#Her Satanic Majesty
thedemonlady · 1 month
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Daenerys Targaryen by Sam Spratt
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daenerystargaryen06 · 10 months
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"Dragonstone is the place of smoke and salt."
"What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it."
"No one ever looked for a girl."
Daenerys is Azor Ahai, her dragons Lightbringer.
[Images made by me]
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invisiblequeen · 1 month
Anybody here know Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First Of her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons?
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
Thoughts on GOT show ending? Was Dany a girlboss?
HAAAAAAATED i hated everything post season 4. everyone thinks oo it fell off in season 7 nahhh mate do you not remember dorne?? FUCK that shit FUCK it supremely. evil evil evil. i HATE the girlbossification the gification of women. like when women are turned into soundbites that can be giffed and trend on twitter for an hour. DIE. and i HATE the way dany ended, genuinely evil. and when they had missandei dying in chains.... **** ********* D&D!!!!!!!! and when everyone was like ough the cinematography though 🥺 DIEEE serving what plot? what message? it was as unsubtle as the first order scenes from star wars 7. guys she's hitler shes nazi. DIE!!!!!!!!!!
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Daenerys has moved to @letempsrevient​
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marinecorvid · 4 months
ohh I should totally draw Yvonne and yveltal as that one Daenerys and drogon shot…
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rollingstonesdata · 7 months
Sobre el título original del álbum ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request’*MÁS NOTAS SOBRE THE ROLLING STONESDespués de Cosmic Christmas (en realidad el nombre de una canción que los Stones grabaron durante las sesiones del disco), HER SATANIC MAJESTY REQUESTS AND REQUIRES fue el segundo título seleccionado para el álbum Their SATANIC MAJESTIES REQUEST. Finalmente Decca (la compañía discográfica de los…
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bitbrumal · 1 year
                                                                                    CONTINUED                @predvestnik​​   ↤   from here    ::   BABY HARMBORGER   ↩
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KHIONIYA  trust...               somehow, for all that it floats like ice on the waters of her being - trust is the most treacherous of al. innocuous in appearance, yet gargantuan beneath the surface.
a thing that shatters because it cannot bend ( should not have to ).
“you speak as if any measure of trust could remain one without being stained by the other.” is trust a matter of choice? a gift, as he puts it. would that it were; although perhaps it is a blessing to be helplessly inclined. nothing would still bind one to another. “trust is the spiderweb woven during a farmer’s nap; torn the minute he remembers to wake. the spider did not mean to make of him a captive, and he did not mean to devastate its fragile new home.”
       restless. pale are the fingers to toy with that hair of his - as perpetually copper as the pines stay green. but they pinch it a bit too much, tease the strands into a dullness that has them dropped as quickly. carefully, so carefully is his little head cradled.                                    “if i embrace it, i embrace it                   with its inevitable transformation.”
       “change cannot help but be a form of destruction.”
“destruction a sort of rebirth...”
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reallyromealone · 2 months
Title: Oh Look a mate(s)
Chapter 3
Fandom: obey me
Pairing: demon brother's x male reader
Warnings: omega verse, nsfw, male reader, gay, smut, attempted assassination, drugging, biting, torture
It was tomorrow.
The wedding was tomorrow.
(Name) Was quiet as he waited in the altar room, candles circling the room as marble carved murals surrounded him, the ceiling glass and the moon directly above him.
He sat in silence as the moon reached its peak before shadows flooded around him, a cold smoke that strangely didn't strike him with fear but instead filled him with warmth and safety. "Good Omega" one of the voices whispered as shadowy hands grabbed at him, gently touching and smoothing over the linen nightgown he wore before a long finger sliced it down the middle "Shhh" he could hear Satan's voice whisper in his ear as the seven men materialized and kissed various parts of his now exposed flesh "beautiful..." Mammon whispered breathlessly before biting into (name) 's flesh, the others doing the same.
Each scent gland was claimed as a tattoo manifested onto their soulmate tattoos, the demons licking and kissing their soulmate marks "You're bonded to us forever... Whenever you need us, call for us..." Beelzebub said as his blackened eyes gently kissed (name) 's lips as the fire of the candles burned brighter "Alphas...." (Name) Babbled as he leaned into someone's shoulders, Levi he believed... "So beautiful..." Asmodeus whispered as his hand crept down to the other's abdomen and began whispering enchantments, hand glowing as a tattoo formed on his stomach "Your first heat will be in less than 24 hours, this will help keep it from hurting so badly"
Never would he be denied a heat again.
The men scented and kissed (name), they could smell the slick flowing from him but knew better and to wait, wait till it was time.
When morning came, (name) was kept from his alphas all morning as he was polished to perfection, traditional white robes and gold accessories set aside as they painted swirls on his body, apparently matching the marks that would be on his alphas.
He looked at himself in the mirror, the makeup, the paint, and the clothes... He hardly recognized himself.
But it was him.
All him.
Lucifer made sure the guards were on high alert as he and his brothers got dressed, in their traditional robes that were the color of their omegas eyes, as is tradition in the kingdom, they already had two people sneak in after all.
"Your Majesty?" A meek voice spoke out as the demon turned to see an Omega maid look nervous, his eyes sharp and calculating "What is it?" He said simply and the maid straightened her back a bit before speaking once more "His Highness... He's extremely stressed and I thought it would be best if one of his--" Lucifer was already darting out of the room for his mate, he didn't care if he wasn't supposed to see him till the wedding.
His mate needed him.
(Name) Was freaking out as his omega decided Kw was an excellent time to freak out over the lack of alphas.
To be fair he got scented every morning but today, was a very high-stress day.
"My, aren't you beautiful" (name) snapped his head up as the maids left the room with haste and (name) whined and ran towards him, shoving his face into the alpha's chest and whining "My, can't go a day without your alphas?" He teased and lifted (name) 's face to look at it "None of that, you will ruin your pretty makeup" he was only soft for his omega, gentle kisses "We have a wedding, right? We will dance and party and then when the moon is high we will take you back here" he promised and kissed (name), scenting him lovingly.
"Now be good for alpha" he commanded, a slight alpha tone that they found calms (name). He liked not being in control all the time, instinctually.
