#Hair Growth Activator Shampoo
cannabissina123 · 6 months
Buy natural hair growth product online
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Re nourishes your hair with Cannabissina Natural Hair Growth Products, now available online! Our botanical-infused formulas nurture your scalp and stimulate hair follicles, promoting healthier and fuller hair. Elevate your hair journey with the power of nature. Explore our range and embrace the beauty of naturally nourished locks. Order now for a revitalizing and sustainable approach to hair growth. For more details about our products please visit our website now.
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brownprincipessa · 11 months
♡ My Looksmaxxing journey ♡
♡♡♡ Hi, everyone! ♡♡♡
I recently embarked on a personal journey to focus on enhancing my physical appearance. With ample free time during my summer break before the start of my final semester in August, I decided to dedicate myself to this endeavor. In this blog post, I'll share my three main areas of focus and the steps I've taken to achieve my goals.
Teeth: While my teeth aren't in terrible shape, I do have some spaces on my upper row and excessive gum display, which I wanted to address.
To address the spaces, I opted for braces ($142/month). Additionally, I plan to undergo a gum reduction procedure, as recommended by my orthodontist, to rectify the excessive gum display.
Skin: I began working on my skincare earlier this year but struggled to maintain consistency. However, I have now established a morning and night routine, along with some dermatologist-prescribed medication.
To improve my skin, I follow a routine that includes applying Spiroloctone (taken twice daily, $15 every 3 months) and Tretinoin (applied topically every other night, $10 every 3 months). In addition, I use Cerave cleanser, Cerave morning and night moisturizers, and a witch hazel toner for both my morning and night routines. To enhance the effectiveness, I incorporate Gua Sha and derma roller techniques in my morning routine and perform dry brushing before every shower. I also ensure to use body oil and lotion immediately after each shower, while using Dove for sensitive skin during my shower routine.
Hair: This year, I made the decision to stop relying on wigs and weaves and embrace my natural hair, which I believe suits me better.
To care for my hair, I follow a weekly routine that includes washing it with a cleansing shampoo and hydrating conditioner. For styling, I opt for a Wash n' Go method, applying a botanical gel layered with a holding/alcohol-free gel. Additionally, I take MSM supplements to support hair growth ($10). To maintain its health, I deep condition my hair once a month.
Body: Though going to the gym has always been challenging for me due to discomfort in crowded spaces, I have found alternative ways to stay active.
Instead of traditional gym workouts, I prefer at-home Pilates routines and outdoor walks in the park, which allow me to prioritize my physical well-being while avoiding the discomfort of being watched or surrounded by large groups of people.
My journey towards looksmaxxing has been an empowering experience of self-improvement. By focusing on my teeth, skin, hair, and overall physical well-being, I am taking proactive steps towards enhancing my appearance and boosting my self-confidence. I'm excited to continue this journey and see the positive changes it brings.
Will try to update every month ♡
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prettieinpink · 4 months
Oh em gee, I just read your guide for taking care of black hair, and was wondering if you had any advice or a guide to dreadlocks as well!!
If you don't, thank you so much for reading my ask, and please take care of yourself and drink some water <3
Actively sending snacks, water, and kisses!!
thank you so much for ur support 💝
Newer locs usually need to be washed every 1 to 2 weeks. If you wash them more, it can lead to dryness, itchiness, breakage or flakiness. After your locs have matured, regular washing is okay (make sure to use residue-free shampoo!)
Moisturise regularly, as dry locs can lead to breakage. However, using heavy products can create build-up. Be vigilant with how much product you’re putting in your hair. 
Be gentle with your locs when styling or retwisting. Excessive touching, pulling twisting of locs can cause thinning or breakage. 
Try to reduce exposed friction to your locs. Sleep with a silk bonnet, avoid stressing hairstyles, wear headbands during physical activities and don’t re-twist frequently.
Drink water and maintain a healthy diet. Sometimes, the food you eat can reflect the quality of your hair. There are plenty of foods out there that support hair growth.
When drying your locs, avoid heat. Instead, try to squeeze excess water from each section of your hair, then wrap it in a microfibre tower. Drying locs incorrectly can cause mould or odour. 
Be aware of what is in your products. Lean towards products created with natural hair in mind while actively avoiding sulphates, parabens and mineral oil as they can dehydrate your hair.
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legendary-pink-dot · 1 year
Stages of Growth
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Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x reader (no gender specified, but female in my mind)
Rating: Mature (is that still a common rating today? I'm an Old)
Warnings: A couple references to sexual activity, but nothing too graphic.
Word Count: 1,000 on the nose
Summary: A chronicle of your relationship, and Frankie's hair.
Notes: Fuck you, Pedro, for having such pretty hair. I spend way too much time thinking about it. And about Frankie generally. ❤️
When you first met Frankie, his hair was medium brown and short. A close-cropped buzz cut, mandatory for basic training, given to him without choice. It suited him, but also didn’t – a perfect match for his ambivalence about joining the military and what the service meant for him. You wondered what personality his hair would have once it had a chance to grow in. What kind of man Frankie would become, the promise his future held, what kinds of things he could and would learn to do.
When you finally had your first night together, he had just arrived home, on leave from a long deployment, your letters having kept him company and chronicled your growing connection. His military haircut had been allowed a reprieve as well, one of the perks and markers of being chosen for Special Forces training, needing to blend in with the locals of the various foreign countries he was sent to. That length of hair reflected well on him and the way he carried himself with new confidence, though there was still a tendril of ambivalence left, along with one wayward tress on his nape that insisted on rebelling, growing literally sideways with no sign of ever giving in.
On that first night Frankie had let you excitedly fist your hands into his longer locks as you kissed, quietly observing how it added fuel to your fire. Later that night, he let you guide his mouth to wherever you wanted it on your body, your hands in his hair acting as reins or restraints when needed and as silent praise when not. When you came, you had pulled his hair so hard that he saw stars and it spurred his own high, barreling him uncontrollably into it seconds later.
By the time he quit the military after many years of dedicated service, his locks had matured into a deeper brown – “English Walnut 7533” according to the Pantone color chart you had pilfered from your interior design firm – and had changed shape and texture, expressing itself in mostly neat, evenly shaped waves and curls, especially in humid weather or the rare time he let you style it for him with your carefully chosen products.
One of your best memories from that time was a hazy, lazy day in the tropics when you were both too overcome with the heat to do much else but lie in shaded loungers on your balcony. Frankie was suffering from the temperature, and the light strokes of your fingers across his brow hadn’t been enough to soothe him, or to satisfy you.
Coconut was the hotel room’s free shampoo offering, and soon the scent of sweet suds had wafted between you. You felt tiny soap bubbles pop, carbonation as you slid your fingers through his locks; you saw the frown lines on his forehead gradually smooth out as his eyes drifted shut and he sighed in delight; you felt the air around him drop several degrees purely from relaxation. You relished his moans when the cool rinse water sluiced down his scalp and into the repurposed ice bucket from the previous night’s champagne. Despite the humidity, his curls had dried by the time night fell, only to turn into sweaty waves again once you tumbled into bed with newfound energy to explore each other’s bodies.
On his first day at work as an aviation mechanic, his pilot’s license having been suspended over some cargo he shouldn’t have flown, he smushed his hair into an old baseball cap that read “Standard Heating Oil”, borrowed from a close friend and military comrade, and took to wearing it almost constantly. He said it was for practical reasons and that he was just too lazy to fuss over his hair, but you knew better. That hat was the first thing he took off when he got home, and the last thing he put on when he left, like he was some method actor with dual personalities.
When he came home a week late from a private group mission gone disastrously wrong, dropping his bags in the doorway and enveloping you in a crushing hug, one of your hands had automatically threaded into the curls on the back of his head, longer and strongly defined now, more for you to hold and more for him to be anchored by.
When he finally shared what went wrong on the mission and how they had lost their leader and friend, he buried his face into your neck, your tears trickling down your cheek to be absorbed by his scalp. One glance downward and all you could see was his locks shot through with silver and grey – much more of it than he had left with. Whatever he went through in South America had quickly accrued compound interest.
He had also lost his hat somewhere during the mission, and from then on never wore one again unless required to at work.
When he had nightmares or panic attacks from that mission, the touch of your hand gently weaving through his hair was his lifeline, something to focus on as he fought his way back to reality and to you.
Now solidly in middle age, Frankie has fewer nightmares, the dreams having receded both in frequency and intensity, and the silvery grey evolution of his hair color seems to have abated too, a rare pause in time.
He keeps his hair at the length you like: long enough for the curls to fully develop and be free, but short enough that he doesn’t have to fuss over it too much. He lets you style it, even lets you wash it for him as your new Sunday evening relaxation ritual. He lets you do whatever you want; you’ve earned it after everything he’s put you through as part of his messy, fractured life.
Tomorrow, Frankie’s pilot license is finally set to be reinstated. Maybe you’ll suggest he get a haircut to celebrate this next stage of his life. Or maybe not.
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classiccia · 6 months
🎀Classy Glow-up🎀
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Physical Glow up A physical glow-up involves making positive changes to enhance your overall appearance and well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve a physical glow-up:
Skincare Routine:
•Establish a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.
•Use sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
•Consider incorporating products with ingredients like vitamin C or hyaluronic acid for added benefits.
Healthy Diet:
Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to boost circulation and promote a healthy glow.
