cold monster alone with whoever had started the whole ordeal.
Glaishur's attention went from the fleeing teens to the small being before him. He was admittedly frightened by its odd ability but had come to believe it was attempting to protect the other monsters. Who were they?
"I'm sorry," he spoke softly, kneeling down to assure that he wasn't a threat. "I didn't mean t' scare ya. I'm not one of 'em, I was just followin' them 'cause.. actually, wait, that's kinda creepy. I don't know, really, I just got caught up in everythin' and.. are you ok?"
The smaller monster moved one of their hands aside to get a better look at who they were with. Its pupils were an unusual shape and color, a purple and orange fade that vaguely resembled a sunset. It was primarily covered in blue fur with a V-shaped marking on its chest, its limbs almost appearing as wood. They matched the creatures horns, which were decorated with patterns of waves and dots. How strange of a monster.
They were visibly uncomfortable, though it didn't seem to be caused by Glaishur. Their mask seemed to have provided some kind of comfort, and with it now broken in half, they seemed terrified at the idea of being seen.
"Oh.. ya got lil sticky-out teeth like I do!" Glaishur pointed out, revealing his face mindlessly. Somehow, this seemed to be one of the few monsters who didn't know of the celestials. His small grin quickly shifted, realizing how insensitive of a comment that may have been. Instead, the monster moved their hands down entirely, appearing to tie the similarities together in a positive light. Now assured of their safety, the monster stood up.
"Can ya speak?"
They weren't really up to that, making small chitters but no proper words. Glaishur understood them not really wanting to be verbal at the moment, knowing how they must feel. They looked over what remained of their stone mask. It was definitely broken, now in two halves that they held in either hand. Glaishur looked through the surroundings, making sure they were alone. He spotted a pillowcase full of candy - must have been dropped.
"Do ya mind if I see that for a moment?"
The monster handed the mask over. Glaishur dug around in the bag of treats, taking out a few hard candies and using the heat of his hands to melt them. Using the sticky syrup, he mashed the two halves together. The celestial finally traced the break of the mask with his finger, freezing it into one solid piece.
"That should hold up til ya get back home," he smiled, offering it. After putting it back on, the monster jumped from the ground and sat on Glaishur's shoulders, resting their arms and head on top of his hair. Looks like he has a parasite now.
"Oh! Do you wanna come with? I'm headin' to the party nearby to find a.. friend. We'll say friend."
That seems to be their plan. Glaishur put on his mask, lifting the bag of candy and starting his walk to the final destination of the night - now accompanied by a strange friend.
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rom-e-o · 4 months
Before the Twins, that first year, Bess more or less being pressured into accepting a date with one of her coworker's cousins because, apparently, he's "super into her" and thinks she's "totally fit", and Bess is just sick of this girl pestering her with it.
The guy is admittedly cute and seems... nice enough. But he's got the energy of a middle school class clown that never grew up and his jokes only hit about 25% of the time. And he seems to talk just to hear himself talk; he doesn't care much at all about what Bess has to say. Needless to say, the conversation is very one-sided.
The guy disgusts and embarrasses Bess at dinner with his toilet humor and how he plays with his food (he and a group of teenage boys start a contest to see who can successfully through their food across the dining room to reach the other's table, several diners get caught in the crossfire). He makes her pay more than her share of the bill because he turns up "short". Then he takes her to--get this--a strip club. ("I thought you were taking me to a club." "This is a club, Yank." "No, that's not what-never mind.") He meets up with his buddies at this club, and all of them leer at Bess and make comments, both complimenting her and degrading her and also comparing her to the strippers. Bess' fingernails start digging into her palms, she has her fists clenched so tight at the ready.
Eventually her date leaves her trapped in the booth with his buddies as he goes to piss. He's gone an awful long time and Bess is starting to wonder if maybe somebody needs to go check on him, because he was pretty stumble-bum when he left, but then he comes back, hanging around the shoulders of two strippers. "Well, I'm headed out. Or should I say, we're headed out."
The strippers giggle. His friends whoop. Bess his mortified.
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, I just thought I'd let you know. Wouldn't want to walk out on you in the middle of our date without telling you."
"You're leaving me here by myself?! I don't know this place! It's dark out! How do I get back home?!"
He digs into his wallet and gives her an... Uber gift certificate? "Don't say I never did nothin' for ya, Yank. And don't take this personal, okay? It's just--I like my girls a certain way, right? They gotta be top of everything--I want the best right? And you're just... kinda average. Boring."
Bess doesn't even like this guy; she didn't even want to really go out with him in the first place. So why does that sting so much? Maybe because it sounds exactly like what Oliver used to say all the time?
She manages to get home, falls through the door to see her girls waiting up for her and she just breaks into sobs. She feels stupid but can't help it. "He ditched me in a strip club with a bunch of his guys! I went out with him on a date his cousin spent weeks trying to set up with me because he "was desperate to take me out", and this douche decided to ditch me and leave with hot strippers! He said I'm average and boring and told me not to take it personal. How am I not supposed to take that personal?!"