"Ok alpha" he whispered hazily as the maids came back in and Lucifer left to finish getting ready, confident that he calmed his mate.
(Name) Looked nervous as he was ushered into a beautiful fabric and mahogany palanquin, the finest silks used for it "To walk you to the temple, your Highness" a soldier said calmly and (name) nodded as the soldiers in celebratory costume lifted it and (name) tried not to yelp.
He walked through the city, a grand parade to show the people the next queen, and (name) shyly waved at them as the people cheered in joy and some looked in envy at him. He could hear screaming in the distance, too focused on the slight shake with each step the guards took and the loud sounds around him to figure out what direction it came from exactly but the bullet that flew past his nose as a man was pinned down by guards have his answer, the omegas palanquin lowering as the guards checked on him "oh thank goodness... Are you alright your Highness?" The general that was a bit ahead rushed to check on him and (name) though stunned and Shellshocked, nodded slowly the Alpha nodded with a sigh of relief "We will get there soon your Highness"
The parade continued and (name) tried to regulate his breathing as he lifted his sleeves and took in the smell of Lucifer that clung to him, too close to his heat to be able to properly handle this.
God, he was so tired...
"We're here your Highness" Had that much time passed?
(Name) Was helped out by his maids, dressed in floral traditional outfits, darker colors as to highlight (name) 's snow white robes that dragged behind him, gold accents matching his accessories "You got this, your Highness" (name) 's closest maid, the one in charge of his maids smiled and (name) nodded before walking up the steps of the temple as people cheered.
Traditional fan dancers danced in front of him, a beautiful display as the guests of the wedding sat and watched in awe as (name) locked eyes with his alphas and had to suppress a chirp. The dancers moved their fans away to make an entrance for (name) to walk closer to them, Asmodeus taking his hands and kissing them gently as the others looked fond at the sight of their beloved, even Belphegor awake and focused on (name).
(Name) Looked at the guests, from countless kingdoms the Royals down to the mayors from cities including the village he was from, and looked in awe at the realization of how large this temple was, it seemed so small in the darkness.
(Name) Barely focused on the priestess as he looked at his mates, shadowy magic binding them together as (name) agreed to the contract of marriage "bound by the fates and the demon king himself, his Highness (name) Morningstar is granted a gift from his majesty of immortality, may his heart beat so long as his alphas" the demon king sat in the distance, watching his younger sons fondly, leaving hell to witness such an event as a red-haired demon stood beside him while staring intently.
(Name) Felt warm as he was brought close by his alphas and danced with them, a grand party that was sure to go on for the next week as guests watched and the city partied and after brought around to be introduced to guests "This is our elder brother, the next king" Lucifer introduced the Omega to his elder brother, next king of hell and intimidating to say the least but the large grin that broke out on his face said otherwise "my, a pleasure to meet you! My apologies that it took me so long to be able to meet you! Let me know if they act up all right. It will be nice to not have a little brother that will get on my nerves!" He teased as he hugged (name) and seemed so warm and understanding to him.
"My mate couldn't make it sadly, they're too far along to make the trip but hopefully after you two can meet!" Lucifer felt warm that his elder brother and a mate got along so well as the other brothers were dragged to talk to guests and eventually Lucifer and (name) went to speak to others, the Omega passed from alpha to alpha to not hog.
"An hour and you don't greet your parents?" (Name) Froze under Asmodeus' gentle hold as he turned to see the mayor of his village and his parents... And sister.
How did they get here?
"Not even an invite, thankfully our dear mayor invited us as his plus ones as his wife and sons couldn't make it," she said casually as his sister altered between glaring at him and swooning over Asmodeus, the beta looking flirty and showing her bust at him but the demon didn't even acknowledge her as he tilted his head at his mate's parents with a cold smile (name) didn't recognize but the gentle thumb rubbing his hip told him he was safe "my~ isn't this a surprise, (name) darling... Why don't you go make sure Beelzie doesn't eat everything, yes?" He urged his hesitant Omega who looked so precious and watched him walk away.
"E-excuse me!" The dad tried barking out and Asmodeus smiled coldly, a beta demanding not just an alpha but a supernatural alpha. Laughable really "I will allow you to continue to enjoy this celebration but if I hear even a whisper of my mate's name from any of your lips that isn't shining adoration I will remind you of your place," Asmodeus said barely above a whisper as he towered over the stumpy beta and his family, he read the letter.
All seven brothers read the letter.
And despite not being wrath, Asmodeus was the most upset.
No flirting, no banter.
Just a thinly veiled threat.
"Now you best behave"
You would think this Would deter (sister), make her behave... But no no.
She was hell-bent on having them.
Breaking this farce is a marriage.
It was expensive getting rut enhancer drugs but it was worth it in her eyes she looked around and saw that (name) was moved to Belphegor who sat in a corner quietly and (name) said worthless words to him and saw that Beelzebub was enjoying his food.
The drug was a fine powder, easy to mask on the powdered cream puffs that the demon was gorging on, slipping past when he went for some ribs and sprinkling on.
She just had to be available when the drugs kicked in.
It was not too long before the demon returned his attention to the cream puffs... But other people took them as well.
Like servants bringing them to their kings.
Oh well, she thought as she focused on Beelzebub and deemed everyone else as a stepping stone to her happiness.
Beelzebub froze after ten minutes, eyes dilating as he stood and looked around "Are you alright?" She tried to seduce the Alpha, pressing against him but like her brother, she didn't quite understand how mating worked and believed he would go to the first willing hole.
But in reality, he sought out (name) who was talking to Diavolos butler, the two fondly chatting about something or another.
"Move," he said coldly as he locked onto (name) marched to him, and lifted him, the other brothers looked concerned as Diavolo decided to start a ring dance and nodded at Lucifer, they all seemed to understand what was happening. (Name) Was confused as he was held close by his alpha who left the temple gardens and spread his wings before taking off, (name) shoving his face in Beelzebub's neck and that's when he smelt the rut. He couldn't help but whine, he was trying so hard not to go into heat but fuck...