Choose activities you enjoy to make exercise a sustainable part of your routine.
Hair Care:
Experiment with different hairstyles or haircuts that complement your features.
Keep your hair healthy by using appropriate shampoos and conditioners.
Wardrobe Update:
Refresh your wardrobe with clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
Experiment with different styles to find what suits your personality and body type.
Work on maintaining good posture, as it can positively impact how others perceive you.
Practice exercises to strengthen your core muscles.
Regularly groom yourself by keeping your nails tidy, maintaining facial hair (if applicable), and paying attention to personal hygiene.
Experiment with makeup if you enjoy it, focusing on enhancing your natural features.
Ensure you get sufficient and quality sleep each night. Lack of sleep can affect your skin and overall appearance.
Confidence and Self-Care:
Cultivate self-confidence and a positive self-image.
Practice self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
Mind-Body Connection:
Explore activities that promote a positive mind-body connection, such as yoga or meditation.
Emotional Glow up An emotional glow-up involves focusing on your mental and emotional well-being, leading to personal growth and a positive mindset. Here are some tips for an emotional glow-up:
Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Journaling can be a helpful tool for self-reflection.
Set Boundaries:
Learn to set and enforce healthy boundaries in your relationships.
Recognize when to say "no" to activities or commitments that may negatively impact your well-being.
Positive Affirmations:
Practice positive self-talk and affirmations to boost your self-esteem.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with empowering ones.
Gratitude Practice:
Cultivate a habit of gratitude by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life.
Keep a gratitude journal to document things you're thankful for.
Mindfulness and Meditation:
Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your routine to promote relaxation and mental clarity.
Focus on being present in the moment and letting go of unnecessary stress.
Learn from Challenges:
View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
Embrace resilience and understand that setbacks are a natural part of life.
Surround Yourself with Positivity:
Choose to spend time with people who uplift and support you.
Limit exposure to negative influences, whether they be people, media, or environments.
Embrace Self-Love:
Practice self-love by treating yourself with kindness and compassion.
Celebrate your achievements, big and small, and acknowledge your worth.
Seek Support:
Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if needed.
Talking about your feelings can be therapeutic and provide valuable insights.
Personal Growth Goals:
Set and pursue personal growth goals that align with your values and aspirations.
Continuously invest in learning and expanding your skills and knowledge.
Mental Glow up A mental glow-up involves nurturing and enhancing your cognitive and intellectual well-being. Here are some tips for a mental glow-up:
Continuous Learning:
Cultivate a love for learning. Read books, take courses, or engage in activities that stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge.
Mind-Challenging Activities:
Engage in activities that challenge your cognitive abilities, such as puzzles, crosswords, or strategy games.
Mindfulness and Meditation:
Practice mindfulness and meditation to improve focus, concentration, and overall mental clarity.
Set Realistic Goals:
Set achievable and realistic goals to provide a sense of purpose and direction in your life.
Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make progress more attainable.
Time Management:
Develop effective time management skills to prioritize tasks and reduce stress.
Create a daily or weekly schedule to help organize and structure your time.
Mind-Body Connection:
Recognize the connection between your mental and physical well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep contribute to mental health.
Cognitive Behavioral Techniques:
Learn and practice cognitive-behavioral techniques to manage and challenge negative thought patterns.
Emotional Intelligence:
Develop emotional intelligence by understanding and managing your own emotions and empathizing with others.
Positive Visualization:
Use positive visualization techniques to imagine success and overcome challenges. Visualization can help enhance confidence and motivation.
Mind-Expanding Hobbies:
Explore hobbies that stimulate your creativity and intellect, such as writing, painting, coding, or playing a musical instrument.
Connect with Others:
Foster social connections and engage in meaningful conversations. Social interactions contribute to mental well-being.
Mindful Tech Use:
Be mindful of your technology use. Limit screen time, especially on social media, to avoid information overload and comparison-induced stress.
Therapeutic Practices:
Consider therapeutic practices such as talk therapy or counseling to explore and address mental health concerns.
Spiritual Glow up
A spiritual glow-up involves connecting with your inner self, finding meaning, and cultivating a sense of peace and purpose. Here are some tips for a spiritual glow-up:
Take time for introspection and self-reflection to understand your values, beliefs, and desires.
Journaling can be a helpful tool for exploring your thoughts and emotions.
Mindfulness and Meditation:
Practice mindfulness and meditation to be present in the moment and cultivate a sense of inner calm.
Explore different meditation techniques, such as guided meditation or mindfulness exercises.
Nature Connection:
Spend time in nature to foster a connection with the natural world. Whether it's a walk in the park or a hike in the mountains, nature can be a source of spiritual renewal.
Gratitude Practice:
Cultivate a habit of gratitude by appreciating the blessings in your life. Expressing gratitude can enhance your spiritual well-being.
Explore Different Spiritual Practices:
Investigate various spiritual practices and traditions to find what resonates with you. This might include prayer, rituals, or exploring different philosophical teachings.
Read Spiritual Literature:
Explore books and literature on spirituality, philosophy, or personal development. These can provide insights and perspectives that contribute to your spiritual growth.
Connect with Others:
Engage in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals or join spiritual communities. Shared experiences can deepen your spiritual understanding.
Acts of Kindness and Service:
Engage in acts of kindness and service to others. Contributing to the well-being of others can be a spiritually fulfilling experience.
Yoga and Tai Chi:
Consider practices like yoga or tai chi, which combine physical movement with mindfulness and can contribute to a sense of spiritual balance.
Create a Sacred Space:
Designate a space in your home for reflection, meditation, or prayer. This sacred space can be a physical reminder of your spiritual journey.
Practice Forgiveness:
Work on forgiving yourself and others. Letting go of resentment and embracing forgiveness is often a transformative spiritual practice.
Mind-Body Connection:
Recognize the connection between your spiritual and physical well-being. Activities like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can promote harmony.
Cultivate Compassion:
Develop a compassionate mindset, both towards yourself and others. Compassion is a key element of many spiritual traditions.
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studdyadict · 2 months
Fresh Start: A Teenage Girl’s Clean Hygiene Routine
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Maintaining good hygiene is essential for teenage girls and young women to feel confident, healthy, and empowered. Here's a comprehensive clean hygiene routine tailored specifically for us:
1. Daily Shower or Bath:
- Use a mild, pH-balanced body wash or soap to cleanse the entire body, paying extra attention to areas prone to sweat and odor, such as underarms and feet.
- Gently exfoliate the skin 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores.
- Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils.
2. Hair Care:
- Wash hair 2-3 times a week with a sulfate-free shampoo suitable for your hair type (dry, oily, curly, etc.).
- Use a conditioner after shampooing to moisturize and detangle hair, focusing on the ends.
- Limit the use of heat styling tools and protect hair from damage by using a heat protectant spray before styling.
- Trim split ends regularly to maintain healthy hair growth.
3. Facial Cleansing:
- Wash your face twice daily, morning and night, with a gentle facial cleanser suitable for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive, acne-prone, etc.).
- Use lukewarm water and avoid harsh scrubbing, which can irritate the skin.
- Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer after cleansing to hydrate the skin and prevent dryness.
4. Dental Care:
- Brush teeth at least twice a day, morning and night, using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gum line.
- Rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash for added freshness and to kill bacteria.
- Visit the dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings every six months.
5. Feminine Hygiene:
- Change sanitary pads or tampons every 4-6 hours during menstruation to maintain freshness and prevent odor.
- Wash the genital area with a mild, fragrance-free soap and water daily, paying attention to hygiene during menstruation.
- Use breathable cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothing to promote air circulation and prevent moisture buildup.
6. Nail Care:
- Keep nails trimmed and filed to prevent breakage and maintain a neat appearance.
- Clean under the nails regularly to remove dirt and bacteria.
- Apply a moisturizing hand cream to keep hands soft and hydrated.
- Avoid biting or picking at nails and cuticles to prevent infection and damage.
7. Deodorant and Antiperspirant:
- Apply a deodorant or antiperspirant daily to underarms to control sweat and odor.
- Choose a product that suits your body's needs and preferences, whether it's a roll-on, stick, or spray.
8. Sun Protection:
- Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to exposed skin daily, even on cloudy days.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, especially if swimming or sweating heavily.
- Wear protective clothing, such as hats and sunglasses, and seek shade during peak sun hours to minimize sun exposure.
Remember, good hygiene goes beyond physical cleanliness—it also involves taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. Practice self-care, prioritize sleep, eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you'll not only look and feel your best but also cultivate a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
Here's a list of products for a hygiene routine that are healthy , affordable ,cruelty free, vegan ,non comedogenic , no alcohol , no fragrance and that doesn’t support genocide:
1. Daily Shower or Bath:
- Cleanser: CeraVe Hydrating Body Wash
- Moisturizer: Vanicream Moisturizing Cream
- Sunscreen: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
2. Hair Care:
- Shampoo: Acure Simply Smoothing Coconut & Marula Shampoo
- Conditioner: Desert Essence Fragrance-Free Conditioner
3. Facial Cleansing:
- Cleanser: CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser
- Moisturizer: Vanicream Moisturizing Cream
4. Dental Care:
- Toothpaste: Hello Oral Care Fluoride-Free Whitening Toothpaste
- Mouthwash: Desert Essence Natural Refreshing Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash
5. Feminine Hygiene:
- Menstrual Cups: DivaCup Model 1 or Model 2
- Menstrual Pads: Natracare Ultra Pads with Wings
- Tampons: Cora Organic Cotton Tampons
6. Nail Care:
- Nail Clippers: Tweezerman Stainless Steel Nail Clipper
- Nail File: OPI Crystal Nail File
7. Deodorant and Antiperspirant:
- Deodorant: Schmidt's Fragrance-Free Sensitive Skin Deodorant
8. Sun Protection:
- Sunscreen: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
9. Oral Care:
- Toothpaste: Hello Oral Care Fluoride-Free Whitening Toothpaste
- Dental Floss: Radius Vegan Xylitol Dental Floss
10. Body Care:
- Body Wash: Alaffia Everyday Shea Body Wash
- Body Lotion: Everyone Unscented 3-in-1 Lotion
Remember to always check the ingredient lists and certifications to ensure they align with your values and preferences. Additionally, prices and availability may vary depending on location and retailer.