First of all, is this guy related to Jason? The assholery is top-tier. What a god awful sack of shit.
It's not Bess' fault for giving him a chance. The girl talked him up. He SEEMED cute and innocent enough. Bess is nice and wants to give him a chance. Why not?
Once her foot is in the door, he just switches it off and turns absolutely deplorable. (Throwing food, leaving with strippers??? SIR. You're a RAT.)
Poor girl. i imagine the girls are waiting for her, because of course. She's out with a strange guy - and they know how guys are. They've got their phones and are sitting up. Once she comes in, relief turns to immediate concerns She starts crying, and they are on her to help her out.
I imagine Gal taking her phone to get the guy's number. As for what she plans to do, well, this guy is about to become INFAMOUS among London's restaurant crowd. Good luck with him ever getting into a bar/restaurant again.
Addie helps Bess to the couch and Connie brings her tissues, water, and big blanket.
Addie: I can't believe he'd do that to you. To you!
Connie: His type comes into the bar all the time. He realizes a woman is too good for him and not isn't going to bend to his pathetic flirting attempts, and he defaults to BUYING the attention he wants.
Addie: That's pathetic! Ugh.
Connie: those ladies are going to be gargling mouthwash for ions.
Bess, you are a KNOCKOUT. If you were actually 'boring' or 'unattractive', he wouldn't have tried to take you to dinner first before dragging his loser ass to a strip club.
In the meantime, they all stay by her. They let her cry, hold her, reassure her. When she's ready, they even draw her a nice bath with her favorite rose bath salts. They treat her how she deserves to be treated.
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mlwritersguild · 1 year
translate, lost, poetic, 💐
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Not a Date, by @hanaasbananas
AO3; fluff and humor, romance, friendship, chance meetings, post break-up, getting back together, aged-up
Nine years after Adrien and Marinette went their separate ways, they find their paths crossing again as adults. Deciding to catch up for old times sake, both are firm in their belief that it is not a date.
Or is it?
It was a miracle that she heard him at all.
Once, long ago, Marinette might have called it destiny. She might have gushed about how the universe had conspired to perfectly time a lull in the music blaring through her headphones with a turn down into a quieter side street, away from the bustling town centre. 
She had outgrown such fantasies now, of course. But whatever it was–fate, luck or even just sheer coincidence–the result was that Marinette turned when her name was called…
…and promptly dropped her phone.
Adrien caught it before it could hit the ground. Handing it back to her, he rocked back on his heels, laughing delightedly as she gaped at him. “It is you!” he exclaimed “I knew it! How have you been?”
Marinette blinked. “ Adrien?” 
He looked…gorgeous, as he always had, but somehow her ex-boyfriend had managed to become even more devastatingly handsome with age. Gone was the perfectly styled hair and the spotless designer clothes that had been such a staple of their teenage years. In their place, was a well worn cable knit jumper, and hair so unruly Marinette had to clench her hands into fists by her side, resisting the urge to run her fingers through it. 
More than that though, Adrien looked comfortable in his skin, his eyes bright and smile genuine. The sight was enough to make her heart flutter in her chest and Marinette was suddenly very glad for the cold air that masked the reason for her flushed cheeks. 
As she watched, mesmerised, Adrien impatiently pushed up the glasses that were sliding down the bridge of his nose, his lips moving even though…
Marinette frowned, realising belatedly that he was still talking.
“–ong are you in town? We should get coffee or lunch sometime, really catch up properly.”
“Oh!” Marinette’s voice was high and almost breathless. “Yes! Definitely! I’m actually moving back to Paris so I’m staying with Maman and Papa right now. You should totally swing by, they’d love to see you as well–” Stopping abruptly, she forced herself to stop babbling, inhaling deeply before continuing at a much more sedate pace.
“I’m free this weekend if you are? We can go to…go to–” she hesitated, remembering the café   where they had spent so much of their time when they were younger. Would he think that it was strange that she suggested the place? That she was still hung up on a relationship that ended almost a decade ago? Would he change his mind about catching up or–
“Our old place, right?” Adrien interjected, cutting through her spiralling thoughts as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. At her hesitant nod, he grinned, almost blinding her with its brightness.
 “That sounds great!”
“It’s not a date.” Adrien exclaimed. Glaring at Plagg in the mirror, he continued. “We’re just old friends, meeting for lunch. Friends do that all the time. I had lunch with Nino the other day too, and that wasn’t a date either. Just like this isn’t.”
“Sure,” Plagg drawled, rolling over on the bed of toilet paper he’d made for himself and eyeing Adrien derisively. “but Nino isn’t your ex. And you only spent about five minutes getting ready to see him. How long did it take you to choose your shirt today?”
“Right, that’s it–” 
Plagg cackled as Adrien shooed him out of the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. “You know I’m right!” 