He closed his eyes and felt himself sink further, sounds distorting and he felt his clothes removed carefully as voices spoke around him "he will be upset if we ruin this" Asmodeus...? Or is that Satan? "Alpha?" He slurred as the alphas kissed his flesh, cold to the touch and he felt something hard press against his back before he was pushed into his back, he couldn't even formulate a feeling of shame or worry as Belphegor traced the body paint that was on (name)s flesh "pretty..." The sleep demon murmured as he touched the womb tattoo a wave of pleasure washed through (name) and a low moan broke through him "Any pain he feels will feel like absolute pleasure... We may be dealing with a very horny Omega" Asmodeus teased, they didn't have an incantation to make him feel no pain during heat or pregnancy so it was the best option.
Especially because he kept moaning and crying, without it he would be writhing in pain.
"Why don't you spread your legs for us? Hmm? Show us how an Omega presents?" Lucifer spoke low and deep to the Omega who spread his legs on the bed and yelped when Beelzebub shoved his face between his legs and gave a long lick, pushing his legs over his shoulders as half his body was pulled nearly off the bed, Beelzebub on his knees before the bed. "O-oh! Alpha!" He cried out as Beelzebub ate his ass, licking around the rim before pushing in ever so slightly as the smell of slick was heavy in the room "wanna make alpha feel good? Why don't you show Levi here how much you want his cock?" Asmodeus took the initiative with getting (name) to pleasure them as they pleasured him, the Omega opening his mouth so prettily as the shy alpha fed him his cock, (name) licking the underside as he sucked. "H-how did he get so good?!" Levi gasped as he felt (name) hollow his cheeks with a vice force "I have been teaching him how to be a good little cock whore~" Asmodeus teased as Belphegor sucked on one of (name)s nipples as Asmodeus and Lucifer got hand jobs, the two assisting (name) a bit as his body shook.
Satan kissed his navel before moving to the omegas cock and sucking on it, the pre-cum leaking like crazy as (name) struggled to comprehend all the pleasure he felt, hips being held down as Beelzebub inserted a finger, curving it upwards against his prostate as he ate his ass like a final meal and added another finger "you're gonna be-- fuck! Taking a lot tonight baby ~" Asmodeus stammered as Levi came down (name)s throat, the Omega choking slightly but managing "fuck..? Shit.." Levi was already babbling as (name) 's body shook and a climax rolled through, Satan drinking it all "You want more?" Lucifer asked the Omega who whined "Nest!" Beelzebub wasting no time, feral and horny As the other alphas slowly went into a rut from being around a heat-stricken Omega, their demon forms were on full display. (Name) Was settled into his nest as they let Beelzebub enter first his large and heavy cock pressing against (name)s ass as (name) made out with Lucifer, pretty little sounds as Beelzebub pushed in slowly.
Each inch made for louder and prettier sounds from (name) as his body glistened with sweat, another climax rolling through him as Beelzebub was halfway through bottoming out before his hips snapped forward and his pelvic bone was pressed against (name)s ass cheeks "oh! Big...!" He cried out and pushed against him as Belphegor went behind him and held him up, kissing his neck as the others watched hungrily.
Beelzebub wasted no time pistoning his hips as (name) clawed at his skin, body shaking and writhing in pleasure as he poured slick "puppy up!" He cried out as he begged to be bread, owned and full... Belphegor moved around to Sroke (name)s cock and kiss his neck before biting into its neck watching (name) unfold as Beelzebub rolled his hips at the tightness and his grip so tight it was going to leave dark bruises on his hips come morning.
"Please please! Pup!" (Name) Begged for cum, pulling Beelzebub for a kiss and tasting his slick as the alpha's hips slammed one last time and cum poured into him, hot and sticky.
Beelzebub felt some sanity return to him as he looked at a fucked out (name) who couldn't even form words but babbled nonsense as Belphegor kissed him and coddled him "Let's get water and food into him then the next round starts" Lucifer instructed as they already prepared the necessary things that morning, food tested by the demons along with the water before feeding it to (name).
(Name) May have immortality but they still didn't want anything to happen to him.
Though poison pains right now would probably give him six earth-shattering orgasms.
No! No! Bad!
They washed the sweat and paint off his body as (name) recovered slightly but soon grew whiny as he was placed on top of Asmodeus, cock pushing in with ease and crying as Asmodeus gave harsh and slow thrusts.
"Come now, you got more to take ~"
Mammon was furious, absolutely livid as he slammed his fist against the assassin's skull, not wanting this vermin alive as his mate struggled with his heat and six cocks currently "You are taking my precious time with my mate, who the fuck sent you?" He was bordering feral as the assassin finally gave in "The sister! She wanted him dead!"
Mammon left swiftly, telling the guards to find her, she couldn't have gotten far after all.
For now, the greedy demon needed to sink his cock into (name)s cute little ass.
And maybe bite it.
Bite it.
When he walked into the heated room, already nude he was met with (name) being railed by Asmodeus and Satan, cocks moving in his hole at vigorous paces as (name) sucked Lucifer's cock like he would die "(name), look whose here" Lucifer pulled him off his cock to look at mammon and the whine and moan that left his lips as he cried for the silver-haired demon, hands reaching for him, and who was mammon to deny something like this?
Mammon shoved his tongue in (name) 's mouth and relished as the Omega tugged at his hair "Wanna make me feel good?" He didn't even have to show his erect cock as (name) moved and took it in his mouth, mammon sighing at the tightness of his throat "he's a natural" Satan slapped (name)s ass as he pounded as Asmodeus sucked on his chest, the omegas hands going back to work as everyone slowly found a spot for them, the Omega cumming again in the process.
(Name) Was unconscious with Belphegor, needing a heavy rest before the next wave and thoroughly fucked out, the other alphas getting their turns after as Mammon reported findings and what the assassin admitted "She most definitely drugged Bee, our ruts not till winter" Asmodeus said thoughtfully, he should have just let Satan do what he originally wanted to do but that was (name)s choice, not theirs.
But now it was treason that they were talking about.
An attempted assassination against (name).
You see when Diavolo was the next king of hell, they were given rule of the overworld and essentially made (name) queen as they were to be overworld kings come coronation granted by their eldest brother.