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what-a-weird-rose · 8 months
SunSeeker: The Things I Want (Keep Them in the Dark)
Pairing: Regulus Black / James Potter
Rating: E
Prompt: Showers
Word Count: 3.1k
James can feel the sweat slide down his skin as he trudges back to the showers. He loves Quidditch, his life’s blood in a sense, but the feeling of heavy sweat clinging onto him as he travels from the pitch to the lockers is something he doesn’t think he will ever get used to. 
Quidditch practice was good, though, despite his internal complaining. The new seeker was finally figuring out her style; Marlene and Sirius had spent only half of practice mucking around. Despite this, though, he finds himself on edge- Gryffindor has a game in two days, his first game as Captain, and he can’t help how his nerves grate down on him.
As he walks, he listens as the Hufflepuff team starts their practice. He supposes he’s lucky not to have to lead the charge against them as a new Captain with two new players. Hufflepuff has given the Gryffindor trouble since James first joined the team, always having a solid rotation of players who could fit into any position needed. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so annoying.
He sighs, finally reaching the showers.
The Gryffindor showers’ door has golden lions prowling along a scarlet backdrop, which Remus says is an ‘unappreciated waste, where it is,’ and James can’t help agreeing. He slips in quietly, although he already knows the rest of the team is long gone. In his third year, James had picked up the habit of staying as late as he could on the pitch, lazily flying around until he was told to move his ass.
He slips his shoes off first, then his robes -which his mum got over the summer upon learning he made Captain- until he is left in his boxers, leaving his glasses in their case in his locker. And he decides to carry his towel and such into the shower stalls.
The water is hot when he steps in, not quite scalding, though close. He can feel his skin prickle as he adjusts to the hot spray of water that dowses him thoroughly. He starts with his hair, running shampoo through thick, black curls that never seem to take a break, lathering quickly with practiced hands. He lets the potion-infused conditioner sit while he runs a soapy cloth down the plains of his body. James considers for a moment how lucky he is for most of the things in his life, but particularly the satisfaction he has with his own body. He recalls the night in the third year, after Remus’ first significant growth spurt, he lay next to his friend as Remus cried about the dysphoria he felt- lanky and lean and scarred and broken. However, James didn’t quite understand that last one until much later. He had provided comfort to the best of his abilities. Still, there was something akin to guilt after trying to understand something so deeply personal, having never experienced it himself.
James shuffles and shakes his head; he’ll talk to Moony about it later. For now, he remains in the safe vulnerability of the showers, running a sky-blue cloth over the sides of his torso and the soft bumps of his chest. He wouldn’t say he has an exceptionally high sex drive, not more than the average seventeen-year-old boy. Still, something about the day seemed to make him more hot and bothered than usual. Perhaps there was something in the air, the way his broom felt between his legs, or he felt like he was being watched all through practice. Either way, he reasoned, he would need some release, preferably sooner rather than later.
With such a decision came the inevitable awkward shuffling of washing conditioner out of his hair and precariously hanging his washcloth on the rack closest to him.
Then, with the patience of a man having spent years of his life locked away, James grabs his cock in his left hand and begins pumping, setting a moderate pace, ‘business casual’ as Peter had once disgustingly referred to it. He wanks without much thought, having no fantasy or person to imagine alongside the activity. Once, a few years back, he may have thought of Lily, but no longer, he was a man of his word- and he had given his word to stop pursuing her once she had explained, in no uncertain terms, that she was very much a lesbian. He chuckles at himself, even now thinking about the confusion that must have overtaken his face, forcing Lily to explain lesbianism to him.
As he pumps, slowly gaining pace as his cock hardens, he rests his forehead on the cool subway tile that lines the stalls, resigning himself to the pleasure raging over his body.
Then, he hears someone clear their throat.
He stops suddenly, standing completely still with his back to whoever it is. Then, he goes through a list of worst-to-best candidates who stand behind him. He starts strong with McGonagall, then Dumbledore, then Filch and all the other members of staff, then Lily, with Marlene and Mary close behind, ending with Remus, Peter, and Sirius, in that order. James turns around slowly, squinting slightly.
He reckons it’s Sirius, and he lets out a sigh of relief, running his right hand through his wet hair.
“You think you could quit fondling your cock, Potter?” He was wrong; James was so very, very wrong and very, very screwed.
He didn’t know the voice well, even as it had changed and evolved through the years; he had so little interaction with its owner -especially recently- that he couldn’t have known it by heart. But he did; he knew that slight lilt that the end of sentences, the drawl of old money, and the innate smugness that Slytherins had when they caught you in an incriminating situation. And Merlin was his situation incriminating.
“Regulus?” He asks, pleading that he’s got it wrong and Sirius is messing with him.
“You sound scared, Potter.”
“You shouldn’t be in here; these are the Gryffindor showers.”
Regulus doesn’t answer for a long minute, and James wishes so desperately that he could see what Regulus is doing.
“Someone thought it would be hilarious to screw with the showerheads in the Slytherin lockers- you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that?” Despite the blurriness, James can see Regulus slowly stripping: “So now we’ve been forced to divide up until after McGonagall can reverse whatever’s been done to them.” James starts when the shower three stalls over begins spraying. Regulus wastes no time slipping in; he says nothing about James watching him.
“You’ve finished practice?”
“Hardly,” Regulus replies, and James can perfectly pinpoint the moment soap hits their skin as Regulus sighs quietly, “I shower before and after practice, the other don’t get it, but I don’t need them too.”
James feels his cock jump as his hand brushes against it; he’s still hard- no, harder than before.
“Meadowes is fine with that?” James asks, in some perverted attempt to keep the conversation going, even as he struggles with the hardness of his cock.
Regulus snorts slightly, and James looks up to see -he thinks- as Regulus looks at him, “I’m the best seeker Slytherin’s had in two hundred years- I get a lot of free passes with what I want to do.”
And James can’t help as he cock bobs with the implication. He hears it in Regulus’ voice, the way he becomes almost breathy, and James wonders if Regulus feels the thick tension the same way he does.
Suddenly, and James is uncertain about how real all this is afterward, Regulus shuts off the water in his stall, slips out, and walks naked as the day he was born -although James is unsure if Blacks emerge into the world wearing Victorian-typically fashion- and slides into James’ stall as if there is nothing strange about the whole thing.
“What?” James asks quietly, bracing his hands on the walls beside him, waiting for Regulus to smack, hex, or scream. Instead, Regulus chuckles slightly, turns around so the crack of his ass fits James’ cock, and shimmies them so Regulus is under the spray of warm water. “Why?” James can hear his voice crack.
“You were taking up all the warm water,” Regulus says simply as if this is a common occurrence, “I wanted some for myself, you see.” And James is convinced that Regulus pushes his ass further onto James’ cock.
James sucks in a deep breath, mainly of Regulus, as he internally debates what to do next. If he runs, he’ll be positioned as a coward- also, he may not have time between Regulus laughing at him and his running to get dried and dressed. If he stays, there are two possible outcomes; one, James bares through Regulus’ teasing and ass wiggling and general being naked, and two, James pushes Regulus against the wall of the shower stall and fucks him until he begs for James to stop.
Just as James considers sending a patronus to Sirius for immediate assistance and backup, he feels Regulus stretch and lean toward the wall. And James just about loses his mind then and there. If he looks down at just the right angle, James can see Regulus’ hole as it flutters and puckers; he can see the tip of his cock leak pre-cum, less than three centimeters separated from one another.
He stares for a long time; James stares as Regulus’ hole kisses out as if trying to entice him in with its fluttering. James watches as Regulus raises his arms so he can rest his head on them atop the flat top of the half-wall. He watches, perhaps too intensely, as Regulus shifts from side to side, left to right, eight times, slowly moving his leg further and further apart.
It is at the moment that Regulus pushes back onto James’ cock once again that James actually loses his mind.
He darts his hand out to grasp Regulus’ skull’s base, drawing out a startled sound; he then wraps his left arm around Regulus’ waist, pulling his lower half flush against James’. James grasps the hair at the base of Regulus’ skull. He pulls him far enough from the wall until James can move his hand to wrap around Regulus’ throat. Then, with all the self-control he can muster, James pulls Regulus close enough so he can whisper in the boy’s ear.
“You tell me to stop, I end this now; you tell me to go, I go until I’m done.”
And Regulus moans. Whore-like, Regulus moans and pleads and tries over and over to press his fluttering hole against James’ too-hard cock, babbling deals and pleases and praise.