Rolling his eyes fondly at his kwami, Adrien picked up his razor to carry on shaving–this time in blessed silence. Really it was no surprise that Plagg was going on and on about him meeting Marinette for lunch. He’d never understood why they’d broken up in the first place, no matter how many times Adrien had explained to him that it had been for the best. 
Maybe he might have felt differently if the relationship had imploded. If it had ended in devastation, with anger and shouting and resentment to taint all the happiness they had once shared. Instead, it had ended quietly, with no one to blame but circumstances beyond their control. 
For that, he would be forever grateful, because while unfortunate, it had given him warm memories to look back on on the days that he had felt particularly lost in London. In fact…taking out his wallet from his pocket, Adrien flipped it open and pulled out the small strip of photos he kept hidden behind a family photo with his cousin and aunt.
The strip was creased through the middle from where it had been folded and unfolded many times, the once sharp corners curling and peeling back with age. In the photos, they were in a photobooth that Marinette had dragged him into–one they’d found in a clothes shop–and she was laughing delightedly, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he kissed her neck, her cheek and finally her mouth. Their cheeks were flushed as they beamed at the camera in the last photo, and Adrien couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips before he put the photo strip away once more. 
It wasn’t a date, no. But he couldn’t wait to see Marinette anyway.
He really had missed her.
“It’s not a date.”
Behind her, Tikki rifled through the box of mementos on Marinette’s desk. “Then why have you got all this old stuff out?” she asked innocently, doing a terrible job of hiding the laughter in her voice.
“I was just…” Marinette paused with her mascara wand halfway to her eye. “Reminiscing.”
“Reminiscing on your relationship. I still don’t know why you broke up, you know.”
“We grew up.” Marinette huffed exasperatedly. “Long distance was never going to work so we figured it was better to end things when it was still good, remember. Before we had the chance to grow apart, you know? Anyway I’ve always been sentimental. You know that.” 
That wasn’t technically a lie. Marinette was very sentimental, keeping ticket stubs and receipts and anything with a good memory attached to it. Adrien had always teased her about it back in the day–until the scrapbook of their relationship had become hefty enough to hurt when she swatted him with it. 
Truthfully, she hadn’t thought about the scrapbook for a long time. But after seeing Adrien again, the first thing Marinette had done when she got home was dig the old box out. She’d spent hours poring over the pages, trying to translate her old illegible handwriting and allowing old memories to wash over her like a familiar blanket. 
That’s all they were though. Memories. 
“I guess…” Tikki said doubtfully. “So it really is just a friend thing?”
Marinette nodded firmly. “ Yes.”   It didn’t matter that her heart fluttered every time she thought about seeing Adrien again, he hadn’t said anything to suggest that it was anything else, and she certainly wasn’t going to. “Now come on,” she said, turning to grab the box “let’s put that away.”
Picking the box up in one hand, and attempting to put the lid back on with the other, Marinette swore under her breath when it tipped out of her grasp, scattering the contents all over the floor. 
“Damn it!” glancing at the clock, she swore again, staring down at the mess in dismay. There was no time to tidy it all up, not if she wanted to be on time. 
Decision made, Marinette opened her purse for Tikki to slip inside and then stepped gingerly over the small bits of paper littering the floor, making sure to watch her every step. It would just be her luck to slip and fall now and she wasn’t taking any chances whatsoever.
She was halfway out the door when something bright caught her eye. Bending down to pick it up, Marinette laughed out loud as she looked at the crumpled red packet in her hand,  jelly rings emblazoned across the front telling her what the packet had once contained. 
They had been so innocent back then, thinking that ‘always’ wasn’t just a word but something to believe .
Unbidden, the memory of that day came to her.  She thought of Adrien kneeling in front of her and presenting her with a jelly ring, his eyes glittering with mirth. It had been a cloudy day, she remembered, the sun breaking through the clouds at just the right moment to make Adrien’s hair look like shimmering gold. His proposal had been filled with sweet puns, neither of them able to hold back their laughter even as he’d slid the jelly ring onto her finger and declared them engaged.
Marinette shook her head, dispelling the memory, though she wasn’t able to get rid of the warm feeling blooming in her chest. That was all in the past. A memory to look back on fondly and nothing more.
No. Marinette dismissed the thought. She was just going to meet a friend. There was nothing romantic about it.
Plagg was never going to let him hear the end of this. 
He’d felt his kwami sniggering in his pocket the entire time that he was in the supermarket trying to find the right flowers, so when Adrien knocked him with his wallet when it was time to pay, it was only slightly unintentional. 
It was worth it though, to see the smile on Marinette’s face as he presented her with the bouquet of pink lilies. 
“You remembered?” she asked.
“How could I forget?” Adrien countered. Bumping her shoulder as they entered the café   together, he resisted the urge to take her hand, shoving his hand in his pocket instead. “Of course I remembered.” 
Marinette blinked. “..oh.” 