And after this, (name) would be carrying their heir.
God, they were half erect at the thought of (name) pregnant.
"I have a manhunt for them, a bounty will be put up as well"
For now, they would care for (name).
When (name) woke, he couldn't feel his legs and his head felt foggy as he was placed into a warm bath "Good morning, lamb" Satan caressed his cheek "Alpha?" He said weakly, voice hoarse from their activities as Mammon gently massaged oils into him, the alphas already washing the cum and sweat off him "Hello pretty baby~ you took us so well, we are so proud of you" (name) chirped at the praise as he received loving kisses "after this was gonna feed you" Lucifer promised and (name) felt a slight sense of clarity "cuddle? Before heat comes back?" He asked as the others smiled, unable to resist the request.
(Name) Was naked and dried off as he cuddled the others who doted on him "You did so well, absolutely beautiful my love" Asmodeus cooed, and (name) let him kiss and love him "My garden?" He asked softly, why that was his worry beyond anyone but Lucifer eased his worries with the promise of the gardeners taking care of it.
For now, he was to relax.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Queen Rose: Today's event has brought me satisfaction. May we have the pleasure of repeating such an occasion upon your next visit to Devildom.
MC: I'm looking forward to it. *smiles*
Queen Rose: Ah, I mustn't overlook this: I am eagerly anticipating the moment when I shall address you as "Your Majesty" upon our next meeting.
MC: Of course. I'm glad to- Huh? Can you repeat that, Your Majesty?
Queen Rose: *chuckles* I will leave the explanation to Diavolo. *disappears*
MC: ...
Deuce: From being a prefect of Ramshackle dorm to being a professor of Night Raven College, and now-
Solomon: A deity.
MC: Me becoming a demon noble doesn't mean that I'll be a deity, Sol.
Solomon: But it's the truth.
MC: ...
MC: That can't be.
Solomon: Thirteen confirmed it. You are now a deity.
MC: ...
MC: No.
MC: Nonononononono-
Simeon: Solomon, you scared MC.
Solomon: Haha! My bad!
Vil: Why are you so against becoming a deity?
MC: I promised my wife that I would give her my soul when she asks for it someday.
Vil: ...
Vil: What?
MC: And becoming a deity would mean beefing with Michael.
Simeon: *chuckles* Oh, yes. That will surely happen.
Leona: This "Michael" doesn't like you?
MC: You could say that.
Riddle: I see. Well, it seems that's your only concern and not the fact that you will be marrying Diavolo.
MC: Why would I be concerned about that?
Leona: Wow. So if I ask you to marry me, you wouldn't mind?
MC: ...
MC: It depends. You like kids?
Vil: Pft-
Leona: ...
Riddle: One way to deter Leona-senpai.
Satan: MC, there was a fairy who handed us this piece of paper.
Belphie: *yawns* I think it's some letter of some sort.
Satan: And it's addressed to you so we didn't open it.
MC: Oh. Thank you, Satan, Belphie.
MC: *proceeds to open and read the contents of the letter*
MC: Ah. It's an invitation from the Queen of Briar Valley.
Belphie: Malleus's grandma?
MC: Yes. Queen Maleficia. She wants me to visit right now.
Satan: Eh... But you said that you are going to spend time with us.
Belphie: *frowns*
MC: I'll be back before this evening, I promise.
Belphie: Evening.
MC: Yes. Evening.
Satan: Still, be careful. Summon us if you encounter any problems.
MC: Sure thing.
Maleficia: What do you think?
MC: *looking at a wedding dress* It looks great.
Maleficia: Right? Malleus's future spouse will be wearing this.
MC: Eh? You have found a partner for him?
Maleficia: Yes. *then proceeds to stare at them*
MC: ...
MC: Do I know this person?
Maleficia: Yes. You know them very well.
MC: ...
MC: Your Majesty... I am... the worst option.
Maleficia: But think about it, Malleus will be your only husband here in Twisted Wonderland.
MC: Ma'am, I love your grandson. We're friends. But spare him. Please.
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whorrorbellee · 4 months
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Its been a year since someone spread a rumour to you school that you've sucked off half the football team in one night. one year of catcalls, one year of graffitied lockers and bullying, so when you find out his majesty king Steve is behind the rumour its time to take drastic action against him. King!Steve x reader
chapter one:
SLUT is written haphazardly across your locker, the sharpie is smeared unevenly and you spit into a tissue hopping it takes even a little bit of the black ink off, your going to kill who ever keeps doing this, your promise you will, well maybe not kill, maybe throw a milkshake over them or paint on their car. 
It's the fourth time this month and you grimace as the janitor moves you out the way  taking a jar of rubbing alcohol to remove the lovely compliment across your locker, at least it wasn't the sherbet candy like last time, poured in through the crack of the door with spray with perfume, all over your fucking shoes, they stuck the the ground for a week. 
Eddie leans across the locker next to you and smiles. “ they spelt it right this time” you smile remembering the backwards ‘s’ and extra ‘e’ 
“Idk i kinda like slute , felt french, come on freak were going to be late for art” 
“Okay wench” 
That's what you liked about Eddie, his light heartedness towards the shit you got from the cool preppy kids, it didn't matter if they insulted him or you for that matter, words were just words at the end of the day. But anything more and you'd both throw a punch for each other. 
You sit next to each other at the back of class and paint. Eddies drawing some kind of monster with a head and jaws unhinged a Demogorgan? You don't bother to learn the name, apart from the fact he is totally obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons. You usually gossip or talk about music, mainly the music for your band. “Satanic panic” formed after the christian hate of all things nerdy. 
Watched the exorcist movie? Liked a Metallica song? Took out a Stephen King novel from the library? Or do you carry a crystal around in your bag? Well bad news kids you're a satanist you've been possessed by the devil ! Come join the local gay hating church where we rid you of sins and put you in pressed yellow shirts and blue slacks, your sins will all be but forgotten!
“Are you coming to steves tonight?” Eddie grins, he shades in the mouth area as you collage words from the newspaper on to the cast of Baywatch. 
“Yeah of course! I love watching the popular kids get drunk and embarrass themselves” you look over to Tommy and Carol sitting at the table next to you, there with other kids you don't remember the names of carbon copies of whatever stars have been making the rounds on MTV. 