James drops the arm that holds Regulus’ waist for a moment, opting to grab one of the clean, dry cloths that sits an arm’s-length away. He takes the cloth, folds it in half, fourths, then eighths; he shoves it into Regulus’ mouth with the whispered command, “if you drop it, I’ll make you pick it back up with your mouth.”
After Regulus’ pleas are silenced, leaving his moans and groans as background noise mixed with the shower spray, James wraps his arm back around Regulus’ middle. He lines his fingers up with Regulus’ pleading hole.
Regulus pulls the cloth from his mouth, and James considers spanking him, “I’m stretched already,” he says quickly, using a hand to pull one of his asscheeks as if to testify to his claim, “do whatever you want with me.” He concludes by staring into James’ eyes as he places the cloth back into his mouth as if he were born to have it there, and, maybe he was, James wasn’t one to question the universe.
James stands still for a moment, considering all his options- Regulus is stretched, or, at least, Regulus says he’s stretched; if he wanted to, James could go straight into pounding him from behind, damning whether or not Regulus was lying. But, he reasons, it’s always good to make sure, and it can’t hurt.
So, James begins by running his index finger up and down Regulus’ puckering, pink hole, ignoring staggered moans and attempts to fuck himself Regulus tries. He pulls his finger up and down three times before allowing the pool of saliva in his mouth to fall from his lips right into the crevice of Regulus’ perfectly shaped ass. It slides from the meeting point of his back and ass down to where James’ finger waits just under the hole that has taken to fluttering vigorously.
James uses his spit as second-rate lube, plugging his middle finger into Regulus’ hole.
Regulus had definitely lied about being stretched.
James can feel it in how Regulus’ walls clamp down on his finger, virgin-tight, encasing him in warm heat unlike anything. He thrusts his finger once or twice before plunging up to his knuckle, unwrapping his arm from Regulus’ waist, and landing a flat hand smack onto Regulus’ round, tight ass. He can hear, feel, and taste Regulus moan. It comes from high in his throat, animalistic in every sense; James considers smacking him again just to see what would happen.
“I don’t like being lied to, Reggie.” James says shortly, uninviting to added conversation. He follows his statement by adding his index finger into Regulus’ hole.
Regulus groans, something fierce, deeper than James thought possible for him.
James works his finger in and out of Regulus’ ass until he feels comfortable enough to separate his two fingers in a scissoring motion. Over and over and over, until there is the least resistance, James reckons he’ll get out of Regulus’ body. Then, he adds his ring finger, repeating the process until Regulus is on the verge of screaming with frustration.
“Liars don’t get opinions.” James supplies, pulling his fingers from Regulus’ asshole. He knows now that Regulus’ hole is prepped. Still, he feels deeply unsatisfying about letting Regulus get what he wants so soon.
Instead, James pulls Regulus flush against his body, running his hands up and down his sides. Regulus’ head lolls back, resting on James’ shoulder as James gently massages soft, pale skin up and down. Despite his poor vision, James can see how Regulus’ dick shudders and leaks and begs for attention- James ignores it in favor of far more exciting play-things.
Regulus’ nipples are more perky than James has admittedly ever seen on anyone. He doesn’t think it bad, not by any means; instead, he finds himself drawn to them, twisting and tugging and playing with them as Regulus shakily humps the air.
James continues to ignore Regulus’ pleas to fuck him. He decides to focus more thoroughly on Regulus’ pretty, pink nipples.
Turning them, James backs Regulus against the tiled full wall that the shower is mounted to; he then begins sucking, kissing, and nipping at Regulus’ nipples, finding great joy in how Regulus throws his head back.
In tandem with his mouth, James’ hands wander downward to locate Regulus’ throbbing cock, which sends a shiver through Regulus upon being touched. James wraps a hand around Regulus’ dick as Regulus moves quickly to reposition the cloth in his mouth.
James has never been the best at handjobs, blowjobs are good, but handjobs are something he never quite learned to master; despite this, Regulus seemed to quite enjoy James’ twisting and pulling of both his dick and nipples.
Not long after James began his attack on Regulus’ front, the boy before he began to tighten- from his arms, legs, and feet, he seemed almost to curl in on himself right before he came. Squirting hot cum onto his and James’ stomachs.
James chuckled as Regulus seemed to go boneless- this wouldn’t do, not by a long shot.
Placing a hand on Regulus’ cheek, James turned them once more to the position they had begun with. However, this time, James had a hand solidly under Regulus’ thigh, lifting his leg up.
James considers for a second, briefly thinking as he watched cooling water fall onto Regulus’ splayed and spent back. Then, James thrusts his cock in, all the way, all at once.
Then, three things happen: Regulus screams, throwing his hands out to grab the wall in front of him for balance; the cloth drops from Regulus’ mouth onto the wet tiles below -James chooses to ignore it- and, finally, James gives up all semblance of control he once had.
He begins by viciously slamming his cock into Regulus, aiming each time for his prostate -finding it each time, too. Then, as if being pounded violently from behind wasn’t enough, James reached up to grasp Regulus’ hair from the back, pulling his head to meet James’.
“Is this what you wanted, love?” James asked, licking the shell of Regulus’ ear as Regulus groaned, “you wanted to be fucked like a street whore? Wanted me to fuck you dumb?”
Regulus babbles something in reply, and for a second, James wonders if he’s gone too far, that is, before Regulus begins to please, please, please, please spiel again.
“You’re so fucking easy, Reggie, you just need some cock in you and suddenly you become putty. Is this how I should keep you all the time, riding me day in and day out?” Regulus mutters something that seems to be an affirmative.
James shifts out, “how flexible are you, baby?” and James is equally impressed and turned on as Regulus manages to lift his leg about two-thirds up the half-wall, balancing it there with the power of spite. James manages to mumble a “good boy” before having all autonomy revoked in favor of slamming back into Regulus with both hands-free.
Once he returns to pulling Regulus’ head back, he can continue licking at his ear and jaw. The other he considers moving to Regulus’ nipples or cock, but instead decides to stuff into Regulus’ mouth.
James fucks him like that until Regulus cums again from the overstimulation, then a bit more until the coil in his gut becomes so tight, he fears it might snap.
He cums fast and hard, shooting hot cum into Regulus as they both pant and recover.
James takes it upon himself to spray them off, mainly because Regulus seems so thoroughly out of it he may not be aware the shower is still on. Then, once he has rinsed their chests and stomachs of cum, James reaches around to start Regulus’ ass. It’s then that Regulus starts, slapping James’ hand away, slipping out of the stall, and stating clearly, “I want your cum in my ass while I fly.”
James just about has a heart attack as Regulus skips away to the locker room, hopefully, to dress. 
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Black Hair Care myths BUSTED!
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Since I’m fighting off the plague and have nothing else better to do but lay here pitifully, I’ve decided to talk about hair again after my last two posts on shampoo types and curly hair care , only this time focusing on Black folks’ hair and the misinformation lots of us grew up on.
Now, because I know the gowrls like to tussle (and Mercury in Microbraids along with an eclipse is upon us), lemme just say this: if you’re absolutely happy with your hair care routine, then this post isn’t for you.
This post is only for people who are curious and want to evolve and simplify their hair care routines.
The hair typing chart is garbage.
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Everyone and they mama should be familiar with this chart. So many of us use it to determine what type of hair products to buy that work best for our hair type.
Unfortunately, the chart is pseudo-science.
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All hair types need the same basic care (shampooing/conditioning at least every week), and products that claim to cater to a specific hair type is just a marketing tactic. This chart also promotes texturism; Oprah’s stylist literally made up the type 4 category to say that the only thing to do to tight curls is to straighten or loosen them. 🥲
Products can’t give you the kind of curls you want.
I touched on this a bit in my first hair post, but it bears repeating here: Curl “activators”, Shea butter, raw oil blends, creams, leave-in conditioners, texturizing shampoos… all of them are finessing you, beloveds. If your hair isn’t holding defined clumps of curls immediately after shampooing, then your hair is likely chronically dehydrated and needs to be detoxed.
We’re kinda raised to product chase because we’re told that the way our hair grows out of our heads is bad and needs to be fixed, and the $2.5 billion Black hair care industry is always eager to offer us placebos for our coin. We see someone with the hair texture and length we want and we immediately ask “what products do you use??” as if the answer is in a bottle when it’s really just genetics. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Greasing/oiling your scalp does not moisturize it, get rid of dandruff, or make your hair grow faster.
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As a kid I remember my hairdresser using a fine toothed comb and “breaking up” the dandruff on my scalp before applying Sea Breeze to soothe it. Every single time, the dandruff came back worse. 😩 If I put oil on my scalp, it would take only a day before build up and large yellow flakes would rain out of my hair. But I thought because my scalp and my hair needed moisturizing that I couldn’t go without oils.
Well, I was right on one thing; my scalp and hair def needed moisture. But I wasn’t gonna get moisture from anything but water, and at the time I was avoiding water like the plague because I always had a fresh silk press or perm and I didn’t want my hair “reverting”.
If you have a scalp condition or chronic itchiness, you are very much making it worse by adding any of that to your head. The only solution is to wash your hair, loves. Yes, you may have to choose between looking “laid” and what’s actually good for your hair and scalp, but them’s the breaks.