Tone it down, Agreste, Adrien chided himself mentally when Marinette turned around abruptly, her cheeks red. It’s not a date. Still, he found his eyes lingering a little on Marinette’s face, taking in her flushed cheeks and windswept hair. It was longer than it had ever been when they were together, cascading past her shoulders in a dark waterfall and as he watched, she pushed a strand out of her eyes impatiently, scanning the café for somewhere they could sit.
In the days leading up to their meeting, Adrien’s biggest worry had been that their conversation would be awkward and full of silences. That the ease they’d had around each other in the past was just that–a thing of the past. 
He needn’t have worried.
They talked for hours, slipping so effortlessly back into their old dynamic that Adrien almost wondered if the last nine years had been a strange dream. 
Eventually, when they couldn’t justify any more refills– when Adrien’s cheeks hurt from smiling for so long and Marinette couldn’t speak without dissolving into fits of giggles–they got up to leave, too wrapped up in each other to care about the irritated looks other patrons shot their way.
Outside, the cool evening air was a welcome relief from the warmth inside the café, though as the wind ruffled his hair Adrien noticed that the sky was heavy with clouds threatening rain. Beside him, Marinette shivered slightly and zipped up her coat. 
For a long moment, they simply gazed at each other, neither willing to look away or be the first to move in a different direction, to let their time together end. Adrien had thought it would be easy to say goodbye again, but before he could stop himself, he found himself asking-
“You’re at the bakery right? I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh!” Marinette said. “No, you don’t have t–”
“Marinette,” Adrien interrupted her, stifling a laugh at the way her mouth clicked shut. “I want to. C’mon.” Holding out his arm, he raised an eyebrow expectantly until Marinette–hesitantly–threaded her arm through his. A thrill ran through him at the contact and he bit his lip to hide his smile. “Let’s go.”
They were much more subdued as they walked, their conversation quieter. Between them, the knowledge that their time together was coming to an end weighed heavily on them the closer they got to the bakery.
It was strange, Marinette thought. How many times had they made this exact walk–shyly at first after their first date, and then more confidently as they learned to navigate the change from friendship to relationship . They’d both been so nervous –stealing glances at each other and blushing when they were caught but carrying on anyway. 
Marinette almost felt the same way now, as if she were a teenage girl again, giddy with joy at being on a date with her crush.
Adrien, on the other hand, didn’t seem nervous at all. But then, he’d always been good at hiding things. She remembered what an incorrigible flirt he’d been–especially when he was Chat Noir, but that had been a facade more often than not; a fragile mask put up to keep his distance from others. It had been a long, slow process to peel away the mask and expose the boy behind it, but Marinette would never regret it.
Not that she had reason to.
Because now… Adrien was so much more self assured. He carried himself with a confidence that only came with age, no longer afraid to hide his sincerity but embracing it instead.
As if sensing her gaze, Adrien looked down at her.  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asked.
Marinette shook her head. “Don’t waste your money, they aren’t as interesting as you’d think.”
“Oh I think I’ll be the judge of that .” Adrien grinned and her breath caught at the teasing glint in his eye. 
It seemed like some things never changed. 
“Wellll…” Marinette drew out the word, looking down at the ground. Scuffing the toe of her boot on the ground she shrugged. “I was just thinking about how much we’ve changed.”
“For the better, I assume?”
“Well I know I have,” Marinette said jokingly, “but I’ve been trying to come up with a way to bring it up nicely all evening and there isn’t a way, really– you’ve become quite insufferable since we last saw each other.”
“Ah,” Adrien sighed. “That’ll be Félix’s influence, I’m afraid.”
She sniffed in mock derision. “Yes, I thought so. I–” Marinette’s lip wobbled when she looked up at Adrien, struggling to hold back her laughter at the sight of his solemn expression. “I–”
Adrien was snickering to himself now too, and Marinette clapped a hand over her mouth just as a loud guffaw escaped her mouth and echoed around them in the quiet street.
“Oh my god.” 
“ Oh my god.” Marinette marched ahead of Adrien, her cheeks burning with mortification. Hearing him catch up behind her she sped up, calling over her shoulder. “You didn’t hear that. You did not hear that.”
“I totally did,” Adrien’s voice rumbled with laughter. “ Stop,” he grasped her by the wrist. “ It was cute!”
Marinette whirled around, incredulous. “It was not!”  
Adrien was grinning at her. “It was adorable.”
“Shut up.”
“Not until you admit it.”
“I will admit nothing.” Marinette snapped, though she felt her embarrassment fade a little–replaced by a warmth in her chest– at the fondness in his expression,  “change the subject.”
“Alright.” Adrien pretended to think for a moment. “Tell me what you were really thinking earlier.”
“Wh–I did!”
Adrien shot her a look that said come on, now , his eyebrows raised. Well. She did ask for it.
“I’d just been thinking, you know,” she began slowly, as they carried on walking side by side again.  “I know we didn’t want to break up, back then before you went to London, but…I’m glad we did. It did you good, I think.” Seeing his surprised expression, Marinette hurried on, practically tripping over her words. “Unless living with your aunt and cousin really sucked and  was a terrible experience and–”
“No,” Adrien cut in before she could spiral into a tangent. “You’re right. It was the right thing to do…at the time.”