‘Ricks got the shit stuff in again but I'm gonna say it's skunk, you know ?” 
"Good idea, saving the good shit for us huh?” 
He laughs at you, and you gaze at the popular table, carols missing and then something splashes over the table and your hair is all wet , it drips off your face and stains your work and the table a dark red, you look up at her and she winces. 
“Oh I'm so sorry” she pouts and then laughter fills the room. Eddie looks at you with concern, gripping at your arm to stop you from throwing a punch, you wipe your hair and grasp at her shoulder  “it's okay i get it its a mistake” you smile and take your hand away leaving a red stain on her white cashmere jumper. 
‘Oh im so sorry” you fake wince as if you didn't mean too and then you stand. You tower over her by two inches in your boots smiling as you walk away. 
You roll your eyes in the corridor, going to your locker to grab an extra shirt. 
You blindly pull yourself into the bathroom and witness the mess your left with, dark paint water stains your face like blood, your hair is a sopping mess and the shirt you have on its covered in lumps of paint, you shed the shirt leaving it on the floor before rinsing your hair and face under the sink, then your grab some tissue and rub at your forehead where the acrylic has started to dry. The door swings open and foot steps approach you. 
“You're in the boys bathroom” 
You turn your head under the sink to look at whoever has approached, it's the almighty, King Steve . Your eyes widen and you glance over the urinals in the mirror. 
“Fuck” you squeeze the water out of your hair and rinse your hands quickly. Grabbing your shirt off the floor, you turn to exit. Steve grabs your arm and stops you. 
“You're not wearing a shirt,” he grins and you look down at your chest, lacy black bralette covering you. 
You look into his eyes as you shove the clean shirt on. He takes a piece of tissue and wipes the red from around your eyes. 
“your pretty when you're not being mean”
You snatch the tissue out of his hand and throw it in the bin as you swing the door open.
“Slut!” he shouts at you, as you flick the middle finger towards him.
“He's kinda an asshole” Eddie sips his beer, hand wet with condensation, the paper label is already peeling. 
“Who, Billy?” you gaze at the glorified Calvin Klein model of a high-schooler, his button up is undone and the crowd of girls are screaming as he does another body shot off sweaty tanned skin. He winks as he catches your gaze, licking his lips and gesturing  you over your face shrivels up in disgust , shaking your head a very clear no.
“No, Steve” he mutters.
And then you glance at  Steve. He leans over another senior high-schooler, glancing down into her eyes and you can tell that her legs are just about to wobble in anticipation. Her hair falls into her face and he pushes it behind her ear, calculated. She swoons and blushes hiding her face in her hands and then he pulls them away and says something. Whatever that is, it's enough because she's grasping at his striped shirt. Steve notices that he's being stared at and he meets your eyes, his hand waves and you scoff into your beer, eyes squinting. 
You tuck your now clean hair behind your ear, “He's a slut yeah, he's not as bad as the others.” Your head cocks to the side as you ponder. You're standing in Steve's house, against the white wall, eddies made about 200 hundred dollars in the past hour from selling coke and weed to the local crowd, he doesn't tell you this but he always sneaks a twenty into your pocket before you leave.
“He broke Jonathan's camera like last year.” 
“Okay but in his defence! I heard from Julie who heard from Carol that he was taking photos of that sophomore Nancy getting undressed, hiding in a bush”  
“He's a bully, he plays around with girls hearts and he only invites us because i sell drugs” 
“Okay so he's an asshole, but he's only ever called me a few names” you shrug sipping you beer as you look over to Eddie, his mohawk has nearly grown out from his punk stage and now he rocks a greasy mullet, his curls tucked behind his ears, you're happy you convinced him to not dye his hair pink, telling him he would get half as many girls as he already did, putting him into the negatives. 
Eddie’s head looks down, his hand bushing back the tiny curls around his forehead.“Oh fuck-okay! Please don't kill me” he put his hands up in defence.
“Spit it out Munson”
“He's the one that started to the rumour that you sucked off half the football team last year”
You clench your teeth, squinting at Eddie before hitting the upside of his head. 
“What the fuck Eddie you didnt think to tell me ? I was blaming Heather the whole time, I'm gonna go over there” your back parts the wall quickly in a fit of rage before Eddie's hand grabs your arm back and you meet the wall again.
“Don't fight him,Jesus!”
You clench your fists.
“Eddie, people still call me a slut, you know what happened today and I was told if I get one more mark on my locker I have to pay to get it painted over.” 
Eddie sighs, staring at you as his eyebrows raise. "starting a fight with Steves not even gonna work, he wouldn't hit you, you're a girl”
“But you could” you smile “He's put me through hell for a year, all because of a stupid rumour.”
“If i hit the guy i lose business, look don't do anything drastic, please”
You smile at Eddie, it's mischievous, the smile takes up your whole face, your eyes are alert and you laugh to yourself. 
“For fucks sake, Go on” he asks intrigued, eyes rolling.
“Okay, you make a bet with Steve"
“What bet?” 
“Something like, i won't date him or say i love you, and then he gains a guilty conscious and tells me it's all a bet because he really likes me, and i tell him oh i knew the whole time, and hes like devastated bcs i was in on it and i don't like him”
“All because he told the school you're a cocksucker, what if he tells you I made a bet?” 
You look at him in the eye and nod “for all the girls he's ever treated like shit Eddie, like really teach him a lesson, make that asshole think he can't do whatever he wants, you said it yourself, he's an asshole, besides he's not gonna tell me if there's something he can get out of it, Men like games” 
“That's horrid and insane.” he smiles.
“What can I say, I'm a feminist”
Eddie sighs, and then laughs, “okay” 
“Really? Oh my god, okay, I'm gonna go out for a joint, act really drunk tell him i hate him and then make the bet , and hit on the girl so she leaves or whatever”
Eddie slaps his face, shaking his hair and then chugs down the beer, he smiles and you watch him head over, you give Steve a dirty look, turn and head outside passing Billy's half naked body pouring shots. 