The hair growth oils that line the shelves at Sally’s? Literally snake oil. Same goes for hair vitamins, biotin, MSM, rice water, JBCO, egg white/tea rinse/fruit or food products, African Black soap, rose water, etc. Nothing topical, save for specific medicated prescription drugs from a dermatologist, can make hair grow. Save ya money, hunny!
Co-washing and water-only washing doesn’t get your hair clean.
Conditioner is incapable of doing what shampoo does. You’re just gonna add layers of build up on your hair doing co-washes. Water-only cleansing is like never using soap in your laundry and expecting your clothes to be clean. 😬 Only putting shampoo on your scalp and carefully avoiding the length of your hair is the equivalent of white folks not washing their legs in the shower. Don’t do any of this.
I actually do not know where the myth started that Black folks hair is somehow too fragile to handle shampoo, a thing that is specifically formulated for hair. 😅 If shampoo is drying your hair out, you need to make sure you’re using the right kind of shampoo, not ditching shampoo altogether. If you need help, I touched on shampoo basics here!
Using a spray bottle to “refresh” your hair doesn’t do what you think it’s doing.
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Tiny water droplets from a spray bottle only sit on the surface of your hair, even more so if your hair already has product in it. If your styles aren’t holding until your next wash, you may need to re-examine what you’re using, how you apply it, and how you set it. If you need to refresh a style or get moisture, nothing less than washing your hair will do.
Finger detangling or using a wide toothed comb or denman brush isn’t doing the job.
I know we’ve been raised to think that because our hair is tightly coiled, that we have to treat it with kid gloves. But we actually do more harm to our hair by not detangling correctly. Detangling is the act of getting shed hair out from your head so it doesn’t wrap up in your healthy hair and cause breakage. A wide toothed comb can’t do that, and neither can your fingers. A denman brush is ONLY supposed to be used to hold tension in the hair when blowdrying it straight. What you want is a Felicia Leatherwood brush and to use that bad boy in the shower right after putting conditioner on sopping wet hair, trust me.
Protective styles don’t exist.
Buns, braids, wigs… all of them look fantastic when done right and it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear them. But they are all just alternative styles; nothing is being protected. I know a lot of us love the low maintenance that having these styles provide, but I want us to examine why they are thought of as low maintenance: it’s because folks are less likely to wash their hair/detangle while having them.
Any style that discourages you from weekly hair washing cannot be protective. It instead promotes hair neglect. Yes, I know, it can cost thousands of dollars for those waist length box braids or sew in, but you paid for the labor that goes into those kinds of styles, not the ability to keep them in for as long as possible. Not touching your hair for weeks on end means you’ll have dehydrated hair with mad buildup to get rid of. And btw, that type of damage to the hair cannot be fixed in just one visit to the salon. For as many weeks as you go without washing your hair, you need that many weeks out of an alternative style with frequent washing to help it recover.
Dry hair is determined by its behavior, not how it feels.
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This one has a lot of folks tripped out because logically, we should be able to just touch our strands and know that it needs moisture. Unfortunately, so many of us don’t know what our actual hair feels like without it being slathered in products, so the moment that we stop using them we think our hair is “dry” when it’s really just how our natural hair texture may feel. It’s def not easy in the beginning to let go of the familiarity a nicely oiled head of hair presents. 🥲
So, how do you know if you have dry hair? If it can’t hold a curl pattern without manipulation, is hydrophobic (if water doesn’t completely flatten hair to your scalp when you wash it, it’s not absorbing), is extremely difficult to detangle, breaks off easily, etc.
You don’t need to rinse your hair in cold water.
Only reason you should even consider it is if you have vivid color in your hair, but… lemme tell y’all sumn.
Years ago when I started dyeing my hair, it was typical for a permanent black hair dye to act like a semi-perm and wash almost completely out or turn grey in a few weeks. Now that I have a much better hair regimen that keeps my hair in the best health it can be, my semi-permanent fashion colors last for months until I decide to touch it up again. And I absolutely do not relish being cold in the shower, so I just use hot water.
The health of your hair matters more than any gimmicks or products you can use to fix a problem.
Long hair/shiny hair is not an indicator of health, it is an indicator of genetics.
I want DESPERATELY for us as a people to break the shackles of thinking that the only hair that matters is long and thick, or that someone who has long hair is an automatic authority on hair care.
If you want an idea of how long your hair can get, then look to your family. If your mom or dad don’t have hair touching their waist then it’s highly possible you were not blessed with the DNA to get your hair waist length either. And that’s okay! You aren’t any less valid. It will just save you a LOT of heartache to learn to embrace your hair the way it naturally is rather than to run around buying products and chasing haircare trends in hopes that a miracle will happen. Not to mention, I’ve seen a lot of folks with long hair but they ain’t had a trim in years and it absolutely shows. 😬
A lot of folks do not have shiny hair, that is once again due to genetics not hair health. Matte hair has a different surface texture and that’s absolutely fine! Only manufactured beauty standards glorify long and shiny hair.
Speaking of hair length…
Shrinkage is not your enemy.
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A general rule is that the only hair length that matters is how you regularly wear it.
My hair stays comfortably at the nape of my neck now that I wear my curls 100% of the time. If I pull it taut, then it’ll reach mid-back. But I don’t plan on straightening my hair ever again to show that mid-back length, so… 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have short hair because that is how it lays without manipulation. And that’s fine.
Shrinkage doesn’t scare me because it’s what healthy curly hair DOES. If my hair springs like a coil and retains shape, then I’m doing something right! I have always wanted long hair, I won’t deny that. But if I have to stretch my natural hair in any way in order to GET that long hair, it’s not worth it to me. I’ll just wear a wig for a hot min if I wanna whip my hair back and forth.
Air drying your hair isn’t better than diffusing it with a hair dryer.
Another thing we’ve been told is that heat damages our hair and that air drying is best. That’s not necessarily true.
DIRECT heat can damage your hair (flat irons, blow outs, pressing combs). INDIRECT heat (hooded dryers, a diffuser attachment on a handheld dryer) does not. In fact, diffused heat sets your wash and gos/twist outs way better than air drying. It cuts down on frizz and ensures your style will last through the week.
Also, it’s better to dry your hair completely rather than wait hours for it to air dry and then maybe sleep on wet hair. Fun fact: Leaving your hair wet for too long can cause mold to grow in your hair! 😱 And if you lay a wet head on a pillow, the bacteria transfers to your pillowcase and you continue to sleep in that until you wash the pillow!
You can’t “lock moisture in” your hair.
Water evaporates. It’s what it’s gonna do. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Putting leave ins or oils on your hair in hopes that water stays in your strands longer isn’t a thing, despite what a lot of us have been told. The only thing you’re gonna be left with is greasy, dehydrated hair if you don’t wash it weekly.
Avoiding getting a hair cut will not grant you healthy or long hair.
Hair grows an average of half an inch per month, regardless of race. The belief that “Black hair doesn’t grow” is rooted in anti-Blackness. 😅 If you’re not seeing growth, then it’s most likely that your hair is simply breaking off faster than the rate of growth, or you have an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed by a doctor.
I know I used to hate hairdressers who seemed “scissor happy” because I was always chasing length, so I would often only tell them to “dust” the ends if they do anything. Now, I will grab my clippers and cut inches off my hair in a heartbeat if my hair starts looking raggedy. Clinging on to scraggly hair because it takes “so long to grow” doesn’t do you any favors, trust me. 😭 Take better care of your hair and you will retain length a lot easier, and that includes getting quarterly haircuts.
Porosity does not matter.
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How many of us did this whole “put a strand of hair in a cup of water and see if it floats or sinks”? Well, what if I told you that it means absolutely nothing for everyday hair care? 😭 Porosity isn’t even a static state, so many things can change it on a dime!
The only time porosity matters is if you are getting a color service and that is only for your stylist to determine. And you will never see a stylist worth their salt putting your hair in a cup of water to figure it out. Also, a lot of “low” porosity hair is just product build up.
Using home remedies to address hair loss concerns doesn’t work.
No, it doesn’t matter that your grandma did black tea rinses regularly to stop her hair from shedding. It doesn’t matter what women in India do with their hair, either. This may be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s perfectly okay to evolve past things that aren’t truly helpful even if it’s a Black culture staple.
Please don’t be afraid to go to a dermatologist. 🥺 There’s even a Black Dermatologist Directory to reference if you don’t wanna go to just anybody. Yeah, it may seem pricey, but Dermatologists have the training to cut through the guesswork, pinpoint what the problem is and save you a LOT of time and pain. You don’t wanna fuck around and make your hair loss WORSE by doing psuedo-chemistry in your kitchen.
“Do what works for you” doesn’t have the mileage you think it does.
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When people don’t want to hear that their current hair practices aren’t really helping them, they default to “Well, it works for ME!” or “Everyone’s hair is different!”
Nobody’s hair is so different that it doesn’t need a weekly wash with shampoo. Nobody’s hair is the magical unicorn that grew 4 inches in a month because they used JBCO. Your hair is not “built different”, and believing that it is will lead you to spending money on things you don’t need. Doing what works for you only comes after you have nailed the basics of healthy hair care, and it only varies in like… if you prefer to use styling foam to set your wash n go as opposed to gel. Or using one brand’s shampoo over another. Not “my hair likes butters and oils and staying in protective styles for months on end and is doing just fine, and you telling me otherwise is anti-Black”.