At the time . Marinette’s breath caught at the words. What could he mean, at the time ? Without really meaning to, Marinette found herself turning to him and asking, almost in a whisper:
“And now?”
“And now…” Adrien echoed her. Scratching behind his ear nervously he stepped forward and reached out to her, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Adrien’s fingers lingered for a split second–just enough for her to feel the warmth against her skin–before dropping to his side. “Let’s just uh…” he hesitated. “Let's just say I’m glad to be back.”
“We’re here,” Adrien said softly, nodding to something behind her,  and with a start Marinette realised that they were standing at her doorstep. Warm light from the bakery spilled out into the street, illuminating Adrien's face and Marinette was reminded once again of the countless other times he had walked her home before. 
And what had come after.
“Oh.” Marinette exhaled the word. “Well, um…thanks for walking me,” glancing up at the overcast sky she said just as a fat raindrop landed on her forehead, she laughed. “I was gonna say you should hurry before it starts raining but…do you want to come inside and wait it out instead?”
“No, it’s fine,” Adrien shook his head quickly. “I should be able to make it back before it really gets going.”
“Okay!” Marinette tried to hide her disappointment “yeah okay if you’re sure. Um.” Before she could stop herself, she strode forwards, enveloping Adrien in a hug.  She had to reach up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his shoulder as he held her around the waist.
It wasn’t a date. She knew now that a part of her had wanted it to be, but she would content herself with this hug instead, and the time they had spent together. It was more than enough.
Pulling away, Marinette smiled up at Adrien who looked down at her, his green eyes blown wide with surprise. “I’ll see you soon.” She smiled ruefully, pecking him on the cheek. “Let’s not leave it as long this time.”
Adrien made it halfway down the street before he turned around.
What am I doing? He asked himself. His cheek was still tingling from Marinette’s kiss, and he could feel her gaze, watching him still from the front step of the bakery. 
What am I doing? The voice in his head repeated, louder this time and Adrien had no answer for it except to turn on his heel and walk–no, run back down the street.
The rain was coming down in earnest now, soaking him through in seconds, plastering his hair onto his face. Adrien squinted as he ran, struggling to see through the rain lashing down. Twice, he stepped in an unexpectedly large puddle and found himself with trousers plastered uncomfortably to his legs.
As he approached, he saw Marinette turn to enter the bakery and went faster, ignoring the squelch of his shoes.
“Marinette!” Adrien called out loudly, just as she began to close the door behind her. She turned in surprise.
“Adrien! Wh–”
He came to a stop in front of her, breathing heavily. “Marinette,” he said again, quietly. “I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?”
Marinette’s eyes widened. “Yes,” she whispered.
Adrien grinned. Surging forward to cup her face in his hands, he captured her mouth in a kiss. It was familiar and unfamiliar all at once as her hands flew to his neck, pulling him closer and Adrien felt her lips curve in a smile against his. He hadn’t realised just how much he’d missed this, how much he’d forgotten until he was forcibly reminded–what a fool, to think that this could have ever been anything but a date!
As the rain poured down on them, she set his body ablaze with her touch, fingers tugging at his hair as they kissed and kissed and kissed as if making up for lost time.
How poetic, he thought, distantly, in the part of his brain that was still capable of it. Our first kiss was in the rain too.
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gnomgnomovich · 2 years
About Brok.
It is that moment after you lick your wound a little (thanks, Santa Monica, God bless you all :D) that you started to think. And then came an understanding that Brok is not only a great person, but the huge part of a GOW:R’s plot - more than we thought. 
In a first place, he was a brother and a friend. And the Great Blacksmith, of course. His personal basis, even if he was always acting grumpy and brutally honest, was actually the same as the Sindri’s. Brok helps, cares and protects his people - family and mates. IMHO, he was simpler (not dummier) than Sindri, that makes him more... Whole. That’s why he can just be himself and don’t give a goat’s fart about others opinion :) I myself dare to think that we will be good friends, because we have same personalities, and I’m a master of toilet humor (me ant’ getting better with age, my dudes). 
But let’s talk about the game’s plot. Specifically - about Brok and prophesies. I think that prophesy cannot foresee him because of 3/4 soul, a-a-a-a-and that makes me wonder: how much the painting of future could be changed if his soul was complete?
What if some of his actions help Faye in her fate-changing route?
We don’t know when exactly he lost his soul, but I think it can match with the entire Odin-prophetess-giants-foresight thing. Also... Faye was a good friend to the dwarves. They seem to hang out often, so maybe that relationships help her to change the fate of her husband and son.
I cannot but think about it.
And so, not to mention Brok’s supreme role in starting Ragnarök: exposed Odin’s disguise, doesn't let him take the mask, become the reason to fight for Kratos and Sindri. Not everything in this line is good, tho...
I’m not telling that everyone are in the second stage. It’s just THE scene in the house was a turning point to action and changing for almost everyone. At least for Kratos, Atreus and Sindri.