There's a slight chill in the air, it's not warm enough for people to get in the pool this time of year so you watch couples hunching together on lawn chairs with blankets wrapped around each other. You glance over your shoulder, seeing Eddie point at you through the glass doors and then you catch Steve's eye, you play it coy. Lighting your joint and looking him up and down. You face the pool again. Wrapping your bomber jacket around yourself as the wind hits your face. 
“Brought you a blanket.” you feel something get wrapped around your shoulders and you hide your smile. Looking up at Steve, he's just about six feet. 
“Thanks” you say nodding. Inhaling your joint and blowing the smoke out directly on his face. 
His eyes gaze up and down at yours and he leans against the wooden railing of the decking. 
“Parties huh.” he sighs looking off into the distance one hand smoothing his hair back.
There's a pause “Oh! You don't like them?” you ponder, eyebrows raising. You hear the beat of the Bangles behind you, and a smashing of glass.
“Not really, but you know, gotta make appearances.” he shrugs.
“This is your house, Steve, you invited everyone” you laugh.
He looks at you, head cocking to the side and then he grabs your hand, his thumb rubbing softly against your palm. “yeah” he bites his bottom lip. And you blink through your lashes at him. 
He takes your joint from your hand, breathing it in and then he just walks away. And you're utterly confused, you look at Eddie through the glass door who puts his hands up questioning and you shake your head confused eyebrows furrowed and robbed of half a joint, blanket hanging off your shoulder.
What the fuck.
“So I told him, you like to hate his guts” Eddie grunts, hand against the wheel of his beat up van, he inhales his cigarette and throws it out the window with ease “and he laughed like actually laughed and then said, No one hates me, this will be easy and I was like oh yeah wanna make a bet? and then he was like her?! Easiest three five of my life!" and then he left.” 
“Wow, Dick oh I can't wait to ruin his little life. Rich cunt” you smile as Eddie pulls into the trailer park, parking at his trailer. He looks at you, sprawled across the car seat, your legs pulled up on the chair to avoid getting beer and fast food all over your white shoes.
“Well, what did he say?”he asks.
‘Oh shit! yeah, urm he said he has to make appearances at parties” you bunny ear at the sentence, laughing “and then i was like Steve this is your house, and he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes for like a minute, stole my joint and just walked off ? I’m so confused” You push your hair back out your face, snatching your bag up from the seat. “can i stay over tonight i way too high to drive home” you ask. 
‘You know you don't have to ask, just be quiet, Wayne's sleeping.” he pats your thigh.
continue on
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rineptune · 3 months
before i request i just wanted to say your writing is so good!!!(literally made me giggle and scream no joke) and if this may interest you I'd love to request something! so the idea is a bit abstract you can play around with it- the reader is a relatively new vampiric overlord, and became close friends with rosie because well, cannibal and a blood sucker just have common grounds of friendship, and this all happened during Alastor's absence. And the reader is also at neutral terms with the other overlords, and kinda like a person who just everyone wants to talk to, and itls generally nice. so it's kinda like she is taking over Alastor's life in a way? like, Alastor thinks finally no one is singing her praises at the hazbin hotel and boom charlie introduces a new employee, the reader. i know this is a lot and I'd totally understand if you dont take up this request, but if you do thanks a lot!! thank you so much!!
bloody hell.
summary: the new vampire overlord that rose during alastor’s absence? he’s awfully tired of hearing others sing you praise, because what’s so great about her?
warnings: foul language, description of gore, canon-typical violence
a/n: thank you for taking your time and writing this request!! and i’m giggling bcs of your compliment 💗
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alastor’s absence for seven years was a great mystery to many. 
most sinners feared his sudden return to massacre a good amount of them in one go. but during this absence, a lot has changed in pride ring—and that includes the rise of a new overlord that would sooner or later be the cause of major changes in his life, and whether those changes are good or bad is for him to find out.
the first time he meets you is during the overlord meeting after yet another extermination.
“oh, alastor! this is yn, the most uncanny bloodsucker in all of hell,” rosie says.
“she’s an absolute dear.”
“hello, i believe this is our first meeting.” you extend your hand. 
alastor’s glare is sharp and unreadable. for a second, he doesn’t say anything and simply assesses your figure, though eventually he takes your hand and shakes it. 
“pleasure’s all mine,” he replies.
there’s something in the back of alastor’s head that’s nagging him that something is about to go wrong, and yet he paid no mind to the incessant worrying of both his thoughts and the shadow that tailed him wherever he went. he just had to be cautious, play his cards right, and eliminate you if need be.
but judging by how most overlords had already greeted you and looked forward to talking to you, he assumed that you were on common ground with the majority of them.
that’s no good.
he won’t let a newcomer hog most of the attention now, can he?
alastor might just lose his wit and massacre every passing sinner that mentions your name.
the vampire overlord this, the vampire overlord that—hello! he was back in town! and not one sinner cowered before him, as they’re too busy to even notice his presence.
too busy talking about you.
for satan’s sake, everywhere he went, he kept hearing of you.
rosie’s emporium? you just bought fresh bloody fingers and even took a cannibal with you—or so he’s heard.
his trusted tailor? too busy to finish your custom-made suit, alastor didn’t even get the chance to get his suit fixed.
it seemed as though anywhere he went, you were always ahead of him.
it’s fine; it’s ok. 
alastor is reassuring himself because no one has been on his nerves this much before. not even the noisy picture box of an old pal of his. not even the king of hell himself, the majesty that was just too easy to provoke.
but you—you were just too passive—too mysterious—dare he say out of reach?
it’s mentally taxing to plot against you when you’ve done nothing wrong to him personally. 
if he killed you, would anyone know that it was him?
he contemplates in his room, most of his thoughts immersed in you. it’s so out of character for him, but then again, who in this wretched place understood him thoroughly?
just when alastor thought that he could have a pleasant, quiet morning of listening to nothing but the screams of sinners dying in the recent newspaper, charlotte had gathered everyone in the main lobby for a “super-duper important meeting.”
“i wonder what this could be about,” his static voice is heard.
“quite frankly, i was in the middle of reading my favorite newspaper.”
“you could still read it even when you’re here,” vaggie’s unamused reply came. 