If you have unexamined hatred of your natural hair texture, then nothing in this long-ass post will hit for you. If a large part of your identity as a Black person is rooted in product chasing, protective styles and taking an entire business day to wash your hair, then a lot of this will offend you. I’m really sorry for that, and I am not here to argue with anybody. I’ll just tell you “if you like it, I love it” and go on about my business.
For everyone else, I really hope this post helps to shed some light on hair care and set you on a better journey that gives you more time and more confidence in your styles! 🥹
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Melone Headcanons
Part 1 (Personal Headcanons)
These violent delights have violent ends.
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💻 Probably grew up under a toxic mother. The fact that he appreciated Junior's love for his mother despite her repulsion to J's activities may indicate this. Was mostly surrounded by women in his childhood.
💻 An idle brain is devil's workshop. Found reading and learning as a way to escape the reality. Tried engaging himself in reading what laid around his place; magazines, journals, etc. Either this, or overhearing his mother's and her friends' conversations led him to believe in horoscopes.
💻 Had slight interactions with brothels at an young age. His behavior could also be the result of sexual and emotional trauma that he might have had to face in his past. If you are aware about the toxic conditions, you might also be aware of the fact that sometimes workers have to take blood supplies after a particular violent session. Melone's 'blood pseudoscience' might be a result of this. This could also be where his 'sweat analysis' methodology was developed.
💻 He finds himself getting attached to toxic women. For the majority of his life, he had known love to be a mixture of violence and abuse.
💻 Gets confused to genuine affection.
💻 Did not have a formal education. A degree, even though less in demand, generally allows a person to catch up to some job or the other. Lack of one of such achievements despite his intelligence compelled him to join the mafia (could've been one of the 'suggested' candidates, given that someone pointed out the potential within him/probably it was one of the 'regular clients' who had an eye on his behavior, lets not forget, people like that DO exist).
💻 His curiosity and zeal to learn did allowed him to get involved with various science branches; biological sciences being the subject of top interest.
💻 Did not go with the proper sequence of learning process. A student is supposed to take one step at a time during their learning period; clearing the basics and then jumping over the expert level of knowledge. Melone took a different route. He observed the things around him, and connected them with his previous knowledge, or recalled his investigations while he studied something new.
💻 This observation skill went on to help him analyze the 'Mothers' during his missions (drugs and alcohol mentions for instance).
💻 Very interested in Ancient history.
💻 Uses a lot of shampoo. Let's be honest, letting your hair flow a little while you're on a two wheeler does speed up the ruining process. Ofcourse he uses helmet, traffic norms are no jokes.
💻 Has OCD. The way he 'sat' in the field beside the train indicates his repulsion to the idea of getting 'dirty'. Wears gloves to avoid germs.
💻 His eyelid is partially paralyzed. Another manifesto of his trauma; could've suffered a severe punch at his eye. Uses the mask to support it and frequently moisturizes the eyeball (uses eyedrops for instance). The hair growth prevents any foreign particle from entering his eye at a decent level.
💻 BabyFace could be the result of his desire plus his trauma. Genetic engineering was something that might have attracted his attention. At the same time, his trauma that structured many of his habits gave rise to the functioning of BabyFace.
💻 Does not kill the bugs roaming on his bed. He allows them to climb atop a sheet and releases them on the ground.
💻 Has sensitive taste and olfactory receptors. Not in every case, but sometimes those who have sensitive taste buds also possess corresponding olfactory receptors.
💻 Melone is not quite fond of this talent.
💻 Often zones out.
💻 Frequently experiences L'Appel Du Vide. Although he does not have suicidal tendencies, he often finds himself performing something unnatural on impulse.
💻 Gives out genuinely good advice. Ever since he was a child, he developed a habit of reading people.
💻 This trait however proves to be fatal to him sometimes since he doesn't take anything to his heart and forgives those who pass him bitter words or actions (wasn't aggressive after the slap).
💻 The way he set out 'options' to the Mother, could indicate his respect for other's opinions.
💻 Although he acts weirdly around women, he never enforces himself into anyone's personal space (missions being exceptional).
💻 These violent delights have violent ends. Overworks himself sometimes. Oddly, gets a peculiar enjoyment out of the adrenaline rush. Passes out later.
💻 Well-versed in multiple languages. Mostly due to interactions with 'clients'.
💻 Guilty pleasure. Checks the compatibility of the team members. THE RESULTS WILL SHOCK YOU! Will never admit.
💻 Has blood samples of every member, just in case.
💻 "Please switch off the lights and fans before leaving the room. Save the planet."
💻 Has tons of those visual encyclopedias. Carries that 'all in one' book in a slot adjoined to BabyFace's body.
💻 Started using 'Di Molto' to irritate Ghiaccio. Got used to saying it. (Credits to the person who mentioned this somewhere, if I find the source I'll link it).
💻 Has slightly sadistic-like tendencies. A result of 'what if' pattern questions that fuels his curiosity. Although he does not mean any harm, it's the impulse that unknowingly guides him sometimes.
💻 Solves mathematical problems ON THE TEXTBOOK itself. Or any general writing work he has to indulge himself into, he ends up messing with the original copy itself.
💻 Resting bitch face.
💻 Very reserved. Very observant.
💻 Doesn't talk too much. But once he starts talking, he is unable to control himself. La Squadra does not judge him for this nature.
💻 Worrying about things won't help easing them anyway. Carefree. Not careless. Doesn't take stress of anything and goes with the flow. What is ought to happen will happen anyway. Calm mind paves the way. Does get stressed out, that too, very rarely.
💻 Lurks around on deep web only. Dark web is no joke and he understands that. Uses it only in VERY VERY serious cases.
💻 No just because he can perform troubleshooting doesn't mean he can build an entire PC.
💻 Handles squad's accounting. He is also the one who keeps records of every mission. It's his exceptionally extreme honesty and dedication that made Risotto assign this task to him.
💻 "That sock either stays on my foot for 2 days or I'm not wearing it once I take it off."
💻 Aside from Pesci, he was the only one who actually shed tears after Sorbet - Gelato incident.
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little-klng · 10 months
hi random person visiting thru one of ur posts. i also have evil hell dandruff and i found coal tar shampoo is basically perfect for helping to keep down the flaking :) unfortunately the itching wont go all the way away tho :(
Oh yeah for sure, I actually have like 6 bars of coal tar soap, plus coal tar shampoo, plus Neutrogena acid free face wash (it has salicylic acid), plus normal shower stuff. I am in itch and drift hell. Basically the only time I don't itch is straight after a shower, but if I just tousle my hair a little bit it's a snow drift and feels Terrible
(For those unaware, salicylic acid is a skin product that helps dead skin strip off easier and acts like a mild antibacterial, usually used for acne or, if you watch hoof gp videos, the powdered form is used to allow dead skin to separate and keep exposed live skin from getting infected. In the case of dandruff, all it does is help make the top layer of dandruff easier to remove. Coal tar extract and coal tar, however, actually inhibits skin growth specifically, preventing dandruff and such caused by shedding excess overgrown skin like in psoriasis. Another option for who's issue is eczema instead of psoriasis and normal causes is products containing Colloidal Oatmeal, since eczema involves try skin that cracks and needs moisturizing and soothing, rather than scales of dead skin that are easily peelable. Usually dandruff shampoos have neither, such as head and shoulders which has pyrithione zinc in normal products, and usually selenium sulfide in stronger products aimed at fungal issues that cause dandruff. If you suffer from untreatable dandruff, explore your options on potential causes, and try different active chemicals that attack different sources of the issue)
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tarzantips · 5 months
Home Remedies for Oily Dandruff: Effective Solutions for a Healthy Scalp
Seborrheic dermatitis, another name for oily dandruff, is a common condition that can be brought on by inflammation, excess oil production, or an excessive amount of yeast on the scalp. Since there is no permanent cure for dandruff, there are a few home remedies for oily dandruff that can help control and lessen the oily scalp thinning hair.
Pay attention that each person may respond differently to these treatments, so if you have any concerns about the health of your itchy oily scalp with hair loss, it is always a good idea to speak with a doctor for advice.
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Home Remedies for Oily Dandruff
Here are some natural remedies for oily dandruff you can try,
1. Tea Tree Oil
How to prepare:
Tea tree oil may help lessen dandruff due to its antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Apply a small amount of tea tree oil to your scalp by combining it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. Try not to wash your hair for around fifteen minutes after applying it.
2. Aloe Vera
How to prepare:
Another home remedies for oily dandruff is Aloe vera. It has calming and anti-inflammatory qualities. On your scalp, apply fresh aloe vera gel directly. Rinse it off after 15 to 20 minutes. Aloe vera shampoos are another option.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
How to prepare:
After shampooing, use a scalp rinse made of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. It might lessen dandruff and help your scalp's pH balance.
4. Coconut Oil
How to prepare:
Coconut oil diy for dandruff and oily scalp has antibacterial qualities and can hydrate the scalp. After applying warm coconut oil to your scalp and letting it sit for at least half an hour, wash your hair.
5. Baking Soda
How to prepare:
For oily dandruff hair, mix water and baking soda to make a paste, then gently massage the mixture into your scalp. Give it a good rinse. Baking soda might help in reducing oiliness and cleansing the scalp.
6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
How to prepare:
Incorporate into your diet foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. These can improve the general health of the scalp along with oily dandruff treatment.