I miss him.
Here is some doodle about this best boiz ever. And again, sorry for lack of English language, hope no one dies after reading my notes :D
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fanjiansaa · 1 year
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After binging all of the new season, I've updated my initial tierlist! Priya stays winning, no surprise there. Thoughts about the ENTIRETY of the new cast (with spoilers) under the cut!
Let's just start off by saying that the over the top toilet humor and intro aside, this was a great season. While Pakhitew Island was rancid with blatant obvious character tropes, this season managed to make most of their characters relatable while parodying at it.
But as for Caleb, Scary Girl and Ripper... Those were on the nose too much for my liking. Caleb got the season 1 Justin treatment, Scary Girl is literally Jinx from League of Legends, and Ripper is nothing but a shoehorned character for fart jokes. It sucks because I thought Ripper was going to be great. His personality is pretty solid and reminds me loads of McArthur.
Now that I've got the slog out of the way, time to dissect the more intriguing parts of this show!
Nichelle, Damien and Axel were tremendously robbed this season, and you know it.
Axel's dexterity and agility would have no doubt gotten her far. Unfortunately, her prickly attitude got her booted very early, akin to Eva's elimination back in the original TDI. She's definitely the Shawn of this generation though. And hey, which begs the question — is she his kid? It's been 15 years after all...
Nichelle was nothing like the mean girl label everyone pegged her for. Just a typical rich, famous celebrity that's never been out of her comfort zone. Rude and vicious? No, she had the team spirit and was always ready to pump up her team. I love Dakota, so I am definitely a fan of Nichelle, the two being so alike. In her elimination episode, she had a breakdown where she realized that she wasn't "all that". It was honestly pretty sad to see.
Damien was the person with the most common sense on that show. It's funny how he's just wants the million bucks and never seen the show before. But when he sees what there's up against? He's totally done. FINALLY, A CHARACTER THAT GETS IT. He's a whole vibe. In the end, he decided he wanted to stay after he did some awesome heroics, but his team voted him off like he wanted... Better luck next time.
Speaking of next time, apparently these three do have another shot. They've all been invited back for another season, which means that we can explore these characters far more! Let's hope that the writers do not miss this opportunity.
As for someone that I don't think overstayed their welcome, MK definitely takes the cake. She was honestly a great character with witty comebacks and superior intellect. I think she got just the right amount of screen time. We got to see her in action while making room for other character's developments to shine. Nice.
Wayne and Raj are what happens when you combine Katie and Sadie with Geoff and Brody. I found their bromance pretty sweet actually. I don't think they had much time to grow more distinctively from each other though. And I know how everyone was betting their money on them or Caleb/Bowie as the gay couple, but I'm so so glad that they weren't.
Instead we got a delightfully surprising pair — Bowie and Raj. While I did want to see more build up, with 13 twenty minute episodes, you can't really do much. But no matter, I still thought they were plenty cute! I needed to see them smooch in the finale though. It would've been loads better than...
Chase and Emma.
How this pair irks me to no end. Chase is an incel and Emma is stupid for going back to him. Really hit the nail on the head with the on and off again couples of the world. Seen this way too often.
Speaking of which, I think you all owe RR Emma an apology. Because RR Emma actually had loads more character outside of her boyfriend. We got to see her in action, taking charge, her fiesty attitude, the great dynamic with her sister!
But this Emma? All she did was whine nonstop about how Chase was a horrible boyfriend only to go back to square one. Every second of her on screen was either her wanting to torture him in the best way possible or lusting after him. Girl... After everything Chase's done to you, him granting you immunity in a round does not cut it.
I'll give some points for the Bowie/Emma friendship. Except for the fact that it centered around Chase mostly, UGH. Bowie going "ew straight people" is how I felt about this whole ordeal.
And in case it wasn't obvious enough, Chase deserves to be ejected into sun. He radiates toxic masculinity. He wanted to change Emma's name to "Chase's Girlfriend"? He thought a guy should win the finale? He can't take no for an answer and keeps pursuing his ex? I hope he rots, ew.
Bless Zee's heart for being bros with him. Goodness knows I could not do that. But let's face it, Zee is bros with everyone on this island. He's that stoner friend everyone needs. Just chilling, making some unintentional funny comments, you get the gist. I first pegged him to be the scaredy cat type, but seeing him in the zone instead was hilarious. And he's the amputee! How cool is that?
Now I know I haven't talked about one of the best parts of Total Drama — the villains/antagonists.
Julia was a very fun twist villain. At first, she was just Dawn but if she was a social media brat. I was surprised to see that facade crack and her true colors shine. Instead, she's a two faced teenaged girl, which I see a lot in society. Putting on a show for others only to bash them in private. Watching her let loose was a thrill and I was here for it. Her manipulation, scheming and determination is unmatched.
At least, that's what I would say if Bowie didn't exist.