“oh, where are your manners, my dear? i’m certain that your lover would not be ecstatic to find out that not all of the inhabitants of this hotel are listening to her, isn’t that right?” his smile broadened at the last question, fixing his black knotted bowtie.
“whatever,” she sighs, “just pay attention.”
charlotte came in practically jumping with every step she took as the patrons of the hotel awaited what she was about to say.
“ok, so i know that our hotel is still a bit understaffed—but! i have amazing news!”
“we’re finally charging the guests an expensive price without changing the way we treat them?”
“what? no!” she shook her head.
“capitalism is one of the worst things there is to exist. that, and violence—and the extermination, of course.”
“we have a new staff.” charlotte opened a portal, and the demon who stepped from it had alastor ripping the seams of the leather couch unintentionally.
a wave of bats came rushing in and dropped pieces of confetti over them.
how fun.
“this is yn; you may know her for being an overlord, just like a certain investor we have, but now she’s our chef!”
this might just be alastor’s nightmare incarnate.
“what is it that you’re after?” he confronts you just when you’re putting away the dishes.
“hm? whatever could you mean, alastor? ”
“disregard what i said.”
alastor smiled, getting uncomfortably close to you.
your reaction is, as always, unbothered and confused. he doesn’t find it entertaining when demons shrug him off as if he were nobody—no more than a mere sinner.
“but do remember that if you put this hotel in harm’s way, i’ll be the one you’ll be dealing with,” he chuckled.
“noted,” you reply.
“bloody venison? i heard from charlie that you preferred meals like this, and i must say, we have quite a lot in common than you think.”
you licked the blood that spilled on your arm once you set the plate on the huge dining table, nodding your head. it’s just now that he noticed the blood that stained your apron and sleeves, and he’s tempted to have a taste too.
and he physically and mentally stops himself from doing so to show you that he’s indifferent to the way you captivate almost everyone.
“a lot in common,” you say once more.
alastor watches you leave, and his curiosity is at an all-time high. he’s tasted no one’s cooking other than his or his mother’s cooking before, not that anyone really bothered to prepare him a meal because he’d turn them down without a second thought.
but he doesn’t let the effort go to waste.
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blues824 · 1 year
Obey me brothers/ side characters with a s/o that is beloved by Diavolo's mother!
Reader is not MC, but is still human, kind of like Solomon. Gender-neutral pronouns are used.
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You were probably a part of a noble family
Otherwise there would have been no way that you were known by Her Former Majesty, let alone beloved by her.
He can see the appeal though
You were kind, thoughtful, caring, and best of all: competent
A nice contrast to his brothers
He is a bit jealous that you are very close to Diavolo due to your former closeness with the Queen
But what can he do? He swore loyalty to Diavolo
He did swoop in and steal you when he found out that the Prince had no romantic interest in you
Much like a prince swoops in for the princess
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Bro first thought that you might have special permissions
And tried to use you because of that
But you weren’t very keen on being used because you were favored by the former Queen.
You actually smacked him for having the audacity
Other than that, you were actually very kind towards him
He definitely gets jealous when he sees how close you are to Diavolo because you were loved by his mother
Though it doesn’t matter because you love him and only him
Plus, Diavolo didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for you, so that was a huge bonus for your beloved demon
Now he can act on his greediness.
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As the Commander of Hell’s Navy, he’s probably heard of you and even seen you around the Castle
Bro could definitely see why the Queen loved you, even though you were a human 
You were kind, and you made his heart beat so fast
He felt like a total normie for having these feelings, but it’s not like he could do anything about it
If you thought Mammon was jealous, you should see Levi
Every single time he sees Diavolo with his arm around you, he is just sitting there, marinating in the envy he feels
But you think of the prince as a sort of older brother figure instead, so that calms Levi down a bit
Not by much though
You will definitely have to make up for it by cuddling with him, or else he’ll sulk about it
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In some of the Devildom History books, you are mentioned and even in some of the pictures standing beside the late Queen
To many, it was odd to see a human held in such high regard
But he got to really know you since you also attended RAD
And that is how he came to understand why the Queen loved you so much and even favored you.
He will gladly listen to any stories of Her Former Majesty that you are willing to tell him as he loves to learn more and more
However, with being the Queen’s favorite, it means that you are closer to Diavolo
Satan isn’t jealous because it makes sense that the Prince would want to know what his mother was like
There are limits to his generosity
As long as the hugging doesn’t go too far, he’s fine
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Finds it interesting that you were favored by the former QUEEN herself
Really makes a point in emphasizing that whenever he sees you
He will give you a hug and a kiss from behind and tease you saying that you were loved by the QuEeN
You were definitely kind and sweet, so he understands why she loved you so much
Asmo doesn’t really get jealous, but he does get clingy
When you are being very affectionate with Diavolo because you both are like siblings, he wants cuddles and affection as well
It’s honestly adorable to see him out and make grabby hands like a small child
And of course you give in because who wouldn’t?
He feels better right after
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Is also intrigued when he hears that the Queen loved you
He was an angel at that point, so he had never really had a chance to meet her
But over different meals, he will happily listen to whatever stories you have of your time as a noble within the palace
This demon is so soft for you
Every single piece of affection that you show him is something he soaks up
Like a sponge
He doesn’t get jealous either, not even when Diavolo gives you a hug as a greeting
I mean, he does the same thing as a greeting to you
It’s a typical friendly gesture, and he doesn’t have anything against the Prince greeting you in that way
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He was very wary of you at first because you are a human
And definitely more wary of you because you were loved by the Royal Family, a group he’s not exactly friendly with
But you were just so nice and kind
It was hard for him to envision you being so close to good-for-nothings
Plus, he had to admit that he was interested to know what kind of person Diavolo came from
When you both visit the Prince’s palace, Belphie definitely gets jealous
Ain’t no way Diavolo had the audacity to wrap his arms around you
However, it wasn’t like he could do anything about it. 