7. Select Best Shampoo for Oily Hair and Dandruff
How to prepare:
Do regularly shampoo for oily dandruff hair with a gentle anti-dandruff shampoo. Take care not to overwash your scalp because this might remove its natural oils and cause it to produce more oil.
8. Manage Stress
How to prepare:
Oily hair dandruff and hair loss can be worsened by stress. Engage in stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing techniques.
9. Probiotics
How to prepare:
Taking probiotics could help keep the microbes on your scalp in balance. Think about including foods high in probiotics, such as yogurt, in your diet.
10. Avoid Harsh Hair Products
How to prepare:
Keep clear of hair products that contain harsh chemicals that could irritate the scalp and use gentle best shampoo for oily dandruff hair and conditioners instead.
Read: How to Make Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth?
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11. Lemon Juice
How to prepare:
Try this oily dandruff scalp treatment, your scalp's pH can be balanced by the acidity of lemon juice. Apply a mixture of lemon juice and water to your scalp. Before washing your hair, let it sit for five to ten minutes.
12. Neem (Indian Lilac)
 How to prepare:
Neem has antibacterial and antifungal qualities for oily dandruff and hair loss. Neem oil or a paste made from neem leaves can be applied directly to the scalp. Before washing, leave it on for about 30 minutes.
13. Honey
How to prepare:
Honey has related antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Apply a mixture of honey and warm water to your scalp. Before washing your hair, leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
14. Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds
How to prepare:
Fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water for a whole night, then ground into a paste and applied to the scalp. Before washing your hair, let it sit for approximately half an hour. Fenugreek is time tested home remedies for dandruff and oily scalp. It has antifungal and anti-inflammatory qualities.
15. Green Tea Rinse
How to prepare:
After brewing, let the green tea cool. After shampooing your hair, use it as a last rinse. In addition to its antioxidant content, green tea can be calming for the scalp.
16. Onion Juice
How to prepare:
Opt for this kitchen dandruff home remedy for oily scalp; onion juice has antimicrobial qualities despite its powerful smell. Juice an onion and rub it onto your scalp. Before washing, leave it on for approximately 30 minutes.
17. Epsom Salt
How to prepare:
Shampoo and Epsom salt should be combined before washing your hair. Epsom salts can minimize oily dandruff hair loss and exfoliate the scalp.
18. Jojoba Oil
How to prepare:
Jojoba oil is very similar to the sebum that the scalp naturally produces. Oil production can be regulated with the use of jojoba oil. Before washing, massage a small amount into your scalp and let it sit there for a few hours. Be assured with this dandruff oily hair home remedies idea.
19. Curd (Yogurt) Mask
How to prepare:
Before washing, apply plain yogurt to your scalp and let it sit there for 30 minutes. Yogurt's probiotics may help in recovering the microbiome balance on the scalp.
20. Essential Oils
How to prepare:
Essential oils with oily scalp dandruff treatment have anti-dandruff qualities include peppermint, lavender, and rosemary. Apply a few drops to your scalp after mixing them with carrier oil.
Read: What Really Makes the Hair Grow - The Simple Science
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21. Garlic
How to prepare:
Garlic possesses related antifungal qualities. Juice from a few crushed garlic cloves should be combined with carrier oil. After applying the mixture to your scalp and letting it sit for half an hour, wash your hair.
22. Burdock Root
How to prepare:
Burdock root contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. Burdock root tea can be prepared and used as a scalp rinse. Burdock root extract can also be found in some best shampoos for oily hair with dandruff.
23. Cucumber
How to prepare:
Juice from a mashed cucumber should be applied to your scalp. Before rinsing, leave it on for about 30 minutes. Cucumber soothes irritated scalps and has a cooling effect.
24. Chamomile Tea Rinse
How to prepare:
There are anti-inflammatory qualities to chamomile. After making chamomile tea, allow it to cool before using it as a last hair rinse. The scalp may find chamomile to be calming.
25. Turmeric
How to prepare:
Turmeric has antifungal and anti-inflammatory oily hair dandruff hair loss qualities. Use oil or water and turmeric powder to make a paste that you can apply to your scalp. Before washing, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
26. Salt Scalp Scrub
How to prepare:
Gently massage your scalp with a mixture of coarse sea salt and your usual shampoo. These can helpful dandruff and oily scalp home remedies in removing extra oil and exfoliating.
27. Almond Oil
How to prepare:
Nutrient-rich almond oil has the potential to hydrate the scalp. Before washing, massage a tiny bit of almond oil into your scalp and let it sit there for a few hours.
28. Tomato Juice
How to prepare:
On your scalp, apply fresh tomato juice, and let it remain for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. The acidic nature of tomatoes may help bring the pH of the scalp into balance. Consider this home remedies for oily dandruff solution too.
29. Walnut Scrub
How to prepare:
To make a scrub, carefully powder walnuts and combine them with water. To remove extra oil and exfoliate your scalp, gently massage this in.
30. Lifestyle Changes
How to prepare:
Think about changing your way of life to avoid overusing heat styling, control your stress, and eat a balanced diet. Each of these factors may have an impact on scalp health.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is my hair so oily?
Sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp, may be produced in large quantities, making your hair oily.
This too much oiliness can be caused by several factors, including hormonal fluctuations, genetics, and an imbalance in oil production. Certain hair care habits, such as overwashing or using many products, may also be important.
2. What is oily dandruff called?
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common term used to describe oily dandruff. Excessive sebum production is the indicator of this condition, resulting in a greasy scalp and the formation of yellowish, oily flakes. On the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis can also cause redness and inflammation.
3. Should I oil my hair if I have oily scalp?
Applying oil to an oily scalp should be done with caution. While heavy oils or excessive application can worsen the problem, some oils can help balance the scalp's natural oil production.
If you decide to use oil or home remedies for oily dandruff, use light varieties like jojoba or tea tree oil and apply carefully to prevent further greasiness.
4. Is naturally oily hair good?
The management of naturally oily hair and personal preferences are the main factors that determine whether oily hair is good or bad. Naturally oily hair has several advantages, such as increased shine and hair shaft protection.
But too much oiliness can cause problems like greasiness and require more frequent washing. Maintaining healthy and manageable hair requires striking a balance with a treatment that fits your preferences and hair type.
5. Which oil is best for oily dandruff?
One of the greatest home remedies for oily dandruff is frequently thought to be tea tree oil. It is essential antifungal and antibacterial qualities may help in treating the root causes of dandruff. Further, tea tree oil has a drying effect that is advantageous for controlling oily scalps.
To make sure you are not experiencing any negative side effects, it is essential to dilute tea tree oil with carrier oil and conduct a patch test before using it.
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cannabissina123 · 6 months
Hair Growth Activator leaves in serum
Revitalize your hair locks with our Hair Growth Activator Serum! Packed with natural ingredients, this serum nourishes and stimulates growth for healthier, luscious hair. Elevate your hair care routine. For more details about our products please visit our website now.
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ayurvedforhaircare · 9 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Naturally Preventing Hair Loss
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Introduction : Hair loss can be a distressing experience, affecting both men and women of all ages. While there are numerous treatments and products available on the market, many people prefer to take a more natural approach to tackle this issue. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a wide range of natural methods and remedies to help you prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. From dietary changes to lifestyle adjustments and herbal remedies, we've got you covered with effective strategies that can make a real difference in maintaining your luscious locks.
Section 1: ( The Role of Nutrition ): A well-balanced diet is fundamental to healthy hair. Essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins, play a crucial role in hair growth and strength. Incorporating the following elements into your diet can significantly reduce hair fall:
Protein: Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Ensure you have an adequate intake of lean proteins like eggs, fish, lean meats, and legumes.
Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss. Include iron-rich foods such as spinach, lentils, and red meat in your meals.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats found in fatty fish (like salmon and mackerel), walnuts, and flaxseeds can promote scalp health and hair growth.
Vitamins: Vitamins such as A, C, and E are essential for healthy hair. These can be found in foods like sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, and nuts.
Biotin: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is crucial for hair health. It's found in eggs, nuts, and leafy greens.
Section 2: ( Proper Hair Care ) The way you care for your hair can have a significant impact on hair fall. Here are some natural tips for maintaining healthy hair:
Gentle Washing: Avoid frequent and aggressive hair washing, which can strip your hair of its natural oils. Wash your hair every 2-3 days with a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.
Scalp Massage: Regular scalp massages can improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles. Use natural oils like coconut or almond oil for added benefits.
Natural Hair Products: Opt for natural and chemical-free hair care products. Harsh chemicals in shampoos and conditioners can weaken hair over time.
Avoid Heat Styling: Reduce the use of heat styling tools like straighteners and curling irons. If you must use them, apply a heat protectant spray.
Wide-Toothed Comb: When detangling your hair, use a wide-toothed comb to prevent breakage.
Section 3: ( Lifestyle Changes ) Our lifestyle choices can have a profound impact on hair health. Making the following adjustments can contribute to preventing hair loss naturally:
Stress Management: Chronic stress can lead to hair loss. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is essential for hair repair and growth.
Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can make hair brittle and prone to breakage.
Smoking and Alcohol: Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect hair health. Reducing or quitting these habits can benefit not only your hair but your overall well-being.
Physical Activity: Regular exercise can improve blood circulation, which is beneficial for hair follicles. Find an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your routine.