How Bowie absolutely dominated that competition. He was here to win and he meant it. Seeing him pull the strings was a sight to behold. He convinced the team to vote off Caleb at first glance, outsmarted Julia at her own game, ruined Priya and Millie's friendship, and snagged a pretty cute boyfriend too. If that's not absolute winner things, I don't know what is.
Which brings me to the part I've been waiting for. Last, but certainly not least of all, Priya and Millie.
These two are MY Total Drama inserts, I'm so sure of it. Millie disgusted by her own generation and Priya's obedience to follow her parent's dreams were things I felt in my soul. I know that they weren't popular when the characters were first leaked, but I'm so glad that they beat the early boot allegations.
Millie's character arc is one of the best things of the season. She came here to write a book slandering the people her age and thought of herself as above everyone else's nonsense. But then Priya happened. Priya was nice to her, she was the first real person to ever make Millie feel good about herself. And that was the wake up call Millie needed and the turning point of her life.
Priya also learned something too — self worth. She was too eager to be friends with Millie off the bat and have nothing but good energy all around. Only to realize that maybe she's putting more effort into their friendship than the other person is. And as someone whose been in that position multiple times, it absolutely broke me.
And everything went to hell when Bowie gifted Priya the notepad in which Millie was writing smack about everyone. Of course, Millie had changed her mind and was trying to be a better person, but karma catches up to you. Priya finally let herself be gulfed in anger and Millie truly got hit with the great significance of Priya coming into her life.
In the end, Millie managed to apologize and pour her insecurities out to Priya about everything. It brought both tears to me and Priya and the two of them reconciled. This was the best friendship story I've ever seen written on Total Drama. It's like what Gwen and Courtney could've gone through in All Stars...
Also, Priya wins. How cool is that? I rooted for her at the very start AND SHE WON. I'm loving this so so much. I'm sure there's another alternative ending where it's Bowie but the one I watched was Priya so that's the true happy ending to me :3
Sidenote: Anyone wanna talk about the Priya/Damien ship tease? Honestly I'm glad Priya didn't blush at anything Chase said; I know the fandom thought they were going to be a couple. But the best girl Priya and the best boy Damien had a hint and that's another win for me.
Think about it, a girl who's prepared for Total Drama all her life with someone who's never seen it before? GOLD. They were even paired for the finale! Do you think next season will have them be a couple? Manifesting that so bad with a real Chase/Emma breakup. And more Raj/Bowie while we're at it too, yeah?
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clairelsonao3 · 10 months
📖 WIP (Re)Intro and Masterlist: Good Slaves Never Break the Rules
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Genre(s): M/F Romance, Slavery Whump, Alt-History
Target WC: ~200K?
Rated: M for mature. NSFW. Only intended for those 18 and older.
Louisa Phillips, daughter of a once-rich family in an alternate version of our world where slavery is an institution, is scrambling to save her university scholarship before she’s thrown out on the street. The only one who can help her is the nameless golden-haired slave downstairs, who, despite his surprising knowledge of organic chemistry, is stuck scrubbing toilets and building fences for her father.
Amid intense study sessions and long nights full of secrets, his wounded amber eyes, rippling whip-scarred body, and infuriating boldness draw her in like a lightning rod. But she’s forbidden from even being touched by him — as if there's any way she can stop at a touch.
The boy may have been whipped and beaten a thousand times, but it didn't stop him from pulling the strings to get here, find his missing sister, and take his revenge on those who stole her away. And though the last thing he needs is an attachment, if he has to use his master’s spoiled daughter to get that revenge, fine.
Except — damn — Louisa’s far from spoiled. She has a heart, and she’s learning to be brave. But as the two of them continue to collide, the only question is when they'll ignite their world — and whether they can help each other pick up the pieces when they do.
General CWs (these are NOT exhaustive): Institutionalized slavery, physical abuse/whump (the majority guy whump -- unfortunately for him! -- and a comparatively small amount of lady whump, with both male and female whumpers), consensual smut including light dom/sub, sexual assault of a male by a female, dehumanization, forced to watch, attempted rape/noncon and references to rape/noncon; references to underage sex, child sex abuse, and underage sex trafficking/exploitation; references to past kidnapping and murder; addiction and mental health issues.)
NO ABUSE/NONCON IS BETWEEN THE MCs. This is not that type of story. In fact, I like to think of this as a slavefic that has much more in common with mainstream romance than it does with most slavefics you might have come across. (In other words, it's a slavefic for people who think they don't like slavefic.)
Other tropes and elements, major and minor: Mutual pining, strangers to lovers, forbidden/secret love, touch her and die, forced proximity, medium burn, sexual tension, flirtatious banter, physical and emotional hurt/comfort, angst, LGBTQ+ rep, found family, fluff, dark and light humor, light academia, scientific and literary themes and discussions, plot twists, mystery/thriller elements, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
The tags on Ao3 go into much further detail so please read them before diving in, as well as the notes before the story and any chapter-specific CWs, which should give you a very good idea of what to expect.