You were closer to the Prince than you were with him because of your connection to his mother, so he just had to deal with it
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You always remained close to the royal family, even after he was born
Along with Barbatos, you played a huge role in raising him, even though you were only around 19 years old at the time
Many a night, you would tell him stories about his mother, as he unfortunately never got the chance to meet her
As he grew up, he grew to love you in a more romantic way
In terms of being a demon, you being only 19 years older than him wasn’t that big of a deal
Remember that in the game, these demons are 1000’s of years old while MC is much younger
That aside, he still asks you what his mother was like from time to time
The way he listens with such childlike curiosity is so adorable
But to be fair, he’s adorable 99.9% of the time anyway
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The two of you kind of partnered up to raise the young master in his mother’s… absence
Honestly, you both are the reason that Diavolo believes in love
He had exposure to you both dancing in the kitchen and including him in under the guise of training him to dance
Forget the Demon King, because you both became parents to Diavolo
Barbatos had met you when he was employed, and he knew that you two were meant to be together
During some of the more painful nights for the young prince, you both would sit with him and tell him funny stories about his kind mother
As you tucked him in, the butler’s chest felt warm while you placed a gentle kiss on the prince’s forehead
Even millennia later, you both are still as in love as you were back then
Then MC came around, and the chaos begins
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He was only slightly jealous because you had more of a chance of getting a pact with Diavolo than he did
But you have known the prince for millennia, and you have not made a pact with him
So he then realizes that you do not wish to make pacts with a bunch of demons
You already had the favor of the late queen, and you deemed that enough
Then, you both really got to know each other when he came down for the student exchange program, and you got romantically involved
I don’t perceive him as a super jealous person, but a little bit of green creeps up his throat when he sees Diavolo hug you
The sorcerer understands that you both are like siblings
That doesn’t change anything though because he’s still a bit green with envy
He doesn’t ask you to stop though because that’s not fair
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To see a human favored by such a powerful demon like the former Queen of the Devildom was very rare, and it had Simeon intrigued
And your soul was still pure, meaning that you have not made a single pact
You could say that this is what attracted the archangel to you
Back in the Celestial Realm, he never had the chance to interact with the Devildom too much and therefore never had the chance to meet with the Queen while she was still alive
Thus, he will ask you a few questions about her
Whenever you visit Purgatory Hall, he gets so excited
But then there’s the matter when everyone gets together and Diavolo greets you with a hug
Simeon isn’t the type to get jealous, but something about seeing his beloved being hugged by another man rubs him the wrong way
Very uncharacteristic of him, and he is even surprised 
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months
Dany forgot about the iron fleet because she has ADHD so its realistic storytelling
she got distracted!
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ignietsanguine-arch · 2 years
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Shit I’m convinced of: Daenerys and Arya would get along great. 
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tsunael · 3 months
If there's anyone out there that cares about flower language and symbolism like I do, I made an informal write-up some time ago about the in-game flowers (that you can put in your house) and the different symbolism that they can mean.
I included the symbolism for the in-game colors as well when they were available.
Also as a disclaimer these could be incorrect, have contrasting meanings, or have different meanings in different real-world cultures. White chrysanthemums (kiku) are usually a funeral flower in Japan for instance. (My Japanese professor once said they were a faux pas for her to receive in a bouquet!) So your mileage may vary!
This was simply a fun personal project I made for myself that I thought other people might enjoy as well! So here's a question to answer in the tags:
What flowers would your WoL have in their residence?
Arums (calla lily) 🔷magnificent beauty, feminine modesty
Brightlilies (easter lily) 🔷purity, refined beauty 🔷White: virginity, purity, majesty 🔷Pink: wealth and prosperity 🔷Red: warmth, desire 🔷Yellow: gaiety, falsehood, "I’m walking on air" 🔷Orange: hatred
Campanulas (bellflower) 🔷humility, constancy
Chrysanthemum   🔷cheerfulness, "You’re a wonderful friend" 🔷Red: I love you 🔷White: truth 🔷Yellow: slighted love
Cosmos 🔷harmony, peace, modesty, "the joys that love and life can bring", beautiful
Dahlias 🔷dignity, elegance
Daisies 🔷innocence, beauty
Lilies of the Valley 🔷return of happiness, sweetness, humility, purity
Oldrose 🔷Red: I love you, love, beauty, passion, romance 🔷Blue: mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight 🔷White: innocence and purity, "I am worthy of you", reverence 🔷Yellow: decrease of love, jealousy, friendship
Shroud Cherries (cherry blossom) 🔷spiritual beauty, a good education
Tulips 🔷perfect lover, fame 🔷Red: declaration of love, true love, eternal love, romantic love, "believe me" 🔷Yellow: hopeless love, unrequited love, brightness, sunshine 🔷White: ask for forgiveness, purity 🔷Purple: royalty
Hyacinths 🔷sports, games, rashness 🔷Purple: I am sorry, sorrow, "please forgive me" 🔷Red: play 🔷White: loveliness, "I’ll pray for you" 🔷Blue: constancy, sincerity 🔷Yellow: jealousy
Hydrangeas 🔷heartlessness, boastfulness, "You are cold"
Morning Glories 🔷love in vain, affection
Violas (violets) 🔷modesty, faithfulness 🔷Purple: daydreaming, "You occupy my thoughts" 🔷Blue: watchfulness, love 🔷White: candor, innocence 🔷Yellow: rural happiness
Byregotia (begonia?) 🔷Beware
Carnation 🔷fascination, love, distinction 🔷Red: "My heart aches for you", deep love, admiration 🔷White: sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love 🔷Yellow: "You have disappointed me", rejection, disdain 🔷Purple: capriciousness, changeable
Moth Orchid 🔷love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady
Sweet Pea 🔷departure, good-bye, delicate pleasure, tender memory, blissful pleasure
Triteleia 🔷 They're a North American wildflower also called 'triplet lilies' or 'Ithuriel's spear' which is a reference to John Milton's epic English poem, Paradise Lost. It's about an angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a toad, is introducing evil suggestions into the ear of Eve when Ithuriel pokes him with a spear. Satan then returns to his true form, "for no falsehood can endure Touch of Celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness." It is to an unknown but imaginative scholar of English letters that we owe the common name of this plant.
Long story short, I can't find any symbolism for this one. Would make a possibly good Halone/Ishgard reference if you wanted to read into it, though!
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