Section 4: ( Herbal Remedies and Supplements ) : Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Some popular options include:
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel can be applied to the scalp to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth.
Hibiscus: Hibiscus flowers and leaves are known for their hair-strengthening properties. You can make a paste and apply it to your scalp.
Fenugreek: Fenugreek seeds can be soaked overnight and made into a paste for scalp application. They help strengthen hair roots.
Saw Palmetto: This herbal supplement is believed to block the hormone responsible for hair loss (DHT) and is often used to combat hair loss in men.
Preventing hair loss naturally requires patience and consistency in implementing these strategies. Remember that results may vary from person to person due to genetics and other factors. By nourishing your body with the right nutrients, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and using natural hair care methods, you can reduce hair fall and promote a healthier, more vibrant mane. Embrace these natural remedies, and you'll be well on your way to enjoying stronger, more resilient hair.
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retorres · 10 months
∆HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
Did you know that thousands of people, like you and me, suffer from severe hair loss? There are also cases of thinning, dull hair, which became more evident after the age of 40, where the hair becomes thin, dull, lifeless. Sometimes we wear caps, hats and even wigs to disguise our baldness, because we feel ashamed of our hair and even experience humiliating situations in places that do not allow the use of caps and hats, especially in more sophisticated places. Due to such suffering experienced by millions of people, since exposing hair is inevitable, researchers sought the cause of hair problems.   So, after much research, the real cause of female hair loss is NOT the result of 'bad' genetics, aging, menopause... or even childbirth. The real reason you are losing your hair, may be due to a faulty signal inside the hair follicles. Hence the revolutionary 60-second "Rapunzel Ritual" that will help you regain the full, youthful hair you had in your 20s. To facilitate, in view of the purpose that guides this channel, to help the greatest number of people, I will leave in the description of this video and in the comments below, the official website for the purchase of the product HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO (RITUAL RAPUNZEL). You just need to join this opportunity, to start a new story of overcoming and achievements. YOU ARE CAPABLE, GOD BLESS!!! 
∆ What is HAIR THERAPY?   It is a new shampoo from Clinical Effects designed to stimulate the growth of new follicular stem cells in women over 40 by repairing ruptured hair follicles to minimize the hair loss process.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY WORK? Yes, because the product contains in its formula natural ingredients and other revolutionary ingredients - stem cells which are the raw material that produces all other cells in our body - and are associated with youth and vitality.
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY REALLY WORK? yes, as signaling molecules are released, sending an urgent message to your stem cells to grow more hair, they begin to divide and multiply... and new hair is formed. 
∆ IS HAIR THERAPY GOOD? yes, because we know that we have two hair phases, stage 1 ¨Anagen¨, known as the growth phase, as it is when you are in your 20s and 30s... your hair will be long effortlessly, flowing and silky. However, as you age, an increasing amount of hair leaves the anagen phase and instead moves into stage 2, the ¨Telogenous¨ phase, where the hair stops growing and the root hardens. Therefore, by applying Hair Therapy Shampoo daily, you can enjoy thicker and more voluminous hair using a blend of natural ingredients based on the Rapunzel Ritual. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY INGREDIENTS? Hair Therapy SHAMPOO is made with plant-based ingredients and revolutionary ingredients, among them: AnaGain, a phenomenal ingredient that stimulates the production of FGF7 at the root of the hair, to start growing new healthy hair; Baicapil which is a very special substance extracted from a herb called Chinese skullcap that increases cellular activity at the ROOT level, hair follicles are rejuvenated and energized from the inside out, restoring healthy signaling and giving your hair a more youthful and voluminous appearance; and Biotin which is an essential vitamin to heal brittle and fragile hair. 
∆ Can HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO be used by vegans? Yes, as Clinical Effects NEVER test their products on animals, their manufacturing process is ethical and environmentally friendly. 
∆ How to use HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO? The manufacturer recommends using the same Rapunzel's Ritual every morning, 60 seconds in the shower or bath, massaging the roots, which will leave rich organic nutrients in your hair. 
∆ HAIR THERAPY SHAMPOO PRODUCT REVIEWS? Many women claim to have noticed a significant difference in just two weeks after applying Hair Therapy shampoo. Their hair looks thicker and fuller. 
∆ DOES HAIR THERAPY HAVE A GUARANTEE? yes, if you get the product from the official website that I left in the description, it comes with a 180-day money back guarantee, which gives you six months to try it and see if it works.
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
∆ HAIR THERAPY – OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/SwdorgBp 
 ∆ SUBSCRIVE TO THE CHANNEL:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-jJ... ∆ SHARE THIS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/pa4fbqXct-I 
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beauty-beyond-borders · 11 months
The Benefits of Natural Beauty Products
Hey there, fabulous manes and luscious locks! Welcome to my hair care haven, where we're going to talk all about one of our biggest hair concerns: preventing hair loss. Whether you've noticed a few extra strands in the shower drain or you're just proactive about your hair health, I've got your back! Let's dive into some hair-saving tips that will keep your tresses looking their best.
Hair-Strengthening Products
But before we begin, let's explore some hair-strengthening products that can work wonders for your mane.
Healthy Scalp, Happy Hair
Let's start at the root of the matter—your scalp! A healthy scalp sets the stage for flourishing hair.
1. Gentle Scalp Massage: Treat yourself to a gentle scalp massage whenever you can. Not only is it a relaxing experience, but it also improves blood circulation, promoting hair growth and overall scalp health.
2. Scalp-Care Shampoo: Invest in a scalp-care shampoo that's specifically designed to nourish your scalp and keep it flake-free. A happy scalp means happy hair!
Nourish from Within
Now that we've got our scalp covered, let's talk about nourishing our hair from within.
1. Healthy Diet: You are what you eat, and so is your hair! A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins provides essential nutrients that promote hair health. So, load up on those leafy greens and delicious proteins!
2. Stay Hydrated: Don't forget to stay hydrated! Drinking plenty of water not only benefits your overall health but also keeps your hair looking shiny and happy. Hydration is key!
Hair Growth Supplements
Looking for some extra support for your hair growth journey? Check out these hair growth supplements that might just become your new best friends!
Be Gentle with Your Tresses
Handle your hair with tender loving care. Avoid harsh treatments and styles that can stress out your strands.
1. Gentle Styling: Embrace gentle hair styling techniques that minimize tugging and pulling. Be kind to your tresses—they'll thank you for it!
2. Limit Heat Styling: Heat styling can be fun, but it can also cause damage. Try to limit the use of heat tools and always use a heat protectant when you do style. Your hair will appreciate the break!
Stress Less, Love More
Stress can take a toll on our overall health, including our hair. Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Your hair will love the positive vibes!
And there you have it, my hair-loving friends! Your ultimate guide to preventing hair loss and maintaining a healthy, happy mane. Remember, every strand is a part of your unique beauty, so let's show our hair some extra love and care. Here's to fabulous hair days ahead!
Disclaimer: Rest assured that I only recommend products and resources that I personally find valuable and relevant to hair care.  
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lord-shitbox · 2 years
can you write scenarios on how magi men would react to balding? maybe women too xoxo
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i think his initial reaction is a little silly but he accepts it quickly
he apologizes immediately for reacting like that, you're just so pretty he never would've guessed
he doesn't want to upset you so he'll awkwardly stumble around asking you questions about it
but he moves on quickly, you're still the world in his eyes and balding won't change that a bit
if anything he's happy to know this about you so he can try to make you feel better about yourself about it
he makes you flower crowns and compliments you all the time! anything to remind you of how beautiful you are and make you feel loved
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he's got bald spots where his scar tissue is, he understands
he probably loses a lot of hair from stress also tbh. you guys can be balding together!!
he does your hair up in ways that help conceal it, washes your hair with nourishing shampoo when you bathe together, etc
doesn't tell anyone. but when judar finds out and makes fun of you he'll pick a fight with him because how dare he
maybe with Zagan's magic he could make a living flower crown with vines that weave through your hair
i think it just kinda feels like a natural thing to him so he doesn't mind it much. but he'll be considerate in little everyday ways
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...he's gonna be mean about it. im sorry
he doesn't actually think badly of you for it but you're gonna get a nickname and he'll probably ruffle your hair in passing constantly
hes not actively trying to hurt your feelings he's just...like this..
but once when the two of you are alone he offers to braid your hair. he does it so attentively and gently and without even calling you names
seeing you smile in the mirror afterward with the braid he did for you makes him feel all fluttery
he goes right back to teasing you the next day though.
it's not like he goes to yam to ask her about her hair growth spell in case you ever ask him to do something like that with his magic... he was just curious yknow... unrelated to you....
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she's a little surprised at first, but she has tact.
I think the two of you would regularly hang out and pick flowers in a little field somewhere to chat and enjoy each other's company, she makes you flower crowns and braids flowers into your hair
she just thinks you're so pretty! i think she'd consider giving you a hairpin as a gift but she'd put a lot of thought into finding one that you could wear easily
i think she'd look into stuff like home remedies and judar would give her false information to try... avid beauty tips blog reader.. sleepover girl
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tbh I don't think she'd react very much.. I can't see it really mattering to her or making her think less of you
she admires you and it's just a fact about you to her
i think she'd be thoughtful about it now and then though...like little small gestures, being considerate over whether you'd mind something
in general it's just business as normal
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