Cages, whips, and shackles vs. fuzzy pink pillows, perfume, and jewelry boxes
"How dare you talk to me that way."
Oops, turns out Daddy's newest investment property is actually a person — a really attractive person
Stealing glances and forbidden touch
Light academia in the desert
Power dynamics shifted and played out in the bedroom
Discovering new aspects of sexuality
Cactuses, mountains, palo verde, hummingbirds
Rocket science and chemistry labs
Gambits and speed chess
Shelves full of hardcover classical literature
"I don't need your help."
Eyes opened to the cruelty of the world
Red brick campus buildings among palm trees
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
Desert wildflowers pressed into chemistry textbooks
Short, sharp shocks of pain
"I know what you want."
Burned, bruised, and bloodied hands
"How can we ever have a future?"
Learning to trust, confessing traumatic memories and showing scars
"You plan, I execute."
Forced to choose between everything you ever wanted and the person you love
This is the first in a planned romance series, tentatively titled NEVER BROKEN, set in the same universe and starring different but connected characters.
At least until it's complete, the main story will remain exclusively on Ao3, but starting in October 2023 (and coinciding with my first Whumptober), I started cross-posting some selected GSNBTR bonus content on Tumblr, featuring the two MCs seen through the POVs of secondary characters and new characters.
These stories can also stand alone as they require no knowledge of the main work.
A slave girl wistfully recalls an afternoon she spent with her master's son.
From the Moment I Could Talk, I Was Ordered to Listen (Whumptober Day 26)
A renowned professor of chemical physics visits a discount slave auction, looking for something very specific. But what he finds there is not quite what he had in mind.
With a Guarantee of Company (Whumptober Day 30)
A slave girl is caught in a compromising position with her master's daughter's crush and is forced to pay the price for it.
GSNBTR for responses to tag games, answered asks, teasers, art, and other miscellaneous content related to the story and its characters. Someday I hope I'll get around to cataloguing it all here.
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) - End game thoughts (20 hrs in)
Yay, this was really fun and easy to beat! Honestly, that's how I like my video games, I just want to chill at the end of the day, not stress out. There were one or two battles that presented a slight challenge and that's good enough for me.
This game had so much charm and was a fabulous companion to Digimon World 1. It's kind of like its quirky and more casual cousin. Kind of baffled that there isn't a fan translation (that I could find) because it's honestly a pretty short game with not a lot of dialogue.
I'm going to do a little bit of post-game poking around, but here are my immediate thoughts after beating it.
-I wonder if the lack of localization is 100% due to the Hitler stuff (which...fair) or if there's more to it than that. I get that it would have been difficult to cut that part out entirely, but maybe they could re-skin things to look less sus? I dunno...too late now.
-I was so happy with all the stats they give you during the end credits, that was such a nice touch! They gave me my playtime, how many times I saved, what decks I used and how I used them. Interesting stuff. I feel like TCG are for stats nerds lol (the only math class I enjoyed in high school)
-It was really cute how they recreated all of the scenes from the game with CGs. Of course, it would have been nice if those were just in the game proper, but oh well :/ it was fun looking back on all the battles and quirky events
-So...the Japanese was a bit tricky for me to follow, but it seems like this whole game had a gag plot? Like you spend the whole game trying to get to Mt. Infinity to retrieve a "bug card", but then you get to the final boss and he's like, "Huh? Who are you? What's going on? I've never heard of a bug card in my life." And then Betamon (who came with you for moral support) is like "oh yeah, I dropped that card and it was blown away by the wind to the top of this mountain teehee." Lol. So really, there was no villain...I guess. Really the MC and Babamon are the assholes for destroying Machinedramon's home for no reason.
-Speaking of gag plot, most of the plot of this game is on the very silly, toilet humor side. A majority of it is tracking down toilet paper and finding the culprit of who is breaking all of the toilets. In hindsight, this might be another reason this didn't get localized...
-So Babamon was Rosemon all along...okaaay. I didn't really get this twist because Rosemon switched back and forth between her two forms throughout the game before the bug card (which supposedly cause the transformation) was destroyed. Maybe it was a Fiona from Shrek situation.
-I was a little sad that I got all of these great "Sevens Cards," but then didn't want to use most of them. The only one I really ended up using was the holy one because it gave my digimon +1000 HP. Everything else seemed too risky to use. Honestly I used the same deck without many changes for 90% of the game. Kind of lame, but editing decks was sorta painful in how time consuming and clunky it was. It seems like arranging a deck would be a lot more fun IRL though, I kinda wish I had some actual cards to fool around with.
-I was surprised to see that there's no Analogman in this game. I guess that just goes along with this being a much chiller, parallel universe.
-I physically can't 100% this game (because of missable battles), so I'm just going to take it easy for post-game stuff. See how many more cards I can get and do a couple more battles. Excited for this game's sequel!
Despite the weirdo storyline and questionable content, this was one of the better Digimon games so far. Due to my high levels of enjoyment, I'm giving it a solid 7 out of 10.
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